.l .: I .17. II I I Station 8 . a) Station ?Stati Station 19 ?15 Stati 2 ?a to Bonner Springs "in-111. Hr Parl-w'rlI-e Station 18 . to Station 14 5 (A i-u Station 2 4:33 Station 11 f? El? - 1?1; ow SC.- 1r1' 1- a; Station 15 Station -I 'Station1? to also Gui-tit: .. . II I. -I Pro-I .2 Riverside Station 1Sr_ ?5 '37 Station? 3' Station1 i?ynsas ity to. ?n or ~32? ?Station 10 t, . if Seuses: Esri. Peas. incest-1E F. ran-oar?? Esri Eariohin'si ?lling? a? strait-rotors. sin-o tins- EIE L-ssr itzngi. :Thsil-sns?u. no Community Merriam U'i?l?la Rs:- ol {ill (I For It rt] TI I-u. ht- ?Hdi? 'LfoAth Fire Station Kansas City Fire Department Response Area Kansas City, KS Fire Department Response Area and Station Locations II ow no. at q-T I Start-willie A Htu-ersld-e Station 15 Stati?n 3 5mm? 4 Station 1S 51? 113'} Station 14 Station 5 1?1 1? - Station 2 Station 11 5mg: 5 Station 19 a 6 Station 1 .1 tul- {our} "y . I Station tw?o-nu Station 20 Station 3 . ?it. (Q It? 7 Station 15 Station i- . {131' 1Q . Station 10 #o?t Eda-alik-vill 51:502an Springs .5 Ira. {Fool-and Path I I Shawnee Mission Merriam 2017 Population Density 0 1,000 people per sq mi 1,000 ?1,000 people per sq mi 4,000 22,000 people per sq mi 22,000 115,000 people I persq mi 115,000 515,125 people I persq mi Fire Station Kansas City Fire Department Response Area Kansas City, KS Fire Department 201? Population Density Source. U.S. Census Bureau a ESRI 5r 9. I Station 8 .- - mm newt-1;. El 7 Eli . I. ,Ig.i Parkuilie . Riverside Station 15 Station 4 Station 13 Station 14 Station 5 7 1 (E) BREE St?ti?? 1Q St?tg 2 I. . Stag.? . 5mm" 1 {our -I- "5f Station 9 4' Station 20 Station ?a to . Station 15 St?i?? .2 .r - I . Station .1EI :7 Eduarcbvill Station 1? . i .. f5 I ?Hotel-and Path ?hat-?t I: 7 I. -, Shawnee Mission Merriam 2MB - 2&21 Population Growth ?r'earhir Avg. mason] I as to 4-9% 4.25% to to 1.25% 1-25% to 1.9% 1-9? 54.1 ?if: Fina Station Kansas City Fire Department Response Area Kansas City, KS Fire Department 2016 - 2021 Population Growth Source. U.S. Census Bureau ESRI 11M 31 I lit 1i'3rd31 ?n'owrorr?t I Eel-r?sl?ss?l- - 471113I John sun D1 PM ?ha Eioad may 5; .A ram nae. 51 In I- use - Low Low-Medium - High Medium Concentration of EmergencyF Response Incidents Medium - High (3. Fire Station Kansas city Fire Department HesponseArea Kansas City, KS Fire Department Concentration of Emergency Response Incidents September 201 6 - August 2017 - 111- ah - . I..I I?ll . -c 1- .n I. 1-. I.-r I -. I: L1 . l'x. Part-tulle Ed-r Huh -II 'Ith .Hf'l: Rl Id :1 Ina-{Banner Springs - #7111 '31 I Statian l'-1'I'l i1 - ?emuIll 11:; . as I I It. ?Statiqn 1D I: LFII . if II. .a'ila (311:3:in as r: .L WP Reclaim-:1 Park -Isauces: HERE. u?sesi'?ntamap. II Harm. HGCG. @GpenE?gg-tlsla? mntIItIuInIs. and theElE Uses It? Cammunil?y lam . .. (E) Fire Station N?n?tiI of roads severed 4 minutes Reads not covered within 4 minutes Kansas City Department Area Kansas City, KS Fire Department 4-Minute Response Capabilities ?Assumes all units are available ta respond upsn dispatch. a; 'IrIII;It.? lid" II . I 1' -- Pearl-tulle - ll. fit. .I I . - .-.I-. 145.Hive-{Hide if! .1 .I Ii Haven 15 43;. Station 11 1? 1 11 :5 it! ?21- - ?If . - Ilell r_IIif ?Iih-l'l- IlqlT' .ii In; I .I?Q'ii I. . ?Station 10 .: EmuFfll'l?I -. Iig'n' 5 i Gila-aim Heel and Park 1.- -. - ?a 41.II, Sauces: HEIHE. F: HHCerFEsriJapan. II Harm. Eti'l??f?wal Thailand}. I1 ECG. El mnttibuta-Is. and the EIS User I Cemmunity arn . .. .ll"'II j. .. . I_I:I5tatic_rr_u14 Statien 5_Ir- Iii-ii:- . I hurl l'-I'Il *1 I IE Fire stetien Name. of reads envered eith II firefighters within 4 minutes Heads net emrered within 4 minutes Kansas Git}.I Fire Department Response Area Kansas City. KS Fire Department Emergency "2 lnl'2 Out" Capabilities Minimum of 4 Firefighters within 4 Minutes *Assumes all units are available to respand immediately upen dispatch- 1'ruin-I. I i?r .- I Perl-tulle- I. .e n: 1. Riverside Stati on i Bonner Ednardsviih Spring: Stati an 15? I, IL Fill-I . I Statian'i? . Ecuees: F_=Iri. HERE. uses; Intermap. INCREHEHT Esrit?l'llr'a .i-icingr- B?i??l?u Renal. Es-riI Hares. Eli: Thailand]. HEFi'nyln-aia. ECG. El C-pen-E?Itteg?giepI DantritILIta-rs. Ian-El the EIE User Cammunity lI-I-rii. It .553 Ute I.rira =7 -. il . Haelnnd Park. haw" E: Fire Statien 5% at reads severed with a ladder anmpanyi within Na minutes Heads net severed within 3 minutes Kansas City Fire Department Respanse Area Kansas City. KS Fire Department B-Minute Aerial/Quint Response Capabilities *Assumes all units are available to respand immeiziialel?IIr upon dispatch. . . *Iw 3-. nan-I. Sq.? I I I h. . fr?. I - a I. II .1- Perl-tulle Riverside :.li Station 18 . I - {wi?rn -I- hil'Ir i?tquta Station .. 4* . -- E: . Station''51" i. a; Fl IJI. I 'rbll I e: mug 1;ll' Em?fmyi? St?ti?i?l Spring.I'r?ll#111 J. ?t HaeIan-II betscones: HEFIE. 3 .LIsogs Intermep. INCHEHEHT P. .Hengf Keogh. Eri'l??rea. Eli: Thailand]. i1" ECG. oonttioutors. and the EIS User Community HWI 1n] Fire Station NEIIH: Df roads covered with ?15 firefighters Within minutes Ftoads not covered within minutes Kansas ?it;I Fire Department Ftesponse Area Kansas City, KS Fire Department NFPA 1710 Low-Hazard Alarm Response Minimum of 15 Firefighters within 3 Minutes *I?Issumes all units are available to respond immediately upon dispatch- Part-wine 7. ?leerslde - . .I .l 3 Statien 15 Station a . . Station 1a Statian 4 .. {Era -: ?r 1: . '1 Statiari 14 Station Station Station rig-rt ifs-1331:1011 1D Barn-1H lath- - I St?tl?l?l 11" l-i' i - I . Springs (E . 3? . .5113 (Jr! vita . . 55?: 3 are . 1? 71': - Hotel and Path .- .s - 3 i . F. EsriCl'Iir'a' .H-sr'gi' Thailand). 11' ESE. dglap. Dantri'a-ut-ars. and this-SIS L-ssr Csmmur'it" Men?mm (E) Fire station N15311: of all area reads covered with a minimum at 23 firefighters within 3 minutes Reads not covered within minutes Kansas City Fire Departm ent Area Kansas City. KS Fire Department NFPA 1710 Medium-Hazard Alarm Response Minimum pf 28 Firefighters within 8 Minutes *Assumes all units are available to respond immediate upen dispatch- I 1 mm mm. Sr I burl-wille- 5' Riverside .2 I Station 15.. I ii I 512mg a I I II StatioI'IIfl StatIorI1S *4th .. . IIStation 5 -j kg}; .1 - a ?t j: Station 19 Emma?3?12? - - lili.".' II -F II I WHEJII .I?l HwI'Laii.? Ii StationStation 20 Station Station 15 In 5mg.JI?StationHl Emu,? 512312113111? irl-l?gt. Springs 5 . (E .s'rII-o (Lite vita I . I 17:. Path htEeuses: Esri. I-EIHE. guns=? F. thCeerE-ri. 5r. Esri'Ht'ir's' .H-sr'gn l?crwgi. Earl: tins-515 Lussr Ceremorit-I Merriam with 43 firefighters within Kansas City! KS Fire Department NFPA 1710 High-Hazard Alarm Response 1i] minutes, 1i] seconds scans not covered within In minutes,1l] seconds Minimum of 43 Firefighters within 10 Minutes, 10 Seconds Kansas City Fire Departm Em; Response Area *?lssumes all units are available to respond upon dispatch. E'I'll Part-wille- Hive-reme- Building Structure . .13} I I. 353:3; -- Eda-antevill ii: I Lew-Hazard at t' . . animal; Fire Kansas City, KS FIre Department ll.ll11- BEEF sunning structure NFPA BUIIdlng Structure Hazard High-Hazard Risk Type Identification 1 - NW new F- 113} a . .Isi iaarkuine Riverside . -- --(Era. eta i J, at .111an? Eduarcbvill Springs . ?3 .a'ms Lat! l.rira :73 t" I r. .I-. . Shawnee . Mleslon Merriam . 51: t' Med' -H 'li:l' - . a m" stru?m Kansas City, KS Fire Department 15.3% pf all area reads Nenvered with aminimum urea ?le We Department NFPA 1710 Medium-Hazard Alarm Response ?refighters within 8 minutes . . . Rum heteetreredwithin a NFPA Medium-Hazard Budding Structure minutes *Assumes all units are available to respond immediate upen dispatch- ii "ll-111. -- Perl-willie Riverside 3 i?v a} r? -l 3FlBonn-er Springs .a'rm ?u 'irira . _rl? ii. 111$: i .. .. - "ir? Inn-""351 In. . I- I fir-m P?lh h'r'l' a . Shawnee- Mission Merriam Fire Station 25.3% of roads covered Nwith 43 firefighters within minutes, seoonds Roads not covered within minutes, seconds High-Hazard Building Structure Kansas Fire Department Response Area Kansas City, KS Fire Department NFPA 1710 High-Hazard Alarm Response NFPA High-Hazard Building Structure *?issumes all units are available to respond immediately upon dispatch-