JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/26/20] Agency Inform ati on 34:44.41 .4 AGENCY FBI 4 RECORD NUMBER 124-10226-10488 RECORD SERIES HQ. AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86406-29, NR 29 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 1 DATE: 12/10/1970 PAGES 16 SUBJECTS GPH, REH, ASSOC, MIL, PLAN, WARFARE, US, CUBA, INTV, . ALVAREZ, MANUEL AQUILAR, MILITANT, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATION DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/22/1998 . Eleased under the OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE KE nne :13: ssassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 INC 2 MEMO, 2 LHM, [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH Date: 0?10?2017 WI 1 HH 54464 25 Page 1 . FROLI ii?? 54464 4W ?0 5: EM m! amnion earn.? (n CPR) IOI- ELB UN ITED-- STATE Memorandum FBI i If 3?3 3 DATE: 712/19/707 . MIAMI (105?3973) (P) REVEEM 15$ SY $9,337 FORCE MM SAC, IVAN VIDAL r: M: ROY EMORY HARG IS - dated 12/10/70, ESQGE GERALD PATRICK EMMING CUBA . :1 mm. DEMAL 1% FULL Enclosed for the Bureau is one copy of LHM captioned VIDAL ROY EMORY GERALD PATRICK HEMMING. INTERNAL SECURITY - . Copies of enclosed LHM are being disseminated locally to the following federal agencies: U. S. Secret Service, Miami, NISO, Charleston, S. C. Florida 111th MI Group, Orlando, Florida ,4f Cuban Affairs (State Department), Miami Miami . S. Coast Guard, Miami U. S. Border Patrol, Miami S. Customs, Miami S. INS, Miami Florida, Burea 1 Miami_' 52s ?as 028,31% U.S. Saving: Bond: Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 081, Patrick AFB, Florida MM T-l if former MM 639-8, REIN WC LESSEFEED :75c) MM is U. S. Customs Agency Service, Miami. MM is 111th MI Group, U.S. Army,tMiami,E 5 information classified MM T-4 is MM 97453. 1' (encl Page 2 y- -1 "Confidential". xvimtmm x. A 4' .5. 1.4.114 .171 new y?a? A C13 may.? ,rm?wmm 1 1* CCD STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION ?13311)? 33%; Miami Florida DECLASSIFIED 31? 9:9? "7 as ?04 .- .- -.-. . JFK) IVAN VIDAL SA as: RSV EMORY vas- PATRICK HEMMING .INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA . Y. in:- . It is noted that ROY EMORY HARGRAVES, an American adventurer and mercenary, in July, 1970, advised he was I involved in a plan to effect warfare between the United 3 States and Cuba. The plan consisted of attempting to . g. i have defeating Cuban military personnel fire missiles .I i 4 against the United States Navy .Base, Guantanamo, Cuba, 3 . thus projecting the United States into a military takes?? . .. .1 over of Cuba. HARGRAVES was closely associated in this 1% ?vi? Iplan with GERALD PATRICK HEMMING, another American mer?' . i cena?ry and adventurer and a long?time associate of - . '1 If'i ,'HARGaavasT?l, an American citizen closely associated. . with HARGRAVES and HEMMING in the past ten years, on . _I.,.ISeptember 15,1970, advised that Mr. VINCENT OLLER, 'i?i 5/ .I _-detective, Dade County, Florida, Department of Public I 7 Safety, Miami,i stated that he had been investigating f' - ROY EMORY HARGRAVBS and GERALD PATRICK HEMMING inasmuch?ffmle?*v? _i as the United States Coast Guard in Miami had given him . 1 some information concerning themsaid that OLLER indiCated that HARGRAVES . - and EMENG had devised some illogical and irrespOnsible . I: - .-I-?mi1itary plan of action against Cuba which was highly [(58 {unlikely of any success whatever-{KM \3?3\E\n . . . . gm Eat?, Gr MI NH 54464 Page 3 1 GSA (4: 101-11. 6 (F Ml p\ UNITED STATES GO KHANMENT Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (105-864 SUBJECT: ROY EMORY VES: FROM .: - sac, MIAMI (105-39731 (P) 1" (?ggf 1 I GERALD PATRIC EWING i .12 4 IS .. CUBA (j ?11 3,7; Rf) em W1 3 BY 31519 9944 mm? a an gas-n nohaw'? i \Ql??g?uig ReButel to Miami dated 9/11/70. L1 1:51 Enclosed herewith are 10 co?ufe\s of an LHM dated and captioned as above. f- . :1 1? Copies of enclosed LHM ajre being diseminated locally to the following Fedora?! agencies: 1U. S. Secret Service}; Miami, Florida - NISO, Charleston, South Carolina 111th 14.1. Group, Urlando, Florida >1 Cuban Affairs (State Department), Mimi CIA, Miami ALL FMN?j?{qug? WEE U. S. Coast Guard, Miami if W, E: U. S. Border Patrol, Miami ?11 1:31;? 1&1 5 U. S. Customsquiami E11111 S. INS, Miami . Force Base, Florida 161 former MM ustoms Agency Service, Miami. - '1 MM is U. IS. 1%?ch f? 1&6; .5 1 - Bureau 6? 1 - Miami- (3) 14:? DEC 141970 1 /Copy a . 6.134 552% w./Ar% :V-Lidbei?di ?Hi6 Yrout 113 f9? 5. 9131;6ny i (X??arLI-??w .. 5 1152 Emma5'41)ng Band: Regularly an tlae Payroll 51:212ng 1 A, .. 3i NH 54464 Page 4? \l MM 105-3973 MM.T-3 is 111th M.I. Group, U. 3. Army, Miami, Flori a, information Classified "confidential." 154 is 974-3. Enclosed LHM is being classified ?confidential" inasmuch as it contains in?ormation fro U. S. Army So classified. - LEAD - MIAMI AT MIAMI. FLORIDA . Will contact Mr. VINCENT OLLER, Department of Public Safety, to aSCertai gation has been conducted by toai agency Dade County what investi- Page 5 C. i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JESTICE FEDERAL I I1 -ll. .. .11] MiamiI,-Fiorida I Wmaf10 1367?; .. I DEC 1 1970 . ,2 01512113: FEED E17 37:95, 1? 5/31 ROY EMORY HARGRAVES: GERALD MATRICK HEMMING .1manmeH?cmi . . - . It is noted that ROY EMORY HARGRAVES, an American adventurer and mercenary, in July, 1970, advised he was ?involved in a plan to effect Warfanp?between the United States and Cuba. The plan cgnsisted of attempting to Lhave defecting Cuban mi-litary perSOnnel fire missiles I-against the United States Navy/Base, Guantanamo, Cuba, ?Rthus _.pr0jecting the United States into a military taken. over of Cuba.] HARGRAVES was closely aesociated in this?. 'fplan with GERALD PATRICK HEMMING, another American mer? Icenary and adventurer and a IOngutime associate T?l, an American citizen Closely associated? Iwith HARGRAVES and HEMMING in thekpast ten years, on 'l A September 15. 197IO, advised that Mra VINCENT OLLER, Idetectivef Dada Copnty, Florida, Department of Public Safety, Miami, stated that he had been. investigating . EMORY HARGRAVES and GERALD PATRICK HEMMING inasmuch - I i the United States CoaSt. Guard in 'ami had given him 2 Isome_1nformation concerning thema??IL\i 1 . 1 said that OLLER indicated that HARGRAVES and HEMMING had devised some illogiCal and irresponsible "military plan cf action against cube which was highly -- I -un11ke1y_of any success whateVerE TIAL kim$ntbisi ?1 I Excluded. om automatiC? . EE E1: m- -.-E--.. . I 03111.-. . . 1.-.I-I 4.5-. . . . ..54464 Page 6?