JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 10/1/20] Agency Informati on Kennedy asassinatinn Records :Dllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. :ase#:NH 5%553 Date: Eeleased under the John AGENCY HSCA RECORD NUMBER: 180?10103-10336 RECORD SERIES NUMBERED FILES AGENCY FILE NUMBER 003076 Document Information ORIGINATOR HSCA FROM: HILL, WAYNE TO TITLE: DATE 10/20/1976 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS CANTILLON, JAMES P. CIA ROSELLI, JOHN HILL, WAYNE PAPICH, SAM WILLIAM DOCUMENT TYPE REPORT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS Consulted CURRENT STATUS Withheld DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/ 8/1993 OPENING CRITERIA COMMENTS Memorandum attached 72-1. Box 72. v91 NH 54653 Page 1 TI OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT I I 033,. 76 Ma; Identifying InfOTmation: ., Name"-' ?Mam/?Wayne Hill :T?lephdhe'v? ?foleddress; 'ii5:Typ? Of Contact; Telephone' 5- 5 {LT?rsonzOT,lV II. Summary Of COntact: ofx l?/g??whah?O 111.; ReOOmmended Follow?up (if any): ?Tamra . - . . _Pag? . . fr? .97 MEMORANDUM ITO: Gary Cornwell FROM: John Hornbeck Re: Interview she FBI Case Agent For John Roselli DATE: October 20, 1977 -I On Thursday, October 9, 1977, I interviewed retired' FBI agent, Wayne Hill, who shared the responsibility of covering John Roselli with a fellow agent, Harold Dodge. The results of the interview are summarized in the following categories: - A. Electronic Surveillance Roselli was the subject of two electronic surveillances placed at his apartment in Cresent Heights, Los Angeles, Calif. and the Diplomat in Las Vegas, Nevada. 'The intercepts were done in the early 1960's but were Of a poor quality.due to an inferior microphone location. Also, Roselli was extremely cautious in discussing his business activities and preferred discussions outside of his home. Transcripts exist of the "overhears" and should be available at the Bureau. Once permission for the interception was obta and surveillance begun, a "special employee" (clerk)?V??anscribe the tapes which were supposed to be reviewed by the case agent for errors.. The "fruitful" information was sent to the Washington headquarters and a periodic summary was prepared as- to the progress of the "tap" and the need to continue the projeCt. ?These records-should also be available along.with the Bureau's commentary. VB. Physical SurVeillance Roselli's activities were monitored rather successfully due to-the combination of the electronic "plant", and a high- level mob informant (deceased). .3 Footnote: (1) The plantingLof electron1c surveillance equlp?si and1v1duals to be oVerheard,est1mate of cost and man hours, ant1c1pated information,?means of entry,; and comments A551stant Di-rector and Director ?g;;1g - o?tn3r1nc . .. '1 NH 54653 Page 3 NH 54653 For example following a ip from the latter source the FBI covered a meeting in the early 1960' in Richmond, Va. ,between Roselli and an individual whom the FBI later identified as a CIA official. The Los Angeles FBI office was subsequently informed by Washington that ROselli was being utilized as a "go- -between" with Giancana for Cuban intelligence gathering purposes only. The close contact of Roselli and the CIA surfaced again in the late 1960' when the FBI attempted to recruit Roselli as an informant after they had obtained evidence that Roselli had forged his birth certificate to disguise his true identity as Filippe Sacco. Roselli's response was to contact his attorney, James P. Cantillon, and then William Harvey of the CIA. Harvey approached Sam Papich, the FBI 1iaiSon, to discover what information the Bureau possessed and their prosecutorial intentions. C. Roselli's Death In 1971 Roselli was subpoened before.a Federal Grand Jury in Los Angeles and testified concerning certain Mafia actiVities in Los Vegas. Word of his testimony filtered back to Chicago and Frank LaPorte,, Roselli' capd? came to- Los Angeles to discuss the situation. Roselli refused to meet with LaPorte but left a letter for him at Cantillan's office indicating that he was not really oceoperating. LaPorte was furious with Roselli and the subsequent subpoena of Paul Ricca and Tony Accardo did not help Roselli's situation. When Anthony Giancana of St. Louis was indicted in the Frontier Hotel case, he blamed Roselli for the Government's knowledge of his "hidden interest" in the Frontier Hotel. Informant information obtained by the FBI in 1977 indicated that Giancana had stated that "Rosellius he is going to get it". A subsequent statement was that the Chicago organiZation would take care. of Roselli and use someone like Santo Trafficante to set it up. Apparently Roselli was to meet with.Trafficante the day that he disappeared although the details of the telephone call to Roselli on that day were not known to Hill. Details of Roselli' criminal involvements and CIA connections were detailed in a comprehensive intelligence memorandum prepared by Hill in 1976. His recommendation was that the Committee obtain that_memo with the administrative -pages intact which would enable us to zero in on the relevant documents and witnesses. DucId:32260213 Page 4 D. InvestigatiVe Leads According? to Hill, two individuals with relevant information might be the attorney, Jim Cantillion who is presently awaiting sentencing in Orange County,California on an aggravated asSault? ?attempted murder connection. Also, Tony Spilotio of Chicago who would have knowledge of the GianCana and Roselli "hits. Another good source of information would be the case agents assigned to the major hoodlums service, their careers were dedicated to surveilling these individuals. NH 54653 Page 5