STATE WASTE DIS CRARGE NUMBER ST 4511 '53: ES: RICHLAND, 99354+~1 670 In compliance with the: previsiung of the Page 1 of 25 Permit No. ST 4511 - Issuance Data: . Fcbmary 16:, 2305 Effective Date: Februaryl?, 2005 Expiratinn Date: 16, 201i; STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY W3 3? 233% State. 0f Washington Watcr Pallutim Comm} Law Chapter 90 48 Revised Cock: of Washington as mended, autharizes the; STATES .DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY- RICE-RAND OPERATIONS OFFICE BOX 556 RICHLAND, WASHINGTON 993534 discharge wastcw'ater in accmdance: with. the speciat and general conditions 0h fallow. Facility Imam: US. {3f Energy Operations Office Hanford Site, Richland, Washingmn Discharge Lecatian: Hanfmd Site, (Only areas by and disCharges of US. of En?rgy) Indusm?ype: Clean up Site SIC Code: 9999 Latitude: 46" 33?~ 46.4" Longitude: 11.9? 35'w57.8" Mi wel A. W?mn Program Manager Nuclear Waste Ping-gram Page 2 of 25 Permit No. ST 4511 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYM 4 . . . Y, DEFINWIONS 3? 3 SUMMARY OF SCHEDULED REPGRT SUBMITTALS .3. 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERMIT -. 1. A Types; of Activities .. . .. .. . 7 S. 1 1 Hydrotes?ng, Maintenanm, and Cons?uEtiOn Wastewater IA 2. Cooling Watez, Cendonsate and Miscellmcons Wastewater Discharges 7 1 A3. Industrial Stomwater Discharges . . . 7 . 3.1.3. Conditicms on Activitic-s Authmizcd 8 3:21 DISCHARGE In" .0 99999 Hist. 18 8.3. SOURCE WATER LIMITATIONS 9 3.4. POLLU TION PREVENTION AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR PERMITTED DISCHARGES . .. . . . .5. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND BEST NIANAGEMENT PRACTICES PI. AN REQUIREMENT .. 11 5 .A Plan Elements . 1 .1 5.13. Plan Compliance: .. . -12 S. 5 (3.131311 Revisions . .. . 1.2 8.6. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. . . . 13 8.7. ADDITIONAL PERMIT COVERAGE .- . 14 81A. Case by (?.333 Additions . . . 14 8.7.3. Addition fur Water Line .. .. "15 S.7.C. Hazardous Material Managsment and. Emergency Rc3pon3e (Hamm?r) Pond Discharga Additim?: . 15 3.7.1). Incidental Releases 16 8.7.13. Wanie Treatment and Inunobilizatinn Plant Balmme 0f militia-:3 Fire Water Discharge . . ?.16 8.7.13. Waste Treaunent and Plant Balance of Facilities N0n~Routine and pee-13.1 Case Discharges . 17 8.8 UPSET .. . . 19 TABLE Tabie S.7.F .1 Description of Waste Treatment and Immnbilization (WTP) "Balance of Facilities (BOP) V333313 and Tanks (Steam: than 50 000 18 GENERAL CONDI ?1 IONS G. I. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS 20 6.2. RIGHT OF TRY . . .. 21 C323. PERMIT ACTIONS 21 COMPLIANCE WIT OTHER LAWS AND ES .. 22 Page: 3 0f 25 Permit No; ST 451 1 (3.5. DUTY TO REAPPLY 22 (3.6. PERMIT TRANSFER 22 (3.7. REMOVED SUBSTANCES 22 (Ti-.83. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS 22 (3.9. PAYMENT OFTEES 242 (3:10 RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS 23 NOTIFICATYON . 123 (3.12. WAS FEWATER DISCHARGE STREAM EXEMPTIONS 24 Page 4 0f 25 Pemmit N0. ST 4511 ACRONYM LIST BMP3.. . . Begt Management Practices 130me - ?Balance of Facilities Envimnmantai Respensezg Cumpensation, and: Liability Act CFR (Sade of Federal} Regulatio?s EPA United States Envirmmlental Pratec?on Agency GWQC . Groundwatar Quality Criteria {*iAhxiMER . Hazardaus Mammal Management and Respunse High Level Waste LAW Lew Activity W?ste . Pallxution Prevention and Best Management; Practices PLAN Prevention and But-5st Mmmgament Pramiws Wan. PLAN AND SCHEDULE Plan and Schadule forDiaposition and Ragulatory Complianm for Miscallanmus Streams - USDOE 3 United States Department of Enargy?juhiand Operations Office RCRA Remume and Recovery Act RCW Reviscd Code. of Washingmn RL Operations Office . State Waste Discharge Permit Treated I?ffluant Disposal Facility United States Department 0f Energy WAC Washington Adu?nistraiiva Code WTP .. . ?Wage. and Ininirobiliza?on Plant Stomlwater. Industrial Sten11water.. Signi?cant Digcharge Page? of 25 Permit N0. ST 4511 DEFINITIONS Stormwater is defin as, that partial of placi] pitatiun that does not trauma} 1y pcrcolate- into the? 0r evaporate, but. flows via {ax/?garland ?7,10w intex?ow, pipes and 0:11:31.? features of an euginrseied simmwater drainage. System inm a in?lu?atiwn facility. In (in stri a! stormw sitar is a stomwater discharge with the potential to come into con?ict with an industrial activity an: that i3 collactcd within an area of industrial activity (i one directly z'e?ated t0 manufacmring? processmo or raw materials $0133? at an industrial plant) Significant discharge is any single discharge 14,500 gallens in a 24 ham: period or any singlc discharga that excee?tis 50,000 gallans total in a caisndax year from hydrate?zting, maintmande, and wastewater Upsse't Conditim dischargcs. Fer the puxpcges of this Permit and the Harinrd Site, "upset condition? mews an exceptionai incidant' in which that-e is a wastewatcr discharge 'that exceeds the: limitatimus 0f this: Permit resulting from factors beyond the masonablc cuntrol oi the Permittee Page 6 (if 25 Permit No. ST 451 SIWIMARY OF SCHEDULED REPORT SUBMITTALS Draft Pallution. Preventimt ?Permit Cycle: 180 Days after affective dam and Bast Management of permit. Practices Plan SSA Final Poliution Pre?'ventien l/Pet?mit Cycie 90 Days aftar resolution of, and Best Management Ecology?s comments Practices Plan Revigims to Pollution Upon Ecelogy mqu?gt or Within 90 clays of recsiving 2: Prevention and Best voluntarily written request (fmm Ecology Management Practicas or 30 daya prior to desimd Plan implementation 8.6. Log of Significant Compiled ammally. by A3 Raqmsted Discharges Fehntaiy 15. Submitted . to ?coiagy? (m 8.7. Requestt fer case by. cam AS needed for instancm; At least 10 work days prior to ?atlditiGn-al permit coverage: wltemithe flt?iw Will desired discharge date exceed permit candition . 81.8.2. (3.5. Application for permit l/pemiit cycle At least 180 days before renewal . permit axpirat-icm (3.11. Noncompliat?ice AS needed Within 30 days (0r sotincr if. notification written report requasted by Ecoiogy) 11pm discovery of noncompliance 8.1.A. S.1.A.1. S.1.A.2. S. S. 1 ALE. Page 7 of 25 Permit No. ST 415?! I PERMIT CONDITIONS PERMIT COVERAGE TYPES OF ACTIVITIES This State Waste Discharge Permit ?nd the: Pcmiit. Ccnditicns aumcrizcs waistcwatcr diSchai'gcs from that follcwing activiticg cf the United Sta1c$ of Energy (USDOE)~Richlmad Operations (Pcrmiticc) ?113 Sim: Hydrotcsting, Maintenance, and Construction Wastewatcr Dischargcc dischargcs Such as system and tcsting', rcscarch ancf testing, and c?xcr experimental dischargec. Maintenance: dischargcg such as; dminagc, flushing, and waSh down activities. discharges guch as concrete curing, cutting, including rinsetftc and etching scluticns, and washing activities. Cooling Watcr, Condensate, and Miscellancoug Cccling water discharges from parts and of hcating, vcn?ladcn, and air . systems, air ccgiucs, and icc machines that arc discharged. to an structure. ?cm Mating, vcutilaticn, and air conditioning air compressors, and. ice machines; that discharge {c an sanctum. Steam discharges steam lines that do not dischargc to an well. Other miscellancouc discharges such as water tank. cvcr?cws, and relcascs from facilities an the Hartford Site. dischargcs does: not include ncncompliancc to the caused by cpcrati.cma1 error, lack of maintenance. or careless and/ct improper - Industrial Dischargcs The only s'tpmawatcr requiring a state wastcwatcr pcnnit is industrial slonnwatcr that dischm?gcs to ground anci is coliccicd in an Structure and is subscqucmly discharged Le an engineered ciESposal structurc. These terms are cxplaincd belcw. Stormwatcr discharges that meet: all three of following criteria are subject :0 the requirements; of this Permit. discharges that dc all three of the following c?tcria do not require pcrmit covcragc: Industrial stm'mwatcr is 3' ?tcm?matcr dischargc with the potential tc into contact with an industrial activity crthat is within an area cf industrial S. 1 .A.-3.C. 8.1.31. 8.128.321. to 8.2.A. Page 8 of 25 Permit NOV ST 451 1 activity (13., one: related to mamfacturmg, pmcessing or raw materials storage at an industrial plant). - Collected in an] en'giaeered structure 11163113 that the industriai awrmwater must be collected in a structure: such as a lined Hench basin retention structure, secondary containment tamk, Sump and anther}: surfaces directly assmciated with industriat activitias Discharged to an engineered armature means that the industrial stormwater must: be . discharged to an enginemrad dispcsai structure such as an injection well, dry wall, catch basin, infiltratian basin, infiltt?atiou Hench, lined trench, 0r mtentiun bask}. CONDITIONS ON ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED T0 be authorized by this Fetmit, each wastcwatcr discharge as specified it; Permit Condition S.1.A.1, and must mm: the: fetlowing conditionss, or comply with 'Pem?tit Condition 3.7; Each individual-discharge event mum be Kass than 10 gallons per minute awraged annually. Amm a1 average ?ow is caiculated for each discharge as mtal gallant; dischargad in a calendar year, divided by ?116 numbar 0f minutes it} that year. For industrial stomawater ciiachargeg, tbe'Permittce snail not use: this permit. condition. Each individual discharge: want: must be; lass than 150 gallons; per minute instantaneously F0: iadustrial starmwatet discharges; the Permittee shalt not use this pennit mndition Inajmenauce, wastew?tter, cooling watez, condensata, and miscellaneous digchargew) as identified in Faxmit Conditi?ns 3.1 AA and 8.1.1512, must meet the Groundwatcer?ua?ty Criteria pursuant: to Wa?hingmn Administrative Code (WAC) 173~200 unless; The: discharge: is expected to have a contaminant that exceeds the GWQC solely its/cause the source: watex a centamincmt that exceeds one or mom of the 01 The discharge is: BXpecieci t0 exceed this GWQC at the paint of discharge but is prevented ?10m impacting g1 nundwatm quality as datermined by. Permit Cendition 2 f8 2 . DISCHARGE All dischat ges and activities; authorized by this Panml 311351 be. consigtent With the: terms and canditions of this; Permit The discharge of any pollutant mom frequently than or at a concentration in excess of that authurizbd by this shall coastimtc a vioiati'on of the tarms and Qonditions of this Parfait 3.2.38. Page. 9 of 25 Permit No. ST 451 1 Beginning on the effective date and lasting through the cxpiraticn data of this Permit, the Permittes is authmized in discharge to ground via infiltratiun wastcwatar all activitias listed and described under Permit Condition S. 1 A subject to the: follawiag Ulimitatiens: All discharges shall follow appropriate Follutioa Praventian and Best Memagamcnt Practices (PEBMPS) in this Permit andlar in that required partial: submittals such as the Pallution Prevention and Best Managemant Practices Plan (Plan) in the required} mimit submits-11$ are net raqairecl to be: implemented until the Submittal IS raviewed and appm by E0010 gy. N0 . sampling arid analysis 01 the: petmitted diSCllai gas ass wquired as long, as the ate: Ecology approved are complied with If Ecology determines that the Palmittee has failed to comply with the Flam, Ewing}; may sequin: sampling and. analysis of a partiaular discharge At the point 01? discharges. contaminants in all wastawatcr amend under [hast activities and Permit shall mt. exceed either the GWQC levels or 1.10% of the contaminant lavels 0f the designated source?watc?s) unless approved petmitiad discharge; are: implemented. of appmved to pmvant impacts to groundwater is considered appropriate demonstration (3f compliance under this Permit for dischargas autlmrizacl under Psrmit Conditions and 3.1 A 2 For industrialstormwatsr discharges, the Permittea shall not use this perm: condition. the wastawater discharges authorized under Parfait S. l. A. the mtal volume of all permitted discharges shall not axcsadil. U000 000 gallons per day This condition will be considered to be: mat as 1mg as the total volume of all measmad significant: discharges (as defined in Permit Candition 3.6) is balow 1,500,000 gallons per day. For all wast?water discharges autharizad under Permit ledition, the. total volume of all permitted discharges shall not exceed 100,000 gallans per day. Each disqhargs must: also meet; the; requirements of. Pamtit Candition 3.1.3. Far industtial discharges authorized nadsr this Paras: and pursuant t0 Parmit (Sandman S. 1A3, cantaminams in the. permitted dischargas shall not. exceed the GWQC lsvals. Far an industrial. stonnwater discharge, mmplianca with requirements in. the Permit (Permit Condi ?1011 8.4-) and the Plan shall be. cansiclated ?an appropriats demonsuatian 0f campiiancs unless the potential for: contamination axists. Compliance with this condition may alsc: be confinnsd by sampling and analyzing the. industrial stormwater discharged. SOURCE WATER LMITATIONS Far the purpases of this Permit, source. waists allowed?m be usad far maintcuams, construction discharges as de?ned in Permit Condition 8-. are. 8.3.3. 8.4. 8.4.A. 1. S.4.A.3. Page 1.0 of 25 Permit No. ST 4511 raw Columbia River water, potable water which consiots of Trootoci Columbia River Watt-3r or Groundwater, or water (Treated Potable Water). For the pmposes of this; Pomtit. the sootco waters allowed to to used by cooling water, condensate, and miscellaneous; wastewator permitted discharge activities as . dofiootl in Permit Condition A. 2 are raw Columbia River water, raw groundwater potable- water(Tre.1tod Columbia River Water or Groundwater) or condensed water vopol fiom tunbiont air. - For the pumosos of this Permit, the only permit condition allowed source water for the: industrial stormwatot dischargos is as (logoribod in Permit Condition Stormwater to defined as that portion of precipitation? that does not. oatum?y poroolato into the ground or ovagpomto, outflows via oV?orland ?ow, intor?ow, pipes, and other matures of an engineered stormwator droioage system. into a coostmotod in?ltration facility. The State Waste. Disohatge Permit Applicatioo, documentation for Renewal ofState Waste Discharge Pam-tits ST 4508, ST 4509. and ST 4510 ~60; Rev. 0) describes. the quality of source: wators trod liots potential contaminants in eaohsource water. No smpling and analysis of the mouse water is required by this: Permit, however potable wator is routinely sampled as roqoirod undo: WAC 246490600. Based on this potable: water monitoring, if new contaminants or lovols of ptovious'ly identi?ed contaminants are dotoctod at or abovo the GWQC, the Permittoo shall notify Ecology and Boology?will evaluate if the water should Still ho usocl as source wat?r. The Pormittoo is not required to notify Ecology'of olmogt?o ln-oonoontration for those contaminants already idootifiod in the permit application that exceed POLLUTION PREVENTION AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTECES FOR PERMITTED Fox all wastowator disohargos authorized by this Permit an identi?ed an Permit Conditiona S. 1. A. (hydrotosting, maintonanoo and conotmotion); Li. A. 2t {cooling water, condensate, and miacollanoous); 3.1..A 3 (industrial stomwator), the: Pormittee shall implement at a minimum the following Where appropriate: No discharge shall ho allowed within a Surface. area (moat; with dangerous waste and/or radioactive contaminaoto). No discharge shall be allowed Within ?1300 foot; horizontal {adios of a known active: or inactive: crib ditch or Bench mood for disposal of dangerous arid/or ladioaotive Except as authorized by a wastewater discharge permit, :30 discharge or runoff of waStowator is allow-ed to any surface waters of tho state or to any land not ownod by or under control of the. Potmittee. 3.4.11-5. . S.4-.A.7. Page 11 cf 25 Pcmlit Nc. ST 451 1 Rcascnablc efforts shall be taken 10 pcnding (11.11: to discharge ?ow rates above the" expected. sci} in?ltration. capacity. For (1.131311211ch authorized by this Permit as idcnti?cd in Permit. (30111151110118 the dischax gc the waste acceptance: criteria for the Hanford 200 Area Trcatcd Ef?ucnt i91911151111131 Facility and 1.11:: 111301131 gc is new a 1 ccunccticn 10 the (1011111211011 system, 2111 rcasccablc at1cmp?s $171.11 1313 made to dischm gc to the TEDF. Dischargc 1.0 other pcm?ttcd wastcwaicr tzfcaUncnt 1111311111158, such 11% the 300 Arca is 111.50 acceptabic, prcvidcd ?111: discharge 1111:1213 the: 11111316: acceptance critcma cf 1.11211 facility. For (115101131ch authorized by this Pcrmit as identified in Permit Cocditicns 8.1 ..A1.1 and, the Pcrmittcc shall store, and rcusc 1111: practical. "11:11: cc?cction cf in my tank, sump, 11111:, 1:11: 01th structure 1:11 at is contaminated from past or present cpcraticns and 130111.11 potentia?y the with dangerous and/or radioactive contaminams shall be avcidcd where practicable. If such (301131211011 than. ?eld. or analysis of the industrial for ccntaminants 01? concern based cu process knowledge, is required {31111110 discharge: Only 11111115111211 31011111711511.1231? that mccis- Pcrmit (3011111151011 .B 5 can be discharged 11111112111111 P13111111. industrial tests indicate 1111111, became; ccntaminatcd. 1:111: 11111113131111. stormwater 3.112111. ?rst require appropriatc treatmcm 1101.1.cwcd by discharge under this Permit or 11111311111: wastcwatcr d1 schau'gc permit, or other appropriaic disposal. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PLAN PLAN ELEMENTS Th3 1361111111163 will impicmcm an 1.111? discharges. authcrizcd by this Pcmhit. ?I?his P113111 shall provide: 1151111111ch 1:111 . handling for wastcwaterc?schargc activitics?in accordance With P13111111: Condition 3.1. Tthlan $112111 at 11 11111111111111} incorporate terms and conditions of 111.113 Permit. The 13111.11 shculci be usable as a training document 101' {11086: responsible far 2111 wastcwater discharges discussed 111111111" this P13111111. T111. Plan should be down by and subcategories so that each individual (1131,1134 gc by this Pclmil. can [303.111 10 a specific in the: Plan for 1111:: far the particuhr (1131111111ch an individual pcrmittcd dischal gc cannct point to a speci?c sccticn of 1:111?: Plan 1'01 the appropriate 111cm such (Eschargc is notauthcrizcd by this Pczmit until- an appropriate Section is addcd to the P1an(s). 8,343.2. 8.5.3. Page 12 of 25 Permit No. ST 4511 Recommendations and guidance for this Plan may be taken from appropriate Ecology publications log, Pollution Planning for Industrial Facilities industrial association publications, guidance. from the Associated General Contractors of Wanhington or other sources with additional Ilanford Sl'tc spccific details added In addition, to the. practicable, the Plan-will address how impacts to groundwater quality will ho prevented. Similarly, when now or Chcmical additivcs are. addcd'to tho Plan will how tho shall, ensure that appropriate actions am takcn to and quality of tho grouindwatcr.. PLAN COMPLLAN CE by this Categorical State Wastc Discharge Permit must, at all times, comply with the. terms and conditions of the Plan. The discharge: of any wastcwotcr not done m; specified in the: Plan Shall constitute, a Violation of the terms and conditions of this Permit. Every pcnnittcd dicchargc chad-l havc an assigned Icnponsiblc person onsitc who is familiar with tho section of the: Plan that applics to the 0c This rcsponsiblc person Should con?rm compliance with tho Plan and bc p1cparcd to answer any question from Ecology 1n the of an inspection investigation, non~compliancc or othcr choc matancc PLAN REVISIONS If Ecol ogy tho for a to tho lean Ecology will notify the ?3crmittce in writing of tho need for a rcVislon The must then a theft to tho Plan and submit it to Ecology for approval within 90 days of the written notification The {cvisio'n will bccomc aftct Ecology has rcv1cwcd and approvccl the draft lovision If Ecology to; cots any portion of the draft Ecology will notify the Pcnnittcc of tho and tho rcquircd changes. If docs not object to the rcquir?cd changcs within 21 days from receiving the rejection notification, the rcquircd will become at that timc. If the Pcm?ttcc- decides, to dinputc or Ecology?s approvcd final version, a by Ecology Shall be ?led within 21 days of receiving the rejection notification and required changes. If the and Ecology arc thereafter unablc to agtcc upon roviscd Plan language, Ecology will 13311:: thcir final of the Plan as a modi?cation. The: Pcmuttcc may appcal the pcunlt lznodilication 1n the o1 judicial forum. hc appeal alone will not stay the of the portnit modi?cation. A stay will only be in accordance with the procedures set forth in Revised Codc of Washington (RCW) 43213320. If Pcrmittcc the mood for revisions to the Plan, the must a written request. to Ecology at lcant 30 days prior to the desired 8.6. 8.6.A. 8.6.A3. S.6.A.9. 3.6.13. Page 13 0f 25 Permit No. ST 4511 implementation data of the ravision. Ecolegy may approve, approve: with madification, or disapprove the Pemittm?s draft. rsvisimn. If 'Ecoiogy does mt act within 30 days of receiving the requas?t for mvisimn, the ravisim will became effective as nmified by the Pelmittee in the: written request. MQNITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A sigx?ficam discharge is any single: discharge that exceeds 14.500 gallons in a 24 hour parimd or any Singke discharge that exceeds 50,000 ga?ons? total} in a calendar year from 5011mm identifiad in Pa?nit Thaw gig-Meant discharges, autlmri?zczd by this Pem?t, shall be recorded in 3105;. The: Pm?mi'ttee has the rcspunsibility of maintaining {he?signi?cant discharge log. The information required to be kept in this log linciude, at a minimum, th3:followingt Date and type of discharga Location of Source. water Additives I "fatal volume: (gallant?) {Discharge rats; (gailons/n?nute) Soil loading rate (ga?uns/xninute/squaun feet) Neunc of a?signed responsible person Any other-info?nation mammary to fully evaluate the simatim -- The gignizficant discharge leg for cash calendar} year shall be proVided to 1300103, upon request. Each calendar year begins January. 13? and ends Deccmbar? 3 13?. The falsificatim of infonnatian submitted to Ecology snail}. cmistitu-te a vioiatimn 0f the terms and canditimzs of this Permit. The informatiua required tube kept in this Iog - will be maintained for? a minimum of ?ve years. This tima period may be axtg?ndad by the Dimmer it; the event of action 0r notification of The will 116%: be required to keel) the records ionger than one year mm the normal 11111633 an enforcement action is issuad. S.? STA. i .6. S.7A.l.e. 3.7.A. I I 3.7.A. i SL7.A.2. S.7.A.3. Page 14 of 25 - Pai?mit N0. ST 4511 ADDYNONAL PERMIT COVERAGE CASE BY CASE. ADDITIONS If a planned meets Permit Cnndition S. 1 1 and 1.3 3 but fails to meet. Ptrmit Conditicin 1 13.2 ,the dischtu gt: may be mithorizcd under this Permit it the fellowing conditions are met: The Permittee submits t0 Ecolmgy .21 Written request that the planmzd discharge be authorized under this Permit. 113 request must be submitted to Eco} tag}: at least ten (10) business days piioz tea the propose-d planned (115$.qu The: request will pmvide tit a imttimum the following information: Proposed date and type of discharge: Meatien at discharge I Source. water Additivas Volume {gal} ans) Discharge rate (gallons/minute) Sail wading irate. fem) Name of assignad 1?65p0u.siblctaersalt Specific Statitm ?fths: PEBMP Plan that applies; The magma why this proposad ditcharga be authmized by this Pmmit and any other information to fully evalttatt: the situaticm and to develop an approp?ate course: of action. If Ewing)! datermines that the propos?d discharge submittal and this; Pennit are to mguiatc and autherize the planned EC 010g}! wilt give written authorization t9 the Pemittrie to discharge (the planned dischatga) undsr the 12611118 and conditions of this. Permit $01116 diSCh?ngS may mquim a. rcvisian t0 the. Plan (P2 More. the dischm'g can be authQri-zed by this Permit. Discharges; that exceed 1,000 gallons per minute. discharges that fall outside of the scope of this. Permit will not be: authorizerci by this Permit and the Permittee will mad to submit ta Ecology 11 Hartford. Speci?c Permit Appiicatimi far a One TilIlB/Lil?l?iimd Duration Discharge Permit. 8.7.13. 3.7.0. 3.71:. l. Page 35 of 25 Permit No. ST 4531 BLANKET FOR WATER LINE FLUSHING Drinking watts: 33136 flushing pm?formed on the Hartford Sim may exceed Permit: Condition .B 2 of this Ponnit (each. individual. discharge event. moist be less than ??50 gallons per minute instantaneously). Drinking water line fluohiog activities; inclubdo oponing hydrants to flush contaminants from {kinking wator lines ?ushimr of drinking water limos which have been sanitizod by the. addition of chlorinated Willi-)1 flushing of drinking water lines for flow testing, and ?ushing l1} drotosting of drinking ?rotor lines. Them ?ushing activitioo mo still appropriate to be: authorized by this; P311113: as. long as the: activities am carriad out to all the other totals and conditions of this Pomnit 833d the required P2 BMP. Tho as; speoili?zd. 113 this Pounit and permit submittals. shOuld protact the onvuonmom ?10m contamimams llushod from those 11 my; Thom flushing activities will he allowed to oxoead the 350 gallons per minute limit for up to 60 minutes and at no time will be. allowed to exceed. 1,000 gallons per minute. Another category of alto)? line flushing activities performed on the .?Hanford Site: which may oxcood Pormit Condition S. 1.33 2 of this Pmmitr is flushing of raw watm lines to remove contaminants (mg microbes or sediment) and flushing of newly mgtallod pipo lines for flow testing, after hydrotosting, after disinfection or to mmovo oonszruotiou dobxiS These: ?ushing activities are still appropiiate to be authorized by this Pomit as long as the activities are carried out according to the othoxterms and conditions of this Permit and pormlt submittc?s; The propor as; spool?od in this Permit: and. permit" submittals, mum. protoct the. environment from contaminants ?ushed from. those- linos. Those flushing activities will too allowed to exceocl the 1.50 gallong pm: minute limit for up to 60 minutos, and at no time will be allowod to exceed 3,500 gallons per minute. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE (HAMIVIER) POND DISCHARGE. ADDITKON The rooyo'el pond at: the: HAMMER Homing facility has, or potentially a discharge to the ground The pond collects water has been used during training aotivitios Most of this water. is storod for reuse in Ilammoif?s training activitios Some of the pond water may lealddisoharge. to the ground. The source water is City water (potable: water) and it is (mated at the pond to maintain an acceptable water quality for use in training activitiiog. - Whilc this discharge may not appear to be in one: of tho categories authorized by this Permit: the 433363] arg? is: of. similar quality and quantity to other authorized disohmges Therefore: this discharge is boimg included as a discharge: authorized by this Pennjt The P2BMP3 for this diachargo should be: included the Ponnit required Plan. The oubmittcd for this pond. 35,6 should include . details; on the trootmentuoedby HAMNER to maintain the qualttyof the water and information on planned maintenance of the pond linar 3.713.111. S.7.D.l.c. 3.7.13. 3.7.31. 3.713.121. Page. 1.6 of 25 Pormit No. ST 4511 INCIDENTAL RELEASES .- associated with operations and routine remit in 311.1311 incicionial releases of wasiewator within 1111;: facility?s boondz?nies (o g? wator skid maintenance and pump testing) that do not meet the location (:11 (1151111166: limits specified 111 Permit Conditions 3 .4.A.i13..4 A. 37 Those faoiliiy activities are sobjooi to the following controls and limitations. No diochargo from a. singlo activity may oxcood. 60 gallons. released {01111: mil. All appropriate bosi Kimidgb??m?i p1 ammo shall be: to prom. 1.11 unnecessary diochargeg. ?No ponding of liquids: in. contaminated amass is allowod. In Iadditioo, the will perform the. following aciivitios: Du}. mg p1o~job plowing. moasuros io limit soil orbsion will be. incomoiatod into the work plan.- . During porformanco of the work, all momsuros to limit 130111.11ng and/or erosion will be implemented. WASTE TREATMENT AND PLANT BALANCE OF FACILITIES FIRE WATER DISCHARGE The Wasto? Trootmont and immobilization Plant (WTP)fBalanoo of Facilities (BOP) has the poioniial for an unplannod raw water discharge: to tho ground In the: unlikely ovont of a total loss. of site: power or a break in the cooling, tower supp 131116111111 limos fire wator (raw wator.) will be 1.15mi to cool the High lovol Waste (HLW) and Low Activity Waste: (LAW) 11121111211; 15111111116 LAW pour cave walls. Fire water may be. returned to the. cooling, water toworbasin attic: which it will be: disohargod to the ground. - may route: this unplanned cooling waiei discharge to the ground via the stormwator diainago system under the following permit oonditiom: Tho fire water is inu?oduood into the supply lines such that all pi 0112141111. measures are in piaoo to 61131116 no omis?oontami?alimi occurs during normal supply of cooling 1111211631 and remain in place. during the: altornato suoply ?om the ?re water This includes at a minimum double isolation (primary/secondary heat exchangers) and maintenance of positive pressure inward from the utility side. The cooling waoar discharge: is of Similar quality to other dioohargos authorized by {his Pomnit. 8.7.13. i .6. 3.7.3 '1 8.7.13. 8.71313. 8.71:. Lb. S.7.F. Page 17 (3f 25 Permit N0. ST 451 1. Best; Management Practicas (BMPS) far this digcharga will he inciucied in the mquired Plan. ShouId this unplanned cooling water discharge the WTPIBOF Facility mam; Ihc Permitteh will repoit the occurrence to Ecology. within 24 hme A written rephrt will be submittad to the Ecolmgy Watm Quality Coorchnathr in Richlahd within 30 days unless requasted earlier by Ecolagy. The written import shuuld include, but m>I be limited to the following infarmatiqn; a Dischm?ge date Duration time: of clihchargc Estimated'vulumes discharged (gal Ions") Emimiited dischau gt: rate