. I F. ?In? 77 .. J3 mustard) (smk'OodeW?rW??oo?n ANNUAL REPORT 515% 2012 For identification pumoses only 13, ISI ?Ill 11 I?ll 311:" 811 1'3: I Contents 5 .Il?nll ll 2 Corporate Information Financial statements ?lm #535 5 Report of the Chairman 51 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 7 Management Discussion and Analysis 3 53 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 17 Directors and Senior Management 55 Consolidated Statement of 23 Report of the Directors Changes In Equity 32 Corporate Governance Report 57 Consolidated Statement of 13%? a >n Cash Flows 49 Independent Auditor's Report 59 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements aamnnima 132 Five Years Financial Summary Corporate Information 公司資料 HONORARY CHAIRMAN AND SENIOR CONSULTANT 榮譽主席兼高級顧問 Dr. HATOYAMA Yukio 鳩山由紀夫博士 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事會 Executive Directors: 執行董事: Dr. HUI Chi Ming G.B.S., J.P. (Chairman) 許智明博士 G.B.S., J.P.(主席) Mr. BUSH Neil (Deputy Chairman) 尼爾 • 布什先生 (副主席) Dr. CHUI Say Hoe (Managing Director) 徐世和博士 (董事總經理) Mr. LAM Kwok Hing 藍國慶先生 Mr. NAM Kwok Lun 藍國倫先生 Independent Non-Executive Directors: 獨立非執行董事: Mr. CHEN Wei-Ming Eric 陳偉明先生 Mr. KWAN Wang Wai Alan 關宏偉先生 Mr. NG Chi Kin David 伍志堅先生 AUDIT COMMITTEE 審計委員會 Mr. CHEN Wei-Ming Eric 陳偉明先生 Mr. KWAN Wang Wai Alan 關宏偉先生 Mr. NG Chi Kin David 伍志堅先生 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 薪酬委員會 Mr. NG Chi Kin David 伍志堅先生 Mr. CHEN Wei-Ming Eric 陳偉明先生 Dr. CHUI Say Hoe 徐世和博士 COMPANY SECRETARY 公司秘書 Mr. FU Wing Kwok Ewing 傅榮國先生 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES 授權代表 Dr. CHUI Say Hoe 徐世和博士 Mr. FU Wing Kwok Ewing 傅榮國先生 02 HOIFU ENERGY GROUP LIMITED • 凱富能源集團有限公司 Corporate Information 公司資料 RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY 註百慕達代表 及助理秘書 Appleby Services (Bermuda) Limited Appleby Services (Bermuda) Limited REGISTERED OFFICE 註冊辦事處 Canon’s Court Canon’s Court 22 Victoria Street 22 Victoria Street Hamilton HM12 Hamilton HM12 Bermuda Bermuda HEAD OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS 總辦事處及主要 營業地點 Units 1910–12, 19th Floor, 香港上環 China Merchants Tower 干諾道中 168–200 號 Shun Tak Centre 信德中心 168–200 Connaught Road Central 招商局大廈 Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 19 樓 1910–12 室 PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE 主要股份登記及 過戶處 Appleby Management (Bermuda) Limited Appleby Management (Bermuda) Limited Canon’s Court Canon’s Court 22 Victoria Street 22 Victoria Street Hamilton HM12 Hamilton HM12 Bermuda Bermuda HONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE 香港股份登記 及過戶分處 Tricor Standard Limited 卓佳標準有限公司 26 Floor, Tesbury Centre 香港 28 Queen’s Road East 皇后大道東 28 號 Hong Kong 金鐘匯中心 26 樓 二零一二年年報 • Annual Report 2012 03 Corporate Information 公司資料 PRINCIPAL BANKERS 主要往來銀行 Agricultural Bank of China 中國農業銀行 Wing Hang Bank, Limited 永亨銀行有限公司 Hang Seng Bank Limited 恆生銀行有限公司 Chong Hing Bank Limited 創興銀行有限公司 Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited 集友銀行有限公司 SOLICITORS 律師 Sidley Austin Brown & Wood International Law Firm 盛德律師事務所 AUDITOR 核數師 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 德勤 • 關黃陳方會計師行 Certified Public Accountants 執業會計師 STOCK CODE 股份代號 7 7 CONTACTS 聯絡 Telephone: (852) 2587 7007 電話 (852) 2587 7007 Facsimile: (852) 2587 7807 傳真 (852) 2587 7807 Website: www.hoifuenergy.com 網址 www.hoifuenergy.com 04 HOIFU ENERGY GROUP LIMITED • 凱富能源集團有限公司 Report of the Chairman 主席報告 I would like to announce to the shareholders the audited 本人謹向股東公佈凱富能源集團有限公司(「本公 consolidated results of Hoifu Energy Group Limited (the “Company”) 司」)連 同 附 屬 公 司(「本 集 團」)截 至 二 零 together with its subsidiaries (the “Group”) for the year ended 31 十二月三十 二年 日止年度之經審核綜合業績。 December 2012. For the year ended 31 December 2012, loss attributable to owners of 截至二零 the Company amounted to approximately HK$21,265,000 (2011: 擁有人應佔虧損為約21,265,000港元(二零 HK$270,281,000) equivalent to loss per share HK$(0.0281) (2011: HK$0.4244). In November 2012, Triumph Energy Group Limited became the 二年十二月三十 日止年度,本公司 年 270,281,000 港元),相等於每股虧損 (0.0281) 港元 (二零 於二零 年 0.4244 港元)。 二年十 月,Triumph Energy Group controlling shareholder of the Company. Subsequent to the change Limited 成為本公司之控股股東。年內控股股東變 of the controlling shareholder during the year, new executive 動後,本公司已委任許智明博士、尼爾 • 布什先 directors, Dr. Hui Chi Ming, Mr. Neil Bush, Dr. Chui Say Hoe, have 生及徐世和博士為新執行董事。此外,日本前首 been appointed. Moreover, Dr. Yukio Hatoyama, the former prime 相鳩山由紀夫博士獲委任為本公司榮譽主席兼高 minister of Japan, was appointed as the Honorary Chairman and 級顧問。憑藉與美國、日本、中國及非洲等國際 senior consultant of the Company. With the amicable relationship 著名能源集團的友好關係,並對國際能源項目的 with renowned global energy groups from the United States, Japan, 合作及開發經營等方面富有成功的經驗和領導才 China and Africa, as well as the successful experience and 能,新管理層對參與和指導本集團能源開發經營 leadership in cooperative development and operation of international 業務深具信心。新管理層將繼續經營本集團之石 energy projects, the new management is deeply confident of 油及天然氣開採及生產以及提供金融服務等現有 participating and guiding the Group’s energy development business. 業務。董事計劃重組業務組合,增加石油天然氣 The new management intends to continue the existing business of 業務比重,從而提高本集團的總體獲利能力。 the Group of the oil and gas exploration and production and the provision of financial services. The Directors intended to restructure the business mix in order to increase the portion of oil and gas businesses so as to increase the overall profitability of the Group. Evidently, the new management is quick to act. On 17 December 顯然,新管理層行動迅速。於二零 二年十二月 2012, the Group entered in to an agreement (the “Acquisition”) to 十七日,本集團訂立協議收購中油資源有限公司 acquire the entire share capital of China Oil Resources Company 及其附屬公司(「目標集團」)的全部股本(「收購事 Limited and its subsidiary (the “Target Group”) which is principally 項」)。目標集團的主要業務為在突尼西亞勘探及 engaged in the operating of exploration and exploitation of oil and 開採石油及天然氣。目標集團透過中亞能源(突尼 gas in Tunisia. Through PetroAsian Tunisia, the Target Group has 西亞)擁有 Ksar Hadada Permit 78.03% 的參與權益 78.03% Participating Interests and 81.03% Paying Interests in the 及 81.03% 的 支 付 權 益。Ksar Hadada Permit 由 突 Ksar Hadada Permit, which was granted by the Government of 尼西亞政府就突尼西亞東南岸 Ksar Hadada 總面積 Tunisia in relation to the operating interests in the exploration and 約 2,252 平方公里的勘探及開採石油及天然氣的經 exploitation of oil and gas with a total area of approximately 2,252 營權益而授出。收購事項已於二零 square kilometers in Ksar Hadada, which lies onshore in 日完成。 三年四月二 southeastern Tunisia. The Acquisition was completed on 2 April 2013. 二零一二年年報 • Annual Report 2012 05