Fer Release: Dcteber 3D. E?t Beard ef Health Accepts Cemmissiener ef Health Terry Cline?s Resignatien The Beard ef Health {Beard} met at p.m. ted ay in emergency sessien and accepted the resignatien ef the DI-tlahema State Department ef Health Demmissiener. Terry Dline. effectiye immediately. Dr. IDline has seryed as the DSDH Demmissiener since June 2009-. The Beard appeinted Directer and Secretary pf Finance. Presten Deerflinger, as interim DBDH Demmissicner. Directer Deerflinger will assume his new respensitrilities en Dcteber 31. am The resignatien ef IDem missie ner Dline came en the heels ef infen'natien receiyed by the Beard that DBDH is faced with an immediate financial less predicated upen multiple years ef dyer-expenditures and fiscal mismanagement. in additien te Demmissiener Dline. the Beard acltnewledges the resignatien ef Julie Des-Kain, DSDH Senier Deputy Dem missiener, effectiye immediately. ?The Beard taltes these matters 1.rery serieuslyr and is prepared te taI-te all steps necessary te ensure that DSDH centinues its impertant werI-r; in the area ef public health? said Beard President Martha Burger." Burger wants tc assure the empleyees that the Beard is cemmitted te the critical I.irerI-r. they perferrn fer the citizens pf Ditlah cm a. DSDH is taking steps te address the prehlems head en and put DSDH tracI-t en seund financial feeting. in additien te steps preyieusly talten te address the sh ertfall. DBDH signed an engagement letter ted ay fer a special audit try the lDI-tlehe ma State Auditer and Inspecter's effice te address the issues that haye led te the current financial situatien.