oRDINAI{CE NO. 2017 - 6tl A¡t oRDINANCE OF TIIE CITY OF CEDAR HILL, TEXAS' REPEALING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE IX' OF TIIE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CEDAR HILL, TEXAS, AI\D ADOPTING A NEW PROVISIONS IN PLACE THEREOF; PROVIDING A coDE oF coNDUcT roR CITY OFF.ICIALS; AMENDING CIIAPTER 2, ARTICLE TI "MAYOR AI\D COI.TNCIL," BY TIIE ADDITION OF SECTION 2.20 PROVIDING FOR CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO CODE OF ORDINAI\CES; PROVIDING AI\ EFX'ECTM DATE; ANI) PROVIDING FOR PTJBLICATION. REGULATIONS WIIEREAS, the City of Cedar Hill, Texas, is a home-rule city within the State of Texas; and W¡IEREAS, Chapter 2, Article [X, of the City's Code of Ordínances contains provisions regulating campaign contributions for City elections and a code of conduct for City officials; and WHEREAS, the City Attomey and City staff periodically review the City's Code of Ordinances and recommend revisions thereto based on changes in the law, social mores, and for the effioient administration of city government; and WHEREAS, based upon such a periodic and ongoing review of the City's ordinances, the City Attorney and City staff have recommended certain changes to the City's ordinance on campaign contributions and code ofconduct in order to conform to cunent Texas law; and WHEREAS, upon the advice of the City Attomey, it is more efficient and practicable to effect such changes by repealing Chapter 2, Article IX, in its entirety and replace same with an amended code of conduct, and by establishing the updated regulations for campaign contributions under the current provisions relating to "Mayor and Council" in Chapter 2, Article II, of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CEDAR HILL, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. REPEAL OF CIIAPTER 2. ARTICLE IX. OF THE CODE OF' ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CEDAR E{ILL. TEXAS Chapter 2, Article IX, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cedar is hereby repealed in its entirety. Ordinance No. 2017-61I Hill, Texas, Page I SECTION2. g_" oF ORpTNANCES TEXAS OF The City Council of the City of Cedarfiill, Texas, hereby adopts the following provisions as chapter 2, articre IX, of the code of ordlnances of the city oî Cedar Hill, Texas, which shall read as follows: ARTICLE IX. - CODE OF CONDUCT Sec. 2-201. - Policy. It is the policy of the city that the proper operation of democratic government requires that: (1) Public officials be impartial and loyal to the citizens of Cedar Hill in performance of the duties of their offices or appointed positions; (2) a Governmental decisions and policy be made using the proper procedures of the governmental structure; (3) That no ofiïcial engage permits any interest, financial or othenvise, direct or indirect, or in any business, transaction or professional activity to incur any obligation of any nature which is in conflict with the proper discharge of his or her duties in the public interest to conflict; (4) Public offïce not be used forpersonal gain; and (5) The city council at all times be maintained as a nonpartisan body. To implement such a policy, the city council deems it advisable to enact a code of conãuct for all officials, whether elected, appointed or hired, paid or unpaid, to serve not only as a guide for official conduct of the city's public servants, but also as a basis for discipline for those who refuse to abide by its terms. Sec. 2-202. - Definitions. For the purposes of thís article the following words, terms and phrases when used herein shall have the following meanings subscribed to them, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Benefit means anything reasonably regarded as economic gain or economic a benefit to any other person in whose welfare the officer or advantage, including employee may be interested. Business means any person, entity, corporation (whether for-profit general or limited parürership, sole proprietorship, joint venture, or nonprofit), unincorporated association or firm, institution, trust, foundation, holding company, joint-stock cornpany, receivership, or other entity whatsoever, whether or not organized for profit, which has án economic interest or seeking such, in conducting business with the city. City means the City of Cedar Hill, in Dallas and Ellis Counties, Texas. Ordinance No. 2017-611 Page2 city body means the city council and any agency, board, committee, commission, '."üd'ïoä; corporation, nonprofit deveropment corporatioã, ór other' similarþ established by city Charter, ordinance/resólution or state/fede.ui lu* advisory or rule making authority of the city. vested with either City council means the legislative and governing body of the city consisting of the mayor and individual council members. of conduct -eanl the procedures, regulations, rules and standards -hereinCode contained and as may be amended. . .Confid rytial inþrmation means all information, whether transmitted orally or in writing, .which may. -be exempted from disclorurl pu.r*niìo trre Texas public Information Act, which has nof been authorized pursuäniã;;y law; or is of such a nature that it is not, at the time, a matter of public record o. pulti.'t nowledge. Employee means.a pgrso.n employed and paid a salary by ttre city incruding those individuals on a part'time basis. tt inaú not include indepenãeni contractors or volunteers performing such work or seryices directly or indirectly tä t¡e uenert and on behalf of the city. It shall refer to any paid employee appointed specifically by the .ity .ounrii uná.i authority of the city Charter, ordinance or ielolution Gift means anything of value, regardless of form, offered or given in the absence adequate and lawful consideration. It does not include the reãeipt or acceptance of of campaign contributions which are regulated by federal, state andlor locaf laws or ordinances. Interests means any direct or indirect (but not remote or incidental) fìnancial or material impact to an oflicer or official as a result of a contract or transaction that is or may be the subject of an official act or actions by or with the city, except for such contracts or transactions that by their terms and by the substance of theii provisions confer the opportunity and right to rcalize the accrual of similar benefits to all other persons and/or property similarly situated. An interest is remote or incidental if its value will not increase or deuease materially by reason of the action or decision of the city conceming the contract or transaction. An interest in real estate and related improvements shall be specifically excluded from this definition whenever the city's acquisìtion of the property may be acquired for a public purpose and just compensation may be paid in accordance with state law. officíal means any member of a city body, or otherwise, that acts as an instrument¿lþ of the city established by city Chartei, ordinance, resolution, state/federal law or otherwise, on a temporary or pennanent basis. For purposes of this article onl¡ offrcer shall also mean any paid employee, whether full-time ór part-time, uppointra úy the cþ council pursuant to the city charter, ordinance or resorutioì. Relative means any person related to an officer or emptoyee within the first degree by consanguinity or affinity as determined under Chapter 3lZ'of the Texas Governrñent Code. Sec.2-203. - Code ofconduct. No official shall: Ordinance No. 2017-61I Page 3 (l) Represent or appear on behalf of the private interests of others before a city body of which he is a member, or before the city oouncil or other city boarä concerning such matter, nor represent any private interests of others, except relatives, in any action or proceeding involving the city. (2) Accept any gift, from any person that might reasonably tend to influence the discharge of one's duties, or grant in the discharge of such duties any improper favor, service or thing ofvalue. Ifan official has accepted any such irem by way of gift or use of materials or equipment, whether temporary or pennanent, pursuant to duties provided to the city, suoh gift or use of materials or equipment must promptty be reported to the city manager who shall cause such to be inventoried as city property. The foregoing provisions shall not apply: a. b. The acceptance of a gratuitous provision(s), not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), for travel, lodging, entertainment, food or beveragJ paid for by a person or business seeking to do, or ourrently conducting business with the city, other than a public agency. A campaign contribution pursuant to and in compliance with the applicable as provided in Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-20 of this Code; At or in connection with the illness or death of a family member, or a provisions c. tragedy; d. A gift as an honorarium or as a reward for meritorious service, professional recognition, or public service; e. Loan(s) made in accordance with the ordinary course of the lender's business; f. g. (3) Copies of trade publications and other related materials; Attendance at hospitality functions at local, regional, state, association meeting(s/conference(s); or national Use his or her official position to secure special privileges or exemptions for himself or others. (4) Grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage to any citizens, individual, business or group. (5) Disclose information that could adversely affect the property, or affairs of the city, directly or indirectly, understood to be confïdential and which was gained by reason of his or her offïcial position or employment for his or her own personal gain or benefit or for the private interest of others. No offrcial shatl disclose to anyone the substance, contents or subject discussed or deliberated upon during a closed or executive session. (6) Accept additional employment incompatible with the full and proper discharge of one's duties and responsibilities with the city, or which might impair the independent judgment in the performance of such public duty for the city. (7) Receive any fee or compensation for one's services to the city from any source other than the city, except rls may otherwise be provided by law. This shall not Ordinance No. 2017-61I Page 4 prohibit performing the same or other services for another organization if there is no conflict with primary duties and responsibilities to the city. accept other employment to be performed or compensation to be received while serving in a position with the city, if the service, employment, or judgment compensation could réaronãbly be expected to impair independence in or performance of such city duties. (8) Solicit or for a business that has a contract, work or business with the city. he or she shall not act as a surety on any offrcial bond required of Additionall¡ any offtcer or emPloYee of the citY. (9) Act as surety of future employment or (1g)Accept, - -businiss solicit, or otherwise entertain anyanoffer economic interest in a person, from a person or entity which has business, or propèrty which would be affected by any decision upon which the official or of!ìcer might reasonably be expected to act, investigate, advise or make a recommendation. In such case, the offtcer shall disclose suoh fact to the city body upon which he serves. No further action shall be undertaken by an offrcer or offrcial regarding any matter(s) conceming the potential future employer or business clienVcustomer. This subsection shall apply to situations whère the official or the official's relative is to be a future employee of another and also to situations where the ofÏicial or relative is to be self'employed or a business owner or manager. (l l)Knowingly perform or refuse to perform any act in order to deliberately thwart the execution of the city ordinances, rules or regulations or the achievement of official city programs. Sec.2-204, - Disclosure on interest. Chapter 171 of the Texas Looal Govemment Code, as amended, being the st¿tute which regulates conflicts of interest for municipalities, is hereby adopted and made a part of this article for all purposes. Sec. 2-205. - Additional requirements--City council members. In any zoning matter which may come before the city council, any city council of the zoning request shall disclose the existence of such interest to the other council member who owns a fïnancial interest in any properly within two hundred (200) feet members and thereafter abstain from voting in the matter. Sec. 2-206 - Complaints against mayor/council member. (a) All complaints or allegations of a violation of the code of conduct against a council member shall be made in writing, sworn to before a notary public, and filed of record with the city secretary, who will forward the complaint to the city council. Such complaint shall describe in detail the acts or acts complained of and the specific section(s) ofthis code ofconduct alleged to have been violated. (b) The failure of any city counoil member to comply with or who violates one (l) or more standards of conduct in this code, which apply to him or her, shall warrant a Ordinance No. 2017-61I Page 5 reprimand. The nature and extent of such reprimand shall be determined by the city council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the othei council members. sEcrIoN 3' 4ME{P1!IT:NJ g! CHAPJER 2. ARrrctE II "MAYoR AND çoIrN=clL:í :olr44 çopE oF CEDARHILL. TEXAS oRpm The city council of the city of cedar Hill, Texas, hereby amends chapter 2, Article II "Mayor and Council," of the Code of Ordinances of the City oiCr¿ui Hill, Texas, by the addition of section 2-20 which shall read as follows: Sec. 2-20. - Regulations for campaign contributions. (a) A candid¿te fu. th.. office-of mayor or city council shall not accept any political contribution(s) or loan(s) for a total of more than five hundred ¿ollurs iSiOO.OO) from any individual, entity or speoifio-purpose committee in a single city elÈction. ' (b) A candidate for the office^of mayor or city council shall not accept any political contribution(s) or loan(s) þm any specific-purpose committee thât nas á"cepteã contribution(s) or loan(s) in excess of fiue hundred dollars ($500.00) fï";;t individual or entity in a single city election. (c) F9r the purpose of this section, an initial election and run-off election are separate elections. (d) It shall be an offense for any excess candidate to accept a political contribution or loan in of the amount authorized under this section. (e) It shall be an offense for any candidate to accept a contribution or loan from any specific-purpose committee that has accepted a contribution or loan from any individual or entity in excess of the amount iuthorized under this section. (Ð Any person found committing an offense under this section shalt be deemed guilty a class C misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the Municipal Court of thJCity cedar Hill, shall be subject to a fine up to the maximum allowed by law. of of (g) It is not the intent.of the gity]o enact any provision in conflict with or in derogation of the Texas Election Code. The requirements set out in this article are cumulat-ive of those in the Texas Election Code, and nothing in this article shall be construed to limit obligatíons imposed by the Texas Electioñ Code. Any offense for violation of a criminal provision of this ordinance shall be separate fróm and in addition to any criminal offense under the Texas Election Code. (h) No action of the City Council which is otherwise legal shall be invalidated merely by reason of a violation of this section by a member ofttre City Council or the failure of a member to disclose a campaign contribution. Ordinance No. 2017-611 Page 6 SECTION 4. SAVINGS CLAUSE In the event that any other ordinance of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas, heretofore enacted is found to conflict with the provisionstf the ordinance, this ordinance shall prevail. SECTION 5. SEVERANCE CLAUSE Ifany section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion ofthis Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitùtional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such shall be deemed a separate, distinci and indepenA.nt p.oiirion and such holding shall not affect the valiAity of the remaining portions thäreof. SECTION 6. INCORPORATION INTO CODE OF'ORDINANCES The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of ordinances of the city of cedar Hill, Texas, as an addltion and amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered as necessary to conform to the uniform numbering system of the Code. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE of the nature of interest and safeguard sought to be protected by thís Ordinance and in the interest of health, safety and *õlfur" of the citizent óf th" City of Cedar Hill, Texas, this Ordinance ihall take effect immediately after passage, approval and publication, as required by law. Because SECTION 8. PUBLICATION The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption and penalty clause hereof as an alternative method of publication provided by law. fremaínder of page íntentionally blank; contÍnued next pagel Ordinance No. 2017-61I PageT