Evaluatorzi GUS Gulad?agnin?o CyCle?Fromz' July-1, 2016tOJUne30, 2017 Jr Datez'10/12/17, Superintendent's Evaluation Rubric asof02/14/17 Needs Outstanding Proficient Improvement Standard 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Total Points 1: LEADERSHIP AND DISTRICT CULTURE - 2.- POLICY AND GOVERNANCE - 3.- COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS - 4: ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT - 5: CURRICULUM PLANNING DEVELOPMENT - 6: INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP - 7: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - 8: VALUES AND ETHICS 0F LEADERSHIP - 9.- LABOR RELATIONS - Summary Overall Rating: Comments: Congratulations on an outstanding year. lam confident under your leadership, our team of leaders in education - We will rise to an District. Superintendent Lori Romano. 1 0/1 0/201 7 During the last year I have observed and admired your efforts to build your team to be more ?on the same page? and to have strong relationships with one another in order to raise the bar of culture and employee engagement. In my book you have done an excellent job at this. Without your strong leadership at the top of our district, change efforts would not have been as successful. You understand the value of having a vision, to plan, to work that plan, to continually strengthen leadership capabilities throughout all aspects of our education system. This past year at every ?one on one meeting? we had, you shared with me your visions, and leadership action steps toward continuous school improvement for our county. It is obvious to me that much of the success of major challengers of last year (ex. boundary changes, re-instatement half cent, bell time changes) came about by your behind the scene Team Building efforts. One of the most positive impacting efforts was ?Grow Your Own? this has blossomed into leadership throughout our schools focusing on improving our education culture and climate. Your insistent of this practiced at all levels of education and support efforts has bonded many members of our school system as a Uni?ed Team working for a common goal I also appreciate the important communications focused on issues that were good and also not so good, that needed attention to move our school district forward. Whether it was a ?ve minute phone call or a one hour meeting or a 1?day retreat, you have continually created and facilitated effective forums for leadership skills to bene?t our school district In the last year I have been very impressed with growth of your leadership skills on strategically developing and implementing plans and policies with accountability and transparency. Once again your leadership skills during this last year created the ability to face challenging times, and to achieve results even in some very complex conditions, Communications is probably the topic you and I spoke about the most, as you know we both agree on clear communication throughout the rank and ?le is the most important key to any leader?s success. I remember our conversation when you stated- to grow as a leader one must continue to learn how to be more of an effective, compelling communicator. You wanted your team to master the art of clear communication together, as well. By using your plan and other strategies, you and your Team of thousands, have reached new levels toward your quest for excellence in communications You have walked the talk when it comes to creating a culture of spending. You have made it clear what values are important to you. And so your values became a ?lter of decision-making for all. The right thing to do for students and staff needs will always be a priority. You clearly have stated that the needs of students and staff are your priority and that adhering to your values is a requirement. So what does all this mean? To me it is the reason why school grades are up, drop outs are down, student behavior improved, and graduation rate is up. Or another way of me expressing my evaluation of your performance for the last year as Frank Sinatra would sing ?It Was A Very Good Year? Thank you for your dedication and untiring commitment toward excellence in education! Gus Guadagnino