SOUND TRANSIT LYNNWOOD LINK EXTENSION LIGHT SCREEN / FENCE (TYP) BALLAST WALL TYPE TBD 3'-0" WALKWAY NOTES: MIRROR IMAGE AT WEST SIDE OF I-5. AT-GRADE/RETAINED CUT TYPICAL SECTION DWG NO. North Corridor Transit Partners + PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE TYPICAL SECTIONS SHEET REV. NO. OF 59 SOUND TRANSIT LYNNWOOD LINK EXTENSION CL SB TRACK CL NB TRACK LIGHT SCREEN / FENCE OR SOUNDWALL (TYP) EXISTING GRADE STATION PLATFORM SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SB PGL STATION PLATFORM SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS NB PGL BARRIER WALL TYPE TBD AT GRADE SIDE PLATFORM STATION DWG NO. North Corridor Transit Partners + PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE TYPICAL SECTIONS SHEET REV. NO. OF 59 Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 59 Platform Bus Layover Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area Bike Storage 59 WSDOT COMPATIBILITY LINE RAMP SITE STAIR EMERGENCY EGRESS STAIR PLATFORM EL 359'-2" ELEVATOR PEDESTRIAN / BICYCLE WALKWAY CANOPY ABOVE ESCALATORS ESCALATORS BUS LOAD/UNLOAD, TYP PARATRANSIT ELEVATOR PUBLIC ACCESS STAIR PLATFORM EL 354'-5" GATE EMERGENCY EGRESS STAIR Bu sL Tic ke ayo it ng ver /In f r illa Plaza Plaza TT Vertical VerticalCirculation Circulation Bus BusLoad/Unload Load/Unload BB Bike BikeStorage Storage PARKING GARAGE ABOVE Bus Layover Platform T Plaza SPEED RAMP 12'-0" BICYCLE PATH EXISTING STRUCTURE, TYP FUTURE BUS SHELTER Ticketing/Information 10'-0" PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY Ancillary Area Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B SERVICE VEHICLE PARKING TPSS WITH SCREEN WALLS Bike Storage ANCILLARY BUILDING Bus Layover Platform Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Plaza Ancillary Area STATION CONFIGURATION & ALIGNMENT BUS FACILITIES PARK-AND-RIDE PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF BICYCLE PARKING 2 ON-STREET BUS BAYS, 1 SOUTHBOUND AND 1 NORTHBOUND ON 5TH AVENUE NE, 1 OFF-STREET BUS BAY PARKING GARAGE FOR UP TO 492 CARS 3 SPACES ON LEVEL 2 OF PARKING GARAGE 50 BIKE SPACES, PLUS 50 EXPANSION DSN CHK APP DRAWN BY: Ancillary Area M. WIND REVISION ANCILLARY AREA BUS LAYOVER BIKE STORAGE VERTICAL CIRCULATION TICKETING/INFORMATION LANDSCAPE PLANTING AREA 1" = 50'-0" CHECKED BY: North Corridor Transit Partners + FILENAME: DATE: SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: D. HEWITT 50 25 0 50 DATE: DATE: 3/6/2015 100 SCALE IN FEET SOUND TRANSIT LYNNWOOD LINK EXTENSION LLEA-N13-AAP001 CONTRACT No.: L. EPHREM APPROVED BY: DATE BUS LOAD/UNLOAD SCALE: Ticketing/Information Bike Storage Bike Storage PLAZA FULL SCALE B Ancillary Area B PLATFORM/MEZZANINE LINE IS 1" AT Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload FUTURE BUS T SHELTER Ticketing/Information M. WIND ion T Plaza RELOCATED NORTHBOUND I-5 ON-RAMP Layover DESIGNED BY: no at PRE-FINAL PE SUBMITTAL Bus Layover BUS LOAD/UNLOAD Bus Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bike Storage ELEVATED, CENTER PLATFORM Platform No. Platform r 01/16/15 3:06 PM MORGANH P:\ACTIVE PROJECTS\09047\DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES PHASE 3\CAD\SHEETS\PE\LLEA-N13\LLEA-N13-AAP001.DWG LANDSCAPE TYP AT UNPAVED AREAS DRAWING No.: N13-AAP001 LOCATION ID: ARCHITECTURAL STATION AREA PLAN NE 145TH STREET STATION - ELEVATED 59 REV T Platform Platform An c PUBLIC ACCESS STAIR B ion at or m T B su T i kc A y ite vo re I/gn llicn B Bus BusLayover Layover fn ra ki ro rA y S e t m Ticketing/Information Ticketing/Information e o ta a ar oi eg Ancillary AncillarynArea Area aL 6 LEVEL PARKING GARAGE DN x 326'-0" ea x 371'-0" yA r 380'-0" PLATFORM ike PLAZA x 326'-6" x 319'-0" e ELEVATORS ag x 326'-0" or PLAZA x 320'-6" St 30'-0" PLATFORM GUIDEWAY Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 59 Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 59 Platform Bus Layover Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area Bike Storage 59 Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE NE 185TH STREET STATION - SHORELINE STADIUM GARAGE OPTION 1 SITE PLAN Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 59 Platform Bus Layover Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area Bike Storage PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE NE 185TH STREET STATION - SHORELINE STADIUM GARAGE OPTION 1 SECTIONS 59 Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 38 59 Platform Bus Layover Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area Bike Storage 39 59 Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 40 59 Platform Bus Layover Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area Bike Storage 41 59 Platform Plaza Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload Bus Layover T Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area B Bike Storage 42 59 Platform Bus Layover Plaza T Vertical Circulation Bus Load/Unload B Ticketing/Information Ancillary Area Bike Storage 43 59