1 FULL CRIMINAL TRIAL TRANSCRIPTJAMES FDRD FULL 1'5 EQ 412mm {9963) est ?9.69 7 Se Mr. Edwards is geing te tell yeu that en the merning ef E3 May 2, 1964, he was at heme when a man named Archie Prather 9 Archie Prather's preperty is where the Klan meetings teek 11) place. Archie Prather, the defendant's father, Clyde Seale, 1i. and Curtis Dunn, whe I already mentiened attended these Klan 12 meetings, came te Mr. Edwards' heme, and they came there and 13 they said, "Mr. Edwards, we?d like yeu te ceme with us" because 14 'the defendant has spetted Henry Dee in Meadwille and "this Jii might be eur eppertunity." 16 Se Mr. Edwards jeined these ether men. All feur ef them were new in a pickup truck, and they went back te Meadwille. 113 When they get te Meadyille, they jeined up with the defendant, 1i? James Seale. James Seale had been watching Henry Dee, whe was Seale trial transcript excerpt pg 412 of 2018.