Aurora Public Schools ACTION Zone School Goals for 2017-18 Aurora Central High School 1. By May 2018, we will increase student engagement by building teacher capacity to design and execute rigorous lessons 100% of the time. 2. By May 2018, we will increase the average daily attendance to 85% by analyzing student attendance bi-weekly and by implementing intervention plans for chronically absent students. 3. By May 2018, we will decrease the loss of student instructional time by consistently upholding school-wide behavior expectations. Aurora West College Preparatory Academy 1. By May 2018, 100% of teachers will be proficient in addressing individual student needs by analyzing student data to inform the teaching-learning cycle. 2. By May 2018, 100% of teachers will demonstrate excellence in planning and delivering rigorous, standards aligned lessons. 3. By May 2018, we will decrease the loss of student instructional time by consistently upholding school-wide behavior expectations. Boston P-8 1. By May 2018, 100% of teachers will demonstrate proficiency on 5 out of 6 targeted Boston’s Best Instructional Practices. 2. By May 2018, 100% of teachers will demonstrate proficiency in creating and implementing academic plans for at-risk/struggling students. 3. By May 2018, 100% of teachers will meet their observation and feedback growth criteria. Crawford Elementary 1. By May 2018, we will decrease office referrals by 50% by systematically addressing students’ social and emotional needs. 2. By May 2018, 100% of teachers will demonstrate proficiency in targeted instructional techniques designed to increase rigor. 3. By May 2018, we will increase student daily attendance to 96% through improved student and family engagement. Paris Elementary 1. By May 2018, 100% of Paris teachers will demonstrate proficiency across Paris’ 6 best instructional strategies. 2. By May 2018, 100% of Paris teachers will demonstrate proficiency with best practices in data driven instruction. 3. By May 2018, We will decrease the number of students in the at-risk and chronic attendance categories by 10%.