State of Connecticut Voting? District 1 off?fg?egallot Groton, Connecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 ?g - DFFIEE Town Booncrl Town Clerk Board of Educatloa Vote for Any Nine Vote for [lrre Vote int Any Four PARTY 31311 0 11A 0 12A 0 13A 14A PARTY Rich Lian Rita David Patrice Rachael Conrad F. Juliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane Rosemary Moravsik [lhrey Schmidt Atwater Franco Reade Parker Zeppieri White Ginlini Robertson 133 113 123 133 143 PARTY Karen F. Diane John F. Bonnie A. Bruce 8. Deborah 8an Harry A. Bean Jay Jennifer Andrea Morton Barber 3 Scott, IV Flax Peruzzetti Aoment Watson Antipas Weitlaul White Ackernran 01c WHITE-IN VOTES Ozc .033 04c 05c 03c Ore Qec Oec we 11c 12c 131: Be sure to complete run rule on the reverse side el this hallet. Sheet 1 of 1 I . I I of?gf: [5151115, 81111555115111 Mummpal Electmn November 7, 2017 Voting District 1 ,5 . SheathRepresentative Town Meetmg I PAH Vote for Any $511511 11 I Jr - Be sure to compiete your vote on the I 15A 1511. 17A 1511 1511 2115 21A - - I 5551555511555511 (M) O. reverse Slde of haunt. I 31135115 Shetla Jordan [5115115 I Dayle Merritt Perry Brayman Thompson 155 155 115 155 155 2115 215 I REPUBLICAN PARTY Karin John Nancy Kathy I Adams E55555 Gilly Chase WHITEIN 15155 155 151: 111: 151: 151: 251: 215. I I I 919?1,555,755 I ?63 5w I I 53;; 55:23:11 Connecticut I is roton, onnectlcut unrcr a ectloh ovemher 7, 2017 - - - Voting District 2 Sheet?i If1 UFFIEE Town [loaned Town Clerk Board of Education Vote for My [Vine . Vote for One Vote for Any Four PARTY 1911111 1111 01211 1311 14A DEMOCRATIC PARTY Rich Lian Rita David Patrice Rachael Conrad F. Juliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane I Rosemary Moravsik Uhrey Schmidt Atwater Granatosky Franco Heede Parker Zeppieri Mookawsher White Gialini Robertson 113 113 1213' 139 143 REPURLIEAN PARTY Karen F. Diane John F. Bonnie A. Bruce 8. Deborah L. Scott Harry A. Bean Jay Jennifer Andrea Morton Barber Scott. IV Nault Flax Perezaotti Aument Watson Aetipas Weitlatrf White Acherman 11111: 11: as. 91: 1111: 111: 12: 13: 141: WRITE-IN VOTES . Be sure to complete your vote on the reverse side of this hallnt. I State Qon?ecticut off,c,?y?a?ot Connectmut . Mummpal Electmn November 7. 2017 Voting District 2 I I "5 SheeHeH 15 15 . 11 15 I Hepresentatwe Town Meeting Vote fur Any Fee: 3 P1111111 I - - I 511151111 0151 0111 0111 111 Be sure to complete your vote 1 I 1112111111111 13 1' J1. . . I 51312121 113}: 1951155 on thereverse snie of the I 55111511511111 PARTY 153 183 ballot. I - Jackie Joshua .1. Emily I Massett . Trask? Mallet 151: 151:. 111: 1111: I WRITE-IN 1111153 1 I $11-$11 3 151311 I 2112313 I 13fo 0- 1?1 I 111,State of Connecticut ?s??allot Groten, Connecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 Voting District 3 OFFICE Town Councrl Town Clerk Board of Education Vote for Any Nine Vote for Rec Vote for Any Porn PARTY 1111 1211 0 13A 14A DEMUEHATIC PARTY Rich Lian . Rite David Patrice Rachael Conrad F. Jeliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane Rosemary Moravsilr Bhrey Atweter Branatoslry Franco Heede Parker Zeppieri Moukawsher White ?iolini Robertson 118 1211 0 rec 143 REPUBLIEAN PARTY Karen E. Dione John F. Bonnie A. Bruce 3. Deborah L. Scott Harry A. Dean Jay Jennifer I Andrea Morton Bother .Scott, IV Nault Flax Peruzzotti Aument ., Watson Antrpas Weitlaul White Ackerrnan VOTES 01c 02c- 'Osc 04c 05c Oec Orc- Qec Ooc rec 11c 121: 13c Be sure to complete your vote on the reverse side of [his ballot. Sheet 1 of 1 Eroton, Connecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 OFFICE Hepresentatwe Town Meeting Vote for Any Six mew 18A 19A zoo PARTY Alicia Reginald . Brandon Autumn Bauer Stanford Marley Haascom 153 0 rec no 133 198 zoo REPUBLICAN PARTY Christopher Irma - James L'elltins. Jr. Streeter . Streeter too zoo. WHITE-IN VOTES ?3,8 m5 til- k? half. 3 117;: w. :31sure to complete your vote on the reverse side of this ballot. fate of Qonnecticut retina: Voting District 3 Sheet 1 If 1 I I Stat of Connecticut offmgapgagot Grotou, Connecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 Voting District 4 feeTown Eeuecil . Tewn Clerk Boerd?ef Education Vote for Any Nine Vote for fine Vote ier Any Feur PARTY 13A 14A DEMUEHMIE PARTY Rich Lian - Rita David Patrice Rachael Coererl F. Juliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane Rosemary Moravsik Bhrey Schmidt Atweter Granatosky Franco Heerle Parker Zepnieri Meuhawsher White Giuliur Robertson 123' 133 148 REPUBLICAN PARTY Karen F. Diane - John F. Bunnie A. Bruce S. Deborah L. Scott Harry A. Dean Jay Jennifer Andree Morten Barher? - Scott Nault Flax Peruzzetti Aument Watson Antipas Wei?auf White Aclrerreae Ore 02c Oar: 04c 05c Oar: Orc ro Oec Orec Orrc O12c013c Orrc Be sure to complete your vote no the reverse side at this ballotWRITE-IN VDTES '8 Sta reg of-~--Connectlcut lo Eroton, Bonneotiout 'Monlolpal Eleetlon November 7, 2017 Voting District 4 . 3113311911 I I I Il OFFICE HepresgntagweAToIgn Meeting ote or ny even I new Be sure to complete your note 11A 01311 @1911 2M 2111 on the reverse Side 31: this I BEMDERMIC PARTY Patricia Lian Jodith Douglas H. Shawn - a I I at. I Wagner ?hrey Strode Marshall Powers REPUBLIEAN PARTY James E. Jonathan E. Susan Robett J. Hebert - I Evans Wilson . Meiquenlt Bailey Martin 151: 1111: 111: 131: 191; zoo 211: I WHITE 31.53391 I ltfli??ewe. I (?53 196%?; I onState a 1: Connecticut affi?mtasallot Groton, Eonnecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 Voting! District 5 OFFICE Town Council Town Clerk Board of Educatroo . Vote for Any hlirre Vote for Doe Vote for Any Four PARTY 1111 1311 1411 PARTY Rich Lian Hita ?avid Patrice Rachael Conrad F. Juliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane - Rosemary Motavsih Bhrey . Atwater Gtaoatosky Franco Heede Parker Zeppieri Moohawsher White Giulioi Robertson 1:1e 14o REPUBUBAN PARTY Karen F. ?iaoe . Johrr Bonnie A. Bruce 5. Deborah L. Scott Harry A. Dean Jay Jennifer I Andrea Morton Barher Scott, Naalt Flax Peruzzotti Aumorrt'=_ Watson Antipas Weitlaut White Achermao 01c 02c 04c 05c Oec Ooc Oec 101: 11c 121: 13c Be sure to complete your vote 1111 the reverse side of this ballet. I Sta I affidji?et Ball 0t Groton, Connecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 I I I'llRepresentative Town Meeting I Vote for Any Five DEMUEHATIE PARTY ?ery Joan Hislrergl. Mieheel I 'Welles Melendez 'Pesooelrnr REPUBLICAN PARTY Christopher E33333 Mitchell Rosanne I Bowen Shinhrot' - Slrinlrrot Kotowski Qroc Oreo 'Orrc Qroc Oroc I wenE-nv votes . I I I . ?#33553 I I 0 2113:5133 ionssure to complete your vote on the reverse side of this ballot. Voting District 5 Sheet 1 of Stat? of Connecticut offmgeogagot Croton, Connecticut Municipal Election November 7, 2017 Voting? District 5 s31 ?g f? Sheet 1 of 1 OFFICE Town Council Town Clerk Board of Edoeatron Vote for Any Nine Vote for Bee Vote for Any Four PARTY 13A 14A DEMBERATIE PARTY . Rich Lian . Rita David Patrice Rachael Coerarl F.- Juliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane Rosemary Moravsilr Dhrey Schmidt Atwater Granateslry Franco Heerle Parker Zeppieri Morrlrawsher White Gioliei Robertson 1211 1311 14c REPUBLICAN PARTY Karen F. Diane John F. Bonnie A. Bruce 3. Deborah L. Scott Harry A. Dean Jay Jennifer I Andrea Morton Barbers. . Scott. IV Narrlt Flax Peruzzotti Watson Antipas Weitlauf White 01o WRITE-IN VBTES "Osc- 04c Oarsure Incomplete your role on the reverse side of this ballet. I I State afar-Connecticut I gimme! gal!? Eroton, Conneetreut Municipal Election November 7. 2017 Voting - Sheet1of1 Representative Town Meeting PARTY VotetorAaySeven Be sure t9 y?m? ?ate I on the reverse side of this I 0 15A 159?. 1711 199 1911 2111 I BEMBEHATIE PARTY Rachael Cgutter (J2me Cgate C311111 a I I 0 I I Franeo Oliver Gestavson Rieharrls Menag?REPUBLIEAN PARTY Frederick S. lawrenee Kenneth W. Thomas Bruee A. I 5 I Kent Balsley-. Hieharrls. Frielenae Me?emtott - 151: 151: 111: 1111: 191: 291: 211: I WRITE .19?a?me I I I I . State of Connecticut 0ffl?% November 7, 2017 Breton, Connecticut Municipal Election I Voting District 7 if? Sheeti Ifl BFFIEE Town Bouncll Town Elerh Board of Education - Vote for Any Nine Vote for One Vote for Any Four PARTY 13A 14A DEMOCRATIC PARTY Hich Lian Rita David Patrice Rachael Conrad F. Juliette Joe Betsy Lee Jane Rosemary Morausih Dhrey Schmidt Atwater Grauatoshy Franco Heede Parker Zepnieri Manhawsher White Giuliai Robertson 123 133 143 REPHBUBAN PARTY Karen F. Diane John F. Bonnie A. Bruce 3. Deborah L. Scott Harry A. Bear: Jay Jennifer Andrea Morton Barber Scott. Nault Flax Peruzzotti Aumentt Watson Antipas Weitlauf White - 1oc 11c 12c 13c 14c WRITE-IN VBTES I I I I I I I State at? Connecticut . . I o?igfj Breton, Connecticut Munlelpal Election Nevemhe17,2[l17 Vatmg District 7 I Sheet 1 .f 1 I I I OFFICE 15 15 11 1e 1e I Representative Town Meeting I Vote Any Five I 12111111 Be ewe eemplete your vote on I - - I I 015? 0 15,1 0 01% 155 the reverse sum of thus ballot. I I BEMUERMIB PARTY ?larenee Nancy David Buhbi?o I Casper Mammal Atwate: Bum 155 155 115 135 153 REPUBLICAN PARTY . I E1 [mitt [23115131111- ?Scott L. I Hubbard ?In? 151: 155 171: 1111: 191: I WRITE-IN 1113553 . I I a I I I @372: I I Qeef) I I 1,92? I 1 I .