1. Name of Company Global Tuitxon 5 Educatlon Insurance Corporatxnn 2. Company Number LNTELLECHAL PROPERTV am" 15225 3. Nance is gzven that an the 17th day 0' May, 2001 the following personls) was were appolr Resxaentxal Address Paula Done" 2600 Island #1702 Business Exetutlve Avcntura FlorLda 33160 LI 5 A Kevm T. Walton 21229 NE 33rd Ave. Aventura Lakes Busmess Exeutwe Avemura Florida 33180 A 4. Notice :5 elven that on the l7"1 na of Ma 2801 the foliowzn-- nerson ceased to hold nr'xce Resicential Address Alberto Pelsachw 1186 East Hallandale Beach Blvd., Sulte C. Hatlandale. F\ur1da 33089, A Juan MM 5m -- Bow mm 5. The directors of the cow an as of date are: Res ident ia Address