BRANDBERG (MAURITIUS) INVESTMENTS HOLDING LIMITED WRITTEN RESOLUTIONS OF THE DIRECTORS OF BRANDBERG (MAURITIUS) INVESTMENTS HOLDING LIMITED, A COMPANY INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF MAURITIUS, (Company) PASSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 7 OF THE EIGHTH SCHEDULE OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2001 (As AMENDED) OF THE REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS We, the undersigned, being the directors of the Company are at the date of these written resolutions entitied to receive notice, attend and vote at Meetings of Directors of "the meompan yr. . he reby._co ? d_a do pt he fol I owing._reso Iut igns: These resoiutions may be executed in counterparts, and any action taken herein shall be of the same force and effect as if adopted at a duly convened meeting of the Directors of the Company. APPLICATION FOR THE RENEWAL OF THE TAX RESIDENCE CERTIFICATE IT IS NOTED THAT the Mauritius Revenue Authority (Authority) issued a Tax Residence Certificate (TRC) on 8 October 2012 for the Company to bene?t from the Double Taxation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the Government Of the Republic of Namibia, valid for the period from 12 September 2012 to 1.1 September 2013. IT IS FURTHER NOTED THAT the Company complies with the provisions Of the legislation governing globai business (inciuding regulations and rules made thereunder), in particular the statutory provisions as laid down in section 71(4)(b) of the Financial Services Act 2007 and adheres to the conditions attached to the Company?s licence. IT IS RESOLVED THAT the above undertaking be hereby con?rmed by the two resident directors and the Secretary Of the Company. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Company Secretary be and is hereby authorized to apply for the renewal of the Com pany?s TRC with the Authority. Dated 04 February 2014 Malcolm Moller Gilbert Noel mm Night/M; .- Ng JOO Si,? Re 300 Thieng Ref: 14?079/Lega1 C0312Copeinca Board Minutes approving application of Renewal of TRC