Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/31 /2016 4:12:04 PM • . S I ' i >. t.J , i i i t ? Si i i i i I * INS 1RUC1 IONS. Each partner, officer, director, associate, employee.- and agent ot a registrant is required'to file a short form regtcsMti'on statpiiienj nnkss ht mcagc- m noattntlivs in turthcrantt of the mteiots ol the registrant's f»ieig •> principal 3.S,.;as amended. 22LJ;SX". $ <>i i .et seq., for the purposes of registration-undent^ Provision ofthe information requested &maixtewy..andvfaiiurc to provide the itifonnation is subject to the petia in Section 8of the Act. Every regirtrationitatemem,--short form registration -statement, suppjehientai statemeiit. exhibit; amendment, copy of 'informational materials :or other document or information filed with the Attorney General under this Act is a public reeordopen to;publit< exammalion, inspection and copying during the posfed business hours of the Registration.Unitin Washington. DC. Statements .arc-also available-online at the Registration Unit's webpage: http.V/ wvy:fara--gt'v- One.copy of every.such document, other than mforniatioi^l materials;: is autphtatieaily provided to-the Secretaty ofState pursuant to Section 6(b) of the .Act, astti copies of any amfail docunients.are.roiitineSyniade available.-to other agencies, departments and Congress Section 6(c) of the Act-, The Attorney QenejrajKalss• a setni-mmual the administration of the Ac! which lists the-names/of all ageitts registered urider the:-Ajct.atid.tlte.t^«gn p^rtetpja'ls theyrepresent..'This:report is-aVa'ija'nIeito'-the'pubik a'nd'dhli'he-a^^^vww.fard^o-v... ' : ; pub!3eRep^mstHe. ifseiij ; O^mm^ : ^ ^ 4 0 A : ^ : rm •wwz^~ '-/i§&t*$f Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/31/2016 4:12:04 PM Acci FORM NSD* •Revised-03/1.4, Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/31/2016 4:12:04 PM : ..h Vex. dcSv;i ii v. .^j)Ui'al-ci-y luni^is u*vuji'l. ;%ucu p*.;iH K.';H viC'U VJ_L\ , : f>€S2»A^ twer u-^i4j£^aa3 /^r^-eiTS, *Gt^^6 ^reu^L ^je^ue^ceS • TH-^T <~£s*t- o«&/<*m& 13. The services described in Items 11 and 12 are to berenderedon a D full time basis D part time basis poms ro os f°'*~ ^ '-J^STA IS special basis J:4i What compensation ofthingof Valuehave you received to date or will you receive for the above services? O Salary: Amount 1 -per ] Q Commission at '%-qf ; O Salary; Not based.solely on servicesrenderedto. the foreign/principalis-).; £3 Fee; Amounts\. g ^ & t s Q . : • Other thing of value 15; During the;period beginning 60 days prior to the; date of your obligation toregisterto the time of filing this statement, did you make any contributions of money or other things of value from your own funds or possessions an.d.on your own behalf in connection with any .'.election to political-office or in 'connection with any primary election, convention, or 'caucus held to select .candidates for any .Yes 03 No • If yes, furnish the folipwihg information: Date jo0flL Amount or Thing of Value #/Ou Political Organization or Candidate fg/&us?s op t^i+(TUE:«- Location of Event A*J\G£&Y ( (DUJ\ EXECUTION Ih;aceordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746V the-undersigned swears or affirms under, penalty Of perjury that he/she, has. read the information set forth in this registration statement and that he/she is familiar with the contents thereof arid .that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to thebest. of his/her knowledge and belief. ^-JMT. g f /J* (Date ofsignature) L (Signature) I ootnute "Pohtaai aun it\ " as defined in Sec lion l(o) ofthe \ct imran-, .my acm ity which the person engaging in belicviS Will, or that the personirittfrKisto'. in.any'way influence any Mgency o r o ^ ctSmestie^ piiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . Received by NSD/FAR A Registration Unit 10/31/2016 4:12:04 PM