l'BMl BANK 213'" Septembel 2015 E-mall Hing Ms. Genrghadli Governor Central Bank of Ciirus Madam; Subject: On-slte inspection of FBME Bank Cyprus aranch's procedures tor the prevenliall of money laundering and terrorist linaneing -- The prevention and suppression ol Money Laundering Activities but of 2001 We have been provided a copy ol the letter (the "Letter") of the Central Bank at Cyprus lthe "cac'l dated 12 September 1015, addressed to Mr Andrew Andronikou -- Special Adminisuator oi the Cyprus Branch ("Cyprus Branch" or oi FBME Bank (also referred to as "Bantu this letter relates to the on-site inspection by the use with the collaboration of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, of the procedures tor the prevention at money laundering and terrorist iinancmg adopted by the Cyprus Branch at FBME Bank Ltd. The letter covers nine su biecl mallet areas as follows: Risk Management Systems compliance Unit Customer identification and due diligence procedures AML IT System and Monitoring ol Transactions EU Regulation 1731/2005 on informatl'un on the payer accompanying transfers of tunds (Electronic Funds Transfer) Record Keeping Staff awareness and training Suspicious transaction recording internal control procedures As the CBC will hopefully agree with us, globally recognised principles are meant to be preventive and are aspirational in nature, and as such are constantly evoMng to addressmg constantly changing aveas of risk. This is noted very clearly in Section 3.3 ("High level findings on the level at compliance with the Cyprus Legal Framework") of the Report by Deloitte Page 1 1 In regards to the cacs findings on page 13 paragraph (3) sub section (ii) where the CBC alleges that the Bank did not prepare a note summarizing the results of the review, or submit to the senior management the said review for consideration and approval, we refer to the comments made in the previous paragraph as they referto the same customer-- In regards the cock comments related to Vladimir Smirnov, including the corporate account Bailey Ventures, which is owned by the wife of the former, it should be noted that the relationship was classified as high risk PEP at the time of the unrboardl'ng. The summaries with comments on the annual review have been carried out respectively and are signed by the MLCD or a senior compliance officer/supervisor of the unit. The World-checks for each year's review is signed by the Mlcu, copies of which are enclosed at Appendix 8. During the review for the Evzo13,a PEP enhanced due diligence profile was prepared, and based on additional information identified from the public databases on Vladimir Smirnov, it was concluded that the subject does not classify as PEP anymore due to his status as a former senior executive of a stateruwned enterprise for the last 5 years The ale-risking from high iisk PEP to normal risk was recommended by the investigating officer and was approved by the MLCO lsee the enclosed PEP enhanced due diligence prolile which recommended the change at Appendix uni in regards to the comments made rn paragraph (3) sub sectron (Ill) where rt is alleged that the Bank did not take adequate measure to establish the source of wealth ol the customer, it should be clearly mentioned that all referenced names no longer classitv as PEPs, however, in all respective tiles the PEP enhanced due diligence profile continues to exist (which among other things gives details ol the source oi wealth and source ol lunds and the educational/protessional ba ground of the PEP, supporting documentation from various online sources on the busrnesses, net worth and the wealth status) concluding that the suhreot person no longer as per>>, based on the tacts stated in the profile and the MLCO approval was obtained tor changing the risk status as per the requirements ol the AML Directive. Coples of the aforementioned proliles are enclosed at Appendlx 3. The cac error on pornt arises because the MLCD has ensured that the evolution ol the tile history is transparent and documented in the tile lthus identitying historical PEP status) and oecause the can audit was superficial and/or lacking sufficient objectivitv to identify and glve approprrate treatment to the documented downgrade from PEP status,