DNA processing required. 10 U.S.C. 1516 Crime of Domestic Violence. 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(9) DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE TWELFT AIR FORCE (ACC) DAVIS-MONTE AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA 85707 General Court-Martial Order . 14 January 2013 No. 10 AIRMAN FIRST CLASS DEVIN P. KELLEY, United. States Air Force, 49th Logistics Readiness Squadron, was arraigned at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, on the following offenses at a court?martial convened by this headquarters. CHARGE: Artic10128. Plea: G. Finding: G. Specif cation 1: Did, within the continental United States, 011 divers 'ons between 011 or about 24 June 201 1 and on 01 about 27 April 2012, unlawfull snike KK-on her body with his hands, unlawfully choke the said '1 on the neck with his hands, unlawfully pull the hair of the said K. GwitKh his hands, and unlawfully kick the said K. K-on he1 body with his foot. Plea: GFinding: G. Speci?cation 2: Did, within the continental United States, on divers occasions between on or about 27 April 2011 and on or about 16 June 2011, commit an assault upon .M.I.., a child under the age of 16 years, by striking him on the head and body with a force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm, to wit: his hands. Plea: G. Finding: G. Speci?cation 3: Did, within the continental United States, on divers occasions between on or about 27 April 2011 and on or about 16 June 2011, unlawfully strike J.M.I.., a child under the the age of 16 years, on the body with his hands. Plea: NG (withdrawn and dismissed with prejudice a?er arraignment). Speci?cation 4: Did, within the continental Unites States, on 01 about 23 Ap1i12012, assault 1 .K-by pointing at her with a dangemus weapon, to wit: a load fneat 1n Plea. NG (withdrawn and dismissed with p1eJud1ce alle1 a11aignn1ent). GCMO No. 10 Personal Data-Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 55211) GCMO No. 10, HQ 12 AF, Davis?Monthan AFB, AZ, 14 January 2013 Speci?cation 5: Did, within the continental United States, on or about 23 April 2012, assault K. K-by pointing at her with an unloaded firearm. Pica: NG (withdrawn and dismissed with prejudice after arraignment). ADDITIONAL CHARGE: Article 128. ?Plea: NG (withdrawn and dismissed with prejudice after arraignment). Speci?cation 1: Did, within the continental United States, between on or about 1 January 2012 to on or about 30 April 2012, assault _by pointing at her with a dangerous weapon, to wit: a loaded firearm. Plea: NG (withdrawn and dismissed with prejudice after arraigmnent). Specification 2: Did, Within the continental United States, between on or about 1 January 2012 to on or about 30 April 2012, assault K. I. by pointing at her with an unloaded ?rearm. Plea: NG (withdrawn and dismissed with prejudice after arraignment). SENTENCE Sentence adjudged by officer and enlisted members on 7 November 2012: Bad conduct discharge, confinement for twelve months and reduction to the grade of El. ACTION In the case of AIRMAN FIRST CLASS DEVIN P. KELLEY, United States Air Force, 49th Logistics Readiness Squadron, the sentence is approved an except for the bad conduct discharge, will be executed. The Air Force Corrections System is designated for the . purpose of con?nement, and the con?nement will be served therein or elsewhere as directed by Headquarters Air Force Security Forces Center, Corrections Division. Unless competent authority otherwise directs, upon completion of the' sentence to con?nement, AIRMAN BASIC DEVIN P. KELLEY will be required, under Article 763, UCMJ, to take leave pending completion of appellate review 2 Personal D??a-Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 9 552a)