From: jcurne sent: Tuesday, October 31, am 2 is PM To: Davls, Antone Eugene Ce: Johnson Tyler w, Thornas, Donna Subject: RE Antone nauis Thanks Antone, I understand John From: Dayis, Antone Eugene Sent: Tuesday October3 2017 2:10 PM To. currie-- slgmon iohnson, TylerW_>, Thomas, Donna Subject: RE Antone Davis lohn, Thank you lor your note, out I want to be clear on several things in your ernaii 1. was not offered anotheroflice until today when we discussed my resignation, As I mentioned in my conversation with Reid Slgmon, Tyler Johnson, and Donna lhomas, the only question I received about my current locatlon was whether or not I thought my ofllce was in the best location. My answer to Donna and to others that asked that question was yes Since I work student-athletes on a dally basis, my current office location helng right outside al the player's lounge, is the periect location for me to be able to do rnyioo and Donna and others agreed. 2, In the one on one mEElIng you and I had concerning the VFL Connect program, at no tlme was my compensation discussed in any shape form or matter I have not had any Indlcallon that anything would change in my personal sltuatlan In the 8 months you have been our Athletlc Director, you and Coach Jones have had a chance to enhance position or compensation, and as ottoday, October, 31, 2017, it has not occurred, I have yet to feel enhanced in any way, nor have I seen any action steps taken toward the issues I brought to you on Sept 21. As a Former player, I feel that action should have been taken sooner than today. lwant you to know that I am not Ieavmg Tennessee because I want to, I am leaving because I must My greatest regret and fear ls that I am leaving behind studentralhletes and that may be subletted to lhE same treatment have received, At the ofour last conversation today with Reid, Danna, Tyler included In the meeting in your office, i felt you staring me down as you sat across the table irorn rne iani not sure why you needed to do that but it was very uncomfortable and I felt it hostile hope that you take action regarding the statements I brought to you on Sept 22"" of which I have seen no action taken on those concerns, or the statements in my resignation letter today. As for to be supportive, it was my hope that action steps would have been taken immediately back in September, 22"l when I brought these concerns to you, to date, i have seen no signs of actions being taken, thus rne seek other employment, However, based on your recommendation, I will remoue my personal items from the ofllce and only occupy the space as needed to transition rny resaonsih es to mycorworkers. in closing, I deeply regret that things have been allowed to causing a high level anxiety and other health issue; thus creating my need to resign Sincerely, Vol for Antone Daurs From: jcurne Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 1:05 PM To: Davis, Antone Eugene Cc. rsigtnon; Johnson, Tylerw, Thomas, Donna Subject: RE: Antone Davis Antonc while am very sorry that you are leavrng us, am glad thax you have been abio to find a pnsmon you are excited about that also enables you reloln your famlly ln Delaware As we had discussed ln our prewous Conversarlufls since I arrlved at Tennessee this past spring, was looklng forwavd to expanding your role and further your efforts it) help our With the Thornton Center and the upcoming VFLcunnect program Thank you ror the concerns you expressed rn your letter As you know, have expressed to all start that my door is always open to orscuss rssues or concern My door will remarn open to you to drscuss any addltional concerns you have erther now or ahor you leave ll your decision to depart IS llnal, per our earlier today we wish u) be as supponlvE as possible ln yourtransltion and can relocate your office to the administrative immediately Antone, appreclate your clforts on behalf of the athletrcs program and Voluntecv studEntrathletes and look forward to Staylng touch Sincerely, John Currle From: Dayrs, Antone Eugene Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 10 40 AM To: jcurvle Cc: Tyler Thomas, Donna -- Subject: Antone Baths John. Please accept this as my two week notice of my inter" to resign my posltlon as the Vol for Lle Coordinator (or the university of Tennessee would like to tell you that have Enjoyed my trme working for the University's athletic program, however, based on a conversaxlcn yuu and I recently had, you know that would not be vmirelv UUE rne tact rs, love my University and had always dreamed oi coming back and belng able to contrroute to the contrnuad success or the athletic program lrumrally, after hallng had to work under Coach Butch Jones, can tell you that this has men one orthe worst work experiences have ever had. I have endured things llke constant lnthidatlon, bullying, and nental abuse by Coach Jones do not lmend to be redundant as you and have discussed some or my concerns. It is for hese reasons, along will? the lact that even though have Consislently neriormancc reviews, have )een glven any pay mcrease stnce began work here ln 2012 other than the wlde 1 y, 3% rncrease However, have seen others in the department receive raises, promotions etc yet, i have not so much had a conversation about my [Dmpensation which Veads ma to believe that me administralicn has no intention on offering a pav lnrreast: at any time in the future i Wish you and the men oi the of Tennessee footbaH ieam nalhing but Success as you large ahead in trying '0 dnve this program toward its nexl national championship muons DAVIS i in 3* n7" i A250 ANDERSON TRAINVNG CENYER 1551 LAKE LGUDOUN BLVD. KNOXVILLE. TN 37995