OregonStatePolice Incident:SP17393843 Incidentdetails: Incident Type: FW - Hunting Incident time: 10/27/201709:00 - 10/27/2017 09:30 Reported time: 10/27/201711:33 Incident location: 2125UNION ORUSA Incident status: Inactive Summary: OnOctober 27,2017aphone callwasfieldedbyLaGrande Troopers inregards toawolfbeingshotandkilled intheStarkey hunting unitnearLaGrande. Aninvestigation revealed anelkhunter encountered threewolves, oneofthewolves advanced towards thehunter and atapproximately 27yards thehunter shotandkilledthe wolf. Onlyoneshotwasfiredbythehunter. Thehunter wasnotinjured andtheotherwolves werepresumably scared awaybytheshot. Itwasdetermined thatthiswasaself-defense incident. InvolvedPersons: Name: SCOTT, BRIAN RAYMale Gender: Classification: Mentioned05/29/ 1979 DOB: InvolvedProperty: l Gamebig /Recovered; Safekeeping / GamebigWolfWOLF InvolvedOfficers: l l Reporting Officer/CaseLead /MCDOWELL, MARCUS / #43013 / OSP /Officer / LAGRANDE- ENTERPRISE F&W Dispatcher/TC2 /RUSH, CAROLYN / #49495 / OSP /Nonsworn / DISPATCH Reports: Generalreport: Author: 43013 MCDOWELL, MARCUS10/29/ Report time: 2017 12:02 Entered by: 43013 MCDOWELL, MARCUS10/29/ Entered time:2017 12:02 Narrative: OREGONSTATEPOLICENARRATIVE REPORT CASE NUMBER: SP17- 393843 DISTRIBUTION: Oregon State Police/Union County District Attorney NARRATIVE: OnOctober 27,2017 Iwasonduty, inuniform, displaying abadge, anddriving a Printed: 11/ 02/ 2017 13: 59byA02831Page: 1of3 marked Oregon State Police FishandWildlife truck. Atapproximately 11:25a.m.Ireceived aphone callfromthefrontdeskinregards toareport ofawolf beingkilled intheStarkey hunting unitnearUSFS road2125 (Union County, Oregon). Iobtained the reporting parties information andbegan driving thatdirection fromtheCatherine Creek hunting unit. I made twophone calls (11:27a.m.and11:33a.m. –noanswer) tothereporting party while inroute and leftonemessage. At11:41a.m.Ireceived aphone callfromthereporting party who identified himself asBrian Scott. Ihadasixminute conversation withMr.Scott while inroute. Mr.Scott was notably shaken while talking withhimonthephone. Mr.Scott briefly described anencounter withwolves and toldme, insubstance, thathekilledoneofthem inself- defense. Mr.Scottwas confident onthephone thatitwasnotacoyote hehadkilled butindeed awolf. Icontacted mysupervisor byphone, Sgt. Chris Hawkins, andbriefed himonthesituation. Ithen contacted ODFW andmade arrangements forODFW District Biologist Leonard Erickson tomeet meat thehunter’ scamp. Iarrived atBrian Scott’ scamp, which waslocated onUSFS road2125, atapproximately 12:15p.m.I wasimmediately approached byasubject who lateridentified himself withanOregon Driver’ sLicense asBrianRayScott. Mr. Scott was talking extremely fastandheappeared tophysically shaken. Mr. Scott began talking about whathadhappened andwalked metotheedge oftheircamp andpointed inthe general direction ofwhere thewolfwould be.ItoldMr.Scott thatIwould liketogetarecorded statement about whathadoccurred andheagreed. Thethree other occupants ofcamp politely removed themselves from theareawhile Italked withMr.Scott. Mr.Scott andIstepped tothefront ofmytruck where Ipointed outthecamera andtoldhimthatIwas going toturniton.Ibegan therecorded interview at12:36p.m.andtoldMr.Scott thatwewere being recorded. Inoted thatMr.Scott wasveryconfident thatitwasawolfandhereplied, “ Yessir,it’ sin excess of80pounds”. Iasked Mr.Scott totellmewhathappened. Hetoldme, insubstance, thathe began hishuntonfootatapproximately 7:15a.m.thatmorning directly fromcamp. Mr.Scott toldmeas hewasneartheUSFS350road “ Istarted toseesomething moving around meonseveral occasions. I couldnotidentify whatwasmoving around me. There arealotofcoyotes outhere. Iworked mywayup intoatimberline andsatthere for20or30minutes max. Istarted toworkmywaydown anopen meadow andofftomyleftiswhen Isaw thefirstofwhatIassumed would have been acoyote. Hewas running atmewhich isveryodd. Directly behind thatwasthesecond one. Thefirstonewaslarger. The firstonewasmaking hiswayaround meandthesecond oneseemed tobefollowing thefirstone. The thirdonewasrunning directly atme.Idefinitely feltlikeshehadtargeted meandwasrunning directly atmetomakecontact. Ifeared formylife. Itwasunnerving. Ididn’ thavealotoftimetoreact andsoI shotthethirdone. Iwatched theother tworundown intothetimber towards thebottom ofthe350road. Within seconds there washowling down even further away fromwhere theother twowere (indicating therewere more thanthethree hesaw)”. Mr.Scott toldme, insubstance, thathemade hisway backtocamp togethishunting partners tohelp identify whathehaddown. Mr. Scott toldme, insubstance, after hishunting partners agreed thatitwas awolfthatwaswhen hecontacted ODFW. Iasked Mr.Scott howmany shots hefiredandhetold me, “ One”. Mr.Scott described hishunting weapon asa30.06andhisammunition as “ 175or178grain Hornady ballistic tipbiggame”. Iasked Mr.Scott, insubstance, toestimate howmany yards hewas away fromthewolfwhenheshotit.Hetoldme, “ 20to30yards andIthink30yards would bemax”. Mr.Scott continued bytelling me, “ AfterIdidshoot Ididn’ twant tobeoutintheopen anymore. SoI kindofwent backupabove meandthat’ sprobably where wearegoing tofindourshellcasing. That’ s where Iended upkind ofcomposing myself togettheheckoutofdodge”. Ishutmycamera offandended theinterview andprepared myequipment forthehike. Afewminutes laterLeonard Erickson withODFW arrived andthetwoofusalong withthefourhunters whowere currently atcamptraveled towards theincident location. Oneofthehunters drove anATVtoassist in therecovery ofthewolf. Afterarriving attheincident scene Leonard Erickson examined thewolf. Mr.Scott showed methe location where hestood when heshot. Hetoldme, insubstance, thewolfdidnotmove after itwasshot anddiedwhere itwasstruck. Hetoldme, insubstance, theevent wasonecontinuous motion ofhim screaming atthewolfasitrantoward him, pulling uptherifle, seeing hairinthescope, andpulling the Printed: 11/ 02/ 2017 13: 59byA02831Page: 2of3 trigger. Iused aVortex rangefinder toshoot thedistance fromwhere thewolflaytowhere theshot wastaken. It registered adistance of27yards which isconsistent totheestimate thehunter hadgivenme. Ithenexamined thewolfforentry andexitwounds. Iconcluded thebullet entered thefrontrightportion ofthewolfandexited theleftportion ofthewolf. Withthehelpofthehunters thewolfwasloaded ontoablue plastic tarpandwecarried ittotheawaiting ATVwhere itwas thentransported backtomyvehicle. At4:10p.m.Iplaced thewolfintotheOSP freezer anditwilllaterbereleased toODFW. CASE STATUS: Inactive. Printed: 11/ 02/ 2017 13: 59byA02831Page: 3of3