AL BANK OF Hum>>, 13.: 1 HF. GOVERNOR Dear Sir, Sub'ecl: 0 site insection of FBME Bank Crus Eranch's rocedures for the revenuon of mane launderin and terrorist financin The Prevention and Suression of Mona Launderin Activities Law Of 2007 We refer to the on-slte Inspection carried out at the FBME Bank Ltd. Cyprus Branch by officers of the Central Bank 0! Cyprus ("the In collaboratlon the enema? audltors PricewalerhouseCoopers CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS rr - --Moreover. .2 appears that the branch did not are Into account whether the country 0! mcorporattonloperatlons of the customer was a or the overall rIsk profile 0! these customers before consrdenng to offer to them this type of service Instances where the "hold mal' service was provrded were observed In the lollowrng business Invest Ltd,- FBME Bank Cyprus Branch has, therefore prima facte. tailed to act In accordance with the provislons 0! sections 58(d) and 64(2) of the Law and paragraph 27 of the CBC Dlrecttve In relation to the observations made under this paragraph 1(rr) 01 this letter CENTRAL BANK OF (A