nterview of M. Saab - Background, education 0 Educated in states Finance/Econ degree from University of San Francisco. Econ degree taken at Stanford through ioint program, but degree from San Francisco Then went to London and worked Merrill in graduate recruitment program. Equity trading, worked way over to ultra high net worth family office side Bridge between private banker and investment bank for the families Ran a book of business of 100-150M. Was at Merrill for 5 years. Graduated college in '02. In '07, left and came here Came in Without real title/role, and just kind of learned the group First real mission was diversifying income streams. Had small loan book, not performing in line with risk, and we worked to reduce non>>performing aspect of it, and i looked to diversify income streams. Set up sales trading platform, and we started making markets in illiquid fixed income Quickly became largest Cypriot market maker, providing all the liquidity for hedge funds in states trying to come in. Looked at treasury book and created HTM book and created policy for that, investing in quasi-sovereign and sovereign assets, eventually moved down to assets All bond assets. Then created short term HTM book focusing on commercial paper Many big clients were issuing big ponds. And we were moving them over to short term HTM as they matured Traded only bonds, no equities, - Card sen/ices - when you start there? 0 Around 2010, '11. - Was \t on radar at all between '07-'10. I NC, - Seems hke bank admits that there were issues and \t dwdn't reaHy work - Weren't a lot of \ssues, but there were some that spun out of control - Have 3 areas of busmess at FBMECS - Talked about client-facing work. How does it work with compliance 0 I'd say referred 20 chents, but 10 were accepted. Lilit is to open accounts wwth. used to ca" her the Business Preventwon Unit. They were normal chents.