Display Ad 10 -- No Title New York Times (1923-Currentfile); Sep 10, 1997; I ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) w1th Index (1851-1993) pg. A12 Americans Will Pay the Price The United Nations is negotiating a (climate treaty that Will require severe restrictions on the amount of energy we use. And it puts the entire burden on the U.S. and a few other countries. 50 Cents More for Every Gallon of Gasoline Economists predict that reducing our energy use by more - than 20% will require price increases for most types _of energy. Natural gas could go up 45%, electricity costs could increase by 20%, and gasoline prices could go up by 50 cents a gallon; Most Countries Are Exempt Americans will pay more for everything that requires energy to transport or manufacture, While 132 of 166 countries, including India, China and Mexico, are exempt. It?s Not Global and it Won?t Work. Paid for by: Air Transport Association ol?America. American Automobile Manufacturers Association. American Corn Growers Association. American Farm Bureau Federation. American International Automobile Dealers Association. American Plastics Counsel, American Portland Cement Alliance. American Trucking Association. Association ofAmerican Railroads. Center for Energy and Economic Development. Coalition for Vehicle Choice. The Fertilizer Institute. National Association of Farmer Elected Committees. National Assaciation of Manufacturers. National Automobile Dealers Association, National Black Chamber of Commerce. lnc.. National Cattlemen's Beefg?gpcia?on, National Grange. National M?ing Association. National Rural Electric Cooperative Assqgatioanhe Seniors Coalition. The Small Survival Committee