ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 NORTH GRAND AVENUE EAST, 13.0. 309419276, Seamcrsao, tumors 62394-9276 . (217) 782-339;; BRUCE GOVERNOR ALEC MESSENA, Ammo DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM cc: DATE: July 21, 2017 TO: Region 2 File FROM: Adolfo Gonzalez, Jr. EPE SUBJECT: IHSpection Report on Exelon Nuclear~Braidwood generating Station NPDES Permit 110048321 BOW ID W1978160003 On June 8, 2017, ajoint Radionuclide hiSpection was conducted at the above facility. At the time of the field visit there had been no unper'rnitted tritium releases to report. On une 12, 2017, Exelon Braidwood Power station reported an unperrnitted release of water with tritium (200, 209 pieocuries/liter) over the period May 28, 2017 to June 1 1, 2017. See attachments for further details. 4302 N. Main 51:, Rockford, IL 61 1031:8151: 937-7760 9511 Harrison 51., Des P100195, IL 600161847] 294-4000 595 S. State, Elgin, IL 60123 1347:] 608-3131 412 SW Washington 51:, D, Peoria, IL 61 602 [3091 671-3022 2125 5. First St, Cliumpaign, IL 61320 278-5800 2309 W. Main St, Suite 116, MariamlL62959::6181993?7200 2009 Mall 51., IL 62234 (618] 346-5120 100 W. Randolph, Suite 10-300, Chicago, IL 60601 PEACE If)? I . . IEPAHEAIA Joint Radionuclide Inspection Form 1 .2 1'1 Inspectton 23111. 1311111: 8' 0 See. 13 11(111- Environmentai Protection Act Name 15?: Address of Inspection mg 12:23.51: NPIJILS If-Ii 1104833 1 Eek-A 131 11111111111111 11.11.11111nL 511111111 we: 111111 1 11111111113114.1111. 1.11;. 1111-11-12 3- .. 0111-?- 3 NRC: 1.1111 2 Docket 150?151. 1.11:. 151123114: Rural 211111111: 111 Braceviile. 2 I. 11040? Name 131 Ad dress of Owuen?Operator {2111:1011 Generation Company 221? 313230 Winfield Road Warren 111211121 (10- S55 Phone Number ((1301 Nam?s) of On~Site Personnel Representing ()wnen?Operator A-?iiohml {31111111. 11511: 111111 111i1'onn1Ln1112 $11111. rumor John 911111 Georgian. Senior Chomisi Megan 211122121. (ADCM Chemisi Lydia [31111111211111.3211 Assurance Engineer (311?Site Personnel Phone Number Mark i?ozlirio. Resident I11spL?12101 Dresden Nueiezlr Poqu 81:11im1 Scope of Findinos: 011 311111: 8. 2021?. 25 xLion N-11e2e111 1111112 stated -?I111h1:he:11111 theiz kn11112e11gL 11o 1111pe1'111i11cd radionuclide 1Ll-L?11Ltes had occurred 1111 1211:. 111 quarter. 2 oil compliancL 111121 08422 (31:01.13! 2111111111. appear-1.12 111111: 1211: ease up 111 21.111128 2232?:- Ace 211111111 Iorioildetails. Release ofunpermitted Radionuclides to groundwater? N11. 13.1 1121111311 on June 8. 2112? Release ofunpermitted Radionuclides to Surface Water? No. 11-1 slaled 011 211111: 8. 22227 Reiease of unpermitted Radionuclides to Soil?hsatu rated Zone? No. 5111111! on June 8. 302? Han unpermitted release reported: Estimated Quantity: 111': 32212612 on June 8. 2017 Estimated Time Duration: Actions taken to Respond to. Contain. 11nd1?or Mitigate Retcase: NA 11.9 511111211 on 211111: 8. 202 7 Name 18-. address of Personnel for Further Information Raga: ding 2211111211311: Phone Number Rawnondlioil332008. 211.551 {815} 42753300 Summary ol'F?indings: 1211110 11crL11oir1512mccsoi 1111pe1n1iltcd reiLosLs 8. 202?. 11 1111-115 11111111111] 10 11.331.111.111: P.\oz1 211111: 12. 21?" 111111111L2L11xei111d 110c111red 111111121111) 38 2012111 2.1an 30]? oi" 1111;1Lro1i11e12 Tritium circuidling 211(11112111111111111e1 more 1211111 [UUgalEons 1111112221111012p?i ace A1. 111111111. 1 ixeporz? 41498111111 11121111 11111:}1111111111 Name SL- Signature of Inspecto?s}: "Phone Number Date 11110110 Gonzaiez .11. 4 1347129141153 17 Name 191 3201111th 111 2EAI -11 Re1ie11 er: Phone Number Date Mark AA i?orliriu 4% [8 2 51 41113-28111} 7 - i - 7 Name ASignature: R01 1011 Phone Number 01121: 11421?9111.. 74111 Age/1?1