'I?d .n?n?r 9? 12.52 PM Sales Rat - :-i173 Store Leon County Sheriff Office I 38233 War. LEON COUN I SHERIFF OFFICE mi FL 3231.; 1851); 608-330!) ii?shier ausiini?, Item Name Qty Ext Prim: Records Staff Tii'nei: 2 $4 58 $9 12 Sublolal 89 12 Local Sales Tax. ?Art Tax. $0 00 September 29' 2017 RECEIPT TOTAL: $9.12 Brian Freskos Chair -. 9140-15 The Trace News/MuckRock Dept MR 43128 I Il'tillk?. 411 A Highland Avenue RE: Public Records Request 2017-06922 Semen/i119, MA 0214443516 I 7 rs . Dear Mr. Freskos: This letter is in response to your public records request dated September 20, 2017. Below is our response to your request for the following item: 0 0 en Reguest Response 1 Copy of the offense/incident report(s) on case number 070265158. The requested records are attached. $9.12 Due to staff time for retrieval, review redaction of the information there will be a charge of $18.25 per hour if your request requires more than 15 minutes of staff time. Therefore, prior to processing your request we require written authorization that you will agree to pay the appropriate charges prior to release of the records. We await your response. Items redacted pursuant Section F.S. Total $9.12 If you should have any further questions. please do not hesitate to contact us at (850) 606? 3317. Please reference Request Number 2017-06922 in all communications. Sincerely, Monica Calhoun Leon County Sheriff's Office Public Records Post Office Box 727 Tallahassee, Florida 32302?0727 Office Phone (850) 606?3300 Jail Phone (850) 606-3500 Please visit us on the web at: Entered Route To property Crimes Checked Ftle Forged 1 nations: pr; ear 2007 IncrdentNo- 265158 1 I Legn?punty Stlgenff 5 Office General Offense I Ingldent Report Inczdent Informatron Luff-{Jr Zone 6-1 Dry/Datemme of?mdent from Tuesday 11f20f2007 14 15 HDayZDate/?me of?rctdent To Tuesday 11l20l2007 15 33 Location ofIncrdenr 1323 BURGESS DR Aptr'Loti't Crty TALMHASSEE State FLORIDA Zip 32304 Danyate??rme IncrdentReported Tuesday 111'20l2007 14 19 NOT APPLICABLE Drug Yjape NOT APPLICABLE Oijj?enses 1 Alcohol Related UNKNOWN (OR NIA) Drug Related UNKNOWN (OR NIA) it Of 1 ft OfSuspect: Offense or Inczdem #1 Statute No 5310 Degree F2 UCR Code 2201?; Attempt Code Commit DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED (NU ASSAULT I BATTERY NO Vzcz?tm Information #1 VICTIM TYPE ADULT Name NELSON JIMMY Address 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lotti Hm Phone m50}-575-7714 Crty TALLAHASSEE State FLORIDA Zip 32304 Bus Phone Hospital Where Victtm taken NOT APPLICABLE Place omeploy ZSchoot TCC FINANCIAL AID Race BLACK NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN Sex Male DOB Age 25 Hetgh! Weight Color UNKNOWN Han- Color UNKNOWN fanny Extent NONE Injury Type NOT APPLICABLE Rendence Type COUNTY Offenses Victim of Resrdence Status RESIDENT #1 DWELLING NUT OCCUPIED (HO ASSAULT BATTERY .. NO WEAPON) Retatronehtp To O?'ender Warsaw/Complement Informatron #1 mm" D'S?Type 6 Name CHARLES Address 2442 NUGGET LN Home TALLAHASSEE State FLORIDA 21;; 32303 Bus Phanettl850)-219-1153ea Piece of?mploy ISchaot UNKNOWN Race BLACK Sex Female DOB 11l10l1935 Age 22 To OTHER FAMILY #1 NELSON, JIMMY ADDITIONAL INFORMA TION I responded to 1323 Burgess Drive In reference to a possuble burglary Deputy Wysockl responded to the address In reference to an? When he arrived he adwsed dispatch that the rear door of the reatdence was open and that the reeldence appeared to have been burglarlzed When I armed Deputy Wysockl stated that he had already cleared the resrdence and stated no one was inside He then secured the scene until my arrival I attempted to have dlspatch locate the owner of the reeldence lthen examined the scene The rear door of the resrdence faces east and backs up to the property at 1240 Highway The door was standing open and the glass window In the door was broken It appeared as though someone broke the door glass, reached Insude the reSIdence and unlocked the deadbolt from the Insrde The reeldence appeared to be undisturbed It Is poserble that the suspect got scared when the? and ?ed the scene without stealing anything I spoke to the neighbor, Ms McPherson She lwes next door In sum? of the duplex She stated she heard When she heard he walked out onto the back porch but did not see anyone She stated she heard vorces the area 0 sou west corner of the house She did not see any vehicles leavmg the area Photographs were taken of the scene and the rear door was processed for latent prints One latent print card LCSOpagezofs Date Printed Moo/2007 LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 2007265158 LCSO was lifted and submitted Into ewdence was unable to make contact With the homeowner, Mr Nelson Dispatch contacted the who contacted Mr Nelson He apparently contacted his cousm, Ms Charles who respon tot res: ence She stated she could not get back In touch With Mr Nelson because cell phone was 90an to vorcemall She stated that he was out of town In Orlando and that he would return tonight Ms Charles could not determine If any Items were stolen from the home She was prowded a busmess card and Instructed to tell Mr Nelson to call the Sheriff's Of?ce when he returned If he was able to determine If the suspects disturbed anything that was not processed or If anything was stolen There are no known suspects and no Witnesses were Identified Nerghborhood Canvass #1Name MCPHERSON RUBY Address 1325 BURGESS DR Alm'l?LOH'll Phonell (850)-556-9274 Race BLACK Sex Female Age 51 Addmonal lnfo WENT OUT ON THE BACK PORCH. HEARD VOICES NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE HOUSE BUT DID NOT SEE ANYONE OR ANY VEHICLES #2 Name Address 1321 BURGESS DR AplfLol?ll Building Name/Number Phonetl Race Sex Age Info #3 Name Address 1319 BURGESS DR Aptho: Name/Number Phone Race Sex Age Additional Info Clearance Sloan- CASE NOT CLEARED Clearance Code NOT APPLICABLE Number ofCases Cleared Case No! Cleared ?lpe CASE NOT CLEARED (DETECTIVE FOLLOW-UP) CRIME ANALYSIS Aggravated Assault/Murder Iype of Weapon Forced Entry FORCIBLE (enters locked Intent to commit Structure Occupancy Code UNOCCUPIED Nu Lacauoa nape Reeldence-Other Occurred Location lactdeat Occurred In the Parking Lo! or flats Location NO Number of Vehicle; Recovered Number ofArresled School Name School Number Two of Crime RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY Ema: Method: BROKEISMASHED GLASS Suspects Action: Elements PomlofEnoy REAR DOOR Polat'ofExlr REAR DOOR Mount 5 Localron OUT OF TOWN MISCELLANEOUS [s O?ense Related to Domesac Vrolence NO Ifye: nere Claldren under (8 Present END IS n? Domesuc Related NO Is there mfonnanon Included on a continuation report NO Are there orlzer Pertinent Report: NO In your opmlon there sigay?rcaat reason to believe that the cnme can be salved by a parrolfollow up lavemgaaon? ND Canvass Conducted YES Case Information Card Le]? With Other {f?Orlzer {Name Address) CHAR LES Address 2442 NUGGET LN Apt {Lot Home Phone fl (321)-363-3946 of3 DatePrmled LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 2007 265158 LCSO Czty TALLAHASSEE Sxale FLORIDA er 32303 Bu: Phone #(3501-219-1153 Ext Investzganve sze Hours 2 Minutes 0 $5914 Detective Called To the Scene #0 NA Noty'led I 1 Ewdence Cuffed to (he Scene #0 NA Assigned By HQ Repomng Deputies ID #10469 ID #0 13 02 Apprawng SupermorB BURNS ID #10077 Dmsran PATROL Um! ZONE 6 of3 Dale Prmred 11/20/2007 LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 2007265I58 LCSO IDA TA INPUT 0M. ?lr?v' tee: 2007 It \0 265158 any: 2&0 Route To Property Crimes 1 W: LEO TYPE N0 Location 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lotti Zone 6'1 Occurrence From 11,20,200? 14 15 Occurrence To 1112012007 15 33 Reporchle 11!.2012007 14 19 Forced Entry 1 Structure Occupancy Code 2 Type of Weapon Locanon more 03 Alcohol Related 3 Drug Related 8 OIO??emes 1 1 it Of Suspects afPremises Entered 1 rec #10469 ?mesubmr?ed a Server 1112012007 13 02 no: Care No (Mfr me {m 1dr DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED (NO ASSAULT I BATTERY - NO Stature No 5810 Penalty F2 UCR Code 220A AttemprCI'ode Commit ls Gfense Related to Domestrc P'rolence NO Eyes were under {8 Present Aggravated Assault/Murder Drug Drug type I [Jr/mammal ?mung Per sen Rape: #1 Name NELSON JIMMY Address 1323 BURGESS DR AprrLore City TALLAHASSEE Slate FL Zip 32304 Home Bus Phonelt (350)-210-4039 Sex Male Race DOB Age 26 VICTIM TYPE 3 Resrdence Type 2 Rendence Status 1 Injury Extent 0 Injury Type 00 Victim To O?'ender Ofenses Victim of #1 BURGLARY DWELLIRG NOT OCCUPIED (NO ASSAULT BATTERY - NO Clearance Status 0 Care Not Cleared Type Clearance Code Number of Arrested responded to 1323 Burgess Drive in reference to a burglary Deputy Wysockl responded to the address in reference to an When he arrived he adwsed dispatch that the rear door of the recidence was open and that the recidence appeared to have been burglarized When I arrived Deputy Wysockl stated that he had already cleared the reSIdence and stated no one was ins1de He then secured the scene until my arrival I attempted to have dispatch locate the owner of the residence I then examined the scene The rear door of the resrdence faces east and backs up to the property at 1240 Blountstown Highway The door was standmg open and the glass Window In the door was broken It appeared as though someone broke the door glass, reached inSIde the reSIdence and unlocked the deadbolt from the The reeldence appeared to be undisturbed It IS that the suspect got scared when the ?and fled the scene Without stealing anything I spoke to the nei hbor. Ms McPherson She lives next door In the other half of the duplex She stated she heard When she heardHhe walked out onto the back porch I no a anyone a ear VOICES In the area 0 sou west corner of the house She did not see any vehicles leawng the area Photographs Were taken of the scene and the rear door was processed for latent prints One latent print card was lifted and submitted Into ewdence lwas unable to make contact With the homeowner, Mr Nelson Dispatch contacted the?who contacted Mr Nelson He apparently contacted cousin, Ms Charles who responded to the recidenoe She stated she could not get back touch With Mr Nelson because his cell phone was gomg to voicemail She stated that he was out of town in Orlando and that he would return tonight Ms Charles could not determine if any items were stolen from the home She was crowded a basmess card and Instructed to tell Mr Nelson to call the Sheriff's Office when he returned If he was able to determine If the suspects disturbed anything that was not processed or If anything was stolen There are no known suspects and no witnesses were identrfied I 7'30: ?gfg?d: . To: Property Crimes Checked: I File Forget-i: Year: 2007 Incident No. 265153 Sup #2 .1 Leon County Sheriff's Of?ce Supplemental Report Incident Information Zone 6-1 Dny/Dnte/i?ime of incident-From: Tuesday 14:15 Day/Dntefi?ime ofittcident-To: Tuesday 15:33 Location of Incident: 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lot ii: City: TALLAHASSEE State: FLORIDA Zip: 32304 voyage/Time Incident Reporteo?: Tuesday 11I2012 007 14: 1 9 l' 0 0f Q?enses: #1 0f Victims: #1 Of-S'ttspects: it Drug Activity: NOT APPLICABLE Drug iype: NOT APPLICABLE Alcohoi Related: UNKNOWN (OR NIA) Drug Related: UNKNOWN (OR NIA) Offense or Incident: W, #1 Statute No: Degree: F2 UCR Code: 220A Attempt Code: Cio'i'l'l?l'i'lit 511;; BURGLARY DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED (no ASSAULT BATTERY - no mom 13's; ?2 Victim Information #1 TYPE: ADULT :51 8 Name: NELSON JIMMY ?jg 30 ?an Address: 1323 BURGESS DR AthLot ii: 2.313;: a any.- TALLAHASSEE sm- FLORIDA Zt'p: 32304 353?; Home Phone it (350)-575-7714 Bus. Phone at (350)-210-4039 5.0. :3 :1 :3 Hospital Where Victim taken: NOT APPLICABLE If? Piece ofEmpioy lSchoai.? TCC FINANCIAL AID -D Race: BLACK Etimicigr: NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN Sex: Male DOB: A3526 Height: Weight: 0 Eve Coior: UNKNOWN Hair Coior: UNKNOWN ity'my Extent: NONE injmy 'iype: NOT APPLICABLE Residence Type: COUNTY OtTenses Victim of: Residence Status: RESIDENT . #1 BURGLARY DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED IND ASSAULT BATTERY - NO WEAPON) Victim Reiationship 'i'o O?nder: . Witness/Complainant Information: #1 View? Dis?Type: 6 Name: CHARLES - Address: 2442 NUGGET LN AthLot ii: City: TALLAHASSEE State: FLORIDA Zip: 32303 Home Phone ii (321)-353-3946 Bus. Phone ii (850)-219-1153 Ext. Piece afis'mpioy fSehooi: NKNOWN Race: BLACK Sex: Female DOB: 11i10l1985 Age: 22 Reiationship To Victim: OTHER FAMILY #1 NELSON, JIMMY Property Section: . ITEM NO. #1 7350:: Code: GUN Status Code: STOLEN It?enpon Type: PISTOL Weapon Dem: SEMIAUTOMATIC ACTION (AUTOLOADING) Weapon Caliber: 25CAL Barrei Length; Manufacturer: Tartts Model: PT-25 DYC42730 - - Coior: BRONZE Qty. 1.00 Drug Type: Unit iype: Weight: 0.00 Unit of Measure: Description: SUP Page of3 Date Printed: ii/29/2007 LARRY CAM PBELL, HERIF 2007-2651582 5 5?1? 275"?- Tanis Color with brown wooden handels Value Stolen 0r Damaged: $255.00 . Vaiae Reco Verea? $0.00 Disposition of Evidence 1' Property: NA Fail-Automatic Fireann: NO NA Property OHJnea' By: Victim #1 NELSON, JIMMY Properly Received From: Other not recovered - Victim 2' Complaint Signed Signature Card: .A. ADDITIONAL WFORMA TION I received a call from Mr. Nelson who advised that his Taurus semi-auto handgun was stolen at the time of the bu?rglary He provided the necessary information so that the handgun could be entered into NCICIFCIC as stolen. Mr. Nelson could not provide any suspect information. Communication Of?cer Suber #2117 entered the stolen ?rearm into NCICIFCIC and a BOLO was also issued. Any further information in this case will result in a suphlenientaireport. Neighborhood Canvass. #1 Name MCPHERSON RUBY Address:1325 BURGESS DR Baiiding Name/Number. 555- 9274 Race: BLACK Sex: Female Age: 61 Additional Info. SUBJECT HEARD WENT our on THE BACK PORCH, HEARD VOICES NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE HOUSE BUT DID NOT SEE ANYONE OR ANY VEHICLES. #2 Name: Addresr:1321 BURGESS DR Apt/Latii. Buiia?ingn?aniemhumber. Phaneii Race: Sex: Age.- Info: #3 Name: Address: 1319 BURGESS DR Apt/Lo! ii: Banding Name/Number: Phone ii Race: Sex: Age: Additionai info.- Ciearance Siams: CASE NOT CLEARED Clearance Code: NOT APPLICABLE I Number of Care: Cleared Case No: Cleared Type: CASE NOT CLEARED (DETECTIVE FOLLOW-UP) CRIME ANALYSIS Aggravated Assault/Murder: [We of Weapon: Forced [enters locked structureiwith intent to commit felony) Structure Occupancy Code: UNOCCUPIEU ?Nu Location Brae: Residence-Other Incident Occurred Inside this Location incident Occurred in the Parking Lot of {his Location: ND Number of Vehicles Recovered: Number ofArresl?ed: Sci: 00! Name: Soiree! Number nge niCrime: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY Entry Methods: BROKEISMASH ED GLASS Suspects Actions.- Eiements.? Point af?nity: REAR DOOR Poiniof?ril: REAR DOOR l?iciimis? Location: OUT OF TOWN JWISCELLANEOUS: SUP pagezofs LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 2007-2651582 SUP .. . I: Domestic Vioience: NO (?ves, were under i 8 Present: is it Domesiic Related: NO I: there additionni infommlion incinded on a continuation report: NO Are there otiger Pertinent Repom: NO in your opinion is tit ere significant reason to believe that the crime can be solved by patroifoiiow-up investigation? NO Neighborhood Canvass Conducted: Yes Number of Cases Cieoreii 0 Case in?rmation Card Lay? With: Other ifOtiter {Name Address): CHARLES Address: 2442 NUGGET LN Apt/Lot ii: Ciiy: TALLAHASSEE State: FLORIDA Zip: 32303 Home Phone ii (321)-363-3946 Bus. Phone ii (850)-219-1153 Ett. Investigative Time: #1 Hours: 2 Minutes: 0 CostAmozmt: $59.14 #2 Hours: 0 tI/II'mttes: 30 Cost Amount: $14.79 #3 Boom?! Minutes: 0 CostAmoum': $29.57 Detective Caiied To the Scene: #0 NA: I Notified:[ Evidence Technician Caiied to the Scene: #0 NA: Assigned By Reporting Deputies: D.S.SULLIVAN in #10638 . ID #0 11I2912007 09:50 Approving Snperv?ar?.L. CQUAIG #1 0419 Division: INVESTIGATIONS Unit: PROPERTY CRIMES SUP SUP Page3 of3 Date Printed: Hoe/2007 LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 20012551532. a? TA OM. I'ear:2007 (?on 2651 58 Sup #2 Route Property Crimes 1 LEO TYPE N0. Location of incident: ?1 323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lot it: Zone 6-1 Occurrence From: 14:15 Occurrence To: 1112012007 15:33 Report Date: 1112012007 14119 Forced Entry: 1 Structure Occupancy Code: 2 type of Weapon: Location Type: 03 Atcotxot Related: 3 Drug Retated: 8 1 it Of Victim: 1 it Qf Suspects: ofPremise: Entered: 1 Mi! #1 0638 Timesubmitted to Server 11i29i2007 09:50 MCI. Cate: NO Ql??ttse or Incident: BURGLARY I DWELLING HOT OCCUPIED (no ASSAULT I BATTERY HO WEAPON) Statute No: Farrow}: F2 UCR Code: 220A Attempt Code: Commit is Q?ense Related to Domestic Viotence: NO y'yes. were Children under i8 Present: Aggravated Assautt?wurder: Drug Activity: Drug type: ir'icrim Information Missing Person Report #1 Name: NELSON JIMMY Address: 1323 BURGESS DR AthLot ti: City: TALLAHASSEE State: FL Zip: 32304 Home Phone it (350)-575-7714 Bus. Phone it (350)-210-4039 Sex: Male Race: 008: Age: 26 VICTIM Residence Type: 2 Residence Status:1 Injury Extent: 0 injury type: 00 Victim Relationship To O??nder: O??enses Victim of? #1 I DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED ASSAULT BATTERY - ND Property Section: Serial}? DYC42730 name. #1 Type Code: Status Code: 1 Value Staten or Damaged: $255.00 Vaiue Recovered: $0.00 Descriptitm: Tanis Color with brown wooden handels Cicarance Status: 0 Case Nat Cleared type: Ctearance Corie: Number of Arrested: 0 TION I received a call from Mr. Nelson who advised that his Taurus semi-auto handgun was stolen at the time of the burglary. He provided the necessary information so that the handgun could be entered into NCICIFCIC as stolen. Mr. Nelson could not provide any suspect information. Communication Of?cer Sober #2117 entered the stolen ?rearm into and a BOLO was also issued. Any further information in this case will result in a supplemental report. molar-wt; Earned? 1:9ng T0: Property Crimes Checked: . i-?iic Forged: Year: 2007 Incident No. 265153 Sup #1 r? Leon Cou nty ertff's Of?ce Su pplemental Report Incident Information Zone 6-1 Day/DoIe/t'ime of incident-From Tuesday 1 1 4:1 5 Doy/Date/?i?t?me Tuesday 1112012007 1 6:33 Location of incident: 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/1.0m: City: TALLAHASSEE Slate: FLORIDA Zip: 32304 Day/Date/Time Incident Reported: Tuesday 1112012007 14: 1 9 ii 0f0jfenses: #1 ti- Of Victims: #1 it Drug Activity: 0T APPLICABLE Drug 'ijtpe: NOT APPLICABLE Alcohol Related: UNKNOWN (0R NIA) Drug Related: UNKNOWN (0R NIA) O?ense or Incident: #1 Statute No: Degree: F2 UCR Corie: 220A Attempt Code: Commit BURGLARY DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED ASSAULT BATTERY - NO WEAPON) Victim Information #1 TYPE: ADULT Name: NELSON JIMMY Address: 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lotti: City: TALLAHASSEE State: FLORIDA Zip: 32304 Home Phone it (850)-575-7714 Bus. Phone ii (350)-210-4039 Ext. Hospital Where i?ictin: taken: NOT APPLICABLE Piece ofEmpioy TCC FINANCIAL AID Race: BLACK Ethnicity: NOT OF HIS PANIC ORIGIN Sex: Male D03: Age: 26 Height: Weight: 0 Coior: UNKNOWN Hair Color: UNKNOWN bitter": NONE injury Type: NOT APPLICABLE Residence ijipe: COUNTY focnses Victim of: Residence Status: RESIDENT #1 BURGLARY DWELLING HUT OCCUPIED (NO ASSAULT BATTERY - N0 Victim iteiationsitip To Q?'ender: Witness/Complainant Information: #1 Dis?Type: 6 Name: CHARLES Address: 2442 NUGGET LN Apt/Lorin City: TALLAHASSEE State: FLORIDA ZIP: 32303 Home Phone ii (321)-353-3945 Bits. Phone ii (350)-219-1153 Ext. . a. :33 :13 afEmpioy IScimoi: UNKNOWN 3 . Ema"? Rcce: BLACK Sex: Female .003.- 1111011985 Age: 22 CT: ReiotionsiIip To Victim: . Us: ED IPTE OTHER FAMILY #1 NELSON, JIMMY P, g. 29, :3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~33 3? IT: On 11-27-07 and 11-28- 07 i left two detailed voice messages on Mr. Nelson' 5 homet'phone act-ting him'chi contact me. I attempted to contact him by sailing him on his cell phone and received a recdiding that the phone was no longer in service. As of this date I have not heard from Mr. Nelson. Any further informatiorizih' this case will result in a supplemental report. Neighborhood Canvass: #1 Name: MCPHERSON RUBY Address:1325 BURGESS DR ii: Building Name/Number: Phoneii (850)-556-9274 Race: BLACK Sex: Female Age: 61 Additionai in?a: SUP Pagei of3 Date t?rinted: Hay/zoo? LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 2007-265i58-I SUP {it WENT OUT on THE BACK PORCH, NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE HOUSE BUT DID NOT SEE ANYONE OR ANY VEHICLES. #2 Name: Address: 1321 BURGESS DR ApiJLot it: Phone ii Race: Sex: Age: Additionoi info: #3 Nome: Address: 1319 BURGESS OR Apt/Lot Buiiding Name/Number: Phoneii Race: Sex: Age: Addition at info: Ciearanoe Status: CASE NOT CLEARED Clearance Code: NOT APPLICABLE Number of Cases Cleared Case Not (Item-ed Type: CASE NOT CLEARED (DETECTIVE FOLLOW-U P) . . CRIME ANAL YSIS Aggravated Assam/Murder: Type of Weapon: - Forced (enters locked structurelwith intent to commit felony) Structure Occupancy Code: UNOCCUPIED No Location Type: Residence-Other . Incident occurred Inside this Location incident Occurred in the Parking Lot at this Location: NO Number of Vehicies Recovered: Number of Arrested: - Scitooi Name: School Number Type OI'Crimc: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY Entry Methods: BROKEISMASH ED GLASS Snspect's Acrions: Eiements: Point ofEnny: REAR DOOR Point of Exit: REAR DOOR Victimis Location: OUT OF TOWN is Q??ense Reinted to Domestic Vioience: NO ifyes. were Chiidren under i8 Present: ifNo is it Domestic Related: NO is there additional information included on a continuation report: NO Are there other Pertinent Reports: NO I in your opinion is there significant reason to beiieve titot the crime can be solved by patroifoiiow?np investiga'tion?? NO Neighborhood Canvass Conducted: Yes Number ofCoses teat-ed 0 Case information Card Le? With: Other I gather (Name Address): CHARLES ASH LYN Address: 2442 NUGGET LN Apt/Lot ii: City: TALLAHASSEE State: FLORIDA Zip: 32303 Home Phone (321)-368-3946 Bus. Phone (850)-219-1153 Ext. Investigative Time: #1 Hours: 2 Minutes: 0 CostAmount: $59.14 #2 Hours: 0 Minutes: 30 $14.79 Detective Coiled To the Scene: #0 - NA: Noti?ed:[ Evidence Technician Coded to the Scene:- #0 - NA: Assigned By Reporting annex.- D.S.5ULLIVAN in #10638 it.) #0 111291200? 08:00 . Pagez 011? Date Printed: ii/29/2007 LARRY CAMPBELL, 5 ERI FF 2001265158.! 5U a: #10419 mm; INVESTIGATIONS mm: PROPERTY CRIMES SUP Page3 of3 Date LARRY CAMPBELL, SHERIFF 2007-2651584 SUP roe ox: weer order: Year:2007 .S'up #1 Route To: Property Crimes 1 LEO TYPE NO. Location aflncident: 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lotti: Zone 6-1 Occurrence From. 11i20i2007 14:15 Occurrence To:11120i2007 16: 33 Report Date. 11i20i2007 14'19 Forced Entry:1 Structure Occupancy Code: 2 Type ofii'eapon: Location Type. 03 Reicted: 8 Drug Related: 8 it Ofijenses: 1 it Of Victim: 1 it Of Suspects: ii of Premises Entered: 1 iDii #10638 Timeruizmitted to Server 11(2912007 08:00 MCI. Case: No {IE/?ame or Incident: BURGLARY DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED '(uo ASSAULT Barren}: - no Statute No: Pencigr: F2 UCR Code: 220A Attempt Code: Commit is O?ianse Reinted to Domestic Violence: NO Eyes. were Ciriidreu under )8 Present: Aggravated Asscuimitura'er: Drug Activity: Drug Type: i 'icz?im iifisriug 1 er mu Repair #1 . Name. NELSON JIMMY Address: 1323 BURGESS DR Apt/Lotti: City: TALLAHASSEE State: FL Zip: 32304 Home Phone (350)-575-7714 Bus. Phone (850)-210-4039 Sex: Male' Race:B DOB: Age:26 VICTIM Residence Type:2 Residence Status:1 in?rm! Ettent.-D Injury Type-00 Victim To agency.- O?em?es Victim of #1 BURGLARY DWELLING NOT OCCUPIED (NO ASSAULT BATTERY - ND WEAPON) Clearance Status: 0 Case No! Cieureo? Type: Clearance Code: Number ofx?irrestea11-27-07 and 11-28-07 I left two detailed voice messages on Mr. Nelson 5 home phone asking him to contact me. I attempted to contact him by calling him on his Cell phone and received a recording that the phone was no longer In service. As of this date I have not heard from Mr. Nelson. Any further information in this case will result In a supplemental report. LEON COUNTY OFFICE LATENT PRINT REPORT Evidence Received From: OBRIEN 445 Date Processed: 11-20-07 CSU Evaluator: BOWEN METHODS OF PROCESSING A - Alternate Light Source 3 - Black Powder Case 07-265158 Date: 11-28-07 Processed Victim: NELSON Crime Type:__S21 DISPOSITION CODES 1 - Placed into Evidence - Cyanoacrylate - Colored Powder 2 - Destroyed - Magna Powder Physical Developer 3 AFIS Search Box 4 - Other Chemical I - Other Explain Prints AFIS Exhibit or Item Method of Developed Quality Item Description Processing I Disposition 1 LATENT LIFT CARD Remarks: Searched in AFIS by: AFIS Date: Identi?ed - Yes__No CSU Records June2006 Detective Sheriff Larry Campbell LEON COUNTY OFFICE December 14, 2007 Mr Nelson 1323 Burgess Dr Tallahassee, FL 32304 LCSO Case (ll-265158 Make TAS Caliber 45 Model PT25 Serlal DYC42730 Dear Mr Nelson, 011 November 2, 2007, report With thIs agency concermng the above descnbed gun gun was entered rate the Nattonal and Florida Cnrne Informatton Center computer at the tune the report was made Please verify the mfonnatlon, check one of the followmg and Sign 'Ilns gun are 51:11] stolen or nussmg 62 the mformatton 15 correct CI Tins gun 15 stolen or 3a: the mformatlon 1s not correct Cl gun 15 no longer stolen or nus Please remove from your computer ?les El T1115 Information does not apply to me Other Explam Sign Date We are requlred by the londa Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investlganons to valldate computenzed mformatlon ava?able to Law Enforcement agencies throughout the country We would appreciate If you would return tlus form ten days of recewmg 1t Please return this form to our Records Unit, Attn Valrdatrons, PO Box 727, Tallahassee, FL 32302 If you have any questions, please contact Calvm Sherman at the Records Sectton of the Leon County Sheriff's Of?ce, at (850) 922-3317 Sincerely, 60 (Rick) Eggers Records Manager Post Of?ce Box 727 Tallahassee, Florlda 32302-0727 Of?ce Phone (850) 922-3300 ulr Iazl Phone (850) 922-3500 Please want us on the 1nab at w? leoncountyso corn Memorandum To File I am unable to validate LCSO Case 07?265158. On December 14, 2007, the LCSO Records Sectlon sent a vahdatlon letter to Mr. 1mmy Nelson concerning his PT-25 Taurus Gun. On January 4, 4 33 7th 2:35 P.Mleft voicemail message for Mr Nelson on 575-7714. Mr Nelson Busmess Phone 210-4039 Nextel phone number IS not in service The Offense Report Supplement 2 1n the Property Sectlon lists the PT-25 as a .25 Caliber, in the entry it IS llsted as a 45 caliber On January 9, 2008, I meet w1th Detective Sullivan and explam my concerns in vahdatmg this case I w?l not remove this case from was per current dlrectives from Ma} or Wood I would suggest that as soon as Detectlve Sullivan makes contact w1th Mr. Nelson that he provide the current Records Validatlon Person with a Supplement Report so that case can be validated before removes it from there system LIZ Black Re 07-265158 From Damon Sullivan To Black. LIZ Date 12l11l2008 2 49 PM Subject. Re 07-265153 ahve the same Information that you have I have not heard from him Leon County Sheriff's Of?ce General Offense I Incident Report Case Number: 070265158 Report No: 070265158-CR001 Report Type: 1 - Offense Report .i Continuation Route To: Property Crimes Subject: 110D - BURGLARY OR HOME Connecting Cases: Incident Information Reported 0n: 2:19:27? PM Zone: 5-1 Occurred From: Tue sday 1 1.n'20.v'20 07 12:00:00 AM Occurred To: Location: 1323 Burgess Dr TALLAHASSEE. FL 32304 Location Name: XST LOUISE ST Cityi'County: CNTY - COUNTY Elegance; UCR Clearance: 10 - ilon-CrimlnaliOtner Jurisdiction menses 1 B12.014i2)lC)5 - GRAND THEFT - A FL UCR 2316 Degree F3 NC Location 20 - ResidenceiHome Hatev'Blas BB - None Arson Dom Viol - No [No Bias; Hum Prem Entered Entry Unlnhabited Weapons: lecti'rlty': Toolsz Uslnoz 15 i' 1 Nelson, Jimmy victim Type: I-lnoivloual Sex: - Male Race: - Blackl Ethnicity: IDOB: liege: 28 Juvenile: - No Color: BRO - Brown Hair Color: ElLK-BIaclcl Height: lResioentz Type: Numoer: State: IID Country: ISBN: Employer?Schoolz Occupationr'Grade: lnjuries: llnjurm'eapons: Notes: Addresses Type Address City State Zip County Country - Last Known 1323 Elurpess Dr Tallahassee. FL 32304 Leon USA - United States of {If missing} America Phone Numbers Type Number - Cell 850 575??7'14 Victim 01". - GRAND THEFT - A FIRE-esRl'rii Suspects ArrestedICited Witnesses Others Leon County: Sheriffs Of?ce Page 1 of2 Report Number: 070265158-CR001 Date Printed: 4l20i2015 12:40:09 PM Progeny Property Type Count Value 1 Taurus PT-25 Weapons (3713 Handgun - Semi Automatic 1 200.00 Status: Ei - Both Stolen And Recovered Locally {Also Used To Update Prev. Stolen} PR Item Manufacturer: Taurus Model: [Serial Number. DYC42730 Owner Applied Number: [Identifying Marks: Color: License: Owner. Nelson, Jimmy Entry: Y-Yes FCIC Entry Date: Recovered Date: 4i1512015 Entry Canceled: - Yes FCIC Cancel Date: 4ft 5!.2015 Notes: [Hit-i: [Eioat Name: [Hull Shape: [Propulsionz EtoatLength: Vehicle Type: [Vehicle Year: [Vehicle Type: [Body Style: [State [License Exp: [TrailerTag No: [TrailerTag St: Bicycle Make: [Modelz Speed: [Wheel Size: Drug Type: [Qtyz [ivieasurez [localizes Deputy: 11350 - Salvo, Paul Narrative Date: 5 This report is a continuation for an existing case folder created in CopsMore. Cn 4315315. i received information that a gun reported stolen under this case numberwas recovered during a search warrant conduded by the Tallahassee Police Department 15-9973}. I contacted TPD and verified this was the correct gun. The entry from 2007 indicatedthe caliberforthe gun was a .45. I reviewedthe previous reports and all reports indicate the ?rearm was a .25 caliber. It appears the teletype entry was a typo. i attempted contact with the victim. None ofthe information from 2130.7 appeared to still be valid. Using agency databases, 1 located an address forthe subject and several phone numbers. None ofthe phone numbers were correct. Contact-was made with the Orange County Sheriffs Office. A patrol unit responded to the last known address forJimmy to inform him his stolen property was recovered. Upon arrival. deputies made Jimmy's mother. who was uncooperative. She stated she had no spoken to Jimmy in two orthree months and refused to provide any contact information for him. The firearm is currently at TPD being examined oytheirforensics unit. It is believed the gun may be involved in a homicide and will remain in their possession. .etta chments: Reporting Deputy: Salvo, Paul Report Date: 4i?! $201 5 4:32:59 PM Approved by: Dennis. Dawn Approved Date: 4.620.?2015 12:27:44 PM Leon County Sheriffs Office Page 2 of2 Report Number: 0702651SS-CR001 Date Printed: 4raor2015 12:40:09 PM VERIFICATION REPORT TIME a4!15f2615 16:34 NAME FAX TEL A32R812823277 FAX ND.XNAME DURATION RESULT MODE 84f16 18:34 95853482 88:88:35 83 UK ECM