(Clerk: Sheranm; . 932%? 5 600V 5/4 nor Court of C?aiifomia guntv of Los Angeles SEP 07 2017 ,Mf?an Gomez 1323 (13"!13: Ht i613. it?~ ?tl'jjz-La'jl rr' a?om f?'rfmf (HEM 3166215 I :1 a - a I ?wa; arm-wan. 5m :v-w . Iv?: mg. wvvuc. vu InLawuu SHORTTITLE I caseuumaew. IC. .1111ng b. The true names of defendants?s?Ued _as'Does. ?are unknown to piaintiffr .. (1): I Doe defendants Doe numbers) . were the agents or employees of. the named 6: Elf This action is-?subje?ct to Civil Code section 1812.10- Civil Code 2984. 4. 7 This 59111} is :the c9111} because a I a defendant entered into the contract here. [313 1?53": res?" P- 3?74. VA mere causes of: action attached) Breath ot?iContract Comm'on ?33 ?4 mu or) anagguanse: 1. damages of: 35315, 625 77199 b. interest on the damages: attorneysfees (171:1 6f"$ according to proof. d. .IZlie other dther feli?f this The paragraphS-vofzthis pleading-'aileged follows(specrfy 1297816713155 Cate: Septembers~7152012 RICHARD Gs~ ORPRINTNAME) .. 1.1.2 . .. (If you wish-15 a ven?catron) -PLO- C-001 [Rev Januaryt 007] I I i: .1 :7 :11 Hut] 13511311111111: Nil-Aavnur-rwtv- -..-..- .. .. .. .. . Hm?? Rw?wu? wax:63. .u . ?112.55! L: It}: .. 5 . .. .1115: >51. . {.312 1.. .. wad?irftr?fw?k iff?i Iii?. 3.343 at; 3.3.4 {?1333 Emkxw mi . .. .. . Q??x??sz??we.? {m .an m. mm a1e.. 5.. ?Bu lam. ?Ewe." mm C3: Liza-:5: $232.5: a .1 .18 win! .5 r4! '1 56% wxwwivw 322m $222255: "gig? ??1335 gums?om? 3? hr Pm'?g? mg?. ?gm~Wu W?y ztzi??i". i - t: =7 2:212x??2weg . 2?123:2: \A?s?vf ?5032.x. gay?; Ir m: M. 5 as?: 9%39?1 3 g: 9 MW 27-" ?x35; MW 5:14? 5?53, 3 ?xvii-a 1.2% i 3, i ?af?x" ?2m 5' ., .Z ,3 22?? @252: Mum-222 m, argwg?3-wa 3-. i ?hie "312(an 2 22222:: 222222225 ?air55:?:5 3553 a .5 .. .. 5553 . 55:5 5 1::2334:611 . rate nu 3 1: 111- 1, nevf?l ?drild?iv .1 .. .1 ?111-1? 1. "nun" ?10:1 313% ?Hp aft!" *3 111M "mwz?z 11 w1w11~5u??1 111: 1 1352191611 ?1 1 1 11 4 ??nq 11111111111111ia1ic11?1111e991 1-1 fic?Pali?EHes~1Cailforn1a 902 05 1 . . .1 wanna ?Huh-Hurrah- 11111111111111111 UTURL 1 1 ?q iit?l?o .1 3 83116 23% 22232222591239? 55w.- xfomla?m ?and .111.? 11111111 9021114113 :22: 11.1 1 ?55 $15:11: I ?i?wk 2 I. 1 unantiw?umw?i? biagtgw?w?hif 7 :33, z: . 5 xx 1. ??lt h' $333?? m. . 1r?. ?1 . .. I ?l?tqil: . 7 5 ii 32:95:16 raw-4nm?l- hll?" lulu: ull :lu'ums. mummy In with all applimhlc annulus. unli?aiwes. rules. rcgulmiuus. mulch: and rcqulmnumn regulating: :lu: um: by ul Ilw, l?mgmoty. including; willw'm llmillng. the (\nmluams; with Disabililicx Act may be r-upplcuwnml} mul Ilu: ()ccupslliunul 5:1!ny mu! Iluhlth An Scolinu 63% ul an?. m; it hm lawn m' l'cnnm, :Il 'l'cnmu?x :sul'c cm! and expense. shall In: l?mx ll?uuy?. [ire hum: vulva. llml?l ?mukn: vcnlitug, emergency uxll ?fours and any mldillmlul lire pmmulinu which may he Nqulrutl by Illc I'm: (lxcpunlm?m or any lw ul its ?all: will I'm: cnx'urlng um lhu Building uml rumply all Applimblc Laws m- ut? llu: Mame Hale. including mm mu! USI In agmlimhlc wrimawn and gunmlIlnlm?lnm. 'l'ummt almll him the. right ul?uucuas to flu: Ill-l) lump; a any. H) days. A veg-l: almimv, Ilm ileum 'l?crm? axeupl when and when: riglu in m; rumlt ut' ti) any l?urm: Mainline awn: m? {ii} ll ut? lmm. umimcunncc Ilmml'pnmumu :ln: 1mm: ul' um I caw. ur (iv) a speci?c pmvisiun sci [Mill in this Lease. 5.03.2 'l'cmml ell its $314: coal and ?puma. with may. Applicuhle l..swx which mlute (n or am: lay (Vi) l'uumu's mm m" .uul till my allcraulun tar my (mum! made by Team? m? ail llu: munch! uf l?ummt Sinut' lhu Luann: Dale. Should any xtmulsml ur nnw. ur hereafter In: lmpg?ml ml 'I'uimm by any l?mlm?al, mm. m' local govummunlnl budget chm-gull will? ilm regulmlun uml ul' wi'cly Mnnalm'tlk. than: 112mm! ngwes. :ri its wk: um and expense. In cmuply will) standards m? rmulullum. 'l?lu: jiulgynunl Man}! umlrl jurls?licllun or the mlmixalun ul? ?l?cumu in may judicial rcgm?nllu m? whether is party liml l?cnnul him vlnh?utl mt); Applies-Mr: mm. mm in: cumzlm?w: nl' \lm {an {m lewccn anllm?d uml 'l'cnunl. l'unaml simll notify Laludlunl in mar inlilnulinu at llu? 5.01.] In munguiun will: arm-Jury; use m: {?mpuny mum mid hereby and name an; l'nllruws: {:11 Elk: l?rupmly ls :alunmlimcly aulim'rrnl In mm m?rlum lmlmurlal building and mrmumliug}. mulled)! mutually mv'cd landlord and Zl'Jth?r Mmlrunu Avenue, 903m (the (m more 21w nu phyalml separations (llama. gains, hmrlurs. cm} the and llu: Mmh?mm Property: (9) the Mudmuu l?mpruy ix mrrcullymeuplud by wmm; ?l?cmm allow sm-l .my {alum Imam nl' l?rupxtuy [nulmu'luu and Whismlur axuccm: the l?mpmy l?mm Maple .- wnuc Mala-mm (cl until well alone as Lamdlunl nu lungur mm:- the and the Miulmm [ii l'ummi :Jmll lulu?: Hm light In tie-.13. ln?. .1 cutmuumlzuly runrmnuhlc manner and whim {u all .uul any w: :munhlc mlua :uul n-yxnlutinus that latmllunl may ?mm .xdm?inr. mama" pnulum nt? lha.? Mudmlm l?ruperly m: [mic-mm .qu whiuular the Mmh?um l?mm Ausnuc in (ii) ?l?cuum 11ml hula-mung. :l?cl'cml? nml'lmld amy lunmu ma.- Mudmnn ?ts: and luumlux?u .ugwlnul .uul any .uul all claim?. ?lazumgct lurmn-l, .ICIim?r; or ?tune?: of .u?tlmz. mm :qu imlm Ilmn dammem). muzaf-uahlc law's. (null: :md lunl?; all mum lii :mjgl (lutwiiml?icr m-?lx- l'lfil?l'l?t??d Ila "(flillm?u?l by ?3.1m" (luuh, Milly gu-yunul ingnn? shall: as mm)? In hmpwil)? Hiking} mu ul?m' mlatlun In I. tlw. we UN by lu-mul nr ll?: l'c'num (lump (nth-r:- :?Khinl :im'li L'luim .liu?rllj; .ni?wr. lrw-m MN MW wlj?.? In nl?ljuullunl m? Illa: lumml I?mpuall; [walk-chm: .gmi?u (ll) m) in" willful nr ml?tnn-llu?l uihl'vniml m' the i?mliml Hamil nu [Hum [maul ul' Mmla?uaw '?lmll hum: Ila: finial mu, in Cumin-ful?l) lmuum? .uul \ui'imxl in all hm; mul nu}: rcaemlul?c rules and Um: lumllurll may unlablixh, Elma: "almian. pm?limr: ul llu? I'll-pal; l'ur :mtl vehicular Adore; .mruv? =lw l?wgu-uy hum In m? ?lulam-n Ping-rm?. :mll ll". .wa sully il'. (ll my lmuw {mum ul? llu: :?leshulm l?rugml'j unguin'. :1 Hz}; ?ml anim- slim; lw .unl Mme-m Ilu- l?mpml)? and ?3.11le l?mi?mlv uu'll ?Amman uml whimlm Jrucu? 1hr Madman: Franny .uul Um In: m? Hi} nu lungu mm: hull: llu? l-?mpuny unsl tlu- indium l?mgmla. {law [and uuly {la-m) rigglm all?! (NU) ?lthl ma: rigglux my l?nltm: {mum ul' lli.? l'rupcuy umlrr 3.11;) (Nail) 51m". upvn Wlillvn Hullu.? Imus nmllunl In Icunul. humane: null, Hill .lml 2m Imllu?r llm?z: ur Ilw Ivamnl lam-ca: ll?p? In woun- Ilu' hm l. mun! lut-l nullity, .uliswcm h: Ilw will!- nl lln: 1:523 5.223 g-f' mqt?gaseou med. ?1&5 533:, 112 ,rs. .. gig-g? #1 I??i?mi??wuf '7 HM mu MM ?1.1 . ?.225. 22cc! dm??lsw - .-. . :hw orgsa 22M .2 Sgcuati :?33 321310114 1-21up: 35:31:22639. 3 22529292225222? 'gmxw' was ?maven-W mm- 3 mm?fmaztazw ?v a?hh. 4 12 "J-du'n nun a I: {37- 4 zammuamz n-?im aw-p. "ankle-two" u?v?v Nun-my? 4 u? 'e 1:52?: Li") 21115:. 91:11:21 4 E1 :?xnuxx?u \Ms ?11: 1111111115129. . if! aim? 111 9111 b! - tun M. ?mm 9 195% 55:: madam-4 4' a :1 1;:1 -: :z?zmz: 3: I: 1113:: A 1 Wm Miknii??bm un?t??a?y; w. ~lisw?m.? -4 .. ?um-yum.? o. 31!? 33.545444?? ?7 ., 3. 4.4 4454; 44 12:44:; 44.4 I i3, 33-4233- ?4 534$"; .- .4 444444333 444 . Fanum tol?q?gg ?x?k?g $343845%} .1 {it} fr?i 44444333443445 f; $44 via?? 4 4.444.. 4: 4 33:? 34 i. ?4 $994243)! :Wiirf?h 43423 . .hnilu??C-ifw?M 1924112: .. .4 we; ~44 $44334 @3333 $5223., 3 I415. :44;ng 42 $49444 3434-4-41: 9134,44?~25 E5 a: a mum.? ?Wm-"mu .. 2:334:33: SR 9 N14 Run" ?upi??a kg.lwzb 7- . . J. a? W?h??u wife; 1 .. ., ?Wm 31,0? . - .. AM. 1611 :5 .. z, ?$553k 9: - 39?? :?asf?l?iif 134134;; . . ?39mm ?7 ?mm m. .. .3 (?way 3's? 3239223333; T?E?mfmm?m? its . .- (iti52? $335- .. ?mi. 53g; 65y 23b ?iu: 1 5? ?Vim ?3 i? dim 'rl? . a .. . @327? 333W 37% 5?21": ":Msif": .. - ?Mus"? may '33 ?m 5; ?wig-.V- .. . Eightii?nu?igiah a 5 FOP . u? 35 Wummt?; z; - ?:iPe mu ?My 33? ?Qw?k 57hv-r. w: . . vow!? man. uv 4.- .. Amy.? .., .. 473923523 11:: . 2 . 2? 2 lassw 2 - -- . 2 119?,? .a - mama22?11. n. Um;- 23;. 1?15? 5 Ms. g1; Ig?gg?a? ?29; is?? #2222 it 53:; My? ,2 2 22, @11223232 I i 11?; x'v It?g. 1. I . 3' Lilia 1.2.2 1 A r, $32 2. i?i?us? $2 122222uncut: 2 :22? .- nww. .. .u ?Nu-mu? A . w. - v? . 4 -.. anu- .mp- I1: .. . wt. :el. 2?2: .. . ss??lgg? y- h3g2" ?3 {Ea . 41 . '?wit 59?: ., Saw.- 35:? :1 :34 32?? gm . ?11 $535.11; A r" .35 ?53:5. - sad?ia?l . lug-'1' #5123741; ?wu 3:2: . u?g?m?f?m - DA 3? ?at ??ngitg?ilx E. .1: c: "Mara E. - -- z: it 34"? a E: is! ?5 u: r?ga??i?glii ?g 2: Egg; . . A 3325"; A :4 ?weEgzs . E: ii "if-g. $ng aw- ?a I: w. ?33y ,3 ?ung E- E: Engagy?f?ggiwf .4- zxi?i?l?u? 1 an]! 613:: . - ?Jk?ii??fiiu )6 g??gig?: J: a %Egs?, fl 1 . 1 1.) Jgtg?i??y "w . Em;- . . . 963?;?335 q, . a 3. . . l?ii?X-53;; swig: entry into the Prnpeny in the manner hereinbcfore described shall not be damned to be a forcible or unlawful into, or a detaincr of, the m' an actual or constructive eviction of 'l?unant from any portion of the Propmty. Section 5.07. Vehicle Parking. Tenant? shall be entitled to use of the vclticlc parking area on the Property, subject to the rights of the tenant of the Madrona Property (as provided in ?ling 5.02.739); Section 5.08. Quiet Possession. 1f Tenant pays the rent and complies with all other terms of this Lease, ?l?enimt may occupy and enjoy the Property for the full Lease Term, against any party claiming by, through or under Landlord subject to the provisions of this Lease. A RTICLE SIX CONDITION OF MAINTENANCE. REPAIRS AND Section 6.01. Existing Conditions.- MLIJ nut-pm the ill its "its-is? cottdition as of the cxccutiml nt?tltiS- Lensc. subj?ui 10 tn cn?nnt?ctr Landlord's Work. other sgmci?mlly?wl l'utlh in thla Ham and all mattcm. laws. and nrtlitrs. 1',GCva that-uh), "l?cimnt that an: my agent at has mtj; warranties. ?mum?- at lumllutl. la the ul?tlm l?rugmty m4 Neglect tn the mum ur tlwwul? for any particular use nr mailman. hereby waives any and all ?CIlCli express sir limitation any warranty u?r ol? "l?cimul rctumentx and warrants. that 'l'?tmnt has made its own inspection nl?? and inquiry cutulitlon ut?tlw l?mpc?rty {or has haul the tn rims) and. iztmi any by landlord or any limiter with respect literate. 6.0L: Landlunl mid Tenant acknowledgi: that. in will: the ymvixlmw ?mm, fur with llw. tum?: 'l'ltlt: Ill ul?lh?c ADA may he mi mul Nutwlm-st'mulim; anything In the mating? in this: newest. but whim tn the gum-hiatus .mtl :tgtcu' that the Tut nf the filly?lwll ut tilt: i?rtmutly will Building, with "it; mm will In: ilultutlh'll m: tl) ?I'gmmt will he mistiluiihlt: l'ur ?his the puwluiona at" litlc Ill 91? the Mm 1m any i?cmwutluux. until rstguilrx within the twitch; ?llet the Substantial t'mimletim: til? Wink; and (ll) will In: liit' utimplianm ttitlt tho pltn?ls?lml?s ul? ?l?ltlt?: til the ADA l?nr till lulua't'nr till {ltd l'ltll?ml? l?ll?? l" Substantial t'umplutimi ul l..imiltml?st Wink. and Tenant each name. that, this. ?tllu?ci?ltm ul? l?m? AIM (.mnplintwc will u-quiw .tmillm?tl nr ?l'curtut lu mum-vise. it'tmiitnr. titltut?t?sw review tin: muwlleutuc activities ut? ill": ullwr with magical: ti: lire .muumei tut MM ll? amt limb in all?; ?ti?uilml. "lit .tllaqntimml militia-Ability thri?tl'm mmplialtcc "nil lit-9 uhliyatlt?m at landings} and 't?mmt by ?1116?! alluczttimm, will supersede any uthar pmvixlum a? this Ila-me that may or titlmmistis tlil?l'cr limit tsl? this alumina. Am of lhu Data at Lease, the lads nut ttmlumtnm by (lASp, wt-tiitmww Minn-mini: Lani-third l?rmn Lliihillty. nut he llalatul?umny ultiumguur pt?t?euu. [m ,in, {mi ut?htumw ?nods. wares, merchandise tar Luther pmpcily (it?t'cnant. mastuntwt ut? any in or-utsaut tin: l?mpculy. such damage or- in?itiry in what-ii lw pr mums l?mm- til lire. xtcam. Waller. gals min: till list: lt?tlhilttci- nintruut?nn in ?tin-r \lt'l? li1l33'1llp0'i? witc?. galttitilting, :iir ui m- any utlaci?catma {-lli} wndilinm?: misting it; w- the tummy. lit-m ntht?r untitcait nr plain. nth; nf gully by tmautlmiimd permits nitln the l?rupm'ty; nr an} u: "mg-mini: nl .uw t-llw imam at [mullet-ti. Landlm-d that he liable in: (my Such or mini}: awn tlu: initial: ill-mm and: dattitugu ur injury am: It!? tn Tl'enanl?. 'lht: ul" min: nihtll taut, extant?. l'rmn liability its this ul Luntlluul'i willful mittumalswt ml arr ?adult-ml ll) Smitty; 11.01th 01' this -2l- 237: I 31!! ?Mann. wan. an! -. Vlaft'io'y.? -- 3 2 sit-mi} - 2. 22m; - 2. .. 2. wlw?vwh?vf 22-1.. 2222 2?22 . 123%.21' ?2 2:2? - 3229-; 3242;..th ht, 2 2 . 3.3. 253152. .. 15;; 32.21%? ?22 d2" a 42592;?" .14? 2?72. 5? . u; .. MWE. 2 32.21-12.23. 2 1, {12127 run Evy: '2 nu -.2. -. .9 33:. 222 3. 2. 2:2221.?gig?gm222222 . 33111:: ?3 11?1?"??29 .. .2 e?gm. 5322 I 3.. .3. .3 3,3. 3, . :?rw?iw 7 "v 2122222222: . .. meta 2. 2 3222222332 -1332 -. .2222 2:2 (?13.123111 7123,2533 32: 3.122.2; 3.33 ., E2333 Evy3.- 22222 .2222: 2 2222222: .. 1:22.111. 22221222231742.2212?? 2 . .. )i .. 22.222 22-22. 2122321211312! 2. 2:52:32 2.13?? ?2 - - 912522.: g?ii?ffzia?ikg??ggi?22-. . ?.232 name .m van 2- . a ham". - ?i M- r. . 39'1'2" s. as" ?19% hali- $113k - 5 . . is . ll $33 Y?gjm?f?i mix-t ww :w ?71: 1 "am; hem- im? ?v M?k?s? . - 32cm?- u. . ?Nay?Inna ?lvf'iJa-nx'I'nmunu'r . . W: uM?nzw -.. . 1.. a; - . \tn. .5 2? 3LT WW-mrh-w-uw-n .Jvnuriwl ?way-rut .tw?y?mm 37,, . .555 on. .. 54$ 3 315%?5*55; 5555x~5? 5:55~5 55 n3555? 32 if 5,3515% 15; nu??phg?g?gr 5 .5 ?Eiil?55?5 @5335! 33'? 80 uvv; 1.. . pruvo. 1144 v" .n 2,5; 53,512,? Eff-z ?25 @551 3m 531;; 1.55 53:35:55 25,55 5. . 555555 ?W55555W5M55555W5 ?vv . 2 :1-4 3: n2!" 5 I '2 52 5.15 5" .Q 5, ,5555 2 .2 I ?t :5 22,2 . 215%; :252; .. '2 . ?355; .932}; 5:1- 5 4.- 5.7.9.,55555m5 .2555 5 .555552- 5? 525 .5 '9 2% ?gbt??w . ?Emmaain'g 14.2 ?0?2 0.- - :5 2:92'Mr; :5 . -. 5 . 25?5": 13'3" ,5 :2 m! s: 1?13,- r. . 'f I 2 ?hit ti$2533?? r. ?251:1ng 2: @3252. -- f: 4 $1233.13 ?ns, 2mm: - a?g?g??gg?g?mn .2 ~f2 ?2 05;. r? .. - ~u uuwwucwm ?=Dnmge?9fw0?3 - . .h . Auwx? .2 ?i ,2 $5116; 3% {w 1W1 l\-?kn" z: .. 55 El; \hl\ ..ii I: I I . V.-22:: 2. g. 9&2; - @591ng 7? ?3 ?$6,33le $1 ?333%: km- 33W wwg?wz?m - .7 1: Mag-W?g?fg it? ?gjg ,5 :d An? . u? nausea? 5? 2 H21. 1; 9315 "Mr?Fm-?m?ammwm .Mw L2 35 '1 ':zz?xwaux: 1:2.6 as; ?WWurowtlro-(Human? .. v.4: u. -u ?32 5-..- .- ?miy?mmww M..wbl -. ?mm-wo?tw a - . \Iu-u-r- - mu- n'wvw'wm . u- . nun-"w". ?Va-thou yva-y.? 33:3 3 blexl-h - :ginmplut? $3th 33fi'sl?333{33%?31 W1 ms '33? {W333fg?g??ygg?im?m 3'33 3333133 3.331333% mm 3333333 ?we z: at? . 125;}; s. .. 3' 1 .. .3335?? "232 ?4 .. . 2% 3. with? ,?ja-x a 132%? 335'?! Yi?? 3% ?.3313?1:in - in?? [331% .. 1? i 1; . kwv-?u llhi". . @333?: . 3ch 33336333523333wa a n. - aw ., hug yang?. 1- .. manor-A" . damn. :mww-c?wzamawx??nung?bu 1' i! kg?uff? :23, .V 113%? . f?i? f?a - .424izxg?i? v? .21 fug?; 1,3 .. 1. Elf? .1 iliafdatc?h??m; WIT-ill: v: "nun. lleat:. ?Mun,? . EMKUagitmazm 2-2 .?s-Wuunnu3w- ?xv ?mwzme?W? pun.? . ?mv .. .. my. wail.? ?aws?" .gp" mg.? 2-: run - rv? u. Nahum-u??! qua; v. v, . an Mary? .. 3.. .. uy'v'v'hna ..A. I I I If E: ?ip ?v?3f? (?13:3 wm?mw?ww . .. $3 5min Hittiggi?izlggig 5m; Iii; ??iie?gl rwutw?? ML SSE/Ii?l?lmfg?lggy 3731mm >1 3 133335 1 Rh. 335?: ?Mt gift: .. ii?mg? at Fr? i ?1 31-" 133% ?unlug?mgd?i 9' x? Eff} 3923531" j: A r?liipmli e. 9E3 1 i 55331" 33? 9- ?4.1 . mm. mm: - "N-Ilt-E-n . .uv nu- 22%?92am as?. awAnne-w when? Inn-uaw :?Elk-um 2 5 mm as ?9 mmamuwmwm wzaammrz :gixx'fzuew?w ?d-us?txn ?on ?31%:er Ea @335 1&2? .1 6,6; 1- V, an: ?w .. mf?uw?f?Wi?mn 0 v-I-i v?vV a? A 1? .s-h w\\9 '1 ?v 3:33.. am" ,5 . ?nl-d g! a, 5? mm?. WW . ?mi, 1 -. - i imam] 9-. ., ?mam! .. . 5.2. a .. . 3 v5 3:32:33 . rein? 323-515 a? ?.1435 f? . gig. . ?1 g3? ?gu?m? 333 a ?sprg 3am}! d?fnduumem? ?new in ?3110115), .(md .5 run. ,auy Rg?pzwmeu? 135!? ?pg? 3 332333 3117111353 3" K?x??m??xx ii?s? 132m continue. 1:33 . mm: 3: . ubleii?u (5:33; {gims 8H . 4 xx ?u mun ?3?1 4. LI . 3 TIM: mwm?mwm 9993515 :79! inf-n- . .n n-a.m n?nl- m, .z a? ?as. 4-4 .n uu\-N4 .. Wu .- new Secrion No not or thing done by the Landlord or its agents during the lease term hereof shall be deemed an [receptance of surrender of the and no agreement to accept a surrender of the Property shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the Landlord. Section 10.08. Removal of Tenant?s Property. All l?uminu'c, .mtl nthur property at Tenant not removed from the Property upon the vacation ur thereof default hy nr upon the l-mninuthm ut' thin Lease any cause shall he doctrinal tn Intre- been by and may he mitt. destroyed (ir ntiterwisu tii?xpuse-l of hy Laurllurtl nnticr: tn and without tn ?comm tlmrethm. shall liw nil remunnhl)? in runnertim with the. dinpnsitiun ni?sneh upon presentation at evidence at :1 third party's elnitn nl? ur tumult): imam! in any much may turn over ?rum-Hy tn the third patty claimant without any liability to ?l?enant. Station [0.09. Punitive and Cnnsequentinl Damages. anything to the contained in this Lease, nothing in this Lease shall imitate any Obligntimts on Landlord tu be responsible hr littbh: fur, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord from nil liability for. indirect. punitive, exemplary, special m? damages (Including lost pro?ts). ARTICLE ELEVEN PROTECTION OF LENDERS Seclitm 1 till. reprehenw that the Property in nut currently :nrbjeet tu lL-zn'n: nt? nny nr ?ital tltfilti?? 't?hix~ Lew: is untricrt mu! stthunlhtute in all future ground nr underlying tenant at" the run. prupuaty .uhl tn the lien nl'nny ur ll'lihl deeds. ur in three against the real property tilt: building. it? any. In all renewal-t. extension?. and thereof. and to all advances made at hereafter tn he made the security ut?mwh 05? mm deeds, unless the at such mortgancx nr trust deeds. nr the lusmrs under :nwh gmumi leu?e or underlying lemurs. require in writing. thin tense In: superior than-cm by giving, nutiue thurcnt?tux'lfenmtt at leaxt live (5) htt?x?lnx'w tiny-2e helm: the electiun hceunmn etl'eetiw. agree?; in the event any llt?ttcumilltg?r an: hrnught I'm the lin?euhmure of nny Mich hr 52' (my ur underlying, team: is in ?Hunt. nu); ur setul?i'n whatmuxwr. tn the :mg, Stittlt min. th the hm'sm? ttl' such gruuml ur maria-lying: lanesuch purchaser ur harem. tn Slit?il Ie?raur as tilt? tu'mm tltl?. Lenten sne?h gmtmol h??xnf Silt!? agree to accept tlti-i Len-h: :mtt nut itinturh 'l'umnt?s. necuhuutsy. 50 lung mt the rent and nhmm; aunt nert?tn?me all nt? the tumm. :mai thin Lunar: tn he tutti purlhnuetl by intermt lwuzin mu}: he at zany- to any thull. within liw ltutiltuzitrt ut? t?ulitlt?xl hy Lurnlluul, nu: "Ethzil wtnmerrinlly ?ammable instrunwnw hr ?swimmer; in unit ma tin-n minim! h; hunter tn cuntirtn the or unpertut'itt' ul'th'vs Lane in rm}; tillt?il twat thit'titn. harm: Hr ntnivrl?yingt l-xtwm l?mnmt wrivm tin.- prm-i-mm ut? .my m? tinurtr nth: nr hm which nun}. t' ur 33mins? tn trim: l'cnunt any right tit rlwli-m tu terminate ur .tlhra?l tlti? i run;- .tt'nl Ill-t~ uhligjntiutt . ni' lint lbt'ttunt in uwttl nl' .my proceeding or Stile. Section IDLE. Certi?cates. 1 Uptm wtliwll telnet-?t, truzmt execute, and deliver to in ?Cltt?il turn: it". is they; rennin-ll rectifying}: [it that mun.- ul' the term: m? pint-uniuut; utl'tlris tenet: luv; heeu (httatgt?tl (L?f it they hut-v: champ Ii. hinting they hum I?lmugsutl}: (it) that this [unite has. tn-t been or Imninntc-i; the tlitlc trl' pity-thrill ut' the unit till?t?l' charge; :unl the time pcriml unwreal hy suth payment; (iv) that Lmuitunl i?i nut in default under this. Lens": tut. it l.mnl5nrrl claim-rd In: in delimit. slitting hyt; unuh ur with reaped tn l?mmnt hr lltitt Leann.- .a'e ?my mutant m? which nut; ttl' tilt; may retptite, simil nh-hwr starch to within h-n till) lint?: 11th:; I sequent, lumiturri may {tl?u?c any with by it) any puwltuwr nr ul' tin.- l?r-?rput?ty Such m' may wit: ?pun such statement .12: two. unit tittl?t't't'l. -2li;?i?lil .xwx??vL-v-mf" 1' a . I 1. 111311.13;ng 12:11; ?253:? ml 11:1? [1 I1 161 . W331: wwagiv??a 9215311111; 131.19. 1.1113111 . 1.11? 11 1 1 x11? (1551;111111 ?aroma Ac hall ?d-er 1m 11.11:; Y?s 4 1 :(3?7?ni?mcncama11 _1 33:? 13.1.1. giv? r0, 61: om-ILnnd \1 x1111?411111g?111~?1? :1 wv'ww ?33$ g1 ?m?u ?11 Ill" 1' I351, Eggsg?x??l?k Wm: 3552-2; 53: 11.1. .1 1. imam11-1.. 1. 1.1.9. 10,111?. Pr, Eff111111 11 11 .3 r, 2? a 5' .338: ?g @632) ?11: . 13g .. ,7 . {133$ . . mmanagets 55mm?w?m mam u? . .q 4 I\l\ . 1 as: $31393 lww?a ?34353 '45 my?? 2?11 ism-7'1 10*! w. .. won-mu . ?am a flu- mew-LAM ii'l'? 3mg ?313.33 any? m3 ?(x-en u? 'm?d dc?. 4.3 '31?3: ?66? .l 2' 2' W?m?vww?ww . .. . 7 If 3&szst 3-1143: 3. . 3 In oi?ceab?i ?es i 3:2; .- ?md 350133 '5 0 .3 . 1 . :3932 . 3.43: 345444444 3 54" .515 .4 2% . . i [?gs-uwsiunsaulggbI {3 4 $3443.33] 43344414443741336':- 45 a <63? 5 9* i 3? . ?t?x?mgfg 43-35,; E, 4. . 3.3} QEE-i??fgmg 3?-31 - ?3 434 44494444? 4 3 4444444444 nun mun? 21$, .. 3:2: 32 n; 4 . I. ?van . 44441;? 3 my: 3. . .4 :12 ?nan." . Mag?" 2 4.4 V. 7 ?31? . 4 n? ?1 .3- ?35 .8433 33 7 44114344.; 3 41141441143. 3'3: i5 .4 on "nun? an an ?u cg?i9mm . ?an? . \n?vvg i ?uni ?wan: *svsw; 53:110. -.- . at 5 ..1 ?.mygr . wy?vij?g?ig?'gb . 5. In ?gurgi?tggl?g??g 15:? ?igf-vf? . - W?gg?v?i?" 9: 25traclmed?hereto . r. .3237 - . . 9" 'a n-mmfv" >t . . 5 .w-g Irv-n ?Mn. I-y-nH-Ivv-I .nn "mum BERKS pram? .. nu. A v? Maw? 4m ?-nm anl? ,Pgii??'?v?a ls 1141.11 99* .v yaw k: .u 'llu-ur .w-r wow-v- A-mmayu-a-AHuW22?; 23;; . -- .11, {15} 4m . ?gym!? "ft.3361 3 .1: 5: .2 ?hvi?w? I Kimmy. . i .7. 2.55.1: ?slt - gigygl 13W was?: tAAll .. iivim-a- ?aw .. mu - vina?w rum mun-awe . .. n. wvrv::w 34 .. . .5 5.Qn?ug. $.523: 1&3an .1.. 73mm .:3me . .. .. .. tul.1l.I. .1: 21.I. 2.1v.21. 5.1.. . ?inII?Ln .ll .I.. .. ?rt. -90LI.-. .iu: .. .1 ..H..1-.. .. ..I. .. 235.1ell; .luT . . . . .ll 1.. of; Ell: .11.. ?1.33 54.3?Max:333. 235.1! .. v? $<1u maxi 2752. .o ;o?orea(:10 .at{3:714 . vua .u .n .L 33212; ?535?,?th ?n .. 4 . m4 [Err-z: an?? . -.- - . .A?Acyn Av?gmm 3. mm?zzw .453 - W'azvrm'r?fw? an? ?n 1110,3134} 32;; . 15:2: E: M. 5.) ?nun?. 38? at 2w ix sviz. - w-?em. "any, nun" gun A. nu?: Ham?. . 9w .u . i 5A1 van. . .. . 3524 ?this? Masai-iv? _v.v W. ?73? a A . - . :56t2?; . un?umqm . Wm." . ?mum?can? w. 5 u? xx nnununnu; nu ?no .. -. .. ?Hun" -roa . 0. 0?4: ?)rr)y o. -. 115:2: $1 :3 I: It: w" ,s?wxixr .. A. ?run: 1.- ran..- when? .. uv-w cs'Mv\ A?v-zw- a rmm-ngv- . . . ..x..mr-lw.z (an um. 1 (tum "?andgc'on '33. Ki 3 3 1 X3 9.1" . .39 M3. 'ng?v 3 414,. 1.. . 3?1333 .. 3 33-3 333. (?3333333 ia-?vigzgw' 33.3 .3 33.11 .3333 33333333135333.3333 "3 153333 33333333333331 1 ?33; 333333.? 3133393333! 3 14;: 3333233? ?33333333313333313333 .. . .1. 1; 33.3. 333333313 . 333$. .. .. - 3 -- Imbi 3.30 .3 33333? 33 333 3?3 3333.3 . 31 3: 3 - 33133313313 ?72233 N, .. r33 31333363 33; 1 133.3113 1 .3 szww??wv ?3?3 .31. 1 - Jamey? warmmire-fiwm [i3 _m 3. . - wu 11.! 1:;11, 33351331323 9?33: ?(1331.3 . .C 933333 2: 34:5.- .134 . up. .-. "Nu-m . nun. .. ?\av?rpnn - nun-3 ?an. mums-.? .- ?varuumn. u-u n. on. 1. u- u-wau i .. . n. 91yam? 333.3133?) "Law?s. 1Q111 13311111133 tam i, '11? 3an 31121;}? .. QEQQA. 113313311; 1111 1?1 1139;?- "1'11" 7.15133QQ -1311] . - - f3 333335" . 131311133131 1111-11.11.11 Kw 11.x? 1 {if "If" 33 13111111 .117: 35.111111 .1, 3" Q. . ,9 ..2 1w. 1.3" Tampa-E1? 731.." . .Q. 11111111133111 1.113131133118311 5.4.3; . @le335" 11112113313 111:. ?111}; ?131%? gum . . 111. 1 1 1 . 151111113211 1:111afg?lzIOW?iJL 11112111111111; 5% 19111111111 1 43$ 7 .1 2435'. .53 2 21.12111 11*"11111112 2 2 ?11111511112221 2.2221223121113231 1.111% 321,111 1&1 11111111 $111311 1?11 2331113 1111 II 11,1 1 ?@112292236111 .2 - 2211" 1112 2; 22122212111112.1211} 2-2 12211 71,. 125:; 2 m1 "2 [f 251 1?1" 1 it 3:21;: ?May?igiw r; ?111 7'11, 12,5: 2% 311,151.11 91? ?1111121. 11" 1? 11: 13511 12:21? ?1:12 1 qu?gg?g?w . I i?m?g?i?gi (WIDE I: I 33%? ?$9.153 I 2 211111112111? 22111121?: )111 (12% 1 . 1' $111111 111mum: 3111.111? ?111212222 2221 .2. 42:2- 3:33} {11111 111111322111 29211111111m131311wm1 1.3111111 1951221333 II u" p.254?. . I. i 333mmf""?% u? w. .u may,? 21 22 ?7?1'11?1?1? I I. (191.. um .- .2 . .515Emms?n?wgif a: 45.1: .I:12- .r 1" 1.: why-Ir- . - Su? - -. '3 1115 ?59 - i mils g; ii?mhmf?25?: ??msu . 3 2'9" . .. :5 .iql?h gs .. 1 . I my. t?n 9?3 ?3-3 ?aw, ., r_ .?galh?w aim assay Amws? w-w am ..M. humfin-AAW?n-v ?dag-NIB" . NA.- mu. . um5r.? . I "cram-?z I?ll .u mg?ng :21 .7. I]..632 .2431.53. .. 3. .1. 95.515: 1 1 $1313.:11. {13:53.1 E9. 3. . . 2 1 1 1:33. 3.5.52 .. . . 5:11d. 2. . . 2?s? :2 .. 3 .. 1. 25:.33?lm55.5tucw.Ugssv??giugu . .. . . . . . .. . . ., ?111.1121111 . z. .. 1 5 3 . $31.3- x. z. in: .. 0.3.44 .. 94?: . v. 5.32Nu.22?smug 3 it i . In.? I r: ?33.64L331 . . . .. I. .. .22:w?kvu04?vzuggw11001.. .. . Jule"and. . . .. .?ui . .2 . .523 ?Dan .32 . t. . . ?an"m0. .. . ?it? w. . . ax: Lew.25.. n. . :aa: . .. .r 3.3 . .mm. .. 9'53?vicar vii. . . . 2 .. :muw . .. 5m .. "asms. .22-u. . .2 u? an.? ?uvnrl wt.? luna?. 2.2-u: trim?(W ..2-- 2. -2. 2 . was. 22 22 2.22.22 sun-22222 5&9 22 .. 2? 2. ?2w. 2 2 .. may?. axurat22222 2 . 2. 22222. 232.232.. 2.2.2 23:3 v8 2 222.35 22.14.4561; .33) 1.022 222222.23 2.. . . . 2 :22. ?222, 222222223222?. . .22.. . 2.2.. . 222222222. 2222222222w22222222u ?2 .382. 2 2222223222222222212222.2222: .1 .222222222525322. wk}. {2.53% 2127.22? ?st? z. .2 3.2233. 22. 2 3.2.0 .2222. .. )5 r5 . ..: .. a: .11: .. ..111. 11 1. 1 2i?. .4. u. ? 11 (..: Kafk?n??g. 1 . n. nutuy?c?hwy Lo. .- . 1 (?ywh?.muwkm?mvmee.?ucwmt . . $3.3mnuts; a . . . .1 I. (Inn-01? COURTUSEONLV MonIca California?9'0401 1007 FILE. - - (310) 451-8001 (3'10) 1395:5963 Su em, 0mm of Camomna BEIM Bounty of Los AngeIes SUPER ZZR 11:1 North SEP 0 7 20? 111 North Sherr [019* Deputy: By Gomez Check o:n:e; . . Auto= Tort . I AutoIfiZ?i} v- .- -- EVE g: DamageIWrongful peath) Tort I Asbestos (04) ZI .I N333 . .. ??nforcement of Judgment 5 ?Givilr?ights: (08) .I ?Defamatlon (-13) ?Mlsc?llan?o?us Civil Complamt =Fr?5ua?l1'6) 42 . DrugsIss) "W?mpia'ntgn?fpecmeda I .5 Professmnal n?glifjenc? (25) :9?qu I tdr?I . EmfgsIaym?a?trz El {Otheniemploxmenw =issue_s that will be tIme-consumlng tel: resolve Substantlal -arnount of documentary eVIdence (ifnplex under rule . . INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. If you are ?ling a ?rst paper (for example. a complaint) in a civil case. you must complete and ?le, along with your ?rst paper. the Civil Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This information will be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers of cases ?led. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. in item 1. y0u must check one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case tits both a general and a more speci?c type of case listed in item 1. check the more speci?c one. If the case has multiple causes of action. check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action. To assist you in completing the sheet. examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A Cover sheet must be ?led only with your initial paper. Failure to ?le a cover sheet with the ?rst paper ?led in a civil case may subject a party. its counsel. or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3.220 of the Catifomia Rules of Court. To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3.740 is de?ned as an action for recovery of money owed in a sum stated to be certain that is not more than $25,000. exclusive of interest and attorney's fees. arising from a transaction in which property, services, or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) tort damages. (2) punitive damages. (3) recovery of real property. (4) recovery of personal property. or (5) a prejudgment writ of attachment. The identi?cation of a case as a rule 3.740 collections case on this form means that it will be exempt from the general time-tor-service requirements and case management rules. unless a defendant ?les a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections case will be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a iudgment in rule 3.740. To Parties in Complex Cases. In complex cases only. parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the case is complex. if a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. this must be indicated by completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. If a plaintiff designates a case as complex. the cover sheet must be served with the complaint on all parties to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time of its ?rst appearance a joinder in the plaintiff's designation. a counter-designation that the case is not complex. or. if the plaintiff has made no designation. a designation that CM-O10 the case is complex. Auto Tort Auto (22)?Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death Uninsured Motorist (46) (if the case involves an uninsured motorist claim subject to arbitration. check this item instead of A uto) Other (Personal Injury] Property DamagelWrongtul Death) Tort Asbestos (04) Asbestos Property Damage Asbestos Personal Injury! Wrongful Death Product Liability (not asbestos or toxic/environmental) (24) Medical Malpractice (45) Medical Malpractice? Physicians 8. Surgeons Other Professional Health Care Malpractice Other (23) Premises Liability slip and fall) Intentional Bodily assault. vandalism) Intentional lntliction of Emotional Distress Negligent ln?iction of Emotional Distress Other (Other) Tort Business Tort/Unfair Business Practice (07) Civil Rights discrimination. false arrest) (not civil harassment) (08) Defamation slander. libel) Fraud (16) intellectual Property (19) Professional Negligence (25) Legal Malpractice Other Professional Malpractice (not medical or legal) Other Tort (35) Employment Wrongful Termination (36) Other Employment (15) cm?oro {Reentry 1. 2007] h?n?e CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Contract Breach of Contract/Warranty (06) Breach of RentatlLease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) Contract/Warranty Breach?Seller Plaintiff (not fraud or negligence) Negligent Breach of Contractl Warranty Other Breach of Contract/Warranty Collections money owed. open book accounts) (09) Collection Case?Seller Plaintiff Other Promissory Note/Collections Case Insurance Coverage (not provisionally complex) (1 8) Auto Subrogation Other Coverage Other Contract (37) Contractual Fraud Other Contract Dispute Real Property Eminent Domain/Inverse Condemnation (14) Wrongful Eviction (33) Other Real Property quiet title) (26) Writ of Possession of Real Property Mortgage Foreclosure Quiet Title Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landlord/tenant, or foreclosure) Unlawful Detainer Commercial (31) Residential (32) Drugs (38) (if the "case involves illegal drugs, check this item; otherwise, report as Commercial or Residential) Judicial Review Asset Forfeiture (05) Petition Re: Arbitration Award (11) Writ of Mandate (02) Writ-Administrative Mandamus Writ-Mandamus on Limited Court Case Matter Writ?Other Limited Court Case Review Other Judicial Review (39) Review of Health Officer Order Notice of Appeal?Labor Commissioner Appeals CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal. Rules of Court Rules 3.400?3.403) Antitrustl'l'rade Regulation (03) Construction Defect (10) Claims involving Mass Tort (40) Securities Litigation (28) EnvironmentaliToxlc Tort (30) Insurance Coverage Claims (arising from provisionally complex case type listed above) (41) Enforcement of Judgment Enforcement of Judgment (20) Abstract of Judgment (Out of County) Confession of Judgment (non- domestic relations) Sister State Judgment Administrative Agency Award {not unpaid taxes) PetitionlCerti?cation of Entry of Judgment on Unpaid Taxes Other Enforcement of Judgment Case Miscellaneous Complaint RICO (27) Other Complaint (not specified above) (42) Declaratory Relief Only lnjunctive Relief Only {non- harassment) Mechanics Lien Other Commercial Complaint Case (non-tort/non-complex) Other Civil Complaint (non-tort/non-complex) Miscellaneous Civil Petition Partnership and Corporate Governance (21) Other Petition (not speci?ed above) (43) Civil Harassment Workplace Violence ElderlDependent Adult Abuse Election Contest Petition for Name Change Petition for Relief From Late Claim Other Civil Petition Page 2 ol 2 American'l'egaltlotr . 2 an.? .s. mn- var saw-ma "4 .a'mv. thus-Imam ?plnow- A. war..- . .- . . a. A - ghumiv. mm .. ?71003 Motor Vehicle. . m" sun-m. .. . ?59: r. Wang-.2? ammu- I '1 r4 Mu:13; :lL a . NUMBER a . A6034 hi 7) 2' 2: l} A yu..g~.ht . . .. 3132?} maumwwu nuvw . 3 '4 ., . um)? if? SHORT .TITL .n . . . 4 HI 43553) mm?: Lin? J: 7; 22-13 'vs :2 2: nahmu .w .ugrr'mivru-w . a . CASENUMBER I 2? $119typeofaciion that you have selected Enter the address Web Is the basis for: the filing Iocatlon IncludIng zip code: (No address reqmred for class action cases13.1: art-:1" . .. . . . 445?: i Step 5 CertIfIcatIon pf AssIgnment Icemfy ttiat this. mesj's properly fled in the CENTRAL of: ?n 623': I'm CIVIL ASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM LocaiRuleZS I. 5-:sz