[655/07? mar Tar-1? WW6 NO. 416-81913-2015 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT vs. COLLIN COUNTY, TE ,4 WARREN KENNETH PAXTON. JR. 416TH JUDICIAL ic?a?t?v I C, ORDER ON MOTION AND ASID fgz?u?vil'lmET FOR PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT BEFORE JURY M9, On the 29th day of March. 2017. the Court. WDefendant's Motion to Dismiss and Set Aside lndictrnent for Pros pxsconduct in this cause. p, ed all pleadings regarding The Court. having heard the evidec ?41.33;, this motion, arguments of counsel. an law. finds that Defendant's I ?5 Motion is without merit and is hereb}?3?l?l. ail/gay SIGNED THIS 30th 2017. (es fa?, ?(915/ JUDGE ESIDING 2017 Sag Time: . 2 Harris Coun oxa- 3 By 2 a Deputy