AP FTD TN UPPORT l, hav mg ersonal knowledge of the eve ass stated belm w, and if sworn as a witness can testify competently; do hereby state the following, under oath and based upon my information, knowledge, and belief as it was available to at the time of the execution of this document: I was employed on an unofficial basis for Rep John Convers camoa ign ntro om - 2. During this time my duties lead me to work in close proximity with both - -and Rep. John Conyers. 3. During this time I witnessed a variety of inappropriate sexual advances by Rep. Conyers towards_ myself, and other members of Rep. Conyers staff. 4. On multiple occasions I witnessed Rep. Conyers, rub?legs in public, in cars on the way to events, and in the 01?1"?1ce, and at times would slide their chairs closer together in, order to do so. 5. During my period of employment, when attending events with Rep. Conyers and Mr. Conyers would send me ahead of him to the events in a separate car, but would insist that_ stay behind and ride in .1 same car as himself. I 6. 0116 such speci?c incident of '16 conuuct occuued 011 September 24, at a CUJIDicbomhai BidCii L'ct'u'CuS lv'v' 1?vii. wuuycm Cdinpaig? pdiu for a hotel room tor?and l, he insisted that we stayed at his apartment with him and even gave us keys to the apartment. 7. i was asked on multiple occasions to pick up women an? bring them to Mr Conyers 9 lant? ?no a! rLAv knfla n" 11a 0.11m vvniuuyqu LU ihv \1?7 ?vi Dili?v-u 1m. Uu?Ln U1 US) started working for the Rep Conyers stating that Rep. Conyers was rubbing her legs and back and otherwise touching her and making sexual comments towards 3 On th1s?? day 0t 2&2an 2014, belore me, a Notary Public personally appeared- - personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to, be the who subscribed [his 111341111 ?13113 and who apnenrs to be 01 50111111 mind and not under or subject to duress, fraud, 01 undue in?uence, and acknowledged that executed it Notary Republic 22%LC0unty, Michigan NOTARY SEAL My ommission Expires: Acting in 01 pg (301.? County, Michigan Notary Public. State of Michigan County of Wayne My Commission Expirgs an. 25, 2018 Acting in the County of (1?ij 1