PROPOSAL Tax Map Property Location 86 Ferry Street Present Number of Units 0 El Owner Occupancy yes [3 Residential Proposed Number of Units nla no it 5 Commercial LDescription of Proposed Use Assemblage of properties for private parking related to prospective development project on 4th Street. 2. Proposed Improvements a) List of proposed improvements. Present vacant lot to be cleared and regraded; place bank run gravel for new base and pave; striping and signage as necessary. b) Estimated cost of each improvement. TBD improvement work witt be bid out to quali?ed contractors. 6) Estimated Total Costs $20,000 (est) 3.Propo?sed Improvement Method 21) Identify party or parties performing the work. Per contractors to be determined b) Description of how the work will be completed and estimated date for completion of work. TBD subject to overatl project diligence schedule 0) Description of experience and/or quali?cations of party or parties performing the work. TBD based on contractor selection, which selection shall be based on criteria including but not necessarily limited to any direct experience utilizing contractoris). references. availability/schedule, and pricing. t?i 40?er 4. Financing of Propertv, Purchase and Improvements 21) Provide description of method for payment of costs related to the purchase and improvements. Applicant or a related entity will fund purchase and cost of improvements. b) Provide evidence of current ?nancial assets suf?cient for payment of purchase and improvement costs or the ability to secure ?nancing for payment of such costs. square feet of commerciai real estate including The News Apartments(501 Broadway, Troy); please see enclosed commitment letter from investor entity. (Attach Proof of Financing method- such as bank statements, commitment letters ?om lending institutions etc.) Proposed Purchase Price (Amountof Bid) 3 500.00 Name Rosenblum Devetopment Corporation Principals Seth Rosenblum, CEO Address 300 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 310 Albany. NY 12203 (Signature) *If more than one individual, partner, shareholder or member, attach additional sheets providing the names, home addresses and telephone numbers of each. No PO Boxes are acceptable. Each must sign Phone 518-869?9302 the proposal. Mayor?s Approval PROPOSAL Tax Map 101.61-11-8 Property Location 163 Fourth St Present Number of Units nla Cl Owner Occupancy yes Residential no 8 Commercial Proposed Number of Units n/a LDescription of Proposed Use Assemblage of properties for private parking related to prospective development project on 4th Street. 2. Proposed Improvements 21) List of proposed improvements. Existing vacant, blighted structure with red af?xed to be demolished incl. utility disconnects; any cellar area to be ?lled and compacted as necessary; land to be cleared. regraded and paved; striping and signage as necessary. b) Estimated cost of each improvement. - improvement work will be bid out to quali?ed contractors. c) Estimated Total Costs 33 $50,000 gest) 3.Proposed Improvement Metlm a) Identify party or parties performing the work. Per contractors to be determined b) Description of how the werk will be completed and estimated date for completion of work. TBD subject to overall project diligence schedule c) Description of experience and/or quali?cations of party or parties performing the work. TBD based on contractor setection, which selection shall be based on criteria including but not necessarily limited to any direct experience utilizino contractorls). references. and pricing. 4. Financing of Property. Purchase and Improvements a) Provide description of method for payment of costs related to the purchase and improvements. Applicant or a related entity witl fund purchase and cost of improvements. in) Provide evidence of current ?nancial assets suf?cient for payment of purchase and improvement costs or the ability to secure ?nancing for payment of such costs. companies currentlv own and/or operate or have under development over one million square feet of commercial real estate, including The News Apartments (501 Sroadway, Troy); please see enclosed commitment letter from investor entity. (Attach Proof of Financing method- such as bank statements, commitment letters from lending institutions etc.) Proposed Purchase Price (Amount of Bid) 500.00 Name Rosenbium Development Corporation Principals Seth Rosenblum, CEO Address 300 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 310 Albany, NY 12203 (Signature) more than one individual, partner, shareholder or member, attach additional sheets providing the names, home addresses and telephone numbers of each. N0 PO Boxes are acceptable. Each must sign the proposal. Phone 513?869?9302 Mayor?s Approval