State of Wiaconain- DEPARTMENT EIF NATURAL RESDU REES Eehhooh Service Eentet Scott Waiirte r, Governor E25 E. Eountv Road Suite roo Eathv Stepp, Secretary ?ankoalt Wi Telephone annuals-2521 FFEE 'i-EHB-BH-Eai?i?li 'rrv Access via relay - TI 1 oanaur. .Iulv 153, Peggi Hail, Registered Agent Certified lv'iaii Return Receipt Eo ntainer Life Evcle Management, LLE Ea setracit ii 2i] EE E4315 Street Fit]I Iii-110212242} Eralt Ereeit, Wisconsin 53154 SrillSSEIi'? Milwaukee Eountv Eorpo ration, Hegiste red Age nt Ereif, inc and. S. Bedford Street, Suite 1 Madison, Wisconsin ESTES So hject: DF ?v?lU LATFDN ENFORCEMENT CUNFE RENEE August 201? Dear Ms. Hail and ET Eorporation: The Department of Natural Resources [department] has reason to believe Eontainer Life Evcie Management, LLE and Ereif, Inc. {Grelfl are in violation of WISEonsin?s air management laws. The violations are based on site visits, inspections conducted lav the department from through present, and responses received to requests for information. Two industrial locations are subject to this Notice of 1violation: a 5 Ehicago Road, Oak Ereelt, Milwaukee Eountv, Wisconsin {Ehicago iid Site} "At the Ehicago iid Site, ELEM operates a drum reconditioning facilitv. Air emissions from operations are permitted under the authorityr of an Air Pollution Eontrol Erperation Permit No effective .iune 11, 2013, issued to Mid~Amerlca Steel Drum Eompanv. Eln Mav 12, 251?, Folev and Lardner, LLP {Foiev} responded on ioehaif of ELEM providing an operation permit revision re quest stating that ELEM is the current operator. ELEM is an indirect Joint venture suiasidiarv of Ereif, of which Ereif is the principal and majoritv owner. . SEISIJ Avenue St. Francis, Milwaukee Eountv, Wisconsin Ave Site] the Pennsvivania Ave Site, ELEM processes washes drums. Air emissions from operations are permitted under the authoritvr of an Air Pollution Eontroi Construction Permit No effective March 9, 1:315, issued to ELEM. ELEM is an indirect Joint venture subsidiarv of Ereif, of which Sreii is the principai and majoritv owne r. The department allegEs the following violatio n5: Ehicago Rd Site: BOOTH LOGS ,I'r Etei? 1. Section I. of the Elpe ration Permit states the permittee shall maintain a iog of the dallv Inspections performed for each booth. Each inspection shall record the foliovuring information: Neturniiy WISCONSIN mam Container Life Management LLE and Greffine July 19. Edi? Page 2 of fa} The date and time ofthe inspection The operational status of spray booth The placement and condition of the ?lter The signature or initials of the person performing the inspection [Authority Section Nit Wis. Adm. Code, s. Nit Wis. ?dm. (lode, and s. an assessrzirh], we. Adm. Code] The department reyiewecl daily inspection legs for the Chicago fid Site, performed for each spray booth. Numerous daily records from 2015 were missing the following required information: The time of the inspection in} The placement and condition of the filter in} The signature or initials of the person performing the inspection EHCEED (SEATING LINE PM f?reifi 2. Section i. C.2.a.f21 of operation Permit emanate-Fae states that particulate matter emissions may not exceed the foiiowing emission rate in units of pounds per hour: ii 5131:. [Interior Coating Lid - - .oos Piyi 5133 {Interior Coating Drum~ sea PM in} star. {Exterior Coating Lid - ac] - .oes PM Ibrhr y} SHE [Exterior Coating Drum - - .DDB PM lhj?hr [Authoritw Section Nit Wis. Adm. Code, and s. Nit titliili?fli, Wis. Adm. Code] At the time of the ins pectiony the fIhica go iici Site was using interior coating and ehte rior coating filters manufactured by ?Chemco Products [Aqua 1] with an ef?ciency rating of 93.33%. In a response to additional info rrna tion, Foley responded on he half of ELEM writing that the Chicago Fid Site on rrentiy uses ti: and EC filte rs manufactured by Chemco Products [?ue tutti] with an efficiency rating of 933%. The department calculated theoretical Pit-Ii emissions from the spray coating line as outlined below: Process stack DP Permit Piyi Theoretical Phi Emission Rate Theoretical PM Emission Hate Emission Limit wf 93.33% ayerage control w;r 933% average control efficiency efficiency "gt-hit "ii-loos i113 iizy'hr one lin'hr 5133 Ilty'hr 514a does Ehrhr [1.12 Ihfhr DEBS term 5143 [1.13133 IEontairler Life Menageme and Brett ino duty to. 2111? Page ii oi ti The calculated theoretical PM emission shows ELEM Ereif cannot meet PM limits with either ?lter. TD E'r?TAlfli A ED NSTRUETIDN PERM iT 1" rSreitl 3. Section Wis. Stats, states except as prouided in sub. or no person may commence construction, reconstruction, repiacement, or modification of a statioan source unless the person has a construction permit from the department. Section NR Wis. Adm. Eode, states except as provided In sub. no person may commence construction, reconstruction, repiacement, reiocation or modification of a stationary source untess the person has a construction permit for the source or unless the source is exempt from the re ouirement to obtain a permit under s. 231ml: SJ, Stats, or under this chapter. Em March 2, the department conducted a site yisit of the Chicago Rd Site. The shot blast units were in .operation, emissions from the shot blast units were routed to a baghouse, and a treat to ambient air was noted on the discharge of the bag he use. Eontroiled emissions were ye nting to the ambient air. This ambient air 1renting is not identified within the DP Permit. The department requested the situation be remedied. In an emaii dated March ES, EDIT, Mr. Meyer, representatiye for ELEM, wrote be was atria to seal oil5 the treat in the ductwork. Based on data proyided try Foley on behalf of ELEM, the maximum theoreticai emissions for particulate matter is 1es ibr?hr. The shot blast unit is not an exempt process under s. NR Wis. Adm. Eode. ELEM Greif were required to obtain a construlction permit for this unit. Pe nia Site: USED ihl PSEE s. Section of Eonstruction Permit l?-RSE-lsz states the dry ?lters used in process PSEE shall have a particulate matter control efficiency of at least 5996. [Authority: Section Wis. Stats.] Etased on information proyided by Amy Litscher after the March FEE, the Pennsyiyania Site was using the SEED Series Spra?Eard high efficiency do,r filters in process FREE with an ayerage particulate matter co ntroi ef?ciency of 911:} to SS?is. Filters in process PSIE are required to have a control efficiency of at least 539%. SERUERER RECORDS Grei? 5. Section of Eonstruction Permit lit-RSE-I-?iz states the permittee shail iteep records of the date, time, and initiais of the person performing the required periodic inspections. [Authorityt Section NR Wis. Adm. Code, 5. NR Wis. Adm. Eode, and s. Wis. Stats] Container Life Management HE and Grali the July 19, 2&1? Page 4 of The department reviewed Ave site scrubber maintenance records from January auto to February 201?. Some of the maintenance records faii to include the initiais of the person performing the inspection and the time of inspection, as required. MISHEPRESENTATIUN UF INFORMATEDN IN PEliivilT APPLICATION i'r?relil 5. Section Wis. Adm. Code, states that any misrepresentation or deliberate failure to disclose fuily all relevant, significant facts when obtaining a permit may result in the revision, suspension, revocation, or withdrawai of a source?s construction permit. Based on information obtained as part of follow?up inspections at the Pennsyivania Ave Site, the department believes that LC Grief misrepresented the emissions coming from the source in their ust E, 201-?! application. Despite requests for further information since issuance ofthe permit, ELEivi Ereif have not fuliy accounted for all potentially signi?cant emission sources in the ConstrUction Permit. This includes emissions from the following processes: {at P41, Staci: Drying Eive nfiila mer in addition to the combustion of natural gas in the oven that was disciosed as pa rt of the August E, 2014 application, the department has asked that the process related partlculate matter emissions also be quantified. At the tlme of the March 2131? inspection, visibie emissions from the drying ove nfflamer were witnessed at 'iti opacity. {bi Process emissions venting to Stacit PM, voc, and HAP emissions from drum content residuals need quantification. The August S, Enid application did not account for any emissions from drum residuals and listed these operations as "insignificant sources?. COMPLAINTS iCLCl?v?i if Greifi T. Sections NP. and Iv"li'is. Adm. Code, states no person may cause, allow, or permit emission into the ambient air of any substance or combination of substances In such quantities that an obiectionable odor is determined to result unless preventive measure satisfactory to the department are taken to abate or control such emission. The department shall determines after an investigation whether the nature, intensity, frequency, and duration of the odor? in addition to any other pertinent factors? ma ice the odor objectionable. The department conducted surveillance of the Ave Site in Eictober 2015. As a result at the survelliance, the department issued a Letter of Noncompllance on November 1, 1315. The LiJhl requested EtEivl to provide addltional information rated to its operations that couid have caused the malodourous odors and the submittal of odor mitigation pian. ELEM provided an Ddor Prevention and Abatement Plan to the department on November 13, 21315. Eider compiaints continued, with the last received on February EDIT. From April l?i? through February QUIT, odors were detected by the department's compiiance engineer at ievels ranging from 2 to The department believes there are objectionable odors at the Pennsyivania Ave Site. Additional preventative measures are required to be ta icen to abate or control so ch odors. Container Llie Management LLC and Greii inc July 1e, am? Page 5 of El Chicago itd and Ave Sites: FAIL TO RESPOND TD REQUESTS Greit} 3. Section Iiitt Wis. Adm. Code, states when requested by the department, a person shall furnish to the department information to locate and classify air contaminant sources according to the type, level, duration, frequency and ether characteristics of emissions and such ether information as may be necessary. The information shall be suf?cient to evaluate the source? 5 effect on air quality and compliance with chs. NR ADD to 499. At the Chicago itd Site, the department has requested the following information: Quantity HAP emissions from the processing burning of material At the Ave Site, the department has requested the following information: {hi Demonstrate the "Flo?Strip? has a voc content less than or equal to 1.52 lhg?gal Drawings, blueprints, or other equivalent documents sh owing the actual physical stack parameters id} Classification of 14 coatings as either ge nerai or extra me coatings Process emissions venting to Staci: Plvl, idCiC, and HAP emissions from drum content residuals need quanti?cation. [fl Pd 1, Staci: Drying Dye anIem er in addition to the combustion of natural gas in the even that was disclosed as part of the August B, 3114 application, the department has asited that process reiated particuiate matter emissions also be quantified To date, CLCivi ,r?Erief have been unresponsive in providing the information requested above for the Chicago and Ave Sites. Failure to provide this information has prevented the department from heing able to appropriately evaluate the source?s effect on air qualityr and determine compliance with chs. Nit to 499, Wis. Adm. Code. We have scheduled the following Enforcement Conference to discuss this matter in more detail: Conference Date: Wednesday August 2, set? Conference Time: 1:36 pm. Location: Dilit Milwaukee Service Center 2330 it Dr Martin Luther King Jr Drive Wi We request you attend the Enforcement Conference as it is an important opportunity to discuss the circumstances surrounding the alleged vioiations and to learn your perspective on this matter. Please note that in an effort to encourage a candid and productive conversation, attendance is limited to 1,rou, your legal counsel, and others with the tech nicai expertise necessary to understand, evaluate and correct the violatio ns. Contalner i_ fe Managemeni and Greir inc. Jolv 2&1? Page 6 of The department's enforcement decision will be based opon available information if 1vou do not attend the Enforcement Conference. 1violations of Ciperation Permit Permit ch. 235, Wis. Stats., and chs. ACID 49 S, Wis}. Adm. Code are enforceabie under S. 235.33, Wis. Stats. and mav be referred to the Department of Justice to obtain court ordered compiience and penaities of up to SECURED for each vioiation. If voo have questions, piease contact me at {aeo} Sincerelv, . 1V (I), MW Anne 'v'an Erinsven Environmental Enforcement Specialist Enclosures: Enforcement Conference Information Sheet iune Tn", 101? mm Letter Containing the following: March eolr Foii Air Compliance Evaloation Ave Site March 2:31? Full Air Compliance Evaluation Ave Site March 23, 10ft? Fuli Air Compliance Evaiuation "Chicago Fio? Site June 19, 2131? CINE Addendum to FCE Report of March 201? - Pennevivania Ave Site cc: Griffin - Milwaukee Scott SwosinERi .. CLCi'v'i, aaro Chicago iioacl, Clair. Creek, WI 53154 Mark Forgasoo CLCiv'l, 39512! Avenue, St. Francis, WI 53:35 Die Hoagaard, ?v'P Ereif, Inc; 366 Ereif Parkwav, Delaware, Cihio Linda Een?eid - Foley.r E: Lardner, East Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Sarah Brenernan Chief, Air Enforcement and Compiiance Assurance Branch: EPA Region .intents-r .- Environmental Enforcement lSont?erence An Enforcement Conference is a meeting between Department of Natural Resources {Department} staff and representatives of a person or business that the Department believes has violated an environmental law. The Department issues a Notice of ltr'iolation when it has reason to believe that a violation of a permit condition, administrative rule or statutory requirement has occurred- The rvov either offers or schedules an EC. Why Should I Attend? The EC is an important opportunity to discuss the Departments basis for the alleged violationts} and learn more about what happened. why it may have happened. and any factors you believe the Department should consider. such as steps that have been or will be taken to stop the violation. correct any effects of the violation. and prevent violations from occurring in the future. It is also your opportunity to explain why you might disagree with the factual and legal conclusions underlying the Historic data shows that most violations are resolved at the EC. level. without the need for court ordered compliance andfor penalties. In situations wherethe significance of the violation warrants further enforcement action. your cooperative efforts to resolve the violation and prevent future violations will help minimize your legal and financial liability. Who Should Attend the Department staff involved in the ED typically consists of an Environmental Enforcement Specialist and regulatory staff that are familiar with the issues identified in the While not required. you may seek representation by legal counsel or the assistance of an environmental consultant to prepare for andr?or attend the ES. The ED is most productive when all involved are well?prepared to discuss the allegations and any corrective actions that may be necessary. To ensure a productive candid discussion. participation in the ED is limited to the person or business involved and others with the legal or technical expertise necessary to understand. evaiuate. mitigate and correct the violation. The EC is not an open meeting under state law and the Department will limit participation to those directly involved in the resolution of the matter. What Happens if I don?t Attend the If a party is unable to attend the EC. they shouid immediately contact the Environmental Enforcement Specialist at the phone number in the to reschedule. 1ri'li'hen a party refuses to attend the ED and provides no further information to the Department. the Department?s enforcement decision will be based upon available information. What Happens Following the The ED is part of the Department?s stepped enforcement process. At the ES. Department staff will explain the process and options available to address the alleged violation. Generally. the options range from closing the matter with no further action to referral to the Wisconsin Department of Justice or to US. EPA. for further enforcement action. In limited circumstances. the Department can issue citations. which are handled in local court similar to traf?c offenses. If a case is referred to DDJ. the DDJ may initiate an action in court on behalf of the State. The State typically asks the Court to impose financial penalties and order completion of any necessary corrective actions. In most of the Department?s cases. a cooperative return to compliance with any necessary restoration results in ciose out of the case. At close out. the Department will send a letter advising of no further enforcement action. State ef DEPARTMENT NATURAL HEEGUHGEE 22'2"} N. Dr. Martin Luther lrt'ingr Jr. ?rlve Milwaukee Wt 532124123 .lnne 2131'? Mr. Kevin Meyer Mid?Alnel'iea Steel Cemp??y 35TH Chieage Street ?ak Creek, WI 53154~35l3 Dear that}. Meyer, Seett Walker. Gene rner Cathy Steep. Eeer?etaryr Telephene 655455-2521 Tel! Free ma relay f1?; DEFT. IEIF Hn'i'LthL HESDIJHEES 24l?2122l} Please ?nd eneleaee are eepiea ef three full eir eemplinnee evaluatiena fer the fellewlng ?teilitlee: 2410323! MidnAlneriea Steel Drum Cempany? ?ak Creek: WI 341 153nm Mid-Amerien Steel Drum Cempa ELEM - St. Franeia Mld-Ameriee Steel Drum t'L?empanjpr Ine..I" l?it?inger These I'eperte are being previeed fer year inferlnetien and diell?ibutlen. If thene is anything in these I'eperta that yen ?nd te be Eneerreet, er have emitted, feel free te eentaet Inefue in uniting. In eleaing, than}: yen and yen:? fel' yenr understanding, and leliew-up Reapeet?tlly, MiehaelGri?ln an Air Management Engineer Sentheaat Regien Milwaukee Service Center C: HAM Case File Naturally WISCONSIN EFF RRUITEASTREGIRR . FULL AIR EVALHAIIGH 3313:}- WI 341isau-?m 3&me $13121: mm; Mary]: 3mm? . a EPA. Ebmm'?ta? A??mu?dflhaptm?n? L1 Hmmun?tthti FEE 37.53 NAME AND EPICLARSTHE: ELEM E??-Ame??a 31%! Brain 3951] 3. Jigm??l?ai?v? Frauds, WI. 53235 The. facility is- i?aa??ai un?ar 1111:? nylra?t . as: a E??lf?'igl - RWY: ERRER arm m: cm ms} SIG: 332:; karat-HI wurkmg . Hm; 332443?. ?Maia-i ?11m, imam uthra metal . .. Em?aiu?nrmm-a?i?ng NEW AIR MS: Marl: Mayan?mammalian Ema! Dram yfugg?rnm Amy l?di?ahm-ij-eaid?nt, Raga Eu?'runmmtal R: . ban-1:15 Paw MACK I3 Eugi?ea?ng, Inc? FEW EAST El Em Grif?n "m Hm I: P54 {ta-M ELI - wars El P115 GEM P16 A?l? RAIN Credentials E??wn: YES El Nu F62 El ARE. data.- ??haw IR fram fh? amia?imr m: IE (391919me WITH AH WNW Infm'm??hn E?fum' Tliis {Iain I Rn Arapermiimisiuna nae?e?? R'Yes NH {Eyes-waameamaswi?r?mgh?gh?ng} HSFEETGRRIGNATERE: -. j- :51: 3! .3 THEE: A?v?efamg?m?nt?? mnm?n SIGNATERE: MK??mm ?r?m SIGNATURE RATE: H9917 TITLE: Superwiaur - j: Cc: Bureau - Fast-tit}r PALM WHEATIUN FACILITY Mitts Higgiss Midn?masiss Etssi [414} TEE-1114 it Drum M?tii. Fstgass?H Mds?i??t?i?? Sisal Dru-T1 ?sii?tsingar FACIHTF BESCRIPTIDN: Thu ELEM is in tits Cita-r sf St Fransis Milwasksa liissatjir s11 Ass. This sis-ass 55 gallss drums. Bath stss] auspisstis 55 gs?ss drums ass at this using as ?uid. Class ssts?sr sf tits stssi drums si1st sad than ss'ss amt mas}! saia. Plastis drums washss miss, and l?ti?tljl' saIs Tits ts stl? spst'atisg assist a permit issusd Marsh 19 2015 as ts piastls baHsi liss a1's still miss Tiss is iigitt ssmtastsisi ts tits sm'i rssidsn?sl ts ms 11111131, ssu?], and wast. Miwmtitss is ss far at] srits?a air pollutants. F?li?iTiPll??E?S 55 GAILDN STEEL DEW ?pstatisn 2-Witis tits-Flush Piastis?siatai [Wsst Bids} {Pl'ssass This prssass is ?rst is sinus sisasisg far that pts?usts sihsl'?lss sii. 55 gsiitss 111111111?: ists arss, thatars {stings} and ts 111s ?I?s drums 1111?s tipped sps?e dawn and piassd mast a ?ashing The drum siiswsti ts d1'si11i11ts 111s sump. sf is ?ushsd ints tits dras1.Ti1s sump ssistiss is pismiss-Li [as puts??ash hsattng tasit #1 Tits ssistiss is msistsissti st 1913 Dag F.Ti1s1?s 111?s ?lms assets asst this piss-?ush statisn that vast tits ts than wat EaWi?s PrsuFlush PlastisiMstai {East ?itls} This til'?sstitt is ?rst ta ?tsm sisatlisg fat imms that distillatss sil 55 gsiiss slums i11ts ?ls p1psass1s stats and tits ssaIs {bangs} al's smi ss11t ts [umbis washes. Tits (11111115 111?s than tippsri upsiris tisws 31's 11 ?ushing snails. Tits struts {ail} a1's a?swsti ts drain ?sts tits sump. Si1srtizsr a sl1s1'ga sfhsatss ssistiss is ists 111a Tilti ssrap sslutiss is plumbsti is tits tits-?ush hsating tank #3 Tim is msiutsinsr] at THE F. ?sts ass tars films hss?s asst this FIE-?ush statts's that 1I.I's1'1.t ills ts fits 'a'at ss1'sht1s1' {sis}. IELsts1'gi-r Tumiila Washsr Ti1s barns} sra 111 11 tumhis washsr ?I'ila yrs?wash sasstis 1s as His sisanisg ?uiti Aitsr sissnisg, tits bangs sl's and mass fat ts? uss Ssl's'sst at this intiastrisi misty mmi?a tarss?ssr has a that tastes smississls ts ssmisissr ?ltL Estsrist Washing (July I?tiiti] drums ?'sm ?is Fi?-?u?h ass ts 111s wast?ng what's a high pawsl' Washss sash drum assis?sr. That?s a1'a s11 this that ssiisst and isms ts tits {s1s}. 'l?hs ts sstsids wash hsat task #3 111s sslu?ss is is 135 Dag F. [taut r?ais Isstai drums 1s 111s drum and 1113]? sat I Twe Wide interim: [Presses File} This uses a. hat sanstie ?ush hy a het water rinse ts sister the steel drum interisr. The 55 galisn eieseri drums are esnveyed upside dawn and are anteihatlealht pissed ever; a ?ashing nestle. The dram interlsris ?eshed [wise 1itI'Ith a sf heated sessile aelntien feilswed hy twe ?ashes sf water. The sessile sump selntlenis pthhed tn the heating task #2 {Pl-ti). The rinse seietien is is heat tsnhild wlsiell is pH adjusted in ill?ii. The temperature is maintained at Deg F. There are ihme hands enter this interim rinse statien that ?rnles te the wet ssrehher [Cl ll]. Inspeetien The steel drums are inspeetsd atihis stage. A lightis Lireppsd inside the drum and theiettn'ier seirditien' rs listed. thhere is a light rest at seals sated these drains gs le 11 interier eleaning speratisn.D1etes that pass this inspeetien are rented ts the senate-1 shat hissting speratlerr. Iaterlsr theid Rinse The healthy is penaitted (ltiuith?il all} is install three eeid rinsing statiens fer the drain interier etching epsratiens. Currently emy are statiens are and in speratlen. The drums are manually planes in an eneiesed arse steers the 11111111111 internally ?ushed with hydreeiderieimarlatie acid. The said is and the fumes arer-mrtedte a small wet sernhher The are then rinsed with thshei selntien linen the pre-?tleh treated tank; sir-letters tanlr. #1 The drums are allewed ts e?lgas and seal in this area being pissed en the eerweyer leading in the 'I'Isre Wide Interler Wash presses [presses Pits}. Steel Shst?lsst {Prentiss Firth.) The eieansti drums are esnveyeti te an aetemated arse] shet blast speratien where the paint is blasted item sash er" the lhnissiens them the shet hiast unit are sentrsiled by a hagheuse. The emissiens vent interim tn the building. l-land Grinding (2 statiens] P'i'ti? and alter shet ?lters are statisns where hand held grinders are used is retrieve any imperfeetiens. i.e. inhale, hears, ere. The statiens leela similar is spray paint heeths with use wail being severed with expanded paper ?lters and the resulting ?ltered air being disehsrged within the hnilding. The drums are then eenveyed is the spray painting heath. Enterier Spray Painting mastermind) (Presses P320 932D Drama are is it away painting heeth. There are 1i guns as the ?rst stage, at gens enthe sensed stage: and: gene fer the third stage. This heeih ales has amadaal spraywand tn tennis-11p areas where needed. The paint' 1s supplied hy means efs rash ef?? galler- 1t1nres witha pinup thatpmsides the paint ts eaeh paint gen. ht thetlme at this inspsetien the drums were hsing painted Chevrhh Bins mannihelnred hy Watsen Standard. limissiens are eentrelled hy dispesahle filters whieh are replaced daily. The filters are sish?hetsd hy F1edaets Carp, this series Phillie. The ease Sta-lea Ema-Gard ?lters are made sfsiit and expanded lsait paper and ens layer psiyester. The e?'ieieney is 93.5 ts 99.5% mt high sslids hairs enamels. There is es ef?edeney rating fer water hased air dried eeatings. Paint Drying Tunnel 93233} The painted dr eras are eenveyed la a paint halting The tunnel has trve lanes and' 1s maintained at 350 dill] DegF. sit the end efths tunnel is a dry air sealing area where the drums eesl news. The Drums are then ittspented fer eentainsr integrity in asset DGT requirements. that pass this requirement are rented ts the shipping nest-r fer shipping as a ?nal as names Passes eases harnessing Dpei?nii?l't The deserlptiens presided helew represent eperatietn as wintertsed daring this inspestlen. Seine et?these will he eemhined with the newer steel drum epsratiens snse is semplete. Piastle [inns itseeipt Piasiie used deans arrive hy tl'aeter trailer. The stems are released them the trailer and pissed en 11 eenyeysr line lssdingte the pre ?esh area. Pleads Drum DeLaheih1giLehel Stripping {Presses Pd s} While the shame travel dates the eenveyer1 the extsrier all the drums are inspseted fer labels. At prseess Print, labels are manually retrieved item the enteiier efpisstie using a shipping eempenrni whieh sustains methylene elderide. Twe aster-paste sslvents are used. Esp Big Grange seivertt has 11 Till? efti.59 ihsigallsn. as applied, and Uhsmispelime SP has a TUE eentent si' 1.51 lhsigallen as applies]. IEiliernisphere SPl?i'ilil eentains methylene Emirate-as ?em this are lndem' fugitive smissisns. d1. .1?an Piasiie Drain tl?rnaess The drums are patted [tear the semester and are staged create a ?ashing nestle where the nutrients deep ant andthe dt?ulil interier is initially.' flushed with eanstie seiniien. The snintien is heated and the eentents tn the heat tank A. Emissiens ??etn heat tanith. are indent iilgitive. Emiseiena ?'ens gas are vented nut by means efstaeit Si?l Plastic Dram Enterier Wash The pisstie drums pass ?ttengh an antetier washing whats the enterier is washed with a hasted ssnetie seintien. The eanstie seletien is talented in the heat tanit B. Emissiens item heat tannin are tanner fugitive. Emissiens item natural gas eenahnstien are treated eat by means efetaelt 3244.. Plastic. Drum Wipe Cleaning [Presses P45) The plastic. dram anterier is wipe aisnned using aeetene. Emissiene them this presses are indent fugitive emiseiens. Piastie Dram Interier Inspentien [Presses An eperater pieces a light insidethe timtnte inspeet the intetier. its sirnng ads: is present, this times is defeatitre and is sentte the piaetie dnina shredder. 31'th drum intarInt is the drum is meted en tn the ?arner eperatten. Flalner Aplastie diam is pissed in an eneleenre. The aatatiel' enrfaee names in direst enntaet with anatnrai gas ?atne. This nausea any hurts te singed and ereates a giesag.r giaae appearanaa en the drain. Endasinae are nneentreiied and etaeit rented eateide. Inspaetinn ate than inspeeted fer eentainer integrity te meet Ii?'l? requirements. Binnie that pass this requirement are rented tn the shipping deekihr shipping as a ?nal predttet. MISCELLANEOUS USED PRDCESSING - The facility has twe tents were the waste site are and pan-sassed. The is heated in tteahnent tank Erniesiens line] this test: vent tn the wet setnhher Ci The tanhis when: his need is star-ed1 tank T32. Elnissiene this task are nine treated in the wet sel'nhhet? Ci it. Water Treatment System The water treatment systern eensiets ef a three stage tanks feiiewed a distemssenns earth ?tter press. The permit identi?es emissinne this present as heiag eentreiieti by the wet Cl?. Dnriagtin?s inspeetienJ this testing was net present and a wry sheag seiaent eder was present in this ates. The etnissiens nnted ?'ere eaeh tank and the i'iiter seiid are heiag vented as an indent ?rgititre Piastie Barrel Shredding Piaetie 55 gallan dninia that are sent fer shredding are indeers in the eentheast earner at the plant. Emissinns are 1tented as an indent ?tgititre. ?dditienai Were at thetinte efthia inspaatien hut were net ineinded in the enn'eni repeat. The Department needs in ehtaia additienai infertnaiien print te making a determinatien en the emiesinns ?etn these presesses. ISSUED: .. .- . - . Jigs-t." 1' regg?-g: are his: ghee-La. - ?Ell?i'E??i?hh?hsei?shithh? aha at . le?Iihtiaisil Marsh EMS Permit ateh it, 1013 lei Permit Waiter te lti?i?itain a Eenehnetien Permit Marsh 9. TIME Pripr tn Eelnmeneing lli?REG-ili? 341E EGTUHPDI Pending Miner?i?tennPat't Ti] Dp?l'hii?? Pei'ntit Applisatien egitiesamher 13, 21515 Page n. eF ST FRANCIS 341 {insists-action Permit ld?RSG?lr? antral applies'te this presses. LACT is dehsrmiped'te he: Ea} peasant sf solvent seltt?eu?s} used in Peemaynet erased 1.52 peuuds sac salsa; and Us} Assam sf 1304: mishap selvents used is P44- may,r set easeed ?agellum per menus, averages sue:- any 12 eeuseesrhre snaiesdar mantis. pea-ted. good ppera?ssg praetsses. Wis. Adm. Cede [permit New The shave ssnditisp peten?slV?C amissians Phi-?its 133 hasumge restrie?uu fer selms ue V??s (as. asessae is sets Grand spa-arias; practises required is muditiats (130:) above shall include all sf ?le fe?saisg: humeriistel}r a?eruse, ptaee all rags= or any sdter pereus matesial used-ts apply.r ashram, in amueredeeutahler?aheledas waste selvesr}, andhemiied is aeserdsses withlatal, state and :Eadersl Iagt?a?sus. dual-e Waste selaent tail}r in severed appraisers labeled as uaate ssIueut and handled in asesrdause with ideal, state and federal reguia?litrss. Faliaw apara?ug preesdures which present sslverd dens dripping ?nal spp?eatss ?rming solvent appheatism [ss. NE 42433 Lissa}, aadlih. assassms Wis Adm. Cutie, s. eaeh sslaeat used drains the matrth; assistant ufalI start-shins selves-11s used {it gallons} during ?re month; the manuat efell FUD containing solvents used {is ga?asaiuamth), east-aged ever any 11 asuseeutiue aalendm mandipari?d. [s 235.655}, Wis. Stats. {penuit sass. sag?? . ?as -spat?-. ep rests the guard alienating praatlaes being implemented far these [ss. massasflitd}, 1Wis. Adm Cede] The permittes shall earliest and reesrd the following isfamatisp: A asiqueuarae arideu??estiaamuuher fur each salami, as sppiisd. The VOE cement areaeh salt-rent {in peundspaargalhsp), asapp?edEeem-d? lhfgalleh aapseluentused is. P44 that dees sat eantaiaasp M3133 er equivalent discussant ?r eaeh selvessr ushieh sustains isfarmadente detenuhseV?C resistant {er lash severe} at? the solvent. Is. 235.55g), We. Siam, as Wis. Adm. ?nds, a. $431645de Was. Adm. Cede {pas-mi: shah keep reserds required in eeaditiea [ss autism Wis. Adm, Cede tpermrt' masts-141)] a ses?sitfs'ss'd? rs saga- amps Wire-?Further Iu?srms?sn Needed - ?Ihe facilityr shared EDS data ?st- the stripping sehs?en. 'I'hs a?g?us?l spit?an skewed eeurpIianes Thetaauu?a?uer changed is. E?i? and the new 3335 ferFlsu surpass-sis msu?ss' 'eutte radar setupiiaase. On assessors, the Deparanm serhaily ?e?ity ts- ebtaiss amahpisai datasheet shearing the emphases data ?ns-?dais praduet Ins-have titrated 1hr atmstiusept sauteat. As of the dais ef?u?s ?aps-rains, this hfermatienhss pet been pra?ded te?seDepartaaeut. The 1ahel stripping sperstieu is . used spasipg?p. App?eatien sf solvent ts strap is dense is}! using a phage: type dispenser. Fer label ramsual, the sshrast is applied using a paint brush. This apesapsn? ~arse satin aparatisn dm?asg' this isapeedsp. Na span appraisers were mated isthe pradustisn area. "assesses CLCMET WEE - 341 1530?] - I.. . In,? pr .1 Eur: Er;- seen a. Mm 1., semesters? at .- 1-555" "It-u as assert State (aerate lesser- 145-2)] See: L?EJafl) 2. Hearst-lime See eea?aa the federal HAP Refer ta 1333.1, aestssieetresttiatiaas fat the faa?ttyta he s. asm?se?a tat-stat {area} seat-as. t?at ?e?atal Hat'eggs? II: -. . 1-th 11?: I Eleni-J! urestats - {IJEm1ss1aes shallhe aaeltalledhjsawet messes-areasts?aateeaag? lereqaaed? ta see a teams; Sadness hat cease. allaw a: set-ahher (E10) equipped with attenuates-{mist Eehanshate the shall Em?g?gher? pamitetejsalaashs useaaethaas aaelplaats apprawiha?s't?hg, ?esiaeta sstah qusa??r at 235 .555}, . Stem. s. HR. by ?tellepet'tateatta elatemehte. temase. teeter salable air eanaeah'e?aa. arfar Was Arlen. {latte {gestalt 14- rate as The sash slashes: esta 439 Wis. ham. Cede. s. 235 155(3), petesnetaee are maintained muse an ambient W15. Stats within eanaeastra?aa at? The permittee shall maintain: apere?agsanges. Reset-as were. sadism eff the pressures asap aarassthe satahher and permit-tee shall measure east teased presided thawing daily ?sesamaegsayergr thefallawtagpetameters sheaths-assess measurement results. The that Ella sashes afweter calm} byline haters at am apes-alien at sees per ass, states the sesahher is Inlet-agents par aahla at s??titt arehge whichever yields the greats: seashel- at? inspected eaeh 'aIeeleea-i and mm {per 1 hear}. [a the Beast-assent; halal-hell}? ?ashes. The fee?hty Wis. the hgaat ?atsI ratethtaaghthe see-ehherat asap eat-ass the smahheread maintains a 1Wet Lag sea. {Jade {permit the ?at-Item [in per minute) dea?stee; ideaa?ang?te maethly meattfeettaar are: state- {h}@1eliqaar ?awrehe thtaa??e seruhher. maimmaaee seeu?hhet Elli} Les. messassrgaxs} sadh?t-t??l??l?ajta?l. and The feather teaesas the setahlserliqaide-I between the range 5 Wis. Mae. Cede. s. 235.5513), Wis. Stats. ta 9 by adding either atHGl as needed. {aetmtt lat-?35443} which aeaar Weekly. The FasEEafsa amt Han. IE Lag am. Laban?LEE BEE. 33 HEEL EH . .. IE. mm??mm .I.. Egan. ELIE. Ia?mm?mqh? Eu?u E5953 3 E?u? ME ..av uq?u? Hath mwhm? 353%?. - Imu?mm?om E3 Egan?. 35mg?. Law. 3 . . . ?Ema Ha?z and 3&3? .m I: ?Eu IE. IE. .Emw?mm .IH .wam. ma mam um. w?m??m mam nn?u? .n??hm m?m?um LE. mug . LEE. .Hn??unu v: Emma Ev mmva?wa? manna m? E. mm?. Egg . Em m??mm? ELLE ??an . . q? . Lam WHEEL. Egg EIMEE Eu?un?n??w??h LEE .9. Ea u??va ?Emu? mm ELEV Hangman. WE 53% HERE Lq?n?n??h?m Ea?mu BELLE HEEL .I.. I.I.MWIWIMILEIE .. Mun?. HEM Em?am Lama LE. La 3 LE. Ermw . .L. In E. mm. . .EELELIELLE .E a- .. .. Mn . 3mm. . .I I amnl .I-.L.I urn?u .u..?Inun?mmwh?vim . .. . . .. . . . I.. Mr? ..I1h1u.Iu_..I.. am. ragga-LIILI. dun??hum I new.I.m??mh .. uh?mmEj?? . 5. .u amu?m mum; 5.55 1E 5555535555555 3.555.555. 555.555. 5555 5.5. . 55.5. 55555.55555 .55.. . .55 .5555. 555 5515. 5.5555 55.5.5555 .Emm?mm 555.555 .5555. 55555555555555 .5555E555 .5 55 555555355555 555555555. 55.5.55 55 5555550 5555555555555. 555.55 55555.. 5.. 55 .5 5 5.555. 555.. 5 5.5.5555 5555.555 5555.55 55 55 .55 .55 55.355.555.555 E55. .5555 .5 55555555555555. .5555E55..5 5555.555. .555. 35.5535 5355+ng 55.555555555555555 5.555555. 5551555555555 555535.. 55.55555 55.2 E55555 ?5.5-555 .5. 5.5. 5.55.5 .5555. 5555552555.. 5.55 1.. 5555. .E .3555 55H. 5% H5555: HE. 35E .5. 55$ ?.555 ?555.55 .5555 .55 .553. .53. .3353. 5H 5.55.55 55.555 555555.55 555.5 5.555.. a. .555 .55 555m 355555 5.5.. 53.55.55. 5555. 55.55. 5.5 55 55.. 5. 5.. 555 5555 5555 55555555555555 5.5 55 5.5.5 5 555555.. 5.555 5.55%.5555 5.5. 5555 55555555555555.5555 55 .5. 5555555555555 255-555 5555.55. 55.. 555 55 55555555555 .555555 5555555555 55555. .555 .55 5.555.555.5553 55.55555555555555555555 .55 5.5.5 .555 55.55.. 3.555.555. .5555 55. 555555.555555555555 555555555555 .555 .55. 5.5.5 555 5.55.5 55555.55. 555555 5 .5 5 .5 5.5555 .5 P55555555555555555555 555555. 555555. 555555555555 .5. E5 .5555 555555 .55 55.5 555555 55555 35155.55. 555.55. :55. 5535555. u??uwumhm mm .5552 1.555.535.3555?? 335m . .. . .. 5E. . .. . .. H. M55. . . .H . .1.. .wwmuhwmm$.55 w. . . - E?m1.1 51.11 Eam? H?m 1 mm; Eng ma EGG .. m3 Embed my31-- -L i35Mum-uniareEgan-#5 Egg mun SEE _?mE??bm?ug. Eu. nuE 951 1ft$111.13?o?ma?um mm?. 355?.? 333" Ew??h? HE Em Emma um." manna . mnm?d?m En Mona ??mmum Hanna . nugmmunm! ?nun . . ER. Fan 35% WE. mEmEn . HEN ?gn?w??w Hang?? w. . . @3535 Em?n?n mam. HE Hm. Emu m?q . Su? ?mg Emma Ema EH ma?a En 593an 34.33me Gama mn?uum ?g . . REEF 32.. nau?n?? HERE 3 ?n Hanan. ??nnwa Hagan..- . w. E?mu?ma?q @5333? 352mowem?dmmn ?macaw mum mug HERE. EHHE m3? BEE. HE FEE 53thme . Ena?? magmas? Haggai @333 wt? awwn? BREE ?m?mm @93qu ?own Eon? wan E. m?u?u ?aw magma. Eur madman? um 59%, Egg 333? . .. Hang Eug??ng?a?nm?n??mw? wru? um. Em mum? Hu?th E. mg. 3.53. ??33m Ewan HE mu wean?E HE. mm an? Hamm?uww?w?mwgg?? BE ESE mwm?uw Eu. Wanna Emnmnu m3. HQ Sign ?an Eh was . Pu Emma"? Emu m: 3. Ewan ESE magnum-up HQ on; Hanna E53 ma?a. mag wm??mm page. mmw?mm mu 40$ 5 Eur ma?a 33% . HERE. 32% ?5 . Ea: angs??on Ema . 1 Eugun?u am?? mung 3 ma?a BEE 3% na??wm BE HERE mm imam . . 533 5 .33 demumm?wm??mm ?numb ?Em mum. gem HERE. FPEEWW. EM. BEER. . 3 Hum. . . Manny. mag . Hm. HMmm?w gm? nan.? E?m?mn ST FRAECIE 3411550533 *5.55.111. Jag-h ?W?rs' .. - . #H?dw if a a .saIaI'I .34: - rs Was. ?aw has mussel . . . 1, - .1411- - I"r. . . . 3.3.3st is [55.143 424.03 aniliRd?T?EH-Ka? W15. Adm. ?nds, a. {sans Hats 235.653}, "Wis. Stats. fp?m? 33:3 smdi?an 13331.3..{1} mamas required in audition [ss. mils? (plasmit aa-Rs?alaa? .- .- ?apm?se shall natass mum ashram P45. fa. Was. Stais. {pursuit The. peamitbss shall sailth and reward ?hs ??nwing mfmma?an P45: .5. miqas a: iniami?sa?aa mm?aarfaa sash as applied. i "Has HAP smarsat afsash selves: [1'31 passa?apar gallon]. as applied. ca" sank-Palm daamsni far sash selves}: which cantata infmma?an ts amiss mamas at" as solvent as lack 11me 'm The salami. [a Wis. Stats, s. Raymund}. W15. sass. Cass, s. assass?a?J-riin. Wis. sass. Ends {sauna Masses-142:1} smas' sinus. 1' - -. - *?ra?s?a -. . muss: Was (D?W'I?as'nl?daysa?asaash mamas . inf ?an: msafh. ?as: pam?iss shall Ea) A. unique name as idsnti?sa?an sash ashram as any. ?ei Fi?sis?a: . shinms't contain ml??ns sagam's: ?aming and Ins-mm the sung-ands 235.5513} Wis. IStarts. [p?mit 143)] fn?uw?lg: sagas: quantify sf sat-.11 501%]: used timing ?lls {in gallons]. "Wis. Stats. {permit amass-142:1} [be The vast: saatsart of sash solvent {in pea gallon). as applied. 3.5355111 El Ibfgs?anfhrany ?ns: tines FOE-s. LEDS as sqaiaalant {lament for each selves: Wmish muf?ns in?ma?un ts immins {Dr Essa: stDEs} ashram. Wis. a. Wis. aam. Earls, s. H's. asassujsml. Wis. sass. Ends {pamit masts-ass}: shall keep Ins-saris rsqah'sd in m??isn 13.1 Ess. Massam?xay. Wis. sass. sass {psma? 14..- EEG-111211 used for fish sun?sh no Pagainufatl . 1:11:- 111111111 .1 :11 .- 111.131.: 15151Ell. . [5 11111171111. 11:41. 11111111111111.1111] Thepemfttee shell eelleet and ?ue fe?ewing 11111111111113.1111 3?le Annique meme er iden??ee?m 11111 5111111111. 11 113131111. The enema: when: (11191111111 per 1111111}. 11 111111111. NEEDS 11111111: document fer selveetwhieh 1411111111 11111111111 1:1 ?enermjm. HAP eentent af?ne selvent er leek 11111.11 solvent. 235.5513]. WEE. 31111.. 1. Wis. Adm. E0611. 1. W11 . A1111. Cede {permit 1411-1135-1421] 111-. 11:1 1-1151 1' a :11- 131.111th .1151 111.11! .1.. el 1913:1311. 1111-. 1 .1- ?'ir 3:4? . 1.11:1 . - 11111' 11 f1?? 111111- 111: 11:131-111- .1: 151111? . - {1112111 pmitheemey ?1311111ien15'1mF1?5 $111111 1e?te?edhyenecid {1]The pen-anthee shellmeesere Ne Evidence ef? nat 11111111 1114111 er smub'ber ($121} ?a?ewe-i Wet eemb'hm- C111. and rem-Id The fellnwing Nenmmp?enee The 11ij in 235. W15. 1. W15. parameters twee for Every 3.141111111111111 1111 add seruhher en 111111 11111111: er 11:11. 611:: {pen-nit WIRES-14211 1.11:1 11' some impel-1511:: er 1 daily he1i1' 113111-1113 the erase per day. whichever yields Hquer ?ew rate. Erasure drep seeh?nne?enesm (21Thepm?theesha?meam?n: endeismeiniehedwt?nm ee'nseenemi?ent {ain?preseute drepeereeafhe e1111m1Eber11??uthe measurement-1: mneenee?en ef the}: marge 1'11: 5:111:11 eftmber eekmnj {11% pressure drop 111111 1111 mm. The fec?m? hydrochloric eei? e? Manna- e: 1111111111 range eeid scrubber; 11111111111er1 ef 1111 1111-11 11111211111111: @E?mhf?l? 1351114111111 {in} .1. liqunr 1111111111111 1111111111:- :70. 1111111111 {bia??qm 11111111111111: 1.111111111111111 1111.- 1111111 sci-1111:. min-?531333315133! eu?eie rate {111 11.1.1111 per minute} by the [15. 1411.439 eudHF. meter [1 beer] er 2121 mm?hetreer er ei ante by?le Deperhnem 4421'? W1e.A?m. Cede. mim??gms per eehie [11. HR. ail-35.115511211111111. 1111143. 40113914314213. Wis. Adm. 1. 235 155(3). W11. 31211. {perm meter {1.1111111}. [11-131. (31111123155423). W11. Stem. {pem?t Iii-R??hl?? Wis. SeeI'e-qeirememts fez-wet 11111111111111.1111. {3:1 Eeetequnemmteferwet sembber?l?mseetenl? 11 11111111111210 of 3.3611421] this 1111-11111. this permit. .. ME 41111113111111 1111111111 ELEM ST FRANCIS - 31111531170 11 #111 1111'15r1- 11a 5 .555All! a. H..- filtvifl' I 1- . I quid-1[El-1 1111-1-.15..- . 111515 1555151155 51': 3151 1111111 55115115 51' 5115. 51] 55555.55 1111515. 15115 F51: 5515:. [5.115415551115111 115. 415115131}, W15. Adm. C5115 {5555 1555515511 122) F51P32H515511512B. 115151111151135111551154151. 5555 (55155 15555-1551] 11511111111511 35111551153151. lEnd-5 {11511511 lad-$115143] ?nm 515511 312C ??5m51'55531211 0.40 1'5. 1151115111515 11151155 EB 51151551115 55111551555 1115551 511115511555 1111151111115 1151115151; P=j15115555 W51g?ht M5 111 1151111115 1151115111515 1551151: W15. A1151. +1.15 pn?tmd5 5511115111115 m51'515? [5.113. 1115 Wis. A1151. P1111111 51:11:11.5 5mi5515515 11151311151: 511115515. 1115 1151155311115: 11.23? 551111115 P111111 1151115111 1211} 11.2111 1151111115 P111125 1115:5551 1.1.715. Adm. C5115, 551515113} 51:1], ?11115. 1i111111-1155511115 51115311155111 @3113)" 15 1111 5515511511,. 1151115111515 111511151- 5111155115115 511511115 55111151155113 511 EH55 {133213}. 235.5513}, W15. 51515.. 5. 11?. 1555551151111. 1155. 5551. 5555 (55111111: 1511.364421] . 551515155 5511155515511. 55 5.5111}. 551. 555. {115155 11- 555?1151] 11111:.r 115111151 355 511511 115 ?11511 1111115 51115113 55511 51111 111 1115 5155511 drum drying 51112111 215.5513}. 31515. {11511511 155 11155511111555 511511551151111 115113.1 11151155115115 1111115 511155315}: ?Itm: E11212 {511 115315 5151551511me 511511115 111511115 511111151 5guipm511115 5551311115, 1115155113515. W15. 31515., 5. NR 1111'? .119f4}[5}, W15. Adm. C5115 (1.15m: 14-11511-1131211 ?ag $155515 115111511; 15 1111 51151511511, 111.5 115111111155 511511 1111515115 1115 g51151-51 5.1551551115115555}me ?5111 P121: ?55 1115 5115551111515 1'15. 515511: 3121']. {11] 11115535511115 building 5111151151?11f5) 511511115 55555551555155.1111 155 55555515511115 m11151- 51111551511 1551111,: 151-5111111511 1:5 5511151155515 5511151151155, 1115 5511115555 5115111155113. EPA 1115111511 51- 1115111551; 5511555551115 1155111511 5111155111115 3. EPA 515111.511 1112} 51 5551115111151 1115111511 55515551 1111515 [1511515115111 111 w??ng. [55. 1111.439. 1111(1), 1111.419 551111114111. .11., 1151. .555 5555 5151511 15555-1451] 1.2] T1111 55111111155 511511 11551:: d511y1'5551d5 51 1115": 1115115511de f?IThe 3515111155 511511 5155 1-5551 5 15555555155551.1115 5fr51115551115111: f5: 5515511155111 5155155 13310} 1111.439 .114{12I{d}, ?55.511111. C5415 $155511 141-1151151421] T115 515111111155 51511 111511115111 15551115 11151 111d15515 ?151151'1151115115 m511:5r 55111151 5?515115jr 5111115 511515 11551111 P322. 1111.539 W15. Adm. [15115 11151511 115-3313511121] 1115 55111111155 511511 113511 d551m51115?511 {5.3 555.9155551?55115115m551d515, 51113115 15111511511555 1115.1 1115 155115511115 1111111111155 1511151151 511115} 5511111551 1115 r5q5115m51115 111 551111111511 1.11. 1 11111131) 51115111151 51151511115 55111111111115. 111.11. $111413 )(djl. W15. A5111. 115115 {11511511 14-11511-14231 1115 5515111155 511511 E5511 55115151515111 5115115 15511111551 1115511155. 1111159111115 51? 5111111151551 15551115 51' 1:115 11113151551 515511 551511155515. 11.35.551.31, W15. Stats. 5.11111. 1-115. Adm. 135115 {55111111 14- 1.1- 51115151115155 . 5m1'55151151'1'5m111551'53' 1'12: 1 1511* E5 5151 .5 55511? .11. #33121: [1111' 1:15 E1r1d51155 5f 11151155m111151155 "The 1151111 511153,: 11551511 E11515 515 11151513111511 and 15515155 551151. {.21 115 Evid51555 5f 115555515115555 .. M51535 11551115111151 gas 55151111511511 15:5 - 1151151151155 115 1:1 55mp1151155 151111151115 511115511111 111111151155. 1 P155515 555 d15511551511 55551511.? {51: 5111111151151 5551-555 51? P111 5511111115 515511. {31 13555115151 115115551111151155 551115111515 m5155r 1151111: 5551511111115 1115 55555115115}: 51151111 51155151. 5.321111 5151-155 Emu-3515111511 5115.515111}r 1151111 ?lt55355 155.5 555d 51 1115 51115 5f 11115 11155551115511. 11:15 11111151 511:151511153,r 15 1555-1 51 9711 1595.51151151555 5?515115y15ng5f51 Page?nf?? 551151555155515511511151 ELEM ET FRANCIS I- lu? SF - . .-.. .II- ..-rr-:l Iii-I1girl? Elli-'55" I Ill!) . If1J1 ..I.-I 1' I ?hi?f?It. Stats: {pm '14- . - I mg 43:93: 93% e?nient win [53(3) Height of sad: stack 553, paint banthis in. npem?m mg 1 - 3123, mm: Stamith dam; 35 abmra gmmri level. m4? {th StankS? shallham ancu?at ?53mm Win??e: ?i?metar Inf 119 mm @51th gramm- than LU ?eet. . Stank?lECsha?havs'an MGM am cru'?at stack insid-a diam?ter afm Warm 2.1T feet, [de Stan-Era 353 and 312C. sham {?lmm?u?h?m?r ?n ?meg-Em. n?d?d Th3 gala?mom}, Wim?dm. - . . ?m?wdidnutm??e Cum 53.235533; CELINE. imam bhep?msn: Eta-ls. {pa-mil: ntharracm?s showing the Nata: The: ahnva ?ank h?ight physical ?ank mam-s. nm?i?maamin?nd?m?m: ?ea?hIaJph?-Isi?al stack - ?c?iw-wide mndel?rl P1615 dimensim? ware 31m: ?241:: [Incanta?nn {facility ma?asurcd dlring??ais impact main.) dues Wm 11? mmw?lhe . Edi-5: mad? muse mummis 31213 has: an GEM ?um A f?u?w?p (Tamm- . - mquestndubemm 01:1:th ibis ?rma? 2. Rumba: 1 af?ne: Ringlemamn I113 mmp?ama d?m?m?m {awmm m1: an?ssinn testing is Comp?amff 3355.113; Eurasian than: 131mm. HR raqm?mnms forpal'tim?ai?e mama: raqnimd denim compliance, ?le: 3315? 13:3st am?; 43 LL15, Adm. Code, {pm emissinns shall 315': save as a pennittae sha?use LLS. EPA Mama 9* 11:53 inapw??n, WE :3ng Wm mammaruz Wis. Adm. Code [gm ngm?mk emissicms. 3.1423. Cn?e {?neramligkeegingandm??tn?ng ?Wham 5 1mm {pannit Em far pa'?m?ahamatm EII?ssicns warmly. also we 14:: ?rviafbia mam Wis. Adm. Dada] Page 5.3 nf?? CLCi-rd ST WEE .. 341 i?d?inertial:E'??mbafgij? a a In I :IIi-i as in Hard a: H- 1- '1r. I'f' a. II .. i. a "lit?211; d' {?1'5" limb-II!" away-es. his . .. I ?air-i 11:33 nn?sseIisnenns metal parts at mating iine using halted as eased seating mehnulegrmay muse, shew a: paradt?dae emisn?nn sf an? v?Cs in esteess sf. 4.3 pa'ands per geilsai sf mating, exehtding erases, delineredin a. manng appiicahas? ?eet applies eless matings. Us} 3.5 pannds per galisn sf mating, exetndingwatsa, deliveredsa aesa?ng applieatsr dear applies rename per?srnaanee matings. et? mating, exehsdingwater, deliaeredte a. mating appiiaates ferali ether matings. is. 143411158}, Wis. Adm. Cede [pesmit ie-RSGelan] Nate: matings dessrisedin [ijft? shave fexnense matings? The RTDC mutant sf matings. as applied, shall net enmedd? psixsds per gaJion. ?eannp estimate need in shadinnt mntahaV??s. Wis. Stats. {pennit Id?R??hl?? Nate: Fae?ity in?ieatedthet he need as steam E- as In t3?; his a 'Ihepsasnitsse shah animal? identi?,r and determine the V02 mnsent efeash mating mid, in?nite sf peandsper gailnn. eaehsding eases. The petsnittee and debsnnine the WIDE: sentient sti' sash seating appflied= hliasits per gallon. Ls. mildl?d?i?a?hg Wis. Adm. Cede 111?336-1423 If matings as :aeeived aiedsinned priarta use, the pawn-tee shah seist?ste the assistant nt'the snarling as deliveredns sash mating applisatsr as fs?sa's: [wane :t Que} W??tx Qtiir't?? (it) where: ?r?DCa =?1e matentafthe mating as de?vemdte ?le manhsg appliantar, in. pannds per gaIlen wanes: V??ea'dis ?tits: easiest mathig ssxemiaed, in per gallsn. atehtding states; that missed with'thittmr pains tn application. in gaiIsns. water; V??t =the 1.30121 mntent sf the thinner as received, in painsds pes- ga?nn, entailing water; Qt= the ansnunt ef?sinneradded, in gaIisns, exehtding water. Ls. 1Wis. Am. Ends (permit tease-1423 Thepertninee sheilprapare fails-wag reeda?gvti?lha 15 days a?erentiefmeh calendar mantis: the whims sf sniids, the weight sfsniids, deneiip sfemfsse matings is reqtn?red'ts mnep'lianse, the pmnhiae shaii nee EPAh-iedmd 211- m?E-th srann'dser test methsd hythe Depastssent in mating. [as and NR La, Wis. Adm. Cede [pea-ant tease-142)] {It} The peinaitsee she'll keepthe fallen-mg a. unique name as" identi?ss?sn eash ma?ng, as applied. {In} A nniqnenasns ariden??eatian namher the sash mating, eleannp selvent and thinner. as tseeived. The 1?01: {sentient sf eenh meinag {in some set saJIaei. as essliei The V00 sentient steamed-sting as applied, sfpatmds 1304: per gs?en, excluding was: The mintent sf eaeh seating. thimes' ad siesnup salami; as renewed. It?matings as receissdareti?nned prim-tn nee,thequantities Qsanthne-ededtn saleaiate v??aas dessa'ihed in Banditisn M3133 as equivalent eaeh seating solvent whish santains ?es-maiden as detennhte'ti'?? matings: eminent. {ea nasasnsaxnh as. and an assuage}, ass. hem. Cede (pens mass-142:1 . a?sn needed ?The feeding is applying wane: has-ed matings nit-Zea V00 mnteni sfless than 3.5 ETDC per gallon. The facility is mnren?yresemhing if "these matings are extreme mathigs and agreedtn preside the depai'ttnent this snfsam' atisn when asaiiehie in a Mareh?d, Edi? entail tn the department. es afthe date of this repart, dais hiihnnatinn has natpet been reseived. The perminse states that the matings are net thinned. C?n'lt?s?n' ee The p'ennitine sail}r uses amtnne spray paint sleanstp. Dining?sis mspes?tinn, there was ns solvent idaann' ed while testing pandnetien area. Page 14 nfE? ST FRANCIS - -e {mi-i. l?gJ'El - - 'Enll - .. um 11?: air .eI. giant-Ff ?r ?fl-r- Ameum ef ecu-stings used. as applied, pea-r,r net 3,2:141 gallens pesmen?s, averaged. ever my 12 telendar teens}: petieri. Ls. 2.35.5552], "Wis. Stats. {permit The pmt?ee steal]: Share aIlFDG-eentainnag gnaarreriale and 3119p naturals used ?'Jr Cleaning 'n1 elesed. eentaiaers. {e31 Ensure 131s: sherage eeartassexs "used fes seen eleserl at all times esteept when espesi?ng erremev?nagsease?aL ?eavep ?F??eentainnsg eleaning materials in elesetl ettetanasrs er pipes. Mimiae spills ef V1364 penniniag eleaning mate?als. sausage enjssiens erDC ?lming cleaning efeea?ng epp?esinr, sewage, mg. and eem'wieg eq1?paaent'b5r seaming that sleeping is perferesed nitheut atmnizting that?ae uses material is eaptered and eentained. [ameillst?? "1s. Hem, Eerie (pennit ld-RSG-Iez? I. Bill-:tease . ., - a: aF'rl'u'h'I-If'rb' n..l I - . {in ga?eas}, as an idea?ty efeaeheea?ngnsed ?ux-I115 ?le mantle; ef'eaeh damn; selvent used earns; the meats: the enema: efa? matings ease. [in gamma}; es appliei tiltingthe month; {in ga?ensfmenth), as applied, averaged ever any 12 censeentivs eelendsr menial peried. we. see. ease, and s. sesame), we. see. {permit 14- . see-1423] "its ':Zn??e'tare?l' (159(3) The pea-mites shall keep raeerds reset ed in eendi?en [ss. messes-axe}, we. sea puss (permit lessee-6a)} - - ?332.53.? 5? "e-L tar?see: eels? r' - Lie" est-est" rate! assess? 7.: . .. :ra'eld- I 25.55:.? '73-?51" Egg-E 5- T-i: .95 s? '53: 21'? se- ?sfteE-wee [31 Gemp?anee?rl?he fsefm}r maintains a ef sash type ef seating and the aniennsusee. ?Ihe average usage is in eennplianee. Ne Esrideene ef Neneenmlianee All ebsen'ei in the predae?eearea were eIesed er sealed. applicable toquimmonts in session 1H {Notional Emission Erosion-Ids. for Hazardous Air Poiir?ams: Sm?oo Coo?ssg of Mstoi Parts and Rooms} offois permit [Suhohap'mr ofs. HE 455, Wis. do, s. 235.553), Wis. solo. {pm 1+sso~145m - a .II -a F. l3 Jill-L?: a . l- - . 313.33. ME wot-$3 i -.I Saga-?3 .: es??s??g it'l .. 71:. Tho posto?too shsil comply appiioa?blo complianoo demonstration in sootion 1H Giationsi Emission Standards ?or Hazaroous Air Emfsoo ?oorbog of Metal Parts and Pso?nots} of?ais pom?t. [Ellhohaptor of s. NR. 4&5, Wis. Adm. Code. 5. NE. Wis. stow. Code, 3. Wis. Ems. fpom? lot-iso- 142]} .5. 3f3?if .onh?'i- - at: 3?5 i 33333 I 3333-?: in} uti??m?FT'F Lyf?g?s The pot'miisos shall maetsll applicable roqt?mnss?s in soou'ozo 1H {Rational Emission Emotion-d3 for Hazardous so: Pollmzams: Sol-foot: Cooling Mots-1 Psi-ts and Exodnots} of this P?i?I?it. [Suhohapt?ii ofs. Hit-455. W15. Adm. Code, s. H?ti?i?i??d-Ksj. Wis. shim. Code, sass. Stats. {poms 142)] . I "h I JIHI35.7331 . I - 1. Con?i?onTj?potEmiss-ion?mifs 51. Conditions: For?ogonm?slorso sooroo?imit orgsoioHAi' omissioostono mot-om [1.31 kgofosgsoioHAI? 1h! on?l oompH-snoo period. solids used during ssoh 12-131 gallon} Wis. Adm. case, so om s. Wis. Stalls- {pm wiiso?o?mr's and products too?tisgopors?onsfs?s md?oolythogomsiuso oos?og sub?ostegow ofthe Thoroforo, omission limiis app oxuomsopm?manoo Iimitsandsog?rommts insob i some psodnots withinosoh?d? mJb-mmeguty: opor?ions Hosbio for other Mam-so {sis high ?own-polymer coating} are not iooindotiio??s permit toquiromonss inolutiod in sub-cotogory only. If?oi?ty oposstions fol] undo: one ormoro of other coating of $133455, W15.A??it. Code. no costing, ongootwiso oosting, rohbornto-mo 3 ..- a ?la? Emmi Moos?nggaod . sob-carom, pom?too shall comply with oil applicant: omission 55. W11 Adm. Dodo. 4D CERF-E11 153, sohpas?t?t?m??uiu so. Wis. Stats. {Forum 144135 i431 EEootod somo is the: ootiootion of all of tho itoms iistottin to {ti} below ?rst ussri fos smano coating of moral parts and mdmj?ugvossoisinwhioh comings, ??nnorsmtiofhor sddi?vos, storoli ormixod. All manual and?otom?o?. anti oontoinas opora'tion. *Simo s11 oosdo'ng opors?ons oppiioobltt itms in shots. gonmsloso ooa?ng sob-omgory, 1i1orois is. W15. Aim. Code, 411 EFF. s. W151. Siam. [omit ld-RSG-?i 43]] Page 15 ST WEE - 34115567ire: 1'5? 3?11 ?qnlil'a 1114.131: wag-Ltlul#55533; inEden Cen?i?hen Tm Meme: ef??epermitte demenmete eemplianee with ?ne limit in. Senditlen using this ep?en. Te tree this eptlee, F1311 ell-ell demenettetetimtthe ergenieHAP the epete?en :Ir epmetiene is ee- eqtaelte ?ee Iimitie Ceedi?enl?lmfl}, end?tet emf; ether ?it-lee, mil clean?jgmam?ai 1353.1 tented-em ne erger?e HAP. ENRAESAS WIS. Adm. Belle. 46 EFF. w??lie}. e. Tillie. State. prermit 111-356-1423] witheet add-e11 eenttele ep?en. Yett ehe?mmtell the requirements. ef eNR?ti?A-?i, ?Wi ite limit in Ceneitien 11-11341} ming?tieie ep?ee. Te ?aie eptiee, yet: ehetl tidit'lves, emi emie' W15. Adm. Cede, GEE. 53.3 391m], e. Wis. Stem. {pennlt elem: Adduee eent'e'le ep?tien is net in ee tile facility netnee mini-en eqeipmee?te demenet'ete eempiienee. - eeztings ere need as and me. net mien-:15. i. Genditien Type: General Cewplienee Requirements Cenditiens: Any fer whieh eettmiieet mete?el ep?en e: the emiem'en rate withee: e?drm eptien ehell be, as Speci?ed. ?m 5, amt it: with the emieeitmh'mitiu?en?itien ELL-ail} etell?mee. Wis. Adm. Cede: All EFF. e. 235.5313]. Wee. State. {permit Yet: eleell elm eperete mimeinteman e?eeted meludmg ell-air pe?n?en eenttel endmeni eqttigmt jinn {3f :tle'ephmg with'lhie anti-Ewing tn thEpIe?etene in e. 113460.435 (ill, W15. Adm. Cede. W15. Adm. Getter. AD CFE. 53 Wis. Stem {Permit Tet: shell eemplar with the epplieelele general prev-lemme meet-elem in eh. Wilt. Adm. Cede. Appettlix Mil-Mei i:e. eh. Nit?45!} ehewe eiixieh pelts efme general-midwemeh??e?? yen. W15. Adm. ?ed-e, 4t} CPR. 53.3991, 5. 5535.554113]. Wis. Stats. 3.Cemplme' ee? -'Iltepe1mitteeie Deng ?ee eempiient materiel eptlen. tr. Cen?itien Type: Compliant Material ?p?en e. Cendi?ew Demmetretiee ef Cempiieme wi?ttlte limit in Eemplieet Materiel Citation For each eemplieatee pet-lei tt: dim targauic HAP cunt-.131, dammed using Equetien helew, limitin 13.13.1211. ?ligree me}: net eeythinnerere?ter mgm?e HAP, determmetl e. Wis. Adm, Cede. A initiel eemp?enee tiee'ie? deem'beti ineJ?A?Ssl?t' Wis. Adm. Cede, is ?ll: 4. Gemplienee 'tr-..- -. - "Jlltrue nil .. ItII?air-{g3 .Tga' -.-. ?.-. HI. IL. ml"? . ..- - - 'gpgga'?uh?ir?Where, - He is the arganic HAP caateat afthe aerating: lag afcrganic Ed? emitted per liter {gallon} afccatiag caiida acad; Dc in the density at? caa?ag, leg {1h} cf caatlng per liter [gallant] cf caa?ng, determined arc-carding ta e. Wis. Adm. Sade; Wciedaeataca??acticn cfarganicHdP hathecaetiaakg?h) afcrganicHePper-kg?lh} cfccethgdeteanicedaccatdingtc atria esteeme}, ?Elie. Adm, Cede; Va is the valuateftac?ail afccating aa'lide, litter {gallon} afcaating acIida pd?iter (gallon; afcaaiing, deduct-mined accardingte a. HR. we. elem Cede. Eh} Ifyca ccnapljl,r primthe limit in aeing the caraplimit mam-lei aptian, the tree at my e1- enm- additive er aleenirrgmaaetialthat date natme-etdae criteriaenecdiied iapaxagreph ahcac ia a deviatiaa dam the cmieeicaliniitia candidate I?lec?j' dtetehail he reparted at speci?ed in aa. medi?? j?cl?. and [2}[ajui Wia. Adm Cede. depart at each semiannual caarpliaace repcrt reqpired by a. Radiant), pan idetrtii'jrdae acetic; cpetaticne fcrathich patina-ed the campliaat material aptian lithe-e were ac detdaliane ?an: the applicable lirnit in canditian aahnrit a. atataareatdtattha ccaa'ng apera?enn were in canapliance lirnite dwiagdte pericd heecrree pea aeedna ccatinge far-which the arganicHdP content mead me 553351511 limitin candtticn 1.1321341}, andpcaaeed ac thinner. adier additivccr cieacaiag material that ccatained crganic HAP, determinedacam-diag tc a. Hit ?Eil'ia. Adm. Cede. (d3 ?t?aa ahailmaiataittreccrde ea speci?ed in a. Eddie-ES} and Wia. ddta, Cad-e. {ac W15. Adar. Eade, 4d EFF. 533942, e. 231651113}, ?Wia State. {permit le?RSG-ldij] ere-an.1.- ..-. 1. emcee [tjtae need" mettle and {13-111 eerie-amen h?acrlimita permit the canihined individual cclpeaia canta?ng mediylene recardihe fallcwing infer-martian: needed-tha facilityhaa taper-ted and Facility average chlaride cat}.r 'napreceea tee. A caiqaenamle ar identi?catian iaditidaai Help ?taatire ?perating Heme federal hazatdaae airpaiiatant [an Medtplene chicride canteat narnher far each HAP cantaiaing taateriale pmchae?f?dae-d Reed-laden (Eda-are] HAP) emitted, ea af?ie chic-ride material tread P44, and {pemiafeaetinget'eleenera} ?aa demaneit'ate identi?ed in Sectiarr 1120:} cf the cantahting} eatrent aaladan P3211 campIiaacc withdrie linritatian. The ?ees: Air Act [Ii-2 USU used hP?i-?i- may net maceed 3.59 {it} The cantata cf each federal familiar,r has pat quanti?ed the ta exceed 1,150 per cicada panndc per ga?an. HAP mednrlene chlaaide, ?caa averaged aver azap 12 {c}en1cant cfmedrpleae methanal, tclaene, etc.) in each l-iAP preccaatng waste reeiduee ?-am need calendar nacntha. centeining edit-feat cantainingmeterial {?ni pmtade pet air-Inna. The fac?mr has actideati?ed 235.655}, Wit. Stem. {permit adage mafnct exceed 14D gallant as applied. this earn-ca cf I-lePa wirhjn?ra reared-142)] gailcna par raced: averaged ctrer Milled ar eachralera dccarnent permit accliecdca. Page 13131535 - - -. . - . I're. Isr'i'? d??l .2. Filed 'gig?. I..ii-"rr - . .. .. .-.. I. . . ?1 .- singing-2?3 e- 3. '1 .2342 -. d. lie persona-stresses, allow es possess eembinedmomi?y we. see. . see-age emission. efell federal {peoose lat?seems]: material Leg. solvent]. 4 bewdeuseirpe?ments {fess-e1 Es. essescs}, ?we. see, site Thefseiliweekoewledged seemed moods, es deteesdoe sod resord the We. Adm. Code, s. ?isttheywoeld follow-up eo?dsds identi?ed in Sectien 1 12111:] efdte 71103115th mtelfseilitvaide HR esseesneit, Woe. Adm. Code] request setoee Mey L2, 2111?? response Clean sireet [es USE missions [for each tisderel . to the doses-easement oo farmer to 4,222 pounds pes' month, hythe 15th of?ee The seaside-e shs?heep heist-station was rendered as of die dste avenged over sis}r i2 following month. records at of?o raga-rt, see. Wis. Stats. {pensit {pensit le-R??ald?l eontsining metelisl used is ge?oos Further i?emstien ld-R??wl?? {for esel-thoe-ess P44, P45, F21, needed - The tEpoe'tedthe Note: Resist-Hus eonditiens e; {steer memes es% were steered so deciliterr peasoittee s'ss? assesses end (to) gammy oimemyhoe materials Furthesedl?osed is so see-s source do: ?sdersl Hers record the chloride ?eeing soIveots used to to demossieete and 2M senses of tile following moods: grosses P44 {is gallons Fermenthj, eompiiesee Emits?on. The fajiMosI'ohremdssions ofeseh svetsgedeVeettaelest 12 fee?imhssootqustrti?edm Kim: emissioos :d'om?se federalH?F assessed over the most]; a- emissions ?es: proeesstog waste Pmeesees sesame Pee eesobined Isst month residues ?'emttsed demos. The fee?ity hssnotidsst?edthissomeeof?e? moods, averaged over any 12 {h}Mosfh1y emissions of s11 244, P45, F21, P22C. eeoseeotitremoniis period. dedeesl HAPs eosohissd Ed} gee oom'ousted 14m aversgedeverthelest? et?se?ei?iy?su?tsefm?ijes 1d2}} eosseootiee moothpe?od {in enhio fees). pounds per mostl?. [ss.1~i2. 43 add NF. {e}ihe?e?it5r shall only operehe Is. see. {pmit ensoscexelwe. seen. sideio the period 5:00 ems. to 14-22544231 {permit lei-2313442)] ?e?lty ashes-?edged ?eet they would 11:22 p.131, dsy.[s. NR {it} For eeshmeoth, the ThePennittee ehslliteep the fender-11; enthis reqeest instizieirMaj,r assesses}, 1Wis. mist. Cede, es. petnsitEe shell detettoisesod foIlewisg teeords: 12, 201? response to the demise: Wis. Stats. {pent-?t reeordtiee following hy?te lids Pwehese reserds efsoivmts no further 'enwes es of the tendering toes?t: eentsisisg me?nyieoe chloride whieh oi the date of this report. Note: The above t'se?it?sr operating Emissions of V??s from heelude ymhese dates, hoes-s restriction is ineieded so ?les? processes sse sod P45 dates, quantity [in gallons} end Compliant:- -?Ti1e reomds the fse?itgewide modeled PSM25 eemhined. ehletide eoneenh'sties {is fse?mr show eompiisnee. 24 is: eeneenus?en [facility impact Emissions ?ees pemds per gallon}. ytoeessesPe-eeodms Cemp?seseeni'heds?yreootdskept [24? hythefoo?isyshowoomp?snoe. hr) standard of 35 pgfn? fee museen?ve men?s period [is- Is. 113.439.544.21de, Wis. Adm. nemds per Incense}. Gods] Page 19 lei-3 ! 111.1111 5151111111115 5511551115 @5555555555555 $31.31*? 1?5 15551.51 51:55:: ?356.51 1.11 '15 Ill-15;? 1.1151 Wh?Jl? .11I 1.111?! 1?1' 15. 555 5515f 151555111 1511-11111 11?11515?1111111 I {11111115555555 15:5- 13' 5? 511.15: 11511-111111 11f pea-111111513. 111111111111 upm?ng 11111115 151 adailjrbaa?s 11:1 1151111151511515: ?55113151111115 with the mndi?nn 1.333151%. The 111111115115 511511115551 1:555:55 1111115115 1'11 1515511111115 1111115125, {3311 11.1111 [55-1 NE. and NR 497-0551131121), W15. 5111151. 1315115 [1151-11111 155513-1513] 1115111111111 F51 555555551 1.5515155511511551 '1 5:55 2 315115 Ham-1511115 Air P03112115 {31515 {131-1111 111-51111: :11- 111115115151 11515. 1111111155 11155 11111511Ir 111111111 151 5511:1151: 11111555511115 1115? 5 1115551111111; 115: 50111511151511: 135111111 115. 151115. .111. of; 153445.05, Wis. 5111111, ?11. 55551 quan?ry 111? anaemia-11111111 111 ?151 1111151 1111;151:5011 55 to 1151155 1111 5111111511111 1151 1:111:111511115111111 1115' 1115 5511151151155: 1115311111 5111111115. 31111511125151.1111 5111155115 the 15111151111515511 in 1111111111111 115? Table 155111: the 55111111115551 553.445.07?Eljlfaj, Wis. 5111111. 51111111)? T555555 1111111 111511515 51111 1111151151111 1115 5111511515 11111111111111 1111115115.: 51111111111 1511551151 11555 111 111111111155. {51115111115111 111? Hill 1151511 in 11111111155. 11111 15115551115135 1515. 55111. 131155 {1551-1111: 111?55151 152)?? 5.5551551551111155 911111115511 Signi?mn?y 15111111351115 115515115 55115551151151 1115115551111 11: 5111111111111 1151511131: 111111an 5511513555 51111511111}, 15111 51511111111511 5111111 115151111515, 111111.51 1115511511115 511' the 11511 11555115115151 11511515159115, the 15.111311555113151 or 5111111155511 1111115111151 $155555 1:11 5115 51515 1155115555 5511151111155: 1151515 51315151115, 51151111511115 11155311111511 15515151111111 15111111111555. 11-155 55155115155515 1515. 5515111, C?dej? The 51111311511155: shall 5111511115111 151115 51115311155111.1115 111- 51} any 1151511111115 Pn?utant 11111115555555 11111 511115511111 535511355335 Elf 5.1151115115115115 1511111111 5111- daunnma?ng 59551315511531 11155515111151: 5515-51 1155.- 5. 1351 11151111111 and testing 511-1111115151 b? Eith?rthe US EPA 1:11- 11115 [555 I?m 405' 0951115511111. 51 51511- 5115 11115555515), 11115511111. 111155] {2555} T551111111111155 511511 115515 1155 fo?nn?ng TEE-E11135: {5 111511511115 1511111111 511151111 11111511 5151555 5111511515 5111511151551 551511 1111111115 511515111111 111115 5111155515 (55: 1151115 115111111 511151111121 P11151155: 11511111115 11151543151111.1111 5151555 551511115 55111. 151511511 5511111 51151111155511 H61 111111115111151111151 511111 5151115111 records 11315151115 1:551: 1551 51 115551 5 55515 I5 ?55435 55111151, 5155. 1111111. Cadre. {5151111111 145356-1423 11111511553155? The $15111th 13PM HAP ?niasigng ?-gm 51111 11151111111111. 51111111155511de {155131}! andHCI} to 11551111155155: 51111131151155 15315111151111.1'1111 Mt? has nan: quanti?ed 1115 1.1111111151111111; H515 511155551115 ?ammuces?hg 11.15315: h?rf?ti?cn??adthissume Pas-115111111 Mal ST FRANCES- lass-assarl patsasial ama?aa'laa Isis of any Stats l-laP appliaalala published. dis mhlmas valua- in Tabla: A. afs. NR. Wis. alias Sada mamaacaxasal W13. Adm, Dads?? Whaa ?lls facility?s a: of all}.r Stats HAP a publishaul as mamas valaa, tha ma?a shall atlahla?a?la impaataftha pallaiaat?s asalssiaa; and ?atma?na 1f any ad?i?a'aal assian ta ha talsaata ma?bsatilaa arabiaas air quality sandal-d. Is. Adm. Dada? i M??matiaa A and mammalian Nana Applicable. Camp?anas Tha faai?tjrhaa F?ravaatiaa aa? ahabsmant plan shall ha prapalad plan shall as a mm Praasa?aa anal ?l'laualtamaai Plan. anal fallawacl far Elsa plant. prsvaax, damataad Ahatamsa?s'?'laa A11 Imrlatad MAP [3.143. Wis. Adm. Coda] macs mal?raatlaas a1- aazsa my 113 2511* 5.111de mm arhlahmay the: fallawlag tha' mspaalian. All alrpallmlaa. {salsa an}? aapliaabla an?aslaas aqna'aamam shall ha aparata? anal l'aafla?aa ha ha 'r-I'lalalatl at Na Earl-slams mal?aiaarl in wl?a which ma}r air pallm'laa. (La. Haasaalm, Adam. CW3 awarding Sada] - ta saam?'aamrar's spasl?aa?ans This malfuaatlaa pzavaa?an and. diraa?aas] ta minimiaa ?ns: and alaa shall malaria possibility fartha af and any amjsalaa. limila?ans. rataias aalihaatiaa Is. Ella-3&1 ?Wis. Adm fast-aha mandrel-lag Cadaj - lasaamaata?an. "mas plan shall assay shall rsqta'ra an mstramaaia?aa submitfha planaa?aa aa?bra?aa at?za I) afNasmal spaai?adlay tha I yearly 131' at Email! 533.5341 Pass 21 Inf-3D ELEM ET PEARCE 3411534370 fl Hull-14?5" nunrl?q?l 1' ?il? I f??l M?al??l??m?r ea ?ee" 3:111". .. l. E's-s The depa?bnent are},r amend ?le plan if deemesi for mal?me?on preamtion or for The redneaion ofe:oeess emissions Wis. Adm. Code] :31 fa" EL: glean I.- on good engnesrmupraence as established by operatlonal history, wbieherer is more ?aqoent. inspoe?on marl ealibration shall also be eondneted abenever note-:1 Isa. ER 439335561] anui s. assess Wm. Adm. Code] The oral?mo?on preren?sm and abatement plan shall require a eonsr of?ne operation and maintenanee manual for ?ne neutral equipments be maintained on site. The plan sba? eonaajn all ofrbe elements in s. ma?all?j?a} .. "Wis. sen. Code. [silk 439.11,, Wis. Adm. Code] g. gill?: - uh: - - 1. 4:42;- {.511 ?a liaise a . g-n. 1. ?eas-as 4. also: Testing 1Whenever steel: testing is rammed, Early required eonrplianoo mlaaicas leafs} cannot be eon?neaed within the time ?ames speel?e?infl?s permit, the permit holdermayraqeesi anal {be Departmeni may approve. in writing, an errbenslon of?me as eon?nor me testrisj. "Wis. Adm. Code] {of} All-team; shall be performed at Impact? or as elose?to oapaoi'qr as pree?eable and in aoeorrlanee Wl?r ayproved. prooa?mes. 1f opera?on at capacity is not ?easible, tire source shall. operate at a eaoas?ylesrelw?aieh is approve-c1 Two copies oftbe repoa-Lon an}r oompllanee emissionresrs shall be subrofbaito ?tbs erslaa?on ease following?re oomyletlon Wis. Adm. Code} None Applicable. No Steak Tooling has been Equestedto date. 3T 341 :1 ?to 1F: m??nll :11 Tii-?E . ?dd? 'l 5. Compiienne net nee ??ijjeegmii by the Deparnnenrin wnimgnw [e FIE. 439. {171:1}, "Wie. Adm Code] The Dep?menishau DB informed on least 25 wodn?ng dnye prinrio any nod: teethig, en Deporixnent repreneniaiive one the ?eeting. A: the time of non?eedon, e. oompiienne emission. test plan nhnii also be nonnaittedtn ?le Deportnlenr for approval. new ?eneoved in writing. an equivalenemntnoediod may be mentioned for die :eferenne teed: rne?nnd. Thnno??eedon and one: plan. eheii be enhmithedeo the Wieeonein Dopamine: +3me Renonrnee= South Centeilteginn Air Ping-am, Reedebnrgeren HE. Win. Add: - Code] Exoept en under =51" genes e. mega: if?? we mt?? mime: edge? cope}? 1 e31 . .II Jl'lr II 233173.64}, upon ieenealno ofthe opere?en permit, ?die penni?ee shell en?nnoit periodic monitoring regime. [$141401 ?9{1 Win. .edni. Code] Exoep?t en provided under Salute], upon ieenenne of?ie operation permit. the permittne ehe? enhmii poi-indie eerti?netion of nonoplienne. NF. Win. Edna. Code] The reooederequired ?nder permitebniibereteinnd foretieent ?ee green end ennii be made degentnent personnel The poi-mitten ehel?l nebmite meandering report whine the ensuing of monitoring or summary of monitnningreen?n required by this ?ne eveiy'twe'lee {12} monthe. The time period to be addrenned bytiie. eohmii'tal Jammy 1 to Denemher 31. The report ehnlibe submitted to die Wieeonnin Depernnenn oi Kennel Rneournen, Region Heedqllenern n?bin d5 days e?er?dle end of each reporting period. - on deviations ?'orn end ofenpiioebie Comp?enoe Pamela-neat} CI. CM. ET M?i?u Jl'r.? "Eng lid Ir: :1 ?wu- I. {3 5' I. 1" NR. 439.04, s. E43 9.35, Wis. sees ease} fink-1?" ml" ?Jf' r?es?? qua? ?Hill?: :3le Essie salhmitisl sheii be certi?ed by responsible a?eisl sets the 1:111:13= see-arse? end eempietmess ef?le repert. ?Ihe eenrent ef?se suhmitliei is tiesel?edmi?hem?. efPertH ef'lhe eperstien IsehhiI; [eel-?4343?. ?B?Kej?. 1Wis. Adm Cede] ?Ihe permittee sheil submit an surreal eez??se?en of eempiiehee wi?lihe quI?ressiesits of this permitte the Wiseensih ei' Hansel Seuiheest Regieh Hee?quamsrs. The time peried to be addressee! by the repent is lemmas-Ir i. in December 31 nf?se preceding year. {is} The reism?l: shall be submitted in the "?Wiseensin Depsrmem sf Nets-sit lessees-es Wi?f?'n. 45 days e?es'the end. We psi-lei The hferme?enimsl??ed in the shall with ?le requirements efPartH, Eeetien efthis pem?jt. {d3 Eeehrepert shall be certi?ed. h? sIeepeneihie e?ieiel es Ire Item seizes-sue}r end effhe repert. Ess. NE. ?1413, Adm. Cede} . ?ied-f: Misses-sass: ss THE: s. assesseseien Permit le-Ri?i-Gsld? assessedee fe?ewhig pemu't eeneiiriens he peemit Heme Applieshie. Hens App Iieahle. Page Here's] LCM ET FRANCIS- 31.Jill"; IllWEEK. . Permit :e HERBE- ?i?l patsh?ngte etPeune-ylt-enis site. Psnnit eenditiEne ?m GERBE- fer precessee P323, end EEC. Pennit eenmees in tree ?st eteeIe ems, size, end 353. Es. 235.55g], "Wis. Steie. {permit Benetne?en Neej?esliene. The Neti?eetiette. The pee-mitten ?nite Applicable. ermitH HREG- shellin?ermfhe?ep?tmentefthe shellsuhmitm?ie?epmm (1) Camp?anse? The pettsittee has Hydrated the department with detest at? 42 feliewhsg Estes: ef?etursl Resumes; Beuth end epetetiEn femew Enguege The time eens?rmc??n Emmi nginn?iergt?mF emieemn ms Ree edshm?g?ree?f?eein sue-arses addressed inPetneit 14? w??ng, within 15 dsye efthe CentElienne? The pm??ee was REG-1E2. Enye?ssienmiie granta?gm 13 mm {egF PEEBF EEC, heleetrl? the fhlleeing: camels-entitle penis IE-RSCEIEE en ?amhlewdeh Eiretme te the The dete somerse?m August 9121341 The sul?erityte Ewemte commemee en the any new er semen-eel: expires Marsh EF EDIE. ere esteeideredeLe-te emissienunh-s modi?ed miseientmiie [Emit-1E5}. he Permit lat-REG- "?ee dste new stasissien unite 142. heme epere?sesl {hj'l?hedstenswemissinetmite Fer muses Emit, [e REESE .Feecme: ths?retthne :1me presses relsted Cede {ZPeesnit sirmieminesieis emitted J'stte'the *Pextnittee ehteineds. sir. senstmetiee wait-Perla: sensis'eet Es. ?Wis. Adm. Cede Before obtaining {Remit petmit. . Mel?me?on PIe?Irentieu and Banshee-time Au?snrtestien Flee. The owner er Eatpiretiem. The eyErster shell updste the Censtruef, trader {leash-twine: We Mel?me?ee Patent: expires 13 Esters-nation Plan months afier?te date efissueme. tn imIttde wet Geesttee?sn e: medi?te?dtrn end md GTE within 6E days efthe seiesitisl ewe-Etienpetied ?ne dste whee-ether Pageisefau ill-CM ST ?ned-1?- meta, ire . HP newts 3 33 3 . te eesta?e sen?mnitjr eiththe pennii: eenditiens is autheriaed fer eaeh emissiens unit: eeveredin this pennit. Please nets ?letthe ee?trered h:-r this permit are reqt?redte meet all emissien Penirs and eendttiens ee?ahsed in. the rte-mitt at all tines, drains, the initial eperatien parted. Iflil menths is an insu?irdent tines paried fer eenstreeden er needi?eaden, equipment sheltedets'n, and Department evalrratien ef eperatien, the pennit request and die Department may appretre in writhag an eedensien ef this pennit. rl'he eenditiens efthe eenstruetten parnait arepennanenr, unless revised, superseded er retreIred. [as and 235.551: 12:, "Wis. Stem, and s. 113436.13 W15. Adm. 1{Dede {permit Ma?a?142)] Mai?lnetien Preeae?en and .dheteanent Plan. Thepennittee shall prepsre?rredate the ?eility?s Mal?medenPrwee?en and Abatement Plan te threlede the esterelien and nasdnsemnee ef the eenirel equipment Elli, CW. [a 141439.11, "Wis. Adm. Cede {penned 14-35431-4de . Cemelianee 'ihe permittee shall euhrnitpeliedie meniterhtg and eerd?eerlen efeere-plianee as muss. 11(1), we. Aden. Cede Emit {BJSuhnd?el ?Ihe pennitEe shall suhreitte the deparenent any updates efthe pennit appliearien. Updates are reqtn?red ifairj,r ehsnges that seen- whieharenet speei?ed er described indie plans and sperd?ee?erts 11, 14, August 14, 2014. The ended-s shall he made within dd days ef the date efthe change. DthEr he submitted shall ieelede the ned?ee?en requirements. ri."he sentineed era-eraiien ef the new emissien enim addressed inthis lie-red are prehihited eases the mariner te ee'dshnet expires Cendi?en 33333.12], miess an}r required Trpdeteshave been suhndited and the permittee has satis?ed the nee??eaden requirements ef ?enditien [s hilt. 1 dds. slim- Cede {permit ld-ESG-lddj] Eehniittal efMal?n-letien end shale-met Plea. The per-rattles shall update the ?eiliry?s hdal?naetien Pretendern and hhahement Plan te hiehrde the eperatlerr and mahstensnee efthe Wat (lid and assess-struts}, sea. area. Cede {pennit ?~35thle its will?" en's", r-"rs .IFF re s. attire: fun-1 ?st .3133 HEB Swift} Elli Tftd" rarer-Ia. 5.51.41 err. mfg)?? dig? .. hag-?I?" 9' 1' as?: i'r?eIJ'I'I'd - t, I'ii: :q 3 Censplianeeu The pennittee has Malfunetien Prat-renders and Abatement Plan dated Mar-shit, 21] Pl?. Cements and requested weresenttethe?eility endyril d, 1011'. Mandated plan llt, EDIT, Wes suhmitted he the depends-rem fellewing the? inspeetien. PEEIE: EEHFEEI LCLII ST 34115393.? ?r?f?r?f a a fat: - a" 1 *huaa?dun. .a 15:; 313. 5. aiijand far and new innit ?riinapaiiariwhan?aahmii hmman aparaiianai. NEE-that maninaring and 13pm; ragl?xanaania and. Emira?nna nfanar mndi?nli nnitn main in a??ant. of Wm]. Pan-mi: imam Tina pal-initial: shall anti-aha 'Ena painiit application ifany ahangaa man: which an: ant warmed tn- plans mi apac?inatinna app-aired nndaa annatmctinn panic ?Wia. Adan. Conn {Pannit 14-333. 1423.] Thiaparmitaha?bainainin aai?ng and innhidafhanainaaf in?nity. the facility's nnmiiar and a ni?tha a??aatad aminninn anii?a}. Win. Adan. Dada fpm?mit Inannalnaiva" A??itinnai informatinn naadarl? It in baliavadthni ?aara aa'a patan?a?y signi?cant aminainn ?iathava natbaan niainriad wi?iin 111a original pennait Spad?n details an amianinn man-sag are: daami'na-d infin-a ??napaatinn Finid Nata; andDiaannai?n" Eaa??n thhia rap?rt. Tha ?c?ity has nut anhmi?ad ?p?ahan af?iaparnaii: appliaa??n fur Canatnatinn Pannin 42 in aara- . ad in 332.1%. . Th?'?faze, parmittaa salami: a ?analy pannirraviainnatn warm air pollution annrnaa 'tha: warn dianlnaali within ?an plans an apani?ta?nna apprnaad andar Ina-mi: I4- EEG-142. - 34 IT REPURTING REQUIREMEWIS: +4 - 4-1. .44 44 4 . 4 4.4L. . ?ns. mh?m??a? I?mIluaII UarIELI?aatIun Dun annuailIyI Match 1 [?pam?an Annual Air Ian-5mm? Elna almaally,J March 1 Semi-annual Camp?am?a Manita?ag- March I and Saptamhar I Hagar-Ia {Dparatian Panait} Emmi-annual Deviation Rapart March I andI 3:11th 1 maa?aa} I Elia-4. 44444 441444 44.4% ?414%: Iirrznaa UF CDMPIMTE EIETIEGIT [Ida-Ia 4144444444 at 4 Ddaa? Suwa?lanaa I Minar 44414444 12m IIEIJIE [Ida]: h?lwaillanaa Ddara dataalad at lamiai E. 1+5 ?dm? Sun'ai?anaa Na away mated ?IlS??l? Diiui' Plant idle HIT '3de Eur 'vaIlIanaaII Ddai'a dataciatl atmlaval 5 ?dal' StlIl've?Ianaa II?dara dataata? at lavaI 3 5124421315 FilaI?maIia I au44-4n14444 Ha 1444444 imam 51:41am aaur Surveillance II 4344:4444 a4t4a44a 44414441 3 043444- 0-1444 a4444I444a44144r41a 0:144: 04144-4 $4434] Ddar SawailIanaa G?ara dalaataqi at law! 3:22am Gdar Noti?ed Gamma}! I magma (34544 I - Claim Nati?a? aampany Raquaat ta aampauy far Gdar Mflzigatiaa Plan. II [Mar Na??a? aampangr Qatar Na??ad aualnpanj.r In {313m U?ara abjaatfanahla, LON n?ua nl-?il?: ST FRANCE ddll?hd'li} seennaav ea Paavtens shrinesttreaeels Letteset'hleneemplisnee reassesstagewhe. hie i a INSPECTIIDN FEELD HDTES AND BLEEHSSIUN Tile pmpeae el'this tespeetten was in determine'the eemptiunee dte?ld with respeet te Wiseensints sir petlutiee eeatre] regulatiees and the feedity?s Ait' Cehsh?uetien Permit id-ItSG-id?. This inspeetien was widt Mr. Mad-r Fargaaen, Manager at ELEM StFraneis. Aise present during this inspeetiuu was Am? J. Litseher?President, Saga Envirenaaentel d: Engineering, Ins. and Daniel Hellehhet'g - Willi. During the inspeetlen, the weathersenditiens were eleudy with winds fresh the east at 5 is lit miles per hear. The temperature was d5 Prierte the start. ef the inspeetten, I ehsewed the visible nudes-tens. Ahlue plume efsntehe wast?teted frern a steel: near the heater and east end ef the plant. The density ranged item i} he 15 he sparsity. All remaining steelrs had visihie emissiens sf 5 ?it. er less. We else surveyed the faeility ferrueledereue While upwind at the plant, ne eders were deteeted. When appreaehteg the plant en Ave, 1 neted the paint etaing even type emissiens. {in a seals ef l. te It}, with it] being ehjeetienehle, I plaeed the intensityr at 5. the paint eating type fumes was a ehernieal eder thateas present atan intensity levet et?a. The inspeetten started at l?tll? AM. During this inspeetien, Was in eperatien. While at this fertility, I aetieed a distinet cheesiest eder while inside the plant. We started the disenssiena with a review efpleet nestedees and the fer whieh the sensh'neties permit apptieatiea severed. We else reviewed sense items that were believed missing ?'emthe pm'tuit applieatieu, namely; emissiens related in the drum sustains. The permitted agreed that they had tidied te luelude enlissiens item the residual material remeved tiemthe drums during; heme materials hated within drums in the staghlg area tnelude aides, seeing ?eet, ammeeta, saith-ease. eiIs, ete. These residual drum eentehts are eeulhhled with the selntien in the pie-?esh tents, with he eils whieh ul'e segregated and stared in the waste eilaterage tank. Previena'lv ultdiseiesed emissiens tiers the ?residual nutrients? are heated in 135 Deg within the prediesh setutiau. This sehltlen ls l'eelreulated within the terminus rinsing epel'etieas that are supplied by the pre??tmh teal-E. The types ef?residnsl'eentents? may luelude aet enljv "Wit: emissiens, hut partieulate matter, and pessihljr State and Federal The permittee agreed te eensider all pessthie emiseien sauteed uud weuld review available lnt?ereratien??emtheir asseeiatien. in additian te this, the Department urged the l'aeilitv te [eel-t El?d?ljr attire EDS data fer the predests ?rst the drums enee eeptalned. As at the date ef this repert, i?ut?thet?aini?ertuetien en these petentiat searees was net :vet suhmitted. As this infennetien was admittedlg.r net ineluded within the eenatrnetien permit septieatien, the will need tu resetve this he! addressing pennit eendltiens I. 2133. It. Either-Wei ef Up slates and E'stupi'etterr Permit App: tieetten. The petvnitres sit and rue date the permit epptteetien if any eitenges whieh use net specified at dds-attired its the plates and sp audit-attem- app: rived tinder petite Jetted-l dd. DD DR. MAW Adi EMENT The has a tunnher et' eder eempteints ?'ent peepte te the west and ner?reest ef this plant; please reds le eemplsiut fetspeei?e details. ?u Nevenrher 15, 2015, the was issued a Letter eENeaeetnpiianee due in signi?cant and ehjeetienahle edere witnessed rhsieg ens ef the eemplatstimreettgattens. The respended te this Lillie by having veader review the eperatiens at" the euntrel devises. As ethlevemher Ettld, the theilitp drains and ?ashes the wet seruhhet' Elli every weekend. The healing.?r else deveteped as Elder Preventtea and Ahatemwu than dated Nevereher 13, 1d] d. The plan identi?es men},r efthe permit llntitatieas relating teprnnesses and related smattering and reused heaping requirements. The plan prevides a presednre te eetnplaints sheet edets. [Presses and eeatret devise eperating are reviewed and aetiena weaid he haplereented, where necessary.) The edere that] wintessed histeriesllj.r here this theilitjv are primarily asseeieted with fear epel'atleus. These are the paint halting even, piaetie harrel Planter, fumes t'rern drum residual and efthe within, and the wet serehher disehurge. Earth has a uniqne Smelt asseelatEd with it. The paint halting even nan he semewhat pungent taldehydes} and hand at times, the ?ame ernissiens smell ef streng type smell, the genm?sl nahue efetganie selvent small tiara the eenglemerstien ef ehensieals in the tire-?ush and the steneh et'sewer type eder when the hielegieal aetivltj,r ef the seruhher liqner gets elevated. Te redaee the intensitg.r ef setventteheraieal type smells, the iheilttp is prepesilt in install a it} ?at antenatal: tn the existing wet seruhher steel-t. Cl D. This siteuld aid in dispersing and redeeing the greuud Invel httensitgv efthe eetnpeunds heing emitted liemthis stash. The faeilihr eleans and rinses the seruhher Evil] en a weekly haste and this has prevented the sewer gas type smell ?ash the wet Iserehher discharge stash. Ihave witnessed vett-r little change In the Waders asseetated with the paintearing even and the ELEM 3T FRANCIS 31H i?HtlTil deem flames. The St] 15 LEN against this temaina seen at this time. There are ndditisaal aneas where the faeility ma}-r eentain and esntrel pstentiai edsrs, sneh as severing the Teraste water that strung salt-rent smelling waste water. Either areas sheeld alas he investigated fer ne?er generating petential and assesses}! edet' mitigating aetienetprseeas esntreis. . Label Stripping Faith as The Stile Saf?etf.I Data Sheet far FievStriptEl data is inseftisient ts vesi?r with the FDIC and HAP limits. The 1e'as requested is ehtein a. teehnieai datashaet far this prednet er have Tsender sappiied eentent data. ?pxag Egi?i; C?ting? "the t?aeility assumes that the eateriet [?grnehted seatings heing used are extreme perfertaasen enatinga and snhjeetts the 3.5 the Vtitll' geilnn iinlitatien. The permittee is in tastiest with sash paint vendetta determine and verify that eaeh at the seating being used are indeed extreme petferrnanee eeatings. The pennittee has agreed ts preside the deparhnent this when atraiIahie. There?sre the eemplianee states the this litnitatisn is identi?ed as inesneiusive and requires additianal infertnatisn print ta detennieing eetnpiiattee statue. The has sated er eanthtulng aieas sf neaesmpiianee that shseltl he dealt with the enfsreament presses. it is teeammettded that this he eetnpeiled tn preside the patentiai air pe?utent is thrmatinn t?m' eaeh presses sperating at this faeilitjlI and anther apply t'er air petmita that appreptiateljr ail Furthermers, in additisn is the speeifie etniasisns data lasing emitted ?'etn dram reeiatnatien the facility he requested ts deselep a metettel aeeaptaaeefrej eetien and management plan speei?e te eaeh petential shernisai 1siesta entering this prseesa. . Tinting at the next nemplienea inspeetinn will depend en the ?etel'rrtinnt'lett sf apprepriate nperatien permit eiassi?eatlen (he. miner earlier title it}. REQISRED: HESRIHG Han]:- HAT SAFETY GLASSES SAFETY SHOES [3 sense DTI in rill: {tn WEENEIN DEFARTWT 011? ?111111ka HEAET 11131131113111 FULL ATE EDMPLI-ANEE 51111115121111.2135? 1211221221 1111111213112 2121211111111 1111111122. 21111" . 11111112111122 E1 211112211212 21111 2121 21111 2211. GLASS 11111111211121122 2121111 131111111 1321111111115: - 112111 21111111 1111121151 21111111 .11 #2112111 111111111 221111.211 1111111112211, 121 2212111212 2112mm 11111111111 11212212112112 21111 21121121221111.1121 - 3113: 11312.? 11112121 31112212, 111111112 111111 P2112 111151-1133: 332.1139 - 011121'1112121 21221111121112 PARTICIPANTS: 22.212111321111111 AIR 22112221111212: E22111 5122111111111 1211. mg?mg 131111111; 1111111211 1122112 ?11111121111111 21211 11111 112 2221111221112 1111111111 111111111 1111211111- 1111111111. 11211 El 2112 112211.12 223T 121 111.1111. E1 2213 12111111 13 2112111122 :1 .- 2.12 11221 El 2111 1111211112 1:1 111211?11112111221 I: 12111111111222 211111111111 E211. 121.1111 2121112211112 1.1111111 El, 11111-2112. 21221112121111 1111211'111111121111121111?2 1112122111112 112 21111111211122.2111 . . . .2111, . 22.1 11.1211 21111 11.11-- -'211111. 2311 .- 211211, (1111222122111) .1111 - 2.11 .111 .1 1. 2 11:11 11. 21' . 22112 - - 2.2 1 2.2 13.11 - 2.11 12.2 2111-11. 1 11 - 1 211.11 1- 1231 2.2.1 . {311122 1311112113 A. .E .B 11.- -A1111111'1112111211i1112. 11:211.. .2121. 11115111., A112: A112. A112. 1111111. 21211111112121; 1:12 1:12 1111 .112 _1111 1111 111:1: *Emis?nn 111112 1111121112 12 1112111 11112? 11111112211111 11122111111211. T1112 211115 1111111 11111: 111111121111 221111312111 12 2211111122112 221221122221111 111111. 12121111112111 22222111111111'11121121 1:1 221. 2 1111 11.11112 2111111111111 121 11 12111111111112 2111111211211. 2211 111 ?$11317 2112111122112 1111111111 21.12.2115 11:11:11f 2 A12 22112112121121111112 1122111111? 1222 11111 21222121111111 211112111 1111211 WM 11.11- 2111.21 21121121122112.2161111'1211111 Kahq?m? 21121222112111: 11.1.2111 (11.1" 1 13' 9'0 '71 THEE: 3111121212111:- 1121 131112211 112A111111111111g11m2111 1:112:1111113,a FAGIILIITY MATTHEW a- - . I I Milt? Higgm; W?M?i?g Ethai Drum Q9: 114}! mi?gb . Karin Mum]; Steal Dram En. [5111.1] my??mmdi?l?m? . . -.. .- I 2.1-: I. Eli.? ?lm-rial17?1- 113 gm; 11 4a nma'a??a, Emmi Stsi?dacd's'fm- aimMarta?lligwtg mIde?uetI . FEW Midah?m?hn Ema! 15mm Earm??ihns usad EfeethmJa. ?amiim nfvarium-?izewm 1mm ?amman dlEeImf?EmE?ni?? anti are marina. ?11111? '55 3393911 m?v?'?mma an: napalm] elf-Ea facility? m?f?i dim; ma fh?l'mali?r awed. 3114:! ask ma?ap?dfr?nea-l??; pai?t??m?ma?. ?a?n 'npm?tas an Fart m?im' Rama-farm whtiih ?r niu - umn?wn?a m?fa??rai hawdaus all? ??ta?fa?erai HERB): T116 f?u?ity is mbiaut in Hm Simfam ma?a; of Ma?a?an?mla Parts and Fm?u?tm?ca MM 153. mhpm-EWTl?a fauility {Hawaii 'in 1111 mm dis?gured as 1115mm}! whax?h'gu?l?'a?la. 3'3:qu lleulama?m Emma ?33m:- T?a EaihuaFaui?u dI-umI-?plamsi?nn ?nmnau waajuar?e? ?m 1'99; Ea?a? upenwn?-?tgia drama. ids; bands a??li?ul? WEE tiff! unmuyu? intq ?lmacpdh? ad It} T?wiw lwu a?e??lm 119150 4 Emm?s p51? situm. Th1: Ealhaa; Paul-?t: ?lmmae umsista BEE EM 3' WM matings; jam-4153 mm, amalgam-m Wm]; mm?bua?ble main-?aw ?unaammp?ra?w ?5 14m} FF. 'Eaig?f mi: "I'img'qy nh?mh??a Haulingjh??l ?aw-the mammal nhainam?m?a ma?a mil dfawz- mmr?b? fw? h: ?lm-Th1?! uhain uun?ng 311311;}? is Ihnabau?i at tin: ?at fau'i nf?m 1:11am Wham 1151.1 'wr??ii if?l?i?l: urggniu 115:; furna?n. ?Ilia l'?aiama?m ga?'hu?il?m with Emm?iu?d??l mu'ni?g??ha??y?f'l?g?. 131a is. mama-mall n?dizn?r ??a??guipp?? mm It'i?t??l mama 113153 mini ?fii mn?huma Tha sat p??tt?lr 1hr: n?a?mmer mama-amass n?i ?th? nan?e ?ite?tart is: waster Mama-numb? hu??m. di?cliatgighi?f?m 2.014. wading .Th? puma-air 13$ app'n?ina?thha 13111] a'?n ?lmgh'ma'bypm slats}; on May 12-1 Wna?re Hent?nnawg Emma ?31 3.11343: Elan}: Wp?i?t?? wi?l Emits-i. Stank: 311], ii i??l ?aw ?um?w a?m?rlmmaf in .1: Erin Intuit ?Hmm?; Int-i girth 111$ mammal T1151 El?iLnir i? man 'atli? 1mm Ian palat?um. 19% ?f?in mange ?nn?x?a?mwmf'i?mt??u ?it WEE *Tha b??br-ja mat-qq?fpy?? Willi-aw, In?l?r'iti'? mil-fir.- ma?a mm; mm ?irty m?lhm??m mm! Em?m??ti??i? - unit wa? ?an pinvinualy Hand-ti: ?at h??c Wan??i? Ma ?l?a?d dim-1 mil-aim W??m The mama limm naus?u mshm?zw?? fa?w?n? :?'pili MIME SEEM Ilia-3 h?l?hin?'i??'fl?hiliWI If?' P?iir'il ?aus??i: dim: Elli-gli??i?ir?nd Bm?i?h' i?Ju??ii? 15} Elsa-1L sealed?tsp thatan were pt'svisasiy eiesneli using a JE-stage washer. washing epstatian ssnsistsd sFa series st?hst waist." rinses anti saastls slashing assist-Irena. Tits washing salutien abstained a ?lit seiatisn st' sadism mar-sable. Drums were bmugbtitl an a and the rinse snlatisns were pumped ints sash [tacit tints-n was than drained and the used rinse ssluttsn was returned ts a balding tattlt. Emissimla were ladssr An upstatisn petntittatriaisn was sabmiltsd by the an May l2. EMT, in this snares has ?'snt this fssitlty is June sf ssta Tbtas She! Units (P32, CHE, Silt}: J's-lbs being ?tst?mai'ly batted in the drum reelamatian fataaes. stasis, lids antiIbtgs are ssaveysti in tbe abet blasting teem. Hans tbet'e blaststatisas that remains the burnt residue and sitar using steel abet. The three shat blast sash ate designsri ribs :1 spest?s tasit. Lids are individually inadstl late a stat fat shat blasting. Rings ass lsatietl hits a ?Brenna? abet blast anitthr sisasisg. This third salt is an satstsatsd thstabratsr shat blast sat-t what's sash til'tllt'l is tastisti ints the and the sisaltsti strata is discharged from the l'tll?l? et'tbe unit. Emissisns item sash blast unit ate esrnbineti and renter] to a cartridge ?lter t?te issatsa ts shat blast reshajnst sntsitis baittiing. Pt'isr with the ?ll-mpal'qt indisateqi that: the dissbaige exhaust air is sntb'sly rented bask inte the faeility. Dating this seat atlawiag emissistts item the tn tilit?sstigtr ts atahisat ait' was ts sestiett fer additisnai tintsiis. Intstisr Drum Paint Spray Est-tit {1933, 513, sums ?ssthig Interiet Drum Casting Line was instaiis? in i911. iaterisr seating is a ans layer seating that sea base the ?iieitness ?tl'at'tetl dispensing en the sustemet?s spesi?salisns. Cnnan?y. a pbenslie sanity seating is the tall}; seating applied tn the span inhst'ists. The inside at the tasting lirtan lid is alss ssateti with the pbenslis spas}: resin. Bath drums and lids are leaded into a sitting streamline! ibt? themai eating. This 5 as minutes. The sat-lag even is natural gas-tired, rated at htht?haht, anti is set at assists Emissions heat the paint spray basths have a ?berglass tyne hints and asst separately sutsi?s the building. drying even has a sap-state staslt anti alss 1seats astside bniitiiag. Eateries Dram Paint (Pitt, EH, 1334}: ?ll??l?l?d Healing The sxtet?isr seating system was installed in 19?; anti at this spins behths [stem and list}, a tins, and a dissing titres (ETSDF - 3il?nFj. its sf salsleti water based ssah'ngs ans used as this line. The besths ate sqnippetl with three air assisted abiess guns whats paint is manually appitsti tn the tit-an: eats-tar. Easb health has a ?ller whats dispesabis ?berglass ?lters are tlaily. Thetws share the same habits] g?an?l'?ti sventtaunel h?tii?ni?ir]. The heatbs and tit-Pen seatsratshr asst satsids building ?'sm titted ssbattst staslts. Dram Ring Dip Tani: This was alas iaslaitstl b1 1W2. Rings wbisb are used ts litl an apes drums are hand slipped in a tank elf size 3? a it Litis st'e dipps? his water based esating anti bang all a bariaenbll Ind anti allewstl is ab? til-y. Emlssisns ??sm this press-as ate an instant h1gitiss. EEBMEHSI ISSUED: 3 3' 33333 ?3?37 3333:3337-3333- TH ?aw 3.3 33333- his 333333 T333333 I I I. - SEE-I. th law 1' it"? Eatah?ahcd ill?line ?v??aghg as mathud of dummlatm?ng cumplianw {9930 for ?at: mating Iiunu. N?nn . {1311,1313 35; 241% 1221.1er Nuvmbal' it, 23303 ?pm?a?u? limit Nmmher 21. EEHJE me?atlun Ila-11:11! R?visiu? to ram 24102122031301 . - PM Emit far :eulmnn?ml 3 ?rmaua 241432 January 2, mm me'atiun Pal'mit January 2, 2014 24102] QED-P243 Jun: 11, 21313 ?pamtiun Pwmit June; 11, E?l? 4; 24131212104330 0mm; Pmit 1133333333333 3353mm? - 35%.?51.333?? .331. $23: 1!?1:3: a ?b ?a a; . Particulate emissicns permitted shall clam-cm .. .. Na E?dm af Malian,- . Hangman?- 11cm: ?cm Stacie: 3113. 15cc furnace is challusc ESEPA This mum-mg 235.5513}, Wm. and. m. cpm?hg. mmvi?blc 54%, EB, 5135.14 arc cxd?mg Im. . madam). $115.1!me Ecdc} NF. midg?jfcM. c'chHE 439.0512}. Wm. Adm. Ccdc] dicablcd. Staci: 31d cmiccicns. [12. 1m 'l'hc mcc?cr d1c ?aming Adm. 'cf?thc civcry' 15 ENE 2. With The .?I'hc stackhcight chaIlbc c1: Ccdc] micmcc. [55. Ki}, by "1135 in hast-dd ahc'cc 1mm; Wis. Adm. Edda] ??sh?m The cqci?mlcutccack ?mm'dc mm?nc mm ??33 I: ?g ?33; ??33 '{cj This. hc - cpcramig rcmicc ct?ccr 'dcc Eftm?cmcr chcirc calibrc?ccs; nf '3 ?1331?? upmd. . 165d?? ?zc an? This lug chc11~bc medic all Icqcircd Mimi}. 1:52.113. {3.235.555}, cm. Stammdm. rm was. Tfhcamumt 1414:1434 Adm. ?cdc] dm?d?ixd?q Wis. Adm. chc] :3 cc: Ecdc] f4} chall kcep mama Ed shall-mull? cf ?bwcighimdcr . mc and: c. and htcg?ry W15. Adm. Ccdc] matting, Rgfarm and Vmify chIcIc?m Elimiccks m.m? w?h Is. chcill kc-cp andmcictcin cn-citc techniql Ectcc ?g Di??gg Wis. Adm. timings, mum c1- Ccdc] cc crack? physical Isa. NRdd?m?P?JEc?l. cud NR. ad??m Wis. Adm. Ecdcl COMPLIANCE - The cpm'atcd . and in accordance: mc?mtcicc cc cicd NR manna: 1cg. This 'Wic. Adm. . chc] Edam-talcum clicw a. hamycl'a?xrc cf~lT?? 3d? Fic hcm?_ f5} .- .. - -I- Mrl'?k - I..- 1.. . ?ssi?s?: mama's if this sxhsust sissk. Is. Wis. Adm. Calais] rust i?asngsisinss?zs 2. '?sihis En?ssiuns N1: am missions rzu-ds-ssisr,r Ess. 141431.05,W1s.s5ddm. Elude] 'Ihs mls?Hs} shall ss ussd?ss' NR: Wis. Him. Ends] Es?resms ?I'sst Emissians: When is shs?ussUSEPA mind 9. Iss. m?ss?xsn. masts. W's. sans. Ends] mum-{s} hs ussd tn mssm]: [5s Wis. Adm. Ems?13mm ?dais ?sfblis emissimss ?nm Sisal: SIG ?ns: 10% lapsed)? mi in .3. Vslsi?s Organic Wes) lines mwhim sunsn'un??n ur madi?ss?nn commenced m1 131' August 1. HTS. and'whisil are mat subjectha sn?'ssiun Hm?a?nns listed in 6119. 141-1419 is I?m. 423 shall urganis wand. smi?ssisns by stls-sst [sill ms}. Wis. Ass. Ends] in shall his uss??ts mmpliancs. NE. 401.119 WIS. Adm. En?s] - (11mm Teams-Volatile En?ssisn Rams-When ss?ssisn Wanda is :squh-sd. us Mm sampliams, the: Families USEPA Ms?isd IE, 25.. DIESB. [ss. sndNE Wis. Adm. Ends] 311mm; mm?k?ephgr?q?nirms?s in LAJLEHS) shallhs uss?d ts mm s. Ends] Ha Brianne: sf Nunm?splisucs E?m?srm ?le PM ?isms shave; some of are sisal Bypassing?s ??dissr dusts ?ns @ms?sn nfs?ms has-d subs ?lm sedans-sting the: bar-pass in spas?sn at 1200 Shift is hs?svsd this my limits asst-? mun-DI stGE emissions washing in of var: discharge. The sfinhrsass is 1161: -- . - . . . 1 . . - 11'. am?lji?i . BEER. I..4;n FJr-?na I 1 4' .. In.- I. - I 4 ii? n'Wm?? mf?? Tail .?nqagr?ld?tb Ifhri'zu I - '4 J'i' - . . .E'Errc'x .44..-. - 4.4m454%; .114. .4 . . ?#1357?! . 1 4.4. - - 4-1- -.-. . . . -4 . - cum! a??mm value 01514545: than 35% man-rum ulnar-min; mndi?uns. 3.424me Mag! Ma?mm page 31:4 a??i?mal details. The; panama numhns?nn chamber tempemtm'a alarms. 14550 5&55.II.- - - IE HEP-'araml-eTI-p' Film-1.15.5 mil?2V5 4. - 4:42 .- . :4'21'5-43'5 {?f?f?fx?iz . . . . -. [13111314441144 shallha'?perzt'e? (13-146mm TmMath?mear?mxamMamEmimmz Comp?a??e? Eli-.2 and maintained ham-:55: Men The pm hour ?an: Stank SEA. w?h mm?m?; damn-.414.- cump?ame. ?apmm?te: ?amma- UEEPA Mathu? 2.354.155 "Wis. miss. W?a?m 1431?. 5, 5314., 53, 5D, 53, 56, 53 ?41.17 iuph??ag cumiem?hh ?fth?g- 5mg}: andHE. W15. Adm. hankh?fc??ssium WA Metlind 2m). [55. haw Wm?dm. Coda] Curie] Wis. A?m. Ends] WE mime?m. 1:1) Elam 5113111433me nf?m mmfactnzafs Mm Stack 310.44. 51131th ?ne {231 The pexn??eeahall?et?miue mw?m PM fn?wr?zgstaakpamm: af?ne renummanda?ms mgar?hg npma?m mi maintenance af?m mm (@114thth at. mat-stack. HF. boiler. [54. W15. Adm. . are M215 feat 21:44:44.4: gamma Wis. 44443111; Bade] an Sade] - 4 - - - 44mm 141341.- [bj?'l'he aquivalan?t?tank inside panama; shall heap mm 51145112 stack Magritte. nmlatmaynnt drawings. Hum-inn: Siam 10 332453441 1.03m; and 44113444441me Emmi stadium! mthe: . Wis. mama] _m . - 34342441 dam ?e??E-?Eiat will mad: upward 1 13mm Ie. and 55. euteemceje, 1Wie. Adm. Cadet] Neeumer?epereterefdireet (13.111515555555551 13.15.13} 55511115555555 er densely demenee-ete eemp?enee. NF. MM umber 1 ef?me .13, WE. Mm. Ef?glmmu {55. Cede}. eeirtee may-mnem- anew 51.13.551.55, We. 5:15. Cede] Adm. Cede] {1].Eeferenee Teet 515555.55 ?eihlae Emieeime: When visible Canny-Hm Wtee?ngie reql?edfe demernelmte eemp?enee, the pmi?ttiee ehe? nee USEPA 555555 9. {55.1111411109m?ejl. anti 1it?t'ie. 4511:1111. Cede] {EJ'Themeei'imieg inlBJe?} inepee?en. 511511155 ueedte meepli'enee. - oneperson may cause, e?ew 01' -. 5'53}? 5.3255.? .. FEE establish and 151} Tee-t 5:5: 1551551 pennit ergem'e eempmde 11:- be need using gee-d epere?ng en??h'ng prewar spillage,- er 51515515515 5f ergenie eempem?e, eeh'mte er ?chde, bet-ere net ?nite-rite ?ne 5-5551?55 end elmege never: eenteinieg materiele eea?nge, de?ning agents rage) in mnteinere. [5e 551151151554. "151355.55. Cede {Emeral {EJNee?mm'erepereberefe er'emi?ete implemmi?p?ra?ngm?lat er I'e ergenie hend?eg, required tn vie-155551135 5535131551155. the hemmehemge and disposal pee-Heme ehel] nee 115.335. Me?ted 13. 25. 25!. treating-3., ell-ESE. [55. HRWJEI [131331- and NE. cleaning 35311331111 mnfeminene?mge}. Adm. Cede] The 3115111415. hetnet be limited te. the eherege ref Refer-wee Teet fer Vele?le ?rganie Commune? Garden: ?men ef volatile ergen?e mull-Dena eententie W15. Adm. Glade] reqnhe?te demenefrete eereplienee. the pern?t?tee met determine ?ee WIDE 555555: at Wis; Adm. Cede] V012 eenteiningmeimele in 51555dfeevered NF. hee?eeing eithmg??EPATeet The-pm EheH-eet'ehlieh ?eet 1:5 pretreetthe Ethi?e?el?'??etY?zta?h?te' til-Fi?. .- Cneuplaenee [1mg thieinepee?en. being uee? wee mined and Wi?e tie enmep?en ef the pimping?nnituee?re demon-patina: 11:: the 5551155555. There were 115 epen eentea'nere of eeheet ?aming 1:11.15 55555555. tit} Canne?ance Dming thie'mee?en. 511515555 apex? modi?ed phenolic metmg' Ebermmte? 3&0 3 .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . -. .. . . . .. .. .3. Equ??m??r? .. .H.. -Hn?mm??wm?. . . .. 3.33. .. 33.33.333.33. . . . . .nucwm?mhg33333333333333.3333 ?33 333333339me3 3333333333 33333 3.33333. 333 333333 333.33 333333 3333333 333333333333 3333333333. 33333.33 33333.33 33 333.. 3.33 3333 3333333 3. 333.3 333333333333 33.333333 33333 33? 33.333 3333333 33333.3. 3.33.33 3333.33 33 33. 30.3. 33 3333 .3. 335333333 3333.333. 3.3.5. 333333 3333333. 333333333 33.3 33333 33.333 3.3 3333. 33333333.. 333. 33.33 3333 333333333 .3333. 3333333 33: 3353333. 33. 3383333.. 3333.33 . 333333333 ?3.33 333333333 ?33.33. 33.333 333 33333333333333 . . 3333 3333333. 3.3.3. 3?wm?u?w 333333 33333 3333533333 . 3333333. Wm. ?nabm??n? 33333. 33:35 3.3333 33 E. .33. 333. 33g 333333 3.33 33 3333.33 313.333. 3333 3333 333 . 33333333333335.3333 33 333333 ng?u??ngg?u?g $333 3. 3.3333333333333333 333333333333. 3333.33 333333333333333333 3 33333333333333.3333.? 33333333333533.3335? 33353333353333.3353 #333333 333333.333 3.33 3:33. .3. 333333 3333333 .3. $33.33 3333333 3333.33 333333. 33.3.3. 3.533 3. #33333 33.33.3ng 3% EV gang 333333333333qu 33.333 3333.3. 3333333 3.3 33333333333 333.3 33 3333333333.. 3333333 3333333333333 3333 333.33. 3.33 33333333 away 33 3333333333 333333 333.333 $333.33 .333 3.3533 333.3% 33333 .Eun .3 3.3333333" 33% 3.333. 3333.333 3333333 3333333. 333333333? 333.333 33333.5 33333333333 333. 3333333333. 3333 3.333333. 33.33333. 33.. 3333 33.33.?. 33 333. 333-333. 33.3 33.. 333 3.333.333.3333 3 333. 3333.3 33 3. L. . 33333. 33333 3333333. 33. 3333 @3353 33333333333 333.3 .33 333 3333333 .333 3333 m3. 3.33 33333.33. 2333333 .3. 33.333333333333333 33. 33.33. 3 .33 3 33333333333 33 333333333 .3 .33 333333333 333333333 33333 3.. .33 H33 333% 3333.33 333333333333 333.33 Em?m??m?m 33333533333353.3333.? 3333333333353 3333. 3.333 33mg 3 .?m.?.? 3.33.33 3333333 E333. ?3333333335333 .3333? .3. ?an. E33 3333 .33 33.33 333333333 333333353333 33333 333333 333333333 3.3.3. 33333 33333 33 3333 53 333333 33 .33 33333333 3. 33 33.3 3333 3333 333333.33 333333 333333 3333-. 33333.3 .33 333333. 333.33an .333. 3.33. 3333 3339333333 33333330 3333 33.3333 33333333 333333 33333 3.3 3333333 33 ?33.33 3333.33. 3333 3333 33335333333333. Hm 9393.333 1 33.3335333333353333 fgi?m?n. 333.33% 3.3333 333. 33333333333333 33.333333 3333.3. 3.3.3333 3333.3 33333" 33333333333333 33.3333 33333333333333.3333? 333.533 3333 3333333333333 3333333333 .333 303 333333 3.3 33.3 3333 333. 3.3333 3.3 3.. 333333333 3333 3333.33333333 533333353 E333333333 an . 3. .3. 33 3333333333333 3.333333 .33 p. 3333 333333333 3333333333333 3.3. .33 33333335333 333 33333333333333.3333 333333333333 33m.? ?"333 33333333 33333333 3333333333. 3.3 .33. .3333 333mm? .3 m. .- 5' I lit: 5 51-53911 IIE-u'.ILI :1 . EH ?m'IET-Luer'hennur I -. -..- - .-- . a in g??i if I Ju; 12.5\rl ehn?ed enet cha?ng h'ne Maegan? day hak?egtetee per liter {genes per. ge?enj ef mating; enelut?ng water i is date?ngen indiei?nel 11 ie the neme?eel eteHee-Ien Innfte?enepp?ed dnt'in'genjr'dw'ehe. eea?ng line. Ci is ?ne V012 eententefeaeh ee applied e'n?ng an}.r tie}! en the line in k?nyenee?er ?ler- [pennde per ge?en) efeea?ng, meingweem- Vite?ie eelnIne coating neter, ee @ph'e? ?ning en:r day {gallons} VT '15 tbeteeal eel1nne efeJln ene?nge subject te emieelen Hmte?en, excluding eater; applied meal? ?ay Ene'in lit-Elle {gellnne} [eeh??-?i?e?ejIQSh. and HR 421mm}, W15. Alina. Cede]. Ifeleenne eeleente ere net directed eenteinere inte the permittee eheJI deemejne the me daily basis and heelnde the VDDen?eiene when determining eennelienee with the mimienlhnite?ene 1'11 Seetiene ILL bail] and [elm Wis. Adm. Gene] When in-line ave-agingieneedte demenatraae eempli'enee, the eel-mine: shell, in ed?i?en te men-tee Wis. Adan.- Cede {See?en I111. new, e'e?eet ?tefelhwing in?mne?en The ee Hen??ea?en number appliei'en eea?ngepplied in ga?ees {Etete}, The deity ethane-weighted VG: eenaezn efell hne e5 de?he?ha e. M422 W15 Aim. lEerie, mnn?e efpenndeper ga?en - ?dlegteme per liter}# exelndingeaeler Thepetmineemgr eleette de?ne a EnEHet?neIn?eJnnre?e-en en'e if the predaetbeingmann?etmedle eeateden meretheaenehne anhjeetee muh'ne averaging. [es en 40109121le nn NF. ?gee. We meme'a (14(5)ng ween - Cede] fer ef e?ter needet the fee?itjr. ?emnEeneen The ?e?ity Washing thepaint supply lhaea. There ere ?edieatet eaannga.? menaeeler teewiteheithee?i . . - .- - Il'?ii?l?. ?.511*siriisi .: - i? . ssh-if .- - s35 55.1.5- lid-53} .r?as. .- . - . iris. .i ?Eqijhf?m??lm ins-5mm Basses. 331 Each-Epr?fhm?i. shall he R?far?nca'Tnst M?fhnd fm? Par?sul?ts {sites sipsmi??is Emissi?ns-uf wi?i s11 ?imsy ?lterss mints! M3113: Emissisns: men particulate mails: Fac?jty daily inspec?m 43?,th s?sis'sms missions using 41110911411333, 1F?s. A??rn. ?nds] samp?suss, ?is lam-?ail Ilsa UEEPA indicating aquarium m- Methnd 5, 5.72%z SH, 5F, 55, Dr ?'ifil ??sh?ng mg mg Pm is ssisg ississ [ssisni ssissiixsji. - ?b ?le-cnn?nss syn}? HE. deR. Adm. Ends] paint ?rglass Far process weights-sins 11;} ii: sni??f??s?h, Wisd?sdm. Ennis} En?ssinns: Iss1: . M, a. . :s'Trad r-dr'I I ?fr ?gs-3'4: I. 4 3s mm??s?ns?by in was how. If??hs salm?sts? ?ay. Tilis-?itsr lawman uss mama-'31 '01- 331mm Pm?um?s sins. 11 spp?ssfils spsd?s? 1:4: ?ss exhaust vmfs. Ms?s? ??lters "Wis. Adm. Ends} Ear-?nial?? ?f shsuis 9333 uf?partim?srts ?alrsdaily ?ississ ssiis masts-spa: Lass-miss sfiis ?ltisrsis rant I-Egl?l?i Essa. T?p?rf?d? ?s?ms sass ssiinsniisl simsust gas Wis. Adm. Essie] in?is'ms?sii; in Myst-slurs, fhis Hm?s?onshs? . Balsam-thus s'fihs . ?m?csl PM apply. W'Iss Aim. psi-mittens shs? dismiss the sfspisy hast]; Emissisns '11 misses sf Duds] physissl ?fths- Exhaust This and mud?inn ?fths-?ts: ??is limits is { 2) - stacks. Is. I?m-W?g??sl?hs Wis. The signs?irs arisi?sls af?is perms. is}, and 'I'h's Psi?m?sis masts:- Emissiuns sissy Hams Ends] ?rm; are whims nutmd?mfs?w?mg emis?im Ham? spsi?mlsr [is-Fi? ?s?yflsassrs?ssts - - ?ns. 3i - - - i} siss. - lists wasnntussd daIBEs} sis-Essay Wm ii) 5133 .. was hnn?lwss mtuss?. msy?i'iait 53111311121 timing} 40.11115 until ?is misshun?s s) siss {scams}: sass scissmism is (ii NR m_m . VI.) sis: - aims W15.Adm. . gift . mm? sadism . Wis. Adm. Ends] is) Tins haw sin- We?. mid-isms sis swims. mm- mm ?tbs shle'Eis ss isms-as sississisisysissi .. [ss sissniissmisji. amiss. mm E. II 4444444? 523% ?Ad- 44.414444. 1?4441: 1) 414444124.- 4} 4144:44. 4. 5 q% Mlb?r??mm 44'} 4144: 44.5. 44) 414.4- 44. 4. 14} 4144?443. 41] 4144:4244. 445.5545}, 4414-. 4444.. 44.1 44.414. 444.44 44.411444444441445. "4114. .4445. +4444 44444414444141] 31:14:13 513A, 3133 4141131313 may 11411144 equippedw?mdnhats or 441144: Amines ?dmfimpade minim-41411111 41f exhaust gases. E4. 235.559}. Wis. 31:414., and 54. NF. AWLGA and'HB. W14. Adm; Elude {241 444. 44:11:41. 1444. Adm. 4444.]: Emissims Nd 441161.144 Err' 41541-414: ma? 441144 a: a?hw emissions 41? 4114414 or 11411444?ng than: number 1 dfthe BinglEmann 411-411: 41:24:34. [45.1414315215. W14. Adm. Edd-4] ?are-44111411141115 4114-11 he madtn?dc?nnmm compliance. .14., W13. Adm. Edda] 4544:4444 'I'm?tMethod fderihle va?l'bldm? i4 mql?mdm die-mm mum?anna. the 4444541544 4114111144: USEEA I'd-431411 9. [54.141 441444114431. 44.441444445441411. ?444. .4455. 4444] in sha'? 114 1554445 41411144444114 dumplimde. H3. WimAdm. End-2] Cdmp?micd? WEE-14 411134414114 :Emm 44.411 of 1114 44415113 and data 41mm 4444 1444 4545 ID 1141144111: dpaniw. 12 Nepareen may tense. allow at 'petlnit ergaaie eemnenn?a to he used ethandied?ithmn using gene epea'ae?ng and taking rename-able preeantiene tn ?r ee?eeiens efetgaeie me Seehpteeantiene altall inehaie, Hut axe net Emi?dte ?ne transferanti amrage ef'ii?il air dried mating teehnelngv 111a}r cause, aller mymmitthe elmlaaien efauy?irDCs in eaeess of 3.5 petunia. :1va per gallen Hinge-alas per liter} ef mating. earthen-lg water. a emgapp?eeier. Ea. Wis. All VIBE Ellie-?ees them when: washings ehaiibe eenei?eted in litnitetiena aheve Iteleas themed was]: solvent is prevent anneaphere. Rename; $1.293 [ll ?flat-1: implement ape-airing pram ?tatlalte pteeaetiene te hm??ngn?ansfenetengeand dispose em eentaining teate1iale (ea, eealinga, eleming agentt and-emalantinated raga}. The shall hela?e, liteihed?he, was.- mesa seven: ?mttaini?g materialsin eiesedl'eevered eentaimne. [a HR. Wis. sen Bede} The panniltee shall tmiqn?zv em efeaeh anathema eleeningagmtapplied erased Being Tee: Meteti 24.. Material Sa?ty Data Sheet, er ane??in- equivalent inrm ei clement. ?I'heVDCen?etente ahell-?be tiehean?ned in mite ef meaeurementa??eienite ??nenanaie Dumplianee. FIR. - We. Him. Eerie] ?I'Jeeyemainee shall tree email};r ee?inga Wi?l VOID cent-ants at erbelewthe Iae. andl?ii. Elma], Wme?n. Cede] Weeniesientee?ng efvela?le teganie enema-need memmaamepmesmnse use veers Mean-seas areas. In. Haa?ieam?ell amine asana?ajcb}. Wie. sans. esas] The eatta'blieh. ?tattalte neaeenah'le pretan?nns tentetmt?iespillageesespe n1- emisaieneferganie map-intense, emtage anddiepeaal {egg me?ngn?leaning 33m and Wm}. These shall helede. tint atenet ?en?te?te, ?le eintaga Dill-Fill: Dentainingteaterials in maintainers. [an and NR. aaemtlli?l. We. see. Cnie] efthe?allev-Iing The identity efeaeheemlappliednrnaed [Eaehteaten?al med mappiie? ehall'he identi?ed i?en??een?eanamher entire: name); Them: eentent et'eaeh eea?ng, efpeentls pae'a?en {ling-am Perlitn}, exam-eaten . WMbe-?emminttd either anelvtieally erasing mm Jim-enn-e prnb?sheti Htetatjne ia teeite determine?e mate-Ears mm and ?le Iitetature speci?es a range efvaluea. the penniltee anduee the ease vaiee when W-m?m preb?ahed literataze is uteri anathemateaial is unn?anED?t? erthinned, the amass halanee calculatinn te ?eterminefhe material?s wetat ease eemtmt. All VIBE emissions item solvent was?ngs anallbe eensidn'eiin the emisaien?hmilatiens aeh'entia dis-eeteniinte eentainn-s?ise prevent evanera?en inte the ateeapanere. [as Nid?'ma?j?e?. name). Was. sen. Eerie1-23a4:51;- - .- -.- ,3 rl._ ?eerie-L:- 1L-- II'e-Hm've- awe-uses? Lem - . 'i'l'nj'l' . tI' . - . e'pan aeivent Maseratatei?aat enl_v. eemn?liant Dealings aa'e need Snare. veen HAP enntent data Was by mail null-{arch 313, 1017. and showed eael: mating need at "m eempliahee with??le respective 3.5 petunia VDE'per gallon ?coating less Water and exempt eerema tinglam?a we tveieallv painted gray. This needing is manltfaebarerlhy Wager: Standard. Dnly-aeetene e: 13 .3 Emma HE. a. an. .H 3 HanaHE. ?n?ma?mumn?a? HHEHIHH m?g?n EH ?e . .Hmu? u??w?n Hanan an gum?HE Him H?u?m gun". .HE Egamm?m Ewan Human 35mg Enu?l? Eng EH33 mn?uum: Manama: h?hm Emu E?aw?w?pmm?mnunm Hangman ?5.33 unawa?nm uwu??mgu? dnm?m H?m?nnu Hum.? MEEH Hum?. mum?am m??uma naummw EH H?mhm 3.?ng .9. E. Hag?Ea. Ha?nuu?m?? SEER .Hn?uu .EHH n?m?u .HEHHE HA. . . .I. .I516..? . . .. ..EI: . . . ?1 .IH.."..uqkahnyd .. .I.. ...I..I.: .I I: . ..I .lu.I.I. ..I.-. .. . .. I . . I . . ..H EUR. ..E. .333 gnaw a. ?g Hanan EH .6 HE. H.. HE HE. .??anu?g?u?m u? ?33353 .3 H.333 HHEU I . .. I . ?d?mm?ma?mfau.LII..I .3. ..I. . . .. .I.I.. . HE HWH 1&1an "The facility am" to fn??w- this with ?ash ufaII matings media 21315 to date-and would pro?de SPBti?c FndamlHAP minim: ?an breach tn We tire ?c?'ilgris nym?nng? hi wmp?iamcbw'r?ht'h?s Iimita?m nepmp?am mama np?m is being used bythis facihty' . we HAP cur-mm: {imam waived. bywema? an March-312i, 23113?: maimg applicable emissi?n limitin Eundi?bn 1.3.151), ma?a: aan?n?x?mer and mam and mm Used '?lai at fhis'?c??ity 'm be mmahs 1m urgm?c EM. WEE. Adm. Unit; 44] CPR 635391133 111 :anyhanca ?le 41] (31:3. 15 . -- q, 1I - -. .- - .-.. ?Hum-:3; - '5 .. mes spamsesaas, as speei?eda'n attaeessa Emilie eeaetaea Lam a; a'L'E?nies. sea stem. Cede; en [22} Tea ?all always epeaate ae?maiutaiayem- affected snares. matting allairpelhttiea eentrel and teeniterhg equipmentj'nunse?lr temp-ease ef'eemplyiatgwt?atl?s seetien, aeem?jng'eathete'e?siens {43 Eajl, - tam?Mm. ends. [sameness-1mm, Wis. Alina. Cottages era 'Ne Eddenee efNeneemp?aaee sesame I ?aer?geirteaa?nts ef?a} tn ?DatesJ Yea shall eehmitthe?rst ea'dsuheeqeent cnmp?meerepum en the dates speci?ed in Ceadj?ea 333.4.h.{lj. (bl?Ineltes-inn w?l?l?hle ET?rqatrst? You she?repnrt a??e?a?ens in?e-semimml Ifyetx submit-a semimmlal eemp?aneempert pursuantte ??s-Een?i?en along main, ea.- as part e? the semimnuaI mee?e?atg repertsequh'ed by Cea?itien Eileen}, andthe sm?mual?eemp?anee repeat inel?dess?reqe?red in?amatien de?atieas ?ese the emissien limitin Eeedi?ett 11(1), its suhn?ssien w?lhe enemas-ea sa?a?r amtr eb?gatiente rapes-t thesamedew'a?eas in ?ne sett?aeneal meeite?ng tapers. Hewevet; submissien eI'a semiannual repeat ?ees net athesw'?e a?eet any emigration the a?-?eeted sememayhave to repeat deviatiens . ?Geaetal reqeirementa.? The semiasmal eeaaplienee Mmepeei?ed'in {?re {vii}, and?ae infeemetien- speci?e? in Ed} tn thatis appliteblete yam-a?ee?led seems: (it) Dempsey mean-:1 a?elress. [ti] Statement by arespensihle e?eial "ari?a?aat e?eial'saama?tle and signature, eea??ring?ae truth} eempleteness ef?le cement efthe reperr. Date aft-apart en?begimiagasttl emdingdataa ef?aesepeating pe?ei The repee?ngpm-iedis the peried endingethmeE? The in?enna?earepermdfer eaeh eftha men?zs in theme-eating p?i?d w?l'hehasedenthelast Elmemhs ef?ata'e?erte?ae date-efeaehmea??y eale'eJa?ea. {iv} Idee??eatiea efthe eempltaaee ep?en er-ep?eas speta'?e?'ia Cendi?eal thatjrea used-eta eaeheea?ag ?psra?un d?mgthea-eper?ng pet-tee. Hyena switehed between eempIianee eptiens Mei-yea ?ae beginning aad'endimg dates fer ep?en area used. Iv} Ifyeu-ase?the ena'ssien rate tuf?aeat add-ea eeau-els apt-tease Ceadftien ealealatienreselts meats? emissienaate deategthe ?-eaeath repeating petiei {vi} Eyeu-usedthemedeminm alternative in Cenditien 2.3.13), in?ude?ae annual'detem?net??n uf preaeminaat ae??tyi?twas aethteludedia??aepre?ees Eaten naedthe en?ssien ?nishes-native in Cendi?en?ia?L-inelude ?ae ealmla?en af?ne faei?ijr- speei?e-emissien Brett-fer eaeh 11m eemy?anee peeied mingthe ?~?men?1 repet?ug peaa'ed. [d3 ?He Matters! If?aere was an devia?eas ?'em ?ae en?ssiealimith Candi-?ea Laniur?ae semiannual sievia?eas repmtaagpea-iei ?Dew?a?eas: eeme?aantmate?al ep?ee.? Ifyea asedthe eeme?antmateaia] aptien i?'?eaditien lam}, antithere Eemp?aneewThefee?aty" has submitte??mehr?menth mee?narhagrepests, The timing?eiaweetieapemd: Ian?rmz?l? Isl-Deal?l? 3e1?Dee,2till? Eaehmeemarm' grepertshewe' 11 ?le?ei?tf?mhe nperaha' gin elem" witheaeh pmeitlim?a?enleehmed 'wi?aitteaehrepertisa eertt?ea'a' ?eafere? EFREEsuhpaa-tl?r?e?v??. 1+5 np?min Cand?ian 21(3) a??ierem a. gum repartsha? mm 'mfni'maliun Mm tn The'?egimihgand ?niing?at?s aft-3:11 mmpli Emit?l 1.9421} {if} m-mm-mm mm 13?m?mh?1'g?nil: HAP fhe Ma?a; Dam-rated. Yum-shall Cun?i?an 13.132}; mifapp?mhle, the calculation usedtn 6::th mamdin?gta Cundi?an Tame-3E}. Yuudt: natnaeim auhm? bank: as supplieranrm'amifam, n: if each devia?on. Wan." ?amthe: End'??l? addi?nra, and cleanhg mam-M '?lis calcula?m, sachasi??brma?nn 'untare?ur the cmp?ancap?in?i: w?ich 1, mm ID, 2, mam ofmgam?cm gm?dahsappm?ng?lwe Gal?uh?uus?u?h . .5 -, 21.13.: Liz-'1? Tin: I. .- .- . Lupin-:1! -.. Ynnahailoo?eotandkeep records speci?etiinthia section. Failurein eolieotanci keep theceteocr?eiaadctriation ?om?ie applicable standard. puppet-ting eachuc'ti?cation Ifjrc'u are using'the predominant activity Condition 11(4), poncha?keeprecocia facilitjr-opeca?c emission limit aha-native under Condition 23.114}. you challkaap records oft'he uae'ri to oalenlnn the ?ciIity-apeci?c einiaciou limit forthe initial compliance demonstration. You anall ciao ioeep recortia of an}r dammed. 'm each annual predominantac?vifp' dot-amenian?ocan?iuthe ca'Ic'nJatiou ofthe facility-speci?c emiem'oulimit each 11-month compliance period included in?ate semi-annual compliance report. fonnuiatinndata, orteot oatanaevito and dencitp?areacheoating, thiocn'anaiotiierauiditive, auticleaningmaieriaL-eud?ie conductn?teatingto demine mesa ?actiou of youaha'? keepac'oppofthe of?cittpro?decitnyouby?ie [o}Force.ci1 complianoc pa?od, {herecorda openi?edin?j?m Ate-cord oftIie-cca?ng-?opetaticnc ouwhichpoc uaed'eacil compliance optionin Beati?cu Ec'?ld'?l? time - {ii} Em?i?on?i?}; arecor? ofthe caloclation ofthe organicHAP'content?Jr For the without anti-an cannula optionin are-cord of?ce calculation. ofthe??otiai mace aforgenicm me?ngn?ninnciaand-o?ier anticleeninginat?aic used each month uningEqua?none 1 and lito'i? and; of Condition and, ifExpIilitcaliier the calculation, 'Ltae'? to deminemeaa oforganicm mamaialcaccoodnigm Cou??on 7.11:2] {spa}; the calculation of the Intel vehime'nfeoa?nganlida naeti eachmon?luaingEquatieu-E of an?the calculation of each 12? month organic Eli? emission Iateneing Equa?on 3 of?owiition each compliance period. lt'ynu axe ocingthe com?iant maie?al option in Conditioning] fotail coan'nga ac?ie emote, and chaningmate?al eolome?aetion of coating complimm pen'oti. without adduon eunuch optinn. 'm Condition 231(3): the ?taiaitp forcech coating;1 petini prounna ana?owancein-Eqnatinnl nf?Eou?ition aentto or designated for ar'tocatnieu't1 storage, and dispoeal facility [TSDI-?Jaeoor?hgto ?ouditiou 1.41.133] {e361}, wu'challkecprecorda eieccr? ot?tiie ?e?c?uy' agreeitofollow-np mismapeclionwithaiiatingaf all coatings uce? in Zillito date and would pro?da the apcc?c Fe?aral- HAEoonmnt?aiafor operation ghcomrpliancetai?lthia lmntau' 'ouVDCEeHAPeontent ti eachcoaniigtiiaiwaaunedatthia fascihtjr? tobcincomphancc' with mm Iiieccnip?antmatenal' opiionia hciugruee?hyt?iafim?itp?he facilmr? tibjf iIt recordhcepingansirccot?m' gat 13 mm HE. mm ?Emm?uu EH mm?m?a?g avg Euug?ua?b?q? .JEEJH 5 H. HEB F.3?m?u mm?m?m. ?aw. Ha?m?wmm u?uummu?u?mpn??p?? .E 65H m??nm Hu?m mama JEUHEEJI .1. .1.- .r . ..I. u. .. I . ..I tu..I19H .u-d . .. Emwm? IHDEnos. Emma. Una. dag an u?m?h?m? m. . Em En. 3.35 .JE. EEMHEEWEEWE. . mah?n? n?am?ua?wumm Ehwamamo?u? ma?a. 633%.. J?qnaa?a Ham Hanan nn?m?n. BEE EH. Hana may?. Ewan?; Hagan Ragga. .E?nwm .-. . . 47-" if: Ten ehe]1 newline the in?el eemy?enee demeneh'e?en fee'me ini?el eemgr?enee pee-lei hen-arcing be the requirement in The pezie?heg?memlmajrli??'feed ends eeiheleetdeye?he 12th mee?1 fellewiug?ue eempI-Ianeedate. The ini?eleempli?enee pmiede?ende?n'eugh lemme}; 211W phetheueml?mee?ae. The h1i?el enmeliahee demeneh-e?en ieehldee ?ne eeleele?ene end eupper?hg-?eeumeeie?ehehemihg ?aet?ming?ee initial eempH-enee pee-ind, yen need-he mating wi?: mergeeie?h? enmeh't?eet mi?etyeum?mthhemeere?ere?di?we er . Wis. Adm. Cede; 4U EFF. 53.3940} Tee mayuee the eemp?ent meiexiel ep?ee fer-any indi?deel eez?eg epexe?en, fer any gmep epm?me-mtheh??md edumeerfera??je entering epexe?eneih?leeffeetedeemee. ei?eer??je rme?meet edd~e11eenrre2 e ep?enfe Cendi?ehle?] fer any coating epere?en-Ee '?le efr?eete? eem?ee fer which 3151: he netuee ?ne eemplientmm'e?el ep?en. Te deemeetraee initial eemphehee heihgthe eemp?entmete?el'ep?cm, ?ie epere?ee organ}: epeletiene may netuee eeds?rtive, ei- ergeq?eHePee Anyme?ngepme?ehfer?hiehyeu nee?ee cumP?aut?maiB?EI ep?enienetreqt?eedtemeet?ze epme?eg?m?e reqeh?edin wife}. h??al magnet wireJehheI-h ten-metal end arm-ewe pe?emenee ?ilerepehmw epere?en yen ere ?emenene?hg mame?eminem enmity ee'fee?ityrepeei?e lhmitunder Cendi?en are demeneh?e?ng eemp?enee e??l epredemjnem' er ?e??jrr-elneei?e Emit, you shall demeemem?et e11 eperetiene ineh?ed ihthe det?m?ne?rm er ef?ne?e?ity-epeei?e ew?en. eemi?en ftiehzwhee?ie fhihnere, e'iher additives heme-fee, erreelehhed e?-eite ifyeuheve hhn?ng ghet heie?k??ae methane m?eeiele thetwere sen]; e?f-eim; eddreueed?l?ne meeting, epm?en er epu?e?ene'fer which you hee the eempliehi mebe??el ep?en, pre??e? materials. in Iheh' eeu?i?en ee were eemphr fer need. thn?merehd eemp?ehee peeiedhyrueihgene af?ne ??ewhng-? ep?ene; (if: ?M?ed?ll? 511-413 ?a?ienefegea?e wheny?mmingehiethe??llm Cemete'eehergehie HAP thetie me?eredfe he preser?i?t 0.1% ?ir?empe?ehel Ee?etyen?I-Ieelfh aheieiniehe?en {435th in 29 LIFE. end at 1.0% ermere?er eiher efeaeh ergenieHAPj'eu eermtee e?'ehlemeeted'te LEE-?nal peim. Ne E?denee ef NeheeIeplianee h'I'he mee? emm?lienh ?e dme?etrmen' ?ehermhe?en ~Wee men-1e prim- e: ?n?e hepeetiem The ?eiluy' ie Fl" 'Ilgld . - ?g 1' 3 ail-5am; - - indi??nal ?and . - valai?em?t?rmasa ?ac'?an Dummif?ezeis adi?agrmm between the Mahmud 13311113 ufat?? mama: gramme unless, after mum?m?'nmmdemm to ?lesa?s?n?m nfthe d?pmam?at?mfnm?a?m data are mm ?Eelu?nt blends: Emma: Hands maybe Hand-as single mpmem's EJ1- 5mm mam-Elsi; dara?m?de?bymamfamm m: supyl?im. contain mmw?uh shall he-mlmreritawm'd the ?nal 21 {iv} C'sIeelstieze efveleme ?ettiee selids' You msy'rietemine the venues ?eetien ef selids lts?eg ?ie fellewhg 'eqee?eh: V: Elwin-mere Dee {Beetles 121 Where: V's is the whims: i?reetien seli?s, liters {gellees} er' seating seliails pe' lire-{sellers} efeemg. mrels?les is titetetsl efthe hete?iegHAP, eel-stile eszgeeie water end. exempt eempe'enrls, deem-mined Methedle i141? Append?tl?r, grams {lb} eftrele?esestterperliter {gsllee} ei' seating. Detrg is the avenge-density efvelet'?e matter irtthe sealing. greens {It} efvelelile metre-per liter {gallon} efvelet?e matter, Islets?es {sees} "seeded Test ?rljeesity efL'Iqtli? Castings, Isle, endRelete? Predeets", ieierme?err?-emthe errefereuee sees-eespm?diegrleesity erspeei?egreeity Ethete is ?ieegreement between ASTM Me?eed DIME-93 tetrtreeulrs and ethainfermetien seerees, themes-seals unless, after- eenselfemlen, yen demenstrebe tefhe ??sfeetien eftlee Espertesertt?eet the '?ernrt?e?ese date are esteem {is} Detemiee the sense Determine the density ef derieg'?ee per-ted t?rem test results using ?Standard ef' Liquid Geethags, Iel?, and Related Pretlls?s?i?, termination ?ee: the sugplier er mehufeemrer efthe er speei?e gravity data chemicals. Iftlsere is DIMHE lestresultseetlthe supplier's er ism-steers ?retestreselts unless, e?er cemeteries, se?sfeetien ef?ee {t1} Detemieirietlne ergenieHALP Eeleuleteths ergeeieHAP used :1ng eemplienee rati?ed es'regthe fe?ewieg squatter: H: mimJ tEmre?'eeEJ what?s: He is the erger?r: HAP ef?ee leg {lb} efergeeieHAP emitted?pu?ltter steed. Be is tlae utensils! kg?b} {genes} We istemess?eelienefergeeie?er kg {lb} eferger?eHAP ?it's is the where ?ee-tiers rife-eating ee?ds, liter (gellme) selidsper ?rst-{sellers} duster-mined Ce'e'rplienee Men. The eeletileted ergmieH?-?r ecs?enti'er seating ?used dm?irtg?te initial eemplieneepeeie?: shelIhe lees thee. er equal te the eels'seien lim'?: i?e Ces?i?en Minute-additive emit cleaning material used ieitisl ergenie HAP. deteneined 'i'?e11 reqt?reslby Cen?itfene 5. W15. Adm. Cede; ittl {Ef?e} eereitlierree permits densest-ate eemplisusee, wastrel] use ee seating fer whielr me-ergeeie HEP ?5-3 i?i?v?p? WEEK r? I- L1'r' an" - - I. - 1'35 ?Eli-.5 ?3 . I: .1 E1: 55:! - r-r 1. .- 723' I - . Lr': 3532:. v: - - IL it J.- 11"1- d-l Int-I It .- . .-. a uu'?59:31..-. . ..I . Ir, 7:??1um?g?n- .. . .Il" 31- . . *3 . IT-?nfi T. Ccmp?anne lequiremmts far Emission Ram mm Add-cm 301311-015 1:3? 3- ua?a?rm: +6.31? :53 .: :3 amt-11:? {alfs?j?h?pf?r'ifjil??shm?mti 13:" 915'? 335$" viiNil-h" 1:2? - - - 33:: .. .. ..rI 5:22? - magi-:53 ..H . . a? . Mig??iib-I fri'j'sr?'? al. - ?3513" -. . ifman-H4}. Karon-m: damnnasna?ng nomp?ame with or ?n?fw?rsp??u?miasim Emil; wusha? dumnns?lraia '?aat?l mating upma?nns inch?edin?e 23 1. - a e: .Ih Erma. ?ag: .1113" 1L 'r'fdl fa I +4 the 123a . . HI. 1"5 n. .- 5.554 . . - ?373' Ii --.-.- 55-133..- stew- mere [?erf?wf TIE-are; here: ?apt?4 . Lee Tee-i- wees. . . .33erej?he 54%" Ra? e- - mhmi? I a - 17:? . - . .. 1 Lit-Eu? I .- - - ee ehewill-?i -. liq?ameg?ha 7.55.5331-.- I'Eerie-e- lbw-a hit?39:91 ..-.. its-tam?? erge'aieHAP te- thia aee?ee, ?the net ineta?e any eea?hge, thiaaera er e?iera?tlhivaa. er used an apera?ere eemph?ant material when in Ceadi?aa lath]. Yea an ant neea ta redemine the me eferganie He}- in ee eaeer ee-eiee. ee: ifyetrhaee ehewhlg ?eet haekthe exacteame materiele?at were eeat e??eihe, amt rereedinthe eea??g e?era?en er epel'a?ene fer whiehji'eu tree the emiesienratee?theut add-e11 emirele e??erl. lfjreu ?ee eea?ilge, Emma?s er e?aer addi?t'lee. ereleemhegmate?ale ?J?Ihat'eh?arehlahned ea-ei?ee, ?le ame'lmt efeaeh need in a mhn?lreayhe re?ueetihy'?re ameeai ie rede?ned, 'I'hatie, the meuataaederayhe eeleelaee? as ?ne meant te ?atmateriale that are reclaimed. {aIDeteaahihe?lemaae ?ae?en ?1me fer eaehmaie?a]. DEEeamiae?ae ?aetien efergeaie HAP fer eaeh ?rmer?end e?rer additive, and ee?ag'eaeh meafh thereqt?remeate in Chadi?ea {hJDenemJ'ae ?letrehreae ?ae?ea ef eeatiag eeliri'e. Iletenr?ae the vehrrae ?aeh?aaefeea?ag ee?da, he hmre {ga?eaa} efeea'?n'g {gallon} fee eea?ng eaed eaehmenth ee Cen?itiea eea?ngd'thimm? ee eaeer cleaning material uae? men?a ?ne: metreetelta t?thE?IM ?Standard Test Me?aed Densely efLiqni? Bearings, lake, and Related Predatete", he?ma?ea ?fem?ee sappher err?an?hehnrw efthe mate?aL erre?reaee seareea previdiag denattyer speci?c gravity data ?arpure materials. Ifjt?'? are iaeludhag Feeder matings hathe detemiae?ea, dehermhe the dense}; afpewdw eeatiagee 13mg 35m "Standard Tee; Memede Speet?e Gravity ef Cha?ng Pm?aa', er iaferma?en ?ea: ?e supplier. IfthEa'e ?aagteement {20133) Me?md 155965412 beet - ree?te and e?eea' infarma?en enemas, ?ne teat resales will m1eae,afha aenaelta?eh, yea demeaeirateea the eeisfae?ea af?ne ?eeartmem?natthe ?amela?ea data are een?eet. Ifyeaparehaee mania}: weight haetea?ef?releme, yea the netaeed-te ?ethmhae material density. Ina-teed, yeumay tree the material weight i?phee ef the eemhhlerl terms ferdeaea'tjraa? whmeha Equa?ena veheme- efeaehmaterial need.- Dehera?ae'?m edema, in Item-a erga?ma efea? coating, ?annel- aah e?eer additive, and eleenhagmaheriel eaed eta-lag meath Ifyeapmehaae mate?a?e er meeiter eeaamhp?eahy weighehaetaa? efeehrme, plaeehfthe mmbinle?teeme ?it ?eueityan? Volume in Equatieae'le?e, TB, 1E CaIenleIe the mass efe'rganie HAP ermee1eae. Them efargaaie?h? eemhiae?maaeefergmieHAP enamjaed'te all and dining eaahmenfamimaa the Urgent: PEEP in-eertaheweeteraateriala. Celet?ate?iemaee efergaaie HAZE eahag?ee fellow-hag eqea?eneeae'?ae he {ii} :Tfatpp?ttahle: Calealaae?nemaee using eqra?en 1: 1) 1.liahere: Hete??aete?lmaes eferganieI-IHP en?mhee?ntegthe mea?a, kg?h}. asealaalatedhi?que?en lAt'a?fthie ?miagfhemm? maae?emamdm?qha?m IE hf at Ree-[ahea? Dally eemp?aurt eaa?nge are need ww?xeawma - Tiz'n' a? . arc-'- Wilt? . 9 . . I-l??igrr-Emif?u??hn?l?a' . IE - ?JR-Fillsa?v?i?m??rymhe mead? .. .. . 31nfm?gianir: HAthhecl Rwisfhe'mtal ufdeaign?a?f?rsbipmentm sawingmate?als useddm?ag?m ma?kg?hj, aacalcnlatulthna?-m If: hfthia Ualm?a?sr?hekg {It} Li: H: i=1 {Emm?un 1:1} mm Ais?gatntalmaas inh?b}. Vulni is the-fatal 'IqumE: 15f ma?a; uspd dun-tug ?le in Htars {gallons}. Mis??mg?y af?rming. Wc?is?mmass?ac?m afubathg. adhe?uasjae'me E=Zmluxn?3iwg . [qum?gn' 1?3] ia?zte. fatal mlumt of?ine: or ma?a-Eve; j, used '?m?gthemaa?g in?nj?ga?nnaj. $331105). :1 =55 themmhw uf?i??amm: admires used during themumh. D?ml?a?lekg {1h} mga?c?ar ?lth; d?aninglmata?aia mud-?ring using Eqna?un 1C: - (Equation Wham: I: II II .. -.-I.- -I. - I: I RahII. _alp . I. HIELI h-r-II11-? (.-I- -I.: - I .- - .II-III.I .-.-.-..-.-.I-. - ..- . ..-. . - ..-.-.-.I I - .-.I I-. -I I. - . I--..-I. I-l - - - -.-.I I .-.-I.. . -.I.. .- . I - . -IIIh'ueled - is'?ze ?ens?jr of cleaning menial, kgper'?ter per gellen}. nghisthe ma?ae?hhnfergm?e?? in ?eanihgma?aiahhkg efmahe?al (ii) Ifjl'?'? efurgaa?nm ennujhedinwastemm'ialle m-mdesigh??e?fur ahazarduus 1 ef??s section, ?neh-j'euehail m?hemass mm?inghj (?lth Q.) You may e?y geneI-amdbyeua?hg epefa?enam?je ?are-Ii same fer whimjrenese?qua?en 1' ef?iis seefien nfhyafae?ity?aa?sreg?medas huderII-? CPR . 264, 265 eri??. The TEDF mathe-i?fher eff-sine er emsii?e. "Brahma? hut helu?e m?ganie HALF eemh?e?'hl was'tewa?rer. "fan shall demanhm ejiha-?ie mew af?ne male mam-1315 sent nr?ne Wee?eehed and Men]. duringthe month and designahed fhr?xtme henspm'rth a dehumin?hn an}: Waste materials smug a. TEDF dIJI-hng mehldehthem-hithe anemtm?ecalh?eml stared dIn'ihg?IaImenth er ape?eua mn?ih. 13mm: ?ze?ntalmaes speci?edih 5e}. "fee shall deement memethedeiegy tn ?le amount If waste mete-I315 and Er: mtal mass of nrganie?h? they em as rammed in Ifwaetemani?ets ineItIde 'Ihie infema?m, they may he Medea palt'ef the dementa?eh {If?l? mm-efwasdrm?eI-I?een?n?ee eferganh: HAP eehmihedhl-them. Calculate the hf ma?hg'seli?e usei Delemine the meal Irelmne nfcheIhIg eel-his need, Titers {gallons}, whid?s ea numhhadwlum efma?ngee?d?sfere?fhe v: 2 (?31:5 3'ng *4 [Eqna?m 2) 1F5tis the fetal qume of cha?ng se?deused during'the menu], ?iers [general vehiisthetmalwme efena?h'gi, used?mihg'themnn?a, Mamie]. Vaijs the'mhme ?attinn of cha?ng? salide?nr mating; liters {ge?ensjl efen?de per Eta- Lga?m} efcn??hg. deteah?ned m??gt? EendJ?nn this-?le umber efeea?ng used ?mhg the manila. ??m?ate?m arganieHAP missimrata. Calculahe?Ie erg'anieHAP missienratefnr?ne complimeepe?edneing the fe?awhag eq'lla?en: EH. 31': 1: {Emma} where: ergahir: it ?ne nemp?mce pexie?, kg {lb} ?of organism mined per ?rer'?ga?eh) ef Cha?ng at: us ??mm HE. 3E Erna? Ewan mam zwhm?q?w Eu. .3 ma?a EVE. Hm 5% SEE . BE Ea." a? ?ag? E33 HE. ?managing an ?wing mphuum?uu m. 3.5. ?am? manna? M4 sum-am cause, allow missions Ufa hassi?msair sum lists? in Table A [if s. NRA-45.431, Wis. Adm. Ends, in such quantity or suncenm?nn sir fur such Hui-slim: as 1:4: miss an sm- hien?t air commits nf ?le summit-ant scams. 131E: canse?ra?on in autumn If Tabled. forthe contaminant Is. Wis.A?m: Ends}? fossil fuels warms! gas. 2 scrum Wis. Adm. Code?? When msp?n??ze elects in signi?cantly change?m (mg. mwmai?isl m- Watchman dr?m?ss?an Win-sass}, the; pmn?rts-s slisll ?ammimg anab'?sa?y m- use ms mam pm?al smis?irma of any stats ?pa?msn: {Stats RAE: WIS. ssm. Cnde This d??rmin: ifthB-?n?hy?s new whiz-Based prism-111121 miss?nn ??'dfmijr sass ass-sass ?le app?sahls pu'h?shsd ds mm val?e iIl TEIJIEA ?fs; 143.445.0'35 Wis. Adm. Ends. is. Wis. Asks. What: the fss?isy?s new nrimisasai pat?n?aI amissi?nrste Elfin? Etath?P ?exceeds ayuhlishel? dsn??mus value, shall svsIusts'?zs impact af?ne smis?nn ?uids-min: J?f {he ambissi?ir quali?r standard. HE. ??nin??jfsja?b, Wis. Adm. Cn?s]* mm mts'tss?ng ufanjr mani'i? is required fur dismount-sling compliance, shall as: pm'tJJsuI af?rm-1h?: US EPA. [35. 1311 and Wis. Aim. muf?n-Eng arena?tmqsirsd far my Epp?cabl? recruitment when the ?s?ity dues 11st ham-?Es: p?m?al in mim?e m?ssinn sm?i?sns. The facility the putsmisl mania; upma??n sandi?ums, my Stare HAT iujm-imls. [55. sud Wis. 513.13.? 1513 US 1141131313: 51'3de Marsh 21317. 23 . t??l MEETS: 15111111111 (31111111111111.1111 (311111151111th I I 11111111111111 111111111qu 111111111 15 51161111151111: 15 CWIW Aii? Emislsinn? 1111111111th 1511111111111 . . . 111111111111 I (3111111131111111 110 (31111. 153 NESHAPS 31111111111 SEMI-1111111111131 1 11111111 111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111115 1.11 111111111 11 GWEN Mala]. P111111 nud?uduets RESULTS DE FEE-1310135 FEE 111: 1.1 11 11 1 1.- 1:11.1211111111111111 1.111111 111111111111 1111111111111 1. 111 111 11-1 Fa?gi't: tn 1111.11.11 ammatemhna 1111111111ng 1111111111111 1111111111111111 cf the: daily FACT 11111111511111 ?11111111111111 E111 311111111111 mating n??uullamnus 1111111111111 and 11110312111113 11111111111111] 1111111 11111111i1i11 1.1.111. 114111-1145 11111111111111: np??ua?un 11111] 1111111 51111111111111 of 11111 1111111311 1111111111111 1111111111: 1111111111111! ?nplic??un. 3111.11: SIM 'is 215. 5 fat! tall 111111! 1111111}: size is 12.5?: 1'15 (51111111111111: [13115121111 Nuncmmianw dinmatei' 1.215 ?1111}.1Th11 1111111: 11111131111131: 111111111111111 11111111 11111111 11111111111511 lin?t [If 1. Th1 11111111 1111 1111 Established 11113.1 11111111111111 upmtilm 11131111111111.1111 1111 11111111111111 11511915121113 Nnnunmplianqa spillage 111 1111111111111 111' organic umnpuunds ?mn H11 han?lhg. 111111113111; . 11111111511 of 110C cunt?irdng 111111111111. .Ewituhed' to 111111111111, 1111 1111111111111 5111111111. During 1111's insp?c?qn fuur 1111111111 1.11" 1111111111111 1111111111 faiseti 111111 1111111 1111111 1111 and Addf?nnal Inf1111111h111 I) 1111111i11n1 11111111 1111 1111111 11111111111111 01112131121115 11111112111111 2} Fufm?al?a?yd? 1111111111111 1111131111 11111 1111111: bulb-1E 331 111111: 1111111111 1111111111131 1111111111 bum-off 111111111. 1} Ranm?'k?cping 111111111111 1111, 111111 1:11 331111111 luqiamatinn ?Jrnaca DIP GN . 3.3 1111111111111 13 Ilaai'hm? 11111111111111 - ?1111111111 1111115111111 21111115 1111111in 5.113151 upacity In 11111111111111 . . - In unmplianca PM 3.3 lhs?u 21.291113th . {bypass 11131111113} 93.019 9115 DE "5.3313 E15 'iv?n 011111111 {1515511111115 11111111: I11 1.1111111111111111: Contra} Bf?hlaucy G?pt?i'? diaa?iml} 1311111111111} 511'}er EDIEPLAEJTS: if?; -. if ?Tenement eenee an anathema 2-3 I ?itiait arr.- e4. ah -.- -- Multiple eemptainie Selvent and a tenant The meat eeremee email was en. ergenie eeivent We will randmeiv during eatendat? yen alneli. neer eempiainta nenaliyr anrreiate with - eite'nit tia' ndere in the whide naming nut efthe aenlheaet. The eahanat neighhn?mnd and reapend tn ataeite fer the aprav heetha have any atlditinnai enmpiahtta'. fainhate wide]: have the peaeihitity nf affeeting nun Eli-id lt'JIdnr Fin rennet detailing felinw- dip. ?eheit Singh E?id 2 eempiatnta Waited ette fer adenine emineinne, reviewed aiterhnmer reenrdinge whieh indieeted EMMY PEEVIGUE ACTIDNE: t? .. ?T?fh?i??dj?ifEthitE-ENTSKaia- Cirenit Stipulntinn and September 13 REFERRAL . Grater t?nr Judgment reenrded Edit I Ram! #5131 5? Em en September 5. 21111, eh as Judy l, 1' Hm" Permit enndit'inn ea. hilt LEN fer net enhtnitting annual and HR emti?eatinn the m? enaeataxeaa}, we. if? the perind Nevemhnr as, enea! 4.4.4, iitdra. Cede. at. CITES DISCUSSIUN: The ef thin inapeetien wee tn determine the enmniianee etatue with reepeet tn air pnilutinn reguiattnne anti the ihei?wia Title ii an Permit. Thin tnepeetien wae enerdinated with Mr. Kevin Meyer. Faeiijtv Manager nfiviid- Arneriea Steel Drum. Alan present during thie inapeetien wee Lauren Lan?na Piatt. During the inepeetinn, the weather enndittnne were dined}' with winde item the nerlheaet at 23 mitne per hear. The tenmet?atnre wae dd The inepeetien atarted at ltitii? ?irt. Dating tilta inapeetinn, the wee in White at data I nntieed diatinet eheminal ednt?. ?n a mate nf tn It}, I identi?ed the inteneit;r in he a 3. The eder wee eaeityI tn he eimilar tn {mammal enivente. There were-an ndnre deleetert upwind nf the Enme were made available fer review atthe time efthe inapeetien. hdditinnat reenrde and felinw-np int'nitnatten wae requested hr the department hath at: the inepenti?n and en March 3t] 2111? Anti ti and El] Edi? and May 11 2D1T.Fntinw?np item the wae hv the Department nn Matnh and 3d EDIT, hpriihti 201?.Mav 12.15 and Ht 201?. Baring thie the: arena nt' enneera were rained and theae are ea fnilnwa: 1}Mndi?ea?nn nf PM entieainn aetn'ee [ehnt blunting} 2} Mndifieatinn entny painting eperatiene by neing ?ttere eflnwel' eentt'ei etTteienegtr 3} PM and ef?eienev at the Drum lteeiamatinn Furnaee 4] rnnm'de and nnzlieainn Mndi?entinn {if Pit-'1 ntnieainll l?ahnt biaatinaft The t'heilit?ur enerntee three ehnt hiaet unite that venttn a haghnnee. The ehnt hteet unite are believed tn he mutating anereea that date heel: tn the mid lii?e'e. During the reva ni? the initial nneratinn permit: the a 1nt hiaet nnite were identi?ed an an entteeinn ennree with nmtehtnhe ?venting nuteidet ht en1ne paint timing the review at? the initial enerattnn pettnit Edl??i??hii?t in End} the i?aeiijtj,r reqaeatedthat the dieeharge nf the nnita he ehaagad tn vanting nnly indenra. The Department re?ented thia ehange in npetatien in permit; and nn further review wee 'nm'aned fer a antn'ee believed net tn he venting tn the ambient air. During this inelieetinn, the, ehnt telnet-unite were in npm'atinn and vent dienhm?ghtg tn ambient air wae diaenvered. The vent ia ineated en the heel: aide nflhe dent and: immediateigl.r dnwnatream nf the indneed draft haghnuae fan. Te verifyr are being treated ii'am this seeoarisry 1stint, the system must he in opemtion anti a must he witnessed [open leavers). When notin ape-attest. this eaulsi easily be assailant-eat due to its and apparent eiasati teasers. Cantreilett emissions {atter tite haghaasej to tile ambient air during this inspaa?on. I wintesseti this in operation tiut'nIg this inspection. This ambient venting is not identi?ed within the aparatian permit and the season was requested to remedy the situation. Kevin Meyer was ebie to seai off the tattle tiaetnrorit anti pmided me with a t?oiiow-?np entail aniitifarait Hit. 201?. of the earnpiatati taait. 011 the following page is ttetin?s picture oftlte saaietl bypass emit. During a previous visitltite indicated that it was their intant to obtain a eoastmettoo pennil anti 1rent this source outside. Afaiiotasnp' Inquity made an Mate]; 23 siptii 11 and ED and Map. ti 2D 1? to obtain additional inihi'mstian about this emission sonI'ee anti how long venting outside oeeotueti. 't'iIe taeitity plo?tied atitiitianai tafannatiau tathe DepaIinIeatteiatiag to the shut triaet unite an. April 5 anti as, not? and May itt Eiil'i'. Based on tile tints provided by the sort-spans, inelutiiug an air ?ow rate ofi?i?, o?tt and a grain loaning of 1 grain paranoia t'aat tite estimated meanness ?leatetieai entissions ate: {1 grainsit?i iititi i?titntinj?a? Inini'itt} HS pounds per itaar. This presses was subjeat to the sequitententta obtain a permit under a. Hit tii?. asn). Wis. Arias. Ends and wanitl net have quali?ed for II general exemption unites a. ma?a. Wis. Adm. Gotta. In a',titiitian tile titled in aantpi}? with s. HF. Itii?. Adm. Code. Picture nfseaieti latrpase treat an haghauee discharge duet merit. Picture presided int MASH an Marsh 23. till? Matii?antion of stn'np p_ajntiag opalntions P33 and istr using filters of towns uantroi et?eienutr Within tire parntit appiiaatian for the spin}! paint apeia?ans the tseilitp presented a minimum eonti 'oi afii?. Tit: ita- pattiesiate matter emissions iterates sprayr painting aperatiaas. As the fertility repartea using ?iteta that iess ei't?eetitre mrernoving pattiettiate inattet; i. a. item Fit. to translates into a potentiai iats'aase In emissions. 'I?itaotntiealiy. enah Hpi??'f paint aieeharge Iaet ease to a ieseititatesaeeris the permitted iiraitatlens in Condition I 2 a Basia-stuns ii'am spiny painting opetations can tie determined using tire ?attening equation: ?3 ih selidsfgel [1 We ester Etileienev} {1 Filtratien Etiielsnev] itete {lhsel'hrl Te estimate the aeteei PM emissiens fertile Inside spies painting eperatieu, data teem the hills sir emisslees harvester].r is used. Ushig- the Hentsen Sterilirete?t 3th] date, the theilitv averaged 15.3 g?i?lru 3.33 lb selidsi'gal, 1553i. transfer end 33.3 ?it eh?ieiertey. The th liewing results are determhledr 3.3 gel]:Ir hr 3.33 It: seiidsfgel - .35] i" {1 - .3333} The results shew that the eerimeted eeiusi PM emissiene item the htterier seating the em I Ih Findihr permit Iimitstieh II: ti.ililtl [limit fer 3133 [it] 3.303 It: {limit fer Si3h {It} LitiJ] PM?hr eemhined}. This eelteern is else apparent t'er the esterier seating enerstirms. Steels. Permit Emissinn limit TheeretieetEmissien Rate gah'hr I selidsigs] average seeirei e?ieiehev 1015 5135 313A. 0.993 ibilit? else?1e Drum sense-es ?'13 5'9 3'33 sits?es Lit-1W sees less site Drum sees tehr "'12 than 2?2 shti- esleuleted shave. the httmiet end matter emissiens are in essess of the permitted limits fer Presses P33 earl P34 and with air eperstieh permit eenditiene I. t3.2.e.{2} it}, iv}, and The fer these permit eenditiens is s. NF. "Wis. rtdm. Cede, relating te preteetinn et?amhient :dt' quelitv. ?shed vet: Eehtrel efthe 1::er in Elli d, Miduhluetiea Steel [item was requested by US EPA Regime lite quanti? pettinulete matter emissiens end tn quantity the eentml et'?'eienev ef the utterhemer. The permittee perinrmed V?c Desireetien It'it't'usieaeyI testing using the layth helew. VIBE sempte putts are leested at the inlet and eutiet ef the atterhumer. The test results shew an average ef sees destreetien etlieieney. During the Tittle inspeetlee, [rented a ?new fume heed anti vent fen? at the end ef the teeIematien ihrnaee that draws ferries them the eenvever disehnrge srea and vents these he the ED the htlet ef the slterthireerj what it: the reedt?ed pietnre presenter] helew. This system tends te emnpremise the eaptare et?tleienetr ef the tin-rises when epm'stiag. Te determine the eversil eenteei ef?eieney, the additlensl emissiens [rem this heiress vest needed thither quentit?ieetiee.. 12, 201?, the previded deeunientstiente indieate the hypess at appreximsteljr this] she. ?the drum reelemstien superstar: at an average ef 1533,3113 efm. Assuming the einissien is hemegeneeus sud dispensed at a 1 tn 1 ratiethreltgh eaeh rents, the . wesld he 1l 33 fee V??s st :1 destreetiee elitieiesseg.r et' 93%. Assuming at ?3'5 3i: rednetlen e?ieiehey fer PM emissiens, the everatl eentret eftieienev weuld he 113' a senservative estimate Beth results indieete he evidenee ef en atheetetieel bests. Adj estments te the united eeah-el e??ieienetes is the sh' emissien iaventerv sre te tetteei? nperstien ef the hymass vent. Fer the Drum itselametien Furnsee {P3tl}, the partieulate matter eatitere mid-sleds}r will he iewered the deem-truest In 94 94h end the V013 eftleieney will he initiated tn 915%- es en re?eet the eperstten et' the hiewer in ef theilitgtr previded vehtes. 5-H - .. . . Gsp?etwesn a?arhum?at-sn??nsl {fins} . Wk]. 1: my: u?atimsrs?smu?? atria?ss- drawn In?; 'stst?- . - - n?dshu'msr - - 5&st ?12 m1. ?1?er transitinn [smarts 11?: 33151:: s?er?umsr] . - F?swss?l .- . - . I ?kl-W w, . . - .[?muhnnf?rmn?gqru?rrnassj- -- . I r'l'ii. '5 Ii: J-JI rl 4.Far sass WEE . ?sghagumhps?erhumurnq?fmsf . -: "pig's 1. - - - . mrju- 1m hip-513:5: . .. .e ri?i'lE?FIU?hlEl? wmf?pn??npss?{swam?Er rI'T'mwt "Eifu?bml ih?k??si?s?lm?mn?w?w? 55} uinf?sil Hedlama?nn Fur EH53 ?s?ilssr ass Fume Msms?hsm?ms: "ssiu an Tim fan?ity maintains mush ?fth-:1 dammiati?ll as regained 11:11:31. The. fs?thjr did nut have thus HAP smissis?s dais available f?r swims during this inspectian as i'uquimd undan?srt 1.11.5. 3.3} and Thu?n?ity was mum?y ssq?imd by Gmifsmi {ha-1's is ?1 in 15553115 keeping lemrding at this tims. We: reviswa? sums-sf available l'asm?s and ?re safest?! ts ?ddi?snairssm'ds a?sr HAP sunsml' ?sts}; This data was masked by ?m?il mM?rch 3D 1&1? and ?ii?h casting that was ussd at this facility In Els' usmplismze wi?l ?ts ni? CFR 153 REST-115.113 Eur?mt': Cuathlg Msisl Paris and Pmdunls. and th? 3 .5 per gallun sumhig lass watt-.1 and suit-win deg?a Psiatlasstas The spray paint ?lter maintenance rccerds were resist-red. Itseerds the each were present and htdicated the facility is replacing each spray paint heath ?lter. Fer the menths ef January, May, June July, August, September, {latch-er, and December Etild, the epstater failed te initial the daily activity. This indicates ncncentpliance with the air permit wherchy the eperater ta ta reccrd and initial the daily inspectlee and tiltel' replacement. Failure re maintain the required dcctucerdatien mayhe eeasldered eperatiug in nenecrupllaeec with permit eenditien Edi cast ?lial" l3 cenditien and as. hilt de {ti} and tilt ascertain}, wa. ham. Cede Mathew We reviewed the ah' emissiens inyeutcry rcpert and eemtlaring the trainee te the facility thl'eughput and ereissien rceerds. Elaine ef the threughput data did net eperatlenal recerds. The facility agreed te review and cerreet apparent errers. I alse mentiened that the herrcl reclamatien tin-trace cmisaiens will need te include enn'ssieus here the precessieg cf cemhusilhle materials. The fLa-nace is designed in preecss up tn 4 peueds ef material with each drum and this thl'eughput is net identi?ed enthe can?ent inventery. Neat, with the additlerl cf the discharge venting, the capttue ef?ciency ef the ?nance will need he he lewered te re?ect actual ceuditiens. Fer the air emissice insenhny repertteg, the facility will need tc identify an esthnated capture ef?ciency ferI'lr'l and ll'ClE fur preecas Pat}. Eter'ssien faster data ferPhd and VHS will need he included fer'this presses and emissiens shall he reperted fer Ed id. The Edid Air Emisslens ln?eentet?y' was updated in reflect the current eeatieg threughput values as shared tilniug this inspecticu. In additien the PM and Wild} Values item the staelc test areas Inserted under the Dean Furnace ti]. The iheility suhetitted'tl?reir draft air ernissien repcrt en May 23, :lill?l', fer department Fer the Drum lteeleleetiee Furnace tI'Iitl], the particulate matter capture ef?ciency will he lewered hy the department te 94 tel and the VIBE capture efficiency will he lewered in seat as an adjustment ta reflect the cperatlcn efthe bypass hie wer system, in ahscece cf facility pteeldcd values. stir Peiiataut Emissiens freer the Drum Residues HAP data the precessing ef yarieus drummed residues is alse absurd. air peliutard ernissiens ?rst: the Drum Iteclantatlen Furnace may he signi?cant hut there is insufficient data currently ayaiiehie te accurately characterise these ensissinns. Te address ??ent dram reclamatieu tlttaaees and ether types ef sclid waste cerahastien units, Gangrene added tilt} in the Clean Air Act cf 199i}. The Industrial tlemhustlen Geeadieated Rnleirtaicing Federal Advisery Cecrmittce {I??lt Ceerdiaatie Carnatittec} was farmed in make reecmmeudatieas tn the dealt-cementel I'reteetiea Agency fer in the hepleraentatien ef dectlen 129 cf the Clean Air Act. In May 1993 the Incinerater Werlt Greap Suhteatn cf the lECit Ceerdhtatlng Cemrnittce searched the EPA l??it Emissiens Database, trade greup recerds, EPA technical dccu meats, State agency recerds, and State ait' pennits that speci?-r limits and ceuld ?nd eniy yery limited test data in accurately characterise drum reclailner furnaces. its a result, the Euhteam prepesed tn last three druru reciantatien furnaces fer all Sectien 129 pellutaats. This resennuendatlen fer staclt was ferwarded in area by the ICCF. Ceerdinating {maturities in August 199 it. The results efthese tests are net available te date. The Eeetien Hill?s efintercst are lead, mercury, cadmium, acid, and fleece. In additien te these federal HhPe, hariem and (state HhPs} sheuld else he quanti?ed here this scarce. The cemplianec status in this area is h1eenclusiye as the scarce has set pterided this data as ef the thne ef an repert. BEGUM NCLUS IONS The facility has acted areas cf that slteuld he dealt with threugh the entercementprecess. la additien, the facility will need in preside additienal inferntatieh hefere the eemplianee slams at all requirements can he determined and tales eerrcetiee aetieus where identi?ed. In additien, it is that the facility shculd he requested in starch testthe drain reclamatieu ?ltetteu fer Flat and VHS ernissiens using the eun'ent epsl'atiug practices, i.c. that the hypass 1renting system is eperatcd te ehtain actual cerissien yaiew. This facility sheeld he inspected during it girl sects, Snl?'?lf El 311ng REQUIRED TD earls ACEESS SITE: I HEARING I HARD HAT I SAFETY GLASSES- SHOES El [pleasetish?t WISCUNSIN DF NATURAL RESDURCES REGIUN FULL $1.111 CUEJIPLIANEE (FEE) SUMMARY ?rm: i 2.419535% Emmi: wan? HATE: Maw]. 21, 2911' I EPA Cm?m?i?ad FEE Amnnunneli Insyw?un Unaummimad FEE a 33 EPA CLASS TYPE: Stan} Dunn Cm?iitziug?r . I 2539 East Nurwich ?lm! A ., qu?r 5!}le St. Francis, 53235 511*: NAICS cams AND 00W: MWAIHCEE 31131.. 3324 Miami wm'king EAIGS: 332443 Metai ?an, hm; and uth?u' meta] mnmiuar 11121111.!meng PARTIEIPANTS: APPHEABLE Mark ngtt?un ELSE-II Mid?i??l?ic? Elna] Drum Coda; Amy Higher - SAGA Elwin-minim} NE. 445? a ma Rasmu- MET El Dan Hella?bergv- FED Ef P153 1413mm- GACT EI Mika Grif?n - NM ?1 P?ti MM El H5395 P35 GEM Cf NEH-MP El P76 ACIB Cred m?ala Shawn: YES El Nu P62 WET TOTAL EEPQRTED ACTUAL A IN *1 I Pmduutian wand, balow rapmting muslin-Dida- Pmduu?un caused, halnw - ., 1 - . Aft. Mt. A11. *Emissinn data album is. {turn ?ue missin? IS FACIIJTY IN UDWWCE WITH AIR El Na [3 Addi?nn?l In Hand ed Harare This Dctm'niina?un Cm: He Ma?a. Thu! datmnina?nn is far this in??tiun unruly. Are permit nee?e?? Yea Nu {Facility is r?luuating to luua?am} . n. 1 INSPEETDR 319mm: SIGNATURE mm: .f :2 a: 57 TITLE: Air Managemen??hgmeer SIGNATURE: Kaf?xdwn'?m 3W1 . SIGNATURE HATE: ,5 TITLE: . Sllp?rw'snr Cc: Bureau quir Mnuagem emf .. Facility FA. CILITY Bantam linemen eearaea' slant-111mm: Mike Higgins General Manager {4111 T524114 a Mark Furgsseu ?Faeilit}r Manager {1111) ass?sseta mi?arggseg . 1e earn flit} Ghana's: par-t "e I'll] CFR part 53, Suhpart 111111111311 Slundanis fer Hasar dues Aii' WEST-1M9. 11W Barthes Eeathlg Metal Parts and Preduets as CILITY DES TIGN The faeilitj.r is least-ad iti'lhe City 11f St. Fransis, Milwaukee The area is eetnrnereial and residential. Milwaukee Canal}; is designated as attainment far all primary air pailataats. The t?aeility has twe lesatiens, the Mid- Atnerien Steel Drum Avenue Site (literwieh'l and the Mid?151 marina Steel Drum?- ELEM Avenue Site Siaue Ellie, than},I ef' the prueesses at this fNerwiehJ hare eithei shut dawn 131' have been reieested tn the adjaeent preduetieu f??ilitj The Werwieh faeility 1s eutrentIy used as a snaagefwareheuse fer eerrtainers and dr urns fer Mid-Ameriea Steel 111111111 ELEM The Neindeh facility was rethrbishing (resenditieeingJ used steel drums sinee 194T, hefere there was an air pregrani {1 Still}. That faeility Was kne'wn as Ceeperage Cempangr. In the midi me eempaajr ?mtprint expanded by purehasing a eempanjr adjauent tn nearby building, en earner uf Neswieh Avenue and Pennayhrania Avenue, and a drum reeiarnatien business ieeated in West Allis sailed I?ia?enal Cuniainer Reeyeiing, In 1995, Kitsinger Cenperage 13ers pang releeated the eperatiens treat the Ceatainer lleeyehn faeilitglr tn the 11ewl:.r purehased building The new i111 ddrag 1s inlewai as the disease Site {Fill Chill 15 Eli? ll} Seesuse at their elesepreairnitg,ee1a1nen ewuershie= and similar eperatlens, the tea: sites are eensidersd the same Kltsinger Deeperage Gempmw was parehased by sea efthelr main eempetiters, htid-rtlneries Steel Drum Dempsey, In August, 21111. The fseility heesnte as Mdudl?l?rl?? Steel Drum CeiKitainger. (Mid?Amerien Steel Drum [1121. has an eliginal plant in Dell: Creek that is still speraied under Flt] number 241111212211.) Midaltrneriea Shel Drum Cetlltitsinger used [erupter eentainers, inelndin pails, metal drains, and piastiu drums. The pails and drums ean range in size item 5 ts 55 gallens. The eentainers use be either plastie er metal, depending apezn their eriglnai use and the materials fennel? stared {usestly industrial selsenls, resins, er eeatings}. Piastie tntes, whieh are large liquid aturage eenteinera, are an innger at the fertility. PDINTIPRDCESS DES CRETIUN 1 Buserintiea et? prueesees at Arenas plant ceased in 11315 J: 1. Prueess Sill], Stank Silk heat beiler Stank Sill], BEEF Clearer Breaks it?ll! HP Better: The butler, installed in $59, is natural gas??red with a rated heat input eapaeit]! ef?? The better was damaged, but nut by the lite 111 Edda. Its eleehieal eenh'el panel was rebuilt. The butler appears is have been shut dawn and abaudenerl in plane. The butler is named by I'll-I LL13 and additienal details are uulmewn at this time. Page Enl'll't. E. Prasass Pit}, ?annel Sill {Sealantstiau ihmase ?sitetdewe and aheadartad in phase) Brute Itselantatian Furasee with A?et'hsrnet': The unit, installed ht June ef 19h}, ef a sasvsper helt. ehatnher. and The estabustiett shamher and are hath natural gas??red. This praeess appears ta have been ahaadased in pines and ieeits hteperahle. The reelamatien iitmaee is earned by l'i'H and details attitis tires. 3. Prasess P3 i, Steels S11, Central Eli [Thee shat rental-red ??eru title iaeatian]: Presses was asseeiated with twe units whishvent euiside the building. The shat blast units are used is rerueve ash and shat ii'ern epen tap metal pties' ta splay painting. The shathisst units have heart temave-d has: this site. The units atw'were awned hy LLC and additianai details are unlesewh at' this time. 4. Presses P32, Stash S12, Gene-at C32 {internal Dram Paint SpiesI Heath}, Pissess Pith. Stash last, Cane-a1 ESSA {Inertial Lid Lining Paint Spurs}.I Beetlt}, Presses FEES, Stash S113 {Caring even asseeiated with ptesesses P32 and rash}, Praeess PSEC, Stash S1213. Sane-a1 32S {hate Paint Spray Heath}. Presess P35. Stash S13, Bessel C35 {Marathi [internal Spray Heath). Presses Stash {Curhtg even with Phil] and Presses PJEA, Sinai: S14, Centre] Git-i [New Brute Lid Spray Eteetlit), Praeess PS EB, Stash: {Culiag Elven essaslatst] with remeved ?'arn this iasatien}: This paint line was installed in StitlS and used water based castings. All these praeassas have been remeved ?them the faeilitp. St'esess 3213 [Eating even sseesiated with praeesses P32 and PSEAJ and Presses P320, Chiral {3.3213 Shuts External Paint Spray Beeth] were stave-ti is the ELEM in Dee-ember sets The smiwsre ewaed hp LLC and additiansl details are untatawrt at this time 5. Pi?? Stash {?eestis Drain Pre?iiash} Presses PSIJE Stash S51 {Caustic Wash] and P500, Steel: misiag even, e. h?shtalhr} retaaved hers this Biased tap steel drums were eleatted hefare psiathrg The ptesess sensisteti ef sessile pl'e??ttSil hat sanstie wash italding tank and a natural gas ?red dryer. This presses has been remevsti ?'ara this Iasatien. its retaeved presesses arer'were evtsted in}? i?i?I?I LLIS and additiettei details are unitnavrn at this time. ti Praeess SSA Stash: SST {New DtutniLid Caustic: Washer Hat Bath}1 Presses PSSE Steel: [New Euler, Lt hhd?twhr} [Ptasesses retrieved hem this tasstian}: New tnanttfastnretl drums and lids Were Intestines] ta supplement the need he sdditienal dnmis. The drums were slashed in a hat EDI-I rinsed, dried and painted This presses has been retrieved il'atu this Iaeatien. The retnaved arel'wers ewned hp aedadditieual details are time. Praeess Sisal: {Drum Lid Dip Tanit}( Presses senses-ed ?ats this lasstien]: Bushings, whish are used ta attash the lids is the span tap drums, were stashed en a hash and hp dipping thetn inte a T5 gelled painthatlt. This pt'aeess has been rsuteved irate this iaeatien. The remaved areiwet'a earned by 1TH List] and additiensi details are ttaitaawe at this three. ti. Piseess P44. Fugitive F44. Drum Lahei Shipping (Presses retneved fretnthis leeatienj: Lahais were manually renteved frets the delta exist-tat using a blush-en stripping eatnpeend which eentained methylene ehieride. . This presses was tethered them this iasatian and is identi?ed as the presess fer Lahel Shipping at the BLESS Pemspivama i'aeihtp. fhii?ti??'ihl?i? easai- as sent ?nisher 24, ESE Iievisian ef phrmit harsher Ma]! 1, 2t] 15 Revised Dpetstian Permit Neventher 3S, EDIE Edi lS, SUSS Savisien request ?etehsr its, sets Elli lit-TS April 24, 2S l-?i . Released under Edi l?h?i?aF?ii ld-liS'Cia'isIE LUWHANCE SWARY ?stress-ans rs 1-: . 1% 1 'i ?gh- 55:? it? 155.1. 45:131.. t?:i1 gig . 1' a: striving it?? dimmers-me omelet. --.. .- Par?esiate matter The Whenever a stash test for This prooess Matter emissions mayr net shall only ?rs natural pert-isolate matter emissions is heater has Been Endssions Mild- ponnds per honr??om gas in the hoiier.[ss. required to demonstrate eompIisoee, shot down sides stock 3113. hilt. Editid?t} Stats. and the permittee shall use EPA Ngmh? uf Adm. Code NR Method 5. or 1? 3.3.13, {Benoit nonsense}; Wis. Adm. I:ede eondensahie haeithaif emissions (US. {it} For any hotter tarnish has {Permit tiE EPA Method or another test a masinrom heat input that 053}] method approved by the Department is than one million in writing. [as HR. d?i?tifl}, hilt. Eta perheor, the permittee and NE. may not: sense, silent, or Adl?h??ojl Wis. Adm. Code pennitpm?euiats matter {Permit ?d?E?G-dd? emissions from the steel: of sneh boiler to . {it} The petmittee shalt keep pounds matter resents of the types of all ?nals him-red emissions per mitties Eta in the better. {a HR. nonsense}, ham: tepid, Wis. Adm. Code {Permit where noose I and I teed maximum heat input for a given hotter in Initiions of Eta per hour. is. NF. Wis. Adm. Code {Permit tilti- 2.1.?isihie Number 1 often The eompItanee Whoaettot'visihis emission testing See above. Emissions Ringiemson short. or?ti'ie demonstration is required to demonstrate eompiianee, opeeity. HF. reqrdrernent tor . the permittee shall use 113. EPA 43 Adm. Code pertieolate matter Method 9 or another test method {Permit nondition shoes, when the better is being eleaned or a neeI ?re started, emissions may.r number 1 of the Itingletnaee short or asst. opsoit'sr '11!th not exceed ntmhetd of-the Ringiemann short or tit} it: opaeinr for a onetime in ansIr one hour. Conthostim: squipmentma}! not he eleanednor a fire started more than 3 times per day {see note}. Ess. Pitt 43 i and NR .131 ?d?is. Adm. Code [Permit ?d-RSGu?d?? Note; ?Combustion emlipment may not he emissions shall also serve as eorriplisneo demonstration method ?her visible omissions.[s. Nit Wis. Adm. Code {Fetmtt approved by the Department in writing. sod Mdd??dt?ks?u Wis. Adm. Code {Permit The rssordtseeping requirements for particulate matter emissions wiil ates serve to demonstrate eompiisneo for visible emissions. hilt. littl?it?ijfa?q Wis. Adm. Gods {Permit es-nssaessn Wis. Stats. nt' this psunit. [dd part SS, sub-part ss. 235.5561}an Wis. Stats, s. 1411' W15. Adm. Ends {Ext d3}! I ?1 . l' Jz?g?h?li??i? "1 . 553%? . . .. a I THE +21? J1 . I - seam .. sm stsansd nor a ?ns started man: than ?1 ttrnas psrday? Insans shave is tn 3 nlnaaiags nr ?rss staitnd day. sundi?ntl shows, may numhsr 1 ?fths nr Hilts npssity for stated psrinds sf as 13;; tar sash amass-s as an assisting asst, sr othsr ssusa, pm?sidsd its hazard or Ens. NE and NR Wis. Adm. ?ndn 3. (1}Ps1mittss sha? Ps?n?tss shalt records sham Dsidss Tha bnitsr may not wastdy ssMittsn [ss. En?ssinns far mars than ISIJ tn HS and NR. hunts during an}? Es. that tl'sa ddl??d?ajlq ?Wi'sp?dln. Ends Wis. Adm. builsr did not upstats {Permit Ends, s. ES 5.55m: Wis. far than I?d Stats. {Psrmit'dSHItS?u par Es. ass}: asassrs}. Stats, s. NE. - ass. Adm. Ends {fem-it 4. Thu pnrm?tsrn shall mast 111% pml?ss shall mast the: straw. HAPs thus Ilmitstinns in shalt annuals with and LU. (Nattsnal apptisat?s in Eu?ssisn Standards fur 1.0. {Natisnsl Emissinn Standards far Hazards-us AirPsHatants: ts Air Industrial, and LG. [Natinnat and EniIsrs Institutinast En?srs and Emissina Standards and Hsatars tar Mains Saunas) Haatars far Air at? this psisntt. [dd SFRpart ES, Saunas) pain-sit. Industrial, sat-part as. $35.55 and. CFR part S3. subpart and Wis. Stats.J a. HR $231555} and Snitsrs Wis. Adm. Ends {241 05:43de tE? and Haatnrs E?j's samurai -:l?mt lie. E111. ?Elias as ?e Partietllate matter eatissiees ease,-r exceed 5.0 per hear frem stash: 3] ti. NF. dildiltlf?}, Wis. Adm. Eerie {Permit till- Dela natural gas shall he used as eemhastiea feel. 235.658}, Wis. Stats, s. HIE. Wis. rides. lEerie. {Permit The shall he eperated at all times the melamatien ?traaee is in upstatiee. Is. 235.6513. Wis. a. Hit. d??i??ittftiltfellhu Wis. ?drn. Cede. {Pmsait {litaIt??-DSS The epsrah'ng temperature UP the a?erhemer shall he at least lEtitt unless the Department spheres-res. is writing, a different mteimem' temperature. Es. Wis. a. Hit. Wis. Adm. Dede. {Permit esuaseaess Wheeleirer: a steel: test fer pattiestlate matter emisslens is remitted te demeeshata eempliasee, the permittee shall use EPA hide 5, er 1'1" in?edittg eendettsahie haelthaif emissietis EPA'e-iethed 3&2] er seether test methed by the Departteeatie m'ltleg. [ea N11 tilt 43 and NP. Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit tid- RSG-DSSH 4:2) The parasites shall keep menthiy ef typelEs] effael used- [ss. Nit. 439.041: and Na sum. ease {assist}. seen {it} The pesmittee shalt install, eperate, ealihrate, and mahttain the meniter-{s} te reassure the afterhumer temperature. [as HR. [13:04}: and tilt Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit The tetaperature eteniterieg devise shall have as assumes-r at 0.5% at the temperature being measured in degrees Fahrenheit std: 5 ef the temperature being measured, er the equivalent in degrees Ceisiua {emt?gtade}, is greater. {as NP. tidi?j??jtfa}, sed'rtlt ddl??i-il?sj. Wis. Mm. IBede {Permit DSEH The afteiheraer temperatm'e shall he meeitered and reserded at-least ease every i? minutes. [as Pitt sadttP. ri?T?lHHa}, Wis. attire. Cede {Permit {153]} This presses was shut rises in. Nevemher ef 2013. The [lireaee remains ea sire and appears id be shsadeesd in plaee. 2. Visible Humbert ef the ills glsmattrt shalt er seas sparsity. s. NF. :13 LIBS, Wis. earn. Cede {Permit tide aseressn The demenstratiee requirements fer partteetate matter emissitms shall else serve as a emepiiattee leathed fer 1.risihle emissietls. HIE. Wis. Adm. Cede. {Psentt Whenever visible emissiea testing is required te demeestrete tile [tasteless shall use LLB. EPA Med-led 9 er auether test methed appmred the Department in editing. Ess. tilt. and tilt ., Wis. asst ?ees {Pt-sea es-aseaess? The and meditating requirements far pattieulate matter emissiens will else sews te demeeshate fer visible emissiees. "silt. .. Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit See shears. 3. VOID 35% seetrei Nit. 424.312), Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit tid? aseress Tire requirements fer - matter emissiens shaii aise serve as a demeas tratiee melhed Whenever emissien testing is required te demeastrete eetnpiianee, the {Jet-raittee shall use Methed lit else Chilean ED, Appendix A. insure-erased by referestee is s. NF. asses. er seether test readied prt?mteti by the Department in writing. [ss. hilt as and as. Wis. ?dm. gentle {Permit [Ilsa See ahead. 5515551551, .55 7.5- 5 1 55 - 15 5?1- 55111515115515 - - :5 51 51' 5 5 51.51515 1. 5551 E1 5.5 .5 . 5555' 1.. 1 . 1 1. 5.511- 51111131 .1 - . '1 ?if $39115 - - 5 131.111? L1 ?5 551.511.".1151 E. '51 151%;in . '11 5551555551111; 1i$11? .15? 111511115 1- [1111-511 "1515 .1 NEW "$11 fur 11111111115 11111511511 FEE-1153 . T115 1151:51'111155111113 551i 11151111511115 W15. 15111515515515 ?15: 11511151111115 111111151 51155515115 will A5111. E15115. 51511 551115 111 11551155511515 55111111511155 11111111111155 1111151115 5511111551155. THE. W15. Adm. C5115 {P5n5it 4.115311 1111111555 515E P51551155 11511111111111:- 1'55111'55 151111111511 ?11 355 511111115. 1311115515115 1115111151?. 11511111115 155511111 5111111111511 51111 51151515 for 11151'5 1111111155 15 NR 11., W15. A5111. C5115 111511 11111 1151115 5511155511555 1115115115 1111111115 11111r 111115555 1?35 11111 11111 155511. 11111. 511511115 1551: 11111111 1111111 11111115 5151' 1555I1. Adm. [111115, 5. 235.553}, W15. 235.65Uj; W15. 51515., 5. NE 31515. Wi?. 551555?5511] .1551. 11555 {5551111 - 111111151 1111115515115 {11551115511115 I 111111155 5111155111115 1115.1.r 11111 51155511 - 1.11 551111115 1151' 11111111 1111111 1115511 311. [5 NR. 15555155 11115. A1151. 1151111 {55111111- 55? 55551511 "1115 1115111155 P31 1115111151 511511115 1111 111515 111511 311 1151115 51111115 5111.-r 1115511. 23 5.55m, W15. 5155. 15511111: 11} T1111 1151111111115 51151I1155 5 555551155 15 5111111111 1151115511115 11151151- 5111155i5115 H5111 1115 111'55555 255.5513}, W15. 511115., 5. W15. Adm. G555. Ill]- 1115 11511115155 555 1 511551115, 5115 11111111111111 5 1155155 15 1115111151 1115 1115551115 111511 5511155 1115 55511111155. [55. 51111 115. W15. Adm. C5115 ?P11111?1it 51111 T1111 551111111155 511111] 1151151111 1111 int-511151 515115515111 11f 1115 115311511511 51155 511511I 55151155111551.1111 151511111 11151 1:115 1111111115 5111511111551 35 111151513115 111111151111 T115 111115 1111511151 1151155511 51511511115115 11151.1 1151 I15 515551' 5 1115111115. T111155 5151155115115 511151 1115111115. 11111 1151 I15 111 5131 555 1555'1! hac??m 'l?lm . 11115111111115 1.155 15115551115111) 51' 1511511 111151151- 5111155155 1551513 15 1511511511 1111 55111511511515 55111111151155, 1115 1151111111511 5115!} 1155 EPA 1111511155 5, 111' 1? including 5551151155155 1111111111511: 5111155111115 (LLB. EPA 1115111511 5102) 51 5551551 15511115111511 51151511511511 1115 35115111115111 15 writing. [55. 113171113 W15. Adm. E5115 {2311115 11511115555 5 15Il 1115111151 51111 15511111 1115 1115551115 51511 551555 1115 111151151155 55515 5 11111115 111" 55111115 5115155511, 51' 111155 1151' 1151.1. 1151151151151 1111111115 1115 515 5151' 11111111151 111' 11111551115111.5515. 5111i 1111?. A5111. E1155 'I'l15 115111111155 511111111555 15115155 51" all i5511511ti5115, 151511115 51111 111111 11155115115555 1155111111511 1111 H15 115511111155. "?1111 15551115 51111111111115.1511 ?ll: 11515 51" ?ne: 5515111 51111 11 11555111111511 11111115r 55115511115 5111111115 11111511. [55.153 5115 NR 15.315.31.515. 1311115 {Pmuit '111511551111155 551111115511 1.1155111111555155 51? 1111115111515 11511115 111?? P31. [55. NH. 43 9.131513 31:11}, 5115 HR. A??i'??djfal, Wi5. A5111. C5115 135-5313511511 T3115 115551155 11155 11111111111511 ?15111 11115 f55?i111 in 51111 14. I .. ?Wei? 1?3: lilmtee te inepeettette anti. (ea necessary} aft [11} veivee, dampers, and geeirete fer eigee ef eit'ief?ttetien; and {it} beg teneien, 11111:} eigee ef elem: side duet depeeite. Ee. 235.5513}, Witt. State, 11. NR-ti?i??t?t?e?u Wie. Adm. Cetie {Pennit ?it- 2. Number I The eemp?e?ee Wtenever visible eruleeien Wing is See Reeve. the required te demenetrete eiJert er requirements fer eemylieltee with the vieihle limit upeeity. fe. NR matter shall he detetminee by LLS. EPA Methane 51 431.05. Wis. ehell elee serve er test metltee eeprereti bythe Adm. Cede as eempli?ttee Department in writing. fee. NR. {Permit methed fet? 111111 NR. .. Vieil?e [11. Witt. Ame. Cede {Pern?t The ping anti men iteri e3 tequirenmme fer mutter will elee eenre te eempfie tree Hit. 1lttl'ir. Adm. 235.6513}, Wit. Steer, e. we. Cede. {Permit er- .e . . 1?1" 11115141? i P11rtie11iete matter (1)1111) Fet eaeit eithe Whenever mette1 This tree Matter emjeeiene may net spray iteethe, dry testing 13 required te in Hini??i?n$ fil?- ??iewlt'ig: Hil?? lift th? P?l'l?lliit?la 0f I3.13 per itenr piaee te eenttei ehelI 1.1.3. EPA Metheri 5, er 3.011 Item eteeit 512. pe1tieelete matter inelutireg eerttleneehie heeithelf {it} p?u??s perheur whenever (EB. EPA. Me?led 2131} ex '?'eru eteeit Siitit. the ie in eneitter teet eppreved by the 0.5}2 petintie per hettr eperetle? (Le. uttering Department 111 Writing. ?'ere eteeit STEEL spray eperetiert]. tilt tt?ti I'm. {13} H.145 13de per The ?ite1e Wis. there. Cede heut' ?'em eteeit Slit]. ueeti in P321: {Permit I119 permtie per heer eitell have a The permittee ei1el1 meniter ??em etueit 513. matter the wet-mm time the {hill per heart ef ?itertje} every ?1 heure when the frem eteelt 35$. et leteftt?tg?u 'ie in t" EEK- min-'1: 14 puuhcts par haur stash 314. as] pounss per hour ?an: staalt 355. Is. as. Wis. Adm. Ends {Farmit ass-s53? ?i?ih . [?l?i'hw etawith .1. "v 11.13.. natt' I (has [try filters used in P32, PSEA, P35, and FEM shalt hat-rs a- partiaalata mattar nuntml sf?sianlsj-r of at least 93%. 235.6513}, Wis. Stats, s. HR Wis. Attm. Carts {Pam?t Only natural gas shatt ha samhustsd in 1116 stating {mans P321), and Is. Wis. Stats, s. HR Wis. Adm. ?nds {Psrmit The [Jasmittaa sha? instai], spmats, and amintaiaa dwiaa tn manitm' tils pressure: drap star-ass sash ?ttaa'. [as HR 4353.121551' His}. and HR Wis. A6111. Calif. {Pannit Til-s prassuns th'up amass aautt?tiltar hi upmatiua shall he maintataatt within tha ran gs tasmhmaralsd hytha manathaturar. The Fatalities shalt manufaatursr's spasi?satians} that indicate tha Plasmas [Imis mags for gays ut'?Itsrussd tn sash paint bsath. 11m upmatiug ?ttsr pressura drop laugh 1hr sash paint {as andt'?t 11W. Wis. A6111. Ends {Permit Thu shall Icssp ?ail}-r nf?ttsr inspua?uns. ?111s permittsa shall also keep rsam?s of inslu?ing datsts) sf raplaasmaat far sash paint huat?h process. [35. NE. and HE. Wis. Adm. Ends {Psm?t {Ha} 'l?ha shalt maintain rasurds that indisata tits particulate: mattsr Ef?ciency Elf tits ?tters Baud {it} Thu- pmmittas shalt maintain that halt-sate tha particulars mattsr sf?sisnajr uf?la ?itars usual in 1932, P323, and 1336155? [as amass-tam}, an? as. Wis. Adm. Sada {Psnnit "s will .-- 1 .. q. - -.-. an. . .i 2753.1?. tall-3Iii3335,11.? 4:1" .1: 41%. '1 I . t? 1. "nil-alt? - I inseatis bssiis siiail ha insistisd is tiss fasilitjlis mal?isstisn anti piss. Is. Wis. Stats, s. Nit Wis. asm. {Psimit psmittss shall pss?srm daily sf fi1s {1111 says sf spasatisn] ts tissl.? is pi?spsri?s. Eti?s??f?-J, Wis. Stats. s. NR Wis. Adm. Ends {Psm?t -. sass. Eats ti' [that sis .Eilil'i it. Visihis Emissisus Numhsr at tl1s shalt 111* Eil'ia'i spasity'. a. NR 113 Lilli, Wis. Adm. ?s?s [Pstmit Tits t?sr partisulats mattsr smissisns shall aJss as a dansuslratisn mathsii far slatssisns. i??l Wis. Adm. {Psimit sisihls smissisn is tsquit'sd ts tits sstmittss shalt ass EPA ii at appl'stis? l1}F tiss in writing. sadism Wis. .ririm. Ennis {Pssmit Tits sad mssitsring psrtisuiats mattsr will alas ts dsms?sts'ats ssmpiisnss t-Iisibis smissisns. is. HE?iiliitisza}, Wis. Asst. Cass} slim-rs. 3. 1 Isiatiis Organs: Tilt: psrmittss may 11st? aiisw. sr psnnit s1111ssis11 sf any ETDEs in pmmti? par gaiisn sf snaking, waist, tislissrs'ti ha a ssatlng applisatsr tiiat sppliss sir?tirisd castings that ass ant sissr Wis. ?dm. Essis {PsImEt El?n Emissisas may not Tiss 11snsittss shall usiqusijr sad V013 sf sash ssatisg appiisd, in units sf p?llil-Ei? pat gailsn. thist?. Es. INF. Wis. Adm. {.?sda {Pss'mit Thus may uss USEPA Msiitsti 24 rssults, ?1'3 tits ssiums tils wsight sf sslitis, ills watsr assisat and fits density 11f ssl'fass ssatisgs is l'?tlilitl'?d ts thus psnuittss shali was EPA Mattias :4 s1' 24A st' anstlisr by tits Dspal'hnsut in waiting. [ss. NB. and NH. Wis. ass. {Psrmit Tits psimittss Ei't?ii hat-s asaiishis tits fsiiswing an hasis {111' fsnnaiatistt This was- in sf 21113. .ag a pa1 gallant appliaa?, astaiudt'ng waist; fat asttatna aul'ati dalisarad as an appliaatat. [a HR. 422. Wis.Adn1. Callie {153}: Pamtittaa may usa (as Hausa aggregates up 55 ga?ans afnana anmpiisnt matings during any 12 annsaantisa manti?t patiad. Wis. Adm. Catia {Farmit ss-ssaasst] Inahldaa any 11am anmpiiant matings asatt In P155 and Pass. [ti-J Ali amissimts. salvant Hashing-s shall ha atmsictarati in tha aanissians limitatiaas in 133,122} aniass tlla asad wash ssh-taut is diraatatl inta aantaiast's that ptavant asap aratian inta tha atlttaspltata. Es. tats. nan. Coda asst23:11 I u' a; t; .. his-1+. . -. 3- Matat'iai Safaty Data Shasta, as an aqaisatant dominant ptastdaa by tha sappitat far mating. thitntat' and aiaanap suitaut, ta damanstrata aamp?anaa with ?Itl'?tl limits. Tits daatlmanta shati aantain suf?aiant intisrmatinn ta asisutata tits "Witt: aantant in tha anits datal'mina samplianaa. Es. 14R Wis. Adm. Ends {Parmit as ans thinnaal prim ta ass, that parmiltaa shall tits EFDE asatant sf tisa as sting as daitvaratl ta mating appliaatnr as f?iima'ti: it W??tn Qt] whats: "if??a tita sf tila mating as [talisman tn the. mating appliaatar, in paun?s par gaiisn analudiilg =tita aantant aftila as maais'ad, inpatmds pat gallant. assiattatg waist; [la antaunt sf gusting as that misad with thinnar print la it1 at? idsati?aa?an arf casting. as appliati; A uniqnanama at? idattli?aatian and Valama at? slants-nit salsaat usad, but not dnaatad iata a alasad asntaiaar [if Has]: T 1a Wilt] aantaitt at? mating, as a'ppiiati in units WEBB par gallatt, analtltiiag watar {aiaannup salsants mad that ass sat ditaatact iala a aiasatt anniainar shall ha in this aamputatlan}. [ss. andNF. Wis. Mint. Cans {Pannit Tha parmittaa shalt kaap tha fans-wing mastitis- Tita {is ?10de par gallan} and quantity {in galians} mating and annaamp?aut casting appliatl tinting [Eta mantis; Tita Isfaantit}.r ?n ga?ans} anti it?? (in paunds pat galiaa) alaanap salami; asati manth; Amnunt nfii?? amittati ft'ant pmaassas P32, P323, P3213, P35, tint] sass. aamsiasd, in aauads pas manta. [sa NF. assassin}, and NF. Wis. Adm. {Earls {Falmil {It} ats usatt atths facility, tha shat! Itasp titEl fa?awing an a muathiy basis: a. aniqsa mass as idanti?gatlan numhar far natt-aamptiaat coating appiiad; Tita salama af aatat ttan-amapiiant aasling appliad daring tha mantis; (a}?1?ita aggtagata aaInata afail Ila-n- aampiiant matings appliati dating t 1a mantis {inalstiiltg ??FIIErH-Gumpii??l {tastings asad In issuaassaa P55 and and. {as Tim aggragsta vaiutna sf alt nan- castings applied {tnatadssg an}? nsnuaampiiant asad in P55 and P451145.) tinting tl1a last 12 manth patina. iss. Hamill-ital}. and ?mi. Wat? ?-1239; it; .-: .1 hit MAJ sass gslians, excluding dd" ans saws} as. Adm Add sirens ?nnsesses P3313, P323, and may [mt aperste mere than hears during snug.r week. Nit. Adm. (Sade, a. Wis. Stats. {Permit d53 eampila weeid}.r reserds ta demenstrate that use]: sf the pmeeasea P333. P333, stud did net lapel-ate fm' mere than idtt il?urs par midis. Es. Wis. Stats., s. NR required in eenditian [as HR and till stildilijd?a?u Wis. Adm. Cede {Perrnit water; 0533:] VIBES the HOG content eftise thinner as in pounds per grdidn, eneiuditig writer; Qt=the sir-sued sf du'miar added, in galleria, eneiadiug water. HE. Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit dErRSG?d?ii d. Federai The pennittee shall Tile pennittaa The permittee shall Inset ail See shave. HAFs meet at! applieabie shalt with sppiiastile requirements in seetien inqnii'sments is seetiett {Natinssi Emissian Standards for LN ?ietiensi Emissiea deraenstratien Elisardans Air Peliutsuts'. Sari?aee Standards fer Haeardeus requirements in Gusting Metal Parts Air Pelintadts: Suriaee seat-tan LN {National and Praduets} at this pertait. Gusting Emission Standards [thehapter sis. Hid-133, Wis. Adm. Metal Parts and Praduata} for Hassndens Air Cede s. HP. 443?. diti?difa}, Wis. Adm. sfthis permit. Paiintaats: Surfaee Cede s. SE15. 55(3). Wis. Stats. {Pelmit [Euh?iepier df's. NH. Gusting nf' 4155, Wis. Adm. Cede, s. Metsi 335.655}, Wis. Stats. Parts and Pradseta] at" {Permit this permit. Piste: Steel [Suhehapter ei' s. nesting aperatiens at the NS. Add) Wis. Adm. ?ieitity are part at the Cede. s. Iii-T. general use seating Wis. a??aerad snares that is Adm. Sade. s. snhjeat ts Haitians] Wis. Stats. Emissian Standards fin: {Permit Hassrdaas Air 1133 Surfaee Seating {if Miseeitaaeens Metal Parts and Praddets. East: at? the dining Permittae shall Peamiitee shall imap teeards See aissne. 3 er L: Egg? Ilia 13131.". - . . . . . .- . 5 a: was .- 31;; Luv-E - TEE LI Whig?: FE- r? . . Adm. Ends {l?m?s?t as . flus??w Emma ca?d?g 15? .3 Em?? - - .- .. ALL. ??151; LL13 .. - . . E1333 A: . . - - is?ss?s??I-h I Esdium Timw {1}I?srmittss may 11st Li} mama's-mission tasting is rsqu?sdts This mas Hydroxide pennittss may use ssus?s the permittss shsi] uss is {Nam-I}. nut Gauss. sum Ihst ms. ms?lsds and plans iswridng. by Humber- gf 131? psrmir [by wsight} is smissisn rats sr 14514. in PSDA sud Es. NR Wis. Adm. such 45: P563. ?sds, s. Wis. ?rsts] snussuirsliss sr Wis. ?rsts, s. Nit f?l"d1i?h Wis. {23 Thu pslmittss shall and maintain it ss ts ssuss nu Adm. Ends {Psnnit rssm'd of 51s Ls: psissa?sgs sf smhisst Ns?? wsight} in the used in_ mussun's?sn sf {Ejfs} P5IJB P5EIA dud P5113. stadium [ss. NR :13 and hy?msids washing} may nut use. Wis. Adm. Ends [Fund?s sms'ss spas}? techniquss. prays-11y Hust smasds [131m msasm'ss ts minimizs an}! suhis {par splashing in 1 hum}. P5533. 1iWis. Wis. Adm. Ends Stats, s. HIE. {.Pmmilss- Adm?sds {P?mjt 2. Padisulsts {July gas pnr??ulut? smissiun mating shave. ms?sr smissluns shall Iss ssmbustsd in isl'cquh'?d ts the Endssism may drying psnsittss uss 133. EPA 5, car 1? 0331 pdunds insfudfug {11.5. llsur stack Wis. Stats, s. NIL EPA Edi} l1}: sns?lsr test mathsd Wis. by ms Dsps?msutinmi?dg. Ess. NIL Adm. Gods {Psnnit dBSh?dLl), NR 43 and NH. Wis. Wis. Adm. Code [Pennit dd? Adm. ?uids {Parmlt [2}sz This psrmittss shsil [my msn?d}? sf' EEGJEISBH- {drum a?tsrisr sf?lslussd. [ss. and wss?ning} may 11st 1131?: NR Adm. Gods LE) Nu spray . may ssuss, [in] Psnnittus shall nTInw nr 11mm? pet?eelete matter te be emitted lute the ambient air ?him te minimize any P541113. semester}. we. State, s. HR we. Artist. {Penntt State. {Permit we. Here. Eerie {Permit ee-eseesan efse sir stent?tere' er [treatise sir pelletie?. [5.1411 illit?. Wis. hem. Cede {Permit [litt- REGDSEH 3. Vieihte Nemhet 1 ef The Whenever vistete etes'ssieh testing is requh'ed See sheve. the demenettetten te the permittee shalt chart eri??tvt requirements ?it use 1.1.5. EPA Methetl 9 er anether test methed ?p??itj? [st-m. pertieetete metter apprevee by the {ee NR 431.135, Wis. shell else eedt?l ., Wis. Adm. Cede sen-re es. s. eempltehee Adm. Cede {Permit {Permit DE- . demeestretiee me?ted The and meniterteg 11554353} Fer requheetente fer pettieulete matter ee?estehe will NR. else serve te tiemeesttute ee?mpltenee fer visible attiti??'?ttjfe? .11.. Wis. emissiees. Es. NR. Wis. Adm. Adm. Cede {Peuett Cede] 4.149s The Permittee ehett Pemittee shs? keep requitett ht See shes-re. P5435 my net eeteplle slteelcl}r [ss. bill. and enemte fer mere te HR 4919931133111 Wis. hem. Cede {Permit thee I?l} heute that EEtht?i-tt] during any PSDC die net 'weeIt. {arm fetmena thee heme permelt. Adm. Eette, e. Ie. 235.5543], Wte. Wte. State, s. hm. tease?eta}; Adm. Eerie {Penait .: fit. Tater??- ear-Seat. "iliil?' [Ei? ii. ..-. -.. we?ag-'433' ii- i. Partiealate Dal}: natte'ai gas. Whenever patiieelate matte: testing This. wee Matter matter shall he eembUaterl' It: is required te demenetrate eerepilaaee, the tiiseerttiuuetl' 11: net the water heater pennittee attell use Uri. EPA Methane 5. er Newmher ef the fellewing: {lit er in tire ilteletling haeitlraif emissierts (LLB. Ellie. . {il'jt?l' EPA 232} er aeether test Inetlteri {1.131 [:eeatla 235.4558}, "Wis. aperetreti by the Department it: ea'ittag. {as NE. per hear Earn a. HR. Nile} anti NR steel; 35?. Wis. "Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit illi- Adm. Eerie {Permit [Lilli Female per hear ?em The permittee strait keep mantel}: reemris ef steel: SEE. meg} ef?tei used. [ea and NR Adm. lEerie {tits-ESE Is. NP. 3533} Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit E. Visibie I) Number I ei? The Whenever 1.tlsilale emissien testing is required See aerate. the Ringieirtaar: 1e demenstrate the permittee shall ehart er rue. requirements fer use U25. EPA Metheti 5 er alt-ether teat methed epaeity. Es. HR pm?eelate matter apprererl by the Depaameat ta nailing. [ee NF. 431535, Wis. amissiees shall else and NF. Wis. Adm. Eerie aerre as a Adm. Cede {Permit {Permit aa- clemeesttetier: teatime The requirements fer 11391353 fer visible emissiens. pattiettlate matter emissiees trill else serve ta NE. demmtetmte eemplienee fer risii?e eatiesietts. Wis. HRe??i'?EttCr?iaJ. Wit. Eerie] Anita. Cede {Permit 3. Nil}: The Parmittee shall Permittee sltali keep required in See abetre. eempile weekly eenrlitim: [ea HP. eraaemra}, and PEDE- may.-r aet te HP. Wis. Adm. Cede {Pennit Dil? eperate fur mere demenatrate that: than hears ef the during art}.- PEDA. PEPE :iiri net week. HP. farmere than lite hears per week. Adm. Cede, s. Es. 2354551131 Wis. are. Stats Mr. Stats. {Permil 110?. 13., Et- The penninee est}I net saunaJ ailew. es permit the emissiee at? any V??s in assess at 3.5 pennda per galiee ef seating. etteiuding water. delivered is a seating applisater that eppiiee air-dried seatihgs that are net Isle-st castings- NR. Wis. Adm. Cede {Permit tid- Permittee may use {ihe?itF-Wide easI'IainlI?dHi Us he 55 galierla ef nea?serepliaht seatihgs during an}.r 12 meet?h peried. Ea. "i'iILdlE?Ei Wis. Adm. Cede] Ineludes any hen?eempliant settings used in presesses P32. PET-lit. P326. P35, seen and P435. MI PUG emissisns item seiaentwashiegs shail he seasideletl in the emissiens litnitutien in LG. i the used wash selseat is dit'ested htte mammals that prevent etapm'aiien irate I. I. J..- . I I MFWIW .n?artt. ?"1511. 111.1 Ii? The petImii?iee shah uniquely identifyr and the W3C seetent ei'eaeh seating applied. in units et?peunds per gallen. estehstling water. Es. hilt Wis. Adel. L'iede {Pethtit tl?nREG?ttEE-? The permittse may use USEPA histhed rssaits. Material Satetj.r Bate Sheets, er en editi?k'aieet easement presided by the supplier fer sash seating.Iaed thinner. te demensh'aie semp iinaee with PEG sentent limits. The deeumeets shall sentain se?ieient isfermatien te eateniate the WC seateet in the suite te determine semplianse Is. NR ddl?ii??ta?h" Wis. Adm. Cede} ifeeatiegs as the thinned ptier he use: the peltnittee shell the V?t: senteat ef the seating as delitesed is the dip innit {seating appliseter} as felines: Titiltja ?{{1it]t3e :t Qs} W?fita Qtllii?? 1213' where: V?t?la the POE senieni efthe seating as delivered tn the dip tank, In penads per galls-a exsleding water; the senteet ef the seating as reseised. in peeuds per galien. sseinding I Iii] 1WI'LsneI.Ietthe et'ganis selvent seatent the Itehn?ne ef selids. the straight: at seiids the water eeutent and the density efsnri?aee seatings is required in demenshate eempiianee. the permittee shall use EPA Metheditti er 31th. er anethes test methad appresed he the writing. [ss. NRd?ELtiti?jtth}. and NF. ditltt??tjtta?hu Wis. Adm. Cede] The pennittee shall have aea?ahle the feliewing resetds en a daily basis fer seating fermulatien used: it unique name er masher ef seath1g._as applied; A unique name er ideati?eatien number and Veieme ef clean-up servant used. bet net dh?ested inte a slased eentainer {if any}; The Witt: seateat ef seating. as applied in units efpeueds pet gsilen. esteieding water (elean?np selveuts used that are net disasted inte a elesed eehtainer shall he ineInded in this Ess. Nit sensed and NE. Wis. hdm. [feds {Permit dh1REG~t353? The pei'mittee shaii heap the ih?etsing menth 11s t'eserds: The VCIC {in peehds per gaiien} and quantity {in galieas} sf eash eempiiant seating and eensetnellant seating applied tinting the Inenth; The quantity {in geilens) and WJC sentth [in peands per gatten] et' siesaue selaeet used darhtg the menth; hmeunt ei? TUE emitted. in peunds per menth. [ss. iJEd}. and Hit Wis. Adm Cede {Permit ss?nseessn {It} Ifnenasempiiant seatings are used at the the pstmittee shail heap the fallen-lag reserds en a basis: {:1th unique name at identi?satien nemher fet' seating applied; The talents et? eaeh seating applied during the menth; The aggl'egate eeiume efall neeneempiiant eeatings applied during the meuth [including anyr 11mt-sempliant seatings used in 113111;. P3113. P35. P3541. and Pd?h}; and The aggregate veinme ef all nea?eempiiant seatings applied {including any nee?semptiant seatings need in presesses P33. PEI-hit. Pdii?. P35. 1135111. and Pd?h} derieg'the last 12 menth petied. [an Hit 439.d11[l ltd}. andi?t Wis. t'tdm. finds {I'sr?lit 1'5? servers-the 11' 1-11 tit-'1" hast . . - . . IThis? prdsess has been deem and retested here the Netwish site as Ellie. rr ?use ?is Site ?g?i ?attery Idl- ?If. Sui?It: f?ar? ?fE? it. :?-Illi Phil}. 91-h?; Ii" .F-.1-.-- - {i I ii} I?mm HI. Pig-.9 - sag-1} H445 thee tte'espliate. winter; Es. NR Qt: the seiner-t ef 432.133}, Wis. {resting aseeveived stilts. Cede] that mixed with Hate: sea thinner prierte spplieetiee, in gsiiene, eseiedirtg which limits wster; V??t =?tite V?t} ?-em seems at aeeteet efthe thitmar Hereiett Avenue ss inpatients site te 12,333 per gsliert, eseietiittg per ?Ivster; meme, averaged Qi=iit? emeuut at ever any 12 added, in - galleria, etteittdieg ment'h peried. tveter. [s NP. d??l?PE-??t?ejl?bw Wis Adm. Cede] 3. Federal The 1i l} The permittee The permittee sheii meet all spyiieshie See siteve. Pie-Per eemtittee sltsil shell aerepiy with sit tequilemante i.i-T tittedettst Eteissiee meet all eempiisrtee fer 1UP Pelieteets: Stir?ee appiieshle demenee'ettett ?eeting Metei Paris and requirements in requirements in Pieduets] efthis permit. [Silh?h?pi?t?V efs. NR seetiee LN seetiett ?isdeesi 455. Wis. Adm. Cede, s. NE. Wis. Eteissiee Standards Adm. ease. s. we. see. Emissiee fer Hessrdeus Sir Standards fer Iisserdetrs ?it ?eeting ef Peiietsets: Metal Surface ?eeting end Predttets} ef ef this permit. Metei slid [Seisaitspler ?it ef s. Predeets} ef title itiitdd?, Wis. Mm. permit. Sada, s.1\iit {Suitehspter ef sweetness, Wis. Wis. M311. [Eerie1 s. Adm. Cede, s. Wis. Stats. 235.6513}. "Wis. {Permit Stats. {Permit Nate: Drum tie eiemp epevetlees (P155) et lite teeilitj.r ere pert et'tite general use aeetteg e?'aetad settlee is subjeet te Netienst Emissiert Standards fier Hessrdeus i'tir Patietsnta: if i .3311 Er. I?e 5&5: ?Eris: r? in? seep 1pm? - - fig? iriIi. [?lth ?mj meets hidtpeme?ts e't'uhi" Enrthee ?eeting Meteil?erts end . . ,vases-es .. r. . .1 see-es I 1; s. NE. 1lEvils. Hints, ss. NIL Latest ft} Geed The Ishell ltehp reserds describing? This presses ivns Availshie preetiees shell limitld? the greed epersting preetiees being implemented dissentinued In Centrei sii ei1 the fhitewing: fer this Nevemhsr ef Teehneiegv Inletedlstelv sites [ss. HR stud li?ti??liil?ii?s}, Wis. 2p pp sppties nse. pinee regs. er Adm. Certs {Peneit sense?e53? te this ether perens The pennittee the feliewing LAST is materiel need he apply reserds: determined in selvent. in severed {?it-13333 in equivalent deeutnent tier eneh he: seethiner (lsheietl es seivent need in this presses. V?il weste selvent}. and The V03 eentent efeneh selvent used. emiseiees net te handled in [ss. NR DELL end NR ii?l?hfdi?e}, Wis. Less 1".vith leesi, etste Adm. Cede {Petmit pennds per federal teguleiinns. The permittee shell lteep eff mepth averaged {is} Stare the quantity ef eseh selvent used; ever any 12 selvent enip in smennt ef emitted {in pennds]; eenseestive eevnted eentsiners [e}s1netmt ef VIBE emissiens emitted {in pennds menth perieti; labeled as ivsste per meeiit] averaged ever the lest 12 eenseetnive end selvent end henriled in menth pet-ted. Eh} peed 1.vith ieesI, [ss. endNH. Wis. epereting state and federal Adm. Cede {Permit practises. regidntiens. Is. NR Fellew epsretihg whieh Wis. Adm. prevent selvent ?'em Cede [Permit ii?- dripping item the 11334053 nppiieeter during See eenditien sppliestien. Hit and NF. Wis. Adm. Cede, s. 3165(3). Wis. Stats. {Permit IDES 2. Stete [it-hit The The permittee The permittee shell iteep in See eheve. permittee shell shell heep te eemenstrete that methylene ehlerhie emissiens iteep te dentensttete that item this ere erminpt eniissiens under s. dentensti'ste that methylene ehleride Wis. Adm. Cede. [see nete me?tyiene emissines them this helew} is. 235.5551}, Wis. Stats, ss. NF. ehieride sre exempt 439.13% and Wis.rhdn1. emissiens ?eet emissiens under s. NF. Cede {Permit this nre Wis. exempt Adm. Cede. {see nete Hete.? Inelude ei? spplieshle OSHA emissiens under heievv} Is. 235.558], requirements, test results ete., he demensirete thstihe seems is in i feast - tr -. teammate i "err" - - -- - it?it. gees: ass .t'u - .- ?Te. -4: 439. and HE. applieahle safety and health Wis. Adm. Iiti'l. li?d?a} Wis. administratien requirements. Cede. [see hate Adm. Cede {Permit baled-J ?Ii-ItSG-ti?? 235.1533}. Wis. Stats, ss. NF. Nate: Int-lads ef applieahie CSHA and Hit reqahemeets. testing ddl??d?a}, test results 1 Jiltis. Anita. Cede eta, te denieestrate {Penelt [Ilia ?eet the sea'ree is in with ?aili??i?? Nate: safetj.r rewards of and health appiieabte OSHA requirements. mqeiremeate. testing test results ate, te demeastrate that the seems is in with applicable safegr eadiiealth administratiea requirements. .- . a - ?eer? rs' . . - ..II1 Ilalhi?i?g; 1: . I anParticulate Cert}l natural gas shalt be 1 ?thetterer psrtieelate matter This was Matter matter emissiens seashested in the heaters. fs. emissiee testing is required te disseminated in Emisatees ?es] staeIt 321 Wis. Stats, s. Nit demeestiate the ef may net Wis. Adm. Cede permittee shall use v.5. EPA ?it-d. 114?? peeads per {Petratt HIE Methed 5: er iaetat?ag hear. Es. HE seedensable haelthalfemissieas attests). Wis. Emissiens gas (LIE. EPA hdethed Eda] er Adm. Cede eemhesliee piedeets} test testbed appraised hythe {Eereltt and FREE shalt be eeatee?ed has Depamneet in writetg. assess? wet mesa: [as. as. esteem. tie. {it} Emissiens freer FREE and P95 and hilt Particulate shall he eenttelled wet serahher Wl?. Adm. Cede matter emisstees {Permit ?are eaeh stash 235.6513}, Wis. Stats. s. HE. Edit and S?imay Wis. Adm. Cede The peredttee shall measure net exceed Ill]: and resend the fnliewing . .. iti' ?ll an. m. . - 1-.- . . .. .15- ..I- - - I 1357"if11W 3Huse?! . ?t?tmitiis . . rate penntis per henr. parameters snee for every it item's Is. NF. The pennittet: shall maintain: nf sent-es eperatiea er enee per Wis. the ptessme tirep insures the day. whiehetrer yieitls the greater Adm. Cede sernhher and tiereister within the {Permit pressure drop range {in lashes ef the pressure tirep antess the REE-HEEH water eelntrutll reesntatesdsd by the senthher anti detnister; menufttehtt??t' er within a rsnge it}! the Department; {it} the liqner ?ew rate tienttgit the sernhher at the ?aw rate {in galiens per minute} by the mannfseturer er at a rate atnn'eretl by the Department. [ss. Hit. and NH. Willil?ll?a}, Wis. Adm. Cede, s. asserts}. Wis. Stats. {Permit pg- The permittee shall periiarnt perintile httm'nal nf the 1aressertthiterte ensure that the sentrel equipment is aperatlng preperlp. The time interval between inspeetietts may net ttrelre {12} sheaths. These inspes?ens shall inelutie, hatnet be limited in illspeetlens anti malntensneefrepair {as et': the spray fisr signs ef emrnainn and {it} islet anti entiet tlnets fer plugging and lash-s; the pumping system snetielt pipe, and pumping system raltres; anti the mist fer signs nf set-resien anti plugging. Wis. Stats, 5. rte. ?Wis. Atlas. Cutie {Permit the llnner?ew rate the setnhher. [ss. H1143 Ell??fijihh anti Hit. Wis. Adm. Earle, s. Wis. Stats. {Permit [Illi- The shall keep resertis Inf?. lite date. time. anti initials ef the perserl. perihrnt ing the required inspeetiehs; [11} a list ef the items anti any malntenanee er repairs pert-"tanned as a result ef these inspeetientt. [ss. 'riIt and NIL tt?i'??'?iilfejl, "Wis- Atlrn. Berle: s. 235.656}, Wis. ?rsts. {Pentlit IDEA 11343053 The permittee shall lteep menthiy resertls eftrpe{s} at first need. [ss. Nit and .J'Ltint. seas {sense-e533 t- sensiti- e11 at. Hun. Name 1 af the Itingleptann er Ell'l'h epneinr. s. N11 Wis. Adm. Curls {Permit ?it- see?men 2. 1rtiisiitla Emissiene The samplianee tietnensiratien requirements fer pettiettlate matte-1' emissiens shall aise serve as eernplianee demensti'niisn tneiheti fer 1rislhie etnissiens. Es. NF. we. stem. Eerie [Permit sense?asap Whenever Trisileie emissinn testing is required in drastensh'ste the permittee shall use it'leli'tntl 9 er ann?ler test approved by the Dapattment in writing. Isa Hit. d?l??tt: and N11 43 Wis. Adm. Cutie {retest esnseess? The resert?teeplng and rnertltetlng requirements fer partienlate matter emissiens will See shew. II ?111111 1:111?. ?sh-Fl? mm 1111.. 1 r1111: 1 .511. - '1 .. 11:11.. 11. .. 2?1 1111111111.1 E113 11111 111111 11 11111111111111 1 11111111 1111' 111111111 1111111111111. 11111 W11. 111111. {31:11:11] 3. 51111111111 - T111 T111 11111111111111 11111111111111 T111 1111111111111 1111 511 111111. 1111111111111 111111111111 11111 11111111111111 1'11 1111111111111 1111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 1?11 [11101-1] 1111 11%, 1111111- 1111111.1111 11 1111111111111} particulate 111111111 1111111111111 111 111' 1111:11l1 1111111Igh {11111111111 1l111 111111 11 1 11111111111111 1.1. 11111.1th 1111111111111 11 11111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111 11 11111111111111 111111 11111111111 11' 1111' 1111111111 1131111111111 1111111111111. 1111111111111 1111' 111111111 11111111111111. 1111111111111 111' 11111. 1111.11111. 1111. W11. 11.1111. f11'111111 11111111111 C1111 [13431511053 C1111 1111-1511?1153 11 111 111111 11 11111111111111 1111111111111 11" 111111 1131111111111 111 1111 11111111 1111111111 11111111131111 1111111111111 1111' 1111111 1111111 [[111 1 1111111}. [11. 111E. 1:11:11}: W111. 11111. 111111 1'11? 1111-1111] 4.111311 E1111 11?1h1 P11111111 111111 1111111111 11.111111}: Fur-1111111 11111[ 111111 11111131 311 11111111. 111111111 P111111, 111111111 11 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111 11 1111111111111]. P312113 11111.1 1111 1111 11111111111 P3111, P111113 1111.1 1111 11111 1111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 111111 1111111111 1111' W11. 11111111. C111 1111 11111 1111111 1111111. 235 15(3), W11. 51111.1 1. {11111111 111-1111111111] 111111111 111:.r HF. 1121?? .11.. W11. 1111111. 111111. HP. 1311111 111111.11 111:2}, W11. 11.11111. 1311111. 1. 111.1111}. W1. 11111. 111-111-1111] 5. F111111 T111 T111 111111111111 111111 1111111111 1.11111 (1)1111 111111111111 1111111111111 1111 311 11111111. 111111 111111111111 11111 1111 11111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111] 111111 111 in 111 1111111 1111111111111 111111 1.0. [11111111111111111111 1.121. {1111111111 131111111111 3111111111111 1111111111111 1'11 3111111111111 1111'1-111'11111111 11.11: 111' 1111111111111 1111' 1111111111111: 1111111111121. P11111111: 11111111111111, 11111111111111. 11111111111111, 111111111111111, 111111 {1111111111 11111 11111111111111.1111 11111 1111111 [1111111111111 11111111 111111 11111111 E1111111111 11111111 1'11- 1111111 5111111] 1111111 111111111 fur 11111111 3111111] 11f 11111 5111111111111 1111' 111111111. [1111 (1111111111113, 1111111111 111111111. [1'11] 131111. [1111; 1131, 1111111111 1111111111111 1111' 11111 EDDIE. 11. P11111111: W11. 31111., 1.11111 41111111124112113111: W111 31111. 1.11151. 111111151 [41121121, 1.:Lh. $111? it? gain: -.--. . .. Hit-la gay-air] iai'l I I . films. nan. Conn Win. Adm. Curio and man Boiiora and Process Hunters f?rMajtn' Bonita} oftltia pormit. [40 CPR part??, on. aaonna} an Wis. Stnta. a - ?gnaw 'a nt?g no. ?r'in Fifi? - -- - . ?gang-? mam I -3.- "Ham?magi i I . IS a. Conditions: This prone-55 was Ftn? tiin gonorai nno mating n?oo?tnti limit nrganin HAP ominaionn in I111 111an than ?131 kg: to tho of organio HAP poi? litoI' {2.5 [bigniionjt of ooating aolitia naotl tinting nanit pg??i location in {a HR Code {Pannit oanannaan if?? ?f Notoa: rijTlio fao?inr a motai Pnl'in anti prodnota ooating oporationa Falla Untitn' only tho gonorai naa ooating auh- -oatogo13r of tho Thoro?no iitnito fo: other coating nub-?ningm?inn (Vin. high not'finmnnoo Bunting, magnnt Winn onnting, and antrama PoIi'onnanoo flooI'opolynior ooatinga) ato not inointioti in this pottnit. roqnilnrnonto inolatlod in thin pai'mit partain to gone-ant nao ooating nnh- only. if nanny opotationo faii nndot ono o1 name of tho othar coating aah? ?oatagoriaa, poamittao ahali oomph; with ail appiioablo tnninninn iitnita and inqnit'omantn in nuhnilnptol if of a. HR 465 Win. Adm. Undo. The. n?urnn in tho noilnntinn nf nii Inf tin-i itotnn Linton in to [ti] bni?w that am used fnt? ouri'aoo ooating of minoollanaono motal parts and pl'otiuota within attb-oatagory: nil opot'ntionn. {In} 1"Ili oontninora and mining vnaonln in ooatinga, and niiIor additive-a, ntIIi nlonning are: stored or n11 manual and automaton aqnipntont anti oontainoaa aaoni for oonvoying ooatinga, thinnora and otl1a1- aciditltroa, anti oloaning atorago oontainara anti manual and automaton oqaininont anti oontainora uaoti for oonaoying maintiaia by nonling *Eiont: nii mating. oporatinnts at tho inoility ato untior that gnnotal nao aerating anio-oatogory, thorn ia nniy ono nffaotati nonmo at tho nominating of applioanio ttoinn ill ?jfnju?ti}, anon-a. .- 1. - In, I I I E?sq-ll-WMITE- 3?3; fiat-i this? 353% and? Ti . - wit}:- 1- tio: 'r-a .1 ?r r" s. Conditions: You shall inoludo ail thinnars and adios additions, and oioaniag motorials usod in tho a??ootod soaroo whan dotormlning whothor tho organioHnP omission rain is squat to or loss than tho appiioahio omission limit in Condition To malts this dotol'lnination, you shall uso at toast. man of tho oomplianoo options liatod in Conditions Lhinn?) and You may apply any of tho oomplianoo options to an individual ooating oporation, or to multipia coating oporatious as a group, or to tho antiro affootod soln?so. You may oso ditfarant oomplianoo options for difi?aront hosting opoa'ations, or at dtifoi'ont tinnos on tho aatno hosting oporation. 1lion may ompioy ditt?aront oomplianoa options whon dltfaront ooatings aro appiiodto tho somo part, or whoa tho santo ooating is appiiod ta diEihront parts. Howayar, you may not osa dlfi'olont oompiisnoo options at tho aamo than on tho sauna ooatiog oporation. If you switoh hotwoon oompiianoo options for any oparation or group of ooath1g oporstlons, you shall dooumont this switoh as inquirod by Condition and you shall raport it in tho nos-it somiaunual oomplianoo raport inquirsd in Condition LEA. fs. NR aosnsra}, Wis. Adm. Coda; 4t! CF11 63.3391} Compliant motorist? option. You shall moot ali tho raqoiromonts of s. hiltddirhi to damonstl'ato aomplianno with tho omission limit in Condition i.hl.l.a.{l) using this option. To nso this option, you shaii domonshato that tho organic HAP oontont of sand in tho hosting oporatlon or opoi'ations is loss than or annal to tho on?ssion limit in Condition 114.1 and that anoh thhmor and othar addition, and olosuing motorial usod oontsins no organic HAP. Is. hill dti?dh?l?n}, Wis. Adm. Coda [P?mii {Iii-113541531] . Emission rots withost salt?on oonirois option. You shall most all tho laqnhonionts of s. i?lhl soon? to domonahato oompiionoo with tho omission limit in Condition using this option. To uso this option, you shall damonstrata that, hasad on tho ooatingo, thinnors and othor additions, and oloaning matarials sand in tho ooating opanation or oporations, tho orgnaio HAP omission rats for tho ooating opamtion or oporations is loss than or aaual to tho omission limit in Condition saloniotod as a rolling l??nonth omission rats and dotolminod on a. basis. Nit. ?5.43 Wis. Adm. Code; Iiil CF11 dB?lii?ih? Woto: Adrian ooah'ols option is not inoludod in this pormit as tho faollity doos not uso acid?on oont'i'oi airuipmont to domonshato Roouiromonts for addon oonh'ol option oan ho found In a. tilt. 465.43, Wis.Adn1. Coda. ant-tron . I .1 . . - - Egg-l: ?dk??hugil-Irr - I I I I a nil-"hit? --E. halt-aAny coating oporation for whioh you uso tho oompliant motorial option or tho oodasion rato without add?on oonh?ols option shall ho, as spasi?ad in a. hill 1155.43 and Eh}, in oomplianoo with tho omission limit h1 n- all limos. is. no. wn. nan. soon as non shall always oporato and maintain your afihotod souroo, isoiading all air pollution oonh'ol and monitoi-ing omlipmout you has for purposos of oomplying wilh this sootion, to tho provisions in a. HP. oddii? (old, Wis. Adm. Coda. Es. i'l'il. tilihald??h), Wis. Adm. Coda; dli CITE You shall with tho applioahlo gonorol provisions roguironionts in oh. Nil. 463, Wis. Adm. Coda. dppondis. in oh. Nitdh'll shows whioh parts of tho gonaml provisions in oh. i-lItdtiil apply to you. a. no. assign. wn. ham. Coda] tastiest-ruse r?ij'; harshest. as I. he} .1 a: fe??l; a. t. tease its . Cain Hausa ?T-ie ar {lendittenst Sersieetniui repeats: Yen shall submit semiannual eernplianue reperts [hr the affected seut'ee deviatiens were te the requirements at [a}te teperted during this inspeetieu 'Detes. "fan shalt suhmit the ?rst and subsequent eeruplianee repetts en the dams speci?ed in Benditien pelted. [institutes with this it r'epert? Yen shall reperl: all deviatiens in the semiannual ntenitering rapert' required hp Cenditien 1333.5 Eyed submit a semiannual eerapiianee repert pursuant in this ?eeditien stung with, at as part at?, the semisntural reentteriug repert required hv Cendltien and the semiannual samplianee repert inelndes all required intenustien eeneenn'ng deviatiens ?ii'ern the endssien limit in Cendltien its sehmisslen 1.viil he deemed as satis?v an}.r ehligatlen te repert the same deviatiees in the semiannual menitering repent. Hewever, suhirlisslen er a semianmial eempiianee repert dees net ether-wise aft'eet ehligatien the at'iheted seuree Ina}r have is tepert deviatiens ?'ens permit reeuheruents tn the Department. "General requirements. ?The semiannual eeutpllenee repert shall eentain the infennatten speei?ed in te (vii), and the in?amatlua speei?eti in {d}te that is applieshie te veer a?'eeted seuree. name and address. {ii} Statement by a respensihle e?ieial with that e?ielsl's name, title and signature, eertiih'ing the truth, aeetrraey and eempieteness ef? the eentent ef the tepert. - Date et' lepert and hegiunlng and ending dates et?the repertiag peried. The repertlug peried is the tin ruenth peeled ending as June 3i] er 3 i. The infertnatieu repented Fer ef the inenths in the repeating netted 1u'ili he based en the lest 12 ruenths ei? dais prier te the date at? each reentth ealeulatieu. {iv} identifieatien ef the epuen er aptiens speei?ad in ?eiidltlen L's-l3. that "pen used an eueh eeathtg epetstlen [hiring the repeating parted. if yes switched between eptiens during the rapetting peeled: veu shali repert the beginning and ending dates the sash eptien veu used. liven used the emissienrate whitest addren eenltels eptien in t?nndilien the ealeuiatlen results fer eseh setting Beneath erganle HAP emissien rate during the ti-ntenth resetting parted. {vi} if "yen used the predeiniuant alternative in Genditien ineiude the annual determhtatien ef prudentiuant aetivit}r it it Was net iueluded in the previews semiannual eent?plianee repert. {vii} If veu used the fuellityhpeei?e emissien limit altelnative in lElendltien luelude the ealeulatieu ef the faultitp? specdiie emissieu limit fer sash lE-?n1eath eerepilanee parted during the ti-ruenth repertiug pelted. We deviatteus.? If there Were ne deviatiens item the emieeten limit in Ceuditiee the semiannual eenipliaune repeit shall inelude a statement that there were ne deviatieus treat the emissien limits durhtg the resetting parted. - ?Devietiene: eempiiesr materiel uptien.? If _veu used the seespiisnt- material eptlen in Cenditien and there was a deviatien hunt the applieahle ergauie HAP eentent requirement in Cendltien the setnietuiusl repert shall eentain the infertnatien in te it] ldeutliiestien at" eaeh send it used that deviated frera the limit in Cenditien all}, and eaeh thltu?ter and ether additive, and eleaniug material used that sustained erganle I?i AP, and the dates and time perieds each 1has used. {ii} The at" the erganle HAP eentent, using Equatien 2 ef llil'enditien Ll?t?lie}: fer eaeh seating identified in it}. Yes de _net. need te suhniit haeltgteund data suppelting this eeleuiatieu, sueh as in fermatien ia'evided by seating suppliers er manufaeturers, er test reperts. The detettruiustien at mass ?'eetien et' ergauie??dP fer eaeh thinner and ether additive, and eleauln'g eta -.- .aI-tt?i- an .. .- an is?" are? "inde?nite" 'aa -l t? . - material identi?ed ?lion do notnced to submit background data supporting this calculation, such as information provided by material nappliers or rnenut?sonners"Ale-tea: .1..- . {is} Astaternent oi' the cause of each deviation. ?Dsniuricns: stat-ration rate without ridden controls oration. if you need the rate add-on oorrh'cls option in Condition and their: was a dcriation front the emission limit in Condition Ll-l. tail}, the semiannual compliance report shall contain the information in to The beginning and ending dates of each compliance period during nhich the iienonth organic HAP emission rate exceeded the emission limit in Condition (ii) The calculations used to determine the lE-rnondr organic emission rate for the compliance period in 1which the deviation occurred. You shall submit the calculations For Equations Condition and if applicable, the calculation used to determine mass of organic HAP in arrests matcliais according to Condition You do not need to submit background data supporting these calculations, such as information provided by materials suppliers or manufacturers, or A statement cfthe cause ofcach deviation. [a tilt ddid?tfa], Wis. Adm. Code; dd Chit ditches] Conditions: {if} You shall collect and itecp records of the data and information specified in this section. Failure to collect and keep these records is a derietion from the applicable standard. A copy of each noti?cation and report that you submitted to comply with this and the dorasnrentation supporting each noti?cation and report; ([1th current copy of information proyided by materials or manuihoturers, such as matmfactutnl?a fomtnlation data, or test data used to determine the mass ?acdon of organic HAP and dousitqr for each costing, thinner and other additive, and cleaning material, and the 1trolumc Erection of coathrg solids for each costing. It? you conducted testing to determine mass hactiou ofoaganic HAP, density or volume iiaction of coating solids, you shall keep a copy of the complete test report. If you used infre'nration provided to you by the manufacturer or supplier of the material that area based on testing, you shall troop the necessary sheet of results provided to youlry the n1auni?ectrn'cr or supplier. lion are not required to obtain the test report or other supporting documentation from the manufacturer or supplier. For each compliance period, the records speci?ed in to A record of the ceathrg operations on which you used each option and the time periods, beginning and ending dates and thnes, for each option you used. {ii} For the compliant ntateriel option in Condition a record of the calculation of the organic HAP centent?oreach coating, nahig Equation 2 of Condition For the emission rate without add-on controls option in Condition earners}, a record of die calculation of the total mass of organic HAP emissions for the coatings, thinners and other additives, and cleaning materials used each month using Equations and 1A to iC audh of Condition Lilian?) and, if applicable, the calculation used to determine mass of organic HAP in waste materials according to Condition (chill; the calculation of the total yclumc of coating solids used each month using Equation 3 of Condition and the calculation of each l?nrnonth organic emission rate using Equation 3 of Condition Arecord of the name and 1rclulne of each costing, thinner and other additive, and cleaning material used during each compliance period. If you are using the compliant material option in Condition for all at the source, you may maintain purchase records ?or each material used rather than a record of the volume used, II: 1.. ., . ?r'lr?lfjh?gli'? 'l'rihrir a restrecard at' the veteran ?'actian afcaatlng halide far each cuating used daring each aamplianee peried. Ifynu use the amissian rate withcut add-an neutrals spartan in leditian the density i?nr each casting, thinner, ether additive and cleaning material used during each carnpiisnce parted. It yau use an aliawance in Equaticn at Ccnditian tin arsenic HAP cantsincd in waste materials sent ta at designated far shipment ta :1 treatment, atarage, and dispersal faciIity ta Canditian yau shall luccp rccardit cf the infannatian speci?ed in ta The name and address afcach which yen sant waste matat'ials fer which yau use an chairman in Equatian 1 cf Canditlan a statement at which snhpatts Iitt GER parts 252, Edd, 255 and 265 apply in the facility; and the date at each shipment. {it} Identi?catien ct?lhe casting aperatians prcduchrg wmte materials included in each shipment and the mantis ar menths in which yen used the far these materials in Eacatian 1 cf ISenditian masts}. The methadclagy used in with Canditian ta determine the tatal amannt af waste materials sent ta ar the sntaunt callectad, stated and designated far ta TSDP each rnenth; and the methcdalngy ta determine the mass at arganic HAP cantained in these waste materials. Yen shalt include the sanrees far all data used in the methads used in generate the data, frequency at testing er met-uttering and calculatinne and dacnnlentatian, including the waste manifest the each stdparant. Yau shall heap at' the date, time and daratinn af each deviatinn. Is. assured), .Adrn. ltl'atle; EFF. 153. E1) Tara: recnl'da shall he in a item suitable and readily available fer eapadltians review, aeennding ta a. hill. tidiliili in}. Where apprapriate, the seaside may he maintained as elech-aaic spreadsheets at as a database. "fan shall keep each recard far 5 years fnliawiag the date at each measurement, maintenance, carractiye aetian, rcpart tn' raccrd. (tr) Ynu shall itccp each recard arr-site fat: at least 2 years alter the data at each measurement, maintenance, ecrrectiyc actian, er recard. ?l?au may heap the recards aftiaita far the remaining 3 years. an assent-r), we. nets. Cede; as can saassr} "fan shall campletc initial samplianne- demanslratian far the Initial campiiance periad accarriitag tn the requirements in fie. sandman littlest?) balms]. The initial eurupiiancc per-lad begins an January?, Elli}? and ends an the last day at tiic manth fallawing the campiiance date. The initial carapliahce periad extends thraugh January, Elli]? plus the neat mn?ths. The initial demanstratian includes the calculatians accarding ta and supper-ting dacnmantaticn chewing that drains,r the initial parlad, yen used an casting with an crganic HAP that exceeded the emisslan limit in ISanditian and that yatt need 11a thinners ar ether additives, ar cleaning materials that cantained massic HAP as determined accarding ta {Elia}- p. tenement}, we. Adm. aces; tit can senses] a] eat-.3152, ,a Ha. . . -. h- ?gr- heme may - 1I-1-w - {he?d- . .1 ii air g?gg?ghhtihgh? g" ?lth Treat til; .i i?ihill?'h . n' - him-1'. LE - ?thitharesee- Enemaag Esteem-em; - he. tee-?gamma is. sit are emigrant?? i3 - ?it ?fe? Yea may use the sempliaut material cptlea fer any individual mating cperetien. the any cf ecathrg cpel'atiens in the aft-hated scarce er far all the mating in the affected scarce. Terr shah use either the rate addnen matreis eptlm la Emmett} any mating eper'attcn in the affmted acuree fer which yen dc net use the ecmpliant material eptien. Tc initial catnplinnce using the cempliant material the seating eperatien cr grcup et' mating may eat use any mating with an erganic HAP ccntent that exceeds the emissicn limit in ?cnditlcn l.hl.l.a.{l} and shall use an thinner er ether additive, er cleaning material that matches erganic HAP as determined te in Any mating cperatice 'lirr which yen use the ccmpiiant material epticn is net required te meet the eperating limits er werlr practice standards required in s. hilt. 455.43 (S) and Pen shall meet all the requirmrents at this secticn. Yea shall use the precedence in tc an each ecstiug, thinnerJ ether additive and cleaning material in the machine it is in when it is received trern its manufacturer er sappi'rer and tc any alteraticn. ?tt?cu dc net need te the erganic HAP metent et? matings, thinners. ether additives and cleaning materials that are reclaimed emails, at reclaimed elf-site if yen have chewing that received baeir the exact same materials that were sent eff-?site, and teased in the seeing cperaticrr er eperaticns fer which yen use the mmpliset material aptien, previded these materials in their cendittcn as received were tc ccmpiy with the ecmpiiant material epticrr. Determine the three ?nance at? erganic HAP 351' each meter-lei need. "r'ea shall determine the mass et'erganic HAP each mating. thinner and ether additive, and cleaning material need during the lay using cne cf the fellewlng 5 cpticna: a) ?sense err: you may use Methcd err in as can pee es. Appendix a, na detenniniug the mass ??aclicn cf erganic HAP. ?fee shall use the prceedures speci?ed in anti when a 311 test. ?aunt each erganic HAP that is measured in he present at {Lite by mass er mere ne ?mnpetienal Salbty and Haalth Administratierr carcinegens as speci?ed in 29 CPR litl and at Lilith hymass er mere the ether ecmpcunds. Express the mass ?netierr at each erganic HAP yen meat: as a value truncated tc places afterthe decimal peint. Calculate the luminance ??acticn cf erganic HAP in the test material by adding up the individual erganic HAP mass fractians anti lamenting the rescitte 3 pieces after the dmimal paint. . {ii} Pet.? Per matings, yen may use 24 hr Ail EFF. part tit}, Appendix A, tc determine the mass ?aeticrr ci'nenaqnecns velatile matter and use that value as a substitute t?cr mass fractien cf erganic HrtP. Fer reactive adhesives in which acme cf the HAP react te term and are net emitted as the atmesphere, yea may use the alternative methcd in as CPR part as. Appendht A, rather than iviethed 24. "ten may use the velatlie tiaetten that is emitted. as measured try the alternative methnd in All CPR part 63, Subpart Appendis A as a substitute the the mass ftaetien at erganic HAP. :tltwaarhre may use an alternative teat methnd tier determining the mass ilaeticn cf erganic HAP case the arlministrater has apprevsd it. Ts'elr shall fettew the in a. HP. scene te submit an alternative teat nrethed t'cr {iv} Tnferreettca?em the empties er clematis-rarer ryThe materiel Yen may rely cn int?crmaticn ether than that generated by the test: speci?ed in tc such as manufacturer?s fermulaticn data, it? it rem'asents each erganic HAP that is present at are by mass er mere fer OSHA-defined carehregens as speci?ed in 2.5! Elilt and at Lilith by [titles at there the ether? reactive adhesives in which seme cf the HAP react tc than selids and are net emitted tn the attempt-ere, yen may rely en manuthmurm?s data that expressly states the erganic HAP er veiattle matter mass ?acticIr metect. lfthare is a disagreement between the manefacterer?s data and results at a test ecmincted te is th- the test methcd results will latte precedence unless; alter cenecltaticn, ycu demenstratc in the - satisfactinn cf the rhatthe fennulsticu data are ?ashram hlesrts.? Servant blends may be listed as single mmpenerrts fer materials in data previderi by inarrnt'acterma er suppliers. Selvent hlenrle may centsin erganic HAP which shall be maniac .tit?t gatagat??arja aa ta _n aura Eng t?l?b?a? dial-hm 15-1-1; :15? QM 5112; I 1? Rana-tab El??ia?a-?a ?Haiti" t?u 131""? . "Ema. 11.35%: tawal'd tba tatai algaaia HAP ?aatian aftba malai'iaia. taat data an: matatfaatarar'a data far aalyaat blamia am but ayaiIabIa, yaa may tba da?ult tba t'taatiaa af argaaia Heat? in nub-rant bianda iiatari b1 Tabla 2 at 3 af ah. HR 465,- Snbabaptar V, Wis. Ada]. Catta. Ifyatt ltaa tba tablaa, yan abali tba in Tablait far all mlyaat bianda that matab Tabia 2 ann'iaa amatdiag ta tba inaltua?atta tba Tabia 2, anti yaa may Tabla it truly 1F tba bland: in tba matat'iaia yau tia but watch any at? tba aaiyant biaatta in Tabla 2 andym iataw mty whatbar tba bland ta aliphatia ar aramatiat Hayaayar?, if tJ1a af a taat aaiag 311 in 41] CFR part 63, App-audit: A, indiaata higbar than Hatad an Tabla 2 at 3. tba 311 taaulta wilt talta a?at tau-tanltatinng yaa dammatrata ta tba aatia faatiaa aftba dapal'bnant that tba farmuiatiaa data ara aarraat. Data'aama tba aai'mna ty'" mating aaita'a far mattag. Tau air-all datarmiaa tba aaiama ?aattaa af mating aa?lida. in iitara af aalida par iitar {gating} af mating1 far mating uaatl daring tba aamp?anaa patiad by a taat, by ia?armatiaa prayidati by tha supp-liar tba maattfaatarar af tba matattat, at? by aataalaliaa. aa ta ta tt?taat raauita nbtainatt ta da nat agraa with. tba m?aanatiatt abtaiaatl uadar at tba taat WEI tatta attar aa?aaltatiaa, yaa ta tba aattafaatian aftba that tba fatmula?nn liata ara aarraat. AETM {199$ Eli? $033} Tat: may ASTM DEEQTHEE [i993] ?Standai? Taat Matba-ti far Vaiutaa Nanyaiatila Mattar Ciaal.? at Pigmaatatl at AETM {21103} ?Standard Taat Matitad fat Vaiama Hanyalatila Mattar in Claar ta' Pigmmtafi Cantinga Uatag a Haiiata tiaa ta datattaina tba yaiuma itaatiaa af mating tba mating. Davida tba aanyaiatila yaiaraa pataant ablataati with tba Inatbada by It?) ta aatauiata yaiama fraatialt at' matbtg aaIitia. (ii) attai'uatt'aa Tau may an ailaanatiya taat matbatt far dattamintng tba aalida aantant af attaa ma admiatattatar baa apprayaa tt. Tau abaii ?ailaw tha in a. HR ta aubatit an altamattya taat mathad far appmyai Irafbmaattan?-am Hie armpitar' nr mamy'aamrar qt?tita matari-at Yan may abtatn tba ??aatiatt af mating aatida 'tbr mating tram tba aappliar at {ta} Eataaiattaa ay? mating aaitti'a? You may datartaina tba valuata ?'aatiaa af aalitia Haittg tba failaa'tag aquatiaa: "ll?19M {Equatiaai} Dav-g arl'tal'a: is tba valama ?'aatlau at? mating aalitia; Ittata af mating aalida pat 1itat[ga[iaa} magnum ta tba tatal aaiatila mattar mutant af tba mating, btaiadiag HAP, aaIat'tia argania mmpaantia, avatar and matpauatia, datal'taiaad ta 24 in' tit] putt ti?, Appaa?itt A. grama {ijI at ya latiIa mattat' par ittar {galtan} at mating. Um ta tba ayat'aga afyalatiia mattar in tha mating, glama {Ila} nf yatatiia Iaattar par litaa? (gallan) nt' antatiia mattaty datatmbtaa tram taat using AETM ?Staatlatd Taat Matbati far Danaity at Liquid Gaatinga, laiag and Italatatl Pradnata", tnt?artaatlan ?'atn tba aappiiar ta' mamtfaatutar at?tba I?m-natartai1 at gravity data far puma matariala. If tbara ia diaagtaatnaat batwaan AETM Matltatl taat anti athar tba taat aitar mnaaitatlaa, yaa ta tba aatiafaatiaa af tba daparttaant that tita farmaiattan ttala at?a Hater-militia tba by" mating. Dataratiaa tba at mating daring tba mmptianaa pariad Tram taat using ASTM ?Standard Taat Matbati fat Danaity at' Liquid Unatiaga, taita, and Italatati Ptadaala", intbt'rnatlaa ttam tba aapptia' at at tha matarial, ta- gravity tiata fat para thbata ia batman ASTM taat raaulta Iit; air-"- - meet him-lith- "tat-I 't 'ttim'm-? is' . -. . -T rare agar-:2" - 3i" 1-- - ill-5,? "it ah" at?. is . ?it; Fitt- diet i. adshi? Tie. .i?i Its-:3: sit? and the supplier?s er essent?aehnet"s infet'mstlen, the test results will take unless, after eeasultatlen, yen demenstrete tn the satiaihetien ef the department that. the feunulatien data are eerreet. {it} Determine the etgeute HAP seated! qfaeeh seating, Caieniate the ergsnie HAP eentent at" each seating used darhig the eempltanee parted using the fattening squatted: {Data} '1 Vs where: H, is the ergsuie HAP sentth at" the seating, kg {lh} ef el'ganie HAP emitted per liter {galien} nf nesting eniids used. . It, is the density et'eesting. leg {1h} et'eeatlng per liter {gstlen} ef seating, determined seem-ding te We is the mass ii?aetien ei? erg'anie HAP in the nesting, kg (lhjt ef erganie HAP per {lh} ef seating, determined ta it, is the trehn'ne iiaetten ef eeathtg seiids, titer (gaiten) et? seating selids per ilter (galleu) elf seating, determined til Cetupiimzea stamens-names. The enleuleted erganie HAP eentent fer sash seating used during the initial eemplisnee pasted shall be less than er equal in the emissien limit in Unnditien LN. and each thinner and. ether additive, and eleaning material used during the initial parted shall eentain an ergania HAP, determined la l.'ten shaliiteep all remain required by Genditien 11H. an desserts Wis. Adm. ease; as can senses} ?iquatien. 2) {3]th Fer eaeh senipiianee parted, tn demonstrate ?reu shall use an dealing her whish the esganie HAP eentent, determined neing Equatien 2 at' the emissien limit in Eenditien and use he thinner er ether additive, er eleaniag material that eentnins e1gseie HAP, determined ta {Eli's}. A parted senaists ei? l2 sheaths, Eaeh menth, after the and at the initial eemnlianee netted dean-thee in is the end ef a setnplianee parted eensisting at that reenth and the preceding it mend-ts. If yen eheeaa in annual}! with the amiasien limit: in tienditian by using the enmltiiant material aptinn, the use ef any seating, tililtll?t' er ether addithre, er eleaning material that net meet the eriaaris speeitied in is a destatten item the emissien limits in Cendititm Idi.i.a.{l} that shall he reperteti as spaai?ed in Cenditien - As part at aaeh semiannual eemptianee tapert required by Etenditien Diana}, yen shaii tdentihr the nesting euerattene fer whieh yen used the eempliant matei'iai eptien. if there were ue deviatlens hem the limit in Genditimt submit a statement thattha nearing nuaratiens were in eempiianee with the emissien limits dashing the reparting parted heeause yenused an seatings tier whieh the erganie HAP sentent exceeded the emissien limit in tinnditien and yen used t't-tl thinner, ether additive er cleaning material that eentalead et'ganie use. determined awarding (Elia). {it} Yea shall as apeetfted in tienditien l.i~i.5. [a Na teasers}, we, Adm. ?nds; as {sin assess} . . . II q-n- . -. in . _?im?r?ala??qrha?rm?i . :5 - ?it-1 eii??mit??hi s?iihr?ah? Emsihii?iia as- a. Cendittenst See share. Yen shall een?tplete the initial wraplianse demeustratien [hr the initiai eemp?aaee netied unsettling tn the requirements at [it a. eentiitien LN, item}. The initial eempiianae parted hegins en .'ianuarjr 2, Elli}? and ends an the last tie}? at the 12th menth fellewiug the date. The initial parted extends threugh the end ei'thst meat]: nius the neat 12 sheaths, Yea shall determine the mass at ergsuie HAP amissiens and . . - - "rs-"ts antihistamine? instigated"? that are, axis . asvelume ef nesting seiids used eneh menth and then ealeulate an erganie HAP rate atthe mid ef the initial samplianee p?t'idd, The initial eempiianee demenslratien ineludes the ealeuiatlees te {it} and sapnm'ting deenmentatien alter-ring that during the initial eemplianee perled the ergaele HAP emissien rate was equal tn er less than the emissien limitin Cendltiett NE. Wis. Adm. Cede}. til} CFR. dii?lld?i ?Fen may use the emissien rate witheut addven eentrels eptien tier any individual nesting epesatien, fer any green at eentinr,r eperstiens in the attested seams, er far all the nesting epat'atleus in the attested senree. lien shall use the eetnpliant material uptien in Genditlen Lil-Timid) fer any seating aperatien in the affected seems far whleh yeu de net use the emissien rate addrea eeutreis eptien. Te demenstrale initial eenrplianee using the emissien rate withent add-en eentt'eis eptlan, the nestingr er greup ef seating shall meet the ernissien limit in Cenditien hat is net required in meat the animating limits at [treatise standards in s. NFL 465.43 and ?fee shall meet all the requirements ef this seetien. When ealeuiating the erganie I-IAP emissien rate te this sentien, de net inelude any eeatings. thinners er ether additives, er materials used en seating eperatiens fer whieh yen use the eemplisnt material eptien in Eenditien Ll?ila?}. "Yen de net need te redetermine the mass et?erganie HAP in enstings, thinners er ether additives, er eleaning materials that have hdert reelaimed en~site, er reelsitned nftisite ifyeu have deeumentatiea shearing that yen haul; the street same materials that were sent eff?site, and reused in the seating eperatien er aperatiens t?er whieh yen use the emissieu rate withent add-en eentrels entien. ifyeu use matings, thitmers er ether additives, er eieaning materials that have been melainred enrsite, the smeunt el? eaeh used in a menth may he redueed hy the ameunt et' eneh that is reelnimed. That is, the amennt used tnay he ealeulatetl as the smennt eensumed te fer materials that are leelaimed. Determine the erased-netted diamante Hdiijhr seat: material. Determine the mass iinetien ef ergenie HAP fur eaeh neat-leg, thinner and emer additive, and eleauing material used during eaeh mehth tn the requirements in Cenditien . {it} Determine the sei?eieji?eetien efeenting seiiele Determine the vehtme fraetien et'eeats'ng selids, in liters [galleria] ef seating seiids per liter [saline] at nesting, fer eaeh seating used during earth menth tn the requirements in Determine the density ef strait Detetmine the density ef eaeit liquid seating, thinner er ether additive, and eleaning material used during eaeh menth lit-em test results using Dld?iddlii (hiltt?), "Standard Test Methed fer Density ef Liquid Castings, Inlet, and Related Prednets?, infertnatien frem the supplier er matmi?aettner ef the material, er rethtenee seurees previding density er speei?e gravity data fet' pure materials. If yen are hteluding pander in the eemplianee determinatien, determine the density at? pevrder castings, ushtg Ad'l't'ei Dd?tdd-dt "Standard Test Metheds fer Speei?e Gravity at ?eeting Parade-rs", e'r infermatien hunt the supplier. if there is disagreement hetween hdethed Dresses {Edith} er AtiThd hdeihed DiddS-dii. test results and ether infermatien senvees, the test results will talte unless, after yeu tiemenstrate tn the ef the departurent that the ?e1mulatien data are eerreet. If yes pureltase materials er meniter eensumptien by weight instead ef velume, yen de net need re determine material density, Instead, yen may use the material weight in plane at the eemhined terms fer density and veiunle in Equatleas 1A, 1B, it] and 2 at' this seetien. Determine the vehtme material used. Determine the vulunte, in liters er gslleus, efeaeh seating, thinner and ether additive, and eteaning material used during eaeh menth hy measurement er usage reenrds. li' yeu purehase materials er meniter nettsurnptien hy ?Height instead ef velume, yen de net need in determine the velume ef eaeh material used. Instead, yenmay use the material weight in plane at the eemhtned terms fer density and minute in?Eunatiens lA, IE, it} at this seetien. Ceienl'ete the stems qf?i'gtmid Hdi? The mass ef erganie HAP emleaiens is the eemhined mass at erganie HAP eenlnined in all dealings, thinners and ether additives, and eienning materials used during eneh menih minus the erganie HAP in eertain waste materials. the mass at" ergsnie HAP emissiens using the teller-ting equatiens and the is its: its: .. . - - sis: . . in {ii} if sppiisnisis: Csisuist: tits sf HAP smissinns using anntinn 1: {Equations} H, is ilt: istni HAP :snissinns liming tit: Itg A is tit: tnisi ni' HAP ill tit: snsiings 115:: tinting tit: kg {its}, as ssist?stsd in Equatinn 1A. :i?ihis I3 is tit: tstni sf HAP in ii}: thinness snti :thsr siltiitivss tinting tit: kg {its}, as snisniststiin Ennstisn lB sf this I: is tis: tntsi Innss st" nrganis HAP in tit: sisnnisg matsrisis ussti tinting th: icg as ssiss?ntsti in Equatinn 1C stis its: is tit: tntsi mass sf HAP In WHEN st- tins t: wast: TSDF tist' sr tinting tits stunts, kg tn "its: may assign train: :f'ist': tn iiw ifssn mt wish in 11:: mi: Csisuists til: kg {in} HAP in tit: :sstings usstl durisg?s: :nns?s using Eqnstinn iA: i: (V01: 3(in my? 3 {Eqns?ns i=1 A is tit: tstsi ni? signsi: in?t: :nntings ussd tinting til: mnntitcr in itg {its}. Pni?'. is tit: totsi truism: ni? snsii?g, i, nssti during ti]: msntis, in iitsrs {gsiisns}. I [1g is tit: tisnsitsr Litg [lhji iitsr fgnilsm} WEE is lit: Inns: ?ction of HAP in snsti?ng, i. kg (ifs) sf HAP tins irg {in} sf ssnting. For us: tit: tisstins sf mgsni: HAP that is smittsn ns using ti}: in till] 53, PPFP, Appmtiis A. In is its: numbss st snstings during the Enisnist: tit: itg nt? :rgsni: HAP in tit: thinness sntiisr :thsr stidititrss nssti tinting til: using {vslugnujtwu} {Equatisn IE.) i141 nit:r:: is th: HAP intit:ti1in11:rs smi sddi?vss nssti during ti]: in icg {its}. Mini? is thus tstni truism: nftisinnsr :r stitsr stiriitivs, j, nssti tinting tit: mastitis in litmus {gsiisns}. Big is tit: ni'tisimtsr nr :thsl' stiditiss, j, itg litsr (it: psi gsitnn} Wu is tins i'rnstinn nf HAP inthinnsr st slitst' stiditiss, j, in; {lb} ni? nigssi: HAP p:r icg {in} :f thisnsr :r ndditiw. Fst? l'??i'rii?ii? ntiilssitrss, its: this ?'nstinn sf HAP that is :tnitt:tl ss using tit: ms?ssd in EPA Est-past Assassin A. is tit: numbns- nfdi??msnt thinnsl's snti ntl1st' tinting tit: mnntit. Csisnist: tit: icg {In} HAP in tit: :issnittg nssti during 111: mnntit nsing Equatinn It]: -T- I ?fill - ?in- 'te fh?'?a ?Ether: "-e'ae lineal?Ia? 't .. - er; tide depth; 'hirl he; nenleiih?h" mes-{reheat 1 .- :iwutetensw we equate 1e where: t] is the tetalmass cf ergsnie in the cleaning mater-isle need timing the Iaeutln in kg Pei?I is the tetsl relume cf cleaning:r material, ir1 used during the menth. in liters [gallech is the density ef cleaning materialj l-r1 liter {1h per gellenJ. Wsjir is the mess ?'setien et? ergaaic HAP in cleaning material, it, irg {th cf ergaeie HAP per kg {th cf material It ls the numher ef different cleaning materials used during the meeth. {ii} if yen cheese te aece'eat fer the mass ef erganic HAP centalned in iterate materials sent at designated fer shipment te a waste Equatiea 1 cf this scctien, then yes shall determine the mesa aceerdiagte te Year enlir inciede waste materials' In the determinatien that are gener ated by ceating eperatiens in the affected smace fer which yen use Equatien i efthis seeded and that will be heated er dispcsed cf by a facility that is regulated as a TSEIF under All CPR part 252, 2de 255 er ass. The TSDF may he either nth-site er err-site. Yea ma}Ir net include erganie HAP ceate'lned in 'wastewater. Yea shall determine either the ameunt ef the waste materiats sent is a dining the menth er the ameunt cciiected and stered during the rnenth and designated fer future transpert in a TEDF. De act melude in J'cui' determinatien any waste materials sent in a TSDF during a Inenth if year have already includEd there in the atueuul: eellected and stared during that meaih er a previens manila. Determine the renal mass ef erganie EAP eentained in the waste materials specified in Tee shell ?eenment the a'tethedelcgy yea use in determine the ameuht et? waste materials and the tetat mass at ergenie HAP they centain, as required in Cenditiea INN a {nth} [f arasre manifests include this they may he used as part deenmentetiea ef the arneunt cf waste materials and mess efergaelc HAP screamed at them, Ceiertlete the fetal uelame qfceemrg seilair rated Determine the tetal relume et' ceathig seiids used, liters [gsliensl which is the cemhined 1tl'ehlme efeeatleg seilds far all the eeatiega used during each menth, using the ?allewhrg equatiea: .51 I: (Vel )Wat} {Equatien in! where: if?. is the tetai rehuue el?eeatieg selids used during the menlh liters {galleria}. 1lie]rnl re the tetal relume ef eeating 1 used du1' mg the menth, liters [geitens]. I ?ital. is the eclenie fractien cf casting selids fer seating 1, liters {galleria} e'f selirls per liter [gallenJ ef seating1 determined aceerrlieg te Ceneitien i .ii ii. a {2:1th is the number ef ceatirtgs need during the meeth. Celerriete the ergenic HAP araissiee r'eta Calculate the erganie HAP entissien rate fer the cemeliance peried using the ?eiiewing equatien: - 11" ?g?a?u?h Sg- Hawk-Pi. - - .. . I 13% 3 I: II EMEH . W??u-l?hI-uaial. IM-hl' {Equstiee Ii} is the average erganie I-lrtP tete the eumplienee peried, kg st ergauie HAP emitted per liter (gelled) ef selitis used. H. is the tetel mess efergauie HAP emissieue ii'em all materials used during math kg es eeleultltee by Equetiee 1 at this if? is the tetel eehmee et' eestihg selids used during meeth liters {gallees}, as eeleuletee quetlenil ed" d?ssee?en. 3r is the euteher ef the meeth hi the perled. :1 is the number ef full ei' partial menths he the perierl. Fer the initial perled, :1 equals 12 ifthe ?ute halls en the ?rst day ef meeth; etherwiee 11 equals 1'3. Put all thllewing herieele. 11 eqeeis 12. {11] The etgeule HEP emieeleu rate fer the initial perletl ealeuleted using Equatiee 3 efthie seetiee shell be less then er eqesel te the emissien limit in Cmtditiea 1111.35.11]. Tee shall keep all resents as tequited hr Caedi?en 1.14.5. NR sesame), Wis. rhdm. Cede; Ill} CF11 1.53.3951} {Sulfa} Te demenstrete eemplienee, the ergseie HAP emiseien rate fer eaell peeled; determined te he the. eerte't'tlees LN. tht'eugh (fey, shall he less than er equal tn the limit in Geeditlen A. eemullenee perled ef 12. meeths. Eeeh reeuth aftet the end et' the initial perietl deserlhed he is the end elf a peried eeusiethtg at that lea?et and the 11 menthe. "lieu shall peltenu the esteeletiees iu ta en emeethly heels 'eshtg data item IE meeths ef eperetleu. If yea ere a theilitjruspeel?e emisslen limit unset tree shell else petfmm the eeteutetlee using Eeuetiee 1 in s. hill. 455.43 2. en a Illt'?itlily laseis using the data frem the presleus l2 menths ef eperstlee. [It] If the ergauie HAP rate hit any lEumenth eereplialtee yelled the emissien limit in ?eedjtteh this is a deelstlee them the emisslee limit fer that eempilerm'e perled end shell he reperted ee speei tied in As pert el? emtmlienee repett required by Eee?itieu Huh-la, tree shall 'ltl?Iltl?' the epei'atieas fel' which see used the emissieh rate withers add-nu eptien. If thete were Ill} desietieus item the emissien limit in Ceuditiett I.hl.l yeti shall submit eetetemeut that the epetetleus 1were in eemplisuee with the emieslee limits derlug the resetting pet'lee the ergaule HAP emieslee rete t?er eseh peried was less then er equal te the emissiee limit in Cendltien determined te {It} ?i?eu shell meietein es speel?ed in ?enditieu ?1515. [m PlEt Wis. All he. Cede; Ill} ?lth. 63.39511 . asses he I Eh, . his later January 31, EDIE, the permittee shall heve a ens?time energy assessment litj" it qualifier! emerger assesser. he energy assessment sea-upland en er alter Janeen.-r i, EDDH, that meets at is messes te meet the energi-r assessment requirements in ?l'ehle 3 :1de BER 63, suhpart satis?es the assessment. A faeilitsr that epes'ates under an energy management pregram eernpatthle with I50 that ineltaies the attested units aise satis?es the assessment requirement. EFF. es 6335] end Tahle 3 el" suhputt and s. esseses}, we- see. inner, st Ne tater than January 31, EDIE, antl ses- te "?ght 'a ?giant times; . .51, .. - .1: we The energyr assessment shall inelude: {alt it visual inspeetien at? the hatter er presses heater system; (is) he evaluatien efeperetieg ehet?aetetisties ef ?ee heiler er presses heater systems, ist?energg-r using systems, epemtieg and msintensnee and unusual epsrating An th?i?tt?Tj" et'tm? er energy use systems ?ees effected heliers anti heaters anti which are under the ef the heater eanerteperster; {ti} A review efaveiiehle arehiteetutai and engineering pleas. fertilityr enemtien and nteintertenee endings, and Feet usage; review ef the faeility'e enet'gr management preetiees anti te'evide eensistent with the de?nitien et energy management pmetiees, tf identified; A. list efeest-effeetive energy eenset'tratien measures that are wi?tin the rt etthe energy savings petentle] et? the energy eenservatien measures i?entitied; see {it} A eemprehensive repert detailing the ways in tmpreve ettieieney, the east efspeei?e hnpreveteents, bene?ts, end the time Jl'eme these [Tattle 3 ef suhpett. 4D use. es, and we. State. (MEET, Eli-i D53 ?aehheilertune?up shall he as fellews: As applieahie, the hurnetj and elean er replaee titty eetnpenente ef the burner as {the may Dehu-r the huJ'Itet? inspeetlen until the net-rt The shall maintain eepies ef netit'teatien anti repert submitted te eemply with tit! CFR 53, all suggesting any,-r initial Ne ti?e ati an at Entitiestiee ef Genmlianee Status er annual, er 5-year eempiienee repert sehmittee, tn the requirements in and it. misses}, es. Stats, (MET, {f2} Befel?e the elese at business en the ?Dth day fellewing the eempletien ef eiliul?ni {fseility energy assessment and halter nine-ups} the all better at presses heaters at the ?teiIity, net te Mere-h 3L Ellie, the permittee shalt submit a Nettfieatlen ef Gemplianee Statue aseettiiag te and The neti?eatien shall eentain the feliewhtg infurmetten: A tieseriptien ef the attested ineietling hientl?eetiett at' whieh saInastegertI the unit is is, the design heat input essaeitjsr ef the unit, deseriptien ef the ?nite} hares it, end jestitieatlee fer the seieetien e1? theltjs) humed during the B?i?l?tll?n?? demensnatien. [It] A signed eettl?estien that the permittee have met all applieehle west: pteetlee steedea?ls. Ifthet?e is a deviatien item any W??t nineties the permittee shell else submit a eeserietien ef the deviatlen, the deretiee ef the desist-ten, and the hie Evleenee Neneempliettee? Better BED appears te have been shut dawn sinee Nevem'eerl?lii. There is ne iratieetiee that US EPrt was ever netlt?ietl ef the ehsnge in eperstieeal stunts hit this heiier. 'It_ . fan?s-Lulu :nnTn-u-lnuyo;- E. Inlet-Tl. Magi-EM {gig-Ida if?) I, . I EP- m??i?td" Let?J I -- . 5 years scheduled unit Units cotseotiue notion taken at the thereafter-motto that produce electricity foe sale may Noti?cation of?omoiiance exceed 6] delay the htn?ner inspecticnuntii the Status report. months litter the ?rst outage, not to exceed Ed In addition to the previous tone- months from the pmyious infonnation required in 5 up, the pennittee htsaeotiou. At units where entry the Noti?cation shall conduct a into apiece of process equhmtent or of?omplinnoe Status mast tune?up of each into a storage vessel is manned to iuolode the following boiler and complete the tune-up inspect-tone. oerti?outiontis] of process heater inspections are required only dining oonmlianoe. as cal-.tlioelneJ denignedto bot-u planned entries into the storage and signed by a tesuonsible a gas 1 fuel with 1tresnel or process containeru; of?cial: at hapeotthe ?ame pertain, an oxygen trim applicahie, and'adiustthe humerus ?This titoility complies system that necessaty to optimise the Home with the required initial tune- maintains no pattern. The adioshnent should be up aocoadiog to the optimum ah- tc the manufacturers muccdures in fuel ratio or a apocilisat?ionsJr it? available; through heat input luspectthe system controlling [at capacity ofless air-to-?lel ratio, as applicable, {ii} ?This facility has had on than or equal to and casino that his correctly energy assessment performed 5 million Btu per calibrated and functioning property nccordingtac hour. [so GEE. {the permittee may delay the {iilJI Except for units that inspection until the neatschodnled bran only natural gas or other nsysocaan} unit shutdown]. Units thatpt'oduoe gas 1 that, include the and eleotrloity tbt?eaie may delay the following: ?Ho seeondaty annotate], Inspection until the that outage. not materials that are solid waste 63.le 545d}, and to exceed 345 months here the were combusted in any Table 3 of previous histteotlon; ui'Feetetl uni suhpart [d3 ?otimiae total emissions of [illittliilit?1 and a. CD. This optimisation should he {do CPR. Wis. eonsistent with the manufachner?s through and 53.T5d5[e] Shite. speoi?eations, ifayuiiahie, and wi?t and a. Edit?? "Wis. Stats. aetoessao- any N?nnequh'emuantto antenna {amonaetoassaonmau 1112)] unit is subject; to) Measure the oonoentrattons tn nun-submittat cfthe He later than the ef?uent stream of CD in parts Noti?cation of Compliance January 31, per million1 by yoianae, and oxygen Stance, the pmmittce shalt 2U Id. and in neutron neroeot, beans and after submit annuai. biennial biennially {eatery the adjustments are made andtor 5?year compliance 1 yearn) {measurements may be either on it reports. For units that are therea?ar, not to dry orwet hosts: as long as itis the subject only to anequhetnent exceed on same basis before and after the to conduct an annual, months alter the adjushnente are made}. 1hiennial or 5?year tuneunp preyious tune- maybe tattoo using a to up, the uottable ED analyzer; and {t t} or shall conduct a Maintain on-sito and submit, if and not ante-up of each requestodhy the EPA, an subject to emission Hrnits of boiler and annual report containing the operating limits. the neonate beater below {Paragraphs pernn'ttee may submit only an designed to burn {al? through of tit} annual. biennial] or 5?year a gen 1 fuciit ?F?d 1533154 El]. complianoe roped, as on nnmi?nd in and anti a. asassna}, Wis. Stats. (Baa-at, Lasa?aat?1ng 1' . I sign?? ig?i?21:1a .. - 5.: ,aasa - . natural gas] ?l'ha annasntta?ans at' EU in tha paragraphs {hj?j tisraagh withaat a af?uaat atraala in parts par mi?ina af 6351554], instant] afa cantianana by ralama, and aaygan {uranium sarniuannaai samplianaa aaygan trim paraant, measured athigir ?ra ar rapart. Tna ?rst aampiianaa ayatam and with wiaal anamting land, hafasa and rapatt anal! tha patina haat input after the tuna-up aftha bailar ar an January 31. aapaaiqr graatar il??i?f; 5, and trading an Ihaa 5 Jniilian (ii) A dasariptian ai' an}.r aairsatira 31. l?i? far an Eta anti lass than aatians 1aitan as apart aftha tana- annual aamplianaa rapart, ii} In?liaa Etta up. Daasa?ahar 201?? fara par hear. {as Tin: naps amaant at ?nal biannia] aamnlianaa tap-art, EFF. asst! arsr the 12 months prior to tin: or 3 l, 2020 far a tartar-up, but nail.I iftha aait 1alas S?Faal' samp?anaa partait, as 153 anti. iagally aapabis nf applicable. The ?rst ananai, and aaing mara than Inna type at" ?lls] bianniai, ar?uyaar 5335111333.}. tiartag thatptaiai Units a aamplianaarapartmust as and fan} [natar may aatimaia tins final paattnaritad ar submittatlna 'I'anla 3 nf assairy unit. later than Jamar}? 31. Each sn?npart aabsaqaant annual, bianaiai, and s. It?tha unit is ant upstatiag an tha and 5~1rsaraaran1ianaa Wis. raqnirad data far a raparts mast aarar tna Stats. WASP, tans-up mast ha aandaatad within app?aahla Ir, 3; at ?dyaar 3i} aaIantiar tiara nf atanap. {443 pariatia ?'am January ta P1211 63.15% {am ii]. {i2} Dannaiaar 3i. Tha saiusaqtsant anti Samar raparta mast ha pastma?taci at submittaa an [ata' than liarntargpr 3 I. Each aamplianaa rapart snail fantasia [ha faiiawing infarlnatiaa: aampaar ana Facility nama and addrass. unit infarmatian, amissians limitations, and np?raii?g parameter limita?ans. Data af rapart and beginning and earning data-a af tiia rapartnag nariad. Thu tniai aparating titan stating tha rupturing patina, - Iatintistiiatiataaftha tanarnp ?at unit snisjaai in only tha raauiramant In an annual, hiannial, ra' ?vyaat tuaahnp awarding ta at Includa 111.111? @11- 111W 1111111511. I 1r . 11:1.- 1111111111 11131133111111 11 11 11111 1111111111111 11111111111111, 11131111131111, 111' 1111 11 5111331? 113111111 11111 111113 1111131311 11111111 1113 1111111 31111311111311 111'1111311111111111311 31111313111131.1111. 11111313 111111 1111 11311131111113 ?11111 11111 1111131133131113 1111' 11111111 1111311111111 3131111111111 111 1311111 3 111 31111111111131111313131 111111 11911135 3 31111311111111: 11111111111111 1113113 1111 1131131111113 1111111111111 111111111 [1111111111111 3111111111113 {1111311311 111111111- 111111141113} 1131111111113 1111111111113 1111111111. [g1 11111311111 11 1.111111121111111 1111111 11 113111: 1133311113 1111111131? during 1113 r?pm'ting 113111111, 1113 111111111 1111131 331111111 11.113311111111111 111111111 1111 1111113 111133311]; 1111111111111 111111 11111311 111? 1113 11111111111111, 111111 11111 1111131111113 1111111111 11111311. T1111 11111111111113 311311 3111111111: 1111 1111111113 31111111'11111111111111131'11g 1311131111 1113113 31111111331111 1111'1111g11 11111 $311111 133111131 B11111 11113111111111 (131311} 111113311111, 1111111 1131:3111ng 131111 3111311111 111 11111 31111111111 13 11111 3111111311111 111 13331311] 111: 11111 1111111 11111111111 1311111113 11113, 1113 1131-3111133 3111111 31111111111113 13111111 111 1113 1.1.3. EPA 31 11111 31111111131313 11111111111113 1i311111 11:1 En 153.13. .111 11111 1111113111111 111 1113 US EPA, 1111: [13111111133 311311 31311 311111111111111331131111113. 1111113 US EPA 11111111 1111111111 31133111311 1111113 US EPA [411 CF11 63.?5511 111111 T3113 9 11131111111111 31111 3. 2115.155 W13. 313.13. [1111.31, 2111111135111?1? 12:1] 111 1'1 1f 11111-1311.: 111111;.~ 111' 11.1 . 11-1.; 1.1. 1.11.1111 1.52151; . 1? 111111 513111111111:- @53123.: . ?Tw- I - ?g ?hh?w?i?t?t mate?tr ?ti-ta - treat-2 ENTHETICJIENUR Within 15 deye efeati ef earth ealendar (1}Tlte permittee ehail He Evidenee ef mantle, the permittee eheli eempnte and keep the tieIletving VDC fl??m the the thltewiag: ?The paj'n??au Avenue eite {e}Teta1 ameeat ef'it'?? emitted (in Tetel ametmt ef hee indieetetl frern eemhuatien at? pervade) ?'ern {ether than ??etn natural gee eemlettetetl that the eelveet are} may eat vitri?ed eemhnettee efeatteal gee} teeatee at in at the panties per ave-nth, averaged ever any Peeaeylvanie Avenue Site; faeility {Petmeylvania at l2 menth perieti. fa. {It} Tetat amenat ef?mt: emitte? {in revenue Site Hetwieh have Witt. Stale. {Permit [ether than from Avenue Site} eperatieg eamheetien efeatetal gee} laeeted at Ea. M43 einee the Nate: Peemittee eleetetl thJ'a Nerwieh Avenue Site; Wis. them. Cede . reeveitl mate {e}Tetai emanatervee emitted {at {Permit in?? eetrree review under the eaene l?hr [Janette] ?are eemhnetiee efnatai'al gee at The pet'mittee eheli mepee e11. eteederdg far the eettetrtteliea {1995 the feelilty; keep and leintein the eenehuetien} at title remnant: ef HIDE emitted [in penntie per required in Peeaeylvania Avenue Site. Meeinmm mantle} i'retn {ether than that eenditlett theeretieal PDQ entieejeae item eetnhnetlen efaatetai gee} leeatetl at eemhnetierl efaataral gee fer Penneylvenia Avenue Site, averaged ever . HR 439.0% are), eeneneeted at: the Peaaeylvaaia the teat lit meeth eerlee. ?Wie. hem. Cede Avenue eite in 1995 ate thee emenet ef emitted {in penatla per {Pere?t meath} ?eet [ether than item PBS frera the Hererieh eemhnatien ef natural gee} ei' Avenue elte VDC emleeleae Net'vvieh Avenue Site, averaged ever the ?eet eernhnetien ef natural gee) may laet 12 eenaeeutive menth perieri. net 12,333 pennda permeate, element: at? vee emitted {in per averaged ever any 12 menth} item eemhaetien eftiateral gee at tnenth peeled. [a 23 5.65m, Wis. the healthy, averaged ever the teat 12 State. {Pemlit tiH?It?fz?r? Dial] mantle perieti. [a zeaeete). Wit. State. {Permit ISIS-EEG- fr?m eemheettea ef?nateral gae at the faeility may net Meter ?Wilt: at the geneae per meeth, leehttle eatntel gee eereheetlee ealte (tag. averaged ever any 12 . heifer, reeialttetien eeriegidtyieg menth perietl. [a 235.555}, Wie. event], eenetlei'watet heatera}, paint heethe, State. {Permit [learn the elamp dip teak plae?e drum Nate: Eleetetl eentiitlene [l It, anti label etrieping {Pvt-Ii], Plaetie tiram eleaniag ext-ante vet: emieeleaa here the - whee V?t: eeateleleg eetveete are feeliity' are than ?Hi tpy. need} 'I?herefere, the will remain a Sj'ill'i't?fl? miner metierate nett- ettaiemeat area miner aenree antler the ii-ht etentierti. Padamnra astute Haifa). Na m' nperater rat a snares may E?ttit?. silent er permit emissielta nf shaeardaus air enntaminant listed in Tattle a efs. Nit Wis. Helm. Cede, in sueh quantity er farsueh duratinn as ta sense an ambient air anneantratien ef the enniaminant nft'tlte snares that eimeeds the seneentretlnn in ef Table A. far the enniaminant. Ea. Wis. aam Cede {Permit Me?tylene ehleride fm?nm??tgitiue] ?an: Put: In enter in detuenstrate that ms?tytene {indunr fugitive} emissiens are exempt rattan. shall demonstrate in the Department ?ast?ie snares is in with applieahte neeupatleual safety and. health administratien requirements. NE. Wis. Adm. Cede, a. Wis. Stats. What?saamh hastewhs?hm? as. i by .. 115th. -1. an tilt-ale}, 'd . ?ifif?j? ?a tt?r tam. The permitted shall uni? hum Gran]; 1 ?i'il'g'ltt feast] feels [Hanan] gas, presses, distillate #2 and diesel fuel nil} when ?ring any fuel eemhus?en snerees. [alt-?it. Wis. Adm. Cede]it When the permitted eleets ta signi?eanthr shange the existing aperatien mar material at prettiest ehanga er pmduetien espeettp ineresee), the pennittee shall determine, either analjttieailg.r artta'augh the use efteehnteat eateniatinns, the faeitinr?s neeI erhtersasert pnteutial emissiehs et'aepr state hasnrdana air pollutant {State emitted, assuming maximum npetetinn eenditieas. .11., we. ham. Endeji? The permittee shall determine if the fanility?s new er inaressed patential ernisainn rate efanjr State Hit? seeneds the applicable published de minimise Trains in Tshleh. afs. hilt 445.131, Wis. thdm. Earle. .11., Witt. Adm. Cude]* {it} When the iheititp?snew er ineteased patentia] amiasian rate at State HAP a published de tuiahnus value, the penalties shalt evaluate the impset eftha patlntant?a emissien and determine it?anpr additianal aetinn needs In he taken tn preteet the ambient ah? dualityr standard. a. an are. am. Cnde]* Sea enntiitinns in sentiens LEI, 1.1.3, and 1L3 fer applieahie requh?ements far hiaiZIIH emissieas. - eanditien ti?ia?}. Whenever any,?r hazardehit sir pelhttaat eatteeatrettea er emission rate testing at anyr material is required fur demenstrating eernplianee, the permittee shall use a test and tearing prettiest apprered by Eii?l?l' the Elia er the {as hilt. its Iital?. Wis. Adm. Ends]. The penalties shall keep resents afan},r test rasults {imitating sampling pretaeei], and an}; ether inferrnatiee used in with N?ddh?d?jid}, Wis. Adm. Cede, s. 235.558], Wis. Stats. {Pemtit sense-ass}: Na Erideaee er hinneantplianee {Penuttitti?REIEI?il? LECIIJTY RE I aw 5w - I AnImaI Air Emissions I En EviIlalmE: R?p?l?t July 15llTl andFHIu'uaq-I 14"? Incumpllauce ?nmral Em-Li?ua?nn Fcbmary 15m In _l RESULTS FEE HEPDIITSEITE VISITS. 32mix; I4, Elli} InC?mpHunuu April 15? 2:115 In Th: Hum-m: Av?nua fau?ity is in the pram: uf shutti?g 35 upemti?ns are Being uma?u?md wl??n [ha Avenue Sim. .RF EULTS DE ERE TESTS. Egg-L. 2.: - Eurw?lanc? {13f lWEElItl ?dna' Sum?lauca EHMMARY PIIEWFEIE ENFORCEMENT AFTIDNS: Ta? .. .. . mgnz?s?tu?gw - . - Dwam'lmr ul??nkl?un a. NR 423.03 {mural 1" Thu: Incl-ill}? dismalmuad 1:114: 113%qu cleaning], 5.143. RE anqum Sl??l??l?t '?nllaJ awning {induah'i al clawing]. ur a. (nunn?l-FUL?} I3 used. NFL #124,131! [mamas litl?} as. HR and NE The: facility II: In the: yam {11" ?le a {unustruulfun unustructiun pamlit Eartha pam?t} Parms?vanla Awmm Bite. The ?ni??r has imm'uve? its; 5. Wis. Stats mum?ka?pmg prnnadured and pamit mhmil?ng 1E3 mquired rapurts in. a. mmp?anuu] manly manner. WEPEEHGN FIFJD NEITEE END DIEGUESIDH The putpu?? uf?rhi? i??pa?tl?n Wit-E to {I?l'?l'mill? the: facility's amplinnua status with Impact tn all? pallutiuu admiral mgulatimm and me fau?ltjr?s Air ?pumtlun Permit 241 BESSIE-P Thin inapmti?n was murdiuated with Mr. Mark Fargumm Facing: Mnag?r fur Mida?meriua Steel ?rum GIBM. Alan gamma-st during this inspuu?nn Wa? Dani?i Hallm?bm?g WDIQIL During Elm fll? weather canditi?na war? partly uluudjr with winds ?'nm the mat Ell" 5 H: miles per Imur. Tim lumparalurc WM #5 The ?t?i?tj" he being heedee a. fet?Mtd-Amertee Eteet Drum ELEM. Three et?tite are in the meme efheing treat the Hemteh huitdieg he the Peaneyttranie building under eeaetteetten pelt-tit t-?t-ItSG-t The are: Drum 2} ?322: ?ute ?aterier Dune Spreer Eeeth, USES: Demeter?? ?lter, and 3] P323: Curing {it-en. FeHew? up eett'eapehdenee in?iealee the teteeatten ef PSIJC has yet he the ptmdeua ieepeetlee in ENE, at] that temaiued were remnants efequipmentteft er appattee?y ahande?ed ht ptaee. We emnplianee tietEt'mtaatI'en ie nee-eeaat'y fer that have been realm-red, reheated: er htepeettea, the in the weetera hett eflhe building ?ltee with drum. The heiret'the building wee by Cemplete Eeeyeh'ag LEE, a may Jeweler. The Depattmeet' neede fetthet' tefeneatien and evaleatten tn determine the retetteuehtp between the Pemeeytveeia Ave. meatiee end the met-teas ettei'atien at Netwteh Ate. This hae an ietpaet he the epplteahtlitjr eft? CFR Part 53 Euhpett hm te the eperetiuee at ?are. UN CLUEIGNS pertiea ef the etlgteel theitjgr ie being used ee a wareltettee the the Mtd-Amertea Steel Drum ELEM. EQHIPWT REQUEED TO ACCESS Tl] EITE: MG PRDTEETIGN HARD HALT SAFETY GLASSES SAFETY El EITHER (mg. Vest att? Illuat' Meek} SPECIFY: State ef Wiseenein r?nn H?l?p?l?dl] AWHTW DATE: June l9, FILE REF: 4530 TD: Air Management Ease File 24! 1531129 FROM: Mike Erritiin SUBJEET: Addendum te FEl?i Repert elt'vlareh 2lil'i' Air Permit i-?lnRSEIrlr-E, eenditien ii}. i reduires the dry ti iters used in 133 2E is have a partieulate eentre] effieie ney at at least 99%. During the inspeetien en Marsh 22, 2012, I inquired aheut the eentrel et?eieney ef the dry ?lters used an P32E. Amy Liteher stated that the ?lters used are a 32?ti Series Spra?gard high ef?eieney paint ?lter. Te eentirrn this with the ee1npany, I sent an email inquiry te ELEM dated April 5, 2012. I requested ELEM te previde a span sheet and inelude the ef?eieney fer the type ef seating heing applied. in a respense letter [rare Petey and Lardner LLP dated May 12, 2?l 2, their respense was: The ELEM eve1spray paint ?lter rests} [Presses is a made] RP as Medet 33hr]. Please see ft} enelesed with this respense fer the filter spee sheet and the e??leieneies ef the filter under variens eendittens. Ef?eieneies are net previded hy speeitie eeating type.? i nndersteed that this inferreatien en ?lter type and series being used in the May i2, 20 l? respense was net eensistent with the inierrnatien previded during the time at" the inspeetien. little in timing restrietinns, the FEE. repert was ?nalised witheut additienal detailed inlennatien in an hstantiate nne ?lter type ever the ether. Further review at" ?le inferih atien and the ref?erenee deeumentatien previded hy Feley and Lard ner dated May 12, an 2, as dese rihed helew a ?nding ef neneempiianee. Eln June 13, 2t} was reviewing the ELEM Maltenetien Preventien and rhhatement Plan dated Neveneher 13, 2til5. The hill-TL? states that the materials and spare parts maintained: Filters: Daseriptien: Paper heeth ?lters item Nemherl?sETERP 3232 'l?we?Weelc Supply {Quantity}: The Petey and Lardner respense et'May i2, 291?, ineiuded a ?lter manufeeturer's hreehure, Researeh Preduets Eerperetien ef Madisen, W1. This hreehure shews the varieus filter types, series and ?lter eflieieneies. I eentaeted HP at 333-242-2402 and RP een tinned that the RP 3232 is their predeet and 12113232 is a 32th} series tiller with the last twe digits heing used te ralerenee a standard ?lter sire {dimensiens}. {in page ef attaehment A, the 32th} series Spra?Gard tahle indieates the average etii eieney range is it'll} te Eltt?'it: fer waterherne haite enamel eeatiags. Refer in Table at. and E, t'er general series ratings and detailed int'ermatien. Hate that the seas series has an average ef?eieney rating ef 93.5 te 99.2 pereertt, hut due in significant digits in the permit limit {twe digits}, the 33th} series weuld he due te reunding eff. rainy Liteher previded a listing ef paint SDS's far these used by ELEM en Mareh 22, 21] i 2, during the inspeetien. FrenJ this listing, the first eeating is ?Yellew aqua Enamel?. The paint eentaies aheut 59% water and is identi?ed as enamel paint. Many at the ramaining eeatiegs are manttfaetdred hy Watsen Standard that indieate a water eentent ef greater than sass water- After heing seated, the paint is eured in the Faint Drying Tun nel P3 23}. The even temperature is maintained at 2513 te dill} Deg F. Under if? Reqtled Paper NR 422.92 Wis. Adm. Ends, casting is any casting which is cured in an men Wham the. (If the muted ubj I94 F. bssmi an the sdditiunsl infurmsfiun obtained, the. psrmi?es is hslisvsd tn hams in nsncumpiisncs with Air Psnnit 142, sunditinn LG. 1 which I'squirss the. ?it?srs ussd in P921: is have. a panic ulsis sf?sisnsy [if at least 9993. T113 finding {in page FEE, ?{I?mplisnss Status? s?iunm remains PAINT ARRESTDH SELECTION Uss Ilals shad PA Eases furlsa type nl minim are spraymgAlrirnw Law's] I II: . g: E?lsi?nw - - - . "plums semis mm - -.- - Hills H?asns?y matings Law manually Easting: Dar. {lusts Dnuitnss TAB LE. A. EB Ema-mm ME 39.5 in 99.3% high aami'a balm warrant Hl?ll EflEnialmr EEK: in 59.236 h'a-ka anama1 HP Pain! Amalm am] 0.25 Ia racqumr mama IJ-aial? aanll SERIES Sara-Gard WE 93.5 in 99.5% Huh aa?da bake alaaunlal Hl?lt EiFEEIanay ELIE 91am FJEIME wamrtlaana Ila-11a anama1 HP Pain! Amalm 3W mama Fatqtlea' Taatad using 11m: pa?aln taatiaan 10B ME am ta 9m high saw; balm anamal Etan?ard HIHII annually; EUR 0.115 31.5 In?a?? matarhaalia Ila-ha 'anarna1 Palm 3M Taalad [Hana Ma 93:15 in fanllam WED ml} ELIE: BM ILI 391255 hE?h a?-Irda halal standard HF Fainl Arraalnra 2M EH15 93.1] It: wutarhama Dal-:3 anamal 3W Eaalud wing hm pa?ain Iaatlam EEFHES Ina Earle: waa mammal: as a are mamas: mama: Tue main. minimum arthra pra-danl Ia roman In annjaunuun walla any primary ala?a uuaraaray altar. [ha Sena: Paint Manama! saw an llh? anala rapraarna Ina HWII manna alarm ?Manama Ila sear-{ca Ilia. Marl ha mad in ?lm? mama: Hila?lw?aamaua ll llaa ?a?hll?yr alwauraparalian. PH SERIES {Flame Halardaul} Nf?malnh Praduala Faisal-1mm?: an: attalhhla [a [Bf mum Fm'aImalfaa and Multan. mama-arm mama-w hamhut?mn?mhma arn'r?mhuma'b. Mam mama-n! Partial-mammal In! mantra al'a?ill? Ea.- mam arm-mu Hut. #259. W: 33W. am am mania MEI Human-a awn Slim Em Warm autumn and 3am! [infirm {Jam El'i'ildhlilfm'ra-l Mini irm THHLE