j, US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, no maria?3000 OFFICE OF Mr. Austin R. Evers Executive Director American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is an interim response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOLA) request dated and received July l4, 2017. You asked for Department of Housing and Urban Development records relating to the FOLA since March 2, 2017, to include: 1. All emails sent or received by any political appointee or Senior Executive Service (SES) staff in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Deputy Secretary, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, or the Office of Field Policy and Management including the phrase ?Freedom of information Act? or the word and 2. All other conununications involving any political appointee or SES staff in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Deputy Secretary, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Congressional and intergovernmental Relations, the Office of the General Counsel, or the Office of Field Policy and Management regarding policies or practices for processing requests or producing documents in response to FOIA requests. This includes communications regarding review of existing policies or practices as well as communications regarding adoption of new policies or practices or of changes to existing policies or practices affecting response to FOLA requests. Your request is granted in part. Enclosed are five documents responsive to itern 2 of your request. The enclosed records include two letters from the United States House of Representatives to the Department, one letter from the United States Senate to the Department, and two letters from the Department to the United States House of Representatives. Please be advised that a search of electronic records responsive to item 1 of your request is ongoing. A final response letter, containing any additional responsive records and all applicable appeal language, will be sent to you at the completion of that search. espanolhudgov For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. Please also be advised that all appeal rights related to your request will be provided to you in a final response letter. If you have questions regarding your request, please contact Mr. Ethan Bodell at (202) 4028450. Thank you for your interest in the Department?s programs and policies. Sincerely, Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures MICHAEL F. BENNET wasnwoton. on. COLORADO (153 .. F-I -.-..II (3- Ii - I W-VZ-I 2-3311" '30} I 22-1 ?85? CCIMM: I lLl??Ii' COLORADO: AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY unittd gtat?? gtnatt '11 FINANCE 2391-. WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0609 13?1?? 7'33? HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, qmu AND PENSIONS March 15, 201'}r Ms. Linda Cruciani Acting General Counsel Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. Washington, DC. 20410 Dear Ms. Cruciani: I write to inquire about your Agency?s regulations, guidance, processes, and standards for implementing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). As you know, FOIA provides vital transparency and access to information for the American people. The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 requires agencies to adopt a presumption of openness, withholding information ?only if. . . disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption? or ?disclosure is prohibited by law?? I would appreciate your assistance in con?rming that your Agency is in full compliance with the FOIA, including the new requirements of the 2016 Act. I would appreciate if you could please identify and explain what changes your Agency has made to the way it implements FOIA, including any updated or new regulations, guidance, processes, procedures, standard operating procedures, bulletins, or notices. In particular, please also identify and explain any changes your Agency has made to comply with the recent changes to the FOIA. For these materials, please identify the date on which changes were made and the manner in which they differ from prior implementation materials. Please also provide training materials for Agency employees on complying with the FOIA, as well as any written instructions provided to individuals who are involved in searches for responsive records to FOIA requests. In addition, I wish to inquire about what effect proposed budget cuts may have on your A gency?s FOIA responses. Please provide information on your Agency?s funding and staffing for FOIA operations for each of the past five ?scal years, and any projection available on how proposed budget cuts would affect funding and staffing in FY2013. Please also provide statistics on the number of FOIA requests your Agency received and processed in FY2016, as well as its FOIA backlog, for each of the past five ?scal years. 1FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 2 (Pub. L. No. 114?135) PiIih II I: (IN I HUD-17-0235-A-000001 Finally, moving forward, I would appreciate that you notify my of?ce anytime you make changes to your FOIA guidance, processes, or standards. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, I all" I Michael F. Bennet HUD-17-0235-A-000002 3B . a was este?ts?te um owe sosoeeo eeteemte CONGRESS we meme dettgtese of the enm- Estes e: GVERSEGHT AND GGVERNMENT Etd?? Revsuew Rouse DC ?262) 3 March 8, 20?? The Honorable Benjamin Carson Secretary Deportmeot of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. Washington, DC. 20410 Dear Mr. Secretary: Federal recordkeeping and govemmeot transparency laws such as the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (F 01A) ensure the of?cial business of the government is properly preserved and aecessible to the American goblie.I As the Committee with legislative jurisdiction over these laws, we have a longstanding interest in ensuring compliance with their provisions? Over the past decade, our oversight has included monitoring trends in federal employees? use ofteehnology in order to ensure the statutory requirements of these laws keeps pace Withtheir original purpose. The Committee has authored several updates to these laws, such as the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 and the 01A Improvement Act of 20163 We plan to persoe additional efforts to update these laws. Fedesal Records Act challenges have spanned across odmioistretions. A 2013 report by the Inspector General for the Commodities Futures Trading Commission found that former Chairmae Gary Geesler used his personal email eonsistently.4 Documents produced as part of the Committee?s investigation into the Department of Energy?s disbursement of funds ender the Recovery Act showed that the formee Exeeutive Director of the Loan Program Of?ce Jonathan Silver o?en used his personal email account to conduct official business.s Pub. L, No. 81-754 (1950); Pub. L. No. 89437 {1967). 2 See, ego letter from Home Henry Waxmen, Chairman, Comm. on Oversight Gov?t Reform, to Hon. Michael Astrue, Comm?r, UxSl Soc. Sec. Admin, et of. (Apr. 12, 2097); letter from Hon. Darrell 1333, Chairman, Comm. on Oversight Gov?t Reform, to Hon. Jeffrey Zieots, Acting Dis. for Of?ce ot?Mgmt. Budget, et' of. (Dec. 13, 2012); MAJORITY STAFF 0? id. COMM. 0N OVERSIGHT Sc: REFORM 1 MW (SONG, FOIA ts A REPORT (3616). 3 Pub. L. No 1 Pub. L. Net Nil-185 (2926). 4 Osezee OF INSPECTOR GEM, COMMOWY '?U'i?tiRE3 TRAQING REVIEW 0? TE CUMMOBETY FUTURES TRADING (loomssxoo?s AND REGULATION 0F GLOBAL, INC. (May 20 i 3). 5 See Carol D. Leonnig and Joe Stephens, Eoergy Department loan program slo?'ers were warned not to use peesoeoz' mood", WASR. PCST, Aug. 14, HUD-17-0235-A-000003 The Memorable Bertiemin S. Carma. March 8, 2017 Page ?2 Where 2: federal employee conducts any business related til the werk 0f the gevemment free: a nongovernmental email such as email eceeuntg the Federal Records Act requires that the employee cepy their Official account 01' forward the reamed. is: their gevernmeet email Within 29 days? Official busieess meet be coedeetecl in such a way as H) preserve the official sf actiens taker: by the federal gevemmest and its empleyees. Recent news reports suggest federal employees may increasingly be fuming t0 new lanes of electronic eemmunieetien, including eneiypted messaging applications like Signal, Cen?cle, and WhatsAp-ps that eeultt result in the ei'eatien' of liederel recercls that weeld be unlikely or impossible t0 preserve? The security at? such applicatiees is uncleans Generally, streng eneryptieit is the best. defense against cyber breaches by eutside actors} and can preserve the integrity ef deeisien~meking cammunicatiens. The need fer data security: heweverl dees net justify circumventing requirements established by federal and transparency laws. ?l?cs assist the Committee in bettes understanding yeur agency?s policies on these issues: please provide the following infermetien as seen as pessible, but by no later than March 22, 2017: 1, Identify any senier agency of?cials who have used as: alias email element is ceriduct efficial business since January 1, 2016. Include the name efthe official, the alias account, and other email aceeunts used by the ef?elal 1c: ceeduet of?cial business 2. Identify all ageney policies referring 0r relating, to the use of messagisg including email, text message, messaging applicatiens, and seeia?l media pletferms te conduct ef?ciel business, including but met limited te archiving and precedures. 3. Identify all agency policies referring or relating te the use of ef?eisi text message er ether messaging er eommtinications applications, and secial media platferms for conduct efficlal business, including but mt limited te archiving and 4. identify agency pelleies aed graceduees currently in. place to ensure all eemmunieatiens related to the ereetien er transmissies ef? federal records at; effieial eleetreeie messaging aeceunts ether than email, inelu?ing social uetwerking platfermsg, internal agency instant messaging systems and ether eemmunieetiens spplicatieesl are properly captured and preserved as federal records. 6 44 use. 291 1 (213:7). An?rew Restuecia, Marienee Levine and Nehel Teesi, Federal werkem Eur}! to to thwart ?E?ump, Fee. 2, 2917, It}; Jonathan Swan and Davie McCabe, szjide: me appfor peremefd Republicans, Feb. 8, 20W, 3 Sheers: Frenkei, Whirl: Hesse Stagf?ire mm; A ?Secure? App The?! ?3 Ne: Really $0 Secure, BUZZFEED NEWS, Feb. 16, 261 7 HUD-17-0235-A-000004 The Honorable Benjamin S. Carson Match 8, 2017 Page 3 5. Explain how your agohcy complies with FOEA requests that may require searching and production ot?documents- stored on hon-of?cial email accounts, social networking platforms, or other messaging or oommooicationsi 6. Provide tho status of compliance by the agency with the Managing Government: Records Directive issood by the Of?ce of Management and Bodgct on Aogust 243 2012.9 When producing documents to the Committee, please deliver production sets to the Majority Staff in Room 2157 of the Rayburn House Of?ce Building and the Minority Staff in Room 2471 of the Raybom House Of?ce Building. The Committee wafers, if possible, to receive all documents in electronic format. An attachment to this letter provides additional information about responding to the Comittoo?s request. Please {tote that Committee Rule 16(b) requires coonscl an indiviciuai or entity before the Committee or any of its subcommittees, whether in connection with a request, subpoena, or testimony, submit the attached notice of apps-ammo to the Committee. The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the principal oversight committee ot?the House of Representatives and may at ?any time? investigate ?any matter? as set forth. in House Rule X. For any questions about this request, please have your staff contact Jeff Post of the Majority Staff at (292) 225~5074 or Krista Boyd of the Minority staff at (202) 225-9491 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely} Jaison Bllja Commgin Chairman Ranking Member Enclosures 9 Jeffrey D. Zients, Acting Director, Gf?co of Management and Budget anti David S. Ferriem, Archivist of the United States, National Archives and Records A?ministration, Monagiog Government Records Directive (Aug 24, HUD-17-0235-A-000005 Responding to Committee Document Reguests in complying with this request, you are required to produce all responsive documents that are in your possession, custody, or control, whether held by you or your past or present agents, employees, and representatives acting on your behalf. You should also produce documents that you have a legal right to obtain, that you have a right to copy or to which you have access, as well as documents that you have placed in the temporary possession, custody, or control of any third party. Requested records, documents, data or information should not be destroyed, modified, removed, transferred or otherwise made inaccessible to the Committee. In the event that any entity, organization or individual denoted in this request has been, or is also known by any other name than that herein denoted, the request shall be read also to include that alternative identi?cation. . The Committee?s preference is to receive documents in electronic form CD, memory stick, or thumb drive) in lieu of paper productions. . Documents produced in electronic format should also be organized, identi?ed, and indexed electronically. Electronic document productions should be prepared according to the following standards: The production should consist of single page Tagged Image File files accompanied by a Concordance~format load ?le, an Opticon reference ?le, and a ?le defining the fields and character of the load tile. Document numbers in the load tile should match document Bates numbers and file names. if the production is completed through a series of multiple partial productions, ?eld names and tile order in all load files should match. All electronic documents produced to the Committee should include the following fields of metadata speci?c to each document; BEGDOC, ENDDOC, TEXT, BEGATTACH, ENDATTACH, DATE, TIME, SENTDATE, SENTTIME, BEGINDATE, BEGINTIME, ENDDATE, AUTHOR, FROM, CC, TO, BCC, SUBJECT, TITLE, FILENAME, FILEEXT, FILESIZE, TIMECREZATED, DATELASTMOD, EXCEPTION, BEGATTACH. Documents produced to the Committee should include an index describing the contents of the production. To the extent more than one CD, hard drive, memory stick, thumb drive, box or folder is produced, each CD, hard drive, memory stick, thumb drive, box or folder should contain an index describing its contents. HUD-17-0235-A-000006 10. ll. 12. l3. 14. 17. 18. Documents produced in response to this request shall be produced together with copies of ?le labels, dividers or identifying markers with which they were associated when the request was served. When you produce documents, you should identify the paragraph in the Committee?s schedule to which the documents respond. It shall not be a basis for refusal to produce documents that any other person or entity also possesses non-identical or identical copies of the same documents. if any of the requested information is only reasonably available in machine-readable form (such as on a computer server, hard drive, or computer backup tape), you should consult with the Committee staff to determine the appropriate format in which to produce the information. if compliance with the request cannot be made in full by the speci?ed return date, compliance shall be made to the extent possible by that date. An explanation of why full compliance is not possible shall be provided along with any partial production. in the event that a document is withheld on the basis of privilege, provide a privilege log containing the following information concerning any such document: the privilege asserted; the type of document; the general subject matter; the date, author and addressee; and the relationship of the author and addressee to each other. if any document responsive to this request was, but no longer is, in your possession, custody, or control, identify the document (stating its date, author, subject and recipients) and explain the circumstances under which the document ceased to be in your possession, custody, or control. if a date or other descriptive detail set forth in this request referring to a document is inaccurate, but the actual date or other descriptive detail is known to you or is otherwise apparent from the context of the request, you are required to produce all documents which would be responsive as if the date or other descriptive detail were correct. . Unless otherwise specified, the time period covered by this request is from January 1, 2009 to the present. . This request is continuing in nature and applies to any newly?discovered information. Any record, document, compilation of data or information, not produced because it has not been located or discovered by the return date, shall be produced immediately upon subsequent location or discovery. All documents shall be Bates-stamped sequentially and produced sequentially. Two sets of documents shall be delivered, one set to the Majority Staff and one set to the Minority Staff. When documents are produced to the Committee, production sets shall be delivered to the Majority Staff in Room 2157 ofthe Rayburn House Office Building and the Minority Staff in Room 247 of the Rayburn House Of?ce Building. HUD-17-0235-A-000007 19. Upon completion of the document production, you should submit a written certification, signed by you or your counsel, stating that: a diligent search has been completed of all documents in your possession, custody, or control which reasonably could contain responsive documents; and (2) all documents located during the search that are responsive have been produced to the Committee. Hefinitions l. The term ?document? means any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any nature whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, and whether original or copy, including, but not limited to, the following: memoranda, reports, expense reports, books, manuals, instructions, ?nancial reports, working papers, records, notes, letters, notices, confirmations, telegrams, receipts, appraisals, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, prospectuses, inter-of?ce and intra- ofiice communications, electronic mail (email), contracts, cables, notations of any type of conversation, telephone call, meeting or other communication, bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts, teletypes, invoices, transcripts, diaries, analyses, returns, summaries, minutes, bills, accounts, estimates, projections, comparisons, messages, correspondence, press releases, circulars, ?nancial statements, reviews, opinions, offers, studies and investigations, questionnaires and surveys, and work sheets (and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations, modi?cations, revisions, changes, and amendments of any of the foregoing, as well as any attachments or appendices thereto), and graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, micro?lm, videotape, recordings and motion pictures), and electronic, mechanical, and electric records or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, tapes, cassettes, disks, and recordings) and other written, printed, typed, or other graphic or recorded matter of any kind or nature, however produced or reproduced, and whether preserved inwriting, film, tape, disk, videotape or otherwise. A document bearing any notation not a part of the original text is to be considered a separate document. A draft or non-identical copy is a separate document within the meaning of this term. 2. The term ?communication? means each manner or means of disclosure or exchange of information, regardless of means utilized, Whether oral, electronic, by document or otherwise, and whether in a meeting, by telephone, facsimile, email (desktop or mobile device), text message, instant message, MMS or SMS message, regular mail, telexes, releases, or otherwise. 3. The terms ?and? and ?or? shall be construed broadly and either conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of this request any information which might otherwise be construed to be outside its scope. The singular includes plural number, and vice versa. The masculine includes the feminine and neuter genders. 4. The terms ?person? or ?persons? mean natural persons, firms, partnerships, associations, corporations, subsidiaries, divisions, departments,joint ventures, proprietorships, syndicates, or other legal, business or government entities, and all subsidiaries, af?liates, divisions, departments, branches, or other units thereof. HUD-17-0235-A-000008 5. The term ?identify,? when used in a question about individuals, means to provide the foilowing information: the individuals complete name and title; and the individuals business address and phone number. 6. The term ?referring or relating,? with respect to any given subject, means anything that constitutes, contains, embodies, re?ects, identi?es, states, refers to, deals with or is pertinent to that subject in any manner whatsoever. 7. The term ?employee? means agent, borrowed employee, casual employee, consultant, contractor, tie facto employee, independent contractor, joint adventurer, ioaned employee, part?time employee, permanent employee, provisional employee, subcontractor, or any other type of service provider. HUD-17-0235-A-000009 COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 115TH CONGRESS NOTICE OF APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL Counsel submitting: Bar number: State/District of admission: Attorney for: Address: Telephone: - Pursuant to Rule 16 of the Committee Rules, notice is hereby given of the entry of the undersigned as counsel far in (select one): Alt matters before the Committee The following matters (describe the scope of representation): All further notice and copies of papers and other material relevant to this action shouid he directed to and served upon: Attorney?s name: Attorney?s email address: Firm name (where applicable): Complete Mailing Address: I agree to notify the Committee within 1 business day of any change in representation. Signature of Attorney Date HUD-17-0235-A-00001O We?ve a ?4 US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN WASHINGTON, DC 0 Eva}? OFFICE OF CONGRESSEONAL AND RELATIONS The Honorable Jason Chaffetz Chairman Conunittee on Oversight and Government Reform US. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515-6143 Dear Chairman Chaffetz: On behalf of Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, thank you for your letter requesting information about the Department of Housing and Urban Development?s (HUD) policies and procedures on federal recordkeeping and transparency law compliance. HUD takes seriously its obligations under the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ensure that the official business of the department is properly preserved and accessible to the American public. The Department is committed to making continuous improvements and continuously assessing its procedures to ensure compliance to these and other relevant statutes. To that end, HUD employs a multi-faceted approach to its information management activitieswemploying employee training, technology tools, and agency?wide policy and procedures to empower HUD employees to meet recordkeeping obligations. New employees, including appointees, are inStructed to not use personal email accounts to conduct HUD business. See HUD Of?ce of Administration Orientation Guide at 1445; and Sting? Free Guide to Management, enclosed. senior officials receive an information management compliance briefing by Chief Administrative Officer and Executive Secretary, who serves as the Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM). Similarly, departing senior officials receive an exit briefing from SAORM. Departing executives also are required to certify that they have saved all agency records in appropriate HUDwadministered systems, including transfer of any emails or messages contained on non-official accounts into HUD- administered systems. See UD O?ice of Administration Records Management Exit Certi?cation, attached. HUD also distributes guidance on records management and FOIA produced by other federal agencies, such as the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publication, Documenting Your Public Service, enclosed. Use of social media platforms is permitted for HUD official business and use is administered through the Office of Public Affairs. Messages promulgated through such media are collected and retained as HUD records, in consultation with Office of the Executive Secretariat, Records Management Branch. HUD does not permit the use of ?alias? email accounts. HUD?issued email accounts identify employees by name or official title. The Secretary is assigned two email accounts: one identified as Secretary, [Last name] @hud. gov, which is used for public correspondence; and another identified by his title and first name or initials, which is for internal use. Both of these HUD-17-0235-A-00001 1 espanolhudgov accounts, as well as all accounts relating to other HUD appointees and employees, are managed and retained in accordance with HUD records management requirements, and are accessible for search in response to FOIA, litigation, oversight, and Congressional inquiries. HUD also has invested in technology tools to ensure proper maintenance and access for all types of electronically stored information (ESI) records. HUD maintains ESI in electronic format in the Office 365 Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program compliant Government Community Cloud (GCC) environment. Here data is captured and stored in centralized servers and retained for future use, including search. Emails and instant messages are captured using Exchange Online Archiving and can be accessed via user?s email application, Outlook. HUD also utilizes an eDiscovery tool that enables keyword searches across email accounts and other large repositories of ESL to support document productions for litigation, and Congressional inquiries. In responding to requests for information under the FOLA, the Office of the Executive Secretariat, FOIA Branch, works with records custodians, subject matter experts, and the Office of the General Counsel to conduct efficient searches of HUD records repositories using these tools. HUD is committed to continuing to develop the necessary policies and procedures to transition into a fully digital working environment, consistent with OMB Memorandum 12?18. in late Fiscal Year 2016, HUD recruited a nationally?recognized FOIA and information management expert as Executive Secretary, Chief FOIA Officer, and SAORM. She is a career member of the Senior Executive Service with more than 20 years public and private sector experience in information management and compliance. HUD recently completed its annual Records Management Self?Assessment (RMSA) and identified permanent records older than 30 years, as well as all unscheduled records. HUD also has completed a review and consolidation plan for all of its records schedules, and is in the process of ?nalizing a new email policy, as well as an update to its general records management directive to conform to M- 12?18 requirements. HUD also is working in conjunction with NARA to implement General Records Schedule (GRS) 6.1: Email Managed under a Capstone Approach, which will complete compliance with Thank you for interest in efforts to ensure compliance with the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act?s records preservation requirements. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Aaron Santa Anna Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relaltions Enclosures US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, EC 20410-10th ,9 <2 84 Ev?nlip OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings Ranking Member Committee on Oversight and Govermnent Reform US. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515?6143 Dear Ranking Member Cummings: On behalf of Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, thank you for your letter requesting information about the Department of Housing and Urban Development?s (HUD) policies and procedures on federal recordkeeping and transparency law compliance. HUD takes seriously its obligations under the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ensure that the official business of the department is properly preserved and accessible to the American public. The Department is committed to making continuous improvements and continuously assessing its procedures to ensure compliance to these and other relevant statutes. To that end, HUD employs a multi?faceted approach to its information management activitieswemploying employee training, technology tools, and agency-wide policy and procedures to empower HUD employees to meet HU D?s recordkeeping obligations. New employees, including appointees, are instructed to not use personal email accounts to conduct HUD business. See HUD O??ice of Administration Orientation Guide at Ill-15; and Sting- Free Guide to Information Management, enclosed. senior officials receive an information management compliance briefing by Chief Administrative Officer and Executive Secretary, who serves as the Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM). Similarly, departing senior officials receive an exit briefing from SAORM. Departing executives also are required to certify that they have saved all agency records in appropriate HUD?administered systems, including transfer of any emails or messages contained on non~official accounts into HUD- administered systems. See HUD O??ice of Administration Records Management Exit Certi?cation, attached. HUD also distributes guidance on records management and FOLA produced by other federal agencies, such as the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publication, Documenting our Public Service, enclosed. Use of social media platforms is permitted for HUD official business and use is administered through the Office of Public Affairs. Messages promulgated through such media are collected and retained as HUD records, in consultation with Office of the Executive Secretariat, Records Management Branch. HUD does not permit the use of ?alias? email accounts. HUD?issued email accounts identify employees by name or official title. The Secretary is assigned two email accounts: one identified as Secretary, [Last name] @hud. gov, which is used for public correspondence; and another identified by his title and first name or initials, which is for internal use. Both of these HUD-17-0235-A-000013 espanol.hud.g0v accounts, as well as all accounts relating to other HUD appointees and employees, are managed and retained in accordance with HUD records management requirements, and are accessible for search in response to FOIA, litigation, oversight, and Congressional inquiries. HUD also has invested in technology tools to ensure proper maintenance and access for all types of electronically stored information (ESI) records. HUD maintains ESI in electronic format in the Office 365 Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program compliant Government Community Cloud (GCC) environment. Here data is captured and stored in centralized servers and retained for future use, including search. Emails and instant messages are captured using Exchange Online Archiving and can be accessed via user?s email application, Outlook. HUD also utilizes an eDiscovery tool that enables keyword searches across email accounts and other large repositories of ESL to support document productions for FOLA, litigation, and Congressional inquiries. In responding to requests for information under the FOLA, the Office of the Executive Secretariat, FOIA Branch, works with records custodians, subject matter experts, and the Of?ce of the General Counsel to conduct efficient searches of HUD records repositories using these tools. HUD is committed to continuing to develop the necessary policies and procedures to transition into a fully digital working environment, consistent with OMB Memorandum 12?18. In late Fiscal Year 2016, HUD recruited a nationally?recognized FOIA and information management expert as Executive Secretary, Chief FOIA Officer, and SAORM. She is a career member of the Senior Executive Service with more than 20 years public and private sector experience in information management and compliance. HUD recently completed its annual Records Management SelfwAssessment (RMSA) and identified permanent records older than 30 years, as well as all unscheduled records. HUD also has completed a review and consolidation plan for all of its records schedules, and is in the process of finalizing a new email policy, as well as an update to its general records management directive to conform to Mum?18 requirements. HUD also is working in conjunction with NARA to implement General Records Schedule (GRS) 6.1: Email Managed under a Capstone Approach, which will complete compliance with Thank you for interest in efforts to ensure compliance with the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act?s records preservation requirements. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. - Sincerely, Aaron Santa Anna Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relaltions Enclosures HUD-17-0235-A-000014 JEB HENSARLING, TX, CHAIRMAN 11mm? ?t?tfg MAXINE WATERS, CA, RANKING MEMBER (Summittu on finantial ?rming llzl] mum (Dl?rt Building 3301' 20515 April 3, 2017 The Honorable Benjamin S. Carson Secretary US. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 Seventh Street SW Washington, DC. 20410 Dear Secretary Carson: Re: Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records I write on behalf of the Committee on Financial Services of the US. House of Representatives (?Committee?) to inform you and the Department of the Housing and Urban Development (?Agency?) of the Committee?s practices and procedures during the 115th Congress. As you may be aware, the Committee has legislative and oversight jurisdiction over the Agency, pursuant to US. House of Representatives Rule Accordingly, the Committee?s Members and staff may communicate with you and your Agency in connection with various legislative, oversight, and investigative matters. Because of the often sensitive and confidential nature of such communications, and in order to ensure the unfettered ?ow of information necessary to assist the Committee in performing its important legislative and oversight functions, the Committee intends to retain control of all such communications, and will be entrusting them to your agency only for use in handling those matters. Likewise, any documents created or compiled by your agency in connection with any responses to such Committee communications, including but not limited to any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee?s control. All such documents and communications constitute congressional records, not ?agency records,? for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, and remain subject to congressional control even when in the physical possession of the Agency. As such, they should be segregated from agency records, and access to them should be limited to Agency personnel who need such access for purposes of providing information or assistance to the Committee. Additionally, such congressional records are subject to the absolute protections of the Speech or Debate Clause of the Constitution, US. Const. art. I, 6, cl. 1. HUD-17-0235-A-000015 The Hon. Benjamin S. Carson April 3, 2017 Page 2 Accordingly, the Committee expects that the Agency will decline to produce any such congressional records in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act or any other provision of law or agreement, on the grounds that such documents are not the Agency?s documents to produce, and (ii) are constitutionally privileged, in addition to any other grounds the Agency may assert. It is the Committee?s policy to include a legend on its legislative, oversight, and investigative correspondence to the Agency re?ecting its intent to retain control of all such communications and responsive documents. The legend is included as a matter of best practice, but accidental failure to include the legend on a particular 1e giSlative, oversight, or investigative communication is immaterial, because the Committee intends to retain control over all such communications and any documents created or compiled in response thereto. To ensure that the Agency and the Committee efficiently communicate in the future regarding the maintenance, confidentiality, and disposition of the Committee?s congressional records, by no later than May 1, 2017, please respond to the Committee in writing to confirm that your Agency will decline to produce any congressional records in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act or any other provision of law or agreement, that your Agency will discuss said request with the Committee, that your Agency has policies and procedures in place to address this issue, and that these policies and procedures have been shared with appropriate Agency personnel. If you have any questions regarding this request, please have your staff contact Brett Sisto of the Committee staff at (202) 225-7502. We look forward to working with them in the future. EB HENSARLING Chairman cc: The Honorable Maxine Waters, Ranking Member HUD-17-0235-A-000016 Record Of US. Department of Housing and Urban Eevelopment Clearances Executive Secretariat '3 ACORN Control Number: Originatori Comments: (Last Name Correspondence Code)- I I II Iw Date: I BODELL, AHFDA g; e? 11/21/2017 RESPONSE Grant in fuii Pr?mary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivaient: (Last Name Correspondence Code) I i. FOSTER, AHFD Correspondence Unit Chief or Point of Contact for ?11 Correspondence: (Last Name Correspondence Code) 2? out: 3. in out: 4. SNOWDEN, AHFDA in: 2,3 we. 3e i7 5. WRIGHT, AHFDA in? out: 6? CAGDB (381cm (WM. 6 1/4 N) I 7. eeoww, 11/ out: 8. tn out: 9. tn out: 10. - in: out: Comments and/or Specia? Dispatch instructions: Program Person to Contact for Questions: Phone No: Room No: Ethan Bode? x3450 10139 form HUD-1047 (02/03) U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION HAR2 2 ?018 Mr. Austin R. Evers Executive Director American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: 17-FI-HQ-01560 Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is the second interim response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received on July 14, 2017. You asked for Department of Housing and Urban Development records related the FOIA since March 2, 2017, to include: 1. All emails sent or received by any political appointee or Senior Executive Service (SES) staff in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Deputy Secretary, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, or the Office of Field Policy and Management including the phrase "Freedom of Information Act" or the word "FOIA;" and 2. All other communications involving any political appointee or SES staff in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Deputy Secretary, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, the Office of the General Counsel, or the Office of Field Policy and Management regarding HUD's policies or practices for processing FOIA requests or producing documents in response to FOIA requests. This includes communications regarding review of existing policies or practices as well as communications regarding adoption of new policies or practices or of changes to existing policies or practices affecting HUD's response to FOIA requests. Your request is granted in part. Enclosed are emails, responsive to item 1 of your request, of the following HUD employees: o o Deana Bass - Deputy Chief of Staff; and Seth Appleton - General Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov 2 I am withholding portions of emails containing deliberative communications, portions of the Secretary's daily calendar reflecting prospective matters, and draft memoranda under Exemption 5 of the FOIA. Exemption 5 protects documents that are inter-agency or intraagency, which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with HUD. The release of this internal information would reflect HUD's predecisional, deliberative process, and would discourage open and candid advice, recommendations, and exchanges of views within the Department, which could bring about public scrutiny of the individuals and the need to justify in public their tentative opinions. I am also withholding call-in passcodes, personal cell phone numbers, names and addresses of private citizens, drivers license numbers, vehicle identification numbers, and Y ouTube and imgur links containing inform~tion about private citizens under Exemption 6 of the FOIA, because release of such information would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The interest of the general public in reviewing these portions of government documents does not outweigh the individuals' right to privacy. Please be advised that the review of records responsive to item 1 of your request is ongoing. Further interim responses may be provided to you as this process continues. At the completion of this review, a final response letter will be provided. The final response letter will detail all applicable appeal rights. For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. Please also be advised that all appeal rights related to your request will be provided to you in a final response letter. If you have questions regarding your request, please contact Mr. Ethan Bodell at (202) 402-3450. Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs and policies. Sincerely, d~ Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Gadson, Jovette G Tuesday, March 07, 2017 2:39 PM Bass, Deana Sullivan, Brian E Background Docs for SOHUD Brown Bag Lunch Series Coffee with SOHUD Generic Emails Text.docx; Coffee with SOHUD SOPs.docx; Sample HQ Coffee with the Secretary Briefing Memo.docx; Field Office Coffee with SOHUD_King Cake Briefing Memo.docx Hi Deana, Brian asked that I send the attached documents to possibly help develop the Secretary Brown Bag Lunch series. The attachments outline past Coffee with the Secretary events. Included are the standard operating procedures (employees were randomly selected to attend unless the coffee was with an affinity group), event email text, an HQ coffee briefing memo and a field coffee briefing memo. If you have any questions about Coffee with the Secretary, let me know. I organized the final two with former Secretary Shaun Donovan. All the best! Jovette Jovette Gadson Office of Public Affairs U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 451 7th Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20410 Jovette.G.Gadson@hud.gov 11W .. ieEI Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary HUD-17-0235-B-000001 Email to Coffee with the Secretary Participants: To: All selected Coffee with the Secretary Participants From: OPA When: Week to Two Weeks Before Coffee Subject: Coffee with the Secretary Subject: Coffee with the Secretary Congratulations! You were randomly selected to participate in the January installment of the Coffee with the Secretary program. Coffee with the Secretary will take place from 2 - 3 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19th in the Secretary's Conference Room (Room 10000). You should meet me in the conference room fifteen minutes in advance at 1:45 p.m. Additionally, by COB Friday, January 14th, please send me a two to three sentence blurb that includes a) how long you've been at HUD; b) the main initiative you've been working on over the last year; and c) the topic you'd like to discuss with Secretary Donovan during the hour-long coffee. Depending on your brevity, this may be included in the Secretary's briefing book. Finally, please also send me the name and contact information of your supervisor so I can alert them of your attendance at the event. If you cannot make it on January 19th, please let me know ASAP. Finally, I want to stress that this is as much an opportunity for the Secretary to hear directly from employees about the general state of HUD as it is for you to interact with him. This forum is intended to give all participants a chance to take part in the conversation - so if there is an issue or concern that pertains only to you, please raise it privately via email beforehand, and save time during the Coffee for more general group discussion. Thanks and I look forward to meeting you! Please let me know if you have any questions. Office of Public Affairs Email to A/S and GDASs: To: All A/S and GDASs From: Deputy Chief of Staff, OSEC When: Same day participants are notified of selection All -Internal Comms Specialist and I wanted to give you a heads up on the 15 employees who were randomly selected to participate in January's "Coffee with the Secretary." The names and affiliations are below. It will be held next Wednesday, January 19th from 2-3 p.m. We will be doing our best to share this information with the direct managers of these employees prior to the Coffee - but feel free to help us spread the word. HUD-17-0235-B-000002 Thanks, Deputy Chief of Staff signature (below will be list of selected participants) Email to Coffee Participants' Managers: To: Managers of Coffee with the Secretary participants From: Internal Comms Specialist, OPA Date: A week to a few days before the Coffee Subject: FW: Coffee with the Secretary (I will forward the email that I sent to the participants) HiAs managers, I wanted to inform you that one or some of your employees were selected to take part in Coffee with the Secretary on Wednesday, January 19th from 2-3 p.m. In all, fifteen employees who sent in their names were randomly selected. We've already reached out to them to let them know they've been selected, and most of them have probably already reached out to you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Below is the final list of participants. Thanks! Office of Public Affairs Internal Comms Specialist (below will be the final list of participants) HUD-17-0235-B-000003 Standard Operating Procedures for Coffee with the Secretary A Month Before Coffee: o o Pick date for Coffee with the Secretary (Scheduling & Advance, OPA) Put announcement in HUD Happenings (OPA) Two Weeks Before Coffee: o o o o o o o Decide on format (Deputy Chief of Staff/Designee, Scheduling & Advance, OPA) Track emails coming into HUD Happenings email account (OPA) Compile spreadsheets for lottery participants (OPA) Conduct random selection (OPA) Email participants telling them they've been selected and asking them for a brief blurb about themselves, what office they work in, how long they've been at HUD, what they want to discuss with the Secretary, and the name/ contact information for their supervisors. (OPA) Email sent GDASs from OPA with the names of the employees who have been selected, with language letting them know that their direct supervisors will be notified as well. (Deputy Chief of Staff/Designee may forward the email on behalf of OPA) Email supervisors telling them their employees have been selected (OPA) Week Before Coffee: o o Buy coffee and coffee supplies (Appropriate Front Office Staff) Compile briefing for Secretary (OPA) Day Of Coffee: o o Work with Broadcast to have photos of participants taken and ready as souvenirs (OPA, Broadcast Photography) Work with Secretarial staff to make sure room is set up (OPA) After Coffee: o Do any necessary follow up after town hall (Deputy Chief of Staff/Designee, OPA and other relevant staff) HUD-17-0235-B-000004 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 BRIEFING MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Cc: Re: August 28, 2013 Secretary of HUD OPA Deputy Chief of Staff Coffee with the Secretary (August 29, 2013) Summary: In an effort to strengthen employee morale and increase your accessibility to more agency employees, and in direct response to the Employee ViewPoint Survey results requesting better communication, YOU will host the fourteenth installment in a monthly series of "Coffee with the Secretary" in YOUR conference room on Thursday, August 29th from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. for 13 selected employees. The majority of the employees are affiliated with the Under 5 affinity group. All have less than seven years of tenure with the agency. Date: Thursday, August 29th Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location: YOUR conference room Staff: Angela Barranco, Jovette Gadson, Brent (Last Name) Run of Show: 1:45 p.m.: The employees will enter the conference room and help themselves to coffee. 1:50 p.m.: The employees will be briefed on the run of show by HUD staff. 1:58 p.m.: The employees will be positioned to take a group photo. 2:00 p.m.: YOU will enter the conference room. 2:01 p.m.: YOU will take a group photo with the employees. 2:06 p.m.: YOU will deliver brief opening remarks (2-3 minutes) 2:09 p.m.: Deputy Chief of Staff will then ask each employee to introduce themselves, say what office they work in and how long they have been at HUD. 2:15 p.m.: YOU will then open it up conversation - and Angela will moderate. 2:55 p.m.: Deputy Chief of Staff prompts YOU to take a final question and conclude the coffee with a minute of closing remarks. HUD Employees Participating: HUD-17-0235-B-000005 Briefing Memorandum Page 2 After being selected, chosen employees were asked to send in a few sentences about themselves and what they hoped to discuss with YOU. 1. Hilary Atkin, JD, Environmental Clearance Officer, Office of Housing Hilary has worked at HUD since July 5, 2011. She is the Environmental Clearance Officer for the Office of Housing advising the various Housing program offices about compliance with the various environmental authorities and reviewing Housing directives as part of the clearance process. Hilary serves as a liaison between Under 5 and the local Union. She wants to discuss with you the future of the agency's Student Loan Repayment Program. 2. Jay Austin, Office of Strategic Planning and Management Jay Austin began his HUD tenure in 2010 as a Presidential Management Fellow. During his three years of service he has helped create and develop the Under 5 affinity group, HUD Ideas in Action, and Switchboard. This year, Jay is leading a merger of Ideas in Action and Switchboard, and building out the site's support functions to create a single customer care point-of-contact within HUD, with robust metrics and analytics tools to track timeliness, effectiveness, and satisfaction with all of HUD's customer care communications. Jay would like to discuss how the Secretary's Office could better leverage HUD Ideas in Action to support open, transparent, democratic decision-making. 3. John Bell, Housing Program Manager, Office of Housing 4. Brooke Bohnet, Presidential Management Fellow, Office of the Secretary Brooke has worked at HUD for the past 14 months, supporting the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff primarily on the second term policy priorities and coordinating the Rental Policy Working Group. Recently, her portfolio has expanded to include standing up the Promise Zones initiative. Brooke serves as the Capital Bikeshare lead for the agency, an initiative to add bikesharing as a transportation option for employees. She wants to discuss YOUR vision for HUD and how YOU think Under 5 members can best change HUD culture to be more innovative and results-driven. 5. April Brown, Office of Public Affairs 6. Laura Kunkel, Special Assistant, Office of Community Planning & Development Laura Kunkel has served as Special Assistant to Mark Johnston for 3 years, primarily focused on homelessness policy and communications within CPD and external to HUD. In addition to this role, she is heavily involved in Under 5 initiatives. Most recently, she lead the pilot of Innovation Time, which allows participants to spend up to 10 percent of their workweek not on their day jobs, but on collaborating to improve the agency and its internal and external relationships. Laura wants to discuss the YOUR vision for the Weaver building physically after the current renovations are complete. 7. Michael Lawyer, Special Assistant, Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (On Detail) Michael has been with the agency for over four years including time in the Minneapolis Field Office, Office of Strategic Planning & Management and the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. He is on detail to the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer to work on HUD-17-0235-B-000006 Briefing Memorandum Page 3 strategic planning and employee retention. His role in Under5 and Switchboard, Michael has been instrumental in connecting members to projects and initiatives of interest to them. I know He would like to thank YOU for YOUR support of Under 5 during the discussion. 8. Dustin Parks, Presidential Management Fellow, Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Dusting is a Presidential Management Fellow in the Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity's Office of Policy and Legislative Initiatives. He is currently on a 7-month rotation with Congressman Capuano (D-MA). In the last year, Dustin has been afforded the opportunity to work on an array of projects including disability rights, GSE/FHA reform, and Switchboard's Standing Workstation Project. He would like to discuss with YOU the agency's strategy for attracting and maintaining new employees as a large number of staff will be retirement eligible in the near future. 9. Samuel Pearson-Moore, Attorney-Advisor, Office of General Counsel Samuel has been with HUD for two years (celebrating his tenure anniversary August 26, 2013). He works as an attorney in the Office of Legislation & Regulations. In the Under 5/Switchboard group Samuel has been working on updating HUD's parental leave policy. In addition to his Under 5 work, he is a co-coordinator of HUD GLOBE and an active member of HUD VAG. Samuel would like to discuss the importance of the parental leave policy initiative and its status. 10. Anthony Soriano, Office of Housing Anthony currently works as a Management Analyst in the Office of Housing's Office of Management. Anthony works on the Housing process and continue improvement initiative. He is supporting the procurement division in doing root cause analyst, and using Lean methodologies to improve the division's work. He is currently working on implementing a manager feedback survey, knowledge management, and redesigning a new and improved onboarding/orientation process through Under 5. 11. Yennie Tse, Office of Policy Development & Research 12. Ali Wardle, Budget Analyst, Office of Housing Ali has been with HUD for over a year in the Office of Housing's Budget Office. Prior to her current assignment, she worked at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) for two years researching the housing bubble. Her portfolio at FHFA included General Insurance/Special Risk Insurance and Project Based Rental Assistance. Ali would like to discuss with YOU on providing some of the rotational and promotion benefits currently provided to Presidential Management Fellows to equally experienced, qualified and interested employees who are not in that program. She would also like to discuss the preferred balance of both funding and administration of housing policy between the federal and state levels of government if time permits. 13. Tanya Whippie, Librarian, Office of Policy Development & Research Tanya has worked at HUD for the past three years as the librarian. Her primary initiative has been to strengthen HUD's management of institutional knowledge, both within the library and more broadly throughout the agency. As HUD is approaching its 50th anniversary, she would HUD-17-0235-B-000007 Briefing Memorandum Page 4 like to see the agency take a more proactive role in preserving and sharing the invaluable information the agency has gathered. Tanya would like to discuss this idea with YOU. 14. Pam Zai, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Pam has been at HUD just under five years and is a former Presidential Management Fellow. She has worked in FHA, the Office of Strategic Planning and Management, and FHEO. Pam would like to discuss succession planning and how the agency will manage the possible large number of retirements in the near future. HUD-17-0235-B-000008 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 BRIEFING MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Cc: Re: February 3, 2011 Secretary of HUD OPA New Orleans, LA Field Office Staff King Cake with the Secretary Summary: In an effort to strengthen employee morale and increase your accessibility to more agency employees, and in direct response to the Employee ViewPoint Survey results requesting better communication, YOU will host the first field installment a monthly series of "Coffee with the Secretary" in the New Orleans Field Office on Thursday, February 2nd for 15 lottery-winning employees. The model for this event is based on the successes of a similar program run by Secretary Preston. In an effort to localize the "Coffee" concept, we have named this installment "King Cake with the Secretary" in honor of Mardi Gras. Date: Friday, February 4th Time: 8 - 9 a.m. Location: New Orleans Field Office Staff: Felipe Floresca Run of Show: 7:45 a.m.: The employees will enter the conference room and help themselves to coffee. 7:50 a.m.: The employees will be briefed on the run of show by HUD staff. 7:58 a.m.: The employees will be positioned to take a group photo. 8:00 a.m.: YOU will enter the conference room. 8:01 a.m.: YOU will take a group photo with the employees. 8:06 a.m.: YOU will deliver brief opening remarks (2-3 minutes) 8:09 a.m.: Field Office Director will then ask each employee to introduce themselves, say what office they work in and how long they have been at HUD. 8:30 a.m.: YOU will then open it up conversation - and Felipe will moderate. HUD-17-0235-B-000009 Briefing Memorandum Page 2 8:55 a.m.: Field Office Director prompts YOU to take a final question and conclude the coffee with a minute of closing remarks. HUD Employees Participating: After being randomly selected, selected employees were asked to send in a few sentences about themselves and what their work has focused on in the last year. 1. Sandra Bowling, CPD Representative Sandra started very recently with HUD on December 20th, transferring to HUD from DHS/FEMA. Although newly employed, she has experience working with HUD and HUDfunded programs. She initially started working as a grant administrator of HOME and CDBG grants, as well as disaster funding. Most recently, Sandra is working with FEMA on ESF-14 Long Term Community Recovery. 2. Suzanne Brown, Program Assistant, PIH Suzanne works in the Public Housing Division and has been employed with HUD for 3 years and 3 months. 3. Larry Campbell, Public Housing Revitalization Specialist, PIH Larry is a Public Housing Revitalization Specialist who has been with HUD for 22 years. He has been with the Public Housing Division since 1992. Most recently, Larry has worked on Recovery Act implementation. 4. Karen Garrett, Operations Analyst, FPM Karen is an Operations Analyst in FMP who has served at HUD for 21 years. She says that she has a few ideas to share with you that will enhance the customer service we already provide to HUD clients. 5. Bam Gressett, Attorney Advisor, FHA Bam has worked at HUD for almost 20 years in various capacities, including Chief Counsel for the Oklahoma City Office following the April 19th bombing in 1995. For the past year, Bam has primarily handed FHA closings for multifamily and for the Big 4 public housing developments in their various phases of rebuilding. Bam also works on post-Katrina hospital developments. 6. Miller Guice, Senior Real Estate Appraiser Miller is the senior real estate appraiser in the New Orleans Field Office and has been with HUD for 8 years. Miller has worked continuously on Hurricane Katrina-related matters for the past 5 years - including his own flooded home, HUD's damaged portfolio properties, as well as new applications in impacted areas. Miller missed the opportunity to meet YOU during your last stop in New Orleans for the Dorsey family dedication. 7. Wayne Janevein, IT Specialist Wayne has been working in HUD's IT Department in New Orleans for 23 years. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Tulane University in Computer Information Systems, and as a member of the New Orleans Personal Computer Club, has kept up with current trends in the automation HUD-17-0235-B-000010 Briefing Memorandum Page 3 industry. Wayne works within the framework of the HITS contract, and also holds an inactive real estate license in Louisiana. 8. Crystal Jones-Taylor, FPM Operations Specialist Crystal is an FPM Operations Specialist who has been employed by HUD at the New Orleans Field Office for 12 years. She is responsible for facilitating and promoting cross-program activities. She wears many hats and currently serves as the Field Office's Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership Liaison, is one of nineteen grant writing trainers for HUD's Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and is also a FOIA Liaison. As the Management Action Plan Coordinator for the New Orleans Field Office, Crystal coordinated a half-day allstaff meeting to solicit recommendations from staff and engage them in the MAP process. 9. Sean LeBlanc, Division Director, PIH Sean started with HUD on January 18th, 2011 after a 23 year career with USDA, Rural Development. Sean is currently receiving initial PIH training from various staff members within the division. 10. Desirre Octave, Facilities Management Specialist, New Orleans HUB *Desirre's birthday is the day of the Coffee (Friday, February 4th). She is coming in on her vacation day/ birthday just to meet YOU.* Desirre is a Facilities Management Specialist and is responsible for Capital Fund Program monitoring for a select portfolio consisting of 34 public housing agencies and 19 Section 8 agencies. 11. Daryel Pruitt, Quality Assurance Analyst, PIH Daryel has been with HUD for 8 years and is currently outstationed in the New Orleans Field Office. He has been involved with the QAD RIM teams over the last year, and is currently working on the DHAP-IKE file review team. 12. Earl Randall, CPD Disaster Specialist Earl has been with the Department for 11 years, and he currently serves as the CPD Specialist for the State of Louisiana. His primary responsibility is to provide technical assistance, monitoring, and oversight of Louisiana's Disaster Supplemental funding for Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, and Ike. 13. Mary (Martha) Rhodes, Project Manager, Multifamily Housing Martha's employment with HUD began in 1986 in the Denver office as a GS-4 temporary clerk in Single Family. She has since risen through the ranks and is now a GS-12 Multifamily Project Manager. Before her husband retired from the Colorado U.S. Attorney's Office in 2009, Martha decided to move her family to her home state of Louisiana to assist in the rebuilding and revitalization effort of New Orleans. She would like to see YOU promote cross training for motivated and effective HUD employees, not only new hires. And she believes that HUD should do a better job of promoting high achievers instead of keeping efficient personnel in place. 14. Gwen Tucker, Paralegal Specialist, OGC HUD-17-0235-B-000011 Briefing Memorandum Page 4 Gwen has been with the Department for twelve years on two separate tours of duty. During her first tour, she was a temporary-turned-term employee who worked in various areas of Housing. After her first tour, she was inspired by the work being done at HUD and waited and watched for a second chance to return as a permanent employee. She is now a paralegal specialist in OGC and she works mainly on Insured Multifamily/ Healthcare Closings and FOIAs. 15. Cynthia Weatherspoon, CPD Representative Cynthia has nearly twenty years of housing experience, both from the implementation and the management and oversight sides. Currently, she works on Supportive Housing Program budget amendments, Annual Performance Review closeouts, follow-up on monitoring findings, and ongoing technical assistance to grantees. Biography of Danberry (Dan) Carmon, New Orleans Field Office Director: Dan Carmon has served as Field Office Director for the New Orleans Office since August 2010. He previously served as the Field Office Director for the Department's Wyoming State Office from December 2008 until his current appointment. He formerly served as Supervisory Housing Program Specialist in Fort Worth, Texas, Region 6, representing the Denver Homeownership Center. From the Housing Authority of the City of Jackson, Mississippi as the Vice-President, Dan began his career at HUD in the Fort Worth, Texas Regional Office in March 2004 in Multifamily Production as a Multifamily Construction Analyst. Dan's training and experience include 4 years heavy construction management in southern Louisiana, 14 years of municipal government engineering services in southeast Louisiana, 10 years of public housing consulting, 4 years of public housing executive management in Louisiana and Mississippi, 4 years of housing and community development in Mississippi, and 2 years of adult vocational education instruction in New Orleans. Background on the New Orleans Field Office: There are 68 HUD employees in the New Orleans Field Office, excluding 28 I.G. employees. Issues that are of concern to employees include promotion opportunities, fairness between management and staff, and a variety of issues with the local AFGE. The local president of the AFGE is Dorothy Pleasant, who is a retired HUD employee. During the Deputy Secretary's visit to New Orleans in the fall, he met with her individually to discuss- start fresh. Nto not been responsive, Dorothy has been a problem for the last 20 years. Deputy Secsretary addressed it and met her one-on-one Aware- listening If he is caught, it's just listening and agreeing to follow up. We will certainly look into whatever it is. Consultant group, they did the survey, climate assessment. Went in and interviewed individual employees and there was a concern that many of the employees were still dealing with post-katrina HUD-17-0235-B-000012 Briefing Memorandum Page 5 issues and their own personal problems. Counseling and certainly some of them were making necessary repairs for their homes. The consultant got that, and a group of consultants went in to address those. Never really made public- union didn't get a copy of the report. The Deputy has a copy of the report, and it's not public but certainly Ongoing deal that they are in and out of there all the time. Way of addressing We have not ignored it, we are still addressing it, have to be careful of the privacy. Over a year ago, Dr. Motley and Crystal. Workshops A lot of attention given to post-Katrina victims. Led by ODOC and the Deputy Secretary. The mayor even came and addressed the sessions, employee sessions- met individually with each employee Has been special attention given to individual employees- be proud of the work we've done to address those issues. Their well-being is our utmost After the storm, Forth Worth took responsibility for the day-to-day operations. Had employees all over the country and arrangements were made to work out of other local offices, had access and could go in and work. They never did miss a pay day, whether they were in an office or were taking care of family or whatever. Gave them an option of staying where they would like to be, or coming back to New Orleans. They accommodated that. The NOLA office was re-opened in early 2006. Not a full contingent, but we took it and there was no damage to the office, got it up and going. Continued to support staff- daily calls with Washington. Identified the whereabouts of each individual employee, calls for 6 months. Regular check in calls with all of the program staff in Washington. Marvel Robinson was FOD at the time of the storm, lost a daughter during Katrina, murdered right after the storm. Ultimately, Marvel is now in Alexandria, VA working on an IPA as a result of again accommodating her to get out into a different location. Dan came in as new FOD to bring in new energy and he's been there since August 2010. Trying to connect the local office more with what's going on in the day-to-day, reconnecting- placebased initiative. NOLA will be a city in transition. Criticism was that local office was bypassed as it related to a lot of the post-Katrina. Reconnecting the local office with the day to day happenings of the state. Dorothy has violated that, still going beyond reasonableness. Access to her union office. Management has failed to take care of it and put her chair back into it. Pettiness. Dorothy is retired, HUD-17-0235-B-000013 Briefing Memorandum Page 6 LR person that is dedicated her time to dealing with Dorothy so it's not split among other people. Dorothy will copy the universe on her email. Dorothy has been a nutcase, she has a continuous concern about Climate assessment Situation with the union Dorothy Pleasant is the local AFGE President. SOHUD and DSOHUD have received emails from her. The last visit by DSOHUD he met with her one-onone for a time. Contentious in the past. Andrea Hodge, designated to work with the union here 212-542-7363- New York office- Employee relations History of the relationship with the union HUD-17-0235-B-000014 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Brown, Jereon M Thursday, March 09, 2017 3:40 PM Bass, Deana Senior Moment HUD Standard Operating Protocols 2016.pdf; PA Guidance.doc I almost forgot about this. Sorry for the delay. Try page 25 of the SOP. If this isn't what you're looking for, please let me know. Jerry Ext. 6628 HUD-17-0235-B-000015 - . . - HUD Standard Operating Protocols AUGUST 2016 7U TABLE OF CONTENTS STANDARD OPERATING PROTOCOLS PREFACE ..............................................................................................................3 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................5 I. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR MISSION .....................................................................7 EXECUTING SECRETARIAL INITIATIVES AND AGENCY PRIORITIES ............................ 7 SUBMITTALS: REPORTS, PRIORITY ISSUES DOCUMENTS, SUMMARIES OF SECRETARIAL ISSUES ................................................................................................ 9 DISASTER PREPARATION, RESPONSE AND RECOVERY EFFORTS ............................ 10 II. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE .................................................................... 12 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND OFFICE COVERAGE ........................................................ 12 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES .......................................................... 13 CROSS-PROGRAM SELECTION AND PERFORMANCE RATING OF MANAGERS ........ 16 LABOR/MANAGEMENT RELATIONS ....................................................................... 17 III. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS ....................................................... 19 RELATIONSHIPS WITH ELECTED AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ............................ 19 RELATIONSHIPS WITH INDUSTRY AND STAKEHOLDER REPRESENTATIVES.................................................................................................. 21 INQUIRIES AND CORRESPONDENCE ....................................................................... 23 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND RELATED COMMUNICATIONS .............................................. 25 RESOURCES........................................................................................................ 27 SUPPLEMENT 2016-03 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES LOCAL 1450 .................................................................................... 29 NATIONAL SUPPLEMENT BETWEEN U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEOPMENT AND AMERICAN FEDERAL OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NATIONAL COUNCIL OF HUD LOCALS 222 ........................................................... 31 Page | 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000017 PREFACE The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD, Department, Agency) Standard Operating Protocols (Protocols) provide guidance on how leadership in Regional and Field Offices work together and with Headquarters to deliver on responsibilities to our mission, support for our people and work with our stakeholders. The Protocols provide common guidance on how we want to work together, as set forth in a variety of laws, regulations, authorities and policies. Under the leadership and direction of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, HUD is committed to shared outcomes across the agency, with the knowledge that we can make more progress toward our overlapping goals by working together than by working in isolation. The formal Delegation of Authority and related Protocols were last issued in 2007, and are being re-issued to reflect changes in organizational structure and to the way we work that have occurred since that time. As a matter of standard practice, the Protocols should be reviewed annually to reflect improvements to our programs, processes and procedures. These Protocols and Delegations convey substantial field office management and operational authority to the Regional Administrators (RAs), who serve as HUD's senior management official in each region. These Protocols provide overall leadership and accountability for all programs and staff across each region. Authorities include: o o o o Authority to coordinate the implementation of the Department's policies and programs in the Field; Authority to manage the work environment and key operational and administrative functions, and to take a leadership role to convey and meet agency priorities in the Field; Authority to respond to urgent operational needs and opportunities; and Authority to advise the Secretary on policy and management of the Field. Regional Administrators work in close cooperation with program and support office leadership serving the Field to manage office operations as well as certain Secretarial initiatives. Secretarial initiatives, agency priorities and policy directions are conveyed by the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, and implemented by staff throughout the agency, in both Headquarters and Field. The Protocols enable the RAs to provide leadership to operationalize such Headquarters direction and tackle multidimensional challenges in both Headquarters and Field, supporting integrated approaches to them. This document can be viewed as a framework from which decisions are made while providing decision-makers with the latitude to use their judgment to respond to and Page | 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000018 resolve a variety of situations in accordance with their authority, and recognizes that: o o o Decisions on program staff work priorities and assignments, as well as program and policy determinations, reside with the respective Assistant Secretary, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary or designee; The Protocols work in conjunction with applicable collective bargaining agreements. No provision should be executed in a manner conflicting with any applicable collective bargaining agreement provision, as interpreted by the HUD Employee and Labor Relations Division; and Staff across all program, field and administrative offices share information relevant to common work issues and products. The challenges of being a manager in the federal government today call for a coordinated enterprise-wide approach that provides the agility and capacity to respond to the demands of our current and future challenges and consistently delivers high quality results. This document articulates a management vision guided by the Secretary and Deputy Secretary and based on teamwork and interaction between HUD's program and support areas. Working as a team, treating each other with fairness and respect, and approaching our mission with integrity are essential to ensure we succeed in delivering initiatives and priorities designed to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. Page | 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000019 DEFINITIONS Several terms and abbreviations are used throughout this document for purposes of brevity and clarity. They are listed below to offer context where the terms are used. Regional Administrator (RA): The RA is the senior HUD management official in each region. Authority for management and oversight of the Department's Field operations are delegated by the Secretary to the Assistant Deputy Secretary of Field Policy and Management who re-delegates certain operational management authority to the RA. The RA is a senior non-career SES (Senior Executive Service) position, appointed by the President and Secretary of HUD. Deputy Regional Administrator (DRA): The DRA serves as the chief operating officer principally charged with supervisory and managerial day-to-day oversight of field operations in the Region. The DRA shall perform the functions and duties of the RA in his/her absence. Field Office Director (FOD): The FOD is the senior management official located in each Field Office. The FOD reports to the RA/DRA. Program Director (PD): For purposes of this document, a PD is the ranking program management person on-site in a Regional or Field Office. These Protocols do not change existing program office delegations. In this document, PD includes but is not limited to: Community Planning and Development (CPD) Program Directors Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Regional, Center and Office Directors Multifamily Regional Directors and Asset Management Division Directors/Satellite Office Coordinators Office of Native American Program (ONAP) Administrators Office of Healthcare and Division Directors Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control Directors Office of Public Housing Regional Directors and Directors Office of General Counsel Regional and Chief Counsel Office of Administration Regional Support Manager (RSM) Office of Employee and Labor Relations Directors and Specialists Homeownership Center Directors and Deputy Directors Regional Internet Technology Directors Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Housing Counseling in HQ Other ranking program and operational employees Out-stationed Employees: Employees working in an office who do not have an onsite program supervisor. Remote Program Delivery: Program delivered from an office other than implementing Field or Regional Office, e.g., services delivered by a program from a Regional Office rather than by on-site personnel in a Field Office. Page | 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000020 Grievance Deciding Official: A management designee with the authority to resolve a grievance under the Department's negotiated and/or administrative grievance procedures. Page | 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000021 I. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR MISSION EXECUTING SECRETARIAL INITIATIVES AND AGENCY PRIORITIES Purpose/Goal: All HUD employees have a primary purpose to achieve HUD's mission to promote homeownership, support community development and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination. This work can be described as our book of business, making sure our programs are run effectively with care and concern for our people and our stakeholders. Other initiatives and priorities require proactive and effective collaboration across all program units to be successfully accomplished. This section discusses how cross-programmatic priorities in HUD's Strategic Plan, or as determined by the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, are implemented using Regional or Local Operating Plans. Application: The Operating Plan for each Region and Field Office articulates crosscutting priorities, goals and milestones that the office and its remote program partners will pursue to deliver HUD programs in ways that connect Secretarial initiatives, agency priorities and the Department's Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan with local community needs and opportunities. Operating Plan: Guidance for annual Regional Operating Plans will be communicated under the direction of the Deputy Secretary, based on input from the Office of Strategic Planning and Management (OSPM) and the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management. Based on the guidance, the RA, in collaboration with the DRA/FOD and local PDs, will work together to develop, approve, track and oversee the Regional Operating Plan priority projects and initiatives that cross program office lines. These projects will represent Agency Strategic goals and objectives, Presidential and Secretarial priorities and initiatives, and place-based activities. The RA/DRA/FODs and PDs are jointly accountable for completing Regional Operating Plan goals (as identified for a specific Regional or Field Office). The full portfolio or book of business for which program offices are responsible will not be included in the Operating Plan goals unless they overlap with cross-cutting initiatives. As such, program offices may also work within their program chain to complete program-specific goals. Resources: The RA/DRA/ FOD have the authority, in consultation with PDs, to determine resource priorities that ensure the completion of all Operating Plan goals, Presidential and Secretarial priorities and initiatives. On occasion, the RA/DRA/FOD may request assistance from program staff, members of a Field Working Group or program subject-matter experts to attend place-based, cross-program meetings and others related to agency priorities. Program offices are responsible for funding such activities in accordance with applicable HUD guidance and should explore whether non-personnel funds can be made available or Page | 7 HUD-17-0235-B-000022 realigned for travel purposes if adequate funding is not available at the field office level. Unfunded travel requests may be elevated to the RA and other authorizing officials for consideration and support. Additional guidance on the use of funds for travel is available in the Answers to Questions Most Commonly Asked by Travelers. To ensure strategic and consistent relationships with community stakeholders, PDs will share information about upcoming or pending local or regional decisions in a timely manner with the RA/DRA/FOD. Cross-Programmatic Issue Resolution: PDs will work with the RA/DRA/FOD to resolve issues at the Field level as established by the Secretary and Deputy Secretary. In instances where agreement between program areas cannot be reached on significant issues, the RA has the authority to initiate a Headquarters Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) review of significant cross-program decisions, excluding personnel actions. Refer to the Guide to Cross-Program Collaboration. For unresolved programmatic disputes, the matter may be elevated to the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management, who will coordinate with the relevant Assistant Secretary or equivalent. The relevant Assistant Secretary or equivalent makes the final determination, subject to review by the Deputy Secretary, as necessary. A response coordination function is available to assist employees in obtaining timely responses to inquiries that have been submitted. Remote Program Delivery: Same as above. Coordination between PDs and the RA/DRA/FODs remains a priority for operating plans, resource coordination or issue resolution, regardless of whether programs are located in the delivery office or are located in other field offices or Headquarters. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-01 Delegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section A(1) Guide to Cross Program Collaboration, December 2011 June 3, 2013, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Deputy Secretary and Cross Program Collaboration Team Answers to Questions Most Commonly Asked by Travelers Page | 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000023 I. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR MISSION SUBMITTALS: REPORTS, PRIORITY ISSUES DOCUMENTS, SUMMARIES OF SECRETARIAL ISSUES Purpose/Goal: Briefing papers and hot issues reports related to Secretarial priorities and local program and cross-program initiatives are necessary to support the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, other Principal Staff and RAs during visits in the Field and are a collaborative effort managed collectively by Headquarters and Field. Application: The RA will oversee preparation of hot issues and local briefing papers to support visits from Headquarters officials for special events. Such briefing papers may also be prepared for visits by the RA/DRA/FOD of a general or specific nature to elected or other officials in the jurisdiction. The RA/DRA/FOD will coordinate the preparation of such reports and briefing papers in collaboration with the Headquarters Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations (CIR), the Office of Public Affairs (OPA), Regional Public Affairs Officers (PAOs), and PDs. Overseen by the RA, PAOs will provide Field-based information to designated lead personnel in Headquarters, who will prepare a final report. Submissions will be shared between Headquarters and the RA, and with PDs, to the extent practicable. The RA/DRA/FOD or PAO will establish deadlines and work with PDs to ensure all staff meet the deadlines established. While sensitive to the priorities of program activities in the Field, it is understood that such requests may have short turnaround times and requirements that may conflict with program work. Final consolidated submissions prepared by Headquarters will be shared with the RA/DRA/FOD. A template with the required key information may be provided by Headquarters for use by field offices. Jurisdictions that receive frequent visits may choose to prepare standing briefing papers that can be updated as needed. In addition to standard demographic data and funding status, information requested may include: o o o o o Program-specific updates, Changes to service delivery, Key programmatic decisions and outstanding HQ decisions, Information about local elected officials, and Significant media or public issues. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-01 Delegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section A(3) Page | 9 HUD-17-0235-B-000024 I. RESPONSIBILITY TO THE MISSION DISASTER PREPARATION, RESPONSE AND RECOVERY EFFORTS Purpose/Goal: Coordination and leadership of the Department's efforts related to local disasters and incidents are critical to the ongoing operation of the Department and continuing its mission to build inclusive, resilient communities. The RA is the Department's regional lead and senior point of contact for continuity of operations activities and local disaster preparation and relief efforts. RA/DRA/FOD leadership in times of crisis or disaster is helpful to coordinated Headquarters and Field engagement and response. Application: The RA is the Department's principal management lead in the Field for Continuity of Operations (COOP), emergency/disaster incident reporting, and interagency disaster preparedness, response and recovery initiatives. Interagency initiatives include, but are not limited to, Federal Continuity Directives (FCD), the National Response Framework (NRF), and the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF). FPM Regional Disaster Recovery Coordinators, in collaboration with the Office of Disaster Management and National Security (ODMNS) and the Office of Administration (OA), support field office objectives and provide guidance, technical assistance, training and oversight across COOP, emergency/disaster incident reporting, and interagency preparedness, response and recovery initiatives. Under the leadership of the RA, the DRA/FOD is responsible as follows: o Significant Event, Emergency and Disaster Incident Reports: Coordinate reporting across program divisions when significant events, emergencies or disasters impact HUD operations, including safety of staff and impacts to grantees and inventories. Submit a consolidated report from the Field Office to FPM Disaster Recovery Coordinators, who will coordinate distribution to HQ leadership. If the HQ Disaster Management Group (DMG) is convened for larger disasters, program damage reports are submitted directly to this body. Duplicate reporting through multiple chains of command will be avoided. o Continuity of Operations (COOP): Maintain, test and activate COOP Plans for each Field Office in partnership with PDs and support divisions that comply with FCDs and HQ COOP Plan. Document orders of succession and devolution locations across divisions. Coordinate COOP activities with OA staff in the Field that lead building occupancy plans. o National Response Framework (NRF): Coordinate with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and states on disaster response preparedness activities and maintain partnerships with FEMA and state emergency Page | 10 HUD-17-0235-B-000025 response staff. Promote preparedness across HUD divisions including evacuation plans for vulnerable populations and HUD clients. Maintain a roster of HUD personnel in each region to staff NRF Mission Assignments (MA) from FEMA, including work at FEMA Joint Field Offices (JFO) and Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC). Coordinate and implement HUD disaster operations in the Field under NRF MAs. o National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF): Serve as Field coordinator for the HUD-led Housing Recovery Support Function (RSF) in collaboration with the National Housing RSF Coordinator in ODMNS/OA. Coordinate with FEMA and states on disaster recovery preparedness activities and maintain partnerships with Housing RSF primary and support agencies, state disaster recovery staff, and state-led disaster housing task forces. Maintain a roster of HUD personnel in each region to staff Housing RSF MAs from FEMA, including working at FEMA JFOs. Coordinate and implement HUD disaster operations in the Field under the Housing RSF, including production of a Mission Scoping Assessment (MSA) and Recovery Support Strategy (RSS) in collaboration with the Office of Policy Development and Research. If Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds are appropriated, collaborate and align activities with disaster recovery staff or other departmental units and/or program offices as necessary for response and recovery operations. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(A)(4) July 18, 2014, Delegation of Authority for the Chief Administrative Officer October 7, 2011, Federal Register - FR-5546-D-01 Delegation of Authority to the Office of Disaster Management and National Security Page | 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000026 II. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND OFFICE COVERAGE Purpose/Goal: It is a Departmental priority to provide HUD's customers with competent, efficient and responsive service in a timely and professional manner. FPM is the primary point of contact for HUD's customers in the Field. All employees across the Department have a responsibility to work together as a team to provide client service and support as needed. Application: Under the leadership of the RA, all employees are responsible for ensuring HUD's customers in the Field receive the highest level of service reflecting Departmental priority. The RA/DRA/FOD is responsible for assuring that HUD's customers, partners, and clients are greeted and receive responses with courtesy, respect and promptness and are provided the information they need. The RA is further responsible for monitoring and evaluating local customer service. The RA/DRA/FOD will establish customer service plans for each office, in consultation with PDs to reflect local staffing configuration and needs. Support from program areas may be required for customer service coverage (e.g., answering telephones, greeting guests) during lunch periods, leave and unexpected emergencies, etc., to ensure HUD's customers receive the highest level of service. Local customer service plans further define the nature of FPM and program interaction. Designation as an official detail is not required for such limited assignments; the Details, Interagency Agreement Assignments and Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments should be consulted and followed for any support beyond such coverage. In addition, Regional and Field Offices may require implementation of Order of Succession coverage for the RA/FOD. Customer service plans will also provide guidance for routing incoming non-time sensitive inquiries to the appropriate program office. These procedures will be developed in consideration of local office alignments, official hours of operation, applicable bargaining agreements, departmental policies and procedures, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines (e.g., Paperwork Reduction Act; surveys of customers). The RA/DRA/FOD, with support from PDs, is responsible for evaluating customer feedback to identify trends, service gaps, and opportunities, ultimately leading to the development and implementation of strategies to further improve customer services. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-01 Delegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section A(2) Details, Interagency Agreement Assignments and Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments, October 1, 2010 Page | 12 HUD-17-0235-B-000027 II. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES Purpose/Goal: Coordinated office management is essential for effective and efficient Field operations, helping to create a positive and empowering work environment. The RA/DRA/FOD works closely with other programs and offices to coordinate office management, including managing Field operations, developing an administrative budget to support local goals and needs in regional and field offices, creating a positive work environment, promoting and accounting for the safety and security of all staff, and providing on-site administrative supervision for outstationed employees. Regional Support Managers (RSM) serve as the liaison between the RA and the Office of Administration. Application: The RA is responsible for managing administrative Field operations, applicable to all employees at a duty location, including out-stationed personnel. To accomplish this goal, the RA coordinates with PDs, administrative offices and supervisors of out-stationed personnel. Administrative Field operations include, but are not limited to: o o o o o o determining official local office hours of operation, determining emergency office closings due to weather, disaster or local events, providing effective customer service, working with PDs and all employees to foster a positive working environment, coordinating with the Office of Administration (and its RSM) to develop and manage an administrative budget that meets the needs of programs and staff in each office, and managing internal office communications of a general nature. Safety and security: The RA/DRA/FOD, in partnership with the Office of Administration/RSM, is responsible for managing the overall safety and security of all staff in the office, as well as that of any guests or visitors present. The Office of Administration manages and coordinates occupancy emergency evacuation and shelter-in-place plans as well as security procedures for office space and employee credentials, and coordinates with the RA/DRA/FOD for on-site implementation. In emergency and urgent situations, implementation of the plans and procedures are organized by the RA/DRA/FOD and implemented under his/her leadership. Office operations and closures: The RA/DRA/FOD, in cooperation with PDs, will set procedures for general office operations. All procedures will be in compliance with established departmental guidelines, and will be communicated to all local HUD staff for effective and full implementation. Page | 13 HUD-17-0235-B-000028 The RA/DRA/FOD has administrative authority over all on-site staff to enforce field office operation decisions, e.g., delaying the opening or closing of the office in the event of an emergency. The RA/DRA/FOD will notify the Assistant Deputy Secretary for FPM of all emergency regional or field office delays or closures as soon as possible prior to action. The Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary for FPM will notify all Headquarters program offices of regional and field office closures. The RA/DRA/FOD will coordinate with the Office of Administration regarding all office delays or closures for updates to office-wide notifications, and work together to widely communicate with staff. The RA/DRA/FOD will make decisions regarding temporary office closings for nonemergencies in accordance with OPM guidance and in close consultation with the Assistant Deputy Secretary for FPM. Decisions regarding office closings across the enterprise, such as in conjunction with holidays, are made by the Deputy Secretary and communicated through FPM to the Field. Status of management officials: It is the responsibility of the RA/DRA/FOD to ensure the office is managed efficiently and effectively and to oversee both general coordination efforts and those related to an emergency or disaster. In order to accomplish this, the RA/DRA/FOD must be aware of the status of key management officials in the office and may require their attendance at certain times or events. PDs will keep the RA/DRA/FOD informed of any travel or leave from the office, and the designation of any acting on-site supervisor. Out-stationed personnel: Accounting for the safety of each employee each day and in emergency or disaster situations is critical. All staff in a field office will have on-site administrative supervision. The RA/DRA/FOD, or their designee, will provide on-site supervision of out-stationed staff when there is no on-site program supervisor in the same program hierarchy. Having an administrative on-site supervisor ensures that the RA/DRA/FOD is able to account for the safety of all staff working in their offices during emergency or disaster situations. For out-stationed employees, the primary supervisor or appropriate administrative office will advise the RA/DRA/FOD, on-site administrative staff, and on-site supervisor of the employee's position title, work requirements, approved telework agreement and designated work schedule in advance of the employee's arrival to the duty station. The employee will provide notification of travel and planned or emergency leave to both on-site and primary supervisors. Guests, visiting HUD personnel: The RA/DRA/FOD should be notified by PDs, in advance to the extent possible, of any visitors to the regional or field office outside the normal course of day-to-day operations. Such occasions might include a program-sponsored gathering of stakeholders or HUD staff, or other large meetings. PDs or Headquarters representatives should also share information about visits of Page | 14 HUD-17-0235-B-000029 leadership to a regional or field office or to the jurisdiction, including for purposes of meetings with stakeholders or attending events. Disruptive behavior: Providing for the safety and welfare of employees is a primary concern of HUD management. The RA/DRA/FOD or on-site supervisor will take appropriate and immediate action involving employees involved in disruptive or threatening behavior. The RA/DRA/FOD or on-site supervisor will coordinate with the program office chain of command during or following such action. Office budgets and funding: Funding to support all administrative support services in the Field is allocated to the Office of Administration, which maintains authority to prepare and manage related budgets. PDs will work in consultation with the RA/DRA/FOD to establish office priorities for the fiscal year budget proposal. The Office of Administration and RSM will provide technical assistance and support for the offices. The RA/DRA/FOD, and PDs, shall submit requests prior to submission of the fiscal year budget proposal to assure local goals and needs are taken into consideration in the development of the administrative budget for each office and region including funding needs for meetings and travel. The RA/DRA/FOD shall also include requests related to cross-program implementation of responsibilities to our mission, including Secretarial initiatives and priorities. The Office of Administration/RSM will share the final budget allocated to the region with the RA/DRA/FOD, and share, on at least a quarterly basis, a budget status report of respective regional and field offices throughout the fiscal year. Space management: The Office of Administration has the delegated authority and responsibility for space management in the Department, and is allocated related funding. Office of Administration representatives shall engage in early consultation and coordination with the RA/DRA/FOD regarding planning for, decisions and funding for space management, including leasing status and options, office moves and related activities during the decision-making process. Final authority regarding decisions on space and funding are with the Office of Administration since that office is accountable for meeting the goals and requirements established for compliance in these areas. Travel: Travel to field locations to support agency priorities, including cross-program priorities as referenced in local operating plans, is the responsibility of each program and shall be funded in accordance with HUD travel guidance. If funding is not available, such travel may be elevated to the RA and other authorizing officials. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-04 through FR-5550-D-13 - Order of Succession for Regions I through X October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(B)(1) Page | 15 HUD-17-0235-B-000030 II. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE CROSS-PROGRAM SELECTION AND PERFORMANCE RATING OF MANAGERS Purpose/Goal: To enhance and strengthen cross-program collaboration performance of the Field management team, the RA will be afforded the opportunity to participate in selection of Program Directors and offer input on the assessment of cross-program collaboration performance. Application: While final decisions regarding hiring of Program Directors will be made by the Program Selecting Official, the RA will be given advance notification of PD announcements. The RA should participate in the interviewing and recommendation process and provide the Program Selecting Official with input in accordance with Departmental protocols. For PDs that serve multiple jurisdictions (more than one field or regional office), a single FPM representative will coordinate with the Program Selecting Official. For selections of supervisors below the Program Director in any office, the Selecting Official will notify the RA/DRA/FOD prior to announcing the selection. Accomplishment of departmental goals is contingent upon cooperation between all program offices. Initiated by either the RA or the Program Rating Official, the RA may provide performance input for critical elements associated with cross-program collaboration in the mid-year assessments and final progress reviews of PDs to the Program Rating Official prior to departmental deadlines. The RA may delegate performance input for Program Directors to the DRA/FOD. The Program Rating Official may incorporate the input received on the cross-program collaboration element. PDs, with the exception of Regional Counsel and Chief Counsel, may provide input to the RA on the critical elements associated with cross-program collaboration for DRA/FODs. The RA may consider the input in the final rating of record for the critical element. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(A)(11) June 3, 2013, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by Deputy Secretary and Cross Program Collaboration Team Page | 16 HUD-17-0235-B-000031 II. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE LABOR/MANAGEMENT RELATIONS Purpose/Goal: Working together, the RA, the Office of the Chief Human Capital Office Employee and Labor Relation Division (OCHCO/ELRD) for labor/management relations in the Region and Headquarters, and other Field management officials strive to engage with employees directly and through union representation. This Protocol describes the relationships in matters of labor/management negotiations and personnel actions. Application: The RA is responsible for overseeing labor/management relations in the Region in coordination with the assigned Employee and Labor Relations representative. The RA or his/her FPM designee, and representatives of OCHCO/ELRD and Regional OGC work as a team to consider issues related to labor/management contracts and conditions in each office. The team should regularly review internal open and active labor/management cases that are in process within each respective jurisdiction (e.g., complaints, grievances, unfair labor practice suits). Based on information provided by OCHCO/ELRD and with input by OGC, the RA will provide the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management with regular reports on all open and active labor/management cases that are in process within the respective region. In coordination with OCHCO/ELRD, the RA will take the lead on regional issues regarding labor-management matters. Grievance deciding officials may designate their responsibilities consistent with the Department's collective bargaining agreements. Grievance deciding officials have broad authority to identify a designee, including individuals located in other offices or programs. ELRD is the primary advisor to grievance deciding officials throughout the grievance process. In recognition of the need to fully consider the needs of employees and Departmentwide interests, grievance deciding officials, in coordination with ELRD, should consult with all impacted offices, including but not limited to, the employee's program office, OGC, OCHCO or other offices. The existing union contracts outline the requirements when formal actions are to be taken between management and the Union. The Chief Human Capital Officer or designee is responsible for national contract negotiations. In matters of labor/management negotiations, OCHCO/ELRD will serve as chief negotiator on all labor/management negotiations. The RA or his/her designee will serve as a team member on local negotiations, as appropriate given the nature of the specific issue being considered. Other personnel matters: Recognizing that personnel issues present a broad array of support needs, RAs (and DRAs, FODs) should be skilled in recognizing and Page | 17 HUD-17-0235-B-000032 elevating issues related to merit system principles, prohibited personnel practices, Equal Employment Opportunity, reasonable accommodation needs of our employees, and others. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(3) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(A)(11) Page | 18 HUD-17-0235-B-000033 III. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS RELATIONSHIPS WITH ELECTED AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Purpose/Goal: Together, representatives of Headquarters offices and RAs work to ensure that federal, state, local and tribal elected officials within a jurisdiction receive responsive and coordinated customer service. The RA/DRA/FOD serves as the principal point of contact for elected officials within the field jurisdiction. Program offices represent the primary point of contact for grantee and authority staff for program issues. Together, the HUD team will promote a positive working relationship between offices including the unique government-to-government relationship between HUD and tribal leaders. Interaction between Field staff and other government officials may range from official inquiries and responses, to coordination between agencies as HUD executes Secretarial initiatives and agency priorities, and relationships between HUD and its grantees, agencies and other authorities. Application: The RA and representatives of the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations (CIR) and its Offices of Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) and of Public Engagement (OPE), and the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) work closely together to communicate with and respond to issues raised by congressional offices located in the District of Columbia, as well as with local offices of federal representatives and state, local and tribal officials in the jurisdiction. Headquarters representatives generally serve as principal point of contact for DC-based offices, while the RA (and DRA/FOD) serves as principal point of contact in Field jurisdictions. Headquarters representatives and RA/DRA/FODs keep each other fully informed of significant issues and communications, and work together to manage issues requiring coordination, including public affairs-related activities. Field-based issues and communications by government officials that are accepted by program offices, including both on-site and remote engagement, should be shared with the RA or his/her designee so that the RA may have up-to-date awareness of significant issues. The RA will share such issues with Headquarters offices. Similarly, the RA/DRA/FOD will share information obtained through contact with government representatives with PDs. As the principle point of contact for federal, state, local and tribal officials within the jurisdiction, the RA will also serve as the signatory for congressional and Headquarters-controlled correspondence. In accordance with the policies and procedures of CIR and OPA, the RA/DRA/FOD serves as the signatory for regional/field office written communications and notifies these offices of any topical issues that may result from verbal or written contact. Notification of other offices, as appropriate, may also be required depending upon the nature of the communications. Page | 19 HUD-17-0235-B-000034 To ensure that CIR and OPA are fully informed in a timely manner of topical contacts/issues with federal, state, local and tribal elected officials, the PDs will keep the RA/DRA/FOD fully informed of hot topics, contentious issues, waiver requests initiated by state and local elected officials, and other issues of interest. Written correspondence from remote program offices to these officials will be forwarded to the local FOD for signature, unless other procedures are agreed upon within the related authorities by the RA and PDs or related program leadership. (Such special procedures may be in place with regard to the special relationship between HUD and tribal representatives, for example.) The FOD will advise the RA of any topical issues, who, in turn, will notify CIR and OPA. Exceptions: When the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Office of the Regional Counsel, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) or Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) makes contact with local and elected officials as part of an investigation or litigation, these offices will let the RA know that a connection has been made and share communications, but will not share any sensitive or confidential information regarding the interaction. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(1) Page | 20 HUD-17-0235-B-000035 III. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS RELATIONSHIPS WITH INDUSTRY AND STAKEHOLDER REPRESENTATIVES Purpose/Goal: Recognizing HUD's relationship with professional and industry groups that represent HUD's clients and implement HUD's mission on the ground, it is important to maintain and foster positive relationships. Relationships with national industry and stakeholder representatives are coordinated through the Office of Public Engagement, often coordinating with leadership in the Field. Field leadership, represented by the RA/DRA/FOD and PDs, work together in a spirit of teamwork to engage with stakeholders. Interaction with stakeholders, including government agencies, includes coordination as HUD executes Secretarial initiatives and agency priorities. Application: As part of the role of regional spokesperson, the RA is the primary contact for HUD's relationships with local and regional industry groups throughout jurisdiction, including those that are multi-state and multi-regional in nature. These relationships will be managed by the RA, in conjunction with the Office of Public Engagement within CIR, and the appropriate Assistant Secretary, or his/her designee, to facilitate communication and transparency on behalf of the Department. The RA may delegate this authority to the DRA/FOD for local and regional industry groups. The RA/DRA/FOD will work in conjunction with the appropriate PDs in managing HUD's relationship with local and regional industry groups, keeping each other informed of contacts and requests for engagement and participation at public forums, meetings, conferences and interagency initiatives. The RA/DRA/FOD and PD will notify each other in advance of plans to meet local/regional industry group representatives in a specific Field Office jurisdiction. Similarly, the RA/DRA/FOD and PD should be notified of visits to industry groups and stakeholders by Headquarters principals in Field jurisdictions. Co-Sponsorship Agreements: RAs, with concurrence of Regional Counsel, have the authority to enter into local co-sponsorship agreements, when it is determined cosponsorship in an event with a non-Federal entity is related to and substantially advances the mission of the Department. This authority may not be re-delegated. Additional guidance related to HUD-sponsored conferences is available in Conference, Travel and Training Guidance. Requests and assignments of HUD employees to actively participate in an event as speakers or panel participants, without HUD's substantive participation in the development of the event, will not be considered co-sponsorship with the Department. Page | 21 HUD-17-0235-B-000036 Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(2) March 6, 2014, Updated Policy on Co-Sponsoring Events with Non-Federal Entities Conference, Travel and Training Guidance Version 2.0, January 31, 2014 Page | 22 HUD-17-0235-B-000037 III. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS INQUIRIES AND CORRESPONDENCE Purpose/Goal: Communications between the Department and the public, whether with elected and public officials, customers, beneficiaries of HUD programs, or the public at large, happen regularly and occur at Headquarters and Field locations, and with every program area and office. Our goal is to provide customers with the highest quality responses to inquiries and correspondence in a timely and professional manner, and to be a responsive and accessible agency. Application: The nature of inquiries and correspondence to the Department include inquiries of an official nature, including inquiries to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, from congressional offices and elected officials, and public interest groups as well as referrals from other agencies including the White House. Such inquiries require a formal response, following prescribed procedures and formats. Inquiries include those requests made through traditional correspondence, faxes and email. Many inquiries are more informal in nature, or categorized as "book of business." These are likely to include phone calls and email inquiries, and can be handled during the normal course of business. In all instances, regardless of point of entry, type of inquiry, and nature of response, the HUD team works together to respond in a timely and professional manner. All inquiries and correspondence directed to the Department, whether to Headquarters or field offices, should be reviewed at the point of entry to determine whether a formal response is required or whether it can be handled more informally, and whether it should be handled by Headquarters or directed to the Field. Early consideration of the best place to handle the inquiry will help provide a timely response. Inquiries requiring an official response will be referred to the Office of the Executive Secretariat or the RA, as determined by whether Field or Headquarters response is required. All inquiries and correspondence directed to the Department and requiring a formal response should be tracked through the Correspondence Tracking System (CTS) or, in the case of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, through the FOIA Management System (FMS2). Entry through CTS or FMS2 provides a common tracking system that allows tracking across program areas participating in response preparation, responsible staff to manage responses in a timely way, coordination and helps prevent duplication. The format for responses to controlled correspondence will follow Departmental policy, as outlined by the Director of the Executive Secretariat, and the Assistant Page | 23 HUD-17-0235-B-000038 Secretaries for Public Affairs and Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations in their published standard operating procedures. Refer to the Office of the Executive Secretariat Standard Operating Procedures for Freedom of Information Act requests and departmental correspondence. The Office of Administration will coordinate with FPM for issues related to federal Privacy Act requirements. For all inquiries and correspondence directed to the Field, or referred to the Field by the Executive Secretariat or other Headquarters office, the RA and his/her designees will work with PDs to ensure that there is a complete and timely response. Such activities include FOIA requests, as well as congressional and intergovernmental communications. The RA/DRA/FOD is the signature authority for Headquarters controlled congressional correspondence, including congressional correspondence referred to the Field for response, as well as congressional and other elected officials' correspondence managed in the Field. Any change from this procedure shall be coordinated with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for FPM. PDs, as subject matter experts, will assist the RA/DRA/FOD in preparing responses to inquiries and correspondence in accordance with departmental policies and procedures. PDs will work with the RA/DRA/FOD to ensure correspondence deadlines are met. The appropriate offices in Headquarters will be copied on any responses to inquiries received in the Field addressed to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. Resources: October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(4) Office of the Executive Secretariat Standard Operating Procedures Page | 24 HUD-17-0235-B-000039 III. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND RELATED COMMUNICATIONS Purpose/Goal: In order to support HUD's mission and strategic objectives, the Department must effectively interact with the public and news media to communicate information about HUD's programs and accomplishments, issues and needs using public affairs resources, and with a standard of accuracy and transparency. Media and public affairs issues require close coordination between Headquarters and Field staff, both to offer information to the public about HUD activities as well as to respond to media inquiries with national and local implications. Application: The RA/DRA/FOD and Public Affairs Officers (PAO) work with OPA to ensure there is a response to all media inquiries and to ensure that responses to requests and issues are completed in accordance with Headquarters Public Affairs policy. The RA/DRA and PAOs will work with Headquarters OPA to keep each other informed of all related media/public affairs issues, events and opportunities that are in progress, pending, or anticipated. The Regional PAO will coordinate with the RA/DRA to ensure that public affairs activities comply with OPA guidance. The RA/DRA and PAOs will support Headquarters public affairs functions, as well as serve as the regional spokesperson, as appropriate, in conformance with Headquarters Public Affairs Guidance. The RA and PAOs are the designated on-the-record, spokespeople for the Department in the Field. All media inquiries and public affairs issues directed to PDs, FODs, or other Field staff shall be forwarded to the RA or PAOs. PAOs work with PDs and other Field staff to gather information and provide an appropriate response to inquiries. PDs and their staff, as subject matter experts, will support public affairsrelated activities. On a case-by-case basis, the RA can designate the DRA/FOD or other staff person to represent the Department as spokesperson at public events or related to media inquiries. The RA and PAOs can authorize FODs and key program area specialists to be quoted on-the-record. OPA should be pre-briefed, or back-briefed if time does not permit, about all on-the-record media statements/interviews made by HUD officials in the Field. The RA will also, working closely with OPA, coordinate the content of the local web pages and internet sources. The RA/DRA/FOD will work with PDs and Field staff to ensure that reviews to certify the accuracy of local web page content takes place, and that updated local web page information is available. Where applicable, Page | 25 HUD-17-0235-B-000040 Headquarters or Regional Web Managers will be notified of inaccuracies and provided with updated information. OPA will provide guidance on social media policy and other media, to be implemented in the Field through RAs and their designees through the normal course of business. OPA is responsible for producing internal communications, and works with Headquarters and Field staff, including RA/DRA/FODs, PAOs, and PDs, to provide content. Resources: Social Media and HUDConnect Policies & Procedures Handbook, HUD Handbook 1400.1, March 2016 Public Affairs Guidance Page | 26 HUD-17-0235-B-000041 RESOURCES October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-01 Delegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section A(1) Details, Interagency Agreement Assignments and Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments, October 1, 2010 Guide to Cross Program Collaboration, December 2011 June 3, 2013, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Deputy Secretary and Cross Program Collaboration Team Answers to Questions Most Commonly Asked by Travelers October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-01 Delegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section A(3) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(A)(4) July 18, 2014, Delegation of Authority for the Chief Administrative Officer October 7, 2011, Federal Register - FR-5546-D-01 Delegation of Authority to the Office of Disaster Management and National Security October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-01 Delegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section A(2) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-04 through FR-5550-D-13 - Order of Succession for Regions I through X October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(B)(1) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(A)(11) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(3) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(A)(11) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(1) October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(2) March 6, 2014, Updated Policy on Co-Sponsoring Events with Non-Federal Entities Conference, Travel and Training Guidance Version 2.0, January 31, 2014 October 19, 2012, Federal Register - FR-5550-D-03 Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management - Section I(C)(4) Office of the Executive Secretariat Standard Operating Procedures Page | 27 HUD-17-0235-B-000042 Social Media and HUDConnect Policies & Procedures Handbook, HUD Handbook 1400.1, March 2016 Public Affairs Guidance Supplement 2016-03 Between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Federation of Federal Employees Local 1450 National Supplement Between U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and American Federation of Government Employees National Council of HUD Locals 222 Page | 28 HUD-17-0235-B-000043 Supplement 2016-03 Between The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development And The National Federation of Federal Employees Local 1450 SUBJECT: 2016 OperatingProtocols SCOPE : The scope of this Supplementappliesto the implementationof the 2016 Operating Protocols for HUD NFFE 1450BargainingUnit Employees. Space realignments for outstationed employees will be handled in accordancewith Article 24.14 of the Labor ManagementAgreement. I. Space Moves: 2. Front Desk Coverage: Frontdesk coverageprocedures will be handled in accordancewith Article47.01 of the Labor ManagementAgreement. 3. Discipline: All disciplinaryactionswill be applied in accordancewith Article 16 and 17 of the Labor Management Agreement. 4. Grievances: In the event the Regional Administratoror Field Office Director are being grieved, the Step I deciding official will be determinedas per Article 9.11 of the Labor Management Agreement. The Step 2 deciding official will be the Assistant Deputy Secretaryfor Field Policyand Management or designee. 5. Immediate Threats: The Regional Administrator or Field Office Director may take appropriateaction concerningan employeewho poses a valid immediatethreat to others or the agency. The employee shall retain all contractual, statutory, or regulatory rights includingthe right to representation. 6. Notification and Training: Managementwill notify employeesof the new Departmental operating protocols within five (5) days after the date of this signed agreement. Management agrees to include the Operating Protocols supplement as part of the LMA Trainingrollout, scheduleto be determined. 7. Upward Mobility /Career Ladder: Employees in Upward Mobility/Career Ladder positionswill not be adversely affected by the implementationof this supplement. 8. Bargaiging UnitEmployee Status : There will be no changesto the bargainingunit status as a resuh of the implementation of this supplement. RESPONSIBILITIES TO OURMISSION, OURPEOPLE. OUR STAKEHOLDERS Page | 29 HUD-17-0235-B-000044 ,_-....-.Nr(.> f 1111 ) ?",.:.c?Jf'.o'.:-? Renorta tothe IJulon: Upon submiss.ionof a p'"1icularizedneed, the Nl'FE Local 1450 Presidentwill be provideda copy of all open and active labormanagementeases that arc in pl'QCess in Rei.ion IX, if such a report exists. For cases in which NfFE 1450 is noi the rcprHentative,managementwill redact the employeename and subject of the grievance. bllt will indicatethat a grievoncohas been filed,that tl1I'employeeis self-represented,and the locationof the griovance (to protect anonymity,the small offices of Las Vegas, Reno and Albuquerquel'lill be combined and listed as one location). It is undentood tbal the intental Managemenlnotes will be removed from the report prior to forwardingto the Union. If Managementdecides to stop productionof lhc report, It will providea counesy notice to die Union of their decision. 9. FOR MANAGEMENT: } / " Gi Richardson iefNegotiator ( ~{~J~'~ev{- -(JJMe Vincent ' Negotiator :-IUD FOR THE UNION: t;jj Jw Date ChiefNegotie1or k z.d-.-. DennisMurakami Negotiator NFFE 1450 President EiiZAbc lh McDargh 08--05-2016 P19t2of2 RESPONSIBILITIES TO OURMISSION, OURPEOPLE, OUR STAKEHOLDERS Page | 30 HUD-17-0235-B-000045 NATIONAL SUPPLEMENT Between U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEOPMENT And AMERICAN FEDERAL OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NATIONAL COUNCIL OF HUD LOCALS 222 SUBJECT: 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols SCOPE: The scope of this supplement encompasses the impact and implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 1) This Supplement shall not diminish or waive any rights that bargaining unit employees have under the AFGE Agreement, law, rule or regulation. The Protocols shall work in conjunction with and be administered in accordance with the Agreement. The Parties agree that no Operating Protocol shall be executed in any manner conflicting with the provisions of the Agreement. 2) No bargaining unit employee will be involuntarily separated or downgraded as result of the implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 3) No position will be removed from the bargaining unit as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 4) No bargaining unit employee will be involuntarily relocated as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 5) Annual leave and/or sick leave previously approved will not be rescinded as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 6) The implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not affect employees' existing alternate work schedules. 7) The implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not affect employees' existing telework agreements. 8) The implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not affect employees' existing or pending reasonable accommodations. The decision maker of a reasonable accommodation will not change as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols shall not interfere with the required 30-day processing of a reasonable accommodation request. Page | 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000046 9) The implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not adversely affect approved or pending employees' hardship reassignment requests. 10) For out-stationed employees, the remote immediate supervisor shall be the approving official for telework requests. For on-site employees, the on-site immediate supervisor shall be the approving official for telework requests. 11) For an out-stationed employee, the employee's remote immediate supervisor shall be the approving official for sick and annual leave requests. For on-site employees, the employee's on-site immediate supervisor shall be the approving official for sick and annual leave requests. 12) There shall be no adverse impact on existing upward mobility and/or career ladder promotions and step increases as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 13) The Department will continue to abide by all current settlement agreements (EEO) and grievance awards as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. 14) Out-stationed employees shall continue to receive program work assignments from the employee's remote immediate supervisor. 15) An out-stationed employee's rating official shall be the remote immediate supervisor in accordance with the Agreement. 16) Performance Ratings will be made in accordance with Article 30 of the Agreement. 17) Nothing shall affect management's right to assign work and nothing shall preclude the union from negotiating appropriate arrangements for employees affected by the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. The parties agree, to the extent possible, that Book of Business, Work Assignments, and/or priorities will be communicated to the employee by the employee's immediate supervisor or remote immediate supervisor. 18) An on-site employee's rating official shall be in accordance with Article 30 of the Agreement. 2 Page | 32 HUD-17-0235-B-000047 19) The 2016 HUD Operating Protocols will not adversely affect performance appraisals and discipline for problems with carrying out duties that require a professional degree or higher education to perform if the employees do not hold such degrees or have the higher education required. 20) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not adversely affect performance appraisals, discipline and/or adverse actions if they are denied security clearance and access to any HUD systems to perform duties. 21) The disciplinary process shall continue to be applied in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement. 22) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will comply with Article 30 of the Agreement. 23) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not adversely affect the designated lead personnel who are not classified as a supervisor (i.e. team leaders, lead specialists etc.) and will not perform supervisory duties or carry out supervisory administrative and/or personnel procedures and functions that are not consistent with OPM regulations/guidelines. 24) Grievance procedures shall be in accordance with Article 51 of the Agreement. 25) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will not adversely affect proposed national, regional and/or local changes in personnel policies, practices, working conditions or general conditions of employment not already covered in the Agreement resulting from any Operating Protocol activity. Opportunity to engage in pre-decisional discussions and engage in national, regional and /or local bargaining will be in accordance with Article 49 of the Agreement and statutory provisions. 26) Mid-term bargaining shall be in accordance with Article 49 and space management shall be in accordance with Article 57 of the Agreement. 27) Evaluation of customer service feedback shall be used to identify trends, service gaps and opportunities ultimately leading to the development and implementation of strategies to further improve customer services. Evaluation of customer service feedback shall be administered in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is not management's intent to utilize customer service feedback to discipline an individual employee. 28) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols shall not adversely affect bargaining unit employees. To the extent possible, work will be distributed fairly and equitably among bargaining unit employees consistent with their classification. Page | 33 HUD-17-0235-B-000048 29) Affected bargaining unit employees who have no previous or recent experience with newly assigned duties as a result of implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols shall be provide necessary training. Training for newly assigned duties shall be in accordance with the terms of Article 29 of the Agreement. Employees shall be given a reasonable training period to become proficient in performing new duties as a result of implementation the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols. Additional training, follow-up, and refresher instruction will be provided upon the employee's request. 30) In the event RA/DRA/FOD or PAO establishes deadlines that have short turnaround times and requirements that may conflict with an employee's assigned program work, they shall coordinate with the PD or the employee's immediate supervisor to ensure adjusted reasonable program deadlines are immediately established. While sensitive to the priorities of program activities in the Field, it is understood that full communication of priorities and deadlines must be conducted by Management to ensure that the employee is provided enough opportunity for the employee to reach the full performance level of his/her program assigned work and goals. 31) Once the parties successfully complete negotiations of this supplement, Management will notify the employees of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols within 60 days after the date of this signed supplement. The parties agree that the terms of this supplement shall be completely communicated before any implementation begins. 32) In the event the RA/DRA/FOD leadership establishes continuity of operations activities and local disaster preparation due to an emergency incident (local, regional or national) resulting from the implementation of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols, the parties agree that they will be handled in accordance with Article 41 of the Agreement. Any subsequent supplements to this Agreement shall be consistent with all applicable Health and Safety regulations, statutes and directives. This includes but is not limited to: a) Continuity of Operations (COOP), emergency/disaster incident reporting, interagency disaster preparedness, response and recovery initiatives. b) Interagency initiatives include, but are not limited to, Federal Continuity Directives (FCD), the National Response Framework (NRF), and the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF). FPM Regional Disaster Recovery Coordinators, in collaboration 4 Page | 34 HUD-17-0235-B-000049 with the Office of Disaster Management and National Security (ODMNS) and the Office of Administration (OA), support field office objectives and provide guidance, technical assistance, training and oversight across COOP, emergency/disaster incident reporting, and interagency preparedness, response and recovery initiatives. 33) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will be administered in accordance with Article 16 and Supplement 3 of the Agreement. 34) The 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols will provide travel and per diem costs consistent with the FTR (Federal Travel Regulation) for employees to attend organizational meetings (e.g. place-based, cross-program). This shall also include meetings related to agency priorities and contractual obligatory meetings concerning employee training and adverse actions. All employee travel shall be administered in accordance with Article 23 "Travel and Travel Charge Cards" of the Agreement. 35) Incentive awards resulting from work assigned due to the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols shall be administered in accordance with the Agreement. 36) The parties agree that no later than six months after implementation of the 2016 HUD Operating Standard Protocols, both the Union and Management will conduct a conference call to discuss any concerns resulting from the implementation of this supplement. 37) When provisions of the 2016 HUD Standard Operating Protocols are inconsistent with or contradict this supplement, this supplement shall prevail. Page | 35 HUD-17-0235-B-000050 August 11, 2016 For the Union: 1 ( /t.:&:iwtru.v;,,L SV'atore Viola, Chief Negotiator Team Member Team Member 6 Page | 36 HUD-17-0235-B-000051 PUBLIC AFFAIRS GUIDANCE FOR REGIONAL AND FIELD OFFICES This guidance is meant to ensure HUD's regional Public Affairs Officers respond promptly and effectively and in a standardized manner to news media queries. Because working relations with media representatives are by nature both personal and highly professional, this guidance is a mixture of concise direction and background guidance growing out of collective experience. Both are necessary to deal successfully with the media and explain what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. Public interest can be high not only because of HUD's role in communities throughout the country but also because of our considerable budget. Public support is critical because HUD programs depend on public acceptance and funding. Public interest provides the opportunity to explain how HUD is using public resources to address the nation's housing needs. Our ability to be effective depends on our ability to communicate HUD's accomplishments, problems and needs to the public. ATTRIBUTION POLICY. In contacts with media, people speaking on behalf of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development are, in effect, announcing Department policy. Therefore, the designated on-the-record, spokespeople for the Department are Assistant and Deputy Secretaries, the Regional Directors and their Public Affairs Officers. On a case-by-case basis, Regional Directors and their Public Affairs Officers can authorize Field Directors and key program area specialists to be quoted, on-the-record. Headquarters public affairs should be pre-briefed, or back-briefed if time does not permit, about all on-the record media statements/interviews made by HUD officials in the field. This is of particular importance if the request originates from a major national/regional media outlet. MEDIA INTERVIEW GUIDELINES. HUD PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1/15/2015 Page 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000052 Interviews give reporters the chance to get in-depth information about HUD directly from primary sources. The ability to ask HUD official questions privately provides for a maximum exchange of information. This also permits rapid correction of misconceptions and misinformation. Reporters prefer individual interviews to protect exclusive stories from competitors. Usually, interviews are one-on-one between a reporter and the official, with a PAO monitoring. The following suggestions help guarantee effective interviews: o o Make sure the news medium and the representative is reputable. If in doubt, ask Headquarters for advice. Determine precisely what the reporter wants to know and the intended use of this information. What kinds of stories does the reporter usually write? Are other interviews being done on the same subject (if so, with whom)? Could HUD be placed in an adversary relationship to a community interest? Answers to these questions will help you determine whether, and to what extent, you should cooperate by providing an interview. After receiving a media interview request, the Regional Director and Regional Public Affairs Officer should determine the appropriate HUD official to provide the requested information. Determine the appropriate official who can speak on the subject and who expresses thoughts clearly and briefly. If the interview is for radio or television, the person selected should be able to express themselves in suitable broadcast sound bites. Prepare a memo for the interviewee including the news outlet and the reporter involved, background on the reporter, samples of the reporter's work, other interviews on the same subject, and whether the interview is on the record, for background, or off-the-record. Confirm the time and place, who will escort the reporter, and who will participate in the interview. Before agreeing to the interview, establish the ground rules. Be absolutely sure everyone understands your definitions and agrees to the conditions in advance. There are no universally agreed on or standard definitions for interview terms, thus you will want to ensure that both parties agree on the exact conditions for the interview. You should explain the following terms and specify the one that applies to the interview. Obtain interviewee's and reporter's agreement before continuing. Off-the-Record. The interviewee provides information that may not be used but is for a reporter's understanding of an issue. Use off-the-record very rarely, if at all, and only when there are compelling reasons. HUD PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1/15/2015 Page 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000053 Background. The reporter may use the material verbatim, but may not identify the interviewee by name or title. The reporter and the interviewee agree regarding attribution. An example is: A senior HUD official said. On-the-Record. The reporter may quote verbatim the interviewee by name and title. An example is: "Jack Jones, HUD's Regional Director said,..." NOTE: There are various interpretations of the categories of attribution among news people; therefore, agree to attribution at the outset of the interview. Set up a suitable place for the interview: Print media prefer a quiet room. The same room may not be right for a radio broadcaster looking for ambient background sound, or for a television reporter who needs a visual background to go with the ambient sound. To prepare for all interviews anticipate probable questions. With the help of program area specialists, draft good answers to the questions. Discuss these questions and answers with the interviewee. If the interview is extremely important, do a mock interview and critique the interviewee's answers. This enables the interviewee to solidly frame the answers, builds confidence, and helps overcome natural reluctance to speak on the record. The PAO attends the interview to: o o o o o Open the interview professionally by introducing the participants. Clarify the purpose of the interview. State, explain, and get agreement on the ground rules (although these should be agreed to before the interview). Spot and prevent communication failure. The interviewee thinks mainly about the topic instead of the feedback. The reporter is partly preoccupied with the next question. The Public Affairs representative is the only one who is concentrating equally on everything. The public Affairs representative can see misconceptions on both sides and can correct them. Alert other interested HUD people to potential public affairs problems as a result of questions asked at the interview. For radio or TV interviews, both interviewee and the PAO must plan accordingly. The statements made are usually brief and factual. Interviews for print media are greatly expanded from this. As a result, some interviewees prefer not to be audio taped in long interviews in which they cannot speak comfortably for fear of an error in quoted expression. The possibility also exists a comment can be taken out of context. For these reasons, find out whether print media reporters want to audio tape the interview. If so, obtain the interviewee's approval in advance and inform them that everything is on-the-record from the moment they enter the room. HUD PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1/15/2015 Page 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000054 Some interviewees, conversely, want to tape the interview to protect themselves from errors in attribution. Determine this in advance and set up a digital recorder with fresh batteries. Under these circumstances, you might offer the same courtesy to the reporter. Be sure the reporter has your telephone number and e-mail address in the event of changed plans or post-interview clarification. If the interview raises critical subjects, brief the headquarters public affairs staff and your Regional Director on the questions, answers, and your evaluation of the probable impact. Remember, you represent a service organization that provides assistance to lowto-moderate income families. Your image should project that fact. Always dress for the occasion. KEYS TO A SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION WITH THE MEDIA AND CONTROL OF AN INTERVIEW o o o o Your positive attitude. Knowledge of subject matter. Your familiarity with the media - do your research. Candor, honesty. Concise, simple talking points on the subject to remember: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o You represent the Department when doing an interview. Keep personal opinions to a minimum. Take the attitude the reporter represents the public and the public has a right to know. Do not use technical jargon or HUD acronyms. Talk the public's language. Put your conclusion first; then expand. Use short quotes; long answers are seldom used. When you have made your points, stop! Do not make off-the-record statements. Do not say anything outside the interview you would not want to see or hear the next day. Keep "cool" under fire. Know the up-to-the-minute breaking news stories. Do not accept a reporter's facts or figures, or answer hypothetical questions. If you do not know the answer, admit it, but offer to find out. Most reporters are generalists; you are the expert on the subject. Do not try to impress the reporter. Arrive early; talk to the reporter; offer subjects, points you want to discuss. Do not use "no comment" unless advised by a member of the Office of General Counsel--you will sound and look guilty. Tell why you cannot answer. HUD PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1/15/2015 Page 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000055 o o o o o o o o Have prepared points you want to make. Get your soundbite out first. Know why you were asked for the interview. Think beyond the initial question. Establish ground rules and subjects to be covered. Be prepared; even in your specialty a brush-up is wise. Question your own position; play devil's advocate. Justify your position. The reporter is probably as biased as you; and, as professional. Relax. Anticipate the questions and draft and coordinate proposed answers. JEREON BROWN Deputy Assistant Secretary U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1/15/2015 Page 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000056 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Patton, Lynne M Tuesday, March 14, 2017 8:49 PM Gruson, Barbara Bass, Deana; Leah.V.Levell@who.eop.gov; Kelly A. EOP/WHO Love Re: AFTERNOON COMMUNICATIONS BRIEFING - February 28, 2017 Thanks Barbara! Kelly is definitely receiving the WH briefings - just thought she could help expedite things! Sorry for the confusion. Basically, all 3 of us (me, Deana & Barbara) need the press pool, the WH press briefings and Cliff Sims briefings. Deana may already receive all or some of these, but please make sure she's on all too. Thanks you! Lynne M. Patton Senior Advisor to the Secretary & Director of Public Liaison U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development E: lynne.m.patton@hud.gov O: 202-402-8252 On Mar 14, 2017, at 7:17 PM, Gruson, Barbara wrote: Hi Leah, It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday! Lynne and I still aren't receiving the Afternoon Communications Briefings. Can you please double check to see if we were added to the list? Per Lynne's request, I have cc'd Kelly Love, in case she isn't receiving the briefings either. Thank you! Regards, Barbara K. Gruson Office of Public Affairs U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20410 C: (b) (6) | E: Barbara.Gruson@hud.gov From: Patton, Lynne M Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 8:41 PM HUD-17-0235-B-000057 To: Bass, Deana Cc: Leah.V.Levell@who.eop.gov; Gruson, Barbara Subject: Re: AFTERNOON COMMUNICATIONS BRIEFING - February 28, 2017 Thanks Leah! Can you add us all to the Cliff Sims' distribution too? Thanks so much! Lynne M. Patton Senior Advisor to the Secretary & Director of Public Liaison U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development E: lynne.m.patton@hud.gov O: 202-402-8252 On Feb 28, 2017, at 4:36 PM, Bass, Deana wrote: Hey Leah, Can you get Lynne and Barbara cc'd above on this list? db From: Cliff Sims Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:56 PM To: Bass, Deana Subject: AFTERNOON COMMUNICATIONS BRIEFING - February 28, 2017 AFTERNOON COMMUNICATIONS BRIEFING Feb. 28, 2017 PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS TO A JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS The President is committed to keeping his promises to the American people. o o o He has already saved taxpayers millions of dollars by renegotiating promises, and will save billions more on contracts all across government. We have undertaken a historic effort to roll back over-burdensome regulations. The President has begun the process of draining the swamp of Washington corruption. HUD-17-0235-B-000058 o He has cleared the way for pipeline construction and withdrew the country from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Looking forward, the President will lay out an optimistic vision for the nation with a focus on the government putting the interests of the American people first. o o o There is a renewed spirit of optimism sweeping the country. We are thinking like Americans again - dreaming big, building and undertaking monumental tasks and solving enormous problems. But we must work together - across party lines - to do it. We must restart the engine of America's economy. o o o o o o o American businesses are being crushed under an avalanche of taxes and regulations. We must make it easier for companies to do business in America. We will deliver historic tax reform so that American businesses can compete and thrive. The middle class must get tax relief. We must have fair trade for our workers - foreign countries can no longer be allowed to tax our exports while shipping goods into our country for free. We must protect our workers by enforcing our immigration laws, and it is time to implement a merit-based immigration system. We will be guided by two core rules: Buy American, and Hire American. Our people must have access to quality, affordable healthcare of their choosing. o o o o o Congress must repeal Obamacare and replace it with a system that expands choice, increases access and lowers costs. Americans with pre-existing conditions must have coverage, and we must smooth the transition for Americans currently in the exchanges. Our governors must have flexibility and resources they need to ensure no one slips through the cracks. Americans must have the freedom to purchase health insurance in a national marketplace - it is time for competition that benefits consumers. We must eliminate the burdensome approval process for life-saving drugs so that more lives can be saved. Every parent deserves a choice, and every child deserves a chance. o o o Education is a civil rights issue - every child must have access to a quality education, no matter their zip code. Our disadvantaged youth, including millions of African-American and Latino children, deserve access to good schools and great teachers. We want to help our children break the cycle of poverty, and education is the key. Every family deserves the opportunity to live in peace and safety in their homes and communities. o o o o We must break the cycle of violence in our cities. To accomplish this, we must support our men and women in law enforcement. They deserve our respect and appreciation. For our people to be truly safe, our men and women of the military must have the tools they need to prevent - and, if they must, win - a war. And when our veterans come home, they must be taken care of. Looking abroad, an America First policy calls for robust engagement with the world in areas of mutual interest. HUD-17-0235-B-000059 o o o o We support NATO, but our partners must meet their financial obligations. Our strategic partners around the world must play meaningful roles in operations and help cover the costs. We must learn from the mistakes of the past that have led to so much destruction around the world. We are prepared to forge new partnerships where our interests align. We are looking for partners in peace. OTHER NEWS OF THE DAY Legislation and Executive Orders Signed Today H.R. 321 - The INSPIRE Act o o o This bill, which was passed unanimously by Congress, encourages NASA to have women and girls participate in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and to pursue careers in aerospace, using existing programs and resources. Specifically, the bill encourages the expansion of the missions of: o NASA Girls & NASA Boys o Aspire to Inspire o The Summer Institute in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Research. Also requires NASA to produce a report in 90 days to detail how the agency can best support engagement for women and girls in aerospace and related fields. H.R. 255 - The Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act o o o Similar to the INSPIRE Act, H.R. 255 encourages the National Science Foundation to use existing programs to recruit and support women in the sciences. R. 255 was passed by unanimous consent in both the House and Senate and has no cost according to the Congressional Budget Office. This bill is in part of the Innovation Initiative, launched jointly by Leader McCarthy and Representative McHenry Executive Order on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) o o o o o The Waters of the United States issue has had a long odyssey in the regulatory and legal world for the last 30 years, including 3 Supreme Court decisions and revised guidance from multiple administrations. The last administration overturned previous guidance and instituted the Clean Water Rule, previously known as the Waters of the U.S. Rule, a massive power grab that vastly expands federal jurisdiction into state and local areas and decisions regarding their land use. o This rule is strongly opposed by farmers, ranchers, and agricultural workers all across our country because it prohibits them from doing their jobs as efficiently as possible and treats our small farmers as if they were major industrial polluters. Past Supreme Court decisions have tried to make it clear that the jurisdiction of federal agencies who oversee this issue should be shrinking, not expanding. This order directs the Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA to review and reconsider the Obama administration's rule and provides instruction to the Attorney General for proceeding with current legal action regarding the rule. By eliminating this rule, we will unleash our farmers and ranchers to freely, yet still safely, expand their operations, and allow more Americans to make their living off our great land. HUD-17-0235-B-000060 Executive Order on the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative o o o President Trump is making HBCUs a priority again by repositioning the HBCU initiative in the White House. This repositioning will strengthen the initiative by: o Allowing it to function across all executive departments and agencies and utilize the full resources of the federal government o Establishing HBCUs as a strategic partner in the President's urban agenda of creating jobs, revitalizing communities, and making inner cities safe again o Increasing the private sector's role in supporting HBCUs o Strengthening HBCUs participation in federal programs that partner with outside groups or private organizations Each President since Jimmy Carter has issued an executive order on HBCUs. These previous initiatives lost track because they did not have the full force of the White House behind them. That stops with President Trump. The President's Budget o o o o o The President's first budget will be submitted to Congress on March 16th. The American people elected the President to prioritize their security, and that is exactly what he will do. o This budget provides for one of the largest increases in defense spending without increasing the debt. o There will be a $54 billion increase in defense spending in Fiscal Year 2018, in addition to $30 billion in supplemental spending for the current fiscal year. This funding is vital. We must devote this money to protect the country. o We will also increase funding for our veterans, secure our border, and fund our other priorities. We are a nation that soon will be $20 trillion in debt, so prioritizing financial security is as important as protecting our nation's physical security. o Families all across America have made tough choice in recent years over tradeoffs about what they can and cannot afford, but the federal government has continued to spend taxpayer dollars without pause. o The President has instructed his Budget Director, Mick Mulvaney, to write a budget that rebuilds our nation's military, while also making tough choices for the American people. o This budget will insist on $54 billion in cuts to nondefense programs. The so-called "firewall" that protects lesser priorities from being used to pay for defense increases must go. o Foreign aid to other countries will be cut deeply. It is time to prioritize the security of this country and ask the rest of the world to step up and pay their fair share. Many government agencies will also experience cuts. o These cuts will be sensible, they will be rational, but they will be tough. That is what the moment calls for, and the President looks forward to engaging the Congress in passing his first security budget. ObamaCare o o ObamaCare has delivered Americans an unsustainable health care system with out of control premiums, rising deductibles and dwindling choices. Nancy Pelosi cited three critical fronts on which ObamaCare's success should be judged: lowering costs, expanding benefits, and increasing access. The law has completely failed all three. o Costs: HUD-17-0235-B-000061 o Under ObamaCare, the American people face rising premiums, unaffordable deductibles, fewer insurance choices, and higher taxes to pay for skyrocketing costs. This year, the average premium for ObamaCare insurance plans in all four tiers (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) are facing a double-digit increase. o Expanding Benefits: Obamacare's mandates have led to mass cancellations of coverage, soaring out of pocket costs, and enrollment figures declining as millions choose to pay a tax over buying government mandated insurance. o Increased Access: As insurers leave the marketplace, Americans are left with fewer insurance choices, with 17% having only one insurer option available in their exchange. The ObamaCare Co-Op program has failed, with 16 of 23 co-ops having failed and gone out of business. We are confident that once Americans see the choice between this failed system that has had two terms under the last president to deliver but has been unable to and another choice for a patient-centered plan that will return choice to the American consumer, both with insurers and doctors, and bring back down costs from where they have skyrocketed to, they will support our effort to repeal and responsibly replace ObamaCare. POTUS SCHEDULE o o o o o Meeting with National Association of Attorneys General Signs H.R. 321 and H.R. 255 Signs Executive Orders on WOTUS and HBCUs Visit with Guests of First Address to the Joint Session of Congress Addresses Joint Session of Congress ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND ON RECENT NEWS New Extreme Vetting EO o o o As the President said at his press conference, we'll be issuing a new executive action that will comprehensively protect our country. The new executive order is being finalized - what we are doing now is running it through the different departments and agencies to ensure that it is executed in a flawless manner. o This is not a matter of delaying, it's a matter of getting it right. The court which made the misguided decision on the President's initial executive order had its decisions reversed by the Supreme Court a remarkable 79% between 2010 and 2015. Anti-Semitic Attacks Against Jewish Community Centers and Cemeteries o o o The President is deeply concerned by the reports of further vandalism at Jewish cemeteries. The cowardly destruction in Philadelphia this weekend comes on top of similar accounts from Missouri, and threats made to Jewish Community Centers across the country last week. The President continues to condemn these and any other anti-Semitic and hateful acts in the strongest terms. HUD-17-0235-B-000062 o From our country's founding, we have been dedicated to protecting freedom of religion. No one in America should feel afraid to freely and openly follow the religion of their choosing. White House Relationship with the Media o o o Every time the media turns themselves into the story, the American people - among whom trust in the media remains near historical lows - roll their eyes. The truth is that this was simply a gaggle - not a full briefing - in a smaller space, and the pool was there to share what was said with their peers. The entire gaggle was also transcribed. o Background: A press pool is a rotating group of journalists from subscribing news organizations that pool resources and produce reports for all members to draw from in their reporting. o Further, we actually allowed more press in than usual for pooled events. o We could have kept it to the smaller pool, but instead expanded it as much as allowed by the space in the Press Secretary's office. It's completely false to suggest that outlets were "blocked." The media was represented by the pool, as it is in all situations when space or other factors limit the amount of press able to access an event. False CNN Reporting o o o o o o o The headlines and talking heads are completely ignoring the facts of this situation. The conversation, which centered entirely around the false New York Times report and was not related to any investigation, was initiated by the FBI, not the White House. Some reports have indicated communications between White House staff and the FBI might be inappropriate according to previous practice. However, those restrictions do not apply to conversations of public affairs. The Deputy Director of the FBI reached out, on his own, to the White House Chief of Staff to let him know that the New York Times report regarding contact between Russia and the Trump campaign was inaccurate. There was no "pressure" exerted on the FBI to push back on the story. It was the logical next step for the Chief of Staff to ask, once told that the story was false, what could be done to correct the record. The FBI said it would be appropriate for the Chief of Staff to say publicly that he had been briefed by intelligence officials at the highest level regarding the inaccuracy of the report. o Quote from the Chief of Staff: "I have talked to the highest levels of intelligence officials, and they have assured me that the New York Times story about constant contacts is grossly overstated and inaccurate. So I wouldn't come on your show and say something like that if I didn't have a green light and approval to say it. It's not true." - Fox & Friends (FNC), 2/17/17 Just because reporters and anchors say something over and over again doesn't start to make it true. At some point, we get to a place where we have to move on and focus on the things that the American people actually care about. This has been asked and answered, let's move forward. Liberal Activists at Town Halls o o o Every American has a right to speak his or her mind at town halls or other events, and we respect that. Reports of lawmakers distancing themselves from the President are overblown and exaggerated. In a recent poll, 70% of Americans (including most Democrats) wanted Democrats in Washington to work with our Administration, not protest and oppose us at all turns. A vocal minority doesn't represent the majority. HUD-17-0235-B-000063 Reporting on the Yemen Raid o o Every American owes Ryan Owens and his family a great deal of gratitude. He will always be remembered as an American hero who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of his country. It is standard operating procedure at the Department of Defense that, anytime there is a fatality on an operation, an investigation known as a 15-6 is triggered. It can take several months to complete and a redacted version is available to the public under FOIA. White House Correspondent's Dinner o o o POTUS Tweet: I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening! The President's tweet speaks for itself. He wishes everyone who is attending well but will not be attending himself. The event was originally created for promoting scholarships for young journalists. It's lost that focus entirely and become just another chance for the dishonest media and professional Washington to celebrate themselves. DHS Implementation Memos Top Line: o o o o o Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kelly issued two memoranda to the DHS workforce providing direction for implementing two of the President's executive orders: "Border Security and Immigration Improvement" and "Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States." These memos ensure that all DHS employees are intimately familiar with how to implement the President's executive orders, key stakeholders are in the loop and the public is well informed on the facts. These memos, along with fact sheets and Q&A documents, are easily accessible by both DHS staff and the general public at www.dhs.gov/executiveorders. This page will continue to be updated as appropriate. Ultimately, these memos direct DHS staff to faithfully execute the immigration laws of the United States and provide them with the appropriate resources to do so. Specific questions about these memos can be referred to DHS. Border Security and Immigration Improvement Memo: o o o This memo outlines how DHS will comply with the President's executive order by deploying all lawful means to secure the nation's southern border, prevent further illegal immigration into the United States, and to repatriate illegal immigrations swiftly, consistently, and humanely. This memo does not affect DACA recipients. Key policies in this memo include: o Establishing operational control of the border, including a physical barrier o Detaining illegal immigrants at our near the border o Ending the practice of "catch and release" o Hiring 5,000 additional border agents o Empowering state and local law enforcement to support federal enforcement of immigration law o Ensuring prosecution guidelines place a high priority on crimes near our southern border Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States Memo: HUD-17-0235-B-000064 o o This memo addresses enforcement and removal of those who illegally enter or remain in the United States, particularly those who engage in criminal conduct while here. Key policies in this memo include: o Establishing the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office within ICE to facilitate engagement with the victims and their families to ensure, to the extent permitted by law, they are provided with information about the offender, and that their additional questions and concerns regarding immigration enforcement efforts are addressed. o Hiring 10,000 ICE agents and officers, as well as additional mission support and legal staff necessary o Establishing a program to collect all fines and penalties for which the Department is authorized o Facilitating the collection and reporting of data on the apprehensions and release of illegal immigrations Appointment of Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond "H.R." McMaster to serve as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Top Line: o o o General McMaster - known by his nickname, "The Iconoclast General" -- brings over three decades of experience to the post of National Security Advisor. The President's first duty is to keep the American people safe. General McMaster has the knowledge and foresight necessary to provide the President with expert advice as he protects America's interests at home and abroad. Bio: o General McMaster is a graduate of West Point and earned both his Masters of Arts and Ph.D degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. o During his over three decades in the United States Army, General McMaster gained renown for his roles in the Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom. o He was a Captain in the Battle of 73 Easting, a critical engagement during which outnumbered American forces took advantage of superior military equipment and the element of surprise to destroy over 80 Iraqi Republican Guard vehicles without a single loss. o While serving during the Iraq War, General McMaster ran the model for the successful "clear, hold, and build" counterinsurgency method in the town of Tal Afar, a strategy credited with turning the war around during the surge. o General McMaster earned the Silver Star for his valor during the Gulf War. Quote from President Trump: o "General McMaster has served with distinction in the United States Army for over three decades and will now bring that tremendous experience with him to his new post as my National Security Advisor. My first duty as President is to keep the American people safe. General McMaster has the knowledge and foresight necessary to provide me with expert advice as we work to protect America's interests at home and abroad. I am pleased to welcome him to our team." Quote from General McMaster: o "I am honored to serve as President Trump's National Security Advisor. The safety of the American people and security of the American homeland are our top priorities. I will work tirelessly in this new role to assist the President as he addresses the complex and growing threats our country is facing around the globe." HUD-17-0235-B-000065 President Trump Inherited a Mess o o o o o During his press conference on Thursday, President Trump explained that he "inherited a mess... As you know, our administration inherited many problems across government, and across the economy." Here are the facts: Economy o The economy grew by just 1.6 percent last year, and President Obama did not have a single year of 3+ percent economic growth. o President Obama was the first president since Herbert Hoover to not have at least one year of economic growth of 3 percent or higher. o Wage growth was stagnant under President Obama. The median U.S. hourly wage only increased by 34 cents, or 1.8 percent while he was in office. Salaries and benefits rose just 2.2 percent. o The nation lost over 200,000 manufacturing jobs under President Obama. o The homeownership rate decreased under President Obama and hit a five-decade low last year. o On President Obama's watch, the national debt increased by over 88 percent, a total of $9.3 trillion. Healthcare o Obamacare is a mess, with higher costs and fewer choices. o Premiums for Obamacare's mid-level "Silver" plans are increasing by an average of 25 percent this year, coming on top of the 7.5 percent increase for 2016. o Lower level "Bronze" plans are facing premium increases of 21 percent this year. o As many as 8.4 million Americans will see a sharp rise in premiums this year, according to HHS. o Deductibles are rising, so consumers have to pay more before their insurance even kicks in. o Taxpayers are paying billions for skyrocketing premium subsidies. Foreign Policy o The Obama administration's foreign policy left the world in disorder: from the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran to the failed Russian reset to the humanitarian crisis in Syria. o According to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, there are more safe havens for terrorists "than at any time in history." o President Obama failed to foresee and counter the rise of ISIS, which he famously called a "JV Team." o North Korea became a more dangerous threat to their region and the world. Disunity o Race relations deteriorated under President Obama, with polls showing that "both blacks and whites believe race relations have deteriorated." (AP) ----Unsubscribe The White House ? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW ? Washington DC 20500 ? 202-456-1111 HUD-17-0235-B-000066 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Office of Bishop Wellington Boone Friday, March 17, 2017 1:31 PM Bass, Deana Fleischer, Laura A; Gribbin, Anne H Update on meeting with Secretary Carson Harrell Chambliss-Profile Resume version with Richmond and Newport News Addresses.pdf; McGuire Woods and George Keith Martin.pdf; Resume -- Garland Raphael Hunt Esq -- 11-16-2016.pdf Deana--Thank you again for offering to schedule a meeting with Secretary Ben Carson and Bishop Wellington Boone regarding the attorneys who are listed in the above attachments. I have confirmed the following times when at least three of the attorneys and Bishop Boone could meet in either Richmond, Virginia, or Washington, DC. There might be additional availability for some of them in Richmond alone, since there would not be travel time involved. Monday, March 20, 2017 - 2-5 PM Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 9-12 noon Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - All day Thursday, March 23, 2017 - 9-12 noon and 2-4:30 PM Friday, March 24, 2017 - All day Monday, March 27, 2017 - All day Tuesday, March 28, 2017 - All day Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 2-5 PM Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 9-12 noon and 2-4:30 PM Friday, March 31, 2017 - All day We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Blessings--Cynthia Ellenwood Wellington Boone Ministries Email: BishopsOffice@WellingtonBoone.com Cell: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000067 HARRELL & CHAMBLISS LLP Attorneys at Law PROFILE AND RESUME Eighth and Main Building, 10th Floor 707 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Richmond, Virginia 23219 ----Phone: (804) 643-8401 Fax: (804) 648-2707 11815 Fountain Way, Suite 300 One City Center Newport News, Virginia 23606 ----Phone: (757) 926-5350 Fax: (804) 915-2356 ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP HUD-17-0235-B-000068 HARRELL & CHAMBLISS LLP Attorneys at Law Eighth and Main Building, 10th Fl. 707 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Richmond, Virginia 23219 ----Phone: (804) 643-8401 Fax: (804) 648-2707 11815 Fountain Way, Suite 300 One City Center Newport News, Virginia 23606 ----Phone: (757) 926-5350 Fax: (804) 915-2356 PROFILE SHORT BACKGROUND: Harrell & Chambliss LLP, formerly Wilder & Gregory, is a full service minority owned law firm founded in 1982 by former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder and Judge Roger L. Gregory of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The Firm has ten (10) lawyers who have the professional depth and the technical support necessary to provide the highest caliber of legal services. The Firm is engaged in the general practice of law with a diverse client base that includes several large corporations and public sector entities. OVERVIEW OF FIRM PRACTICE PUBLIC FINANCE AND STRUCTURED FINANCE TRANSACTIONS: Harrell & Chambliss LLP offers extensive experience in public finance and structured finance transactions. In 1991, the Firm was the first minority-owned law firm in Virginia with the distinction of being listed among the municipal bond law firms in The Bond Buyer's Municipal Marketplace (the "Red Book"). The Firm also provides legal services in connection with structured finance securities transactions. BANKING: The Firm provides advice and counsel with respect to matters concerning banking regulations (state and federal), employment issues, commercial transactions, creditors' rights and bankruptcy in its general counsel representation of a full service bank in Richmond and other representation of financial institutions. CORPORATE/BUSINESS and TAX: Business services include consulting with clients concerning organizational structure, drafting and revising articles of incorporation and bylaws, advising corporations on duties and liabilities of directors and officers, preparation of documents relating to Subchapter S election, stock subscriptions and shareholder agreements and other matters relating to business operations, negotiation of contracts and sale of a business. The tax practice of the Firm is made up of a diverse ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000069 group of clients with interesting and challenging issues and transactions. In many instances, the work performed by the Firm's tax practice is performed concurrently with the services provided in the Business Service area, the Real Estate Service area and the Public Finance Service area of the Firm. CONTRACT, PROCUREMENT and EDUCATION SERVICES: Attorneys at H&C have extensive experience in assisting clients with drafting and reviewing contracts and procurement transactions, education legal services in school board and administration matters, education related litigation, worker's compensation, transactions and in numerous other matters. COMMERCIAL LITIGATION AND INSURANCE DEFENSE: H&C's trial attorneys have substantial experience in various areas of specialized litigation and routinely appear in Federal and state courts throughout Virginia. The Firm has over ten years experience in defending auto, general liability and worker's compensation claims. The Firm represents several companies in insurance defense litigation and has previously handled product liability litigation for corporations and other similar types of disputes. REAL ESTATE: H&C's real estate attorneys have extensive experience in real estate acquisition, development, financing and disposition services on behalf of municipal and business clients. In the Firm's representation of all of its clients, H&C has provided a broad range of real estate law services, including residential and commercial closings and foreclosures, performance of title searches, legal negotiations for the acquisition or sale of properties and preparation of financing instruments and agreements. EDUCATION LAW: The Firm has served as general counsel to the Richmond City Public Schools for nearly twenty years. In the last seven years, the Firm has committed itself to growing this practice area, and now serves as general counsel and/or regularly provides legal services to more than fifteen public school districts and private schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The practice includes all forms of representation for school districts, including, but not limited to, matters regarding employment, students, special education, policy, real estate, public procurement, general governance and matters impacting public bodies, such as the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. EMPLOYMENT LAW: The Firm's attorneys regularly represent corporate clients involved in employment litigation in federal and state courts and advise clients with respect to labor and employment related matters. The firm's practice covers the wide spectrum of labor and employment litigation, arbitration, and administrative practice before the EEOC. ADMINISTRATIVE/LEGISLATIVE: Clients frequently call upon H&C to advise them with regard to the Freedom of Information Act, Conflicts of Interest Act, Administrative Process Act, Privacy Protection Act and Virginia Public Procurement Act as well as ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000070 federal and state laws relating to real estate and employment. CREDITORS' RIGHTS, BANKRUPTCY AND FORECLOSURES: As counsel to our financial institution and public sector clients, H&C represents them in matters pertaining to Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy and Foreclosures. The Firm has extensive experience in loan workouts under various loan programs and in conducting non-judicial foreclosures for numerous financial institutions. TELECOMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: H&C has advised clients with respect to open access and internet service matters. The Firm's attorneys have experience in drafting and negotiating computer contracts for the purchase or sale of hardware, software and other services incident thereto. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000071 HARRELL & CHAMBLISS LLP Attorneys at Law Eighth and Main Building, 10th Fl. 707 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Richmond, Virginia 23219 ----Phone: (804) 643-8401 Fax: (804) 648-2707 11815 Fountain Way, Suite 300 One City Center Newport News, Virginia 23606 ----Phone: (757) 926-5350 Fax: (804) 915-2356 RESUME CAPACITY AND RESOURCES Harrell & Chambliss LLP ("H&C" or the "Firm") is a full service minority-owned law firm founded in 1982 by minority attorneys, The Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, former Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and The Honorable Roger L. Gregory. In January 2001, the Firm's name changed due to the appointment of our partner Roger L. Gregory to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The Firm's offices are located in Downtown Richmond, Virginia and in Newport News, Virginia. The Firm currently has ten (10) attorneys. The Firm is engaged in the general practice of law with a diverse client base that includes several large corporations, nationally recognized insurers, nationally recognized non-profits and foundations and public sector entities. The Firm has access to a full range of resources such as Westlaw, an internet legal research system, and other subscription services, such as the Federal Taxation of Municipal Bonds Deskbooks, which provides us with the most up-to-date information in all areas of the law. H&C has a Microsoft NT File Server with dual drives and a Microsoft Exchange Server. The Firm utilizes Microsoft Word to create all documents, legal memoranda and correspondence generated by the Firm. Our software programs include Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Professional, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint, Abacus Case Management Software, Timeslips and Billing. Our case management software tracks clients, schedules appointments, reminders, etc. and manages files, matters, cases and documents. H&C's automated time and billing and case management systems are responsible for timekeeping and billing, management reporting, trust accounting, conflict avoidance, general ledger and accounts payable for the Firm. H&C maintains easy access for clients by providing e-mail access through all ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000072 of its employee computer terminals in the office and internet access for all employees to obtain more and easier information in serving our clients. GENERAL FIRM PRACTICE DESCRIPTION Harrell & Chambliss LLP (the "Firm" or "H&C") has the professional depth and the technical support necessary to provide the highest caliber of legal services in the areas of corporate and business law, public finance and structured securities finance transactions, contracts and procurement, banking, commercial litigation, insurance defense, personal injury defense, tax law, commercial real estate transactions, municipal law, commercial law, public utilities law, acquisitions, estate planning and administration, eminent domain, administrative/legislative services, administrative law, telecommunications, information technology, foreclosure, creditors' rights and bankruptcy, civil litigation, labor, housing law, education law, employment and personnel matters. Public Finance and Structured Transactions Services H&C has extensive experience in debt and revenue financings. Since 1991, the Firm has been listed among municipal bond law firms in The Bond Buyer's Municipal Marketplace, formerly known as The Bond Buyer's Directory of Municipal Bond Dealers of the United States (the "Red Book"). H&C's municipal and public finance experience extends to numerous areas, including airports, general obligation financings for traditional municipal projects, housing, health care financings, university financings and industrial development. The Firm's lead attorney for public finance and structured transactions services, Nancy Griffin Chambliss, Co-Managing Partner of the Firm, has over twenty-five (25) years of experience in public finance transactions as bond, underwriter's and issuer's counsel in bond financings for issuers in various states. Bond Counsel Experience. H&C attorneys have served as bond counsel or issuer's counsel in financings for numerous local issuers and housing authorities in Virginia, for several state or inter-jurisdiction issuers in Virginia and in Maryland and West Virginia, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, South Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania. The Firm's attorneys have represented numerous financial institutions, companies, partnerships, developers and individuals in connection with tax-exempt financings. During the period 2010-2012, the Firm has completed over 20 debt issuance transactions in the issuance of over $1.9 billion of tax-exempt and taxable bonds. Attorneys in the Firm have participated as bond counsel, co-bond counsel, underwriters' counsel, disclosure counsel and issuer's counsel in over $9 billion of tax-exempt and taxable bond transactions. Attorneys in the Firm have worked on financings involving complex and innovative financings techniques, including forward purchase obligations, interest rate ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000073 swap transactions, auction rate and commercial paper financings, FHMLC/mortgagebacked pass through securities, FHA multi-family mortgage programs, variable interest rate financings, bond financings involving collaterized and uncollaterized letters of credit and other credit enhancements, bond financings insured by municipal bond insurers such as MBIA, AMBAC and FGIC and bond financings involving syndications. Firm Affiliation. In 1990, H&C and Lewis & Munday, Detroit, Michigan ("L&M"), formed an affiliation for the practice of public finance law. In addition to Richmond and Detroit, L&M has partnership/affiliate offices in Washington, D.C., Seattle, Chicago and Atlanta (collectively, the "Partnership"). The work of the Partnership in public finance law has been extensive nationally. Structured Securities Transactions. H&C serves as co-legal advisor to Government National Mortgage Association ("Ginnie Mae") to provide legal advisor services in connection with its multiclass securities program. The Firm provides such services as part of Ginnie Mae's legal advisor team in connection with the issuance of over $14 billion of Ginnie Mae Guaranteed REMIC Pass-Through Securities and MX Securities. Representative financings of attorneys at H&C, as bond counsel, co-bond counsel, underwriter's, issuer's counsel, legal advisor with respect to taxable and taxexempt revenue bonds and structured securities, are set forth in the Appendix. Banking Services H&C provides its financial institution clients with advice and counsel with respect to matters concerning banking regulations (state and federal), employment issues, commercial transactions, estate issues, creditors' rights and bankruptcy, foreclosure, collection and civil litigation as well as any other legal matter that H&C is requested to address for clients. As co-counsel to Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority ("RRHA"), the Firm has developed the loan documents for RRHA's various loan programs. Additionally, H&C has represented the Resolution Trust Corporation ("RTC") and SAMDA Contractors and represents RRHA in the real estate lending it makes to commercial and residential borrowers. Corporate/Business Services The Firm represents a diverse group of business clients in a full array of corporate/business transactions. Additionally, the Firm has been successful in developing a business practice, which spans from start up businesses to the representation of financial institutions. The Firm's lead attorney for business services, Adam N. Harrell, Jr., Co-Managing Partner of the Firm, has over twenty (20) years of experience in representing corporate and business clients. The emphasis of the Firm's business practice is in providing general business and planning assistance to its clients, ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 7 HUD-17-0235-B-000074 including closely held and publicly owned entities, non-profit and tax-exempt organizations, churches and individuals. H&C has assisted its municipal and business clients including Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation ("SCDHC") in the formation and operation of subsidiary corporations and partnerships as well as the syndication of limited partnership interests in connection with the purchase, acquisition and ownership of multifamily residential rental housing developments. Two (2) projects in which such expertise was necessary are SCDHC's acquisition of the 1286 unit residential rental development, Southside Village Apartments and New Chicago Avenue Associates, L.P.'s acquisition and rehabilitation of Chicago Manor apartments located in Richmond, Virginia. Entities - Commercial, Non-profit and Churches. H&C's business services include consulting with clients concerning the organizational structure of businesses, preparing entity documents for businesses, preparing and negotiating contracts for businesses and providing legal advice to businesses as to how they can best serve the needs of their clients. The Firm advises businesses on the duties, responsibilities and liabilities of owners and principals and other matters that arise in the on going operations of the businesses. The Firm attends annual meetings and other periodic meetings of the clients, as requested. The Firm represents clients in the sale of assets of a business or in any merger, acquisition or consolidation that affects their business. The Firm represents its clients in any other business matter that involves legal implications against the business, non-profit organization or individual. The Firm has advised churches in connection with all forms of property acquisitions and transactions and any legal exposure that may exist because of the transaction. The Firm provides legal advice regarding the expansion of church ministries and initiatives under the umbrella of the church and within the realm of the tax-exempt purpose of the church. Telecommunication and Information Technology Services. H&C has advised clients with respect to open access and internet service matters. The Firm's attorneys have experience in drafting and negotiating computer contracts for the purchase or sale of hardware, software and other services incident thereto. Tax Services The tax practice of the Firm is made up of a diverse group of clients with interesting and challenging issues and transactions. The Firm's lead attorney for tax services, Gerald W.S. Carter, a partner in the Firm, has over ten (10) years of experience in representing clients in diverse tax matters. Before joining H&C in 1992, Mr. Carter attended New York University School of Law's Graduate Tax Program and obtained his Masters of Law Degree in Taxation. In many instances, the work performed by the Firm's tax practice is performed concurrently with the services provided in the Business Service area, the Real Estate ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000075 Service area and the Public Finance Service area of the Firm. This usually stems from the advice given to closely held and publicly owned clients, non-profit and tax-exempt entities, churches and individuals where the essence of their transaction is tax driven or requires a detail tax analysis to determine the economics of the contemplated transaction. In the formation of entities for business clients, H&C advises clients of the tax implications of the entities formed and the contemplated transaction or transactions of the business and what to expect based on the use of the chosen entity and transaction or transactions implemented. The services provided in the Firm's tax practice include tax matters relating to commercial and real estate transactions, formation and organizational structure of entities, tax implications of bankruptcy transactions, mergers, acquisitions and consolidations of businesses, sale of assets of businesses, administrative tax proceedings and appeals, tax litigation, estate planning, estate administration, non-profit and tax-exempt organizations, churches and public finance issues and transactions. The Firm's tax practice was established in 1992 and has grown substantially since its formation. The tax practice has enabled the Firm to become more wellrounded in the legal services H&C provides to clients and better tooled and equipped to meet the needs and challenges of clients today and in the future. Our tax practice is an emerging area in the Firm and we expect it to continue to grow well into the twenty-first century. Litigation Services The Firm's trial attorneys have substantial experience in various areas of specialized litigation and routinely appear in Federal and state courts throughout Virginia. The litigation team has over thirty years of combined litigation and trial experience. Our trial attorneys' experience includes not only actual trial preparation and work, such as preparing and filing appropriate pleadings (including the appropriate memoranda of law and briefs), conducting discovery, evaluating investigative materials, arranging for independent medical examinations as required and preparing for trial and trying cases, but also providing advice and consultation with clients during all phases of the judicial process. In addition, the Firm's attorneys are familiar with and actively encourage the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques such as mediation and arbitration. The Firm's litigation attorneys handle in excess of 200 files on an annual basis. In over eighty percent (80%) of these matters, the Firm represents the defendant or one of the defendants in active litigation. A significant percentage of these cases settle, generally after aggressive and vigorous discovery. Of the litigation matters handled by the Firm's litigation team, approximately eighty-five percent (85%) settled prior to the ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 9 HUD-17-0235-B-000076 commencement of trial. As a result of the solid representation provided by the Firm's litigation team, each of the Firm's litigation attorneys in past years actually tried between eight (8) to ten (10) cases to a jury verdict on an annual basis. Generally, the cases handled by the Firm's litigation team consist of civil litigation matters from the Firm's financial institution clients, the defense of automobile accident claims, premises liability claims, wrongful arrest and malicious prosecution claims, product liability matters, workers' compensation claims, employment and labor claims, eminent domain claims, contractual claims and commercial claims. Insurance and Personal Injury. H&C has considerable experience in representing both plaintiffs and defendants in personal injury claims. The Firm's practice includes personal injury, property damage and insurance coverage and liability questions of all types. At the present time, the Firm represents State Farm Insurance, Kemper Insurance, Companion Property & Casualty, Grocers Insurance and other insurers defending civil litigation. The Firm has also represented a number of public bodies and their employees, including Richmond City Public Schools, RRHA and the City of Richmond. Labor and Equal Employment. The Firm's attorneys regularly represent clients involved in labor litigation and advise clients with respect to labor and employment related matters. The Firm's practice covers the wide spectrum of labor and employment litigation, arbitration, mediation and administrative practice before the EEOC and applicable Courts and tribunals and providing legal advice in this area. Additionally, the Firm represents clients in worker's compensation claims and has appeared numerous times before the Workers' Compensation Commission in connection with such claims. General Tort and Product Liability. H&C handles numerous tort claims. The Firm has previously defended manufacturers in product liability claims and numerous other related disputes. Education Services H&C has extensive experience in representing one of largest public school divisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of Richmond Public Schools. H&C also has provided representation to more than fifteen public school districts and private schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Carroll County, Montgomery County, Hanover County, Poquoson City, Hopewell City, King William County, Fauquier County, Mecklenburg County, Prince William County, New Kent County, Alexandria City, Louisa County, and Henrico County Public Schools, as well as the Mountain Vista Regional Governor's School and The Steward School. The Firm's lead attorney for education services is Jonnell Lilly in providing legal advice and opinions concerning ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 10 HUD-17-0235-B-000077 matters relating to the affairs of the school systems together with attendance at meetings of the school boards and their various committees. The Firm provides advice on the application of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, and other state and federal laws pertaining to public elementary and secondary education and employment, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and No Child Left Behind. Additionally, we draft, prepare and revise contracts and other legal documents and prosecute or defend legal and administrative proceedings in state and federal courts, and before governmental agencies or units such as the Virginia Employment Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Civil Rights. H&C monitors state and federal legislation relating to education issues and its attorneys attend and present at education law conferences to stay abreast of the latest trends. The Firm has extensive experience in providing advice and counsel with respect to relevant state and federal regulations, statutes and court decisions relating to special education, and FAPE standards and represents the school division in due process hearings and other proceedings. Attorneys at H&C have extensive experience in providing education legal services in contract and procurement transactions, education related litigation, worker's compensation matters and business transactions and in numerous other education matters. Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Services Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy. Along with representing financial institutions, H&C has been successful in developing a solid Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy practice. H&C has invested a great deal of time in developing expertise in the Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy area. As counsel to our financial institution clients, H&C represents them in all matters pertaining to Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigation. Further, H&C represents RRHA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth dedicated to residential rehabilitation and the development of affordable housing and commercial real estate, in many areas of Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy. H&C has represented the RTC in various practice areas, including Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigation Foreclosures. H&C attorneys have experience in loan workouts and foreclosures of multifamily residential rental housing developments. Additionally, H&C has been certified as a foreclosure commissioner by the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") and has conducted numerous foreclosure sales of multifamily residential rental housing developments. H&C handles all of the foreclosures for ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000078 Consolidated and RRHA and assists Consolidated and RRHA with workouts under its numerous loan programs. Moreover, H&C represents numerous financial institutions including Premier Bank and SunTrust Bank and personal lenders where it is called upon to assist its clients with workouts and non-judicial foreclosures. H&C's real estate attorneys have extensive experience in conducting non-judicial foreclosures. Furthermore, H&C has conducted numerous non-judicial foreclosure sales for the Resolution Trust Corporation ("RTC") Atlanta Office as well as other RTC offices and SAMDA Contractors. Real Estate Services H&C real estate attorneys have extensive experience in real estate acquisition, development, financing and disposition services on behalf of municipal and business clients. The Firm has experience in eminent domain law, principally through its representation of RRHA, the Commonwealth of Virginia (Virginia Department of Transportation), the Virginia Biotechnology Research Park Authority (the "Biotech Park Authority") and the Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority. The Firm is cocounsel to the RRHA and the Biotech Park Authority, which entities undertake a substantial volume of development and redevelopment projects in the City of Richmond. The Firm also is counsel to Petersburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority which is undertaking significant development and redevelopment projects in the City of Petersburg. The Firm is general counsel to the Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation ("SCDHC"). SCDHC has been involved with many significant and sophisticated real estate development and multifamily residential real estate transactions in Richmond's Southside area over the past ten (10) years. The Firm has been involved with SCDHC from its formation. In the Firm's representation of all of its clients, H&C has provided a broad range of real estate law services, including residential and commercial closings and foreclosures, performance of title searches, legal negotiations for the acquisition or sale of properties and preparation of financing instruments and agreements. Administrative/Legislative Services H&C serves as general counsel to RRHA and the Biotech Park and as such our lawyers attend the respective meetings of the Boards of Commissioners. As general counsel we advise our clients as to matters of federal and state law applicable to their various programs and operations. These clients frequently call upon H&C to advise them with regard to the Freedom of Information Act, Conflicts of Interest Act, Administrative Process Act, Privacy Protection Act and Virginia Public Procurement Act ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 12 HUD-17-0235-B-000079 as well as federal and state laws relating to real estate entities, securities, and employment. In addition to developing the documents for RRHA loan programs, H&C advises RRHA regarding federal and state law relating to mortgage lending and housing such as Truth-in-Lending, RESPA and fair housing legislation. H&C also provides such advice to its financial institution clients. Further, H&C has extensive experience in residential and commercial real estate closings. The Firm's attorneys practice regularly before state agencies, including the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Workers' Compensation Commission of Virginia and the State Corporation Commission. H&C also assists professional organizations, business trade groups and individual business entities in developing strategies for interfacing with the Virginia General Assembly, public service commissions, local government officials and various interest groups. In addition, H&C monitors proposed legislation by the Virginia General Assembly. The Firm digests, analyzes and disseminates to the client such proposals relevant to the client's interests. The Firm provides legal advice and opinions concerning matters relating to the affairs of public bodies together with attendance at meetings and conferences relating to those matters. Our attorneys attend board meetings, draft, prepare and revise contracts and other legal documents. Additionally, we prosecute or defend legal actions or arbitration proceedings, including judicial, administrative or other proceedings before governmental agencies or units. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 13 HUD-17-0235-B-000080 QUALIFICATIONS All of the Firm's attorneys are in good standing with the bar(s) to which they are admitted and their licenses have never been suspended or revoked. Credentials of attorneys of the Firm are set forth below. Nancy Griffin Chambliss Nancy Griffin Chambliss, Co-Managing Partner with H&C, with primary practice areas in public and municipal finance, structured securities finance transactions, contracts and procurement law. Ms. Chambliss is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (B.S.) and the University of Virginia School of Law (J.D.). She has over 25 years of practice experience in public finance law and was formerly associated with Hunton & Williams in its public finance section. Ms. Chambliss, who is the partner in charge of public and municipal finance and the structured securities practice of the firm, has extensive experience in the issuance of over $9 billion of taxexempt and taxable bonds and in the issuance of over $14 billion in multiclass securities. She is a member of the Virginia State Bar, the National Association of Bond Lawyers and the American Bar Association. Ms. Chambliss has served as a member of the Virginia State Bar's Fee Arbitration Dispute Panel and the Finance Committee for the Richmond Bar Association. Ms. Chambliss has served as the program chairman and moderator for a municipal finance program presented to the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia and as a panelist for programs on creative financing sponsored by the Old Dominion Bar Association and the Virginia Business Opportunity Fair. She also has served as Vice Chairman of the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority and as a Director of the Metropolitan Business Foundation. Adam N. Harrell, Jr. Adam Nelson Harrell, Jr., Co-Managing Partner of H&C, with primary practice areas in business, banking, creditors' rights, foreclosure, and real estate. Mr. Harrell is a graduate of the University of Virginia (B.A.) (With Distinction) and the University of Pennsylvania School of Law (J.D.) and served as an Editor of the University of Pennsylvania School of Law's Black Law Journal. He has worked closely with financial institution clients for over twenty-five (25) years and has served as the partner in charge of the firm's representation of business clients for over twenty (20) years. His practice areas include real estate, creditors' rights, foreclosure, business and banking. Mr. Harrell is active in his church and several community organizations in Richmond. He is actively involved with the following professional associations: Member: Hill Tucker Bar Association, Richmond Chapter (Former Member, Executive Committee); Virginia State Bar (Member, Lawyers Helping Lawyers Committee, Former Member Third District Committee). He also has been involved with the following organizations: Former ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 14 HUD-17-0235-B-000081 Member, Virginia Board for Asbestos Licensing and Lead Certification; Former Member, Board of Directors of the Greater Richmond Chapter of the American Red Cross; Former Member, Board of Directors of the Richmond Chapter of National Council for Community and Justice; Former Member Board of Directors of the Richmond Christian Leadership Initiative; Member of the Executive Committee of Venture Richmond; and Member of the 2016 Class of the Fellows of the Virginia Law Foundation. In 2016, Mr. Harrell was named to Virginia Business Magazine's "Legal Elite" list. . Gerald W. S. Carter Gerald W. S. Carter, a partner in the Firm, is a graduate of the College of William & Mary (B.B.A.) and New York University School of Law (J.D.). Mr. Carter, who is the partner in charge of the firm's tax practice, received his Masters of Law (LL.M.) Degree in Taxation from New York University School of Law and focuses on creditors' rights and bankruptcy, business/tax, estate planning, tax issues in municipal finance transactions and real estate. Mr. Carter is a Certified Public Accountant and worked for Ernst & Whinney (now Ernst & Young) as a Senior Accountant before attending law school. Mr. Carter was an Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Richmond School of Law and is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the Hill Tucker Bar Association. Mr. Carter served as a member of the Virginia Bar Association (Committee on Honoring Members and Judges). Mr. Carter was selected as one of the leading lawyers in Virginia as reflected in an article entitled "The Legal Elite," in the December 2000 issue of the Virginia Business Magazine. Godfrey T. Pinn, Jr. Godfrey T. Pinn, Jr. is a partner with H&C. Mr. Pinn received his Bachelor's Degree from Hampton University in Mass Media Arts and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Law. Mr. Pinn is a civil litigator with experience in several substantive areas of the law, including, insurance defense, products liability, commercial litigation, health risk management, professional malpractice, regulatory compliance, and both residential and commercial landlord-tenant. In addition to the Virginia State Bar, Mr. Pinn is an active member of the Richmond and Hill Tucker Bar Associations and a volunteer with the Virginia Legal Aid Justice Center's Pro Bono Housing Clinic. Mr. Pinn is an active member of the community through his involvement in a number of social and civic organizations and non-profit boards. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 15 HUD-17-0235-B-000082 Jonnell P. Lilly Jonnell P. Lilly is a partner with H&C and her practice areas include education and employment law. She is a graduate of the University of Richmond (B.S.) and the T. C. Williams School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Lilly is a member of the Virginia State Bar, the Hill Tucker Bar Association and the Virginia School Boards Association Council of School Attorneys. Aubrey W. Fountain III Aubrey W. Fountain, III, is a graduate of the University of Virginia (B.S.) and the University of North Carolina School of Law (Joint Degree J.D./M.R.P.). Mr. Fountain was the former Director of Real Estate Development for Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation ("SCDHC"), a nonprofit CDC in South Richmond, Virginia, and was also engaged in the private practice of Real Estate and Affordable Housing Law. As Director of Real Estate Development for SCDHC, Mr. Fountain piloted the development of over 100 single family detached homes for low income families including the coveted "Governors Award for Excellence" for the Paradise Place subdivision; a 75 unit renovation of a drug infested apartment in the Blackwell Community; the acquisition and renovation of the largest multi-family apartment complex in the country (1,286 units) by a nonprofit organization using tax exempt bond financing; the development of a 45 unit adaptive reuse senior living community combining an intricate and complex layering of over 10 sources of financing and equity syndication including Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Federal and State Historic Tax Credits, Virginia Housing Fund and Virginia Partnership permanent financing, soft financial support from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, an Affordable Housing Partnership award, and several other grants and award subsidies; a 100 unit new construction senior living community; and several other development initiatives including a Business Incubator for start up Minority Business Enterprises, a local community center, and a potential cultural arts center. Mr. Fountain's background lends itself greatly to the physical, social, and economic needs of development initiatives in the low wealth areas of our communities. Aubrey is a current member of the Virginia State Bar, the American Bar Association, the Virginia Bar Association, the Richmond Community Development Alliance, the Institute for Professional Executive Developers, the National Business Incubator Association and the Board of Directors for the Coalition for Greater Richmond and is licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as serving as an Adjunct Professor and Guest Lecturer at Virginia Commonwealth University's Graduate School of Urban Studies and Virginia Union University's School of Theology. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 16 HUD-17-0235-B-000083 Caryl Stephens Johnson Caryl Stephens Johnson, an associate with H&C, is a graduate of Tufts University (B.A), New School University (M.A.) and the University of Richmond School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Johnson is a member of the Virginia State Bar. Ms. Johnson's practice areas include public finance, corporate law and tax, procurement and contracts. Prior to joining H&C Ms. Johnson's practiced focused on tax exempt financing for educational institutions, not-for-profits, health care facilities, developers and manufacturers. Ms. Johnson has served as bank counsel, underwriters' counsel and bond counsel on complex financing structures including variable rate demand bonds, private placements, public offerings and 265(b) transactions. In addition, Ms. Johnson has experience working for clients who have tax controversies with federal and state taxing authorities. Ms. Johnson's prior work experience includes serving as Assistant Vice President of the Financial Services Corporation of New York City, program administrator of the New York City Industrial Development Authority, Vice President of DSL Capital Corporation, financial advisor to the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority's pooled bond program, and budget analyst and regulatory policy analyst for the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Planning and Budget. Nicole Thompson Stock Nicole Thompson Stock is an associate at Harrell & Chambliss with areas of expertise in education law and criminal law. She is a graduate of LaSalle University (B.A.) and Duquesne University School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Thompson has been involved in all aspects of a special education case, including drafting an IEP, representing clients during due process hearings, and drafting pleadings for the federal court. Prior to specializing in education law, Ms. Thompson practiced criminal law as Public Defender in Chester County, Pennsylvania, where she represented clients during felony and misdemeanor jury trials, pre-trial and post trial motions, preliminary hearings, and appeals. Ms. Thompson is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the Pennsylvania Bar. Stacy E. Lee Stacy E. Lee is an associate attorney with H&C and her practice areas include criminal and civil litigation. She is a graduate of the College of William & Mary (B.A.) and North Carolina Central University School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Dunn is a member of the Virginia State Bar, Metro Richmond Women's Bar Association and the Richmond Criminal Bar Association. She also is President of the Hill Tucker Bar Association and Executive Member of the Old Dominion Bar Association. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 17 HUD-17-0235-B-000084 Franklin D. McFadden, Jr. Franklin D. McFadden, Jr., an associate with Harrell & Chambliss, received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the College of William and Mary and his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Richmond School of Law. Frank's primary areas of practice are civil and criminal litigation. Early in his career, Frank developed his skills as a criminal defense attorney, handling countless matters before judges and juries before state and federal courts in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prior to joining Harrell & Chambliss, and under the tutelage of one of Virginia's preeminent civil litigators, Frank honed his skills as a steadfast advocate for those aggrieved by violations of their civil rights and liberties. In 2014 and 2016, Frank was named to Virginia Business Magazine's "Legal Elite" list. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The Firm is a minority owned business enterprise and it is the policy of H&C to provide equal employment opportunities for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, political affiliation, national origin or physical disabilities. This policy is intended to apply to recruiting, hiring, promotions, compensation, benefits, termination and all other privileges, terms and conditions of employment. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 18 HUD-17-0235-B-000085 George is managing partner of the firm's Richmond office. He practices construction, commercial real estate and local government law. He has represented public and private entities on numerous real estate projects, including construction, acquisition and disposition of real property, and redevelopment and adaptive re-use. George Keith Martin Partner +1 804 775 1057 +1 804 698 2105 gmartin@mcguirewoods.com Gateway Plaza 800 East Canal Street Richmond, VA 23219-3916 PRACTICES Real Estate and Land Use Banking and Finance Public Finance INDUSTRIES Construction Food and Beverage Education Community Banking Real Estate Services His construction practice focuses on representing owners, design professionals, contractors and subcontractors with negotiating and drafting design and construction contracts. He has more than 20 years of experience handling construction-related transactions, including joint ventures, publicprivate partnerships and project finance transactions. George has negotiated and drafted numerous construction-related agreements, including design-build, construction, construction management (agency and at-risk), design, program management, project management, and development agreements. Project examples include luxury hotels; convention centers; office buildings and corporate headquarters campus projects; environmental remediation; museums and exhibit contracts; multifamily housing and mixed-finance development; water and sewer projects; road construction; hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers; roasting plants; manufacturing and distribution plants; luxury homes; and retail. He also has extensive experience negotiating and drafting comprehensive development agreements for public-private partnerships and has worked on bond financings to fund construction of those projects. Throughout his career, George has been involved in firm management. He has served on the firm's advisory, pension and recruiting committees. EXPERIENCE Representation of Fortune 100 financial services company in all aspects of design and construction for various projects including new corporate campus. Representation of educational institutions in connection with public private partnerships for the development of off balance sheet student housing. Representation of Fortune 500 company in connection with various construction contracts related to design and construction of major manufacturing facilities. Representation of college related foundations in connection with various construction projects, including student housing, dining facility, urban campus and golf course. Representation of regional authority in connection with major convention center expansion. Representation of redevelopment authorities in connection with various public private partnerships, including office buildings, parking garages, and mixed income housing. Representation of various owners in connection with design and construction of major hotel projects. HUD-17-0235-B-000086 George Keith Martin Representation of economic development authorities in connection with public private partnerships for development of jet engine manufacturing facility and wetlands mitigation bank. EDUCATION Howard University School of Law, JD; Member and Managing Editor, Howard Law Journal, 1978 University of Virginia, BA, 1975 ADMISSIONS Virginia U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Tax Court HONORS AV-Rated, Martindale-Hubbell Fellow, Virginia Law Foundation Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award in Administrative Law Recipient, Virginia Bar Association LexisNexis Award for Leadership and Public Service, 2014 Named a "Lawyer of the Year," Municipal Law, Richmond, The Best Lawyers in America, 2013 Selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America, Construction Law, Municipal Law, Real Estate Law, Woodward/White, Inc., 20082016 Named to "Legal Elite," Construction, 2009-2012, 2014, 2015, 2016; Profiled for Construction, 2015, Virginia Business PUBLICATIONS Author, "The Construction Process from the Owner's Perspective," Client Strategies for Working with Construction Firms, Chapter in Aspatore Books, 2008 EVENTS Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships," Virginia Association of Housing Development Officials Speaker, "Eminent Domain Legislation in Virginia," Virginia Association of Housing and Development Officials Speaker, "Construction Contracts," Virginia Association of Housing Development Officials Speaker, "Brownfields Development," Virginia Association of Housing Development Officials Speaker, "Brownfields Development," National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships," Local Government Attorneys Association Speaker, "Redevelopment Projects," Housing and Development Law Institute Speaker, "HUD General Conditions in Construction Contracts," Housing and Development Law Institute Moderator, "Eminent Domain after KELO," Housing and Development Law Institute Moderator, "Investing In South Africa," American Bar Association HUD-17-0235-B-000087 George Keith Martin Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships and Major Infrastructure Construction," Lorman Seminars, 2010-2011 Speaker, "Fundamentals of Construction Contracts," Lorman Seminars, August 2011 Speaker, "When the Going Gets Tough, Owners Have Remedies," Association of Corporate Counsel Real Estate Committee, July 2011 Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships and Major Infrastructure Construction," Lorman Seminars, June 2009, December 2009 and October 2010 Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships," Lorman Seminars, February 2008 AFFILIATIONS Member (Appointed by Virginia Supreme Court), Virginia Board of Bar Examiners, 1991-2001 Member (Appointed by Governor of Virginia), James Madison University Board of Visitors, 1999-2003 Member (Appointed by Governor of Virgina), Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education, 1998-1999 Commissioner in Chancery, (Appointed by Richmond Circuit Court) Rector; Member, Board of Visitors, 2011-2015, The University of Virginia Member, Board of Visitors, Regent University School of Law, 2002present Affiliate Member, American Institute of Architects Member; Board of Directors; Former Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Committee, Housing and Development Law Institute Member; Section on State and Local Government Law; Section on Real Estate Law; Forum Committee on Construction; Forum Committee on Affordable Housing, American Bar Association Member, Section on Construction and Public Contracts; Section on Real Estate, Virginia Bar Association Member, Old Dominion Bar Association Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers Member, Lex Mundi Construction and Infrastructure Practice Group HUD-17-0235-B-000088 Real Estate Projects for Housing Authorities in Virginia McGuireWoods has extensive experience representing public housing authorities on real estate-related transactions. We currently serve as general counsel or counsel to the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority on various real estate-related projects. These projects have included multifamily and single-family housing projects, mixed-income projects and mixed-use projects, as well as funding from numerous sources, including HOPE VI grants, Federal Home Loan Bank funds, private financing (bridge, construction and permanent), equity from the sale of various tax credits, grant funds and loans from local governmental entities, funding from VHDA, HOME funds and CIP funds. We have also assisted with land assemblage and condemnation matters. Further, in the past we have also represented the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the Petersburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority. We also represent similar organizations outside of Virginia, including the Housing Authority of Cook County, Ill. As a result of McGuireWoods' representation of public housing authorities on real estate-related projects like those referenced above, the firm has vast experience drafting and negotiating the various documentation required and assisting our public housing authority clients with establishing ownership and financing structures. In addition, the firm has extensive experience working with HUD, VHDA and local governmental entities to identify and obtain all of the approvals required for these types of projects. Finally, the firm understands and appreciates the array of legal and political issues involved, and we have a proven track record of working with our public housing authority clients to resolve those issues. Representative Projects Baltimore County, Maryland. McGuireWoods represented a developer in the acquisition and redevelopment of a 200-unit affordable development in Baltimore County. The project was financed in part by the issuance of short-term tax-exempt bonds and a long-term taxable 221(d)(4) insured loan, low-income housing tax credits, and a housing assistance project based voucher contract that was restructured through the RAD-2 program. Alan Sun was lead counsel on this transaction and the firm's work included: (i) reviewing and negotiating HUD required evidentiary documents and the RAD required documentation; (ii) reviewing tax credit equity documents; (iii) reviewing and negotiating tax-exempt bond documents and verifying compliance with the tax-exempt bond documents; (iv) reviewing construction contracts and proposed construction and operating budgets; (v) negotiating and drafting a payment in lieu of taxes agreement; (vi) reviewing property management agreements; (vii) coordinating closing with HUD; and (viii) rendering the required HUD, lender and tax credit equity opinions. Howard County, Maryland. Bond counsel for bonds issued by a housing authority that financed the refinance of the acquisition and a portion of the construction of approximately 60 mixed-income units and the portion of the costs of improvements to 50 public housing units that were being transitioned to the RAD program. The firm's work included: (i) drafting all required bond and tax documents; (ii) drafting disclosure documents and reviewing compliance with disclosure requirements; (iii) conducting tax due diligence and drafting tax compliance agreement; (iv) reviewing housing authority financial statements and outstanding indebtedness for disclosure; and (v) rendering all required opinions. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Townes at River South Project. This project consisted of 161 multifamily, mixed-income units constructed on a former public housing site as part of RRHA's HOPE VI Project. The project was constructed in two phases and was financed with HOPE VI grant funds, tax credit equity, Federal Home Loan Bank funds and private financing HUD-17-0235-B-000089 (bridge, construction and permanent). The firm's work on both phases included: (i) assisting RRHA in obtaining disposition approvals from HUD; (ii) assisting RRHA with structuring the ownership entities for each phase; (iii) preparing and negotiating a development agreement with RRHA's development partner for each phase; (iv) preparing and negotiating required HOPE VI evidentiary documents for each phase; (v) submitting required HOPE VI evidentiary documents to HUD for each phase; (vi) reviewing and negotiating construction and permanent loan documents for each phase; (vii) preparing and negotiating loan documents for RRHA loans to the ownership entities for each phase; (viii) reviewing and negotiating tax credit equity documents for each phase; (ix) preparing and negotiating ground leases for each phase; (x) reviewing and negotiating construction contracts and architectural agreements for each phase; (xi) rendering required HUD, lender and tax credit equity opinions for each phase; and (xii) preparing and reviewing property management agreements for each phase. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Fulton Village II Project. This project consisted of 26 single-family units designated for sale to purchasers with area median incomes of 50-115 percent and constituted the final phase of the off-site for-sale component of RRHA's HOPE VI Project. The units in this project are to be constructed by the developer over a two-year period, subject to market demand. Construction of the units is financed through a combination of private financing and HOPE VI grant funds. The firm's work on this project included: (i) assisting RRHA with structuring the transaction; (ii) preparing and negotiating a development agreement with RRHA's development partner; (iii) assisting RRHA with addressing title and environmental issues with respect to the project site; (iv) preparing and negotiating required HOPE VI evidentiary documents, including, without limitation, documents evidencing the HOPE VI subsidies to be provided to each qualified purchaser; (v) submitting required HOPE VI evidentiary documents to HUD and submittal of required real estate documents to HUD's field office; (vi) reviewing developer's construction loan documents; (vii) preparing and negotiating a ground lease for the project site; (viii) preparing form conveyance documents to be used to convey completed units to purchasers; (ix) preparing and negotiating covenants, conditions and restrictions for the project; and (x) rendering the required HUD opinion for closing. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Chatham Square Project. This project consisted of 100 for-sale market-rate units and 52 assisted units and constituted the on-site component of ARHA's HOPE VI Project. The proceeds from the sale by ARHA to its development partner of the property for the 100 for-sale market-rate units was used to finance a portion of the cost of constructing the 52 assisted units. The other sources for funding the construction of the 52 assisted units were HOPE VI grant funds, private financing and tax credit equity. The firm's work included: (i) reviewing and negotiating HUD required evidentiary documents; (ii) reviewing and negotiating tax credit equity documents; (iii) reviewing and negotiating loan documents; (iv) reviewing and negotiating construction contracts; (v) reviewing proposed construction and operating budgets; (vi) negotiating required guarantees; (vii) reviewing and negotiating a Master Declaration for project; (viii) reviewing and negotiating property management agreements; (ix) coordinating closing with HUD; and (x) rendering the required HUD, lender and tax credit equity opinions. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Glebe Park and James Bland Project. This project consists of a multiphase, multiyear redevelopment of two of ARHA's public housing projects. To date, three of seven phases have closed. The firm's work has thus far included: (i) preparing and negotiating a pre-development agreement; (ii) preparing and negotiating a master purchase, sale and development agreement; (iii) assisting ARHA with structuring the overall transaction; (iv) preparing conveyance documents for each phase; (v) addressing title and survey issues for each phase; (vi) reviewing project budgets and schedules; (vii) preparing and negotiating project guarantees and guarantees for each phase; (viii) reviewing and negotiating a Master Declaration and condominium HUD-17-0235-B-000090 documents for the project; (ix) reviewing tax credit equity solicitations and proposals; (x) reviewing and negotiating construction and architect agreements; and (xi) reviewing and negotiating loan documents with the city and other funding sources. Tax Exempt Bond Financing Our attorneys are public finance experts and assist and advise the entire spectrum of participants in of bond issues, including qualified 501(c)(3) bonds, residential rental bonds, including 4% LIHTC credit transactions, and other types of bond issues (including tax increment financing) that can be used to develop housing. We regularly serve as counsel to owners, lenders, bond purchasers, borrowers, whether for-profit developers or non-profit entities, issuers, underwriters, and banks in the entire range of taxexempt bond transactions. Nonprofit Organizations We represent a number of tax-exempt organizations throughout the country whose missions are to promote affordable housing. We assist in the formation of the entities; in the representation of the entities throughout the application process, which has included appearing before the IRS; and in the continued representation of those organizations in structuring joint ventures with other nonprofit organizations and for-profit developers. We also have experience responding to IRS audits of these organizations. Workouts Involving Tax Credit Transactions We also represent clients in workouts and foreclosures involving tax credit and tax-exempt bond transactions. We work with all parties involved in a transaction including lenders, developers and equity investors, and offer structured solutions to under-performing or non-performing LIHTC developments. We often restructure the financing and ownership of these transactions, as well as communicate with the appropriate allocating agencies to obtain consents and other relief from them. We represent trustees, bondholders and borrowers in tax-exempt bond workouts. We also deal with foreclosures, receiverships and deed-in-lieu of foreclosure matters, and provide post-transition compliance advice. Other Subsidy Programs In addition to the LIHTC program, we are experienced in most subsidized housing programs, including those involving tax-exempt financing. We represent both developers as well as the implementing governmental agencies. We provide the advice and expertise necessary to allow all parties to maximize the investment in the housing development, while minimizing the adverse effects, including tax consequences to investors, which can be associated with some subsidies. We assist clients in state and federal subsidy programs, including but not limited to HOME Funds, AHP grants, ?221(d)(4), ?221(d)(3), HOPE and HUD programs. We represent developers in connection with these subsidy programs, which includes assisting them throughout the application process, dealing with the applicable agency or other entities, and providing compliance advice, and governmental agencies in awarding such subsidies. 86457040_1 HUD-17-0235-B-000091 GARLAND RAPHAEL HUNT, ESQ. garlandhunt @(b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER / SENIOR EXECUTIVE 25+ years Senior Executive Experience / Government & Non-Profit Agencies / Annual Budgets of $50 to $316 million / Public, Private and Community Strategist A visionary senior executive with extensive experience in complex organization oversight, strategic planning, project management, and process reengineering. A knowledgeable professional who possesses a unique combination of skills, abilities, and experiences that facilitates effective and efficient problem-solving resulting from the quick grasp of complex concepts and issues. A seasoned leader with a demonstrated record of successfully motivating high-functioning professionals and creating and sustaining diverse, collaborative relationships and strategic alliances. EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE PRISON FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES, Lansdowne, VA July 2011- Sept 2013 President Appointed by the Board of Directors of Prison Fellowship Ministries, as President of Prison Fellowship with a staff of 2 V P's and 100 employees to plan and execute its strategic and operational objectives. (Annual operational budget of $13,750,000 for FY2013) Negotiated new and enhanced strategic agreements with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and numerous state correctional departments leading to three-times the evangelistic and discipleship opportunities for over 21,000 prisoners in local, state and federal penal institutions. Facilitated programming, including the Angel Tree program in 86% of secured prisons. Expanded outreach to approximately 400,000 children through PF's Angel Tree program addressing the needs of children of incarcerated men and women through successful collaborations with public, private and non-profit organizations. Strengthened PF's efforts to facilitate the successful re-entry of thousands of former prisoners into society, most notably through the recent expansion of a collaborative agreement with Goodwill Industries. Provided executive oversight for the Office of the President, the Program Development and Program Delivery divisions consisting of 100 employees in an effort to meet organizational objectives and increase volunteer and church engagement. Enhanced and expanded PF's sphere of influence and presence to a national audience as an engaging collaborator, conference speaker, and hands-on administrator who encouraged donors, volunteers, collaborators, and church leadership to support the prisoner, ex-prisoner and their families. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE, Atlanta, GA May 2010 - Jan 2011 Commissioner Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue as the executive officer of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice that provides supervision, detention and a wide range of treatment and educational services for youths referred to the Department by the Juvenile Courts; Oversaw a staff 7 direct reports and 4,300 employees with an annual operating budget of approximately $316 million. HUD-17-0235-B-000092 Garland Hunt Page 2 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE, Atlanta, GA Commissioner , cont. Supervised the care of 52,000 youths served annually, including youths who are placed on probation, sentenced to short-term incarceration, or committed to the Department's custody by Juvenile Courts. Provided assistance and/or delinquency prevention services for at-risk youths through collaborative efforts with other public, private and community entities. Managed programs, services and facilities throughout the state. GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF PARDONS AND PAROLES, Atlanta, GA Jan 2004 - May 2010 Chairman of the Board (2006-2008) Vice-Chairman of the Board (2004-2006) Board Member (2004-2010) Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue to serve a seven-year term as one of the five-member executive board authorized to grant paroles, pardons, reprieves, remissions, commutations, and to restore civil and political rights for persons incarcerated by the Georgia Department of Corrections. The State Board of Pardons and Paroles has the sole constitutional authority to commute, or reduce, a death sentence to life without parole. Managed an annual operating budget of approximately $50 million. Developed the recently enacted Parole Decision Guidelines grid that changed the manner in which Board evaluates offenders for cases considered after January 1, 2008. Oversaw the implementation of the CLEMENCY ONLINE NAVIGATION SYSTEM which converted paper-driven business processes into electronic data and images using a work flow management system, allowing multiple users access to the data. Created a statewide faith-based initiative providing community support for the re-entry of exoffenders. CONCURRENT MINISTRIES: FROM 2004 -PRESENT LEADERSHIP ROLES WITH THE FATHER'S HOUSE, FELLOWSHIP OF INTERNATIONAL CHURCHES AND WELLINGTON BOONE MINISTRIES THE FATHER'S HOUSE, Norcross, GA 1999 - 2016 Executive Pastor Grew a vibrant growing body of Christian believers from start up to an average of 400 worshipers providing leadership development, training, and supervision of pastoral staff; pastoral counseling; preaching and teaching. FELLOWSHIP OF INTERNATIONAL CHURCHES, Norcross, GA 1997 - 2011 Executive Vice-President, General Counsel Ensured efficient and effective management of a fellowship consisting of 40 international and domestic congregations including strategic planning, leadership development, and conference planning. WELLINGTON BOONE MINISTRIES, Norcross, GA 1997 - 2011 Executive Vice-President Developed, implemented, and evaluated several community-based initiatives including Global Outreach (outreach to college students); Making of Champions (outreach to high school and college athletes); and ProVision Publishing (faith-based materials and books). HUD-17-0235-B-000093 Garland Hunt Page 3 RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL CHURCH, Raleigh, NC 1993 - 1999 Founder, Senior Pastor Founded and nurtured a body of believers (from 10 to 500 within five years) into a strong and influential ministry committed to racial reconciliation that influenced the Raleigh metropolitan area through (1) leadership development, training, and supervision of pastoral staff; (2) pastoral counseling; and (3) preaching and teaching. RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL CHURCH (CONT'D) Hosted or co-hosted media programming including Reconciling Raleigh (radio programming) and co-hosted The Gospel in Black and White (television programming). Oversaw the effective and efficient management of the Raleigh International Church. NEW GENERATION CAMPUS MINISTRIES, Richmond, VA 1985 - 1993 National Director Identified, trained and nurtured college students on 35 campuses into godly leaders through leadership development and training; supervision of student leadership teams and staff; and executing local, regional, and national conferences. Collaborated with university administrators to create and sustain NGM chapters. Oversaw the effective and efficient management of NGM. LEGAL EXPERIENCE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS, FOURTH CIRCUIT, Richmond, VA 1983 - 1985 Judicial Law Clerk/Staff Attorney Provided advice to the Judge on problem areas, complex legal issues, and recommended outcomes of individual issues and disposition of appeals. Drafted per curium opinions, orders, and memoranda under the direction of the Judge. EDUCATION HOWARD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, Washington, DC Juris Doctor Academic Honors: Howard University Law Review, Executive Articles Editor (1982-83) Legal Clerkships: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Law Clerk (1982-83) Internships: Institute for the Study of Educational Policy, Research Associate (1982-83) HOWARD UNIVERSITY, Washington, DC Bachelor of Arts, Political Science 1983 1980 PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY AFFILIATONS o o Member, Georgia Bar Association Member, Bar of Supreme Court of Georgia HUD-17-0235-B-000094 o o o o o o o o o o Member, Bar of Court of Appeals of Georgia Member, Bar of United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Member, Bar of United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia Recipient, The Ben Baer Award, Association of Paroling Authorities International (2009) Recipient, The Association of Paroling Authorities International President's Award (2008) Vice-President, Association of Paroling Authorities International (2008 - 2010). Governor's Appointee, Commission on Family Violence (2004 -2010) Inductee, Who's Who in Black Atlanta (2007) Alumnus, Leadership Georgia (2006) Class President, Coverdell Leadership Institute (2004) HUD-17-0235-B-000095 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Brown, Jereon M Thursday, March 23, 2017 11:54 AM Bass, Deana FW: Ediscovery processing From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 1:17 PM To: Clemmensen, Craig T ; Kasper, Maren M ; Petty, Timothy J ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: Fwd: Ediscovery processing Below is status of 3 of the outstanding FOIAs related to Shermichael Singleton. I apologize, my staff has been working very hard on this but we are not going to be able to release these today. I assure you we are doing everything possible to expedite release and fully comply with the statute. I will keep you up to date. Please let me know if you have any questions. I apologize again for delay. Get Outlook for iOS _____________________________ From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 8:04 PM Subject: RE: Ediscovery processing To: Snowden, Deborah R , Foster, Helen G , Aten, Nina R. Cc: Rodriguez, Aida N , Jih, Deena S , Smallwood, Marcus R Hi Helen, 17-00752 and 17-00707 was assigned to Aida Rodriquez to provide responsive records; 16-000696 - OHCHO has provided the responsive records, I need to redact confidential information from the Personnel Action form. The final response will be prepared tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21st. Thanks, Sandi From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 6:04 PM To: Aten, Nina R. ; Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Wright, Sandra J ; Bodell, Ethan G ; Jih, Deena S ; Smallwood, Marcus R Subject: Re: Ediscovery processing I would think a reasonable search for #17-0752 would include a search for eop.gov email addresses and his first or last name. HUD-17-0235-B-000096 Helen Goff Foster Exec Sec/Office of Administration US Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington DC 20415 iPhone (b) (6) helen.g.foster@hud.gov Radical Candor * Ruthless Prioritization * Constant Reevaluation * Consistent Accountability _____________________________ From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 5:13 PM Subject: RE: Ediscovery processing To: Foster, Helen G , Aten, Nina R. Cc: Wright, Sandra J , Bodell, Ethan G , Jih, Deena S , Smallwood, Marcus R Helen, In addition to the one that Sandi listed below, there is one other. They are both highlighted. 17-0844 - I am requesting copies of emails exchanged between HUD employees or former employees Maren Kasper and Shermichael Singleton. (Date Range for Record Search: From 11/08/2016 To 03/14/2017) 17-809 - I request access to and copies of * all calendars dated between January 20, 2017, and the present (for a number of employees to include Shermichael Singleton) 17-0753 - Any and all communications, including internal emails, regarding the employment of Shermichael Singleton and his termination from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 17-0752 - I hereby request copies of the following records: Any guidance from the White House to the Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding the employment of Shermichael Singleton at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the termination of his employment with HUD. 17-707 -Copies of all forms, questionnaires, or similar documents completed by Shermichael Singleton, a senior adviser to the Department of Housing and Urban Development from January 23, 2017, to February 16, 2017, as part of the vetting process for political appointees, to include copies of any similar records of any other political appointees. 16-696 - Shermichael Singleton's contract and annual salary as then-senior adviser at HUD (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/20/2017 To 02/17/2017) Thanks Deborah R. Snowden Chief, FOIA Branch 202-402-7606 HUD-17-0235-B-000097 From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 4:32 PM To: Aten, Nina R. ; Cruciani, Linda M ; Wright, Sandra J ; Simpson, Kevin M Cc: Jih, Deena S ; Smallwood, Marcus R ; Snowden, Deborah R Subject: Re: Ediscovery processing There was more than one? Wasn't there? Helen Goff Foster Exec Sec/Office of Administration US Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington DC 20415 iPhone (b) (6) helen.g.foster@hud.gov Radical Candor * Ruthless Prioritization * Constant Reevaluation * Consistent Accountability From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 4:31:28 PM To: Foster, Helen G; Simpson, Kevin M; Aten, Nina R.; Cruciani, Linda M Cc: Snowden, Deborah R; Smallwood, Marcus R; Jih, Deena S Subject: RE: Ediscovery processing FOIA control number - 17-FI-00753; Requester - Christopher Massie Sandra J. Wright Team Leader, FOIA Branch Office of the Executive Secretariat (202) 402-5510 From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 4:13 PM To: Simpson, Kevin M ; Aten, Nina R. ; Cruciani, Linda M Cc: Snowden, Deborah R ; Wright, Sandra J ; Smallwood, Marcus R ; Jih, Deena S Subject: Ediscovery processing OGC friends, Was wondering if you could expedite the eDiscovery searches related to Shermichael Singleton. Since there are several and they are assigned for my personal review, I would like to get a read on the scope and plan my resources accordingly. Sandy, can you send Nina the FOIA request numbers so we make sure we are capturing the right ones? Thank you! Helen HUD-17-0235-B-000098 Helen Goff Foster Exec Sec/Office of Administration US Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington DC 20415 iPhone (b) (6) helen.g.foster@hud.gov Radical Candor * Ruthless Prioritization * Constant Reevaluation * Consistent Accountability HUD-17-0235-B-000099 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Brown, Jereon M Thursday, March 23, 2017 11:55 AM Bass, Deana FW: Assignment Notification - FOIA #17-FI-HQ-00895 17-FI-HQ-00895.html From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 6:15 PM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Petty, Timothy J Cc: Brown, Jereon M Subject: Fwd: Assignment Notification - FOIA #17-FI-HQ-00895 FYI. New one received today. This one isn't perfected because it has no date range. The clock doesn't run until we have a date range, we will follow up with requester. Status on others-- still TBD. Tomorrow is our target but I still haven't seen responses for all of them--so that may or may not be doable. Will check back in am. Get Outlook for iOS From: Wright, Sandra Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:17:42 AM To: Snowden, Deborah R; Foster, Helen G Subject: Assignment Notification - FOIA #17-FI-HQ-00895 Request Details: Request ID: 17-FI-HQ-00895 Request Type : FOIA Requester Name : Kel McClanahan Request Description: All email correspondence sent to or received by the following officials (or acting officials, if appropriate): Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Chief of Staff Inspector General or Deputy Inspector General Beachhead team members Deidre Bass, Sheila Greenwood, Maren Kasper, Lynne Patton, and Shermichael Singleton Program Office Due Date: Request Owner: Foster, Helen Request Primary User: Sandra J. Wright Notes : Good morning: NEW FOIA request. Once requester provides a specified date range I will submit an ediscovery search. I left voicemail message for requester to provide me with the date range. Thanks, Sandi HUD-17-0235-B-000100 Report Date: 03/21/2017 Time: 11:17:45 AM Request Details Report Request Information: Request # : 17-FI-HQ-00895 Action Office : HQ Request Type : FOIA Request Owner : Foster, Helen On Behalf Of : - Requester Category : Other Requesters Reference : - Received Mode : - Requested Date : 03/20/2017 Original Received Date : 03/21/2017 Received Date : 03/21/2017 Perfected Request : Yes Disposition Accepted Date : - Delivery Date : - Closed Date : - Original Target Date : 04/18/2017 Target Date : 04/18/2017 Estimated Delivery Date : 04/18/2017 Total Days on Hold : 0 Days Remaining : 20 Request Age : 0 Delivery Mode : E-mail Multi-Track Type : Priority : Agency Officials Request Status : Assigned Final Disposition : - Discretionary Release Made : No Discretionary Comments : - Discretionary Codes : - Denial Authority : - Expedite Requested : No Expedite Status : - Expedite Start Date : - Expedite End Date : - Expedite Description : - Adjudicate Days (Expedite) : Retention Expired Date : TBD Custom Fields: Interim Responses Interim Response : No Description of the Request : All email correspondence sent to or received by the following officials (or acting officials, if appropriate): Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Chief of Staff Inspector General or Deputy Inspector General Beachhead team members Deidre Bass, Sheila Greenwood, Maren Kasper, Lynne Patton, and Shermichael Singleton HUD-17-0235-B-000101 Sub-requests : Default Requester Information: Requester Name : McClanahan, Kel Job Title : - Created Date : 03/20/2017 Requester Login : - Default Category : Other Requesters Organization : - Work Phone 1 : 301-728-5908 Work Phone 2 : - Mobile : - Fax : 240-681-2189 E-Mail : kel@nationalsecuritylaw.org Address: Address 1 : 4702 Levada Terrace Address 2 : - City : Rockville, State : Maryland Country : United States Zip Code : 20853 Billing Address: Address 1 : 4702 Levada Terrace Address 2 : - City : Rockville, State : Maryland Country : United States Zip Code : 20853 Shipping Address: Address 1 : 4702 Levada Terrace Address 2 : - City : Rockville, State : Maryland Country : United States Zip Code : 20853 Other Address: Name : - Organization : - Address 1 : - Address 2 : - City : - State : - Country : United States Zip Code : - Phone : - Fax : - E-Mail : - Action History : Action Comment Action Taken By Action Date/Time HUD-17-0235-B-000102 [Assign Request]:Note-New Incoming FOIA request. Key, Michelle Assigned 03/21/2017 09:52:13 AM 03/21/2017 09:52:13 AM Key, Michelle Saved received correspondence letter of type Request with subject 'Request Key, Michelle Description' for the request '17-FI-HQ00895' Request is marked as Auto Perfected upon Key, Michelle receiving. Correspondence Perfected Assigned Key, Michelle Received Key, Michelle 03/21/2017 09:51:20 AM 03/21/2017 09:48:52 AM 03/21/2017 09:48:52 AM 03/21/2017 09:48:52 AM Assign : Assigned By Assigned To (User/Group) Assigned Date 03/21/2017 09:52:13 Wright, Sandra (Primary) AM 03/21/2017 09:48:52 Admin AM Key, Michelle Key, Michelle Key, Michelle Action Office Comments Request Status HQ Incoming FOIA request. Received HQ HQ - Received Link Requests : Request # Request Type Requester Name Received Date Primary User Target Date Request Status No link requests found Extension : ID Reason for Extension Days New Target Date Approval/Denial Completed Date Date Extension Status Extension Approval/Denial Completion Note Note Note No Extensions found. FOIA Documents Details ( in Request Folder ): File Cabinet Drawer Folder Name Disposition Layer Name No. of Pages Date Added Redaction Codes Document Review Status No folders have been added to this request. FOIA Documents Details ( in Review Log ): File Cabinet Drawer Folder Name Disposition No. of Pages Comments Date Added Redaction Codes No folders have been added to this request. Page Details: # of pages attached to request folder : 0 # of pages attached to request folder with partial redactions : 0 # of pages attached to request folder with full redactions : 0 # of pages attached to request folder without redactions : 0 # of documents delivered : 0 # of pages reviewed : 0 # of pages delivered : 0 Partially Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No. of Pages Used No Page with partial redactions was added to this request. 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Work Hours (Record Search Processing Costs) : Program Office Created By Rate Hours Total Cost Comments No Record Search Processing Cost details found Work Hours (Staff Processing Costs) : User Name Activity Created By Rate Hours Total Cost Comments No staff processing cost details found. Transfer Details: Transfer To Transfer By Transfer Date Comment HUD-17-0235-B-000104 No transfer request details found for this request. Correspondence Log : Subject File Name Request Description Request Description.pdf User Status Key, Michelle Mode E-mail Dispatched Action Date Date 03/21/20 03/21/2017 17 Received Consultation Review Log : Review ID Location(s) Referred Due date Created Date Imported Date Disposition Accepted Date Status No consultation review log records found Requests For Documents: Request Due Date date ID Location(s) Referred Status Comments No Request For Documents log details found Document Delivery log: ID User Mode Status Delivery Type E-mail Dispatched Date Date No document delivery log details found. HUD-17-0235-B-000105 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Brown, Jereon M Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:26 PM Bass, Deana FW: Final response letter/documents 17-00707 Brendan O'Connor.tif; Interima response - Granted in part - Exemption 6 (Brendan O'Connor- Shermicahel Singleton information).doc Deana, this will probably be shipped tomorrow From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:22 PM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: Final response letter/documents 17-00707 Attached is the final response letter and responsive records for Brendan O'Connor FOIA request Sandra J. Wright Team Leader, FOIA Branch Office of the Executive Secretariat (202) 402-5510 HUD-17-0235-B-000106 The White House Presidential Personnel Office SKC/SES BIO SHEET This information is necessary to begin the clearance process. Return to White House Liaison when completed . PART I: PERSONAL INFORMATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANDIDATE) 2. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 1. FULL NAME (Last, First, Middle): Singleton,Shermichael,Vontrell (b)(6) 3. CURRENT RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code) I I (b)(6) 4. VOTING ADDRESS IN 2016 (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code, if different than current address) te; if not U.S., state, country) 7. DATE OF BIRTH 6. GENDER I Male 8. ETHNIC HERITAGE 11. HOME PHONE African-Americanr)(S) 12. CELL PHONE I (b)(6) 16. CURRENT POSITION (Title, Company) Oeputy Chief of Staff. Department of Housing and Urban Development, (HUD) I I 13. WORK PHONE 202-705-7795 (b)(6) 14. PERSONAL EMAIL I (b)(6) 10. POLITICAL PARTY 9. RACE 15. WORK EMAIL shermichael.v.singleton@hud.gov 17. WORK ADDRESS (Number, Street, City, State, Zip) 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410 18. PLEASE LIST ALL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS (Or say none if you have none) Facebook: Shermlchael Singleton lnstragram: Shennlchael_ Twitter; Shermichael_ 19. EDUCATION (Degree, Institution, Year) 20. AWARDS Political Science, BA, Morehouse College, 2012 21. MILITARY SERVICE (Rank, Branch, Years) 22. PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS 4. OPM NUMBER 5. WH LIAISON NAME 7. WH LIAISON EMAIL HUD-17-0235-B-000107 Shermichael Singleton Writer and Political Consultant (b)(6) Summary Shennichael Singleton is a political consultant, writer, and political analyst. He studied Political Science at 5 l(b)( ) land is the founder of Singleton Strategies, LLC. Singleton is no stranger to the world of presidential politics, having worked on the presidential campaigns of former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Republican presidential nominee Governor Mitt Romney, and Or. Ben Carson. He also worked for the l(b)(5 ) !which played a crucial role in nearly every major race during the 2014 Republican midterm victories. He is a weekly commentator on NewsOne Now on TV One and is also a political contributor to the Washington, DC-based political newspaper, The Hill. Experience Principal at Singleton Strategies, LLC November 2012 - Present (4 years_:;months) I Singleton Strategies, LLC is a Republican-Political' Consulting firm founded by Shermichael Singleton to focus on crafting strategies to target diverse communities. o Founded consulting firm to develop strategy for candidates on the local. state and federal level. o Firm focuses on minority outreach and engagement. o Firm focuses on Republican candidates running in diverse areas. o Firm focuses on crafting strategies and messaging for political campaigns. o Firm focuses on crafting policies for multi-cultural communities .. Communications Director at Dr. Ben Carson February 2016 - Present ( I ye,ir) (b)(6) l . o Spokesman and communications director for retired Pediatric Neurosurgeon and former Republican presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson. o Researched, wrote. and edited op:ed's (opinionated pieces) on behalf of Dr. Carson for major print outlets, including, but not limited to, The Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The Washington Times, and IJR (Independent Journal Review) o Sent out frequent press releases to over 13,000 national news reporters, including the A/P (Assoi::iatecl Press). Pagel HUD-17-0235-B-000108 o Built and maintained relationships with major press figures on behalf of Dr. Carson from CNN: Wolf Blitzer. Jake Tapper. Don Lemon, Erin Burnett and major press figures from FoxNews: Neil Cavuto, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. o Wrote weekly newsletters sent to Dr. Carson's email file, which included over 1 million emails from his presidential run. o Provided weekly in-depth policy briefings to Dr. Carson on relevant policy issues and current political issues and positions. o Manageda team of 20, that built The Carson ldcas Forum and oversaw its daily operations. The Carson ? Ideas Forum was a subscription-based platform, found and created after Dr. Carson's presidential campaign with a monthly budget of $100,000. It provided subscribers with behind the scenes access to Dr. Carson as well as a live weekly video conference with top subscribers around the country. o Selected, organized, and managed Dr. Ben Carson's media appearances on national television shows such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and Fox Business, Bloomberg, and the BBC. Also included managing national and satellite radio hits. Selected, organized, and managed Dr. Ben Carson's media appearances on national television shows such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and Fox Business, Bloomberg, and the BBC. Also included managing national and satellite radio hits. (b)(6) l Strategic Communications Consultant at . February 2016 - January 2017 ( 1 yc:ir) (b)(6) As communications director. I handle all communications on behalf of the company and our relationships with our various partnerships in broadcast television and our various clients. o Handled all internal and external communications for the largest minority-owned broadcast company in the United States . o Wrote and edited all national and international columns for syndicated columnist and owner of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II, Armstrong Williams. o Managed clients such as Russel Simmons, Jamie Fox. famed Attorney Allan Dershowitz , Civil Rights Attorney Benjamin Crump. Megachurch Pastor AR Bernard. and others . o Wrote press release and maintained relationships with major press holdt'rs, national and international. 5 Public Relations at ... l(b_l (_ _l____________ July 2016 - December 2016 (6 monrh,,,,s)...,..,.,,.,...-------5 I provid e public re lations services to l(bl( l of the (b)( 5 l __.ll(bl(6l 'I ==============-.------' I,whi ch is lead by _onc _. ... '------------------------------------- Preside111and Chairman respectively. Page2 HUD-17-0235-B-000109 The Foundation was formed to promote understanding and cooperation between and among ethnic groups and to reduce the existing tensions among diverse racial and ethnic communities. l (b )(6) Contributor at The Hill September2015 _ - December 2016 (I year4 months) I write about topics relative to politics and culture. Contributor at Bold Global Media November 2015 - September 2016 ( I I months) I write about politics and culture. Bold is a multimedia, viral news & cultural site founded bv writer and . ' political analyst, Carrie Shefield. Website: Bold.global Contributor to the American CurrentSee at The Washington Times October 2015 - April 2016 (7 months) l write about topics relative to politics and culture for the American CurrentSee Magazine which is published monthly in a digital format by The Washington Times. (b)(6) l Coalitions Advisor at CarsonAmeric~ November 2015 - February 2016 (4 months).__ _______ Advise the campaign on national coalition strategy. l(b)(6) __. .____________ __, o Worked with. other key advisors to develop national coalitions strategy and outreach strategy o Wrote African-American outreach strategy. o Developed and implemented strategy in South Carolina in coordination with South Carolina State Director. o Writer (Non-Disclosure). Confidential at TMZ June 2015 - September 2015 (4 months) Worked on an upcoming show with Harvey Levin, founderofTMZ. 5 Finance Advisory Committee at .... rb_l_< _l__ ___ May 2015 - June 2015 (2 months) # Developed fundraising initiative inl (b)(5 ) lwith campaign senior advisor and campaign finance chair. l (b)(6 ) Consultant at.______ (b )(6) ___ ? March 2015 - April 2015 (2 months) l o Daily planning and implementation of a multi-city statewide 1,700 mile bus tour . o Developed relationships with a variety of client stakeholders, vendors, sponsors, as well as local partne _rs such as elected/appointed officials. Pagc3 HUD-17-0235-B-000110 I''"'' (b)(6) l Opposition Research at . February 2014 - November 2014 ( 10 months) #Researched.analyzed and uploaded data of targeted candidates. # Transcribed and analyzed hundreds of videos for a one of a kind database used for research and ad production that lead to Republican victories. # Compiled research for the purposes of creating opposition research books on targets on behalf of clients. # Identified opportunities for clients to engage. 5 Campaign Manager at ... <_bl_< _l _______ ----.,,,...,.,.,:-:---------,,J 5 (b)( l February 2013 - May 2013 (4 months) o Oversaw the development of, and utilized a report that held high validity (six sigma) data to develop a 3phase campaign strategy. o Oversaw a campaign strategy to introduce the candidate, develop policy positions and conduct voter outreach. o Managed fundraising efforts and the production of print media. o Wrote initial drafts of candidate survey responses to major news outlets. Campaign Advance and Operations at Romney for President l(b)(6) July 2012 - November 2012 (5 m Subject: Lauren Dillion FOIA request 17-00634 (DNC) HI Jerry, Attached are the documents and final response letter for Lauren Dillion FOIA request - 17-00634, the file was too large to send PDF so therefore, I had to zip the documents. Thanks, Sandi HUD-17-0235-B-000117 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Ms. Lauren Dillion Democratic National Committee 430 S. Capitol Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: 17-FI-HQ-00634 Dear Ms. Dillion: This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received February 9, 2017. You asked for all records (including emails and other communications, memos, and any other document) related to the recommendation, selection, and hiring of Lynne Patton, who is serving as Senior Advisor and Director of the Office of Public Liaison. Your request is granted in part. Enclosed are copies of the records you have requested. I am withholding Ms. Patton's home address, cell phone number, personal email address, Social Security number, date of birth, and personal information from her resume under FOIA Exemption 6. Exemption 6 protects information that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The interest of the general public in reviewing these portions of government documents does not outweigh the individuals' right to privacy. I am the official responsible for this determination based on information provided by the Department's Office of General Counsel. You may appeal this determination within 90 days from the date of this letter. If you decide to appeal, your appeal should include copies of your original request and this response, as well as discussion of the reasons supporting the appeal. With regard to FOIA Exemption 6, your appeal should address the nature of the overriding public interest in disclosure that outweighs the personal privacy interest protected by the exemption. The envelope should be plainly marked to indicate that it contains a FOIA appeal and addressed to: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Attention: FOIA Appeals Office of Ethics, Appeals and Personnel Law Ethics and Appeals Division 451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 2130 Washington, DC 20410 Telephone: (202) 708-3815 You may also submit your appeal online at: http://:portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_office/administration/foia/foiaappeals. In addition, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-000118 2 Office of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphia Road-OGIS College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 Telephone: 202-741-5770; Toll free: 1-877-684-6448 Fax: 202-741-5769 Email: ogis@nara.gov For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact Mrs. Sandra J. Wright at (202) 402-5510. Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs and policies. Sincerely, Helen Goff Foster Chief Administrative Officer Chief FOIA Officer Enclosures HUD-17-0235-B-000119 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Brown, Jereon M Thursday, March 23, 2017 5:35 PM Bass, Deana RE: Sec. Carson - Florida? Okay, let me know how I can assist. I'm going to take you off the hourly FOIA report. From: Bass, Deana Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 5:28 PM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: Fw: Sec. Carson - Florida? let's discuss. i think the media advisory should go out monday. db From: Lorraine Woellert Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 5:12 PM To: Brown, Jereon M; Bass, Deana Subject: Sec. Carson - Florida? Hi folks - I understand Secretary Carson is going to Florida tonight. Is he giving a speech or having meetings down there? I also hear he's going to Dallas next week to continue his listening tour. Can you all offer details on that trip for our planning? Thanks. We're very interested in at least getting his schedule. Lorraine --Lorraine Woellert | Reporter | POLITICO 703.842.1796 (best number) |202.368.7126 (cell) |@Woellert 1000 Wilson Blvd., 8th Floor, Arlington, VA 22209 HUD-17-0235-B-000120 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Taffet, Clifford Friday, April 07, 2017 12:30 PM HQ_CPD; CPD FIELD STAFF; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Byrd, David J; Holmes, Gregory A; Beckles, Angela L Clemmensen, Craig T; Kasper, Maren M; Bass, Deana 'CPD Weekly Pulse' for the Week Ending April 7, 2017 CPD WEEKLY PULSE - Week Ending April 7, 2017.docx Please find attached the CPD 'Weekly Pulse' for the week ending April 7, 2017. Have a good weekend. HUD-17-0235-B-000121 CPD WEEKLY PULSE Week Ending April 7, 2017 If you have comments or questions about anything in this digest, please post in the CPD Blog: http://hudsharepoint.hud.gov/sites/cpd/DASO/IOD/CPD%20Blog/default.aspx For a quick overview of the status of hiring, training and travel budgets, and contract procurement, visit CPD's Information on Demand site: http://hudsharepoint.hud.gov/sites/cpd/DASO/IOD/default.aspx Get the latest information on HUD programs at the HUD Exchange website: https://www.hudexchange.info/ Action Items, activities of note or issues for the coming week From General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cliff Taffet o Work begins on the renovation of the OBGA/OAHP space in HQ. o Mid-year employee progress review period is underway, running through May 15. o Written Congressional Justifications (CJs) for the FY 2018 budget are due to OCFO as per the following schedule: o Accounts with no eliminations or policy changes - Due April 10 o Accounts with significant edits or policy changes, core rental assistance programs, S&E accounts, IT Fund, WCF - Due April 13 From the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Operations, Lori Michalski Some Highlights from the Field Anchorage Field Office o On April 11, the Anchorage CPD Director will participate in a program-related session to discuss CDBG opportunities and program possibilities for a dilapidated high-rise in downtown Fairbanks, Alaska. Staff from Senator Murkowski's Office and several Federal agencies are expected to attend the meeting. Milwaukee Field Office o On April 12, the Milwaukee CPD Director will convene a telephone conference call with the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin community development leaders, representatives from the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and philanthropic partners. The purpose of the call is to share the La Crosse Promise Neighborhood Program's unique homeownership strategy, in which home buyers are provided scholarships of up to $50K in return for their commitment to purchase homes or vacant lots in designated neighborhoods. The goal of the meeting is to assess whether the City's strategy may work in certain Milwaukee neighborhoods. From the Office of the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs, Stan Gimont o The Relocation and Real Estate Division has engaged program counsel to determine the applicability of Section 104(d) relocation assistance requirements on the West Calumet Public Housing project in East Chicago. The State of Indiana is seeking to use NSP1 funding for the actual demolition costs. From the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Programs, Ann Oliva o On April 10, OHH staff will assist in leading the monthly "Peer to Peer" call with VAWA/HOPWA grantees. These calls allow grantees the opportunity to provide status updates regarding their projects. o On April 11, DAS Oliva will participate in the Homelessness and Opioid Abuse convening with Federal partners and stakeholders. o On April 12, DAS Oliva will attend the monthly SDCT meeting with staff members from the VA and USICH to discuss progress and priorities related to ending Veteran homelessness. 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000122 From the Offices of Rural Housing and Economic Development, Jackie Williams/Danielle Arigoni Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development o On April 12, ORHED Director Williams will facilitate the HUD-USDA Rural and Tribal Technical Assistance Strategy Working Group conference call. The meeting will focus on planning the next Rural Gateway Peer-to-Peer national conference call, which will focus on "Rural Economic Development and Infrastructure." Presenters will represent HUD, USDA, and the Delta Regional Authority (DRA). Office of Economic Development o On April 12 and 13, the first orientation sessions will be held for new roles under the agency-wide Place Based effort. These orientations - focusing on Data Support Analysts, and Regional Community Resource Coordinators, respectively - will ensure that all PBEC staff have the necessary tools to execute these new functions, particularly as they pertain to support for the 88 new "community partnerships" that have been identified across all ten regions. The orientations will also serve to establish in-person and virtual cohorts among HUD staff to support their ongoing capacity building and information exchange. Additional trainings for Community Capacity Liaisons and Subject Matter Experts will follow in subsequent weeks. Outcomes of the Week From General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cliff Taffet o Agreement reached with the Union to proceed with the reconfiguration of the OBGA/OAHP space in HQ. o Secretary debriefed senior staff on Monday, April 3 on his listening tour visit to Dallas/Fort Worth. o AFFH Process Improvement Workshop, facilitated by Deloitte, on Friday, April 7. o Only three Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) submissions were expected for this round - due April 4. From the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Operations, Lori Michalski o The requisition to fund the 5-month contract extension with CACI was released to the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO) on Wednesday, 3/22/17. CPD has requested that OCPO prioritize the obligation of the funds to the General Services Administration. o IDIS release 11.13 successfully went live on Monday, 3/27/17. The 11.13 release deployed 24-Month HOME Commitment Deadline functionality to address Office of Inspector General audits under the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) project. o The FY 2017 Community Compass NOFA is in Departmental Clearance through April 14. o On April 4, OPDC's Audit Division held a Listening Session with the three Section 4 program grantees. The purpose of the meeting was for OPDC staff to learn what the Section 4 grantees think about various policies and processes related to the design, organization and management of the Section 4 program, and for them to offer their ideas for improvements or innovations for OPDC to consider. Some Highlights from the Field Anchorage Field Office o On April 3-7, CPD Anchorage participated in several community meetings with Coordinated Entry/Youth Homeless Demonstration technical assistance provider, ICF Incorporated. o On April 4, the Anchorage CPD Director participated in the Region X United States Interagency Council on Homelessness meeting. Fort Worth Regional Office o Last week, CPD Fort Worth convened a meeting of its entitlement community Directors. Staff from the Headquarters Entitlement Communities Division presented by Video Teleconference on CDBG Timeliness, the Federal Financial Report, and Code Enforcement. Additionally, the Regional Relocation Specialist provided Uniform Relocation Act updates and the Regional Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Director answered questions about Assessment of Fair Housing submissions. 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000123 o Last week, CPD Fort Worth participated in Freedom of Information Act Improvement Act of 2016 training that was provided by the Office of General Counsel. The training covered major new requirements, changes in procedures, response letters, and exemptions. Milwaukee Field Office o On April 4, the Milwaukee CPD Director, Public and Indian Housing (PIH) staff and the Office of Public Housing Investments met to discuss the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee's (HACM) Critical Community Improvement Plan required for the City's Choice Neighborhood grant. CPD staff will be working with PIH staff to assist HACM in preparing its plan. Philadelphia Regional Office o On April 4, CPD Philadelphia, in collaboration with other program divisions, the Philadelphia Continuum of Care and Public Housing Authority partners, participated in a U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)-sponsored Webinar. The Webinar covered support services available to homeless youth, ages 16 to 24, and outlined how DOL and HUD resources could be utilized collaboratively to serve this select homeless population. Pittsburgh Field Office o Last week, CPD Pittsburgh and OBGA's Financial Management Division provided a Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program training to their CDBG grantees. Grantees presented proposed Section 108 Loan projects and received feedback and advice from the Financial Management Division about project viability, and additional information that could assist the grantees regarding their proposal. From the Office of the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs, Stan Gimont o HUD approved the State of Louisiana's CDBG-DR Action Plan for its $1.2B grant to recover from severe flooding events that occurred in 2016. o On March 31, Gloria Coates, Puping Huang, and Duncan Yetman of the Office of Block Grant Assistance, Entitlement Communities Division, made a video presentation on CDBG-funded Code Enforcement, the Federal Financial Report, and CDBG Timeliness and At-Risk Activities, respectively, at the Ft. Worth Regional Office AllGrantee Meeting. o CPD staff provided technical review to FHEO consultant Deloitte on how program year changes and consolidated plan cycles impact the submission of an AFH. o Acting DAS Gimont, Acting OBGA Director Kome and Entitlement Communities Division staff met by conference call with staff from the city of Albuquerque, NM on April 4. Albuquerque has been designated a high-risk grantee as a result of numerous ongoing performance deficiencies across programs. Of particular import during this call was the construction status of an affordable housing project funded with both HOME and CDBG-R (Recovery Act) funds. HUD had previously issued findings of noncompliance with Recovery Act and CDBG regulatory requirements over the lack of progress in completing this project. o On April 4, OBGA held consolidated plan webinars covering best practices in the substantial amendment and plan set-up in the eCon Planning Suite. o On April 6, OBGA and OED met with EDA to continue developing guidance for better coordination of local planning efforts and around how planning documents prepared for one agency can be adapted for submission to the other agency. o On April 7, OBGA will participate in FHEO's AFFH Process Improvement Work Session. The session will explore detailed findings and opportunities for integration across program offices, prioritize the identified opportunities based on feasibility and impact, and identify initial actions to achieve these process improvements. o OBGA Entitlement Communities Division staff, along with staff from OAHP, SNAPS and other HUD program offices, participated in meetings with delegations of local officials from Washington County, OR (April 4) and Fontana, CA (April 5). Developing affordable housing in the face of rapidly-increasing costs and tight rental markets is of concern to both jurisdictions. o OBGA Entitlement Communities Division staff met by conference call with the City Manager and Community Development Director of Monterey, CA on April 6 to discuss the city's timely expenditure progress. 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000124 o o o o In preparation for anticipated office moves, Entitlement Communities Division staff culled through over 150 linear feet of CDBG program historical files, achieving a 2/3 reduction in the volume of files needing to be retained. To date, CPD field offices and OAHP have approved 43 HTF allocation plans. Thirty-five FY 2016 HTF grants have been obligated and are ready in IDIS. On April 5, the Relocation and Real Estate Division participated in the weekly CPD, Housing, and PIH meeting to address RAD relocation portfolio compliance issues including policy matters. This week's meeting committed to further discussion on determining the applicability of Uniform Relocation Act requirements to RAD projects that involve a Transfer of Assistance. On April 5, the Relocation and Real Estate Division provided the Office of Housing/Recap with confirmation of the second installment of resident replacement housing payments to address relocation corrective actions in the El Paso Housing Authority Tranche I RAD project. This second escrow payment of $344,228 represents 19 former households who were provided incentive payments to exit public housing in violation of RAD URA requirements. From the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Programs, Ann Oliva o Starting on April 3, Continuums of Care began submitting their System Performance Measures data via HUD's Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX). SNAPS hosted a training for Continuums of Care on March 30. o SNAPS posted the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Notice on the HUD Exchange website this week. o On April 3, Director Suchar participated on a call with A Way Home America and other Federal partners to discuss input into their dashboard on their communities' progress towards ending youth homelessness. o SNAPS placed the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA into Departmental Clearance this week. o On April 4, Director Suchar met with the National Alliance to End Homelessness to discuss emergency shelter technical assistance. o On April 4, SNAPS Division Director Brian Fitzmaurice met with a delegation of leaders from Washington County, OR to discuss VASH vouchers and homelessness. o On April 4, SNAPS Specialist Scott Rich attended a meeting with other HUD staff members and city officials from Roseville, CA. The meeting focused on the city's efforts to end homelessness. o On April 5, OHH started the review process for the HOPWA competitive renewal applications received via the Grant Solutions online system. o On April 5, Director Flegel provided a HOPWA program update to the National AIDS Housing Coalition, including the Board of Directors and Consumer Advisory Group. o On April 5, Senior Program Specialist Amy Palilonis served on a panel of Federal presenters at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Targeted Capacity Expansion Program: Substance Abuse Treatment for Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations at High-Risk for HIV/AIDS (TCE-HIV) All Grantee Meeting. o On April 5, Senior SNAPS Specialist Lisa Coffman was a panelist at the annual Freedom Network Conference. Lisa addressed questions surrounding human trafficking and discussed HUD's involvement on the issue. o On April 5-6, Senior Advisor Marcy Thompson participated in a Built for Zero learning session in Los Angeles, CA. Built for Zero is a national change effort with 70 communities that are committed to ending veteran and chronic homelessness. o On April 6, SNAPS Division Director Brian Fitzmaurice joined a meeting with the officials from Stanislaus County, CA. The county thanked HUD for their partnership and provided a status update on their approach to end homelessness. o On April 6, SNAPS Specialist Caroline Crouse attended a meeting with elected officials from the City of Aurora to discuss HUD-VASH and homelessness. o On April 7, Director Suchar met with USICH to discuss youth homelessness data. From the Offices of Rural Housing and Economic Development, Jackie Williams/Danielle Arigoni Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development o On April 3, ORHED Director Williams participated in CPD's Risk Assessment Programs meeting. This meeting was facilitated by the CFO Funds Control Assurance Division. o On April 6, Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Cerny participated in a conference call on the implementation of the Local Foods, Local Places (LFLP) technical assistance program third round, which began in late February. LFLP is an 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000125 EPA-led interagency partnership program that provides technical assistance to mostly small, rural communities that want to link downtown revitalization efforts with the development of strategies to grow their local food economies. Office of Economic Development o On April 3, Danielle Arigoni presented to the 5th offering of the Delivering Outcomes for Communities training offered by Partnership for Public Service. The training featured 30 federal employees from a range of agencies, and equips them to incorporate place-based approaches in their work with communities. Danielle moderated a panel on the success of San Antonio's place-based approach, and discussed HUD's efforts to implement its own place-based operational model. o OED staff consulted with members of OGC to determine a path forward for HUD's response to the March 28 executive order on energy independence. A draft response will be prepared by OGC for Departmental Clearance (tentatively slated for late April). o On April 5, Danielle Arigoni and Holly Kelly (FPM) presented to the Region 9 FPM Management Meeting on the PBEC model. o Last week, at PD&R's invitation, four members of OED attended Programming I training for SAS statistical analysis software. During this free training, attendees learned the fundamentals of coding in the SAS language, allowing them to run descriptive data functions for extremely large datasets. o On April 6, OED staff will meet with counterparts from EPA on status and future of the interagency Urban Waters Partnership. (This meeting will serve as a preparatory meeting in advance of a higher-level meeting of participating agency officials in April). o On April 3, Patrick Revord, along with Marika Bertram of FPM, presented a workshop entitled "Federal Agencies' Efforts to Communicate Program Impacts" at USDA's Local Food Impact Conference in Washington DC. Patrick and Marika described how HUD's previous challenges tracking data for the Sustainable Communities Initiative and for Community Needs Assessments informed the new data and performance measurement system built for the Place-Based Community Partnerships. o OED staff reviewed the draft and provided comments on the Final Report on HUD's Energy Innovation Fund, which provided $20+ million to a number of organizations to test innovative mechanisms for financing energy efficiency improvements in HUD-assisted multifamily housing. Long-Term Action Items, activities of note or issues From the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Operations, Lori Michalski o CPD and the Office of the Chief Information Officer are working with GSA towards re-compete for the next IT contract for a 2017 award. HUD will extend the current contract with CACI through 10/25/17 to allow time to complete the acquisition of the new contract. o CPD is working with CACI to formally re-plan the FIFO project and address the delays resulting from the unanticipated complexity of the HOME Commitment Deadline work. IDIS release 11.14 will still occur in late May, but now with reduced scope. All leftover FIFO work will be shifted to a later release in September. o The five follow up Technical Assistance working groups previously mentioned in this Weekly Report are in varying stages of implementation. We have reached out to some field representatives to serve as members, and each group plans to hold focus groups with various program and field offices throughout their process. The TA work group topics include: o TA Communication and Coordination (across HUD programs and Field Offices) To be launched by summer 2017 o TA Reporting Tool The TA Reporting Tool work group has developed wireframes and solicited input from Field and Program Office Focus Groups last month. The enhancements are still underway. o Award and Workplan Closeout Underway o Learning Pathways (improving user experience in finding learning materials on HUD Exchange) Underway - recently launched o Marketing and analytics for TA Tools and Products 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000126 Underway Some Highlights from the Field Philadelphia Regional Office o CPD Philadelphia management has begun working collaboratively with the Office of Field Policy and Management and the other Regional Program Divisions to outline the anticipated roles and responsibilities that each office will undertake as part of the Region's placed-based strategy. Two communities, the West Philadelphia Promise Zone area of the City of Philadelphia and the City of Dover, Delaware, will benefit from the placed-based strategy. From the Office of the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs, Stan Gimont o Registration opened this week for the May 4 webcast on using the 20% historic tax credit for developing or rehabilitating affordable housing in older buildings. The presentation is being developed through a TA project awarded to Enterprise Community Partners and a historic preservation consultant. Extensive promotion is planned. o For the next several weeks, CDBG-DR staff and staff from CPD Greensboro, CPD Pittsburgh, CPD Jacksonville, and CPD Columbia will be reviewing Action Plans from CDBG-DR grantees who received funds for 2016 disasters. o According to the 2/28/2017 HOME Deadline Compliance Reports, a total of $635 million is at risk of deobligation as a result of missed commitment deadlines occurring in 2017. This amount decreased only 3.3% since the January 31, 2017 report. Currently 544 HOME PJs (85%) have commitment requirement shortfalls greater than $100,000. Field Offices are encouraged to examine the DCRs monthly, and consult regularly with HOME PJs about progress toward these deadlines. Requirement Cumulative Grant Specific Total Total % Change (1992-2014) FY 2015 2/28/17 1/31/17 Commitment CHDO Expenditure 270,601,297.07 1,904,370.60 91,497,456.61 364,063,716.14 58,943,694.20 NA 634,665,013.21 60,848,064.80 NA 656,383,536.48 64,162,743.37 106,408,070.86 -3.3% -5.2% -14.0% From the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Programs, Ann Oliva o OHH will complete the review process for the HOPWA competitive renewal applications by May 19. o SNAPS received 38 non-concurrence Departmental Clearance comments from OGC on the HMIS Final Rule. SNAPS is currently working with OGC to resolve these comments. o SNAPS anticipates that the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA will be published in late May. o On October 4, SNAPS received non-concurrence Departmental Clearance comments from OGC on "FR-5476-N05: Continuum of Care (CoC) Program, Solicitation of Comment on Specific Issues" and is working to resolve them. o SNAPS is in the process of evaluating its entire CoC grants process in a project called "CoC Re-Imagining." They are working with staff experts, management, and field office representatives to evaluate possible changes to the way the CoC process is implemented. o OHH will host a HOPWA Institute for formula grantees, competitive grantees, and project sponsors August 9-11. The 3-day Institute will offer learning tracks for the administrative and service delivery aspects of HOPWA, as well as provide a structured platform for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. From the Offices of Rural Housing and Economic Development, Jackie Williams/Danielle Arigoni Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development o ORHED is in the implementation stage to develop the new Veterans Home Rehabilitation Program. Senior Policy Advisor Steve Cerny and Senior CPD Specialist Sylvia Purvis are working with OGC's Office of Legislation and Regulation staff to prepare the public notice. 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000127 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: Copy: Follow-up to discuss ExecSec Compliance Areas Room 10139 Marcus' Office Start: End: Wed 4/12/2017 1:00 PM Wed 4/12/2017 2:00 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Groomes, Brittani J Follow-up to discuss FOIA, Privacy, and Records. HUD-17-0235-B-000128 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Munir, Rafiq A Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:37 AM Holmes, Gregory A; Gruson, Barbara Bass, Deana More on Section 3 in Chicago This is a recycled message I received earlier this morning dated February 2013. Section 3 has been on the hearts and minds of many advocates as a solution for troubled urban communities for a long time. Rafiq A. Munir, Economic Opportunity Division FHEO | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5236| Washington, DC 20410 202-402-5860 | rafiq.a.munir@hud.gov From: Ranoule Tatum [mailto:ranoule@(b) (6) com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 6:51 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Tapscott, Candace M ; McGough, Maurice J ; bchase@(b) (6) org Subject: Rahm Emanuel is NOT SERIOUS about solving the Violence Problem in Chicago! This just in Again, This may be OLD News to some, But New News to Other! National Black Chamber of Commerce NBCC Letter To Chicago Mayor on HUD Section 3 Contracts and Hiring Opportunities Harry Alford Letter to the Mayor of Chicago February 21, 2013 Honorable Rahm Emanuel Office of the Mayor 121 North LaSalle St, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60602 Re: Increasing Jobs / Decreasing Crime Dear Mayor Emanuel: Chicago has become the "Poster Child" for criminal violence. Your city is often in the news because of the never ending homicides. Most of the victims are youths or young adults. Many are crying out for an end to this carnage but no one seems to know the answer. We think the answer is obvious. HUD-17-0235-B-000129 Bruce Weinberg, Professor at Ohio State University, states: "Public officials can put more cops on the beat, pass tougher sentencing laws, and take other steps to reduce crime, but there are limits to how much these can do...We found that a bad labor market has a profound impact on the crime rate." The explanation of the violence happening in your crime zones is further explained in The Review of Economics and Statistics: "As wages go down and unemployment goes up, crime goes up - driving businesses and residents out of the community. This in turn causes more unemployment, which causes more crime - a 'spiral dive' situation from which it is difficult to recover." That is what Chicago needs - jobs! There is a way to address this need in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates. Simply implement Section 3 of the HUD Act (24CFR Part 135). Section 3 states that 30% of all new jobs from HUD funding are to go to people living in public housing or under the poverty level. Businesses that hire these Section 3 residents can be self-certified as Section 3 firms. Section 3 firms are allocated a 10% set aside for all contracts derived from HUD funding. If the Chicago Housing Authority alone would be compliant with this required law it would have let over $120 million in Section 3 contracts and created thousands of new Section 3 jobs during the past three years. This fact was found during a three year audit of CHA by HUD authorities. This audit came after some of our members filed a complaint against CHA. CHA is now entering into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with HUD. So, the timing is brilliant if your office ensures that CHA will start doing the right thing and begin hiring its residents and create and utilize Section 3 firms. Over the years, many agencies and divisions under the control of your office have received billions of dollars from HUD. However, none of these entities comply with Section 3 of the HUD Act. We know that from a Freedom of Information Act request via HUD. Think of how many jobs can be created and many people rising up from poverty thanks to the due diligence of their mayor. Mr. Mayor, you can do this. Demand compliance from your people and HUD will even come in and train them. Implement this program and watch the crime decrease on a monthly basis. There will be very little "job shifting". The majority of Section 3 workers will be taking jobs that are probably performed by people living outside the Chicago city limits. We did a review of the last Midway Airport expansion. Of course, there was a Project Labor Agreement on this expansion. The vast majority of the home zip codes of the workers were outside of Chicago. Many were outside of the Chicago Metropolitan Area and a noticeable number were out of state. Besides that, the Section 3 program is the LAW! One sweet day, Chicago will start complying and we pray that now will be that time. We trust in your leadership and wisdom. Section 3 of the HUD Act Sir, if you do make this bold move and make Chicago the model city for Section 3 compliance, small business creation and a flourishing labor market, the National Black Chamber of Commerce will applaud this effort. We have 24 chapters within the state of Illinois. Our state chapter, the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, Larry Ivory - President/CEO, is ready to assist in the implementation of Section 3. We will give our chapters in the Chicago area technical assistance in showing public housing facilities how to organize and move as one progressive and organized network. HUD will provide assistance but is limited in its budget (for manpower). We are nonprofit with a mission to assist in projects like this. The NBCC is the largest Black business association in the world and we have been advocating the compliance of Section 3 since our beginning in 1993. Please do not hesitate in having your people contact our office. Here's to a better Chicago. Sincerely, HUD-17-0235-B-000130 Harry C. Alford President/CEO Cc: Larry Ivory, President/CEO, Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce(R). P.S. The People at GoProSection3 are in Total Agreement with the NBCC and the ILBCC! HUD-17-0235-B-000131 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Gruson, Barbara Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:54 AM Munir, Rafiq A; Holmes, Gregory A Bass, Deana RE: More on Section 3 in Chicago Thank you, Rafiq, for sending this over! It is a heartbreaking letter- WE WILL MAKE IT WORK! Barbara K. Gruson Special Assistant in the Office of Public Affairs U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, SW, Suite 10130 Washington, DC 20410 O: (202) 402-5969 | C: (b) (6) | E: Barbara.Gruson@hud.gov https://twitter.com/BarbGrusonHUD From: Munir, Rafiq A Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:37 AM To: Holmes, Gregory A ; Gruson, Barbara Cc: Bass, Deana Subject: More on Section 3 in Chicago This is a recycled message I received earlier this morning dated February 2013. Section 3 has been on the hearts and minds of many advocates as a solution for troubled urban communities for a long time. Rafiq A. Munir, Economic Opportunity Division FHEO | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5236| Washington, DC 20410 202-402-5860 | rafiq.a.munir@hud.gov From: Ranoule Tatum [mailto:ranoule@(b) (6) com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 6:51 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Tapscott, Candace M ; McGough, Maurice J ; bchase@(b) (6) org Subject: Rahm Emanuel is NOT SERIOUS about solving the Violence Problem in Chicago! This just in Again, This may be OLD News to some, But New News to Other! National Black Chamber of Commerce NBCC Letter To Chicago Mayor on HUD Section 3 Contracts and Hiring Opportunities HUD-17-0235-B-000132 Harry Alford Letter to the Mayor of Chicago February 21, 2013 Honorable Rahm Emanuel Office of the Mayor 121 North LaSalle St, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60602 Re: Increasing Jobs / Decreasing Crime Dear Mayor Emanuel: Chicago has become the "Poster Child" for criminal violence. Your city is often in the news because of the never ending homicides. Most of the victims are youths or young adults. Many are crying out for an end to this carnage but no one seems to know the answer. We think the answer is obvious. Bruce Weinberg, Professor at Ohio State University, states: "Public officials can put more cops on the beat, pass tougher sentencing laws, and take other steps to reduce crime, but there are limits to how much these can do...We found that a bad labor market has a profound impact on the crime rate." The explanation of the violence happening in your crime zones is further explained in The Review of Economics and Statistics: "As wages go down and unemployment goes up, crime goes up - driving businesses and residents out of the community. This in turn causes more unemployment, which causes more crime - a 'spiral dive' situation from which it is difficult to recover." That is what Chicago needs - jobs! There is a way to address this need in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates. Simply implement Section 3 of the HUD Act (24CFR Part 135). Section 3 states that 30% of all new jobs from HUD funding are to go to people living in public housing or under the poverty level. Businesses that hire these Section 3 residents can be self-certified as Section 3 firms. Section 3 firms are allocated a 10% set aside for all contracts derived from HUD funding. If the Chicago Housing Authority alone would be compliant with this required law it would have let over $120 million in Section 3 contracts and created thousands of new Section 3 jobs during the past three years. This fact was found during a three year audit of CHA by HUD authorities. This audit came after some of our members filed a complaint against CHA. CHA is now entering into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with HUD. So, the timing is brilliant if your office ensures that CHA will start doing the right thing and begin hiring its residents and create and utilize Section 3 firms. Over the years, many agencies and divisions under the control of your office have received billions of dollars from HUD. However, none of these entities comply with Section 3 of the HUD Act. We know that from a Freedom of Information Act request via HUD. Think of how many jobs can be created and many people rising up from poverty thanks to the due diligence of their mayor. Mr. Mayor, you can do this. Demand compliance from your people and HUD will even come in and train them. Implement this program and watch the crime decrease on a monthly basis. HUD-17-0235-B-000133 There will be very little "job shifting". The majority of Section 3 workers will be taking jobs that are probably performed by people living outside the Chicago city limits. We did a review of the last Midway Airport expansion. Of course, there was a Project Labor Agreement on this expansion. The vast majority of the home zip codes of the workers were outside of Chicago. Many were outside of the Chicago Metropolitan Area and a noticeable number were out of state. Besides that, the Section 3 program is the LAW! One sweet day, Chicago will start complying and we pray that now will be that time. We trust in your leadership and wisdom. Section 3 of the HUD Act Sir, if you do make this bold move and make Chicago the model city for Section 3 compliance, small business creation and a flourishing labor market, the National Black Chamber of Commerce will applaud this effort. We have 24 chapters within the state of Illinois. Our state chapter, the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, Larry Ivory - President/CEO, is ready to assist in the implementation of Section 3. We will give our chapters in the Chicago area technical assistance in showing public housing facilities how to organize and move as one progressive and organized network. HUD will provide assistance but is limited in its budget (for manpower). We are nonprofit with a mission to assist in projects like this. The NBCC is the largest Black business association in the world and we have been advocating the compliance of Section 3 since our beginning in 1993. Please do not hesitate in having your people contact our office. Here's to a better Chicago. Sincerely, Harry C. Alford President/CEO Cc: Larry Ivory, President/CEO, Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce(R). P.S. The People at GoProSection3 are in Total Agreement with the NBCC and the ILBCC! HUD-17-0235-B-000134 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Holmes, Gregory A Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:00 AM Munir, Rafiq A Gruson, Barbara; Bass, Deana Re: More on Section 3 in Chicago Wow. Thanks for sharing Sent from my iPhone On Apr 25, 2017, at 9:36 AM, Munir, Rafiq A wrote: This is a recycled message I received earlier this morning dated February 2013. Section 3 has been on the hearts and minds of many advocates as a solution for troubled urban communities for a long time. Rafiq A. Munir, Economic Opportunity Division FHEO | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5236| Washington, DC 20410 202-402-5860 | rafiq.a.munir@hud.gov From: Ranoule Tatum [mailto:ranoule@(b) (6) com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 6:51 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Tapscott, Candace M ; McGough, Maurice J ; bchase@(b) (6) org Subject: Rahm Emanuel is NOT SERIOUS about solving the Violence Problem in Chicago! This just in Again, This may be OLD News to some, But New News to Other! National Black Chamber of Commerce NBCC Letter To Chicago Mayor on HUD Section 3 Contracts and Hiring Opportunities <~WRD000.jpg> Harry Alford Letter to the Mayor of Chicago February 21, 2013 Honorable Rahm Emanuel Office of the Mayor 121 North LaSalle St, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60602 Re: Increasing Jobs / Decreasing Crime Dear Mayor Emanuel: Chicago has become the "Poster Child" for criminal violence. Your city is often in the HUD-17-0235-B-000135 news because of the never ending homicides. Most of the victims are youths or young adults. Many are crying out for an end to this carnage but no one seems to know the answer. We think the answer is obvious. Bruce Weinberg, Professor at Ohio State University, states: "Public officials can put more cops on the beat, pass tougher sentencing laws, and take other steps to reduce crime, but there are limits to how much these can do...We found that a bad labor market has a profound impact on the crime rate." The explanation of the violence happening in your crime zones is further explained in The Review of Economics and Statistics: "As wages go down and unemployment goes up, crime goes up - driving businesses and residents out of the community. This in turn causes more unemployment, which causes more crime - a 'spiral dive' situation from which it is difficult to recover." That is what Chicago needs - jobs! There is a way to address this need in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates. Simply implement Section 3 of the HUD Act (24CFR Part 135). Section 3 states that 30% of all new jobs from HUD funding are to go to people living in public housing or under the poverty level. Businesses that hire these Section 3 residents can be self-certified as Section 3 firms. Section 3 firms are allocated a 10% set aside for all contracts derived from HUD funding. If the Chicago Housing Authority alone would be compliant with this required law it would have let over $120 million in Section 3 contracts and created thousands of new Section 3 jobs during the past three years. This fact was found during a three year audit of CHA by HUD authorities. This audit came after some of our members filed a complaint against CHA. CHA is now entering into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with HUD. So, the timing is brilliant if your office ensures that CHA will start doing the right thing and begin hiring its residents and create and utilize Section 3 firms. Over the years, many agencies and divisions under the control of your office have received billions of dollars from HUD. However, none of these entities comply with Section 3 of the HUD Act. We know that from a Freedom of Information Act request via HUD. Think of how many jobs can be created and many people rising up from poverty thanks to the due diligence of their mayor. Mr. Mayor, you can do this. Demand compliance from your people and HUD will even come in and train them. Implement this program and watch the crime decrease on a monthly basis. There will be very little "job shifting". The majority of Section 3 workers will be taking jobs that are probably performed by people living outside the Chicago city limits. We did a review of the last Midway Airport expansion. Of course, there was a Project Labor Agreement on this expansion. The vast majority of the home zip codes of the workers were outside of Chicago. Many were outside of the Chicago Metropolitan Area and a noticeable number were out of state. Besides that, the Section 3 program is the LAW! One sweet day, Chicago will start complying and we pray that now will be that time. We trust in your leadership and wisdom. Section 3 of the HUD Act Sir, if you do make this bold move and make Chicago the model city for Section 3 compliance, small business creation and a flourishing labor market, the National Black Chamber of Commerce will applaud this effort. We have 24 chapters within the state of Illinois. Our state chapter, the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, Larry Ivory - HUD-17-0235-B-000136 President/CEO, is ready to assist in the implementation of Section 3. We will give our chapters in the Chicago area technical assistance in showing public housing facilities how to organize and move as one progressive and organized network. HUD will provide assistance but is limited in its budget (for manpower). We are nonprofit with a mission to assist in projects like this. The NBCC is the largest Black business association in the world and we have been advocating the compliance of Section 3 since our beginning in 1993. Please do not hesitate in having your people contact our office. Here's to a better Chicago. Sincerely, Harry C. Alford President/CEO Cc: Larry Ivory, President/CEO, Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce(R). P.S. The People at GoProSection3 are in Total Agreement with the NBCC and the ILBCC! HUD-17-0235-B-000137 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bass, Deana Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:03 AM Holmes, Gregory A; Munir, Rafiq A Gruson, Barbara Re: More on Section 3 in Chicago Rafiq! THANKS. I've worked with Harry Alford. Let me know if you think I should reach out to him when we have our plan of action. db Deana Bass Deputy Chief of Staff U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development C: (b) (6) | Email: deana.bass@hud.gov From: Holmes, Gregory A Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:00:04 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Gruson, Barbara; Bass, Deana Subject: Re: More on Section 3 in Chicago Wow. Thanks for sharing Sent from my iPhone On Apr 25, 2017, at 9:36 AM, Munir, Rafiq A wrote: This is a recycled message I received earlier this morning dated February 2013. Section 3 has been on the hearts and minds of many advocates as a solution for troubled urban communities for a long time. Rafiq A. Munir, Economic Opportunity Division FHEO | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5236| Washington, DC 20410 202-402-5860 | rafiq.a.munir@hud.gov From: Ranoule Tatum [mailto:ranoule@(b) (6) com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 6:51 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Tapscott, Candace M ; McGough, Maurice J ; bchase@(b) (6) org Subject: Rahm Emanuel is NOT SERIOUS about solving the Violence Problem in Chicago! This just in Again, This may be OLD News to some, But New News to Other! HUD-17-0235-B-000138 National Black Chamber of Commerce NBCC Letter To Chicago Mayor on HUD Section 3 Contracts and Hiring Opportunities <~WRD000.jpg> Harry Alford Letter to the Mayor of Chicago February 21, 2013 Honorable Rahm Emanuel Office of the Mayor 121 North LaSalle St, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60602 Re: Increasing Jobs / Decreasing Crime Dear Mayor Emanuel: Chicago has become the "Poster Child" for criminal violence. Your city is often in the news because of the never ending homicides. Most of the victims are youths or young adults. Many are crying out for an end to this carnage but no one seems to know the answer. We think the answer is obvious. Bruce Weinberg, Professor at Ohio State University, states: "Public officials can put more cops on the beat, pass tougher sentencing laws, and take other steps to reduce crime, but there are limits to how much these can do...We found that a bad labor market has a profound impact on the crime rate." The explanation of the violence happening in your crime zones is further explained in The Review of Economics and Statistics: "As wages go down and unemployment goes up, crime goes up - driving businesses and residents out of the community. This in turn causes more unemployment, which causes more crime - a 'spiral dive' situation from which it is difficult to recover." That is what Chicago needs - jobs! There is a way to address this need in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates. Simply implement Section 3 of the HUD Act (24CFR Part 135). Section 3 states that 30% of all new jobs from HUD funding are to go to people living in public housing or under the poverty level. Businesses that hire these Section 3 residents can be self-certified as Section 3 firms. Section 3 firms are allocated a 10% set aside for all contracts derived from HUD funding. If the Chicago Housing Authority alone would be compliant with this required law it would have let over $120 million in Section 3 contracts and created thousands of new Section 3 jobs during the past three years. This fact was found during a three year audit of CHA by HUD authorities. This audit came after some of our members filed a complaint against CHA. CHA is now entering into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with HUD. So, the timing is brilliant if your office ensures that CHA will start doing the right thing and begin hiring its residents and create and utilize Section 3 firms. Over the years, many agencies and divisions under the control of your office have received billions of dollars from HUD. However, none of these entities comply with Section 3 of the HUD Act. We know that from a Freedom of Information HUD-17-0235-B-000139 Act request via HUD. Think of how many jobs can be created and many people rising up from poverty thanks to the due diligence of their mayor. Mr. Mayor, you can do this. Demand compliance from your people and HUD will even come in and train them. Implement this program and watch the crime decrease on a monthly basis. There will be very little "job shifting". The majority of Section 3 workers will be taking jobs that are probably performed by people living outside the Chicago city limits. We did a review of the last Midway Airport expansion. Of course, there was a Project Labor Agreement on this expansion. The vast majority of the home zip codes of the workers were outside of Chicago. Many were outside of the Chicago Metropolitan Area and a noticeable number were out of state. Besides that, the Section 3 program is the LAW! One sweet day, Chicago will start complying and we pray that now will be that time. We trust in your leadership and wisdom. Section 3 of the HUD Act Sir, if you do make this bold move and make Chicago the model city for Section 3 compliance, small business creation and a flourishing labor market, the National Black Chamber of Commerce will applaud this effort. We have 24 chapters within the state of Illinois. Our state chapter, the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, Larry Ivory - President/CEO, is ready to assist in the implementation of Section 3. We will give our chapters in the Chicago area technical assistance in showing public housing facilities how to organize and move as one progressive and organized network. HUD will provide assistance but is limited in its budget (for manpower). We are nonprofit with a mission to assist in projects like this. The NBCC is the largest Black business association in the world and we have been advocating the compliance of Section 3 since our beginning in 1993. Please do not hesitate in having your people contact our office. Here's to a better Chicago. Sincerely, Harry C. Alford President/CEO Cc: Larry Ivory, President/CEO, Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce(R). P.S. The People at GoProSection3 are in Total Agreement with the NBCC and the ILBCC! HUD-17-0235-B-000140 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Munir, Rafiq A Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:15 AM Bass, Deana; Holmes, Gregory A Gruson, Barbara RE: More on Section 3 in Chicago Sure, Harry Alford has been advocating for Section 3 for a long time. Rafiq A. Munir, Economic Opportunity Division FHEO | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5236| Washington, DC 20410 202-402-5860 | rafiq.a.munir@hud.gov From: Bass, Deana Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:03 AM To: Holmes, Gregory A ; Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Gruson, Barbara Subject: Re: More on Section 3 in Chicago Rafiq! THANKS. I've worked with Harry Alford. Let me know if you think I should reach out to him when we have our plan of action. db Deana Bass Deputy Chief of Staff U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development C: (b) (6) | Email: deana.bass@hud.gov From: Holmes, Gregory A Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:00:04 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Gruson, Barbara; Bass, Deana Subject: Re: More on Section 3 in Chicago Wow. Thanks for sharing Sent from my iPhone On Apr 25, 2017, at 9:36 AM, Munir, Rafiq A wrote: This is a recycled message I received earlier this morning dated February 2013. Section 3 has been on the hearts and minds of many advocates as a solution for troubled urban communities for a long time. Rafiq A. Munir, Economic Opportunity Division FHEO | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5236| Washington, DC 20410 HUD-17-0235-B-000141 202-402-5860 | rafiq.a.munir@hud.gov From: Ranoule Tatum [mailto:ranoule@(b) (6) com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 6:51 AM To: Munir, Rafiq A Cc: Tapscott, Candace M ; McGough, Maurice J ; bchase@(b) (6) org Subject: Rahm Emanuel is NOT SERIOUS about solving the Violence Problem in Chicago! This just in Again, This may be OLD News to some, But New News to Other! National Black Chamber of Commerce NBCC Letter To Chicago Mayor on HUD Section 3 Contracts and Hiring Opportunities <~WRD000.jpg> Harry Alford Letter to the Mayor of Chicago February 21, 2013 Honorable Rahm Emanuel Office of the Mayor 121 North LaSalle St, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60602 Re: Increasing Jobs / Decreasing Crime Dear Mayor Emanuel: Chicago has become the "Poster Child" for criminal violence. Your city is often in the news because of the never ending homicides. Most of the victims are youths or young adults. Many are crying out for an end to this carnage but no one seems to know the answer. We think the answer is obvious. Bruce Weinberg, Professor at Ohio State University, states: "Public officials can put more cops on the beat, pass tougher sentencing laws, and take other steps to reduce crime, but there are limits to how much these can do...We found that a bad labor market has a profound impact on the crime rate." The explanation of the violence happening in your crime zones is further explained in The Review of Economics and Statistics: "As wages go down and unemployment goes up, crime goes up - driving businesses and residents out of the community. This in turn causes more unemployment, which causes more crime - a 'spiral dive' situation from which it is difficult to recover." That is what Chicago needs - jobs! There is a way to address this need in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates. Simply implement Section 3 of the HUD Act (24CFR Part 135). Section 3 states that 30% of all new jobs from HUD funding are to go to people living in public housing or under the poverty level. Businesses that hire these Section 3 residents can be self-certified as Section 3 firms. Section 3 firms are allocated a 10% set aside for all contracts derived from HUD funding. If the Chicago Housing Authority alone would be compliant with HUD-17-0235-B-000142 this required law it would have let over $120 million in Section 3 contracts and created thousands of new Section 3 jobs during the past three years. This fact was found during a three year audit of CHA by HUD authorities. This audit came after some of our members filed a complaint against CHA. CHA is now entering into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with HUD. So, the timing is brilliant if your office ensures that CHA will start doing the right thing and begin hiring its residents and create and utilize Section 3 firms. Over the years, many agencies and divisions under the control of your office have received billions of dollars from HUD. However, none of these entities comply with Section 3 of the HUD Act. We know that from a Freedom of Information Act request via HUD. Think of how many jobs can be created and many people rising up from poverty thanks to the due diligence of their mayor. Mr. Mayor, you can do this. Demand compliance from your people and HUD will even come in and train them. Implement this program and watch the crime decrease on a monthly basis. There will be very little "job shifting". The majority of Section 3 workers will be taking jobs that are probably performed by people living outside the Chicago city limits. We did a review of the last Midway Airport expansion. Of course, there was a Project Labor Agreement on this expansion. The vast majority of the home zip codes of the workers were outside of Chicago. Many were outside of the Chicago Metropolitan Area and a noticeable number were out of state. Besides that, the Section 3 program is the LAW! One sweet day, Chicago will start complying and we pray that now will be that time. We trust in your leadership and wisdom. Section 3 of the HUD Act Sir, if you do make this bold move and make Chicago the model city for Section 3 compliance, small business creation and a flourishing labor market, the National Black Chamber of Commerce will applaud this effort. We have 24 chapters within the state of Illinois. Our state chapter, the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, Larry Ivory - President/CEO, is ready to assist in the implementation of Section 3. We will give our chapters in the Chicago area technical assistance in showing public housing facilities how to organize and move as one progressive and organized network. HUD will provide assistance but is limited in its budget (for manpower). We are nonprofit with a mission to assist in projects like this. The NBCC is the largest Black business association in the world and we have been advocating the compliance of Section 3 since our beginning in 1993. Please do not hesitate in having your people contact our office. Here's to a better Chicago. Sincerely, Harry C. Alford President/CEO Cc: Larry Ivory, President/CEO, Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce(R). P.S. The People at GoProSection3 are in Total Agreement with the NBCC and the ILBCC! HUD-17-0235-B-000143 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Office of Bishop Wellington Boone Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:28 AM Bass, Deana Fleischer, Laura A; Gribbin, Anne H Bishop Boone's Request to Meet with Secretary Carson during May 14-29 Adam Harrell and Gerald Carter of Harrell and Chambliss.pdf; Garland Hunt Esq VP Fellowship of Intl Churches.pdf; George Keith Martin of McGuire Woods.pdf Deana and others, Bishop Wellington Boone will be in Washington, DC, from May 14-29. We are requesting an appointment with Secretary Ben Carson during that time. Bishop Boone wants to include in this meeting four seasoned Christian attorneys who are men of integrity and have decades of prestigious experience, including HUD and the criminal justice system. I am attaching their resumes again. o o o o Adam Harrell, Jr. (co-managing partner of Harrell & Chambliss, former law partner to Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder) Gerald Carter (partner at Harrell & Chambliss) George Keith Martin (managing partner, Richmond office of McGuire Woods) Garland R. Hunt, Sr. (vice president of Fellowship of International Churches, former Chairman of Board of Pardons and Paroles and Commissioner of Juvenile Justice under Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue, who is now Secretary of Agriculture) We will coordinate with these attorneys once you set an appointment. Bishop Boone's bio is at this link: http://wellingtonboone.com/about Secretary Carson and Bishop Boone communicated briefly when they were both in Miami recently but they were not able to get together for some personal time. We appreciate your willingness to facilitate this meeting! Blessings, Cynthia Ellenwood Wellington Boone Ministries Cell: (b) (6) Email: BishopsOffice@WellingtonBoone.com From: Office of Bishop Wellington Boone [mailto:bishopsoffice@wellingtonboone.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 1:55 PM To: 'Bass, Deana' ; 'bishop@wellingtonboone.com' Cc: 'Fleischer, Laura A' ; 'Gribbin, Anne H' Subject: RE: Follow Up - Meeting with Secretary Carson HUD-17-0235-B-000144 Deana, Thank you for your email to Bishop Wellington Boone following up on his email to Secretary Ben Carson. Bishop Boone and the Richmond attorneys are looking forward to meeting with Secretary Carson at his earliest convenience. I will be your contact person to coordinate the meeting. Bishop Boone has some commitments through this coming weekend but after that he is free for the following two weeks. We could arrange a meeting with the attorneys in Richmond, Virginia, at the law offices of Harrell & Chambliss, which Bishop Boone thought might be advantageous to Secretary Carson, or they can meet in Washington, DC. I am in contact with Adam Harrell, Jr., and we will be able to coordinate the schedule with the others through him once we know your timeframe. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from your office at any time, day or night. I have given you my cell number below. Blessings, Cynthia Ellenwood Wellington Boone Ministries Cell: (b) (6) Email: BishopsOffice@wellingtonboone.com From: Bass, Deana [mailto:Deana.Bass@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 3:37 AM To: bishop@wellingtonboone.com Cc: Fleischer, Laura A ; Gribbin, Anne H Subject: Follow Up - Meeting with Secretary Carson Bishop Boone, I hope this email finds you well. Secretary Carson asked that I follow up with you to schedule a meeting with you and the group of attorney's from Richmond that you referenced. Please let me know the best person on your team to facilitate getting this on the calendar. Also, I will reach out to Garland Hunt and make sure that he is in touch with the appropriate people on Secretary Carson's staff. HUD-17-0235-B-000145 Best and Blessings, Deana Bass (b) (6) [] The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location . Deana Bass Deputy Chief of Staff | Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Suite 10226 HUD-17-0235-B-000146 HARRELL & CHAMBLISS LLP Attorneys at Law PROFILE AND RESUME Eighth and Main Building, 10th Floor 707 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Richmond, Virginia 23219 ----Phone: (804) 643-8401 Fax: (804) 648-2707 11815 Fountain Way, Suite 300 One City Center Newport News, Virginia 23606 ----Phone: (757) 926-5350 Fax: (804) 915-2356 ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP HUD-17-0235-B-000147 HARRELL & CHAMBLISS LLP Attorneys at Law Eighth and Main Building, 10th Fl. 707 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Richmond, Virginia 23219 ----Phone: (804) 643-8401 Fax: (804) 648-2707 11815 Fountain Way, Suite 300 One City Center Newport News, Virginia 23606 ----Phone: (757) 926-5350 Fax: (804) 915-2356 PROFILE SHORT BACKGROUND: Harrell & Chambliss LLP, formerly Wilder & Gregory, is a full service minority owned law firm founded in 1982 by former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder and Judge Roger L. Gregory of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The Firm has ten (10) lawyers who have the professional depth and the technical support necessary to provide the highest caliber of legal services. The Firm is engaged in the general practice of law with a diverse client base that includes several large corporations and public sector entities. OVERVIEW OF FIRM PRACTICE PUBLIC FINANCE AND STRUCTURED FINANCE TRANSACTIONS: Harrell & Chambliss LLP offers extensive experience in public finance and structured finance transactions. In 1991, the Firm was the first minority-owned law firm in Virginia with the distinction of being listed among the municipal bond law firms in The Bond Buyer's Municipal Marketplace (the "Red Book"). The Firm also provides legal services in connection with structured finance securities transactions. BANKING: The Firm provides advice and counsel with respect to matters concerning banking regulations (state and federal), employment issues, commercial transactions, creditors' rights and bankruptcy in its general counsel representation of a full service bank in Richmond and other representation of financial institutions. CORPORATE/BUSINESS and TAX: Business services include consulting with clients concerning organizational structure, drafting and revising articles of incorporation and bylaws, advising corporations on duties and liabilities of directors and officers, preparation of documents relating to Subchapter S election, stock subscriptions and shareholder agreements and other matters relating to business operations, negotiation of contracts and sale of a business. The tax practice of the Firm is made up of a diverse ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000148 group of clients with interesting and challenging issues and transactions. In many instances, the work performed by the Firm's tax practice is performed concurrently with the services provided in the Business Service area, the Real Estate Service area and the Public Finance Service area of the Firm. CONTRACT, PROCUREMENT and EDUCATION SERVICES: Attorneys at H&C have extensive experience in assisting clients with drafting and reviewing contracts and procurement transactions, education legal services in school board and administration matters, education related litigation, worker's compensation, transactions and in numerous other matters. COMMERCIAL LITIGATION AND INSURANCE DEFENSE: H&C's trial attorneys have substantial experience in various areas of specialized litigation and routinely appear in Federal and state courts throughout Virginia. The Firm has over ten years experience in defending auto, general liability and worker's compensation claims. The Firm represents several companies in insurance defense litigation and has previously handled product liability litigation for corporations and other similar types of disputes. REAL ESTATE: H&C's real estate attorneys have extensive experience in real estate acquisition, development, financing and disposition services on behalf of municipal and business clients. In the Firm's representation of all of its clients, H&C has provided a broad range of real estate law services, including residential and commercial closings and foreclosures, performance of title searches, legal negotiations for the acquisition or sale of properties and preparation of financing instruments and agreements. EDUCATION LAW: The Firm has served as general counsel to the Richmond City Public Schools for nearly twenty years. In the last seven years, the Firm has committed itself to growing this practice area, and now serves as general counsel and/or regularly provides legal services to more than fifteen public school districts and private schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The practice includes all forms of representation for school districts, including, but not limited to, matters regarding employment, students, special education, policy, real estate, public procurement, general governance and matters impacting public bodies, such as the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. EMPLOYMENT LAW: The Firm's attorneys regularly represent corporate clients involved in employment litigation in federal and state courts and advise clients with respect to labor and employment related matters. The firm's practice covers the wide spectrum of labor and employment litigation, arbitration, and administrative practice before the EEOC. ADMINISTRATIVE/LEGISLATIVE: Clients frequently call upon H&C to advise them with regard to the Freedom of Information Act, Conflicts of Interest Act, Administrative Process Act, Privacy Protection Act and Virginia Public Procurement Act as well as ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000149 federal and state laws relating to real estate and employment. CREDITORS' RIGHTS, BANKRUPTCY AND FORECLOSURES: As counsel to our financial institution and public sector clients, H&C represents them in matters pertaining to Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy and Foreclosures. The Firm has extensive experience in loan workouts under various loan programs and in conducting non-judicial foreclosures for numerous financial institutions. TELECOMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: H&C has advised clients with respect to open access and internet service matters. The Firm's attorneys have experience in drafting and negotiating computer contracts for the purchase or sale of hardware, software and other services incident thereto. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000150 HARRELL & CHAMBLISS LLP Attorneys at Law Eighth and Main Building, 10th Fl. 707 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Richmond, Virginia 23219 ----Phone: (804) 643-8401 Fax: (804) 648-2707 11815 Fountain Way, Suite 300 One City Center Newport News, Virginia 23606 ----Phone: (757) 926-5350 Fax: (804) 915-2356 RESUME CAPACITY AND RESOURCES Harrell & Chambliss LLP ("H&C" or the "Firm") is a full service minority-owned law firm founded in 1982 by minority attorneys, The Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, former Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and The Honorable Roger L. Gregory. In January 2001, the Firm's name changed due to the appointment of our partner Roger L. Gregory to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The Firm's offices are located in Downtown Richmond, Virginia and in Newport News, Virginia. The Firm currently has ten (10) attorneys. The Firm is engaged in the general practice of law with a diverse client base that includes several large corporations, nationally recognized insurers, nationally recognized non-profits and foundations and public sector entities. The Firm has access to a full range of resources such as Westlaw, an internet legal research system, and other subscription services, such as the Federal Taxation of Municipal Bonds Deskbooks, which provides us with the most up-to-date information in all areas of the law. H&C has a Microsoft NT File Server with dual drives and a Microsoft Exchange Server. The Firm utilizes Microsoft Word to create all documents, legal memoranda and correspondence generated by the Firm. Our software programs include Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Professional, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint, Abacus Case Management Software, Timeslips and Billing. Our case management software tracks clients, schedules appointments, reminders, etc. and manages files, matters, cases and documents. H&C's automated time and billing and case management systems are responsible for timekeeping and billing, management reporting, trust accounting, conflict avoidance, general ledger and accounts payable for the Firm. H&C maintains easy access for clients by providing e-mail access through all ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000151 of its employee computer terminals in the office and internet access for all employees to obtain more and easier information in serving our clients. GENERAL FIRM PRACTICE DESCRIPTION Harrell & Chambliss LLP (the "Firm" or "H&C") has the professional depth and the technical support necessary to provide the highest caliber of legal services in the areas of corporate and business law, public finance and structured securities finance transactions, contracts and procurement, banking, commercial litigation, insurance defense, personal injury defense, tax law, commercial real estate transactions, municipal law, commercial law, public utilities law, acquisitions, estate planning and administration, eminent domain, administrative/legislative services, administrative law, telecommunications, information technology, foreclosure, creditors' rights and bankruptcy, civil litigation, labor, housing law, education law, employment and personnel matters. Public Finance and Structured Transactions Services H&C has extensive experience in debt and revenue financings. Since 1991, the Firm has been listed among municipal bond law firms in The Bond Buyer's Municipal Marketplace, formerly known as The Bond Buyer's Directory of Municipal Bond Dealers of the United States (the "Red Book"). H&C's municipal and public finance experience extends to numerous areas, including airports, general obligation financings for traditional municipal projects, housing, health care financings, university financings and industrial development. The Firm's lead attorney for public finance and structured transactions services, Nancy Griffin Chambliss, Co-Managing Partner of the Firm, has over twenty-five (25) years of experience in public finance transactions as bond, underwriter's and issuer's counsel in bond financings for issuers in various states. Bond Counsel Experience. H&C attorneys have served as bond counsel or issuer's counsel in financings for numerous local issuers and housing authorities in Virginia, for several state or inter-jurisdiction issuers in Virginia and in Maryland and West Virginia, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, South Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania. The Firm's attorneys have represented numerous financial institutions, companies, partnerships, developers and individuals in connection with tax-exempt financings. During the period 2010-2012, the Firm has completed over 20 debt issuance transactions in the issuance of over $1.9 billion of tax-exempt and taxable bonds. Attorneys in the Firm have participated as bond counsel, co-bond counsel, underwriters' counsel, disclosure counsel and issuer's counsel in over $9 billion of tax-exempt and taxable bond transactions. Attorneys in the Firm have worked on financings involving complex and innovative financings techniques, including forward purchase obligations, interest rate ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000152 swap transactions, auction rate and commercial paper financings, FHMLC/mortgagebacked pass through securities, FHA multi-family mortgage programs, variable interest rate financings, bond financings involving collaterized and uncollaterized letters of credit and other credit enhancements, bond financings insured by municipal bond insurers such as MBIA, AMBAC and FGIC and bond financings involving syndications. Firm Affiliation. In 1990, H&C and Lewis & Munday, Detroit, Michigan ("L&M"), formed an affiliation for the practice of public finance law. In addition to Richmond and Detroit, L&M has partnership/affiliate offices in Washington, D.C., Seattle, Chicago and Atlanta (collectively, the "Partnership"). The work of the Partnership in public finance law has been extensive nationally. Structured Securities Transactions. H&C serves as co-legal advisor to Government National Mortgage Association ("Ginnie Mae") to provide legal advisor services in connection with its multiclass securities program. The Firm provides such services as part of Ginnie Mae's legal advisor team in connection with the issuance of over $14 billion of Ginnie Mae Guaranteed REMIC Pass-Through Securities and MX Securities. Representative financings of attorneys at H&C, as bond counsel, co-bond counsel, underwriter's, issuer's counsel, legal advisor with respect to taxable and taxexempt revenue bonds and structured securities, are set forth in the Appendix. Banking Services H&C provides its financial institution clients with advice and counsel with respect to matters concerning banking regulations (state and federal), employment issues, commercial transactions, estate issues, creditors' rights and bankruptcy, foreclosure, collection and civil litigation as well as any other legal matter that H&C is requested to address for clients. As co-counsel to Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority ("RRHA"), the Firm has developed the loan documents for RRHA's various loan programs. Additionally, H&C has represented the Resolution Trust Corporation ("RTC") and SAMDA Contractors and represents RRHA in the real estate lending it makes to commercial and residential borrowers. Corporate/Business Services The Firm represents a diverse group of business clients in a full array of corporate/business transactions. Additionally, the Firm has been successful in developing a business practice, which spans from start up businesses to the representation of financial institutions. The Firm's lead attorney for business services, Adam N. Harrell, Jr., Co-Managing Partner of the Firm, has over twenty (20) years of experience in representing corporate and business clients. The emphasis of the Firm's business practice is in providing general business and planning assistance to its clients, ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 7 HUD-17-0235-B-000153 including closely held and publicly owned entities, non-profit and tax-exempt organizations, churches and individuals. H&C has assisted its municipal and business clients including Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation ("SCDHC") in the formation and operation of subsidiary corporations and partnerships as well as the syndication of limited partnership interests in connection with the purchase, acquisition and ownership of multifamily residential rental housing developments. Two (2) projects in which such expertise was necessary are SCDHC's acquisition of the 1286 unit residential rental development, Southside Village Apartments and New Chicago Avenue Associates, L.P.'s acquisition and rehabilitation of Chicago Manor apartments located in Richmond, Virginia. Entities - Commercial, Non-profit and Churches. H&C's business services include consulting with clients concerning the organizational structure of businesses, preparing entity documents for businesses, preparing and negotiating contracts for businesses and providing legal advice to businesses as to how they can best serve the needs of their clients. The Firm advises businesses on the duties, responsibilities and liabilities of owners and principals and other matters that arise in the on going operations of the businesses. The Firm attends annual meetings and other periodic meetings of the clients, as requested. The Firm represents clients in the sale of assets of a business or in any merger, acquisition or consolidation that affects their business. The Firm represents its clients in any other business matter that involves legal implications against the business, non-profit organization or individual. The Firm has advised churches in connection with all forms of property acquisitions and transactions and any legal exposure that may exist because of the transaction. The Firm provides legal advice regarding the expansion of church ministries and initiatives under the umbrella of the church and within the realm of the tax-exempt purpose of the church. Telecommunication and Information Technology Services. H&C has advised clients with respect to open access and internet service matters. The Firm's attorneys have experience in drafting and negotiating computer contracts for the purchase or sale of hardware, software and other services incident thereto. Tax Services The tax practice of the Firm is made up of a diverse group of clients with interesting and challenging issues and transactions. The Firm's lead attorney for tax services, Gerald W.S. Carter, a partner in the Firm, has over ten (10) years of experience in representing clients in diverse tax matters. Before joining H&C in 1992, Mr. Carter attended New York University School of Law's Graduate Tax Program and obtained his Masters of Law Degree in Taxation. In many instances, the work performed by the Firm's tax practice is performed concurrently with the services provided in the Business Service area, the Real Estate ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000154 Service area and the Public Finance Service area of the Firm. This usually stems from the advice given to closely held and publicly owned clients, non-profit and tax-exempt entities, churches and individuals where the essence of their transaction is tax driven or requires a detail tax analysis to determine the economics of the contemplated transaction. In the formation of entities for business clients, H&C advises clients of the tax implications of the entities formed and the contemplated transaction or transactions of the business and what to expect based on the use of the chosen entity and transaction or transactions implemented. The services provided in the Firm's tax practice include tax matters relating to commercial and real estate transactions, formation and organizational structure of entities, tax implications of bankruptcy transactions, mergers, acquisitions and consolidations of businesses, sale of assets of businesses, administrative tax proceedings and appeals, tax litigation, estate planning, estate administration, non-profit and tax-exempt organizations, churches and public finance issues and transactions. The Firm's tax practice was established in 1992 and has grown substantially since its formation. The tax practice has enabled the Firm to become more wellrounded in the legal services H&C provides to clients and better tooled and equipped to meet the needs and challenges of clients today and in the future. Our tax practice is an emerging area in the Firm and we expect it to continue to grow well into the twenty-first century. Litigation Services The Firm's trial attorneys have substantial experience in various areas of specialized litigation and routinely appear in Federal and state courts throughout Virginia. The litigation team has over thirty years of combined litigation and trial experience. Our trial attorneys' experience includes not only actual trial preparation and work, such as preparing and filing appropriate pleadings (including the appropriate memoranda of law and briefs), conducting discovery, evaluating investigative materials, arranging for independent medical examinations as required and preparing for trial and trying cases, but also providing advice and consultation with clients during all phases of the judicial process. In addition, the Firm's attorneys are familiar with and actively encourage the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques such as mediation and arbitration. The Firm's litigation attorneys handle in excess of 200 files on an annual basis. In over eighty percent (80%) of these matters, the Firm represents the defendant or one of the defendants in active litigation. A significant percentage of these cases settle, generally after aggressive and vigorous discovery. Of the litigation matters handled by the Firm's litigation team, approximately eighty-five percent (85%) settled prior to the ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 9 HUD-17-0235-B-000155 commencement of trial. As a result of the solid representation provided by the Firm's litigation team, each of the Firm's litigation attorneys in past years actually tried between eight (8) to ten (10) cases to a jury verdict on an annual basis. Generally, the cases handled by the Firm's litigation team consist of civil litigation matters from the Firm's financial institution clients, the defense of automobile accident claims, premises liability claims, wrongful arrest and malicious prosecution claims, product liability matters, workers' compensation claims, employment and labor claims, eminent domain claims, contractual claims and commercial claims. Insurance and Personal Injury. H&C has considerable experience in representing both plaintiffs and defendants in personal injury claims. The Firm's practice includes personal injury, property damage and insurance coverage and liability questions of all types. At the present time, the Firm represents State Farm Insurance, Kemper Insurance, Companion Property & Casualty, Grocers Insurance and other insurers defending civil litigation. The Firm has also represented a number of public bodies and their employees, including Richmond City Public Schools, RRHA and the City of Richmond. Labor and Equal Employment. The Firm's attorneys regularly represent clients involved in labor litigation and advise clients with respect to labor and employment related matters. The Firm's practice covers the wide spectrum of labor and employment litigation, arbitration, mediation and administrative practice before the EEOC and applicable Courts and tribunals and providing legal advice in this area. Additionally, the Firm represents clients in worker's compensation claims and has appeared numerous times before the Workers' Compensation Commission in connection with such claims. General Tort and Product Liability. H&C handles numerous tort claims. The Firm has previously defended manufacturers in product liability claims and numerous other related disputes. Education Services H&C has extensive experience in representing one of largest public school divisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of Richmond Public Schools. H&C also has provided representation to more than fifteen public school districts and private schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Carroll County, Montgomery County, Hanover County, Poquoson City, Hopewell City, King William County, Fauquier County, Mecklenburg County, Prince William County, New Kent County, Alexandria City, Louisa County, and Henrico County Public Schools, as well as the Mountain Vista Regional Governor's School and The Steward School. The Firm's lead attorney for education services is Jonnell Lilly in providing legal advice and opinions concerning ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 10 HUD-17-0235-B-000156 matters relating to the affairs of the school systems together with attendance at meetings of the school boards and their various committees. The Firm provides advice on the application of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, and other state and federal laws pertaining to public elementary and secondary education and employment, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and No Child Left Behind. Additionally, we draft, prepare and revise contracts and other legal documents and prosecute or defend legal and administrative proceedings in state and federal courts, and before governmental agencies or units such as the Virginia Employment Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Civil Rights. H&C monitors state and federal legislation relating to education issues and its attorneys attend and present at education law conferences to stay abreast of the latest trends. The Firm has extensive experience in providing advice and counsel with respect to relevant state and federal regulations, statutes and court decisions relating to special education, and FAPE standards and represents the school division in due process hearings and other proceedings. Attorneys at H&C have extensive experience in providing education legal services in contract and procurement transactions, education related litigation, worker's compensation matters and business transactions and in numerous other education matters. Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Services Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy. Along with representing financial institutions, H&C has been successful in developing a solid Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy practice. H&C has invested a great deal of time in developing expertise in the Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy area. As counsel to our financial institution clients, H&C represents them in all matters pertaining to Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigation. Further, H&C represents RRHA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth dedicated to residential rehabilitation and the development of affordable housing and commercial real estate, in many areas of Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy. H&C has represented the RTC in various practice areas, including Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigation Foreclosures. H&C attorneys have experience in loan workouts and foreclosures of multifamily residential rental housing developments. Additionally, H&C has been certified as a foreclosure commissioner by the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") and has conducted numerous foreclosure sales of multifamily residential rental housing developments. H&C handles all of the foreclosures for ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000157 Consolidated and RRHA and assists Consolidated and RRHA with workouts under its numerous loan programs. Moreover, H&C represents numerous financial institutions including Premier Bank and SunTrust Bank and personal lenders where it is called upon to assist its clients with workouts and non-judicial foreclosures. H&C's real estate attorneys have extensive experience in conducting non-judicial foreclosures. Furthermore, H&C has conducted numerous non-judicial foreclosure sales for the Resolution Trust Corporation ("RTC") Atlanta Office as well as other RTC offices and SAMDA Contractors. Real Estate Services H&C real estate attorneys have extensive experience in real estate acquisition, development, financing and disposition services on behalf of municipal and business clients. The Firm has experience in eminent domain law, principally through its representation of RRHA, the Commonwealth of Virginia (Virginia Department of Transportation), the Virginia Biotechnology Research Park Authority (the "Biotech Park Authority") and the Greater Richmond Convention Center Authority. The Firm is cocounsel to the RRHA and the Biotech Park Authority, which entities undertake a substantial volume of development and redevelopment projects in the City of Richmond. The Firm also is counsel to Petersburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority which is undertaking significant development and redevelopment projects in the City of Petersburg. The Firm is general counsel to the Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation ("SCDHC"). SCDHC has been involved with many significant and sophisticated real estate development and multifamily residential real estate transactions in Richmond's Southside area over the past ten (10) years. The Firm has been involved with SCDHC from its formation. In the Firm's representation of all of its clients, H&C has provided a broad range of real estate law services, including residential and commercial closings and foreclosures, performance of title searches, legal negotiations for the acquisition or sale of properties and preparation of financing instruments and agreements. Administrative/Legislative Services H&C serves as general counsel to RRHA and the Biotech Park and as such our lawyers attend the respective meetings of the Boards of Commissioners. As general counsel we advise our clients as to matters of federal and state law applicable to their various programs and operations. These clients frequently call upon H&C to advise them with regard to the Freedom of Information Act, Conflicts of Interest Act, Administrative Process Act, Privacy Protection Act and Virginia Public Procurement Act ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 12 HUD-17-0235-B-000158 as well as federal and state laws relating to real estate entities, securities, and employment. In addition to developing the documents for RRHA loan programs, H&C advises RRHA regarding federal and state law relating to mortgage lending and housing such as Truth-in-Lending, RESPA and fair housing legislation. H&C also provides such advice to its financial institution clients. Further, H&C has extensive experience in residential and commercial real estate closings. The Firm's attorneys practice regularly before state agencies, including the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Workers' Compensation Commission of Virginia and the State Corporation Commission. H&C also assists professional organizations, business trade groups and individual business entities in developing strategies for interfacing with the Virginia General Assembly, public service commissions, local government officials and various interest groups. In addition, H&C monitors proposed legislation by the Virginia General Assembly. The Firm digests, analyzes and disseminates to the client such proposals relevant to the client's interests. The Firm provides legal advice and opinions concerning matters relating to the affairs of public bodies together with attendance at meetings and conferences relating to those matters. Our attorneys attend board meetings, draft, prepare and revise contracts and other legal documents. Additionally, we prosecute or defend legal actions or arbitration proceedings, including judicial, administrative or other proceedings before governmental agencies or units. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 13 HUD-17-0235-B-000159 QUALIFICATIONS All of the Firm's attorneys are in good standing with the bar(s) to which they are admitted and their licenses have never been suspended or revoked. Credentials of attorneys of the Firm are set forth below. Nancy Griffin Chambliss Nancy Griffin Chambliss, Co-Managing Partner with H&C, with primary practice areas in public and municipal finance, structured securities finance transactions, contracts and procurement law. Ms. Chambliss is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (B.S.) and the University of Virginia School of Law (J.D.). She has over 25 years of practice experience in public finance law and was formerly associated with Hunton & Williams in its public finance section. Ms. Chambliss, who is the partner in charge of public and municipal finance and the structured securities practice of the firm, has extensive experience in the issuance of over $9 billion of taxexempt and taxable bonds and in the issuance of over $14 billion in multiclass securities. She is a member of the Virginia State Bar, the National Association of Bond Lawyers and the American Bar Association. Ms. Chambliss has served as a member of the Virginia State Bar's Fee Arbitration Dispute Panel and the Finance Committee for the Richmond Bar Association. Ms. Chambliss has served as the program chairman and moderator for a municipal finance program presented to the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia and as a panelist for programs on creative financing sponsored by the Old Dominion Bar Association and the Virginia Business Opportunity Fair. She also has served as Vice Chairman of the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority and as a Director of the Metropolitan Business Foundation. Adam N. Harrell, Jr. Adam Nelson Harrell, Jr., Co-Managing Partner of H&C, with primary practice areas in business, banking, creditors' rights, foreclosure, and real estate. Mr. Harrell is a graduate of the University of Virginia (B.A.) (With Distinction) and the University of Pennsylvania School of Law (J.D.) and served as an Editor of the University of Pennsylvania School of Law's Black Law Journal. He has worked closely with financial institution clients for over twenty-five (25) years and has served as the partner in charge of the firm's representation of business clients for over twenty (20) years. His practice areas include real estate, creditors' rights, foreclosure, business and banking. Mr. Harrell is active in his church and several community organizations in Richmond. He is actively involved with the following professional associations: Member: Hill Tucker Bar Association, Richmond Chapter (Former Member, Executive Committee); Virginia State Bar (Member, Lawyers Helping Lawyers Committee, Former Member Third District Committee). He also has been involved with the following organizations: Former ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 14 HUD-17-0235-B-000160 Member, Virginia Board for Asbestos Licensing and Lead Certification; Former Member, Board of Directors of the Greater Richmond Chapter of the American Red Cross; Former Member, Board of Directors of the Richmond Chapter of National Council for Community and Justice; Former Member Board of Directors of the Richmond Christian Leadership Initiative; Member of the Executive Committee of Venture Richmond; and Member of the 2016 Class of the Fellows of the Virginia Law Foundation. In 2016, Mr. Harrell was named to Virginia Business Magazine's "Legal Elite" list. . Gerald W. S. Carter Gerald W. S. Carter, a partner in the Firm, is a graduate of the College of William & Mary (B.B.A.) and New York University School of Law (J.D.). Mr. Carter, who is the partner in charge of the firm's tax practice, received his Masters of Law (LL.M.) Degree in Taxation from New York University School of Law and focuses on creditors' rights and bankruptcy, business/tax, estate planning, tax issues in municipal finance transactions and real estate. Mr. Carter is a Certified Public Accountant and worked for Ernst & Whinney (now Ernst & Young) as a Senior Accountant before attending law school. Mr. Carter was an Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Richmond School of Law and is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the Hill Tucker Bar Association. Mr. Carter served as a member of the Virginia Bar Association (Committee on Honoring Members and Judges). Mr. Carter was selected as one of the leading lawyers in Virginia as reflected in an article entitled "The Legal Elite," in the December 2000 issue of the Virginia Business Magazine. Godfrey T. Pinn, Jr. Godfrey T. Pinn, Jr. is a partner with H&C. Mr. Pinn received his Bachelor's Degree from Hampton University in Mass Media Arts and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Law. Mr. Pinn is a civil litigator with experience in several substantive areas of the law, including, insurance defense, products liability, commercial litigation, health risk management, professional malpractice, regulatory compliance, and both residential and commercial landlord-tenant. In addition to the Virginia State Bar, Mr. Pinn is an active member of the Richmond and Hill Tucker Bar Associations and a volunteer with the Virginia Legal Aid Justice Center's Pro Bono Housing Clinic. Mr. Pinn is an active member of the community through his involvement in a number of social and civic organizations and non-profit boards. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 15 HUD-17-0235-B-000161 Jonnell P. Lilly Jonnell P. Lilly is a partner with H&C and her practice areas include education and employment law. She is a graduate of the University of Richmond (B.S.) and the T. C. Williams School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Lilly is a member of the Virginia State Bar, the Hill Tucker Bar Association and the Virginia School Boards Association Council of School Attorneys. Aubrey W. Fountain III Aubrey W. Fountain, III, is a graduate of the University of Virginia (B.S.) and the University of North Carolina School of Law (Joint Degree J.D./M.R.P.). Mr. Fountain was the former Director of Real Estate Development for Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation ("SCDHC"), a nonprofit CDC in South Richmond, Virginia, and was also engaged in the private practice of Real Estate and Affordable Housing Law. As Director of Real Estate Development for SCDHC, Mr. Fountain piloted the development of over 100 single family detached homes for low income families including the coveted "Governors Award for Excellence" for the Paradise Place subdivision; a 75 unit renovation of a drug infested apartment in the Blackwell Community; the acquisition and renovation of the largest multi-family apartment complex in the country (1,286 units) by a nonprofit organization using tax exempt bond financing; the development of a 45 unit adaptive reuse senior living community combining an intricate and complex layering of over 10 sources of financing and equity syndication including Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Federal and State Historic Tax Credits, Virginia Housing Fund and Virginia Partnership permanent financing, soft financial support from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, an Affordable Housing Partnership award, and several other grants and award subsidies; a 100 unit new construction senior living community; and several other development initiatives including a Business Incubator for start up Minority Business Enterprises, a local community center, and a potential cultural arts center. Mr. Fountain's background lends itself greatly to the physical, social, and economic needs of development initiatives in the low wealth areas of our communities. Aubrey is a current member of the Virginia State Bar, the American Bar Association, the Virginia Bar Association, the Richmond Community Development Alliance, the Institute for Professional Executive Developers, the National Business Incubator Association and the Board of Directors for the Coalition for Greater Richmond and is licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as serving as an Adjunct Professor and Guest Lecturer at Virginia Commonwealth University's Graduate School of Urban Studies and Virginia Union University's School of Theology. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 16 HUD-17-0235-B-000162 Caryl Stephens Johnson Caryl Stephens Johnson, an associate with H&C, is a graduate of Tufts University (B.A), New School University (M.A.) and the University of Richmond School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Johnson is a member of the Virginia State Bar. Ms. Johnson's practice areas include public finance, corporate law and tax, procurement and contracts. Prior to joining H&C Ms. Johnson's practiced focused on tax exempt financing for educational institutions, not-for-profits, health care facilities, developers and manufacturers. Ms. Johnson has served as bank counsel, underwriters' counsel and bond counsel on complex financing structures including variable rate demand bonds, private placements, public offerings and 265(b) transactions. In addition, Ms. Johnson has experience working for clients who have tax controversies with federal and state taxing authorities. Ms. Johnson's prior work experience includes serving as Assistant Vice President of the Financial Services Corporation of New York City, program administrator of the New York City Industrial Development Authority, Vice President of DSL Capital Corporation, financial advisor to the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority's pooled bond program, and budget analyst and regulatory policy analyst for the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Planning and Budget. Nicole Thompson Stock Nicole Thompson Stock is an associate at Harrell & Chambliss with areas of expertise in education law and criminal law. She is a graduate of LaSalle University (B.A.) and Duquesne University School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Thompson has been involved in all aspects of a special education case, including drafting an IEP, representing clients during due process hearings, and drafting pleadings for the federal court. Prior to specializing in education law, Ms. Thompson practiced criminal law as Public Defender in Chester County, Pennsylvania, where she represented clients during felony and misdemeanor jury trials, pre-trial and post trial motions, preliminary hearings, and appeals. Ms. Thompson is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the Pennsylvania Bar. Stacy E. Lee Stacy E. Lee is an associate attorney with H&C and her practice areas include criminal and civil litigation. She is a graduate of the College of William & Mary (B.A.) and North Carolina Central University School of Law (J.D.). Ms. Dunn is a member of the Virginia State Bar, Metro Richmond Women's Bar Association and the Richmond Criminal Bar Association. She also is President of the Hill Tucker Bar Association and Executive Member of the Old Dominion Bar Association. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 17 HUD-17-0235-B-000163 Franklin D. McFadden, Jr. Franklin D. McFadden, Jr., an associate with Harrell & Chambliss, received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the College of William and Mary and his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Richmond School of Law. Frank's primary areas of practice are civil and criminal litigation. Early in his career, Frank developed his skills as a criminal defense attorney, handling countless matters before judges and juries before state and federal courts in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prior to joining Harrell & Chambliss, and under the tutelage of one of Virginia's preeminent civil litigators, Frank honed his skills as a steadfast advocate for those aggrieved by violations of their civil rights and liberties. In 2014 and 2016, Frank was named to Virginia Business Magazine's "Legal Elite" list. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The Firm is a minority owned business enterprise and it is the policy of H&C to provide equal employment opportunities for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, political affiliation, national origin or physical disabilities. This policy is intended to apply to recruiting, hiring, promotions, compensation, benefits, termination and all other privileges, terms and conditions of employment. ______________________________________________________________________________ Harrell & Chambliss LLP 18 HUD-17-0235-B-000164 GARLAND RAPHAEL HUNT, ESQ. garlandhunt @(b) (6) .com (b) (6) (b) (6) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER / SENIOR EXECUTIVE 25+ years Senior Executive Experience / Government & Non-Profit Agencies / Annual Budgets of $50 to $316 million / Public, Private and Community Strategist A visionary senior executive with extensive experience in complex organization oversight, strategic planning, project management, and process reengineering. A knowledgeable professional who possesses a unique combination of skills, abilities, and experiences that facilitates effective and efficient problem-solving resulting from the quick grasp of complex concepts and issues. A seasoned leader with a demonstrated record of successfully motivating high-functioning professionals and creating and sustaining diverse, collaborative relationships and strategic alliances. EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE PRISON FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES, Lansdowne, VA July 2011- Sept 2013 President Appointed by the Board of Directors of Prison Fellowship Ministries, as President of Prison Fellowship with a staff of 2 V P's and 100 employees to plan and execute its strategic and operational objectives. (Annual operational budget of $13,750,000 for FY2013) Negotiated new and enhanced strategic agreements with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and numerous state correctional departments leading to three-times the evangelistic and discipleship opportunities for over 21,000 prisoners in local, state and federal penal institutions. Facilitated programming, including the Angel Tree program in 86% of secured prisons. Expanded outreach to approximately 400,000 children through PF's Angel Tree program addressing the needs of children of incarcerated men and women through successful collaborations with public, private and non-profit organizations. Strengthened PF's efforts to facilitate the successful re-entry of thousands of former prisoners into society, most notably through the recent expansion of a collaborative agreement with Goodwill Industries. Provided executive oversight for the Office of the President, the Program Development and Program Delivery divisions consisting of 100 employees in an effort to meet organizational objectives and increase volunteer and church engagement. Enhanced and expanded PF's sphere of influence and presence to a national audience as an engaging collaborator, conference speaker, and hands-on administrator who encouraged donors, volunteers, collaborators, and church leadership to support the prisoner, ex-prisoner and their families. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE, Atlanta, GA May 2010 - Jan 2011 Commissioner Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue as the executive officer of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice that provides supervision, detention and a wide range of treatment and educational services for youths referred to the Department by the Juvenile Courts; Oversaw a staff 7 direct reports and 4,300 employees with an annual operating budget of approximately $316 million. HUD-17-0235-B-000165 Garland Hunt Page 2 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE, Atlanta, GA Commissioner , cont. Supervised the care of 52,000 youths served annually, including youths who are placed on probation, sentenced to short-term incarceration, or committed to the Department's custody by Juvenile Courts. Provided assistance and/or delinquency prevention services for at-risk youths through collaborative efforts with other public, private and community entities. Managed programs, services and facilities throughout the state. GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF PARDONS AND PAROLES, Atlanta, GA Jan 2004 - May 2010 Chairman of the Board (2006-2008) Vice-Chairman of the Board (2004-2006) Board Member (2004-2010) Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue to serve a seven-year term as one of the five-member executive board authorized to grant paroles, pardons, reprieves, remissions, commutations, and to restore civil and political rights for persons incarcerated by the Georgia Department of Corrections. The State Board of Pardons and Paroles has the sole constitutional authority to commute, or reduce, a death sentence to life without parole. Managed an annual operating budget of approximately $50 million. Developed the recently enacted Parole Decision Guidelines grid that changed the manner in which Board evaluates offenders for cases considered after January 1, 2008. Oversaw the implementation of the CLEMENCY ONLINE NAVIGATION SYSTEM which converted paper-driven business processes into electronic data and images using a work flow management system, allowing multiple users access to the data. Created a statewide faith-based initiative providing community support for the re-entry of exoffenders. CONCURRENT MINISTRIES: FROM 2004 -PRESENT LEADERSHIP ROLES WITH THE FATHER'S HOUSE, FELLOWSHIP OF INTERNATIONAL CHURCHES AND WELLINGTON BOONE MINISTRIES THE FATHER'S HOUSE, Norcross, GA 1999 - 2016 Executive Pastor Grew a vibrant growing body of Christian believers from start up to an average of 400 worshipers providing leadership development, training, and supervision of pastoral staff; pastoral counseling; preaching and teaching. FELLOWSHIP OF INTERNATIONAL CHURCHES, Norcross, GA 1997 - 2011 Executive Vice-President, General Counsel Ensured efficient and effective management of a fellowship consisting of 40 international and domestic congregations including strategic planning, leadership development, and conference planning. WELLINGTON BOONE MINISTRIES, Norcross, GA 1997 - 2011 Executive Vice-President Developed, implemented, and evaluated several community-based initiatives including Global Outreach (outreach to college students); Making of Champions (outreach to high school and college athletes); and ProVision Publishing (faith-based materials and books). HUD-17-0235-B-000166 Garland Hunt Page 3 RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL CHURCH, Raleigh, NC 1993 - 1999 Founder, Senior Pastor Founded and nurtured a body of believers (from 10 to 500 within five years) into a strong and influential ministry committed to racial reconciliation that influenced the Raleigh metropolitan area through (1) leadership development, training, and supervision of pastoral staff; (2) pastoral counseling; and (3) preaching and teaching. RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL CHURCH (CONT'D) Hosted or co-hosted media programming including Reconciling Raleigh (radio programming) and co-hosted The Gospel in Black and White (television programming). Oversaw the effective and efficient management of the Raleigh International Church. NEW GENERATION CAMPUS MINISTRIES, Richmond, VA 1985 - 1993 National Director Identified, trained and nurtured college students on 35 campuses into godly leaders through leadership development and training; supervision of student leadership teams and staff; and executing local, regional, and national conferences. Collaborated with university administrators to create and sustain NGM chapters. Oversaw the effective and efficient management of NGM. LEGAL EXPERIENCE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS, FOURTH CIRCUIT, Richmond, VA 1983 - 1985 Judicial Law Clerk/Staff Attorney Provided advice to the Judge on problem areas, complex legal issues, and recommended outcomes of individual issues and disposition of appeals. Drafted per curium opinions, orders, and memoranda under the direction of the Judge. EDUCATION HOWARD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, Washington, DC Juris Doctor Academic Honors: Howard University Law Review, Executive Articles Editor (1982-83) Legal Clerkships: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Law Clerk (1982-83) Internships: Institute for the Study of Educational Policy, Research Associate (1982-83) HOWARD UNIVERSITY, Washington, DC Bachelor of Arts, Political Science 1983 1980 PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY AFFILIATONS o o Member, Georgia Bar Association Member, Bar of Supreme Court of Georgia HUD-17-0235-B-000167 o o o o o o o o o o Member, Bar of Court of Appeals of Georgia Member, Bar of United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Member, Bar of United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia Recipient, The Ben Baer Award, Association of Paroling Authorities International (2009) Recipient, The Association of Paroling Authorities International President's Award (2008) Vice-President, Association of Paroling Authorities International (2008 - 2010). Governor's Appointee, Commission on Family Violence (2004 -2010) Inductee, Who's Who in Black Atlanta (2007) Alumnus, Leadership Georgia (2006) Class President, Coverdell Leadership Institute (2004) HUD-17-0235-B-000168 George is managing partner of the firm's Richmond office. He practices construction, commercial real estate and local government law. He has represented public and private entities on numerous real estate projects, including construction, acquisition and disposition of real property, and redevelopment and adaptive re-use. George Keith Martin Partner +1 804 775 1057 +1 804 698 2105 gmartin@mcguirewoods.com Gateway Plaza 800 East Canal Street Richmond, VA 23219-3916 PRACTICES Real Estate and Land Use Banking and Finance Public Finance INDUSTRIES Construction Food and Beverage Education Community Banking Real Estate Services His construction practice focuses on representing owners, design professionals, contractors and subcontractors with negotiating and drafting design and construction contracts. He has more than 20 years of experience handling construction-related transactions, including joint ventures, publicprivate partnerships and project finance transactions. George has negotiated and drafted numerous construction-related agreements, including design-build, construction, construction management (agency and at-risk), design, program management, project management, and development agreements. Project examples include luxury hotels; convention centers; office buildings and corporate headquarters campus projects; environmental remediation; museums and exhibit contracts; multifamily housing and mixed-finance development; water and sewer projects; road construction; hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers; roasting plants; manufacturing and distribution plants; luxury homes; and retail. He also has extensive experience negotiating and drafting comprehensive development agreements for public-private partnerships and has worked on bond financings to fund construction of those projects. Throughout his career, George has been involved in firm management. He has served on the firm's advisory, pension and recruiting committees. EXPERIENCE Representation of Fortune 100 financial services company in all aspects of design and construction for various projects including new corporate campus. Representation of educational institutions in connection with public private partnerships for the development of off balance sheet student housing. Representation of Fortune 500 company in connection with various construction contracts related to design and construction of major manufacturing facilities. Representation of college related foundations in connection with various construction projects, including student housing, dining facility, urban campus and golf course. Representation of regional authority in connection with major convention center expansion. Representation of redevelopment authorities in connection with various public private partnerships, including office buildings, parking garages, and mixed income housing. Representation of various owners in connection with design and construction of major hotel projects. HUD-17-0235-B-000169 George Keith Martin Representation of economic development authorities in connection with public private partnerships for development of jet engine manufacturing facility and wetlands mitigation bank. EDUCATION Howard University School of Law, JD; Member and Managing Editor, Howard Law Journal, 1978 University of Virginia, BA, 1975 ADMISSIONS Virginia U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Tax Court HONORS AV-Rated, Martindale-Hubbell Fellow, Virginia Law Foundation Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award in Administrative Law Recipient, Virginia Bar Association LexisNexis Award for Leadership and Public Service, 2014 Named a "Lawyer of the Year," Municipal Law, Richmond, The Best Lawyers in America, 2013 Selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America, Construction Law, Municipal Law, Real Estate Law, Woodward/White, Inc., 20082016 Named to "Legal Elite," Construction, 2009-2012, 2014, 2015, 2016; Profiled for Construction, 2015, Virginia Business PUBLICATIONS Author, "The Construction Process from the Owner's Perspective," Client Strategies for Working with Construction Firms, Chapter in Aspatore Books, 2008 EVENTS Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships," Virginia Association of Housing Development Officials Speaker, "Eminent Domain Legislation in Virginia," Virginia Association of Housing and Development Officials Speaker, "Construction Contracts," Virginia Association of Housing Development Officials Speaker, "Brownfields Development," Virginia Association of Housing Development Officials Speaker, "Brownfields Development," National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships," Local Government Attorneys Association Speaker, "Redevelopment Projects," Housing and Development Law Institute Speaker, "HUD General Conditions in Construction Contracts," Housing and Development Law Institute Moderator, "Eminent Domain after KELO," Housing and Development Law Institute Moderator, "Investing In South Africa," American Bar Association HUD-17-0235-B-000170 George Keith Martin Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships and Major Infrastructure Construction," Lorman Seminars, 2010-2011 Speaker, "Fundamentals of Construction Contracts," Lorman Seminars, August 2011 Speaker, "When the Going Gets Tough, Owners Have Remedies," Association of Corporate Counsel Real Estate Committee, July 2011 Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships and Major Infrastructure Construction," Lorman Seminars, June 2009, December 2009 and October 2010 Speaker, "Public Private Partnerships," Lorman Seminars, February 2008 AFFILIATIONS Member (Appointed by Virginia Supreme Court), Virginia Board of Bar Examiners, 1991-2001 Member (Appointed by Governor of Virginia), James Madison University Board of Visitors, 1999-2003 Member (Appointed by Governor of Virgina), Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education, 1998-1999 Commissioner in Chancery, (Appointed by Richmond Circuit Court) Rector; Member, Board of Visitors, 2011-2015, The University of Virginia Member, Board of Visitors, Regent University School of Law, 2002present Affiliate Member, American Institute of Architects Member; Board of Directors; Former Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Committee, Housing and Development Law Institute Member; Section on State and Local Government Law; Section on Real Estate Law; Forum Committee on Construction; Forum Committee on Affordable Housing, American Bar Association Member, Section on Construction and Public Contracts; Section on Real Estate, Virginia Bar Association Member, Old Dominion Bar Association Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers Member, Lex Mundi Construction and Infrastructure Practice Group HUD-17-0235-B-000171 Real Estate Projects for Housing Authorities in Virginia McGuireWoods has extensive experience representing public housing authorities on real estate-related transactions. We currently serve as general counsel or counsel to the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority on various real estate-related projects. These projects have included multifamily and single-family housing projects, mixed-income projects and mixed-use projects, as well as funding from numerous sources, including HOPE VI grants, Federal Home Loan Bank funds, private financing (bridge, construction and permanent), equity from the sale of various tax credits, grant funds and loans from local governmental entities, funding from VHDA, HOME funds and CIP funds. We have also assisted with land assemblage and condemnation matters. Further, in the past we have also represented the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the Petersburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority. We also represent similar organizations outside of Virginia, including the Housing Authority of Cook County, Ill. As a result of McGuireWoods' representation of public housing authorities on real estate-related projects like those referenced above, the firm has vast experience drafting and negotiating the various documentation required and assisting our public housing authority clients with establishing ownership and financing structures. In addition, the firm has extensive experience working with HUD, VHDA and local governmental entities to identify and obtain all of the approvals required for these types of projects. Finally, the firm understands and appreciates the array of legal and political issues involved, and we have a proven track record of working with our public housing authority clients to resolve those issues. Representative Projects Baltimore County, Maryland. McGuireWoods represented a developer in the acquisition and redevelopment of a 200-unit affordable development in Baltimore County. The project was financed in part by the issuance of short-term tax-exempt bonds and a long-term taxable 221(d)(4) insured loan, low-income housing tax credits, and a housing assistance project based voucher contract that was restructured through the RAD-2 program. Alan Sun was lead counsel on this transaction and the firm's work included: (i) reviewing and negotiating HUD required evidentiary documents and the RAD required documentation; (ii) reviewing tax credit equity documents; (iii) reviewing and negotiating tax-exempt bond documents and verifying compliance with the tax-exempt bond documents; (iv) reviewing construction contracts and proposed construction and operating budgets; (v) negotiating and drafting a payment in lieu of taxes agreement; (vi) reviewing property management agreements; (vii) coordinating closing with HUD; and (viii) rendering the required HUD, lender and tax credit equity opinions. Howard County, Maryland. Bond counsel for bonds issued by a housing authority that financed the refinance of the acquisition and a portion of the construction of approximately 60 mixed-income units and the portion of the costs of improvements to 50 public housing units that were being transitioned to the RAD program. The firm's work included: (i) drafting all required bond and tax documents; (ii) drafting disclosure documents and reviewing compliance with disclosure requirements; (iii) conducting tax due diligence and drafting tax compliance agreement; (iv) reviewing housing authority financial statements and outstanding indebtedness for disclosure; and (v) rendering all required opinions. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Townes at River South Project. This project consisted of 161 multifamily, mixed-income units constructed on a former public housing site as part of RRHA's HOPE VI Project. The project was constructed in two phases and was financed with HOPE VI grant funds, tax credit equity, Federal Home Loan Bank funds and private financing HUD-17-0235-B-000172 (bridge, construction and permanent). The firm's work on both phases included: (i) assisting RRHA in obtaining disposition approvals from HUD; (ii) assisting RRHA with structuring the ownership entities for each phase; (iii) preparing and negotiating a development agreement with RRHA's development partner for each phase; (iv) preparing and negotiating required HOPE VI evidentiary documents for each phase; (v) submitting required HOPE VI evidentiary documents to HUD for each phase; (vi) reviewing and negotiating construction and permanent loan documents for each phase; (vii) preparing and negotiating loan documents for RRHA loans to the ownership entities for each phase; (viii) reviewing and negotiating tax credit equity documents for each phase; (ix) preparing and negotiating ground leases for each phase; (x) reviewing and negotiating construction contracts and architectural agreements for each phase; (xi) rendering required HUD, lender and tax credit equity opinions for each phase; and (xii) preparing and reviewing property management agreements for each phase. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Fulton Village II Project. This project consisted of 26 single-family units designated for sale to purchasers with area median incomes of 50-115 percent and constituted the final phase of the off-site for-sale component of RRHA's HOPE VI Project. The units in this project are to be constructed by the developer over a two-year period, subject to market demand. Construction of the units is financed through a combination of private financing and HOPE VI grant funds. The firm's work on this project included: (i) assisting RRHA with structuring the transaction; (ii) preparing and negotiating a development agreement with RRHA's development partner; (iii) assisting RRHA with addressing title and environmental issues with respect to the project site; (iv) preparing and negotiating required HOPE VI evidentiary documents, including, without limitation, documents evidencing the HOPE VI subsidies to be provided to each qualified purchaser; (v) submitting required HOPE VI evidentiary documents to HUD and submittal of required real estate documents to HUD's field office; (vi) reviewing developer's construction loan documents; (vii) preparing and negotiating a ground lease for the project site; (viii) preparing form conveyance documents to be used to convey completed units to purchasers; (ix) preparing and negotiating covenants, conditions and restrictions for the project; and (x) rendering the required HUD opinion for closing. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Chatham Square Project. This project consisted of 100 for-sale market-rate units and 52 assisted units and constituted the on-site component of ARHA's HOPE VI Project. The proceeds from the sale by ARHA to its development partner of the property for the 100 for-sale market-rate units was used to finance a portion of the cost of constructing the 52 assisted units. The other sources for funding the construction of the 52 assisted units were HOPE VI grant funds, private financing and tax credit equity. The firm's work included: (i) reviewing and negotiating HUD required evidentiary documents; (ii) reviewing and negotiating tax credit equity documents; (iii) reviewing and negotiating loan documents; (iv) reviewing and negotiating construction contracts; (v) reviewing proposed construction and operating budgets; (vi) negotiating required guarantees; (vii) reviewing and negotiating a Master Declaration for project; (viii) reviewing and negotiating property management agreements; (ix) coordinating closing with HUD; and (x) rendering the required HUD, lender and tax credit equity opinions. Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Glebe Park and James Bland Project. This project consists of a multiphase, multiyear redevelopment of two of ARHA's public housing projects. To date, three of seven phases have closed. The firm's work has thus far included: (i) preparing and negotiating a pre-development agreement; (ii) preparing and negotiating a master purchase, sale and development agreement; (iii) assisting ARHA with structuring the overall transaction; (iv) preparing conveyance documents for each phase; (v) addressing title and survey issues for each phase; (vi) reviewing project budgets and schedules; (vii) preparing and negotiating project guarantees and guarantees for each phase; (viii) reviewing and negotiating a Master Declaration and condominium HUD-17-0235-B-000173 documents for the project; (ix) reviewing tax credit equity solicitations and proposals; (x) reviewing and negotiating construction and architect agreements; and (xi) reviewing and negotiating loan documents with the city and other funding sources. Tax Exempt Bond Financing Our attorneys are public finance experts and assist and advise the entire spectrum of participants in of bond issues, including qualified 501(c)(3) bonds, residential rental bonds, including 4% LIHTC credit transactions, and other types of bond issues (including tax increment financing) that can be used to develop housing. We regularly serve as counsel to owners, lenders, bond purchasers, borrowers, whether for-profit developers or non-profit entities, issuers, underwriters, and banks in the entire range of taxexempt bond transactions. Nonprofit Organizations We represent a number of tax-exempt organizations throughout the country whose missions are to promote affordable housing. We assist in the formation of the entities; in the representation of the entities throughout the application process, which has included appearing before the IRS; and in the continued representation of those organizations in structuring joint ventures with other nonprofit organizations and for-profit developers. We also have experience responding to IRS audits of these organizations. Workouts Involving Tax Credit Transactions We also represent clients in workouts and foreclosures involving tax credit and tax-exempt bond transactions. We work with all parties involved in a transaction including lenders, developers and equity investors, and offer structured solutions to under-performing or non-performing LIHTC developments. We often restructure the financing and ownership of these transactions, as well as communicate with the appropriate allocating agencies to obtain consents and other relief from them. We represent trustees, bondholders and borrowers in tax-exempt bond workouts. We also deal with foreclosures, receiverships and deed-in-lieu of foreclosure matters, and provide post-transition compliance advice. Other Subsidy Programs In addition to the LIHTC program, we are experienced in most subsidized housing programs, including those involving tax-exempt financing. We represent both developers as well as the implementing governmental agencies. We provide the advice and expertise necessary to allow all parties to maximize the investment in the housing development, while minimizing the adverse effects, including tax consequences to investors, which can be associated with some subsidies. We assist clients in state and federal subsidy programs, including but not limited to HOME Funds, AHP grants, ?221(d)(4), ?221(d)(3), HOPE and HUD programs. We represent developers in connection with these subsidy programs, which includes assisting them throughout the application process, dealing with the applicable agency or other entities, and providing compliance advice, and governmental agencies in awarding such subsidies. 86457040_1 HUD-17-0235-B-000174 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: All2 See Friday, April 28, 2017 11:26 AM Bass, Deana; Hughes, Andrew Fwd: Our complaint against the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) for Retaliation and ongoing Discrimination for John & Christine Spanyers Our Compete HUD Complaint.docx ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: All2 See Date: Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 3:52 AM Subject: Fwd: Our complaint against the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) for Retaliation and ongoing Discrimination for John & Christine Spanyers To: Janet.M.Golrick@hud.gov ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: All2 See Date: Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 8:58 PM Subject: Our complaint against the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) for Retaliation and ongoing Discrimination for John & Christine Spanyers To: "Patterson, Gordon F" , Gayle.E.Bohling@hud.gov, "Betty.Bottiger@hud.gov" , "King, Gregory B" , "Amaya, Kathryn A" , "shila.c.hernandez@hud.gov" , "Radcliff, Connie S" , "earl.e.redrick@hud.gov" , Denise.E.Gipson@hud.gov, "hotline@hudoig.gov" Cc: "May, Anthony L" , "Kutty, Nandinee K" To: Gordon Patterson, Gayle Bohling, Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff, Earl Redrick, Denise Gipson, hotline@hudoig.gov, and CC to Anthony May,and Nandinee Kutty We are sending this complaint written in the email below as well as sending an attachment of this complaint to the above said individuals, since we were unable to file this on line at: https://portal.hud.gov/FHEO903/Form903/Form903Start.action Unfortunately this site will not allow us to submit this, so we are sending this to you directly as so we can get this filed in a timely manner. John & Christine Spanyers We are filing a complaint against the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) for Retaliation and ongoing Discrimination. After we had rejected a conciliation offer Katherine Amaya, local FHEO HUD, had written up, the OHA forced us to move into an OHA (b) (6) housing unit over our repeated objections or face eviction even though a more appropriate housing unit was available being the unit offered us by Ms. Amaya in the conciliation offer. The reason(s) why we rejected this offer was: HUD-17-0235-B-000175 A "reasonable accommodation" is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces. Since rules, policies, practices, and services may have a different effect on persons with disabilities than on other persons, treating persons with disabilities exactly the same as others will sometimes deny them an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The Act makes it unlawful to refuse to make reasonable accommodations to rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. A provider has an obligation to provide prompt responses to reasonable accommodation requests. An undue delay in responding to a reasonable accommodation request may be deemed to be a failure to provide a reasonable accommodation. The following is from the Housing Authority of the City of Omaha ACOP. These are OHA's Guidelines found at URL: http://www.ohauthority.org/images/stories/pdfs/ACOP2011revised5-24-11.pdf Under: CHAPTER 6: DETERMINATION OF TOTAL TENANT PAYMENT V. Annual Income B. Amounts Excluded from Annual Income HUD requires OHA to exclude certain types of income from annual income. The OHA will work to ensure its employees are familiar with excluded income types, and will check periodically to determine whether new HUD directives have been issued. The following amounts are to be excluded from annual income under current HUD regulations: 16. Amounts specifically excluded by any other Federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs that includes assistance under any program to which the exclusions set forth in 24 CFR 5.609(c) apply. HUD-17-0235-B-000176 The following is the Federal statute 24 CFR 5.609(c), in which the exclusions OHA follows are set forth in: (16) Amounts specifically excluded by any other federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs that includes assistance under any program to which the exclusions set forth in 24 CFR 5.609(c) apply. A notice will be published in the Federal Register and distributed to housing owners identifying the benefits that qualify for this exclusion. Updates will be published and distributed when necessary. (e) Payments or allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (42 U.S.C. 8624[f]); The OHA was in direct Violation of their own Policy (ACOP) by counting our payment from the Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services' Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) against OHA's portion of a Higher Utility Allowance for our household. This act was a direct Violation of our Fair Housing Rights. As a part of HUD's FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement, the FHEO written up by Kathryn A. Amaya in both RELIEF FOR COMPLAINANT as well as RELIEF IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST that we would receive what we were already entitled lawfully under Federal Statues. Issues not addressed by Kathryn A. Amaya FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement were: 1. That we have been displaced three times by the respondents due to no fault of our own from being placed in mold conditions by the respondents. 2. It did not address the unnecessary delays in transfers to remove us from these conditions. 3. It did not address the coercion and the retaliatory acts committed by the respondents. 4. It did not address the pain and suffering that we have endured by the respondent. 5. It did not address the public humiliation that we have been made to suffer by the respondent. HUD-17-0235-B-000177 6. It did not address that we were forced to live in bedbugs for nearly nine months due to the respondent refusing to treat our unit for bedbugs without the use of chemicals in accordance with the reasonable accommodations signed by our doctor. 7. It did not address that we had been forced to wrongfully pay rent for substandard living/housing conditions by the respondent since February 2011. 8. It did not address in any manner compensation for the above said, (#1 thru #7) 9. There was nothing in the RELIEF FOR COMPLAINANT nor in the RELIEF IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST to safe guard or prevent the respondent from doing this again in the future to ourselves or others in the future. 10. In the RELIEF FOR COMPLAINANT concerning the Federal LIHEAP, the respondent only agreed to allow, what is already MANDATORY UNDER LAW and which is also required by established by law regarding the extra utility allowance concerning LIHEAP and our Reasonable Accommodations. Why would anyone sign an agreement to receive what we are already fully entitled to under Federal Law and that which HUD under Federal Law should had been enforced by HUD to begin with? Why did the HUD's FHEO refuse to acknowledge our Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as well as Title III of the ADA RIGHTS? The OHA then placed us in a hostile environment when we were relocated to the back to the OHA (b) (6) housing unit located at (b) (6) After the OHA forced us to be relocated to the (b) (6) Units, we notified the OHA of ACOP violations that were occurring at the (b) (6) Units. We wrote the following complaint to the OHA Management: I am contacting you regarding on going conditions being generated by a fellow resident "(b) (6)that lives at ((b) (6) Apartments) and her live in boyfriend known as using the name (b) (6) (b) (6) " This last weekend on June 19th 2016, I witnessed at 11:30pm at night (b) (6)disassemble the east porch railing at . After disassembling the rail I witnessed (b) (6)applying foam on the porch.. (b) (6) When I asked him if he had permission from OHA to make alteration and repairs he was doing he stated that OHA has given him and (b) (6)permission to make any installations or repairs as they deem necessary for both our building as well as the building attached to ours. I then asked (b) (6)if he was a contractor or employee of OHA. He stated that no he was not. I then asked exactly whom with the OHA, gave him and (b) (6)this permission or authority. He stated that it was "on the need to know basis and that it was between him (b) (6)and OHA. It was then that I pointed out that the OHA is obligated to maintain OHA's units and in a safe condition, HUD-17-0235-B-000178 and to make all necessary repairs to our units such as he was attempting to do in the middle of the night. He then stated "You need to get back in your place and mind your own business or else". I would also like point out as I shared with you on the phone that this is the same household that claims that OHA designated their house hold to exclusive control over the usage of the outside water faucets. I am concerned with the statements being made by this household. I even pointed out to this household that if what they were saying to all of us was true, it would mean that what they are stating about the OHA is tantamount to saying that the OHA is practicing discriminatory policies against all of the other residents here at (b) (6) in favor of their household and that I would be inquiring about this since it would be discrimination if in fact it was true. How and why this household is being allowed to use the commons of our community to store their personal belongings in the entrance hall to our front door, the laundry room, the laundry room closet, and everything on the grounds in front from their unit to the end of the adjoining building as seen in the youtube link gives the appearance that what they are saying has merit, even if it's not true. Heaven forbid if a fire broke out in their unit or the adjoining building in front because as you can see everyone would be in danger due to the impediments and obstacles that the emergency service will be forced to encounter because this households personal property. Also as you can see it also prevents the OHA open access to these areas. Earlier this week I spoke with the Blue Jay Technician when he was here on site to spray for bugs at (b) (6) I had asked him if with all these plants being so close to the building whether or not they were contributing factors to the insect infestation, and He said absolutely . I would like to respectfully ask that you speak with him as so you can appreciate and understand what the behavior of this household is generating not only for the residents but also for Blue Jay and OHA. It is my understanding from Part 1 Terms and Conditions of Lease as well as The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) that may be located at http://ohauthority.org/public-documents that the photo's I am sharing with you are in clear violations of the set policy and procedure of the OHA for all of the OHA tenants and is not UNIFORM with the property design, nor is it uniform with the neighborhood. I would also like to share with you that they are the only household that drives up on the front lawn with an unlicensed vehicle to load and unload their personal property and apparatus's that is being spread out two buildings long. Please note that our new maintenance team were compelled to throw out some of (b) (6)and (b) (6)belongings they were storing in the laundry room. Our new team went ahead and left the contents in the closet as well as their sheet of glass that they have stored next to the wash basin in the laundry room. Our new team did a great job of removing these from our commons. HUD-17-0235-B-000179 As you can see from Part 1 Terms and Conditions of Lease as well as The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (that the photos and video are in opposition to Part 1 Terms and Conditions Of Lease as well as The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy. (See Below) To remove from OHA property any vehicle without valid registration and inspection stickers. To refrain from parking any vehicles in any right-of-way or fire-lane designated and marked by OHA. Any inoperable or unlicensed vehicle as described above will be removed from OHA property at Tenant's expense. Automobile repairs are not permitted on the project site http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To avoid obstructing sidewalks, areaways, galleries, passages, elevators, or stairs, and to avoid using these for purposes other than going in and out of the dwelling unit. http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) Pets must be maintained within the resident's unit. When outside of the unit (within the building or on the grounds) dogs and cats must be kept on a leash or carried and must be under the control of the resident or other responsible individual at all times. An area of the development grounds has been designated as the area in which to exercise animals and to permit dogs to relieve themselves of bodily wastes. This area will be identified in pet agreement. Residents may not exercise pets or permit pets to deposit waste on the project premises outside of the areas designated for such purposes. Pets are not permitted in common areas including lobbies, community rooms and laundry areas except for those common areas which are entrances to and exits from the building. In addition, pets are not permitted in OHA playgrounds, day care centers, management offices, community centers and/or recreation center areas. Dogs may only be kept in Towers, and/or in designated Scattered Site dwelling units with an enclosed yard space. As with other animals, dogs may not be tethered or chained outside the dwelling unit. No animals may be tethered or chained outside or inside the dwelling unit. http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To refrain from placing signs of any type in or about the dwelling except those allowed under applicable zoning ordinances and then only after having received written permission of OHA. http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000180 To use only in a reasonable electrical, manner all sanitary, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and other facilities and appurtenances including elevators. This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from splicing, stealing, running extension cords or other wiring throughout the property to connections.produce utility http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To use reasonable care to keep the dwelling unit in such condition as to ensure proper health and sanitation standards for Tenant, household members and neighbors. TENANT SHALL NOTIFY OHA PROMPTLY OF A KNOWN REPAIR NEEDED TO THE DWELLING UNIT, and of known unsafe or unsanitary conditions in the dwelling unit or in common areas and grounds of the project. Tenant's failure to report the need for repairs in a timely manner shall be considered to contribute to damage that occurs To make no alterations or repairs to the interior of the dwelling unit or to the equipment, nor to install additional equipment or major appliances without written consent of OHA. To make no changes to locks or install new locks on exterior doors without OHA's written approval. To use no nails, tacks, screws, brackets, or fasteners on any part of the dwelling unit (with the exception of a reasonable number of picture hangers) without authorization by OHA; http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) (b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) Yards should be free of debris, trash, and abandoned cars. Exterior walls should be free of graffiti; Porches (front and rear) should be clean and free of hazards. Any items stored on the porch shall not impede access to the unit http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) https://youtu.be/(b) (6) Ms. Gilroy & Ms. Consentino: We want to point out to the OHA that we were moved to our current OHA rental unit over our objections. As such, the OHA insisted we had to move here or lose our affordable housing. Again, we were moved into an OHA unit in which we have NO PRIVACY and we are being treated differently than other (b) (6) Apartment tenants. The issues going on here involve multiple OHA ACOP Violations being committed by tenants (b) (6) and These individuals are targeting us because we had brought this concern to the OHA. Further, (b) (6) these individuals walk around with a cigarette in their mouths in the apartment building. This is a violation of the lease; however, these violations are continuing without intervention. HUD-17-0235-B-000181 All of the issues we have brought up concerning these tenants and the (b) (6) property have been in the best interest and benefit of the OHA to help protect the property and to assure tenants are following the OHA ACOP and their lease. Further, Ms. (b) (6)and Mr. (b) (6) have plants on the outside of the apartment building blocking the windows to apartments. Why is it we aren't allow to block the (b) (6) windows on the inside of the apartment, but Ms. (b) (6)and Mr. (b) (6) are being allowed to block the windows on the outside of the apartment buildings? Again, this hinders Emergency Services from getting to tenants. This is being allowed to continue. Signed, John & Christine Spanyers After we notified the OHA of these ACOP violations, the OHA knowing and purposely allowed their tenants to harass us and abuse us relentlessly at the (b) (6) Apartments for our reporting the OHA 'S ACOP violations and possible housing composition fraud by (b) (6) household. The OHA repeatedly ignored our multiple requests asking for intervention to stop the tenants from harassing us and abusing us. We had asked the OHA to transfer us from the (b) (6) unit due to the abuse, but the OHA ignored our request to be transferred. Additionally we notified the OHA the following: Ms. Gilroy & Ms. Consentino: We have contacted you concerning the tenant, Ms. (b) (6)who resides above us at (b) (6) and who is violating City Code of Ordinances. We have reported to you that Ms. (b) (6) is storing trash on her unit porch in which is unsanitary and attracts rodents, pests and vermin. We had previously brought this to your attention; however, it still continues. As such, the following excerpt is found at this link: o Chapter 18 - NUISANCES[1] o ARTICLE I. - IN GENERAL[2] o Sec. 18-1. - Extraterritorial jurisdiction. HUD-17-0235-B-000182 The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all that property within the city and all property within three miles of the city limits. (Code 1980, ? 18-1; Ord. No. 37950, ? 2, 1-8-08) o Sec. 18-2. - Definition. For the purposes of this chapter, a nuisance exists when a person fails to perform a duty or permits any condition or thing to exist, which act, omission, condition or thing either: (a) Injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others; (b) Offends decency; (c) Is offensive to the senses; (d) Unlawfully interferes with, obstructs or tends to obstruct or renders dangerous for passage any public or private street, alley, highway, sidewalk, stream, ditch or drainage; (e) In any way renders other persons insecure in life or the use of property; or (f) Essentially interferes with the quiet enjoyment of life and property, or tends to depreciate the value of the property of others. (Code 1980, ? 18-2) Cross reference-- Definitions and rules of construction generally,---? 1-2. o Sec. 18-3. - Illustrative enumeration. The maintaining, using, placing, depositing, leaving or permitting to be or remain on the public or private property of any of the following items, conditions or actions is hereby declared to be and to constitute a nuisance; however, this enumeration shall not be deemed or construed to be conclusive, limiting or restrictive: (a) Any condition which provides harborage for rats, mice, snakes and other vermin. HUD-17-0235-B-000183 (b) Any building or other structure which is in such a dilapidated condition that it is unfit for human habitation, or kept in such an unsanitary condition that it is a menace to the health of people residing in the vicinity thereof, or presents a fire hazard in the vicinity where it is located. (c) All unnecessary or unauthorized noises and annoying vibrations, including but not limited to animal noises. (d) All disagreeable or obnoxious gases, odors and/or fumes, as well as the conditions, substances or other causes which give rise to the emission or generation of such gases, odors and/or fumes. (e) The dressed or undressed carcasses of fish, animals or fowl, wild game or domestic animals, not disposed of, processed, or removed from the general public view. (f) The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream, lake, canal or body of water by sewage, dead animals, creamery or industrial wastes, or other substances. (g) Any building, structure or location wherein or upon which any activity which is in violation of local, state or federal law is conducted, performed or maintained. (h) Any accumulation of stagnant water permitted or maintained on any lot or property. (i) Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas, soot or cinders, in unreasonable quantities. (j) Any method of human excreta disposal which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, state law or city ordinance, rule or regulation. (k) Leaking or defective water pipes, sewer pipes, hydrants, cisterns, wells, gutters, drains, rain spouts or seepage in or about any structure used for human occupancy or the surrounding earth. (l) Any abandoned or open wells, cisterns or cellars. (m) The discharge of any filthy or offensive water, swill, liquid or waste from any commercial establishment into or on any street, alley, sidewalk, gutter, vacant lot, stream or river. HUD-17-0235-B-000184 (n) The keeping or maintaining of any hives or boxes used or occupied or for the purpose of housing or occupation by bees within the city limits, except as hereinafter provided. The keeping of bees shall not be prohibited in agricultural zones, provided no box or hive containing bees permitted to fly at large shall be kept within 100 feet of any dwelling except the dwelling of the owner of such bees, or within 50 feet of any exterior boundary within which the box or hive is kept. (o) The parking or storage of any vehicle or machine or parts thereof in violation of any municipal code, state statute or federal law. (p) Any building or structure, including the ground on which it sits, that is used for the unlawful manufacture, cultivation, growth, production, processing, sale, possession, or storage of any controlled substance as defined in R.R.S. 1943, ? 28-401 et seq. (q) Any gathering of five or more persons after 1:00 a.m. but before 6:00 a.m. which results in criminal activity, excessive noise that is the subject of complaints from others, or creates a result in violation ofsection 18-2(f). (r) Any open or exposed surface or substrata in any dwelling which is coated with, consists of or contains any lead-based paint or other lead-based coating material is declared to be a hazard and a nuisance if such surface, substrata, or generated debris is accessible or may become accessible to ingestion or inhalation by any person, but particularly children under the age of six, or may become accessible as a result of a remediation, repair, or construction and is flaking, cracking, peeling, scaling, blistered, chipped or loose, and is present on or in any interior or exterior surface, including but not necessarily limited to any porches or their steps, decking, banisters or railing, walls, windows and sills, doors and jambs, ceilings, exterior trim, boarding, or fascia. (s) Any building, structure or dwelling which has upholstered or other furniture which is designed or manufactured primarily for indoor use, including but not limited to upholstered chairs, upholstered couches, appliances, and mattresses used or left on unenclosed exterior porches, balconies or in an exposed open area including but not limited to decks, patios, roofs, yards, driveways or walkways. (t) HUD-17-0235-B-000185 Every other act or thing done, made, permitted, allowed or continued on any property, whether public or private, detrimental to the health or likely to injure any of the inhabitants of the city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. (Code 1980, ? 18-3; Ord. No. 38290, ? 1, 11-18-08; Ord. No. 38334, ? 1, 12-23-08; Ord. No. 39545, ? 1, 12-18-12) o Sec. 18-4. - Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, permit, maintain or allow the creation of a nuisance. (Code 1980, ? 18-4) o Sec. 18-5. - Penalty. In addition to such other sanctions imposed by law, any person who violates the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 1-10 of this Code. Every such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day on which such violation shall continue. (Code 1980, ? 18-5) Further, we are being forced to endure loud noises occurring above us in our rental unit coming from Ms. (b) (6) unit in which is disturbing our peace. It sounds like bowling balls falling over our head occurring in spurts throughout the day. This is disturbing our peace and enjoyment. We had previously brought this to your attention; however, it still continues. o We have put the OHA on notice of the ongoing actions of Ms. (b) (6)who resides at (b) (6) o Signed, John & Christine Spanyers We were being harassed by the tenant above us and across the hall from us. As such, the tenant across the hall from us placed cameras on our unit and looking into our unit windows of which these cameras were positioned on the tenant's porch. The tenant's name who resided across the hall from us is (b) (6) who resides at The tenant above us kept jumping up and down above us (b) (6) every day disturbing our peace. The tenant throw trash down in front of our unit on a regular basis and they threw cigar innards on our rental unit porch. We had written Cease & Desist letters to the tenant of which the HUD-17-0235-B-000186 OHA received copies of. The tenant's name who resided above us is (b) (6) who resides at (b) (6) The following are the Cease and Desist letters: July 15, 2016 John & Christine Spanyers (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) RE: Cease & Desist Letter Ms. (b) (6) This is a legal demand that you immediately Cease & Desist the causing of loud and disturbing noise and ruckus (i.e. banging, slamming, jumping up and down, music, etc.) your household continuously causes our household to endure. We have attempted to discuss this matter with you to no avail. We had contacted the landlord being the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) concerning this matter. Further, we had contacted the Omaha Police Department (OPD) in which they had intervened on our behalf to address this matter with you. Even so, you continue to disturb our peace which is in violation of Nebraska Statute 28-1322. Signed, John Spanyers Christine Spanyers HUD-17-0235-B-000187 Cc: The Omaha Housing Authority Legal Department July 15, 2016 John & Christine Spanyers (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) RE: Cease & Desist Letter Ms. (b) (6) This is a legal demand that you immediately Cease & Desist the piling of trash on your outdoor unit porch as this is a rodent, pest and vermin attraction. Further, your regular practice of piling trash on your outdoor unit porch has been releasing a fluid overhead onto our unit porch. We demand that you immediately Cease & Desist throwing cigarette butts down onto our unit porch and the grounds around our unit porch as this is a fire hazard. We demand that you immediately stop throwing your cigar innards onto our unit porch. We had contacted the landlord being the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) concerning this matter. Your actions constitute the violation of the Omaha, Nebraska City Code of Ordinances under Chapter 18 - Nuisances, Article I. - In General, Sec. 18-3. - Illustrative enumeration. Signed, John Spanyers HUD-17-0235-B-000188 Christine Spanyers Cc: The Omaha Housing Authority Legal Department Additionally we notified the OHA the following: Ms. Gilroy & Ms. Consentino: We have done everything we can to address and STOP the ONGOING loud disturbing noise from the household of (b) (6) who resides above our unit at (b) (6) NO AVAIL!!! to The OHA HAS BEEN NOTIFIED of this ONGOING issue via certified mail, emails and conversations yet we are continually being abused by the household of (b) (6) with loud disturbing noises to include Loud Music w/Bass as occurred over our heads yesterday, repeated jumping up and down which is now occurring over our heads, startling Slamming and Banging which is now occurring over our heads. We are at the mercy of (b) (6) household as to when we can sleep or not and whether or not we are going to be startled with Slamming and Banging coming from the household of (b) (6) We are AGAIN informing the OHA that we are being abused with Loud Noises coming from the household of (b) (6) in which is disturbing our peace and Violating State and City Laws. It appears we were made to relocate from an OHA unit in with an undisclosed Death and "Toxc Mold" to a unit in which we are continuously being tortured by OHA tenants as the OHA has NOT stopped this ongoing torture from occurring to us. We can only assume this is meant to occur to us to attempt to run us out of affordable housing! Signed, John & Christine Spanyers We even attempted to get a protection order from the Court but was denied. After we attempted to get a protection order, the (b) (6)household went and filed for one and the complete transcribed transcripts and evidence allowed for submission may be viewed by your investigators at the Clerk of District Court on the 3rd Floor at the Douglas County Court. HUD-17-0235-B-000189 It will be found by the investigator (HUD or DOJ) that the testimony by (b) (6) and (b) (6)was conflictive and that I had not broken rules or guidelines set forth by HUD. It will also be found whom directed (b) (6)and (b) (6)(i.e. the OHA). Andrea Freeny the Official Court Reporter transcribed and notified me of the following after it was completed. Mr. Spanyers, Please be advised the bill of exceptions you have inquired about in re: (b) (6)v. Spanyers, Douglas County District Court Case No. CI16-5577, was filed 9/30/16 as required. My duties in this matter are thus concluded. Kind regards, Andrea Freeny, CSR, CRR Official Court Reporter Fourth Judicial District Pottawattamie County Courthouse 227 South 6th Street On October 12th, 2016 the OHA had us evicted us to the streets through a court decree but allowed us to stay at the unit until midnight in October 31st, 2016. Exactly one week later, unbeknown to us, the OHA rushed and requested on November 7th, 2016 from HUD's Enforcement Center a review to have our complaints dismissed without notifying HUD that they had evicted us. Additionally we did not know if the OHA disclosed that owed us a year of utility reimbursement when they had asked for this review. It will be clear to the investigators that we were targeted by the OHA for filing HUD Complaints as well for filing a civil lawsuit in District Court. On August 8th, 2016 Doug Novotny our Legal Counsel filed: Filed in Douglas District Court ... EFILED....... Case Number: D01CI160006708 Transaction ID: 0004095700 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNT^MfiSM80^2016 04:01:22 PM CDT HUD-17-0235-B-000190 JOHN SPANYERS and CHRISTINE SPANYERS, Plaintiff, vs. OMAHA HOUSING AUTHORITY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska Defendants. COMES NOW, the Plaintiffs, by and through their counsel, Douglas R. Novotny, and for their Complaint against the Defendant, Omaha Housing Authority, alleges and states the following: 1. Plaintiffs are residents of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska and have been residents of said state and county for all times relevant to this lawsuit. 2. The Defendant, Omaha Housing Authority (Hereinafter "OHA"), is a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska. That at all times material herein, this Defendant contracts with HUD to provide low and moderate income individuals with housing in the Omaha metro area, including Douglas County, Nebraska. 3. That pursuant to the Nebraska Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. ?13-901, et seq., Plaintiffs filed two separate claims with the Defendant. The first claim was submitted to the OHA, via e-mail and Certified Mail on January 14, 2015 (Exhibit A pgs. 1-5). A second claim was submitted to the OHA, via e-mail and Certified Mail, on January 19, 2016. (Ex. B pgs. 1-7). That six months have passed since Plaintiffs filed their claim and no final disposition has been determined. That as a consequence on July 28, 2016, Plaintiffs' counsel sent Defendant a letter withdrawing his tort claim from consideration from the OHA, a copy which is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "C". The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link poin ts to the correct file and location. The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location. 4. That the Plaintiffs have been tenants of the OHA for a number of years and resided at (b) (6) 5. The OHA owns the property, including the apartment complex, located at (b) (6) 6. That in August of 2014, the OHA retained an exterminator to inspect the apartment complex located at (b) (6) 7. During that August 2014 inspection, it is believed the exterminator advised the OHA that he found evidence of bed bugs within the Plaintiffs apartment, located at (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000191 8. Due to John Spanyers suffering from respiratory issues, including COPD, it is the Plaintiffs belief that the pest inspector advised the OHA to conduct heat treatment to eradicate the bed bugs in the Plaintiffs' apartment located at (b) (6) 9. Subsequently in September of 2015 a second inspector, retained by the OHA, went to the Plaintiffs apartment and found evidence of bed bugs. 10. Without action being taken by the OHA, The Plaintiffs wrote a letter to the OHA, on or about September 19, 2014 requesting their apartment undergo heat treatment to eradicate the bed bugs. 11. On September 22, 2014, Plaintiffs went to their physician to treat for bed bug bites. Pathology reports on September 23, 2014 confirmed bed bugs, and their physician recommended treatment of the apartment. 12. On or about November 3, 2014, Mike Wolski, of Wolski Pest Control, inspected the Plaintiffs apartment, at the Plaintiffs request, and found evidence of bed bugs inside the premises. Mr. Wolski drafted a letter indicating the presence of bed bugs and recommended heat treatment be used to eradicate the bed bugs due to Mr. Spanyers respiratory issues. 13. A request for heat treatment to eradicate the bed bug issue within the Spanyers apartment was made to Clifford Scott, the then director of the OHA, on November 6, 2014. On November 13, 2014, in response to said request, the OHA refused to conduct heat treatment and would only authorize chemical treatments to eradicate the bed bugs inside the Plaintiffs apartment. 14. Further requests were made to the OHA to heat treat the apartment, with the OHA either ignoring or denying the requests. 15. On February 12, 2015, the OHA finally agreed to conduct heat treatment to eradicate the bed bugs within the Spanyers apartment. However, because mold was found in the apartment at around the same time, heat treatment was never conducted. By this time, the Plaintiffs had endured over six months of being exposed to bed bugs, suffering bites and being under a great deal of mental distress. 16. During this time between August 2014 through February of 2015, the Spanyers also began noticing allergic and respiratory issues. 17. On February 18, 2015 the OHA retained a company to conduct a Limited Mold Assessment and Testing. The inspection and testing showed fungal/mold growth within the furnace room and on the duct work. The fungus/mold was likely due to water intruding into the building due to a roof leak. 18. Due to Mr. Spanyers respiratory issues and Mrs. Spanyers allergies, the Plaintiffs, on February 19, 2015, requested the OHA transfer them to a new unit. 19. The OHA refused to transfer the Spanyers to a new unit until April of 2015 due to unrelated issues. 20. The OHA never conducted heat treatments of the Plaintiffs apartment located at (b) (6) to eradicate the bed bugs. Accordingly, the Spanyers were exposed to bed bugs, suffering bites and being under a great deal of distress from August 2014 through April of 2015. HUD-17-0235-B-000192 21. Further the OHA did not fix or remediate the mold issue at the apartment located at (b) (6) first discovered in February of 2015, while the Plaintiffs resided at said Apartment. Accordingly the Plaintiffs suffered from respiratory distress, allergic reactions and mental distress. 22. In April of 2015, the Plaintiffs were transferred to an OHA owned property located at 3712 Frances Street. Plaintiffs became tenants of that property with the OHA being its landlord. 23. Upon moving into the unit located at 3712 Frances Street, the Plaintiffs noticed a bulge in the bathroom wall and subsequently a bulge in the wall in the kitchen. 24. The Plaintiffs notified the OHA, via numerous written e-mail, of the bulges in the wall, but no action, other than cosmetic measures were taken to cover up the bulges. 25. After moving into the residence located at 3712 Frances Street in April of 2015 the Plaintiffs noticed respiratory issues, sinus and allergic reactions. 26. The Plaintiffs were concerned of possibly mold in their unit and made numerous written and verbal requests for their unit to be inspected. 27. The OHA did not respond to the Plaintiffs complaints until December of 2015. In the OHA's inspection by its maintenance crew in December of 2015, it found evidence of mold within the unit located at 3712 Frances Street. 28. On December 11, 2015 the Douglas County Health Department conducted a visual inspection of the unit located at 3712 Frances Street and found indications of mold. 29. The Plaintiffs retained a contractor to conduct an inspection of the area on December 17, 2015 and verified mold being within the unit located at 3712 Francis Street, including Stachybrotos and Aspergillus molds. 30. Due to these reports of mold, Plaintiffs physicians urged that the Plaintiffs be removed from the unit located at 3712 Frances Street. 31. The OHA transferred the Plaintiffs to the (b) (6) Apartment Complex, but not until the end of April, 2016. Accordingly from April 2015 through April of 2016, the Plaintiffs were subjected to leaving in a mold infested environment and suffering from respiratory distress, sinus and allergic reactions and mental distress. 32. Due to Plaintiffs financial condition and reliance on the OHA for housing, they could not break their lease with the OHA or find other housing. 33. Due to Plaintiffs financial condition and requirements under their lease agreement with the OHA they were unable to remediate either the bed bug issue or mold/fungus issues on their own. COUNT I THE OHA VIOLATED THE LANDLORD TENANT ACT 34. The Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs 1-33 as if full set forth herein. HUD-17-0235-B-000193 35. The OHA owned the properties located at 8306 Underwood Ave, Apt. 205 and 3712 Frances Street at all times material herein; 36. The Plaintiffs were tenants of the OHA at the properties located at 8306 Underwood Ave, Apt. 205 and 3712 Frances Street at all times material herein; 37. Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. ?76-1419, a landlord, such as the OHA , has certain duties including but not limited to: a. Substantially comply, after written or actual notice, with the requirements of the applicable minimum housing codes materially affecting health and safety; b. Make all repairs and do whatever is necessary, after written or actual notice, to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition; and c. Maintain in good and safe working order and condition all sanitary, ventilating and other facilities and appliances. 38. The OHA had both written and actual notice of bed bugs within the premises of (b) (6) and never remediated the situation, causing Plaintiffs to suffer from bed bug bites and extreme mental distress. Further the OHA did not transfer the Plaintiffs to a different unit until more than 8 months had passed from the first discovery of bed bugs within the apartment. Nor did the OHA do whatever was necessary to protect the Plaintiffs from being exposed to bed bugs or fixing the situation considering Plaintiffs physical ailments and conditions. 39. The OHA had both written and actual notice of fungus/mold in the units located at (b) (6) and 3712 Frances Street and either did not remediate the situation or take appropriate measures to do what was necessary to protect the Plaintiffs from being exposed to mold considering Plaintiffs physical ailments and conditions. 40. The Plaintiffs, due to their physical and financial conditions, were/are reliant on housing form the OHA and were unable to move or break its lease with the OHA. Further, due to their physical and financial conditions, Plaintiffs were unable to remediate the bed bugs or mold issues. 41. As a result of the Defendant's non-compliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. ?76-1419, Plaintiffs incurred damages as follows: a. Physical injuries from bed bug bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic conditions due to exposure to fungus/mold and other related injuries; b. Medical bills related to bed beg bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic reactions and other related physical symptoms due to the mold/fungus exposure; c. Extreme mental strain, distress and stress, anxiety and depression; d. Out of pocket expenses for testing of mold; HUD-17-0235-B-000194 e. Property damage and losses due to exposure to bed bugs and mold, the total amount to be determined at time of trial; f. They are likely to continue to suffer long term effects, both mentally and physically, due to their exposure to the above conditions. 42. The actions of the OHA were willful in their non-compliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. ?76-1419. 43. Further the Plaintiffs are entitled to recovery of attorney fees. Wherefore, due to the Defendants willful action and in being in noncompliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-1419, Plaintiffs request their special damages, general damages, to be determined at trial, along with recovery of reasonable attorney fees and costs. COUNT 2 NEGLIGENCE 44. The Plaintiff incorporates Paragraphs 1-43 as if fully set forth herein. 45. The Defendants, as landlords of the Plaintiffs at (b) (6) and 3712 Francis Streets, owed a duty to maintain a habitable premises. 46. The OHA breached this duty in the following particulars: a. Not properly and efficiently remediating or eradicating the bed bug infestation at the Plaintiffs premises located at (b) (6) b. Not transferring the Plaintiffs from (b) (6) in a timely fashion and having them reside in a bed bug infested apartment for over 8 months; c. Not doing whatever was reasonably necessary to accommodate the Plaintiffs and fix the bed bug infestation. d. Not properly inspecting/treating the property for bed bugs. e. Not properly and efficiently remediating or fixing the mold/fungus issues at both the properties located at (b) (6) and 3712 Francis Street. f. Not properly inspecting/treating the properties for mold/fungus; g. Not doing whatever was reasonable necessary to accommodate the Plaintiffs and fix the mold/fungus situation at both properties; h. Not transferring the Plaintiffs from (b) (6) or 3712 Frances Street after notice of the mold situation, thereby subjecting Plaintiffs to physical harm, sickness and mental distress for a long period of time. 47. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the Defendant, Plaintiffs have incurred the following damages: a. Physical injuries from bed bug bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic conditions due to exposure to fungus/mold and other related injuries; HUD-17-0235-B-000195 b. Medical bills related to bed beg bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic reactions and other related physical symptoms due to the mold/fungus exposure; c. Extreme mental strain, distress and stress, anxiety and depression; d. Out of pocket expenses for testing of mold; e. Property damage and losses due to exposure to bed bugs and mold, the total amount to be determined at time of trial; f. They are likely to continue to suffer long term effects, both mentally and physically, due to their exposure to the above conditions. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, prays for judgment against Defendant, for their special and general damages, together with the costs herein expended. John & Christine Spanyers, Plaintiffs, BY: /s/ JDougtlab rR- rPfovoiruj Douglas R. Novotny #22703 Novotny Law 18025 Oak Street Suite B Omaha, NE. 68130 402-991-7643 doug@douglasnovotnylaw.com This info is included for self-evident reasons and it reflects what HUD FHEO refused to investigate, refused to stop, and allowed the OHA to commit against us. It also reflects the retaliation we suffered at the hands of the OHA and their surrogates and was sanctioned by HUD's FHEO in Washington D.C., Kansas City Regional Office, Omaha FHEO Office as well as the Omaha Local HUD Office. Instead of recognizing that we are a protected class of disabled seniors we were asked to stop filing complaints and that HUD does not typically intervene with the general operations of their partners. What we are informing you of is a Fact. The tenant in (b) (6) in our (b) (6) apartment building had a protection order upheld against her while she has resided here at (b) (6) As such, the OHA had elected to NOT EVICT her and instead allow her to continue living in public housing. Further, this tenant is a witness to the fact that (b) (6) has been residing with (b) (6) since she has been living in the unit across the hall from ours. (b) (6) had informed us that she has been living in that unit for 7 years now. (b) (6) also claims she lives alone as she had testified to under oath and had signed as a fact under penalty of perjury in her complaint against myself John Spanyers. Since the OHA has elected to bypass an eviction process for an upheld protection order against the tenant in (b) (6) then we are being treated differently than other tenants and as such, the OHA is applying a double standard against our household which is a discriminatory act. It is important that we inform you of this fact. HUD-17-0235-B-000196 Patrick Cohoon, an Attorney for Legal Aid of Nebraska whom represented us in this eviction matter noticed the clear conflictive testimony by (b) (6)and her Witnesses. He also recognized that I had done nothing that warranted an eviction that would rise to the level for such an eviction and that it is the first time that he had seen such harshness in a case like this. He also noted that we had kept the OHA informed as to why we were recording the violations. It should be noted for the record that we also reported these activities to HUD's OIG Hotline as well as with Janet Blackman with the State Investigative Unit. I wrote the following to Ms. Blackman: Dear Ms. Blackman, As promised back in June, I would contact you with more information if and when I had more information concerning (b) (6)Jo Doyon and (b) (6) that both reside at (b) (6) that is known as the '(b) (6) Apartments" that is managed by the Omaha Housing Authority. As you can see by the attached information, we have been attempting to communicate to our landlord our concerns and questions regarding this household. To our knowledge our landlord has not addressed or followed thru on investigating this household for housing fraud. We have pointed out according to our understanding, ongoing violations of the admission and continued occupancy policy (ACOP), the Part 1 Terms and Conditions of Our Lease violations, the Violation - City Code Of Ordinances: (which may be located here https://www.municode.com/library/ne/omaha/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIIMUCO_CH18NU& showChanges=true), the cameras that they (not OHA), installed, the middle of the night property alterations they so frequently do under the cover of darkness, as well as the fact that that (b) (6) is living there. Although we have been informed that they have been living together since 2009 we have only been able to establish that Mr. (b) (6) (thru public records) has claimed to be residing here at (b) (6) since 2011. The fact that his name is on the mail box here as a resident also reflects this. It might help for you to see what address he is using on his driver's license (which is "(b) (6) that is attached with the additional information in this email. It is our understanding that you will be able to confirm more information thru the IRS (State & Federal ), Social Security Administration, the Dept of Labor as well as the many other interface resources, that you have at your disposal, to confirm this individuals residence, employment, and resources. HUD-17-0235-B-000197 Our life has been turned into living hell by this household and their friend that lives above us since our managers came and directed her to remove her plants from the hall way. We have been harassed, threatened, abused and have had lies stated upon us in a false fictitious (Under the Penalty of Perjury) Affidavit, for bringing to light what they are and have been doing. As you know, we have been questioning the validity of their statements regarding their living composition and possible unreported income. The first red flag I had was why her caretaker was making in the middle of the night alterations, to the OHA managed property, and why was he driving and parking an unlicensed vehicle since he held a full time job. I think the biggest flag was why Ms. (b) (6)had or needed a live-in caretaker in a one room apartment when we were witnessing daily attending to all her flowers and plants without him out there. I have never known anyone that could attend to so many plants that required a live-in care taker. Prior to us moving back to (b) (6) this is how it the front of our unit. These are Ms. (b) (6) fixtures and plants that she is outraged at me for wanting them removed. https://youtu.be/(b) (6) https://youtu.be/(b) (6) https://youtu.be/(b) (6) Why it has not raised flags with anyone as to how she has been able to tend for these plants if she is as she claims she is. Admittedly she does have a green thumb for gardening as you can see from the link below. https://youtu.be/(b) (6) We are hoping and praying that all the other investigators will coordinate with you to get to the bottom of what should not be occurring. HUD-17-0235-B-000198 Again thank you for addressing this. Respectfully, John & Christine Spanyers For the record as of today March 9th 2017 nothing has changed at the (b) (6) Apartment's. The (b) (6) Household still has their unlicensed and uninsured (b) (6) VIN # (b) (6) and is still parked on the back parking lot to (b) (6) It is apparent that the OHA is allowing these residents to break Omaha City Ordinances, violate the ACOP Rules pointed out in our complaints to the OHA. Rather than enforcing their own ACOP rules, it appears that the OHA's primary focus was to have us evicted and to allow and encourage criminal activity by their resident proxy as a reward for their help in getting us evicted from the OHA Program. We will be respectfully asking our President, President Trump, our HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson and our U.S. Attorney General, Attorney General Jeff Sessions to please investigate our complaints and to have all emails sent to/from us ((b) (6)@(b) (6) and (b) (6) @(b) (6) ) and all emails sent by/ received from the following HUD Officials to our email address including all correspondence mailed to us from HUD's FHEO - Sara Pratt, Gordon Patterson, Gayle Bohling (Washington D.C.), Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, Antony May (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office, HUD Hotline OIG, HUD online 503 Complaints filed as well as Nandinee Kutty from the HUD Enforcement Center in Washington D.C. recovered and reviewed from the National Archives and Records Administration. These records will clearly show how discriminately cruel the FHEO and Local HUD Employees were toward our household and just how little these employee did for our household other than telling us to stop bothering them with complaints. It will also show that the FHEO singled us out and refused to process our complaints or give us proper due process. This information will help our Administration and Dr. Carson understand why Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office should be termed immediately and why this PHA should be debarred and stripped of Federal Grant Monies. Additionally we will be asking that HUD-17-0235-B-000199 copies be provided to the House Oversight Committee as well as the Senate Appropriations Committee to aid the members in deciding whether funding should be cut or suspended to this PHA organization. Gregory King and Shila Hernandez both out right lied to us when they told us that this PHA is not allowed to retaliate against us for filing complaints. That is all this PHA has done to us since we filed our complaints. They have slandered and assassinated our character, accused us of committing computer crimes at board meetings forced us to live in substandard housing and to pay for rent this. They were allowed to cause irreparable harm to our mental and emotional health, caused undue hardship in an attempt to compel us to with draw our HUD complaints. Even now they are requiring that in order to settle our state lawsuit they want us to sign an indemnify clause as so HUD will not come after them for damages and to release them on all State and Federal Tort Action before they will settle our State case. We are left wondering if this is another brain storm or joint operation by Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office and this PHA. We were directed to stop filing complaints and stop sending email to which we complied. As a result of following these directive it allowed the OHA to have its way with us to put us in a very hostile environment and as so this PHA could use its resident proxies to have us removed from affordable housing and to have us removed from the program and thrown to the streets. Even now we are fearful of Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office. These individuals were fully aware of what we were being subjected to by this PHA and they outright refused to take any action to protect us from these abuses such as filing a TRO and relocating us to another PHA. Instead of trying to eliminate housing discrimination these individuals by their actions promoted just the opposite and embolden this PHA to continue abusing us. Although we both meet and exceed the criteria for a protected class in accordance with Federal Law and HUD'S FHEO standards, we unfortunately have learned that we do not meet the racial criteria with Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office to be given equal access and equal protection by their FHEO Office and local HUD Office. It should be added that we have emails and other evidentiary in support of this dual complaint. Since we writing this email to our City Council... Email written to Omaha City Council Members September 4th, 2012 Dear Distinguished and Honorable Members of the Omaha City Council, I am writing to ask for your help with ongoing concerns and issues. I am afraid that unless our City Council intervenes, on behalf of ourselves and our City, this is going to continue. I know of no other Department in our City where the Board is ran by insubordinate's nor do I know of any other City that would allow, insubordinate's such as these to remain in a position of Public Trust. These insubordinates are costing our City. HUD-17-0235-B-000200 We have, as best as we know how, have attempted to communicate every possible means our Housing Authority Board Member's the seriousness of our situation, and the consequences for ignoring them. And yet nothing is done on their part. Unlike yourselves, they seem to behave as a puppet Board, rather than exercise the Powers given to them when they received the Privilege and Honor, to be appointment, by our Mayor and the Trust and Confidence of our Omaha Council Members, when they were appointed there to present position. We want to apologize, for having to bother our City Council Member's, with concerns that should have been addressed long, long time ago. We feel that we are being forced to come to you, in order to stop the abuse and violations occurring at our Housing Authority. The fact that our Commissioners, are allowing these insubordinates to dictate and manipulate our Board Member's infuriates us beyond words. I do not feel our City needs the reputation or the disgrace that is occurring to our City now. You are our, most respected leaders, because we the citizen of Omaha trust you. This is something you have earned. When we the citizens go to the ballot box and cast a vote, we are saying, "You have earned our Trust, our Confidence, and our Knowing, you have earned our Vote!" We the citizens trust your wisdom in all affairs of our City, Our Great and Beautiful City, the City of Omaha Nebraska. We trust that you will protect our City from harm. We trust that you will protect our City's Honor/Reputation. We trust that you will promote tourism, and business growth in our community. We trust that you will conduct and perform your Duties. We Trust You!!! Without our Council Members, there would be no City. Our Council Members have created our order by passing laws to delegate how to protect and maintain our City from harm, as so we the citizens may have maintained safety from harm. It does not matter from which political party you subscribe. What is important is, that we Trust you and we the citizens have Confidence in your vision for our future. Trust is the seat of all of our commerce and business. In fact Trust is so important to our great nation that we have embedded "In God We Trust" up on our Currency that we use in our commerce and business. Trust is a wonderful thing. With Trust comes Honor, with Honor comes Respect. These three Vestments are, the Crown Jewels of Truth, upon which all Good Things Spring. Truth is what validates the core of our values. Are we not asked when we take a witness stand to make an oath, by swearing to tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth? What happens when our core values, are brutally assaulted by acts of betrayal, cheating, cons, deceiving, double-cross, duping, finesse, flimflamming, hoodwinking, manipulating, play for a sucker, roping in, scamming, stringing along, suckering in, trickery, playing for a chump, baiting, with the beguiled acts, by insubordinates that all the while bait, bewitch, cajole, captivate, charm, come on, enchant, persuade, entrap, lead on, seduce, tempt, prevent, tantalize, coax, decoy, fascinate, entice, hook, threaten, turn on, sweep off feet, win over, and wile, all those that that seek an explanation of their acts , to prevent the truth from being known. Does not our trust turn to disbelief, distrust and mistrust? Does not our honor turn to derision, humiliation, and disgrace? Does not our respect turn to scorn, condemnation, dishonor, disrespect, and disobedience? And does not our truth become falsehood, lies, deceitfulness and mendacity when we allow insubordinates to beguile us from our Cities, foundation of Trust, Honor, Respect, and Truth? When Haters and Deceivers take away our Truth; we are allowing them to take away our Respect. When we allow them to take away our Respect; we are allowing them to take away our Honor. When we allow them to take away our Honor; we are allowing them to take away our Trust. When we allow them take away our Trust; we are allowing them to take away our Faith in Our City Government. So you see Trust Is Very Important, especially when it comes to our City Government, and our City Government Administrative Employees. HUD-17-0235-B-000201 Throughout our ordeal we have made every attempt to possible, to be removed from our dilemma and express our concerns about what was occurring, within our Housing Authority, and how we were being treated. When it became apparent that we were getting nowhere, we elected to remain silent and except the hopelessness of our situation, as so often happens with residents within our Housing Authority, because of everything being stacked against us, because of our Housing Authority Administrators and Managers. You can only imagine how delighted we were when Ben Gray invited us to come to the Omaha Housing Authority to share our concerns. We were especially excited because we were able to share this with our District Councilman so we could get resolve. We actually believed that Ben Gray cared for the Citizens of Omaha, and was working with both Honorable Mayor and our Distinguished City Council Members to make our City of Omaha a Safe and Healthy place for us to raise our families. Knowing Ben Gray had the personal ear of our Honorable Mayor gave us even greater confidence that our dilemma would soon be over, which is why we attended our Housing Authority Board meeting, on July 26th 2012. Please we invite each you our Distinguished Council Members to take some time to review this meeting. Here: http://youtu.be/(b) (6) We attended this meeting even though our fellow resident and visitors insisted it, was nothing but a pure waste of our time. They argued that crime rate and violence in District Two is the Highest in our City and if Ben Gray did not care about the African Americans in his own District why would he careabout us. We were asked if we had contributed to his campaign, and were we politically news worthy enough to catapult his political ambitions. If not we were on dream time. When added to the fact fact that we were not African American, certainly guarantees nothing that nothing was going to happen. Being a believer in our Country's values and the value of our City Government, I staunchly advocated that they were badly mistaken, and they would see that he was not someone whom gave lip service, just for the primary purpose of pandering to the voters, for the sole purpose for to further own selfish political career. What a complete fool I was, and I am ashamed of myself for not listening. It has been nothing less than a humiliating for me to go and sincerely apologize to every person that I spoke so highly too about Ben Gray. It has been bad enough that we were made a complete laughing stock to everyone in our building since we were purposely placed in a unit that did not have the proper mold remediation and then forced to live in it, and then to have a Housing Board Member, and City Council Board Member tell us that he knew that the mold report was wrong but there is nothing he could do, and but he would look into it, has gave us no other choice but to file a proper complaints, to get to the bottom of what has been happening to us here at the Crown Tower since our move in. Clearly Ben Gray refuses to act individually in his own capacity as a Board Member of the Omaha Housing Authority, or individually in his official capacity as a Distinguished Member of our Omaha City Council. It is insulting that he does not understand or even appreciate his own position of Trust that has been bestowed upon him. I admit that I am poor, uneducated and disabled, but at least I do appreciate and have more revere respect to the positions that he is disgracing, a lot more than he understands what his responsibilities are in both these positions to our wonderful City of Omaha Nebraska. I mean no disrespect to the most Honorable Offices that Ben Gray holds, nor do I want to offend the Officers of these positions, because I have the Highest Respect for these Distinguished and Honorable Office's. But to be frank I cannot respect the man, Ben Gray that holds these such offices, and I am more than confident that the voters, we the citizens, will not forget his actions (or lack thereof,) nor will they forgive his neglect of duties for years to come, concerning what has happened to us, and we are certain that it will inevitable haunt all of his political aspirations for years and years to come. This we are sure of!!! Trust is very important to all of us, we the citizens of our Great City, and more importantly to all of us, we the citizens of our Great State of Nebraska. On February, 9th 2010,we came back from getting groceries, only to find our beloved family pet and my service pet, was found mutilated by (b) (6) This monster not only killed our beloved pet, he stated he was sorry that he did this out of family love. We informed him that we were going to file charges against him for his actions, and for what he did to our pet. It was then that he ran and grabbed a rifle and started shooting this HUD-17-0235-B-000202 firearm in the house, yelling obscenities as to how he was going to kill every mother****er, my wife grabbed our pet while he chased after her and our mutilated pet that was in my wife's arms, he then coked the rifle three times and proceeded to aim it directly at her head, and then shot at our car where he thought I was. He kept yelling how a lot of people were going to die and started yelling all sorts of terroristic threats, and threatened to kill us. While the Police were on their way, (b) (6) was on the telephone calling his gang member brother, receiving instructions on what to do and what to say when the Police arrived. (b) (6) then proceeded to attempt to hide the weapons used in the commission of his crimes all the while communicating with his older gang member brother. This happened at my wife's father's place of resident. This was the very same home where my wife had grown up in, and was continuously abused. (b) (6) older brother (b) (6) is a lifelong THUG gang member of MBC in south Omaha. He has an arrest record for possession of drugs and was not happy that we were, as they called us "50 Callers" when it came to illegal activities. In fact we had no idea what we were confronting when we were trying stop the illegal activities occurring at her father's home. After the Police standoff, the Omaha Police Department searched and confiscated the firearms that my wife's father continuously allowed (b) (6) to use, so he could go rob our citizens and use the firearms toward the purpose of intimidation to get what he wanted when he wanted, throughout our City in the commission of crimes. Our Brave Omaha Police Department was finally able to arrest this psychopath by taking him into custody, from there he was placed it the adult day care facility for dysfunctional adults, better known as the Douglas County Jail. After learning that we were not killed, (b) (6) (his gang member name) became very upset that his brother was arrested and that our Omaha Police took away all the fire arms, so they were without their"Heat and Glocks" as he was known to call them. It was on my birthday that I found the weapon used to kill our pet Jasper. (please see attached) Both my wife and I are eternally grateful to (b) (6) and his office for putting this monster in prison, where he belongs. Namely it was (b) (6) that finally put this monster in prison for 8 years and 8 months. To give you an idea of what we had to go through, after our family pet and my service pet was mutilated and murdered by (b) (6) we witnessed my wife's dad intentionally and purposely attempt to cover up his crimes. He knowingly and intentionally went out of his way to soak and then wash EVERY knife and screw driver in his house and garage in kerosene to remove any and all traces of blood because, he was unable, to confirm with where he hid them, before the police came the night he committed mutilated our pet. My (b) (6) wife's dad demanded that we let (b) (6) out of Jail because he was only playing with our cat and if we did not, help him to get out of Jail, then we were not a good Christians. He also explained that (b) (6) was only playing around when he aimed the rifle at my wife's head and shot up our car. My wife's father is an enabler in the worst way, he allows these thugs to do drugs and in his home and has allowed these thugs to illegally do construction work in his home without getting proper permits for installs such as his furnace, which by the way we are surprises has not blown up or caused carbon monoxide poisoning. These Thugs are constantly getting money from him for their illegal drugs or selling him stolen items. He has even witnessed (b) (6) rape a girl in his home and refuses to report what he witnessed. He has also witnessed a child being abused by (b) (6) and did nothing to stop what was happening. In fact both my wife and I had to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to report activities. Every one of these thugs that my wife's father knows and affiliates with, are nothing more than drug abusers. They come to his home, for the sole purpose just to get money from him so they can purchase and use a white substance called methamphetamines. It is the PARASITE DESTROYER !!! Whenever these THUGS want money for their poison the all go to "Grandpa" as he is known to get their cash. And when these THUGS can't get the cash out of him they turn around and rip off his home. Rather than criminally prosecuting them he instead just plays stupid so he can turn it into his insurance, for a higher price than what he really pays for it. The whole thing was just sickly repulsive. The only reason I could not go to my family for help is because all of my brother and sisters, we were all taken away from my parents for the brutal abuse I and my siblings were made to suffer at the hands of my parent. It was after I had my front teeth knocked out of my mouth and my ear and hearing permanently damaged, that anything was, actually done, to stop the abuse. In fact I had was placed in a hospital for the longest time, while the State placed my other siblings in foster homes, for adoption to other families in other States, in order to protect us from being abused. To this day I do not where any of my siblings are or if they are even alive. In fact my mother committed suicide on my brothers birthday when she learned we would never be coming back home. It was because of what my dad had HUD-17-0235-B-000203 been doing to all of us, and her. It completely devastated her. To this day I am still suffering from effects of what I was made to suffer growing up. You see it was legislatures such as yourself on a State level that made it possible to make changes in laws as so culprits can't run off and not be accountable as my dad was able to do our mom and all of us kids. I share this with you as so you can better understand why I have so much faith in our Rules of Law and those that oversee the creation of them. Hopefully you will understand why we decided to live in our car rather than staying at my wife's fathers place. We came to our Housing Authority to seek refuge and escape abuse, not to be abused in our refuge. We are no longer interested in more excuses. Nor are we any interested in the irrelevancy of whether it was right or wrong. What we are interested in, is whether or not it has been legal. I do not know how to ask any clearer, or make it any simpler to our Housing Authority Board Member's, what their Responsibilities are to our City, and for them to fulfill them. Below are the emails we have sent, and the responses. Truly this is not good for our - City Omaha Nebraska. I want to thank you addressing these matters, Respectfully Your, John and Christine Spanyers (b) (6) (b) (6)@(b) (6).com (b) (6) Jaun Perez with the Omaha World Herald reported - "OHA is required to repay $1.1 million in federal Section 8 voucher funds that were improperly used for the agency's operations last year. The agency also moved roughly $1.5 million in restricted money to fund Housing in Omaha." http://www.omaha.com/article/20110924/NEWS01/709249866 Now look at those involved with our HUD complaints: HUD-17-0235-B-000204 OHA CHIEF Former EXECUTIVE OFFICER - (Clifford Scott) An individual that acted insubordinate with his previous employer (back in Youngstown Ohio), and then came here to Omaha and overstated his previous pay. Was this to balloon the salary he was seeking and given? http://www.vindy.com/news/2011/mar/17/ymha-executive-director-placedon-paidl/ http://www.omaha.com/article/20110727/NEWS01/707279829/1003#ohachief-overstated-pay-OHA After a paternity action was filed in District Court here in Omaha where we learned that prior to running here, Clifford Scott while married, had an extra marital relationship that fathered him a child and only offered a minimal gift card as child support payment to the mother. http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/head-of-omaha-housing-authorityresigns/article_6dcd876a-0602-524abb6d-6d325bd20731.html OHA Former Legal Counsel and now OHA Board Commissioner - (George B. Achola) and now present OHA Board Member: http://www.noethics.net/News/index.php?option=com_content&view=article%20&id=2777%3Aatto%20rneygeorge-b-achola-of-omaha-thief-%20&catid=159%3Anebraska-attorney-misfits&Itemid=100%20OHA Former Commissioner and City Council Member (Ben Gray) Last known is an individual that that owed the I.R.S. $49,000.00 in back taxes. http://thehall.omaha.com/2013/01/10/ben-freddie-gray-owe-49k-in-backtaxes / OHA Commissioner Chairman (Fred Conley) Was in fact both Freddie Gray's (Ben Gray's wife), and former Nebraska State Senator Brenda Council's campaign manager. Fred Conley, was once fine fined for misusing campaign funds for his own use. http://www.omaha.com/article/20130122/NEWS/701239896 http://www.kmtv.com/news/local/170442876.htm l Former OHA Commissioner Chairman (Fred Conley) http://watchdog.org/213438/hud/ Resolution Removing Fred Conley as Chair of the Board of Governors: https://www.mccneb.edu/getattachment/About-MCC-Nebraska/AboutMCC/Board-of-Governors/BOGMeetings-on-Audio/Agendas-for-BoardMeetings/Board-Packet-08-02-16.pdf.aspx Board of Governors unanimously accepts Fred Conley's resignation: http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/board-of-governors-unanimouslyaccepts-fred-conley-sresignation/article_77501980-5be2-11e6-8834- f7a1a1508c24.html As well as this is what we sent to: reportfraudinhud@hudoig.gov From: All2 See Date: Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 5:04 AM Subject: 54383 operator 81 To: reportfraudinhud@hudoig.gov This was reported by: Liz Dorland, ldorland@action3news.com. This is what our Honorable Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers has said about Two of our Housing Authority Board Members. I already have shared what I believe concerning, George B. Achola, Clifford Scott and Ben Gray with our other City Council Member of the Omaha Housing Authority. You will note that Fred Conley is the Chairman of the Omaha Housing Authority. These are four key individuals involved with our complaints and living conditions that our Omaha HUD Office has and have been working with concerning our issues. You may want to go look for yourself. HUD-17-0235-B-000205 http://www.kmtv.com/news/local/170442876.html Omaha, NE -- Ernie Chambers is taking no prisoners. The former Nebraska State Senator not only went after his opponent Senator Brenda Council, but anyone who's publicly supported her. Chambers used his weekly show to slam his District 11 opponent Brenda Council on the same day she admitted in court, to using her campaign funds at casinos. With just 48- days until voters head to the polls, State Senator Ernie Chambers is taking-off the gloves. He's not only going after Council, but her associates as well. Nebraska State Senator Brenda Council's guilty plea made national headlines in the Washington Post and The Huffington Post. While she isn't talking about how her conviction is impacting her campaign for re-election, Ernie Chambers wasted no time getting right to the point, on his weekly show on Cox CTI 22. "She is a self-confessed convicted criminal, and we have people saying that this community believes that we can be properly represented by a criminal," said State Senator Ermitus. Chambers didn't stop there. He also fired-off at Nebraska Attorney General John Bruning, claiming Council's crimes are felonies. He stated,"The Attorney General did not charge her with any violation of the campaign laws which she in-fact violated. That is how white men can orchestrate something to let a person off the hook when they want to." He also called out Council's supporters: Omaha City Councilman Ben Gray, OPS Board President Freddie Gray, County Commissioner Chris Rogers and Campaign Manager Fred Conley. Chambers sternly stated on his show, "They came to the defense of Freddie Gray who is established as a liar", "Ben Gray is a liar" and "Douglas County Commissioner Chris Rogers, who has done nothing for this community people have no idea who he is." Chambers also pointed out in 1992, Senator Council's campaign manager, Fred Conley, was fined big bucks for misusing campaign funds. Conley who is traveling to Washington D.C said, "I really think Chambers is beating a dead horse ... as far as the election, she (Council) wants to move forward on what she can do for the district, and I think Chambers needs to do the same." Fred Conley didn't argue the claim of misusing campaign money. He also said Senator Council is removing her name from the list of people who are able to sign campaign checks. KMTV contacted Attorney General John Bruning, and Commissioner Chris Rogers, but haven't heard back. We also asked to talk with Senator Council, but was told "she's not talking about it anymore". Reported By: Liz Dorland, ldorland@action3news.com Respectfully, John and Christine Spanyers Lastly Former U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Programs (Sara K.Pratt). http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/email-hints-at-hud-infighting-overdallas-desegregation-case-7606288 https://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/board/docs/books/130912-supplement- 130909.pdf http://watchdog.org/series/ashford-hud-audit/ http://ladylibertysnews.com/audit-hud-discovers-billions-bookkeeping-discrepancies/ Lastly I shared this with Ms. Kutty with HUD'S Enforcement Center in an email titled "Unanswered and unresolved outstanding issues!!!" on January 23rd 2017. The only time we ever met any investigator's was when Sheila Hernandez and Gregory King came to the Crown Towers the second week of August 2013. In fact I sent you an email showing the molds spores witnessed growing by FHEO's Investigators Sheila Hernandez and Gregory King when they came and interviewed us the second week of August 2013. This again was the ONLY time that any that the FHEO ever came in person to investigate. The whole time that we were being Tormented and Tortured with Bedbugs and mold including TOXIC MOLD the FHEO REFUSED to come witness and investigate the intolerable conditions we were being made to live in and forced to pay rent without investigating in person regarding the intolerable conditions we were being made to live in. Rather than investigating and stopping the ongoing retaliatory acts of the OHA, the FHEO instead sent us three separate emails stating "As a matter of practice, HUD does not typically intervene with the general operations HUD-17-0235-B-000206 of our partners," and refused to relocate us from the abuse and abusers and did absolutely nothing about what HUD CLEARLY knew was outright lies that we had crashed local HUD computers. Instead HUD allowed their partner to repeatedly retaliate on us and allowed their partner the free reign to torture us with bedbugs while they mocked and laughed openly in September of 2015 Board Meeting while they knew we were in mold conditions, dangerously high carbon dioxide air levels, while being eaten alive mercilessly by bedbugs. If this hell wasn't bad enough, HUD's partner Susan Gilroy moved us into a unit where the previous tenant of 3712 Frances St had died in the front room on the carpet that was not replaced after his death and neither Susan Gilroy nor her site manager had the courtesy to inform us of this. This nondisclosure was both sick and cruel. The unit we were placed by HUD's partner the OHA is where they refused for months to maintenance, properly and where we were forced to have a non-working faulty (13 year old) hot water heater that had to be replaced due to its malfunction and its age. In fact when we did our walk thru we pointed out the bulge in the walls and the leaking drain gutters. As a result after months of refusing and ignoring the issues we had to send the copy emails to Susan Gilroy, Jennifer Dexter and copied HUD and Senator Fischer's Office. find me to jdexter, Susan, Kathryn, Brianne_Faulkn., bcc: me 10/21/15 Ms. Dexter & Ms. Gilroy: We have repair issues that need to be addressed. Repair orders have previously been called into the OHA repair line. HUD is copied on this email due to the nature of these maintenance concerns. 1) One of the most pressing repair issues is the fact that the tempered glass on the front door of the oven keeps falling down / falling open and is in danger of falling off the stove / oven and possibly shattering. One could easily walk into the sharp edges of this large glass piece and seriously get hurt and as such, the OHA has been put on notice of this danger and possible injury. This matter should be addressed as an Emergency. The HEAVY glass oven door piece is taped on at this time in an attempt to keep the glass on the oven door. Due to this condition, the oven is unusable. Shawn with the OHA Maintenance Dept. had replaced the oven door gasket and it appears that the door wasn't properly reassembled. This occurrence with the door glass piece started last evening when we were cooking in the oven and was called into the OHA repair line this morning. 2) Another issue again is the gutter and drain pipe on the back side of our rental unit at Frances Court Apartments as whenever it rains, it causes LOUD SOUNDS off of the defective drain pipe and gutter which is close to our unit bedroom window and as such, it keeps us up and unable to properly sleep when we sleep in our unit bedroom affecting our tenant rights as is our understanding. We had called this repair order in a while back as you had instructed us to do after OHA Maintenance had failed to fix the problem in the first place from your work order and to date, the OHA has not fixed this problem. We had even previously discussed this matter with you via phone and also via email. Was awoken again this morning with the LOUD SOUND of the rain hitting the drain pipe and interrupting our right to sleep. The weather forecast includes daily rain for multiple days except this Saturday and Sunday. Does this mean that we will need to suffer ongoing without proper sleep for multiple days when trying to sleep in our bed due to "no fault of our own"? This is another recorded attempt to address this maintenance need with the OHA. HUD-17-0235-B-000207 3) There appears to be significant bulging occurring that is causing a large crack and paint peeling at the upper wall / ceiling area over the kitchen cabinetry. This was previously discussed a while back with Shawn with OHA Maintenance and as such, Shawn was going to have a painter address this matter; however, to date, this has not been done. We had even made a work order request a while back concerning this matter; however, to date this has not been addressed. The concern is that Christine is allergic to mold and this could be a symptom of housing mold and as such, we are again attempting to get this concern addressed by the OHA. This attempt becomes a matter of record. 4) The gutter above our unit front door is NOT PROPERLY SEALED. Rain is coming through and drips on whoever is underneath the gutter in this area when it rains. Shawn with OHA Maintenance had replaced the front gutter, but it wasn't properly sealed and as such, this should be addressed. This work order request was called into the OHA. If this repair need isn't addressed prior to winter, then we are in danger of an ice build-up in front of our unit door and as such, the OHA has been put on notice of this danger and cause of possible injury. This concern was previously discussed with Shawn; however, he feels that he had properly sealed the gutter. We are being dripped on underneath the front door gutter and it is dripping through the front door gutter when it rains and as such, we pray that the OHA will fix this repair need. 5) We had made a work order a while back for weather stripping for the screen door and the front door as there doesn't appear to be any weather stripping under the screen door and the weather stripping under the front door is tearing off. This work order was called in a while back after discussing this issue with Shawn with OHA Maintenance as he had instructed us to call in a work order for weather stripping for the screen door and the front door of our rental unit. To date, this has not been fixed. Please note that we have asked the OHA for an extra utility allowance due to medical and weather stripping helps with utilities and protection against weather elements. When it is storming and raining out with a strong wind, the wind pulls the screen door wide open as it doesn't latch well and there doesn't appear to be any weather stripping under the screen door to help keep the door sealed. This is an old door. We were sent an application via mail for weatherization assistance for our rental unit and as such, it appears that this weatherization assistance application was sent to us by the State of Nebraska which is our understanding falls under the Federal LIHEAP energy program. We are in the process of sending this application in to SENCA for weatherization help. This will involve an evaluation of weatherization needs for our rental unit. It is our understanding that SENCA will also have the efficiency of our unit appliances checked to include the furnace and hot water heater. It is good that the OHA had elected to replace the inefficient hot water heater that was in our rental unit when we were first moved here. This was done after we had made multiple requests that the OHA fix the hot water heater problem. We don't understand why our repair needs aren't being properly addressed. This is an attempt to have our repair needs properly addressed and fixed. We pray that our repair needs are addressed and fixed by the OHA. Sincerely, John & Christine Spanyers HUD-17-0235-B-000208 It took until December 3rd, 2015 (seven months) before HUD's partner Susan Gilroy and her Site Manager came to our unit to address the bulge in the walls. When it was discovered toxic mold coming thru both sides of the wall (Bathroom & Kitchen) due to no fault of our own. Attached is the hand delivered ultimatum that Susan Gilroy hand delivered personally by hand the following day. As you can see from the first email I sent you, the OHA refused to repair the gutters or the ice buildup that was occurring at our front door all because we did not want the OHA to do toxic mold remediation (with our belongings in the unit), or be placed back at the (b) (6) Apartments. It was then that the OHA legal Counsel approximately a month later Mr. Hansen sent the attached email to our State case legal counsel offering a suitable unit for us, PROVIDED we release the OHA from our discrimination complaints. We filed our complaints because of the never ending ongoing discriminative retaliatory actions and abuse that we had been made to suffer by the OHA all the while HUD was copied on and stood by thru out this abuse and did absolutely NOTHING to remove us from the harsh conditions that was being imposed on us. There is no doubt what so ever that this was being done to us, ALL because of our HUD Discrimination complaints that we had filed, on HUD's partner the OHA. It's a fact that the OHA continued with the ongoing retaliation by NOT repairing the gutters or keeping the ice from our front door but rather singled us out and made sure everyone else (including their own on-sight office), was cleared of all ice and snow but repeatedly refused to do a single thing concerning our unit or our household to remove the ongoing sheets of ice in front of our unit in order to cause or create personal harm or injury. As you can clearly see beyond any doubt that we did all that we could in order not to be placed back at the OHA Apartment. Even though HUD had full knowledge that we were being forced to go there or the (b) (6) streets rather than 3716 Frances Street which would have adequately met all of our reasonable accommodations, HUD instead presented us with FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement, that offered to give us Rights that HUD should have been enforcing unconditionally to begin with since it is the LAW. This with FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement drawn up by Kathryn A. Amaya was nothing less than insultingly shameful if not disgraceful. To HUD's credit it made abundantly apparent that HUD's part had been way more than complacent if not conjunctive in the ongoing abuse that we were made to suffer at the hands of HUD's partner the Omaha Housing Authority, which explains to us why HUD has never so much as did one a single thing to protect us, protect our class and our protected Rights given under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as well as Title III of the ADA RIGHTS. But these violations were also in violation of our Equal Protection Rights as U.S. citizens, our U.S. Constitutional Bill of Rights, namely being our 8th and 14thAmendment. HUD-17-0235-B-000209 We were directed by both HUD and its partner the OHA to stop filing complaints and to stop emailing, which we did accordingly. We have no misgivings that HUD was in fact instrumental in our placement back at the OHA (b) (6) Apartments rather than placing us at 3716 Frances Street because we would not with draw our complaints. Ms. Kutty, we want you to know that we have EVERY email both sent and received, every document, every video, and every audio as well as every photo preserved and recorded since this started. Back when we were living at the towers one of the Managers stated that it wasn't personal against us, it was politics. We know that with our New Administration and our new Cabinet picks that it won't politics, it will be personal. Needless to say we very, very are anxiously waiting for our Administration's Cabinet to be sworn in as so we can go forward and be made whole again. We have been punished repeatedly for whistle blowing and reporting those that are committing fraud and reporting it to HUD and HUD's partner the OHA concerning those tenant's that were committing these fraudulent acts as well as the violators of the OHA ACOPS Rules as is encouraged by the OHA. The only one made afflicted by this has been us all the while those committing fraud are rewarded with affordable housing while HUD's Partner Susan Gilroy looks the other way. We have no doubt what so ever that we were placed back at the OHA (b) (6) Apartments as so we could be further abused for refusing to drop our discrimination complaints and thrown out the program as so HUD's partner the OHA could have all of our complaints dismissed. The HUD's FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement drawn up by Kathryn A. Amaya removes all doubt on this. Lastly both my wife and myself have and had reasonable accommodation's stating that we cannot tolerate mold and that we were to avoid mold and yet we were placed in mold at EVERY location. This was a repeated and REPEATED over and over, even though it was in complete violation of our reasonable accommodations by HUD's Partner the OHA. A question we intend to get answered is why this happened and why did the Department allow this, but more importantly why did the Department omit these violations in our complaints even though we provided proof that this was occurring. Hopefully we will learn WHY the Department refused to aggravate this repeated offense. And what the Department's part was in this ongoing abuse. Before we go we went ahead and already forwarded pertinent emails to you prior to this email John & Christine Spanyers HUD-17-0235-B-000210 (b) (6) (b) (6)@(b) (6).com (b) (6) @(b) (6).com We have absolutely zero faith in the Washington D.C. FHEO Office, Kansas City, Kansas FHEO Office, as well as the Omaha Nebraska FHEO Field Office which is why we are now allowing the reporters copies of all of our emails, audio recordings, video recordings, and photographs as well as other evidentiary that we have retained. I believe it will help the public understand why we feel that it is imperative that the Administration immediately cut funding's to those PHA Organization that steal from the America Tax Payers and the Government entity that oversees and protects these thieving Organizations and allows them to retaliate, discriminate and abuse disabled families like ours when reporting abuse and discriminatory practices. Through the FOIA Act these reporters will also be able to find out what FHEO's part is as a contributor to coving up these acts as well what and how much the FHEO has contributed to or is responsible for some of the billions of dollars in discrepancies now being reported since they do not like to interfere with the operations of their partners by allowing and facilitating crimes against the most vulnerable that are disabled by their partners such as in our cases. HUD-17-0235-B-000211 We are filing a complaint against the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) for Retaliation and ongoing Discrimination. After we had rejected a conciliation offer Katherine Amaya, local FHEO HUD, had written up, the OHA forced us to move into an OHA (b) (6) housing unit over our repeated objections or face eviction even though a more appropriate housing unit was available being the unit offered us by Ms. Amaya in the conciliation offer. The reason(s) why we rejected this offer was: A "reasonable accommodation" is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces. Since rules, policies, practices, and services may have a different effect on persons with disabilities than on other persons, treating persons with disabilities exactly the same as others will sometimes deny them an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The Act makes it unlawful to refuse to make reasonable accommodations to rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. A provider has an obligation to provide prompt responses to reasonable accommodation requests. An undue delay in responding to a reasonable accommodation request may be deemed to be a failure to provide a reasonable accommodation. The following is from the Housing Authority of the City of Omaha ACOP. These are OHA's Guidelines found at URL: http://www.ohauthority.org/images/stories/pdfs/ACOP2011revised5-24-11.pdf Under: CHAPTER 6: DETERMINATION OF TOTAL TENANT PAYMENT V. Annual Income B. Amounts Excluded from Annual Income HUD requires OHA to exclude certain types of income from annual income. The OHA will work to ensure its employees are familiar with excluded income types, and will check periodically to determine whether new HUD directives have been issued. The following amounts are to be excluded from annual income under current HUD regulations: 16. Amounts specifically excluded by any other Federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs that includes assistance under any program to which the exclusions set forth in 24 CFR 5.609(c) apply. The following is the Federal statute 24 CFR 5.609(c), in which the exclusions OHA follows are set forth in: (16) Amounts specifically excluded by any other federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs that includes assistance under any program to which the exclusions set forth in 24 CFR 5.609(c) apply. A notice will be published in the Federal Register and distributed to housing owners identifying the benefits that qualify for this exclusion. Updates will be published and distributed when necessary. HUD-17-0235-B-000212 (e) Payments or allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services' LowIncome Home Energy Assistance Program (42 U.S.C. 8624[f]); The OHA was in direct Violation of their own Policy (ACOP) by counting our payment from the Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services' Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) against OHA's portion of a Higher Utility Allowance for our household. This act was a direct Violation of our Fair Housing Rights. As a part of HUD's FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement, the FHEO written up by Kathryn A. Amaya in both RELIEF FOR COMPLAINANT as well as RELIEF IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST that we would receive what we were already entitled lawfully under Federal Statues. Issues not addressed by Kathryn A. Amaya FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement were: 1. That we have been displaced three times by the respondents due to no fault of our own from being placed in mold conditions by the respondents. 2. It did not address the unnecessary delays in transfers to remove us from these conditions. 3. It did not address the coercion and the retaliatory acts committed by the respondents. 4. It did not address the pain and suffering that we have endured by the respondent. 5. It did not address the public humiliation that we have been made to suffer by the respondent. 6. It did not address that we were forced to live in bedbugs for nearly nine months due to the respondent refusing to treat our unit for bedbugs without the use of chemicals in accordance with the reasonable accommodations signed by our doctor. 7. It did not address that we had been forced to wrongfully pay rent for substandard living/housing conditions by the respondent since February 2011. 8. It did not address in any manner compensation for the above said, (#1 thru #7) 9. There was nothing in the RELIEF FOR COMPLAINANT nor in the RELIEF IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST to safe guard or prevent the respondent from doing this again in the future to ourselves or others in the future. 10. In the RELIEF FOR COMPLAINANT concerning the Federal LIHEAP, the respondent only agreed to allow, what is already MANDATORY UNDER LAW and which is also required by established by law regarding the extra utility allowance concerning LIHEAP and our Reasonable Accommodations. Why would anyone sign an agreement to receive what we are already fully entitled to under Federal Law and that which HUD under Federal Law should had been enforced by HUD to begin with? Why did the HUD's FHEO refuse to acknowledge our Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as well as Title III of the ADA RIGHTS? The OHA then placed us in a hostile environment when we were relocated to the back to the OHA housing unit located at (b) (6) After the OHA (b) (6) forced us to be relocated to the (b) (6) Units, we notified the OHA of ACOP violations that were occurring at the (b) (6) Units. We wrote the following complaint to the OHA Management: HUD-17-0235-B-000213 I am contacting you regarding on going conditions being generated by a fellow resident "(b) (6)that lives at (b) (6) ((b) (6) Apartments) and her live in boyfriend known as using the name "(b) (6) This last weekend on June 19th 2016, I witnessed at 11:30pm at night (b) (6)disassemble the east porch railing at 8312 Underwood Ave Apt. 110. After disassembling the rail I witnessed (b) (6)applying foam on the porch.. When I asked him if he had permission from OHA to make alteration and repairs he was doing he stated that OHA has given him and (b) (6)permission to make any installations or repairs as they deem necessary for both our building as well as the building attached to ours. I then asked Rick if he was a contractor or employee of OHA. He stated that no he was not. I then asked exactly whom with the OHA, gave him and (b) (6)this permission or authority. He stated that it was "on the need to know basis and that it was between him (b) (6)and OHA. It was then that I pointed out that the OHA is obligated to maintain OHA's units and in a safe condition, and to make all necessary repairs to our units such as he was attempting to do in the middle of the night. He then stated "You need to get back in your place and mind your own business or else". I would also like point out as I shared with you on the phone that this is the same household that claims that OHA designated their house hold to exclusive control over the usage of the outside water faucets. I am concerned with the statements being made by this household. I even pointed out to this household that if what they were saying to all of us was true, it would mean that what they are stating about the OHA is tantamount to saying that the OHA is practicing discriminatory policies against all of the other residents here at (b) (6) in favor of their household and that I would be inquiring about this since it would be discrimination if in fact it was true. How and why this household is being allowed to use the commons of our community to store their personal belongings in the entrance hall to our front door, the laundry room, the laundry room closet, and everything on the grounds in front from their unit to the end of the adjoining building as seen in the youtube link gives the appearance that what they are saying has merit, even if it's not true. Heaven forbid if a fire broke out in their unit or the adjoining building in front because as you can see everyone would be in danger due to the impediments and obstacles that the emergency service will be forced to encounter because this households personal property. Also as you can see it also prevents the OHA open access to these areas. Earlier this week I spoke with the Blue Jay Technician when he was here on site to spray for bugs at I had asked him if with all these plants being so close to the building whether or not they (b) (6) were contributing factors to the insect infestation, and He said absolutely . I would like to respectfully ask that you speak with him as so you can appreciate and understand what the behavior of this household is generating not only for the residents but also for Blue Jay and OHA. It is my understanding from Part 1 Terms and Conditions of Lease as well as The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) that may be located at http://ohauthority.org/publicdocuments that the photo's I am sharing with you are in clear violations of the set policy and procedure of the OHA for all of the OHA tenants and is not UNIFORM with the property design, nor is it uniform with the neighborhood. I would also like to share with you that they are the only household that drives up on the front lawn with an unlicensed vehicle to load and unload their personal property and apparatus's that is being spread out two buildings long. HUD-17-0235-B-000214 Please note that our new maintenance team were compelled to throw out some of (b) (6)and (b) (6) belongings they were storing in the laundry room. Our new team went ahead and left the contents in the closet as well as their sheet of glass that they have stored next to the wash basin in the laundry room. Our new team did a great job of removing these from our commons. As you can see from Part 1 Terms and Conditions of Lease as well as The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (that the photos and video are in opposition to Part 1 Terms and Conditions Of Lease as well as The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy. (See Below) To remove from OHA property any vehicle without valid registration and inspection stickers. To refrain from parking any vehicles in any right-of-way or fire-lane designated and marked by OHA. Any inoperable or unlicensed vehicle as described above will be removed from OHA property at Tenant's expense. Automobile repairs are not permitted on the project site http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To avoid obstructing sidewalks, areaways, galleries, passages, elevators, or stairs, and to avoid using these for purposes other than going in and out of the dwelling unit. http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) Pets must be maintained within the resident's unit. When outside of the unit (within the building or on the grounds) dogs and cats must be kept on a leash or carried and must be under the control of the resident or other responsible individual at all times. An area of the development grounds has been designated as the area in which to exercise animals and to permit dogs to relieve themselves of bodily wastes. This area will be identified in pet agreement. Residents may not exercise pets or permit pets to deposit waste on the project premises outside of the areas designated for such purposes. Pets are not permitted in common areas including lobbies, community rooms and laundry areas except for those common areas which are entrances to and exits from the building. In addition, pets are not permitted in OHA playgrounds, day care centers, management offices, community centers and/or recreation center areas. Dogs may only be kept in Towers, and/or in designated Scattered Site dwelling units with an enclosed yard space. As with other animals, dogs may not be tethered or chained outside the dwelling unit. No animals may be tethered or chained outside or inside the dwelling unit. http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To refrain from placing signs of any type in or about the dwelling except those allowed under applicable zoning ordinances and then only after having received written permission of OHA. http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To use only in a reasonable electrical, manner all sanitary, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and other facilities and appurtenances including elevators. This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from splicing, stealing, running extension cords or other wiring throughout the property to connections.produce utility http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.co m/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) To use reasonable care to keep the dwelling unit in such condition as to ensure proper health and sanitation standards for Tenant, household members and neighbors. TENANT SHALL NOTIFY OHA HUD-17-0235-B-000215 PROMPTLY OF A KNOWN REPAIR NEEDED TO THE DWELLING UNIT, and of known unsafe or unsanitary conditions in the dwelling unit or in common areas and grounds of the project. Tenant's failure to report the need for repairs in a timely manner shall be considered to contribute to damage that occurs To make no alterations or repairs to the interior of the dwelling unit or to the equipment, nor to install additional equipment or major appliances without written consent of OHA. To make no changes to locks or install new locks on exterior doors without OHA's written approval. To use no nails, tacks, screws, brackets, or fasteners on any part of the dwelling unit (with the exception of a reasonable number of picture hangers) without authorization by OHA; http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.c om/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) Yards should be free of debris, trash, and abandoned cars. Exterior walls should be free of graffiti; Porches (front and rear) should be clean and free of hazards. Any items stored on the porch shall not impede access to the unit http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) http://imgur.com/(b) (6) https://youtu.be/(b) (6) Ms. Gilroy & Ms. Consentino: We want to point out to the OHA that we were moved to our current OHA rental unit over our objections. As such, the OHA insisted we had to move here or lose our affordable housing. Again, we were moved into an OHA unit in which we have NO PRIVACY and we are being treated differently than other (b) (6) Apartment tenants. The issues going on here involve multiple OHA ACOP Violations being committed by tenants (b) (6) and (b) (6) These individuals are targeting us because we had brought this concern to the OHA. Further, these individuals walk around with a cigarette in their mouths in the apartment building. This is a violation of the lease; however, these violations are continuing without intervention. All of the issues we have brought up concerning these tenants and the (b) (6) property have been in the best interest and benefit of the OHA to help protect the property and to assure tenants are following the OHA ACOP and their lease. Further, Ms. (b) (6)and Mr. (b) (6) have plants on the outside of the (b) (6) apartment building blocking the windows to apartments. Why is it we aren't allow to block the windows on the inside of the apartment, but Ms. (b) (6)and Mr. are being allowed to block the windows on the outside of the apartment (b) (6) buildings? Again, this hinders Emergency Services from getting to tenants. This is being allowed to continue. Signed, John & Christine Spanyers After we notified the OHA of these ACOP violations, the OHA knowing and purposely allowed their tenants to harass us and abuse us relentlessly at the (b) (6) Apartments for our reporting the OHA 'S ACOP violations and possible housing composition fraud by (b) (6) household. The OHA repeatedly ignored our multiple requests asking for intervention to stop the tenants from harassing us and abusing us. We had asked the OHA to transfer us from the (b) (6) unit due to the abuse, but the OHA ignored our request to be transferred. HUD-17-0235-B-000216 Additionally we notified the OHA the following: Ms. Gilroy & Ms. Consentino: We have contacted you concerning the tenant, Ms. (b) (6)who resides above us at (b) (6) and who is violating City Code of Ordinances. We have reported to you that Ms. (b) (6)is storing trash on her unit porch in which is unsanitary and attracts rodents, pests and vermin. We had previously brought this to your attention; however, it still continues. As such, the following excerpt is found at this link: o Chapter 18 - NUISANCES[1] o ARTICLE I. - IN GENERAL[2] o Sec. 18-1. - Extraterritorial jurisdiction. The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all that property within the city and all property within three miles of the city limits. (Code 1980, ? 18-1; Ord. No. 37950, ? 2, 1-8-08) o Sec. 18-2. - Definition. For the purposes of this chapter, a nuisance exists when a person fails to perform a duty or permits any condition or thing to exist, which act, omission, condition or thing either: (a) Injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others; (b) Offends decency; (c) Is offensive to the senses; (d) Unlawfully interferes with, obstructs or tends to obstruct or renders dangerous for passage any public or private street, alley, highway, sidewalk, stream, ditch or drainage; HUD-17-0235-B-000217 (e) In any way renders other persons insecure in life or the use of property; or (f) Essentially interferes with the quiet enjoyment of life and property, or tends to depreciate the value of the property of others. (Code 1980, ? 18-2) Cross reference-- Definitions and rules of construction generally,--? 1-2. o Sec. 18-3. - Illustrative enumeration. The maintaining, using, placing, depositing, leaving or permitting to be or remain on the public or private property of any of the following items, conditions or actions is hereby declared to be and to constitute a nuisance; however, this enumeration shall not be deemed or construed to be conclusive, limiting or restrictive: (a) Any condition which provides harborage for rats, mice, snakes and other vermin. (b) Any building or other structure which is in such a dilapidated condition that it is unfit for human habitation, or kept in such an unsanitary condition that it is a menace to the health of people residing in the vicinity thereof, or presents a fire hazard in the vicinity where it is located. (c) All unnecessary or unauthorized noises and annoying vibrations, including but not limited to animal noises. (d) All disagreeable or obnoxious gases, odors and/or fumes, as well as the conditions, substances or other causes which give rise to the emission or generation of such gases, odors and/or fumes. (e) The dressed or undressed carcasses of fish, animals or fowl, wild game or domestic animals, not disposed of, processed, or removed from the general public view. (f) HUD-17-0235-B-000218 The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream, lake, canal or body of water by sewage, dead animals, creamery or industrial wastes, or other substances. (g) Any building, structure or location wherein or upon which any activity which is in violation of local, state or federal law is conducted, performed or maintained. (h) Any accumulation of stagnant water permitted or maintained on any lot or property. (i) Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas, soot or cinders, in unreasonable quantities. (j) Any method of human excreta disposal which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, state law or city ordinance, rule or regulation. (k) Leaking or defective water pipes, sewer pipes, hydrants, cisterns, wells, gutters, drains, rain spouts or seepage in or about any structure used for human occupancy or the surrounding earth. (l) Any abandoned or open wells, cisterns or cellars. (m) The discharge of any filthy or offensive water, swill, liquid or waste from any commercial establishment into or on any street, alley, sidewalk, gutter, vacant lot, stream or river. (n) The keeping or maintaining of any hives or boxes used or occupied or for the purpose of housing or occupation by bees within the city limits, except as hereinafter provided. The keeping of bees shall not be prohibited in agricultural zones, provided no box or hive containing bees permitted to fly at large shall be kept within 100 feet of any dwelling except the dwelling of the owner of such bees, or within 50 feet of any exterior boundary within which the box or hive is kept. (o) The parking or storage of any vehicle or machine or parts thereof in violation of any municipal code, state statute or federal law. (p) HUD-17-0235-B-000219 Any building or structure, including the ground on which it sits, that is used for the unlawful manufacture, cultivation, growth, production, processing, sale, possession, or storage of any controlled substance as defined in R.R.S. 1943, ? 28-401 et seq. (q) Any gathering of five or more persons after 1:00 a.m. but before 6:00 a.m. which results in criminal activity, excessive noise that is the subject of complaints from others, or creates a result in violation ofsection 18-2(f). (r) Any open or exposed surface or substrata in any dwelling which is coated with, consists of or contains any lead-based paint or other lead-based coating material is declared to be a hazard and a nuisance if such surface, substrata, or generated debris is accessible or may become accessible to ingestion or inhalation by any person, but particularly children under the age of six, or may become accessible as a result of a remediation, repair, or construction and is flaking, cracking, peeling, scaling, blistered, chipped or loose, and is present on or in any interior or exterior surface, including but not necessarily limited to any porches or their steps, decking, banisters or railing, walls, windows and sills, doors and jambs, ceilings, exterior trim, boarding, or fascia. (s) Any building, structure or dwelling which has upholstered or other furniture which is designed or manufactured primarily for indoor use, including but not limited to upholstered chairs, upholstered couches, appliances, and mattresses used or left on unenclosed exterior porches, balconies or in an exposed open area including but not limited to decks, patios, roofs, yards, driveways or walkways. (t) Every other act or thing done, made, permitted, allowed or continued on any property, whether public or private, detrimental to the health or likely to injure any of the inhabitants of the city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. (Code 1980, ? 18-3; Ord. No. 38290, ? 1, 11-18-08; Ord. No. 38334, ? 1, 12-23-08; Ord. No. 39545, ? 1, 12-18-12) o Sec. 18-4. - Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, permit, maintain or allow the creation of a nuisance. HUD-17-0235-B-000220 (Code 1980, ? 18-4) o Sec. 18-5. - Penalty. In addition to such other sanctions imposed by law, any person who violates the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 1-10 of this Code. Every such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day on which such violation shall continue. (Code 1980, ? 18-5) Further, we are being forced to endure loud noises occurring above us in our rental unit coming from Ms. (b) (6) unit in which is disturbing our peace. It sounds like bowling balls falling over our head occurring in spurts throughout the day. This is disturbing our peace and enjoyment. We had previously brought this to your attention; however, it still continues. o We have put the OHA on notice of the ongoing actions of Ms. (b) (6)who resides at (b) (6) o Signed, John & Christine Spanyers We were being harassed by the tenant above us and across the hall from us. As such, the tenant across the hall from us placed cameras on our unit and looking into our unit windows of which these cameras were positioned on the tenant's porch. The tenant's name who resided across the hall from us is (b) (6) who resides at (b) (6) The tenant above us kept jumping up and down above us every day disturbing our peace. The tenant throw trash down in front of our unit on a regular basis and they threw cigar innards on our rental unit porch. We had written Cease & Desist letters to the tenant of which the OHA received copies of. The tenant's name who resided above us is (b) (6) who resides at (b) (6) The following are the Cease and Desist letters: July 15, 2016 HUD-17-0235-B-000221 John & Christine Spanyers (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) RE: Cease & Desist Letter Ms. (b) (6) This is a legal demand that you immediately Cease & Desist the causing of loud and disturbing noise and ruckus (i.e. banging, slamming, jumping up and down, music, etc.) your household continuously causes our household to endure. We have attempted to discuss this matter with you to no avail. We had contacted the landlord being the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) concerning this matter. Further, we had contacted the Omaha Police Department (OPD) in which they had intervened on our behalf to address this matter with you. Even so, you continue to disturb our peace which is in violation of Nebraska Statute 28-1322. Signed, John Spanyers Christine Spanyers Cc: The Omaha Housing Authority Legal Department July 15, 2016 John & Christine Spanyers (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000222 (b) (6) (b) (6) RE: Cease & Desist Letter Ms. (b) (6) This is a legal demand that you immediately Cease & Desist the piling of trash on your outdoor unit porch as this is a rodent, pest and vermin attraction. Further, your regular practice of piling trash on your outdoor unit porch has been releasing a fluid overhead onto our unit porch. We demand that you immediately Cease & Desist throwing cigarette butts down onto our unit porch and the grounds around our unit porch as this is a fire hazard. We demand that you immediately stop throwing your cigar innards onto our unit porch. We had contacted the landlord being the Omaha Housing Authority (OHA) concerning this matter. Your actions constitute the violation of the Omaha, Nebraska City Code of Ordinances under Chapter 18 - Nuisances, Article I. - In General, Sec. 18-3. - Illustrative enumeration. Signed, John Spanyers Christine Spanyers Cc: The Omaha Housing Authority Legal Department Additionally we notified the OHA the following: Ms. Gilroy & Ms. Consentino: We have done everything we can to address and STOP the ONGOING loud disturbing noise from the household of (b) (6) who resides above our unit at (b) (6) to NO AVAIL!!! The OHA HAS BEEN NOTIFIED of this ONGOING issue via certified mail, emails and conversations yet we are continually being abused by the household of (b) (6) with loud disturbing noises to HUD-17-0235-B-000223 include Loud Music w/Bass as occurred over our heads yesterday, repeated jumping up and down which is now occurring over our heads, startling Slamming and Banging which is now occurring over our heads. We are at the mercy of (b) (6) household as to when we can sleep or not and whether or not we are going to be startled with Slamming and Banging coming from the household of We are AGAIN informing the OHA that we are being abused with Loud Noises coming (b) (6) from the household of (b) (6) in which is disturbing our peace and Violating State and City Laws. It appears we were made to relocate from an OHA unit in with an undisclosed Death and "Toxc Mold" to a unit in which we are continuously being tortured by OHA tenants as the OHA has NOT stopped this ongoing torture from occurring to us. We can only assume this is meant to occur to us to attempt to run us out of affordable housing! Signed, John & Christine Spanyers We even attempted to get a protection order from the Court but was denied. After we attempted to get a protection order, the (b) (6)household went and filed for one and the complete transcribed transcripts and evidence allowed for submission may be viewed by your investigators at the Clerk of District Court on the 3rd Floor at the Douglas County Court. It will be found by the investigator (HUD or DOJ) that the testimony by (b) (6) and (b) (6)was conflictive and that I had not broken rules or guidelines set forth by HUD. It will also be found whom directed (b) (6)and (b) (6)(i.e. the OHA). Andrea Freeny the Official Court Reporter transcribed and notified me of the following after it was completed. Mr. Spanyers, Please be advised the bill of exceptions you have inquired about in re: (b) (6)v. Spanyers, Douglas County District Court Case No. CI16-5577, was filed 9/30/16 as required. My duties in this matter are thus concluded. Kind regards, Andrea Freeny, CSR, CRR Official Court Reporter Fourth Judicial District Pottawattamie County Courthouse 227 South 6th Street On October 12th, 2016 the OHA had us evicted us to the streets through a court decree but allowed us to stay at the unit until midnight in October 31st, 2016. Exactly one week later, unbeknown to us, the OHA rushed and requested on November 7th, 2016 from HUD's Enforcement Center a review to have our complaints dismissed without notifying HUD that they had evicted us. Additionally we did not know if the OHA disclosed that owed us a year of utility reimbursement when they had asked for this review. HUD-17-0235-B-000224 It will be clear to the investigators that we were targeted by the OHA for filing HUD Complaints as well for filing a civil lawsuit in District Court. On August 8th, 2016 Doug Novotny our Legal Counsel filed: Filed in Douglas District Court ... EFILED ....... Case Number: D01CI160006708 Transaction ID: 0004095700 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNT^MfiSM80^2016 04:01:22 PM CDT JOHN SPANYERS and CHRISTINE SPANYERS, Plaintiff, vs. OMAHA HOUSING AUTHORITY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska Defendants. COMES NOW, the Plaintiffs, by and through their counsel, Douglas R. Novotny, and for their Complaint against the Defendant, Omaha Housing Authority, alleges and states the following: 1. Plaintiffs are residents of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska and have been residents of said state and county for all times relevant to this lawsuit. 2. The Defendant, Omaha Housing Authority (Hereinafter "OHA"), is a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska. That at all times material herein, this Defendant contracts with HUD to provide low and moderate income individuals with housing in the Omaha metro area, including Douglas County, Nebraska. 3. That pursuant to the Nebraska Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. ?13-901, et seq., Plaintiffs filed two separate claims with the Defendant. The first claim was submitted to the OHA, via e-mail and Certified Mail on January 14, 2015 (Exhibit A pgs. 1-5). A second claim was submitted to the OHA, via e-mail and Certified Mail, on January 19, 2016. (Ex. B pgs. 1-7). That six months have passed since Plaintiffs filed their claim and no final disposition has been determined. That as a consequence on July 28, 2016, Plaintiffs' counsel sent Defendant a letter withdrawing his tort claim from consideration from the OHA, a copy which HUD-17-0235-B-000225 is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "C". 4. That the Plaintiffs have been tenants of the OHA for a number of years and resided at (b) (6) Case No. CI COMPLAINT HUD-17-0235-B-000226 5. The OHA owns the property, including the apartment complex, located at (b) (6) 6. That in August of 2014, the OHA retained an exterminator to inspect the apartment complex located at (b) (6) 7. During that August 2014 inspection, it is believed the exterminator advised the OHA that he found evidence of bed bugs within the Plaintiffs apartment, located at (b) (6) 8. Due to John Spanyers suffering from respiratory issues, including COPD, it is the Plaintiffs belief that the pest inspector advised the OHA to conduct heat treatment to eradicate the bed bugs in the Plaintiffs' apartment located at (b) (6) 9. Subsequently in September of 2015 a second inspector, retained by the OHA, went to the Plaintiffs apartment and found evidence of bed bugs. 10. Without action being taken by the OHA, The Plaintiffs wrote a letter to the OHA, on or about September 19, 2014 requesting their apartment undergo heat treatment to eradicate the bed bugs. 11. On September 22, 2014, Plaintiffs went to their physician to treat for bed bug bites. Pathology reports on September 23, 2014 confirmed bed bugs, and their physician recommended treatment of the apartment. 12. On or about November 3, 2014, Mike Wolski, of Wolski Pest Control, inspected the Plaintiffs apartment, at the Plaintiffs request, and found evidence of bed bugs inside the premises. Mr. Wolski drafted a letter indicating the presence of bed bugs and recommended heat treatment be used to eradicate the bed bugs due to Mr. Spanyers respiratory issues. 13. A request for heat treatment to eradicate the bed bug issue within the Spanyers apartment was made to Clifford Scott, the then director of the OHA, on November 6, 2014. On November 13, 2014, in response to said request, the OHA refused to conduct heat treatment and would only authorize chemical treatments to eradicate the bed bugs inside the Plaintiffs apartment. 14. Further requests were made to the OHA to heat treat the apartment, with the OHA either ignoring or denying the requests. HUD-17-0235-B-000227 15. On February 12, 2015, the OHA finally agreed to conduct heat treatment to eradicate the bed bugs within the Spanyers apartment. However, because mold was found in the apartment at around the same time, heat treatment was never conducted. By this time, the Plaintiffs had endured over six months of being exposed to bed bugs, suffering bites and being under a great deal of mental distress. 16. During this time between August 2014 through February of 2015, the Spanyers also began noticing allergic and respiratory issues. 17. On February 18, 2015 the OHA retained a company to conduct a Limited Mold Assessment and Testing. The inspection and testing showed fungal/mold growth within the furnace room and on the duct work. The fungus/mold was likely due to water intruding into the building due to a roof leak. 18. Due to Mr. Spanyers respiratory issues and Mrs. Spanyers allergies, the Plaintiffs, on February 19, 2015, requested the OHA transfer them to a new unit. 19. The OHA refused to transfer the Spanyers to a new unit until April of 2015 due to unrelated issues. 20. The OHA never conducted heat treatments of the Plaintiffs apartment located at (b) (6) to eradicate the bed bugs. Accordingly, the Spanyers were exposed to bed bugs, suffering bites and being under a great deal of distress from August 2014 through April of 2015. 21. Further the OHA did not fix or remediate the mold issue at the apartment located at (b) (6) first discovered in February of 2015, while the Plaintiffs resided at said Apartment. Accordingly the Plaintiffs suffered from respiratory distress, allergic reactions and mental distress. 22. In April of 2015, the Plaintiffs were transferred to an OHA owned property located at 3712 Frances Street. Plaintiffs became tenants of that property with the OHA being its landlord. 23. Upon moving into the unit located at 3712 Frances Street, the Plaintiffs noticed a bulge in the bathroom wall and subsequently a bulge in the wall in the kitchen. 24. The Plaintiffs notified the OHA, via numerous written e-mail, of the bulges in the wall, but no action, other than cosmetic measures were taken to cover up the bulges. HUD-17-0235-B-000228 25. After moving into the residence located at 3712 Frances Street in April of 2015 the Plaintiffs noticed respiratory issues, sinus and allergic reactions. 26. The Plaintiffs were concerned of possibly mold in their unit and made numerous written and verbal requests for their unit to be inspected. 27. The OHA did not respond to the Plaintiffs complaints until December of 2015. In the OHA's inspection by its maintenance crew in December of 2015, it found evidence of mold within the unit located at 3712 Frances Street. 28. On December 11, 2015 the Douglas County Health Department conducted a visual inspection of the unit located at 3712 Frances Street and found indications of mold. 29. The Plaintiffs retained a contractor to conduct an inspection of the area on December 17, 2015 and verified mold being within the unit located at 3712 Francis Street, including Stachybrotos and Aspergillus molds. 30. Due to these reports of mold, Plaintiffs physicians urged that the Plaintiffs be removed from the unit located at 3712 Frances Street. 31. The OHA transferred the Plaintiffs to the (b) (6) Apartment Complex, but not until the end of April, 2016. Accordingly from April 2015 through April of 2016, the Plaintiffs were subjected to leaving in a mold infested environment and suffering from respiratory distress, sinus and allergic reactions and mental distress. 32. Due to Plaintiffs financial condition and reliance on the OHA for housing, they could not break their lease with the OHA or find other housing. 33. Due to Plaintiffs financial condition and requirements under their lease agreement with the OHA they were unable to remediate either the bed bug issue or mold/fungus issues on their own. COUNT I THE OHA VIOLATED THE LANDLORD TENANT ACT 34. The Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs 1-33 as if full set forth herein. 35. The OHA owned the properties located at 8306 Underwood Ave, Apt. 205 and 3712 Frances Street at all times material herein; 36. The Plaintiffs were tenants of the OHA at the properties located at 8306 Underwood Ave, Apt. 205 and 3712 Frances Street at all times material herein; HUD-17-0235-B-000229 37. Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. ?76-1419, a landlord, such as the OHA , has certain duties including but not limited to: a. Substantially comply, after written or actual notice, with the requirements of the applicable minimum housing codes materially affecting health and safety; b. Make all repairs and do whatever is necessary, after written or actual notice, to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition; and c. Maintain in good and safe working order and condition all sanitary, ventilating and other facilities and appliances. 38. The OHA had both written and actual notice of bed bugs within the premises of (b) (6) and never remediated the situation, causing Plaintiffs to suffer from bed bug bites and extreme mental distress. Further the OHA did not transfer the Plaintiffs to a different unit until more than 8 months had passed from the first discovery of bed bugs within the apartment. Nor did the OHA do whatever was necessary to protect the Plaintiffs from being exposed to bed bugs or fixing the situation considering Plaintiffs physical ailments and conditions. 39. The OHA had both written and actual notice of fungus/mold in the units located at (b) (6) and 3712 Frances Street and either did not remediate the situation or take appropriate measures to do what was necessary to protect the Plaintiffs from being exposed to mold considering Plaintiffs physical ailments and conditions. 40. The Plaintiffs, due to their physical and financial conditions, were/are reliant on housing form the OHA and were unable to move or break its lease with the OHA. Further, due to their physical and financial conditions, Plaintiffs were unable to remediate the bed bugs or mold issues. 41. As a result of the Defendant's non-compliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. ?76-1419, Plaintiffs incurred damages as follows: a. Physical injuries from bed bug bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic conditions due to exposure to fungus/mold and other related injuries; b. Medical bills related to bed beg bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic reactions and other related physical symptoms due to the mold/fungus exposure; HUD-17-0235-B-000230 c. Extreme mental strain, distress and stress, anxiety and depression; d. Out of pocket expenses for testing of mold; e. Property damage and losses due to exposure to bed bugs and mold, the total amount to be determined at time of trial; f. They are likely to continue to suffer long term effects, both mentally and physically, due to their exposure to the above conditions. 42. The actions of the OHA were willful in their non-compliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. ?76-1419. 43. Further the Plaintiffs are entitled to recovery of attorney fees. Wherefore, due to the Defendants willful action and in being in noncompliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-1419, Plaintiffs request their special damages, general damages, to be determined at trial, along with recovery of reasonable attorney fees and costs. COUNT 2 NEGLIGENCE 44. The Plaintiff incorporates Paragraphs 1-43 as if fully set forth herein. 45. The Defendants, as landlords of the Plaintiffs at (b) (6) and 3712 Francis Streets, owed a duty to maintain a habitable premises. 46. The OHA breached this duty in the following particulars: a. Not properly and efficiently remediating or eradicating the bed bug infestation at the Plaintiffs premises located at (b) (6) b. Not transferring the Plaintiffs from (b) (6) in a timely fashion and having them reside in a bed bug infested apartment for over 8 months; c. Not doing whatever was reasonably necessary to accommodate the Plaintiffs and fix the bed bug infestation. d. Not properly inspecting/treating the property for bed bugs. e. Not properly and efficiently remediating or fixing the mold/fungus issues at both the properties located at (b) (6) f. and 3712 Francis Street. Not properly inspecting/treating the properties for mold/fungus; HUD-17-0235-B-000231 g. Not doing whatever was reasonable necessary to accommodate the Plaintiffs and fix the mold/fungus situation at both properties; h. Not transferring the Plaintiffs from (b) (6) or 3712 Frances Street after notice of the mold situation, thereby subjecting Plaintiffs to physical harm, sickness and mental distress for a long period of time. 47. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the Defendant, Plaintiffs have incurred the following damages: a. Physical injuries from bed bug bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic conditions due to exposure to fungus/mold and other related injuries; b. Medical bills related to bed beg bites and respiratory, sinus and allergic reactions and other related physical symptoms due to the mold/fungus exposure; c. Extreme mental strain, distress and stress, anxiety and depression; d. Out of pocket expenses for testing of mold; e. Property damage and losses due to exposure to bed bugs and mold, the total amount to be determined at time of trial; f. They are likely to continue to suffer long term effects, both mentally and physically, due to their exposure to the above conditions. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, prays for judgment against Defendant, for their special and general damages, together with the costs herein expended. John & Christine Spanyers, Plaintiffs, BY: /s/ JDougtlab rR- rPfovoiruj Douglas R. Novotny #22703 Novotny Law 18025 Oak Street Suite B Omaha, NE. 68130 402-991-7643 doug@douglasnovotnylaw.com HUD-17-0235-B-000232 This info is included for self-evident reasons and it reflects what HUD FHEO refused to investigate, refused to stop, and allowed the OHA to commit against us. It also reflects the retaliation we suffered at the hands of the OHA and their surrogates and was sanctioned by HUD's FHEO in Washington D.C., Kansas City Regional Office, Omaha FHEO Office as well as the Omaha Local HUD Office. Instead of recognizing that we are a protected class of disabled seniors we were asked to stop filing complaints and that HUD does not typically intervene with the general operations of their partners. What we are informing you of is a Fact. The tenant in (b) (6) in our (b) (6) apartment building had a protection order upheld against her while she has resided here at (b) (6) As such, the OHA had elected to NOT EVICT her and instead allow her to continue living in public housing. Further, this tenant is a witness to the fact that (b) (6) has been residing with (b) (6) since she has been living in the unit across the hall from ours. (b) (6) had informed us that she has been living in that unit for 7 years now. (b) (6) also claims she lives alone as she had testified to under oath and had signed as a fact under penalty of perjury in her complaint against myself John Spanyers. Since the OHA has elected to bypass an eviction process for an upheld protection order against the tenant in (b) (6) then we are being treated differently than other tenants and as such, the OHA is applying a double standard against our household which is a discriminatory act. It is important that we inform you of this fact. Patrick Cohoon, an Attorney for Legal Aid of Nebraska whom represented us in this eviction matter noticed the clear conflictive testimony by (b) (6)and her Witnesses. He also recognized that I had done nothing that warranted an eviction that would rise to the level for such an eviction and that it is the first time that he had seen such harshness in a case like this. He also noted that we had kept the OHA informed as to why we were recording the violations. It should be noted for the record that we also reported these activities to HUD's OIG Hotline as well as with Janet Blackman with the State Investigative Unit. I wrote the following to Ms. Blackman: Dear Ms. Blackman, As promised back in June, I would contact you with more information if and when I had more information concerning (b) (6)Jo Doyon and (b) (6) that both reside at (b) (6) that is known as the '(b) (6) Apartments" that is managed by the Omaha Housing Authority. HUD-17-0235-B-000233 As you can see by the attached information, we have been attempting to communicate to our landlord our concerns and questions regarding this household. To our knowledge our landlord has not addressed or followed thru on investigating this household for housing fraud. We have pointed out according to our understanding, ongoing violations of the admission and continued occupancy policy (ACOP), the Part 1 Terms and Conditions of Our Lease violations, the Violation - City Code Of Ordinances: (which may be located here https://www.municode.com/library/ne/omaha/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIIMUCO_CH 18NU&showChanges=true), the cameras that they (not OHA), installed, the middle of the night property alterations they so frequently do under the cover of darkness, as well as the fact that that (b) (6) is living there. Although we have been informed that they have been living together since 2009 we have only been able to establish that Mr. (b) (6) (thru public records) has claimed to be residing here at (b) (6) since 2011. The fact that his name is on the mail box here as a resident also reflects this. It might help for you to see what address he is using on his driver's license (which is "(b) (6) that is attached with the additional information in this email. It is our understanding that you will be able to confirm more information thru the IRS (State & Federal ), Social Security Administration, the Dept of Labor as well as the many other interface resources, that you have at your disposal, to confirm this individuals residence, employment, and resources. Our life has been turned into living hell by this household and their friend that lives above us since our managers came and directed her to remove her plants from the hall way. We have been harassed, threatened, abused and have had lies stated upon us in a false fictitious (Under the Penalty of Perjury) Affidavit, for bringing to light what they are and have been doing. As you know, we have been questioning the validity of their statements regarding their living composition and possible unreported income. The first red flag I had was why her caretaker was making in the middle of the night alterations, to the OHA managed property, and why was he driving and parking an unlicensed vehicle since he held a full time job. I think the biggest flag was why Ms. (b) (6) had or needed a live-in caretaker in a one room apartment when we were witnessing daily attending to all her flowers and plants without him out there. I have never known anyone that could attend to so many plants that required a live-in care taker. Prior to us moving back to (b) (6) this is how it the front of our unit. These are Ms. (b) (6) fixtures and plants that she is outraged at me for wanting them removed. https://youtu.be/(b) (6) https://youtu.be/(b) (6) https://youtu.be/(b) (6) Why it has not raised flags with anyone as to how she has been able to tend for these plants if she is as she claims she is. Admittedly she does have a green thumb for gardening as you can see from the link below. HUD-17-0235-B-000234 https://youtu.be/(b) (6) We are hoping and praying that all the other investigators will coordinate with you to get to the bottom of what should not be occurring. Again thank you for addressing this. Respectfully, John & Christine Spanyers For the record as of today March 9th 2017 nothing has changed at the (b) (6) Apartment's. The VIN # (b) (6)Household still has their unlicensed and uninsured (b) (6) and is still parked on the back parking lot to (b) (6) It is apparent (b) (6) that the OHA is allowing these residents to break Omaha City Ordinances, violate the ACOP Rules pointed out in our complaints to the OHA. Rather than enforcing their own ACOP rules, it appears that the OHA's primary focus was to have us evicted and to allow and encourage criminal activity by their resident proxy as a reward for their help in getting us evicted from the OHA Program. We will be respectfully asking our President, President Trump, our HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson and our U.S. Attorney General, Attorney General Jeff Sessions to please investigate our complaints and to have all emails sent to/from us ((b) (6)@(b) (6) and (b) (6) @(b) (6) ) and all emails sent by/ received from the following HUD Officials to our email address including all correspondence mailed to us from HUD's FHEO - Sara Pratt, Gordon Patterson, Gayle Bohling (Washington D.C.), Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, Antony May (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office, HUD Hotline OIG, HUD online 503 Complaints filed as well as Nandinee Kutty from the HUD Enforcement Center in Washington D.C. recovered and reviewed from the National Archives and Records Administration. These records will clearly show how discriminately cruel the FHEO and Local HUD Employees were toward our household and just how little these employee did for our household other than telling us to stop bothering them with complaints. It will also show that the FHEO singled us out and refused to process our complaints or give us proper due process. This information will help our Administration and Dr. Carson understand why Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office should be termed immediately and why this PHA should be debarred and stripped of Federal Grant Monies. Additionally we will be asking that copies be provided to the House Oversight Committee as well as the Senate HUD-17-0235-B-000235 Appropriations Committee to aid the members in deciding whether funding should be cut or suspended to this PHA organization. Gregory King and Shila Hernandez both out right lied to us when they told us that this PHA is not allowed to retaliate against us for filing complaints. That is all this PHA has done to us since we filed our complaints. They have slandered and assassinated our character, accused us of committing computer crimes at board meetings forced us to live in substandard housing and to pay for rent this. They were allowed to cause irreparable harm to our mental and emotional health, caused undue hardship in an attempt to compel us to with draw our HUD complaints. Even now they are requiring that in order to settle our state lawsuit they want us to sign an indemnify clause as so HUD will not come after them for damages and to release them on all State and Federal Tort Action before they will settle our State case. We are left wondering if this is another brain storm or joint operation by Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office and this PHA. We were directed to stop filing complaints and stop sending email to which we complied. As a result of following these directive it allowed the OHA to have its way with us to put us in a very hostile environment and as so this PHA could use its resident proxies to have us removed from affordable housing and to have us removed from the program and thrown to the streets. Even now we are fearful of Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office. These individuals were fully aware of what we were being subjected to by this PHA and they outright refused to take any action to protect us from these abuses such as filing a TRO and relocating us to another PHA. Instead of trying to eliminate housing discrimination these individuals by their actions promoted just the opposite and embolden this PHA to continue abusing us. Although we both meet and exceed the criteria for a protected class in accordance with Federal Law and HUD'S FHEO standards, we unfortunately have learned that we do not meet the racial criteria with Betty Bottiger, Gregory King, (Kansas City FHEO Office), Kathryn Amaya, Shila Hernandez, Connie Radcliff (Local Omaha FHEO Office), Earl Redrick, and Denise Gipson (Omaha Field Office), Omaha Field Office to be given equal access and equal protection by their FHEO Office and local HUD Office. It should be added that we have emails and other evidentiary in support of this dual complaint. Since we writing this email to our City Council... Email written to Omaha City Council Members September 4th, 2012 Dear Distinguished and Honorable Members of the Omaha City Council, I am writing to ask for your help with ongoing concerns and issues. I am afraid that unless our City Council intervenes, on behalf of ourselves and our City, this is going to continue. I know of no other Department in our City where the Board is ran by insubordinate's nor do I know of any other City that HUD-17-0235-B-000236 would allow, insubordinate's such as these to remain in a position of Public Trust. These insubordinates are costing our City. We have, as best as we know how, have attempted to communicate every possible means our Housing Authority Board Member's the seriousness of our situation, and the consequences for ignoring them. And yet nothing is done on their part. Unlike yourselves, they seem to behave as a puppet Board, rather than exercise the Powers given to them when they received the Privilege and Honor, to be appointment, by our Mayor and the Trust and Confidence of our Omaha Council Members, when they were appointed there to present position. We want to apologize, for having to bother our City Council Member's, with concerns that should have been addressed long, long time ago. We feel that we are being forced to come to you, in order to stop the abuse and violations occurring at our Housing Authority. The fact that our Commissioners, are allowing these insubordinates to dictate and manipulate our Board Member's infuriates us beyond words. I do not feel our City needs the reputation or the disgrace that is occurring to our City now. You are our, most respected leaders, because we the citizen of Omaha trust you. This is something you have earned. When we the citizens go to the ballot box and cast a vote, we are saying, "You have earned our Trust, our Confidence, and our Knowing, you have earned our Vote!" We the citizens trust your wisdom in all affairs of our City, Our Great and Beautiful City, the City of Omaha Nebraska. We trust that you will protect our City from harm. We trust that you will protect our City's Honor/Reputation. We trust that you will promote tourism, and business growth in our community. We trust that you will conduct and perform your Duties. We Trust You!!! Without our Council Members, there would be no City. Our Council Members have created our order by passing laws to delegate how to protect and maintain our City from harm, as so we the citizens may have maintained safety from harm. It does not matter from which political party you subscribe. What is important is, that we Trust you and we the citizens have Confidence in your vision for our future. Trust is the seat of all of our commerce and business. In fact Trust is so important to our great nation that we have embedded "In God We Trust" up on our Currency that we use in our commerce and business. Trust is a wonderful thing. With Trust comes Honor, with Honor comes Respect. These three Vestments are, the Crown Jewels of Truth, upon which all Good Things Spring. Truth is what validates the core of our values. Are we not asked when we take a witness stand to make an oath, by swearing to tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth? What happens when our core values, are brutally assaulted by acts of betrayal, cheating, cons, deceiving, double-cross, duping, finesse, flimflamming, hoodwinking, manipulating, play for a sucker, roping in, scamming, stringing along, suckering in, trickery, playing for a chump, baiting, with the beguiled acts, by insubordinates that all the while bait, bewitch, cajole, captivate, charm, come on, enchant, persuade, entrap, lead on, seduce, tempt, prevent, tantalize, coax, decoy, fascinate, entice, hook, threaten, turn on, sweep off feet, win over, and wile, all those that that seek an explanation of their acts , to prevent the truth from being known. Does not our trust turn to disbelief, distrust and mistrust? Does not our honor turn to derision, humiliation, and disgrace? Does not our respect turn to scorn, condemnation, dishonor, disrespect, and disobedience? And does not our truth become falsehood, lies, deceitfulness and mendacity when we HUD-17-0235-B-000237 allow insubordinates to beguile us from our Cities, foundation of Trust, Honor, Respect, and Truth? When Haters and Deceivers take away our Truth; we are allowing them to take away our Respect. When we allow them to take away our Respect; we are allowing them to take away our Honor. When we allow them to take away our Honor; we are allowing them to take away our Trust. When we allow them take away our Trust; we are allowing them to take away our Faith in Our City Government. So you see Trust Is Very Important, especially when it comes to our City Government, and our City Government Administrative Employees. Throughout our ordeal we have made every attempt to possible, to be removed from our dilemma and express our concerns about what was occurring, within our Housing Authority, and how we were being treated. When it became apparent that we were getting nowhere, we elected to remain silent and except the hopelessness of our situation, as so often happens with residents within our Housing Authority, because of everything being stacked against us, because of our Housing Authority Administrators and Managers. You can only imagine how delighted we were when Ben Gray invited us to come to the Omaha Housing Authority to share our concerns. We were especially excited because we were able to share this with our District Councilman so we could get resolve. We actually believed that Ben Gray cared for the Citizens of Omaha, and was working with both Honorable Mayor and our Distinguished City Council Members to make our City of Omaha a Safe and Healthy place for us to raise our families. Knowing Ben Gray had the personal ear of our Honorable Mayor gave us even greater confidence that our dilemma would soon be over, which is why we attended our Housing Authority Board meeting, on July 26th 2012. Please we invite each you our Distinguished Council Members to take some time to review this meeting. Here: http://youtu.be/yeqWcTI1Isk We attended this meeting even though our fellow resident and visitors insisted it, was nothing but a pure waste of our time. They argued that crime rate and violence in District Two is the Highest in our City and if Ben Gray did not care about the African Americans in his own District why would he careabout us. We were asked if we had contributed to his campaign, and were we politically news worthy enough to catapult his political ambitions. If not we were on dream time. When added to the fact fact that we were not African American, certainly guarantees nothing that nothing was going to happen. Being a believer in our Country's values and the value of our City Government, I staunchly advocated that they were badly mistaken, and they would see that he was not someone whom gave lip service, just for the primary purpose of pandering to the voters, for the sole purpose for to further own selfish political career. What a complete fool I was, and I am ashamed of myself for not listening. It has been nothing less than a humiliating for me to go and sincerely apologize to every person that I spoke so highly too about Ben Gray. It has been bad enough that we were made a complete laughing stock to everyone in our building since we were purposely placed in a unit that did not have the proper mold remediation and then forced to live in it, and then to have a Housing Board Member, and City Council Board Member tell us that he knew that the mold report was wrong but there is nothing he could do, and but he would look into it, has gave us no other choice but to file a proper complaints, to get to the bottom of what has been happening to us here at the Crown Tower since our move in. Clearly Ben Gray refuses to act individually HUD-17-0235-B-000238 in his own capacity as a Board Member of the Omaha Housing Authority, or individually in his official capacity as a Distinguished Member of our Omaha City Council. It is insulting that he does not understand or even appreciate his own position of Trust that has been bestowed upon him. I admit that I am poor, uneducated and disabled, but at least I do appreciate and have more revere respect to the positions that he is disgracing, a lot more than he understands what his responsibilities are in both these positions to our wonderful City of Omaha Nebraska. I mean no disrespect to the most Honorable Offices that Ben Gray holds, nor do I want to offend the Officers of these positions, because I have the Highest Respect for these Distinguished and Honorable Office's. But to be frank I cannot respect the man, Ben Gray that holds these such offices, and I am more than confident that the voters, we the citizens, will not forget his actions (or lack thereof,) nor will they forgive his neglect of duties for years to come, concerning what has happened to us, and we are certain that it will inevitable haunt all of his political aspirations for years and years to come. This we are sure of!!! Trust is very important to all of us, we the citizens of our Great City, and more importantly to all of us, we the citizens of our Great State of Nebraska. On February, 9th 2010,we came back from getting groceries, only to find our beloved family pet and my service pet, was found mutilated by (b) (6) This monster not only killed our beloved pet, he stated he was sorry that he did this out of family love. We informed him that we were going to file charges against him for his actions, and for what he did to our pet. It was then that he ran and grabbed a rifle and started shooting this firearm in the house, yelling obscenities as to how he was going to kill every mother****er, my wife grabbed our pet while he chased after her and our mutilated pet that was in my wife's arms, he then coked the rifle three times and proceeded to aim it directly at her head, and then shot at our car where he thought I was. He kept yelling how a lot of people were going to die and started yelling all sorts of terroristic threats, and threatened to kill us. While the Police were on their way, (b) (6) was on the telephone calling his gang member brother, receiving instructions on what to do and what to say when the Police arrived. (b) (6) then proceeded to attempt to hide the weapons used in the commission of his crimes all the while communicating with his older gang member brother. This happened at my wife's father's place of resident. This was the very same home where my wife had grown up in, and was continuously abused. (b) (6) older brother (b) (6) is a lifelong THUG gang member of MBC in south Omaha. He has an arrest record for possession of drugs and was not happy that we were, as they called us "50 Callers" when it came to illegal activities. In fact we had no idea what we were confronting when we were trying stop the illegal activities occurring at her father's home. After the Police standoff, the Omaha Police Department searched and confiscated the firearms that my wife's father continuously allowed Matthew to use, so he could go rob our citizens and use the firearms toward the purpose of intimidation to get what he wanted when he wanted, throughout our City in the commission of crimes. Our Brave Omaha Police Department was finally able to arrest this psychopath by taking him into custody, from there he was placed it the adult day care facility for dysfunctional adults, better known as the Douglas County Jail. After learning that we were not killed, (b) (6) (his gang member name) became very upset that his brother was arrested and that our Omaha Police took away all the fire arms, so they were without their"Heat and Glocks" as he was known to call them. It was on my birthday that I found the weapon used to kill our pet Jasper. (please see attached) Both my wife and I are eternally grateful to (b) (6) and his office for putting this monster in prison, where he belongs. Namely it was (b) (6) that finally put this monster in prison for 8 years and 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000239 months. To give you an idea of what we had to go through, after our family pet and my service pet was mutilated and murdered by (b) (6) we witnessed my wife's dad intentionally and purposely attempt to cover up his crimes. He knowingly and intentionally went out of his way to soak and then wash EVERY knife and screw driver in his house and garage in kerosene to remove any and all traces of blood because, he was unable, to confirm with (b) (6) where he hid them, before the police came the night he committed mutilated our pet. My wife's dad demanded that we let (b) (6) out of Jail because he was only playing with our cat and if we did not, help him to get out of Jail, then we were not a good Christians. He also explained that (b) (6) was only playing around when he aimed the rifle at my wife's head and shot up our car. My wife's father is an enabler in the worst way, he allows these thugs to do drugs and in his home and has allowed these thugs to illegally do construction work in his home without getting proper permits for installs such as his furnace, which by the way we are surprises has not blown up or caused carbon monoxide poisoning. These Thugs are constantly getting money from him for their illegal drugs or selling him stolen items. He has even witnessed (b) (6) rape a girl in his home and refuses to report what he witnessed. He has also witnessed a child being abused by (b) (6) and did nothing to stop what was happening. In fact both my wife and I had to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to report activities. Every one of these thugs that my wife's father knows and affiliates with, are nothing more than drug abusers. They come to his home, for the sole purpose just to get money from him so they can purchase and use a white substance called methamphetamines. It is the PARASITE DESTROYER !!! Whenever these THUGS want money for their poison the all go to "Grandpa" as he is known to get their cash. And when these THUGS can't get the cash out of him they turn around and rip off his home. Rather than criminally prosecuting them he instead just plays stupid so he can turn it into his insurance, for a higher price than what he really pays for it. The whole thing was just sickly repulsive. The only reason I could not go to my family for help is because all of my brother and sisters, we were all taken away from my parents for the brutal abuse I and my siblings were made to suffer at the hands of my parent. It was after I had my front teeth knocked out of my mouth and my ear and hearing permanently damaged, that anything was, actually done, to stop the abuse. In fact I had was placed in a hospital for the longest time, while the State placed my other siblings in foster homes, for adoption to other families in other States, in order to protect us from being abused. To this day I do not where any of my siblings are or if they are even alive. In fact my mother committed suicide on my brothers birthday when she learned we would never be coming back home. It was because of what my dad had been doing to all of us, and her. It completely devastated her. To this day I am still suffering from effects of what I was made to suffer growing up. You see it was legislatures such as yourself on a State level that made it possible to make changes in laws as so culprits can't run off and not be accountable as my dad was able to do our mom and all of us kids. I share this with you as so you can better understand why I have so much faith in our Rules of Law and those that oversee the creation of them. Hopefully you will understand why we decided to live in our car rather than staying at my wife's fathers place. We came to our Housing Authority to seek refuge and escape abuse, not to be abused in our refuge. We are no longer interested in more excuses. Nor are we any interested in the irrelevancy of whether it was right or wrong. What we are interested in, is whether or not it has been legal. I do not know how to ask any clearer, or make it any simpler to our Housing Authority Board Member's, what their Responsibilities are to our City, and for them to fulfill them. Below are the emails we have sent, and the responses. HUD-17-0235-B-000240 Truly this is not good for our - City Omaha Nebraska. I want to thank you addressing these matters, Respectfully Your, John and Christine Spanyers (b) (6) (b) (6)@(b) (6).com (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000241 Former Commissioner and City Council Member (Ben Gray) Last known is an individual that that owed the I.R.S. $49,000.00 in back taxes. http://thehall.omaha.com/2013/01/10/ben-freddie-gray-owe-49k-in-backtaxes / OHA Commissioner Chairman (Fred Conley) Was in fact both Freddie Gray's (Ben Gray's wife), and former Nebraska State Senator Brenda Council's campaign manager. Fred Conley, was once fine fined for misusing campaign funds for his own use. http://www.omaha.com/article/20130122/NEWS/701239896 http://www.kmtv.com/news/local/170442876.html Former OHA Commissioner Chairman (Fred Conley) http://watchdog.org/213438/hud/ Resolution Removing Fred Conley as Chair of the Board of Governors: https://www.mccneb.edu/getattachment/About-MCC-Nebraska/AboutMCC/Board-of-Governors/BOGMeetings-on-Audio/Agendas-for-BoardMeetings/Board-Packet-08-02-16.pdf.aspx Board of Governors unanimously accepts Fred Conley's resignation: http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/board-of-governors-unanimouslyaccepts-fred-conley-sresignation/article_77501980-5be2-11e6-8834- f7a1a1508c24.html As well as this is what we sent to: reportfraudinhud@hudoig.gov From: All2 See Date: Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 5:04 AM Subject: 54383 operator 81 To: reportfraudinhud@hudoig.gov This was reported by: Liz Dorland, ldorland@action3news.com. This is what our Honorable Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers has said about Two of our Housing Authority Board Members. I already have shared what I believe concerning, George B. Achola, Clifford Scott and Ben Gray with our other City Council Member of the Omaha Housing Authority. You will note that Fred Conley is the Chairman of the Omaha Housing Authority. These are four key individuals involved with our complaints and living conditions that our Omaha HUD Office has and have been working with concerning our issues. You may want to go look for yourself. http://www.kmtv.com/news/local/170442876.html Omaha, NE -- Ernie Chambers is taking no prisoners. The former Nebraska State Senator not only went after his opponent Senator Brenda Council, but anyone who's publicly supported her. Chambers used his weekly show to slam his District 11 opponent Brenda Council on the same day she admitted in court, to using her campaign funds at casinos. With just 48- days until voters head to the polls, State Senator Ernie Chambers is taking-off the gloves. He's not only going after Council, but her associates as well. Nebraska State Senator Brenda Council's guilty plea made national headlines in the Washington Post and The Huffington Post. While she isn't talking about how her conviction is impacting her campaign for re-election, Ernie Chambers wasted no time getting right to the point, on his weekly show on Cox CTI 22. "She is a self-confessed convicted criminal, and we have people saying that this community believes that we can be properly represented by a criminal," said State Senator Ermitus. Chambers didn't stop there. He also fired-off at Nebraska Attorney General John Bruning, claiming Council's crimes are felonies. He stated,"The Attorney General did not charge her with any violation of the campaign laws which she infact violated. That is how white men can orchestrate something to let a person off the hook when they want to." He also called out Council's supporters: Omaha City Councilman Ben Gray, OPS Board HUD-17-0235-B-000242 President Freddie Gray, County Commissioner Chris Rogers and Campaign Manager Fred Conley. Chambers sternly stated on his show, "They came to the defense of Freddie Gray who is established as a liar", "Ben Gray is a liar" and "Douglas County Commissioner Chris Rogers, who has done nothing for this community people have no idea who he is." Chambers also pointed out in 1992, Senator Council's campaign manager, Fred Conley, was fined big bucks for misusing campaign funds. Conley who is traveling to Washington D.C said, "I really think Chambers is beating a dead horse ... as far as the election, she (Council) wants to move forward on what she can do for the district, and I think Chambers needs to do the same." Fred Conley didn't argue the claim of misusing campaign money. He also said Senator Council is removing her name from the list of people who are able to sign campaign checks. KMTV contacted Attorney General John Bruning, and Commissioner Chris Rogers, but haven't heard back. We also asked to talk with Senator Council, but was told "she's not talking about it anymore". Reported By: Liz Dorland, ldorland@action3news.com Respectfully, John and Christine Spanyers Lastly Former U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Programs (Sara K.Pratt). http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/email-hints-at-hud-infighting-overdallas-desegregation-case7606288 https://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/board/docs/books/130912-supplement- 130909.pdf http://watchdog.org/series/ashford-hud-audit/ http://ladylibertysnews.com/audit-hud-discovers-billions-bookkeeping-discrepancies/ Lastly I shared this with Ms. Kutty with HUD'S Enforcement Center in an email titled "Unanswered and unresolved outstanding issues!!!" on January 23rd 2017. The only time we ever met any investigator's was when Sheila Hernandez and Gregory King came to the Crown Towers the second week of August 2013. In fact I sent you an email showing the molds spores witnessed growing by FHEO's Investigators Sheila Hernandez and Gregory King when they came and interviewed us the second week of August 2013. This again was the ONLY time that any that the FHEO ever came in person to investigate. The whole time that we were being Tormented and Tortured with Bedbugs and mold including TOXIC MOLD the FHEO REFUSED to come witness and investigate the intolerable conditions we were being made to live in and forced to pay rent without investigating in person regarding the intolerable conditions we were being made to live in. Rather than investigating and stopping the ongoing retaliatory acts of the OHA, the FHEO instead sent us three separate emails stating "As a matter of practice, HUD does not typically intervene with the general operations of our partners," and refused to relocate us from the abuse and abusers and did absolutely nothing about what HUD CLEARLY knew was outright lies that we had crashed local HUD computers. Instead HUD allowed their partner to repeatedly retaliate on us and allowed their partner the free reign to torture us with bedbugs while they mocked and laughed openly in September of 2015 Board Meeting while they knew we were in mold conditions, dangerously high carbon dioxide air levels, while being eaten alive mercilessly by bedbugs. HUD-17-0235-B-000243 If this hell wasn't bad enough, HUD's partner Susan Gilroy moved us into a unit where the previous tenant of 3712 Frances St had died in the front room on the carpet that was not replaced after his death and neither Susan Gilroy nor her site manager had the courtesy to inform us of this. This nondisclosure was both sick and cruel. The unit we were placed by HUD's partner the OHA is where they refused for months to maintenance, properly and where we were forced to have a non-working faulty (13 year old) hot water heater that had to be replaced due to its malfunction and its age. In fact when we did our walk thru we pointed out the bulge in the walls and the leaking drain gutters. As a result after months of refusing and ignoring the issues we had to send the copy emails to Susan Gilroy, Jennifer Dexter and copied HUD and Senator Fischer's Office. find me 10/21/15 to jdexter, Susan, Kathryn, Brianne_Faulkn., bcc: me Ms. Dexter & Ms. Gilroy: We have repair issues that need to be addressed. Repair orders have previously been called into the OHA repair line. HUD is copied on this email due to the nature of these maintenance concerns. 1) One of the most pressing repair issues is the fact that the tempered glass on the front door of the oven keeps falling down / falling open and is in danger of falling off the stove / oven and possibly shattering. One could easily walk into the sharp edges of this large glass piece and seriously get hurt and as such, the OHA has been put on notice of this danger and possible injury. This matter should be addressed as an Emergency. The HEAVY glass oven door piece is taped on at this time in an attempt to keep the glass on the oven door. Due to this condition, the oven is unusable. Shawn with the OHA Maintenance Dept. had replaced the oven door gasket and it appears that the door wasn't properly reassembled. This occurrence with the door glass piece started last evening when we were cooking in the oven and was called into the OHA repair line this morning. 2) Another issue again is the gutter and drain pipe on the back side of our rental unit at Frances Court Apartments as whenever it rains, it causes LOUD SOUNDS off of the defective drain pipe and gutter which is close to our unit bedroom window and as such, it keeps us up and unable to properly sleep when we sleep in our unit bedroom affecting our tenant rights as is our understanding. We had called this repair order in a while back as you had instructed us to do after OHA Maintenance had failed to fix the problem in the first place from your work order and to date, the OHA has not fixed this problem. We had even previously discussed this matter with you via phone and also via email. Was HUD-17-0235-B-000244 awoken again this morning with the LOUD SOUND of the rain hitting the drain pipe and interrupting our right to sleep. The weather forecast includes daily rain for multiple days except this Saturday and Sunday. Does this mean that we will need to suffer ongoing without proper sleep for multiple days when trying to sleep in our bed due to "no fault of our own"? This is another recorded attempt to address this maintenance need with the OHA. 3) There appears to be significant bulging occurring that is causing a large crack and paint peeling at the upper wall / ceiling area over the kitchen cabinetry. This was previously discussed a while back with Shawn with OHA Maintenance and as such, Shawn was going to have a painter address this matter; however, to date, this has not been done. We had even made a work order request a while back concerning this matter; however, to date this has not been addressed. The concern is that Christine is allergic to mold and this could be a symptom of housing mold and as such, we are again attempting to get this concern addressed by the OHA. This attempt becomes a matter of record. 4) The gutter above our unit front door is NOT PROPERLY SEALED. Rain is coming through and drips on whoever is underneath the gutter in this area when it rains. Shawn with OHA Maintenance had replaced the front gutter, but it wasn't properly sealed and as such, this should be addressed. This work order request was called into the OHA. If this repair need isn't addressed prior to winter, then we are in danger of an ice build-up in front of our unit door and as such, the OHA has been put on notice of this danger and cause of possible injury. This concern was previously discussed with Shawn; however, he feels that he had properly sealed the gutter. We are being dripped on underneath the front door gutter and it is dripping through the front door gutter when it rains and as such, we pray that the OHA will fix this repair need. 5) We had made a work order a while back for weather stripping for the screen door and the front door as there doesn't appear to be any weather stripping under the screen door and the weather stripping under the front door is tearing off. This work order was called in a while back after discussing this issue with Shawn with OHA Maintenance as he had instructed us to call in a work order for weather stripping for the screen door and the front door of our rental unit. To date, this has not been fixed. Please note that we have asked the OHA for an extra utility allowance due to medical and weather stripping helps with utilities and protection against weather elements. When it is storming and raining out with a strong wind, the wind pulls the screen door wide open as it doesn't latch well and there doesn't appear to be any weather stripping under the screen door to help keep the door sealed. This is an old door. We were sent an application via mail for weatherization assistance for our rental unit and as such, it appears that this weatherization assistance application was sent to us by the State of Nebraska which is our understanding falls under the Federal LIHEAP energy program. We are in the process of sending this application in to SENCA for weatherization help. This will involve an evaluation of weatherization needs for our rental unit. It is our understanding that SENCA will also have the efficiency of our unit appliances checked to include the furnace and hot water heater. It is good that the OHA had elected to replace the inefficient hot water heater that was in our rental unit when we were first moved here. This was done after we had made multiple requests that the OHA fix the hot water heater problem. HUD-17-0235-B-000245 We don't understand why our repair needs aren't being properly addressed. This is an attempt to have our repair needs properly addressed and fixed. We pray that our repair needs are addressed and fixed by the OHA. Sincerely, John & Christine Spanyers It took until December 3rd, 2015 (seven months) before HUD's partner Susan Gilroy and her Site Manager came to our unit to address the bulge in the walls. When it was discovered toxic mold coming thru both sides of the wall (Bathroom & Kitchen) due to no fault of our own. Attached is the hand delivered ultimatum that Susan Gilroy hand delivered personally by hand the following day. As you can see from the first email I sent you, the OHA refused to repair the gutters or the ice buildup that was occurring at our front door all because we did not want the OHA to do toxic mold remediation (with our belongings in the unit), or be placed back at the (b) (6) Apartments. It was then that the OHA legal Counsel approximately a month later Mr. Hansen sent the attached email to our State case legal counsel offering a suitable unit for us, PROVIDED we release the OHA from our discrimination complaints. We filed our complaints because of the never ending ongoing discriminative retaliatory actions and abuse that we had been made to suffer by the OHA all the while HUD was copied on and stood by thru out this abuse and did absolutely NOTHING to remove us from the harsh conditions that was being imposed on us. There is no doubt what so ever that this was being done to us, ALL because of our HUD Discrimination complaints that we had filed, on HUD's partner the OHA. It's a fact that the OHA continued with the ongoing retaliation by NOT repairing the gutters or keeping the ice from our front door but rather singled us out and made sure everyone else (including their own on-sight office), was cleared of all ice and snow but repeatedly refused to do a single thing concerning our unit or our household to remove the ongoing sheets of ice in front of our unit in order to cause or create personal harm or injury. As you can clearly see beyond any doubt that we did all that we could in order not to be placed back at the OHA (b) (6) Apartment. Even though HUD had full knowledge that we were being forced to go there or the streets rather than 3716 Frances Street which would have adequately met all of our HUD-17-0235-B-000246 reasonable accommodations, HUD instead presented us with FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement, that offered to give us Rights that HUD should have been enforcing unconditionally to begin with since it is the LAW. This with FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement drawn up by Kathryn A. Amaya was nothing less than insultingly shameful if not disgraceful. To HUD's credit it made abundantly apparent that HUD's part had been way more than complacent if not conjunctive in the ongoing abuse that we were made to suffer at the hands of HUD's partner the Omaha Housing Authority, which explains to us why HUD has never so much as did one a single thing to protect us, protect our class and our protected Rights given under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as well as Title III of the ADA RIGHTS. But these violations were also in violation of our Equal Protection Rights as U.S. citizens, our U.S. Constitutional Bill of Rights, namely being our 8th and 14thAmendment. We were directed by both HUD and its partner the OHA to stop filing complaints and to stop emailing, which we did accordingly. We have no misgivings that HUD was in fact instrumental in our placement back at the OHA (b) (6) Apartments rather than placing us at 3716 Frances Street because we would not with draw our complaints. Ms. Kutty, we want you to know that we have EVERY email both sent and received, every document, every video, and every audio as well as every photo preserved and recorded since this started. Back when we were living at the towers one of the Managers stated that it wasn't personal against us, it was politics. We know that with our New Administration and our new Cabinet picks that it won't politics, it will be personal. Needless to say we very, very are anxiously waiting for our Administration's Cabinet to be sworn in as so we can go forward and be made whole again. We have been punished repeatedly for whistle blowing and reporting those that are committing fraud and reporting it to HUD and HUD's partner the OHA concerning those tenant's that were committing these fraudulent acts as well as the violators of the OHA ACOPS Rules as is encouraged by the OHA. The only one made afflicted by this has been us all the while those committing fraud are rewarded with affordable housing while HUD's Partner Susan Gilroy looks the other way. We have no doubt what so ever that we were placed back at the OHA (b) (6) Apartments as so we could be further abused for refusing to drop our discrimination complaints and thrown out the program as so HUD's partner the OHA could have all of our complaints dismissed. The HUD's FHEO alleged good faith proposed drafted conciliation agreement drawn up by Kathryn A. Amaya removes all doubt on this. HUD-17-0235-B-000247 Lastly both my wife and myself have and had reasonable accommodation's stating that we cannot tolerate mold and that we were to avoid mold and yet we were placed in mold at EVERY location. This was a repeated and REPEATED over and over, even though it was in complete violation of our reasonable accommodations by HUD's Partner the OHA. A question we intend to get answered is why this happened and why did the Department allow this, but more importantly why did the Department omit these violations in our complaints even though we provided proof that this was occurring. Hopefully we will learn WHY the Department refused to aggravate this repeated offense. And what the Department's part was in this ongoing abuse. Before we go we went ahead and already forwarded pertinent emails to you prior to this email John & Christine Spanyers (b) (6) (b) (6)@(b) (6).com (b) (6) @(b) (6).com We have absolutely zero faith in the Washington D.C. FHEO Office, Kansas City, Kansas FHEO Office, as well as the Omaha Nebraska FHEO Field Office which is why we are now allowing the reporters copies of all of our emails, audio recordings, video recordings, and photographs as well as other evidentiary that we have retained. I believe it will help the public understand why we feel that it is imperative that the Administration immediately cut funding's to those PHA Organization that steal from the America Tax Payers and the Government entity that oversees and protects these thieving Organizations and allows them to retaliate, discriminate and abuse disabled families like ours when reporting abuse and discriminatory practices. Through the FOIA Act these reporters will also be able to find out what FHEO's part is as a contributor to coving up these acts as well what and how much the FHEO has contributed to or is responsible for some of the billions of dollars in discrepancies now being reported since they do not like to interfere with the operations of their partners by allowing and facilitating crimes against the most vulnerable that are disabled by their partners such as in our cases. HUD-17-0235-B-000248 D-17-0235-B-000249 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Forero, Jaime E Friday, July 14, 2017 12:49 PM Bass, Deana Fleischer, Laura A; Joy, Johnson P; Coffey, Alexander; Costa, Alfonso A; Munir, Rafiq A; Bregon, Nelson R Section 3 Task Force & Envision Center Meeting with SBA SBA Contacts Envision.pdf; HUD and SBA Small Contractor Initiative DRAFT MOU 6 29 2017 hak 2.docx Subject: Attachments: Deana, Thanks for including me in the meetings. Here is a summary of OFPM due outs/actions and status: o o Section 3 TF meeting, HUD (07/13) o Met with Merrie Nichols-Dixon, PIH. We confirmed that the Public Housing Authority is aware, that the PIH Program Director is aware and working with OFPM Field Office Director Mike Polsinelli. Action Completed. o "Field Trip" - Boys and Girls Club Alexandria. Mr. Bregon may be interested. However, if he does not attend I would like to have Holly Kelly go on our behalf as I will be on leave. Pending. o I reached out to Jim Cunningham and updated him on the meeting. He will follow up with Mike Polsinelli. Action Completed. Envision Center meeting, SBA (07/14) o Bonding Discussion - Holly Kelly is reaching out to Earnest Knott this afternoon. Will schedule a meeting to establish a relationship, scope out existing SBA programs and benchmark the Small Contractor Initiative bond component. Pending o Interagency Agreement Discussion - I have attached the updated agreement for your consideration. It has not been submitted to OGC for clearance. Pending o App Discussion - We will follow up and connect Zander (Last name unknow) from the SBA tech team with the app team here at HUD. Pending Recommendations: o That one of us set a follow-on discussion with Ryan Lambert, Office of Entrepreneurial Development to firm up that relationship and follow-up on his comments. o That we consider a meeting with Treasury as the CDFI micro-lending component rests with them. o That we follow up with Christopher Webb on the CDC Micro-Lenders ("First Level of Capital") discussion. (b) (5) Please let us know if we can do anything else. What a great initiative this is. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000250 o United States Small Business Administration Office of Capital Access '<<' WILLIAM M. MANGER, JR. David Chiokadze ASSOCIATE ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE OF CAPITAL ACCESS TEL: (202) 205-6657 E-Mail: William.Manger@sba.gov www.sba.gov Special Advisor U.S . SMALL BUSINESSADMINISTRATION 409 3RDSTREET, S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20416 SBA Headquarters 409 3rd St . SW Washington, D.C 20024 U.S. Small Business Administration (202) 340-8908 (Office) (Mobile) (b) (6) David.Chiokadze@sha.gov U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Economic Opportunity www.sba.gov Office of Surety Guarantees www.sba.gov/ osg MANUEL J. HIDALGO EARNEST L. KNOTT, JR., MBA Director Area Director 409 Third Street, S.W. Suite 8303 Washington,DC 20416 Tel: (202) 401-6365 Mobile: (b) (6) manuel.hidalgo@sba.gov U.S. Small Business Administration U.S. SMALLBUSINESSADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL DEvEl..oPMENT Office of Economic Opportunity www.sba.gov J. CHRISTOPHER WEBB RYAN LAMBERT Deputy Chief Microenterprise Development Division 409 Third Street, S.W. Suite 8200 Washington, DC 20416 Tel: (202) 619-0628 Mobile: (b) (6) james.webb@sba.gov Tel: (202) 401-6786 Cell:,(b) (6) Fax: (202) 481-1776 earnest.knott@sba.gov 409 Third Street SW Suite 8600 Washington,DC 20416 SENIOR ADVISOR 3RD STREET, S.W., 6TH FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20416 409 TEL (202) 205-6710 HUD-17-0235-B-000251 RYAN.LAMBERT@SBA .GOV Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: Monthly Ethics Briefing Deputy Secretary's Conference Room Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 8/23/2017 10:00 AM Wed 8/23/2017 10:30 AM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Zorc, Bethany A Hughes, Andrew; Coffey, Alexander; Barton, Victoria L; Bass, Deana; Beckles, Angela L; Bowes, Robert B; Byrd, David J; Fitzpatrick, Nora S; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gruson, Barbara; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Kasper, Maren M; McCall, Drew A; Patton, Lynne M; Petty, Timothy J; Youngblood, Richard A; Williams, Raphael L; Browning, Austin G; Gribbin, William J; Dendas, Michael W; DeFelice, Joseph J; Thompson, Amy C; Demarzo, Benjamin E; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Coressel, Jacie; Bacon, James A; Marzol, Adolfo F; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Burley, Michael N; Eagles, David T; Shosky, John E; Alexander, Mason; Gibbs, John; Gormley, Joseph M; Bourne, Christopher M; Joy, Johnson P; Hobbs, Benjamin R; Gaines, Ralph H; Mills, Allison F; Woll Jr, David C; Appleton, Seth D; Bright, Michael R; Ludlow, Ashley; Kelley, Michael J; Wade, Dana T; Brown, Christina M; Hunter, Matthew F; Roget, Gisele G We will discuss FOIA, the Privacy Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other related confidentiality rules. HUD-17-0235-B-000252 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: Panel at OGC's Field and HQs Managers Seminar Departmental Conference Room 10233 Start: End: Show Time As: Tue 9/12/2017 10:00 AM Tue 9/12/2017 11:15 AM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Cruciani, Linda M Bass, Deana; Marzol, Adolfo F; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Bravacos, John G; Zorc, Bethany A Hunter, Deana, John and Adolfo, Thank you for agreeing to be on a panel to discuss the Secretarial initiatives with OGC's field and headquarters managers. I have attached the agenda. Beth Zorc will introduce you as she is finishing up. Sheila will be speaking for the first 15 minutes at 9:00 and then leave. In addition to her substantive remarks, Beth will be giving out service pins and Distinguished Service Awards so there should be a lot of positivity in the room before you present. I leave it to you to divide the time among you, but 15 minutes of remarks each would be good. That would leave 15 minutes for questions and answers. The audience will be friendly and engaging. It would be great if you could send me a copy of your biographies so we can include them in the course materials and use them for Beth's introductions. If you have any materials that you would like us to include, we need them by COB on Wednesday, September 6. Thank you, Linda x. 5108 HUD-17-0235-B-000253 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0500 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL DRAFT AGENDA OGC FIELD AND HEADQUARTERS MANAGERS SEMINAR WASHINGTON, D.C. Locations vary by day and topic. See agenda below. SEPTEMBER 12-15, 2017 Tuesday, September 12 Location: Departmental Conference Room, Room 10233 Participants: All Headquarters OGC and DEC Managers, Regional Counsel, Deputy Regional Counsel, Chief Counsel, DEC Satellite Office Directors Dress: Business 9:00: Opening Remarks, Welcome and Recognitions Sheila Greenwood, Chief of Staff Beth Zorc, Acting General Counsel 10:00: Panel Discussion of Secretarial Initiatives Deanna Bass, Deputy Chief of Staff John Bravacos, Senior Advisor to the Secretary Hunter Kurtz, Deputy Chief of Staff Aldolfo Marzol, Senior Advisor to the Secretary The panelists will showcase current and planned Secretarial initiatives; forecast impacts to the Department's employees, recipients and beneficiaries; and explain how field and headquarters counsel are being and may be asked to support these efforts. 11:15 Break 11:30 FORWARD!-Forging a New HUD Together David Eagles, Acting Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer 12:30 Lunch 2:00 Secretary Carson's Town Hall 3:00 Break 3:15 FORWARD! Tabletop Exercises and Discussions Room assignments and discussion groups TBA 5:30 Dismissal www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-000254 Wednesday, September 13 Location: Brooke Mondale Auditoriums A&B Participants: All Headquarters OGC and DEC Managers, Regional Counsel, Deputy Regional Counsel, Chief Counsel, DEC Satellite Office Directors Dress: Business 8:45: Announcements 9:00: Discussion on Handling Troubled Properties (CLE) Moderators: Millicent Potts and David Woll Discussion Leaders: Nancy Christopher, Geoff Patton, Gayle Bohling, Dane Narode, Derya Samadi, Hope File, James Beaudette Enforcement of regulatory agreements and HAP contracts; recently added tools for troubled properties; data trends in REAC; litigation related to troubled properties; the new HAP assignment process; and tenant relocation. 10:30: Break (DEC Breakout in OGC Conference Room 10114) 10:45: Discussion of VAWA Implications for HUD Programs (CLE) Moderator: Althea Forrester Discussion Leaders: Sharon Pitts, Bryan Varrieur, Meti Zegeye, Courtney Minor The final rule for VAWA and its purpose and applicability; the role of OGC to ensure compliance with VAWA Noon: Regional Lunches-Contact your Regional Counsel for more information 2:00 Discussion of Section 232 Healthcare Portfolios--Tools for Cross-Regional Cooperation (CLE) Moderator: Millicent Potts Panelists: Brenda Joseph Chambers, Judy Tucker, Jennifer Bulman, Tim Petty, Arnette Georges, Courtney Minor The need for cross-regional cooperation in response to the Office of Healthcare's increasing approval of large regional insured loan portfolios consisting of nursing home owners and operators. We will examine the current tools currently utilized by OGC HQ and the Field such as SharePoint and other means to improve the process for improve closing execution. Targeting enforcement of Section 232 operators. 3:00 Break 3:15 Discussion of FOIA Processing and Appeals (CLE) Moderators: Kevin Simpson and Gayle Bohling Panelists: Deena Jih, John Shumway, Bion Vance, Lindsey Allen Common FOIA issues that arise with whether to release information, especially in the context of Multifamily and its business documents. Resolving inconsistencies regarding the 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000255 handling of the release of information on the MF business documents. The FOIA appeal process and how it works. FOIA processing updates. 4:15 Discussion of PHA and Owner's Counsel's Opinions for RAD Transactions (CLE) Moderator: Vickie Longosz Panelists: Lora Han, Jan Elson, Sarah Pietragallo HUD transactional attorneys have been experiencing a high number of revision requests for individual transactions despite clear language in the model forms. To be discussed are the range of permissible changes, consideration of preparation of a required PRA counsel's opinion form, lessons learned from Multifamily Counsel's Opinions experience, and possibility of convening a discussion with ABA Affordable Housing Forum. 5:15 Dismissal 5:30 Voluntary Social Gathering for all participants and friends at Mandarin Oriental Empress Lounge Thursday, September 14 (Session meets Department-wide requirement for 8 hours of management "interpersonal soft skills" training for PACS employees) Location: Brooke Mondale A & B Participants: All Headquarters OGC and DEC Managers, Regional Counsel, Deputy Regional Counsel, Chief Counsel, DEC Satellite Office Directors Dress: Business Casual 8:45: Announcements 9:00: Creating and Sustaining a Positive Culture; Leader as Gate Keeper of Culture Bob Schout, USA Graduate School Noon: Lunch on your own 1:00: Creating and Sustaining a Positive Culture; Leader as Gate Keeper of Culture Bob Schout, USA Graduate School 5:15: Dismissal Friday, September 15 Location: Brooke Mondale A & B Participants: All Headquarters OGC and DEC Managers, Regional Counsel, Deputy Regional Counsel, Chief Counsel, DEC Satellite Office Directors Dress: Business 8:45: Announcements 9:00: Secretary Benjamin S. Carson 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000256 9:30: Hurricane Harvey Recovery Efforts Neal Rackleff, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development 10:30 Evaluations 11:00 Dismissal. Employees wishing to attend Curry Awards board buses in front of the Robert Weaver Building 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000257 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Holderfield, Stephanie A Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:52 PM Bass, Deana We do have a program Connect w Informac Site Map A-Z Index [ Releases rks, Statements hes ts elors rokers (REO) bia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri ICES -based and Neighborhood Partnerships Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico / Virgin Islands Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Ginnie Mae HUD-17-0235-B-000258 Officer apital Officer on Officer ent Officer nning and Development nd Intergovernmental Relations d Labor Standards nforcement Center ent Opportunity qual Opportunity Management l osure lopment rmation Act (FOIA) tion ents Voucher Program (Section 8) Housing Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Office of Administration Office of Economic Development Office of Hearings and Appeals Office of the Inspector General Office of Strategic Planning & Management Policy Development and Research Public Affairs Public and Indian Housing Small / Disadvantaged Business Utilization Housing Discrimination Housing Research and Data Sets HUD Homes HUD's Budget Information for Disabled Persons Information for Senior Citizens Limited Denials of Participation Open Government Initiative Rental Assistance Veteran Information Volunteering Work with HUD D uthority tment Search tion by Lender aisers ts HUD Handbooks, Forms and Publications Integrated Disbursement & Information System (IDIS) Lender Locator Mailing List Mortgagee Letters imits Neighborhood Watch idance Counseling Online Library d Questions Plain Language Condominium Projects Real Estate Assessment Center Housing Counseling Agencies Research esources Social Media Directory ives Webcasts Resource Center rsonnel ffices lic and Indian Housing (PIH) Resource Center arters Organizational Directory ory rectory Room > Press Releases > 2016 > HUDNo_16-056 Print Friendly Version HUD-17-0235-B-000259 [Cl SHARE 6 5 FOR RELEASE Monday April 25, 2016 D AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT AWARD $1.75 MILLION TO HELP JUSTICE-INVOLVED YOUTH FIND JOBS AND HOUSING e Reentry Assistance Program will reduce barriers to housing, jobs and education N - In an effort to help young people involved in the justice system find jobs and .S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of today announced $1.75 million for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and nonprofit rganizations to address the challenges justice-involved individuals face when trying to a place to call home. The grantees are listed below. nile Reentry Assistance Program (JRAP), funded through DOJ's Second Chance Act d DOJ are teaming up to help young Americans who've paid their debt to society d reintegrate back into their communities. JRAP funding was awarded to Public Housing have a partnership with a nonprofit legal service organization with experience providing to juveniles. Read local summaries of the grants. y Julian Castro and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced the funding during nce with local leaders in Philadelphia today. young people who've paid their debt to society to decent jobs and housing allows them e and become active, productive members of their communities," said Secretary Castro. offer a helping hand to those who deserve a second chance so they have a real reach their full potential." our nation depends upon the future of our young people - including young people who nvolved with our justice system," said Attorney General Lynch. "By helping justicefind decent jobs and stable housing after they return home, these critical grants provide r a fresh start and offer a path towards productivity and purpose. In the months ahead, t of Justice will continue helping justice-involved youth enrich their lives and improve ile or a criminal record can severely limit a person's ability to seek higher education, loyment or secure affordable housing. Today, there are nearly 55,000 individuals under nile justice facilities, and approximately 185,000 young adults aged 18 to 24 in state and . These collateral consequences create unnecessary barriers to economic opportunity and resident Obama and members of his Cabinet, via the Federal Interagency Reentry nue to take impactful steps to ensure those exiting the justice system become productive, tizens. Today's announcement is consistent with HUD's recently released guidance on of Fair Housing Act standards to the use of criminal records by providers of housing -related transactions, and the recent guidance for public housing authorities and owners sisted housing on excluding the use of arrest records in housing decisions. HUD-17-0235-B-000260 te collateral consequences associated with a juvenile or criminal record, JRAP assists up to age 24 residing in public housing, or who would be residing in public housing but , by: ing, sealing, and/or correcting juvenile or adult records; as permitted by state law; g targeted youth in mitigating/preventing collateral consequences such as reinstating revoked ended drivers' licenses; ling regarding legal rights and obligations in searching for employment; g guidance for readmission to school; and g or modifying child support orders and other family law services, and more. ### is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. nformation about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at www.hud.gov and http://espanol.hud.gov. an also connect with HUD on social media and follow Secretary Castro on Twitter and Facebook or sign up for news alerts on HUD's Email List. entry Assistance Program Grants Recipient uthority of the City eles City Amount Partner Los Angeles $100,000 Public Counsel *Matched Amount $1,390,650 uthority of the City Hartford $100,000 Center for Children's Advocacy, Inc. $25,000 ousing Authority Chicago $100,000 Bluhm Legal Clinic, Northwestern University School of Law $55,216 uthority of Cook Chicago $100,000 LAF $25,000 East Chicago $100,000 Indiana Legal Services,Inc. f East Chicago uthority uthority of the City ort Shreveport $100,000 Legal Services of North Louisiana, Inc. $172,000 $109,811 uthority of New New Orleans $100,000 Southeast Louisiana Legal Services $240,463 using Authority Boston $100,000 Greater Boston Legal Services Inc. $32,549 $100,000 St. Louis School of Law Legal Clinic $99,202 ousing Authority St. Louis uthority of the City Camden $53,464 Rutgers Law School Reentry Clinic $35,825 Housing Authority Syracuse $100,000 Center for Community Alternatives $58,744 City Housing New York $100,000 Youth Represent, Inc. using Authority Metropolitan uthority ropolitan Housing Albany $100,000 Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York Cleveland $100,000 Legal Aid Society of Cleveland Akron $100,000 University of Akron School of Law ia Housing Authority Philadelphia $100,000 Community Legal Services of Philadelphia $88,412 $81,000 $123,200 $174,115 $25,000 HUD-17-0235-B-000261 ng Authority of the vidence Providence $100,000 Rhode Island Legal Services, Inc. $27,161 uthority of the City ee Milwaukee $100,000 Legal Action of Wisconsin $25,000 TOTAL: $1,753,464 considered for funding, all applicants were required to have in place at the time of grant irmly committed match contribution equivalent to at least 25% of the total grant amount nce PDF Reader to view PDF files located on this site. acion en Espanol | Accessibility | Contact Info | Privacy Policy | FOIA | Web Management and Web Policies eral | No Fear Act | PaymentAccuracy.gov @ O o ogQY, A U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410 Telephone: (202) 708-1112 TTY: (202) 708-1455 Find the address of the HUD office near you HUD-17-0235-B-000262 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: HUD Boys & Girls Club/ SHF MOU Deana's Office 10226 Start: End: Show Time As: Mon 10/2/2017 4:30 PM Mon 10/2/2017 5:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Bass, Deana Bass, Deana; Brown, Christina M; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Campbell, Cynthia F HUD-17-0235-B-000263 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Thursday, October 19, 2017 3:40 PM Dendas, Michael W FW: November 19, 2015 request The Committee sent below. CIR and CPD both only have redacted copies. If we could find the unredacted, then we could meet with OGC to review the basis for the redactions. Don Sherman would be one name to search as he handled the original correspondence between the Department and the Committee. Other names we understand might be relevant are Scott Davis and Kevin Bush. Thanks. From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000264 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Lessley, Lucinda Wednesday, October 18, 2017 4:32 PM Appleton, Seth D RE: Just circling back on the Patton emails Thanks much Lucinda -----Original Message----From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:58 PM To: Lessley, Lucinda Subject: RE: Just circling back on the Patton emails The ediscovery search is underway cross-referencing her emails against the potential keywords / domains. This is run through the same portal as our FOIA and litigation document requests and we are seeing a record number of inquiries, but it has been expedited to the top of the queue. That being said, we met this morning for a status update and it seems like end of next week is when we should have something, but I will keep you posted. Thanks for your patience. Seth -----Original Message----From: Lessley, Lucinda [mailto:Lucinda.Lessley@mail.house.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:58 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: Just circling back on the Patton emails Many thanks! Lucinda Sent from the tiny on-screen keyboard of my very small I-phone HUD-17-0235-B-000265 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:58 PM Lessley, Lucinda RE: Just circling back on the Patton emails The ediscovery search is underway cross-referencing her emails against the potential keywords / domains. This is run through the same portal as our FOIA and litigation document requests and we are seeing a record number of inquiries, but it has been expedited to the top of the queue. That being said, we met this morning for a status update and it seems like end of next week is when we should have something, but I will keep you posted. Thanks for your patience. Seth -----Original Message----From: Lessley, Lucinda [mailto:Lucinda.Lessley@mail.house.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:58 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: Just circling back on the Patton emails Many thanks! Lucinda Sent from the tiny on-screen keyboard of my very small I-phone HUD-17-0235-B-000266 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Rackleff, Neal J Tuesday, October 17, 2017 7:35 PM Appleton, Seth D RE: CBO data inquiry on CDBG-DR uses Thanks Neal J. Rackleff Assistant Secretary- Community Planning & Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20410 O: 202.402-7113 C: (b) (6) Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 3:39 PM To: Rackleff, Neal J ; Gaines, Ralph H ; Gimont, Stanley Cc: PHP ; Marshall, Michael J Subject: FW: CBO data inquiry on CDBG-DR uses FYI From: Jon Sperl [mailto:Jon.Sperl@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 2:36 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: CBO data inquiry on CDBG-DR uses Hello Mr. Kelley and Mr. Appleton, My name is Jon Sperl, and I'm an analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. My colleague Rob Reese referred me to you on a data inquiry CBO has for a project we are working on concerning federal disaster spending. In short, we are attempting to break out HUD's CDBG-DR spending into its ultimate end-use activities--specifically, we seek to quantify how much goes toward: 1. Housing: either for repairs/rehabilitation work on living quarters, or for temporary/other housing assistance 2. Individual Assistance activities: this is a category of aid under FEMA's DRF, but CDBG-DR funds are used by some states for the same sort of activities, like providing assistance for housing or "other needs" like moving/cleanup/health care, etc. 3. Business/Economic Development: assistance for businesses rebuilding, replacing property/capital, compensating business interruption, loan programs 4. Any other activities that would be covered by FEMA's Individual Assistance or SBA Disaster Loans (we're not particularly interested in support to state/local governments for infrastructure, debris removal, cleanup) HUD-17-0235-B-000267 We are wondering if you are aware of any datasets for CDBG-DR (either publicly available or that HUD can provide upon request) that might be able to break out this information, if it exists? (We understand that FEMA breaks out Public Assistance into subcategories like facilities, debris removal, etc.; perhaps HUD does something similar with its CDBG-DR grant data?). Would you be able to provide a referral to staff at HUD who are closest to this information? We know HUD is quite busy right now doing hurricane response, so any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Jon Jon Sperl Principal Analyst, Congressional Budget Office Federal Estimates (EPA), Public and Private Mandates (Energy/Transportation/Defense) Ford House Office Building, Room 441-D (202) 226-9092, jon.sperl@cbo.gov CBO Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. HUD-17-0235-B-000268 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Tuesday, October 17, 2017 3:39 PM Rackleff, Neal J; Gaines, Ralph H; Gimont, Stanley PHP; Marshall, Michael J FW: CBO data inquiry on CDBG-DR uses FYI From: Jon Sperl [mailto:Jon.Sperl@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 2:36 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: CBO data inquiry on CDBG-DR uses Hello Mr. Kelley and Mr. Appleton, My name is Jon Sperl, and I'm an analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. My colleague Rob Reese referred me to you on a data inquiry CBO has for a project we are working on concerning federal disaster spending. In short, we are attempting to break out HUD's CDBG-DR spending into its ultimate end-use activities--specifically, we seek to quantify how much goes toward: 1. Housing: either for repairs/rehabilitation work on living quarters, or for temporary/other housing assistance 2. Individual Assistance activities: this is a category of aid under FEMA's DRF, but CDBG-DR funds are used by some states for the same sort of activities, like providing assistance for housing or "other needs" like moving/cleanup/health care, etc. 3. Business/Economic Development: assistance for businesses rebuilding, replacing property/capital, compensating business interruption, loan programs 4. Any other activities that would be covered by FEMA's Individual Assistance or SBA Disaster Loans (we're not particularly interested in support to state/local governments for infrastructure, debris removal, cleanup) We are wondering if you are aware of any datasets for CDBG-DR (either publicly available or that HUD can provide upon request) that might be able to break out this information, if it exists? (We understand that FEMA breaks out Public Assistance into subcategories like facilities, debris removal, etc.; perhaps HUD does something similar with its CDBG-DR grant data?). Would you be able to provide a referral to staff at HUD who are closest to this information? We know HUD is quite busy right now doing hurricane response, so any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Jon Jon Sperl Principal Analyst, Congressional Budget Office Federal Estimates (EPA), Public and Private Mandates (Energy/Transportation/Defense) Ford House Office Building, Room 441-D (202) 226-9092, jon.sperl@cbo.gov HUD-17-0235-B-000269 CBO Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. HUD-17-0235-B-000270 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Jon Sperl Tuesday, October 17, 2017 2:36 PM Kelley, Michael J; Appleton, Seth D CBO data inquiry on CDBG-DR uses Hello Mr. Kelley and Mr. Appleton, My name is Jon Sperl, and I'm an analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. My colleague Rob Reese referred me to you on a data inquiry CBO has for a project we are working on concerning federal disaster spending. In short, we are attempting to break out HUD's CDBG-DR spending into its ultimate end-use activities--specifically, we seek to quantify how much goes toward: 1. Housing: either for repairs/rehabilitation work on living quarters, or for temporary/other housing assistance 2. Individual Assistance activities: this is a category of aid under FEMA's DRF, but CDBG-DR funds are used by some states for the same sort of activities, like providing assistance for housing or "other needs" like moving/cleanup/health care, etc. 3. Business/Economic Development: assistance for businesses rebuilding, replacing property/capital, compensating business interruption, loan programs 4. Any other activities that would be covered by FEMA's Individual Assistance or SBA Disaster Loans (we're not particularly interested in support to state/local governments for infrastructure, debris removal, cleanup) We are wondering if you are aware of any datasets for CDBG-DR (either publicly available or that HUD can provide upon request) that might be able to break out this information, if it exists? (We understand that FEMA breaks out Public Assistance into subcategories like facilities, debris removal, etc.; perhaps HUD does something similar with its CDBG-DR grant data?). Would you be able to provide a referral to staff at HUD who are closest to this information? We know HUD is quite busy right now doing hurricane response, so any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Jon Jon Sperl Principal Analyst, Congressional Budget Office Federal Estimates (EPA), Public and Private Mandates (Energy/Transportation/Defense) Ford House Office Building, Room 441-D (202) 226-9092, jon.sperl@cbo.gov CBO Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. HUD-17-0235-B-000271 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Gimont, Stanley Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:56 AM Rackleff, Neal J; Appleton, Seth D RE: November 19, 2015 request Yes. I believe I have copies of everything sent under the first two responses to the committee. We are actively looking today. From: Rackleff, Neal J Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:19 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: RE: November 19, 2015 request Stan and I discussed yesterday. It appears he has only a redacted copy also. Is that correct Stan? Neal J. Rackleff Assistant Secretary- Community Planning & Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20410 O: 202.402-7113 C: (b) (6) Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:06 AM To: Rackleff, Neal J Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: RE: November 19, 2015 request Any luck on tracking this down? Thanks for your help. From: Rackleff, Neal J Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:36 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: Re: November 19, 2015 request We'll check it out next week. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Appleton, Seth D wrote: Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's HUD-17-0235-B-000272 response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000273 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rackleff, Neal J Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:19 AM Appleton, Seth D Gimont, Stanley RE: November 19, 2015 request Stan and I discussed yesterday. It appears he has only a redacted copy also. Is that correct Stan? Neal J. Rackleff Assistant Secretary- Community Planning & Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20410 O: 202.402-7113 C: (b) (6) Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:06 AM To: Rackleff, Neal J Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: RE: November 19, 2015 request Any luck on tracking this down? Thanks for your help. From: Rackleff, Neal J Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:36 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: Re: November 19, 2015 request We'll check it out next week. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Appleton, Seth D wrote: Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. HUD-17-0235-B-000274 Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000275 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Gimont, Stanley Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:07 AM Appleton, Seth D; Rackleff, Neal J RE: November 19, 2015 request Not yet. Hope to have answer by end of day. From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:06 AM To: Rackleff, Neal J Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: RE: November 19, 2015 request Any luck on tracking this down? Thanks for your help. From: Rackleff, Neal J Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:36 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: Re: November 19, 2015 request We'll check it out next week. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Appleton, Seth D wrote: Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request HUD-17-0235-B-000276 Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000277 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:06 AM Rackleff, Neal J Gimont, Stanley RE: November 19, 2015 request Any luck on tracking this down? Thanks for your help. From: Rackleff, Neal J Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:36 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Gimont, Stanley Subject: Re: November 19, 2015 request We'll check it out next week. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Appleton, Seth D wrote: Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from HUD-17-0235-B-000278 the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000279 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kelley, Michael J Monday, October 16, 2017 5:28 PM Foster, Helen G Appleton, Seth D; Smallwood, Marcus R P.L. 115-59 & Circular A-130: SSN #s OMB Circular A-130.pdf Afternoon HelenCIR received an inquiry from the House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee regarding a reporting requirement from P.L. 115-59. The text of the statute can be found here: https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr624/BILLS-115hr624enr.pdf According to this law, all CFO Agencies were required to submit this report to House OGR today. Clearly, this did not happen as no one knew anything about this. I've spoken with OMB and they are not providing any government-wide guidance on this reporting requirement. That said, they passed along the attached OMB Circular to help with HUD's crafting of the report. Can you help us here? Happy to chat on the phone to discuss further. Many thanks, Mike \ ,:1i~ "1>i > ......... ./ I Michael J. Kelley Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-4888 | C: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000280 CIRCULAR NO. A-130 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Managing Information as a Strategic Resource 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Purpose Applicability Basic Considerations Policy a. Planning and Budgeting b. Governance c. Leadership and Workforce d. IT Investment Management e. Information Management and Access f. Privacy and Information Security g. Electronic Signatures h. Records Management i. Leveraging the Evolving Internet 6. Government-wide Responsibilities 7. Effectiveness 8. Oversight 9. Authority 10. Definitions 11. Inquiries Appendix I: Responsibilities for Protecting and Managing Federal Information Resources 1. Introduction 2. Purpose 3. General Requirements 4. Specific Requirements 5. Government-wide Responsibilities 6. Discussion of the Major Provisions in the Appendix 7. Other Requirements 8. References Appendix II: Responsibilities for Managing Personally Identifiable Information 1. Purpose 2. Introduction 3. Fair Information Practice Principles 4. Senior Agency Official for Privacy 5. Agency Privacy Program 6. Managing PII Collected for Statistical Purposes Under a Pledge of Confidentiality 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000281 1. Introduction Information and information technology (IT) resources are critical to the U.S. social, political, and economic well-being. They enable the Federal Government to provide quality services to citizens, generate and disseminate knowledge, and facilitate greater productivity and advancement as a Nation. It is important for the Federal Government to maximize the quality and security of Federal information systems, and to develop and implement uniform and consistent information resources management policies in order to inform the public and improve the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of agency programs. Additionally, as technology evolves, it is important that agencies manage information systems in a way that addresses and mitigates security and privacy risks associated with new information technologies and new information processing capabilities. These new information technologies and information processing capabilities also provide significant opportunities for agencies. The deeply embedded nature of IT in all Federal agency missions and business processes, and the emergence of the digital economy, combined with the increasing interconnection of technology and public services, has changed the way we share information, changed the way we use and view technology, and has forever changed Americans' expectations. To meet expectations of the American people and facilitate innovation, the Federal Government must continue to transform itself to embrace and respond to the digital revolution by developing and maintaining a top-notch workforce and delivering secure, world-class digital services that serve the public. With IT at the core of nearly everything the Federal Government does, agencies must continually identify ways to apply new and emerging technologies that can fundamentally improve the way Government works and delivers services to the American people in the most cost-effective way possible. Delivering world-class digital services requires the Federal Government to change its approach to buying, building, and delivering IT and information. This Circular is designed to help drive the transformation of the Federal Government and the way it builds, buys, and delivers technology by institutionalizing more agile approaches intended to facilitate the rapid adoption of changing technologies, in a way that enhances information security, privacy, and management of information resources across all Federal programs and services. 2. Purpose This Circular 1 establishes general policy for the planning, budgeting, governance, acquisition, and management of Federal information, personnel, equipment, funds, IT resources and supporting infrastructure and services. The appendices to this Circular also include responsibilities for protecting Federal information resources and managing personally identifiable information (PII). While it is the responsibility of all agency leadership, program managers, and staff to implement the requirements of this Circular, agency heads have ultimate 1 Although this Circular touches on many specific information resources management issues such as privacy, confidentiality, information quality, dissemination, and statistical policy, those topics are covered more fully in other Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policies, which are available on the OMB website. Agencies shall implement the policies in this Circular and those in other OMB policy guidance in a mutually consistent fashion. 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000282 responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of this Circular are implemented for their agency. 3. Applicability The requirements of this Circular apply to the information resources management activities of all agencies 2 of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. The requirements of this Circular apply to management activities concerning all information resources in any medium (unless otherwise noted), including paper and electronic information. When an agency acts as a service provider, the ultimate responsibility for compliance with applicable requirements of this Circular is not shifted (to the service provider). Agencies shall describe the responsibilities of service providers in relevant agreements with the service providers. Agencies are not required to apply this Circular to national security systems (defined in 44 U.S.C. ? 3552), but are encouraged to do so where appropriate. For national security systems, agencies shall follow applicable statutes, executive orders, directives, and internal agency policies. 4. Basic Considerations Federal information is both a strategic asset and a valuable national resource. It enables the Government to carry out its mission and programs effectively. It provides the public with knowledge of the Government, society, economy, and environment - past, present, and future. Federal information is also a means to ensure the accountability of Government, to manage the Government's operations, and to maintain and enhance the performance of the economy, the public health, and welfare. Appropriate access to Federal information significantly enhances the value of the information and the return on the Nation's investment in its creation. The following considerations reflect these principles: a. The free flow of information between the Government and the public is essential to a democratic society. Therefore, the management of Federal information resources shall protect the public's right of access to Federal information; b. Government agencies shall be open, transparent, and accountable to the public. Promoting openness and interoperability, subject to applicable legal and policy requirements, increases operational efficiencies, reduces costs, improves services, supports mission needs, and increases public access to valuable Federal information; c. Making Federal information discoverable, accessible, and usable can fuel entrepreneurship, innovation, and scientific discovery that improves the lives of Americans, and contributes significantly to national stability and prosperity, and fosters public participation in Government; d. The Federal Government shall provide members of the public with access to public information on Government websites. This responsibility includes taking affirmative steps to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of Federal information prior to public dissemination, and maintaining processes for addressing requests for correction of information disseminated publicly; 2 'Agency' means any executive agency or department, military department, Federal Government corporation, Federal Government-controlled corporation, or other establishment in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, or any independent regulatory agency. 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000283 e. The open and efficient exchange of scientific and technical Federal information, subject to applicable security and privacy controls and the proprietary rights of others, fosters excellence in scientific research and effective use of Federal research and development resources; f. Federal information is a strategic asset subject to risks that must be managed to minimize harm; g. Protecting an individual's privacy is of utmost importance. The Federal Government shall consider and protect an individual's privacy throughout the information life cycle; h. While security and privacy are independent and separate disciplines, they are closely related, and it is essential for agencies to take a coordinated approach to identifying and managing security and privacy risks and complying with applicable requirements; i. The design of information collections shall be consistent with the intended use of the information, and the need for new information shall be balanced against the burden imposed on the public, the cost of the collection, and any privacy risks; j. It is essential that the Federal Government minimize the Federal information collection burden on the public, minimize the costs of its information activities, and maximize the usefulness of Government information; and k. Attention to the management of Federal Government records from creation to disposition is an essential component of sound information resources management that promotes public accountability. Together with records preservation, it helps protect the Federal Government's historical record and safeguards the legal and financial rights of the Federal Government and the public. 5. Policy Agencies shall establish a comprehensive approach to improve the acquisition and management of their information resources by: performing information resources management activities in an efficient, effective, economical, secure, and privacy-enhancing manner; focusing information resources planning to support their missions; implementing an IT investment management process that links to and supports budget formulation and execution; and rethinking and restructuring the way work is performed before investing in new information systems. a. Planning and Budgeting Agencies shall establish agency-wide planning and budgeting processes in accordance with OMB guidance. As discussed below, important components of planning and budgeting consist of developing and maintaining a strategy for managing and maintaining their information resources, referred to as the Information Resource Management (IRM) Strategic Plan, as well as ensuring effective collaboration between agency leadership on budget activities. 1) Strategic Planning In support of agency missions and business needs, and as part of the agency's overall strategic and performance planning processes, agencies shall develop and maintain an IRM Strategic Plan that describes the agency's technology and information resources 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000284 goals, including but not limited to, the processes described in this Circular. The IRM Strategic Plan must support the goals of the Agency Strategic Plan required by the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRA Modernization Act). The IRM Strategic Plan shall demonstrate how the technology and information resources goals map to the agency's mission and organizational priorities. These goals shall be specific, verifiable, and measurable, so that progress against these goals can be tracked. The agency shall review its IRM Strategic Plan annually alongside the Annual Performance Plan reviews, required by the GPRA Modernization Act, to determine if there are any performance gaps or changes to mission needs, priorities, or goals. As part of the planning and maintenance of an effective information strategy, agencies shall meet the following requirements, in addition to all other requirements in this Circular: a) Inventories Agencies shall: i. Maintain an inventory3 of the agency's major information systems, 4 information holdings, and dissemination products, at the level of detail that OMB and the agency determine is most appropriate for overseeing and managing the information resources; and ii. Maintain an inventory of the agency's information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII to allow the agency to regularly review its PII and ensure, to the extent reasonably practicable, that such PII is accurate, relevant, timely, and complete; and to allow the agency to reduce its PII to the minimum necessary for the proper performance of authorized agency functions. 5 b) Information Management Agencies shall: i. Continually facilitate adoption of new and emerging technologies, and regularly assess the following throughout the life of each information system: the inventory of the physical and software assets associated with the system 6; the maintainability and sustainability of the information resources and infrastructure supporting the system; and actively determine when significant upgrades, 3 The inventory of agency information resources shall include an enterprise-wide data inventory that accounts for data used in the agency's information systems. 4 The inventory of major information systems is required in accordance with 44 U.S.C. ? 3505(c). All information systems are subject to the requirements of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) whether or not they are designated as a major information system. 5 This inventory may be combined with the agency's inventory of information systems, as described above. 6 Agencies shall ensure that physical devices, software applications, hardware platforms, and systems within the organization are inventoried initially when obtained and updated on an ongoing basis. 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000285 replacements, or disposition is required to effectively support agency missions or business functions and adequately protect agency assets; 7 and ii. Ensure the terms and conditions of contracts and other agreements involving the processing, storage, access to, transmission, and disposition of Federal information are linked to the IRM strategic plan goals, and are sufficient to enable agencies to meet their policy and legal requirements. c) Risk Management Agencies shall: i. Consider information security, privacy, records management, public transparency, and supply chain security issues for all resource planning and management activities throughout the system development life cycle so that risks are appropriately managed; ii. Develop plan, in consultation with Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Senior Agency Officials for Records Management (SAORMs), and Senior Agency Officials for Privacy (SAOPs), for information systems and components that cannot be appropriately protected or secured and ensure that such systems are given a high priority for upgrade, replacement, or retirement; 8 iii. Regularly review and address risk regarding processes, people, and technology; and iv. Consult National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and NIST Special Publications (SPs) (e.g., 500, 800, and 1800 series guidelines). 2) Enterprise Architecture Agencies shall develop an enterprise architecture (EA) that describes the baseline architecture, target architecture, and a transition plan to get to the target architecture. The agency's EA shall align to their IRM Strategic Plan. The EA should incorporate agency plans for significant upgrades, replacements, and disposition of information systems when the systems can no longer effectively support missions or business functions. The EA should align business and technology resources to achieve strategic outcomes. The process of describing the current and future state of the agency, and laying out a plan for transitioning from the current state to the desired future state, helps agencies to eliminate waste and duplication, increase shared services, close performance gaps, and promote engagement among Government, industry, and citizens. 7 The assessment process is described in NIST SP 800-53A, Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations. 8 Includes hardware, software, or firmware components no longer supported by developers, vendors, or manufacturers through the availability of software patches, firmware updates, replacement parts, and maintenance contracts. NIST SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, provides additional guidance on unsupported software components. 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000286 3) Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Agencies shall, in accordance with the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and related OMB policy: 9 a) Ensure that IT resources are distinctly identified and separated from non-IT resources during the planning, programming, and budgeting processes in a manner that affords agency CIOs appropriate visibility and specificity to provide effective management and oversight of IT resources; b) Ensure that the agency-wide budget development process includes the CFO, CAO, and CIO in the planning, programming, and budgeting stages for programs that include IT resources (not just programs that are primarily information- and technology-oriented); c) The agency head, in consultation with the CFO, CAO, CIO, and program leadership, shall define the processes by which program leadership works with the CIO to plan an overall portfolio of IT resources that achieve program and business objectives efficiently and effectively by: i. Weighing potential and ongoing IT investments and their underlying capabilities against other proposed and ongoing IT investments in the portfolio; and ii. Identifying gaps between planned and actual cost, schedule, and performance goals for IT investments and developing a corrective action plan to close such gaps; d) Ensure that the CIO approves the IT components of any plans, through a process defined by the agency head that balances IT investments with other uses of agency funding. Agencies shall also ensure that the CIO is included in the internal planning processes for how the agency uses information resources to achieve its objectives at all points in their life cycle, including operations and disposition or migration; e) Ensure that agency budget justification materials, in their initial budget submission to OMB, include a statement that affirms: i. The CIO has reviewed and approves the IT investments portion of the budget request; ii. The SAOP has reviewed the IT investments portion of the budget request to ensure that privacy requirements, as well as any associated costs, are explicitly identified and included with respect to any IT resources that will be used to create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; 9 OMB policy documents can be located at https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_default and https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda_default. The Department of Defense (DoD), the Intelligence Community, and portions of other agencies that operate systems related to national security are subject to only certain portions of Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform (FITARA) (Pub. L. 113-291), as provided for in the statute. 7 HUD-17-0235-B-000287 iii. The CFO and CIO jointly affirm that the CIO had a significant role in reviewing planned IT support for major program objectives and significant increases and decreases in IT resources; and iv. The IT Portfolio includes appropriate estimates of all IT resources included in the budget request; f) Ensure that the CFO, CAO, and CIO define agency-wide policy for the level of detail of planned expenditure reporting for all transactions that include IT resources. 4) Business Continuity Planning Agencies shall develop a Business Continuity Plan. 10 A Business Continuity Plan to continue agency operations during times of service disruption is essential. Therefore, agencies shall develop continuity strategies in order to ensure services and access can be restored in time to meet the mission needs. Manual workarounds shall be part of the plan so business can continue while information systems are being restored. b. Governance In support of agency missions and business needs, and in coordination with program managers, agencies shall: 1) Define, implement, and maintain processes, standards, and policies applied to all information resources at the agency, in accordance with OMB guidance; 2) Require that the CIO, in coordination with appropriate governance boards, defines processes and policies in sufficient detail to address information resources appropriately. At a minimum, these processes and policies shall require that: a) Investments and projects in development are evaluated to determine the applicability of agile development; 11 b) Open data standards are used to the maximum extent possible when implementing IT systems; c) Appropriate measurements are used to evaluate the cost, schedule, and overall performance variances 12 of IT projects across the portfolio leveraging processes such 10 The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires each agency to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide information security program that includes plans and procedures to ensure continuity of operations for information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency. For additional information related to continuity planning and contingency planning, see Appendix I. 11 This evaluation shall be conducted as part of the acquisition planning process and involve staff from the CIO of the department, the implementing program managers, the appropriate contracting office representatives, and other applicable agency officials; 12 Standard definitions from budget or performance management practices, such as earned value management, shall be used for cost variance and schedule variance to measure progress. 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000288 as IT investment management, enterprise architecture, and other agency IT or performance management processes; 13 d) There are agency-wide policies and procedures for conducting IT investment reviews, operational analyses, or other applicable performance reviews to evaluate IT resources, including projects in development and ongoing activities; e) Data and information needs are met through agency-wide data governance policies that clearly establish the roles, responsibilities, and processes by which agency personnel manage information as an asset and the relationships among technology, data, agency programs, strategies, legal and regulatory requirements, and business objectives; 14 and f) Unsupported information systems and system components 15 are phased out as rapidly as possible, and planning and budgeting activities for all IT systems and services incorporate migration planning and resourcing to accomplish this requirement; 3) Ensure that the CIO is a member of governance boards that inform decisions regarding IT resources to provide for early matching of appropriate information resources with program objectives. The CIO may designate, in consultation with other senior agency officials, other agency officials to act as their representative to fulfill aspects of this responsibility so long as the CIO retains accountability; 4) Require that information security and privacy be fully integrated into the system development process; 5) Conduct TechStat reviews, led by the CIO, or use other applicable performance measurements to evaluate the use of agency information resources. The CIO may recommend to the agency head the modification, pause, or termination of any acquisition, investment, or activity that includes a significant IT component based on the CIO's evaluation, within the terms of the relevant contracts and applicable regulations; 6) Establish and maintain a process for the CIO to regularly engage with program managers to evaluate IT resources supporting each agency strategic objective. It shall be the CIO and program managers' shared responsibility to ensure that legacy and ongoing IT investments are appropriately delivering customer value and meeting the business objectives of the agency and the programs that support the agency; and 7) Measure performance in accordance with the GPRA Modernization Act and OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget. 13 The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-355) requires agencies to achieve, on average, ninety percent of the cost and schedule goals established for major and non-major acquisition programs of the agency without reducing the performance or capabilities of the items being acquired. 14 In accordance with the information management responsibilities outlined in 44 U.S.C. ? 3506(b). 15 Includes hardware, software, or firmware components no longer supported by developers, vendors, manufacturers, or communities through the availability of software patches, firmware updates, replacement parts, and maintenance contracts. NIST SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, provides additional guidance on unsupported software components. 9 HUD-17-0235-B-000289 c. Leadership and Workforce Agencies shall: 1) Require that the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), CIO, CAO, and SAOP develop a set of competency requirements for information resources staff, including program managers, information security, privacy, and IT leadership positions, and develop and maintain a current workforce planning process to ensure that the agency can: a) Anticipate and respond to changing mission requirements; b) Maintain workforce skills in a rapidly developing IT environment; and c) Recruit and retain the IT talent needed to accomplish the mission; 2) Ensure that the workforce, which supports the acquisition, management, maintenance, and use of information resources, has the appropriate knowledge and skills to facilitate the achievement of the portfolio's performance goals and, further, evaluate the extent to which the agency's executive-level workforce has appropriate information and technology-related knowledge and skills; 3) Implement innovative approaches and track performance of workforce development training, including cross-functional training, rotational development and assignments, and effective training and education used by the private sector, to maintain and enhance skills or obtain additional skills; 4) Ensure that the CHCO and CIO jointly establish an agency-wide critical element (or elements) to be included in all component or bureau CIOs' performance evaluations. In addition, the CIO shall identify key component or bureau CIOs and provide input to the rating official for these component or bureau CIOs at the time of the initial summary rating and for any required progress reviews. The rating official will consider the input from the CIO when determining the initial summary rating and discuss it with the component or bureau CIO during progress reviews; 5) Ensure that the CIO is involved in the recruitment, approves the selection, and provides input for the performance review of any component or bureau CIO, which includes any component or bureau leader who holds CIO duties but not necessarily the "CIO" title. The title and responsibilities of current component or bureau CIOs should be designated or transferred to other agency personnel by the agency head or their designee as appropriate, and such decisions should take into consideration recommendations from the agency CIO; 6) Ensure that the SAOP is involved in assessing and addressing the hiring, training, and professional development needs of the agency with respect to privacy; and 7) Ensure that the CIO, CHCO, SAOP, and other hiring managers take advantage of flexible hiring authorities for specialized positions, as established by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). d. IT Investment Management 1) Acquisition of Information Technology and Services Agencies shall: 10 HUD-17-0235-B-000290 a) Make use of adequate competition, analyze risks (including supply chain risks) associated with potential contractors and the products and services they provide, and allocate risk responsibility between Government and contractor when acquiring IT; b) Conduct definitive technical, cost, and risk analyses of alternative design implementations, including consideration of the full life cycle costs of IT products and services, including but not limited to, planning, analysis, design, implementation, sustainment, maintenance, re-competition, and retraining costs, scaled to the size and complexity of individual requirements; 16 c) Consider existing Federal contract solutions or shared services when developing planned information systems, available within the same agency, from other agencies, or from the private sector to meet agency needs to avoid duplicative IT investments; d) Acquire IT products and services in accordance with Government-wide requirements; 17 e) Ensure that decisions to improve existing information systems with customdeveloped solutions or develop new information systems are initiated only when no existing alternative private sector or governmental source can efficiently meet the need, taking into account long-term sustainment and maintenance; f) Structure acquisitions for major IT investments into useful segments, with a narrow scope and brief duration, in order to reduce risk, promote flexibility and interoperability, increase accountability, and better match mission need with current technology and market conditions; g) To the extent practicable, modular contracts for IT, including orders for increments or useful segments of work, should be awarded within 180 days after the solicitation is issued. If award cannot be made within 180 days, agencies shall consider cancelling the solicitation. The IT acquired should be delivered within 18 months after the solicitation resulting in award of the contract was issued; 18 h) Align IT procurement requirements with larger agency strategic goals; i) Promote innovation in IT procurements, including conducting market research in order to maximize utilization of innovative ideas; and j) Include security, privacy, accessibility, records management, and other relevant requirements in solicitations. 2) Agency Approval Agencies shall ensure that all acquisition strategies, plans, and requirements (as described in FAR Part 7), or interagency agreements (such as those used to support 16 Other acquisition planning provisions are set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 7.1, Acquisition Plans, and Part 10, Market Research. 17 For information regarding Government-wide requirements, refer to OMB policy and the Federal Acquisition Regulation. For the acquisition of Personal Identity Verification (PIV) and public key infrastructure (PKI) products and services, also refer to the FIPS 201 Evaluation Program at https://www.idmanagement.gov. 18 Pursuant to Public Contracts statute (41 U.S.C. ? 2308). 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000291 purchases through another agency) that include IT are reviewed and approved by the purchasing agency's CIO. These approvals shall consider the following factors: a) Alignment with mission and program objectives in coordination with program leadership; b) Appropriateness with respect to the mission and business objectives supported by the IRM Strategic Plan; c) Inclusion of innovative solutions; d) Appropriateness of contract type for IT-related resources; e) Appropriateness of IT-related portions of statement of needs or statement of work; f) Ability to deliver functionality in short increments; g) Inclusion of Government-wide IT requirements, such as information security; and h) Opportunities to migrate from end-of-life software and systems, and to retire those systems. 3) Investment Planning and Control Agencies are responsible for establishing a decision-making process that shall cover the life of each information system and include explicit criteria for analyzing the projected and actual costs, benefits, and risks, including information security and privacy risks, associated with the IT investments. Agencies shall designate IT investments according to relevant statutes, regulations, and guidance in OMB Circular A-11, and execute processes commensurate with the size, scope, duration, and delivery risk of the investment. The IT investment processes shall encompass planning, budgeting, procurement, management, and assessment. For further guidance related to investment planning, refer to OMB Circular A-11, including the Capital Programming Guide. At a minimum, agencies shall ensure that: a) All IT resources (see "Information Technology Resources" definition) are included in IT investment planning documents or artifacts; b) Decisions related to major IT investments are supported by business cases with appropriate evidence; c) IT investments implement an agile development approach, as appropriate; 19 d) IT investments support and enable core mission and operational functions and processes related to the agency's missions and business requirements; e) IT capital investment plans and budgetary requests are reviewed to ensure that Government-wide requirements, as well as any associated costs, are explicitly identified and included, with respect to any IT resources. This includes IT resources that will be used to create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; and 19 For additional information, refer to OMB memoranda at https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda_default. 12 HUD-17-0235-B-000292 f) Decisions to improve, enhance, or modernize existing IT investments or to develop new IT investments are made only after conducting an alternatives analysis that includes both government-provided (internal, interagency, and intra-agency where applicable) and commercially available options, and the option representing the best value to the Government has been selected. 4) Selection Criteria and Requirements Agencies shall consider the following factors when analyzing IT investments: a) Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to determine the goals, needs, and behaviors of current and prospective managers and users of the service to strengthen the understanding of requirements; b) All decisions concerning the selection of information system technologies and services - including decisions to acquire or develop custom or duplicative solutions - shall be merit-based and consider factors such as, but not limited to, ability to meet operational or mission requirements, total life cycle cost of ownership, performance, security, interoperability, privacy, accessibility, ability to share or reuse, resources required to switch vendors, and availability of quality support. Consistent with the FAR, contracts for custom software development are to include contractual provisions that reaffirm the right to reuse the software throughout the Federal Government; c) Agencies shall consider use of suitable existing Federal information technology resources and commercially-available solutions in order to ensure effective management of Federal resources. Consistent with law and regulation, agencies should consider and evaluate the suitability of existing Federal information technologies and related services, including software, Federal shared services, and commercially-available solutions before embarking upon new developments of software and information technologies; and d) Information systems security levels are commensurate with the impact that may result from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of such information consistent with NIST standards and guidelines. 5) IT Investment Design and Management Agencies shall implement the following requirements: a) Information systems and processes must support and maximize interoperability and access to information, where appropriate, by using documented, scalable, and continuously available application programming interfaces and open machinereadable formats; b) IT investments must facilitate interoperability, application portability, and scalability across networks of heterogeneous hardware, software, and communications platforms; c) Information systems, technologies, and processes shall facilitate accessibility under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; in particular, see specific electronic and 13 HUD-17-0235-B-000293 IT accessibility requirements commonly known as "section 508" requirements (29 U.S.C. ? 794d); d) Records management functions and retention and disposition requirements must be fully incorporated into information life cycle processes and stages, including the design, development, implementation, and decommissioning of information systems, particularly Internet resources to include storage solutions and cloud-based services such as software as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service; and e) IT investments use an Earned Value Management System (EVMS) and Integrated Baseline Review, when appropriate, as required by FAR Subpart 34.2. When an EVMS is required, agencies must have a documented process for accepting a contractor's EVMS. Agencies are encouraged to share information about their acceptance process with other agencies and to consider recognizing each other's acceptance of an EVMS so that a contractor is not required to complete a duplicative process. When an EVMS is not required, implement a baseline validation process as part of an overall investment risk management strategy consistent with OMB guidance. e. Information Management and Access 1) Agencies shall incorporate the following steps, as appropriate, in planning, budgeting, governance, and other policies: a) Federal information is properly managed throughout its life cycle, including all stages through which the information passes, such as: creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposition; b) Federal information is managed by making information accessible, discoverable, and usable by the public to the extent permitted by law and subject to privacy, security (which includes confidentiality), or other valid restrictions pertaining to access, use, dissemination, and disclosure; c) Federal information is managed consistent with applicable records retention and disposition requirements; d) Federal information and information systems are managed in a manner that identifies and mitigates privacy and security risks; and e) Federal information is managed with clearly designated roles and responsibilities to promote effective and efficient design and operation of information resources management processes within their agency. 2) Agencies have a responsibility to provide information to the public consistent with their missions and subject to Federal law and policy. Agencies will discharge this responsibility by: a) Publishing public information online in a manner that promotes analysis and reuse for the widest possible range of purposes, meaning that the information is publicly accessible, machine-readable, appropriately described, complete, and timely. This 14 HUD-17-0235-B-000294 includes providing such public information in a format(s) accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities; 20 b) Avoiding establishing, or permitting others to establish on their behalf, exclusive, restricted, or other distribution arrangements that interfere with the agency's ability to disseminate its public information on a timely and equitable basis; c) Avoiding charging fees or royalties for public information or establishing unnecessary restrictions on the resale or re-dissemination of public information by the public. Agencies shall not, unless specifically authorized by statute, establish fees that exceed the cost of dissemination to the public, restrict or regulate the use, resale, or re-dissemination of public information by the public; or establish any mechanism that interferes with the timely and equitable availability of public information to the public; 21 d) As appropriate, making Government publications available to depository libraries through the Government Publishing Office regardless of format; 22 e) Taking advantage of all dissemination channels, including Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial governments, libraries and educational institutions, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and private sector entities, in discharging agency information dissemination responsibilities; and f) Considering the impact of providing agency information and services over the Internet for individuals who do not own computers or lack Internet access and, to the extent practicable, pursuing additional or alternative modes of delivery to ensure that such information and services are accessible to, and their availability is not diminished for, such individuals. 3) Agencies shall establish policies, procedures, and standards that enable data governance so that information is managed and maintained according to relevant statute, regulations, and guidance. 4) Agencies shall collect or create information in a way that supports downstream interoperability among information systems and streamlines dissemination to the public, where appropriate, by creating or collecting all new information electronically by default, in machine-readable open formats, using relevant data standards, that upon creation includes standard extensible metadata in accordance with OMB guidance. 5) Agencies shall include appropriate provisions in contracts, and other agreements, to encourage recipients of Federal funding to maximize access to data developed under an award and to prepare data management plans that describe data to be created in funded programs and approaches for long-term preservation and access to created data. 20 Pursuant to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. ? 794d). 21 Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1980, as amended by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). 22 Pursuant to the Depository Library Act of 1962 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 19). 15 HUD-17-0235-B-000295 6) Agencies shall ensure that there is a mechanism for the public to provide feedback about public information. 7) Agencies shall manage information in accordance with the following principles as appropriate: a) Providing notice of Federal agency practices for the creation, collection, use, processing, preservation, storage, maintenance, disclosure, dissemination, and disposal of information, as appropriate; b) Providing adequate notice when initiating, substantially modifying, or terminating dissemination of significant information that the public may be using; c) Identifying the source of the information disseminated to the public, if from outside the agency, where practicable; d) Considering target audiences of Federal information when determining format, frequency of update, and other information management decisions; e) Considering the impact of decisions and actions in each stage of the information life cycle on other stages; f) Considering the effects of information management actions on members of the public and State, local, tribal and territorial governments and their access to Federal information and ensure consultation with the public and those governments as appropriate; g) Seeking to satisfy new information needs through interagency or intergovernmental sharing of information, or through nongovernmental sources, where lawful and appropriate, before creating or collecting new information; and h) Complying with all applicable statutes and policies governing the disclosure or dissemination of information, including those related to the quality, privacy, security, accessibility, and other valid access, use, and dissemination restrictions. f. Privacy and Information Security 23 1) Privacy Agencies shall: a) Establish and maintain a comprehensive privacy program that ensures compliance with applicable privacy requirements, develops and evaluates privacy policy, and manages privacy risks; 24 b) Designate an SAOP who has agency-wide responsibility and accountability for developing, implementing, and maintaining an agency-wide privacy program to 23 Although this section includes requirements for protecting Federal information resources, this area is covered more fully in the Appendices to this Circular. 24 When considering privacy risks, privacy programs shall consider the risks to an individual or individuals associated with the agency's creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, or disposal of their PII. 16 HUD-17-0235-B-000296 ensure compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations, and policies regarding the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of PII by programs and information systems, developing and evaluating privacy policy, and managing privacy risks at the agency; 25 c) Monitor Federal law, regulation, and policy for changes that affect privacy; d) Limit the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and disclosure of PII to that which is legally authorized, relevant, and reasonably deemed necessary for the proper performance of agency functions; e) To the extent reasonably practicable, ensure that PII is accurate, relevant, timely, and complete, and reduce all PII to the minimum necessary for the proper performance of authorized agency functions; f) Take steps to eliminate unnecessary collection, maintenance, and use of Social Security numbers, and explore alternatives to the use of Social Security numbers as a personal identifier; g) Comply with all applicable privacy-related laws, including the requirements of the Privacy Act, 26 and ensure that the Privacy Act system of records notices are published, revised, and rescinded, as required; h) Maintain all records with PII in accordance with applicable records retention or disposition schedules approved by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); i) Conduct privacy impact assessments when developing, procuring, or using IT, in accordance with the E-Government Act, 27 and make the privacy impact assessments available to the public in accordance with OMB policy; j) Maintain and post privacy policies on all agency websites, mobile applications, and other digital services, in accordance with the E-Government Act and OMB policy; and k) Ensure that the SAOP and the agency's privacy personnel closely coordinate with the agency CIO, senior agency information security officer, and other agency offices and officials, as appropriate. 25 The SAOP shall be designated by the head of the agency, pursuant to Executive Order 13719, Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council (2016), and OMB guidance. 26 Agencies should also consult OMB policies on privacy, and OMB Circular A-108, Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act. 27 Section 208(b) of the E-Government Act requires agencies, absent an applicable exception under that section, to conduct a PIA before: (i) developing or procuring IT that collects, maintains, or disseminates information that is in an identifiable form; or (ii) initiating a new collection of information that - (I) will be collected, maintained, or disseminated using IT; and (II) includes any information in an identifiable form permitting the physical or online contacting of a specific individual, if identical questions have been posed to, or identical reporting requirements imposed on, 10 or more persons, other than agencies, instrumentalities, or employees of the Federal Government. 17 HUD-17-0235-B-000297 2) Information Security To provide proper safeguards, agencies shall: a) Ensure that the CIO designates a senior agency information security officer to develop and maintain an agency-wide information security program in accordance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA); b) Protect information in a manner commensurate with the risk that would result from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of such information; and c) Implement security policies issued by OMB, as well as requirements issued by the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the General Services Administration (GSA), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This includes applying the standards and guidelines contained in the NIST FIPS, NIST SPs (e.g., 800 series guidelines), and where appropriate and directed by OMB, NIST Interagency or Internal Reports (NISTIRs). 28 g. Electronic Signatures 29 To support the transition to electronic government, agencies shall: 1) Allow individuals or entities that deal with the agencies the option to submit information or transact with the agency electronically, when practicable, and for agencies to maintain records electronically, when practicable. Electronic records and their related electronic signatures are not to be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability merely because they are in electronic form; 30 2) Promote the use of electronic contract formation, signatures, and recordkeeping in private commerce by establishing legal equivalence between: contracts written on paper and contracts in electronic form; pen-and-ink signatures and electronic signatures; and other legally required written documents (termed "records") and the same information in electronic form; and 31 28 NISTIRs describe research of a technical nature of interest to a specialized audience. 29 In support of Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) and Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign), the Federal Chief Information Officers Council maintains guidance on use of Electronic Signatures (E-Signatures) in Federal organization transactions. The Federal Chief Information Officers Council guidance, Use of Electronic Signatures in Federal Organization Transactions, can be located at https://www.idmanagement.gov. This guidance expands upon OMB guidance. 30 Pursuant to the Government Paperwork Elimination Act of 1998 (44 U.S.C. ? 3504). 31 Pursuant to E-Sign (15 U.S.C. Chapter 96). E-Sign applies broadly to commercial, consumer, and business transactions affecting interstate or foreign commerce, and to transactions regulated by both Federal and State Government. 18 HUD-17-0235-B-000298 3) Develop and implement processes to support use of digital signatures, a form of electronic signature, for employees and contractors. 32 h. Records Management Agencies shall: 1) Designate a senior agency official for records management (SAORM) who has overall agency-wide responsibility for records management; 2) Institute records management programs that provide documentation of agency activities; 33 3) Manage electronic records in accordance with Government-wide requirements. This includes: a) Managing all permanent electronic records electronically to the fullest extent possible for eventual transfer and accessioning by NARA in an electronic format; and b) Managing all email records electronically and retaining them in an appropriate electronic system that supports records management and litigation requirements, including the capability to identify, retrieve, and retain the records for as long as they are needed; 4) Ensure the ability to access, retrieve, and manage records throughout their life cycle regardless of form or medium; 5) Ensure agency records managed by the SAORM are treated as information resources and follow the requirements in this Circular; 6) Establish and obtain the approval of the Archivist of the United States for retention schedules for Federal records in a timely fashion; 7) Ensure the proper and timely disposition of Federal records in accordance with a retention schedule approved by the Archivist of the United States; and 8) Provide training and guidance, as appropriate, to all agency employees and contractors regarding their Federal records management responsibilities. i. Leveraging the Evolving Internet In a global and connected economy, it is essential for the United States and the Federal Government to strive to ensure that Internet-based technologies remain competitive. The Federal Government needs to continue to lead in innovation, contribute to the free flow of information, participate in an open and available market, and do this in a way that is scalable and secure. Networking demands, escalating with the continued emergence of connecting technologies, has grown well beyond initial capabilities. The use of the newest Internet Protocol (currently, Internet Protocol Version 6 [IPv6]) is an essential part of accomplishing 32 Digital signatures can help agencies streamline mission or business processes and transition manual processes to more automated processes to include, for example, online transactions. 33 Additional information regarding adequate and proper documentation is available in 36 C.F.R. ? 1222.22. 19 HUD-17-0235-B-000299 these goals and ensuring that the network infrastructure can meet our needs for growing capacity, security, and privacy, and keep the United States competitive in the ever-escalating global electronic economy. Therefore, agencies shall: 1) Implement agency-wide processes requiring that all IT acquisitions using Internet Protocol conform to the FAR; and 34 2) Ensure that all public-facing Internet services and enterprise networks fully support the newest version of Internet Protocol as required by OMB policy. 6. Government-wide Responsibilities a. Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce shall: 1) Develop and issue standards and guidelines for the security and privacy of information in Federal information systems and systems which create, collect, process, store, transmit, disseminate, or dispose of information on behalf of the Federal Government; 35 2) Provide OMB and the agencies with scientific and technical advisory services relating to the development and use of IT; 36 3) Conduct studies and evaluations concerning telecommunications technology, and the improvement, expansion, testing, operation, and use of Federal telecommunications systems, and advise the Director of OMB and appropriate agencies of the recommendations that result from such studies; 37 4) Develop, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of OMB, plans, policies, and programs relating to international telecommunications issues affecting Federal information activities; 38 5) Identify needs for standardization of telecommunications and information processing technology, and develop standards, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of General Services, to ensure efficient application of such technology; 39 34 When acquiring information technology using Internet Protocol, agencies must include the appropriate Internet Protocol compliance requirements in accordance with ? 11.002(g) of the FAR. For additional information, refer to https://www.acquisition.gov/. 35 National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Act, 15 U.S.C. ? 278g-3. 36 Pursuant to the NIST Act (15 U.S.C. ? 278g-3). 37 Pursuant to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Organization Act, as amended (47 U.S.C. ? 902(b)(2)(F)). 38 Pursuant to the NTIA Organization Act, as amended (47 U.S.C. ?902(b)(2)(G)). 39 Pursuant to the NIST Act, 15 U.S.C. ?? 272(b), 278g-3, and OMB A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities. 20 HUD-17-0235-B-000300 6) Ensure that the Federal Government is represented in the development of national and international (in consultation with the Secretary of State) IT standards, and advise the Director of OMB on such activities; 40 7) Evaluate new information technologies to assess their security vulnerabilities, with technical assistance from the Department of Defense (DOD) and DHS; 8) Solicit and consider the recommendations of the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board regarding such standards and guidelines; 41 and 9) Lead the development of a Cybersecurity Framework to reduce cyber risks to critical infrastructure pursuant to Executive Order 13636, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. b. Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security shall: 42 1) Perform its responsibilities under FISMA, including assisting OMB in carrying out its statutory authorities and functions of information security oversight and policy responsibilities; 43 2) Develop and oversee the implementation of binding operational directives pursuant to FISMA; 44 3) Monitor agency implementation of information security policies and practices; 4) Convene meetings with senior agency officials to help ensure effective implementation of information security policies and procedures; 5) Coordinate Government-wide efforts on information security policies and practices, including consultation with the Federal Chief Information Officers Council, and the Director of NIST; 6) Provide operational and technical assistance to agencies in implementing policies, principles, standards, and guidelines on information security, including implementation of standards promulgated under 40 U.S.C. ? 11331, including by: a) Operating the Federal information security incident center established under 44 U.S.C. ? 3556; b) Upon request by an agency, deploying technology to assist the agency to continuously diagnose and mitigate cyber threats and vulnerabilities, with or without reimbursement; 40 Pursuant to NIST Act, 15 U.S.C. ?? 272(b), 273, 278g-3 and OMB A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities. 41 Pursuant to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. ?278g-4). 42 Pursuant to FISMA (44 U.S.C. ? 3553). 43 FISMA, 44 U.S.C. ? 3553(b)(1). 44 FISMA, 44 U.S.C. ? 3553(b)(2). 21 HUD-17-0235-B-000301 c) Compiling and analyzing data on agency information security; and d) Developing and conducting targeted operational evaluations, including threat and vulnerability assessments, on the information systems; 7) Consult with the Director of NIST regarding any binding operational directives that implements the standards and guidelines developed by NIST; 8) Coordinate the development of binding operational directives and the oversight of the implementation of such directives with OMB to ensure consistency with OMB policies; 9) Ensure that binding operational directives do not conflict with the guidelines issued under 40 U.S.C. ? 11331; 10) Take other actions as the Director of OMB or the Secretary, in consultation with the Director of OMB, may determine necessary to carry out the implementation of effective agency information security policies and practices for information systems; 11) Manage Government-wide information security programs and provide and operate Federal information security shared services, in coordination with OMB and in accordance with OMB policies; 12) Provide, as appropriate, intelligence and other information about cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents to agencies to assist in risk assessments conducted under FISMA; 45 and 13) Solicit and consider the recommendations of the Information Security Privacy Advisory Board, established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (NIST Act). 46 c. Federal Chief Information Officers Council (Federal CIO Council) Pursuant to the E-Government Act of 2002, the Federal CIO Council shall: 47 1) Develop recommendations for OMB on Government information resources management policies and requirements; 2) Share experiences, ideas, best practices, and innovative approaches related to information resources management; 3) Assist OMB in the identification, development, and coordination of multiagency projects and other innovation initiatives to improve Federal Government performance through use of IT; 4) Promote the development and use of common performance measures for agency information resources management, as further described in statute; 45 44 U.S.C. ? 3556(a)(4). 46 Pursuant to DHS current practices. 47 E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. ? 3603). 22 HUD-17-0235-B-000302 5) Work as appropriate with NIST and OMB to develop recommendations on IT standards developed under the NIST Act and promulgated under section 11331 of title 40, and maximize the use of commercial standards, as further described in statute; 6) Work with OPM to assess and address the hiring, training, classification, and professional development needs of the Federal Government related to information resources management; 7) Work with the Archivist of the United States to assess how the Federal Records Act can be addressed effectively by Federal information resources management activities; and 8) Solicit perspectives from the Chief Financial Officers Council, Federal Acquisition Officers Council, Chief Human Capital Officers' Council, Budget Officers Advisory Council, and other key groups in the Federal Government, as well as industry, academia, and other Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial governments, on matters of concern to the Council as appropriate. d. Federal Privacy Council Pursuant to Executive Order 13719, the Federal Privacy Council shall: 48 1) Develop recommendations for OMB on Federal Government privacy policies and requirements; 2) Coordinate and share ideas, best practices, and approaches for protecting privacy and implementing appropriate privacy safeguards; 3) Assess and recommend how best to address the hiring, training, and professional development needs of the Federal Government with respect to privacy matters; 4) Perform other privacy-related functions, consistent with law, as designated by the Chair of the Federal Privacy Council; and 5) In performing its duties, engage in appropriate coordination as described in Executive Order 13719. 49 48 Executive Order 13719, Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council (2016). 49 Executive Order 13719, Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council (2016 )at ? 4(d), "Coordination": (i) The Chair and the Privacy Council shall coordinate with the Federal Chief Information Officers Council (CIO Council) to promote consistency and efficiency across the executive branch when addressing privacy and information security issues. In addition, the Chairs of the Privacy Council and the CIO Council shall coordinate to ensure that the work of the two councils is complementary and not duplicative. (ii) The Chair and the Privacy Council should coordinate, as appropriate, with such other interagency councils and councils and offices within the Executive Office of the President, as appropriate, including the President's Management Council, the Chief Financial Officers Council, the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, the National Science and Technology Council, the National Economic Council, the Domestic Policy Council, the National Security Council staff, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council, and the Small Agency Council. 23 HUD-17-0235-B-000303 e. General Services Administration The Administrator of General Services shall: 1) Provide a Government-wide network services contract that leverages shared solutions for many agencies; 50 2) Ensure that contract vehicles and services made available to agencies are cost-effective and provide for capabilities that are consistent with Government-wide requirements; 51 3) Assist OMB in setting strategic direction for electronic government and overseeing Government-wide implementation, and recommend changes relating to Governmentwide strategies and priorities; 52 4) Promote innovative uses of IT by agencies, particularly initiatives involving multiagency collaboration, through support of pilot projects, research, experimentation, and the use of innovative technologies; 53 5) Maintain a Federal public key infrastructure (PKI) framework to allow efficient interoperability among agencies when using digital certificates; 54 and 6) Ensure that effective controls are in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Federal PKI framework components managed and overseen by the agency, to include performing information security continuous monitoring of the Federal PKI. f. National Archives and Records Administration The Archivist of the United States shall: 1) Administer the Federal Records Act and NARA regulations (36 CFR Subchapter B-- Records Management); 55 2) Develop regulations relating to electronic records management; 56 3) Work with agencies to ensure the transfer of permanent Federal electronic records to the National Archives of the United States in digital or electronic form to the greatest extent possible; 57 50 Pursuant to the Clinger-Cohen Act (also known as the "Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996") (40 U.S.C. ? 11314(b)). Pursuant to the Clinger-Cohen Act (also known as the "Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996") (40 U.S.C. ?? 11302, 11314(a)). 51 52 Pursuant to the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. ? 3602). 53 Pursuant to the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. ? 3602). 54 Federal PKI provides the government with a common infrastructure to administer digital certificates and publicprivate key pairs, including the ability to issue, maintain, and revoke public key certificates. 55 Pursuant to the Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, codified (44 U.S.C. Chapters 21, 29, 31, 33). 56 Pursuant to the Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, codified (44 U.S.C. Chapters 31 and 33). 57 Pursuant to the Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, codified (44 U.S.C. Chapters 21, 29, 31, 33). 24 HUD-17-0235-B-000304 4) Ensure agency compliance with records management requirements, provide records management training, and facilitate public access to high-value Government records; 58 and 5) Serve as the Executive Agent for the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) program. 59 g. Office of Personnel Management The Administrator of the Office of Personnel Management shall: 60 1) Analyze, on an ongoing basis, the workforce needs of the Federal Government related to IT and information resources management, in conjunction with relevant agencies; 2) Identify training needs of the Federal Government workforce related to IT and information resources management; 3) Oversee the development of curricula, training methods, and training priorities that correspond to the projected personnel needs related to IT and information resources management; and 4) Assess the training of employees in IT disciplines to address information resources management needs. 7. Effectiveness This Circular is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. 8. Oversight The Director of OMB shall use IT planning reviews, fiscal budget reviews, information collection reviews, management reviews, and such other measures as the Director deems necessary to evaluate the adequacy and efficiency of each agency's information resources management and compliance with this Circular. The Director of OMB may, consistent with statute and upon written request of an agency, grant a waiver from particular requirements of this Circular. Requests for waivers must detail the reasons why a particular waiver is sought, identify the duration of the waiver sought, and include a plan for the prompt and orderly transition to full compliance with the requirements of this Circular. Notice of each waiver request must be published promptly by the agency in the Federal Register, with a copy of the waiver request made available to the public on request. 58 Pursuant to the Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, codified (44 U.S.C. Chapters 21, 29, 31, 33). 59 Pursuant to Executive Order 13556, Controlled Unclassified Information. 60 Pursuant to the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. ? 3501 note; Pub. L. 107-347, ? 209(b)(1)). 25 HUD-17-0235-B-000305 9. Authority OMB issues this Circular pursuant to the Clinger-Cohen Act (also known as the "Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996") (40 U.S.C. ? 11101-11704); E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. Chapters 35 and 36); Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, Subchapter II); Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) (Pub. L. 113-291) 61; Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1980, as amended by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35); Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. ? 552a); Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (Pub. L. 113-101); Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign) (15 U.S.C. Chapter 96); Government Paperwork Elimination Act of 1998 (44 U.S.C. ? 3504); Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, as amended by the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act (GPRA Modernization Act) of 2010 (5 U.S.C. ? 306 and 31 U.S.C. ?? 1115 et seq.); Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. Chapter 7); Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950, as amended (31 U.S.C. Chapter 11); Chief Financial Officers Act (31 U.S.C. ? 3512 et seq.); and Executive Order 13719, Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council (2016). 10. Definitions a. The following definitions are applicable within this policy: 1) 'Accessibility' means information technology products or services that are in full compliance with the standards of section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 62 2) 'Adequate security' means security protections commensurate with the risk resulting from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information. This includes ensuring that information hosted on behalf of an agency and information systems and applications used by the agency operate effectively and provide appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability protections through the application of cost-effective security controls. 3) 'Agency' means any executive agency or department, military department, Federal Government corporation, Federal Government-controlled corporation, or other establishment in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, or any independent regulatory agency. 4) 'Agency Strategic Plan' means a plan that provides general and long-term goals that the agency aims to achieve, the actions the agency will take to realize those goals, the 61 Title VIII, Subtitle D of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015, Pub. L. 113-291. Further references in the text that refer to "FITARA" refer to these sections. 62 The United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's (Access Board) Information and Communication Technology Standards and Guidelines for information and communications technologies (ICT), known as the Section 508 Standards. The 508 standards apply to ICT developed, procured, maintained, or used by Federal agencies covered by section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. ? 794d), as amended. Accessibility also refers to the guidelines for telecommunications equipment and customer premises equipment covered by Section 255 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. ? 151 et seq.). 26 HUD-17-0235-B-000306 strategies planned, how the agency will deal with challenges and risks that may hinder achieving results, and the approaches it will use to monitor its progress. 63 5) 'Agile Development' means a development methodology that uses an iterative approach to deliver solutions incrementally through close collaboration and frequent reassessment. 6) 'Authorization to Operate' means the official management decision given by a senior Federal official or officials to authorize operation of an information system and to explicitly accept the risk to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation based on the implementation of an agreed-upon set of security and privacy controls. Authorization also applies to common controls inherited by agency information systems. 7) 'Authorization boundary' means all components of an information system to be authorized for operation by an authorizing official. This excludes separately authorized systems to which the information system is connected. 64 8) 'Authorization package' means the essential information that an authorizing official uses to determine whether to authorize the operation of an information system or the use of a designated set of common controls. At a minimum, the authorization package includes the information system security plan, privacy plan, security control assessment, privacy control assessment, and any relevant plans of action and milestones. 9) 'Authorizing official' means a senior Federal official or executive with the authority to authorize (i.e., assume responsibility for) the operation of an information system or the use a designated set of common controls at an acceptable level of risk to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. 10) 'Binding Operational Directive' means a compulsory direction from the Department of Homeland Security to an agency that is for the purposes of safeguarding Federal information and information systems from a known or reasonably suspected information security threat, vulnerability, or risk; shall be in accordance with policies, principles, standards, and guidelines issued by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; and may be revised or repealed by the Director if the direction issued on behalf of the Director is not in accordance with policies and principles developed by the Director (44 U.S.C. ? 3552). 11) 'Business Continuity Plan' means a plan that focuses on sustaining an organization's mission or business processes during and after a disruption, and may be written for 63 For additional information, refer to the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, as amended by the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act (GPRA Modernization Act) of 2010 (5 U.S.C. ? 306 and 31 U.S.C. ? 1115 et seq.); and OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget. 64 Agencies have significant flexibility in determining what constitutes an information system and its associated boundary. 27 HUD-17-0235-B-000307 mission or business processes within a single business unit or may address the entire organization's processes. 65 12) 'Chief Information Officer' means the senior official that provides advice and other assistance to the head of the agency and other senior management personnel of the agency to ensure that IT is acquired and information resources are managed for the agency in a manner that achieves the agency's strategic goals and information resources management goals; and is responsible for ensuring agency compliance with, and prompt, efficient, and effective implementation of, the information policies and information resources management responsibilities, including the reduction of information collection burdens on the public. 13) 'Chief Information Officers Council' means the Council codified in the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C ? 101). 14) 'Common control' means a security or privacy control that is inherited by multiple information systems or programs. 66 15) 'Controlled Unclassified Information' means information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls pursuant to and consistent with law, regulations, and Government-wide policies, excluding information classified under Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009, or the Atomic Energy Act, as amended. 16) 'Critical infrastructure' means systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health safety, or any combination of those matters (42 U.S.C. ? 5195c(e)). 17) 'Cybersecurity' means prevention of damage to, protection of, and restoration of computers, electronic communications systems, electronic communications services, wire communication, and electronic communication, including information contained therein, to ensure its availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. 18) 'Dissemination' means the government-initiated distribution of information to a nongovernment entity, including the public. The term 'dissemination,' as used within this Circular, does not include distribution limited to Federal Government employees, intra- or interagency use or sharing of Federal information, and responses to requests for agency records under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. ? 552) or the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. ? 552a). 19) 'Enterprise architecture' (a) means - (i) a strategic information asset base, which defines the mission; (ii) the information necessary to perform the mission; (iii) the technologies necessary to perform the mission; and (iv) the transitional processes for implementing 65 The Federal Information Security Modernization Act (44 U.S.C. ? 3554(b))) requires each agency to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide information security program that includes plans and procedures to ensure continuity of operations for information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency. 66 A control is inherited by an information system when the control is selected for the system but the control is developed, implemented, assessed, authorized, and monitored by entities other than those responsible for the system. 28 HUD-17-0235-B-000308 new technologies in response to changing mission needs; and (b) includes - (i) a baseline architecture; (ii) a target architecture; and (iii) a sequencing plan (44 U.S.C. ? 3601). 20) 'Environment of operation' means the physical surroundings in which an information system processes, stores, and transmits information. 21) 'Executive agency' has the meaning defined in Title 41, Public Contracts section 133 (41 U.S.C. ? 133). 22) 'Federal information' means information created, collected, processed, maintained, disseminated, disclosed, or disposed of by or for the Federal Government, in any medium or form. 23) 'Federal information system' means an information system used or operated by an agency or by a contractor of an agency or by another organization on behalf of an agency. 24) 'Federal Privacy Council' means the Council established by Executive Order 13719. 67 25) 'Government publication' means information that is published as an individual document at Government expense, or as required by law, in any medium or form (44 U.S.C. ? 1901). 26) 'Hybrid control' means a security or privacy control that is implemented for an information system in part as a common control and in part as a system-specific control. 27) 'Incident' means an occurrence that actually or imminently jeopardizes, without lawful authority, the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information or an information system; or constitutes a violation or imminent threat of violation of law, security policies, security procedures, or acceptable use policies (44 U.S.C. ? 3552). 28) 'Information' means any communication or representation of knowledge such as facts, data, or opinions in any medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, electronic, or audiovisual forms. 29) 'Information dissemination product' means any recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, disseminated by an agency, or contractor thereof, to the public. 30) 'Information life cycle' means the stages through which information passes, typically characterized as creation or collection, processing, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition, to include destruction and deletion. 31) 'Information management' means the planning, budgeting, manipulating, and controlling of information throughout its life cycle. The term encompasses both information itself and the related resources, such as personnel, equipment, funds, and information technology. 32) 'Information resources' means information and related resources, such as personnel, equipment, funds, and information technology (44 U.S.C. ? 3502). 67 Executive Order 13719, Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council (2016). 29 HUD-17-0235-B-000309 33) 'Information resources management' means the process of managing information resources to accomplish agency missions. The term encompasses an agency's information and the related resources, such as personnel, equipment, funds, and information technology (44 U.S.C. ? 3502). 34) 'Information Resource Management Strategy' means a strategy that demonstrates how information resources management decisions are integrated with organizational planning, budget, procurement, financial management, human resources management, and program decisions (44 U.S.C. 3506 (b)(2)). 35) 'Information security' means the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide: a) Integrity, which means guarding against improper information modification or destruction, and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and authenticity; b) Confidentiality, which means preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information; and c) Availability, which means ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information (44 U.S.C. ? 3552). 36) 'Information security architecture' means an embedded, integral part of the enterprise architecture that describes the structure and behavior of the enterprise security processes, information security systems, personnel, and organizational subunits, showing their alignment with the enterprise's mission and strategic plans. 37) 'Information security continuous monitoring' means maintaining ongoing awareness of information security, vulnerabilities, threats, and incidents to support agency risk management decisions. 68 38) 'Information security continuous monitoring program' means the compendium of methods, tools, and techniques necessary to implement the agency information continuous monitoring strategy in a way that is sufficient to inform risk-based decisions and maintain operations within established risk tolerances. The program includes determining monitoring metrics, establishing monitoring frequencies, and developing a monitoring architecture. 39) 'Information security continuous monitoring strategy' means a comprehensive plan to address monitoring requirements and activities at each organizational tier (organization, mission or business process, and information system). 40) 'Information system security plan' means a formal document that provides an overview of the security requirements for an information system and describes the security controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements. 69 68 The terms continuous and ongoing in this context mean that security controls and agency risks are assessed and analyzed at a frequency sufficient to support risk-based security decisions to adequately protect agency information. 69 The information system security plan and the privacy plan may be integrated into one consolidated document. 30 HUD-17-0235-B-000310 41) 'Information security program plan' means a formal document that provides an overview of the security requirements for an organization-wide information security program and describes the program management controls and common controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements. 42) 'Information system' means a discrete set of information resources organized for the collection, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, or disposition of information (44 U.S.C. ? 3502). 43) 'Information system life cycle' means all phases in the useful life of an information system, including planning, acquiring, operating, maintaining, and disposing. (See also OMB A-11 Part 7, Capital Programming Guide and OMB Circular A-131, Value Engineering for more information regarding the costs and management of assets through their complete life cycle.) 44) 'Information system resilience' means the ability of an information system to operate under adverse conditions or stress, even if in a degraded or debilitated state, while maintaining essential operational capabilities, and to recover to an effective operational posture in a time frame consistent with mission needs. 45) 'Information technology' means any services or equipment, or interconnected system(s) or subsystem(s) of equipment, that are used in the automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by the agency. For purposes of this definition, such services or equipment if used by the agency directly or is used by a contractor under a contract with the agency that requires its use; or to a significant extent, its use in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product. The term "information technology" includes computers, ancillary equipment (including imaging peripherals, input, output, and storage devices necessary for security and surveillance), peripheral equipment designed to be controlled by the central processing unit of a computer, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including cloud computing and help-desk services or other professional services which support any point of the life cycle of the equipment or service), and related resources. The term "information technology" does not include any equipment that is acquired by a contractor incidental to a contract which does not require its use (40 U.S.C. ? 11101). 46) 'Information technology investment' means an expenditure of information technology resources to address mission delivery and management support. This may include a project or projects for the development, modernization, enhancement, or maintenance of a single information technology asset or group of information technology assets with related functionality, and the subsequent operation of those assets in a production environment. These investments shall have a defined life cycle with start and end dates, with the end date representing the end of the currently estimated useful life of the investment, consistent with the investment's most current alternatives analysis if applicable. 47) 'Information Technology Investment Management' means a decision-making process that, in support of agency missions and business needs, provides for analyzing, tracking, and evaluating the risks, including information security and privacy risks, and results of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000311 all major investments made by an agency for information systems. The process shall cover the life of each system and shall include explicit criteria for analyzing the projected and actual costs, benefits, and risks, including information security and privacy risks, associated with the investments. 70 48) 'Information technology resources' means all agency budgetary resources, personnel, equipment, facilities, or services that are primarily used in the management, operation, acquisition, or other activity related to the life cycle of information technology; acquisitions or interagency agreements that include information technology and the services or equipment provided by such acquisitions or interagency agreements; but does not include grants that establish or support information technology not operated directly by the Federal Government. 49) 'Initial authorization' means the initial risk determination and risk acceptance decision based on a zero-base review 71 of the information system conducted prior to its entering the operations or maintenance phase of the system development life cycle. The zerobase review includes an assessment of all security and privacy controls (i.e., systemspecific, hybrid, and common controls) contained in an information system security plan or in a privacy plan and implemented within an information system or the environment in which the system operates. 50) 'Interagency agreement' means, for the purposes of this document, a written agreement entered into between two or more Federal agencies that specifies the goods to be furnished or tasks to be accomplished by one agency (the servicing agency) in support of the other(s) (the requesting agency), including assisted acquisitions as described in OMB Memorandum: Improving the Management and Use of Interagency Acquisitions and other cases described in FAR Part 17. 51) 'Major information system' means a system that is part of an investment that requires special management attention as defined in OMB guidance 72 and agency policies, a "major automated information system" as defined in 10 U.S.C. ? 2445, or a system that is part of a major acquisition as defined in the OMB Circular A-11, Capital Programming Guide, consisting of information resources. 73 52) 'Major information technology investment' means an investment that requires special management attention as defined in OMB guidance and agency policies, a "major automated information system" as defined in 10 U.S.C. ? 2445, or a major acquisition as 70 See the Clinger Cohen Act of 1996 (40 U.S.C. ? 11302) for statutory requirements. 71 A zero-base review of an information system is the first complete security assessment performed in order to provide the authorizing official with a comprehensive set of security-related information to facilitate making an appropriate risk determination. 72 For example, an information system requires special management attention because of its importance to an agency mission; its high development, operating, or maintenance costs; or its significant role in the administration of agency programs, finances, property, or other resources. 73 All information systems are subject to the requirements of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) whether or not they are designated as a major information system. 32 HUD-17-0235-B-000312 defined in the OMB Circular A-11, Capital Programming Guide, consisting of information resources. 53) 'National security system' means any information system (including any telecommunications system) used or operated by an agency or by a contractor of an agency, or other organization on behalf of an agency, the function, operation, or use of which involves intelligence activities; involves cryptologic activities related to national security; involves command and control of military forces; involves equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or is critical to the direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions (excluding a system that is to be used for routine administrative and business applications, for example, payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management applications); or is protected at all times by procedures established for information that have been specifically authorized under criteria established by an executive order or an Act of Congress to be kept classified in the interest of national defense or foreign policy (44 U.S.C. ? 3552). 54) 'Ongoing authorization' means the risk determinations and risk acceptance decisions subsequent to the initial authorization, taken at agreed-upon and documented frequencies in accordance with the agency's mission or business requirements and agency risk tolerance. Ongoing authorization is a time-driven or event-driven authorization process whereby the authorizing official is provided with the necessary and sufficient information regarding the security and privacy state of the information system to determine whether the mission or business risk of continued system operation is acceptable. 55) 'Open data' means publicly available data that are made available consistent with relevant privacy, confidentiality, security, and other valid access, use, and dissemination restrictions, and are structured in a way that enables the data to be fully discoverable and usable by end users. Generally, open data are consistent with principles, explained in OMB guidance, of such data being public, accessible, machine-readable, described, reusable, complete, timely, and managed post-release. 56) 'Overlay' means a specification of security or privacy controls, control enhancements, supplemental guidance, and other supporting information employed during the tailoring process, that is intended to complement (and further refine) security control baselines. The overlay specification may be more stringent or less stringent than the original security control baseline specification and can be applied to multiple information systems. (See "tailoring" definition.) 57) 'Personally identifiable information' means information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone or when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. 58) 'Privacy continuous monitoring' means maintaining ongoing awareness of privacy risks and assessing privacy controls at a frequency sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks. 59) 'Privacy continuous monitoring program' means an agency-wide program that implements the agency's privacy continuous monitoring strategy and maintains ongoing awareness of threats and vulnerabilities that may pose privacy risks; monitors changes to 33 HUD-17-0235-B-000313 information systems and environments of operation that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; and conducts privacy control assessments to verify the continued effectiveness of all privacy controls selected and implemented at an agency across the agency risk management tiers to ensure continued compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. 60) 'Privacy continuous monitoring strategy' means a formal document that catalogs the available privacy controls implemented at an agency across the agency risk management tiers and ensures that the controls are effectively monitored on an ongoing basis by assigning an agency-defined assessment frequency to each control that is sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks. 61) 'Privacy control' means the administrative, technical, and physical safeguards employed within an agency to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. 62) 'Privacy control assessment' means the assessment of privacy controls to determine whether the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. A privacy control assessment is both an assessment and a formal document detailing the process and the outcome of the assessment. 63) 'Privacy impact assessment' means an analysis of how information is handled to ensure handling conforms to applicable legal, regulatory, and policy requirements regarding privacy; to determine the risks and effects of creating, collecting, using, processing, storing, maintaining, disseminating, disclosing, and disposing of information in identifiable form in an electronic information system; and to examine and evaluate protections and alternate processes for handling information to mitigate potential privacy concerns. A privacy impact assessment is both an analysis and a formal document detailing the process and the outcome of the analysis. 64) 'Privacy program plan' means a formal document that provides an overview of an agency's privacy program, including a description of the structure of the privacy program, the resources dedicated to the privacy program, the role of the Senior Agency Official for Privacy and other privacy officials and staff, the strategic goals and objectives of the privacy program, and the program management controls and common controls in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks. 65) 'Privacy plan' means a formal document that details the privacy controls selected for an information system or environment of operation that are in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks, details how the controls have been implemented, and describes the methodologies and metrics that will be used to assess the controls. 74 66) 'Program management control' means, in the context of information security and privacy, a control that is generally implemented at the agency level, independent of any 74 The privacy plan and the information system security plan may be integrated into one consolidated document. 34 HUD-17-0235-B-000314 particular information system, and essential for managing information security or privacy programs. 67) 'Provisioned IT Service' means an information technology service that is owned, operated, and provided by an outside vendor or external government organization, and consumed by the agency. 68) 'Public information' means any information, regardless of form or format, that an agency discloses, disseminates, or makes available to the public (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). 69) 'Reauthorization' means the risk determination and risk acceptance decision that occurs after an initial authorization. In general, reauthorization actions may be time-driven or event-driven; however, under ongoing authorization, reauthorization is typically an event-driven action initiated by the authorizing official or directed by the Risk Executive (function) in response to an event that drives risk above the previously agreed-upon agency risk tolerance. 70) 'Records' means all recorded information, regardless of form or characteristics, made or received by a Federal agency under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the United States Government or because of the informational value of data in them (44 U.S.C. ? 3301). 71) 'Records management' means the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other managerial activities involved with respect to records creation, records maintenance and use, and records disposition in order to achieve adequate and proper documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government and effective and economical management of agency operations (44 U.S.C. ? 2901(2)). 72) 'Resilience' means the ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and recover rapidly from disruption. Resilience includes the ability to withstand and recover from deliberate attacks, accidents, or naturally occurring threats or incidents. 73) 'Risk' means a measure of the extent to which an entity is threatened by a potential circumstance or event, and typically is a function of: (i) the adverse impact, or magnitude of harm, that would arise if the circumstance or event occurs; and (ii) the likelihood of occurrence. 75 74) 'Risk management' means the program and supporting processes to manage risk to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, reputation), agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, and includes: establishing the context for risk-related activities; assessing risk; responding to risk once determined; and monitoring risk over time. 75) 'Risk management strategy' means the description of how an agency intends to assess risk, respond to risk, and monitor risk, making explicit and transparent the risk 75 Risk can include both information security and privacy risks. 35 HUD-17-0235-B-000315 perceptions that organizations routinely use in making both investment and operational decisions. 76) 'Risk response' means accepting, avoiding, mitigating, sharing, or transferring risk to agency operations, agency assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation. 77) 'Security category' means the characterization of information or an information system based on an assessment of the potential impact that a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of such information or information system would have on agency operations, agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. 78) 'Security control' means the safeguards or countermeasures prescribed for an information system or an organization to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system and its information. 79) 'Security control assessment' means the testing or evaluation of security controls to determine the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for an information system or organization. 80) 'Security control baseline' means the set of minimum security controls defined for a low-impact, moderate-impact, or high-impact information system. 81) 'Senior Agency Official for Privacy' means the senior official, designated by the head of each agency, who has agency-wide responsibility for privacy, including implementation of privacy protections; compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and policies relating to privacy; management of privacy risks at the agency; and a central policy-making role in the agency's development and evaluation of legislative, regulatory, and other policy proposals. 82) 'Senior Agency Official for Records Management' means the senior official who has direct responsibility for ensuring that the agency efficiently and appropriately complies with all applicable records management statutes, regulations, NARA policy and OMB policy. 83) 'Supply chain' means a linked set of resources and processes between multiple tiers of developers that begins with the sourcing of products and services and extends through the design, development, manufacturing, processing, handling, and delivery of products and services to the acquirer. 84) 'Supply chain risk' means risks that arise from the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information or information systems and reflect the potential adverse impacts to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. 85) 'Supply chain risk management' means the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating the risks associated with the global and distributed nature of information and communications technology product and service supply chains. 86) 'System-specific control' means a security or privacy control for an information system that is implemented at the system level and is not inherited by any other information system. 36 HUD-17-0235-B-000316 87) 'Systems security engineering' means a specialty engineering discipline of systems engineering. It applies scientific, mathematical, engineering, and measurement concepts, principles, and methods to deliver, consistent with defined constraints and necessary trade-offs, a trustworthy asset protection capability that satisfies stakeholder requirements; is seamlessly integrated into the delivered system; and presents residual risk that is deemed acceptable and manageable to stakeholders. 88) 'Tailoring' means the process by which security control baselines are modified by identifying and designating common controls; applying scoping considerations; selecting compensating controls; assigning specific values to agency-defined control parameters; supplementing baselines with additional controls or control enhancements; and providing additional specification information for control implementation. The tailoring process may also be applied to privacy controls. (See "overlay" definition.) 89) 'TechStat' means a face-to-face, evidence-based accountability review of an IT investment that enables the Federal Government to intervene to turn around, halt, or terminate IT projects that are failing or are not producing results for the American people. 90) 'Trustworthy information system' means an information system that is believed to be capable of operating within defined levels of risk despite the environmental disruptions, human errors, structural failures, and purposeful attacks that are expected to occur in its environment of operation. b. Terms that are not specifically defined in this section are assumed to have standard dictionary meanings, or are defined in other OMB policy. 11. Inquiries All questions or inquiries should be addressed to the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. Telephone: (202) 395-0379 or (202) 395-3785 or Email: A130@omb.eop.gov. 37 HUD-17-0235-B-000317 Appendix I to OMB Circular A-130 Responsibilities for Protecting and Managing Federal Information Resources 1. Introduction Agencies of the Federal Government depend on the secure acquisition, processing, storage, transmission, and disposition of information to carry out their core missions and business functions. This allows diverse information resources ranging from large enterprise information systems (or systems of systems) to small mobile computing devices to collect, process, store, maintain, transmit, and disseminate this information. The information relied upon is subject to a range of threats that could potentially harm or adversely affect organizational operations (e.g., mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation. These threats include environmental disruptions, purposeful attacks, structural failures, human errors, and other threats that can compromise Federal information resources. Personnel at all levels of the Federal Government must understand how to manage information security and protect privacy. Federal agencies must implement information security programs and privacy programs with the flexibility to meet current and future information management needs and the sufficiency to comply with Federal requirements and manage risks. Emerging technologies and services may continue to shift the ways in which agencies acquire, develop, manage, and use information and technology. As technologies and services continue to change, so will the threat environment. Agency programs must have the capability to identify, respond to, and recover from current threats while protecting their information resources and the privacy of the individuals whose information they maintain. The programs must also have the capability to address new and emerging threats. To be effective, information security and privacy considerations must be part of the day-to-day operations of agencies. This can best be accomplished by planning for the requisite security and privacy capabilities as an integral part of the agency strategic planning and risk management processes, not as a separate activity. This includes, but is not limited to, the integration of Federal information security and privacy requirements (and security and privacy controls) into the enterprise architecture, system development life cycle activities, systems engineering processes, and acquisition processes. To ensure that Federal agencies can successfully carry out their assigned missions and business operations in an environment of sophisticated and complex threats, they must deploy systems that are both trustworthy and resilient. To increase the level of trustworthiness and resilience of Federal information systems, the systems should employ technologies that can significantly increase the built-in protection capability of those systems and make them inherently less vulnerable. This can require a significant investment in appropriate architectures and the application of systems engineering concepts and principles in the design of Federal information systems. As Federal agencies take advantage of emerging information technologies and services to obtain more effective mission and operational capabilities, achieve greater efficiencies, and reduce costs, they must also apply the principles and practices of risk management, information security, and privacy to the acquisition and use of those technologies and services. While there are certain security and privacy requirements and associated controls that are mandatory, agencies are Appendix I - 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000318 required to employ risk-based approaches and decision making to ensure that security and privacy capabilities are sufficient to protect agency assets, operations, and individuals. Such risk-based approaches involve framing, assessing, responding to, and monitoring security and privacy risks on an ongoing basis. Risk-based approaches can also support potential performance improvements and cost savings when agencies make decisions about maintaining, modernizing, or replacing existing information technologies and services or implementing new technologies and services that leverage internal, other government, or private sector innovative and market-driven solutions. These responsibilities extend to the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of Federal information when such information is hosted by non-Federal entities on behalf of the Federal Government. Ultimately, agency heads remain responsible and accountable for ensuring that information management practices comply with all Federal requirements, that information security and privacy programs are appropriately managed, and that Federal information is adequately protected commensurate with the risk resulting from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of such information. 2. Purpose This Appendix establishes minimum requirements for Federal information security programs, assigns Federal agency responsibilities for the security of information and information systems, and links agency information security programs and agency management control systems established in accordance with OMB Circular A-123, Management's Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Controls. This Appendix also establishes requirements for Federal agency privacy programs, assigns responsibilities for privacy program management, and describes how agencies should take a coordinated approach to implementing information security and privacy controls. Additionally, this Appendix incorporates requirements of statute, such as FISMA (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. Chapters 35 and 36), the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), and the Privacy Act of 1974, and responsibilities assigned in executive orders and Presidential directives. 3. General Requirements a. Agencies shall implement an agency-wide risk management process that frames, assesses, responds to, and monitors information security and privacy risk on an ongoing basis across the three organizational tiers (i.e., organization level, mission or business process level, and information system level). 76 b. Agencies shall develop, implement, document, maintain, and oversee agency-wide information security and privacy programs including people, processes, and technologies to: 1) Provide for agency information security and privacy policies, planning, budgeting, management, implementation, and oversight; 76 NIST SP 800-39, Managing Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View, provides additional information on risk management processes and strategies. See also Section 5.b of this Appendix. Appendix I - 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000319 2) Protect information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide for their confidentiality, integrity, and availability; 3) Provide adequate security for all information created, collected, processed, stored, transmitted, disseminated, or disposed of by or on behalf of the agency, to include Federal information residing in contractor information systems and networks; 4) Cost-effectively manage information security and privacy risks, which includes reducing such risks to an acceptable level; 5) Implement a risk management framework to guide and inform the categorization of Federal information and information systems; the selection, implementation, and assessment of security and privacy controls; the authorization of information systems and common controls; and the continuous monitoring of information systems; 6) Implement security and privacy controls, and verify that they are operating as intended, and continuously monitored and assessed; put procedures in place so that security and privacy controls remain effective over time, and that steps are taken to maintain risk at an acceptable level within organizational risk tolerance; 7) Employ systems security engineering principles, concepts, and techniques during the life cycle of information systems to facilitate the development, deployment, operation, and sustainment of trustworthy and adequately secure systems; 8) Implement supply chain risk management principles to protect against the insertion of counterfeits, unauthorized production, tampering, theft, insertion of malicious software, as well as poor manufacturing and development practices throughout the system development life cycle; 9) Implement policies and procedures to ensure that all personnel are held accountable for complying with agency-wide information security and privacy requirements and policies; 10) Ensure that, in a timely manner, agency CIOs and SAOPs are made aware of information systems and components that cannot be appropriately protected or secured and that such systems are given a high priority for upgrade, replacement, or retirement; 77 and 11) Ensure ongoing collaboration between the senior agency information security officer and the SAOP to ensure coordination of security and privacy activities. c. Agencies that share PII shall require, as appropriate, other agencies and entities with which they share PII to maintain the PII in an information system with a particular NIST FIPS Publication 199 confidentiality impact level, as determined by the agency sharing the PII. d. Agencies that share PII with other agencies or entities shall impose, where appropriate, conditions (including the selection and implementation of particular security and privacy controls) that govern the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, 77 Until such information systems or components are appropriately dispositioned, agencies are expected to immediately implement interim remediation measures such as limiting access or connectivity. Appendix I - 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000320 dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of the PII through written agreements, including contracts, data use agreements, information exchange agreements, and memoranda of understanding. e. Agencies shall protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and shall apply NIST FIPS and NIST (800-series) SPs, as appropriate. This includes limiting the disclosure of proprietary information to that which is legally authorized, and impose appropriate conditions on use where a continuing obligation to ensure the confidentiality of the information exists. f. Agencies shall ensure compliance with all applicable statutory, regulatory, and policy requirements and develop and maintain effective information security and privacy programs. This includes using privacy impact assessments and other tools to manage privacy risks. g. Agencies shall implement policies issued by OMB, as well as requirements issued by the Department of Commerce, DHS, GSA, and OPM. This includes applying the standards and guidelines contained in NIST FIPS, NIST (800-series) SPs, and, where appropriate and directed by OMB, NISTIRs. 4. Specific Requirements 78 a. Security Categorization Agencies shall: 1) Identify authorization boundaries for information systems in accordance with NIST SPs 800-18 and 800-37; and 2) Categorize information and information systems, in accordance with FIPS Publication 199 and NIST SP 800-60, considering potential adverse security and privacy impacts to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. b. Planning, Budgeting, and Enterprise Architecture Agencies shall: 1) Identify and plan for the resources needed to implement information security and privacy programs; 2) Ensure that information security and privacy are addressed throughout the life cycle of each agency information system, and that security and privacy activities and costs are identified and included in IT investment capital plans and budgetary requests; 3) Plan and budget to upgrade, replace, or retire any information systems for which security and privacy protections commensurate with risk cannot be effectively implemented; 78 The requirements in this section represent those areas deemed to be of fundamental importance to the achievement of effective agency information security programs and those areas deemed to require specific emphasis by OMB. The security programs developed and executed by agencies need not be limited to the aforementioned areas but can employ a comprehensive set of safeguards and countermeasures based on the principles, concepts, and methodologies defined NIST standards and guidelines. Appendix I - 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000321 4) Ensure that investment plans submitted to OMB as part of the budget process meet the information security and privacy requirements appropriate for the life cycle stage of the investment; and 5) Incorporate Federal information security and privacy requirements into the agency's enterprise architecture to ensure that risk is addressed and information systems achieve the necessary levels of trustworthiness, protection, and resilience. c. Plans, Controls, and Assessments Agencies shall: 1) Develop and maintain an information security program plan that provides an overview of the organization-wide information security requirements and documents the program management controls and common controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements; 2) Develop and maintain a privacy program plan that provides an overview of the agency's privacy program, including a description of the structure of the privacy program, the resources dedicated to the privacy program, the role of the Senior Agency Official for Privacy and other privacy officials and staff, the strategic goals and objectives of the privacy program, the program management controls and common controls in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks, and any other information determined necessary by the agency's privacy program; 3) Employ a system life cycle process that incorporates the principles, concepts, methods, and techniques of systems security engineering to ensure the development of trustworthy and resilient information systems; 4) Develop supply chain risk management plans as described in NIST SP 800-161 to ensure the integrity, security, resilience, and quality of information systems; 5) Employ a process to select and implement security controls for information systems and the environments in which those systems operate 79 that satisfies the minimum information security requirements in FIPS Publication 200 and security control baselines in NIST SP 800-53, tailored as appropriate; 80 6) Employ a process to select and implement privacy controls for information systems and programs that satisfies applicable privacy requirements in OMB guidance, including, but not limited to, Appendix I to this Circular and OMB Circular A-108, Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act; 7) Implement information system security using sound systems security engineering principles, concepts, methods, practices, and techniques; 8) Develop and maintain security plans for information systems to document which security controls have been selected and how those controls have been implemented; 79 The environment of operation includes the physical surroundings in which an information system processes, stores, and transmits information. Agencies should take the environment into account when selecting, implementing, documenting, and assessing security controls. 80 Agencies must conduct tailoring activities in accordance with OMB policy. Appendix I - 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000322 9) Develop and maintain a privacy plan that details the privacy controls selected for an information system that are in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks, details how the controls have been implemented, and describes the methodologies and metrics that will be used to assess the controls; 10) Deploy effective security controls to provide Federal employees and contractors with multifactor authentication, digital signature, and encryption capabilities that provide assurance of identity and are interoperable Government-wide and accepted across all Executive Branch agencies; 11) Adhere to Government-wide requirements in the deployment and use of identity credentials used by employees and contractors accessing Federal facilities; 81 12) Designate common controls in order to provide cost-effective security and privacy capabilities that can be inherited by multiple agency information systems or programs; 82 13) Conduct and document assessments of all selected and implemented security and privacy controls to determine whether security and privacy controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable requirements and to manage security and privacy risks; 14) Conduct and document security and privacy control assessments prior to the operation of an information system, and periodically thereafter, consistent with the frequency defined in the agency information security continuous monitoring (ISCM) and privacy continuous monitoring (PCM) strategies and the agency risk tolerance; 15) Use agency plans of action and milestones (POA&Ms), and make available or provide access to OMB, DHS, inspectors general, and the U.S. Government Accountability Office, upon request, to record and manage the mitigation and remediation of identified weaknesses and deficiencies, not associated with accepted risks, in agency information systems; and 16) Obtain approval from the authorizing official for connections from the information system, as defined by its authorization boundary, to other information systems based on the risk to the agency's operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. 81 NIST SP 800-116, A Recommendation for the Use of PIV Credentials in Physical Access Control Systems (PACS), provides additional information on the use of PIV Credentials, the Government-wide standard identity credential, in physical access control systems. Physical access controls systems, which include, for example, servers, databases, workstations and network appliances in either shared or isolated networks, are considered information systems. 82 When common controls protect multiple agency information systems of differing impact levels, the controls shall be implemented at the highest impact level among the systems. If such controls cannot be implemented at the highest impact level of the information systems, agencies shall factor this situation into their assessments of risk and take appropriate risk mitigation actions (e.g., adding security controls, changing assigned values of security control parameters, implementing compensating controls, changing certain aspects of mission or business processes, or separating the higher impact system into its own domain where it can be afforded appropriate levels of protection). Appendix I - 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000323 d. Authorization to Operate and Continuous Monitoring Agencies shall: 1) Designate senior Federal officials to formally authorize an information system to operate and authorize agency-designated common controls for use; 83 2) Complete an initial authorization to operate for each information system and all agencydesignated common controls based on a determination of, and explicit acceptance of, the risk to agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, and prior to operational status; 3) Transition information systems and common controls to an ongoing authorization process when eligible for such a process and with the formal approval of the respective authorizing officials; 4) Reauthorize information systems and common controls as needed, on a time- or eventdriven basis in accordance with agency risk tolerance; 5) Develop and maintain an ISCM strategy to address information security risks and requirements across the organizational risk management tiers; 84 6) Implement and update, in accordance with organization-defined frequency, the ISCM strategy to reflect the effectiveness of deployed controls; significant changes to information systems; and adherence to Federal statutes, policies, directives, instructions, regulations, standards, and guidelines; 7) Ensure that all selected and implemented controls are addressed in the ISCM strategy and are effectively monitored on an ongoing basis, as determined by the agency's ISCM program; 85 8) Establish and maintain an ISCM program that: a) Provides an understanding of agency risk tolerance and helps officials set priorities and manage information security risk consistently throughout the agency; b) Includes metrics that provide meaningful indications of security status and trend analysis at all risk management tiers; c) Ensures the continued effectiveness of all security controls selected and implemented by monitoring controls with the frequencies specified in the ISCM strategy; d) Verifies compliance with information security requirements derived from organizational missions or business functions, Federal statutes, directives, instructions, regulations, policies, standards and guidelines; 83 Common controls are authorized for operation in the same manner as system-specific controls. 84 NIST SP 800-39, Managing Information Security Risk, defines three risk management tiers for managing information security risk within organizations. These include an organization or governance tier, mission or business process tier, and information system tier. 85 For greater efficiency, the ISCM and PCM strategies may be consolidated into a single unified continuous monitoring strategy. Similarly, the ISCM and PCM programs may also be consolidated into a single unified continuous monitoring program. Appendix I - 7 HUD-17-0235-B-000324 e) Is informed by all applicable agency IT assets to help maintain visibility into the security of those assets and the protection of PII associated with those assets; f) Ensures knowledge and control of changes to information systems that have potential to affect security; g) Maintains awareness of threats and vulnerabilities that have the potential to affect security, including the mitigation of those threats and vulnerabilities; 9) Develop and maintain a PCM strategy, a formal document that: a) Catalogs the available privacy controls implemented at the agency across the agency risk management tiers; and b) Ensures that the privacy controls are effectively monitored on an ongoing basis by assigning an agency-defined assessment frequency to each control that is sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks; 10) Establish and maintain an agency-wide PCM program that implements the agency's PCM strategy and: a) Conducts privacy control assessments to verify the continued effectiveness of all privacy controls selected and implemented at the agency across the agency risk management tiers to ensure continued compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks; b) Identifies assessment methodologies and metrics to determine whether privacy controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks; c) Maintains ongoing awareness of threats and vulnerabilities that may pose privacy risks; and d) Monitors changes to information systems and environments of operation that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; 11) Ensure that a robust ISCM program and PCM program are in place before agency information systems are eligible for ongoing authorization; and 12) Leverage available Federal shared services, where practicable and appropriate. e. Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Programs The SAOP has agency-wide responsibility and accountability for developing, implementing, and maintaining an agency-wide privacy program to manage privacy risks, develop and evaluate privacy policy, and ensure compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations, and policies regarding the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of PII by programs and information systems. The SAOP shall: 1) Develop and maintain a privacy program plan that provides an overview of an agency's privacy program, including a description of the structure of the privacy program, the resources dedicated to the privacy program, the role of the SAOP and other privacy officials and staff, the strategic goals and objectives of the privacy program, and the Appendix I - 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000325 program management controls and common controls in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks; 2) Develop and maintain a PCM strategy and PCM program to maintain ongoing awareness of privacy risks and assess privacy controls at a frequency sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks; 3) Conduct and document the results of privacy control assessments to verify the continued effectiveness of all privacy controls selected and implemented at the agency across all agency risk management tiers to ensure continued compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks; 4) Identify assessment methodologies and metrics to determine whether privacy controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks; 5) Designate which privacy controls will be treated as program management, common, information system-specific, and hybrid privacy controls at the agency; 6) Review IT capital investment plans and budgetary requests to ensure that privacy requirements (and associated privacy controls), as well as any associated costs, are explicitly identified and included, with respect to any IT resources that will be used to create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; 7) Review and approve, in accordance with NIST FIPS Publication 199 and NIST SP 80060, the categorization of information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; 86 8) Review and approve the privacy plans for agency information systems prior to authorization, reauthorization, or ongoing authorization; 9) Review authorization packages for information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks, prior to authorizing officials making risk determination and acceptance decisions; and 10) Coordinate with the CIO, the senior agency information security officer, and other agency officials in implementation of these requirements. f. Incident Detection, Response, and Recovery It is essential that agencies react appropriately to incidents after employing a risk-based approach to selecting and implementing their security and privacy controls for their information and information systems. 86 The categorization of information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII will depend on the sensitivity level of the PII, the privacy risks, and the associated risk to agency operations, agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. Agencies should generally categorize information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII at the moderate or high confidentiality impact level. See Appendix II for additional information regarding the sensitivity level of PII. Appendix I - 9 HUD-17-0235-B-000326 Agencies shall: 87 1) Develop and implement incident management policies and procedures, in accordance with OMB policies and NIST guidelines that address incident detection, response, and recovery. This includes developing and implementing appropriate activities to identify the occurrence of an incident; developing and implementing appropriate activities to take action regarding a detected incident; and developing and implementing the appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to an incident; 2) Designate sensitive positions and execute commensurate security clearance levels for appropriate agency personnel; 3) Establish clear roles and responsibilities to ensure the oversight and coordination of incident response activities and that incidents are documented, reported, investigated, and handled; 4) Periodically test incident response procedures to ensure effectiveness of such procedures; 5) Document lessons learned for incident response and update procedures annually or as required by OMB or DHS; 6) Ensure that processes are in place to verify corrective actions; 7) Maintain formal incident response capabilities and mechanisms to include notification to affected individuals and adequate training and awareness for employees and contractors on how to report and respond to incidents; 8) Implement formal incident management policies to include definitions, detection and analysis, containment, internal and external notification and reporting requirements, incident reporting methods, post-incident procedures, roles and responsibilities, and guidance on how to mitigate impacts to the agency and its respondents following an incident; 9) Report incidents to OMB, DHS, the CIO, the SAOP, their respective inspectors general and general counsel, law enforcement, and Congress in accordance with procedures issued by OMB; and 10) Provide reports on incidents as required by FISMA, OMB policy, DHS binding operational directives, Federal information security incident center guidelines, NIST guidelines, and agency procedures. 87 Pursuant to FISMA (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Appendix I - 10 HUD-17-0235-B-000327 g. Contingency Planning 88 Agencies shall: 1) Develop and test contingency plans 89 for information systems that: a) Identify essential missions and business functions and associated contingency requirements; b) Provide recovery objectives, restoration priorities, and metrics; c) Address contingency roles and responsibilities; and d) Address maintaining essential missions, functions, and services despite a disruption, compromise, or failure of information systems. 2) Provide for the recovery and reconstitution of information systems to a known state after a disruption, compromise, or failure. h. Awareness and Training Agencies shall: 1) Develop, maintain, and implement mandatory agency-wide information security and privacy awareness and training programs for all employees and contractors; 2) Ensure that the security and privacy awareness and training programs are consistent with applicable policies, standards, and guidelines issued by OMB, NIST, and OPM; 3) Apprise agency employees about available security and privacy resources, such as products, techniques, or expertise; 4) Provide foundational as well as more advanced levels of security and privacy training to information system users (including managers, senior executives, and contractors) and ensure that measures are in place to test the knowledge level of information system users; 5) Provide role-based security and privacy training to employees and contractors with assigned security and privacy roles and responsibilities, including managers, before authorizing access to Federal information or information systems or performing assigned duties; 88 The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires each agency to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide information security program that includes plans and procedures to ensure continuity of operations for information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency. Plans related to contingency plans for organizational information systems include, for example, Business Continuity Plans, Disaster Recovery Plans, Continuity of Operations Plans, Crisis Communications Plans, Critical Infrastructure Plans, Cyber Incident Response Plans, Insider Threat Implementation Plan, and Occupant Emergency Plans. 89 Testing of contingency plans must be consistent with the assessment procedures in NIST SP 800-53A, Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations. In addition, Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20, National Continuity Directive, requires the establishment and maintenance of an effective national continuity capability. Federal Continuity Directive 1, Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, provides direction for the further development of continuity plans and programs. Appendix I - 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000328 6) Establish rules of behavior, including consequences for violating rules of behavior, for employees and contractors that have access to Federal information or information systems, including those that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; and 7) Ensure that employees and contractors have read and agreed to abide by the rules of behavior for the Federal information and information systems for which they require access prior to being granted access. i. Specific Safeguarding Measures to Reinforce the Protection of Federal Information and Information Systems 90 Agencies shall: 1) Implement a policy of least functionality by only permitting the use of networks, systems, applications, and data, as well as programs, functions, ports, protocols, or services that are necessary in meeting mission or business needs; 2) Implement policies of least privilege at multiple layers - network, system, application, and data so that users have role-based access to only the information and resources that are necessary for a legitimate purpose; 3) Implement a policy of separation of duties to address the potential for abuse of authorized privileges and help to reduce the risk of malicious activity without collusion; 4) Isolate sensitive or critical information resources (e.g., information systems, system components, applications, databases, and information) into separate security domains with appropriate levels of protection based on the sensitivity or criticality of those resources; 5) Implement access control policies for information resources that ensure individuals have appropriate authorization and need, and that the appropriate level of identity proofing or background investigation is conducted prior to granting access; 6) Protect administrator, user, and system documentation related to the design, development, testing, operation, maintenance, and security of the hardware, firmware, and software components of information systems; 7) Continuously monitor, log, and audit the execution of information system functions by privileged users (that ordinary users are not authorized to perform) to detect misuse and to help reduce the risk from insider threats; 8) Prohibit the use of unsupported information systems and system components, and ensure that systems and components that cannot be appropriately protected or secured are given a high priority for upgrade or replacement; 91 90 NIST SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, provides information on additional security safeguarding measures. 91 Includes hardware, software, or firmware components no longer supported by developers, vendors, or manufacturers through the availability of software patches, firmware updates, replacement parts, and maintenance contracts. NIST SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, provides additional guidance on unsupported software components. Appendix I - 12 HUD-17-0235-B-000329 9) Implement and maintain current updates and patches for all software and firmware components of information systems; 92 10) For systems that promote public access, ensure that identity proofing, registration, and authentication processes provide assurance of identity consistent with security and privacy requirements, in accordance with Executive Order 13681, 93 OMB policy, and NIST standards and guidelines; 11) Require use of multifactor authentication for employees and contractors in accordance with Government-wide identity management standards; 94 12) Develop and implement processes to support use of digital signatures for employees and contractors; 13) Ensure that all public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates used by an agency and issued in accordance with Federal PKI policy validate to the Federal PKI trust anchor when being used for user signing, encrypting purposes, authentication and authorization; 95 14) Encrypt all FIPS 199 moderate-impact and high-impact information at rest and in transit, unless encrypting such information is technically infeasible or would demonstrably affect the ability of agencies to carry out their respective missions, functions, or operations; and the risk of not encrypting is accepted by the authorizing official and approved by the agency CIO, in consultation with the SAOP (as appropriate); 96 15) Implement the current encryption algorithms and validated cryptographic modules in accordance with NIST standards and guidelines; 16) Ensure that only individuals or processes acting on behalf of individuals with legitimate need for access have the ability to decrypt sensitive information; 17) Implement data-level protection and access controls to ensure the security of and access to Federal information; and 92 Security-relevant software and firmware updates include, for example, patches, service packs, hot fixes, device drivers, basic input output system (BIOS), and antivirus signatures. 93 Executive Order 13681, Improving the Security of Consumer Financial Transactions, October 2014. 94 Pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors, NIST FIPS 201 describes the initial Government-wide identity management standard for employees and contractors as a smartcard form factor (the PIV card). With the emergence of a newer generation of computing devices and in particular with mobile devices, the use of PIV cards has evolved technically to include other form factors that can be deployed directly with mobile devices as specified in NIST SP 800-157. The PIV credential associated with this alternative is called a Derived PIV Credential. Derived PIV Credentials are based on the general concept of derived credentials in NIST SP 800-63. Issuing a Derived PIV credential to PIV card holders does not require repeating identity proofing and vetting processes. The user simply proves possession and control of a valid PIV Card to receive a Derived PIV Credential. 95 The trust anchor refers to the Federal PKI root certificate operated by the Federal PKI Management Authority. This root certificate is the trusted source of all Federal PKI certificates. For additional information, refer to https://www.idmanagement.gov and Federal PKI policy. 96 The encryption of organizational information when in transit over a network and when at rest in storage devices ensures that such information is persistently protected and promotes a defense-in-depth security strategy. Appendix I - 13 HUD-17-0235-B-000330 18) Ensure that all Federal systems and services identified in the Domain Name System are protected with Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) and that all systems are capable of validating DNSSEC protected information. 97 j. Non-Federal Entities Agencies shall: 1) Ensure that terms and conditions in contracts and other agreements involving the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of Federal information, incorporate security and privacy requirements and are sufficient to enable agencies to meet Federal and agency-specific requirements pertaining to the protection of Federal information; 98 2) Provide oversight of information systems used or operated by contractors or other entities on behalf of the Federal Government or that collect or maintain Federal information on behalf of the Federal Government, to include: a) Documenting and implementing policies and procedures for information security and privacy oversight, to include ensuring appropriate vetting and access control processes for contractors and others with access to information systems containing Federal information; b) Ensuring that security and privacy controls of such information systems and services are effectively implemented and comply with NIST standards and guidelines and agency requirements; c) Ensuring that these information systems are included in the agency's inventory of information systems; d) Ensuring that the interface characteristics, security requirements, and the nature of the information communicated is documented for each interface between these systems and agency-owned or operated information systems; e) Ensuring that procedures are in place for incident response for these information systems including timelines for notification of affected individuals and reporting to OMB, DHS, and other entities as required in OMB guidance; f) Requiring agreements (e.g., memoranda of understanding, interconnection security agreements, contracts) for interfaces between these information systems and agencyowned or operated information systems; and 3) Consistent with the agency's authority, ensure that the requirements of the Privacy Act apply to a Privacy Act system of records when a contractor operates the system of records on behalf of the agency to accomplish an agency function; 4) Collaborate with non-Federal entities and other agencies as appropriate to ensure that security and privacy requirements pertaining to these non-Federal entities, such as State, 97 DNSSEC is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure. DNSSEC enables clients to cryptographically verify that each such translation is provided by a server with the authority to do so, and that the translation response from the server was not modified before reaching the client. 98 For additional information and associated requirements pertaining to IT acquisitions, refer to the FAR. Appendix I - 14 HUD-17-0235-B-000331 local, tribal, and territorial governments, are consistent to the greatest extent possible; and 5) Ensure that terms and conditions of contracts and other agreements include sufficient provisions for Federal Government notification and access, as well as cooperation with agency personnel and Inspectors General. k. Mitigation of Deficiencies and Issuance of Status Reports Agencies shall correct deficiencies that are identified through information security and privacy assessments, ISCM and PCM programs, or internal or external audits and reviews, to include OMB reviews. OMB Circular A-123, Management's Responsibility for Internal Controls, provides guidance to determine whether a deficiency in controls is material when so judged by the agency head against other agency deficiencies. Material deficiencies must be included in the annual Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) report, and remediation tracked and managed through the agency's POA&M process. Less significant deficiencies need not be included in the FMFIA report, but must be tracked and managed through the agency's POA&M process. l. Reporting Agencies shall provide performance metrics information and FISMA reports in accordance with processes established by OMB and DHS pursuant to FISMA. m. Independent Evaluations Pursuant to FISMA, agencies shall: 99 1) Perform an independent evaluation of the information security programs and practices to determine the effectiveness of such programs and practices, as further described in statute. 100 The evaluation may include an evaluation of their privacy program and practices, as appropriate. Each evaluation shall include: a) Testing of the effectiveness of information security policies, procedures, and practices of a representative subset of the agency's Federal information systems; 101 b) An assessment of the effectiveness of the information security policies, procedures, and practices of the agency; and c) Separate presentations, as appropriate, regarding information security relating to national security systems. 99 FISMA (44 U.S.C. ? 3555). 100 FISMA (44 U.S.C. ? 3555). 101 Agencies have flexibility in implementing the baseline controls in SP 800-53; however, agencies are required to justify, in their security plans or overlays, any tailoring actions. Appendix I - 15 HUD-17-0235-B-000332 5. Discussion of the Major Provisions in the Appendix This section provides additional information regarding the requirements in this appendix. a. NIST Standards and Guidelines NIST standards and guidelines associate each information system with an impact level. The standards and guidelines also provide a corresponding starting set of baseline security controls and tailoring guidance 102 to ensure that the set of security controls in the information system security plan (approved by the authorizing official) and privacy controls in the privacy plan (approved by the SAOP) satisfy the information security, privacy, and mission or business protection needs of the agency. For non-national security programs and information systems, agencies must apply NIST guidelines unless otherwise stated by OMB. FIPS are mandatory. 103 There is flexibility within NIST's guidelines (specifically in the 800-series) in how agencies apply those guidelines. Unless specified by additional implementing policy by OMB, the concepts and principles described in NIST guidelines must be applied. However, NIST guidelines generally allow agencies latitude in their application. Consequently, the application of NIST guidelines by agencies can result in different solutions that are equally acceptable and compliant with the guidelines. For legacy information systems, agencies are expected to meet the requirements of, and be in compliance with, NIST standards and guidelines within one year of their respective publication dates unless otherwise directed by OMB. The one-year compliance date for revisions to NIST publications applies only to new or updated material in the publications. For information systems under development or for legacy systems undergoing significant changes, agencies are expected to meet the requirements of, and be in compliance with, NIST standards and guidelines immediately upon deployment of the systems. b. Risk Management Strategy Managing risk is a complex, multifaceted activity that requires the involvement of the entire agency--from senior leaders and executives providing the strategic vision and top-level goals and objectives for the agency; to mid-level leaders planning, executing, and managing projects; to individuals on the front lines operating the information systems supporting the agency's missions or business functions. Risk management is a comprehensive process that requires agencies to establish the context in which risk-based decisions are made; assess risk; respond to risk once determined; and monitor risk on an ongoing basis using effective organizational communications and a feedback loop for continuous improvement in the riskrelated activities of agencies. Risk management is conducted as an agency-wide activity to ensure that risk-based decision-making is integrated into every aspect of the agency's planning and operations. 102 Agencies must conduct tailoring activities in accordance with OMB policy. 103 Pursuant to FISMA (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Appendix I - 16 HUD-17-0235-B-000333 A key aspect of the risk management process is the development of the risk management strategy. The risk management strategy describes how an agency intends to assess risk, respond to risk, and monitor risk--making explicit and transparent the risk perceptions that agencies routinely use in making both investment and operational decisions. Establishing a realistic and credible risk management strategy requires that agencies identify their risk assumptions, risk constraints, risk tolerance, and priorities and trade-offs. The risk management strategy also includes any strategic-level decisions by senior leaders and executives regarding the management of risk to agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. The risk management strategy guides and informs the use and application of the Risk Management Framework. c. Risk Management Framework The Risk Management Framework, as described in NIST SP 800-37, provides a disciplined and structured process that integrates information security and risk management activities into the system development life cycle. The Risk Management Framework requires agencies to categorize each information system and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by each system based on a mission or business impact analysis. Agencies select an initial set of baseline security controls for the information system based on the security categorization and then tailor the security control baseline as needed, based on an organizational assessment of risk and local conditions, as described in NIST SP 800-53. After implementing the security controls, agencies assess the controls using appropriate assessment methods as described in NIST SP 800-53A to determine whether the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for the system. The authorization to operate the system is based on a determination of the risk to agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation resulting from the operation and use of the system and the decision by the authorizing official that this risk is acceptable. Subsequent to the authorization decision and as part of an information security continuous monitoring strategy and program, agencies monitor the security controls in the system on an ongoing basis, as described in NIST SP 800-137. Monitoring includes, but is not limited to, assessing control effectiveness, documenting changes to the system or its environment of operation, conducting security impact analyses of the associated changes, and reporting the security state of the system to designated agency officials on an ongoing basis. An effective implementation of the Risk Management Framework ensures that managing information system-related risks is consistent with the agency's mission or business objectives and overall risk management strategy, and risk tolerance established by the senior leadership through the risk executive function 104 as discussed in NIST SP 800-39. It also ensures that the requisite security and privacy requirements and controls are integrated into 104 The risk executive function is an individual or group within an agency that helps to ensure that: (i) risk-related considerations for individual information systems, to include the authorization to operate decisions, are viewed from an agency-wide perspective with regard to the overall strategic goals and objectives of the agency in carrying out its missions and business functions; and (ii) managing information system-related risks is consistent across the agency, reflects the agency's risk tolerance, and is considered along with other agency risks affecting its missions or business functions. Appendix I - 17 HUD-17-0235-B-000334 the agency's enterprise architecture and system development life cycle processes. Finally, the Risk Management Framework supports consistent, well-informed, and ongoing authorization decisions, transparency of risk management information, reciprocity, and information sharing. d. Security Control Baselines It is important to achieve adequate security for Federal information and information systems and a consistent level of protection for such information and systems Government-wide. To meet this objective, agencies must select an appropriate set of security controls for their information systems that satisfies the minimum security requirements set forth in FIPS Publication 200. The security controls must include one of the three security control baselines from NIST SP 800-53 that are associated with the designated categorization (impact levels) of their information systems. The security control baselines define the set of minimum security controls for a low-impact, moderate-impact, or high-impact information system and provide a starting point for the tailoring process. Agencies are required to tailor the security control baselines to customize their safeguarding measures for specific missions, business lines, and operational environments--and to do so in a cost-effective, risk-based manner. Tailoring allows agencies to designate common controls; apply scoping considerations; select compensating controls; assign specific values to agency-defined control parameters; supplement baselines with additional controls when necessary; and provide additional specification information for control implementation. Agencies must include a justification, in their information system security plans or overlays, for any tailoring actions that result in changes to the initial security control baselines. Agencies are not permitted to make changes to security control baselines when such changes result in control selections that are inconsistent with security requirements set forth in Federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, directives, or policies. Agencies may also develop overlays for specific types of information or communities of interest (e.g., all web-based applications, all health care-related systems) as part of the security control selection process. Overlays provide a specification of security or privacy controls, control enhancements, supplemental guidance, and other supporting information as part of the tailoring process, that is intended to complement (and further refine) security control baselines. The overlay may be more stringent or less stringent than the original security control baseline and can be applied to multiple information systems. All selected security controls must be documented in an information system security plan and implemented. Agencies can use the priority code designations associated with each security control in NIST SP 800-53 to assist in making sequencing decisions for control implementation. This prioritization helps to ensure that the foundational security controls upon which other controls depend are implemented first, thus enabling agencies to deploy controls in a more structured and timely manner in accordance with available resources. Independent evaluations, when conducted, shall focus on the effectiveness of the security controls selected and implemented (as documented in agency information system security plans after all tailoring actions have been completed on the security control baselines) and the justification for any decisions to change the control baselines. Appendix I - 18 HUD-17-0235-B-000335 e. Security and Privacy Assessments Agencies must ensure that periodic testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of information security and privacy policies, procedures, and practices are performed with a frequency depending on risk, but at least annually. However, this general requirement to test and evaluate the effectiveness of information security and privacy policies, procedures, and practices does not imply that agencies must assess every selected and implemented security and privacy control at least annually. Rather, agencies must continuously monitor all implemented security and privacy controls (i.e., system-specific, hybrid, and common controls) with a frequency determined by the agency in accordance with the ISCM and PCM strategies. These strategies will define the specific security and privacy controls selected for assessment during any one-year period (i.e., the annual assessment window) with the understanding that all controls may not be formally assessed every year. Rotational assessment of security and privacy controls is consistent with the transition to ongoing authorization and assumes the information system has completed an initial authorization where all controls were formally assessed for effectiveness. As the transition to ongoing authorization progresses and agency ISCM programs mature, agencies must ensure that assessment frequencies are determined in accordance with NIST SP 800-137. Security and privacy control assessments shall ensure that security and privacy controls selected by agencies are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and effective in satisfying security and privacy requirements. The risk may change over time based on changes in the threat, agency missions or business functions, personnel, technology, or environments of operation. Consequently, maintaining a capability for real-time or near realtime analysis of the threat environment and situational awareness following an incident is paramount. The type, rigor, and frequency of control assessments, which is established by the agency's risk tolerance and risk management strategy, shall be commensurate with the level of awareness necessary for effectively determining information security and privacy risk. Technical security tools such as malicious code scanners, vulnerability assessment products (which look for known security weaknesses, configuration errors, and the installation of the latest patches), and penetration testing can assist in the ongoing assessment of information systems. f. Authorizing Official The authorizing official is a senior agency official or executive with the authority to formally assume responsibility for operating an information system at an acceptable level of risk to agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. Authorizing officials have budgetary oversight for an information system or be responsible for the mission or business operations supported by the system. Through the authorization process, authorizing officials are responsible and accountable for the risks associated with information system operations. Because information security is closely related to the privacy protections required for PII, authorizing officials are also responsible and accountable for the privacy risks that arise from the operation of an information system. Accordingly, authorizing officials must be in management positions with a level of authority commensurate with understanding and accepting such information system-related security and privacy risks. Appendix I - 19 HUD-17-0235-B-000336 Since the SAOP is the senior official, designated by the head of each agency, who has overall agency-wide responsibility for privacy, agencies must consider input and recommendations submitted by the SAOP in the authorization decision. Additionally, the SAOP has responsibility for reviewing the authorization package for information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII, to ensure that privacy risks are managed prior to system authorization. In situations where the authorizing official and SAOP cannot reach a final resolution regarding the appropriate protection for the agency information and information system, the head of the agency must review the associated risks and requirements and make a final determination regarding the issuance of the authorization to operate. 105 Agencies can choose from several different approaches when planning for and conducting authorizations. These include an authorization with a single authorizing official, an authorization with multiple authorizing officials, or leveraging an existing authorization (see Section 6j, Joint and Leveraged Authorizations). Agencies can, at their discretion, include the CIO or the SAOP as a co-authorizing official with a senior agency official who has budgetary oversight for an information system or is responsible for the mission or line of business supported by the system being authorized for operation. Regardless of the approach used, only Federal Government personnel may serve as an authorizing official. g. Authorization to Operate The authorization to operate an information system and the authorization of agencydesignated common controls granted by senior Federal officials provide an important quality control for agencies. The decision to authorize an information system to operate shall be based on a review of the authorization package and includes an assessment of compliance with applicable requirements and risk to agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. As stated above, the decision to authorize a system, or agency-defined common controls, shall be made by the appropriate authorizing official. Since the information system security plan and privacy plan establish the security and privacy controls selected for implementation, those plans are a critical part of the authorization package and shall form the basis for the authorization, supplemented by more specific information as needed. In the event that there is a change in authorizing officials, the new authorizing official reviews the current authorization decision document, authorization package, and any updated documents created as a result of the continuous monitoring activities. If the new authorizing official is willing to accept the currently documented risk, then the official signs a new authorization decision document, thus formally transferring responsibility and accountability for the information system or the common controls and explicitly accepting the risk. If the new authorizing official is not willing to accept the previous authorization results (including the identified risk), a reauthorization action may need to be initiated or the new authorizing 105 The head of the agency is the highest-level senior official or executive within an agency with the overall responsibility to provide information security protections commensurate with the risk and magnitude of harm (i.e., impact) to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. Appendix I - 20 HUD-17-0235-B-000337 official may instead establish new terms and conditions for continuing the original authorization, but not extend the original authorization termination date. h. Ongoing Authorization Ongoing authorization 106 is a process whereby the authorizing official makes risk determination and risk acceptance decisions subsequent to the initial authorization, taken at agreed-upon and documented frequencies in accordance with the agency's risk tolerance and mission or business requirements. In order to implement an ongoing authorization process, and move from a static, point-in-time authorization process to a dynamic, near real-time ongoing authorization process for information systems and controls, two conditions must be met by agencies. First, the information system or common controls must have been granted an initial authorization to operate by the designated authorizing official. Second, ISCM and PCM programs must be in place to monitor all implemented security and privacy controls with the appropriate degree of rigor 107 and at the appropriate frequencies in accordance with applicable ISCM and PCM strategies, OMB guidance, and NIST guidelines. Ongoing authorization can either be a time-driven or event-driven process whereby the authorizing official is provided with the necessary and sufficient information regarding the near real-time state of the information system and inherited common controls to determine whether all applicable security and privacy requirements have been satisfied and the mission or business risk is acceptable. Effective ongoing authorization requires robust ISCM and PCM strategies and effective operational ISCM and PCM programs. Agencies must define and implement a process to designate information systems or common controls that have satisfied the two conditions noted in the previous paragraph and are to be transitioned to ongoing authorization. The process includes the means for the authorizing official to formally acknowledge that the information system or common controls are being managed under an ongoing authorization process and accept the responsibility for ensuring that all necessary activities associated with the ongoing authorization process are performed. Until a formal approval is obtained from the authorizing official to transition to ongoing authorization, information systems (and common controls) remain under a static authorization process with specific authorization termination dates enforced by the agency. i. Reauthorization Reauthorization consists of a review of the information system similar to the review carried out during the initial authorization but conducted during the operations or maintenance phase of the system development life cycle rather than prior to that phase. In general, reauthorization actions may be time-driven or event-driven. However, under ongoing authorization, reauthorization is typically an event-driven action initiated by the authorizing official or directed by the Risk Executive (function) in response to an event or significant 106 For additional information on Ongoing Authorization and its relationship to initial authorization and reauthorization, refer to NIST Supplemental Guidance on Ongoing Authorization: Transitioning to Near Real-Time Risk Management, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications. 107 The term rigor is used in conjunction with security control assessments and monitoring. It is typically associated with the application of assessment methods described in NIST SP 800-53A, and in particular, the attribute of depth which addresses the formality and comprehensiveness of the assessment or monitoring activity. Appendix I - 21 HUD-17-0235-B-000338 change that increases information security or privacy risk above the previously agreed-upon agency risk tolerance. A significant change is defined as a change that is likely to affect the security or privacy state of an information system. The reauthorization process differs from the initial authorization inasmuch as the authorizing official can initiate a complete zero-base review of the information system or common controls, or a targeted review based on the type of event or significant change that triggered the reauthorization, the assessment of risk related to the event, the risk response of the agency, and the agency risk tolerance. Reauthorization is a separate activity from the ongoing authorization process, though security- and privacy-related information from the agency's ISCM and PCM programs may still be leveraged to support reauthorization. Note also that reauthorization actions may necessitate a review of and changes to the ISCM or PCM strategy, which may in turn affect ongoing authorization. j. Joint and Leveraged Authorizations Agencies are encouraged to use joint and leveraged authorizations whenever practicable. 108 Joint authorizations can be used when multiple agency officials either from the same agency or different agencies, have a shared interest in authorizing an information system or common controls. The participating officials are collectively responsible and accountable for the system and the common controls and jointly accept the risks that may adversely impact agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. Agencies choosing a joint authorization approach should work together on the planning and the execution of the Risk Management Framework tasks described in NIST SP 800-37 and document their agreement and progress in implementing the tasks. The specific terms and conditions of the joint authorization are established by the participating parties in the joint authorization including, for example, the process for ongoing determination and acceptance of risk. The joint authorization remains in effect only as long as there is mutual agreement among authorizing officials and the authorization meets the requirements established by Federal or agency policies. Leveraged authorizations can be used when an agency chooses to accept some or all of the information in an existing authorization package generated by another agency based on the need to use the same information resources (e.g., information system or services provided by the system). 109 The leveraging agency reviews the owning agency's authorization package as the basis for determining risk to the leveraging agency. The leveraging agency considers risk factors such as the time elapsed since the authorization results were produced, differences in environments of operation (if applicable), the impact of the information to be processed, stored, or transmitted, and the overall risk tolerance of the leveraging agency. The leveraging agency may determine that additional security measures are needed and negotiate with the owning agency to provide such measures. To the extent that a leveraged authorization includes an information system that creates, collects, uses, processes, stores, 108 NIST SP 800-37, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems, provides guidance on joint and leveraged security authorizations. 109 Agencies using leveraged authorization information from other (owning) agencies shall ensure that such information is included as part of their own Risk Management Framework to provide the appropriate context for managing risk within the leveraging organizations. Appendix I - 22 HUD-17-0235-B-000339 maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of PII, leveraging agencies must consult their SAOP. The SAOP may determine that additional measures are required to manage privacy risks prior to leveraging the authorization. k. Continuous Monitoring Agencies must develop ISCM and PCM strategies and implement ISCM and PCM activities in accordance with applicable statutes, directives, policies, instructions, regulations, standards, and guidelines. Agencies have the flexibility to develop an overarching ISCM and PCM strategy (e.g., at the agency, bureau, or component level) that addresses all information systems, or continuous monitoring strategies that address each agency information system individually. The ISCM and PCM strategies must document all available security and privacy controls selected and implemented by agencies, including the frequency of and degree of rigor associated with the monitoring process. ISCM and PCM strategies, which must be approved by the appropriate agency authorizing official and SAOP, respectively, must also include all common controls inherited by agency information systems. l. Critical Infrastructure Agencies that operate information systems that are part of the critical infrastructure must conduct a risk assessment to ensure that security controls for those systems are appropriately tailored (including the deployment of additional controls, when necessary), thus providing the required level of protection for critical Federal missions and business operations. In addition, agencies must ensure that the privacy controls assigned to critical infrastructure meet applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. This includes the continuous monitoring of deployed security and privacy controls in information systems designated as critical infrastructure to determine the ongoing effectiveness of those controls against current threats; improving the effectiveness of those controls, when necessary; managing associated changes to the systems and environments of operation; and satisfying specific protection and compliance requirements in statutes, executive orders, directives, and policies required for critical infrastructure protection. m. Encryption When the assessed risk indicates the need, agencies must encrypt Federal information at rest and in transit unless otherwise protected by alternative physical and logical safeguards implemented at multiple layers, including networks, systems, applications, and data. Encrypting information at rest and in transit helps to protect the confidentiality and integrity of such information by making it less susceptible to unauthorized disclosure or modification. Agencies must apply encryption requirements to Federal information categorized as either moderate or high impact in accordance with FIPS Publication 199 unless encrypting such information is technically unfeasible or would demonstrably affect their ability to carry out their respective mission, functions, or operations. In situations where the use of encryption is technically infeasible, for example, due to an aging legacy system, agencies must initiate the appropriate system or system component upgrade or replacement actions at the earliest opportunity to be able to accommodate such safeguarding technologies. Authorizing officials who choose to operate information systems without the use of required encryption technologies must carefully assess the risk in doing so, and they must receive written Appendix I - 23 HUD-17-0235-B-000340 approval for the exception from the agency CIO, in consultation with the SAOP (as appropriate). Only FIPS-validated cryptography is approved for use in Federal information systems covered by this policy. n. Digital Signatures Digital signatures can mitigate a variety of security vulnerabilities by providing authentication and non-repudiation capabilities, and ensuring the integrity of Federal information whether such information is used in day-to-day operations or archived for future use. Additionally, digital signatures can help agencies streamline mission or business processes and transition manual processes to more automated processes to include, for example, online transactions. Because of the advantages provided by this technology, OMB expects agencies to implement digital signature capabilities in accordance with Federal PKI policy, and NIST standards and guidelines. For employees and contractors, agencies must require the use of the digital signature capability of Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials. For individuals that fall outside the scope of PIV applicability, agencies should leverage approved Federal PKI credentials when using digital signatures. o. Identity Assurance Identity assurance is an essential element of an effective information security program. To streamline the process of citizens, businesses, and other partners 110 securely accessing Government services online requires a risk-appropriate demand of identity assurance. Identity assurance, in an online context, is the ability of an agency to determine that a claim to a particular identity made by an individual can be trusted to actually be the individual's true identity. 111 Citizens, businesses, and other partners that interact with the Federal Government need to have and be able to present electronic identity credentials to identify and authenticate themselves remotely and securely when accessing Federal information resources. An agency needs to be able to know, to a degree of certainty commensurate with the risk determination, that the presented electronic identity credential truly represents the individual presenting the credential before a transaction is authorized. 112 To transform processes for citizens, businesses, and other partners accessing Federal services online, OMB expects agencies to use a standards-based federated identity management approach that enables security, privacy, ease-of-use, and interoperability among electronic authentication systems. 113 110 "Other partners" may include contractors not subject to the NIST FIPS 201 identity standard. 111 Pursuant to Executive Order 13681, Improving the Security of Consumer Financial Transactions, agencies making personal data accessible to citizens through digital applications shall require the use of multiple factors of authentication and an effective identity proofing process, as appropriate. 112 NIST SP 800-63, Electronic Authentication Guidance, provides additional guidance on identity assurance. 113 The requirements in this paragraph focus on citizens, businesses, and other partners that interact with the Federal Government. For Federal employees and contractors, with long-term access to Federal facilities and information systems, agencies are required to follow Personal Identity Verification requirements in accordance with OMB policy and NIST standards and guidelines. Appendix I - 24 HUD-17-0235-B-000341 p. Unsupported Information System Components Unsupported information system components (e.g., when developers or vendors are no longer providing critical software patches) provide a substantial opportunity for adversaries to exploit weaknesses discovered in the currently installed components. Prohibit the use of unsupported information systems and system components, and ensure that systems and components that cannot be appropriately protected or secured are given a high priority for upgrade or replacement. Exceptions to replacing unsupported system components may include, for example, systems that provide critical mission or business capability where newer technologies are not available or where the systems are so isolated that installing replacement components is not an option. For such systems, agencies can establish in-house support, for example, by developing customized patches for critical software components or securing the services of external providers who through contractual relationships, provide ongoing support for the designated unsupported components. Such contractual relationships can include, for example, open source software value-added vendors. q. Cybersecurity Framework The Cybersecurity Framework was developed by NIST in response to Executive Order 13636, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. The Framework describes five core cybersecurity functions (i.e., Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover) that may be helpful in raising awareness and facilitating communication among agency stakeholders, including executive leadership. The Cybersecurity Framework may also be helpful in improving communications across organizations, allowing cybersecurity expectations to be shared with business partners, suppliers, and among sectors. The Framework is not intended to duplicate the current information security and risk management practices in place within the Federal Government. However, in the course of managing information security risk using the established NIST Risk Management Framework and associated security standards and guidelines required by FISMA, agencies can leverage the Cybersecurity Framework to complement their current information security programs. NIST is responsible for providing guidance on how agencies can use the Cybersecurity Framework and in particular, how the two frameworks can work together to help agencies develop, implement, and continuously improve their information security programs. r. FISMA Applicability to Non-Federal Entities FISMA describes Federal agency security responsibilities as including "information collected or maintained by or on behalf of an agency" and "information systems used or operated by an agency or by a contractor of an agency or other organization on behalf of an agency." FISMA requires each agency to provide information security for the information and "information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source." This includes services that are either fully or partially provided, including agency-hosted, outsourced, and cloud-based solutions. Additionally, because FISMA applies to Federal information and information systems, in certain circumstances, its requirements also apply to a specific class of IT that the ClingerCohen Act of 1996 (40 U.S.C. ? 11101(6)) did not include, i.e., "equipment that is acquired Appendix I - 25 HUD-17-0235-B-000342 by a Federal contractor incidental to a Federal contract." Therefore, when Federal information is used within incidentally acquired equipment, the agency continues to be responsible and accountable for ensuring that FISMA requirements are met for such information. s. Controlled Unclassified Information The Controlled Unclassified Information program, established by Executive Order 13556, is a system that standardizes and simplifies the way the agencies handle unclassified information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls, pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and Government-wide policies. The program emphasizes the openness and uniformity of Government-wide practices. Its purpose is to address inefficient and confusing processes that have historically led to inconsistent marking and safeguarding as well as restrictive dissemination policies. 6. Other Requirements Agencies must adhere to all other applicable information requirements such as privacy requirements in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, and its implementing OMB guidance; confidentiality protection requirements in accordance with the Confidentiality Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (CIPSEA) and its implementing OMB guidance; applicable requirements of statutes, and regulations pertaining to management of Federal records; and other relevant statutes, executive orders, Presidential directives, and policies. 7. References 114 a. The following references are used within this policy: 1) Executive Order 13556, Controlled Unclassified Information, November 2010. 2) Executive Order 13636, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, February 2013. 3) Executive Order 13681, Improving the Security of Consumer Financial Transactions, October 2014. 4) Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors, August 2004. 5) Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20 (National Security Presidential Directive 51), National Continuity Policy, May 2007. 6) Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD 1), Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, February 2008. 7) National Communications System (NCS) Directive 3-10, Minimum Requirements for Continuity Communications Capabilities, July 2007. 114 Statutes, executive orders, and Presidential directives relevant to this appendix are listed in the Authorities section of the main body. Additionally, OMB policy documents can be located at https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_default and https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda_default. Appendix I - 26 HUD-17-0235-B-000343 8) National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 199, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems. 9) National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 200, Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems. 10) National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 201, Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors. 11) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-18, Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems. 12) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-30, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments. 13) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-37, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach. 14) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-39, Managing Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View. 15) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-47, Security Guide for Interconnecting Information Technology Systems. 16) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. 17) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53A, Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations: Building Effective Security Assessment Plans. 18) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-59, Guideline for Identifying an Information System as a National Security System. 19) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-60, Guide for Mapping Types of Information and Information Systems to Security Categories. 20) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-63, Electronic Authentication Guideline. 21) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-73, Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification. 22) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-76, Biometric Specifications for Personal Identity Verification. 23) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-78, Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Sizes for Personal Identity Verification. Appendix I - 27 HUD-17-0235-B-000344 24) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-79, Guidelines for the Authorization of Personal Identity Verification Card Issuers (PCI) and Derived PIV Credential Issuers (DPCI). 25) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-116, Guidelines for the Use of PIV Credentials in Physical Access Control Systems (PACS). 26) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-122, Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). 27) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-137, Information Security Continuous Monitoring for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. 28) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-157, Guidelines for Derived Personal Identity Verification Credentials. 29) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-161, Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. 30) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-162, Guide to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Definition and Considerations. 31) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-171, Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Information Systems and Organizations. 32) National Institute of Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. 33) National Institute of Standards and Technology Supplemental Guidance on Ongoing Authorization: Transitioning to Near Real-Time Risk Management. b. References in this section without specific publication dates or revision numbers refer to the most recent updates to those publications. Appendix I - 28 HUD-17-0235-B-000345 Appendix II to OMB Circular A-130 Responsibilities for Managing Personally Identifiable Information 1. Purpose This Appendix outlines some of the general responsibilities for Federal agencies managing information resources that involve personally identifiable information (PII) and summarizes the key privacy requirements included in other sections of this Circular. The requirements included in this Appendix apply to PII in any form or medium, including paper and electronic media. Although all of the requirements referenced in this Appendix concern the management of PII, some of the requirements are not solely the responsibility of agencies' privacy programs. The inclusion of shared requirements in this Appendix is not intended to suggest that agencies' privacy programs are solely or primarily responsible for meeting such requirements; however, agencies' privacy programs shall play a key role in meeting requirements that involve PII. This Appendix does not provide a comprehensive account of all the statutory and policy requirements associated with managing PII and protecting privacy. Agencies shall consult law, regulation, and policy, including OMB guidance, to understand all applicable requirements. The main body of this Circular establishes general policies for Federal agencies managing information resources. Appendix I to this Circular establishes requirements for information security and privacy programs and provides guidance on how agencies should take a coordinated approach when managing Federal information resources. This Appendix and Appendix I are companion documents; it is important to review the appendices together in order to understand the coordination between privacy and security. As noted in the citations, all of the requirements summarized in the tables in this Appendix come from the main body or Appendix I to this Circular. Previous versions of Circular A-130 included information about the reporting and publication requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974 ("Privacy Act") and additional OMB guidance. This information is being revised and will be reissued in OMB Circular A-108. 115 This Appendix does not extend or interpret the Privacy Act, including agency requirements under the Privacy Act. 2. Introduction The Federal Government necessarily creates, collects, uses, processes, stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses, and disposes of PII to carry out missions mandated by Federal statute. The term PII, as defined in this Circular, refers to information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone or when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. Because there are many different types of information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, the term PII is necessarily broad. To determine whether information is PII, the agency shall perform an assessment of the specific risk that an individual can be identified using the information with other information that is linked or linkable to the individual. In performing this assessment, it is important to recognize 115 Agencies shall continue to apply the requirements in Appendix I of the 2000 version of Circular A-130 regarding review, reporting, and publication pertaining to the Privacy Act until OMB issues a revised version of those requirements in OMB Circular A-108. Appendix II - 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000346 that information that is not PII can become PII whenever additional information becomes available - in any medium and from any source - that would make it possible to identify an individual. Once the agency determines that an information system contains PII, the agency shall then consider the privacy risks and the associated risk to agency operations, agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. When considering privacy risks, the agency shall consider the risks to an individual or individuals associated with the agency's creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of their PII. In particular, the agency shall evaluate the sensitivity of each individual data element that is PII, as well as all of the data elements together. The sensitivity level of the PII will depend on the context, including the purpose for which the PII is created, collected, used, processed, stored, maintained, disseminated, disclosed, or disposed. For example, the sensitivity level of a list of individuals' names may depend on the source of the information, the other information associated with the list, the intended use of the information, the ways in which the information will be processed and shared, and the ability to access the information. In addition, when determining the privacy and associated risks, the agency shall also consider the volume of PII. A higher volume of PII about a single individual or multiple individuals may pose increased privacy or associated risks. 3. Fair Information Practice Principles The Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs) are a collection of widely accepted principles that agencies should use when evaluating information systems, processes, programs, and activities that affect individual privacy. The FIPPs are not OMB requirements; rather, they are principles that should be applied by each agency according to the agency's particular mission and privacy program requirements. Rooted in a 1973 Federal Government report from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Advisory Committee, "Records, Computers and the Rights of Citizens," the FIPPs have informed Federal statute and the laws of many U.S. states and foreign nations, and have been incorporated in the policies of many organizations around the world. The precise expression of the FIPPs has varied over time and in different contexts. However, the FIPPs retain a consistent set of core principles that are broadly relevant to agencies' information management practices. For purposes of this Circular, the FIPPs are as follows: a. Access and Amendment. Agencies should provide individuals with appropriate access to PII and appropriate opportunity to correct or amend PII. 116 b. Accountability. Agencies should be accountable for complying with these principles and applicable privacy requirements, and should appropriately monitor, audit, and document compliance. Agencies should also clearly define the roles and responsibilities with respect to 116 The Access and Amendment principle is included as part of the "Individual Participation" privacy control family in NIST SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems. OMB is including Access and Amendment as a stand-alone principle in this Circular to emphasize the importance of allowing individuals to access and amend their information when appropriate. Appendix II - 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000347 PII for all employees and contractors, and should provide appropriate training to all employees and contractors who have access to PII. c. Authority. Agencies should only create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII if they have authority to do so, and should identify this authority in the appropriate notice. 117 d. Minimization. Agencies should only create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII that is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish a legally authorized purpose, and should only maintain PII for as long as is necessary to accomplish the purpose. 118 e. Quality and Integrity. Agencies should create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII with such accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is reasonably necessary to ensure fairness to the individual. f. Individual Participation. Agencies should involve the individual in the process of using PII and, to the extent practicable, seek individual consent for the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, or disclosure of PII. Agencies should also establish procedures to receive and address individuals' privacy-related complaints and inquiries. g. Purpose Specification and Use Limitation. Agencies should provide notice of the specific purpose for which PII is collected and should only use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII for a purpose that is explained in the notice and is compatible with the purpose for which the PII was collected, or that is otherwise legally authorized. h. Security. Agencies should establish administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect PII commensurate with the risk and magnitude of the harm that would result from its unauthorized access, use, modification, loss, destruction, dissemination, or disclosure. i. Transparency. Agencies should be transparent about information policies and practices with respect to PII, and should provide clear and accessible notice regarding creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and disclosure of PII. 119 4. Senior Agency Official for Privacy Agencies are required to designate a Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP) who has agency-wide responsibility and accountability for ensuring compliance with applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks. The SAOP shall have a central policy-making role and shall ensure that the agency considers the privacy impact of all agency actions and policies that involve PII. The SAOP's review of privacy risks should begin at the earliest planning and 117 The Authority principle is included as part of the "Purpose Specification" privacy control family in NIST SP 80053, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems. OMB is including Authority as a stand-alone principle in this Circular to emphasize the importance of identifying a specific authority for creating, collecting, using, processing, storing, maintaining, disseminating, or disclosing PII. 118 In some versions of the FIPPs, the "minimization" principle is referred to under a different name, such as "collection limitation." 119 In some versions of the FIPPs, the "transparency" principle is referred to under a different name, such as "openness." Appendix II - 3 HUD-17-0235-B-000348 development stages of agency actions and policies that involve PII, and should continue throughout the life cycle of the information. The SAOP shall ensure that the agency complies with applicable privacy requirements in statute, regulation, and policy. 5. Agency Privacy Program In order to manage Federal information resources that involve PII, agencies shall develop, implement, document, maintain, and oversee agency-wide privacy programs that include people, processes, and technologies. Among other things, where PII is involved, agencies' privacy programs shall play a key role in information security, records management, strategic planning, budget and acquisition, contractors and third parties, workforce, training, incident response, and implementing the Risk Management Framework. This Appendix does not provide a comprehensive account of all the statutory and policy requirements associated with managing PII and protecting privacy. Agencies shall consult law, regulation, and policy, including OMB guidance, to understand all applicable requirements. Agencies' privacy programs are led by the SAOP and are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable privacy requirements, developing and evaluating privacy policy, and managing privacy risks. At the discretion of the SAOP and consistent with applicable law, other qualified agency personnel may perform particular privacy functions that are assigned to the SAOP. Many of the requirements summarized in this Appendix are shared requirements and are not solely the responsibility of agencies' privacy programs. The inclusion of shared requirements in this Appendix is intended to convey that agencies' privacy programs shall be responsible to the extent that the requirements pertain to the management of PII. a. General Requirements Agencies shall have comprehensive privacy programs that ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements, develop and evaluate privacy policy, and manage privacy risks. The following table summarizes many of the general privacy requirements that are set forth in this Circular. While some of the requirements summarized in the table are not exclusively privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. Responsibility Description Citation Establish and maintain a comprehensive privacy program. Agencies shall establish and maintain a comprehensive privacy program that ensures compliance with applicable privacy requirements, develops and evaluates privacy policy, and manages privacy risks. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(a); Appendix I ?? 3(b), 3(f), 4(e). Ensure compliance with privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. Agencies shall ensure compliance with all applicable statutory, regulatory, and policy requirements and use privacy impact assessments and other tools to manage privacy risks. Agencies shall cost-effectively manage privacy risks and reduce such risks to an acceptable level. Main Body ?? 4(g), 5(e)(1)(d), 5(f)(1)(a); Appendix I ? 3(a), 3(b)(4), 3(f), 3(g). Appendix II - 4 HUD-17-0235-B-000349 Responsibility Description Citation Monitor Federal law, regulation, and policy for changes. Agencies shall monitor Federal law, regulation, and policy for changes that affect privacy. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(c). Develop and maintain a privacy program plan. Agencies shall develop and maintain a privacy program plan that provides an overview of the agency's privacy program, including a description of the structure of the privacy program, the resources dedicated to the privacy program, the role of the SAOP and other privacy officials and staff, the strategic goals and objectives of the privacy program, the program management controls and common controls in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks, and any other information determined necessary by the agency's privacy program. Appendix I ? 4(c)(2), 4(e)(1). Designate a Senior Agency Official for Privacy. The head of each agency shall designate an SAOP who has agency-wide responsibility and accountability for developing, implementing, and maintaining an agencywide privacy program to ensure compliance with all applicable statues, regulations, and policies regarding the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of PII by programs and information systems, developing and evaluating privacy policy, and managing privacy risks at the agency. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(b); Appendix I ? 4(e). Ensure coordination between privacy and other programs. Agencies shall ensure that the SAOP and the agency's privacy personnel closely coordinate with the agency CIO, senior agency information security officer, and other agency offices and officials, as appropriate. Main Body ?? 4(h), 5(f)(1)(k); Appendix I ?? 3(b)(11), 4(e)(10). Ensure that privacy is addressed throughout the life cycle of each information system. Agencies shall ensure that privacy is addressed throughout the life cycle of each agency information system. Main Body ?? 4(g), 5(a)(1)(c)(i), 5(b)(4); Appendix I ? 4(b)(2). Incorporate privacy requirements into enterprise architecture. Agencies shall incorporate Federal privacy requirements into the agency's enterprise architecture to ensure that risk is addressed and information systems achieve the necessary levels of trustworthiness, protection, and resilience. Appendix I ? 4(b)(5). Comply with the Privacy Act. Agencies shall comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act and ensure that Privacy Act system of records notices are published, revised, and rescinded, as required. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(g). Conduct privacy impact assessments. Agencies shall conduct privacy impact assessments in accordance with the E-Government Act and make the privacy impact assessments available to the public in accordance with OMB policy. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(i). Appendix II - 5 HUD-17-0235-B-000350 Responsibility Description Citation Balance the need for information collection with the privacy risks. Agencies shall ensure that the design of information collections is consistent with the intended use of the information, and the need for new information is balanced against any privacy risks. Main Body ? 4(i). Comply with requirements for disclosure and dissemination. Agencies shall comply with all applicable privacy statutes and policies governing the disclosure or dissemination of information and comply with any other valid access, use, and dissemination restrictions. Main Body ? 5(e)(1)(b)(d), 5(e)(7)(h). Maintain and post privacy policies on websites, mobile applications, and other digital services. Agencies shall maintain and post privacy policies on all agency websites, mobile applications, and other digital services, in accordance with the E-Government Act and OMB policy. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(j). Provide performance metrics and reports. Agencies shall provide performance metrics information and reports in accordance with processes established by OMB and DHS pursuant to FISMA. Appendix I ? 4(1). b. Considerations for Managing PII Agencies' privacy programs shall maintain an inventory of PII, regularly review all PII maintained by the agency, and comply with applicable requirements regarding the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of PII. In addition, agencies' privacy programs shall impose, where appropriate, conditions on other agencies and entities to which PII is being disclosed that govern the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of the PII. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to the general management of PII. While some requirements summarized in the table are not exclusively privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. Responsibility Description Citation Maintain an inventory of agency information systems that involve PII and regularly review and reduce PII to the minimum necessary. Agencies shall maintain an inventory of the agency's information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII to allow the agency to regularly review its PII and ensure, to the extent reasonably practicable, that such PII is accurate, relevant, timely, and complete; and to allow the agency to reduce its PII to the minimum necessary for the proper performance of authorized agency functions. Main Body ? 5(a)(1)(a)(ii), 5(f)(1)(e). Eliminate unnecessary collection, maintenance, and use of Social Security numbers. Agencies shall take steps to eliminate unnecessary collection, maintenance, and use of Social Security numbers, and explore alternatives to the use of Social Security numbers as a personal identifier. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(f). Appendix II - 6 HUD-17-0235-B-000351 Responsibility Description Citation Follow approved records retention schedules for records with PII. Agencies shall ensure that all records with PII are maintained in accordance with applicable records retention or disposition schedules approved by NARA. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(h). Limit the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and disclosure of PII. Agencies shall limit the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and disclosure of PII to that which is legally authorized, relevant, and reasonably deemed necessary for the proper performance of agency functions. Main Body ? 5(f)(1)(d). Require entities with which PII is shared to maintain the PII in an information system with a particular categorization level. Agencies that share PII shall require, as appropriate, other agencies and entities with which they share PII to maintain the PII in an information system with a particular NIST FIPS Publication 199 confidentiality impact level, as determined by the agency sharing the PII. Appendix I ? 3(c). Impose conditions on the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of shared PII through agreements. Agencies that share PII with other agencies or entities shall impose, where appropriate, conditions (including the selection and implementation of particular security and privacy controls) that govern the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of the PII through written agreements, including contracts, data use agreements, information exchange agreements, and memoranda of understanding. Appendix I ? 3(d). c. Budget and Acquisition Agencies' privacy programs shall have the resources needed to manage Federal information resources that involve PII. This will require privacy programs to play a key role in the development of the agencies' budget requests, as well as any decisions to acquire or develop information system technologies and services. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to budget and acquisition activities. While some of the requirements summarized in the table are not exclusively privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. Responsibility Description Citation Identify and plan for resources needed for privacy program. Agencies shall identify and plan for the resources needed to implement privacy programs. Appendix I ? 4(b)(1). Include privacy requirements in IT solicitations. Agencies shall include privacy requirements in solicitations for IT and services. Main body ? 5(d)(1)(j). Appendix II - 7 HUD-17-0235-B-000352 Responsibility Description Citation Establish a process to evaluate privacy risks for IT investments. Agencies shall consider privacy when analyzing IT investments, and establish a decision-making process that shall cover the life of each information system and include explicit criteria for analyzing the projected and actual costs, benefits, and risks, including privacy risks, associated with the IT investments. Main Body ? 5(d)(3), 5(d)(4)(b). Ensure that privacy risks are addressed and costs are included in IT capital investment plans and budgetary requests. The SAOP shall review IT capital investment plans and budgetary requests to ensure that privacy requirements (and associated privacy controls), as well as any associated costs, are explicitly identified and included, with respect to any IT resources that will be used to create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII. Agencies shall ensure that agency budget justification materials, in their initial budget submission to OMB, include a statement affirming that the SAOP has conducted the necessary review. Main Body ? 5(a)(3)(e)(ii), 5(d)(3)(e); Appendix I ? 4(b)(2), 4(e)(6). Ensure that investment plans meet the privacy requirements appropriate for the life cycle stage of the investment. Agencies shall ensure that investment plans submitted to OMB as part of the budget process meet the privacy requirements appropriate for the life cycle stage of the investment. Appendix I ? 4(b)(4). Upgrade, replace, or retire unprotected information systems. Agencies shall plan and budget to upgrade, replace, or retire any information systems for which protections commensurate with risk cannot be effectively implemented. Appendix I ? 4(b)(3). Ensure that SAOPs are made aware of information systems and components that cannot be protected. Agencies shall ensure that, in a timely manner, SAOPs are made aware of information systems and components that cannot be appropriately protected or secured, and that such systems are given a high priority for upgrade, replacement, or retirement. Main Body ? 5(a)(1)(c)(ii); Appendix I ? 3(b)(10). d. Contractors and Third Parties Agencies' privacy programs shall ensure that entities that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of information on behalf of a Federal agency or that operate or use information systems on behalf of a Federal agency, comply with the privacy requirements in law and OMB policies. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to contractors and third parties. While some of the requirements summarized in the table are not exclusively privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. Appendix II - 8 HUD-17-0235-B-000353 Responsibility Description Citation Ensure that contracts and other agreements incorporate privacy requirements. Agencies shall ensure that terms and conditions in contracts, and other agreements involving the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, disclosure, and disposal of Federal information, incorporate privacy requirements and are sufficient to enable agencies to meet Federal and agency-specific requirements pertaining to the protection of Federal information. Main Body ? 5(a)(1)(b)(ii); Appendix I ? 4(j)(1). Maintain agency-wide privacy training for all employees and contractors. Agencies shall develop, maintain, and implement mandatory agency-wide privacy awareness and training programs for all employees and contractors. Appendix I ? 4(h)(1)-(2), (4)-(7). Ensure that the Privacy Act applies to contractors where required. Agencies shall, consistent with the agency's authority, ensure that the requirements of the Privacy Act apply to a Privacy Act system of records when a contractor operates the system of records on behalf of the agency to accomplish an agency function. Appendix I ? 4(j)(3). Oversee information systems operated by contractors. Agencies shall provide oversight of information systems used or operated by contractors or other entities on behalf of the Federal Government or that collect or maintain Federal information on behalf of the Federal Government. Appendix I ? 4(j)(2). Implement policies on privacy oversight of contractors. Agencies shall document and implement policies and procedures for privacy oversight of contractors and other entities, to include ensuring appropriate vetting and access control processes for contractors and others with access to information systems containing Federal information. Appendix I ? 4(j)(2)(a). Ensure implementation of privacy controls for contractor information systems. Agencies shall ensure that privacy controls of information systems and services used or operated by contractors or other entities on behalf of the agency are effectively implemented and comply with NIST standards and guidelines and agency requirements. Appendix I ? 4(j)(2)(b). Maintain an inventory of contractor information systems. Agencies shall ensure that information systems used or operated by contractors or other entities on behalf of the agency are included in the agency's inventory of information systems. Appendix I ? 4(j)(2)(c). Ensure that incident response procedures are in place for contractor information systems. Agencies shall ensure that procedures are in place for incident response for information systems used or operated by contractors or other entities on behalf of the agency, including timelines for notification of affected individuals and reporting to OMB, DHS, and other entities as required in OMB guidance. Appendix I ? 4(j)(2)(e). e. Privacy Impact Assessments As a general matter, an agency shall conduct a privacy impact assessment (PIA) under section 208(b) of the E-Government Act of 2002, absent an applicable exception under that section, Appendix II - 9 HUD-17-0235-B-000354 when the agency develops, procures, or uses information technology to create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII. 120 A PIA is an analysis of how PII is handled to ensure that handling conforms to applicable privacy requirements, determine the privacy risks associated with an information system or activity, and evaluate ways to mitigate privacy risks. A PIA is both an analysis and a formal document detailing the process and the outcome of the analysis. A PIA is one of the most valuable tools Federal agencies use to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. Agencies shall conduct and draft a PIA with sufficient clarity and specificity to demonstrate that the agency fully considered privacy and incorporated appropriate privacy protections from the earliest stages of the agency activity and throughout the information life cycle. In order to conduct a meaningful PIA, the agency's SAOP shall work closely with the program managers, information system owners, information technology experts, security officials, counsel, and other relevant agency officials. Moreover, a PIA is not a time-restricted activity that is limited to a particular milestone or stage of the information system or PII life cycles. Rather, the privacy analysis shall continue throughout the information system and PII life cycles. Accordingly, a PIA shall be considered a living document that agencies are required to update whenever changes to the information technology, changes to the agency's practices, or other factors alter the privacy risks associated with the use of such information technology. In addition to serving as an important analytical tool for agencies, a PIA also serves as notice to the public regarding the agency's practices with respect to privacy and information technology. All PIAs shall be drafted in plain language and shall be posted on the agency's website, unless doing so would raise security concerns or reveal classified or sensitive information. Although PIAs are generally required by law, such as by the E-Government Act of 2002, agencies may also develop policies to require PIAs in circumstances where a PIA would not be required by law. f. Workforce Management Agencies' privacy programs shall play a key role in workforce management activities. The SAOP shall be involved in assessing the hiring and professional development needs at the agency with respect to privacy. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to workforce management activities. While some of the requirements summarized in the table are not exclusively privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. 120 See 44 U.S.C. ? 3501 note; Pub. L. 107-347, ? 208(b). Section 208(b) of the E-Government Act requires agencies, absent an applicable exception under this section, to conduct a PIA before: (i) developing or procuring IT that collects, maintains, or disseminates information that is in an identifiable form; or (ii) initiating a new collection of information that - (I) will be collected, maintained, or disseminated using IT; and (II) includes any information in an identifiable form permitting the physical or online contacting of a specific individual, if identical questions have been posed to, or identical reporting requirements imposed on, 10 or more persons, other than agencies, instrumentalities, or employees of the Federal Government. Appendix II - 10 HUD-17-0235-B-000355 Responsibility Description Citation Ensure that the SAOP is involved in assessing and addressing privacy hiring, training, and professional development needs. Agencies shall ensure that the SAOP is involved in assessing and addressing the hiring, training, and professional development needs of the agency with respect to privacy. Main Body ? 5(c)(6). Maintain a workforce planning process. Agencies shall ensure that the CHCO, CIO, CAO, and SAOP develop and maintain a current workforce planning process to ensure that the agency can anticipate and respond to changing mission requirements, maintain workforce skills in a rapidly developing IT environment, and recruit and retain the IT talent needed to accomplish the mission. Main Body ? 5(c)(1). Develop a set of privacy competency requirements. Agencies shall ensure that the CHCO, CIO, CAO, and SAOP develop a set of competency requirements for information resources staff, including program managers and information security, privacy, and IT leadership positions. Main Body ? 5(c)(1). Ensure that the workforce has the appropriate knowledge and skill. Agencies shall ensure that the workforce, which supports the acquisition, management, maintenance, and use of information resources, has the appropriate knowledge and skill. Main Body ? 5(c)(2). Take advantage of flexible hiring authorities for specialized positions. Agencies shall ensure that the CIO, CHCO, SAOP, and other hiring managers take advantage of flexible hiring authorities for specialized positions, as established by OPM. Main Body ? 5(c)(7). g. Training and Accountability Agencies' privacy programs shall develop, maintain, and provide agency-wide privacy awareness and training programs for all employees and contractors. In addition, the privacy program shall establish rules of behavior for employees and contractors with access to PII and hold agency personnel accountable for complying with applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to training and accountability activities. Some of the requirements summarized in the table are not solely privacy requirements but may require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. Responsibility Description Citation Maintain agency-wide privacy training for all employees and contractors. Agencies shall develop, maintain, and implement mandatory agency-wide privacy awareness and training programs for all employees and contractors. Appendix I ? 4(h)(1). Ensure that privacy training is consistent with applicable policies. Agencies shall ensure that the privacy awareness and training programs are consistent with applicable policies, standards, and guidelines issued by OMB, NIST, and OPM. Appendix I ? 4(h)(2). Appendix II - 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000356 Responsibility Description Citation Apprise agency employees about available privacy resources. Agencies shall apprise agency employees about available privacy resources, such as products, techniques, or expertise. Appendix I ? 4(h)(3). Provide foundational and advanced privacy training. Agencies shall provide foundational as well as more advanced levels of privacy training to information system users (including managers, senior executives, and contractors) and ensure that measures are in place to test the knowledge level of information system users. Appendix I ? 4(h)(4). Provide role-based privacy training to appropriate employees and contractors. Agencies shall provide role-based privacy training to employees and contractors with assigned privacy roles and responsibilities, including managers, before authorizing access to Federal information or information systems or performing assigned duties. Appendix I ? 4(h)(5). Hold personnel accountable for complying with privacy requirements and policies. Agencies shall implement policies and procedures to ensure that all personnel are held accountable for complying with agency-wide privacy requirements and policies. Appendix I ? 3(b)(9). Establish rules of behavior for employees and contractors with access to PII and consequences for violating the rules. Agencies shall establish rules of behavior, including consequences for violating rules of behavior, for employees and contractors that have access to Federal information or information systems, including those that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII. Appendix I ? 4(h)(6). Ensure that employees and contractors read and agree to rules of behavior. Agencies shall ensure that employees and contractors have read and agreed to abide by the rules of behavior for the Federal information and information systems for which they require access prior to being granted access. Appendix I ? 4(h)(7). h. Incident Response Agencies' privacy programs shall develop and implement incident management and response capabilities. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to incident response. While some of the requirements summarized in the table are not solely privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of agencies' privacy programs. Responsibility Maintain formal incident management and response policies and capabilities. Description Agencies shall maintain formal incident response capabilities and mechanisms, implement formal incident management policies, and provide adequate training and awareness for employees and contractors on how to report and respond to incidents. Citation Appendix I ? 4(f)(1), (7)(8). Appendix II - 12 HUD-17-0235-B-000357 Responsibility Description Citation Establish roles and responsibilities to ensure oversight and coordination of incident response. Agencies shall establish clear roles and responsibilities to ensure the oversight and coordination of incident response activities and that incidents are documented, reported, investigated, and handled. Appendix I ? 4(f)(3). Periodically test incident response procedures. Agencies shall periodically test incident response procedures to ensure effectiveness of such procedures. Appendix I ? 4(f)(4). Document incident response lessons learned and update procedures. Agencies shall document lessons learned for incident response and update procedures annually or as required by OMB or DHS. Appendix I ? 4(f)(5). Ensure that processes are in place to verify corrective actions. Agencies shall ensure that processes are in place to verify corrective actions. Appendix I ? 4(f)(6). Report incidents in accordance with OMB guidance. Agencies shall report incidents to OMB, DHS, the CIO, the SAOP, their respective inspectors general and general counsel, law enforcement, and Congress in accordance with procedures issued by OMB. Appendix I ? 4(f)(9). Provide reports on incidents as required. Agencies shall provide reports on incidents as required by FISMA, OMB policy, DHS binding operational directives, Federal information security incident center guidelines, NIST guidelines, and agency procedures. Appendix I ? 4(f)(10). i. Risk Management Framework 121 Agencies' privacy programs have responsibilities under the Risk Management Framework, which is also covered in Appendix I to this Circular. The Risk Management Framework provides a disciplined and structured process that integrates information security, privacy, and risk management activities into the information system development life cycle. This Circular requires agencies to use the Risk Management Framework to manage privacy risks beyond those that are typically included under the "confidentiality" objective of the term "information security." 122 While many privacy risks relate to the unauthorized access or disclosure of PII, Traditionally, the Risk Management Framework was a framework to help agencies address information security and related risks in the authorization process for Federal information systems. As explained in this Appendix, this Circular integrates agencies' privacy programs into the Risk Management Framework process. NIST has published a suite of standards and guidelines that describe how to implement an agency-wide risk management framework. As of the date of this publication, many of the existing NIST standards and guidelines that detail how to implement an agency-wide risk management framework do not fully address the role of privacy and agencies' privacy programs. In the future, NIST may revise or develop standards and guidelines to further clarify how privacy and agencies' privacy programs are integrated into the Risk Management Framework. 121 122 The term "information security," as defined in law and in this Circular, includes three objectives: integrity, availability, and confidentiality. The term "confidentiality" means "preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information." See 44 U.S.C. ? 3552. Appendix II - 13 HUD-17-0235-B-000358 privacy risks may also result from other activities, including the creation, collection, use, and retention of PII; the inadequate quality or integrity of PII; and the lack of appropriate notice, transparency, or participation. 123 The Risk Management Framework has the following steps: 1) Categorize. Agencies shall categorize each information system and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by that information system based on an assessment of the potential impact that a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of such information or information system would have on agency operations, agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. 124 Each information system is categorized at low, moderate, or high impact according to the criteria in NIST standards and guidelines. The SAOP is responsible for reviewing and approving the categorization of information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII. The categorization of information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII will depend on the sensitivity of the PII, the privacy risks, and the associated risk to agency operations, agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. Agencies should generally categorize information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII at the moderate or high confidentiality impact level. 2) Select. Agencies shall select security and privacy controls for each information system. A security control is a safeguard or countermeasure prescribed for an information system or an agency to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system and its information. Security controls primarily pertain to security but they can also enhance privacy. Agencies shall select an initial set of baseline security controls for the information system based on the security categorization and then tailor the security control baseline, as needed, based on an assessment of security risk and local conditions. 125 A privacy control is an administrative, technical, or physical safeguard employed within an agency to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. 126 In order to help agencies satisfy privacy requirements and manage privacy risks, NIST has developed a set of privacy controls, based on the FIPPs, in Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information 123 Refer to the Fair Information Practice Principles in section 3 of this Appendix. 124 See National Institute of Standards and Technology FIPS Publication 199, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems (Feb. 2004), available at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications. 125 The use of a privacy overlay may assist agencies in effectively selecting and tailoring security controls for information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII. 126 Privacy risks can include risks beyond those that are typically included under the "confidentiality" prong of the term "information security." Agencies shall use privacy controls to manage all privacy risks associated with PII or an information system, regardless of whether those risks would be considered information security risks. Appendix II - 14 HUD-17-0235-B-000359 Systems and Organizations. 127 Agencies are required to use the NIST privacy controls and shall implement a privacy control selection process for information systems. Agencies shall use NIST privacy controls in a manner that is consistent with the agency's authorities, missions, and operational needs. For privacy controls, the SAOP is responsible for designating which controls the agency will treat as program management, common, information system-specific, and hybrid controls. Privacy program management controls are controls that are generally implemented at the agency level and essential for managing the agency's privacy program. Program management controls are distinct from common, information systemspecific, and hybrid controls because program management controls are independent of any particular information system. Agencies shall document program management controls in their privacy program plan. The other types of controls - common, information system-specific, and hybrid controls - are necessarily implemented, at least in part, at the information system level. Common controls are controls that are inherited by multiple information systems. When a control is inherited by an information system, the control is selected for the information system but the control is developed, implemented, assessed, authorized, and monitored by programs or officials other than those responsible for the information system. Information system-specific controls are controls that are implemented for a particular information system or the portion of a hybrid control that is implemented for a particular information system. Hybrid controls are controls that are implemented for an information system in part as a common control and in part as an information systemspecific control. The determination as to whether a privacy control is a common, hybrid, or information system-specific control is based on context. By assigning privacy controls to an information system as information system-specific, hybrid, or common controls, the agency assigns responsibility and accountability to specific agency programs or officials for the overall development, implementation, assessment, authorization, and monitoring of those controls. Privacy controls designated by the agency as common controls are, in most cases, managed by an agency program or official other than the information system owner. Moreover, privacy controls designated as information system-specific controls may be the primary responsibility of information system owners and their respective authorizing officials. In all cases, the management of privacy controls shall be subject to the coordination and oversight of the SAOP. 3) Implement. Agencies shall implement the security and privacy controls selected for an information system and document how the controls are deployed. Agencies shall develop and maintain security plans and privacy plans for an information system that provide an overview of the security and privacy requirements for the information system and describe the security and privacy controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements. All privacy controls that are selected for an information system shall be 127 National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations (Apr. 2013), available at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications. Appendix II - 15 HUD-17-0235-B-000360 documented in the privacy plan for the information system. The security plan and the privacy plan may be separate or integrated into one consolidated document. 4) Assess. Agencies shall assess the security and privacy controls using appropriate methods to determine the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security and privacy requirements for the system and managing risks. The SAOP shall conduct an initial assessment of the privacy controls selected for an information system prior to operation, and shall assess the privacy controls periodically thereafter at a frequency sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks. If a PIA is conducted for the information system, the agency may incorporate the initial assessment of the privacy controls into the PIA process. 5) Authorize. Agencies shall authorize an information system prior to operation and periodically thereafter. Authorization of an information system is an explicit acceptance of the risk to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, based on the implementation of the security and privacy controls. The determination to authorize an information system shall be made by an agency's authorizing official or officials (which may include the SAOP) and shall be based on a review of the information system authorization package, which includes the security plan, the privacy plan, documented assessments of the security and privacy controls, and any relevant plans of action and milestones. Authorizing officials are responsible and accountable for the risks associated with an information system. However, since the SAOP is the senior official, designated by the head of each agency, who has agency-wide responsibility for privacy, agencies shall consider recommendations submitted by the SAOP in the decision to authorize an information system. In addition, the SAOP is responsible for reviewing the authorization package for an information system that creates, collects, uses, processes, stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of PII, to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks prior to system authorization. 6) Monitor. Agencies shall monitor and assess security and privacy controls selected for an information system and shall continue to monitor and assess those controls on an ongoing basis. This includes assessing the effectiveness of the security and privacy controls, documenting changes to the information system, analyzing the security and privacy impact associated with the changes, and reporting the state of the system to appropriate agency officials. The type, rigor, and frequency of control assessments shall be sufficient to account for risks that change over time based on changes in the threat environment, agency missions and business functions, personnel, technology, or environments of operation. The ongoing assessment of privacy risks and privacy controls is referred to as privacy continuous monitoring (PCM). The SAOP shall develop and maintain a written PCM strategy that catalogs the available privacy controls implemented at the agency across the agency risk management tiers and ensures that the controls are effectively monitored Appendix II - 16 HUD-17-0235-B-000361 on an ongoing basis by assigning an agency-defined assessment frequency to each control that is sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks. In addition, the SAOP shall establish and maintain a PCM program to implement the PCM strategy. The PCM program is an agency-wide program that is responsible for: maintaining ongoing awareness of threats and vulnerabilities that may pose privacy risks; monitoring changes to information systems and environments of operation that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; and conducting privacy control assessments to verify the continued effectiveness of all privacy controls selected and implemented at the agency across the agency risk management tiers to ensure continued compliance with applicable privacy requirements and management of privacy risks. Although the term "privacy continuous monitoring" is new to this Circular, the concept of conducting an ongoing assessment of privacy risks is not new. For many IT systems, agencies are already required to conduct PIAs that involve an analysis of privacy risks throughout the life cycle of the information system and the PII, and the drafting of a living document that is updated whenever changes to the IT or the agency's practices alter the privacy risks associated with the use of the IT. 128 In fact, for IT systems for which a PIA is conducted, agencies may use the PIA as the principal tool to satisfy the requirement to assess the privacy controls for an information system. The requirement for agencies to implement the Risk Management Framework is described in more detail in Appendix I to this Circular. The following table summarizes the privacy requirements in this Circular that pertain to the Risk Management Framework. While some of the requirements summarized in the table are not exclusively privacy requirements, they may still require the involvement of the agencies' privacy programs. Responsibility Description Citation Implement a risk management framework. Agencies shall implement a risk management framework to guide and inform the categorization of Federal information and information systems; the selection, implementation, and assessment of privacy controls; the authorization of information systems and common controls; and the continuous monitoring of information systems. Appendix I ? 3(a), 3(b)(5). Review and approve the categorization of information systems that involve PII. The SAOP shall review and approve, in accordance with NIST FIPS Publication 199 and NIST Special Publication 800-60, the categorization of information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII. Appendix I ? 4(a)(2), 4(e)(7). 128 Refer to section 5.e of this Appendix for additional information about PIAs. Appendix II - 17 HUD-17-0235-B-000362 Responsibility Description Citation Designate program management, common, information system-specific, and hybrid privacy controls. The SAOP shall designate which privacy controls will be treated as program management, common, information system-specific, and hybrid privacy controls at the agency. Agencies shall designate common controls in order to provide cost-effective privacy capabilities that can be inherited by multiple agency information systems or programs. Appendix I ? 4(c)(12), 4(e)(5). Implement a privacy control selection process. Agencies shall employ a process to select and implement privacy controls for information systems and programs that satisfies applicable privacy requirements in OMB guidance, including, but not limited to, Appendix I to this Circular and OMB Circular A-108, Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act. Appendix I ? 4(c)(6). Develop, approve, and maintain privacy plans for information systems. The SAOP shall review and approve the privacy plans for agency information systems prior to authorization, reauthorization, or ongoing authorization. Agencies shall develop and maintain a privacy plan that details the privacy controls selected for an information system that are in place or planned for meeting applicable privacy requirements and managing privacy risks, details how the controls have been implemented, and describes the methodologies and metrics that will be used to assess the controls. Appendix I ? 4(c)(9), 4(e)(8). Identify privacy control assessment methodologies and metrics. The SAOP shall identify assessment methodologies and metrics to determine whether privacy controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. Appendix I ? 4(e)(4). Conduct assessments of privacy controls. The SAOP shall conduct and document the results of privacy control assessments to verify the continued effectiveness of all privacy controls selected and implemented at the agency across all agency risk management tiers to ensure continued compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. Agencies shall conduct and document privacy control assessments prior to the operation of an information system, and periodically thereafter, consistent with the frequency defined in the agency privacy continuous monitoring strategy and the agency risk tolerance. Appendix I ?? 3(b)(6), 4(c)(13)-(14), 4(e)(3). Correct deficiencies that are identified in information systems. Agencies shall correct deficiencies that are identified through privacy assessments, the privacy continuous monitoring program, or internal or external audits and reviews, to include OMB reviews. Agencies shall use agency plans of action and milestones to record and manage the mitigation and remediation of identified weaknesses and deficiencies, not associated with accepted risks, in agency information systems. Appendix I ? 4(c)(15), 4(k). Appendix II - 18 HUD-17-0235-B-000363 Responsibility Description Citation Develop and maintain a privacy continuous monitoring strategy. The SAOP shall develop and maintain a privacy continuous monitoring strategy, a formal document that catalogs the available privacy controls implemented at the agency across the agency risk management tiers and ensures that the privacy controls are effectively monitored on an ongoing basis by assigning an agencydefined assessment frequency to each control that is sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks. Appendix I ? 4(d)(9), 4(e)(2). Establish and maintain a privacy continuous monitoring program. The SAOP shall establish and maintain an agency-wide privacy continuous monitoring program that implements the agency's privacy continuous monitoring strategy and maintains ongoing awareness of threats and vulnerabilities that may pose privacy risks; monitors changes to information systems and environments of operation that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII; and conducts privacy control assessments to verify the continued effectiveness of all privacy controls selected and implemented at the agency across the agency risk management tiers to ensure continued compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. Agencies shall ensure that a robust privacy continuous monitoring program is in place before agency information systems are eligible for ongoing authorization. Appendix I ?? 3(b)(6), 4(d)(10)-(11), 4(e)(2). Review authorization packages for information systems that involve PII. The SAOP shall review authorization packages for information systems that create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, or dispose of PII to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks, prior to authorizing officials making risk determination and acceptance decisions. Appendix I ? 4(e)(9). Encrypt moderateimpact and highimpact information. Agencies shall encrypt all NIST FIPS Publication 199 moderate-impact and high-impact information at rest and in transit, unless encrypting such information is technically infeasible or would demonstrably affect the ability of agencies to carry out their respective missions, functions, or operations; and the risk of not encrypting is accepted by the authorizing official and approved by the agency CIO, in consultation with the SAOP (as appropriate). Appendix I ? 4(i)(14). 6. Managing PII Collected for Statistical Purposes Under a Pledge of Confidentiality The Nation relies on the flow of credible statistics to support the decisions of individuals, households, governments, businesses, and other organizations. Any loss of trust in the relevance, accuracy, objectivity, or integrity of the Federal statistical system and its products can foster uncertainty about the validity of measures our Nation uses to monitor and assess performance, progress, and needs. Appendix II - 19 HUD-17-0235-B-000364 Given the importance of robust and objective official Federal statistics, agencies and components charged with the production of these statistics are assigned particular responsibility. Specifically, information acquired by an agency or component under a pledge of confidentiality129 and for exclusively statistical purposes shall be used by officers, employees, or agents of the agency exclusively for statistical purposes. 130 As defined in the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (CIPSEA), statistical purpose refers to the description, estimation, or analysis of the characteristics of groups, without identifying the individuals or organizations that comprise such groups; it includes the development, implementation, or maintenance of methods, technical or administrative procedures, or information resources that support such purposes. 131 These agencies and components shall protect the integrity and confidentiality of this information against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction throughout the life cycle of the information. Further, these agencies and components shall adhere to legal requirements and should follow best practices for protecting the confidentiality of data, including training their employees and agents, and ensuring the physical and information system security of confidential information. 129 The term "confidentiality" can have multiple meanings. For example, in the context of general information security, the term means "preserving authorized restrictions on information access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information." See 44 U.S.C. ? 3552. However, for the purposes of section 6 of Appendix II to this Circular, the term "confidentiality" refers to the requirement that "data or information acquired by an agency under a pledge of confidentiality for exclusively statistical purposes shall not be disclosed by an agency in identifiable form, for any use other than an exclusively statistical purpose, except with the informed consent of the respondent." See 44 U.S.C. ? 3501 note; Pub. L. 107-347, ? 512(b)(1). 130 44 U.S.C. ? 3501 note; Pub. L. 107-347, ? 512(a). There are some narrowly-delineated, authorized, nonstatistical uses of information collected for statistical purposes that are noted in Section 504 of CIPSEA, including providing information to a law enforcement agency for the prosecution of submissions to the collecting agency of false statistical information under statutes that authorize criminal or civil penalties for the provision of false statistical information, unless such disclosure or use would otherwise be prohibited under Federal law. 131 44 U.S.C. ? 3501 note; Pub. L. 107-347, ? 502(9)(A)). Appendix II - 20 HUD-17-0235-B-000365 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Hughes, Andrew Monday, October 16, 2017 10:57 AM John.K.Mashburn@who.eop.gov; Flynn, Matthew J. EOP/WHO; Paranzino, Anthony M. EOP/WHO; Kaelan.K.Dorr@who.eop.gov; Rateike, Bradley A. EOP/WHO HUD Daily Briefing (10-16-17) Good Morning, Below is Secretary Carson's outlook for today. Thanks. -Andrew STATUS OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary is in Washington today. TODAY (10/16 Washington, DC) the Secretary will: o Secretary Interview with Telemundo regarding Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery o Cabinet Member Meeting o Meet with National Policy Alliance o Meet with Ed Olson, Policy Expert in Housing TOMORROW (10/17 Washington, DC) the Secretary will: o Meet with HUD internal staff regarding initiatives. UPCOMING KEY EVENTS o Secretary's Tour of Denver, CO o October 23 - 24, 2017 o Secretary Carson will travel to Denver, CO to visit the HUD Regional Office in Denver, tour Choice Neighborhood housing complexes and a veterans' crisis housing center, and to keynote the Mortgage Bankers Association annual conference. o POC: Ben DeMarzo, Director of Operations, Benjamin.e.demarzo@hud.gov o Mortgage Bankers Association Annual Meeting o October 23, 2017 o This is a key industry conference that will have several thousand in attendance including investors, lenders, and bankers within the housing industry. Speech theme still being developed. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o White House Fellows Annual Leadership Conference o October 23, 2017 o Speech to be delivered to about 200 White House Fellows. Subject of speech will center on the Secretary's vision for HUD and key priorities. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o Office of General Council Ethics Training o October 26, 2017 o Introductory comments that will reinforce the importance of ethics training. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o Secretary's Tour of Atlanta, GA o October 30 - October 31, 2017 HUD-17-0235-B-000366 o Secretary Carson will travel to Atlanta, GA to visit the HUD Regional Office in Atlanta, tour Family Self Sufficiency housing centers and Choice Neighborhood housing complexes. o POC: Abby Delahoyde, Director of Advance, Abigail.M.Delahoyde@hud.gov o National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders o November 2, 2017 o The Secretary will make remarks on public-private partnerships and will be focused on policies and programs. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o WH Event - American Dream: Homeownership o August 3, 2017 (POSTPONED - Date TBD) o POTUS will host the Secretary at the White House for an event highlighting homeownership as a pillar of the American Dream, and the government programs and services that support homebuyers. o POC: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; amy.c.thompson@hud.gov o SOHUD Trip to Charlotte, NC o August 31 - September 1, 2017 (POSTPONED - Date TBD) o Secretary Carson will travel to Charlotte to visit various HUD-assisted properties, and discuss public-private partnerships, homelessness, and housing finance reform. o POC: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; amy.c.thompson@hud.gov ADDITIONAL UPDATES o SOHUD Meetings with Members of Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees o Description: Secretary Carson will be meeting with Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committee members on housing finance reform. o POC: Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Legislative Affairs; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: Meetings are currently underway. o Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs o Description: The 2014 HUD Appropriations Act made statutory changes to ease administrative burdens on public housing agencies (PHAs) and certain multifamily owners. HUD issued a proposed rule on January 6, 2015, to implement these statutory changes and to make additional regulatory changes arising out of stakeholder input asking for additional flexibilities in many HUD programs. In addition, the 2015 HUD Appropriations Act made statutory changes to how PHAs determine flat rents in public housing. HUD issued a September 8, 2015, interim rule to implement these changes. This final rule makes changes to the regulatory text as presented in the January 2015, proposed rule, and finalizes the regulatory changes contained in the September 2015 interim final rule. o POC: Danielle Bastarache, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policies, Programs and Legislative Initiatives, Office of Public and Indian Housing; danielle.l.bastarache@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The rule was cleared by the Office of Management and Budget on August 31, 2017. The rule was delivered to HUD's Executive Secretariat on September 22, 2017 for final approvals. The next step will be submission to HUD's Congressional authorizing committees for pre-publication review. Publication is anticipated in October. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Rule to Amend the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards HUD-17-0235-B-000367 o Description: This proposed rule would amend the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (the Construction and Safety Standards) by adopting recommendations made to HUD by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). The National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (the Act) requires HUD to publish in the Federal Register any proposed revised Construction and Safety Standard submitted by the MHCC. The MHCC has prepared and submitted to HUD its third group of recommendations to improve various aspects of the Construction and Safety Standards. HUD has reviewed those proposals and has made editorial revisions to several of the proposals. (b) (5) As agreed upon, these recommendations are being published here to provide notice of the proposed revisions and an opportunity for public comment. o POC: Pamela Beck Danner, Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Office of Housing; pamela.b.danner@hud.gov o (b) (5) o (b) (5) o Notice Announcing the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Appointment of Members and Notice of Public Meeting o Description: This notice announces the appointment of the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC) members, gives notice of a one-day meeting and sets forth the proposed agenda of the first HCFAC meeting. The Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2017. The meeting is open to the public and is accessible to individuals with disabilities. o POC: Marjorie George, Housing Program Technical Specialist, Office of Housing Counseling, marjorie.a.george@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The Office of Housing has decided to postpone publication of this notice until November. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Relief from HUD Requirements Available to Public Housing Agencies to Assist with Recovery and Relief Efforts on Behalf of Families Affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Future Natural Disasters Where Major Disaster Declarations Might be Issued in 2017 o Description: This notice advises the public that HUD, as a result of Presidentially declared Major Disaster Declarations (MDD) following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria has established an expedited process for the review of requests for relief from HUD regulatory and/or administrative requirements for public housing agencies (PHAs) and Tribes or tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) that are located in Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Georgia. In addition, this notice advises that PHAs, Tribes and TDHEs located in areas covered by MDDs issued during the remainder of 2017 may utilize the flexibilities and expedited waiver process set out by this notice. o POC: Shelia Bethea, Office of Field Operations, Office of Public and Indian Housing, sheila.bethea@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The notice is circulating for final HUD approvals prior to publication. Publication is anticipated in October. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Factors for 2018 HUD-17-0235-B-000368 o Description: This notice establishes operating cost adjustment factors (OCAFs) for projectbased rental assistance contracts issued under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 and renewed under the Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 (MAHRA) with an anniversary date on or after February 11, 2018. OCAFs are annual factors used primarily to adjust the rents for contracts renewed under section 515 or section 524 of MAHRA. o POC: Carisa L. Janis, Program Analyst, Office of Housing, carissa.l.janis@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: Publication of the notice is anticipated in October. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Navajo Housing Authority o Description: After multiple offers and counteroffer's, Navajo Housing Authority (NHA) has offered to repay $26 million from current funds (HUD's previous offer was $31 million, to be repaid from future funds, over a 5-year period). NHA has appealed the administrative law judge's decision to have NHA return $96M in unspent funds to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. A decision from the 9th Circuit would not be expected until FFY 2018. The Court requested mediation discussions. o POC: Andrew Hughes, White House Liaison, andrew.hughes@hud.gov o HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Notice o Description: Public and Indian Housing published the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Notice on September 1, 2017 allowing PHAs partnering with their local VA facilities to register their interest in receiving $40M in new awards (approximately 5,500 new HUD-VASH vouchers). o POC: Becky Primeaux, Director, Public Housing Management and Occupancy Division, becky.l.primeaux@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: PHAs must express interest by October 31, 2017. Awards are expected in December 2017. o Anticipated Process: Vouchers will be allocated to registered PHAs based on their local need and program capacity. HUD News and Opinion Rep. Beatty grills HUD Secretary Carson on future of FHA mortgage insurance premiums (HousingWire) HUD Secretary Ben Carson Open to Excising HECMs from the MMIF (Inside Mortgage Finance) MBA President Supports Call to Remove Reverse Mortgages from MMI Fund (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Rep. Maxine Waters: 'Housing Is a Necessary Human Right' (CNS News) Calif. Democrat Tells HUD Secretary to Get Familiar With Procedure for Removing Trump (CNS News) The OIG issues dozens of new audit reports (JD Supra) HUD Finds IGs Recommendations On Water Safety Unwarranted (Inside Mortgage Finance) Ivanka & Jared Host Chai Lifeline Children At The White House (Yeshiva World News) [PA] HUD charges landlord couple (Altoona Mirror, PA) [MD] Our say: Public housing in Annapolis passes a crucial turning point (Capital Gazette, MD) [NC] FEMA awards $1.4 million to N.C. for hurricane relief (Bladen Journal, NC) [MO] New MO Discrimination Law Not Compliant with Federal Standards (KSFX/KOLR-TV FOX 27 Ozarks First, MO) [OH] Walnut Hills residents win lawsuit against HUD (Cincinnati Enquirer, OH) [OH] Federal judge temporarily blocks HUD from leaving the Alms (Cincinnati CityBeat, OH) HUD-17-0235-B-000369 [OH] Judge sides with Alms residents over HUD, grants injunction so they can stay in their homes (WCPO-TV ABC 9 Cincinnati, OH) [OH] Mayor: Neighborhoods staff will focus more on lead safety (Toledo Blade, OH) [NM] Santa Fe County to join lawsuit against federal housing agency (Santa Fe New Mexican, NM) Hurricane Sandy [NY] Where LI stands five years after superstorm Sandy (Newsday, NY) Federal Housing Administration (FHA) FHA Eases Occupancy Rule for Properties with H4P Financing (Inside Mortgage Finance) HUD Dumps Lender Insight for New Loan Review Summary Report (Inside Mortgage Finance) For older consumers keen to preserve their savings, report offers a helping hand (Tampa Tribune, FL) [NJ] Gianficaro: That's no way to treat a veteran (Burlington County Times, NJ) [WA] Berkeley Point Capital Provides $9.3M HUD Refinancing for 63-Unit Seniors Housing Community Near Seattle (RE Business Online) Ginnie Mae Ginnie Mae, VA launch task force to look into lenders targeting veterans for quick refinances (HousingWire) Ginnie Mae and VA Team to Focus on Veterans' Refinancing Problems (National Mortgage Professional) Ginnie Mae, VA Announce Joint Task Force to Stop Improper Refis (Inside Mortgage Finance) Ginnie MBS Issuance Rolled To Years High Mark in 3Q17 (Inside Mortgage Finance) Home Ownership Mortgage bankers open to rewrite of homeowner tax breaks (Politico) The government pays more to rich homeowners than poor renters (Inman Real Estate News) [NY] Housing nonprofits offer downpayment help for first-time homebuyers (Buffalo News, NY) [NY] Long Island Communities Offer Incentives To First-Time Home Buyers (CBS New York, NY) [PA] Ryan's big lie (Scranton Times & Tribune, PA) [PA] Program guarantees 100 new houses in Pittston City (Times Leader, PA) [GA] Feds: Ga. foreclosure program soaked up admin fees and failed needy (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) [FL] Which is best, to rent or buy a home? That depends on a host of variables (Herald Tribune, FL) [LA] Louisiana Congressional delegation united in skirmishes over National Flood Insurance Program (Baton Rouge Advocate, LA) [OH] Banking & Finance Its a Scam: Land Contracts on Uninhabitable Houses (Youngstown Business Journal, OH) [OR] Grant helps with repairs for Mid-Valley homeowners (Salem Statesman-Journal, OR) [CA] Coto de Caza man admits to money laundering and fraud in $2 million home loan scam (Orange County Register, CA) Affordable Housing [CT] New Haven residents air concerns to developers over Duncan Hotel sale (New Haven Register, CT) [NH] Rock n Birch Campground set to close in two weeks, but some tenants aren't ready (Concord Monitor, NH) [NY] NIMBYs are killing New York's future (New York Daily News, NY) [NJ] Affordable housing focus of Park Ridge debate (North Jersey.com, NJ) [NJ] Suit: Fort Lee luxury towers need affordable units (North Jersey.com, NJ) HUD-17-0235-B-000370 [PA] 40 years later, N.J. courts, towns still wrestling with 'affordable' housing (Philly.com, PA) [NC] Why can't we live together? (Durham Herald-Sun, NC [FL] Tampa firm purchases Cervantes site (Pensacola News Journal, FL) [FL] Plans for affordable housing in Sarasota's Rosemary District moving along (WWSB-TV ABC, FL) [TN] Low-Income Housing Tax Credits will allow renovation of two Sneedville apartment complexes (Rogersville Review, TN) [KY] In 12 years, 43,000 renters were evicted from Lexington homes. Why that matters. (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) [KY] 'I haven't had water in five months.' Her home was condemned. Then she was evicted. (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) [TX] As Hurricane Harvey evacuees make Dallas home, what Katrina taught us about how D-FW may change (Dallas Morning News, TX) [TX] Renters find extra hurdles to recovery after hurricanes (San Antonio Express-News, TX) [KS] Topeka JUMP calls on city council to create affordable housing trust fund (Topeka Capital-Journal, KS) [IA] 93-year-old feels bullied by WDM mobile home park manager's long list of demands (Des Moines Register, IA) [CO] Colorado's growing pains: From roads to water, here are 5 key issues as the state's population swells (Denver Post, CO) [OR] Downtown Eugene housing and retail project pitched by ex-mayor Brian Obie delayed (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) [OR] FIfth Street Public Markets $50 million expansion will test limits of Eugene's controversial property tax waivers for downtown apartments (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) [OR] Real housing at a low cost (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) [OR] Supportive housing saves money and saves lives: Guest opinion (Portland Oregonian, OR) [CA] Hearst sells off part of huge SoMa development to project partner (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) Fair Housing [KY] More renters are evicted in this Lexington neighborhood than any other (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) [OH] Mentor to hold fair housing assessment meetings required by HUD, CDBG program (Ohio News Herald, OH) [IN] Hackney: Real estate ads ignite uproar (Indianapolis Star, IN) Section 8 [WA] Bellingham measure would give extra protections to renters (Bellingham Herald, WA) [CA] Section 8 housing choice voucher waiting list lottery open from Oct. 16 to 29 (Asian Journal) Homelessness [NY] CB 2 wants more notice on shelters (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Court to city: Turn over RFPs for shelter (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Crowley slams city over hotel shelter (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] KG residents irate at lack of shelter notice (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Most Queens homeless students in SD 24 (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] The Knicks donate basketball court at shelter (NY1-TV, NY) [NY] Homeless Veterans Receive Variety of Services at Elks Club (WGY-AM 810, NY) [NY] Homeless Shelters Name Their Own Rates in New York, Audit Finds (New York Times) [NY] De Blasio's Homelessness Struggle (WNYC - New York Public Radio) [NY] Controversial Mill Basin hotel finally opens (Brooklyn Daily, NY) HUD-17-0235-B-000371 [NJ] Homeless veteran housing underway (Jersey City Reporter, NJ) [PA] Suburban Station getting a new stop: A service center for Philly's homeless (Philly.com, PA) [NC] Americas new Nomads are houseless, not homeless (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) [SC] For the 18th year, Veterans Affairs provides resources to Charleston-area homeless veterans (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) [VA] Citing safety concerns, Henrico puts up signs at busy intersections discouraging drivers from giving money to panhandlers (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) [FL] 'Florida Project' film portrays life in Kissimmee hotels (Orlando Sentinel, FL) [FL] OUR VIEW: First Step must move forward (Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL) [FL] Daytona beachside church helping homeless under scrutiny (Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL) [OK] Face to face with Tulsa's homeless population, outreach becomes a full-time job for minister (Tulsa World, OK) [MN] Twin Cities homelessness: Seniors find themselves on street, in shelters (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) [ND] Bringing them in: Northland Rescue Mission in Grand Forks increases homeless outreach as cold approaches (Bismarck Tribune, ND) [IL] Homelessness: 'It could be a solvable problem here' (Peoria Journal Star, IL) [IL] Under one roof (Danville Commercial News, IL) [WI] Editorial: More help for the homeless is reassuring (Wisconsin State Journal, WI) [WA] Homeless issues likely to be atop agenda at Yakima City Council meeting (Spokane Spokesman-Review, WA) [OR] Portland and Multnomah County will look at pairing housing with services to keep homeless housed (Portland Oregonian, OR) [OR] Woman gets a fresh start at women's homeless village (WSTM-TV NBC3-CNY Central, NY) [OR] Helping Portland's chronically homeless is a choice to save lives: Editorial (Portland Oregonian, OR) [CA] California declares emergency to fight hepatitis A outbreak (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] Homeless veteran housing underway (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] Santa Rosa homeless shelters in 'critical need' of food (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) [CA] California declares state of emergency over deadly hepatitis A outbreak (Baltimore Sun, MD) [CA] Homeless in Seattle: tent encampments seem to be working (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [ME] Rockland hires community development director (Herald Gazette, ME) [ME] Augusta council grapples with former Statler site redevelopment (Central Maine, ME) [NH] Van service ends for seniors at Dover Housing Authority (Seacoast Online, NH) [NY] NYCHA to install solar panels at 14 developments, including Queens (NY1-TV, NY) [NY] NYCHA Sets Sights on Solar Power (Fresh Meadows Queens Tribune, NY) [NY] A dim view of NYCHA's new solar program (Crain's New York Business, NY) [NY] Public Housing Residents Ask the Crowd to Fund Sustainability Projects (Next City) [PA] Lehigh Valley leaders, organizations prepare for influx of Puerto Ricans (Allentown Morning Call, PA) [PA] Puerto Rico hurricane victims find shelter in Lehigh Valley (WFMZ-TV Channel 69, PA) [MD] Annapolis election focuses on future of public housing (Baltimore Sun, MD) HUD-17-0235-B-000372 [VA] Richmond man turns himself in to police in Gilpin Court shooting where victim was found inside RRHA headquarters (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) [GA] Atlanta housing agency: $120M windfall for developer in disputed deal (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) [GA] Atlanta land deal angers people who want affordable housing (WRBL-TV CBS 3 Columbus, GA) [AR] Conway Housing Authority director believes in 'a hand up' (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) [KY] Build-A-Bed program brings beds to needy families (Bowling Green Daily News, KY) [MO] Housing Authority receives tree grant (Jefferson City News Tribune, MO) [MS] Mayor Magee Signs Proclamation Towards Laurel Housing Authority (YouTube, WHPM/FOX23, Hattiesburg, MS) [MO] Indigo Sky Casino's latest expansion adds 45 jobs (Joplin Globe, MO) [MO] St. Louis Health Department to take housing authority to court over mice at public housing complex (KPLR-TV Channel 11, MO) [TX] Blue flame building will reignite in downtown El Paso (KDBC-TV CBS, TX) [TX] What Forest Green Townhomes residents need to know about mold damage from floodwaters (KPRC-TV NBC 2 Houston, TX) [OK] Cherokee Nation awarded $800K grant to build storm shelters (Tahlequah Daily Press, OK) [IL] South Side congregants launch robotics training, plant to generate jobs, hope (Chicago Tribune, IL) [WI] Invest Health Project connects businesses, city officials to improve housing (Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, WI) [UT] Program helps low-income Utah families gain 'essential' online access (Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News, UT) [CA] Napa wine industry tallies damage, economic danger looms (Napa Valley Register, CA) Sustainability Coal country is finding little relief in Trump's climate actions (Los Angeles Times) Comparing the Environmental Impact of Building vs. Buying a Home (PLANetizen) [TX] Texans hit hard by Hurricane Harvey rethink climate change (San Antonio Express-News, TX) Community Planning and Development (CPD) [NJ] Delanco to replace curbs and sidewalks (Burlington County Times, NJ) [PA] Carlisle Borough Council approves letter of support for development (Carlisle Sentinel, PA) [PA] Charleroi to use CDBG money to finish municipal building renovation project (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) [NC] Hurricane Matthew: One year later (Greenville Reflector, NC) [NC] Walt Bellamy Jr. Park opens today (New Bern Sun Journal, NC) [FL] Opinion: Time for a CRexit? (Tallahassee Democrat, FL) [LA] FEMA: We want people to get back home (WMC-TV, TN) [CA] Shreveport to get 'culinary hub' for budding chefs (Merced Sun-Star, CA) National News After the Rain: The Lasting Effects of a Hurricane on Home Sales (U.S. News & World Report) Homes Are Shrinking in the U.S. (Bloomberg) America's newest homes are shrinking (Connecticut Post, CT) Republicans Can't Agree on Who Counts as Middle Class (Bloomberg) The Finance 202: House GOP may cap state and local tax deduction amid outcry from moderates (Washington Post) HUD-17-0235-B-000373 Brady and Ryan Mulling Big Gamble on Key Tax Deduction (Roll Call) AP FACT CHECK: Trump's tax plan is far from the biggest ever (Washington Post) Americans need an environment that supports building financial security (The Hill) Senate should vacate the harmful consumer banking arbitration rule (The Hill) Wells Fargo profit falls on legal costs (USA Today) B of A beefs up rep and warrant reserves ahead of mortgage settlement (American Banker) Congress takes Wells Fargo, Equifax to task; now it must act (The Hill) House Panel's Dodd-Frank Tweaks Won't Add Up to a Big Number (Bloomberg) Want to be a landlord? These are the top markets this fall for investing in rental homes (CNBC) Monday Morning Cup of Coffee: Is the way the CFPB handles enforcement about to change? (HousingWire) Blue Counties Are Losing Residents Thanks to Rising Housing Costs (Bloomberg) Fed agencies grades slip in "plain writing" (Quad-City Times, IA) [FL] Hurricane costs take toll on state budget (Lakeland Ledger, FL) [FL] Housing market at a regulatory crossroads (Herald Tribune, FL) [TN] Is Wall Street upending Nashville neighborhoods? These professors want to know (The Tennessean, TN) [TX] Many students displaced by Harvey, but districts don't see big dip in attendance (Houston Chronicle, TX) [TX] Distressed Investors Are Already Buying Houston Homes for 40 Cents on the Dollar (Bloomberg) [AZ] Tiny home trend slow to grow in Arizona, but developers plan new projects (Tucson Arizona Daily Star, AZ) [IN] Contractors to replace lighting and fountains at two East Chicago schools (Northwest Indiana Times, IN) [CO] Improved code would help home and business owners save money (Colorado Springs Gazette, CO) [AZ] Will Arizona home prices sway Amazon's search for second headquarters? (Arizona Republic, AZ) [NM] Facing lawsuit, mayoral appointee moved to more secure post (KOB-TV NBC 4, NM) [CA] California wildfires: Housing markets will likely feel devastating effects for years (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] California fires deal devastating economic blow to victims - many poor and elderly (Sacramento Bee, CA) [CA] Santa Rosa comes to terms with the scale of devastation: 3,000 buildings lost, many dead in fire (Los Angeles Times) [CA] Deadly California Fires Stretch an Already Tight Housing Market (Bloomberg) [CA] California Fires Leave Many Homeless Where Housing Was Already Scarce (New York Times) [PR] Electricity, Water and Shelter Issues Plague Older Adults in Puerto Rico (U.S. News & World Report) [PR] Thousands in Puerto Rico shelters after hurricane (San Antonio Express-News, TX) Headlines The Washington Post The New York Times The Wall Street Journal ABC News NBC News CBS News Washington Schedule HUD-17-0235-B-000374 President Vice President Senate House of Representatives Editorial Note: This Brief represents summarized content - click on the hyperlink to access full-text articles for these news summaries. HUD News and Opinion Rep. Beatty grills HUD Secretary Carson on future of FHA mortgage insurance premiums (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/15/2017 10:15 AM, Brena Swanson) Will HUD ever announce a cut to premiums? During Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson's hearing before the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, grilled him on the status of Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance premium cuts. President Donald Trump suspended the reduction of mortgage insurance premiums within the first hours of his presidency, and since then, very little information has come out on if HUD will reinstate the cuts. The cuts were previously announced just before the Obama administration left office. In her questioning, Beatty asked Carson if he reviewed a letter sent to him by her and 20 other members of Congress. "It was requesting that you follow through on your predecessor's decision to lower these annual premiums, citing the fiscal strength of the fund and histrionically low homeownership," said Beatty. The full clip from the hearing is below. Beatty pressed Carson on why she would get a response to her letter from someone other than him, noting that a different staffer at HUD sent her a response. She added that that in her opinion, it didn't answer the question. Carson responded saying he could answer now, but Beatty turned down the request, asking Carson to respond to her letter instead since she had other questions. However, during other parts of the hearing, Carson did address the increasing health of the FHA's flagship fund, the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, ever since HUD announced changes to its reverse mortgage program. HUD Secretary Ben Carson Open to Excising HECMs from the MMIF (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/16/2017 4:42 AM, George Brooks) Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson indicated he is open to the idea of moving the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program out of the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund to stem future losses. Testifying before the House Financial Services Committee on Thursday, Carson said the changes the department has made recently - as well as those currently under consideration - will eliminate the program's problems although residual issues may linger. Carson acknowledged that the HECM program's default rate has been a drain on the MMI Fund even though it is much smaller than the FHA's forward loan portfolio. HUD-17-0235-B-000375 The recently revised HECM rules have "stopped the bleeding" in terms of new reverse mortgages, he added. MBA President Supports Call to Remove Reverse Mortgages from MMI Fund (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Reverse Mortgage Daily (10/16/2017 1:17 AM, Alex Spanko) When Ben Carson expressed support for removing the reverse mortgage program from the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund before Congress last week, he became the most prominent voice in a growing call within the industry. "I think the secretary is very astute on the subject, and separating it out from the MMI fund would certainly allow for better policymaking overall," Mortgage Bankers Association president and CEO David Stevens told RMD in an interview. Including the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage in the MMI fund puts the program -- along with the Federal Housing Administration's larger mortgage portfolio -- in a difficult position, Stevens said. While serving as FHA commissioner, Stevens said the arrival of the annual actuarial report in the fall was always a source of anxiety. Rep. Maxine Waters: 'Housing Is a Necessary Human Right' (CNS News) CNS News (10/13/2017 8:51 AM, Susan Jones) Rep. Maxine Waters, used a HUD oversight hearing on Oct. 12, 2017 to slam President Trump. Prominent liberals, Sen. Bernie Sanders among them, insist that health care is a human right, and the same can be said about housing, Rep. Maxine Waters said on Thursday. Waters, the ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, was among several African-American Democrats on the committee who blasted HUD Secretary Ben Carson as uncaring and incompetent because he supports the Trump administration's budget cuts. "In the face of the immense housing needs in our country, President Trump chose Dr. Ben Carson to serve as the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development," Waters said in her opening statement at the HUD oversight hearing. Waters and a few other Democrats complained that Carson supports President Trump's budget, "Which slashes funding for critical housing programs." Carson told the committee that "Spending more taxpayer dollars does not necessarily create better outcomes." "We must constantly evaluate our programs to ensure that we are delivering services effectively and efficiently to HUD's constituents and responding to today's challenges with the best practices and technologies," the secretary said. Carson added that he's working to "Reform our programs and remain careful stewards of taxpayer dollars." Calif. Democrat Tells HUD Secretary to Get Familiar With Procedure for Removing Trump (CNS News) CNS News (10/13/2017 7:42 AM, Susan Jones) A California Democrat urged Housing Secretary Ben Carson to get familiar with a provision in the U.S. Constitution that allows for the removal of a president who is declared "Unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." Unable so far to get rid of a president they despise, some Democrats and liberal activists, including those in the media, have raised the possibility of declaring Trump unfit for office. "Beyond your responsibilities for Housing and Urban Development, you have other responsibilities under the Constitution, along with other Cabinet secretaries, particularly Section 4 of the 25th Amendment," Rep. Brad Sherman told Carson on Thursday as the House Financial Services Committee held a HUD oversight hearing. "And we all live by this Constitution," Sherman continued: "I - the - Section 4 deals with the possibility that a president is unable to HUD-17-0235-B-000376 discharge the powers and duties of his office. Have you taken the time to get legal counsel to brief you on what your responsibility is, as a Cabinet secretary, under the 25th Amendment?" Sherman asked Carson. "I have not had any in-depth discussions of that," Carson replied. "I would urge you to do so," Sherman told Carson. "This amendment was written in the early '60s as a result of what we - life that happens, whether it's the dangers that a president faces, whether it's the health problems a president can face." "I would urge you first to get legal counsel, to know what your responsibilities are, and second, to discuss with other Cabinet officers how you would implement Section 4 of the 25th Amendment." Sherman's time was up, and Carson did not reply. The OIG issues dozens of new audit reports (JD Supra) JD Supra (10/13/2017 5:50 PM, Amy Glassman, Ballard Spahr LLP) Just in time for the end of the federal fiscal year (September 30), the HUD Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a flurry of internal and external audit reports over the last few weeks on a wide variety of topics. They include: --CDBG disaster grant administration issues, including criticism of HUD's guidance and oversight on procurement matters. Perhaps not so coincidentally, HUD has just published a new procurement guide for CDBG-DR grantees. The OIG also examined the invoice review process prior to disbursal of CDBG-DR by a grantee. --A critique of HUD's controls over dispositions of CDBG-funded properties --Several audits of voucher programs administered by housing authorities, including overall HCV administration issues, HQS standards, and project-based voucher administration --Findings that HUD did not provide sufficient guidance and oversight in connection with FHA-insured loans to ensure that properties receiving FHA mortgage insurance had access to a sufficient supply of lead-free, safe water --A remote review of housing authority implementation of flat rents. The OIG only reviewed 60 tenant files but extrapolated information found in this limited review to project that there could be over 10,000 undercharged flat rent tenants nationally. HUD Finds IGs Recommendations On Water Safety Unwarranted (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/13/2017 4:12 PM, Staff) The Department of Housing and Urban Development has requested its inspector general to reconsider certain recommendations intended to toughen safety standards for drinking water in FHA-insured properties. Other lenders or appraisers could interpret imposing stringent requirements on a few FHA lenders wrongly, which could lead to unnecessary water testing simply to avoid future litigation risk, HUD warned in its response to audit findings. HUD disagreed that administrative action is warranted. Due to potential unintended consequences, does not believe the imposition of sanctions at this time presents a viable alternative, the department wrote. While making changes to water-safety standards, HUD said it will train lenders and appraisers to ensure compliance with the revised standards. Ivanka & Jared Host Chai Lifeline Children At The White House (Yeshiva World News) Yeshiva World News (10/15/2017 10:27 AM, Yeshiva World News) Not too many people get the opportunity to go bowling at the Harry S. Truman Bowling Alley in the White House. Even fewer people get to bowl with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. HUD-17-0235-B-000377 A group of Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic children did both during an eventful Tuesday Chol Hamoed trip to the White House. The children, accompanied by case manager Rivkah Flaum, enjoyed an exclusive VIP tour of The White House. Their day began with a meeting with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson. The group was inspired by the words of Dr. Carson, who is also a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. They then enjoyed a VIP tour of the East Wing and the Office of Vice President. After a delicious lunch break and an excursion to the National Museum of Natural History, the Chai Lifeline group headed back to the White House for bowling at the Harry S. Truman Bowling Alley in the White House. They were surprised by a visit from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who wished the families a Chag Sameach before returning to their responsibilities. [PA] HUD charges landlord couple (Altoona Mirror, PA) Altoona Mirror (10/16/2017 4:42 AM, William Kibler) Federal housing dept. says pair discriminated against families with children The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has charged an Altoona couple that owns an apartment building in Greenwood with discriminating against families with children in dealing with potential tenants. Citing the Fair Housing Act, the regional HUD office in Philadelphia has accused Gregory and Katherine Ellis of refusing to rent units on the 1600 block of East Pleasant Valley Boulevard to a series of "testers" posing as parents of children -- while making the same units available to potential testers who said they had no children. An administrative law judge will hear the case, unless one of the parties wants to move it to federal court, according to a HUD news release. The judge could award damages to the Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh Inc., the original complainant on whose behalf HUD brought the charges; order injunctive relief; order payment of attorneys' fees and impose civil penalties "to vindicate the public interest," according to the news release. [MD] Our say: Public housing in Annapolis passes a crucial turning point (Capital Gazette, MD) Capital Gazette (10/15/2017 6:34 AM, Capital Gazette) Public housing is often talked about in city elections, but the amount of rhetoric has traditionally been inversely proportional to what the city government can actually do about federally owned and managed properties, or to what the mayor and aldermen are willing to try. Not much changes, unless you count the recurring management problems at the Housing Authority for the City of Annapolis or the way the agency's properties deteriorate. The status quo is finally crumbling, as can be seen in today's election primer story on the city's public housing. Incumbent Mayor Mike Pantelides, using the appointment power that is a mayor's main leverage on public housing policy, has remade the authority's board: He has nominated six people to the seven-member panel, and five of them are currently serving. Pantelides ordered rental inspections of public housing units - although there is dispute over whether that has done much to improve conditions. There's little dispute that the authority board took a dramatic and significant step last week: It voted unanimously to apply for the Rental Assistance Demonstration program, or RAD. Under this steadily expanding five-year-old federal effort, traditional public housing properties are converted to a project-based voucher system that encourages public-private partnerships. Ownership would be transferred to the Housing Authority, which could borrow money against the property for redevelopment. Under the program's rules, the occupants are still public housing residents and their rents don't change. "No loss of units, no loss of families," said Housing Authority Executive Director Beverly Wilbourne. The Housing Authority board has been shying away from such innovations for years, even as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has pushed them harder and harder - while slicing traditional direct subsidies. The RAD program, as local activist Robert Eades put it, is now the only game in town. The Housing Authority is overdue to start playing it. HUD-17-0235-B-000378 [NC] FEMA awards $1.4 million to N.C. for hurricane relief (Bladen Journal, NC) Bladen Journal (10/13/2017 10:27 AM, Staff) Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) on Friday announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency will provide North Carolina with an additional $1,391,675.95 to assist with Hurricane Matthew recovery efforts. This grant will be provided to the N.C. Department of Transportation to reimburse for debris removal and infrastructure repair projects associated with Hurricane Matthew. NCDOT will be responsible for distributing the money to local governments. "We will knock on every door, and try every avenue, to ensure North Carolina receives full and appropriate funding for Hurricane Matthew recovery," said Congressman Pittenger. "I spoke with HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson about visiting North Carolina later this year to view the ongoing recovery needs. The media has moved on, but I haven't, and I am committed to seeing this project through." To date, $1.28 billion in federal funding has been provided for Hurricane Matthew recovery in North Carolina. Much of that money is released to the State of North Carolina, which is then responsible for distributing to affected counties and municipalities. [MO] New MO Discrimination Law Not Compliant with Federal Standards (KSFX/KOLR-TV FOX 27 Ozarks First, MO) KSFX/KOLR-TV FOX 27 Ozarks First (10/13/2017 8:43 AM, Jason Taylor, Missourinet) JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- The U.S. government says a new controversial discrimination law in Missouri fails to meet federal standards. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, has determined that protections under the Missouri Human Rights Act are not in compliance with federal standards in the Fair Housing Act. In a letter dated July 14th to state Human Rights Commission Director Alisa Warren, the agency cites Senate Bill 43, which Governor Eric Greitens signed into law in late June, as the reason for the shortcoming. The measure stiffened the threshold for proving discrimination in lawsuits. Under the new law, a practice is unlawful if the protected classification - based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin - is "the motivating factor" in a decision to discriminate. Previously, the protected classification needed only to be "a contributing factor" in order to prove discrimination. In its letter to Director Warren, HUD said the state Human Rights Act must be restored to Fair Housing Act standards by March 1st, 2018, or Missouri will be suspended from participating in the Fair Housing Assistance Program. In a statement, Missouri House Minority Leader Gail McCann Beatty claimed the state would lose as much as $500,000 a year in federal funding under the new law. [OH] Walnut Hills residents win lawsuit against HUD (Cincinnati Enquirer, OH) Cincinnati Enquirer (10/13/2017 6:04 PM, Monroe Trombly) Residents of a Walnut Hills apartment complex won in court Thursday against the federal government. A federal judge has granted the residents of a low-income, subsidized apartment complex a preliminary injunction against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The ruling allows residents to remain living there with their rental subsidies intact after HUD had initially decided to pull the housing assistance. The decision handed down by U.S. District Judge Timothy S. Black, allows the Alms Hill Apartments to remain in state-court appointed receivership instead of possibly becoming a vacant building, until a new purchaser can be found. A federal lawsuit was filed in September on behalf of residents of the Alms Hill Apartments in Walnut Hills by Legal Aid of Greater Cincinnati, after HUD decided to abate, or in other words, pull federal housing subsidies for over 100 families. Read: Walnut Hills residents face losing their affordable housing from HUD. "Tenants in the City of Cincinnati deserve quality, affordable housing," said Virginia Tallent of Legal Aid. "Judge Black's decision affirms the rights of tenants to fair due process in their dealings with the federal government." HUD had concluded abatement was necessary after deciding the Alms Hill was unsafe for residents to live in. Once HUD starts the process of ending housing assistance, existing housing leases are automatically terminated. HUD had started to secure funds for relocation vouchers in September. Legal Aid feared abatement would push some residents into homelessness, citing Hamilton County's shortage of 40,000 units of affordable housing according to Xavier University's Community Building Institute. Legal Aid lawyers also argued many landlords not only do not accept the re-location housing assistance vouchers issued by HUD but are also not required to accept the vouchers. HUD argued the Alms Hill Apartments has major health and safety problems citing four HUD-17-0235-B-000379 failed inspections. The best option for the building, HUD argued, was to relocate residents to other affordable housing. Residents at a September meeting unanimously opposed HUD's findings, arguing Milhaus Management, the receiver, has improved conditions markedly. In his decision, Judge Black wrote that "HUD did not identify any current major threat to health or safety in its briefs, at the September 22, 2017 meeting, nor at oral argument." [OH] Federal judge temporarily blocks HUD from leaving the Alms (Cincinnati CityBeat, OH) Cincinnati CityBeat (10/13/2017 4:05 PM, Nick Swartsell) The ruling keeps HUD from immediately ending its subsidies -- and with them, residents' leases -- until state courts rule on the Walnut Hills low-income housing More than 100 residents living in affordable housing at the Alms in Walnut Hills will get to stay in their homes for now. A federal judge yesterday granted a preliminary injunction that keeps the Department of Housing and Urban Development from pulling out of the building. U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Black's ruling doesn't end the case, but keeps HUD from immediately ending its subsidies and with them, residents' leases - until state courts rule on the lawsuit against the federal housing department. That decision is the latest in a long battle to shore up conditions at the former luxury hotel and several other buildings, which a state court placed in receivership with Indianapolis-based developer Milhaus after city inspections found terrible conditions in the properties under New Jersey-based owners PF Holdings. Despite the receivership, HUD moved in July to pull its Housing Assistance Payments, or HAP contract, from the building after it failed several HUD inspections. The building failed two inspections following Milhaus' receivership, oddly receiving lower scores than when PF Holdings was in control of the building. Most of those failing scores come from vacant units or areas of the building that don't pose a threat to residents documents related to the case suggest. HUD did not meet with residents before giving notice it was abating its HAP contract with the Alms. Officials did meet with residents last month, but refused to answer questions or give statements about the Alms and the potential loss of housing in the building. The abatement triggered a lawsuit from the Alms Residents Association, Legal Aid of Greater Cincinnati and the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition. [OH] Judge sides with Alms residents over HUD, grants injunction so they can stay in their homes (WCPO-TV ABC 9 Cincinnati, OH) WCPO-TV ABC 9 Cincinnati (10/13/2017 9:36 AM, Paula Christian) CINCINNATI -- A federal judge overwhelmingly sided with the residents the Alms Hill Apartments, granting them a preliminary injunction late Thursday that will allow them to stay in their low-income Walnut Hills apartments. Four longtime residents sued the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development after the agency announced it would end low-income rental subsidies to the complex, which has a long history of neglect. Residents worried they would become homeless if forced out of the Alms, because the city of Cincinnati has a severe shortage of low-income housing. U.S. District Judge Timothy Black agreed. "Plaintiffs have demonstrated they will be irreparably harmed ... abatement will terminate (their) leases and force (them) to search for another residence in a community with a 40,000-unit shortage of affordable housing," Black wrote in his order granting the preliminary injunction. "In all scenarios, Plaintiffs will have to move. However, because landlords are not required to accept housing vouchers and there is already a shortage of affordable housing in Cincinnati, there is a realistic possibility some of the Plaintiffs will become homeless," Black wrote. It is a huge victory for the residents of the 200-unit complex that is home to mostly African-Americans, many of whom are disabled or elderly. But it is also a win for the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati, which filed the lawsuit on behalf of Alms residents, and the city of Cincinnati, which sided with the residents and spoke on their behalf at a federal court hearing last week. HUD-17-0235-B-000380 "This is a big deal," Josh Spring, executive director of the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, wrote in a press release about Black's decision. [OH] Mayor: Neighborhoods staff will focus more on lead safety (Toledo Blade, OH) Toledo Blade (10/15/2017 4:35 PM, Lauren Lindstrom) Ms. Hicks-Hudson clarified on Friday that the city inspectors would not issue the "lead-safe certificates" required by the ordinance passed by City Council last year for every rental property with one to four units built before 1978 and home day care centers. That job was given to private inspectors, who are required to be certified as a lead risk assessor or clearance technician through the Ohio Department of Health. They would, however, be more attentive to lead issues during inspections and direct homeowners to available grants, education, and other resources, she said. "Part of the mission of the Department of Neighborhoods is to try to help people stay in their homes and make sure homes are safe and healthy," she said. "We're looking at every opportunity to create a lead-safe zone in our city." She pointed to a nearly $3 million U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grant the neighborhoods department received in July that will fund lead-related improvements for Toledo properties. It is open to owner-occupied and rental units built before 1978. [NM] Santa Fe County to join lawsuit against federal housing agency (Santa Fe New Mexican, NM) Santa Fe New Mexican (10/14/2017 6:14 AM, Staff) Santa Fe County will join a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development over the federal agency's alleged breach of a contract that the county says cost it a chunk of an annual housing subsidy. In 2012, the department improperly distributed subsidy payments to hundreds of public housing agencies, according to a county resolution authorizing the county manager to join the lawsuit to be filed with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. County spokeswoman Kristine Mihelcic confirmed this week the county would join. In 2013, more than 300 public housing agencies brought a suit against the HUD over the alleged breach of contract; the federal claims court this year ordered the plaintiffs were owed more than $136 million, which would average to roughly $450,000 each. The improper distribution of the subsidy affected all public housing agencies across the nation, the county resolution states, but not all joined the first lawsuit, including Santa Fe County. The county's housing authority, which manages public housing units and housing-choice voucher programs, lost out on $234,000 it should have received from the federal department that year, Mihelcic said. Hurricane Sandy [NY] Where LI stands five years after superstorm Sandy (Newsday, NY) Newsday (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Yancey Roy) Hurricane Sandy sprung to life in the central Caribbean on Oct. 22, 2012, more than 1,600 miles from New York, probably not much on any Long Islander's radar. It drove north, strafing the eastern edge of Jamaica and Cuba and cutting through the Bahamas, killing dozens along the way. By the time it steamed into the Atlantic Ocean, forecasters said it likely was headed north and west where it would eventually dissipate. Its winds had even started to slow. But on Oct. 27, it took a startling left turn that would change the course of local history. When the downgraded storm slammed the shores of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut two days later, it arrived at high tide, creating record storm surges. It also had spread into the largest Atlantic storm by diameter. Federal Housing Administration (FHA) HUD-17-0235-B-000381 FHA Eases Occupancy Rule for Properties with H4P Financing (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/13/2017 5:13 PM, Staff) The FHA has updated its guidelines for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase loans to allow lenders to accept loan applications from borrowers without requiring a certificate of occupancy, as well as prior to completion of HECM counseling. The change follows the Sept. 19 effective date of the HECM final rule, which the Department of Housing and Urban Development released earlier this year. The final rule codifies the many policies that are now in place for originating and servicing reverse mortgages, including H4P requirements. According to the revised guideline, an FHA lender may take an initial HECM loan application either prior to or after the completion of HECM counseling. HUD Dumps Lender Insight for New Loan Review Summary Report (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/13/2017 5:13 PM, Staff) The Department of Housing and Urban Development is discontinuing its quarterly newsletter, Lender Insight, with the implementation of FHAs Loan Review System. The change is aimed at improving both FHAs and lenders quality-control and risk-management operations. HUD will be publishing a quarterly Loan Review Summary Report to provide a snapshot of the results of FHAs quality-control review of mortgage originations over the preceding 12 months. According to HUD, the report will include only underwritten loans that were subject to a post-endorsement technical review. It does not include the results of lenders self-reports or any other loans that were reviewed as part of a lender examination, the agency said. The report will show the initial rating of all loans, the updated rating six months from the end of the review period, and a final rating. For older consumers keen to preserve their savings, report offers a helping hand (Tampa Tribune, FL) Tampa Tribune (10/13/2017 6:46 AM, Robert Trigaux) Now that I am officially an "older" consumer -- at least based on this report's criteria -- I can offer firsthand confirmation that predatory lending and a poorly monitored debt collection industry are both alive and well in Florida. That's why a 35-page report issued Thursday -- Older Consumers in the Financial Marketplace -- that looks at financial complaints filed by folks 62 and older to the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau resonates more to me now than it might have a decade ago. The report analyzes specific complaints sent to the CFPB from older consumers nationwide. It's no shock that the 8,469 complaints from older Florida consumers was second in volume only to the 10,986 from California, a state with nearly twice the population of this one. The CFPB was established in 2011 as a federal response to consumers needing more help dealing with volatile and often unfriendly financial markets and firms. Now that the economy has strengthened and the Dow has rebounded dramatically, trading this past week above 22,000, the Trump administration is eager to do away with or at least sideline the influence of the CFPB via newly proposed legislation. This report aims, in part, to justify the value and preserve the clout of the CFPB for consumers. But that's a political agenda for HUD-17-0235-B-000382 another story. The latest report also has valuable insights for older consumers dealing with their financial affairs. Among the report's key findings: Mortgages, notably existing mortgages, account for 31 percent of complaints by older consumers. Among older consumers, 5 percent of mortgage complaints relate to reverse mortgages, loans solely available to older consumers that allow them to use their home equity as security. Understanding reverse mortgages can be tricky. Remember those TV ads with spokesmen like Fred Thompson and Tom Selleck earnestly pitching reverse mortgages? The CFPB has taken action against reverse mortgage companies (including the one featuring these actors) for misleading consumers about risks. [NJ] Gianficaro: That's no way to treat a veteran (Burlington County Times, NJ) Burlington County Times (10/16/2017 5:32 AM, Phil Gianficaro) A veteran deserves better than this. He deserves better than to be hanging onto his foreclosing home in North Hanover by 93year-old fingers that bravely yet nervously clutched the sides of his seat during bombing missions in World War II and Korea. He deserves better than to be old, alone, permanently disabled, and perhaps losing his house as well as his hearing. Walter Perry, disabled Army Air Corps veteran, deserves better than to be told he will be evicted from his home for failure to pay insurance on his property as well as property taxes, thereby violating the conditions of a reverse mortgage he and his late wife secured in 2004, triggering foreclosure last year. The Burlington County Times reported Perry's painful plight last week, when only an emergency hearing before Judge Kathi Fiamingo at the Olde Courthouse in Mount Holly, at which a 60-day stay of the eviction was granted, prevented county sheriff's officers from reluctantly putting the veteran and all that he owned on the street. His world exploding around him, like so many of those bombing missions on which he flew as a member of the Army Air Corps and Air Force when America needed him most. Reciprocation would only be fair. The years pass, the memory fades. Information once processed in an instant now lags, like sucking quicksand through a straw. Perry said he didn't realize he was being evicted on Tuesday until just after midnight that day. He claimed he paid his taxes on the reverse mortgage agreement prior to 2010, but court records indicate taxes went unpaid for three of those years. He told the court on Tuesday he couldn't recall if he responded to the foreclosure complaint. From quick to quicksand. [WA] Berkeley Point Capital Provides $9.3M HUD Refinancing for 63-Unit Seniors Housing Community Near Seattle (RE Business Online) RE Business Online (10/13/2017 9:45 AM, Nellie Day) TACOMA, WASH. -- Berkeley Point Capital has provided a $9.3 million FHA 232/223(f) refinancing for Spring Ridge Assisted Living & Memory Care, a 63-unit seniors housing community in the Seattle suburb of Tacoma. The loan replaces the existing debt on the property, which was for the acquisition, renovation and expansion of the property. Tom White led the transaction out of Berkeley Point's Bethesda, Md., office. The loan features a 3.45 percent interest rate and an 80 percent loan-to-value ratio. Ginnie Mae Ginnie Mae, VA launch task force to look into lenders targeting veterans for quick refinances (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/15/2017 10:15 AM, Ben Lane) Comes on the heels of Ginnie Mae opening investigation Roughly one month ago, Ginnie Mae announced that it was launching an investigation into mortgage lenders that were aggressively targeting servicemembers and military veterans for quick and potentially risky refinances of their mortgages. HUD-17-0235-B-000383 The investigation came on the heels of a letter from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, who cited a report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which covered complaints received from veterans about Department of Veterans Affairs mortgage refinancing. Warren's letter claimed that there may be lenders "aggressively and misleadingly marketing the refinancing of mortgages backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, generating fees for themselves at the expense of veterans and American taxpayers." Now, Ginnie Mae and the VA are launching a task force to "address mortgage refinancing issues" surrounding VA loans. Ginnie Mae and VA Team to Focus on Veterans' Refinancing Problems (National Mortgage Professional) National Mortgage Professional (10/13/2017 6:04 PM, Phil Hall) Ginnie Mae and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs have teamed up on a new initiative to focus on problems related to mortgage refinancing for retired military personnel. The Joint Ginnie Mae-VA Refinance Loan Task Force is tasked with examining the issues, data and lender behavior related to refinancing and will determine if program or policy changes are required to prevent undue risk being placed on the veterans receiving the refinancing or the taxpayers funding the refinancing. The task force will place a specific focus on aggressive and misleading refinancing propositions identified by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and will address questionable practices including loan churning and repeated refinancing. Ginnie Mae and VA plans to meet with individual lenders that may be engaged in inappropriate refinancing solutions. In a statement, the agencies promised to "continue to work collaboratively until concrete solutions have been implemented to eliminate lender behavior that is unhelpful to veterans and harmful to the American taxpayer." Ginnie Mae, VA Announce Joint Task Force to Stop Improper Refis (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/13/2017 3:42 PM, Staff) Ginnie Mae and the VA this week officially announced a joint-agency task force to deal with the loan-churning problem that is triggering faster prepayments in Ginnie mortgage-backed securities pools. Specifically, the task force will scrutinize aggressive and misleading refinancing offers and address loan churning and repeated refinancings. It will also examine critical issues, data and lender behaviors related to refinancing loans, as well as determine the kind of policy and program changes agencies should make to ensure VA refi loans do not pose an undue risk or burden to vets and taxpayers. Both the VA and Ginnie Mae programs work best when market participants use them to provide a benefit to VA borrowers and, ultimately, lower vets costs, officials said. The task force has begun examining data and information to ensure refi loans provide net tangible benefits to veteran-borrowers. Ginnie MBS Issuance Rolled To Years High Mark in 3Q17 (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/13/2017 3:03 PM, Staff) Ginnie Mae issuers rode a wave of purchase-mortgage lending to deliver $120.46 billion of forward mortgages during the third quarter of 2017, the highest three-month volume for the year, according to a new analysis and ranking by Inside FHA/VA Lending. Third-quarter volume was up 9.6 percent from the April-June cycle. The data excluded FHA reverse mortgages and loan amounts are truncated in Ginnies mortgage-backed securities disclosures. Without those limitations, total Ginnie MBS issuance rose 9.5 percent to $123.37 billion in the third quarter. Purchase mortgages were the engine behind the growth. HUD-17-0235-B-000384 Ginnie issuers securitized $85.35 billion of purchase loans in the third quarter, falling just short of the record $85.41 billion set in the third quarter of last year. Home Ownership Mortgage bankers open to rewrite of homeowner tax breaks (Politico) Politico (10/13/2017 2:20 PM, Lorraine Woellert) The Mortgage Bankers Association said it is open to a rewrite of homeowner tax breaks as part of a broader reform package, adding to the political momentum in support of a mortgage tax credit. The MBA position comes days after the National Association of Home Builders broke ranks with the real estate industry to endorse changes to the mortgage interest deduction, a tax break that for decades has been considered untouchable. "The mortgage interest deduction is important, but if there are other alternatives, we are open to them," MBA President David Stevens told POLITICO. "In isolation, we would fight against modification to the mortgage interest deduction very hard," Stevens said. In the context of broader reform, "We want to remain open-minded and involved in those proposals. If there's a trade-off that gets you ultimately to the same outcome, we're open to it." In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, the MBA said a White House tax framework released last month gives policymakers "a tangible opportunity to pursue alternative homeownership tax incentives - and perhaps target those benefits more efficiently to low- to moderate-income borrowers." That reform outline would raise the standard tax deduction, making the mortgage interest deduction less valuable to low- and moderate-income homeowners. Fewer of those homeowners would have an incentive to itemize their returns, and more benefits of the tax break would flow to higher-income households. With mortgage bankers and builders splitting off, the National Association of Realtors is the last big trade group fully committed to defending the $70 billion mortgage interest deduction. The group has 1.2 million members and the country's biggest political action committee, funneling nearly $4 million to candidates this election cycle. Advocates for increased spending on low-income housing, including the J. Ronald Terwilliger Foundation and the National Low Income Housing Coalition, have taken aim at the mortgage interest deduction as unfairly benefiting wealthier households. Several fiscal reform groups, including the Simpson-Bowles commission, have endorsed replacing the interest deduction with a tax credit. The government pays more to rich homeowners than poor renters (Inman Real Estate News) Inman Real Estate News (10/13/2017 1:09 PM, Patrick Kearns) Housing subsidies are going to wealthy homeowners at nearly twice the rate of low income renters The United States government spends nearly twice the amount on housing subsidies that favor the rich over the section 8 housing program for low income Americans, a new report finds--$71 billion compared to $29.9 billion in 2015, the report from the website Apartment List found. As the country heads towards a likely partisan debate over major changes in the tax code, a new report finds the mortgage interest deduction (MID)-which would remain essentially untouched-disproportionately favors affluent Americans. Under President Donald Trump's tax reform plan, the the standard deduction would be doubled, and other itemized deductions would be eliminated. One reason could be that the richest Americans are far more likely to benefit from MID. Andrew Woo, director of data science and growth and Chris Salvanti, a housing economist - both at Apartment List - compared HUD-17-0235-B-000385 federal expenditures on the MID to spending on Section 8 rental assistance programs in the report. They found that MID cost the federal government $71 billion, compared to $29.9 billion funding for Section 8, in 2015. "While administration officials, lawmakers, industry executives and housing experts fiercely debate the future of the home mortgage deduction, lost in the argument is the fact that the political battle centers on issues relevant primarily to wealthier homeowners, while disregarding the unmet needs of lower income renters," the report states. "The debate overlooks remedies for the deeply underfunded Section 8 rent subsidy program that helps some of the country's poorest Americans." A main reason that MID benefits wealthier Americans, is simply how often that box is checked on a tax filing. The report found that 53 percent of high income households took the deduction, while 20 percent of middle-income households and only 11 percent of low-income households received MID or assistance through the federal government's section 8 program. High-income individuals are more likely to own more than one home, the report finds, while low income individuals are more likely to file for a standard deduction. If the tax plan doubles the standard deduction or even increases it at all, it becomes likely even fewer low-income individuals will receive MID. The lopsided percentages are apparent in total expenditures as well, with federal spending on housing averaging $1,549 for high income households, $222 for middle income households and $416 for low income households. [NY] Housing nonprofits offer downpayment help for first-time homebuyers (Buffalo News, NY) Buffalo News (10/13/2017 9:14 AM, Jonathan D. Epstein) Two housing nonprofits in Buffalo and Rochester have teamed up to offer $1.2 million in downpayment assistance for first-time homebuyers in Erie and Monroe counties. Under the Project Reinvest: Homeownership program, West Side Neighborhood Housing Services in Buffalo and NeighborWorks Rochester will offer up to $10,500 in no-interest deferred grants to eligible homebuyers to help them buy their first homes in target areas of the two counties. To qualify, homebuyers must earn at or below the area median income for their county, and must be purchasing in a community development financial institution investment area. "For people whose American dream of owning their own home might have been just out of reach, Project Reinvest Homeownership will give them the opportunity to build wealth and a brighter future," said Ed Jackson, executive director of West Side NHS. Interested applicants should contact one of the participating partner lenders, including Evans Bank, Five Star Bank and Northwest Bank in Erie County. Five Star and Northwest, along with Canandaigua national Bank, are the partners in Monroe County. [NY] Long Island Communities Offer Incentives To First-Time Home Buyers (CBS New York, NY) CBS New York (10/13/2017 4:45 AM, Staff) With thousands of dollars in debt, rising home prices and paychecks that aren't keeping pace, millennials say they need help to move out of their parents' basements. As CBS2's Jennifer McLogan reports, some Long Island communities are now offering incentives to first-time home buyers. Amanda Smith had to find creative ways to afford the biggest purchase of her life - a four bedroom house in Huntington Station. Smith, who advocates for the disabled, and her newlywed husband Kevin, a school teacher, discovered loans and grants that added tens of thousands of dollars to their budgets. "We worked with our mortgage broker early on to find exactly what the best moves were for us, as far as paying off a credit card or a car that we were financing to get the best loan rate and have the lowest monthly payments," she said. Since 2000, home prices on Long Island have risen more than twice as fast as wages. "For the millennials, especially student loans and things, they are not familiar with how this process works. I think there is a lot of hand holding involved," said Emilia Pizzo, with Daniel Gale Sotheby's Realty. "And I think getting a preapproval early on in the process is really important." Lenders and not-for-profit groups are trying to help first-time home buyers, like the Dusling family. Additional costs of mortgage taxes and insurance can price millennials right out of the market. "We were able to find the grossest HUD-17-0235-B-000386 house in the nicest neighborhood and buy it at bottom dollar, because it needed everything," Shaughnessy Dusling said. She and her husband Brett got a loan through the Federal Housing Authority. "The FHA gave us what is called a 203k rehab loan. We tied all of our construction costs into our mortgage," she said. A bill allowing first-time home buyers to create savings accounts that would give them a state income tax deduction, similar to college savings accounts, has passed both houses. The bill, titled First Home Savings Program, is now under review in the governor's office and could become law by December. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source] [PA] Ryan's big lie (Scranton Times & Tribune, PA) Scranton Times & Tribune (10/13/2017 9:38 AM, Scranton Times & Tribune Editorial Board) House Speaker Paul Ryan hasn't been able to convince many of his members, mostly from big Eastern states, that the tax bill he and President Trump favor would be a boon to the middle class. That didn't stop him from appearing Wednesday at a right-wing think tank and repeating the lie at the heart of those members' opposition. According to Ryan, the rest of the country is "propping up profligate, big-government states." The reference is to the federal income tax deductions for mortgage interest and state and local taxes, all of which Ryan's plan would eliminate. In states with personal income taxes and local property taxes, eliminating the targeted deductions would cause chaos for state and local government, the housing market and the economy. The theory is that the mortgage interest deduction primarily benefits more affluent people, and the local and state deductions enable state and local governments to diminish the impact of high state and local taxes. The "profligate, big-government states" he's referring to, not coincidentally, are mostly majority-Democratic states. [PA] Program guarantees 100 new houses in Pittston City (Times Leader, PA) Times Leader (10/16/2017 1:14 AM, Tony Callaio) PITTSTON -- Former Pittston City mayor Mike Lombardo announced a new housing initiative to build 100 new homes in Pittston, creating a housing boom that hasn't been seen since the 1960s. Lombardo, who sits on the city Redevelopment Authority Board, made the announcement of the 100 Houses Initiative at a ribbon cutting ceremony of Stauffer Pointe's new Pittston Patio Ranch home located at Grandview Drive. Stauffer Point is a 180-lot development with 40 lots in Pittston and the remainder in Pittston Twp. "I want to thank Angelo (Terrana) and Armand (Mascioli) and their families on making a significant investment, not only here in the future of Pittston City, but also with our neighbors in Pittston Twp. and Hughestown. We need to start thinking regionally," Lombardo said. Terrana and Mascioli are co-developers of Stauffer Pointe. The 100 Houses Initiative guarantees 100 new houses being built in Pittston City over the next four years with 40 of those homes tied into the Stauffer Pointe project. [GA] Feds: Ga. foreclosure program soaked up admin fees and failed needy (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (10/13/2017 2:00 PM, Willoughby Mariano) A state-run program to save struggling homeowners from foreclosure was so mismanaged that it has awarded only a portion of the $370 million that it was supposed to give to Georgia residents, according to an audit released Friday by a federal watchdog agency. The Department of Community Affairs was warned by federal watchdogs 25 times in five years that its HomeSafe Georgia program failed to help residents quickly enough. The department "Slow walked" the aid, paying itself $32 million in administrative fees as it turned down worthy applicants, the report by the Office of the Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program states. HUD-17-0235-B-000387 This inaction helped slow the state's housing market recovery after the Great Recession, it said. Other states have already spent all of their assistance funds. The report singled out problems in the Atlanta area, where DCA turned down 6,200 Clayton, DeKalb and Fulton county applicants. U.S. Rep. John Lewis, who requested the audit, called the results "a shame and a disgrace." "We have all of these dollars that have not been spent in metro Atlanta, in DeKalb and Clayton and Fulton counties," Lewis said. Department of Community Affairs spokeswoman MaryBrown Sandys defended HomeSafe, saying it spent taxpayer funds responsibly and improved its services over time. [FL] Which is best, to rent or buy a home? That depends on a host of variables (Herald Tribune, FL) Herald Tribune.com (10/15/2017 11:53 AM, Chris Wille) Website offers free interactive tools that can help in the rent versus buy question For generation after generation, home ownership stood as one of the pinnacles of the American Dream. There was little if any downside. Properties appreciated in value. Mortgages, for the most part, provided the security of a stable payment without the rental rate and eviction whims of a landlord. Owners enjoyed total freedom to modify and improve their residences. When the over-inflated real estate market crashed in 2007, home prices nosedived and saddled mortgage-holders with negative equity, i.e. homeowners owed more on their mortgages than the value of the home. Foreclosure and short sales flooded the residential market as homeowners defaulted on residential loans. The rental market looked like a lot safer bet than home ownership. Millions of households that lost their homes turned to leasing a residence. Impressive real estate market gains signal a healthy comeback. With home prices rising once again and the property inventory low enough to indicate this is a sellers' market with few exceptions, optimism abounds. More than 4,100 mortgage-holders in Sarasota and Manatee counties recouped sufficient equity to overcome their underwater status, a second-quarter report from data source CoreLogic states. But another 13,999 property owners remain upside-down on their mortgages, holding debt from lost home values. [LA] Louisiana Congressional delegation united in skirmishes over National Flood Insurance Program (Baton Rouge Advocate, LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (10/15/2017 4:09 PM, Bryn Stole) WASHINGTON -- After a series of skirmishes over changes to the National Flood Insurance Program, Louisiana's congressional delegation is showing a united front as negotiations heat up on Capitol Hill over a long-term reauthorization of the program. An emergency package of federal disaster funding, which sailed through the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday and is now awaiting action in the Senate, has bolstered their hand by defusing a potential showdown over the NFIP's borrowing cap. The bill would wipe away $16 billion of the NFIP's debt, freeing up cash to pay billions of new claims from hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate. Without the debt forgiveness, the NFIP was hurtling toward insolvency, with its cash reserves exhausted and no permission from Congress to borrow more money. A number of staffers and members of Louisiana's congressional delegation had worried that fiscal hawks on the other side of the bargaining table -- who've pushed for substantial changes to the NFIP that would hike rates and limit access to coverage -- would use the program's dire financial straits to extract concessions. Instead, Republican leaders in the House decided to provide debt relief without any strings attached. [OH] Banking & Finance Its a Scam: Land Contracts on Uninhabitable Houses (Youngstown Business Journal, OH) Youngstown Business Journal (10/14/2017 1:26 PM, George Nelson) YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - The visual might be comical if it weren't so sad. Behind the disintegrating front porch roof at 226 E. Lucius Ave., on the front door hangs a sign advising that the property has been winterized. HUD-17-0235-B-000388 Just a few yards away, a tree grows through an attached trellis. The house, owned by Vision Property Management, a South Carolina company, provided the backdrop Friday for a news conference to outline legislation introduced by state Rep. Michele Lepore-Hagan to regulate land contracts. Vision, along with Harbour Portfolio Advisors in Texas and other out-of-town firms, own properties in Youngstown and elsewhere in the Mahoning Valley. Many of these properties are under land contracts that critics say offer predatory terms. "Companies have swooped into Ohio and other states devastated by the collapse of the housing market, bought homes for pennies on the dollar, inflated the values of the homes, then enticed borrowers into entering into a high-interest, long-term loan that they have little if any chance of ever repaying," Lepore-Hagan said. "They employ a series of predatory tactics and practices," said Ian Beniston, executive director of Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp. "They require the occupant - the vendee - to make all of the repairs and they charge interest rates well above market, into the double digits." The companies also inflate the values, selling a property they bought for $3,000 for $30,000. "These companies are picking up on the wreckage of the foreclosure crisis, buying properties and using unregulated predatory practices to take advantage of people, particularly low-income people," he continued. "They target minority neighborhoods the most." Beniston and YNDC brought the issue to Lepore-Hagan's attention. YNDC, which has repaired homes for low-income homeowners for the past few years, discovered many homeowners who contacted the organization for assistance didn't actually own their properties and were in a land contract, with the property legally still in the company's name. The problem is throughout the Midwest and beyond, and locally is not confined to Youngstown, Beniston said. [OR] Grant helps with repairs for Mid-Valley homeowners (Salem Statesman-Journal, OR) Salem Statesman-Journal (10/13/2017 10:20 AM, Justin Much) Anyone with critical home-repair issues and a tight budget could be eligible to take advantage of the Housing Rehabilitation Program. The program has loans available for home improvements to income-qualified homeowners. Stipulations include that qualifying properties must be owner-occupied and have enough equity to meet loan guidelines. The maximum amount of a loan through this program is $25,000, and no monthly payments are required. The loan is ultimately repaid from proceeds of the home's sale. An interest rate of 4 percent accrues the first four years, and no interest accrues after that. Applications for a loan may also be received through Garrett Jensen at the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments, 588-6177.City officials note that funds for the program come from a Community Development Block Grant through the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. [CA] Coto de Caza man admits to money laundering and fraud in $2 million home loan scam (Orange County Register, CA) Orange County Register (10/13/2017 9:33 PM, Sean Emery) A Coto de Caza man who promised hundreds of homeowners that he would save their homes from foreclosure before bilking them out of more than $2 million pleaded guilty Friday to money laundering and fraud charges. Kevin Frank Rasher, 46, was sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty in Orange County Superior Court to 49 counts of money laundering and one count of preparing a false or fraudulent tax return. Less than a month ago, Rasher was sentenced to 8 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to a dozen counts of mail fraud. The two sentences will run concurrently, with Rasher expected to serve his time in federal lockup, Orange County District Attorney's Office spokeswoman Michelle Van Der Linden said. Both state and federal prosecutors say Rasher preyed on more than 500 struggling homeowners by promising to help reduce their mortgage payments. Among the ways in which he reached his victims were video clips posted on YouTube. HUD-17-0235-B-000389 Rasher - who at times falsely claimed to be an attorney or an official with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - convinced his victims to send their payments directly to him. He used his victims' money to bankroll an estimated $20,000 in monthly expenses, federal prosecutors said, including rent on his Coto de Casa home. According to the Orange County District Attorney's Office, Rasher laundered the money through two unnamed financial institutions. At least three of his victims lost their homes, the D.A.'s Office said. During his federal sentencing last month, Rasher apologized to his victims, telling them he was "fully remorseful to all who have had any pain or suffering for my actions." Several victims who attended that hearing said they doubted his sincerity, accusing him of betraying them and causing them to lose homes they had spent a lifetime saving for. Affordable Housing [CT] New Haven residents air concerns to developers over Duncan Hotel sale (New Haven Register, CT) New Haven Register (10/13/2017 6:27 AM, Esteban L. Hernandez) Developers have set a tentative deadline for relocation by Nov. 11, or Veterans Day, which AJ Capital Partners President Timothy G. Franzen said was a "embarrassing and horrific oversight." Some tenants, including Szelest, are veterans. Szelest said it was "inappropriate" to ask tenants to leave by Nov. 11, to which Franzen later said is a date that could be changed to the following Monday or Tuesday. Szelest has since relocated to a new neighborhood, though he described it as an unsafe place. "This is unacceptable," Szelest said. "There is no real affordable housing in New Haven now that the Duncan is gone." Residents repeatedly requested a public hearing on the hotel's sale, which has already been finalized. Developers simply said this was not necessary, though they had requested a meeting with community management teams at Wooster Square and Dwight. AJ Capital is also covering moving expenses and security deposits. [NH] Rock n Birch Campground set to close in two weeks, but some tenants aren't ready (Concord Monitor, NH) Concord Monitor (10/14/2017 6:15 AM, By Leah Willingham) Seven years ago, Dana Colburn Jr. was in a financial tight spot. He was looking for a place to live, and he said the town of Henniker welfare office suggested Rock 'n' Birch Campground. "They told us, 'There's a cheap place over there. Go and see the owner, Ray, he'll put you up,' " Colburn remembered. "A lot of people who needed it were sent here by the town." Over time, Colburn built a life at Rock 'n' Birch - he made relationships with neighbors, raised a family and planted a sprawling vegetable garden. Now, Henniker officials are telling Rock 'n' Birch tenants they need to leave. The town has argued that Rock 'n' Birch is only zoned as a recreational campground, and not intended for year-round use, an argument the campground's owner, Ray Panetta, has fought for years. In May 2016, Panetta settled with the town and agreed to close the campground from November to April 30. The problem is, many of those who live at Rock 'n' Birch full-time can't afford to live anywhere else and have nowhere to go. Cindy Estabrook of the New Hampshire Campground Owner's Association said very few campgrounds are open all four seasons. The most popular time for campgrounds to be open, according to the association's website, is May to October. Only 10 of 140 of campground members listed on the N.H. Campground Association website advertised openings during winter months. When people live in a campground year-round, it produces challenges for a town. A campground cannot be used as a personal address, therefore people who reside there full-time are not considered residents; they are technically homeless. If there's a silver lining to all of this, it's that Rock 'n' Birch residents have had some time to prepare, said Stephanie Bray, managing attorney and foreclosure project director for New Hampshire Legal Assistance. [NY] NIMBYs are killing New York's future (New York Daily News, NY) New York Daily News (10/16/2017 5:27 AM, Robert Mascali) New York has lived through many periods when the future of our city seemed in serious jeopardy. There was the Great Depression of 1929; the city's near insolvency in the 1970s; the tragedy and violence of the terrorist attack of 9/11, and the mortgage disaster of 2008, where homes and jobs were lost, resulting in the Great Recession. HUD-17-0235-B-000390 At this juncture of our history in 2017 there is a disease that is quietly spreading among our neighborhoods and our elected officials that could result in tens of thousands of New Yorkers being left with no place to live. That disease is NIMBYism, the not-in-my-backyard resistance to getting almost anything built in a city that can and must continue to meet the needs of a growing population. Neighborhoods resist the possibility of new jails that would be needed to close the facilities at Rikers Island. They resist new public spaces. They resist new homeless shelters. [NJ] Affordable housing focus of Park Ridge debate (North Jersey.com, NJ) North Jersey.com (10/13/2017 6:20 AM, Sarah Nolan) PARK RIDGE - Affordable housing was the pivotal issue at a debate for mayor and council candidates Thursday, but there was little dispute - participants agreed that a top priority should they be elected would be keeping overdevelopment out of Park Ridge in order to maintain the borough's "small-town" charm. Mayor Keith Misciagna is seeking re-election on the Democratic ticket along with incumbent Councilman Michael Mintz and newcomer Tom Farinaro. The "Park Ridge United" team will face off against Republicans Keri Cooper and Donna Szot for council and incumbent councilman, Richard Bosi, for mayor. The League of Women Voters moderated the debate Thursday night, posing questions from residents to the candidates, running the gamut from the approved downtown redevelopment project and the town's affordable housing obligations, to taxes and pedestrian safety. As Park Ridge works to present a plan for affordable housing that the state Superior Court will find acceptable, many questioned the candidates' stance on a proposed agreement for the soon-to-be-vacant Sony property, which the council ultimately voted down earlier this year. [NJ] Suit: Fort Lee luxury towers need affordable units (North Jersey.com, NJ) North Jersey.com (10/13/2017 6:37 AM, Micahel W. Curley Jr.) FORT LEE -- A housing rights organization is suing the developers of The Modern to make them set aside apartments as affordable housing. The developers agreed in 2012 to meet any affordable housing obligations stemming from the development of the two towers, but have not yet met those obligations, the suit says. "It's particularly important because this is one of the biggest luxury housing developments in New Jersey history," said Anthony Campisi, a representative of Fair Share Housing Center, which filed the suit in September. The two towers stand in sight of the George Washington Bridge, near the Hudson Lights mall and rental complex. They offer luxury apartments near New York City, some of which rent for $7,000 a month, Campisi said. [PA] 40 years later, N.J. courts, towns still wrestling with 'affordable' housing (Philly.com, PA) Philly.com (10/13/2017 6:46 PM, Maddie Hanna) A six-lane highway lined with strip malls cuts through a patchwork of tamed lawns and suburban houses in Delran, where population has sprouted rapidly in recent decades. The township, which has close to 17,000 residents in about 6,000 housing units, is nearly built-out with "Less than half a dozen properties" available for multiple new housing units, according to Gary Catrambone, the township council president. Actually, Delran needs to accommodate more than 700 residences - for low- and middle-income New Jerseyans - contends the Fair Share Housing Center, which has sued the township alleging it is undermining its ability to fulfill the Mount Laurel affordableHUD-17-0235-B-000391 housing requirements. The dispute has been tense in Delran, with one resident complaining at a public meeting, "Next thing you know they're going to say, 'Hey get out of your house, we got a poor person that wants your house.'". It is a variation of a debate that has played out in hundreds of towns across the state over the Mount Laurel requirements, the subject of decades of New Jersey court cases that required communities to accommodate housing that lower- and middle-income households could afford. "I don't think anyone would describe affordable housing policy in the state in the last 10 years as reasonable or rational," said Mike Cerra, assistant executive director of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities. After years without enforcement of those requirements - stalling development of new housing - the New Jersey Supreme Court in a sweeping decision in January ruled that towns had to retroactively act on 16 years of accrued housing needs. The court's ruling didn't define exactly how many homes each community owed, spurring town-by-town negotiations - and in some cases battles in communities like Delran, among the more than 150 municipalities that have not yet settled for varying reasons. In a town where the median income is $90,500, the prospect of hundreds of new housing units for lower-income residents generates fears that include new burdens on schools and increased taxes. "If you're a lazy SOB and you don't want to work, you don't deserve squat, period," Bob Gilbert, a Delran resident, told the township council at an August meeting. Housing advocates say the fight in Delran demonstrates the need for the precedent-setting rulings that began when New Jersey's high court declared the township of Mount Laurel's zoning practices unconstitutional in 1975. [NC] Why can't we live together? (Durham Herald-Sun, NC Durham Herald-Sun (10/13/2017 10:24 AM, Jesse James DeConto) When I bought my house in Walltown eight years ago, I had to give up my spot on the waiting list for a subsidized home with the Community Home Trust, formerly Orange Community Housing and Land Trust. I was working full time for McClatchy Newspapers out of the old Chapel Hill News office on Franklin Street, what is now Topo Distillery. As a reporter, I had covered the development of the eco-friendly condos at Greenbridge, just down the block from my office. Some of those condos were on the market for nine figures, and with a Home Trust subsidy, I could live there for about $150,000. As a single father making about $35,000 a year, the program was tailor-made for someone like me. Access to cutting-edge energy systems like solar or geothermal are usually unattainable for working-class people, so I was pretty excited. Still, as convenient as those condos would have been to my office, I had found my life shifting to Durham. Most of my friends were here, my future spouse, and Durham offered its own kind of subsidy - that is, the homes were simply cheaper. I mean, I did literally receive a special $30,000 second-mortgage at 2 percent interest through the city's Neighborhood Incentive Program for buying in a lower-income neighborhood. But most of the "subsidy" came from simply living in Durham. My house cost $176,000 and would easily have sold for more than twice that in Chapel Hill or Carrboro. [FL] Tampa firm purchases Cervantes site (Pensacola News Journal, FL) Pensacola News Journal (10/15/2017 10:44 AM, Joseph Baucum) Scott Seckinger, Southport Financial Services vice president, did not immediately respond to inquiries from the News Journal seeking comment on the potential development of the site. Based on figures from its website, the company has developed, acquired, renovated or managed 183 properties in 19 states since its launch in 1995. The bulk of its assets are in the Southeast. The website further states that the company has developed more than 90 properties through the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. The tax credit helps defray the cost of acquiring, rehabilitating or constructing lower-income housing. HUD-17-0235-B-000392 It is unknown if Southport Financial Services intends to build low-income housing, known as Section 8, at the site on West Cervantes Street. Its website indicates its focus has shifted to developments geared toward varying income levels. "While maintaining a strong focus on developing and rehabilitating government subsidized housing, Southport is also expanding its portfolio of conventional multi-family housing properties in central Florida and throughout select cities in the southeastern United States," the website states. [FL] Plans for affordable housing in Sarasota's Rosemary District moving along (WWSB-TV ABC, FL) WWSB-TV ABC (10/13/2017 7:11 AM, Rick Adams) There are plans to build at least 88 affordable rental apartments on three acres of land at the corner of Lemon Avenue and Ninth Street in the Rosemary District of Sarasota. It's a former housing sight that has been cleared for years. "Not only do we not have a lot of affordable rental housing in greater Sarasota, but we certainly have a lack of it, an acute shortage of it near downtown where many of the jobs are down on the urban core," said William Russell, President and CEO of the Sarasota Housing Authority. Maxwell Garrabrant lives in a development right next to where this new affordable housing would be built. "I think it's a good thing for the community because I know a lot of people that I grew up with they can't even afford to live in this town anymore," said Garrabrant. Rafael Mercado has lived on 7th Street in the Rosemary District for more than a dozen years. He tells us the area has experienced tremendous growth and he says this affordable housing complex would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood. [TN] Low-Income Housing Tax Credits will allow renovation of two Sneedville apartment complexes (Rogersville Review, TN) Rogersville Review (10/13/2017 8:30 AM, Staff) Tennessee Housing Development Agency has awarded Low Income Housing Tax Credits to a pair of projects that will help improve the quality and extend the availability of existing affordable housing for residents of Hancock County. The allocation represents an investment of approximately $8.9 million in equity in Hancock County over the next decade. The THDA Board of Directors recently approved LIHTC credit awards that will facilitate the rehabilitation of Cumberland View Apartments and Mountain View Apartments, both of which are located in Sneedville. Atlanta-based Hallmark Co. was awarded $287,915 in tax credits over 10-year period to rehabilitate the Mountain View property, while Paladin was awarded $600,000 to redevelop Cumberland View. THDA Executive Director Ralph M. Perrey said the LIHTC program plays an important role in the preservation of affordable housing in Tennessee. These awards complement Project 95 which was announced in July as a multi-departmental project that combines state and federal resources to create a holistic solution for Hancock County, which for the past number of years has ranked at or near the bottom of Tennessee counties in almost all major economic indicators. Alongside federal and local partners, the State will construct an approximately 17,000-square-foot facility in the Hancock Co. Industrial Park, designed for a call center operation, provide tourism assistance to develop a motorcycle trail, facilitate an anti-drug coalition, assist with workforce development and coordinate a health initiative for the community. The Mountain View property, had its first tax credit allocation awarded in 1990 and was built in 1991. Construction on the renovation is scheduled to start in Jan. 2018 with an expected completion date of Sept. 2018. When complete, Mountain View will feature 45 newly-remodeled units. The Cumberland View Apartments were originally built with HUD financing and placed into service in 1983 as a Section 8-based development. The allocation of tax credits will allow the developer to overhaul the property's 51 units. The property will still accept HUD Housing Choice Vouchers once the renovation work is complete. [KY] In 12 years, 43,000 renters were evicted from Lexington homes. Why that matters. (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) Kentucky.com (10/13/2017 5:06 PM, Beth Musgrave) When Victor Johnson went to eviction court in December, he hoped to stop the eviction of his family from the home they had rented on Argyle Drive for eight years. The landlord had given him an eviction notice earlier that month, alleging the Johnson family had let the Argyle Drive home fall into disrepair. Victor Johnson said he wasn't responsible for the condition of the property. "I didn't get a chance to speak," Johnson said of his day in court. The judge never saw him when he raised his hand and ruled in HUD-17-0235-B-000393 favor of his landlord. An eviction notice was entered Dec. 28, court records show. The landlord sold the rental property within months of the eviction. The Johnsons' eviction was one of 43,725 court-ordered evictions in Fayette County from 2005 to 2016, according to a new report released this week. The Lexington Fair Housing Council's report, titled "Locked Out: Foreclosure, Eviction and Housing Instability in Lexington, 2005-2016," is the first study of evictions that go through Fayette County District Court. The study found: --While the number of home foreclosures fluctuated greatly from 2005 to 2016, the number of evictions in Fayette County has remained about the same -- an average of 3,463 court-mandated evictions each year for the past 12 years. --The courts overwhelmingly side with landlords in eviction cases. There were 68,260 filings for evictions during the 12-year time period. In 43,725 of those cases, or 65 percent, the judge sided with the landlord and the tenant was evicted. Tenants won only three cases. A little more than a third of the cases were dismissed before the court date, which likely means the tenant left on their own or paid back rent. --The average annual rate of eviction in Fayette County is 6.3 percent. --Few tenants have a lawyer. There is only one legal aid attorney to represent tenants in eviction court for a 15-county area that includes Fayette County. --Some landlords use the courts to evict tenants more than others. The 10 landlords with the most eviction cases are responsible for more than 20 percent of all evictions over the past 12 years. --Most evictions likely don't go through the courts. Many Fayette County homeless and housing advocates say the 43,725 courtordered evictions represent only about a third of the total evictions each year in Fayette County. It's likely that the eviction rate in Fayette County is more than 10 percent, the study suggests. --Evictions can lead people already struggling to make ends meet deeper into poverty. Difficult road after eviction Take the Johnson family. After getting their eviction notice, Johnson and his wife and two daughters moved their possessions into storage units. Then things got worse. [KY] 'I haven't had water in five months.' Her home was condemned. Then she was evicted. (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) Kentucky.com (10/13/2017 5:05 PM, Beth Musgrave) If it wasn't for a nosy neighbor, Phyllis Myers may have ended up in a homeless shelter after the home she rented for a decade was condemned in 2016. Myers was pushing a shopping cart filled with jugs of distilled water near North Limestone in June 2016 when a man came up behind her. Kris Nonn, who coordinates North Limestone Community Development Corporation's affordable housing program, had looked out his window of the community organization's North Limestone office and saw Myers pushing her cart up the street. Nonn was worried and curious: Why would this woman need so much water? So he followed her and asked. "I haven't had water in five months," Myers told Nonn. Myers had complained to her landlord for months that the plumbing in her Seventh Street home was busted. Although several HUD-17-0235-B-000394 relatives of her landlord stopped by, the pipes - which Nonn said froze in February and burst - were never fixed. Code enforcement found a host of violations in the home that Myers had shared with her late husband for 10 years. There was no lock on the front door - the Myers used a padlock to lock their door. "I put my foot down on the floor in the bathroom and it went down four inches," Nonn said. Nonn also looked at Myers' heating bills for that winter. "They were sometimes as much as $300 to $500 a month." Her landlord left her a note on her door asking her to leave. "I can't believe I lost this woman her house," Nonn said. Finding a new home for Myers was no easy task, even for Nonn who builds affordable housing and has extensive experience with city services. Nonn and Myers called a number that is supposed to connect people with needed social services. "They said to go to the Lexington Housing Authority and get on Craigslist and start looking for an apartment," Nonn said. "Phyllis has never been on a computer in her life. She had a phone but she didn't have any minutes left on it. She didn't have a car." The Lexington Housing Authority was not accepting applications for either public housing or its voucher programs, which tenants can use to pay rent for private rental units. She's on Social Security and receives less than $750 a month. "I didn't know what to do," Myers said. [TX] As Hurricane Harvey evacuees make Dallas home, what Katrina taught us about how D-FW may change (Dallas Morning News, TX) Dallas Morning News (10/15/2017 4:25 PM, Jill Cowan) Sherrie Miles struggled to corral the kids as they bounced between the pink air mattresses covered with purple sheets that her mother bought them with her last few dollars. Part of her didn't want to, though. It had been weeks since Zatakyyus, an Energizer bunny of a 3-year-old with a runny nose and a devastating smile, and Nylah, a long-limbed 5-year-old, had been able to play in a home of their own. The family's new apartment in southern Dallas was tidy but almost empty. Instead of a couch, Miles sat on one of the big bins that had recently held everything she owns, its plastic lid sagging. She started to cry. For Miles, a 27-year-old Port Arthur native, the Hurricane Harvey-driven floodwaters that swallowed her truck and sent her family to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center were both overwhelming and cleansing. Housing pinch When those migrants showed up, though, they had no place to live because Katrina had destroyed much of the region's affordable housing stock. Liu said that drove up housing prices not just in New Orleans proper, but in surrounding parishes and nearby metros. "There was a short-term boost even to Baton Rouge's economy," she said. By and large, though, lower-wage workers felt a squeeze, Liu said. New Orleans' housing affordability never recovered. In the New Orleans metro area, 31 percent of renters were paying more than half of their household income for housing in 2015, according to The Data Center, an organization founded in 1977 to provide leaders in southeast Louisiana with objective information for policymaking. That number was just 22 percent in 2004, before Katrina hit. Now, economists are worried something similar could happen in Harvey's wake. [TX] Renters find extra hurdles to recovery after hurricanes (San Antonio Express-News, TX) MySanAntonio.com (10/13/2017 8:00 PM, Claudia Lauer and Adriana Gomez Licon, Associated Press) DALLAS - A neighbor was the first to tell Paige Cane that her landlord had posted an eviction notice on the door of her flooded apartment in Port Arthur. The 26-year-old was more than 300 miles away with no car, sleeping in a Dallas shelter for evacuees escaping Harvey's floodwaters. The mother of four had no way to get back in the five days the eviction notice gave her to remove her belongings before they would be heaped on the curb. HUD-17-0235-B-000395 Rental housing has been a concern in many cities in Texas and Florida after hurricanes Harvey and Irma flooded tens of thousands of homes. Texas renters have complained of difficulties getting out of leases on damaged properties, short timelines for evictions, and trouble finding affordable rentals because landlords have a glut of tenants to choose from. In Florida, advocates worry rebuilding efforts after Irma are forcing out mobile home park residents who rent coveted land in the Florida Keys. In Texas, housing advocacy groups in Houston, Port Arthur and other hard-hit cities are fielding complaints. Lone Star Legal Aid, which provides free civil legal services to low-income residents in parts of the state, has received nearly 100 complaints from renters since the storm - complaints that can encompass issues dozens of renters have at one complex. "It's unconscionable, but there were landlords who would not extend the rent deadlines," even as Harvey hit on Aug. 25, days before rent was due for many, said John Henneberger, co-director of the Texas Low Income Housing Information Service. Texas statutes, which often favor landlords in disputes, require tenants to take landlords to court for rent reductions or lease termination - something that can seem monumental when courthouses are flooded, cars destroyed and incomes lost, Henneberger said. Florida has no blanket policy governing how late rental payments or evictions should be handled after storms, according to the Florida Apartment Association, which represents owners, developers and property managers for about 600,000 units. An association representative didn't know of any landlords refusing to allow renters to break leases, but that doesn't address renters who want their apartments repaired. "They haven't done anything, not even put a tarp on the roof," said Liliana Caminero, a 54year-old nurse, who lived in a second-floor apartment in Miami that suffered extensive roof damage. An inspector told her the place was uninhabitable and covered in black mildew, so she was forced to find another rental. In the Florida Keys, which took the brunt of Hurricane Irma, half of the up to 15,000 residential homes damaged or destroyed were mobile homes. Jose Fons, advocacy director for Monroe County for the Legal Services of Greater Miami, said landowners have started evicting trailer owners or renters from their lots, saying they are having problems with access to utilities. "There is a fear that some of them will change the use of land," so that they are no longer mobile home parks, said Fons, a concern shared by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. "Not all of the trailers are uninhabitable." Fons said landowners are giving tenants short timeframes to remove trailers. Florida officials have not asked park owners or landlords for leniency, unlike Texas. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner urged landlords to waive late fees for September and give more time to vacate uninhabitable apartments. At the same time, groups that track rental stock say they've seen a decrease in areas of Houston that stayed dry and an increase in average rents. Texas renters have also complained about landlords demanding rent for unlivable apartments and threatening to keep security deposits or put a mark on the renters' credit reports if they don't pay. Texas law says either the landlord or the tenant can decide that a space is unlivable because of a flood or fire, but the law doesn't clearly outline what happens if they disagree. As for short timelines for evictions, five-day notices, while allowed, have been applied in ways that don't comply with Texas law, said Rich Tomlinson, litigation director at Lone Star Legal Aid. Landlords cannot move tenants' property without going to court, he said. The Houston Housing Authority, which provides housing for low-income residents, has had its own issues, including initially charging some residents September rent for flood-damaged apartments before returning the money. At Clayton Homes near downtown Houston, officials said 112 of 296 units would be demolished because of mold and E. coli. Tenants were given vouchers for private housing because the authority has nothing left. The authority also issued five-day eviction notices to about 150 residents at a senior living apartment building because of floodwater damage. The residents were given more time, but many protested that they didn't want to leave despite damage to electrical and other systems. "This isn't ideal. But it isn't safe," the authority's president, Tory Gunsolley, said. [KS] Topeka JUMP calls on city council to create affordable housing trust fund (Topeka Capital-Journal, KS) Topeka Capital-Journal HUD-17-0235-B-000396 (10/13/2017 4:27 PM, Angela Deines) After two years of working with Mayor Larry Wolgast and other city officials, members of a 20-church organization are calling on the Topeka City Council to create a trust fund to address the capital city's affordable housing crisis. "This is about making what we have bigger," said Shanae Elem, of Topeka JUMP. "A local affordable housing trust fund is local money. It can be used for however our community wants for it to be used, and that's why having a local trust fund is impactful." About 50 members of Topeka JUMP gathered Friday morning on the steps of the Inward Faith Outreach Ministries, S.W. 7th and Polk, and marched as a group to push for the trust fund, something they said would begin to help the estimated 7,000 families they say are living in "Unstable and unsanitary conditions." "We know that the mayor and city staff are working to develop a plan, and we do applaud those efforts," said Carol Babcock, a member of Topeka JUMP. "But we requested this plan in 2015. How much longer must we wait?". Babcock said one out of four eligible Topeka families is receiving rental assistance, and roughly half of the people who pay rent in Topeka are using 50 percent of their income on housing. Thirty percent of one's income is considered the standard percentage to pay for housing and it be considered affordable. Sweet Divers, of Inward Faith, another member of Topeka JUMP, said the neighborhood just west of downtown where the church is located is overrun with trash and full of substandard housing units whose residents can't afford to live anywhere else. "Our neighborhood has been overlooked far, far too long," said Sweet Divers, another member of Topeka JUMP. "We want justice and we want it now." [IA] 93-year-old feels bullied by WDM mobile home park manager's long list of demands (Des Moines Register, IA) Des Moines Register (10/14/2017 6:25 AM, Lee Rood) VIDEO. Dorothy Funk strolls up to the door of her double-wide mobile home in West Des Moines in a perky leopard-print ensemble, proudly showing off the cozy living room with white couches and red accents she's kept up since 1977. Funk says she's "93 going on 66," and enjoyed 39 of the past 40 years she's lived among other seniors in Western Village mobile home park at 2000 Grand Ave. Not 2017, though. This year has been stressful as hell, she said. Over the summer and fall, the widow has received several notices giving her 48 hours to comply with different orders to do work on her manufactured home and garage. The most recent from park manager Nancy Shelley came late last week and gave Funk until Monday to paint her white home, or at least get the job scheduled. Failure to comply meant risking eviction from the private Wes Des Moines park for those 55 and older. "I know we're seniors, but we still have our brains," Funk complained. A notice Dorothy Funk received Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017, urged her to paint her home. Failure to comply can result in an eviction notice, the park manager said. Funk's manufactured home is older, but it is not in bad shape - inside or out. There's dirt splattered around some of the skirting, some faded paint near the side door and cracks in the driveway, but no more than most regular wear and tear on a home. In 2010, in a yearlong series called "Trapped," I documented some of the worst living conditions you can imagine in mobile home parks across Iowa.The stories underscored how state law affecting mobile home residents is so lopsided, tenants can be - and are - kicked out of the private parks for almost any reason. The worst problems were in rogue parks owned by a Colorado millionaire, where decrepit and unsafe homes were being sold off to the poorest of the poor. Those who churned through such parks frequently lost their down payments and all the cash shelled out for improvements because the old trailer homes they'd purchased were too frail to move. Park owners would then resell the homes, even though some didn't have legal title. The standards she and the 250 other lot renters in Western Village are being held to are very high - though still at the whim of the park manager, Shelley. HUD-17-0235-B-000397 [CO] Colorado's growing pains: From roads to water, here are 5 key issues as the state's population swells (Denver Post, CO) Denver Post (10/15/2017 9:17 AM, Brian Eason) Unaffordable housing If traffic congestion is a top gripe directed at newcomers, the cost of housing isn't far behind. For years, metro Denver's housing market has been among the hottest in the country, and it's not clear how soon people can expect to see relief. Construction has picked up since the Great Recession, but Elizabeth Garner, the state demographer, says there are still fewer new units being built today than in the past. "Even though people think we're doing a lot of building, it's not as much as we think we are," Garner said. For much of the 1990s and early 2000s, she said, Colorado was building 40,000 to 60,000 housing units a year. In 2016, despite record demand, just 30,000 new units came online. So far, policy solutions have been scattershot around the state. After a number of municipalities passed similar ordinances at the local level, state lawmakers this year approve a measure aimed at stimulating the state's dormant condominium market, but it's not clear if it alone will have a major impact. In many cities, efforts are underway to encourage density and create more affordable housing. Denver's long-range planning effort contains prescriptions for both, and city officials hope to raise $150 million for affordable housing through property taxes and a new fee on developers. But housing advocates worry that's not enough to meet the enormous need. [OR] Downtown Eugene housing and retail project pitched by ex-mayor Brian Obie delayed (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) Eugene Register-Guard (10/15/2017 9:30 AM, Elon Glucklich) The biggest mixed-use commercial-residential project proposed for downtown Eugene in decades has been delayed. The multi-component undertaking -- one portion to be developed by Eugene businessman Brian Obie and the other by Lane County government's Housing and Community Services Agency -- was set for a groundbreaking late this year or early next. But that won't happen, because HACSA has not yet lined up the money for its building. HACSA wants a one-year extension from Lane County commissioners to start building its 50-unit low-rent apartment complex at Oak Street and East Sixth Avenue, HACSA Real Estate Development Director Steve Ochs said. HACSA may make the formal request in the next few weeks. Obie said HACSA's delay will prompt him to hold off because he wants to develop in tandem with HACSA. The housing agency and Obie would each build on county-owned parking lots on either side of Oak Street under 99-year leases they signed with the county in 2013. Those agreements called for both groups to hit a series of milestones in planning their construction, including applying for building permits by December of this year. HACSA wants commissioners to approve a delay until late 2018 or early 2019 to apply for building permits. HACSA plans to fund most of the apartment complex's estimated $12.6 million cost through federal low-income housing tax credits, which affordable-housing developers apply for through the state each year. [OR] FIfth Street Public Markets $50 million expansion will test limits of Eugene's controversial property tax waivers for downtown apartments (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) Eugene Register-Guard (10/15/2017 9:30 AM, Elon Glucklich) HUD-17-0235-B-000398 The council devised the rent-control requirement -- a first for Eugene -- as a way to provide what it terms "workforce" housing in the face of rapidly escalating rents and a shortage of homes affordable to moderate-income families. To get the MUPTE tax break, developers can alternatively pay 10 percent of the waiver's value to a city affordable housing fund. Obie says he needs MUPTE property tax relief from the city, most likely worth several hundred thousand dollars a year on the housing portion of his project, or his endeavor won't be worth the investment. But capping the rent on 30 or more of his apartment units isn't in his plans either. Enter Lane County government's public housing agency. Obie wants his units to qualify for a MUPTE tax waiver by counting a separate 50-unit low-rent apartment complex planned by the Housing and Community Services Agency of Lane County toward his workforce housing requirement. HACSA is planning its project across Oak Street from the Obie property. HACSA builds and manages apartments for low-income residents across Lane County using state and federal funds. HACSA would cap its rents to make them affordable to low-income residents. [OR] Real housing at a low cost (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) Eugene Register-Guard (10/15/2017 9:59 AM, Eugene Register-Guard Editorial) Alice Gentry retired into poverty after a lifetime of work as a bank teller, secretary, waitress, retail clerk and more. She lived in a tent for four months, until winter forced her indoors at the Eugene Mission. After nine months at the Mission she found a spot at Opportunity Village, an encampment with rudimentary shelters classified by the city of Eugene as sleeping cabins: No heat, no power, no plumbing. Gentry's $748-a-month Social Security check won't cover the cost of real housing - not until her house in Emerald Village is built. [OR] Supportive housing saves money and saves lives: Guest opinion (Portland Oregonian, OR) Portland Oregonian (10/15/2017 2:12 PM, Ted Wheeler, Deborah Kafoury and Nick Fish) For the past three years, Multnomah County, the City of Portland and a team of partners have been united in building a more rational, robust and compassionate response to homelessness. First, we convened A Home For Everyone, setting big goals and expanding our investments in a proven set of strategies: prevention, housing and shelter. Last year, we cemented that partnership, forming the Joint Office of Homeless Services. Our work is making a difference, even in a painful housing crisis. We exceeded our initial goals, helping thousands of people stay in their homes or transition to permanent housing. This winter, for the first time, we counted more people in shelter than facing the elements on the streets. [CA] Hearst sells off part of huge SoMa development to project partner (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/16/2017 4:42 AM, J.K. Dineen) The deal is the latest chapter in a redevelopment process that started in 2007 when Hearst hired the real estate consulting company CBRE to explore development of a collection of lots that span 4 acres between Howard and Mission streets in the city's burgeoning South of Market neighborhood. In March 2008, Hearst selected Forest City, which was a partner in the development of the nearby Metreon and the expansion of the Westfield San Francisco Centre. The project Hearst and Forest City came up with, dubbed 5M, is a sweeping reimagining of a transition block between SoMa and downtown San Francisco, a mix of housing, office space and arts. The project includes an acre of open space and 241 units of affordable housing, including an 83-unit, $24.5 million affordable senior housing complex at 967 Mission St. HUD-17-0235-B-000399 The plan was opposed by nearby condo owners, who objected to the height of some of the buildings, as well as some neighborhood nonprofit organizations that argued that the $1 billion investment would squeeze out what remains of a workingclass enclave of residential hotels and subsidized housing buildings that has long been a center of the Bay Area's Filipino community. The development won approvals at the city Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors in November 2015. Since then it has been tied up in court. A group of neighborhood opponents sued to block the development, a lawsuit that was tossed out in January and then appealed to the Court of Appeal. There is no date set on when the court will rule on the case. Fair Housing [KY] More renters are evicted in this Lexington neighborhood than any other (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) Kentucky.com (10/13/2017 7:58 PM, Beth Musgrave) Renters in the Winburn area were more likely to be evicted from their homes and apartments than any other area in Lexington, a recent analysis of Fayette County court-ordered evictions over a 12-year period shows. The Lexington Fair Housing Council's report: "Locked Out: Foreclosure, Eviction and Housing Instability in Lexington, 2005-2016" by Taylor Shelton analyzed eviction filings in Fayette District Court. In addition to finding that landlords overwhelmingly win in eviction court, Shelton also looked at where the 43,725 evictions occurred by U.S. Census tract. Shelton is a research associate with the council and an assistant professor at Mississippi State University. The Winburn neighborhood in North Lexington had the highest eviction rate for that 12-year period, at 101.2 percent -- meaning there were more evictions in that area than rental units. The Winburn neighborhood includes Winburn Drive off Russell Cave Road. The census tract with the second most evictions is the North Limestone area. It had an eviction rate of approximately 85.9 percent. The North Limestone neighborhood includes Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh streets. The report also shows that certain landlords evict more often than others. Landlords with the most evictions during the 12-year period were responsible for 20 percent of all eviction filings, the report found. That means one landlord that uses court-ordered evictions frequently can dramatically alter or skew eviction rates for an entire census block. The report found that high rates of evictions can be traced to specific blocks of streets. In addition to Winburn, other streets with pockets of high-eviction rates include the Woodhill neighborhood off Richmond Road and Centre Parkway in the Southeastern Hills neighborhood. "Evictions tend to be isolated in smaller corners of a neighborhood, often a single street or even a single multi-family apartment complex," the report found. Art Crosby, executive director of the Lexington Fair Housing Council, said some of those landlords are renting to lower income people, tenants with poor credit or those with criminal records who other landlords won't rent to. Those tenants struggle to pay rent and evictions are common. But other landlords use the system, he said. "Others build in evictions as the cost of doing business," Crosby said. [OH] Mentor to hold fair housing assessment meetings required by HUD, CDBG program (Ohio News Herald, OH) Ohio News Herald (10/15/2017 7:51 PM, Ohio News Herald) The city of Mentor is conducting a series of Assessment of Fair Housing meetings as required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development under its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. The assessment is a necessary component of the city's participation in the Community Development Block Grant program. Public input is sought to complete the assessment of issues surrounding fair housing in the community. The city is opening these HUD-17-0235-B-000400 meetings to anyone who wishes to participate, including nonresidents, according to a press release. To make these meetings inclusive, open and available to everyone, the same meeting will be held on three different weekdays, one weeknight and another on a Saturday morning. The intent of this initial meeting will be to open a dialog on what fair housing is and what issues face the Mentor community regarding fair access to housing free from discrimination, the release stated. [IN] Hackney: Real estate ads ignite uproar (Indianapolis Star, IN) Indianapolis Star (10/13/2017 9:38 AM, Suzette Hackney) It's no secret that Fall Creek Place is experiencing some gentrification, as more businesses open, more upscale houses are built and more affluent individuals and families quickly scoop up the housing stock. The owners of longtime Indianapolis real estate company Flock Realty found themselves in quite the predicament this week after two questionable ads surfaced with language many perceived as racist and classist. The ads were placed on the back page of Urban Times, a monthly publication serving Indy's Downtown and neighborhoods such as Fall Creek Place, Herron-Morton and the Old Northside. The October ad characterizes Fall Creek Place as "once an unseemly place filled with unholy habitats and vice lords." The add continues: "With blessing of the banks, brokers and bureaucrats ZMC Urban Homes began building new homes for the blessed who believed urban living could be holy, hip, righteous, and upscale." Last month, Flock Realty's ad read, in part, "They said I wouldn't have to mow grass and they'd take care of everything. They didn't warn me about thin walls, late night banging, insomnia, and the smell of cumin, curry, and oregano in the halls. Apt. living is oxymoronic." Section 8 [WA] Bellingham measure would give extra protections to renters (Bellingham Herald, WA) Bellingham Herald (10/16/2017 4:41 AM, Robert Mittendorf) Tom Follis, a real estate appraiser and broker in Bellingham, said the local vacancy rate is at 0.0 percent for apartments, duplexes and condos. For single-family homes, the October 2017 vacancy rate is 2.5 percent. Follis blamed the majority of the high housing prices on limited supply and increased demand, although he agreed that some price-gouging exists. Section 8 refers to the Depression-era federal housing program that offers rental housing assistance to private landlords through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Here's how the Section 8 voucher program works Here's how the Section 8 housing voucher program works, and why some of the poorest Whatcom County residents are having trouble finding a place to live that they can afford -- even with financial assistance. [CA] Section 8 housing choice voucher waiting list lottery open from Oct. 16 to 29 (Asian Journal) Asian Journal (10/14/2017 12:30 PM, AJ Press Published) Earlier this month, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, along with other elected officials, joined the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles to announce the opening of the Section 8 Waiting List Lottery. People will be able to apply online starting at 6:00 a.m., Monday, October 16, 2017, through 5:00 p.m., Sunday, October 29, 2017, by going to HACLA.hcvlist.org. The Section 8 program provides rental assistance to eligible individuals and families by paying a portion of rent directly to private landlords. "Angelenos deserve housing they can afford, no matter their income," Garcetti said. "People who are eligible should apply for the Section 8 rental subsidy program - and we'll keep fighting to build more affordable housing that gives every family the opportunity to find safe, stable places to live." Interested families and individuals can apply online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, during the application period using a smartphone, mobile device or computer with Internet access. HUD-17-0235-B-000401 Homelessness [NY] CB 2 wants more notice on shelters (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/13/2017 7:11 AM, Matthew Bultman) Sunnyside residents are looking for answers after it was revealed the city recently began using a former hotel in the neighborhood to house homeless families. Representatives from the Department of Homeless Services were peppered with questions during Community Board 2's meeting last week about the use of the Best Western on Hunter's Point Avenue as an emergency shelter space. Elected officials and board members said they were notified just 24 hours before the hotel, between 38th and 39th streets, started admitting families on Sept. 26. Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Sunnyide) said it was "absurd" not to give the community more notice. [NY] Court to city: Turn over RFPs for shelter (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/13/2017 7:16 AM, Christopher Barca) Civics earn partial victory in Article 78 lawsuit over homeless hotel The city is not planning to appeal a court ruling ordering it to turn over documents related to last year's highly controversial planned conversion of the Maspeth Holiday Inn Express into a homeless shelter. The Sept. 27 ruling, made by Justice Allan Weiss of Queens Supreme Court, stems from an Article 78 case brought against the city earlier this year by the civic Citizens for a Better Maspeth. Under court order, the Department of Homeless Services must provide CBM with the city's original request for proposals and the response documents from applying companies as it related to the proposed operation the 59-40 55 Road hotel as a shelter. "It is ordered and adjudged that the petition is granted solely to the extent that respondents are directed to provide petitioner with copies of the Request For Proposals that were received in connection with the proposal to convert the subject Holiday Inn Express to a homeless shelter," Weiss' ruling reads, "and any and all plans submitted along with the RFPs which demonstrate that the space would be a conforming use under the zoning resolution." [NY] Crowley slams city over hotel shelter (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/13/2017 7:12 AM, Christopher Barca) City and state lawmakers have taken their turns slamming the city for moving homeless individuals into a Best Western in Sunnyside with no advanced notice. And now, the area's federal representative is getting his licks in. In a letter dated Oct. 5, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, Bronx) blasted Mayor de Blasio and Human Resources Administration Commissioner Steve Banks over the decision to rent out all 82 rooms at the 38-05 Hunters Point Ave. hotel two weeks ago, saying the officials have gone back on their word. "Despite a litany of promises of greater accountability, including at least 30 days' notice, and increased transparency in the process of siting these emergency shelters, this community finds itself once again blindsided with the last-minute announcement of yet another hotel conversion," Crowley wrote. "While I am deeply sympathetic to the plight of homeless families, your administration has shown a sustained pattern of making promises that you have no intention of keeping." [NY] KG residents irate at lack of shelter notice (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/13/2017 7:16 AM, Anthony O'Reilly) HUD-17-0235-B-000402 Tenants living above Comfort Inn said they found out on evening news Tenants living in the apartments above the Kew Gardens Comfort Inn -- where the city is renting 42 rooms and housing homeless individuals in 19 of them -- only found out about the move through media reports, according to one resident who spoke at Community Board 9's meeting Tuesday night. "I myself found out watching the evening news," said Jonathan, who only wanted his first name used. "And then my mother called me to tell me she saw it on the news as well." According to Jonathan, residents at The Kewl -- the name for the apartments above the hotel -- have been unable to get in contact with their management company about the situation. "We know nothing," he said. [NY] Most Queens homeless students in SD 24 (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/13/2017 7:14 AM, Anthony O'Reilly) The most overcrowded school district in Queens is also the one with the greatest number of homeless students, according to a new report. School District 24 -- which stretches from Ridgewood to Corona -- had 4,186 students who were identified as homeless during the 2016-17 school year, according to state data compiled by the New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students on Tuesday. That's up from 3,709 in 2015-16. The second-highest homeless concentration was in SD 27 -- which has Richmond Hill to Rockaway -- which in the most recent school year had 3,164 and the year prior had 2,870. [NY] The Knicks donate basketball court at shelter (NY1-TV, NY) NY1-TV (10/13/2017 11:21 AM, NY1-TV) The Knicks hit nothing but net by giving a gift to children at a Department of Homeless Services shelter. Knicks rookie--Frank Ntilikina helped open a new basketball court with the kids at Saratoga Family Inn onThursday. The Knicks team and the Garden of Dreams Foundation teamed up to make the donation. The organizations also provided a pizza dinner for the families, a D-J, as well as streetball and basketball performers. "Homeless kids don't have the opportunity that much to experience things that other children may. The Knicks doing something like this really made them feel special and gave them an opportunity that they probably would had other wise," said Michael Fahy, administrator for Saratoga Family Inn. [NY] Homeless Veterans Receive Variety of Services at Elks Club (WGY-AM 810, NY) WGY-AM 810 (10/15/2017 8:37 AM, WGY-AM 810) More than 200 veterans were able to take advantage of free services offered at the Colonie Elks Club. The Capital Region Homeless Veterans Stand Down event provides a variety of services to homeless veterans and those at risk of becoming homeless. Veteran Tina Henderson Arceneau tells News Channel 13 that there is more to this event, however, than just services. HUD-17-0235-B-000403 "There's always old vets that can tell you good war stories to the younger vets, and the younger vets can share their experience with them, so it's a day of sharing." [NY] Homeless Shelters Name Their Own Rates in New York, Audit Finds (New York Times) New York Times (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Nikta Stewart) Under pressure to shelter close to 58,000 homeless people on a daily basis, New York City has been paying widely varying rates to shelter providers and, until recently, had no set procedure for determining how much to pay, according to a new audit. The state comptroller's office could not determine whether the city is paying reasonable rates for nearly 750 shelters that have cost the city more than $1.1 billion annually, according to the audit, which looked at a sampling of contracts over a four-year period. Examining 23 new contracts for shelters, auditors concluded that shelter providers named their own prices with little pushback from the Department of Homeless Services. The rates charged by two comparable shelters might differ by as much as $225 per person per day, according to the audit. The city's shelter system is a patchwork fashioned out of emergency and necessity, and it has failed to keep up with new demands that emerged, particularly after a rental assistance program was cut in 2011. The city must house every eligible person who seeks help, and there is a daily scramble to shelter thousands. [NY] De Blasio's Homelessness Struggle (WNYC - New York Public Radio) WNYC - New York Public Radio (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Mirela Iverac) AUDIO. After winning the mayoral election, Bill de Blasio promised to immediately address the unprecedented homeless crisis underway. "We have the highest number of people in shelter in the history of this city," he said in December, 2013. "The highest number of people who are homeless in any sense literally since the Great Depression. And it simply can't continue." At that point, 51,018 New Yorkers were homeless. As mayor, de Blasio promised to use a different strategy to tackle homelessness. But since he came into office, the number of people in the shelter system has increased by 17 percent. Currently, more than 60,000 people live in shelters. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeless Services' budget has ballooned from $900 million to $1.6 billion. "This mayor has invested more money than anyone in a very long time in the problem," Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, de Blasio's former Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, said in a recent interview with WNYC. "I don't think he's gotten the results that he thought or hoped he was going to get." [NY] Controversial Mill Basin hotel finally opens (Brooklyn Daily, NY) Brooklyn Daily (10/16/2017 4:48 AM, Julianne Cuba) Suspicions about the new inn only grew as Mayor DeBlasio came under fire for failing to reduce the number of hotels used as homeless shelters, and as several hotels in Sunset Park became shelters -- to the consternation of many nearby residents. But even now that the hotel is finally open and everything appears to check out, so to speak, Maisel said he's still concerned for the what the future holds -- if the hotel is not able to sustain a profit over the next few years, its owners could still look to partner with an organization to open up a shelter. "At this point I'm not worried about it happening in the next year or two, I'm worried about three to four years from now," said Maisel. "It's just a terrible block to put a hotel on. There's no parking, it's a horrible block, you got a sanitation garage and auto repair shops. It's just not a nice block if you're trying to encourage people to come to your hotel. Time will tell -- things seem to be working well, I just hope it continues." HUD-17-0235-B-000404 The Department of Homeless Services says it is not currently using the Mill Basin hotel as a shelter, has no plans to, and would notify neighbors a minimum of 30 days in advance if it plans to open one, said a spokeswoman for the city agency. [NJ] Homeless veteran housing underway (Jersey City Reporter, NJ) Jersey City Reporter (10/15/2017 1:24 AM, Hudson Reporter) Mayor Dawn Zimmer, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, and other officials joined with members of the American Legion on Tuesday for the ceremonial groundbreaking of the American Legion Hoboken Post 107 project. It includes a veteran community center and a six-unit residential building for homeless veterans. American Legion Post 107 sustained severe damage from flooding during Superstorm Sandy in 2012 and requested a partnership with the city to rebuild its facility. The project is funded through the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency ("NJHMFA"), the Hudson County HOME Funding Consortium, and the City of Hoboken. American Legion Post 107 is also privately raising additional funds to cover furniture, appliances, and other necessities for the veterans who will reside in the units. The project is located at 308 Second St. [PA] Suburban Station getting a new stop: A service center for Philly's homeless (Philly.com, PA) Philly.com (10/14/2017 12:39 PM, Jason Laughlin) Staying clean is a problem, Iverson Furtic said, on and off for more than 30 years. The 51-year-old is talking about the drug use he can't seem to beat, the addiction that keeps returning him to the street. Philadelphia social services set him up with a place in the city's Frankford neighborhood, but the lure of easy drugs nearby proved too powerful. Sitting on a bench along Suburban Station's concourse, Furtic also talked about literally staying clean - how much a person without a home values something as simple as a shower. Those are among the basic necessities longed for by Philadelphia's estimated 950 people without even temporary shelter, he said - "Somewhere to go where you won't be looked upon like, 'What are you doing here?'". A few hundred yards away, down a forgotten corridor among Suburban Station's warren of tunnels, the whine of buzz saws and power drills echo. SEPTA workers are erecting the steel skeleton of a $1.4 million service center for the city's homeless - a place designed to offer all the things Furtic said matter to someone living on the streets. The 11,000-square-foot facility is scheduled to be finished by the end of the year. The goal is to have it up and running the first week of January, hopefully in time to provide shelter from winter's worst. "We wanted to do something that would really help the homeless," said Jeff Knueppel, SEPTA's general manager. Though it has the highest poverty rate among big American cities, Philadelphia has one of the lowest homelessness rates, said Liz Hersh, director of the office of homeless services. The number of people on the street is growing, she said, in large part because of the opioid epidemic. Along with the people without any shelter, Philadelphia has about 5,700 who reside in shelters or temporary housing. "Three-fourths have some kind of substance abuse disorder or mental health problems and very often both," Hersh said. Other factors contributing to homelessness include the cost of housing and budget cuts. Last winter, the homeless turned to transit centers more than usual due to construction in LOVE Park and the Gallery that left them fewer places to go. Transit stations are obvious havens for homeless people. The increase in the city's homeless population has, in turn, led to more homeless people in places like Suburban Station during bad weather - as many as 350 in one day, according to a count last winter. It's unusual for a transportation authority to take so active a role in providing an alternative for a city's homeless. "SEPTA is pretty unique in major city transit authorities sort of embracing and stepping up to the challenge of homeless systems," said Laura Weinbaum, a vice president at Project HOME. Officials aren't concerned the service center will attract more homeless people to Suburban Station, Knueppel said; they're there already. HUD-17-0235-B-000405 [NC] Americas new Nomads are houseless, not homeless (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) Raleigh News & Observer (10/13/2017 6:48 AM, Kim Ode) If you're in a city but you live in a van, or a trailer, or a tent, you are considered homeless. But if you're in the desert or the forest, you're camping. Rationalizations such as these are what make "Nomadland" such a compelling look at a weirdly camouflaged swath of society that's more entwined around us than we realize. Author Jessica Bruder, a professor at the Columbia School of Journalism, immersed herself among those who move between seasonal jobs at a time when they'd imagined contemplating retirement, but life went haywire. [SC] For the 18th year, Veterans Affairs provides resources to Charleston-area homeless veterans (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) Charleston Post & Courier (10/13/2017 6:12 PM, Mary Katherine Wildeman) VIDEO. When Nathaniel Sims was young, he had two dreams: Serve in the military and become a teacher. He served in the Army for four years, from 1979 to 1983. Now, he has almost completed his teaching degree. He wants to stay in the area and teach at an elementary or middle school. He just needs a little bit of aid to cross the finish line. "Once I finish my education, I won't need any more help," Sims said. Sims was hoping to find some of that help at a Veterans Affairs event Friday morning. The local arm of the VA has used the annual event, called Stand Down Against Homelessness, to make a slew of resources available to homeless veterans and veterans like Sims, who are not homeless but need some aid. Year after year, the numbers of people who come to the event have dwindled The Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center's director of mental health, Dr. Hugh Myrick, said. It's a sign the VA is doing its job. Fewer veterans are homeless today than when the event began, he said. At its height, the VA served 2,400 people at Stand Down. For 14 years, the event was held in the Park Circle neighborhood of North Charleston. For the past four years, it has been held at the Community Resource and Referral Center, also in North Charleston. On Friday morning, a couple hundred local veterans wandered the booths inside and outside the resource center. They waited in line for haircuts, ate a meal, and picked up outfits from Goodwill and sleeping bags supplied by the VA. Medical staff offered health screenings. Myrick said the Stand Down event today is more than anything else meant to show what the VA offers every day, year round at the resource center. "You don't have to wait for Stand Down," Myrick said. He said the VA keeps close track of homeless veterans in the area. They often fall into homelessness because of mental illness or substance use issues, along with "just plain bad luck," Myrick said. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated there were 738 homeless veterans in South Carolina in 2016. There were more than 39,000 homeless veterans nationwide, according to HUD. Since Myrick began at the VA about 20 years ago, staff in the mental health department has increased nearly five-fold to meet the mental health needs of veterans, he said. Younger veterans face "near homelessness" relatively often, Myrick said, but the improvements in help for veterans in need have improved in his time at the VA. "The changes I've seen are just amazing," he said. The number of people the VA has helped secure housing in the area has increased, too. The Department of Housing and Urban Development gives vouchers to veterans to help them afford housing through the VA's HUD-17-0235-B-000406 Supportive Housing Program. A VA spokeswoman said 649 such vouchers have been given out this year in the local VA's jurisdiction, an increase from 584 in 2016. Of the vouchers given this year, 290 were for housing aid in Charleston. Walter Scott Jr. receives one of those vouchers to pay for his home in North Charleston. Friday was his third time at the Stand Down event, and he said it was the smoothest he's seen yet. "We just kept moving on down the line," he said. There are similar Stand Down events in Savannah and Myrtle Beach. Both were in September this year. [VA] Citing safety concerns, Henrico puts up signs at busy intersections discouraging drivers from giving money to panhandlers (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) Richmond Times-Dispatch (10/13/2017 5:13 AM, Ned Oliver) After a legal-minded panhandler successfully challenged the constitutionality of an outright ban on begging for cash on roadways, Henrico County has adopted a new way to curb the practice: placing big signs at busy intersections asking drivers not to give money to people in the medians. "We were seeing an increasing number of individuals soliciting in the median, which was really creating some public safety concerns," said Brandon Hinton, Henrico's deputy county manager for community services. "We want to make sure nobody gets hurt. And yes, that means by asking folks driving not to give to those that are soliciting in the median." The county has installed the signs at 10 intersections, mostly along Broad Street and Laburnum Avenue. Hinton said more will go up based on feedback from residents. The first half of the sign addresses drivers: "Please do not give money to persons in the median." The second half addresses "those who need assistance," offering a phone number -- 501-7818 -- that connects them with social services and concluding with the words "Henrico County can help." [FL] 'Florida Project' film portrays life in Kissimmee hotels (Orlando Sentinel, FL) Orlando Sentinel (10/15/2017 5:40 AM, Mary Shanklin) VIDEO. Central Florida's latest portrayal on the big screen shows a darker slice of the tourist-centric region -- children growing up living at old Kissimmee area hotels in the shadow of theme parks. "The Florida Project," named for Walt Disney's vision to remake much of Central Florida, centers on a 6-year-old girl frolicking unsupervised around the grounds of the 1960s Magic Castle hotel where she and her rebellious mother eke out an existence. "It is neither too graphic or too tame. It's what people actually experience and what people actually go through," said Travis Vengroff, whose company is converting an old hotel on U.S. Highway 192 into apartments and has more than 1,300 rental units for low-income residents mostly in southwest Florida. "The Florida Project," showing in Orlando and other select cities, touches on an increasingly common way of life in Central Florida. While some Florida school districts have seen declines in the number of homeless students, the number of children living in hotels and motels has grown in Orange and Osceola counties, according to school officials. Those two Central Florida counties lead the state for students who head home to a motel at the end of a school day, according to researchers at the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies at the University of Florida. [FL] OUR VIEW: First Step must move forward (Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL) Daytona Beach News-Journal (10/15/2017 7:29 AM, Daytona Beach News-Journal Editorial) Get it done right, but also in a timely fashion. The community's First Step homeless shelter is taking steps in the wrong direction -- backward. In June, the Volusia County Council voted to contribute $2.5 million for shelter construction and infrastructure costs -- and, in a major reversal of policy, agreed to give $400,000 per year for shelter operations for the first five years, matching the city of HUD-17-0235-B-000407 Daytona Beach's commitment. That was a landmark deal between the city and the county that ended years of stalemate between the two governments on how best to address the homelessness problem. The progress perhaps fueled unrealistic expectations for when the shelter would be completed. [FL] Daytona beachside church helping homeless under scrutiny (Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL) Daytona Beach News-Journal (10/16/2017 1:28 AM, Eileen Zaffiro-Kean) People who live south of Main Street say they just want a chance to turn around their struggling neighborhood. The people who hand out free clothes, food and spiritual sustenance every Monday evening at a church in the neighborhood say they just want to help the most vulnerable in Daytona Beach. DAYTONA BEACH -- Inside a small beachside church one evening last week, a few dozen people sat in the heat of a barely airconditioned sanctuary with a roof so torn apart from hurricanes that bare wooden rafters are exposed. But it wasn't the musty, stagnant air or spartan building that had the attention of the group, most of whom are homelessness. They were locked on the pastor at the front of the room wearing a T-shirt that said "For Nothing Is Impossible With God" and talking about what they need to do to get to heaven. "There's no Plan B. You're either saved or unsaved," Pastor Robert Borde warned them. Most people in the oceanfront neighborhood have probably never watched the distressed congregants bowing their heads in prayer during the hour-long services inside the International Miracle Center at the corner of Fifth and Wild Olive avenues. They've probably also never seen the drifters after the services happily feasting on free dinners in the church's dining hall with its long tables, metal folding chairs and a large picture of Jesus at the front of the simple room. [OK] Face to face with Tulsa's homeless population, outreach becomes a full-time job for minister (Tulsa World, OK) Tulsa World (10/14/2017 5:45 AM, Michael Overall) Driving through downtown Tulsa during an afternoon rain storm, Noe Rodriguez parks his white SUV under an interstate overpass and watches in the rear-view mirror as a raggedly dressed man takes off in the opposite direction, briskly walking into the downpour and glancing over his shoulder to make sure Rodriguez isn't following. He gets that reaction a lot. "They aren't necessarily happy to see me," Rodriguez shrugs nonchalantly. "They don't trust me." But he's not here to see the man anyway. Rodriguez has come looking for "Amanda," a gaunt and frail-looking middle-aged woman who lives under a pile of blankets below the northwest corner of the Inner Dispersal Loop. Rodriguez had talked to her the day before and promised to come find her again today. But she doesn't seem to recognize him as he climbs out of his SUV and steps onto the sidewalk, where Amanda is sitting near a muddy puddle next to a giant concrete pillar. "Do you remember me?" Rodriguez asks, but she only stares at him. "You said I could come back today and help you get a birth certificate. Remember? "Working for the Mental Health Association in Tulsa, Rodriguez has recently begun doing full-time "outreach" -- eight hours a day, 40 hours a week, searching the streets of Tulsa and offering to help find homes for chronically homeless individuals. That process often begins with obtaining very basic personal documents. A birth certificate will help Amanda get an ID. And an ID will let her apply for subsidized housing. But first, she has to let Rodriguez help. "Can I fill out this form for you?" he asks, squatting down with an iPad. "How do you spell your last name?" The wind keeps blowing rain across his iPad screen. And to hear Amanda's mumbled answer, Rodriguez has to lean in very close to her face. Fifteen minutes later, he has the information he needs to obtain a birth certificate and promises Amanda that he will check on her again tomorrow. But she lies down without saying "thank you" or even "goodbye." "I don't expect any gratitude," Rodriguez says, climbing back into the SUV. "My 'why' goes deeper than that." [Editorial note: consult source link for further reading] [MN] Twin Cities homelessness: Seniors find themselves on street, in shelters (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune (10/14/2017 7:47 PM, Ed Murphy) HUD-17-0235-B-000408 I grew up next to the railroad tracks in the 1960s. Among my earliest memories are trains passing with men in the boxcars or occasionally riding on top. Many, I presume, were heading, if not to greener pastures, then downtown to the flophouses and residential hotels of the Gateway District, known as Skid Row. That was the face of homelessness in that era. Today, rail cars are sealed and the downtown hotels are long gone, but there are more homeless people than ever. Homelessness has become more democratic, if you will. Families, young people and single women have joined the ranks of the homeless in force. But, more recently, the face of homelessness is increasingly the face of an adult 55 and older, the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population. With their numbers up some 60 percent in Minnesota since 2009, they now represent one-third of the homeless adult population. Many homeless seniors never dreamed they would end up like this. Widowhood or estrangement from family often means diminished social connections. Loss of work, due to downsizing, disability or the changing nature of needed work skills, not only robs them of a sense of personal worth, but is financially catastrophic and can lead to lost housing. Their personal safety net, taken for granted through the years, unravels - and thus the spiral to the streets. For most older homeless women and men, this is their first experience on the street, and they are wholly unprepared. More than just lacking dignity, life for homeless seniors is not healthful. Some 71 percent of older homeless have a chronic physical or mental health condition. On a recent visit to a large downtown Minneapolis shelter, it became clear what this has meant for the homeless and the agencies that struggle to serve them. [ND] Bringing them in: Northland Rescue Mission in Grand Forks increases homeless outreach as cold approaches (Bismarck Tribune, ND) Bismarck Tribune (10/16/2017 5:18 AM, Andrew Hazzard) One such resource is currently under construction in Grand Forks. Ground broke last month on La Grave on First, a $8.5 million project aimed at giving chronically homeless people a place to live and access to resources such as job training and counseling. The housing project will be located at the corner of First Avenue South and Walnut Street in Grand Forks. To live at LaGrave, residents must have been homeless for the last year or four times in the last three years. Plus, they need to have a debilitating disability that could range from an addiction to a mental disability but must prevent someone from functioning adequately in society. Living expenses come to a maximum of 30 percent of a renter's income, according to Terry Hanson with the Grand Forks Housing Authority. But funding for homeless shelters in North Dakota was cut significantly in the Legislature last year, when shelter grants were moved into the discretionary fund. The Mission has historically received $40,000, or 10 percent of its budget, from the grant. Shirek said that has meant spending more time courting donors and looking for federal grant dollars to keep the Mission viable. "There's always going to be a need,"Shirek said. [IL] Homelessness: 'It could be a solvable problem here' (Peoria Journal Star, IL) Peoria Journal Star (10/14/2017 5:07 PM, Steve Tarter) Kevin Nowlan doesn't see more cots in emergency shelters solving the homeless problem in central Illinois. "Permanent housing is the answer," said the Continuum of Care director with the Heart of Illinois United Way, the agency that last year took over management of the region's homeless care program. "We don't have the housing stock for all of the homeless people in the area. That's why we're prioritizing," said Nowlan. The number of people served by the Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care in the past year in Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford and Fulton counties is more than 1,300. The idea is to make sure that homeless individuals in the greatest need for shelter, because of a medical or mental condition, are cared for first, said Nowlan. "We want to identify those who need help the most with everyone sharing the same list," he said, referring to agencies that house the homeless in the Peoria area. HUD-17-0235-B-000409 South Side Mission and the Peoria Rescue Mission provide shelter but aren't involved with the assessment system, Nowlan noted. The new system works more efficiently for the individual and agency, alike, he said. Previously, a homeless individual might have to go from one shelter to another, relying on each individual agency to do their own evaluation, said Nowlan. Someone in need of shelter can access the new system by calling 211, the area's information/referral service. A second access point is the emergency shelter at Dream Center Peoria, 714 Hamilton Blvd. Dream Center. Kristy Schofield, Dream Center's housing director, can relate to the families that seek shelter there because she was homeless 22 years ago. Schofield ended up getting help at the YWCA's emergency shelter, then located on Jefferson Street. [Editorial note: consult source link for additional information] [IL] Under one roof (Danville Commercial News, IL) Danville Commercial News (10/14/2017 6:16 AM, Mary Wicoff) Housing in which residents of all ages live together appears to be working at Cannon Place, according to a visiting scholar from England. "Older veterans love having kids around," said Emma Garland of Hull, Yorkshire. "There is mutual respect between the young and old. Once they get to know each other, it works." That interaction is going on at Cannon Place, a 65-unit building for homeless and at-risk veterans and their families. The building is owned by Mercy Housing Lakefront, based in Chicago, and is located at the Veterans Affairs Illiana Health Care System campus. Garland spent Thursday and Friday in Danville talking to veterans at Cannon Place, as well as city housing officials. She's on a one-month trip to the United States as a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust traveling fellow. The trust gives grants to United Kingdom citizens in a range of fields so they can do research overseas. Garland, who is policy and research officer at Ongo Homes in England, is researching different examples of intergenerational housing projects. Garland visited several Mercy Housing Lakefront properties in the Chicago area before coming to Danville, as well as Hope Meadows in Rantoul, and was impressed with how the ages get along. The concept of intergenerational housing, where people live in a cohesive community, is not well-known in the United Kingdom, she said, and no purpose-built projects exist. Her goal is to show that developing co-housing with shared facilities can invoke a sense of community Garland said she's met many friendly and helpful people during her visits to housing developments in Illinois. She thanked Mercy Housing for letting her meet residents, who were kind enough to share their stories, and to the Danville Housing Authority for giving her insight into the challenges of public housing. [WI] Editorial: More help for the homeless is reassuring (Wisconsin State Journal, WI) Wisconsin State Journal (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Board) Dane County and its partners did it. The Beacon, a bright and welcoming day resource center to comfort and steer the homeless to better lives, is scheduled to open Monday. At the same time, a key state Senate committee this month unanimously endorsed a pair of homeless bills that advocates have prioritized. And there's more good news in the ongoing effort to help desperate people -- especially families with children -- find stable housing. [WA] Homeless issues likely to be atop agenda at Yakima City Council meeting (Spokane Spokesman-Review, WA) Spokane Spokesman-Review (10/15/2017 9:03 PM, Kaitlin Bain) YAKIMA - By Tuesday night, Yakima residents should learn the fate of a homeless encampment operating since March on cityowned land behind the former Kmart building on East Nob Hill Boulevard. And despite not having locked in a specific building, a short-term winter plan for the homeless will likely also come to light Tuesday. Transform Yakima Together, the faith-based group running Camp Hope, in August asked the city to consider a long-term lease HUD-17-0235-B-000410 for the land that would allow construction of buildings that would be more permanent than the tents residents have been staying in. The council is expected to vote on that lease Tuesday. The proposed agreement would last until Nov. 15, 2020, with an opportunity to renew for two more years. Residents would only allowed to stay at the camp from March 15 through Nov. 15, and all temporary structures, such as tents and portable toilets, must be removed during the winter. [OR] Portland and Multnomah County will look at pairing housing with services to keep homeless housed (Portland Oregonian, OR) Portland Oregonian (10/13/2017 8:14 AM, Jessica Floum) Portland and Multnomah County next week will vote on setting goals for creating housing opportunities for chronically homeless people who struggle with addiction and mental illness. The goal would be to add, by 2028, 2,000 additional apartments that include access to physical and mental health care, drug addiction treatment, employment coaching and other social services. City Commissioner Nick Fish served as the city's first housing commissioner in 2009 and has long advocated for City Hall to help increase housing with services. "It's time for us to be bold ... and invest in a national best practice that gets people off the streets and into recovery with the hope of a productive life," Fish told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Thursday. About 3,300 of these units already exist in Portland and Multnomah County, funded in part by federal vouchers, the city and county's Joint Office of Homeless Services, nonprofits and health-care providers, said Marc Jolin, the joint office director. [OR] Woman gets a fresh start at women's homeless village (WSTM-TV NBC3-CNY Central, NY) WSTM-TV NBC3-CNY Central (10/15/2017 2:33 PM, KATU.com) PORTLAND, Ore. -- After 10 years of chronic homelessness, Jewell Ramirez couldn't take it anymore. So she sought help from Catholic Charities. A case manager there helped her fill out a questionnaire, and three days later Ramirez was approved for a tiny home at the newly formed Kenton Women's Village in North Portland. "I just want to say in my heart how grateful I am to have this opportunity to further myself and to get on with my life for the better," she said Saturday about the opportunity for a better life that the community of 13 other women has given her. "It's nice to have someone to listen to you - and their kindness," she says, "I just never thought there were people like that." [OR] Helping Portland's chronically homeless is a choice to save lives: Editorial (Portland Oregonian, OR) Oregon Live.com (10/13/2017 7:59 PM, The Oregonian Editorial Board) As we inch toward another winter, let's recall the grim lesson learned during the relentless cold temperatures and snow storms last December and January: Homelessness in Portland is deadly. Four people suffering homelessness died in the first, freezing days of 2017. They were among the men and women trying to survive on our streets and struggling with drug addiction, mental illness and other disabilities. Most of these people aren't from out of town, as that tired rumor goes: Here in Portland because they heard how well we treat our homeless. No, these are the more than 1,200 men and women considered "Chronically homeless" because they've been without permanent housing for at least a year. A good number of this unfortunate group hold Oregon birth certificates and they need more than a shelter bed or extra cash to cover rent to stay on their feet. These Portlanders need sustained help over a long period of time to find success. Finally, local leaders are moving forward with an aggressive plan to help that happen. As The Oregonian/OregonLive's Jessica Floum reported Friday, Portland City Council will vote next week on a goal to add 2,000 housing options for this specific HUD-17-0235-B-000411 population over the next 10 years. Called "Permanent supportive housing," the units may be apartments or shared housing that also provide tenants with health care, addiction treatment, job coaching and other social services. [CA] California declares emergency to fight hepatitis A outbreak (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/15/2017 5:45 AM, Associated Press) SAN DIEGO (AP) -- California Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday declared a state of emergency to combat a hepatitis A outbreak that has claimed 18 lives in San Diego. Brown said the federally-funded supply of vaccines is inadequate. His proclamation allows the state to buy vaccines directly from manufacturers and distribute them. The declaration "allows us to move very swiftly," Dr. Gil Chavez, epidemiologist at the California Department of Public Health, told reporters. He said the state would place an order Monday or Tuesday and supplies would reach the state soon after. California has distributed 81,000 federally-funded vaccine doses since the outbreak began and local jurisdictions have acquired more but the supply is insufficient, Chavez said. California is experiencing the largest hepatitis A outbreak in the United States transmitted from person to person -- instead of by contaminated food -- since the vaccine became available in 1996. The state says the majority affected are homeless, using drugs or both. [CA] Homeless veteran housing underway (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/15/2017 5:39 AM, Melody Gutierrez) SACRAMENTO -- San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland will be able to quickly build shelters for homeless people using "extraordinary" powers to bypass regulatory hurdles under a bill Gov. Jerry Brown signed Saturday. AB932 by Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, creates a pilot program allowing certain cities and counties to suspend state and local building standards for three years when a local shelter crisis is declared so that temporary shelters can be built on publicly owned or leased land. The pilot program, which will run between Jan. 1, 2018, and Jan. 1, 2021, applies to San Francisco, Berkeley, Emeryville, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego and Santa Clara County. Brown wrote in his signing message that the "extraordinary grant of exception should be used wisely and expeditiously" by cities in the pilot program. "The thousands and thousands of men and women living on our streets are looking to the leaders of these communities for decent shelter and a place of dwelling, not abandonment," Brown wrote, adding that coupled with other housing bills, the legislation presents "a unique opportunity for creativity and compassion to the growing number of homeless people. Don't let them down." [CA] Santa Rosa homeless shelters in 'critical need' of food (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) Santa Rosa Press Democrat (10/15/2017 5:57 PM, Santa Rosa Press Democrat) Santa Rosa's homeless shelters were in "critical need" of food, the city says. Food normally donated to the city's shelters has been diverted to fire evacuation shelters leaving pantries close to bare. "Members of our community who were experiencing homelessness before the fires are in need of food at this time," the city wrote in a Saturday Facebook post. "Much of the food normally donated to the City's homeless shelters has been diverted to local fire shelters, leaving the homeless shelters in critical need." St. Vincent de Paul is accepting donations of unprepared foods at its 610 Wilson Street location, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. The food will be distributed to shelters throughout the city. HUD-17-0235-B-000412 [CA] California declares state of emergency over deadly hepatitis A outbreak (Baltimore Sun, MD) Baltimore Sun (10/13/2017 9:04 PM, Soumya Karlamangla) VIDEO. California Gov. Brown declared a state of emergency Friday because of a hepatitis A outbreak that has killed at least 18 people in the state. The declaration allows state health officials to buy additional doses of the hepatitis A vaccine to try to halt the outbreak, which is already the nation's second largest in more than two decades. "We have the capacity to use as much vaccine as we can get our hands on," said Dr. Gil Chavez, state epidemiologist with the California Department of Public Health. The outbreak began in San Diego's homeless community late last year, but has since spread outside the region. Los Angeles and Santa Cruz counties are also now experiencing outbreaks. 581 people in California have been sickened with the liver virus, more than half of whom have ended up in the hospital. The virus is particularly dangerous, and can be fatal, for people who already have other liver diseases, such as hepatitis B or C. Federal health officials said last week that, even with the ongoing efforts to slow the spread of the disease, California's outbreak could last years. "Vaccinating people at risk of exposure is the most effective tool we have to prevent the spread of hepatitis A," said California Department of Public Health Director Dr. Karen Smith. The hepatitis A shot is already required for children, but now health officials are recommending it for people who are homeless and drug users. "The general population does not have an increased risk of infection at this time," Chavez said. Hepatitis A is commonly transmitted through contaminated food. The only U.S. outbreak in the last 20 years bigger than California's occurred in Pennsylvania in 2003, when more than 900 people were infected after eating contaminated green onions at a restaurant. [CA] Homeless in Seattle: tent encampments seem to be working (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (10/16/2017 4:48 AM, John Wilkens) As San Diego moves into a second week of operating a tent city for the homeless in Golden Hill, officials here can look to Seattle to gauge whether such temporary shelters are likely to be helpful. The answer there appears to be yes. Seattle was the first city in the country to use public land and public funding to support encampments. There are six there now. According to an analysis this summer of the first three camps, they've attracted hundreds of homeless people who otherwise would be sleeping on sidewalks, under bridges or in parks. Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [ME] Rockland hires community development director (Herald Gazette, ME) Herald Gazette (10/12/2017 4:41 AM, Stephen Betts) A Bangor-area woman with extensive experience in housing and planning will begin work later this month as Rockland's community development director. Julie Hashem's hiring was announced Wednesday night, Oct. 11, by City Manager Tom Luttrell at the City Council meeting. She will succeed Audra Caler-Bell, who left in June to be Camden's town manager. Hashem currently serves as external affairs and power sector consultant for energy company Emera Maine. She worked at the Maine State Housing Authority from 2004 until 2012 and from 2000 through 2004 had worked for the Maine State Planning Office. She earned a degree in civil engineering and urban planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and earned a master's of business administration in business and public policy at University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business. [ME] Augusta council grapples with former Statler site redevelopment (Central Maine, ME) Central Maine (10/15/2017 5:05 PM, Keith Edwards) The cost of building a new road, and neighbor complaints, drive the discussion of how to make the best use of the riverfront site. HUD-17-0235-B-000413 AUGUSTA -- Neighbors opposed to the Augusta Housing Authority's proposal to build 34 apartments meant to be affordable to working people on the city-owned former Statler mill site say it could prevent other developers from bringing what they describe as more desirable new development to the riverside site, including condominiums and retail shops or restaurants. However, a developer of several major area projects, who is not involved in the proposal, says an affordable housing complex could actually help, not hinder, efforts to draw more extensive development to the property that city officials have long sought to have redeveloped. City councilors, housing authority officials and neighbors to the site discussed the proposal for some three hours Thursday, debating whether the city should strike a tax deal, and provide the land for the site at no cost to the housing authority, to help make the project happen. Several residents of Maple Street, a residential dead-end street which as proposed would be the only way to and from the new apartments, criticized the project and said the presence of low-income housing on the site could deter those who might bring development to the site the entire community could benefit from, such as cultural offerings, or a brew pub, or who might bring higher-end housing to the spot. [NH] Van service ends for seniors at Dover Housing Authority (Seacoast Online, NH) Seacoast Online (10/15/2017 6:47 AM, Brian Early) Low-income seniors who live at the Dover Housing Authority have for years relied on a free service that transported them to medical appointments. That service will cease next month, and community members are trying to fill the gap. The free transportation service has been provided by the Hand-in-Hand Van, which originated from a federal grant. The DHA collaborated with Wentworth-Douglass Hospital to purchase the van more than a decade ago, and the hospital ran the service, said DHA Executive Director Allan Krans. While WDH operated the van, it brought seniors to a variety of medical appointments, even facilities not affiliated with the hospital. While the grant ran out after three years, Wentworth-Douglass continued the program on its own. In July, WDH sent notice to the DHA that it was discontinuing the service on Oct. 15. Dawn Fernald, director of marketing and public relations at WDH, said hospital officials, during a review of its regulations, realized the way the hospital was using the van was probably out of compliance, she said. [NY] NYCHA to install solar panels at 14 developments, including Queens (NY1-TV, NY) NY1-TV (10/14/2017 1:26 AM, Ny1 News) Five New York City Housing Authority, NYCHA, communities in Queens will be getting solar power. It's part of a city-wide program to bring clean and low cost energy to low to moderate income New Yorkers. During a press conference Thursday, officials at NYCHA said solar power will be installed at 14 developments including Queens Bridge North, Queensbridge South, Pomonok Houses, Carleton Manor and Beach 41st Street Beach Channel Drive. The city's goal is to install 25 megawatts of solar capacity, which would power up to 6,600 households, by 2025. Officials said this large scale effort will be instrumental in meeting the city's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. "[It's] harnessing the scale of the New York City House Authority which is the largest residential landlord in the country- um harnessing our scale to contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and making our city a healthy and safer place to be," said Shola Olatoye, NYCHA Chair and CEO. The city is currently seeking developers to install the solar panels at the 14 sites by 2019. [NY] NYCHA Sets Sights on Solar Power (Fresh Meadows Queens Tribune, NY) Fresh Meadows Queens Tribune (10/13/2017 4:16 PM, Trone Dowd) The New York City Housing Authority announced today that the agency will invest in a new solar power infrastructure for 14 housing developments throughout the five boroughs. The announcement, made by NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye and the Mayor's Office of Sustainability Director Mark Chambers, is just the latest of many initiatives meant to transition the city towards sustainable, clean energy usage. According to a press statement, the "Large-scale program" will provide "Low to moderate-income New Yorkers, including public housing residents, access to clean, low-cost energy throughout the city." According to Olatoye, the program will not only bring the environmentally friendly power alternative to the city's densest HUD-17-0235-B-000414 developments, but it will also create jobs in the growing industry of solar power. A total of four Queens developments are set to receive the installations-Queensbridge North and Queensbridge South in Long Island City, Pomonok Houses in Flushing and Beach 41st Street Beach Channel Drive in the Rockaways. NYCHA is currently in the process of hiring a developer to install at least 25 megawatts of solar capacity by 2025. In 2015, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Councilman Donovan Richards and the office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo buoyed a three-story, 5,500 solar panel facility at JFK Airport Park. The project is currently the largest in the borough, producing 1.8 million kilowatt-hours each year, which is enough to power more than 244 households year-round. [NY] A dim view of NYCHA's new solar program (Crain's New York Business, NY) Crain's New York Business (10/13/2017 2:16 PM, Erik Engquist) Goal is to power the equivalent of 4% of public housing units in eight years The Housing Authority will for the first time have a solar-power footprint, though a pinky toe-print might be a more accurate description. The agency said it will announce today its first "large-scale" solar program, which will provide "low-cost" energy to low- and moderate-income New Yorkers, including public housing residents. By large-scale, it means a program that in eight years from now will supply enough power to serve 4% of its units. The solar power would go a lot further if Housing Authority tenants had any incentive to conserve it. Very few have meters, which the agency has been hesitant to install because it fears tenants would not adjust their habits and would be walloped by huge bills. ADVERTISING But the Housing Authority's own data shows its fears are misplaced. On average, one of its units with meters consumes about 25% as much power as one whose occupants pay the same rent regardless of how much electricity they use. Clearly, tenants adjust. (Crain's editorialized last Earth Day that the most energy-wasting landlord in the city is the city itself. Most of the inefficiency has nothing to do with tenant behavior, but that is no reason not to leave tenants off the hook.) The housing agency is seeking developers to install solar power at 14 sites as the first step toward a goal of installing 25 megawatts of solar capacity, which would power up to 6,600 households, by 2025. Some perspective: The authority has more than 176,000 apartments. Shola Olatoye, the chairwoman and CEO of the nation's largest public-housing system, and Mark Chambers, director of Mayor's Office of Sustainability, will unveil the program Friday afternoon on the roof of the New York City Lab School for Collaborative Studies, on West 17th Street in Manhattan. [NY] Public Housing Residents Ask the Crowd to Fund Sustainability Projects (Next City) Next City (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Oscar Perry Abello) The Rockaway Youth Task Force has a long waiting list of families who want spots in its community garden, but more of those aspiring harvesters might be tending fresh veggies soon thanks to a new crowdfunding effort by the New York City Housing Authority. "My vision for the organization is to provide young people the tools that they need to advocate for themselves," says Milan Taylor, who founded Rockaway Youth Task Force in 2011 and was born and raised in the Rockaways, a beachside community at the far southern edge of New York City. Most of the Rockaways was a food desert before Superstorm Sandy hit New York in 2012, and after the storm, access to fresh, healthy foods only got more limited when some retailers didn't recover. "At the same time there's plenty of fast food options HUD-17-0235-B-000415 around," Taylor says. Wanting to help residents take things into their own hands, Rockaway Youth Task Force created its first community garden, right across the street from one of the city's largest public housing communities, Ocean Bay (Bayside) Apartments. No one expects the gardens to meet all the participating families' food needs, but Taylor estimates that, on average, each raised bed produces some $500 worth of food per year. What families don't need, they may choose to sell through an onsite community market. [PA] Lehigh Valley leaders, organizations prepare for influx of Puerto Ricans (Allentown Morning Call, PA) Allentown Morning Call (10/13/2017 6:55 PM, Jacqueline Palochko) Lehigh Valley school districts and community groups that will see an influx of Puerto Ricans escaping the hurricane-damaged island likely will make changes in procedures and policies to help those families. Friday morning, a large group of community stakeholders from Northampton and Lehigh counties met at Northampton Community College to discuss ways to help families coming from Puerto Rico. School districts, for example, might have to enroll Puerto Rican children who left without their birth certificates, while housing authorities could extend the rules for how long residents can have visitors. The Lehigh Valley could see thousands fleeing Puerto Rico, Jennings said, because of the large number of families of Puerto Rican heritage already here. The most recent U.S. Census figures showed about 64,000 people of Puerto Rican heritage live in Lehigh and Northampton counties. While schools could see a tremendous impact, housing could be a "nightmare," Jennings said. The Allentown Housing Authority is extending how long a visitor can stay in a resident's home from 14 to 90 days, said Aida Nunez, an authority program director. The 90-day extension could be extended to 180 days if the visitor shows proof of income and proof of children enrolled in school, Nunez said. Jennings proposed three "relocation advocates" - the Hispanic Center in Bethlehem and Casa Guadalupe and the Hispanic American Organization in Allentown. The three will provide families with access to health care, housing, transportation, translators and employment opportunities. [PA] Puerto Rico hurricane victims find shelter in Lehigh Valley (WFMZ-TV Channel 69, PA) WFMZ-TV Channel 69 (10/13/2017 8:08 PM, Bo Koltnow) VIDEO. LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa. - The cleanup continues in Puerto Rico. Bethlehem councilwoman and island native Olga Negron knows thousands of hurricane victims will be coming to the Lehigh Valley. "They're going to need to be connected with everything, especially jobs," Negron said. Headed by the Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley, a cadre of local agencies gathered at Northampton Community College to coordinate plans for Puerto Rican refugees. "You are talking about 10,000 to 20,000 people. You bring that many people into a marketplace , you will have a profound impact on everything," said Alan Jennings of the CACLV. The Allentown School District says already 37 kids from Puerto Rico have enrolled in the school system and they're ready for more. "The biggest thing families need to know is we do it without a lot of paperwork," said Superintendent Thomas Parker. Allentown's housing authority has extended the 14-day guest stay for up to 180 days for family and friends form Puerto Rico. "After 90 days if they are working on bettering themselves, finding a job, we can extend and they can request an extension," said Julio Guridy from Allentown City Council. [MD] Annapolis election focuses on future of public housing (Baltimore Sun, MD) Baltimore Sun (10/14/2017 6:56 PM, Chase Cook) Annapolis public housing is one of the most commonly discussed topics in Annapolis, whether it's an election season or not. While some of Annapolis' most serious crimes do take place in public housing neighborhoods, the majority of residents don't engage in crime and are often the most vocal in wanting help from police. "Without being overly simple, we want to see public housing survive in Annapolis," said Andre Atkins, a resident of Eastport Terrace and Harbour House. Residents living in public housing have a hard time transitioning out into homeownership, with some deciding to stay in Annapolis HUD-17-0235-B-000416 public housing rather than move to Glen Burnie or other more affordable parts of Anne Arundel County. The people who stay deal with poor living conditions as dwindling federal funds make it harder for the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis to pay for repairs and long-term maintenance. A high-profile crime or federal chastising puts public housing in the spotlight. A definitive change might be on the horizon, one that has city officials, housing authority leaders and public housing residents excited about the prospects. The housing authority on Tuesday voted to begin the Rental Assistance Demonstration application process, which would convert all of the authority's units into project-based Section 8 housing. This means the property is no longer traditional public housing, but it still has many of the same protections it had before the transition. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development created the program in 2012 to guarantee federal funding long-term if housing authorities transitioned away from the traditional model. Mayor Mike Pantelides is running as the first mayor to inspect public housing residences for city rules on rental housing and building a new relationship with the authority and its board. The mayor also has touted the city's job fair initiatives and building a basketball court at Newtowne 20 as examples of his partnership in public housing. [VA] Richmond man turns himself in to police in Gilpin Court shooting where victim was found inside RRHA headquarters (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) Richmond Times-Dispatch (10/13/2017 5:13 AM, Ali Rockett) A Richmond man has turned himself in to police in connection with a shooting last week in Gilpin Court in which the victim limped into the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority office. Rod'Que L. Hoggard-Johnson, 24, of the 200 block of West Charity Street turned himself in Wednesday to the U.S. Marshals Regional Fugitive Task Force. He has been charged with attempted murder and use of a firearm in commission of a felony. About 9:20 a.m. on Oct. 5, officers responded to RRHA's offices at 901 Chamberlayne Parkway for the report of a person shot in the leg. Ingram Brown, the agency's director of human resources, used her belt as a tourniquet until medical assistance arrived. The victim was taken to a hospital with a non-life-threatening wound. [GA] Atlanta housing agency: $120M windfall for developer in disputed deal (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (10/13/2017 7:53 AM, Willoughby Mariano) A controversial deal to require the city's low-income housing authority to sell prime parcels of vacant land to a developer would hand them over at a $120 million discount, according to estimates obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. If the sale goes through, it could amount to a king-sized subsidy towards the construction of high-end, market-rate homes, and harm the city's efforts to create more affordable housing, public housing officials and affordable housing advocates said. Atlanta Housing Authority would give up control of one third of its vacant land, or about 100 acres, according to agency estimates, and there is no requirement that affordable housing be built on it. The 2011 deal between the AHA and Integral Group came under scrutiny in March after the AJC raised questions about its terms. The deal gave Integral several years to exercise options to purchase the properties, and pricing was to be determined by a complicated formula weighted toward values that were years out of date. Integral Chairman and CEO Egbert Perry told the AJC previously that he intended to sell homes he builds on the land at market prices. Optioned parcels in hot neighborhoods The deal now under dispute arranged for AHA to hold the property at the former Carver, Capitol, Grady, and Harris homes taxHUD-17-0235-B-000417 free as Integral decided whether to purchase it. The terms specified that sales prices would be based in part on much lower property values that date to when Integral and the AHA first built mixed-income housing on these sites in the late 1990s and 2000s. AHA demolished nearly all of its public housing projects during those years as part of its nationally recognized, two-decade effort to replace low-income housing through the federal HOPE VI program. It encouraged public housing authorities to form partnerships with private developers to build mixed-income housing. AHA board members who served at the time of the deal told the AJC that they did not approve the options, and there is no evidence in U.S. Housing and Urban Development documents obtained by the AJC through a Freedom of Information Act request of a 2011 approval. [GA] Atlanta land deal angers people who want affordable housing (WRBL-TV CBS 3 Columbus, GA) WRBL-TV CBS 3 Columbus (10/13/2017 8:56 AM, Associated Press) ATLANTA - A newspaper reports that a deal to require the city's low-income housing authority to sell prime parcels of vacant land to a developer would hand them over at a $120 million discount. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the Atlanta Housing Authority would give up control of one-third of its vacant land or about 100 acres - if the sale goes through. That's according to estimates from the housing authority. The newspaper reports that under terms of the deal, there's no requirement that affordable housing be built on the land. The property deal has sparked outrage among local affordable housing advocates with the Housing Justice League. [AR] Conway Housing Authority director believes in 'a hand up' (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (10/15/2017 2:49 AM, Tammy Keith) Mary Boyd of Conway was voted most passionate about her job by the 1997 Faulkner County Leadership Institute Class. Twenty years later, she said she feels just as strongly about the Conway Housing Authority. "The waiting list is over two years for public housing," Boyd said. Boyd is executive director of the housing authority, where she's worked for 32 years. Boyd came to Arkansas in 1981 for her then-husband's job in Morrilton. She became the assistant to the part-time Morrilton mayor, and part of Boyd's responsibility was to oversee Section 8 housing, which is rental-housing assistance through private landlords. A HUD employee inspected the units; they all passed with flying colors, Boyd said. She said the man was impressed, and he told her about an opening at the Conway Housing Authority. She was hires as assistant executive director, and four years later, became the director. She oversees housing vouchers, two high-rises for the disabled and elderly, tax-credit properties and 154 public-housing units. "The mayor and City Council fought us all the way to the [Arkansas] Supreme Court to get the 74 family units; they didn't want any public housing, 'not in my backyard,'" she said. The Arkansas Supreme Court stated that the city had to allow the units under the Fair Housing Act. Public housing ceased being built in the 1980s, she said, but more housing is needed in Faulkner County. Boyd does not take kindly to the area being called "the projects." These are income-based family units, she said. "When you say Conway Housing Authority, you hear a change in somebody's voice. Come on, come see our place before you denigrate it," she said. In the last inspection, on a scale of 1 to 100, the Conway Housing Authority got a score of 97, she said. The Conway Housing Authority received an award from U.S. Housing and Urban Development for instituting the first police substation in public housing in Arkansas. [KY] Build-A-Bed program brings beds to needy families (Bowling Green Daily News, KY) Bowling Green Daily News (10/15/2017 5:52 AM, Jackson French) Volunteers from the Housing Authority of Bowling Green, the Bowling Green Noon Rotary Club and Independence Bank delivered nearly 50 beds to area families in need. Housing Authority assistant project manager Joyce Johnson said the program began three years ago when Independence Bank approached the authority about starting a Build-A-Bed project in Bowling HUD-17-0235-B-000418 Green. Build-A-Bed is a program Kentucky AmeriCorps started in 2009 to bring beds to homes that have a shortage or absence of beds, according to the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Service's webpage. The Housing Authority wanted to get involved in the project because of a lack of beds in some of its dwellings, Johnson said. Saturday, volunteers delivered 42 mattresses out of 50 that Tempur Sealy donated. The beds included pillows donated by St. James United Methodist Church and the other parts of a complete bed set like sheets and comforters the Housing Authority purchased with donated funds. Abraham Williams, the Housing Authority's director, delivered beds to families Saturday, the mattresses filling the bed of the Housing Authority truck he drove. The first home he and a small group of other volunteers delivered to was a house on Clearview Avenue where DeSirea Cross raises her two daughters, ages 2 and 8. Cross said she had been gathering the materials necessary to make beds but didn't have two mattresses yet. Williams said the first two times the Housing Authority participated in Build-A-Bed, he mainly delivered to families living in Housing Authority homes. This year, the authority is collaborating more with Warren County Public Schools, Bowling Green Independent Schools and agencies like BRADD and Community Action of Southern Kentucky to find families outside the Housing Authority in need of beds. "We were spreading it out this year," he said, adding that due to efforts over the last two years, not many housing authority families still need beds. [MO] Housing Authority receives tree grant (Jefferson City News Tribune, MO) Jefferson City News Tribune (10/14/2017 5:54 AM, Nicole Roberts) The Jefferson City Housing Authority plans to plant nearly 75 trees in a neighborhood after receiving a grant from the Missouri Department of Conservation. The Housing Authority received $10,000 from the MDC Tree Resource Improvement and Maintenance grant program, which provides funding to public schools, nonprofit organizations and government agencies to plant and manage trees. The MDC awarded almost $383,000 to Missouri communities through the program, according to a press release. The Housing Authority will use the $10,000 to plant about 73 trees, including maples, oaks and locusts, on Dulle Street in the spring. "We're just very excited because we think trees will improve the look and feel of the neighborhood and add to the health of the neighborhood," Housing Authority Executive Director Cynthia Quetsch said. "There's plenty of statistics that say that people who live by trees are happier and healthier. It'll also will make the area, especially Dulle Street, look so much better when they are there." On Thursday, the Housing Authority planted trees at the end of the cul-de-sac at Buena Vista Street. [MS] Mayor Magee Signs Proclamation Towards Laurel Housing Authority (YouTube, WHPM/FOX23, Hattiesburg, MS) YouTube (10/13/2017 12:15 PM, WHPM/FOX23) Mayor Magee Signs Proclamation Towards Laurel Housing Authority. [MO] Indigo Sky Casino's latest expansion adds 45 jobs (Joplin Globe, MO) Joplin Globe (10/15/2017 7:12 AM, Ines Kagubare) Indigo Sky is one of three gaming properties owned and operated by the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, which collectively employs approximately 700 people, according to a news release. Employees come largely from this region, including Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas, Caden Chase said. The tribe's other gaming properties are Outpost Casino, also in Wyandotte, and Bordertown Casino, located near Seneca. Indigo Sky, which first opened in 2012, now has 244 hotel rooms and features the Red Bud and Sycamore towers, poker, bingo, a fitness center, a pool, three food venues, two bars and 1,275 gaming machines. The tribe has been in the gaming industry for 32 years. Although the casino has no immediate plans for further expansion, the tribe has received an $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that will allow for the construction of a shooting range and training center, to be located on 75 acres of tribe-owned land. It will include a 3,000-square-foot clubhouse, a 12-station sporting clays course, a pistol and rifle range with an earthen berm, a five stand and skeet/trap stations, Caden Chase said. [MO] St. Louis Health Department to take housing authority to court over mice at public housing complex (KPLR-TV Channel 11, MO) KPLR-TV Channel 11 HUD-17-0235-B-000419 (10/15/2017 1:12 PM, Elliott Davis) ST. LOUIS - You Paid For It has learned that the St. Louis City Health Department plans to take the St. Louis Housing Authority to court over the mice infestation problem at the Clinton Peabody public housing complex in South St. Louis. Health Department investigators found a number of violations at the complex they wanted corrected that's contributing to the problem. They ordered the Housing Authority to correct them. When that wasn't done Housing Authority Executive Director Cheryl Lovell was notified that her agency was being taken to court. We have been reporting on this issue for weeks now, ever since the Housing Authority announced that it was bringing in six feral cats to tackle the mice infestation. The Health Department is not endorsing that idea. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [TX] Blue flame building will reignite in downtown El Paso (KDBC-TV CBS, TX) KDBC-TV CBS (10/13/2017 6:37 PM, Jamel Valencia) The iconic blue flame above the former El Paso Natural Gas Co. building will be turned on. City leaders will reignite the blue flame to initiate the redevelopment of the building, which will house low-income families. This will be the first Housing Authority high-rise in El Paso. The Blue Flame Building is located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Stanton Street in downtown El Paso. The 17-story building has been vacant for a decade. [TX] What Forest Green Townhomes residents need to know about mold damage from floodwaters (KPRC-TV NBC 2 Houston, TX) KPRC-TV NBC 2 Houston (10/13/2017 7:59 PM, Leigh Frillici) HOUSTON - Forest Green Townhomes in northeast Houston is the third complex that the Houston Housing Authority has to repair due to damages from Hurricane Harvey. People will have to move out in order for the Houston Housing Authority to muck, gut and repair the townhomes. "My thoughts are, it's good," said Marilyn Smith, a Forest Green Townhomes resident. "They're helping. That's what we need." Since Harvey, the HHA has had to repair a total of three complexes. In all, 950 people have to be relocated. "The downside would be my kids having to relocate, withdraw from school, the new faces and things," Smith said. The HHA said its housing options are dwindling. There was already an affordable housing shortage in Houston and Harvey intensified the problem. So the HHA reached out to housing authorities across the nation to borrow housing vouchers that Forest Green Townhomes residents could use to pay part of the rent at other apartments. Oklahoma City answered the call. So residents are getting ready to move out, so their homes can be cleaned up. "You got to do it," Smith said. "You can't live in mold, mold up to 2 feet in your house." Here is what Forest Green Townhomes residents need to know: 1. HHA will be on-site to help people fill out applications. 2. Nearly everyone will qualify for the vouchers. What disqualifies people is a recent felony or an increase income. 3. Residents will have first priority to return to Forest Green Townhomes once they are repaired. 4. Residents can also remain at their Section 8 housing, if they like they're new location. 5. HHA will cover moving expenses. [OK] Cherokee Nation awarded $800K grant to build storm shelters (Tahlequah Daily Press, OK) Tahlequah Daily Press (10/14/2017 6:56 AM, Staff) Cherokee Nation will install storm shelters in its Head Start campuses after recently receiving an $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The above-ground storm shelters will protect nearly 300 toddlers, preschoolers HUD-17-0235-B-000420 and staff at seven Head Start sites from severe weather and will be used as multipurpose facilities at the centers, as well. An internal notification system for staff is also being implemented during the project. "Ensuring our most valuable resource, our children, are able to stay safe and keep sheltered during a life-threatening storm gives us all a better peace of mind," Deputy Chief S. Joe Crittenden said. "Providing these additional levels of protection is a responsibility we take very seriously at Cherokee Nation. In Northeastern Oklahoma, dangerous weather is an inevitability we must prepare for, and these storm shelters will enable the tribe to offer Cherokee families a better sense of security when it comes to their kids." Cherokee Nation is one of 77 tribes in the U.S. to receive a portion of the $55.2 million awarded by HUD on Sept. 14. The Indian Community Development Block Grants are meant to improve housing conditions and community amenities and to stimulate economic development across Indian Country. [IL] South Side congregants launch robotics training, plant to generate jobs, hope (Chicago Tribune, IL) Chicago Tribune (10/15/2017 6:00 AM, Manya Brachear Pashman) Trista Bonds, a robotics engineer, once felt a tinge of guilt for helping companies replace factory workers with machines. Living on Chicago's South Side, where industries have come and gone, she saw the debilitating effects of unemployment firsthand drug abuse, poverty, and crime. So when the pastor of Bonds' 20,000-member congregation asked people in the pews to help empower the community, she embarked on a 10-year journey of recompense. Last week, Bonds and other members of Apostolic Church of God in the Woodlawn neighborhood opened a manufacturing plant on the campus of Chicago State University on the Far South Side, staffed by 25 newly trained and certified apprentices. The social enterprise, dubbed BSD Industries - Building Self Determination - last month began training another 40-plus students to hire at its own factory or help place in manufacturing jobs elsewhere. When the church last year offered the first 40 training slots to people in the pews, 196 candidates applied. Another 40 started robotics courses last month that will eventually prepare them to do computer-assisted design, program software and run machinery. The program hopes to produce up to 120 professionals a year. The church backed the initiative by giving $100,000 to the Arthur M. Brazier Foundation, the factory's owner. The Chicago Housing Authority also provided a $2 million grant to assist with job training and development for residents and voucher holders, as a way to "Help them on their road to self-sufficiency," a CHA spokesman said. Registered as an LC3, the tax code for social enterprises that redistribute their profits, BSD appeals to socially conscious companies and institutions, Brazier said. By the end of 2018, Brazier said, BSD intends to give more than $2 million to five elementary schools and one high school in Woodlawn and to fully fund the safety initiative of 1Woodlawn, the pastor's communitywide effort to redevelop the neighborhood. [WI] Invest Health Project connects businesses, city officials to improve housing (Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, WI) Eau Claire Leader-Telegram (10/16/2017 5:12 AM, Julian Emerson) City hopes to draw from other successful efforts Resources sought Bettering the health of people living in neighborhoods with significant older, run-down housing is challenging because many factors are involved, said Keith Johnathan, Eau Claire Housing Authority executive director. Local plans call for devising a plan to remodel homes in the Randall Park area that can be improved and to remove those where doing so no longer makes financial sense, he said. The project also intends to increase the number of single-family homes there. "It is a complicated issue," Johnathan said, noting the effort will require resources in the form of ideas and money. The recently created tax increment finance district No. 12, which includes Water Street between Second and Eighth avenues and the nearby bicycle/pedestrian trail, would help with financing. It includes $2 million to help pay for the purchase of homes in the Randall Park neighborhood that could be remodeled and sold to homeowners, helping reduce the high rental rate there. Helene Smiar, president of the Randall Park Neighborhood Association, said she appreciates the TIF money her neighborhood would use to buy and rehab rental homes as they come up for sale with the aim of selling them as owner-occupied units. But she worries it may not be enough. HUD-17-0235-B-000421 [UT] Program helps low-income Utah families gain 'essential' online access (Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News, UT) Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News (10/14/2017 9:05 AM, Jasen Lee) For Machelle Lake, giving her four children the best opportunity for academic success has always been a high priority. As a single mother, that's often proved challenging, especially with few financial resources to help pay for a "luxury" like home internet service. A program aimed at helping low-income families and individuals in Utah connect to the online world has provided a means for Lake's family and others take advantage of opportunities made available through ready online access. Lake is one of more than 64,000 Utahns who have enrolled in Comcast's Internet Essentials program, which offers income-qualified households basic high-speed online service for $10 per month. Lake, 50, said she was unemployed when she signed up for the service at her Midvale home, knowing she needed to get connected if she's going to improve her life and those of her children. Machelle Lake said having the $10 internet service improved her family's life significantly by giving them access to various resources and streamlining her household duties. While considered basic broadband service, 15 Mbps can handle high-capacity usage, explained Dee Knight, Comcast external affairs manager. Noting the growing necessity for broadband access in daily life, Knight said data suggest that 27 percent of Utahns don't have ready access to computers and the internet. Sixty-seven percent of Utah households making $35,000 or less in annual income have broadband internet at home, she said, while 94 percent of households making more than $75,000 per year have internet at home. To broaden its reach, Comcast is offering low-income individuals without children the service as a way to bring internet to more homes statewide, Knight said. The company has teamed with Utah Nonprofit Housing Corp. to expand the Internet Essentials program by providing high-speed online service, low-cost computers and a $10,000 computer lab at the Sharon Garden Apartments, a low-income rental complex at 3354 S. Sue St. Additionally, Comcast is partnering with the Utah Housing Authority and Utah Nonprofit Housing Authority to offer digital literacy training classes to residents living in lowincome housing. [CA] Napa wine industry tallies damage, economic danger looms (Napa Valley Register, CA) Napa Valley Register (10/13/2017 7:21 AM, Henry Lutz) A trickle of assessments continued to flow in from the wine industry on Thursday, adding shape to the scope of destruction from the wildfires that have been raging across Napa and Sonoma since Sunday night. In an update Thursday morning, the Napa Valley Vintners reported 160 of its more than 500 members had checked in with the trade group. A tally stood at 5 physical wineries that had suffered severe losses and 11 others that took damage to their vineyards, wineries or other buildings. A complete roster of those affected was still unavailable Thursday, though reports indicated that in the Atlas Peak area, White Rock Vineyards, Signorello Estate and VinRoc winery had all suffered severe damage. Others nearby, including Robert Sinskey Vineyards, Darioush Winery, William Hill Estate and Stag's Leap Winery, also reported damage to their properties to lesser extents. Across the valley, in the Mount Veeder region, Segassia Vineyard also reported damage due to the Partrick Road fire. It also appeared vintners in at least one affected region had been able to hold out at their property and as Thursday were still fighting to protect it. Like many wineries throughout the valley, Tamber Bey remained closed this week during what is normally its peak season for visitors. "We thought this was going to be one of the largest weeks, given our reservation calendar," Waitte said. A silver lining for the winery is that its finished wines are stored in unaffected south Napa. That makes distribution to its wine club possible, which provides more than half of its business. "That side of the business is going OK," Waitte said. The same could not be said for others, like Brian Arden Winery, which also sits in the evacuated Calistoga area. In a release Thursday morning, the winery noted that while it had recently processed its October shipment, the orders go through a company in Sonoma County that had also been evacuated. The winery also said it would remain closed "Until further notice and at least through the weekend." With Wednesday's mandatory evacuation of Calistoga, all of the valley's three farmworker housing centers have closed. A spokesperson for the county Housing Authority said it was still unknown whether the Mondavi housing center, located on Silverado Trail near multiple damaged wineries, was itself damaged as of Thursday. HUD-17-0235-B-000422 Sustainability Coal country is finding little relief in Trump's climate actions (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Evan Halper) VIDEO. Every morning is filled with anxiety in this hardscrabble town so intertwined with the fortunes of its hulking coal power plant that a drawing of the facility is emblazoned on the community's police force emblem. Locals look out their windows to see if there are clouds drifting from its massive smokestacks, indicating the plant is still running. If they don't see any, they wonder if plant owners have thrown in the towel for good. "Everyone gets concerned when they wake up and don't see smoke coming out," said Rob Nymick, manager of the 1,700resident borough that he says will be economically "crushed" if the plant goes dark. As the Trump administration dismantles one of the world's most aggressive programs to confront climate change, it is invoking the suffering of communities like this one, where the brawny coal power plant that anchors the local economy teeters on insolvency. Yet as the Trump administration declares an end to what it calls the "war on coal," Homer City isn't any less under siege. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Building vs. Buying a Home (PLANetizen) PLANetizen (10/13/2017 11:19 AM, Kayla Matthews) Which is better for the environment: buying an existing home, inefficiencies and all, or paying to build a new home with all the bells and whistles of green building technology? As the world's human population grows, we're taking a bigger and bigger toll on the environment. All those people need somewhere to live, and every home uses up land, energy, building materials, and other resources. As people seek ways to reduce the environmental impact of their homes, they explore a number of different strategies. Green building trends are sweeping the nation, but many wonder if it's eco-friendlier to build a new home or buy and possibly renovate an older one. The answer is it depends on the attributes of the home you would buy, build, or renovate. [TX] Texans hit hard by Hurricane Harvey rethink climate change (San Antonio Express-News, TX) San Antonio Express-News (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Claire Galofaro, Associated Press) PORT ARTHUR, Texas (AP) -- Jefferson County, Texas, was drowned by more than 60 inches of rain during Hurricane Harvey, which left wide swaths of the county in ruins. Last November, Jefferson flipped from voting Democratic in presidential elections to instead back Donald Trump, who has dismissed the concept of climate change as a hoax and has worked to undo regulations meant to mitigate its damage. Scientists say climate change doesn't cause hurricanes but that warming and rising seas supercharge those already forming. Some who lost everything in Harvey's floodwaters say they're starting to take the threat of climate change more seriously now, and they want Trump to show more leadership on the issue. But this is a place that depends on the petroleum industry, and others applaud Trump's efforts to reverse environmental policies that they see as harmful. Here are some of the voices from the rebuilding in Texas. "IT'S A WAKE-UP CALL" Greg Gunner slumped down on his front stoop and dropped his head in his hands, feeling for the first time since the flood claimed HUD-17-0235-B-000423 his home that the weight of his troubles might overwhelm him. Day after day, he had tried to keep smiling as he pulled up the carpets and tore out the baseboards. Inside the damp house, his 99-year-old grandmother, stricken with Alzheimer's disease, lay in bed in a white nightgown and his 74-year-old mother's joints ached from rheumatoid arthritis. Community Planning and Development (CPD) [NJ] Delanco to replace curbs and sidewalks (Burlington County Times, NJ) Burlington County Times (10/13/2017 4:51 AM, Danielle Desisto) Street corners around town will get a makeover through Burlington County's Community Development Block Grant program. The municipality will use the $78,000 grant to replace 19 corners, at Lilac Lane and Second Street, Lilac Lane and Third Street, Edgewood Avenue and Third Street, and Walnut Street and Burlington Avenue. Many curbs are either in poor condition or no longer comply with standards set by the Americans With Disabilities Act, according to Township Administrator Richard Schwab. The county receives funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to carry out community development initiatives directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development and community services. The township will also use the grant to repair 1,200 feet of sidewalk in the age-restricted Newton's Landing neighborhood. [PA] Carlisle Borough Council approves letter of support for development (Carlisle Sentinel, PA) Carlisle Sentinel (10/13/2017 3:20 AM, Tammie Gitt) Carlisle Borough Council narrowly approved a request for a letter of support for the proposed development of Phase 2 at the former Carlisle Tire and Wheel site at its Thursday meeting. Cleveland-based PIRHL had requested the letter as part of its application to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency for tax credits that the company then sells to investors in exchange for cash equity. Sean Crampsie, Perry Heath, Sean Shultz and Tim Scott voted in favor of sending the letter of support. Robin Guido, Dawn Flower-Webb and Deb Fulham-Winston all voted against issuing the letter. Had the letter not been issued, PIRHL representative Lara Schwager said the company would have to reevaluate its role, but there was a chance the lot located between A and B streets would remain vacant. The vote came a week after Schwager sparred with council members on issues regarding the ownership of the property and the proposed rental units to be built at the site. Following last week's meeting, Guido said that she was told that Cumberland County Housing and Redevelopment Authority was a part owner of the project about a week earlier, and believed the staff had only been told a few days before that. "The county housing and redevelopment authority makes its money by renting properties to people of lower than average income. If they start selling off their properties they will begin to lose profits. There is no benefit for them to encourage home ownership," Guido said in an email. Guido said she and other council members only agreed to vote for the Phase 1 of the project after it was modified to include the option of home ownership after a 15-year window to satisfy the requirements of the tax credits the project was awarded. [PA] Charleroi to use CDBG money to finish municipal building renovation project (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) Uniontown Herald Standard (10/14/2017 7:16 AM, Mark Soroka) The borough got an unexpected gift from the government Thursday morning. "It was like Christmas in October," said Councilman Larry Celaschi, during Charleroi council's monthly meeting last week. "Today I got word from the Washington County Redevelopment Authority that we were just awarded $95,000 in CDBG money for the coming year. We weren't expecting any funding for 2018. This money will help the borough to move forward with some important projects." Community Development Block Grants provide municipalities with funding for projects such as economic development, public infrastructure, property acquisition and much more. This program is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Following a vote, council agreed to use $15,000 to $24,000 of that grant money to finish asbestos removal and complete renovations of the third-floor restrooms in the municipal building. Celaschi said the council is considering all options for using the third floor to generate revenue for the borough. Also during the meeting, Councilman Frank Paterra asked the council to increase funding for the Charleroi Regional Police Department. He wants to see the borough add more police officers this coming year. "We are waging a war against crime in this HUD-17-0235-B-000424 community. And anytime you go into war, you have to start with the resources to win that war. Charleroi needs more police officers to patrol our streets," he said. Council President Paul Pivovarnik noted that the police board is requesting a 3 to 5 percent increase for the police budget. When Paterra was asked if that would be enough money to expand the police force, he replied that the figure was a conservative estimate. [NC] Hurricane Matthew: One year later (Greenville Reflector, NC) Greenville Reflector (10/14/2017 2:53 AM, Beth Velliquetteand and Ginger Livingst) Mirtha Serrano thought she had her own little piece of paradise on Stokes Road. She had single-wide mobile home on a big grassy piece of land about 2,000 feet from the Tar River. When Hurricane Matthew brought rain and floods a year ago, and as the Tar River crested at 24.5 feet on Oct. 14, her little piece of paradise disappeared under the muddy waters. A year later, Serrano is among many of people in Pitt County still struggling to get back on her feet, repair her home and get back to normal. Hurricane Matthew caused an estimated $4.8 billion in damage to homes, businesses, public facilities, agriculture and roads in 50 of North Carolina's 100 counties, and damage in Pitt County has been estimated as high as $27 million. Pitt County records show about 250 structures ultimately sustained damage with 50 receiving major damage. Securing the help for people like Serrano will be a drawn out process because it relies on state and federal funding awarded through a grant process. Earlier this year the General Assembly gave $15 million to the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency to fund the organization's Essential Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool Disaster Recovery program. Since the application process opened, 30 people have applied and 15 have met pre-screening requirements. Three applicants have received funding approval, said James Rhodes, Pitt County planning director. The county is partnering with the Mid-East Commission in the application process, Rhodes said, and the city of Greenville is operating a separate Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool Disaster Recovery program for its residents. Next week the county will submit an application for a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery program. Like the state grant, the county could receive up to $1 million if approved. [NC] Walt Bellamy Jr. Park opens today (New Bern Sun Journal, NC) New Bern Sun Journal (10/13/2017 5:55 PM, Todd Wetherington) The City of New Bern will officially open a new park honoring local NBA hall of famer Walt Bellamy, Jr. Saturday. Located at the intersection of Pollock, Jones, and Liberty streets, Walt Bellamy Jr. Park will open to the public during Mumfest weekend. A celebration is scheduled for 1 p.m. today. His childhood home is located just up the street from the new park at 222 Jones Street. Bellamy was a student at West Street/J.T. Barber High School and became a talented basketball player at a young age. He attended college at Indiana University and was the first overall pick in the NBA draft in 1961. He would go on to a 14year career in the NBA, playing first with the Chicago Packers, who later became the Baltimore Bullets. Bellamy was the starting center on the 1960 U.S. Olympic Team and was later inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame. Land for the new park was donated to New Bern in 2014 by Margaret Fulcher. The previous year, Pollock Street and the surrounding area were chosen to spearhead the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, a program funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. CNI is designed to help local leaders transform struggling neighborhoods into sustainable, mixed-income communities. The process included planning for the revitalization of the Five Points Area, including improvements to the social, economic and physical fabric of the neighborhood. The creation of Walt Bellamy, Jr. Park was included in the CNI plan. The park is an example of the kind of public-private partnerships often touted by city officials. [FL] Opinion: Time for a CRexit? (Tallahassee Democrat, FL) Tallahassee Democrat (10/15/2017 3:47 PM, J. Russell Price) Several important decisions will face the Community Redevelopment Agency members at the their next meeting. They will decide if the downtown district CRA should continue to operate with changes, disband, or continue without the county's participation. It can only exist if we continue the charade of a strong, upscale real estate market being described as "blighted" so millions in property taxes can be legally used to subsidize real estate projects. HUD-17-0235-B-000425 They will also vote on whether to approve another downtown project, Washington Square, after CRA members earlier voted to approve only projects already in the pipeline. Subsidies for two large developments, the North American project and the Envision Credit Union property, were approved at the September meeting. [LA] FEMA: We want people to get back home (WMC-TV, TN) WMC-TV (10/13/2017 10:16 PM, Carmen Farrish) VIDEO. If you were a victim of the August flood, by now you've either decided to sell your home, repair it or in the Bankston's case, "As the projections were rising, the rain was continuing to pour and we knew it was going to be bad," said Tanya Bankston. Sharon Karr with FEMA said since distributing about 4,600 MHUs last year, they've seen a decrease in use. FEMA said enough MHUs were installed to build a small city and the deadline to move out and into a more permanent place is about 4 months away, but homeowners do have options. "For those people who through no fault of their own, can't get back into permanent housing, they will be able to stay in their units but they will be paying rent and they will also have a penalty. That's $550 per month," Karr explained. She says rent will be determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and based on the fair market rent rate. Karr also said some eligible homeowners will receive a letter of intent, giving them the option to buy. There are currently about 2,780 families in the MHUs, but with about 13 families a day moving out, FEMA said almost 70% of the occupants are scheduled to be home by the deadline. [CA] Shreveport to get 'culinary hub' for budding chefs (Merced Sun-Star, CA) Merced Sun-Star (10/14/2017 9:01 PM, Staff) A culinary hub for budding chefs and restaurant owners is expected to open in Shreveport as early as March 2018. The $1 million project, the result of a grant awarded to Southern University at Shreveport and a partnership with the City of Shreveport, will bring the commercial kitchen and amenities to 1210 Milam Street - currently a vacant lot. The project aims to help revitalize the Allendale and Ledbetter Heights neighborhoods. The new 5,000-square-foot culinary hub will be built on 2.2 acres and also will host office space, a conference room, cafe and coffee cafe. The purpose of the "Incubator" is to connect new chefs to resources, including a sanitary place to create their culinary masterpieces, according to an eNews letter from Southern University. The kitchen will be open to amateur chefs and restaurateurs to test their skills, learn new techniques and participate in ongoing culinary classes for reasonable fees. The kitchen incubator is projected to create 32 jobs and bring in more than $3 million in its first phase, according to an economic impact study provided by the City of Shreveport. The Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments and the City of Shreveport received a Choice Neighborhood Planning grant in 2011. After 18 months of public outreach and engagement, the city completed a transformation plan targeting Allendale, Ledbetter Heights and the west edge of downtown, said Community Development Director Bonnie Moore. Moore added that the city and the Housing Authority of the City of Shreveport received a $1 million Choice Neighborhood Planning and Action Activity grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2016. The grant was specifically for physical, neighborhood-based activities identified in the Transformation Plan designed to spur redevelopment. National News After the Rain: The Lasting Effects of a Hurricane on Home Sales (U.S. News & World Report) U.S. News & World Report (10/13/2017 2:23 PM, Devon Thorsby) It's not just about flooding or a damaged roof - a hurricane in your hometown can impact the housing market for months. This summer's hurricane season shocked many, as storm after storm hit U.S. soil and caused insurmountable damage to homes, land and commercial property. Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas on Aug. 25 rated a Category 4 hurricane. It brought high winds and flash floods, and continued to wreak havoc for nearly five days. Two locations - Nederland and Groves, Texas - reported more than 60 inches of rain. The Harris County Flood Control District estimates about 136,000 flooded structures, roughly 10 percent of structures the county has on its appraisal record. HUD-17-0235-B-000426 On Sept. 10, Hurricane Irma struck the Florida Keys as a Category 4 hurricane, making its way up the state after eventually being downgraded to a tropical storm. Even as a tropical storm, buildings throughout coastal Florida and even inland were damaged from high winds, heavy rains and debris. While the devastation for Houston and South Florida was extensive, it still wasn't the end for storm destruction on U.S. soil. Puerto Rico suffered the wrath of Hurricane Maria, a Category 5 hurricane that made landfall on Sept. 20. Getting emergency aid to island residents remains a major obstacle, not to mention the manpower required to address the extensive property damage. The repeated weather hits have put a spotlight on the continued efforts by cities, residents, nonprofit organizations and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help affected areas recover. But the hurricanes' destruction doesn't stop at the immediate problems residents faced as they returned to their homes once the winds died down and floodwaters receded. The damage continues as the real estate industry in affected areas came to a screeching halt and continues to see delays in property sales. Looking specifically at the impact on home sales, closing dates that fell during the hurricane had to be rescheduled. But once each hurricane cleared, everything has had to be re-evaluated. Even for homes that didn't experience damage, lenders have had to push back final approval of mortgages because loan underwriters couldn't get into the office, says Bruce Elliott, a Realtor in the Orlando, Florida, area and president of the Orlando Regional Realtors Association. "It's because they couldn't get in to do their work, so it's a domino effect along the way," Elliott says. Homes Are Shrinking in the U.S. (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Prashant Gopal) In a reversal of a three-decade trend, U.S. homebuilders are cutting the size of the American home In a reversal of a three-decade trend, U.S. homebuilders are cutting the size of the American home as margins are being squeezed by a shortage of land and labor. The average floor area year to date of a new house is 2,420 square feet (225 square meters), down from a record high of 2,520 set in 2015, according to a Capital Economics Ltd. analysis of federal data. Before the decline, the typical size had grown by a third since 1990. America's newest homes are shrinking (Connecticut Post, CT) Connecticut Post (10/15/2017 8:42 AM, Akin Oyedele, Business Insider) New homes being built in the US are getting smaller. This isn't just about demand for McMansions, the extravagant suburban houses that some buyers are passing over for more practical and modern homes. Rather, it shows that builders are cutting down to provide homes that are both profitable and affordable amid a shortage of inventory, said Matthew Pointon, a property economist at Capital Economics. The average size of new single-family homes sold in the US peaked in 2015 at 2,520 square feet, Pointon said. Land availability is also responsible; the median lot size for new homes sold last year fell to 8,428 sq. ft., the lowest in 39 years. Less available land, higher construction costs and higher wages for builders all add up to more prudent building and higher costs for developers. Republicans Can't Agree on Who Counts as Middle Class (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/13/2017 7:54 AM, Anna Edgerton) House Republicans agree with President Donald Trump that they want to cut taxes for the middle class, but who fits that definition is where the consensus stops. For some GOP members of Congress, a middle income household tops out at $100,000 a year. For others, a family making $400,000 still deserves a break. HUD-17-0235-B-000427 Whatever definition they settle on will be central to determining whether the party's tax plan delivers on Trump's most basic promise: a historic middle-class tax cut. "Our framework ensures that the benefits of tax reform go to the middle class, not to the highest earners," Trump said Wednesday in Pennsylvania. "It's a middle-class bill." The Finance 202: House GOP may cap state and local tax deduction amid outcry from moderates (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/13/2017 8:59 AM, Tory Newmyer) Facing a revolt from blue-state Republicans, House GOP leaders are considering scaling back their proposed repeal of the state and local tax deductions. Ending the break raises an estimated $1.3 trillion to help pay for the party's tax code overhaul. But that would also cost the project a potentially decisive margin of Republican votes from states such as New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, where residents who rely on the deduction would see their tax burden spike. Although the White House included a proposed repeal in its tax framework in April, President Trump learned only recently that it would pinch some middle-income taxpayers. It angered him, Bloomberg News reports, and he insisted this week that Republicans are "adjusting" the plan. That aligns him with congressional Republicans from two of his home states and beyond, who on Thursday pressed their case with House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Tex.). "No decisions have been reached or anywhere close to it, but we're having a really healthy discussion," Brady told reporters Thursday. Republicans from high-tax states who huddled with him expressed some encouragement that they will fend off a full repeal of the deduction, instead probably imposing a cap so all but higher-income earners can continue to claim it. Brady and Ryan Mulling Big Gamble on Key Tax Deduction (Roll Call) Roll Call (10/16/2017 5:23 AM, Lindsey McPherson) State and local tax deduction has its fans among rank and file, though House Republican leaders face many decisions regarding details of a tax overhaul but perhaps none more immediately consequential than whether to roll the dice and try to eliminate the state and local tax, or SALT, deduction. House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady of Texas and Speaker Paul D. Ryan have made it abundantly clear they'd prefer to get rid of the deduction, which allows taxpayers to deduct what they pay in state and local property taxes and either state income taxes or sales taxes. But if Brady and Ryan move forward with their plan to cut the SALT break from the code, they risk losing support from Republicans from high-tax states such as New York, New Jersey, California and Illinois, more than enough to sink the bill. "I still believe that the current state and local tax deduction is double taxation at its worst," Brady said Thursday. "People are taxed locally and then every American -- poor, middle-class, otherwise -- whether they itemize or not, pays artificially higher federal taxes so some can get a tax break." AP FACT CHECK: Trump's tax plan is far from the biggest ever (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/16/2017 5:19 AM, Calvin Woodward and Josh Boak, Associated Press) TRUMP: "I'm giving the largest tax cuts in the history of this country." -- comments Tuesday after meeting Henry Kissinger. THE FACTS: His tax plan is, at most, fifth largest in its estimated cost, says Marc Goldwein of the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. It could end up being even lower on the ladder historically. The estimated cost of the tax plan has dropped by half or more since the spring, when only the contours were known. In an analysis in April, Goldwein's group found that the $5.5 trillion plan that was then expected would have been the third largest since HUD-17-0235-B-000428 1940 as a share of gross domestic product, behind President Ronald Reagan's package in 1981 and tax cuts enacted in 1945 to phase out revenue generated for World War II. But, citing estimated costs of $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion for Trump's plan now, Goldwein said several other historically significant tax cuts also would surpass Trump's: from 2013 and 1964. TRUMP: "Since the election on November 8th, I've increased the value of your U.S. assets by more than the $20 trillion that we currently owe." -- comparing rising values with the national debt, in a speech Wednesday to truckers in Pennsylvania. THE FACTS: Trump's suggestion that his election is the solitary explanation for higher stock and home prices does not reflect how the economy works. Trump's election and the promise of a tax overhaul certainly helped the stock market at first. But recent gains also reflect better global growth and other factors that are beyond the president's control. Most Americans' primary asset is their home, and there is little evidence that home values are rising because of Trump's presidency. Much of the increase in home values reflects a dwindling supply of properties on the market relative to demand from would-be buyers. People's net worth has improved because mortgage debt is being repaid, increasing the equity they have in their homes. Meantime, the International Monetary Fund expects world economic growth will reach a six-year high this year. Three-quarters of the globe is experiencing growth, the first synchronized worldwide upswing in a decade. That's a big boost for U.S. companies that earn much of their money overseas, and a lift for the U.S. stock market. Americans need an environment that supports building financial security (The Hill) The Hill (10/13/2017 10:56 AM, Clitnon Key and Katy Davis) Millions of Americans are one unexpected expense away from financial distress, as evidenced recently by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's financial well-being survey showing more than 40 percent of U.S. adults have difficulty making ends meet. The CFPB's findings are consistent with The Pew Charitable Trusts's own research, which finds a third of households have no money they consider savings, and 40 percent do not have the cash on hand to handle a $2,000 expenditure. As a result, Pew's data show that more than half of people hit with a significant but not uncommon financial shock in 2014 and 2015 -- such as a health emergency or losing a job -- ended up having trouble meeting their financial obligations. Yet, most consumers have access to savings accounts, and Pew's data clearly show a strong desire to save. So why are so many people saving so little? Senate should vacate the harmful consumer banking arbitration rule (The Hill) The Hill (10/13/2017 9:30 AM, Keith Noreika) When the Senate returns from recess, it will have the opportunity to consider vacating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's final rule related to arbitration agreements. In making that decision, senators must ask whether the rule achieves its intended purpose of increasing compliance with consumer protection laws and improving the treatment of consumers without creating other significant harm and increasing costs. In my view, the CFPB has failed to provide the data to support that case and failed to disclose the costs to consumers that will likely result from the rule's implementation. Consumers deserve better, and so do small and regional banks. I first raised concerns about the rule shortly after becoming acting U.S. Comptroller of the Currency in June. As part of our statutorily required consultative role, I had questions about the impact of the rule on the safety and soundness of community banks and its effect on consumers that the CFPB's analysis did not answer. I asked Director Richard Cordray to hold off publishing the rule so that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency could conduct an independent review of the data and analysis used to develop and support the rule. Instead, the CFPB pushed ahead. It published the rule on July 10 and only afterward provided the data and analysis for the HUD-17-0235-B-000429 OCC's review. The bureau's supporting material stated that analysts could not find any evidence to indicate that banning mandatory arbitration agreements would increase costs to consumers. Wells Fargo profit falls on legal costs (USA Today) USA Today (10/13/2017 10:08 AM, Kevin McCoy) VIDEO. The ghosts of financial scandals past continue to weigh down Wells Fargo's present and future. The U.S. banking giant on Friday reported earnings that badly lagged Wall Street forecasts as Wells Fargo copes with a scandal over millions of unauthorized accounts and investigations of its mortgage practices. The San Francisco-based company said its quarterly profit dropped 18.6%, an announcement that sent Wells Fargo shares down nearly 3.5% at $53.29 in afternoon trading. Wells Fargo reported earnings of 84 cents per share on net income of $4.57 billion. The result compared with $5.64 billion, or $1.03 a share, for the same period last year. The outcome also missed the forecasts of $1.03 earnings per share and net revenue of nearly $5.14 billion in a survey of financial analysts by S&P Capital IQ. B of A beefs up rep and warrant reserves ahead of mortgage settlement (American Banker) American Banker (10/15/2017 11:33 AM, Austin Kilgore) Bank of America set aside $100 million in its reserves for representation and warranty claims ahead of a pending settlement to resolve legacy mortgage issues. B of A has approximately $2 billion in reserves set aside for various rep and warrant claims and the additional $100 million is part of $200 million of new reserves added during the third quarter. Congress takes Wells Fargo, Equifax to task; now it must act (The Hill) The Hill (10/13/2017 1:44 PM, Jim Lardner) Republicans and Democrats have found something they enjoy doing together - raking Wells Fargo and Equifax over the coals. At a Senate Banking Committee hearing last week, their joint target was Wells Fargo CEO Timothy Sloan, summoned back to explain the sharply increased victim toll and ever-expanding scope of his company misdeeds. Sloan portrayed Wells Fargo as a humbled company on the path to recovery, but lawmakers of both parties questioned whether a 30-year insider was really the right guy to lead a corporate cleanup. "If you haven't changed the people, it's quite difficult to change the culture," Sen. Tim Scott observed, echoing the sentiments of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who told Sloan that, "Wells Fargo needs to start over, and that won't happen until the bank rids itself of people like you." Equifax CEO Richard Smith endured a grilling that was equally bipartisan and considerably more prolonged. Testifying on three successive days before three congressional committees, Smith was repeatedly challenged over the practice of charging consumers to monitor misuse of their credit records and purge errors. "I don't pay extra in a restaurant to prevent the waiter from spitting in my food," Sen. John Kennedy pointed out. Now what? Will lawmakers actually do anything about the problems they railed against? Thursday, Rep. Patrick McHenry introduced a bill that would subject the "Big Three" credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, to regular cybersecurity monitoring and phase out their use of Social Security numbers. A tougher and more important test of congressional resolve involves the forced-arbitration clauses that both Equifax and Wells Fargo have used for years to stifle consumer complaints and keep illicit practices under wraps. House Panel's Dodd-Frank Tweaks Won't Add Up to a Big Number (Bloomberg) Bloomberg.com HUD-17-0235-B-000430 (10/13/2017 4:22 PM, Elizabeth Dexheimer) President Donald Trump promised to do "a big number" on the Dodd-Frank Act. A slate of bills House Republicans will take up Wednesday shows how difficult it is to get anything big through Congress these days. The House Financial Services Committee is set to consider almost two dozen legislative proposals targeting financial rules. Instead of gutting the Volcker Rule, shutting down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or enacting other sweeping overhauls, most would make incremental tweaks. The piecemeal approach of advancing one-off bills is the latest sign that Republicans don't expect to dismantle rules stemming from the 2008 financial crisis anytime soon, lumping it in with other deferred priorities such as repealing Obamacare and overhauling tax policy. "Everyone's known all along that major financial regulation reform just wasn't going to pass this Congress," said J.W. Verret, a former congressional staffer who is a scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. "Even bipartisan issues that are coming up this week, even if they do rack up big margins of support in the House, it doesn't necessarily translate in the Senate." While most of the legislation the House is considering is limited in scope, specific companies and corners of Wall Street could benefit from enactment of certain items. One measure under consideration would change the criteria for determining whether banks are considered systemically important, potentially freeing regional lenders such as Huntington Bancshares Inc. or firms like American Express Co. from some of the most stringent regulatory oversight. Another bill would make it easier for heirs of wealthy individuals whose money is run by a family office to invest in hedge funds, private-equity firms and other potentially lucrative investments. One proposal could bring custodial banks like State Street Corp. and Bank of New York Mellon Corp. a reprieve from some capital requirements. Many of the bills are pieces of the Financial Choice Act, a sweeping Dodd-Frank overhaul that the House passed in June. Representative Jeb Hensarling, the Texas Republican who leads the Financial Services Committee, has said that he hopes the Senate will consider the Financial Choice Act in full, but that he will advance parts of it separately. Want to be a landlord? These are the top markets this fall for investing in rental homes (CNBC) CNBC ---- (10/13/2017 2:05 PM, Diana Olick) High prices and a tight supply of houses for sale are not exactly the best mix for homebuyers, but they're even worse for investors looking to become landlords. Sure, both tenant demand and rental returns are also high, but if the cost to get in is too high, the math doesn't work. The good news is, as always, all real estate is local, so while the national picture may look bleak, certain local markets still offer lucrative options. Texas, which continues to see strong growth in both employment and home construction, appears to be a landlord's dream state. Three of the top five markets for investors, according to a new ranking by real estate sales and auction company TenX, are in the Lone Star State. San Antonio tops the list, followed by Fort Worth and Dallas. While home prices are rising fast in Texas, they remain low compared with other hot markets, like most of California. In addition, while Hurricane Harvey did not hit these top cities, the storm exacerbated the state's labor shortage by creating massive reconstruction needs in Houston. Tight labor will reduce new construction in the rest of the state, squeezing inventory and not only pushing home prices higher but also propping up rental demand. "If you look at our report probably eight or nine of the top 20 markets in terms of housing performance are in either Texas or Florida," said Rick Sharga, executive vice president at TenX. "The Florida markets will be more directly impacted because Irma hit everything, but even in Texas, a lot of the construction and labor and materials and so forth that's been going to build new properties in Dallas and Fort Worth and San Antonio might get diverted to rebuild Houston, and that could have a noticeable HUD-17-0235-B-000431 impact on home sales and home starts over the next six to nine months." San Antonio has clocked strong population growth for six years straight, and its payrolls stand at an all-time high. Fort Worth's population has also been rising far faster than the national average. Dallas' economy cooled slightly this year but continues to expand after a recent tech and financial services boom. Home prices there, hovering at more than 50 percent above their prerecession peak, are still considered affordable with room to grow. Rounding out the top five are Columbus, Ohio, and Tampa, Florida. Both offer comparatively low entry costs and high returns. Columbus may seem surprising, given weaker job growth in the Midwest overall, but the city has outperformed its region with both employment and population growth. There's something of a rebirth happening in Columbus, with additional urban developments springing up outside its downtown, luring new companies and workers. Monday Morning Cup of Coffee: Is the way the CFPB handles enforcement about to change? (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/16/2017 12:38 AM, Ben Lane) Nevada senators urge mortgage relief for Las Vegas victims Monday Morning Cup of Coffee takes a look at news coming across HousingWire's weekend desk, with more coverage to come on larger issues. Every day, it seems there's a new rumor surrounding the apparently looming departure of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray. The rumors last month were that Cordray was going to announce his resignation and run for Ohio governor simultaneously, during a Labor Day weekend speech at the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). The speech happened, but Cordray didn't make any big announcements. Cordray gave another speech in Ohio a few days later, fueling speculation that he might announce his resignation there. Didn't happen. Blue Counties Are Losing Residents Thanks to Rising Housing Costs (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Prashant Gopal) More people are leaving "blue" counties, those that lean Democratic, than moving in. But politics aren't the reason -- home prices are. In the first half of the year, 7.4 percent more people migrated out of blue counties in the U.S. than came in, compared with a 1 percent gain for red, or Republican, areas, according to an analysis by brokerage Redfin Corp. of online home-search data. "Purple" counties -- those with a more balanced mix of party affiliations -- saw a gain of 3.9 percent. On average, a home in a blue county costs about $360,000, more than 62 percent higher than the typical residence in red counties, Redfin said. "We see a great number of residents moving to red counties where they can afford the lifestyle they want," Redfin Chief Economist Nela Richardson said. Fed agencies grades slip in "plain writing" (Quad-City Times, IA) Quad-City Times (10/13/2017 5:13 AM, Ed Tibbetts) The federal government got lower grades this year in how clearly it communicates with the public on selected writing samples, according to a new study released Thursday. The study, the sixth annual by the Center for Plain Language, a Virginia-based non-profit, rates 21 federal agencies on plain writing. And in its "2017 Federal Plain Language Report Card," it said the overall grade was a B. That's about half a grade lower HUD-17-0235-B-000432 than the previous year. In numeric terms, the center said, the grade fell by 11 percentage points. Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa, who helps publicize the report card, said on a conference call the new grades are disappointing. "I will say as a former college teacher, I wouldn't be happy with that. I'm not sure the American public should be, either," he said. The center rated agencies on Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ, pages, as well as data infographics. The Social Security Administration rated the highest with an A+ for its FAQ and a B for its data infographic. The Department of the Treasury got a D+ for its FAQ and a C- for its infographic. Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development were the only agencies that got grades as low as a D+. The center said it hadn't given out anything lower than a C for the past two years. [FL] Hurricane costs take toll on state budget (Lakeland Ledger, FL) Lakeland Ledger (10/13/2017 7:55 AM, Lloyd Dunkelberger) TALLAHASSEE -- Hurricane recovery efforts have already cost the state budget more than $141 million and are likely to increase, the Senate Appropriations Committee was told Thursday. "The news isn't good," Senate Appropriations Chairman Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, said. "And I don't think it's fake news either." The extra spending has been authorized by Gov. Rick Scott in a series of budget amendments, using his emergency powers invoked because of Hurricane Irma last month. A new tally of the amendments on Thursday included: $25 million for the Florida National Guard; $12 million for food, ice, water and transportation; $36 million for debris removal; $6 million for mosquito control; and $27.6 million related to the operation of the state Division of Emergency Management. [FL] Housing market at a regulatory crossroads (Herald Tribune, FL) Herald Tribune.com (10/15/2017 10:15 AM, Chris Wille) With home prices and sales continuing to rise across Southwest Florida, the state and the country, the real estate market appears set for a sunny future. The talk in some quarters, though, brings up worries that another housing bubble could be developing, conceivably bursting into a runaway fire that scorches the economy again. As unlikely as that is, some powerful political and business interests are bent on repealing some of the regulations on the financial sector that were adopted in the midst of widespread abuses in the banking and investment markets that beget the Great Recession. September's report by property data aggregator CoreLogic once again reflects a steady climb in housing prices. August figures compared with the same month last year show the national increase at 6.9 percent, Florida at 6.2 percent and Sarasota-Manatee at 3.9 percent. CoreLogic projects Florida's home values will increase 6.6 percent over the next 12 months as the country's rate rises by 4.7 percent. The company's chief economist, Frank Nothaft, said that during the past three years, CoreLogic's national index shows annual price growth from 5 percent to 7 percent. Home values in Florida still stand at 18 percent below prerecession peaks. [TN] Is Wall Street upending Nashville neighborhoods? These professors want to know (The Tennessean, TN) The Tennessean (10/13/2017 10:52 AM, Mike Reicher) VIDEO. Wall Street investors have snapped up thousands of homes in Middle Tennessee to convert them to rentals, and observers are wondering what effect they'll have on neighborhoods. A professor at Tennessee State University has teamed up with another researcher to systematically study the phenomenon. HUD-17-0235-B-000433 They want to figure out whether these real estate investment trusts, or REITs, drive up sales prices because of increased competition and worsen the region's affordable housing crisis. In the neighborhoods they target, do fewer people own their own homes? Do REITs increase rents at a faster pace than others? And what type of neighborhoods do the companies pick in the first place? "More and more there's concern in the community that, as the homeownership rate declines, it's no longer a poor person's or a working poor person's concern. It's a crisis in general," said Ken Chilton, associate professor in the Department of Public Administration at TSU. "We'd like to spark a larger community debate about housing and housing affordability." [TX] Many students displaced by Harvey, but districts don't see big dip in attendance (Houston Chronicle, TX) Houston Chronicle (10/16/2017 12:23 AM, Shelby Webb) But schools work to welcome many of the displaced Antwon Patrick started third grade just a month ago, but he's already been enrolled in two schools. His family's first-floor Houston apartment flooded during Harvey, causing mold concerns. On Sept. 11, the day after his 9th birthday, Patrick began school in Alief ISD's Outley Elementary. "It's cool because at my old school they didn't have this type of playground," he said. "They just had soccer fields, but here they have slides and everything." During the height of Hurricane Harvey, school district officials worried enrollments would plummet as thousands of families fled Houston for Dallas, Austin and other drier regions. While many families lost their homes, it seems most relocated within the region and often within the boundaries of their existing school district. [TX] Distressed Investors Are Already Buying Houston Homes for 40 Cents on the Dollar (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Prashant Gopal) Flooded homes, big money, and hard choices. Bryan Schild drives through the byways of Houston looking for what could be the investment opportunity of a lifetime: homes selling for as little as 40? on the dollar. "We Pay Cash For Flooded Homes $$$$$$$$ Don't fix it, sell it. Quick close," read the signs piled in the back seat of his Ford pickup. Schild stops by a ranch-style house where 74-year-old Paul Matlock lives with his wife, disabled from multiple sclerosis. Matlock is desperate to leave and is considering Schild's offer of $120,000--half the home's value three weeks earlier. A half-dozen other investors have made offers, one as low as $55,000. "The whole thing makes me feel like there's a bunch of vultures sitting on my back fence," Matlock says. "They're waiting for the dead body to fall over." It's axiomatic on Wall Street that the time to buy is when fear overtakes greed--when blood (or, in this case, water) is in the streets. Now some are eyeing the billions of dollars in hurricane-ravaged property in Texas and Florida and deciding it may be the time to take out their checkbooks. Investors such as Schild figure they can buy low, either fix up and flip the houses or rent them out for several years, and unload them later, doubling their money or more. Those kinds of bets have often paid off. Buyers who snapped up co-ops and office towers when New York was near bankruptcy in the 1970s made a killing. More recently, companies including Blackstone Group LP and other marquee names bought foreclosed homes after the 2008 financial crisis and are sitting on billions in potential gains. [AZ] Tiny home trend slow to grow in Arizona, but developers plan new projects (Tucson Arizona Daily Star, AZ) Tucson Arizona Daily Star (10/13/2017 5:15 AM, Jesse Stawnyczy) HUD-17-0235-B-000434 PHOENIX - Tiny housing has been a hot topic the past few years, with shows such as "Tiny House Hunters" and others appearing on HGTV and tiny house communities popping up across the country. The trend has flourished in densely populated cities such as New York and Seattle. Some smaller communities - such as Spur, Texas - have embraced the movement as well. Despite the growth, the trend has struggled to gain a significant foothold in Arizona. One tiny house builder said his company has built 10 tiny houses since 2015, and most of those went out of state. In terms of more permanent micro-housing communities, such as "container" and studio apartments, there are only a handful of examples in the Phoenix metro area. Tiny housing, sometimes referred to as micro-housing, generally refers to a house or small living space that is typically more than 300 square feet but less than 500 square feet, according to the Urban Land Institute. [IN] Contractors to replace lighting and fountains at two East Chicago schools (Northwest Indiana Times, IN) Northwest Indiana Times (10/13/2017 4:52 AM, Sarah Reese and Carmen McCollum) EAST CHICAGO -- Light fixtures free of PCB components and drinking water fountains with lead-filtering systems will be installed at two of the city's schools, including one building where students from the USS Lead Superfund site were transferred last year, officials said. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducted visual inspections but did not test light fixtures to assess which might contain polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, the agency said. PCBs are potentially carcinogenic and can cause a wide range of adverse health effects. EPA said it decided to replace fixtures at the new Carrie Gosch Early Learning Center and Block Middle School based on age and type of ballasts in use. Heritage Environmental Services LLC agreed to install the new energy-efficient, PCB-free lighting and drinking water fountains with lead-filtering systems as part of a legal settlement unrelated to the city, EPA said. [CO] Improved code would help home and business owners save money (Colorado Springs Gazette, CO) Colorado Springs Gazette (10/13/2017 6:42 AM, Jim Riggins) El Paso County has the opportunity to save home and business owners substantial sums of money, and pour millions of dollars into the local economy if they follow the lead of counties all across the U.S. and adopt a modern energy code for new building construction. However, the local Housing and Building Association (HBA) is fighting hard to gut and weaken the new code with local amendments. The Pikes Peak Regional Building Department (PPRBD) which serves all of El Paso county, currently operates under the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Having passed on adopting the 2012 IECC, PPRBD is now working to adopt the 2015 IECC. This code is a national effort and the culmination of years of building science analysis, field studies, and input of numerous stakeholders, including the home building industry. In a cold weather climate zone such as El Paso County where greater than 40 percent of building energy goes to space heating, the life cycle cost savings are large, and demonstrated with real world data of regions that have adopted the new code. Additionally, given the tight relationship between building efficiency, comfort and safety, the 2015 IECC enhances comfort and improves indoor air quality. Further, an improved code provides a significant contribution to Colorado Springs Utilities' energy efficiency goals, which keeps utility rates lower for ratepayers. It also helps the region meet the goals for sustainable energy and other topics set forth in the region's guiding document: Looking to Our Future - Pikes Peak region 2030. However, what seems like an obvious path to providing more affordable, comfortable and healthy housing and commercial businesses is being challenged by the Housing and Building Association (HBA) due to the added cost of construction to comply with the code, and PPRBD is set to adopt the HBA amendments that seriously degrade the code. This focus on the initial cost of construction, ignores the significantly reduced cost of ownership for the home and building owners. HUD-17-0235-B-000435 [AZ] Will Arizona home prices sway Amazon's search for second headquarters? (Arizona Republic, AZ) Arizona Republic (10/13/2017 9:15 AM, Russ Wiles) VIDEO. Amazon's search for a second home to complement its Seattle headquarters has prompted all sorts of cities to enter the competition. The ultimate winner will land up to 50,000 high-paying jobs, a corporate giant on the cutting edge of innovation and huge bragging rights that could lead to more business expansions and startups. Amazon has specified a few key criteria in the search. Its wish list includes a metro area of at least 1 million people located in a state with a stable, business-friendly environment. The retailing and e-commerce leader also would like to set up shop in a place with a solid educational system, ample technical talent nearby, good roads, mass-transit capabilities and a major international airport. What the company hasn't specified is moderate housing prices for the employees it will relocate and the staff it will hire. But it's hard to see how home values won't factor into the equation, especially given the recent jump in prices in the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area. Home prices, along with commuting times and other quality-of-life considerations, do matter when companies decide to transfer operations or build new ones from scratch [NM] Facing lawsuit, mayoral appointee moved to more secure post (KOB-TV NBC 4, NM) KOB-TV NBC 4 (10/15/2017 12:09 PM, Caleb James) Who are those individuals? One identified by Perry is Chaplin. His political appointment is being transitioned into a permanent post with the city. He legally qualifies for the move. It is the same job, only more protected. "I just don't know how anybody can have confidence in our leadership when they're not handling funding in a responsible manner," Albuquerque attorney Leon Howard said. Howard said he's shocked the administration is working to keep Chaplin. He's currently the defendant in a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit filed in Bernalillo County District Court. Howard said his client Chandelle Chavez worked for Chaplin. When she questioned the handling of Housing and Urban Development funds, Howard said she was promptly reassigned to a different office. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [CA] California wildfires: Housing markets will likely feel devastating effects for years (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/13/2017 10:48 AM, Clare Trapasso, Realtor.com) The wildfires ravaging Northern California's wine country will make the housing crunch even worse--it could take up to a decade to go back to normal. Late Sunday evening, Russel Lee was relaxing on his deck in Santa Rosa, CA, drinking a glass of wine. Then he smelled the smoke. He checked the local police scanner app on his phone and learned that wildfires blazing out of control were moving in on his four-bedroom townhouse in Northern California's Sonoma County. The 63-year-old real estate agent and his wife, an artist, dug out their three cat carriers and frantically began packing some clothes, valuables, and important paperwork. At around 1 a.m., the police came banging on the door, yelling: "Get out now!" The Lees made it to a makeshift emergency shelter at the local veterans center, along with some folks who hadn't had time to change out of their bathrobes and slippers before fleeing. Their home was burned to rubble, and they lost nearly everything--including one of their beloved cats, Alya, who refused to get into her carrier in time. His wife's artwork, much of which she had already sold online, was all destroyed along with the antique furniture that had been in his family for generations. The couple are now living in their motor home parked on their friend's driveway. HUD-17-0235-B-000436 But despite their devastating losses, Lee and his wife know they were lucky. [CA] California fires deal devastating economic blow to victims - many poor and elderly (Sacramento Bee, CA) Sacramento Bee (10/15/2017 7:27 AM, Marjie Lundstrom, Darrell Smith and Phillip Reese) The wildfires ripping through California have at least 20 different names, in 10 different counties. The Tubbs Fire in Sonoma County. The monster Atlas Fire in nearby Napa County. The Cascade Fire in rural Yuba County. And because this is California, with its diverse populations and wildly contrasting geography, the paths to recovery will be a whole lot different, too, according to experts on natural disasters. The survivors who are likely to struggle the most, study after study shows, are the people already struggling: the poor, the disabled, the elderly and children. Even with financial assistance - and that is iffy - the ability to readily regroup may be out of reach for many Californians displaced by the terrible fires of 2017. [CA] Santa Rosa comes to terms with the scale of devastation: 3,000 buildings lost, many dead in fire (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Nina Agrawal, Laura J. Nelson, Sonali Kohli and Gale Holland) After the fires had roared through, Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano drove through the wreckage of Santa Rosa's LarkfieldWikiup neighborhood. Twisted beams and garage doors crumpled like old newspapers had replaced street after street of tidy homes. The hubcaps from charred cars had melted into rivulets of gleaming aluminum that pooled in the gutters. "I don't even think I understand what the damage toll is going to be, and I have a better handle on it than most," Giordano told The Times on Friday. "Santa Rosa will be a different planet. There is so much to rebuild. It will absolutely change the community." Thousands of other Santa Rosa residents also struggled Friday to come to grips with the magnitude of their losses from a firestorm -- among the state's most devastating -- that has coursed through California wine country since Sunday night, causing at least 34 deaths and damaging thousands of buildings. [CA] Deadly California Fires Stretch an Already Tight Housing Market (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Patrick Clark) VIDEO. Ethan de Seife and Laura Holtan moved to California's Sonoma County from Vermont last year with their newborn son, two cats and a dog in tow, immediately running up against a harsh reality: the state's housing market is expensive, and inventorystarved. It took the couple a month of scouring online listings and vetting properties before they secured a four-bedroom house to rent for $2,800 a month in the Hidden Valley neighborhood of Santa Rosa. Now, they have to start again -- while picking up the pieces of a life reduced to rubble. De Seife and Holtan awoke in the middle of the night on Oct. 9 to the smell of smoke and were soon evacuated as fire roared toward the area, ultimately burning down their house. The family is bunking with friends south of San Francisco and weighing offers of assistance while trying to determine a more permanent living plan, which may ultimately mean leaving the state. "There's nothing off the table," said De Seife, 44. "If we can't get any of these things going, we might just go." [CA] California Fires Leave Many Homeless Where Housing Was Already Scarce (New York Times) New York Times (10/16/2017 5:00 AM, Kirk Johnson and Conor Dougherty) SANTA ROSA, Calif. -- Nathalie and Michael Internicola had about 15 minutes to grab what they could as the flames roared HUD-17-0235-B-000437 toward their house, and it wasn't much: Some clothes, passports, their phones. They are grateful to be alive, they said, but as for what comes next and how and where they might rebuild their lives, they don't have a clue. "We're staying with friends as long as they will have us; then we don't know," said Ms. Internicola, 51, whose home in Santa Rosa burned to the ground, along with about 60 others in their neighborhood. "We are desperately looking for a house we can rent, but there's just nothing available, because there are so many people displaced." Though some of the fires in Northern California, the deadliest on record in the state, had been partly contained by Sunday afternoon, others were still raging. At least 35 people have died, and the count is likely to rise as the search for victims continues. But for people like the Internicolas who escaped in time but lost their homes, the journey is just beginning. And the daunting implications of starting over, multiplied by thousands, are rippling through the state. About 100,000 people have been evacuated from fire zones, and some 5,700 houses and buildings have been destroyed. [PR] Electricity, Water and Shelter Issues Plague Older Adults in Puerto Rico (U.S. News & World Report) U.S. News & World Report (10/13/2017 2:04 PM, Lisa Esposito) Hurricane relief efforts are underway to deliver health care and provisions. The doctor's office closed on Tuesday. The electricity went down around 11 a.m., making it impossible to see any more patients, says Dr. Helen Rosa, a geriatrician and family practitioner in Plaza Las Americas, a major shopping area in San Juan, Puerto Rico. "We have elevators but if we don't have electricity, patients can't come up," she says. Without electricity, there's no working air conditioning for patients in their 80s and 90s. Electronic health records fade in and out. When Rosa can't prescribe electronically, patients who call her office - assuming phone service is available - can't obtain refills for needed medications. As older patients do their best to deal with the devastation three weeks after Hurricane Maria, it's no wonder they're stressed out, Rosa says. Ongoing power shortages affect every aspect of their lives, amplified by health, frailty and mobility issues. "Today, patients I saw had to go 10 floors down in the building where they live because they do not have electricity," she says. Usually, her practice offers extended hours to accommodate family caregivers who can only bring in patients after work. If not, she says, at least one of her patients may need to go to the hospital if her condition worsens. "We want to get medical offices that give specialty and primary care up and running, so hospitals don't get this overflow of patients who, to begin with, should not be there." "But as a doctor I can tell you, we need electricity so we can take care of our patients." Many older patients need access to medications for chronic health conditions like diabetes. Last week, Direct Relief, a humanitarian medical aid organization, shipped about 16,000 doses of insulin to Puerto Rican public health agencies. Since Hurricane Maria hit the island, the relief organization has been shipping emergency health kits via FedEx, including diabetes supplies, antibiotics and medications to treat high blood pressure and asthma. In addition to pills, inhalers and injectable drugs, many older Americans rely on nutritional products like Ensure to maintain their health. Just returned from Puerto Rico, Taugher says he found "a very challenging situation. The magnitude of the storm really touched every part of the island." As he and a fellow team member assessed the situation in areas including San Juan, Mayagu00fcez and Aguadilla, they saw drastically reduced cell service, and severe fuel and power shortages. [PR] Thousands in Puerto Rico shelters after hurricane (San Antonio Express-News, TX) San Antonio Express-News (10/16/2017 12:33 AM, Ramon Espinosa, Associated Press) TOA BAJA, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Arden Dragoni and his family lost everything when Hurricane Maria ravaged across Puerto Rico last month. Only a few walls of their wooden home still stand. Their clothes, furniture, other household goods and their old car are ruined. HUD-17-0235-B-000438 Dragoni, his wife Sindy, their three children and dog Max are now living at a shelter set up inside a school in this town on Puerto Rico's northern coast. He supported the family doing construction work, but his employer is out of business, leaving him and his family without a source of income. They are among the more than 5,000 people who lost their homes and are now living in temporary shelters across the U.S. territory in areas still mostly without electricity or water three weeks after the storm. The people in the shelters mostly lost their homes to floodwaters, which were particularly bad in communities such as Toa Baja, west of San Juan. Murky water surged through houses and apartments, carrying away appliances and destroying everything inside. Headlines The Washington Post (10/14/2017 7:00 AM) Trump sets new conditions for U.S. to stay in Iran nuclear deal, tossing issue to Congress White House's decision to stop ACA cost-sharing subsidies triggers strong opposition Trump's Obamacare attack heralds new health-care battles on Capitol Hill 'We've got to go!' A California couple awoke to flames crackling. They couldn't flee. So they jumped in their pool. 'Why does this happen?': The existential crisis of the D.C. sports fan (10/15/2017 7:00 AM) The drug industry's triumph over the DEA States knock timing on ACA Ex-captive says wife was raped, infant daughter slain Shattered family faces uncertainty In Weinstein accusations, patterns of abuse span 30 years (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) Trump may have bolstered kneelers' legal position Terrorist blasts in Somalia kill 276 Interior's Alaska land swap plan stirs worry A case of politics fatigue has fewer focusing on Va. governor's race Miles of lovely countryside, obliterated by fire Iraqi forces clash with Kurds in move to retake base, oil fields The New York Times (10/14/2017 7:00 AM) Trump Disavows Nuclear Deal, but Doesn't Scrap It End to Health Care Subsidies Puts Congress in a Tight Spot In California, Fires So Fast Hesitation Proved Lethal Fraud Scandals Sap China's Dream of Becoming a Science Superpower Trump Adopts Obama Approach While Seeking to Undo a Legacy Caught Sleeping or Worse, Troubled Teachers Will Return to New York Classrooms Tallyho! A Suburban Fox Hunt Endures (10/15/2017 7:00 AM) Promise the Moon? Easy for Trump. But Now Comes the Reckoning. Becoming a Steelworker Liberated Her. Then Her Job Moved to Mexico. Wary of Hackers, States Move to Upgrade Voting Systems Back Home, a Unanimous Verdict on Corker vs. Trump: That's Just Bob How a Seed Bank, Almost Lost in Syria's War, Could Help Feed a Warming Planet Harvey Weinstein Ousted From Motion Picture Academy (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More. Mogadishu Truck Bombings Are Deadliest Attack in Decades HUD-17-0235-B-000439 For Weinstein, a Brush With the Police, Then No Charges Jeff Flake's Lesson for Republicans: Cross Trump at Your Own Risk After the Las Vegas Shooting, Concertgoers Became Medics Aiding Transgender Case, Sessions Defies His Image on Civil Rights The Wall Street Journal (10/14/2017 and 10/15/2017 7:00 AM) Trump Vows to End Iran Deal Himself if Congress Won't Act Weinstein Co. Exploring Sale or Shutdown A Daughter's Mission: Rescuing Elderly Parents Stranded in Puerto Rico Saudi Arabia Weighs Giving Up on International IPO for Aramco It's Lizard vs. Oil Magnate in the Latest Fight Over Fracking in Texas (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) Health Care Back on Congress's Front Burner Central Bankers Cling to Stimulus Amid Weak Inflation Iraqi Forces Clash With Kurdish Fighters Near Kirkuk Wildfire Victims Had Only Seconds to Make Fateful Choices Barbarians Open Their Gates as Blackstone, Others Seek Retail Cash ABC News (10/15/2017 3:30 PM) Kaepernick files grievance against NFL over alleged collusion Possible leak after oil rig explosion near New Orleans injures 7; 1 missing Woody Allen concerned about a 'witch hunt' against men after Weinstein scandal NBC News (10/15/2017 3:30 PM) Couple of 55 Years Braved Fires in a Pool. She Died in His Arms. Another Obama Decision Reversed? Now It's About Food Safety. Dramatic Walk-Off HR Gives Dodgers 2-0 Lead Over Cubs in NLCS CBS News (10/15/2017 3:30 PM) Ex-DEA agent says opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress Oil rig explodes in Louisiana lake injuring multiple people, police say South Korea, U.S. begin joint naval drills amid North Korean threat Washington Schedule President (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Vice President (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Senate (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) Senate 4:00 p.m.: Convene and proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the nomination of Callista L. Gingrich to be Ambassador to the Holy See. HUD-17-0235-B-000440 House of Representatives (10/16/2017 7:00 AM) House of Representatives House is not in session. {End of Report} Disclaimer: The information and views expressed in this News Briefing do not necessarily represent the views of HUD or the United States and do not constitute an endorsement by the Department. HUD-17-0235-B-000441 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Davis, Thomas R Sunday, October 15, 2017 8:49 PM Wade, Dana T; Blom, Dominique G; Rackleff, Neal J; Farias, Anna Maria; Greene, Bryan; Zorc, Bethany A; Appleton, Seth D Sardone, Virginia; Rudy, William G; Wilson, Susan; Garcia, Danielle D; Carpentier, Celia Y; Mills, Krista; Iber, Robert G; Longosz, Vickie S; Forrester, Althea M; Kelley, Michael J; Mann, Benjamin E; Lavy, William A FW: NHLP Concerns with RAD Implementation and Oversight NHLP Concerns with RAD Implementation FINAL.pdf Dear Principals for Housing, PIH, CPD, FHEO, OGC and CIR, I wanted to make sure you have received a copy of this letter from the National Housing Law Project (NHLP), regarding the implementation of RAD and to let you know that the Office of Recapitalization is developing a status report for internal HUD use on the items raised in the letter, as a precursor to determining how to respond. The letter arrived the evening before four HUD staff (from Housing, CPD and FHEO) appeared at the NHLP conference to discuss RAD. At the conference, I also had a hallway conversation with a staffer from Rep. Waters' office. It was clear the staffer was very aware of the letter as she has a close relationship with the key point person on RAD at NHLP. As some of you are relatively new to working with RAD, please know that RAD has extremely rigorous resident protections in place and the RAD program's requirements regarding relocation, right of return, transparency, fair housing and many other issues are more stringent than applied to other HUD programs. In the last several months, we have also stood up new monitoring and enforcement measures to back recently enhanced resident protection requirements. PD&R is also mid-stream in a major evaluation of the program, including its impact on residents, and GAO is nearing completion of its own review of the program. None of the issues described in the letter are new issues. Many of NHLP's concerns were specifically addressed by the RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Relocation Notice issued in November, 2016, which resulted in a drop-off in problem situations as PHAs become familiar with the clearer, and more stringent, requirements. One of NHLP's points was addressed several weeks ago, and several are being addressed in the RAD completion review protocols which we are rolling out later this month. NHLP regularly provides suggestions on the balance between the benefits and regulatory burdens of potential RAD requirements and this letter is a compilation of their feedback from the last year or so. Recap will take the lead in organizing the response, but I wanted to make sure you are aware of the letter in case it comes up in your work. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks, Tom Tom Davis Office of Recapitalization US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-7549 Thomas.R.Davis@HUD.gov From: Jessica Cassella [mailto:jcassella@nhlp.org] Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 4:13 PM To: secretary@hud.gov Cc: Davis, Thomas R ; Carpentier, Celia Y ; Garcia, Danielle D HUD-17-0235-B-000442 ; Rudy, William G Subject: NHLP Concerns with RAD Implementation and Oversight Dear Secretary Carson, On behalf of the National Housing Law Project and our local partners, I have attached a letter discussing our concerns with the implementation and oversight of the RAD program. We look forward to discussing these issues with you. Best, Jessie Cassella -Jessie Cassella Staff Attorney National Housing Law Project 1025 Vermont Ave NW, #606 Washington, DC 20005 (b) (6) http://www.nhlp.org/ Register now! October 12-14, 2017 HJN National Meeting and Housing Training Washington, D.C. Please give to NHLP's Annual Campaign! Admitted to the California State Bar, application to D.C. Bar submitted and pending HUD-17-0235-B-000443 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT 1663 Mission St., Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 546-7000; Fax: (415) 546-7007 October 11, 2017 Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20410 Re: Concerns with the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program Dear Secretary Carson: The National Housing Law Project (NHLP) writes to express concerns with the implementation and expansion of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and its impact on both low-income families and the nation's affordable housing stock. NHLP is a legal advocacy center focused on increasing, preserving, and improving affordable housing; expanding and enforcing the rights of low-income tenants and homeowners; and increasing housing opportunities for protected classes. Our organization provides technical assistance and policy support on a range of housing issues to legal services attorneys and other advocates nationwide. In addition, NHLP hosts the national Housing Justice Network, a vast field network of over 1,000 community-level housing advocates and tenant leaders, many of whom practice in jurisdictions that have converted properties to RAD, are in the processing of converting properties to RAD, or wish to convert properties to RAD. We support the goal of the RAD program to preserve affordable housing and address the $49 billion backlog of public housing capital needs, but we are troubled that the RAD program has nearly quadrupled in size over the last five years without any evaluation of its impact on tenants. The program has significant implementation challenges that have had drastic consequences for residents and the long-term preservation of affordable housing. These challenges are not limited to a few select owners or housing authorities, but are reflective of problems facing RAD conversions across the country and result from limited guidance and oversight in the program. RAD cannot be a complete substitute for adequate funding of the public housing program, and it must be adequately implemented, monitored, and evaluated before further expansion occurs. HUD must take a more proactive role to enforce tenants' rights and prevent the loss of affordable housing. 1 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT 1663 MissionHUD-17-0235-B-000444 St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 Defining Success in the RAD Program We urge HUD to reconsider how it defines the success of the RAD program. Currently, HUD claims that the RAD program has been successful because of (1) the number of RAD properties that have officially converted, (2) a reduction in HUD's processing times between RAD application and closing, and (3) the amount of money "leveraged" for construction investments. While these may be important indicators of success, they lack clarity and do not consider the impact of the RAD program on lowincome tenants, the quality of the rehabilitated RAD-converted housing, or the future preservation of the property as affordable housing. The latest HUD-commissioned RAD evaluation (conducted by Econometrica, Inc.) focused only on the amount of funding leveraged by the RAD program. By the report's own admission, it did not look at the impacts of the RAD program on tenants. In fact, the report made several troubling findings that impact tenants, including: PHAs often sought to use RAD as an opportunity to remove their properties from the statutory and regulatory control of the public housing program, and PHAs are not necessarily proposing their neediest projects for RAD conversion and may be choosing the projects with the least amount of capital needs to convert the properties more quickly to RAD. We remain concerned about these findings, among others, because a key purpose of the RAD program is to "preserve and improve public housing properties and address the $26 billion dollar [in 2011] nationwide backlog of deferred maintenance." According to HUD, there have been many successful "on-paper" RAD conversions that have not proposed any rehabilitation or construction at the property. This is likely an indication that RAD is being used to change the regulatory framework for the property, but not actually address deferred maintenance. HUD must develop comprehensive criteria to assess whether PHAs are adequately assessing and addressing the physical needs of the RADconverting property. The end result for tenants may be the same physical conditions but fewer rights. In addition, HUD must develop measures to assess the impact of RAD on low-income families and the long-term affordability of the property, before determining that any one RAD conversion, or the program in its entirety, is a success. Impact of the RAD Program on Low-Income Tenants NHLP works closely with legal services attorneys and tenant advocates across the country who report problems with the local implementation of the RAD program. The current challenges in RAD conversions often detrimentally impact low-income tenants. We highlight the most common implementation issues below and urge HUD to consider broad policy changes to prevent their future occurrence. A. Transparency Before, During, and After the RAD Conversion Tenants and advocates are routinely denied access to documents and plans related to RAD conversions, or are not provided the information in a timely manner. This creates a barrier to effective engagement in the RAD conversion and limits oversight of the program. In order to effectively understand local RAD conversion plans and ensure enforcement of tenants' rights, advocates often need access to key RAD conversion documents, including: 2 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW PROJECT HUD-17-0235-B-000445 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 The PHA's RAD application sent to HUD, Front-end civil rights reviews by HUD identifying any potential fair housing or civil rights concerns, RAD tenant relocation plans, and Post-conversion findings of noncompliance by HUD. In addition, failure to provide the documents results in advocates having to commit significant resources to preparing and submitting FOIA requests (and state public records act requests, as applicable) for basic information regarding a particular RAD conversion. FOIA requests can be costly, including search costs ranging from $21 to $75 an hour and an additional fee for copies. Although these requests are subject to a fee waiver pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 2.107, the waiver is routinely denied, resulting in high costs to already under-resourced legal aid offices plus lengthy waits for documents that are needed immediately for effective representation. Consequently, tenants are unable to make informed choices and exercise their rights. Regarding post-conversion transparency, HUD has only recently committed to collecting data from 90 randomly selected RAD-converted properties to "to conduct preliminary compliance reviews of completed RAD conversions to better carry out oversight of relocation and verify construction activity." While we are encouraged by this initial step by HUD, it remains unclear what factors specifically HUD will be reviewing and whether this information will be publicly accessible. Since the RAD program was created five years ago, HUD has not proactively collected any data from RADconverted properties to ensure compliance with federal law, regulations, and RAD-specific rights. HUD should make this data available and, in addition, address how it plans to proactively monitor the rest of the 225,000 RAD units nationwide. B. Tenant Education of RAD Conversion Plans Prior to submitting a RAD application, a housing authority is required to conduct at least two meetings with residents and provide an opportunity for comment. HUD requires that these meetings include a discussion of, at a minimum: whether the conversion will include a transfer of assistance, plans to partner with an entity other than an affiliate or instrumentality of the PHA if such partner will have a general partner or managing member ownership interest in the proposed project owner, changes in the number or configuration of assisted units or any other change that may impact a household's ability to re-occupy the property following repairs or construction, a de minimis reduction of units which had been vacant for more than 24 months at the time of RAD application, and the scope of work. The RAD Notice (HUD Notice 2012-32, REV-3) requires that the PHA also have one additional meeting before HUD executes the HAP contract. Therefore, HUD only requires three meetings with residents between the time that the PHA is considering RAD and the time the property officially converts under RAD. Based on our experience and the experience of our partners, three meetings is entirely inadequate to explain the changes that residents will experience as the property converts, and to discuss the often complex options presented at the time of conversion. 3 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000446 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 In some cases, PHAs include only the information that is required by HUD, which leaves out important topics including temporary tenant relocation, whether the conversion will be to project-based vouchers or project-based rental assistance, how the PHA plans to maintain an interest in the property after the RAD conversion, and key tenant rights provided by the RAD program (i.e. right to remain, grievance procedures, prohibition on re-screening existing tenants). In other cases, PHAs do not even present the minimum amount of information as required by law. In either case, advocates nationwide report that resident meetings fail to capture the true impact of the RAD conversion on residents and their families. Advocates also report accessibility issues with respect to the tenant engagement meetings. We have seen PHAs host meetings during work hours or at inconvenient times for residents, at hard-to-reach locations off-site, and in violation of applicable civil rights and language translation requirements. HUD must take stronger action to ensure that these meetings educate residents before allowing the RAD conversion to proceed. HUD should (1) carefully review tenant comments and the PHA's responses, which PHAs are required to submit to HUD, (2) require more than three tenant meetings prior to a HUD conversion and (3) educate PHAs about the importance of having effective meetings that are accessible, informative, and provide an adequate opportunity for tenant participation. C. Tenant Relocation Often a RAD conversion involves temporary relocation of tenants to allow for construction or repair of the property. PHAs are required to participate in a planning process and take specific steps to minimize the adverse impact of relocation on tenants. This includes: 1) tenant relocation assistance; 2) certain relocation notices; 3) relocation advisory services; and 4) decent, safe, and sanitary temporary housing allocated on a non-discriminatory basis. The HUD RAD Fair Housing and Relocation Notice (HUD Notice 2016-17) also requires a written relocation plan if temporary relocation is anticipated to last more than 12 months and strongly encourages a written relocation plan for temporary relocation anticipated to last less than 12 months. Despite these clear mandates, inadequate relocation policies are commonplace. NHLP and its local partners have seen the following problematic tenant relocation practices with respect to RAD: PHAs and owners failing to provide tenants with adequate notice as required by law (30- or 90day notices). PHAs and owners failing to provide the required relocation advisory services. Specifically, some PHAs and owners simply provided a list of subsidized housing in the community, without meeting with residents individually to assess their needs and identify specific units and landlords who will accommodate the temporarily relocated tenants. PHAs and owners failing to create adequate written relocation plans, or failing to comply with their own written relocation plans. Owners failing to provide the same alternative housing options to similarly situated tenants, and situations where the temporary housing provided is uninhabitable or an inadequate size for the family, in violation of the Uniform Relocation Act and RAD requirements. Additionally, we have seen PHAs and owners misjudge the need for temporary relocation, resulting in the loss of heating during extreme winter months, tenants living without windows, inoperable elevators, lack of plumbing, and significant construction dust and debris within tenants' units. Such occurrences 4 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000447 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 put the health and safety of the residents at risk and fail to ensure that tenants are living in decent, safe, and sanitary units. At the very least, HUD should collect relocation data about the property conditions and number of returning tenants for all RAD-converted properties nationwide so it can assess the impact of the RAD program on low-income tenants. D. Tenant Organizing Federal statutes and HUD guidance give RAD tenants the right to "establish and operate a tenant organization for the purpose of addressing issues related to their living environment, which includes the terms and conditions of their tenancy as well as activities related to housing and community development." Federal regulations also provide that tenants and non-tenant tenant organizers have the right to engage in tenant organizing activities related to establishing or operating a tenant organization, such as distributing leaflets, contacting residents, and convening regularly scheduled resident organization meetings. While such rights already exist for tenants in PBRA properties, the RAD Notice explicitly extends these rights to RAD PBV tenants. Additionally, RAD tenants have the right to receive $25 per occupied unit per year from the owner for tenant participation activities. At least $15 per occupied unit per year must be provided to the "legitimate resident organization" at the property. Owners of RAD properties frequently interfere with tenant organizing activities. We have heard of many instances where PHAs and owners have explicitly impeded or prohibited tenant organizing efforts, including: Interfering with the distribution of leaflets; Interfering with meetings and elections (including demanding that the property manager attend tenant organization meetings); Threatening to have non-tenant tenant organizers arrested for organizing tenants; and Failing to give tenant organizations the funds that should be made available to them. RAD conversions create a critical need for tenant organizing so tenants can better understand the impact of the RAD conversion, hold the owner accountable to federal law and RAD requirements, and assist in planning for temporary tenant relocation and other important issues. HUD must take appropriate steps to prevent these egregious practices from continuing. E. Tenant Re-Screening When properties are converted through RAD, current households cannot be subject to re-screening, income eligibility determinations, or income targeting. Current households must be grandfathered in for conditions that occurred prior to conversion, but are subject to any ongoing eligibility requirements for actions that occur after conversion. Despite these clear protections, RAD tenants are routinely re-screened at the time of conversion for income, criminal history, credit, and other requirements, especially in properties that will be utilizing low-income housing tax credits. For example, tenants have been expressly told that they are "overincome" for a RAD-converted building or that they will only be "grandfathered in" for a finite amount of time. This has resulted in evictions and monetary buy-out packages that force tenants to move from the property, despite their right to remain after conversion. Additionally, advocates have had to 5 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000448 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 challenge PHA proposals that seek to: rescreen temporarily relocated tenants for activity that occurred prior to conversion; terminate temporarily relocated tenants' leases for alleged lease violations that occur during temporary relocation but have no formal, official judicial determination; and rescreen all tenants who are moving back in after the property has been rebuilt or rehabilitated. Without adequate HUD oversight or enforcement, the burden has fallen upon local tenants and their advocates to ensure that RAD tenants are not unlawfully denied access to, or evicted from, their housing. HUD should more proactively monitor RAD-converting properties nationwide and collect data about tenants' right to return and whether that right is being impeded by local RAD policies. F. Long-Term Preservation The preservation of affordable housing is the fundamental goal of the RAD program. The RAD Notice generally requires one-for-one unit replacement, but provides for exceptions that result in the loss of units during conversion, including: (1) if the unit has been vacant for more than 24 months at the time of RAD application, and (2) if reducing the total unit number will allow the PHA to more effectively or efficiently serve assisted households through either reconfiguring apartments (e.g., converting efficiency units to one-bedroom units) or facilitating social service delivery. These exceptions are at odds with the goals of the RAD program. First, the reason a unit is vacant for more than two years is often because it is in need of rehabilitation. Permitting PHAs to eliminate these units allows PHAs to leave habitability issues unaddressed, while reducing the overall number of affordable housing units in local communities. Additionally, the second exception is vague and does not set any standards or factors that the PHA must meet when avoiding its one-for-one replacement obligation. HUD should eliminate these exceptions and provide more oversight of the unit replacement process to meet the RAD program's goals. Additionally, HUD requires PHAs to maintain an interest in the RAD-converting property that will be owned by a for-profit entity and utilizes low-income housing tax credits. In the RAD Notice, HUD states that the PHA can maintain an interest in the property after the RAD conversion via the following methods: The PHA, or an affiliate under its sole control, is the general partner or managing member; The PHA retains fee ownership and leases the real estate to the tax credit entity pursuant to a long-term ground lease; The PHA retains control over the leasing of the Covered Project, such as exclusively maintaining and administering the waiting list for the Covered Project, including performing eligibility determinations complying with the PHA Plan; The PHA enters into a Control Agreement by which the PHA retains consent rights over certain acts of the Project Owner (including, for example, disposition of the Covered Project, leasing, selecting the management agent, setting the operating budget and making withdrawals from the reserves) and retains certain rights over the Covered Project, such as administering the waiting list; or Other means that HUD finds acceptable, in its sole discretion. Only the first two methods will preserve the long-term affordability of the property. The other methods 6 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000449 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 fail to retain meaningful long-term oversight of for-profit owners. PHAs that maintain an interest using the other methods will lack sufficient oversight over the property, likely resulting in a departure from the accountability inherent to the public housing program. The preservation of the quality of the housing stock is also a concern to tenants and housing advocates. In some RAD conversions, newly rehabilitated and rebuilt housing has significant safety and maintenance needs a short time after the RAD conversion. This is usually due to poor workmanship and mismanagement, as well as inadequate preliminary assessments of the scope of work needed for the property. This creates significant impacts on the health and safety of the residents. Accordingly, HUD must adopt procedures to prevent these issues. G. Resident Leases and House Rules Tenants in RAD-converted properties are bound by new leases and house rules, which are required to be effective as of the date of the HAP Contract. All RAD PBRA properties must use the required HUD PBRA Model Lease, and both RAD PBV and PBRA properties must include required language about lease termination notification and grievance procedures. A key protection that is required to be included in the lease and implemented in practice is that tenants cannot be evicted unless there is good cause to do so. However, some owners have failed to adopt appropriate lease provisions, such as termination and grievance procedure language, require that tenants sign new leases that become effective as of the effective date of the HAP Contract, and provide copies of the new lease and house rules to tenants. Owners have also attempted to evict tenants without good cause and with notices that fail to give a sufficient reason for termination. Despite the requirements in the RAD Notice, HUD has failed to collect house rules from owners during the conversion process. As a result, tenants and advocates report that owners and PHAs are adopting house rules that are unreasonable and infringe upon tenants' civil rights. HUD should collect and review house rules for all RAD-converting properties in order to properly oversee the RAD program and prevent illegal and unreasonable house rules from going into effect. H. Resident Grievance Procedures Pursuant to the RAD authorization statute, RAD tenants are entitled to the same rights that they possessed in the public housing program, including the right to a grievance procedure to dispute any action or inaction by the owner. As noted above, the RAD house rules also must contain specific language about tenants' grievance procedure rights. Despite these important mandates, numerous tenants have been denied their right to a grievance procedure. Owners have routinely failed to include references to the grievance procedure in the house rules. As a result, owners have evicted, and attempted to evict, tenants without access to, or notice of their right to, a grievance procedure. While our network has attempted to intervene in these cases, access to a legal services attorney is not always possible, given geographic and resource constraints. HUD must take the necessary steps to ensure that RAD tenants do not continue to be deprived of their legal right to basic due process. 7 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000450 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 I. Fair Housing and Civil Rights As reiterated in HUD Notice 2016-17, RAD properties remain subject to fair housing and civil rights laws, including the Fair Housing Act, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Additionally, RAD properties must comply with the 1964 Civil Rights Act which provides that Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons be provided with translation services so they can have meaningful access to housing programs. We have seen explicit violations of fair housing and civil rights laws in many different contexts. Such incidents include express familial status discrimination, failure to provide reasonable accommodations to tenants with disabilities, and failure to provide translation services to LEP individuals. Other examples include concentrating disability-accessible units in RAD properties and failing to adopt emergency transfer plans which allow survivors of domestic violence to move rapidly to escape lifethreatening situations. HUD must take appropriate steps to educate owners of their civil rights obligations and enforce federal law. J. Transfer of Assistance RAD transfers of assistance allow subsidized housing assistance to be transferred to a property in a different location. Such transfers have enormous impacts on tenants' lives and raise significant fair housing and accessibility concerns. Despite the fact that HUD is required to complete a front-end civil rights review of RAD transfer of assistance conversions, we remain concerned about issues that are not captured by such a review. For example, HUD Notice 2016-17 states that if the transfer of assistance to a new site is a "significant distance" from the converting property, then tenants will have the right to an assisted unit within a reasonable distance of their former public housing residence. We have seen firsthand during RAD conversions how the vagueness of such a requirement negatively impacts tenants' ability to exercise their rights. In transfers of assistance nationwide, tenants are being told they must move a significant distance away from the public housing property. Such transfers will have a devastating impact on tenants, since they will be moved far from their friends, families, workplaces, churches, schools, and medical providers. HUD should modify its policy on RAD transfers of assistance to better protect tenants, especially as PHAs and owners seek to move tenants away from developing areas of opportunity. K. Choice Mobility RAD tenants may exercise choice mobility rights and request tenant-based rental assistance 12 months (PBV) or 24 months (PBRA) after the RAD conversion. Choice mobility allows RAD-converted tenants to be placed at the top of the local PHA's waiting list for tenant-based rental assistance and move to any private market unit where a landlord will accept the assistance. Unfortunately, we have encountered PHAs who are unfamiliar with choice mobility rights and have not adopted policies and procedures to allow RAD tenants to exercise their choice mobility rights. As a result, PHAs and owners fail to inform residents of these rights. Even when tenants are aware of the right to tenant-based assistance, PHAs and owners present significant barriers to obtaining it. HUD should publish guidance on choice mobility in the RAD program, so that PHAs and owners understand their obligations. In turn, tenants will have better access to choice and mobility post-RAD conversion. 8 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000451 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 L. Section 3 Enforcement RAD properties are subject to Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act, which requires that recipients of HUD financial assistance for housing and community development provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for low- or very-low income residents in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods. The Section 3 regulations set forth goals and priorities for hiring public housing tenants, homeless individuals, Youthbuild, and other very lowincome residents and contracting goals for businesses owned by these individuals. The RAD Notice makes clear that Section 3 applies to all RAD work, including any new construction that is identified as part of the RAD conversion. Yet, because HUD has consistently failed to enforce Section 3 requirements, the benefits of the Section 3 program have not been realized. RAD conversions present a unique opportunity to enforce Section 3 requirements and to provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for local residents and HUD must do more to ensure that PHAs and owners are fulfilling their Section 3 obligations. M. RAD Component 2 RAD Component 2 tenants, who live in Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation, Rent Supplement, or Rental Assistance Payment programs converting to project-based vouchers or project-based rental assistance, have very few tenant protections. Unlike Component 1 properties, there is no requirement that RAD Component 2 HAP Contracts be renewed at the end of each term, which puts the long-term preservation of the property at risk. In Component 2, there is no RAD Use Agreement that will be attached to the land title, ensuring long-term affordability of the property in perpetuity. The fair housing and relocation protections described in HUD Notice 2016-17, such as relocation plans, do not apply to Component 2 properties. Component 2 tenants also have no choice mobility rights if they are in RAD PBRA properties. Additionally, there are very few resident education requirements for tenants undergoing a RAD Component 2 conversion. HUD has determined that certain rights, guidance, and procedures were essential and necessary for the Component 1 program. Thus, HUD should do more to ensure similar procedures and rights for Component 2 tenants, where possible. NHLP and our local partners have experienced many significant challenges related to the implementation and oversight of the RAD program. We strongly urge HUD to take a more proactive approach to ensure that tenants' rights are not violated during the RAD conversion process. Such action and evaluation is especially necessary prior to any further expansion of the RAD program. I can be reached at 415-432-5706 and SRoller@nhlp.org should you wish to talk further about our concerns. Sincerely, Shamus Roller, Executive Director, National Housing Law Project CC: Thomas Davis, HUD, Office of Recapitalization Celia Carpentier, HUD, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Danielle Garcia, HUD, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity William Rudy, HUD, Office of Community Planning and Development 9 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW PROJECT HUD-17-0235-B-000452 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rackleff, Neal J Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:36 AM Appleton, Seth D Gimont, Stanley Re: November 19, 2015 request We'll check it out next week. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 13, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Appleton, Seth D wrote: Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, HUD-17-0235-B-000453 Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000454 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Gimont, Stanley Friday, October 13, 2017 5:23 PM Appleton, Seth D; Rackleff, Neal J Re: November 19, 2015 request CPD correspondence staff brought this to me this morning and I spoke with Mike Dendas about it. The redacted portions appear to relate to the Rebuild by Design competition. There is no one left in CPD who had a direct hand in the competition and the person who I suspect prepared the response left about three months ago. Would have to try and find his materials. Once the RBD competition was complete it was handed off to our cdbg dr team for funding. We can discuss further when you have time. Get Outlook for iOS _____________________________ From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 4:50 PM Subject: FW: November 19, 2015 request To: Gimont, Stanley , Rackleff, Neal J Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis."See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. HUD-17-0235-B-000455 Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000456 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Friday, October 13, 2017 4:50 PM Rackleff, Neal J; Gimont, Stanley FW: November 19, 2015 request Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled HUD's response from the May 2016 response from the original Nov 2015 request; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records. I am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) HUD-17-0235-B-000457 This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000458 Helmick, Ky le E Sent: To: Subject: Friday, October 13, 2017 4:27 PM Rackleff, Neal J; Gimont, Stanley FW: November 19, 2015 request Neal and Stan, We received the below request from the Committee on Financial Services' Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee regarding the CDBG - National Disaster Resilience Competition. I have pulled the May 2016 response in question from HUD; the only copy CIR has is redacted. The Executive Secretariat does not have a copy either, but suggested that the program office might have it. Is there somebody in CPD who could look for this early next week? We would then sit down with our colleagues in OGC about the basis for the redactions. I will put in a request with the Executive Secretariat to determine if there are any further responsive records and am happy to discuss further on Monday. Thanks, Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) HUD-17-0235-B-000459 This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000460 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Greenbaum, Elie Friday, October 13, 2017 4:38 PM Appleton, Seth D Dillon, Sean; Dewey, Samuel; Kahng, Esther; Edgar, Kevin; Read, Jennifer; Dumais, Theresa RE: November 19, 2015 request Thanks Seth, I'm copying our colleagues from the minority staff. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 4:30 PM To: Greenbaum, Elie Cc: Dillon, Sean; Dewey, Samuel Subject: RE: November 19, 2015 request Elie, we have received your request. We will try to track this down asap. Thanks. Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) HUD-17-0235-B-000461 This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000462 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Friday, October 13, 2017 4:30 PM Greenbaum, Elie Dillon, Sean; Dewey, Samuel RE: November 19, 2015 request Elie, we have received your request. We will try to track this down asap. Thanks. Seth From: Greenbaum, Elie [mailto:Elie.Greenbaum@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dillon, Sean ; Dewey, Samuel Subject: November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000463 D-17-0235-B-000464 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Greenbaum, Elie Friday, October 13, 2017 3:24 PM Appleton, Seth D Dillon, Sean; Dewey, Samuel November 19, 2015 request Seth, On November 19, 2015, Chairman Duffy sent a letter to Secretary Castro to request certain records relating to two competitions using funds from the CDBG-DR Program. Since making that request, HUD produced records to the Committee on December 18, 2015, February 3, 2016, March 18, 2016, and May 20, 2016, and in each transmittal letter to the Committee, noted that HUD "continues to cooperate with this request" and will provide additional responsive records "on a rolling basis." See, e.g., Letter from the Hon. Erika Moritsugu to the Hon. Sean Duffy (May 20, 2016). The Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive records since HUD had last produced records on May 20, 2016. Please continue to provide responsive records to the November 19, 2015 request. Also, the records produced on February 3, 2016 contain a number of redactions--please reproduce an unredacted copy of those records to the Committee by no later than October 18, 2017. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Dillon or myself. Best regards, Elie Elie Greenbaum Counsel Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn HOB (202) 225-7502 (main) (202) 226-5655 (direct) This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-000465 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farias, Anna Maria Friday, October 13, 2017 8:01 AM Zorc, Bethany A; Appleton, Seth D; Marshall, Michael J Fwd: NHLP Concerns with RAD Implementation and Oversight NHLP Concerns with RAD Implementation FINAL.pdf FYI. Our staff is going over this letter. But am sure more questions will arise Thanks Get Outlook for iOS From: Smyth, Timothy M Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 6:48:01 AM To: Holderfield, Stephanie A; Ayala, Linda M Cc: Farias, Anna Maria; Mills, Krista; Greene, Bryan Subject: FW: NHLP Concerns with RAD Implementation and Oversight Stephanie and Linda, This letter to the Secretary identifies Section 3 compliance issues with RAD, Krista and I haven't had a chance to discuss it, we are meeting early next week, but I wanted to share it with you both because you are diving in on Section 3. You can see from the CC line that it went to some of our career staff as well as to OSEC. HUD-17-0235-B-000466 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT 1663 Mission St., Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 546-7000; Fax: (415) 546-7007 October 11, 2017 Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20410 Re: Concerns with the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program Dear Secretary Carson: The National Housing Law Project (NHLP) writes to express concerns with the implementation and expansion of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and its impact on both low-income families and the nation's affordable housing stock. NHLP is a legal advocacy center focused on increasing, preserving, and improving affordable housing; expanding and enforcing the rights of low-income tenants and homeowners; and increasing housing opportunities for protected classes. Our organization provides technical assistance and policy support on a range of housing issues to legal services attorneys and other advocates nationwide. In addition, NHLP hosts the national Housing Justice Network, a vast field network of over 1,000 community-level housing advocates and tenant leaders, many of whom practice in jurisdictions that have converted properties to RAD, are in the processing of converting properties to RAD, or wish to convert properties to RAD. We support the goal of the RAD program to preserve affordable housing and address the $49 billion backlog of public housing capital needs, but we are troubled that the RAD program has nearly quadrupled in size over the last five years without any evaluation of its impact on tenants. The program has significant implementation challenges that have had drastic consequences for residents and the long-term preservation of affordable housing. These challenges are not limited to a few select owners or housing authorities, but are reflective of problems facing RAD conversions across the country and result from limited guidance and oversight in the program. RAD cannot be a complete substitute for adequate funding of the public housing program, and it must be adequately implemented, monitored, and evaluated before further expansion occurs. HUD must take a more proactive role to enforce tenants' rights and prevent the loss of affordable housing. 1 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT 1663 MissionHUD-17-0235-B-000467 St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 Defining Success in the RAD Program We urge HUD to reconsider how it defines the success of the RAD program. Currently, HUD claims that the RAD program has been successful because of (1) the number of RAD properties that have officially converted, (2) a reduction in HUD's processing times between RAD application and closing, and (3) the amount of money "leveraged" for construction investments. While these may be important indicators of success, they lack clarity and do not consider the impact of the RAD program on lowincome tenants, the quality of the rehabilitated RAD-converted housing, or the future preservation of the property as affordable housing. The latest HUD-commissioned RAD evaluation (conducted by Econometrica, Inc.) focused only on the amount of funding leveraged by the RAD program. By the report's own admission, it did not look at the impacts of the RAD program on tenants. In fact, the report made several troubling findings that impact tenants, including: PHAs often sought to use RAD as an opportunity to remove their properties from the statutory and regulatory control of the public housing program, and PHAs are not necessarily proposing their neediest projects for RAD conversion and may be choosing the projects with the least amount of capital needs to convert the properties more quickly to RAD. We remain concerned about these findings, among others, because a key purpose of the RAD program is to "preserve and improve public housing properties and address the $26 billion dollar [in 2011] nationwide backlog of deferred maintenance." According to HUD, there have been many successful "on-paper" RAD conversions that have not proposed any rehabilitation or construction at the property. This is likely an indication that RAD is being used to change the regulatory framework for the property, but not actually address deferred maintenance. HUD must develop comprehensive criteria to assess whether PHAs are adequately assessing and addressing the physical needs of the RADconverting property. The end result for tenants may be the same physical conditions but fewer rights. In addition, HUD must develop measures to assess the impact of RAD on low-income families and the long-term affordability of the property, before determining that any one RAD conversion, or the program in its entirety, is a success. Impact of the RAD Program on Low-Income Tenants NHLP works closely with legal services attorneys and tenant advocates across the country who report problems with the local implementation of the RAD program. The current challenges in RAD conversions often detrimentally impact low-income tenants. We highlight the most common implementation issues below and urge HUD to consider broad policy changes to prevent their future occurrence. A. Transparency Before, During, and After the RAD Conversion Tenants and advocates are routinely denied access to documents and plans related to RAD conversions, or are not provided the information in a timely manner. This creates a barrier to effective engagement in the RAD conversion and limits oversight of the program. In order to effectively understand local RAD conversion plans and ensure enforcement of tenants' rights, advocates often need access to key RAD conversion documents, including: 2 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW PROJECT HUD-17-0235-B-000468 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 The PHA's RAD application sent to HUD, Front-end civil rights reviews by HUD identifying any potential fair housing or civil rights concerns, RAD tenant relocation plans, and Post-conversion findings of noncompliance by HUD. In addition, failure to provide the documents results in advocates having to commit significant resources to preparing and submitting FOIA requests (and state public records act requests, as applicable) for basic information regarding a particular RAD conversion. FOIA requests can be costly, including search costs ranging from $21 to $75 an hour and an additional fee for copies. Although these requests are subject to a fee waiver pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 2.107, the waiver is routinely denied, resulting in high costs to already under-resourced legal aid offices plus lengthy waits for documents that are needed immediately for effective representation. Consequently, tenants are unable to make informed choices and exercise their rights. Regarding post-conversion transparency, HUD has only recently committed to collecting data from 90 randomly selected RAD-converted properties to "to conduct preliminary compliance reviews of completed RAD conversions to better carry out oversight of relocation and verify construction activity." While we are encouraged by this initial step by HUD, it remains unclear what factors specifically HUD will be reviewing and whether this information will be publicly accessible. Since the RAD program was created five years ago, HUD has not proactively collected any data from RADconverted properties to ensure compliance with federal law, regulations, and RAD-specific rights. HUD should make this data available and, in addition, address how it plans to proactively monitor the rest of the 225,000 RAD units nationwide. B. Tenant Education of RAD Conversion Plans Prior to submitting a RAD application, a housing authority is required to conduct at least two meetings with residents and provide an opportunity for comment. HUD requires that these meetings include a discussion of, at a minimum: whether the conversion will include a transfer of assistance, plans to partner with an entity other than an affiliate or instrumentality of the PHA if such partner will have a general partner or managing member ownership interest in the proposed project owner, changes in the number or configuration of assisted units or any other change that may impact a household's ability to re-occupy the property following repairs or construction, a de minimis reduction of units which had been vacant for more than 24 months at the time of RAD application, and the scope of work. The RAD Notice (HUD Notice 2012-32, REV-3) requires that the PHA also have one additional meeting before HUD executes the HAP contract. Therefore, HUD only requires three meetings with residents between the time that the PHA is considering RAD and the time the property officially converts under RAD. Based on our experience and the experience of our partners, three meetings is entirely inadequate to explain the changes that residents will experience as the property converts, and to discuss the often complex options presented at the time of conversion. 3 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000469 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 In some cases, PHAs include only the information that is required by HUD, which leaves out important topics including temporary tenant relocation, whether the conversion will be to project-based vouchers or project-based rental assistance, how the PHA plans to maintain an interest in the property after the RAD conversion, and key tenant rights provided by the RAD program (i.e. right to remain, grievance procedures, prohibition on re-screening existing tenants). In other cases, PHAs do not even present the minimum amount of information as required by law. In either case, advocates nationwide report that resident meetings fail to capture the true impact of the RAD conversion on residents and their families. Advocates also report accessibility issues with respect to the tenant engagement meetings. We have seen PHAs host meetings during work hours or at inconvenient times for residents, at hard-to-reach locations off-site, and in violation of applicable civil rights and language translation requirements. HUD must take stronger action to ensure that these meetings educate residents before allowing the RAD conversion to proceed. HUD should (1) carefully review tenant comments and the PHA's responses, which PHAs are required to submit to HUD, (2) require more than three tenant meetings prior to a HUD conversion and (3) educate PHAs about the importance of having effective meetings that are accessible, informative, and provide an adequate opportunity for tenant participation. C. Tenant Relocation Often a RAD conversion involves temporary relocation of tenants to allow for construction or repair of the property. PHAs are required to participate in a planning process and take specific steps to minimize the adverse impact of relocation on tenants. This includes: 1) tenant relocation assistance; 2) certain relocation notices; 3) relocation advisory services; and 4) decent, safe, and sanitary temporary housing allocated on a non-discriminatory basis. The HUD RAD Fair Housing and Relocation Notice (HUD Notice 2016-17) also requires a written relocation plan if temporary relocation is anticipated to last more than 12 months and strongly encourages a written relocation plan for temporary relocation anticipated to last less than 12 months. Despite these clear mandates, inadequate relocation policies are commonplace. NHLP and its local partners have seen the following problematic tenant relocation practices with respect to RAD: PHAs and owners failing to provide tenants with adequate notice as required by law (30- or 90day notices). PHAs and owners failing to provide the required relocation advisory services. Specifically, some PHAs and owners simply provided a list of subsidized housing in the community, without meeting with residents individually to assess their needs and identify specific units and landlords who will accommodate the temporarily relocated tenants. PHAs and owners failing to create adequate written relocation plans, or failing to comply with their own written relocation plans. Owners failing to provide the same alternative housing options to similarly situated tenants, and situations where the temporary housing provided is uninhabitable or an inadequate size for the family, in violation of the Uniform Relocation Act and RAD requirements. Additionally, we have seen PHAs and owners misjudge the need for temporary relocation, resulting in the loss of heating during extreme winter months, tenants living without windows, inoperable elevators, lack of plumbing, and significant construction dust and debris within tenants' units. Such occurrences 4 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000470 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 put the health and safety of the residents at risk and fail to ensure that tenants are living in decent, safe, and sanitary units. At the very least, HUD should collect relocation data about the property conditions and number of returning tenants for all RAD-converted properties nationwide so it can assess the impact of the RAD program on low-income tenants. D. Tenant Organizing Federal statutes and HUD guidance give RAD tenants the right to "establish and operate a tenant organization for the purpose of addressing issues related to their living environment, which includes the terms and conditions of their tenancy as well as activities related to housing and community development." Federal regulations also provide that tenants and non-tenant tenant organizers have the right to engage in tenant organizing activities related to establishing or operating a tenant organization, such as distributing leaflets, contacting residents, and convening regularly scheduled resident organization meetings. While such rights already exist for tenants in PBRA properties, the RAD Notice explicitly extends these rights to RAD PBV tenants. Additionally, RAD tenants have the right to receive $25 per occupied unit per year from the owner for tenant participation activities. At least $15 per occupied unit per year must be provided to the "legitimate resident organization" at the property. Owners of RAD properties frequently interfere with tenant organizing activities. We have heard of many instances where PHAs and owners have explicitly impeded or prohibited tenant organizing efforts, including: Interfering with the distribution of leaflets; Interfering with meetings and elections (including demanding that the property manager attend tenant organization meetings); Threatening to have non-tenant tenant organizers arrested for organizing tenants; and Failing to give tenant organizations the funds that should be made available to them. RAD conversions create a critical need for tenant organizing so tenants can better understand the impact of the RAD conversion, hold the owner accountable to federal law and RAD requirements, and assist in planning for temporary tenant relocation and other important issues. HUD must take appropriate steps to prevent these egregious practices from continuing. E. Tenant Re-Screening When properties are converted through RAD, current households cannot be subject to re-screening, income eligibility determinations, or income targeting. Current households must be grandfathered in for conditions that occurred prior to conversion, but are subject to any ongoing eligibility requirements for actions that occur after conversion. Despite these clear protections, RAD tenants are routinely re-screened at the time of conversion for income, criminal history, credit, and other requirements, especially in properties that will be utilizing low-income housing tax credits. For example, tenants have been expressly told that they are "overincome" for a RAD-converted building or that they will only be "grandfathered in" for a finite amount of time. This has resulted in evictions and monetary buy-out packages that force tenants to move from the property, despite their right to remain after conversion. Additionally, advocates have had to 5 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000471 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 challenge PHA proposals that seek to: rescreen temporarily relocated tenants for activity that occurred prior to conversion; terminate temporarily relocated tenants' leases for alleged lease violations that occur during temporary relocation but have no formal, official judicial determination; and rescreen all tenants who are moving back in after the property has been rebuilt or rehabilitated. Without adequate HUD oversight or enforcement, the burden has fallen upon local tenants and their advocates to ensure that RAD tenants are not unlawfully denied access to, or evicted from, their housing. HUD should more proactively monitor RAD-converting properties nationwide and collect data about tenants' right to return and whether that right is being impeded by local RAD policies. F. Long-Term Preservation The preservation of affordable housing is the fundamental goal of the RAD program. The RAD Notice generally requires one-for-one unit replacement, but provides for exceptions that result in the loss of units during conversion, including: (1) if the unit has been vacant for more than 24 months at the time of RAD application, and (2) if reducing the total unit number will allow the PHA to more effectively or efficiently serve assisted households through either reconfiguring apartments (e.g., converting efficiency units to one-bedroom units) or facilitating social service delivery. These exceptions are at odds with the goals of the RAD program. First, the reason a unit is vacant for more than two years is often because it is in need of rehabilitation. Permitting PHAs to eliminate these units allows PHAs to leave habitability issues unaddressed, while reducing the overall number of affordable housing units in local communities. Additionally, the second exception is vague and does not set any standards or factors that the PHA must meet when avoiding its one-for-one replacement obligation. HUD should eliminate these exceptions and provide more oversight of the unit replacement process to meet the RAD program's goals. Additionally, HUD requires PHAs to maintain an interest in the RAD-converting property that will be owned by a for-profit entity and utilizes low-income housing tax credits. In the RAD Notice, HUD states that the PHA can maintain an interest in the property after the RAD conversion via the following methods: The PHA, or an affiliate under its sole control, is the general partner or managing member; The PHA retains fee ownership and leases the real estate to the tax credit entity pursuant to a long-term ground lease; The PHA retains control over the leasing of the Covered Project, such as exclusively maintaining and administering the waiting list for the Covered Project, including performing eligibility determinations complying with the PHA Plan; The PHA enters into a Control Agreement by which the PHA retains consent rights over certain acts of the Project Owner (including, for example, disposition of the Covered Project, leasing, selecting the management agent, setting the operating budget and making withdrawals from the reserves) and retains certain rights over the Covered Project, such as administering the waiting list; or Other means that HUD finds acceptable, in its sole discretion. Only the first two methods will preserve the long-term affordability of the property. The other methods 6 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000472 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 fail to retain meaningful long-term oversight of for-profit owners. PHAs that maintain an interest using the other methods will lack sufficient oversight over the property, likely resulting in a departure from the accountability inherent to the public housing program. The preservation of the quality of the housing stock is also a concern to tenants and housing advocates. In some RAD conversions, newly rehabilitated and rebuilt housing has significant safety and maintenance needs a short time after the RAD conversion. This is usually due to poor workmanship and mismanagement, as well as inadequate preliminary assessments of the scope of work needed for the property. This creates significant impacts on the health and safety of the residents. Accordingly, HUD must adopt procedures to prevent these issues. G. Resident Leases and House Rules Tenants in RAD-converted properties are bound by new leases and house rules, which are required to be effective as of the date of the HAP Contract. All RAD PBRA properties must use the required HUD PBRA Model Lease, and both RAD PBV and PBRA properties must include required language about lease termination notification and grievance procedures. A key protection that is required to be included in the lease and implemented in practice is that tenants cannot be evicted unless there is good cause to do so. However, some owners have failed to adopt appropriate lease provisions, such as termination and grievance procedure language, require that tenants sign new leases that become effective as of the effective date of the HAP Contract, and provide copies of the new lease and house rules to tenants. Owners have also attempted to evict tenants without good cause and with notices that fail to give a sufficient reason for termination. Despite the requirements in the RAD Notice, HUD has failed to collect house rules from owners during the conversion process. As a result, tenants and advocates report that owners and PHAs are adopting house rules that are unreasonable and infringe upon tenants' civil rights. HUD should collect and review house rules for all RAD-converting properties in order to properly oversee the RAD program and prevent illegal and unreasonable house rules from going into effect. H. Resident Grievance Procedures Pursuant to the RAD authorization statute, RAD tenants are entitled to the same rights that they possessed in the public housing program, including the right to a grievance procedure to dispute any action or inaction by the owner. As noted above, the RAD house rules also must contain specific language about tenants' grievance procedure rights. Despite these important mandates, numerous tenants have been denied their right to a grievance procedure. Owners have routinely failed to include references to the grievance procedure in the house rules. As a result, owners have evicted, and attempted to evict, tenants without access to, or notice of their right to, a grievance procedure. While our network has attempted to intervene in these cases, access to a legal services attorney is not always possible, given geographic and resource constraints. HUD must take the necessary steps to ensure that RAD tenants do not continue to be deprived of their legal right to basic due process. 7 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000473 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 I. Fair Housing and Civil Rights As reiterated in HUD Notice 2016-17, RAD properties remain subject to fair housing and civil rights laws, including the Fair Housing Act, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Additionally, RAD properties must comply with the 1964 Civil Rights Act which provides that Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons be provided with translation services so they can have meaningful access to housing programs. We have seen explicit violations of fair housing and civil rights laws in many different contexts. Such incidents include express familial status discrimination, failure to provide reasonable accommodations to tenants with disabilities, and failure to provide translation services to LEP individuals. Other examples include concentrating disability-accessible units in RAD properties and failing to adopt emergency transfer plans which allow survivors of domestic violence to move rapidly to escape lifethreatening situations. HUD must take appropriate steps to educate owners of their civil rights obligations and enforce federal law. J. Transfer of Assistance RAD transfers of assistance allow subsidized housing assistance to be transferred to a property in a different location. Such transfers have enormous impacts on tenants' lives and raise significant fair housing and accessibility concerns. Despite the fact that HUD is required to complete a front-end civil rights review of RAD transfer of assistance conversions, we remain concerned about issues that are not captured by such a review. For example, HUD Notice 2016-17 states that if the transfer of assistance to a new site is a "significant distance" from the converting property, then tenants will have the right to an assisted unit within a reasonable distance of their former public housing residence. We have seen firsthand during RAD conversions how the vagueness of such a requirement negatively impacts tenants' ability to exercise their rights. In transfers of assistance nationwide, tenants are being told they must move a significant distance away from the public housing property. Such transfers will have a devastating impact on tenants, since they will be moved far from their friends, families, workplaces, churches, schools, and medical providers. HUD should modify its policy on RAD transfers of assistance to better protect tenants, especially as PHAs and owners seek to move tenants away from developing areas of opportunity. K. Choice Mobility RAD tenants may exercise choice mobility rights and request tenant-based rental assistance 12 months (PBV) or 24 months (PBRA) after the RAD conversion. Choice mobility allows RAD-converted tenants to be placed at the top of the local PHA's waiting list for tenant-based rental assistance and move to any private market unit where a landlord will accept the assistance. Unfortunately, we have encountered PHAs who are unfamiliar with choice mobility rights and have not adopted policies and procedures to allow RAD tenants to exercise their choice mobility rights. As a result, PHAs and owners fail to inform residents of these rights. Even when tenants are aware of the right to tenant-based assistance, PHAs and owners present significant barriers to obtaining it. HUD should publish guidance on choice mobility in the RAD program, so that PHAs and owners understand their obligations. In turn, tenants will have better access to choice and mobility post-RAD conversion. 8 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW P ROJ ECT HUD-17-0235-B-000474 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 L. Section 3 Enforcement RAD properties are subject to Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act, which requires that recipients of HUD financial assistance for housing and community development provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for low- or very-low income residents in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods. The Section 3 regulations set forth goals and priorities for hiring public housing tenants, homeless individuals, Youthbuild, and other very lowincome residents and contracting goals for businesses owned by these individuals. The RAD Notice makes clear that Section 3 applies to all RAD work, including any new construction that is identified as part of the RAD conversion. Yet, because HUD has consistently failed to enforce Section 3 requirements, the benefits of the Section 3 program have not been realized. RAD conversions present a unique opportunity to enforce Section 3 requirements and to provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for local residents and HUD must do more to ensure that PHAs and owners are fulfilling their Section 3 obligations. M. RAD Component 2 RAD Component 2 tenants, who live in Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation, Rent Supplement, or Rental Assistance Payment programs converting to project-based vouchers or project-based rental assistance, have very few tenant protections. Unlike Component 1 properties, there is no requirement that RAD Component 2 HAP Contracts be renewed at the end of each term, which puts the long-term preservation of the property at risk. In Component 2, there is no RAD Use Agreement that will be attached to the land title, ensuring long-term affordability of the property in perpetuity. The fair housing and relocation protections described in HUD Notice 2016-17, such as relocation plans, do not apply to Component 2 properties. Component 2 tenants also have no choice mobility rights if they are in RAD PBRA properties. Additionally, there are very few resident education requirements for tenants undergoing a RAD Component 2 conversion. HUD has determined that certain rights, guidance, and procedures were essential and necessary for the Component 1 program. Thus, HUD should do more to ensure similar procedures and rights for Component 2 tenants, where possible. NHLP and our local partners have experienced many significant challenges related to the implementation and oversight of the RAD program. We strongly urge HUD to take a more proactive approach to ensure that tenants' rights are not violated during the RAD conversion process. Such action and evaluation is especially necessary prior to any further expansion of the RAD program. I can be reached at 415-432-5706 and SRoller@nhlp.org should you wish to talk further about our concerns. Sincerely, Shamus Roller, Executive Director, National Housing Law Project CC: Thomas Davis, HUD, Office of Recapitalization Celia Carpentier, HUD, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Danielle Garcia, HUD, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity William Rudy, HUD, Office of Community Planning and Development 9 NATIONAL HOUSINGLAW PROJECT HUD-17-0235-B-000475 1663 Mission St. Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 | 415.546.7000 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Hughes, Andrew Tuesday, October 10, 2017 10:13 AM John.K.Mashburn@who.eop.gov; Flynn, Matthew J. EOP/WHO; Paranzino, Anthony M. EOP/WHO; Kaelan.K.Dorr@who.eop.gov; Rateike, Bradley A. EOP/WHO HUD Daily Briefing (10-10-17) Good Morning, Below is Secretary Carson's outlook for today. Have a great day. -Andrew STATUS OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary is in Washington today. TODAY (10/7 Washington, DC) the Secretary will: o Prep for Congressional Hearing o Attend WH Chai Lifeline event in the East Room o Present Secretary's Annual Awards at HUD TOMORROW (10/8 Washington, DC) the Secretary will: o Meet with Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO) as a follow up to a previous conversation. o Call with Congressman Pete Olson (R-TX) to discuss $60 million Consolidated Appropriations Act o Meet with the Congressional Black Caucus (Tentative) UPCOMING KEY EVENTS o HUD Secretary's Awards Ceremony o October 10, 2017 o Secretary Carson will present annual awards to HUD staff to highlight the significant accomplishments of their program offices over the past year. o POC: Raffi Williams, Communications Director; raphael.l.williams@hud.gov o Meet with Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO) o October 11, 2017 o Secretary Carson will briefly meet with Congressman Coffman as a follow up to a conversation they had about Colorado. o POC: Seth Appleton, Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov o Call with Congressman Pete Olson (R-TX) o October 11, 2017 o Secretary Carson will discuss the $60 million Consolidated Appropriations Act o POC: Victoria Barton, Congressional Relations, Victoria.L.Barton@hud.gov o Tentative Meeting with Congressional Black Caucus o October 11, 2017 o Tentative meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus o POC: Seth Appleton, Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov o Feds Feed Families Campaign Closing Comments HUD-17-0235-B-000476 o October 12, 2017 o This is an end-of-campaign congratulatory speech to applaud the generosity of federal employees who have made food, monetary, or similar donations. o POC: Raffi Williams, Communications Director; raphael.l.williams@hud.gov o Family Promise of St. Tammany o October 13, 2017 o Secretary Carson will speak at the 15th Family Promise National Conference at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA. Their mission is to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. o POC: Raffi Williams, Communications Director; raphael.l.williams@hud.gov o Tour of Areas Impacted by Hurricane Irma in Florida o October 16, 2017 (TENTATIVE) o Secretary Carson will travel to southwest Florida to tour neighborhoods significantly impacted by Hurricane Irma in Immokalee, FL and Goodland, FL (tentative). o POC: Ben DeMarzo, Director of Operations, Benjamin.e.demarzo@hud.gov o Secretary's Tour of Denver, CO o October 23 - 24, 2017 o Secretary Carson will travel to Denver, CO to visit the HUD Regional Office in Denver, tour Choice Neighborhood housing complexes and a veterans' crisis housing center, and to keynote the Mortgage Bankers Association annual conference. o POC: Ben DeMarzo, Director of Operations, Benjamin.e.demarzo@hud.gov o Mortgage Bankers Association Annual Meeting o October 23, 2017 o This is a key industry conference that will have several thousand in attendance including investors, lenders, and bankers within the housing industry. Speech theme still being developed. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o White House Fellows Annual Leadership Conference o October 23, 2017 o Speech to be delivered to about 200 White House Fellows. Subject of speech will center on the Secretary's vision for HUD and key priorities. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o Office of General Council Ethics Training o October 26, 2017 o Introductory comments that will reinforce the importance of ethics training. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o Secretary's Tour of Atlanta, GA o October 30 - October 31, 2017 o Secretary Carson will travel to Atlanta, GA to visit the HUD Regional Office in Atlanta, tour Family Self Sufficiency housing centers and Choice Neighborhood housing complexes. o POC: Abby Delahoyde, Director of Advance, Abigail.M.Delahoyde@hud.gov o National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders o November 2, 2017 HUD-17-0235-B-000477 o The Secretary will make remarks on public-private partnerships and will be focused on policies and programs. o POC: Chad Cowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; chad.cowan@hud.gov o WH Event - American Dream: Homeownership o August 3, 2017 (POSTPONED - Date TBD) o POTUS will host the Secretary at the White House for an event highlighting homeownership as a pillar of the American Dream, and the government programs and services that support homebuyers. o POC: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; amy.c.thompson@hud.gov o SOHUD Trip to Charlotte, NC o August 31 - September 1, 2017 (POSTPONED - Date TBD) o Secretary Carson will travel to Charlotte to visit various HUD-assisted properties, and discuss public-private partnerships, homelessness, and housing finance reform. o POC: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; amy.c.thompson@hud.gov ADDITIONAL UPDATES o Congressional Hearing on HUD Priorities o Description: Secretary Carson is scheduled to testify before the House Financial Services Committee for the first time on October 12. The committee has expressed interest in the Secretary testifying on his vision and priorities for HUD, though the ongoing Hurricane Harvey response efforts might impact the subject of hearing. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: October 12, 2017 o Anticipated Process: CIR will work internally at HUD and with OMB and the House Financial Services Committee in preparation for this hearing. o Nomination of Paul Compton to be HUD General Counsel o Description: The Senate Banking Committee approved Paul Compton's nomination for HUD General Counsel by a recorded vote of 15-7 on Thursday, July 27th. Mr. Compton's confirmation will be critical in helping HUD's Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, amy.c.thompson@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Process: A final vote on Mr. Compton could occur in October. o Nomination of Suzanne Tufts to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Administration o Description: The White House nominated Suzanne Tufts to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Administration on Tuesday, September 5th. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, amy.c.thompson@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Process: Awaiting clearance of questionnaire for transmittal to the Senate, after which CIR will work with the nominee to meet with Senators in advance of a hearing by the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. HUD-17-0235-B-000478 o Nomination of Brian Montgomery to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Housing and FHA Commissioner. o Description: The White House nominated Brian Montgomery to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Housing and FHA Commissioner on Tuesday, September 12. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, amy.c.thompson@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Process: Brian is completing his questionnaire. Following clearance of questionnaire for transmittal to the Senate, after which CIR will work with the nominee to meet with Senators in advance of a hearing by the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. o Nomination of Hunter Kurtz to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. o Description: The White House nominated Hunter Kurtz to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing on Friday, September 15. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, amy.c.thompson@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Process: Hunter is completing his questionnaire. Following clearance of questionnaire for transmittal to the Senate, after which CIR will work with the nominee to meet with Senators in advance of a hearing by the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. o SOHUD Meetings with Members of Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees o Description: Secretary Carson will be meeting with Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committee members on housing finance reform. o POC: Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Legislative Affairs; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: Meetings are currently underway. o Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs o Description: The 2014 HUD Appropriations Act made statutory changes to ease administrative burdens on public housing agencies (PHAs) and certain multifamily owners. HUD issued a proposed rule on January 6, 2015, to implement these statutory changes and to make additional regulatory changes arising out of stakeholder input asking for additional flexibilities in many HUD programs. In addition, the 2015 HUD Appropriations Act made statutory changes to how PHAs determine flat rents in public housing. HUD issued a September 8, 2015, interim rule to implement these changes. This final rule makes changes to the regulatory text as presented in the January 2015, proposed rule, and finalizes the regulatory changes contained in the September 2015 interim final rule. o POC: Danielle Bastarache, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policies, Programs and Legislative Initiatives, Office of Public and Indian Housing; danielle.l.bastarache@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The rule was cleared by the Office of Management and Budget on August 31, 2017. The rule was delivered to HUD's Executive Secretariat on September 22, 2017 for final approvals. The next step will be submission to HUD's Congressional authorizing committees for pre-publication review. Publication is anticipated in October. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. HUD-17-0235-B-000479 o Rule to Amend the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards o Description: This proposed rule would amend the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (the Construction and Safety Standards) by adopting recommendations made to HUD by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). The National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (the Act) requires HUD to publish in the Federal Register any proposed revised Construction and Safety Standard submitted by the MHCC. The MHCC has prepared and submitted to HUD its third group of recommendations to improve various aspects of the Construction and Safety Standards. HUD has reviewed those proposals and has made editorial revisions to several of the proposals. (b) (5) As agreed upon, these recommendations are being published here to provide notice of the proposed revisions and an opportunity for public comment. o POC: Pamela Beck Danner, Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Office of Housing; pamela.b.danner@hud.gov o (b) (5) o (b) (5) o Notice Announcing the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Appointment of Members and Notice of Public Meeting o Description: This notice announces the appointment of the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC) members, gives notice of a one-day meeting and sets forth the proposed agenda of the first HCFAC meeting. The Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2017. The meeting is open to the public and is accessible to individuals with disabilities. o POC: Marjorie George, Housing Program Technical Specialist, Office of Housing Counseling, marjorie.a.george@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The Office of Housing has decided to postpone publication of this notice until November. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Relief from HUD Requirements Available to Public Housing Agencies to Assist with Recovery and Relief Efforts on Behalf of Families Affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Future Natural Disasters Where Major Disaster Declarations Might be Issued in 2017 o Description: This notice advises the public that HUD, as a result of Presidentially declared Major Disaster Declarations (MDD) following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria has established an expedited process for the review of requests for relief from HUD regulatory and/or administrative requirements for public housing agencies (PHAs) and Tribes or tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) that are located in Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Georgia. In addition, this notice advises that PHAs, Tribes and TDHEs located in areas covered by MDDs issued during the remainder of 2017 may utilize the flexibilities and expedited waiver process set out by this notice. o POC: Shelia Bethea, Office of Field Operations, Office of Public and Indian Housing, sheila.bethea@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The notice is circulating for final HUD approvals prior to publication. Publication is anticipated in October. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. HUD-17-0235-B-000480 o Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Factors for 2018 o Description: This notice establishes operating cost adjustment factors (OCAFs) for projectbased rental assistance contracts issued under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 and renewed under the Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 (MAHRA) with an anniversary date on or after February 11, 2018. OCAFs are annual factors used primarily to adjust the rents for contracts renewed under section 515 or section 524 of MAHRA. o POC: Carisa L. Janis, Program Analyst, Office of Housing, carissa.l.janis@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: Publication of the notice is anticipated in October. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Navajo Housing Authority o Description: After multiple offers and counteroffer's, Navajo Housing Authority (NHA) has offered to repay $26 million from current funds (HUD's previous offer was $31 million, to be repaid from future funds, over a 5-year period). NHA has appealed the administrative law judge's decision to have NHA return $96M in unspent funds to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. A decision from the 9th Circuit would not be expected until FFY 2018. The Court requested mediation discussions. o POC: Andrew Hughes, White House Liaison, andrew.hughes@hud.gov o HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Notice o Description: Public and Indian Housing published the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Notice on September 1, 2017 allowing PHAs partnering with their local VA facilities to register their interest in receiving $40M in new awards (approximately 5,500 new HUD-VASH vouchers). o POC: Becky Primeaux, Director, Public Housing Management and Occupancy Division, becky.l.primeaux@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: PHAs must express interest by October 31, 2017. Awards are expected in December 2017. o Anticipated Process: Vouchers will be allocated to registered PHAs based on their local need and program capacity. HUD News and Opinion Secretary: HUD is here to help South Floridians (Miami Herald, FL) Trump's Billionaire Cabinet Members DeVos and Ross Fly Private Jets While Ben Carson Flies Commercial (Newsweek) Treasury Secretary Cleared of Criticism He Misused Flights on Military Transport (Government Executive) [NJ] Audit: New Brunswick Housing Authority did not always follow procedures (My Central Jersey, NJ) [NC] Pittenger: Robeson in line for $71M from HUD (St. Pauls Review, NC) [NC] Hurricane Matthew: One year later ---- County, state officials work for more funding for recovery (Goldsboro NewsArgus, NC) [NC] State accused of dragging feet in doling out Matthew relief money (WRAL-TV CBS 5 Raleigh, NC) [SC] Some still out of homes as Marion County celebrates one year of recovery after Matthew new (WPDE-TV CarolinaLive.com, SC) [SC] Marion group looks at ongoing recovery efforts one year after Hurricane Matthew (WMBF-TV NBC Myrtle Beach, SC) [VA] T.K. Somanath column: Solution to improve housing options for low income families in the City of Richmond. (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) [FL] Prospective owner to spend millions on Eureka Gardens, other properties (WJXT-TV CBS 4 Jacksonville, FL) HUD-17-0235-B-000481 [TN] Developer of Alton Park senior homes wants to give back to her community (Chattanooga Times Free Press, TN) [MO] HUD to monitor progress to rid mice from Clinton-Peabody public housing (Fox 2 Now St. Louis, MO) [LA] -10: Ten Things to Know in New Orleans this Week: STR-ing up trouble (New Orleans Gambit Weekly, LA) [IL] A Town's Dilemma--Find a Savior, or Just Move On (Wall Street Journal) [IL] U.S. Rep. John Lewis says HUD 'should lend a helping hand' to rebuild public housing in Cairo (The Southern, IL) [IL] U.S. Rep. John Lewis, an American icon of the Civil Rights Movement, reflects on the 1962 summer he spent in Cairo (The Southern, IL) [IN] USS Lead, EPA reach agreement to study groundwater, soil contamination (Northwest Indiana Times, IN) [IN] NAACP To Help East Chicago Residents Test For Lead (Indiana Public Media) [TX] How much has been raised for Harvey relief - and how's it being spent? (Texas Tribune, TX) [TX] Officials have no details on housing relief (Victoria Advocate, TX) [KS] Renovations coming to many properties in Wichita (KNSS-AM 1330, KS) [KS] Wichita public housing to get up to $60 million renovation (KWCH-TV CBS 12 Wichita, KS) [MN] West St. Paul apartment owner sued over bias against Army vet, his support dog (St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN) [AZ] The Most Wasteful Government Agency You've Never Heard Of (Reason Magazine) [HI] Caldwell Screws up Again: Lapsed housing funds fuel despair (Hawaii Free Press, HI) [AK] With focus on hurricanes, erosion-threatened Alaska villages wonder if they'll get any help from Trump (Alaska Dispatch News, AK) Federal Housing Administration (FHA) CIT agrees to sell $900 million reverse-mortgage portfolio (American Banker) Ginnie Mae Issuers can combine hurricane exposure for relief aid: Ginnie Mae (National Mortgage News) Mortgage exec pleads guilty to defrauding Ginnie Mae (Mortgage Professional America) [MA] Former mortgage executive pleads guilty to fraud charges (National Mortgage Professional) Home Ownership OMB Director Mulvaney calls for canceling NFIP's $16 billion debt (HousingWire) A budget neutral way to help low-income Americans pay for their rent or mortgage (The Hill) Editorial: Scrap the mortgage interest deduction (Chicago Tribune, IL) 4 Common Misconceptions Stopping Millennials from Owning a Home (U.S. News & World Report) Homebuying finances Should you rent or buy a home? (CNN) Fannie Mae: Boomers won't own their home free and clear before retirement (HousingWire) Millennial mortgage problem: Down payments and expensive cities (USA Today) Mortgage Forgiveness and CEO Pay (Bloomberg) [NY] GLYNN: Collins predicts compromise in tax issue (Niagara Gazette, NY) [NJ] Mine Hill affordable housing project back on track (Randolph Reporter, NJ) [MS] 4 new Habitat for Humanity homes on a blighted street (WDAM-TV NBC, MS) [NV] 7 indicted in Las Vegas in alleged foreclosure bribery scheme (Las Vegas Review-Journal, NV) HUD-17-0235-B-000482 [NV] 3 Anaheim residents, 1 Chino resident facing federal charges for alleged mortgage bribery scam (San Bernardino County Sun, CA) [OR] Spurred by rising rents, Latinos buy thousands of homes in Portland, suburbs (Portland Oregonian, OR) [CA] Judge Rejects Orange County Mortgage Swindler's Request For Leniency (Orange County Weekly, CA) [PR] Helping Puerto Rico will take time (Miami Herald, FL) Affordable Housing As high earners push up rents, fewer options for others (CBS MoneyWatch) The Rich Are Driving Up the Rent (Bloomberg) [ME] Belfast's push to boost apartments, control short-term rentals concern Airbnb hosts (Bangor Daily News, ME) [MA] Peabody Properties awarded $16.8 million toward construction of 98 Essex (New England Real Estate Journal) [NY] Here's How Trump's Tax Plan Might Hurt New York City (DNAinfo New York, NY) [NY] Thousands slam Mayor de Blasio's affordable housing plan in City Hall rally (New York Daily News, NY) [NY] Pushing New Affordable Housing Plan, Activists Plan Massive City Hall Rally (Gotham Gazette, NY) [NY] Thousands march on City Hall to demand more action on affordable housing (Politico) [NY] Thousands call for more affordable housing for seniors (WPIX-TV PIX 11, NY) [NY] Thousands rally outside city hall to demand more affordable housing (Time Warner Cable News - Northern NY) [NY] Holding de Blasio to his affordable housing promise (New York Daily News, NY) [NY] Islip approves LGBT housing plan (Long Island Business News, NY) [NY] Affordable-housing project brings jobs for Newburgh residents (Middletown Times Herald-Record, NY) [NY] Jamaica: Over 300 new apartments coming to downtown Jamaica (Times Ledger, NY) [NY] Downtown Brooklyn's BRIQ Nears Completion and Launches Affordable Housing Lottery (CityRealty, NY) [NY] Standard Buys Polyclinic Apts for $110.3M in Affordable Housing Preservation Play (CoStar Group News) [NY] De Blasio Expands Affordable Housing, but Results Aren't Always Visible (New York Times) [NJ] Affordable housing emerges as key issue in Jersey City election (Jersey City Journal, NJ) [NJ] N.J. shifts affordable housing funds beyond state's inner cities (NJ.com, NJ) [SC] Affordable housing: The ultimate stabilizer for families (Greenville Online, SC) [SC] Boeing helping to bring tech-centric learning to three North Charleston schools (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) [NC] If you build teacher housing, will they come to Durham and stay? (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) [FL] Editorial: No real winner in city-county battle for affordable-housing money (Tampa Bay Times, FL) [TN] Walden Village builds community near Trevecca Nazarene (The Tennessean, TN) [KY] New nonprofit plans to restore five shotgun houses near Cave Hill Cemetery (Louisville Courier-Journal, KY) [IL] Illinois awards $22M in tax credits for affordable housing (Washington Times, DC) [MI] Nonprofit plans to redevelop former school (Grand Rapids Business Journal, MI) [IN] Residents raise health concerns (The Republic, Columbus, IN) [TX] Plan to turn Old Mercy Hospital into affordable housing falls through (Laredo Morning Times, TX) [TX] Some renters feel 'no choice' but to leave apartments (Galveston County Daily News, TX) [TX] Gentrification, rising rents put squeeze on more Austin households (Austin American-Statesman, TX) [ND] Historic Mandan school being turned into affordable housing (Houston Chronicle, TX) HUD-17-0235-B-000483 [IA] Will Des Moines lose its last affordable apartment tower? (Des Moines Register, IA) [MN] St. Anthony city manager says city should reject Lowry Grove redevelopment plan (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) [WA] There are many barriers to affordability in Clark County (Vancouver Business Journal, WA) [OR] Portland renters and landlords face off over housing (Portland Oregonian, OR) [OR] Your Voice, Your Future - "Searching for Solutions: Oregon Affordable Housing Crisis" (KTVL-TV Channel 10, OR) [CA] This AIDS nonprofit lost a political battle over housing and development. Now it's fighting a new way (Los Angeles Times) [CA] Ground broken on affordable housing at BART's Coliseum station (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] Labor got higher wages in California's housing deal. Will affordable homes still be built? (Sacramento Bee, CA) [CA] Neighbors revolt against tiny houses and say they will destroy property values (Merced Sun-Star, CA) [CA] The density debate: Long Beach ponders building taller building to house more people (Long Beach Press-Telegram, CA) [CA] Paso mayor writes to Supervisor Peschong on affordable housing (San Luis Obispo New Times Weekly, CA) Fair Housing [NJ] EDITORIAL: Is N.J. structurally racist? (Asbury Park Press, NJ) [MD] Discriminatory housing practices are alive and well in Maryland (Washington Post) [MN] Renting and the Law: Can landlord fine tenant for keeping an emotional support animal? (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) Section 8 [TX] As subsidized housing spreads in San Jacinto, most fail reviews (Amarillo Globe-News, TX) [WA] If you think it's tough to find a place to live, try being poor (Bellingham Herald, WA) [GU] Ex-GHURA lawyer Mark Smith allowed to travel (Pacific Daily News, GU) Homelessness Why so many veterans go hungry -- and VA's new plan to fix it (Washington Post) Byron Williams: Twenty reasons to really support the troops (Winston Salem Journal, NC) [MA] At Boston Public Library, a new outreach position for the homeless (Boston Globe, MA) [VT] Homeless campers face eviction, full shelters (Burlington Free Press, VT) [NY] Homeless housed in Sunnyside hotel (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Kew Gardens hotel housing homeless (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Homeless Placed in New Hotel Sites Despite City's Pledge to Phase Them Out (DNAinfo New York, NY) [NY] Open Door work moving ahead and on time (Glens Falls Post-Star, NY) [NY] Puff, puff, bash: Slopers slam homeless-shelter residents for allegedly lighting up on their blocks (Brooklyn Paper, NY) [NJ] Upcoming events Hoboken groundbreaking for American Legion Post 107 and veterans housing (Secaucus Reporter, NJ) [PA] New after-school drop-in center for Scranton teens to open soon (Scranton Times & Tribune, PA) [PA] Two family suites added to Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter (Levittown Bucks County Courier Times, PA) [PA] NOAH tackles public awareness of homelessness in Carlisle (Carlisle Sentinel, PA) [DC] D.C. officials reach out to private landlords for help to end homelessness (Street Sense Media, DC) HUD-17-0235-B-000484 [GA] Opinion: Better mental health is key to solving more than just mass shootings (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) [FL] Land clearing of homeless campground near Jupiter High starts Monday (Palm Beach Post, FL) [FL] Central Florida's homeless students top 14,000 (Orlando Sentinel, FL) [FL] Volusia shelter might not open until summer 2018 (Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL) [AR] New director is determined to make a difference (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) [MO] Restoration House Stl Opens New Office Downtown Serving Homeless And At-Risk Youth (St. Louis Today, MO) [MO] We lack the resources to meet needs of all the homeless (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO) [AR] Bethlehem House focus groups look at giving strategies (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) [AR] Arkansas homeless shelter cancels plans to open center over complaints from residents (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) [MO] New record: More than 1,700 SPS kids were homeless or displaced last year (Springfield News-Leader, MO) [MO] SPS hires social workers to help homeless families (Springfield News-Leader, MO) [MO] SPS mission: Find and help every homeless student (Springfield News-Leader, MO) [IN] How Lafayette is helping its homeless veterans (Lafayette Journal and Courier, IN) [IN] Helping the homeless: More hard work ahead as Brighter Days starts second year (The Republic, Columbus, IN) [AZ] No deaths from hepatitis A outbreak in Maricopa County (Washington Times, DC) [AZ] Hepatitis A outbreak spread to Arizona by homeless (Arizona Republic, AZ) [WA] Hey City Council: Turning homeless people into criminals is wrong and doesn't help the cause (Tacoma News Tribune, WA) [OR] Solving Portland's homeless crisis requires a bolder approach: Guest opinion (Portland Oregonian, OR) [OR] Homelessness Compounds Health Challenges for Transgender Portlanders (The Lund Report) [CA] A homeless shelter could open in this Placer community. Some residents are concerned. (Sacramento Bee, CA) [CA] To slow deadly hepatitis outbreak, paramedics will now provide vaccinations to the homeless (Los Angeles Times) [CA] Homeless families increasingly leaving SF for stability in other cities (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] Homeless numbers grow at Santa Rosas Doyle Park (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) [CA] Water board reports highlighted health risk before hepatitis outbreak (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] An outbreak waiting to happen: hepatitis A marches through San Diego's homeless community (PBS NewsHour) [CA] San Francisco Sets Five-Year Plan to Drastically Reduce Homelessness (PLANetizen) [CA] Napa to pay landlords who accept homeless tenants (Napa Valley Register, CA) [CA] Santa Cruz County housing crisis countered by landlord incentivization (Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA) [CA] Goal reached: 1,000 homeless veterans receive housing (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] Opening of homeless camp back on track (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] Housing Crisis In California Forces More Students Into Homelessness (Huffington Post) [CA] Homeless women see hope moving into city-sanctioned campsite (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [HI] Modular homes from Japan to house Hawaii homeless families (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [ME] City subcommittee recommends tax deal for Augusta housing proposal opposed by neighbors (Central Maine, ME) [ME] Housing proposal at former Statler mill site elicits neighbors' worries (Central Maine, ME) HUD-17-0235-B-000485 [CT] Goal of public housing relocation in New London draws near (New London Day, CT) [NY] Red Tape Leaves Gowanus Community Center Closed Despite Funds to Renovate (DNAinfo New York, NY) [NY] Why the City isn't building public housing (The Real Deal, NY) [NY] Amid concern of spreading problem, Ogdensburg Housing Authority director will give bedbug presentation Tuesday at city hall (North Country This Week, NY) [NY] Build bigger, Bill and create housing for New Yorkers (New York Daily News, NY) [NY] Editorial: Heavy use of sick time is more evidence of trouble at the BMHA (Buffalo News, NY) [NY] New Yorkers rallying for de Blasio to take action on affordable housing plan (New York Daily News, NY) [NY] Oneida council renews agreement with housing authority (Rome Sentinel, NY) [PA] Bartolotta, Democratic senators back bill helping victims of domestic and sexual violence living in public housing (Beaver County Times, PA) [PA] Proposed bill would relocate domestic and sexual violence victims in public housing (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) [PA] Focus on Race: Johnstown a tale of two cities, leaders say (Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, PA) [PA] PHA Looks To Auction Off Dozens Of Properties To Potential Investors (KYW-TV CBS 3, PA) [VA] Lynchburg residents gets update on city's poverty initiative (Lynchburg News & Advance, VA) [MD] Pantelides nominates Corey Johnson for Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis board (Capital Gazette, MD) [TN] One suspect caught, another at large in fatal shooting (Morristown Citizen Tribune, TN) [AR] NWA editorial: Housing hubbub (Northwest Arkansas News, AR) [TN] Housing authority awarded $607K grant (Shelbyville Times-Gazette, TN) [AL] HABD public safety chief says people should be "outraged" by 13-year-old's shooting (WSFA-TV NBC 12 Montgomery, AL) [TN] 16-year-old girl fatally shot while trying to run for cover at Nashville's Cayce Homes (Tennessean, TN) [TN] 'She was an innocent kid': Neighbors hold vigil to remember 16-year-old girl fatally shot (Tennessean, TN) [OH] Coders are a 'twofer' when it comes to volunteering (Fremont News Messenger, OH) [IL] COMING UP: Housing authority properties going smoke-free (Decatur Herald & Review, IL) [IN] Apartment Residents: We Want Mold Complaints Investigated (WIBC-AM, Indianapolis, IN) [TX] Houston Housing Authority Again Asks Residents to Move Because of Flooding (Houston Press, TX) [TX] Houston Housing Authority apartments damaged by flood deemed uninhabitable (KRIV-TV Fox26, Houston, TX) [ND] Policing properties, providing low-rent housing a delicate balance (Grand Forks Herald, ND) [WA] HOPE Program: 10 Years Later (DSNews) [CA] After-school program offers assistance to children of farm workers (Chico Enterprise Record, CA) [CA] Old SLO orphanage, plagued by fire and ghost stories, to become home for adults with mental illness (San Luis Obispo County Tribune, CA) Sustainability Congress Has a Great Way to Create New Housing After Hurricane Disasters (The Atlantic CityLab) The Energy 202: Trump's energy policies have endeared him to establishment Republicans (Washington Post) [NY] The Ultimate Map of NYC's Passive House Movement, Includes 25 Energy-Efficent Overachievers now in the Works (CityRealty, NY) Community Planning and Development (CPD) HUD-17-0235-B-000486 [NH] Realtor doubts new zoning will create housing in Portsmouth (Seacoast Online, NH) [NY] Mayor David Kicks Off North Side Blight Removal Efforts (City of Binghamton, NY) [NY] Editorial: City making efforts to rebuild East Side (Buffalo News, NY) [NY] MAP: Harlem's Black Churches Cash in on Gentrification (DNAinfo New York, NY) [NJ] FamiCare founder tries to address loss of grant funding (Irvington Herald, NJ) [PA] Carbondale upgrading Russell Park (Scranton Times & Tribune, PA) [VA] Virginia LISC honors champions of strong, vibrant neighborhoods (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) [VA] City council to consider First Piedmont request (Martinsville Bulletin, VA) [VA] Melrose Avenue revitalization project on first step (WBDJ7 Roanoke News, VA) [WV] Council to vote on demolition of 18 structures (Huntington Herald-Dispatch, WV) [GA] Marietta will hold 3 listening sessions on funding (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) [TN] Mayor Megan Barry poll tests big-project agenda, four taxes for mass transit (The Tennessean, TN) [AR] Program director honored for 40 years of service (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) [KY] Forum will focus on west Louisville's economic development (The Lane Report, KY) [MO] City Must Spend $4 Million Grant Before April (KSFX/KOLR-TV FOX 27 Ozarks First, MO) [MI] George Will: Detroit serious about recovering (Saratoga Springs Saratogian, NY) [TX] McCullough Avenue Consortium Organizes to Be Light, Not Blight (Rivard Report, TX) [TX] 4 Harvey-hit neighborhoods that need the most help rebuilding (National Mortgage News) [TX] In Harvey recovery, some fear Houston will get it all (Galveston County Daily News, TX) [TX] Texas requests another $18 billion for Harvey relief (Galveston County Daily News, TX) [TX] What Do Houston's Pro-Growth Boosters Think Now? (The Atlantic CityLab) [IA] Wetland improves flood control, water quality (Iowa Farmer Today, IA) [CO] Wheat Ridge will not challenge judge s crackdown on urban renewal limits (Denver Post, CO) [PR] Puerto Rico Gov. Seeks $4.6B in Recovery 'Down Payment' (NBC New York, NY) [PR] Puerto Rico governor asks Congress for more federal aid after hurricane (The Hill) [PR] FEMA Still Planning Additional Influx of Federal Personnel in Puerto Rico (Government Executive) [PR] Puerto Rico Governor Requests $4.6 Billion More In Aid (Newsweek) National News America's Child-Poverty Rate Has Hit a Record Low (The Atlantic) The economy needs Trump's tax cut, but don't expect too much (MarketWatch) The Finance 202: The GOP's tax plan just cleared a major hurdle. Here are three major ones that remain. (Washington Post) The Finance 202: Trump is his own tax plan's worst enemy (Washington Post) Bank earnings: 'lower for longer' means buybacks will continue (MarketWatch) Treasury Answers Trump's Call on Looser Regs, Floats Ideas for MBS and ABS Markets (Inside Mortgage Finance) Bipartisan push begins in Congress to change part of CFPBs TRID rule (HousingWire) Hurricane history favours U.S. building suppliers (Reuters) Ever-mobile Millennial housing demand unchecked by rising mortgage rates (HousingWire) HUD-17-0235-B-000487 [NY] Ramapo evicting longtime Torne Valley families (Journal News, NY) [NY] Longtime Ramapo Residents Facing Eviction From Town-Owned Properties (CBS New York, NY) [NJ] Are NJ rent and house prices so high because we have too many school districts? (NJ101.5, NJ) [DC] Housing market in Washington region dominated by low inventory, high prices (Washington Post) [SC] Report: Local economies among nation's fastest growing (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) [GA] Campaigning for virtue (Augusta Chronicle, GA) [FL] IN DEPTH: In upscale Wellington, being poor is expensive price to pay (Palm Beach Post, FL) [FL] Florida's risky real-estate game is protected by a billion-dollar insurance industry -- but that could soon change (The Real Deal, NY) [FL] Miami Realtors play unique role as hurricane advisors (Miami Herald, FL) [FL] These guys chase catastrophes wherever they strike. And they make lots of money (Miami Herald, FL) [MS] Nate downgraded to tropical storm, 100k without power in Mississippi and Alabama (ABC News) [TX] When buying your kid a house is cheaper than paying for a dorm (CNBC) [NV] Inventory of available Las Vegas homes keeps slipping (Las Vegas Review-Journal, NV) [PR] Puerto Rico debt plan must be equal parts inspiring, realistic (The Hill) [PR] Opinion: Puerto Rico, a Deal Not Even Trump Can Refuse (NBC News) [PR] Central Floridians urge Puerto Rico rebuilding (Orlando Sentinel, FL) [PR] What delays in immediate disaster relief mean for Puerto Rico's long-term recovery (Urban Institute) Headlines The Washington Post The New York Times The Wall Street Journal ABC News NBC News CBS News Washington Schedule President Vice President Senate House of Representatives Editorial Note: This Brief represents summarized content - click on the hyperlink to access full-text articles for these news summaries. HUD News and Opinion Secretary: HUD is here to help South Floridians (Miami Herald, FL) Miami Herald (10/7/2017 6:37 PM, Secretary Ben Carson) In the past four weeks, the people of Florida have demonstrated their spirit is far tougher than any hurricane, including Irma, one HUD-17-0235-B-000488 of the most powerful storms ever recorded. Our fellow Americans in the Sunshine State are standing tall, exhibiting their resolve to recover, rebuild, and thrive in the wake of nature's recent wrath. But they are not alone. They have backup. At the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), hundreds of men and women are working to ensure safe, affordable housing for those affected by the disaster. We are going to give them an ear in Miami, the Florida Keys, and all the affected areas, and a voice in Washington. Before Irma made landfall, many HUD employees volunteered to go to Florida to serve immediately as a partner to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and assist individuals and families in need of our resources. I will be visiting Florida in the coming weeks to monitor our progress, talk with residents, and ensure HUD is providing everything we can to support the rebuilding effort. This is personal for us, too. As part of the response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts, HUD's primary job is to use the best data available to ensure disaster recovery funding is targeted to the hardest hit areas. We will put our knowledge, experience, and expertise to work in coordination with state and local authorities. In the months and years ahead, HUD will play a central role in Florida's integrated efforts to rebuild lives and communities. I am in touch with Gov. Rick Scott and his staff, and we are currently helping to locate vacancies to move vulnerable residents into safer housing. We are working closely with FEMA and shelters around the state to ensure they have the resources they need to serve displaced Floridians, and ultimately help these families find longer-term housing. We are also providing special mortgage relief through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). HUD has already granted a 90day moratorium on foreclosures for FHA-insured properties in disaster-affected areas. In addition, we offer loan forbearance and loan modifications for borrowers struggling to make payments in disaster-affected areas. We also make available specific mortgage products for those impacted by disasters. Some homeowners whose properties were destroyed or damaged may be eligible for 100 percent financing through HUD's Section 203(h) program. This will enable them to rebuild or buy another home. In addition, homeowners can use Section 203(k) FHA insurance to refinance an existing mortgage into a new mortgage that covers the cost of repairs. You can learn more about these programs and services on HUD's website. HUD is part of the process of recovery, providing the information and commitment, now and in the years to come. Trump's Billionaire Cabinet Members DeVos and Ross Fly Private Jets While Ben Carson Flies Commercial (Newsweek) Newsweek (10/8/2017 1:39 PM, Graham Lanktree) Several wealthy Trump administration officials are being investigated for using costly private jets on the American taxpayer's dime when they could have flown on commercial airlines for cheaper. The investigations have also revealed a divide between the rich, and the ultra-rich in President Donald Trump's cabinet, which is the wealthiest in modern U.S. history. HUD-17-0235-B-000489 Billionaires such as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross pay for private jets with their own cash while Ben Carson, a retired millionaire neurosurgeon and Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, flies commercial. Inspectors general have launched at least five investigations across various departments in recent weeks probing Cabinet and other Trump officials who used charter or military flights that cost taxpayers millions. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned September 29 after he cost the government $500,000 for use of private charters and military jets. After Politico revealed the nature of Price's trips last month, White House Office of Budget Management Director Mick Mulvaney instituted new rules requiring prior approval to use government planes. In comparison to this, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Carson, a retired neurosurgeon with a net worth of $26 million who used to sit on the boards of Costco and Kellogg, has escaped the private flights controversy. "For official HUD business, the secretary has only flown commercial," Raphael Williams, communications director for the department, tells Newsweek. "The only exception has been when he's flown with the president on Air Force One," Williams says. Treasury Secretary Cleared of Criticism He Misused Flights on Military Transport (Government Executive) Government Executive (10/6/2017 1:43 PM, Charles S. Clark) After weeks of media coverage suggesting he unnecessarily used military transport for travel, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday got a clean bill of health from the department's inspector general. Following a review of seven questioned flights that was twice-expanded in September, Treasury Inspector General Counsel Rich Delmar on Oct. 4 wrote to IG Eric Thorson he sees "no violation of law in these requests and uses. Getting approval from appropriate White House officials to designate the trips as White House Support Missions places them out of the purview of OMB Directive A-126 and otherwise applicable limitations in the Federal Travel Regulation," Delmar wrote. In a separate development, the Housing and Urban Development Department shot down suggestions that family members of Secretary Ben Carson are accompanying him on official business at taxpayer expense. Carson's wife Candy and one of his sons, investment firm founder Ben Carson Jr., have been seen on road trips with the secretary and at HUD headquarters, as reporters have noted. HUD Spokesman Jerry Brown told Government Executive on Friday that none of the travel costs of Candy Carson and Ben Carson Jr. are paid for by HUD, adding that at least 10 media outlets have already sent Freedom of Information Act requests for documentation on the question. [NJ] Audit: New Brunswick Housing Authority did not always follow procedures (My Central Jersey, NJ) My Central Jersey (10/6/2017 4:49 PM, Mike Deak) After an audit, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has cited the city's Housing Authority for what Mayor James Cahill says "may have been a technical violation." In a report issued Sept. 28, HUD found that the Housing Authority "did not always administer its operating and capital funds" in accordance with HUD regulations. HUD is recommending that future federal capital funds for the authority be reduced "as a penalty" for the violations. HUD also recommended that the Housing Authority provide documentation showing that $1 million paid for goods and services was "reasonable," provide procurement training for staff members, improve its financial controls and reimburse HUD $139,423 for funds that were expended after federal deadlines. The review centered around funds spent after superstorm Sandy in 2012, including $274,021 in 2014 to replace a generator and $277,956 in 2015 to replace a repair a roof. Cahill said the Housing Authority has begun submitting documentation to HUD for review. "We trust that at the conclusion of the review of this information, while there may have been a technical violation related to the timely expenditure of funds, given the sensibility of installing an emergency generator in a public housing project in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, and the need for the Housing Authority to incur additional management fees related to the demolition of the former Hoffman Pavilion Senior Housing facility and the environmental remediation required there, the actions of the Housing Authority will be found to have been appropriate," Cahill said. John Clarke, the Housing Authority's executive director, told the HUD-17-0235-B-000490 HUD that many of the issues raised in the audit arose from the "substantial damage" suffered in Sandy. Clarke wrote that staff members expended "Considerable time and effort" to ensure that residents were safe and dealing with the storm damage. Clarke also said that missing the deadline for spending the money for the generator was due to the contract being late and a policy of not issuing a check until the goods were delivered. Clarke also wrote HUD that it had approved the management fees for the demolition project. [NC] Pittenger: Robeson in line for $71M from HUD (St. Pauls Review, NC) St. Pauls Review (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, St. Paul's Review) LUMBERTON -- Robeson County is in line to receive as much as $71 million of the nearly $237 million in U.S. Housing and Urban Development money that has been allocated to North Carolina for rebuilding homes destroyed by Hurricane Matthew. The $237 million represents three funding authorizations, two of which the state hasn't yet applied for, Jamie Bowers, a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger, whose 9th Congressional District includes Robeson County, said Friday. The $71 million designated for Robeson County is included in $198 million secured in December 2016 and released to the North Carolina Office of Emergency Management in August, Bowers said. The $198 million has not been released by Emergency Management to the individual counties, including Robeson, Cumberland, and Bladen, to help with the building of homes. An additional $6.1 million in HUD funding was approved in May. Pittenger helped secure a further $32 million in July following conversations with HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, according to Bowers. [NC] Hurricane Matthew: One year later ---- County, state officials work for more funding for recovery (Goldsboro NewsArgus, NC) Goldsboro News-Argus (10/9/2017 9:47 AM, Steve Herring) Wayne County has been awarded nearly $26 million thus far to assist with Hurricane Matthew recovery efforts. It will not be enough, county officials have said. Meanwhile, Rep. John Bell of Goldsboro will chair the state House Select Committee on Disaster Relief. Rep. Jimmy Dixon of Mount Olive is also on the committee. Possible additional state funding for property buyouts, river dredging and reservoirs could be among the issues the committee will take up. Bell said one of his questions is why the level of federal disaster funds is lacking in the state. The committee will be updated on the Disaster Recovery Acts of 2016 and 2017 and also study the state's infrastructure and regulations as they pertain to flood relief and study a proposed recommendation to prevent future flooding in eastern North Carolina. Public meetings will be held as well. Earlier this month-- almost a year to the date that Hurricane Matthew struck -- the county was awarded $16.94 million over the next two years through the state Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Relief program that is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It could be eligible for up to a total of $25.4 million over the next three years. [NC] State accused of dragging feet in doling out Matthew relief money (WRAL-TV CBS 5 Raleigh, NC) WRAL-TV CBS 5 Raleigh (10/7/2017 4:43 AM, Staff) VIDEO. Raleigh, N.C. -- A year after Hurricane Matthew inundated southeastern North Carolina, political recriminations continue to pour in over the handling of federal relief funds. Republican 9th District Congressman Robert Pittenger on Thursday said Gov. Roy Cooper's administration is dragging its feet in HUD-17-0235-B-000491 releasing $237 million in federal Housing and Urban Development funds already approved to help people repair and rebuild flooded homes. "This is incredibly frustrating, but much more so for families in Robeson, Cumberland and Bladen (counties) who are still awaiting promised help to rebuild their homes," Pittenger said in a statement. The state Division of Emergency Management has had close to $200 million of the HUD funds since August and hasn't filed the necessary paperwork to get the remainder of the money, he said. Cooper, a Democrat, and state Emergency Management Director Mike Sprayberry on Friday disputed Pittenger's statements. Sprayberry said North Carolina has met or beaten every deadline for each step required to draw down the federal dollars, adding that more than $100 million has already been released to counties affected by the hurricane. "We have awarded funding to four counties - Edgecombe, Cumberland, Robeson and Wayne - as of last week," he said. "Now, they have to work hard to make sure that their plans are going to meet the requirements. So, the process is underway." Federal housing grants require assessments, Sprayberry said, and state and federal officials are working together to finish those quickly, especially for hard-hit communities such as Princeville. "The assessment has started, and it should be completed sometime in November," he said. "So, we're hoping the assessment goes well and that those funds will be able to be released at that time." Cooper said the damage from Matthew amounted to about $4.8 billion, a figure that doesn't account for the toll the storm took on displaced families and businesses. "For victims, help cannot come fast enough, but one thing I know is that Congress has to step up and do significantly more to help people," he said. The Federal Emergency Management Agency this week released another $100 million in hurricane recovery aid to North Carolina after temporarily freezing the funds to ensure the agency had enough money to meet emergency needs in Texas and Florida after hurricanes Harvey and Irma, respectively. [SC] Some still out of homes as Marion County celebrates one year of recovery after Matthew new (WPDE-TV CarolinaLive.com, SC) WPDE-TV CarolinaLive.com (10/9/2017 11:54 PM, Rosalia Fodera) MARION COUNTY, S.C. (WPDE) -- Marion County is still recovering from Hurricane Matthew with hundreds of families still not back home. Monday, the county's Long Term Recovery Group hosted a celebration of life to review their first year of recovery. Margaret Tart is one of the many still waiting to start rebuilding. Her Marion County home was destroyed in Hurricane Matthew. "I lost everything," Tart said. She's not alone though. Others are in the same situation. "Out of the 100 percent of homes that were destroyed, I would say we're probably at 15 percent," Senator Kent Williams said. Tart doesn't have the money to rebuild her home so she's waiting to hear if she'll get any of the the $52 million dollars from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). "HUD keeps reassuring me, 'Ms. Margaret we haven't forgotten about you,'" Tart said. [SC] Marion group looks at ongoing recovery efforts one year after Hurricane Matthew (WMBF-TV NBC Myrtle Beach, SC) WMBF-TV NBC Myrtle Beach (10/10/2017 12:07 AM, Audrey Biesk) VIDEO. MARION COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - The Marion Long-Term Recovery Group observed the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Matthew by hosting "A Celebration of Survival" event Monday afternoon. HUD-17-0235-B-000492 The organization formed in December 2016 after Marion County was hit hard from the flooding of Matthew. Chairman Michael Blue wanted to give local and state leaders, along with residents, an update and a celebration of the progress of the county so far. Blue said he doesn't want the recovery efforts to ware off and the $52 million federal grant awarded in January is not going to cover all the needs. "The grant that has been talked about so much primarily provides for construction and the infrastructure of the home, but as far as bedding, the actual tables, chairs, those kind of things are secondary, so those things are needs here in Marion County," said Blue. The South Carolina Palmetto Disaster Recovery said there are 622 open cases in Marion County and the office of Housing and Urban Development is projected to help a total of 800 households impacted by Hurricane Matthew. [VA] T.K. Somanath column: Solution to improve housing options for low income families in the City of Richmond. (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) Richmond Times-Dispatch (10/10/2017 5:11 AM, T.K. Somanath, CEO of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority) Our nation's public housing program has been underfunded for many years. This fact is most evident in larger urban areas like Richmond, where the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) serves extremely low-income households and where the majority of public housing developments are now entering their fifth, sixth, seventh, and, in some cases, eighth decade of development life. Without any substantive capital improvement funding these properties will continue to experience accelerated deterioration of their building systems and equipment. Maintenance servicing alone will not be sufficient to sustain these properties as a viable resource for low-income families in the foreseeable future. RRHA's and HUD's own assessments indicate that Richmond's public housing portfolio has over $150 million in capital needs. A significant portion of the older public housing developments are in need of replacement with new construction or top-to-bottom rehabilitation. This situation is not just evident at RRHA, but is endemic across the country, with the nation's public housing stock in need of $30 billion in repairs, and an estimated 10,000 units are being lost on an annual basis due to maintenance issues. As far back as 1992, Congress' National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing called for annual capital appropriations to be increased to $4 billion per year, with an additional $1 billion per year to be targeted over 10 years toward the larger public housing sites nationwide. Twenty-five years ago, this commission forecast the deterioration of older public housing developments if adequate capital funding was not provided. Instead, HUD funding for public housing was undermined by sustained -- and at times, aggressive -- budget cuts. The current HUD budget proposals are no exception and are in every respect worse than in previous years. President Trump's fiscal year 2018 proposal to cut annual capital funds from $1.9 billion to $600 million and to cut operating funds by $500 million is the latest indication of the bleak prospects for future public housing funding. Like any responsible public agency, RRHA must work with the funding it has to provide the best possible operating services to ensure that residents have decent and safe housing in which to live. Nevertheless, RRHA faces daunting challenges in assuring the continued viability of its larger developments, which house thousands of residents. When the public housing funding and regulatory platform no longer offers a sound method for assuring the future viability of properties, it is time to find another platform and approach. [FL] Prospective owner to spend millions on Eureka Gardens, other properties (WJXT-TV CBS 4 Jacksonville, FL) WJXT-TV CBS 4 Jacksonville (10/9/2017 5:39 PM, Eric Wallace) Company seeking $90 million in bonds for purchase of four apartment complexes JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - The prospective owner of Jacksonville's Eureka Gardens apartment complex plans to spend nearly $22 million on construction in order to rehabilitate units at the troubled property on the Westside, according to a city document. Eureka Gardens is one of several federally-subsidized apartment complexes in the city owned by the Global Ministries Foundation, based in Memphis, TN. The I-TEAM started investigating Eureka Gardens and its owners in the fall of 2015, after residents complained of unsafe and unsanitary conditions. HUD-17-0235-B-000493 The I-TEAM discovered problems like mold, crumbling staircases, gas and carbon monoxide leaks. The complex still received a passing inspection score from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2016, before failing its HUD inspection this year. A bill introduced to the Jacksonville City Council last month would authorize the Jacksonville Housing Finance Authority to issue up to $90 million in bonds to finance The Millennia Companies' purchase of Eureka Gardens, along with three other GMF-owned complexes: Moncrief Village, Southside Apartments and Washington Heights. The bill is due to have its second reading before the council Tuesday night. [TN] Developer of Alton Park senior homes wants to give back to her community (Chattanooga Times Free Press, TN) Chattanooga Times Free Press (10/10/2017 1:25 AM, Yolanda Putman) A local business owner has started a senior community in the inner-city neighborhood where she once lived. "Sometimes you need something to let people know you are doing something," says Sharon Kelly, who grew up on West 46th Street, less than two miles from the Lee Avenue senior housing community she owns. Last month she hosted the ribbon-cutting for three new homes, marking the latest residential development in Alton Park. These are made possible by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the city of Chattanooga, Lee Street Developers and Infinite Construction, says Kelly. If all goes as anticipated, the three homes are the first of seven planned in a $450,000 development project. Kelly expects to know by the end of the year if HUD will provide funding for the remaining houses. The three new houses sit next to Sharon's Senior Villa, the 25-bed assisted-living facility that Kelly opened in May 2001. [MO] HUD to monitor progress to rid mice from Clinton-Peabody public housing (Fox 2 Now St. Louis, MO) Fox 2 Now St. Louis (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Elliott Davis) ST. LOUIS - New developments in our investigation of the mice infestation at the Clinton-Peabody public housing project The You Paid For It teams calls on HUD officials in Washington to lend the St Louis Housing Authority a helping hand to solve the problem. We had asked Housing Authority Executive Director Cheryl Lovell if she planned to get help from HUD that funds her agency since she has tried and failed to solve the problem. Lovell said she had no such plans and didn't need HUD's help. Lovell's last idea was to bringing in six feral cats to get rid of the mice, but that was not sanctioned by the St. Louis City Health Department. After Lovell told us she wasn't sure she could solve the problem, You Paid For It decided to light another fire under the housing authority by alerting HUD in Washington to the problem. Not only did we alter HUD, we sent our inquiry all the way to the HUD Secretary Ben Carson. A HUD spokesperson called Elliott Davis a short time later with a pledge to monitor closely what the Housing Authority is doing and get the problem solved. The St. Louis Health Department is also on the Housing Authority to get the problem solved. 300 tenants live in Clinton-Peabody and about 7 of the 31 buildings are overrun with mice. HUD-17-0235-B-000494 The Housing Authority says the problem has lasted for months. But tenants dispute that, saying they've been dealing with the mice infestation for years. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [LA] -10: Ten Things to Know in New Orleans this Week: STR-ing up trouble (New Orleans Gambit Weekly, LA) New Orleans Gambit Weekly (10/10/2017 5:44 AM, New Orleans Gambit Weekly) 6. STR-ing up trouble A complaint lodged by housing advocacy group Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative (JPNSI) alleges two downtown buildings violate federal housing rules for converting its units into short-term rentals (STRs). According to the city's short-term rental database, more than half of the units at the Maritime Building on Common Street and more than a quarter of the units in the Saratoga Building on Loyola Avenue are registered as STRs, most of which can be rented out year-round under the city's commercial STR designation. Both properties have mortgages backed by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). According to HUD requirements, properties that have received HUD assistance can't use units as transient rentals or hotel units. New Orleans' municipal short-term rental laws, however, don't have similar restrictions. In a letter to HUD's New Orleans office, associate regional counsel Bam Viloria Gressett, JPNSI requests "HUD immediately investigate these violations and issue a cease order." [IL] A Town's Dilemma--Find a Savior, or Just Move On (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (10/9/2017 12:32 PM, Shibani Mahtani) Cairo, Ill., already hurting, faces rapid population loss as HUD closes complexes CAIRO, Ill.--This once-thriving town, at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, doesn't have a grocery store or gas station. A Subway sandwich shop, the only fast-food chain here in recent years, closed last year. The town's troubles are coming into sharp relief as the Department of Housing and Urban Development, unable to find a private developer to join as a partner, is pulling the plug on two housing developments here. Local officials say the town is likely to lose about a fifth of its 2,300 residents, taking with them the income they earn outside the city as well as government benefits like Medicaid and pulling children from the schools. In a place as down on its luck as Cairo, "closing public housing like this is the equivalent of losing the major employer in town and all the jobs and opportunity related to it," said Jenny Schuetz, a fellow at Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program who studies housing policy. State officials are pushing for a new river port terminal to bring back jobs, but the town, located in the state's poorest county, finds itself confronting a daunting possibility that its existence is at stake. "I've told the younger people, take your [housing] voucher and get out of Cairo," said Paul Lambert, who has lived in Cairo for 38 years. "There's nothing for you here." Cairo highlights the dilemma faced by struggling towns across the country that are losing population to bigger metropolitan areas. After a certain point these towns must decide whether there is enough left to fight for--and governments must decide whether limited resources would be better spent elsewhere. "I don't see an obvious way to turn [Cairo] around," said Aaron Renn, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. "It is more like problemmanagement mode at this point." Cairo was once an important port because of its location on the two mighty rivers at Illinois's southern tip, but its population has HUD-17-0235-B-000495 dwindled by 85% since the 1920s as river traffic moved elsewhere. Racial riots in the 1960s and '70s led to the flight of most white-owned businesses. HUD announced this spring that it would close the Elmwood and McBride public housing projects, forcing more than 200 families to find new homes. Built in the 1940s, the housing developments, which HUD took over in 2016, had fallen into extreme disrepair over the years with many apartments infested with mice, roaches and mold. Despite months of petitions from residents, HUD says it won't be building new housing in Cairo, citing the absence of an interested private partner. "It is hard to attract a private developer to a town that is not rebounding as fast as people want it to," said Jereon Brown, a HUD spokesman. HUD instead will be providing residents with "tenant protection vouchers," a form of rental housing assistance that families can use to move elsewhere. For most residents, this will mean relocating to larger towns at least a hundred miles away. [IL] U.S. Rep. John Lewis says HUD 'should lend a helping hand' to rebuild public housing in Cairo (The Southern, IL) TheSouthern.com (10/8/2017 7:11 AM, Molly Parker) WASHINGTON -- U.S. Rep. John Lewis, one of the "Big Six" organizers of the Civil Rights Movement and an American icon, said this past week that he was troubled to hear of the housing crisis in Cairo, where he spent the summer of 1962 organizing young people to integrate businesses and a recreational center as a field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. "It bothers me very much," Lewis, D-Ga., said of learning recently that Housing and Urban Development is relocating about 400 people from two failing public housing complexes, and that at least some families who want to remain in Cairo may have to move to other communities because the federal government does not plan to rebuild in the city. Lewis said the government "must help" rebuild Cairo. Lewis said that as he sees it, that means HUD providing for replacement housing in the city. The 77-year-old Georgia congressman said he recalls clearly the efforts he and others led in Cairo 55 years ago. He was 22 that summer, and had just participated as one of the 13 original members of the Freedom Rides challenging the segregation of interstate buses. "I think the government should lend a helping hand to rebuild the housing because they participated in the destruction of the housing," Lewis said, in a brief interview with the newspaper last week. "People should have a clean, safe and decent place to live." The 75-year-old complexes known as Elmwood and McBride are no longer considered safe. Past local managers of the Alexander County Housing Authority have been accused of failing to perform even basic routine maintenance at the properties that house almost entirely black families while spending generously on their own benefits, excessive travel, and questionable contracts, legal settlements and retirement deals. Though HUD officials knew about brewing problems with ACHA management practices dating back to at least 2010, according to records obtained by the newspaper, the federal agency continued to send millions of dollars to the local housing authority while doing little to hold officials accountable. HUD has been roundly criticized for abdicating its oversight responsibility, though the agency has never detailed what happened. The Southern Illinoisan has filed numerous Freedom of Information Act requests to HUD seeking information about why corrective action was not taken sooner. Those requests are pending. Federal housing officials announced at an April 10 meeting in Cairo that they would begin moving people from Elmwood and HUD-17-0235-B-000496 McBride because they are no longer safe. HUD is providing every family with a tenant protection voucher, which subsidizes rent paid to a private landlord, but some people are upset that they cannot remain in Cairo because of a shortage of affordable housing. In response to past calls by citizens and city leaders that HUD rebuild housing in Cairo, federal housing officials have said they cannot because the economic conditions there make it impossible to attract a private developer to partner with the government. HUD says it is no longer in the business of developing public housing solely with federal taxpayer dollars. Asked about Lewis' remarks, HUD spokesman Jereon Brown declined comment on behalf of the agency. The HUD Office of Inspector General is presently conducting a review, at the request of Illinois U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, of who knew what at HUD, when they knew it, and why they did not act sooner to protect the health and welfare of Cairo's families. In a statement, Duckworth said she is pleased to hear Lewis' remarks of concern for the citizens of Cairo. "When John Lewis is on your side, it's a pretty good sign you're doing something right -- Cairo's residents should be proud," she said. [IL] U.S. Rep. John Lewis, an American icon of the Civil Rights Movement, reflects on the 1962 summer he spent in Cairo (The Southern, IL) TheSouthern.com (10/8/2017 7:12 AM, Molly Parker) CAIRO -- In the summer of 1962, a 22-year-old John Lewis and other young African-Americans knelt in prayer on the sidewalk in front of a "whites only" recreational facility as part of a peaceful demonstration effort aimed at integrating businesses and other public places in Cairo. Danny Lyon, a Brooklyn native and then-University of Chicago student who hitchhiked to Cairo that summer, captured the poignant moment with Lewis, who would go on to become a longtime U.S. congressman from Georgia and American hero and icon of the Civil Rights Movement. The image of the spiritual protest was shared around the nation throughout the 1960s as a poster with the words "Come let us build a new world together" inscribed at the bottom. It came to symbolize a movement for racial reconciliation rooted in Christian brotherhood and Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence -- the principles upon which the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. founded a movement and inspired countless people to action. That includes Lewis, who became a close friend to King and influential leader of the Civil Rights Movement in his own right. Recently, that photo circulated widely again, this time on Twitter, as it was originally posted by Lewis, and then shared thousands of times by the congressman's social media followers. Though, with the countless retweets, there was little mention of Cairo, where it was taken -- and where decades of civil rights violations against black residents of two public housing complexes has culminated in a current-day housing crisis. But more on that later. After meeting Lewis in Cairo, and the two becoming friends, Lyon would go on to capture on film some of the most harrowing moments of the Civil Rights Movement with Lewis making sure Lyon, a white man, had the access he needed to do his job. In doing so, Lyon also played a part in helping to fortify a movement by gaining the nation's attention as his photographs spread. For this and many other reasons, Cairo served a larger role in the Civil Rights Movement than just the historical footnote it often receives suggests. [IN] USS Lead, EPA reach agreement to study groundwater, soil contamination (Northwest Indiana Times, IN) nwitimes.com (10/8/2017 1:50 AM, Sarah Reese) EAST CHICAGO - One of the companies responsible for polluting the city's Calumet section will investigate groundwater contamination throughout the Superfund site bearing its name, and soil contamination at its former factory property under an agreement with the U.S. EPA effective Wednesday. USS Lead will perform a remedial investigation and feasibility study, with work set to begin in spring, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. An EPA spokeswoman said the agency entered into the agreement with USS Lead on Sept. HUD-17-0235-B-000497 20. Residents had been pushing EPA to expedite a groundwater study for the USS Lead Superfund site, but EPA's announcement this week was met with reservation. "We have concerns about USS Lead leading the RI/FS process, because we know from experience that financial considerations lead responsible parties to drag out the study process or cut corners," said Debbie Chizewer, an attorney at Northwestern University Pritzker Law School's Environmental Law Clinic. "EPA has a mission to protect public health and the environment and should be the lead on analyzing the human and ecological risks and developing the possible plans for remediation," she said. Chizewer, who represents the East Chicago Calumet Coalition Community Advisory Group, said the CAG "Will be keeping a close eye on this process and pushing for protection of the entire Superfund site." 2 groundwater studies planned EPA employees said at a community meeting in September they planned to begin two studies related to groundwater at the Superfund site. The first, a study of whether groundwater could be contaminating residents' basements, is being funded with government money and is not subject to the agreement with USS Lead, EPA said. The agency said it will begin seeking residents this fall to participate in the study. The second, a wider remedial investigation and feasibility study, will be led by USS Lead but will require EPA approval, according to the agreement. USS Lead must submit its list of qualified contractors, subcontractors, consultants and laboratories, and designate a project coordinator within 30 days of the effective date. The remedial investigation will involve collecting data to characterize site conditions, determine the nature and extent of contamination and assess the risk to human health and the environment. USS Lead contractors also will conduct testing to evaluate potential treatment technologies. Several cleanup alternatives will be evaluated as part of the feasibility study, which must use permanent solutions and alternative treatment and resource-recovery technologies to the maximum extent practicable, the agreement said. [IN] NAACP To Help East Chicago Residents Test For Lead (Indiana Public Media) Indiana Public Media (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Nick Janzen) The NAACP will teach East Chicago, Indiana residents how to use lead testing kits this week. The training comes as residents continue to cope with lead contaminated soil and water. The Calumet neighborhood in East Chicago is part of a federal toxic waste cleanup site contaminated with lead and arsenic. The neighborhood is also having a problem with lead leaching out of drinking water service lines. The NAACP is partnering with Indiana State University and the Union of Concerned Scientists to teach residents how to use kits to test for lead in soil, air, and water. The NAACP's Denise Abdul-Rahman says it will also help school-aged children cope with a legacy of lead contamination. "[It will] peak their consciousness and awareness," Abdul-Rahman says, and "give them tools, and to teach them some forms of empowerment." Abdul-Rahman says the training is necessary because of a systemic failure of government at all levels to protect some of Indiana's most vulnerable residents. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continues to remove lead contaminated soil from the neighborhood. And the Department of Housing and Urban Development recently approved the demolition of a lead contaminated housing complex which was forcibly evacuated over the last year. [TX] How much has been raised for Harvey relief - and how's it being spent? (Texas Tribune, TX) Texas Tribune (10/6/2017 1:13 PM, Morgan Smith) HUD-17-0235-B-000498 Between the federal government, the Red Cross and private charities, billions of dollars will be spent to help Hurricane Harvey victims in Texas. The Tribune is tracking how it's spent. After Hurricane Harvey dumped up to 50 inches of rain on parts of southeast Texas and caused historic flooding, an outpouring of financial support and charitable contributions has flowed to Harvey-related causes. Almost a month and a half later, floodwaters have receded, leaving Texans in 39 counties to clean up rotting debris and destroyed homes. An estimated 1,100 people remained in eight different emergency shelters around the state earlier this week, and 62,304 Texas residents are still living in FEMA-paid hotel rooms. Two weeks after the category 4 storm made landfall, Congress approved a $15 billion federal aid package. Donors have given hundreds of millions more to the Red Cross and a host of Harvey relief funds: one started by Houston Texans star JJ Watt has pulled in $27 million, while the Rebuild Texas Fund, spearheaded by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, has raised $70.7 million. "We are in that period where everyone is saying nice things and patting everyone on the back saying we understand your pain, we understand your needs, and sooner or later that's going to get back to dollars and how those are spent," Harris County Judge Ed Emmett said at a recent legislative appropriations meeting. So how exactly is that money being used? Here's an overview of what's been spent at the state and federal level -- and what hasn't. Federal Funding: $15 billion While lawmakers are expected to approve more money for disaster relief - Texas leaders on Thursday requested another $18.7 billion - the state won't get the full $15 billion because the money will be divided among the states and territories hit by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. About half of the money has gone to FEMA, which generally helps disaster victims take care of more short-term needs like food, water, medical care and temporary housing. The other half of the federal relief money flows through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help finance long-term rebuilding. It's intended to fill in the gaps after individuals or government agencies have exhausted all other sources of relief. "We are the long-haul type responding agency, we aren't the first responder," said Brian Sullivan, a spokesman for the department. None of the $7.4 billion the department has received from Congress has arrived in Texas yet, and it will be a while until it does because of a complicated process of assessing needs and developing a spending plan that must be approved by multiple layers of government. [TX] Officials have no details on housing relief (Victoria Advocate, TX) Victoria Advocate (10/9/2017 4:57 AM, Marina Riker) After Hurricane Harvey, state and federal officials wanted to find new ways to help Texas' communities. They came up with several programs, including one that would fix apartment buildings and another to more permanently repair homes. Government officials touted the relief programs as the first of their kind, designed to let local officials to take the lead. But two weeks after the programs were announced, local officials don't have exact details about when Victoria residents could see help. Hundreds of people have been kicked out of damaged apartments, while others don't have the money to fix homes. "It's kind of frustrating," said County Judge Ben Zeller. "But we're still waiting to get those answers and the details." At the city level, Polasek said officials would consider waiving fees for trailer or RV parks used for temporary housing. Opening the city's RV park near Riverside Park also could be an option once repairs to the property are finished. Meanwhile, Julie Fulgham, who oversees development for the city, said she was planning to talk with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development about long-term housing programs. But she didn't have details about temporary housing relief such as trailers for people who lost homes. "It's like nobody knows what is going on," Fulgham said. "And I think it's because they're trying to develop the programs." [KS] Renovations coming to many properties in Wichita (KNSS-AM 1330, KS) KNSS-AM 1330 HUD-17-0235-B-000499 (10/8/2017 10:32 AM, KNSS-AM 1330) Up to $60 million is coming to public housing in Wichita and that means complete renovations for all public housing properties. In 2012, the US Congress created the ability for public housing authorities to begin using private funding in addition to government funding. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designed a program called the Rental Assistance Demonstration program. In February, the Wichita City Council approved the Wichita Housing and Community Services Department's submission of four applications to be part of the Rental Assistance Demonstration program. On Saturday, Wichita Housing and Community Services Department Director John Hall said that the applications have been accepted. Each of the city's 352 single family homes and multi-family units will be completely renovated. The entire project should take between 18 months to two years [KS] Wichita public housing to get up to $60 million renovation (KWCH-TV CBS 12 Wichita, KS) KWCH-TV CBS 12 Wichita (10/8/2017 7:57 AM, Devon Fasbinder) VIDEO. WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) Up to $60 million is coming to public housing in Wichita and that means complete renovations for all public housing properties. "That's good news!" one resident of Greenway Manor says to John E. Hall, the Wichita Housing and Community Services Department Director. "Yes, yes, yes!" he replies. Greenway Manor is just one of two high rise buildings that coupled with two other garden style buildings make up the city's public housing for multi-family units. The authority also has 352 single family homes across the city. Every one will see a top to bottom renovation. "This is the first time we've been able to do this," Hall said. In 2012, the US Congress created the ability for public housing authorities across the country to begin utilizing private funding in addition to government funding. From there, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designed a program called the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. Back in February, the Wichita City Council approved the Wichita Housing and Community Services Department's submission of four applications to be part of the RAD program. Saturday, Hall said, he's announcing the applications have been accepted. "This is one of our high rise buildings and it's for the elderly," Hall said as he stands in Greenway Manor. "So what the residents here will be able to see is a completely renovated building. So the elevators system, for example, will be completely brand spanking new. The flooring, the walls, we're going to basically take everything down and rebuild it more or less. We'll leave the structure itself here but we'll do a complete restoration of the building." Hall said the entire project should take between 18 months to two years. He said the Wichita Housing Authority is still in very early stages of planning and has to take many steps before the renovations can happen. But he's moving quickly. As for tenants, they'll go elsewhere during the renovations. But Hall said that'll all be taken care of. [MN] West St. Paul apartment owner sued over bias against Army vet, his support dog (St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN) St. Paul Pioneer Press (10/10/2017 1:22 AM, Nick Ferraro) The owner and manager of a West St. Paul apartment complex are accused of discriminating against an Army veteran by not HUD-17-0235-B-000500 allowing him to keep his emotional-support dog. The veteran filed a complaint with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2015 alleging that Westview Park Apartments denied his request to keep the dog and that by doing so discriminated against him in violation of the Fair Housing Act. The complaint was amended in September to include owner James Tilsen and rental manager Deborah Brookins. The veteran, who served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, receives disability benefits from the Veterans Benefits Administration for his major depressive disorder and also suffers from anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, according to an administrative charge HUD filed last month. His name has been redacted from the document. The owner denied discriminating against the veteran and question the validity of his request. Allowing people with disabilities to have assistance animals that perform work or tasks or provide disability-related emotional support is considered a reasonable accommodation under the Fair Housing Act, according to HUD. The veteran moved into the apartment in February 2015 on a one-year lease and in August of that year asked the complex to permit him to have an emotional support dog. He provided a letter from "Sutherland Counseling," supporting his need for the animal, along with his own written statement describing his symptoms and need for the animal, according to HUD. He adopted the dog, a great Dane-golden retriever mix. [AZ] The Most Wasteful Government Agency You've Never Heard Of (Reason Magazine) Reason Magazine (10/6/2017 2:08 PM, Christian Britschgi) The Navajo Housing Authority brags on its website that it is "the largest Indian housing authority in the country", managing 8,500 housing units across Navajo nation in the southwestern American states of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. The NHA is also probably the most wasteful and scandal-ridden governmental entity in the United States today. Multiple media reports, governmental audits, and one investigation by the Office of Senator John McCain describe an agency that has received over $1.6 billion from the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Indian Housing Block Grant program, while delivering projects over-budget, years-delayed, or unfinished. According the NHA's 2011 estimates, the authority needs to build some 34,000 homes and significantly repair another 34,000 to address the Navajo reservation's chronic housing problems, something it says will cost nearly $9 billion. Since 1998, NHA has received an average of $95.6 million a year from HUD to address these needs. Over the past decade, NHA has spent $803 million of program funds, and built 1,010 housing units in that time. That works out to about $723,000 for each new housing unit, or about the median home price in ultra-expensive Seattle. To top it all off, the NHA now has to pay back some $26 million to HUD for ten housing developments that it promised to build, but never completed, according to a settlement reached in September and first reported by AZCentral Wednesday. "The settlement follows years of costly and time-consuming litigation," said HUD spokesperson Elena Gaona in a statement to Reason, saying that the $26 million was the "largest enforcement action" ever taken against a recipient of IHBG funds. "The agreement will allow HUD and Navajo Housing Authority staff and members to focus on meeting the housing needs of Navajo families," Gaona says. [HI] Caldwell Screws up Again: Lapsed housing funds fuel despair (Hawaii Free Press, HI) Hawaii Free Press (10/9/2017 4:54 AM, Honolulu Star-Advertiser) Caldwell Screws up Again: Lapsed housing funds fuel despair Here we go again. Unfortunately. The city's fumbling of federal funds that could have helped with affordable housing has caused it to lose nearly $2.4 million in federal HOME money, and is putting another $7.5 million at risk. The failure to use these funds in a timely manner is galling enough, given Hawaii's homeless and housing crisis -- but doubly so, coming a mere year after the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) warned the city against its dysfunctional handing of federal grants. In a scathing Aug. 26, 2016, audit, HUD's Inspector General took the city to task for questionable practices involving the acquisition of apartment complexes intended to boost the city's inventory of affordable rentals. Those practices put $15.9 million HUD-17-0235-B-000501 at risk, and after months of back and forth, the city conceded to repay the federal agency $1.45 million.... This time around, millions of federal dollars lapsed, despite allocations being good for five years..... In explaining the delays in spending the HOME and CDBG funds, city Managing Director Roy Amemiya cited missed deadlines due to working with private-sector partners. [AK] With focus on hurricanes, erosion-threatened Alaska villages wonder if they'll get any help from Trump (Alaska Dispatch News, AK) Alaska Dispatch News (10/9/2017 4:56 AM, Nathaniel Herz) As the federal government has turned its attention to hurricane recovery in the Southeast and Puerto Rico, residents of coastal Alaska villages are also facing the threat of flooding and erosion from fierce fall storms, amplified by rising sea levels and thawing permafrost. But the government hasn't provided the same assistance to endangered Alaska villages as it has to Texas and Florida. And now a federal whistleblower is claiming that the Trump administration has halted progress in Alaska. More than a 'little bit of attention' Clement, the whistleblower, doesn't dispute that career employees at federal agencies are still functioning under the status quo. The problem now, he said, is that unlike during Obama's second term, there's no one in Washington prodding the different federal agencies that coastal villages rely on for money to support relocation and climate change adaptation. There's no dedicated stream of federal cash large enough to pay a village's full relocation costs, or their costs of protecting existing roads and buildings from climate impacts. Instead, they have to apply for individual grants from agencies like the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. "This is not the kind of issue where you can just pay a little bit of attention and see if you can redirect a million dollars," Clement said. "Federal agencies are not empowered to move resources until D.C. gets behind it." One member of Alaska's congressional delegation, GOP U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, said in a prepared statement through a spokesman that he's pushing legislation to ease relocation for erosion-threatened villages, such as by speeding up federal permitting. But he also argued that the Obama administration never followed through on its own promises to assist remote Alaska villages. Federal Housing Administration (FHA) CIT agrees to sell $900 million reverse-mortgage portfolio (American Banker) American Banker (10/6/2017 5:31 PM, Kristin Broughton) CIT Group in New York has reached an agreement to sell its reverse-mortgage unit, a source of many headaches for the company in recent months. CIT agreed to sell the $900 million portfolio, along with its Financial Freedom reverse-mortgage servicing business, to an undisclosed buyer. The terms of the deal, expected to close in the second quarter of 2018, were not disclosed. Ginnie Mae Issuers can combine hurricane exposure for relief aid: Ginnie Mae (National Mortgage News) National Mortgage News HUD-17-0235-B-000502 (10/6/2017 12:47 PM, Brad Finkelstein) Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities issuers can aggregate their portfolio's exposure to areas hit by the three recent hurricanes to qualify its disaster relief program. Through pass-through advances from Ginnie Mae, issuers get delinquency and default relief for securitized loans in areas where the president declared a major disaster. "It makes an adjustment to our MBS guide's long-standing requirement that 5% of an issuers' book needs to be in a disaster-affected area in order to qualify for shortterm liquidity assistance from us," said Ginnie Mae Acting President Michael Bright in a press release. "Today's change allows issuers to meet this 5% requirement using their collective exposures to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. While we cannot alter the core, fundamental requirements for issuers in our program, these adjustments recognize that last month's confluence of disasters requires some extraordinary measures." [Editorial note: consult source link for chart] Mortgage exec pleads guilty to defrauding Ginnie Mae (Mortgage Professional America) Mortgage Professional America (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Francis Monfort) The president and founder of the now-defunct mortgage company Mortgage Security has plead guilty to charges that he defrauded Ginnie Mae of about $2.5 million. Robert Pena pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy and six counts of wire fraud. The charges stem from Mortgage Security contracts with Ginnie Mae to pool eligible residential mortgage loans and then sell Ginnie Mae-backed mortgage bonds to investors. Under the contract, Pena's company would service the loans in the pools it created and was required by Ginnie Mae to provide regular reports about the pools. Starting in 2011, Pena began to divert the money he received from borrowers. He deposited high-dollar, loan-payoff checks into bank accounts unknown to Ginnie Mae and diverted borrowers' escrow funds and mortgage insurance premiums. Pena then used those funds for personal and business expenses. The scheme resulted in total proceeds of $2.5 million, which Ginnie Mae had to pay to investors whose investments it had guaranteed. In addition, Pena also provided false reports about the loan pools in an attempt to cover up his scheme. The statutes under which Pena was charged provide for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, three year of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss. US Senior District Court Judge Mark Wolf scheduled sentencing for Jan. 5, 2018. [MA] Former mortgage executive pleads guilty to fraud charges (National Mortgage Professional) National Mortgage Professional (10/6/2017 1:18 PM, Phil Hall) A former Massachusetts mortgage company executive pleaded guilty to defrauding the federal government of more than $2.5 million. Robert Pena, president of the now-closed Mortgage Security Inc. in Falmouth, Mass., admitted to six admitted to six counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy in federal court in Boston. According to Acting U.S. Attorney William Weinreb, "Beginning in 2011, Pena began diverting money that borrowers were sending to Mortgage Security Inc. Pena also attempted to cover up his scheme by providing false reports to Ginnie Mae about the status of the loans MSI was servicing." Pena used those funds for personal and business expenses, and also diverted borrowers' escrow funds and mortgage-insurance premiums for his own use. Pena, 68, will be sentenced on Jan. 5 and faces up to 20 years in prison. Home Ownership OMB Director Mulvaney calls for canceling NFIP's $16 billion debt (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/6/2017 4:33 PM, Brena Swanson) The strength of the National Flood Insurance Program was put to the test after the devastating destruction from Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria, and unfortunately, it failed to hold up. HUD-17-0235-B-000503 In a letter to the president, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney stated, "The recent hurricanes have inflicted projected losses of $16 billion. As a result, by the latter part of this month, the NFIP will have fully exhausted its financial resources and will be unable to pay claims." Mulvaney continued: "Put plainly, the NFIP is not designed to handle catastrophic losses like those caused by Harvey, Irma, and Maria. The NFIP is simply not fiscally sustainable in its present form. To be sure, the NFIP requires immediate financial relief to fulfill its obligations to its policyholders, but the program must also be reformed to place it on a sound financial footing and to enable the private market for flood insurance to expand". Heading into hurricane season earlier this year, the NFIP already was not on stable footing. Flood insurance, whether it's private or the national flood insurance program, has long struggled to gain attention over the years. The devastating destruction of the recent hurricanes pushed the urgency for a solution to the program to the surface. A budget neutral way to help low-income Americans pay for their rent or mortgage (The Hill) The Hill (10/9/2017 11:03 AM, Diane Yentel) The tax proposal released by Republican leaders leaves out one way to spur economic growth and help Americans struggling to meet their rent or mortgage: directly reforming the mortgage interest deduction and reinvesting the savings into affordable rental housing for those with the lowest incomes. The mortgage interest deduction (MID) is a $70 billion tax write-off that primarily benefits higher income households. Experts across the political spectrum agree that the MID is a wasteful use of resources that does not incentivize homeownership. Instead it encourages higher levels of debt, increases costs for everyone, and mostly benefits those with high incomes who do not need federal assistance to live in a stable home. Lowering tax rates for millionaires and corporations without addressing the affordable housing crisis should be a non-starter. If our leaders are serious about boosting the economy and helping families thrive, they should use savings from tax reform to increase the supply of housing for those who need it most. According to research from my organization, the National Low Income Housing Coalition, every state and community - rural, suburban, and urban - has a severe shortage of affordable rental homes for people with the lowest incomes. Nationally, there are only 35 homes affordable and available for every 100 extremely low income renters. A full-time worker earning minimum wage can afford a modest, one-bedroom apartment in only 12 counties. As a result, 71 percent of the lowest income households -seniors, people with disabilities, families with children struggling to get by--pay more than half of their limited incomes on rent and utilities, with little left over for other basic needs, like food, health care, or savings for retirement or their children's education. These families are at a high risk of eviction, which destabilizes families and communities, and, in worst cases, results in homelessness. Editorial: Scrap the mortgage interest deduction (Chicago Tribune, IL) Chicago Tribune (10/6/2017 7:58 PM, Editorial Board) Home ownership is commonly regarded as a big part of the American Dream. But most adults know that pursuing some dreams can be too expensive to justify. The mortgage interest deduction, a subsidy to homebuying, is one of those. Curtailing or abolishing it should be a big part of any serious tax reform. The real American dream is more about the broad prosperity and ample opportunity that derive from strong economic growth than it is about purchasing a house. Many Americans rent their dwellings, and the housing crash that helped cause the Great Recession made them glad they did. Some homeowners ended up in foreclosure. Many others found themselves trapped in homes that were worth less than they owed. The deduction encourages home ownership by letting buyers deduct the interest they pay each year on their mortgages. But at this point, economists believe, it doesn't have much net effect. That's because the tax break has inflated home prices, largely if HUD-17-0235-B-000504 not entirely offsetting the benefit. Economists generally oppose the deduction, because it gives Americans an incentive to put their money into houses rather than other investments that would yield higher returns. It encourages people to buy more expensive homes and to take on more debt than they otherwise would. It drains money from other sectors of the economy and maximizes the impact of housing downturns. Again, the crash of 2008 was an awful lesson. The deduction also robs the Treasury of tax revenue -- a gaudy $70 billion a year. This is money that could be used to finance a simpler, more efficient tax code with lower rates. If the deduction remains intact, any attempt at reform will be limited in scope and value. Middle-class homeowners may bridle at the idea of losing their biggest tax break. But most Americans get little or no benefit from the mortgage interest deduction. About 70 percent of filers can't make use of it, because they don't itemize their deductions. 4 Common Misconceptions Stopping Millennials from Owning a Home (U.S. News & World Report) U.S. News & World Report (10/6/2017 11:44 AM, Marietta Rodriguez) Millennials have the same home ownership dreams as everyone else, but are confused about what it takes to get there. The Truth About Weak or Bad Credit The No. 2 obstacle cited by millennials for not buying a home is bad credit (behind lack of down payment), but just over half (56 percent) of all consumers have received a copy of their credit report and score in the past year. The rest of consumers have little idea of their credit profile. Moreover, even if a millennial has less than perfect credit there are mortgage products available that can help him buy a home. These products have FICO credit score hurdles as low as 600, although most set the bar at 620 or higher. Working with a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-approved housing counselor to identify down payment assistance programs and mortgage products that are open to borrowers with a ding on their credit is a first step to truly knowing if weak or bad credit will prevent a millennial from buying a home. Homebuying finances Should you rent or buy a home? (CNN) CNN (10/9/2017 11:02 AM, Sarah Szczypinsk, The Motley Fool) Homeownership was once the cornerstone of the American Dream, but times are changing. More U.S. households are renting today than at any point in the last 50 years, according to a Pew Research Center analysis. For many people, the comforts of home include a well-funded bank account -- and in some circumstances, renting can be more financially savvy than buying. Ask yourself these questions as you make long-term housing decisions. You might find that renting is the better option. 1. How long do you plan to stay? Whether renting or buying a home is the best financial choice usually comes down to one thing: timing. Finding an affordable home (and later making a profit on it) depends heavily on how long you plan to keep the property. According to Zillow, for instance, the current home listing price in Bothell, Washington, is $698,448, and the average rental price is $2,500. Assuming a 20% down payment on a home purchase or a 5% annual increase in rental price, you'd need to own the home for at least two years before it becomes the better option. Fannie Mae: Boomers won't own their home free and clear before retirement (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/6/2017 4:34 PM, Kelsey Ramirez) HUD-17-0235-B-000505 While outright homeownership increased among Baby Boomers after the last recession, they still lag previous generations, and may never catch up, according to the Fannie Mae Economic and Strategic Research Group's latest Housing Insight Series. At one end of the spectrum, older generations such as Baby Boomers criticize Millennials for waiting longer than their generation to buy a home, however even Boomers are failing to keep up with the pace set by the generation before them. Baby Boomers are much less likely to own their home outright, that is - without a mortgage, than the generations before them, and probably won't be able to catch up before reaching retirement age. "The leading edge of the large Baby Boom generation has reached retirement age with a greater likelihood of carrying housing debt, raising concerns about their retirement financial security," Fannie Mae's report stated. "The oldest Boomers, who were aged 65 to 69 in 2015, were 10 percentage points less likely to own their homes outright than were pre-Boomer homeowners of the same age in 2000.". Outright homeownership picked up after the Great Recession, and the younger end of the generation is more likely to be close to previous generations with their rate of outright homeownership. The chart below, which uses data from U.S. Census Bureau and the 2000 Census and American Community Survey, shows 26% of Baby Boomers aged 50 to 54 in 2015 owned their home outright, compared to 22% of homeowners of the same age in 2000. [Editorial note: CHART at source] Despite this uptick, even the youngest Baby Boomers will likely not be able to pull up their outright homeownership rates to the level of previous generations. The relatively high incidence of housing debt among Boomer homeowners has the potential to strain their retirement finances. Millennial mortgage problem: Down payments and expensive cities (USA Today) USA Today (10/9/2017 6:18 PM, Susan Shain) 3. Look into first-time homebuyer programs Does 20% seem totally out of reach? It might be time to look into programs for first-time homebuyers. Here are two you might not have considered. FHA loans: With the backing of the Federal Housing Authority, first-time homebuyers with credit scores of 580 or above might be able to put as little as 3.5% down. For buyers with credit scores from 500 to 579, that number jumps to 10%. USDA loans: If you're buying a home in a rural area and meet credit and income requirements, you could purchase a home with no down payment through USDA loans. You also could look into first-time homebuyer grants, which can significantly reduce the cost of a house. One of the biggest national programs (besides VA loans for veterans) is Good Neighbor Next Door from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. With this grant, law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians, firefighters, and teachers in "revitalization areas" can receive up to 50% off the list price of a home. Mortgage Forgiveness and CEO Pay (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/6/2017 9:40 AM, Matt Levine) Mortgage relief. After the mortgage crisis, JPMorgan Chase & Co. entered into various mortgage settlements for eye-popping headline amounts. But these amounts consisted mostly not of cash paid to the government, but of "consumer relief," in which JPMorgan could get credit for forgiving or modifying mortgages in order to help struggling homeowners. Yesterday David Dayen reported at The Nation that some of JPMorgan's consumer relief came through the odd but efficient expedient of forgiving other people's loans: JPMorgan would sell mortgages to someone else, then it would "forgive" the mortgage and claim credit for the settlement, and HUD-17-0235-B-000506 then the someone else would say, hey, what the heck, why do you get to forgive a mortgage that I own? Now, this is bad. It's bad for the someone else who bought the mortgages: In this story, it's mostly a guy named Larry Schneider, who bought $156 million of JPMorgan mortgages for $200,000 (!), only to see JPMorgan drag its feet on the paperwork and forgive some of the mortgages that he'd already bought. (JPMorgan also collected some payments on those mortgages after it sold them, and told Schneider that it couldn't forward the payments "because of an internal accounting practice that was 'not reversible,'" which I may try out as an excuse for not paying my mortgage sometime.) It's bad for the homeowners: They got letters from JPMorgan saying that their mortgages were forgiven, but then later they found out that in fact their mortgages were not forgiven because JPMorgan didn't own them in the first place. (At least in some cases, when JPMorgan found out about the error, it bought back the mortgage and really did forgive it.) And it's bad for the justice of the mortgage settlement: If JPMorgan is getting credit for forgiving mortgages it didn't own, then it is not really being punished for its misdeeds, but putting the costs of them on innocent third parties. [NY] GLYNN: Collins predicts compromise in tax issue (Niagara Gazette, NY) Niagara Gazette (10/6/2017 7:18 AM, Don Glynn) An area congressman has been in the national spotlight for his firm stand on the sweeping tax code changes proposed in Washington. Rep. Chris Collins, R-Clarence, whose 27th District includes a section of Niagara County, said Tuesday he still is optimistic that some accommodation will be made for the state and local tax deductions so it (SALT) won't be repealed. Collins told a reporter he believes that a compromise will be reached that would not penalize the middle-income taxpayers in high-tax states (e.g. New York). He added that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy had assured him of that outcome. In those states where taxpayers generally get hit the hardest, some federal lawmakers have warned that their constituents would be paying more if the SALT deduction is wiped out. In filing their state and local taxes, nearly 35 percent of New York residents now claim those taxes on their federal returns. [NJ] Mine Hill affordable housing project back on track (Randolph Reporter, NJ) Randolph Reporter (10/10/2017 3:26 AM, P.C. Robinson) MINE HILL TWP. - Morris Habitat for Humanity plans to return before the planning board next month with a new, improved plan for its proposed 4-unit affordable housing project on Randall Avenue. Blair Schleicher Bravo, CEO of the Randolph Township-based non-profit agency, said Sunday a meeting with Mayor Sam Morris and Engineer Paul Sterbenz was "productive," and expected the re-submitted application to be heard by planners on Monday, Nov. 6. Bravo said the self-contained subdivision will contain four single family homes that will be "repositioned to face the driveway." The new design, however, will allow the project to keep one of two existing homes on the property as was initially planned. [MS] 4 new Habitat for Humanity homes on a blighted street (WDAM-TV NBC, MS) WDAM-TV NBC (10/7/2017 2:33 AM, Marsha Thompson) Greenview Drive in south Jackson is full of abandoned, boarded-up houses and they continue to deteriorate. Habitat has acquired 31 of the abandoned properties on Greenview drive. The street with the rundown reputation is transforming. Thanks to HUD and the city of Jackson, no profit sales with zero interest loans make it possible. "We help them become financially literate, we teach them how to do home repairs," said Executive Director Merrill McKewen. "We work with them on how to be part of a neighborhoods association and they truly own this home and they begin to care about this street." With the keys to the 4 new houses, the families have mortgages and pay taxes and insurance. [NV] 7 indicted in Las Vegas in alleged foreclosure bribery scheme (Las Vegas Review-Journal, NV) Las Vegas Review-Journal HUD-17-0235-B-000507 (10/6/2017 12:16 PM, Mike Shoro) A former director of a Nevada nonprofit dealing with distressed housing and six others have been indicted in federal court on bribery-related charges, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday. The 14-count indictment unsealed Wednesday in Las Vegas accused the six other defendants with bribing 50-year-old Sergio Barajas, a former director of community development for the National Community Stabilization Trust in exchange for influence within the organization. They were identified as Alan Cassell, 47, of Chula Vista, California; Elena Millner, 40, of Boerne, Texas; Benjamin Stuelke, 35, of Anaheim, California; Art Acosta, 55, and Michelle Acosta, 33, both of Anaheim Hills, California; and Ernesto Garcia, 45, of Upland, California. All seven were charged with conspiracy to commit bribery and bribery involving programs receiving federal funds, according to a news release. The release said Stuelke and Garcia were also charged with bank fraud. The Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General is continuing to investigate the case. [NV] 3 Anaheim residents, 1 Chino resident facing federal charges for alleged mortgage bribery scam (San Bernardino County Sun, CA) San Bernardino County Sun (10/6/2017 4:48 AM, Sean Emery) Three Anaheim residents and a Chino man are among seven defendants facing bribery allegations tied to a Nevada nonprofit created to deal with the national housing foreclosure crisis. According to an indictment unsealed this week at a federal courthouse in Las Vegas, Anaheim residents Benjamin Stuelke, 35, Michelle Acosta, 33, and Art Acosta, 55, are facing fourteen felony counts, including conspiracy and bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds. The indictment centers on the National Community Stabilization Trust, a Nevada-based nonprofit created in 2008. Sergio Barajas, 50, of Chino, served as director of community development for the nonprofit and was tasked with helping oversee more than $10,000 in federal grants the organization received each fiscal year between October 2010 and September 2015. Federal prosecutors allege Stuelke, Art Acosta and other co-defendants paid Barajas more than $300,000. In return, the indictment alleges, they received hundreds of foreclosed homes and made millions from reselling the residences. The indictment comes after an investigation by the Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. [OR] Spurred by rising rents, Latinos buy thousands of homes in Portland, suburbs (Portland Oregonian, OR) Portland Oregonian (10/6/2017 9:17 AM, Janaki Chadha) Yareli Flores was 10 when her family came to Portland from Mexico. She, her mother and two brothers lived in a Northeast Portland apartment and struggled to get by. Buying a home wasn't within reach, she says. In May, Flores, now 32 with a 1-year-old daughter of her own, bought her first home -- a three-bedroom just east of the Portland city line in the Centennial School District. There's a yard and good grocery stores nearby. No landlord to answer to. Owning the home, she says, is a special feeling. Flores' new neighborhood has seen an increase in Latino-owned homes in recent years. It's a rare area in which the homeownership rate for Latinos is on par with that for whites. The Census Bureau pegs both at about 67 percent. The rise in Latinos buying homes in areas like Centennial is part of a larger trend: Amid Portland's affordable housing crisis, Latinos have managed to buy a lot more homes around the metro area. [CA] Judge Rejects Orange County Mortgage Swindler's Request For Leniency (Orange County Weekly, CA) Orange County Weekly (10/9/2017 6:26 PM, R. Scott Moxley) Orange County white collar swindler Kevin Frank Rasher hoped he'd receive a punishment of no more than 41 months in prison for defrauding 516 financially-distressed Southern California homeowners, but U.S. District Court Judge Josephine Staton didn't believe that requested time fit the crime. HUD-17-0235-B-000508 Inside the Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse in Santa Ana, Staton ordered Rasher, a 46-year-old resident of upscale Coto de Caza, to spend 97 months in federal custody and then undergo supervised probation for three more years upon his release. That punishment represents the maximum possible punishment according to sentencing guidelines available to the President Barack Obama-appointed judge, who agreed at a Sept. 29 hearing with U.S. Department of Justice prosecutors that Rasher's financial crimes targeted particularly "vulnerable victims" and thus deserved a greater loss of freedom. Using Youtube and Internet sales pitches from 2011 to March 2016, the defendant claimed he could reduce peoples' mortgage payments, directed targets to send monthly checks to him as a middleman negotiator for modified deals and, instead of working with lenders, deposited more than $2.4 million of those funds into his personal bank accounts. Part of Rasher's ruse involved falsely portraying himself as a licensed attorney as well as an official with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and using HUD in the name of one of his fraudulent websites, according to DOJ officials. [PR] Helping Puerto Rico will take time (Miami Herald, FL) Miami Herald (10/6/2017 9:11 AM, Staff) More than two weeks after Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, Congress and the Trump administration still don't seem to realize the magnitude of the disaster or what it will take to restore normal conditions on the stricken U.S. territory. The response has been slow and the level of relief has been inadequate. President Trump hardly improved things in a brief visit to the island last week. He told local officials they should be "very proud" that hundreds of people didn't die after Hurricane Maria as they did in "a real catastrophe like Katrina." Puerto Rico is experiencing an all-too-real catastrophe, a nightmare for nearly all of the 3.5 million American citizens on the island. Most of them are living in squalid conditions with no immediate prospects for improvement. Relief is being parceled out in small doses because of logistical challenges and the overwhelming needs. The day after the president's remarks, the death toll rose from 16 to 34 and was expected to keep going up. But it's not about the body count. It's the scale of this awesome disaster and the off-the-mainland location that makes previous relief and recovery efforts seem easy by comparison. Maria inflicted sweeping devastation on Puerto Rico. It's a humanitarian crisis, a public health crisis, a financial crisis, a housing crisis, and much more. Mr. Trump and his Cabinet must make it clear that this is an emergency requiring a sustained effort on the part of every relevant agency of government. That includes the Defense Department to provide security, FEMA to lead individual aid efforts, the FAA to ensure air transportation safety, HUD to offer temporary housing and shelter, and so on down the line. Affordable Housing As high earners push up rents, fewer options for others (CBS MoneyWatch) CBS News (10/6/2017 5:15 AM, Rachel Layne) The rent for many Americans is still too damn high, according to a new analysis of 53 metropolitan areas. Nationally, 46 percent of households, or more than 12 million families and individuals, were "rent-burdened" in 2015, New York University's Furman Center said in the report. A rent-burdened household is defined as one in which more than 30 percent of income (before taxes) goes toward paying the rent. The percentage of Americans who are spending more on rent has risen sharply in recent decades. In 2000, 36 percent of households were considered rent-burdened, while the latest figure is nearly twice the rate from 1970, when about a quarter of households struggled, according to the analysis, which is based in part on the most recent available federal data. Although the share of rent-burdened households has dipped 1.2 percentage points from 2012, that drop may not represent good news for most renters. Here's why: The study shows that growing numbers of better-educated, higher earners are choosing to rent instead of buying a home, especially in faster-growing cities. That changes the overall income profile of who is renting. HUD-17-0235-B-000509 The Rich Are Driving Up the Rent (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (10/6/2017 5:15 AM, Patrick Clark) Renting in the U.S. is getting more affordable--because the renters are getting wealthier. Where do you fit in? Following the Great Recession, the cost of rental housing took a growing bite out of U.S. household budgets, as increasing demand for rental units pushed up prices. Now the share of households considered burdened by high rents is falling, according to a report from New York University's Furman Center for Real Estate & Urban Policy. That's good news. But the dynamics driving improved affordability are a mixed bag. One reason for the shift is that wealthier families are increasingly likely to rent, allowing landlords to raise prices without raising the risk that their tenants won't pay. As the chart shows, the number of households that spend 30 percent of their income on rent (considered cost-burdened) and the share that spend half their income on rent (considered severely cost-burdened) are still historically high. Twenty-one percent of households earning at least 120 percent of the area median income rented in 2015, up from 15 percent in 2006; families with children and households where at least one member has a bachelor's degree also became more likely to rent over the course of the decade. [ME] Belfast's push to boost apartments, control short-term rentals concern Airbnb hosts (Bangor Daily News, ME) Bangor Daily News (10/9/2017 8:52 AM, Nick McCrea) Faced with a critical shortage of year-round rental units, Belfast officials are weighing a series of sweeping changes to boost the number of apartments in the city, but one of those concepts, still in its early stages, has raised concerns among some of the city's Airbnb hosts. Airbnb is a web-based service that allows people to rent a place to stay directly from "hosts" who own the property. Other websites, such as HomeAway, offer similar vacation rental services. Belfast is home to more than 60 Airbnbs, ranging from oceanside cottages and stately former sea captain homes to spare bedrooms and renovated basements at the host's house. One listing features a secluded one-room yurt with an outhouse. The nightly rental rate for these rooms often fall well below those of area hotels, especially during the busy summer tourist season. The bulk of Airbnbs in Belfast fall between $50 and $140 per night, according to listings. [MA] Peabody Properties awarded $16.8 million toward construction of 98 Essex (New England Real Estate Journal) New England Real Estate Journal (10/6/2017 6:50 AM, Staff) Full-service real estate and property management firm Peabody Properties has received a commitment from the state Department of Housing and Community Development in the amount of $16.8 million toward construction of a new family housing project. The Haverhill project award, presented by governor Charlie Baker, is one of 25 projects in 17 communities statewide to receive housing subsidy funds and additional state and federal tax credits; in total the Baker-Polito administration and the DHCD have committed a total of $72 million for the creation, rehabilitation, and preservation of 1,970 housing units across the Commonwealth, including 402 units reserved for very low-income families and families making the transition out of homelessness. To be known as 98 Essex, the new project is being constructed through the partnership of Peabody Properties, Inc. and the Affordable Housing and Services Collaborative, Inc. It will entail the adaptive reuse and historic renovation of the former Shoe and Leather Associates building located at 98 Essex St.; the building is also situated within both the L.H. Hamel Leather Company Historic District and the city's Downtown Smart Growth Overlay District. When completed, 98 Essex will feature 62 affordable and workforce housing apartments, with 7 apartments reserved for households earning less than 30% of the area median income, and six apartments at workforce/market rate. Total cost of the Haverhill project is estimated at $25 million; in addition to the recently awarded $16.8 million from DHCD, 98 Essex will be funded by the city, the North Shore Consortium and the Massachusetts Housing Authority. HUD-17-0235-B-000510 [NY] Here's How Trump's Tax Plan Might Hurt New York City (DNAinfo New York, NY) DNAinfo.com (10/6/2017 11:11 AM, Amy Zimmer) MANHATTAN -- Many New Yorkers -- except perhaps the superrich like Donald Trump and his family -- may not fare exceptionally well under the president's proposals to cut taxes, most experts agree. However, it's hard to understand the potential impacts of Trump's plan, which is little more than an outline, leaving many details to be filled in by Congress. The framework states it "extends economic opportunities to American workers, small businesses, and middle-income families," but New Yorkers could suffer if the Trump administration follows through on its plan to remove deductions for state and local income and property taxes from federal tax returns. Critics have said this plan rehashes Reagan-era trickle-down economics. Supporters believe the cuts will help grow the economy. Watchdogs warn that the city's affordable housing plans could be in jeopardy because of cuts to tax-exempt bonds that finance such projects. Many worry that budget reductions would follow the tax cuts, which means that services, from the subways to children's health care, could suffer even more. [NY] Thousands slam Mayor de Blasio's affordable housing plan in City Hall rally (New York Daily News, NY) New York Daily News (10/8/2017 5:32 PM, Erin Durkin) Thousands of senior citizens, NYCHA residents, teachers and church parishioners turned out in the pouring rain Monday to call out Mayor de Blasio for falling short on his pledge to make housing in the city affordable to New Yorkers. Congregants from churches around the city, organized by the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation, packed the block outside City Hall to push the mayor to get behind their own plan -- which includes building 15,000 apartments for seniors on vacant NYCHA land. "We will be confrontational with the mayor. We will be wherever he shows up," said Rev. Daryl Bloodsaw of the First Baptist Church of Crown Heights, Brooklyn. De Blasio was invited to the rally, but was marching at the time in the Columbus Day parade -- where he was met by boos from parade goers over his refusal to rule out removing a statue of Christopher Columbus at Columbus Circle. [NY] Pushing New Affordable Housing Plan, Activists Plan Massive City Hall Rally (Gotham Gazette, NY) Gotham Gazette (10/7/2017 4:43 AM, Samar Khurshid) As elected officials and candidates march in the annual Columbus Day parade on Monday, a separate gathering of members of church congregations, senior centers, schools, and homeowners associations will convene outside City Hall to present an affordable housing plan that they believe is a viable alternative to Mayor Bill de Blasio's current program. The coalition of Metro Industrial Areas Foundation and East Brooklyn Congregations plans to lead 5,000 people in the rally on Monday to push the mayor to adopt their proposal. "Monday is about a plan that we have vetted and that we think is the right plan for the city," said coalition leader Reverend David Brawley, the pastor of St. Paul Community Baptist Church, in a phone interview Friday. Brawley and his partners recently confronted de Blasio about their plan at a town hall in East New York, just after having presented the plan to him three days prior, at which time the mayor said he had already said he hoped to have an answer by the time of their Columbus Day rally and was sticking to that answer. The proposal hits on key criticisms of the de Blasio administration's approach to affordable housing: that it doesn't go far enough, especially with regard to the poorest and neediest New Yorkers. The proposal envisions creating 15,000 units of senior housing on underutilized NYCHA land and vacant city-owned lots within four years. That, in turn, would free up space in NYCHA developments to house 50,000 people who currently sit on waitlists or live in shelters, according to the plan, which includes detailed development costs and financing mechanisms for deeply affordable housing, including more city subsidies. Aside from the housing plan, the advocates will also push the city to criminally prosecute predatory landlords. The coalition is also calling for "top-to-bottom rehabilitation" of NYCHA developments to ensure that public housing residents live in quality homes. HUD-17-0235-B-000511 [Editorial note: consult source link for additional information] [NY] Thousands march on City Hall to demand more action on affordable housing (Politico) Politico (10/9/2017 8:00 PM, Arimeta Diop) Thousands turned out in the rain Monday for a march and rally on City Hall to demand Mayor Bill de Blasio address their concerns over affordable housing and gentrification. Community-based and church organizations like East Brooklyn Congregations and Metro IAF were among the lead organizers of the rally, voicing concerns about the mayor's affordable housing plan and long-held fears of displacement from typically lowincome neighborhoods. The group was also joined by City Comptroller Scott Stringer and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries. But the main thrust of speakers were religious and community leaders from the neighborhoods who they say are the most threatened by rising rents and rapid development. "New York City needs leaders who have creativity, who have commitment and who have courage," said Rev. Patrick O'Connor, head pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica. "When we met with the mayor of the city of New York, the mayor ringed his hands and told us he wasn't sure there was much he could do. Do you believe him?" [NY] Thousands call for more affordable housing for seniors (WPIX-TV PIX 11, NY) WPIX-TV PIX 11 (10/9/2017 8:06 PM, Ayana Harry) Thousands of New Yorkers rallied in the rain outside City Hall Monday afternoon calling for more affordable housing for senior citizens. The protest was coordinated by Metro Industrial Areas Foundation, a coalition of city churches. Metro IAF says they suggested a plan to Mayor Bill de Blasio that would transform underutilized public housing areas into 15,000 affordable apartments for senior citizens - but the mayor would not consider the plan. "The comptroller has told us it would work, but the mayor won't talk to us," said Brother John of St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Public Advocate Letitia James also attended the protest. "To have the mayor just reject it out of hand and not give them serious consideration is really a disrespect to all these men and women of faith," she said. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [NY] Thousands rally outside city hall to demand more affordable housing (Time Warner Cable News - Northern NY) TWC News - Northern NY (10/9/2017 5:49 PM, Amanda Farinacci) Thousands came together at City Hall on Monday, calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to build more affordable housing and punish slumlords. More than 5,000 people demonstrated, many of whom said the mayor needs to fulfill a campaign promise from four years ago to increase access to safe affordable housing. Some said they are forced to pay about 30 percent of their income to live in substandard conditions. "We're here today from a community of people in churches fighting for our rights and what he promised us. You can't promise and not follow through," said one demonstrator. [NY] Holding de Blasio to his affordable housing promise (New York Daily News, NY) New York Daily News HUD-17-0235-B-000512 (10/8/2017 6:27 AM, Harry Siegel) Four years ago, New Yorkers elected Bill de Blasio mayor after he told a two-cities tale about too many of us being priced out of our homes and hometown. One term in, rents are still rising even as he's on pace to fulfill his hugely ambitious promise to save or create 200,000 affordable units over 10 years. As de Blasio glides to reelection - talking about being open to new ideas, but not yet walking that walk - New Yorkers are still being priced out, and ever further out. Bed Stuy, Bushwick, Brownsville. "What de Blasio is doing hasn't yet stabilized neighborhoods," Rev. David Brawley of St. Paul Community Baptist Church in East New York told me earlier this week. "Where there's a fire, the only thing you want to know is: 'Did my house get saved?'". "A fire commissioner doesn't get a pass for saying how much water he used, and how hard he tried. It should be no different with what's happening to our city, and our homes." Brawley had been telling me about the hour-long meeting he'd attended the previous Friday with de Blasio, along with a dozen other leaders of Metro-IAF, the group founded by community organizer Saul Alinsky and with a legendary pedigree of actually building affordable housing here. That pedigree goes back decades - to when abandonment and arson had left the city littered with lots and land - and includes the Nehemiah houses first proposed by planner and builder I.D. Robbins in his Daily News column. The group was at Gracie Mansion to try and reset its relationship with this mayor, who's hewed to a more political, top-down and perhaps less constructive left-wing model of 10-year plans and grand pronouncements accompanied by exhausting lists of co-signers meant to demonstrate overwhelming support. It's a style that often leaves actual builders looking in from the outside, and community members irritated by official pronouncements of progress even as their rents keep rising. [NY] Islip approves LGBT housing plan (Long Island Business News, NY) Long Island Business News (10/6/2017 12:21 PM, David Winzelberg) The Islip Town Board last week approved the first-ever LGBT senior citizen housing complex in the New York metro area. The proposed 70,000-square-foot, $30 million development will bring 75 rental apartments to a 2-acre site on the corner of Park Avenue and Mechanicsville Road in Bay Shore, just down the block from the Bay Shore Long Island Rail Road station. The project, first pitched four years ago, has a new developer, Levittown-based D&F Development, which is working in concert with the Long Island LGBT Network and the Long Island Housing Partnership. The apartments will be restricted to people, aged 55 and over, who meet the income eligibility requirements with annual incomes of roughly $35,000 to $85,000. Consisting of mostly one-bedroom apartments and a few two-bedroom units, rents will range from $1,000 to $1,600 per month. The four-story complex will feature a new 8,000-square-foot LGBT community center on the ground floor, replacing the existing 4,200-square-foot community center that's been in Bay Shore for the last 15 years. [NY] Affordable-housing project brings jobs for Newburgh residents (Middletown Times Herald-Record, NY) Middletown Times Herald-Record (10/9/2017 6:58 AM, Leonard Sparks) CITY OF NEWBURGH - Seven years ago, Maurice Diggs walked four miles from his home on Liberty Street in the City of Newburgh to the construction site for Mason's Ridge, the New Windsor affordable-housing development where Libolt & Sons served as general contractor. At the time, he had been jobless for two years while trying to support two children. He was told to come back the next day and begin work as a laborer. "I was in desperate need of work," said Diggs, who has been with Libolt & Sons ever since. Creating jobs for other Newburgh residents desperate for work is one goal of a Newburgh Community Land Bank-driven project HUD-17-0235-B-000513 taking shape in Newburgh's East End. Affordable-housing developer RUPCO is turning 15 long-vacant properties into dozens of affordable apartments, and using Libolt as general contractor. [NY] Jamaica: Over 300 new apartments coming to downtown Jamaica (Times Ledger, NY) Times Ledger (10/9/2017 4:47 AM, Naeisha Rose) Greater Jamaica President Hope Knight believes the apartment complex and the shopping space will bring new residents and consumers to the area. "Our goal for the development of the site is to facilitate a project that addresses the needs of the community, creates jobs and brings activity to the eastern part of the district," Knight said. "We are confident that BRP and Wharton will create a project that will support the growing population and volume of daily shoppers that is at an all-time high." This is the second development project for the real estate firm BRP in Jamaica. The company's co-founder and managing partner, Meredith Marshall, is already in the process of building a private affordable housing and mixed-income apartment complex called "The Crossing at Jamaica Station." It cost $407 million and is across from the AirTrain Station at 93-01 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, according to GJDC. The 773,000-square-foot project will have 669 units and is projected to create 4,000 construction jobs before it is completed in 2019, according to GJDC. "Jamaica is primed to be a premier hub in Queens -- combining housing, retail and transportation -- and we are pleased to support its continued development with our second Jamaica project," Marshall said. "We are working closely with the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation, helping to bring needed mixed-income, affordable housing to the area. This project will strengthen our relationship and ensure we are developing in Jamaica based on the needs of the community." [NY] Downtown Brooklyn's BRIQ Nears Completion and Launches Affordable Housing Lottery (CityRealty, NY) cityrealty.com (10/10/2017 1:33 AM, Michelle Mazzarella) As Downtown Brooklyn's BRIQ (237 Duffield Street) nears completion, an affordable housing lottery has launched for 22 units in the 23-story, 105-unit rental. One studio, 18 one-bedrooms, and three two-bedrooms are open to applicants earning 60% of the area median income. The deadline is Thursday, November 30, and our blog 6sqft has more information about the lottery here. When BRIQ is completed, apartments above the 21st floor will have terraces. Building amenities will include bike storage and a laundry room. The building is located around the corner from the Hoyt Street subway stop, as well as a short walk away from the Jay Street MetroTech and DeKalb Avenue stops for an easy commute. BRIQ is the latest in a wave of recent residential and commercial development in Downtown Brooklyn. City Point Brooklyn, the neighborhood's largest shopping center and host to Trader Joe's, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, and DeKalb Market Hall, recently opened a block away. Across the street, Offerman House (249 Duffield Street) just started leasing from $2,725/month (net effective). Hub (333 Schermerhorn Street), Brooklyn's tallest residential building, will open soon. [NY] Standard Buys Polyclinic Apts for $110.3M in Affordable Housing Preservation Play (CoStar Group News) CoStar Group News (10/9/2017 7:05 PM, Diana Bell) Deal Guarantees Property Will Remain Affordable Housing for Next 30 Years Purchasing Polyclinics Apartments marks the sixth transaction to preserve affordable housing that Standard Communities says it has closed this year without using public funds, totaling 1,025 apartment homes. Its parent company, Standard Property Co., owns more than 50 retail spaces and 10,000 residential units across the county, more than 7,000 of which are maintained as affordable housing. Originally built as a hospital in the 1930's, the 11-story, 164,285-square-foot building was converted to multifamily units in 1979 HUD-17-0235-B-000514 and is comprised of one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments. Of the 151 units at the building, 150 will be kept for low-income families. Those units will be covered under the U.S. Department of Housing's (HUD's) project-based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments contract, which caps tenants' rental payments to 30 percent of their income. Standard Communities said in a release that the U.S. Department of Housing (HUD) assisted with many aspects of the transaction. "Providing the tools that leverage private capital to preserve affordable housing represents the kind of effective public-private partnership that Secretary Carson and this administration have championed," noted Lynne Patton, HUD regional administrator for New York and New Jersey. "[The deal] will guarantee 150 affordable units in one of the nation's most expensive rental markets for years to come." [NY] De Blasio Expands Affordable Housing, but Results Aren't Always Visible (New York Times) New York Times (10/6/2017 5:15 AM, J. David Goodman) The four-story building sits on a quiet street in Brooklyn, across from a church and an arts school. Eight apartments, front and back, two on each floor. The building, near the boundary of Clinton Hill and Bedford-Stuyvesant, has gone through incarnations as a rental, then a tenantrun cooperative, then a rental again. The most recent change brought a handful of new tenants, lured not by a landlord seeking to profit off the neighborhood's gentrification, but by the promise of affordability. The building is a small part of what Mayor Bill de Blasio has called the most ambitious affordable housing plan in the city's history. Its eight apartments are counted toward Mr. de Blasio's goal of preserving or creating 200,000 units of housing in which rents are regulated by 2024. For much of his first term in office, Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, has made affordable housing a centerpiece of his agenda -- highlighting it in his State of the City addresses and calling it the No. 1 issue on the minds of New Yorkers. In July, he heralded a numeric accomplishment: 77,651 units financed so far. [NJ] Affordable housing emerges as key issue in Jersey City election (Jersey City Journal, NJ) Jersey City Journal (10/6/2017 7:02 AM, Terrence T. McDonald) Alison Jackson was disappointed. Jackson, 42, was at the Landmark Loew's Jersey Theater on a recent Saturday morning to ask candidates seeking the Ward C City Council seat about their plans to make Jersey City more affordable. A student advisor at a New York City university who lives on Tonnelle Avenue, Jackson said the prices at many of the new developments in Journal Square would force her to shell out more than 50 percent of her income on rent. After hearing from the council hopefuls, she told The Jersey Journal their answers showed they do not understand the enormity of the affordability problem facing the city and don't seem to have plans to address it. "I understand they're politicians and can't commit to anything. I know they need to make comprises, yada yada," she said. "But I was a little disappointed that they couldn't give me a concrete answer on what's happening right now, because that told me they're not fully familiar with what the current situation is." [NJ] N.J. shifts affordable housing funds beyond state's inner cities (NJ.com, NJ) NJ.com (10/9/2017 8:07 AM, Ted Sherman) TRENTON--New affordable housing in New Jersey has long been planted, in large part, in communities where there are poor people. But in a major change, the Christie Administration has begun steering more funding for low-income projects beyond just the urban neighborhoods of the state's largest cities. HUD-17-0235-B-000515 Earlier this summer, the Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency awarded $39.8 million in tax credits for low-income housing projects, earmarking 60 percent of those funds for proposed developments beyond Newark and Camden, officials said. The credits, which will help finance 2,178 new housing units for working families, senior citizens and residents with special needs, were awarded to 29 projects in 14 counties across the state. [SC] Affordable housing: The ultimate stabilizer for families (Greenville Online, SC) Greenville Online (10/6/2017 10:34 AM, Deb Long) Greenville has experienced significant growth in the last few decades and most recently in the last 10 years. As a result of public and private leadership, Greenville has become stronger, more vibrant and more prosperous. These changes have positioned Greenville as a transformational leader as it has accomplished what few American cities ever do. In light of these significant achievements, Greenville's evolution has surfaced a set of issues which is exacerbating the quality of life for those living in poverty. The growing popularity of downtown Greenville is placing increased pressure on low wealth residents as neighborhoods experience rapid gentrification. Rising home prices and rents are pushing individuals and families out of the city center. This leads to a complex set of challenges known as the social determinants of health. Economic stability, education, food, environment and health care, influence health outcomes such as life expectancy , mortality, morbidity, including health status and health care costs. The availability and affordability of housing plays an important role in stabilizing lives. Housing is an indicator of well-being, mental and physical health. Stable affordable housing reduces stress, improves health outcomes and frees up money for essentials such as food, transportation and health insurance. An abundance of research on neighborhoods, housing and health indicates that once stabilized in affordable housing, costs to health care systems are lower and primary care visits increase. Emergency department visits go down, as well, indicating that integrated health services are a key driver of health care outcomes. [SC] Boeing helping to bring tech-centric learning to three North Charleston schools (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) Charleston Post & Courier (10/6/2017 6:43 AM, Paul Bowers and Brenda Rindge) Tim Keating, Boeing's senior vice president of government operations, said the company's investment in Liberty Hill will continue to offer STEM education to North Charleston area students, "who, one day, will be STEM-ready and qualified candidates to meet the needs of the growing South Carolina business sector." With the agreement signed and workforce development in place, organizers will focus on the next component, affordable housing, Rivers said. The community has more than 240 vacant tracts, he said. About 160 homes are owner-occupied, and another 100 are lived in by non-owners. "Frankly, that sets Liberty Hill up to be gentrified, and that's what we are concerned about," Rivers said. "So when these schools become the kind of schools we know they will be, people will want to live on Liberty Hill. But they won't be able to afford it, if we don't intervene now." North Charleston and North Charleston Housing Authority currently have few affordable housing programs, but Rivers said they have shown interest in his group's plans. "Our vision is to transform Liberty Hill with affordable housing so the people who live here can stay here, in good, decent safe housing," Rivers said. [NC] If you build teacher housing, will they come to Durham and stay? (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) Raleigh News & Observer (10/9/2017 6:48 AM, Greg Childress) DURHAM - For Deja Young, the rent for an apartment near The Streets at Southpoint is a bit of stretch on her beginning HUD-17-0235-B-000516 teacher's salary of about $35,000. Young, a first-year math teacher at Southern School of Energy and Sustainability, pays about a $1,000 a month for a onebedroom apartment in the bustling Southpoint area. That's about $25 per month above the area's $975 average for a similar apartment. There are less expensive places to live in Durham, but for the recent N.C. Central University graduate who prefers to live alone, it's hard to put a price on feeling safe. "Finding affordable housing in Durham is a little challenging if you want to live alone," Young said. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [FL] Editorial: No real winner in city-county battle for affordable-housing money (Tampa Bay Times, FL) Tampa Bay Times (10/9/2017 10:22 AM, Tampa Bay Times Editorial) Now there's a winner in a fight over federal resources between city and county affordable-housing interests. But the fight was so misguided to begin with that the results amount to a pyrrhic victory. At least the tax credits at stake will remain in Hillsborough County. And people who need help finding a home they can afford will have 144 more options once a housing project is completed just east of Interstate 75 in the community of Mango near Riverview. But in the process, the rift that has opened between Tampa and Hillsborough County poses a threat much broader than the benefits to be realized from this single, new, $25 million housing project. Cooperation between the two is what's called for to improve the odds of landing federal resources to help close the huge local gap between supply and demand in affordable housing. But prospects for cooperation seem to be slipping away. The Tampa Housing Authority was set to receive the tax credits in question to put toward a $50 million, 200-unit project that would serve, in part, to replace some of the public housing demolished to make way for the sweeping West River redevelopment project on the northwest edge of Downtown Tampa. [TN] Walden Village builds community near Trevecca Nazarene (The Tennessean, TN) The Tennessean (10/6/2017 12:12 PM, Bill Lewis) Alina Agamy was looking for a house to rent near downtown Nashville when she discovered Walden Village, a neighborhood of affordably priced new homes in the heart of the city. Instead of renting, Agamy and Justin McCormick together bought a 1,400-square-foot townhome in Walden Village, where prices have ranged from the low $200,000s to the $300,000s. The neighborhood of 34 townhomes and single-family houses is adjacent to Trevecca Nazarene University. The campus is south of downtown along Lafayette Street. "I knew I wanted to live near downtown," said Agamy, who previously rented an apartment near Vanderbilt. [KY] New nonprofit plans to restore five shotgun houses near Cave Hill Cemetery (Louisville Courier-Journal, KY) Louisville Courier-Journal (10/8/2017 2:29 PM, Sheldon S. Shafer) There is a major new player with some strong financial wherewithal on the Louisville historic preservation scene. And the new nonprofit agency, Vital Sites, unveiled its first major undertaking Monday morning at a news conference in the 1200 block of East Broadway. HUD-17-0235-B-000517 That is where Vital Sites has targeted five vacant shotgun houses that date to the 1890s for renovation and reuse as affordable housing. Vital Sites will focus on partnering with individuals and other groups to redevelop abandoned or neglected spaces. The new organization has absorbed Preservation Louisville, a long-standing local nonprofit committed to preservation causes, and the Louisville Preservation Fund that dates to 2012 when it formed to support the redevelopment of the Whiskey Row block on Main Street. Mayor Greg Fischer said Monday that the nonprofit will help address the problems of abandoned properties and the need for affordable housing. He called the effort to save the five shotgun houses "a beautiful example of people working together." [IL] Illinois awards $22M in tax credits for affordable housing (Washington Times, DC) Washington Times (10/8/2017 6:32 PM, Associated Press) CHICAGO (AP) - Illinois has awarded more than $22.5 million in federal tax credits to help fund 20 new affordable housing developments. The Illinois Housing Development Authority says the credits will generate about $258 million in private capital to finance 1,442 apartments for low- to moderate-income families, seniors and people with disabilities. Developers receive the credits then sell them to investors. That generates equity to reduce construction and operating costs. The savings are passed along to renters in the form of lower rents. Three of the affordable housing developments will be in Chicago. Others are slated for locations in the Chicago suburbs as well as Virginia, Mendota, Arcola, Altamont, Paris, Greenfield, Urbana, Bloomington and Champaign. [MI] Nonprofit plans to redevelop former school (Grand Rapids Business Journal, MI) Grand Rapids Business Journal (10/8/2017 2:16 PM, Ehren Wynder) A local nonprofit is planning to redevelop a former school on the southeast side of Grand Rapids. Inner City Christian Federation, or ICCF, in partnership with Madison Square Christian Reformed Church, plans to redevelop the building at 415 Franklin St. SE for mixed-used purposes. Plans for the 72,000-square-foot site include community and office space for nonprofit social services on the ground floor, plus 40 units of affordable housing on the second and third floors. The building most recently housed the Kent County Department of Human Services and previously home to Grand Rapids Christian High School. Grand Rapids officials approved the $15-million project plan on Sept. 26 [IN] Residents raise health concerns (The Republic, Columbus, IN) Republic (10/8/2017 2:20 AM, Julie McClure) Residents at a Columbus senior apartment complex want federal housing officials to investigate what they believe is mold continuing to grow in some top-floor apartments and a utility closet, even after the complex owners said they have fixed the problem. About 75 people live in Central Park Place Apartments, 1500 13th St., which was built about four years ago and has 60 apartments for people age 55 and older. The building is owned by the Miller-Valentine Group, which has offices in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio. In late August, one of the residents, Lora Sites, was told a resident on the third floor of the complex entered what is called an HUD-17-0235-B-000518 environmental room, which has a furnace and other mechanicals and a trash chute to drop trash bags to the basement. As the residents were putting garbage bags in the chute, they noticed a smell and saw "Black stuff" on the wall near the furnace, Sites said. More investigation determined that a similar substance was around bathroom registers in some of the apartments and some of the registers were dripping water in addition to being covered with the substance, she said. Most people originally had thought it was mildew, but now are concerned that it is mold, Sites said. "A lot of people are sick and going to the doctor," she said. The residents have contacted the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development with their complaints, Sites said, but have not heard back whether the agency will investigate conditions at the apartment complex. Many of the residents have federally subsidized rent payments for the complex, she said. [TX] Plan to turn Old Mercy Hospital into affordable housing falls through (Laredo Morning Times, TX) Laredo Morning Times (10/5/2017 6:44 AM, Julia Wallace) As of Wednesday, the City of Laredo's consideration in turning the Old Mercy Hospital into affordable housing is no longer on the table. At their Sept. 5 meeting, City Council trepidatiously voted to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the owners of the old hospital to conduct a site analysis and appraisal of the blighted building to determine its potential use for low-income housing units. Council also voted to file a temporary restraining order to compel the property owners to mitigate the building's wide-ranging nuisance issues. That injunction should be filed within the week, according to the City Attorney's Office. The site analysis would have been conducted in joint effort with the Laredo Housing Authority, which took the lead in modifying the proposed memorandum of understanding, Deputy City Manager Cynthia Collazo said at Wednesday's Old Mercy Ad Hoc meeting. The city and the LHA agreed to give Chendo Carranco, who owns the old hospital, until Sept. 30 to sign the memorandum of understanding. [TX] Some renters feel 'no choice' but to leave apartments (Galveston County Daily News, TX) Galveston County Daily News (10/8/2017 6:11 AM, Matt Degrood and Samantha Ketterer) Texas law gives several protections to apartment renters whose homes were flooded in Hurricane Harvey, but many landlords for the first time are using special provisions to make residents leave on short notice, legal experts said. "If someone's apartment is totally uninhabitable, the law says the landlord or the tenant can terminate the lease," said Richard Tomlinson, director of litigation for Lone Star Legal Aid's Houston office. "The most common lease is the Texas Apartment Association lease, which says you have to provide a five-day notice." The law hasn't changed recently, but is being used in ways not often seen before, some legal experts said. "What we are finding is that a lot of landlords for the first time have been exercising their rights under this. They'll give tenants notice and say they have five days to dispose of all of their materials and get out." Hurricane Harvey made landfall Aug. 25 in Rockport, about 200 miles south of Galveston County. It dumped more than 50 inches of rain in some parts of this county, swelling creeks and bayous and flooding an estimated 20,000 homes in the county and devastating parts of Houston. The storm severely damaged many apartment complexes in the region. A survey of about 2,600 complexes in the area showed more than 14,800 apartments sustained damage from Hurricane Harvey, said Suzy Hartgrove, spokeswoman for ApartmentData.com. Connie Shown, who lived in Ebbtide Apartments, 100 Market St., in Galveston, was told by owners to move because of damage from Harvey, she said. Shown said the damage - some leaks in the hallway - was present before the storm. Shown and her roommate didn't know their rights as renters, but after contacting attorneys, the two were surprised to hear there wasn't much they could do, she said. "We didn't have a choice," Shown said. "They have the right to terminate our lease. It's so bad when people can do people like that." After multiple requests for comment, apartment managers at Ebbtide declined to speak on the record about the situation. While having a limited time to move everything out of an apartment is difficult for anyone in the immediate aftermath of a HUD-17-0235-B-000519 hurricane, the situation is especially dire for elderly residents, Tomlinson said. "It's been really hard for them to find alternative housing anywhere near where they currently live," Tomlinson said. "Moving fragile residents is hard on them. I fear for their safety if forced to move really quickly, especially if it's involuntary. It's the nature of the beast right now. It will hopefully get better with time, but that could be months." [TX] Gentrification, rising rents put squeeze on more Austin households (Austin American-Statesman, TX) Austin American-Statesman (10/10/2017 1:58 AM, Dan Zehr) The pressures of gentrification and rising rents grew faster and spread farther in Austin than in comparable metro areas around the country, setting off ripple effects that could raise health care costs and undermine the quality of education for residents throughout the region, according to the authors of a report due out Tuesday. Researchers at the Urban Institute, a nonprofit research organization, found that almost half of Austin renters were "burdened" by their housing costs in 2015, an increase from 41 percent in 2000. The situation deteriorated even further for the metro area's low- and middle-income households, or those that earned between 50 percent and 120 percent of the area median income (or $38,400 to $92,160 a year for a four-person household in 2015). The number of Austin's low- and middle-income households that spent at least 30 percent of their income on rent rose to 25 percent in 2015, up from 9 percent in 2000. [ND] Historic Mandan school being turned into affordable housing (Houston Chronicle, TX) Houston Chronicle (10/6/2017 9:06 AM, Associated Press) MANDAN, N.D. (AP) -- An historic former school in Mandan is being transformed into affordable housing. The building through its history has served as the city's high school, its junior high, an elementary school and a sixth-grade academy. It closed in 2009, and earlier this year was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Bismarck Tribune reports that The Commonwealth Companies, of Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, finalized its purchase of the property in late September. The building is now undergoing asbestos abatements and interior demolition. The $6.2 million project will create 39 units of affordable housing known as Historic Apartments on 4th. Mandan's Business Development Director Ellen Huber says renovation should be in full swing after Thanksgiving. [IA] Will Des Moines lose its last affordable apartment tower? (Des Moines Register, IA) Des Moines Register (10/9/2017 9:08 PM, MacKenzie Elmer) The Elliot Apartments, one of the last low-income apartment buildings in downtown Des Moines, could be converted into marketrate units after a fire closed the building last summer. That has housing advocates calling for Des Moines leaders to create a policy that preserves affordable housing units in the city. More than 40 Elliot Apartments residents were displaced in June 2016 when the building at 219 Fourth St. caught fire. No one was hurt, but the fire damaged apartments and neighboring Fong's Pizza. The Elliot has been vacant since, leaving its residents who paid modest rents with few places to turn. [MN] St. Anthony city manager says city should reject Lowry Grove redevelopment plan (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune (10/9/2017 7:56 PM, Hannah Covingt) St. Anthony city manager wants council to reject project over density issues. The latest twist in the sale and closure of St. Anthony's only mobile home park has the city manager pushing for City Council HUD-17-0235-B-000520 members to reject the plan pitched for its redevelopment. The high-density plans include 97 units of affordable housing to replace the mobile homes lost from the park's June 30 closure. But in what is being described as an abrupt turn of events, City Manager Mark Casey is now recommending that the city reject the 712-unit project that's spread over about 17 acres, citing density concerns. The matter will be presented to the council at its 7 p.m. meeting Tuesday. In an Oct. 5 letter to city leaders, Casey says the proposed 41.4 units per acre exceeds what's called for in St. Anthony's most recent comprehensive plan -- 25 to 40 units per acre. [WA] There are many barriers to affordability in Clark County (Vancouver Business Journal, WA) Vancouver Business Journal (10/6/2017 8:09 AM, Avaly Scarpelli) Effort from both public and private sectors will be needed to impact the costs of regional housing Last month two events in the region celebrated the rise of the tiny home. Portland's fifth annual Accessory Dwelling Tour featured 24 striking "granny flats," that clearly aren't just targeted to grannies anymore. Following on the heels of that event was the Tiny House Living Festival at the Clark County Event Center. The recent ruling on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) by the Vancouver City Council on Aug. 7 has made ADUs a hot topic in local politics as well. We applaud the city for taking a step to increase the housing supply. However, ADUs are one small tool in the toolbox to impact housing affordability. Vancouver loosened some design requirements and eliminated restrictions on owner-occupancy and on-site parking as methods for encouraging ADUs. For some context we can look across the river where ADUs have been aggressively pursued as part of Portland's urban growth planning. Portland did not really see ADU permits take off until 2010 when they waived System Development Charges (SDC). In 2016, Portland issued 616 permits for ADUs, which is 20 times the average number issued prior to 2010. Total number of ADUs in Portland currently is around 1,900, which is less than 1 percent of single-family residential properties in the city. [OR] Portland renters and landlords face off over housing (Portland Oregonian, OR) Portland Oregonian (10/6/2017 8:07 AM, Jessica Floum) VIDEO. On Wedneday, the Portland City Council extended its declared "housing emergency" and renter protection rule. That rule, championed by Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, requires landlords to pay relocation cost to renters they evict without cause or who have to move as the result of a rent increase of 10 percent or more. More than 30 renters, housing advocates and landlords testified how a lack of affordable rentals and the rules meant to abate the affordable housing crisis have affected them. Here's what a few had to say: Former state representative Shemia Fagan reminded the council that homelessness touches many in the community, including her mother. [OR] Your Voice, Your Future - "Searching for Solutions: Oregon Affordable Housing Crisis" (KTVL-TV Channel 10, OR) KTVL-TV Channel 10 (10/8/2017 5:41 PM, Sinclair Broadcast Group) Tuesday, October 10, 2017: 5:00-5:30 pm (PT) Medford, OR -- Oregon is desirable place to live, with more and more people moving to the state each year. But the availability of housing has not kept up and people are in desperate need of affordable housing options as home costs keep going up and rentals become scarcer. HUD-17-0235-B-000521 Host: KTVL TV in Medford, OR. Panel: Brad Bennington: 40 years of experience in land use, construction and general contracting in Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Josephine, Douglas and Deschutes counties in Oregon, as well as Siskiyou and Modoc counties on Northern California. Active member of the Oregon Home Builders Association, as well as a member of the Governmental Affairs Committee and the Medford Chamber of Commerce. He was appointed to the commission on January 29, 2014. Cara Carter: Director of housing authority of Jackson County Tim D'Alessandro has been a resident of the Rogue Valley since 1979 and enjoys volunteering in the community. "I am honored to take part in the process that will craft and protect our City's future." Prior to his Council appointment, he served on the City's Planning Commission, Site Plan and Architectural Commission and the Joint Transportation Subcommittee. He currently works for Rogue Valley Transportation District as the Operations Manager and serves as a board member of the Rogue Valley Clean Cities Coalition and Living Opportunities. Moderator: Trish Glose [Editorial note: Town Hall broadcast will be on Tuesday 10/10/17 at 5pm (PT)] [CA] This AIDS nonprofit lost a political battle over housing and development. Now it's fighting a new way (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (10/6/2017 8:27 AM, Emily Alpert Reyes) When the AIDS Healthcare Foundation waged an unsuccessful campaign this spring to crack down on "mega projects," affordable housing developers argued its ballot measure would hurt poor renters and thwart sorely needed construction. Now the huge nonprofit is getting into affordable housing itself, saying it can provide it quicker and cheaper than such groups. "The current model does not work," said its top executive, Michael Weinstein. "It takes too much time. It costs too much money. And in a lot of cases, it excludes the people that need the most help." AHF is forming a new division called the Healthy Housing Foundation and has already purchased a skid row building in an effort to provide apartments for hundreds of poor tenants. It is also buying a Hollywood motel and says it plans to break ground on hundreds of new units next year in Florida. [CA] Ground broken on affordable housing at BART's Coliseum station (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/8/2017 6:48 PM, Bay City News Service) OAKLAND (BCN) - Ground was broken Friday on a $53 million, 110-unit affordable and market-rate housing development at Oakland's Coliseum BART station in a buoyant ceremony marked by cheers and three standing ovations. Coliseum Connections, a transit-oriented development, is being built just a stone's throw from the station, on the grounds of its former parking lot. The development is expected to be completed in Dec. 2018, according to Michael Johnson of UrbanCore Development, the project's developer. The project will include 55 units that will be affordable to households whose incomes fall between 50 and 60 percent of the area's median income. These rents will fall between $980 and $1,400 per month. The other 55 units will be market rate housing, renting for $1,800 to $2,200 a month. As BART trains whizzed past on tracks only about 100 feet away, a crowd of about 200 celebrated the development, a coup for the long-maligned neighborhood of the Coliseum known as "deep East Oakland." [CA] Labor got higher wages in California's housing deal. Will affordable homes still be built? (Sacramento Bee, CA) Sacramento Bee (10/9/2017 6:14 AM, Angela Hart) HUD-17-0235-B-000522 After a decades-long battle with California's building industry, developers who want to fast-track housing production - especially in cities that have not built enough housing to keep pace with rising demand - will be required to pay higher wages and benefits to construction workers beginning Jan. 1. Five of 15 housing bills signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown this year include so-called prevailing wage rules for employers and contractors to pay laborers higher wages and benefits for new construction projects. The requirements, reached after more than a year of negotiations between powerful labor groups and state Democratic lawmakers, represent the biggest expansion of union-backed pay mandates for construction workers since the late 1990s. "As we saw, labor is a very powerful voice in California," said state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco. His Senate Bill 35, seen as key to addressing California's housing crisis, also includes the most far-reaching prevailing wage mandates. [CA] Neighbors revolt against tiny houses and say they will destroy property values (Merced Sun-Star, CA) Merced Sun-Star (10/9/2017 9:14 AM, Steve Harrison) CHARLOTTE, NC - To developer Kelvin Young, his planned "tiny house" community in northwest Charlotte will create an affordable place for first-time home buyers or for people downsizing. But to neighbors, Young's Keyo Park West is a threat to their property values. They are asking City Council to stop it. "We have been hanging out there for 60 years in Coulwood," said Robert Wilson, who lives a half-mile from Young's planned tiny house neighborhood off Cathey Road near Paw Creek Elementary. "All of a sudden this little building started coming up and no one knew what it was. Then it started looking like a house." Young's Keyo Park West would have 56 tiny houses if built out, with the smallest homes - 500 square feet - selling for $89,000. The median home price in Charlotte is about $190,000. [CA] The density debate: Long Beach ponders building taller building to house more people (Long Beach PressTelegram, CA) Long Beach Press-Telegram (10/9/2017 4:47 AM, Andrew Edwards) Housing crunch The number of Los Angeles County residents who could afford a single-family home in Los Angeles County has trended downward since the first quarter of 2012, when California Association of Realtors data showed 51 percent of county residents could afford to buy a house. As of the second quarter of this year, the affordability rate for Los Angeles County stood at 28 percent. The rate was an even lower 21 percent for neighboring Orange County. Gov. Jerry Brown signed a package of 15 housing bills in late September that his office touted as a means to increase home construction and to improve affordability. The new legislation includes the likes of S.B. 2, which creates a new tax on real estate documents to finance affordable housing projects; S.B. 3, which calls for a public vote on a $4 billion housing bond; and S.B. 35, which in some cases limits local governments' abilities to deny permission for new multifamily developments. Some public comments made during Wednesday night's meeting came from people worrying that SB 35 would amount to a freefor-all for developers. Long Beach staffers are still reviewing how the new legislation, along with other laws, may affect planning and development. Homebuilding up and down the state has not yet rebounded to pre-recession levels, according to the California Homebuilding Foundation. Officials permitted some 113,000 single-family and multifamily units to the state's housing stock in 2007, the year when the bust began. [CA] Paso mayor writes to Supervisor Peschong on affordable housing (San Luis Obispo New Times Weekly, CA) San Luis Obispo New Times Weekly (10/9/2017 4:08 PM, Peter Johnson) HUD-17-0235-B-000523 The city of Paso Robles will ask the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to consider dedicating an annual portion of city-generated property taxes to help fund affordable housing projects in Paso. On Oct. 3, the Paso City Council unanimously authorized the submittal of a formal letter to SLO County 1st District Supervisor John Peschong, which was signed by Mayor Steve Martin, making the request. Paso asks that the county earmark "up to 5 percent of the property taxes collected each year from property owners in the city of Paso to support the development of low-income housing in this city." "The time has come for the city and county to effect real change in the inventory and cost of housing," a draft of Martin's letter reads. "These funds represent the 'tipping point' for organizations such as the Paso Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, People's Self-Help Housing, and others to finance desperately needed housing." Fair Housing [NJ] EDITORIAL: Is N.J. structurally racist? (Asbury Park Press, NJ) Asbury Park Press (10/6/2017 5:30 PM, Editorial) Hurricane recovery efforts, President Trump's petulant tweets and the massacre in Las Vegas have dominated the news in recent days, sucking up most of the oxygen in newsrooms and relegating some important stories to the back pages. One such story was the release of a report by the Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey calling on policymakers and concerned citizens to address what it believes to be structural racism permeating the state's institutions, resulting in racial injustice and economic inequality. The 131-page report, "The Uncomfortable Truth: Racism, Injustice and Poverty," doesn't break much new ground in cataloging racial and ethnic disparities. It underscores the vast differences in the poverty rates among blacks, Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites in all age categories. It notes that the poverty rate for blacks is more than twice that of whites and even higher for Hispanics, and that 6.4 percent of non-Hispanic whites were living below the poverty limit, compared with 17.4 percent of blacks and 18.6 percent of Hispanics. What sets this report apart from others on race and poverty is that it connects the dots on the impact of state policy in the areas of housing, immigration, voting rights, school funding and health care, and provides a comprehensive blueprint for tackling the problems. It rightly traces many of those problems to housing and school segregation. The report, in the works for two years, offers dozens of recommendations, many of them controversial, as Renee Koubiadis, APN's executive director, conceded at a press conference announcing the report's release. "Not everyone who participated agreed with all findings," she said. "Some feel the report goes too far and may feel uncomfortable with that. Others may feel it does not go far enough." The report made five major recommendations: --Make addressing structural racism an explicit public priority. --Require racial impact statements for all state legislation and rulemaking with potential disparate impacts. --Require data collection and dissemination by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. --Reinstitute the public advocate. --Strengthen the Division of Civil Rights. While the report's main thesis -- that the correlation between poverty and race is "undeniable" -- may prompt some to dismiss the report out of hand, it would be a mistake to do so. The report's authors addressed that concern early on: "Although it may appear we have put racism behind us, and some may even subscribe to the belief that we live in a new color-blind post-racial America, this is hardly the case. ... In reality, racism operates along a wide and complicated spectrum. The spectrum includes active, explicit prejudice and varying levels of preferential treatment, but the more fundamental characteristic is access to power and opportunity. When different racial or ethnic groups have different levels of access to power and opportunity, whether the HUD-17-0235-B-000524 reasons for that difference come from prejudice, or history, or any number of other factors, racism is operating." A series of recommendations are made in each of the major categories the report addresses: housing, economic justice and employment, criminal justice, legal protection, youth and children, and health, hunger and mental health. There is a lot to chew off. But special attention should be paid to the recommendations regarding fair housing, exclusionary zoning and racial segregation in the schools. Recommendations for the latter include working toward racial and socioeconomic integration, consolidating school systems, improving and expanding inter-district public school choice and integrating classrooms within school districts. All are essential to closing the racial achievement and income gaps. [MD] Discriminatory housing practices are alive and well in Maryland (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/6/2017 6:10 PM, William C. Smith Jr.) In Maryland, the majority of severely rent-burdened people are single mothers and overwhelmingly people of color. According to data from the American Community Survey analyzed by Enterprise Community Partners, almost 32 percent of the state's renters are severely housing-cost-burdened, meaning they pay more than 50 percent of their income on rent. (Typically, families pay 30 percent or less on housing costs.) These families are teetering on the line of instability and are just one illness, one unexpected expense, one preschooler getting suspended from school, one missed day of work away from homelessness. Federal programs such as Housing Choice Vouchers (formerly called Section 8) and low-income housing tax credits were designed to respond to this lingering crisis. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development administers programs that ensure access to affordable housing, including Partnership Rental Housing and Rental Housing Works. While these innovative programs have had a profound effect, only slightly more than a quarter of eligible very-low-income households have access to affordable housing units. This has left thousands of working families in peril. Waiting lists for vouchers are in the tens of thousands across the state, with seven jurisdictions reporting more than 66,000 families on waiting lists. Despite the dearth of affordable housing and the affordability crisis, the Trump administration has proposed $173 million in cuts to affordable housing and community development programs in Maryland. Even more confounding is that Maryland law permits discriminatory housing practices. Under Maryland law, landlords and property owners can discriminate against an individual on the basis of his or her source of income, including money from any lawful employment and any government assistance, such as Housing Choice. This willful blindness to a framework of law perpetuates and excuses discrimination against low-income people. Policies of this ilk hark back to the days of redlining and other methods that prevented people of color and low-income families from gaining access to jobs, good schools and other opportunities vital to upward mobility. The good news is that jurisdictions such as Montgomery County, Frederick County, Howard County, Frederick and Annapolis have laws that make discrimination based on source of income illegal. [MN] Renting and the Law: Can landlord fine tenant for keeping an emotional support animal? (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune (10/6/2017 4:41 PM, Kelly Klein) Q: I have a registered emotional support animal, my cat, Shadow. I also have a doctor's note to show landlords who may question why I need my cat. My current landlord said that my cat needs to be out immediately, and that I have to pay $300 in fines and $100 a day for every day my cat is still living with me. They threatened eviction, but when I talked to their office, they said that I need to come down to fill out paperwork so they can reach out to my doctor about this situation. Am I still liable for the fines? A: A landlord must consider a reasonable accommodation to allow an emotional support animal or an assistance animal if the animal is needed because of a person's disability. Since you have registered your cat as an emotional support animal and also have a doctor's note, you have done nothing wrong and aren't liable for any fines. A fine of $100 a day is most likely illegal; it is considered a liquidated damages clause, which needs to be a reasonable forecast of the landlord's damages and cannot be an excessive penalty. A court would likely determine that estimated damages amounting to $100 a day for each day your cat lives in your apartment are not reasonable and cannot be charged, especially since a landlord cannot charge for an emotional support animal. Although landlords may not charge a pet deposit or pet fees for an emotional support animal, they may require tenants to HUD-17-0235-B-000525 pay for damages caused by the animal, just as all tenants are responsible for damages that they or their pets cause. It sounds like your landlord didn't know the law on emotional support animals before issuing the fine, and now is OK with your cat living with you. If your landlord attempts to collect a fine from you, you should let him know the fine is illegal and you will not be paying it. Your landlord may try to withhold the amount from your security deposit. Again, this is not permitted because a landlord may withhold only actual damages. If your landlord does withhold an amount as a penalty, you should consider bringing an action in conciliation court. Section 8 [TX] As subsidized housing spreads in San Jacinto, most fail reviews (Amarillo Globe-News, TX) Amarillo Globe-News (10/8/2017 1:22 AM, Staff) It's not the reports of drug use in the San Jacinto neighborhood that bother Chad Conner the most. It's not the periodic violence or even the 86 registered sex offenders living within a mile of the charity that Conner started. It's the housing. From Conner's vantage point as the founder of Acts Community, a faith-based nonprofit at 202 S. Louisiana St., San Jacinto's low concentration of homeowners is the largest obstacle preventing it from being a generally thought of as a desirable neighborhood. Just 31 percent of houses or condominiums in San Jacinto are inhabited by their owners, according to City-Data, a website that compiles Census and privately sourced statistics. Couple that with the fact that nearly half of neighborhood homes were built before 1940, and Conner says cases of neglect become common. "The thing that would be the absolute best is if more people owned homes and (fewer) people rented," Conner said. "What you see, more than anything, is there are people who own 50 houses over here and they don't care who lives in them as long as they get paid. There's no background check, no nothing ... so the quality of tenant that person will be isn't what the neighborhood needs." Acts feeds and offers social services to San Jacinto residents, some living in squalor. Warped floors, caved-in ceilings, lack of indoor plumbing and pest infestations are common problems, Conner said. Several Acts clients receive rental assistance from federal Housing Choice Vouchers, formerly known as Section 8 housing. The vouchers are administered through the City of Amarillo's Community Development department, which has an estimated $9.1 million in federal Housing and Urban Development funding for the program projected in the 2017-18 budget, according to a copy of the budget. With about 1,400 households expected to receive assistance from that money in the coming year, that averages out to about $542 per house each month, though the amount allocated to each qualified renter varies based on the needs of the family, said City of Amarillo Housing Administrator Kelley Shaw. Community Development employees inspect each property where tenants receive federal assistance before they start living there, and the department follows up at least once per year to assess the conditions of the property. Shaw said his department is adequately funded and able to give thorough inspections as needed based on the federal funding it's receiving through the HCV program, which has increased in recent years. HCV funding was up about 14 percent in this year's budget from the approximately $8.6 million in fiscal year 2016-17. "We've got a thousand people on our waiting list right now," he said. "Hopefully the assistance we get from the federal government will continue. We could always use more funding." But as the number of homes needing inspection has swelled 44 percent from 900 to 1,300 over the last three years while city HUD-17-0235-B-000526 manpower to inspect the homes remains unchanged, Housing Choice Voucher recipients such as Grace Dunagan are concerned the city isn't doing enough to stay on top of derelict properties. The door to Dunagan's backyard has a 2-inch gap at the bottom, which gives mice an avenue into her duplex. She claims to have passed out twice last summer when her faulty air conditioning gave out, and that a board covering a leak in her ceiling isn't preventing water from getting through. Yet every year, she said, city inspectors approve the property with minimal or no changes. "HUD don't give a s---" Dunagan said. "They don't care. I tell them and it's like talking to a wall." Shaw acknowledged there's work to do to improve housing, but said his department has been making progress. He said the housing branch of Community Development has one full-time inspector but uses two part-timers from other HUD programs. Landlords who fail inspections -- more than 1,000 did last year -- get 10 days to repair their properties. In Shaw's year and a half as housing administrator, he said, only one property has been declared unlivable. [WA] If you think it's tough to find a place to live, try being poor (Bellingham Herald, WA) Bellingham Herald (10/9/2017 4:41 AM, Robert Mittendorf) While many Whatcom County renters and first-time home buyers are feeling pinched as the cost of housing goes through the roof, the area's poorest residents know that it's nearly impossible to find a place to live that they can afford. Mothers fleeing domestic violence with their children, the elderly, military veterans, disabled people and the working poor - who all depend on "Section 8" housing assistance - are increasingly seeing their budgets strained or are unable to use the aid that they qualify to receive. That's partly because local rents are rising above what assistance will pay for, but also because some landlords refuse to accept Section 8 recipients as tenants, even though their rent is guaranteed. "It's overwhelming," said Brittany Nicholl, case manager lead at the Opportunity Council, which serves homeless and low income people through several programs. She and others at the Opportunity Council work directly with people who receive housing vouchers to pay their rent. "It's definitely tougher," said John Harmon, executive director of the Bellingham/Whatcom County Housing Authorities. "It hasn't been this bad here since I've been here, and that's 30 years. It's the toughest market I've ever seen." [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [GU] Ex-GHURA lawyer Mark Smith allowed to travel (Pacific Daily News, GU) Pacific Daily News (10/6/2017 7:13 AM, Staff) A judge allowed former Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority legal counsel Mark Smith to travel off-island so long as his trips are for work and he provides the U.S. probation office with his itinerary before he leaves. Smith was indicted in March and ordered not to leave the island without the court's permission as a condition of his pre-trial release. Smith and his friend Glenn Wong were indicted on federal charges of fraud, money laundering and other crimes in connection with alleged conflicts of interest related to properties Smith owned that he rented under federal Section 8 program. The Section 8 program is administered locally by GHURA. Smith in 2011 was GHURA's legal counsel. "As GHURA's legal counsel who formulated policy or influenced decisions with respect to the programs, Smith was prohibitedfrom receiving directly or indirectly any Section 8 on any rental properties he owned or controlled," the indictment states. Homelessness Why so many veterans go hungry -- and VA's new plan to fix it (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/9/2017 8:20 AM, Caitlin Dewey) HUD-17-0235-B-000527 When Greg Stegall left the Navy at 30 years old, he found himself utterly adrift: a single dad with no degree, no clear plans for the future and a short resume in a down job market. Struggling to find work, Stegall put his son in a boarding school for poor children and asked his parents for money and food. Nearly 30 years later, Stegall -- now 58 -- oversees a program at a Pennsylvania food bank that delivers meals to hungry veterans. But he still regularly sees other vets in similar situations. Military advocates have long warned that certain groups of veterans suffer extreme rates of hunger. Those include veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- 27 percent of whom have struggled to put food on the table. Now, in a first-of-its-kind program, the Department of Veterans Affairs will screen all vets who visit its health-care facilities for hunger, asking them whether they've struggled to afford food in the past three months. That's welcome news to Stegall and other advocates, who say vets are especially hard to reach because they're often unwilling to seek help. Any program that tries to engage hungry vets will "make a positive impact in their lives," Stegall said. Veterans' hunger has long flown under the policy radar, in part because it varies widely between generations and regions. Overall, multiple studies have found that all veterans' rates of both poverty and food insecurity are lower than those in the general population. But there are pockets of vets who experience hunger often. People with disabilities and mental illnesses are far more likely to be food insecure, according to data from the Department of Agriculture. An estimated 39,000 veterans were homeless in 2016, which can make it difficult to access food. Byron Williams: Twenty reasons to really support the troops (Winston Salem Journal, NC) Winston Salem Journal (10/9/2017 6:34 PM, Byron Williams) I have a simple request. The next time the nation embroils itself in one of its "I Support the Troops" litmus test discussions, I want you to think of the number 20. No, it's not commemorating the legacy of NFL great Barry Sanders. Twenty reflects the average number of veterans who commit suicide daily. Every 72 minutes, America loses a veteran by his or her own hand. That's three deaths during an average NFL game, and at least one during the pregame show. It averages more than 7,400 veteran suicides annually. According to the Military Suicide Research Consortium, mental-health rates have risen 65 percent in the military since 2000. Because of issues ranging from PTSD and depression to readjustment challenges and sleeping problems, veterans are twice as like as the civilian population of committing suicide, according to a 2013 Los Angeles Times report. Over 57,000 veterans are homeless on any given night according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Unemployment is much higher among post-9/11 veterans than the general population, according to the Department of Labor. [MA] At Boston Public Library, a new outreach position for the homeless (Boston Globe, MA) Boston Globe (10/6/2017 9:58 PM, Danny McDonald) Boston has hired a full-time outreach manager who will provide help to the homeless who are drawn to "The spaces and resources of the Boston Public Library," City Hall announced Friday. The new director, Mike Bunch, is an existing outreach case manager social worker at Pine Street Inn, a South End-based nonprofit that helps more than 1,900 homeless people daily, and previously worked with shelter and treatment providers in Austin, Texas, according to a statement from Mayor Martin J. Walsh's office. His position, according to the statement, "Will work as part of a team providing assessment, crisis intervention and intensive case management services," and will be based out of the Boston Public Library's central branch in Copley Square. The post is being funded through the city's Department of Neighborhood Development and the Boston Public Library, and HUD-17-0235-B-000528 managed in partnership with Pine Street Inn. "The investment in this newly created position and the resources being made available by our dedicated library staff join a range of citywide resources already helping to support and aid our homeless population in and around our libraries and across the city," said Walsh in the statement. "These efforts directly support the BPL's mission of serving everyone." [VT] Homeless campers face eviction, full shelters (Burlington Free Press, VT) Burlington Free Press (10/6/2017 3:49 PM, Jess Aloe) The half-dozen campers who have made a wooded city lot their home for the past few months face a Tuesday deadline after police raised safety concerns - even as campers, advocates and even police employees say the city's shelter system is stretched to the max. Last week, Nick Walls said he had been stressed and worried about what would happen ever since two officers visited the Sears Lane camp in mid-September and thumb-tacked a plastic-laminated sign to a tree telling campers they would have to move their campsites off the property by Oct. 10.He and his partner, Ashley Baker, were hoping to get an apartment elsewhere in Vermont with some family assistance, and he said he had put his name on a waiting list at Anew Place, a Burlington long-term transitional housing shelter. Other campers have moved their tents, looking for other places to sleep in the city. "It's wrong, what the city is doing," Walls said. She said she just wanted the city to give them a chance. She also called on Burlington residents to stand up for the people in the camps. "My understanding is that there isn't really any capacity at any of the shelters," said Lacey-Ann Smith, the Burlington Police Department's community affairs liaison. In her role, Smith does outreach to campers throughout the city. She said that while she thought clearing a camp is a better temporary solution for avoiding potential violence than doing nothing, "It's far from a perfect system." Because of the stretched capacity of local shelters, and the barriers to housing many campers face, Smith said she expects many of the people who will be displaced from Sears Lane to end up finding a new place to camp. Burlington's year-round shelters also have high criteria, like sobriety, Smith pointed out, which some people who prefer camping may not be able to meet. [NY] Homeless housed in Sunnyside hotel (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/6/2017 7:14 AM, Christopher Barca) The city has rented out all Best Western rooms; areas pols upset It's a plot that has repeated itself over and over again in Queens over the last year: The city rents out rooms in a neighborhood hotel to house homeless individuals and area officials lambaste the move. That familiar scene played out in Sunnyside last Tuesday, as the Department of Homeless Services rented out all 82 rooms at the Best Western Hotel at 38-05 Hunters Point Ave. And as expected, lawmakers did not take too kindly to what they called a disappointing lack of advanced notification. "I am outraged and disappointed to learn that yet another hotel in Queens has been converted into a homeless shelter," Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan (D-Long Island City) wrote in a Sept. 29 letter to Mayor de Blasio. "I do not feel that our community was given adequate notice, nor time to prepare for this development. "My office received no notification as to which company will be managing the shelter, nor for how long the shelter will be operating," she continued. [NY] Kew Gardens hotel housing homeless (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (10/6/2017 7:18 AM, Christopher Barca) HUD-17-0235-B-000529 Koslowitz, civic decry the usage of the Comfort Inn as a new shelter The Department of Homeless Services has rented out 42 rooms at the Comfort Inn at 123-28 82 Ave. in Kew Gardens, just across the street from Borough Hall. Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz (D-Forest Hills) told the Chronicle in a Monday interview that undomiciled men were moved into the hotel on Saturday. That was just hours after DHS and the Mayor's Office told her about the plan on Friday afternoon, just before the Yom Kippur holiday began at sunset. "I asked them how could they do this. They called me right before a religious holiday," Koslowitz said referring to the one of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar. "You call me right before a holiday that I observe so I can't do anything about it? That's not right. [NY] Homeless Placed in New Hotel Sites Despite City's Pledge to Phase Them Out (DNAinfo New York, NY) DNAinfo.com (10/9/2017 10:15 AM, Ben Fracetenberg) MIDTOWN -- The city is still using commercial hotels to house homeless New Yorkers, despite a pledge last year to phase them out following a fatal stabbing at a homeless hotel. The de Blasio administration has said its first priority is to end the use of "cluster housing" as it also opens new stand-alone shelters across the city. In recent weeks, homeless shelters have popped up at hotels in Williamsburg, Sunnyside and Kew Gardens, to the dismay of some neighbors and elected officials who say they were given little warning about the plans. The Department of Homeless Services says the sites are necessary to shelter residents and families who would otherwise have nowhere to go. While Mayor Bill de Blasio has pledged to phase out the use of hotel shelters by 2023, the city is focused first on eliminating its use of "cluster sites" -- apartments located in private buildings that the city rents as shelter space -- while also opening 90 new homeless shelters citywide in the coming years. [NY] Open Door work moving ahead and on time (Glens Falls Post-Star, NY) Glens Falls Post-Star (10/9/2017 6:11 AM, Bill Toscano) GLENS FALLS -- Kim Cook stood amid a forest of 2-by-4s on the main floor of the planned Open Door Mission at 224-226 Warren Street last week and talked about the future. "This is the first phase, and we will have it done in time for the Nov. 15 opening date for the Code Blue shelter," she said. Cook, the Open Door director, said the new site will be ready if the temperature falls below the prescribed minimums that night. "We will have the new water main done, and we will have the sprinklers in, and that's what we need in order to open Code Blue." Cook, whose group is in its fourth year of providing winter housing for the homeless on cold or snowy nights, is also looking forward to the day when the soup kitchen, currently on Lawrence Street, can move to the Warren Street site and be in a much larger and much more comfortable location, eventually with more housing and a one-year program to help people get out of the cycle of homelessness. [NY] Puff, puff, bash: Slopers slam homeless-shelter residents for allegedly lighting up on their blocks (Brooklyn Paper, NY) Brooklyn Paper (10/9/2017 4:43 AM, Colin Mixson) This refuge's neighbors are playing the toking victim. HUD-17-0235-B-000530 Park Slope Women's Shelter residents are luring drug dealers to the neighborhood by smoking weed on the stoops of homes near the facility, charged locals who complained of the alleged habit at a Wednesday community meeting. Karver Brasserie "We have shelter residents who are smoking marijuana and they're sitting on our stoops. That provides a population of buyers and we're going to have a whole new population of sellers," said 16th-Street resident Barbara Barran. "This is a very, very deep concern of ours." Barran, along with fellow 16th-Street denizens Nelly Isaacson and Laura Ide, organized the gathering of elected officials, cops, shelter workers, and a few dozen neighbors at Eighth Avenue's Bishop Boardman Apartments, where they discussed the women's supposed reefer use and other behavioral problems. [NJ] Upcoming events Hoboken groundbreaking for American Legion Post 107 and veterans housing (Secaucus Reporter, NJ) Secaucus Reporter (10/9/2017 6:56 AM, Secaucus Reporter) HOBOKEN -- Mayor Dawn Zimmer, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, State Senator Brian Stack, and other dignitaries will join with members of the American Legion for the ceremonial groundbreaking of the American Legion Hoboken Post 107 project that includes a veteran community center and a six-unit residential building for homeless veterans. The American Legion Post 107 sustained severe damage from flooding during Superstorm Sandy in 2012 and requested a partnership with the City of Hoboken to rebuild its facility. This partnership involved the creation of six residential units in a new, elevated space that would protect the American Legion from flooding at the ground level. The American Legion Post 107 retained Monarch Housing, a non-profit affordable housing developer, to secure six project-based vouchers for homeless veterans and obtain project financing through federal grants. This project is being funded through the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency ("NJHMFA"), the Hudson County HOME Funding Consortium, and the City of Hoboken. The American Legion Post 107 is also privately raising additional funds to cover expenses such as furniture, appliances, and other amenities for veterans who will reside in these units. It will take place at 308 Second Street (near corner of Willow Avenue) Tuesday, October 10 at 11 a.m. [PA] New after-school drop-in center for Scranton teens to open soon (Scranton Times & Tribune, PA) Scranton Times & Tribune (10/9/2017 4:59 AM, Jim Lockwood) A new after-school drop-in center for teens in Scranton plans to open in a few weeks. The nonproft NEPA Youth Shelter organization will operate the drop-in center on the second floor of the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Human Services Building, 541 Wyoming Ave. The drop-in center will be for teens -- age 14 to high school seniors -- "looking for a safe space to hang out and have some fun," its website says. With about 7,000 square feet of space in several rooms, the center will have spots for homework, tutoring, activities, games, dining, relaxing and a clothing exchange for teens with limited wardrobes, said NEPA Youth Shelter Executive Director Maureen Maher-Gray. [PA] Two family suites added to Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter (Levittown Bucks County Courier Times, PA) Levittown Bucks County Courier Times (10/9/2017 6:12 AM, Joan Hellyer) Dozens of area volunteers were up and working before dawn Saturday to give local families in need some new, temporary spaces to rebuild their lives. The approximately 100 volunteers spent much of the day building a 600-square-foot addition onto the Bucks County Emergency HUD-17-0235-B-000531 Homeless Shelter in Bristol Township. The addition houses two family units, each measuring about 140 square feet, project coordinator Franco D'Andrea said. Up to four people can stay in each unit. The family suites will give the shelter some flexibility in accommodating people in various family structures, such as a father with a young daughter, or a mom with an adult disabled son, a Family Service Association of Bucks County spokeswoman said. FSA, a nonprofit social service agency, runs the temporary housing facility at 7 Library Way off New Falls and Woodbourne roads. The shelter, which last year served 316 people, including 125 children, has had to turn families away because its standard configuration includes a family dorm for women and children and a separate dorm just for men, FSA spokeswoman Nicki Bedesem said. [PA] NOAH tackles public awareness of homelessness in Carlisle (Carlisle Sentinel, PA) Carlisle Sentinel (10/8/2017 10:46 AM, Joseph Cress) Jill Bartoli saw the need firsthand as a volunteer donating her time at an overnight shelter in the Carlisle area. The Carlisle resident remembers the mother who tried to comfort a child who was crying because he had a cold. "The woman was walking the floor until after midnight," said Bartoli, recalling how hard it was for most anyone to sleep camping out in the host church. "There are people caught up in the flood of homelessness," she said. "NOAH has an ark that can help them." Short for New Options for Affordable Housing, NOAH is a coalition of Carlisle area residents who are determined to not only move the homeless into housing, but to connect them with a network of services that help the needy achieve personal independence. NOAH volunteers will be on street corners in downtown Carlisle and in local shopping centers from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday. They will be trying to raise awareness of the plight of homelessness in the community. The coalition started about a year ago as a group of residents concerned that, while homelessness has decreased across much of the nation, it was on the rise in Pennsylvania. Homeless people are drawn to the Carlisle area because of its role as the Cumberland County seat and the accessibility to social service agencies. NOAH organizers have developed a mission statement and an approach strategy to help the most vulnerable obtain sustainable, permanent housing and independent living. To accomplish this goal, the group has formed teams of volunteers who will serve as mentors and workers lending their advice and expertise toward helping the homeless. "There are not enough ways to get people off the street," said Carlisle resident Pat LaMarche, an advocate for the homeless. While there are programs for the needy, there are people who don't fit within the classifications to receive federal assistance, LaMarche said. The low-wage working poor with bad credit and seniors on minimal Social Security may get on a waiting list for public housing, but are unlikely to get off that list, she said. In allocating services, the federal department of Housing and Urban Development assigns every person who applies for public housing a level of vulnerability depending on their circumstances. [DC] D.C. officials reach out to private landlords for help to end homelessness (Street Sense Media, DC) Street Sense Media (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Reginald Black) VIDEO. Homeless service providers and private landlords came together for a recent networking session to build relationships to combat the District's housing crisis. The D.C. Interagency Council on Homelessness Landlord Outreach Work Group holds monthly meetings and organizes events like this meet and greet to ultimately create a central network of housing units to expedite placement of people who receive housing assistance. "It's a partnership," said Adam Maier of Pathways to Housing D.C. "We've got to work together." Maier and his team have created more than 100 partnerships with area landlords that now rent to Pathways clients, according to the organization's website. Melissa Robinson, who co-chairs the ICH Landlord Outreach Work Group, described the event as an opportunity to build and sustain connections. Robinson hopes conversational interactions like this can break down stigmas around what it means to be homeless and what programs are in place to end homelessness in the city. [GA] Opinion: Better mental health is key to solving more than just mass shootings (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (10/6/2017 1:13 PM, Kyle Wingfield) HUD-17-0235-B-000532 We could also do a lot easier, which may be the main reason little has been done on this front. If we need motivation to tackle such a thorny and far-reaching problem, we can find it beyond the issue of violence. Clearly, mental illness is at the heart of many suicides. It's also one of the leading problems among the chronically homeless: In 2014, the Treatment Advocacy Center estimated one-third of America's homeless suffered from untreated, serious mental illnesses. The knock-on effects reach into our jails, where many homeless Americans wind up, and our hospitals. A constant refrain from Georgia's struggling rural hospitals is the challenge they face dealing with mentally ill persons who aren't being treated regularly. This has been a particular source of shame for Georgia over the years. The AJC's 2007 series which revealed scores of unnecessary deaths in the state's mental hospitals led to a federal investigation and, eventually, a settlement between the state and the Justice Department. Years later, improvement has been marginal. Answers aren't simple. What is most needed may be public resolve and insistence on progress. [FL] Land clearing of homeless campground near Jupiter High starts Monday (Palm Beach Post, FL) Palm Beach Post (10/8/2017 5:51 PM, Bill DiPaolo) Clearing of land town officials say has been a gathering place for homeless people and a dumping ground for debris -- close to Jupiter High school and town hall -- is expected to begin Monday, Oct. 9. The town is paying Wantman Group Inc. from West Palm Beach $18,350 to clear the property. The weekday clearing, which starts Monday, is expected to take about 30 days. Trucks will not be hauling debris between 6:30-7 :30 a.m. and 2:15-2:45 p.m. to avoid interfering with traffic to and from Jupiter High School. Traffic is not expected to be closed along Indiantown Road while the work is being done, according to Jupiter records. [FL] Central Florida's homeless students top 14,000 (Orlando Sentinel, FL) Orlando Sentinel (10/8/2017 5:28 PM, Orlando Sentinel) Homelessness among Central Florida public school students -- nearly four times what it was a decade ago -- leads to widespread absenteeism and lagging test scores, a new report shows. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [FL] Volusia shelter might not open until summer 2018 (Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL) Daytona Beach News-Journal (10/9/2017 6:26 PM, Eileen Zaffiro-Kean) At the beginning of this year, city officials were hopeful a shelter could be open before December, but now that looks impossible. DAYTONA BEACH -- The new homeless shelter planned to be built west of Interstate 95 could open next spring. But it could take until late next summer to swing open the shelter doors for the first time. The timeline depends on the decision of city commissioners mulling whether to build a structure with a durable fabric roof that could be put up in three to six months, or to opt for a building with a traditional roof that will take nine months to complete. Neither option sounds fast enough for people who had hoped for a shelter to be open this fall. "I'd like to see something built yesterday," said South Daytona Mayor Bill Hall, who serves as secretary of the First Step Shelter Board. "I was hoping we could have it done before the first of the year." [AR] New director is determined to make a difference (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette HUD-17-0235-B-000533 (10/9/2017 10:16 AM, Kayla Baugh) Every day, we have the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, and Melanie Kiihnl strives to do that daily in White County. Kiihnl was named the new program director at Jacob's Place Homeless Mission in Searcy on May 1. Before moving into the position, she was recruiting manager and marketing director for Harding University's Master of Business Administration program. "I saw an ad for the position and felt pulled by God to investigate," she said. While she was hired to help with fundraising, outreach and public speaking, she said, she is now taking on case management, interviewing clients and helping clients work through the Jacob's Place ladder program. [MO] Restoration House Stl Opens New Office Downtown Serving Homeless And At-Risk Youth (St. Louis Today, MO) St. Louis Today (10/7/2017 10:32 AM, Emily Lacroix) Restoration House STL is opening a new office space in downtown St. Louis to serve youth and young adults who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. The downtown office is located at 210 N. 17th Street, Suite 105, at the intersection of 17th and Olive. The new location will serve as an intake center to assess the specific needs of the clients they serve. Here they will be able to get access to basic needs such as food, clothing, and hygiene items along with a variety of case management services. Mr. Tim Needham is the Executive Director of Restoration House STL and will be leading the way in the downtown office. "We chose this location because it is centrally located to other resources for individuals who are homeless and at-risk, and it's a great place to expand our reach and meet the needs of our St. Louis community," says Mr. Needham. "Our goal at Restoration House is to make sure that no youth or young adult is homeless without a place to feel safe. We want to end youth homelessness, and this space will allow us expand our services to reach a broader base of at-risk youth." Restoration House STL also has plans in the works for the future to expand into multiple locations across the Metropolitan St. Louis area. These facilities will function as drop-in-centers, where kids will be able to take showers, do laundry, and feel safe and secure. [MO] We lack the resources to meet needs of all the homeless (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO) St. Louis Post-Dispatch (10/9/2017 5:52 AM, Letter to the Editor) Thank you for calling attention to the needs of those who are homeless in St. Louis ("Terminal illness isn't ticket to shelter," Oct. 5). Reporter Jesse Bogan "spent much of 24 hours with (homeless man James K.) Turner to better understand the availability of emergency shelter in St. Louis." His conclusion was "Weeks before cold weather sets in, Biddle House appears to be booked." While I appreciate that the article raises awareness of the struggles homeless people face in our community, it should not be news to anyone that we lack resources to meet all the needs we see every day. The beds at Biddle were filled days after it opened in August last year, and they have remained so. The United Way, which manages the Housing Helpline that was mentioned in the article, reports that in 2016 the helpline received 14,165 calls requesting shelter. Of those, 1,407 calls were referred to shelter, and 12,758 were told that there was no shelter available. That means for 90 percent of the calls seeking shelter, the answer was "no." St. Louis has many fine nonprofit agencies doing amazing work with people who are homeless, mentally challenged, physically disabled and wrestling with addiction. We know that the cold weather is coming. And we know that we do not have the resources to help every person who knocks on our doors. I believe that working together, we can do better. Steve Campbell - St. Louis Executive director, Peter & Paul Community Services HUD-17-0235-B-000534 [AR] Bethlehem House focus groups look at giving strategies (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (10/9/2017 10:16 AM, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette) CONWAY -- A 20-year-old likely has different motivations to give to a nonprofit than a 50-year-old does, and Bethlehem House in Conway is gathering focus groups to find out how to market to all ages. The impetus is to raise more money to replace the dwindling Housing and Urban Development grants and their potential impact on the shelter, said Judi Lively, executive director of the homeless shelter. "We know that funding for transitional housing with HUD is decreasing greatly," Lively said. "Nationally, HUD has taken focus off transitional housing to focus on permanent, supported housing or rapid rehousing," she said. Lively said that in 2014, HUD gave $325.5 million in grants nationally for transitional housing. In 2016, that number fell to $108 million. In Conway, the homeless shelter's HUD grant has dropped from $221,000 to $199,114 the past couple of years, Lively said. [AR] Arkansas homeless shelter cancels plans to open center over complaints from residents (Arkansas DemocratGazette, AR) Arkansas Online (10/8/2017 11:01 AM, Kenneth Heard) JONESBORO - A week after announcing plans to convert a former nursing home into a homeless shelter and mental-health crisis center, Jonesboro officials now say they won't open the facility because of objections from residents who live near it. The Homeless Ministries of Jonesboro's board of directors decided Thursday evening to scrap plans for the center. Murl Smith, director of the nonprofit organization, announced with city leaders Sept. 29 that Reliance Health Care Inc. donated its 24,700-square-foot Ridgecrest Health Care nursing home for use as a homeless shelter. Craighead County Sheriff Marty Boyd said the former 83-bed facility also could be used as a place to house up to 16 mentalhealth patients. When opposition to the plan arose, the organization changed its plans. "After meeting with residents of the North Church Street community and hearing the concerns and opposition to any type of homeless ministry in this area, it has become clear that this property is no longer a viable location," the board said in a statement released after Thursday's meeting. Jonesboro Superintendent Kim Willbanks said she was concerned about the plans because the school district's Math and Science Elementary School is near the proposed facility. Willbanks was out of town Friday and not available for comment. Assistant Superintendent Karleen Sheets said she could not comment about the homeless shelter. "We have homeless students in all our schools," she said. "We will continue serving and taking care of our kids." Board member Danny Pridmore did not return telephone messages Friday. "I am saddened by our inability to secure a facility to serve our homeless population," Jonesboro Mayor Harold Perrin said in a statement Friday. "Nothing affects a family's hope for the future like being evicted from their home, so we will continue to work for our homeless." Perrin said the facility would not be a "Halfway house" that endangers neighborhoods. "They want to be Christian brothers and sisters to our less fortunate residents in their time of need," he said in the statement. [MO] New record: More than 1,700 SPS kids were homeless or displaced last year (Springfield News-Leader, MO) Springfield News-Leader (10/8/2017 10:08 AM, Claudette Riley) VIDEO. A year ago, Springfield native O'Brien St. James Daniels was moving out of her rented house in a Kansas City suburb when she learned the new place she planned to lease was no longer available. The single mom, who had been working full time and taking college classes, suddenly felt stranded. With no family nearby, HUD-17-0235-B-000535 Daniels and her young son moved into a $300-a-week extended-stay hotel. "I just ran out of resources because everything happened at the same time. I didn't have a Plan B," said Daniels, 31. "It was brutal. It got so overwhelming. A year ago, I decided 'Let's go back to grandma's.'" Daniels retreated to her hometown, hoping for a fresh start. She squeezed a bed and all her belongings into the dining room of her grandma's tiny home in northeast Springfield. She enrolled her son at Sequiota Elementary and found work. Through the school, she learned she was not alone. A total of 1,700 Springfield students, including Daniels' son, were identified as homeless or temporarily displaced during the 2016-17 year. The number, a new record, was nearly double the 900 students identified the prior year. The federal McKinney-Vento Act defines homelessness broadly in the school setting. It applies to students who are "doubled up" with another family or individual -- like Daniels and her son -- and those couch-surfing, living in hotels and emergency shelters, as well as those sleeping in tents, cars or on the streets. [MO] SPS hires social workers to help homeless families (Springfield News-Leader, MO) Springfield News-Leader (10/8/2017 10:08 AM, Claudette Riley) VIDEO. Hired a year ago, Springfield Public Schools' first full-time homeless liaison quickly realized she needed help. Lynn Schirk applied for and was recently awarded a federal grant through the McKinney-Vento Act that will provide $450,000 over three years to support the growing number of students who lack a "Fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence." "With the amount of need, I learned there was no way I could adequately provide for these families on my own," she said. "The No. 1 thing the grant is being spent on is two full-time social workers." In September, the district hired social workers Michala Boehm and Ashley Reed to work with families referred to Schirk's Office of Students in Transition. They are stationed at the Bentley Administrative Center. Mike Dawson, chief learning officer, said they will offer intense case management to families struggling with generational poverty and prolonged homelessness. He said they will help families access community resources. "Now we are meeting students where they are at," he said. The federal grant was awarded to 10 Missouri school districts this year. This is the first year that Springfield was a recipient. Schirk said families referred to the social workers typically lack the resources to quickly figure out how to find stable housing. "They need somebody that is able to make weekly contact with them and will work with them to set goals, identify what barriers they are truly experiencing and then develop a plan to address each of the barriers." A social worker might help a family navigate affordable housing programs and access social services aimed at creating greater financial stability. "Their primary role is to provide supportive services to our families that need it most and offer additional services that are beyond my role," she said. "That is incredible now that we have those people." [MO] SPS mission: Find and help every homeless student (Springfield News-Leader, MO) Springfield News-Leader (10/8/2017 10:08 AM, Claudette Riley) Springfield Public Schools is on a mission to find every student who is homeless - even if they don't know they meet the definition. The broad definition, under the federal McKinney-Vento Act, includes any student who lacks a "Fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence." Lynn Schirk, who oversees the district's Office of Students in Transition, avoids using the word because families can find it offputting. "The word 'homeless' creates a barrier," she said. "It creates a negative connotation and it conjures all these images in our head.". HUD-17-0235-B-000536 Schirk, homeless liaison, said a portion of the 1,700 students who met the definition in the 2016-17 year lived in shelters and slept in cars, parks, and abandoned buildings. She said the overwhelming majority of families were "Doubled up," meaning they moved in with an individual or family on a temporary basis after losing permanent housing of their own. The loss may be due to fire, the end of a relationship, or eviction after being laid off. "It's very important to recognize that number reflects students who are doubled up and students whose parents are hospitalized or incarcerated," she said. There are also teens who "Couch surf" - moving between the homes of various friends and acquaintances - after being kicked out by their parents or running away from home because they no longer feel safe, physically or emotionally. A significant number of those students are LGBTQ. [IN] How Lafayette is helping its homeless veterans (Lafayette Journal and Courier, IN) Lafayette Journal and Courier (10/6/2017 2:48 PM, Joseph Paul) To most Lafayette residents, cooler evenings and crimson-colored trees mean fall is in full swing. For those experiencing homelessness, the change in season is a warning sign that winter and its cold, hard nights are just around the corner. Many barriers exist between adequate, affordable housing and Lafayette's homeless population, particularly those who are veterans, said Jennifer Layton, executive director of LTHC Homeless Services, also known as Lafayette Transitional Housing Center. October marks the fifth year the local non-profit has administered Supportive Services for Veteran Families, a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs program aimed to help service members over those barriers, which include substance abuse, a lack of employment and chronic health issues, Layton said. LTHC Homeless Services recently received nearly $200,000 to continue the program locally for another year. Nationwide, the VA awarded $343 million in grants to 288 local non-profits, according to a news release. Through the program, the agency over the last four years has served 261 homeless veterans and their families, comprising roughly 10 percent of all its clients, Layton said. Michelle Reynolds, executive director of Lafayette Housing Authority, said veterans are assigned additional points that move them up the agency's waiting list for Section 8 vouchers. At least 28 chronically homeless veterans in Lafayette also are housed through the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program, Reynolds said. [IN] Helping the homeless: More hard work ahead as Brighter Days starts second year (The Republic, Columbus, IN) Republic (10/10/2017 3:03 AM, Julie Mcclure) Some of the concerns in the neighborhood have resulted from the times clients are released in the morning from Brighter Days, and the time they may return, beginning at 6 p.m. daily. There have been complaints of some clients cutting through private property to reach the shelter, which officials have tried to alleviate by asking clients to enter off Center Street, behind the facility. Love Chapel has several picnic tables which clients may use during the day as necessary, he said. The Columbus Housing Authority has talked with Brighter Days about clients hanging out in Pence Place Park, but Jackson said the shelter can't tell clients they can't visit a public park. "They are allowed to hang out there," he said. The camper allegation stems from a locksmith business near Brighter Days where an old camper is on the property and a client attempted to get into it, Jackson said. When the client couldn't get in, he slept underneath it, which was reported to Brighter Days staff and dealt with, Jackson said. Finding a solution to help those who do not want to follow the rules but still need shelter is a continuing problem, he said. [AZ] No deaths from hepatitis A outbreak in Maricopa County (Washington Times, DC) Washington Times (10/8/2017 4:31 PM, Associated Press) PHOENIX (AP) - Public health officials in metro Phoenix say a hepatitis A outbreak linked to 17 deaths in San Diego has been contained in Arizona. Arizona officials believe the local outbreak was mainly confined to homeless people in Maricopa County, The Arizona Republic reported. HUD-17-0235-B-000537 The county recorded only 15 known cases and no deaths, and officials have detected no new Arizona cases since the end of May. Officials believe the virus, which is spread through contact with an infected person's feces, circulated because of crowding and poor hygiene among homeless people in Maricopa County. [AZ] Hepatitis A outbreak spread to Arizona by homeless (Arizona Republic, AZ) Arizona Republic (10/7/2017 10:37 AM, Ken Alltucker) Maricopa County public health officials say a hepatitis A outbreak linked to 17 deaths in San Diego has been contained in Arizona, with only 15 known cases and no deaths. While California struggles with an outbreak that prompted San Diego County to declare a public health emergency, Arizona officials believe the local outbreak was mainly confined to homeless people in Maricopa County. Officials have detected no new Arizona cases since the end of May.The San Diego outbreak, mainly affecting homeless people and drug users, has killed 17, hospitalized 337 and infected 481 people. Cases also emerged in Los Angeles and Santa Cruz counties. Public health officials say the Maricopa County outbreak was tied to one person who traveled from San Diego to Maricopa County earlier this year. Follow-up testing confirmed the viral strain matched the San Diego cases and had spread mainly among people who used services from a homeless campus from mid-February through the end of May.Public health officials continued to monitor the outbreak, but have detected no new cases linked to the California outbreak, according to Sally Ann Iverson, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention epidemic intelligence services officer assigned to Maricopa County and Arizona. Neither the Maricopa County Department of Public Health nor the Arizona Department of Health Services broadly notified the public about the outbreak. [WA] Hey City Council: Turning homeless people into criminals is wrong and doesn't help the cause (Tacoma News Tribune, WA) Tacoma News Tribune (10/7/2017 4:54 AM, Matt Driscoll) The Tacoma City Council doubled down on its emergency response to the city's homelessness crisis the week. Its narrow-minded and stubborn insistence on criminalizing homelessness as part of that effort seriously risks overshadowing any good that might be achieved through the city's three-phase approach to addressing the crisis. If the goal is to help people get off the streets, and make Tacoma safer for all residents and business owners, it won't work. First, the good: In a unanimous vote, council members extended a declaration of a public emergency related to homelessness until the end of the year. The declaration, which allows the city flexibility in contracting, permitting and budgeting, dates to May and was scheduled to expire this month. It's a key component of the ongoing approach to mitigate the health and safety effects of homelessness on individuals and the community, allowing for important steps to be taken quickly. Mayor Marilyn Strickland and council members Robert Thoms, Marty Campbell, Joe Lonergan, Conor McCarthy, Ryan Mello, Keith Blocker, Anders Ibsen and Lauren Walker Lee also extended the city's temporary ban on camping on public property, which dates back to July and makes the offense a misdemeanor. Keep in mind, this at a time when the Dome District stability site is full, with a waiting list. The same generally holds true for all other shelters in the city as well. The city continues to crack down on people living in their cars, in some cases families down to their last sole possession, just trying to stick together. The law, which didn't need to be extended since it was passed with no expiration date, includes provisions that ratchet up fines, depending on how many times an individual has been cited, going from $50 for the first offense, to $100 for the second and finally to $250 for three or more. The combined approach has been described as a tough love. HUD-17-0235-B-000538 [OR] Solving Portland's homeless crisis requires a bolder approach: Guest opinion (Portland Oregonian, OR) Portland Oregonian (10/8/2017 1:11 PM, Dr. David Bangsberg) When I grew up in Portland, homeless people were largely limited to "skid row" along West Burnside. When I trained as a young doctor at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in North Harlem, New York City's largest homeless shelter was across the street. Homelessness, along with HIV and new strains of drug resistant tuberculosis spread through New York City. These synergistic epidemics were accelerated by deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill during the crack and heroin epidemics combined with a fragmented and difficult-to-access health care system. When I moved to San Francisco to train as an HIV specialist, I encountered a new type of homelessness, the "marginally housed." The number of "marginally housed" was more than twice the number of people who lived on the street. They alternated between couch surfing, low-cost single-room occupancy hotels and other informal living settings. Many but not all suffered from addiction, past life trauma and mental illness. Now as a daily Portland bike commuter, I see an increasing number of homeless people in nearly every neighborhood, living under our bridges and spilling into streets. While this may look like the homelessness I've seen before, emerging data suggest it is different. [OR] Homelessness Compounds Health Challenges for Transgender Portlanders (The Lund Report) The Lund Report (10/7/2017 2:46 AM, Thacher Schmid) In her 31 years, Willow Paloma has had many identities: train-hopping hobo, Buddhist, activist, herbalist, self-described "crusty punk" and "queer separatist." But one part of her identity never changed, even while raised as a male. She's female. Paloma's among what may be Portland's fastest-growing group of homeless people: transgender and non-binary persons. Its numbers have tripled in two years amongst adults, and it's at its high-water mark amongst youth. Part of the growth, experts say, is in migration due to Oregon's expanded coverage of transgender health services and passing in June of additional protections. "Portland really is considered somewhat of a Mecca for trans youth," said Jenn Burleton, Executive Director of TransActive Gender Center. This year's "point in time" homeless count identified 59 transgender and non-binary homeless persons in Multnomah County. Data from organizations serving homeless youth is at its high point in tracking transgender identity for 13 years: 46, or 6 percent of the total. There are 1.4 million transgender individuals in the United States, the UCLA's Williams Institute says - and an estimated one in five has experienced homelessness. It's not known how many youth are transgender, but as many as 40 percent of the nation's 1.6 million homeless youth are LGBTQ. Dennis Lundberg, Executive Director of Janus Youth, the point of entry for the shelter system that serves 700 homeless Portland youth 14 to 24 each year, says Portland has an even higher portion of LGBTQ youth than that. "The number in the homeless youth continuum is close to 50 percent being LGBTQ identified," Lundberg said. As recently as 2015, Federal Housing and Urban Development guidance for point-in-time homeless counts in the U.S. used different categories: "Transgender" and "Transgender." The 2017 count changed it to "Transgender" and "Don't identify as male, female, or transgender," or non-binary. [CA] A homeless shelter could open in this Placer community. Some residents are concerned. (Sacramento Bee, CA) Sacramento Bee (10/6/2017 7:56 AM, Ellen Garrison) Brooke Stephens envisions the Campus of Hope as a one-stop shop for homeless services - a place to live, mental health help, job training and even a cafeteria. It's a vision in its earliest stages. Stephens' group, Placer Rescue Mission, is studying an 8-acre plot of land in south Placer County. But the incipient plan has already drawn the ire of some south Placer residents who believe the proposal is oversized and would draw homeless people from throughout the region to their streets. Though no official proposal has gone before the county's Board of Supervisors, initial plans call for a 231-bed campus across from the Santucci Justice Center in the unincorporated county west of Rocklin's city border. The beds would be located in microunits of housing, interim housing, a mental health unit and recovery treatment beds. A Placer count in January found 663 homeless people throughout the county. HUD-17-0235-B-000539 "A lot of what we've heard (in opposition), there seems to be a lot of misinformation out there," Stephens said. "Some of the things they've taken issue with are things we won't be doing or aren't the way we're set up." [CA] To slow deadly hepatitis outbreak, paramedics will now provide vaccinations to the homeless (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (10/6/2017 12:54 PM, Paul Sisson) Paramedics are the newest troops in the fight against San Diego's ever-growing hepatitis A outbreak. A letter signed this week by the director of the state Emergency Medical Services Authority temporarily expands state laws that govern paramedics, granting them emergency powers to "vaccinate at-risk populations in response to the outbreak." Dr. Kristi Koenig, director of the San Diego County Emergency Medical Service, requested the temporary scope of practice expansion on Sept. 20 and said Wednesday night that she received approval in the mail Tuesday. Paramedics will be able to deliver hepatitis A doses only under the supervision of nurses and only at special events created to inoculate those who are at high risk of infection, including homeless residents, drug users and those with liver disease or compromised immune systems. [CA] Homeless families increasingly leaving SF for stability in other cities (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/9/2017 9:30 AM, Jill Tucker and Kevin Fagan) The walls of Jamahl Mackey's two-bedroom apartment in Sacramento are bare except for a framed poster of San Francisco and a third-grade school portrait of his son. There isn't a lot of furniture -- a couch, a kitchen table, chairs, just the essentials. But it's home. A little over a year ago, after he was laid off from a solar company, home for the single father and his son was a Mitsubishi Galant parked on a rotating list of San Francisco streets, or occasionally a relative's couch or a motel if there was enough cash. Parking under streetlights, he promised his son he would make things better. When Mackey reached out to San Francisco aid workers for help, he never imagined what that phone call would bring: a new life outside the city. But he and his son, 8-year-old Jamahl Jr., are among an increasing number of families leaving behind the city they love to find stability and affordable rent elsewhere, with San Francisco's blessing and financial support. It's an approach to fighting homelessness that echoes across costly communities around the Bay Area. [CA] Homeless numbers grow at Santa Rosas Doyle Park (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) Santa Rosa Press Democrat (10/8/2017 8:26 PM, Paul Payne) The sprawling oaks and green grass of Santa Rosa's Doyle Community Park have beckoned Carol Cranston and her dog Bingo almost every day for the past seven years. Now, the oasis in the middle of the city between two gurgling creeks is calling out to the homeless. Over the past few months, transient numbers have swelled, alarming neighbors and others who fear the park is being ruined by a segment of the population that's monopolizing picnic areas by day and camping at night. "They are starting to take over," said Cranston, a retired teacher who lives on nearby Sheridan Drive, as she walked near a group lounging on the lawn. "We don't want these people in this park." Critics blame the surge on the city's handling of its homeless population, estimated at 1,900. They believe many were driven to Doyle when officials in August rousted 42 people living in one of the largest encampments near Farmers Lane. And they expect more will come when the city closes a second haunt at the Sixth Street freeway underpass by Oct. 16. HUD-17-0235-B-000540 [CA] Water board reports highlighted health risk before hepatitis outbreak (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (10/9/2017 4:46 AM, James DeHaven) San Diego officials were informed repeatedly of the dangers of disease-carrying runoff from homeless encampments into area waterways, as far as a decade before the current hepatitis A crisis spurred action. Typical of the volumes of reports is a 2015 city plan for Mission Bay, which cited hepatitis research in setting priorities for officials regarding environmental quality. "The issues raised by transient encampments are socio-economic by nature," the city Transportation and Storm Water report said. "Addressing the sources of homelessness requires coordination with law enforcement, social services, and the legal community. Therefore, it has been designated as an uncontrollable source." A U-T Watchdog review of public records shows state water regulators and city officials produced nearly a dozen studies in the decade before this year's outbreak, reports and policy documents highlighting the link between homeless camps and human waste-tainted water. [CA] An outbreak waiting to happen: hepatitis A marches through San Diego's homeless community (PBS NewsHour) PBS (10/8/2017 1:47 PM, Usha Lee McFarling) SAN DIEGO -- The hepatitis A outbreak now roiling this well-heeled, coastal city may have had its roots in a baseball game -- when the city cleaned up for the 2016 All-Star Game by pushing its homeless out of the touristy areas downtown and into increasingly congested encampments and narrow freeway onramps just east of downtown. The lines of tents stretched for blocks. At the same time, the city was locking and removing bathrooms to help control the rampant drug and prostitution trade they'd spawned. Hepatitis A is transmitted through contact with feces from an infected person, and in close, unsanitary conditions, the highly contagious virus can spread explosively. So it was only a matter of time, experts say, before cases would surge among the homeless. "I'm not so much surprised it occurred, but surprised it didn't occur earlier," said Dr. Robert Schooley, who chairs the division of infectious diseases at the University of California, San Diego, and currently serves as an informal health adviser to the city's mayor. "In some ways, it was the perfect storm." Today, the tents are gone. There are clusters of newly installed portable toilets open and guarded 24 hours a day. More than 60 new hand-washing stations dot the city. Workers in hazmat suits spend mornings spraying bleach onto streets and sidewalks. Armies of nurses walk through encampments and even into riverbeds and canyons to offer the highly effective hepatitis A vaccine to homeless people. And on Monday, the first city-sanctioned homeless camp -- with 200 four-person tents, security, showers, and bathrooms -- is slated to open in a parking lot near Balboa Park. [CA] San Francisco Sets Five-Year Plan to Drastically Reduce Homelessness (PLANetizen) PLANetizen (10/8/2017 4:31 PM, James Brasuell) A new plan in San Francisco aims to reduce the city's chronically homeless population 50 percent by December 2022. Other goals include ending family homelessness and eliminating large, long-term tent encampments. The city of San Francisco has announced a "Five-Year Strategic Framework" that sets ambitious targets to reduce homelessness by 2022. Kevin Fagan reports on the new plan, calling it San Francisco's most ambitious homelessness strategy in a decade. The thinking on the plan is too bundle all the city's homeless strategies to better coordinate services. "That coordination will come through what he has dubbed the Homelessness Response System, which will tie together the 15 independent databases now being used to track homeless people through housing, medical and other services," according to Fagan. HUD-17-0235-B-000541 The plan will also expand the Moving On Initiative and calls for 1,367 new supportive housing units. [CA] Napa to pay landlords who accept homeless tenants (Napa Valley Register, CA) Napa Valley Register (10/6/2017 7:12 AM, Howard Yune) Low-cost housing is historically scarce in Napa - and fewer owners are willing to accept rental vouchers from some of those most in need of shelter. Faced with a shortage both of supply and of willing partners, the city will begin offering cash incentives to landlords opening their rental properties to Napans without homes or at risk of losing them. The assistance program also is intended to match needy tenants to those with available housing, provide funds to cover damage to dwellings, and offer some funding to landlords between tenants. The support program won unanimous approval Tuesday from the city Housing Authority, which includes the five members of the City Council. Napa's Housing Authority offers rental assistance through the Section 8 program, in which federal funds pay for vouchers that low-income tenants use to pay landlords. The city's minuscule vacancy rate and the resulting high rents have left fewer property owners willing to take such vouchers particularly from those they believe can't afford to pay for damage to the property, according to Lark Ferrell, city housing manager. "One of the themes that came up was that a Section 8 tenant is perceived as a higher risk than a market-rate tenant," she told the council. "We don't have the money to help everyone that's in our program - that would take millions of dollars." Instead, Napa will devote a more modest sum of $200,000 directly to landlords willing to rent to homeless people, with the hope of housing about 75 additional tenants. The Housing Authority will refer recently homeless renters to Abode Services, which in July took over Napa County's shelters and transient services from Community Action Napa Valley with a new emphasis on quickly moving clients into permanent housing. Abode is to aid clients in finding available rental dwellings, serve as a go-between for new tenants and landlords, and manage a 24-hour hotline for property owners taking part in Section 8, said Ferrell. [CA] Santa Cruz County housing crisis countered by landlord incentivization (Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA) Santa Cruz Sentinel (10/7/2017 8:30 PM, Delphine Burns) BOULDER CREEK >> After sleeping in her car for the past 30 months, 50-year-old Debra Rivers soon will move into a new home with her husband and two children thanks to Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing vouchers and the All-In Landlord Partnership. The partnership is a new a program that incentivizes landlords to rent to people coming out of homelessness. In return for accepting government-subsidized housing vouchers, landlords receive help from program volunteers to maintain and beautify their properties with painting and minor repairs. Saturday the partnership hosted its first "Spruce Up" event, a cleanup day to help Boulder Creek landlords Terry and Patrick Phillips prepare their space for the Rivers family to move in. After serving in the military as a mechanic, Rivers' husband suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and the family lived in a housing facility designated specifically for the mentally ill. According to Rivers, the family stopped sleeping at their apartment because they were kept awake by other residents with "More serious conditions," and they eventually left the facility and became homeless. Rivers' family has been divided by its homelessness, as her children now live with their grandparents. "It makes me so happy to have my children back," Rivers said of the family moving into their new home. "We will finally be reunited as a family." [CA] Goal reached: 1,000 homeless veterans receive housing (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (10/7/2017 4:44 AM, Gary Warth) Although the original deadline was missed, San Diego's Housing Our Heroes initiative has hit its goal of helping 1,000 homeless veterans secure rental housing. "It's fantastic news," Mayor Kevin Faulconer said. "We're getting people housed and getting them off the street." San Diego Housing Commission President and CEO Rick Gentry said Friday that 1,007 veterans had found secure housing under the initiative announced by Faulconer in March 2016, and 200 other veterans are in the pipeline for housing. The initiative was launched as one of several steps the city has taking recently to tackle the homeless population. Three large HUD-17-0235-B-000542 industrial tent structures that will shelter about 250 homeless people each are planned to be installed by the end of the year, and on Monday a city-sanctioned homeless encampment will open to about 200 people in response to a hepatitis A outbreak that has left 17 people dead and afflicted more than 500. While the goal for veterans has been reached and the original initiative completed, Faulconer and Gentry said the effort will continue and be expanded to include non-veterans. Gentry said he expects an additional 1,000 homeless people to be housed within the next 15 months using the formula created by Housing Our Heroes. Just how many homeless veterans are left in the city isn't clear. The annual count of homeless people taken in January found 1,054 homeless veterans in the county. In all, the county had 9,116 homeless people, with 5,619 in San Diego. The Housing Our Heroes initiative focused on just the city of San Diego and one area of National City and was launched before the most recent count was taken. Jonathan Herrera, Faulconer's senior adviser on homelessness coordination, estimated there still are about 500 homeless veterans in San Diego. When funding for the two-year, $12.5 million initiative was announced in March 2016, Faulconer said 1,000 veterans would be housed in a year. "My goal was 1,000 people off the street," Faulconer said Friday. Gentry took some responsible for missing the initial goal. After the program was launched, Gentry said people were spinning their wheels for a few months, but learning important lessons. The first important lesson involved helping homeless people use vouchers to find homes, Gentry said. [CA] Opening of homeless camp back on track (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (10/7/2017 4:45 AM, Gary Warth) The opening of San Diego's first city-sanctioned homeless camp site is back on track for a Monday opening. Bob McElroy, president and CEO of the Alpha Project, had said earlier Friday that the opening would be delayed a day because tents that had been purchased might not arrive in time. After an online San Diego Union-Tribune story appeared announcing the delay, McElroy said he heard from the mayor's office that the site still should open Monday by using rented tents. Mayor Kevin Faulconer on Wednesday announced plans to open the site at a city public works yard near Balboa Park. McElroy said he and other organizers have been working to get everything in place in time for the opening, which originally was scheduled for Monday. McElroy said wash stations, restrooms and other amenities at the site will be in place soon, and rented tents will be in place by the time people start arriving at 7:30 a.m. Monday. As of Friday, details about transporting people to the site still were being worked out, but McElroy said the plan is to give priority to seniors, the disabled and families with children. He also said the Alpha Project will coordinate with the San Diego Police Department's Homeless Outreach Team, the county's Psychiatric Emergency Response Team and other providers to pick up clients from Rachel's Women's Center, the Neil Good Day Center and other locations to shuttle them to the site. [CA] Housing Crisis In California Forces More Students Into Homelessness (Huffington Post) Huffington Post (10/6/2017 4:30 PM, Carolyn Jones, EdSource) Since 2014, the number of homeless children in California has jumped 20 percent. Alison is only 14 but she knows what she wants to be when she grows up: A surgeon. It's not easy to study, however, when you're so exhausted and hungry you can barely get through 9th-grade biology. An immigrant from Colombia, Alison is one of more than 200,000 K-12 students in California considered homeless because they lack stable housing. Like most of those students, she lives with her family in a home shared with other families - in her case, two other families. "I go to school every day because I like school, but sometimes I can't concentrate," said the Santa Maria teenager whose district reports nearly a third of its students are homeless. Since 2014, the number of homeless children in California has jumped 20 percent. That's just over 3 percent of the enrolled K-12 HUD-17-0235-B-000543 students, more than twice the national rate, but the actual numbers are almost certainly higher. Schools rely on parents to report their housing status, but shame, fear of deportation or the government taking away their children discourage many parents from truthfully answering the housing questionnaire - typically given to all families at the beginning of the school year. By law, schools are required to identify and help homeless students, using state and federal funds to provide school supplies, extra tutoring, transportation to school or whatever else students need to succeed. An EdSource analysis shows that more than a quarter of California schools report no homeless students at all and provide no services - despite the fact that homeless students live in nearly every community of California, experts say. "The rate of youth homelessness in California is unconscionable," said Shahera Hyatt, director of the California Homeless Youth Project, a state agency. "Part of it is we've gotten better at counting our homeless students, but there's no question the housing crisis is playing a role. Housing is a fundamental need, and this crisis needs to be taken more seriously. The human and economic cost is great." Most of California's homeless children, 86 percent in 2015, are not homeless in the traditional sense, state data show. They live with their families and have a roof overhead, but share living quarters with other families because they can't afford their own residence. These families tend to move frequently, and the constant noise hinders attempts to study or sleep. And privacy in the bathroom? Forget it. "When you're living like that, you're embarrassed to go. So you hold it," Alison said. In school, homeless children face daunting challenges, and need social services and academic help perhaps more than any other subgroup. Faced with extreme poverty, stress and, like Alison, just plain exhaustion, those children are far more likely to struggle academically and drop out of school than their peers. [CA] Homeless women see hope moving into city-sanctioned campsite (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (10/10/2017 1:09 AM, Gary Warth) VIDEO. Dozens of women, ranging from mothers with young children to seniors with walkers, arrived at the city's first sanctioned homeless camp Monday with a mixture of trepidation, anxiety and hope. "How are you doing?" asked one of the workers from the Alpha Project, the nonprofit running the campsite, to a woman who had recently arrived. "I'm a little scared," said the woman, who gave her name only as Dawn. The worker gave her a reassuring hug and let her know everything would be all right. Others arrived with smiles, with some saying they saw the day as a turning point. "I think it's great that I get a second chance in life," said Terrie Woolever, 58, a San Diego native. "I thought of suicide a lot. When I came here today, I was surprised. I was happy. Everything changed." [HI] Modular homes from Japan to house Hawaii homeless families (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (10/9/2017 4:57 AM, Associated Press) HONOLULU (AP) -- Structures that were intended to provide emergency housing for tsunami survivors in Japan will instead provide shelter for homeless families in Hawaii. Volunteers assembled a number of the modular homes on Sand Island in Honolulu on Saturday after materials for 30 of the structures arrived from Japan last week, Hawaii News Now reported. The new community, known as the Kahauiki Village, will house people who have been in transitional shelters and are waiting for long-term housing. "We are on schedule, and we couldn't be more excited to start preparing these homes for families that are so appreciative of the opportunity to live in safe, dignified, affordable housing," said Duane Kurisu, a coordinator of the project. HUD-17-0235-B-000544 Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [ME] City subcommittee recommends tax deal for Augusta housing proposal opposed by neighbors (Central Maine, ME) Central Maine (10/6/2017 5:47 PM, Keith Edwards) A committee of city councilors voted Friday to recommend the city give a tax deal to a controversial Augusta Housing Authority proposal to build 34 units of affordable rental housing on the city-owned former Statler mill site. Several neighbors of the proposed development site, which would be accessible through a residential neighborhood on dead-end Maple Street, have spoken against it, citing their fear it would bring additional traffic and disruption. The developer and the housing authority director both said the project on the former mill site, which the city has renamed Kennebec Lockes, probably would not happen without a tax increment financing, or TIF, agreement with the city to help finance it. The property is not taxed now because it is owned by the city, nor would the housing authority, a nonprofit corporation, normally be charged property taxes if it owned the property. A TIF is necessary, developer Kevin Bunker said Friday, both to help bring funding for the project and to help an application for tax credits score well enough to be selected in a highly competitive process for affordable housing projects. The housing authority would form a for-profit entity for the project, to be eligible for tax credits, then seek to sell those tax credits to provide around $4.7 million of the estimated $6 million project cost. To get those tax credits, the project must outscore what are expected to be numerous competitors for affordable housing tax credits. Bunker said having a TIF in place with the local municipality is a key piece needed for the project to score well enough to be awarded tax credits. To move forward, the project also would need a favorable vote by the full City Council, both on the proposed TIF deal and on whether to give, or lease for little or no money, the land to the housing authority, which is independent of the city. [ME] Housing proposal at former Statler mill site elicits neighbors' worries (Central Maine, ME) CentralMaine.com (10/5/2017 1:05 PM, Keith Edwards) What Augusta Housing Authority officials see as an opportunity to develop quality affordable housing for working people on a former mill site the city wants to have developed is seen by many of the site's Maple Street neighbors as an unwanted development that will bring traffic, crime and other safety problems to their quiet neighborhood on a dead-end street. Some landlords see it as unwelcome competition from the public sector and say authorities are overstating the need for more housing in Augusta. About 40 people attended a "neighborhood meeting" hosted by the housing authority Wednesday. Many of them criticized the housing authority's proposal to build 34 units of rental housing on a corner of the city-owned former Statler mill site that would be reached via Maple Street. Residents said the proposed Augusta Housing Authority development would bring too much traffic to the narrow residential street, disrupt their neighborhood and put low-income housing in an isolated spot that they say would bring increased crime. Kevin Bunker, a developer who worked on a housing development project with the housing authority at the former Hodgkins Middle School building in Augusta, agreed with resident Joyce Grondin when she said the site is not a safe place for children now. He said infrastructure would be added to the site, if the proposed project moves forward, to make it safe. Amanda Bartlett, executive director of the housing authority, said the authority's development that converted the Hodgkins building into Hodgkins School Apartments demonstrated that occupied housing not only doesn't add to crime in a neighborhood, it prevents it, because criminals shy away from occupied spaces. She said before the old school was converted to housing, it was a target of vandals; but as soon as construction started there, all that illegal activity came to a halt. She said neighbors of the Hodgkins site had similar concerns about the effect on their neighborhood, but now that is built and occupied, they have expressed no complaints. [Editorial note: consult source link for additional information] [CT] Goal of public housing relocation in New London draws near (New London Day, CT) New London Day (10/8/2017 8:09 AM, Editorial Board) While progress continues toward relocating residents from the Thames River Apartments, challenges remain and will continue to need the attention of New London Mayor Michael Passero and his administration. Last week the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development notified the New London Housing Authority that it would sanction the disposal of the property in its role as public housing. HUD-17-0235-B-000545 Now the authority can move forward with seeking Section 8 vouchers, providing rental subsidies that the more than 300 residents can use to find alternative housing. Credit goes to Mayor Passero for the attention he has given this issue. Soon after his 2015 election, he recognized it was critically important to address the situation before it became so bad that the high-rises were condemned and what to do with the tenants became an emergency. This is how The Day and its editorial board expected things to work when it pushed for a strong-mayor form of government. The mayor identifies a problem then puts the people, process and resources in place to address it, in this case working with the housing authority. Challenges that remain include pushing through the bureaucratic application process, assisting tenants in finding alternative housing and finding the estimated $600,000 to cover relocation expenses. There is near unanimous agreement that the high-rise projects that sprouted up across urban centers in the country in the 1960s proved, over the long term, to be a failed social experiment. Warehousing the poor in high-rise apartments, often disconnected from the general community, invited crime and decay. The high-rise apartments on Crystal Avenue have the added problem of being geographically isolated in an area more suited for industrial uses. Credit goes also to New London attorney Robert Reardon and his law firm. Acting without compensation, Reardon pursued a class-action lawsuit and in 2014 obtained a stipulated judgment mandating relocation of the residents or rehabilitation of the buildings. The housing authority has not established a timeline to begin moving tenants, but must act expeditiously. [NY] Red Tape Leaves Gowanus Community Center Closed Despite Funds to Renovate (DNAinfo New York, NY) DNAinfo.com (10/6/2017 10:30 AM, Caroline Spivack) GOWANUS -- The Gowanus Houses community center has nearly half a million dollars dedicated to its reopening, but it's still stalled, thanks to city rules mandating adequate funds for services before work can even begin. In 2014, locals voted to allocate $475,000 in funds to renovate the center, which has been closed for more than a decade, through Councilman Stephen Levin's participatory budgeting process. The projects on the participatory budgeting ballot included programs and classes for the space, but because capital funds can only be used on physical infrastructure, those dollars could not go toward funding those services, according to Levin's director of communication Edward Paulino. It is only until the Department of Youth and Community Development secures a sponsor organization to run and help fund the center's programs that the New York Housing Authority can move forward with construction, according to the authority's spokeswoman Jasmine Blake. [NY] Why the City isn't building public housing (The Real Deal, NY) The Real Deal (10/6/2017 10:47 AM, Kathryn Brenzel) Administration focuses on preservation due to what it says are changes to federal law Much of Mayor Bill de Blasio's affordable housing initiative goes unseen because it largely focuses on preservation rather than creation. Part of the reason for that, according to the city, is a change to federal housing law that set the amount of public housing eligible for subsidies based on existing stock, the New York Times reported. "When all these advocates run around and say, 'Why isn't the city of New York building housing?' It doesn't exist. There's no such thing," Alicia Glen, the deputy mayor for housing and development, told the Times. "It's all about, to what extent can you use the resources of the private sector, and the resources the public sector has, to put together the best deals you can possibly do." In July, the mayor announced that 77,651 units had been financed so far as part of his goal to preserve or create 200,000 HUD-17-0235-B-000546 affordable housing units by 2024. At least 7,500 units have been preserved so far, which can include something as simple as a new agreement to keep rent at an apartment below market-rate. The city, however, doesn't keep track of the number of existing units that they regulate for the first time, the Times reported. [NY] Amid concern of spreading problem, Ogdensburg Housing Authority director will give bedbug presentation Tuesday at city hall (North Country This Week, NY) North Country This Week (10/8/2017 4:04 PM, Jimmy Lawt) OGDENSBURG - Housing Authority Executive Director William Seymour and chairwoman Patricia Redden-Sargent will give a presentation to council Tuesday regarding the ongoing bedbug infestation. The presentation is listed as the first item on the agenda for Tuesday's city council meeting. City Manager Sarah Purdy said the senior towers are under jurisdiction of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, which limits the council's ability to intervene on the issue. However, city councilors expressed public health concerns at recent meeting because of the potential spreading of bedbugs throughout the city. Purdy said representatives of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik-R (NY-21), were also contacted. She said staff members from her office told the city they would reach out to HUD officials on their behalf. The bedbug outbreak was reported at Centennial and Riverview towers. The outbreak prompted councilor Daniel Skamperle to question whether St. Lawrence County Public Health Department could get involved, but Purdy noted that the department is currently without a director. [NY] Build bigger, Bill and create housing for New Yorkers (New York Daily News, NY) New York Daily News (10/9/2017 5:31 AM, New York Daily News Editorial) Metro-IAF comes to the table with immense credibility, having built thousands of affordable Nehemiah Homes in the Bronx and Brooklyn starting in the 1980s. Now its members propose a very smart scheme to build 15,000 new apartments for senior citizens on a resource hiding in plain sight: surplus land within New York City Housing Authority developments. Metro-IAF member East Brooklyn Congregations, with the group Breaking Ground, already built one model adjoining NYCHA's Linden Houses. Members want the mayor to hear the case that scaling up the concept could free up multi-bedroom NYCHA apartments occupied by lone elderly tenants for new families hungry for housing. He must listen. [NY] Editorial: Heavy use of sick time is more evidence of trouble at the BMHA (Buffalo News, NY) Buffalo News (10/8/2017 5:44 AM, News Editorial Board) More evidence - not that any was needed - of the need for substantive change at the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority arrived in the form of a Buffalo News analysis showing that workers used an alarming number of sick days. That particular problem can be solved by negotiating better terms with employees. It should be on the agenda for the recently reformulated BMHA board. Mayor Byron W. Brown has proven himself a good negotiator with city unions, agreeing only to what the city can afford. While he has no direct control over the BMHA, he should encourage the board, which is made up mostly of his appointees, to get tougher. The mayor shook up the board over the summer, replacing members who had presided over the decline of the BMHA with what appear to be solid choices. HUD-17-0235-B-000547 While getting tougher with sick time abusers will help, the multiple shortcomings of the BMHA point to a culture in need of serious overhaul. That can't happen without a change at the top, something the old board was unaccountably reluctant to do. The board should replace Executive Director Dawn Sanders-Garrett and undertake a major re-examination of the agency. It has hundreds of rundown and vacant apartments at the Commodore Perry development and vacant, dilapidated units creating blight in the neighborhood encircling the A.D. Price Courts. Complaints about broken elevators, burned-out lights and rundown apartments in buildings that are occupied add to the story. Tenants have to wait, sometimes for days, before what's broken gets fixed. Now it turns out part of the reason for those delays is the number of employees who seem to be treating sick days as additional personal days to be taken as needed. According to a recent analysis by News staff reporter Susan Schulman, sick day spikes occurred on Fridays and Mondays, especially the Monday after a Sunday Bills football game. [NY] New Yorkers rallying for de Blasio to take action on affordable housing plan (New York Daily News, NY) New York Daily News (10/6/2017 6:54 PM, Jillian Jorgensen) The Metro Industrial Area Foundation plans to turn out 5,000 people Monday to call on the mayor to adopt its affordable housing plan. The community group found more than 20 NYCHA-owned vacant lots where they believe 15,000 units of affordable senior housing could be built. NYCHA seniors in neighboring developments could move in, freeing up their apartments for new people. The group also wants NYCHA cleaned up, slumlords arrested and higher housing subsidies. "There's just got to be a moral choice by the city whether some people deserve to live like second-class citizens or not," said Metro IAF lead organizer Grant Lindsay. "It's easy to dump on Trump when he goes to Puerto Rico and throws paper towels at people, but it's no different in public housing." [NY] Oneida council renews agreement with housing authority (Rome Sentinel, NY) Rome Sentinel (10/9/2017 4:05 PM, Rome Sentinel) ONEIDA -- The Oneida Common Council approved renewal of its agreement with the Oneida Housing Authority (OHA) on Oct. 3. The new agreement will allow the OHA to receive federal funding from a secondary source that will make the money immediately available. This new source will allow the authority to better plan their yearly budgets. "We will be receiving the same funding under a new name," OHA Executive Director Bob Walters told the council. "Every year when I make a budget I'm not sure what will be available. This new funding gives us peace of mind." The OHA provides housing to income-eligible residents in Oneida, including the elderly and disabled. [PA] Bartolotta, Democratic senators back bill helping victims of domestic and sexual violence living in public housing (Beaver County Times, PA) Beaver County Times (10/9/2017 4:41 AM, J.D. Prose) With October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month, state Sen. Camera Bartolotta and two Democratic colleagues have introduced bipartisan legislation to help victims of domestic and sexual violence who live in public housing. Senate Bill 919 was introduced Thursday and referred to the Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee. In a memo to fellow senators last month, the three lawmakers called domestic and sexual violence "an ongoing plague in our communities," noting that 60 community centers in Pennsylvania helped nearly 90,000 domestic and sexual violence victims in 2016. HUD-17-0235-B-000548 Bartolotta, R-46, Carroll Township, Washington County, joined with state Sen. Judith Schwank, D-Berks County, and Art Haywood, D-Montgomery County, to offer the legislation. They said it was developed with input from Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and the Pennsylvania Housing Alliance. Previously, Bartolotta and Schwank partnered on legislation to expand services for mothers and babies affected by post-partum depression. The new bill, according to the memo, would allow tenants in county housing authorities who are domestic or sexual violence victims to be relocated to other residences under an authority or receive help and referrals for housing assistance from victim advocacy groups. [PA] Proposed bill would relocate domestic and sexual violence victims in public housing (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) Uniontown Herald Standard (10/6/2017 7:12 AM, Mike Tony) State Sen. Camera Bartolotta, R-Carroll Township, and two other senators have introduced legislation designed to expedite the relocation of victims of domestic or sexual violence who are tenants of a county housing authority. Senate Bill 919, introduced Wednesday by Bartolotta, Sen. Art Haywood, D-Cheltenham Township, and Sen. Judith L. Schwank, D-Fleetwood, would amend the Housing Authorities Law to give county housing authorities five days to approve a tenant's request for relocation upon submitting certification that they are the victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault. County housing authorities would then have 30 days to relocate the individual and other members of their household, give the tenant a Housing Choice Voucher or refer the tenant to victim assistance organizations. The county housing authority would be prohibited, absent a court order, from releasing the new address of the tenant or other information about their relocation. The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, and the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania had input on the language of the bill, Bartolotta said. Per the bill, tenants may request emergency relocation if they experienced domestic or sexual violence on the premises within 90 days of the request or reasonably believe that they or someone else is threatened with imminent harm if they remain on the premises. Tenants may establish sufficient proof of domestic or sexual violence through orders of protection, police reports, medical records, court documents or other certification of abuse, according to the bill. Bartolotta noted that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, adding that the 60 community centers providing services throughout the state assisted nearly 90,000 victims of domestic and sexual violence annually, according to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. [PA] Focus on Race: Johnstown a tale of two cities, leaders say (Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, PA) Johnstown Tribune-Democrat (10/8/2017 7:12 AM, Dave Sutor) A dozen crosses burned on the hillsides surrounding Johnstown the night of Sept. 7, 1923.Ku Klux Klansmen lit the symbols of intimidation and hate after Mayor Joseph Cauffiel called for expelling every black and Mexican who had not resided in the city for at least seven years. He made the announcement after a black man was involved in a fatal shootout with police officers in the Rosedale neighborhood. The Johnstown Democrat newspaper wrote about the display in an almost romanticized way, describing how the flaming crosses "Blazed forth" and "Pierced a foggy sky" in a "Spectacular demonstration." Move forward nearly a century, to Martin Luther King Jr. Day of this year. A red pickup truck - adorned with a sign carrying the message "In Loving Memory of James Earl Ray," assassin of the civil rights icon, and black doll slumped over the tailgate - was spotted around town. The incident occurred at a time when race relations issues have been at the forefront nationally and locally, including the Black Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter discussion, the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, National Football League quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeling during pre-game playings of the national anthem and a white supremacist march that turned violent in Virginia. HUD-17-0235-B-000549 The contrasting reactions between 1923 and 2017 show the evolution of race relations in the Johnstown area, where many community leaders agree strides have been made, but much work remains to be done. Johnstown Housing Authority properties provide some of the most racially mixed living arrangements in the area. About 570 heads of households are black, while nearly 900 are white. Joe Taranto, chairman of the authority's board, thinks there are overall "good relationships" within the properties and city, although issues do arise that occasionally lead to some people looking to find a "scapegoat" for their own problems. "I think we need to learn to live with one another a little bit better," Taranto said. "And, by that, also not blaming others for our problems. "That is going to cause the biggest chasm between different groups. When one feels that they're being put out and they blame it on another group, it's an easy scapegoat, but it's not the right way to go. That type of mentality will cause problems in our community." Taranto sees the ability of the different races to live in the housing authority properties as an example of how the city "has always been such a melting pot of people," going back to the days when Germans, Slovaks, Italians, Poles, and other immigrants came to Johnstown to work in the steel mills. [PA] PHA Looks To Auction Off Dozens Of Properties To Potential Investors (KYW-TV CBS 3, PA) KYW-TV CBS 3 (10/8/2017 9:02 AM, By Paul Kurtz) PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia Housing Authority is looking for investors to take more than 50 rundown properties off its hands. The properties, part of PHA's scattered sites inventory, are mostly boarded up shells or empty lots. President and CEO Kelvin Jeremiah says they still have value if you're willing to invest and rebuild. "The expectation would be that within three years of purchasing the property you would have it restored its youth and the city can start collecting tax revenues on it," he said. The auction will take place on Thursday at 2501 East Ontario Street. "Because it's an auction I think you have properties starting at about a thousand dollars and it could up to as high as $100,000$200,000," he said. [Editorial note: AUDIO at source] [VA] Lynchburg residents gets update on city's poverty initiative (Lynchburg News & Advance, VA) Lynchburg News & Advance (10/5/2017 7:20 AM, Alissa Smith) At a community meeting Thursday night, scores of Lynchburg residents received an update on the city's From Poverty to Progress initiative that is geared toward decreasing the city's 24.6 percent poverty rate. Mayor Joan Foster detailed at the meeting the overall goals of the initiatives to attendees, primarily to move 50 "willing, able, hopeful and motivated" households out of poverty annually from fiscal year 2018 to fiscal year 2022."Secondary goal is this: to decrease the poverty rate in Lynchburg and to raise the median income," she said. "Ultimately, then we'll have a poverty rate that's less than the national and state average. It's a lofty goal, but we can do it, folks." Members from the initiative's nine committees - child care, education, food disparity, health and mental health, housing, legal system, Poverty 101, transportation and workforce development - offered community members snapshots of their progress. The Housing Committee is aiming to establish a housing navigation position at the Lynchburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority, committee member Denise Crews said. That position will assist with understanding available housing resources and would HUD-17-0235-B-000550 provide outreach to the community, landlords and other property owners, she added. That position should be filled by December of this year. Crews said the committee also is going to conduct a study to identify the specific housing needs in the community. [MD] Pantelides nominates Corey Johnson for Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis board (Capital Gazette, MD) CapitalGazette.com (10/7/2017 5:57 PM, E.B. Furgurson III) Annapolis Mayor Mike Pantelides on Friday nominated Corey Johnson to fill a vacancy on the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis Board of Commissioners. Johnson, of Annapolis, is the current lead security officer for the town of Highland Beach. Johnson also oversees the security team at The Westin Georgetown in Washington, D.C. maintaining a close working relationship with law enforcement and emergency agencies and the hiring, firing and training of the security team. Johnson has 15 years of public safety and security management experience, having been manager of security at the Gaylord National Resort and UniverSoul Circus, among other work. "I have chosen each nominee for the board very carefully, intending that they represent the needs of the community," Pantelides said. "This nomination will put in place the much-needed public safety component that will work with Annapolis police officers to continue creating a trusting environment between residents and law enforcement." If approved by the City Council on Monday, Johnson will fill the opening created when Deborah Johnson's term expired in July. [TN] One suspect caught, another at large in fatal shooting (Morristown Citizen Tribune, TN) Morristown Citizen Tribune (10/9/2017 12:27 PM, Robert Moore) A suspected drug-related shooting and beat-down at a Morristown Housing Authority apartment Friday night that resembled a scene from a gangster movie is a grievous reminder that life frequently does not imitate motion pictures. Antonio Dewayne Yarbrough, a 25-year-old Morristown man who was shot three times in the upper thigh, died from his wounds. One of the two men allegedly responsible for Yarbrough's death, Russellville resident Nicholas Matthew Roberts, 29, didn't fade into the criminal netherworld, and then migrate to a comfortable niche in a cold-case file. He's charged with second-degree murder and remains in the Hamblen County Jail without bond. Roberts, who lives on Fall Creek Dock Road, was taken into custody around 3:30 a.m. Sunday at a residence on Glades Lane in Mohawk following a constant 28-hour manhunt that involved Morristown Police Department detectives, top command staff, the MPD Criminal Apprehension Unit and four other law enforcement agencies, according to Morristown Police Chief Roger Overholt. [AR] NWA editorial: Housing hubbub (Northwest Arkansas News, AR) Northwest Arkansas News (10/7/2017 10:54 AM, Staff) If there's any doubt about how the Fayetteville City Council feels about the Fayetteville Housing Authority, just look at the aggressive move council members made in appointing the latest commissioner for the public housing group. The relationship between the Housing Authority and the city of Fayetteville is an arms-length types of governmental connection. Most of the time, the authority's board vets nominees and makes a selection, which is then given the blessing of the Fayetteville City Council. Recent moves between the Fayetteville City Council and the Fayetteville Housing Authority reflect tensions between the groups. This time around, the Housing Authority board nominated one person, but the City Council selected a different person. A state statute says once 45 days of a vacancy goes by, the City Council can choose its own person to fill a slot. Whether 45 days went by in this case is debatable and depends entirely on when one starts counting, but without question, the City Council's Nominating Committee appeared motivated to make a point to the Housing Authority's other board members. The City Council ultimately appointed Melissa Terry to the board, another hint at its unusually aggressive approach. Terry has been one of the Housing Authority's most vocal critics in recent months as she resisted the organization's efforts to build 58 new apartment units at Morgan Manor, one of its public housing complexes. The Housing Authority's plan also included the sale of HUD-17-0235-B-000551 Willow Heights, another of its public housing locations. Its residents would be moved to the new Morgan Manor units. The Morgan Manor project suffered a funding setback earlier when its push to receive tax credits from the state foundered. The tax credits could have been sold to raise money for the new apartments. The Housing Authority continues to look for options to move its plan forward. [TN] Housing authority awarded $607K grant (Shelbyville Times-Gazette, TN) Shelbyville Times-Gazette (10/6/2017 4:03 PM, Jason M Reynolds) Shelbyville Public Housing Authority received a grant of $607,637 capital improvement grant for the federal fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. The Capital Fund Program grant amount should continue for each of the next five years, said deputy director Ronald Tillman. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is the source of the funds. The total includes $150,000 for operational expenses, $60,760 for administration, $210,000 for dwelling structures, and other expenses, according to the grant paperwork. Specific work will include $10,000 for drainage, landscaping and sidewalks; $85,000 for painting and patching; $40,000 for furnaces and HVAC replacement; and $85,000 for roofs and accessories. The authority will replace some kitchen appliances as well, Tillman said, as well as continue with security camera maintenance and repairing the masonry of rental units. The authority's board of directors last week approved an estimated Fiscal Year 2018 income of nearly $3.5 million. That includes $930,000 from a HUD operating subsidy, the Capital Fund Program amount of $607,637 and rental income of $888,000. [AL] HABD public safety chief says people should be "outraged" by 13-year-old's shooting (WSFA-TV NBC 12 Montgomery, AL) WSFA-TV NBC 12 Montgomery (10/9/2017 8:02 PM, Rick Journey) BIRMINGHAM, AL (WBRC) - The head of public safety for the Housing Authority Birmingham District called Saturday's shooting of a 13-year-old boy in the Marks Village community "outrageous." "I'm making a plea to the community to reach out to the police department with information," Public Safety Director Jeff Gorley told WBRC. Police said the 13-year-old boy was injured when someone shot him in the stomach in the HABD community Saturday night around 9 p.m. David Warren, a former football coach for the boy who has not yet been identified publicly, told WBRC, the teen underwent surgery and was responsive to his family. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [TN] 16-year-old girl fatally shot while trying to run for cover at Nashville's Cayce Homes (Tennessean, TN) Tennessean (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Natalie Neysa Alund) Young Deberianah Begley was laughing and dancing on her porch on a warm Middle Tennessee fall night when the barrage of bullets rang out. It would be the last time the 16-year-old girl would ever do so. Begley, described by loved ones as a sweet, energetic girl, died Sunday in a hail of gunfire that broke out between two parties outside her home in the James Cayce public housing development. As of Monday her unidentified killers remained at large and Metro police continued to hunt them down. A motive in the shooting remains unknown. "There are kids outside everywhere here all the time," Begley's close friend Alex Haney, 18, said Monday as she sat on the porch where the girl was shot, tears streaming down her face. "Why did they do this? She was a good person." [TN] 'She was an innocent kid': Neighbors hold vigil to remember 16-year-old girl fatally shot (Tennessean, TN) Tennessean HUD-17-0235-B-000552 (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Natalie Allison) [PHOTO. Caption: Latrelle Cox Jr. and Corionna Offutt are held by their mother as they pay their respects for Deberianah Begley during a candlelight vigil at the James Cayce Public Housing Development in Nashville, Tenn., Monday, Oct. 9, 2017.] VIDEO. As a large crowd crammed onto Eighth Street and the sidewalks beside Cayce Homes, Treysean Island stepped up and asked for the mic. Amplified by a portable speaker system, the soft-spoken 10-year-old sounded beyond his years as he shared aloud feelings of disbelief at how his 16-year-old second cousin was gunned down yards away the night before. "Y'all are just killing people," Treysean said. "It don't make no sense. All these young kids shooting at people, shooting at their own sisters and brothers. We are all sisters and brothers in Christ." The crowd that gathered in the dark assembled to remember the life of Deberianah "Nu Nu" Begley, the teenage resident of the James Cayce public housing development who was fatally shot Sunday night while trying to run from the gunshots that rang out. [OH] Coders are a 'twofer' when it comes to volunteering (Fremont News Messenger, OH) Fremont News Messenger (10/8/2017 2:55 PM, Sheri Trusty) Couple pitch in together to help a multitude of charities DANBURY - To see him now, you'd never know Bill Coder grew up in financially difficult circumstances. He was raised by his mother and two older sisters, and they spent four years of his childhood living in a camp house. In 1940, his mother built a home in Monclova, but it didn't include indoor plumbing. Bill walked away from those experiences with two things: a passion for fair housing and a deep respect for hardworking women. He spent years working with the Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority helping to ensure Toledo residents have access to affordable housing, and he helped many women wind their way through a man's world. "I grew up very poor, but my mother was such a hardworking woman," Bill said. "For that reason, I guess, I've always helped and hired women to be in executive positions in the not-for-profits I worked with." Bill said his wife, Sharon Coder, is one of those hardworking women he respects so much. They have been married for 63 years, and together, they have accomplished much in the Monclova area, where they reside in winter, and in Danbury, where they keep a summer cottage on the water. [IL] COMING UP: Housing authority properties going smoke-free (Decatur Herald & Review, IL) Decatur Herald & Review (10/9/2017 5:12 AM, Herald & Review) Housing authority properties going smoke-free Public housing must be smoke-free soon, and the Decatur Housing Authority is preparing to implement federal requirements. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development approved the policy, which began with public comments in 2012, last November. HUD has had more than 900 local housing authorities voluntarily begin smoke-free policies since 2009. Now, local housing authorities must devise plans that will prohibit tobacco use throughout their properties. Staff writer Claire Hettinger looks at rules the Decatur Housing Authority is preparing and how they will be enforced. [IN] Apartment Residents: We Want Mold Complaints Investigated (WIBC-AM, Indianapolis, IN) WIBC-AM (10/6/2017 4:27 PM, Ashley Fowler) Some senior citizens in Columbus are worried that something black-and toxic-is growing in their apartment buildings. Residents at Central Park Place Apartments want federal housing officials to inspect the complex for mold. The Miller-Valentine Group, which owns the complex, says a previous mold issue was resolved and that the complex is mold-free. Resident Lora Stiles told HUD-17-0235-B-000553 The Republic newspaper in Columbus that "black stuff" is growing in some top-floor apartments, around bathroom registers, and on a wall near the third-floor garbage chute. Most people thought the black stains were mildew, Sites told the paper, but residents are now concerned that it's actually mold. "The management team at Central Park Place was made aware of a patch of mold in the trash chute closet and immediately and properly cleaned the area. A certified HVAC contractor was brought in to find and repair the leak, thus eliminating the potential for this situation to reoccur. The Housing Authority of the City of Columbus, as well as the Bartholomew County Health Department inspected and approved the repair." [TX] Houston Housing Authority Again Asks Residents to Move Because of Flooding (Houston Press, TX) Houston Press (10/6/2017 4:11 PM, Meagan Flynn) One month in a shelter was enough for Brid'gell Rice. She had been a resident at Clayton Homes, a Houston Housing Authority public housing complex right behind Buffalo Bayou but she knew after she left for the George R. Brown Convention Center with her tote bag and her dog that there would be no point in returning. The water was up to her chest when she evacuated on foot, after water poured through the baseboards, through the walls in the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room. Still, even though she was sleeping on a cot after the flood while her unit was entirely uninhabitable, Rice said the rent was still due. "They told us we still had to pay," Rice said, "And that's why I went and got an attorney." The move had put the HHA in hot water with residents - but on Thursday, it appeared the agency had been forgiven, even as it was announcing that people in 112 units would have to find a new place to live. By now, everyone who paid rent has been refunded for last month and HHA is not accepting rent for this month either. By Wednesday, residents of the 112 units that were extensively flooded - like Rice's - and those that are still contaminated with mold will have vouchers in their hands to find a new home, wherever the voucher is accepted by private landlords. As HHA President Tory Gunsolley announced the news to a packed community center at Clayton Homes, residents erupted in applause and cheers. The response from Clayton Homes residents to the mandatory move-outs starkly differs from the reactions from 188 seniors at an HHA senior-living facility who received notices to vacate last month. When HHA told the seniors there that, because of flooding damage in the basement, they would need to be moved out in five days, they responded with a lawsuit, saying their apartments themselves were fine and HHA had no right to kick them out on short notice. At Clayton Homes, Gunsolley told the Houston Press he went through a different process to get the emergency transfer vouchers - namely, by filing a demolition application with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. [TX] Houston Housing Authority apartments damaged by flood deemed uninhabitable (KRIV-TV Fox26, Houston, TX) KRIV-TV (10/5/2017 7:58 AM, Natasha Geigel) VIDEO. A recent inspection found mold and E. Coli growing in the apartments of the Clayton Homes. It was the rear apartments that were flood by Hurricane Harvey, they are now deemed uninhabitable. Harvey flood waters penetrated 14 buildings at the Clayton Homes. Residents without a home were left in limbo for the last couple of weeks, but received the good news that Section 8 vouchers will be issued along with a one-time payment of $1,200 for moving expenses. A permanent solution since all of the units at the Clayton homes are due to be demolished in a few years for the expansion of I-45. "We'll be building new units and they're welcome back to new units, or they're welcome to keep their Section 8 and stay at the places they find," says Tory Gunsolley, President/CEO of the Houston Housing Authority. A deadline has not been set for when all the affected residents have to be out. [ND] Policing properties, providing low-rent housing a delicate balance (Grand Forks Herald, ND) Grand Forks Herald (10/8/2017 7:57 AM, Sam Easter) One block north of Grand Forks City Hall is the nondescript intersection of Fourth Avenue North and North Fourth street. Some residents call it "Fourth and Fourth"--and it has a reputation. A neighborhood child whispered it to family when a reporter asked about trouble spots. Another resident, concerned about crime, singled out a white apartment building on the corner. Others can rattle off its address without a second's hesitation. That building is 321 N. Fourth St., an 18-unit set of apartments that has racked up 49 police responses and actions between midJanuary and late August, according to police records, meaning police have either responded to a call or visited there more than HUD-17-0235-B-000554 four dozen times in less than eight months. Police records show the visits are for a range of incidents, from a loud party to a potential overdose to 11 labeled "Domestic" or "Disturbance" matters. When police arrived, they couldn't find a gun on the man, near the building or in his apartment. "We call it the 'ghetto building.'" said Mike Lee, a downtown resident with friends in the neighborhood. The building is owned in part by Kenton McGregor, a local accountant who also manages the Ambassador Motel, 2021 S. Washington St., on behalf of its owner. The Ambassador had 55 police visits during the same time period, which also include a mix of causes-though 18 of those were also labeled "Domestic" or "Disturbance." "I'm from Chicago," said Philip Green, a tenant at 321 N. Fourth St. who's been living there for three years. "Seeing the police doesn't bother me. When you're raised in environments like that, you kind of get used to seeing them. As long as it's got nothing to do with me, I ain't bothered by it." The police attention at both properties invites questions about a landlord's responsibility to their neighbors. McGregor said the building at Fourth and Fourth is a low-income rental unit both by location and layout. The building is divided into 18 apartments, 10 of which are furnished, utilities-paid efficiency units that cost $260 per month. With units that cater to low-income tenants, he said, police calls are unavoidable. "To be honest with you, unless I just want to close it down and lose what we have, there's no way you can really make that into a good rental unit, especially in that particular neighborhood," McGregor said. McGregor also said his building is part of the larger market, one experiencing a recent surge in apartment units. People with criminal histories often have nowhere else to go but low-rent housing. Others, like those who struggle with addiction or mental health problems, are in a similar predicament, City Council member Bret Weber said. They're caught within an increasingly frayed social safety net, unraveled over decades by low funding, and drug policies that created criminal records for petty offenses. What's more, Weber said, poor families often feel the impacts of petty crime much more sharply than affluent ones. And once those people are in the criminal justice system, the likelihood of another offense is higher. Weber, who is a social work professor at UND, hesitates to condemn McGregor. "It's a balancing act on this one. I think that we do have some negligent landlords in town, but in the case of Mr. Mcgregor-is he a negligent landlord, or is he providing a necessary social service?" Weber asked, pointing out that the Grand Forks Housing Authority runs background checks before it offers tenants a room. [WA] HOPE Program: 10 Years Later (DSNews) DSNews (10/10/2017 5:43 AM, Brianna Gilpin) The neighborhood of High Point, which lies on the southeast edge of West Seattle, looks to be a quaint, well-designed neighborhood at first glance, but 10 years ago, it was the product of the Clinton administrations HOPE IV program, aimed to remove the stigma associated with public housing projects. After the community's development in World War II, the neighborhood was converted into low-income housing. By the 1970s, it had attracted enough gang activity that gunfire was considered normal. By 2000, the federal government pledged $35 million in HOPE VI program dollars to redevelop, demolishing all 716 units to rebuild to what it is today. High Point's residents include everything from seniors living on Social Security to upper-middle-class homeowners, with approximately half of the 1,500 units devoted to low-income and a half for rent or sale at standard market rates. With the experiment being labeled as a success, High Point Master Planner Brian Sullivan said their new development, Yesler Terrace, will reflect many of the same principals as High Point. "The new Yesler Terrace, which is being built under a HOPE VI successor program called Choice Neighborhoods, will be denser than High Point, include about 3,500 units of market-rate housing (compared to High Point's 800), and have 88,000 square feet of retail space and 900,000 square feet of office space when redevelopment is completed in about a decade," the Seattle HUD-17-0235-B-000555 Magazine report said. Initially, the concern at High Point was whether the homes would keep their value, but according to Zillow data, High Point's home values have risen, with some homes priced at $575,000. "Instead of putting all the low-income people over there and all the people buying houses over here, we consciously mixed them up," Sullivan said to Seattle Magazine. "When you have people in different stages of their life and at different income levels living side by side, that helps toward a better understanding, rather than having this prejudice about low-income people." [CA] After-school program offers assistance to children of farm workers (Chico Enterprise Record, CA) Chico Enterprise Record (10/9/2017 9:46 AM, Dani Anguiano) Gridley >> When Jonathan Sanchez, 13, moved to Gridley he couldn't speak English. Sanchez had lost much of his language skills after his family moved from the United States back to Mexico. The Sycamore Middle School eighth-grader is now completely fluent, something he attributes to the tutors who helped him at MiCASA, an afterschool program housed at the Farm Labor Housing Development that serves the students who live there. "I would struggle through it," Sanchez said. "The tutors would help me -- they would spell things out and teach me different words." Stories of help and success like Sanchez's are common among students who went through the program. There are students like Grecia Ponce, who was behind in school when she started in MiCASA, but graduated Gridley High last year as the valedictorian, and others who attribute their success in school and admission into college to the help they received at MiCASA. The program has had an impact in the lives of children and their families, staff at the Butte County Housing Authority say. [CA] Old SLO orphanage, plagued by fire and ghost stories, to become home for adults with mental illness (San Luis Obispo County Tribune, CA) San Luis Obispo County Tribune (10/8/2017 8:41 AM, Monica Vaughan) Efforts to transform the long-abandoned Sunny Acres orphanage and juvenile detention center in San Luis Obispo into homes for adults suffering from mental illness will finally get underway in March - with hopes to open in September 2019. Transitions-Mental Health Association, which signed an option to buy the 1.3-acre property and old brick building from the county in 2014, recently cleared the last hurdle when it received more than $4.5 million in tax credit financing. The project, called Bishop Street Studios, will restore the deteriorating structure and add three new buildings to house 33 mentalhealth clients and an on-site manager. It's estimated to cost about $12 million, with most of the money coming from a combination of state and federal funds along with $1.5 million from local donors. Organizers are still hoping to raise $500,000 in local donations. "The reason this project was ever contemplated is we have a tremendous problem finding housing for the clients we serve, who tend to be low-income," said Jill Bolster-White, executive director of Transitions-Mental Health. "We've found permanent, stable housing is elemental in even starting recovering from persistent mental illness." Residents of Bishop Street Studios will be clients of both the county Behavioral Health Department and Transitions-ng to be many times what the availability will be," she said. Many of the adult clients who could live at Bishop Street Studios lack adequate housing - they're couch-surfing at friends' apartments, for example, or living with family because they can't afford to rent on their own, Bolster-White said. Housing clients makes a monumental difference and may lessen the strain on other community services, she said. The 50Now program, designed to house San Luis Obispo's most vulnerable residents, reduced those individuals' stays at the psychiatric hospital and emergency rooms between 60 and 90 percent, Bolster-White. Affordability is key, officials said. Rent is capped by the state, and subsidies will be available for those who can't afford it, said Scott Smith, executive director of Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo, a partner in the project. HUD-17-0235-B-000556 Sustainability Congress Has a Great Way to Create New Housing After Hurricane Disasters (The Atlantic CityLab) The Atlantic CityLab (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Kriston Capps) After Katrina, expanding tax credits helped the Gulf Coast rebuild affordable rental housing. It can work in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, too. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Congress passed one disaster recovery package with a special mission in mind. The bill was designed specifically to encourage developers to rebuild or create new affordable rental housing in the Gulf Coast. The plan worked: The 2005 act spurred millions of dollars in new investment in the recovery, creating or restoring tens of thousands of housing units for low-income families. Congress hasn't passed another similar disaster recovery bill since. Despite the damage wrought by Superstorm Sandy, efforts to put together the right grab-bag of tax incentives and community grants to rebuild affordably failed to materialize. Now, twelve years after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma--and much deeper into a coast-to-coast affordability crisis--the nation has once again been smacked by three back-to-back hurricanes. Vulnerable families in Texas, Florida, and the U.S. territories face enormous housing needs. Congress has an imperative to act to make sure aid reaches them. Fortunately, there is a template to follow. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 leveraged housing tax credits to draw the private sector into the recovery. The bill established three "Gulf Opportunity Zones" for the areas struck by Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, offering different categories of tax incentive for each. Housing needs in New Orleans in particular pushed Congress to work specifically on behalf of low-income renters. The Energy 202: Trump's energy policies have endeared him to establishment Republicans (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/9/2017 9:22 AM, Dino Grandoni) Fast-forward to now: President Trump nominated Wheeler on Thursday to be deputy administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. In an interview on Friday, Wheeler explained to me how he went from critic of Trump to a volunteer for the eventual GOP nominee to, ultimately, Trump's choice for the No. 2 EPA position -- a nomination that has engendered some of the harshest condemnation of the administration from environmentalists to date. "I was just looking at the debates and what I saw on the news, and I hadn't focused on what he was saying," Wheeler said this week of Trump, "and when I started looking into what he was saying and what his campaign and what his candidacy was about, I was fully on board." [NY] The Ultimate Map of NYC's Passive House Movement, Includes 25 Energy-Efficent Overachievers now in the Works (CityRealty, NY) cityrealty.com (10/6/2017 9:38 AM, Sandra Herrera, Ondel Hylton and Michelle Mazarella) With buildings consuming the bulk of the city's energy and emitting most of its greenhouse gases, it's common sense that cutting inefficiencies here would be a primary focus in fighting climate change. Following President Donald Trump's decision to pull the country out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a pioneering initiative that would force thousands of aging buildings to become more energy efficient by 2030 or face stiff penalties. If approved by the City Council, the executive order would make the city the first in the nation to agree to a Paris Agreement-compatible action plan that would effectively make the Big Apple a leader in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. About Passive House Over the last decade, an elite group of developers, builders, and owners in the city have taken it upon themselves to dramatically HUD-17-0235-B-000557 improve the energy efficiency of their structures. Stirred by the incredible energy savings and environmental benefits possible, several dozen projects have enlisted in the German-born Passive House certification process. The rigorous standard, which includes airtightness and solar shading, results in quiet interiors, ultra-efficient heating and cooling systems, and highly-insulated building envelopes with the ultimate prospect of requiring little energy for space heating or cooling - meaning more money saved on your energy bills. And if you wanna talk numbers, according to the official website of New York Passive House Inc., this type of construction "delivers up to approximately a 90% reduction in heating and cooling demand and up to a 75% reduction in overall primary energy demand" compared to most existing buildings. Marianne Hyde, a partner at leading Passive House firm, Zakrzewski + Hyde Architects tells us going for Passive House certification can result in very little additional cost to major renovations or new construction endeavors-- especially as more contractors become familiar with the standard and compliant products become more widely available. Community Planning and Development (CPD) [NH] Realtor doubts new zoning will create housing in Portsmouth (Seacoast Online, NH) Seacoast Online (10/6/2017 5:58 PM, Jeff McMenemy) Local real estate agent David Choate told the city's Economic Development Commission that he does not believe the proposed gateway mixed-use district zoning amendment will lead to new housing. "I'm going to ask the council to table this because I think the areas they've identified are not realistic for redevelopment for housing with maybe the exception of Exit 7", Choate said at the EDCs meeting Friday morning. "The other areas are just pie in the sky and they've specifically excluded areas that could be redeveloped, such as the New England Marine property." Choate, executive vice president of Colliers International in Portsmouth, said the proposed gateway zoning district is "not going to create a project. There's several that could be in play but all that area around Mirona Road that's preposterous to include that, it's just not going to happen, Choate said Friday. The Kmart plaza it's just nonsense and its falling on deaf ears. Let's evaluate properties that need to be included and are not included." [NY] Mayor David Kicks Off North Side Blight Removal Efforts (City of Binghamton, NY) City of Binghamton (10/6/2017 9:51 AM, Press Release) (BINGHAMTON, N.Y.) -- Mayor Richard C. David today announced a series of blight removal and neighborhood revitalization efforts on the City's North Side. Mayor David announced the plans in front of 31 Virgil St. shortly before the property was demolished. It joins three other blighted property demolitions and one home rehabilitation project. "Blighted properties bring down property values, attract criminal activity and cause frustration for nearby residents," said Mayor David. "Demolition is the first step in redevelopment. City officials will work with neighbors on a long term vision forthese areas and where other strategic investments can be made." Two of the blight demolitions -- 96 Liberty St. and 31 Virgil St. -- are within a few hundred feet of the City's Lee Barta Community Center at 108 Liberty St., set to be renovated and expanded this fall. [NY] Editorial: City making efforts to rebuild East Side (Buffalo News, NY) Buffalo News (10/9/2017 6:01 AM, News Editorial Board) Sometimes life is not fair, and the criticism Mayor Byron W. Brown receives for not doing enough on the East Side may be an example of that saying. It is true that his administration has devoted considerable resources to the largely poor, African-American area of the City of Buffalo. It is also true that the need there is great and that much more remains to be done. The mayor made the point - and it is a valid one - in a recent News article, stating, "Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on the East Side." But that has yet to make up for the decades of disinvestment there. HUD-17-0235-B-000558 It is because of that long-standing neglect that so many people look around at the still-broken parts and ask why. Brown's opponents in the September primary picked up on something - the frustration of residents still waiting for the rejuvenation that they see downtown and in some pockets of the East Side to arrive in their neighborhoods. [NY] MAP: Harlem's Black Churches Cash in on Gentrification (DNAinfo New York, NY) DNAinfo.com (10/9/2017 10:10 AM, Gustavo Solis) HARLEM -- Churches are losing members but gaining profits from gentrification. Nearly two dozen churches have either closed or been sold to developers for more than $50 million over the last decade, according to a review by DNAinfo New York and Harlem historian Michael Henry Adams. The churches often sell because of a combination of factors including dwindling memberships, high maintenance costs and the lure of millions of dollars from developers ready to buy in Harlem. More than half of the $53.1 million came from a single church -- LaGree Baptist Church which sold for $28.5 million in 2016, records show. [NJ] FamiCare founder tries to address loss of grant funding (Irvington Herald, NJ) Irvington Herald (10/9/2017 10:24 AM, Chris Sykes) IRVINGTON, NJ -- FamiCare founder Thecy Faustin is upset she did not receive the Community Development Block Grant funding from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development through the township of Irvington that she was accustomed to receiving during former Mayor Wayne Smith's administration, but she is still determined to provide the organization's services to Irvington's Creole-speaking population. "We moved from Central Avenue to Union Avenue. We visited Haiti with Ras Baraka after Hurricane Matthew," said Faustin on Tuesday, Sept. 26. She is currently collecting items for children to send to Haiti, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands hit hard by recent hurricanes, and for the victims of the recent earthquakes in Mexico. "We do have a Haitian Relief Fund. It's at Wells Fargo and it's been there for 20 years. Using donations, we do make trips over there to help out whenever we can." FamiCare was originally founded to serve the local Haitian and Creole-speaking immigrant population and community, however Faustin said that has become much harder since her nonprofit organization has not been getting the kind of funding from grants and other sources administered by the township that it once did. "It turns out that we did not get the CDBG money last year or this year. In 2016-2017, we applied and the council granted us $19,000," Faustin said. "This year, John Sowell and Musa Malik decided not to give it to us. With the prior administration, they would give you the money, then you do the work, but with this administration, they ask you to do the work first, then pay you. But they haven't paid us. We did the work and spent money, but they decided not to pay." [PA] Carbondale upgrading Russell Park (Scranton Times & Tribune, PA) Scranton Times & Tribune (10/9/2017 4:59 AM, Kyle Wind) CARBONDALE -- A new walking track, light fixtures and fences at Russell Park will be the latest additions to the city's park offerings. The $100,000 project, funded by the federal Community Development Block Grant program, will provide a new amenity to the park where youths play and practice football, basketball, cheerleading and soccer while boosting security at the park, Mayor Justin Taylor said. The stone trail will run around the perimeter of the field, with the city planning to install a dozen 25-foot poles with light fixtures so people can walk at night -- with the park possibly closing at 8 or 9 p.m. City officials said they hope the well-lit area will deter vandalism. The city added about $55,000 worth of playground equipment to the park several years ago and saw much of it damaged. HUD-17-0235-B-000559 [VA] Virginia LISC honors champions of strong, vibrant neighborhoods (Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) Richmond Times-Dispatch (10/9/2017 5:15 AM, Tammie Smith) Virginia Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Virginia LISC for short, recently honored two people, a nonprofit and a major corporation, for efforts to support neighborhood development. Individuals recognized were Sunday Jones, a resident and leader in the Highland Park neighborhood in Richmond's North Side, and Mary White Thompson, a longtime resident of Richmond's Church Hill who has worked with Virginia LISC and other nonprofits on sustaining housing and small-business issues in her neighborhood. Project: HOMES was honored for its work as a partner with Virginia LISC to renovate housing in many neighborhoods in Richmond and Petersburg. Altria Group, parent company of Philip Morris USA, was recognized for supporting neighborhood work in Richmond's South Side along Jefferson Davis Highway. [VA] City council to consider First Piedmont request (Martinsville Bulletin, VA) Martinsville Bulletin (10/8/2017 11:33 PM, Mickey Powell) MARTINSVILLE - The City Council on Tuesday will consider scheduling two joint public hearings with the Martinsville Planning Commission on Oct. 24. One concerns a request from the city and the Martinsville Redevelopment and Housing Authority for a special-use permit necessary for a vehicle terminal to be developed at 1 Progress Drive in the Clearview Business Park. The site is near the intersection of Clearview, Progress and Royal drives. According to local officials, the terminal would be a garage where First Piedmont Corp., a regional waste management company, would store and repair vehicles. No garbage would be deposited there. The terminal would replace one already operating in Henry County. First Piedmont wants to relocate the facility to Clearview to be closer to the solid waste transfer station that the company operates at the city's former landfill on Arden Circle, which is off Clearview Drive about a mile away, officials have said. The Redevelopment and Housing Authority is City Council seated as another panel to handle public housing matters and redevelopment issues. [VA] Melrose Avenue revitalization project on first step (WBDJ7 Roanoke News, VA) WBDJ7 Roanoke News (10/9/2017 6:08 PM, Victoria Shirley) ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7) A 5-block stretch of Melrose Avenue could have a new look in a few years. Roanoke City leaders are considering revitalizing the area from 21st street to 25th street of Melrose Avenue. The Roanoke Department of Planning, Building & Development held an open public forum Thursday evening to present a neighborhood development concept plan. The plan was created by the Emerging Leaders in Architecture (ELA), according to city leaders. "The purpose of the revitalization to create a community identity," said Community Resources Administrator Keith Holland. Holland says the Melrose-Orange Target Area is a community that they've already been working on. City leaders have chosen it to allocate U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development annual entitlement funding to rehab existing house, eliminate blight, and develop single family homes for low-income families. HUD-17-0235-B-000560 [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [WV] Council to vote on demolition of 18 structures (Huntington Herald-Dispatch, WV) Huntington Herald-Dispatch (10/10/2017 2:11 AM, Josephine Mendez) The 18 structures slated for demolition are on the Unsafe Building Commission list. Eleven are located in the West End while the remaining seven are located in the Fairfield and Beverly Hills neighborhoods. Thirteen of the properties will be demolished by Danny Sullivan Excavating LLC of Coal Grove, Ohio, for a total cost of $81,899. Those properties are located at 2111 5th Ave. West, 1738 Jefferson Ave., 1821 5th Ave. West, 839 Washington Ave., 1218 Monroe Ave., 805 24th St., 919 22nd St., 1243 5th Ave. West, 975 Madison Ave., 1057 19th St. Rear, 214 Davis St., 806 24th St. and 545 Roby Road. The remaining structures will be handled by JT Hatfield Excavating of Cross Lanes, West Virginia, at a cost of $27,616. The structures are located at 2930 Hollywood Place, 334 5th Ave. West, 1307 5th Ave. West, 1809 5th Ave. West and 1660 Monroe Ave. The cost to demolish each structure varies for each building and ranges from about $3,000 to roughly $16,000. The total cost for demolition is $109,515 and will be paid for out of the city's Community Development Block Grant funds, which come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. [GA] Marietta will hold 3 listening sessions on funding (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (10/10/2017 1:40 AM, Carolyn Cunningham) Marietta officials will hold three Citizen Listening Sessions in October and November on how to spend funding from the federal government. The city's Community Development Division uses the Community Development Block Grant funds to support activities which stabilize and strengthen neighborhoods. Suggestions are encouraged by city officials on how the city can use the funding to improve eligible Marietta neighborhoods. All sessions will begin at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., the sessions will be held Oct. 11 and 25 and Nov. 16 at the city's Community Development Office, 268 Lawrence St., Suite 200, Marietta. [TN] Mayor Megan Barry poll tests big-project agenda, four taxes for mass transit (The Tennessean, TN) The Tennessean (10/6/2017 9:53 AM, Joey Garrison) Poll tests Cloud Hill versus park-only concept at Greer Stadium Pivoting from MLS, the poll dives into the controversial issue of redeveloping Greer Stadium with a mixed-use proposal called Cloud Hill -- a plan backed by Barry that has been slammed by historic preservationists. The poll tests support for the Cloud Hill project against the backdrop of alternative parks-only concept put forth by opponents. "There's a redevelopment that's privately funded and it's called Cloud Hill," the poll says of the city-owned Greer Stadium site. "Some may say this project would create more green space and active park space and affordable housing for the community. "Also, some say this stadium sits on historically significantly land and the city should develop this property back into a park as it was originally intended. Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, oppose or strongly oppose this redevelopment?" [AR] Program director honored for 40 years of service (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, AR) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette HUD-17-0235-B-000561 (10/9/2017 10:16 AM, Tammy Keith) When Barbara Spradlin talks about her 40-year career at Independent Living Services in Conway, she is likely to do two things -- laugh and cry. "Haven't I been blessed?" she asked. She said U.S. Rep. French Hill, R-Ark., toured the facility on Robins Street recently after a Rotary board meeting took place onsite. Spradlin said Douglas makes a point to invite people to tour the facility to learn about its programs. She remembered when the organization had to write grant proposals for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to build the two Independent Living Services apartments and a group home. "Each of these projects required a grant 3 inches thick, and they wanted 12 copies. Back in the day -- this was in the '80s -- it was a huge task for this little team. The day we got approval of our HUD projects was also the day of the fair parade. We were all celebrating and thinking the parade was for us," she said, laughing. "We were able to provide housing -- first-rate housing -- for all our people." Before then, consumers were in a home on Independence Street. Spradlin helped renovate it, including hanging wallpaper. They were happy to have it, she said, but in the winter, the pipes would freeze, and it wasn't handicapped-accessible. Spradlin said she and other staff members would look out the kitchen window and watch the construction of two group homes that met all their needs. [KY] Forum will focus on west Louisville's economic development (The Lane Report, KY) The Lane Report (10/6/2017 10:57 AM, Staff) A Nov. 2 economic development forum focused on west Louisville will examine strategies and available resources to help rebuild and sustain communities. The University of Louisville's College of Arts and Sciences is offering the public event, "The Future of Our Community: West Louisville Economic and Community Development Forum," at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, 1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. The program runs from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Forum breakout sessions will focus on creative financing for individual and large construction projects, economic opportunities for minority-owned firms, successful neighborhood planning and access to lending opportunities. Panelists will include residents, developers, financiers, entrepreneurs and government and community group representatives. [MO] City Must Spend $4 Million Grant Before April (KSFX/KOLR-TV FOX 27 Ozarks First, MO) KSFX/KOLR-TV FOX 27 Ozarks First (10/6/2017 9:19 AM, Lauren Barnas) VIDEO. SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- The city of Springfield has a big federal grant it needs to spend on a short deadline; more than $4 million by the end of March 2018. Because the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development changed the way it defines timeliness, the city now has less than six months to spend it on low-to-moderate income areas. Not only must the projects be slated by the end of March, construction needs to be completed, bills need to be paid and receipts turned in. Mary Lilly Smith, the director of Planning and Development for the City of Springfield, says it's not a question of "if." "We will spend the money," Smith said. Instead, it's a question of "how." And to that, everyone has their own idea. Katherine Payne, a member of Cruse Dog Park, joked with KOLR10. "They could send me some," Payne said. She will most likely benefit from the grant, as the city plans to connect the trail near the dog park southwest to Ewing Park. "Ewing Park is really busy in the summer, so I think that'd be a good idea," Payne said. The city has divided plans to spend the grant into two categories, Tier I being top priority. Smith says preliminary engineering already determined that the $1.5 million project on the list can't possibly be done by March 31. "We will be removing Jordan Creek daylighting from Tier I and then moving some Tier II projects up," Smith said. Winter weather is also a concern. Smith says, to deal with that, she's asking for a little luck and a lot of planning. "Because we're HUD-17-0235-B-000562 going into the winter months, we're going to have to use concrete instead of asphalt on streetscape projects and trail projects and that has increased our cost some," Smith said. The city already has the money, so if it doesn't meet the March 31 deadline, it wouldn't have to give any money back. It could, however, negatively affect future grants through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. [MI] George Will: Detroit serious about recovering (Saratoga Springs Saratogian, NY) Saratoga Springs Saratogian (10/7/2017 12:05 PM, George Will) With biblical succinctness, and foreshadowing a resurrection, Mike Duggan said, "Let there be light!" and 65,000 LED streetlights replaced the 40 percent of the city's streetlights that were broken when he took office in 2014. They are among the many reasons that on Nov. 7 he, the first white mayor here in 40 years, will win a landslide re-election in a city that is 83 percent black. Identity politics is frivolous; Detroit, after a bruising rendezvous with reality, is serious about recovering from its near-death experience. In Duggan, Detroit has found its Fiorello La Guardia -- a short, stocky, cheerful, plainspoken incarnation of his city. In 1983, when Duggan returned, fresh from the University of Michigan Law School, "there was nobody my age on the streets." The Houston Chronicle was being sold at a busy intersection to unemployed autoworkers scanning the classifieds for Texas jobs. In 1950, Detroit was comparable to, and perhaps richer (by per capita income) than, Chicago. Soon, however, it was bleeding population, heading for bankruptcy as Greece on the Great Lakes, a dystopia plagued by de-industrialization, soaring crime, packs of feral dogs and a political class featuring incompetents leavened by felons. Duggan, a Democrat in a city with nonpartisan elections, won in 2013 as a write-in candidate, telling voters, "You invite me to your home, I show up." Hundreds of house parties later, he was custodian of a prostrate city that had shed 260,000 residents in 13 years. Its 143 square miles could hold San Francisco, Boston and Manhattan with room to spare. By 2000, cattle could have been grazed in vast post-urban swaths. In 1950, the city had been home to 1.8 million; by 2013, it held two-thirds fewer. In the stampede away, many people abandoned their houses to the Midwestern elements. Most mayors brag about building; Duggan does, too, but also about demolishing -- 12,000 abandoned structures since 2014. His "board-up brigades" -- this is distinctively Detroit -- will seal off 11,000 and demolish 9,000 within two years. Says Duggan: "Tear down the burned-out houses, people will buy the others." Police and EMS response times have been drastically reduced; 275 parks are fully maintained, up from 25 four years ago, when the grass was sometimes taller than the 8-year-olds. Such granular attention to the small stuff is having a huge payoff: Residential utility hookups are increasing. For the first time in his 59 years, the city is expected to grow. "We can't build office space fast enough" for firms moving here because "millennials don't want to move to the suburbs and drive a minivan." However, a successful city requires a large middle class, which cannot exist without good schools to anchor young families. Detroit's future hinges on this. And on candor about Detroit's past. In this 50th anniversary of the 1967 riots (43 killed, 342 injured), Duggan in a recent speech recalled the 1943 riot (34 killed, 700 injured) ignited by housing grievances among the 200,000 Southern blacks in congested wartime Detroit, the "arsenal of democracy." [TX] McCullough Avenue Consortium Organizes to Be Light, Not Blight (Rivard Report, TX) Rivard Report (10/9/2017 2:20 AM, Shari Biediger) Hundreds of people every month turn to Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM) for help paying their utility bills and keeping the lights on another day. It's just one of the many services CAM provides its 50,000 clients a year. Since April, the 40-year-old nonprofit has been working to bring a different kind of light to its corner of downtown by forming the McCullough Avenue Consortium. Made up of CAM and McCullough Avenue neighboring organizations - among them CPS Energy, DPT Laboratories, several area churches and a hospital, KLRN, the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, and GrayStreet Partners - the consortium also includes representation from District 1 City Councilman Roberto Trevino's office. Most of the group's stakeholders reside in District 1. The consortium has been meeting monthly since the spring and has collaborated on a shared vision to improve the HUD-17-0235-B-000563 neighborhood, starting with a set of guiding principles. But it began with CAM, located on McCullough Avenue just west of Interstate 37, and the nonprofit's Executive Director Dawn White-Fosdick. CAM got its start in 1977 as a joint venture among nine downtown churches that shared the goal of wanting to help the homeless, working poor, and others in crisis. The "emergency room of social services," as the organization is often referred to, operates out of a century-old home and buildings donated by Grace Lutheran Church. Today, it receives support from about 100 churches, as well as local businesses, individual donors, foundations, and 200 regular volunteers. CAM receives no government funding. [TX] 4 Harvey-hit neighborhoods that need the most help rebuilding (National Mortgage News) National Mortgage News (10/6/2017 4:11 PM, Elina Tarkazikis) Of the 39 counties included in the Hurricane Harvey presidential-declared disaster areas, property damage varied across the different neighborhoods, with some experiencing much heavier destruction. Significant property damage, where the majority of buildings were destroyed or showed signs of major damage, was concentrated to 2% of neighborhoods, or 26 tracts, according to research conducted by SP Group. Bryants Marsh, Plum Grove, Sheldon-Channelview and Wharton-Hungerford were among the Texas neighborhoods hit hardest by Harvey, and represent the areas in most need of federal, state and local assistance for property repair and rehabilitation costs, such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Grant Assistance Disaster Recovery. Harvey flooded low-, middle- and high-income areas, so communities with better resources, such as Houston, will likely recover more quickly overall. The same can't be said for lower-income families. "The storm will have a long-lasting impact on low-income families, particularly new homeowners who were just beginning to build home equity or those who were not protected with flood insurance and won't have the financial means to rebuild or repair. Homeowners face rebuilding costs and, in many instances, the cost of temporary relocation," according to the Urban Institute. Flood insurance may also strengthen the burden on lower-income households, as properties not previously listed in the floodplain are deemed high-risk, adding more to monthly bills and paving the way for possible mortgage delinquencies. Since Harvey didn't just affect low-income areas, its neighborhoods in most need of assistance are not confined to a specific region. [Editorial note: consult source link for chart] [TX] In Harvey recovery, some fear Houston will get it all (Galveston County Daily News, TX) Galveston County Daily News (10/8/2017 6:12 AM, John Wayne Ferguson) Julie Masters is worried about being forgotten. Although the city of which she has been mayor for 13 years has been frequently cited as one of the most widely devastated by Hurricane Harvey, she fears Dickinson might be forgotten when federal recovery money is doled out over the coming months and years. She said as much to the Texas House of Representatives Urban Affairs committee Monday, telling legislators that small communities near Houston fear getting a "Crumb at best" of the billions of dollars in disaster recovery money that's set to be allocated to the area. "I'm worried the big dog at the table would get the attention and the majority of the funding," Masters said, referring to Houston and Harris County. Houston officials are, of course, worried about funding issues of their own. Just last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott delivered a $50 million check to the city, after Mayor Sylvester Turner admonished the governor for not tapping the state's Rainy Day Fund to send more money to Houston. No other city has so publicly received funding from the state. Houston and Harris County leaders were also front and center during three committee hearings held by the Texas House of Representatives in Houston this week. Masters was the only Galveston County official to testify at the hearings. She was a last-minute addition to the Urban Affairs Committee agenda. Masters told the committee she feared recovery money being funneled through the Houston-Galveston Area Council would lead to her city getting the short end of the recovery dollars sent to this part of Texas. The Houston-Galveston Area Council is the "Council of government" that presides over 13 counties and 107 cities in the Greater Houston area, including Galveston County. State officials are still waiting for federal guidance on how exactly federal disaster recovery money will be allocated. HUD-17-0235-B-000564 It's expected that the Texas General Land Office, which has already been designated the manager of disaster relief funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will work with councils of government in flood-damaged areas to allocate relief money. [TX] Texas requests another $18 billion for Harvey relief (Galveston County Daily News, TX) Galveston County Daily News (10/7/2017 6:13 AM, John Wayne Ferguson) Texas is asking for another $18 billion in Hurricane Harvey relief from Congress before an expected vote next week on a second round of federal aid. In a letter to leaders of appropriations committees of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, Texas' congressional delegation said the money would go toward U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects, disaster recovery block grants and education agencies, among other things. "In light of the unprecedented damage from Hurricane Harvey and the historically epochal flooding of Houston, Beaumont and the surrounding regions, we all recognize that the funding already appropriated is a small fraction of the federal resources needed to help rebuild Texas and reinvigorate the American economy," the letter states. Congress already made one $15 billion appropriation to Texas in September, in what leaders called a "Down payment" that was meant to address immediate needs in the aftermath of the storm. The new request begins to look at longer term needs. The largest request is for $10 billion to be directed to the Army corps, to be used to rehabilitate and repair damage to completed corps projects already begun, and to begin construction projects that have been authorized but not started. Among corps projects that are authorized but not started is a $278 million flood control plan for Clear Creek, which runs through Friendswood and League City. The letter also requests $7 billion for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds, which can be used for rebuilding and repair projects. The letter also asks for $800 million for school districts damaged by Harvey; $450 million more for Small Business Administration loans; $300 million for economic development grants; and $150 million in Department of Transportation funds to repair highways and transit systems. Congress is expected to vote on another relief package as soon as next week. Unlike the first round, the next appropriation is expected to include relief money for Florida and Puerto Rico. Texas had officially received $280 million in advance payments from the Federal Emergency Management Agency as of Sept. 29. Another $1.85 billion in individual assistance had been given through FEMA grants, National Flood Insurance Program claims and Small Business Administration disaster loans, officials said. [TX] What Do Houston's Pro-Growth Boosters Think Now? (The Atlantic CityLab) The Atlantic CityLab (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Laura Bliss) Despite the historic flooding, Hurricane Harvey hasn't changed their tune on zoning. Hurricane Harvey inflicted an estimated $100 billion in damage on the Houston area in August and September, a catastrophe that some urban-planning pundits interpreted as a kind of cosmic comeuppance for the city's decades of untrammeled sprawl. Since 2010, 7,000 units were built in Harris County's 100-year floodplain. Like a diner at some bottomless barbecue, Houston likes to loosen its belt as it goes: There's no growth boundary around the metro area, and Houston proper is the largest city in the U.S. without zoning codes. In the suburbs, developer-created utility districts proliferate. In other words, many critics pointed out, Houston was asking for it by refusing to plan--and if the city doesn't start growing up, rather than out, it'll doom itself for good. But the Center for Opportunity Urbanism says that's unfair. The Houston-based policy think tank, run principally by urban contrarian/suburban champion Joel Kotkin, has long promoted Houston-style growth as a model for the rest of the country. HUD-17-0235-B-000565 Because it's easy for developers to build, its leaders say, housing stock is far more affordable than most other cities, and quality of life remains high. The devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey hasn't changed that basic narrative (though rents and home prices are likely to rise in high-and-dry neighborhoods). To rebuild Houston, don't rethink Houston, they say--double down on what they see as its success. In a new white paper, authors Wendell Cox and Tory Gattis, both founding senior fellows at COU, say that the "region's systems worked remarkably well" in the face of Harvey. Despite the widespread street flooding, for example, less than five percent of homes were damaged. "In context, Houston has shown remarkable resilience in the face of widespread devastation from an unprecedented flooding event," the paper states. The authors are particularly intent on making sure that post-Harvey recovery doesn't involve changing the area's pro-growth mindset. "In our attempts to find practicable solutions to Houston's problem, it is critical not to throw out our successful development model with the stormwater," they write. "Fundamentally, there was virtually no connection between the storm and its damage and the area's successful land use regulation." [IA] Wetland improves flood control, water quality (Iowa Farmer Today, IA) Iowa Farmer Today (10/8/2017 6:12 AM, Jean Caspers-Simmet) COWELL, Iowa -- The wetland and CRP grasses and flowers on farmland owned by Doug Bohlen's father, Randy, are reducing flooding, removing nitrates from tile water and creating wildlife habitat. "I'm proud of this area," said Doug Bohlen, who is in charge of planning for his 89-year-old father's farm, which sits at the headwaters of Beaver Creek. "It's finally starting to develop the way I wanted. There is all kinds of wildlife. Hopefully what we've done here will take off and go into other watersheds." The wetland is part the Beaver Creek Watershed Project, which includes five other wetland structures north and east of Colwell on the Floyd/Chickasaw County line. These wetlands coupled with two existing Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program wetlands and a farm pond in the upper Beaver Creek Watershed are making a difference in holding water and soil on the land and improving water quality, said Dennis Sande, district NRCS conservationist in Floyd and Chickasaw counties. The $1.5 million Beaver Creek project, part of the Upper Cedar Watershed Management Improvement Authority, was an Iowa Watersheds Project along with Otter Creek in the Turkey River Watershed in northeast Iowa and South Chequest Creek in the Soap/Chequest Watershed in southeast Iowa, said Sande. In 2010, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the Iowa Flood Center $8.8 million for the Iowa Watersheds Project. The goals were to maximize soil water holding capacity, minimize severe erosion, manage water runoff and reduce and mitigate flood damages, Sande said. As the Iowa Watersheds Project ended in the fall of 2016, Iowa was awarded $96.9 million for a new watershed project, the Iowa Watershed Approach. The IWA is working in nine new watersheds across the state and is built off the framework developed by the IWP. Larry Weber, cofounder of the Iowa Flood Center and executive associate dean of the University of Iowa Engineering College, likens the watershed effort to Johnny Appleseed, strengthening flood protection infrastructure one watershed at a time. "We're taking what works in these first watersheds and applying it to others," he said. [CO] Wheat Ridge will not challenge judge s crackdown on urban renewal limits (Denver Post, CO) Denver Post (10/10/2017 1:19 AM, John Aguilar) Court: City overstepped its authority in requiring voter approval of financing of large projects The Wheat Ridge City Council late Monday decided not to challenge a recent court ruling that invalidated restrictions the city had placed on the use of urban renewal tactics, intensifying a debate over an issue that has proven divisive in Colorado's economic development circles. HUD-17-0235-B-000566 The council voted 5-3 to not appeal last month's Jefferson County District Court ruling, with the majority saying an appeal could take a year to work its way through the court and would slow development in the city. "It's a risk and a cost that would impact our city and our citizens," said Councilwoman Kristi Davis. But Councilwoman Monica Duran countered that Wheat Ridge's urban renewal restrictions had been put in place by a November 2015 vote of the people. "I will be voting to appeal because supporting the will of our citizens is our responsibility and our duty," she said. [PR] Puerto Rico Gov. Seeks $4.6B in Recovery 'Down Payment' (NBC New York, NY) NBC New York (10/8/2017 4:23 PM, Asher Klein) It's in addition to the $29 billion in disaster aid for U.S. hurricane relief the Trump administration requested last week The governor of Puerto Rico is requesting more federal funding for the hobbled island as it struggles to return to normalcy nearly three weeks after Hurricane Maria hit. About 40 percent of Puerto Rico is still without water, and more than four in five residents don't have power. Gov. Ricardo Rossello said in a letter to Congress Monday that, "in addition to the immediate humanitarian crisis, Puerto Rico is on the brink of a massive liquidity crisis," meaning that the government may soon be dealing with a shortfall of cash. Rossello said the island is grateful for the help it's gotten so far -- the Trump administration last week asked for $29 billion in disaster aid for U.S. hurricane relief -- but needs about $4.6 billion more money in an emergency "down payment on hurricane recovery efforts." Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The latter killed 38 people and knocked out the island's alreadycrippled power system. The clean-up is continuing, albeit slowly, especially outside of San Juan, but it will likely be months before the island gets back to normal. Adding to the situation's complexity is the island's long-standing debt. One damage estimate cited by Rossello, from credit rating firm Moody's, puts the cost of Hurricane Maria at $95 billion, which is one-and-a-half times the island's gross national product. The rebuilding effort will make it harder to pay back the more than $70 billion Puerto Rico owes its creditors. The island is most in need of more housing and development funds called community development block grants, according to Rossello's request for $3.2 billion of it. [PR] Puerto Rico governor asks Congress for more federal aid after hurricane (The Hill) The Hill (10/8/2017 2:40 PM, Cristina Marcos) Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello is asking Congress to consider providing about $1.4 billion in funding beyond the Trump administration's request last week to help the U.S. territory recover from Hurricane Maria. In a letter made public on Monday to House and Senate leaders, Rossello requested funding for federal grant and loan programs "to meet the immediate emergency needs of Puerto Rico." Rossello's request includes $3.2 million for Community Development Block Grants, $500 million for the Community Disaster Loan Program, $500 million for the Social Services Block Grant, $149 million for the Emergency Relief Program, $90 million for the Disaster Loan Program, $83 million for the Commodity Assistance Program and $78 million for the State Educational Agencies and Hurricane Education Recovery. "Puerto Rico has experienced a natural disaster of a magnitude not seen in over a century, and we are doing everything possible to address the needs of the American citizens of Puerto Rico during this time of crisis," Rossello wrote. HUD-17-0235-B-000567 [PR] FEMA Still Planning Additional Influx of Federal Personnel in Puerto Rico (Government Executive) Government Executive (10/6/2017 8:22 AM, Eric Katz) The Trump administration on Thursday promised a large increase in the number of federal personnel on the ground in Puerto Rico, noting it still has a significant amount of short and long-term work ahead of it to help the hurricane-ravaged island. Federal agencies have already deployed 14,000 personnel to the island and the U.S. Virgin Islands to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, but it plans to expand those numbers going forward. Congress last month approved $15 billion in emergency funding after Harvey, which was split between FEMA's disaster fund and Housing and Urban Development Community Block Development Grants. The disaster fund saw an additional $6.7 billion deposit on Oct.1 due to a scheduled increase for the new fiscal year. Federal responders in Puerto Rico are currently focusing on providing food and commodities, reopening hospitals and providing generator support. Boosting communications is also a priority, Hernandez said, but presents a much longer-term problem because antennas in the island's mountain ranges were destroyed. [PR] Puerto Rico Governor Requests $4.6 Billion More In Aid (Newsweek) Newsweek (10/9/2017 5:31 PM, Jessica Kwong) PPuerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello has requested that Congress allocate $4.6 billion "to meet the immediate emergency needs" of the hurricane-ravaged island and to help soften the blow to its economy. In letters to congressional leaders and President Donald Trump dated Saturday and shared on Twitter Monday, Rossello asked that Congress "strongly consider" offering funding beyond the Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Relief Fund. Other requests include $3.2 billion in community development block grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, $500 million in community disaster loan program funding from the Department of Homeland Security and $500 million in social services block grants from the Department of Health and Human Services. Rossello also requested smaller amounts of money from the Department of Transportation, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. National News America's Child-Poverty Rate Has Hit a Record Low (The Atlantic) The Atlantic (10/6/2017 5:15 AM, Annie Lowrey) It fell thanks to government policies, not the expansion of the economy, researchers found. The economy is nearing full employment. The stock market is at record highs. The expansion keeps continuing. Add to that one more very good piece of economic news: The child-poverty rate fell to a record low in 2016. That finding comes from a new analysis of government and academic data by Isaac Shapiro and Danilo Trisi, both researchers at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a nonpartisan, Washington-based think tank. The child-poverty rate declined to 15.6 percent in 2016, the researchers found, down from a post-recession high of 18.1 percent in 2012 and from 28.4 percent in 1967. That means that roughly 11.5 million kids were living in households below the poverty threshold last year. "The figures were actually a little surprising to us, and might be surprising to those who are following the poverty debate," said Shapiro. "The argument, at least on the conservative side, is that we have poured a lot of money into safety-net programs and poverty hasn't gone down. But it has." The most recent drop in the child-poverty rate is due to a tighter labor market, the researchers found. More parents are back at work, with competition among employers starting to drive wages up even for very low-income workers. That has helped to push the overall poverty rate down to 12.7 percent. That said, the near-halving of the child-poverty rate over the past half-century is not primarily due to improvements in the economy. In fact, stagnating wages, reduced bargaining power, automation, and offshoring have held down the earnings of families in the bottom of the income spectrum, and spiraling income inequality has meant that HUD-17-0235-B-000568 most of the gains of economic growth have gone to families at the top. Instead, it is the expansion of the safety net--in particular through the food-stamp program and provisions like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit--that has been most responsible for moving millions of kids above the poverty line over time, the researchers found. The economy needs Trump's tax cut, but don't expect too much (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (10/9/2017 6:16 AM, Peter Morici) Tax plan could boost GDP by 0.2 or 0.3 percentage points -- not bad! President Donald Trump has proposed a major tax cut and some simplification to the tax code -- those are sorely needed but we shouldn't expect too much. The U.S. economy is experiencing what many observers in the 1980s called Eurosclerosis-- sluggish growth and high unemployment instigated by high taxes that curb investment and an expansive welfare state that dampens incentives to train and relocate to find work. The United States is not Europe in the 1980s or 1990s. We have a fair amount of investment in path-breaking technologies -- consider the influence of Alphabet , Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, and American innovations in petroleum extraction that have halved the global price of oil. However, the low headline unemployment rate is deceiving. Labor-force participation by prime working age males is depressed in part because of pervasive access to Social Security disability, food stamps, Section 8 housing and Medicaid, and in two-income married households, the earned income tax credit. The Finance 202: The GOP's tax plan just cleared a major hurdle. Here are three major ones that remain. (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/6/2017 8:09 AM, Tory Newmyer) The Republican drive to overhaul the tax code took a major leap forward Thursday. It still has a long, long way to go. But House passage of a budget resolution -- matched by the Senate Budget Committee's approval of its own version -- clears an early hurdle for the top GOP priority. A final budget agreement, once it's worked out between the chambers, will unlock special budget instructions enabling Republicans to approve a tax package without Democratic support. And Republicans badly need the win or it could lead to a "wipeout in next year's midterm elections," as The New York Times's Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns reported yesterday. Just weeks ago, the fate of a House budget measure remained in doubt. The colicky hard-liners in the House Freedom Caucus threatened to withhold their support over demands for deeper spending cuts and more guarantees about the tax plan itself. They mostly fell in line Thursday, as the chamber voted 219 to 206 to approve the spending blueprint. It would help if Republicans could bottle that unity, because the hardest work lies ahead. The Finance 202: Trump is his own tax plan's worst enemy (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/9/2017 8:46 AM, Tory Newmyer) If you didn't know better, it would be tempting to conclude President Trump hates his own agenda. His attack Sunday on Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is just the latest case in point. With a tax code overhaul balanced on a knife's edge, thanks to an even-weaker-than-it-looks 52-seat Senate majority, the president can ill afford to antagonize anyone in the party he could soon need to buttonhole on taxes. But Corker calls for especially careful treatment. The Tennessee Republican had signaled he'd be a hard case for any tax package that relies too much on deficit spending. Then, two weeks ago, the senator announced he will retire at the end of next year. The typically restrained Chattanoogan -- who made his own fortune in real estate before entering politics, although the HUD-17-0235-B-000569 similarities with Trump end about there -- has acted uncharacteristically unbound since. The clearest sign yet that Corker isn't playing by his old rules came Sunday morning, after Trump dialed up the tension with this string of provocative and credulity-straining tweets about him. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. Bank earnings: 'lower for longer' means buybacks will continue (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (10/6/2017 12:04 PM, Andrea Riquier) Is it just plain harder for banks to make money now -- or is there nowhere to go but up? When big banks kick off the third-quarter earnings season next week, a familiar theme is likely to dominate: it's hard to make money in a lower-for-longer world. Analysts expect banks to report tepid growth in nearly all their business lines, from mortgage originations to investment banking to lending, and most of the good news story is likely to come from a practice that's often considered a sign that companies are out of ideas: issuing debt to buy back stock. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. kicks off earnings season Thursday, followed that day by Citigroup Inc. On Friday, Bank of America Corp. reports, followed by Wells Fargo & Co. "Results are likely to be tepid due to very weak loan growth, modest increase in net interest margins, and weak capital markets related trends," somewhat offset by lower expenses and better-performing loans, wrote J.P. Morgan analyst Vivek Juneja in a note Friday. Treasury Answers Trump's Call on Looser Regs, Floats Ideas for MBS and ABS Markets (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (10/6/2017 12:32 PM, Brandon Ivey) The Treasury Department on Friday released a new report calling for looser regulations on MBS and ABS markets. The recommendations were part of a response to an executive order issued by President Trump calling for government agencies to align financial regulations with "core principles" established by his administration. The report on capital markets includes recommendations liberalizing securitization rules, including requirements that govern capital, liquidity, risk-retention and disclosures. The Treasury said federal regulators should "rationalize" various capital and liquidity requirements that apply to MBS and ABS. "Capital requirements should be set such that they neither encourage nor discourage funding through securitization, thereby allowing the economics of securitization relative to other funding sources to drive decision making," the Treasury said. The capital and liquidity requirements targeted by Treasury were largely established by the Basel III accords and the Dodd-Frank Act. Treasury was also critical of risk-retention requirements established by the DFA. Bipartisan push begins in Congress to change part of CFPBs TRID rule (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/6/2017 6:44 PM, Ben Lane) In an increasingly rare moment of bipartisanship, two Congressmen from opposite sides of the political aisle are partnering to push for a change to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Know Before You Owe mortgage disclosure rule, also called the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures rule, or TRID. On the Republican side, the effort is being led by Rep. French Hill, RArkansas, who has been very vocal about his issues with the CFPB and the TRID rule in the past. A few years ago, Hill authored a bill in the House of Representatives that called for an official grace period on TRID enforcement. More recently, Hill wrote a commentary for his local publication, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, on the need for the CFPB to be reined in. In the article, Hill wrote that the CFPB's actions "Are actually harming consumers." HUD-17-0235-B-000570 Now, Hill is working with Rep. Ruben Kihuen, D-Nevada, to change part of the CFPB's TRID rule because the bureau is "Unwilling to fix this problem on its own." The bill was first discussed in a meeting of the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee last month. At the time, the Republican arm of the House Financial Services Committee said that the bill, the TRID Improvement Act of 2017, would amend the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and the Truth in Lending Act to expand the time period granted to a creditor to cure a good-faith violation on a loan estimate or closing disclosure from 60 to 210 days. Now, the bill is being officially introduced, although Hill's office makes no mention of extending the time period to cure a goodfaith violation. The issue at hand in the TRID Improvement Act of 2017 is related to title insurance and how its fees are presented on both the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. Hurricane history favours U.S. building suppliers (Reuters) Reuters (10/9/2017 6:40 AM, Arunima Banerjee and Ankit Ajmera) (Reuters) - There are 600,000 homes in Texas and Florida alone that need re-roofed or repaired and results over the next month will give some sign of how much the resulting squeeze on building materials will benefit suppliers over the next year. Shares in firms like USG Corp, Owens Corning, Eagle Materials Inc, Beacon Roofing Supply Inc and GMS Inc have jumped about 10-20 percent since Hurricane Harvey and Irma struck the region a month ago. But data and industry estimates suggest there may be more to come as sector firms unveil their results for the third quarter and give clearer guidance on the impact on the prices they pay and charge for materials now in high demand. As the attached graphic shows, the impact of past storms has taken months to work through in the value of suppliers and will typically boost the shares by far more. Ever-mobile Millennial housing demand unchecked by rising mortgage rates (HousingWire) HousingWire (10/6/2017 4:41 PM, Kelsey Ramirez) The housing demand among the ever-mobile Millennial generation went unchecked in August despite rising mortgage rates, according to the Ellie Mae Millennial Tracker. Despite Millennials' average 30-year note increasing to 4.211%, up from 3.706% last year, their loan amounts also increased in August to $185,919. Further, the generation is showing a growing willingness to shun the big cities and settle down in oncesleepy towns. "Average loan amounts in August of this year were slightly higher than last year, despite higher interest rates," said Joe Tyrrell, Ellie Mae executive vice president of corporate strategy. "As tends to happen with tight inventories, this is a seller's market, and many of today's homebuyers may be faced with paying a premium for the same home they might have bought for less last year." "For those who are committed to buying a home slight increases in competition, costs or interest rates will likely not deter them," Tyrrell said. Conventional loans held steady at 64%, and the share of FHA mortgages stayed at 32%, the same market shares they have held since June. So what exactly did the average Millennial homebuyer look like in August? Ellie Mae shows us they were just over 29 years old, and took out a conventional loan of $185,919 on a home with an appraised value of $223,882. Their FICO score was 724, and, as seen above, their 30-year mortgage note rate was 4.2%. These borrowers, of whom 52% were married, typically closed out their home-buying process in 44 days. [NY] Ramapo evicting longtime Torne Valley families (Journal News, NY) NY Journal News HUD-17-0235-B-000571 (10/6/2017 7:37 AM, Steve Lieberman) VIDEO. RAMAPO - Tucked away off Torne Brook Road on the town's western frontier, the narrow road is home to a community of residents who have lived in small 1850s-era houses for decades -- some for nearly their entire lives. The 15 families are facing eviction by the Town of Ramapo. Town officials contend the houses are not worth the cost of repairs and maintenance, based on the rents paid. Under financial duress from mismanagement, partially from the construction of a baseball stadium, officials want the tenants out and plan to sell off the land for potential warehousing or another commercial business in the Torne Valley. For the families, the idea of moving is heartbreaking and potentially beyond their means. The tight-knit, secluded community along Lake Street -- known as the Hamlets of Ramapo -- has been their lives. [NY] Longtime Ramapo Residents Facing Eviction From Town-Owned Properties (CBS New York, NY) CBS New York (10/9/2017 6:44 PM, CBS New York) RAMAPO, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) -- Fifteen families in Rockland County, New York are being evicted from their historic longtime homes. Their landlord isn't some heartless real estate company, it's the town of Ramapo -- their own local government. "My girls come here with their children," evicted tenant Sharon Cuomo told CBS2's Brian Conybeare. "They spend the night every Christmas Eve and it's gonna change." Cuomo and her husband, Bill, have lived in a tiny cottage on Lake Street for 35 years. Now, they're being evicted by the town, which owns the property. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [NJ] Are NJ rent and house prices so high because we have too many school districts? (NJ101.5, NJ) NJ101.5 (10/9/2017 1:17 AM, Michael Symons) When people gripe about New Jersey having so many school districts, with more educational systems than municipalities, it's generally to complain about paying for too many administrators. But one land-use expert says it's also contributes to why there's an undersupply of homes. Tim Evans, the research director for New Jersey Future, said that fragmentation encourages the 'ratable chase' in which cities and towns crave commercial properties but try to avoid residential development, in many cases regardless of whether it contains an 'affordable housing' component. "What happens is every place wants a mall and an office park, and nobody wants housing because they don't want the school kids that they're going to have to raise taxes to pay for," Evans said. Without new homes added to the supply, the cost for existing homes is driven up. Statewide, the average sales price for a home this year is $394,426, as of last week, according to the state Treasury Department. The average is over $500,000 in 123 municipalities, nearly 22 percent of the state's towns. [DC] Housing market in Washington region dominated by low inventory, high prices (Washington Post) Washington Post (10/6/2017 4:24 PM, Michele Lerner) Low inventory and high home prices continue to plague the Washington region this fall. While conditions in Montgomery and Prince George's counties are different, both have seen a tightening of the market with most homes selling within one to 10 days, says Jonathan Hill, vice president of marketing and communications for multiple-listing HUD-17-0235-B-000572 service Bright MLS in Rockville. "The housing market in Montgomery County was slower than Prince George's County, with sales more sluggish there in 2016 and earlier this year," said Nela Richardson, chief economist of Redfin brokerage in Washington. "But now the two counties are balancing out a little in activity. Bethesda, Rockville and Silver Spring are all getting more active with buyers in Montgomery County, while in Prince George's County there's a lot of construction that sellers have to compete with. Builders are offering more concessions, which means the number of buyers in Prince George's may be easing up a bit." Sales have been flat in Montgomery for the first eight months of 2017, said Hill, virtually the same as in 2016. "The median sales price in Montgomery County rose by 3.7 percent to $425,000 year-to-date at the end of August," Hill said. The most listings for single-family houses in the county in August were in the $600,000 to $800,000 range, while the most townhouse listings were in the $300,000 to $400,000 range. The majority of condo listings in Montgomery were priced between $200,000 and $300,000. In Prince George's, the median sales price rose by 10 percent to $275,000, far below the median sales price in surrounding counties and the District. "Prince George's is by far the most affordable county for homes, especially for areas in close proximity to the city," Hill said. "The county also has the most new construction in the region and the most affordable newly built houses." [SC] Report: Local economies among nation's fastest growing (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) Charleston Post & Courier (10/9/2017 3:03 AM, David Wren) Charleston, North Charleston and Mount Pleasant have some of the fastest-growing economies in the United States, according to a new WalletHub report that compares 515 cities nationwide across 15 metrics including population, employment, housing data and poverty levels. Charleston's economy ranked No. 20 among mid-size cities with populations of between 100,000 and 300,000 people, according to the study. North Charleston was at No. 28 in the mid-sized city category. Mount Pleasant has the 15th-fastest growing economy for a small city, which includes those with populations of less than 100,000 people. WalletHub used statistics from 2010 to 2016 to generate its report. WalletHub said using multiple years of data helps the group identify locations with "a lasting cycle of growth." While economic growth is good, local communities are facing some of the biggest ancillary issues that highgrowth areas across the nation are grappling with. [GA] Campaigning for virtue (Augusta Chronicle, GA) Augusta Chronicle (10/8/2017 6:52 PM, August Chroncile Editorial Staff) Care Pregnancy Center saving lives, fighting for healthy culture Augusta's CPC has helped more than 1,000 girls and women through life-changing, often life-threatening problems with unplanned pregnancy, sexual and physical abuse, drug and alcohol issues, financial desperation and more in the past year. This is some of society's heaviest lifting. Augusta's CPC does it on a shoestring. That's why so many come together each year to help the nonprofit - most notably in an annual banquet that CPC Director Susan Swanson has turned into the event of the season. In recent years her speakers have included syndicated columnists Star Parker and Cal Thomas; former Alabama Supreme Court justice and Senate nominee Roy Moore; current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson; and, this Tuesday night, Michael Reagan, adopted son of Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman. Close to 700 attendees are expected. A radio host, commentator and author, Reagan talks of being "twice adopted" - the second time by God - after an early childhood that found him unwanted and abused. HUD-17-0235-B-000573 [FL] IN DEPTH: In upscale Wellington, being poor is expensive price to pay (Palm Beach Post, FL) Palm Beach Post (10/6/2017 8:17 AM, Matt Morgan) WELLINGTON -- Tucked amid Wellington's well-groomed equestrian venues, mansions so luxe they sport private airstrips in the back yard and tidy middle class neighborhoods, there is another nearly invisible contingent in this community -- those who live paycheck to paycheck. Despite the village's swanky reputation , the families of nearly one third of Wellington's elementary-age children can't afford school lunch, and the Neil S. Hirsch Family Boys and Girls Club hosts more kids after school than any other chapter in the county -- and most of those children are poor. As the economy continues a decade-long rebound from a recession, these families that are barely scraping together their monthly rent to put their kids in top-rated schools and safer neighborhoods could soon be forced out of the village entirely. If housing prices continue to rise and no one carves out room for these working-class families, parents say the children will be the ones who lose. Some parents say that they are on the brink of being priced out their dreams and fear having to move to cheaper homes, surrounded by poverty and the problems it can bring. [FL] Florida's risky real-estate game is protected by a billion-dollar insurance industry -- but that could soon change (The Real Deal, NY) The Real Deal (10/9/2017 6:21 AM, Business Insider) The limits of the insurance-linked securities market are untested After dodging the worst of Hurricane Irma, Florida's coastal real estate boom shows no signs of slowing. In Miami and nearby waterfront cities, a survey of local records show that more than 90 luxury high-rise apartment blocks are under construction or have been completed since 2015, increasingly financed by overseas investors looking for "safe" opportunities in a turbulent global economy. Yet, since 1886, the Sunshine State has been hit with almost twice as many hurricanes as the next two states, Texas and Louisiana. Currently, 2.4 million people and 1.3 million homes sit just 1.2 meters above the high tide line and sea levels are expected to rise up to two meters by the end of the century. What enables Florida's staggering growth against environmental odds? The answer, in part, comes down to how property insurance protects the state's real estate against disasters. In 2015, Floridians spent $10.8 billion on homeowners' insurance to protect more than 6 million properties. The total insured value protected by the state's homeowners' market is a soaring $2.1 trillion, roughly equal to the annual economic output of India. But can it really sustain Florida's real estate boom in the long run? [FL] Miami Realtors play unique role as hurricane advisors (Miami Herald, FL) Miami Herald (10/9/2017 9:11 AM, Pat Klock Parker) I know that most of you are feeling the same way I am, now that Hurricane Irma has passed... a great deal of relief and gratitude! We are blessed that Irma did not hit us directly, that our area is up and running so successfully, and that most people were able to restore their properties quickly. But as we count our blessings, we should also remember that the 2017 hurricane season does not technically end until Nov. 30, and we should remain on guard for future storms. I have been selling homes in Miami for more than 40 years, and I am proud of the active role that my colleagues in real estate take in preparing the people we know for hurricane season in general, and for individual storms as they approach and depart. While the safety of our family and friends always comes first in these moments, the security of our homes usually comes next on our list of concerns. At the beginning of every hurricane season, my team and I send our customers hurricane check lists, reminding them to have water, medications, non-perishable foods, insect repellents, suntan lotion and other essentials; along with suggestions to trim trees, remove coconuts and other flying items. HUD-17-0235-B-000574 [FL] These guys chase catastrophes wherever they strike. And they make lots of money (Miami Herald, FL) Miami Herald (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Linda Robertson) Tornadoes are the worst. Neighborhoods reduced to a lone chimney or toilet. People searching for any shred of proof -- a photograph, a vase -- that their homes existed. Ice storms are treacherous. Roof inspections require Everest-type boots -- and nerve. Hail storms leave houses pocked "as if they've been attacked with a shotgun," explained Jordan Wilson, who has examined the aftermath of many. In his Indiana accent, Eric Kline pronounces "hail" as "hell," and that's exactly where he's been, and back. Then there are hurricanes. While Sandy "really got me emotional," the damage wrought by Irma in the Keys "is probably the toughest I've seen," Kline said. "Thirty-foot trees sucked out of the ground like popsicle sticks. Walls disappeared. Folks living in tents and pushing grocery carts." [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [MS] Nate downgraded to tropical storm, 100k without power in Mississippi and Alabama (ABC News) ABC News (10/8/2017 6:47 AM, David Caplan) Gulf Coast residents are waking up to a wet, windy - and in some cases, powerless - Sunday morning, but it's still not as devastating as they expected: Hurricane Nate was downgraded to a tropical storm around 4:30 a.m. ET. The storm, moving north-northeast at 23 mph with maximum winds of 70 mph, is moving farther inland over Mississippi and Alabama. "Even though Nate has made landfall and will weaken today, we are still forecast heavy rain from Nate to spread well inland towards the Tennessee Valley and Appalachian mountains," ABC News meteorologist Daniel Manzo said Sunday morning. Around 2:30 a.m. ET, a tornado watch covering most of southern Alabama and part of the Florida Panhandle was issued. It is in effect until 11 a.m. Nate had made its second landfall as a Category 1 storm around 1:30 a.m. ET Sunday along the Gulf Coast near Biloxi, Mississippi with maximum winds of 85 mph, slamming some Mississippi and Alabama communities with a storm surge of between four to five feet. Nate made its first landfall Saturday night as a Category 1 storm near the mouth of the Mississippi River on the southeastern Louisiana coast. Officials in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida were well-prepared for Nate's arrival with its governors declaring states of emergency and mandatory or voluntary evacuation orders. Even though Nate's wrath was not as terrible as expected, more than 100,000 customers across Alabama and Mississippi were without power as of 6 a.m. ET. In Alabama, 56,250 customers were without power, while 46,487 customers in Mississippi were without power. [TX] When buying your kid a house is cheaper than paying for a dorm (CNBC) CNBC (10/6/2017 9:03 AM, Elizabeth Leary) Brian and Laurie Chubb have three sons, all of whom always wanted to attend Texas A&M University. So in 2015, when the Chubbs' oldest son, Garrett, was a junior and their middle child, Ben, was a freshman at the school, they decided it was time to cut their housing costs. "We realized it would be smarter to invest in a property instead of paying rent for all those years," said Brian Chubb, who works in pharmaceutical sales and lives in Spring Branch, Texas, with Laurie and their youngest son, Brady. The Chubbs purchased a four-bedroom house in College Station, Texas, in December 2015, and their two older sons moved in the following school year, along with renters. Brady, 18, has been accepted to Texas A&M for next year, and will move into the house after completing a freshman-year stint in a dorm room. HUD-17-0235-B-000575 Affordability favors buyers in the Texas A&M area, according to a study by Pro Teck Valuation Services, a real estate valuation firm. The study estimated that a mortgage on a 1,200-square-foot condo in College Station costs about $6,696 per year, comparing favorably with on-campus housing costs that Pro Teck estimated at $6,221 per year. [NV] Inventory of available Las Vegas homes keeps slipping (Las Vegas Review-Journal, NV) Las Vegas Review-Journal (10/6/2017 9:42 AM, Eli Segall) The inventory of available houses in Las Vegas kept tumbling last month as prices climbed above last year's levels. The median sale price of single-family homes in Southern Nevada in September was $265,000, up 1.9 percent from August and 13.5 percent from September 2016, according to a new report from the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors. Buyers picked up 2,914 single-family homes last month, down 11.3 percent from August and down 0.4 percent - essentially flat - from a year ago. Meanwhile, 4,969 single-family homes were listed for sale without offers at the end of September, down 3.6 percent from August and 33.1 percent year-over-year, according to the GLVAR. [PR] Puerto Rico debt plan must be equal parts inspiring, realistic (The Hill) The Hill (10/8/2017 5:13 PM, Brad Setser) President Trump quipped -- or complained? -- that the devastation in Puerto Rico had blown a hole in the United States' budget. The real fiscal hole, though, is likely to be in Puerto Rico's own budget. To have a fighting chance to recover and avoid a new downward spiral, Puerto Rico will need more than short-term disaster aid and protection from its creditors while it restructures its debt. It will need emergency budget funding to cover a pending cash shortfall, generous long-term help as it rebuilds and equal access to federal Medicaid funding. In the short run and likely in the medium run, Puerto Rico cannot make any payment on its debt. In the long run, its debts will need to be significantly reduced. Fortunately, thanks to bipartisan legislation -- The Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) -- passed in 2016, all Puerto Rican public entities now have access to bankruptcy protection. With the approval of the PROMESA oversight board, Puerto Rico can zero out all near-term debt service while remaining under court protection. [PR] Opinion: Puerto Rico, a Deal Not Even Trump Can Refuse (NBC News) NBC News (10/6/2017 8:56 AM, Gretchen Sierra-Zorita) Not a week had passed since Hurricane Maria demolished Puerto Rico when President Trump tweeted about the U.S. territory's debt, saying that Texas and Florida were doing great but Puerto Rico was in "deep trouble." He tweeted about Puerto Rico's old electrical grid which was in "terrible shape" and the billions it owes Wall Street. It is clear from Trump's comments during this devastating humanitarian crisis that money is the main thing on his mind. It is also clear that Trump wants to walk away from his Puerto Rico problem in the same way he walked away from his bankrupt casinos. If the United States walks away from Puerto Rico the Island will be depopulated. If Puerto Rico's infrastructure is not restored and its commercial and industrial base not reestablished, if its small business owners are not supported and its health care is not accessible, Puerto Ricans will stampede out of the Island and join the almost half a million who left before them because of the fiscal crisis. Politically speaking, not investing in Puerto Rico could hurt the GOP. New Puerto Rican arrivals could turn states like Florida blue, as they will never forget that the head of the Republican Party turned his back on them. So it appears that Trump cannot walk away from this particular deal without making matters worse. The smartest to thing for Trump to do is to tackle the Puerto Rico problem before it grows out of control. First, he should ensure that Puerto Rico has the military and civilian personnel and the assets needed to restore transportation, telecommunications and electricity; to ensure relief supplies are delivered; and, to preserve law and order. Second, he should waive funding caps, eliminate local match requirements, and give Puerto Rico greater HUD-17-0235-B-000576 access to federal assistance programs in FEMA and Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, Transportation and others. Third, he should extend the Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico beyond the 10 days approved initially. [PR] Central Floridians urge Puerto Rico rebuilding (Orlando Sentinel, FL) Orlando Sentinel (10/6/2017 2:07 PM, Paul Brinkmann) Like thousands of Central Florida residents, Javier Torres Centeno is worried his mother may have to leave Puerto Rico soon. The organic farm where Torres' mother works is in coastal Arecibo, which was hit hard by Hurricane Maria. Efforts to rebuild the farm are hampered by roadblocks and power outages. "Puerto Ricans can take care of themselves, but unless they rebuild soon, my mom will have to move here," Torres said. That sums up the message a growing number of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. are trying to send to Washington: Rebuild Puerto Rico, as fast as possible, or you will see a flood of citizens arriving from the island. They will struggle to find work and permanent housing on the mainland. There are 3.5 million people in the U.S. territory. Torres, who speaks passionately about the island, joined a group called Vamos4PR to lobby and raise awareness for fast infrastructure spending on the island. Vamos4PR is also seeking a comprehensive and fair restructuring of Puerto Rico's debt, including a moratorium on debt payments until the economy recovers, and a thorough audit of the debt, expansion of workers' rights and an increase in minimum wage on the island. The group is made up of labor unions, human rights groups and nonprofits. They also want new investment in Puerto Rico in renewable energy, tourism and agriculture, along with a boost in education budgets there. State Rep. Amy Mercado, D-Orlando, is part of the effort. She recently visited the town of Ponce on Puerto Rico's southern coast to see the damage. "Puerto Ricans want to be in Puerto Rico, unless they can't work or have quality of life," Mercado said. "How we help the island will affect the amount of people that come here. Debt is important." Activists were briefly encouraged when Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency in Florida related to Puerto Rican recovery and when President Donald Trump said the nation would have to "Wipe out" Puerto Rican debt. The White House almost instantly walked back on that statement, after Wall Street panicked and the value of Puerto Rican bonds dropped. [PR] What delays in immediate disaster relief mean for Puerto Rico's long-term recovery (Urban Institute) Urban Institute (10/10/2017 5:15 AM, Carlos Martin) The speed and quality of the federal response to Hurricane Maria's devastating toll on Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands continues to draw scrutiny. Two weeks after the storm's landfall on US soil, wide swaths of the islands are still without electricity, telecommunication lines, medical care, fuel, clean water, cash currency, and other necessities. Many rural communities remain physically inaccessible. Only 13,832 households in Puerto Rico have applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance, a number much lower than after other disasters of similar intensity and damage. Because of the increasing frequency of natural disasters, we know the quality and robustness of response and relief will have deep repercussions for recovery of the island's people, homes, and communities. People's recovery The most immediate consequence of disasters is their toll on human life. Death counts rise after the event largely because of search and rescue findings. Other people do not survive the wounds and pain inflicted during the disaster. But a more insidious cause is people's inability to access medical care for disaster-induced emergencies and for prior medical conditions. Sustained gaps in medical access in Maria's wake are likely to extend the counting process and increase the overall death count. HUD-17-0235-B-000577 Headlines The Washington Post (10/7/2017 7:00 AM) To drain 'swamp,' Trump's base has filled GOP coffers In Vegas, invisible wounds run deep President, with tweet, dives into Virginia race U.S. neighbors see increasing risk of failure in NAFTA talks Nuclear weapons foes win Nobel Peace Prize (10/8/2017 7:00 AM) 3 shootings in 3 years, and officer wins back job Retreat from deficit dogma Shift on Venezuela happened suddenly After the check is gone Mourning and healing unfold in Las Vegas, but this is still Sin City (10/9/2017 7:00 AM) Trump list may halt deal on DACA New feud imperils president's agenda Scrutiny of Cabinet travel costs widens In elections, Facebook's reach has kept growing A 'long bad dream' for families of wounded (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) Trump lashes out at allies, putting agenda at risk U.S. tensions with Turkey boil over in wake of arrest An intruder, a brutal killing. Then the Fitbit told its story. Philippine police chief resists the call to kill drug suspects Google finds links to Russian disinformation in its services Deadly wildfires ravage Calif. wine country The New York Times (10/7/2017 7:00 AM) Trump Administration Rolls Back Birth Control Mandate Company Scrambles as Weinstein Takes Leave and a Third of the Board Resigns After 78 Killings, a Honduran Drug Lord Partners With the U.S. 'My Stomach Dropped': Harrowing Night for Twin Brothers of the Las Vegas Police Courts Thwart Administration's Effort to Rescind Obama-Era Environmental Regulations Canada to Pay Millions in Indigenous Lawsuit Over Forced Adoptions Tokyo Is Preparing for Floods 'Beyond Anything We've Seen' (10/8/2017 7:00 AM) Who Was Stephen Paddock? The Mystery of a Nondescript 'Numbers Guy' The 'Resistance,' Raising Big Money, Upends Liberal Politics Hoping to Have Trump Cleared, Legal Team Eases Resistance to Inquiry Americans Jailed After Failed Coup in Turkey Are Hostages to Politics Hosting Proms and Selling Cows: North Korean Embassies Scrounge for Cash (10/9/2017 7:00 AM) White House Makes Hard-Line Demands for Any 'Dreamers' Deal Harvey Weinstein Is Fired After Sexual Harassment Reports Bob Corker Says Trump's Recklessness Threatens 'World War III' Before Derailments at Penn Station, Competing Priorities Led to Disrepair ISIS Fighters, Having Pledged to Fight or Die, Surrender en Masse Harvey Weinstein Is the (Whispered) Talk of Hollywood Trump Tells Pence to Leave N.F.L. Game as Players Kneel During Anthem HUD-17-0235-B-000578 (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule How Russia Harvested American Rage to Reshape U.S. Politics Stephen Miller, the Powerful Survivor on the President's Right Flank Liberia's Women Warn Male Presidential Candidates: Keep the Peace Politicians With Puerto Rican Roots Challenge Trump in Push for Aid China Hastens the World Toward an Electric-Car Future Wildfires in Northern California Kill at Least 10 and Destroy 1,500 Buildings The Wall Street Journal (10/7/2017 and 10/8/2017 7:00 AM) Hurricane-Battered U.S. Shed 33,000 Jobs in September Why a Nobel Peace Icon Chose to Stay Silent Amid a Crackdown on a Muslim Minority Where Amazon Is Failing to Dominate: Hollywood Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama Birth-Control Rule Farewell, Valedictorian: High Schools Drop Tradition of Naming Top Student (10/9/2017 7:00 AM) U.S. Pressure on North Korea's Global Ties Bears Fruit Pressure Mounts at the Top of Deutsche Bank Weinstein Co. Board Fires Harvey Weinstein Procter & Gamble vs. Nelson Peltz: A Battle for the Future of Big Brands White House Sends Congress Plans for Immigration Enforcement Oh, Scrap: China, the Biggest Buyer of America's Trash, Wants No More (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) GE Gives Activist Trian a Seat on the Board Battered Dollar Roars Back, Catching Investors by Surprise As Its Namesake Founder Becomes a Liability, Weinstein Co. Weighs Name Change America's Retailers Have a New Target Customer: The 26-Year-Old Millennial ABC News (10/9/2017 3:30 PM) Thousands flee as wildfires ravage California; 10 killed Pence's flights to and from NFL game he left early cost nearly $250,000 Friend of Vegas shooter: 'I want to solve this' NBC News (10/9/2017 3:30 PM) Over 100 Missing Person Calls Logged as Blazes Sweep N. California Trump Hard-Line Immigration Plan Giving GOP Whiplash Can Jerry Jones Bench Players Over Anthem Protests? CBS News (10/9/2017 3:30 PM) At least 10 killed by fast-moving California wildfires, fire officials say Steve Bannon calls Sen. Bob Corker a "disgrace" Texas Tech officer shot dead at campus police station, university says Washington Schedule President (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. HUD-17-0235-B-000579 Vice President (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Senate (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) Senate 9:15 a.m.: Convene for a pro forma session House of Representatives (10/10/2017 7:00 AM) House of Representatives 5:00 pm Hearing: S. 585Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017 Committee on Rules {End of Report} Disclaimer: The information and views expressed in this News Briefing do not necessarily represent the views of HUD or the United States and do not constitute an endorsement by the Department. HUD-17-0235-B-000580 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Rackleff, Neal J Friday, October 06, 2017 3:41 PM Appleton, Seth D; Thompson, Amy C; PHP; Greenwood, Sheila M Brown, Jereon M; Bryon, Jemine A; Forrester, Althea M; Zorc, Bethany A FW: LGBTQ FOIA request DOC.PDF All: note the FOIA request attached. As I am not yet familiar with HUD's formal process for handling initial FOIA requests, I am passing it on to you to ensure you are aware of the request and that it is handled in full compliance with applicable law. Neal J. Rackleff Assistant Secretary- Community Planning & Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20410 O: 202.402-7113 C: (b) (6) Neal.J.Rackleff@hud.gov From: Bryon, Jemine A Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 5:27 PM To: Rackleff, Neal J ; Gaines, Ralph H Subject: LGBTQ FOIA request Please be advised that we are in receipt of the attached FOIA request. If you wish to discuss further, please advise. HUD-17-0235-B-000581 WING A project of People For the American Way via mail and online portal September 20, 2017 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Freedom oflnformation Act Office 451 7th Street, SW, Room 10139 Was ? 410-3000 Dear FO IA Officer: On August 22, 2017, New York magazine reportedon three apparentactions thatpeople in leadershippositions at the Departmentof Housing and Urban Development ("HUD")have taken to reducethe Department's role in providingequal housing access for transgenderpeople. It is of great public interestthat records of those actions, if they did in fact take place, be promptlymade public. New York magazine reportedthat HUD's leadershipunderthe direction of SecretaryBen Carson: '' ... orderedthe removal of online trainingmaterialsmeant, in part,to help homeless shelters make sure they were providing equal access to transgenderpeople. It also pulled back a survey regardingprojects in Cincinnati and Houston to reduce LGBT homelessness. And it forced its Policy Development and Research division to dissociate itself from a major study it had funded on housing discriminationagainst gay, lesbian, and transgenderpeople the study ended up being released in late June underthe aegis of the Urban Instituteinstead." Accordingly, we request copies of the following from January 1, 2017, to present: l. Any records relating to or consisting of any directive to HUD personnel involving "the removal of online training materialsmeant, in pmi, to help homeless shelters make sure they were providing equal access to transgender people." 2. Any records relating to or consisting of any directive to HUD personnel involving the Department'sparticipationin ''a survey regardingprojects in Cincinnati and Houston to reduce LGBT homelessness." 3. Any records relating to or consisting of any directive to HUD's Policy Development and Research division "to dissociate itself from a major study it had funded on housing discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgenderpeople.'' As a representativeof the news media, Right Wing Watch specifically seeks an exemption from any search or copying fees. Right Wing Watch is an entity that gathersinformationof potential interest to the public and segments thereof, uses its editorial skills to tum the raw materialinto th 110115 Street, NW o Sulte 600 o Washington, DC 20005 Telephone 202.467.4999 o Fax 202.293.2672 + E-mail pfaw@pfaw.org o Web site http://www.pfaw.org HUD-17-0235-B-000582 distinct works, and distributes those works to public audiences. Disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute substantially to public understanding of government activities and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. Such an exemption has recently been granted to Right Wing Watch by the Department of Education. We also requestexpedited handlingof this requestbecause, in accordancewith the enclosed certifiedstatement,it is needed to inform the public concerning federal governmentactivity by Right Wing Watch which is primarilyengaged in disseminatinginformationto the public. It is especially importantthat we receive these materialspromptlybecause HlJD's stance on the issue of housing equality for transgenderpeople remains unclear.The page titled "HUD LGBTQ Resources"on HUD's website states that "Part of HUD's mission is to give every person and family access to a safe, secure and affordablehome including ensuring fair and equal access to housing for all Americans, regardlessof their sexual orientation,gender identityor marital status." However, this recent news reportcalls into question the extent to which HUD is committedto ensuring"fairand equal access" based on gender identity. We look forwardto hearing from you as to our request for expedited processing within ten workingdays, and to receiving the documents requestedas soon as possible. If you have any questions or need furtherinforma1ion,I can be reacheddirectly at 202-467-2335 or mblue@pfaw,org. Thankyou for your considerationof this request Sincerely, Miranda Blue Keating Research Editor Right Wing Watch 2 HUD-17-0235-B-000583 . WING A project of People For ihe American Way Certification Statement Pursuant 10 the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and implementing regulations, I hereby state the following: l. I, Miranda Blue Keating, am research editor of Right Wing Watch, an entity that is a project of People For the American Way. I make this statement in connection with a FOIA request submitted today to the Department of Housing and Urban Development 2. The pending Right Wing Watch request is for any records relating to or consisting of any directive to HUD personnel involving ''the removal of onlinc training materials meant, in part, to help homeless shelters make sure they were providing equal access to transgender people," any directive to HUD personnel involving the Department's participation in "a survey regarding projects in Cincinnati and Houston to reduce LGBT homelessness;' and any directive to HUD's Policy Development and Research division "to dissociate itself from a major study it had funded on housing discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgcndcr people." 3. We request expedited handling of this request because it is needed to inform the public concerning federal government activity by Right Wing Watch, which is primarily engaged in disseminating information to the public. It is especially important that we receive these materials promptly because IIUD's stance on the issue of housing equality for transgender people remains unclear. The page titled "HUD LGBTQ Resources" on HU D's website states that "Part of HUD's mission is to give every person and family access to a safe, secure and affordable home including ensuring fair and equal access to housing for all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status:' However, this recent report calls into question the extent to which HUD is committed to ensuring "fair and equal access'' based on gender identity. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct, Miranda Blue Keating 110115 th Street, NW o Suite 600 o Washington, DC20005 Telephone 202.467.4999 o Fax 202.293.2672 o E-mail pfaw@pfaw.org o Web site http://www.pfaw.org HUD-17-0235-B-000584 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, October 02, 2017 8:56 AM Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Oversight and Priority Correspondence Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx; Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx Good Morning HUD-17-0235-B-000585 10-2-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 HUD has, in recent months, either withdrawn or removed from its website at least six resources (LGBTQ) CIR 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas Meeting w/SNAPS Dendas/Conference call Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule CIR 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 7/5/2017 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et al (29 Senators) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03084 9/1/2017 Ranking Member Claire McCaskill Request information regarding efforts CFO to improve the collection and reporting of improper payments 9/22/2017 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03812 HUD-17-0235-B-000586 10-2-17 Date Received 9/6/2017 Source Representative Robert Pittenger Subject Must be prepared for both short and long term efforts after natural disasters 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03851 9/19/2017 Representative Pete Sessions 2017-AHFD-EXEC-04105 9/21/2017 Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz et al (34 members) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-04144 Program Office Emergency Planning and Mgmt Writing to ask FHA postpone the effective date of the change of the HECM Program's MIP rate Housing Request HUD, FEMA and SBA expeditiously allocate the $7.4 billion in CDBG-DR funds appropriated by H.R. 601, Continuing Appropriations Act of 2018 CPD Due date Status Info only HUD-17-0235-B-000587 10-2-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management system projects - addressing prior OIG and GAO audits CFO CIO 4/7/2016 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records FOIA OGC 5/1/2017 OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 7/27/2017 Chairman Lamar Smith Cybersecurity Pollicies and Standards Committee on Science, Space and National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology (NIST) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03197 8/8/2017 Cummings et al (18 members) Federal funds expended on products/services provided by CIO 7/28/2017 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury Mike Dendas Rolling Production 8/11/2017: 1st production 8/25/2017: 2nd production 9/8/2017: 3rd production 9/xx/2017: 4th production Agency Coordination 8/9/2017: CIO (2) CDs Conference call w/OMB NIST organized Assigned to CIR Dendas/contact committee All Agencies HUD-17-0235-B-000588 10-2-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03349 9/22/2017 Ranking Member Claire McCaskill Subject Program Office Due date businesses owned/affiliated with Trump organizations Status Whitehouse/OMB response draft ? Requesting detailed information regarding efforts to improve agency oversight of federal grant awards Strategic Planning and Mgmt 10/18/2017 Federal Records Management Exec Sec 10/9/2017 Marcus Smallwood 2017-AHFD-EXEC-04157 9/25/2017 Trey Gowdy and Elijah Cummings 2017-AHFD-EXEC-04160 9/26/2017 Trey Gowdy and Elijah Cummings 2017-AHFD-EXEC-04178 Extent to which non-career officials at federal department and agencies either use government owned aircraft for personal travel or private noncommercial aircraft for official travel. 10/10/2017 HUD-17-0235-B-000589 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Friday, September 29, 2017 3:59 PM Barton, Victoria L RE: Starrett City Follow Up Please send the info from Bob to everybody From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 3:56 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: Starrett City Follow Up Zack_Rosenblum@schumer.senate.gov Shafika_Deria@schumer.senate.gov Zoe.Oreck@mail.house.gov Lucinda.Lessley@mail.house.gov Nicholas_Martin@schumer.senate.gov Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Iber, Robert G Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 3:23 PM To: Ludlow, Ashley ; Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A Subject: Starrett City Follow Up To our call on the 19th, we promised the attached. As we explained on the phone, this is the "standard" list of submission requirements for an assignment of a Section 8 HAP Contract. We are in the process of updating the list, which will be part of a handbook chapter to be issued in the future. So the final published version may change. We are comfortable sharing this with the Congressional staff as we have been providing this to applicants and HUD staff. The other issue related to this is that once these items are submitted to HUD, their releaseablity will be governed by FOIA. HUD-17-0235-B-000590 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Barton, Victoria L Friday, September 29, 2017 3:56 PM Appleton, Seth D RE: Starrett City Follow Up Zack_Rosenblum@schumer.senate.gov Shafika_Deria@schumer.senate.gov Zoe.Oreck@mail.house.gov Lucinda.Lessley@mail.house.gov Nicholas_Martin@schumer.senate.gov Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Iber, Robert G Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 3:23 PM To: Ludlow, Ashley ; Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A Subject: Starrett City Follow Up To our call on the 19th, we promised the attached. As we explained on the phone, this is the "standard" list of submission requirements for an assignment of a Section 8 HAP Contract. We are in the process of updating the list, which will be part of a handbook chapter to be issued in the future. So the final published version may change. We are comfortable sharing this with the Congressional staff as we have been providing this to applicants and HUD staff. The other issue related to this is that once these items are submitted to HUD, their releaseablity will be governed by FOIA. HUD-17-0235-B-000591 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Iber, Robert G Friday, September 29, 2017 3:23 PM Ludlow, Ashley; Barton, Victoria L Appleton, Seth D; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A Starrett City Follow Up HAP Assignment Checklist.docx To our call on the 19th, we promised the attached. As we explained on the phone, this is the "standard" list of submission requirements for an assignment of a Section 8 HAP Contract. We are in the process of updating the list, which will be part of a handbook chapter to be issued in the future. So the final published version may change. We are comfortable sharing this with the Congressional staff as we have been providing this to applicants and HUD staff. The other issue related to this is that once these items are submitted to HUD, their releaseablity will be governed by FOIA. HUD-17-0235-B-000592 CHECKLIST ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT CONTRACT Below we have outlined the required contents of the Applications for Approval of an assignment of Housing Assistance Payment Contract (HAP). Applicant must submit the package electronically and 1 hard copy. 1. Draft, unexecuted Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract 2. Applicant's Transmittal Letter, including, but not limited to: 3. Applicant's Previous Participation Certification (Form HUD-2530) 4. Sources and Uses of Funds. This shows all expected sources of funds and all expected uses of these funds. 5. Interim Financial Statements, if audits are currently required, covering the period from the date of the last audited financial statement to the date of transfer. 6. New Capital Needs Assessment (CNA), if one has not been performed within 10 years. The CNA must be prepared by a professional, licensed multifamily architect or engineer and must address the cost of any required repairs and an analysis of the Replacement Reserve needs. 7. Proposed Management Certification, Entity Profile and Form HUD 2530 Previous Participation Certification for the Management Agent 8. Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan, form HUD-935.2 9. Direct Deposit-Form 1199A with a copy of cancelled check (only required if HUD is the contract administrator) 10. Any proposed lease or lease addenda (Section 8 Lease) 11. Tenant Selection Plan 12. Draft Financing Documents, if applicable 13. Use Agreements, if applicable 14. Proposed but unrecorded Deed 15. Proposed Rental Schedule (Form HUD-92458) including the request/justification for any new fees to tenants, in addition to rent 1 - Attachment 1: TPA Required Documents HUD-17-0235-B-000593 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hughes, Andrew Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:26 AM John.K.Mashburn@who.eop.gov; Flynn, Matthew J. EOP/WHO; Paranzino, Anthony M. EOP/WHO; Kaelan.K.Dorr@who.eop.gov; Rateike, Bradley A. EOP/WHO HUD Daily Briefing (9-28-17) HUD Hurricane Irma SITREP 27 Sept 2017 Puerto Rico and USVI.pdf; HUD Hurricane Irma SITREP 27 Sept 2017 Continental US.pdf Good Morning, Below is Secretary Carson's outlook for today. I have also attached the latest hurricane situational reports (as of 9-27-17). Have a great day. -Andrew STATUS OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary is on personal leave. TODAY (9/28-10/4 The Secretary will be out of the country on personal travel) o Secretary Personal Travel - Out of Country o September 26, 2017 - October 5, 2017 o Secretary Carson will be out of the country on personal travel. o POC: Allison Mills, Executive Assistant, Allison.F.Mills@hud.gov o POC: Sheila Greenwood, Chief of Staff, Sheila.m.greenwood1@hud.gov o Note: The Secretary is getting daily briefings on disaster recovery efforts by phone. Key Events for Upcoming 30-Days o Secretary Personal Travel - Out of Country o September 28, 2017 - October 5, 2017 o Secretary Carson will be out of the country on personal travel. o POC: Allison Mills, Executive Assistant, Allison.F.Mills@hud.gov o HUD Secretary's Awards Ceremony o October 10, 2017 o Secretary Carson will present annual awards to HUD staff to highlight the significant accomplishments of their program offices over the past year. o POC: Raffi Williams, Communications Director; raphael.l.williams@hud.gov o Feds Feed Families Campaign Closing Comments o October 13, 2017 o This is an end-of-campaign congratulatory speech to applaud the generosity of federal employees who have made food, monetary, or similar donations. o POC: Raffi Williams, Communications Director; raphael.l.williams@hud.gov o Family Practice of St. Tammany o October 16, 2017 o Secretary Carson will speak at the 15th Family Promise National Conference at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA. Their mission is to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. HUD-17-0235-B-000594 o POC: Claas Ehlers; cehlers@familypromise.org, 908-273-1100 o WH Event - American Dream: Homeownership o August 3, 2017 (POSTPONED - Date TBD) o POTUS will host the Secretary at the White House for an event highlighting homeownership as a pillar of the American Dream, and the government programs and services that support homebuyers. o POC: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; amy.c.thompson@hud.gov o SOHUD Trip to Charlotte, NC o August 31 - September 1, 2017 (POSTPONED - Date TBD) o Secretary Carson will travel to Charlotte to visit various HUD-assisted properties, and discuss public-private partnerships, homelessness, and housing finance reform. o POC: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; amy.c.thompson@hud.gov ADDITIONAL ONGOING POLICY INITIATIVES & UPDATES o Congressional Hearing on HUD Priorities o Description: Secretary Carson is scheduled to testify before the House Financial Services Committee for the first time on October 12. The committee has expressed interest in the Secretary testifying on his vision and priorities for HUD, though the ongoing Hurricane Harvey response efforts might impact the subject of hearing. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: October 12, 2017 o Anticipated Process: CIR will work internally at HUD and with OMB and the House Financial Services Committee in preparation for this hearing. o Nomination of Brian Montgomery to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Housing and FHA Commissioner. o Description: The White House nominated Brian Montgomery to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Housing and FHA Commissioner on Tuesday, September 12. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, amy.c.thompson@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Process: Brian is completing his questionnaire. Following clearance of questionnaire for transmittal to the Senate, after which CIR will work with the nominee to meet with Senators in advance of a hearing by the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. o Nomination of Hunter Kurtz to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. o Description: The White House nominated Hunter Kurtz to be HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing on Friday, September 15. o POC: Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, seth.d.appleton@hud.gov; Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, amy.c.thompson@hud.gov; Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Process: Hunter is completing his questionnaire. Following clearance of questionnaire for transmittal to the Senate, after which CIR will work with the nominee to meet HUD-17-0235-B-000595 with Senators in advance of a hearing by the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. o SOHUD Meetings with Members of Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees o Description: Secretary Carson will be meeting with Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committee members on housing finance reform. o POC: Mike Dendas, Senior Advisor for Legislative Affairs; michael.w.dendas@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: Meetings are currently underway. o Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs o Description: The 2014 HUD Appropriations Act made statutory changes to ease administrative burdens on public housing agencies (PHAs) and certain multifamily owners. HUD issued a proposed rule on January 6, 2015, to implement these statutory changes and to make additional regulatory changes arising out of stakeholder input asking for additional flexibilities in many HUD programs. In addition, the 2015 HUD Appropriations Act made statutory changes to how PHAs determine flat rents in public housing. HUD issued a September 8, 2015, interim rule to implement these changes. This final rule makes changes to the regulatory text as presented in the January 2015, proposed rule, and finalizes the regulatory changes contained in the September 2015 interim final rule. o POC: Danielle Bastarache, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policies, Programs and Legislative Initiatives, Office of Public and Indian Housing; danielle.l.bastarache@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The rule was cleared by the Office of Management and Budget on August 31, 2017. The rule is circulating within HUD for final approvals. The next step will be submission to HUD's Congressional authorizing committees for pre-publication review. Publication is anticipated in late September. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Rule to Amend the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards o Description: This proposed rule would amend the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (the Construction and Safety Standards) by adopting recommendations made to HUD by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). The National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (the Act) requires HUD to publish in the Federal Register any proposed revised Construction and Safety Standard submitted by the MHCC. The MHCC has prepared and submitted to HUD its third group of recommendations to improve various aspects of the Construction and Safety Standards. HUD has reviewed those proposals and has made editorial revisions to several of the proposals. (b) (5) As agreed upon, these recommendations are being published here to provide notice of the proposed revisions and an opportunity for public comment. o POC: Pamela Beck Danner, Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Office of Housing; pamela.b.danner@hud.gov o (b) (5) o (b) (5) HUD-17-0235-B-000596 o Notice Announcing the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Appointment of Members and Notice of Public Meeting o Description: This notice announces the appointment of the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC) members, gives notice of a one-day meeting and sets forth the proposed agenda of the first HCFAC meeting. The Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2016. The meeting is open to the public and is accessible to individuals with disabilities. o POC: Marjorie George, Housing Program Technical Specialist, Office of Housing Counseling, marjorie.a.george@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The Office of Housing has decided to postpone publication of this notice until November. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o East St. Louis Housing Authority (ESLHA) Receivership o Description: The draft transition was sent to OGC for concurrence on July 11, 2017. Advisory Committee will receive final training on Resident Services on July 20, 2017. o POC: Andrew Hughes, White House Liaison, andrew.hughes@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: A RAD conversion feasibility assessment is underway. Physical Inspections for the PHA are scheduled for July and August with an expedited PHAS score expected to be issued prior to transition. The next regular monthly meetings will be held at the ESLHA July 19 - 21, 2017. Proposed return to local governance: September 2017. o FY 2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) o Description: On July 14, the SNAPS Office published its FY 2017 CoC Program NOFA, which announced $2 billion available for the CoC Program along with the application process and scoring criteria that HUD will use to select applications for funding. CoCs will be able to submit applications for the following types of projects: new and renewal permanent housing, including rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing, renewal transitional housing, safe haven projects, new and renewal dedicated Homeless Management Information System, new and renewal coordinated entry, renewal supportive service only. o POC: Andrew Hughes, White House Liaison, andrew.hughes@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: Applications are due on September 28, 2017. o Notice Announcing Statutorily Mandated Designation of Difficult Development Areas and Qualified Census Tracts for 2018 o Description: This document designates "Difficult Development Areas" (DDAs) and "Qualified Census Tracts" (QCTs) for purposes of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 42, as enacted by the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) makes new DDA and QCT designations annually. o POC: Michael K. Hollar, Senior Economist, Office of Policy Development and Research, michael.k.hollar@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: The notice was published on September 11, 2017. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program: Announcement of Fee to Cover Credit Subsidy Costs o Description: This notice announces the fee that HUD will collect from borrowers of loans guaranteed under HUD's Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program (Section 108 Program) to offset the credit subsidy costs of the guaranteed loans pursuant to commitments awarded in FY 2018. o POC: Paul Webster, Director, Financial Management Division, Office of Community Planning and Development, paul.webster@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-000597 o Anticipated Date of Action: The package for final HUD approvals is circulating. Publication is anticipated in September. o Anticipated Process: Federal Register publication. o Puerto Rico Public Housing Authority o Description: HUD is planning to invoke paragraph 5 of its General Depository Agreement with Puerto Rico Public Housing Authority (PRPHA) banks, whereby HUD approval is required prior to any withdrawals. This action is designed to mitigate risk associated with the PROMESA bankruptcy-like proceedings, and has received concurrence from the Secretary's working group. o POC: Andrew Hughes, White House Liaison, andrew.hughes@hud.gov o Navajo Housing Authority o Description: After multiple offers and counteroffer's, Navajo Housing Authority (NHA) has offered to repay $26 million from current funds (HUD's previous offer was $31 million, to be repaid from future funds, over a 5-year period). NHA has appealed the administrative law judge's decision to have NHA return $96M in unspent funds to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. A decision from the 9th Circuit would not be expected until FFY 2018. The Court requested mediation discussions. o POC: Andrew Hughes, White House Liaison, andrew.hughes@hud.gov o HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Notice o Description: Public and Indian Housing published the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Notice on September 1, 2017 allowing PHAs partnering with their local VA facilities to register their interest in receiving $40M in new awards (approximately 5,500 new HUD-VASH vouchers). o POC: Becky Primeaux, Director, Public Housing Management and Occupancy Division, becky.l.primeaux@hud.gov o Anticipated Date of Action: PHAs must express interest by October 31, 2017. Awards are expected in December 2017. o Anticipated Process: Vouchers will be allocated to registered PHAs based on their local need and program capacity. HUD News and Opinion Pam Patenaude sworn in as HUD deputy secretary (HousingWire) Pamela Patenaude Sworn in as Deputy Secretary of HUD (DSNews) Patenaude Sworn in as Deputy HUD Secretary (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Making Trump's Government Reforms Stick (Government Executive) [PA] Q&A with Joe DeFelice, the HUD regional administrator from Mayfair (Plan Philly, PA) [MD] Kushner apartments charge improper fees, tenants allege in lawsuit (Baltimore Sun, MD) [MD] Lawsuit: Kushner Cos. charges illegal fees to its tenants (ABC News) [MD] Baltimore's 'Kushnerville' Tenants File Class Action Against Landlord (ProPublica) [MD] Kushner Family's Apartment Management Firm Is Sued Over Fees (Bloomberg) [MD] Md. lawsuit filed against Kushner company alleging 'fee churning' (WBAL tv 11, MD) [IL] Opinion | Voice of The Southern: Cairo's crisis isn't just Cairo's problem (The Southern, IL) [IL] Illinois senators call for help in Cairo following housing crisis (WPSD-TV Local 6, IL) HUD-17-0235-B-000598 [NV] Local officials and community members officially break ground on a new affordable housing development in Dayton, called Gold Canyon Estates. (KUNR, NV) [AZ] Tribal housing authority back in compliance with HUD (White Mountain Independent, AZ) [VI] HUD Announces Disaster Assistance for U.S.V.I. Storm Victims (St. Thomas Source, VI) Hurricane Sandy [NJ] Post-Sandy protections, education amid Monmouth U, Rumson partnership (Asbury Park Press, NJ) [NJ] Highland Park starts microgrid feasibility study (MyCentralJersey.com, NJ) Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Startup CEO Thinks Sale-Leaseback Could Take Bite Out of Reverse Mortgages (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Ginnie Mae Mortgage Firms Churning Refinance Loans to Veterans (Wall Street Journal) Ginnie chief vows tougher scrutiny of issuers after IG's criticism (National Mortgage Professional) HUD OIG Report Criticizes Ginnie Mae's Oversight of Non-Depository Issuers (Lexology) OIG Criticizes Ginnie Mae Oversight of Nonbanks (Mortgage News Daily) Home Ownership Homeowner tax relief looks vulnerable as industry breaks ranks (Politico) Home Builders Applaud Trump Tax Plan Even After Prior Concerns (Bloomberg Politics) Framework for Tax Reform 'Misses Goal' to Protect Homeowners: NAR (RISMedia) Despite Progress, States Have Work to do to Ensure Access to Affordable Rental Housing and Homeownership (Shelterforce) Beyond bleach: Mold a long-term problem after flooding and disasters (WTOP-AM 1500 Washington, DC) [NY] Queens Delta Airlines marks 10 years working with Habitat for Humanity NYC (NY1-TV, NY) [NJ] Trump tax plan would end key break for N.J. residents battered by high property taxes (NJ.com, NJ) [OH] Springfield Local Schools residents ask school board to drop property tax complaints (Toledo Blade, OH) [IL] Growth Corp. cuts ribbon of new housing, financial ed center (Quad-Cities Online: Dispatch-Argus, IL) [TX] Gateway Mortgage Group Partners with Texas Veterans Land Board (MarketWatch) [TX] Lawsuit says Army Corps should compensate homeowners for flooding their property with reservoir pools (Houston Chronicle, TX) [WA] Evergreen Habitat for Humanity to hold information sessions (Vancouver Columbian, WA) [CA] Fee and Tax Relief Offered to Mobile home/Manufactured Home Owners Who Have Never Obtained Title and Registration (MarketWatch) [CA] Why Rancho Cucamonga could be loaning one future homeowner as much as $95,000 (Ontario Inland Valley Bulletin, CA) Affordable Housing The Great Urban Myth: "Cities Can't Build Their Way To Affordable Housing" (Forbes) Tax Reform Framework Proposes to Retain the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Enterprise Community Partners) [CT] West Side blaze in Stamford begins in tiny illegal apartment (Connecticut Post, CT) [MA] Hanover looks to the future with housing forum (Quincy Patriot Ledger, MA) [MA] Cape Housing Institute Kicks Off in October (Cape Cod Today, MA) HUD-17-0235-B-000599 [NY] Planning Board OKs pair of low-income housing projects (Buffalo News, NY) [NY] Bronx Point to See 1000+ Units of Housing (Norwood News, NY) [NY] Mayor continues push for affordable housing in Buffalo (Time Warner Cable News - Buffalo NY, NY) [NY] Starwood to put former United Hospital site on the market (Westfair Online, NY) [NY] Mayor Brown hints of forthcoming mixed-income housing plan at conference (WBFO-FM, NY) [NY] Can't afford your rent? State, city trying to help (WKBW-TV ABC 7, Buffalo, NY) [NY] Affordable housing advocates focused on state and federal policy (Time Warner Cable News - Binghamton NY) [NJ] Montvale tables deal with Mercedes site developer (North Jersey.com, NJ) [NJ] Judge Rejects South Brunswick's Affordable Housing Appeal (New Brunswick Patch, NJ) [NJ] Franklin Council, developer reach settlement (New Jersey Herald, NJ) [NC] A $165 million government complex in Raleigh? One candidate for mayor says no way. (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) [FL] Irma's destruction of trailers challenges Keys' lifestyle (Washington Post) [AR] Senior living center in Fort Smith continuing to deal with city-caused water problems (Fort Smith Southwest Times Record, AR) [MN] Last-minute change possible for Ford-site plan: low-cost housing for the very poor (St. Paul Pioneer Press , MN) [MN] After significant tweaks, Minnetonka approves 49-unit affordable housing complex (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) [MN] St. Paul council approves sweeping plan to redevelop former Ford plant (St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN) [CO] Affordable housing project in Basalt will house teachers, workers in Pitkin County (Denver Post, CO) [CO] Loveland council considers changes to affordable housing incentive code (Loveland Reporter-Herald, CO) [CA] New form of affordable housing coming to the Central Coast (KION-TV CBS, CA) [CA] A solution to California's housing crisis -- reinstate redevelopment (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] County Planning Commission Approves Changes to Golden Inn & Village in Santa Ynez (Noozhawk, CA) [CA] S.F. Project Puts Families at the Center of Affordable Housing (Next City) Fair Housing Part 2: The fallout of the Bank of America vs. City of Miami decision (HousingWire) [NY] Court rules LI village engaged in housing discrimination (WABC-TV 7online.com, NY) [NY] Garden City accused of using zoning laws to discriminate against minorities (News 12, NY) [FL] Jupiter stabbings were at drug recovery center, HOA says (Palm Beach Post, FL) [MS] National Fair Housing Alliance settles race discrimination case with Mississippi real estate agents (HousingWire) Section 8 [NJ] Millville officials, residents score efforts on crime prevention (Vineland Daily Journal & Hammonton News, NJ) Homelessness [NY] Green Chimneys Childrens Services secures federal funding (Mid-Hudson News, NY) [NY] Community: The Youth Task Force has Launched the Be Counted, End Youth Homelessness Campaign (WBLK-FM 93.7, NY) [NY] De Blasio's 'homeless hotels' plan is way behind schedule (New York Post, NY) [NY] Housing First Symposium: Is housing a human right? (Rochester First, NY) HUD-17-0235-B-000600 [NY] Meyer Manor Neighbors fear 'transients' (Eagle News Online, NY) [NJ] Family Promise offers resources, hope to homeless (New Jersey Herald, NJ) [MD] Baltimore-Based Legal Group for Homeless Opens Montgomery Co. Office (Maryland Matters, MD) [FL] Friends mourn Good Samaritan shot and killed for defending homeless man (Orlando Sentinel, FL) [MO] Apartments for Mental Illness Patients Changing Lives (KOAM-TV CBS, KS) [IN] Will this finally reduce panhandling Downtown? (Indianapolis Star, IN) [WI] Editorial: Homeless bills still need Senate action (Wisconsin State Journal, WI) [TX] Beaumont man indicted in connection with homeless woman's death (Beaumont Enterprise, TX) [CO] Pueblo's 19th Annual Homeless Veteran Stand Down set for Friday (Pueblo Chieftain, CO) [CO] Hepatitis A cases surge in Colorado, El Paso County (Colorado Springs Gazette, CO) [WA] Open House opening hearts and doors (Vancouver Columbian, WA) [CA] City approves year-round homeless shelter on Drayton Street (Santa Clarita Valley Signal, CA) [CA] City Controller: LA should step up enforcement to stop growth of homeless encampments (Los Angeles Daily News, CA) [CA] Hepatitis A outbreak is San Diego's Katrina as urgency underscores a slow initial response (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] San Diego expands sidewalk cleaning to fight hep A outbreak (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] Hilton Gives Millions to Fight L.A. Homelessness (San Fernando Valley Business Journal, CA) [CA] San Diego mayor agreed to homeless hub, then delayed, advocates say (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] SF sends alerts, opens cooling centers for 80-plus degree heat (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] L.A. controller says city should open emergency homeless campgrounds and shelters (Los Angeles Times) [HI] Honolulu auditor criticizes city's homelessness initiatives (McClatchy Washington Bureau, DC) Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [CT] Judge encouraged by update of Thames River progress (New London Day -theday.com, CT) [NY] Urban Upbounds Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (Western Queens Gazette, NY) [NY] Bed bugs becoming big problem in Ogdensburg (WWTI-TV ABC 50, Watertown, NY) [NY] NYCHA Responds to Our Article About Crime Victims Seeking New Apartments (City Limits, New York, NY) [NY] Developer accuses Newburgh of reneging on deal, seeks new vote on letter (Middletown Times Herald-Record, NY) [NJ] Hoboken's Carmelo Garcia appointed acting director of housing agency in Newark (Hudson Reporter, NJ) [NJ] New homes to rise where Montgomery Gardens was demolished (NJ.com, NJ) [FL] Still more issues with Tampa Housing Authority (WTSP-TV 10 News, Tampa, FL) [IN] Bloomington Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist Opens October 3 (WBIW-AM, IN) [MN] Metro Transit will offer $1 fare for low-income riders (St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN) [AZ] Eloy gives back land to housing authority (Pinal Central, AZ) [MT] Veteran's supportive housing beds secured for another year in Missoula (KPAX-TV 8 Missoula, MT) [CA] American Indian Health Poised to Take Over Army Reserve (Santa Barbara Independent, CA) [VI] Tutu Hi-Rise residents surviving day by day (Virgin Islands Daily News, VI) Sustainability HUD-17-0235-B-000601 The Suburb of the Future, Almost Here (Save Marinwood-Lucas Valley, CA) FBI, SEC looking into PACE lender Renovate America (HousingWire) [TX] Houston may not have an exodus, but it does face 'moment of truth' (Houston Chronicle, TX) Community Planning and Development (CPD) America's Most and Least Distressed Cities (The Atlantic CityLab) [ME] Senators Collins, King Announce Maine Tribes Receive $1.2 Million in Community Development Grants (WAGM-TV CBS, ME) [NJ] Long Branch OKs $20M for Pier Village expansion (Asbury Park Press, NJ) [NJ] Celebrating 40 years of economic revitalization in Elizabeth (FiOS1 New Jersey, NJ) [TN] Huntland to receive grant for much needed sewer system (Herald-Chronicle, TN) [LA] Council voting on Broome's revised plan to shake up three city-parish agencies (Baton Rouge Business Report, LA) [MI] 14 Michigan communities awarded water system fix-up funds (Crain's Detroit Business, MI) [TX] City of Amarillo: Community Development Offers Junk and Debris Assistance (KCIT-TV Myhighplains, Amarillo, TX) [TX] Preserving Westside Homes in the 'Decade of the Neighborhood' (The Rivard Report, TX) [TX] Final decision on NELCDC coming Thursday (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX) [MN] St. Paul City Council expected to vote Wednesday on divisive Ford site plan (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) [CA] Goleta City Council Sends Westar Development Back to the Drawing Board (Santa Barbara Independent, CA) National News The GOP tax plan, explained in simplest possible terms (Washington Post) Six Takeaways From The New GOP Tax Plan: First Off, It's Not A Plan (Forbes) Trump, Republicans Unveil Tax Reform Blueprint (U.S. News & World Report) Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades (New York Times) GOP tax plan short on details (Politico) GOP proposes deep tax cuts, provides few details on how to pay for them (Washington Post) GOP Tax Framework: 20 Percent Corporate, 35 Percent Top Individual Rates (Roll Call) GOP Tax Overhaul Aims for Corporate Cuts, Simpler Code (Wall Street Journal) Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump (New York Times) How President Trump's tax plan affects you, and what we still don't know about it (USA Today) Quick reaction: Trump officially rolls out Republican tax plan (HousingWire) There are still huge parts missing from the newest Trump tax plan (Business Insider) Trump pitches tax cut as 'middle class miracle' (Washington Post) Trump proposal slashes taxes on businesses, the rich; fuels deficit worries (Reuters) Rep. Levin blasts Republican tax plan (Detroit Free Press, MI) This is the most important point in the GOP tax-reform plan (CNBC) Trump's new tax plan shows how unserious Republicans are about governing (Washington Post) Tax Reform, If You Can Keep It (Wall Street Journal) Home-contract signings tumble to near 2-year low (MarketWatch) MBA: Mortgage applications post little movement (HousingWire) HUD-17-0235-B-000602 NAR: Persistent, slow home sales mean housing market is now "essentially stalled" (HousingWire) Pending home sales drop 2.6% in August; Top Realtors economist warns housing market 'stalled' (CNBC) Pending home sales slip to 19-month low in August (The Hill) U.S. pending home sales drop 2.6 percent in August (Reuters) U.S. Pending Home Sales Fell in August (Wall Street Journal) Pending Home Sales in U.S. Decline by Most Since January (Bloomberg) U.S. Families' Wealth, Incomes Rose, Fed Survey Says (Wall Street Journal) Minorities and Americans without college degrees showed greatest gains in wealth since 2013, new data says (Washington Post) U.S. Growth Starts to Help More People, But Wealthiest Win Most (Bloomberg Markets) Editorial: Equifax breach shows need for consumer protections (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) Equifax, other credit rating firms should prepare for 'a different regime,' Washington regulator warns (Washington Post) Big changes coming for credit firms in wake of Equifax hack, CFPB director says (CNBC) Senate mulls arbitration bill despite Equifax about-face (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Equifax, other credit-reporting firms, face onsite monitors - watchdog (Reuters) The real problem with credit reports is the astounding number of errors (CNBC) U.S. credit reporting firms need tougher oversight: watchdog (Reuters) Dems wield Equifax, Wells Fargo in fight over arbitration (Charlotte Observer, NC) Senate Democrats blast GOP plans to repeal consumer rule (Washington Times, DC) Fannie-Freddie Overhaul Near Do-or-Die as Corker Steps Away (Washington Post) Americans say labor market is getting worse (HousingWire) CFPB penalizes title company over RESPA steering (American Banker) CFPB slaps Meridian Title with enforcement action over RESPA violation (HousingWire) One-third of American households can't afford food, shelter or medical care (MarketWatch) [PA] Midstate rent prices outpacing home values (Central Penn Business Journal, PA) [PA] 5 takeaways on the GOP's tax reform plan (Allentown Morning Call, PA) [FL] Commissioner: Could Miami-Dade have done more for residents after Hurricane Irma? In my opinion, yes (Miami Herald, FL) [TX] Harvey, Irma expected to slow 2017 home sales (Houston Chronicle, TX) [WA] U.S. pending home sales fell 2.6 percent in August (Spokane Spokesman-Review, WA) [CA] San Francisco sues Equifax over massive data breach (HousingWire) [CA] Trump, GOP tax plan has a lot for businesses to like, but Californians could take a big hit (Los Angeles Times) [CA] Businesses to benefit more than individuals from Republican tax plan (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] Trump's tax overhaul could hurt many Californians (McClatchy Washington Bureau, DC) [PR] Trump administration rushes military assets to Puerto Rico amid growing crisis (Washington Post) [VI] In the Virgin Islands, Hurricane Maria Drowned What Irma Didn't Destroy (New York Times) Headlines The Washington Post HUD-17-0235-B-000603 The New York Times The Wall Street Journal ABC News NBC News CBS News Washington Schedule President Vice President Senate House of Representatives Editorial Note: This Brief represents summarized content - click on the hyperlink to access full-text articles for these news summaries. HUD News and Opinion Pam Patenaude sworn in as HUD deputy secretary (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Brena Swanson) Welcome aboard to the second-in-command at HUD Vice President Mike Pence administered the oath of office to Pam Patenaude Tuesday night, officially locking her in as the new deputy secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. According to HUD's announcement on Patenaude, "As HUD's second-ranking official, Deputy Secretary Patenaude will lead the Department's Disaster Management Group and will play a primary leadership and operational role in coordinating the long-term recovery efforts following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria." In her position, she will direct 16 programs and support offices within HUD to help state and local governments design and execute their recovery plans to rebuild damaged housing, businesses and critical infrastructure. The picture below is of Pence and Pam Patenaude, along with her daughter, Meghan Patenaude, holding the bible. Sitting under the leadership of HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Patenaude will take over the true position of power at HUD, as Carson, like many other Cabinet positions, will handle the public facing obligations of the department, which includes conducting meetings with housing leaders around the country, listening to local concerns, and celebrating milestones. "At this moment when so many of our citizens are suffering, Pam will bring strong leadership when we need her most," HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement on her confirmation. "Pam's extensive housing and community development experience will be invaluable as we embark upon the long road to recovery for communities hard-hit by disaster and I'm grateful the Senate confirmed her nomination." While she was sworn in on Tuesday, Senate voted to confirm Patenaude on Sept. 14 to serve as the next deputy secretary of HUD. As was the case throughout her nomination process, the housing industry was quick to praise the Senate confirmation of Patenaude. HUD-17-0235-B-000604 Pamela Patenaude Sworn in as Deputy Secretary of HUD (DSNews) DSNews (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Nicole Casperson) Pamela Hughes Patenaude has been announced as the new Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Following her confirmation by the U.S. Senate on September 14th, Vice President Mike Pence administered the oath of office to Patenaude Tuesday evening. In her role as Deputy Secretary, HUD's second-ranking official behind Secretary Ben Carson, Patenaude will lead the Department's Disaster Management Group and play a primary leadership and operational role in coordinating recovery efforts following the recent hurricanes, according to the release. Patenaude will direct 16 program and support offices within HUD in order to assist state and local governments design and execute their recovery plans to rebuild damaged housing, business, and infrastructure. Patenaude's role as Deputy Secretary will be the second time she's served a pivotal role in the agency's work. Under the administration of George W. Bush, she held the title of Assistant Secretary of Field Policy Management, where she oversaw the long-term goals of HUD, as well as managed relief efforts in the wake of both Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. "At this moment when so many of our citizens are suffering, Pam will bring strong leadership when we need her most," said U.S. Secretary Dr. Ben Carson after Patenaude's confirmation earlier this month. "Pam's extensive housing and community development experience will be invaluable as we embark upon the long road to recovery for communities hard-hit by disaster and I'm grateful the Senate confirmed her nomination." Patenaude Sworn in as Deputy HUD Secretary (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Reverse Mortgage Daily (9/27/2017 7:13 PM, Alex Spanko) Pamela Patenaude was sworn in as deputy secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development on Wednesday, ending an extended vacancy at the position and filling out the department's senior ranks. Vice President Mike Pence presided over the ceremony in Washington, with Patenaude's daughter Meghan holding the bible. Patenaude had previously served as the assistant secretary for community planning and development in George W. Bush's HUD, and most recently worked as the president of the J. Ronald Terwilliger Foundation for Housing America's Families, a nonprofit that focuses on affordable rental housing. The Senate confirmed Patenaude's nomination on September 14, nearly five months after President Trump announced his intention to nominate her for the position. The newly-minted deputy secretary will focus on coordinating relief efforts in the wakes of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, HUD said in a release announcing Patenaude's swearing-in; while working in the second Bush administration, Patenaude helped lead recovery efforts after hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, according to HUD. The executive team at HUD is slowly filling up after an extended period with just secretary Ben Carson in charge: In addition to Patenaude taking her post in the deputy's chair, the Trump administration earlier this month announced its intention to nominate former FHA commissioner Brian Montgomery for a second tour of duty at the position. That position also comes with the title of assistant secretary of housing and urban development. Making Trump's Government Reforms Stick (Government Executive) Government Executive (9/27/2017 1:59 PM, Fred Panzer & Anna Weldon) Under President Trump's Executive Order on a Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch, all agencies are to submit reform plans by the end of this week. The administration's aim is to make agencies more efficient, effective and accountable. Unfortunately, many government employees have little experience with the level of reform the president mandated. In early August, The Center for Organizational Excellence held a reform summit designed to help agencies prepare for the HUD-17-0235-B-000605 initiative. Three of the panelists -- Bridgette Garchek Stone, deputy director of program analysis and evaluation in Office of the Chief Financial Officer at Homeland Security; David Eagles, chief operating officer at Housing and Urban Development; and Joseph Loddo, chief operating officer at the Small Business Administration -- commented on a key concern for reform: Now is the time for agencies to think about long-term systemic reform, and to accomplish this, agencies must consider how plans will be enforced and sustained. Sustainability of reform will encompass a variety of factors, they noted: clarity of vision, execution skills, and support from employees and lawmakers, among others. According to Stone, agency leaders are taking the long view with comprehensive plans, and the panelists agreed that leaders appear committed and decisive, which will bode well for ensuring the right attention is placed on the initiatives over time. [PA] Q&A with Joe DeFelice, the HUD regional administrator from Mayfair (Plan Philly, PA) Plan Philly (9/27/2017 5:58 AM, Jake Blumgart) When former Philadelphia Republican Party chair Joe DeFelice became the HUD regional administrator for the Mid-Atlantic region, it raised some eyebrows among skeptics. What does Trump's "hype man" in Philadelphia know about housing? But political operatives like DeFelice, as opposed to policy experts, are standard appointees for these local leadership positions. HUD regional administrators are the liaisons between Washington headquarters and the local politicians who are trying to wrangle regulations and funding from D.C. The regional administration are among the most political jobs in the agency, after the Secretary and Deputy Secretary at headquarters, so former politicians are often tapped for the role. Mayors, county executives, state legislators, or city council members are all usual candidates. DeFelice never held elected office, but he's held top jobs at the Mayfair Civic Association and the Mayfair Community Development Corporation,in addition to lengthy tenure in the leadership of the Philadelphia Republican Party. Like most CDCs, DeFelice's organization made use of Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other funding streams from HUD to improve storefronts and develop housing in Mayfair. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the head of one big city housing authority outside DeFelice's Region III said he seems like a standard choice for the position. By all accounts, the 250 rank-and-file HUD employees in Philadelphia met his appointment with equanimity. That's in contrast to the reaction to Ben Carson's appointment as secretary of the entire agency, or to their counterparts in Fort Worth -- where the Region VI administration made her name fretting about Sharia law -- or New York, where Eric Trump's wedding planner took over the Region II offices. District III includes West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C., and all of Pennsylvania. Since taking over as Region III administrator, DeFelice has spent a lot of time on the road meeting with mayors in his expansive jurisdiction. PlanPhilly caught up with him after Secretary Ben Carson's visit to Philadelphia and before he embarked upon a counterclockwise tour through Pennsylvania to tour the housing authorities he hadn't yet visited. [Editorial note: INTERVIEW at source] [MD] Kushner apartments charge improper fees, tenants allege in lawsuit (Baltimore Sun, MD) Baltimore Sun (9/27/2017 11:40 AM, Doug Donovan) VIDEO. Baltimore-area tenants of the apartment company owned by Jared Kushner, son-in-law and adviser to President Donald J. Trump, filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging the firm has been charging improper fees and threatening eviction to force payment. The two tenants who filed the lawsuit in Baltimore Circuit Court Wednesday morning are Tenae Smith, who lives in the Dutch Village apartments in Northeast Baltimore, and Howard Smith, who lives in the Carroll Park apartments in Middle River. The tenants are asking the court to certify the lawsuit as a class action on behalf of all tenants living in the 17 apartment complexes in Maryland owned by the Kushner Cos. and managed by its affiliate, Westminster Management. Units owned by the Kushner Cos. generate at least $90 million in revenue annually, according to offering circulars from mortgage giant Freddie Mac obtained by The Sun, and at least $30 million in profit, according to financing documents provided to investors HUD-17-0235-B-000606 who hold the mortgages. Three of the portfolio's apartment complexes -- Dutch Village in Northeast Baltimore, Carriage Hill in Randallstown and Highland Village in Lansdowne -- have received $6.1 million in federal rental subsidies since Jan. 1, 2015, according to records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. That's money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that helps the poor pay rent. The Housing Choice vouchers from HUD have helped 268 tenants pay rent at the Kushner properties, finance records show. Congressional Democrats from Maryland asked Westminster Management last month for thousands of pages of documents to review. In a letter to the company, Sens. Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen and Reps. Elijah E. Cummings, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes and Anthony Brown told Kushner's firm that it must abide by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations because its tenants receive federal rental subsidies through the Housing Choice voucher program. [MD] Lawsuit: Kushner Cos. charges illegal fees to its tenants (ABC News) ABC News (9/27/2017 12:36 PM, Bernard Condon and Juliet Linderman, Associated Press) The real estate company run by the family of Jared Kushner is being sued by two tenants in Maryland for allegedly adding excessive and illegal fees to their rent. The lawsuit filed Wednesday in the Circuit Court of Baltimore alleges that businesses owned by the Kushner Cos. have been charging 5 percent late payments, not just for what they claim to be late rent, but also to larger amounts that include "agent fees" and "court fees" in violation of Maryland law. The lawsuit describes the charges as part of a "fee churning scheme" that keeps renters under constant fear of eviction, and guessing as to what they owe. The lawsuit is seeking class action status. The Kushner Cos. did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The suit was filed on behalf of Tenae Smith, a mother of two living in Dutch Village apartments, and Howard Smith, who lives in Carroll Park Apartments in Baltimore County. The complexes are managed by Westminster Management, a subsidiary of Kushner Cos., which is also an owner under various other names. [MD] Baltimore's 'Kushnerville' Tenants File Class Action Against Landlord (ProPublica) ProPublica (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Alec MacGillis) Tenants allege that a property management firm controlled by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner's real-estate company has unjustly charged them fees and threatened eviction to make them pay up. Tenants of the Baltimore-area apartment complexes owned by Jared Kushner's real-estate company have brought a class-action lawsuit against the firm's property management arm over its aggressive pursuit of tenants for allegedly unpaid rent. The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Circuit Court for Baltimore City, alleges that the management company and related corporate entities have been improperly inflating payments owed by tenants by charging them late fees that are often unfounded and court fees that are not actually approved by any court. This, the lawsuit charges, sets in motion a vicious cycle in which tenants' rent payments are partly assessed toward the fees instead of the actual rent owed, thus deeming the tenant once again "late" on his or her rent payment, leading to yet more late fees and court fees. Making matters worse, the 5 percent late fees are frequently assessed on principal that includes allegedly unpaid fees, not just the rent itself. Tenants are pressured to pay the snowballing bills with immediate threat of eviction, the suit alleges. "The routine practice of charging tenants illegal fees combined with filing eviction proceedings against tenants who have paid their rent on time is predatory and destructive to hard-working Marylanders and their families. This is yet another example of corporations profiting from deceptive policies," said Chelsea Ortega of Santoni, Vocci & Ortega, a Baltimore-area firm that has HUD-17-0235-B-000607 also brought class-action suits for similar "fee-churning" practices against two other large property management companies in the area. In this case, the firm is working with Brown Goldstein & Levy, a Baltimore firm specializing in civil rights cases, and the Public Justice Center, a civil legal aid office based in Baltimore that has also brought cases against area landlords over similar practices. A spokesman for the Kushner Companies declined to comment on the particulars of the lawsuit. "We will respond to the complaint at the appropriate time in the legal proceedings," he said. [MD] Kushner Family's Apartment Management Firm Is Sued Over Fees (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Andrew M Harris and Caleb Melby) A rental apartment management firm run by presidential adviser Jared Kushner's family has been sued by two Baltimore tenants claiming it's charging illegal fees on top of the monthly rent, then threatening to evict them if they don't pay. Their lawsuit against Westminster Management LLC was filed Wednesday morning at a Baltimore city court. Kushner, who is the president's son-in-law and a senior White House adviser, isn't a named defendant in the proposed class action. Westminster Management is a unit of the Kushner Cos., a family-run New York-based business that owns, manages and develops properties nationwide. Before joining the administration, Jared Kushner was chief executive officer of the Kushner Cos. Kushner, who is married to Trump's daughter, Ivanka, divested his interest in his family's business when he joined the administration. He has been a central figure in the ongoing probes of whether the president's election campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the outcome of last year's election. "Westminster charges each tenant who it claims paid rent late a 5% late fee as well as an 'agent fee' and 'court fee' before the court has even heard the eviction action," according to a statement issued by the attorneys who filed the suit, on behalf of tenants Tenae Smith and Howard Smith. "Contrary to Maryland law, Westminster claims that these fees are 'rent' and thus collectible under threat of eviction." [MD] Md. lawsuit filed against Kushner company alleging 'fee churning' (WBAL tv 11, MD) WBAL TV 11 (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Jayne Miller) VIDEO. BALTIMORE -- Two Baltimore-area tenants have filed a class-action lawsuit against companies owned by the president's son-in-law. Jared Kushner's companies own thousands of apartments in the Baltimore area. The lawsuit was filed against Westminster Management, JK2 Westminster, Dutch Village and Carroll Park Holdings. The complaint alleges that the company charges illegal and excessive fees when a tenant is late with the rent. Tenae Smith is a tenant at the Dutch Village Apartments in northeast Baltimore, where she has lived since 2009. She's now a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against the landlord, a company owned by Kushner. "Ten (dollars) to $30 may not seem like a whole lot, but when you are living paycheck to paycheck and trying to raise a family, that's the difference between putting gas in my car or buying a meal for my family," Smith said. The lawsuit alleges that it starts with a 5 percent late fee, which is standard and permitted, but then tenants get slapped with a $10 agent fee and a $30 summons or court fee. [IL] Opinion | Voice of The Southern: Cairo's crisis isn't just Cairo's problem (The Southern, IL) The Southern (9/27/2017 7:00 AM, Editorial Board) On Saturday, The Southern is going to host a public conversation about its ongoing coverage of the public housing crisis in Cairo. The program will be at 3 p.m. at The Varsity Center in Carbondale. The Phonics, a Cairo-based band, will take the stage HUD-17-0235-B-000608 afterward at 7:30 p.m. So, why are we hosting this discussion now? And why is it in Carbondale, and not in Cairo? First, our mission here is to be an advocate for positive change in the communities we serve. Holding this event at a great, historic venue like The Varsity Center helps with that -- it's centralized in a large community, and it can accommodate a large crowd. We may at some point host a similar public forum in Cairo -- we were in the planning stages for such an event in April, when the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it would be razing the troubled Elmwood and McBride apartment buildings. That announcement put the entirety of Cairo into a lurch, and we (like everyone in Cairo) had to adjust accordingly. The housing and economic crisis in Cairo doesn't just affect Cairo. It affects Southern Illinois as a whole. [IL] Illinois senators call for help in Cairo following housing crisis (WPSD-TV Local 6, IL) WPSD-TV Local 6 (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Rachael Krause) CAIRO, IL - A call to help a local community comes from Illinois Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin. The pair sent a letter to President Donald Trump over the housing and economic crisis in Cairo, Illinois. In April, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it would tear down the Elmwood and McBride housing complexes and with them, the homes of roughly 200 families. Some residents worry the senators' call to action may be too late. It's quiet these days outside Elmwood and McBride in Cairo. Since HUD's announcement in April, there are fewer people around. Cooking up burgers and fries from his kitchen, Timothy Brown Jr. said it's still a shock that his home here will be demolished. "Kind of makes you feel kind of disturbed, but it's like you're helpless. Nothing else you can do, what can you do except try to move on, try to hustle before they break it down?" he said. Brown said maintenance at the complexes has gone from bad to worse since the HUD announcement was made. "It's like these apartments haven't been fixed in I don't know how long. Yeah, they just paint over the holes, keep it going," he said. When Elmwood and McBride are torn down, there will be little to no public housing in town for residents displaced by the demolition. Many will move out of the area, even out of state, to find new places to live. HUD has said it will provide vouchers and moving assistance to help them, but the process has been slow. Many said they don't want to leave the community at all. In response to the housing crisis, both Illinois senators are calling on Trump to create a cabinet-level task force, saying in their letter that, because the federal government helped create the economic issues in Cairo, the federal government should help rebuild the community. With 38 families already gone and more set to leave with HUD vouchers, Brown said it's a little late now. They should have been there sooner. "I feel like the federal government should have been helping people out here. I feel like everywhere else gets help. Why is Cairo missing?" he said. With public housing in decent shape up the road in Tamms, Illinois, and down in Wickliffe, Kentucky, Brown questions why Cairo housing fell into rough shape and why no one has been willing to improve it. While many of his neighbors want to stay in Cairo, Brown said he and his family will move to Cape Girardeau, Missouri. "Yeah, we planning on getting up out of here. If people are staying, they're moving to houses around here. But you ain't going to be out here. Where you gonna' stay? You know, when they knock the buildings down, where you going to live?" he said. HUD-17-0235-B-000609 With the town's housing and future uncertain, he said there's one thing he's sure of: It can't get any worse. HUD spokesperson Jereon Brown said the department took over for the Alexander County Housing Authority after years of mismanagement and a lack of maintenance. He said they should have taken over sooner, but added that housing alone will not change the economic environment in Cairo. He said development typically comes from the state or the community. [NV] Local officials and community members officially break ground on a new affordable housing development in Dayton, called Gold Canyon Estates. (KUNR, NV) KUNR (9/27/2017 3:57 PM, Noah Glick) AUDIO. It's a cold and cloudy day in Dayton, and ominous skies overhead are showing signs of looming rain. That didn't stop the approximately two dozen developers, contractors and local leaders from breaking ground on the area's newest affordable housing development: The Gold Canyon Estates. The project is set to add 125 housing units to the area over the next three years, consisting of single-family homes, townhouses and apartments. "This is a step, but a small step, but a first step for Lyon County. We already provide some programs here, but this is one, this development will help people buy homes," says Gary Longaker, executive director of the Nevada Rural Housing Authority. His organization provides financial support to potential buyers through down payment assistance and mortgage reductions. According to real estate website Zillow, the median home price in Dayton is more than $241,000. The market value of a new home at Gold Canyon Estates is estimated at $280,000. Tony Ramirez is the Reno director of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. He says while this project is beneficial to home buyers, the overall housing situation remains challenging for developers. One of the ways this project is cutting these development costs is by building with structural insulated panels, or SIP. That means homes are constructed offsite with panels made from insulated foam core and essentially plywood, rather than being built on-site with two-by-fours and fiberglass insulation. Residential Architect magazine says the SIP method takes less time to build and provides more energy efficiency. But industry adoption is slow, and there are questions about the panels' long-term durability. David Adame is the President and CEO of Chicanos Por La Causa, one of the nation's largest Hispanic nonprofits, and the developer behind this project. "At the end of the day, it's about a house that looks like any other house. And by saving the money, you're providing the opportunity for people to be able to afford to buy these houses," he says. Eddie Hult is the Nevada development director for the organization. Hult says for more affordable housing developments to take place, especially in rural Nevada, builders need to be willing to take a little less, more lenders need to get involved and prices for water rights, permit fees and other entitlements need to go down. [AZ] Tribal housing authority back in compliance with HUD (White Mountain Independent, AZ) White Mountain Independent (9/26/2017 2:50 PM, Michael Johnson) The White Mountain Apache Housing Authority is back on good footing with the Office of the Inspector General. Three years after the OIG found that it misspent millions of federal dollars on entertainment, gift certificates and other improper items that placed its finances in such bad shape that it was considered for receivership, WMAHA has returned to compliance and is no longer under an enforcement action by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "WMAHA can once again focus its energy completely on providing and maintaining affordable housing for low-income tribal members," said Anthony Lee, general counsel for WMAHA. "We've really got a good program going. This is a huge deal for us and we're really proud of the accomplishments made. The board supports what we are doing and is happy with where we're at right now." The tribal housing authority also received notice Sept. 18 that it will receive a $2.5 million Indian Community Development Block Grant, which Lee said will be used to rehabilitate homes in the Whiteriver area. "Receiving these funds was due, in part, to WMAHA being current on its financial audits," he said. [VI] HUD Announces Disaster Assistance for U.S.V.I. Storm Victims (St. Thomas Source, VI) St. Thomas Source (9/27/2017 8:54 PM, St. Thomas Source) HUD-17-0235-B-000610 U.S. Housing and Urban Development today announced it will speed federal disaster assistance to the U.S. Virgin Islands and provide support to homeowners and low-income renters forced from their homes due to Hurricane Maria. Today, President Trump issued a major disaster declaration for St. Croix Island. Trump's declaration allows HUD to offer foreclosure relief and other assistance to certain families living on the island. HUD is: Granting immediate foreclosure relief: HUD granted a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures and forbearance on foreclosures of Federal Housing Administration (FHA): insured home mortgages. There are approximately 593 FHA-insured U.S. Virgin Islands homeowners living in these impacted islands. Making mortgage insurance available: HUD's Section 203(h) program provides FHA insurance to disaster victims who have lost their homes and are facing the daunting task of rebuilding or buying another home. Borrowers from participating FHA-approved lenders are eligible for 100 percent financing, including closing costs; Making insurance available for both mortgages and home rehabilitation: HUD's Section 203(k) loan program enables those who have lost their homes to finance the purchase or refinance of a house along with its repair through a single mortgage. It also allows homeowners who have damaged houses to finance the rehabilitation of their existing singlefamily home; Hurricane Sandy [NJ] Post-Sandy protections, education amid Monmouth U, Rumson partnership (Asbury Park Press, NJ) Asbury Park Press (9/27/2017 8:15 AM, Amanda Oglesby) VIDEO. RUMSON -- The building is a sewer pumping station now, but its future is more grandiose. This one-story brick structure along the banks of the Navesink River is the future home of the Monmouth Marine and Environmental Field Station, a joint project by Monmouth University and Rumson. The field station will be a place not only for university students to study marsh and brackish environments up close and have access to New Jersey's varies waterways, but will be a facility that furthers research to help the entire community. "While Monmouth University is first and foremost an educational institution, it also has a critical public service mission," university president Grey J. Dimenna said Tuesday evening during a gathering of school officials and local dignitaries. [NJ] Highland Park starts microgrid feasibility study (MyCentralJersey.com, NJ) MyCentralJersey.com (9/27/2017 3:25 PM, Susan Loyer) The borough kicked off a microgrid feasibility study Wednesday. The proposed microgrid, titled Being Resilient in Temporary Emergencies, would connect eight critical facilities making them more resilient to major storms and allowing them to remain operational during widespread power outages. The board established the microgrid feasibility study program to fund 13 applications at a total cost of $2,052,480, the statement said. The program was developed to provide incentives for local and state government agencies to study the feasibility of Town Center DER microgrids. Microgrids are mini grids powered by on-site distributed generation that provide electric, heat and cooling to critical facilities such as a hospital, public safety headquarters, town halls, schools and other buildings that can serve as emergency shelters during a crisis that are located in a small geographic area. These smaller grids, operating on their own, "islanded" from the main power grid, can separate and protect themselves from any problems with the main grid and keep vital services in place. State Board of Public Utilities (BPU) President Richard S. Mroz spoke about the impact of superstorm Sandy on communities. He said New Jersey has to prepare for such weather-related events. The feasibility study "Will explore how locally we can ensure HUD-17-0235-B-000611 resilience by having a microgrid up and running if there is that larger outage of the grid," Mroz said, adding that he looks forward to working with the borough. Mayor Gayle Brill Mittler recalled the power outages experienced as a result of Sandy and a fire in the Edison PSE&G substation. She said she is "thrilled" that New Jersey is studying ways for communities to be prepared in case of emergencies. Highland Park's application examines the potential of connecting Borough Hall to such offices as the police and fire stations, the senior center, the senior housing building, the Housing Authority, Bartle School and Board of Education offices. Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Startup CEO Thinks Sale-Leaseback Could Take Bite Out of Reverse Mortgages (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Reverse Mortgage Daily (9/27/2017 7:13 PM, Alex Spanko) Just in time for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage industry to grapple with a new set of government regulations, a startup promises to allow seniors to release more of their home equity with none of the red tape. EasyKnock, founded in the summer of 2016, launched its residential sale-leaseback program this week, providing a platform that matches potential real-estate investors with homeowners looking to cash out. The idea takes a cue from the world of commercial real estate, where such transactions are common: A management company that runs office buildings or nursing homes sells its properties to an investor, such as a real estate investment trust, but continues to run the day-to-day operations while paying the new owners rent. The concept is less common among homeowners, but EasyKnock CEO Jarred Kessler thinks it's uniquely positioned to take over some market share from the more common reverse mortgage. "For us, it's just much simpler. We don't have to create regulation around it. It's not a home equity product. We're essentially selling someone's home, and then we're finding an investor to be their landlord," Kessler told RMD. Kessler pointed to the rise of single-family rentals, or SFRs, as a key type of investment property, noting the recent mega-merger between top players Invitation Homes, Inc. and Starwood Waypoint - which together control about 82,000 rental-home properties, according to MarketWatch. "There's a huge push in the marketplace of people looking for income-producing properties," Kessler said. EasyKnock works as a sort of clearinghouse, allowing investors to search for people looking for a sale-leaseback arrangement and vice versa. As compared to the HECM, which only allows homeowners to tap into a portion of their home equity, the New York City-based company's arrangements allow consumers to convert all of their equity to cash immediately, minus a 1.5% commission. As for a potential situation in which a newfound tenant finds himself priced out of a property he once owned after a couple of years, Kessler said investors and their new tenants are encouraged to sign long-term leases, with a minimum of at least one year. "For both sides, the longer the better," Kessler said. Ginnie Mae Mortgage Firms Churning Refinance Loans to Veterans (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (9/27/2017 9:08 AM, Christina Rexrode) Ginnie Mae and the VA are targeting some lenders for pushing loans that rack up thousands in fees A government agency is targeting lenders who aggressively push military veterans to refinance their home loans, leading the borrowers in some cases to rack up thousands of dollars in unnecessary fees. Ginnie Mae, the government-owned corporation that guarantees certain mortgage securities, said it is planning to discuss with at least half a dozen lenders their refinance practices. It is also contemplating civil legal action against some lenders, and recently has formed a "Lender Abuse Task Force" with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Michael Bright, Ginnie Mae's acting president, said in an interview that the consequences of refinance "churning"--where loans HUD-17-0235-B-000612 are refinanced more often than normal, usually at no benefit to the borrower--have rippled across the mortgage ecosystem. This creates uncertainty for investors and higher prices for many borrowers, he added. Ginnie Mae this year instituted new rules to curb rapid refinancing, including telling lenders that in some cases they would have to wait until a loan was at least six months old before refinancing it. But Mr. Bright said in a recent letter to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D, Ma.) that some lenders are intentionally trying to evade efforts meant to curb churning. Ginnie chief vows tougher scrutiny of issuers after IG's criticism (National Mortgage Professional) National Mortgage Professional (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Bonnie Sinnock) Ginnie Mae pledged to vet issuers more thoroughly after a government watchdog criticized its exposure to risks posed by nonbanks. A report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development's inspector general took Ginnie to task for inadequate management of the growing number of nonbanks among its issuers. But banks and nonbanks alike will be watched more closely, said Michael Bright, the acting president of Ginnie. "We want more information from the issuers who are our counterparties," Bright said. Nonbanks, unlike banks, tend to operate monoline mortgage business and rely more on third-party financing because they lack balance sheets and deposits, and could in some cases "see liquidity dry up faster than a diversified bank," Bright said. But "banks can go under, too," he said. HUD OIG Report Criticizes Ginnie Mae's Oversight of Non-Depository Issuers (Lexology) Lexology (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Mayer Brown LLP) You get what you pay for. Ginnie Mae's continual requests for increased funding to hire more staff have fallen on deaf ears for years. To add insult to injury, the HUD Office of Inspector General released an Audit Report this week that criticizes Ginnie Mae for insufficient supervision of its non-depository issuers. The Report concludes that, among other findings, Ginnie Mae did not adequately respond to changes in its issuer base because it did not implement policies and procedures in a timely manner to manage non-depository issuers. The Report also asserts that Ginnie Mae did not develop a written strategy to plan for all potential issuer default scenarios and, in particular, whether the agency and its contractors could absorb a large issuer default. With fewer than 150 employees to supervise over 300 issuers, it is little wonder that Ginnie Mae is stretched, which may have hampered its response to the shifting issuer base and the different oversight approach required. In fact, the Report notes that Ginnie Mae's small staff did not have sufficient secondary mortgage market experience to properly address the risks of its growing and shifting issuer base, as its "entire model had been built around the idea that the predominant issuers were regulated banking institutions." While the Report is critical of the speed with which Ginnie Mae responded to the changes , the Report acknowledges that Ginnie Mae recently has begun to address the shortcoming. For example, the Report notes several programs Ginnie Mae has implemented to increase its oversight efforts of non-depository issuers, including operational and desktop reviews and a Spotlight program that identifies issuers that warrant more intense levels of scrutiny. The Report also notes that, as of July 2017, Ginnie Mae was finalizing and implementing a more robust default strategy that includes plans for default, termination, and master subservicer portfolio seizure and requires master subservicers to submit semiannual plans on how they would absorb a large issuer default. OIG Criticizes Ginnie Mae Oversight of Nonbanks (Mortgage News Daily) Mortgage News Daily (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Jann Swanson) Ginnie Mae, is a wholly owned U.S. government corporation that guarantees and securitizes pools of mortgages originated through FHA, Veterans Administration, and Rural Housing Administration programs. Since the housing crisis Gennie Mae has HUD-17-0235-B-000613 experienced a shift in is lender (issuer) base; the share of non-banks originating the loans underlying its mortgages-backed securities (MBS) has increased significantly. Now the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has published the results of an audit which claims Ginnie Mae, in its oversight role, has not adequately responded to that shift. While Ginnie Mae guarantees and securitizes the above types of loans, it depends on its issuers to take full responsibility for servicing, remitting, and reporting activities for the mortgages in every pool. If the borrower fails to make a timely payment on its mortgage, the issuer must use its own funds to ensure that the investors in the MBS receive timely payment. If it cannot do so, Ginnie Mae, in accordance with its guaranty, defaults the issuer, acquires the servicing of the loans, and uses its own funds to manage the portfolio and make any necessary advances to investors. OIG says the corporation's risk for loss is a counterparty one, and occurs almost entirely at the point of issuer default. Following the financial crisis, the demand for government-insured loans increased. This created a larger demand for Ginnie Mae's product and the corporation's outstanding principal balanced increased 300 percent, from $427.6 billion in 2007 to $1.7 trillion in 2016. As the housing crisis developed, many banks, defined by OIG as an institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans, retreated from mortgage lending. This tipped the balance of Ginnie Mae's issuer base to non-banks, that is, institutions that offer only mortgage related services. In 2014, Ginnie Mae reported that six of its top 10 issuers were nonbanks and they accounted for more than $392 billion in unpaid principle. Nonbanks overall accounted for 73 percent of Ginnie Mae's single-family issuances. The corporation had not seen such large nonbanks in its previous history nor had them make up such a large portion of its issuer base. Home Ownership Homeowner tax relief looks vulnerable as industry breaks ranks (Politico) Politico (9/27/2017 6:48 PM, Lorraine Woellert) While most housing stakeholders publicly criticized the White House tax plan released Wednesday, many quietly admit they're playing defense. The National Association of Home Builders split with industry allies to endorse a White House plan that reduces tax breaks for homeowners, increasing the vulnerability of a write-off that was once considered untouchable. The rift is a first for the industry, where real estate agents, builders, bankers and others in the home buying pipeline typically lock arms to defend the mortgageinterest tax deduction as a building block to homeownership and wealth creation. "We think it's time for creative thinking," NAHB Chief Executive Officer Jerry Howard told POLITICO. "We applaud the Gang of Six for going down this path." It's not just builders breaking ranks while most housing stakeholders publicly criticized the White House plan released Wednesday, many quietly admit they're playing defense. Others privately find common ground with low-income housing advocates and others who criticize the tax break as regressive. Some trade groups, while presenting a united front, find their members increasingly divided. "The mortgage-interest deduction is more at risk of substantial change now than it has been at any point over the past 30 years," said Isaac Boltansky of Compass Point Research & Trading. "Whether it's direct or indirect, the benefit of homeownership is likely to be altered." Playbook Power Briefing The tax framework preserves the mortgage interest break but raises the standard deduction. That makes the mortgage write-off less valuable, which has the potential to discourage homeownership and depress housing prices. The National Association of Realtors this week launched ads saying the tax plan could cause home prices to fall as much as 10 percent and could raise taxes for most middle-income homeowners. "We're trying not to overreact to a press release that they throw out at the very beginning of a very long process," NAR Vice President Jamie Gregory said of the NAHB. "They're making a strategic play here to be on the positive side of the table, whereas I think we're going to make a strategic decision that it's time to start speaking out." Just months ago, Howard was aligned with NAR, calling the tax plan an "assault." But other provisions, including lower tax rates on his homebuilder members and the promise of faster economic growth, make the framework a good one, he said. And as the HUD-17-0235-B-000614 nitty-gritty of tax reform gets underway, lawmakers might find new avenues to carve out benefits for homebuyers, Howard said. He raised the prospect of a mortgage tax credit, a benefit that wouldn't require taxpayers to itemize. "Thirty years ago, even with the leadership of Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill, they never even thought of looking at ways to improve the effectiveness of the mortgage-interest deduction," Howard said. "This is historic." David Stevens, president and chief executive officer of the Mortgage Bankers Association, said he was waiting for more details on the proposal. Ken Gear, chief executive officer of the Leading Builders of America, a group of large homebuilders, called the framework worrisome, especially with the rate of U.S. homeownership near a record low. Home Builders Applaud Trump Tax Plan Even After Prior Concerns (Bloomberg Politics) Bloomberg Politics (9/27/2017 12:30 PM, Ben Brody) The National Association of Home Builders is "enthusiastically backing" President Donald Trump's tax overhaul plan, just weeks after saying many of the proposals raised "red flags." One the group's main concerns had been over the White House and congressional leaders' push to double the standard deduction -- a move the NAHB said would reduce the value of the mortgage deduction for individual filers. The framework released Wednesday still calls for almost doubling the standard deduction. But it offers other provisions that assuaged the NAHB, such as preserving incentives for home mortgage interest and cutting the rate for pass-through businesses to 25 percent from as high as 39.6 percent. "By lowering the pass-through rate, the plan will reduce the tax bill of thousands of small businesses and help to spur job and economic growth," NAHB Chairman Granger MacDonald, a homebuilder from Texas, said in a statement. MacDonald also cited the framework's retention of the low income housing tax credit and interest deductions for small businesses as being beneficial to the industry. Jerry Howard, NAHB's president, had previously said the group was "at DEFCON One" over speculation that Trump's tax plan would modify deductions for mortgage interest. The framework says tax incentives for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions will be preserved. On the standard deduction: "We intend to sit at the table and work with them," Howard said. Framework for Tax Reform 'Misses Goal' to Protect Homeowners: NAR (RISMedia) RISMedia (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, RISMedia) Certain components of the tax reform plan, developed and issued in a framework by six Republicans from the House, Senate and Trump Administration, could harm homeownership, the real estate industry warns. Both the doubling of the standard deduction and the elimination of local and state deductions effectively challenge or erase incentives for homeowners, and inhibit, potentially, the homeownership rate. "We have always said that tax reform--a worthy endeavor--should first do no harm to homeowners," said Bill Brown, president of the National Association of REALTORS(R) (NAR), in a statement. "The tax framework released by the 'Big Six' [on Wednesday] missed that goal." The fate of the mortgage interest deduction remains uncertain. The Administration communicated an intent to "protect" homeownership in its initial proposal and again on Wednesday, but without more information, it left open the possibility for changes to the provision. Critics of the deduction maintain it helps only wealthy homeowners; NAR offered up evidence to the contrary in a recent testimony, reporting 7 million taxpayers took advantage of the deduction in 2015. "This proposal recommends a backdoor elimination of the mortgage interest deduction for all but the top 5 percent who would still itemize their deductions," Brown said. "When combined with the elimination of the state and local tax deduction, these efforts represent a tax increase on millions of middle-class homeowners. That tax increase flies in the face of a reform effort ostensibly aimed at lowering the tax burden for Americans. At the same time, the lost incentive to purchase a home could cause home values to fall." Despite Progress, States Have Work to do to Ensure Access to Affordable Rental Housing and Homeownership (Shelterforce) HUD-17-0235-B-000615 Shelterforce (9/27/2017 4:28 PM, Solana Rice and Kamolika Das) Recent Census data illustrate that median incomes went up and poverty rates decreased in 2016. This seems like great news, but we know that achieving and maintaining financial security depends on more than just income alone. Savings, along with wealth-building assets like a home and tools like insurance that protect families' hard-earned income, are all critical determinants of how well a family can weather life's ups and downs. Unfortunately, we also know that very few families have the savings, assets, and protections in place needed to set out on a path to long-term financial stability. For households of color in particular, this may be an understatement: as our colleagues wrote in our recent report, Black and Latino households with median levels of wealth are on track to see their assets and savings reach zero within our lifetime. Indeed, if the trends of the past 30 years continue, median wealth for these households of color will reach $0. The so-called road to zero wealth for many families of color has been paved by policies that lock them out of wealth-building opportunities and keep them in a perpetual state of financial peril. This is especially true in the context of homeownership; as The Road to Zero Wealth notes, homeownership has been one of the most significant contributors to the ever-accelerating racial wealth divide because homeownership has been one of the most significant sources of wealth for the families of color who could afford it. These findings beg an important question: If expanding access to homeownership can reverse the trends of growing racial wealth inequality, why are we seeing so many states roll back the supports that make homeownership possible? Beyond bleach: Mold a long-term problem after flooding and disasters (WTOP-AM 1500 Washington, DC) WTOP-AM 1500 Washington (9/27/2017 11:39 PM, The Conversation) One of the biggest issues surrounding flooding after natural disasters is mold, a problem that can stay with a structure long after floodwaters have receded. Considering that over 17 percent of homes already have some physical condition that contributes to leaks and that mold grows in temperatures between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 100?F, there is no wonder that we see mold and mildew problems after a disaster that brings flooding in homes and buildings. For areas that are less than 10 square feet, the National Center for Healthy Housing recommends that homeowners or renters clean it up themselves. For larger areas, consider using a professional. Hire a mold inspection or remediation professional affiliated with or certified by the National Environmental Health Association, the American Industrial Hygiene Association , the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification or the American Council for Accredited Certification to inspect, repair and restore the damaged parts of your home. If you do the work yourself, keep children away while work is being done. For bigger jobs or for more protection, use a P100, which blocks 99.9 percent of all particulates, or a P95 respirator. Wear eye protection that does not have open vent holes. Use gloves that are nonlatex, vinyl, nitrile or rubber and coveralls to protect clothing. Change into "work" clothes before entering the work area and remove when leaving. You may need to contain the area to prevent the spread of the spores. (Check out HUD's Rebuild Healthy Homes publication for more great information, including on how to create a containment area.) [NY] Queens Delta Airlines marks 10 years working with Habitat for Humanity NYC (NY1-TV, NY) NY1-TV (9/27/2017 8:10 PM, Gene Apodaca) To date, Delta volunteers have helped rebuild some 247 homes across the city. "This is for the less fortunate if we are able to put a little piece of our time for somebody else to be blessed, I think it's priceless," said Delta employee, Ernie Perez. The house is just one of 20 homes in the borough that Habitat for Humanity is rehabilitating, providing affordable housing for low and moderate income families. HUD-17-0235-B-000616 The dilapidated homes were purchased from the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) for a dollar each. The goal is to preserve affordable housing for hardworking families. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [NJ] Trump tax plan would end key break for N.J. residents battered by high property taxes (NJ.com, NJ) NJ.com (9/27/2017 6:23 PM, Jonathan D Salant) President Donald Trump and congressional Republican leaders rolled out a proposal Wednesday to overhaul the U.S. tax code and cut taxes while eliminating a key deduction for New Jersey taxpayers. Their proposal would end the ability of taxpayers to deduct the income and property taxes they pay to state and local governments, a blow to New Jersey with the nation's highest property taxes. "Our view is the elimination of the state and local tax deduction is a $1.2 trillion federal revenue grab," said Matthew Chase, executive director of the National Association of Counties. That revenue would help offset the costs of reducing the top tax bracket for those making more than $415,050 from 39.6 percent to 35 percent and shrinking seven tax brackets to three; increasing the standard deduction to $12,000 from $6,300 for individuals and to $24,000 from $12,600 for married couples filing jointly; and eliminating the tax on estates worth more than $5.4 million for individuals and $10.8 million for couples. The Republican tax plan also would eliminate several other deductions and exemptions while keeping the tax breaks for mortgage interest and charitable contributions. [Editorial note: consult source link for additional information] [OH] Springfield Local Schools residents ask school board to drop property tax complaints (Toledo Blade, OH) Toledo Blade (9/27/2017 5:38 PM, Sarah Elms) Residents of the Springfield Local Schools district implored school board members to stop contesting property values in an effort to collect more tax dollars. They argued the practice isn't fair, targets new homeowners, and stands to erode public support for the district. Springfield schools routinely contests the values of homes that sold for $50,000 or more above their appraised value. Complaints jumped to 101 filed in 2016 from 22 in 2015, Lucas County Auditor's records show, likely because of market growth. New homeowners repeatedly told board members at their Wednesday afternoon meeting that they were caught off guard when they received letters from the Lucas County Board of Revision notifying them that their property taxes would go up. [IL] Growth Corp. cuts ribbon of new housing, financial ed center (Quad-Cities Online: Dispatch-Argus, IL) Quad-Cities Online: Dispatch-Argus (9/28/2017 3:11 AM, Leon Lagerstam) ROCK ISLAND -- A new life-preserver was tossed Wednesday to homeowners who are "underwater" on their mortgages. The Regional Housing and Education Center at 114 19th St., Rock Island, created by the Rock Island's Economic Growth Corp., opened its doors with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.. Growth president and CEO Brian Hollenbeck said the center's roll-out provides people with underwater mortgages a beacon so they don't feel trapped. The center's mission is to provide fair and equal access to critical housing resources for underserved populations in an effort to promote wealth-building opportunities, corporation chairman Jan Masamoto said to open the ceremony. It was a chance to celebrate a new investment into downtown Rock Island, provide new homeowner education, financial literacy, counseling and foreclosure prevention programs, among other new services, according to news release information. "Anytime you're creating new resources for homeowners, you know you're having a good day," according to Audra Hamernik, HUD-17-0235-B-000617 Illinois Housing Development of Housing and Urban Development's executive director said, on behalf of Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner. "We're super excited by the success in Rock Island." [TX] Gateway Mortgage Group Partners with Texas Veterans Land Board (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (9/27/2017 12:15 PM, Business Wire) Partnership could make homeownership more attainable for veterans and dependents Gateway Mortgage Group, a privately held mortgage company offering originations, servicing and correspondent lending, is excited to announce its partnership with the Texas Veterans Land Board as the administrator over loan originations in the Veterans Housing Assistance Program (VHAP). Texas VLB loans are available to Texas residents who served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard on active or reserve duty. This program is designed to assist eligible veterans in purchasing a home by offering a low-interest rate loan and reduced down payment requirements on houses located within the state of Texas. Disabled veterans and surviving spouses may also qualify for a further interest rate reduction of 50 basis points, or one half of 1% of the available Texas VLB Rate. "As Gateway continues to expand, it is imperative that we maintain focus on our core values of strengthening communities through homeownership," said Jared Edmonds, vp of national correspondent production. "We believe that this partnership with the Texas Veterans Land Board not only falls in line with our core values, but allows us the opportunity to serve our veterans who have served our country." Gateway's Correspondent Lending Division, an arm of one of the largest privately held mortgage companies in the country, offers a wide array of programs, competitive pricing and a unique alternative to the correspondent channel for both financial institutions as well as independent mortgage companies. For more information on the Texas Veterans Land Board program, visit www.glo.texas.gov/vlb. [TX] Lawsuit says Army Corps should compensate homeowners for flooding their property with reservoir pools (Houston Chronicle, TX) Houston Chronicle (9/27/2017 11:13 PM, Lise Olsen) Lawsuit: Residents never were warned about risks nor told to buy insurance Government officials knew for years that water impounded behind Addicks and Barker dams would flood thousands of suburban homes during an extreme storm - and yet did nothing to warn or compensate property owners, according to a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages for affected homeowners. The lawsuit was filed against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of Christina Micu, 37, a real estate investor who bought her own home in the Canyon Gate neighborhood of Cinco Ranch in February 2012. During Hurricane Harvey, the house was swamped by about 2 feet of water, she said. She said she didn't have flood insurance and was advised she didn't need it because her home was not in the 100-year flood plain. Canyon Gate, with 721 homes, was one of the neighborhoods most heavily damaged when the Army Corps allowed the land area submerged behind the dams, called the "flood pool," to reach record size as more than 50 inches of rain fell between Aug. 25 and 29. Many residents of the gated community had to be evacuated by boat from deep floodwaters. The suit was filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C., as a class action on behalf of everyone who owns property that flooded behind the two dams. [WA] Evergreen Habitat for Humanity to hold information sessions (Vancouver Columbian, WA) Vancouver Columbian (9/27/2017 9:12 AM, Staff) The nonprofit Evergreen Habitat for Humanity will begin accepting applications for its homeownership program starting Oct. 14. Applications are available through Nov. 14. HUD-17-0235-B-000618 The homeownership program is aimed at individuals and families who have steady income and earn between 35 and 60 percent of the area median income. Program participants partner with Habitat for Humanity and help build their home, which is sold to them using a zero-percent interest loan. [CA] Fee and Tax Relief Offered to Mobile home/Manufactured Home Owners Who Have Never Obtained Title and Registration (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (9/27/2017 1:15 PM, Business Wire) People who purchased a mobile home or manufactured home but didn't receive the necessary title to the property now have a chance to properly register their homes with the new Fee and Tax Waiver Program - and avoid paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars in state and local taxes, fees and penalties. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is administering the program to get the homes properly registered - and to help homeowners avoid problems that can occur when the owner doesn't have the title and registration. As many as 160,000 people could be eligible for the program. The Fee and Tax Waiver Program, passed as Assembly Bill 587 and signed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown last year, took effect this year. "This program gives people who acquired a home but didn't get the proper documentation a one-time opportunity to correct their situation and not have to pay many back taxes, fees and penalties often incurred by prior owners," said HCD Director Ben Metcalf. "With the proper title and registration, homeowners can have the security and peace of mind that comes from having a stable and secure home. " Mobile home and manufactured home owners who have never applied for registration and don't have a title are eligible. In many cases, these are owners who never realized the property was supposed to be titled and registered, while others wanted a title but couldn't afford the back state and local taxes and fees. [CA] Why Rancho Cucamonga could be loaning one future homeowner as much as $95,000 (Ontario Inland Valley Bulletin, CA) Ontario Inland Valley Bulletin (9/28/2017 4:41 AM, Liset Marquez) RANCHO CUCAMONGA >> When the housing market began to collapse nearly a decade ago, officials in this city - and across the county - began to notice more and more foreclosures. In many cases, those homes sat empty for months and years, creating blight in residential neighborhoods. In response, the federal government set up the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, which allowed cities to purchase foreclosed homes. Utilizing that funding, Rancho Cucamonga has slowly been rehabbing foreclosed homes and selling them to low to moderate income buyers. The 1,556-square-foot residence in the 6900 block of Spinel Avenue is the last one the city purchased using those funds. The 1970s tract home needed new roofing, the interior needed to be gutted and electrical replaced. "When you have one property that's distressed, it'll lower the property values in the community. The goal is to improve it so that it revitalizes the community," said Victor Ramirez, vice president of strategic advancement and communications at Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, a nonprofit organization. Affordable Housing HUD-17-0235-B-000619 The Great Urban Myth: "Cities Can't Build Their Way To Affordable Housing" (Forbes) Forbes (9/28/2017 12:23 AM, Scott Beyer) The Sightline Institute, a Seattle-based urban affairs think tank, has published a long and badly-needed essay. In September, Alan Durning, the institute's executive director, wrote a piece called "Yes, You Can Build Your Way To Affordable Housing," profiling some of the different cities worldwide that have done this. It was a timely message at a moment when urban residents -and even some urban commentators -- question whether increased housing supply will really reduce prices. The numbers, both from Durning and elsewhere, suggest that it will. Durning analyzes seven cities that differ wildly -- by location, governing model, and built history. But he finds that their common denominator is that, despite high demand, they have managed to stabilize housing prices by increasing unit supply. He begins with the obvious case study of Houston. While not completely unregulated, Houston has lighter regulations than other major U.S. metros, and builds much more housing than any of them. Although Houston receives many of the stereotypical scapegoats thought to increase housing prices -- millionaires, immigrants, corporate relocations, and luxury condos--median home prices in Harris County remain $141,000. But Houston, he writes, comes with a caveat. It maintained this affordability by sprawling out. Can the same be accomplished in dense, land-constrained cities? Next he covers Tokyo, a dense city where the answer seems to be "yes". The city built 142,000 units in 2014, well over double any U.S. metro that year, and 58,000 more than in California, which has triple Tokyo's population. As a result, single-family homes in centrally-located Tokyo neighborhoods sell for $300,000 -- obscenely low compared to similarly-situated homes in major coastal U.S. cities. Between 2007 and 2014, condo prices in Tokyo actually dropped, despite rapid densification. Tax Reform Framework Proposes to Retain the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Enterprise Community Partners) Enterprise Community (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Emily Cadik) Today the Trump Administration, House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee leadership issued a "Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code" that seeks to lower tax rates, simplify the tax code, bring business back into the US, broaden the tax base and encourage economic growth. The framework proposes to lower the top corporate tax rate to 20 percent, consistent with the House's tax reform blueprint released in 2016, and eliminate "numerous" corporate tax expenditures in order to help achieve the lower rate. The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit is one of only two corporate tax expenditures that the framework explicitly preserves, noting that it is a tax incentive that has "proven to be effective in promoting policy goals important in the American economy." Its inclusion in the plan is a testament to the proven track record of the program, the need for resources to address our nation's vast and growing shortage of affordable housing, and the strong bipartisan support that the ACTION Campaign and its more than 2,000 members have built over many years. The framework also notes that tax rules affecting specific industries will be modernized "to ensure that the tax code better reflects economic reality," providing an opportunity to strengthen the Housing Credit. The only other tax expenditure the framework proposes to retain is the Research and Development Credit, which was the sole corporate tax expenditure explicitly retained in the House's tax reform blueprint. The framework is silent on the tax exemption for private activity bonds, which provide critical financing to more than 40 percent of Housing Credit developments in the form of multifamily Housing Bonds. It is also silent on the New Markets Tax Credit, which is essential for attracting private capital and jobs to some of our nation's most distressed communities. However, it does indicate that "while the framework envisions repeal of other business credits, the committees may decide to retain some other business credits to the extent budgetary limitations allow." [CT] West Side blaze in Stamford begins in tiny illegal apartment (Connecticut Post, CT) Connecticut Post (9/27/2017 12:41 PM, John Nickerson) STAMFORD-City fire investigators say that a blaze that scorched one home and destroyed another late Monday afternoon while displacing 32 residents was ignited by an electric overload in a tiny illegal dwelling unit. HUD-17-0235-B-000620 Chief Fire Marshal Charles Spaulding said his investigators as well as state fire marshals found a five-toot by seven-foot illegal dwelling on the first floor rear porch of 50 Alden Street, where the fire began. In the tiny room made of plywood and two by fours was a mattress, microwave, air conditioner, space heater and other appliances plugged into power strips that were led to overburdened electrical outlets by extension cords. Spaulding said that state fire marshals agreed that the fire started in the illegal dwelling unit and was probably ignited by the overloaded electrical circuits in the heavily Hispanic neighborhood. [MA] Hanover looks to the future with housing forum (Quincy Patriot Ledger, MA) Quincy Patriot Ledger (9/27/2017 6:01 AM, Lane Lambert) A Sept. 27 forum at the John Curtis Free Library will feature discussion of all the town's housing needs, from affordable homes for young families to retirement residences. HANOVER - The town is holding a housing forum Wednesday night, but it will be a look to the future, rather than a search for ways to deal with any immediate problems of affordability for retirees or young families. "It will be a little bit of this and a little bit of that," town planner Peter Matchak said. "We'll have a conversation on the outlook for what Hanover needs." The session will be at 6:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the John Curtis Free Library, 534 Hanover St. (Route 139). Town officials will be joined by representatives from the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Massachusetts Housing Partnership and Metropolitan Area Planning Council. The forum comes a week after the Chamber released its "Housing 2017" report, which says the South Shore's shortage of affordable housing is making it harder for the area to attract young professionals, young families and jobs. [MA] Cape Housing Institute Kicks Off in October (Cape Cod Today, MA) Cape Cod Today (9/27/2017 4:06 PM, Cape Cod Today) Next month, Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) and Community Development Partnership (CDP) will launch the Cape Housing Institute, a collaborative effort between the two nonprofits to provide municipal officials with the resources needed to boost the production of affordable housing throughout the region. "We want to expand the capacity of the region so that town municipal leaders have the tools and language they need to be able to create housing for the workforce and all residents of their community at all income levels," HAC CEO Alisa Galazzi said. The institute will begin on Wednesday, October 11, taking place over the course of six weekly sessions, ending on Thursday, November 16. The sessions are free and open to elected and appointed officials throughout Cape Cod and the Islands as well as town housing and planning staff. [NY] Planning Board OKs pair of low-income housing projects (Buffalo News, NY) Buffalo News (9/27/2017 11:28 AM, Jonathan D. Epstein) The Buffalo Planning Board Monday night renewed its assent for a pair of housing projects aimed at least partially at low-income residents - two years after the projects were first reviewed and approved. David Pawlik's CSS Construction plans to construct a three-story, 40-unit senior housing facility at 240 Kensington Ave., on a cleaned-up former brownfield site that formerly housed a manufacturing plant. The wood-framed building, to be built on 2.5 acres of the 6.16-acre property, would feature a stone veneer facade with fiber cement panels and composite wood lap siding. The $8 million Kensington Apartments project includes eight one-bedroom units with 825 square feet and 30 two-bedroom apartments with 950 square feet, with one elevator and no basement. Some would be market-rate, while others would be for lowHUD-17-0235-B-000621 income residents. There also would be 47 parking spaces, plus in-unit bicycle storage in the 48,561-square-foot building. It was originally approved in 2015 as a $5.3 million project, with Pawlik and Nick Sinatra as the city's designated developers for the site, but the approval expired. Construction is expected to last 12 months [NY] Bronx Point to See 1000+ Units of Housing (Norwood News, NY) Norwood News (9/27/2017 4:13 PM, Aaron Mayorga) One of the largest city-owned lots in the Bronx is slated to be home to 1,045 new housing units and country's first hip-hop museum, officials announced. The $200 million project, named "Bronx Point," is poised to bring a wave of transformation to a previously underutilized stretch of land abutting the Harlem River and just minutes away from Hostos Community College in Mott Haven. Along with the thousand units of market rate and affordable housing, Bronx Point will include a state-of-the-art multiplex theatre, a dedicated programming space for the community organization BronxWorks, and a new waterfront esplanade that will join with the nearby Mill Pond Park. Bronx Point will also be home to the Universal Hip-Hop Museum, the nation's first-ever hip-hop museum. In a statement, James Patchet, president of the New York City Economic Development Corporation, the city's real estate arm, said the project was a result of a two-year long effort to address the South Bronx's need for more affordable housing and greater waterfront access. Bronx Point is anticipated to be developed in two phases - with the first phase expected to be completed by 2022 and deliver 600 units of affordable housing "that targets households with incomes ranging from extremely low to moderate." [NY] Mayor continues push for affordable housing in Buffalo (Time Warner Cable News - Buffalo NY, NY) TWC News - Buffalo NY (9/27/2017 4:45 PM, Mike Arena) BUFFALO, N.Y. -- The affordable housing crisis is an issue that continues to plague New York State. "Nearly half the renters in our state are paying too much for rent. I think it's a third of people are paying half their income on rent which means they can't afford food, or transportation, or clothes for their children," said NYSAFAH CEO Jolie Milstein. Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown talked about the city's ongoing efforts to reverse that trend Wednesday at the Upstate New York Affordable Housing Conference. "The city has spent over $34 million on affordable housing, leveraging over $330 million of spending, creating more than 1,600 units of affordable housing in the city of Buffalo," Brown (D) said. [NY] Starwood to put former United Hospital site on the market (Westfair Online, NY) Westfair Online (9/27/2017 4:01 PM, Ryan Deffenbaugh) At the board meeting, Ferrara said any new owner would have to follow the plan for the site set by the zoning change. "The zoning that was done on this site is very detailed and essentially the vision that's been presented will be the vision that is embedded in the zoning," he said. "And I don't think anyone will buy that with an idea of coming forward with anything different. It would trigger a re-review." The updated zoning maintains the previously allowed floor area ratio for the property, but allows bonus density to build beyond it. In exchange for the bonus density, the developer would have to pay a $3 million fee that the village can use for community planning, rehabilitation and affordable housing. The statement of environmental findings for the proposal approved by the board recommends the development replace workforce housing formerly on the site with 36 units of affordable housing set aside for people making 80 percent of area median income. Those units would represent about 5 percent of the residential units proposed in the project. HUD-17-0235-B-000622 [NY] Mayor Brown hints of forthcoming mixed-income housing plan at conference (WBFO-FM, NY) WBFO-FM (9/27/2017 6:28 PM, Michael Mroziak) AUDIO. Buffalo played host Wednesday to a conference on affordable housing at the Hotel Henry. During welcoming remarks, the mayor hinted of an upcoming plan to create such housing throughout his city. The 14th annual New York State Association for Affordable Housing Upstate Conference featured a panel discussion and small group sessions exploring how to create and maximize affordable housing. The conference began with the Association's president and chief executive officer, Jolie Milstein, telling an audience that New York State's budget includes a five-year, $2.5 billion fund to combat homelessness and build more affordable housing. Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown followed by announcing that the city will soon roll out an affordable housing development plan. Following his remarks, he told WBFO that the plan has been in development since last year and that more details will be revealed in the near future. "The city, through its Housing Opportunities Strategy, will be initiating a variety of new programs and initiatives to focus on affordable housing and building mixed-income neighborhoods throughout the City of Buffalo," Brown said. Milstein supports the idea of mixed-income housing development, saying it rebuilds neighborhoods without pushing away those who have lived in them. "When you put the capital into preserving or creating affordable housing units, those rents are stable, unlike market rents which can rise uncontrolled," Milstein said. "When you invest in affordable housing, the rents are intentionally kept at a place where people from the community can continue to live there." Milstein added that affordable housing projects often times bring with them the additional commercial development sought for those neighborhoods. "When you invest the capital in affordable housing, you're often bringing with it community services, retail opportunities, day cares, businesses that might not be able to locate in those neighborhoods if it were not for not for this investment in the housing projects." [NY] Can't afford your rent? State, city trying to help (WKBW-TV ABC 7, Buffalo, NY) WKBW-TV ABC 7 (9/27/2017 12:04 PM, Thuy Lan Nguyen) "Nearly half the renters in our state are paying too much for rent, I think it's a third of people are paying half their income," says Jolie Milstein, President and CEO of the New York State Association for Affordable Housing. More and more, New Yorkers are struggling to pay for a basic necessity: a roof over their head. That's why leaders from the state and local level, as well as advocate for affordable housing initiatives met for the largest conference of its kind in Upstate New York. The New York State Association for Affordable Housing hosted a gathering at the newly remodeled Hotel Henry to discuss plans for developing housing within the reach of neighbors in the state. The conference featured a panel discussion, focusing on Buffalo's inclusionary zoning initiative. Buffalo is seeing a massive revitalization, with new developments and millions of dollars coming from the state in the form of the Buffalo Billion. This revitalization means some neighbors are no longer able to afford rent in the homes they've lived their entire lives as neighborhoods are improved. Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown says the city of Buffalo is trying to combat this problem by creating mixed-income neighborhoods, keeping longtime residents from being forced out of their homes while still drawing in new residents. Brown says this will partly be accomplished by allocating Buffalo Billion funds into the revitalization of key neighborhoods, like the East Side. [NY] Affordable housing advocates focused on state and federal policy (Time Warner Cable News - Binghamton NY) TWC News - Binghamton NY (9/28/2017 1:33 AM, Capital Tonight Staff) The ribbon was cut this week on a new housing complex for veterans in Buffalo. This comes as the annual upstate affordable housing conference is taking place in the Queen City. And like many issues these days, discussions will involve both a local and federal focus. RuthAnne Visnauskas from the New York State Homes and Community Renewal, and Jolie Milstein from the New York State Association for Affordable Housing discuss. [NJ] Montvale tables deal with Mercedes site developer (North Jersey.com, NJ) North Jersey.com (9/27/2017 10:17 AM, Sarah Nolan) VIDEO. MONTVALE -- A settlement agreement that would have allowed a developer to build 350 units of multifamily housing on HUD-17-0235-B-000623 the Mercedes-Benz USA property was tabled by the Borough Council on Tuesday, despite advice from legal counsel that the decision will undoubtedly lead the town to potentially lengthy and expensive litigation. The borough has been negotiating with the S. Hekemian Group, LLC, owner of the soon-to-be-vacant 37-acre site on Mercedes Drive, for 18 months to agree on a plan for the site. The settlement would have helped the borough to partially resolve its affordable-housing litigation, according to the resolution. Council members Doug Arendacs, Elizabeth Gloeggler and Mike Weaver voted to table the resolution to approve the agreement, hoping to have further discussions with Hekemian that might result in a less dense plan. Council members Rose Curry, Tim Lane and Dieter Koelling voted against tabling the vote, and Mayor Mike Ghassali broke the tie in favor of tabling the issue. The decision was met with cheers from the audience after dozens of residents spoke, saying they felt the plan was not suitable for Montvale and that a better deal could be reached. But Jeff Surenian, special counsel hired by the governing body for its affordable-housing litigation, said the town essentially has a gun to its head -- the developer will go before the court tomorrow ask for a trial date in the matter, he said. [NJ] Judge Rejects South Brunswick's Affordable Housing Appeal (New Brunswick Patch, NJ) New Brunswick Patch.com (9/28/2017 12:45 AM, Carly Baldwin) South Brunswick lost an important court battle Friday in the ongoing war over affordable housing in the Township. SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ -- South Brunswick just lost an important appeal Friday in the ongoing battle over affordable housing in the Township. South Brunswick's effort to overturn a 2016 affordable housing mandate was rejected by the state appellate court late Friday afternoon, Sept. 22. Appeals Court judge Marie Simonelli denied South Brunswick's attempts to show a conflict of interest occurred when last year Superior Court judge Howard Wolfson ordered South Brunswick to build a certain number of affordable housing. Simonelli did not give a reason why she denied South Brunswick's appeal. A lawyer hired by South Brunswick, Jeffrey Surenian, tried to argue that Wolfson had a conflict of interest when he ordered South Brunswick to build 1,553 affordable housing units. South Brunswick says it only should be required to build 927 affordable housing units. Many residents in South Brunswick think more units will clog roads and schools, and destroy remaining open space. Wolfson has since retired from the bench and now works as general counsel for a major New Jersey developer, Jack Morris, at his firm Edgewood Properties. According to Surenian, Morris or his companies paid for, at least partially, up to 32 vacations for Judge Wolfson and his wife, including trips on a private jet to Boca Raton, the Bahamas and Sag Harbor. Nineteen of those trips occurred while he was a sitting judge and seven of them while he presided over the South Brunswick case, Surenian said. He argued that the judge should have recused himself from making any development decisions in South Brunswick while enjoying a personal friendship with the developer. [NJ] Franklin Council, developer reach settlement (New Jersey Herald, NJ) New Jersey Herald (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Bruce A. Scruton) FRANKLIN -- Late Tuesday night, the Borough Council unanimously approved a settlement with a developer under which the council will make zoning changes that would allow a 300-unit apartment complex to be built on vacant land off Munsonhurst Road. Silk City, a subsidiary of JCM Investors, had threatened to sue the borough because its proposal had been denied by the Planning Board and cited previous court settlements and the Planning Board's own recommendations from 2016, which, the developer's attorney Kevin Kelly argued in a letter last week, actually favored Silk City's proposed Milly's Court development on 71 acres. There were a few impassioned pleas to the council during a discussion period on the issue, the council retired to an executive HUD-17-0235-B-000624 session to speak with Borough Attorney Thomas Prol. Councilman Gilbert Snyder was absent from the meeting, About 30 minutes later, the council returned and Prol began reading the proposed settlement, with changes, which had been offered by Kelly last week. The concept plans put before the Planning Board earlier call for 10, four-story buildings each holding 30 apartments. Parking garages would occupy much of the first floors, and the developer has already agreed that one of the 10 buildings would be devoted to age-restricted apartments, while the affordable housing units, which are required by state law, would be spread over the other nine buildings. [NC] A $165 million government complex in Raleigh? One candidate for mayor says no way. (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) Raleigh News & Observer (9/27/2017 6:05 AM, Henry Gargan) RALEIGH - A campaign flier from a challenger in next month's mayoral election criticizes incumbent Mayor Nancy McFarlane for supporting a plan to build a $165 million city government complex. The flier from candidate Charles Francis suggests the money could be better spent on the city's affordable housing programs. "There are 165 million reasons NOT to build a new City Hall," the flier reads. "Charles Francis says those funds should be used to preserve affordable housing and increase access to housing for working and middle-class families." Francis, McFarlane and candidate Paul Fitts will face off in the Oct. 10 election, when voters will also choose seven City Council members. [FL] Irma's destruction of trailers challenges Keys' lifestyle (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 11:00 AM, Jennifer Kay, Associated Press) KEY WEST, Fla. -- Architect Kobi Karp has a vision for affordable housing in the Florida Keys: residences set at coconut-tree height to keep them dry, atop concrete columns holding them in place. Key West clients sought out his designs before Hurricane Irma struck the island chain this month, and he thinks the two projects will continue despite Irma's damage and debris. "It's a more cost-efficient way of life," the Miami-based architect said. Such modern, planned development hasn't always appealed to the independent spirits living in the Keys -- but Irma may force the laid-back landscape to change. Mobile homes and recreational vehicles didn't survive the storm's 130 mph winds and storm surge. The losses hit people crucial to Keys tourism: service industry and blue collar workers priced out of expensive Key West homes or newer structures meeting Florida's stringent building codes. [AR] Senior living center in Fort Smith continuing to deal with city-caused water problems (Fort Smith Southwest Times Record, AR) Fort Smith Southwest Times Record (9/28/2017 2:07 AM, Alex Golden) Since news broke that the city was not going to pay more than $5,000, some people have offered to donate to Midtown. However, Norman said that because Midtown is a privately owned company and not a nonprofit, the staff does not consider taking donations to be the right thing to do. "We really appreciate the responses we've gotten from citizens of Fort Smith, and a lot of people have asked about donations," she said. "And that is such a kind thing to do, but we would rather they take care of nonprofit organizations in the city." The apartment complex, a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) property, also houses one of Sebastian County's senior centers, which is a nonprofit that takes part in the Meals on Wheels program, serving about 200 meals a day. The senior center is not designated for only Midtown residents -- any senior can take part. The senior center was closed for about five or six weeks HUD-17-0235-B-000625 after the leak and the Meals on Wheels program was suspended for about a week, Norman said. "We are having to cut back on different areas of our budget," Norman said. "We will do what we have to do without it affecting our tenants." [MN] Last-minute change possible for Ford-site plan: low-cost housing for the very poor (St. Paul Pioneer Press , MN) St. Paul Pioneer Press (9/27/2017 6:32 AM, Frederick Melo) St. Paul council members are rethinking a key aspect of the elaborate master plan that will govern future real estate development at the Ford site in Highland Park, and it has nothing to do with traffic, building heights or density. Instead, several council members would like to add more affordable housing for the very poor. Neighborhood advocates have raised alarm for months about the potential impact of medium-to-high density construction at the site of the former Ford truck plant in Highland Park, which has been cleared of factory buildings. They've distributed fliers and lawn signs saying that zoning allowing up to 4,000 new housing units will overwhelm the surrounding street approaches with traffic, block river views and overburden schools and parks. [MN] After significant tweaks, Minnetonka approves 49-unit affordable housing complex (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune (9/27/2017 4:30 PM, Miguel Otarola) Council members said the project foreshadows future development in the suburb. The Minnetonka City Council has approved plans for a 49-unit affordable housing complex, a project that council members called a peek at the future of housing in the suburb. The apartment complex, tentatively named Shady Oak Crossings, would be built on a parcel of city-owned commercial land near Shady Oak Road and Mainstreet in Hopkins. The council authorized the site and building review, parcel rezoning and sale of the land to developer Ron Clark Construction on a 6-1 vote. "Minnetonka is a fully developed community, and the expectation is that there is going to be a need for greater density housing as we look forward," Council Member Brad Wiersum said. "We're going to be looking at apartment opportunities on small properties again and again and again." The building plan underwent what Mayor Terry Schneider called a "substantial redesign" since concept plans were first presented in February. Many of those changes were a response to neighbors critical of the building's size. [MN] St. Paul council approves sweeping plan to redevelop former Ford plant (St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN) St. Paul Pioneer Press (9/27/2017 8:42 PM, Frederick Melo) A new residential neighborhood will emerge on St. Paul's Highland Park river bluff over the course of the next 20 years, and its map was laid Wednesday evening. After a lengthy public hearing, the St. Paul City Council voted 5-2 to approve a sweeping master plan and zoning layout for the 135-acre site that was once home to Ford Motor Co.'s Twin Cities Assembly Plant on Ford Parkway. The documents, a decade in the making, have drawn both tough opposition and strong support from residents throughout Highland Park and the city. The city plans envision up to 4,000 new housing units, 20 percent of which will be designated affordable housing, as well as office and commercial structures. Council member Chris Tolbert, who represents Highland Park and Macalester-Groveland, said he grew up playing baseball on the Ford site ball fields and visited redevelopment sites across the country for perspective HUD-17-0235-B-000626 [CO] Affordable housing project in Basalt will house teachers, workers in Pitkin County (Denver Post, CO) Denver Post (9/28/2017 4:58 AM, Associated Press) BASALT, Colo. -- More affordable housing is in the works in the western Colorado town of Basalt, including units that would go to teachers. The Aspen Times reports that officials backed moving ahead with two developments on Tuesday night. One is a joint effort by Habitat for Humanity, the Roaring Fork School District and Pitkin County. They plan to build 27 units on school land and sell 15 to teachers. The rest would be sold to qualified employees of Pitkin County. The second would have as many 25 deed-restricted units and 88 homes that would be sold at market prices. The market-prices homes will be small so the developer hopes some will be relatively affordable, selling for about $500,000. [CO] Loveland council considers changes to affordable housing incentive code (Loveland Reporter-Herald, CO) Loveland Reporter-Herald (9/27/2017 7:46 PM, Julia Rentsch) City staff says current single-family housing code is 'somewhat meaningless,' ineffective LOVELAND -- The current code for city-sponsored incentives to developers building affordable single-family housing is in need of an overhaul, per a discussion at the Loveland City Council study session Tuesday evening. Alison Hade, administrator of the Community Partnership Office, said that the current single-family housing incentive structure in the Community Housing Development Code is "somewhat meaningless" and "hasn't incentivized anything." In her presentation to the council, Hade said the proposed changes to the code have developed out of meetings between the Community Partnership Office, the Affordable Housing Commission, the Planning Commission, developers, builders and the Loveland Housing Authority. "After all of these meetings, what we're looking at really doing is trying to simplify the code, stop how we're doing it right now, and make it so that any projects that come our way have to be well-vetted," Hade said. The current code offers non-profit and for-profit builders of affordable housing greater fee waivers if the housing they plan to build will serve families whose annual income falls into lower percentage brackets of the area median income. It also lays out the minimum percentage requirements for units in a development set aside for affordable housing, with greater minimums corresponding to higher AMI percentages to be served. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [CA] New form of affordable housing coming to the Central Coast (KION-TV CBS, CA) KION-TV CBS (9/27/2017 4:33 PM, Brandon Castillo) A first of its kind affordable housing development is coming to the Central Coast. The new development on E. Rossi and E. Lake Street in Salinas, will replace 14 deteriorating public housing units and an office building with 50 multi-family, energy efficient affordable housing units. The Monterey County Housing Authority Development Corporation is working with Gurdon Modular Buildings and Zumwalt Construction to crane the first modular units into place. According to the HDC, the modular units were constructed off-site and were transported to Salinas over the last several weeks. The units are the final phase of the four-phase Haciendas affordable housing development. [CA] A solution to California's housing crisis -- reinstate redevelopment (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (9/28/2017 4:57 AM, Antonio Villaraigosa) California's affordable housing crisis didn't just happen. Our affordable housing shortage was created by flawed public policy that turned a crisis into a catastrophe. The good news is that a problem created by public policy can be fixed, in due time, with better public policy. HUD-17-0235-B-000627 The first step should be to fully restore the ability of local governments to use redevelopment authorities to fund workforce and affordable housing for teachers, nurses, firefighters, seniors, low-income families and the homeless. For generations, redevelopment was a powerful public policy tool to make investments in economic development and housing. These agencies had the power to fund strategic local investments by capturing the increased tax revenues generated by new projects. Yes, there were problems and some abuses. That is a fact. But when the Legislature ended the redevelopment agency network in 2012, it took away a powerful financing tool and, more importantly, hamstrung local communities in their efforts to build affordable housing in a way that made sense for them. The redevelopment network gives local agencies the power to adopt solutions that make sense in its market. This is important because there is no such thing as a California housing market -- the challenges in Fresno are different than the challenges in San Francisco. A "one-size-fits-all" solution does not acknowledge these important regional differences. [CA] County Planning Commission Approves Changes to Golden Inn & Village in Santa Ynez (Noozhawk, CA) Noozhawk (9/27/2017 10:09 PM, April Charlton) A unanimous Santa Barbara County Planning Commission approved retroactive changes Wednesday to what has become a fairly contentious affordable-housing project at Highway 246 and Refugio Road in Santa Ynez, leaving at least one nearby neighbor vowing he'll fight the decision. Mark Brooks, who lives on Lucky Lane behind the Golden Inn & Village project that opened last year, said he plans to appeal the commission's ruling to the Board of Supervisors. "The only way we don't appeal today is (if you) let them put in the lights and let us decide," Brooks told the commissioners. The supervisors approved the Golden Inn & Village project in 2014, which was built in partnership with the Housing Authority of Santa Barbara County. Development includes low-income apartments for seniors and low-income family apartments. It will eventually include a senior care and assisted living facility. [CA] S.F. Project Puts Families at the Center of Affordable Housing (Next City) Next City (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Oscar Perry Abello) Like a bull's-eye, San Francisco's poorest neighborhood is surrounded by some of its wealthiest. In the Tenderloin, as it's known, median household income is $22,000. Many residents are among San Francisco's youngest; at least 3,000 children live in the Tenderloin. In large part, their families moved there to secure more affordable housing: Some 80 percent of 15,800 total apartments are either rent-controlled or locked-in at below-market rates, according to the San Francisco Business Times. But that housing supply doesn't quite meet residents' needs. Don Falk, CEO of the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC), estimates that 95 percent of Tenderloin homes are studios or single-room occupancies (SROs), a legacy of earlier times when the neighborhood served a different population. "There is a lot of overcrowding," Falk says. Nonprofits like TNDC and Mercy Housing started buying up buildings in the Tenderloin in the 1980s, and preserving their affordability. The city of San Francisco, too, worked with investors using Low Income Housing Tax Credits to acquire buildings in the Tenderloin and maintain them as affordable housing. Today, TNDC owns and manages about 3,500 units of housing, mostly in the Tenderloin but also in some other San Francisco neighborhoods. Ninety percent of their tenants make less than 30 percent of San Francisco's area median income (AMI), currently $34,600 for a family of four. Fair Housing HUD-17-0235-B-000628 Part 2: The fallout of the Bank of America vs. City of Miami decision (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 2:17 PM, Debbie Hoffman & Alexandria Decatur) Potential future implications of the decision With its decision on May 1, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court essentially strengthened the Fair Housing Act by broadening the definition of the "aggrieved party," however the court declined to issue a ruling on causation and whether the predatory lending of the banks was sufficiently related to the cause of the financial injury claimed by the City of Miami. Several potential implications await the lending industry pending decisions on these issues that the Supreme Court sent back to the District Court for rehearing. Primarily, the Supreme Court decision opens the door for cities across the country to sue lending companies for diminished property tax revenue and increased municipal expenses associated with foreclosures on properties within their minority communities due to predatory lending practices. As a result, mortgage lenders could be held liable as the direct cause for such financial burdens to government municipalities. Since 2014, large mortgage lenders like Bank of America and Wells Fargo have seen decreased annual profit due to the increased legal costs associated with mortgage litigation. However, the Supreme Court's recent admittance of suits brought against banks by large municipalities has increased that burden. With increased litigation costs from suits brought by municipalities, it is also likely that banks will alter their budget to allow for an increase in litigation and settlement costs in the coming years. For instance, due to their increased vulnerability to lawsuits in March 2015, Wells Fargo increased its litigation budget from $1.1 billion in December 2014 to $1.2 billion in March 2015. Bank of America could take similar action in increasing its litigation budget to account for increased litigation Large lending banks may be able to handle this increase in litigation fees, but smaller banks will likely struggle under the burden of this additional cost. It is possible that some smaller banks may even be forced to shut their doors or at least, discontinue their residential lending programs. [NY] Court rules LI village engaged in housing discrimination (WABC-TV 7online.com, NY) WABC-TV 7online.com (9/27/2017 6:50 AM, Kristin Thorne) GARDEN CITY, Long Island (WABC) -- A federal court has ruled that a 2004 zoning decision by the Village of Garden City discriminated against African-Americans and Latinos. "The Fair Housing Act enshrined the promise of open communities in federal law," said Joe Rich, co-director of the Fair Housing & Community Development Project at the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, who represented the plaintiffs in the case. "The court's decision reiterates that the Village of Garden City's exclusionary practices are unacceptable in American society." The lawsuit, brought forth by MHANY Management and New York Communities for Change, was filed against the village in 2005. It accused the village of discrimination by approving a zoning classification that would have prevented multi-family housing from being built on a 25-acre parcel of property at the intersection of Washington Avenue and 11th Street. Opponents of the ordinance said it was a way for the village to block minorities from moving in to the predominantly white area. "It's time for Garden City to stop supporting its past bias, its past discrimination and realize that it has done wrong and change their ways," attorney Frederick Brewington said. "It's really not about that piece of land. It's about the bigger issue. It's about affordable housing in a place that has basically locked and chained the borders." [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [NY] Garden City accused of using zoning laws to discriminate against minorities (News 12, NY) News 12 (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, News 12) GARDEN CITY - The Village of Garden City is accused of using its zoning laws to discriminate against minorities. HUD-17-0235-B-000629 Diane Goins and Mary Crosson are the faces behind a housing discrimination lawsuit that's been going on for more than a decade. Crosson says she vividly remembers house hunting in the 1990s and being told not to even look at Garden City. "I got a job and I worked, and if I wanted to put my kids in a nice neighborhood, why couldn't I do that?" she asked. When the lawsuit was first filed back in 2005, a piece of land at the corner of Washington Avenue and 11th Street in Garden City was at the center of the case. The plot was planned to be an affordable housing development. The village then rezoned the land, which blocked multifamily dwellings. It was a move housing advocates claimed was done deliberately to prevent minorities from moving in. Since then, there have been several court rulings against the village, including one last week. There have also been several appeals by the village. Attorney Fred Brewington says it's time to stop fighting and start doing what's right. "What [the village has] done here is you've locked and chained the doors of Garden City for people who simply want to have a good place to live," said Brewington. "You've encouraged discrimination. You've encouraged hate. You've encouraged segregation and that should not be what's happening in the year 2017." [FL] Jupiter stabbings were at drug recovery center, HOA says (Palm Beach Post, FL) Palm Beach Post (9/27/2017 7:41 AM, Olivia Hitchcock and Jorge Milian) Neighborhood leaders and the real-estate company have been working to evict the residents for the last several weeks, Sponito said Tuesday. Sponito stressed that the neighborhood association did not know about -- much less approve -- the residents in that townhome. "We thought we were renting to a nice woman," Sponito said. She interviewed the renter, a single woman who claimed she would be living alone in the three-story, coral-colored house just west of the St. Louis Cardinals practice fields at Roger Dean Stadium, the baseball team's spring-training home. It was unclear Tuesday whether their efforts would prevail. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects addicts in recovery. The federal Fair Housing Act bars housing discrimination against the disabled, essentially trumping local zoning laws that would bar businesses such as sober homes from neighborhoods. That lease started in July. By early September, neighborhood leaders knew something was off, and that the renter had apparently allowed the sober-home group to use the house. [MS] National Fair Housing Alliance settles race discrimination case with Mississippi real estate agents (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 6:44 PM, Ben Lane) Accused Jackson agents of discriminating against minorities The National Fair Housing Alliance announced this week that it reached a settlement with a group of Jackson, Mississippi real estate agents over allegations that the agents discriminated against both whites and blacks. According to the NFHA, an investigation found differences in the way that Lorgroup, DBA RE/MAX Alliance, and The Lee Garland and Rita Jensen Team treated races with discrimination when they inquired about purchasing a home. Specifically, the NFHA said that its investigation found that when "Potential White homebuyers sought housing in integrated and predominantly African American neighborhoods, they were steered away." According to the investigation, white buyers were provided with a "Plethora of information and assistance to help them buy a home in a predominantly white area," while African American buyers "Often never even received a call back from an agent after leaving messages about purchasing a specific home in Jackson." HUD-17-0235-B-000630 After conducting its investigation, NFHA filed a federal housing discrimination complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development against the agents and companies, which led to this settlement. Under the terms of the settlement, Lorgroup will pay $46,000 to NFHA, participate in fair housing trainings, and display fair housing signs in its offices. Lorgroup agreed to promote fair housing in the communities where it does business and agreed to expand equal housing opportunities for all consumers, NFHA said in a release. "The differences in treatment uncovered in NFHA's investigation are examples of how Whites and Blacks are steered to different housing opportunities based on the racial composition of a neighborhood," NFHA's president and CEO, Shanna Smith, said in a statement. "Steering intentionally perpetuates residential segregation and is illegal under the Fair Housing Act," Smith said. "This is why it is imperative that real estate companies work to expand equal housing opportunities for everyone. When people choose where they want to live without artificial and illegal barriers, our communities and neighborhoods are stronger." Section 8 [NJ] Millville officials, residents score efforts on crime prevention (Vineland Daily Journal & Hammonton News, NJ) Vineland Daily Journal & Hammonton News (9/27/2017 5:41 PM, Joseph P. Smith) MILLVILLE - Residents discussed local crime trends and local responses to crime at a public meeting Tuesday night called by City Commissioner David Ennis, whose final months in office has him in charge of the Public Safety Department. The roughly two-hour meeting was at In His Presence Worship Center at East Broad and North 3rd Streets in Center City, an area that keeps police busy with a range of bad behaviors and a particular area for reports of gunfire. Ennis, who used to be the church's pastor, said the gathering's sole purpose was to "Collectively think of alternatives to make the city a better place." Ennis also criticized the state prison system for ineffectiveness when an audience member suggested released inmates are a factor in local crime. He said the federal government's Section 8 housing voucher program was a problem because, in his experience, released inmates who haven't changed their ways often stay or live with someone in the program. Homelessness [NY] Green Chimneys Childrens Services secures federal funding (Mid-Hudson News, NY) Mid-Hudson News (9/27/2017 7:39 AM, Mid-Hudson News) WASHINGTON - The US Department of Health and Human Services has granted Green Chimneys Children's Services $136,814 for the shelter's transitional living program for homeless youth. Green Chimneys in Brewster serves 200 children, the majority of whom are runaway, homeless, and street youth in Putnam County. Through their community-based services, the organization offers programs that promote positive development, healthy choices, and effective family communication. Support programs dedicated to LGBTQ youths who are homeless include residential services and career training to provide resources and develop vital skills to help them enter adulthood as healthy, responsible members of their communities. HUD-17-0235-B-000631 Ultimately, the organization's goal is to reunite the child with their family and avoid juvenile detention, foster care, or mental health facilities. The grant was announced by Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D, NY-18). [NY] Community: The Youth Task Force has Launched the Be Counted, End Youth Homelessness Campaign (WBLK-FM 93.7, NY) WBLK-FM 93.7 (9/27/2017 9:31 AM, Yasmin Young) The Youth Task Force has launched the "Be CountedEnd Youth Homelessness" campaign to promote its second Youth Point in Time Count to find and count Buffalo's homeless and couch-surfing youth to collect the data necessary to apply for funding to address their needs. On October 27, 2017 The Youth Task Force will be having an all day Youth Point in Time Count to survey as many of these youth as possible and they need your help for them to Be Counted! Youth 24-years-old and under can take the CONFIDENTIAL survey online, at any of their participating providers or at our Youth Count Pizza Party at a location to be announced. [NY] De Blasio's 'homeless hotels' plan is way behind schedule (New York Post, NY) New York Post (9/28/2017 1:46 AM, Yoav Gonen) Nearly two years after Mayor de Blasio announced a plan to create 15,000 units of supportive housing to deal with the homelessness crisis, just 48 units are ready and occupied, The Post has learned. Top city officials had initially said at least 250 units would be operating in 2016 -- the first year of the initiative -- but didn't manage to sign the first contracts with providers until December 2016. Since then, only 48 of the 550 units promised under those contracts have come to fruition, a delay that advocates say stems from the administration's inability to find enough landlords willing to participate. "There's a real challenge in New York City right now -- which is too many rental vouchers chasing too few affordable apartments," said JoAnne Page, CEO of The Fortune Society, a nonprofit serving the formerly incarcerated. [NY] Housing First Symposium: Is housing a human right? (Rochester First, NY) Rochester First (9/27/2017 8:02 PM, Rochester First) ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC-TV) - Homeless service advocates and providers gathered Wednesday to discuss the notion of housing as a human right. The Housing First Symposium took place at RIT, offering a day-long workshop with training on the Housing First concept. As the name suggests, Housing First provides a stable shelter first then addresses the issues that may have led someone to become homeless in the first place such as drug addiction. "What is the most important thing that people need -- it's shelter, it's safety, and then they can take care of things like lifestyle choice and then they can think of higher needs on the pyramid like being a productive member of society," Amy D'Amico, cochair of the Housing Fire Symposium said. The event was sponsored by the Homeless Services Network, a collective of over 80 providers in Rochester who serve and house the homeless in our area. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [NY] Meyer Manor Neighbors fear 'transients' (Eagle News Online, NY) Eagle News Online (9/28/2017 4:45 AM, Russ Tarby) Eighteen people spoke at a Sept. 18 public hearing in Liverpool about the proposed Meyer Manor apartment complex at 1225 HUD-17-0235-B-000632 Tulip St., just north of the Thruway. The wide majority opposed the development, and just three of the 18 speakers favored it. More than 95 people attended the hearing. Because the eight-acre property is within the village, the Liverpool Board of Trustees is considering a zone-change request from R-1 to R-3 for the development's entryway. Some 90 percent of the property owned by Marvin Meyer is already zoned R-3, allowing for multiple-family dwellings. Local developer Cosimo Zavaglia plans to purchase Meyer's property to construct a 108-apartment complex called Meyer Manor Apartments just south of the Johnson Tract neighborhood. Before the public hearing began, village engineer Greg Sgromo reported on a recent traffic study, which suggested that the complex's estimated 162 vehicles would have no significant impact along Tulip Street. Trustee Bradley Young disagreed, saying, "I foresee accidents happening." [NJ] Family Promise offers resources, hope to homeless (New Jersey Herald, NJ) New Jersey Herald (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Katie Moen) NEWTON --In Sussex County, homelessness remains a growing and prevalent concern. With the winter months fast approaching, organizations like Family Promise are working to ensure that local residents have access to the resources and information they need they need to stay safe and protected. "I think that homelessness is not as visible in this area as it may be in some others," said Chris Butto, executive director of Family Promise of Sussex County, "but that doesn't mean that we are not all affected by it. We have people right here in this county who are sleeping in parks or in their cars, or wondering how they are going to keep their families off the streets. Our job is to make sure that anyone who is facing homelessness knows that they do not have to face this alone and that help is available." According to a point-in-time study done in January by Monarch Housing Associates -- a census-style collection of data that looks at the number of homeless residents in a given area at the same time each year -- homelessness in Sussex County is up almost 24 percent from 2016. The data indicates that 99 local persons from 52 households were experiencing homelessness at the time of the study. [MD] Baltimore-Based Legal Group for Homeless Opens Montgomery Co. Office (Maryland Matters, MD) Maryland Matters (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Meghan Thompson) HPRP's new Rockville office was donated by Miles & Stockbridge, a leading Maryland firm. The organization also provides a legal clinic nearby at the Homebuilders Care Assessment Center, a homeless men's shelter, where lawyers conduct intake of homeless residents every other month and take on their legal cases. Montgomery County, while the wealthiest jurisdiction in the state, also has the second highest homeless population after Baltimore city, according to Maryland's Interagency Council on Homelessness' 2016 Annual Report. Because of this elevated number, HPRP chose to locate its second office in Rockville. According to Point In Time, a study conducted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Montgomery County had roughly 894 homeless people as of January 2017. Montgomery County sees an elevated number of homelessness due to the high cost of housing, the same reason for an elevated homeless population in Baltimore city, according to Fasanelli. "If people cannot earn or receive income that is sufficient to pay the market rent, that's when [communities] see homelessness," she said. The county government has partnered with HPRP to expand resources for the homeless population of Montgomery. Amanda Harris, the county's Department of Health and Human Services Chief of Services to End and Prevent Homelessness, said Montgomery faces a specific challenge of chronic homelessness. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a chronically homeless individual has a diagnosable disability, lives on the streets, in a safe haven, or in an HUD-17-0235-B-000633 emergency shelter, and has been homeless continuously for at least 12 months or on at least four separate occasions in the last three years that total at least 12 months. [FL] Friends mourn Good Samaritan shot and killed for defending homeless man (Orlando Sentinel, FL) Orlando Sentinel (9/27/2017 12:53 PM, Adam Sacasa) When Tony Royo ran out of his office to find his close friend motionless with a gunshot wound to the chest, he couldn't believe it was real. The friend, businessman Philip Antonino, 57, of Hollywood, ran Phil and Lou's Muffler Exchange in West Park with his brother. He died Friday morning when investigators say he intervened with a homeless man who was mowing grass and being "berated" by another man. "It was heart-wrenching, seeing him there, said Royo," president of Shoreline Foundation Inc., a marine construction business next door to the auto shop. "It's just so senseless." The Broward Sheriff's Office said Tuesday that investigators had no further information to release about the fatal shooting. No arrests have been announced in the killing. [MO] Apartments for Mental Illness Patients Changing Lives (KOAM-TV CBS, KS) KOAM-TV CBS (9/27/2017 6:45 PM, Lisa Olliges) An apartment building in Joplin is credited with changing lives. Magnolia Heights marked its tenth anniversary today. The housing is helping people with chronic mental illness. Paul Welton shared how he went from homelessness to living at Magnolia Heights. He told guests at a celebration how his case worker suggested he apply and interview for the housing. There are twenty-three units and twenty-three residents at Magnolia Heights. It's regularly full as residents pay thirty percent of their income to live there whether it's social security, disability, or work monies. Here they are safe and supported while they work on their mental illness. Some move out but they aren't forced to ever leave. Lisa Francis, the adult community services director said, "Some of them feel they want to stay cause they don't have any friends or family. This becomes a community all unto itself." While residents said they feel like they're part of a family, it's important that the specialized help is nearby. Magnolia Heights was built with Department of Housing and Urban Development grant dollars. It's one of three complexes for adults with mental illness. [IN] Will this finally reduce panhandling Downtown? (Indianapolis Star, IN) Indianapolis Star (9/27/2017 8:15 AM, Amy Bartner) A new campaign to curb panhandling and help homeless people in Downtown began Tuesday -- and this time, it will create noticeable change, city leaders say. Street Reach Indy will raise money via 20 bright blue parking meters and six cash donation boxes around Downtown. Two of the meters accept credit cards. Nine of the meters and all six boxes have already been installed for use. The idea is that, if Downtown visitors donate to a meter or cash box instead of directly to a person asking for money, the funds will be better distributed among resources to prevent homelessness. "There have been a lot of initiatives we have had in the past, but this is different," Alan Witchey, executive director of the Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention, or CHIP, said at a press conference at Monument Circle. "It really is a collaborative effort that hasn't been done before." [WI] Editorial: Homeless bills still need Senate action (Wisconsin State Journal, WI) Wisconsin State Journal (9/27/2017 9:38 AM, Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Board) Wisconsin needs a serious plan to fight homelessness across the state. And to her credit, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch has agreed to lead a panel to take on this important task. Just one problem: The Legislature still hasn't created the Interagency Council on Homelessness for Kleefisch to chair. HUD-17-0235-B-000634 The state Assembly unanimously voted last spring for Assembly Bill 234, which would establish the council. The secretaries of eight state agencies and other officials would serve as members. They would draft a plan to prevent and end homelessness, coordinate state efforts, and hold agencies and service providers accountable for results. A Senate committee quickly held a public hearing on AB 234 in May, with lots of people testifying for the bill -- and nobody against. [TX] Beaumont man indicted in connection with homeless woman's death (Beaumont Enterprise, TX) Beaumont Enterprise (9/27/2017 3:39 PM, Morgan Gstalter) A Jefferson County grand jury indicted a Beaumont man today on a capital murder charge in connection with of a homeless woman in June, according to court reports. Brandon Julian Coleman, 26, is charged with killing 54-year-old Catherine Dungan and leaving her body in Collier's Ferry Park on the night of June 24. Surveillance videos from nearby stores allegedly show Dungan, who was homeless, getting into a silver 2005 Ford Focus registered to Coleman's mother. Eyewitnesses place Coleman in the driver's seat, according to a probable cause affidavit from the Beaumont Police Department. Around 6:20 p.m., officers were sent to the park on Pine Street and discovered Dungan's partially nude body with her hands bound behind her back. There were signs of sexual assault, according to the affidavit. [CO] Pueblo's 19th Annual Homeless Veteran Stand Down set for Friday (Pueblo Chieftain, CO) Pueblo Chieftain (9/27/2017 4:24 PM, Anthony A. Mestas) Originally, in times of war, exhausted combat units requiring time to rest and recover were removed from the battlefields to a place of relative security and safety. The order was to stand down. Today, Stand Down refers to a community-based intervention program designed to help the nation's homeless veterans combat life on the streets. Pueblo's 19th Annual Homeless Veteran Stand Down is set for Friday. The event, put on by the Pueblo County Homeless Veterans Coalition, is scheduled to be held at First Presbyterian Church, 220 W. 10th Street, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. [CO] Hepatitis A cases surge in Colorado, El Paso County (Colorado Springs Gazette, CO) Colorado Springs Gazette (9/27/2017 8:04 PM, Jakob Rodgers) Hepatitis A infections are surging this year across Colorado - with dozens of people most recently exposed at a Colorado Springs homeless shelter. Across the state, one person has died and at least 57 people have tested positive for the liver disease this year - more than double Colorado's typical annual caseload, said Dr. Rachel Herlihy, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's state epidemiologist. El Paso County ranks as the hardest hit, with 12 cases so far this year, said Shannon Rowe, a county epidemiologist. Half of those people infected needed to be hospitalized, and all are recovering. The surge comes as several other states deal with outbreaks of the virus, which is found in fecal matter and is spread through sex or through contaminated food or water. Poor hand washing is often to blame. HUD-17-0235-B-000635 [WA] Open House opening hearts and doors (Vancouver Columbian, WA) Vancouver Columbian (9/27/2017 9:12 AM, Patty Hastings) The Bridgeview Education and Employment Resource Center will take about 10 months to complete, so it'll be done next summer. The center is in the middle of Vancouver Housing Authority's Skyline Crest housing complex and will share a wall with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington's Heights O.K. 2 Clubhouse. The resource center aims to be a one-stop shop for services and supports that low-income households may otherwise have to zigzag across the county to access. [CA] City approves year-round homeless shelter on Drayton Street (Santa Clarita Valley Signal, CA) Santa Clarita Valley Signal (9/27/2017 3:56 PM, Jim Holt) Bridge to Home is one step closer to opening its homeless shelter all year. At the city council meeting Tuesday, council members voted unanimously to turn over ownership of the property to the nonprofit and issue them a temporary use permit. The organization can now move forward with plans to keep the shelter open every day of the year instead of only during the winter months. Bridge to Home owning the property will make more Measure H funds available than if the city maintained ownership, allowing for added funds to go toward extending the shelter. "We need to act and to take advantage of Measure H funding," said City Council member Bill Miranda. "And, it seems to me that this is the right place to have it." [CA] City Controller: LA should step up enforcement to stop growth of homeless encampments (Los Angeles Daily News, CA) Los Angeles Daily News (9/28/2017 4:41 AM, Elizabeth Chou) With homeless encampments becoming a ubiquitous sight throughout Los Angeles, the city's current approach to tackling the problem has come up short, Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin concluded in a report released Wednesday. Galperin's report examines the way the city handles encampments and lays out a series of recommendations for how the city could improve its methods. Galperin urged fellow city leaders to take more immediate steps to address a rise in people living on Los Angeles's sidewalks and streets, saying that existing laws could be better used to address health and safety risks associated with homeless encampments. Despite the recent approval of Proposition HHH, a bond measure aimed at constructing more homeless housing, and Measure H, a sales tax hike to raise funds for services, those steps are expected to take several years to yield results. [CA] Hepatitis A outbreak is San Diego's Katrina as urgency underscores a slow initial response (San Diego UnionTribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (9/28/2017 4:46 AM, San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board) This may wind up as San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer's Katrina, but it's clear all five San Diego County supervisors were asleep at the switch, too. This month, after lacking it for months, city and county officials finally showed a sense of urgency -- ramping up vaccination, sanitation and education -- to fight the nation's worst hepatitis A outbreak since a vaccine was rolled out in 1995. Now, San Diego officials have expanded sidewalk power-washing far beyond its downtown core -- as cases crop up in Orange, Los Angeles and Santa Cruz counties as well as across San Diego County, from El Cajon to Chula Vista to Oceanside. One-third of our county's 461 cases are neither homeless nor illicit drug users. Faulconer has mobilized and is now sharing frequent social media updates. But the problem is so bad that firefighters in Spring Valley may have been exposed to the virus while battling a vegetation fire in a homeless camp, Ocean Beach residents are HUD-17-0235-B-000636 cleaning out coastal encampments, and county officials have heard urgent pleas to help clean up feces and filth along the San Diego River for weeks. Cooperation at the highest levels of government is essential to keep this from spiraling even more out of control. City-county emails dating to May show repeated slow activity. But at least the city responded quickly to a request for those emails. The county has yet to release its own emails about hepatitis A. [CA] San Diego expands sidewalk cleaning to fight hep A outbreak (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (9/28/2017 4:45 AM, Gary Warth) VIDEO. San Diego is expanding its efforts to curb a hepatitis A outbreak that has killed 17 people by beginning washing sidewalks with a bleach solution in beach communities, the Midway area, Uptown and Mid-City. Cleaning began Wednesday in parts of the Midway area, Ocean Beach and Pacific Beach, and crews will work in Uptown and Mid-City on Friday. Sidewalk sanitizing is one of the key actions the city is taking to assist the County of San Diego's efforts to eradicate the virus that has spread among the homeless population. The city began power-washing sidewalks with a bleach solution in different areas downtown three times a week Sept. 11, following guidelines set by the County Public Health Officer to effectively kill the hepatitis A virus. [CA] Hilton Gives Millions to Fight L.A. Homelessness (San Fernando Valley Business Journal, CA) San Fernando Valley Business Journal (9/28/2017 4:58 AM, Helen Floersh) The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation in Agoura Hills has awarded $8.5 million in grants to combat homelessness in Los Angeles County. The foundation's board disclosed Monday that it approved 14 grants totaling $26 million during the third quarter of 2017. In addition to funds for a reproductive health program for New York City foster youth and substance use research at the Seattle Children's Hospital, the Hilton Foundation will award $8.5 million over the next three years to the Home for Good initiative of the United Way of Greater Los Angeles. "We are proud to continue our partnership with the United Way of Greater Los Angeles in support of the Home for Good initiative," Peter Laugharn, chief executive of the Hilton Foundation, said in a statement. "The foundation's investment alone is not enough to bring solutions to scale, and public-private partnerships such as Home for Good will allow the foundation's investment in our communities to be amplified." Home for Good is a program that seeks to curtail chronic homelessness and homelessness among veterans. It was launched in Los Angeles in 2010 through the Business Leader's Task Force on Homelessness, a collaboration between United Way of Greater Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, and has since expanded its efforts countywide. Its core component is a four-point action plan that includes cooperation between policy-makers and community advocates; a list of best practices for housing the homeless; a "Funders Collaborative" that makes funds from private foundations available to public agencies; and the implementation of the Coordinated Entry System, which coordinates the efforts of all homeless service providers to help individuals find the most appropriate resources for their needs. [CA] San Diego mayor agreed to homeless hub, then delayed, advocates say (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (9/28/2017 4:43 AM, Jeff McDonald) Homeless advocates say San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer agreed to a deal last year to push a comprehensive shelter for homeless people on city-owned property east of Interstate 5, but the plan was delayed by months for reasons that are not clear. The agreement was to create a full-service facility to house, detoxify and counsel hundreds of people at the city corporation yard at 20th and B streets in Golden Hill. HUD-17-0235-B-000637 Under the deal, the normal red tape involved in selecting a provider and site would be cleared away. The effort was to be managed by the Alpha Project charity and introduced at the mayor's State of the City address, two people involved in discussions told The San Diego Union-Tribune. But when he made his speech in January, Faulconer didn't specify a site or a service provider. "Finally, we are going to streamline services by creating San Diego's first integrated assessment system," the mayor told the crowd at the Balboa Theatre. "And next month I'm going to formally ask homeless service providers for their proposals to make it a reality. It's about creating a central hub." [CA] SF sends alerts, opens cooling centers for 80-plus degree heat (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (9/28/2017 4:45 AM, Annie Ma and Kurtis Alexander) The calendar may say autumn, but that sweat running down your neck says summer. While it's common for the Bay Area to enjoy balmy weather in September and October, when the summer fog lifts and the sun finally emerges, a string of near-90-degree days in San Francisco is not the norm. This week's scorcher, which follows a warm spell three weeks ago that pushed temperatures in the city to an unprecedented 106 degrees, puts the month on track to be the hottest September ever recorded in some spots across the region. And in many places, the unusual heat, which climate scientists chalk up to a long-term warming trend, is triggering unusual responses. [CA] L.A. controller says city should open emergency homeless campgrounds and shelters (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Gale Holland) The Los Angeles city controller recommended Wednesday using city land for emergency campgrounds and shelters to curtail the ragged shantytowns that have plagued neighborhoods from Boyle Heights to Wilmington in the current homelessness crisis. In a 37-page report, City Controller Ron Galperin also recommended tougher policing, streamlined cleanup protocols, showers and bathrooms for homeless people and expanded storage, including mobile bins, for their belongings. He said the city should investigate whether a 10-year-old court agreement allowing homeless people to stay overnight in public spaces is still in force, with an aim of finding more flexibility in controlling homeless tents and piles of property. "Without creative solutions to address homeless encampments ... the city will merely transfer the issue from one constituency to the next without finding a way to mitigate public health and safety risks for everyone," Galperin's report said. [HI] Honolulu auditor criticizes city's homelessness initiatives (McClatchy Washington Bureau, DC) McClatchy Washington Bureau (9/28/2017 3:00 AM, Associated Press) HONOLULU - A report by city Auditor Edwin Young criticized Honolulu's initiatives to combat homelessness, saying Mayor Kirk Caldwell and his administration are lacking benchmarks and mismanaging programs aimed at sheltering people. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports that the 75-page audit submitted to the City Council on Tuesday also pointed to "a disconnect between the homelessness priority for city leaders and the resources allocated" to the Department of Community Services, which oversees housing programs. The audit did praise the city's investment of more than $7.5 million in general fund dollars to support three programs, but questioned whether that can continue using general funds. Councilman Ernie Martin said he was disappointed by the findings of the report because the administration and Council have made homelessness a priority. HUD-17-0235-B-000638 Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [CT] Judge encouraged by update of Thames River progress (New London Day -theday.com, CT) New London Day (9/27/2017 8:16 PM, Greg Smith) New London -- A judge who in 2014 signed an agreement to end a class-action lawsuit and ensure new homes for the tenants at the troubled Thames River Apartments said he is so far satisfied with the recent progress the city and its housing authority have made in trying to provide new homes for families at the high-rises. "The process languished for a while," Judge David M. Sheridan said. "At present, I'm satisfied from everything I've heard that the process is on track. The momentum is still there." Sheridan joined a teleconference at the offices of The Reardon Law Firm on Wednesday for a status report from Mayor Michael Passero, Housing Authority Executive Director Roy Boling, Housing Authority board of commissioners Chairwoman Betsy Gibson and several attorneys. Robert Reardon, who has represented tenants pro bono for more than a decade, assembled the group after threatening to reopen the case because of what he said were further deteriorating conditions at the Crystal Avenue highrises. His original lawsuit focused on unsanitary and unsafe conditions there. Reardon has continued to push for progress because the Housing Authority had failed to adhere to the timeline in the 2014 stipulated judgment ordering updated homes for tenants of the federally subsidized and outdated apartment complex. The authority, beset by setbacks that included stalled plans for a replacement housing complex, decided to pursue mobile Section 8 vouchers and abandon the high-rises. The Housing Authority found out on Wednesday that the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development is expected to approve the authority's application for a disposition of the Thames River complex and issue the vouchers. Boling said he expects an approval letter by Monday. On Oct. 12 there will be a meeting with Thames River tenants to discuss the voucher distribution process with HUD officials and representatives of the Glendower Group, the organization hired to handle the relocation process. [NY] Urban Upbounds Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (Western Queens Gazette, NY) Western Queens Gazette (9/27/2017 4:01 PM, Western Queens Gazette) On Tuesday, September 19, Bishop Mitchell Taylor, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, NYC Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, Tenants Association President April Simpson, Peoples United Bank Assistant Vice President Amy Flores, and Urban Upbound joined to announce the launch of the new employment and financial empowerment office space in the Queensbridge Houses. Urban Upbound will continue its work aimed at increasing the financial stability of public housing residents who find themselves in crisis. With the assistance of Urban Upbound, residents will be able to access financial counseling and education services, ranging from short-term financial crisis counseling and financial education workshops, to longer-term one-on-one financial counseling focused on asset building and debt reduction. Financial counselors address strategies to repair credit, access work supports such as food stamps, health benefits, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Earned Income Disregard (EID). Urban Upbound also works to connect un-banked and under-banked residents to the Urban Upbound Federal Credit Union for banking services to help them avoid high-priced check cashing companies and predatory lenders. The credit union offers affordable savings accounts, credit builder loans, and free NYCHA rent payment processing. Urban Upbound also announced the launch of two new initiatives: The Building Wealth Club, which will provide residents with tools and resources necessary to excel in entrepreneurial business development and home ownership; and a Digital Intelligence program that will teach individuals coding and information technology, helping them to secure jobs in the technology sector. HUD-17-0235-B-000639 [NY] Bed bugs becoming big problem in Ogdensburg (WWTI-TV ABC 50, Watertown, NY) WWTI-TV ABC 50 (9/27/2017 8:35 AM, Alex Hazard) Bed bugs have reportedly been an issue for some time in Watertown, and now the creepy crawlies are apparently affecting people in St. Lawrence County. Residents of two apartment complexes in Ogdensburg said there has been an infestation over the last year. It's apparently so bad, the mayor called it a "major catastrophe." The director of Ogdensburg Housing Authority indicated 21 apartments in total between the two separate buildings have had cases of bed bugs. People living there are complaining that not enough is being done to get rid of the insects, but the Housing Authority indicated it is working with public health and will continue with its current extermination process. [NY] NYCHA Responds to Our Article About Crime Victims Seeking New Apartments (City Limits, New York, NY) City Limits (9/27/2017 10:18 AM, City Limits) On September 20, City Limits published the story "NYCHA Crime Witnesses Face Obstacles When They Seek Safety." This week NYCHA submitted a letter to the editor reacting to that article. NYCHA writes: We are writing to correct the record regarding the emergency transfer process at the New York City Housing Authority ("NYCHA Crime Witnesses Face Obstacles When They Seek Safety," September 20, 2017). NYCHA is improving our emergency transfer policies and the results are tangible: the average time to process an emergency transfer decreased 31 percent from 2015 to 2017. We digitized emergency transfer forms and records to make it faster and easier to process and manage cases, provided new training on VAWA regulations and residents can now apply for an emergency transfer online through our online resident portal. The article fundamentally misunderstands the process and challenges with emergency transfers and grossly misstates the vacant apartment tracking system. For example, the article conflates numerous emergency transfer categories and policies, removing nuance that is critical to understanding the issue. The simple fact is that NYCHA is at 99 percent occupancy. The housing affordability crisis in the city means families are simply not moving. If emergency transfer applicants have additional needs (a particular neighborhood, number of bedrooms or medical needs) relocation becomes even more challenging. Today, NYCHA has only 958 open apartments throughout all 5 boroughs. We have 398 VAWA emergency transfer requests, in addition to 809 medical transfer requests, and 9,920 transfer requests for other critical needs. Furthermore, the article relies on incorrect crime data, falsely reinforcing a negative stereotype of life in public housing; NYPD data shows that crime is down 7.2 percent throughout NYCHA in 2017. We strive to be as transparent and accessible as possible, which is why we'll continue to communicate to residents, advocates and all New Yorkers as we improve our emergency transfer policies. City Limits responds: It is unclear how our article "fundamentally misunderstood" the process or "grossly misstated" the system for tracking vacant apartments. In the story in question, author Ese Olumhense acknowledged many of the points made in this letter: that changes to the system had occurred, that some measures of performance had improved, that NYCHA's low vacancy rate was a real obstacle and that "families that stay on the waiting list a long time are likely hard to place because they are very large or very small family sizes, which don't fit the majority of the vacant apartments." A NYCHA spokesperson did speak with Olumhense, but declined to be interviewed for attribution. [NY] Developer accuses Newburgh of reneging on deal, seeks new vote on letter (Middletown Times Herald-Record, NY) Middletown Times Herald-Record (9/27/2017 7:43 PM, Leonard Sparks) CITY OF NEWBURGH -- A developer Newburgh selected five years ago to build 91 units of affordable apartments and a streetlevel grocery store on Broadway is again accusing city officials of defaulting on its agreement for the $31 million project. HUD-17-0235-B-000640 Mill Street Partners LLC attorney David Cooper cited the City Council's vote against a letter supporting the lifting of a recently discovered deed restriction on one of the city-owned properties slated for the project. The complaint was in a letter sent last week to Mayor Judy Kennedy and Council members. The restriction, discovered by longtime project opponent Stuart Sachs, limited the use of 18 Johnston St. to "municipal purposes" when the Housing Authority transferred ownership to the city in 1956. The Housing Authority, which now counts Sachs as a board member, has refused to vote on lifting the restriction without a support letter from the Council even though Newburgh's elected officials have already issued support letters for the project. [NJ] Hoboken's Carmelo Garcia appointed acting director of housing agency in Newark (Hudson Reporter, NJ) Hudson Reporter (9/27/2017 4:01 PM, Staff) Carmelo Garcia, Hoboken resident and former executive director of the Hoboken Housing Authority, has been appointed acting director of the Newark Department of Economic Development, according to reports. Garcia has replaced Baye Adofo-Wilson, who according to reports handed in his letter of resignation a few weeks ago. Garcia has been serving as the chief real estate officer and executive vice president of the Newark Community Economic Development Corporation and joined the NCEDC in 2015. He previously served as a New Jersey State Assemblyman before recently stepping down. Garcia was terminated as the executive director of Hoboken's federally funded Hoboken Housing Authority in 2014 after a vote by the HHA's board of commissioners and Hoboken City Council. The HHA sued Garcia in the Hudson County Superior Court, alleging that Garcia violated U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations and broke "good faith and faith dealing" by allegedly approving or rejecting procurement contracts without the board's consent in April 2016. Garcia has filed a lawsuit that claimed that Zimmer, her husband Stan Grossbard, and members of the HHA conspired to have him removed from his position because he did not support the mayor's agenda. [NJ] New homes to rise where Montgomery Gardens was demolished (NJ.com, NJ) NJ.com (9/27/2017 7:37 AM, Kirsten Kelelr) Where three buildings were once leveled with the flip of a switch, a new building will rise. And it started the old-fashioned way -with a few shovels in the ground. Jersey City officials, along state and federal officials and the developer, broke ground last week on a mixed-income apartment complex at the site of the former Montgomery Gardens public housing complex. The Montgomery Gardens Family Phase 1 project, being developed by Michaels Development Company, is being funded by a combination of sources, including $13.9 million in federal Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery assistance. The building will have 126 units one- to four-bedroom units, including seven for homeless families. There will be 26 units available as public housing replacement units, 52 available as project-based Section 8 units, 43 available to individuals who do not exceed 60 percent of the median income in Hudson County, and five units available at market rate. "We are grateful to once again be partnering with the Jersey City Housing Authority to bring beautiful, high-quality affordable housing to families of all income levels," Gary Buechler, president of The Michaels Development Company, said in a statement. [FL] Still more issues with Tampa Housing Authority (WTSP-TV 10 News, Tampa, FL) WTSP-TV 10 News (9/27/2017 7:21 AM, 10 News) VIDEO. Tampa has a serious affordable housing crisis and construction problems at a Tampa Housing Authority property are delaying hundreds of people from getting the home they need. [IN] Bloomington Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist Opens October 3 (WBIW-AM, IN) WBIW-AM (9/27/2017 6:17 AM, Staff) The Bloomington Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waitlist will open Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at Noon and will remain open until further notice. A five-day notice will be given prior to the closing of the waiting list. The HCV waitlist is NOT HUD-17-0235-B-000641 first-come, first-served. Instead, the waitlist is ordered and ranked by preference points, which the family must verify. Once the pre-application has been submitted, all changes and/or updates to family information on the pre-application must be submitted in writing to the Bloomington Housing Authority. [MN] Metro Transit will offer $1 fare for low-income riders (St. Paul Pioneer Press, MN) St. Paul Pioneer Press (9/27/2017 4:39 PM, Trevor Squire) How It Will Work Enrollment begins Monday, but a special early enrollment period will be available Thursday and Friday at the Metro Transit Service Center at 719 Marquette Ave. in Minneapolis, which is open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Transit Assistance Program is open to individuals and families who make up to 50 percent of the median area income, according to Metro Transit. Applicants should bring proof of acceptance to other assistance programs such as free/reduced lunch, WIC or Section 8 along with valid photo identification or a utility bill to the Metro Transit service stations in Minneapolis or St. Paul (in the Skyway level of U.S. Bank Center, 101 E. Fifth St.). Some organizations such as Project for Pride in Living and Minneapolis Public Housing also will process applications. WHO WILL BENEFIT The program will help families such as those with several teenagers who have to pay adult transit fares but haven't yet entered the job market, said Kayona Adams, community engagement specialist for the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority [AZ] Eloy gives back land to housing authority (Pinal Central, AZ) Pinal Central (9/27/2017 4:16 PM, Caela Fox) Officials are sorting out confusion over addresses and land ownership for some public housing that has been in existence since the 1960s. The Eloy Housing Authority started doing title searches when it identified that four properties that were developed in the 1960s were still owned by the City of Eloy rather then by the Eloy Housing Authority like was thought. Under a Declaration of Trust and an Annual Contributions Contract with the part of Housing and Urban Development the properties were required to be in the name of the "Eloy Housing Authority" in order to receive the operation subsidy for each unit. As a result, the management agent is requesting that the council authorize the city to transfer the ownership of all four units over to the Eloy Housing Authority. One of the biggest reasons that the Eloy Housing Authority wants ownership transferred is that the houses on the parcels need to be renovated desperately. All the houses on the four parcels were built by the Public Housing Department back in the 1960s. Because of the Declaration of Trust, HUB indicated that the parcels needed to be transferred to the Housing Authority because they are under this trust and the parcels have also been receiving HUD operating subsidy for the past 48 years. [MT] Veteran's supportive housing beds secured for another year in Missoula (KPAX-TV 8 Missoula, MT) KPAX-TV 8 Missoula (9/27/2017 11:56 PM, Augusta McDonnell) VIDEO. MISSOULA - New models for veterans living with chronic homelessness that provide housing and care are being implemented in Missoula County. The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs mandated earlier this year that organizations that support housing homeless veterans with per diem grant funding must reapply using new applications. Per diem grants award funding based on the number of beds filled per-day at an organization providing supportive housing. This came as a surprise for two Missoula organizations: the Valor House, which operates in conjunction with the Missoula Housing Authority, and the Housing Montana Heroes program through the Poverello Center. After they received notice that their current grants would expire at the end of September 2017, they jumped to the task of securing funding. HUD-17-0235-B-000642 According to Missoula Housing Authority director Laurie Davidson, the Valor House is very happy to be able to continue their services. [CA] American Indian Health Poised to Take Over Army Reserve (Santa Barbara Independent, CA) Santa Barbara Independent (9/28/2017 4:49 AM, Nick Welsh) American Indian Health & Services, perhaps Santa Barbara's least-known health clinic, is hoping to take over the Army Reserve Center adjoining MacKenzie Park. When the Department of Defense declared the long-unused building surplus property in May, the Department of Health & Human Services announced it wanted to acquire the 2.5 acres for the clinic, which has operated since 1994 out of a sprawling network of offices in El Mercado shopping center on the 4100 block of State Street. The health center currently serves 7,000 patients annually, of which about 15 percent are Native Americans, and it meets the federal standards for a qualified health center that the government is obligated to provide for urban-dwelling Native Americans. It offers primary, dental, behavioral wellness, and pediatric care to clients who make 200 percent or less of the federal poverty level. Brent Baldwin, attorney for the center, said the new digs would allow for the creation of a special pediatric area with its own waiting room and more space for its large dental program. Each department has at least one Native American on staff to ensure culturally competent care. There is no connection, however, with the Chumash tribe that operates a clinic in the Santa Ynez Valley. The old Army Reserve Center was once part of a medical campus built on the eve of World War II. "As far as land-use issues in Santa Barbara, I can imagine few better than bringing a health-care clinic back to the site of a former hospital," said Baldwin, who also noted that one of every five patients using the American Indian offices is a drop-in customer. "I know we keep people from Cottage's ER," he said. Other possible contenders for the property are the City of Santa Barbara, to expand MacKenzie Park, and the Housing Authority, for affordable housing. Before any decision can be made, however, the federal General Services Administration has to determine a sale price. Then negotiations can begin. [VI] Tutu Hi-Rise residents surviving day by day (Virgin Islands Daily News, VI) Virgin Islands Daily News (9/27/2017 6:14 AM, Suzanne Carlson) Nearly three weeks after Hurricane Irma hit, some residents on St. Thomas are still living in the blown-out wreckage of apartments at Tutu Hi-Rise without food, water, or power. "I am fed up and tired," Leonise Greig-Powell, 75, said Monday at her apartment in Building 14. "No one look on me you know because I am a ghetto, I live in the ghettos. Nobody want to talk to people that live in the ghettos. But people that live in the ghettos is human." Born and raised in Trinidad, Greig-Powell said she's a U.S. citizen who has been on St. Thomas for 40 years. She's lived in Tutu Hi-Rise for more than seven years, despite having requested and been approved for a transfer to a different community to escape the area's gun violence. Her husband, Vincent Powell, died three years ago and she lives alone. Her two sons were shot and killed on St. Thomas - Henry Greig, 19 and Akil Greig Sr., 33 - and while her grandson, Akil Greig Jr., 18, had been helping her, he was shot and killed in April. Given her long history with gun violence, Greig-Powell's doctor wrote letters to the V.I. Housing Authority in 2013 and again in 2015, asking that she be moved to a safer unit. Being in an area where she's not "constantly exposed to the sound of gunshots near her apartment" would improve her mental and physical health, her doctor wrote. The Housing Authority wrote her a letter on Feb. 29, 2016, saying her transfer request had been approved, and she would be placed on a waiting list. HUD-17-0235-B-000643 Sustainability The Suburb of the Future, Almost Here (Save Marinwood-Lucas Valley, CA) Save Marinwood-Lucas Valley (9/27/2017 4:13 PM, Save Marinwood-Lucas Valley) Housing affordability is a major driver of the appeal of suburbia, which has historically been, and still is, more affordable, especially for first-time home buyers. Yet millennial suburbanites want a new kind of landscape. They want breathing room but disdain the energy wastefulness, visual monotony and social conformity of postwar manufactured neighborhoods. If new suburbs can hit the sweet spot that accommodates the priorities of that generation, millennial habitats will redefine everyday life for all suburbanites, which is 70 percent of Americans. How can technology, revolutionary design and planning transform suburban living? Climate will determine how environmental goals can be achieved in a given place: solar in the Sunbelt, say, or advanced water management in the rainy regions like the Pacific Northwest. Suburbs of the same age or size don't share the same potential benefits or needs. Here are some ideas to shape future suburbs into smart, efficient and more sustainable places to live. FBI, SEC looking into PACE lender Renovate America (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 4:11 PM, Ben Lane) WSJ reports on inquiries, company responds The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into the business of the nation's largest green lenders. On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the FBI and SEC are probing the business of Renovate America, which provides loans as part of the Property Assessed Clean Energy program. The loans, also called PACE loans, allow homeowners to obtain financing to make improvements to their homes to increase the home's energy efficiency. PACE loans are often used to add solar panels to a home. But the program is shrouded in controversy because in some states, PACE liens are given super priority status above the home's mortgage, which many in the mortgage business take serious issue with. [TX] Houston may not have an exodus, but it does face 'moment of truth' (Houston Chronicle, TX) Houston Chronicle (9/27/2017 4:16 PM, Matt Dulin) In the months to come, flood-fatigued residents and businesses may be reconsidering their options, and city leaders will need to take steps to restore confidence to prevent population loss or slowed growth, experts in housing and demographics say. "This is a moment of truth for Houston," said Stephen Klineberg, who has been studying Houston for 36 years and was founding director of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University. While observers agree that Houston won't experience a massive population decline like New Orleans post-Katrina, the challenges posed by Harvey could knock Houston's economy down a notch in the long run. "Houston has to show it is taking steps as it rebuilds itself in a more resilient way. If it doesn't do that, it does really run the risk of losing people," Klineberg said. "The source of wealth in the 21st century will have less to do with our location and more to do with our ability to attract the best and the brightest." Community Planning and Development (CPD) HUD-17-0235-B-000644 America's Most and Least Distressed Cities (The Atlantic CityLab) The Atlantic CityLab (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Sarah Holder) A new analysis puts data to the sentiment that there's increasing inequality between cities. We know there's a widening geographic economic gap in the United States, most vividly described in the months leading up to the 2016 election as a battle between the "left behind" and the "coastal elites." Now we have new detail on how that breaks down by locality. One in six Americans are living in ZIP codes that are considered economically "distressed," according to the Economic Innovation Group's 2017 Distressed Communities Index. More than 84 million others--one in four--live in communities that are considered prosperous. "You have at the top a really strong, booming, disproportionate amount of growth happening in elite communities," explains John Lettieri, EIG's senior director for policy and strategy. "And at the bottom it's not just that the gap is getting bigger between top and bottom--it's that they're pulling in opposite directions." By tracking data from over 26,000 ZIP codes, the Distressed Community Index sorted cities, counties, and congressional districts into tiers based on their economic well-being: prosperous, comfortable, mid-tier, at risk, and distressed. Cities are ranked based on seven criteria: housing vacancy rate, adults not working, the poverty rate, median income ratio, change in employment, and change in business establishments. The higher the rank on each of these metrics, the more distressed they are. Note that by other measures, even cities deemed "prosperous" suffer from other problems of affordability and intracity inequality. [ME] Senators Collins, King Announce Maine Tribes Receive $1.2 Million in Community Development Grants (WAGM-TV CBS, ME) WAGM-TV CBS (9/27/2017 3:44 PM, Wagm) Senators Susan Collins and Angus King announced that the Aroostook Band of Micmacs and the Penobscot Indian Nation have each received $600,000 through the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG). "Indian Community Development Block Grants provide important assistance to tribal communities working to maintain and improve safe living environments," said Senators Collins and King in a joint statement. "We welcome these investments in Maine's tribal communities, which will help provide affordable housing for members of Maine's tribes." The ICDBG program helps grant recipients to obtain decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities. [NJ] Long Branch OKs $20M for Pier Village expansion (Asbury Park Press, NJ) Asbury Park Press (9/27/2017 8:08 PM, Dan Radel) VIDEO. LONG BRANCH - What does the general public stand to gain from the ongoing makeover of Pier Village and its expanding footprint of multimillion-dollar luxury condos? The mayor and City Council members have sought to answer that question, after approving $20 million in taxpayer-backed bonds for the final phase of the Pier Village redevelopment. Their answer: hundreds of construction jobs; hundreds of permanent jobs; new shopping and entertainment amenities; new business opportunities for locals; and more boardwalk. The $20 million will be used to finance the public amenities that are part of a $283 million addition that will bring more luxury condos and retail to the beach. The council voted 5-0 Tuesday in favor of putting up the funds. "This will help the economy and the local workforce,'" said Councilwoman Mary Jane Celli. [NJ] Celebrating 40 years of economic revitalization in Elizabeth (FiOS1 New Jersey, NJ) FiOS1 New Jersey (9/27/2017 11:03 PM, FiOS1 New Jersey) Residents of Elizabeth looked back at 40 years of accomplishments thanks tot he Elizabeth Development Company on Wednesday evening. The EDC is a public non-profit that works with the city and mayor to promote economic revitalization and to revitalize the city's neighborhoods. HUD-17-0235-B-000645 "We enjoy linkage between the city and the city and the business community, and we do programs that benefit citizens like job training," said Bill O'Dea, Executive Director of the Elizabeth Development Company. Among the group's achievements including bringing Elizabeth the Jersey Gardens Mall, the #1 tourist attraction in the state, drawing almost 20 million visitors in 2016. The non-profit honored several neighborhood leaders, including State Senator Raymond Lesniak, who received the lifetime achievement award. "He was instrumental in many of the economic development state legislation that enabled projects like the Jersey Gardens Mall to happen," O'Dea said. Other honorees included Mayor Chris Bollwage, the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth, and Investors Bank, who won the community partner award. [TN] Huntland to receive grant for much needed sewer system (Herald-Chronicle, TN) Herald-Chronicle (9/27/2017 4:01 PM, Brian Justice and Philip J. Lorenz III) Alexander said County Mayor Richard Stewart also pushed hard to get the ball rolling toward getting Huntland a sewer system. "Everyone began to do their part - they got the grant written, they got the information gathered and then we began to monitor it at the state level," Alexander said. Community Development Block Grants are awarded once a year to communities that qualify for them, and Alexander said it is his goal and desire that Franklin County's leadership will come together each year and qualify for the funds until Huntland's sewage system is successfully in place. "All CDBG grants have to go through the governor's office, nothing happens unless Gov. Haslam signs off on them," he said. [LA] Council voting on Broome's revised plan to shake up three city-parish agencies (Baton Rouge Business Report, LA) Baton Rouge Business Report (9/27/2017 5:11 PM, Sam Karlin) Ahead of today's Metro Council vote, Mayor Sharon Weston Broome's administration has tweaked its plan to shake up three major City Hall departments handling blight, redevelopment and housing programs with federal money. Broome's transition team had initially recommended merging the Office of Community Development-which is under the mayor's control-with the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority and East Baton Rouge Housing Authority. After announcing a more tempered plan to "realign" two of those-the OCD and RDA-Broome last month added the Housing Authority back into her plan. The realignment would shake up staffing and funding at the agencies, but stops short of merging them. Changes to the somewhat obscure agencies would significantly shift the way the city-parish spends millions of federal dollars that are earmarked for public housing programs, flood remediation and anti-poverty measures, among other things. If the council votes to approve the measures, HOME and CDBG funds will be funneled to the RDA. The Housing Authority will handle section 8 programs, and two other programs will go to the Division of Human Development Services. All the programs are funded by the federal government, which dictates specific rules for how its monies can be spent. While some council members have voiced concern about the move, Rowdy Gaudet, Broome's assistant chief administrative officer who has been handling the realignment, says he feels confident going into the vote after days of meetings with council members. He plans to pitch the move as a way for the city-parish to become more efficient. Others, like councilmembers Chauna Banks and Tara Wicker, say concern over those expected efficiencies have already caused some employees to take early retirement and others to take pay cuts. If the mayor's office doesn't do anything, some worry the federal government will withhold millions of dollars in much needed programs. Last year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development found that the city-parish OCD misspent $1.3 million in federal money. HUD-17-0235-B-000646 [MI] 14 Michigan communities awarded water system fix-up funds (Crain's Detroit Business, MI) Crain's Detroit Business (9/27/2017 7:00 AM, Associated Press) Fourteen Michigan communities are getting money to improve their water and sewer systems. The Michigan Economic Development Corp. is distributing $23.2 million in grants under an initiative established last year, the Infrastructure Capacity Enhancement grant program. It's intended to boost economic growth and help low- and moderate-income communities upgrade public infrastructure. The recipients were chosen from among 48 applicants. They had to match at least 10 percent of the funding, which originates with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Projects must be completed by Dec. 31, 2019. [TX] City of Amarillo: Community Development Offers Junk and Debris Assistance (KCIT-TV Myhighplains, Amarillo, TX) KCIT-TV Myhighplains (9/27/2017 10:18 AM, Karl Wehmhoener) The City of Amarillo's Community Development department offers a special program designed to assist in the demolition and clearance of slum and blight in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods. The program - funded by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - is a high priority of the department ensuring the stabilization of neighborhoods through improving appearance, public safety, and redevelopment. The Demolition and Clearance Program offers financial assistance to qualified property owners for the demolition and clearance of substandard structures or accumulations of junk and debris. Property owners must qualify as low-to-moderate income to receive assistance and may obtain applications in the Community Development office located in the Simms Municipal Building, 808 S. Buchanan St. [TX] Preserving Westside Homes in the 'Decade of the Neighborhood' (The Rivard Report, TX) The Rivard Report (9/28/2017 1:22 AM, Jeffrey Sullivan) This year the City has $9 million to spend on owner-occupied rehabilitation programs in San Antonio. Of that, $6.5 million came from the federal Community Development Block Grants and HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and $2.5 million from City funding for the Under 1 Roof Program, which finances the repair or replacement of damaged and aging roofs. "It's an effort to address the issue that I see happening in my district and districts all over the city where homes are being demolished at an alarming rate," said Councilman Roberto Trevino (D1), who created the program. He credits COPS/Metro and their Owner Occupied advocacy for the $2.5 million that was allocated to the program this year. Linda Ortega, the organization's housing co-chair, says the funding fulfilled a commitment from the city. "We've always been working in housing," said Linda Ortega, COPS/Metro's housing co-chair. "City Council committed and we were able to get more than $9 million ... for owner-occupied housing rehab." In addition to the efforts of COPS/Metro, the Avenida Guadalupe Association, a community development corporation engaged in neighborhood revitalization, sees assisting homeowners as a way to make sure that their assets don't turn into burdens. "We know that owning the house is a part of your pathway to family economic success," said Gabriel Velasquez, the group's executive director. "But if your house is deteriorating it becomes a burden." Funding the Under 1 Roof program is one way the City is investing in its current affordable housing stock. Mayor Ron Nirenberg's recently formed housing task force is tasked with simultaneously creating new housing to meet rising demands and mitigating some impacts of development in older neighborhoods. The initiative comes at a time when the future of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding for similar programs is uncertain: President Donald Trump's 2018 budget may cut as much as $6 million from the department. HUD-17-0235-B-000647 [TX] Final decision on NELCDC coming Thursday (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX) Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (9/27/2017 8:24 PM, Matt Dotray) The city council will make its final decision on whether or not to continue funding the North and East Lubbock Community Development Corp. at its meeting Thursday. The alternative, which the Lubbock City Council voted to have details crafted at the last meeting, is to fund more home owner rehabilitation programs in the area. The city predicts the community development department could help renovate a minimum of 20 homes a year in East Lubbock. According to the city, home rehabilitations would include ramp installations, roof repairs, replacing doors and windows, heating and cooling repairs and sewer line replacements. The city council voted 5-2 at the last meeting to have City Manager Jarrett Atkinson craft a plan detailing exactly how this program will be implemented, what reporting requirements will be required and defining the exact boundaries of eligible homes. [MN] St. Paul City Council expected to vote Wednesday on divisive Ford site plan (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, MN) Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune (9/27/2017 12:02 PM, Jessie Van Berkel) The council will hold a second public hearing on the divisive zoning and public realm master plan at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. City officials continued last week's lengthy hearing because it coincided with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year celebration. The plan would divide the 122-acre site in Highland Park into six districts, with the least dense development closest to the Mississippi River. The tallest buildings would be six stories, but developers could build up to 10 stories if they add parkland elsewhere on the property, under an amendment by Council Member Chris Tolbert. Opponents say the plan's inclusion of housing for 4,320 to 7,200 people at the site would overwhelm the surrounding neighborhood and clog the streets. But supporters say the plan appropriately prepares for the future growth of St. Paul. The Council is expected to vote after the public hearing Wednesday, but their final adoption of the plan would likely occur the following week. They could decide this week to alter the plan's affordable housing requirements, after Council Member Dai Thao called for a larger percentage of the housing to serve low-income residents. [CA] Goleta City Council Sends Westar Development Back to the Drawing Board (Santa Barbara Independent, CA) Santa Barbara Independent (9/27/2017 4:12 PM, Jean Yamamura) Councilmember Roger Aceves was the only one willing to vote for the new proposal -- bolstered by the 15 people who spoke in its favor, many employed or living at Westar -- saying, "I love Option B." He thought elevators were needed for the elderly as well as the disabled and reminded that the two-story project was preferable to the original three-story live/work buildings. Mayor Paula Perotte was one of the council who said she used the Winchester alternative and had been the sole vote against Westar back in 2012. She added her "no" vote to the 4:1 majority against, as did councilmembers Kyle Richards, Stuart Kasdin, and Michael Bennett, agreeing with the 40 or so who'd written in protest of the project and the 11 who spoke in person during the three-hour session. If the developer wanted to try again, Richards suggested, Westar could try to find benefits the city needed, like affordable housing or more studio apartments, and try to avoid the density problem. Bennett took the long view, stating he'd just returned from the League of Cities meeting in Sacramento and warning of more loss of local control to come from two bills in the Legislature. He also reminded that the Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) would not go away, a state mandate to increase housing statewide incorporated into Goleta's General Plan. The Housing Element of the 2014 General Plan showed a total of 546 units remained to be built. Of those, 42 percent were designated low or very low income. National News HUD-17-0235-B-000648 The GOP tax plan, explained in simplest possible terms (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 12:33 PM, Heather Long) The big tax code makeover President Trump and Republicans have been promising for months is finally out. It's nine pages long. That may sound like a lengthy document, but the final bill in Congress will be hundreds of pages. What the White House released today is a framework. It's a summary of what top Trump officials and congressional Republican leaders have agreed to so far. The Trump administration says it's the job of Congress to flesh out the specifics. What's in there for the rich? The wealthy get a tax cut. They will pay only 35 percent on their income taxes (down from 39.6 percent). At the moment, this rate applies to any income above about $418,000. It's unclear if Congress will tinker with the income level that rate kicks in at. Trump says he would be fine with Congress raising taxes on the rich in the final plan, but he isn't requiring that they do that. The bigger tax break for the rich is the elimination of the estate tax, sometimes called the "death tax." It's the tax families currently pay when an asset like a house or ranch worth over $5.49 million is passed down to a heir after someone dies. Trump's plan scraps this tax entirely. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. Six Takeaways From The New GOP Tax Plan: First Off, It's Not A Plan (Forbes) Forbes (9/27/2017 4:58 PM, Howard Gleckman) President Trump and the congressional Republican leadership released their newest highly-promoted tax plan Wednesday. Although the president promised Tuesday it would be a "very comprehensive report," it is in fact only a broad outline that is silent on key details. It sketches out big tax cuts for businesses and high-income households, modest tax cuts for middle-income taxpayers, and simplification of the individual tax code--all of which would reduce federal revenues by trillions of dollars over the next decade. Here are six key takeaways from the framework: It is not a plan. Much like the White House effort last April, it is little more than a rough outline. Trump is approaching tax reform very differently than President Reagan, who kicked off the debate over what would become the Tax Reform Act of 1986 with a comprehensive opening bid. Wednesday's document leaves out many crucial details. It even fails to identify individual tax brackets (it describes the rates but not the income levels to which they'd apply). Oddly, it describes three individual income tax rates--12-25-35--then says a fourth higher bracket "may apply." It isn't tax reform. It is a tax cut. There is no plausible way Congress can fully fund all of the tax cuts in this outline while complying with its constraints on revenue-raisers. Businesses would receive the biggest tax cuts, which would ultimately benefit the highest income households. Trump, Republicans Unveil Tax Reform Blueprint (U.S. News & World Report) U.S. News & World Report (9/27/2017 11:34 AM, Andrew Soergel) President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers on Wednesday are unveiling a long-awaited tax reform blueprint designed to lower corporate tax burdens, reduce the number of income tax brackets from seven to three and double the size of Americans' standard deductions in a bid to bolster take-home pay for those in the middle class. Senior administration officials this week teased details of the plan during a conference call with reporters, though they noted much of the fine print would have to be worked out within congressional tax-writing committees. They had not, for example, ironed out exactly how much workers would have to make to be placed in one of the plan's new personal income tax brackets. But they did confirm that the Trump-backed plan targets taxing individuals and families at either a 12 percent, 25 percent or 35 percent rate, depending on how much they earn in a given year. HUD-17-0235-B-000649 The officials also said the Trump administration and senior GOP officials had left room for lawmakers to introduce a fourth tax bracket for the country's ultra-wealthy, should they deem such a category necessary during committee deliberations. Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades (New York Times) New York Times (9/27/2017 3:43 PM, Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Alan Rappeport) VIDEO. INDIANAPOLIS -- President Trump on Wednesday began a full-throttle push to slash taxes and salvage what is left of his foundering legislative agenda in Congress, proposing a politically challenging array of tax cuts for individuals and businesses that would constitute the most sweeping changes to the federal tax code in decades. Mr. Trump, smarting from the latest defeat this week of his efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, cast his tax plan as an economic imperative and the fulfillment of a promise to his coalition of working-class supporters to deliver benefits in the form of lower taxes, better jobs and higher wages. But the president offered few details about how working people might benefit from a plan that has explicit and substantial rewards for wealthy people and corporations, including the elimination of taxes on large inheritances and deep reductions in the rates paid by businesses large and small. "This is a revolutionary change, and the biggest winners will be middle class workers as jobs start pouring into our country, as companies start competing for American labor, and as wages continue to grow," Mr. Trump told hundreds of supporters in a nondescript building at the Indiana State Fair Grounds. "This will be the lowest top marginal income tax rate for small and midsize businesses in more than 80 years." Whatever the economic effects, the political stakes of the plan were unmistakable for a president who is desperate to score a legislative win before his first year in office draws to a close. In an apparent nod to the harsh political realities the tax plan faces and festering divisions among Republicans that have derailed the rest of his agenda, Mr. Trump made an explicit bid to Democrats to support the plan. However, Republican congressional leaders and senior White House officials have said privately they expect to use special budget rules that would allow them to get the bill through Congress without Democratic support. GOP tax plan short on details (Politico) Politico (9/27/2017 4:52 PM, Theodoric Meyer) Republicans' tax "proposal released Wednesday morning by the so-called Big Six is heavy on the GOP's tax cut desires and light when it comes to explaining whose taxes will have to go up to help control costs," POLITICO's Brian Faler and Rachael Bade report. There's a reason for that: "The negotiators opted to leave out the deductions they wanted to eliminate because they could not agree on the final list and did not want to provoke D.C.'s well-paid army of tax lobbyists, according to two people familiar with the negotiations," POLITICO's Nancy Cook and Ben White report. "'K Street lives and gets paid to kill tax reform,' said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the conservative think tank, American Action Forum, and a former director of the Congressional Budget Office. 'That is the generic issue with tax reform. It is routinely blown up by the business community.'" -- Still, the details released this morning were enough for one powerful trade group to announce they'd endorse the plan, POLITICO's Lorraine Woellert reports. "'It's a winning combination,' NAHB Chief Executive Officer Jerry Howard told POLITICO. 'We think the Gang of Six hit a home run here.' He cited the tax cuts for businesses and the middle class, as well as the plan's 'clearly stated commitment to homeownership.' The endorsement is a major shift for the group, which had vowed to challenge an increase in the standard deduction. Raising the deduction, they argued, would devalue the mortgage interest deduction." GOP proposes deep tax cuts, provides few details on how to pay for them (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 7:51 PM, Damian Paletta, Mike DeBonis and Carolyn Y. Johnson) Republican leaders on Wednesday proposed slashing tax rates for the wealthy, the middle class and businesses while preserving popular tax deductions that encourage buying homes and giving to charity, hoping to unify the party behind a proposal to revamp the U.S. tax code. But the nine-page framework they released to kick off negotiations left many key questions unanswered, including how they plan to avoid adding trillions of dollars to the government's debt. The framework leaned heavily on limiting taxes paid by the wealthiest Americans, such as the alternative-minimum tax, and opposition to these changes from Democrats suggest it will be a HUD-17-0235-B-000650 battleground as negotiations intensify. Republicans were also careful not to identify numerous tax breaks they might remove, focusing instead on promises to lower rates so much that President Trump estimated the effort would amount to the biggest tax cut of all time. The "unified framework" was meant to serve as a starting point for negotiations on a tax deal, which lawmakers hope to complete by the end of the year. Republican leaders are now tasked with resolving controversial questions to unite their party -- and possibly some Democrats -- behind tax legislation, such as what corporate tax breaks to protect and how much revenue they are willing to lose in pursuit of new economic growth. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. GOP Tax Framework: 20 Percent Corporate, 35 Percent Top Individual Rates (Roll Call) Roll Call (9/27/2017 8:18 PM, Lindsey McPherson) Nine-page document provides few new details The Republican tax overhaul framework calls for cutting tax rates to 20 percent for corporations, 25 percent for small businesses and 35 percent for high-income individuals. The nine-page document provides only a few other new details about GOP plans for rewriting the tax code. Many of the policies outlined in the framework are ones included in the House Republicans' "A Better Way" plan released last year. This framework is a product of the so-called Big Six tax negotiators: House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, Senate Finance Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn. The 20 percent corporate rate and 25 percent small-business rate were part of the House plan; President Donald Trump had been pushing for a 15 percent corporate rate. On the individual side, the framework calls for collapsing the existing seven tax brackets into three with rates of 12, 25, and 35 percent. The document does not specify the income thresholds at which the brackets will be set. GOP Tax Overhaul Aims for Corporate Cuts, Simpler Code (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (9/27/2017 7:27 PM, Richard Rubin and Siobhan Hughes) Plan would lower corporate tax rate to 20%, end state and local tax deductions for individuals WASHINGTON--President Donald Trump and GOP leaders proposed sharply reducing tax rates on businesses and many individuals, kicking off a major legislative push to overhaul the nation's tax code this year. The ambitious framework released Wednesday by party leaders sketched out a range of tax changes--including lower taxes on corporate profits, incentives for business investment, fewer and lower individual income tax brackets and the end of estate taxes--that Republicans said will boost economic growth and benefit middle-income families. Under the Republicans' plan, the corporate tax rate would fall to 20% from 35%. And the top rate on individuals could drop to 35% from 39.6%. Manufacturers, large-company executives, retailers and conservative groups issued supportive statements, showing a breadth of support for the GOP ideas, particularly in the business community. Real-estate agents, local governments and charities, who all stand to lose, voiced concerns, offering a preview of some potentially powerful opposition. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. HUD-17-0235-B-000651 Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump (New York Times) New York Times (9/27/2017 8:16 PM, Binyamin Appelbaum) WASHINGTON -- The tax plan that the Trump administration outlined on Wednesday is a potentially huge windfall for the wealthiest Americans. It would not directly benefit the bottom third of the population. As for the middle class, the benefits appear to be modest. The administration and its congressional allies are proposing to sharply reduce taxation of business income, primarily benefiting the small share of the population that owns the vast majority of corporate equity. President Trump said on Wednesday that the cuts would increase investment and spur growth, creating broader prosperity. But experts say the upside is limited, not least because the economy is already expanding. The plan would also benefit Mr. Trump and other affluent Americans by eliminating the estate tax, which affects just a few thousand uber-wealthy families each year, and the alternative minimum tax, a safety net designed to prevent tax avoidance. The precise impact on Mr. Trump cannot be ascertained because the president refuses to release his tax returns, but the few snippets of returns that have become public show one thing clearly: The alternative minimum tax has been unkind to Mr. Trump. In 2005, it forced him to pay $31 million in additional taxes. How President Trump's tax plan affects you, and what we still don't know about it (USA Today) USA Today (9/27/2017 12:52 PM, Herb Jackson) VIDEO. Working poor people could owe no income tax, filing a return could get much simpler, and there would even be a new credit for caring for elderly relatives under a tax "framework" being proposed Wednesday by President Trump and Republican leaders in Congress. The plan cuts the top corporate tax rate dramatically and creates a new top rate for small businesses that is lower than the top rate for individuals. It also eliminates two taxes paid entirely by the rich, while taking away a deduction for state and local taxes that is used most heavily in some of the most wealthy, and Democrat-dominated, states. Exactly how many other deductions and credits disappear to help pay for it all, and how much gets added to the deficit or must be offset with other budget cuts, may not be worked out for a while -- even though Republicans are eager to move taxes to the front burner after another defeat this week on revamping health insurance. Quick reaction: Trump officially rolls out Republican tax plan (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 5:41 PM, Kelsey Ramirez) Here's everything you need to know President Donald Trump and what is being referred to as the "Big Six" group of Republicans officially announced their new tax plan. However, even after 10 months of waiting, the plan is still sparse on the details. As expected, the plan outlines its plan for new tax brackets, and a lower corporate tax rate. The team of six includes National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, U.S. Department of the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Finance Committee chairman Orrin Hatch, House speaker Paul Ryan and House Ways and Means Committee chairman Kevin Brady. "Too many in our country are shut out of the dynamism of the US economy, which has led to the justifiable feeling that the system is rigged against hardworking Americans," according to the nine-page report. "With significant and meaningful tax reform and relief, we will create a fairer system that levels the playing field and extends economic opportunities to American workers, small businesses, and middle-income families." HUD-17-0235-B-000652 The new tax plan changes individual tax rates to 12%, 25% and 35% with the possibility for another higher bracket. It also lays out a 20% corporate tax, down from the current level of 35%. And while the plan mentions eliminating some business deductions and industry-specific incentives, however it did not include many details. There are still huge parts missing from the newest Trump tax plan (Business Insider) Business Insider (9/27/2017 4:23 PM, Bob Bryan) President Donald Trump and the Republican tax reform group known as the "Big Six" debuted their latest outline for what the president has promised would be the "biggest tax cut in history." The outline revealed new goals, including a corporate tax rate of 20%, a pass-through rate at 25%, and the individual tax rates. But it also omits some key details that will have to be fleshed out as the tax-writing committees work to craft actual legislation from the principles. Given that the tax code is thousands of pages and the initial framework is only nine, some of the omitted details are most likely intentional to guard against initial blowback from interest groups. Trump pitches tax cut as 'middle class miracle' (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 3:41 PM, Ken Thomas, Associated Press) INDIANAPOLIS -- Promising a "middle class miracle," President Donald Trump on Wednesday was in full salesman mode as he tried to build momentum behind his plan to overhaul the nation's tax code and revive his moribund legislative agenda. Hours after the White House and congressional Republicans released a framework for sweeping changes to the tax system, the president told hundreds of supporters at the Indiana State Fairgrounds the plan was "a once-in-a-generation opportunity." "This is a revolutionary change and the biggest winners will be the everyday American workers as jobs start pouring into our country, as companies start competing for American labor, and as wages start going up at levels that you haven't seen in many years," he said. Passing the tax plan has become critical for a president desperate for a win. Trump proposal slashes taxes on businesses, the rich; fuels deficit worries (Reuters) Reuters (9/27/2017 5:33 PM, David Morgan and Richard Cowan) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday proposed the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in three decades, offering to cut taxes for most Americans but prompting criticism that the plan favors the rich and companies and could add trillions of dollars to the deficit. The proposal, which the Republican president said was aimed at helping working people, creating jobs and making the tax code more simple and fair, faces an uphill battle in Congress with Trump's own party divided and Democrats hostile. The plan would lower corporate income tax rates, cut taxes for small businesses, reduce the top income tax rate for individuals and scrap some widely used tax breaks including one that benefits people in high-tax states dominated by Democrats. Forged during months of talks among Trump's aides and top Republicans in Congress, the plan contained scant details about how to pay for the cuts without fueling deficits. It must be turned into detailed legislation by the Republican-led congressional taxwriting committees. Rep. Levin blasts Republican tax plan (Detroit Free Press, MI) Detroit Free Press (9/27/2017 2:08 PM, Todd Spangler) The outline of a tax reform proposal being unveiled today by President Donald Trump and Republican leaders is already being HUD-17-0235-B-000653 panned by Michigan Democrats in Congress. Even as the outline was being publicly released this morning, U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Royal Oak, who is a former chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, called it "too much help for the wealthy and an enormous deficit tax for everyone else." House Speaker Paul Ryan and Republican leaders unveiled the outline -- titled "Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code" -- online around 11 a.m. today. What it showed was a move to nearly double the standard deduction -- from $6,350 to $12,000 for single filers and from $12,700 to $24,000 for joint filers -- while collapsing the current seven tax brackets into just three, repealing personal exemptions for dependents and increasing the child care credit. It also calls for keeping certain itemized deductions -- like the mortgage interest deduction and charitable deduction -- in place while eliminating most others, which could include those for local and state taxes. Among other items, the proposal calls for reducing the top corporate tax rate to 20% from 39% and reduces the top tax rate on businesses which pay taxes through the income tax. This is the most important point in the GOP tax-reform plan (CNBC) CNBC (9/27/2017 2:30 PM, Jake Novak) VIDEO. The Trump/GOP tax reform plan is out. And it includes what could be the most significant tax relief in modern U.S. history for Americans who really need it. That would be the plan to double the standard deduction for federal tax filers to$12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for married couples. This is about as far as you can get from tax plans that supposedly only favor the"1 percent" or rely on "trickle down" theories to boost the overall economy. Now just to be clear, this doubling of the standard deduction would not really amount to a 100-percent increase in deductions for everyone. Personal exemptions are being eliminated and consolidated into that bigger standard deduction. For someone taking the current standard deduction of$6,350 and one personal exemption of $4,050, this plan offers as "little" as 15 percent net increase in the deduction. But here's a news flash: that's still a massive tax break. What would you do with 15 percent more money? But while 15 percent is nothing to sneeze at, how is this such a major game-changer overall? First off, it's important to remember that about 70 percent of federal tax filers don't itemize according to the Tax Policy Center. That may sound crazy to homeowners and people who live in highly-taxed blue states, but it's true. Trump's new tax plan shows how unserious Republicans are about governing (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 1:24 PM, Paul Waldman) "I will give you everything," Donald Trump promised as a presidential candidate, and as president, not only has he continued to make that promise, but also the entire Republican Party has followed suit. Of course, they can't actually deliver everything. But this has become their guiding principle: that governing does not actually require making difficult choices, or when it does, one should just pretend that it doesn't. That's one key message from the nine-page document that the Trump administration released today outlining the tax cuts it wants Congress to pass. The message in the plan itself and in the arguments they are using to justify it is that there are no choices to be made. We can have it all -- cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy, which will shower great jobs on the rabble, which will not only not increase the deficit, it will cut it because so much new revenue will pour in. HUD-17-0235-B-000654 If all that were actually true, it certainly would be terrific. But it isn't. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source] Tax Reform, If You Can Keep It (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Wall Street Journal Editorial) Republicans finally unveiled the party's blueprint for tax reform on Wednesday, and Americans who want a faster-growing economy should be pleased. The GOP has offered an outline that will enhance U.S. competitiveness and simplify the code--if the final product isn't diluted by the class-warfare brigades and K Street lobbyists. The nine-page framework offers the contours worked out by GOP leaders and tax writers in Congress and the Trump Administration, and the goal is to lower rates and streamline preferences. The danger is that the opening offer is near the lower limits of what is needed to lift the economy to a higher growth plane, and Republicans don't have room for concessions to this or that interest group. The most important news is that the plan would make U.S. businesses more competitive around the globe. The corporate rate will fall to 20% from 35%, which is the highest in the developed world. This is not as low as President Trump's floated 15% or Ireland's 12.5% but would bring the U.S. below the industrialized-world's 22.5% average. This would improve U.S. corporate tax competitiveness from a depressing 35th out of 35 nations in the Tax Foundation's annual index, which is below even France. (See nearby.) The framework also moves to a territorial model that allows companies to pay taxes where income is earned, which is the global norm. The punishing U.S. system has left $2.5 trillion parked overseas, and that money will be invited back at a discount with illiquid assets paying a lower rate than cash. The changes will be permanent, which is important as corporations invest with a long tail, and they will be immediate, which means investors won't have to wait to see the benefit of lower rates. Home-contract signings tumble to near 2-year low (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (9/27/2017 10:09 AM, Andrea Riquier) Housing market 'has essentially stalled,' say the Realtors, who cut their 2017 outlook Americans signed fewer contracts to buy homes in August, the fifth month of declines in the last six, prompting the Realtor industry group to slash its forecast for sales in 2017. The National Association of Realtors' pending home sales index fell 2.6% to 106.3, the group said Wednesday. That was the lowest reading since January 2016 and put the index 2.6% lower than its level a year ago. Economists surveyed by Econoday had forecast a 0.2% dip in the index in August, which forecasts future sales by tracking real estate transactions in which a contract has been signed but the deal has not yet closed. The extreme supply-demand imbalance in the housing market has ground sales to a standstill, the Realtors believe. "This summer's terribly low supply levels have officially drained all of the housing market's momentum over the past year," the group said in a statement. MBA: Mortgage applications post little movement (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 10:33 AM, Brena Swanson) Mortgage interest rates inch higher Mortgage applications barely moved, falling a slight 0.5% from one week earlier, according to the latest data from the Mortgage Bankers Association's Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending Sept. 22. Broken up, the Refinance Index decreased 4% from the previous week, while the seasonally adjusted Purchase Index increased 3% from one week earlier. HUD-17-0235-B-000655 The refinance share of mortgage activity stayed at about half of all applications, slipping to 50.8% of total applications from 52.1% the previous week. The adjustable-rate mortgage share of activity decreased to 6.5% of total applications. The Federal Housing Administration's share of total applications fell to 9.6% from 9.9% the week prior, as the Department of Veterans Affairs' share of total applications decreased to 10.0% from 10.1% the week prior. NAR: Persistent, slow home sales mean housing market is now "essentially stalled" (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 12:16 PM, Kelsey Ramirez) Sales drop for fifth time in six months Pending home sales decreased in August for the fifth time in six months, and was especially slow in areas hit by hurricanes Harvey and Irma, according to the latest report from the National Association of Realtors. In fact, this slow down even caused NAR to downgrade is overall forecast for the year, the report explained. Existing home sales may now see a decrease from 2016 to 2017, instead of the previously forecasted increase. NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said the low levels of housing supply over the summer now officially drained all the housing market's momentum. He now forecasts existing home sales to close the year at 5.44 million, down 0.2% from 5.45 million in 2016. Last month, Yun predicted home sales would close out 2017 at 5.49 million. Pending home sales drop 2.6% in August; Top Realtors economist warns housing market 'stalled' (CNBC) CNBC (9/27/2017 10:42 AM, Diana Olick) VIDEO. It is no longer a blip, but a trend. Home sales are weakening, and they are not expected to improve anytime soon. A monthly index measuring signed contracts to buy existing homes fell 2.6 percent in August compared to July. That is the fifth drop in the past six months and below expectations. The National Association of Realtors' so-called pending home sales index is now down the same amount compared to August of 2016, hitting the lowest level since January of that year. "August was another month of declining contract activity because of the one-two punch of limited listings and home prices rising far above incomes," said Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the Realtors in a release. "Demand continues to overwhelm supply in most of the country, and as a result, many would-be buyers from earlier in the year are still in the market for a home, while others have perhaps decided to temporarily postpone their search." Yun said he believes the housing market has "essentially stalled." He lowered his forecast for full-year existing home sales to 5.44 million, which is 0.2 percent below 2016's pace. The original prediction last January for 2017 was 5.57 million, an increase of 2.2 percent compared to 2016. A consistent drop in supply and spike in home prices are largely to blame for the change, but two devastating hurricanes only added to the weakness. Pending home sales slip to 19-month low in August (The Hill) The Hill (9/27/2017 1:01 PM, Vicki Needham) Pending home sales slipped in August to the lowest level in 19 months as a mixture of low supply and severe weather weighed heavily on the housing market. Sales, which are based on contract signings, dropped 2.6 percent to 106.3 in August from 109.1 in July, the fifth decline in six months, and the lowest reading since January 2016, the National Association of Realtors said on Wednesday. Slower activity in states such as Texas and Florida that were battered by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma may hold existing home sales below the pace set in 2016, NAR said. HUD-17-0235-B-000656 Also, the housing market's growth also has been hampered by low levels of homes for sale, which have sapped some momentum over the past year. "August was another month of declining contract activity because of the one-two punch of limited listings and home prices rising far above incomes," said Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist. U.S. pending home sales drop 2.6 percent in August (Reuters) Reuters (9/27/2017 10:20 AM, Reuters) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Contracts to buy previously owned homes fell more than expected in August to their lowest level in about 1-1/2 years as the housing market continues to be sapped by a shortage of inventory that is also pushing up home prices. The National Association of Realtors said on Wednesday its Pending Home Sales Index, based on contracts signed last month, dropped 2.6 percent to a reading of 106.3. July's index was unrevised. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast pending home sales declining 0.5 percent last month. It was the fifth time in six months that pending home sales have retreated. Pending home contracts are viewed as a forward-looking indicator for the state of the housing market because they become sales one or two months later. U.S. Pending Home Sales Fell in August (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Sharon Nunn) National Association of Realtors pending home sales index declined 2.6% from July to 106.3 A gauge of future U.S. home sales fell in August to its lowest reading in more than a year, as low supply levels and recent hurricanes continue to hinder home closings. The National Association of Realtors on Wednesday said its pending home sales index, which tracks contract signings for previously owned homes, declined 2.6% from July to 106.3 in August. Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had expected a smaller decrease of 0.5% from July. The index was down 2.6% in August from a year earlier. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said the limited number of homes for sale and rising price tags have continued to plague the housing market, draining the momentum gained in the past year. "Demand continues to overwhelm supply in most of the country, and as a result, many would-be buyers from earlier in the year are still in the market for a home, while others have perhaps decided to temporarily postpone their search," he said. Pending Home Sales in U.S. Decline by Most Since January (Bloomberg) Bloomberg (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Agnel Philip) Contract signings for the purchase of previously owned U.S. homes fell in August by the most in seven months, reflecting limited inventory, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday. The Realtors group's revised forecast for the year calls for sales to weaken from 2016 in the wake of two hurricanes. Key Takeaways A limited number of properties for sale fueled declines in contract signings for the fifth time in six months, a trend that will be made worse in the aftermath of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the Realtors group said. Lean inventory is keeping prices climbing more than wages, creating a more challenging purchasing climate for first-time homebuyers. The Realtors group projects 5.44 million homes will be sold this year, down from last month's estimate of 5.49 million and lower HUD-17-0235-B-000657 than the 5.45 million sold in 2016. The NAR sees the median selling price increasing 6 percent this year, compared with the 5.1 percent gain in 2016. U.S. Families' Wealth, Incomes Rose, Fed Survey Says (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (9/28/2017 5:00 AM, Harriet Torry) U.S. families' wealth and incomes rose across the board as the economic recovery continued in recent years, a shift after they stagnated for all but the most well-off in the aftermath of the recession, the Federal Reserve reported Wednesday. Minority households and families with less education had larger proportional gains in income than others between 2013 and 2016, suggesting the fruits of the recovery spread to a wider swath of society, the Fed said. "The breadth of what we see at the bottom means those strata are starting to catch up after years of lagging," said Diane Swonk, founder of DS Economics, attributing much of the gains to minimum wage increases during the survey period. Nonetheless, the gap between the wealthy and the rest of society continued to widen. The top 1% of households took home nearly a quarter of total income last year, 23.8%, up from 20.3% in 2013. The share of wealth held by the top 1% rose to 39% in 2016, up from 30% in 1989. Minorities and Americans without college degrees showed greatest gains in wealth since 2013, new data says (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 8:22 PM, Heather Long and Tracy Jan) Americans who were left behind as the country pulled out of the Great Recession -- African Americans, Hispanics and people without college degrees -- saw large gains in net worth over the past three years, the Federal Reserve reported Wednesday. But the improvements failed to narrow the inequality gap: The share of America's income held by the top 1 percent of households reached 24 percent in 2016, a record high, and the median net worth of white households, at $171,000, was nearly 10 times larger than for black households. The findings suggest that while a robust economy has benefited all economic groups, the wealthiest and most educated have been in a position to benefit even more because they began with such a significant advantage. "The gap between the haves and have-nots hasn't closed in recent years. It still remains a gulf," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "These groups have a lot of financial catch-up to do." U.S. Growth Starts to Help More People, But Wealthiest Win Most (Bloomberg Markets) Bloomberg Markets (9/27/2017 1:30 PM, Craig Torres & Jordan Yadoo) The long-running U.S. economic expansion is starting to reach down and deliver gains to lower-income Americans, while causing already-wide disparities in earning power and wealth to get even bigger, according to a triennial Federal Reserve survey. "Families throughout the income distribution experienced gains in average real incomes between 2013 and 2016, reversing the trend from 2010 to 2013, when real incomes fell or remained stagnant for all but the top of the income distribution," the Fed said in its Survey of Consumer Finances released Wednesday in Washington. The survey also found that the shares of income and wealth held by the most affluent families reached the highest levels in records back to 1989. The share of income received by the top 1 percent of families rose to 23.8 percent in 2016, up from 20.3 percent in 2013. The share of the bottom 90 percent of the distribution fell to 49.7 percent, the lowest on record in the survey's history. While the jobless rate is near a 16-year low and the economy is growing for a ninth year, rising inequality is a risk to capitalist institutions and social cohesion as market-based systems distribute more gains to those at the top. President Donald Trump rode a wave of anti-establishment anger to the presidency, and trust in the Fed waned after it bailed out failing financial institutions such as Bear Stearns Cos. in 2008. Economists now warn that rising disparities in wealth and incomes could also affect patterns HUD-17-0235-B-000658 of consumption and the labor market. "Persistently high levels of income and wealth inequality may also have implications for the robustness of consumer spending" because the wealthy have a higher propensity to save, Fed Governor Lael Brainard said in a speech Tuesday, where she previewed the survey's results. Editorial: Equifax breach shows need for consumer protections (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (9/28/2017 4:49 AM, Chronicle Editorial Board) A disastrous data breach at credit-rating giant Equifax is going to the next stage. The company's chief executive is departing, San Francisco is first among likely many to sue, and a top Washington consumer regulator is promising a crackdown to prevent a repeat. Maybe these steps are predictable and necessary. But consumers -- in this case some 143 million Americans possibly "Equifaxed" in the hack -- want serious results. Meaningful repairs should follow, not just court damages and promises. Equifax's own actions to date aren't encouraging. It bottled up word of the data breach for weeks. When worried consumers sought answers, the company's computers stalled. It even considered charging a fee for freezing accounts. That performance is inviting huge trouble for the firm. It's in the gunsights of congressional panels. It also has led City Attorney Dennis Herrera to file a lawsuit claiming Equifax failed to maintain security safeguards and delayed announcing the bad news. Millions in damages are possible. Equifax, other credit rating firms should prepare for 'a different regime,' Washington regulator warns (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 12:42 PM, Renae Merle) One of Washington's top consumer watchdogs warned on Wednesday that credit rating agencies should prepare for tougher supervision in the wake of a massive hack at Equifax that exposed sensitive data on 143 million people. "We're going to have monitoring in place that's preventive," Richard Cordray, the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said in an interview with CNBC. "It's going to be a different regime than we're used to. In the past they dealt with these problems on their own. ... That's not good enough." The big three credit bureaus -- Equifax, TransUnion and Experian -- collect information on 200 million consumers but have traditionally only been federally regulated by the Federal Trade Commission. In 2010's financial reform legislation, the DoddFrank Act, the CFPB gained the power to supervise the companies on a day-to-day basis. In the interview, Cordray indicated that the agency would be accelerating that effort following the Equifax hack, which has also sparked investigations by the FBI and other regulators. Big changes coming for credit firms in wake of Equifax hack, CFPB director says (CNBC) CNBC (9/27/2017 9:49 AM, Jeff Cox) VIDEO. Credit reporting agencies are going to have to get used to "a new regime" in the wake of the Equifax consumer data hack, a top Washington regulator said Wednesday. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray said Equifax, TransUnion and Experian are getting embedded regulators to ensure that similar breaches of private information don't happen again. Companies "should welcome" the heightened level of scrutiny, Cordray told CNBC in a live interview on "Squawk on the Street." "If they're going to restore public confidence in this marketplace, and if they're going to create the kind of reforms necessary, they're going to have to recognize the old days of just doing what they want, being subject to lawsuits now and then, are over," he said. "There has to be a scheme of preventive monitoring in place. They're going to have to accept that, they're going to welcome that, they're going to have to be very forthcoming." HUD-17-0235-B-000659 Senate mulls arbitration bill despite Equifax about-face (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (9/27/2017 9:31 AM, Tamar Hallerman) Republican leaders are reportedly mulling whether to bring to the Senate floor a bill that would nullify an Obama-era consumer protection regulation aimed curtailing a practice used by many corporations to keep potential class action lawsuits out of court. The debate comes three weeks after a public outcry compelled the Atlanta-based Equifax to quickly drop so-called forced arbitration language from the terms of service of the free credit monitoring service it was offering its customers after its massive data breach. Democrats and consumer action groups are mobilizing to try and quash the effort. Multiple news outlets reported that a vote could come as soon as this week, although a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday afternoon that nothing has been scheduled on the floor. Equifax, other credit-reporting firms, face onsite monitors - watchdog (Reuters) Reuters (9/27/2017 4:40 PM, Reuters) (Reuters) - Credit-reporting firms will be subject to stricter regulatory monitoring following the massive data breach that Equifax Inc disclosed this month, the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said on Wednesday. The CFPB is working with the Federal Trade Commission and the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) on a new regulatory framework that includes onsite monitors at the three big credit-reporting firms, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, Director Richard Cordray told CNBC. "The old days of just doing what they want and being subject to lawsuits now and then are over," Cordray said. "There has to be a scheme of preventive monitoring in place. They are going to have to accept that. They are going to have to welcome it. They are going to have to be very forthcoming." The real problem with credit reports is the astounding number of errors (CNBC) CNBC (9/27/2017 5:05 PM, Aaron Klein) Your most personal information -- home address, Social Security number, etc. -- has likely been hacked as one of the 143 million American consumers whose Equifax credit files were breached. Equifax CEO Richard Smith resignation, potential illegal stock trades of senior executives, has drawn the attention of Congress with a Senate hearing scheduled. Policy makers need to resist the headlines and focus on the real problem that directly harms millions of Americans: the astounding number of errors in the credit reports that are the result of misaligned economic and legal incentives. More than one in five consumers have a "potentially material error" in their credit file that makes them look riskier than they are. Lenders respond to this incorrect data by offering you higher interest rates, less favorable terms, or denying credit if the error makes you look too risky. With money on the line, you might assume that the credit reporting system would fix the problem. In reality, it is the opposite. Speed and volume are favored over accuracy. Large-scale inaccuracies are tolerated. The costs of correcting the data outweigh benefits -- for the credit bureaus, though, not the consumers. U.S. credit reporting firms need tougher oversight: watchdog (Reuters) Reuters (9/27/2017 7:40 PM, John McCrank) (Reuters) - Equifax Inc promised to make it easier for consumers to control access to their credit records in the wake of the company's massive breach after the top U.S. consumer financial watchdog called on the industry to introduce such a system. Equifax's interim chief executive officer, Paulino do Rego Barros Jr., vowed to introduce a free service by Jan. 31 that will let HUD-17-0235-B-000660 consumers control access to their own credit records. Barros, who was named interim CEO on Tuesday as Richard Smith stepped down from the post amid mounting criticism over the handling of the cyber attack, also apologized for providing inadequate support to consumers seeking information after the breach was disclosed on Sept. 7. He promised to add call-center representatives and bolster a breach-response website. "I have heard the frustration and fear. I know we have to do a better job of helping you," Barros said in a statement published in The Wall Street Journal. Equifax announced the free credit freeze service after the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) director, Richard Cordray, told CNBC earlier in the day that the agency would beef up oversight of Equifax and its rivals. "The old days of just doing what they want and being subject to lawsuits now and then are over," Cordray said. He also called for implementing a scheme of preventive credit monitoring. "They are going to have to accept that. They are going to have to welcome it. They are going to have to be very forthcoming," Cordray said. Dems wield Equifax, Wells Fargo in fight over arbitration (Charlotte Observer, NC) Charlotte Observer (9/27/2017 2:20 PM, Kevin Freking, Associated Press) Democrats determined to stop Republicans from overturning a consumer-oriented rule are using the scandals roiling both companies to hammer the GOP's efforts. A hack of Equifax's computer system exposed the sensitive personal information of 143 million Americans. Wells Fargo was fined $100 million by federal regulators for its illegal sales practices in which employees trying to reach unrealistic sales goals opened accounts without customers' permission. In July, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau decided to ban most types of mandatory arbitration clauses. The clauses require credit card or bank customers to use an arbitrator when they have a dispute rather than sue in court, and the clauses were commonly used by both companies. The House has since voted to block the consumer bureau's rule. Now the clock is ticking on action by Senate Republicans. "These companies did terrible, terrible wrong and they want to prevent consumers from having rights to sue them. That is outrageous," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said at a news conference Wednesday in the Capitol. "Put simply, we're urging our Republican colleagues to say no to immunity for Equifax, Wells Fargo or anyone else who does such horrible financial misdeeds." Democrats argued that, without the new rule, companies will be able to keep private those disputes pursued through mandatory arbitration. "They allow corporate America to take advantage of a shadow justice system," Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., said of the arbitration clauses. Senate Democrats blast GOP plans to repeal consumer rule (Washington Times, DC) Washington Times (9/27/2017 12:04 PM, Tom Howell) Schumer: Forced arbitration is 'get out of jail free card' for corporations Democrats warned Republicans Wednesday against a move to promote forced arbitration between customers and their companies, saying that Americans deserve the right to sue companies such as Equifax that lose their data. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer and his troops said Congress should be cheering rules that make it easier for mistreated consumers to file class-action suits. As it stands, many customers are being forced to plead their case, one by one, through an arbitrator. "It's a green light to Wall Street to be free to hose consumers without any consequences," Mr. Schumer said. Directing consumers to resolve disputes through arbitration has been a flashpoint of late, particularly since the requirements are often buried in the fine print of routine things like car loans, mortgages and bank accounts. HUD-17-0235-B-000661 Democrats said arbitration proceedings are typically secret and require a prohibitive filing fee, further weakening consumers. Fannie-Freddie Overhaul Near Do-or-Die as Corker Steps Away (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 5:08 PM, Joe Light) (Bloomberg) -- For nearly a decade, "wait 'til next year" has been the refrain for proponents of overhauling mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. For U.S. Senator Bob Corker, arguably the biggest advocate of that push, it will either be next year or never. Corker said Tuesday that he won't seek re-election for a third term, leaving him roughly 15 months in office. Analysts and others in the housing-finance industry said the announcement could lead to a final aggressive drive for reform. But since housingfinance legislation would still a long shot, his departure could leave a leadership vacuum in addressing one of the last vestiges of the 2008 financial crisis. The Tennessee Republican's impending retirement "will surely lead to him pushing aggressively for GSE reform before he leaves the chamber," according to Compass Point Research & Trading analyst Isaac Boltansky, who said he expects the effort to fail. Fannie and Freddie don't make mortgages but buy them from lenders, wrap them into securities and make guarantees to investors if the loans default. The government took over the companies in 2008, eventually injecting them with about $187.5 billion in bailout money. Americans say labor market is getting worse (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 4:11 PM, Kelsey Ramirez) Still optimistic about short-term future Consumer confidence fell slightly in September, and the labor market is getting worse across the U.S., according to the Consumer Confidence Survey conducted by The Conference Board by Nielsen, a provider of information and analytics around what consumers buy and watch. The Consumer Confidence Index decreased to 119.8 in September, down from 120,4 in August. The Present Situation Index decreased slightly from 148.4 to 146.1, but was partially offset by an increase in the Expectations Index, which from 101.7 to 102.2 during the same time period. In 1985, the index was set to 100, representing the index's benchmark. This value is adjusted monthly based on results of a household survey of consumers' opinions on current conditions and future economic expectations. Opinions on current conditions make up 40% of the index, while expectations of future conditions make up 60%. "Consumer confidence decreased slightly in September after a marginal improvement in August," said Lynn Franco, The Conference Board director of economic indicators. "Confidence in Texas and Florida, however, decreased considerably, as these two states were the most severely impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma." CFPB penalizes title company over RESPA steering (American Banker) American Banker (9/27/2017 5:31 PM, Kate Berry) The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined an Indiana title company $1.25 million on Wednesday for steering borrowers to an affiliated title insurer without disclosing that three executives are owners of the insurer. The CFPB found that Meridian Title in South Bend, Ind., failed to disclose its numerous executive relationships with Arsenal Insurance, a title insurer in Camden, Ind. The companies have offices in Indianapolis that are within five miles of each other. CFPB slaps Meridian Title with enforcement action over RESPA violation (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 4:20 PM, Brena Swanson) HUD-17-0235-B-000662 Ordered to pay up to $1.25 million to consumers The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reports it fined real estate settlement services provider Meridian Title Corp. over violations of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, ordering the company to pay up to $1.25 million to harmed consumers. The CFPB stated that the South Bend, Indiana-based company routinely steered consumers to Arsenal Insurance Corporation, a title insurer company owned in part by three of Meridian's own executives. As a title insurance agent, Meridian receives orders for title insurance policies from lenders and real estate agents, and in some cases directly from consumers, and assigns those orders to title insurance underwriters, the CFPB explained. By steering consumers to Arsenal Insurance and not disclosing its relationship with the title insurer, Meridian Title illegally benefitted from the referrals for title insurance, the CFPB claims. One-third of American households can't afford food, shelter or medical care (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (9/27/2017 2:48 PM, Leslie Albrecht) A new survey shows how many families are on the edge financially Nearly half of Americans have a tough time paying their bills, and over one-third have faced hardships such as running out of food, not being able to afford a place to live, or not having enough money to pay for medical treatment. Those are some of the grim findings from the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's first-ever survey of financial wellbeing, released Tuesday. The numbers parallel MarketWatch's own State of the American Wallet dashboard, which tracks how Americans are faring financially with data that updates in real time. The State of the American Wallet shows how Americans are saddled with mounting car loan and credit card debt and not saving enough money -- even enough to cover emergency expenses. Meanwhile, people in the top 1% control a growing share of the nation's wealth. Similarly, the CFPB survey found a wide range in how respondents felt about their financial well-being. Respondents were assigned scores on a scale of 1 to 100 after answering 10 questions. A score of 50 or lower meant the respondent was likely to be struggling to make ends meet. The average score was 54, but there was a 35-point spread between the top 10% and bottom 10% of participants. [Editorial note: CHARTS and VIDEO at source) [PA] Midstate rent prices outpacing home values (Central Penn Business Journal, PA) Central Penn Business Journal (9/27/2017 8:03 AM, Jason Scott) While midstate home values have been on the rise during the housing market upswing, rents have been growing faster, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Between 2011 and 2016, median gross rents rose between 10 percent and 15 percent in Central Pennsylvania, which includes Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon and York counties. The numbers come from American Community Survey estimates. The median rental rate in Dauphin County last year was $900, according to the Census. In 2011, it was $819. At 9.9 percent, that was the smallest increase of the five counties . In Lancaster and Lebanon counties, median rents shot up even more. [PA] 5 takeaways on the GOP's tax reform plan (Allentown Morning Call, PA) Allentown Morning Call HUD-17-0235-B-000663 (9/27/2017 3:38 PM, Laura Olson) VIDEO. Republicans in Washington have unveiled a nine-page framework on the legislation they're crafting to overhaul the federal tax code. Here's five key points of what is known and unknown at this point, and what Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey -- a key member involved in drafting the eventual bill -- had to say about what GOP lawmakers are proposing. 1. What would the plan do? The framework calls for reducing the corporate tax rate and collapsing the seven current tax brackets into three, among other changes. It would reduce government revenues by $5 trillion over 10 years, according to budget experts. Some $3.5 trillion of that is expected to be offset through changes to current tax breaks. Toomey, who is best known for his interest in fiscal policy, touted the proposal as one that will result in a tax cut for lower- and middle-income Americans and praised its business tax changes as likely to lower the cost of capital. "The biggest thing that people are going to see is a tax reduction for themselves, a simplification in terms of their filing, and I think they're going to see a stronger economy," Toomey told reporters Wednesday. "They're going to see more job opportunities, upward pressure on wages, bigger job gains, fewer unemployed people. I think those are the things that the average family in Allentown is going to see." [FL] Commissioner: Could Miami-Dade have done more for residents after Hurricane Irma? In my opinion, yes (Miami Herald, FL) Miami Herald (9/27/2017 9:11 AM, Audrey M. Edmondson) When it comes to disasters, there is no economic discrimination. Storms, fires, floods or earthquakes have no particular zip codes in mind when ravishing areas where people live, work and play. Even with the best preparations or plans, when disasters occur, it is the unforeseeable issues that arise that need to be addressed as swiftly and expediently as humanly possible. Hurricane Irma affected all areas of Miami-Dade County, especially due to widespread power outages. For almost a week after the storm, there were areas left without electricity or the ability to live with some level of normalcy. Some areas of power outages were exasperated by the critical needs of its residents. Our most vulnerable populations, our seniors and those with meager means, were left to fend for themselves for at least three days until the community was able to help each other. Government is part of that community. We cleared main roadways so that those with recovery efforts, including fuel for generators, could get in and out of our streets. We placed public transportation back on the roads to get people to grocery stores. [TX] Harvey, Irma expected to slow 2017 home sales (Houston Chronicle, TX) Houston Chronicle (9/27/2017 11:45 AM, Katherine Feser) Fewer home closings in areas impacted by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will likely pull the nation's tally of homes sales in 2017 below last year's level, a new report showed. Annual and monthly pending home sales sank by 2.6 percent in August from the same period a year earlier, according to a National Association of Realtors report released Wednesday. The trend reflects an index measuring existing home sales contracts that have been signed but not yet closed. The index reached its lowest level since January 2016. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, projects existing-home sales to total 5.44 million in 2017, down 0.2 percent from last year's pace of 5.45 million. The median price is anticipated to rise by 6 percent, on top of a 5.1 percent gain last year. "The supply and affordability headwinds would have likely held sales growth just a tad above last year, but coupled with the temporary effects from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, sales in 2017 now appear will fall slightly below last year," Yun said in an announcement. [WA] U.S. pending home sales fell 2.6 percent in August (Spokane Spokesman-Review, WA) Spokane Spokesman-Review (9/27/2017 11:17 AM, Matt Ott, Associated Press) HUD-17-0235-B-000664 WASHINGTON - Fewer people signed contracts to buy homes in August, marking the fifth decline in the past six months. The 2.6 percent fall continues to reflect the worsening shortage nationwide of homes being listed for sale. The National Association of Realtors said that its pending home sales index fell to 106.3 in August from 109.1 in July. It's the index's lowest point since a 106.1 reading in January of 2016 and 2.6 percent lower than a year ago. Pending sales contracts are a barometer of future purchases. [CA] San Francisco sues Equifax over massive data breach (HousingWire) HousingWire (9/27/2017 5:41 PM, Ben Lane) Becomes first city to sue credit reporting agency Add the city of San Francisco to the list of those going after Equifax in the wake of the credit reporting agency's massive data breach, which exposed the personal information of 143 million U.S. consumers to hackers. The company is currently facing inquiries from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, the House Financial Services Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the New York Department of Financial Services, and a lawsuit from the state of Massachusetts over the breach. The breach also cost three Equifax executives their jobs, already. Earlier this week, Equifax CEO and Chairman of the Board, Richard Smith, "retired," just two weeks after two of the executives charged with the security of Equifax's credit data also "retired." Now, two weeks after Massachusetts became the first state to take action against Equifax, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera announced that the city is suing Equifax too, making San Francisco the first city to pursue legal action against Equifax. "Equifax's incompetence would be comical if the subject matter weren't so serious," Herrera said in a statement. "This company fell asleep at the switch and upended the lives of millions of people. The information that Equifax failed to safeguard is what people need to open a bank account, buy a home or rent an apartment. Now Californians have been put at risk of identity theft for years to come." [CA] Trump, GOP tax plan has a lot for businesses to like, but Californians could take a big hit (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (9/27/2017 2:00 PM, Jim Puzzanghera and Lisa Mascaro) The Republican tax overhaul has a lot for businesses to like -- and a lot of unanswered questions for everyone else. According to the plan, which Republican officials outlined Wednesday, many businesses would see a huge reduction in their tax bills and many middle-class Americans would see tax relief. The plan would reduce the number of individual tax brackets to three from seven and nearly double the standard deduction. President Trump is scheduled to pitch the plan during a speech in Indianapolis on Wednesday. The release of the framework kicks off a scramble by lawmakers to hammer out the details, craft legislation and, if all goes according to plan, pass legislation by the end of the year. "My plan is for the working people and my plan is for jobs," he said. "I think there's very little benefit for people of wealth." While that may be true, one particular group could be hit hard -- upper-middle-income wage earners in states that have significant income taxes, such as California and New York. The plan calls for eliminating the current deduction for payment of state and local taxes, which would hit hard at taxpayers in those states who itemize their deductions. HUD-17-0235-B-000665 [CA] Businesses to benefit more than individuals from Republican tax plan (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (9/28/2017 4:55 AM, Kathleen Pender) The tax plan released Wednesday by Republican leaders would help businesses more than individuals, but it lacks crucial details needed to say how much it would cost or affect specific people or companies. "The big winners will be corporations and business owners," said Joe Rosenberg, a senior researcher with the Tax Policy Center, a joint think tank of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget reached a similar conclusion in its analysis. It roughly estimated that the plan would generate $5.8 trillion of tax cuts, offset by $3.6 trillion of new tax revenues, resulting in about $2.2 trillion of net tax cuts over a decade, excluding interest. About $2.8 trillion of the tax cuts would come from reducing the top corporate rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and from other business tax breaks. Of the new revenues, nearly all -- $3.3 trillion -- would come from individuals, primarily from killing most itemized deductions, including the one for state and local taxes, which is highly prized in California [CA] Trump's tax overhaul could hurt many Californians (McClatchy Washington Bureau, DC) McClatchy Washington Bureau (9/27/2017 7:44 PM, Emily Cadei) The tagline for Republicans' new tax code rewrite, unveiled Wednesday at the Capitol, should be "hashtag keep yo money," South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott joked. It may not work out that way for millions of California taxpayers, however. Working in concert with President Donald Trump and his administration, Republican lawmakers pitched a tax "framework" that would dramatically simplify the tax code and slash corporate and income tax rates, all pillars of Republican orthodoxy. To pay for the across-the-board cuts, Republicans want to ax numerous federal income tax deductions - including some that disproportionately benefit residents of California and other high-tax, high-income states. Many of the details still need to be hashed out by members of Congress, who are hoping to introduce corresponding legislation later this year. That's an ambitious target, and many in Washington are deeply skeptical that Republicans' many factions can agree on such a contentious issue. If they succeed in enacting their proposal, it would amount to the biggest change to the country's tax system in more than three decades. [PR] Trump administration rushes military assets to Puerto Rico amid growing crisis (Washington Post) Washington Post (9/27/2017 8:16 PM, Arelis R. Hernandez, Dan Lamothe, Ed O'Keefe and Joel Achenbach) SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO -- The Trump administration is rushing military hardware and personnel to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as it becomes increasingly clear that the U.S. government response to Hurricane Maria so far has been inadequate and overmatched by the scale of the disaster. In the first six days after the hurricane made landfall here, the Navy had deployed just two ships, citing concerns that Puerto Rico's ports were too damaged to accommodate numerous large vessels. But harrowing reports of isolated U.S. citizens struggling in the heat without electricity and running low on food and water have now spurred the Pentagon to throw resources into the relief effort even though they haven't been specifically requested by territorial officials. The more robust approach includes the deployment of the USNS Comfort, a hospital ship that has responded to other natural disasters. The Pentagon also has assigned an Army general as point person for the humanitarian crisis: Brig. Gen. Richard C. Kim, the deputy commanding general of U.S. Army North. He will coordinate operations and assess what other resources are needed, defense officials said. "Obviously, what we asked for and what they sent was not enough for a storm that impacted every town in Puerto Rico from north to south and east to west," Ramon Rosario, Gov. Ricardo Rossello's secretary of public affairs and public policy, said Wednesday in the San Juan convention center, the headquarters for the intergovernmental recovery effort. HUD-17-0235-B-000666 [VI] In the Virgin Islands, Hurricane Maria Drowned What Irma Didn't Destroy (New York Times) New York Times (9/27/2017 6:00 PM, Jeremy W. Peters) As islanders wait for doctors, medicine, fuel and manpower to rebuild, the economic toll from the storms is only starting to come to light. CRUZ BAY, V.I. -- Even before two Category 5 hurricanes struck the United States Virgin Islands with punishing fury this month, the notion of paradise here was already about as brittle as a sand dollar. The local treasury had barely enough cash to keep the government funded for three days. Its debt had grown so large that Wall Street stopped lending it money. The unemployment rate was more than twice the national average. The one-two punch of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria 14 days later was especially cruel. In many places across the three major islands of this American territory, the second storm drowned what the first couldn't destroy, ravaging what was once one of the Caribbean's most idyllic landscapes. "Maria broke our spirit," said Ian Samuel of St. John, who lost parts of the upstairs of his house to Irma's wind and his downstairs to two and a half feet of water from Maria. "I was in a pretty bad car wreck. And it's like that -- when you get out of the car and you're trying to figure out what's happening." Headlines The Washington Post (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) Playboy founder brought titillation to the masses GOP proposes deep tax cuts with few details Inequality gaps persist despite widespread gains Ala. loss leaves Trump weakened, isolated U.S. sends military assets to aid in Puerto Rico recovery The New York Times (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump Hugh Hefner, Who Built Playboy Empire and Embodied It, Dies at 91 Roy Moore's Alabama Victory Sets Off Talk of a G.O.P. Insurrection Twitter, With Accounts Linked to Russia, to Face Congress Over Role in Election In the Virgin Islands, Hurricane Maria Drowned What Irma Didn't Destroy Catalan Officials Squeezed as Madrid Tries to Stop Independence Vote In College Basketball Scandal, Follow the Money ... and the Shoes The Wall Street Journal (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) GOP Tax Overhaul Aims for Corporate Cuts, Simpler Code SEC Probes Departure of PepsiCo's Former Top Lawyer Retail Stores Made Elmira, N.Y., an Unlikely Success--Now They're Gone Health Insurers Stay in ACA Despite Fears of Last-Minute Exits ABC News (9/27/2017 8:00 PM) Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder and pop culture icon, dead at 91 Trump says Republicans 'have the votes' to repeal Obamacare Russian-generated Facebook posts pushed Trump as 'only viable option' NBC News (9/27/2017 8:00 PM) Hugh Hefner, Playboy Magazine Mogul, Dies at 91 HUD-17-0235-B-000667 Half of Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico Faces Lack of Water The Next Republican Uprising Is Underway CBS News (9/27/2017 8:00 PM) Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder, dead at 91 EPA's Scott Pruitt took non-commercial flights totaling more than $58,000 Zuckerberg responds to Trump tweet that Facebook was "always anti-Trump" Washington Schedule President (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Vice President (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Senate (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 9:30 AM -- SH-216 Hearings to examine rural development and energy programs, focusing on perspectives for the 2018 Farm Bill. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 9:30 AM -- SD-538 Hearings to examine evaluating sanctions enforcement and policy options on North Korea, focusing on Administration perspectives. Judiciary 9:30 AM -- SD-226 Business meeting to consider S.1766, to reauthorize the SAFER Act of 2013, and the nominations of Amy Coney Barrett, of Indiana, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit, Joan Louise Larsen, of Michigan, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit, William L. Campbell, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Tennessee, Thomas Lee Robinson Parker, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee, and Eric S. Dreiband, of Maryland, and Brian Allen Benczkowski, of Virginia, both to be an Assistant Attorney General, Halsey B. Frank, to be United States Attorney for the District of Maine, D. Michael Hurst, Jr., to be United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jeffrey B. Jensen, to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Thomas L. Kirsch II, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana, and William J. Powell, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of West Virginia, all of the Department of Justice. Armed Services 10:00 AM -- SVC-217 To receive a closed briefing on North Korea. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security 10:00 AM -- SR-253 Hearings to examine Transportation Security Administration modernization, focusing on improvements to aviation security. House of Representatives (9/28/2017 7:00 AM) House of Representatives 9:00 am Markup: H.R. 1159 the United States and Israel Space Cooperation Act Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: 9:00 am Hearing: Full Committee Hearing: Document Production Open HUD-17-0235-B-000668 House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: 9:30 am Hearing: The Great American Eclipse: To Totality and Beyond Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Subcommittee on Research and Technology 9:30 am Hearing: Hearing entitled "Examining Insurance for Nonprofit Organizations" Committee on Financial Services: Housing and Insurance 9:30 am Hearing: Rulemakers Must Follow the Rules Too: Oversight of Agency Compliance with the Congressional Review Act Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial, and Antitrust Law 10:00 am Markup: H. Res. 422 H.R. 425 H.R. 1196 H.R. 2658 H.R. 3320 H.R. 3329 H.R. 3342 and H.R. 3445 Committee on Foreign Affairs {End of Report} Disclaimer: The information and views expressed in this News Briefing do not necessarily represent the views of HUD or the United States and do not constitute an endorsement by the Department. HUD-17-0235-B-000669 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SITUATION REPORT 27 September 2017, 2:00 PM EDT Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Overview. On Sunday, 10 Sept 2017, Hurricane Irma slammed into the Eastern Caribbean as a Category 4 storm, devastating many of the tiny islands in its path before barreling into Florida. Less than two weeks later Hurricane Maria hit many of the same Caribbean islands recently damaged by Hurricane Irma, to include St. Croix, St. Thomas, and the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. Early morning, on 20 Sept, Maria rammed directly into Puerto Rico as a powerful Category 4 storm with 140 mph winds. It is the strongest storm to hit the island in 80 years. Situation. At 5:00 AM EDT, Hurricane Maria was 210 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, NC. Maximum sustained winds were 75 mph; this broad system is moving north at 7 mph and, as she weakens in the next 36 hours she will move rapidly away from east coast at end of week. Tropical storm force winds may begin impacting eastern North Carolina late today, and eastern Virginia and the Delmarva Tuesday into Wednesday. A Tropical Storm Warning continues for the North Carolina Coast from Bogue Inlet to the North Carolina/Virginia border, including the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. A Storm Surge Watch is in effect for Cape Lookout to Duck (2 to 4 feet at the time of high astronomical tides (12-2 am/pm Tue-Wed)). Rainfall is expected to be 1 to 2 inches are forecast over eastern North Carolina. Amounts may be higher if Maria drifts closer to the coast Declaration Activity FEMA-4335-DR-VI (U.S. Virgin Islands) ' Incident Period: September 06, 2017 - October 01, 2017 ' Major Disaster Declaration declared on September 07, 2017 ' Provides: Individual Assistance for 2 (County-equivalent) / Public Assistance for 3 Countyequivalent ' Federal Coordinating Officer: (TBD) ' Designated counties: St. Croix Island / St. John Island / St. Thomas Island FEMA-4336-DR-PR (Puerto Rico) ' Expedited Major Disaster Declaration approved on September 10, 2017 ' Hurricane Irma beginning on September 5, 2017 and continuing ' Provides: Individual Assistance for 2 Municipalities / Public Assistance for 2 Municipalities Federal Coordinating Officer is Alejandro De La Campa ' Designated counties: Culebra (Municipal) and Vieques (Municipal) PRIORITIES FOR HUD ' Protect the health and safety of HUD employees. HUD regional offices are closely monitoring the storm and guidance provided by state and local officials to protect the health and safety of HUD personnel. HUD offices will make decisions on office closures based on local information. Office of Field Policy and Management (FPM) is tracking and reporting office closures. HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 1|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000670 % ' Many HUD employees in Puerto Rico are still unaccounted for due to catastrophic destruction of cell phone towers and power grids. HUD managers, supported by HUD OIG personnel, continue to search for the unaccounted HUD employees. Assess potential impacts to HUD programs and clients: Multifamily Housing Properties Virgin Islands Puerto Rico Total 17 203 220 Units Assisted Units Properties w/ Moderate or Major Damage Residents Displaced/ Evacuated Residents Returned 1,474 21,013 22,487 1,468 19,859 21,327 2 5 7 3 0 3 0 0 0 Current as of 21 Sept. These numbers are based on all HUD properties; they will be updated as the data is collected Public Housing Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Total HCV Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Total ' Impacted Properties 191 191 Total Number of Assisted Units 53,649 3,014 56,663 Total Number of Assisted Households 29,474 1,619 31,093 Displaced Households Returned Households 106 106 0 0 Displaced Households Returned Households 10 10 0 0 Coordination of long-term recovery efforts Actions Taken ' 1.57 million households remain without power in Puerto Rico. 47,000 (90%+) households without power in USVI. ' 172 (+4) disaster shelters are open in Puerto Rico housing 11,253 people (-106). 7 (+1) disaster shelters are open in USVI housing 621 people (+230). American Red Cross is building capacity to support 20,000 people in disaster shelters if needed and requested. ' FEMA is working on a plan to establish alternative registration processes in areas affected by communications and power outages. People are unable to register for assistance by phone or online. ' FOD Maldonado is in discussions with the FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) to establish HUD work stations at the FEMA Joint Field Office (JFO) in San Juan. The HUD FOD and program directors would use these work stations to begin damage assessments and coordinate needs with FEMA. This would be ahead of any mission assignments issued by FEMA. ' FEMA staff reported that Joint Field Offices may be set up in San Juan, St. Thomas and St. Croix, with some number of HUD staff potentially staffing each location under a Mission Assignment. HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 2|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000671 ' Starting this week, work under the Housing Recovery Support Function (RSF) will begin through remote planning sessions at FEMA HQ in Washington, DC for Puerto Rico and USVI. HUD staff slated to lead the Housing RSF in Puerto Rico / USVI (Ileana Colon) will attend. Next Steps ' Displaced public housing families receiving tenant protection vouchers from VIHA will need to be able to work with housing authority staff for in-person program briefings. Given the current conditions, it may make more sense to relocate these families to shelters in San Juan. The state voucher agency in Puerto Rico is willing to help. Can there be any kind of transportation for this available? Will there be shelter space in PR for the displaced families? PIH staff will continue to discuss this options with Puerto Rico state housing officials and VIHA. Issues/Challenges ' VIHA has not reached the approximately 1,300 existing voucher families in their program, but will continue their efforts. Given funding restrictions, VIHA cannot use public housing funds to assist existing voucher holders with relocation if these families need to move either on or off the island. ' PIH remains concerned that current families with vouchers will not find suitable private rentals, and will not have a way to leave the island in the near term if they want to use their voucher on the mainland. Also, it would be helpful if private landlords participating in the voucher program could access to funds to repair their rental units. AVAILABLE HUD DISASTER ASSISTANCE ' ' ' ' ' ' Assist the state and local governments in re-allocating existing federal resources toward disaster relief. HUD's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME programs give the state and local communities the flexibility to redirect millions of dollars in annual formula funding to address critical needs, including housing and services for disaster victims. HUD is currently contacting State and local officials to explore streamlining the Department's CDBG and HOME programs to expedite the repair and replacement of damaged housing. Grant immediate foreclosure relief. HUD has granting a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures and forbearance on foreclosures of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured home mortgages. Make mortgage insurance available. HUD's Section 203(h) program provides FHA insurance to disaster victims who have lost their homes and are facing the daunting task of rebuilding or buying another home. Borrowers from participating FHA-approved lenders may be eligible for 100 percent financing. Make insurance available for both mortgages and home rehabilitation. HUD's Section 203(k) loan program enables those who have lost their homes to finance the purchase or refinance of a house along with its repair through a single mortgage. It also allows homeowners who have damaged houses to finance the rehabilitation of their existing singlefamily home. Offer Section 108 loan guarantee assistance. HUD will offer state and local governments federally guaranteed loans for housing rehabilitation, economic development and repair of public infrastructure. Provide information on housing providers and HUD programs. HUD will share information with FEMA and the state on housing providers that may have available units in the impacted counties. This includes Public Housing Agencies and Multi-Family owners. HUD HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 3|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000672 will also connect FEMA and the state to SMEs to provide information on HUD programs and providers. HUD Emergency Operations Center (HEOC) Phone: 202-402-5747 Fax: 202-401-7900 HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 4|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000673 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SITUATION REPORT 27 September 2017, 2:00 PM EDT Southeast Region Overview. On Sunday, 10 Sept 2017, Hurricane Irma slammed into the Eastern Caribbean as a Category 4 storm, devastating many of the tiny islands in its path before barreling into Florida. Situation. Areas impacted by Hurricane Irma continue to recover. Florida continues restorations and power has been restored to 98 percent of affected customers. Swells generated by Hurricane Maria should reach portions of the United States southeastern coast today. These swells are likely to cause life threatening surf and rip current conditions. Declaration Activity FEMA-4337-DR-FL (Florida) ' Major Disaster Declaration approved on September 10, 2017 ' Hurricane Irma beginning September 4, 2017 and continuing ' Provides: Individual Assistance and Public Assistance for 9 counties / Public Assistance for 58 counties / Hazard Mitigation for all counties and tribes statewide ' Federal Coordinating Officer is Justo Hernandez ' Designated counties: Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Brevard, Broward, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Glades, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Holmes, Indian River, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Nassau, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Santa Rosa, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, St. Lucie, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton, Washington PRIORITIES FOR HUD ' Protect the health and safety of HUD employees. HUD regional offices are closely monitoring the storm and guidance provided by state and local officials to protect the health and safety of HUD personnel. HUD offices will make decisions on office closures based on local information. Office of Field Policy and Management (FPM) is tracking and reporting office closures. ' Assess potential impacts to HUD programs and clients: Healthcare Section 232/242 Florida Georgia South Carolina Total Number of Properties in the Impacted (PDD) Area 178 2 1 181 Number of Beds in the Impacted (PDD) Area 23,530 130 88 23,748 HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 1|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000674 Multifamily Housing Impacted Properties Units Assisted Units Florida Georgia Total 910 50 960 106,513 4,665 111,178 45,902 2,145 48,047 Public Housing Florida Georgia South Carolina Total HCV Florida Georgia South Carolina Total Impacted Properties 656 7 0 663 Properties w/ Moderate or Major Damage 89 1 90 Total Number of Assisted Units *)&(.(# 33,661 13,798 79,650 Total Number of Assisted Households (''&-+,# 55,639 25,706 182,192 Residents Displaced/ Evacuated Residents Returned 614 150 764 0 0 0 Displaced Households 6 0 1 7 Returned Households 222 0 1 223 Displaced Households Returned Households 13 0 0 13 14 0 0 14 all numbers current as of 27 Sept; updated weekly ' Coordination of long-term recovery efforts Actions Taken ' 1.6 million people (+200k) are registered with FEMA in Florida. Eligible applicants received $587 million (+$85 million) in FEMA housing and other needs assistance. Only 14% (+3%) of all inspections are completed. ' Governor Rick Scott directed the Florida Division of Emergency Management (DEM) to expedite the delivery of more than 10,000 tarps to communities across the state so that homeowners can patch roofs damaged by Hurricane Irma. To date, more than 100,000 tarps have been distributed throughout Florida. ' The Governor also activated 400 members of the Florida National Guard and 40 trucks to help families remove debris and clean out flood damage from residential areas in the Florida Keys. ' FEMA expects to complete Public Assistance (PA) preliminary damage assessments by 9/29/17. ' There are 4 HUD staff working under FEMA Mission Assignments for Florida including staff deployed to the FEMA Joint Field Office (JFO) in Orlando. A mission assignment is in process for HUD to deploy additional staff to Florida to work in American Red Cross Shelters and FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers. ' 11 (-3) disaster shelters are open housing 876 people (-91) % FEMA is requesting HUD assistance in American Red Cross Shelters. This assistance is pending execution of a Mission Assignment from FEMA for HUD to support shelter depopulation. ' 9 (+1) Disaster Recovery Centers are open. HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 2|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000675 The highest volume Disaster Recovery Centers are in Palm Beach, Lee and Collier Counties. 6,999 (+558) households are checked in to hotel units under FEMAs Temporary Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program. 2 HUD staff are coordinating the Housing Recovery Support Function (RSF). % Housing solutions are currently most pressing in Lee, Collier, and Hendry Counties (Ft. Myers, Naples, Immokalee, etc.). A task force was established to identify options for these highly-impacted areas. % HUD staff are working with FEMA recovery team to identify areas with the greatest long-cTa\ W^dbX]V aTR^eTah RWP[[T]VTb X] K^dcWfTbcTa] ?[^aXSP, H]T ^U ?>F9kb priorities is getting HUD damage assessment information from across the state, but especially in the most impacted counties. HUD public affairs staff are coordinating with FEMA External Affairs. The Regional Public Affairs Officer in Miami coordinated with FEMA External Affairs at the Joint Field Office in Orlando on joint messaging about HUD rental assistance programs and re-housing efforts at Civic Towers. % ' ' ' ' ' The Regional Public Affairs Officer in Miami coordinated with FEMA External Affairs at the Joint Field Office in Orlando on joint messaging about HUD rental assistance programs and re-housing efforts at Civic Towers. Next Steps ' FPM regional staff are standing up logistics for larger staff deployments including landing sites where teams can in-bound in Atlanta, Jacksonville and Miami. ' Numerous requests are being received across Florida from FEMA on available HUD resources, potential impacted HUD buildings, and displaced HUD clients. HUD staff in the state are responding and providing information. After HUD JFO team is set up, questions will be routed through that structure. Issues/Challenges AVAILABLE HUD DISASTER ASSISTANCE ' ' ' Assist the state and local governments in re-allocating existing federal resources toward disaster relief. HUD's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME programs give the state and local communities the flexibility to redirect millions of dollars in annual formula funding to address critical needs, including housing and services for disaster victims. HUD is currently contacting State and local officials to explore streamlining the Department's CDBG and HOME programs to expedite the repair and replacement of damaged housing. Grant immediate foreclosure relief. HUD has granting a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures and forbearance on foreclosures of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured home mortgages. Make mortgage insurance available. HUD's Section 203(h) program provides FHA insurance to disaster victims who have lost their homes and are facing the daunting task of rebuilding or buying another home. Borrowers from participating FHA-approved lenders may be eligible for 100 percent financing. HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 3|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000676 ' ' ' Make insurance available for both mortgages and home rehabilitation. HUD's Section 203(k) loan program enables those who have lost their homes to finance the purchase or refinance of a house along with its repair through a single mortgage. It also allows homeowners who have damaged houses to finance the rehabilitation of their existing singlefamily home. Offer Section 108 loan guarantee assistance. HUD will offer state and local governments federally guaranteed loans for housing rehabilitation, economic development and repair of public infrastructure. Provide information on housing providers and HUD programs. HUD will share information with FEMA and the state on housing providers that may have available units in the impacted counties. This includes Public Housing Agencies and Multi-Family owners. HUD will also connect FEMA and the state to SMEs to provide information on HUD programs and providers. HUD Emergency Operations Center (HEOC) Phone: 202-402-5747 Fax: 202-401-7900 HUD SITREP | September 27, 2017, 2:00 PM EDT 4|4 HUD-17-0235-B-000677 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Greenwood, Sheila M Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:50 AM Zorc, Bethany A; Appleton, Seth D Fwd: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act 2017-09-25 TG EEC to Carson-HUD - Federal Records Act due 10-9.pdf FYI. Get Outlook for iOS From: Mashburn, John K. EOP/WHO Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:41:08 AM To: Greenwood, Sheila M Cc: Gunn, Ashley L. EOP/WHO Subject: FW: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Sheila, per WH Counsel - "The Federal Records Act delegates responsibility to each Department head, individually. As such, it is not the role of the White House to advise on this particularly, where a blanket (or holistic) response would not be responsive." So -- each agency needs to develop its own response. From: Greenwood, Sheila M [mailto:Sheila.M.Greenwood1@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:21 PM To: Gunn, Ashley L. EOP/WHO Subject: FW: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act From: Casey, Sharon Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 7:00:09 PM To: Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Cc: Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Subject: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey HUD-17-0235-B-000678 Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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k)[d`Bk[Ck7B]`k 7dSBk<YUk  6d?k.k2[k k"k6d?k.k3[k kk  .BbcB^kJ[Vk)BY^hk;>gV>Yk%L>PV>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([eak7BE\^Vkb[k0M@L>BSk#`a^dBk %[VV^k:8k8[@k8B@k#AVYk #]^kkk  .BbaB^kJ[Vk'>^^BTSk*``>k %L>M^V>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([ebk7BI^Vkb[k,BHBhk=MBYb`k#@aMYKk'M^k 4GN@Bk[Dk1KVakk$dAKBak  'B@kk"k.BaaB^kJ[Vk,>`[Yk%L>FBbjk%L>M^V>Yk)k%[XVk[Yk4eB^`MKLbk >YAk([eak7BI^Wka[k->aLTBBYk0@(BaaMK>Yk#@aMYKk'M^k4GO@Bk[Ck6B^`[YZBTk0KVbk 0>^kkk  ,[`Lk'>f`Bi k       65/+9+&5k8B]akkk    Lba]!fff][TMaM@[@[_`a[^hk Q>^BA Rd`LYB^ ]^Me>aBBV>MT fLMaBL[d`B kk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ent: Monday, September 25, 2017 7:00:09 PM To: Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Cc: Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Subject: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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k)[d`Bk[Ck7B]`k 7dSBk<YUk  6d?k.k2[k k"k6d?k.k3[k kk  .BbcB^kJ[Vk)BY^hk;>gV>Yk%L>PV>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([eak7BE\^Vkb[k0M@L>BSk#`a^dBk %[VV^k:8k8[@k8B@k#AVYk #]^kkk  .BbaB^kJ[Vk'>^^BTSk*``>k %L>M^V>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([ebk7BI^Vkb[k,BHBhk=MBYb`k#@aMYKk'M^k 4GN@Bk[Dk1KVakk$dAKBak  'B@kk"k.BaaB^kJ[Vk,>`[Yk%L>FBbjk%L>M^V>Yk)k%[XVk[Yk4eB^`MKLbk >YAk([eak7BI^Wka[k->aLTBBYk0@(BaaMK>Yk#@aMYKk'M^k4GO@Bk[Ck6B^`[YZBTk0KVbk 0>^kkk  ,[`Lk'>f`Bi k       65/+9+&5k8B]akkk    Lba]!fff][TMaM@[@[_`a[^hk Q>^BA Rd`LYB^ ]^Me>aBBV>MT fLMaBL[d`B kk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c: Dendas, Michael W ; Ludlow, Ashley Subject: Fwd: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Please process Get Outlook for iOS From: Casey, Sharon Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 7:00:09 PM To: Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Cc: Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Subject: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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k)[d`Bk[Ck7B]`k 7dSBk<YUk  6d?k.k2[k k"k6d?k.k3[k kk  .BbcB^kJ[Vk)BY^hk;>gV>Yk%L>PV>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([eak7BE\^Vkb[k0M@L>BSk#`a^dBk %[VV^k:8k8[@k8B@k#AVYk #]^kkk  .BbaB^kJ[Vk'>^^BTSk*``>k %L>M^V>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([ebk7BI^Vkb[k,BHBhk=MBYb`k#@aMYKk'M^k 4GN@Bk[Dk1KVakk$dAKBak  'B@kk"k.BaaB^kJ[Vk,>`[Yk%L>FBbjk%L>M^V>Yk)k%[XVk[Yk4eB^`MKLbk >YAk([eak7BI^Wka[k->aLTBBYk0@(BaaMK>Yk#@aMYKk'M^k4GO@Bk[Ck6B^`[YZBTk0KVbk 0>^kkk  ,[`Lk'>f`Bi k       65/+9+&5k8B]akkk    Lba]!fff][TMaM@[@[_`a[^hk Q>^BA Rd`LYB^ ]^Me>aBBV>MT fLMaBL[d`B kk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ent: Monday, September 25, 2017 7:00:09 PM To: Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Cc: Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Subject: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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k)[d`Bk[Ck7B]`k 7dSBk<YUk  6d?k.k2[k k"k6d?k.k3[k kk  .BbcB^kJ[Vk)BY^hk;>gV>Yk%L>PV>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([eak7BE\^Vkb[k0M@L>BSk#`a^dBk %[VV^k:8k8[@k8B@k#AVYk #]^kkk  .BbaB^kJ[Vk'>^^BTSk*``>k %L>M^V>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([ebk7BI^Vkb[k,BHBhk=MBYb`k#@aMYKk'M^k 4GN@Bk[Dk1KVakk$dAKBak  'B@kk"k.BaaB^kJ[Vk,>`[Yk%L>FBbjk%L>M^V>Yk)k%[XVk[Yk4eB^`MKLbk >YAk([eak7BI^Wka[k->aLTBBYk0@(BaaMK>Yk#@aMYKk'M^k4GO@Bk[Ck6B^`[YZBTk0KVbk 0>^kkk  ,[`Lk'>f`Bi k       65/+9+&5k8B]akkk    Lba]!fff][TMaM@[@[_`a[^hk Q>^BA Rd`LYB^ ]^Me>aBBV>MT fLMaBL[d`B kk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ent: Monday, September 25, 2017 7:00:09 PM To: Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Cc: Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Subject: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov HUD-17-0235-B-000841 +;56%/M *$M (I<<1?-D#M<%BL8%>)M B%?72?-M=3>AB4FLM<,<&*BM +*%0(/*$,%$0&)&.%%*.(0 #+*',%--0 GC*KM-AJ@K"M DAHE.M'%BA90>%M '.%0B<%?M /*)'+%,,1*&1-#%1().-%$10-"-%,1 "*/-%0*&0(%+,%-%).#.'$%-0 ,633299..=65=6<.782019=+5-=06<.754.5;=7./673= %$(*= 4#;$851< ,286(< 3**.&)< %8/0'/1+< 9#6-/1+721"< -,=%#($(")$'&= <+;?@7BDV #0.0%V002'2.41V <8=>69A"CV $0.0&V003(3.3/V IQRN5-,LUFOPKGIS*JLTPE)HMUV CMglM`IMis/1$s/,-3s DXMs=ebeiHI_Ms7MdH`[bsC's8Hikebs CMKiMlHirs E'C&s9MgHil`MblseNs=enk[bWsHbLsFiIHbs9MoM_eg`Mbls 01-s3lXsCliMMl$sC'G's GHkY[bWleb$s9(8)s/,0.,s 9MHis?i'sCMKiMlHir5s 8ebWiMkksgHkkMLslXMsbUi`Hl[ebs6Kl's"# 6kslMKZe_eWrsXHksKXHbWMLsHbLslYMs nkMseNsM`H[_sHbLselXMis`eLMasPfi`kseNsM_MKlieb[KsKe``nb[KHl[ebsXHoMsIMKe`MsnI[hn[lenk$slXMs 8e``[llMMsXHksIMMbsHKl[oMs[bsngLHl[bWsgeil[ebkseNslXMkMs_Hpk'sDXMkMsngLHlMks[bK_nLMslXMs AiMk[LMbl[H_sHbLs6s>`gieoM`Mbls6KlseNs /,-2+ " 6ksgHilseNsenisiMWn_HiseoMik[WXlsLnl[Mk$slXMs8e``[lmMM$sVe`sl[`Mslesl[`M$s[bhn[iMkseNslXMs ;qMKnl[oMs7iHbKXsLMgHjl`MblksHbLsHWMbK[MksHIenlslXM[isKe`g_[HbKMsp[lXslXMkMsQLMiH_s_Hpk' " G[lYsbn`MienksgnI_[KsiMoM_Hl[ebkseNskMb[eisMqMKnl[oMsIiHcKXsM`g_erMMksLM_[IMiHlM_rslir[bWsles K[iKn`oMblslXMkMs_HpksIrsnk[bWsgMikebH_$sgi[oHlM$seisH_[HksM%`H[_sHLLiMkkMkslesKebLnKlseSK[H_s WeoMib`MblsInk[bMkk$slXMs8e``[llMMsXHksH[`MLslesnkMs[lkseoMik[WXlsHbLs[boMkl[WHl[oMsiMkeniKMks lesgiMoMblsHbLsLMlMis`[knkMseNsgi[oHlMsUi`kseNspi[lmMbsKe``nb[KHl[eb'"# 7HkMLsebsrMklMiLHr"ks "&%$'$#&(iMgeil[bWsiMWHiL[bWsgi[oHlMsM`H[_snkMsPfiseOTK[H_sWeoMib`MblsInk[bMkksIrsHskMb[eis `M`IMiseNslXMsAiMk[LMbl#ksklHR$ #$ leLHrspMspi[lMslepHiLksHsk[`[_HisMbL's "% #% "# *00"@ 0%1&#@ 0=@,4&@ "# *00@ Vipbdc 0=@,4'@ 0=@,5%@ $% ,=@ )><270;@><0/@9;3?,=0@06,34@=8@.87/>.=@ +23=0@(8><0@-><370<<$@ ,?,34,-40@ 6@72c HUD-17-0235-B-000842 GWLk>_^_bHI[LkHgLkj_ek_bkH^jk^_^%JHbLLbk_QJXH[kHdkj_ebkHVL^JjkLgLbkecLKkHk`Lbc_^H[kL\HX[kHJJ_e^dkd_ J_^KeJdk_MRJXH[kIecX^Lcc9k?Okc_$k`[LHcLkXKL^dXNjkdWLkX^KXgXKeH[kH^KkdWLkHJJ_e^dkecLK$kH^K `b_gXKLkLgXKL^JLk_Nk\LHcebLckd_kL^cebLkJ_\`[XH^JLkhXdWkPKLbH[k[Hh) /) >HgLkj_ek_bkH^jk^_^&JHbLLbk_QJXH[kHdkj_ebkHVL^JjkLgLbkecLKkH^kH[XHckL\HX[kHJJ_e^dkd_ J_^KeJdk_QJXH[kIecX^Lcc9k@Okc_$k`[LHcLkXKL^dXNjkdWLkX^KXgXKeH[kH^KkdWLkHJJ_e^dkecLK$kH^K `b_gXKLkLgXKL^JLk_Ok\LHcebLckd_kL^cebLkJ_\`[XH^JLkhXdWkPKLbH[k[Hh) 0) >HgLkj_ek_bkH^jk^_^'JHbLLbk_MRJXH[kHdkj_ebkHVL^JjkLgLbkecLKkdLidk\LccHVLc$k`W_^L%IHcLK \LccHVLkH``[XJHdX_^c$k_bkL^Jbj`dX_^kc_ThHbLkd_kJ_^KeJdk_QJXH[kIfcX^Lcc9kAOkc_$k`[LHcL XKL^dXUkdWLkX^KXgXKeH[$kJL[[e[Hbk^e\ILbkH^KkHJJ_e^dkecLK$kH^Kk`b_gXKLkLgXKL^JLk_N \LHcebLckd_kL^cebLkJ_\`[XH^JLkhXdWkPKLbH[k[Hh) 1( E[LHcLkXKL^dXOjkH^jkJWH^VLckd_kdWLkHVL^Jj#ck`_[XJXLck_bkKXbLJdXgLckSbkH^jk_NkdWLkS[[_hX^V HbLHckcX^JLkBH^eHbjk.$k /-.37 H( E_[XJXLckbLPbbX^Vk_bkbL[HdX^Vkd_kdWLkecLk_Nk^_^&_QJXH[kL[LJdb_^XJk\LccHVX^V HJJ_e^dc$kX^J[eKX^VkL\HX[$kdLidk\LccHVL$k\LccHVX^VkH``[XJHdX_^c$kH^Kkc_JXH[k\LKXH `[HdSb\ckd_kJ_^KeJdk_MRJXH[kIecX^Lcc$kX^J[eKX^VkIedk^_dk[X\XdLKkd_kHbJWXgX^VkH^K bLJ_bKZLL`X^Vk`b_JLKebLc8 I* E_[XJXLckbLPbbX^Vk_bkbL[HdX^Vkd_kdWLkecLk_Ok_MRJXH[kdLidk\LccHVLk_bk_dWLbk\LccHVX^V _bkJ_\\e^XJHdX_^ckH``[XJHdX_^c$kH^Kkc_JXH[k\LKXHk`[HdSb\ckd_kJ_^KeJdk_QJXH[ IecX^Lcc$kX^J[eKX^VkIedk^_dk[X\XdLKkd_kHbJWXgX^VkH^KkbLJ_bKZLL`X^Vk`b_JLKebLc8 H^K J+ E_[XJXLckH^Kk`b_JLKebLckd_kL^cebLkH[[kJ_\]e^XJHdX_^ckbL[HdLKkd_kdWLkJbLHdX_^k_b dbH^c\XccX_^k_NkNLKLbH[kbLJ_bKck_^k_MRJXH[kL[LJdb_^XJk\LccHVX^VkHJJ_e^dck_dWLb dWH^kL\HX[$kX^J[eKX^Vkc_JXH[k^Ldh_bZX^Vk`[HdSb\c$kX^dLb^H[kHVL^JjkX^cdH^d \LccHVX^VkcjcdL\ckH^Kk_dWLbkJ_\\e^XJHdX_^ckH``[XJHdX_^c$kHbLk`b_`Lb[jkJH`debLK H^Kk`bLcLbgLKkHckPKLbH[kbLJ_bKc, HUD-17-0235-B-000843 BOIc\P]^Dc6YbGcYJc^OIc?PXY\P^bc]^DKcYXc^OIc7YVWP^^IIc".,.#c..1'303/)c APXFI\ITb$c B\Ibc;YaGbc "#$ 9TPQDOc9*c 7_VVPXN]c 9XFTY]_\I]c HUD-17-0235-B-000844 Responding to Committee Document Requests 1. In complying with this request, you are required to produce all responsive documents that are in your possession, custody, or control, whether held by you or your past or present agents, employees, and representatives acting on your behalf. You should also produce documents that you have a legal right to obtain, that you have a right to copy or to which you have access, as well as documents that you have placed in the temporary possession, custody, or control of any third party. Requested records, documents, data or information should not be destroyed, modified, removed, transferred or otherwise made inaccessible to the Committee. 2. In the event that any entity, organization or individual denoted in this request has been, or is also known by any other name than that herein denoted, the request shall be read also to include that alternative identification. 3. -63 (<997AA33I@ =?343?3;13 7@ A< ?3137C3 2<1B93;A@ 7; 3831A?<;71 4B3@A7<; /0 Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 7:00:09 PM To: Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Cc: Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Subject: Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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k)[d`Bk[Ck7B]`k 7dSBk<YUk  6d?k.k2[k k"k6d?k.k3[k kk  .BbcB^kJ[Vk)BY^hk;>gV>Yk%L>PV>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([eak7BE\^Vkb[k0M@L>BSk#`a^dBk %[VV^k:8k8[@k8B@k#AVYk #]^kkk  .BbaB^kJ[Vk'>^^BTSk*``>k %L>M^V>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([ebk7BI^Vkb[k,BHBhk=MBYb`k#@aMYKk'M^k 4GN@Bk[Dk1KVakk$dAKBak  'B@kk"k.BaaB^kJ[Vk,>`[Yk%L>FBbjk%L>M^V>Yk)k%[XVk[Yk4eB^`MKLbk >YAk([eak7BI^Wka[k->aLTBBYk0@(BaaMK>Yk#@aMYKk'M^k4GO@Bk[Ck6B^`[YZBTk0KVbk 0>^kkk  ,[`Lk'>f`Bi k       65/+9+&5k8B]akkk    Lba]!fff][TMaM@[@[_`a[^hk Q>^BA Rd`LYB^ ]^Me>aBBV>MT fLMaBL[d`B kk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onday, September 25, 2017 7:00 PM Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J Baney, Drew; Dunne, Julie; McKenna, Liam Letter to Secretary Carson HUD re Federal Records Act 2017-09-25 TG EEC to Carson-HUD - Federal Records Act due 10-9.pdf Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Please note the letter requests a response by October 9, 2017. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Thank you, Sharon Casey Sharon Ryan Casey Deputy Chief Clerk Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-593-8219 sharon.casey@mail.house.gov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k)[d`Bk[Ck7B]`k 7dSBk<YUk  6d?k.k2[k k"k6d?k.k3[k kk  .BbcB^kJ[Vk)BY^hk;>gV>Yk%L>PV>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([eak7BE\^Vkb[k0M@L>BSk#`a^dBk %[VV^k:8k8[@k8B@k#AVYk #]^kkk  .BbaB^kJ[Vk'>^^BTSk*``>k %L>M^V>Yk)k%[VVk[Yk4eB^`MKLak>YAk([ebk7BI^Vkb[k,BHBhk=MBYb`k#@aMYKk'M^k 4GN@Bk[Dk1KVakk$dAKBak  'B@kk"k.BaaB^kJ[Vk,>`[Yk%L>FBbjk%L>M^V>Yk)k%[XVk[Yk4eB^`MKLbk >YAk([eak7BI^Wka[k->aLTBBYk0@(BaaMK>Yk#@aMYKk'M^k4GO@Bk[Ck6B^`[YZBTk0KVbk 0>^kkk  ,[`Lk'>f`Bi k       65/+9+&5k8B]akkk    Lba]!fff][TMaM@[@[_`a[^hk Q>^BA Rd`LYB^ ]^Me>aBBV>MT fLMaBL[d`B kk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arshall, Michael J ; Thompson, Amy C Cc: Greenwood, Sheila M ; Appleton, Seth D ; Barton, Victoria L ; Burley, Michael N ; Dendas, Michael W Subject: FEMA-Texas Final IGSA Importance: High AllAttached is the final signed IGSA between FEMA and the State of Texas. Thanks, Mike Michael J. Kelley Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-4888 | C: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000872 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE I. Parties: The parties to this Intergovernmental Service Agreement ("Agreement") are the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the State of Texas General Land Office ("State"). II. Authority: This Agreement is authorized by: A. Homeland Security Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-296 (2002) (codified as amended at 6 U.S.C. ? 101 et seq.) B. Sections 306 and 408 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93-288 (1974) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. ?? 5149 and 5174) ("Stafford Act") C. Department of Homeland Security Delegation of Authority No. 9001.1, Delegation to the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Dec. 10, 2010) D. Title 44 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Part 206. E. Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Tex. Gov't Code ? 418) F. Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act, 31 U.S.C. ? 6301 et seq. III. Background: On August 25, 2017, the President declared major disaster DR-4332 for the State pursuant to his authority under the Stafford Act. (82 FR 42691 (Sept. 11, 2017.) This declaration authorized FEMA to provide financial assistance and direct services, under Section 408 of the Stafford Act, to individuals and households "who, as a direct result of a major disaster, have necessary expenses and serious needs in which the individuals and households are unable to meet such expenses, or needs through other means," such as insurance. FEMA may provide direct temporary housing when there are a lack of available housing resources. In addition, FEMA may Page 1 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000873 authorize Permanent Housing Construction (PHC) in the form of direct or financial assistance when there are no alternate housing resources available and temporary housing assistance is not available, is infeasible, or not cost effective. FEMA determined that due to the significant damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in the State, the exigent need for housing requires the provision of direct housing assistance to eligible survivors under Section 408. FEMA is in need of support to execute the direct housing mission for DR-4332, and the State has expressed a desire and the capability to provide the needed support. IV. Purpose: A. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish an agreement between FEMA and the State for the provision of direct housing assistance, under section 408 of the Stafford Act, to individuals and households who are displaced from their predisaster residences, or whose pre-disaster primary residences are rendered uninhabitable as a result of damage caused by Hurricane Harvey, and who are unable to meet the expenses associated with procuring housing by other means. B. This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of FEMA and the State and states the services that the State shall perform satisfactorily in order to receive payment from FEMA. V. Services and Period of Performance: A. The State shall provide assistance to FEMA in the delivery of direct temporary housing, and direct permanent housing construction assistance to Hurricane Harvey survivors residing within the areas declared by DR-4332. See Attachment 1, Program Implementation and Conditions. B. Performance Period: The period of performance shall be for 18 months from the date of the disaster declaration (August 25, 2017). FEMA may, at the State's request, extend the period of performance if FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery determines that due to extraordinary circumstances an extension would be in the public interest. C. Procurement Standards: The State will generally comply with the procurement standards detailed in 2 CFR 200.317-326 in conjunction with state emergency procurement law. D. Similar Agreements: To the extent a similar agreement is executed between FEMA and another state for the provision of direct temporary housing and direct permanent housing construction assistance with terms and conditions that are more favorable than those offered to the State of Texas General Land Office, the Page 2 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000874 more favorable terms and conditions will immediately apply to this Agreement upon approval by the State of Texas General Land Office. VI. Issuance of Orders A. For the purpose of this Agreement, the FEMA Contracting Officer may issue orders on either a firm-fixed-price basis, or a total not-to-exceed basis (time and materials) or a combination of both. Terms and conditions applicable to any order shall be as described in this Agreement. B. The intent is to allow the State, and its local partners, to begin work on discrete projects as the specific need and capacity are identified, defined, and established. The State, within the general scope of this Agreement, may propose projects based on program service line item(s), political subdivision(s), or any combination thereof. C. FEMA will obtain written technical and cost program proposals from the State. The proposal generally shall include the following, as appropriate to the task: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Task to be performed; Scope of task; Time for completion or target date; A detailed cost estimate; Other pertinent information, such as technical/management approach; QA/QR [Quality Assurance/Quality Review] plan; Total firm-fixed-price or ceiling price (for Time and Material); and Any other requirements specific or unique to the project. D. FEMA will evaluate the State's proposals, and negotiate and memorialize appropriate cost and quality control mechanisms in a timely manner, as necessary. E. Only upon receipt of an executed order, signed by the Contracting Officer, shall the State commence work. All orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between an order and the Agreement, the Agreement shall control. F. The State shall notify the Contracting Officer within 24 hours if any significant difficulties with regard to performance according to the terms of the order are anticipated or any time significant difficulties in performance arise. G. If at any time during the performance of a time and materials order it appears that additional funds will be required to complete performance, the State shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer in writing. Such notification shall include the costs expended, an estimate of costs required to complete the order, and an Page 3 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000875 explanation of why the originally negotiated estimated costs were not adequate. The Government shall have the right to require the State to continue performance up to the originally estimated cost level and to suspend work thereafter, negotiate a new set of work priorities to be completed within the remaining funds, to modify the order, increasing the estimated cost to the level appropriate for completion of the work, or to modify the order to reduce the total to coincide with actual work accomplished. VII. Rates and Ceiling: A. FEMA agrees to pay the State for documented, reasonable, and allowable, and allocable costs related to assistance provided to applicants, in accordance with the terms of Attachment 1, Federal law, and FEMA regulation and policy. B. 2 CFR Part 200. The State, by execution of this Agreement, certifies that the pricing established under this Agreement is in compliance the Cost Principles in 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E, and includes only allowable costs of performance under this Agreement. C. The State shall not exceed the total ceiling price in services for FEMA without written modification by a FEMA Contracting Officer, such written modification to be provided in a timely manner. Any such modification shall be reviewed by FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery prior to approval. If at any time the State has reason to believe that the payments and material costs that will accrue in performing this Agreement in the next succeeding 30 days, if added to all other payments and costs previously accrued, will exceed 80 percent of the ceiling price in the Schedule, the State shall notify the Contracting Officer giving a revised estimate of the total price to FEMA for performing this contract with supporting reasons and documentation. D. FEMA is not obligated to pay the State any amount in excess of the ceiling price, and the State shall not be obligated to continue performance if to do so would exceed the ceiling price set forth in the Schedule, unless and until the Contracting Officer notifies the State in writing that FEMA has approved the increase in the ceiling price and specifies in the notice a revised ceiling approved by FEMA. E. If at any time during the performance of this contract, the State has reason to believe that the total price to FEMA for performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the State shall so notify the Contracting Officer, giving a revised estimate of the total price for performing this contract, with supporting reasons and documentation. FEMA generally will not approve a total price that exceeds the stated ceiling price. Page 4 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000876 FEMA may approve such an excess only if the supporting reasons and documentation provided by the State demonstrate extraordinary circumstances. F. If at any time during performance of this contract, FEMA has reason to believe that the work to be required in performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the Contracting Officer will so advise the State, given the then revised estimate of the total amount of effort to be required under the contract. VIII. Program Service Cost Controls A. Each program assistance service line item has a per applicant household cap established. B. The program service cost-control methods will be applied, as detailed in Attachment 1. C. Only the Contracting Officer may approve exceptions to the program service cost caps which exceed the amounts or justifications described in Attachment 1. IX. Administrative Costs A. State administrative costs for the direct housing program will be calculated and managed for purposes of this agreement in an analogous manner to the current PA model delineated in 44 CFR 207.7(b) and (c). B. Administrative Costs means any direct and indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by the State and municipalities in administering and managing this mission. Indirect costs means costs that are incurred by the State and municipalities for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective that are not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefited. C. Administrative costs are not intended to cover direct costs of managing specific projects because these costs generally are eligible as part of the cost accounting for each project. D. Administrative costs will be actual costs, capped at 6% of the final program costs. E. The State must submit an administrative plan and include procedures for subrecipient administrative costs amount or percentage determination, pass through, closeout, and audit. The State will submit this initial administrative cost funding request/invoice before any administrative fees for the direct housing program can be disbursed. Page 5 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000877 F. An initial 25% of the State's total projected administrative cost amount will be disbursed upon the submission and approval of the plan with additional funds obligated and released as program requirements stabilize. The State may submit a funding request for additional administrative costs, upon a showing of need and a revised administration plan. FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery may approve or deny such request at his discretion. G. Final administrative costs accounting will be verified upon agreement closeout, and based on actuals, not initial projection amounts. Any surplus is subject to reimbursement to FEMA. X. Program Funding A. FEMA will obligate funds to the State upon approval and issuance of project orders under Section VI. This money will be drawn down upon via the invoicing procedures contained herein. B. Approved proper invoices will draw down against obligated projects on a reimbursable basis. C. If the State requires additional funding to ensure compliance with the Prompt Payment Act requirements, Tex. Govt. Code 2251, are being met, it shall submit a written request to the Contracting Officer detailing the need and proposed solution. XI. Invoicing and Payment: A. Subject to the availability of funds from the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), FEMA will provide funding to the State in accordance with this Agreement. B. The State shall submit a project management plan package to include performance schedule and cost estimates for work to be performed under each program, as outlined in Attachment 1. The package will be reviewed by FEMA for acceptance. Upon determination of acceptance, a proper invoice for the amount accepted by FEMA will be submitted by the State for payment. The original invoice payment request shall be submitted via email as provided in the attached invoice instructions below. The FEMA Point of Contact for payment issues is Dennis C. Clements. C. Each invoice submitted shall contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The date of invoice submission; Invoice date and number; Agreement number; Detail of the Services provided and work completed; Breakdown of the political subdivisions at which services were provided; Page 6 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000878 6. 7. 8. 9. Breakdown by service and associated CLIN; Itemized listing of all other charges; Supporting documentation; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; 10. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). D. Attachments 3 and 4 are the approved and required Invoice templates for use by the State in submitting for payment. E. FEMA shall review the invoice and make payment on a proper invoice within 10 business days of receipt. F. For any improper or questioned invoice, FEMA will review and deny or resubmit with 14 business days. G. Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer. H. The following FEMA individual (in addition to the Contracting Officer) is hereby delegated authority to accept goods and services and to review and approve invoices for this contract: Authorized Invoice Approver Name: William P. Gardner Title: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Email: william.gardner3@fema.dhs.gov Phone: 202-738-0875 Name: Carl Kahn Title: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Email: carl.kahn@fema.dhs.gov Phone: 225-910-5244 XII. Audits: The State is responsible for obtaining audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 U.S.C. ?? 7501-7507); 31 U.S.C. ? 503, 1111; Executive Order 8248; Executive Order 11609; Executive Order 11717; and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F (Audit Requirements). XIII. Liability Provisions: A. The parties each agree to be responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of their respective employees. Page 7 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000879 B. FEMA liability for any injury, damage, or loss to persons or property arising in the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents and representatives shall be governed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. ? 2691 et seq. The State shall promptly notify FEMA of any claims or lawsuits filed against any FEMA employees of which the State is notified. C. State liability, if any, for any injury, damage or loss to persons or property arising out of the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents, and representatives shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. FEMA shall promptly notify the State of any claims filed against any of State employees of which FEMA is notified. NOTHING HEREIN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY BY THE STATE. XIV. Financial Records: A. Retention of Records. All Agreement and financial records including, but not limited to, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records, pertinent contracts, or subordinate agreements under this Agreement shall be retained by the State for three (3) years after the expiration of the Agreement for purposes of federal examinations and audit. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is later. B. Access to Records. FEMA and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers or other records of the State, its subrecipients or its sub-contractors, which are pertinent to this Agreement, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. The rights of access must not be limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as the records are retained. C. Delinquent Debt Collection. FEMA will hold the State accountable for any overpayment, or any breach of this Agreement that results in a debt owed to the federal government. FEMA shall apply interest, penalties, and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed to the federal government by the State pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1982, as amended. XV. Labor Standard and Wage Determination: The Service Contract Act, 41 U.S.C. ? 351 et seq., Title 29, Part 4 Labor Standards for Federal Service Contracts, is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Page 8 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000880 These standards and provisions are included in every contract over $2,500, or in an indefinite amount, that is entered into by the United States, the principal purpose of which is to furnish services through the use of service employees. XVI. Disputes: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer and the authorized signatory of the State will settle disputes, questions and concerns arising from this Agreement. Settlement of disputes shall be memorialized in a written modification between the FEMA Contracting Officer and authorized signatory of the State. In the event a dispute is not able to be resolved between the State and the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer will make a decision, which may be appealed by the State to the FEMA Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA). B. The FEMA HCA may employ all methods available to resolve the dispute including alternative dispute resolution techniques. C. The State shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement pending final resolution of any dispute. D. The HCA's decision shall be final unless the State appeals or files a suit as provided in 41 U.S.C chapter 71. E. If the Federal Coordinating Officer or other senior FEMA official determines the services provided do not meet the operational requirement, FEMA has the right to request replacement services from the State, or to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part. Replacement services requested, due to fault or negligence of performance, in excess of the associated cap or cost-control method will be ineligible for reimbursement. F. If this Agreement is terminated, within 4 months of the notice of termination, the State must submit a final invoice for services provided and administrative costs incurred up until the date of termination. The Federal Government shall not be liable to the State for damages incurred for early termination. XVII. Inspection: Work described in the Agreement is subject to inspection by FEMA and other applicable Government agencies. The State shall participate in responding to all requests for information and inspection or review findings by regulatory agencies. The State shall allow FEMA, or an entity or organization approved by FEMA, to conduct inspections of the housing units, as required, to ensure an acceptable level of services and acceptable conditions of housing as determined by FEMA. No notice to the State is required prior to an inspection. FEMA will share findings of the inspection with the State's. Page 9 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000881 XVIII. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure: A. The State shall keep all assignment-related information strictly confidential. B. Within 15 days of the date of this Agreement, and before any Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) will be provided by FEMA, the State shall develop a process for receiving and securing SPII provided to the State by FEMA for the purpose of providing Direct Assistance on FEMA's behalf and providing case updates to FEMA. This process shall comply with Homeland Security Acquisition Regulations (HSAR) Class Deviation 15-01, and HSAR 3052.204-71. C. The State shall ensure compliance with The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. ? 552a, for the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of information under this Agreement. 1. The State shall only collect information that is necessary to carry out this Agreement. 2. The State shall maintain the information in a secure fashion that meets Federal administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. 3. The State shall use information under this Agreement only for the purpose for which it was collected, including but not limited to, aiding in the execution of, and ensuring the prevention of duplication of benefits from, the State's Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBGDR) program. 4. The State shall only permit the sharing of information with State officials and Local officials that have the need to know. No other sharing or dissemination of information is permitted without the express permission from FEMA. D. The State is performing its responsibilities under this Agreement in support of FEMA, and any data or materials generated by the State in fulfillment of this Agreement remain the property of FEMA. Any release of information pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ? 552.021 related to this Agreement, including any data or materials generated by the State in fulfillment of this Agreement, shall be coordinated with FEMA, and together, the State and FEMA shall determine if any information is exempt from release pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ? 552.101 and/or the Federal Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act. E. Press releases, marketing material, and any other printed or electronic documentation related to this project shall not be publicized without coordination with FEMA. Any material containing the FEMA or DHS names or logos must be approved by FEMA before publication. Page 10 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000882 XIX. Security Requirements: The State shall submit to the FEMA Contracting Officer a roster of names of all employees and/or contractors who will be engaged in services set forth in Paragraph V. The roster shall contain the following information about each individual: A. B. C. D. E. F. XX. Name (last, first, and middle initial), including aliases Status (type of employment) Home address Phone number Date of birth Citizenship Contractor Officer's Representative: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer may designate Government personnel to act as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to perform functions under the Agreement such as review or inspection and acceptance of services. The Contracting Officer will provide a written notice of such designation to the State. B. The FEMA Contracting Officer cannot authorize the COR or any other representative to sign documents, such as Agreement modifications, that require the signature of the FEMA Contracting Officer. XXI. Stop Work Order: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the State, require the State to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this Agreement for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the State, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order. Upon receipt of the order, the State shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. B. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work order is delivered to the State, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either-- 1. Cancel the stop-work order; or 2. Terminate the Agreement. XXII. Termination: A. The terms of this Agreement, as modified with the mutual written consent of the parties, will remain in effect until February 25, 2019. Page 11 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000883 B. The parties may extend this Agreement by mutual written agreement. C. Any party, upon a 3 day written notice to the other party, may terminate this Agreement. XXIII. Effective Date: This Agreement takes effect on the date when both parties have signed the Agreement. XXIV. Modification: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer is the only Government official authorized to make modifications to this Agreement. All modifications will be made in writing. B. The FEMA Contracting Officer may at any time, by written order, and without notice to the State, make changes within the general scope of this Agreement in any one or more of the following: 1. Reduction in the quantity of services to be provided; and 2. Place of performance of the services. C. The parties may modify all other terms of this Agreement upon the mutual written consent of each party. XXV. Other Provisions: A. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to conflict with current law or regulation or the directives of the federal government, FEMA, DHS, or the State. If a term of this Agreement is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall be invalid but the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. B. The State, in its completion of its responsibilities under this Agreement, shall abide by all statutes, Executive Orders, regulations, and policies governing the provision of FEMA's direct housing assistance program in the same manner and to the same extent as would be required of FEMA in its own implementation of the program. The State has no authority to waive FEMA policy. C. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by law or equity, by the parties or by persons who are not a party to this Agreement against the parties, their officers or employees, or any other person. D. Prohibition on Performance of Inherently Governmental Functions: State personnel shall not perform inherently governmental functions. The term Page 12 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000884 ''inherently governmental function'' means a function that is so intimately related to the public interest as to require performance by Federal Government employees. See FAIR Act of 1998, Public Law 105-270, 31 U.S.C. ? 501 note. E. FEMA shall provide the GLO with adequate technical assistance to GLO and Subrecipients of the GLO to facilitate effective operations of this agreement. XXVI. Attachments A. The following attachments are incorporated into this agreement. 1. Program Implementation and Conditions 2. Detailed Eligible Permanent Housing Construction-Repairs 3. SF1034-87c 4. SF1035-73 XXVII. Points of Contact: A. The FEMA points of contact for this Agreement are as follows: 1. Dennis C. Clements, dennis.clements@fema.dhs.gov 2. Primary: William P. Gardner, william.gardner3@fema.dhs.gov 3. Alternate: Carl Kahn, carl.kahn@fema.dhs.gov B. The State of Texas points of contact for this Agreement are as follows: 1. Pete Phillips, pete.phillips@glo.texas.gov 2. Heather Lagrone, heather.lagrone@glo.texas.gov XXVIII. Approved By: 1. Dennis C. Clements 9/22/2017 2. Anne L. Idsal 9/22/2017 Page 13 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000885 SIGNATURE PAGEFOR INTERGOVERNMENTALSERVICEAGREEMENT BETWEENTHE UNITED STATESDEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITYAND THE STATEOF TEXASGENERALLAND OFFICE Texas General Land Office Anne L. ldsal, Chief Clerk/ Deput y Land Commi ssioner Date of Execution : 't/1:z..,ft1 Department of Homeland Security f deral Emergenc Management Agency Dennis C. Cleme nt s Cont ractin g Offi cer Dat e of Execut ion : '-) / ,?,J./J ?- Page 14 of3 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000886 Attachment 1: Program Implementation and Conditions This document outlines conditions related to executing an Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) with the State of Texas: General Program Administration Conditions Duplication of Benefits Compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation Laws and Executive Orders Direct Temporary Housing Terms and Conditions o General Eligibility Conditions o Continued Assistance Conditions o Termination of Assistance Conditions o Direct Lease Conditions o Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) Conditions o Recreation Vehicle (RV) Conditions o Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU) Conditions o RV and MHU Site Conditions PHC Terms and Conditions o Eligibility Conditions o PHC Repair Conditions Definitions 1. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance: A Temporary Housing Unit (THU) provided directly to eligible applicants in the form of MLR, Direct Lease, or a MHU or RV placed temporarily on a private, commercial, or group site. 2. Eligible Applicants: Individuals or households determined by FEMA to be eligible for Direct Housing Assistance under Section 408 of the Stafford Act. 3. Multi-family Housing: A building that contains three or more dwelling units, with each unit providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. 4. Recreation Vehicle: A travel trailer or fifth wheel. 5. Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including information linked or linkable to that individual. Examples include: name, personal address, and personal telephone number. General Program Administration Conditions 1. Once the Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) is executed, the State shall develop and present a project management plan to FEMA. FEMA and the State must Page 15 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000887 jointly approve prior to the execution of the plan. The plan shall be completed within 10 business days after the execution of this IGSA. FEMA, at its discretion, may extend this time period. The project management plan shall include: a. Description of processes the State shall develop and implement for managing work to provide the forms of Direct Housing Assistance FEMA has authorized and for ensuring work performed by local governments or sub-contractors is consistent with FEMA's conditions, and applicable regulations and statutes, including the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93-288, as amended, ??42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and the Individuals and Household Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG), FP 104-009-3, dated September 30, 2016. b. Description of roles and responsibilities among State and local jurisdictions, including State processes that will be implemented to prevent the award of duplicative benefits as discussed under the heading "Duplication of Benefits" and policies to avoid conflict with local land use decisions (e.g., strategic buy-outs of properties). c. Specific timeframes, milestones, and performance goals established by the State for providing each type of authorized Direct Housing Assistance. FEMA will provide additional guidance and reporting templates to facilitate this process. d. Communication plan describing the processes the State will develop for responding to applicants' inquires and concerns regarding assistance provided to them by the State and an implementation plan for those processes under the terms and conditions of this agreement. e. Description of the processes the State shall develop for receiving and securing Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as defined by Department of Homeland Security Guidance, provided to the State for the purpose of providing Direct Housing Assistance on FEMA's behalf and providing weekly case updates to FEMA. f. Quality assurance plan by which the State shall monitor the quality of work, which will also be used to facilitate FEMA's oversight of the State's performance under the IGSA. 2. The State will ensure all Direct Housing Assistance options determined by FEMA are available to eligible applicants in all counties authorized for Direct Housing Assistance, unless specifically prohibited by local laws and ordinances. 3. In implementing this IGSA, the State shall abide by all applicable statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, and policies governing the provision of FEMA's direct housing assistance program, including but not limited to: a. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), as amended, 42 U.S.C. ?? 5121 - 5207; Page 16 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000888 b. 44 C.F.R. ?? 206.110 - 206.118, Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households; c. Individuals and Household Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG), FP 104-009-3, Federal Emergency Management Agency, September 30, 2016; d. 44 CFR part 9, Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands; e. Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, 42 FR 26961 (1977); f. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, 42 FR 26951 (1977); g. DHS Directive 023-01, Rev. 01 and Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev.01, 81 FR 56682 (2016), implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with component supplemental instructions in FEMA Directive 108-1 and FEMA Instruction 108-1-1 (2016); h. 24 C.F.R. Part 3280, Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations; and i. The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. ? 552a. 4. FEMA is responsible for compliance with a number of environmental and historic preservation laws. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the State. FEMA will work with the State to gather the necessary information to ensure compliance. 5. FEMA will provide all necessary forms to the State and detail when each form is required for use within 15 days of the execution of the IGSA. 6. FEMA is responsible for making all applicant eligibility determinations for Direct Temporary Housing and Permanent Housing Construction under section 408 of the Stafford Act and notifying the applicant of their approval for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance or PHC. Based upon the casework being performed by the State, any requested changes to the eligibility determined by FEMA must be reviewed and approved by FEMA. FEMA will retain determinations in the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and provide eligibility determinations to the State. The State or local jurisdiction will be responsible for working with the applicant to implement or update the Direct Housing option, with approval from FEMA. 7. FEMA will provide the State with a daily list of applicants approved for Direct Temporary Housing or PHC in a password protected Microsoft Excel format which will be transmitted to FEMA via AMRDEC Aviation and Missile RDEC Unclassified LAN Infrastructure (AMRULI) utilizing its Safe Access File Exchange (SAFE) system or, if not available, via email. Password must be transmitted out-of-band via separate email message. Each list will contain the following information: a. Applicant's Registration Identification (Reg ID) number; b. Primary and Co-applicant's First and Last Name; Page 17 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000889 c. Primary and Co-applicant's current mailing address and telephone number, and any reasonable accommodation to ensure effective communication; d. Primary and Co-applicant's pre-disaster residence address; e. The number of bedrooms required; f. Initial approved type of Direct Housing Assistance g. Determination on whether individuals eligible for Direct Housing Assistance are located in Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); h. Specific information on members of the household with a disability or other access and functional need, including any modification or reasonable accommodations required. 8. FEMA will initially provide the State with the recommended direct housing solution for each applicant. The State, upon working with the applicant, will consider the below criteria and inform FEMA if the recommended Direct Housing solution has changed. After reviewing the State's proposal, FEMA will provide final approval of updated Direct Housing determinations for applicants. The criteria are: a. Timeliness, availability, and cost; b. Suitability for the applicant's household, including members of the household with disabilities or other access and functional needs; c. Location of available option, and d. Environmental and Historic Preservation compliance requirements, including consideration of options available outside the SFHA. 9. The State shall provide weekly reports to FEMA identifying for each applicant referred to the State by FEMA: a. The housing option recommended for each applicant; b. Justification for any change to FEMA's initial determination using the criteria identified above; c. The date the applicant begins occupying temporary housing provided by the State or repairs are complete; d. Any accessibility modification or other reasonable accommodations provided for applicants with disability or other access and functional need; and e. The continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance eligibility recommendation for applicants placed in Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. f. Reports shall be organized by county and provided using templates agreed upon by FEMA and the State. 10. The State shall develop a strategy for regular maintenance and repair for all forms of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. Page 18 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000890 11. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance is limited to 18 months following the date of the disaster declaration. The period of assistance for this disaster began on August 25, 2017, and will end on February 25, 2019. At the State's request, FEMA may extend the period of assistance if FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery determines that due to extraordinary circumstances an extension would be in the public interest. 12. The State shall work with applicants to establish a permanent housing plan to transition them from Direct Temporary Housing Assistance in anticipation of the program's termination. 13. FEMA will monitor the State based on the following established performance standards. a. The State will make initial contact with an applicant within 10 business days of the referral from FEMA. b. The State will inform FEMA within 30 business days of contact with the applicant of any required changes to FEMA's initial eligibility determination or housing solution. c. FEMA will approve any recommended changes to the eligibility determination or housing solution as soon as possible, and no later than 5 days after receiving the change request from the State. d. The State will ensure any applicant placed into Direct Lease will be provided temporary housing within 30 business days of FEMA approval of the final housing solution for each applicant. e. The State will identify, assess, make final selection, and begin the process to contract with eligible MLR properties within 60 days of execution of IGSA, unless extended by FEMA. f. The State will ensure any applicant placed into an MLR unit will be provided temporary housing within 120 days of FEMA approval of the final housing solution for each applicant. g. On commercial park locations or private sites, upon approval of the EHP review by FEMA, the State within 15 days of receipt will place and make ready for occupancy the RV or MHU. The State will then have 5 days to license the applicant into the unit. h. The State will ensure any applicant provided with Permanent Housing Construction in the form of repairs will have all repairs complete within 90 days from start of repair work for each applicant. i. The State will begin to conduct continued assistance verifications within 30 days of providing the applicant with temporary housing for submission to FEMA. j. The State will begin to coordinate with FEMA on the end of program or potential need for an extension of the program within 90 days of February 25, 2019. Page 19 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000891 Duplication of Benefits 1. A duplication of benefit (DOB) may occur when an insured direct temporary housing occupant receives Additional Living Expense (ALE) or Loss of Use (LOU) insurance benefits that cover the cost of renting alternative housing. When FEMA identifies a DOB with ALE or LOU while making an eligibility determination, FEMA will initiate steps to collect the ALE or LOU benefits for housing costs. FEMA will base the amount of the monthly payment on the ALE or LOU amount not to exceed the Fair Market Rent (FMR) rate established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the size (number of bedrooms) and location of the housing unit. FEMA will only collect payments until the total amount of the ALE or LOU insurance has been exhausted or the occupant vacates the direct THU, whichever is first. The State will inform FEMA when an applicant with ALE is placed in and vacates a direct temporary housing assistance option. 2. PHC represents a DOB with financial housing assistance: Applicants determined eligible for PHC who choose to receive PHC must provide documentation of the use of any previously provided FEMA financial housing assistance for Repair, and return all unused, previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement to FEMA. 3. Right of Recoupment: The State agrees that FEMA may seek reimbursement for any identified DOB, including through the reduction of future disaster relief awards to applicants, the State, or other parties to this agreement. Compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation Laws and Executive Orders 1. FEMA will provide the State a matrix of Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance requirements, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management (44 CFR Part 9) to help inform the choice of best housing option for the applicant's location. 2. FEMA is responsible for compliance with a number of environmental and historic preservation laws. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the State. FEMA will work with the State to gather the necessary information to ensure compliance. Direct Temporary Housing Terms and Conditions Eligibility Conditions 1. All eligibility determinations by FEMA for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance and continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance will be made by FEMA in accordance with the Stafford Act, and implementing regulations, and IHPUG. Page 20 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000892 Continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions 1. The State will monitor the progress that Direct Temporary Housing occupants are making towards obtaining and occupying permanent housing within the 18 month period of assistance, based on the conditions outlined by FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R ? 206.117(b)(1)(ii)(G). 2. The State will provide FEMA with a recommendation for continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance to individuals and households based on these conditions until February 25, 2019. 3. FEMA will make the final determination on an applicant's eligibility for continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance based on the State's recommendation. Termination of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions 1. The State may recommend to FEMA to terminate an occupant's Direct Temporary Housing Assistance for any reason not prohibited by the Stafford Act, FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R ? 206.117(b)(1)(ii)(G), or IHPUG. 2. FEMA must approve all terminations and appeal decisions in a timely manner before the applicant is notified. 3. The State shall utilize FEMA templates to notify the applicant of the termination and provide FEMA with copies of all termination notices, appeals, and appeal decisions within seven days of the date issued to ensure FEMA is able to record these documents in NEMIS. Direct Lease Conditions 1. The State may lease to Eligible Applicants, existing residential property, not typically available to the general public, for use as temporary housing for eligible individuals and households. 2. The State may lease properties that comply with Housing Quality Standards (HQS) established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to provide complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. All utilities, appliances, and other furnishings must be functional. 3. The State shall evaluate properties according to the following factors: a. Cost to the federal government: The State shall lease properties with per-unit rent at or below the Fair Market Rent (FMR) established by HUD. If the State is unable to obtain sufficient rental resources, the State shall conduct an analysis of Page 21 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000893 prevailing market rates and may increase leases to properties with per-unit rent of up to 125% of FMR. Properties with per-unit rent above 125% of the Fair Market Rate established by HUD must be approved by FEMA; b. Landlord's demonstrated ability to manage and provide maintenance services; c. Proximity to community and wrap-around services, such as accessible public transportation, schools, fire and emergency services, grocery stores, health care services, etc.; d. When selecting available properties, the State may prioritize properties that are already accessible, include accessibility features, or can be easily made accessible; and are in proximity to accessible public transportation. 4. The estimated monthly cost per unit is up to $1,300 unless approved by FEMA. a. The State can also provide one month's cost for a security deposit for each unit. 5. Within 7 business days of completion, the State must provide FEMA the following documentation: a. A copy of the inspection record confirming the property complies with HQS; b. A copy of the lease contract specifying the monthly rent rates. c. A copy of the lease agreement signed between the applicant and the property and the applicant and the State, for each applicant. Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) Conditions 1. The State may enter into lease agreements with owners of multi-family rental properties located in Individual Assistance designated counties to house Eligible Applicants and make repairs or improvements to existing multi-family housing units in order to provide temporary housing to Eligible Applicants. 2. Per the Stafford Act, under the terms of any lease agreement for property entered into under MLR, the value of the improvements or repairs shall be deducted from the value of the lease agreement and may not exceed the value of the lease. To determine the cost-effectiveness of the potential MLR property, the State will deduct the estimated cost of repairs and improvements from the value of the lease as follows: a. The State will determine the estimated cost of repairs or improvements by performing an independent cost estimate for the necessary repairs and improvements, or receive an estimated cost for repairs and improvements from the building contractor. b. The State will determine the value of the lease agreement by multiplying the monthly FMR by the number of units, and then multiplying the number of months remaining between the date the repairs are completed and the end of the 18 month period of assistance, which is February 25, 2019. c. The estimated total cost per unit is up to $21,000 unless approved by FEMA. Page 22 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000894 i. This includes a minimal monthly maintenance cost per unit for the operation of the property. ii. The State can also provide one month's cost for a security deposit for each unit. iii. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 3. Properties located within a floodway, coastal high-hazard area, or Coastal Barrier Resource Unit are not eligible for this program. 4. Prior to leasing a property, the State shall provide for each property an initial inspection report to include: a. Location, physical address and latitude and longitude; b. Date of construction, and c. An exterior photo. 5. The State shall provide the following documentation to FEMA within 7 days of leasing a property for temporary housing: a. Completed property inspection report; b. Itemized repair cost estimate; c. The state or local government's valuation of the lease, including methodology used; d. Copy of the tenant lease and application requirements; and e. A copy of the executed lease agreement and repair contracts, specifying the expenditures for repairs, rent, property management, and maintenance. 6. Within 14 days of completion, the State must provide FEMA the following documentation: a. Paid invoices documenting the expenses incurred for repairs and improvements; b. A copy of the occupancy certificate issued by the local government; and c. A copy of the lease agreement signed between the applicant and the property and the applicant and the State, for each applicant. 7. All repairs shall be made in a manner consistent with current local building codes, standards, permitting, inspection requirements, and all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws and regulations. Items will be repaired when feasible, but may be replaced when cost-effective to the government or when necessary to ensure the health and safety of the occupant. The State will be responsible for obtaining local permits, but can delegate this responsibility. Page 23 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000895 RV Conditions (currently only approved for DR-4332-TX) 1. The State may provide and place RVs certified to comply with the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) standards established on July 1, 2012. 2. The State will notify disaster survivors with access and functional needs who request a RV that a reasonable modification may be available upon request. If survivors are unable to occupy an RV due to access and functional needs: a. The State, with approval from FEMA, may make other forms of direct temporary housing assistance available, which meets the survivor's access and functional needs, including Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)-compliant MHUs if needed. b. Should the State require UFAS-compliant MHUs, FEMA will provide them on behalf of the State. 3. Any RVs the State procures must meet current California Air Resource Board (CARB) standards or are certified compliant with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title VI requirements for formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products found in RVs.1 4. The estimated cost per unit is up to $55,000 unless approved by FEMA. This cost includes procurement, hauling and installing the unit, and any maintenance and deactivation costs. 5. The State shall provide, on a weekly basis, the following documentation for RVs procured for use as temporary housing: a. A copy of Purchase Order and Bill of Sale. 6. The State shall be responsible for disposing of RVs provided under this IGSA in accordance with Section 408(d)(2) of the Stafford Act. The State must provide documentation of the method of disposal for all units. The State shall return the proceeds from any sale of the units to FEMA. MHU Conditions 1. The State may procure, haul, and install MHUs as a form of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. 1 On December 12, 2016, the EPA issued a final rule mirroring the CARB standards as required by the Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products Act, Pub. L. 111-199 (2010), 15 U.S.C. ? 2601 note. The rule will take effect in December 2017; however regulated entities may voluntarily label compliant products as soon as compliance can be achieved. See 40 CFR Part 770. Page 24 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000896 2. The number of bedrooms in the MHU must accommodate the applicant's household composition, as recorded during the FEMA inspection. 3. Units must comply with 24 C.F.R. Part 3280 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ("HUD code"). 4. The estimated cost per unit is up to $92,000 unless approved by FEMA. a. This cost includes procurement, hauling and installing the unit, and any maintenance and deactivation costs. b. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 5. Any UFAS MHU provided for an Eligible Applicant with a disability or other access and functional needs will be provided by FEMA, and must be installed with a functioning Tank and Pump System prior to occupancy. 6. Any FEMA-sourced MHU provided for an eligible applicant must be installed with a functioning Tank and Pump System prior to occupancy except where to do so would cause a delay in allowing the applicant to take occupancy, in which case the Tank and Pump System shall be installed at the earliest possible date after occupancy. This requirement for the installation of a Tank and Pump System does not apply to any statesourced MHU provided to an Eligible Applicant. 7. The State shall provide FEMA, on a weekly basis, the following documentation for MHUs procured for use as temporary housing: a. A copy of Purchase Order and Bill of Sale. 8. The State shall be responsible for disposing of MHUs provided under this IGSA in accordance with Section 408(d)(2) of the Stafford Act. The State must provide documentation of the method of disposal for all units. The State shall return the proceeds from any sale of the units to FEMA. RV and MHU Site Conditions 1. The State may provide RVs and MHUs to eligible applicants and place them on private and commercial sites. a. The estimated monthly cost per pad lease is up to $600 unless approved by FEMA. 2. Placement of RVs and MHUs as post-disaster temporary housing in a SFHA/1-percent annual chance year floodplain must comply with 44 C.F.R. Part 9 and FEMA Directive/Instruction 108-1, Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Page 25 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000897 Responsibilities and Program Requirements, and the abbreviated decision-making process under 44 C.F.R. ?9.13 when considering the placement of RVs and MHUs on private and commercial sites in a floodplain. a. Pursuant to 44 CFR ?9.13 (d)(2), no MHUs or other readily-fabricated dwellings can be placed within a floodway, coastal high-hazard area, even under the abbreviated decision-making process. No MHUs or other readily-fabricated dwellings can be placed within a Coastal Barrier Resource Unit. b. In accordance with 44 C.F.R. ?9.13(d)(4)(i), MHUs placed on a private or commercial site in a SFHA must be elevated to the fullest extent practicable up to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and adequately anchored. i. The State shall evaluate RV and MHU placement sites individually, and make a determination regarding a site's suitability for RV or MHU placement based on the best available flood hazard information for that site. c. RVs will not be placed in the regulatory Floodway or Coastal High Hazard Areas. d. RVs will only be placed in the SFHA if no other housing options are available. In order to reduce the risk of loss of life of the occupants, RVs may be placed in the SFHA only where base flood depths are sufficiently shallow to allow for timely and safe evacuation from the RV on foot. RVs placed in the SFHA will be adequately anchored. e. Prior to placement, the State shall provide for each RV and MHU a completed Request for Site Inspection Report (FEMA form 010-0-9), to include, latitude and longitude of the proposed location. f. Placement of MHUs or other readily fabricated dwellings must be in accordance and compliance with Texas Manufactured Housing Division regulations. g. Repairs to commercial sites shall be limited to reasonable and cost-effective repairs or improvements necessary to make the site functional (such as an electrical service upgrade), including those necessary to meet reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. i. The estimated cost per pad improvement is up to $7,500 unless approved by FEMA. 3. Prior to building a MHU Group Site, the State must request and receive approval from FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery. a. The development of a MHU Group Site(s) is authorized only when the placement of MHUs on private sites are not feasible or if the use of existing commercial sites are not feasible for the eligible applicant. b. The State will prioritize sites provided by the State and local government at no cost before leasing a site from a private party. c. When considering the placement of MHU at potential group sites, the State must coordinate with the Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program. Page 26 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000898 d. FEMA, including Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, approval must be obtained prior to any site lease and site construction activity. e. The estimated cost per pad is up to $50,000 unless approved by FEMA. Permanent Housing Construction Repairs: Terms and Conditions Eligibility Conditions 1. Applicants may be eligible for PHC assistance after a FEMA determination that all other forms of temporary housing are not available, feasible, or cost effective. 2. PHC assistance shall only include repairs (PHC-Repairs) not PHC-Replacement. Reference "Attachment 2: Detailed Eligible Permanent Housing Construction-Repairs," for eligible repair items. 3. At the State's recommendation, FEMA may approve PHC Repair for eligible applicants whose homes are feasible to repair when: a. The repairs are estimated to be completed within 90 days or less from the start of the repair work; b. The damages are less than fifty percent of the market value prior to the disaster; and c. The estimated labor and materials costs are up to $60,000 unless approved by FEMA. FEMA generally will not approve a total price that exceeds this amount. i. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 4. PHC-Repair is not eligible when the State identifies: a. The home requires repairs to structural elements (e.g. foundation, frame) or other items requiring architectural or engineering services; b. The home requiring repairs with estimated costs that exceed fifty percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred; or c. The home is determined to be "repetitive loss or severe repetitive loss", as identified by the National Flood Insurance Program, and the cost to be brought into compliance with the local floodplain exceeds the maximum allowable costs for PHC-Repair. 5. Any home located within a SFHA shall not be considered for PHC repairs unless in accordance with applicable federal, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, and can be repaired within the PHC cost limits. 6. Applicants determined eligible by FEMA for PHC may choose either to: a. Receive PHC, provide documentation of the use of any previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair, and return all unused, previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement to FEMA; OR Page 27 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000899 b. Receive Direct Temporary Housing Assistance, if available, and keep any financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement that FEMA previously provided. 7. In order to be referred to the State for PHC, eligible applicants who choose to receive PHC assistance must sign an acknowledgement of the following terms and conditions: a. The applicant agrees to participate in the State program, including right of entry; b. The applicant agrees to obtain and maintain flood insurance coverage on the home for at least the value of the repairs provided the home is located in an SFHA. FEMA will not contribute to the cost of flood insurance premiums; and c. An applicant's decision to accept or decline PHC shall be considered final; FEMA will not re-consider an applicant for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance or PHC after they have declined either form of assistance. Applicants who accept PHC will not be considered for any additional FEMA Housing Assistance, including financial Temporary Housing Assistance. 8. The State and FEMA agree that applicants for PHC-Repair should not include those applicants whose properties may eventually be eligible for elevation or a buy-out. The State and FEMA will work together to ensure applicants eligible for PHC-Repair are reviewed for potential future mitigation, elevation, or home buy-out programs and, to the maximum extent possible, minimize PHC-Repair approval for those applicants. 9. The State and FEMA's responsibility to provide Direct Housing Assistance to the applicant ends once the completed PHC-Repairs are accepted by the applicant. PHC Repair Conditions 1. Under PHC, the State will not repair or replace items eligible under Other Needs Assistance for Personal Property, such as furnishings and appliances. 2. The State will need to ensure that there is no duplication of benefits between emergency work provided under the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) program and PHC-Repair assistance, and report to FEMA on the mechanism for doing so within thirty (30) days of initiating the PHC-Repair program. FEMA will only reimburse for specific line items repairs for a property under PHC or STEP, not under both options. 3. PHC-Repairs are limited to real property components eligible under FEMA Housing Assistance that were damaged by the disaster and functional before the declared event. The State shall only perform repairs necessary to restore the pre-disaster residence to a habitable condition. The completed repairs shall ensure the pre-disaster residence is restored to a safe, sanitary, and functional condition. Page 28 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000900 4. All repairs shall be made in a manner consistent with current local building codes, standards, or minimal acceptable construction industry standards by the area, permitting, inspection requirements, and all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws and regulations. Items will be repaired when feasible, but may be replaced when cost-effective to the government or when necessary to ensure the health and safety of the occupant. The State will be responsible for obtaining local permits, but can delegate this authority. 5. Prior to repairing a property, the State shall provide for each property an initial inspection report to include: a. Location, physical address and latitude and longitude; b. Date of construction, and c. An exterior photo. 6. Repairs shall be made using materials of average quality used in new construction, in accordance with 44 C.F.R. ? 206.117(b)(4)(iii), and taking into account the accessibility needs of the occupant. 7. Repairs to accessibility features and accessible routes will be guided by the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and HUD Design Details for Accessible Disaster Relief Housing. 8. The State shall provide to FEMA the following documentation within 7 business days of completing PHC Repairs for an applicant: a. Completed property inspection report; b. Itemized repair cost estimate; c. Executed repair contract or work order, including itemized list of repairs performed; d. A copy of the occupancy certificate issued by the local government. Page 29 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000901 Attachment 2: Detailed Eligible Repairs for Permanent Housing Construction - Repairs Interior Repairs Debris removal Clean and sanitize damaged materials Interior wall cover, to include drywall Floor, subfloor and floor covering Interior doors Cabinet Bathroom vanity Bathroom exhaust fan Exterior Repairs Windows Exterior doors Ceiling/wall insulation Siding Roof covering Roof sheathing Electrical/HVAC Furnace Exterior electrical work, to include weather, head, cable, and meter Wiring Electric panel, 200 amp main breaker - 18 circuit Outlets or switches Central air conditioner Duct work Smoke Detector Carbon Monoxide Detector Light fixtures Plumbing Water heater Water lines Well pump Page 30 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000902 Pressure tank Decontaminate water supply Septic tank Distribution box Drain field Sewer lines Gas lines Sump pump Kitchen sink Bathroom sink Faucets Tub Fiberglass Shower Replacement Tank and toilet Accessibility Related Repairs Grab bars around toilet, tub, shower stall, and shower seat Ramp ADA compliant toilets Faucet with single-lever faucet controls Lever-type door knobs and handles Single-push door locks Drawers and cabinets with D-loop or other easy to use handle pulls Low-pile carpet or smooth anti-slip flooring Page 31 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000903 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dendas, Michael W Friday, September 22, 2017 2:49 PM Ryan, Joshua J; Lyberg, Sarah A; Muse, Rebecca A Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J FEMA Direct Housing Assistance Final IGSA Direct Housing Texas Terms signed.pdf Attached is FEMA's housing recovery plan. Michael Dendas Senior Advisor Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-3761 Michael.w.dendas@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-000904 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE I. Parties: The parties to this Intergovernmental Service Agreement ("Agreement") are the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the State of Texas General Land Office ("State"). II. Authority: This Agreement is authorized by: A. Homeland Security Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-296 (2002) (codified as amended at 6 U.S.C. ? 101 et seq.) B. Sections 306 and 408 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93-288 (1974) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. ?? 5149 and 5174) ("Stafford Act") C. Department of Homeland Security Delegation of Authority No. 9001.1, Delegation to the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Dec. 10, 2010) D. Title 44 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Part 206. E. Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Tex. Gov't Code ? 418) F. Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act, 31 U.S.C. ? 6301 et seq. III. Background: On August 25, 2017, the President declared major disaster DR-4332 for the State pursuant to his authority under the Stafford Act. (82 FR 42691 (Sept. 11, 2017.) This declaration authorized FEMA to provide financial assistance and direct services, under Section 408 of the Stafford Act, to individuals and households "who, as a direct result of a major disaster, have necessary expenses and serious needs in which the individuals and households are unable to meet such expenses, or needs through other means," such as insurance. FEMA may provide direct temporary housing when there are a lack of available housing resources. In addition, FEMA may Page 1 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000905 authorize Permanent Housing Construction (PHC) in the form of direct or financial assistance when there are no alternate housing resources available and temporary housing assistance is not available, is infeasible, or not cost effective. FEMA determined that due to the significant damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in the State, the exigent need for housing requires the provision of direct housing assistance to eligible survivors under Section 408. FEMA is in need of support to execute the direct housing mission for DR-4332, and the State has expressed a desire and the capability to provide the needed support. IV. Purpose: A. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish an agreement between FEMA and the State for the provision of direct housing assistance, under section 408 of the Stafford Act, to individuals and households who are displaced from their predisaster residences, or whose pre-disaster primary residences are rendered uninhabitable as a result of damage caused by Hurricane Harvey, and who are unable to meet the expenses associated with procuring housing by other means. B. This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of FEMA and the State and states the services that the State shall perform satisfactorily in order to receive payment from FEMA. V. Services and Period of Performance: A. The State shall provide assistance to FEMA in the delivery of direct temporary housing, and direct permanent housing construction assistance to Hurricane Harvey survivors residing within the areas declared by DR-4332. See Attachment 1, Program Implementation and Conditions. B. Performance Period: The period of performance shall be for 18 months from the date of the disaster declaration (August 25, 2017). FEMA may, at the State's request, extend the period of performance if FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery determines that due to extraordinary circumstances an extension would be in the public interest. C. Procurement Standards: The State will generally comply with the procurement standards detailed in 2 CFR 200.317-326 in conjunction with state emergency procurement law. D. Similar Agreements: To the extent a similar agreement is executed between FEMA and another state for the provision of direct temporary housing and direct permanent housing construction assistance with terms and conditions that are more favorable than those offered to the State of Texas General Land Office, the Page 2 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000906 more favorable terms and conditions will immediately apply to this Agreement upon approval by the State of Texas General Land Office. VI. Issuance of Orders A. For the purpose of this Agreement, the FEMA Contracting Officer may issue orders on either a firm-fixed-price basis, or a total not-to-exceed basis (time and materials) or a combination of both. Terms and conditions applicable to any order shall be as described in this Agreement. B. The intent is to allow the State, and its local partners, to begin work on discrete projects as the specific need and capacity are identified, defined, and established. The State, within the general scope of this Agreement, may propose projects based on program service line item(s), political subdivision(s), or any combination thereof. C. FEMA will obtain written technical and cost program proposals from the State. The proposal generally shall include the following, as appropriate to the task: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Task to be performed; Scope of task; Time for completion or target date; A detailed cost estimate; Other pertinent information, such as technical/management approach; QA/QR [Quality Assurance/Quality Review] plan; Total firm-fixed-price or ceiling price (for Time and Material); and Any other requirements specific or unique to the project. D. FEMA will evaluate the State's proposals, and negotiate and memorialize appropriate cost and quality control mechanisms in a timely manner, as necessary. E. Only upon receipt of an executed order, signed by the Contracting Officer, shall the State commence work. All orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between an order and the Agreement, the Agreement shall control. F. The State shall notify the Contracting Officer within 24 hours if any significant difficulties with regard to performance according to the terms of the order are anticipated or any time significant difficulties in performance arise. G. If at any time during the performance of a time and materials order it appears that additional funds will be required to complete performance, the State shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer in writing. Such notification shall include the costs expended, an estimate of costs required to complete the order, and an Page 3 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000907 explanation of why the originally negotiated estimated costs were not adequate. The Government shall have the right to require the State to continue performance up to the originally estimated cost level and to suspend work thereafter, negotiate a new set of work priorities to be completed within the remaining funds, to modify the order, increasing the estimated cost to the level appropriate for completion of the work, or to modify the order to reduce the total to coincide with actual work accomplished. VII. Rates and Ceiling: A. FEMA agrees to pay the State for documented, reasonable, and allowable, and allocable costs related to assistance provided to applicants, in accordance with the terms of Attachment 1, Federal law, and FEMA regulation and policy. B. 2 CFR Part 200. The State, by execution of this Agreement, certifies that the pricing established under this Agreement is in compliance the Cost Principles in 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E, and includes only allowable costs of performance under this Agreement. C. The State shall not exceed the total ceiling price in services for FEMA without written modification by a FEMA Contracting Officer, such written modification to be provided in a timely manner. Any such modification shall be reviewed by FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery prior to approval. If at any time the State has reason to believe that the payments and material costs that will accrue in performing this Agreement in the next succeeding 30 days, if added to all other payments and costs previously accrued, will exceed 80 percent of the ceiling price in the Schedule, the State shall notify the Contracting Officer giving a revised estimate of the total price to FEMA for performing this contract with supporting reasons and documentation. D. FEMA is not obligated to pay the State any amount in excess of the ceiling price, and the State shall not be obligated to continue performance if to do so would exceed the ceiling price set forth in the Schedule, unless and until the Contracting Officer notifies the State in writing that FEMA has approved the increase in the ceiling price and specifies in the notice a revised ceiling approved by FEMA. E. If at any time during the performance of this contract, the State has reason to believe that the total price to FEMA for performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the State shall so notify the Contracting Officer, giving a revised estimate of the total price for performing this contract, with supporting reasons and documentation. FEMA generally will not approve a total price that exceeds the stated ceiling price. Page 4 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000908 FEMA may approve such an excess only if the supporting reasons and documentation provided by the State demonstrate extraordinary circumstances. F. If at any time during performance of this contract, FEMA has reason to believe that the work to be required in performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the Contracting Officer will so advise the State, given the then revised estimate of the total amount of effort to be required under the contract. VIII. Program Service Cost Controls A. Each program assistance service line item has a per applicant household cap established. B. The program service cost-control methods will be applied, as detailed in Attachment 1. C. Only the Contracting Officer may approve exceptions to the program service cost caps which exceed the amounts or justifications described in Attachment 1. IX. Administrative Costs A. State administrative costs for the direct housing program will be calculated and managed for purposes of this agreement in an analogous manner to the current PA model delineated in 44 CFR 207.7(b) and (c). B. Administrative Costs means any direct and indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by the State and municipalities in administering and managing this mission. Indirect costs means costs that are incurred by the State and municipalities for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective that are not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefited. C. Administrative costs are not intended to cover direct costs of managing specific projects because these costs generally are eligible as part of the cost accounting for each project. D. Administrative costs will be actual costs, capped at 6% of the final program costs. E. The State must submit an administrative plan and include procedures for subrecipient administrative costs amount or percentage determination, pass through, closeout, and audit. The State will submit this initial administrative cost funding request/invoice before any administrative fees for the direct housing program can be disbursed. Page 5 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000909 F. An initial 25% of the State's total projected administrative cost amount will be disbursed upon the submission and approval of the plan with additional funds obligated and released as program requirements stabilize. The State may submit a funding request for additional administrative costs, upon a showing of need and a revised administration plan. FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery may approve or deny such request at his discretion. G. Final administrative costs accounting will be verified upon agreement closeout, and based on actuals, not initial projection amounts. Any surplus is subject to reimbursement to FEMA. X. Program Funding A. FEMA will obligate funds to the State upon approval and issuance of project orders under Section VI. This money will be drawn down upon via the invoicing procedures contained herein. B. Approved proper invoices will draw down against obligated projects on a reimbursable basis. C. If the State requires additional funding to ensure compliance with the Prompt Payment Act requirements, Tex. Govt. Code 2251, are being met, it shall submit a written request to the Contracting Officer detailing the need and proposed solution. XI. Invoicing and Payment: A. Subject to the availability of funds from the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), FEMA will provide funding to the State in accordance with this Agreement. B. The State shall submit a project management plan package to include performance schedule and cost estimates for work to be performed under each program, as outlined in Attachment 1. The package will be reviewed by FEMA for acceptance. Upon determination of acceptance, a proper invoice for the amount accepted by FEMA will be submitted by the State for payment. The original invoice payment request shall be submitted via email as provided in the attached invoice instructions below. The FEMA Point of Contact for payment issues is Dennis C. Clements. C. Each invoice submitted shall contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The date of invoice submission; Invoice date and number; Agreement number; Detail of the Services provided and work completed; Breakdown of the political subdivisions at which services were provided; Page 6 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000910 6. 7. 8. 9. Breakdown by service and associated CLIN; Itemized listing of all other charges; Supporting documentation; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; 10. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). D. Attachments 3 and 4 are the approved and required Invoice templates for use by the State in submitting for payment. E. FEMA shall review the invoice and make payment on a proper invoice within 10 business days of receipt. F. For any improper or questioned invoice, FEMA will review and deny or resubmit with 14 business days. G. Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer. H. The following FEMA individual (in addition to the Contracting Officer) is hereby delegated authority to accept goods and services and to review and approve invoices for this contract: Authorized Invoice Approver Name: William P. Gardner Title: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Email: william.gardner3@fema.dhs.gov Phone: 202-738-0875 Name: Carl Kahn Title: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Email: carl.kahn@fema.dhs.gov Phone: 225-910-5244 XII. Audits: The State is responsible for obtaining audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 U.S.C. ?? 7501-7507); 31 U.S.C. ? 503, 1111; Executive Order 8248; Executive Order 11609; Executive Order 11717; and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F (Audit Requirements). XIII. Liability Provisions: A. The parties each agree to be responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of their respective employees. Page 7 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000911 B. FEMA liability for any injury, damage, or loss to persons or property arising in the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents and representatives shall be governed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. ? 2691 et seq. The State shall promptly notify FEMA of any claims or lawsuits filed against any FEMA employees of which the State is notified. C. State liability, if any, for any injury, damage or loss to persons or property arising out of the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents, and representatives shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. FEMA shall promptly notify the State of any claims filed against any of State employees of which FEMA is notified. NOTHING HEREIN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY BY THE STATE. XIV. Financial Records: A. Retention of Records. All Agreement and financial records including, but not limited to, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records, pertinent contracts, or subordinate agreements under this Agreement shall be retained by the State for three (3) years after the expiration of the Agreement for purposes of federal examinations and audit. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is later. B. Access to Records. FEMA and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers or other records of the State, its subrecipients or its sub-contractors, which are pertinent to this Agreement, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. The rights of access must not be limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as the records are retained. C. Delinquent Debt Collection. FEMA will hold the State accountable for any overpayment, or any breach of this Agreement that results in a debt owed to the federal government. FEMA shall apply interest, penalties, and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed to the federal government by the State pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1982, as amended. XV. Labor Standard and Wage Determination: The Service Contract Act, 41 U.S.C. ? 351 et seq., Title 29, Part 4 Labor Standards for Federal Service Contracts, is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Page 8 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000912 These standards and provisions are included in every contract over $2,500, or in an indefinite amount, that is entered into by the United States, the principal purpose of which is to furnish services through the use of service employees. XVI. Disputes: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer and the authorized signatory of the State will settle disputes, questions and concerns arising from this Agreement. Settlement of disputes shall be memorialized in a written modification between the FEMA Contracting Officer and authorized signatory of the State. In the event a dispute is not able to be resolved between the State and the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer will make a decision, which may be appealed by the State to the FEMA Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA). B. The FEMA HCA may employ all methods available to resolve the dispute including alternative dispute resolution techniques. C. The State shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement pending final resolution of any dispute. D. The HCA's decision shall be final unless the State appeals or files a suit as provided in 41 U.S.C chapter 71. E. If the Federal Coordinating Officer or other senior FEMA official determines the services provided do not meet the operational requirement, FEMA has the right to request replacement services from the State, or to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part. Replacement services requested, due to fault or negligence of performance, in excess of the associated cap or cost-control method will be ineligible for reimbursement. F. If this Agreement is terminated, within 4 months of the notice of termination, the State must submit a final invoice for services provided and administrative costs incurred up until the date of termination. The Federal Government shall not be liable to the State for damages incurred for early termination. XVII. Inspection: Work described in the Agreement is subject to inspection by FEMA and other applicable Government agencies. The State shall participate in responding to all requests for information and inspection or review findings by regulatory agencies. The State shall allow FEMA, or an entity or organization approved by FEMA, to conduct inspections of the housing units, as required, to ensure an acceptable level of services and acceptable conditions of housing as determined by FEMA. No notice to the State is required prior to an inspection. FEMA will share findings of the inspection with the State's. Page 9 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000913 XVIII. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure: A. The State shall keep all assignment-related information strictly confidential. B. Within 15 days of the date of this Agreement, and before any Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) will be provided by FEMA, the State shall develop a process for receiving and securing SPII provided to the State by FEMA for the purpose of providing Direct Assistance on FEMA's behalf and providing case updates to FEMA. This process shall comply with Homeland Security Acquisition Regulations (HSAR) Class Deviation 15-01, and HSAR 3052.204-71. C. The State shall ensure compliance with The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. ? 552a, for the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of information under this Agreement. 1. The State shall only collect information that is necessary to carry out this Agreement. 2. The State shall maintain the information in a secure fashion that meets Federal administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. 3. The State shall use information under this Agreement only for the purpose for which it was collected, including but not limited to, aiding in the execution of, and ensuring the prevention of duplication of benefits from, the State's Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBGDR) program. 4. The State shall only permit the sharing of information with State officials and Local officials that have the need to know. No other sharing or dissemination of information is permitted without the express permission from FEMA. D. The State is performing its responsibilities under this Agreement in support of FEMA, and any data or materials generated by the State in fulfillment of this Agreement remain the property of FEMA. Any release of information pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ? 552.021 related to this Agreement, including any data or materials generated by the State in fulfillment of this Agreement, shall be coordinated with FEMA, and together, the State and FEMA shall determine if any information is exempt from release pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ? 552.101 and/or the Federal Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act. E. Press releases, marketing material, and any other printed or electronic documentation related to this project shall not be publicized without coordination with FEMA. Any material containing the FEMA or DHS names or logos must be approved by FEMA before publication. Page 10 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000914 XIX. Security Requirements: The State shall submit to the FEMA Contracting Officer a roster of names of all employees and/or contractors who will be engaged in services set forth in Paragraph V. The roster shall contain the following information about each individual: A. B. C. D. E. F. XX. Name (last, first, and middle initial), including aliases Status (type of employment) Home address Phone number Date of birth Citizenship Contractor Officer's Representative: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer may designate Government personnel to act as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to perform functions under the Agreement such as review or inspection and acceptance of services. The Contracting Officer will provide a written notice of such designation to the State. B. The FEMA Contracting Officer cannot authorize the COR or any other representative to sign documents, such as Agreement modifications, that require the signature of the FEMA Contracting Officer. XXI. Stop Work Order: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the State, require the State to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this Agreement for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the State, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order. Upon receipt of the order, the State shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. B. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work order is delivered to the State, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either-- 1. Cancel the stop-work order; or 2. Terminate the Agreement. XXII. Termination: A. The terms of this Agreement, as modified with the mutual written consent of the parties, will remain in effect until February 25, 2019. Page 11 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000915 B. The parties may extend this Agreement by mutual written agreement. C. Any party, upon a 3 day written notice to the other party, may terminate this Agreement. XXIII. Effective Date: This Agreement takes effect on the date when both parties have signed the Agreement. XXIV. Modification: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer is the only Government official authorized to make modifications to this Agreement. All modifications will be made in writing. B. The FEMA Contracting Officer may at any time, by written order, and without notice to the State, make changes within the general scope of this Agreement in any one or more of the following: 1. Reduction in the quantity of services to be provided; and 2. Place of performance of the services. C. The parties may modify all other terms of this Agreement upon the mutual written consent of each party. XXV. Other Provisions: A. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to conflict with current law or regulation or the directives of the federal government, FEMA, DHS, or the State. If a term of this Agreement is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall be invalid but the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. B. The State, in its completion of its responsibilities under this Agreement, shall abide by all statutes, Executive Orders, regulations, and policies governing the provision of FEMA's direct housing assistance program in the same manner and to the same extent as would be required of FEMA in its own implementation of the program. The State has no authority to waive FEMA policy. C. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by law or equity, by the parties or by persons who are not a party to this Agreement against the parties, their officers or employees, or any other person. D. Prohibition on Performance of Inherently Governmental Functions: State personnel shall not perform inherently governmental functions. The term Page 12 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000916 ''inherently governmental function'' means a function that is so intimately related to the public interest as to require performance by Federal Government employees. See FAIR Act of 1998, Public Law 105-270, 31 U.S.C. ? 501 note. E. FEMA shall provide the GLO with adequate technical assistance to GLO and Subrecipients of the GLO to facilitate effective operations of this agreement. XXVI. Attachments A. The following attachments are incorporated into this agreement. 1. Program Implementation and Conditions 2. Detailed Eligible Permanent Housing Construction-Repairs 3. SF1034-87c 4. SF1035-73 XXVII. Points of Contact: A. The FEMA points of contact for this Agreement are as follows: 1. Dennis C. Clements, dennis.clements@fema.dhs.gov 2. Primary: William P. Gardner, william.gardner3@fema.dhs.gov 3. Alternate: Carl Kahn, carl.kahn@fema.dhs.gov B. The State of Texas points of contact for this Agreement are as follows: 1. Pete Phillips, pete.phillips@glo.texas.gov 2. Heather Lagrone, heather.lagrone@glo.texas.gov XXVIII. Approved By: 1. Dennis C. Clements 9/22/2017 2. Anne L. Idsal 9/22/2017 Page 13 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000917 SIGNATURE PAGEFOR INTERGOVERNMENTALSERVICEAGREEMENT BETWEENTHE UNITED STATESDEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITYAND THE STATEOF TEXASGENERALLAND OFFICE Texas General Land Office Anne L. ldsal, Chief Clerk/ Deput y Land Commi ssioner Date of Execution : 't/1:z..,ft1 Department of Homeland Security f deral Emergenc Management Agency Dennis C. Cleme nt s Cont ractin g Offi cer Dat e of Execut ion : '-) / ,?,J./J ?- Page 14 of3 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000918 Attachment 1: Program Implementation and Conditions This document outlines conditions related to executing an Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) with the State of Texas: General Program Administration Conditions Duplication of Benefits Compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation Laws and Executive Orders Direct Temporary Housing Terms and Conditions o General Eligibility Conditions o Continued Assistance Conditions o Termination of Assistance Conditions o Direct Lease Conditions o Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) Conditions o Recreation Vehicle (RV) Conditions o Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU) Conditions o RV and MHU Site Conditions PHC Terms and Conditions o Eligibility Conditions o PHC Repair Conditions Definitions 1. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance: A Temporary Housing Unit (THU) provided directly to eligible applicants in the form of MLR, Direct Lease, or a MHU or RV placed temporarily on a private, commercial, or group site. 2. Eligible Applicants: Individuals or households determined by FEMA to be eligible for Direct Housing Assistance under Section 408 of the Stafford Act. 3. Multi-family Housing: A building that contains three or more dwelling units, with each unit providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. 4. Recreation Vehicle: A travel trailer or fifth wheel. 5. Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including information linked or linkable to that individual. Examples include: name, personal address, and personal telephone number. General Program Administration Conditions 1. Once the Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) is executed, the State shall develop and present a project management plan to FEMA. FEMA and the State must Page 15 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000919 jointly approve prior to the execution of the plan. The plan shall be completed within 10 business days after the execution of this IGSA. FEMA, at its discretion, may extend this time period. The project management plan shall include: a. Description of processes the State shall develop and implement for managing work to provide the forms of Direct Housing Assistance FEMA has authorized and for ensuring work performed by local governments or sub-contractors is consistent with FEMA's conditions, and applicable regulations and statutes, including the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93-288, as amended, ??42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and the Individuals and Household Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG), FP 104-009-3, dated September 30, 2016. b. Description of roles and responsibilities among State and local jurisdictions, including State processes that will be implemented to prevent the award of duplicative benefits as discussed under the heading "Duplication of Benefits" and policies to avoid conflict with local land use decisions (e.g., strategic buy-outs of properties). c. Specific timeframes, milestones, and performance goals established by the State for providing each type of authorized Direct Housing Assistance. FEMA will provide additional guidance and reporting templates to facilitate this process. d. Communication plan describing the processes the State will develop for responding to applicants' inquires and concerns regarding assistance provided to them by the State and an implementation plan for those processes under the terms and conditions of this agreement. e. Description of the processes the State shall develop for receiving and securing Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as defined by Department of Homeland Security Guidance, provided to the State for the purpose of providing Direct Housing Assistance on FEMA's behalf and providing weekly case updates to FEMA. f. Quality assurance plan by which the State shall monitor the quality of work, which will also be used to facilitate FEMA's oversight of the State's performance under the IGSA. 2. The State will ensure all Direct Housing Assistance options determined by FEMA are available to eligible applicants in all counties authorized for Direct Housing Assistance, unless specifically prohibited by local laws and ordinances. 3. In implementing this IGSA, the State shall abide by all applicable statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, and policies governing the provision of FEMA's direct housing assistance program, including but not limited to: a. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), as amended, 42 U.S.C. ?? 5121 - 5207; Page 16 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000920 b. 44 C.F.R. ?? 206.110 - 206.118, Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households; c. Individuals and Household Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG), FP 104-009-3, Federal Emergency Management Agency, September 30, 2016; d. 44 CFR part 9, Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands; e. Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, 42 FR 26961 (1977); f. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, 42 FR 26951 (1977); g. DHS Directive 023-01, Rev. 01 and Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev.01, 81 FR 56682 (2016), implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with component supplemental instructions in FEMA Directive 108-1 and FEMA Instruction 108-1-1 (2016); h. 24 C.F.R. Part 3280, Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations; and i. The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. ? 552a. 4. FEMA is responsible for compliance with a number of environmental and historic preservation laws. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the State. FEMA will work with the State to gather the necessary information to ensure compliance. 5. FEMA will provide all necessary forms to the State and detail when each form is required for use within 15 days of the execution of the IGSA. 6. FEMA is responsible for making all applicant eligibility determinations for Direct Temporary Housing and Permanent Housing Construction under section 408 of the Stafford Act and notifying the applicant of their approval for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance or PHC. Based upon the casework being performed by the State, any requested changes to the eligibility determined by FEMA must be reviewed and approved by FEMA. FEMA will retain determinations in the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and provide eligibility determinations to the State. The State or local jurisdiction will be responsible for working with the applicant to implement or update the Direct Housing option, with approval from FEMA. 7. FEMA will provide the State with a daily list of applicants approved for Direct Temporary Housing or PHC in a password protected Microsoft Excel format which will be transmitted to FEMA via AMRDEC Aviation and Missile RDEC Unclassified LAN Infrastructure (AMRULI) utilizing its Safe Access File Exchange (SAFE) system or, if not available, via email. Password must be transmitted out-of-band via separate email message. Each list will contain the following information: a. Applicant's Registration Identification (Reg ID) number; b. Primary and Co-applicant's First and Last Name; Page 17 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000921 c. Primary and Co-applicant's current mailing address and telephone number, and any reasonable accommodation to ensure effective communication; d. Primary and Co-applicant's pre-disaster residence address; e. The number of bedrooms required; f. Initial approved type of Direct Housing Assistance g. Determination on whether individuals eligible for Direct Housing Assistance are located in Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); h. Specific information on members of the household with a disability or other access and functional need, including any modification or reasonable accommodations required. 8. FEMA will initially provide the State with the recommended direct housing solution for each applicant. The State, upon working with the applicant, will consider the below criteria and inform FEMA if the recommended Direct Housing solution has changed. After reviewing the State's proposal, FEMA will provide final approval of updated Direct Housing determinations for applicants. The criteria are: a. Timeliness, availability, and cost; b. Suitability for the applicant's household, including members of the household with disabilities or other access and functional needs; c. Location of available option, and d. Environmental and Historic Preservation compliance requirements, including consideration of options available outside the SFHA. 9. The State shall provide weekly reports to FEMA identifying for each applicant referred to the State by FEMA: a. The housing option recommended for each applicant; b. Justification for any change to FEMA's initial determination using the criteria identified above; c. The date the applicant begins occupying temporary housing provided by the State or repairs are complete; d. Any accessibility modification or other reasonable accommodations provided for applicants with disability or other access and functional need; and e. The continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance eligibility recommendation for applicants placed in Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. f. Reports shall be organized by county and provided using templates agreed upon by FEMA and the State. 10. The State shall develop a strategy for regular maintenance and repair for all forms of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. Page 18 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000922 11. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance is limited to 18 months following the date of the disaster declaration. The period of assistance for this disaster began on August 25, 2017, and will end on February 25, 2019. At the State's request, FEMA may extend the period of assistance if FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery determines that due to extraordinary circumstances an extension would be in the public interest. 12. The State shall work with applicants to establish a permanent housing plan to transition them from Direct Temporary Housing Assistance in anticipation of the program's termination. 13. FEMA will monitor the State based on the following established performance standards. a. The State will make initial contact with an applicant within 10 business days of the referral from FEMA. b. The State will inform FEMA within 30 business days of contact with the applicant of any required changes to FEMA's initial eligibility determination or housing solution. c. FEMA will approve any recommended changes to the eligibility determination or housing solution as soon as possible, and no later than 5 days after receiving the change request from the State. d. The State will ensure any applicant placed into Direct Lease will be provided temporary housing within 30 business days of FEMA approval of the final housing solution for each applicant. e. The State will identify, assess, make final selection, and begin the process to contract with eligible MLR properties within 60 days of execution of IGSA, unless extended by FEMA. f. The State will ensure any applicant placed into an MLR unit will be provided temporary housing within 120 days of FEMA approval of the final housing solution for each applicant. g. On commercial park locations or private sites, upon approval of the EHP review by FEMA, the State within 15 days of receipt will place and make ready for occupancy the RV or MHU. The State will then have 5 days to license the applicant into the unit. h. The State will ensure any applicant provided with Permanent Housing Construction in the form of repairs will have all repairs complete within 90 days from start of repair work for each applicant. i. The State will begin to conduct continued assistance verifications within 30 days of providing the applicant with temporary housing for submission to FEMA. j. The State will begin to coordinate with FEMA on the end of program or potential need for an extension of the program within 90 days of February 25, 2019. Page 19 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000923 Duplication of Benefits 1. A duplication of benefit (DOB) may occur when an insured direct temporary housing occupant receives Additional Living Expense (ALE) or Loss of Use (LOU) insurance benefits that cover the cost of renting alternative housing. When FEMA identifies a DOB with ALE or LOU while making an eligibility determination, FEMA will initiate steps to collect the ALE or LOU benefits for housing costs. FEMA will base the amount of the monthly payment on the ALE or LOU amount not to exceed the Fair Market Rent (FMR) rate established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the size (number of bedrooms) and location of the housing unit. FEMA will only collect payments until the total amount of the ALE or LOU insurance has been exhausted or the occupant vacates the direct THU, whichever is first. The State will inform FEMA when an applicant with ALE is placed in and vacates a direct temporary housing assistance option. 2. PHC represents a DOB with financial housing assistance: Applicants determined eligible for PHC who choose to receive PHC must provide documentation of the use of any previously provided FEMA financial housing assistance for Repair, and return all unused, previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement to FEMA. 3. Right of Recoupment: The State agrees that FEMA may seek reimbursement for any identified DOB, including through the reduction of future disaster relief awards to applicants, the State, or other parties to this agreement. Compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation Laws and Executive Orders 1. FEMA will provide the State a matrix of Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance requirements, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management (44 CFR Part 9) to help inform the choice of best housing option for the applicant's location. 2. FEMA is responsible for compliance with a number of environmental and historic preservation laws. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the State. FEMA will work with the State to gather the necessary information to ensure compliance. Direct Temporary Housing Terms and Conditions Eligibility Conditions 1. All eligibility determinations by FEMA for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance and continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance will be made by FEMA in accordance with the Stafford Act, and implementing regulations, and IHPUG. Page 20 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000924 Continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions 1. The State will monitor the progress that Direct Temporary Housing occupants are making towards obtaining and occupying permanent housing within the 18 month period of assistance, based on the conditions outlined by FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R ? 206.117(b)(1)(ii)(G). 2. The State will provide FEMA with a recommendation for continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance to individuals and households based on these conditions until February 25, 2019. 3. FEMA will make the final determination on an applicant's eligibility for continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance based on the State's recommendation. Termination of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions 1. The State may recommend to FEMA to terminate an occupant's Direct Temporary Housing Assistance for any reason not prohibited by the Stafford Act, FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R ? 206.117(b)(1)(ii)(G), or IHPUG. 2. FEMA must approve all terminations and appeal decisions in a timely manner before the applicant is notified. 3. The State shall utilize FEMA templates to notify the applicant of the termination and provide FEMA with copies of all termination notices, appeals, and appeal decisions within seven days of the date issued to ensure FEMA is able to record these documents in NEMIS. Direct Lease Conditions 1. The State may lease to Eligible Applicants, existing residential property, not typically available to the general public, for use as temporary housing for eligible individuals and households. 2. The State may lease properties that comply with Housing Quality Standards (HQS) established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to provide complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. All utilities, appliances, and other furnishings must be functional. 3. The State shall evaluate properties according to the following factors: a. Cost to the federal government: The State shall lease properties with per-unit rent at or below the Fair Market Rent (FMR) established by HUD. If the State is unable to obtain sufficient rental resources, the State shall conduct an analysis of Page 21 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000925 prevailing market rates and may increase leases to properties with per-unit rent of up to 125% of FMR. Properties with per-unit rent above 125% of the Fair Market Rate established by HUD must be approved by FEMA; b. Landlord's demonstrated ability to manage and provide maintenance services; c. Proximity to community and wrap-around services, such as accessible public transportation, schools, fire and emergency services, grocery stores, health care services, etc.; d. When selecting available properties, the State may prioritize properties that are already accessible, include accessibility features, or can be easily made accessible; and are in proximity to accessible public transportation. 4. The estimated monthly cost per unit is up to $1,300 unless approved by FEMA. a. The State can also provide one month's cost for a security deposit for each unit. 5. Within 7 business days of completion, the State must provide FEMA the following documentation: a. A copy of the inspection record confirming the property complies with HQS; b. A copy of the lease contract specifying the monthly rent rates. c. A copy of the lease agreement signed between the applicant and the property and the applicant and the State, for each applicant. Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) Conditions 1. The State may enter into lease agreements with owners of multi-family rental properties located in Individual Assistance designated counties to house Eligible Applicants and make repairs or improvements to existing multi-family housing units in order to provide temporary housing to Eligible Applicants. 2. Per the Stafford Act, under the terms of any lease agreement for property entered into under MLR, the value of the improvements or repairs shall be deducted from the value of the lease agreement and may not exceed the value of the lease. To determine the cost-effectiveness of the potential MLR property, the State will deduct the estimated cost of repairs and improvements from the value of the lease as follows: a. The State will determine the estimated cost of repairs or improvements by performing an independent cost estimate for the necessary repairs and improvements, or receive an estimated cost for repairs and improvements from the building contractor. b. The State will determine the value of the lease agreement by multiplying the monthly FMR by the number of units, and then multiplying the number of months remaining between the date the repairs are completed and the end of the 18 month period of assistance, which is February 25, 2019. c. The estimated total cost per unit is up to $21,000 unless approved by FEMA. Page 22 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000926 i. This includes a minimal monthly maintenance cost per unit for the operation of the property. ii. The State can also provide one month's cost for a security deposit for each unit. iii. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 3. Properties located within a floodway, coastal high-hazard area, or Coastal Barrier Resource Unit are not eligible for this program. 4. Prior to leasing a property, the State shall provide for each property an initial inspection report to include: a. Location, physical address and latitude and longitude; b. Date of construction, and c. An exterior photo. 5. The State shall provide the following documentation to FEMA within 7 days of leasing a property for temporary housing: a. Completed property inspection report; b. Itemized repair cost estimate; c. The state or local government's valuation of the lease, including methodology used; d. Copy of the tenant lease and application requirements; and e. A copy of the executed lease agreement and repair contracts, specifying the expenditures for repairs, rent, property management, and maintenance. 6. Within 14 days of completion, the State must provide FEMA the following documentation: a. Paid invoices documenting the expenses incurred for repairs and improvements; b. A copy of the occupancy certificate issued by the local government; and c. A copy of the lease agreement signed between the applicant and the property and the applicant and the State, for each applicant. 7. All repairs shall be made in a manner consistent with current local building codes, standards, permitting, inspection requirements, and all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws and regulations. Items will be repaired when feasible, but may be replaced when cost-effective to the government or when necessary to ensure the health and safety of the occupant. The State will be responsible for obtaining local permits, but can delegate this responsibility. Page 23 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000927 RV Conditions (currently only approved for DR-4332-TX) 1. The State may provide and place RVs certified to comply with the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) standards established on July 1, 2012. 2. The State will notify disaster survivors with access and functional needs who request a RV that a reasonable modification may be available upon request. If survivors are unable to occupy an RV due to access and functional needs: a. The State, with approval from FEMA, may make other forms of direct temporary housing assistance available, which meets the survivor's access and functional needs, including Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)-compliant MHUs if needed. b. Should the State require UFAS-compliant MHUs, FEMA will provide them on behalf of the State. 3. Any RVs the State procures must meet current California Air Resource Board (CARB) standards or are certified compliant with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title VI requirements for formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products found in RVs.1 4. The estimated cost per unit is up to $55,000 unless approved by FEMA. This cost includes procurement, hauling and installing the unit, and any maintenance and deactivation costs. 5. The State shall provide, on a weekly basis, the following documentation for RVs procured for use as temporary housing: a. A copy of Purchase Order and Bill of Sale. 6. The State shall be responsible for disposing of RVs provided under this IGSA in accordance with Section 408(d)(2) of the Stafford Act. The State must provide documentation of the method of disposal for all units. The State shall return the proceeds from any sale of the units to FEMA. MHU Conditions 1. The State may procure, haul, and install MHUs as a form of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. 1 On December 12, 2016, the EPA issued a final rule mirroring the CARB standards as required by the Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products Act, Pub. L. 111-199 (2010), 15 U.S.C. ? 2601 note. The rule will take effect in December 2017; however regulated entities may voluntarily label compliant products as soon as compliance can be achieved. See 40 CFR Part 770. Page 24 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000928 2. The number of bedrooms in the MHU must accommodate the applicant's household composition, as recorded during the FEMA inspection. 3. Units must comply with 24 C.F.R. Part 3280 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ("HUD code"). 4. The estimated cost per unit is up to $92,000 unless approved by FEMA. a. This cost includes procurement, hauling and installing the unit, and any maintenance and deactivation costs. b. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 5. Any UFAS MHU provided for an Eligible Applicant with a disability or other access and functional needs will be provided by FEMA, and must be installed with a functioning Tank and Pump System prior to occupancy. 6. Any FEMA-sourced MHU provided for an eligible applicant must be installed with a functioning Tank and Pump System prior to occupancy except where to do so would cause a delay in allowing the applicant to take occupancy, in which case the Tank and Pump System shall be installed at the earliest possible date after occupancy. This requirement for the installation of a Tank and Pump System does not apply to any statesourced MHU provided to an Eligible Applicant. 7. The State shall provide FEMA, on a weekly basis, the following documentation for MHUs procured for use as temporary housing: a. A copy of Purchase Order and Bill of Sale. 8. The State shall be responsible for disposing of MHUs provided under this IGSA in accordance with Section 408(d)(2) of the Stafford Act. The State must provide documentation of the method of disposal for all units. The State shall return the proceeds from any sale of the units to FEMA. RV and MHU Site Conditions 1. The State may provide RVs and MHUs to eligible applicants and place them on private and commercial sites. a. The estimated monthly cost per pad lease is up to $600 unless approved by FEMA. 2. Placement of RVs and MHUs as post-disaster temporary housing in a SFHA/1-percent annual chance year floodplain must comply with 44 C.F.R. Part 9 and FEMA Directive/Instruction 108-1, Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Page 25 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000929 Responsibilities and Program Requirements, and the abbreviated decision-making process under 44 C.F.R. ?9.13 when considering the placement of RVs and MHUs on private and commercial sites in a floodplain. a. Pursuant to 44 CFR ?9.13 (d)(2), no MHUs or other readily-fabricated dwellings can be placed within a floodway, coastal high-hazard area, even under the abbreviated decision-making process. No MHUs or other readily-fabricated dwellings can be placed within a Coastal Barrier Resource Unit. b. In accordance with 44 C.F.R. ?9.13(d)(4)(i), MHUs placed on a private or commercial site in a SFHA must be elevated to the fullest extent practicable up to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and adequately anchored. i. The State shall evaluate RV and MHU placement sites individually, and make a determination regarding a site's suitability for RV or MHU placement based on the best available flood hazard information for that site. c. RVs will not be placed in the regulatory Floodway or Coastal High Hazard Areas. d. RVs will only be placed in the SFHA if no other housing options are available. In order to reduce the risk of loss of life of the occupants, RVs may be placed in the SFHA only where base flood depths are sufficiently shallow to allow for timely and safe evacuation from the RV on foot. RVs placed in the SFHA will be adequately anchored. e. Prior to placement, the State shall provide for each RV and MHU a completed Request for Site Inspection Report (FEMA form 010-0-9), to include, latitude and longitude of the proposed location. f. Placement of MHUs or other readily fabricated dwellings must be in accordance and compliance with Texas Manufactured Housing Division regulations. g. Repairs to commercial sites shall be limited to reasonable and cost-effective repairs or improvements necessary to make the site functional (such as an electrical service upgrade), including those necessary to meet reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. i. The estimated cost per pad improvement is up to $7,500 unless approved by FEMA. 3. Prior to building a MHU Group Site, the State must request and receive approval from FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery. a. The development of a MHU Group Site(s) is authorized only when the placement of MHUs on private sites are not feasible or if the use of existing commercial sites are not feasible for the eligible applicant. b. The State will prioritize sites provided by the State and local government at no cost before leasing a site from a private party. c. When considering the placement of MHU at potential group sites, the State must coordinate with the Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program. Page 26 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000930 d. FEMA, including Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, approval must be obtained prior to any site lease and site construction activity. e. The estimated cost per pad is up to $50,000 unless approved by FEMA. Permanent Housing Construction Repairs: Terms and Conditions Eligibility Conditions 1. Applicants may be eligible for PHC assistance after a FEMA determination that all other forms of temporary housing are not available, feasible, or cost effective. 2. PHC assistance shall only include repairs (PHC-Repairs) not PHC-Replacement. Reference "Attachment 2: Detailed Eligible Permanent Housing Construction-Repairs," for eligible repair items. 3. At the State's recommendation, FEMA may approve PHC Repair for eligible applicants whose homes are feasible to repair when: a. The repairs are estimated to be completed within 90 days or less from the start of the repair work; b. The damages are less than fifty percent of the market value prior to the disaster; and c. The estimated labor and materials costs are up to $60,000 unless approved by FEMA. FEMA generally will not approve a total price that exceeds this amount. i. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 4. PHC-Repair is not eligible when the State identifies: a. The home requires repairs to structural elements (e.g. foundation, frame) or other items requiring architectural or engineering services; b. The home requiring repairs with estimated costs that exceed fifty percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred; or c. The home is determined to be "repetitive loss or severe repetitive loss", as identified by the National Flood Insurance Program, and the cost to be brought into compliance with the local floodplain exceeds the maximum allowable costs for PHC-Repair. 5. Any home located within a SFHA shall not be considered for PHC repairs unless in accordance with applicable federal, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, and can be repaired within the PHC cost limits. 6. Applicants determined eligible by FEMA for PHC may choose either to: a. Receive PHC, provide documentation of the use of any previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair, and return all unused, previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement to FEMA; OR Page 27 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000931 b. Receive Direct Temporary Housing Assistance, if available, and keep any financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement that FEMA previously provided. 7. In order to be referred to the State for PHC, eligible applicants who choose to receive PHC assistance must sign an acknowledgement of the following terms and conditions: a. The applicant agrees to participate in the State program, including right of entry; b. The applicant agrees to obtain and maintain flood insurance coverage on the home for at least the value of the repairs provided the home is located in an SFHA. FEMA will not contribute to the cost of flood insurance premiums; and c. An applicant's decision to accept or decline PHC shall be considered final; FEMA will not re-consider an applicant for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance or PHC after they have declined either form of assistance. Applicants who accept PHC will not be considered for any additional FEMA Housing Assistance, including financial Temporary Housing Assistance. 8. The State and FEMA agree that applicants for PHC-Repair should not include those applicants whose properties may eventually be eligible for elevation or a buy-out. The State and FEMA will work together to ensure applicants eligible for PHC-Repair are reviewed for potential future mitigation, elevation, or home buy-out programs and, to the maximum extent possible, minimize PHC-Repair approval for those applicants. 9. The State and FEMA's responsibility to provide Direct Housing Assistance to the applicant ends once the completed PHC-Repairs are accepted by the applicant. PHC Repair Conditions 1. Under PHC, the State will not repair or replace items eligible under Other Needs Assistance for Personal Property, such as furnishings and appliances. 2. The State will need to ensure that there is no duplication of benefits between emergency work provided under the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) program and PHC-Repair assistance, and report to FEMA on the mechanism for doing so within thirty (30) days of initiating the PHC-Repair program. FEMA will only reimburse for specific line items repairs for a property under PHC or STEP, not under both options. 3. PHC-Repairs are limited to real property components eligible under FEMA Housing Assistance that were damaged by the disaster and functional before the declared event. The State shall only perform repairs necessary to restore the pre-disaster residence to a habitable condition. The completed repairs shall ensure the pre-disaster residence is restored to a safe, sanitary, and functional condition. Page 28 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000932 4. All repairs shall be made in a manner consistent with current local building codes, standards, or minimal acceptable construction industry standards by the area, permitting, inspection requirements, and all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws and regulations. Items will be repaired when feasible, but may be replaced when cost-effective to the government or when necessary to ensure the health and safety of the occupant. The State will be responsible for obtaining local permits, but can delegate this authority. 5. Prior to repairing a property, the State shall provide for each property an initial inspection report to include: a. Location, physical address and latitude and longitude; b. Date of construction, and c. An exterior photo. 6. Repairs shall be made using materials of average quality used in new construction, in accordance with 44 C.F.R. ? 206.117(b)(4)(iii), and taking into account the accessibility needs of the occupant. 7. Repairs to accessibility features and accessible routes will be guided by the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and HUD Design Details for Accessible Disaster Relief Housing. 8. The State shall provide to FEMA the following documentation within 7 business days of completing PHC Repairs for an applicant: a. Completed property inspection report; b. Itemized repair cost estimate; c. Executed repair contract or work order, including itemized list of repairs performed; d. A copy of the occupancy certificate issued by the local government. Page 29 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000933 Attachment 2: Detailed Eligible Repairs for Permanent Housing Construction - Repairs Interior Repairs Debris removal Clean and sanitize damaged materials Interior wall cover, to include drywall Floor, subfloor and floor covering Interior doors Cabinet Bathroom vanity Bathroom exhaust fan Exterior Repairs Windows Exterior doors Ceiling/wall insulation Siding Roof covering Roof sheathing Electrical/HVAC Furnace Exterior electrical work, to include weather, head, cable, and meter Wiring Electric panel, 200 amp main breaker - 18 circuit Outlets or switches Central air conditioner Duct work Smoke Detector Carbon Monoxide Detector Light fixtures Plumbing Water heater Water lines Well pump Page 30 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000934 Pressure tank Decontaminate water supply Septic tank Distribution box Drain field Sewer lines Gas lines Sump pump Kitchen sink Bathroom sink Faucets Tub Fiberglass Shower Replacement Tank and toilet Accessibility Related Repairs Grab bars around toilet, tub, shower stall, and shower seat Ramp ADA compliant toilets Faucet with single-lever faucet controls Lever-type door knobs and handles Single-push door locks Drawers and cabinets with D-loop or other easy to use handle pulls Low-pile carpet or smooth anti-slip flooring Page 31 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000935 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kelley, Michael J Friday, September 22, 2017 2:04 PM Patenaude, Pamela H; Marshall, Michael J; Thompson, Amy C Greenwood, Sheila M; Appleton, Seth D; Barton, Victoria L; Burley, Michael N; Dendas, Michael W FEMA-Texas Final IGSA Final IGSA Direct Housing Texas Terms signed.pdf AllAttached is the final signed IGSA between FEMA and the State of Texas. Thanks, Mike Michael J. Kelley Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-4888 | C: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000936 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE I. Parties: The parties to this Intergovernmental Service Agreement ("Agreement") are the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the State of Texas General Land Office ("State"). II. Authority: This Agreement is authorized by: A. Homeland Security Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-296 (2002) (codified as amended at 6 U.S.C. ? 101 et seq.) B. Sections 306 and 408 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93-288 (1974) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. ?? 5149 and 5174) ("Stafford Act") C. Department of Homeland Security Delegation of Authority No. 9001.1, Delegation to the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Dec. 10, 2010) D. Title 44 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Part 206. E. Texas Disaster Act of 1975 (Tex. Gov't Code ? 418) F. Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act, 31 U.S.C. ? 6301 et seq. III. Background: On August 25, 2017, the President declared major disaster DR-4332 for the State pursuant to his authority under the Stafford Act. (82 FR 42691 (Sept. 11, 2017.) This declaration authorized FEMA to provide financial assistance and direct services, under Section 408 of the Stafford Act, to individuals and households "who, as a direct result of a major disaster, have necessary expenses and serious needs in which the individuals and households are unable to meet such expenses, or needs through other means," such as insurance. FEMA may provide direct temporary housing when there are a lack of available housing resources. In addition, FEMA may Page 1 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000937 authorize Permanent Housing Construction (PHC) in the form of direct or financial assistance when there are no alternate housing resources available and temporary housing assistance is not available, is infeasible, or not cost effective. FEMA determined that due to the significant damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in the State, the exigent need for housing requires the provision of direct housing assistance to eligible survivors under Section 408. FEMA is in need of support to execute the direct housing mission for DR-4332, and the State has expressed a desire and the capability to provide the needed support. IV. Purpose: A. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish an agreement between FEMA and the State for the provision of direct housing assistance, under section 408 of the Stafford Act, to individuals and households who are displaced from their predisaster residences, or whose pre-disaster primary residences are rendered uninhabitable as a result of damage caused by Hurricane Harvey, and who are unable to meet the expenses associated with procuring housing by other means. B. This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of FEMA and the State and states the services that the State shall perform satisfactorily in order to receive payment from FEMA. V. Services and Period of Performance: A. The State shall provide assistance to FEMA in the delivery of direct temporary housing, and direct permanent housing construction assistance to Hurricane Harvey survivors residing within the areas declared by DR-4332. See Attachment 1, Program Implementation and Conditions. B. Performance Period: The period of performance shall be for 18 months from the date of the disaster declaration (August 25, 2017). FEMA may, at the State's request, extend the period of performance if FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery determines that due to extraordinary circumstances an extension would be in the public interest. C. Procurement Standards: The State will generally comply with the procurement standards detailed in 2 CFR 200.317-326 in conjunction with state emergency procurement law. D. Similar Agreements: To the extent a similar agreement is executed between FEMA and another state for the provision of direct temporary housing and direct permanent housing construction assistance with terms and conditions that are more favorable than those offered to the State of Texas General Land Office, the Page 2 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000938 more favorable terms and conditions will immediately apply to this Agreement upon approval by the State of Texas General Land Office. VI. Issuance of Orders A. For the purpose of this Agreement, the FEMA Contracting Officer may issue orders on either a firm-fixed-price basis, or a total not-to-exceed basis (time and materials) or a combination of both. Terms and conditions applicable to any order shall be as described in this Agreement. B. The intent is to allow the State, and its local partners, to begin work on discrete projects as the specific need and capacity are identified, defined, and established. The State, within the general scope of this Agreement, may propose projects based on program service line item(s), political subdivision(s), or any combination thereof. C. FEMA will obtain written technical and cost program proposals from the State. The proposal generally shall include the following, as appropriate to the task: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Task to be performed; Scope of task; Time for completion or target date; A detailed cost estimate; Other pertinent information, such as technical/management approach; QA/QR [Quality Assurance/Quality Review] plan; Total firm-fixed-price or ceiling price (for Time and Material); and Any other requirements specific or unique to the project. D. FEMA will evaluate the State's proposals, and negotiate and memorialize appropriate cost and quality control mechanisms in a timely manner, as necessary. E. Only upon receipt of an executed order, signed by the Contracting Officer, shall the State commence work. All orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between an order and the Agreement, the Agreement shall control. F. The State shall notify the Contracting Officer within 24 hours if any significant difficulties with regard to performance according to the terms of the order are anticipated or any time significant difficulties in performance arise. G. If at any time during the performance of a time and materials order it appears that additional funds will be required to complete performance, the State shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer in writing. Such notification shall include the costs expended, an estimate of costs required to complete the order, and an Page 3 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000939 explanation of why the originally negotiated estimated costs were not adequate. The Government shall have the right to require the State to continue performance up to the originally estimated cost level and to suspend work thereafter, negotiate a new set of work priorities to be completed within the remaining funds, to modify the order, increasing the estimated cost to the level appropriate for completion of the work, or to modify the order to reduce the total to coincide with actual work accomplished. VII. Rates and Ceiling: A. FEMA agrees to pay the State for documented, reasonable, and allowable, and allocable costs related to assistance provided to applicants, in accordance with the terms of Attachment 1, Federal law, and FEMA regulation and policy. B. 2 CFR Part 200. The State, by execution of this Agreement, certifies that the pricing established under this Agreement is in compliance the Cost Principles in 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E, and includes only allowable costs of performance under this Agreement. C. The State shall not exceed the total ceiling price in services for FEMA without written modification by a FEMA Contracting Officer, such written modification to be provided in a timely manner. Any such modification shall be reviewed by FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery prior to approval. If at any time the State has reason to believe that the payments and material costs that will accrue in performing this Agreement in the next succeeding 30 days, if added to all other payments and costs previously accrued, will exceed 80 percent of the ceiling price in the Schedule, the State shall notify the Contracting Officer giving a revised estimate of the total price to FEMA for performing this contract with supporting reasons and documentation. D. FEMA is not obligated to pay the State any amount in excess of the ceiling price, and the State shall not be obligated to continue performance if to do so would exceed the ceiling price set forth in the Schedule, unless and until the Contracting Officer notifies the State in writing that FEMA has approved the increase in the ceiling price and specifies in the notice a revised ceiling approved by FEMA. E. If at any time during the performance of this contract, the State has reason to believe that the total price to FEMA for performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the State shall so notify the Contracting Officer, giving a revised estimate of the total price for performing this contract, with supporting reasons and documentation. FEMA generally will not approve a total price that exceeds the stated ceiling price. Page 4 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000940 FEMA may approve such an excess only if the supporting reasons and documentation provided by the State demonstrate extraordinary circumstances. F. If at any time during performance of this contract, FEMA has reason to believe that the work to be required in performing this contract will be substantially greater or less than the stated ceiling price, the Contracting Officer will so advise the State, given the then revised estimate of the total amount of effort to be required under the contract. VIII. Program Service Cost Controls A. Each program assistance service line item has a per applicant household cap established. B. The program service cost-control methods will be applied, as detailed in Attachment 1. C. Only the Contracting Officer may approve exceptions to the program service cost caps which exceed the amounts or justifications described in Attachment 1. IX. Administrative Costs A. State administrative costs for the direct housing program will be calculated and managed for purposes of this agreement in an analogous manner to the current PA model delineated in 44 CFR 207.7(b) and (c). B. Administrative Costs means any direct and indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by the State and municipalities in administering and managing this mission. Indirect costs means costs that are incurred by the State and municipalities for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective that are not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefited. C. Administrative costs are not intended to cover direct costs of managing specific projects because these costs generally are eligible as part of the cost accounting for each project. D. Administrative costs will be actual costs, capped at 6% of the final program costs. E. The State must submit an administrative plan and include procedures for subrecipient administrative costs amount or percentage determination, pass through, closeout, and audit. The State will submit this initial administrative cost funding request/invoice before any administrative fees for the direct housing program can be disbursed. Page 5 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000941 F. An initial 25% of the State's total projected administrative cost amount will be disbursed upon the submission and approval of the plan with additional funds obligated and released as program requirements stabilize. The State may submit a funding request for additional administrative costs, upon a showing of need and a revised administration plan. FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery may approve or deny such request at his discretion. G. Final administrative costs accounting will be verified upon agreement closeout, and based on actuals, not initial projection amounts. Any surplus is subject to reimbursement to FEMA. X. Program Funding A. FEMA will obligate funds to the State upon approval and issuance of project orders under Section VI. This money will be drawn down upon via the invoicing procedures contained herein. B. Approved proper invoices will draw down against obligated projects on a reimbursable basis. C. If the State requires additional funding to ensure compliance with the Prompt Payment Act requirements, Tex. Govt. Code 2251, are being met, it shall submit a written request to the Contracting Officer detailing the need and proposed solution. XI. Invoicing and Payment: A. Subject to the availability of funds from the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), FEMA will provide funding to the State in accordance with this Agreement. B. The State shall submit a project management plan package to include performance schedule and cost estimates for work to be performed under each program, as outlined in Attachment 1. The package will be reviewed by FEMA for acceptance. Upon determination of acceptance, a proper invoice for the amount accepted by FEMA will be submitted by the State for payment. The original invoice payment request shall be submitted via email as provided in the attached invoice instructions below. The FEMA Point of Contact for payment issues is Dennis C. Clements. C. Each invoice submitted shall contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The date of invoice submission; Invoice date and number; Agreement number; Detail of the Services provided and work completed; Breakdown of the political subdivisions at which services were provided; Page 6 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000942 6. 7. 8. 9. Breakdown by service and associated CLIN; Itemized listing of all other charges; Supporting documentation; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; 10. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). D. Attachments 3 and 4 are the approved and required Invoice templates for use by the State in submitting for payment. E. FEMA shall review the invoice and make payment on a proper invoice within 10 business days of receipt. F. For any improper or questioned invoice, FEMA will review and deny or resubmit with 14 business days. G. Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer. H. The following FEMA individual (in addition to the Contracting Officer) is hereby delegated authority to accept goods and services and to review and approve invoices for this contract: Authorized Invoice Approver Name: William P. Gardner Title: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Email: william.gardner3@fema.dhs.gov Phone: 202-738-0875 Name: Carl Kahn Title: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Email: carl.kahn@fema.dhs.gov Phone: 225-910-5244 XII. Audits: The State is responsible for obtaining audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 U.S.C. ?? 7501-7507); 31 U.S.C. ? 503, 1111; Executive Order 8248; Executive Order 11609; Executive Order 11717; and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F (Audit Requirements). XIII. Liability Provisions: A. The parties each agree to be responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of their respective employees. Page 7 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000943 B. FEMA liability for any injury, damage, or loss to persons or property arising in the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents and representatives shall be governed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. ? 2691 et seq. The State shall promptly notify FEMA of any claims or lawsuits filed against any FEMA employees of which the State is notified. C. State liability, if any, for any injury, damage or loss to persons or property arising out of the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents, and representatives shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. FEMA shall promptly notify the State of any claims filed against any of State employees of which FEMA is notified. NOTHING HEREIN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY BY THE STATE. XIV. Financial Records: A. Retention of Records. All Agreement and financial records including, but not limited to, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records, pertinent contracts, or subordinate agreements under this Agreement shall be retained by the State for three (3) years after the expiration of the Agreement for purposes of federal examinations and audit. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is later. B. Access to Records. FEMA and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers or other records of the State, its subrecipients or its sub-contractors, which are pertinent to this Agreement, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. The rights of access must not be limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as the records are retained. C. Delinquent Debt Collection. FEMA will hold the State accountable for any overpayment, or any breach of this Agreement that results in a debt owed to the federal government. FEMA shall apply interest, penalties, and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed to the federal government by the State pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1982, as amended. XV. Labor Standard and Wage Determination: The Service Contract Act, 41 U.S.C. ? 351 et seq., Title 29, Part 4 Labor Standards for Federal Service Contracts, is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Page 8 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000944 These standards and provisions are included in every contract over $2,500, or in an indefinite amount, that is entered into by the United States, the principal purpose of which is to furnish services through the use of service employees. XVI. Disputes: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer and the authorized signatory of the State will settle disputes, questions and concerns arising from this Agreement. Settlement of disputes shall be memorialized in a written modification between the FEMA Contracting Officer and authorized signatory of the State. In the event a dispute is not able to be resolved between the State and the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer will make a decision, which may be appealed by the State to the FEMA Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA). B. The FEMA HCA may employ all methods available to resolve the dispute including alternative dispute resolution techniques. C. The State shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement pending final resolution of any dispute. D. The HCA's decision shall be final unless the State appeals or files a suit as provided in 41 U.S.C chapter 71. E. If the Federal Coordinating Officer or other senior FEMA official determines the services provided do not meet the operational requirement, FEMA has the right to request replacement services from the State, or to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part. Replacement services requested, due to fault or negligence of performance, in excess of the associated cap or cost-control method will be ineligible for reimbursement. F. If this Agreement is terminated, within 4 months of the notice of termination, the State must submit a final invoice for services provided and administrative costs incurred up until the date of termination. The Federal Government shall not be liable to the State for damages incurred for early termination. XVII. Inspection: Work described in the Agreement is subject to inspection by FEMA and other applicable Government agencies. The State shall participate in responding to all requests for information and inspection or review findings by regulatory agencies. The State shall allow FEMA, or an entity or organization approved by FEMA, to conduct inspections of the housing units, as required, to ensure an acceptable level of services and acceptable conditions of housing as determined by FEMA. No notice to the State is required prior to an inspection. FEMA will share findings of the inspection with the State's. Page 9 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000945 XVIII. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure: A. The State shall keep all assignment-related information strictly confidential. B. Within 15 days of the date of this Agreement, and before any Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) will be provided by FEMA, the State shall develop a process for receiving and securing SPII provided to the State by FEMA for the purpose of providing Direct Assistance on FEMA's behalf and providing case updates to FEMA. This process shall comply with Homeland Security Acquisition Regulations (HSAR) Class Deviation 15-01, and HSAR 3052.204-71. C. The State shall ensure compliance with The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. ? 552a, for the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of information under this Agreement. 1. The State shall only collect information that is necessary to carry out this Agreement. 2. The State shall maintain the information in a secure fashion that meets Federal administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. 3. The State shall use information under this Agreement only for the purpose for which it was collected, including but not limited to, aiding in the execution of, and ensuring the prevention of duplication of benefits from, the State's Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBGDR) program. 4. The State shall only permit the sharing of information with State officials and Local officials that have the need to know. No other sharing or dissemination of information is permitted without the express permission from FEMA. D. The State is performing its responsibilities under this Agreement in support of FEMA, and any data or materials generated by the State in fulfillment of this Agreement remain the property of FEMA. Any release of information pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ? 552.021 related to this Agreement, including any data or materials generated by the State in fulfillment of this Agreement, shall be coordinated with FEMA, and together, the State and FEMA shall determine if any information is exempt from release pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ? 552.101 and/or the Federal Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act. E. Press releases, marketing material, and any other printed or electronic documentation related to this project shall not be publicized without coordination with FEMA. Any material containing the FEMA or DHS names or logos must be approved by FEMA before publication. Page 10 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000946 XIX. Security Requirements: The State shall submit to the FEMA Contracting Officer a roster of names of all employees and/or contractors who will be engaged in services set forth in Paragraph V. The roster shall contain the following information about each individual: A. B. C. D. E. F. XX. Name (last, first, and middle initial), including aliases Status (type of employment) Home address Phone number Date of birth Citizenship Contractor Officer's Representative: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer may designate Government personnel to act as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to perform functions under the Agreement such as review or inspection and acceptance of services. The Contracting Officer will provide a written notice of such designation to the State. B. The FEMA Contracting Officer cannot authorize the COR or any other representative to sign documents, such as Agreement modifications, that require the signature of the FEMA Contracting Officer. XXI. Stop Work Order: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the State, require the State to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this Agreement for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the State, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order. Upon receipt of the order, the State shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. B. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work order is delivered to the State, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either-- 1. Cancel the stop-work order; or 2. Terminate the Agreement. XXII. Termination: A. The terms of this Agreement, as modified with the mutual written consent of the parties, will remain in effect until February 25, 2019. Page 11 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000947 B. The parties may extend this Agreement by mutual written agreement. C. Any party, upon a 3 day written notice to the other party, may terminate this Agreement. XXIII. Effective Date: This Agreement takes effect on the date when both parties have signed the Agreement. XXIV. Modification: A. The FEMA Contracting Officer is the only Government official authorized to make modifications to this Agreement. All modifications will be made in writing. B. The FEMA Contracting Officer may at any time, by written order, and without notice to the State, make changes within the general scope of this Agreement in any one or more of the following: 1. Reduction in the quantity of services to be provided; and 2. Place of performance of the services. C. The parties may modify all other terms of this Agreement upon the mutual written consent of each party. XXV. Other Provisions: A. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to conflict with current law or regulation or the directives of the federal government, FEMA, DHS, or the State. If a term of this Agreement is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall be invalid but the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. B. The State, in its completion of its responsibilities under this Agreement, shall abide by all statutes, Executive Orders, regulations, and policies governing the provision of FEMA's direct housing assistance program in the same manner and to the same extent as would be required of FEMA in its own implementation of the program. The State has no authority to waive FEMA policy. C. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by law or equity, by the parties or by persons who are not a party to this Agreement against the parties, their officers or employees, or any other person. D. Prohibition on Performance of Inherently Governmental Functions: State personnel shall not perform inherently governmental functions. The term Page 12 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000948 ''inherently governmental function'' means a function that is so intimately related to the public interest as to require performance by Federal Government employees. See FAIR Act of 1998, Public Law 105-270, 31 U.S.C. ? 501 note. E. FEMA shall provide the GLO with adequate technical assistance to GLO and Subrecipients of the GLO to facilitate effective operations of this agreement. XXVI. Attachments A. The following attachments are incorporated into this agreement. 1. Program Implementation and Conditions 2. Detailed Eligible Permanent Housing Construction-Repairs 3. SF1034-87c 4. SF1035-73 XXVII. Points of Contact: A. The FEMA points of contact for this Agreement are as follows: 1. Dennis C. Clements, dennis.clements@fema.dhs.gov 2. Primary: William P. Gardner, william.gardner3@fema.dhs.gov 3. Alternate: Carl Kahn, carl.kahn@fema.dhs.gov B. The State of Texas points of contact for this Agreement are as follows: 1. Pete Phillips, pete.phillips@glo.texas.gov 2. Heather Lagrone, heather.lagrone@glo.texas.gov XXVIII. Approved By: 1. Dennis C. Clements 9/22/2017 2. Anne L. Idsal 9/22/2017 Page 13 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000949 SIGNATURE PAGEFOR INTERGOVERNMENTALSERVICEAGREEMENT BETWEENTHE UNITED STATESDEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITYAND THE STATEOF TEXASGENERALLAND OFFICE Texas General Land Office Anne L. ldsal, Chief Clerk/ Deput y Land Commi ssioner Date of Execution : 't/1:z..,ft1 Department of Homeland Security f deral Emergenc Management Agency Dennis C. Cleme nt s Cont ractin g Offi cer Dat e of Execut ion : '-) / ,?,J./J ?- Page 14 of3 1 HUD-17-0235-B-000950 Attachment 1: Program Implementation and Conditions This document outlines conditions related to executing an Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) with the State of Texas: General Program Administration Conditions Duplication of Benefits Compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation Laws and Executive Orders Direct Temporary Housing Terms and Conditions o General Eligibility Conditions o Continued Assistance Conditions o Termination of Assistance Conditions o Direct Lease Conditions o Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) Conditions o Recreation Vehicle (RV) Conditions o Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU) Conditions o RV and MHU Site Conditions PHC Terms and Conditions o Eligibility Conditions o PHC Repair Conditions Definitions 1. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance: A Temporary Housing Unit (THU) provided directly to eligible applicants in the form of MLR, Direct Lease, or a MHU or RV placed temporarily on a private, commercial, or group site. 2. Eligible Applicants: Individuals or households determined by FEMA to be eligible for Direct Housing Assistance under Section 408 of the Stafford Act. 3. Multi-family Housing: A building that contains three or more dwelling units, with each unit providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. 4. Recreation Vehicle: A travel trailer or fifth wheel. 5. Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including information linked or linkable to that individual. Examples include: name, personal address, and personal telephone number. General Program Administration Conditions 1. Once the Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) is executed, the State shall develop and present a project management plan to FEMA. FEMA and the State must Page 15 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000951 jointly approve prior to the execution of the plan. The plan shall be completed within 10 business days after the execution of this IGSA. FEMA, at its discretion, may extend this time period. The project management plan shall include: a. Description of processes the State shall develop and implement for managing work to provide the forms of Direct Housing Assistance FEMA has authorized and for ensuring work performed by local governments or sub-contractors is consistent with FEMA's conditions, and applicable regulations and statutes, including the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93-288, as amended, ??42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and the Individuals and Household Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG), FP 104-009-3, dated September 30, 2016. b. Description of roles and responsibilities among State and local jurisdictions, including State processes that will be implemented to prevent the award of duplicative benefits as discussed under the heading "Duplication of Benefits" and policies to avoid conflict with local land use decisions (e.g., strategic buy-outs of properties). c. Specific timeframes, milestones, and performance goals established by the State for providing each type of authorized Direct Housing Assistance. FEMA will provide additional guidance and reporting templates to facilitate this process. d. Communication plan describing the processes the State will develop for responding to applicants' inquires and concerns regarding assistance provided to them by the State and an implementation plan for those processes under the terms and conditions of this agreement. e. Description of the processes the State shall develop for receiving and securing Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as defined by Department of Homeland Security Guidance, provided to the State for the purpose of providing Direct Housing Assistance on FEMA's behalf and providing weekly case updates to FEMA. f. Quality assurance plan by which the State shall monitor the quality of work, which will also be used to facilitate FEMA's oversight of the State's performance under the IGSA. 2. The State will ensure all Direct Housing Assistance options determined by FEMA are available to eligible applicants in all counties authorized for Direct Housing Assistance, unless specifically prohibited by local laws and ordinances. 3. In implementing this IGSA, the State shall abide by all applicable statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, and policies governing the provision of FEMA's direct housing assistance program, including but not limited to: a. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), as amended, 42 U.S.C. ?? 5121 - 5207; Page 16 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000952 b. 44 C.F.R. ?? 206.110 - 206.118, Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households; c. Individuals and Household Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG), FP 104-009-3, Federal Emergency Management Agency, September 30, 2016; d. 44 CFR part 9, Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands; e. Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, 42 FR 26961 (1977); f. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, 42 FR 26951 (1977); g. DHS Directive 023-01, Rev. 01 and Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev.01, 81 FR 56682 (2016), implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with component supplemental instructions in FEMA Directive 108-1 and FEMA Instruction 108-1-1 (2016); h. 24 C.F.R. Part 3280, Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations; and i. The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. ? 552a. 4. FEMA is responsible for compliance with a number of environmental and historic preservation laws. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the State. FEMA will work with the State to gather the necessary information to ensure compliance. 5. FEMA will provide all necessary forms to the State and detail when each form is required for use within 15 days of the execution of the IGSA. 6. FEMA is responsible for making all applicant eligibility determinations for Direct Temporary Housing and Permanent Housing Construction under section 408 of the Stafford Act and notifying the applicant of their approval for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance or PHC. Based upon the casework being performed by the State, any requested changes to the eligibility determined by FEMA must be reviewed and approved by FEMA. FEMA will retain determinations in the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and provide eligibility determinations to the State. The State or local jurisdiction will be responsible for working with the applicant to implement or update the Direct Housing option, with approval from FEMA. 7. FEMA will provide the State with a daily list of applicants approved for Direct Temporary Housing or PHC in a password protected Microsoft Excel format which will be transmitted to FEMA via AMRDEC Aviation and Missile RDEC Unclassified LAN Infrastructure (AMRULI) utilizing its Safe Access File Exchange (SAFE) system or, if not available, via email. Password must be transmitted out-of-band via separate email message. Each list will contain the following information: a. Applicant's Registration Identification (Reg ID) number; b. Primary and Co-applicant's First and Last Name; Page 17 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000953 c. Primary and Co-applicant's current mailing address and telephone number, and any reasonable accommodation to ensure effective communication; d. Primary and Co-applicant's pre-disaster residence address; e. The number of bedrooms required; f. Initial approved type of Direct Housing Assistance g. Determination on whether individuals eligible for Direct Housing Assistance are located in Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); h. Specific information on members of the household with a disability or other access and functional need, including any modification or reasonable accommodations required. 8. FEMA will initially provide the State with the recommended direct housing solution for each applicant. The State, upon working with the applicant, will consider the below criteria and inform FEMA if the recommended Direct Housing solution has changed. After reviewing the State's proposal, FEMA will provide final approval of updated Direct Housing determinations for applicants. The criteria are: a. Timeliness, availability, and cost; b. Suitability for the applicant's household, including members of the household with disabilities or other access and functional needs; c. Location of available option, and d. Environmental and Historic Preservation compliance requirements, including consideration of options available outside the SFHA. 9. The State shall provide weekly reports to FEMA identifying for each applicant referred to the State by FEMA: a. The housing option recommended for each applicant; b. Justification for any change to FEMA's initial determination using the criteria identified above; c. The date the applicant begins occupying temporary housing provided by the State or repairs are complete; d. Any accessibility modification or other reasonable accommodations provided for applicants with disability or other access and functional need; and e. The continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance eligibility recommendation for applicants placed in Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. f. Reports shall be organized by county and provided using templates agreed upon by FEMA and the State. 10. The State shall develop a strategy for regular maintenance and repair for all forms of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. Page 18 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000954 11. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance is limited to 18 months following the date of the disaster declaration. The period of assistance for this disaster began on August 25, 2017, and will end on February 25, 2019. At the State's request, FEMA may extend the period of assistance if FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery determines that due to extraordinary circumstances an extension would be in the public interest. 12. The State shall work with applicants to establish a permanent housing plan to transition them from Direct Temporary Housing Assistance in anticipation of the program's termination. 13. FEMA will monitor the State based on the following established performance standards. a. The State will make initial contact with an applicant within 10 business days of the referral from FEMA. b. The State will inform FEMA within 30 business days of contact with the applicant of any required changes to FEMA's initial eligibility determination or housing solution. c. FEMA will approve any recommended changes to the eligibility determination or housing solution as soon as possible, and no later than 5 days after receiving the change request from the State. d. The State will ensure any applicant placed into Direct Lease will be provided temporary housing within 30 business days of FEMA approval of the final housing solution for each applicant. e. The State will identify, assess, make final selection, and begin the process to contract with eligible MLR properties within 60 days of execution of IGSA, unless extended by FEMA. f. The State will ensure any applicant placed into an MLR unit will be provided temporary housing within 120 days of FEMA approval of the final housing solution for each applicant. g. On commercial park locations or private sites, upon approval of the EHP review by FEMA, the State within 15 days of receipt will place and make ready for occupancy the RV or MHU. The State will then have 5 days to license the applicant into the unit. h. The State will ensure any applicant provided with Permanent Housing Construction in the form of repairs will have all repairs complete within 90 days from start of repair work for each applicant. i. The State will begin to conduct continued assistance verifications within 30 days of providing the applicant with temporary housing for submission to FEMA. j. The State will begin to coordinate with FEMA on the end of program or potential need for an extension of the program within 90 days of February 25, 2019. Page 19 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000955 Duplication of Benefits 1. A duplication of benefit (DOB) may occur when an insured direct temporary housing occupant receives Additional Living Expense (ALE) or Loss of Use (LOU) insurance benefits that cover the cost of renting alternative housing. When FEMA identifies a DOB with ALE or LOU while making an eligibility determination, FEMA will initiate steps to collect the ALE or LOU benefits for housing costs. FEMA will base the amount of the monthly payment on the ALE or LOU amount not to exceed the Fair Market Rent (FMR) rate established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the size (number of bedrooms) and location of the housing unit. FEMA will only collect payments until the total amount of the ALE or LOU insurance has been exhausted or the occupant vacates the direct THU, whichever is first. The State will inform FEMA when an applicant with ALE is placed in and vacates a direct temporary housing assistance option. 2. PHC represents a DOB with financial housing assistance: Applicants determined eligible for PHC who choose to receive PHC must provide documentation of the use of any previously provided FEMA financial housing assistance for Repair, and return all unused, previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement to FEMA. 3. Right of Recoupment: The State agrees that FEMA may seek reimbursement for any identified DOB, including through the reduction of future disaster relief awards to applicants, the State, or other parties to this agreement. Compliance with Environmental and Historic Preservation Laws and Executive Orders 1. FEMA will provide the State a matrix of Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance requirements, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management (44 CFR Part 9) to help inform the choice of best housing option for the applicant's location. 2. FEMA is responsible for compliance with a number of environmental and historic preservation laws. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the State. FEMA will work with the State to gather the necessary information to ensure compliance. Direct Temporary Housing Terms and Conditions Eligibility Conditions 1. All eligibility determinations by FEMA for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance and continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance will be made by FEMA in accordance with the Stafford Act, and implementing regulations, and IHPUG. Page 20 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000956 Continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions 1. The State will monitor the progress that Direct Temporary Housing occupants are making towards obtaining and occupying permanent housing within the 18 month period of assistance, based on the conditions outlined by FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R ? 206.117(b)(1)(ii)(G). 2. The State will provide FEMA with a recommendation for continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance to individuals and households based on these conditions until February 25, 2019. 3. FEMA will make the final determination on an applicant's eligibility for continued Direct Temporary Housing Assistance based on the State's recommendation. Termination of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions 1. The State may recommend to FEMA to terminate an occupant's Direct Temporary Housing Assistance for any reason not prohibited by the Stafford Act, FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R ? 206.117(b)(1)(ii)(G), or IHPUG. 2. FEMA must approve all terminations and appeal decisions in a timely manner before the applicant is notified. 3. The State shall utilize FEMA templates to notify the applicant of the termination and provide FEMA with copies of all termination notices, appeals, and appeal decisions within seven days of the date issued to ensure FEMA is able to record these documents in NEMIS. Direct Lease Conditions 1. The State may lease to Eligible Applicants, existing residential property, not typically available to the general public, for use as temporary housing for eligible individuals and households. 2. The State may lease properties that comply with Housing Quality Standards (HQS) established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to provide complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. All utilities, appliances, and other furnishings must be functional. 3. The State shall evaluate properties according to the following factors: a. Cost to the federal government: The State shall lease properties with per-unit rent at or below the Fair Market Rent (FMR) established by HUD. If the State is unable to obtain sufficient rental resources, the State shall conduct an analysis of Page 21 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000957 prevailing market rates and may increase leases to properties with per-unit rent of up to 125% of FMR. Properties with per-unit rent above 125% of the Fair Market Rate established by HUD must be approved by FEMA; b. Landlord's demonstrated ability to manage and provide maintenance services; c. Proximity to community and wrap-around services, such as accessible public transportation, schools, fire and emergency services, grocery stores, health care services, etc.; d. When selecting available properties, the State may prioritize properties that are already accessible, include accessibility features, or can be easily made accessible; and are in proximity to accessible public transportation. 4. The estimated monthly cost per unit is up to $1,300 unless approved by FEMA. a. The State can also provide one month's cost for a security deposit for each unit. 5. Within 7 business days of completion, the State must provide FEMA the following documentation: a. A copy of the inspection record confirming the property complies with HQS; b. A copy of the lease contract specifying the monthly rent rates. c. A copy of the lease agreement signed between the applicant and the property and the applicant and the State, for each applicant. Multi-Family Lease and Repair (MLR) Conditions 1. The State may enter into lease agreements with owners of multi-family rental properties located in Individual Assistance designated counties to house Eligible Applicants and make repairs or improvements to existing multi-family housing units in order to provide temporary housing to Eligible Applicants. 2. Per the Stafford Act, under the terms of any lease agreement for property entered into under MLR, the value of the improvements or repairs shall be deducted from the value of the lease agreement and may not exceed the value of the lease. To determine the cost-effectiveness of the potential MLR property, the State will deduct the estimated cost of repairs and improvements from the value of the lease as follows: a. The State will determine the estimated cost of repairs or improvements by performing an independent cost estimate for the necessary repairs and improvements, or receive an estimated cost for repairs and improvements from the building contractor. b. The State will determine the value of the lease agreement by multiplying the monthly FMR by the number of units, and then multiplying the number of months remaining between the date the repairs are completed and the end of the 18 month period of assistance, which is February 25, 2019. c. The estimated total cost per unit is up to $21,000 unless approved by FEMA. Page 22 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000958 i. This includes a minimal monthly maintenance cost per unit for the operation of the property. ii. The State can also provide one month's cost for a security deposit for each unit. iii. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 3. Properties located within a floodway, coastal high-hazard area, or Coastal Barrier Resource Unit are not eligible for this program. 4. Prior to leasing a property, the State shall provide for each property an initial inspection report to include: a. Location, physical address and latitude and longitude; b. Date of construction, and c. An exterior photo. 5. The State shall provide the following documentation to FEMA within 7 days of leasing a property for temporary housing: a. Completed property inspection report; b. Itemized repair cost estimate; c. The state or local government's valuation of the lease, including methodology used; d. Copy of the tenant lease and application requirements; and e. A copy of the executed lease agreement and repair contracts, specifying the expenditures for repairs, rent, property management, and maintenance. 6. Within 14 days of completion, the State must provide FEMA the following documentation: a. Paid invoices documenting the expenses incurred for repairs and improvements; b. A copy of the occupancy certificate issued by the local government; and c. A copy of the lease agreement signed between the applicant and the property and the applicant and the State, for each applicant. 7. All repairs shall be made in a manner consistent with current local building codes, standards, permitting, inspection requirements, and all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws and regulations. Items will be repaired when feasible, but may be replaced when cost-effective to the government or when necessary to ensure the health and safety of the occupant. The State will be responsible for obtaining local permits, but can delegate this responsibility. Page 23 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000959 RV Conditions (currently only approved for DR-4332-TX) 1. The State may provide and place RVs certified to comply with the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) standards established on July 1, 2012. 2. The State will notify disaster survivors with access and functional needs who request a RV that a reasonable modification may be available upon request. If survivors are unable to occupy an RV due to access and functional needs: a. The State, with approval from FEMA, may make other forms of direct temporary housing assistance available, which meets the survivor's access and functional needs, including Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)-compliant MHUs if needed. b. Should the State require UFAS-compliant MHUs, FEMA will provide them on behalf of the State. 3. Any RVs the State procures must meet current California Air Resource Board (CARB) standards or are certified compliant with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title VI requirements for formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products found in RVs.1 4. The estimated cost per unit is up to $55,000 unless approved by FEMA. This cost includes procurement, hauling and installing the unit, and any maintenance and deactivation costs. 5. The State shall provide, on a weekly basis, the following documentation for RVs procured for use as temporary housing: a. A copy of Purchase Order and Bill of Sale. 6. The State shall be responsible for disposing of RVs provided under this IGSA in accordance with Section 408(d)(2) of the Stafford Act. The State must provide documentation of the method of disposal for all units. The State shall return the proceeds from any sale of the units to FEMA. MHU Conditions 1. The State may procure, haul, and install MHUs as a form of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. 1 On December 12, 2016, the EPA issued a final rule mirroring the CARB standards as required by the Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products Act, Pub. L. 111-199 (2010), 15 U.S.C. ? 2601 note. The rule will take effect in December 2017; however regulated entities may voluntarily label compliant products as soon as compliance can be achieved. See 40 CFR Part 770. Page 24 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000960 2. The number of bedrooms in the MHU must accommodate the applicant's household composition, as recorded during the FEMA inspection. 3. Units must comply with 24 C.F.R. Part 3280 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ("HUD code"). 4. The estimated cost per unit is up to $92,000 unless approved by FEMA. a. This cost includes procurement, hauling and installing the unit, and any maintenance and deactivation costs. b. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 5. Any UFAS MHU provided for an Eligible Applicant with a disability or other access and functional needs will be provided by FEMA, and must be installed with a functioning Tank and Pump System prior to occupancy. 6. Any FEMA-sourced MHU provided for an eligible applicant must be installed with a functioning Tank and Pump System prior to occupancy except where to do so would cause a delay in allowing the applicant to take occupancy, in which case the Tank and Pump System shall be installed at the earliest possible date after occupancy. This requirement for the installation of a Tank and Pump System does not apply to any statesourced MHU provided to an Eligible Applicant. 7. The State shall provide FEMA, on a weekly basis, the following documentation for MHUs procured for use as temporary housing: a. A copy of Purchase Order and Bill of Sale. 8. The State shall be responsible for disposing of MHUs provided under this IGSA in accordance with Section 408(d)(2) of the Stafford Act. The State must provide documentation of the method of disposal for all units. The State shall return the proceeds from any sale of the units to FEMA. RV and MHU Site Conditions 1. The State may provide RVs and MHUs to eligible applicants and place them on private and commercial sites. a. The estimated monthly cost per pad lease is up to $600 unless approved by FEMA. 2. Placement of RVs and MHUs as post-disaster temporary housing in a SFHA/1-percent annual chance year floodplain must comply with 44 C.F.R. Part 9 and FEMA Directive/Instruction 108-1, Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Page 25 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000961 Responsibilities and Program Requirements, and the abbreviated decision-making process under 44 C.F.R. ?9.13 when considering the placement of RVs and MHUs on private and commercial sites in a floodplain. a. Pursuant to 44 CFR ?9.13 (d)(2), no MHUs or other readily-fabricated dwellings can be placed within a floodway, coastal high-hazard area, even under the abbreviated decision-making process. No MHUs or other readily-fabricated dwellings can be placed within a Coastal Barrier Resource Unit. b. In accordance with 44 C.F.R. ?9.13(d)(4)(i), MHUs placed on a private or commercial site in a SFHA must be elevated to the fullest extent practicable up to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and adequately anchored. i. The State shall evaluate RV and MHU placement sites individually, and make a determination regarding a site's suitability for RV or MHU placement based on the best available flood hazard information for that site. c. RVs will not be placed in the regulatory Floodway or Coastal High Hazard Areas. d. RVs will only be placed in the SFHA if no other housing options are available. In order to reduce the risk of loss of life of the occupants, RVs may be placed in the SFHA only where base flood depths are sufficiently shallow to allow for timely and safe evacuation from the RV on foot. RVs placed in the SFHA will be adequately anchored. e. Prior to placement, the State shall provide for each RV and MHU a completed Request for Site Inspection Report (FEMA form 010-0-9), to include, latitude and longitude of the proposed location. f. Placement of MHUs or other readily fabricated dwellings must be in accordance and compliance with Texas Manufactured Housing Division regulations. g. Repairs to commercial sites shall be limited to reasonable and cost-effective repairs or improvements necessary to make the site functional (such as an electrical service upgrade), including those necessary to meet reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. i. The estimated cost per pad improvement is up to $7,500 unless approved by FEMA. 3. Prior to building a MHU Group Site, the State must request and receive approval from FEMA's Assistant Administrator for Recovery. a. The development of a MHU Group Site(s) is authorized only when the placement of MHUs on private sites are not feasible or if the use of existing commercial sites are not feasible for the eligible applicant. b. The State will prioritize sites provided by the State and local government at no cost before leasing a site from a private party. c. When considering the placement of MHU at potential group sites, the State must coordinate with the Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program. Page 26 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000962 d. FEMA, including Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, approval must be obtained prior to any site lease and site construction activity. e. The estimated cost per pad is up to $50,000 unless approved by FEMA. Permanent Housing Construction Repairs: Terms and Conditions Eligibility Conditions 1. Applicants may be eligible for PHC assistance after a FEMA determination that all other forms of temporary housing are not available, feasible, or cost effective. 2. PHC assistance shall only include repairs (PHC-Repairs) not PHC-Replacement. Reference "Attachment 2: Detailed Eligible Permanent Housing Construction-Repairs," for eligible repair items. 3. At the State's recommendation, FEMA may approve PHC Repair for eligible applicants whose homes are feasible to repair when: a. The repairs are estimated to be completed within 90 days or less from the start of the repair work; b. The damages are less than fifty percent of the market value prior to the disaster; and c. The estimated labor and materials costs are up to $60,000 unless approved by FEMA. FEMA generally will not approve a total price that exceeds this amount. i. FEMA may approve an increase to the cap up to 25% for access and functional needs-related costs. 4. PHC-Repair is not eligible when the State identifies: a. The home requires repairs to structural elements (e.g. foundation, frame) or other items requiring architectural or engineering services; b. The home requiring repairs with estimated costs that exceed fifty percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred; or c. The home is determined to be "repetitive loss or severe repetitive loss", as identified by the National Flood Insurance Program, and the cost to be brought into compliance with the local floodplain exceeds the maximum allowable costs for PHC-Repair. 5. Any home located within a SFHA shall not be considered for PHC repairs unless in accordance with applicable federal, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, and can be repaired within the PHC cost limits. 6. Applicants determined eligible by FEMA for PHC may choose either to: a. Receive PHC, provide documentation of the use of any previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair, and return all unused, previously provided financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement to FEMA; OR Page 27 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000963 b. Receive Direct Temporary Housing Assistance, if available, and keep any financial housing assistance for Repair or Replacement that FEMA previously provided. 7. In order to be referred to the State for PHC, eligible applicants who choose to receive PHC assistance must sign an acknowledgement of the following terms and conditions: a. The applicant agrees to participate in the State program, including right of entry; b. The applicant agrees to obtain and maintain flood insurance coverage on the home for at least the value of the repairs provided the home is located in an SFHA. FEMA will not contribute to the cost of flood insurance premiums; and c. An applicant's decision to accept or decline PHC shall be considered final; FEMA will not re-consider an applicant for Direct Temporary Housing Assistance or PHC after they have declined either form of assistance. Applicants who accept PHC will not be considered for any additional FEMA Housing Assistance, including financial Temporary Housing Assistance. 8. The State and FEMA agree that applicants for PHC-Repair should not include those applicants whose properties may eventually be eligible for elevation or a buy-out. The State and FEMA will work together to ensure applicants eligible for PHC-Repair are reviewed for potential future mitigation, elevation, or home buy-out programs and, to the maximum extent possible, minimize PHC-Repair approval for those applicants. 9. The State and FEMA's responsibility to provide Direct Housing Assistance to the applicant ends once the completed PHC-Repairs are accepted by the applicant. PHC Repair Conditions 1. Under PHC, the State will not repair or replace items eligible under Other Needs Assistance for Personal Property, such as furnishings and appliances. 2. The State will need to ensure that there is no duplication of benefits between emergency work provided under the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) program and PHC-Repair assistance, and report to FEMA on the mechanism for doing so within thirty (30) days of initiating the PHC-Repair program. FEMA will only reimburse for specific line items repairs for a property under PHC or STEP, not under both options. 3. PHC-Repairs are limited to real property components eligible under FEMA Housing Assistance that were damaged by the disaster and functional before the declared event. The State shall only perform repairs necessary to restore the pre-disaster residence to a habitable condition. The completed repairs shall ensure the pre-disaster residence is restored to a safe, sanitary, and functional condition. Page 28 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000964 4. All repairs shall be made in a manner consistent with current local building codes, standards, or minimal acceptable construction industry standards by the area, permitting, inspection requirements, and all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws and regulations. Items will be repaired when feasible, but may be replaced when cost-effective to the government or when necessary to ensure the health and safety of the occupant. The State will be responsible for obtaining local permits, but can delegate this authority. 5. Prior to repairing a property, the State shall provide for each property an initial inspection report to include: a. Location, physical address and latitude and longitude; b. Date of construction, and c. An exterior photo. 6. Repairs shall be made using materials of average quality used in new construction, in accordance with 44 C.F.R. ? 206.117(b)(4)(iii), and taking into account the accessibility needs of the occupant. 7. Repairs to accessibility features and accessible routes will be guided by the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and HUD Design Details for Accessible Disaster Relief Housing. 8. The State shall provide to FEMA the following documentation within 7 business days of completing PHC Repairs for an applicant: a. Completed property inspection report; b. Itemized repair cost estimate; c. Executed repair contract or work order, including itemized list of repairs performed; d. A copy of the occupancy certificate issued by the local government. Page 29 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000965 Attachment 2: Detailed Eligible Repairs for Permanent Housing Construction - Repairs Interior Repairs Debris removal Clean and sanitize damaged materials Interior wall cover, to include drywall Floor, subfloor and floor covering Interior doors Cabinet Bathroom vanity Bathroom exhaust fan Exterior Repairs Windows Exterior doors Ceiling/wall insulation Siding Roof covering Roof sheathing Electrical/HVAC Furnace Exterior electrical work, to include weather, head, cable, and meter Wiring Electric panel, 200 amp main breaker - 18 circuit Outlets or switches Central air conditioner Duct work Smoke Detector Carbon Monoxide Detector Light fixtures Plumbing Water heater Water lines Well pump Page 30 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000966 Pressure tank Decontaminate water supply Septic tank Distribution box Drain field Sewer lines Gas lines Sump pump Kitchen sink Bathroom sink Faucets Tub Fiberglass Shower Replacement Tank and toilet Accessibility Related Repairs Grab bars around toilet, tub, shower stall, and shower seat Ramp ADA compliant toilets Faucet with single-lever faucet controls Lever-type door knobs and handles Single-push door locks Drawers and cabinets with D-loop or other easy to use handle pulls Low-pile carpet or smooth anti-slip flooring Page 31 of 31 HUD-17-0235-B-000967 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, September 11, 2017 8:38 AM Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx HUD-17-0235-B-000968 9-11-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing Cybersecurity Pollicies and Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CIO 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 7/27/2017 Chairman Lamar Smith Committee on Science, Space and Technology 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03197 8/8/2017 Cummings et al (18 members) Federal funds expended on products/services provided by 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury Mike Dendas Rolling Production 8/11/2017: 1st production 8/25/2017: 2nd production 9/8/2017: 3rd production Agency Coordination 8/9/2017: CIO (2) CDs Conference call w/OMB NIST organized Assigned to CIR All Agencies HUD-17-0235-B-000969 9-11-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03349 Subject businesses owned/affiliated with Trump organizations Program Office Due date Status Whitehouse/OMB response draft ? HUD-17-0235-B-000970 9-11-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Program Office PIH Due date 4/6/17 PIH 4/7/17 Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 7/5/2017 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its website at least six resources 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 (LGBTQ) 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule CIR 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas Meeting w/SNAPS CIR 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03084 9-11-17 HUD-17-0235-B-000971 9-11-17 9-11-17 D-17-0235-B-000972 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dunn, Tracey Friday, September 08, 2017 3:43 PM Carr, Terry M Appleton, Seth D; Wade, Dana T Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Thanks. On Sep 8, 2017, at 3:42 PM, Carr, Terry M wrote: + Dana Tracy, see responses from the program office below. Thanks Terry From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 1:10 PM To: Carr, Terry M Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala See response from Rep. Evans' staff: From: Doss, Darrell Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 1:07 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Thanks Tracey. 1. Does this mean that Bala has corrected the deficiencies which were noted previously? a. Yes 2. What is the highest score possible? a. 100 Thank you again, HUD-17-0235-B-000973 Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 1:03 PM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Darrell, Bala Nursing Home received a score of 63. This is a passing score. When nursing homes receive a passing score, they are no longer included in the HUD REAC inspection program. Now, Bala will only be inspected by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. HUD can release the report to reporters through a FOIA 45-60 days after the inspection. Since the owner has the ability to appeal the score, REAC would prefer not to release the score before that process is complete. HUD-17-0235-B-000974 We hope you find this information helpful. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Doss, Darrell Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 10:53:31 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Good morning Tracey, I just left you a quick VM--wanted to see if there were any updates and ask about the report that Lukoff had mentioned during our conference call back in July. Thank you, Darrell HUD-17-0235-B-000975 Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 9:53 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Sounds good... From: Doss, Darrell [mailto:Darrell.Doss@mail.house.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 9:51 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Tracey, I will be the only one from our staff. Looking forward to chatting shortly. HUD-17-0235-B-000976 Thank you, Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 10:24 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Hi Darrell, HUD staff confirmed the 10:00 am time for tomorrow. We will have several HUD staff on the call (listed below). Is there anyone else joining you tomorrow? The remote dial in # is: 888-675-2535 / Access Code: (b) (6) . HUD Staff HUD-17-0235-B-000977 Roger Lukoff, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nursing Homes Division Vance Morris, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Office of Healthcare Programs Terry Carr, Senior Advisor, Office of Housing Jerry Brown, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Joseph DeFelice, Regional Administrator, Region III (covering Pennsylvania) Rich Ott, Deputy Regional Administrator, Region III Michael Dendas, Policy Advisor, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Tracey Dunn, Congressional Liaison for Region III Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) What's new @ HUD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration!) From: Doss, Darrell [mailto:Darrell.Doss@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 12:41 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Let go with 10:00am on Thursday, Tracey. Shall I phone you? HUD-17-0235-B-000978 Thanks. Darrell Rico Doss Rep. Dwight Evans Sent from my iPhone On Jul 3, 2017, at 10:32 AM, Dunn, Tracey wrote: Darrell, Unfortunately, my 11:00 am slot is now taken. I am still open for a 10:00 am call on Thursday, July 6th. Please let me know. Tracey On Jun 29, 2017, at 1:17 PM, Dunn, Tracey wrote: Darrell, Are you available to do a call on the morning of Thursday, July 7th at 11:00am? Tracey On Jun 28, 2017, at 12:26 PM, Doss, Darrell wrote: Tracey, I am just following up again. The matter I want to discuss is related to the nursing home described in the story below: HUD-17-0235-B-000979 http://www.philly.com/philly/health/phila-nursinghome-bala-hud-lowest-rated-rodents-20170612.html Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:58 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) HI Darrell, I received your two (2) voicemail messages. Can you please outline your question(s) in an email format? Thank you, HUD-17-0235-B-000980 Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) What's new @ HUD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration!) HUD-17-0235-B-000981 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Carr, Terry M Friday, September 08, 2017 3:42 PM Dunn, Tracey Appleton, Seth D; Wade, Dana T RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala + Dana Tracy, see responses from the program office below. Thanks Terry From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 1:10 PM To: Carr, Terry M Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala See response from Rep. Evans' staff: From: Doss, Darrell Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 1:07 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Thanks Tracey. 1. 2. Does this mean that Bala has corrected the deficiencies which were noted previously? a. Yes What is the highest score possible? a. 100 Thank you again, Darrell HUD-17-0235-B-000982 Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: ?oo Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 1:03 PM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Darrell, Bala Nursing Home received a score of 63. This is a passing score. When nursing homes receive a passing score, they are no longer included in the HUD REAC inspection program. Now, Bala will only be inspected by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. HUD can release the report to reporters through a FOIA 45-60 days after the inspection. Since the owner has the ability to appeal the score, REAC would prefer not to release the score before that process is complete. We hope you find this information helpful. HUD-17-0235-B-000983 Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Doss, Darrell Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 10:53:31 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Good morning Tracey, I just left you a quick VM--wanted to see if there were any updates and ask about the report that Lukoff had mentioned during our conference call back in July. Thank you, Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel HUD-17-0235-B-000984 Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: ?oo Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 9:53 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Sounds good... From: Doss, Darrell [mailto:Darrell.Doss@mail.house.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 9:51 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Tracey, I will be the only one from our staff. Looking forward to chatting shortly. Thank you, HUD-17-0235-B-000985 Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: ?oo Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 10:24 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Hi Darrell, HUD staff confirmed the 10:00 am time for tomorrow. We will have several HUD staff on the call (listed below). Is there anyone else joining you tomorrow? The remote dial in # is: 888-675-2535 / Access Code: (b) (6) . HUD Staff Roger Lukoff, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nursing Homes Division HUD-17-0235-B-000986 Vance Morris, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Office of Healthcare Programs Terry Carr, Senior Advisor, Office of Housing Jerry Brown, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Joseph DeFelice, Regional Administrator, Region III (covering Pennsylvania) Rich Ott, Deputy Regional Administrator, Region III Michael Dendas, Policy Advisor, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Tracey Dunn, Congressional Liaison for Region III Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) What's new @ HUD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration!) From: Doss, Darrell [mailto:Darrell.Doss@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 12:41 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Let go with 10:00am on Thursday, Tracey. Shall I phone you? Thanks. HUD-17-0235-B-000987 Darrell Rico Doss Rep. Dwight Evans Sent from my iPhone On Jul 3, 2017, at 10:32 AM, Dunn, Tracey wrote: Darrell, Unfortunately, my 11:00 am slot is now taken. I am still open for a 10:00 am call on Thursday, July 6th. Please let me know. Tracey On Jun 29, 2017, at 1:17 PM, Dunn, Tracey wrote: Darrell, Are you available to do a call on the morning of Thursday, July 7th at 11:00am? Tracey On Jun 28, 2017, at 12:26 PM, Doss, Darrell wrote: Tracey, I am just following up again. The matter I want to discuss is related to the nursing home described in the story below: http://www.philly.com/philly/health/phila-nursing-home-bala-hudlowest-rated-rodents-20170612.html HUD-17-0235-B-000988 Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:58 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) HI Darrell, I received your two (2) voicemail messages. Can you please outline your question(s) in an email format? Thank you, Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional HUD-17-0235-B-000989 And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) What's new @ HUD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration!) HUD-17-0235-B-000990 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dunn, Tracey Friday, September 08, 2017 1:10 PM Carr, Terry M Appleton, Seth D RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala See response from Rep. Evans' staff: From: Doss, Darrell Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 1:07 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Thanks Tracey. 1. 2. Does this mean that Bala has corrected the deficiencies which were noted previously? What is the highest score possible? Thank you again, Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 1:03 PM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) - Bala Darrell, Bala Nursing Home received a score of 63. This is a passing score. When nursing homes receive a passing score, they are no longer included in the HUD REAC inspection program. Now, Bala will only be inspected by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. HUD-17-0235-B-000991 HUD can release the report to reporters through a FOIA 45-60 days after the inspection. Since the owner has the ability to appeal the score, REAC would prefer not to release the score before that process is complete. We hope you find this information helpful. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Doss, Darrell Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 10:53:31 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Good morning Tracey, I just left you a quick VM--wanted to see if there were any updates and ask about the report that Lukoff had mentioned during our conference call back in July. Thank you, Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 9:53 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Sounds good... HUD-17-0235-B-000992 From: Doss, Darrell [mailto:Darrell.Doss@mail.house.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 9:51 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Tracey, I will be the only one from our staff. Looking forward to chatting shortly. Thank you, Darrell Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 10:24 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Hi Darrell, HUD staff confirmed the 10:00 am time for tomorrow. We will have several HUD staff on the call (listed below). Is there anyone else joining you tomorrow? The remote dial in # is: 888-675-2535 / Access Code: (b) (6) . HUD Staff Roger Lukoff, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nursing Homes Division Vance Morris, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Office of Healthcare Programs Terry Carr, Senior Advisor, Office of Housing Jerry Brown, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Joseph DeFelice, Regional Administrator, Region III (covering Pennsylvania) Rich Ott, Deputy Regional Administrator, Region III Michael Dendas, Policy Advisor, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Tracey Dunn, Congressional Liaison for Region III Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD-17-0235-B-000993 Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) What's new @ HUD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration!) From: Doss, Darrell [mailto:Darrell.Doss@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 12:41 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) Let go with 10:00am on Thursday, Tracey. Shall I phone you? Thanks. Darrell Rico Doss Rep. Dwight Evans Sent from my iPhone On Jul 3, 2017, at 10:32 AM, Dunn, Tracey wrote: Darrell, Unfortunately, my 11:00 am slot is now taken. I am still open for a 10:00 am call on Thursday, July 6th. Please let me know. Tracey On Jun 29, 2017, at 1:17 PM, Dunn, Tracey wrote: Darrell, Are you available to do a call on the morning of Thursday, July 7th at 11:00am? Tracey On Jun 28, 2017, at 12:26 PM, Doss, Darrell wrote: Tracey, I am just following up again. The matter I want to discuss is related to the nursing home described in the story below: http://www.philly.com/philly/health/phila-nursing-home-bala-hudlowest-rated-rodents-20170612.html Darrell Rico Doss Legislative Counsel Office of Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5362 direct HUD-17-0235-B-000994 (202) 225-4001 office (202)465.6100 office cell darrell.doss@mail.house.gov Join the online conversation: Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:58 AM To: Doss, Darrell Subject: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Evans (PA) HI Darrell, I received your two (2) voicemail messages. Can you please outline your question(s) in an email format? Thank you, Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) What's new @ HUD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration!) HUD-17-0235-B-000995 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dunn, Tracey Thursday, September 07, 2017 11:22 AM Robert Reese Kelley, Michael J; Appleton, Seth D RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, I will check on that additional information for you ASAP. Below is the contact info I discussed: CIR now has several new staff in leadership positions, feel free to contact them for Congressional matters: Assistant Secretary (vacant) Seth Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting Assistant Secretary) Direct: 202-402-5030 Email: seth.d.appleton@hud.gov Michael J. Kelley Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations Direct: 202-402-4888 Email: michael.j.kelley@hud.gov Ashley Ludlow Senior Advisor (also handles Congressionals for Regions I and X) Direct: 202-402-5963 Email: ashley.ludlow@hud.gov Michael Dendas Senior Advisor Direct: 202-402-3761 Email: michael.w.dendas@hud.gov From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:48 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Dunn, Tracey Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Mike, Thanks for the quick response. Best, Robert From: Kelley, Michael J [mailto:Michael.J.Kelley@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:36 PM HUD-17-0235-B-000996 To: Robert Reese; Dunn, Tracey Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Robert- Answers to your questions are below in red. Please let me know if we can help in any other way. Best, Mike 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? Answer: $57.8 million 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? Answer: $0 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Answer: Allocations are available here: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/ For information on individual grants, we have a public facing portal: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/ For example, this report on Sandy grants: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/downloads/reports/Cumulative%20Financial%20Summary%20(P.L. %20113-2).pdf From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:50 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Dunn, Tracey Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Thanks, Mike. -Robert From: Kelley, Michael J [mailto:Michael.J.Kelley@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:44 PM To: Dunn, Tracey; Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert- Let us look into this and get back to you. Also, I'm copying our Acting Assistant Secretary, Seth Appleton, for his awareness. Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese HUD-17-0235-B-000997 Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-000998 From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-000999 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Robert Reese Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:48 PM Kelley, Michael J; Dunn, Tracey Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Mike, Thanks for the quick response. Best, Robert From: Kelley, Michael J [mailto:Michael.J.Kelley@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:36 PM To: Robert Reese; Dunn, Tracey Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Robert- Answers to your questions are below in red. Please let me know if we can help in any other way. Best, Mike 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? Answer: $57.8 million 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? Answer: $0 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Answer: Allocations are available here: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/ For information on individual grants, we have a public facing portal: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/ For example, this report on Sandy grants: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/downloads/reports/Cumulative%20Financial%20Summary%20(P.L. %20113-2).pdf From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:50 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Dunn, Tracey Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Thanks, Mike. -Robert HUD-17-0235-B-0001000 From: Kelley, Michael J [mailto:Michael.J.Kelley@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:44 PM To: Dunn, Tracey; Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert- Let us look into this and get back to you. Also, I'm copying our Acting Assistant Secretary, Seth Appleton, for his awareness. Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. HUD-17-0235-B-001001 From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001002 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:36 PM Robert Reese; Dunn, Tracey Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Robert- Answers to your questions are below in red. Please let me know if we can help in any other way. Best, Mike 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? Answer: $57.8 million 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? Answer: $0 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Answer: Allocations are available here: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/ For information on individual grants, we have a public facing portal: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/ For example, this report on Sandy grants: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/downloads/reports/Cumulative%20Financial%20Summary%20(P.L. %20113-2).pdf From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:50 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Dunn, Tracey Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Thanks, Mike. -Robert From: Kelley, Michael J [mailto:Michael.J.Kelley@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:44 PM To: Dunn, Tracey; Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert- Let us look into this and get back to you. Also, I'm copying our Acting Assistant Secretary, Seth Appleton, for his awareness. Thanks, HUD-17-0235-B-001003 Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. HUD-17-0235-B-001004 Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001005 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:22 PM Richardson, Todd M; Gimont, Stanley Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Greenwood, Sheila M RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Awesome. No need for a call then. Thanks guys! From: Richardson, Todd M Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:20 PM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Gimont, Stanley Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Dendas, Michael W ; Greenwood, Sheila M Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Happy to do a call. Answers below: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? Answer: $57.8 million 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? Answer: $0 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Answer: Allocations are available here: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/ For information on individual grants, we have a public facing portal: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/ For example, this report on Sandy grants: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/downloads/reports/Cumulative%20Financial%20Summary%20(P.L. %20113-2).pdf From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:46 PM To: Gimont, Stanley ; Richardson, Todd M Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Dendas, Michael W ; Greenwood, Sheila M Subject: FW: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Stan/ToddPlease see email below CIR received from CBO. It seems like these are questions that are easily answered. Would you be able to hop on a call? Thanks, HUD-17-0235-B-001006 Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. HUD-17-0235-B-001007 Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001008 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Richardson, Todd M Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:20 PM Kelley, Michael J; Gimont, Stanley Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Greenwood, Sheila M RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Happy to do a call. Answers below: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? Answer: $57.8 million 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? Answer: $0 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Answer: Allocations are available here: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/ For information on individual grants, we have a public facing portal: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/ For example, this report on Sandy grants: https://drgr.hud.gov/public/downloads/reports/Cumulative%20Financial%20Summary%20(P.L. %20113-2).pdf From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:46 PM To: Gimont, Stanley ; Richardson, Todd M Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Dendas, Michael W ; Greenwood, Sheila M Subject: FW: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Stan/ToddPlease see email below CIR received from CBO. It seems like these are questions that are easily answered. Would you be able to hop on a call? Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. HUD-17-0235-B-001009 On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM HUD-17-0235-B-001010 To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001011 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Gimont, Stanley Wednesday, September 06, 2017 5:16 PM Kelley, Michael J; Richardson, Todd M Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Greenwood, Sheila M RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact When do you want to do it? Available now. From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:46 PM To: Gimont, Stanley ; Richardson, Todd M Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Dendas, Michael W ; Greenwood, Sheila M Subject: FW: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Stan/ToddPlease see email below CIR received from CBO. It seems like these are questions that are easily answered. Would you be able to hop on a call? Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. HUD-17-0235-B-001012 Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001013 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Robert Reese Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:50 PM Kelley, Michael J; Dunn, Tracey Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Thanks, Mike. -Robert From: Kelley, Michael J [mailto:Michael.J.Kelley@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:44 PM To: Dunn, Tracey; Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert- Let us look into this and get back to you. Also, I'm copying our Acting Assistant Secretary, Seth Appleton, for his awareness. Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, HUD-17-0235-B-001014 Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001015 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:46 PM Gimont, Stanley; Richardson, Todd M Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Greenwood, Sheila M FW: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Stan/ToddPlease see email below CIR received from CBO. It seems like these are questions that are easily answered. Would you be able to hop on a call? Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this HUD-17-0235-B-001016 email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001017 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:44 PM Dunn, Tracey; Robert Reese Dendas, Michael W; Appleton, Seth D RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert- Let us look into this and get back to you. Also, I'm copying our Acting Assistant Secretary, Seth Appleton, for his awareness. Thanks, Mike From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:03 PM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Adding our Deputy Assistant Secretary, Michael Kelley and removing Aaron who no longer works in CIR. On Sep 6, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Robert Reese wrote: Hi all, In anticipation of possible proposals for additional CDBG disaster funding I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some information about the fund's current balances and spending on prior disasters. In particular my questions are: 1. How much does the CDF have in unobligated disaster/emergency funding that is eligible to spend on 2017 disasters? 2. Of those funds has any already been allocated to Harvey relief? 3. Finally, do you have annual information (obligations and outlays) on the funds that were provided to the CDF after Sandy that you could share? Any information you could provide as soon as possible would be appreciated. You can also reach me by phone at my direct line 226.2871 if you'd like to discuss or need any clarifications on my questions. Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2860 (main) Please be aware that the information in this email may be confidential, privileged, or both. This email and related documents (including documents created or compiled in response to this email) are Congressional records, remain under Congressional control, and are not "agency records" subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other law. You should segregate this email and related documents from your agency's records, and you should not share or otherwise disclose this email or related documents without first discussing the matter with the Congressional Budget Office. HUD-17-0235-B-001018 From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 AM To: Robert Reese Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Santa Anna, Aaron Subject: RE: CBO Inquiry: CDBG Contact Hi Robert, Thank you for your email below. I also received your telephone message. I was on leave last week but back in the office now. Our Policy Advisor, Michael Dendas, and our Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aaron Santa Anna, are both copied in this email. Please let us know if you are still seeking the guidance on the CDBG program as noted in your email below. Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Robert Reese [mailto:Robert.Reese@cbo.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:33 AM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: CDBG Contact Hi Tracey, I'm the CBO analyst that covers the Community Development Block Grants program. I'm hoping to speak with someone about the current status of the program's funds and the effect of the President's proposal to eliminate funding for the program. Would you know who the best person would be for me to speak with? Thanks, Robert Robert Reese Congressional Budget Office Robert.Reese@cbo.gov | 202.226.2871 HUD-17-0235-B-001019 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dendas, Michael W Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:38 AM Foster, Helen G; Wright, Sandra J; Snowden, Deborah R Simpson, Kevin M; Appleton, Seth D RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials 2017-07-07. EEC Jeffries to Trump Org. HUD.PDF Sandy, do you have time to discuss the Congressional Request today? Originally, we discussed with Helen a bi-weekly document pull to cover the HUD related questions from the letter (again attached). Our understanding was that some documents would be readily available (what we have transmitted thus far) and that others would take months to access (archived emails and other older documents). We are expected to deliver the next round of documents to the Hill on Friday. Thank you, -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 6:31 AM To: Dendas, Michael W ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Simpson, Kevin M ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: Re: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials As I told you when we met, exec sec is happy to help coordinate searches, but we need for you to guide us as to what to look for. Sandy Wright has been leading this effort for us, and probably has the best perspective on what does and does not exist in terms of agency records. I am out of the office until September 26, but I am sure that between Sandy and Kevin they can get you whatever you need. Get Outlook for iOS From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 6:01:10 PM To: Foster, Helen G; Wright, Sandra J; Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Simpson, Kevin M; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials +Kevin (has been helping us scrub docs thus far) +Seth Helen, we are responsible for questions 5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14, and 15 of the attached letter (per our discussion and notes I passed along about a month ago). The documentation provided thus far does not seem to cover that full request. Can we set up a quick call tomorrow to review the information pull once again. Thank you, -Mike Dendas HUD-17-0235-B-001020 From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 1:30 PM To: Dendas, Michael W ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials We have no more materials. NY and Housing have both told us they have already provided everything they have that is responsive. Helen Goff Foster (202) 402-6836 From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:08 PM To: Foster, Helen G ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High I wanted to circle back on this request. I have attached the incoming letter. We are planning on responding on Friday with the latest document pull. Can we have the newest materials by noon tomorrow? Many thanks! -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 10:11 AM To: Wright, Sandra J ; Dendas, Michael W Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials To clarify, we have been told by Adam (our NY counterpart) that this represents all of the responsive documents we have been able to locate. Helen Goff Foster US Department of Housing and Urban Development (202) 402-6836 From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 7:56 AM To: Dendas, Michael W Cc: Foster, Helen G Subject: FW: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Good morning Mr. Dendas: HUD-17-0235-B-001021 Please see attached these are all that we have. Thanks, Sandra J. Wright FOIA Supervisor Office of the Executive Secretariat (202) 402-5510 From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:47 PM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Wright, Sandra J Subject: FW: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Helen, Here is Adam's response. I will be out of the office tomorrow. Sandi will be here to assist. Thanks Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Glantz, Adam Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:10 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Wright, Sandra J ; Santa, Dean J ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A ; Cestaro, Maria ; Holinaty, Claudette S Subject: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Hi Deborah, Nice speaking with you earlier. I spoke to our MFH Division who told me that they sent the attached documents to Walter Wynn in Multifamily Asset Management on July 26. We provided HQs with as many responsive documents in our possession as possible. I hope this is helpful. Best, adam HUD-17-0235-B-001022 Adam Glantz U.S Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Senior Management Analyst - Region II 26 Federal Plaza - Room 3541 New York, NY 10278 ___________________________ TELEPHONE: (212) 264-1100 CELL: (b) (6) FAX: (212) 264-0246 ADAM.GLANTZ@HUD.GOV HUD Region II is now on Twitter. Follow us @HUDNY_NJ HUD-17-0235-B-001023 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Foster, Helen G Wednesday, September 06, 2017 6:31 AM Dendas, Michael W; Wright, Sandra J; Snowden, Deborah R Simpson, Kevin M; Appleton, Seth D Re: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials As I told you when we met, exec sec is happy to help coordinate searches, but we need for you to guide us as to what to look for. Sandy Wright has been leading this effort for us, and probably has the best perspective on what does and does not exist in terms of agency records. I am out of the office until September 26, but I am sure that between Sandy and Kevin they can get you whatever you need. Get Outlook for iOS From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 6:01:10 PM To: Foster, Helen G; Wright, Sandra J; Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Simpson, Kevin M; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials +Kevin (has been helping us scrub docs thus far) +Seth Helen, we are responsible for questions 5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14, and 15 of the attached letter (per our discussion and notes I passed along about a month ago). The documentation provided thus far does not seem to cover that full request. Can we set up a quick call tomorrow to review the information pull once again. Thank you, -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 1:30 PM To: Dendas, Michael W ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials We have no more materials. NY and Housing have both told us they have already provided everything they have that is responsive. Helen Goff Foster (202) 402-6836 From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:08 PM To: Foster, Helen G ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R HUD-17-0235-B-001024 Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High I wanted to circle back on this request. I have attached the incoming letter. We are planning on responding on Friday with the latest document pull. Can we have the newest materials by noon tomorrow? Many thanks! -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 10:11 AM To: Wright, Sandra J ; Dendas, Michael W Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials To clarify, we have been told by Adam (our NY counterpart) that this represents all of the responsive documents we have been able to locate. Helen Goff Foster US Department of Housing and Urban Development (202) 402-6836 From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 7:56 AM To: Dendas, Michael W Cc: Foster, Helen G Subject: FW: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Good morning Mr. Dendas: Please see attached these are all that we have. Thanks, Sandra J. Wright FOIA Supervisor Office of the Executive Secretariat (202) 402-5510 From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:47 PM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Wright, Sandra J HUD-17-0235-B-001025 Subject: FW: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Helen, Here is Adam's response. I will be out of the office tomorrow. Sandi will be here to assist. Thanks Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Glantz, Adam Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:10 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Wright, Sandra J ; Santa, Dean J ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A ; Cestaro, Maria ; Holinaty, Claudette S Subject: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Hi Deborah, Nice speaking with you earlier. I spoke to our MFH Division who told me that they sent the attached documents to Walter Wynn in Multifamily Asset Management on July 26. We provided HQs with as many responsive documents in our possession as possible. I hope this is helpful. Best, adam Adam Glantz U.S Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Senior Management Analyst - Region II 26 Federal Plaza - Room 3541 New York, NY 10278 ___________________________ TELEPHONE: (212) 264-1100 CELL: (b) (6) FAX: (212) 264-0246 ADAM.GLANTZ@HUD.GOV HUD Region II is now on Twitter. Follow us @HUDNY_NJ HUD-17-0235-B-001026 D-17-0235-B-001027 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dendas, Michael W Tuesday, September 05, 2017 6:01 PM Foster, Helen G; Wright, Sandra J; Snowden, Deborah R Simpson, Kevin M; Appleton, Seth D RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials 2017-07-07. EEC Jeffries to Trump Org. HUD.PDF +Kevin (has been helping us scrub docs thus far) +Seth Helen, we are responsible for questions 5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14, and 15 of the attached letter (per our discussion and notes I passed along about a month ago). The documentation provided thus far does not seem to cover that full request. Can we set up a quick call tomorrow to review the information pull once again. Thank you, -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 1:30 PM To: Dendas, Michael W ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials We have no more materials. NY and Housing have both told us they have already provided everything they have that is responsive. Helen Goff Foster (202) 402-6836 From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:08 PM To: Foster, Helen G ; Wright, Sandra J ; Snowden, Deborah R Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High I wanted to circle back on this request. I have attached the incoming letter. We are planning on responding on Friday with the latest document pull. Can we have the newest materials by noon tomorrow? Many thanks! -Mike Dendas HUD-17-0235-B-001028 From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 10:11 AM To: Wright, Sandra J ; Dendas, Michael W Subject: RE: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials To clarify, we have been told by Adam (our NY counterpart) that this represents all of the responsive documents we have been able to locate. Helen Goff Foster US Department of Housing and Urban Development (202) 402-6836 From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 7:56 AM To: Dendas, Michael W Cc: Foster, Helen G Subject: FW: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Good morning Mr. Dendas: Please see attached these are all that we have. Thanks, Sandra J. Wright FOIA Supervisor Office of the Executive Secretariat (202) 402-5510 From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:47 PM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Wright, Sandra J Subject: FW: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Helen, Here is Adam's response. I will be out of the office tomorrow. Sandi will be here to assist. Thanks Deborah R. Snowden HUD-17-0235-B-001029 Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Glantz, Adam Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:10 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Wright, Sandra J ; Santa, Dean J ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A ; Cestaro, Maria ; Holinaty, Claudette S Subject: Congressional request re: Starrett City Correspondence/Financials Importance: High Hi Deborah, Nice speaking with you earlier. I spoke to our MFH Division who told me that they sent the attached documents to Walter Wynn in Multifamily Asset Management on July 26. We provided HQs with as many responsive documents in our possession as possible. I hope this is helpful. Best, adam Adam Glantz U.S Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Senior Management Analyst - Region II 26 Federal Plaza - Room 3541 New York, NY 10278 ___________________________ TELEPHONE: (212) 264-1100 CELL: (b) (6) FAX: (212) 264-0246 ADAM.GLANTZ@HUD.GOV HUD Region II is now on Twitter. Follow us @HUDNY_NJ HUD-17-0235-B-001030 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, August 28, 2017 9:06 AM Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx HUD-17-0235-B-001031 8-28-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 7/27/2017 Chairman Lamar Smith Committee on Science, Space and Technology Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing Cybersecurity Pollicies and Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CIO 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03197 8/8/2017 Cummings et al (18 members) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03349 Federal funds expended on products/services provided by businesses owned/affiliated with Trump organizations 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury Mike Dendas Rolling Production 8/11/2017: 1st production 8/25/2017: 2nd production Agency Coordination 8/9/2017: CIO (2) CDs Conference call w/OMB NIST organized Assigned to CIR All Agencies Whitehouse/OMB response draft ? HUD-17-0235-B-001032 8-28-17 Date Received Source Subject Program Of?ce Due date Status D-17-0235-B-001033 8-28-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Program Office PIH Due date 4/6/17 PIH 4/7/17 Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 7/5/2017 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its website at least six resources 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 (LGBTQ) 7/12/2017 Joyce Beatty et al CIR 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas Meeting w/SNAPS Request to lower FHA's annual MIP rates by 25 basis points Housing Housing (Vanessa Holley) w/GDAS Wade Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule CIR 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03202 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03084 8-28-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001034 8-28-17 8-28-17 D-17-0235-B-001035 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Cunningham, James A Friday, August 25, 2017 3:21 PM Barton, Victoria L; Kasper, Maren M; Brown, Jereon M Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Farrar-Wilson, Loualice RE: FOIA Inquiry I don't know how long the public posting will take so I would recommend sending the documents we have James A. Cunningham Deputy Regional Administrator Region V -The Midwest Chicago Regional Office 312.913.8139 From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Friday, August 18, 2017 8:40 AM To: Cunningham, James A ; Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J ; Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry +Loualice Jim- Should we have ExecSec send over the docs or inform Ethan that they will be posted publicly? Please advise on what we should do! Thank you, all. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Cunningham, James A Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:19 PM To: Barton, Victoria L ; Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry HUD-17-0235-B-001036 Just an FYI I think Molly FOIAed the same thing. We have received numerous requests for this info so FOIA regs require us to post this publicly. Our team in Region V is working on it. James A. Cunningham Deputy Regional Administrator Region V -The Midwest Chicago Regional Office 312.913.8139 From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 8:49 AM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M ; Cunningham, James A Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry +Maren +Jerry +Jim Please advise on next steps. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, HUD-17-0235-B-001037 I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. Best, Ethan HUD-17-0235-B-001038 Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001039 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Friday, August 25, 2017 9:10 AM Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Appleton, Seth D FW: Request for Summary of Protocol for Redacting PII Loualice- FYI. See below. Per our discussion this morning, we still need clarification from ExecSec on how to handle congressional casework inquiries with PII. Hopefully we can get Marcus to give us an answer next week. From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 12:02 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R ; Ludlow, Ashley ; Dendas, Michael W ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: RE: Request for Summary of Protocol for Redacting PII HUD has an encryption page and encryption FAQs, available on HUD at work -- http://hudatwork.hud.gov/HUD/cio/po/i/2010/encryption/index You may find the memo on protecting privacy through encryption helpful for your purpose. From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 11:44 AM To: Foster, Helen G Subject: Request for Summary of Protocol for Redacting PII Hi Helen, See below. Thanks Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Ludlow, Ashley Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 11:28 AM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Kelley, Michael J Subject: Request for Summary of Protocol for Redacting PII Hi Deborah, HUD-17-0235-B-001040 I am wondering if you might send us a paragraph or so summary of the protocol for redacting/encrypting personally identifiable information we receive in casework or inquiries from the Hill. Basically just looking for something we can share with the rest of the folks in CIR to ensure we have a strict process in place when these things come in. Most if not all of the casework we receive from the Hill contains social security numbers and many times is sent to the incorrect person in CIR. I know Exec Sec needs social security numbers for initial processing so is, for example, the first recipient of the sensitive information to send it to Exec Sec for processing, and then redact that PII before sharing it with the appropriate point person(s) in CIR? Or is there another process that you all suggest we follow? We typically route things to Loualice and Aretha first, who then send it over to Exec Sec for processing so does this change anything? Please send guidance we can share with the rest of the team to ensure we have a firm policy in place. Of course, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks, Ashley Ludlow Ashley Ludlow, Esq. Senior Advisor for Congressional Relations Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5963 | C: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001041 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Barton, Victoria L Friday, August 18, 2017 9:40 AM Cunningham, James A; Kasper, Maren M; Brown, Jereon M Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Farrar-Wilson, Loualice RE: FOIA Inquiry +Loualice Jim- Should we have ExecSec send over the docs or inform Ethan that they will be posted publicly? Please advise on what we should do! Thank you, all. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Cunningham, James A Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:19 PM To: Barton, Victoria L ; Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Just an FYI I think Molly FOIAed the same thing. We have received numerous requests for this info so FOIA regs require us to post this publicly. Our team in Region V is working on it. James A. Cunningham Deputy Regional Administrator Region V -The Midwest Chicago Regional Office 312.913.8139 From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 8:49 AM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M ; Cunningham, James A Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry HUD-17-0235-B-001042 +Maren +Jerry +Jim Please advise on next steps. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM HUD-17-0235-B-001043 To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. Best, Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001044 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Cunningham, James A Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:19 PM Barton, Victoria L; Kasper, Maren M; Brown, Jereon M Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J RE: FOIA Inquiry Just an FYI I think Molly FOIAed the same thing. We have received numerous requests for this info so FOIA regs require us to post this publicly. Our team in Region V is working on it. James A. Cunningham Deputy Regional Administrator Region V -The Midwest Chicago Regional Office 312.913.8139 From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 8:49 AM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M ; Cunningham, James A Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry +Maren +Jerry +Jim Please advise on next steps. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! HUD-17-0235-B-001045 From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. HUD-17-0235-B-001046 As always, I appreciate your time. Best, Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001047 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Barton, Victoria L Thursday, August 17, 2017 1:44 PM Kasper, Maren M; Brown, Jereon M; Cunningham, James A Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Farrar-Wilson, Loualice RE: FOIA Inquiry LoualiceCan you please share the requested documents with Mr. Ethan. Thank you! Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:49 AM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M ; Cunningham, James A Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry +Maren +Jerry +Jim Please advise on next steps. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM HUD-17-0235-B-001048 To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. HUD-17-0235-B-001049 Best, Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001050 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Barton, Victoria L Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:50 AM Kasper, Maren M; Brown, Jereon M; Cunningham, James A Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Farrar-Wilson, Loualice RE: FOIA Inquiry +Loualice Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:49 AM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Brown, Jereon M ; Cunningham, James A Cc: Appleton, Seth D ; Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry +Maren +Jerry +Jim Please advise on next steps. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry HUD-17-0235-B-001051 Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. Best, HUD-17-0235-B-001052 Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001053 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Barton, Victoria L Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:49 AM Kasper, Maren M; Brown, Jereon M; Cunningham, James A Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J FW: FOIA Inquiry PAL Request Form 17-01680.pdf +Maren +Jerry +Jim Please advise on next steps. Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist HUD-17-0235-B-001054 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. Best, Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001055 COMPLETE REQUEST SUBMISSION FORM BELOW BE SURE TO REVIEW ENTRIES PRIOR TO CLICKING THE SUBMIT BUTTON Requester Details To modify details click on "My Account" in the left panel. If the link is not available contact the FOIA Office to have the changes made. Mr. Matt Pearce National reporter Los Angeles Times 202 W. 1st St. Editorial Dept. / Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, CA 90004 (213) 237-7196 Phone matt.pearce@latimes.com Requester Default Category: News Media, Educational or NonCommerical Submit New Request Please complete all the required fields marked with an asterisk ( * ). Mailing Address for Response Update the Mailing Address below if you want your responsive records to be mailed to a different address then listed above. Street1 Street2 City State Country Zip Code 202 W. 1st St. Editorial Dept. / Los Angeles Times Los Angeles California United States 90004 Processing Details To submit a request select EXECUTI VE SECRETARI AT FOI A DI VI SI ON from the Service Center drop down list to submit a FOI A HUD-17-0235-B-001056 request. OFFI CE OF GENERAL COUNSEL from the Service Center drop down list to submit an Appeal. *Select Receiving Office HQ Action Office Instructions All FOIA Requests submitted through the Public Access Link (PAL) will be routed directly to the responding office. If you choose to send this request via mail instead of through this website the address is U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Freedom of Information Act Office, 451 7th Street, SW, Room 10139, Washington, DC 20410-3000. Check to Request Expedite Click here to review Expedite Processing requirements. Attachment Reason for Expedite Request Click here to review Requester Category Descriptions Requester Category News Media, Educational or NonCommerical Description of Request Attachment *Description of Records Request On June 22, 2017, U.S. Reps. Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner wrote to HUD Secretary Ben Carson requesting HUD provide the following documents to them by July 25, 2017: 1. A list of inspections and financial audits, or other reviews, conducted by HUD of the Alexander County (Ill.) Housing Authority going back to at least 1995; 2. Findings of the inspections and audits, and reviews, including physical inspection scores of the Elmwood and McBride buildings in Cairo, Ill.,; 3. Audits, inspections or reviews of Elmwood and McBride maintenance records; 4. and documents and communications relating to potential fraud, waste or abuse involving ACHA officials and employees. Date Range for Record Search Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request that copies of the responsive documents to this congressional request also be provided to me in electronic format, preferably via email at matt.pearce@latimes.com. Request Fees Click here to review Fee and Fee Waiver Details : (Minimum is 25.00). Not applicable for Appeals. Check to Request a Fee Waiver Attachment If Waiver Request Enter Reason Enter Willing Amount to Pay Checked I am a reporter working in the public interest, and these records will have already been searched for and reviewed by HUD in order to satisfy the congressional request. 25 If willing to pay more than the minimum required amount, please enter the amount in the field provided above. If the amount entered is expected to be exceeded you will be contacted by the FOIA Office. Willing to Pay All Fees HUD-17-0235-B-001057 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:45 AM Kelley, Michael J; Barton, Victoria L Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Re: FOIA Inquiry Loualice has the info so copying her. Get Outlook for iOS _____________________________ From: Kelley, Michael J Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:34 AM Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry To: Barton, Victoria L Cc: Appleton, Seth D Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM HUD-17-0235-B-001058 To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. Best, Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001059 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kelley, Michael J Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:35 AM Barton, Victoria L Appleton, Seth D FW: FOIA Inquiry PAL Request Form 17-01680.pdf Victoria- Forwarding this to you as discussed. Looks like this re: the Bost/Duffy/Etc. letter on ACHA. Can you contact Ethan? Thanks! From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:28 AM To: Kelley, Michael J Subject: FW: FOIA Inquiry Mr. Kelley, I've been directed to you from Aida Rodriguez in the Secretary's office. I'm looking to get a package of records for a FOIA request. This package was assembled in response to a Congressional request in July. I also spoke with Loualice Farrar-Wilson, who let me know that this inquiry is CTS control number 2017-AHFDEXEC-02659. Please see the attachment, and let me know if this is something that we can have sent over. Thanks in advance for all your help! Best, Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov From: Rodriguez, Aida N Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:10 AM To: Bodell, Ethan G Subject: RE: FOIA Inquiry Good morning, Please contact Michael Kelley in CIR and he will be able to assist with this request. Thank you, Aida HUD-17-0235-B-001060 From: Bodell, Ethan G Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 2:42 PM To: Rodriguez, Aida N Subject: FOIA Inquiry Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez, I have a FOIA request in that I was hoping you could look at. The requester mentions that Congress wrote to Secretary Carson and asked for some records to be provided by 7/25/17, and the requester is asking for copies of those same records. If this is something that was produced in the past, presumably we have it as a package ready to go. Do you know if that is the case? If so, is the Secretary's office in possession of this, or should I check elsewhere, like CIR? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. The request is attached. As always, I appreciate your time. Best, Ethan Ethan G. Bodell, Esq. Government Information Specialist U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Executive Secretariat FOIA Branch, Room 10139 (202) 402-3450 | ethan.g.bodell@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001061 COMPLETE REQUEST SUBMISSION FORM BELOW BE SURE TO REVIEW ENTRIES PRIOR TO CLICKING THE SUBMIT BUTTON Requester Details To modify details click on "My Account" in the left panel. If the link is not available contact the FOIA Office to have the changes made. Mr. Matt Pearce National reporter Los Angeles Times 202 W. 1st St. Editorial Dept. / Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, CA 90004 (213) 237-7196 Phone matt.pearce@latimes.com Requester Default Category: News Media, Educational or NonCommerical Submit New Request Please complete all the required fields marked with an asterisk ( * ). Mailing Address for Response Update the Mailing Address below if you want your responsive records to be mailed to a different address then listed above. Street1 Street2 City State Country Zip Code 202 W. 1st St. Editorial Dept. / Los Angeles Times Los Angeles California United States 90004 Processing Details To submit a request select EXECUTI VE SECRETARI AT FOI A DI VI SI ON from the Service Center drop down list to submit a FOI A HUD-17-0235-B-001062 request. OFFI CE OF GENERAL COUNSEL from the Service Center drop down list to submit an Appeal. *Select Receiving Office HQ Action Office Instructions All FOIA Requests submitted through the Public Access Link (PAL) will be routed directly to the responding office. If you choose to send this request via mail instead of through this website the address is U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Freedom of Information Act Office, 451 7th Street, SW, Room 10139, Washington, DC 20410-3000. Check to Request Expedite Click here to review Expedite Processing requirements. Attachment Reason for Expedite Request Click here to review Requester Category Descriptions Requester Category News Media, Educational or NonCommerical Description of Request Attachment *Description of Records Request On June 22, 2017, U.S. Reps. Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner wrote to HUD Secretary Ben Carson requesting HUD provide the following documents to them by July 25, 2017: 1. A list of inspections and financial audits, or other reviews, conducted by HUD of the Alexander County (Ill.) Housing Authority going back to at least 1995; 2. Findings of the inspections and audits, and reviews, including physical inspection scores of the Elmwood and McBride buildings in Cairo, Ill.,; 3. Audits, inspections or reviews of Elmwood and McBride maintenance records; 4. and documents and communications relating to potential fraud, waste or abuse involving ACHA officials and employees. Date Range for Record Search Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request that copies of the responsive documents to this congressional request also be provided to me in electronic format, preferably via email at matt.pearce@latimes.com. Request Fees Click here to review Fee and Fee Waiver Details : (Minimum is 25.00). Not applicable for Appeals. Check to Request a Fee Waiver Attachment If Waiver Request Enter Reason Enter Willing Amount to Pay Checked I am a reporter working in the public interest, and these records will have already been searched for and reviewed by HUD in order to satisfy the congressional request. 25 If willing to pay more than the minimum required amount, please enter the amount in the field provided above. If the amount entered is expected to be exceeded you will be contacted by the FOIA Office. Willing to Pay All Fees HUD-17-0235-B-001063 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, August 14, 2017 8:09 AM Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx Good Morning HUD-17-0235-B-001064 8-14-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 7/27/2017 Chairman Lamar Smith Committee on Science, Space and Technology Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing Cybersecurity Pollicies and Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CIO 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury Mike Dendas Rolling Production 8/11/2017: 1st production Agency Coordination 8/9/2017: CIO (2) CDs w/OMB 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03197 8/8/2017 Cummings et al (18 members) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03349 Federal funds expended on products/services provided by businesses owned/affiliated with Trump organizations All Agencies HUD-17-0235-B-001065 8-14-17 D-17-0235-B-001066 8-14-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 HECM - President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget regarding existing policy to keep seniors in their homes after death of their spouse CIR Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 5/31/17 Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Marco Rubio 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03200 7/5/2017 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its website at least six resources 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 (LGBTQ) 7/12/2017 Joyce Beatty et al CIR Mike Dendas OMB edits Secretary Signature 8/11/2017: Department Clearances w/Sheila Greenwood 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas Request to lower FHA's annual MIP rates by 25 basis points Housing Housing (Vanessa Holley) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule CIR 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03202 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar 8-14-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001067 8-14-17 Date Received Source Subject Program Office Due date Status 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03084 8-14-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001068 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dendas, Michael W Thursday, August 10, 2017 9:09 AM Foster, Helen G Snowden, Deborah R; Jih, Deena S; Appleton, Seth D RE: Weekly FOIA report +Seth I was able to find one thing in the report related to Starrett City but it was from a reporter. Thank you, -Mike Dendas From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 8:42 AM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Snowden, Deborah R ; Jih, Deena S Subject: RE: Weekly FOIA report Helen, what I am referring to is not a FOIA request but a Congressional request. The request asked for information regarding Starrett City (NYC) and we were running through the FOIA process. Seth and I met with you in your office a few weeks ago to discuss generating this report every two weeks. There doesn't appear to be anything in the report generated last evening related to Starrett City. -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 8:30 PM To: Dendas, Michael W Cc: Snowden, Deborah R ; Jih, Deena S Subject: Re: Weekly FOIA report Michael, this reports are automatically generated Weds morning and I send them out on Weds afternoon after I review them. We don't redacted PII because this information (essentially a FOIA log) is s frequently requested and must be released to the public (there is no unique privacy interest in who requested information under FOIA, or what information was requested, especially when Federal employees are named.) I apologize for the phone tag. I have been on annual leave since last week, but I am always available to you by cell. (b) (6) . You can also feel free to reach out to Deborah Snowden or Deena Jih with FOIA questions. They are the true SMEs at HUD. Get Outlook for iOS From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 2:23:29 PM To: Foster, Helen G Subject: RE: Weekly FOIA report HUD-17-0235-B-001069 Helen, I have two requests. Can we have another run of the documents today and can you put them through the process of redacting PII. Also, I have tried to call a few times over the last week and constantly get sent to VM, is there a better number to contact you on? Many thanks, -Mike Dendas From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 8:04 AM To: Dendas, Michael W Subject: Re: Weekly FOIA report I am sorry I missed you yesterday. Do you have time to chat this morning? I am open until 11am. Get Outlook for iOS From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 4:47:36 PM To: Foster, Helen G Subject: Re: Weekly FOIA report Helen, I actually have a call at 5:30 now. Can we do 5:15. Get Outlook for iOS From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 2:16:42 PM To: Foster, Helen G Subject: RE: Weekly FOIA report Nope, that works fine. From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 2:07 PM To: Dendas, Michael W Subject: Re: Weekly FOIA report I am out of the office for a meeting but should be back on line at around 530. Is that too late? Get Outlook for iOS From: Dendas, Michael W Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 1:49:23 PM To: Foster, Helen G Subject: RE: Weekly FOIA report HUD-17-0235-B-001070 Helen, can you give me a call when you can? I should be at my desk for most of the afternoon. Thank you. Mike Dendas Ext. 3761 From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 9:51 AM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Dendas, Michael W ; Eagles, David T ; Golrick, Janet M ; Greenwood, Sheila M ; Hughes, Andrew ; Petty, Timothy J ; Rodriguez, Aida N ; Simpson, Kevin M Subject: FW: Weekly FOIA report FOIA stakeholders: Attached please find our weekly reports. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. Helen Goff Foster (202) 402-6836 From: Wright, Sandra J Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 7:15 AM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Snowden, Deborah R ; Smallwood, Marcus R Subject: Weekly FOIA report Good morning: Attached are the weekly FOIA reports. Thanks, Sandra J. Wright FOIA Supervisor Office of the Executive Secretariat (202) 402-5510 HUD-17-0235-B-001071 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Forero, Jaime E Wednesday, August 09, 2017 10:25 AM Appleton, Seth D Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, we are meeting in our 2nd floor conference room #2116. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 10:02 AM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 And location is OFPM conf room right? From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:26 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Yes sir. No problem. Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:21 AM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Instead of slides, can I bring the relevant staffers in my office and they can introduce themselves and what regions they cover, what issues they are seeing that are important, etc? Wasn't sure on space in the conf room. Thanks! From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:23 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D HUD-17-0235-B-001072 Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Sounds like a plan. I'll send a couple of slides next week to LaShawn. From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:13 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, my thought is that you give an overview of your vision for your office. What kinds of activities are important to you and what our regional leaders can do to support your efforts. It's only a half hour so perhaps 15 minutes of presentation and 15 for a talk with them? I am sure they have questions to ask you. Sound ok? If you have any read ahead material, please send them to me so we can get out to them in advance. They are a great bunch and are eager to figure out how to best support your work. Please let me know if this answers your question or if you want to talk. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001073 From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 HUD-17-0235-B-001074 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001075 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Wednesday, August 09, 2017 10:02 AM Forero, Jaime E RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 And location is OFPM conf room right? From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:26 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Yes sir. No problem. Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:21 AM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Instead of slides, can I bring the relevant staffers in my office and they can introduce themselves and what regions they cover, what issues they are seeing that are important, etc? Wasn't sure on space in the conf room. Thanks! From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:23 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Sounds like a plan. I'll send a couple of slides next week to LaShawn. From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:13 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, my thought is that you give an overview of your vision for your office. What kinds of activities are important to you and what our regional leaders can do to support your efforts. It's only a half hour so perhaps 15 minutes of HUD-17-0235-B-001076 presentation and 15 for a talk with them? I am sure they have questions to ask you. Sound ok? If you have any read ahead material, please send them to me so we can get out to them in advance. They are a great bunch and are eager to figure out how to best support your work. Please let me know if this answers your question or if you want to talk. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 HUD-17-0235-B-001077 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff HUD-17-0235-B-001078 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001079 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Forero, Jaime E Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:26 AM Appleton, Seth D Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Yes sir. No problem. Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:21 AM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Instead of slides, can I bring the relevant staffers in my office and they can introduce themselves and what regions they cover, what issues they are seeing that are important, etc? Wasn't sure on space in the conf room. Thanks! From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:23 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Sounds like a plan. I'll send a couple of slides next week to LaShawn. From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:13 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, my thought is that you give an overview of your vision for your office. What kinds of activities are important to you and what our regional leaders can do to support your efforts. It's only a half hour so perhaps 15 minutes of presentation and 15 for a talk with them? I am sure they have questions to ask you. Sound ok? If you have any read ahead material, please send them to me so we can get out to them in advance. They are a great bunch and are eager to figure out how to best support your work. Please let me know if this answers your question or if you want to talk. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001080 From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero HUD-17-0235-B-001081 Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All HUD-17-0235-B-001082 Open Discussion 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001083 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:21 AM Forero, Jaime E Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Instead of slides, can I bring the relevant staffers in my office and they can introduce themselves and what regions they cover, what issues they are seeing that are important, etc? Wasn't sure on space in the conf room. Thanks! From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:23 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Sounds like a plan. I'll send a couple of slides next week to LaShawn. From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:13 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, my thought is that you give an overview of your vision for your office. What kinds of activities are important to you and what our regional leaders can do to support your efforts. It's only a half hour so perhaps 15 minutes of presentation and 15 for a talk with them? I am sure they have questions to ask you. Sound ok? If you have any read ahead material, please send them to me so we can get out to them in advance. They are a great bunch and are eager to figure out how to best support your work. Please let me know if this answers your question or if you want to talk. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth HUD-17-0235-B-001084 From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Welcome Time 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS HUD-17-0235-B-001085 Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001086 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dendas, Michael W Monday, August 07, 2017 6:12 PM Thompson, Caitlin H Appleton, Seth D RE: HUD response to request from Reps. Jeffries and Cummings office Caitlin, we have contacted the staff for both offices and are working through the response on a rolling basis. We are handling this like a FOIA request, but it is not actually a FOIA request. HUD's infrastructure is just set up to handle it as such. Due to the large amount of information requested, and the length we have to go back, we are providing documents on a rolling basis as we continue to collect the info. Not sure if that is the answer you need, glad to discuss more this week. -Mike Dendas From: Thompson, Caitlin H Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 7:48 AM To: Dendas, Michael W Subject: FW: HUD response to request from Reps. Jeffries and Cummings office Hey there! Have ya'll been following the Starrett City development letter? Trying to find out where we are on this so I can answer the media response, below. Thanks! From: Nicole Sue Lafond [mailto:nsl2118@columbia.edu] Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2017 5:12 PM To: Thompson, Caitlin H Subject: Fwd: HUD response to request from Reps. Jeffries and Cummings office Hi Caitlin, I hope you are well. Do you think you could help me out with my media request below? I see Raphael is out of town. Thank you for your time! Nicole ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Nicole Sue Lafond Date: Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 5:07 PM Subject: HUD response to request from Reps. Jeffries and Cummings office To: Raphael.L.Williams@hud.gov Good evening Raphael, I hope you are doing well. My name is Nicole Lafond and I am a reporter and grad student at Columbia University. I am reaching out because I have a quick question about the letter Reps. Elijah Cummings and Hakeem Jeffries sent HUD about a month ago, related to the Starrett City development in NYC. I saw they asked for a response or some documents by July 28. Did HUD meet that deadline or do you know if the Department is planning to respond to the inquiry? I was just curious if I could get a statement from your office related to this matter. Let me know. Thank you for your time! Nicole HUD-17-0235-B-001087 -Nicole Lafond Graduate student, Columbia University (b) (6) -Nicole Lafond Graduate student, Columbia University (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001088 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Appleton, Seth D Monday, August 07, 2017 10:32 AM Ludlow, Ashley Fwd: Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx Can you update tracker for Secretary and send me draft at your convenience? Thanks! Get Outlook for iOS From: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 8:18:37 AM To: Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Cc: Boswell, Aretha T Subject: Oversight and Priority Correspondence Good Morning HUD-17-0235-B-001089 8-7-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 7/27/2017 Chairman Lamar Smith Committee on Science, Space and Technology Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton Cybersecurity Pollicies and Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) OGC OCHCO Housing CIO 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury Mike Dendas Rolling Production Agency Coordination 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03197 HUD-17-0235-B-001090 8-7-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 HECM - President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget regarding existing policy to keep seniors in their homes after death of their spouse Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CIR Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 5/31/17 6/13/17 Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Marco Rubio 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03200 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks CPD Mike Dendas OMB edits Secretary Signature? 6/30/2017 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 7/5/2017 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02659 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its 7/25/2017 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary Meeting w/SNAPS Draft w/Seth Appleton 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 8-7-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001091 8-7-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7/12/2017 Joyce Beatty et al Subject website at least six resources (LGBTQ) Request to lower FHA's annual MIP rates by 25 basis points Program Office Due date Status Housing (Vanessa Holley) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03202 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03084 8-7-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001092 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, August 07, 2017 8:19 AM Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Boswell, Aretha T Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx Good Morning HUD-17-0235-B-001093 8-7-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 7/27/2017 Chairman Lamar Smith Committee on Science, Space and Technology Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton Cybersecurity Pollicies and Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) OGC OCHCO Housing CIO 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury Mike Dendas Rolling Production Agency Coordination 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03197 HUD-17-0235-B-001094 8-7-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 HECM - President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget regarding existing policy to keep seniors in their homes after death of their spouse Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CIR Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 5/31/17 6/13/17 Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Marco Rubio 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03200 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks CPD Mike Dendas OMB edits Secretary Signature? 6/30/2017 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 7/5/2017 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02659 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its 7/25/2017 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary Meeting w/SNAPS Draft w/Seth Appleton 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 8-7-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001095 8-7-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7/12/2017 Joyce Beatty et al Subject website at least six resources (LGBTQ) Request to lower FHA's annual MIP rates by 25 basis points Program Office Due date Status Housing (Vanessa Holley) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03202 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-03084 8-7-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001096 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Friday, August 04, 2017 1:23 PM Forero, Jaime E Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Sounds like a plan. I'll send a couple of slides next week to LaShawn. From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:13 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, my thought is that you give an overview of your vision for your office. What kinds of activities are important to you and what our regional leaders can do to support your efforts. It's only a half hour so perhaps 15 minutes of presentation and 15 for a talk with them? I am sure they have questions to ask you. Sound ok? If you have any read ahead material, please send them to me so we can get out to them in advance. They are a great bunch and are eager to figure out how to best support your work. Please let me know if this answers your question or if you want to talk. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. HUD-17-0235-B-001097 Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A 11:30 - 11:45 HUD-17-0235-B-001098 BREAK 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001099 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Forero, Jaime E Friday, August 04, 2017 1:13 PM Appleton, Seth D Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, my thought is that you give an overview of your vision for your office. What kinds of activities are important to you and what our regional leaders can do to support your efforts. It's only a half hour so perhaps 15 minutes of presentation and 15 for a talk with them? I am sure they have questions to ask you. Sound ok? If you have any read ahead material, please send them to me so we can get out to them in advance. They are a great bunch and are eager to figure out how to best support your work. Please let me know if this answers your question or if you want to talk. Thanks, Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 HUD-17-0235-B-001100 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis HUD-17-0235-B-001101 FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001102 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Friday, August 04, 2017 1:01 PM Forero, Jaime E Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Jamie, Can you give me a sense of what you would like me to cover? Thanks! Seth From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime HUD-17-0235-B-001103 Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All HUD-17-0235-B-001104 AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001105 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Barton, Victoria L Tuesday, August 01, 2017 2:58 PM Appleton, Seth D FW: ACHA FOIA Wilson FOIA.pdf FYI Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Cunningham, James A Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 2:55 PM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Narode, Dane M ; Spencer, Carol C ; Minor, Courtney B ; Smyth, Timothy M ; Sung, Philip E ; Beaudette, James M ; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Wize, Kimberly ; Christopher, Nancy D ; Mills, Krista ; Reames, Lindsey S ; Borum, Mark G ; Petty, Timothy J ; Stayanovich, Jason E ; Golrick, Janet M ; Forrester, Althea M ; Brown, Jereon M ; Macon, Towanda S ; Shank, Rebecca H ; Barton, Victoria L ; Lash, Jonathan M ; Thompson, Amy C ; Woll Jr, David C Subject: ACHA FOIA Just for everyone's awareness we received the attached FOIA request from James Wilson (former ED at ACHA) We will process normally unless advised differently. Jim James A. Cunningham Deputy Regional Administrator Region V -The Midwest Chicago Regional Office 312.913.8139 HUD-17-0235-B-001106 FOIA REQUEST **Note to Requester: Retain a copy of this request for your files. If you eventually need to file a Request for Review with the Public Access Counselor, you will need to submit a copy of your FOIA request** -:.:T#/11 f'5 C (//Ut1fI Jt/f-h /Jq/ . ,tJG,,lo/;t t'ftcC-/aNtJI4:cbrt'1wSflfRJA t/,5?_ ,t?,,r;//, ,J/=-- JlvlJ - 7? /4J, T/JC/rstN' ,t!/11cl S t1t'l-e,;ttf' tJtfCd1otlco l . z;:/. tr4 to&-l,,f/11 rA<:/dA/lt1o/. / /;V /4 ///) /1?/7),f(J;v{'f 7b ~

; Brown, Jereon M ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A ; Mills, Krista Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Thank you, JaimeThere's some chance I will be out of town but I'm copying Krista Mills, who might represent us on AFFH. Bryan From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD-17-0235-B-001109 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001110 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001111 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Forero, Jaime E Monday, July 31, 2017 4:35 PM Appleton, Seth D Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Seth, Outstanding! Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it. I have copied LaShawn Douglas from our team who can assist with anything you require. We look forward to you being a part of the meeting. Jaime 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM To: Forero, Jaime E Subject: RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST HUD-17-0235-B-001112 Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001113 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Greene, Bryan Monday, July 31, 2017 4:34 PM Forero, Jaime E; Brown, Jereon M; Appleton, Seth D Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D; Kelly, Holly A; Mills, Krista RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Thank you, JaimeThere's some chance I will be out of town but I'm copying Krista Mills, who might represent us on AFFH. Bryan From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future HUD-17-0235-B-001114 FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001115 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Monday, July 31, 2017 4:32 PM Forero, Jaime E RE: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Happy to do it, Jaime. Thanks! From: Forero, Jaime E Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; Greene, Bryan ; Appleton, Seth D Cc: Bregon, Nelson R ; Douglas, Lashawn N ; Routt, Lora D ; Kelly, Holly A Subject: DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 HUD-17-0235-B-001116 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001117 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Forero, Jaime E Monday, July 31, 2017 4:25 PM Brown, Jereon M; Greene, Bryan; Appleton, Seth D Bregon, Nelson R; Douglas, Lashawn N; Routt, Lora D; Kelly, Holly A DRA VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 Gentleman, on Thursday August 10th OFPM will be conducting a daylong VTC based meeting with our Deputy Regional Administrators. I have taken the liberty of blocking off 1/2 hour for each of you should you choose to present updates to the DRAs. Typically, we bring the DRAs in for a couple of days every quarter for program updates. However, given our budget situation we are going to try this modality for two quarters. Please let me know if you will be participating. Best Regards, Jaime Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute 12:00 - 12:30 Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) o o Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff FY2017 LOP Updates: Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update HUD-17-0235-B-001118 Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A LUNCH 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements Open Discussion/Q&A OPA Update (Tentative) CIR/OPE Update (Tentative) AFFH Update (Tentative) Open Discussion 2:15 - 2:30 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff All All All All ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-B-001119 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ludlow, Ashley Monday, July 31, 2017 12:45 PM Appleton, Seth D RE: Oversight and Priority Correspondence CIR Correspondence Tracker.docx Seth - Revised Correspondence Tracker is attached. Thanks! Ashley Ludlow Senior Advisor for Congressional Relations Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5963 | C: (b) (6) From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 3:18 PM To: Ludlow, Ashley Subject: FW: Oversight and Priority Correspondence Here is the latest version from Loualice of the report correspondence runs. We should integrate this with your draft early next week. I think we are very close to being done on this one. From: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 3:08 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: Oversight and Priority Correspondence Per your request. HUD-17-0235-B-001120 HUD Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations Correspondence Tracker Date Source Received 1/30/17 Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Program Office OCHCO OGC Point of Contact Due Date Status Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, and Representatives Serrano and Valezquez Representative Velazquez & 10 other Members, and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary NYCHA - concern over decrease to operating expense reimbursements for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH Executive branch-wide correspondence; interim response dated 2/7/17; advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH Response drafted (sent?) NYCHA - concern over HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH Responses drafted (sent?) Status of HUD's financial management system projects - addressing prior OIG and GAO audits CFO CIO 4/3/17 Representative Hensarling on behalf of HFSC FOIA - request for confirmation of policy re production of HUD/HSFC documents under FOIA FOIA OGC 5/4/17: Email (expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) Dated 5/3/17 5/4/17: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury 5/17/17 Senator Kaine 5/19/17 Senators Johnson & McCaskill, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Senator Warner Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request Unobligated Funds - request for accounting of HUD's unobligated funds 3/13/17 3/15/17 3/24/17 5/23/17 5/31/17 Senators Cortez Masto and Rubio Beach-Head - request for information regarding HUD's beach head team (e.g., list of names and official roles) Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request HECM/FY 2018 Budget - inquiry about proposed changes to Section 223 of the HUD General Provisions in the President's budget, which would amend language in the National Housing Act OCFO SA Approved by CIR on 7/28 Response drafted (sent?) CIR MD At OMB; hopefully back to HUD 7/19 1 HUD-17-0235-B-001121 6/2/17 6/12/17 Rep. Hartzler and 20 other Members - addressed to POTUS, SOHUD cc'd Rep. Mark Walker 6/13/17 Representative Issa & 22 other Members (8 HFSC Members) 6/22/17 Representatives Bost, Duffy, Palmer, and Wagner 7/5/17 Senator Cortez-Masto & 29 other Senators (5 Banking Members) 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight 7/12/17 Congresswoman Joyce Beatty & 20 other members (16 HCFS Members) Senator Lee & 11 other Senators, and Representative Gosar and 6 other Members 7/14/17 7/20/17 Senators Duckworth & Durbin 7/27/17 Rep. Lamar Smith, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology pertaining to safeguards which protect widows and widowers from displacement Sex/Gender - request to rescind regulations and guidance redefining sex to include gender identity LBPHC Grant Program - letter in support of application by City of Greensboro for funding under HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program Housing First - concern over preference for Housing First model over other programs Cairo - Request for inspections and audits re ACHA, and the Elmwood and McBride buildings, etc. LGBTQ Housing - withdrawal of anti-LGBTQ discrimination poster and survey; removal of guide re equal access for transgender people and shelter self-assessment tool from HUD website Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/Lynne Patton Response drafted CPD 7/3/17: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine; per CIR/MD awaiting instruction from SOHUD VB CIR MD OGC OCHCO Housing SA Annual MIP Cut - request to lower FHA's annual MIP rates by 25 basis points AFFH - request to rescind AFFH rule in its entirety; concern re HUD's ability to withhold federal funding from jurisdictions whose housing plans to not conform to "disparate impact theory"; reach of federal government too expansive to detriment of local governments Cairo - request for additional information re TPVs, HUD internal investigation, investigative referrals, and tenant information Kaspersky Lab - request for documents related to Kaspersky Lab VB 7/28/17 CIR talked to Exec Sec, who is working on request; SA talked to both Congressional Offices VB CIR MD VB 8/11/17 2 HUD-17-0235-B-001122 7/28/17 Rep. Cedric Richmond (Chair, Congressional Black Caucus) and 32 other Members Budget Cuts - concern over effect of budget cuts on constituencies living in public housing 3 HUD-17-0235-B-001123 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Hardy IV, Stanley Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:15 PM Ludlow, Ashley; Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Dendas, Michael W; Farrar-Wilson, Loualice; Boswell, Aretha T; Dunn, Tracey; Barton, Victoria L; Burley, Michael N FYI: Shareable Information Guidance from the HUD FOIA Officer FYI From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:50 PM To: Hardy IV, Stanley Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: Re: Essex Village letter We are free to make any information we choose public if it furthers our mission with 3 important exceptions: 1) personally identifiable information 2). Privileged information 3) Business confidential information (i.e. Information businesses are required to give us about their business in order to receive benefits or service. Here, the name and address of the recipient appears to be a business and an individual acting in his business capacity, so it is not PII. The same analysis applies to the signatory and the other hud employee mentioned. So they do NOT need to be redacted for release. Nothing else here would be subject to privilege or be considered business confidential so this letter can be released in full. If you choose to do that please let me know do we can post it in our FOIA reading room after its release. It cuts down on the number of repeat requests we may get. Warm Regards, Helen Get Outlook for iOS From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:06:11 AM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J; Burley, Michael N Subject: FW: Essex Village letter Helen: The attached letter was sent to the private owner of a Multi-family property and to the congressional office. We are coordinating with the affected County to have a conference call and go over HUD's actions. Is the attached letter releasable/ public information? Are there guidelines as to what can and cannot be shared from the Department? Thanks! Stanley Hardy Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development HUD-17-0235-B-001124 Washington, DC Office: (202) 402-6713 Cell: (6) D-17-0235-B-001125 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Wednesday, August 30, 2017 2:33 PM Dunn, Tracey Hardy IV, Stanley; Burley, Michael N; Appleton, Seth D RE: Essex Village letter Thank you Tracey. From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:10 PM To: Kelley, Michael J Cc: Hardy IV, Stanley ; Burley, Michael N ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: Re: Essex Village letter I already did. I spoke to Rep. Brat's LA by phone yesterday morning. On Aug 30, 2017, at 12:58 PM, Kelley, Michael J wrote: Stanley/MikeI'll leave it to you guys on when to send the letter to the County before the call next week. Tracey- Please let Rep. Brat's staff know that HUD will be providing the County with a copy of the letter prior to the conference call. Thanks all! From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:54 PM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: RE: Essex Village letter Will do. Thanks! -SH From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:50 PM To: Hardy IV, Stanley Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: Re: Essex Village letter We are free to make any information we choose public if it furthers our mission with 3 important exceptions: 1) personally identifiable information 2). Privileged information HUD-17-0235-B-001126 3) Business confidential information (i.e. Information businesses are required to give us about their business in order to receive benefits or service. Here, the name and address of the recipient appears to be a business and an individual acting in his business capacity, so it is not PII. The same analysis applies to the signatory and the other hud employee mentioned. So they do NOT need to be redacted for release. Nothing else here would be subject to privilege or be considered business confidential so this letter can be released in full. If you choose to do that please let me know do we can post it in our FOIA reading room after its release. It cuts down on the number of repeat requests we may get. Warm Regards, Helen Get Outlook for iOS From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:06:11 AM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J; Burley, Michael N Subject: FW: Essex Village letter Helen: The attached letter was sent to the private owner of a Multi-family property and to the congressional office. We are coordinating with the effected County to have a conference call and go over HUD's actions. Is the attached letter releasable/ public information? Are there guidelines as to what can and cannot be shared from the Department? Thanks! Stanley Hardy Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: (202) 402-6713 Cell: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001127 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dunn, Tracey Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:10 PM Kelley, Michael J Hardy IV, Stanley; Burley, Michael N; Appleton, Seth D Re: Essex Village letter I already did. I spoke to Rep. Brat's LA by phone yesterday morning. On Aug 30, 2017, at 12:58 PM, Kelley, Michael J wrote: Stanley/MikeI'll leave it to you guys on when to send the letter to the County before the call next week. Tracey- Please let Rep. Brat's staff know that HUD will be providing the County with a copy of the letter prior to the conference call. Thanks all! From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:54 PM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: RE: Essex Village letter Will do. Thanks! -SH From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:50 PM To: Hardy IV, Stanley Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: Re: Essex Village letter We are free to make any information we choose public if it furthers our mission with 3 important exceptions: 1) personally identifiable information 2). Privileged information 3) Business confidential information (i.e. Information businesses are required to give us about their business in order to receive benefits or service. Here, the name and address of the recipient appears to be a business and an individual acting in his business capacity, so it is not PII. The same analysis applies to the signatory and the other hud employee mentioned. So they do NOT need to be redacted for release. Nothing else here would be subject to privilege or be considered business confidential so this letter can be released in full. If you choose to do that please let me know do we can post it in our FOIA reading room after its release. It cuts down on the number of repeat requests we may get. HUD-17-0235-B-001128 Warm Regards, Helen Get Outlook for iOS From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:06:11 AM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J; Burley, Michael N Subject: FW: Essex Village letter Helen: The attached letter was sent to the private owner of a Multi-family property and to the congressional office. We are coordinating with the effected County to have a conference call and go over HUD's actions. Is the attached letter releasable/ public information? Are there guidelines as to what can and cannot be shared from the Department? Thanks! Stanley Hardy Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: (202) 402-6713 Cell: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001129 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, Michael J Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:58 PM Hardy IV, Stanley Burley, Michael N; Appleton, Seth D; Dunn, Tracey RE: Essex Village letter Stanley/MikeI'll leave it to you guys on when to send the letter to the County before the call next week. Tracey- Please let Rep. Brat's staff know that HUD will be providing the County with a copy of the letter prior to the conference call. Thanks all! From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:54 PM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: RE: Essex Village letter Will do. Thanks! -SH From: Foster, Helen G Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 12:50 PM To: Hardy IV, Stanley Cc: Kelley, Michael J ; Burley, Michael N Subject: Re: Essex Village letter We are free to make any information we choose public if it furthers our mission with 3 important exceptions: 1) personally identifiable information 2). Privileged information 3) Business confidential information (i.e. Information businesses are required to give us about their business in order to receive benefits or service. Here, the name and address of the recipient appears to be a business and an individual acting in his business capacity, so it is not PII. The same analysis applies to the signatory and the other hud employee mentioned. So they do NOT need to be redacted for release. Nothing else here would be subject to privilege or be considered business confidential so this letter can be released in full. If you choose to do that please let me know do we can post it in our FOIA reading room after its release. It cuts down on the number of repeat requests we may get. Warm Regards, Helen Get Outlook for iOS HUD-17-0235-B-001130 From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:06:11 AM To: Foster, Helen G Cc: Kelley, Michael J; Burley, Michael N Subject: FW: Essex Village letter Helen: The attached letter was sent to the private owner of a Multi-family property and to the congressional office. We are coordinating with the effected County to have a conference call and go over HUD's actions. Is the attached letter releasable/ public information? Are there guidelines as to what can and cannot be shared from the Department? Thanks! Stanley Hardy Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: (202) 402-6713 Cell: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001131 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Tuesday, August 29, 2017 12:02 PM Appleton, Seth D RE: Request for correspondence guidance Departmental Correspondence Handbook.pdf Seth, Attached is the Correspondence style guide that all offices follow. Not sure where the guidance below came from. In some instances, the signatory person has their own preferences. From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 11:37 AM To: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Subject: FW: Request for correspondence guidance Who authored the "current guidance" and is enforcing it? Is that ExecSec? From: Barton, Victoria L Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 11:34 AM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FW: Request for correspondence guidance Can you help clarify what the standard will be for the following new guidances CPD has been receiving? Not sure where this direction is coming from... Victoria Barton Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC Office: 202.402.5957 | Fax: 202.708.3707 | Cell: (b) (6) From: Parker, Tennille S Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 11:32 AM To: Barton, Victoria L Subject: Request for correspondence guidance Hi Victoria, Thanks for following up on this item. In each of the circumstances described below, correspondence has been returned to us to implement the Current Guidance. While relatively minor, CIR's publication of correspondence guidance (including clarifying any of the examples below) will help expedite responses to Congressional inquiries. I must give credit to our program support specialist (administrative staff) for pointing these out to me. Item Use of "HUD" in correspondence Current Correspondence Guidance Must write out Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Historic Correspondence Guidance Published HUD Correspondence Handbook (page I-5, letter H) specifically indicates NEVER write HUD HUD-17-0235-B-001132 Use of "HUD" and "Department" Reference to authoring program office Unclear. We have written "Department" has been replaced with "HUD" and vice versa, with no rationale for the change Unclear. All three of the following have been approved: in parentheses after spelling out the entire name of the Department HUD Correspondence Handbook suggests use "Department" and "HUD" interchangeably Write "The following information is from the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of 1) Write "The following information Community Planning and is from HUD's Office of Community Development" as the concluding Planning and Development" or sentence of the opening paragraph. 2)Write "The following information is from the Department's Office of Community Planning and Development" as the concluding sentence of the opening paragraph. Spacing/Returns Untimely Correspondence 3) "The following information is from the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Community Planning and Development" as the concluding sentence of the opening paragraph." Unclear about number of hard returns beneath letterhead. Two hard returns beneath letterhead heading Indent three spaces for the "Signature" closing If the incoming letter is dated more than 30 days ago, write "Thank you for your recent letter..." Indent two spaces for the "Signature" closing If the incoming letter is dated more than 60 days ago, write "Thank you for your recent letter..." Tennille Smith Parker Director, Disaster Recovery and Special Issues Division Office of Block Grant Assistance U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 451 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20410 Phone: (202) 402-4649 Cell: (b) (6) https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg-dr/ HUD-17-0235-B-001133 FOREWORD The purpose of the Departmental Correspondence Handbook is to provide specific guidelines to: (1) assist in responding as quickly and efficiently as possible to correspondence that the Department of Housing and Urban Development receives from a variety of federal, state, and local government officials and other parties, including private citizens; and (2) assist in preparing memoranda and other internal correspondence. Being responsive to the needs of correspondence received from the outside is central to the Department's mission, and those responses must be timely and in plain English. All employees are required to use this handbook in the preparation of correspondence, both in responding to external correspondence and in drafting internal correspondence. By following the guidance outlined in this handbook, the correspondence process will be expedited. Suggestions on improvement of the process are welcome and may be submitted via the Executive Secretariat website, http://hudatwork.hud.gov/po/es/, for consideration. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2221.1 REV-7 i 3/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001134 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. PREPARING CORRESPONDENCE...................................................................I-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 Purpose....................................................................................................................................I-1 Use. ..........................................................................................................................................I-1 Policies for Originators..........................................................................................................I-1 Control of Correspondence...................................................................................................1-5 Questions ................................................................................................................................1-5 Chapter I Exhibits...........................................................................................................................1-6 Sample Form Letter...................................................................................................................1-7 CHAPTER II. LETTERS ..............................................................................................................II-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 Purpose....................................................................................................................................II-1 Use. ..........................................................................................................................................II-1 Stationery and Printer Requirements..................................................................................II-1 Type Style. ..............................................................................................................................II-1 Margins. ..................................................................................................................................II-1 Date..........................................................................................................................................II-2 Addressing a Letter................................................................................................................II-2 Salutation................................................................................................................................II-3 Body of a Letter......................................................................................................................II-3 Complimentary Close.............................................................................................................II-3 Signature Element. .................................................................................................................II-3 Enclosure Notation. ................................................................................................................II-4 Courtesy Copy Notation.........................................................................................................II-4 Proofreading............................................................................................................................II-4 Concurrence/Clearance/Dispatch .........................................................................................II-4 Accommodating Persons with Disabilities and Persons with Limited English Proficiency ............................................................................................................................II-4 Chapter II Exhibits ..........................................................................................................................II-5 Structural Elements of a Letter ................................................................................................II-6 Letter with Joint Signatures .....................................................................................................II-7 CHAPTER III. MEMORANDUMS..............................................................................................III-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 Purpose....................................................................................................................................III-1 Use. ..........................................................................................................................................III-1 Stationery and Printer Requirements..................................................................................III-1 Type Style. ..............................................................................................................................III-1 Margins. ..................................................................................................................................III-1 Date..........................................................................................................................................III-2 Memorandum For Line.........................................................................................................III-2 Attention Line.........................................................................................................................III-2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2221.1 REV-7 i 3/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001135 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 Through Line..........................................................................................................................III-2 From Line...............................................................................................................................III-3 Subject Line. ..........................................................................................................................III-3 Body of a Memorandum. ......................................................................................................III-3 Attachment Notation.............................................................................................................III-4 Courtesy Copy Notation. ......................................................................................................III-4 Approval Block......................................................................................................................III-4 Concurrence Block................................................................................................................III-4 Proofreading..........................................................................................................................III-5 Concurrence/Clearance/Dispatch. ......................................................................................III-5 Chapter III Exhibits ........................................................................................................................III-6 Structural Elements of a Memorandum ..................................................................................III-7 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Top .......................................................................III-8 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Bottom..................................................................III-9 Memorandum with Addressee List Attached .........................................................................III-10 Memorandum with Joint Signatures .......................................................................................III-12 CHAPTER IV. SECRETARIAL CORRESPONDENCE ..........................................................IV-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 Purpose....................................................................................................................................IV-1 Use. ..........................................................................................................................................IV-1 Stationery and Printer Requirements..................................................................................IV-1 Type Style. ..............................................................................................................................IV-2 Margins ...................................................................................................................................IV-2 Date .........................................................................................................................................IV-2 Letter for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary Signature.................................................IV-2 Memorandum for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's Signature................................IV-4 Action Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary ............................................IV-6 Information Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. ..................................IV-9 Chapter IV Exhibits.........................................................................................................................IV-11 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Secretary's Signature...............................................IV-12 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Deputy Secretary's Signature .................................IV-13 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Secretary's Signature.................................IV-14 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's Signature ...................IV-15 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Top .............................IV-16 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Bottom .......................IV-17 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List Attached ...............................IV-18 Action Memorandum to the Secretary .....................................................................................IV-20 Action Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary ........................................................................IV-23 Information Memorandum to the Secretary............................................................................IV-25 Information Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary ..............................................................IV-27 CHAPTER V. WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE ............................................................V-1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2221.1 REV-7 ii 3/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001136 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 Purpose....................................................................................................................................V-1 Use. ..........................................................................................................................................V-1 Control of Correspondence...................................................................................................V-1 Preparing White House Correspondence. ...........................................................................V-2 Concurrence/Clearance/Dispatch.........................................................................................V-3 CHAPTER VI. CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE ....................................................VI-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 Purpose....................................................................................................................................VI-1 Use. ..........................................................................................................................................VI-1 Control of Correspondence...................................................................................................VI-1 Stationery and Printer Requirements..................................................................................VI-2 Type Style. ..............................................................................................................................VI-2 Margins. ..................................................................................................................................VI-2 Date..........................................................................................................................................VI-2 Addressing Letters to Members of Congress. .....................................................................VI-3 Salutation................................................................................................................................VI-4 Body of a Congressional Letter. ............................................................................................VI-4 Complimentary Close.............................................................................................................VI-4 Signature Element. .................................................................................................................VI-4 Enclosure Notation. ................................................................................................................VI-4 Courtesy Copy Notation.........................................................................................................VI-5 Envelopes.................................................................................................................................VI-5 Proofreading............................................................................................................................VI-5 Concurrence/Clearance/Dispatch .........................................................................................VI-7 Congressional Committees and Subcommittees ..................................................................VI-6 Chapter VI Exhibits.........................................................................................................................VI-7 Letter Addressed to a Senator from The Secretary................................................................VI-8 Letter Addressed to a Senator from an Assistant Secretary..................................................VI-9 Letter to a Representative from an Assistant Secretary ........................................................VI-10 APPENDIX A. MODELS OF ADDRESS ....................................................................................A-1 General Rules for Addressing Correspondence............................................................................A-1 Guidelines for Addressing Correspondence..................................................................................A-2 The White House..............................................................................................................................A-3 The Cabinet ......................................................................................................................................A-4 Cabinet Rank Members ..................................................................................................................A-6 The Federal Judiciary......................................................................................................................A-7 The Congress ....................................................................................................................................A-8 Legislative Agencies .........................................................................................................................A-12 Executive Departments and Independent Agencies......................................................................A-13 American Missions...........................................................................................................................A-15 Foreign Diplomatic Missions to the United States ........................................................................A-15 International Organizations............................................................................................................A-16 State and Local Governments.........................................................................................................A-17 Clergy ................................................................................................................................................A-19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2221.1 REV-7 iii 3/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001137 Education Officials...........................................................................................................................A-21 Physicians and Lawyers ..................................................................................................................A-22 Multiple Addressees.........................................................................................................................A-23 Miscellaneous Addressees ...............................................................................................................A-24 Military Service Personnel ..............................................................................................................A-25 Service Academy Members.............................................................................................................A-25 Tribal Leaders..................................................................................................................................A-26 APPENDIX B. STATE AND TERRITORY ABBREVIATION TABLE .................................B-1 APPENDIX C. SUBPARAGRAPHS ............................................................................................C-1 APPENDIX D. QUOTATIONS.....................................................................................................D-1 APPENDIX E. STYLE ELEMENTS............................................................................................E-1 Capitalization ...................................................................................................................................E-2 Compound Words, Hyphenations, and Spelling...........................................................................E-3 Numerals...........................................................................................................................................E-6 Punctuation (and Punctuation Marks) ..........................................................................................E-8 APPENDIX F. SPANISH ACCENTS, CHARACTERS, AND SYMBOLS..............................F-1 APPENDIX G. REFERENCE GUIDES.......................................................................................G-1 INDEX...............................................................................................................................................1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2221.1 REV-7 iv 3/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001138 CHAPTER I. PREPARING CORRESPONDENCE 1-1 Purpose. This chapter contains information on departmental policy and standards for how letters and memorandums -- including general, secretarial, White House, and congressional correspondence -- are prepared. 1-2 A. For details on preparing letters, see Chapter II. B. For details on preparing memorandums, see Chapter III. C. For details on preparing secretarial correspondence (other than congressional correspondence), see Chapter IV. D. For details on preparing White House correspondence, see Chapter V. E. For details on preparing congressional correspondence, see Chapter VI. Use. Use of this handbook is mandatory departmentwide. All prior versions are obsolete. A. This handbook presents departmental policies and procedures for preparing correspondence. Correspondence may not be prepared contrary to the procedures set forth herein. The originator and concurring/reviewing officials of correspondence may not impose their personal style preferences over the handbook standards nor return correspondence for retyping to reflect personal preferences. 1-3 Policies for Originators. A. Answer informally as much incoming correspondence as possible. Use the telephone or email to save time and reduce the document preparation workload. Keep telephone calls and emails short, courteous, and to the point. Note: Do not use the telephone or email to answer incoming correspondence that: (a) would affect proposed or existing HUD policies, (b) must be reviewed by, or coordinated with, other offices, or (c) when office protocol requires the preparation of a more formal response. B. Form Letter. Develop and use form letters to respond to requests for publications, blank forms, or other printed material when the same information is frequently requested. (See Exhibit 1-1 for sample form letter.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001139 C. If the information requested is available on the Internet, refer the customer to the website. Send only hud.gov website links or other public website addresses. When referring to a website address in the body of a letter or email response, underline the website address. Do not set the address out in any other way; for example, in boldface or in parentheses. D. Types of Responses to Controlled Correspondence. E. 1. Acknowledgment Letter: Lets the sender know that their letter was received and will be answered soon. Prepare an acknowledgment when no information can be obtained by the deadline. 2. Interim Letter: A partial response prepared when some, but not all, of the information is available by the deadline. 3. Final Letter: A full response, or the final response following an interim letter. Multiple Addressees. Prepare letters using one of the following: F. 1. An original for each addressee; 2. In response to incoming correspondence with multiple signatures, a single reply addressed to the first person who signed the letter. In the first paragraph, state that the reply is also intended for the other addressees; or 3. In response to petitions or resolutions, a single reply addressed to the person who submitted the petition or resolution, or to the first person who signed it. In the body of the letter, mention the other addressees as a group. Congressional Correspondence. 1. Congressional Constituent Correspondence. When a constituent writes to HUD as well as to a Member of Congress on the same subject, and the Member refers their letter to HUD: a. Ensure that the responses to the constituent and to the Member of Congress convey the same information; b. Reference the constituent's letter to HUD in the response to the Member of Congress; and c. Do not reference the correspondence that was forwarded by the Member of Congress in the response to the constituent. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001140 2. G. Congressional Correspondence With Multiple Addressees. a. When initiating a letter to more than one Member of Congress, prepare an original for each addressee. b. When responding to an incoming letter signed by more than one Member of Congress, prepare an original of the response, addressed individually, to each Member. Opening Text of Letters. Opening sentences influence the tone of correspondence, which should display a courteous attitude and attempt to establish rapport with the recipient of the correspondence. Good examples of frequently used opening text are provided below. H. 1. "Thank you for your letter of [date], [concerning...]; [expressing...]; [supporting...]; [on behalf of...]." The date of the incoming letter should be included in the opening sentence to establish clear timelines. 2. For undated correspondence, use "Thank you for your letter, which was received on [date], [concerning...]; [expressing...]; [supporting...]; [on behalf of...]." 3. "This is in further response to your letter of [date], [concerning...]; [expressing...]; [supporting...]; [on behalf of...]." 4. For correspondence addressed to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary and referred for direct reply, use: "On behalf of [Secretary] [Deputy Secretary] [last name], thank you for your letter of [date], [concerning...]; [expressing...]; [supporting...]; [on behalf of...]." 5. For White House correspondence, see Chapter V for opening text examples. 6. For correspondence addressed to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary and controlled for the signature of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, use: "On behalf of [Secretary] [Deputy Secretary] [last name], thank you for your letter of [date], [concerning...]; [expressing...]; [supporting...]; [on behalf of...]." 7. When a member of Congress requests that HUD reply directly to the constituent use: "[Senator] [Representative] [full name] has asked the Department of Housing and Urban Development to reply to your letter of [date], [concerning...]; [expressing...]; [supporting...]; [on behalf of...]." Plural Pronouns. Use "the Department" or "HUD" instead of "we," "our," or "us." (e.g., "The Department has intensified its focus on monitoring and program ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001141 compliance." instead of "We have intensified our focus on monitoring and program compliance.") I. Abbreviations/Acronyms. Abbreviations and acronyms are good shorthand devices; however, avoid overusing them. An abbreviation or acronym must be spelled out the first time it is used (e.g., Office of Management and Budget (OMB)). Exception: Never put the acronym HUD in parentheses after referring to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The use of HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or the Department is appropriate throughout the letter. J. Correspondence More Than 60 Days Old. If the correspondence is more than 60 days old, do not refer to it as a "recent letter." Instead, use "letter." K. Gender-Biased Language. Avoid using gender-biased language. Use the genderneutral references "one," "person," "individual," or the plural "their" in place of gender specific nouns and pronouns when making a general reference. L. Enclosures. In the text of letters, identify any accompanying material as an enclosure. Multiple enclosures should be tabbed for easy reference. An enclosure too bulky to accompany the letter may be sent as a separate package. State in the text that it is being sent under separate cover. M. Attachments. In the text of memorandums, identify any accompanying material as an attachment. Multiple attachments should be tabbed for easy reference. N. Closing Text of Letters. Closing sentences are influential in establishing good rapport. Good examples of frequently used closing text are provided below. O. 1. "Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs." 2. "I hope the information provided is helpful." 3. "I appreciate your interest in (name of program)." 4. "I hope this information is helpful in responding to your constituent." (for congressional correspondence) 5. When appropriate, in the last paragraph, include the name, area code, telephone number, and extension, as well as the email address, of someone who can answer questions about the content. Note: Do not identify program staff as the point of contact in congressional letters signed by Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations officials. Content. Outgoing correspondence must: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001142 1-4 1. Ensure that the concerns expressed in the incoming correspondence are thoroughly addressed and that questions are adequately answered; 2. Be concise and to the point; 3. Be written in plain English, not technical jargon; 4. Accurately state the Department's policies; 5. Give a good impression of HUD; 6. Present negative information in a tactful way; and 7. Be error free. Control of Correspondence. The Department uses an official correspondence tracking system (CTS) to control all correspondence. HUD staff in each program and field office must use CTS to document the status of controlled correspondence in their office. A. Correspondence Unit Chiefs/Points of Contact. Each HUD Headquarters program office, and regional and field office, must have a designated correspondence unit chief or a point of contact for correspondence matters. B. CTS Control. The CTS control is an official record that: C. 1. Establishes the information and/or action needed to appropriately manage incoming correspondence; and 2. Documents correspondence and actions initiated within departmental offices. Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act. Special requirements apply for responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and Privacy Act requests. All FOIA requests received in Headquarters must be forwarded immediately to the FOIA division in the Executive Secretariat for appropriate handling. FOIA requests received in a regional or field office must be forwarded immediately to the regional or field office FOIA Liaison for appropriate handling. All Privacy Act requests received by the Department, including requests seeking information contained in personnel records, must be forwarded immediately to the Department's Privacy Act Officer for appropriate handling. All Privacy Act requests received in a regional or field office must be forwarded immediately to the regional or field office Privacy Act Officer for appropriate handling. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-5 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001143 1-5 Questions. If this handbook does not answer your questions, contact your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence. The correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence will contact the Executive Secretariat if they cannot answer your questions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-6 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001144 CHAPTER I Exhibit: Preparing Correspondence Exhibit 1-1 Sample of a Form Letter ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-7 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001145 EXHIBIT 1-1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER [Date] [Insert Inside Address] Dear Sir or Madam: Thank you for your inquiry requesting information on HUD's programs. The following information is enclosed: ___ Guide to Single Family Home Mortgage Insurance ___ Rehab a Home with HUD's Section 203(k) ___ 100 Q&As About Buying a New Home ___ Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) - Reverse Mortgage _X__ Title I Property Improvement Loans ___ Title I Manufactured Housing Fact Sheet ___ _________________________________ A HUD-approved housing counseling agency may be able to assist you in evaluating the local housing market and determining which alternatives would best suit your needs. The counseling services are usually provided without cost to the client. You may call 1-800-XXX-XXXX or TTY 1-800-XXXXXXX, both toll-free numbers, or send a message to an email address for assistance. I hope this information will be helpful to you. Sincerely, [Insert Name], Director, Housing Communication and Marketing Division This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 11-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I-8 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001146 CHAPTER II. LETTERS 2-1 Purpose. This chapter explains how to prepare letters for signature by departmental officials and includes information on the concurrence and dispatch processes. 2-2 A. For information on how letters and memorandums are written, see Chapter I. B. For details on preparing memorandums, see Chapter III. C. For details on preparing secretarial correspondence (other than congressional correspondence), see Chapter IV. D. For details on preparing White House correspondence, see Chapter V. E. For details on preparing congressional correspondence, see Chapter VI. Use. The letter format is used: 2-3 A. For formal correspondence with the public and government agencies when telephone or other informal communications are not appropriate; and B. To convey awards, commendations, congratulations, condolences, etc. Stationery and Printer Requirements. A. B. 2-4 Stationery. 1. Department letterhead is available in Microsoft Word in HUDDocs. To access HUDDocs, click on "File," click on "New," click on "My Templates," click on "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. 2. When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead. For continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. 3. See Section IV-4 for stationery requirements for correspondence that is for signature by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. Printer. Use a laser printer for all letters. Type Style. Always use Times New Roman font, 12-pitch type. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001147 2-5 2-6 Margins. A. Standard Letter. The standard margins are one inch on the left, right, and bottom. The top margin is automatically set in HUDDocs. B. Short Letter. The margins may be adjusted for balance on the page. Set the margins at 1.25 inches and hit "Tab" five times for the signature block. Date. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be at the date line; however, the date may be added after the letter has been signed. 2-7 Addressing a Letter. (See Appendix A for models of address and general rules.) A. Placement. (See Exhibit 2-1.) B. Spacing. C. D. 1. Single-space the address and arrange it in block style. 2. Limit the address to five lines or less on the letter. 3. Limit each line to 3 inches or less. 4. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times 5. If more than five lines are needed to ensure delivery, type the complete address on the envelope. Multiple Addressees. Prepare letters by using one of the following: 1. Prepare an original for each addressee; 2. In response to incoming correspondence with multiple signatures, prepare a single reply to the first person who signed the letter. In the first paragraph, state that the reply is also intended for the other addressees; or 3. In response to petitions or resolutions, prepare a single reply addressed to the person who submitted the petition or resolution or to the first person who signed it. In the body of the letter, mention the other addressees as a group. State and Territory Abbreviations Table. (See Appendix B.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001148 2-8 E. ZIP Code. All ZIP Codes should consist of nine digits (ZIP Code + 4). To find a ZIP Code + 4 when a street or postal address is available, go to the United States Postal Service website at www.usps.com and click on "Look Up a ZIP Code." F. Attention Line. Attention lines are not necessary unless required by the incoming letter. If one is necessary, insert it as the first line of the inside address - with or without the word "Attention". (Exception: Attention lines on replies to Members of Congress are placed on the Envelope only.) Salutation. (See Exhibit 2-1.) Do not personalize the salutation. The signer will personalize the salutation on the original, if necessary. 2-9 Body of a Letter. A. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 2-1.) B. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 2-1.) C. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) D. Quotations. (See Appendix D to incorporate quotations into the body of a letter.) E. Multiple-Page Letter. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page, unless there is room for at least two lines. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page, unless at least three lines can be carried over. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the letter three lines below. 2-10 Complimentary Close. (See Exhibit 2-1 and Appendix A.) 2-11 Signature Element. (See Exhibit 2-1.) A. One Signature. (See Exhibit 2-1.) The signature element includes: 1. The signer's name; 2. The signer's title; and 3. The signer's office name. Use only enough to identify the office. For example, if the signer is a Division Director or Branch Chief, use the name of the division or branch only. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Omit the office name when the title alone clearly identifies the signer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001149 B. Joint Signatures. (See Exhibit 2-2.) 2-12 Enclosure Notation. (See Exhibit 2-1.) If the letter has an enclosure, type an enclosure notation. 2-13 Courtesy Copy Notation. (See Exhibit 2-1.) If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the letter, type a "cc" (courtesy copy) notation: cc: 2-14 Proofreading. Read the letter(s), (envelope(s), or label(s)) carefully to ensure there are no errors. 2-15 Concurrence/Clearance/Dispatch. Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. 2-16 Accommodating Persons with Disabilities and Persons with Limited English Proficiency. The Department is committed to ensuring that its correspondence is effectively communicated with its employees, applicants, participants, personnel of other federal entities, and members of the public who have disabilities. Accordingly, your office should endeavor to provide correspondence in alternative formats when necessary to effectively communicate with persons with disabilities. For example, where the Department provides informal correspondence by telephone, the appropriate offices will attempt to make available telecommunication devices for deaf persons (TDDs), placing calls using telephone or video relay services or some equally effective communication system when it is necessary to effectively communicate with persons who are deaf or hard of hearing and, where the Department provides written correspondence, the appropriate offices will endeavor to provide the content of the written correspondence in an appropriate, alternative format (large print, electronic format such as email or MS Word document, or Braille) when it is necessary to effectively communicate with persons who are blind or have low vision. The person with a disability is generally in the best position to determine which means of communication will be effective given that individual's disability; communication skill; and the length, nature, complexity, and content of the communication (e.g., use of legal or technical terms). The Department is also committed to ensuring that its correspondence is effectively communicated with persons who have limited English proficiency (LEP). Questions about providing correspondence in translated formats for persons who have LEP should be directed to the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001150 CHAPTER II: Exhibits of Letters Exhibit 2-1 Structural Elements of a Letter Exhibit 2-2 Letter with Joint Signatures ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-5 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001151 EXHIBIT 2-1 Structural Elements of a Letter U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION (Date) Mr. Ari Zona 123 Desert Lane Sun City, AZ 77054-7777 Dear Mr. Zona: The following guidelines address structural elements of a HUD letter. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, most of the time the date will be added after the letter has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type the inside address. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Hit "Enter" two times, type Dear, the professional or courtesy title, last name, and a colon. Hit "Enter" two times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the letter. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short letters, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, hit "Tab" six times, and type the signer's name. Hit "Enter" one time, hit "Tab" six times, and type the title, aligned directly under the signer's name. Hit the spacebar two times to indent run-over lines. If there is an enclosure(s), hit "Enter" two times and type Enclosure(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times after typing the signer's title (or enclosure notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name. List additional names single-spaced. Sincerely, Nevada Smith Deputy Assistant Secretary for Handbook Regulations Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-6 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001152 EXHIBIT 2-2 Letter with Joint Signatures U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 (Date) Mr. Ari Zona 123 Desert Lane Sun City, AZ 77054-7777 Dear Mr. Zona: Use the standard letter format as shown in Exhibit 2-1. For joint signatures, use general departmental letterhead (available in HUDDocs, "Generic HUD.dot") if the officials are in different primary organizations. Hit "Enter" two times after the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, type the name of the first signer. Hit "Tab" five or six times (depending on the length of the names) and type the name of the second signer. Single-space the title of each signer below and flush with their names. Limit signature elements to four lines or less. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Sincerely, Barry Blanco Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) Amarillo T. Rose Chief Human Capital Officer This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ II-7 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001153 CHAPTER III. MEMORANDUMS 3-1 Purpose. This chapter explains how to prepare memorandums for signature by departmental officials and includes information on the concurrence and clearance process. 3-2 A. For details on policies for originating and controlling correspondence, see Chapter I. B. For details on preparing letters, see Chapter II. C. For details on preparing action or information memorandums to or from the Secretary or the Deputy Secretary, see Chapter IV. D. For details on preparing White House correspondence, see Chapter V. E. For details on preparing congressional correspondence, see Chapter VI. Use. The memorandum format is used for official internal correspondence; that is, with individuals or organizations within the Department. 3-3 Stationery and Printer Requirements. A. B. Stationery. 1. Department letterhead is available in Microsoft Word in HUDDocs. To access HUDDocs, click on "File," click on "New," click on "My Templates," click on "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. 2. When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead. 3. For continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. Printer. Use a laser printer for all memorandums. 3-4 Type Style. Always use Times New Roman font, 12-pitch type. 3-5 Margins. A. Standard Memorandum. The standard margins are one inch on the left, right, and bottom. The top margin is automatically set in HUDDocs. B. Short Memorandum. The margins may be adjusted for balance on the page. Set the margins at 1.25 inches. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-1 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001154 3-6 Date. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be at the date line; however, the date may be added after the memorandum has been signed. 3-7 3-8 Memorandum For Line. A. Placement. (See Exhibit 3-1.) B. Spacing. Single-space the addressee line(s). Limit each line to 3 inches or less. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. C. Multiple Addressees. Prepare memorandums using one of the following: 1. (See Exhibit 3-2.) List addressees at the top when there are four or fewer; 2. (See Exhibit 3-3.) List addressees at the bottom when there are five or more, and they can be listed together at the bottom of the memorandum; or 3. (See Exhibit 3-4.) Attach a list of addressees when there are too many to be listed at the bottom of the memorandum. Attention Line. (See Figure 3-1.) Use when directing the memorandum to the attention of someone within the addressee's office. After typing the office code of the addressee, hit "Enter" two times and type ATTENTION:. Then hit "Tab" three times and type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code of the person whose attention is required. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Figure 3-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A ATTENTION: Rolando Rivers, Special Assistant, Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer, A FROM: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, H SUBJECT: Assignment of Office Codes - Your Memorandum Dated February 8, 20xx ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-2 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001155 3-9 Through Line. (See Figure 3-2.) Use when sending a memorandum through an intermediate office. After typing the office code of the last addressee (or the office code in the attention line), hit "Enter" two times and type THROUGH:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code of the intermediate official. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Figure 3-2 3-10 MEMORANDUM FOR: Rock N. Robin, Director, Office of Policy, Planning, and Training, AHC THROUGH: Peter Gunn, Director, Employee and Labor Relations and Performance Management Division, AHED FROM: Sampson DeLila, Director, Budget and Services Division, AHFB SUBJECT: OPM's Proposed Classification Review of Headquarters Positions From Line. A. B. 3-11 One Signature. (See Exhibit 3-1.) The FROM line includes: 1. The signer's name; 2. The signer's title; 3. The name of the signer's office. Use only enough to identify the signer. For example, if the signer is a Branch Chief or Division Director, use the name of that Branch or Division only. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Omit the office name when the title alone clearly identifies the signer; and 4. The signer's office code, which can be found on the hud@work website, at http://www5.hud.gov:63001/po/i/netlocator/, the employee directory. Joint Signatures. (See Exhibit 3-5.) Subject Line. (See Exhibit 3-1.) The subject line briefly states the content of the memorandum. 3-12 Body of a Memorandum. A. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 3-1.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-3 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001156 B. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 3-1.) C. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) D. Quotations. (See Appendix D to incorporate quotations into the body of a memorandum.) E. Multiple-Page Memorandum. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page unless there is room for at least two lines. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page unless at least three lines can be carried over. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the memorandum three lines below. 3-13 Attachment Notation. (See Exhibit 3-1.) If the memorandum has an attachment, type an attachment notation. 3-14 Courtesy Copy Notation. (See Exhibit 3-1.) If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the memorandum, type a cc (courtesy copy) notation. 3-15 Approval Block. (See Figure 3-3.) Use an approval block to obtain the addressee's written approval, if necessary. Hit "Enter" two times after the body (attachment or cc notation, if any) and type the approval block. Figure 3-3 ____________________ Approve ______________ Disapprove ___________ Date __________________________________________________________________ Comments 3-16 Concurrence Block. (See Figure 3-4.) Use a concurrence block to obtain the addressee's written concurrence, if necessary. Hit "Enter" two times after the body (attachment or "cc" notation, if any) and type the concurrence block. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-4 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001157 Figure 3-4 ____________________ Concur ______________ Nonconcur ___________ Date __________________________________________________________________ Comments 3-17 Proofreading. Read the memorandum carefully to ensure there are no errors. 3-18 Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-5 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001158 CHAPTER III: Exhibits of Memorandums Exhibit 3-1 Structural Elements of a Memorandum Exhibit 3-2 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Top Exhibit 3-3 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Bottom Exhibit 3-4 Memorandum with Addressee List Attached Exhibit 3-5 Memorandum with Joint Signatures ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-6 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001159 EXHIBIT 3-1 Structural Elements of a Memorandum U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, H FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) The following guidelines address structural elements of a HUD memorandum. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, most of the time the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type the addressee's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the last addressee name in the memorandum for line (or attention or through lines, if used), hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the signer's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the signer, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the subject. Capitalize the first letter of the first word in the subject line and each subsequent word except for articles, prepositions, and pronouns. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Hit "Enter" three times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the memorandum. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short memorandums, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-7 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001160 EXHIBIT 3-2 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Top U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H Harpo Winfrey, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, D James Bond, Inspector General, G Martha Vineyard, Director, Executive Secretariat, AHFD FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) This is a standard memorandum format with the individuals receiving the memorandum listed at the top of the memorandum. The same preparation instructions apply as outlined in Exhibit 3-1. List addressees at the top when there are four or fewer. After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and list the addressees on separate lines, single-spaced. For each, type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Use group designations when appropriate. After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and type the group designation name, e.g., Principal Staff, Regional Directors, or HUD Staff. When using several group designations, list each on a separate line, single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-8 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001161 EXHIBIT 3-3 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Bottom U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-8000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSINGFEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE LIST BELOW FROM: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) This is a standard memorandum format with the individuals receiving the memorandum listed at the bottom of the memorandum. The same preparation instructions apply as outlined in Exhibit 3-1. List addressees at the bottom when there are five or more and they will fit together after the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any). After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and type SEE LIST BELOW. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any) and type ADDRESSEES:. Hit "Enter" one time and list the addressees on separate lines, single-spaced. For each, type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A ADDRESSEES: LillieFlowers, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing, H Joseph Pheen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Financial Management and Administration, HP Linda Hand, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing, HS Chris Kringle, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing, HM Ida Claire, Director, Transitional Housing, HT This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-9 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001162 EXHIBIT 3-4 Memorandum with Addressee List Attached U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-7000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE LIST ATTACHED FROM: Harpo Winfrey, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, D SUBJECT: [Type the Subject of the Memorandum) This is a standard memorandum format with the addressee list attached. The addressee list will always be on a separate page, be the last page of the memorandum, and contain only the list of addressees. List addressees on a separate page when there are too many to be listed together at the bottom of the memorandum. After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and type SEE LIST ATTACHED. At the end of the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any) insert a page break. The cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number the page at the top right margin. Three lines below, at the left margin, type ADDRESSEES:. Hit "Enter" one time and list the addressees on separate lines single-spaced. For each addressee, type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-10 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001163 EXHIBIT 3-4 (continued) ADDRESSEES: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, H Jaycee Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, P Sunny Day, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, E Wolff Hunter, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, R Frederick E. West, Director for Field Policy and Management, M This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-11 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001164 EXHIBIT 3-5 Memorandum with Joint Signatures U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: Principal Staff SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) Use the standard memorandum format as shown in Exhibit 3-1. However, there will be no FROM line. For joint signatures, use general Departmental letterhead (available in HUDDocs, "Generic HUD.dot") if the officials are in different primary organizations. Hit "Enter" five times at the end of the last paragraph and type the name of the first signer. Then hit "Tab" five or six times (depending on the length of the names) and type the name of the second signer. Single-space the title of each signer below and flush with their names. Limit signature elements to four lines or less. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Barry Blanco Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H Attachment(s) Amarillo T. Rose Chief Human Capital Officer, A (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ III-12 03/1 HUD-17-0235-B-001165 CHAPTER IV. SECRETARIAL CORRESPONDENCE 4-1 Purpose. The term secretarial correspondence refers to the Secretary's and Deputy Secretary's correspondence. This chapter explains how to prepare letters and memorandums for their signatures, as well as memorandums for their action or information. Use Chapter VI for guidelines on preparation of secretarial correspondence to Members of Congress. 4-2 4-3 A. For information on how letters and memorandums are written, see Chapter I. B. For details on preparing letters, see Chapter II. C. For details on preparing memorandums, see Chapter III. D. For details on preparing White House correspondence, see Chapter V. E. For details on preparing congressional correspondence, see Chapter VI. Use. A. The letter format is used for formal correspondence with the public and government agencies and to convey awards, commendations, congratulations, condolences, etc. B. The memorandum format is used for official, internal correspondence with individuals or organizations within the Department. Stationery and Printer Requirements. A. Stationery for Letters and Memorandums for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature. Department letterhead is available in Microsoft Word in HUDDocs. 1. To access HUDDocs, click on "File," click on "New," click on "My Templates," click on "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. 2. As a rule, when preparing correspondence for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature use: a. "The Secretary" 8-1/2" x 11" ivory stationery with the eagle logo. In HUDDocs, select "SecIvory 306" for the proper format. For continuation pages, use the matching blank ivory stock; ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001166 B. 4-4 b. "The Deputy Secretary" HUDDocs template, "DepSec 306". When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead; and c. For continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. Printer. Use a laser printer for all letters. Type Style. Always use Times New Roman font, 12-pitch type. 4-5 4-6 Margins. A. Standard Letter. The standard margins are one inch on the left, right, and bottom. The top margin is automatically set in HUDDocs. B. Short Letter. The margins may be adjusted for balance on the page. Set the margins at 1.25 inches. Hit "Tab" five times for the signature block on letters. Date. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be at the date line; however, most of the time the date will be added after signature. 4-7 Letter for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's Signature. A. Addressing a Secretarial Letter. (See Appendix A for models of address and general rules.) 1. Placement. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) 2. Spacing. a. Single-space the address and arrange it in block style. b. Limit the address to five lines or less on the letter. c. Limit each line to 3 inches or less. d. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. e. If more than five lines are needed to ensure delivery, type the complete address on the envelope. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001167 3. Multiple Addressees. Prepare letters using one of the following: a. Prepare an original for each addressee; b. In response to incoming correspondence with multiple signatures, prepare a single reply to the first person who signed the letter. In the first paragraph, state that the reply is also intended for the other addressees; or c. In response to petitions or resolutions, prepare a single reply addressed to the person who submitted the petition or resolution or to the first person who signed it. In the body of the letter, mention the other addressees as a group. 4. State and Territory Abbreviations Table. (See Appendix B.) 5. ZIP Code. All ZIP Codes should consist of nine digits (ZIP Code + 4). To find a ZIP Code + 4 when a street or postal address is available, go to the United States Postal Service website at www.usps.com and click on "Look Up a ZIP Code." 6. Attention Line. Attention lines are not necessary unless required by the incoming letter. If one is necessary, insert it as the first line of the inside address - with or without the word "Attention". B. Salutation. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) Do not personalize the salutation. The signer will personalize the salutation on the original, if necessary. C. Body of a Secretarial Letter. 1. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) 2. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) 3. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) 4. Quotations. (See Appendix D to incorporate quotations into the body of a letter.) 5. Multiple-Page Letter. a. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page unless there is room for at least two lines. b. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page unless at least three lines can be carried over. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001168 c. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the letter three lines below. D. Complimentary Close. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2 and Appendix A.) E. Signature Element. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) F. Enclosure Notation. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) If the letter has an enclosure, type an enclosure notation. G. Courtesy Copy Notation. (See Exhibit 4-1 or 4-2.) If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the letter, type a cc (courtesy copy) notation. H. Envelope(s). Use "The Secretary" ivory envelopes or "The Deputy Secretary" white envelopes. Prepare envelope(s), or label(s) for large envelopes, for the original and any external copies using Times New Roman font, 12-pitch type. I. Proofreading. Read the letter(s) and envelope(s) or label(s) carefully to ensure there are no errors. J. Routing. Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. (Note: You must send all letters prepared for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature to the Executive Secretariat for review, final clearances, and dispatch.) 4-8 Memorandum for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's Signature. A. Memorandum For Line. 1. Placement. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) 2. Spacing. Single-space the addressee line(s). Limit each line to 3 inches or less. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. 3. Multiple Addressees. Prepare memorandums by using one of the following: a. (See Exhibit 4-5.) List addressees at the top when there are four or fewer; b. (See Exhibit 4-6.) List addressees at the bottom when there are five or more and can be listed together at the bottom of the memorandum; or ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001169 c. B. (See Exhibit 4-7.) Attach a list of addressees when there are too many to be listed at the bottom of the memorandum. Attention Line. (See Figure 4-7.) Use when directing the memorandum to the attention of someone within the addressee's office. After typing the office code of the addressee, hit "Enter" two times and type ATTENTION:. Then hit "Tab" three times and type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code of the person whose attention is required. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Figure 4-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A ATTENTION: Roland Rivers, Special Assistant, Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer, A FROM: (See Exhibit 4-4 or 4-5.) SUBJECT: Assignment of Office Codes - Your Memorandum Dated February 4, 20XX C. Through Line. (See Figure 4-8.) Use when sending a memorandum through an intermediate office. After typing the correspondence code of the last addressee (or the office code in the attention line), hit "Enter" two times and type THROUGH:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code of the intermediate official. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Figure 4-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Rock N. Robin, Director, Office of Personnel and Training, AP THROUGH: Peter Green, Director, Management and Labor Relations Division, APR FROM: (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) SUBJECT: OPM's Proposed November Classification Review of Headquarters Positions ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-5 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001170 D. From Line. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) E. Subject Line. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) The subject briefly states the content of the memorandum. F. Body of a Memorandum for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's Signature. 1. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) 2. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) 3. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) 4. Quotations. (See Appendix D to incorporate quotations into the body of a memorandum.) 5. Multiple-Page Memorandum. a. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page unless there is room for at least two lines. b. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page unless at least three lines can be carried over. c. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the letter three lines below. G. Attachment Notation. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) If the memorandum has an attachment, type an attachment notation. H. Courtesy Copy Notation. (See Exhibit 4-3 or 4-4.) If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the memorandum, type a "cc" (courtesy copy) notation. I. Proofreading. Read the memorandum(s) carefully to ensure there are no errors. J. Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. (Note: You must send all memorandums prepared for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature to the Executive Secretariat for review, final clearances, and dispatch.) 4-9 Action Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. A. Stationery. An action memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary is prepared on the letterhead of the appropriate program office. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-6 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001171 1. Departmental letterhead is available in Word in HUDDocs. To access HUDDocs, click on "File," click on "New," click on "My Templates," click on "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. 2. When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead. 3. For continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. B. Date. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. C. Memorandum For Line. (See Exhibit 4-8 or 4-9.) D. Through Line. 1. All action memorandums for the Secretary are routed through the Deputy Secretary. (See Exhibit 4-8.) 2. An action memorandum for the Deputy Secretary that contains a THROUGH line is formatted as shown in Figure 4-12. After typing The Deputy Secretary in the memorandum for line, hit "Enter" two times and type THROUGH:. Then hit "Tab" three times and type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code of the intermediate official. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Figure 4-12 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Deputy Secretary THROUGH: Jon Jonson, Chief Financial Officer, F FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: ACTION--Fiscal Year Budget for the Office of Administration E. From Line. (See Exhibit 4-8 or 4-9.) The FROM line includes: 1. The signer's name; 2. The signer's title; ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-7 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001172 3. The name of the signer's office (if appropriate), using only enough to identify the signer. For example, if the signer is a Branch Chief or Division Director, use the name of that Branch or Division only. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Omit the office name when the title alone clearly identifies the signer; and 4. The signer's office code. F. Subject Line. (See Exhibit 4-8 or 4-9.) The subject briefly states the action being requested in the memorandum. G. Body of an Action Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. 1. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 4-9 or 4-10.) 2. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 4-9 or 4-10.) 3. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) 4. Quotations. (See Appendix D for how to incorporate quotations into the body of a memorandum.) 5. Multiple-Page Memorandum. a. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page unless there is room for at least two lines. b. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page unless at least three lines can be carried over. c. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the memorandum three lines below. H. Attachment Notation. (See Exhibit 4-8 or 4-9.) If the memorandum has an attachment, type an attachment notation. I. Courtesy Copy Notation. (See Exhibit 4-8 or 4-9.) If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the memorandum, type a cc (courtesy copy) notation. J. Approval Block. (See Exhibit 4-8 or 4-19.) K. Proofreading. Read the memorandum(s) carefully to ensure there are no errors. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-8 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001173 L. 4-10 Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. (Note: You must send all action memorandums prepared for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature to the Executive Secretariat for review, final clearances, and dispatch.) Information Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. A. Stationery. An information memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary is prepared on the letterhead of the appropriate program office. 1. Departmental letterhead is available in Word in HUDDocs. To access HUDDocs, click on "File," click on "New," click on "My Templates," click on "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. 2. When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead. 3. For continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. B. Date. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. C. Memorandum For Line. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-11.) D. Through Line. 1. All information memorandums for the Secretary are routed through the Deputy Secretary. (See Exhibit 4-10.) 2. An information memorandum for the Deputy Secretary that contains a THROUGH line is formatted as shown in Figure 4-16. After typing The Deputy Secretary in the MEMORANDUM FOR line, hit "Enter" two times and type THROUGH:. Then hit "Tab" three times and type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code of the intermediate official. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Figure 4-16 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Deputy Secretary THROUGH: Jon Jonson, Chief Financial Officer, F FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-9 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001174 SUBJECT: INFORMATION--OPM's Proposed Classification Review of HUD Headquarters Positions E. From Line. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-10.) F. Subject Line. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-11.) The subject briefly states the content of the memorandum. G. Body of an Information Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. 1. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-11.) 2. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-11.) 3. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) 4. Quotations. (See Appendix D to incorporate quotations into the body of a memorandum.) 5. Multiple-Page Memorandum. a. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page unless there is room for at least two lines. b. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page unless at least three lines can be carried over. c. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the memorandum three lines below. H. Attachment Notation. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-11.) If the memorandum has an attachment, type an attachment notation. I. Courtesy Copy Notation. (See Exhibit 4-10 or 4-11.) If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the memorandum, type a cc (courtesy copy) notation. J. Proofreading. Read the memorandum carefully to ensure there are no errors. K. Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. (Note: You must send all information memorandums for the Secretary or Deputy Secretary to the Executive Secretariat for appropriate handling.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-10 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001175 Chapter IV Exhibits: Secretarial Letters and Memorandums Exhibit 4-1 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Secretary's Signature Exhibit 4-2 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Deputy Secretary's Signature Exhibit 4-3 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Secretary's Signature Exhibit 4-4 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's Signature Exhibit 4-5 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Top Exhibit 4-6 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Bottom Exhibit 4-7 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List Attached Exhibit 4-8 Action Memorandum to the Secretary Exhibit 4-9 Action Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary Exhibit 4-10 Information Memorandum to the Secretary Exhibit 4-11 Information Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-11 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001176 EXHIBIT 4-1 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Secretary's Signature U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 + 4 THE SECRETARY (Date) The Honorable Jung Mann Secretary of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 + 4 Dear Secretary Mann: The following guidelines address structural elements of a letter for the Secretary's signature. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select "SecIvory 306" letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added -after the letter has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type the inside address. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Hit "Enter" two times, type Dear, the professional or courtesy title, last name, and a colon. Hit "Enter" two times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the letter. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short letters, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, hit "Tab" six times, and type the Secretary's name. Do not use the Secretary's middle initial or title when typing the signature line. If there is an enclosure(s), hit "Enter" two times and type Enclosure(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times after typing the Secretary's name (or enclosure notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name. List additional names single-spaced. Sincerely, (Insert Secretary's name) Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-12 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001177 EXHIBIT 4-2 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Deputy Secretary's Signature U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE DEPUTY SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0050 (Date) The Honorable Jung Mann Secretary of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 + 4 Dear Secretary Mann: The following guidelines address structural elements of a letter for the Deputy Secretary's signature. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select "DepSec 306" letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the letter has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type the inside address. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Hit "Enter" two times, type Dear, the professional or courtesy title, last name, and a colon. Hit "Enter" two times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the letter. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short letters, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, hit "Tab" six times, and type the Deputy Secretary's name. Do not use the Deputy Secretary's middle initial or title when typing the signature line. If there is an enclosure(s), hit "Enter" two times and type Enclosure(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times after typing the Deputy Secretary's name (or enclosure notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name. List additional names single-spaced. Sincerely, (Insert Deputy Secretary's name) Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-13 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001178 EXHIBIT 4-3 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Secretary's Signature U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 + 4 THE SECRETARY (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H FROM: (Type the Secretary's Name) SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) The following guidelines address structural elements of a memorandum for the Secretary's signature. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select "SecIvory 306" letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added -after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type the addressee's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the last addressee in the memorandum for line (or attention or through lines, if used), hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the Secretary's name. Do not type the Secretary's middle initial, title, or office code on the from line. After typing the Secretary's name, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the subject. Capitalize the first letter of the first word in the subject line and each subsequent word except for articles, prepositions, and pronouns. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Hit "Enter" three times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the memorandum. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short memorandums, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-14 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001179 EXHIBIT 4-4 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's Signature U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE DEPUTY SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0050 (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H FROM: (Type the Deputy Secretary's Name) SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) The following guidelines address structural elements of a memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's signature. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select "DepSec 306" letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type the addressee's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the last addressee in the memorandum for line (or attention or through lines, if used), hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the Deputy Secretary's name. Do not type the Deputy Secretary's middle initial, title, or office code on the from line. After typing the Deputy Secretary's name, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the subject. Capitalize the first letter of the first word in the subject line and each subsequent word except for articles, prepositions, and pronouns. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Hit "Enter" three times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the memorandum. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short memorandums, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-15 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001180 EXHIBIT 4-5 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Top U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 + 4 THE SECRETARY (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H Harpo Winfrey, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, D James Bond, Inspector General, G Martha Vineyard, Director, Executive Secretariat, AHFD FROM: (Type the Secretary's Name) SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) This is a standard memorandum format with the individuals receiving the memorandum listed at the top of the memorandum. The same preparation instructions apply as outlined in Exhibit 4-4. List addressees at the top when there are four or fewer. After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and list the addressees on separate lines, single-spaced. For each, type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Use group designations when appropriate. After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and type the group designation name, e.g., Principal Staff, Regional Directors, or HUD Staff. When using several group designations, list each on a separate line, single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A The format for the Deputy Secretary's memorandum with addressee list at the top is identical. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-16 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001181 EXHIBIT 4-6 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Bottom U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 + 4 THE SECRETARY (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE LIST BELOW FROM: (Type the Secretary's Name) SUBJECT: (Type Subject of the Memorandum) This is a standard memorandum format with the individuals receiving the memorandum listed at the bottom of the memorandum. The same preparation instructions apply as outlined in Exhibit 4-4. List addressees at the bottom when there are five or more and will fit together after the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any). After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and type SEE LIST BELOW. At the end of the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any), hit "Enter" two times and type ADDRESSEES:. Hit "Enter" one time and list the addressees on separate lines, single-spaced. For each, type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A ADDRESSEES: Lillie Flowers, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing, H Joseph Pheen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Financial Management and Administration, HP Inne Vane, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing, HS Chris Kringle, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing, HM Ide Claire, Director, Transitional Housing, HT The format for the Deputy Secretary's memorandum with addressee list at the bottom is identical. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-17 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001182 EXHIBIT 4-7 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List Attached U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 + 4 THE SECRETARY (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE LIST ATTACHED FROM: (Type the Secretary's Name) SUBJECT: (Type the Subject of the Memorandum) This is a standard memorandum format with the addressee list attached. The addressee list will always be on a separate page, be the last page of the memorandum, and contain only the list of addressees. List addressees on a separate page when there are too many to be listed together after the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any). After MEMORANDUM FOR:, hit "Tab" one time and type SEE LIST ATTACHED. At the end of the last paragraph (or attachment or cc notation, if any), insert a page break. The cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number the page at the top right margin. Three lines below at the left margin, type ADDRESSEES:. Hit "Enter" one time and list the addressees on separate lines single-spaced. For each addressee, type the name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) Silvah Bells, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, A This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-18 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001183 EXHIBIT 4-7 (continued) 2 ADDRESSEES: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A Barry Blanco, Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, H Jaycee Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, P Sunny Day, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, E Wolff Hunter, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, R Frederick E. West, Director for Field Policy and Management, M The format for the Deputy Secretary's memorandum with addressee list attached is identical. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-19 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001184 EXHIBIT 4-8 Action Memorandum to the Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: The Secretary THROUGH: (Type the Deputy Secretary's Name), Deputy Secretary, SD FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: ACTION--(Type the Subject of the Memorandum) ACTION BY: January 31, 20XX The following guidelines address structural elements of a memorandum for the Secretary's action. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type The Secretary. Hit "Enter" two times and type THROUGH:. Hit "Tab" three times and type Ron Sims, Deputy Secretary, SD. Hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the signer's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the signer, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. After typing SUBJECT:, hit "Tab" three times and type ACTION-- followed by the action being requested. After typing the subject line, hit "Enter" two times and type ACTION BY:. Hit "Tab" two times and type the date by which the action must be completed. After typing the date in the action by line, hit "Enter" three times and type ISSUE:. ISSUE: After typing ISSUE:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the issue statement. If there is more than one paragraph, double-space between paragraphs. After typing the last word in the issue section, hit "Enter" two times and type FACTS:. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-20 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001185 EXHIBIT 4-8 (continued) 2 FACTS: After typing FACTS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the issue's origin, background, implications, and importance. After typing the last word in the facts section, hit "Enter" two times and type RECOMMENDATION:. RECOMMENDATION: After typing RECOMMENDATION:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the recommended action. After typing the last word in the recommendation section, hit "Enter" two times and type PROS:. PROS: After typing PROS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the arguments in favor of the recommended action. After typing the last word in the pros section, hit "Enter" two times, and type CONS:. CONS: After typing CONS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the arguments against the recommended action. After typing the last word in the cons section, hit "Enter" two times and type CONTACT:. CONTACT: After typing CONTACT:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and provide the name and telephone number, including the area code and extension, as well as the email address, of a person who can answer questions about the content of the memorandum.; e.g., For further information, contact April Showers, Office of Administration, at 202-708-XXXX, ext. XXXX, or April_T._Showers@hud.gov. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent runover lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (If required) This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-21 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001186 EXHIBIT 4-8 (continued) 3 After typing the last word in the contact section (or attachment or cc notation, if any), hit "Enter" two times and type DECISION:. DECISION: After typing DECISION:, hit "Enter" three times, and type: _____________________ Approve __________________ Disapprove _______________ Date This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-22 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001187 EXHIBIT 4-9 Action Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: The Deputy Secretary FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: ACTION--(Type the Subject of the Memorandum) ACTION BY: January 31, 20XX The following guidelines address structural elements of a memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's action. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type The Deputy Secretary. Hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the signer's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the signer, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. After typing SUBJECT:, hit "Tab" three times and type ACTION-- followed by the action being requested. After typing the subject line, hit "Enter" two times and type ACTION BY:. Hit "Tab" two times and type the date by which the action must be completed. After typing the date in the action by line, hit "Enter" three times and type ISSUE:. ISSUE: After typing ISSUE:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the issue statement. If there is more than one paragraph, double-space between paragraphs. After typing the last word in the issue section, hit "Enter" two times and type FACTS:. FACTS: After typing FACTS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the issue's origin, background, implications, and importance. After typing the last word in the facts section, hit "Enter" two times and type RECOMMENDATION:. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-23 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001188 EXHIBIT 4-9 (continued) 2 RECOMMENDATION: After typing RECOMMENDATION:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the recommended action. After typing the last word in the recommendation section, hit "Enter" two times and type PROS:. PROS: After typing PROS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the arguments in favor of the recommended action. After typing the last word in the pros section, hit "Enter" two times, and type CONS:. CONS: After typing CONS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the arguments against the recommended action. After typing the last word in the cons section, hit "Enter" two times and type CONTACT:. CONTACT: After typing CONTACT:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and provide the name and telephone number, including the area code and extension, as well as the email address, of a person who can answer questions about the content of the memorandum; e.g., For further information, contact April Showers, Office of Administration, at 202-708-XXXX, ext. XXXX, or April_T_Showers@hud.gov. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent runover lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (If required) After typing the last word in the contact section (or attachment or cc notation, if any), hit "Enter" two times and type DECISION:. DECISION: After typing DECISION:, hit "Enter" three times, and type: _____________________ Approve __________________ Disapprove ________________ Date This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-24 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001189 EXHIBIT 4-10 Information Memorandum to the Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: The Secretary THROUGH: (Type the Deputy Secretary's Name), Deputy Secretary, SD FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: INFORMATION--(Type the Subject of the Memorandum) The following guidelines address structural elements of a memorandum for the Secretary's information. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. Use Assistant Secretary (or equivalent) letterhead only when an Assistant Secretary (or equivalent) will sign the memorandum. Use Office of [program office name] letterhead when other office staff will sign the memorandum. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type The Secretary. Hit "Enter" two times and type THROUGH:. Hit "Tab" three times and type Ron Sims, Deputy Secretary, SD. Hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the signer's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the signer, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. After typing SUBJECT:, hit "Tab" three times and type INFORMATION-- followed by the subject of the memorandum. If the Secretary has requested the information, in parentheses type Secretary's Request and the date of the request. After typing the subject line, hit "Enter" three times and type PURPOSE:. PURPOSE: After typing PURPOSE:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the purpose of the memorandum. If there is more than one paragraph, double-space between paragraphs. After typing the last word in the purpose section, hit "Enter" two times and type FACTS:. FACTS: After typing FACTS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the origin, background, implications, and importance of the memorandum. After typing the last word in the facts section, hit "Enter" two times and type CONTACT:. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-25 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001190 EXHIBIT 4-10 (continued) 2 CONTACT: After typing CONTACT:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and provide the name and telephone number, including the area code and extension, as well as the email address, of a person who can answer questions about the content of the memorandum; e.g., For further information, contact April Showers, Office of Administration, at 202-708-XXXX, ext. XXXX, or April_T._Showers@hud.gov. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent runover lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-26 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001191 EXHIBIT 4-11 Information Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (Date) MEMORANDUM FOR: The Deputy Secretary FROM: Amarillo T. Rose, Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: INFORMATION--(Type the Subject of the Memorandum) The following guidelines address structural elements of a memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's information. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added after the memorandum has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type MEMORANDUM FOR:. Hit "Tab" one time and type The Deputy Secretary. Hit "Enter" two times and type FROM:. Hit "Tab" three times and type the signer's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. After typing the office code of the signer, hit "Enter" two times and type SUBJECT:. After typing SUBJECT:, hit "Tab" three times and type INFORMATION-- followed by the subject of the memorandum. If the Deputy Secretary has requested the information, in parentheses type Deputy Secretary's Request and the date of the request. After typing the last word of the subject line, hit "Enter" three times and type PURPOSE:. PURPOSE: After typing PURPOSE:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the purpose of the memorandum. If there is more than one paragraph, double-space between paragraphs. After typing the last word in the purpose section, hit "Enter" two times and type FACTS:. FACTS: After typing FACTS:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and type the origin, background, implications, and importance of the memorandum. After typing the last word in the facts section, hit "Enter" two times and type CONTACT:. This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-27 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001192 EXHIBIT 4-11 (continued) 2 CONTACT: After typing CONTACT:, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, and provide the name and telephone number, including the area code and extension, as well as the email address, of a person who can answer questions about the content of the memorandum; e.g., For further information, contact April Showers, Office of Administration, at 202-708-XXXX, ext. XXXX, or April_T._Showers@hud.gov. If there is an attachment(s), hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph and type Attachment(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph (or attachment notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name, title, office (if appropriate), and office code. Indent runover lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. List additional names single-spaced. Attachment(s) (if required) cc: (if required) This memorandum is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ IV-28 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001193 CHAPTER V. WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE 5-1 Purpose. The term White House correspondence refers to correspondence to and from the President, Vice President, First Lady, and the Executive Office of the President. This chapter explains how to prepare and dispatch White House correspondence. 5-2 5-3 A. For information on how letters and memorandums are written, see Chapter I. B. For details on preparing letters, see Chapter II. C. For details on preparing memorandums, see Chapter III. D. For details on preparing secretarial correspondence, other than congressional correspondence, see Chapter IV. E. For details on preparing congressional correspondence, see Chapter VI. Use. A. The letter format is used for formal correspondence with the White House and is always used for secretarial correspondence. It is also used for direct replies to constituents. B. The memorandum format may also be used, as appropriate. Control of Correspondence. A. B. White House-Originated Correspondence. The Executive Secretariat controls in CTS secretarial correspondence that HUD receives from the White House, including: 1. Letters or memorandums; 2. Mail received by the White House and referred to HUD for action; and 3. Mail received by the White House and referred to another federal agency that, in turn, rerouted the White House referral to HUD. HUD-Originated Correspondence. All White House correspondence originated within the Department for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature or approval must be controlled in CTS, by the originating program office, prior to being sent to the Executive Secretariat for review, final clearances, and dispatch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ V-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001194 5-4 Preparing White House Correspondence. A. B. Letters to the White House. 1. Follow preparation procedures in Chapter II for general correspondence. 2. Follow preparation procedures in Chapter IV for secretarial correspondence. Direct Replies to Correspondence Referred to HUD from the White House. 1. Follow the preparation procedures in Chapter II for general correspondence. 2. Begin all direct replies to correspondence from the White House with one of the following: 3. a. "President (insert President's name) received your letter of [date], and has asked the Department of Housing and Urban Development to respond to you because it administers the federal program of . . . ." b. "First Lady (insert First Lady's name) received your letter of [date], and has asked . . . ." c. "Vice President (insert Vice President's name) received your letter of [date], and has asked . . . ." d. "The White House received your letter of [date], and has asked . . . ." (Note: This opening is used only when the letter is addressed to a staff member of the White House.) e. For undated correspondence, do not reference the date, use "The White House received your letter and has asked . . . ." f. "President (insert President's name) received your telephone inquiry of [date], (or "your email of [date]), and has asked the Department of Housing and Urban Development to respond to you because it administers the federal program of . . . ." (Note: This opening is used when a person calls the White House or uses the Internet. If the correspondence is more than 60 days old, do not refer to it as a "recent letter." Instead use "letter." ____________________________________________________________________________________________ V-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001195 4. C. 5-5 Do not mention the names of White House staff in the text or in cc notations of letters to constituents. Memorandums to the White House. 1. Follow preparation procedures in Chapter III for memorandums. 2. The memorandum format, generally, is not used for the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ V-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001196 CHAPTER VI. CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE 6-1 Purpose. The term congressional correspondence refers to all correspondence to and from Members of Congress or from their staff on behalf of the Member of Congress. This chapter explains how to prepare congressional correspondence. 6-2 A. For details on preparing correspondence, see Chapter I. B. For details on the preparing letters, see Chapter II. C. For details on preparing memorandums, see Chapter III. D. For details on the preparing secretarial correspondence, other than congressional correspondence, see Chapter IV. E. For details on preparing White House correspondence, see Chapter V. Use. The letter format is used for correspondence with Members of Congress and their staff. 6-3 Control of Correspondence. A. Receipt of Correspondence at Headquarters. All congressional correspondence received in Headquarters, except that addressed to the Office of Inspector General, must be controlled by the Executive Secretariat in CTS, for assignment to the appropriate program office for response. This includes, but is not limited to, correspondence received by any HUD employee by the following methods: 1. Delivery through the U.S. Postal Service; 2. Delivery by courier services; 3. Email or facsimile; or 4. Handed to them during a meeting, hearing, etc. It is imperative that this requirement is followed so that congressional correspondence is properly controlled through the Department's correspondence control system, to ensure that all appropriate offices are aware of, and involved in responding to, congressional correspondence and requests. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001197 B. 6-4 Congressional Correspondence Received in the Field. HUD regional and field offices must control in CTS, and respond to, all congressional correspondence received directly by their offices. The regional or field office must provide a copy of all outgoing congressional correspondence to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations. Stationery and Printer Requirements. A. B. Stationery. Department letterhead is available in Microsoft Word in HUDDocs. Department letterhead is available in Microsoft Word in HUDDocs. 1. To access HUDDocs, click on "File," click on "New," click on "My Templates," click on "HUDDocs," and select the appropriate letterhead. 2. When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead. 3. For the continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. 4. As a rule, when preparing correspondence for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's signature use: a. "The Secretary" 8-1/2" x 11" ivory stationery with the eagle logo. In HUDDocs, select "SecIvory 306" for the proper format. For continuation pages, use the matching blank ivory stock; or b. "The Deputy Secretary" HUDDocs template, "DepSec 306". Use HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers. c. When using HUDDocs, plain white stock suitable for laser printers is acceptable as an original because HUDDocs prints the letterhead. For continuation pages, use plain white paper of equal quality. Printer. Use a laser printer for all letters. 6-5 Type Style. Always use Times New Roman font, 12-pitch type. 6-6 Margins. 6-7 A. Standard Letter. The standard margins are one inch on the left, right, and bottom. The top margin is automatically set in HUDDocs. B. Short Letter. The margins may be adjusted for balance on the page. Set the margins at 1.25 inches and hit "Tab" five times for the signature block. Date. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001198 In HUDDocs, the cursor will be at the date line; however, most of the time the date will be added after the letter has been signed. 6-8 Addressing Letters to Members of Congress. A. B. Models of Address. 1. See Appendix A for the correct title, address, salutation, and complimentary close for Members of Congress, Members-elect, and deceased Members. 2. See the Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations webpage at www.hud.gov, or via hud@work, for key congressional committees and links to those committees' websites. Preparing Responses to Congressional-Constituent Correspondence. 1. Address the reply directly to the Member of Congress unless otherwise instructed in the incoming correspondence. 2. If a direct reply to the constituent is requested by a Member of Congress, address the letter directly to the constituent, using the preparation guidelines in Chapter II. C. Placement. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) D. Spacing. E. 1. Single-space the address and arrange it in block style. 2. Indent run-over lines two spaces by hitting the spacebar two times. Multiple Addressees. 1. When initiating a letter to more than one Member of Congress, prepare an original of the letter, addressed individually, to each Member. 2. When responding to an incoming letter signed by more than one Member of Congress, prepare an original of the response, addressed individually, to each Member. F. State and Territory Abbreviations Table. (See Appendix B.) G. ZIP Code. All ZIP Codes should consist of nine digits (ZIP Code + 4). 1. The ZIP Code for the United States Senate in Washington, DC, is 20510. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001199 H. 2. The ZIP Code for the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, DC, is 20515. 3. If an extended ZIP Code is not available, use the extension 0001. Attention Line. When a Member of Congress requests that a response be directed to a specific staff member: 1. The attention line is typed on the envelope only (See Figure 6-5). 2. The response is addressed to the Member of Congress, not the person identified in the attention line. Note: To add an attention line on the envelopes for congressional correspondence at the end of the ZIP Code, hit "Enter" two times and type ATTENTION:. Hit the spacebar two times and type the full name. For examples of correctly prepared envelopes, see Figure 6-5. 6-9 Salutation. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) Do not personalize the salutation. The signer will hand personalize the salutation in ink on the original, if necessary. 6-10 Body of a Congressional Letter. A. Placement and Spacing. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) B. Paragraphs. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) C. Subparagraphs. (See Appendix C.) D. Quotations. (See Appendix D for how to incorporate quotations into the body of a letter.) E. Multiple-Page Letter. 1. Do not begin a paragraph near the end of a page unless there is room for at least two lines. 2. Do not continue a paragraph on the next page unless at least three lines can be carried over. 3. In HUDDocs, the cursor will be on the correct line for the page number. Number continuation pages at the top right margin and continue typing the letter three lines below. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001200 6-11 Complimentary Close. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3, and Appendix A.) 6-12 Signature Element. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) 6-13 Enclosure Notation. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) A. If the letter has an enclosure, type an enclosure notation. However: If a Member of Congress asks HUD to return the constituent's letter, return it enclosed with HUD's reply to the Member. In such case, do not use an enclosure notation on the reply to represent the constituent's letter. 6-14 Courtesy Copy Notation. If the originator wants the addressee to know that someone else will receive a copy of the letter, type a cc (courtesy copy) notation. (See Exhibit 6-1, 6-2, or 6-3.) 6-15 Envelope(s): Prepare envelope(s), or label(s) for large envelopes, for the original and any external copies using Times New Roman font, 12-pitch type. A. B. Attention Line. 1. When a Member of Congress requests that a response be directed to a specific staff member, the attention line is typed on the envelope only. 2. At the end of the ZIP Code, hit "Enter" two times and type ATTENTION:. Hit the spacebar two times and type the full name. For examples of correctly prepared envelopes, see Figure 6-5. Secretarial Correspondence. 1. Use "The Secretary" ivory envelopes or "The Deputy Secretary" white envelopes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-5 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001201 Figure 6-5 (Capitol Hill Address) (District Office Address) The Honorable [Full Name] United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 The Honorable [Full Name] United States Senator [Local Address of State Office] (City, State ZIP Code + 4) ATTENTION: [Full Name] ATTENTION: [Full Name] The Honorable [Full Name] U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Washington, DC 20515 + 4 The Honorable [Full Name] Member, United States House of Representatives [Local Address of State Office) [City, State ZIP Code + 4] ATTENTION: [Full Name] ATTENTION: [Full Name] 6-16 Proofreading. Read the letter(s) and envelope(s) or label(s) carefully to ensure there are no errors. 6-17 Concurrence/Clearance/Dispatch Follow concurrence, clearance, and dispatch procedures used by your program office's correspondence unit or point of contact for correspondence, to ensure accordance with current departmental policies and standards. (Note: You must send all outgoing congressional correspondence to the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations for clearance and other actions, as appropriate). 6-18 Congressional Committees and Subcommittees Information on congressional committees and subcommittees can be found on the websites for the United States Senate, at www.senate.gov, and the United States House of Representatives, at www.house.gov. You also access these congressional websites through HUD's Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations' webpage on either hud@work or at www.hud.gov. Note: See Appendix A for Models of Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-6 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001202 Chapter VI Exhibits: Congressional Correspondence Exhibit 6-1 Letter Addressed to a Senator from the Secretary Exhibit 6-2 Letter Addressed to a Senator from an Assistant Secretary Exhibit 6-3 Letter Addressed to a Representative from an Assistant Secretary ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-7 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001203 EXHIBIT 6-1 Letter Addressed to a Senator from The Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410 + 4 THE SECRETARY (Date) The Honorable Joe Friday United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Senator Friday: The following guidelines address structural elements of a letter for the Secretary's signature. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select "SecIvory 306" letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, the date will be added -after the letter has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type the inside address. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Hit "Enter" two times, type Dear, the professional or courtesy title, last name, and a colon. Hit "Enter" two times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the letter. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short letters, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, hit "Tab" six times, and type the Secretary's name. Do not use the Secretary's middle initial or title when typing the signature line. If there is an enclosure(s), hit "Enter" two times and type Enclosure(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times after typing the Secretary's name (or enclosure notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name. List additional names single-spaced. Sincerely, (Insert Secretary's name) Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) The format for the Deputy Secretary's letter to a Senator is identical. This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-8 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001204 EXHIBIT 6-2 Letter Addressed to a Senator from an Assistant Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-1000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS (Date) The Honorable Joe Friday United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Senator Friday: The following guidelines address structural elements of a HUD letter. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, most of the time the date will be added after the letter has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type the inside address. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Hit "Enter" two times, type Dear, the professional or courtesy title, last name, and a colon. Hit "Enter" two times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the letter. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short letters, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, hit "Tab" six times, and type the signer's name. Hit "Enter" one time and type the title, aligned directly under the signer's name. Hit the spacebar two times to indent run-over lines. If there is an enclosure(s), hit "Enter" two times and type Enclosure(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times after typing the signer's title (or enclosure notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name. List additional names single-spaced. Sincerely, Mack N. Tosch Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-9 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001205 EXHIBIT 6-3 Letter to a Representative from an Assistant Secretary U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-1000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS (Date) The Honorable Perry Mason U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Representative Mason: The following guidelines address structural elements of a HUD letter. Access Microsoft Word. Click on "File," "New," and "HUDDocs," and then select the appropriate letterhead. Make certain the font is Times New Roman, 12-pitch type. The cursor will be at the date line; however, most of the time the date will be added after the letter has been signed. Hit "Enter" four times and type the inside address. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Hit "Enter" two times, type Dear, the professional or courtesy title, last name, and a colon. Hit "Enter" two times and hit "Tab" one time to begin typing the body of the letter. Hit the spacebar two times after each sentence. For standard and short letters, single-space within each paragraph and double-space between paragraphs. Hit "Tab" one time before typing each paragraph. Hit "Enter" two times at the end of the last paragraph. Hit "Tab" six times and type Sincerely,. Hit "Enter" five times, hit "Tab" six times, and type the signer's name. Hit "Enter" one time and type the title, aligned directly under the signer's name. Hit the spacebar two times to indent run-over lines. If there is an enclosure(s), hit "Enter" two times and type Enclosure(s). If a cc will be sent, hit "Enter" two times after typing the signer's title (or enclosure notation, if any) and type cc:. Hit "Enter" one time and type the recipient's name. List additional names single-spaced. Sincerely, Mack N. Tosch Enclosure(s) (if required) cc: Silvah Bells (if required) This letter is typed in Times New Roman, 10-pitch type for this handbook exhibit only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI-10 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001206 APPENDIX A. MODELS OF ADDRESS General Rules for Addressing Correspondence 1. Abbreviations. Spell out all titles except "Dr.," "Mr.," "Ms.," "Mrs.," in addresses before full names. 2. Two Titles. Do not use two titles with one name; for example, use "Dr. Paula White" or "Paula White, M.D." Do not use "Dr. Paula White, M.D." or "Ms. Paula White, M.D." 3. Title Omitted. Use "Ms." to address women when the incoming does not give a title. Omit the title if it is not known if the addressee is a man or a woman; for example, use "Leslie Doe" in the address, "Dear Leslie Doe:" as the salutation. 4. Retired Officials. After leaving a titled position, an individual may opt to retain that distinctive title. 5. Personal Preference. The addressee's personal preference should be considered when deciding whether to use a title. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001207 Guidelines for Addressing Correspondence Guideline Example 1. If the incoming uses both a street address and a box number, put them in the same order on the reply. Fort Knox Bank 101 Gold Bar Road PO Box 823 Fort Knox, KY 62702 + 4 2. In street addresses, do not use periods with abbreviations that indicate sectional divisions of cities, i.e., NW, SW, NE, SE. Use the USPS two-letter state and territory abbreviations. Hit the spacebar two times between the state code and the ZIP Code. Use www.usps.com to find or verify extended ZIP Codes. Mrs. Queen O. Hearts 117 Bridge Avenue, SW Poker City, CA 90014 + 4 3. Put a box number before a post office station or number. Mr. George Jungle Box 2, Tarzan Station Wilderness, WA 45205 + 4 4. Put a rural route number before a box number. Ms. Mary Lamb RR 2, Box 2 Wool City, WV 26360 + 4 5. Put an apartment, room, suite, or other unit number after the street address, on the same line or in the line above. Mr. Henree Ford 600 Model T Street, Apartment 2 First Car, MI 42886 + 4 6. If the incoming contains only a city, state, and ZIP Code, it may be used on the reply. Ms. Emmy A. Ward Oscar City, CA 90099 + 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001208 Models of Address. The following list shows the address format, salutation, and complimentary close for certain addressees. The White House Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close The President The President The White House Washington, DC 20500-0004 Dear Mr. President: Dear Madam President: (For the President only, use "Respectfully" as the complimentary close.) The Vice President The Honorable (Full Name) Dear Mr. Vice President: The Vice President of the Dear Madam Vice President: United States Sincerely, Eisenhower Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20501-0005 The President's Spouse Mr./Mrs. (Full Name) The White House Washington, DC 20500 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs. (Last Name): Sincerely, Assistant to the President The Honorable (Full Name) Assistant to the President The White House Washington, DC 20500 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Former President The Honorable (Full Name) (Complete Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear President (Last Name): Sincerely, Former Vice President The Honorable (Full Name) (Complete Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001209 The Cabinet Inside Address and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close The President The White House Washington, DC 20500-0004 Dear Mr. President: Dear Madam President: (For the President only, use "Respectfully" as the complimentary close.) The Honorable (Full Name) The Vice President of the United States Eisenhower Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20501-0005 Dear Mr. Vice President: Dear Madam Vice President: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Commerce 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20230 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Energy Forrestal Building 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20585 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001210 The Cabinet (continued) Inside Address and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Robert C. Weaver Federal Building 451 Seventh Street, SW Washington, DC 20410 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Attorney General Department of Justice 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 + 4 Dear Mr. Attorney General: Dear Madam Attorney General: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20210 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of State Harry S. Truman Federal Building 2201 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20520 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-5 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001211 The Cabinet (continued) Inside Address and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20420 + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, Cabinet Rank Members The Honorable (Full Name) Chief of Staff to the President The White House 1st Floor, West Wing Washington, DC 20500-0004 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Director, Office of Management and Budget 725 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20460 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) United States Trade Representative Winder Building 600 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20508 + 4 Dear Mr. Ambassador: Dear Madam Ambassador: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Ambassador United States Mission to the United Nations 140 East 45th Street New York, NY 10017 + (4) Dear Mr. Ambassador: Dear Madam Ambassador: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Administrator Dear Administrator (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-6 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001212 Small Business Administration Suite 7000 409 3rd Street, SW Washington, DC 20416 + 4 The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman Council on Economic Advisers The White House Washington, DC 20502 + 4 Dear Mr. Chairman: Dear Madam Chairman: Sincerely, The Federal Judiciary Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close The Chief Justice The Honorable (Full Name) Chief Justice of the United States The Supreme Court of the United States Washington, DC 20543-0002 Dear Chief Justice: Sincerely, Associate Justice The Honorable (Full Name) Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Washington, DC 20543-0002 Dear Justice (Last Name): Sincerely, The Clerk of the Supreme Court The Honorable (Full Name) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. The Clerk of the Supreme Court (Last Name): The Supreme Court of the Sincerely, United States Washington, DC 20543-0002 Chief Judge of a Court The Honorable (Full Name) Chief Judge of the (Name of the Court) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Chief Judge (Last Name): Sincerely, Judge of a Court The Honorable (Full Name) Judge of the (Name of the Court) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Judge (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-7 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001213 The Congress Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close President of the Senate (The Vice President acts in this capacity.) The Honorable (Full Name) President of the Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Mr. President: Dear Madam President: Sincerely, Speaker of the House of Representatives The Honorable (Full Name) Speaker of the House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr. Speaker: Dear Madam Speaker: Sincerely, President pro tempore of the Senate The Honorable (Full Name) President Pro Tempore United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Mr. President: Dear Madam President: Sincerely, Majority or Minority Leader of the Senate The Honorable (Full Name) Majority (or Minority) Leader United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Mr. Leader: Dear Madam Leader: Sincerely, Majority or Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives The Honorable (Full Name) Majority (or Minority) Leader U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr. Leader: Dear Madam Leader: Sincerely, United States Senator The Honorable (Full Name) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) United States Senator (Local Address of State Office) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Senator (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-8 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001214 The Congress (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close United States Representative The Honorable (Full Name) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Member, United States House of Representatives (Congressional District Office Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Representative (Last Name): Sincerely, Senator-elect The Honorable (Full Name) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Senator-elect (Last Name): Sincerely, Representative-elect The Honorable (Full Name) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Representative-elect (Last Name): Sincerely, Committee Chairman Chairwoman Chair The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair Committee on (Name) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair Committee on (Name) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Committee on (Name) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Committee on (Name) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Senator (Last Name): Sincerely, Committee Member Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, Dear Representative (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-9 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001215 The Congress (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Subcommittee Chairman Chairwoman Chair The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair Subcommittee on (Name) (Name of Parent Committee) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair Subcommittee on (Name) (Name of Parent Committee) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Cochairman/Cochairwoman/ Cochair Committee on (Name) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Cochairman/Cochairwoman/ Cochair Committee on (Name) U.S. House of Representatives Committee on (Name) Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr./Madam Cochairman: Dear Madam Cochairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Cochair: Sincerely, The Honorable (Full Name) Subcommittee on (Name) (Name of Parent Committee) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Subcommittee on (Name) (Name of Parent Committee) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Senator (Last Name): Sincerely, Committee Cochairman Cochairwoman Cochair Subcommittee Member Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, Dear Mr./Madam Cochairman: Dear Madam Cochairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Cochair: Sincerely, Dear Representative (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-10 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001216 The Congress (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Joint Committee Chairman Chairwoman Chair The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair Joint Committee on (Name) Congress of the United States Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, Joint Committee Member The Honorable (Full Name) Joint Committee on (Name) Congress of the United States Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Senator (Last Name): Dear Representative (Last Name): Sincerely, Joint Subcommittee Chairman Chairwoman Chair The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair Joint Subcommittee on (Name) Joint Committee on (Name) Congress of the United States Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, Joint Subcommittee Member The Honorable (Full Name) Joint Subcommittee on (Name) Congress of the United States Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Senator (Last Name): Dear Representative (Last Name): Sincerely, Office of a Deceased Senator or Representative Office of the late Senator (Full Name) United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 (or) Office of the late Representative (Full Name) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Sir/Madam: Sincerely, Secretary of the United States Senate The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of the Senate United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Clerk of the House The Honorable (Full Name) Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515-6601 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-11 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001217 The Congress (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Resident Commissioner The Honorable (Full Name) Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Delegate The Honorable (Full Name) Delegate from (Name of Location) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Legislative Agencies Comptroller General The Honorable (Full Name) Comptroller General of the United States (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Librarian of Congress The Honorable (Full Name) Librarian of Congress Library of Congress Washington, DC 20540 + 4 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-12 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001218 Executive Departments and Independent Agencies Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Head of Executive Department The Honorable (Full Name) Secretary of (Name of Department) (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Secretary (Last Name): Sincerely, Attorney General The Honorable (Full Name) Attorney General Department of Justice 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 + 4 Dear Mr. Attorney General: Dear Madam Attorney General: Sincerely, Solicitor General The Honorable (Full Name) Solicitor General Department of Justice 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 + 4 Dear Mr. Solicitor General: Dear Madam Solicitor General: Sincerely, Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary/ Assistant Secretary/ Equivalent The Honorable (Full Name) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Deputy Secretary of Name): (Name of Department) Sincerely, (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Under Secretary of (Name of Department) (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 (or) The Honorable (Full Name) Assistant Secretary (or Equivalent) for (Name of Departmental Component) (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-13 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001219 Executive Departments and Independent Agencies (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Postmaster General The Honorable (Full Name) Postmaster General (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Mr. Postmaster General: Dear Madam Postmaster General: Sincerely, Head of a Federal Agency, Authority, or Board The Honorable (Full Name) (Title) (Agency Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Head of a Major Organization Within an Agency, if a Presidential Appointee The Honorable (Full Name) (Title), (Organization Name) (Agency Name) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Chairman/Chairwoman/ Chair of a Commission or Board The Honorable (Full Name) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair, (Commission/Board Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Madam Chairman: Dear Madam Chairwoman: Dear Mr./Madam Chair: Sincerely, Chairman/Chairwoman/ Chair of a Permanently Chartered Commission or Council, if a presidential appointee The Honorable (Full Name) (Commission Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-14 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001220 American Missions Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close American Ambassador The Honorable (Full Name) American Ambassador (City), (Country) (formal) Sir/Madam: Very truly yours, (informal) Dear Mr. Ambassador: Dear Madam Ambassador: Sincerely, Personal (Special) Representative of the President The Honorable (Full Name) Personal Representative of the President of the United States of America to (Country) (Address) (City), (Country) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, American Consul General or American Consul Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Full Name) American Consul General (or) American Consul (City), (Country) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Foreign Diplomatic Missions to the United States Foreign Ambassador in the United States His/Her Excellency (Full Name)(formal) Ambassador of (Country) Excellency: (Address) Very truly yours, Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 (informal) Dear Mr. Ambassador: Dear Madam Ambassador: Sincerely, Foreign Minister in the United States (Head of a Legation) The Honorable (Full Name) Minister of (Country) (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Mr. Minister: Dear Madam Minister: Sincerely, Foreign Minister Counselor in the United States The Honorable (Full Name) Minister Counselor Embassy of (Country) (Address) Washington, DC ZIP Code + 4 Dear Mr. Minister: Dear Madam Minister: Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-15 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001221 International Organizations Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close United States Representative to the United Nations with the Rank of Ambassador The Honorable (Full Name) United States Representative to the United Nations with the Rank of Ambassador (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Sir/Madam: Very truly yours, (informal) Dear Mr. Ambassador: Dear Madam Ambassador: Sincerely, United States Representative on the Council of the Organization of American States The Honorable (Full Name) United States Representative on the Council of the Organization of American States (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Sir/Madam: Very truly yours, (informal) Dear Mr. Ambassador: Dear Madam Ambassador: Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-16 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001222 State Governments and Local Governments Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Governor The Honorable (Full Name) Governor of (State) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Governor (Last Name): Sincerely, Lieutenant Governor The Honorable (Full Name) Lieutenant Governor of (State) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Attorney General The Honorable (Full Name) Attorney General State of (Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Attorney General (Last Name): Sincerely, State Senator *(See note below) The Honorable (Full Name) (State) Senate (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, State Representative/ Assemblyman/ Assemblywoman/ Delegate *(See note below) The Honorable (Full Name) (State) House of Representatives/ (State) Assembly/ (State) House of Delegates (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Note: In most states, the lower branch of the legislature is known as the House of Representatives. In some states, such as California, New York, New Jersey, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the lower branch is known as the Assembly. In others, such as Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, it is known as the House of Delegates. Nebraska has a one-house legislature. Its members are classed as Senators. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-17 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001223 State Governments and Local Governments (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, State's Attorney The Honorable (Full Name) State's Attorney (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) District Attorney The Honorable (Full Name) District Attorney (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Mayor The Honorable (Full Name) Mayor of (City) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mayor (Last Name): Sincerely, Mayor Pro Tem The Honorable (Full Name) Mayor Pro Tem of (City) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mayor Pro Tem (Last Name): Sincerely, President of a City Board of Commissioners The Honorable (Full Name) President, Board of Commissioners of (City) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, City Council Member Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Full Name) Councilman/Councilwoman (City) City Council (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Chief of Police (Full Name) Chief of Police (City) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Sir: Dear Chief (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-18 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001224 Clergy Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Protestant The Right Reverend (Full Name) Bishop of (City) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Right Reverend Sir: Right Reverend Madam: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Bishop (Last Name): Sincerely, The Very Reverend (Full name) Dean of (Cathedral) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Very Reverend Sir: Very Reverend Madam: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Dean (Last Name): Sincerely, The Reverend (Full Name) Bishop of (City) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Reverend Sir: Reverend Madam: (informal) Dear Bishop (Last Name): Sincerely, The Reverend (Full Name) (Title), (Name of Church) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, His Eminence (First Name) Cardinal (Last Name) Archbishop of (Diocese) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Your Eminence: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Cardinal (Last Name): Sincerely, The Most Reverend (Full Name) Archbishop of (Diocese) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Your Excellency: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Archbishop: Sincerely, Catholic ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-19 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001225 Clergy (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Catholic The Most Reverend (Full Name) Bishop of (City) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Your Excellency: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Bishop (Last Name): Sincerely, The Right Reverend Monsignor (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Right Reverend Monsignor: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Monsignor (Last Name): Sincerely, The Very Reverend Monsignor (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Very Reverend Monsignor: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Monsignor (Last Name): Sincerely, The Reverend (Full Name) (Initials of Order, if any) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (formal) Reverend Sir: Sincerely, (informal) Dear Father (Last Name): Sincerely, The Reverend Mother Superior (or) Reverend Mother (Name, Initials of Order) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Reverend Mother: Dear Reverend Mother: Dear Mother (Name): Sincerely, Sister (Name, Initials of Order) (Initials of Order, if used) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Sister (Name): Dear Sister: Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-20 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001226 Clergy (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Catholic (continued) Brother (Name, Initials of Order) (Initials of Order, if used) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Brother (Name): Dear Brother: Sincerely, Jewish Rabbi (Full Name), D.D. (or) Dr. (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Rabbi (Last Name): Dear Dr. (Last Name): Sincerely, Rabbi (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Rabbi (Last Name): Sincerely, Chaplain (Full Name) (Rank, Service Designation) (Post Office Address of Organization and Station) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Chaplain (Last Name): Sincerely, Chaplain Education Officials President of a College or University (with doctoral degree) Dr. (Full Name) President, (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Dr. (Last Name): Sincerely, President of a College or University (without doctoral degree) Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Full Name) President, (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Dean of a School Dean (Full Name) School of (Name) (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Dean (Last Name): Sincerely, Professor (with doctoral degree) Dr. (Full Name) Department of (Name) (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Dr. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-21 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001227 Education Officials (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Professor (without doctoral degree) Professor (Full Name) Department of (Name) (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Professor (Last Name): Sincerely, Associate/Assistant Professor (with doctoral degree) Dr. (Full Name) Associate/Assistant Professor Department of (Name) (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Dr. (Last Name): Sincerely, Associate/Assistant Professor (without doctoral degree) Professor (Full Name) Associate/Assistant Professor Department of (Name) (Name of Institution) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Professor (Last Name): Sincerely, Physicians and Lawyers Physician (Full Name), M.D. (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Dr. (Last Name): Sincerely, Lawyer (Full Name), Esquire (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-22 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001228 Multiple Addressees Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close One Woman and One Man Mrs./ Miss/Ms. (Full Name) and Mr. (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mrs./ Miss/Ms. (Last Name) and Mr. (Last Name): Sincerely, Two or More Men Mr. (Full Name) and Mr. (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr. (Last Name) and Mr. (Last Name): Dear Messrs. (Last Name) and (Last Name): Gentlemen: Sincerely, Two or More Women Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Full Name) and Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mrs. (Last Name) and Ms. (Last Name): Dear Mmes. (Last Name) and (Last Name): (if married) Dear Mlles. (Last Name) and (Last Name): (if unmarried) Ladies: Sincerely, Miscellaneous Addressees Widow Married Couple Ms. (Wife's Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (or) Mrs. (Husband's Full Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. (Husband's First and Last Name) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr. and Mrs. (Last Name): Sincerely, Dear Mrs. (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-23 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001229 Miscellaneous Addressees (continued) Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Family The (Last Name) Family (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear (Last Name) Family: Sincerely, Unknown Gender Leslie Smith (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Leslie Smith: Sincerely, Organization of Women and Men Name of Organization (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Ladies and Gentlemen: Gentlemen and Ladies: Dear (Name of Organization): Sincerely, (or) Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Full Name) President (or Other Appropriate Title) Name of Organization (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) (or) President (or Other Appropriate Title) Name of Organization (Address) City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. (Last Name): Sincerely, Sir or Madam: Madam or Sir: Dear Sir or Madam: Dear Madam or Sir: Sincerely, Organization of Women Name of Organization (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Ladies: Sincerely, Organization of Men Name of Organization (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Gentlemen: Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-24 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001230 Military Service Personnel Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Service Personnel (Full Grade, Full Name, and abbreviation of service designation) (add "Retired", if applicable) (Title and Organization) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear (Grade) (Last Name): Sincerely, Lieutenant Same as above Same as above Major Same as above Same as above Colonel Same as above Same as above Captain Same as above Same as above General Same as above Same as above Admiral Same as above Same as above Service Academy Members Army or Coast Guard Cadet (Full Name) (Service Designation) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Cadet (Last Name): Sincerely, Navy Midshipman (Full Name) (Service Designation) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Midshipman (Last Name): Sincerely, Air Force Air Cadet (Full Name) (Service Designation) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Air Cadet (Last Name): Sincerely, Merchant Marine Midshipman (Full Name) (Service Designation) (Address) (City, State ZIP Code + 4) Dear Midshipman (Last Name): Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-25 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001231 Tribal Leaders Addressee Address on Letter and Envelope Salutation and Complimentary Close Heads of Indian or Alaska Native Tribes/Groups The Honorable (Full Name) (Title) (Name of Indian or Alaska Native Tribe/Group) (Address) (City, State Zip Code + 4 Dear (Title) (Last Name): Sincerely, Examples: The Honorable Lawrence T. Morgan Dear Speaker Morgan: Speaker Sincerely, Navajo Nation Council PO Box 3390 200 Parkway Administration Building 1 Window Rock, AZ 86515 + 4 The Honorable John D. Red Eagle Principal Chief Osage Nation Executive Branch 627 Grandview PO Box 779 Pawhuska, OK 74056 + 4 Dear Chief Red Eagle: Sincerely, The Honorable Theresa Two Bulls President Oglala Sioux Tribal Council PO Box 2070 Pine Ridge, SD 57770 + 4 Dear President Two Bulls: Sincerely, The Honorable Ned Anoatubby Governor Chickasaw Nation PO Box 1548 Ada, OK 74821 + 4 Dear Governor Anoatubby: Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A-26 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001232 APPENDIX B. STATE AND TERRITORY ABBREVIATION TABLE U.S. Postal Service Abbreviation U.S. State, Possession, or Territory U.S. Postal, Service Abbreviation U.S. State, Possession, or Territory____ AK AL AR AS AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL FT GA GU HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MP Alaska Alabama Arkansas American Samoa Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Foreign (for CTS use) Georgia Guam Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Northern Marianas Islands MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA PR RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VI VT WA WI WV WY Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Virgin Islands Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming Note: Use abbreviations on inside addresses and on envelopes. Spell out the state or territory name when used in the text of a letter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ B-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001233 APPENDIX C. SUBPARAGRAPHS A. Information that is long or complex should be divided into two or more subparagraphs. B. The order of numbering and lettering subparagraphs is shown in the box below. The arrangement may be varied to meet special requirements, such as those for legal documents. BREAKDOWN OF SUBPARAGRAPHS I. Roman numerals A. Capital letters 1. Arabic numerals a. Lowercase letters (1) Parenthetical Arabic numerals (a) Parenthetical lowercase letters (i) Parenthetical lowercase Roman numerals (aa) Parenthetical double lowercase letters C. Titles or captions after the subparagraph numbers or letters may be underlined and followed with a period. However, if either or both are used, be consistent. D. Type run-over lines flush with the first word of the subparagraph. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ C-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001234 APPENDIX D. A. QUOTATIONS Short Quotations. A quotation of one or two lines is included in the text. Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation within a quotation. SHORT QUOTATION The regulation clearly states, "Ambiguous references such as 'herein' or 'above' shall not be used." B. Long Quotations. A quotation of three lines or more is typed apart from the text and blocked one-half inch from the left and right margins. After typing the last word of the paragraph preceding the quotation, hit "Enter" two times, hit "Tab" one time, type a quotation mark, and begin typing the quotation. Type run-over lines flush with the first line of the quotation. Single-space each paragraph of the quotation; double-space between paragraphs. Type a quotation mark at the beginning of the first paragraph and each succeeding paragraph. Type a closing quotation mark at the end of the complete quotation only, not at the end of each paragraph. LONG QUOTATION The President expressed his appreciation for the achievements of HUD in his recent State of the Union Message when he said: "Let me assure you that you can have a great career in the Department of Housing and Urban Development. You will feel proud when helping the homeless find shelter and families find homes. "We must all do our part to help Americans live the American Dream of having safe and decent housing in every city and county in this nation. You will be proud that you are a part of making this happen." ____________________________________________________________________________________________ D-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001235 APPENDIX E. STYLE ELEMENTS The following pages provide a quick reference to frequently encountered style issues and represent the most up-to-date and commonly preferred usage. More detailed information may be obtained from the references cited in Appendix G. Capitalization Capitalize Do not capitalize Academic degree abbreviations (e.g., M.B.A., Ph.D.) Academic degree names (e.g., master of business administration, doctor of philosophy) Administration (when used as a synonym for a current administration) administration (when used with the name of an administration; e.g., Obama administration) Agency (when used as a synonym for the name of a government agency) agency City (when part of the corporate or popular name, e.g., Kansas City, Windy City, or New York City) city the city city of New York Commonwealth (when part of a state name, e.g., Commonwealth of Virginia) Congress Congressman (when used with a member's name) congressional congressman (when used without a member's name) Department (when used as a synonym for the proper name of an agency) department departmental email Field Office (when part of the field office name; e.g., Sacramento Field Office) field field office (e.g., each HUD field office) Fiscal Year (when used with the year, e.g., Fiscal Year 2018) fiscal year (when not used with a year) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001236 Capitalize Do not capitalize FY (e.g., FY 2018 or FY18) Federal Register federal (used as an adjective; e.g., federal programs or federal funding) federally federalization Government (when used with U.S., United States, or Federal; e.g., Federal Government) government governmental Headquarters (only when referring to HUD Headquarters) headquarters (when not referring to HUD Headquarters) Internet Nation (when a synonym for for the United States) a nation or national nationwide French nation National (when used in conjunction with capitalized name) President presidential References such as Chapter, Exhibit, Figure, and Table (when it is a specific reference, e.g., Chapter 1 or Figure 4-6) chapter, exhibit, figure, and table (when referenced in text) seasons: spring, summer, autumn/fall Secretary (when used as a synonym for the Secretary's name) secretarial Social Security number State (e.g., State government, State of Iowa) state (e.g., state's evidence) statewide Time Zone Abbreviations, e.g., EST, PST time: a.m., p.m., noon, midnight time zone names; e.g., eastern standard time, pacific standard time ZIP Code web or website ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001237 Compound Words, Hyphenations, and Spelling To be sure of the spelling of compound words, check an up-to-date dictionary. In general, do not use a hyphen to set off a prefix at the beginning of a word. Do not use a hyphen to set off a suffix at the end of a word. Hyphenate to avoid doubling a vowel or tripling a consonant. In general, do not hyphenate the following short prefixes: co, de, pre, pro, and re. Preferred spelling of commonly used words and phrases in HUD correspondence are: acknowledgment anticrime antideficiency antidrug biweekly broad-based canceled cannot catalog closeout (noun) close out (verb transitive) cochair cochairman cochairperson co-owner commenter community-based programs congressional copartner copayment corecipient corporatewide cost-benefit cost-of-living increase counseled counseling coworker crosscutting decisionmaker decisionmaking departmental departmentwide ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001238 down payment email ENERGY STAR ex officio faith-based FHA-guaranteed FHA-insured first-time homeowner formatted formatting forward (ahead) foreword (a part of a publication) Governmentwide (U.S. or foreign) governmentwide (State, city, etc.) grass roots (noun) grassroots (adjective) hearing-impaired hearing- and speech-impaired higher-priced highest-priced homebuyer home seller homeownership HUD-assisted HUD-owned Internet intranet judgment labeled labeling labor-management life cycle long-term payments longer term payments lower income group low-income low- and moderate-income memorandum midway midyear (noun) mid-year (adjective) moderate-income multiagency multicultural nationwide noncompliance ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001239 nonprofit one-unit dwelling on-site (adverb or adjective) one-year open-ended percent PHAs policymaker preexisting prequalified proactive prorated quasi-government quasi-independent recordkeeping refinancing requester self-sufficiency semiannual setup (noun) set up (verb) single-spaced tax-exempt time-consuming time frame time-sharing toll-free totaled two-fold underutilized very low-income website ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-5 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001240 NUMERALS There are five basic rules to remember: 1. Spell out numbers nine and under. The house has four rooms. 2. Use figures for numbers 10 and greater. The house has 14 rooms. 3. Never begin a sentence with a numeral. Five new rooms were added to the house. 4. When 2 or more numbers appear in a sentence and 1 of them is 10 or larger, figures are used for each number. The class has 11 boys and 6 girls. The class has two boys and three girls. 5. Units of time, measurement, and money are expressed as follows: 10 p.m. (not 10:00 p.m.) 1 calendar year 6 years, 2 months, 6 weeks, 3 days (but four centuries, three decades) 10 feet 15 cubic yards one gallon 2 percent $8 (not $8.00) $5.75 million $1 billion However, units of time, measurement, and money do not affect the usage of other numbers in a sentence. The four men finished the project in 8 weeks. The 4 men finished the 10 projects in 8 weeks. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-6 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001241 Examples of commonly used units of time: The instructor gave the 5-minute warning to the class. The instructor gave the warning that the class would end in 5 minutes. They worked a 10-hour shift. Their shift was for 10 hours. He gave his 2-week notice. He gave his notice 2 weeks before his departure. The project experienced a 1-month delay. The project was delayed for 1 month. She obtained a 30-year mortgage. Her mortgage was for 30 years. The decade of the '60s advanced many social reforms. The Department of Housing and Urban Development was established in the 1960s. The meeting took place on June 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-7 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001242 Punctuation (and Punctuation Marks) Use the possessive and objective phrases as follows: Four years' experience in computer operations was a requirement. Four years of experience in computer operations was a requirement. Use serial commas in all text. Place a comma after each item in a series of three or more items. He edited four books, three journals, two fact sheets, and one meeting summary. Omit the comma between two nouns that identify one another. She read the book Homeownership in the 21st Century and decided to recommend it to the group. Use a comma after introductory prepositional clauses containing four or more words: In the beginning we were in favor of the plan. After the committee voted on the plan, we adjourned for the evening. However, there are exceptions to the above rule. They include the following: In addition, For example, Use a comma for introductory prepositional clauses of three or fewer words if the last word of the clause and the next word are numerals. In 1989, 150 students were in the graduating class. Use a comma before and after explanatory matter and identifiers. On January 21, 1929, we greeted the world. Iberia, South Carolina, is her birthplace. Fred Jones, the manager, administered the project. ABC, Inc., sponsored the program. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-8 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001243 Always use a comma to set off the year in complete dates (month, date, year) unless it is at the end of a sentence. The report was completed on June 20, 2011, and sent to Congress. Always use a comma to set off a pair of time measurements in a day, unless it is at the end of a sentence. The ceremony will be held on June 20, 2011, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the historic Paramount Theatre in Austin. Do not use commas in the following places: Between month and year (December 2011) Before parentheses Place periods and commas inside closing quotation marks. Other punctuation goes outside the quotation marks unless it is part of the quoted material. Is the title, "How to Be a Homeowner"? The title is "Do You Know How to Be a Homeowner?" and it is available at bookstores. You stated in your handbook, "Place periods and commas inside quotation marks." Use an en dash in combinations of figures and capital letters. 301-251-5000 4-H Club CBS-TV Network NIJ-BJA Project Use state code abbreviations in addresses and lists. Spell out state names in text ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-9 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001244 APPENDIX F. ACCENTS, CHARACTERS, AND SYMBOLS Special accents, characters, and symbols may be inserted into a document by placing the cursor where the character should be inserted. On the "Insert" tab, in the Microsoft Word menu, select "Symbol." Then click on the character or symbol to be inserted into the document, and it will be inserted. If the symbol that you want to insert is not in the list, click on "More Symbols." Then, in the "Subset" box, use the drop-down list and choose "Latin Extended-A" or "Latin Extended-B." Some frequently used Spanish accents are listed below. To use them: - Press the Alt (Alternate) key and hold it down. - Enter the corresponding number for the accent you want (see table below). Use the numerical section (right-hand side) of your keyboard. a = Alt 00E1 e = Alt 00E9 i = Alt 00ED o = Alt 00F3 u = Alt 00FA n = Alt 00F1 N = Alt 00D1 u = Alt 00FC U = Alt 00DC ? = Alt 00BF ? = Alt 00A1 - Release the Alt key for the properly accented character to appear on your Screen. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ F-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001245 APPENDIX G. REFERENCE GUIDES A number of sources exist to assist in the preparation of correspondence. A partial list follows: Primary Sources Directories Congressional Staff Directory. Washington, DC: CQ Press, Published Quarterly. Congressional Yellow Book. New York: Leadership Directories, Published Quarterly. Federal Yellow Book. New York: Leadership Directories, Published Quarterly. Municipal Yellow Book. New York: Leadership Directories, Published Quarterly. State Yellow Book. New York: Leadership Directories, Published Quarterly. Manuals Mail Management Handbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Telecommunications Handbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. U.S. Government Correspondence Manual. Washington, DC: U.S. General Services Administration, 1992. U.S. Government Manual. Washington, DC: Office of the Federal Register/National Archives and Records Administration, 2000. Searchable at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. The table of contents can be accessed at the following link: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gmanual/browse-gm-09.html. U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2008. Searchable at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/stylemanual/index.html. The table of contents can be accessed at the following link: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/stylemanual/browse.html. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ G-1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001246 Websites: www.house.gov www.nara.gov www.senate.gov Secondary Sources Guides: Cappon, Rene J. The Associated Press Guide to Punctuation. Cambridge: Perseus Publishing, 2003. Goldstein, Norm. The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law. Cambridge: Perseus Publishing, 2002. McCaffree, Mary Jane and Pauline Innis. Protocol: The Complete Handbook of Diplomatic, Official and Social Usage. Washington, DC: Devon Publishing, 1997. Strunk, W., and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. New York: Macmillan Publishing, Fourth Edition, 2000. Manual: The Gregg Reference Manual. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Tenth Edition, 2005. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ G-2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001247 INDEX A C Accommodating Persons with Disabilities and Persons with Limited English Proficiency, II-4 Acknowledgment Letter, I-2 Acronyms, I-4 Action Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary, ( Exhbit 4-9), IV-24 Action Memorandum to the Secretary, (Exhibit 4-8), IV-21 Action Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary, IV-7 Addressing a Letter, II-2 Addressing a Secretarial Letter, IV-2 Addressing Letters to Members of Congress, VI-3 American Missions (models of address), A18 Answering informally, I-1 Approval Block, III-5, IV-9 Attachment Notation, III- 4, IV-7, IV-9, IV11 Attachments, I-4 Attention Line, II-3,III-2, IV-3, IV-5, VI-4, V-5 Cabinet (presidential) (models of address), A-4 Cabinet Rank Members (models of address), A-6 Capitalization, E-1 Clergy (models of address), A-19 Closing Text, I-4 Complimentary Close, II-3, IV-4, VI-5 Compound Words, E-3 Concurrence Block, III-4 Congressional Committees and Subcommittees, VI-6 Congressional Constituent Correspondence, 1-2, VI-3 Congressional Correspondence, I-2, VI-1 Congressional Multiple Addressees, I-3 Control of Correspondence , I-5, V-1, VI-1 Correspondence more than 60 days old, I-4 Correspondence Tracking System, I-5 Correspondence Unit Chief, I-5 Courtesy Copy Notation, II-4, III-4, IV-6, IV-8, IV-10, VI-5 B Body of a Congressional Letter, VI-4 Body of a Letter, II-3 Body of a Memorandum, III-4 Body of a Memorandum for the Secretary's or Deputy Secretary's Signature, IV-6 Body of a Secretarial Letter, IV-3 Body of an Action Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary, IV-8 Body of an Information Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary, IV-11 D Date, II-2, III-2, IV-7, IV-9, VI-3 Direct Replies (congressional), VI-3 Direct Replies (White House), V-2 E Education Official (models of address), A21 emailed responses , I-1 Enclosure Notation, II-4, VI-5 Enclosures, I-4 Envelope(s), IV-4, VI-5 Executive Departments (models of address), A-13 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001248 F L Federal Judiciary (models of address), A-7 Final Letter, I-2 Foreign Diplomatic Missions to the United States, A-15 Form Letter, I-1 Sample Form Letter, Exhitit 1-1, I-7 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I-5 Gender-biased Language, I-4 General Rules for Addressing Correspondence, A-1 Guidelines for Addressing Correspondence, A-2 Lawyers (models of address), A-22 Legislative Agencies (models of address), A12 Letter Addressed to a Senator from an Assistant Secretary , VI-9 Letter Addressed to a Senator from The Secretary , VI-8 Letter for the Secretary or Deputy Secretary's Signature, IV-2 Letter format, II-1, IV-1 Letter to a Representative from an Assistant Secretary, VI-10 Letter with Joint Signatures, II-7 Letters to the White House, V-2 Local Governments (models of address), A17 H M Hyphenations, E-3 Margins, II-2, III-1, IV-2, V-2 Memorandum For Line, III-2, IV-4, IV-7, IV-9 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Bottom, IV-17 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List at the Top , IV-16 Memorandum for Secretarial Signature with Addressee List Attached , IV-18 Memorandum for the Secretary or Deputy Secretary's Signature, IV-4 Memorandum format (Use), III-1, IV-1, V-1 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Bottom, III-9 Memorandum with Addressee List at the Top, III-8 Memorandum with Addressee List Attached, III-10 Memorandum with Joint Signatures, III-12 Memorandums to the White House, V-3 Military Service Personnel (models of address), A-25 Miscellaneous Addressees (models of address), A-23 From Line, III-3, IV-14, IV-23, 8, 10 G I Independent Agencies (models of address), A-13 Information Memorandum to the Deputy Secretary, IV-27 Information Memorandum to the Secretary, IV-25 Information Memorandum to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary, IV-9 Interim Letter, I-2 International Organizations (models of address), A-16 Internet, I-1 Ivory stationery, IV-1, VI-2 J Joint Signatures, II-4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001249 MODELS OF ADDRESS, A-1 Multiple Addressees, 1-2, II-2 , III-2, IV-3 IV-4, VI-3, A-23 Multiple-Page Letter, II-3, IV-3, VI-4 Multiple Page Memorandum, III-4, IV-8, IV-10 N Numerals, E- 6 O Opening Text, I-3 Outgoing correspondence, I-4 P Physicians (models of address), A-22 Plural Pronouns, I-3 Point of contact for correspondence, I-5 Preparing Correspondence, I-1 Preparing letters. II-1 preparing memorandums, III-1 Preparing secretarial correspondence, IV-1 Preparing White House Correspondence, V2 Printer, II-1, III-1, IV-2 , VI-2 Privacy Act, I-5 Punctuation, E-8 Short Memorandum, III-2 Signature Element, II-3, IV-4, VI-5 ACCENTS, CHARACTERS, and SYMBOLS , F-1 Spelling, E-3 Standard Letter , II-2, IV-2, VI-2 Standard Memorandum, III-1 STATE AND TERRITORY ABBREVIATION TABLE, B-1 State Governments, A-17 Stationery, II-1, III-1, IV-1, IV-6, IV-9, VI-2 Structural Elements of a Letter, II-6 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Deputy Secretary's Signature , IV-13 Structural Elements of a Letter for the Secretary's Signature, IV-12 Structural Elements of a Memorandum, III-7 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Deputy Secretary's Signature , IV-15 Structural Elements of a Memorandum for the Secretary's Signature, IV-12 STYLE ELEMENTS, A-1 Subject Line, III-3, IV-6, IV-8, IV-10 SUBPARAGRAPHS, C-1 T Telephone responses, I-1 Through Line, III-2, IV-5, IV-7, IV-10 Tribal Leaders (models of address), A-26 Type Style, II-2, III-1, IV-2 , VI-2 Q Questions, I-5 Quotations, D-1 U Undated correspondence, I-3 Use of this handbook, I-1 R Referring customers to websites, I-1 S Salutation, II-3, IV-3 , VI-4 Service Academy Members (Models of Address), A-25 Short Letter, II-2, IV-2, VI-2 W Website addresses (in the body of correspondence), I-1 White House (models of address), A-3 White House correspondence, V-1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001250 Z ZIP Code, II-3, IV-3, VI-4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 03/12 HUD-17-0235-B-001251 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, July 31, 2017 8:33 AM Appleton, Seth D; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley Oversight, Priority and Pending CIR (Exec Sec) Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx; J - Pending Exec Sec Correspondence Report.htm Good Morning HUD-17-0235-B-001252 7-31-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury 7/28/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767/2976 HUD-17-0235-B-001253 7-31-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget regarding existing policy to keep seniors in their homes after death of their spouse Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CIR Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 5/31/17 6/13/17 Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Marco Rubio 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00000 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks CPD Mike Dendas 6/30/2017 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 7/5/2017 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02659 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary 7/25/2017 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 7-31-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001254 7-31-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar Subject website at least six resources (LGBTQ) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule Program Office Due date Status 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 7-31-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001255 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Date:July 31, 2017 Time:4:30:07 AM Pending Folders - Report J - Pending Exec Sec Correspondence Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date Task Assigned To User Office: J - J-CIR-Assistant Secretary 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06039 Elected Official 11/04/2016 6:00:00 11/08/2016 6:00:00 Writes to express PM(-181) their disappointment PM with HUD's decision to declare Jordan Downs ineligible for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) program. They urge HUD to reconsider its decision. bjg 2016-AHFD-EXEC-05509 Congressional 11/10/2016 6:00:00 11/14/2016 6:00:00 Letter regarding a PM(-178) settlement of federal PM enforcement actions involving the City of Los Angeles under disability rights laws. Specifically, the City notes it is prepared to enter into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement ("VCA") with HUD that would resolve allegations of the City's past noncompliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act. bjg 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06404 Congressional 11/07/2016 6:00:00 11/14/2016 6:00:00 Congresswoman PM(-178) Waters would like an PM update on the status of the negotiations to reach a voluntary compliance agreement (VAC) with Los Angeles to resolve issues of noncompliance with false claims act. (VCA) (CHE) 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06090 Congressional Letter re. HUD finding 11/14/2016 6:00:00 11/16/2016 6:00:00 PM PM(-176) Jordan Downs ineligible for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Program. ARH HUD-17-0235-B-001256 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2016-AHFD-EXEC-03610 Congressional 12/15/2016 6:00:00 12/21/2016 6:00:00 *Expedite* Mr. PM(-152) Cernance claims that PM an employee of the Housing Authority of Fort Myer abused his position and convinced him to sell his Land Rover by telling him it would help his application for Section 8 housing. Writer asks that the employee be reprimanded and forced to return the vehicle. bjg 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00134 Congressional Letter regarding Fair Housing Standards. (CHE) 01/27/2017 6:00:00 02/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-123) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00218 Appropriate Action Writes on Alleged Illegal Activities on One West Bank. CK 02/08/2017 6:00:00 02/08/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-120) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 Congressional Writer is requesting information re. leadership positions and other critical staffing at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during this period of Presidential transition. Beach Team information. Cross Reference 2017-A-HQ00141.klw 02/24/2017 6:00:00 03/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-104) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 Congressional Members of Congress 04/06/2017 6:00:00 04/13/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-75) express a concern regarding the decrease in the operating expense reimbursement rate HUD has imposed on NYCHA and urge they be reconsidered and rescinded; however, they are asking HUD to review the changes to rates and provide a detailed, databased explanation for how this decision was made. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 Congressional Several Members of Congress write in re: NYC and NYCHA's public and affordable housing programs and are urging HUD to not cut funding. nkb 04/07/2017 5:00:00 04/14/2017 5:00:00 PM PM(-74) HUD-17-0235-B-001257 Folder ID Correspondence Type Due to CIR/Originator Subject Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01059 Congressional Rep. Steven Cymbrowitz wants to express his deepest concerns over the Trump administration's $6.2 billion proposed cut to HUD funding. klw 04/21/2017 5:00:00 04/28/2017 5:00:00 PM PM(-64) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01916 Congressional RE: Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request. klw 06/07/2017 6:00:00 06/14/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-32) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01919 Congressional Rep. Jim Cooper writes on behalf of Mr. Alan Mazer re. the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program. klw 06/26/2017 6:00:00 06/30/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-20) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02159 Congressional Members of Congress 07/04/2017 6:00:00 07/11/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-14) writes to Secretary Carson concerning the HUD's FHA Policies. klw 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02179 Elected Official 07/27/2017 6:00:00 07/27/2017 6:00:00 As the Mayor of the PM PM(-2) City of Rensselaer and the Executive Director-Secretary of the Rensselaer Housing Authority, they are deeply concerned about the Trump Administration's fiscal year 2018 (FY18) budget proposal to cut nearly 70% ($1.3 billion) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD's) public housing capital fund. klw 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 Congressional Ltr. to the Secretary from 29 Senators inquiring about HUDs handling of several LGBTQ issues. They also state HUD has removed from its website at least six resources that were designed to help housing providers comply with HUD nondiscrimination rules that protect LGBTQ people; seek assistance. nkb 07/28/2017 6:00:00 08/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(3) Total No. of Pending Folders for "J - J-CIR-Assistant Secretary" : 16 Total No. of Pending Folders : 16 HUD-17-0235-B-001258 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Appleton, Seth D Friday, July 28, 2017 3:18 PM Ludlow, Ashley FW: Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx Here is the latest version from Loualice of the report correspondence runs. We should integrate this with your draft early next week. I think we are very close to being done on this one. From: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 3:08 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: Oversight and Priority Correspondence Per your request. HUD-17-0235-B-001259 7-27-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury 7/28/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767/2976 HUD-17-0235-B-001260 7-27-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget regarding existing policy to keep seniors in their homes after death of their spouse Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CIR Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 5/31/17 6/13/17 Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Marco Rubio 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00000 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks CPD Mike Dendas 6/30/2017 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 7/5/2017 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02659 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary 7/25/2017 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 7-27-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001261 7-27-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar Subject website at least six resources (LGBTQ) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule Program Office Due date Status 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 7-27-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001262 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Friday, July 28, 2017 3:08 PM Appleton, Seth D Oversight and Priority Correspondence Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx Per your request. HUD-17-0235-B-001263 7-27-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury 7/28/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767/2976 HUD-17-0235-B-001264 7-27-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 3/13/17 Source Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 President's Fiscal Year 2018 budget regarding existing policy to keep seniors in their homes after death of their spouse Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CIR Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 5/31/17 6/13/17 Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Marco Rubio 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00000 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks CPD Mike Dendas 6/30/2017 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 7/5/2017 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02659 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et HUD has, in recent months, either al (29 Senators) withdrawn or removed from its 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary 7/25/2017 7/5/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 7-27-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001265 7-27-17 Date Received Source 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7/14/2017 Senator Mike Lee & Representative Paul Gosar Subject website at least six resources (LGBTQ) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing HUD Final Rule Program Office Due date Status 7/24/2017: Assigned to CIR/Mike Dendas 7-27-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001266 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ludlow, Ashley Friday, July 28, 2017 12:54 PM Appleton, Seth D Key Correspondence Tracker CIR Correspondence Tracker.docx Seth - Key Correspondence Tracker is attached. You can also directly access the document if you want to make changes by clicking on the link below. J:\CIR-1\Key Correspondence Tracker Ashley Ludlow Senior Advisor for Congressional Relations Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5963 | C: (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001267 HUD Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations Correspondence Tracker Date Source Received 3/13/17 Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, and Representatives Serrano and Valezquez 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez & 10 other Members, and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand 4/3/17 Representative Hensarling on behalf of HFSC 5/17/17 Senator Kaine 5/19/17 5/23/17 Senators Johnson & McCaskill, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Senator Warner 5/31/17 Senators Cortez Masto and Rubio 6/2/17 Rep. Hartzler and 20 other Members - addressed to POTUS, SOHUD cc'd Rep. Mark Walker 6/12/17 6/13/17 6/22/17 Representative Issa & 22 other Members (8 HFSC Members) Representatives Bost, Duffy, Palmer, and Wagner Subject NYCHA - concern over decrease to operating expense reimbursements for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Program Office PIH Point of Contact Status Response drafted (sent?) NYCHA - concern over budget cuts FOIA - request for confirmation of policy re production of HUD/HSFC documents under FOIA Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request Unobligated Funds - request for accounting of HUD's unobligated funds Due Date Responses drafted (sent?) OCFO SA Approved by CIR on 7/28 Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request HECM/FY 2018 Budget - inquiry about proposed changes to Section 223 of the HUD General Provisions in the President's budget, which would amend language in the National Housing Act pertaining to safeguards which protect widows and widowers from displacement Sex/Gender - request to rescind regulations and guidance redefining sex to include gender identity Response drafted (sent?) At OMB; hopefully back to HUD 7/19 LBPHC Grant Program - letter in support of application by City of Greensboro for funding under HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program Housing First - concern over preference for Housing First model over other programs Cairo - Request for inspections and audits re ACHA, and the Elmwood and McBride buildings, etc. Response drafted VB Policy discussion underway VB HUD-17-0235-B-001268 7/5/17 Senator Cortez-Masto & 29 other Senators (5 Banking Members) 7/7/17 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight 7/12/17 Congresswoman Joyce Beatty & 20 other members (16 HCFS Members) Senator Lee & 11 other Senators, and Representative Gosar and 6 other Members 7/14/17 7/20/17 Senators Duckworth & Durbin 7/27/17 Rep. Lamar Smith, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Rep. Cedric Richmond (Chair, Congressional Black Caucus) and 32 other Members 7/28/17 LGBTQ Housing - withdrawal of anti-LGBTQ discrimination poster and survey; removal of guide re equal access for transgender people and shelter selfassessment tool from HUD website Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/Lynne Patton MD Annual MIP Cut - request to lower FHA's annual MIP rates by 25 basis points VB AFFH - request to rescind AFFH rule in its entirety; concern re HUD's ability to withhold federal funding from jurisdictions whose housing plans to not conform to "disparate impact theory"; reach of federal government too expansive to detriment of local governments Cairo - request for additional information re TPVs, HUD internal investigation, investigative referrals, and tenant information Kaspersky Lab - request for documents related to Kaspersky Lab SA Working on week of 7/17 7/28/17 CIR talked to Exec Sec, who is working on request; SA talked to both Congressional Offices Beginning work on response week of 7/17 VB 8/11/17 Budget Cuts - concern over effect of budget cuts on constituencies living in public housing HUD-17-0235-B-001269 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dunn, Tracey Friday, July 28, 2017 10:16 AM ExecSec Farrar-Wilson, Loualice; Boswell, Aretha T; Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley; Joy, Johnson P; Cruciani, Linda M Fwd: House Science Committee Letter 07-27-17 SST to HUD - Kaspersky (updated).pdf; ATT00001.htm; 115th Doc Instructions.pdf; ATT00002.htm Attached is the amended letter. Begin forwarded message: From: "Connally, Tom" To: "Dunn, Tracey" Subject: RE: House Science Committee Letter Tracey, Thank you for your prompt response. Attached please find an amended letter from Chairman Smith to Secretary Carson. The deadline for providing the requested documents has been updated. Regards, Tom From: Dunn, Tracey [mailto:Tracey.Dunn@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 7:52 PM To: Connally, Tom Cc: Callen, Ashley ; Colliatie, Drew ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: Re: House Science Committee Letter Tom, This email acknowledges receipt of the letter sent by Chairman Smith to Secretary Carson and the related instructions. I briefly scanned over the five (5) page document and noticed one area of immediate concern. On page 4, the second paragraph midway toward the bottom reads, "...please provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than July 27, 2017." The letter is dated with today's date: July 27, 2017. Please allow HUD additional time to review and respond to this oversight request. Is it possible to amend the letter? Thank you, Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional HUD-17-0235-B-001270 And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) _____________________ From: Connally, Tom Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:07:49 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Cc: Callen, Ashley; Colliatie, Drew Subject: House Science Committee Letter Tracey, Please see the attached letter from Chairman Smith to Secretary Carson. Please confirm receipt and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Tom Tom Connally Counsel Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Rep. Lamar Smith, Chairman 202.225.6371 (Office) HUD-17-0235-B-001271 Responding to Committee Document Requests 1. In complying with this request, you are required to produce all responsive documents, in unredacted form, that are in your possession, custody, or control, whether held by you or your past or present agents, employees, and representatives acting on your behalf. You should also produce documents that you have a legal right to obtain, that you have a right to copy or to which you have access, as well as documents that you have placed in the temporary possession, custody, or control of any third party. Requested records, documents, data or information should not be destroyed, modified, removed, transferred or otherwise made inaccessible to the Committees. 2. In the event that any entity, organization or individual denoted in this request has been, or is also known by any other name than that herein denoted, the request shall be read also to include that alternative identification. 3. The Committee's preference is to receive documents in electronic form (i.e., CD, memory stick, or thumb drive) in lieu of paper productions. 4. Documents produced in electronic format should also be organized, identified, and indexed electronically. 5. Electronic document productions should be prepared according to the following standards: (a) The production should consist of single page Tagged Image File ("TIF"), or PDF files. (b) Document numbers in the load file should match document Bates numbers and TIF or PDF file names. (c) If the production is completed through a series of multiple partial productions, field names and file order in all load files should match. 6. Documents produced to the Committee should include an index describing the contents of the production. To the extent more than one CD, hard drive, memory stick, thumb drive, box or folder is produced, each CD, hard drive, memory stick, thumb drive, box or folder should contain an index describing its contents. 7. Documents produced in response to this request shall be produced together with copies of file labels, dividers or identifying markers with which they were associated when the request was served. 8. When you produce documents, you should identify the paragraph in the Committee's schedule to which the documents respond. 9. It shall not be a basis for refusal to produce documents that any other person or entity also possesses non-identical or identical copies of the same documents. HUD-17-0235-B-001272 10. If any of the requested information is only reasonably available in machine-readable form (such as on a computer server, hard drive, or computer backup tape), you should consult with the Committee staff to determine the appropriate format in which to produce the information. 11. If compliance with the request cannot be made in full by the specified return date, compliance shall be made to the extent possible by that date. An explanation of why full compliance is not possible shall be provided along with any partial production. Failure to provide an explanation constitutes a waiver of any objections to the subpoena. 12. In the event that a document is withheld on the basis of privilege, provide a privilege log containing the following information concerning any such document: (a) the privilege asserted; (b) the type of document; (c) the general subject matter; (d) the date, author and addressee; and (e) the relationship of the author and addressee to each other. 13. In complying with this request, be apprised that the U.S. House of Representatives and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology do not recognize: any of the purported nondisclosure privileges associated with the common law including, but not limited to, the deliberative process privilege, the attorney-client privilege, and attorney work product protections; any purported privileges such as privileges over law-enforcement sensitive disclosures; or protections from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act; or any purported contractual privileges, such as non-disclosure agreements. 14. If any document responsive to this request was, but no longer is, in your possession, custody, or control, identify the document (stating its date, author, subject and recipients) and explain the circumstances under which the document ceased to be in your possession, custody, or control. 15. If a date or other descriptive detail set forth in this request referring to a document is inaccurate, but the actual date or other descriptive detail is known to you or is otherwise apparent from the context of the request, you are required to produce all documents which would be responsive as if the date or other descriptive detail were correct. 16. Unless otherwise specified, the time period covered by this request is from January 1, 2009 to the present. 17. This request is continuing in nature and applies to any newly-discovered information. Any record, document, compilation of data or information, not produced because it has not been located or discovered by the return date, shall be produced immediately upon subsequent location or discovery. 18. All documents shall be Bates-stamped sequentially and produced sequentially. 19. Two sets of documents shall be delivered, one set to the Majority Staff and one set to the Minority Staff. When documents are produced to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, production sets shall be delivered to the Majority Staff in Room 2321 of the Rayburn House Office Building and the Minority Staff in Room 324 of the Ford House Office Building. Upon completion of the document production, you should submit a written certification, signed by you or your counsel, stating that: (1) a diligent search has been HUD-17-0235-B-001273 completed of all documents in your possession, custody, or control which reasonably could contain responsive documents; and (2) all documents located during the search that are responsive have been produced to the Committees. 20. When representing a witness or entity before the Committee in response to a document request, request for transcribed interview, or subpoena from the Committee, or in connection with testimony before the Committee at a hearing, counsel for the witness or entity must promptly submit to the Committee a notice of appearance specifying the following: (a) counsel's name, firm or organization, and contact information; and (b) each client represented by the counsel in connection with the proceeding. Submission of a notice of appearance constitutes acknowledgement that counsel is authorized to accept service of process by the Committee on behalf of such client(s), and that counsel is bound by and agrees to comply with all applicable House and Committee rules and regulations. Schedule Definitions 1. The term "document" means any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any nature whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, and whether original or copy, including, but not limited to, the following: memoranda, reports, expense reports, books, manuals, instructions, financial reports, working papers, records, notes, letters, notices, confirmations, telegrams, receipts, appraisals, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, prospectuses, inter-office and intraoffice communications, electronic mail (e-mail), contracts, cables, notations of any type of conversation, telephone call, meeting or other communication, bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts, teletypes, invoices, transcripts, diaries, analyses, returns, summaries, minutes, bills, accounts, estimates, projections, comparisons, messages, correspondence, press releases, circulars, financial statements, reviews, opinions, offers, studies and investigations, questionnaires and surveys, and work sheets (and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes, and amendments of any of the foregoing, as well as any attachments or appendices thereto), and graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, recordings and motion pictures), and electronic, mechanical, and electric records or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, tapes, cassettes, disks, and recordings) and other written, printed, typed, or other graphic or recorded matter of any kind or nature, however produced or reproduced, and whether preserved in writing, film, tape, disk, videotape or otherwise. A document bearing any notation not a part of the original text is to be considered a separate document. A draft or non-identical copy is a separate document within the meaning of this term. 2. The term "communication" means each manner or means of disclosure or exchange of information, regardless of means utilized, whether oral, electronic, by document or otherwise, and whether in a meeting, by telephone, facsimile, email (desktop or mobile device), text message, instant message, MMS or SMS message, regular mail, telexes, releases, or otherwise. 3. The terms "and" and "or" shall be construed broadly and either conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of this request any information which might otherwise be construed HUD-17-0235-B-001274 to be outside its scope. The singular includes plural number, and vice versa. The masculine includes the feminine and neuter genders. 4. The terms "person" or "persons" mean natural persons, firms, partnerships, associations, corporations, subsidiaries, divisions, departments, joint ventures, proprietorships, syndicates, or other legal, business or government entities, and all subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, departments, branches, or other units thereof. 5. The term "identify," when used in a question about individuals, means to provide the following information: (a) the individual's complete name and title; and (b) the individual's business address and phone number. 6. The term "referring or relating," with respect to any given subject, means anything that constitutes, contains, embodies, reflects, identifies, states, refers to, deals with or is pertinent to that subject in any manner whatsoever. HUD-17-0235-B-001275 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dunn, Tracey Thursday, July 27, 2017 8:10 PM ExecSec Farrar-Wilson, Loualice; Boswell, Aretha T; Appleton, Seth D; Kelley, Michael J; Dendas, Michael W; Ludlow, Ashley; Joy, Johnson P; Cruciani, Linda M Fw: House Science Committee Letter 07-27-17 SST to HUD - Kaspersky.pdf; 115th Doc Instructions.pdf Exec Sec, This is a re-send to include the necessary attachments. Thank you, Tracey Dunn Congressional Liaison Office of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 | Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 | Mobile: (b) (6) From: Connally, Tom Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:07 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Cc: Callen, Ashley; Colliatie, Drew Subject: House Science Committee Letter Tracey, Please see the attached letter from Chairman Smith to Secretary Carson. Please confirm receipt and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Tom Tom Connally Counsel Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Rep. Lamar Smith, Chairman 202.225.6371 (Office) HUD-17-0235-B-001276 Responding to Committee Document Requests 1. In complying with this request, you are required to produce all responsive documents, in unredacted form, that are in your possession, custody, or control, whether held by you or your past or present agents, employees, and representatives acting on your behalf. You should also produce documents that you have a legal right to obtain, that you have a right to copy or to which you have access, as well as documents that you have placed in the temporary possession, custody, or control of any third party. Requested records, documents, data or information should not be destroyed, modified, removed, transferred or otherwise made inaccessible to the Committees. 2. In the event that any entity, organization or individual denoted in this request has been, or is also known by any other name than that herein denoted, the request shall be read also to include that alternative identification. 3. The Committee's preference is to receive documents in electronic form (i.e., CD, memory stick, or thumb drive) in lieu of paper productions. 4. Documents produced in electronic format should also be organized, identified, and indexed electronically. 5. Electronic document productions should be prepared according to the following standards: (a) The production should consist of single page Tagged Image File ("TIF"), or PDF files. (b) Document numbers in the load file should match document Bates numbers and TIF or PDF file names. (c) If the production is completed through a series of multiple partial productions, field names and file order in all load files should match. 6. Documents produced to the Committee should include an index describing the contents of the production. To the extent more than one CD, hard drive, memory stick, thumb drive, box or folder is produced, each CD, hard drive, memory stick, thumb drive, box or folder should contain an index describing its contents. 7. Documents produced in response to this request shall be produced together with copies of file labels, dividers or identifying markers with which they were associated when the request was served. 8. When you produce documents, you should identify the paragraph in the Committee's schedule to which the documents respond. 9. It shall not be a basis for refusal to produce documents that any other person or entity also possesses non-identical or identical copies of the same documents. HUD-17-0235-B-001277 10. If any of the requested information is only reasonably available in machine-readable form (such as on a computer server, hard drive, or computer backup tape), you should consult with the Committee staff to determine the appropriate format in which to produce the information. 11. If compliance with the request cannot be made in full by the specified return date, compliance shall be made to the extent possible by that date. An explanation of why full compliance is not possible shall be provided along with any partial production. Failure to provide an explanation constitutes a waiver of any objections to the subpoena. 12. In the event that a document is withheld on the basis of privilege, provide a privilege log containing the following information concerning any such document: (a) the privilege asserted; (b) the type of document; (c) the general subject matter; (d) the date, author and addressee; and (e) the relationship of the author and addressee to each other. 13. In complying with this request, be apprised that the U.S. House of Representatives and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology do not recognize: any of the purported nondisclosure privileges associated with the common law including, but not limited to, the deliberative process privilege, the attorney-client privilege, and attorney work product protections; any purported privileges such as privileges over law-enforcement sensitive disclosures; or protections from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act; or any purported contractual privileges, such as non-disclosure agreements. 14. If any document responsive to this request was, but no longer is, in your possession, custody, or control, identify the document (stating its date, author, subject and recipients) and explain the circumstances under which the document ceased to be in your possession, custody, or control. 15. If a date or other descriptive detail set forth in this request referring to a document is inaccurate, but the actual date or other descriptive detail is known to you or is otherwise apparent from the context of the request, you are required to produce all documents which would be responsive as if the date or other descriptive detail were correct. 16. Unless otherwise specified, the time period covered by this request is from January 1, 2009 to the present. 17. This request is continuing in nature and applies to any newly-discovered information. Any record, document, compilation of data or information, not produced because it has not been located or discovered by the return date, shall be produced immediately upon subsequent location or discovery. 18. All documents shall be Bates-stamped sequentially and produced sequentially. 19. Two sets of documents shall be delivered, one set to the Majority Staff and one set to the Minority Staff. When documents are produced to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, production sets shall be delivered to the Majority Staff in Room 2321 of the Rayburn House Office Building and the Minority Staff in Room 324 of the Ford House Office Building. Upon completion of the document production, you should submit a written certification, signed by you or your counsel, stating that: (1) a diligent search has been HUD-17-0235-B-001278 completed of all documents in your possession, custody, or control which reasonably could contain responsive documents; and (2) all documents located during the search that are responsive have been produced to the Committees. 20. When representing a witness or entity before the Committee in response to a document request, request for transcribed interview, or subpoena from the Committee, or in connection with testimony before the Committee at a hearing, counsel for the witness or entity must promptly submit to the Committee a notice of appearance specifying the following: (a) counsel's name, firm or organization, and contact information; and (b) each client represented by the counsel in connection with the proceeding. Submission of a notice of appearance constitutes acknowledgement that counsel is authorized to accept service of process by the Committee on behalf of such client(s), and that counsel is bound by and agrees to comply with all applicable House and Committee rules and regulations. Schedule Definitions 1. The term "document" means any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any nature whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, and whether original or copy, including, but not limited to, the following: memoranda, reports, expense reports, books, manuals, instructions, financial reports, working papers, records, notes, letters, notices, confirmations, telegrams, receipts, appraisals, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, prospectuses, inter-office and intraoffice communications, electronic mail (e-mail), contracts, cables, notations of any type of conversation, telephone call, meeting or other communication, bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts, teletypes, invoices, transcripts, diaries, analyses, returns, summaries, minutes, bills, accounts, estimates, projections, comparisons, messages, correspondence, press releases, circulars, financial statements, reviews, opinions, offers, studies and investigations, questionnaires and surveys, and work sheets (and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes, and amendments of any of the foregoing, as well as any attachments or appendices thereto), and graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, recordings and motion pictures), and electronic, mechanical, and electric records or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, tapes, cassettes, disks, and recordings) and other written, printed, typed, or other graphic or recorded matter of any kind or nature, however produced or reproduced, and whether preserved in writing, film, tape, disk, videotape or otherwise. A document bearing any notation not a part of the original text is to be considered a separate document. A draft or non-identical copy is a separate document within the meaning of this term. 2. The term "communication" means each manner or means of disclosure or exchange of information, regardless of means utilized, whether oral, electronic, by document or otherwise, and whether in a meeting, by telephone, facsimile, email (desktop or mobile device), text message, instant message, MMS or SMS message, regular mail, telexes, releases, or otherwise. 3. The terms "and" and "or" shall be construed broadly and either conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of this request any information which might otherwise be construed HUD-17-0235-B-001279 to be outside its scope. The singular includes plural number, and vice versa. The masculine includes the feminine and neuter genders. 4. The terms "person" or "persons" mean natural persons, firms, partnerships, associations, corporations, subsidiaries, divisions, departments, joint ventures, proprietorships, syndicates, or other legal, business or government entities, and all subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, departments, branches, or other units thereof. 5. The term "identify," when used in a question about individuals, means to provide the following information: (a) the individual's complete name and title; and (b) the individual's business address and phone number. 6. The term "referring or relating," with respect to any given subject, means anything that constitutes, contains, embodies, reflects, identifies, states, refers to, deals with or is pertinent to that subject in any manner whatsoever. HUD-17-0235-B-001280 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Monday, July 24, 2017 3:43 PM Vogel, Ann; Brown, Chris RE: Mtg request That's really it for now, but we can definitely set something up for September. From: Vogel, Ann [mailto:Ann.Vogel@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:39 PM To: Brown, Chris ; Appleton, Seth D Subject: RE: Mtg request Unfortunately, he has a lunch that day which I am unable to move around. Any other possibilities? Ann Vogel Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Brown, Chris Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:36 PM To: Appleton, Seth D ; Vogel, Ann Subject: RE: Mtg request This bureaucratic inefficiency is ridiculous. And insulting. Chris Brown Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit House Financial Services Committee This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:33 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Any chance of 12:00 - 1:00pm on Thurs? HUD-17-0235-B-001281 From: Vogel, Ann [mailto:Ann.Vogel@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:59 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Seth, I hope things are going well so far. Next week is a rough one, but let me know if any of the following times work with Secretary Carson. 2:30 on Monday 8:30am on Tuesday 9:30, 3:45 or 4:00 on Wednesday 8:30am on Thursday 10:00-11:00am on Friday. Ann Vogel Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:54 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: Mtg request Hi, Ann, Hope you are doing well. Secretary Carson would like to come to the hill to meet with BL next week. Can you shoot me some available times? Thanks so much! Seth Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001282 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Brown, Chris Monday, July 24, 2017 3:40 PM Appleton, Seth D RE: Mtg request Committee has instructed us to put that disclaimer in every email sent to an Executive Branch agency. Chris Brown Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit House Financial Services Committee This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:39 PM To: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Your attempt at humor aside, what is that disclaimer under your signature now? From: Brown, Chris [mailto:ChrisBrown@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:36 PM To: Appleton, Seth D ; Vogel, Ann Subject: RE: Mtg request This bureaucratic inefficiency is ridiculous. And insulting. Chris Brown Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit House Financial Services Committee This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the HUD-17-0235-B-001283 aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:33 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Any chance of 12:00 - 1:00pm on Thurs? From: Vogel, Ann [mailto:Ann.Vogel@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:59 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Seth, I hope things are going well so far. Next week is a rough one, but let me know if any of the following times work with Secretary Carson. 2:30 on Monday 8:30am on Tuesday 9:30, 3:45 or 4:00 on Wednesday 8:30am on Thursday 10:00-11:00am on Friday. Ann Vogel Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:54 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: Mtg request Hi, Ann, Hope you are doing well. Secretary Carson would like to come to the hill to meet with BL next week. Can you shoot me some available times? Thanks so much! Seth Seth D. Appleton HUD-17-0235-B-001284 General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001285 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Vogel, Ann Monday, July 24, 2017 3:39 PM Brown, Chris; Appleton, Seth D RE: Mtg request Unfortunately, he has a lunch that day which I am unable to move around. Any other possibilities? Ann Vogel Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Brown, Chris Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:36 PM To: Appleton, Seth D ; Vogel, Ann Subject: RE: Mtg request This bureaucratic inefficiency is ridiculous. And insulting. Chris Brown Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit House Financial Services Committee This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:33 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Any chance of 12:00 - 1:00pm on Thurs? From: Vogel, Ann [mailto:Ann.Vogel@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:59 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request HUD-17-0235-B-001286 Seth, I hope things are going well so far. Next week is a rough one, but let me know if any of the following times work with Secretary Carson. 2:30 on Monday 8:30am on Tuesday 9:30, 3:45 or 4:00 on Wednesday 8:30am on Thursday 10:00-11:00am on Friday. Ann Vogel Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:54 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: Mtg request Hi, Ann, Hope you are doing well. Secretary Carson would like to come to the hill to meet with BL next week. Can you shoot me some available times? Thanks so much! Seth Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001287 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Monday, July 24, 2017 3:39 PM Brown, Chris RE: Mtg request Your attempt at humor aside, what is that disclaimer under your signature now? From: Brown, Chris [mailto:ChrisBrown@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:36 PM To: Appleton, Seth D ; Vogel, Ann Subject: RE: Mtg request This bureaucratic inefficiency is ridiculous. And insulting. Chris Brown Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit House Financial Services Committee This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:33 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Any chance of 12:00 - 1:00pm on Thurs? From: Vogel, Ann [mailto:Ann.Vogel@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:59 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Seth, I hope things are going well so far. Next week is a rough one, but let me know if any of the following times work with Secretary Carson. HUD-17-0235-B-001288 2:30 on Monday 8:30am on Tuesday 9:30, 3:45 or 4:00 on Wednesday 8:30am on Thursday 10:00-11:00am on Friday. Ann Vogel Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:54 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: Mtg request Hi, Ann, Hope you are doing well. Secretary Carson would like to come to the hill to meet with BL next week. Can you shoot me some available times? Thanks so much! Seth Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001289 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Brown, Chris Monday, July 24, 2017 3:36 PM Appleton, Seth D; Vogel, Ann RE: Mtg request This bureaucratic inefficiency is ridiculous. And insulting. Chris Brown Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit House Financial Services Committee This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:33 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Any chance of 12:00 - 1:00pm on Thurs? From: Vogel, Ann [mailto:Ann.Vogel@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:59 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Mtg request Seth, I hope things are going well so far. Next week is a rough one, but let me know if any of the following times work with Secretary Carson. 2:30 on Monday 8:30am on Tuesday 9:30, 3:45 or 4:00 on Wednesday 8:30am on Thursday 10:00-11:00am on Friday. Ann Vogel HUD-17-0235-B-001290 Scheduler Office of Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO03) 2230 Rayburn HOB|Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2956 From: Appleton, Seth D [mailto:Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:54 PM To: Vogel, Ann Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: Mtg request Hi, Ann, Hope you are doing well. Secretary Carson would like to come to the hill to meet with BL next week. Can you shoot me some available times? Thanks so much! Seth Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001291 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Appleton, Seth D Monday, July 24, 2017 10:22 AM Ludlow, Ashley FW: Oversight, Priority and Pending CIR (Exec Sec) July 24 Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; July 24 Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx; J - Pending Exec Sec Correspondence Report.htm From these, can you take a stab at assembling the Secretary's tracker of correspondence? Also needs to include other stuff we've been talking about on the COS report, etc. such as HECM, Housing First, AFFH, etc. Thanks! From: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 10:19 AM To: Appleton, Seth D ; Ludlow, Ashley ; Dendas, Michael W Subject: Oversight, Priority and Pending CIR (Exec Sec) HUD-17-0235-B-001292 7-24-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 5/19/2017 Chairman Ron Johnson and Ranking Member Claire McCaskill 7/7/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02001 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Unobligated Funds CFO 6/2/2017 Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury 6/5/2017: w/CFO Daniel Ballard Budget/Sarah Lyberg 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 HUD-17-0235-B-001293 7-24-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Source Received 3/13/17 Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CPD 6/30/2017 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 6/13/17 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner 7/5/2017 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et al (29 Senators) ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. HUD has, in recent months, either withdrawn or removed from its website at least six resources (LGBTQ) 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary 7/25/2017 7/5/2017: Assigned to Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7-24-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001294 7-24-17 7-24-17 D-17-0235-B-001295 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Date:July 24, 2017 Time:4:29:57 AM Pending Folders - Report J - Pending Exec Sec Correspondence Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date Task Assigned To User Office: J - J-CIR-Assistant Secretary 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06039 Elected Official 11/04/2016 6:00:00 11/08/2016 6:00:00 Writes to express PM(-176) their disappointment PM with HUD's decision to declare Jordan Downs ineligible for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) program. They urge HUD to reconsider its decision. bjg 2016-AHFD-EXEC-05509 Congressional 11/10/2016 6:00:00 11/14/2016 6:00:00 Letter regarding a PM(-173) settlement of federal PM enforcement actions involving the City of Los Angeles under disability rights laws. Specifically, the City notes it is prepared to enter into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement ("VCA") with HUD that would resolve allegations of the City's past noncompliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act. bjg 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06404 Congressional 11/07/2016 6:00:00 11/14/2016 6:00:00 Congresswoman PM(-173) Waters would like an PM update on the status of the negotiations to reach a voluntary compliance agreement (VAC) with Los Angeles to resolve issues of noncompliance with false claims act. (VCA) (CHE) 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06090 Congressional Letter re. HUD finding 11/14/2016 6:00:00 11/16/2016 6:00:00 PM PM(-171) Jordan Downs ineligible for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Program. ARH HUD-17-0235-B-001296 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2016-AHFD-EXEC-03610 Congressional 12/15/2016 6:00:00 12/21/2016 6:00:00 *Expedite* Mr. PM(-147) Cernance claims that PM an employee of the Housing Authority of Fort Myer abused his position and convinced him to sell his Land Rover by telling him it would help his application for Section 8 housing. Writer asks that the employee be reprimanded and forced to return the vehicle. bjg 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00134 Congressional Letter regarding Fair Housing Standards. (CHE) 01/27/2017 6:00:00 02/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-118) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 Congressional Writer is requesting information re. leadership positions and other critical staffing at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during this period of Presidential transition. Beach Team information. Cross Reference 2017-A-HQ00141.klw 02/24/2017 6:00:00 03/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-99) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 Congressional Members of Congress 04/06/2017 6:00:00 04/13/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-70) express a concern regarding the decrease in the operating expense reimbursement rate HUD has imposed on NYCHA and urge they be reconsidered and rescinded; however, they are asking HUD to review the changes to rates and provide a detailed, databased explanation for how this decision was made. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 Congressional Several Members of Congress write in re: NYC and NYCHA's public and affordable housing programs and are urging HUD to not cut funding. nkb 04/07/2017 5:00:00 04/14/2017 5:00:00 PM PM(-69) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01059 Congressional Rep. Steven Cymbrowitz wants to express his deepest concerns over the Trump administration's $6.2 billion proposed cut to HUD funding. klw 04/21/2017 5:00:00 04/28/2017 5:00:00 PM PM(-59) HUD-17-0235-B-001297 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01616 Congressional 05/19/2017 6:00:00 05/26/2017 6:00:00 Request for PM(-39) information related to PM a GAO final legal opinion regarding Committee requests to interview HUD employee Maurice McGough. Asks that the information be provided by May 17, 2017. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01916 Congressional RE: Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request. klw 06/07/2017 6:00:00 06/14/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-27) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02320 Congressional EXPEDITE - Mr. Salley submits a letter regarding HOME funds and seeks assistance. Email addressed to Bernard Fulton. nkb 06/23/2017 6:00:00 06/27/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-18) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01919 Congressional Rep. Jim Cooper writes on behalf of Mr. Alan Mazer re. the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program. klw 06/26/2017 6:00:00 06/30/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-15) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02159 Congressional Members of Congress 07/04/2017 6:00:00 07/11/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-9) writes to Secretary Carson concerning the HUD's FHA Policies. klw 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02551 Congressional 07/07/2017 6:00:00 07/11/2017 6:00:00 Expedite - Ms. PM PM(-9) Williams has encountered an issue with purchasing a new home with an FHA loan and is requesting a status update. Email addressed to Stanley Hardy. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02658 Congressional 07/12/2017 6:00:00 07/14/2017 6:00:00 Expedite - Ms. Ivory PM(-6) is disabled and needs PM emergency Section 8 housing. Email addressed to Joe Schumacher. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02630 Congressional Expedite - Mr. Davis has encountered an issue with the Housing Authority and complains about bugs in his apartment; seeks assistance. Letter addressed to the Congressional Unit. nkb 07/12/2017 6:00:00 07/14/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-6) HUD-17-0235-B-001298 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02544 Congressional 07/11/2017 6:00:00 07/18/2017 6:00:00 Representative PM PM(-4) Walker supports an application submitted by the City of Greensboro for funding under HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant program. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02545 Congressional 07/11/2017 6:00:00 07/18/2017 6:00:00 Mr. Headlee PM PM(-4) expresses concerns regarding the removal of land from the HUD Qualified Census Tract in Wood County, WV and seeks assistance. Letter addressed to Bernard Fulton. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02590 Congressional 07/13/2017 6:00:00 07/20/2017 6:00:00 Mr. Funkhouser is PM(-2) requesting assistance PM with his efforts to remove a CAIVRS. Letter addressed to Bernard Fulton. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02657 Elected Official 07/14/2017 6:00:00 07/21/2017 6:00:00 Mayor Murray is PM PM(-1) asking HUD to partner with local Mayors and public housing authorities to fund public housing capital infrastructure work; however, he request that HUD maintain current funding of the public housing capital fund and seek increased resources to address the public housing capital backlog in any infrastructure proposal that the Administration puts forth to Congress. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02698 Congressional 07/20/2017 6:00:00 07/27/2017 6:00:00 Ms. Duffy and the PM PM(3) Byfield MA Housing Authority express concerns regarding the smoke free public housing proposed rule and seek assistance. Email addressed to Michael Burley. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02700 Congressional 07/20/2017 5:00:00 07/27/2017 5:00:00 Mr. Goldsmith is PM PM(3) disabled and complains about the living conditions at his apartment complex (Parkview) and seeks assistance. Email addressed to Victoria Barton. nkb HUD-17-0235-B-001299 Folder ID Correspondence Type Due to CIR/Originator Subject Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02179 Elected Official 07/27/2017 6:00:00 07/27/2017 6:00:00 As the Mayor of the PM PM(3) City of Rensselaer and the Executive Director-Secretary of the Rensselaer Housing Authority, they are deeply concerned about the Trump Administration's fiscal year 2018 (FY18) budget proposal to cut nearly 70% ($1.3 billion) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD's) public housing capital fund. klw 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 Congressional Ltr. to the Secretary from 29 Senators inquiring about HUDs handling of several LGBTQ issues. They also state HUD has removed from its website at least six resources that were designed to help housing providers comply with HUD nondiscrimination rules that protect LGBTQ people; seek assistance. nkb 07/28/2017 6:00:00 08/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(8) Total No. of Pending Folders for "J - J-CIR-Assistant Secretary" : 26 Total No. of Pending Folders : 26 HUD-17-0235-B-001300 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Farrar-Wilson, Loualice Monday, July 24, 2017 10:19 AM Appleton, Seth D; Ludlow, Ashley; Dendas, Michael W Oversight, Priority and Pending CIR (Exec Sec) July 24 Oversight Congressional Correspondence.docx; July 24 Priority Congressional Correspondence.docx; J - Pending Exec Sec Correspondence Report.htm HUD-17-0235-B-001301 7-24-17 Oversight Congressional Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Received 1/30/17 Source Senator McCaskill, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subject Information regarding HUD's beachhead team (e.g., list of names official roles) Program Office OCHCO OGC Due date 2/6/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 3/24/17 4/3/2017 Senator Grassley/Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00975 *Representative Jeb Hensarling Committee on Financial Services Status of HUD's financial management CFO system projects - addressing prior OIG CIO and GAO audits 4/7/16 5/8/2017 Committee Intent to Control Congressional Records 5/1/2017 FOIA OGC OPEN 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01159 5/19/2017 Chairman Ron Johnson and Ranking Member Claire McCaskill 7/7/17 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02001 Representatives Cummings & Jeffries, Committee on Oversight Unobligated Funds CFO 6/2/2017 Conflict of Interests - Starrett City/ Lynne Patton OGC OCHCO Housing 7/28/17 Status Executive branch-wide correspondence. Interim response dtd 2/7/17. Advised by leadership to wait for guidance from WH. 5/4/2017: Email (Expedite) 5/22/17 CFO (new info) w/DCFO/Courney Timberlake Interim (Brett Sisto) dtd 5/3/2017 5/4/2017: Waiting for DOJ & Treasury 6/5/2017: w/CFO Daniel Ballard Budget/Sarah Lyberg 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02767 HUD-17-0235-B-001302 7-24-17 Priority Congressional and Intergovernmental Correspondence Tracking Sheet Date Source Received 3/13/17 Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Serrano and Velazquez Subject Program Office PIH 4/6/17 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) PIH 4/7/17 Express concern with Housing First requirement in Continuum of Care competition CPD 6/30/2017 Express deep concern regarding HUD announcement decreasing operating expense rate for New York City's Housing Authority (NYCHA) Due date Status Linked: 2017-AHFDEXEC-01059/Cymbrowitz 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 3/15/17 Representative Velazquez, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Representatives Meeks et al 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 6/13/17 23 Republican Representatives including Issa, Barr and Franks 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02415 6/22/17 Mike Bost, Sean Duffy, Gary Palmer and Ann Wagner 7/5/2017 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto et al (29 Senators) ACHA (Elmwood and McBride) living conditions extremely unsafe and unsanitary. HUD has, in recent months, either withdrawn or removed from its website at least six resources (LGBTQ) 7/3/2017: SNAPS/Cherice Fraine: per CIR/Dendas awaiting instruction from the Secretary 7/25/2017 7/5/2017: Assigned to Mike Dendas 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 7-24-17 HUD-17-0235-B-001303 7-24-17 7-24-17 D-17-0235-B-001304 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Date:July 24, 2017 Time:4:29:57 AM Pending Folders - Report J - Pending Exec Sec Correspondence Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date Task Assigned To User Office: J - J-CIR-Assistant Secretary 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06039 Elected Official 11/04/2016 6:00:00 11/08/2016 6:00:00 Writes to express PM(-176) their disappointment PM with HUD's decision to declare Jordan Downs ineligible for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) program. They urge HUD to reconsider its decision. bjg 2016-AHFD-EXEC-05509 Congressional 11/10/2016 6:00:00 11/14/2016 6:00:00 Letter regarding a PM(-173) settlement of federal PM enforcement actions involving the City of Los Angeles under disability rights laws. Specifically, the City notes it is prepared to enter into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement ("VCA") with HUD that would resolve allegations of the City's past noncompliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act. bjg 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06404 Congressional 11/07/2016 6:00:00 11/14/2016 6:00:00 Congresswoman PM(-173) Waters would like an PM update on the status of the negotiations to reach a voluntary compliance agreement (VAC) with Los Angeles to resolve issues of noncompliance with false claims act. (VCA) (CHE) 2016-AHFD-EXEC-06090 Congressional Letter re. HUD finding 11/14/2016 6:00:00 11/16/2016 6:00:00 PM PM(-171) Jordan Downs ineligible for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Program. ARH HUD-17-0235-B-001305 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2016-AHFD-EXEC-03610 Congressional 12/15/2016 6:00:00 12/21/2016 6:00:00 *Expedite* Mr. PM(-147) Cernance claims that PM an employee of the Housing Authority of Fort Myer abused his position and convinced him to sell his Land Rover by telling him it would help his application for Section 8 housing. Writer asks that the employee be reprimanded and forced to return the vehicle. bjg 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00134 Congressional Letter regarding Fair Housing Standards. (CHE) 01/27/2017 6:00:00 02/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-118) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00408 Congressional Writer is requesting information re. leadership positions and other critical staffing at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during this period of Presidential transition. Beach Team information. Cross Reference 2017-A-HQ00141.klw 02/24/2017 6:00:00 03/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-99) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00862 Congressional Members of Congress 04/06/2017 6:00:00 04/13/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-70) express a concern regarding the decrease in the operating expense reimbursement rate HUD has imposed on NYCHA and urge they be reconsidered and rescinded; however, they are asking HUD to review the changes to rates and provide a detailed, databased explanation for how this decision was made. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-00983 Congressional Several Members of Congress write in re: NYC and NYCHA's public and affordable housing programs and are urging HUD to not cut funding. nkb 04/07/2017 5:00:00 04/14/2017 5:00:00 PM PM(-69) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01059 Congressional Rep. Steven Cymbrowitz wants to express his deepest concerns over the Trump administration's $6.2 billion proposed cut to HUD funding. klw 04/21/2017 5:00:00 04/28/2017 5:00:00 PM PM(-59) HUD-17-0235-B-001306 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01616 Congressional 05/19/2017 6:00:00 05/26/2017 6:00:00 Request for PM(-39) information related to PM a GAO final legal opinion regarding Committee requests to interview HUD employee Maurice McGough. Asks that the information be provided by May 17, 2017. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01916 Congressional RE: Coastal Resilience Lab and Accelerator Center Eligibility Waiver Request. klw 06/07/2017 6:00:00 06/14/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-27) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02320 Congressional EXPEDITE - Mr. Salley submits a letter regarding HOME funds and seeks assistance. Email addressed to Bernard Fulton. nkb 06/23/2017 6:00:00 06/27/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-18) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-01919 Congressional Rep. Jim Cooper writes on behalf of Mr. Alan Mazer re. the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program. klw 06/26/2017 6:00:00 06/30/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-15) 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02159 Congressional Members of Congress 07/04/2017 6:00:00 07/11/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-9) writes to Secretary Carson concerning the HUD's FHA Policies. klw 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02551 Congressional 07/07/2017 6:00:00 07/11/2017 6:00:00 Expedite - Ms. PM PM(-9) Williams has encountered an issue with purchasing a new home with an FHA loan and is requesting a status update. Email addressed to Stanley Hardy. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02658 Congressional 07/12/2017 6:00:00 07/14/2017 6:00:00 Expedite - Ms. Ivory PM(-6) is disabled and needs PM emergency Section 8 housing. Email addressed to Joe Schumacher. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02630 Congressional Expedite - Mr. Davis has encountered an issue with the Housing Authority and complains about bugs in his apartment; seeks assistance. Letter addressed to the Congressional Unit. nkb 07/12/2017 6:00:00 07/14/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(-6) HUD-17-0235-B-001307 Folder ID Correspondence Type Subject Due to CIR/Originator Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02544 Congressional 07/11/2017 6:00:00 07/18/2017 6:00:00 Representative PM PM(-4) Walker supports an application submitted by the City of Greensboro for funding under HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant program. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02545 Congressional 07/11/2017 6:00:00 07/18/2017 6:00:00 Mr. Headlee PM PM(-4) expresses concerns regarding the removal of land from the HUD Qualified Census Tract in Wood County, WV and seeks assistance. Letter addressed to Bernard Fulton. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02590 Congressional 07/13/2017 6:00:00 07/20/2017 6:00:00 Mr. Funkhouser is PM(-2) requesting assistance PM with his efforts to remove a CAIVRS. Letter addressed to Bernard Fulton. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02657 Elected Official 07/14/2017 6:00:00 07/21/2017 6:00:00 Mayor Murray is PM PM(-1) asking HUD to partner with local Mayors and public housing authorities to fund public housing capital infrastructure work; however, he request that HUD maintain current funding of the public housing capital fund and seek increased resources to address the public housing capital backlog in any infrastructure proposal that the Administration puts forth to Congress. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02698 Congressional 07/20/2017 6:00:00 07/27/2017 6:00:00 Ms. Duffy and the PM PM(3) Byfield MA Housing Authority express concerns regarding the smoke free public housing proposed rule and seek assistance. Email addressed to Michael Burley. nkb 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02700 Congressional 07/20/2017 5:00:00 07/27/2017 5:00:00 Mr. Goldsmith is PM PM(3) disabled and complains about the living conditions at his apartment complex (Parkview) and seeks assistance. Email addressed to Victoria Barton. nkb HUD-17-0235-B-001308 Folder ID Correspondence Type Due to CIR/Originator Subject Overall Due Date 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02179 Elected Official 07/27/2017 6:00:00 07/27/2017 6:00:00 As the Mayor of the PM PM(3) City of Rensselaer and the Executive Director-Secretary of the Rensselaer Housing Authority, they are deeply concerned about the Trump Administration's fiscal year 2018 (FY18) budget proposal to cut nearly 70% ($1.3 billion) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD's) public housing capital fund. klw 2017-AHFD-EXEC-02784 Congressional Ltr. to the Secretary from 29 Senators inquiring about HUDs handling of several LGBTQ issues. They also state HUD has removed from its website at least six resources that were designed to help housing providers comply with HUD nondiscrimination rules that protect LGBTQ people; seek assistance. nkb 07/28/2017 6:00:00 08/03/2017 6:00:00 PM PM(8) Total No. of Pending Folders for "J - J-CIR-Assistant Secretary" : 26 Total No. of Pending Folders : 26 HUD-17-0235-B-001309 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Snowden, Deborah R Thursday, July 20, 2017 4:33 PM Appleton, Seth D Dendas, Michael W; Smallwood, Marcus R RE: quick meeting today You are welcome. I am here anytime. Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 4:20 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Dendas, Michael W ; Smallwood, Marcus R Subject: Re: quick meeting today No problem. We actually ran into Helen and she helped us out. Thanks! Get Outlook for iOS From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 4:18:31 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Smallwood, Marcus R Subject: RE: quick meeting today Good afternoon, I just returned from a training course and will be on my way out of the door in 10 mins. I will be out tomorrow, but Marcus will be here. Would you like to try to meet now? Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 2:26 PM HUD-17-0235-B-001310 To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Dendas, Michael W Subject: quick meeting today Hi, Deborah, Any chance you have a few minutes to meet today regarding a congressional request? I can make myself available anytime except between 4:00 - 4:30. Thanks, Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001311 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Thursday, July 20, 2017 4:20 PM Snowden, Deborah R Dendas, Michael W; Smallwood, Marcus R Re: quick meeting today No problem. We actually ran into Helen and she helped us out. Thanks! Get Outlook for iOS From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 4:18:31 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Cc: Dendas, Michael W; Smallwood, Marcus R Subject: RE: quick meeting today Good afternoon, I just returned from a training course and will be on my way out of the door in 10 mins. I will be out tomorrow, but Marcus will be here. Would you like to try to meet now? Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 2:26 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Dendas, Michael W Subject: quick meeting today Hi, Deborah, Any chance you have a few minutes to meet today regarding a congressional request? I can make myself available anytime except between 4:00 - 4:30. Thanks, Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD-17-0235-B-001312 T: (202) 402?5030 C: (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov D-17-0235-B-001313 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Snowden, Deborah R Thursday, July 20, 2017 4:19 PM Appleton, Seth D Dendas, Michael W; Smallwood, Marcus R RE: quick meeting today Good afternoon, I just returned from a training course and will be on my way out of the door in 10 mins. I will be out tomorrow, but Marcus will be here. Would you like to try to meet now? Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat 202-402-7606 From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 2:26 PM To: Snowden, Deborah R Cc: Dendas, Michael W Subject: quick meeting today Hi, Deborah, Any chance you have a few minutes to meet today regarding a congressional request? I can make myself available anytime except between 4:00 - 4:30. Thanks, Seth D. Appleton General Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development T: (202) 402-5030 | C: (b) (6) Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-B-001314 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Kelley, Michael J Monday, July 17, 2017 6:01 PM Appleton, Seth D; Jones, Clinton RE: FSC>NAHASDA Information Request IHBG Summary Report - 3.30.17.xlsx Clinton- As requested. This information was shared by ONAP to CRS at the end of March. Also, it doesn't include the full year 2017 awards that are in process. Please let us know if you need any additional info. Thanks, Mike From: Appleton, Seth D Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 4:05 PM To: Jones, Clinton Cc: Kelley, Michael J Subject: Re: FSC>NAHASDA Information Request Thanks Clinton. We are on it. Get Outlook for iOS From: Jones, Clinton Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 3:43:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FSC>NAHASDA Information Request Seth. I wanted to follow-up on our conversation last week related to NAHASDA. We are requesting the most updated information on NAHASDA's (1) obligated unexpended balance and (2) obligated unexpended balance of the largest tribal government or housing entity (assuming it is the NAVAJO). Thanks, Clinton Clinton Jones Committee on Financial Services (202) 226-3872 direct clinton.jones@mail.house.gov This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-001315 Indian Housing Block Grant Fiscal Year Grant Award FY96* $545,334 FY97* $914,710 FY98 $589,190,187 FY99 $603,170,502 FY00 $608,227,131 FY01 $632,054,554 FY02 $636,543,438 FY03 $638,219,676 FY04 $638,249,134 FY05 $604,113,474 FY06 $616,734,229 FY07 $617,308,976 FY08 $616,076,050 FY09 $641,393,049 FY10 $693,343,296 FY11 $631,415,298 FY12 $648,232,925 FY13 $611,694,629 FY14 $646,035,308 FY15 $653,474,236 FY16 $636,476,348 FY17** $33,970,961 Total $11,997,383,447 * Remaining 1937 Act funds incorporated into ** Grant Awards Pending Fiscal Year Totals Thru FY14 Totals Thru FY15 Totals Thru FY16 Grant Award $10,673,461,902 $11,326,936,138 $11,963,412,486 FY98-FY17 (All Recipients) As of 3/28/2017 Disbursed Available % Disbursed % Available $545,334 $0 100.00% 0.00% $914,710 $0 100.00% 0.00% $589,190,187 $0 100.00% 0.00% $603,170,502 $0 100.00% 0.00% $608,227,131 $0 100.00% 0.00% $632,036,212 $18,342 100.00% 0.00% $636,523,209 $20,229 100.00% 0.00% $638,201,121 $18,555 100.00% 0.00% $638,228,816 $20,318 100.00% 0.00% $604,088,474 $25,000 100.00% 0.00% $616,558,540 $175,690 99.97% 0.03% $616,134,876 $1,174,100 99.81% 0.19% $613,918,034 $2,158,016 99.65% 0.35% $640,331,199 $1,061,850 99.83% 0.17% $690,870,525 $2,472,771 99.64% 0.36% $626,553,705 $4,861,593 99.23% 0.77% $646,212,959 $2,019,967 99.69% 0.31% $603,823,776 $7,870,853 98.71% 1.29% $583,266,031 $62,769,278 90.28% 9.72% $491,252,467 $162,221,768 75.18% 24.82% $366,090,542 $270,385,806 57.52% 42.48% $15,110,813 $18,860,148 95.53% 55.52% $11,461,249,163 $536,134,284 95.53% 4.47% IHBG Subtotals for FY14-FY16 Disbursed Available % Disbursed % Available $10,588,795,341 $84,666,561 99.21% 0.79% $11,080,047,808 $246,888,329 97.82% 2.18% $11,446,138,350 $517,274,136 95.68% 4.32% HUD-17-0235-B-001316 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Monday, July 17, 2017 4:05 PM Jones, Clinton Kelley, Michael J Re: FSC>NAHASDA Information Request Thanks Clinton. We are on it. Get Outlook for iOS From: Jones, Clinton Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 3:43:35 PM To: Appleton, Seth D Subject: FSC>NAHASDA Information Request Seth. I wanted to follow-up on our conversation last week related to NAHASDA. We are requesting the most updated information on NAHASDA's (1) obligated unexpended balance and (2) obligated unexpended balance of the largest tribal government or housing entity (assuming it is the NAVAJO). Thanks, Clinton Clinton Jones Committee on Financial Services (202) 226-3872 direct clinton.jones@mail.house.gov This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-001317 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Jones, Clinton Monday, July 17, 2017 3:44 PM Appleton, Seth D FSC>NAHASDA Information Request Seth. I wanted to follow-up on our conversation last week related to NAHASDA. We are requesting the most updated information on NAHASDA's (1) obligated unexpended balance and (2) obligated unexpended balance of the largest tribal government or housing entity (assuming it is the NAVAJO). Thanks, Clinton Clinton Jones Committee on Financial Services (202) 226-3872 direct clinton.jones@mail.house.gov This email and any related documents, notes, draft legislation, recommendations, reports, or other materials generated or received by the Members or staff of the Committee on Financial Services are congressional records and remain subject to the Committee's control, and are entrusted to your agency only for use in handling this matter. Any such documents created or compiled by an agency in connection with any response to this Committee document or any related Committee communications, whether made by phone, email, or document, including any replies to the Committee, are also records of the Committee and remain subject to the Committee's control. Accordingly, the aforementioned documents are not "agency records" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or any other law, and should be segregated from agency records. HUD-17-0235-B-001318 Helmick, Ky le E From: Sent: To: Subject: Appleton, Seth D Monday, July 17, 2017 8:49 AM Hardy IV, Stanley RE: HUD Daily Briefing (7-17-17) Thanks. I think I'm now signed up for this one. From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 8:39 AM To: Kelley, Michael J ; Appleton, Seth D ; Ludlow, Ashley Subject: FW: HUD Daily Briefing (7-17-17) From: HUD Daily [mailto:hud@techmis.com] Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 6:57 AM To: tom.lewis@techmis.com Subject: HUD Daily Briefing (7-17-17) HUD DAILY BRIEFING Prepared for the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development By TechMIS www.techmis.com/hud TO: DATE: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development & Staff Monday, July 17, 2017 7:00 AM ET HUD News and Opinion HUD Secretary Ben Carson to Visit Orlando (WMFE-FM 90.7, FL) HUD makes $2 billion available to homeless programs (HousingWire) CloseUp: HUD Sec. Ben Carson discusses Republican health care repeal efforts (WMUR, NH) The Week Ahead: Nominations (DSNews) Tenants March to Stop Giveaways to Wall Street Landlords (Truthout) Federal regulators warn lead testing system could produce inaccurate results (Boston Globe, MA) FDA: Lead Test Company May Have Violated Federal Law (Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society) HUD-17-0235-B-001319 Timely Insights from HUD Multifamily DAS (LeadingAge) VAWA Regulation Supplements Final Rule (LeadingAge) [ME] Cyndi Lauper praises Collins: 'And she's a Republican!' (The Hill) [VA] Essex Village in court over 18 criminal charges (WTVR-TV CBS 6, VA) [VA] Roanoke awarded over $2.7 million to eliminate lead based paint hazards (WSET-TV ABC 13, VA) [MO] Springfield residents give new ideas for spending $4M (Springfield News-Leader, MO) [OH] Housing For Men Returning From Prison Often Overlooked (Ideastream, Cleveland, OH) [IL] Illinois lawmakers, HUD Secretary Carson talk Cairo in Washington; Sen. Durbin says Carson's concern for residents is 'genuine' (The Southern, IL) [IL] 42 HUD Inspectors Fired Over Cairo, Ill. Problems (KMOX-AM 1120/CBS St. Louis, MO) [IL] Durbin and Duckworth announce housing and urban development grants (WGIL-AM Galeburg Radio 14, IL) [IL] Illinois agencies get $2M for elderly, disabled housing (WIFR-TV CBS 23 Rockford, IL) [IN] Now what? South Bend needs new answers for lead problem after money dries up (South Bend Tribune, IN) [IN] South Bend loses out on HUD anti-lead grants (South Bend Tribune, IN) [IN] New Albany Housing Authority leaders knowingly violated policy, HUD order, documents state (News and Tribune, NY) [ND] Grand Forks LaGrave on First project set for groundbreaking as soon as August (Grand Forks Herald, ND) [AZ] $80M Navajo housing grant covers only 30 homes (Arizona Republic, AZ) [AZ] Cibecue will benefit from nearly $10M housing grant (White Mountain Independent, AZ) Federal Housing Administration (FHA) RMF Conducts Reverse Mortgage 'Blind Taste Test ' in New Ad (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Ginnie Mae Mortgage investors unfazed as Fed balance sheet plan looms (The Fiscal Times) Ginnie Mae MBS Issuance Rides the Tide of Rising Home Sales (Inside Mortgage Finance) Home Ownership The country's flood insurance program is sinking. Rescuing it won't be easy. (Washington Post) First-Time Buyers More Interested in Housing Market (Wall Street Journal) Millennials Locked Out of Housing Market by $1.2 Trillion in Student Loans (The Street) Chase, Google Track Down Where Buyers Start Their House Hunt (MarketWatch) [CT] Bridgeport attorney sentenced in foreclosure scheme (Connecticut Post, CT) [CT] State grant repairs 20 homes in Lisbon, Montville (Norwich Bulletin, CT) [NY] Keep the focus on affordable ownership (Schenectady Daily Gazette, NY) [DC] As gentrification creeps east, D.C. nonprofits help residents of modest means stake their place through homeownership (Washington Post) [DE] State gives local government more teeth to fight vacant homes (Wilmington News Journal, DE) [GA] Reed to ATL homeowners: Don't sell cheap to 'predatory purchasers' (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) [FL] Wondering if your homeowners insurance will protect you? You're not alone (Miami Herald, FL) [FL] New clean energy PACE firm plans full homeowner disclosure (Sun-Sentinel, FL) [CA] California Democrats incentivize poverty at the expense of homeowners (Riverside Press-Enterprise, CA) HUD-17-0235-B-001320 [CA] Wells Fargo stuck mortgage borrowers with extra fees, whistle-blower's lawsuit says (Los Angeles Times) Affordable Housing Only 0.1% of US minimum-wage workers can afford a 1-bedroom apartment, report finds (CNBC) [ME] Evicted without cause and forced to live in shabby room, Portland woman dies alone (Portland Press Herald, ME) [MA] Newtonville development is challenged in court (Boston Globe, MA) [RI] Evicted in R.I.: When there's no place like home (Providence Journal, RI) [CT] More affordable housing coming to Kent (Waterbury Republican-American, CT) [CT] Proposal for Sound Beach development in Greenwich grows (Connecticut Post, CT) [NY] Affordable Housing Construction and Preservation at Record Pace: de Blasio (DNAinfo New York, NY) [NY] City officials tout latest affordable housing numbers (Crain's New York Business, NY) [NY] GJDC: Still no news on station, 168th St. (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Housing agency is not giving up after Kingston council rejects zoning change (Mid-Hudson News, NY) [NY] Mayor Touts Record on Affordable Housing (WNYC - New York Public Radio, NY) [NY] Camber Property and nonprofit buy Bronx housing complex for $71M (The Real Deal, NY) [NY] Developer to Cut Affordable Units in UES Project Amid Proposed Rule Change (DNAinfo New York, NY) [NY] Plans for affordable housing in old Central Park Plaza to be unveiled (Buffalo News, NY) [NY] Avella, civic groups winning battle to save parkland (Times Ledger, NY) [NY] Affordable, at what cost? Bill de Blasio's housing plan is getting results, thanks to billions and billions in taxpayer subsidy (New York Daily News, NY) [PA] Philly Proposal Looks Ahead to Less Affordable Future (Next City) [SC] Workforce housing for a living city (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) [MD] Baltimore faces an affordable housing crisis (Baltimore Sun, MD) [NC] Curfew lifted at two low-income apartment complexes in Raleigh (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) [GA] Low-income apartment complex could add beer and wine sales (Augusta Chronicle, GA) [GA] Oakwood 84-unit affordable housing plan is being proposed again this year (Gainesville Times) [FL] Editorial: Hillsborough leaders need to get on same page in chasing affordable housing projects (Tampa Bay Times, FL) [IN] Housing agency grew under her watch (Gary Post-Tribune, IN) [MI] Affordable housing projects receive $2.3M from state (Grand Rapids Business Journal, MI) [MI] Federal tax credits to support affordable housing in Detroit (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) [WI] Affordable apartment developments face funding gaps, delays as tax credit prices drop (Stevens Point Journal, WI) [IL] Group to have forum on proposed Campana apartment project (Illinois Daily Herald, IL) [MI] Federal tax credits to support affordable housing in Detroit (Washington Times, DC_ [KS] Residents of Auburn senior community forced to find housing after property's foreclosure (Topeka Capital-Journal, KS) [CO] Denver's creative plan to address its housing shortage (Curbed) [AZ] 'Here for the eviction': More renters forced from homes as affordable-housing crisis deepens (Arizona Republic, AZ) [UT] City OKs zone change for senior apartments (Moab Sun News, UT) HUD-17-0235-B-001321 [WA] Leaving the streets: Housing challenge gives homeless youth a shot at independent living (Spokane SpokesmanReview, WA) [OR] Salem YMCA has faith in future thanks to lottery funds (Salem Statesman-Journal, OR) [CA] Want more affordable homes? Fix CEQA, state tax policies and NIMBY zoning (Modesto Bee, CA) [CA] Granny flats don't bring the problems some cities fear: Guest commentary (San Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA) [CA] People have questions about Mercy's low-income housing project (Woodland Daily Democrat, CA) [CA] 'Yes in my backyard.' Silicon Valley money fuels fight against state's housing crisis (Sacramento Bee, CA) Fair Housing What Is The "Mrs. Murphy" Exception To The Fair Housing Act? (JD Supra) [NY] Albany County lawmaker files discrimination complaint against city (Albany Times-Union, NY) [NJ] How a single map helped determine the fate of Atlantic City's Northside (Press of Atlantic City, NJ) [NC] Wilkes County businessman accused of sexually harassing women who rented or bought homes from him (Winston Salem Journal, NC) [FL] Drug overdoses rampant in Delray's sober home neighborhoods (Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, FL) [MI] A family's quest for home can teach new Detroiters (Detroit Free Press, MI) [CA] Airbnb host who stranded guest because of race ordered to take class in Asian American studies (Washington Post) [CA] Former Airbnb host fined $5,000 for refusing Asian American guest (CNN) Homelessness Americans want to help the homeless -- as long as they don't get too close. This explains why. (Washington Post) [ME] Cyndi Lauper brings Susan Collins on-stage: 'She's my hero ... and she's a Republican' (Bangor Daily News, ME) [ME] Sen. Collins gets in on the act at Cyndi Lauper show (Portland Press Herald, ME) [NH] Workshop aims to teach leadership skills to homeless (Manchester Union Leader, NH) [MA] 'It's raining needles': Drug crisis creates pollution threat (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [NY] Astoria resident asks for donations to continue helping homeless women on streets (Times Ledger, NY) [NY] Hotel thought to be shelter is now closing (Queens Chronicle, NY) [NY] Spa City planning board OKs new Code Blue shelter (Saratoga Springs Saratogian, NY) [NY] City Says Rumor of Shelter at East Elmhurst Marriott 'Unequivocally False' (DNAinfo.com - New York, NY) [DC] I just moved out of D.C. General. Heres how shelters can change lives. (Washington Post) [NC] A new way to fight homelessness: Charlotte charity buys entire apartment community (Charlotte Observer, NC) [NC] SECU Lakeside Reserve has been a decade in the making (Wilmington Morning Star, NC) [SC] Housing for homeless veterans to open in North Charleston (WCBD-TV Charleston 2, SC) [FL] New Miami Development Takes a Holistic Approach to Solving Family Homelessness (Next City) [FL] Lauderdale homeless pushed out of Stranahan Park now camping at county library (Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, FL) [MO] Homeless in KC: 'We're people too, and we deserve to be heard. We deserve to be seen' (Kansas City Star, MO) [MS] Why are there so many mentally ill walking Jackson's streets? (Jackson Clarion-Ledger, MS) [OH] Toledo Public Schools district has most homeless students in Ohio (Toledo Blade, OH) [IL] New health center in Englewood will treat homeless, people in unstable housing (Chicago Tribune, IL) [IL] Rockford To Be Recognized Nationally For It's Reduction In Homelessness (WTVO/WQRF-TV Rockford, IL) HUD-17-0235-B-001322 [IN] Report: Vanderburgh Co. Homelessness at Lowest Point in Four Years (WTVW-TV Fox 7 Evansville, IN) [TX] HomeAid partners with Freedom Place to assist children in crisis (San Antonio Express-News, TX) [TX] Mayor suggests hotel occupancy tax hike to tackle Austin homelessness (Austin American-Statesman, TX) [UT] Begging 'abets lawlessness,' don't give panhandlers cash, officials say (Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News, UT) [WA] Washington groups program puts homeless panhandlers to work (Everett Herald, WA) [CA] At Veterans Village, a changing of the guard (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] BART directors view squalid reality in Powell Station visit (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) [CA] How being homeless didn't change this Los Angeles cook's dream (Los Angeles Times) [CA] PD Editorial: Two steps forward, one back on SR homelessness (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) [CA] Contra Costa County's homeless population shifting (The Press, CA) [CA] She's homeless, but determined to become a college graduate (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) [CA] Sonoma County's safe-parking program scales down (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) [CA] 'It just doesn't feel safe': Residents demand cleanup of Orange Line bike path (Los Angeles Daily News, CA) Public and Indian Housing (PIH) [ME] Frustration with substandard housing led man to unleash bedbugs at Augusta City Center (Central Maine, ME) [VT] Final phase of city housing plan starts (Rutland Herald, VT) [NY] Council OKs PILOT for Geneva Housing Authority (Geneva Finger Lakes Times, NY) [NJ] Ever wear a badge in Jersey? You may now be allowed to carry a gun here. (NJ.com, NJ) [NJ] Christie Signs Bill Allowing More Retired Officers to Carry Handguns (New York Observer, NY) [NJ] Another leadership change in the projects (West New York Reporter, NJ) [PA] Council endorses scattered site sale (Altoona Mirror, PA) [PA] Housing authority approves bridge loan for White Swan project (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) [VA] Norfolk City Council weighing public housing redevelopment plan (WAVY-TV NBC 10 Portsmouth, VA) [MO] MHDC, Housing Authority work to provide low-income housing in Jefferson City (Jefferson City News Tribune, MO) [LA] Kenner housing director, attorney respond to accusations of law breaking (New Orleans Times-Picayune, LA) [MO] Proposed mixed-income apartment complex met with concerns in northland (KSHB-TV NBC 41 Kansas City, MO) [TX] Judge issues restraining order against La Joya Housing Authority (The Monitor, TX) [TX] Judge signs temporary restraining order against La Joya Housing Authority (KGBT-TV 4 Valley Central.com, TX) [OK] Cherokee councilors OK initial 2018 Indian Housing Plan (Cherokee Phoenix, OK) [CO] Investigation: Longmont Police didn't follow procedure in warrantless searches of affordable housing (KUSA-TV NBC 9 Denver, CO) [CO] Investigation finds Longmont Police wrong in controversial drug search in low incoming housing development (KDVRTV FOX 31 Denver, CO) [CO] Longmont police didn't follow procedures with warrantless searches, city concludes (Boulder Daily Camera, CO) [CO] $8M 'Green House' expansion to help more seniors age in place (Fort Collins Coloradoan, CO) [CO] Warrantless searches of the Longmont Housing Authority's Suites apartments (Longmont Times-Call, CO) [AZ] Records show Navajo housing agency plans to build 15 homes, 15 rentals with $80 million grant (Rose Law Group, AZ) [WA] Newhouse amendment would expand farmworker housing use (Capital Press - Agriculture Weekly) HUD-17-0235-B-001323 [CA] Marin City's Golden Gate Village future debated this week (Marin Independent Journal, CA) [CA] Marin Voice: Marin City's community-driven planning process (Marin Independent Journal, CA) [CA] Industry wants to add 20 homes to the city, here's why that's actually a big deal (San Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA) [CA] Marin City: Forums set on future of public housing complex (Marin Independent Journal, CA) [HI] Tiny home solution brewing in Anahola (Garden Island Newspaper, HI) Sustainability Climate change and less federal money may hit states hard (Washington Post) Cities Look to Business (Not Washington) to Build Sustainability (Politico) [NY] City wants to turn parking lots into solar-power plants (Crain's New York Business, NY) [LA] New Orleans Sets Ambitious Climate Action Goals (Next City) [LA] Rising sea levels threaten Louisiana homeowners with billions in losses, real estate economists say (Baton Rouge Advocate, LA) Community Planning and Development (CPD) As companies relocate to big cities, suburban towns are left scrambling (Washington Post) Poverty Still Isn't As Suburban As You Think (The Atlantic CityLab) What's the Greatest Risk Cities Face? (Politico) Why Neighborhoods Get Better: Research Provides Insights That May Surprise You (Forbes) [NY] Federal grants will repair homes and roads in Town of Tonawanda (Buffalo News, NY) [PA] In long impoverished Mantua, signs of change spark hope, and gentrification fears (Philly.com, PA) [PA] Erie adopts proactive code enforcement approach (Erie Times & News, PA) [PA] Eisenberg's heritage remembered as MVI moves apartments into Monessen building (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) [PA] Penn Hills arson highlights problem of abandoned houses (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PA) [MD] Here's a suburban experiment cities can learn from (Washington Post) [VA] Newport News has plenty of development work planned (Newport News Daily Press, VA) [GA] County removes more than 700 tons of debris from Brannon Hill (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) [GA] Memories of bustling black enclave inspire vision for Liberty Districts future (Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA) [FL] Residents in Oneco, Samoset get top billing in county's funding plans. But federal funding could be in jeopardy. (Bradenton Herald, FL) [FL] Federal funding in jeopardy for low-income areas (Herald Tribune, Sarasota, FL) [LA] Federal funding for Louisiana farmers impacted by 2016 floods (KPLC-TV NBC 7 Lake Charles, LA) [MO] People's New $6 Million Facility Grand Opening - Mayor to Attend & Other Dignitaries (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO) [LA] First flooded homes rebuilt under Restore Louisiana program round into completion (Baton Rouge Advocate, LA) [OH] Ashland pushes to demolish house where 2 bodies found (Canton Repository, OH) [TX] College Station City Council approves $1.5 million in affordable-housing grants (Bryan-College Station Eagle, TX) [TX] Council OKs Small Area Plans (Longview News-Journal, TX) [TX] Summer program for disadvantaged Waco ISD students could lose city money (Waco Tribune-Herald, TX) [TX] Starr County To Lose CDBG Funding For Next Two Years (KRGV-TV Channel 5 Weslaco, TX) [CO] Boulder County exploring options for funding Boston Avenue improvements (Longmont Times-Call, CO) HUD-17-0235-B-001324 [UT] Ogden city begins new redevelopment approach in East-central area (Ogden Standard-Examiner, UT) [OR] 21 cranes, 15 hotels, 10,000 jobs: Inside Oregon's development spree (Portland Oregonian, OR) [CA] Block grant program set for public meeting in Fairfield (Fairfield Daily Republic, CA) [CA] Developer seeks six months to vet city land for sale (Fairfield Daily Republic, CA) [CA] Marin Voice: A vision of historic preservation and sustainability for Marin City (Marin Independent Journal, CA) [CA] Newest Salinas recreation center opening delayed until '18 (Californian Online - Salinas, CA) National News Landlord alert: New index aims to take the risk out of rental investing (CNBC) Majority of Americans oppose Trump tax plan (Politico) Citi mortgage originations slashed in half in second quarter (HousingWire) Credit availability hits highest level since 2016 (HousingWire) On the side of consumers (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) Wells Fargo mortgage banking income plummets 19% (HousingWire) Wells Fargo, Citi, Chase results show 2017 will be a down year for big bank mortgages (HousingWire) CFPB proposes HMDA changes for community banks and credit unions (HousingWire) America's largest cities are so expensive that some millennials are crowdfunding their homes (seattlepi.com, WA) [NY] NYSUM harassment is getting worse (Queens Chronicle, NY) [DC] In Southwest D.C., a Federal-style brick house is a rare slice of early Washington (Washington Post) [IL] Aldermen got loans from bank led by lawyer, OKed his clients projects (Chicago Sun-Times, IL) [IL] Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years (Chicago Tribune, IL) [TX] Texas' biggest assisted-living facility for Medicaid closing (Denton Record-Chronicle, TX) [CA] Venice Beach Is a Hot Place to Live, So Why Is Its Housing Supply Shrinking? (Wall Street Journal) Headlines The Washington Post The New York Times The Wall Street Journal ABC News NBC News CBS News Washington Schedule President Vice President Senate House of Representatives Editorial Note: This Brief represents summarized content - click on the hyperlink to access full-text articles for these news summaries. HUD-17-0235-B-001325 HUD News and Opinion HUD Secretary Ben Carson to Visit Orlando (WMFE-FM 90.7, FL) WMFE-FM 90.7 (7/16/2017 12:52 PM, WMFE-FM 90.7) AUDIO. On Monday, the Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson, will visit Orlando to deliver the keynote address at the annual convention for LeadingAge Florida. The nonprofit coalition represents more than 250 nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and retirement communities across the state. Spokesman Greg Ungru is expecting Carson to talk about affordable housing for seniors. "There is a housing crisis, especially when it comes to seniors. They have put in their blood, sweat, and tears, and we just want to make sure they have a good, clean, safe place to live," he said. In May, the White House released its proposed 2018 budget which includes cuts to affordable housing programs, a program that provides vouchers for rental subsidies. Ungru said LeadingAge is paying close attention to the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program, which offers capital advances to finance construction, rehabilitation, and purchasing of affordable housing properties for seniors. "A lot of our members, specifically some of them down in south Florida--our affordable senior housing members--have three to five year wait lists," Ungru added. Carson is expected to talk about HUD policy, as well as his personal and professional life as a neurosurgeon. HUD makes $2 billion available to homeless programs (HousingWire) HousingWire (7/16/2017 9:04 AM, Kelsey Ramirez) Encourages housing first approach In an effort to end homelessness, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will make $2 billion available for local homeless programs. HUD will fund this venture through Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program in an effort to encourage housing first. Housing first is the idea that families need housing before they can take care of other needs such as alcohol or substance abuse, health and other needs. HUD stated it is continuing incentives to adopt best practices for rapid-rehousing and housing first, an approach that has proven effective in helping communities to make progress on their goal of ending homelessness. It also explained it hopes this new funding will help move families quickly into permanent housing. The department's Continuum of Care homeless assistance grants support a wide variety of local programs from street outreach and assessment programs to transitional and permanent housing for individuals including veterans, youth, families and persons experiencing long-term or chronic homelessness. "We know these grants can make a huge difference in ending homelessness" HUD Secretary Ben Carson said. "HUD continues to forge deep relationships with our local partners to invest in proven programs that are working to reduce the scale of homelessness in their communities." Next week, Carson will speak at the 2017 National Conference on Ending Homelessness organized by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. HUD announced he will be speaking at the conference in Washington D.C. on Tuesday from 11 to 11:30 a.m. HUD-17-0235-B-001326 CloseUp: HUD Sec. Ben Carson discusses Republican health care repeal efforts (WMUR, NH) WMUR (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Cam Tranchemontagne) Says CHAD will not face shut down Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson joins CloseUp to discuss the Republican push to overhaul healthcare. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. The Week Ahead: Nominations (DSNews) DSNews (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Brianna Gilpin) This coming Tuesday, a full committee hearing will take place in the Senate Office Building on the nominations of many different individuals in the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. See who's being nominated and what else you can expect in the week ahead here. Of the five being nominated, Mr. J. Paul Compton Jr. of Alabama will be nominated to General Counsel, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Ms. Anna M. Farias, of Texas, to be Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Mr. Neal J. Rackleff, of Texas, to be Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Mr. Richard Ashooh, of New Hampshire, to be Assistant Secretary for Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce; Ms. Elizabeth Erin Walsh, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary for Global Markets and Director General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce; and Mr. Christopher Campbell, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of the Treasury. The Committee will meet in open session Tuesday, July 18, at 10 a.m. EDT and will be live [HERE]. Tenants March to Stop Giveaways to Wall Street Landlords (Truthout) Truthout (7/16/2017 1:03 PM, Aditi Katti, Inequality.org) President Trump's proposed budget would cut $7.4 billion in housing funding by eliminating housing vouchers, cutting public housing funding by $1.8 billion, and significantly reducing homeless assistance grants. While stripping support for low-income Americans, the budget would maintain programs that help fill the pockets of wealthy investors. The biggest private equity player in the housing market is Blackstone, which has become the country's largest landlord, owning more than $102 billion in real estate. Speaking at the rally, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) blasted the administration for backing a $1 billion loan to Blackstone to buy public housing. "The government is literally using taxpayer money to make it cheaper for this multi-billion dollar Wall Street fund to buy up housing," Warren said. Such loan guarantees and other taxpayer-subsidized perks for private equity housing investors would continue under the White House budget plan. This is hardly surprising, given the influence of Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, who has a personal net worth of $12.5 billion. He currently chairs Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum and is a close personal advisor to the president. According to Politico, the two sometimes speak on the phone several times a week. Jonathan Westin, director of New York Communities for Change, a leading affordable housing advocate, pointed out that the role of the big financial firms is nothing new. "Every housing crisis in the United States has been brought to us by Wall Street, from the Great Depression, to redlining leading to housing segregation, to the recent foreclosure crisis," Westin said. "This new crisis -- the rental crisis -- has been brought to us by large corporations like the Blackstone Group." After the kickoff rally, marchers carried out a "die-in" at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and ended the day with a protest outside a luxury condo building owned by Blackstone. Federal regulators warn lead testing system could produce inaccurate results (Boston Globe, MA) Boston Globe HUD-17-0235-B-001327 (7/14/2017 9:33 AM, Robert Weisman) Federal regulators Thursday warned labs and health professionals that a lead testing system sold by Magellan Diagnostics of North Billerica could be delivering inaccurate results. In a statement, the Food and Drug Administration said it is reviewing evidence collected during an inspection at Magellan, a unit of Meridian Bioscience Inc., to see if a US law was violated. The company's LeadCare test system was used to analyze blood drawn from about 15,000 children in New Jersey earlier this year, according to a report by NJTV News. Meridian, based in Cincinnati, issued a statement saying it was addressing the FDA's concerns with "the highest sense of urgency" and was committed to making sure the Magellan testing system was in "full compliance" with federal requirements. FDA: Lead Test Company May Have Violated Federal Law (Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society) RAPS (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Michael Mezher) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday said that lead test maker Magellan Diagnostics may have violated federal law in its handling of customer complaints and design validation for its LeadCare testing systems. FDA cited the issues in a 10-page inspection report stemming from a month-and-a-half long inspection of Magellan's North Billerica, MA facility from 10 May to 29 June 2017. A week into that inspection, FDA warned the public that all four of Magellan's LeadCare testing systems (LeadCare, LeadCare II, LeadCare Ultra and LeadCare Plus) could give falsely low results when testing blood drawn from a patient's vein rather than capillary blood. With the conclusion of its inspection, FDA says healthcare providers should continue to follow it and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) earlier recommendations against using the tests with venous blood samples and for retesting patients that are at risk of inaccurate results. Timely Insights from HUD Multifamily DAS (LeadingAge) LeadingAge (7/15/2017 5:01 AM, Colleen Bloom) LeadingAge staff met July 12 with Bob Iber, acting deputy assistant secretary for multifamily housing, and a broad range of multifamily housing office directors and program heads - and covered a lot of ground on topics of current concern. During a discussion with LeadingAge and a coalition of other housing provider, HUD staff gave timely updates on a range of topics. Among the most significant issues, the status of service coordinator grant funding for FY17, After more than seven months without funding: HUD gave LeadingAge staff strong assurances that 90% of all FY17 Service Coordinator grant funding will be out and available to properties in all parts of the country (including New York) by the end of July. This includes the batch 1 (60% of initial funding AND the supplemental 40% to fund the contracts for the full 12 most); and batch 2 (100% of funding). So if ANY MEMBER with grants in these two batches does NOT have full funding as of August 1, please send an email to us directly. Other significant developments include: --The CNA e-tool will not become mandatory until October 1, and could potentially be pushed out a bit further (if you have reasons that would support pushing the date out later, please contact us asap). --The Energy Benchmarking mandate is not going into effect at this time, except for the Green MIP program (a very limited FHA insurance product, hopefully you know well if you've got it) --VAWA documents that expired June 30 can continue to be used until replaced. HUD is preparing some minor tweaks, and a federal register announcement with 60 day comment is expected shortly. The VAWA lease addendum 91067 has still not been modified for the expanded programs. VAWA FAQs are still expected out "soon." And the deadline for having an emergency transfer policy has been pushed out until December 2017 (see also new VAWA notice H 2017-05 issued June 30) --Recently published proposed FHA Flood Plain changes will not be enacted. A rescission/withdrawal to be published soon. HUD-17-0235-B-001328 --Changes to remove the requirement to use EIV during interim certifications is in the works, as are efforts to revise the problematic "income discrepancy report" and revamp it into a new "income validation tool. As part of this effort, student income will be capped at $480 to eliminate "discrepancies" for incomes above that, and to make EIV more interactive so that bogus deceased tenant reports can be identified and disabled for future "discrepancy" reporting. VAWA Regulation Supplements Final Rule (LeadingAge) LeadingAge (7/15/2017 5:41 AM, Colleen Bloom) HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing Notice H 2017-5 provides supplemental Violence Against Women Act guidance to Multifamily owners and management agents. On June 30, HUD posted Notice H 2017-05 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization Act of 2013 - Additional Guidance for Multifamily Owners and Management Agents. This 44-page notice provides guidance to owners and management agents (O/As) of HUD multifamily assisted housing on the requirements of the Violence AgainstWomen Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs, Final Rule. As indicated by HUD, this notice does not encompass every aspect of the VAWA Final Rule and should be used in conjunction with the VAWA Final Rule. This notice, however, supersedes earlier Housing Notices H 2010-23 and H 2009-15. Some features of the notice include: --New definitions --New notice requirements --Provides model notice and model transfer plan --Revises documentation requirements --Establishes a new requirement for reasonable time for victim to establish program eligibility or find alternate housing --Clarifies owner/agent right to create a VAWA related preference [ME] Cyndi Lauper praises Collins: 'And she's a Republican!' (The Hill) The Hill (7/16/2017 2:26 PM, Josh Delk) Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) joined singer Cyndi Lauper on stage at a concert Friday night, the Portland Press Herald reported. "This woman is a hero, and she's my hero," Lauper told the audience, after inviting the moderate Republican to come on stage. "And she's a Republican," Lauper said to loud cheers from the audience. The singer praised Collins for her work "with LGBT homeless youth." "And all the homeless kids. I was blessed to testify before her committee, which was bipartisan," Lauper said, regarding an April 2015 meeting of the Transportation, Housing and Urban development subcommittee. "We're just glad you're here," said Collins. The senator later tweeted to Lauper, saying "I will back you up anytime- on stage or off." [VA] Essex Village in court over 18 criminal charges (WTVR-TV CBS 6, VA) WTVR-TV CBS 6 (7/14/2017 2:27 PM, Brendan King) VIDEO. RICHMOND, Va., - An attorney representing the owners of the Essex Village apartments appeared in front of a Henrico County General District Court judge for an arraignment on charges related to problems that have been the subject of an ongoing CBS 6 investigation. The defendant, Essex VA Investors LLC, Paraco Inc. of Mechanicsville, has more than a dozen criminal summonses issued by the county. The company faces a total of 18 building code violation charges, according to online records. Two of the five misdemeanor counts brought up in court Friday morning were described on court documents as violating Virginia code section. The violations included failing to properly maintain plumbing fixtures, garbage disposal, and sink pipes leaking to HUD-17-0235-B-001329 cabinet base; abate mice infestation; and failure to maintain interior structure in good repair, holes, and baseboards in a mechanical closet, which allowed pest and rodent entry. An attorney representing the county said the 18 charges were grouped into three offense topics, including broken porches. That attorney told the judge they plan to go to trial without settling. A woman, who county officials said were representing the Essex Village apartments in court, briefly spoke to reporters after the hearing. "We can't make a comment at this time, I'm sorry," she said. "We will be meeting with our residents." No time frame was given when that meeting may be scheduled. The next court date for the five misdemeanor counts arraigned on Friday is scheduled for Sept. 25. The 13 other building code violation charges are scheduled to be heard on July 28 and August 4. County officials showed CBS 6's original report to the Henrico County Board of Supervisors during a June meeting about problems at the low-income housing complex prior to announcing the criminal summonses. In April, the owner Greg Pearlman told us they had maintained the property well, and in the past couple of months things had not been up to their standards. He promised residents would see major changes by the beginning of May, and some residents said improvements are happening. The Department of Housing and Urban Development paid the company managing Essex Village more than $150 million to subsidize the rent of residents at low-income housing complexes across the country in 2016. The numbers were uncovered by a CBS 6 investigation after Congressman Donald McEachin called for HUD to terminate their business with PK Management, which manages three Section 8 facilities in Henrico County: Essex Village, Woodland Crossing and Hope Village. McEachin said PK Management properties isnot meeting the spirit of its obligation to provide safe and sanitary housing. PK Management and their parent company, GHC Housing, received $152,110, 882 from HUD in 2016, according to information obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request submitted to HUD. The company receives more than $7 million a year from HUD to subsidize rent at its housing complexes. Other elected officials are also beginning to respond to the ongoing investigation into the Henrico apartment complex. State Senator Siobhan Dunnavant said the living conditions at Essex Village are "Egregious" and she is currently in the process of drafting a letter to HUD Secretary Ben Carson. [VA] Roanoke awarded over $2.7 million to eliminate lead based paint hazards (WSET-TV ABC 13, VA) WSET-TV ABC 13 (7/14/2017 10:48 AM, Catherine Doss) WASHINGTON, D.C. - Virginia Senators Kaine and Warner are announcing more than $7 million in grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This money will go to cities and organizations in Virginia, including Roanoke. The city of Roanoke will be getting $2,719,660 for the 2017 fiscal year. Officials say the grants will go toward eliminating lead based paint in the city's older homes. A total of $5.42 million will go toward funding and eliminating lead based paint hazards in low and "Very low" income private housing in Roanoke and Richmond. According to the World Health Organization, lead can lead to serious health complications for everyone, but especially children. [MO] Springfield residents give new ideas for spending $4M (Springfield News-Leader, MO) Springfield News-Leader (7/14/2017 6:13 PM, Alissa Zhu) Some Springfield residents are challenging how the city plans to spend $4 million in less than a year. HUD-17-0235-B-001330 Northside resident Katie Webb said she was "livid" after learning the city wanted to use grant money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to fund projects such as bringing Jordan Creek above ground and making playground improvements to a Southside Springfield park. Webb says the federal grant money should be used for other projects she believes would better benefit people living in or around poverty. It appears about 70 other Springfield residents probably agree. They signed a letter Webb emailed to City Council on Thursday with alternative project suggestions. City leaders are defending the projects that Webb and others have objected to, saying they meet all HUD guidelines and they will make a big difference to people with low-to-moderate income in Springfield. The letter, penned by Springfield resident Linda Simkins, will also be forwarded to HUD as public comments as the federal department considers approving the city's plan for spending grants. The public comment period for the plan will end July 18. The group of citizens offered a list of different projects the money should be used for. They included building and equipping a new fire station in West Central Springfield, prioritizing building sidewalks and making playground improvements and addressing other issues such as slum, blight, mental health and substance abuse. They are asking City Council members to amend the spending plan before the final version is due to be filed with HUD in August. The letter argues that the new suggestions do a better job of meeting HUD's national objectives for the program, including benefiting low-to-moderate income people and eliminating slums and blight. Webb said, "We are asking (city leaders) to address health and safety hazards and they would rather make a park on the Southside of town prettier. That's the wrong way to use HUD money." Director of Planning and Development Mary Lilly Smith refuted some of the claims made in the letter. "We think we have a good project list," Smith said. "It absolutely meets HUD eligibility. There is some geographic dispersion to serve low-to-moderate income populations throughout the community." City spokesperson Cora Scott said, "It's a misconception poverty only exists in northwest Springfield." Smith pointed out a portion of HUD funds are proposed to pay for improvements north Springfield neighbors have been requesting for years, such as building bathrooms in Tom Watkins Park and improving Nichols Park. The $4 million comes from a three-decade old commercial loan program that helps small businesses get started or grow. The loan program was started by the city using Community Development Block Grants from HUD. Smith said due to a change in how HUD defines what it means to use grant money in a timely manner, a large sum from the loan program will need to be spent on community projects by May 2018. The city was notified in the spring it was not in compliance with HUD rules. If it's non compliant for a second year, the city would risk losing future grant funds, said a letter the federal agency sent to the city. In May, City Council approved a plan which outlined a list of "shovel-ready" priority project suggestions assembled by city staff. [OH] Housing For Men Returning From Prison Often Overlooked (Ideastream, Cleveland, OH) Ideastream.org (7/13/2017 12:39 PM, Matthew Richmond) William Rodgers is moving into his own housing for the first time, a year and a half out of prison. He found this place through a program called Open Door, where he's lived for a year. "Honestly I don't know what would have happened, if it wasn't for this place, I could have ended up doing something stupid again, you know what I mean?" says Rodgers. Open Door is run by the YMCA, and affiliated with the county's public housing authority. For the men who finish the program, HUD-17-0235-B-001331 there's access to subsidized housing. But this kind of help is a rarity in Ohio: there are only 45 spaces available at Open Door and it's the only place like it in Northeast Ohio. And the waitlist for housing subsidies in Cleveland is thousands of names long. About 3000 people returned from prison to Cuyahoga County in 2014. For those that want the help, there's a range of mental health, employment and substance abuse services available. But when it comes to finding stable housing, the path ahead can be daunting. Rodgers says he tried to find housing without subsidies shortly after his 10-year sentence for manufacturing drugs ended. He nearly got one at a building downtown until he told management about his felony. "They said, 'maybe, because the felony conviction was old.' But I never heard from them again. I had the money and the credit to get in so the felony was probably the only thing hindering me," says Rodgers. Returning from prison didn't always carry the stigma with it that it does today, says Charles See, the former director of reentry services at Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry "When I started in '73, '74, we could go down to prison, we could bring folks home for community events, we would have art shows, and then we would take them back in the afternoon," says See. He says Cuyahoga County has done more than most places to address the challenges of returning to society. But housing still gets less attention than other services. See's successor at LMM, Michael Sering, says they've started a program that takes houses from the land bank, refurbishes them and offers them to the homeless. Anyone coming through their men's shelter downtown is eligible, including those returning from prison. "The upper limit from the Land Bank would be you know thousands. They talk about - could their housing stock end homelessness?" says Sering. Cuyahoga County has the highest number of people going to and coming back from prison in Ohio each year. And there's nothing stopping a landlord from rejecting someone just because they have a felony record. Maria Smith is an attorney at Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. She says a Department of Housing and Urban Development announcement last year could start to address that. "You can use the legal handles of the Fair Housing laws to say to landlords - you can't use just a blanket disqualifier just because someone has a criminal conviction," says Smith, and adds that guidance by HUD makes a huge difference. There's already a federal case in New York challenging landlords who refuse tenants because of a criminal background. [Editorial note: AUDIO at source] [IL] Illinois lawmakers, HUD Secretary Carson talk Cairo in Washington; Sen. Durbin says Carson's concern for residents is 'genuine' (The Southern, IL) The Southern (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Molly Parker) WASHINGTON -- Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson met with U.S. Rep. Mike Bost and Sens. Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin this past week in Washington to discuss the public housing situation in Cairo. Durbin said he gives Carson "high marks" for his responsiveness to their requests for information. "He has shown a lot of personal attention to this and was kind enough to come in here into my office and meet with both of us for a lengthy meeting," Durbin said. "I think his concern about the future of the residents there at the housing authority is genuine." "Of course, we want to make sure at the end of the day that they are the highest priority -- that they feel that we are doing everything in our power to resolve this terrible chapter in their lives and that for these families, the next place they move will be a dramatic improvement ... We want to make sure that both the secretary and the department get high marks when it comes to responding to the needs of these residents. That's the highest priority." HUD-17-0235-B-001332 Carson held two separate meetings with the Illinois congressional lawmakers on Thursday -- one with Bost, a Republican whose district includes Cairo, and another with Durbin and Duckworth, both Democrats. [IL] 42 HUD Inspectors Fired Over Cairo, Ill. Problems (KMOX-AM 1120/CBS St. Louis, MO) KMOX-AM 1120/CBS St. Louis (7/14/2017 8:04 PM, Alex Degman) WASHINGTON D.C. / CAIRO, Ill. (KMOX) -- 42 Department of Housing and Urban Development inspectors have been fired due in part to ongoing public housing problems in Cairo, Illinois. Congressman Mike Bost met with HUD Secretary Ben Carson to discuss what's been happening since HUD took over property management from the Alexander County Housing Authority in early 2016. But things weren't better with federal oversight. "A lot of these, because of the lack of oversight, or because the inspectors turned their heads the other way, don't go in and do their jobs to make sure they are handling the public trust in the right way. That's what they did, they violated the public trust. Conditions at some Cairo housing projects were so bad at the most recent inspection, some families were forced to move immediately because it would have been unsafe for them to stay. Bost, a conservative Republican, favors local control in most cases -- but not here. "If you have a corrupt local government and they put the people in there that have the kickbacks and do all the different things like was done here, and has been done in other locations around the nations, you're going to have to monitor very very closely," Bost told KMOX. Roughly 180 households will be displaced, although Bost says he's working with HUD on a more lenient timetable. He's also pushing for legislation to ensure this doesn't happen again. [IL] Durbin and Duckworth announce housing and urban development grants (WGIL-AM Galeburg Radio 14, IL) WGIL-AM Galeburg Radio 14 (7/16/2017 1:27 PM, WGIL-AM Galeburg Radio 14) The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded a total of $2,058,130 in grants funding Illinois agencies through the Housing Counseling Grant, and the Service Coordinator Programs. U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth announced Thursday that HUD monies will help families, seniors, and people with disabilities who live in insured and assisted apartment housing to live more independently. Durbin issued a statement saying "These federal programs provide invaluable assistance to those in need and I will continue to fight for them in these times of uncertainty." Duckworth said, "It's important that Americans who rely on additional assistance at home - including seniors and those living with a disability - have access to the resources they need to live healthy, independent lives." 21 housing service providers are receiving over $1M for the funding for the employment of service coordinator, to assure that elderly and non-elderly residents with disabilities get the specific support services they need. In Galesburg, Whiting Hall Senior Apartments will receive over $23,000. [IL] Illinois agencies get $2M for elderly, disabled housing (WIFR-TV CBS 23 Rockford, IL) WIFR-TV CBS 23 Rockford (7/16/2017 6:51 PM, Associated Press) CHICAGO - Agencies across Illinois are receiving more than $2 million in federal grants to help seniors, people with disabilities and families living in assisted housing to live more independent lives. U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth announced the grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD-17-0235-B-001333 About $1 million will be split between 10 housing authorities to provide counseling and advice to current and prospective tenants about property maintenance, financial matters and other issues. The recipients include housing authorities in Decatur, Carlinville, Chicago and its suburbs. Another roughly $1 million will go to 22 housing complexes statewide to employ service coordinators for apartment housing designed for elderly people and tenants with disabilities. They will ensure residents are connected with services they need to remain in their homes. [IN] Now what? South Bend needs new answers for lead problem after money dries up (South Bend Tribune, IN) South Bend Tribune (7/16/2017 7:17 AM, Ted Booker) Poisoning worse than expected, study says; no federal grants SOUTH BEND -- In the scramble for grant money to help solve the area's lead problem, South Bend and St. Joseph County have again lost to other communities across the country. The area's struggle with lead-based paint in homes has received renewed attention in the last year. So why was the South Bend Housing Authority's $2.9 million grant application recently rejected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development? The authority had been successful at getting money in the past; why was it turned down this time? Officials in the city and county still don't have an answer to those questions. And now they face a new question: What are they going to do to help remove lead paint hazards in homes that continue to pose a risk to small kids? They'll need a new sense of urgency. A University of Notre Dame research team recently found that lead poisoning in several South Bend neighborhoods appears to be even worse than originally reported by the state. In late 2016, the Indiana Health Department reported that there were three census tracts on South Bend's near northwest side in which at least 20 percent of the children were tested with elevated levels of lead. But Notre Dame's analysis shows there are actually eight tracts above that threshold. And in several tracts, the percentage of lead-poisoned kids was found to be higher than the state's initial report. HUD had sent a combined $5.5 million to the South Bend Housing Authority in recent years to repair lead paint hazards -- such as replacing windows and doors that have flaky paint -- in hundreds of homes. But the funding ran dry last year. Officials had high hopes they could secure $2.9 million this year, but they were surprised when HUD rejected the request, choosing to award grants to other cities. The grant locally would have been used to remove lead hazards in about 150 homes over three years. South Bend officials will find out in a conference call with HUD later this month why the grant application didn't score high enough, said Chuck McMannis, a housing authority director. South Bend wasn't the only rejected community, as only a handful of grants went to cities in the Midwest. Indiana as a whole received a $3.4 million HUD grant, which will be divided among South Bend and five other communities to remove lead hazards and make other improvements. But that's still only a fraction of what the city wanted. Low-income families often don't have the money for lead repairs, which can cost up to $20,000. [IN] South Bend loses out on HUD anti-lead grants (South Bend Tribune, IN) South Bend Tribune (7/16/2017 7:17 AM, Marek Mazurek) SOUTH BEND -- In late June, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded more than $127 million to fight lead poisoning in homes. HUD-17-0235-B-001334 Grants from HUD were awarded to 48 state and local governments across the country, but South Bend -- with its documented lead problems -- did not receive any money directly from HUD. Instead, HUD awarded money for its Lead Hazard Control Program to eight other cities in Indiana's region including Minneapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Ohio and Jackson, Mich. Warren Friedman, a senior HUD advisor told The Tribune that HUD has five categories by which it evaluates each application. Those categories are: the qualification and experience of the applicant, the need and extent of the problem, the soundness of approach the applicant demonstrates, how well the applicant is working with other organizations and finally, how the applicant evaluates the success of the grant. [IN] New Albany Housing Authority leaders knowingly violated policy, HUD order, documents state (News and Tribune, NY) News and Tribune (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Elizabeth Beilman) Former compliance director cites 'unethical' actions in resignation NEW ALBANY -- The New Albany Housing Authority board and interim executive director knowingly violated internal policy and a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development order, according to a former official's resignation letter. HUD confirmed issues with compliance. The allegations of "possibly illegal and unethical" actions surfaced in a resignation letter tendered by Mike Bainbridge, the former NAHA director of finance and HUD compliance. The letter obtained by the News and Tribune was dated June 15 and effective immediately. "When actions are taken by Agency leadership including the Board of Commissioners which blatantly and knowingly conflict with HUD rules and regulations, I'm left with no choice but to resign, as I cannot be associated with such activities," Bainbridge wrote in the letter. After the board fired former executive director Bob Lane, HUD placed the housing authority on a "zero threshold" status "due to the instability of the management of the agency currently, and in our belief, that federal funds may be in jeopardy," a letter from HUD's Indianapolis Field Office to Board President Irving Joshua states. A zero-threshold status means personnel matters, expenditures over $1, payroll and "all functions of the agency" must first receive HUD approval. [ND] Grand Forks LaGrave on First project set for groundbreaking as soon as August (Grand Forks Herald, ND) Grand Forks Herald (7/15/2017 4:44 AM, Sam Easter) A Grand Forks homeless housing project cleared a major hurdle this week after federal officials unfroze the funding it needs to roll ahead, with groundbreaking expected as soon as late August. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a waiver document for the forthcoming LaGrave on First building, federal leaders announced Thursday. The so-called "housing-first" project is expected to cost more than $8.5 million, rise four stories above the intersection of Walnut Street and First Avenue South and provide the homeless with a permanent place to live. The building will also include on-site support, such as addiction counseling. The project had been delayed earlier this year following a "procedural error" Grand Fork city staff made administering federal funding for the project. Federal officials discovered in March that a certain type of funding had been spent before the project had passed a public comment period, an important milestone in its environmental review process. Though no environmental problems were found at the site, significant funding for the project had been frozen. The waiver, finalized on Wednesday and announced on Thursday, begins a process that could grant permission to ink construction contracts before the end of the month. It unfreezes roughly $1 million in construction funds as well as $5 million HUD-17-0235-B-001335 more in rental assistance for tenants over the first 15 years of the project's life. "This is kind of record timing for approval of a waiver," said Meredith Richards, a senior community development official with the city. City Administrator Todd Feland said he's thankful for the North Dakota congressional delegation's support, all of whom signed a letter urging Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson to expedite the waiver. Terry Hanson is executive director of the Grand Forks Housing Authority, which is spearheading the project. "We think it's great news, and we sure are appreciative to everyone who put a lot of effort to making sure the waiver went through as expeditiously as it could," he said. "It's behind us and we're just moving on." [AZ] $80M Navajo housing grant covers only 30 homes (Arizona Republic, AZ) Arizona Republic (7/15/2017 7:02 AM, Craig Harris and Dennis Wagner) A Navajo Housing Authority plan submitted to federal regulators shows it will build just 15 new homes and an equal number of rental properties next fiscal year with a new housing grant of nearly $80 million, records show. The NHA and tribal officials have said there is a need for at least 30,000 homes on the sprawling reservation that covers much of northern Arizona. However, The Arizona Republic over the past six months has documented failures by the agency to build sufficient housing despite landing hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for that purpose. Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and U.S. Sen. John McCain recently criticized the NHA for its lack of homebuilding despite being the largest U.S. recipient of federal dollars for tribal housing needs. Interim CEO: Construction figures could rise The NHA construction proposal for 2017-18 is laid out in its Indian Housing Plan, an annual report that must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This year's must be submitted by Tuesday in order to receive $79.8 million in federal grant money. Roberta Roberts, the NHA interim chief executive, said the figures reported to HUD for new construction of homes and rentals are only base projections. The numbers could rise, she said, adding that the NHA this year completed 45 new homes and 86 rental units. Those units were paid for by previous grants. Roberts also said the NHA could build more homes if it received additional assistance from Navajo Nation chapters (local governments). Roberts recently took over from longtime CEO Aneva "A.J." Yazzie, who stepped down at the end of June amid scathing criticism from Begaye. [AZ] Cibecue will benefit from nearly $10M housing grant (White Mountain Independent, AZ) White Mountain Independent (7/15/2017 6:37 AM, Michael Johnson) CIBECUE - The White Mountain Apache Housing Authority either has or will receive more than $13 million that it plans to use for a new housing projects on the Fort Apache Reservation. The Arizona Department of Housing notified the WMAHA that it was granted $9.63 million. It will be used to build 22 new homes with necessary infrastructure, renovate 22 additional homes, along with construction of a new community center and a new basketball court in Cibecue. The grant, along with previous grant awards such as Brownfield, AHEAD, ROSS and an upcoming Indian Community Development Block Grant, pushes the tribe's total grant awards to $13.24 million this year. Tribal housing officials said Cibecue is "The most rural community on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation." The housing project is expected to create much -needed jobs for tribal members. WMAHA officials said Rainbow Treatment Center relinquished its site for the project. Tribal housing officials said the reservation suffers from up to 80 percent unemployment, with limited job opportunities and almost no economic development. HUD-17-0235-B-001336 The $9.63 million is the result of what's called the Low Income Housing Tax Credits, or Tax Credit 7, which was created under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and gives incentives for the utilization of private equity in the development of affordable housing aimed at low-income Americans. LIHTC accounts for the majority of all affordable rental housing created in the country, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Meeting the housing needs of White Mountain Apache tribal members is the main purpose of WMAHA. This has been a challenge to the new WMAHA administration, WMAT officials said, given the limited funding and the deficiencies it inherited from past administrations. The new board of commissioners was appointed in June 2014 by the White Mountain Apache Tribal Council. The new eExecutive director, Victor Velasquez, was also appointed that same month. Three weeks after their appointment, tribal officials said the HUD Office of Inspector General issued an audit report on July 8, 2014, covering the time period of July 2011 to June 2013, finding that WMAHA was not in compliance with certain Indian Housing Block Grant requirements. WMAHA also failed to complete several years of its audits, they said. Since that time, the oversight of the Board of Commissioners and Velasquez completed six years of audits, with the last audit being completed on time, with no findings. "This is the first time in 13 years that a WMAHA audit has been completed by the deadline without any findings," board officials said. "WMAHA has also successfully negotiated a final settlement agreement with HUD that will close all the findings of the 2014 OIG audit, after final approval by the OIG. These monumental tasks have been very taxing on the limited resources of WMAHA, in addition to the day to day operations." Federal Housing Administration (FHA) RMF Conducts Reverse Mortgage 'Blind Taste Test ' in New Ad (Reverse Mortgage Daily) Reverse Mortgage Daily (7/16/2017 1:38 PM, Alex Spanko) When developing a new television spot, Reverse Mortgage Funding decided to take page out of the Cola Wars handbook, inviting real consumers to take "the HELOC Challenge." Decades after Pepsi famously dared soda drinkers to see whether they preferred its flagship product over Coca-Cola in a series of iconic commercials, RMF undertook a similar experiment with Home Equity Conversion Mortgage-eligible borrowers. But instead of two cups of cola, the borrowers received information about a traditional home equity line of credit ("Product A") and a HECM line of credit ("Product B"). All the participants know upfront are the facts presented, and that they're being asked to compare two types of home equity loans. And just like the participants in a recent RMF-supported study conducted by the National Council on Aging, they ended up liking the reverse mortgage far better than the HELOC. Ginnie Mae Mortgage investors unfazed as Fed balance sheet plan looms (The Fiscal Times) The Fiscal Times (7/14/2017 3:32 PM, Richard Leong, Reuters) NEW YORK - The Federal Reserve's plan for shrinking its massive balance sheet envisions a future with no holdings of mortgage bonds, a prospect that could present a significant headwind for an $8 trillion market the U.S. central bank now dominates. Mortgages have modestly underperformed a slow-moving bond market this year, and the sector has seen a steady trickle of outflows of investor dollars, but no stampede for the exits. Investors in the sector by and large remain sanguine, and big players are confident the Fed's glacial pace of portfolio normalization - and willingness to resume bond purchases if needed - will limit their downside. HUD-17-0235-B-001337 "For now, it simply means that MBS investors should not be concerned about a sudden or drastic change to the Fed's willingness and ability to hold a sizable position of MBS for the foreseeable future and beyond," Walt Schmidt, manager of mortgage research at FTN Financial in Chicago. Fed officials have signaled they plan soon to begin reducing the bank's $4.24 trillion portfolio of Treasuries and MBS, and market participants expect the process to begin this fall. Fed officials, including Chair Janet Yellen, have stated a preference for holding only Treasuries in the future, in part to escape criticism that MBS ownership equates to picking winners and losers in markets and the economy. That means that nearly $1.8 trillion of mortgage bonds, roughly 30 percent of the $6 trillion of securities backed by governmentsponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae, could run off the Fed's portfolio over the next decade. It is a delicate maneuver that the Fed intends to ease into at a snail's pace. Abandoning MBS altogether might send mortgage rates soaring and roil the housing market, a critical plank in the economy. So far plans telegraphed by the Fed have produced no sign of disruption even as mortgage interest rates have edged up. Ginnie Mae MBS Issuance Rides the Tide of Rising Home Sales (Inside Mortgage Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (7/17/2017 6:00 AM, John Bancroft) Mortgage firms issued $112.71 billion of single-family MBS during the second quarter, a 5.5 percent sequential gain, according to figures compiled by Inside FHA/VA Lending. The totals include MBS backed by FHA home-equity conversion loans. Year-to-date issuance stands at $219.51 billion, down 0.7 percent from the first half of 2016. The quarterly uptick in total issuance may not sound like much, but contrasts sharply with production at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which dropped 13.1 percent from the first to the second quarter. Ginnie volume was up because the program has a deeper vein of purchase-money mortgages than the GSE market. Purchase loans accounted for 63.4 percent of Ginnie issuance over the first half of 2017 - and 68.1 percent in the second quarter. Home Ownership The country's flood insurance program is sinking. Rescuing it won't be easy. (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/16/2017 7:43 AM, Brady Dennis) PEQUANNOCK, N.J. -- Time after time, as the river has risen and the water has crept up Roosevelt Street, Leni-anne Shuchter has fled the white clapboard home she bought more than four decades ago. There was the night in 1984 when rescuers plucked her from a neighbor's roof as floodwaters engulfed her house. And the months in 2011 when she and her husband, John Van Seters, lived in a hotel after torrential rains from Hurricane Irene forced them to gut walls and floors and replace nearly everything they owned. In between, other storms have forced her to file claim after claim with the troubled National Flood Insurance Program so she could rebuild. Yet the small home remains as vulnerable as ever, a reality reflected by its falling value in recent years. "If I had a choice, I would sell," said the 65-year-old Shuchter, who dreams of retiring to Arizona or Nevada. "I don't need to deal with this anymore. [But] the reality of selling is nil." First-Time Buyers More Interested in Housing Market (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (7/17/2017 1:19 AM, Wall Street Journal) A study finds that Google searches on buying a first home are sharply higher. The Wall Street Journal's Laura Kusisto says it HUD-17-0235-B-001338 indicates more millennials are interested in purchasing a home, but affordability remains a key concern. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. Millennials Locked Out of Housing Market by $1.2 Trillion in Student Loans (The Street) TheStreet.com (7/14/2017 6:18 AM, James Langford) Average tuition at public colleges and universities spiked 81% from 2001 to 2009, but it didn't keep high school graduates from pursuing higher education. It has, however, kept many of them from buying homes, according to a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York released on Thursday, July 13. "Student loan balances and the prevalence of student borrowing have reached new heights," Zachary Bleemer and his colleagues wrote in the report, with aggregate debt nearly tripling to $1.2 trillion last year from $360 billion in 2004. That has left millennials, the largest generation in U.S. history, less able to afford houses and is likely to curb their spending power for decades. Already, home ownership among young consumers has dropped from 31% in 2004 to 21% in 2016, while the number of them living with parents has surged. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. Chase, Google Track Down Where Buyers Start Their House Hunt (MarketWatch) MarketWatch (7/14/2017 10:52 AM, Business Wire) Chase Home Lending today announced, in partnership with Google, insights that show consumers are clicking their way to finding their first home and figuring out how much they can afford. Chase Home Lending today revealed the "Search for Home Snapshot" at the Google New York City headquarters, along with TV personalities, entrepreneurs and authors, Drew and Jonathan Scott, who shared tips on homebuying and home makeovers. The Chase + Google collaboration examined how and what people are searching to find more information about homeownership. The data shows search activity for first-time homebuying mortgages are at an all-time high, and affordability continues to reign as the top priority for perspective buyers. The bank's "Search for Home Snapshot" also found Southerners are Googling mortgage information more than consumers in other regions, and fixed-rate mortgages are still the preferred product for many searchers. "We teamed up with Google to help us better understand what customers are searching for and how the home buying landscape is evolving," said Mike Weinbach, Chief Executive Officer of Chase Home Lending. "We found that millennials and first-time homebuyers are making a big splash in the market, and affordability remains top of mind." [CT] Bridgeport attorney sentenced in foreclosure scheme (Connecticut Post, CT) Connecticut Post (7/14/2017 8:12 AM, Alexander Soule) A former Bridgeport attorney will serve a 30-month prison sentence, after his conviction on charges of helping an Easton man scam area homeowners. Odenton, Md. resident Bradford Barneys, 51, handled legal work at his Bridgeport office on behalf of Timothy W. Burke, at the time an Easton resident who preyed on homeowners facing foreclosure. According to the office of U.S. Attorney Deirdre Daly, Burke promised to buy those homes and pay off the mortgages and taxes, but did not make the promised payments while renting out the homes to other tenants. Barneys received more than $70,000 for his work in the fraud, with Daly's office stating he pursued his own scheme in helping two Maryland residents purchase a property on Boston Avenue in Bridgeport, then collecting rent from tenants without the owners' knowledge. HUD-17-0235-B-001339 In April, Burke was sentenced to nine years in prison. [CT] State grant repairs 20 homes in Lisbon, Montville (Norwich Bulletin, CT) Norwich Bulletin (7/14/2017 6:33 PM, Stephanie Menders) LISBON - A total of 20 homes have been repaired free of charge in Lisbon and Montville in the past two years. The repairs are thanks to the Housing Rehabilitation Program, a 2015 grant that the two towns received. Both Lisbon and Montville were first-time beneficiaries of the grant and were each given $400,000 for housing repair projects. The grant is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development using federal funds allocated to Connecticut. Lisbon First Selectman Thomas Sparkman is pleased with how the project has turned out. "Homeowners seem to be very happy with the program," Sparkman said. "The town has been very receptive to it and the work that has been done has gone smoothly." The program covers crucial home repairs with no charge to the owner. As long as they remain in the house, the money does not need to be repaid. If they sell the house, the expense of the repairs will be taken out of the final sale and returned to the town. Homeowners had to meet a series of criteria before their application was approved. Homeowners must qualify as low- or moderate-income by HUD standards, must be up to date on property taxes and have 10 percent equity in the home. Grant coordinator Lisa Lowe and Associates helped Lisbon and Montville apply for the program, but that's not where its work ends. "The application is extremely complicated. It's a 4-inch binder. But once that has been approved we keep working with the towns. We oversee projects and make sure everything is up to regulation," Lowe, president of the Oxford-based company, said. "Homeowners have needed heating repairs, septic repairs and countless other things. It covers anything to help people live safe and comfortably in their home." [NY] Keep the focus on affordable ownership (Schenectady Daily Gazette, NY) Schenectady Daily Gazette (7/15/2017 6:08 AM, Michelle Larkin, executive director of Rebuilding Together Saratoga County) Last month was National Homeownership Month and the media and our elected officials have highlighted issues related to affordable homeownership. I think it's important to discuss what affordable homeownership means and how it impacts our community. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, housing should cost no more than 30 percent of a household's income. Many homeowners in our community spend much more than that on their housing, making them "Housing cost-burdened" and limiting what they have left to spend on their other needs, such as transportation, energy costs, food, health care and more. Many seniors in our community own their homes, and too many of them are cost-burdened and/or low-income. According to U.S. Census data, 71.3 percent of residents 65-plus in Saratoga County own their own homes 23.5 perent of these senior homeowners are cost-burdened and 6.8 percent of seniors in Saratoga County are below the poverty level. Homeowners who are cost-burdened and/or are living below the poverty level are at risk of losing their homes due to the cost of a needed repair or home maintenance, such as replacing a furnace or roof. Seniors face unique challenges because they will likely need accessibility modifications to make it possible for them to age-inplace safely, such as installing a wheelchair ramp, grab bars, or improved lighting. These modifications can be expensive and out-of-reach for homeowners who are already cost-burdened. Rebuilding Together Saratoga County provides repairs and accessibility modifications for low-income homeowners, at no cost to the homeowner, and many of the clients they serve are seniors. While National Homeownership Month only comes around once a year, we need to continue to focus on programs that preserve affordable homeownership, like those offered by Rebuilding Together, so individuals and families in our community can remain safely and independently in their own homes. HUD-17-0235-B-001340 [DC] As gentrification creeps east, D.C. nonprofits help residents of modest means stake their place through homeownership (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/16/2017 8:50 PM, Mary Hui) Leon Waddy grew up in the District's Shaw neighborhood in the '80s and '90s, but he doesn't recognize much of it these days. African American residents used to make up 90 percent of the neighborhood. Today, they're less than 50 percent. "The demographics completely changed," he said. "When I was a young kid, it was a predominantly black neighborhood. . . . Now, it's pretty much a predominantly white neighborhood." That is why Waddy and his wife, who were renting in Congress Heights, looked to historic, majority-black Anacostia in Southeast Washington when they began searching for a home. "We wanted a neighborhood where we would feel at home, that would be like the D.C. that we know," said Alison Waddy, 31, principal of the Oklahoma Avenue campus of the AppleTree, a public charter preschool. "And that's what we found here." "They look like us," Leon Waddy said of his neighbors. With home prices across the city continuing to rise, east-of-the-river neighborhoods such as Anacostia and Congress Heights, which the District housing boom had largely passed over, are becoming increasingly desirable -- and expensive. [DE] State gives local government more teeth to fight vacant homes (Wilmington News Journal, DE) Wilmington News Journal (7/17/2017 5:17 AM, Xerxes Wilson) With the rate of foreclosures in Delaware the third highest in the country, the issue has become a pressing one for local governments who have to spend taxpayer money to maintain the abandoned buildings. Recently, the state legislature gave local governments more authority to screen those who can bid on abandoned homes being sold at sheriff sales. The goal is to allow local governments to ensure such homes are getting into the hands of those who will more quickly put them back into use instead of speculators who might let the home sit. "We don't want (vacant homes) going to property owner who has a history of unpaid taxes, unpaid liens and history of owning vacant properties," said Mary Jacobson, a land use attorney for New Castle County government. The new rules require those who want to bid at a sheriff sale to certify that they don't own other properties that have been subject to many code infractions common with vacancy in the past two years, own a property that has been vacant for more than 24 months or have back taxes. Carrie Casey, a manager within the New Castle County's Department of Community Services, said the new rules are meant to help to protect local government's efforts to turn vacant houses around -- a push that has been aided by state grants. Earlier this year, the Delaware State Housing authority allocated $5.5 million in settlement money received from major banks in the wake of the foreclosure crisis to a handful of local governments and nonprofits to put toward the rehabilitation of vacant homes. It was the second round of such funding. [GA] Reed to ATL homeowners: Don't sell cheap to 'predatory purchasers' (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (7/14/2017 5:06 PM, Leon Stafford) Mayor Kasim Reed is considering broadening a program he launched earlier this year that uses private donations to help lowincome Atlanta homeowners pay skyrocketing property taxes due to gentrification, especially near the Beltline. Reed said he may expand the Anti-Displacement Tax Fund, which raises financial support for Vine City and English Avenue homeowners from corporate and philanthropic dollars, to communities around Turner Field and near the Beltline. The fund, which launched in April, is expected to raise around $5 million for Vine City, English Avenue and other West End Atlanta neighborhoods. HUD-17-0235-B-001341 "We are going to have to take more direct action along the lines of what we've done with the Westside Future Fund in terms of our Anti-Displacement initiative," he said in an exclusive interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "We thought that modeled needed to be replicated." Reed said he is especially concerned about so-called "Predatory purchasers" - real estate entrepreneurs and companies hoping to cash in on growing interest in moving into the city - who might coax residents to sell their houses well below their value. He cautions homeowners to think twice about selling, no matter how tempting the offer. "You own something that is extremely valuable. Don't sell it when someone knocks at the door." "You got to know whatever they're offering for your property is less than what it will ultimately be worth because they have to make a profit," he said. Reed said the city also will have to continue to seek out federal, state and private partnerships meant to address affordability, such as a $30 million grant the city received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2015 to revitalize portions of west Atlanta. [FL] Wondering if your homeowners insurance will protect you? You're not alone (Miami Herald, FL) Miami Herald (7/16/2017 7:50 AM, Andrea Januta) As South Floridians head into a hurricane season predicted to be busier-than-average, homeowners are wondering whether their insurers will pay up if their house is hit -- and how to find out before a storm arrives. Marcelo Salup, a Coral Gables resident who owns a three-bedroom home built in 1954, spends between $5,500 and $6,000 annually on premiums to Heritage Property & Casualty, a Florida insurer created in 2012. Salup said he isn't confident in Heritage's ability to pay his claims but doesn't think he has better options. "It seems to me like [Heritage] just appeared out of nowhere," he said. "But on the other hand, it seems that we as consumers are kind of trapped." The squeeze may be tightening. While state-run Citizens Property remains the largest windstorm insurer in South Florida, 111 other companies hold the windstorm policies on roughly 79 percent of insured homes in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties. [FL] New clean energy PACE firm plans full homeowner disclosure (Sun-Sentinel, FL) Sun-Sentinel (7/14/2017 2:51 PM, Staff) VIDEO. July 14, 2017 - A new PACE financing program is launching in Florida on July 24 with protections to address concerns that some consumers aren't informed about the program's liens, service fees and property tax assessments. Renovate America, a pioneer of the Property Assessed Clean Energy home improvement financing market, says the company's HERO program will offer Florida homeowners competitive interest rates and enhanced safeguards reflecting lessons learned from past mistakes. "We've learned a lot by doing, and Florida homeowners will benefit as a result," said Ari Matusiak, executive vice president at the San Diego, California-based company. With Renovate America's entry, four PACE providers now provide financing for such improvements as rooftop solar systems, impact doors and windows, hurricane-resistant roofing, energy-saving air conditioning systems, hot water heaters, insulated siding and even awnings. Initially, financing from Renovate America will be available in 26 Broward County cities, the unincorporated area of the county, five cities in Palm Beach County including Boynton Beach and West Palm Beach, and four cities in Miami-Dade County. The company hopes to add other cities and unincorporated areas in the near future, spokesman Matt Bevens said. Interest rates ranging from 3.99 percent for five-year loans to 7.99 percent for 25-year loans will be offered. Those are lower than what the company has offered in the past, Bevens said. Borrowers will be given a disclosure form modeled after "Know Before You Owe" mortgage loan disclosure forms that break down all costs, including annual payments, application fees, interest rates, financing charges, total amount financed and cost of project. HUD-17-0235-B-001342 Renovate America will personally telephone all borrowers before they sign to ensure they understand financing terms. A federal class action suit filed in March in northern California in March by plaintiffs in Florida and California accuses Ygrene Energy Fund, Florida's largest PACE provider, of failing to disclose to homeowners that most banks won't finance mortgages for homes with PACE liens. U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, of Florida is co-sponsoring a bill in Congress that would require "Truth in Lending"-type disclosures to PACE consumers, while Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart is sponsoring a measure that would bar the Federal Housing Authority from backing mortgages with PACE assessments. The three other PACE finance companies operating in Florida also interview would-be borrowers and provide "Know Before You Owe"-type disclosures, said Jay Neal, president of the Fort Lauderdale-based Florida Association for Insurance Reform [FAIR], a non-profit insurance industry watchdog organization. [CA] California Democrats incentivize poverty at the expense of homeowners (Riverside Press-Enterprise, CA) Riverside Press-Enterprise (7/14/2017 9:49 AM, John Phillips) From time immemorial the government has tried to influence our behavior by rewarding or punishing us; "big brother" doesn't want us to smoke, so lawmakers tax the bejesus out of tobacco, they want us to drive electric cars, so we get showered with tax rebates and invitations into the cherished carpool lane if we go green at the car dealership, and they don't want us to linger too long at the curbside check-in at the airport, so the Dunkin' Donuts is conveniently located beyond the TSA checkpoint inside the terminal. It's the classic carrot and stick approach, that manipulates people into doing what the powers that be want. The most famous plum from the tax man is probably the home mortgage deduction. The theory behind this perk is that people become stakeholders in society when they have skin in the game. "Johnny lunch bucket" is much more likely to care about the condition of the roads, schools and environment in his community if it directly affects the value of his property and the quality of life for him and his family. Unfortunately, the tide has turned and mullets are now more en vogue than encouraging middle-class home ownership, at least in California. [CA] Wells Fargo stuck mortgage borrowers with extra fees, whistle-blower's lawsuit says (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (7/14/2017 8:44 AM, James Rufus Koren) As Wells Fargo & Co. continues to be hit with fallout from its sham-accounts scandal, the bank is facing allegations that it put the screws to customers in yet another way: by slapping them with fees for delays in processing mortgage applications. A former Wells Fargo mortgage banker who worked in Beverly Hills alleged in a lawsuit this week that the bank falsified records so it could blame holdups on borrowers -- and that it fired him for trying to report the practice. The legal action follows a months-long internal investigation into the alleged abusive practices, one that contributed to an executive shake-up in the San Francisco bank's mortgage business. ProPublica first reported on the alleged improper fees in January. When borrowers apply for a mortgage, they are typically guaranteed a set interest rate -- assuming the loan is approved within a certain time frame, often 30 to 45 days. If approval takes longer, the borrower can still get the promised rate but there are financing costs associated with extending the guarantee. Affordable Housing Only 0.1% of US minimum-wage workers can afford a 1-bedroom apartment, report finds (CNBC) CNBC HUD-17-0235-B-001343 (7/14/2017 1:40 PM, Ester Bloom) VIDEO. The percentage of American full-time minimum-wage workers who can afford to rent a one-bedroom apartment in any U.S. state without being what the government calls "burdened" is so vanishingly small -- less than one percent -- that it rounds down to zero. That's the conclusion of the National Low Income Housing Coalition, a lobbying group that pushes for more low-income housing and also reports that no full-time minimum-wage worker can afford a two-bedroom apartment in any U.S. state. Researchers define "afford" by people's ability to pay 30 percent of their income or less on the cost of housing, which may include their mortgage, insurance and taxes. Those who are severely cost-burdened must use 50 percent or more of their income just to cover housing. The cost of housing has risen so significantly that even a one-bedroom is out of reach everywhere except in 12 counties located in rural Washington, Arizona and Oregon, reports Laura Bliss for CityLab. Bliss notes that "more than 76 percent of renter households reside in a county or metro area where it takes more than 60 hours per week of full-time, minimum-wage work to reasonably afford even a one-bedroom unit. In California, the nation's most populous state, it would take 92 hours. In Virginia, it would take 109." [ME] Evicted without cause and forced to live in shabby room, Portland woman dies alone (Portland Press Herald, ME) Portland Press Herald (7/17/2017 4:59 AM, Randy Billings) Margaret Peters, who was 56, couldn't find an affordable apartment in the city and ended up in a condemned building that she was desperate to leave. Margaret Peters wanted desperately to move out of the room she rented in a rundown, dirty, condemned apartment building in East Bayside - a place she said was unsafe. But she never got the chance. The lack of options for low-income people in Portland's hot housing market left her no choice but to stay for the time being and even fight an eviction order issued after the city condemned the three-unit building at 31 East Oxford St. because of excessive police calls about drug activity and other problems. She preferred to stay in the apartment she described as "nasty" while she looked for a new place, rather than return to the city's crowded homeless shelter, she said at the time. On the evening of July 7, the 56-year-old was found dead in the apartment she so desperately wanted to leave. The news came a day after her attorney, Katie McGovern, won Peters a one-month stay on her eviction so she could continue searching for a new place to live. But with demand for apartments in Maine's largest city so strong, she struggled to find a landlord who would accept a housing voucher instead of renting to tenants who could pay historically high market rates. [MA] Newtonville development is challenged in court (Boston Globe, MA) Boston Globe (7/14/2017 12:44 PM, John Hilliard) Three separate appeals were filed this week challenging a decision by Newton's City Council to allow a housing and retail project in Newtonville to move forward. Each appeal -- two in the state Land Court and one in Middlesex Superior Court -- argues that the Washington Place project would adversely affect the neighborhood and that the council's approval process was flawed. The development would include 160 units of market-rate and affordable housing, along with retail space, at the corner of Washington and Walnut streets, according to project filings. The complex would replace eight buildings that have housed several businesses, including Karoun Restaurant, Boston Ballet School, and Newtonville Camera. HUD-17-0235-B-001344 [RI] Evicted in R.I.: When there's no place like home (Providence Journal, RI) Providence Journal (7/14/2017 10:44 AM, Christine Dunn) The Ocean State has the oldest multifamily housing stock in the nation, and yet it lacks affordable rentals. Tenants facing eviction for failing to pay rent don't often have lawyers to plead their case. The result? They're pushed out. Advocates are trying to change that. PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- When the rent doesn't get paid, landlords and tenants often end up in Courtroom 3E at the Garrahy Judicial Complex on Dorrance Street. While the small-claims court also handles issues involving restraining orders, debt collections and other civil matters, landlords' requests to evict tenants for not paying their rent take up a lot of its time. On just two mornings one week in late June, District Court Judge Brian A. Goldman heard multiple nonpayment eviction petitions by landlords. In some cases, the tenants weren't in the courtroom. And in most of those cases, the judge granted the eviction order. [CT] More affordable housing coming to Kent (Waterbury Republican-American, CT) Waterbury Republican-American (7/16/2017 12:58 PM, Lynn Mellis Worthington) KENT - It was a time for celebrating its successes in helping bring affordable housing to town. Kent Affordable Housing held a party Friday at the site of its newest project that will bring five additional apartments as part of. [CT] Proposal for Sound Beach development in Greenwich grows (Connecticut Post, CT) Connecticut Post (7/16/2017 12:53 PM, Jennifer Turiano) GREENWICH -- Last month, the developers behind a controversial plan to build a new apartment complex on Sound Beach Avenue withdrew their application. At 44-units, the 31/2-story, 43,201-square-foot complex was intended to replace a one-story medical building, just up from the railroad bridge leading into the village. Now the developers are back, with a plan that's substantially larger than the original: 60 units, four stories, and a gross area of 52,189 square feet. What's more, 30 percent of the units will be set aside as affordable housing, which government and service agencies agree is desperately needed in Greenwich -- and which will give the developers a much greater chance of getting the project approved. Under state law, municipalities that do not have 10 percent or more of their housing set aside for moderate- or low-income residents are given the burden of proof in zoning matters. If such a town wants to deny a development application that includes affordable units, it must prove threats to other public interests presented by the proposal outweigh the need for affordable housing. [NY] Affordable Housing Construction and Preservation at Record Pace: de Blasio (DNAinfo New York, NY) DNAinfo.com (7/14/2017 11:15 AM, Amy Zimmer) MANHATTAN -- The city helped finance a record 24,293 affordable housing units -- a mix of new construction and preserved units -- in fiscal year 2017, representing the highest overall number since 1989, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday. With these units, the administration is ahead of schedule to reach its $41 billion housing plan's goal to create 80,000 new units of affordable housing and preserve an additional 120,000 units by 2024, the mayor touted. Many housing advocates, however, were critical of the mayor taking a "victory lap," saying that too many New Yorkers in need are still being left out of the equation. HUD-17-0235-B-001345 "By making smart investments we are stretching public funds and creating more and better homes for New Yorkers, from formerly homeless families to seniors, firefighters, police officers and teachers. We have more work to do, but this city is for New Yorkers - and we will keep it that way," de Blasio said, unveiling the numbers while visiting Central Harlem's Strivers Plaza, a new eightstory 54-unit development reaching families earning as little as $27,000 a year. Despite criticism that much of the housing isn't affordable to many New Yorkers -- where the median household income is about $50,000 a year -- the mayor noted that more than 40 percent of these units target families earning less than $43,000 a year, paying no more than $950 a month in rent. [NY] City officials tout latest affordable housing numbers (Crain's New York Business, NY) Crain's New York Business (7/14/2017 11:24 AM, Amanda Fung) The city shared new affordable-housing figures Thursday, underscoring that the mayor's initiative is on track. City officials, led by Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, said 4,145 new affordable-housing units have been completed since the $41 billion initiative began in 2014, according to The Wall Street Journal. They also noted that construction had begun on 20,800 units of low- and moderate-income housing, and rent protections had been extended on about another 52,000 units. The 10-year plan was a critical part of Mayor Bill de Blasio's agenda when he was elected in 2013. About half of the affordable housing financed so far by the city is for families earning between $42,951 and $68,720 a year, while a third is for those earning under $42,950. [NY] GJDC: Still no news on station, 168th St. (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (7/14/2017 8:37 AM, Michael Gannon) In May 2013, Meeks was the featured speaker at the GJDC's Harvest Room when the group announced an agreement worth about $50 million with the Long-Island-based Blumenfeld Group, whose resume includes the transformation of the old Bulova Watch factory in East Elmhurst into a business office and conference center complex. Blumenfeld executives at the time envisioned a big-box retail anchor and a 500-space parking garage. At an unknown point in 2015 Blumenfeld, according to sources, agreed to add an affordable housing component. But by March 2016 the project was reported dead and the contract terminated. Neither Blumenfeld representatives nor GJDC officials would discuss the nature of the termination, with Knight saying that they would be putting out a request for proposals in spring 2016. They did so last summer, with a call for a mixed-use project with at least 250 affordable apartments, including set-asides for artists, with retail space on the ground floor. The announced deadline for proposals was Dec. 2, 2016. [NY] Housing agency is not giving up after Kingston council rejects zoning change (Mid-Hudson News, NY) Mid-Hudson News (7/14/2017 7:01 AM, Mid-Hudson News) KINGSTON - Affordable housing agency RUPCO is considering its next course of action after the Kingston Common Council this week failed to approve a zoning change for the former Alms House at 300 Flatbush Avenue. RUPCO had planned to convert the vacant building into 57 affordable housing units. RUPCO Executive Director Kevin O'Connor said on Thursday that despite the rejection they are look at their options to move forward. "The common council voted five to four in favor of changing the zoning," he said. "There was a protest petition that was brought forward that, if it is valid, would require a seven-to-two vote. So, we are looking at that and some other things as well, explore our options and making some decisions shortly. We intent to move forward in one way or another." O'Connor said there has been no development of senior housing in Kingston since 2001. Since then, the other communities in Ulster County have developed 469 senior units. HUD-17-0235-B-001346 [NY] Mayor Touts Record on Affordable Housing (WNYC - New York Public Radio, NY) WNYC - New York Public Radio (7/14/2017 7:32 AM, Annmarie Fertoli and Jessica Gould) Mayor de Blasio says his administration is setting records for affordable housing, producing the most affordable homes in a threeyear streak in the city's history. "This is how we keep New York New York," de Blasio said Thursday. "This is how you keep the greatest city in the world what it is and what it was always meant to be, a place for everyone." The mayor says the city has already preserved 52,000 homes, and another 25,000 are under construction since he took office in 2014. He says the administration is on target to meet his goal of building or preserving 200,000 units of affordable housing by 2024, and has spent $2.8 billion to subsidize the housing program so far. But critics consistently say the mayor's affordable housing is not affordable enough for New Yorkers who need it the most. [NY] Camber Property and nonprofit buy Bronx housing complex for $71M (The Real Deal, NY) The Real Deal (7/14/2017 12:46 PM, Eddie Small) Camber Property Group has teamed up with nonprofit Settlement Housing Fund to purchase a package of 11 residential buildings in the South Bronx for $70.9 million, property records show. The Section 8 housing complex, known as Stevenson Commons, is located at 755 White Plains Road in Clason Point and spans 1 million square feet. It contains 955 units, 948 of which are residential. The organizations purchased Stevenson Commons from Belveron Real Estate Partners, a San Francisco-based company that focuses on preserving affordable housing. Settlement Housing referred questions about the purchase to Camber Property, which did not respond to a request for comment. Brooklyn investor Joel Gluck purchased a Section 8 housing complex in Clason Point last February for $66.7 million, and nonprofit Phipps Houses hopes to rezone a property in the nearby Soundview neighborhood to construct a 220-unit affordable housing complex. [NY] Developer to Cut Affordable Units in UES Project Amid Proposed Rule Change (DNAinfo New York, NY) DNAinfo.com (7/16/2017 4:34 PM, Shaye Weaver) YORKVILLE -- The developer of a new 22-story apartment building near York Avenue that had 35 units of affordable housing planned for the project will reduce that number to eight or fewer due to an expected change to a city housing rule. Carrera RS LLC. and Sky Management filed plans in April to construct the mixed-use building at 505-511 E. 86th St., featuring 139 apartments -- 35 of which would be set aside for low-income inclusionary housing -- as well as ground-level retail space, a gym, a kids playroom, a pool, a golf simulator and a roof deck. The affordable units would have included 18 studios, nine one-bedrooms, seven two-bedrooms and one three-bedroom reserved for those earning no more than 60 percent of the area median income (AMI). The 2017 AMI for a family of four is $85,400, according to the original plans. Under current 421-a rules, the building was going to include a required 25 percent of its units set aside as affordable and use the air rights it earned by providing the apartments to build bigger at another site, according to attorney Alvin Schein, who represents the developer. [NY] Plans for affordable housing in old Central Park Plaza to be unveiled (Buffalo News, NY) Buffalo News (7/16/2017 12:14 PM, Maki Becker and Jonathan D. Epstein) Plans for a 30-unit affordable housing development in the old Central Park Plaza area will be unveiled Monday at a community HUD-17-0235-B-001347 meeting in Elim Christian Fellowship Church. The $9 million housing project, called Elim Townhomes, is the first project taken on by the Elim Community Development Corp., which is associated with the church. The 2.23-acres of vacant land are located across Chalmers from the church. "We wanted to make an impact on the community," said Tim Hogues, board chairman of the development corporation. "This is one way we are able to do that - by providing affordable housing." The church's town homes would be built adjacent to a $100 million project by Ciminelli Real Estate Corp. that could bring hundreds of new residents east of Main Street. [NY] Avella, civic groups winning battle to save parkland (Times Ledger, NY) Times Ledger (7/17/2017 4:42 AM, Bob Harris) It's ironic that, in an age when shopping malls and some big box retailers are struggling due to e-commerce, developers are still pushing for a big mall. The area is in the middle of nowhere. Ramps and roads would have to be built. One of the problems is that affordable housing is supposed to be built, along with market-value housing. It seems that the developers didn't want to spend money on this, although Mayor Bill de Blasio's push for affordable housing might speed up this idea. There had been talk that the affordable housing might be built soon, but now it appears that it might take decades because the developers can just pay a fine and not build. It is great that the court decision against the proposal was 5-1. With the help of state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside), and the support of groups such as the Queens Civic Congress, East Elmhurst Corona Alliance, Willets Point United, the City Club and other interested parties, this result was possible because it was a fight for parks everywhere. Terrace On The Park This large area of land should have been fixed by the city years ago so that the former and current businesses could develop and grow and provide revenue for the city, but there are so many millions of dollars available for a mega-mall or more sports stadiums that developers will keep pushing. [NY] Affordable, at what cost? Bill de Blasio's housing plan is getting results, thanks to billions and billions in taxpayer subsidy (New York Daily News, NY) New York Daily News (7/17/2017 5:53 AM, New York Daily News Editorial) Allow Mayor de Blasio an election-year victory lap for the growing numbers of units produced by his affordable housing program, recognizing how stressed and strained voters are about the cost of keeping a roof over their heads. Just remember who's paying to put some very pricey real estate within reach of working-class New Yorkers. Hint: It's not the realestate developers the mayor first ran for office promising would play a leading role. The nearly 78,000 apartments built, underway or refinanced since his Jan. 2014 arrival in City Hall will be welcomed by grateful tenants paying rents below, sometimes sharply below, nosebleed-high market prices. De Blasio's just wrapped up the city's biggest 12-month spurt since 1989, rivaling the legendary output of Mayor Koch. [PA] Philly Proposal Looks Ahead to Less Affordable Future (Next City) Next City (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Jared Brey) Philadelphia celebrated its 10th straight year of population gains in 2016, according to census data. But compared to other big U.S. cities, Philly's 21st-century rebound has been modest, and taken as a whole, the city has a long way to go before it confronts the affordability crises plaguing places like San Francisco and New York. Still, downtown Philadelphia has been transformed over the last decade or so. New hotels and apartment towers dot the skyline, and real estate prices have skyrocketed in the rowhouse neighborhoods that surround Center City. Some local officials now feel HUD-17-0235-B-001348 like the time is right to start locking in a measure of affordability before housing gets completely out of reach for average earners. In June, City Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez introduced a bill that would put a mandatory inclusionary zoning policy on the books. Under the policy, developers building residential projects of 10 units or more would be required to set aside 10 percent of units at rents or purchase prices below market rate. In the urban core, where the overwhelming majority of development has occurred in recent years, the set-aside units would be for renters earning up to 50 percent of area median income (AMI) or buyers earning up to 80 percent of AMI. (Philadelphia metro's household AMI is currently $83,200.) Outside Center City, where most of the neighborhoods in Quinones-Sanchez's district lie, the income thresholds would be even lower: up to 30 percent of AMI for renters or 50 percent for buyers. The proposal also includes an option to pay into a separate housing fund in lieu of building and offering below-market-rate units. [SC] Workforce housing for a living city (Charleston Post & Courier, SC) Charleston Post & Courier (7/16/2017 12:30 AM, Charleston Post & Courier) Currently the city's workforce housing rules are part of an important effort to help people working middle-income jobs -- like teachers, police officers and firefighters -- live closer to where they work. But as written, they really only apply to a very narrow segment of the city population. A one-bedroom workforce apartment might rent for about $1,020 per month not including utilities, for example. And the maximum qualifying salary for a renter is about $37,000 before taxes. Based on the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) formula, that apartment would technically be affordable -- rent is less than 30 percent of income. But subtract income taxes and add utilities and rent ends up a lot closer to 50 percent. That's not a particularly sustainable formula for a long-term living situation. And workforce housing is out of the question for anyone earning even slightly less than 80 percent of the area median income. [MD] Baltimore faces an affordable housing crisis (Baltimore Sun, MD) Baltimore Sun (7/14/2017 4:26 PM, Robert J. Strupp, executive director of Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc.) VIDEO. Baltimore, along with other parts of the nation, is confronting a housing crisis - not the crisis that a decade or so ago caused the collapse of home ownership and mortgage lending. The rent affordability gap means that 25 percent of Maryland renters spend 50 percent or more of their household income on rent. In Baltimore City alone, some 150,000 cases are filed in rent court each year and approximately 7,000 families are evicted. Recent media coverage continues to unravel the many layers of complexity that prevent tenants from having a "level playing field" with their landlord adversaries. As reported in The Sun ("Lawmakers seek legal aid for tenants facing eviction in Baltimore," July 3), local legislators are proposing legislation to provide assistance to tenants facing eviction and defend themselves against unscrupulous landlords. Advocates, judges, legislators, academics and the landlords have convened extensively and exhaustively to seek solutions to rental housing inequities. Some suggestions have included providing more legal and paralegal representation for tenants in court. Although there are non-profit agencies like the Public Justice Center, Civil Justice, Maryland Legal Aid and others providing assistance to tenants, the demand for help is astronomical. Currently, while landlords are able to be represented by agents (non-lawyers) as well as by attorneys, tenants must be represented by (and often pay) attorneys or represent themselves in court. Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc., where I serve as executive director, offers assistance through trained tenant/landlord counselors who provide information and guidance, free of charge, to anyone who contacts us. In addition to our community education and outreach programs, counselors respond to approximately 5,000 inquiries annually in Baltimore alone. We know more help is needed and we know more funding is necessary to increase our capacity, extend our hours and respond to everyone who seeks our assistance. This additional funding to support and assist tenants will not fall out of the sky. Based on current government funding challenges and federal government budget proposals, the future of public funding is bleak. The Trump administration is proposing elimination of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant program. As reported by the Sun ("Baltimore poverty programs face cuts," July 9), the end of this program would mean a loss to Baltimore of $19 million a year. In addition to funding city government programs, the federal block grants provide vital funding HUD-17-0235-B-001349 support to over 60 non-profit agencies including BNI. BNI's tenant/landlord program and hotline counselors uniquely serve the community by impartially disseminating information on tenant-landlord law and providing resources and referrals to landlords and tenants, all without charge. Our hope is that we will be able to continue this work so that all parties will know their respective rights and responsibilities and "do the right thing." [NC] Curfew lifted at two low-income apartment complexes in Raleigh (Raleigh News & Observer, NC) Raleigh News & Observer (7/15/2017 5:41 AM, Thomasi McDonald) The ACLU's questions about the Constitutional rights of residents has helped end a curfew imposed by the company that owns two low-income apartment complexes in Raleigh. On May 27, workers taped notices on the front doors of tenants of Raleigh North and Milbank Court, two apartment complexes northeast of downtown, saying that Treetop Development of Teaneck, N.J., had partnered with the police department "To take back our community" and imposed a 10 p.m. curfew. The policy required children 12 and under to be accompanied by an adult at all times and forbid guests should from being outside without the head of household. The curfew, as well as beefed-up police presence, were ostensibly aimed at helping thwart a rise in gang activity, crime and violence at the apartment complexes. The notices cited "Recent shootings, criminal drug and gang activities" at the 150-unit Raleigh North and 80-unit Milbank Court complexes, which sit on opposite sides of North Raleigh Boulevard near Lions Park. But Irena Como, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina Legal Foundation in Raleigh, sent a letter to the property manager of the complexes saying the organization had received complaints about the curfew from residents, who all receive federal housing subsidies from the HUD to pay their rent. After comparing the lease of one of the tenant with the conditions of the curfew, Como wrote that the 10 p.m. curfew was excessive and unreasonable and "Interfered with the residents' First Amendment right to association and due process rights related to their freedom of movement." Como also wrote that posting the notice on tenants' doors without prior notice violated a condition of the HUD lease, which states residents must receive written notice of a rule change at least 30 days before enforcement begins. She also noted that leases allow guests to be outside on the property, unaccompanied. Plus, she said, the curfew policy was "Ambiguous" and left several residents confused. "When loss of subsidy or eviction is the potential result, House Rules cannot leave residents with so much uncertainty," Como wrote. In a statement, the company said: "All management decisions made at Raleigh North are geared toward improving the quality of life for our residents, and the implementation of the curfew was intended to do just that. However, after receiving feedback and having further discussions with the property's management team, we concluded that the majority of residents preferred that the curfew be rescinded." [GA] Low-income apartment complex could add beer and wine sales (Augusta Chronicle, GA) Augusta Chronicle (7/17/2017 5:11 AM, Susan McCord) Augusta's Maxwell House, renovated in 2005 as a low-income apartment complex with units for recovering substance abusers, the homeless and special-needs residents, could soon sell beer and wine as Augusta Commission members tout a need to treat all apartment complexes equally. "It's already readily available," Augusta cab driver Kweli J. Hall, owner of the new Greene Street Grocery on the building's first floor, said about alcoholic beverages. "Someone that has the addiction has to have the willpower on their own." But residents stated concerns Tuesday about some of the fears raised a dozen years ago when Mayor Bob Young and downtown groups opposed the Augusta Housing Authority's bond issuance for developers to convert the building to Section 8 low-income and supportive housing. The residents - including one who reversed her position the next day - last week cited drug- and alcohol-related violence inside HUD-17-0235-B-001350 the building that will heighten when residents can "stagger to the store" to buy alcohol when commissioners OK an alcohol license. [GA] Oakwood 84-unit affordable housing plan is being proposed again this year (Gainesville Times) Gainesville Times (7/16/2017 11:04 PM, Jeff Gill) An Atlanta firm is trying again to get tax credits to help fund an 84-unit affordable housing apartment complex in Oakwood. "Tax credits are the major financing source for the project, and I don't believe we could move forward without it," said Gary Hammond, principal of Landbridge Development LLC. He added there are "no changes to the site plan" submitted last year for the $12 million development, which is proposed on 9 acres off Atlanta Highway/Ga. 13 and Osborn Road, across from Blackshear Place Baptist Church. Also seeking tax credits this year is Walton Communities LLC, which has teamed up with the Gainesville Housing Authority to redevelop the former Green Hunter Homes on Atlanta Street. Already approved for tax credits in an earlier round, construction of the 252-apartment project will go through three phases. The first residents will move in next year, officials have said. [FL] Editorial: Hillsborough leaders need to get on same page in chasing affordable housing projects (Tampa Bay Times, FL) Tampa Bay Times (7/14/2017 10:48 AM, Tampa Bay Times Editorial) The need is too great and the stakes are too high for those involved with affordable housing in Hillsborough County to be fighting over the limited federal support that helps make it possible. Yet a developer backed by Hillsborough County has asked a judge to disqualify the Tampa Housing Authority from receiving an award it won to help build Boulevard at West River, a $50 million apartment complex that would create 200 affordable housing units as part of a West Tampa revitalization project. The developer cited "errors" in the Housing Authority application -- and not just out of an altruistic interest in accountability: It wants the tax credits itself, for a $25 million, 144-unit affordable housing complex planned for Williams Road in unincorporated Hillsborough County. If the challenge is successful, reports Christopher O'Donnell of the Tampa Bay Times, it would likely delay construction of the Boulevard for at least a year. That is unacceptable. A huge gap between supply and demand in affordable housing is a constant state of affairs in Tampa. But caught in the middle now are people with low and even middle incomes who are struggling to find housing in a Tampa-area market where rents are skyrocketing. This painful shortfall threatens to grow more painful still under a Trump administration whose point man on the subject, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, has signaled that federal support may be shrinking. Carson said in May he doesn't want to see people get too "comfortable" with government help in affordable housing. [IN] Housing agency grew under her watch (Gary Post-Tribune, IN) Gary Post-Tribune (7/14/2017 8:07 AM, Amy Lavalley) For 17 years, Caroline Shook has served as chief executive officer of Housing Opportunities, which offers transitional residences for those in need. A spinoff of Opportunity Enterprises, it started with eight units in an apartment building on McCord Road in Valparaiso, and now HUD-17-0235-B-001351 has 151 units spread among 31 properties in Valparaiso, Portage and Michigan City. They offer, depending on location, shelter to the homeless, transitional housing, and affordable housing. Shook, who is retiring Dec. 15, said community support and partners, as well as a visionary board, helped the nonprofit serve more people than she ever imagined, yet the need exceeds what is available. Jason Stanfill, who started with Housing Opportunities in 2011 as an AmeriCorps member running the agency's food pantry, will replace Shook on Dec. 18. He was hired as a foreclosure prevention counselor in 2012 before being promoted to the director of operations in 2014, according to a news release. He began serving as chief operating officer on July 1. Stanfill oversaw the Park Place project, which started serving 15 at-risk women early this year. Under his direction, Housing Opportunities received $4.6 million in grants over the last three years, which helped rehab several affordable rentals in Valparaiso and Portage, as well as assisted with permanent supportive housing programs. "His overall work ethic, insight and forward thinking as well as his humbleness and willingness to learn new tasks is exactly what the organization needs," Joanne Baitup, the agency's board chair, said in the release. Shook was director of operations at Opportunity Enterprises, which serves people with disabilities, when Housing Opportunities began in 2000. In late 1999, the Porter County Community Foundation applied for a grant from the Lilly Foundation on behalf of several nonprofits for a transitional housing program. A federal Housing and Urban Development grant with the same focus also came through, Shook said, providing $1.5 million for the upstart project. [MI] Affordable housing projects receive $2.3M from state (Grand Rapids Business Journal, MI) Grand Rapids Business Journal (7/14/2017 2:26 PM, Pat Evans) Three West Michigan affordable housing projects have been awarded at total of $2.3 million from the state. The Michigan State Housing Development Authority announced this week more $11.6 million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, or LIHTC, to 13 projects across the state. "With this latest round of funding, 862 units of rental housing are planned to be built or rehabilitated using LIHTC," MSHDA Executive Director Earl Poleski said. "We estimate that it will leverage more than $104 million in private investment for Michigan." Projects were spread across the state, with a majority landing in the Detroit area. The West Michigan projects received $2.3 million from MSHDA. Two of the projects are in Grand Rapids and represent $19.2 million private funding for 45 units at Harrison Park Apartments and 36 units at Garfield Park Lofts. [MI] Federal tax credits to support affordable housing in Detroit (Lexington Herald-Leader, KY) Lexington Herald-Leader (7/16/2017 4:36 PM, Associated Press) DETROIT - Four developments in Detroit will receive more than $4 million in tax credits for affordable housing. Mayor Mike Duggan says the credits will help create or preserve 385 units of affordable housing across the city. The developments were selected for the federal low-income housing tax credits by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. They represent a combined $110 million investment in the city. The city says 271 units of existing affordable housing that soon were set to expire will be renovated and will keep their affordable status for another 30 years. Another 114 units -- nearly half of which will be for families earning less than 30 percent of the area's average median income -- will be built. HUD-17-0235-B-001352 [WI] Affordable apartment developments face funding gaps, delays as tax credit prices drop (Stevens Point Journal, WI) Stevens Point Journal (7/15/2017 2:24 PM, Tom Daykin) VIDEO. With the Fifth Street School conversion, Gorman reduced costs by about $500,000 on the $13 million project, Matkom said. The firm also is getting a $250,000 loan from the state housing authority. Meanwhile, a Walker's Point project, the 60-unit 704 Place Apartments, remains on hold as the developers seek additional funds. Impact Seven LLC and Milwaukee-based Rule Enterprises LLC plan to construct the four-story building at 704 W. National Ave., replacing a warehouse that would be demolished. That $11.2 million project in 2016 received tax credits now valued at $5.3 million. Its funding gap was partly closed in May, when the state housing authority provided an additional $715,000 credit award. Rice Lake-based Impact Seven also is seeking around $550,000 in possible city funds, to be provided through property tax rebates, as well as a state environmental cleanup grant and other cash sources, said Kristine Giornalista, vice president of real estate development for the firm. [IL] Group to have forum on proposed Campana apartment project (Illinois Daily Herald, IL) Illinois Daily Herald (7/15/2017 6:52 AM, Susan Sarkauskas) A community group supporting more affordable housing in the Fox Valley is hosting a forum Monday about the proposed Campana apartment project. The Fox River Valley Initiative has invited the developer, Evergreen Real Estate Group, to speak at the session and to answer questions. It is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Congregational Church of Batavia, 21 S. Batavia Ave. Evergreen proposes to put 80 apartments in the former factory at 901 N. Batavia Ave., and 64 of them would be designated as affordable housing. Evergreen has received an allocation of federal funds for its plan. The Aurora Housing Authority would oversee applications for the affordable units. The site would have to be rezoned, and some variations have been requested, including one to have less parking than city code requires. The Fox River Valley Initiative consists of representatives of seven churches, a mental health advocacy group, two shelters for the homeless, local teachers unions, a housing agency and the Ecker Center for Mental Health. An opposition campaign, called "No to Campana," has sprung up, with a website and yard signs. Its anonymous leaders say turning the building in to apartments could decrease the safety of the nearby Fabyan Parkway and Batavia Avenue intersection and that residents would use side streets in nearby residential neighborhoods. They also note that some of the businesses in the building would be forced to leave. Organizers of the group have refused requests to identify themselves, and the website's registry is protected by a domain privacy service. The yestocampana.com website is run by Evergreen. [MI] Federal tax credits to support affordable housing in Detroit (Washington Times, DC_ Washington Times (7/16/2017 5:25 PM, Associated Press) DETROIT (AP) - Four developments in Detroit will receive more than $4 million in tax credits for affordable housing. Mayor Mike Duggan says the credits will help create or preserve 385 units of affordable housing across the city. The developments were selected for the federal low-income housing tax credits by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. They represent a combined $110 million investment in the city. The city says 271 units of existing affordable housing that soon were set to expire will be renovated and will keep their affordable status for another 30 years. HUD-17-0235-B-001353 Another 114 units -- nearly half of which will be for families earning less than 30 percent of the area's average median income will be built. [KS] Residents of Auburn senior community forced to find housing after property's foreclosure (Topeka Capital-Journal, KS) Topeka Capital-Journal (7/16/2017 7:43 PM, Katie Moore) Affordable housing demand surpasses supply, local organization head says Donna Silsby had begun settling into her apartment at Valley Springs in Auburn when she received a startling letter saying she had to vacate her residence by the end of this month. The 24-unit property, an affordable apartment complex for seniors, was foreclosed on. Silsby moved into the apartment in March and said she found it to be clean and comfortable. Having to uproot herself again is frustrating. "This is making me age fast," the good-natured, 88-year-old joked. Surrounded by boxes and packing supplies, Silsby said one of her four children helped her buy a home in Auburn. Valley Springs is part of the federal Section 42 housing program that helps investors develop affordable housing by providing tax credits. It's administered by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation. [CO] Denver's creative plan to address its housing shortage (Curbed) Curbed (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Alissa Walker) A "buy-down" program rents vacant apartments to families that can't afford them otherwise Most major U.S. cities are experiencing housing shortages, which are driving up rents and forcing residents out of their homes. But few have tackled their housing challenges as voraciously as Denver, which has built a record-breaking number of units over the last year. Now the city is trying a new approach to make its existing housing more accessible: a pilot program that would rent 400 vacant apartments to people who could otherwise not afford them. In his state of the city address earlier this week, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock announced a rent "buy-down" program that will take empty high-end apartments and subsidize their rents so families that make 40 to 80 percent of the city's median income can move in. The difference in rent will be covered by the city's affordable housing fund as well as donations from local corporations and foundations. Although the local housing authority will manage the program, it will be separate from the Section 8 housing process, which requires a federal application. The goal is to help correct what has become an unbalanced real estate market in terms of demand. "Denver has some of the highest inventories for apartments for families with the highest incomes and some of the lowest inventories for families with some of the lowest incomes," said Erik Solivan, executive director of the mayor's Office of Housing and Opportunities for People Everywhere (HOPE), in an interview with Denver7. Traditionally, the high-end housing built today becomes tomorrow's affordable housing--a process called "filtering"--but that depends if cities built enough housing decades ago, which many cities did not. [AZ] 'Here for the eviction': More renters forced from homes as affordable-housing crisis deepens (Arizona Republic, AZ) Arizona Republic (7/16/2017 8:39 AM, Alden Woods) For people who are already close to the edge financially, a bad month or two can leave them on the street Ken Sumner stepped through the debris of another unexpected move. He weaved around the two men backing a truck through HUD-17-0235-B-001354 their friend's barren yard, past a speaker system and stacks of framed photographs, moving toward the front door for his fifth eviction of the day. The evicted man waited alone. "How's it looking, Davian?" asked Sumner, 53. He checked his watch. A locksmith was on the way. "You going to be able to get it all out?" "We've almost got all of it," Davian Smith said, and he disappeared into the house to carry out what was left. Sumner followed him inside and hung an orange sticker in the front window: This property has been seized by the Maricopa County Constable's Office. Sidewalk scenes of moving boxes and brightly colored eviction notices have become the most visible traces of an affordablehousing crisis that has swept through every American county. [UT] City OKs zone change for senior apartments (Moab Sun News, UT) Moab Sun News (7/14/2017 6:26 AM, Rudy Herndon) The City of Moab is giving a boost to preliminary plans for an affordable housing development that could provide homes for dozens of local senior citizens. City Council members voted unanimously on Tuesday, July 11, to approve an ordinance that rezones a 5-acre plot of land for a proposed apartment complex near Moab Regional Hospital and the Canyonlands Care Center. The Housing Authority of Southeastern Utah and the Canyonlands Health Care Special Service District have teamed up on the project to build apartments for lower-income residents 55 and older. According to a memo from HASU Executive Director Ben Riley, the proposed apartment complex on district-owned property at 354 W. Williams Way could house about 36 units. Twenty-nine of those units would be restricted to residents with area median incomes of 50 percent or lower, while seven units would be restricted to those with area median incomes of 80 percent or lower. Moving forward, HASU has commissioned a market study to determine the exact number of units that will meet Federal Housing Finance Agency requirements. Moab Mayor Dave Sakrison said the project partners' request for a zone change is just a preliminary step in the city council's consideration of the overall project, noting that a detailed site-plan review will follow. "This process is just barely beginning," Sakrison said. [WA] Leaving the streets: Housing challenge gives homeless youth a shot at independent living (Spokane SpokesmanReview, WA) Spokane Spokesman-Review (7/14/2017 8:12 AM, Rachel Alexander) Raevn DeAugustino's apartment bears all the hallmarks of a recent move-in. Her basement studio has a single chair with a stool and a small table. The wood floor is home to several piles of clothes and bedding, which serve as hiding places for her nearly year-old cat, Leo, an orange and white tabby and Maine Coon mix. DeAugustino's case manager, Candi Poe, showed up on Wednesday morning with a move-in basket, featuring items such as a shower curtain and soap, that sent the 21-year-old into peals of theatrical glee. "Oh my gosh, garbage bags!" DeAugustino exclaimed, laughing. [OR] Salem YMCA has faith in future thanks to lottery funds (Salem Statesman-Journal, OR) Salem Statesman-Journal (7/16/2017 6:26 AM, Capi Lynn) VIDEO. YMCA officials figure they have about 18 months to raise the other $12 million, come up with an architectural design, and do a market study. HUD-17-0235-B-001355 Additional funding sources will include foundations, private donors, city support and tax credits. A rendering of a new YMCA in Seattle -- sleek and modern with lots of windows -- has already been shown to a local architect. Something like that would look amazing on the corner of Court and Cottage streets NE. Amenities in the new building will include a full-length pool, gymnasium, walking/running track, group exercise studios, cardio and strength training areas, and racquetball courts. Childcare facilities, affordable housing and the IKE Box, a coffee shop that supports teens with challenges and operates out of the YMCA-owned building next door, also are part of the plan. So is better parking. [CA] Want more affordable homes? Fix CEQA, state tax policies and NIMBY zoning (Modesto Bee, CA) Modesto Bee (7/14/2017 9:01 AM, Steve Westly) California leads the world in technology, agriculture and entertainment. But we lack the political will to build the housing we need. A recent McKinsey report showed that from 2009 to 2014, California added 308 housing units for every 1,000 new residents - half the rate of New York. As a result, housing costs have increased at nearly 2.5 times the national average, and almost half of renters - including the poor and young Californians starting families - spend more than 35 percent of their incomes on housing. Average rents of $2,936 in San Jose and $3,809 in San Francisco are driving away the young workers and new families businesses need to thrive and cities need to stay vibrant. Though California is in desperate need of housing, more than two-thirds of coastal communities have adopted growth-limiting measures. This needs to change. There are three concrete steps we can take to provide the housing California needs. [CA] Granny flats don't bring the problems some cities fear: Guest commentary (San Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA) San Gabriel Valley Tribune (7/16/2017 2:15 PM, Jill Shook and Anothony Manousos) Fear of the unknown, fear of change and fear of lowered property values and traffic often stand in the way of constructive solutions to the Southern California housing crisis. One of the solutions, granny flats, known to planners as accessory dwelling units or ADUs, could add needed housing stock and help keep homes affordable for homeowners, with no cost to our cities themselves. With the severe housing shortage pushing up housing costs, recently passed state laws have made it easier to build ADUs. But our city, Pasadena, is still determining what size a property should be before a detached unit can legally be built. And some Pasadena residents have concerns about the impact of ADUs on traffic, parking and property values. Our stuudies show that ADUs will not have an adverse impact, for several reasons. First, Pasadena already has 740 ADUs that have been grandfathered in because they were built a long time ago. They don't diminish the visual character of our city. In fact, they're hardly noticeable. But they have made a difference in the quality of life. They've helped low-income homeowners stay in their homes, enhancing the diversity of our community. [CA] People have questions about Mercy's low-income housing project (Woodland Daily Democrat, CA) Woodland Daily Democrat (7/15/2017 6:30 PM, Hans Peter) All said and built, the site will contain 15 two-story buildings consisting of 26 one-bedroom, 30 two-bedroom and 24 threebedroom units and town homes. The property would also have a 3,000-square-foot community building with offices, computer room, laundry facilities and an open, park-like community space. Of those 80 apartments, 44 units would be available to those who make less than 50 percent of the median income, but that figure can be tricky to nail down. HUD-17-0235-B-001356 "The criteria is a bit complicated as we have several different types of apartments restricted to different maximum income levels," Daues said. The California Department of Housing and Urban Development governs the exact pricing for low-income housing based on the median income of the surrounding area; that said,that number changes every year. [CA] 'Yes in my backyard.' Silicon Valley money fuels fight against state's housing crisis (Sacramento Bee, CA) Sacramento Bee (7/17/2017 4:59 AM, Angela Hart) Brian Hanlon is a Bay Area guy who made his name "suing the suburbs." Too many cities and counties, he says, aren't complying with state housing law that says it's illegal to deny or scale back affordable housing projects that meet local zoning designations and other land-use rules. Now he's decided lawsuits aren't enough. With financial backing from Silicon Valley tech executives, Hanlon is starting a new political and housing advocacy venture in Sacramento called California YIMBY - or "Yes in My Back Yard," a riff on the "not-in-my-backyard" phrase that characterizes neighborhood opposition to development projects. It's an emerging political movement demanding more housing construction across California, affordable or not. Pro-growth advocacy groups have formed groups from Santa Monica to San Francisco to Sacramento. Fair Housing What Is The "Mrs. Murphy" Exception To The Fair Housing Act? (JD Supra) JD Supra (7/14/2017 9:12 AM, Scott M. Badami, Fox Rothschild) I get this question about exemptions to the Fair Housing Act regularly, so I thought I would provide a refresher on the "Mrs. Murphy" exception to the FHA. At the outset, please know that apartment community owners, management companies, and leasing office staff members I represent are almost always covered by the FHA as well as companion state, city, or county anti housing discrimination laws. In my world, the FHA and its implementing regulations are part of the guidebook concerning how we do business. The FHA does contain a few exceptions - one of the exemptions is referred to as the "Mrs. Murphy" exception. The "Mrs. Murphy" exemption provides that if a dwelling has four or fewer rental units and the owner lives in one of those units, that home is exempt from the FHA. "Mrs. Murphy" is the hypothetical elderly widow who has converted a portion of her home into a rental apartment to supplement her limited income. To be sure, the exemption does not apply to rental advertising. That means Mrs. Murphy cannot run a discriminatory advertisement indicating, for example, that a certain religious group is not welcome to rent her apartment or room. This exemption does not apply when a real estate agent is representing the property owner as the law presumes agents are professionally trained and aware that housing discrimination is against the law. HUD takes the position that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 makes it illegal to discriminate based on race - and as such, there is no exemption from the law when dealing with race. Should the "Mrs. Murphy's" of the world discriminate? Of course not. The FHA does not apply in this limited circumstance and it can be a defense to a housing discrimination action. [NY] Albany County lawmaker files discrimination complaint against city (Albany Times-Union, NY) Albany Times-Union (7/14/2017 6:12 AM, Amanda Fries) ALBANY -- Albany County Legislator Merton Simpson says he was discriminated against by the city when he wasn't hired for the fair housing coordinator's job in Albany, according to complaints he filed with the local and federal governments. HUD-17-0235-B-001357 Simpson accuses city officials of "blatant discrimination," saying he was denied the post because he is a 62-year-old black man who in the past opposed discriminatory practices, according to the complaints filed with the city of Albany and the the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Buffalo office. Starting in the 1990s, Simpson led the charge in a federal lawsuit against the state that asserted the civil service test was biased against black and Hispanic state workers. More than 4,000 black and Hispanic workers were part of the class-action lawsuit that the state settled for $45 million in 2011. "There appears to be fear of a black male who is capable of bringing a successful discrimination complaint so there is real retaliation, and I don't believe there are many professionals hired over the age of 50. ... It does not appear that my lived experience is valued," Simpson wrote in the June 16 complaint he filed against the city. [NJ] How a single map helped determine the fate of Atlantic City's Northside (Press of Atlantic City, NJ) Press of Atlantic City (7/14/2017 6:18 AM, Steve Hughes) Atlantic City's historically black neighborhood, the Northside, is best known for its thriving nightlife and entertainment scene during the city's heyday. Today it is among the poorest areas in the city and has one of the highest concentrations of black residents. It contains most of the city's low-income apartment complexes. Poverty levels among black residents range from 36 percent to 73 percent, according to U.S. Census data. That didn't happen by accident. A long entrenched practice of housing discrimination, called redlining, helped set up the area as poor, black and filled with multi-family apartments. Today's Northside neighborhoods are distinctly different from neighborhoods like Chelsea or Venice Park. One of the first areas where black people could buy homes outside the redlined area was Venice Park. In 1959, Elaine Scott, 84, and her family became the first black family from Atlantic City to buy a home there. The area was off limits before then. [NC] Wilkes County businessman accused of sexually harassing women who rented or bought homes from him (Winston Salem Journal, NC) Winston Salem Journal (7/14/2017 8:58 AM, Michael Hewlett) An 88-year-old Wilkes County man is accused of sexually harassing numerous women who sought to rent or buy homes from him over the past 10 years, the U.S. Department of Justice said Thursday. The federal agency filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina against Robert Neal Hatfield, who lives in Wilkesboro. Justice Department officials said in a news release that Hatfield had "committed egregious acts of sexual harassment against multiple women who have lived in or inquired about his homes." Hatfield's real estate business involved the sale and renting of residential properties in Wilkes County. Since 2001, Hatfield has sold or rented at least 50 homes in Wilkes County, the lawsuit said. Hatfield's business also made loans to people who were trying to buy his homes, the lawsuit said. Hatfield is accused of making unwelcome sexual comments and advances toward women, according to the lawsuit. The Justice Department alleges that he groped and inappropriately touched women and told women that he would do certain things -- reduce rent, loan or down payments and overlooking late payments -- in exchange for sexual favors. The lawsuit said that he threatened to take action against women who objected to his sexual harassment or refused his request for sexual favors. [FL] Drug overdoses rampant in Delray's sober home neighborhoods (Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, FL) Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel (7/14/2017 6:18 PM, Ryan Van Velzer) VIDEO. In the shadows of Delray's Beach's lively entertainment district, hundreds of people are overdosing on drugs just beyond the group homes that are supposed to help them recover. HUD-17-0235-B-001358 The vast majority of drug overdoses in Delray occur in neighborhoods where sober homes are concentrated, predominantly on the city's east side, a Sun Sentinel investigation found. The analysis showed: --Nearly 70 percent of overdoses in Delray Beach occur within walking distance, or a quarter-mile, of a sober home. --Neighborhoods east of Interstate 95 have seen the highest concentrations: 809 overdoses in a region where 111 sober homes are situated. --The western half of the city had far fewer overdoses and listed sober homes. --Five percent of the overdoses happened inside sober homes themselves. The Sun Sentinel explored the issue after Delray Beach became the first city in Florida to document the addresses of its sober homes, part of an effort to control the growing recovery industry in a city the New York Times recently labeled a "Relapse capital." The Sun Sentinel obtained a list of 120 sober homes, or recovery residences, in Delray through a public records request and then compared it with the 1,052 drug overdoses recorded during the past 2 1/2 years. Overdoses shot up more than 250 percent from 2015 to 2016, rising from 195 to 690. Halfway through this year, police have recorded 412 overdoses, with 37 of those people dying. Addicts shoot up in bathrooms, nod off in parks and call for help even on Atlantic Avenue, the heart of Delray's entertainment district, according to city records and interviews with recovering addicts. In October, for example, a 33-year-old man who had moved to Delray from Massachusetts for treatment was found dead from an overdose in a van parked outside a home south of Atlantic Avenue, police records show. Delray Commissioner Jim Chard has watched sober homes proliferate over the past 15 years. "I am the only [home] in my block that isn't a sober home," said Chard, who, according to city records, lives within a quarter-mile of nine sober homes, in a neighborhood near South Federal Highway and Southeast Fourth Street. Chard has found needles under his mailbox and once had to call an ambulance for a man who had overdosed in his front yard, he said. He said residents have told him the concentration of sober homes leaves them concerned about the safety of their children and the quality of life in their neighborhoods. [MI] A family's quest for home can teach new Detroiters (Detroit Free Press, MI) Detroit Free Press (7/16/2017 10:15 AM, Nancy Kaffer) VIDEO. Rosa Malone fell in love with Rosedale Park first. The quiet streets, well-maintained homes and manicured lawns, a community of neighbors whose conscientious upkeep had staved off the worst impacts of Detroit's troubles. She fell in love with the bungalow on Rosemont Street later, in 1973. The first time she and husband Elijah walked across the threshold, Rosa Malone knew she had found the place where she'd raise the young grandson who'd come under her care. It was the place where she'd plant tomatoes in the backyard and make Key Lime pie in the kitchen, the place where she would cook legendary meals for her legion of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, the place that would become the touchstone for six generations of her family, gathering on holidays and special occasions and sometimes just because. "It was just wide-open spaces, and I just fell in love with it," said Rosa, now 94, in an interview this summer. "I love the vestibule. I love a house with a vestibule before you step in the house, and I loved that about it." Rosa Malone knew she had found her home. What she didn't know was that because she was black, she would have to fight for it. [CA] Airbnb host who stranded guest because of race ordered to take class in Asian American studies (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/14/2017 11:10 AM, Amy B. Wang) VIDEO. A former Airbnb host in California who made discriminatory comments and canceled a guest's reservation at the last HUD-17-0235-B-001359 minute has been ordered to pay a $5,000 fine -- and must take a course in Asian American studies as part of her agreement with the state's fair housing agency, officials said. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing said Wednesday it had reached an agreement with the host, identified by her attorney as Tami Barker, and with Dyne Suh, a law student at the University of California at Los Angeles, who made a February reservation at Barker's mountain cabin through Airbnb. Airbnb had banned Barker after the incident in February. "I am very glad that the outcome of this case includes taking an Asian American studies course," Suh said in a Facebook post. "I believe that the more people learn about and understand our history and our struggles, the more they can feel empathy toward us and treat us as equals." In an April interview with The Washington Post, Suh said she and her fiance had booked Barker's listing, described as a "Tree House Loft and Private Bathroom" in Running Springs, Calif., about a month before their trip. They had been looking forward to a short Presidents' Day weekend vacation in Big Bear Lake, a popular ski getaway about two hours by car east of Los Angeles, she said. [CA] Former Airbnb host fined $5,000 for refusing Asian American guest (CNN) CNN (7/14/2017 6:34 AM, Madison Park) (CNN) - A former Airbnb host who canceled a guest's reservation citing her race, will have to do more than pay a $5,000 fine. The host, who has been banned by Airbnb after the February incident, agreed to take a college-level Asian American studies course, volunteer at a civil rights organization and participate in a community education panel. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing announced the somewhat unusual agreement Thursday and described the measures as "forward-looking and restorative" in a statement. Dyne Suh had driven in a snowstorm to the Airbnb rental near Big Bear, California. The host canceled the reservation as Suh was close to arriving and texted her: "I wouldn't rent to u if u were the last person on earth. One word says it all. Asian," according to the department. Homelessness Americans want to help the homeless -- as long as they don't get too close. This explains why. (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/14/2017 7:15 AM, Scott Clifford and Spencer Piston) In the spring, voters in Los Angeles decided to raise their own sales taxes to alleviate homelessness. Other large American cities -- including not just Los Angeles, but also Seattle and Portland -- have joined in declaring homelessness a state of emergency in the past couple of years. But that concern is complicated by a quite different attitude: disgust. In a recent article, we show that disgust helps explain why even though many Americans support increased government aid to homeless people, they also support laws that effectively make homelessness a crime. What's more, the news media's approach to reporting on homeless people can activate disgust, increasing public support for policies that make it difficult for the homeless to pull themselves out of poverty and get off the street. Here's how we did our research To examine public attitudes about homelessness, we conducted a national survey of 861 adult U.S. citizens through the survey firm YouGov during October and November 2014. We asked respondents whether they supported two policies aimed at helping homeless people: aid to homeless people and subsidized housing. We also asked whether they supported two "exclusionary" policies: banning panhandling and banning sleeping in public. HUD-17-0235-B-001360 [ME] Cyndi Lauper brings Susan Collins on-stage: 'She's my hero ... and she's a Republican' (Bangor Daily News, ME) Bangor Daily News (7/15/2017 4:44 AM, Seth Koenig) During her concert at Bangor's Waterfront Pavilion Friday night, 80s pop icon Cyndi Lauper brought U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, RMaine, on stage. "This woman is a hero," Lauper told a cheering crowd. "And she's my hero. And she's a Republican. She helped us so much with the LGBT homeless youth and all the homeless kids." When invited to share a few words of her own, Collins just told the singer: "We're just glad you're here Cyndi!" The 45-second video of the on-stage encounter was shared by Collins and by WGME, CBS 13, on social media. Lauper, who is best known for hit singles like 1983's "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" and 1984's "Time After Time," is a progressive activist who is outspoken on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues and performed at the 2008 Democratic National Convention - making her praise of Collins, a Republican, noteworthy, as the singer pointed out. In 2015, Lauper testified before the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations subcommittee, which was chaired by Susan Collins, in favor of legislation funding programs for homeless teens. Collins said during that hearing that in many cases LGBT children are kicked out of their homes once they tell their parents of their sexual orientation. "I want to make sure, they too, have access to these [homeless] services," Collins said. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source] [ME] Sen. Collins gets in on the act at Cyndi Lauper show (Portland Press Herald, ME) Portland Press Herald (7/14/2017 10:35 PM, Mary Pols) The 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' singer brings her 'hero' on stage at Friday night's show in Bangor. Maine Sen. Susan Collins isn't in the habit of taking orders. But when Cyndi Lauper strode into the wings at Darling's Waterfront Pavilion in Bangor on Friday night, looking for Collins and beckoning her to "Come," the Republican moderate did as she was told. "This woman is a hero," Lauper told the crowd, who were there to see both Lauper and Rod Stewart perform at the Waterfront Concerts. Lauper, perhaps best known for "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," which came out in 1983 when Collins was a legislative assistant to Sen. Bill Cohen, held the beat for a second before making her next point. "And she's a Republican." The unlikely stage-fellows share a bond because of the work Collins has done "With LGBT homeless youth," Lauper told the crowd. "And all the homeless kids. I was blessed to testify on her committee, which was bipartisan," Lauper said, referring to April 2015 and the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development subcommittee. "We're just glad you're here," the beaming Collins responded. Then she tweeted out to Lauper, "I will back you up anytime - on stage or off." HUD-17-0235-B-001361 [NH] Workshop aims to teach leadership skills to homeless (Manchester Union Leader, NH) Manchester Union Leader (7/14/2017 8:55 AM, Mark Hayward) MANCHESTER -- Workshops will start in November aimed at teaching homeless or formerly homeless people advocacy, communication and leadership skills. Dubbed Granite Leaders Program, it is the third time the program has been offered by the New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness. "This is really about making connections between people making decisions about homlessness and the people who are homeless," said Cathy Kuhn, director of the New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness. Twenty-two people from across the state have already graduated from two earlier classes. Granite Leaders hopes to accept as many as 15 for the half-day sessions, which start in November. Manchester resident Chrissy Simonds, 44, took the program in 2014, the first year it was offered. At that point, the single mom was living in an apartment; she and her son had not been homeless for about eight years. But homelessness, she said, never really leaves you. [MA] 'It's raining needles': Drug crisis creates pollution threat (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (7/17/2017 4:43 AM, Michael Casey, Associated Press) Rocky Morrison leads a cleanup effort along the Merrimack River, which winds through the old milling city of Lowell, and has recovered hundreds of needles in abandoned homeless camps that dot the banks, as well as in piles of debris that collect in floating booms he recently started setting. He has a collection of several hundred needles in a fishbowl, a prop he uses to illustrate that the problem is real and that towns must do more to combat it. "We started seeing it last year here and there. But now, it's just raining needles everywhere we go," said Morrison, a burly, tattooed construction worker whose Clean River Project has six boats working parts of the 117-mile (188-kilometer) river. Among the oldest tracking programs is in Santa Cruz, California, where the community group Take Back Santa Cruz has reported finding more than 14,500 needles in the county over the past 4 1/2 years. It says it has gotten reports of 12 people getting stuck, half of them children. [NY] Astoria resident asks for donations to continue helping homeless women on streets (Times Ledger, NY) Times Ledger (7/14/2017 8:50 AM, Bill Parry) Mickey Zezima wasn't surprised when the city's Department of Homeless Services announced last week that the number of homeless people on the street has increased 39 percent in the last year. The lifelong Astoria resident sees it with his own eyes all of the time. "Yes, I have seen a steady increase just by walking around during the last nine months," Zezima said. "Anyone can see the numbers are exploding. All you have to do is open your eyes." Zezima, who goes by the name MickeyZ on the streets, is on a one-man mission to help as many homeless women on the street as he can by approaching them cautiously with care packages that contain hand sanitizers, tampons and pads, foot and hand warmers, toothbrushes and toothpaste, Q-tips and Band-aids. He brings them food as well, and in the winter, warm clothing, including gloves, hats and scarves. "I'd love to do even more, but the bottom line is I can't afford to fund this all on my own. I need help," Zezima said. "The only way I can keep this project going is with the financial help from other New Yorkers who believe in what I'm doing. I tell people all the time: I'm more than willing to do the grunt work if others can either fund me or donate material supplies." HUD-17-0235-B-001362 [NY] Hotel thought to be shelter is now closing (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (7/14/2017 7:48 AM, Anthony O'Reilly) An East Elmhurst hotel previously thought to become a homeless shelter will close its doors on Oct. 1, due to "economic" reasons, according to a notice from the state Department of Labor. The agency's "Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification" website posted on July 3 that the Courtyard by Marriott LaGuardia Hotel, located at 90-10 Grand Central Pkwy., will close and 144 employees will be affected. The reason was only listed as "economic" and no further details were available. The hotel was in the headlines last October when East Elmhurst officials blasted the city Department of Homeless Services for failing to notify the community of plans to house 60 single men there. [NY] Spa City planning board OKs new Code Blue shelter (Saratoga Springs Saratogian, NY) Saratoga Springs Saratogian (7/14/2017 2:52 PM, Jospeh Phelan) SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. >> The city planning board on Thursday unanimously approved plans for a new Code Blue shelter at 14 Walworth St. Code Blue shelters homeless people in the area on nights where the temperature drops below 32 degrees. In February, Shelters of Saratoga announced the Mitzen family will pay for the costs of a new Code Blue shelter to be built on the Shelters of Saratoga property. The 6,400 square foot addition calls for about 50 beds. [NY] City Says Rumor of Shelter at East Elmhurst Marriott 'Unequivocally False' (DNAinfo.com - New York, NY) DNAinfo.com - New York (7/16/2017 1:41 PM, Katie Honan) EAST ELMHURST -- The city said rumors of a homeless shelter opening in a soon-to-close Marriott Hotel near LaGuardia Airport are "unequivocally false" but skeptical neighbors protested there Thursday. The Courtyard by Marriott LaGuardia Hotel at 90-10 Grand Central Parkway is set to close in October due to economic issues, according to documents filed with the state. The Department of Homeless Services said it's never had plans to turn the hotel into a shelter -- despite a news conference Thursday from nearby residents and City Council candidate Hiram Monserrate speaking out against it. "These rumors are as unequivocally false today as they were in October -- and we're not sure where they began," DHS spokesman Isaac McGinn said. "DHS has never had a presence in this site, period -- nor have we discussed a shelter at this location." [DC] I just moved out of D.C. General. Heres how shelters can change lives. (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/14/2017 6:05 PM, Deana Howard) When I introduced D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser at the groundbreaking for a new short-term family housing building in Ward 4, I had just moved out of D.C. General Family Shelter and into my own apartment. I was excited to participate in the groundbreaking because, as I had recently learned, with the right supports, a shelter experience can be life-changing for a family. I spent the first six years of my life growing up in the Trinidad neighborhood. HUD-17-0235-B-001363 When I was 13, I asked my foster mom to adopt me, and she did. After graduating from high school, I joined the Army but soon returned home after injuring my knee. When I was 20 and in a job-training program, I became pregnant with my daughter. After my daughter was born, I spent several years living with friends and family members. In 2016, I turned to the District's shelter system for support, and my daughter and I were placed in a motel. [NC] A new way to fight homelessness: Charlotte charity buys entire apartment community (Charlotte Observer, NC) Charlotte Observer (7/16/2017 2:44 PM, Mark Price) The struggle to house Charlotte's chronically homeless took a different turn this month when one of the city's leading housing charities purchased an entire apartment community for people struggling with life on the streets. Supportive Housing Communities paid $850,000 last week for the St. John's Place apartments, near the intersection of East W.T. Harris Boulevard and The Plaza Extension. The charity intends all 32 units to eventually be filled by people who have lived on Charlotte's streets or in local shelters for extended periods. It's a bold plan that would have ignited howls of protest from many Charlotte neighborhoods, which have fought to keep out affordable housing projects. But Supportive Housing Communities dodged opposition with a unique approach that community leaders are calling a model for other charities: It bought one of the least attractive sites in east Charlotte's Grove Park community, and promised to spend nearly a half million dollars on renovation, beautification and stabilization. [NC] SECU Lakeside Reserve has been a decade in the making (Wilmington Morning Star, NC) Wilmington Morning Star (7/16/2017 2:21 PM, Jane Birnbach) Good Shepherd Center's housing units for the homeless and disabled is the result of tireless work. I joined the SECU Lakeside Reserve journey late in the game. Just five years ago. There were five years before that of equally intense work. The contracts, government agencies, promises, prayers, and a lot of faith and persistence. I wasn't there, but I've heard. The part of the story I know is a plot of ground recently razed and made "build ready." I sat in a Port City Java with our board chair as he asked if I thought we could raise $5 million in this town. "Heck yeah, I said." What could I say? I owed this guy my job. I am grateful to him every day. And then there is our visionary. Good Shepherd's executive director, Katrina Knight, who most people in this town are familiar with. She has been an advocate for the homeless for a very long time; certainly as long as I've known her. "Lakeside" as we affectionately call her internally, was the dream of this daring woman. Mayor Saffo complimented her perseverance at the SECU Lakeside Reserve ribbon cutting on June 28 and noted it would not have happened without her. So many jumped on her bandwagon including Watson Barnes and Carol Atwood, who spent a decade volunteering to make Katrina's vision a reality. A great team to steer the wagon together. [SC] Housing for homeless veterans to open in North Charleston (WCBD-TV Charleston 2, SC) WCBD-TV Charleston 2 (7/14/2017 7:31 AM, News Release) VIDEO. NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) -- A housing complex for homeless veterans will open in North Charleston. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a main partner for the Patriot Villas. Patriot Villas has 74 rooms, each of which includes a bed, a full bathroom, and a kitchen. The facility also offers a laundromat and the LCDR. Augustine G. Saukas Recreation Facility. Counseling sessions, support groups, and therapy sessions may be available to the Patriot Villas community HUD-17-0235-B-001364 members through the VA and with the help of the Cathedral of Praise church. A grand opening ceremony is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, July 14 at 5043 Rivers Ave. The celebration is headed by ANKAJO Properties, LLC. "We believe what we are doing will serve and honor people," said John Saukas, a partner of ANKAJO Properties, LLC, "My father would be very proud of what we are doing and I know he watches over this project. I feel like we are doing the right thing." The Patriot Villas community is combating the plague of homelessness one veteran at a time. According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, about 11 percent of the homeless population of the U.S. are veterans, while 1.4 million other veterans are considered at risk of homelessness due to dismal living conditions, lack of support networks and poverty. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that 39,471 veterans are homeless on any given night. The NCHV reports that the most effective way to combat veteran homelessness is to implement programs featuring structured, substancefree transitional housing community environments with fellow veterans who are seeking to and succeeding at bettering themselves. [FL] New Miami Development Takes a Holistic Approach to Solving Family Homelessness (Next City) Next City (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Bil Bradley) At the end of the 2016 school year, over 5,000 Miami-Dade school children were registered as homeless. The heartbreaking phenomenon is largely an invisible problem -- without a stable address, kids shuffle from school to school, social networks fray and families fall off the radar of communities that could support them. But while others may not detect the signifiers of a child who has no consistent place to sleep, Constance Collins, the president and executive director of Lotus House, the only Miami homeless shelter with wraparound support services exclusively serving women and children, can't unsee them. Then again, the attorney, whose organization is opening a $28 million facility later this year, isn't your standard shelter operator. Collins worked as high-powered real estate developer and investment advisor for two decades before a conversation with a woman bathing in a fountain in front of one of her upscale Coral Gables projects spurred her to leave commercial development behind and focus on helping homeless women and children. In 2004, the former principal and part-owner of Starwood Urban Investments started the Sundari Foundation to provide holistic support empowering women to get back on their feet. In 2006, the foundation opened Lotus House. Through a trauma-informed approach, Lotus House and the new Lotus Village development slated to open in December, aim to bring stability and help these families escape childhood abuse and domestic violence. [FL] Lauderdale homeless pushed out of Stranahan Park now camping at county library (Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, FL) Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel (7/14/2017 12:39 PM, Mike Clary) ounty officials are struggling to deal with a sprawling homeless encampment outside the north entrance of Broward County's main library that includes men and women who so far have resisted efforts to get them into shelters or treatment programs. "We have been working with the city to come up with a humane solution," said County Mayor Barbara Sharief. "As far as getting them off the streets, there really has been no good answer." Based on recent homeless census figures, Sharief estimated there are about 300 homeless in the area who have consistently refused services. Of that number, about 35 people have moved onto the plaza at the library -- some with suitcases, tarps, umbrellas and other possessions -- since the city of Fort Lauderdale pushed many homeless out of Stranahan Park and then barred access to a concrete wall where many people once congregated. HUD-17-0235-B-001365 [MO] Homeless in KC: 'We're people too, and we deserve to be heard. We deserve to be seen' (Kansas City Star, MO) Kansas City Star (7/14/2017 8:33 AM, Ellen Cagle) Black and white photographs lining the walls of Kansas City's Arts Asylum on Thursday typify what it's like to live without a home. Outdoor camps and makeshift beds on the street. An advertisement at a 7-Eleven for a Big Gulp beverage with "NO Panhandling" added to the corner of the sign. Other photos depict scenes of everyday life: a man jogging past Crown Center. A crowd at a parade downtown. A photo of Sluggerrr, the Royals' mascot. The photographers, 12 in all, are all homeless and living in Kansas City. "These are the things that people see every day when they're homeless," said Kim Gile, who helped organize the team of photographers. The photos were the backdrops Thursday for a report on the latest count of homelessness in the Kansas City area. The report contained some good news: There were 68 fewer homeless households and 28 fewer homeless individuals this year, according to data collected for the annual "Point in Time" count, which is conducted through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. [MS] Why are there so many mentally ill walking Jackson's streets? (Jackson Clarion-Ledger, MS) Jackson Clarion-Ledger (7/15/2017 11:55 PM, Jimmie E. Gates) Thrown away, forgotten, dumped on the streets. That's how many sum up those with a mental illness living on the streets in Jackson. No one knows how many there are. But the numbers appear to be growing, according to those on the front line. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's annual national report on homelessness estimated 1,299 individuals were homeless in Mississippi in 2016, with 743 of them lacking any shelter. Of all the homeless, 439 were in families, 85 were unaccompanied youths, 180 were chronically homeless and 144 were veterans. The last available estimate of the number of homeless in Jackson was more than 500. How many of those have a mental illness isn't known, but those on the forefront of dealing with homelessness in Jackson estimate up to three-fourths of the individuals they are now seeing have a diagnosed mental illness. [OH] Toledo Public Schools district has most homeless students in Ohio (Toledo Blade, OH) Toledo Blade (7/16/2017 1:00 PM, Nolan Rosenkrans and Valentin Ornelas) He lives a double life. At school, he's jovial, engaged, looking to talk with friends. He plays football and dreams of being on a MAC team when he graduates. At "home," though, he's serious and withdrawn. He tries to find ways to get school projects done that require Internet research, but he doesn't have Wi-Fi at the hotel where his mom stays, or at the relatives' houses he crashes in. He's 16, now in high school. Since the sixth grade, he thinks he's lived in 10 different places. There have been evictions, short stays with family, and even a stint squatting in a foreclosed home. [IL] New health center in Englewood will treat homeless, people in unstable housing (Chicago Tribune, IL) Chicago Tribune HUD-17-0235-B-001366 (7/14/2017 2:53 PM, Lisa Schencker) It's no secret that people experiencing homelessness can face a number of health problems -- and have trouble getting regular care. Heartland Alliance Health hopes to help address those and other issues with a health center slated to open in Englewood in January. Construction on the center, which expects to serve mostly people who are homeless and in shaky housing situations, is scheduled to start in August. Heartland Alliance already has two full-service community health clinics on the city's Near West Side and in Uptown, and sends medical professionals to 44 shelters to deliver care. The center in Englewood is expected to serve about 1,000 patients in its first year and as many as 2,000 by its thirdyear, said Ed Stellon, executive director of Heartland Health Outreach. "We respond to the needs of our population, and our population is increasingly finding itself on the South Side, so we're following our population," Stellon said. "We're going to where the need is." [IL] Rockford To Be Recognized Nationally For It's Reduction In Homelessness (WTVO/WQRF-TV Rockford, IL) WTVO/WQRF-TV Rockford (7/15/2017 6:10 PM, Gregory Cormier) Since 2015 the city has made efforts to reduce veteran and chronic homelessness VIDEO. ROCKFORD - "I came here without a prayer, without a clue, I had no place to go, nowhere, I was homeless," said Rockford resident Keith Green as he reflected on his days living on the streets of Rockford. Green now lives in North Main Manor, a Rockford Housing Authority property. He has been living there for eight years now. "Once you get your foot on some solid ground you'll see bigger things and you can see a broader picture, and you'll want to do bigger things," Green added. Green is an example of Rockford's participation in two federal programs designed to find homes for the chronically homeless and homeless veterans. It started in 2015, and Rockford has been very successful. Those efforts that have not gone unnoticed. "We've just recently been asked to participate in an upcoming campaign that will be to end overall homelessness." said Angie Walker, Housing Advocate for the Rockford Human Services Department. The feds want Rockford's help to build up its homeless program, 'Built For Zero.' [IN] Report: Vanderburgh Co. Homelessness at Lowest Point in Four Years (WTVW-TV Fox 7 Evansville, IN) WTVW-TV Fox 7 Evansville (7/14/2017 12:42 PM, Staff) In a report released to area news media on Friday, the Evansville-Vanderburgh Commission on Homelessness announced there was a 17% drop in homelessness. According to the annual point-in-time count mandated by the US Department for Housing and Urban Development (HUD), homelessness in Evansville and Vanderburgh has dropped to its lowest level in four years. This year's count on January 25, 2017 identified 428 individuals experiencing homelessness in the county. That number is a 17% reduction from the 2016 count of 495 people. It's also the lowest number in four years. Of the 428 people counted, 56 were considered chronically homeless. That's an improvement from last year's count of 77 people. A person is considered chronically homeless when they are continuously homeless or experience frequent instances of homelessness. The Evansville-Vanderburgh Commission on Homelessness said factors such as substance abuse, mental health, and domestic violence continue to be leading factors which contribute to homelessness in our community. Officials also said this contributes to the amount of people considered 'unsheltered.' HUD-17-0235-B-001367 In the 2017 count, 58 people were identified as living outdoors or places not meant for habitation. That's a 71% increase from the 34 people identified in 2016. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source] [TX] HomeAid partners with Freedom Place to assist children in crisis (San Antonio Express-News, TX) San Antonio Express-News (7/14/2017 10:39 AM, San Antonio Express-News) HomeAid is working with Freedom Place, a Christ-centered care and recovery center for underage female victims rescued from sex trafficking, to assist in the remodeling of a cabin that will provide longer term housing for girls in crisis. HomeAid, a Greater Houston Builders Association charity, has teamed up with First Texas Fire Protection Company to provide the equipment and labor to install a fire suppression system that is required for the structure, a $20,000 to $30,000 addition. Matt Sneller, of Sneller Custom Homes and Remodeling is also part of the HomeAid team donating drywall repair and other miscellaneous work needed to complete the project. A portion of this housing, which is one of only five facilities in the U.S., is being underwritten by long-time HomeAid donor, Trendmaker Homes. The cabin will allow eight girls to continue to heal in an environment that offers more personal freedom and provides programs to help them manage their lives. "The cabin at Freedom Place was ready for the girls to take residence, when the agency learned they would need a fire suppression system," said Salty Thomason, president of HomeAid Houston. "We are proud to partner with First Texas Fire Protection and Sneller Custom Homes and Remodeling to ensure this key component is installed as quickly as possible." [TX] Mayor suggests hotel occupancy tax hike to tackle Austin homelessness (Austin American-Statesman, TX) Austin American-Statesman (7/16/2017 8:50 PM, Mary Huber) Austin Mayor Steve Adler introduced a plan online Sunday night that would use hotel occupancy tax revenue to tackle problems with the homeless downtown. His plan suggests a 1 to 2 percent increase in hotel taxes paid by tourists to fund a Tourism Public Improvement District that would generate between $4 million and $8 million annually to respond to the city's homeless population. Much of that money would be directed to improvements at the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless on Seventh Street, the epicenter for the city's K2 epidemic that is constantly plagued by overcrowding. "There are growing public safety concerns as predators target our homeless downtown," Adler said on the city council's message board Sunday night. "The K2 epidemic claims lives and injures many. Austin residents and visitors to downtown have been aggressively approached by the homeless or those that exploit the homeless and there is a growing hesitancy to visit or return to downtown. People experiencing homelessness require assistance to get back into housing and reconnect to positive communities." The public improvement district would create a dedicated funding stream to help solely with homelessness. It would be supported by matching funds, Adler said. [UT] Begging 'abets lawlessness,' don't give panhandlers cash, officials say (Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News, UT) Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News (7/14/2017 7:21 AM, Ben Lockhart) SALT LAKE CITY -- New billboards that will be going up this week, warning of unintended consequences to giving to panhandlers, don't leave room for ambiguity. "Support panhandlers, and you support drug trafficking." "Support panhandlers, and you support crime." HUD-17-0235-B-001368 "Support panhandlers, and you support alcoholism." Flanked by poster-size versions of those grim messages, House Speaker Greg Hughes, R-Draper, Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski and others implored the city's residents, workers and visitors on Thursday to instead donate to organizations responsible for serving the homeless. [WA] Washington groups program puts homeless panhandlers to work (Everett Herald, WA) Everett Herald (7/16/2017 2:39 PM, Jesse Major) PORT ANGELES, Wash. -- Panhandlers are being put to work as part of a grant-funded program that aims to get them off the street. Serenity House Operations Manager Kevin Harkins has put three panhandlers to work through the nonprofit's "Reaching Out" program, paying them $12 an hour to do lawn and janitorial work at the Port Angeles agency on a weekly basis. The work is in four-hour blocks about once a week, but he said it's been enough to get some panhandlers off the street. "To be eligible for the program you need to be homeless, which not all of our panhandling community is homeless," he said. [CA] At Veterans Village, a changing of the guard (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (7/14/2017 10:04 AM, Jeanette Steele) Phil Landis never got involved in veterans causes -- until Memorial Day weekend in 1996. On a whim, the Vietnam combat veteran went to a San Diego reading of the names listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. He didn't know anyone, so he just hovered on the edges of the gathering. Each name was read, then a bell tolled. Out of nowhere, Landis began to weep. He cried so hard that he had to sit down on a bench. He was astonished at the depth of his reaction. "Up until that time, I had never dealt with my trauma issues. I thought that I had," said Landis, who served in Vietnam for a year in 1967 as an Army rifle platoon leader and later a headquarters company commander. [CA] BART directors view squalid reality in Powell Station visit (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (7/14/2017 6:29 AM, Michael Cabanatuan) Near the end of Thursday's BART Board of Directors meeting, the transit system's elected leaders found themselves in the unusual position of staring at something not on the agenda: a fresh puddle of urine. BART directors usually meet twice a month in a clean, quiet, windowless board chamber in Oakland, but this time they took a field trip to Powell Street Station to view its "challenges" -- homeless people sleeping in hallways, intravenous drug users, rundown conditions, dirty floors, and elevators and escalators used regularly as restrooms. As an elevator door opened, a BART staff member observed something. "You can see, there's fluid at the bottom," said Paula Fraser, assistant chief transportation officer for BART's San Francisco and Peninsula lines. "It often includes a tissue, too." Maintenance workers try to clean up elevators as quickly as possible, Fraser said, but the problem is so pervasive that they'd need to post a janitor at the elevators full time to ensure their cleanliness. [CA] How being homeless didn't change this Los Angeles cook's dream (Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times (7/14/2017 12:07 PM, Javier Cabral) "If you need help, work harder." This is what Lance Thomas remembers a chef mentor telling him one night six years ago, when HUD-17-0235-B-001369 they were both in the weeds, cooking slang for being slammed in a busy restaurant kitchen. It's a piece of advice that has helped Thomas, now 25, get through both the good times and the bad times -- including being homeless. Thomas has worked in the restaurant industry since he was 15, when he landed a job as a fry cook at a Wendy's in Alhambra. "I knew then that I was going to cook for the rest of my life," Thomas says now. "I would even ditch school to work because I loved it so much." Easygoing and quick to joke, his bleach-tipped black hair often tucked into a trim cap, Thomas grew up first with his grandmother in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, then with his aunt in the San Gabriel Valley -- but always with the Food Network. (Favorite: Giada De Laurentiis.) Including that initial job at Wendy's, Thomas estimates that he's worked in 25 kitchens in and around Los Angeles in the last decade, including stints at Clifton's, Little Sister, Cook's County and Bottega Louie. It's a turnover that's not unusual for those who make up the unglamorous back-of-house side of restaurants, where even a 25-cent difference in hourly rate is enough to leave one job for another. [CA] PD Editorial: Two steps forward, one back on SR homelessness (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) Santa Rosa Press Democrat (7/16/2017 1:14 PM, Santa Rosa Press Democrat Editorial Board) When it comes to providing homeless services, compassion does not mean adherence to the status quo. The kindest thing to do often can be the hardest especially when it involves relocating individuals who have found a home off the grid and are reluctant to move. This was demonstrated last week when the Santa Rosa City Council voted unanimously to clear out a longtime encampment located on the hillside above the intersection of Farmers Lane and Bennett Valley Road. The city has identified 44 homeless encampments around the community, and this is one of the largest with some 50 residents, some who have been there for more than 15 years. The city has been understandably concerned about the fire dangers from the tent encampment and other liability issues. It reached a point that crews were dispatched a few weeks ago to create fire breaks to protect the adjacent neighborhood. Neighbors say small fires have occurred near the camp. If one got out of control, the impacts could be devastating. Staying there was not a long-term option anyway. The city-owned property eventually will become part of the Farmers Lane extension connecting to Kawana Springs Road and Yolanda Avenue to the south. [CA] Contra Costa County's homeless population shifting (The Press, CA) thepress.net (7/15/2017 8:50 AM, Staff) Contra Costa's annual survey to document people experiencing homelessness showed a 7 percent drop overall in 2017 compared to last year, but there was a substantial rise in Central County, according to a report released by Contra Costa Health Services' Division of Health, Housing and Homeless Services. H3 and the Contra Costa Council on Homelessness have since launched Coordinated Entry, a new initiative to streamline service delivery and enhance collaboration among the county's network of nonprofit, faith-based and government providers of homeless services. Regional service centers connecting clients to shelter, medical and mental health care, case managers, substance-use disorder treatment and services, benefit counselors and long-term housing;. Overnight warming centers, which supplement existing emergency shelters;. A universal, web-based information-management system used by all providers of homeless services in the county to maximize use of their collective resources;. A standardized intake and assessment system that streamlines delivery of housing and other services to the most vulnerable clients. Coordinated Entry is funded in part through $1.2 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Contra Costa's point-in-time count also fulfills a HUD requirement to document the extent of homelessness within jurisdictions receiving its funding. HUD-17-0235-B-001370 [CA] She's homeless, but determined to become a college graduate (San Diego Union-Tribune, CA) San Diego Union-Tribune (7/17/2017 4:43 AM, Fred Dickey) When I see this young woman's big smile, I renounce all my frowns because my woes don't deserve them. Dealing with her history and problems would make my self-confidence resign the job. If you walk into the MiraCosta College bookstore, you might encounter a student clerk named Lahana Velez. She is petite and perky. She gives the impression that if she doesn't help you, it will ruin her day. You might think she's the beau ideal college student. She wishes it were so. Lahana is 24 years old, and as of Friday, she was couch-surfing at friends' places or sleeping in her 1990 Toyota Camry. She has aged out of the studio provided to her as a student who has come out of foster care. (An aside: The exorbitant cost of even the cheapest housing is an education-killer for young people like Lahana, on their own with no money. Lahana says she's flat broke almost all the time.) [CA] Sonoma County's safe-parking program scales down (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA) Santa Rosa Press Democrat (7/16/2017 8:30 PM, J.D. Morris) Sonoma County's safe parking program, a widely-praised effort providing sanctioned locations where homeless people can sleep in their cars overnight, is shrinking starting Monday, though advocates say they have been able to reserve a spot for everyone who asked for one and intend to expand again. The program is dwindling from eight sites offering 76 spots to three sites offering 40 spots, due largely to a state funding reduction that prompted Catholic Charities, which administers the effort, to request county officials shift money away from the program in order to prevent cuts at its Family Support Center. A separate Santa Rosa City Council proposal that could have provided funding for safe parking failed to move forward last week. Like their county colleagues, city officials continue to wrestle with how to best spend funds on homeless services -- an area with needs exceeding the available resources. So far, Catholic Charities has transitioned 15 people from the parking program into shelter, and most of the spots at the three sites where safe-parking will continue have been filled, according to Jennielynn Holmes, the organization's director of shelter and housing. Catholic Charities also intends to grow the program back up to 55 spots because the organization just secured the third site at a private lot near Cleveland Avenue. [CA] 'It just doesn't feel safe': Residents demand cleanup of Orange Line bike path (Los Angeles Daily News, CA) Los Angeles Daily News (7/17/2017 4:54 AM, Dana Bartholomew) VAN NUYS >> Each day as he peddles his bike to work, Robert Cable whirs along the Orange Line bike path -- past syringes. Broken glass. Garbage. Homeless encampments.Even human waste. His commute and recreational rides can grow especially ominous in Van Nuys, he said, where he has seen wobbling drunks and knife fights on the ribbon of asphalt ahead. "One day I rode through here and witnessed two guys squaring off on the path, one guy had an 8-inch serrated knife," said Cable, 52, of Lake Balboa, recently recalling the incident during his 10-mile trek to a TV production job in Studio City. "They dropped F-bombs. It just doesn't feel safe. "I like to ride with my kids. There are areas of the path I can't take them on." Public and Indian Housing (PIH) HUD-17-0235-B-001371 [ME] Frustration with substandard housing led man to unleash bedbugs at Augusta City Center (Central Maine, ME) Central Maine (7/13/2017 7:36 AM, Betty Adams) Charles Manning, 74, said he often didn't sleep at night because he worried about being bitten by bedbugs. AUGUSTA - Charles Manning, the 74-year-old man who dumped a cup of live bedbugs inside Augusta's city hall last month, said he did it because officials weren't addressing his complaints about substandard housing adequately. Manning said Tuesday he doesn't regret his actions on June 2. Manning said he now realizes he dumped the 100 or so bedbugs in the wrong city department - mistakenly targeting the General Assistance office instead of code enforcement at Augusta City Center. The city quickly closed the building for the rest of the day and called in a pest-control company to spray it with chemicals. Manning later was charged with assault and obstruction of government administration, class D crimes punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine. A Massachusetts native, Manning has lived in various parts of the country, including the Pacific Northwest and Texas; and he has worked as a bus driver, among other occupations. While Manning's situation - and his reaction to it - is extreme, his predicament illustrates two problems city officials have been working to address in recent years: a lack of affordable housing and bedbug infestations in some boarding homes and apartments. Amanda Bartlett, executive director of the quasi-municipal Augusta Housing Authority, noted that more than 500 units in the city either were lost or are at imminent risk of being lost because of fire or safety code issues since 2013. People who receive approval for Section 8 subsidized housing have a three-year wait to get into that housing. "If you're in a situation where you're homeless in this community, looking for a place to live and low-income, there's nothing immediately available," she said. Advertisement Then there are the bedbugs. "The bedbug issue is complicated," she said. "At the Augusta Housing Authority, we work hard with landlords to make sure they comply with federal law. A lot of landlords are frustrated because they're trying to do the right thing." Tenants also have to do their part, washing all clothing, cleaning the entire apartment and encasing mattresses, she said. [VT] Final phase of city housing plan starts (Rutland Herald, VT) Rutland Herald (7/16/2017 1:11 PM, Patrick McArdle) The Rutland Housing Authority has started the demolition that will allow it to complete a major project that could be finished by 2018. Construction crews started to take down buildings in the Forest Park neighborhood a few days ago, in preparation of new buildings going up. It is the third and final part of what the RHA is calling the Hickory Street project. The homes are located in the southwest neighborhood of Rutland. Kevin Loso, the RHA's executive director, said the construction will not only add more housing but also realign the streets to make the neighborhood less isolated " The reason that we did that is we wanted to mirror a more traditional neighborhood, one that was integrated back into the streetscape, integrated back into the fabric of the neighborhood and community," he said. [NY] Council OKs PILOT for Geneva Housing Authority (Geneva Finger Lakes Times, NY) Geneva Finger Lakes Times (7/14/2017 8:35 AM, David L. Shaw) GENEVA -- If the Geneva Housing Authority decides to transfer ownership of Courtyard Apartments to a nonprofit development corporation, a new payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement with the city would be needed. City Council Tuesday voted to approve a proposed PILOT that will increase revenue to the city. The housing authority is considering the move because it would open up new funding sources to make improvements to the 124HUD-17-0235-B-001372 unit low- to moderate-income apartment complex on Goodman Street. The current PILOT and the proposed new one both are based on 10 percent of cross rents, minus utilities. [NJ] Ever wear a badge in Jersey? You may now be allowed to carry a gun here. (NJ.com, NJ) NJ.com (7/14/2017 9:34 AM, Claude Brodesser-Akner) TRENTON - Gov. Chris Christie has signed into law a bill that will allow virtually anyone who ever wore a badge to carry a firearm in New Jersey after they retire. The new bill, signed Thursday, substantially adds to the list of those who can carry firearms in New Jersey to virtually all former uniformed law enforcement officers. Previously, only interstate, state and local police officers, county sheriff's deputies or corrections officers and state or or county park police officers were allowed to continue to carry their firearms into retirement. "We've had many instances where retired law enforcement officers have stepped in to save lives in emergencies" said state Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon, one of the bill's sponsors. "With this law, we're expanding that pool of qualified people." Not all lawmakers went along with the expansion willingly. "There's no solid reason for this," said former state Sen. Richard Codey, who voted against the bill in the upper house, where it passed in May by a vote of 28-6. Codey, a former governor, questioned whether low-risk professions like park rangers and revenue agents ought to be toting firearms after handing in their badges. "When, during their performances of duty, did they have to use a gun?" Codey asked. "Rarely, if ever. ... It just expands the number of people who are out there with guns, and that never ends up to anything good." The new law now also applies to retired police officers of the state park police, special agents of the Division of Taxation, Department of Human Services, NJ Transit, campus police officers employed by higher education institutions, state conservation officers, Palisades Interstate park police officers, housing authority police officers, juvenile corrections officers, parole officers and even full time Burlington County Bridge police officers. [NJ] Christie Signs Bill Allowing More Retired Officers to Carry Handguns (New York Observer, NY) New York Observer (7/14/2017 8:43 AM, Christian Hetrick) New Jersey will narrowly expand the pool of retired law enforcement officers who can carry handguns under a bill signed by Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday, a rare but minor loosening of gun restrictions in a state known for tough gun laws. Retired police officers for state parks, New Jersey Transit, college campuses and others will now be able to get handgun permits. Previously, only retired officers who had "Broad carrying privileges" such as local, county or state police officers could apply annually for permits until they turned 75. New Jersey's Democratic-dominated Legislature is better known for trying to tighten gun laws. But state lawmakers overwhelmingly approved the bill by a 77-0 vote in the Assembly in December and a 27-7 vote in the Senate in May. "Regardless of the law enforcement unit with which they served, retired law enforcement officers who received proper training in the use of firearms and dedicated themselves to protecting their communities should have the right to carry a handgun," Assemblyman Gordon Johnson, a bill sponsor and former Bergen County sheriff, said in a statement. "This will further the intent of the original law giving retired officers the right to carry by enabling more individuals with professional law enforcement experience to help keep New Jersey safe." The bill signed Thursday adds retired special agents of the Division of Taxation and retired police officers for state parks, human services, New Jersey Transit and railways and college campuses to the list of those eligible for handgun permits. State conservation officers, Palisades Interstate Park police officers, Burlington County Bridge police officers, housing authority police officers and parole and juvenile corrections officers are also included. [NJ] Another leadership change in the projects (West New York Reporter, NJ) West New York Reporter (7/16/2017 4:43 AM, Marilyn Baer) HUD-17-0235-B-001373 Past housing chair says goodbye, suggests successor leave politics out of it Hoboken Housing Authority Commissioner Dana Wefer, who briefly toyed with running for governor earlier this year, is planning to move out of town and said a tearful goodbye Thursday night to the other members of the HHA board. The board is a sevenmember volunteer body that helps oversee the 1,383 units of federally subsidized low income housing on the west side of town. They are managed by a full-time staff and also overseen by the federal department of Housing and Urban Development. The board is an important one, as it has influence over the safety and quality of life of thousands of the city's poorest residents. Some people have seen getting on the board as a way to also influence the many voters in that area of town. Over the past few decades, the board has suffered from various leadership changes, financial issues, and a few scandals. Two years ago, the board hired a permanent executive director, Mark Recko. [PA] Council endorses scattered site sale (Altoona Mirror, PA) Altoona Mirror (7/15/2017 5:28 AM, William Kibler) City Council has endorsed the Altoona Housing Authority's plan to divest itself of 10 "Scattered site" public housing properties, repeating support it provided a couple of years ago. Council needed to repeat the endorsement because the Department of Housing and Urban Development rejected an earlier authority request for permission to sell the sites, due to an inadequate assessment of the need for divestiture. The authority has hired a consultant to evaluate renovation costs in hopes of reaching a required HUD threshold of cost as a proportion of post-renovation value. The initial needs analysis predicted renovation costs that amounted to 30 percent of post-renovation value, well short of the HUD "Obsolescence" threshold of 54 percent. The new application complies with the HUD requirements, according to Executive Director Cheryl Johns. She's confident of approval this time, she said. The authority wants to get rid of the scattered sites because they're expensive to maintain. Because the sites are scattered throughout the city, maintenance workers must travel to each site to make repairs and because each one is different from the others, the authority can't make bulk purchases of replacement parts or realize efficiencies from repeated repair operations, officials have said. The authority has been trying to get rid of the properties since 2011. [PA] Housing authority approves bridge loan for White Swan project (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) Uniontown Herald Standard (7/14/2017 7:34 AM, Patty Yauger) The Fayette County Housing Authority will borrow $9 million to advance the rehabilitation work planned for the White Swan Apartments. In unanimous action Thursday, authority members Harry Fike, Ernest DeBlasio, Beverly Beal, Joyce Nuccetelli and Kerri Baker, approved the bridge loan with PNC Bank, that will allow access to funding, as needed, for the West Main Street project. Last year, the authority was successful in its bid for Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency tax credits to undertake the estimated $13 million overhaul of the 1925-constructed, six-story building. Mark Yauger, executive director, said documents associated with the tax credit award continue to be completed and updated as more information is obtained by the authority staff compiling the nearly 1,200 page contract. Members asking as to the start date of construction were advised that it would likely begin by the end of August. Although project bids were opened in May, no HUD-17-0235-B-001374 contracts have been awarded. "We are in regular contact with the contractors, and they are aware of our situation," said Yauger, adding that a loan closing date should also occur in August. "I hope to have more for you at the August meeting." [VA] Norfolk City Council weighing public housing redevelopment plan (WAVY-TV NBC 10 Portsmouth, VA) WAVY-TV NBC 10 Portsmouth (7/14/2017 5:15 PM, Chris Horne) VIDEO. NORFOLK, Va. - Norfolk City Council will decide next week whether to enter a cooperation agreement with the Redevelopment and Housing Authority that would affect 1,700 public housing units. The agreement would pave the way for a redevelopment plan for Tidewater Gardens, Young Terrace and Calvert Square. It would demolish the existing structures and replace them with a blend of single family homes, carriage houses, townhouses and apartments. The city says if approved, the proposal would fit into a multi-pronged approach to revitalize what's referred to as the St. Paul's area. City Manager Doug Smith says, "This initiative at its core is about growing opportunity for our residents." A resident who spoke with 10 On Your Side said she'd like to see more local businesses offer child care so that mothers would have more work opportunities. Councilman Paul Riddick is calling it gentrification. "I don't want this to be a dumping ground for the public housing residents, for Section 8 and programs of that nature," Riddick said. The city says the goal is to strengthen the neighborhood by de-concentrating poverty, increasing self-sufficiency and providing access to better education. Council is expected to vote on the agreement Tuesday. A city spokeswoman says residents in the affected communities would have opportunities for input if the proposal moves forward. [MO] MHDC, Housing Authority work to provide low-income housing in Jefferson City (Jefferson City News Tribune, MO) Jefferson City News Tribune (7/16/2017 2:15 AM, Nicole Roberts) To qualify for LIHTC, at least 40 percent of the total number of units must be affordable to people making 60 percent of the AMI ($27,000 for a one-person household), according to MHDC website, or 20 percent of the units be for individuals making 50 percent of the AMI ($22,500 for a one-person household). Jefferson City's 2017 median income was $64,200, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These units would rent for less than the fair market rent -- how much a property could rent for on average at a particular time. According to HUD, the 2017 fair market rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Jefferson City is $495 and $647 for two-bedroom housing, according to HUD. Missouri's statewide fair market rent is $638 per month for a one-bedroom apartment and $815 per month for a two-bedroom apartment, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), an organization that advocates for low-income affordable housing. [LA] Kenner housing director, attorney respond to accusations of law breaking (New Orleans Times-Picayune, LA) New Orleans Times-Picayune (7/14/2017 7:40 AM, Littice Bacon-Blood) The executive director and an attorney for the Kenner Housing Authority said Thursday that accusations of wrongdoing leveled at them by resigning board member Connie Montgomery are false. Marc Starling and attorney Don Richard characterized Montgomery as a hostile obstructionist who routinely "Harassed" Starling and others. "The KHA is not in violation or in danger of lawsuits by contractors," Starling wrote, "And at no time were any KHA Staff harassed or mistreated by me." The written responses, which were hand-delivered Thursday to Kenner Mayor Ben Zahn's office and emailed to the media by HUD-17-0235-B-001375 Starling, includes rebuttals to Montgomery's claims that Richard, Starling and board chairwoman Faye Matthews broke state laws and violated board policies. Responding to Montgomery's claim that the board is "dysfunctional," Starling wrote: "Ironically, it has been the behavior of that has made the Board anything but vibrant as she has taken a hostile approach to attack individuals, including myself, rather than engage in rational behavior to discuss and/or read the documentation that was provided to her for her to get a full/transparent understanding of planned actions to be taken by the KHA.". Starling, who was hired in December, sent a letter to Zahn in June in which he complains of harassment from Montgomery that he said was racial discrimination. Starling is black; Montgomery is white. Richard suggests that the "Tensions" between Starling and Montgomery motivated Montgomery to send Zahn an "Inaccurate" and "Inappropriate" letter. "In sum, the factual inaccuracies of Ms. Montgomery's correspondence do an enormous disservice to me and to the current director," Richard wrote. "After you have had an opportunity to review the matter, I am confident you will reach the same conclusion." Montgomery resigned on July 5, citing in a four-page letter to Zahn various incidents in which she said Starling, Matthews and Richard violated state civil service rules, housing procurement policies, state laws and authority bylaws. Her resignation, coupled with the housing authority's history of financial mismanagement that at one point led the federal Housing and Urban Development to take it over, prompted Zahn to launch an internal investigation earlier this week. [MO] Proposed mixed-income apartment complex met with concerns in northland (KSHB-TV NBC 41 Kansas City, MO) KSHB-TV NBC 41 Kansas City (7/16/2017 9:22 AM, Tom Dempsey) Planners for the project, including the Housing Authority for Kansas City, have a 6-acre and a 17-acre site near the intersection in mind for the complex. While the neighborhood has seen businesses move in over the years, St. Vincent said adding around 80 apartments could bring issues. "They're going to break ground on one of the two pieces of property, both of which would abut Barry Harbor," he explained. "Everybody is worried about their property and what this project is going to do to it." John Monroe of the Housing Authority spoke to 41 Action News about how the proposed complex would help address current issues at the Chouteau Courts housing project. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [TX] Judge issues restraining order against La Joya Housing Authority (The Monitor, TX) Monitor (7/15/2017 5:10 AM, Berenice Garcia) LA JOYA - A woman has been allowed to remain in her home after a judge stopped the La Joya Housing Authority from terminating her Section 8 housing voucher. Rosa Elva Gutierrez, was about to lose the rental assistance she receives from the housing authority which would leave her, along with her husband and five children, in danger of losing their home, according to a news release issued Friday by the Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, a nonprofit that provides free legal services to low-income residents. State District Judge Roberto "Bobby" Flores issued a temporary restraining order against the housing authority earlier this month, preventing them from terminating those benefits. "The consequences would have been dire for Rosa and her entire family," TRLA Attorney Jenecia Martinez stated in the release. "But we also want this case to send a message - that the housing authority can't arbitrarily cut off people's rental assistance without due process." In May, Gutierrez was notified by her landlord about an increase in her monthly rent and contacted the housing authority to notify HUD-17-0235-B-001376 them of the change, according to court documents. Gutierrez contacted the Housing Authority again in June and was informed that her portion of the rent would increase by $7. She agreed and requested written documentation of the increase but the receptionist said she would be given one, Gutierrez alleged. Then on June 13, Gutierrez received a letter from Executive Director Frances Salinas de Leon stating Gutierrez had been removed from the Section 8 program and that Gutierrez had requested to be removed. "I absolutely did not ask to be terminated, verbally or in writing," Gutierrez stated in a news release. "Why would I ask to be terminated? Without the Section 8 voucher, we can't afford rent. Where would my family and I go?". Gutierrez immediately contacted Salinas de Leon to resolve the matter but the executive director refused to speak to her, according to the news release by the TRLA. Gutierrez also requested an informal hearing with the housing authority and asked to see her file prior to the hearing but both those requests were denied. Attempts to reach Salinas de Leon were unsuccessful. Messages left to the housing authority's attorney were not returned as of press time. The restraining order will allow Gutierrez to continue receiving her benefits for the time being. [TX] Judge signs temporary restraining order against La Joya Housing Authority (KGBT-TV 4 Valley Central.com, TX) KGBT-TV 4 Valley Central.com (7/16/2017 9:00 AM, Imelda Mejia) The La Joya Housing Authority threatened to cancel a family's Section 8 benefits and refused to hold an informal hearing after the family complained, according to a lawsuit filed last week. With help from Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, tenant Rosa Elva Gutierrez filed the lawsuit on July 6. "My family and I don't have a lot," Gutierrez said. Gutierrez started receiving Section 8 benefits, which subsidize her family's rent, during August 1999, according to the lawsuit. [OK] Cherokee councilors OK initial 2018 Indian Housing Plan (Cherokee Phoenix, OK) Cherokee Phoenix (7/16/2017 2:27 PM, Stacie Guthrie) TAHLEQUAH, Okla. - During its July 10 meeting, Tribal Councilors approved the Cherokee Nation's fiscal year 2018 Indian Housing Plan submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Earlier that day in the Community Services Committee meeting, Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation Director Gary Cooper said the IHP must be submitted annually and acts as a "road map" for the tribe's spending. "This will have to be amended, and it can be amended at any time. It is required to be submitted to HUD every year. It's basically a road map that tells what we plan to do and how we plan to spend those monies," he said. According to the plan, officials estimate that approximately $37.4 million would be "expended" during the "12-month program year." "This would allocate $37 million and some change. Those are both in NAHASDA (Native American Housing and Self Determination Act) and there's a few non-NAHASDA dollars that we have to account for in this IHP part of that. One of those programs is our VASH (Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing) program," he said. "It's not a part of NAHASDA, but we do have to account for it in this. So this authorizes us to begin spending NAHASDA dollars at the beginning of the fiscal year. There are no new programs in this plan. These are all existing programs. We will need to come back after we get those estimates for 2018." The tribe's fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. Cooper said HUD's estimates for the 2018 IHP should be available by September. "Our estimates for 2018, we don't have those and they're not projected to be completed until at least Sept. 6. So even after we do HUD-17-0235-B-001377 this IHP we will have to come back and amend it, which we can do at any time we need to. We just have to have one submitted to HUD before the beginning of the fiscal year," he said. [CO] Investigation: Longmont Police didn't follow procedure in warrantless searches of affordable housing (KUSA-TV NBC 9 Denver, CO) KUSA-TV NBC 9 Denver (7/15/2017 6:54 AM, Kyle Clark) VIDEO. LONGMONT, COLO. - Weld County has completed its independent investigation into Longmont's warrantless searches of affordable housing units, and found that officers did not follow proper procedure. Jeff Satur with Longmont Police wouldn't offer specifics about what the department did wrong at The Suites when Next called to ask for more details. He said he was unsure if the city will ever release that information. Longmont Police announced they would stop these searches in early June, at the time of Next's first report, although they initially defended their involvement with the Longmont Housing Authority's searches. Tenants told 9NEWS they were not told about their Constitutional right to refuse these searches. They were sent letters saying landlords, officers and drug dogs would be coming around to their units. One woman told Next her apartment had been searched, despite her refusal. Longmont Police said at the time that they did not search any units without consent, and there was "Never any intent to violate constitutional rights." According to Longmont Housing Authority, this practice was good practice for the drug dogs, and the searches had been done once prior to our coverage. The department had been saying since June that they'd done nothing wrong, until now. Sixteen minutes before close of business on Friday, when the city's likely counting on this information going unnoticed by the public, Longmont announced Weld County concluded its report - which the city says it received on Monday. Longmont City leaders have been critical of the light Next has shined on these warrantless searches, but they have not pointed out any inaccuracies with the reporting. Longmont Police say they're conducting their own internal investigation. Police say they didn't confiscate any property in their searches. [CO] Investigation finds Longmont Police wrong in controversial drug search in low incoming housing development (KDVR-TV FOX 31 Denver, CO) KDVR-TV FOX 31 Denver (7/15/2017 5:53 AM, Emily Allen) LONGMONT, Colo. - A report released Friday determined Longmont Police officers were out of line when they assisted Longmont Housing Authority search a low income housing development for drugs. The controversial search was conducted at The Suites in Longmont. Residents were outraged, saying police entered apartments and searched without warrants. "I refused but they said they had to come in anyway," said resident Tamika Mcclure. Ray Appling sounded the alarm after receiving a letter that stated her apartment would be searched for drugs. The letter stated Longmont K-9 units would accompany the housing authority on the search to help with the dog's training. "How many zeros in my bank account do I need in order to have respect or privacy? That angered me. Why are low income people treated this way? I had no idea until I moved here," said Appling,. "It's a huge invasion of privacy, it's ridiculous, it's ludicrous, it blows my mind they have to use our homes to train their dogs," said resident Mary Moore. The Weld County Sheriff's Office reviewed the search, and determined the incident was not consistent with Longmont Police Department standards. In a YouTube video provided by the department, Chief Mike Butler said his department does not condone illegal searches. "We regret what happened at The Suites and have already taken corrective action to ensure this never happens again," said Butler. Some residents say there is a drug problem at the housing complex, but don't agree on how to tackle the issue. "I'm a firm believer if you have nothing to hide, it's not a big deal," said one resident. "I think they really took advantage of the fact that this is low income housing," said Moore. "That we would be ignorant of the fact that we have inalienable rights to not have our property HUD-17-0235-B-001378 seized without a warrant." Appling said she's pleased the police department admitted fault and plans to use this incident as a learning lesson. "I feel vindicated, I feel like I've done a public good. I'm happy they are going to take a look at themselves and re-evaluate what they are doing," said Appling. FOX31 contacted the Longmont Housing Authority, but no one returned FOX31's request for an interview. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source] [CO] Longmont police didn't follow procedures with warrantless searches, city concludes (Boulder Daily Camera, CO) Boulder Daily Camera (7/14/2017 7:59 PM, John Fryar) VIDEO. Longmont officials concluded Friday that procedures used to establish consent during warrantless searches of the Longmont Housing Authority's Suites apartments in May were not consistent with the police department's standards. The city is not releasing the sheriff's office report, instead issuing a news release about the findings Friday. At issue are allegations that tenants were not told in advance that they had a right to refuse entry by police and K-9 dogs that were accompanying housing authority staff, leading to accusations that Longmont police had participated in unconstitutional warrantless searches. The Weld County sheriff's staff's independent investigation - conducted on behalf of the city - showed that Longmont police "Policies, procedures, training and practices are all in place and appropriate," according to the city news release. Longmont's Public Safety Department has initiated its own internal administrative review, the city said in its news release. The city said that Longmont Public Safety Chief Mike Butler had already stated, prior to getting the Weld investigation report earlier this week, that "We regret what happened at The Suites and have already taken corrective actions to ensure that this never happens again." Those actions, the city said, have included: --Reiterating and continuing "To clarify how and when our canines are used." --Reinforcing and continuing "The process for documenting how and when consent is obtained." --Reinforcing and continuing "The need for communication with supervisors as outlined in our procedures." The Times-Call has filed a Colorado Open Records Act request for the Weld County report. In an email, City Councilman Jeff Moore said Weld County "Conducted a thorough investigation" but he didn't want to comment on specific details because of the confidentiality of the inquiry. "While I am disappointed by the actions of our officers, corrective actions are already in place and if more are required I am confident in Mike Butler's ability to do the right thing," Moore wrote. Mayor Dennis Coombs and City Council members Brian Bagley and Joan Peck did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Michael Reis, the Longmont Housing Authority's executive director, could not be reached for comment on Friday. David Herrera, the housing authority's attorney, said on Friday that he'd like to see the Weld County Sheriff's Office's report and any reports that emerge from the city's internal investigation and the citizens' review panel. Herrera, who has been conducting an internal investigation for the housing authority board - one he's expecting to present to the board on Tuesday and that may be followed by a public statement or news release from that agency - said seeing the Weld County Sheriff's Office report "Would help me give a more complete report" to the housing authority. He added that the housing authority board, staff and employees have "Different roles and responsibilities" than Longmont police. "I don't expect that the same criteria for evaluating performance" by police "Could be applied" to the housing authority officials and staff, Herrera said. [CO] $8M 'Green House' expansion to help more seniors age in place (Fort Collins Coloradoan, CO) Fort Collins Coloradoan (7/14/2017 4:23 PM, Saja Hindi and Pat Ferrier) HUD-17-0235-B-001379 Expansion effort would help more low-income seniors find care in Loveland. VIDEO. A cap on the number of available Medicaid beds in Colorado, coupled with a desire to create a "more humane" approach to nursing homes, led the Loveland Housing Authority to a new model of nursing home: Green House homes. That's Green House, two words, Resource Development Manager Chris Atib said. "Greenhouse, one word, grows plants; and green house, two words, grows people," is the way that Atib was introduced to the concept. The Loveland Housing Authority is the only housing authority in the country to run a skilled nursing facility, according to Atib, and is one of the few places in the state to even offer the Green House nursing home model. The model allows seniors to go through stages of escalating care while aging in place at a time when Larimer County's senior population is growing. Now, due to high demand, the authority is targeting an $8 million expansion that will allow it to provide care to 30 more seniors in 2018.Estimates as of July 1, 2016, show that 14.7 percent of the county's population is age 65 and older, with a 98 percent projected growth of residents ages 65-74 between 2010-2024 and 47 percent growth in that same time period for residents ages 85 and older. Larimer County has 15 skilled nursing homes and 35 assisted living homes, according to the county's Office on Aging program manager Lynda Meyer. That's a 4 percent increase from 2016, with another 72 beds in assisted living facilities anticipated for 2018.And as Larimer County's aging population continues to grow, those who work to provide nursing home services have found themselves in a predicament - the county has maxed out its number of beds for patients who rely on Medicaid to cover their care. Because the Green House homes model is new, it has allowed the Loveland Housing Authority to side-step that cap, said Green House Homes at Mirasol administrator John Stewart. The homes at 490 Mirasol Drive in Loveland first opened in October 2014, with the sixth unit opening in August 2015."This is sadly the only progression in this type of health care model in 20, 30 years ..." Stewart said. The Loveland Housing Authority already has a two-year wait list for the homes. [CO] Warrantless searches of the Longmont Housing Authority's Suites apartments (Longmont Times-Call, CO) Longmont Times-Call (7/15/2017 8:47 AM, Amelia Arvesen) A resident of an apartment complex run by the Longmont Housing Authority says she refused permission to property managers and police to enter her unit last month, yet they came in anyway, using police dogs to search for drugs. During that May 10 search at The Suites, Tamika McClure said, the K9 picked up on something, so she was asked to open the drawer of her nightstand - revealing, she said, nothing suspicious inside. "It makes me pretty mad," McClure said Wednesday. "Like invasion of our privacy. Because I have people telling me if they have a search warrant, you have to let them in. But they didn't have a search warrant. We have nothing. We don't do drugs." Krystal Winship Erazo, the Longmont Housing Authority's director of operations, said that as the steward of the crime-free housing property, she invited police and their dogs to help search units after hearing rumors of drug activity within the subsidized 70-unit complex at 2000 Sunset St. "Clearly if a resident isn't interested in confirming that there aren't drugs in their apartment, then it sparks some curiosity," she said Tuesday. Police also noted there was a recent overdose death at The Suites. Deputy Chief Jeff Satur said he was unaware of McClure's allegation, but that the K9 officers involved in the May searches reported they did not enter any apartments without consent. Officials from the housing authority and police had planned to conduct another round of inspections at The Suites on Wednesday. Longmont Public Safety Chief Mike Butler said he canceled this week's searches, saying he felt the notice that was sent to residents wasn't clear about the police's intentions. "Given that the letter did not convey the conditions set forth by Longmont HUD-17-0235-B-001380 Public Safety, specifically those conditions related to protect an individual's constitutional rights, leadership made the decision not to participate in this process," according to a police news release. Legal director with the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, said if police entered McClure's apartment after being told "No," it was a violation of the Fourth Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable search and seizure. "What's concerning is that housing authority management and the police forced a tenant to allow a warrantless search and invaded her privacy," he said. "It's something that they never even would have tried to do to someone who wasn't living in subsidized housing. People in subsidized housing do not give up their constitutional rights." [AZ] Records show Navajo housing agency plans to build 15 homes, 15 rentals with $80 million grant (Rose Law Group, AZ) Rose Law Group (7/16/2017 7:52 AM, Craig Harris and Dennis Wagner, The Republic) A Navajo Housing Authority plan submitted to federal regulators shows it will build just 15 new homes and an equal number of rental properties next fiscal year with a new housing grant of nearly $80 million, records show. The NHA and tribal officials have said there is a need for at least 30,000 homes on the sprawling reservation that covers much of northern Arizona. However, The Arizona Republic over the past six months has documented failures by the agency to build sufficient housing despite landing hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for that purpose. Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and U.S. Sen. John McCain recently criticized the NHA for its lack of homebuilding despite being the largest U.S. recipient of federal dollars for tribal housing needs. [WA] Newhouse amendment would expand farmworker housing use (Capital Press - Agriculture Weekly) Capital Press - Agriculture Weekly (7/14/2017 8:40 PM, Dan Wheat) USDA-funded farmworker housing could be reopened to H-2A visa foreign guestworkers under an amendment to the 2018 House Agricultural Appropriations bill from Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash. If passed by the full House and Senate, the provision will benefit a 70-bed Yakima Housing Authority facility in Granger, Wash., next year and similar farmworker housing in Oroville, Wash., said Dan Fazio, director of the farm labor association WAFLA in Olympia. USDA-funded farmworker housing was closed to H-2A workers by the Obama administration under the premise they could displace domestic workers, Fazio said. "The irony is many domestic workers lack work authorization so those here legally didn't have precedence over others," Fazio said. "Our position is it should be open to all." The problem was brought to light by Bob Boehm, Michigan Farm Bureau commodity and marketing manager, when the organization was being assisted by WAFLA in setting up an H-2A program, Fazio said. Fazio learned it was a problem in Granger and Oroville and brought it to the attention of Newhouse, whose Sunnyside farm is near Granger. The amendment should benefit hundreds of other farmworker housing facilities in Washington, Michigan, North Carolina and California, Fazio said. [CA] Marin City's Golden Gate Village future debated this week (Marin Independent Journal, CA) Marin Independent Journal (7/15/2017 11:14 PM, Mark Prado) Two key meetings this week will bring Marin City's Golden Gate Village public housing into focus as the complex's past could very much affect its future. At 9 a.m. Friday, the State Historical Resources Commission will meet at San Rafael City Hall to consider putting Golden Gate Village on the state register and nominating it to the National Register of Historic Places. If the designation is given, it could have an effect on how the Marin Housing Authority manages the property. It has hired a consultant to look at a rebuild to bring in some higher-priced rental units and commercial space to help subsidize low-income HUD-17-0235-B-001381 housing as a public private partnership. Another resident plan has focused on historic preservation of the site with upgrades, while a hybrid of the two also has emerged. The Housing Authority will take input on future plans from the public at a meeting at 6 p.m. Monday at the Marin City Senior Center. [CA] Marin Voice: Marin City's community-driven planning process (Marin Independent Journal, CA) Marin Independent Journal (7/15/2017 7:24 PM, Lewis Jordan) I am writing to you again to update you about the revitalization efforts we are undertaking with the community at the Marin Housing Authority's (MHA) Golden Gate Village (GGV) in Marin City. We are excited to be moving forward on an analysis of how revitalization can occur at GGV, along the most feasible and community-driven path we can take. We encourage the public to our upcoming meetings to learn about the feasibility of the economic, social and physical components of the two revitalization models -- historic preservation and mixed income, specifically showing the financial viability of these two models. The next community meeting is Monday at 6 p.m. at 640 Drake Ave., Marin City. Ads will be in the IJ and distributed through community outreach efforts; and the public can get information at: www.future4ggv.com. Over the past two and a half years, we have been engaging with the community in and around GGV about their vision for a thriving Golden Gate Village. We know that GGV requires significant investment to remain a viable affordable housing resource and thriving community. Public housing has not been adequately funded for decades -- in fact, MHA has only about $500,000 per year for capital improvements for its six public housing developments, but Golden Gate Village alone has about $25 million in capital needs over the next 10 years. [CA] Industry wants to add 20 homes to the city, here's why that's actually a big deal (San Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA) San Gabriel Valley Tribune (7/17/2017 2:57 AM, Jason Henry) INDUSTRY >> The City of Industry wants to build 20 new homes, a move that would increase the overall housing stock by more than 30 percent and dramatically expand the electorate in the insular city. Industry, a business-centric town known for warehouses and factories, has only about 200 residents and 60 homes. Half of the homes are controlled by the city and rented for $700 a month to city officials, their friends and family members. The other half are almost all owned by companies tied to the former mayor, David Perez. If Industry is going to get away from its company town image, the city has to bring in new residents through a fair process with "defensible qualifying standards," Lockyer said. "I think that's the direction it is heading," he said. Currently, landing a house in Industry is all about whom you know. Prospective tenants do not provide proof of income or fill out an application. Recent tenants, most with ties to the city leadership, simply mailed a letter to the city's housing authority saying they would like to move in. State Sen. Ed Hernandez, who pressured the city into hiring Lockyer by threatening to force action through the Legislature, called out the slow progress in a letter, asking Lockyer for a one-year update on the city's reforms. [CA] Marin City: Forums set on future of public housing complex (Marin Independent Journal, CA) Marin Independent Journal (7/17/2017 2:54 AM, Mark Prado) County officials counter there is $16 million worth of repairs needed to the units and buildings, and that the housing authority's sole source of income to make improvements is $500,000 in annual money received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. To make repairs, a partnership with a nonprofit developer has been discussed. HUD-17-0235-B-001382 Under federal rules, no matter what happens, 296 low-income units must be offered if Golden Gate Village is rebuilt in some form. And housing officials point to a poll they conducted last year among residents that show 57 percent want a new unit. Another 35 percent said they wanted to keep their unit with some improvements, while 8 percent wanted no change. But Marin City community activist Royce McLemore wants the historical designation, and then money to upgrade the existing buildings. Anything else would "destroy our community," she said. "What the Housing Authority talks about would bring further gentrification and force people not only out of Marin City, but Marin County." [HI] Tiny home solution brewing in Anahola (Garden Island Newspaper, HI) Garden Island Newspaper (7/16/2017 6:16 AM, Allan Parachini) If you've driven through Anahola lately, you may have noticed a small building under construction that until a couple of days ago looked like three shipping containers placed side by side. They are NOT shipping containers. Rather, what you see is an experiment with a new type of manufactured housing. Its structural design has some similarities to shipping containers and the basic units, which are 8 by 8 by 20 feet, can be placed side by side, end to end or on top of one another. But the building you see may never be occupied because it's a demonstration project for a concept that could present a major solution to part of Kauai's affordable housing crisis. What sets it apart is that this tiny house shows its value in a small-scale, limited and focused way, rather than trying to attack housing as a single gigantic issue requiring one complicated, expensive and time-consuming political strategy. It's the product of an initiative by the Homestead Housing Authority, an Anahola nonprofit developer headed by Robin Puanani Danner. Danner is a familiar and, to some, controversial figure within and outside the Native Hawaiian community. She's an advocate of federal recognition for Native Hawaiians, as opposed to the entirely infeasible dream of restoration of sovereignty. Sustainability Climate change and less federal money may hit states hard (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/15/2017 2:18 PM, Sarah Breitenbach) The tornado hit the suburbs east of New Orleans at lunchtime on a mild Tuesday in February. At its calmest, the tornado tugged at asphalt shingles. Winds of roughly 150 mph hopped over Chef Menteur Highway, and by the time the tornado fizzled out over Lake Borgne, it had caused millions of dollars in damage. Together with a cluster of other windstorms, it became the seventh presidentially declared major disaster of 2017. States have come to rely on these declarations, and since the 1980s the federal government has been on the hook for the majority of recovery costs when a disaster is declared. As the country faces an increasing number of billion-dollar disasters, federal officials are considering scaling back that spending to save taxpayer money and encourage states to prepare for disasters with their own resources. That has some local officials worried, fearing that other programs and services would suffer, said Bryan Koon, Florida's emergency management director. HUD-17-0235-B-001383 Cities Look to Business (Not Washington) to Build Sustainability (Politico) Politico (7/14/2017 11:33 AM, Politico Magazine) A What Works working group report. When it comes to building cities to withstand the ravages of age, climate change and a rapidly evolving economy, America's mayors have probably never felt more alone. They are dealing with the tangible effects of climate change but cannot depend on the federal government, which has just pulled the country out of Paris Accords and is rapidly unwinding environmental regulations on air and water quality. Increasingly, they find themselves at odds with state legislatures that preempt their authority to act locally. While welcoming the news from President Trump's administration about a much ballyhooed $1 trillion infrastructure plan, mayors are facing mixed signals about how much money is likely to be kicked in by the federal government and how much cities will have to scrounge up from private entities. In the face of these challenges, how can cities make themselves more sustainable--and more resilient? When the solutions to the biggest problems facing modern society come with equally big price tags, how do mayors pay for them? And given competing financial priorities and a climate of partisan polarization, how do mayors convince their constituents that investing in a more sustainable city is the right thing to do? And, finally, given the limited regulatory jurisdiction, how do cities leverage other key players and resources? POLITICO brought together mayors, policy and funding experts to consider these questions. In an on-the-record discussion moderated by POLITICO's editorial director of events, Luiza Savage, and What Works editor, Bill Duryea, the group discussed the ways cities are promoting sustainability and building cities to accommodate population growth, withstand extreme weather, and fortify aging infrastructure. In order to encourage fee and frank conversation, comments were not attributed to individual participants. Participants in the working group had first-hand experience in implementing a broad variety of sustainability initiatives. They included an energy-saving program that metered 61 buildings in an entire downtown; GPS-monitoring of asthma inhalers to identify hotspots of poor air quality; a bus rapid transit system that connects an existing train line to the downtown; and reserving a set percentage of bond issues to cover the cost of recycling, solar-electrification and LED lighting. [NY] City wants to turn parking lots into solar-power plants (Crain's New York Business, NY) Crain's New York Business (7/14/2017 2:02 PM, Joe Anuta) The Parks Department is negotiating a deal for a pilot program to expand green infrastructure The de Blasio administration wants to turn city-owned parking lots into miniature solar-power plants, officials said this week. The Department of Parks and Recreation owns or operates 333 parking lots and has identified 40 that could host canopies topped with solar panels, along with charging stations for electric vehicles, self-powered streetlights and underground reservoirs to catch rainwater that would otherwise flow into the overburdened sewer system. Parks, which held a public hearing on the matter Thursday, is currently negotiating a contract with the New York office of Florida engineering and consulting firm NV5. The firm is leading a team that would be tasked with coming up with designs for five lots and drawing up a full construction plan for one of them as a pilot program. "The project aims to transform these parking lots into places that generate renewable energy, provide vehicle shading, protect water resources and buffer communities against severe storms and sea level rise," the city wrote in a request for proposals. The city said that the energy harnessed could be used to light the area beneath the canopies, power electric-vehicle charging stations and nearby park facilities, or be credited against Parks' bill with utilities such as Consolidated Edison. [LA] New Orleans Sets Ambitious Climate Action Goals (Next City) Next City (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Nina Feldman) Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the word "resiliency" in New Orleans has become so much of a buzzword, it's almost a joke. But climate change is no laughing matter, and there's a reason the term gets thrown around so much: Being prepared for and able to respond to storms, the severity of which scientists say is the result of climate change, is critical -- especially for a city positioned HUD-17-0235-B-001384 precariously below sea level. This month, New Orleans joined a number of other U.S. cities in going beyond buzzwords. The city released its "Climate Action for a Resilient New Orleans" plan, which pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030. To achieve this goal, Mayor Mitch Landrieu and his team outlined an ambitious set of strategies, including reducing trips in cars by 50 percent, using all low-carbon energy, and diverting waste away from landfills. In a letter introducing the plan, the mayor wrote that the city aims to address rising temperatures and rising sea levels first and foremost. He classified climate change as an "existential threat." "If global temperature rises unchecked, New Orleans will not see another 300 years," he wrote, referencing the city's upcoming tricentennial next year. Brendan Shane is the North American regional director with C40, a network of cities working on climate change. He says the New Orleans plan is among the most ambitious of those he's seen from other cities, which is what one would expect from a city facing such dire and imminent threats. He says New Orleans is going to be completely driven by warming, since it's already feeling the effects. [LA] Rising sea levels threaten Louisiana homeowners with billions in losses, real estate economists say (Baton Rouge Advocate, LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (7/15/2017 7:20 PM, Steve Hardy) Louisiana homeowners have billions of dollars on the line - $13.2 billion to be exact - if climate change continues to push sea levels up, according to real estate economists. A year ago, the real estate company Zillow compared its extensive housing data with federal meteorologists' predictions on sea level rise. Last month, the company pushed to publicize its findings after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the international Paris Agreement that seeks to mitigate climate change. "When we talk about 'underwater' homes, we are generally referring to negative equity," researcher Krishna Rao wrote on the company's website. "But there is, of course, a more literal way a home can be underwater: Rising sea levels, and the flooding likely to come with them, could inundate millions of U.S. homes worth hundreds of billions of dollars." Zillow looked at what areas would be swallowed up if ocean levels rise by 6 feet, reasoning that such a shift could occur by 2100 "If climate change continues unchecked." Using forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the firm considered what areas would be submerged. Community Planning and Development (CPD) As companies relocate to big cities, suburban towns are left scrambling (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/16/2017 8:59 AM, Jonathan O'Connell) OAK BROOK, Ill. -- Visitors to the McDonald's wooded corporate campus enter on a driveway named for the late chief executive Ray Kroc, then turn onto Ronald Lane before reaching Hamburger University, where more than 80,000 people have been trained as fast-food managers. Surrounded by quiet neighborhoods and easy highway connections, this 86-acre suburban compound adorned with walking paths and duck ponds was for four decades considered the ideal place to attract top executives as the company rose to global dominance. HUD-17-0235-B-001385 Now its leafy environs are considered a liability. Locked in a battle with companies of all stripes to woo top tech workers and young professionals, McDonald's executives announced last year that they were putting the property up for sale and moving to the West Loop of Chicago where "L" trains arrive every few minutes and construction cranes dot the skyline. In Chicago, McDonald's will join a slew of other companies -- among them food giant Kraft Heinz, farming supplier ADM and telecommunications firm Motorola Solutions -- all looking to appeal to and be near young professionals versed in the world of ecommerce, software analytics, digital engineering, marketing and finance. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. Poverty Still Isn't As Suburban As You Think (The Atlantic CityLab) The Atlantic CityLab (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Joe Cortright) Yes, there's need everywhere. But we shouldn't lose sight of the pernicious dangers of urban poverty, in particular. There's a growing chorus about the so-called suburbanization of poverty. A couple of years ago, Alan Ehrenhalt's Great Inversion argued that the wealthy and well-educated are moving to cities and the poor are being displaced to suburbs, in essence reversing the historical pattern of urban settlement in the U.S. The Brookings Institution has issued a series of reports noting that the number of poor persons living in suburbs has increased faster than in cities. A new book from the University of Washington's Scott Allard is the latest in a series of reports. There's a political subtext to all of these arguments: You can't escape or ignore poverty simply by moving to the suburbs. As a result, the argument goes, you've got to be a supporter of an anti-poverty agenda, no matter where you live: poverty isn't just an urban issue, because it's not confined to cities. So if you're elected to Congress, whether you represent an urban district or a suburban one, you ought to support programs that fight poverty. Brookings Institution's Elizabeth Kneebone makes this point explicitly; her report chronicles suburban poverty rates by congressional district, and she told The Atlantic's CityLab in a story entitled "Rising suburban poverty is a bi-partisan problem": "The numbers really underscore how cross-cutting an issue poverty is--it's not just a red or a blue issue or an inner-city or suburban issue." Fair enough. We ought to be willing to fight poverty wherever it's present. While we understand the value of political talking points that can help build a broader geographic constituency for the federal programs--like Section 8 vouchers, food stamps (SNAP), and the earned income tax credit, all of which do wonders to blunt the effects of poverty--we worry that the attention focused on suburban poverty has tended to overshadow the fundamentally urban character of poverty, especially concentrated poverty. What's the Greatest Risk Cities Face? (Politico) Politico (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Politico Magazine) Donald Trump has called America's inner cities "crime infested," "almost at an all-time low" and "more dangerous than some of the war zones," even as violent crime in America has been declining for decades. Which isn't to say that our cities don't still face serious problems. But what are they really? We asked mayors, urbanists and other thinkers to name the biggest threats that American cities currently face, and most took the long view--looking beyond Trump to challenges like urban broadband deserts, a shallow mayoral talent pool, crippling pension crises, and state or federal meddling. Vanishing families Dante Chinni, director of the American Communities Project at George Washington University and co-author of Our Patchwork Nation: The Surprising Truth About the "Real" America The revival of U.S. cities over the past decade has largely been a function of younger Americans, particularly those with a college education, seeking out the excitement and diversity of an urban life. Those younger singles and couples have been flowing back into big cities across the country in various degrees--from D.C. to Denver and even Detroit. But if cities want to become more than just a home for the low and high ends of the economic scale, they will need the stability of families. Millennials will have to HUD-17-0235-B-001386 decide to stay in their urban homes after the footloose days of hipsterdom and into the more complicated years of parenthood. To do that, cities will need to improve public schools and make sure there are affordable options for those needing larger, familysized dwellings. That, in turn, could lift the larger tide of city residents from various economic backgrounds. It likely won't be easy, but if cities can turn their young, hip urban dwellers into middle-aged parents, they may be able to turn their early 21st-century boom into something more sustainable. [Editorial note: several author contributions at source] Why Neighborhoods Get Better: Research Provides Insights That May Surprise You (Forbes) Forbes (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Kevin Murnane) If you live in a city long enough, you see neighborhoods change over time. Sometimes trajectories of improvement or decay continue, sometimes they reverse. What are some of the factors that predict neighborhood improvement? A recently published paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) takes an innovative approach to this question and some of the answers that were found may surprise you. Neighborhood appearance and neighborhood safety The team of researchers from MIT, Harvard and the National Bureau of Economic Research leveraged advances in computer vision and machine learning to examine how changes in neighborhood appearance correlated with perceptions of neighborhood safety over a seven-year period. They began with pairs of images taken by Google Street View in 2007 and 2014. The images in each pair showed the same street from approximately the same location. The streets were located in Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, New York, and Washington, DC. Each image was assigned a Streetscore that was developed as a measure of how safe the street appeared to be. The Streetscore was assigned by a machine learning algorithm that was trained on a database of street images tagged with people's perceptions of safety based on how a street looked. [NY] Federal grants will repair homes and roads in Town of Tonawanda (Buffalo News, NY) Buffalo News (7/14/2017 9:02 AM, Nancy A. Fischer) The Town of Tonawanda and the Village of Kenmore have been awarded over $1.5 million in Community Development Block Grant funds to repair homes owned by low- to moderate-income residents and for infrastructure repairs in low- to moderateincome neighborhoods. An additional $191,983 will provide assistance for major home repairs and will also aid first-time home buyers, based on income guidelines. About $200,000, half of the total highway roads budget, will be used for road repairs in designated neighborhoods, and another $60,000 will be used for sidewalk repairs, according to Director of Planning and Development James Hartz. About $1 million will be used for home repair loans, allowing low- to moderate-income homeowners to receive zero-interest loans to make major home repairs. [PA] In long impoverished Mantua, signs of change spark hope, and gentrification fears (Philly.com, PA) Philly.com (7/14/2017 8:40 AM, Caitlin McCabe) By the time President Barack Obama stood in the East Room of the White House in 2014, ready to make an announcement about a 2-square-mile West Philadelphia enclave, part of it had already spent ample time in the news. After all, the stretch from Girard Avenue to Sansom Street and from the Schuylkill to 48th Street included Mantua, where Kermit Gosnell performed illegal abortions that left a woman and several babies dead and where a prominent activist was gunned down while handing out trophies for a youth basketball league. It was the same neighborhood where, week after week, headlines of gunshots and crime had become almost normal. HUD-17-0235-B-001387 But Obama's announcement had a different tone: These two square miles would become one of his administration's first five "Promise Zones," he said, part of a program that would give 20 high-poverty communities a chance to change. In theory, the initiative would create jobs, bolster safety, improve education, and increase affordable housing, though no money was included. Instead, the designation would give these communities preferential treatment when they applied for federal grants. Even so, residents say, Mantua remains Mantua: fiercely proud, culturally rich, and still beset by economic difficulty and crime. The neighborhood still has no grocery store, and shots continue to ring out on many nights. In 2009, the median income for a Mantua household was $19,700 -- 47 percent lower than the citywide median income of $36,700. But slowly, subtly, Little said, things are improving -- on the neighborhood's terms, even if it's difficult for residents here to detect. Thanks to the Promise Zone, the city was awarded a $30 million "Promise Neighborhood" grant over five years from the U.S. Department of Education, aimed at expanding literacy, improving job training, and providing behavioral support for seven public schools in the area. A grant of nearly $600,000 has been obtained from the Department of Justice to improve public safety, Little said. And a Department of Housing and Urban Development grant was secured to boost resources to crack down on predatory mortgage lending. [PA] Erie adopts proactive code enforcement approach (Erie Times & News, PA) Erie Times & News (7/16/2017 1:03 PM, Kevin Flowers) The city's comprehensive plan suggests creating mechanisms to deal with the condition of city properties, but some property owners feel unfairly targeted. Scott Little is largely unfamiliar with the details of Erie Refocused. But the city's multimillion-dollar, multiyear comprehensive development plan -- specifically the way it suggests a more aggressive approach to enforcing housing and building codes and combating blight -- has the potential to be costly for Little's eastside business. Little is the owner of Scotty's Cigar & Martini Lounge, 301 German St. On June 15, Little received an order to correct numerous building code violations that city Code Enforcement Officer Aaron Snippert cataloged via an exterior inspection of the Scotty's building. Those violations include holes in the bar's exterior brick walls; wood surfaces in decay; chipped paint; and portions of brick veneer "not properly anchored," which could present a safety hazard to passers-by. Snippert, 35, is a former director of the Erie Redevelopment Authority's housing programs. He was hired as a city code enforcement officer in November and directed to concentrate his energy in east and west bayfront neighborhoods. His $70,000-a-year job is funded by federal Community Development Block Grant dollars from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Adding a code enforcement officer to focus on the east and west bayfront, as well as "proactive code enforcement sweeps" in those areas, were both recommendations of Erie Refocused, the city's first comprehensive plan in decades. [PA] Eisenberg's heritage remembered as MVI moves apartments into Monessen building (Uniontown Herald Standard, PA) Uniontown Herald Standard (7/14/2017 9:04 AM, Pat Cloonan) On Wednesday, Ron and Laura Wilen marked their 19th wedding anniversary. On Thursday, the couple was on hand to see how their family's heritage is being memorialized with new housing at Eisenberg's Apartments in Monessen. "We are so appreciative of all the organizations who made this happen, and with keeping the family name on this building," Wilen said amid a celebration of the conversion of the former department store building at 401 Schoonmaker Ave. "It is nice that this building will remain an important part of the community," said Laura Wilen, whose husband is a grandson of the store's founders Henry and Lena Eisenberg, immigrants from Hungary and Slovakia, respectively. HUD-17-0235-B-001388 According to a history of the store provided to those attending Thursday's event, Henry Eisenberg bought a men's wear store at Fourth Street and Schoonmaker Avenue that was going bankrupt for $1,753 in 1908. He changed the store's name to Eisenberg's and added women's and children clothing lines. In 1915 Monessen businessman Louis Stephens contracted with Motz Lumber Co. to replace the existing wooden-frame building at that location with a two-story brick building. The structure also is known to this day as the Stephens Building. Ron Wilen was associated with Eisenberg's from 1976 to 1997, when the store closed. "It is wonderful to see they have done something productive for this community," Ron Wilen said. "There are 12 pre-leases that are in the pipeline here," said Mon Valley Initiative board Chairman Dale Bizub, whose agency and its Monessen affiliate developed the installation of 13 apartments into the three-story building. "The apartments are lovely and affordable," Laura Wilen said. MVI said rents for the units will range from $405 to $620 per month. "It has been a long time coming," said Matthew Shorraw, Democratic nominee for mayor of Monessen, but there in his role as a member of the board of MVI affiliate Monessen Community Development Corporation. "It's a positive thing for the city," Shorraw said. "We'll get some foot traffic downtown again. Hopefully, it can be replicated elsewhere in the city." Just under $1.4 million is coming from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through its HOME Program, with $305,150 provided by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency through its Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, $161,941 from the county-administered Act 137 Affordable Housing Program and $500,000 from the Federal Home Loan Bank through a program sponsored by Standard Bank. [PA] Penn Hills arson highlights problem of abandoned houses (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PA) Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (7/15/2017 5:49 AM, Dillon Carr) A Wednesday fire on Grandview Avenue in Penn Hills demonstrated a significant problem in the municipality -- abandoned houses. The Cape Cod-style home at 10007 Grandview Ave. had flames and heavy smoke coming out of it before firefighters quickly brought it under control. Tracy Williams, a Grandview resident, said she and other neighbors have appealed to Penn Hills officials several times to board up the handful of vacant houses in the immediate area. "We want them to board it up or knock it down," Williams said. "Teenagers, they're going in there to smoke weed. I'm sure they're doing other criminal things." She said the house that caught fire has been vacant for three to four years. There are five vacant houses on Grandview Avenue and Johnston Road, Williams said. Another neighbor, Lavette Wagner, who lives on Johnston Road, said she has contacted the municipality with the same concerns. "I think there needs to be a vacant and abandoned home task force or something like that," Wagner said. According to the Allegheny County property website, the house was built in 1941 and is owned by Progeny Investors LLC of 14 High Ridge Court in Plum. The company owes four years of taxes on the property totalling $723. According to Damian Buccilli, Penn Hills planner, there are 1,678 vacant homes and 50 abandoned ones scattered throughout Penn Hills. A vacant home, he explained, is categorized as such when the owner and the municipality are in contact. An abandoned home is a vacant one for which the municipality has no contact information. [MD] Here's a suburban experiment cities can learn from (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/14/2017 12:17 PM, Amanda Kolson Hurley) In an era when city living is virtually synonymous with cool, Columbia, Md., emanates suburban uncool. Located off U.S. Route 29 between Washington and Baltimore, Columbia is not a tight grid on the map, but a plate of spaghetti -- a tangle of crooked parkways and cul-de-sacs. Cities reach for the sky, but Columbia hugs the ground, with shopping centers and man-made lakes passing for landmarks. In cities, 20-somethings get together at cafes for brunch; in Columbia, 40-somethings catch up while watching their kids at the pool or playground. Columbia's version of a city hall is a nondescript building in an office park. The most HUD-17-0235-B-001389 colorful thing about the place is its twee street names, chosen from literature: Rivendell Lane, Marble Faun Lane, Rocksparkle Row. Even residents agree that Columbia is, well, a little dull. "When we moved here, my boyfriend said, 'The only thing you can really say about Columbia is that it's convenient,' " notesAdrienne Neff, a 30-year-old resident who works at Behnke Nurseries in Beltsville. Van Doan, a 46-year-old lawyer who also lives in Columbia, recalls that, at first, "it struck me as a 'Stepford Wives' kind of place." Blandness is not usually associated with utopias. But while Columbia might appear bland on the surface, it was very much the product of idealism. The town's developer, James Rouse, referred to it as "the next America." When he set out to build the town in the 1960s, suburbs were already seen as soulless sprawl. Rouse's vision was a response to that. As a developer, he was attuned to the market. He chose the location based on research that predicted the Baltimore-Washington region would grow faster than anywhere else east of the Mississippi. And when it came to design, he observed that if architecture critics praised Columbia, it would be a flop -- no one would buy the houses. (He was proved right when the country entered a recession in the mid-1970s and the houses kept selling, albeit slowly.) But Rouse was also ahead of his time in his pursuit of an ecologically sensitive, mixed-income and colorblind community in an era when redlining was common. And Columbia's success on those fronts stands out next to most of the planned communities that came after it. [VA] Newport News has plenty of development work planned (Newport News Daily Press, VA) Newport News Daily Press (7/14/2017 6:40 AM, Tara Bozick) VIDEO. Newport News wants to accomplish more with its announced development projects before taking on too much more, the city's development director said this week. A key focus will be Ferguson's planned City Center at Oyster Point campus that will bring 1,400 workers, including more than 400 new employees, to the mixed-use development with the city building a 1,500-space parking garage, Mayor McKinley Price and Newport News Development Director Florence Kingston told about 50 attendees of an Urban Land Institute Virginia meeting at Christopher Newport University on Tuesday. Attendee Thomas O'Grady with Clancy & Theys Construction Co. in Newport News wanted to know what the Ferguson campus would mean for City Center, although Kingston said it was too early to gauge interest. "I think the spin-off opportunities are tremendous for City Center for future office, retail and residential," O'Grady said. The city is working on a plan to enliven downtown while still trying to create more attractive housing options across the city, Kingston said, adding the city's aging housing stock is a competitive disadvantage. She said the city needs housing that keeps both younger workers and company leaders living within the city. "We have got to work on some new housing options at all prices," Kingston said. When asked about interest for homes or development for Economic Development Authority-owned land near Endview Plantation, Kingston said she doesn't want to rush and would like to see other projects on the books get started. She said Patrick Henry Place and Huntington Pointe are moving forward and would add new homes. The city is using a $500,000 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative planning grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to find ways to improve the Ridley Place public housing complex and the surrounding area in the Southeast Community, Price said. [GA] County removes more than 700 tons of debris from Brannon Hill (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (7/14/2017 1:15 PM, Pamela Miller) DeKalb County workers removed 769 tons of debris away from demolished buildings at Brannon Hill Condominium in Clarkston on July 13. Crews continued clearing into the evening July 14 to complete Phase I work at the site. Progress was made utilizing 26 employees working a combined 272 hours with 28 pieces of heavy equipment and dump trucks. Trucks removed 88 loads of debris to DeKalb County's Seminole Road Landfill. Built in 1973, more than 100 units at the complex are vacant and in various states of disrepair. On Nov. 18, 2016, DeKalb County HUD-17-0235-B-001390 obtained a court order allowing nuisance abatement in Brannon Hill at four buildings totaling 68 units. Phase I of the cleanup includes removing debris from two buildings (28 units). Phase II will occur later in 2017, when DeKalb will identify and award a contract to demolish and remove debris from the other two buildings (40 units). This project utilizes approximately $400,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant funds. [GA] Memories of bustling black enclave inspire vision for Liberty Districts future (Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA) Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (7/14/2017 7:34 AM, Alva James-Johns) VIDEO. The glory days of the Liberty District remain etched in the minds of people who lived, worked and played there. Tax Commissioner Lula Huff remembers what it was like back in the '50s and '60s when the district was a bustling, black enclave with residents, restaurants, professional offices and entertainment. It was home to the first black United Service Organization in the world, she recalled, and her father started a taxi service to transport black soldiers to and from Fort Benning. Huff shared those memories at a Liberty District Master Plan Update Meeting held Tuesday at the historic Liberty Theatre on Eighth Avenue. The gathering, which drew about 25 people, was the second of three meetings held this year concerning the district's future. The first was held May 30 at the Government Center Annex on 10th Street. In his opening remarks, City Manager Isaiah Hugley told the group that he envisions the Liberty District being an extension of Uptown, with mixed-use development to included housing, restaurants, hotels, and entertainment. "... There's not much property in the boundaries of Uptown left, and so this is where it needs to happen," he said. At the meeting, Hugley showed a rendering of the block where the Liberty Theatre is located, redeveloped with buildings, landscaping and bustling streets. He said city officials would hold one more informational meeting and then form a committee to work on plans for the area. The community still has to decide whether to stick with a 2003 master plan, tweak it, or develop another one, he said. Huff, who opposed the city's plans to bring a Columbus Housing Authority complex to the area four years ago, said everything Hugley described is already in the 2003 master plan. "I don't see us starting all over again, brand new, when we already have something that is in existence," she said. "And in the plan it says that it will have to be updated, and that over a period of time, things would change. It is designed the way it is to be adaptable, so that as change occurs, you incorporate those changes." [FL] Residents in Oneco, Samoset get top billing in county's funding plans. But federal funding could be in jeopardy. (Bradenton Herald, FL) Bradenton Herald (7/17/2017 4:47 AM, Claire Aronson) Manatee - With a lot of older homes in Manatee County in need of rehabilitation, that comes up as one of the county's No. 1 needs when meeting with low- and moderate-income residents. To address the needs these residents voice, Manatee County officials are recommending spending nearly $600,000 in federal funds this next fiscal year to improve some of these homes, particularly in the Oneco and Samoset neighborhoods. The need is great. Geri Lopez, Manatee County redevelopment and economic opportunity director "That's something very different that we are doing this year that we haven't done in the past," said Geri Lopez, the county's redevelopment and economic opportunity director. "A lot of older homes are in desperate needs of rehabilitation. We really upped the amount and our focus." The increased focus on home rehabilitation -- $300,000 in Community Development Block Grant and $276,142 in HOME Investment Partnership funds -- is among the projects recommended for funding in the county's 2017-18 Action Plan, which is available for public review until July 25 when it goes before the county commission for approval. "The need is great," Lopez said. "There were a good amount of priority needs that were identified." But there's no guarantee the funding will be available next year. President Donald Trump's 2018 budget for the Department of HUD-17-0235-B-001391 Housing and Urban Development proposes the elimination of both the Community Development Brock Grants and HOME Investment Partnerships. [FL] Federal funding in jeopardy for low-income areas (Herald Tribune, Sarasota, FL) Herald Tribune.com (7/14/2017 4:57 PM, Dale White) Local government officials across the nation, including in the Sarasota-Manatee area, say the loss of that revenue will greatly hinder their efforts to assist low- to moderate-income individuals and families with housing repairs, neighborhood infrastructure and other services. City and county governments have long relied on community development block grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to subsidize such projects. Mick Mulvaney, President Donald Trump's director of the Office of Management and Budget, contends that CDBG-funded efforts are "Just not showing any results." "I can't go to the autoworker in Ohio and say, 'Please give me some of your money so I can do this program over here someplace else that really isn't helping anybody,'" Mulvaney told MSNBC. His assessment has long been shared by political observers critical of what they regard as wasteful or inappropriate government spending. The conservative Reason Foundation contends the CDBG program is an example of "Crony capitalism" fraught with "Waste, fraud and corruption." HUD has found some local governments spending too much of their CDBG grants on administrative costs or on questionable projects, such as venues in Honolulu intended to serve the elderly and disabled that were also marketed for weddings, parties, corporate retreats and other functions. Despite some past abuses, local government officials across the nation insist CDBG is a worthy program. They are beginning to speak out and ask Congress to block the White House effort to eliminate it. The U.S. Conference of Mayors is organizing a nationwide, bipartisan campaign to keep CDBG spending intact. The organization says "More than 7,000 rural, suburban and urban communities" will lose opportunities for "Housing investments, public infrastructure improvements, enhanced public safety services, employment training, as well as services for seniors, youth and the disabled." [LA] Federal funding for Louisiana farmers impacted by 2016 floods (KPLC-TV NBC 7 Lake Charles, LA) KPLC-TV NBC 7 Lake Charles (7/14/2017 8:02 PM, Perris Jones) VIDEO. Louisiana farmers could soon see federal funding to recover any financial losses from the recent March and August floods of 2016. A $10 million grant is being funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for farmers in 51 parishes who qualify. The funding will be administered by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture of Forestry, which has held meetings throughout the state to inform farmers of the guidelines and application process to receive some of the grant money. In our area, farmers in Calcasieu, Beauregard, Allen and Jeff Davis Parish are eligible. For farmers like Charles Britt, a farmer in Jeff Davis Parish, the $10 million grant won't be enough. "If everybody applies for everything like that, we might get a hamburger out of that deal or a coke," said Britt. "I mean 10 million dollars won't go very far." Britt has been a farmer in Jeff Davis Parish for more than 30 years. Farmers must have crop loss totaling at least $10,000 and pre-storm revenue of $25,000 in the years since 2014 to be eligible. Crop loss must amount to a minimum of $10,000 as calculated by the crop-loss calculator. Finding out this information is why Kevin Berken, a rice farmer from Jeff Davis Parish, attended Thursday's meeting in Welsh. "I took a big hit last year, quite a HUD-17-0235-B-001392 substantial loss. It's going to take me quite a few years to dig out of that hole," said Berken. "It's not going to make us whole but it will help." With all the severe weather, droughts, and disease that impacts the livelihood of farmers in Louisiana, some may ask why they take the risk. "It's the life of a farmer," said Berken. "We don't have a lot of control over the weather, but we accept that and we go on because we love what we do." "It's in our blood, that's what we do," said Britt. [MO] People's New $6 Million Facility Grand Opening - Mayor to Attend & Other Dignitaries (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO) St. Louis Post-Dispatch (7/14/2017 11:56 PM, Carl Green) St. Louis, MO, July 11, 2017 - People's Family of Corporations is pleased to announce the Grand Opening and Naming Ceremony for their new Children and Adolescent Center located at 5647 Delmar Blvd. The center is located east of the Social Security Administration on People's Family of Corporations campus. The festivities will take place on Saturday, July 15, 2017, at 10:00 a.m., starting at 5701 Delmar Blvd., parking lot. The new $6 Million Dollar facility houses three floors to accommodate 20,000 square feet of clinical and counseling support. The facility will address behavioral health needs of children and adolescents in the St. Louis urban community. This project is the culmination of coordinated programs and donors that have had a positive impact on healthcare for residents of the Metropolitan St. Louis area. Currently, one in every ten children and adolescents "In our urban communities," have behavioral health concerns. The goal of the Center for Children's Health is to put behavioral health at the forefront of our community's health discussion and not let health issues go unaddressed. The building was designed by Kennedy Associates Inc., the longtime developer of urban building solutions. The contractors for the project were Hankins Construction Company and Raineri Construction. "I am thrilled to see the success of the Center for Children's Health. All too often, children whose behavioral health issues go unaddressed, grow to lead lives of violence and incarceration. It is the time we bring this issue of behavioral health to the forefront of our community's overall health discussion and treat it with the dignity and respect our community deserves." "It is important to be aware and to know how to address behavioral health concerns of our youth," said Mark Sanford, Executive Vice President, People'sHealth Centers. [LA] First flooded homes rebuilt under Restore Louisiana program round into completion (Baton Rouge Advocate, LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (7/16/2017 9:11 AM, David J. Mitchell) The Sibleys are the first household in the state that chose option one and had their job finished, state officials said. But that choice has consequences. It meant the Sibleys had to agree to economy-style finishes for their cabinets, flooring and other improvements. For instance, the Sibleys have Formica counter tops, instead today's more trendy but pricier granite or quartz. The couple said the economy-grade finishes are fine. They were most concerned with saving wooden molding around the fire place, ceiling, floor and the lower part of the walls in their living room. The state contractors were able to do that, the Sibleys said. They also saved some flooring and a Jacuzzi bath tub. Forbes said state officials, estimating that 10 percent to 15 percent of households will chose option one, have set aside $75 million from the program. These jobs are being done by builders hired by IEM. The majority of households are expected to take option two, Forbes said. That option is reserved for residents who want to hire and oversee their own contractor and have the option for upgraded finishes. Homeowners contribute the difference necessary to buy more expensive products, state officials said. Before work started on the Sibleys' home, it also had to undergo an environmental review required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which is the source of the federal recovery dollars granted by Congress. Contractors with IEM do those reviews, the cost of which is built into the state administrator's $225 million contract. HUD-17-0235-B-001393 [OH] Ashland pushes to demolish house where 2 bodies found (Canton Repository, OH) Canton Repository (7/16/2017 6:57 AM, Dylan Sams) Shawn Grate is accused of killing at least four women, including former Canton resident Candice Cunningham, whose body was found in Richland County. ASHLAND The city of Ashland wants to demolish the home where two bodies were found and where alleged serial killer Shawn Grate was arrested. It was revealed during a city council meeting last week that the demolition of that house, at 363 Covert Court, and the neighboring home at 365 Covert Court, could be one of three Community Development Block Grants the city of Ashland will pursue for 2017. Applications for the federal grant were due Friday. City Engineer Shane Kremser said the house could be considered for demolition to eliminate blight. The state of Ohio will have to determine if the house may be rehabilitated. If the house were deemed uninhabitable, it would be one step closer to being demolished. One reason Kremser gave for the house being uninhabitable is the discovery of the two bodies in 363 Covert Court on Sept. 13, 2016, after another woman called 911 and told dispatchers she had been abducted. The houses were boarded up Sept. 15. [TX] College Station City Council approves $1.5 million in affordable-housing grants (Bryan-College Station Eagle, TX) Bryan-College Station Eagle (7/16/2017 3:23 AM, Caitlin Clark) The council on Thursday approved $794,000 in Community Development Partnership Grant (CDBG) funds to Bryan-College Station Habitat for Humanity for acquisition, development and infrastructure costs to construct at least eight affordable singlefamily homes on Renee Lane. Those homes will be available for sale to income-eligible households. Habitat for Humanity's plan to acquire a plot of land on Renee Lane for the housing development was a response to a request for proposals from the city. Construction on Habitat for Humanity homes also is set to begin on three lots on Carolina Street in the next year, Eller said. College Station receives CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to address the growing need for affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents. The council also granted CDBG funds to Twin City Mission for acquisition and rehabilitation costs related to creating four affordable housing units on Blanco Drive. Twin City Mission already owns and manages The Haven Apartments, which provide transitional housing. The $471,500 grant will go toward expanding its current rental program to include a four-plex on Blanco Drive. [TX] Council OKs Small Area Plans (Longview News-Journal, TX) Longview News-Journal (7/14/2017 7:19 AM, Jimmy Isaac) Neighborhood development ideas for downtown Longview and the Interstate 20 corridor areas now are part of city codes and law. City Council members accepted Small Area Plans by unanimous votes during their regular meeting Thursday at City Hall. The plans were crafted by consultants and volunteers under a six-month study costing $205,000. The council also approved action plans for federal development and housing grants as well as a rezone request on Lilly Street. The Small Area Plans, first proposed in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, are a set of regulatory and zoning concepts to develop downtown and I-20 corridor areas. Freese & Nichols consulting firm of Fort Worth was hired by the city and Longview Economic Development Corp., who shared the cost of the contract. Projects suggested by consultants are valued at more than $160 million, including about $100 million for housing options. In other matters, the federal Consolidated Action Plans approved by the council call for more than $825,000 in Community Development Block Grants and Home Investment Partnership funding to be spent in the city for housing, business and other HUD-17-0235-B-001394 development in 2017-18. It represents a 3 percent spending increase from U.S. Housing and Urban Development compared with 2016-17. Community Development and Home Investment Partnership funds pay for affordable housing, public facilities and services and other needs. [TX] Summer program for disadvantaged Waco ISD students could lose city money (Waco Tribune-Herald, TX) Waco Tribune-Herald (7/15/2017 6:08 AM, Shelly Conlon) Project Promise, a three-week summer program that has served low-income Waco ISD students for 18 years, soon may disappear if organizers can't convince the Waco City Council to fund it for next year. Officials with the program will plead their case to the council Tuesday to keep its share of about $180,000 in Community Development Block Grant money the city has split between 11 public service programs for the past several years, they said. The city has slated Project Promise and two programs administered by Mission Waco to quit receiving the money in the city's next budget cycle. The city is working to spread its shrinking pool of grant money among fewer organizations, said Melett Harrison, the city's housing and economic development director. The grant comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the city can only use about 15 percent, or about $180,000 for next year, toward public services, Harrison said. "That's predominately the nonprofits in this community, and they all do very good and important work," Harrison said. "We just don't have a lot of money to spend there." The grant requires monitoring of the programs, and it's not worth distributing a small amount of money when the administrative costs are so steep, she said. The city is looking at a $50,000 minimum threshold, and Project Promise has gotten about $37,000 in recent years. HUD representatives told the city giving small grants to numerous agencies isn't an effective approach, Harrison said. [TX] Starr County To Lose CDBG Funding For Next Two Years (KRGV-TV Channel 5 Weslaco, TX) KRGV-TV Channel 5 Weslaco (7/16/2017 4:38 PM, KRGV-TV Channel 5 Weslaco) STARR COUNTY - Starr County Judge Eloy Vera received a letter recently stating the county wouldn't be able to apply for Community Development Block Grant funding for the next two years. The county audit wasn't completed before the June 30th deadline. An audit is necessary for grant applications. "What this means is that Starr County will not be allowed to apply for CDBG monies because our audit was not completed in a timely manner," said Starr County Judge Eloy Vera. The previous county auditor's contract wasn't renewed in May. Interim auditor Boyd Carter then took office. The auditor's office applied for grant extensions in wake of missing the deadline. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development was the first to officially report back with their decision on CDBG. More granting agencies will soon contact Starr County with their decisions. [Editorial note: VIDEO at source]. [CO] Boulder County exploring options for funding Boston Avenue improvements (Longmont Times-Call, CO) Longmont Times-Call (7/16/2017 2:42 PM, Karen Antonacci) Officials seek grant of about $2 million to close gap Pedestrians walking east on Boston Avenue from the intersection with Sunset Street may be reminded of a Shel Silverstein poem -- it's where the sidewalk ends. Granted, the sidewalk resumes on the eastern side of the bridge, but Longmont resident Paul Tiger says it's unsafe. HUD-17-0235-B-001395 "It's a high traffic area and it's a high industrial traffic area," said Tiger, who rides his bike along the stretch with his dog running beside him. "When I go through there, I put on her a leash and I walk her and I'm not a leash guy. I walk her up to that corner." ADVERTISING Tim Swope, the Boulder County transportation department capital project coordinator, said that Boulder County is applying for a grant that would be just under $2 million and close the sidewalk gap on Boston Avenue. Usually, the county will not construct sidewalks in an area it considers undeveloped and likely to be annexed into a city at some point. But Swope said Boston Avenue is kind of a special case, because transportation officials are applying for a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grant directed at disaster recovery to make the road more resilient to future flooding. [UT] Ogden city begins new redevelopment approach in East-central area (Ogden Standard-Examiner, UT) Ogden Standard-Examiner (7/14/2017 8:14 AM, Mitch Shaw) OGDEN -- Ogden city has officially started the effort to revive one of its East-central neighborhoods, but will be taking a new approach in redeveloping the area. The city council, acting in their capacity as the city's Redevelopment Agency Board, approved a proposal from the Ogden administration Tuesday night to establish the "Adams Survey Area," which is bounded by 20th and 28th Streets, from Washington Boulevard to Jefferson Avenue. A resolution approved by the council authorizes the administration to study the area to identify projects that would spur reinvestment and development in the area. Brandon Cooper, Ogden's deputy director of Community and Economic Development said establishing the survey area begins the process of creating a "Community Reinvestment Area" in the neighborhood. [OR] 21 cranes, 15 hotels, 10,000 jobs: Inside Oregon's development spree (Portland Oregonian, OR) Portland Oregonian (7/16/2017 10:17 AM, Jeff Manning and Anna Marum) John Killin pressed the panic button in February amid a multibillion-dollar tsunami of real estate development. The building frenzy that lit up the Portland-area economy and changed the city irrevocably has depleted the pool of skilled construction workers. In a letter to fellow contractors, Killin warned of a "new normal" of chronic labor shortages. "There are probably 10,000 open jobs out there," said Killin, executive director of the Associated Wall and Ceiling Contractors of Oregon and Southwest Washington. "We need 800 carpenters, we need about the same number of electricians. And there are 20 more trades." Nearly a decade after the Great Recession, the long and frustratingly slow recovery has morphed into a barrage of development that by some measures surpasses the mid-2000s housing bubble. The city issued nearly 12,000 buildings permits through the first 10 months of its current fiscal year for a record $2.5 billion in projects, easily eclipsing the previous high of $1.9 billion set the year before. [CA] Block grant program set for public meeting in Fairfield (Fairfield Daily Republic, CA) Fairfield Daily Republic (7/15/2017 11:50 AM, Ryan McCarthy) FAIRFIELD - The Community Development Block Grant program expected to provide Fairfield with $3.6 million over five years and deal with issues including homelessness will be taken up at a July 26 meeting. A federal Housing and Urban Development count conducted in January 2015 showed 344 people were homeless on a single night in Fairfield - with 166 people lacking shelter, according to a report that is part of the block grant. "The most recent count conducted in January 2017 is predicted to be higher," adds the report, which said results of the newer count are not yet available. HUD-17-0235-B-001396 "Residents and businesses are experiencing an increase of homeless visibility along the North Texas and West Texas corridor, causing more negative impacts on the community while the homeless attempt to find shelter and services." Sonoma County has seen a decrease in homelessness, adds the report, which states that San Francisco's situation has remained the same while Marin has experienced an increase. The annual action plan for the block grant identifies how Fairfield plans to use federal monies to meet the goals in the five-year consolidated plan for the city. Uses include $1.2 million for neighborhood revitalization and $183,352 for administration of the grant. Review of the plans will be held in Lakeside Suite A in the Fairfield Community Center. [CA] Developer seeks six months to vet city land for sale (Fairfield Daily Republic, CA) Fairfield Daily Republic (7/15/2017 11:51 AM, Daily Republic) SUISUN CITY - City Council members will consider a proposal Tuesday regarding a possible development on 34 acres along the northern lines of Highway 12 and west of Marina Boulevard. The land was acquired by the now defunct redevelopment agency and has been transferred to the housing authority. It has been marketed for sale by the city, a staff report notes. Development interest was inconsistent for the current zoning. Last September, city staff talked about the property at a trade conference on shopping centers. Lewis Operating Group, based in Upland, expressed interest and is asking for six months to vet the site. The company could also exercise the option of a 90-day extension to negotiate a possible sale. "Lewis is unique in the fact that they are an experienced developer of retail and residential product," the staff report states. "Lewis is not a homebuilder but acts as the"master developer" for mixed-use projects. "Lewis develops and holds it retail and multi-family product, any residential lots entitled as part of Lewis' projects are sold to merchant builders." [CA] Marin Voice: A vision of historic preservation and sustainability for Marin City (Marin Independent Journal, CA) Marin Independent Journal (7/14/2017 3:02 PM, Royce McLemore) After reading the column by Dick Spotswood, it was clear that Golden Gate Village Resident Council needs to again share our plan to determine our destiny in Marin City, Marin County. I could go into depth about how the wealthy receive more subsidies through mortgage tax deductions than any family living at Golden Gate Village receives as safety net subsidy. The reason for writing this now is not to focus on the disadvantaged, it is about the equalizing advantage in resourcing and adopting the Resident Plan for revitalization and inclusive growth. It is about bringing Golden Gate Village in line with Marin Civic Center. While historic preservation protects Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural gift, our strategy for "Deep Green Renovation and Restoration" protects the gift in design of a unique low-income community, restoring legacy of a local economy supporting working families. The end result is immediate path to living and middle-class wages for populations like Marin City that have been disproportionately impacted by shifts in the economy. Relationships with local community colleges, foundations, community development institutions and socially responsible local businesses make this approach possible, feasible, and viable. Adopting strategy for evolution of employment and ownership via investment in innovative new manufacturing and place-based thinking, is the best method of moving Marin City legacy into a rich future for both people and place. The Resident Plan also uses national, regional and local precedents for evolution of homeownership. The most recent example, a real story of effort by community, Townhomes on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., a unique development because its setup as a limited-equity cooperative. Each resident's initial payment to buy-in to the cooperative as well as their carrying charge is based on their yearly income. Equity and shared ownership brings property to life for residents, resulting in financial self-sufficiency that does not require ongoing funding or subsidies from HUD to operate. A version of this concept currently in Marin City is the Ponderosa Estates. HUD-17-0235-B-001397 [CA] Newest Salinas recreation center opening delayed until '18 (Californian Online - Salinas, CA) Californian Online - Salinas (7/16/2017 12:54 PM, Amy Wu) The center's main space will be available for use after HVAC and lighting upgrades are complete. The 13,150 square feet center could include a climbing wall, pool tables, basketball court, a homework center and provide WiFi for visitors. The three-phase project, estimated at $1.8 million, is being funded in large part by Community Development Block Grant money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and a $100,000 injection from Measure G, the sales tax where revenue is designated to be spent on public safety. More parks, recreation centers, and green space remain on the top of the wish lists of many city residents. That's primarily because the average age of the city's population is 28 and 50% of the population is under 18. Salinas - with a population of 161,000 - currently has a total of 42 parks, seven recreation centers, and an aquatics center. National News Landlord alert: New index aims to take the risk out of rental investing (CNBC) CNBC (7/14/2017 11:27 AM, Diana Olick) VIDEO. Demand for single-family rental homes has never been stronger and, consequently, more investors are hoping to get in on the game. From large institutions buying thousands of homes to individual investors hoping to see strong returns on just a few properties, the competition is high. And so is the risk, especially for novices. New companies hoping to help investors in every phase of the process -- and cash in on their growing demand -- have ranked large local markets for potential returns. Now, one claims it can gauge right down to the neighborhood level. Roofstock, an online single-family rental marketplace, is launching a "neighborhood rating algorithm," analyzing more than 72,000 separate Census tracks and ranking their risk. It goes beyond home values and average rent to include dozens of factors, such as income levels, employment rates, education levels, percentage of owner-occupied homes and school district ratings. It then ranks each neighborhood on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the most risky. Majority of Americans oppose Trump tax plan (Politico) Politico (7/14/2017 12:12 PM, Brian Faler) Most Americans -- including more than one-third of Republicans -- oppose President Trump's tax plans, a new survey finds. In an ominous sign for lawmakers working to reach a consensus with the administration, 62 percent of poll respondents said they don't support Trump's proposal; 24 percent said they back it. Republicans are evenly split, with 41 percent opposed and a nearly identical 40 percent in favor, according to the POLITICOHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health survey. Democrats are overwhelmingly against the plan, with 85 percent opposed, along with 60 percent of independents. Most respondents said they don't believe the proposal would improve the economy, and three-quarters said it would either hurt them personally or make no difference in their lives. Citi mortgage originations slashed in half in second quarter (HousingWire) HousingWire (7/14/2017 10:43 AM, Brena Swanson) Continues to exit mortgage servicing HUD-17-0235-B-001398 To no surprise, Citigroup continued to pull away from mortgages, with mortgage originations falling by more than half, as shown in its latest second quarter earnings release. Citigroup reported in its earnings released early Friday morning that net income for the second quarter 2017 reached $3.9 billion, or $1.28 per diluted share, on revenues of $17.9 billion. This compared to net income of $4 billion, or $1.24 per diluted share, on revenues of $17.5 billion for the second quarter 2016. The bank's EPS of $1.28 beat by $0.07, and its revenue of $17.9 billion beat by $530 million. Mortgage originations, however, did not perform as well. The bank's supplemental release revealed that originations of residential first mortgages fell to $3.1 billion in the second quarter, falling 52% from $6.4 billion in the second quarter of last year. This is also down 18% from $3.8 billion in the first quarter of this year. Credit availability hits highest level since 2016 (HousingWire) HousingWire (7/14/2017 12:50 PM, Kelsey Ramirez) Credit availability remained historically tight in the first quarter of 2017, but increased slightly from the previous quarter to the highest level since 2016. The credit availability index from Housing Finance Policy Center shows mortgage credit availability increased to 5.4 in the first quarter. This is up from 5.2 in the fourth quarter. However, the chart below which uses data from eMBS, CoreLogic, HMDA, IMF and the Urban Institute, shows this is still extremely tight compared to historical standards. The HCAI measures the percentage of home purchase loans that are likely to default, go unpaid for more than 90 days past their due date. A lower HCAI indicates that lenders are unwilling to tolerate defaults and are imposing tighter lending standards, making it harder to get a loan. A higher HCAI indicates that lenders are willing to tolerate defaults and are taking more risks, making it easier to get a loan. [Editorial note: GRAPHIC at source]. On the side of consumers (Eugene Register-Guard, OR) Eugene Register-Guard (7/17/2017 5:00 AM, Editorial) The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is in the crosshairs of the Republican-controlled Congress and the Trump administration -- both of which would dearly love to make it go away. But if the bureau -- whose sole job is protect consumers in the financial marketplace -- goes down, it's going to go down fighting. Last week it issued a rule telling some banks, credit-card companies and other financial firms that they can no longer block consumers from joining class-action lawsuits if they feel they have been ripped off. This is important for several reasons. In disputes with financial services companies, few consumers opt to go through a lengthy mandatory arbitration process, which often has the only option some companies allowed. Also, class action lawsuits tend to end abuses. If a company loses, it not only often has to pay a significant amount of money, the settlement usually requires it to quit doing whatever landed it in court. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, threatened Richard Cordray, head of the consumer agency, with contempt if he went through with the new regulation. Cordray did so anyway. Wells Fargo mortgage banking income plummets 19% (HousingWire) HousingWire (7/14/2017 10:22 AM, Kelsey Ramirez) HUD-17-0235-B-001399 Net income edges up Wells Fargo released its earnings statement early Friday morning for the second quarter 2017 which showed mortgage banking income partially offset other gains in earnings. Mortgage banking income dropped to $1.15 billion in the second quarter, down 19% from last year's $1.41 billion. Last quarter, mortgage banking income decreased to $1.23 billion. But this comes as no surprise to the market, which expected a drop in mortgage originations. The Mortgage Bankers Association even updated its forecast for the year to represent the dip. Net income, however, decreased in spite of this drop to $5.81 billion. This is up 5% from the second quarter last year's $5.56 billion, and represents a diluted earnings per share increase of 6% to $1.07, up from $1 last year. Wells Fargo, Citi, Chase results show 2017 will be a down year for big bank mortgages (HousingWire) HousingWire (7/16/2017 1:53 PM, Ben Lane) A deep dive into the mortgage business at the big banks Market observers were already predicting that 2017 would be a rough year for mortgages, at least compared to 2016. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise that when Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase reported their financial results for the first half of the year mortgages were not a significant driver of revenue. But a deeper dive into the big banks' results shows that while mortgages are still ingrained into the futures of Wells Fargo and Chase, Citi continues to move further and further way from mortgages. Friday's results also provide added confirmation that 2017 will not be kind to mortgages, for the big banks at least. CFPB proposes HMDA changes for community banks and credit unions (HousingWire) HousingWire (7/16/2017 9:04 AM, Brena Swanson) Seeks comments on the 100-loan threshold The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a proposed rule on Friday to reassess a section included in the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) that pertains to community banks and credit unions. As it stands, the rule is set to take effect in January 2018. The CFPB stated that it's looking into the reporting requirements for banks and credit unions that issue home-equity lines of credit. Under the rule, financial institutions are generally required to report home-equity lines of credit if they made 100 such loans in each of the last two years. But this could change depending on the feedback the bureau gets from the proposed rule. The new proposal would increase that threshold to 500 loans through calendar years 2018 and 2019 so that the CFPB can consider whether to make a permanent adjustment. America's largest cities are so expensive that some millennials are crowdfunding their homes (seattlepi.com, WA) seattlepi.com (7/16/2017 2:38 PM, Leanna Garfield, Business Insider) For many American millennials, buying a new home in a city like Los Angeles or Washington DC can seem like a pipe dream. According to a recent survey by Apartment List, 80% of millennials -- defined as those born between 1980 and 1995 -- say they HUD-17-0235-B-001400 want to buy a home, but most have less than $1,000 saved a for a down payment. Meanwhile, buying a house in America's largest cities is more expensive now than ever. A severe housing shortage in LA, for example, has led over 400,000 households to spend more than half their income on housing. Fundrise, a housing management company based in DC, has developed a new investment platform, called the eFund, that aims to alleviate housing costs for young people. It's sort of like crowdfunding for homes: Prospective homebuyers purchase shares (a minimum investment is 100 shares, currently $10 each), the sum of which funds housing renovations and new developments in their city. These investors then get notified through the "eFund Pool" about finished homes, which are offered at up to a 10% lower price than it would be if they were going through a broker. [NY] NYSUM harassment is getting worse (Queens Chronicle, NY) Queens Chronicle (7/14/2017 8:00 AM, Anthony O'Reilly) Legal Aid says it's considering asking judge to 'weigh in on their conduct' The residents of the New York School of Urban Ministry building in Astoria aren't strangers to alleged harassment by their landlord - but the tactics, they say, are becoming more vicious. "They'll approach you as you're sitting at your computer doing work and point-blank ask you 'So when are you leaving?'" said tenant Linda Smith. "Two weeks ago, they went on the men's floor ... and told them 'Get out. You have to move. Get out.'" "It's getting worse," Smith added. In response to the new "harassment" tactics allegedly deployed by the landlord, area elected officials and the attorney for some of the residents issued a statement last Friday condemning NYSUM leadership for their actions. [DC] In Southwest D.C., a Federal-style brick house is a rare slice of early Washington (Washington Post) Washington Post (7/14/2017 7:25 AM, Kathy Orton) The Federal-style brick house in Southwest Washington is one of the few buildings still standing in the nation's capital built during the period of land speculation when the seat of government was being transferred from Philadelphia to Washington. The Thomas Law House, also known as Honeymoon House, was erected between 1794 and 1796. Designed by William Lovering, the home was constructed by Morris, Nicholson and Greenleaf, a syndicate that built its share of brick houses in the city. Law was a member of a wealthy English family who came to America with his three sons after making his fortune in India. He was frequently described as one of Washington's wealthiest citizens. After marrying Martha Washington's granddaughter, Elizabeth Parke Custis, a woman 20 years younger than him, Law moved into the home in Southwest Washington. The Laws lived there during their honeymoon while awaiting completion of their home on New Jersey Avenue. Their marriage lasted only eight years and produced one child, a daughter, Eliza, born in 1797. After separating in 1804, the couple divorced in 1811. Law was granted custody of their daughter and agreed to pay Elizabeth $1,500 per year. [IL] Aldermen got loans from bank led by lawyer, OKed his clients projects (Chicago Sun-Times, IL) Chicago Sun-Times (7/14/2017 9:29 AM, Chicago Sun-Times) While backing plans to build condos in their wards, two aldermen representing Logan Square, Humboldt Park, Wicker Park and other booming neighborhoods got loans from a bank headed by the lawyer for the developers, a Chicago Sun-Times HUD-17-0235-B-001401 investigation has found. Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26th) and Ald. Proco Joe Moreno (1st) each has gotten mortgages from Belmont Bank & Trust, according to a Sun-Times' review of the more than 1,200 mortgages that the small, Northwest Side bank has made since it opened 11 years ago. Maldonado's loans totaled nearly $1 million, Moreno's $825,000, according to records and interviews. The chairman of the bank? James Banks, who's also one of the city's busiest zoning and development lawyers. He is the largest shareholder in Belmont Bank, according to records it filed with the Federal Reserve Bank. [IL] Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years (Chicago Tribune, IL) Chicago Tribune (7/14/2017 6:53 AM, Marwa Eltagouri) VIDEO. In a neighborhood as large as Austin, each block can be its own world. The tree-lined ones, with restored Victorian homes or brick two-flats and kids playing in polished gardens, are what residents call good blocks. They're free of the shootings and drug deals that plague others. But those other blocks, dotted with boarded-up houses and vacant lots with overgrown weeds, are often down the street or around the corner. Austin is the city's largest neighborhood geographically, and was the most populated for 45 years. But as the West Side neighborhood's gun violence has increased, so too has families' realization that at any moment the shootings can creep into their blocks -- even the good blocks. Austin's residents are leaving, with some saying goodbye to the place they've called home their entire lives. "They're scared because even though it's not right here, on their block, the whole thing is still surrounding (them)," said Tiffany Smith, a 35-year-old Austin resident who brought her young daughter to visit her grandmother's house near South Laramie Avenue on a recent June afternoon. They sat on the porch together, kneading play dough, just a block from where five people were shot the night before. [TX] Texas' biggest assisted-living facility for Medicaid closing (Denton Record-Chronicle, TX) Denton Record-Chronicle (7/16/2017 3:33 AM, Emily Schmall) WGH Heritage reported a more than $2 million deficit in its latest tax filing. It also posted multi-million-dollar deficits in 2014 and 2013. Five years ago, the company defaulted on its loans and restructured $20 million in debt backed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. WGH Heritage agreed in 2015 to pay $30,000 in civil penalties to the Texas attorney general's office to settle a lawsuit stemming from complaints that the assisted-living facility did not have a working sprinkler system for eight months in 2012, Tarrant County district clerk records show. The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services investigated dozens of complaints in 2012. Now, under the words "Wall of Excellence," Sweeney proudly displays state complaint forms. Many of the forms show that the complaints of license violations were unsubstantiated. Forms with bright yellow stickers indicate where regulators did find violations, and say that additional records can be found at the front desk. Texas regulators last investigated a complaint about the facility in March, concluding it had "failed to follow its internal policies regarding the prevention, detection, and reporting of abuse, neglect, or exploitation," records show. [CA] Venice Beach Is a Hot Place to Live, So Why Is Its Housing Supply Shrinking? (Wall Street Journal) Wall Street Journal (7/17/2017 5:20 AM, Laura Kusisto) HUD-17-0235-B-001402 Venice Beach is the toughest neighborhood to build new housing in U.S., followed by Prospect-Lefferts Gardens in Brooklyn and Philadelphia's Fishtown Venice, Calif., is one of the nation's hottest neighborhoods, brimming with affluent young residents and technology startups like Snap chat parent Snap Inc. But in one respect, it bears little resemblance to a boomtown: It hasn't gained a single housing unit in 15 years. The ZIP Code encompassing this vibrant Los Angeles precinct is the toughest place in America to build housing, according to an analysis of housing data conducted for The Wall Street Journal by Issi Romem, chief economist at BuildZoom, a website for contractors. In all, the area, which encompasses Venice Beach, had about 700 fewer housing units in 2015 than in 2000, as apartment development stalled and wealthy homeowners gobbled up adjacent properties and leveled them. Home prices in the ZIP Code have more than tripled in those 15 years, rising 246% compared with the national average of 52% in the period, according to Mr. Romem's analysis. Venice Beach is an extreme example of what has been happening in wealthy urban enclaves across the U.S. that have been resisting new housing development in recent years. Headlines The Washington Post (7/15/2017 7:00 AM) Music labels battle YouTube over royalties In memo, DHS requests more power to deport Next target for health bill: GOP governors Lobbyist attended Trump Jr. meeting Silicon Valley uses tech to fight sexual harassment (7/16/2017 7:00 AM) Ivanka Inc. One state's role in fate of bill on health care Communities in anguish over reviving opioid addicts Water as therapy for the trauma of the sea Trump's approval rating takes hit (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) Suburbia is left scrambling as firms relocate to big cities Nevada's rocky health-care future UAE tied to hack targeting Qatar U.S. flood insurance program struggling Build a chapel, and perhaps they won't come The New York Times (7/15/2017 7:00 AM) Governors From Both Parties Denounce Senate Obamacare Repeal Bill Russian-American Lobbyist Attended Meeting Organized by Trump's Son Back in Afghan Hot Spot, U.S. Marines Chase Diminished Goals Quit Your Job for a Better One? Not if You Live in Idaho Ruling Threatens Hong Kong's Independence From China Columbia Settles With Student Cast as a Rapist in Mattress Art Project (7/16/2017 7:00 AM) Iran Dominates in Iraq After U.S. 'Handed the Country Over' In Clash Over Health Bill, a Growing Fear of 'Junk Insurance' Soviet Veteran Who Met With Trump Jr. Is a Master of the Dark Arts At a Luxury Complex in India, the Maids and the Madams Go to War HUD-17-0235-B-001403 Cardinals on Opposite Sides of the Hudson Reflect Two Paths of Catholicism Going Around Trump, Governors Embark on Their Own Diplomatic Missions (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) A Top Republican Vows a Vote on Health Care, but Uncertainty Reigns After N.F.L. Concussion Settlement, Feeding Frenzy of Lawyers and Lenders Behind Bucks County Killings, a Young Life Skidding Off the Rails She's His Rock. His Parole Officer Won't Let Him See Her. Qatar Opens Its Doors to All, to the Dismay of Some A Russian Developer Helps Out the Kremlin on Occasion. Was He a Conduit to Trump? Roger Federer Wins Record-Breaking Eighth Wimbledon Title The Wall Street Journal (7/15/2017 and 7/16/2017 7:00 AM) Optimism in Financial Markets Fails to Show in Real Economy States to Health Insurers: Please Come Back Startup Part-Owned by Kushner Brother Got Key Tech Invite Singapore, a Model of Orderly Rule, Is Jolted by a Bitter Family Feud At Whataburger, 'Take a Number' Means Something Entirely Different (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) GOP Push to Pass Health-Care Law Faces New Setback Trian to Launch Proxy Fight Against P&G Two VIP Billionaires Teamed Up to Run Luxury Hotels. It's Been a Slog From $2 Billion to Zero: A Fund Goes Bust in the Oil Patch ABC News (7/16/2017 3:30 PM) Secret Service dismisses Trump lawyer's claim about Russia meeting Oscar-winning actor Martin Landau dies at 89 Vigil held to remember 4 men found dead on Pennsylvania farm NBC News (7/16/2017 3:30 PM) Bipartisan Group That Shares Voter Data Shames Trump Panel We Need Him': McCain Surgery Throws Health Care Vote in Flux Half Approve of Trump in Counties That Fueled His Win CBS News (7/16/2017 3:30 PM) Despite low job approval, Trump remains defiant Martin Landau, Oscar-winning actor, dead at 89 Man suspected of shooting Georgia deputy kills self, authorities say Washington Schedule President (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Vice President (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) The White House See source link. Schedule not yet available. Senate (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) HUD-17-0235-B-001404 Senate Foreign Relations 5:00 PM -- SD-419 Hearings to examine the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2018 for the Department of State and State Department reorganization plans. House of Representatives (7/17/2017 7:00 AM) House of Representatives 5:00 pm Hearing: H.R. 806Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017 Rules Committee Print 115-26 showing the text of H.R. 806 as ordered reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce Committee on Rules: 7:00 pm Markup: Full Committee Markup: FY2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill Committee on Appropriations: Multiple Subcommittees {End of Report} Disclaimer: The information and views expressed in this News Briefing do not necessarily represent the views of HUD or the United States and do not constitute an endorsement by the Department. HUD-17-0235-B-001405 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: FW: Monthly Ethics Briefing Deputy Secretary Conference Room Start: End: Wed 7/26/2017 10:00 AM Wed 7/26/2017 10:30 AM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Required Attendees: Optional Attendees: Zorc, Bethany A Zorc, Bethany A; Hughes, Andrew; McCall, Drew A Alexander, Mason; Appleton, Seth D; Bacon, James A; Barton, Victoria L; Bass, Deana; Beckles, Angela L; Bourne, Christopher M; Bowes, Robert B; Brown, Christina M; Browning, Austin G; Burley, Michael N; Byrd, David J; Coffey, Alexander; Coressel, Jacie; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Demarzo, Benjamin E; Dendas, Michael W; Eagles, David T; Gaines, Ralph H; Gibbs, John; Gormley, Joseph M; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gribbin, William J; Hobbs, Benjamin R; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Hunter, Matthew F; Joy, Johnson P; Kasper, Maren M; Kelley, Michael J; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Marzol, Adolfo F; Mills, Allison F; Petty, Timothy J; Roget, Gisele G; Shosky, John E; Thompson, Amy C; Thompson, Caitlin H; Wade, Dana T; Williams, Raphael L; Woll Jr, David C; Youngblood, Richard A; Bright, Michael R; Ludlow, Ashley We will discuss FOIA, the Privacy Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other related confidentiality rules. HUD-17-0235-B-001406 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: Canceled: Monthly Ethics Briefing Deputy Secretary Conference Room Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 8/16/2017 10:00 AM Wed 8/16/2017 10:30 AM Free Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Required Attendees: Optional Attendees: Zorc, Bethany A Hughes, Andrew; McCall, Drew A; Simpson, Kevin M Alexander, Mason; Appleton, Seth D; Bacon, James A; Barton, Victoria L; Bass, Deana; Beckles, Angela L; Bourne, Christopher M; Bowes, Robert B; Brown, Christina M; Browning, Austin G; Burley, Michael N; Byrd, David J; Coffey, Alexander; Coressel, Jacie; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Demarzo, Benjamin E; Dendas, Michael W; Eagles, David T; Gaines, Ralph H; Gibbs, John; Gormley, Joseph M; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gribbin, William J; Hobbs, Benjamin R; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Hunter, Matthew F; Joy, Johnson P; Kasper, Maren M; Kelley, Michael J; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Marzol, Adolfo F; Mills, Allison F; Petty, Timothy J; Roget, Gisele G; Shosky, John E; Thompson, Amy C; Thompson, Caitlin H; Wade, Dana T; Williams, Raphael L; Woll Jr, David C; Youngblood, Richard A; Bright, Michael R; Ludlow, Ashley; Haller, Julia Z We will discuss FOIA, the Privacy Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other related confidentiality rules. HUD-17-0235-B-001407 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: DRA, VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 VTC & HQs, OFPM Conf Room 2116 ( Call in number is in case of VTC issues only: 877-336-1828 PIN 7560939) Start: End: Thu 8/10/2017 10:30 AM Thu 8/10/2017 4:45 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Required Attendees: Forero, Jaime E FPM_Deputy_Regional_Administrators; OFPM - Field Operations; Beckles, Angela L; Glekas, Pamela; Williams, Darlene F; Scott, Paul A; Bregon, Nelson R; Hunter, Matthew F; Appleton, Seth D; Greene, Bryan; Mills, Krista; Kelly, Holly A; Routt, Lora D Allen, Denise L; Franceschini-Petty, Raquel; Sauseda, Wayne E; Look, Michael S; KAREN.A.LAKE@HUD.GOV; Webb, Randall; Lawyer, Michael C; Ramon, Nicolas; Cunningham, James A; Taylor, Christopher D; Ladd, Bruce L; Manning, Julie M; Van Duyne, Beth A; Martinez, Michael J; Douglas, Lashawn N; Foye, Kristine G; Orlova, Veronika L; Awwal, Tanim B; Agans, Suzette M; Nowinski, Lisa K; Mitchell, Rashida L; Orriols, Mirza; Lawanda J Young (LaWanda.J.Young@hud.gov); Winslow McGiill (winslow.mcgill@hud.gov); Mohr, Paul H; Malik, Munir A; Stewart, Lisa; Maydwell, Daigo C Optional Attendees: DRA's, by now the VTC staff in your regions have let you know that we will be holding a DRA, VTC meeting in lieu of the quarterly DRA face to face here in the DC headquarters. My apologies that you heard it from them first. Below is the agenda. We have compressed the meeting to 6 hours to fit in all the topics we usually discuss and to accommodate our west coast family. Pam, myself, Darlene and Paul will have our staff on hand for portions of our respective sessions to facilitate an effective discussion. We have included an optional block for those that want to stay on and explore these or other issues with the HQs team in more depth. Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Who Mr. Hunter, Assistant Deputy Secretary Mr. Bregon, Associate Assistant Deputy Se Ms. Angela Beckles, Special Assistant to th Secretary HUD-17-0235-B-001408 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) FY2017 LOP Updates: o Community Partnerships o Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff 11:30 - 11:45 BREAK 11:45 - 12:00 Davis-Bacon 12:00 - 12:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 12:30 - 12:45 LUNCH 12:45 - 1:30 OFPM Administration Updates VISIONING THE FUTURE HUD FIELD PRESENCE 1. Effective and Efficient Field Customer/Client Relationship Management 2. Re-imagining our Structure and Operations 3. Maximizing Human Resource: Recruitment Training and Retention 5. Utilization of Business Analytics and Information 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements 2:15 - 2:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:30 - 2:45 OPA Update 2:45 - 3:15 CIR/OPE Update 3:15 - 3:45 Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for P Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Relations & All AFFH Update 3:45 - 4:15 Krista Mills, Deputy Assistant Secretary, F Open Discussion 4:15 - 4:30 All Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 AADS Bregon, DRAs & HQs Managers 4:45 -5:30 DRAs & OFPM Managers Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select St Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff 4. 6. Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff HUD-17-0235-B-001409 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: DRA, VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 VTC & HQs, OFPM Conf Room 2116 ( Call in number is in case of VTC issues only: 877-336-1828 PIN 7560939) Start: End: Show Time As: Thu 8/10/2017 10:30 AM Thu 8/10/2017 4:45 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Forero, Jaime E FPM_Deputy_Regional_Administrators; OFPM - Field Operations; Beckles, Angela L; Glekas, Pamela; Williams, Darlene F; Scott, Paul A; Bregon, Nelson R; Hunter, Matthew F; Appleton, Seth D; Greene, Bryan; Mills, Krista; Kelly, Holly A; Routt, Lora D Allen, Denise L; Franceschini-Petty, Raquel; Sauseda, Wayne E; Look, Michael S; KAREN.A.LAKE@HUD.GOV; Webb, Randall; Lawyer, Michael C; Ramon, Nicolas; Cunningham, James A; Taylor, Christopher D; Ladd, Bruce L; Manning, Julie M; Van Duyne, Beth A; Martinez, Michael J; Douglas, Lashawn N; Foye, Kristine G; Orlova, Veronika L; Awwal, Tanim B; Agans, Suzette M; Nowinski, Lisa K; Mitchell, Rashida L; Orriols, Mirza; Lawanda J Young (LaWanda.J.Young@hud.gov); Winslow McGiill (winslow.mcgill@hud.gov); Mohr, Paul H; Malik, Munir A; Stewart, Lisa; Maydwell, Daigo C; Ryan, Marcus D; Yearwood, Marcelline; Hemphill, Portia R; Lockwood, David W; Cobb, Eric R; Thompson, Amy C; Sullivan, Brian E Optional Attendees: DRA's, by now the VTC staff in your regions have let you know that we will be holding a DRA, VTC meeting in lieu of the quarterly DRA face to face here in the DC headquarters. My apologies that you heard it from them first. Below is the agenda. We have compressed the meeting to 6 hours to fit in all the topics we usually discuss and to accommodate our west coast family. Pam, myself, Darlene and Paul will have our staff on hand for portions of our respective sessions to facilitate an effective discussion. We have included an optional block for those that want to stay on and explore these or other issues with the HQs team in more depth. Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, Assistant Deputy Secretary Mr. Bregon, Associate Assistant Deputy Se HUD-17-0235-B-001410 Weekly Reports OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) FY2017 LOP Updates: o Community Partnerships o Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles, Special Assistant to th Secretary 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff 11:30 - 11:45 BREAK 11:45 - 12:00 Davis-Bacon 12:00 - 12:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 12:30 - 12:45 LUNCH 12:45 - 1:30 OFPM Administration Updates VISIONING THE FUTURE HUD FIELD PRESENCE 1. Effective and Efficient Field Customer/Client Relationship Management 2. Re-imagining our Structure and Operations 3. Maximizing Human Resource: Recruitment Training and Retention 5. Utilization of Business Analytics and Information 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements 2:15 - 2:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:30 - 2:45 OPA Update 2:45 - 3:15 CIR/OPE Update 3:15 - 3:45 Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for P Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Relations & All AFFH Update 3:45 - 4:15 Krista Mills, Deputy Assistant Secretary, F Open Discussion 4:15 - 4:30 All Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 AADS Bregon, DRAs & HQs Managers 4:45 -5:30 DRAs & OFPM Managers Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select St Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff 4. 6. Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff HUD-17-0235-B-001411 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: DRA, VTC Meeting - August 10, 2017 VTC & HQs, OFPM Conf Room 2116 ( Call in number is in case of VTC issues only: 877-336-1828 PIN 7560939) Start: End: Show Time As: Thu 8/10/2017 10:30 AM Thu 8/10/2017 4:45 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Forero, Jaime E FPM_Deputy_Regional_Administrators; OFPM - Field Operations; Beckles, Angela L; Glekas, Pamela; Williams, Darlene F; Scott, Paul A; Bregon, Nelson R; Hunter, Matthew F; Appleton, Seth D; Greene, Bryan; Mills, Krista; Kelly, Holly A; Routt, Lora D Allen, Denise L; Franceschini-Petty, Raquel; Sauseda, Wayne E; Look, Michael S; KAREN.A.LAKE@HUD.GOV; Webb, Randall; Lawyer, Michael C; Ramon, Nicolas; Cunningham, James A; Taylor, Christopher D; Ladd, Bruce L; Manning, Julie M; Van Duyne, Beth A; Martinez, Michael J; Douglas, Lashawn N; Foye, Kristine G; Orlova, Veronika L; Awwal, Tanim B; Agans, Suzette M; Nowinski, Lisa K; Mitchell, Rashida L; Orriols, Mirza; Lawanda J Young (LaWanda.J.Young@hud.gov); Winslow McGiill (winslow.mcgill@hud.gov); Mohr, Paul H; Malik, Munir A; Stewart, Lisa; Maydwell, Daigo C; Ryan, Marcus D; Yearwood, Marcelline; Hemphill, Portia R; Lockwood, David W; Cobb, Eric R; Thompson, Amy C; Sullivan, Brian E Optional Attendees: DRA's, by now the VTC staff in your regions have let you know that we will be holding a DRA, VTC meeting in lieu of the quarterly DRA face to face here in the DC headquarters. My apologies that you heard it from them first. Below is the agenda. We have compressed the meeting to 6 hours to fit in all the topics we usually discuss and to accommodate our west coast family. Pam, myself, Darlene and Paul will have our staff on hand for portions of our respective sessions to facilitate an effective discussion. We have included an optional block for those that want to stay on and explore these or other issues with the HQs team in more depth. Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 (desk) (iPhone) (b) (6) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Who Mr. Hunter, Assistant Deputy Secretary Mr. Bregon, Associate Assistant Deputy Se HUD-17-0235-B-001412 Weekly Reports OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) FY2017 LOP Updates: o Community Partnerships o Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBEC Update Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Angela Beckles, Special Assistant to th Secretary 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff 11:30 - 11:45 BREAK 11:45 - 12:00 Davis-Bacon 12:00 - 12:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 12:30 - 12:45 LUNCH 12:45 - 1:30 OFPM Administration Updates VISIONING THE FUTURE HUD FIELD PRESENCE 1. Effective and Efficient Field Customer/Client Relationship Management 2. Re-imagining our Structure and Operations 3. Maximizing Human Resource: Recruitment Training and Retention 5. Utilization of Business Analytics and Information 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements 2:15 - 2:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:30 - 2:45 OPA Update 2:45 - 3:15 CIR/OPE Update 3:15 - 3:45 Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for P Seth Appleton, Acting Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Relations & All AFFH Update 3:45 - 4:15 Krista Mills, Deputy Assistant Secretary, F Open Discussion 4:15 - 4:30 All Wrap-Up 4:30 - 4:45 AADS Bregon, DRAs & HQs Managers 4:45 -5:30 DRAs & OFPM Managers Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select St Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff 4. 6. Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Staff HUD-17-0235-B-001413 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: Monthly Ethics Briefing Deputy Secretary's Conference Room Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 8/23/2017 10:00 AM Wed 8/23/2017 10:30 AM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Zorc, Bethany A Zorc, Bethany A; Hughes, Andrew; Coffey, Alexander; Barton, Victoria L; Bass, Deana; Beckles, Angela L; Bowes, Robert B; Byrd, David J; Fitzpatrick, Nora S; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gruson, Barbara; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Kasper, Maren M; McCall, Drew A; Patton, Lynne M; Petty, Timothy J; Youngblood, Richard A; Williams, Raphael L; Browning, Austin G; Gribbin, William J; Dendas, Michael W; DeFelice, Joseph J; Thompson, Amy C; Demarzo, Benjamin E; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Coressel, Jacie; Bacon, James A; Marzol, Adolfo F; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Burley, Michael N; Eagles, David T; Shosky, John E; Alexander, Mason; Gibbs, John; Gormley, Joseph M; Bourne, Christopher M; Joy, Johnson P; Hobbs, Benjamin R; Gaines, Ralph H; Mills, Allison F; Woll Jr, David C; Appleton, Seth D; Bright, Michael R; Ludlow, Ashley; Kelley, Michael J; Wade, Dana T; Brown, Christina M; Hunter, Matthew F; Roget, Gisele G Bravacos, John G Optional Attendees: We will discuss FOIA, the Privacy Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other related confidentiality rules. HUD-17-0235-B-001414 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: Monthly Ethics Briefing Deputy Secretary's Conference Room Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 8/23/2017 10:00 AM Wed 8/23/2017 10:30 AM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Zorc, Bethany A Hughes, Andrew; Coffey, Alexander; Barton, Victoria L; Bass, Deana; Beckles, Angela L; Bowes, Robert B; Byrd, David J; Fitzpatrick, Nora S; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gruson, Barbara; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Kasper, Maren M; McCall, Drew A; Patton, Lynne M; Petty, Timothy J; Youngblood, Richard A; Williams, Raphael L; Browning, Austin G; Gribbin, William J; Dendas, Michael W; DeFelice, Joseph J; Thompson, Amy C; Demarzo, Benjamin E; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Coressel, Jacie; Bacon, James A; Marzol, Adolfo F; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Burley, Michael N; Eagles, David T; Shosky, John E; Alexander, Mason; Gibbs, John; Gormley, Joseph M; Bourne, Christopher M; Joy, Johnson P; Hobbs, Benjamin R; Gaines, Ralph H; Mills, Allison F; Woll Jr, David C; Appleton, Seth D; Bright, Michael R; Ludlow, Ashley; Kelley, Michael J; Wade, Dana T; Brown, Christina M; Hunter, Matthew F; Roget, Gisele G We will discuss FOIA, the Privacy Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other related confidentiality rules. HUD-17-0235-B-001415 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: eDiscovery question CIR Conference room 10210 Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 10/18/2017 11:00 AM Wed 10/18/2017 12:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Dendas, Michael W Washburn, Tenille E; McGirt, Eugene A; Foster, Helen G; Seth D Appleton (Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov); Kelley, Michael J Aten, Nina R.; Brandt, William; Roach, Raymond W; Wright, Sandra J; Smallwood, Marcus R Optional Attendees: Meeting to discuss FOIA and Congressional Request processes. Call in 1-888-273-3658 Access (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001416 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: eDiscovery question CIR Conference room 10210 Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 10/18/2017 11:00 AM Wed 10/18/2017 12:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Dendas, Michael W Washburn, Tenille E; McGirt, Eugene A; Foster, Helen G; Seth D Appleton (Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov); Kelley, Michael J Aten, Nina R.; Brandt, William; Roach, Raymond W; Wright, Sandra J; Smallwood, Marcus R Optional Attendees: Meeting to discuss FOIA and Congressional Request processes. HUD-17-0235-B-001417 Helmick, Ky le E Subject: Location: eDiscovery question CIR Conference room 10210 Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 10/18/2017 11:00 AM Wed 10/18/2017 12:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Dendas, Michael W Washburn, Tenille E; McGirt, Eugene A; Foster, Helen G; Seth D Appleton (Seth.D.Appleton@hud.gov); Kelley, Michael J Aten, Nina R.; Brandt, William; Roach, Raymond W; Wright, Sandra J; Smallwood, Marcus R Optional Attendees: Meeting to discuss FOIA and Congressional Request processes. Call in 1-888-273-3658 Access (b) (6) HUD-17-0235-B-001418 U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFACE OF ADMINISTRATION HAY 1 '2018 Mr. Austin R. Evers Executive Director American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: 17-FI-HQ-01560 Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is the third interim response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received on July 14, 2017. You asked for Department of Housing and Urban Development records related the FOIA since March 2, 2017, to include: 1. All emails sent or received by any political appointee or Senior Executive Service (SES) staff in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Deputy Secretary, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, or the Office of Field Policy and Management including the phrase "Freedom of Information Act" or the word "FOIA;" and 2. All other communications involving any political appointee or SES staff in the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Deputy Secretary, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, the Office of the General Counsel, or the Office of Field Policy and Management regarding HUD's policies or practices for processing FOIA requests or producing documents in response to FOIA requests. This includes communications regarding review of existing policies or practices as well as communications regarding adoption of new policies or practices or of changes to existing policies or practices affecting HUD's response to FOIA requests . Your request is granted in part. Enclosed are records, responsive to item 1 of your request, of Region 3 Administrator Joseph J. DeFelice. I am withholding proprietary financial information under Exemption 4 of the FOIA . Exemption 4 protects commercial or financial information obtained from a person that is privileged or confidential, the release of which would cause substantial competitive harm to that person. I am withholding reports-prepared by consultants procured by the Department for the purpose of advising the Department on the financial health of Federal Housing Administration programs-under Exemption 5 of the FOIA as privileged deliberative records. Exemption 5 protects documents that are inter-agency or intra-agency, which would not be available by law to AMERICAN PVERSIGHT www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov 2 a party other than an agency in litigation with HUD. The release of this internal information would reflect HUD's predecisional, deliberative process, and would discourage open and candid advice, recommendations, and exchanges of views within the Department, which could bring about public scrutiny of the individuals and the need to justify in public their tentative opinions. I am also withholding personal cell phone numbers, home telephone numbers, personal email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, unit numbers, conference call passcodes, and private citizens' names under Exemption 6 of the FOIA, because release of such information would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The interest of the general public in reviewing these portions of government documents does not outweigh the individuals' right to privacy. Please be advised that the review of records responsive to item 1 of your request is ongoing. Further interim responses may be provided to you as this process continues. At the completion of this review, a final response letter will be provided. The final response letter will detail all applicable appeal rights. For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. Please also be advised that all appeal rights related to your request will be provided to you in a final response letter. If you have questions regarding your request, please contact Mr. Ethan Bodell at (202) 402-3450. Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs and policies. Sincerely, Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Office of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures AMERICAN PVERSIGHT From: Sent: To: Subject: Ott. Richard M Wednesday, May 24, 2017 11:43 AM DeFelice,Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis FW: UPDATED:EssexVillage Briefing Report Here is the Richmond MF briefing document regarding the property on which Rep. McEachin expressed his concern . Rich From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:21 PM To: Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Downs, Sharon ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: UPDATED:EssexVillage Briefing Report Hi everyone -As promised, here's last week's Congressional request to use as a basis for updates during tomorrow's call. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to add any updates. Thanks! Lisa EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. Briefing Report Update, 05.22.17 On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and membe rs of the mult ifamily team met with Henrico County officials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, EssexVillage at the Richmond Field Office . In preparation for the meet ing on March 29, Brenda Brown, Director Baltimore MF Satellite Office, Lisa Ellis, Branch Chief, and Carolyn Anastasi, Resolution Specialist, met with PK Management Official Jenne McClain-Blankhead and others to tour the site. There were many obvious physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invited into a few units . There is an obvious difference between the condition of elderly units and the condition of those mainly for families. The development is considered a troubled property w ith a final REACinspection score, after appeal, of 51. PK Management is working on the Compliance, Disposition, and Enforcement (CDE)plan, due May 25, 2017 as a follow -up to the fail ing REACscore. Management will be submitt ing monthly accounting reports and physical property updates . On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Midd leton, Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Offic ials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices previously given to property as well as sewer issues (privately-owned). Brenda Brown discussed prior day property visit and planned physical repairs including a possible $19 mi llion in rehab. Following the meeting, Brenda Brown spoke with owner, Gregory Perlman, to facilitate a meeting with the Colone l to open the lines of communication. A meeting via conference call will be scheduled monthly for property updates. To date, the fo llow ing is in process or has occurred. o The Performance Based Contract Administrator (PBCA), Navigate Affordable Housing, conducted a Management Occupancy Review (MOR) on April 18. The final report was sent to the owner on April 28. o PBCANavigate Management Review included maintenance reports for over 3,000 requests for service in last year, averaging 261/month. All REACexigent, health and safety deficiencies have been corrected. o An Apri l 3 fire damaged eight units. No inj uries occurred and all residents are back in their units. Restoration work has been completed except the unit in which the fire started; repairs are stil l underway and the resident was housed in an available apartment on site . o PK Management is submitting bi-weekly property updates concern ing sewer/maintenance issues and proposed project transformation through sale/merger with a nonprofit. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000001 o o o o o o PK Management responded to Notice of Violation (NOV) requiring a 100%-unit inspection . Confirmed that 100 percent of units have been inspected, work orders generated and work is just about complete. PK Management Officia l Jenne McClain-Blankhead confirmed that a meet ing took place between EssexVillage owner Gregory Perlman and Henrico County's Deputy County Manager of Public Safety Colonel Doug Middleton on May 8. Security, exterior site work and upgrades, sewer issues and completed work orders were discussed. County officials and PK Management agreed to meet again in 90 days. HUD Multifamily and Richmond Field Office leaders will meet with Henrico County Officials on May 23. There has been continued media interest in EssexVillage, inc luding a FOIA request for the most recent REAC Inspection report . As of May 19, the report may be released after redaction. Additional media interest in two other PK Management properties in Henrico County. A CBS6FOIA from Melissa Hipolit for Woodland Crossing Apartments included a REACInspection Report (66b) and subsidy amount. The reporter also contacted us about a child with an elevated lead blood level in Hope Village . In addition, the reporter inquired about who performs HUD's REACinspections. Currently working on the responses and outstanding FOIA requests. On Friday, May 19, Jenne McClain-Blankhead was interviewed by CBS6Reporter Mel issa Hipo lit about Woodland Crossing. Jenne will submit a summary to multifamily by COB on Monday, May 22. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000002 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, May 24, 2017 2:01 PM eldon .burton@mail.house .gov; sylvia.murphy@mail .house.gov Dunn, Tracey; Ott , Richard M; Brown, Brenda .J;Schmidt, Carrie S HUD FOLLOW-UP on EssexVillage REACInspection Good afternoon Elton and Sylvia -- I am the Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Affairs Officer that handles media inquiries for the Commonwealth of Virginia. I also support the work of the Richmond Field Office in the various program areas to benefit those we serve. Like Tracey, I was on yesterday's call regarding the work that is underway to resolve the issues at EssexVillage. To clarify some of the points we discussed, I thought it might be helpful to provide some information to you about the REACInspection process, EssexVillage's most recent inspection and the Notice outlining the agency's process when a property receives a failing score. PART 1: INSPECTION PROCESS As part of our oversight of both pub lic housing (owned/managed by public housing authorities) and multifamily housing (privately -owned w/HUD oversight), we have a number of inspect ions and reviews . Here's some information about REAC-Real Estate Assessment Center. You'll see on the "About REAC" page, there are number of types of inspections. In this case we are talking about the physical inspection of a property. Real Estate Assessment Center {REAC) Nearly 4 mill ion American fami lies live in rental housing that is owned, insured or subsidized by HUD. To ensure that these families have housing that is decent, safe and sanitary and in good repair, REACconducts approximately 20,000 physical inspections on properties each year . About REAC http ://porta I.hud .gov/hud port aI/HU D?src=/program offices/pub lic i ndia n housing/reac/a boutreac REACat a Gla nee (first entry) http ://porta I.hud .gov/hud port aI/HU D?src=/program offices/pub lic i ndian housing/reac/atg lanee Scoring notice http://portal.hud.gov/hudporta1/documents/huddoc?id=pass4.0scoringnoticefr.PDF Here's the reference to the letters after the scores in the Description: Examples of overall scores are: 95c; 67b*; 84a*; 100b; 78a; and 43c*. The asterisk indicates that Health and Safety (H&S) deficiencies were found with respect to smoke detectors. The lower-case letter indicates whether or not other kinds of H&S deficiencies were observed, as follows : - The letter "a " is given if no health and safety defic iencies were observed. -The lower-case letter "b" is given if one or more non-life threatening H&S defic iencies, but no exigent/fire safety H&S deficiencies were observed. - The lower-case letter "c" is given if one or more exigent/fire safety (calling for immediate attent ion or remedy) H&S deficiencies were observed . * Indicates that Health and Safety (H&S) deficiencies were found with respect to malfunctioning smoke detectors. Ratings determine the frequency of inspect ions: o Standard 1 Perform ing Property: score of90 or more, inspect ion is every three years o Standard 2 Performing Property: score of 80-89, inspection is every two years o Standard 3 Perform ing Property: score of less than 80, inspection is every year AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000003 Please keep in mind that the goal of our REACinspection process is to review how the property is being maintained-to ensure that all HUD assisted properties provide decent safe and sanitary housing for tenants. PART 2: ESSEXVILLAGE APARTMENTS INSPECTION ESSEXVILLAGE800021812 46c* 1/19/2017 after appeal, raised to a Slc*. Past two inspections: 75b 12/3/2015 72c* 12/1/2014 https ://porta I.hud .gov/hud port a I/ docu m ents/huddoc ?id=vi rginia.pdf The mo st recent inspection was completed on January 11, 2017 and the report was given to EssexVi llage and HUD on January 19. REACreports are not releasable until 120 days to allow time for appeals. The final REACreport wil l be availab le beginning May 19, and subject to any FOIA exempt ions. Please note the most recent inspection is the f irst time EssexVillage has received a failing score. The lower-case letter "c" is given if one or more exigent/fire safety (calling for immediate attention or remedy) Health and Safety deficiencies were observed. The asterisk indicates that Health and Safety deficiencies were found with respect to smo ke detectors . PART3: NOTICEFORFAILINGSCORE The fo llowing Not ice def ines what occurs when a property receives a fail ing score-which 59: https://porta I.h ud .gov/h ud port a 1/documents/huddoc ?id=15-02 hsgn.pdf is This Notice may be of interest to the Congressman; it outlines our process and the owner's responsibilities when a property receives a fai ling score. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000004 From: Sent: Subject: Will iams, Sheppard V Thursday , May 25, 2017 8:49 AM FYI - re: FOlA & Controlled Correspondence matters - On Annual Leave PleasebeadvisedI willbeon leavebeginning Friday,May26,andreturning to theoffice11:00AMon Thursday,June1. In myabsence,pleasecontactmysupervisor , Richard.M.Ott@hud.gov, regarding Controlled Correspondence/Congressional InquiryandFreedom of Information Act (FOIA)matters. Sheppard "Van" Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator - Region Ill U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 100 Penn Square East - 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-6628 Phone 215-656-3445 Fax Sheppard.V.Williams@hud.gov D 111111 ,< This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copy ing of this message or portion thereof is strict ly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000005 From: Sent: To: Subject: Roman, Michael A.EOP/WHO Please email me a copy of the FOIA request. ROMAN AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000006 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Edwards, Nika V Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:08 PM Ott, Richard M DeFelice,Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Reports sent to HQ (re: Baltimore Sun FOIA Request) R3 Weekly Report 03.02.17 FINAL.pdf; R3 Weekly Report 03.09.17 FINAL.pdf FYI: We reported on the Baltimore Sun FOIA request in two weekly reports that Elvis sent to HQ. The reports are attached , and the bullets are below. March2: The Regional Office and Baltimore Field Office are working on a Baltimore Sun FOIA request, which involves two properties that were once in HUD's Multifamily Housing inventory and one that might still be a public housing property. The Sun's article (published March 2) revea ls Jared Kushner's rea l estate firm, Kushner Cos., as the owner of the properties. In accordance with guidance provided by the FOIA Branch, the Department's response will be handled by HQ. March9: The Regional Office continues to work closely with the FOIA Branch to process the Baltimore Sun's FOIA request, regarding HUD's alleged connect ion to properties owned by Jared Kushner. The final response is expected next week. At which time, the Regional Office will request a correction for any inaccuracies published by the newspaper . Nika "Niki" Edwards Regional Public Affairs Off icer U.S. Dept . of Housing and Urban Development Region Ill/M id-Atlant ic Region Philadelphia Regional Office 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-662 2 Follow us on Twitter : @HUDMidAtlantic AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000007 Philadelphia Regional Office Report _ * 111 111L \ 1111 1 1 ~.,<' ;:.:"1 March 2, 20 L7 II ' /4 .o... Philadelphia Regional Office: Deputy Regional Administrator Richard Ott Hot Issues o Overmont Corporation, the owner of Overmont House in Philadelphia, has "opted out" of Section 8, in compliance with HUD requirements . The project is a 250-unit affordable property for the elderly. The owner, affiliated with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine , plans to repurpose the buildingnand for college use. The Philadelphia Housing Authority is assisting residents find landlords willing to accept tenant-based vouchers. o The Regional Office and Baltimore Field Office are working on a Baltimore Sun FOIA request, which involves two properties that were once in HUD's Multifamily Housing inventory and one that might still be a public housing property. The Sun's article (published March 2) reveals Jared Kushner\ real estate firm , Kushner Cos., as the owner of the properties. In accordance with guidance provided by the FOIA Branch, the Department's response will be handled by HQ . Upcoming Events (Indicate whether apprnved by HQs) o March 8 - The Regional Office will host the quarterly Region 3 lnteragency Council on Homelessness meeting (R3ICH). All seven R3 Field Offices will participate. (HQs approved) o March 17 - Philadelphia Housing Authority will host a ConnectHome launch and press event with T-Mobile at West Park Apartments . The City's Promise Zone Committee members and their organizations will be invited to participate in the event o March 21 - Multifamily and FPM will host an event to promote the multifamily homeless preference with the Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services . (HQs approved) Good Ideas and Accomplishments: o February 23 - FPM and PD&R staff met with representatives of the Federal Reserve Bank Philadelphia Office of Community Development and Studies on activities of mutual concern. Baltimore, Md. Field Office: Director Carol Payne Hot Issues o Region Ill FHEO Compliance team is cu1Tently analyzing Baltimore County\ semi-annual rero11 to fulfill Conciliation and Voluntary Compliance Agreement (C/VCA) requirements between the County and HUD on March 9, 2016. The report outlines the County's efforts to provide accessible housing/individual relief to the three named Complainants , actions relating to mobility counseling and the County's proffering of acces sible PB Vs units. By March I 0, 2017, the compliance team will meet with the County staff to discuss the report submission . Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o March 14 - FOD Payne and PIH Director Tambu1Tino will meet with Mayor of Annapolis and members of City Council. (HQs approved) Ongoing Activities o March l - FOD Payne attended the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's (HABC) Donnell Heights Healthier Homes Pilot Kick-off. Baltimore Mayor Pugh praised the focus on health/housing, reducing asthma triggers thru outreach, resident education, enhanced Page I1 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000008 maintenance practices and employing three Resident Community Health Workers. The Place-based Pilot is the outcome of HUD/HABC/Green and Healthy Homes Initiative discussions following the Baltimore uprising and in response to a childhood asthma emergency requiring hospitalization due to poor housing standards . The Pilot includes metrics that will expand the Pilot to all HABC communities and creating a national model. The mayor expressed funding support to advance expansion of the Pilot that includes health, housing, the built environment, clean air and workforce development. Charleston, W.Va. Field Office: Director Julie Alston Hot Issues o Disaster Recovery DR-4273-WV - on-going Housing Recovery Support Function (RSF) coordination work with federal partners and WV Department of Commerce. - Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator notification of closing out the HUD mission assignment for DR-4273-WV. Continued engaged in WV's recovery effort will occur for all RSFs on implementation activities. - March 15 Federal Partners meeting scheduled with the WV Department of Commerce New Cabinet Secretary Thrasher and his staff to provide an overview of the recovery work to date and plan for future outcomes . (will submit for HQ approval) Correspondence to Senator Capito concerning Shiloh Apartments, a multifamily property o located in Wellsburg, W.Va. and the states recent change to state Medicaid process that does not allow more than four persons with disabilities to live in a property receiving Medicaid (CMS/DHHR) related services . HQs staff/Multifamily's Randall Scheetz recently discussed the issue for Section 811 or 202 properties and the impact that vacancies create. This is will be an on-going discussion. Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o March 2 - Youth Homeless Listening Session to be held with schools, non-profits, etc., around the state . This is the second meeting on this topic that has been coordinated by the HUD Field Office to bring together like players to discuss what works and plan for future action. (HQ approved) o March 2 - WV NDRS Coordination Meeting. Continued discussion regarding internal priorities for outcome implementation and prep for March 15th meeting with Secretary Thrasher o March 8 - VTC Region 3 Interagency Council on the Homelessness meeting o March 9 - Interagency Recovery Coordination Meeting for WV DR-4273 with all federal RSFs and new WV Recovery Coordinator from FEMA. Ongoing Activities o February 23 - Attended webinar on Best Practices for Dealing with Dilapidated and Abandoned Properties; information beneficial to WV DR-4273 recovery. o Preparation work for Huntington Community Partnership, updating information for FWGs District of Columbia Field Office: Director Marvin Turner Hot Items o At the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) Connects event, the housing authority mentioned they met with the HUD transition team. o The Secretary's advance team requested assistance with creating a plan to visit homeless shelters and HUD -financed hospitals in the District. DC ICH will assist with visits to the homeless shelters, but we have only one hospital locally. (Philadelphia ' s Einstein mentioned) Page I 2 AMERIGr t VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000009 o The District of Columbia ConnectHome has submitted its 2 nd year plan and is on schedule to hire a VISTA by March 6. The nondisclosure agreement remains outstanding. Ongoing Activities o February 23 - Director Turner attended the Leadership Effectiveness Exchange (LEE): Empowering Federal Leaders for a Change training provided by the new HUD TEI partnership. Director Turner followed by conducting a Group Coaching Session for his cohort. o February 27 Director Turner attended the HOC Connects kickoff in Montgomery County, Md. The housing authority partnered with T-Mobilc to provide donated devices with a$ IO per month charge for unlimited wireless internet. Director Turner will meet with T-Mohile staff on March 7 to discuss expanding this opportunity to other housing authorities in the District, Prince George's County, Md. and Northern Virginia. Pittsburgh, Pa. Field Office: Director Jane Miller Ongoing Activities o February 23 - Rebecca Maclean, Senior CPD Rep and recently approved CCL, represented the agency at the Johnstown lnteragency Partnering Meeting in the City of Johnstown. The Pittsburgh F\VG has identiried Johnstown as a possible community partnership for FY17 after an invitation by the City. The meeting provided an opportunity to educate federal and state partners about existing and future plans/programs relevant to the Greater Johnstown area and to discuss synergistic opportunities available with federal and state partners. o The PIH Director had requested assistance from HQ-PIH to determine the extent or compliance by the PA insurance exchange, Housing and Redevelopment Insurance Exchange (HARIE), with HUD insurance regulations and HUD's no-bid approval. In a February 15 letter H -PIHhas re uested HARIEt (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege o February 28 - Director Miller served as a panelist at the quarterly PAHRA Conference in Harrisburg (HQs approved) with the Director of Housing for the PA Department of Human Services. The Commonwealth presented its 5-year housing plan which included a discussion of the Living Independence for Elderly (LIFE) Program . Many public housing residents are eligible for the state's managed comprehensive care and services program. Public housing authorities with residents participating in the LIFE Program were part or the discussion. Richmond, Va. Field Office: Director Carrie Schmidt Hot Items o March 6 - A meeting on the contentious proposed Canopy at Ginter Park project will bring consulting parties together to discuss the Section 106 Historic Preservation Environmental Process. Members of the Northeast Regional Multifamily Production Team, the Environmental Officer and other HUD team members will participate. o The City of Richmond submitted its second quarterly report in fulfillment of the requirements under the Conciliation and Voluntary Compliance Agreement that was executed between the City and HUD on July 21, 2016. This second quarterly report is currently under FHEO review. A March 3 meeting is scheduled with the FHEO Compliance team and the City's Fair Housing Compliance Officer. o Director Schmidt received a request for a meeting from Henrico County Supervisor Frank Thornton to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, Essex Village. Director Schmidt met with Brenda Brown, Director of Asset Management; Lisa Ellis, Resolution Specialist Branch Chief; Sharon Rowe Downs, Account Executive Branch Chief: Carolyn Roberts Account Executive; Brad Rader, Chief' Counsel; Judith Parker, Account Executive Page I 3 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000010 Branch Chier; and Carolyn Anastasi, Resolution Specialist , to discuss the subject in preparation for the on-site meeting TBS. (HQs approved) Upcoming Events (Indicate if Approved by HQs) o March 8 Director Schmidt will participate in the Invest Health RVA Team meeting to discuss the upcoming market value analysis (MV A) in Greater Richmond. Richmond is one of 50 mid-size cities selected to participate in Invest Health, a new collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Reinvestment Fund, designed to develop new strategies for leveraging private and public investments to accelerate improvements in neighborhoods facing the biggest barriers to better health. (HQs approved) Ongoing Activities o March 2 Director Schmidt participated in a webinar to introduce the Summer Food Service Program to property owners and public housing authorities. Participants received an overview of the program with members of the No Kid Hungry team of HUD's partners-the Virginia Department of Health and Virginia Department of Education. Wilmington, Del. Field Office: Director Maria Bynum Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o Supervisory Management Analyst Patrice Green will meet with the Economic Development Agency's Andrew Reid to discuss Dover's interest in learning ways to activate second floors of businesses downtown , similar to the effort in Philadelphia . One of the goals of the Restoring Central Dover group is to attract more businesses to the downtown district. o March 7 - Director Bynum will join the Delaware Attorney General's Ot1ice of Consumer Protection for an informational session on federal and state agencies. HUD will provide information about how to file a discrimination complaint; how to rep01t fraud, waste and abuse or HUD programs to the Office of Inspector General as well as general information about other HUD programs including FHA. OIG has been invited to participate. o March 3 - The Delaware Black Caucus is opening its new Wilmington headquarters . With the stated mission "to prmnote collaboration amongst City, County, State and Federal legislators and like-minded individuals/groups that qffect positive, sustainable change in the African-American community," Wilmington City Council members, State Representatives and a U.S. Congressional Representative will participate in the program. Director Bynum declined the invitation. Ongoing Activities o February 24 The Delaware State Working Group to End Veterans Homelessness reviewed a draft final report on the First State's effectively ending veteran homelessness including major accomplishments, local initiatives, maximizing and expanding housing resources, mobilizing the community, and data charts/tables. The group will meet bi-monthly to consider any needs of the housing provider groups across the State. o The new Wilmington Housing Authority board met this week and elected officers. Tim Crawl-Bey was announced as the new Board Chair in a News Journal article. o Customer Service Representative Sillery delivered a packet of information to a homeless woman who was meeting with a New Castle County pastor about housing. o Director Bynum viewed the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Control NOFA webinar and then shared the information about lhe NOFA and webinar with stakeholders. o Director Bynum and the Office of Public Housing agreed to hold an information session for Dover landlords regarding Section 8. Page I 4 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000011 Philadelphia Regional Office Report _ * 111 111L \ 1111 1 1 ~.,<' ;:.:"1 March 9, 20 L7 II ' /4 .o... Philadelphia Regional Office: Deputy Regional Administrator Richard Ott Hot Issues o The Regional Office has authorized the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) to proceed o with Phase I redevelopment of the Sharswood-Blumberg complex, which consists of PHA reacquiring certain properties in order provide land for the relocation of their HQs from downtown. Philadelphia PIH believes that PHA may be able to break ground in 30 days given that most properties being reacquired have successfully passed the environmental process. The Regional Office continues to work closely with the FOIA Branch to process the Baltimore Sun's FOIA request, regarding HUD's alleged connection to properties owned by Jared Kushner. The final response is expected next week. At which time, the Regional Office will request a correction for any inaccuracies published by the newspaper. Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o March 17 - Philadelphia Housing Authority will host a ConnectHome launch and press event o with T-Mobile at West Park Apartments . The City's Promise Zone Committee members and their organizations will be invited to participate in the event. (to be submitted for HQ approval) March 21 - Multifamily and FPMwill host an event to promote the multifamily homeless preference with the Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services. (HQ approved) Ongoing Activities o On March 8, the Regional Office hosted the quarterly Region 3 Interagency Council on the Homelessness with HUD field staff in all seven Field Offices participating as well as representatives from state homelessness organizations and Continuums of Care. Senior Advisor Elvis Solivan and the ICH Region 3 liaison provided updates. U.S. Dept. of Labor and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture team members provided presentations related to job training for persons experiencing homelessness. Baltimore, Md. Field Office: Director Carol Payne Hot Issues o On March 7, the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)launched an Independent Review o Page of the Housing Authority City of Annapolis. A preliminary fiscal and programmatic assessment report will be available on March I 0. Director Payne and PIHDirector Tamburrino, are scheduled to meet with Mayor Mike Pantelides on March 13 to review the assessment and discuss strategic options designed to stabilize the Authority. On March 3, Director Payne patticipatcd in the monthly Rcgional/HQs Connect Horne conference call. The Housing Authority Baltimore City (HABC) continues to demonstrate limited active participation. Outstanding deliverables include, second year plan and signed non disclosure form . Director Payne's efforts include unsuccessful outreach to HABC POC and Mayor's POC:, encouraging submission of Vista volunteer (on-site} application, and participated in a conference call with FOO Turner and Tim Dwyer, T-Mobile Internet Access. Director Payne has requ ested PII I Director's active support and active involvement of Pl! I staff assigned lo Connect Home. I1 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000012 Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o Director Payne will attend the Monthly Federal Executive Board Meeting on March 15. o Director Payne is invited to join the Baltimore Regional Affordable Housing Task Force and to attend the inaugural meeting on April 12. The Task Force will provide a strategic forum in the region for preserving housing affordability and implementing the new affordability policy adopted by the Region's HUD entitlement jurisdictions and housing agencies. A critical tool for the Task Force will be the new database of affordable and market-rate large multifamily housing in the Region complied for the Opportunity Collaborative's 2014 Regional Housing Plan. (Pending HQ approval) Ongoing Activities o March 6 - Director Payne participated in a call with the Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce to discuss the Baltimore Development Corporation's economic development planning strategy . Director Payne has been invited to attend a l'uture meeling--TBD. o March 8 -Director Payne, SMA Wallis and MA Stovall attended the R-ICH meeting. Charleston, W.Va. Field Office: Directm. Julie Alston Hot Issues o Disaster Recovery DR -4273 -WV on-going Housing Recovery Support Function (RSF) coordination work with federal partners and WV Department of Commerce. - March 9 - The WV Recovery Office (FEMA) is hosting a meeting with the lnteragency Recovery Coordination (IRC) group to identify opportunities to work collaboratively to address state and local recovery needs not addressed through standard program delivery or ways to enhance the delivery of those programs. - March 15 Federal Partners meeting scheduled with the WV Department of Commerce New Cabinet Secretary Thrasher and his staff to provide an overview of the recovery work to date and plan for future outcomes. (pending HQ approval) o Correspondence to Senator Capito concerning Shiloh Apartments, a multifamily property located in Wellsburg, W.Va. and the state's recenl change 10 state Medicaid process lhat does not allow more than four persons with disabilities to live in a property receiving Medicaid (CMS/DHHR) related services . On March 7, DHHR Take Me Home Program Staff will meet with Director Alston to discuss HUD-affected assets . o CDBG Waiver Process - W.Va. will conlinue to have issues for compliance wilh lhe floodway prohibition for water/sewer projects funded by CDBG dollars. HUD has a general idea that the waiver process would follow the process developed for a waiver of 24 CFR part 58 .22, however, it is possible thal delails will need to be worked lhrough as the slale submits projects. It continues to be a work in progress. Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o March 9 - Interagency Recovery Coordination Meeting for WV DR-4273 with all federal RSFs and new WV Recovery Coordinator from FEMA . o March 15 - Federal Parlners meeting scheduled wilh lhe WV Department of Commerce New Cabinet Secretary Thrasher and his staff to provide an overview of the recovery work to date and plan for future outcomes. o March 22- EPA will be coordinating a Cool & Connecled workshop in Bluefield W.Va . Cool & Connected is a planning assistance program that helps rural communities use broadband service to revitalize small-town main streets. A team of experts help community members develop slrategies and an action plan for using broadband to create walkable, Page I 2 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000013 connected, economically vibrant main streets and small-town neighborhoods that improve human health and the environment. (pending HQ approval) Ongoing Activities o March 8 - Region 3 lnteragency Council on Homelessness meeting. Attended by VTC and phone by Director Alston and SMA Williams. District of Columbia Field Office: Director Marvin Turner Hot Items o Director Turner is working with the Secretary's advance team to plan a visit to homeless shelters and HUD-financed hospitals in the District. o On March 7, Director Turner participated in a call with Regional Public Affairs and Multifamily regarding one of the housing developments in the area, Brookland Manor, a very large apartment complex that is being developed in Northeast Washington. o The District of Columbia ConnectHome has submitted its second year plan and its nondisclosure agreement. Ongoing Activities o Director Turner attended Secretary Carson's welcome address on March 6. After the meeting, Director Turner met two of the new team members, David Byrd and Greg Holmes who have an interest in economic development. o Director Turner participated in a Region 3 Interagency Council on Homelessness call on March 8. Pittsburgh, Pa. Field Office: Director Jane Miller Hot Issues o Allegheny County/City of Pittsburgh submitted their application to USICH demonstrating their accomplishments in ending veteran homelessness. USICH had a few clarifying questions and commended the County/City on the "thorough and detailed" application. USICH is reviewing the application and will notify the County/City the week of March 13. An April 11 event public announcement is tentatively scheduled. Director Miller will proceed with a Secretarial invitation if appropriate . Ongoing Activities o March 8 -Director Miller participated in the R-ICH quarterly meeting. o March 7 Director Miller participated in the Region III Recovery Support Function Leadership Group conference call. o At the request of the nonprofit developer Action Housing, Director Miller visited the redevelopment site located in Homestead for 28-units of "naturally" affordable housing to be financed through FHA insurance. NY HUD-MFH has extended an invitation to submit an FHA firm application. Accessible to transit, retail and grocery shopping and a beautiful waterfront walkway, the project will be developed with a 20 percent Historic Tax Credits and RACP funds from Pennsylvania. Richmond, Va. Field Office: Director Carrie Schmidt Hot Items o Director Schmidt scheduled a meeting with Henrico County to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, Essex Village on March 30. Brenda Brown, Director of Asset Management; Lisa Ellis, Resolution Specialist Branch Chief; Sharon Rowe Downs, Account Executive Branch Chief; Carolyn Roberts Account Executive; Brad Rader , Chief Counsel and Carolyn Anastasi, Resolution Specialist will be on-hand for the meeting. (HQ approved) Page I 3 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000014 o A March 9 Richmond Times-Dispatch article cited allegations of discrimination made on behalf of current and former residents of public housing as well as allegations of program violations at Virginia's first Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD). Under the RAD program in 2014, Hopewell Redevelopment and Housing Authority (HRHA) and Community Housing Partners demolished the public housing in Langston Park and built the Summit at Hopewell. HRHA is also working with CHP on a second RAD project at Kippax , a senior high -rise community. Ongoing Activities o March 6 - A community meeting on Canopy at Ginter Park attracted 150 residents and consulting parties to discuss the Section 106 Historic Preservation Environmental Process. Acting Director Brad Rader and members of the Northeast Regional Multifamily Production Team led the meeting. (HQ approved) o March 6 Director Schmidt participated in the Botetourt Housing Summit with 100 stakeholders including federal and local officials , properly owners , developers, real estate agents, builders, bankers and architects attending to discuss how to provide affordable workforce housing for incoming manufacturing johs in this rural community. (HQ approved) o March 8 Director Schmidt participated in the Invest Health RVA Team meeting to discuss the upcoming market value analysis (MVA) in Greater Richmond. Richmond is one of 50 mid-size cities selected to participate in Invest Health, a new collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Reinvestment Fund, designed to develop new strategies for leveraging private and public investments to accelerate improvements in neighborhoods facing the biggest barriers to better health. (HQ approved) o March 8, Director Schmidt and SMA Anne Davis participated in the Region Ill lnteragency Council on Homelessness quarterly meeting with partners Pam Kester, Deputy Director of Housing for the Department of Housing and Community Development, Pat Popp , Virginia Education for Homeless Children Director, and Leah Reaves, Veterans Post -Incarceration Coordinator for the McGuire VA Medical Center. Wilmington, Del. Field Office: Director Maria Bynum Upcoming Events (Indicate whether approved by HQs) o On March 10, Habitat for Humanity will dedicate four new homes and the Wilmington Housing Authority will host an open house for a public housing resident who purchased her first home. Director Bynum and Customer Service Representative David Sillery will attend both events in Wilmington. Ongoing Activities o On March 7, Director Bynum and the HUD Office of Inspector General staffed a table at the Delaware Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection to observe Consumer Protection Week , March 6 - March 10. OIG ' s, Frank Aiello and Steve Porcelli, were able to meet counterparts in the Delaware Attorney General's Office including the State Attorney General. o Director Bynum participated in the Regional lnteragency Council on Homelessness videoconference on March 8. o Director Bynum and the Office of Public Housing are meeting via conference call to collaborate on an information session for Dover landlords regarding Section 8. They are tentatively looking at hosting the session in late April or early May. o Director Bynum and FPM's Patrice Green will discuss with Andi Mathis and Jennifer Hughes at the National Endowment Agency best practices and potential strategies on engaging the Arts in the revitalization of downtown Dover . That information will be passed along to the Restoring Central Dover Steering Committee to consider Page I 4 AMERIGr 1 VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000015 From: Sent: Wolfe, Lisa A Friday, May 26, 2017 10:34 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Brown, Jereon M; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Dunn, Tracey; Barton, Victoria L; Iber , Robert G NOTESfrom May 23 Essex Village Call/Updated Briefing Report To: Subject: Hi everyone - Just an FYI, here are the notes from the May 23 call as well as the updated briefing report that was originally submitted to the Congressman per his request before his visit to EssexVillage . There have been quite a few updates since then, which will be discussed during this morn i ng's call. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me before we get together in 26 minutes . Thanks for your cont inuing help and support... Lisa Notes from today's call/from County-Co lonel Doug M iddleton reporting: o Pest control, app liances, paint, sewage overflows, substantial deployment of resources to evaluate. o November 29 Henrico County officials wal ked the property . 51 additional complaints on that day ; life/safety o Working with owners and management to correct problems. Making progress. o HUD meeting- issues. also had concerns. 100 percent inspection; request for rent increase put on hold, not granted pending outcome of work. o Spoke with HUD about creating a partne rship. o County manager and Doug met with owner, Greg Perlman, owns both complex and management company. Acknowledged they had not maintained the facility per County ordinances and HUD guidelines . o Meeting was about accountability, not tax credits . County threatened taking court action if property was not in code compl iance. o o Looking for local buyer, but complex must meet county code and HUD requirements. Henrico had inspectors on the ground daily; meeting with Perlman in early August . Concerns that the reconstruction will not be done properly. o Update meeting w/Carrie and HUD team happen i ng today. o Open items include (John Butler, building supervisor), status of complaints: over 100 outstanding violations to only a handful. Failing staircases, sewage overflows - broken window theory applicable - overflowing dumpsters, broken window, gutter issues. Insect and rodent problem also being corrected . o Henry Rosenbaum - Fire Marshall for county - status of smoke alarms #1 concern. Yearly test ing of smoke alarms-said they do them annually w/fi lter changes. Some were in there a long time ago. Some occupants said their alarms had never been tested; no documentation. o January fu ll apartment inspection-wasn't Fire department/building inspect ions concurrent. until May 15 until they could produce document for 100% inspection/testing . Ma intenance person signed and dated; had occupant also sign and date. Taken over 6 months to get to that point. Hoping this wil l become an annual inspection. Fire code issues-dryer vents; stairs/egress corrected and/or mended. o Clarified process, the inspections were not being done as reported. Onsite manager said there were records of inspections, but could not be produced. o Hope Village inspections/correct ions are also not up-to-date. Systemic problems within PK Management. o Interaction w/community at EssexVi llage. Residents started a petition; many signed, started sometime in November. Petition was del ivered a month ago . Demand was to be provided vouchers to leave the complex. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000016 o Only other issue-sewer lines-management said they had dome a camera inspection; that inspection did not happen. Perlman/PK Management never been made aware of the conversations county had w/management . Assured County they are now aware and things will be addressed. Brenda Brown: o Owner and agent are making efforts to improve the prope rty; t rash/extermination have been expanded. o All of the county violations have been addressed with the exception of a few small items. o Siding has been repaired and power-washed. Siding rep lacement will begin 30 to 45 days. o Sidewalks/landscaping work underway. o Navigate MOR completed; satisfactory rating. Several issues to be responded to by May 28. Qualitative component - range of scoring for each. Entire MOR is 100 percent . Satisfactory 75 to 80. o Congressman asked about building fai ling score-physical Village-same o inspection 2015 received 70 passing score. Hope manager/same owner. 500 families. Process that must be followed to update the HAP- Housing Assistance Provider contract. Residents may apply for vouchers at the housing authority. To withdraw the subsidy, there is a process. Families can always go apply for vouchers. o Once the property gets a passing grade-Congressman is ta lking about high rates-rents are acceptable. Brenda is explaining the use of vouchers. o From Doug Middleton -- County is assuring the Congressman that all the families may be placed-that there are available apartments. o Will follow-up with Congressman's office. Staff does not understand REACinspection process; what happens when a property receives a failing score. o Last sewage issue was in February-State EPAmust be notified by property owner-we learned PK Management o County/HUD will follow-up with PK Management. Owner pledged to hire a company to scope the lines. Open had not been making those notifications . The County is working as a back-up. item-red flag to come down on the owner. Sylvia said that is an issue for the Congressman as well. HUD had been led to believe that issue had been addressed. o Carol - two bids, awaiting third bid for sewage contractor will be in next week . Elton, from Congressman's office, asking for the bids/fol low-ups in writing. Wanted it in writing that the bids are in progress. The company has two bids and awaiting a third bid . Sylvia Murphy. o Colonel - REACInspection w/in a year or w/ in the next 12 months. Brenda will ask for a REACInspection by the end of the calendar year. HUD will make every effort to have that inspection before the end of the year. We will be "aggressive" with our fol low-up on this property. o One of the things at HUD meeting, was the possibility of the County accompanying the REACinspector. Colonel is still making that offer. REACpolicy to not have others accompany them. Even though they are walking/doing an inspection; do not want others to walk with them. Brenda offered to check with REACabout possibility of having a County official accompany an inspector. o Is REACa private company? The QA team is a HUD quality team; other inspectors are third-party contractors. Brenda will fol low-up with the REACDirector to see if they wi ll make an exception . County believes they would do a better long-term job if we could do it together . Review/wrap -up by the Colonel: o Planning another County inspection; checking on code violations-the o County's limit. When County met w ith Perlman/PK Management - they offered to meet with them again; County offered to integrate their sewer system once the complex brings it up to county code . Asbestos in the pipes may be an issue. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000017 o Sewage system may continue to have problems ; if we have overflows, wil I continue to fo llow-up . o The Congressman has continued t o advocate on behalf of the cit izens. o Will cont inue to work wi t h all interested parties; administrat ive actions that may involve abating the HAP contract. o Appreciate the County's involvement. Mr . Burton 's request from Congressman's office to follow . Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:21 PM To: Brown , Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Schmidt, Carrie 5 Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Downs, Sharon ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: UPDATED: Essex Village Briefing Report Hi everyone-As promised, here's last wee k's Congressional request t o use as a basis for updates during tomorrow's call. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to add any updates. Thanks! Lisa EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. Briefing Report Update, 05.22.17 On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and membe rs of the mu lt ifamily team met with Henrico County off icials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, Essex Village at the Richmond Field Office . In preparation for the meet ing on March 29, Brenda Brown , Director Baltimore MF Satellite Office, Lisa Ellis, Branch Chief, and Carolyn Anastasi, Resolution Specialist , met with PK Management Officia l Jenne McClain-Blankhead and others to tour the sit e. There were many obvious physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invited into a few unit s. There is an obv ious difference between the condition of elderly units and the condition of those mainly for families . The developmen t is considered a troubled property w ith a final REACinspect ion score, after appeal, of 51. PK Management is working on the Comp liance, Disposition, and Enforcement (COE)plan, due May 25, 2017 as a follow -up to the fail ing REACscore. Management will be submitt ing monthly accounting reports and physical property updates. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Midd leton , Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Offic ials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation not ices previously given to prope rty as well as sewer issues (p rivately-owned). Brenda Brown discussed prior day property visit and planned physical repairs including a possible $19 mi llion in rehab . Following the meeting, Brenda Brown spoke with owner, Gregory Perlman, to facilitate a meeting with the Colone l to open the lines of communication . A meeting via conference call will be scheduled monthly for property updates . To date, the fo llow ing is in process or has occurred . AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000018 o o o o The Performance Based Contract Administrator (PBCA), Navigate Affordable Housing, conducted a Management Occupancy Review (MOR) on April 18. The final report was sent to the owner on April 28. PBCANavigate Management Review included maintenance reports for over 3,000 requests for service in last year, averaging 261/month. All REACexigent, health and safety deficiencies have been corrected. An April 3 fire damaged eight units. No injuries occurred and all residents are back in their units. Restoration work has been completed except the unit in which the fire started; repairs are still underway and the resident was housed in an available apartment on site. PK Management is submitting bi-weekly property updates concerning sewer/maintenance issues and proposed project transformation through sale/merger with a nonprofit. o PK Management responded to Notice of Violation (NOV) requiring a 100%-unit inspection . Confirmed that 100 percent of units have been inspected, work orders generated and work is just about complete. o PK Management Official Jenne McClain-Blankhead confirmed that a meeting took place between EssexVillage owner Gregory Perlman and Henrico County's Deputy County Manager of Public Safety Colonel Doug Middleton on May 8. Security, exterior site work and upgrades, sewer issues and completed work orders were discussed. County officials and PK Management agreed to meet again in 90 days. o o HUD Multifamily and Richmond Field Office leaders will meet with Henrico County Officials on May 23. There has been continued media interest in EssexVillage, including a FOIA request for the most recent REAC Inspection report. As of May 19, the report may be released after redaction. Additional media interest in two other PK Management properties in Henrico County. A CBS6FOIA from Melissa Hipolit for Woodland Crossing Apartments included a REACInspection Report {66b) and subsidy amount. The reporter also contacted us about a child with an elevated lead blood level in Hope Village . In addition, the reporter inquired about who performs HUD's REACinspections. Currently working on the responses and outstanding FOIA requests. On Friday, May 19, Jenne McClain-Blankhead was interviewed by CBS6Reporter Melissa Hipo lit about Woodland Crossing. Jenne will submit a summary to multifamily by COB on Monday, May 22. o o Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000019 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:57 AM Brown, Jereon M Edwards, Nika V; Sullivan, Brian E; Thompson, Amy C; W illiams, Raphael L; Ott , Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis RE: FOIA Adding the others so they are aware. Do you have any idea when this may run? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Brown, Jereon M Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:55 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Edwards, Nika V ; Sullivan, Brian E ; Thompson, Amy C ; Wi lliams, Raphael L Subject: FW: FOIA Lisa, we are going to have a bad nursing home story . A Philadelphia nursing home that scored a 2 w i ll be a prominent part of the story. From: Fazlollah, Mark(mailto:mfaz lollah@bhillynews.coml ll Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 9 :30 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: FOIA Jerry, I have a few general questions on the inspection reports: Is it correct that HUD inspectors use these similar standards to assess the physical condition of public housing units and privately owned rental units that are insured or assisted by various programs under HUD, such as rental units that accept Section 8 vouchers. Is this type of inspection just done on all HUD-financed housing? How many similar reports are done each year? Can you tell me how many similar inspections of just nursing homes each year? Does the 1-100 ranking system cover all types of property inspections? AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000020 The scores on the Philadelphia nursing homes inspections that I received range from the 70s down to the score of 2 for Bala nursing home? Have there been Section 8 rentals of other HUD properties that have received scores as low as 2? HUD letters to low scoring nursing homes say non-compliance may adversely affect the homes' ability to participate in HUD programs: Can it affect participation in all government programs? Could owners who don't comply have all of their properties affected because of one non-compliance finding? Can you recommend any reading that I should do to get background on the inspections? Mark Fazlollah l(b)(6) I Every region has a leader . Ours is Philly .corn. Powered by the Inquirer and Daily News. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000021 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Brown, Jereon M Tuesday, May 30, 2017 9:07 AM Wolfe, Lisa A Edwards, Nika V; Sullivan, Brian E; Thompson, Amy C; W illiams, Raphael L; Ott , Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Charles, Genger M RE: FOIA This story will run as soon as the Inquirer receives our response. Evidently there is a major lawsuit against the nursing home . A patient recently fell out of the bed and died as a result of the fal l. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:57 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Cc: Edwards, Nika V ; Sullivan, Brian E ; Thompson, Amy C ; Wi lliams, Raphael L ; Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: RE: FOIA Adding the others so they are aware. Do you have any idea when this may run? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Brown, Jereon M Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:55 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Edwards, Nika V ; Sullivan, Brian E ; Thompson, Amy C ; Wi lliams, Raphael L Subject: FW: FOIA Lisa, we are going to have a bad nursing home story . A Philadelphia nursing home that scored a 2 w i ll be a prominent part of the story. From: Fazlollah,Mark(mailto:mfaz lollah@bhillynews.coml ll Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 9 :30 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: FOIA Jerry, I have a few general questions on the inspection reports: AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000022 Is it correct that HUD inspectors use these similar standards to assess the physical condition of public housing units and privately owned rental units that are insured or assisted by various programs under HUD, such as rental units that accept Section 8 vouchers. Is this type of inspection just done on all HUD-financed housing? How many similar reports are done each year? Can you tell me how many similar inspections of just nursing homes each year? Does the 1-100 ranking system cover all types of property inspections? The scores on the Philadelphia nursing homes inspections that I received range from the 70s down to the score of 2 for Bala nursing home? Have there been Section 8 rentals of other HUD properties that have received scores as low as 2? HUD letters to low scoring nursing homes say non-compliance may adversely affect the homes' ability to participate in HUD programs: Can it affect participation in all government programs? Could owners who don't comply have all of their properties affected because of one non-compliance finding? Can you recommend any reading that I should do to get background on the inspections? Mark Fazlollah l(b )(6) I Every region has a leader . Ours is Philly .com . Powered by the Inquirer and Daily News jl AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000023 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Solivan , Elvis Tuesday, May 30, 2017 9:15 AM DeFelice, Joseph J CPD Operational Briefing Draft Slides for April.ppt x Elvis Solivan Senior Advisor to the Secretary U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, 12 th Floor Philade lphia, PA 19107-3380 Elvis .Solivanl@HUD.gov (215) 861-7565 Phone (215) 656 -3427 Fax AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000024 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I COMMUNITY PLANNING DEVELOPMENT CPD Operations Meeting April 27, 2017 HUD-17-0235-C-000025 :::c --1 I. Hot Issues 11. Ill. IV. V. Staffing/Hiring Performance Management Correspondence/FOIA Budget o Travel o Status of Funds to Be Canceled HUD-17-0235-C-000026 VI. Technical Assistance VII. Grant Closeout Team Update VIII. NOFA Dashboard IX. Audit Dashboard _-, D I> -I o FO are working through 2 Important Hot Issues Re-competeof CPDIT ServicesContracto With o o o o as of 4/21/17 delays in the acquisition, HUD secured a 5-month extension of the current contract: Contract Extension Period: 5/26/17 to 10/25/17 (builds in 1-month transition, if needed) New Contract Base Year Period: 10/26/17 to 5/25/18 (Options Years start on 5/26/##) RCS-Q-2017-00110 (extension funding): GSA requested a few revisions; HUD is completing these updates and will return to GSA as soon as possible IDISFlFO ProjectDelayso o HUD-17-0235-C-000027 as of 4/21/17 Delays primarily due to complexity of the Home Commitment Deadline work CPD has effectively managed the delays and re-planned the project o Release 11.13 was deployed March 27, approximately two months late o Release 11.14 will be deployed in mid-June, but with reduced scope o HUD will add one release (IDIS 11.15) in September to finalize all required work. CPD has requested additional IT budget for this added release. If not funded, the Corrective Maintenance break-fix' budget for IDIS will be reduced during the November 2017 May 2018 time period. 11 1 -. D I> ent Staffing Level is 731 with an EOYProjection of 747 (Assuming all hiring actions are completed) :::c -I External Actions Currently on Hiring Plan Total Including Actions in Process Est. Projected Attrition for Remaining Year EOY Estimate SOY Accessions 9 3 s 7 0 7 0 7 DAS for SNAPS 51 4 3 52 3 55 1 54 DAS for Econ. Development 19 3 6 16 1 17 0 17 124 12 12 124 8 132 s 127 75 11 9 77 1 78 3 75 466 23 455 27 482 15 467 744 56 34 69 731 40 771 24 747 Office Office of the Asst. Secretary DAS for Grant Programs Attrition Current Onboard Staffing HUD-17-0235-C-000028 DAS for Operations (HQ) DAS for Operations (FO) Total _-, D I> . _z.'Vacancies have been Filled; 56 are External & 46 are Internal Actions -I External Planning! PD!JA PD Process Assistant Secretary for CPD 0 DA$ for Economic Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D DA$ for Grant Programs DA$ for Specia Needs DAS for Operations - HQ DAS for Operations - FLD Tetal Ei< _ .as 98 Piecesof ControlledCorrespondence - -,n its inventoryand 37 for FOIA I :::c -I 15 Assigned Correspondence Assigned FOIA's 10 10 Number of Number of Actions 5 Actions 5 0 0 Ops 17-Jan DG 17-Feb ED 17-Mar SNAPS Ops 17-Jan 17-Apr DG ED 17-Feb 17-Mar SNAPS 17-Apr Overdue FOIA's Overdue Correspondence 8 10 6 Number of HUD-17-0235-C-000032 Actions Number of Actions 5 4 2 0 Ops DG ED SNAPS 17-Jan2 17-Feb2 17-Mar2 17-Apr 0 Ops 17-Jan DG 17-Feb ED 17-Mar SNAPS 17-Apr __-, D I> . - 'Uocation & Expenditure Report FY17- HQ and Field (1/4 slides) o 033~ ot 04/24/20 FY 2017 CHANGE IN AVAILABLE PERCENT USAGE ALLOCATION ALLOCATION USAGE [}c: FY 2017 ALLOCATION Headquarters/Front Office (D) Unallocated Field Office Funds (DZZ) Una Ilocated $10,000 $0 $0 $9,224 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $776 $0 $0 92.2% 0.0% 0.0% $14,000 $23,000 $10,000 $47,000 $10,149 $22,838 S6A06 $39,393 $0 $0 ~ $0 $3,851 $162 S3,S94 $7,607 72.5% 99.% 64.1% 83.8% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $2,000 $0 $18,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $12/680 $12,680 $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $5/320 $7,320 0.0% 0.0% 70.4% 63.4% Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Immediate Office (DN) Office of Special Needs (DNS) Office of HIV/AIDS (DNH) SPECIAL NEEDS SUBTOTAL Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Immediate Office (DE) HUD-17-0235-C-000033 Office of Rural Housing & Economic Development (OED) Office of Community Renewals (DER) Office of Economic Development (DOR) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBTOTAL ~ $0 __-, D I> --I . - 'Uocation & Expenditure Report FY17- HQ and Field (2 / 4 slides) D 033~ FY2017 ALLOCATION As of 04/24/2017 FY2017 CHANGE IN USAGE ALLOCATION AVAILABLE ALLOCATION PERCENT USAGE Deputy AssistantSecretary for Grants ~ $0 $2,719 $5,986 $14,390 $10,726 $33,822 45.6% 74.0% 52.0% 63.0% 61.1% $1A06 $0 $0 $3,292 $47,407 $52,105 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$4,400 -$4,400 $594 $0 $0 $208 $8,493 $9,295 70.3% 0.0% 0.0% 94.1% 84.8% 84.8% $225,400 $166,581 -$4,400 $58,819 73.9% $102,853 $39,434 $4,400 $63,419 38.3% $5,000 $23,000 $30,000 $29,000 $87,000 $2,281 $17,014 $15,610 $18,274 $53,178 $2,000 $0 $0 $3,500 $55,900 $61,400 HEADQUARTERS TOTAL FIELDALLOCATION Immediate Office (DG) Office of Block Grant Assistance (DGB) Office of Affordable Housing {DGH) Office of Energy and Environment (OGE) BLOCKGRANTS SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 Deputy AssistantSecretary for Operations Immediate Office (DO) PMF and Other Travel {DOO) Office of OTAM (DOT) Office of Policy Development (DOP) Office of Field Management (DOF) OPERATIONSSUBTOTAL HUD-17-0235-C-000034 CPDTOTAL *Travel Allocations can be found on the Information on Demand SharePoint site D I> . ---Allocation& Expenditure Report FY17 - Field Office Allocation (3/ 4 Slides) c, Ban, 0 FY2017 ALLOCATION FY2017 USAGE ALLOCATION 04/17-04/24/2017 AVAILABLE PERCENT ALLOCATION USAGE $2,273 $2,102 $0 $171 92.S% OCD 846 307 0 539 36.3% ATLANTA 4AD 1,747 0 0 1,747 0% BALTIMORE 3BD 333 0 0 333 0% BIRMINGHAM 4CD 1,849 0 0 1,849 0% BOSTON lAD 2,732 841 0 1,891 30.8% BUFFALO 2CD 2,922 1,409 600 1,513 48.2% CHICAGO SAD 3,911 0 508 88.S% COLUMBIA, SC 4ED 1,S76 0 111 93.4% COLUMBUS, OH SEO 2,053 0 1,780 S3.6% DENVER 8AD 0 0 2,853 0% DETROIT SFD 0 0 2,907 0% FORT WORTH 6AD 2,18S 0 2,581 4S.8% GREENSBORO 4FD 0 0 2,691 0% HARTFORD lED 4,419 1,687 3,833 2,8S3 2,907 4,766 2,691 333 3,474 1,147 3,030 1,0SS 3,128 2,707 3,191 41 0 292 12.3% 1,044 0 2,430 30.1% 714 0 433 62.2% 2,767 0 263 91.3% 0 0 1,0SS 0% 2,788 0 340 89.1% 1,481 0 1,227 54.7% 1,805 0 1,386 56.6% ALBUQUERQUE 6B0 ANCHORAGE HUD-17-0235-C-000035 HONOLULU 9CD HOUSTON 6ED INDIANAPOLIS SHD JACKSON JACKSONVILLE 4GD KANSAS CITY 7AD KNOXVILLE 4JD 4HD D I> -----.-ivel Allocation & Expenditure Report FY17 Field Office Allocation (4 / 4 Slides) ~ield Office Balances 0 FY2017 ALLOCATION FY2017 ALLOCATION USAGE 04/17-04/24/2017 AVAILABLE PERCENT ALLOCATION USAGE 6FD $3,533 $873 $3,200 $2,660 24.7% LOS ANGELES 90D 5,588 4,942 600 646 88.4% LOUISVILLE 4ID 814 0 0 814 0% MIAMI 40D 2,513 336 0 2,177 13.4% MILWAUKEE SID 1,881 354 0 1,527 18.8% MINNEAPOLIS SKD 1,224 0 0 1,224 0% NEW ORLEANS 6HD 1,780 0 0 1,780 0% NEW YORK 2AD 1,093 0 0 1,093 0% NEWARK 2FD 578 0 0 578 0% OKLAHOMA CITY 6ID 1,273 0 0 1,273 0% OMAHA 70D 2,616 0 0 2,616 0% PHILADELPHIA 3AD 4,706 2,259 0 2,447 48.0% PITTSBURGH 3ED 1,891 796 0 1,095 42.1% PORTLAND OED 4,416 811 0 3,605 18.4% RICHMOND 3FD 1,837 1,349 0 488 73.4% SAN ANTONIO 6JD 2,513 1,369 0 1,145 54.5% SAN FRANCISCO 9AD 3,705 0 0 3,705 0% SANJUAN 4ND 2,277 483 0 1,794 21.2% SEATTLE OAD 3,694 837 0 2,857 22.7% ST. LOUIS 7ED 665 0 0 665 0% WASHINGTON, DC 3GD 333 0 0 333 0% $102,853 $39,434 $4,400 $63,419 38.3% HUD-17-0235-C-000036 LITTLE ROCK SUBTOTALFIELDOFFICES _-, o~ __-YAnalysis of Undisbursed Funds to be Cancelled (1/3 slides) -I Program March 16 April 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 103,191 0 {103,191) {406,794) 26,202 15,207 (10,995) 12,147 22,012,397 21,428,984 {583,413) {964,355) Monthly Change Cumulative Change CDBG(860/20162) CTl - Sect - Technical Assistance DSl - State Administered Small Cities ECl - Entitled Cities Ell - Economic Dev Initiative - Special Projects Section 108 Community Dev Loan Guarantee* 21633,926 2,610,366 (23,560) (23,560) EUl - Entitled Urban Counties 21243,182 2,243,182 0 0 827,977 827,977 0 0 1,472,777 1,472,777 0 (24,454) $29,319,652 $28,598,493 ($721,159} ($1,407,016) RIN - Rural Innovation Fund NHl - Neighborhood Initiatives Demonstration Subtotal HUD-17-0235-C-000037 * Note: The Section 108 credit subsidy to be cancelled divided by the credit subsidy rate (.023) equals the loan guarantee authority to be cancelled. _-, o~ __-YAnalysis of Undisbursed Funds to be Cancelled (2 /3 slides) -I Program March 16 April 17 Monthly Change Cumulative Change $1,259 $600 ($659) ($659) 5,388,078 4,847,485 (540,593) {2,945,667) 730,016 730,016 0 (28,704) HGL - Shelter Plus Care (SPC)Tenant Based RA 8,914,583 8,741,140 (173,443) {775,351) HGN - SPCProject Based RA w/o Rehab 6,942,393 6.756,822 (185,571) (372,724) HGO - SPCSponsor Based RA 6,001,694 5,953,326 (48,368) (265,441) 510,546 452,955 (57,591) (57,591) 5,373,851 5,294,901 (78,950) (78,950) 3,787,390 3,748,250 (39,140) (39,140) $37,649,810 $36,525,495 ($1,124,315) HOMELESS(860/20192) ARH - Annual Homeless Report GPC- Supportive Housing Program HGE - Emergency Shelter Grants SPR- SPCRenewal Project Based RA SRS- SPCRenewal Sponsor Based RA HUD-17-0235-C-000038 SRT- SPCRenewal Tenant Based RA Subtotal ($4,564,227) _-, o~ __-YAnalysis of Undisbursed Funds to be Cancelled (3 /3 slides) :::c -I Program HOME (860/20205) HMC - HOME Investment CPD Subtotal March 16 27,958,000 $27,958,000 April 17 25,5561386 $25,556,386 Monthly Change Cumulative Change (2A01,614) ($2,401,614) {9,143,832) ($9,143,832) HOPWA (860/20308) 323,664 0 (15,008) $323,664 $323,664 $0 ($15,008) ElC - OneCPD TA & Capacity Building 173,302 17,302 0 0 EJC- Joint Core Ski I1sCertification 400,000 400,000 0 0 $573,302 $573,302 $0 $0 JCS - Joint Core Ski I1sCertification 162,317 161,960 (357) (357) OCT - OneCPD TA & Capacity Building 814,945 725,623 (89,322) (89,322) $977,262 $887,583 ($89,679) ($89,679) $96,801,690 $92,464,923 ($4,336,767) ($15,219,762) CWF - HOPWA Competitive Subtotal 3231664 HSG - SPECTECHNICAL ASSISTANCE(860/20320) Subtotal HUD-17-0235-C-000039 TRANSFORMATION INITIATIVE (860/2402) Subtotal TOTAL-UNDISBURSED AMOUNTS _-, D I> 0 .1 oYAnalysis of Unobli ated Funds to be Cancelled (1/2 slides) :::c -I Program March 16 April 17 Monthly Change Cumulative Change CDBG Unobligated Amounts 865/70162) CDDA/CDEN Recoveries $261,776 $261,776 $0 $21,564 91,852 0 (91,852) {91,852; DSl - State Administered Small City 0 0 0 {99,537; NOS- National Disaster Resilience 0 0 0 (401,626,359; SDl - Non-Sandy Disaster Relief 2011 91,112,571 65,6861235 {25,426,336) (29,926,336; SD2 - Non-Sandy Disaster Relief 2012 48,7501333 48,750,333 0 (4,422,999; SD3 - Non-Sandy Disaster Relief 2013 209,8001651 149,886,625 {59,914,026) (64,366,677; 1,152,554,299 1,152,554,299 0 (3,727, 758,00o; $1,502,571,482 $1,417,139,268 DII - Disaster Award Grant Reductions {IDIS) HUD-17-0235-C-000040 SDY- Hurricane Sandy PL 113-2 Subtotal ($85,432,214) ($4,228,270,196J i ~ oo f 1111111 . 11111111 *__ :. o -COMMUNITY PLANNING DEVELOPMENT _-, D I> 0 -I .1 oYAnalysis of Unobli ated Funds to be Cancelled (2 /2 slides) Program March 16 April 17 Monthly Change Cumulative Change HOMELESS Unobligated Amounts (865/70192) Homeless - 0192 COC - Continuum of Care Renewal Projects CON - Continuum of Care New Projects Subtotal $1,627,197 $1,076,290 ($550,907) ($14,041,305) 203,984 0 (203,984) (127) 19,486,276 13,059,707 (6,426,569) (23,929,559) $21,317,457 $14,135,997 ($7,181,460) ($37,970,991) $12,306,167 $12,306,167 $0 ($1,438,529) 3,150 3,150 0 0 $12,309,317 $12,309,317 $0 ($1,438,529) HOPWA Unobligated Amounts (865/70308) PWH - HOPWA Formula HUD-17-0235-C-000041 TWF - HOPWA Technical Assistance Subtotal TOTAL- UNOBLIGATEDAMOUNTS $1,536,198,256 $1,443,584,582 ($92,613,674) ($4,267,679,716) :::c -I FY 10-16 Departmental Fund Summary for CPD 100% $6,866,858.47 90'),(, $1,237,804.83 $3,206,359 .94 80% 70';,(, 60% 50';1, 40% 30% )0% $63,173,510.74 $6,167,450.68 HUD-17-0235-C-000042 10% O';f, One CPD (2010-2012) TITA (2014) ONE CPD+ (2013) CCTA Departmental (2015-2016) Note, this data excludes: Admiri and coordination set asides (~10 and 5% of each award) NSP/HOME/SNAPS/Tribal Homeless/Housirig Trust Fund TA Funds Core Curriculum Fu11ds o $4,460,641.53 $18,129,775.41 Cross-cuttirig TA and HUD Exchange Furidirig o : ... 1c: :, o:_'I" ..., ....,.:: J =r.Jc ..:,: : ~ o Save the Date for the Next TA Institute in DC: November 28-29, 2017 o You are Invited to the "Virtual Summer of Learning 11 : June 14-August 23, 2017 All sessions will be hosted virtually from 3-4:30pm eastern time (details to come): June 14th Program Leadership Updates June 28th Cooperative Agreement Management (DRGR,Travel policy, etc) July 12th Working Group Update - Closeouts HUD-17-0235-C-000043 July 26th Cooperative Agreement Management (Financial Management -wage rates) rates and indirect cost August 9th Program Update (Simultaneous virtual sessions with program leadership for SNAPS, HOME, OBGA, Public Housing, ONAP, FHEO, Public Housing) August 23rd Working Group Updates ( Marketing and Analytic work group and TA Coordination and Communication work group) :::c -I SNAPS 71,346 69,169 2,177 Really Old SNAPS Grants 2,434 0 2,434 EDI/SP Earmark FY08: 777 FY09: 538 FY 10: 466 FY08: 652 FY09: 359 FY 10: 266 FY08: 125 FY09: 179 FY 10: 200 Rural Innovation Fund 38 27 11 HOME 14 PJswith a total of 146 grants Technical Assistance 154 (2006-2009) HUD-17-0235-C-000044 434 (were listed with SNAPS) OPDC, SNAPS,Field staff and Budget are continuing their work to refine the ongoing close out process. Also 434 grants were determined to be for OTAM and have been transfer to the OTAM closeout list. Staff is working to close the final 11 RIFgrants. Three (3} are awaiting return of signed documents from grantees & 5 are awaiting return of signed documents from FO/ONAP. Three {3) problem grants will require additional staff work or workout arrangements. OPDC and OAHP periodic meetings will resume in April to work to close the initial 146 test grants. These 14 PJ'swill be used to test the closeout process 18 are being edited for completion 238 138 OPDC is working with OTAM to establish a close out process 196 CDBG Entitlement 36,908 (19722013) OPDC will begin working with OBGA to establish a close out process during the latter part of FY 17 Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Program 2,930 Grants will be presented for unilateral bulk closeout due to dated nature of portfolio. Process is being formulated. Process is being formulated. However Budget has indicated that some of these UDAG grants are closed. ~I Planned Est Actual date FY17 NOFA Dept. Date Date Funds Funds of Title Clearance Published Obligated I Available Clearance Submissio (Proj/Actual) (Proj/Actual) Submission for NOFA Status / Comments n HUD-17-0235-C-000045 Capacity Building {Section 4) 4/12/17 4/3/17 - Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Pro ram Continuum of Care {CoC) 2/27/17 4/3/2017 5/17/17 The FY 2017 Community Compass NOFA entered CPD Internal Clearance on April 3, 2017. Revisions were submitted by April 18th and are currently being considered and reconciled by the drafters. The target publishing date is May 17, 2017 and the applications are expected by July 17, 2017. 2/1/2017 4/14/2017 5/30/2017 The FY 2017 Coe Program Competition NOFA went into Departmental Clearance 4/14/2017. We anticipate comments by the week of April 24, 2017. 5/12/17 - - RCB Program NOFA - NOFA language is being updated, with the five factors being developed within the office. The RCB program NOFA is expected to be in internal clearance in May 2017. Rural Capacity Building (RCB) The Section 4 NOFA is in departmental clearance and comments are due on April 20, 2017. :::c -I FY17 NOFA Estfunds Title Available for NOFA Submissi Submission on Self-Help $10,000,000 Homeowner ship Opportunity Program (SHOP) Youth $33,000,000 Homeless Demonstrati on project HUD-17-0235-C-000046 Housing Opportunitie s for Persons WITH AIDS Grant Program Veterans Home Rehabilitatio n Program Planned Actual date Dept. Date Published of Clearance ( Proj/Actual) Clearance 7/20/16 5/13/16 Date Funds Obligated (Proj/ Actual) 8/10/16 Status / Comments The application submission deadline was October 12, 2016. Awards were announced on January 18, 2017. 5/2/16 4/27/16 $5,000,000 9/30/16 TBD $5,700,000 TBD TBD NOFA has been published and applications were due November 30, 2016. 8/22/16 N/A N/A Applications received and scored. Award letters are being prepared to send out. The FY 16 NOFA has been cancelled. Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development has determined that this NOFA will be published in FY2017. D I> .c - CPD OIGAudit Dashboard YTD Numbers :::c -I CPD OIG Audit Dashboard IFY17 Start I Date 128 I !Feb 2017 I 122 3/31/2017 I -6 Net Change 9 Issued 15(2) Closed/Clean IFY17 Start I FY17 Start I HUD-17-0235-C-000047 Feb 2017 Less than 120 Dals Past 120 Da'l,S I 1 !Feb 2017 124 I IFY17 Start 64 !Feb 2017 33 Past 1BOI Davs 686 I I I 638 I -48 Net Change Issued 68 Closed 116 226 I IFY17 Start 254 I IFeb 2017 I 336 I 320 I 0-6 Months I 70 16 I I 6-12 Months I 55 15 I I 12+ Months I 195 D I> .- CPD OIG Audit Dashboardby HUD Region :::c Geographical Analysis (by HUD Region) -I Total Recommendations Overdue Recommendations 110 HQ 10 lU .,, C ') '.J 8 8 I 0 QO -~-CPD Audit and Rec Closure since FYl 7 start :::c -I OIG Audit and Recommendation Closure - 10/1/16 (Start) to 9/30/17 (End) Open 10.1.16 FY17 Ql FY17 Q2- 128 125 115 4 (5) 13 (9) 3% 10% Closed % Change HUD-17-0235-C-000049 Open Closed % Change 10.1.16 FV17 Ql 686 637 575 49 (37) 111 {68) 7% 16% FY17 Q2- FV17 Q3 FV17 Q4 FV17 Q3 FV17 Q4 From: Sent: To: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:14 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M FW: FOIA - Nursing Home in Philly Gentlemen - Please let me know when you have a few minutes to catch up about this ... thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Brown, Jereon M Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 10:58 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA We insure the mortgage. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 10:57 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: RE: FOIA Jerry - What is our involvement with this property-financing??? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Brown, Jereon M Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 9:07 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc:Edwards, Nika V ; Sullivan, Brian E ; Thompson, Amy C AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000050 ; Wi lliams, Raphael L ; Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Charles, Genger M Subject: RE: FOIA This story will run as soon as the Inquirer receives our response. Evidently there is a major lawsuit against the nursing home . A patient recently fell out of the bed and died as a result of the fal l. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:57 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Cc: Edwards, Nika V ; Sullivan, Brian E ; Thompson, Amy C ; Wi lliams, Raphael L ; Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: RE: FOIA Adding the others so they are aware. Do you have any idea when this may run? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Brown, Jereon M Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:55 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Edwards, Nika V ; Sullivan, Brian E ; Thompson, Amy C ; Wi lliams, Raphael L Subject: FW: FOIA Lisa, we are going to have a bad nursing home story. A Philadelphia nursing home that scored a 2 will be a prominent part of the story. From: Fazlollah, Mark [mailto :mfaz lollah@bhillynews.com] I] Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 9 :30 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: FOIA Jerry, I have a few general questions on the inspection reports: ls it correct that HUD inspectors use these similar standards to assess the physical condition of public housing units and privately owned rental units that are insured or assisted by various progran1s under HUD, such as rental AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000051 units that accept Section 8 vouchers. Is this type of inspection just done on all HUD-financed housing? How many similar reports are done each year? Can you tell me how many similar inspections of just nursing homes each year? Does the 1-100 ranking system cover all types of property inspections? The scores on the Philadelphia nursing homes inspections that I received range from the 70s down to the score of 2 for Bala nursing home? Have there been Section 8 rentals of other HUD properties that have received scores as low as 2? HUD letters to low scoring nursing homes say non-compliance may adversely affect the homes' ability to participate in HUD programs: Can it affect participation in all government programs? Could owners who don't comply have all of their properties affected because of one non-compliance finding? Can you recommend any reading that I should do to get background on the inspections? Mark Fazlollah l(b)(6) I Every region has a leader. Ours is Philly.com . Powered by the [nquirer and Daily News JI AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000052 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Solivan, Elvis Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:32 AM DeFelice,Joseph J FW: URGENT- FW: Agency Otticial FOIA Requests (FOIA #17-FI-R03-00599) Picture (Device Independent Bitmap); Picture (Device Independent Bitmap); Picture (Device Independen t Bitmap); Picture (Device Independent Bitmap); Picture (Device Independent Bitmap); Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) Fyi. elvis From : Solivan, Elvis Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 11:10 AM To : Kasper, Maren M ; Hughes, Andrew Subject : FW: URGENT- FW: Agency Offic ial FOIA Requests (FOIA #17-FI-RO3-00599) Importance : High Good Morning Maren and Andrew, I want to make certain that you are aware of this and also Richard Ott, Deputy Regional Administrator forwarded a draft for you to approve from the Philadelphia Association of CDCsinviting the Secretary to Philade lphia. The President made a great a speech the other night. Have a great day. Elvis From: Wi lliams, Sheppard V Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:19 AM To: Payne, Carol B >; Edwards, Nika V > Cc: Wal lis, Patrick R >; Ott, Richard M >; Solivan, Elvis > Subject: URGENT- FW: Agency Official FOIA Requests {FOIA #17-FI-RO3-00599) Importance: High Good morning, Based on the email below from the FOIA Branch in ExecSec,we are to immediately provide the responsive documents for the incoming FOIA request from Doug Donovan (Baltimore Sun) to the FOIA Branch in HQ (Sandra J. Wright) for completing the processing and responding to the requester. These 17 properties pertain to Jared Kushner. See the Baltimore Sun article http://www. ba lt imoresun.com/news/maryland/investigations/bs-md-jared-kushnerhousing-20170226-story .htm I Please call me this morn ing for further clarification/instructions involving the Baltimo re Sun FOIA #17-FI-RO3-00599. Thank you S. Van Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator Philade lphia Regional Office AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000053 Phone 215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3445 sheppard. v.w illia ms@hud.gov This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by fede ral and st ate law govern ing electroni c communica t ions and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. lfthe reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution, use, or copy ing of this message or portion thereof is strict ly prohibited. If you have received this message in error , please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . From: Snowden, Deborah R Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 5:49 PM To : Will iams, Darlene F > Cc: Glantz, Adam >; Williams, Sheppard V >; Wright, Sandra J > Subject: Agency Official FOIA Requests Importance : High Good afternoon, Effective immediate ly, any FOIA requests that the Region/Field receive regarding " agency officials , transition, Ben Carson, Trump, etc." and media, are to be assigned to HQ for processing along with the responsive records. We have been informed t hat Region 2 and Region 3 have received FOIA requests asking for records pertaining to Jared Kushner. A forma l email will follow in the next day or so. Please coordinate these request with Sandi. Thanks Deborah R. Snowden Chief, FOIA Branch 202-402-7606 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000054 From: Sent: To: Subject: Solivan, Elvis Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:57 AM DeFelice,Joseph J FW: Job Descriptions in FPM Joe, FPM's Job Duties. We can discuss. Elvis From: Solivan, Elvis Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:30 PM To: Kasper, Maren M ; Hughes, Andrew Subject: Job Descriptions in FPM Hello Maren and Andrew , Here are the dut ies of each FPM employee here in Philadelphia. Please notice for Public Affairs Officer and Davis Bacon Compla ints it maybe a duplication . The others maybe combined in some capacity because you are dealing with communities and entities . When it comes to the web, we have someone in NY. It was here in Philadelph ia in the past. Have a great night. Elvis Richard Ott. DRA Mike Worth. Supervisory Management Analyst. First line supervisor for Patrice Green (West Philadelphia Promise Zone (PZ)), Lyn Kirshenbaum (homelessness), Brandon Porinchak (COOP, Disaster Recovery , other place-based work), and Shana Robinson (Executive Secretary . Travel and training budgets region-wide, web certification, Operating Plan , ConnectHome, Regional Federal Partners meetings . Patrice Green . Community Liaison, West Philadelphia PZ. Interacts on a daily basis with the \layor \ Office 11r Ct1111111u11 ily E111pt1\\ crnll 'lll and Opportun ity on PZ issues . Leads collaborative efforts to bring HUD and other Federal resources to bear on issues in the PZ . Attends monthly meetings in 5 PZ Work Groups (Education, Health and Wellness, Housing, Economic Development, Public Safety) , and looks for resources and other collaborations to deliver results to residents. Works with Wilmington DE FOO Maria Bynum twice a month in the Restoring Central Dover, DE, a collaborative neighborhood rehabilitation effort. Lyn Kirshcnbaum. Title : Senior Management Analyst. Regional Homelessness Coordinator. This entails coordination with the USICH on the Mayors Challenge to End Veterans Homelessness , coordinating and conducting the quarterly R3ICH meetings , which involve all R3 Field Offices and representatives from each state in the Region (WV , DC, MD , VA , PA , DE) , and coordinating with Federal partners across the Region. Lyn also conducts a quarterly meeting with the City of Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services to discuss Federal Policy initiatives and to sec what resources HUD can provide. Lyn also is a HUD lead AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000055 promoting the multifamily preference for homeless persons to landlords and trains local CoCs on the program and how to access landlords and management companies Shana Robinson. Title: Executive Secretary who also coordinates controlled correspondence, sets up meetings on behalf of the RA, and handles customer service duties. Eugenia Fear. Contractor support staff with Nobis (contract concludes end of March) . Customer Service/Front Desk, assist in setting up meetings , VTCs, etc. Brandon Porinchak. Title : Senior Management Analyst. Regional Disaster Recovery liaison to FEMA, COOP, Travel, and until January, place -based work in Charleston and Huntington, WV . Also our primary liaison with the HUD Office of Healthy Homes. Has also done place-based work in Reading and Chester, PA. Has deployed in support of Hurricane Sandy and the recent severe flooding in West Virginia . Is a national expert on the new FEMA Housing Recovery Support Function (RSF) . Sheppard "Van" Williams. Title: Senior Management Analyst. Region III coordinator for controlled correspondence with Members of Congress and letters written to the Executive Branch (President , Vice President, First Lady, HUD Secretary, and RA) . Region III FOIA Coordinator, who works with other Field Offices, Program Staff, ExecSec , Public Affairs and Regional Counsel on FOIA issues. Lisa Wolfe . Public Affairs Officer . Manages media inquiries in DE, VA, DC. Internal and external communications. Manages incident reports in her geographic area. Nika Edwards. Title: Public Affairs Officer. Manages media inquiries in PA, MD, WV. Internal and external communications. Manages incident reports in her geographic area. Sets and manages Congressional briefings quarterly . Debbie Bensala: Title: Supervisory Contract Industrial Relations. Manages Regional staff of 5 Davis Bacon specialists, who investigate Davis Bacon wage hour complaints and compliance. Receives Davis Bacon reports, delivers Davis Bacon training for housing authorities, developers and construction managers . Eric Ramoth: Title: Contract Industrial Speicialist. Investigates Davis Bacon wage hour complaints and compliance . Receives Davis Bacon reports, delivers Davis Bacon training for housing authorities, developers and construction managers. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000056 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Will iams, Sheppard V Friday, June 02, 2017 7:55 AM Bynum, Nadab DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott , Richard M CTS Assignment forthcoming - FW: Congressional Inquiry : Rep. Schuster (PA-9) on behalf of Sam Thrush- Franklin County 20170601153558958.pdf GoodmorningNadab, Pleaseseethatattachedcongressiona l inquiryre FranklinCountyCDBGfundingissuethroughPADCED thatis beingassignedto CPDfor preparingan emailresponsefor our RAto provideto Rep.Schusterand cc: StanHardyin CIR. ApparentlyDCEDreferredthe matterto HUDandits beenreportedto be in review withOGC. TheformalCTSassignment is forthcoming. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof theRegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud .gov D' '"''L": ' This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or port ion thereof is st rictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error , please reply immed iately to t he sender and delete t his message. Thank you . From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:18 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Solivan , Elvis Subject: Fwd: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Schuster (PA-9) on behalf of Sam Thrush - Franklin County Hey Van See below. Joe Get Outlook for iOS From: Hardy IV, Stanley Sent : Thursday, June I, 2017 4 :09 PM Subject: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Schuster (PA-9) on behalf of Sam Thrush- Franklin County To: DeFelice, Joseph J , Ott, Richard M Cc: Dunn, Tracey , Bregon , Nelson R AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000057 Mr. Defelice, Welcome to the HUD team! Region III FPM Team: Can you please track down the status of a Franklin County grant from Pennsylvania 's State CBDG program? Franklin County reached out Rep. Schuster stating that the matter is now at HUD and being review by OCG. Additional details can be found in the attachment. Thanks for your assistance! Stanley Hardy Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations U.S Depmtment of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC -----Original Message----From: Bull , Nancy Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 3:40 PM To : Hardy IV, Stanley Subject: Sam Thrush Nancy Bull Deputy District Director Congressman Bill Shuster (PA-09) 100 Lincoln Way East, Suite B Chambersburg, PA 17201 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000058 8{JRJECT/PROBLEM: .e,11,q; -/ ~ .5e.e In accordance with Title S, Section 552a of the United States Code, I nereby authorize Congressman Bill Shuster to request assistance on my behalf from the Ul ) /-/ (NAME OF AGENCY) in connection with my above-mentioned subject/problem, and authorize discussion of my records with Congressman Shuster and/or his representative for a period of one year from the date below: NAME: ADDRESS: ~~,..,UvVfk _!;_~ 11~e- r/ g {?fl {'!, g{) <<{~-~-.f PHONE: EMAIL: SIGNATURE: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: DA TE OF BIRTH: Pleasecomplete this form and include a brief explanation ofyow. problem, then mail to: Congressman Hill Shuster 100 Lincoln Way Easl, Suite 13 Chambersburg, PA l 720 l Phonc-717-264-8308 AM RICA VERSIGHT Fax - 7 l 7-264-0269 HUD-17-0235-C-000059 Bull, Nancy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: SamuelThrush < sjthrush@franklincountypa.gov > Friday, May 26, 2017 1:58 PM Bull, Nancy PhilTarquino Calimer Drive Sewer, Washington Township (CDBG)& Privacy Form 3823_001.pdf Good Morning Nancy: In 2010, Franklin County Planning Department submitted our annual entitlement CDBG application to the State of Pennsylvania (specifically the Depmtment of Economic and Community Development) for their review and apprnval. Within this application was the Calimer Drive Sewer Project. The county described to DCED the project. It was descl'ibed as a typical sewer system extension, which includes everything involved in the sewer extension. It .was also described as a multi-year project and requiring multiple CDBG funding allocations. In 2014, after the county applied to the state for a reimbursement of funds for the Calimer Drive Sewer Project, .we discovered, after receiving a denial from the state, that our contract was conditioned by the state and they would not allow us to withdraw any CDBG funds. We contacted our grant manager at the state of Pennsylvania and the manager noted that the contract is conditioned because of the project ""as paying tap fees and we needed to submit more information and forms. We reached out to the state to come to an understanding of their issues and discovered that there is only one way to allow CDBG funding to pay for tap fees. It was to ensure that the Wastewater-treatment plant in Washington Township was built to the requirements of the federal code at the time of it's construction. We, including Washington Tovmship, pulled documents from the 1970s shov1~ngthat the project was funded by EPA money and abide by federnl code at that time. After a several weeks, the state of Pennsylvania alerted our office that they are pushing this issue to US HUD. (Side noteo We wish the state informed the county of the possibility of pushing the issue to US HUD.) A couple weeks ago (first qua1tcr 2017), our office received correspondence from the state saying that US HUD officials pushed the issue to US HUD's Counsel. We arc not sure if DCED forwarded this to US HUD in Washington, DC or their regional offices (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh). Currently, our questions for you to find out on our behalf arc the follmving: 1. What 2. is the status of the review'? When '\,\111 we hear the results'? Thanks, Samuel J. Thrush Planner Franklin County Planning Dcparbucnt 218 N, Second Street Chambersbm.g, PA 17201 Phone: 717-261-3855 Fax: 717-264-8667 AM~ HICA'\J VER IGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000060 From: Sent: Bynum, Nadab Friday, June 02, 2017 8:40 AM Will iams, Sheppard V DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M Re: CTS Assignment forthcoming - FW: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Schuster (PA-9) on behalf of Sam Thrush- Franklin County To: Cc: Subject: Van, We are in receipt of your message. We will immediately look into this inquiry and get back to you. Nadab Sent from my iPhone On Jun 2, 2017 , at 7:54 AM, Williams, Sheppard V wrote : GoodmorningNadab, Pleaseseethatattachedcongressiona l inquiryre FranklinCountyCDBGfundingissue throughPADCEDthatis beingassignedto CPDfor preparing an emailresponsefor our RAto provideto Rep.Schusterandcc:StanHardyin CIR. Apparently DCEDreferredthe matterto HUDandits beenreportedto be in reviewwithOGC. TheformalCTSassignment is forthcoming . S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov < imagc00 2.png > < image003 .png > < image004 .png > < image0OS.png > < image006.png > This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may conta in confidential and legally privi leged informat ion. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution, use, or copying of this message or port ion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immed iately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:18 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: Fwd: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Schuster (PA-9) on behalf of Sam Thrush- Franklin County Hey Van See below. Joe AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000061 Get Outlook for iOS From: Hardy IV, Slanley Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 4:09 PM Subject: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Schuster (PA-9) on behalf of Sam Thrush- Franklin County To : Defelice, Joseph J , Ott, Richard M Cc: Dunn, Tracey , Bregon, Nelson R Mr. Defelice, Welcome to the HUD team! Region III FPM Team: Can you please track down the status of a Franklin County grant from Pennsylvania 's State CBDG program? FranklinCounty reached out Rep . Schuster stating that the matter is now at HUD and being review by OCG. Additional delails can be found in lhe allachment. Thanks for your assistance! Stanley Hardy Office or Congressional & lnlergovernmental Relalions U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development Washington, DC -----Original Message----From: Bull, Nancy Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 3:40 PM To : Hardy IV, Stanley Subject: Sam Thrush Nancy Bull Deputy District Director Congressman Bill Shuster (PA-09) 100 Lincoln Way East, Suite B Chambersburg, PA 1720 l <2017060115355 8958.pdf> AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000062 Subject: Location: Tour and Update on PHOC Single Family Housing HOC Director's Conference Room 12th Floor Start: End: Show Time As: Tue 6/6/ 20171:00 PM Tue 6/6/2017 2:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Shaffer, Julie Triolo, Anthony T; Boguslaw, Chris; Cahall, Elizabeth M; Curry, Michael J; Cianci, Andrew; DIPJETRO , Andy V; DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Solivan, Elvis You should already have the fiscal year-end report and Philade lphia Homeownership Center (PHOC) organization chart that was previously provided in February. We have updated the staffing numbers on the attached documents and provided our second quarter report. You will also find attached the FHA Resource Center training that was given to FPM at the end of fiscal year 2016, FHA's top originating and servicing lender, the actuar ial reviews for FY16 for forward and reverse mortgages, and a presentation that was given in February for the New York Mortgage Bankers Association. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000063 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Lender QUICKEN LOANS INC WELLS FARGO BANK NA FAIRWAY INDEPENDENT MORTGAGE CORPOR.t MOVEMENT MORTGAGE LLC GUILD MORTGAGE COMPANY LOANDEPOT.COM PRIMELENDING A PLAINSCAPIT AL COMPANY ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION CALIBER HOME LOANS INC FINANCE OF AMERICA MORTGAGE LLC EVERETT FINANCIAL INC PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE INC DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD UNIVERSAL AMERICAN MORTGAGE CO LLC GUARANTEED RATE INC BROKER SOLUTIONS INC FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION PROSPECT MORTGAGE LLC SECURITYNA TIONAL MORTGAGE COMPANY EMBRACE HOME LOANS INC Lender ID 71970 22995 79507 26264 4718 30096 73663 72575 30992 77745 17224 12617 5424 21490 19895 21221 75159 13920 76355 14435 Compare Total Ratio% Orig 37 63 97 107 153 153 77 117 127 97 120 167 107 123 77 93 137 167 113 153 76921 16745 14982 14727 14696 13720 12509 12347 12097 9892 9804 9384 7082 6770 6641 6409 6133 5813 5659 5460 Total Seriously Delinquent Total Seriously Delinquent and Claims Total Claims 86 32 44 47 68 63 29 42 46 29 35 47 23 25 15 18 25 29 19 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 32 44 47 68 63 29 43 46 29 35 47 23 25 15 18 25 29 19 25 HUD-17-0235-C-000064 Originator Originator Originator ID FHA Approval Status AMERICAN ADVISORSGROUP ONE REVERSEMORTGAGELLC REVERSEMORTGAGEFUNDING LLC REVERSEMORTGAGESOLUTIONSINC LIBERTYHOME EQUITYSOLUTIONS INC FINANCEOF AMERICA REVERSELLC SYNERGYONE LENDING, INC. NATIONWIDE EQUITIESCORPORATION LIVE WELL FINANCIAL INC HIGH TECH LENDINGINC OPEN MORTGAGELLC FIRSTBANK REVERSEMORTGAGES.COM,INC. HOME POINT FINANCIALCORPORATION THE FEDERALSAVINGSBANK FAIRWAY INDEPENDENTMORTGAGECORPOI CHERRYCREEKMORTGAGECO INC ADVISORSMORTGAGEGROUPLLC PEOPLESBANK PROFICIOMORTGAGEVENTURESLLC AMEHICAN VERSIGHT 22823 21650 31180 24611 21109 21249 31215 21639 23198 24969 21548 49537 00209 26273 31074 79507 71075 15483 76796 26183 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A % of Area Originator Total HECM HECM Originations Volume 8,929 3,695 1,913 1,894 1,720 1,435 1,307 1,051 1,040 928 559 506 482 424 415 364 352 352 301 289 18.27 7.56 3.91 3.88 3.52 2.94 2.67 2.15 2.13 1.9 1.14 1.04 0.99 0.87 0.85 0.74 0.72 0.72 0.62 0.59 HUD-17-0235-C-000065 Endorsed Current Status Assigned to HUD Current AMEHICAN VERSIGHT Current 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dCurrent Status Status 8,840 3,653 1,890 1,836 1,684 1,412 1,290 1,038 1,020 920 552 496 477 419 409 361 349 344 293 283 Cancelled Terminate Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Line of Term- Credit Tenure - Payment (LOC)- Payment Plan Payment Plan Plan 89 42 23 58 36 23 17 13 20 8 7 10 5 5 6 3 3 8 8 6 78 45 1 45 13 23 14 12 12 4 3 5 4 3 4 4 2 0 2 4 8,015 3,551 1,476 1,740 1,367 1,335 1,147 1,018 910 873 489 459 455 407 384 335 324 318 287 265 128 33 38 30 24 27 26 7 18 20 10 3 5 0 5 2 5 4 1 3 Term and Tenure LOC- and LOC - Payment Payment Plan Plan 98 44 114 51 83 28 53 12 12 12 22 12 2 7 9 9 13 2 2 4 73 19 52 28 44 19 52 2 12 18 8 10 3 3 6 7 7 2 1 4 HUD-17-0235-C-000066 Total Delinquent Senicer ID Servicer WELLS rARGO BANK NA JPMORG AN CHASE BANI-.: NA US BANK NA CENLAR fEDERJ\L S;\ VINGS II,\ PENNYMAC NATIONSTAR LOAN SERVICES Ll 10 1-11 16(~]1 JOOSo 2S0o)5 Adi, ..e Portfolio 50 1568 -l.l7<17ll .\9S.59 1 MORT GA GE 1.1.C BANK OF A MERI CA NA CHARU QUlCf-'.EN LO ANS INC LOANCARELLC M AN DT BA N I-.: AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT 13065 7 1'-HO 70 10 1 7586 o 107~50 207656 Total J,oa ns Foreclosur e Claims Paid on r .oan\ O.-i~inated <= 2ye.ars In Seriously 60 Days Udinquen1 L oa ns as of .Foreclosure Originakd 09/J0/2016 l.'.ount <= 2 years Delin<1uenr Loans ~.;!.07,S ~]()6(, "29~0:'i 8X5:l0 20 24U 2205 12 J :l:l05 2SJ 19 1 1326 72950 8500 124 19 :'i IAfJ1J I ~9-+2 6:V-.Cl 26101 fl l 94 1.17249 '.\21;21;9 27 172 I.N':12 JS 75 9605 '.tN8 1.1)97 -1-191 P:lO I :incR'J 27 19 19~77' (,() 17 ~ 171 0 1x:wo 4h Y44 WJ4J 6~ o o ~6,88 10-1-10 7259 54087 9755 112 10 ()4 2 r7h9 l!l40 2041 h8'\ 2 17144 2 J9]42 2437 1.10225 1IJ29 1113-l 5771 2:l5Y9 2 692 17609 11470 4 108 8021 -'O Days Dt-linquent Total Loans Originated > 2 ,oean; <= S years 21) u 4 2-1 f< 1 12 I Foreclosure Claims Paid on l.oans Orjginated > 2 years <= S years 1009069 26075:l 192160 19.5214 > 15 .W\ KIJ51J~ 58 4 32 l h2k l4 14562 2 702 99 J2S:l 6 10 7 11 HUD-17-0235-C-000067 728 5R2 246 95 46 0 72 1 2:l4 Fo r eclos ur e Claim Rat e <= S year s fo r Uni ted States 0 .22 0 .22 0 .22 0 .22 0.2~ 0 .2~ n .21 Ll.22 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000068 Chris Boguslaw Director Operations and Customer Service Division Greta Ambrose-Evans Mike Pollard Management Analyst Management Analyst Kathleen Roe Jennifer Sica Management Analyst/Compliance Management Analyst lance Litty David Kinnard Business Analyst Management Analyst Richard Young Management Analyst Thomas Longo Laurence Owens Katie Elsele Management Analyst Management Analyst Management Analyst AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000069 HUD-17-0235-C-000070 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownersh rt As Of March 30 , 2012 Julle Shaffer Director Philadelphia Homeownership Center G) :::c Anthony Triolo -I Deputy Director Phlladelphla Homeownership Center Camille Holland Manpment Analyst Mike Levine Housing Programs Officer David Grabowski Julia Cark Business Analyst Business Analyst ChrisBuguslaw Director Operations and customer Senllce Division Beth Cahall Acting Director Prol!"llm Support Divl5iun HUD-17-0235-C-000071 AndyCand Dlreaor Processing and Underwriting Divl5iun Andy Dipietro Director Quality and Assurance Division )> <~ m IJ Philadelphia Homeownership Center Organi zational Chart As Of March 30, 2012 JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I L Mldlael Curry Director RealEstateOwned DMslo HUD-17-0235-C-000072 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Philadelphia Homeownership Center Organi zational Chart As Of March 30, 2012 HUD-17-0235-C-000073 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Philadelphia Homeownership Center Organi zational Chart As Of March 30, 2012 HUD-17-0235-C-000074 Beth Cahall Director Steve Mares Housir11 Praarams Officer Vacant Vacant Branch Chief, Educ.atlan & Outreach Brandl Branch Chief, Non-Proflt Branch 0.rlstopher B. Cline H0<1slnaProlll'lm Speclallst l Janf~ M. Skinner Maryanne Danlel Glenn Stopera H0<1slnaPro1ram Speclallst Management Analyst Housln& Prosram Specialist Mark C. Surdi Sally Nieves-Wright Housing Program Spedallst Housln& Prosram Specialist Deborah Peacock Housing Program Specialist AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000075 It um'wu ?Ida ramm Haulusmll all? awrammhu-In Phall- HIE all-1' In! Mil. Mild- !l'c Faun mull: ipd?h lulu Ind- 51!? ?mil. ?in mi "If? ?kill ll? Hull! ?lm-?ll CM lib? Halli. mm Hamlin Mann SIM- HMLW sni- Emu-Human [Innis 5M HUD-17-0235-C-000076 -o o ,,,/ --....... f:ji-,, M +:;i-+ .l:i .. 1 ,iMi <~ m IJ PHILADELPHIA HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER JJ C) en )> _ 7 5-31-2017 GHD- '.)irE>rtor. HOC: Juli.>ShatfP.r G) ("1641 83C'l)C,109!l0 :::c -I fJP!)llf'~-D1rPcl<1r HOC Antl-iont Tric-lo 1_1631 3JOUOI0!:14U CamillP.-1011;:md D,,..,11:1 C r.1bn,..,..,ki Management Businfl ~ Analyst Analvst M,rh.,PI Ju1i;=iClrtrk I p~oin,;> H:lu~ing Pro!;:rcJm Bu~ine::-~Analyst OtticP.r P~J'.>-:>rr:~.-.~,;,np_ ~ (:(SD 01)('(,l\o(.lr'\ ~ ,lr'l(l (:u$CColl~r PS'.J- :>rr:gr~m Slif)fl<.lfl Y!-r v1cc 1)1111~11 >n lJlld@r ....-r,t,111<.: '.JirPrtor QAD- Qu:lit y AssJrance o,,..i ~ion Direct:::ir Andy ( i;mc, (67J Andv :,,1,1,c-vc iJg) f),.,.i~,on '.)i1,:,,rtor '.Jirl:'rtor BP.thCahall Chri~ 3osu~l;=iw (11J t~J IHO - flP.ll f",;t,1tP Ow11Pd )iv, ,;,r:n DirP<.tnr Micha<:"l(Jrry :il.]00010GJ4Q 8300010956 i.3.31 8.30001095.3 l!UU0UIU~4 BC(IC'lC"J'll tl-'U ~,('1(1 il:~'ll~W ?.ir,ll"irh 1 C.h,f"f OCSD-C.J~tomP.r SP.1-..ic.? :>SD- Edu,at,on and OutrP.a,h Branch Branch 1 (1-,iei (',/ ,l(,l1l\j (Vacant) \Oj :oJ tHUOUIU',o~/ .8.KJL.-.110QJ) Jovc.P.TatP. C.P.ch (B) 83Cu0109SQ ";;kc,l.;i ol,111 F-"Ull lol$11(,lf'I((' 8, l,.,'rl(le r.,,r,t,or. )vp cr ...1scrv l} o (lerwr,te r 8300010',,',;] 830C{ll0H7 iVrtc.rtntl (Cl OC~Ll (\,1~t orrier)erv1cc BOOOlC9S8 ?.ir,lf'ldl) (:hif"f ('-JacantJ :oJ 8.3000109'-.3 PLH)- ln~,,,rr111r@ R. \Jl"idPwritin~ Bran ~h I Chi?.f Debbie \olaldonadc llOl t':'30L'hillip s :7J 8.3000l0(M8 PSD fiE',ld DpP.rati.:in Branch (Vac.antJ :01 C:1m11Pll .1 Hr1rr,i=:,,n Chif;f Valerie M:Cof(-9) 8JO UOIOY':i~ ~rC'...,;r,im An.ll.~~o f.h,lrlP~ Al"idPr~Oll ,:WI PSI) - Nr:o'.>mf,t A.r MK .h flfO-A.r.ln~h 1 CJA(} ~1~ld ~e ...,( ..,-. ?;r.ll"irh -~ C.h,f"f John \Jan dP. Zillo'P. I (13J 83000109S2 sr ~uf)Pr\.i~.-:r., H~i::; SpP r.,rtl,~t John ThrP.~~ ("11) 8300010954 Manai;:?.mP.nt Ana ly st .8300010953 ....., !i..... 0 a. QJ ci:::: \0 Pl 0 ~ QJ .-> N ~ '- 1.0 M 0 N !i..... "ro QJ > 0 QJ > .- ... ~ ro u V') .LL ~ E cu '6_ cu v, ~ =a C cu 'cu ~ t't'I ::s CJ +-' :::J u QJ X LJJ AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000081 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ,.--;-;/,f, fl J ;-;-. '-...._ Philadelphia Homeownership Center ;t~"1111111 .'\i - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf INTRODUCTION ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c -I INTRODUCTION The HUD Single Family Housing FHA insurance operations are carried out by four HOCs across the nation and are organizationally under the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing and the Assistant Secretary for Housing-FHA Commissioner in HQ. HUD-17-0235-C-000082 The four HOCs are: Philadelphia, Atlanta, Denver and Santa Ana. Each HOC has five Divisions: Processing and Underwriting Division (PUD), Real Estate Owned Division (REO), Quality Assurance Division (QAD), Program Support Division (PSD) and the Operations and Customer Service Division (OCSD). )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 r" 1 ;ii1"il1 ::;\ - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf HOC Director Office ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c -I HOC DIRECTOR o!o Julie A. Shaffer is the Director and Anthony Triolo is the Deputy Director of the Philadelphia Homeownership Center (HOC). o!o The HOC Director and Deputy are responsible for the overall management and administration of FHA Mortgage Insurance Programs within the District of Columbia and the 15 State jurisdiction of Region I, Region II, Region Ill, and two states within Region V, Michigan and Ohio. Presently, there are a total of 174 staff on-board, with 27 of that total out-stationed from Philadelphia. HUD-17-0235-C-000083 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) -,;\,\E,\JT o/ r/1'0 11 -"(),_ 111I1 (. 0 1 EUR\ /~ 1111 1111*~/ Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 HOC DirectorOffice Org Chart March2016 1'&;iN 1)1-,,,;_:o" _\; G) ..... :::c -I Julie A. Shaffer Director Anthony Triolo Deputy Director Camille Hol land Joseph Beatty ManJgement Analyst Business An;ilyst Mike Levine Housing Prog rams Officer Julia Clark Business AnJ lyst I HUD-17-0235-C-000084 Director Director Program Support Division Robert Contois Business Ana lyst David Grab owski Business Ana lyst I Andy Cianci Elizabeth Cahall I I - I I Chris Boguslaw Operations and Customer Service Division - Director Processing and Underwriting Division Andy DiPietro Director Quality Assurance Division I Michael Curry Director Real Estate Owned Division )> 0 <~ m IJ .o JJ C) "Ti~;,'"' . (* j Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 ,s, 1111111 &11~1l)l_\}~ G) :::c HOC ManagementStructure ;y cl OHD- Director, HOC -I Julie Shaffer Deputy-Director HOC Anthony Triolo OCSD - Operations and Customer Service Division Director Chris Boguslaw OCSD- Customer Service Branch I (Vacant) Andrew Cianci Elizabeth Cahal I PSD- Education and Outreach Branch (Vac<1nt) REO - Real Estate Owned PUD - Processing & Underwriting Director PSD - Program Support Division Director PUD- Insurance & Underwriting Branch 1 Chief Debbie Maldonado PUD-lnsurance & Underwriting Supervisor John Phillips QAD - Quality Assurance Division Division Director Director Andy Di Pietro Michael Curry QAD-Field Review RED-Bran ch 1 Branch 1 Chief Chief Vacant Joyce Tate Cech PUD - Insurance & Underwriting OCSD-Customer Service Branch 2 (Vacant) PSD-Nonprofit Branch (V<1c<1nt) PUD-lnsurance & Underwriting Branch Branch 2 Chief Supervisor Joyce Jones Charles Anderson REO-Branch 2 QAD-Field Review Branch 2 Chief David Marsha 11 Chief Patricia Peiffer HUD-17-0235-C-000085 PUD- Technic<1ISupport PUD- Technical Support Branch 1 Branch 2 QAD- Field Review Chief Chief Branch 3 Vacant Krish Raja Chief REO-Branch 3 Supervisor REO John Thress John Van de Zilver REO-Branch 4 Supervisor REO Valerie McCoy ,,;,;(,\J";.;; : )> <~ m IJ 1!}"<-0 Philadelphia Homeownership Center JJ C) 111111111 * '\ ; * \v en )> _ 7 I I "'ct 1111 ,ly&,, Philadelphia Homeownership Staffing as of September 2016 q'/f '15 ) 'I~/ l)L ?~:-, .. G) :::c -I PHILADELPHIA HOC STAffiNG September 30, 2016 Totals TOT AL PHOC authorized ON-BD VACANT TOT AL PHOC STAFF 174 0 TOT AL DI RECTOR STAFF 8 TOTAL OCSD STAFF 10 Sue,ervisor'I, 2 Sue,ervisor'I, 1 On Line 6 On Line 9 In-House 8 In-House 10 0/S 0 0/S 0 174 PHOC PSD SUPERVISORY ON LINE 18 156 ON-BD 0/5 TOT AL ACTUAL PHOC STAFF 147 27 174 PHOC PUD ON-BD Total 69 0 VACANT 11 TOTAL Sue,ervi sor'L 1 Sue_ervisor'L 6 On Line 10 On Line 63 In-House 6 In-House 69 0/S 5 0/S 0 VACANT TOTAL In-House Total 11 PSD STAFF PHOC QAD ON-BD Total 41 0 PUD STAFF 69 PHOC REO ON-BD Total 35 HUD-17-0235-C-000086 VACANT 0 VACANT 0 TOT AL QAD STAFF 41 TOT AL REO STAFF 35 Sue_ervisor'f 4 Sue_ervisor'f 4 Online 37 Online 31 In-House 25 In-House 0 1S 16 0 1S 30 5 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) 0 .o Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 G) :::c "Ti~;,'"' . (*1111111 ) ,ly&,, OPERATIONS DIVISION Operations and Customer Support Division '15) ' I~/ l)L ?~-- -I Chris Boguslaw is the Director of the Operations Division. Division has a total of 10 employees. The Operations o!o Operations is responsible for providing support services to the Philadelphia Homeownership Center in the areas of staffing resources, procurement, budget, management plan, travel, funding, executive correspondence, FOIA, customer service, web applications, and ad hoc computer system design and support. Sensitive media issues and Congressional concerns are also managed. HUD-17-0235-C-000087 o!o The FHA Resource Center, located in Indianapolis, Indiana, provides access to FHA and the Homeownership Centers nationally for customers and lenders. The Resource Center responds to requests for assistance from both the public and industry customers. Lenders with technical questions or first time homebuyers, looking for information on HUD homes and FHA insurance contact the Center at 1-800-CALLFHA (800-225-5342) or through e-mail answers@hud.gov. There is a databank available at all times for frequently asked questions (FAQ Site): hud.gov/answers. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Processingand Underwriting Division ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - PROCESSING AND UNDERWRITING DIVISION Andrew Cianci is the Director of the Processing and Underwriting Division (PUD) with four Underwriting/Insurance Branches and two Technical Support Branches. o!o There are a total of 69 employees. There are two contractor companies who work within the PUD at the Philadelphia HOC. HUD-17-0235-C-000088 o!o From FY 2008 to FY 2013, FHA experienced increased volumes of insurance endorsement applications and refinances to FHA as a result of FHA initiatives throughout the sub-prime mortgage / National Housing crises. Starting in FY 2014, FHA reduced its footprint in the housing market. Program Updates and Legislation have further modernized and reformed FHA's programs. In January 2015, FHA announced a reduction in annual Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) rates for most Title II forward mortgages with amortization terms greater than 15 years. This initiative increased FHA endorsements again . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Processingand Underwriting Division Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I o!o The Processing and Underwriting Division is broken into two programmatic areas, Technical and Underwriting. 1) The Technical Branch functions include Appraisal Quarterly Reviews, Appraiser Sanctions, Condominium processing by HUD Staff and the Contractor, processing Waivers and Partial Releases, responding to FOIAs, Congressional, and Complaint (203K, Lenders, Borrowers, Consultants, Appraisers) Correspondence. HUD-17-0235-C-000089 2) The Underwriting Branch functions include Post Endorsement Technical Reviews (PETRS), expert underwriting response to Direct Endorsement (DE) and Lender Insurance (LI) Lenders, review Lender Test Cases, process MIC Corrections, Address Changes, Case Cancellations, Siebel Service Requests, Telephone Inquires, Complaints, Federal Records Center Retention and Retrieval. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center Endorsements - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA -I HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER Total Endorsements PHOC REGI0NIFIB..D FV2011 OFRCE FV2012 FY2013 FV2014 FV2015 FY 2016 I REGION Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence 3,635 3,213 22,172 19 , 121 1 ,123 914 14 ,525 13 ,643 3.395 2.029 2.951 3,804 19.366 10.703 16.425 18,353 980 16,161 683 985 1,101 8,252 11 ,658 13,217 5,398 5 ,066 5,549 3,151 5 ,030 5,678 4,746 4 ,711 5,178 3,119 4 ,640 5,513 .-.-.-.--.-..-.-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . -.-.-.-.. . . . ..-.-.-.-. . . . . ..-.-.-.-.-.. . . . ..-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . -.-.-.-.. . . . ..-. . .-.-.-.-.-.. . . . . ..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. . . . . . . . . .... . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-. . ...... -.-.-.-..... ..... . . ..-.-.. . ...-.-.-.-.-. . . . . -.-.-.-.-. . . . . . .-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . -.-.-.-.. . . . ..-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . .-. 51,599 REGIONAL SUBTOTAL 27,937 46 , 668 50,629 12 ,384 1 1 ,3 07 11 ,944 7,753 9 ,640 11 ,57 1 1 1 ,059 10 ,667 6 ,728 7 ,547 8 ,204 13 ,570 13,531 15 ,202 8 ,420 12 ,9 01 14 ,626 22,426 20,823 21,232 12,733 17,369 18,727 21,711 20,694 21,182 11,418 18.595 20,136 47,052 66,052 72 ,181 12.416 20.455 23,351 . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41,689 47,666 . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . II REGION Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark ............... REGION .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81,662 REGIONAL SUBTOTAL 10,488 77,414 80 ,227 Ill Baltimol'"e Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC WIimington 22,525 20,658 4 ,347 3 ,950 36,63 1 34 ....... 4 ,023 37,261 2 ,693 20,974 3,874 29 ,351 34,269 13,373 13 ,208 13 ,77 1 10 ,818 11,710 24 ,860 29,559 16,207 22,953 26,856 27,442 24 ,866 25,841 13,766 22,403 23,115 4,370 5,071 2,784 139,484 n,862 135,201 91,946 9,022 3,237 26, 130 4 ,7 53 REGIONAL SUBTOTAL 23.958 4,3 78 113,595 5,166 128,341 ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. REGIONV HUD-17-0235-C-000090 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids . REGIONAL SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA Totals FY 20 16 data is through 12 ,01 4 11 ,850 15.327 9.266 11.28 3 12,179 20, 105 20 ,2 65 25,111 15 ,929 18 ,794 21,421 14 ,2 09 13,886 18 ,790 10 ,754 13 ,233 14,381 19 ,51 3 20 ,034 24 , 150 16 ,785 20 ,802 22 , 18 1 3,786 3 ,803 12 ,085 12 ,221 81 ,712 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ....... ..82,059 ... .. ........ 4 ,836 15,383 . 103,597 ..... . .. ........... 3 ,400 4 , 165 4,652 12,410 13,576 80,687 ..... .. ... ........... 88,390 ................ 10. 122 66,256 HOC 350,174 298 ,087 373,937 219,107 ...... . .. . ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.130 /1 6 302,023 . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 336 ,578 .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I PHOC Total IFF - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf PHILADELPHIA PHOC REGION/FIB..D REGION OFFICE I HOMEOWNERSHIP I FY2011 FY2012 I CENTER I FY2013 Total Insurance I FY2014 In Force I FY2015 FY2016 I Banaor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence 19,748 20,545 20,523 20 76,824 83,351 85,200 86,223 5,060 5,269 81,107 5,294 , 334 20,479 21,229 85,752 88.344 5 , 382 85,809 88.871 90 ,36 21,134 23,232 24 25 19,669 21,973 23.786 , 426 5,494 6 , 278 25,062 5,771 91,822 94.786 25,923 27.247 26,259 28.274 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:1:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:f .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.1.:.:. :.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:. :.:.:1:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.1.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:. REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL 223,542 240,179 248,100 252 , 645 255,729 265,651 II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark 86,001 89,654 90,783 90,915 91,270 92.466 85,383 88,976 89,726 89,140 88,394 87.592 85,209 90,086 85,355 97,025 95,467 104,003 92 , 514 91 , 934 92,836 96 , 108 103,958 107,007 109,635 113. 107 107 108 111,729 , 945 , 990 , 191 795 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1:::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::::: REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelp_hia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash-~ DC Wilmington REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL 437,415 469,744 484,926 486,986 490,326 501,690 -.-.-.-.-.-............-..o..-.-.........-.-.-.-.-.-...........-. .-.-.-.-...........-.-.-.-.-...... ... -.-o..-.-.-.........-...-.-.-.-. .........-...-.-.-.-.........-.-.-. ....-.-.-.-.-.-..... 124,660 130,934 24,517 25,831 204,154 217,951 81 ,066 160 ,786 124,129 134 ,387 26,177 26 ,12 1 , 326 228,470 225,150 135,3 79 26,440 232,248 27.229 239.283 92,198 86,076 88,135 89 , 495 171,938 172 ,363 173,112 177.307 130,865 129 127 , 282 124,476 125,533 ,35 4 29,281 29,678 90,603 140.186 168,449 28,202 26,394 134 30,455 31.952 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:,:1:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.: <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 :;:,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center PHOCTotal Defaults - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I PHILADELPHIA HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER TOTAL DEFAULTS PHOC REGIONIFIB.D REGION FY2011 OFFICE Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL 2,135 2,071 1,939 1,671 1,312 6,954 6,635 6,031 5,343 4,771 423 496 403 7,207 9,332 8,405 8,487 1,044 1,358 1,203 1,201 1,506 1,909 1,944 1,800 . ......... 20,681 .. .... 345 369 7,290 6,065 864 990 1,551 19,861 .... . .......... .. 1,350 17,214 ....................14,707 6,695 . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. 6,898 9,184 9,367 9,305 7,997 5,090 6,691 6,964 6,974 6,051 5,029 16 ,383 15,999 13,557 11,845 10,452 14,456 14,867 18,002 17,304 12,290 10,705 13 , 542 ............... 48,525 SUBTOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 13,303 . 11 ,530 14 , 122 . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 11,715 ................. 9 ,993 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .9..,919 .. .. 64 ,716 64,501 57,261 49 , 138 11,531 14,956 14,755 12,473 10 ,546 1,430 1,564 1,397 1,377 1,304 1 ,243 1 7,399 15 ,131 ............... 15,236 42,088 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SUBTOTAL V HUD-17-0235-C-000092 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals data is through 20,273 21,000 20,407 9,450 3,951 4,840 5,182 5,442 5,049 4,408 10,985 13,410 12,235 10,618 8,840 7,550 7,014 9,244 8,565 7,055 5,822 5,546 2 ,69 4 3,473 3,254 2,814 2,359 2,141 66,388 60,186 51,319 . . ........ . 2016 FY2016 Ill REGIONAL FY FY2015 1,628 22,184 . . .........16,979 . ... ..... .. ......... Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburah Richmond Wash., DC Wilmington REGIONAL FY2014 II REGIONAL REGION FY2013 5,241 353 .Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGION FY2012 I .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 52,841 67,760 . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 45,469 ................. ............ ......... .................... ... .................. ......................................... ........ ........... ...................... . .................. ...................... 9,137 10 ,260 8,185 7 ,356 6,073 5,039 13,929 16 , 104 14,086 12 ,706 10,927 9,190 10,421 11 ,594 9,383 8 ,33 1 7,017 5,587 14,598 13 ,631 9,851 8,406 6,635 5,103 3,755 3 ,896 3,023 3,058 2,387 1 , 727 7 ,527 5 ,840 ............... 7,641 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 5,680 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45,537 .. .. .. ..59,481 . . .. ... . .. .. .. ..63,012 .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. 50,368 .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 177,826 ......... 9 / 30 / 16 214,582 187,676 182,845 .. 4,273 3 ,230 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37,312 29 , 876 .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . 154,983 . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 132,140 . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center PHOCTotal Default Percentages - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA -I CENTER HOMEOWNERSHIP Tota.I Default Percentages PHOC REGION'FIELD FY 2011 OFFICE FY2012 FY2013 FV2014 FV2015 FV2016 I REGION Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL REGION 8.24~/o 10.39?/ 8.16% 6. 18? /o 8.34% 7. 79?/o 6.99% 6.23% 5.40% 6.98~/o 9.41% 7.99% 7.49% 6.72% 5.98% 8.89~/o 10.88% 9.46% 9.39% 7.94% 6.40% 5.85''/o 4.93% 4. 75''/o 3.82% 3.17% 8.69 8.17% 7.18% 5.91% 4.77% 8.34%, 7.86%, 6.73?/o 5.54% 10.23% 8.76% 7.24% 7.82% 6.85% 5.74% 4.94~/o 7.66~/ o 7.60%, 9.24?/Q .................... ..... . . ..... ....................l.... ............. ......... .......... 8.02% 10 .24?/o 10 .32% 5.96% 7.52% 7.76% 14.42% 18 . 19?/o 1 7.29% 14 .7 5% 12 .7 6% 10 . 88% 12.54% 14 . 90% 14 . 30% 12 . 43% 10 . 52?/o 8 . 78% 14.19% 17.31 16 .03% 13 . 08% 10 . 83% 8 . 88% . .. .. .. 11.09% SUBTOTAL ...... % ...........:..........:..... 13 . 78?/Q 13 11.42 .... .... ............ .:..... .....:..........:. ...... ......:..........:..........:. .. . ................. :..........:.... 11 . 76% . 30% 10 . 02% . _._._._ .. . .... _._._._ .... . .. _._._._ .... . ...8.39?/4 _._._._. .. .. ......... .. .. -- -- ....... Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadel_ehia Pittsburg_h Richmond Wash.2 DC Wi I min_g_ton REGIONAL 9.25% 10 .98% 9.30% 7.79% 6.74% 5.83% 6.05% 5.34% 5.23% 4 .93% 4.56% 7.46% 9.30% 9.33% 8.93% 7.49% 6.32% 4.87% 5.62% 5.88% 6.08% 5.57% 4.78% 6.83% 7.96% 7.12% 6.16% 5.11 % 4.26% 5.65% 7.06 6.62% 5.54% 4.68 % 4.42% 11.11% 9.48% 7.75 % 6.70% 7.45% 6.31% 5.45% 5.62% 10.21% ?/o % 12.31% . . . . . . . . .......................... ... 7.09% SUBTOTAL - -- - - - - - 8.60?/Q ._._._._._._ ._._._._._._. _._._ . .. .... .:..........:......... .:. ...... ......:.. ........:..........:. .. ......:........ ..:... .......:..... 8.25% - -- -- -- _._._._ ._._._._._._._._. _._._._ ._. . _._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._._. _._. . _._._._._._._. _._._._._ ._._._._._._. V HUD-17-0235-C-000093 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand ?/o 10 .09% II REGIONAL REGION o ... . .. v.............................. . . ......................... SUBTOTAL Albany_ Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGION 9. 54''/o 6.82~/o Rapids 10.75% 11.69 % 9.32% 8.30% 6.85% 10.28% 11 .2 1 % 9.55% 8.43% 7.16% 5.88% 10.17%, 11 .02% 8.97% 7.99%, 6.81% 5.43% 6.82?/o 5.37%, 4.05% 7.85%, 5.54?/., 5.02%, 3 . 75% 12 . 89%, 11 .5 1 % 12 . 92%, 1 3.24% 9 . 60%, 9 . 20Q/o 8.15% 10 .27% 7 . 02% 10.14% 6 .69% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::1::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::1:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REGIONAL SUBTOTAL 10.92% 11.13% 8.78% 7.83% 6 . 39% 5.05% ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :1:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::i::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PHOC Totals 9.11% 10.54% 9.57% 8.59% 7.23% 6.03% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::i: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::1:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FY 2016 data is througf, 9 / 30 / 16 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 -I - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf ProgramSupport Division (PSD) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ PROGRAM SUPPORT DIVISION Elizabeth Cahall is the Director of the Program Support Division (PSD). The PSD consists of 11 employees; 5 are out-stationed operating from offices located within the Philadelphia HOC jurisdiction. The Division Director is supported by two Branches, Outreach and Education and Nonprofit Support. Primary functions of the Division are administration of the Non-Profit Program, Education and Outreach, Loss Mitigation Training, and Support for other HOC Divisions. HUD-17-0235-C-000094 o!oFor the Non-Profit Program, staff approve and recertify Non-profit Agencies so they may participate in direct and discounted purchases of REO properties, act as an FHA Mortgagor and/or provide Secondary Financing. Staff monitor approved agencies to ensure compliance with HUD's guidelines and relevant Mortgagee Letters and provide training and technical assistance. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Program Support Division (PSD) Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I o!oFor the Education and Outreach Activities, staff provide support to partners, such as Making Home Affordable and other organizations, at clinics and events to assist homeowners in foreclosure prevention, coordinate with FPM Directors to support events in their jurisdiction, administer E&O funds to cover training, events, and outreach. o!oStaff are certified by the HUD National Servicing Center to provide Loss Mitigation Training to the industry. o!oStaff support the HOC by conducting SPI inspections of HUD REO properties and conduct PUD Condo Environmental Reviews. HUD-17-0235-C-000095 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Quality Assurance Division (QAD) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Andy DiPietro is the Director of the Quality Assurance Division (QAD) with three Branch Chiefs located in Philadelphia. There are 41 staff; 25 are located in Philadelphia and 16 are out-stationed. The QAD's primary function is to protect the FHA Mortgage Insurance Fund from loss. This is accomplished by Reviewing Lenders and Monitoring for Compliance: HUD-17-0235-C-000096 o!o QAD Staff monitors Lenders through desk reviews, on-site reviews, and by PUD and Lender Self Report Referrals. Lenders are targeted by HQ annually and reviewed for sufficiency on a quarterly basis. Monitors complete reviews by reviewing FHA loan files for compliance with FHA Regulations and Directives (Handbooks, Mortgagee Letters). )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Quality Assurance Division (QAD) Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I o!o QAD issues Findings Letters to Lenders as a result of reviews. Corrective remedies available for deficiencies include the Indemnification of Loans and Principle reduction or refund. o!o QAD works with OIG and AUSAs across the country on fraud and criminal cases involving FHA loans. o!o QAD refers Lenders to the Mortgage Review Board when serious and additional sanctions of civil money penalties, suspension, or removal are warranted. HUD-17-0235-C-000097 ---.~ )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I Real Estate Owned Division (REO) REAL ESTATE OWNED DIVISION Michael Curry is the Director of the Real Estate Owned Division (REO) with two Branch Chiefs and two Supervisory Housing Specialists. The REO Division has a total of 35 staff ; 6 are out-stationed. REO's primary function is the direct oversight of the Management and Marketing Contractors (M&Ms) covering the 15 states and the District of Columbia that are within the Philadelphia HOC's jurisdiction. Management and Marketing Contracts HUD-17-0235-C-000098 o!o Management and Marketing (M&M) Contractors manage and market single-family properties owned by, or in the custody of the Department. HUD-owned houses are often referred to as HUD Homes. These are homes that had an FHA-insured mortgage and the homeowners defaulted. The lender then deeded the home to the Secretary of HUD in exchange for an insurance claim payment. . --.. )> <~ m IJ Philadelphia Homeownership Center JJ C) en )> _ 7 .. l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf RED Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I o!oField Service Manager (FSM) Field Service Managers (FSMs) are companies that provide property preservation and protection services consisting of, but not limited to, inspecting the property, securing the property, performing cosmetic enhancements/repairs, and providing on-going maintenance. Properties acquired by HUD will be assigned to FSMs. o!oAsset Manager (AM) The Asset Managers (AMs) are responsible for the marketing and sale of REO property . ooo o HUD-17-0235-C-000099 The Department's HUD Home centralized property website enables everyone (Brokers, Buyers, Mortgagees, local governments and nonprofit organizations) to search for properties, bid, register Broker Name and Address Identifier (NAIDS}, get contractor information, and more, making this site HUD's one stop shop for the HUD HOME Program. See attached REO reports for PHOC Inventories, Sales, and Acquisitions. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '';,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center - * 1111 .,,.. . \0 1111 jf en )> _ 7 End of Year REO Inventory ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I PHILADELPHIA PHOC REGIONIRELD REGION REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL FV2012 End Current of Year Monthly FV2013 REO Inventory lnve nto ry FV2014 FV2015 FV2016 48 177 14 225 80 68 56 237 10 271 109 62 68 143 12 299 91 58 . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 612 745 671 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ... ...... 68 47 10 . ... ....... 241 41 47 97 116 33 593 110 58 178 179 33 774 120 105 ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . 1,007 1,389 454 . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . II SUBTOTAL .. . ............. 103 61 69 84 96 413 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 15 99 26 92 61 61 166 24 93 59 37 95 32 76 278 141 366 43 184 573 317 625 94 347 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. ..270 .. . 299 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ......... 405 .. . .. 1,012 .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . 1,956 .. .. ..... .. ......... Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburah Richmond wash., DC WIimington REGIONAL FY2011 OFFlCE Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGIONAL CENTER REO Cumulative I Bangor Boston Burllngton Hartford Manchester Providence REGION HOMEOWNERSHIP SUBTOTAL 434 107 557 227 847 18 58 417 173 666 207 783 8 87 418 145 586 174 851 2 56 329 76 363 108 621 3 35 689 129 817 255 791 5 51 718 188 908 331 761 2 76 . ........ .. . .... .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ........ 2,248 .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . HUD-17-0235-C-000100 2,341 2,232 523 765 608 1 .41 2 406 808 458 698 560 1 ,563 415 974 794 920 665 1 , 286 486 835 4,522 4,668 .. ..... 1,535 2,737 2,984 REGIONV Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Fllnt Grand Rapids REGIONAL SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2016 data is through 285 464 301 402 161 295 452 926 522 623 287 632 309 672 371 397 252 443 . .. ... ... .. .... . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. ....... . ......... 9 / 30/16. 3,442 2,444 8,198 8,773 ... ..... .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . ..4,986 .. .. . .. . . .. .. 1,908 .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 7,795 .. .... 8,024 8,188 4,302 .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center Total PHOCREO Sales - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA -I HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER Total REO Sales PHOC REGIONIFIB.D REGION Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL REGION REGION SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL FY2O13 FY2014 FV2016 FY2015 93 75 114 134 125 158 406 429 474 212 144 190 15 45 448 636 699 694 738 991 166 189 275 151 102 173 13 . . . ....... 13 12 16 126 .... ... 195 138 .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1,252 1,537 1,712 .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . ... ...... .... ... 95 109 133 .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,316 1,257 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 1,652 ................. 329 145 120 122 183 320 112 111 97 170 457 389 248 163 185 220 409 573 125 82 31 36 33 70 227 163 172 126 176 304 619 601 971 1,793 1,249 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 665 ................... ......................................... ....... .............. ......................................... ........... ........ ...................... ...... ............. ...................... ..... Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC WIimington REGIONAL FY2012 II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGIONAL FY2011 OFRCE I SUBTOTAL 1,390 1 , 126 1,202 902 290 316 431 247 990 1,197 1,388 1,001 461 2,520 516 2,410 38 24 122 212 . . .. ...... . .. . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 5,811 HUD-17-0235-C-000101 . . .. ...... .... ... 496 2,466 5,801 6,174 .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 1,753 1,181 304 340 531 1,855 1,801 3 ... . . ....... 231 173 2,229 14 177 .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 1,474 1,277 104 5 4 127 145 .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . 4,790 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 4,975 5,922 .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . REGIONV Cincinnati Cleveland Colurrilus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids REGIONAL 1,497 1,665 1,906 1 ,5 21 1,281 1,132 2,553 2,513 2.528 1 ,874 2,062 2,382 2,089 1 ,854 2,388 1 ,36 4 1,253 1,240 4 , 996 4.848 4,414 2,243 1,430 1 ,573 1 ,281 1,316 807 652 743 2 ,701 2 ,851 1,428 1,392 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 1,354 1,261 ................ 2,408 14,804 SUBTOTAL ............................... PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2016 data is through . . . ........ 9/30/16. 23,116 14,862 15,403 . .................. 9,237 8,070 8,424 15,944 15,273 17,791 ................................... ............................ ..................................... ................................... . .............. ..................... ..... 22,865 .. .... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . 22,110 .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. ........ ... .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ PHOC REO Acquisitions - * 1111 .,,.. . \0 1111 jf ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA PHOC -I REGION/FIELD OFFICE REGION I Banaor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL FY:2011 93 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL HUD-17-0235-C-000102 REGION V Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids REGIONAL SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2016 data is through FY2015 FY:2016 36 130 140 170 247 110 396 128 218 265 1 14 16 42 664 1 , 134 260 115 183 139 106 149 736 159 67 127 33 1,146 . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. Acquisitions FY2014 177 . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. SUBTOTAL REO FY2013 12 445 49 1,334 208 149 . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 424 . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,677 . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 1,167 1,896 2,252 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 241 42 145 129 417 770 222 37 135 125 263 574 160 41 188 296 629 855 39 33 55 122 165 152 281 492 672 735 99 143 7 40 .. . . . .... ... ...... . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . 865 167 . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . REGION Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC Wilminaton REGIONAL CENTER FY:2012 310 REGION II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP 1,100 212 985 477 1,879 259 85 264 . ........ 4,817 ... ..... 1 .215 846 1 , 668 412 191 233 1 . 317 829 110 465 551 2 . 582 35 129 5 29 1,303 1 , 645 258 510 91 6,155 4,288 636 1,823 163 6,331 3 155 6,380 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 1,444 427 2 . 252 1.061 1,474 1 ,014 2,359 661 2.790 1.474 2 , 554 2 , 180 1,791 577 2 , 514 1,041 1 , 501 1,127 4 ,262 951 4.180 1.412 1 , 696 1 ,386 1 ,217 297 1,398 507 783 725 2 ,239 599 2,747 929 1 , 740 1 ,221 3,512 15,881 6 , 424 9,748 13,312 . . . ..... . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . 7,653 . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 20.140 5,406 . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 9 / 30 / 16 . 295 6 4 156 1,550 1,918 2 , 071 2.069 8 1,680 . .. .. .. ... .. . . ... . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . ........ 2 , 813 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,385 12,614 19,620 19,098 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) 0 ~JL.~-JJ G;_ ,f?' JII 111-"tr;,.,., Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> PHOCREO MM3 AMs & FSMs { 0 _ 7 * 111ri111 :) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I .\~~er ;\lanil,l!,t:'I' (.\\!) ;ind held Sen.ict:' .\L111:1_~cr !1-'S\f) l lumL.u,\.ner~hip Center Ccugrnphic Arel~ Den\Tef ~~ HOC . ~n '\]' ll( ~51' Atlanta HOC ~ HUD-17-0235-C-000103 .o ~~$) Ill {> , <; Santa .-\na P,1t,rW Rii.:c., HC)(: :l llll. I PHOC AM Contractor: PHOC FSM Contractor: SAGE effective 6/2016 BLM effective 3/2016 ~ Virgin l, ,\ Islands . --- )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 .... l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Highlights FY 2016 ending 9/30/016 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I Highlights for FYTD 2016 ending September 30, 2016 o!o The Philadelphia Homeownership Center (PHOC) had the responsibility of overseeing 336,578 Endorsements in our geographic jurisdiction for FY 2016 (ending 9/30/16). Of these endorsements, 187,186 were to 1st time homebuyers which represents 84% of all PHOC's purchase endorsements (223,378). Also, 49,927 of the 1st time homebuyers were minorities. HUD-17-0235-C-000104 o!o To ensure proper lender review and compliance, PHOC's QAD and PUD provided in-depth lender monitoring/oversight conducting 6,443 Post Endorsement Technical Reviews (PETRs), completing 52 QAD lender reviews, 164 OIG referrals, 779 referrals from the Processing and Underwriting Division (PUD) and reviewed 997 lender reports from the Neighborhood Watch System, 60 Claims, and 1,133 Random loans. PHOC executed a total of 935 Indemnification Agreements with a total potential savings of $66 million dollars. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Highlights FY 2016 ending 9/30/16 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I Highlights for FYTD 2016 ending September 30,2016 continued o!o PHOC PUD conducted 2,014 appraisal reviews resulting in 810 appraiser enforcement actions. o!o PHOC responded to approximately a 83,669 customer service inquiries from lenders, potential borrowers, non-profits, potential REO purchasers and other FHA partners related to FHA and Single Family issues. HUD-17-0235-C-000105 o!o In addition, PHOC was responsible for the oversight of the sale of 17,791 REO properties and 19,098 acquisitions. With the implementation of the national Buyer Select Initiative started in FY13, in the Philadelphia jurisdiction alone, we have determined a potential savings of approximately 4.1 million dollars in FY 2015 and 4.9 million dollars in FY 2016. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf HighlightsFY 2016 ending9/30/16 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - Highlights for FYTD 2016 ending September 30, 2016 continued In addition to the highlighted "normal" workload abovel PHOC was involved and participated in the following special projects: o:o Resource Center, FAQ's and FHA Listserv support o PHOC continues to provide the national support and oversight for these comprehensive customer service tools that have become the way that FHA communicates nationally. o To put this into perspective, the Single Family Call Center (along with Single Family Staff) were responsible for responding to approximately 599,000 customer service inquiries. HUD-17-0235-C-000106 o We were also responsible for sending out approximately 80 list serve announcements (of which we currently have over 168l000 active subscribers) and we currently have approximately 2,200 FAQs. These list-serve announcements and FAQs are the primary communication vehicle that is relied upon by our FHA community and partners. o In September, 2016, a national training webinar was conducted on the FHA Call Center for Lenders. In addition , an internal training was conducted nationally for all Field Policy and Management Customer Service Representatives. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf HighlightsFY TD 2016 ending9/30/16 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1"il1:;:,,\ Highlights for FYTD 2016 ending 9/ 30/ 16 continued -I o!oSpecial Workgroup Support o Throughout FY13-16, PHOC participated in cross collaboration initiatives (i.e. HECM Foreclosure Prevention and Dedicating Opportunities to Overcome Homelessness Initiative). o!oSingle Family Handbook Support HUD-17-0235-C-000107 o In FY 2016, PHOC Management and Staff conducted four FHA Appraisals Live training in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Boston, Detroit and a Live FHA Underwriting Training in Detroit. One FHA Lender Roundtable was conducted in Philadelphia. o In FY 2015, the PHOC Staff conducted three national webinars for Single Family internal staff training on the new Single Family Policy Handbook 4000.1 and Management Staff conducted two (2) Lender Training Sessions in Philadelphia and Detroit in the first half of FY 2015. Two FHA Handbook Forums/Training Sessions were conducted (Chicago and Philadelphia) in June and July 2015. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownership Center -I - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Initiatives ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ PHOC Involvement in Single Family/Housing Initiatives and Committees FY 2013-2016 o!o Initiatives o Volunteers and Point of Contact for Single Family Services related to Hurricane Sandy Support and other Disaster Recoveries o HECM Foreclosure Prevention Pilot Workgroup (with the Philadelphia Regional Office, National Corporation on Aging, National Foundation of Debt Management and other notable partners o Dedicating Opportunities to Overcome Homelessness Initiative (the HUD and lnteragency Council for Homeless initiative in 10 cities HUD-17-0235-C-000108 including Philadelphia) )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownership Center -I - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Committees ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ PHOC Involvement in Single Family/Housing Initiatives and Committees FY2013-2016 o!o Committees o FHA Single Family Policy Handbook Review and Rollout o Escalation Review- PUD and OAD o Single Family Risk Management o Policy Development o FHA Resource Center, FAQs and FHA Information (Listserv) Support o National Reporting and Web Based Certification Support HUD-17-0235-C-000109 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) 0 .o Philadelphia Homeownership Center "Ti~;,'"' . (*1111111 ) ,ly&,, '15) ' I~/ l)L ?~-- :::c -I The PHOC Executive Overview is an internal Executive Report prepared and updated by the Philadelphia HOC Director's Office. This report is for the use of and provided by the PHOC Director for HUD management and reviews, OIG, or special visitors and guests to the PHOC. The content or data provided may change per need or interest. For questions or data sources cited in the Report, please contact Julie Shaffer, Anthony Triolo, Christopher Boguslaw, or Camille Holland at 215-861-7238. *** HUD-17-0235-C-000110 ~ H O M~OWNHI SHI P ....., !i..... 0 a. QJ ci:::: 'l'""I "' 0 ~ QJ .-> !i..... N I""'-M 0 N ~ ro QJ ~ > 0 QJ > .- ... 'l'""I ro u V') .LL M .c u ... ta ~ tu) .-C ... C "'C (LI (LI ~ ta ::::s a "'C C N +-' :::J u QJ X LJJ AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000111 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ,.--;-;/,f, fl J ;-;-. '-...._ Philadelphia Homeownership Center ;t~"1111111 .'\i - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf INTRODUCTION ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c -I INTRODUCTION The HUD Single Family Housing FHA insurance operations are carried out by four HOCs across the nation and are organizationally under the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing and the Assistant Secretary for Housing-FHA Commissioner in HQ. HUD-17-0235-C-000112 The four HOCs are: Philadelphia, Atlanta, Denver and Santa Ana. Each HOC has five Divisions: Processing and Underwriting Division (PUD), Real Estate Owned Division (REO), Quality Assurance Division (QAD), Program Support Division (PSD) and the Operations and Customer Service Division (OCSD). )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 r" 1 ;ii1"il1 ::;\ - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf HOC Director Office ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c -I HOC DIRECTOR o!o Julie A. Shaffer is the Director and Anthony Triolo is the Deputy Director of the Philadelphia Homeownership Center (HOC). o!o The HOC Director and Deputy are responsible for the overall management and administration of FHA Mortgage Insurance Programs within the District of Columbia and the 15 State jurisdiction of Region I, Region II, Region Ill, and two states within Region V, Michigan and Ohio. Presently, there are a total of 167 staff on-board, with 26 of that total out-stationed from Philadelphia. HUD-17-0235-C-000113 C 0 'iii .s: ... ... "CQ ~ ..... ;;;;J u 'ii Ill QI 0 C 3: ~ 0 ... i5 .c; ~ ... "' "' ... ~ iii QI a:: ... ... "' QI C ~ .... ... QI a: 0 ti Q ~ C Ill ;;;;J cJ !E 0 E .:; "' Ill QI ..... co ..... 0 .. .. :c 3 0.. co C 0 ..: ai ... ... ... :C > ci 'ii~ "U .. (U C (U Ill u a. ~Ill .... 0 E-:C ..c VI ~ ::I u QI QI "' "ti ii :c Q.. ~ 0 I- C 0 .c; (U C <( E 0 ... 0 u ~ ;: ::, CL QI 0 "' > ... iiiC u"' <("' .!!! "' C J .;;; ::, -"' QI al ;;;;J 0 C 0 .!!! C ::c .;;; > 0 -~ iii ai ... C "' "' ,, .!!! ci QI ;;;;J C <( .Q ::c: QI 111U CL Q. .- Ill - 0 C 0 ti ,, :!2! I!! C > QI :c Q C :c 3: 0.. 0 C .;;; QI E "' ... QI 0 ::c: 0 ;;:_ ~ .E u"' E QI E QI co C Ill C ~ 0 'iii I- .s; OQ iii .c; ti t:: Ill ~ 0 Q CL CL .... co ;;;;J V .c; QI a:, C <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) ' :::c -I [lJ REO0,, Underwriting Dlrettor otector - ~ [lJ PUD- Proa!'!i5inB & RealEsta:e lled Divi:5iioo 8300010944 83COm.0953 Michael Curry ( 34) Andy Cianc i (67) QAD - QUality As5llranceDM5ion 0 1,enDf 8.1(1)010949 Andy Di Pietro ( 4Dj [j] E000102;4 ~..= :1 '.:~:?-~. . ..__._ . f, .....:!II..= ~ . fQl '/.,-=---= < ~- ~ "'~. v., .::.. - 't :-..-~c 0~ I Valerie McCo y (9) [ w Joy ce fate -Cech ( B) RE0-8randl2 Chlo! 830001095'5 Dav e Mar-shall (12 ) .-i :[] RE.O- supervisory PUD- TMh nk~ er.ini:h 1 Chltif SF H 58S~Oalll!it 8300010'J54 John Thress ( 11) 8300010945 I Michael McArdle (15) [_[ I I PUD-Tethnical HUD-17-0235-C-000115 Branch l Chief 8300010'346 Kri sh Raja (15) ~ I PUD- lnsuramll' & Underwriting Supe,vi~ und~riter LAJ 8300011'.J9(11 John Phil lips (7) PUD-lnsurance & UndeA1rRing, SupoMS .., ,.,__ ..,(J ... ~0-: : PSO- P1ogrcW11 John Van de ?jlver (14) I I ,,;,;(,\J";.;; : )> <~ m IJ 1!}"<-0 Philadelphia Homeownership Center JJ C) 111111111 * '\ ; * \v en )> _ 7 I I "'ct 1111 ,ly&,, Philadelphia Homeownership Staffing as of March 2017 q'/f '15 ) 'I~/ l)L ?~:-, .. G) :::c -I PHILADELPHIA HOC STAffiNG March 31, 2017 PHOC DI RECTOR Totals TOT AL PHOC authorized 178 ON-BD 167 VACANT TOT AL PHOC STAFF 11 178 SUPERVISORY ON LINE 21 ON-BO VACANT Total 0/5 TOT AL ACTUAL PHOC STAFF Total 6 11 2 VACANT 0 TOT AL DI RECTOR STAFF 8 TOTAL OCSD STAFF 11 Sueervisor'{_ 2 Sueervisor'{_ 1 On Line 4 On Line 10 In-House 6 In-House 11 0 /S 0 0/S 0 157 PHOC PSD In-House PHOC OCSD ON-BO 141 26 167 Total PHOC PUD ON-BO 10 ON-BO VACANT 0 VACANT TOTAL PSD STAFF 10 TOTAL PUD STAFF Sueervisor'{_ Total 67 7 74 1 Sueervisor'{_ 6 On Line 9 On Line 61 In-House 5 In-House 67 0/S 5 0/S 0 HUD-17-0235-C-000116 PHOC QAD ON -BD Total 39 PHOC REO ON -BD Total 34 VACANT 2 VACANT 0 TOT AL QAD STAFF 41 TOT AL REO STAFF 34 Sueervi sor'{_ 6 Sueervisor'{_ 4 On Line 33 On Line 30 In-House 23 In-House 29 01S 16 01S 5 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) 0 .o Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 G) :::c "Ti~;,'"' . (*1111111 ) ,ly&,, OPERATIONS DIVISION Operations and Customer Support Division '15) ' I~/ l)L ?~-- -I Chris Boguslaw is the Director of the Operations Division. Division has a total of 11 employees. The Operations o!o Operations is responsible for providing support services to the Philadelphia Homeownership Center in the areas of staffing resources, procurement, budget, management plan, travel, funding, executive correspondence, FOIA, customer service, web applications, and ad hoc computer system design and support. Sensitive media issues and Congressional concerns are also managed. HUD-17-0235-C-000117 o!o The FHA Resource Center, located in Indianapolis, Indiana, provides access to FHA and the Homeownership Centers nationally for customers and lenders. The Resource Center responds to requests for assistance from both the public and industry customers. Lenders with technical questions or first time homebuyers, looking for information on HUD homes and FHA insurance contact the Center at 1-800-CALLFHA (800-225-5342) or through e-mail answers@hud.gov. There is a databank available at all times for frequently asked questions (FAQ Site): hud.gov/answers. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Processingand Underwriting Division ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - PROCESSING AND UNDERWRITING DIVISION Andrew Cianci is the Director of the Processing and Underwriting Division (PUD) with four Underwriting/Insurance Branches and two Technical Support Branches. o!o There are a total of 67 employees. There are two contractor companies who work within the PUD at the Philadelphia HOC. HUD-17-0235-C-000118 o!o From FY 2008 to FY 2013, FHA experienced increased volumes of insurance endorsement applications and refinances to FHA as a result of FHA initiatives throughout the sub-prime mortgage / National Housing crises. Starting in FY 2014, FHA reduced its footprint in the housing market. Program Updates and Legislation have further modernized and reformed FHA's programs. In January 2015, FHA announced a reduction in annual Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) rates for most Title II forward mortgages with amortization terms greater than 15 years. This initiative increased FHA endorsements again . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Processingand Underwriting Division Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I o!o The Processing and Underwriting Division is broken into two programmatic areas, Technical and Underwriting. 1) The Technical Branch functions include Appraisal Quarterly Reviews, Appraiser Sanctions, Condominium processing by HUD Staff and the Contractor, processing Waivers and Partial Releases, responding to FOIAs, Congressional, and Complaint (203K, Lenders, Borrowers, Consultants, Appraisers) Correspondence. HUD-17-0235-C-000119 2) The Underwriting Branch functions include Post Endorsement Technical Reviews (PETRS), expert underwriting response to Direct Endorsement (DE) and Lender Insurance (LI) Lenders, review Lender Test Cases, process MIC Corrections, Address Changes, Case Cancellations, Siebel Service Requests, Telephone Inquires, Complaints, Federal Records Center Retention and Retrieval. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center Endorsements - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA -I HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER Total Endorsements PHOC REGI0NIFIB..D FY2013 FY2012 OFRCE FY2014 FY 2016 FY2015 FY 2017 I REGION Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence 3,213 3,395 2.029 2.951 3.804 1,898 19 ,121 19 ,366 10.703 16.425 18.353 10,151 914 980 683 13 ,643 16 , 161 8,252 1 , 101 578 11,658 5,066 5 ,549 4,711 5 , 178 985 13 ,2 17 6,846 3,151 5,030 5 ,678 2,849 3,179 4,640 5,573 3,058 .-.-.-.--.-..-.-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . -.-.-.-.. . . . ..-.-.-.-. . . . . ..-.-.. .. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. . . . . . . . ..-.-.. . ...-. .-.-.-.-.-.. . . . . ..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. . . . . . . . . .... . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-. . ...... -.-.-.-..... ..... . . ..-.-.. . ...-.-.-.-.-. . . . . -.-.-.-.-. . . . . . .-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . -.-.-.-.. . . . ..-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . .-. 46,668 REGIONAL SUBTOTAL . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. 50 ,629 27,937 .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41,689 47,666 10,488 25,380 . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . II REGION Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark 1 1 ,944 7,753 9,640 11 ,059 10,66 7 6 ,728 7 ,547 8 ,204 5,463 4 , 13 7 13 ,531 75,202 8 ,420 12 ,901 14 ,626 20,823 21,232 12,733 17 ,3 69 18,72 7 10,986 21 , 182 11 ,418 18,595 20.136 11,224 80,227 47,052 66,052 72,181 39,844 12.416 20.455 23.351 12,271 20,694 ............... 8 ,040 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n,414 REGIONAL SUBTOTAL REGION 11 ,307 Ill Baltimol'"e Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC WIimington 20,658 REGIONAL SUBTOTAL ....... 23,958 3,95 0 4 ,023 34 37 ,261 2 ,693 20,974 3 ,2 37 3,874 29,35 1 34 ,2 69 2,004 17,668 13,208 73,771 9,022 10 ,878 11 ,710 24 ,860 29 ,559 16 ,207 22,953 26,856 13,134 5,689 24,866 11,606 25 ,8 41 13,766 22,403 23,115 4 ,370 5 ,071 2,784 4,378 5,166 2,690 91,946 139,484 113,595 128,341 65,062 77,862 ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. REGIONV HUD-17-0235-C-000120 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids . REGIONAL SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA Totals FY 20 1 7 data is through 11 ,85 0 15 ,3 27 9.266 11.283 12.1 79 20,265 25 , 111 15 ,929 18 ,794 21,421 13 ,886 18,790 10 ,754 13 ,2 33 14 ,381 7, 102 20,034 24 , 150 16 ,785 20 ,802 22 , 181 10 ,997 4 ,652 2,362 3,803 4 ,836 12 ,22 1 15 ,383 82 ,059 103 ,5 97 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ....... .. ... .. ........ 3 ,400 10,122 66,256 . ..... . .. ........... 4 , 165 6,199 10,563 12,410 13,576 6,934 80,687 88,390 44,151 ..... .. ... ........... ................ HOC 298,087 373 ,937 219,107 302,023 ...... . .. . ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.131/1 7 336,578 . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 174 ,437 .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I PHOC Total IFF - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf PHILADELPHIA PHOC REGION/FIB..D REGION OFFICE I HOMEOWNERSHIP I FY2012 FY2013 I CENTER I FY2014 Total Insurance I FY2015 In Force I FY2016 FY2017 I Banaor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence 20,545 20,523 20,334 20 83,351 85,200 86,223 85,752 5,269 5,294 85,809 5,382 , 479 21,229 21,675 88,344 90.423 5 , 494 88,871 90.366 91 ,82 23,232 24,426 25 25 21,973 23,786 25.062 , 278 5,771 2 5,928 94,786 ,9 23 26,259 96.469 27,247 27.861 28,274 29.503 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:1:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:f .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.1.:.:. :.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:. :.:.:1:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.1.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:. REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL 240,179 248,100 252,645 255,729 265,651 271,859 89,654 90,783 90,915 91,270 92.466 93.034 88,976 89,726 89,140 88,394 87,592 87.171 90,086 92,514 91 , 934 92 , 836 96,108 II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark 97,025 104,003 98,148 103,958 107,007 109,635 113,795 116.822 107,945 107 108 111 114,591 , 990 , 191 , 729 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1:::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::::: REGIONAL REGION Baltimore Charleston Philadelp_hia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash-~ DC Wilmington REGIONAL REGION 469,744 SUBTOTAL 130 ,934 486,986 134 134,387 25,831 26,177 217,951 , 121 26,326 490,326 501,690 509,766 135 140,186 142.844 88,135 ,379 26,440 228,470 225,150 86 ,076 27,229 232,248 89,495 90 , 603 92,198 171,938 172,363 173 ,1 12 177,30 130,865 129,354 127 124 , 476 125,533 29,281 ,2 82 29,678 27.487 243.438 239,283 168,449 28,202 30,455 92,861 7 179.692 126,622 31,952 32.676 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:,:1:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.: .:f.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:<.l.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:. :.:,:1:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:o;oJ.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:. 788,308 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... SUBTOTAL 804,422 .... ...... .. 807,735 812,713 833,688 845,620 . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . V HUD-17-0235-C-000121 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rap_ids REGIONAL 484,926 -.-.-.-.-.-............-..o..-.-.........-.-.-.-.-.-...........-. .-.-.-.-...........-.-.-.-.-...... ... -.-o..-.-.-.........-...-.-.-.-. .........-...-.-.-.-.........-.-.-. ....-.-.-.-.-.-..... Ill 87 ,732 88 , 617 147,511 150,717 152 ,699 156,386 158 105,191 104,659 104 , 243 103 , 054 102 10 2.9 118,424 120,830 123 ,300 123 ,666 125,963 143 ,69 87,7B7 1 29,433 81,850 ........ , 582 89 ,59 1 90.452 , 857 .3 13 03 127.120 29,439 30 , 146 30,417 31,164 31,608 83,187 84,870 85,149 86,181 87.052 573,413 581,858 583,602 592,142 597,448 . ................................. .................:. .....:...... . ...................................... .......... .................:... . .....:......... ................... 566,321 SUBTOTAL 88 .......:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:.: .:-:-:t:.:-:.:-:.:.: .:.:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:-: f .:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:-:-:. 1.:.:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:-:-:-: t:.:.:.:-:.:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:. 1..................................... PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY2017dala is lhrougt, I 3/31 2,064,552 / 17. I 2,110,a51 I 2,129,224 I 2,142,370 I 2,193,171 I 2,224,693 ~ )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 :;:,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center PHOCTotal Defaults - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I PHILADELPHIA HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER TOTAL DEFAULTS PHOC REGIONIFIB.D REGION OFFICE FY2012 Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL REGION SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL REGIONAL SUBTOTAL V HUD-17-0235-C-000122 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2017 FY2016 FY2017 2,071 1,939 1,671 1,312 1,151 6,954 6,635 6,031 5,343 4,771 4,319 423 403 9,332 8,405 8,487 1,358 1,203 1,201 1,909 1,944 1,800 20,681 . . .........22,184 . ... ..... .. ......... . ......... 19,861 .. .... 345 369 326 6,065 7,290 990 1,551 17,214 .... . .......... .. 5,556 864 806 1,350 1,178 14,707 ....................13,336 . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. 9,184 9,367 9,305 7 ,997 6,695 5,949 6,691 6,964 6,974 6,051 5,029 4,413 16,383 15 ,999 13,557 11,845 10,452 9 ,658 14 ,456 14 ,867 13,303 11,530 9,993 9 , 137 17,304 14,122 18 , 002 ... . ... . ....... 64,716 ............... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . 11 ,7 15 . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 9,919 .... .. . . . ........ .. .. .. . . .. .. . .9..,011 .. .. 64,501 57,261 49,138 42,088 38 , 168 14,755 12,473 10,546 9,450 1,377 1,304 1,243 1 ,113 20,407 17,399 15,131 14 ,153 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburah Richmond Wash., DC Wilmington REGIONAL FY2015 II REGIONAL REGION FY2014 2,135 496 .Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGION FY2013 I data is through 14,956 1,564 20,273 1,39 7 21,000 8,646 4,840 5,182 5,442 5,049 4,408 4,436 13,410 12,235 10,618 8,840 7,550 7,177 9,244 8,565 7,055 5,822 5,546 5,149 3,473 3,254 2,814 2,359 2,141 2,018 . . ........ .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 67,760 66,388 60,186 51,319 45,469 _._. _._._._._._._._. _._. _._._. .-.-.-.-. _._.42,692 _._._._._._._._. -...-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. - ....-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -...-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -...-.-. .-.-.-.-.-.-. -...-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. - _._. _._._._._._._._. 10,260 8,185 16,104 14 ,086 11,594 13,631 3,896 ............... 7,527 6,073 5,039 4,521 12,706 7,356 10 ,927 9,190 8,405 9,383 8,331 7 ,017 5,587 5,120 9,851 8,406 6,635 5,103 4,451 3 ,023 3,058 2,387 1,727 1 ,537 5 ,840 5 ,680 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 4,273 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37,312 .. .. .. ..63,012 . . .. ... . .. .. .. ..50,368 .. .. .. . . . .. .. ..45,537 .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,582 ......... 3 / 31 / 17 187,676 182,845 154,983 .. 3,230 2 ,905 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26,939 29,876 .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . 132,140 . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 121,135 . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center PHOCTotal Default Percentages - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA -I CENTER HOMEOWNERSHIP Tota.I Default Percentages PHOC REGION'FIELD FY2012 OFFICE FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 I REGION Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL REGION 10.39~/o 6.18% 5.31 6.99?/o 6.23''/o 5.40% 4.78n/o REGIONAL 9.41~/o 7.99"'/o 7.49% 6.72% 5.98% 5_5on/o 10.88~/o 9.46"'/o 9.39% 7.94% 6.40% 5_75n/o 5.85~/o 4.93''/o 4.75% 3.82% 3.17% 2.89n/o 8.69~/o 8.17' 7.18% 5 .9 1 ''/o 4.77% 3_99n/o 9.24%, 8.34?/Q 7.86%, 6.73%, 5.54% 4.91% 10.24% .................... ..... . . ..... ....................l.... ............. ......... .......... 10 .32?/o 10 .23% 8.76% 7.24% 6.39% 7.76% 7.82% 6.85% 5.74% 5.06% 18 . 19 % 1 7.29?/o 14 .75% 12 .7 6% 10 .8 8% 9.84% 14.90% 14 . 30% 12 . 43% 10 . 52% 8 . 78% 7 . 82% 17.31% 16.03 13 .08% 10 . 83 % 8 . 88?/o 7 . 86% 13.78% SUBTOTAL ....... % ...........:..........:..... 13 . 30% .... .... ............ ....... 11 . 76% .... .:..... .................... ...... ......:.......................... . . .................. ................. 7 . 49?/4 8 . 39% .. .. .. .. ..10... 02% .. .. . .......... . .. .......... ... . ............. . .. ......... Ill REGIONAL 11.42% 10 .98% 9.30% 7.79% 6.74% 6.05% 6.05% 5.34% 5.23% 4.93% 4 .56% 4.05% 9.30% 9.33% 8.93% 7.49% 6.32% 5.62% 5.88% 6.08% 5.57% 4.78 % 7.96% 7.12% 6.16% 5 .1 1 % 4.26 % 3.99% 7.06% 6.62 5.54% 4.68% 4.42 % 4.07% 9.48% 7.75% 6.70 % 6.18% 12.31% % 11.11% . . . . . . . . .......................... ... 8.60%, SUBTOTAL - -- - - - - - 8.25?/Q .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.. 5.81% 4.78% . .. .... ........................ .................... ..... . ............... ..................... .......... . ......... 7.45%, 6.31' 1/4 , 5.05% 5.45% ._._._._._._._._. _._._._ ._. . _._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._._. _._. . _._._._._._._. _._._._._ ._._._._._._. -- -- -- _._._._ . V HUD-17-0235-C-000123 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand '/o 7 . 52% . .. .. .. Baltimore Charleston Philadel_ehia Pittsburg_h Richmond Wash.2 DC Wi I min_g_ton REGION "'/o II Albany_ Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGION 8.16''/o 7.79"'/o 10.09 ... . .. v.............................. . . ......................... SUBTOTAL n/o 9.54% 8.34~/o Rapids 11.69% 9.32% 8.30% 6.85% 5.62% 5.00% 11.21% 9.55% 8.43% 7.16% 5.88% 5.31% 4.98% 11 . 02%, 8.97% 7.99?/o 6.81% 5.43%, 11.51%, 8.15% 6.82% 5.37?/o 4.05?/o 3.50% 13.24%, 10 .27% 10 .14% 7.85?/o 5.54%, 4 .86?/o 5 .0 2% 3.75%, 3 .3 4% 9 .2 0%, 7 . 02Q/o 6 .69% ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REGIONAL SUBTOTAL 11.13% 8.78% 7.83% 6.39% 5.05% 4.51% ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :1:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::i::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PHOC Totals 10.54% 9.57% 8.59% 7.23% 6.03% 5.45% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::i: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::1:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FY 2017 data is througf, 3/31/17 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf ProgramSupport Division (PSD) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c -I PROGRAM SUPPORT DIVISION Elizabeth Cahall is the Director of the Program Support Division (PSD). The PSD consists of 10 employees; 5 are out-stationed operating from offices located within the Philadelphia HOC jurisdiction. The Division Director is supported by two Branches, Outreach and Education and Nonprofit Support. Primary functions of the Division are administration of the Non-Profit Program, Education and Outreach, and Support for other HOC Divisions. HUD-17-0235-C-000124 o!oFor the Non-Profit Program, staff approve and recertify Non-profit Agencies so they may participate in direct and discounted purchases of REO properties, act as an FHA Mortgagor and/or provide Secondary Financing. Staff monitor approved agencies to ensure compliance with HUD's guidelines and relevant Mortgagee Letters and provide training and technical assistance. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Program Support Division (PSD) Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I o!oFor the Education and Outreach Activities, staff provide support to partners, such as Making Home Affordable and other organizations, at clinics and events to assist homeowners in foreclosure prevention, coordinate with FPM Directors to support events in their local jurisdictions, coordinate and assist in PUD's lender trainings, and administers E&O funds to cover training, events, and outreach. o!oPSD manages the national webinar contract and coordinates webinars. PSD publishes FHA Listserv notices working closely with HQ PSD and Program staff. PSD Staff coordinates the development of FAQs with Single Family Housing's Office of Program Development, Asset Management, Lender Activities and Program Compliance, and the FHA Resource Center FAQ Team. HUD-17-0235-C-000125 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Quality Assurance Division (QAD) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Andy DiPietro is the Director of the Quality Assurance Division (QAD) with three Branch Chiefs located in Philadelphia. There are 39 staff; 23 are located in Philadelphia and 16 are out-stationed. The QAD's primary function is to protect the FHA Mortgage Insurance Fund from loss. This is accomplished by Reviewing Lenders and Monitoring for Compliance: HUD-17-0235-C-000126 o!o QAD Staff monitors Lenders through desk reviews, on-site reviews, and by PUD and Lender Self Report Referrals. Lenders are targeted by HQ annually and reviewed for sufficiency on a quarterly basis. Monitors complete reviews by reviewing FHA loan files for compliance with FHA Regulations and Directives (Handbooks, Mortgagee Letters). )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Quality Assurance Division (QAD) Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I o!o QAD issues Findings Letters to Lenders as a result of reviews. Corrective remedies available for deficiencies include the Indemnification of Loans and Principle reduction or refund. o!o QAD works with OIG and AUSAs across the country on fraud and criminal cases involving FHA loans. o!o QAD refers Lenders to the Mortgage Review Board when serious and additional sanctions of civil money penalties, suspension, or removal are warranted. HUD-17-0235-C-000127 ---.~ )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I Real Estate Owned Division (REO) REAL ESTATE OWNED DIVISION Michael Curry is the Director of the Real Estate Owned Division (REO) with two Branch Chiefs and two Supervisory Housing Specialists. The REO Division has a total of 34 staff ; 5 are out-stationed. REO's primary function is the direct oversight of the Management and Marketing Contractors (M&Ms) covering the 15 states and the District of Columbia that are within the Philadelphia HOC's jurisdiction. Management and Marketing Contracts HUD-17-0235-C-000128 o!o Management and Marketing (M&M) Contractors manage and market single-family properties owned by, or in the custody of the Department. HUD-owned houses are often referred to as HUD Homes. These are homes that had an FHA-insured mortgage and the homeowners defaulted. The lender then deeded the home to the Secretary of HUD in exchange for an insurance claim payment. . --.. )> <~ m IJ Philadelphia Homeownership Center JJ C) en )> _ 7 .. l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf RED Cont'd ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I o!oField Service Manager (FSM) Field Service Managers (FSMs) are companies that provide property preservation and protection services consisting of, but not limited to, inspecting the property, securing the property, performing cosmetic enhancements/repairs, and providing on-going maintenance. Properties acquired by HUD will be assigned to FSMs. o!oAsset Manager (AM) The Asset Managers (AMs) are responsible for the marketing and sale of REO property . ooo o HUD-17-0235-C-000129 The Department's HUD Home centralized property website enables everyone (Brokers, Buyers, Mortgagees, local governments and nonprofit organizations) to search for properties, bid, register Broker Name and Address Identifier (NAIDS}, get contractor information, and more, making this site HUD's one stop shop for the HUD HOME Program. See the following REO reports for PHOC Inventories, Sales, and Acquisitions. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 l ."1'ii1" il1 '';,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf End of Year REO Inventory ~& ~ .,\ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I PHILADELPHIA PHOC REGION'FIELD HOMEOWNERSHIP REGIONAL SUBTOTAL REGION II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGIONAL SUBTOTAL HUD-17-0235-C-000130 REGIONV Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand RaDids REGIONAL SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2017 data is through of Year 56 237 10 271 109 62 68 143 12 299 91 58 38 15 99 26 92 59 37 95 32 76 REO lnve Inventory ntory FY2015 68 47 10 241 41 47 FY2016 FY2017 97 116 33 593 110 58 178 179 33 774 120 105 135 216 27 749 140 93 278 141 366 43 184 573 317 625 94 347 516 248 567 97 346 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 745 671 454 1,007 1,389 1,360 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ........ 61 61 166 24 93 . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,774 270 299 405 1,012 1,956 . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . REGION Ill Baltimore Charleston Phlladelphla Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC Wilmington REGIONAL SUBTOTAL End u lat Ive Current Monthly FY2013 FY2014 FY2012 OFFICE REGION I Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence CENTER REO Cum 417 173 666 207 783 8 87 ......... 418 145 586 174 851 2 56 2,341 2,232 458 698 560 1,563 415 974 794 920 665 1 ,286 486 835 689 129 817 255 791 5 51 76 363 108 621 3 35 718 188 908 331 761 2 76 558 177 698 232 468 7 60 2,737 1,535 .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..2,984 .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,200 .. .. .. . 8,024 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 285 452 926 522 623 287 632 464 301 402 161 309 672 371 397 252 443 210 384 199 272 137 221 295 . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . ........ ... ..... 4,986 ............ 4,668 ..... .. ... ........ .. ........ 3/31/17. 329 8,188 1,908 .. ....... 4,302 . . . ....... 3,442 2,444 ...... ..... ... ........ 8,198 8,773 ............ 1,423 ....... . 6,757 . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center Total PHOCREO Sales - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA -I HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER Total REO Sales PHOC REGIONIFIB.D REGION OFRCE Bangor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL REGION REGION SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FV2017 75 114 134 125 158 105 429 474 212 144 190 125 45 21 636 699 694 738 991 718 189 275 151 102 173 84 13 . . . ....... 12 16 15 195 .... ... 138 109 .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 1,537 1,712 1,316 .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . ... ...... .... ... 133 1,257 95 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 62 1,652 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 1,115 ................. 145 120 122 183 457 381 112 111 97 170 389 282 163 185 220 409 573 502 82 31 36 33 70 62 163 172 126 176 304 228 601 971 1,793 1 , 455 665 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 619 ................... .............. ........................... ....... .............. ......................................... ........... ........ ...................... ...... ............. ...................... ..... Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC WIimington REGIONAL FY2013 II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGIONAL FY2012 I SUBTOTAL 1,126 1 ,202 902 1 ,277 1,474 316 431 247 173 231 165 1 ,197 1 ,388 1,001 1 ,753 872 516 2,410 496 2,466 24 14 212 177 . . .. ...... . .. . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 5,801 HUD-17-0235-C-000131 . . .. ...... .... ... 1,181 304 340 2,229 1 ,85 5 3 104 .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 6,174 4,790 .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 531 335 1 ,801 942 5 4 ... . . ....... 145 851 4 127 89 .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . 4,975 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 5,922 3,258 .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . REGIONV Cincinnati Cleveland Colurrilus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids REGIONAL 1,665 1,906 1 ,52 1 1 ,28 1 1,132 425 2,513 2,528 1 ,874 2,062 2,382 935 1 ,854 2,388 1 ,36 4 1 ,253 1,240 475 4,848 4.414 2 ,243 1,430 1,573 524 807 652 743 307 1,281 ................ 2,701 14,862 SUBTOTAL ............................... PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2017 data is through . . . ........ 3/31 / 17. 22,865 1 ,3 16 1,428 2 ,851 1 ,392 1 ,354 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 15,403 9,237 . .................. 536 8,070 8,424 3,202 15,273 17,791 9,030 ................................... .................... ............................ .......................... .......................... . .............. ..................... ..... 22,110 .. .... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . 15,944 .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. ........ ... .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Philadelphia Homeownership Center PHOC REO Acquisitions - * 1111 .,,.. . \0 1111 jf en )> _ 7 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c PHILADELPHIA PHOC -I REGION/FIELD OFFICE REGION I Banaor Boston Burlington Hartford Manchester Providence REGIONAL rv..:u12 . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL 424 . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. SUBTOTAL HUD-17-0235-C-000132 REGION V Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Grand Rapids REGIONAL SUBTOTAL PHILADELPHIA HOC Totals FY 2017 data is through REO rv..:u14 130 396 16 736 260 139 Acquisitions l"Y<<:U15 140 128 14 664 115 106 rv.:::u16 170 218 42 1,134 183 149 rv..:u17 247 265 49 1 , 334 208 149 72 169 17 728 107 63 . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,677 1,167 2,252 1,896 1,156 . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 42 37 41 7 40 145 135 188 39 165 167 672 129 125 296 33 152 417 263 629 55 281 770 574 855 122 492 365 244 464 72 245 .. . . . .... ... ...... . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . REGION Ill Baltimore Charleston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Richmond Wash., DC Wilminaton REGIONAL CENTER rv..:u13 36 110 1 177 67 33 REGION II Albany Buffalo Camden New York Newark REGIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP 259 85 264 110 551 5 29 . ........ ...1,303 ..... 427 661 577 951 297 599 1 ,215 412 1,317 465 2,582 735 1,645 846 191 829 258 2 , 069 1,668 233 1,680 510 2,071 8 156 2,813 4 91 6 163 6,155 4,288 6,331 2,252 2,790 2,514 4,180 1 ,398 2 ,747 1 , 061 1.474 1 , 041 1,412 507 929 1,474 2,554 1,501 1,696 783 1,740 15,881 6 , 424 9,748 1 , 550 295 1,918 636 1 , 823 3 155 6,380 . ........ . . . ..... 5,406 2,595 1 , 014 2 , 180 1 , 127 1 , 386 725 1 , 221 350 671 322 423 206 328 . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . 7,653 2,300 19,098 7,441 . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 24,385 . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 3 / 31 / 17 . 720 157 728 244 666 8 72 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. . . ... . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 3,512 1 , 390 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,614 19,620 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )> <~ m IJ JJ C) 0 ~JL.~-JJ G;_ ,f?' JII 111-"tr;,.,., Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> PHOCREO MM3 AMs & FSMs { 0 _ 7 * 111ri111 :) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I .\~~er ;\lanil,l!,t:'I' (.\\!) ;ind held Sen.ict:' .\L111:1_~cr !1-'S\f) l lumL.u,\.ner~hip Center Ccugrnphic Arel~ Den\Tef ~~ HOC . ~n '\]' ll( ~51' Atlanta HOC ~ HUD-17-0235-C-000133 .o ~~$) Ill {> , <; Santa .-\na P,1t,rW Rii.:c., HC)(: :l llll. I for Areas 1 P, 4P, and 5P (effective 6/2016) PHOC AM Contractor BLB Resources, Inc. for Area JP (effective 11/4/16) PHOC FSM Contractor for All Areas: BLM ~ Virgin l, ,\ Islands . --- )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 .... l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111jf Highlights FY 2017 ending 3/31/2017 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c -I Highlights for FYTD 2017 ending March 31, 2017 o!o The Philadelphia Homeownership Center (PHOC) had the responsibility of overseeing 174,437 Endorsements in our geographic jurisdiction for FYTD 2017 (as of 3/31/17). Of these endorsements, 92,804 were to 1st time homebuyers which represents 84% of all PHOC's purchase endorsements (110,157). Also, 29,622 of the 1st time homebuyers were minorities. HUD-17-0235-C-000134 o!o To ensure proper lender review and compliance, PHOC's QAD and PUD provided in-depth lender monitoring/oversight conducting 1,726 Post Endorsement Technical Reviews (PETRs), completing 15 QAD lender reviews, 141 OIG referrals, 136 referrals from the Processing and Underwriting Division (PUD) and reviewing 627 lender reports from the Neighborhood Watch System, 25 from Claims, and 211 Random Loans. PHOC executed a total of 342 Indemnification Agreements with a total potential savings of $24.1 million dollars. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Philadelphia Homeownership Center l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Highlights FY 2017 ending 3/31/17 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - :::c -I Highlights for FYTD 2017 ending March 31,2017 continued o!o PHOC PUD conducted 953 appraisal reviews resulting in 340 appraiser enforcement actions. o!o PHOC responded to approximately a 41,222 customer service inquiries from lenders, potential borrowers, non-profits, potential REO purchasers and other FHA partners related to FHA and Single Family issues. o!o In addition, PHOC was responsible for the oversight of the sale of 9,030 REO properties and 7,441 acquisitions. HUD-17-0235-C-000135 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 -I - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf HighlightsFY 2017 ending3/31/17 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ Highlights for FYTD 2017 ending March 31, 2017 continued In addition to the highlighted "normal" workload above, PHOC was involved and participated in the following special projects: ? Resource Center, FAQ's and FHA Listserv support o PHOC continues to provide the national support and oversight for these comprehensive customer service tools that have become the way that FHA communicates nationally. o To put this into perspective, the Single Family Call Center (along with Single Family Staff) were responsible for responding to approximately 363,000 customer service mqu,nes. HUD-17-0235-C-000136 o We were also responsible for sending out approximately 37 list serve announcements (of which we currently have approximately 168,000 active subscribers and we currently have approximately 1,950 FAQs. These list-serve announcements and FAQs are the primary communication vehicle that is relied upon by our FHA community and partners. o In September, 2016, a national training webinar was conducted on the FHA Call Center for Lenders. In addition , an internal training was conducted nationally for all Field Policy and Management Customer Service Representatives. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Philadelphia Homeownership Center en )> _ 7 l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ - * 1111.,,.... \0 1111 jf ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c Highlights FY TD 2017 ending 3/31/17 Highlights for FYTD 201 7 ending 3/31/ 17 continued -I o!oSpecial Workgroup Support o PHOC participated in on-going cross collaboration initiatives (i.e. HECM Foreclosure Prevention and Dedicating Opportunities to Overcome Homelessness Initiative). o!oSingle Family Handbook Support o Throughout FY 2016, PHOC Management and Staff conducted four FHA Appraisals Live training in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Boston, Detroit and a Live FHA Underwriting Training in Detroit. One FHA Lender Roundtable was conducted in Philadelphia in September 2016. o!o Industry Outreach HUD-17-0235-C-000137 o October 2016, MBA Annual Conference and Expo 2016, Boston, MA. HOC management answered questions and provided information from the HUD Booth at the event hosting 2,000 attendees of some of the largest lenders, as well as government agencies, title companies, realtors, appraisers and various service companies. The HOC Director was also a panelist on "Rebuilding the Affordable Lending Ecosystem". )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 0 ~JLJ.JJ ~; : .-. ,_f?-JII 111-"tr;,.,., Philadelphia Homeownership Center { 0 * 111ri111 :) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I Highlights for FYTD 2017 ending 3/31117 - Industry Outreach continued HUD-17-0235-C-000138 o October 24, 2016, BLB's Local Listing Broker Outreach and Training, Newark, NJ. REO's Housing Program Officer kicked off the training sponsored by the new Marketing and Management Contractor, BLB Resources, Inc. for Area 3P. The CEO and key staff from BLB presented the training by invitation to 200 new and existing brokers. o November 14-15, 2016, Pennsylvania Housing Alliance's 12th Annual Homes Within Reach Conference, Harrisburg, PA. HOC Senior Housing Program Officer served as a session moderator on a panel for "New Directions Breaking Down Silos, Bridging Divides". The conference hosts service providers, housing professionals, and community builders serving Pennsylvania's communities. o March 20-23, 2017, 34 th Regional Conference of Mortgage Bankers, Atlantic City, NJ. HOC Director and PUD Director participated in sessions and provided information from the HUD Booth at this Annual Field Event Trade Show. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 0 ~JL.~-JJ G;_ ,f?' JII 111-"tr;,.,., Philadelphia Homeownership Center { 0 * 111ri111 :) ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ Ul: \J - G) :::c -I Highlights for FYTD 2017 ending 3/31117 - Industry Outreach continued o April 3-4, 2017, New York MBA Great by Choice Annual Convention, Albany, NY. HOC Director made a presentation on FHA Updates. o April 30 - May 2, 2017, MBA Secondary Mortgage Conference and Expo, New York, NY. HOC Director and HO participants attended sessions and meetings with lender groups at this National MBA conference. HUD-17-0235-C-000139 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownership Center -I - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf Initiatives FY 2017 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1"il1'',,,\ PHOC Involvement in Single Family/Housing Initiatives and Committees o!o FY 17 Initiatives o Volunteers and Point of Contact for Single Family Services related to to Disaster Recoveries o HECM Foreclosure Prevention Pilot Workgroup (with the Philadelphia Regional Office , National Corporation on Aging, National Foundation of Debt Management) and other notable partners o Dedicating Opportunities to Overcome Homelessness Initiative (the HUD and lnteragency Council for Homeless initiative in 10 cities HUD-17-0235-C-000140 including Philadelphia) )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 Philadelphia Homeownership Center -I - * 1111 .,,.. .. \0 1111 jf CommitteesFY 2017 ~& ~ ., \ .. c. "1,./ U l: \J - G) :::c l ."1'ii1" il1 '',,,\ PHOC Involvement in Single Family/Housing Initiatives and Committees o!o FY 17 Committees o FHA Single Family Policy Handbook Review and Rollout and Industry Training o Escalation Review - PUD and QAD o Single Family Risk Management o Pol icy Development o FHA Resource Center, FAQs and FHA Information (Listserv) Support o National Reporting and Web Based Certification Support HUD-17-0235-C-000141 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) 0 .o Philadelphia Homeownership Center "Ti~"', . (*1111111 ) ,ly&,, '15) ' I~/ l)L ?~-- :::c -I The PHOC Executive Overview is an internal Executive Report prepared and updated by the Philadelphia HOC Director's Office. This report is for the use of and provided by the PHOC Director for HUD management and reviews, OIG, or special visitors and guests to the PHOC. The content or data provided may change per need or interest. For questions or data sources cited in the Report, please contact Julie Shaffer, Anthony Triolo, Christopher Boguslaw, or Camille Holland at 215-861-7238. *** HUD-17-0235-C-000142 ~ H O M~OWNHI SHI P ------= > "E 0 QJ "' ::::) .. ... "ia C QJ C I ~ ra .... QJ .c: C. ... 0 iCI. I Ill :.;; C: QJ -c ..:: C 8 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000143 -I-' L C OJ L 0 +-' u QJ C 0 .-I-' u :::J -c 0 ~ -I-' C - L .0 QJ -I-' E C: QJ QJ bO ro C ro ~ L 0 +-' u OJ L.. >-O .0 ~ ro OJ > 0 u I -1--J I C .-0 ......,a.. -I-' 0 u -c - OJ -:::::, '+-.-LL ro o a_ V') QJ u .0 L.. OJ u c.. .....c Vl L OJ C s0 OJ E ro 0 ..c I V') ro OJ .-.- ..c :::::, c.. -, -OJ > "E 0 QJ "' ::::) .. ... "ia C QJ C I -0 ro ...c a_ ~ ra .... QJ .c: C. ... 0 iCI. I Ill :.;; C: QJ -c ..:: C 8 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000144 )> <~ m IJ Office of Single Family Housing JJ C) 1111111- Office of Field Policy and Management - .. I1111 II I ..- en )> _ 7 G) :::c Webinar Agenda -I I. II. Ill. IV. V. VI. HUD-17-0235-C-000145 FHA Resource Center - Single Point of contact for Single Family questions How the Single Family FHA Resource Center Operates Single referral options for misrouted contacts Types of Questions best handled by the FHA Resource Center FHA Resource Center benefits for Single Family. Redirecting clients contacting FHA with single family inquires to the FHA Resource Center. a. Phone 1-800-CALLFHA - 8 am to 8 pm EST b. Email - answers@hud.gov 24 / 7 c. Self Service - FHA FAQ website- www.hud.gov/answers 24/ 7 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) o 1111111 .~ . Office of Field Policy and Management Office of Single Family Housing .. 11111111 . - en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Webinar Agenda (Continued) HUD-17-0235-C-000146 VII. Self Service - FHA FAQ website - www.hud.gov/answers a. Approximately 2000 Frequently Asked Questions. b. Demonstration on how to use the FHA FAQ website c. Overview of the development process FHA FAQ's VIII. CRM application utilized for capturing client's inquiry. a. Ticket - Service Request Record. b. Contacts - List of clients c. Responding to Inquiries in the CRM d. Escalation of Service Requests to HQ and the HOCs e. Resolving Tickets IX. Questions. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) Office of Single Family 1111111. Office Housing :- K of Field Policy and Management 11111111 o. . en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I FHA ResourceCenter Single point of contact for Single Family inquiries HUD-17-0235-C-000147 FHA Resource Center Concept o Decision by the agency to move forward with a innovative concept for a centralized location to obtain customer . service . o Prior to the development of the FHA Resource Center there were a large number of HUD/ FHA offices throughout the country responding to client inquiries. o The inquiries now go in through a centralized platform to be responded to with FAQ's/ Knowledge Base Articles or if needed these inquiries can be transferred to Subject Matter Experts in the over 40 different divisions in the -- HOCs & Headquarters offices. )> <~ m IJ 111.111.. Office of Field Policy "'I11.11 III "'--. Office of Single Family Housing JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) and Management FHA ResourceCenter :::c -I Single Point of contact for Single Family Questions o All inquires routed to a single location with the Resource Center handling common questions (about 70%) and escalating case specific or policy interpretation questions (about 30%) to specific program area experts for resolution. Referral Option Point of Hours Contact Available Comment o Telephone 1 -800-CALL FHA 8:00 AM. to Eastern 8:00 PM. Voice or o Moil during Audio available extended FAQs ofter wait available hours periods af-te-r hours Er-nail HUD-17-0235-C-000148 FAG> Site ans.we, -s.@hud.gov www.hud.gov/on$we>r$ 24/7/365 24/7/365* o Includes cannot web rnail option find information if they client seek )> <~ m IJ 1111111 Office of Single Family Housing ~ * 11111111 JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) FHA Resource Center - Single Point of Contact :::c -I Office of Field Policy and Management o Volume of activities at the FHA ResourceCenter since 2009 Over 5.8 million service request inquiries Over 1.7 million contacts into the FHA ResourceCenter Resource Center Volume and Performance Snapshot Re!OurceCenter Volume Data Wolk lnoomrigCalls oaiisln MooWe.ar P~rod [ f July 'I 6 Tctal O~i), A.a. lroomlrigEmail Toral ~ ~ Total lnoomlng Ca!;eProcessing Oa.1y Aug. Total OailyAug r.oornlng\Jritlen Corre,i[)Cf1donc~ Total Oail\J A,g. Ma,1 FulHlment Total O;;JyAug. Spanisl1 Langu~e 1/.Spand, T01alPaidCootact, Tct.al v~ 0.u~Avg ~ 0 HUD-17-0235-C-000149 197 I 662,860 I 3,:l65 I 2010 1olol; Average1 250 71 <~ m IJ . .. 111111) Office of Single Family Housing . ;, I1111 III ...: JJ C) en )> Office of Field Policy and Management _ 7 G) :::c -I o How the Single Family FHA Resource Center Operates Critical Aspects of the service request work flow include: o Capture of all relevant client information o Documentation of response to client's question - either through identification of specific knowledge base articles used or HUD staff description of policy clarifications or case specific determinations. 1 Center Step sa..ovrc. ~docun'lentothe ....... <~ m IJ Office of Single Family Housing JJ C) en )> _ 7 1111111 Office of Field Policy and Management . 1111. I III .- G) :::c -I o How the Single Family FHA Resource Center Operates All inquires routed to a single location with the Resource Center handling common questions (about 70%) and escalating case specific or policy interpretation questions (about 30%) to specific program area experts for resolution. o=o--=t: .. :,1 ..:t:11 Atlanta HOC ::1 ...:t.:1 Denver HOC ~ 'i :1.111 () Philadelphia HUD-17-0235-C-000151 ;,1.111 National Servicing Canter ;,1 oo:t:11 Santa Ana HOC HOC )> <~ m IJ Office of Single Family Housing JJ C) 1111111 Office of Field Policy and Management . 1111. I III .- en )> _ 7 G) :::c How the Single Family FHA Resource Center Operates -I Expected Response Times for Clients HUD Staff Inquiry Live Email - Resource Center Response Time Type Telephone Call Web Mail Moil - Voice l 5 seconds Within business or less one day Response Time (if live escalation available) 30 seconds N/A or less HUD Staff Response Time (if no Jive escalation available) Within business two days Within business two days HUD-17-0235-C-000152 )> <~ m IJ . . I III.aII Office of Single Family Housing Office of Field Policy and Management o 111tt111 o JJ C) en )> _ 7 Single referral options for misrouted contacts G) :::c -I Redirecting clients contacting FPM with single family inquiries to the FHA Resource Center Referral Option Telephone Point of Contact 1-800-CALL FHA Hours Available 8:00 AM to 8:00 Eastern Comment PM o Voice Mail available after hours or during extended wait periods o Audio FAQs available after hours Email FAQ Site answers@hud.gov 24/7/365 www.hud.gov/answers 24/7/365* o Includes cannot web find mail option information if client they seek HUD-17-0235-C-000153 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I . Office of Single Family Housing . . I- 111111 Office of Field Policy and Management .._ o 11111111 -. - Single referral options for misrouted contacts Redirecting clients contacting FPM with single family inquiries to the FHA Resource Center When clients contact FPM on questions regarding the Single Family FHA Programs we recommend the following options for your constituents to obtain the highest quality customer service: 1.) Advise your client to contact 1-800-CALLFHA. They will be able to immediately speak to a customer service representative to receive assistance with their inquiry. HUD-17-0235-C-000154 2.) If your client would like to communicate by email they can send their email inquiry into answers@hud.gov to receive a response to their . . 1nqu1ry. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I . Office of Single Family Housing . . I- 111111 Office of Field Policy and Management .._ o 11111111 -. - Single referral options for misrouted contacts Redirecting clients contacting FPM with single family inquiries to the FHA Resource Center When FPM employees receive email inquiries regarding the Single Family FHA Programs we recommend the following option for your constituents to obtain the highest quality customer service: 1.) Forward the email you received from your client to our answers@hud.gov email account. This will allow the client to receive a response to their inquiry from our FHA Resource Center team. HUD-17-0235-C-000155 2.) You will receive an auto response email with the assignment of a service request number that you can share with the client. )> <~ m IJ . . III.aIII Office of Single Family Housing Office of Field Policy and Management o 111tt111 o JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Single referral options for misrouted contacts :::c -I Redirecting clients contacting FPM with single family inquiries to the FHA Resource Center Sample Auto ResponseEmail ~~ R,;;;FI: I~~ R,;;;1::I: ~4 -II =.-===~-~ ===-= =::_-=:..::, I~--= Thank Th.a nk Center you .. Your em cu 1-.--ent:ly up to 2. y OU .- i 11 you ai I h.a:s. been revi e1,,o.,.rin g business q '-I i 1-y _.:_ _ for cont:acti for . .-_ ~o.::I Fc1 - contacting 17 g the 1-eceived request. FHA Re .a 17 d to -=_..._ .- the FHA sou Pl e.a:s.e .a receive response . HUD-17-0235-C-000156 Your .--efe.--enc:e P3Q15 BO. Please reference. nun--. use ber th is is CASnun. ber S- :1t - Reso'-.1 1-ce -...-ve .a 1-e you.- days - .;=- -- .... --- 592.22.51for future allov.J to ~- ... 1 .) ........ )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I . Office of Single Family Housing . . I- 111111 Office of Field Policy and Management .._ o 11111111 -. - Types of Questions best handled by the FHA Resource Center HUD-17-0235-C-000157 o Questions regarding the underwriting of a FHA loan. 1 1 o Inquires on the FHA Appraisal and MPS s - MPR s. Minimum Property Standards/ Minimum Property Requirements o Questions on HUD REO Owned Properties. o FHA Condominium Approval Process Inquiries. o Questions on the Loss Mitigation Process o Housing Counseling Requirements and Locations. o Inquires on the HECM - Reverse Mortgage Program. o Status questions with the FHA Connection system. o Mortgage Insurance Premium requirement inquiries. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I . Office of Single Family Housing . . I- 111111 Office of Field Policy and Management .._ o 11111111 -. - HUD-17-0235-C-000158 Types of Questions best handled by the FHA Resource Center (Continued) o Inquires on the HUD Non Profit Approval Requirements. o Questions on the FHA 203K Mortgage Rehabilitation Program. o Inquiries on the Lender Approval and Lender Recertification approval process. o Energy Efficiency Mortgage program questions. o Property Flipping requirements for FHA Mortgages. o Questions on the Electronic Appraisal Delivery process. o Inquires on New Construction requirements for FHA loans. o Manufactured home property requirements for FHA financing. )> <~ m IJ III.aIII Office of Single Family Housing o 111tt111 o JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I Office of Field Policy and Management es of Questions best handled b the FHA Resource Center Top 25 Knowledge Base Articles/FAQs Rank I Article/Frequently Number of Hits Asked Question Title l !How can FHA help me buy o home? 2 !Does FHA require collections to be paid off for a borrower to be eligible for FHA financinQ? 5683 3 !What are the quidelines for borrowers with a previous foreclosure or deed-in-lieu 4323 4 !How does a Mortgagee 5 !Where can I find the Quidelines regarding 6 !Are loan amounts restricted when the purchase involves an identity of interest? 3373 7 !Where can I find an overview of the FHA Prohibition on Property Flipping guidelines? 8 !What are the minimum distances allowed by FHA between a well and a septic tank? 3205 3204 9 !Must deferred 3029 10 !How does a bankruptcy affect a borrower's eligibility 11 !Does FHA allow cash out refinances? 12 !When must a lender downgrade 13 !Can a e_ersonhave more than one FHA loan? 14 !How are disputed credit accounts considered when usinci the TOTAL Scorecard? 9158 of foreclosure? determine the monthly payment on a student loon? gift funds? obli_gations be included in the borrower's liabilities? for an FHA mortgage? and manually underwrite o mortgage with an Accept riskclassification? 15 ing_rule? HUD-17-0235-C-000159 16 What is required to verify assets in a bank account? 17 Can a non-occupant co-borrower 18 How do I obtain a payoff or subordination of a second lien held by HUD? 19 How do I find the FHA Case Number for my FHA loan? be added to an FHA mortaaae loan to help qualify an occupant borrower? 3774 3375 2920 2668 2661 2354 2351 2243 2186 2148 2136 2086 2019 20 21 22 Where can I find employment documentation requirements? What are the requirements for considerinQ rental income from other real estate? 1933 23 Are properties having a well acceptable for FHA financing? 1864 1842 2012 )> <~ m IJ Office of Single Family Housing : .. 11111111 . .. JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) FHA Resource Center benefits for Single Family :::c -I 1111111 - Office of Field Policy and Management o o o HUD-17-0235-C-000160 o Access to information on every part of the Single Family organization Not just Single Family - Can respond or accurately to referral inquiries on other HUD programs like Rental housing, Public Housing, Community Planning And Development, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO), FHA Mortgage Insurance Refunds, Single Family Loan Sale program, HUD Mortgage Insurance Programs for Hospitals. National Servicing Center, Title 1 Mortgage Loan programs, many more. A coordinated approach to the communication of policy changes and the delivery of information to our clients Policy changes/ updates are immediately developed into Frequently Asked Questions. )> <~ m IJ Office of Single Family Housing JJ C) 1111111. . ,. I1111 II I ,... Office of Field Policy and Management en )> _ 7 G) :::c Self Service - FHA FAQ website -www.hud.gov/answers -I FHA Knowledge Base - Frequently Asked Questions o The FHA Knowledge Base is on an internet site shared with o o o HUD-17-0235-C-000161 o the pubic. The FHA FAQ website is updated real time - changes appear immediately. Goal is to develop a more robust FAQ website to promote self service. Our clients and program participants can independently search for answers to their inquiries at their convenience. Approximately 2,000 Frequently Asked Questions - Mostly Single Family FAQ's. )> <~ m IJ 1111111 Office of Field Policy and Management Office of Single Family Housing 11111111 * * JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Self Service - FHA FAQ website -www.hud.gov/answers :::c -I Home Page - Bulletin Board ~ HUD.GOV l - . S . r:>.:partr11enl ,._-(.. r ...t.1J.:- .I ti I rol,,;i . ... -:,.. ..::o MUD t, l 1~i,1.1 Jt ; o r h;i H, ,u-..ing: l -rhan and ..o ' Connect o D.:Yel,>p111ent Site Map HUD with ~ )nfonn.ac.iC>n A-Z fr,-de}t en Te~it "1,T"t_,Jl"""'o ,:-.;,, ~ ,- -: .o ~.- "J.: 1. ~, r o.o ri:.11 . t. - T1 ."1J.\,; \,Rt-.,...._ \ :ft1 1T "T liT i<\7 , -....1 1r .- ~o ,. ~1 o-.. t, - Federal Housing Adminisuation i=:1.-equently ----- Keep up to R.ESOL~CE FH_.._ Date As.ked ~vith Br-eaking FHA t,e .:--:~--:----s a.,d r'""'C--:~:;.-:=-2s ~~~:<:,;;;;=-!:o::- Guidance .::::-=de -.-31 "'"""-1,:;_.:::,:i,--Q ,.:._~oroiir-i:::-:-r3to:f cc-:! - -;; .:o::: .5 -=......,i,.....:::er :rat :3ri 3..,;~or-~:i::: .;,C,.-C ;;.r. <::.,~s-:;oori F'roa-rar--:=:'"'="= Pr~s-:::-=-.-:-1altJ'-=oe::: -=.= for- FHA-appro""'ed ~Jlortgage ,,,, ril! r r14"'r1 ttly Voor .., o.1c,n (FHA) Questioos. CE~TER Posted -~da-.,.... .!::...._6 1_,...._-,\ -. T -:...._, FMAl=AO Reminder: ~ . 1 S-eacc,.., ;1;...;.t1. .. .1 -,t Espa171ol BLiLE News - August .2St:h, Servicer-s r-egard TI~ Join 20l.. ing BO_~ tbe FHA ---- - I f5t Info Secv 6 Preside ntiall)-.-Declared l\.tajor Disast,er- Areas .; ...-: -::-:he--:o:e,....,t Pres -:::-:-=-:: alt.:,,-=oe::: a--=--::: r..o..::;:_ ,:- C :,3:::-:er .-=-..--:a 1Pc.., .,,ic.-:-. .:: ori :re ~-:-::.t-=: ,=.if Lou1s..;;-a :::j1...e :o -::::a'"Ti.5-ge -::.:iu::--=--:::::b.:, . .E---:.,.-ere ss -:1...re;j =:., . ::--: ::--:--:1e.E- ir ~ P~?'11C,.:.. are .:oLibJe::: .-: :o- ..; 90-C..::;:._, . "nor::.t::.J '"Ti .::;- f-::--:-:: lo:.J-=:;; -'::;:dlo~.~. --;: t-s d.s.a.=ot=- 1_, -,::;.,.i=1es 1 t~-=: d3:s o~ t~<:: r-o:; .a-:or , u....- e-., ~ .a~,o,.... .j.;;:e ~o :or-..,,er-cs or --:-:::::,r-- ..,....,e,....:::-= f::--=:,:;Jo ;_. --=3~-:ioro=- eva .J a:e -:-he -:-..-:;-.,:;v? er .J --:;:=- I-' ._ c :;; _,:;;,s t.~a . o:. C :;a:::-:'!:!r :S-=:i:~o=- I : ,t... ~ i1 1n -:~e _::.... !'.J1t::: F:,~no,''-"" o 1t...1.:-..,..:E. ."t 1.g F=-i"ri:o..- 1t...1a,1,1d!-.,:,.:::-> : -i::-:,:-, 1 . EF" 1-13:, .:::::-=-::- : 1F--!A ,. irr---o: -:~a;;;,es :rora.=o::: =o:: = ~--=~-=' ., loo . o .o l o :o11 : . HUD-17-0235-C-000162 Au..=,1 .t ""...111.'f~r~u.-.-,J' Ao " ~I-, . ~-... C:10,;,1.-.g J.1'1d n~-o Co....,dc, P o.o_1:-c.t Ap:::-ro C o ... s.un,,2..- C ,-e-cfrt FHA u ~ nfcrn1..:1.t .,o~.e c:.,r-e-e--e o.-,.:: -;::, ::.ur l::'":. -. .-se: ! ......llU"\', . n-g .:J-Ytl.,..,e-d P rope L-t=no:JE-r I.o \ l I: I, Io il I~ . \. ~1 l -., ~ it~ o [ I J .._ '.' '. l: ~. J :'.~ .__..__ >....... 5-E-.3(CP-. ... al i:i..-. c:1e--..,,_,,. ti.., g 3--=--vic :r.:......., Ad..,,anc.,;,d -S-_.. st-=:n-1 Suop,ort Fo...-.N::1rd H UD I. . 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Ca:n .,.;-::-:_ ~ oers-:,n 1 !:i Sac.;; c~n ~ FHA n,or1gage ....,o" -occ :,r ~::i.st:I ttie-- :J S t,a -..e IT"C'e 1"311 a oe-rscn g,e,t an FHA of a tJ ....so.,.,e-ss' ._..,tt1at ~,e-,. c~ ;i 1a 1, Topics. oers-un I \il"l'"0 out51de-oe:c u o"i i-g c o-b-orr,o.,_,,. .-E-,? .!. Cari;,. ng'> 2:re- th~ g ....1del nes for o-o,...rolt'\Je-ris- w,t .... a p--e-".1ous osvre o.,. de--e-d- n- ie"'" of forec -os ....re? doe-s .:1 P.1on:gag,g't! a st~d'2' ..... t 03..-.? F i -c: C.-t h:- - ,. :o ;,;;:n:a,~ ..... :-p--=:~:-rt:a: :\ '= .~- a p-=i-e: Most Viewed rr- . @ ~LJ)' ro2-~u r~ co 1-?ct oT"'s to Ho.,v on ....: (:=-4_i31L..1..-t L-.~ :> Fo::-c-cll,--1ch 11;l to Wor-: ;;!nd whe-n ....p.31..,.t cc loar, o-e- 1ri!:ure,d be a non- FHA lo.:1n doe-s: bcrro~@r to bel p q.., al,ty t>~ a.on'> 1n the- 1t ~xp1re-? ,3dd@d 1::0 an an 0<: cupa,it 1.::.~ -=.-=1--:" o.,'=4... .=:,:1~ 1:o; : -: 1'; 1:-o;i _ .:;:,: 1-:" 1.:::-o~ _ -=o=1-:' bor,owE- <~ m IJ 1111111 Office of Field Policy and Management Offlce of Single Family Housing 11111111 . * JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c Self Service- FHA FAQ website -www.hud.gov/answers -I Public Facing -External FHA FAQ Website - Keyword Search !..:!..> U!i Oto~t1~tl'lt uf Htys1n~ ~l'ld1,Jr;:;u'I Otvn.10r.-1~n1 1.pr.1A1-.~1.:::rq'l~11 ., liti~1~11~ P.:: 11-:'rry f : ~,:;,1.,1o, ~ .\::,o,1 -!.2 l.'P1 op~rt~ A-:: ..15 .5 T ;,., ilff\lL i,::,.._.;o.r..n ,,_,1B.l.!.I ~:."1.'~:I ;;, ,_i:bEC(.~ .... --\ Advanc~ds~:n;h .o. i: :.-~ ~ c:irr~ :=::: ~ - :' ..:o:-~--:: (i:-~~r ~, ~-.:-:--: ..-:u ~.-= i;: , -:;\-ia to-:-.. 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'.11:~: ..11- :1:1':-.-~.:.:.11 Apc,a ;il:Prop,1'/ A.-,1y,' Clc~1"grnd ns..r.r,~ r, ,1 . : 1~ ,o Search >' :' , _., o .... -~ - ,.... :,::-::2.::-. r_,,-,i;,_,~11 f-_. o:u..':~(l .-.~H.GI ,:~11:-r ,. _,._[,r:._,, l :.o,L .~-\e sL _.c-...,: ~ 1-i1) I=". \(~ ~-1E: f..:"Xi.)"":., -l E:DGI:l!. .\ SE '-'\ ,o,e ::rr~ :u :_r: u:i: ::1' :e":H : .e.".t",'; -en: , i-! ~ ..,: .os~ :r ~~3-,:.. , o=c- S.uo~~ o riforri.at c" . : u ',"i: e. -;:r. ~~,:'2,.: t: ..r ~ oo ,2::,,. e=:.i-:r: :J1 o.o.,1lo~l 1~o :Jc:; a-r: ;e-..,:~:1~ 3o,.a,ab~ S,1aa-ch E, . ~-.i s~ ~ - ~~~ i ~UC.O.o,~o ~ro;w11;1 Sr::,,E':": .r . :irr Sedr~h .. C: dc-,.-1-:i-:~;.d; ~= ....... r-:: :-,;-.,~ - ra.:i-~-_.=, . ~/ -i-c.l_ c~ o. -~ .:: ~r .;:::,~-.9 s~-- ~ s A :iste- =J -~I - ~f : ..,~"":GE:.5 De,: ...n...~r..at -c- F.e.:n.o .11="'1"'te-.,:: v r:~~ ..--~- l:C~a ch[ 0 ,:; ~...... sl.1 s ..,re~ .!..;:;.~~51 ~s I . ,:; .v:1 Catt:!"~; 'S-t!.&rch i:olT'paot le-t.,e--:FPE'~eqwifelT'ents? "0'1-11"5I! do?!~(l"l":id"'J, : P.-uduct, Al 'le. er!e Moig,gc Pr,:ig.~l""'s ; .,~ a.,v ...1, :'"ds -,;::r.::.:: . o;.,~a =,.c:i ~~ .,,:..,. :o :c:ri::-:t .5 st:., c-= ~~~~ - ~~ ?ubfufd!!r!li : -=' - : n:::;~- ,:3 :: ;: li.a.s-= )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c t 'lii;iil :\ Office of Single Family Housing i, 11111111 ,) /0 ' f/ / i-",.?t1,,.; L;'_ .....,.'.. ..._ o~ Self Service FHA FAQwebsite www. hud.gov/answers -I Public Facing - External FHA FAQ Website :_~ >o:~.:r.!r.,::.. L,'SO!!partrnrn1i:.:tH-.i1J~orig ~nd 'J:"J,mDe~1!1-;:13n1r.,I .\.;;;,,~ o~.? ,,-.,u:-r1i1 .a, ...~I! ~'~ r, -~-~.. !".'. ,,,.,: !t. Iv, l--!o_o )11 1.:, ,_,',, LL'o..:llo.t::L 4p:'3.! ,1:Prewr, R:( ,~o-Ub:..~~ GI ~i_.1~-!IT ., (': 1~11,:., ~; A~~l~f.~ :;~~1"9 ;.nd~~~, n9 M,;rc,d '-\ s.,..,t ,\; ~~:~ -'!-~ .v ~ ~; :o.- 51,1:,; r: ~j;n-;r ; ;on'.. ..; , ; ~ .,; ~o ;~ --~.t: i; i; :.:o- .. ::.: :r ;~:c ~. i: .1~ .-. ~:;i~ J:c..:r ;.o~l.i:tf;'1: ~-;-.-:~r -~~--~ ;t s, i>~,- J Frvpi'MI A~p-:!1:;;e. ."i~c-;.)~..;.l :GBP1-~ b Ir , ,. :i ,oo::,1..,,,1, A::ipo.:1:il:!" f;:~'..:!I ~:;/:i/;;~:~:o(;'.) ..,:;,;i,; 'c., ,ry .;. :. . Inc,:' ~r.l,:l!!~ ,..-..-,fi} ~-'.~: ...,-,r!t:,: .. 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C!',j~~d-n- i~.! .:.ff.::~c .cLr~? ::.o!!~,l U.o1.1~ .w1ii \ ~-::~ Cd'l, c~r1,;1~et a, f~A,~u'e-~ le-a,11 r,~ ,:; : o :-:I~ 11Jf.'..:J.,._.,~d ~,::.pe:t;~~ ,:; : . ~-'.!~ LE'f'lder Appr.:ira'!JEl1g1D1lify lill!o~:r, 1 nd':'"~~~~ "~"!.~~d.dng~1f':fL,~!i) .- - c ~'l ; "U"'-0,:: ,:...~ -t cc-bc-rro~e. b-:-3ddEUR4 t,: ~n .:~:' :-:!~ Rrr.J~1:, 1,i.1 ,)~.-::.cog1 ~ 'll"5 ;-H~n:;r.~]~'!l,:.Ht: ~"I' ~oJ!li~ ~r.csc"Jp.H~ oc-'.:.1 ,~r? ~t'., ~. ~-! ' Moo1:9 .:g~ it1b oli1y Can ill o CJrl T ptrforfn M.orirJii191M' Willi-..~ any re-p.illir r~uire-ments ippriinli inc~, tililte if I im -s41,nctiari.edin anc~he-r? fo, wh.al rf-asons m.ay.an appra1stt bt ttm.o\led" hen, lhe HtA Apfl,~i..!.~, , C.ai,i .an l!!h!hJy !.y~ten, tkat L!anol tiwt1.ed ltv lhii! RMl@1? bo-,ow@,corittibutll!to lh-! ptoptlt"!''s appria4sfod fa..-whilt reasot1s may an appraiser rec.e1vEa ir.ilut? Nob-c@cif Def1rnmC)' {NOD) from FHA! 1 (an appraisals be o n:lered by a Mortgagee 's loan o Holl' ra.-. J hi re-t st:th!d 011th('-FHA Appraise, 11 ff:o-ster tf n,y itltu'i liii ~ip5-t'd1 prcducbon sta"~ , Can I use an a-ppr:ai-s.alm::ana9e-menlcomp-any 7 (AMC) far my FHA apsirais.al o Ho-wGIi I tt!ol,..t a ~anc.lioMi~!.UII!!u1d bKOttH! ,eligib~ 101pl.a.c.ern-ent en the FHA.J-pp,,1tser c.ai,,tht .;i,ppt.;11sl!!!rrn111muni,c~tl! witl, a 1111tmbu of th, Mortgo!l"o'sloanp,od..,tion staff? i osll!!1"' aiJi;i.-a)ser? fHA Conn!rtv ~: .-..: : .. :. ' 1 ....; - Apv1,~.1I :.rup.=-t 1 : C-";L;"l~o n(:i1nu1.i:i-" .""' .n.1~ ::rio~e;: $~:1o ; I, ...;.:-.-:,, . .=c..JaPoo.ecl~.poro,il : Categories Dacumenta.tian Raster {ha11_ee; Requi r e""liEn!;; (;m ~n .appr1iuf ~e ffoonf;...-:,+;nnc- On mu r...rOni.n.:i.ti.n.-, pliln5 qnd '1.i.n.. o:u.7 )> <~ m IJ 1111111 Office of Field Policy and Management Office of Single Family Housing . 11111111 . JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) Self Service - FHA FAQ website - www.hud.gov/answers :::c -I Public Facing - External FHA FAQ Website - Most Popular Topics i,.S o~~l l'!rr.t1( :ir Hc-J~.r~ I 'I~ JrlH'l Ci't~ Dpl'lt'lt -.. [ . .-. ~.,':."":~F :: - : i - I I . i: ''.~ :..! ; ~ I.:.!: : r-...-~1,.., .,.,.,.o :~.--, l,.!i:..i::1. AporH,I, Prop~'1y A'"!:aln-'5 -: los,o~,nd ns. r.r9 F.\o.oIi(o~] E J.:x,:,o,o.n1--~a .G[ ~ ; '-"B'IIT .', 0::'-"L'c :-:,:,:.- '--\ A1vi:nceC'5-'!.;och (oodo P,o,e;;t Apc,o.ooI 11,i: ( C:"S-Jm-2. r~vrm]tO'" ;;,"T"i;:o ;o. -S1,;:;i;:r: Ce-c~r ~ .--;v!~ .-,-:;;.,o;~ ,': ~.,-:-r1,::1-~i;-, - !;o :ci;,.. ~: -; ..: :;:..- ;r.;.,.!o;'.;; :r:1.;;i;-. c:~~:~::!,ii!:~::, i;- { redl!l/ode. .. , llog 1 How :c.~t.,1~.rir.:,r.nr.c . :,.jj,:,"L\kd:t L:il~( FHA5plem Support f0 W]1,j i: l : !:!' Cl~~-"'IJ ::rel r! ..r-q s~.,1.:, ng ..-.si::~,__}Br::i:e ~-:--;r;-,c-o:-;~:,:1: E:-?=r:. ~ .. ~ ~i , .-. HUD'.J-,-.,d Prop,1i,1 (dfl ~ ..;.. rj.rf: fHA helu n,e buv, r:-;G;f;:=i~-o~r. :~1-;-:1:: ;1-: ~ '.~~:-:1:~i~'lj-; r, :-:,r-;:,t- :1-1..!. ~i:fr-:-,::_..z ..:.,~~:a~::':;~;. r:=~-~, ~-: ..~n;,-::;r;-::~.-o:n ,.ir :,~;-,:,.~ , ,~; t: _;.,~ ,.:.:..o:ir :-:-.n;:11:- 71o.': ':-:: E-' ~:r 'o: L :: E-r;:...::e:,_r It.:::,..,c: c,:,,o:-:=:~c.:: .ar1:,.i:;;; fri~~oEffo~ .H o:-f ...::::::~ :-,:;, ~e-'-:-::-:--:-:o:..- ~J :er: -3 ,-:1:: .o,c ~ ~-:=r.~:t :""'::; :-~,~----== :,: ~-:'. ~i ~H~ r-)1;3;-:=. J, 1:-::,e.,:-r / . c_ -~.-:' o;.: :o~,:_: ) "~:!-~"'::, !L-~~ ~_;~ H': o.'-~(:. ':~ H~ ~o ;~o : :-JC ~j;I ;: '~o :.~ '..;!',o.o:!' ~ :~ .,,~o~ ~o~ :~o _.:, :-:..,r ~-~1.,.~r~; rl-1~ h:.: -.~.~: :::.,.ZS:::-.-.r:-~oi'l-:-1: ~-.: ~h: --=~~1c~-=~"':'"-!:;r:-,..~ i;f'i)'. .r?:o ~rci'frt;:: .-: :.;;r~a:,:; ;:: :i,;ii. Crf~ Hi :-.;;.o-: ::r- ?"::. :r: ., ~-~-.:-=. Ff'IJ .l -~. dt. Fc-r1111!1,j ;:-_t .:~tC": L"n~!'I A~VC'o'.l. .oEiQiOII')' ~ :- ~.,:., [1-;~:'.n P.~~1 ~l(,~1~:]~1J.d~ 'i i::~;f83~~ic..: '-'\ ~1,:n;td ~-:-nl. :, _.:. ..r, .-~: :,.r.('ilo~;~:1 :.~~.,,-11 "~"~.,oat:~-:.;=GBP::,r :;~3~:r. homo. ;.-:-,;,r .o: GBP[oo.,H L~T ~;-~\:IT .-.:cr~:r .-,\" F .,., ;.;.;.,1r Jtr,c,r;i~;;l,o;:r;;r~~ _!J _~.! .1 ~-; CN151.. r-ri of J'r !.M" ~1,nl F1,, r~~ 15Trh o f;s::..:L-::..:.: ':-i... :::r: ~~ -~ :J~~~U\O:: 'tn:~c '::[':~:-=::LE!~~~-::-:c-::r:: ;:.::.~r-11:-: .".;. r-:::i-~ ::::.: . .:... ~,-: ,:-~o~;,r>;-~i ~r! -:i=- ~o : :-~. ,;::.r :., ;:e-::. i .1~ .21F\t:.~J !~ Mis.'c.,tfdc~n~a,;t~ /\ P.31n~, Aop.rc..a oE.1giJ1,1r; 0,,11" ,iJ, :r_;1~ r,-,lk, l. ~e 1...:-s.-.~.~:-,o-~1,.._ (:.: :::.r =r:I -,: ,,. .-.':",:-3- i~:r:\ .':"1: c-1~~ ~ u ) ::;J:-:o~:-t if-:. nt.:'..:t l ~. Fi-;: ::ioT~,.,:;:_ : -:o :cri::i:t:- ~i::-,. :::-e cc;p;,c;1:,: .,.. ', a p-~ "E (,' D,HI ~,: ,;,~::_-:,;.'I~-~:,~: ~.;-'.H~- .. o~ ..:_r if: ;:..!cl-;:_rf . 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HUD-17-0235-C-000167 ~ooro".ooto b, ,1 ~ h, f.:r FHAfi,ar.c sg 1 --..1~ a Yf~ "IOL.5 ~.;,:; ~.1.hit irf the o.ide-lnf5 fo. -i>C'fOtli 'E-<5 tcr'!:"C-os ..rt c.,.jeeci-ri -1-:~ o of ko1-:e :0sur~? i-;:,._._ doe~~ Mo1tg~gei? d~t!?1r"i.,e t'l"i: niont"llypirrrn~"t::;- ; o 0-1, o -~i.::i~ s1.de"I Cl'' \'ill>''o c;o i n1 l"o guod~ o..~~.eg;od nQQoltfu>a,' ~ a n~n- :.; :, _,;:,' ~ ~': Can, JHsor get 3nrHAioswred,oin '" !r;a r-3.rre of.3 J1.o~1.. e-s>' :o;=..~ ~.: U"dEUR'"'11ro[ ~~ r( ~"J'd ~-~-. icr ~ ML!] ::.111~-ed :;,op-!''J!!~ L~nH' ,'Lr.rr111~ . F ~1:;,o1~ Whd1,3 Elc~ tc:War.;;nd "'111"".;r, doe~ t ex,;i1rc? ~~ =o. ! ~l!'C1 ~f-1/1 ~(,".E-115L;:~:~ C~n ~ ~~rsonh3.o-:irc-1:11"ar c.,~fHA .oa1? C ;n 3 "O o:-oc.c.. p~"t cc,bc,rrl:!'h~r tit .3,dd~d~c.31 ~~ =o. FHAmortga~~ .o.:into h-?lpqJa1ty.3-,N<:up.;;"l'. b.:,11owe.? 1 ~A1:;:c .1-:-j (011'.J~\~ h""'.r':". r.ci,.l1~ [ 9b i~ .:.-..:.1 t~ ,:::nl:'c.: ~ITl'.:11 ~n~ 7 -~r _(.:,ni.:11'":"' ib11.dc-,. Ho."c,n FH~hep I"o ouy, "OnJi'' o-=~ --~~= frrL~ .ogo.!m, (9ri4ou Moll PopularTopics ~t ;ir\c~ -:o;t; .-~v -1:-T;;: -~,;-t;.::.~g;Ci:t. 4o:v-; ;-(t" :53-!;r: I :r: 1Jo;-\: ti:--n:: r-::t:>:.,-;-.~o:>.::,:--1 ~:r-":-. Ff-o.:. o:~.:r= ~o,cci:r~ '.c ,;.! O.! ,- ..:lr ':;:!?~ ~o: ::-,: : :Jt~~-.~1i:ifrn~o.~t -IJJ r .(-:: .r.;:c~i'.~ ::n :.:, ,:,; 3jj! :n.. .~;C,....,J:.:,r : . ;_.::_- : :.~;,;.;~ :-- -;: .~ :: , h.ttp:l l po rt&!lt.h1.1d. ~o vihuditcirbl/t-1U[)'c;rc-=/l~p tcsib 11~ng_ a_hame \;:r :~- ;: ;:: .::.,: ~r i::..:..;1:J-c..~:~r:tr \~- Tij', ~=:,:~:~::,.oo~ ==~ :J =.~o'.o.~o ,:-. o ..-:1,o; :c=~~I ;.:1-~t: . hltp:.'/www.t11.rd,9"'1/ll/cod,ll~l(rit.dm ii " 'MD J~~.,; ~-; :-~_,jr; : ; [;~;r~ ~~~1:, I- i:l~~~;--:-. Mn :t:'!;c .:~o""15~o..~ er n.. \~:.-~\:;~ =~='~~~:::-!:::, ~:.~~~! :t~~-:~~~rl /www.hud .gov/offic,i/hsg/sfu/hcc/hu.dm )- :a =.~ .D~ 1 1" lf-::r-:" C"'': ~ :) --~- .. 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III11II ,, en )> _ 7 G) :::c Self Service- FHA FAQwebsite - www.hud.gov/answers -I Public Facing-External FHA FAQ Website - Most Recent Topics i..:.:: ' !~. .J~Ot~Jl",Jl\"rrqt H<:,..,1,~jhtJ tm:-~r, C:t'l"tl"i;,n.'(~t o. :I ;ofll,; o.. tMI-.Vl! .h{I ~0:-l'~'J'I~"fl{) boI ~~ :. ,l,,Ll ~ ~-~~ri-~;l.Frop~1't A".!'i ~-~ '-\. :1)~---9;M mJr-nQ Ad.,o::nc~d ~::-2.c.h M rr,~o f iai::: ": ..'.I o .o , ,o.~;;~~ :o ;,i.,r Si.:;i:; ~ r,Cornl~t o,. -~ - : ,::; trC.\,'Z~ ;,r :i:--~tr .:-.-~rvt~1~ -~ . : o , -:-t,-=r .:ar,te,; n . ~: .. :;,; .:: o.ir pro~u:t~~"; i':- . ,s-;o~Jo;;1 I.a~~ ~~~-;r T,!ho:_. , :--i :o.,.f; ~HASisi~n,$u;)port ' Br~r,.;o: -:,-;~;.;- :., ,.,o,,!,.,,,,1, .; :-r:.. :e :..r I br.ar~ C; ~: .o - tr'=Kr.:y,.; ~-;o~'::::~ ;;r a ;;:.:5 a,-dljo9,::, l c'' 1o~IT :It ~ ~ ) T, I "' .. .a: . : . :. o,.:c' oo.ro.. ., ,. :.:,~ ~ndr,,;.. -~ ;~r --1:,r~.1.~i! =-: ::.: ~1-:: --..o :o :,;ri:a:::: ~1:-r,[!: .~:.;,::;,:r1:;1:r,.~-,.3 r,;-~ :r ::;::tal-ia-1. ., ; r:::: o'"fi~r~~ ;-:.~~..a- : r;;:~-:~~-:-.-:.; 3 ;-,r~ _ :::-~:-::i :-' :-.E-~1-=::-: , :;-CJ~;t:~:-:; Gi:~:~h1d:;:1,:i ~~:-~!;,:~ ;-;::.,:-t:?- ;l~.~ :~ ;~:~;t .:.~-~.--:~~;~~: :;!;.-~~:~~~=- -~~~;~t: :r~~ ~~~-:-~~/~-~~ J o [I -.;;-: :..;:t:-~:~.- ;r :;.-;:ii: -. - ,.;r:-r-:1:::c:;.j ;11 -: , ~ ~~~:-1 ; 1--~; :1r ~o ~!I~ ~ .~r@,~.! . ofo ,. .i=-~~=-~~-C~'o'.! , 31.,~.E-~ ""Io. ,::Av;;:;.. =.. r:p; -:--~ ~ 1-t,~t~.:,Coedol ~~p:11 if:-;~ Cl .:r.:-..-:- ,,: ,,e-: :~:k-:--~:~~ :-r o; n.r~: 't:-1.;a;'!: :- -3 ;;~;, ".o c o., Progr~m! i;i!:h! t! ;r..;r_, _,::t t-::: o 1-b~c.cnFHAh~p rr~ n..:,e "ome? 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(:;.-:;-/- ~ '- . (:,;...,f ' _.. HUOSME Approval _..... -.y 1/.) ;-) ,'\. :,...--- 0(. ..... "()// ... '_...... ., . (__.h. .:....- FAQ Publish HUD-17-0235-C-000169 )> <~ m IJ Office of Single Family Housing ~ JJ C) en )> _ 7 1111111 Office of Field Policy and Management 11111111 . CRM Application- USD Unified ServiceDesk G) :::c -I Ticket - Service Request A_:"J!ieo:~ft Jil, :0:,--~n,i-c:: (i,.M - Un1f~ lJl\lf1!od "' ~ o ;1o IVl1 ,, (-)- D!o-.k -- Hi:.,-w h:,111':1I><'" ~::,:: '"''o..",_ ,. t 1- _" '~~ s~r.,_.r~ ::-es,,: I .-. 1.. lcJ . "" !"( ~-,: ,: ...'~ : J ~ .. ,. r' . ,,, V<'lli..., fu-1 t.,c!u o I!" it ?"ll.pir~ ~= How lrn.HJis ;.m I H/\ ;-_ 1p1">p1,.fr.:::-il v,.ilicJ hx l 1dn1e ... _ .. : "' C; "'.! . dj.!l)P' AR( Mc,rtq ~-r,,.. C nrnr;, t. r.r No l.'~--::'.,(.i7J),:l<; CL 1l".1 Ka c;.,...:11,hJonrl (r.,IIJ1bnr.,.1;n.r, N.-..tM. o o H:"l,, . lfll)(j .~ .,n FHA .1rpr1o\,~ ,ll ...~1,d fnr t:<'f<'f ... it ,..~1~,,.---; D~oo1,.1ti(,r. 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CIN Cl 11CfftType Lelldrl" Ur.dnwrittt Col'Tlpany ABC Mortgag.. lenodc-r ID 12345678!!0 CHUMS ID OUM How long SubJect o - Company .. d; rto FHA .-1ppr,-1i-.dl-.. +>:ii:pirP ,-ind m.,y th,;., v,1lidi1y 1 The- FJ IA C pi,ation C .: ~~ lit lit Apfo .. !.al/Property Analy>l.atcd Doh: a S1Jb C.:rtC9ory Q Docurnent.atlon of the mortgagee (2) the borrowt!r ~mbeT required? the e x:istirig Pr1n1ory Cotrgory or {A"1(l }(h} ,,,. rtcd~:ud s--...,,. h1.:dpon.:\l Hl TI:' ',r . - 11r~.,2"n:u:i():L:-:f""o,,1dtnin1 .u-;:rri,:'lt.,h,~.:klip<:- ha.t:.ihooh?' o lF.qh C.-c-atcd On u,e option of the origin.a.I appraisal: Closed Dot,, , -- a -- R~ult"em81.ts AdnN! i,i ~ i=iiiil..lU )> <~ m IJ t 'lii;iil >; Office of Single Family Housing i, 11111111 ,) JJ C) en )> _ 7 /0 ' f/ / i-",.?t1,,.; L;'_ G) .....,.'.. ..._ o~ CRM Application - USD - Unified Service Desk :::c -I Emailing Client from USD Application - Unified Service Desk E,,1a.1 u,. ~o.:,:., :o i.:l'.- ,_ : :.l ':' .to .,. 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"110--:g.:1gcc'.__;,; 1 .-=-Lt.:1o ...-, , .,..,..; 4 :',,", l'M l-::,o ,1,,irl",110:-1"'1 -c;. H )> <~ m IJ lll1H1- Office of Field Policy Office of Single Family Housing and Management : ..... I1111 11I - - JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) CRM Application - USD - Unified Service Desk :::c -I Resolving Service Requests in USD Application - Unified Service Desk H, :-,_ oo ~ ;s ..Jo"l I. : .1,o\ ' .. .,. + I. , 1-k.A app-prc11 ;s.a1 val id 1-= ,r l>o!-t,:, rit ;t ~_...,;,~ 11,,\ ,1: :-1 : 1:o .- ,,1 '- - l l . f ,: '1o1 (r:w-,t.a.c1:lntonnn,.11iocn .._.-, j iii '- C~.al :::I : . _;.,o~ .' u t -i ,'. : 11 o .. I + . . .. .;;; ! ~ ... 1.. , io n lnfnnnatian .and .::,_,.,..._.,,.., , 7': .., ~ .~ o.: o .~J: ;o :":I',<'1o oo, o , - r :oI I~ o .-1 (=P-,;..r,O!' <. li~n1 1ypo:- ( ~4jh ~,...:.,. - , .:11 h, : l ....-.~ ~ o , -. ;1,:,-r, ,Ti,-:-- . ~ i:;,.~ .... ,-.o~~ .l o"J~ r,c .-. ,.- o1.,h '..- l _.. ~ .! ", fo "!'- ,;.; (111 .' .,: ICE ,.,.:111,<"h .an.d ( .r:-U.a-hoor:-r.a-t i-:,," Nr.if- o~ Otoou,i1Pt .ooo~ t"...!> o, ~ .._. ~ ,, .,_; , .. ., -, f t o"' ..!' I ~" 11.-oI ., :11o. 1 i ., , ~,rt ,, ,,.. ~ r . . .. . .. .. AC TJVJTI! ~ io,r, J o .:...:,11,'1-ot ,o:_:t' . h.8 $ !'i' I F->-1 ... ~ ~ ._:.- ..1,s.., I ,~--... :t o , ~~~ .-.,_, . . ] -. to11. o. , o. l . . .-., .o. ,l -:.t ,I ., , ;:l,'. , "11 ._: '." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I Update on FHA Mortgage Programs New York MBA o -o II ~ II II = c,. o ft o o i!l -- - = I o II Presenter: HUD-17-0235-C-000178 Julie Shaffer Director, Philadelphia Homeownership Center U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ------------------(;~ ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I FHA Makes Dreams Come True for 41 Million Americans HUD-17-0235-C-000179 o Since 1934, FHA has made financing for homeownership available to American of all income levels and across all geographic regions. o FHA has helped 41 + million Americans realize homeownership, stabilized comn1unities and helped to build wealth across the country. o FHA is the largest insurer of mortgages in the world, providing lenders the confidence to make loans to credit worthy borrowers. o FHA is a product of choice for young families: over the past 20 years 60 to 70 percent of first-time FHA homebuyers were 35 years old or younger. o FHA also plays a critical role in supporting minority homeownership. o Minority borrowers typically have less generational wealth, making FHA an important program to lessen long-term wealth inequality. ------------------G~-;~~ ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. i~ JJ () FHA Accomplishments in FY 2016 -I o Endorsed 1,258,063 single family loans for $245 billion o Averages: credit score - 680, loan amount - $195,068. o 70 percent purchase and 30 percent refinancing. o 82.1 percent of purchase loans were for first-time homebuyers. o 11 percent of borrowers were African-American and 17.5 percent were Hispanic. HUD-17-0235-C-000180 o FHA helped 48,868 additional senior homeowners age in place through the HECM program. ------------------(;~ ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P ~? FHA Lender Characteristics in FY 2016 -I HUD-17-0235-C-000181 o 2,430 FHA-approved lenders originated Single Family forward mortgages including: 1,124 bank lenders, 1,154 non-bank lenders, 121 government lenders and 31 other lenders. o 1,447 lenders underwrote 10 or more loans. o Non-bank lenders accounted for 83 percent of FHA endorsements and bank lenders account for 16 percent. o FHA received 185 lender applications for approval. o 85 were approved, including: 44 bank lenders, 39 nonbank lenders, 2 other lenders and no government lenders. ------------------(;~ ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P _ 7 ~ Affordable Features of FHA Loans -I o Down payment requirement: Only 3.5 percent. o Government downpayment assistance or a gift from family or one's employer can cover 3.5 percent. o Streamline Refinance opportunity. o Permit Non-Occupying Co-borrower. o Competitive interest rate availability. o Assumable. HUD-17-0235-C-000182 o Effective permanent loss mitigation requirements that lenders help borrowers to avoid foreclosure. Last Reviewed: 9/15/16 ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P _ 7 ~ 203(k) - Purchase or Refinance with Rehabilitation o Purchase and rehabilitate with one low-cost loan. o Renovation funds are escrowed so work can be done after closing. o Modernize, add rooms, new heating or roof, energy improvements, or other real property needs. HUD-17-0235-C-000183 o Limited 203(k) for non-structural work up to $35,000; no consultant required. o Loan amount is based on as-rehabilitated value. ------------------(;~ ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I FHA Funds Energy Improvements o 203(k) can fund energy improvements. o Solar, wind, and Energy Efficient Mortgage Improvements can be financed in standard FHA Purchase or Refinance loans and may increase a base loan above statutory maximums. o Energy Efficient Homes (EEH) are entitled to higher ratios of debt-to-income in view of presumed utility cost savings. o Property Improvement (Title I) Program is a stand-alone loan product that can finance energy improvements: HUD-17-0235-C-000184 - Unlike home equity loans and HELOCs,there are no Loan-to-Value ratios or credit score restrictions. - No lien is required if the loan is under $7,500. - Maximum loan amount is $25,000 May be up to a 20 year term. ------------------(;~ ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I New York State Endorsement and First-Time Homebuyer Trends FirstTime FHA FiscalYear Originations Homebuyers 2013 41,220 19,445 2014 26,611 15,777 2015 37,075 19,962 2016 38,378 22,638 HUD-17-0235-C-000185 ------------------(;~ ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I SF Handbook Overview FHA1s Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1 (SF Handbook) is a consolidated, consistent, and comprehensive single source for FHA Single Family Housing Policy: HUD-17-0235-C-000186 o Consolidated: Eventually, all SF Mortgagee Letters, Housing Notices, Handbooks, and other policy documents will be consolidated into a single source. o Consistent:Consistent format and terms throughout the SF Handbook support easier use - a key to FHA's Access to Credit strategy. o Comprehensive:The SF Handbook will cover all Single Family Housing policy. Last Reviewed: 9/30/16 ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c SF Handbook Pre-Recorded Webinars -I o Series of eight updated, pre-recorded training webinars launched on June 30, 2016. Origination Through Endorsement section for Title II forward mortgages. o Covers the SF Handbook's entire HUD-17-0235-C-000187 o Access the pre-recorded webinars on the Single Family Housing Self-Paced, Pre-Recorded Training page. Last Reviewed: 7/5/16 ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I Quality Assurance Framework FHA wants to: o Provide clear rules of the road. o Encourage responsible behavior. So lenders can: o Originate loans with confidence. o Focus on the quality of their processes and lend to all qualified borrowers. HUD-17-0235-C-000188 LAST REVIEWED: 4/11/16 ~~ ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I Condominium Project Approval Owner OccupancyRequirements o October 26, 2016, Mortgagee Letter 2016-15 implements condominium project approval owner occupancy requirements. o Specific conditions where Existing Projects can be approved when owner occupancy is as low as 35 percent. HUD-17-0235-C-000189 o Goal is to make it easier to originate condominium unit mortgages while protecting the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. Last Reviewed: 10/26/16 ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I Condominium Project Approval Temporary Provisions o August 24, 2016, Mortgagee Letter 2016-13 extended temporary condominium project approval policy provisions, without changes, until August 31, 2017. o Supports the continuation of FHA's ability to insure mortgages in condominium projects and avoid market disruption. o Condo Project Approval proposed rule published in Federal Register on September 28, 2016. HUD-17-0235-C-000190 Last Reviewed: 9/30/16 ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I 203(k) Consultant Fees o Amended and raised the 203(k) Consultant Draw Inspection Fee from $100 to a $350 limit on August 10, 2016. o First step in addressing concerns about fee amounts not being adequate compensation for work. o September 7, 2016, Federal Register notice solicits public comments on proposed changes to the entire fee schedule. HUD-17-0235-C-000191 ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P _ 7 ~ -I Loan-Level and Lender-Level Certifications o o Final Form 92900-A, HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application (Loan-Level Certification): - Published via Mortgagee Letter on March 15, 2016. - Effective for use with case numbers assigned on or after August 1, 2016. Lender Initial and Annual Certifications (Lender-Level Certifications): - HUD-17-0235-C-000192 Finals were implemented in LEAP; mortgagees required to certify to the revised statements at next annual certification on or after August 1, 2016 Last Reviewed: 8/1/16 ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P 7 ~ Student Loans -I o Reduced by 50% the percentage used to calculate the monthly obligation (2% to 1%); or actual provided payment amortizes loans. o Same calculation applied for all student loan scenarios. o Separates out student loans from other deferred obligations. HUD-17-0235-C-000193 Last Reviewed: 9/30/16 ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P _ 7 ~ Making it Easier to Do Business with FHA -I o FHA SF Handbook - create a single authoritative for FHA SF policy. o Implement o Business Transformation - implement new capabilities and moving some systems to a new HUD technology platform: - HUD-17-0235-C-000194 - - source broader use of e-Signature policy. Electronic Appraisal Delivery Portal: improving access to data earlier in the process to improve risk management and to minimize paper. Lender Electronic Assessment Portal: enabling FHA to better identify, mitigate, and manage counterparty risk; automate manual processes; and replace antiquated technology. Leverage industry data standards where possible. LAST REVIEWED: 1/15/15 ) .. ..o:.>'." - >. <.'11111i :- ~ 1 II>_, ~lll~IJI -~: JJ () CJ') P _ 7 G) :::c -I Technologyand BusinessTransformation Strategiesand Goals o FHA's Business Transformation goals are to: - Increase operational efficiencies and replace legacy infrastructure; - Enhance processes and tools throughout the organization and for stakeholders; Improve risk management capabilities; and - Make it easier to do business with FHA. HUD-17-0235-C-000195 LAST REVIEWED: 5/26/15 ) _,.--::-,o., ,__ -> < ~ 111111111,1 .~ :< r =., , 1111 . m -.. JJ () CJ') P 7 '5 :::c -I The FHA ResourceCenter o Knowledge Base: www.hud.gov/answers - 1600+ Qs and As addressing 90 percent of our phone calls and announcements of policy changes and training opportunities. o Email: answers@hud.gov o Phone: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Eastern) Toll Free: (800) CALL-FHAor (800) 225-5342 HUD-17-0235-C-000196 o Single Family Housing News (FHA INFO) emails: Frequent email notifications of new policies and training opportunities for anyone who signs up. ------------------(;~9 Actuarial Review of the Federal Housing Administration Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund HECM Loans For Fiscal Year 2016 November 15, 2016 Prepared for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development By fie Integrated Financial Engineering, Inc. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000197 HUD-17-0235-C-000198 fie __ _,., nfl'on1kd I l11u111ll1t_:l l11ll1IIo Phone Fax: ;. I ., o"'; (301) 309-6560 ( 301) 309-6562 info@ifeg roup .com November 15.2010 The Honorable Golding. Edward Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for !lousing - FcJcral I lousing Commissioner li.S. Department of HL,usmg:111dUrban Development 451 Seventh Street, S\V, RL10111 9100 Washing10n, DC 20410 Dear Dr. GL1IJing: JFE Group has ~L1mplc1L.ll :md. :.ilong with this k11cr, is suhmi11ingthe fiscal year 2()16 Actuarial Rc,1C\\. of the lv1utual:\fortg:ige lnsur:ince Fund llome Equity Comns1on Mortgagl.'s (the IIEC'M l.und). I (b )(5) De Iibe rati ve Privilege The linancial estimates presented in this RcY1ewrequire pwjec11ons of en.nts as hmg as 74 yl'ars mto the future. These: proJections are dependent up011 the \'alidity :md robustness of the underlying model and assumptions ahoul the fu1ure economic t.'ll\ irPnml'nt ;111d loan charnc[en~l ics. These assumrt ions mdude economic forl'c;1s1ed by MoLidy"s An.ily!H:s and the assumptions cum:crning compositions ,if future endN~emems pw_wcted by f-H:\. Tf1 !he extent that actmil en.:nts ora tl'd I 11 ,!ll( I ~ I t(!lllll 1 111 ,.: o I o ' Phoneo (301) 309-6560 Faxo (301) 309-6562 info@ifegroup .com November 15. 2016 The Honorable Golding, Edw.:ird Principal Deputy Assistant Sccrcury for I lousing - federal I l1>u.',ingCommissioner U.S. Department of Housing anJ Urb:.inDevelopment 451 Seventh Street, S\'.', Room 9100 Washington, DC ~0410 Dear Dr. Golding: IFE Group has completed and. along with this kttcr. is submi11ing the !isrnl ycar 20 I() Actu;irial Rcvicw ,.)fthc tvfutual Mortgage lnsur,mcc Fund ForwarJ Lnans (the Fund) 5 Deliber (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege The financial estimates presented in this Review rc4uirt: prnjectil>ns of events mPre th;rn 30 years into the future. These projections arc dependent upc,n the valtdity and robustness of the underlying model and a'.':isumptions about the future economic environment and loan characlt!ristics. The~e assumptions include economic forec.:1stedby l\..1r,0dy.s Anal:-,.tics.:1ndthe assumptions wnct:rning cmnpositions of future endorsement pcortfoliClspwjected by FIIA. To the extent that actual events deviate from the~c or other assumpti1ms. the m:tual results may differ, perhaps significantly, from ciur current pro_1ections The models used for !his Review are, by nature, large and complex . We applied an extensive valida1ion process to assure that the results reported in this Review arc accurate and reliable. The full actuarial report e.'iplaim these pwjections ;rnd the s0urccs for the changes smce last year.s actuarial review. Very truly yours, ,,.,Tyler T. Yan / Chairman and CEO / ,. Integrated Financial Engine~i'ilg, Inc. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000345 HUD-17-0235-C-000346 Actuarial Review of the Federal Housing Administration Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund Forward Loans for Fiscal Year 2016 I have reviewed the '.Actuarial Review of the Federal Housing Administration Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, Fonvard Loans, for Fiscal Year 2016". The purpose of my review was to detennine the soundness of the methodology used, the appropriateness of the underlying assumptions applied, and the reasonableness of the resulting estimates derived in the Review. The Review was based upon data and information prepared by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). I have relied upon the FHA for the accuracy and completeness of this data. In addition, I also relied upon the reasonableness of the assumptions used in the economic projections prepared by Yloody's Analytics, from which the base case used in the Review was derived. It is my opinion that on an overall basis the methodology and underlying assumptions used in the Review are reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances . In my opinion the estimates in the Review lie within a reasonable range of probable values as of this time although the actual experience in the future \-V iii not unfold as projected. Phelim Boyle, Ph.D., FCIA Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries November 15, 2016 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000347 HUD-17-0235-C-000348 Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................. ................ ................ ................................. . I. Introduction.................................................................................................... II. Summary of Findings and Comparison with FY 20 I 5 Actuarial Review... .. III. Current Status IV. Characteristics of the Fiscal Year 20 I 6 Insurance Portfolio .... ........ .... .... .... . 31 V. Fund Performance under Alternative Scenarios............................................ VI. Summary of Methodology ............. ................ ................ ................ ........... ..... 63 VIL Qualifications and Limitations....................................................................... 71 V Ill . Conclusions ....... ....... ...... ....... ......... ................ ................ ................ ................ 73 orthe MMI Fund............................... 1 ................ ..................... I5 23 49 Appendix A: Econometric Analysis of Mortgage Status Transitions and Terminations Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis Appendix C: Data for Loan Performance Simulations Appendix D: Economic Forecasts Appendix E: Loss Severity Model Appendix F: FHA Volume Model Appendix G: Stochastic Models Appendix H: Econometric Results References AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000349 HUD-17-0235-C-000350 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Executive Summary Executive Summary The 1990 Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) requires an independent actuarial analysis of the economic net worth of the Federal Housing Administration's (FHA's) Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. Enacted on July 30, 2008 , the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) moved the requirement for an independent actuarial review into 12 USC l 708(a)(4). This report presents the results of IPE Group ' s independent analysis for fiscal year (FY) 2016 . HERA also moved several additional programs into the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund . One of them, Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs, which are reverse mortgages) is analyzed separately and is excluded from this Review. In the remainder of this Review, the term ''the Fund" refers to the M~MIFund excluding HECMs. The primary purpose of this Actuarial Review is to estimate: o the economic value of the Fund , defined as the existing capital resources , or total assets less total liabilities of the Fund, plus the net present value (NPV) of the current books of business, and o the tntal insurance-inJorce (JJF) of the Fund. We use a stochastic method to estimate the net present value of expe cted future cash flows. In the FY 2011 and previous Reviews , the net present value of the cash flows was computed using a single, deterministic path of house prices and interest rates. Starting with the FY 2012 Review, instead of a single path, we generated 100 equally likely paths to conduct a Monte Carlo simulation, and computed the net present value of the cash flows for each of the paths . Then we averaged these 100 numbers to obtain our estimate of the expected net present value of the future cash nows under our simulation procedure. This is our baseline estimate. (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege IFE Group i AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000351 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Executive Summary (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege IFE Group H AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000352 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Executive Summary (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege IFE Group iii AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000353 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Executive Summary (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege IFE Group lV AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000354 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Executive Summary (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege IFE Group V AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000355 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Executive Summary (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege IFE Group Vl AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000356 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000357 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000358 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000359 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000360 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000361 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000362 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 7 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000363 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 8 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000364 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000365 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group J() AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000366 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group JJ AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000367 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 12 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000368 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 13 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000369 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section I: Introduction Appendix A. Econometric Analysis of Mortgage Status Transitions and Terminations provides a technical description of our econometric models of default , claim and prepayment for individual mortgage product types. Appendix B. Cash Flow Analysis - provides a technical description of our cash flow model. Appendix C. Data for Loan Performance Simulations explains the procedures used to transfonn the raw data into the data used to simulate future mortgage and Fund performance. Appendix D. Economic Forecasts - describes the forecast of future economic factors that affect the performance of the Fund and the alternative economic scenarios underlying the selected sensitivity analyses. Appendix E. Loss SeveritJ Model - provides a technical description of our econometric model of FHA mortgage loss severity rates. Appendix F. FHA Volume Model - explains our econometric model used to project future FHA loan volumes. Appendix G. Stochastic Simulation - provides a technical description of the econometric model developed to project house price appreciation , and interest and unemployment rate changes into the future . Appendix H. Historical and Projected Loan Termination Rates - contains historical and projected claim and prepayment rates. JFE Group 14 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000370 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMlF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 15 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000371 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMlF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 16 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000372 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 17 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000373 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMlF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 18 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000374 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMlF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 19 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000375 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 2() AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000376 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 21 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000377 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Section II: Summary of Findings (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 22 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000378 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 23 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000379 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 24 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000380 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 25 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000381 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 26 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000382 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 27 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000383 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 28 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000384 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 29 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000385 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Ill: Current Status of the Fund (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 30 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000386 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 31 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000387 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 32 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000388 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 33 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000389 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 34 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000390 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 35 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000391 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 36 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000392 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 37 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000393 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 38 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000394 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 39 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000395 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 40 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000396 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 41 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000397 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 42 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000398 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 43 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000399 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 44 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000400 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 45 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000401 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFb uroup 46 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000402 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege /FE Group 47 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000403 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section JV: FY 2016 Book Characteristics This Page Left Blank Intentionally /FE Group 48 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000404 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 49 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000405 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 50 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000406 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 51 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000407 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 52 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000408 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 53 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000409 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 54 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000410 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 55 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000411 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 56 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000412 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 57 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000413 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 58 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000414 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 59 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000415 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 60 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000416 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 61 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000417 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section V: Alternative Scenarios This Page Left Blank Intentionally JFE Group 62 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000418 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 63 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000419 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 64 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000420 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 65 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000421 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 66 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000422 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 67 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000423 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 68 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000424 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 69 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000425 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VJ: Summary of Methodology (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 70 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000426 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VII: Qualifications and Limitations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 71 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000427 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section VII: Qualifications and Limitations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 72 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000428 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Vlll: Conclusion .'! (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 73 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000429 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Section Vlll: Conclusion .'! (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group 74 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000430 Appendix A Econometric Analysis of Mortgage Status Transitions and Terminations AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000431 HUD-17-0235-C-000432 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i Appendix A: Econometric Analysis of Mortgage Status Transitions and Terminations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-I AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000433 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000434 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000435 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i Exhibit A-1: Loan Status Transitions Framework (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000436 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000437 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i Exhibit A-2: Examples of Loan Transition Types (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000438 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-7 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000439 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-8 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000440 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000441 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-JO AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000442 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-11 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000443 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-12 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000444 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-13 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000445 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege 1rn AMERICAN VERSIGHT uroup A-14 HUD-17-0235-C-000446 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-15 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000447 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-16 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000448 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-17 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000449 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-18 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000450 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-19 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000451 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-20 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000452 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-21 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000453 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-22 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000454 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-23 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000455 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-24 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000456 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-25 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000457 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-26 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000458 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-27 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000459 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-28 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000460 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-29 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000461 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-30 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000462 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-31 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000463 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-32 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000464 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-33 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000465 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-34 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000466 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-35 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000467 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-36 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000468 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-37 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000469 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-38 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000470 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-39 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000471 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-40 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000472 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-41 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000473 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-42 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000474 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group A-43 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000475 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix A: Econometric Analysi."i This Page Left Blank Intentionally JFE Group A-44 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000476 Appendix Cash Flow Analysis HUD-17-0235-C-000477 HUD-17-0235-C-000478 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-1 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000479 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000480 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000481 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000482 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000483 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-6 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000484 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-7 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000485 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-8 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000486 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000487 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-JO AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000488 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-11 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000489 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-12 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000490 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFb uroup B-13 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000491 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-14 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000492 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-15 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000493 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-16 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000494 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-17 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000495 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-18 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000496 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-19 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000497 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix B: Cash Flow Analysis (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group B-20 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000498 Appendix Data for Loan Performance Simulations HUD-17-0235-C-000499 HUD-17-0235-C-0005OO FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix C: Data for Simulations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group C-1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000501 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix C: Data for Simulations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group C-2 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000502 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix C: Data for Simulations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group C-3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000503 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix C: Data for Simulations (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group C-4 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000504 Appendix Economic Forecasts HUD-17-0235-C-000505 HUD-17-0235-C-000506 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix D: Economic Forecasts (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group D-1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000507 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix D: Economic Forecasts (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group D-2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000508 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix D: Economic Forecasts (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group D-3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000509 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix D: Economic Forecasts (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group D-4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000510 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix D: Economic Forecasts (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group D-5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000511 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Loans Appendix D: Economic Forecasts (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group D-6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000512 Appendix Loss Severity Model HUD-17-0235-C-000513 HUD-17-0235-C-000514 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000515 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000516 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-3 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000517 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000518 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group E-5 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000519 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000520 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group E-7 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000521 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group E-8 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000522 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000523 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix E: Loss Severity Model (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group E-10 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000524 Appendix FHA Volume Model HUD-17-0235-C-000525 HUD-17-0235-C-000526 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix F: FHA Volume Model (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group F-1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000527 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix F: FHA Volume Model (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group F-2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000528 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix F: FHA Volume Model (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group F-3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000529 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix F: FHA Volume Model (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group F-4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000530 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix F: FHA Volume Model (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group F-5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000531 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Appendix F: FHA Volume Model This Page Left Blank Intentionally JFE Group F-6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000532 Appendix Stochastic Models HUD-17-0235-C-000533 HUD-17-0235-C-000534 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-1 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000535 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000536 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group G-3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000537 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege JFE Group G-4 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000538 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000539 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000540 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-7 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000541 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-8 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000542 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix G: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFb uroup G-9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000543 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix (;: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFb uroup G-10 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000544 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix (;: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-II AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000545 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgage."/ Appendix (;: Stochastic Model."i (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege JFE Group G-12 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000546 Appendix Econometric Results HUD-17-0235-C-000547 HUD-17-0235-C-000548 )> <7 m ....,I l( b...,.)('""'5.,..,) ..,., D,,...e..,.,,lib,....e-ra"""'tiv_e_,,P,...,ri'""" v il,....eg_e ________________________________________ JJ en ~ -? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000549 /FE Group H-1 )> < ~--="".":"""n::::;:::::::::-------------------------, ~ <:~ l( b)(5) Deliberative Privilege CJ').,v - / G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000550 /FE Group H -2 l )> <7 m ...,I l (b...,.)('""'5.,...) ..,., D,,...e..,.,,lib,....e-ra""""tiv_e_,,P,...,ri'"""vil,....eg_e ________________________________________ JJ en ~ -? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000552 /FE Group H -4 )> <<" m 1 7l ""'( b,..,.)""'(5.,...) """De..,.,li,-be-ra-:-,ti-ve--=P~ri,...,vi,-leg_e ________________________________________ JJ CJ') :}. '' - ,t , G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000553 /FE Group H-5 )> < ~~--=-:=-n::~-------------------------, ~ ~.l(b)(5) Deliberative Privilege l CJ')>-- - ? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000554 /FE Group H-6 )> < ~ <_~~~~:---------------------------7 l(b)(S) Deliberative Privilege l C/')..v - ? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000555 /FE Group H-7 )> <<: m JJ ( b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege ~ ? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000556 /FE Group H-8 Deliberative Privilege (FE Group H-Q )> << ~ l(b,..,.)=(5~) '"" D:,:-e-:,:lib-e-ra":""'tiv--e""'nP::criv-::rile=--=g=-e--------------------------------------71 en ), / G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000558 /FE Group H- 10 )> <~ m JJ~ en ~ _ 7 I . .. l(b)(5) Deliberative Privilege G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000559 /FE Group H-11 )> <<: m JJ ( b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege ~ ? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000560 /FE Group H-12 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000561 /FE Group H-13 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) ( b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000562 /FE Group H-14 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000563 /FE Group H-15 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000564 /FE Group H-16 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000565 /FE Group H-17 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) ( b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000566 /FE Group H-18 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000567 /FE Group H-19 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000568 /FE Group H-20 )> <<: m JJ (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en~ - / G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000569 /FE Group H-21 )> I < ~~~~~~-----------------------------7 m~ l(b )(5) Deliberative Privilege JJ! cn -_ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000570 /FE Group H-22 )> <<: m' JJ . 00 I(b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege I _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000571 /FE Group H-23 )> <~ m JJ ~ CJ'), (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000572 /FE Group H-24 )> <<: mr JJ (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege ~ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000573 /FE Group H-25 )> <<: ~ l(b)(S) Deliberative Privilege ~ ? G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000574 /FE Group H-26 )> <<: m' JJ . 00 I(b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege I _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000575 /FE Group H-2 7 )> <<: m' JJ (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000576 /FE Group H-28 )> <~ S:Jl\b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege I CJ') ! ., -. G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000577 /FE Group H-29 )> < ~ -:-=--:,:~----;,;:,~--------------------------7 ~ <: l( b)(5) Deliberative Privilege I en~ - ,t , G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000578 /FE Group H-30 )> ~ ~ <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000580 /FE Group H-32 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) ( b)( 5) Deliberative Privilege en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000581 /FE Group H-33 )> <<: ~ l(b)(5) Deliberative Privilege en~ - ,t , G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000582 /FE Group H-34 )> I ~ <1:)(5) ~ Deliberative Privilege C/'): 7' -. G) :::c -I HUD-17-0235-C-000583 /FE Group H-35 )> <~ mIJ JJO en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I This Page Left Blank Intentionally HUD-17-0235-C-000584 /FE Group H-36 Ref ere nee.\. FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Refe.-ences Begg, C.B. and R. Gray, "Calculation of Polychotomous Logistic Regression Parameters Using Individualized Regressions," Biometrika, 71(1):11-18, 1984. Calhoun, C.A. and Y. Deng, "A Dynamic Analysis of Fixed- and Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Terminations," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 24( l/2):9-33, 2002. Calhoun, C.A., "OFHEO House Price Indexes: Technical Description," Washington, D.C., Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, April 1996. Case, K.E. and Shiller, R.J ., ''Prices of Single Family Real Estate Prices,'' Nnv England Economic Review, 45-56, 1987. Case, K.E. and Shiller, R.J ., 'The Efficiency of the Market for Single-Family Homes,'' The American Economic Review, 79: 125- 137, 1989. Costlett, S., "Efficient Estimation of Discrete Choice Models," pp . 51-111 in C.F. Manski and D. McFadden (eds.), Structural Analysis of Discrete Dara ;,vith Econometric Applications, MIT Press, 1981. Deng, Y., J_ M. Quigley and R. Van Order, "Mortgage Termination, Heterogeneity, and the Exercise of Mortgage Oplions," Econometrica, 68(2):275-307, 2000. Giliberto, S., "A Note on the use of Appraisal Data in Indexes of Performance Measurement," Real Estate Economics, 16(1):77-83, 1988. Glassennan, P., Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering, Springer, 2003. Loebs, T. "Systemic Risks in Residential Property Valuations: Perceptions and Reality," Collateral Assessment and Technologies Committee, Available at http://www.cs w v.com/pdfs/CA TC Sys lemicRisks 1.1.pdf . Manski, C. F., and Lerman, S. R., The Estimation of Choice Probabilities from Choice Based Samples Source, Econometrica, Vol. 45, No. 8 (Nov., 1977), pp. 1977-1988. Scott, A. J_ and Wild, C. J., "Fitting Logistic Models Under Case-Control or Choice Based Sampling Source", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), Vol. 48, No. 2(1986), pp. 170-182. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000585 FY 2016 Actuarial Review of MMIF Forward Mortgages Ref ere nee.\. Xie, Y., and Manski, C. F., "The Logit Model, the Probit Model and Response-Based working paper, University of Wisconsin. http://www .ssc.wisc.edu/cde/cdewp/88-4.pdf Samples", Xie, Y., and Manski, C. F., "The Logit Model and the Response-Based Methods & Research, 1989 17:283. Samples", Sociological Yang, Tyler T., Che-Chun Lin and Man Cho (2011) "Collateral Risk in Residential Mortgage Defaults,'' Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 115-142 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000586 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, June 06, 2017 12:10 PM lber, Robert G; Larson, Jennifer L Rader, Brad E; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; SOKOLOW,ARDEN A; WISE, BRETTW; Edge, Marilyn M; Dunn, Tracey; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Ott, Richard M; Nicho ls, Delton FYI: HUD FOLLOW-UP on EssexVillage REACInspection Bob/Jen - Here' s the information that was initially shipped to the Congressman's staffers . I worked with Delton and the multifamily team to craft this REAC101 primarily to educate members of the media unfamilia r with ou r REACInspect ion process. For the EssexVillage inquiries, I also included the guidelines for what happens when a multifamily property fails an inspection. We have been aligning our follow-ups with where we are in the process of that checklist. I'll also send over the info we sent to the press last week. I'l l work with Brenda and Carolyn to create an updated version for you r use tomo rrow afternoon. I will also do a pull of media clips-there have been many. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. Again, many thanks to all for the support you have provided to me on the many, many media inquiries. Much appreciated ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 2:01 PM To: 'eldon.burton@mail.house.gov' ; 'sylvia.murphy@mai l.house.gov' Cc:Dunn, Tracey ; Ott, Richard M ; Brown, Brenda J ; Schmidt , Carrie 5 Subject: HUD FOLLOW-UPon EssexVillage REACInspection Good afternoon Elton and Sylvia -- I am the Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Affa irs Officer that handles media inquiries for the Commonwealth of Virginia. I also support the work of the Richmond Field Office in the various program areas to benefit those we serve. Like Tracey, I was on yesterday's call regarding the work that is underway to resolve the issues at EssexVillage. To clarify some of the points we discussed, I thought it might be helpfu l to provide some information to you about the REACInspection process, EssexVillage's most recent inspection and the Notice outlining the agency's process when a property receives a failing score . PART 1: INSPECTION PROCESS As part of our ove rsight of both pub lic housing (owned/managed by public housing authorities) and multifamily housing (privately-owned w/HUD oversight), we have a number of inspect ions and reviews. Here's some information about AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000587 REAC-Real Estate Assessment Center. You'll see on the "About REAC" page, there are number of types of inspections. In this case we are talking about the physical inspection of a property. Real Estate Assessment Center {REAC) Nearly 4 million American families live in rental housing that is owned, insured or subsidized by HUD. To ensure that these families have housing that is decent, safe and sanitary and in good repair, REACconducts approximately 20,000 physical inspections on properties each year. About REAC http ://porta I.hud .gov/hud port aI/HUD ?src=/program offices/public i ndia n housing/reac/a boutreac REACat a Glance (first entry) http ://porta I.hud .gov/hud port aI/HUD ?src=/program offices/public i ndia n housing/reac/atgla nee Scoring notice http ://port aI.hud .gov/hud port aI/ docu m ents/huddoc ?id=pass4.0scoringnoticefr.PDF Here's the reference to the letters after the scores in the Description: Examples of overall scores are: 95c; 67b*; 84a*; 100b; 78a; and 43c*. The asterisk indicates that Health and Safety (H&S) deficiencies were found with respect to smoke detectors. The lower-case letter indicates whether or not other kinds of H&S deficiencies were observed, as follows: - The letter "a" is given if no health and safety deficiencies were observed. - The lower-case letter "b" is given if one or more non-life threatening H&S deficiencies, but no exigent/fire safety H&S deficiencies were observed. - The lower-case letter "c" is given if one or more exigent/fire safety (calling for immediate attention or remedy) H&S deficiencies were observed. * Indicates that Health and Safety (H&S) deficiencies were found with respect to malfunctioning smoke detectors. Ratings determine the frequency of inspections: o Standard 1 Performing Property: score of 90 or more, inspection is every three years o Standard 2 Performing Property: score of 80- 89, inspection is every two years o Standard 3 Performing Property: score of less than 80, inspection is every year Please keep in mind that the goal of our REACinspection process is to review how the property is being maintained-to ensure that all HUD assisted properties provide decent safe and sanitary housing for tenants. PART 2; ESSEXVILLAGE APARTMENTS INSPECTION ESSEXVILLAGE800021812 46c* 1/19/2017 after appeal, raised to a Slc*. Past two inspections: 75b 12/3/2015 72c* 12/1/2014 https ://porta I.hud .gov/hud port a1/docum ents/huddoc ?id=vi rgi nia.pdf The most recent inspection was completed on January 11, 2017 and the report was given to EssexVillage and HUD on January 19. REACreports are not releasable until 120 days to allow time for appeals. The final REACreport will be available beginning May 19, and subject to any FOIA exemptions. Please note the most recent inspection is the first time EssexVillage has received a failing score. The lower-case letter "c" is given if one or more exigent/fire safety (calling for immediate attention or remedy) Health and Safety deficiencies were observed. The asterisk indicates that Health and Safety deficiencies were found with respect to smoke detectors. PART 3: NOTICE FOR FAILING SCORE The following Notice defines what occurs when a property receives a failing score-which 59: https://porta I.hud .gov/h ud port al/documents/huddoc?id=15-02 hsgn.pdf AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT is HUD-17-0235-C-000588 This Notice may be of interest to the Congressman; it outlines our process and the owner's responsibilities when a property receives a fai ling score. Please let me know if you have any questions . Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000589 Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, June 07, 2017 4:26 PM Monfort , Ashley HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage From: Sent: To: Subject: Ashley- Here are my answers to your questions: o The property profile says 26 residential units were sampled. That means 26 buildings out of the 46 were looked at by an inspector, correct? NO, it means that 26 residential units were sampled and inspected. That's 26 of the 496 units at the property. REACInspections are a sampling of the units/apartments and building exteriors. o Are different units inspected each year? YES,it is a random sampling. o The inspection reports show that inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years. NO, that is not the case. Because the units inspected vary from year to year, the findings are for different units-not issues that go unresolved-but there are certain types of deficiencies we do see year after year. This property has a pattern of deferred maintenance over several years and HUD field office personnel monitor such patterns. o Were there follow ups to makes sure these issues were fixed? YES,the lower-case letter "c" is given if one or more exigent/fire safety (calling for immediate attention or remedy) Health and Safety deficiencies were observed. The asterisk indicates that Health and Safety deficiencies were found with respect to smoke detectors. Any Health and Safety deficiencies must be immediately resolved. o And even if there was, it seems the issues persisted and became worse. I'm wondering what happened to the accountability? First, you should be aware that it is always more challenging to maintain an older property than a new one. EssexVillage was built in 1981. REACInspections are designed to identify issues that need to be addressed. The frequency of the inspection is determined by the score-lower scoring properties are inspected more frequently. In this case, EssexVillage scored in the 70s the past two inspections to the failing score-so it was never a stellar performer-it was a Standard 3 Performer. o Were the REAC reports for 2015 and 2016 ever located? SORRY,just checked. The reports were never "missing" not sure how you got that impression. The last inspection was conducted on 11/24/2015 with a score of 75 and the one prior was on 12/05/2013 with a score of 76. The frequency of inspections was changed from every two years to every year for properties in the 70s. They are available by FOIA. o While the 2016 report is not available (there isn't a 2016 report) I see a drastic change in the score from 2014 to 2017. And I've been told EssexVillage was given a passing score until 2017 AFTERthe county started issuing vio lations as well. NO, that is not true. We were not made aware of Henrico County's code violations until we received a letter of concern from Henrico County Supervisor Frank Thornton dated February 2, 2017. That was the first communication we received on the many issues the County was hoping we could address in a concerted effort. The REACInspection at EssexVillage was conducted on January 11, 2017. o Why the sudden change in results? A different inspector or a more thorough look because the county started noticing issues as well? NO, the score reflected the deterioration of the property. Please let me know if you want to submit a FOIAfor the other inspections. We can get that underway for you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000590 HUD-17-0235-C-000591 From: Sent: Bregon, Nelson R Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:53 AM Greenwood, Sheila M; Kasper, Maren M; Kurtz, R. Hunter; Charles, Genger M; Clemmensen, Craig T; Golrick, Janet M; Brown, Jereon M DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott , Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S HEADS UP - To: Cc: Subject: HEADS UP: In our Richmond, VA Field Office we have a freshman Congressman who is rather aggressive in his opinions, and an ex-Colonel police officer (who is referred still as "the Colonel.") pursuing 3 MF properties over property conditions and health and safety matters. See below: From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:44 AM To: Bregon, Nelson R Subject: FW: Today's HUD News Briefing Mr. Bregon: So that you are aware, Richmond has been on fire with media and press inquiries, as well as related FOi As . We have a freshman Congressman who is rather aggressive in his opinions, and an ex-Colonel police officer (who is referred still as "the Colonel.") pursuing 3 MF properties over property conditions and health and safety matters. It has been quite a show. All is being managed by our key individuals in MF (most notably Bob Iber) and our PAO Wolfe. Jerry Brown is well informed each day. Just for your awareness at this time. We may need to get Joe or me down there depending how the next several days go . The owner has 60 days to cure the weaknesses . Oy .... Rich From: Davis, Anne Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:26 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Banks, Antoinette P ; Downs, Sharon ; Lamberg, Catherine D ; Legette, Ronnie J ; Ott, Richard M ; Rader, Brad E ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Brown, Brenda J ; Punter, Carolyn K ; Parker, Judith ; Ellis, Lisa C Cc:Holman, Virginia F ; Mares, Steven J ; Schmiegelow, Toni D ; Paikin, Steven M ; Wolfe , Lisa A ; Dunn, Tracey ; Edwards, Nika V ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Subject: Today's HUD News Briefing The following items in today's HUD News Briefing are of specific interest to the HUD Richmond Office: IVA I Congressman McEachin requests HUD to 'cease business with PK Management (WWBT-TV, VA) (6/7/2017 6:48PM, MeganWoo) Congressman DonaldMcEach in is requesting theDepartment of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentto "ceasebusiness" withPKManagement dueto theconditions at EssexVillageApartments in Henrico, as wellasotherPKManagement properties.Congressman McEachinsayshe "askedregional representatives for plansto addresshisconstituents' concernsandHUD's relationship withthe management company." Thiscomesafterrequestssentto HUDregarding EssexVillage."PKManagement is notmeetingthespiritof its obligationto providesafe,sanitaryhousing.My AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000592 constituents arebeingforcedto livewithsewagebackups,dangerous structuralissues,rodentsandothervermin,"said Congressman DonaldMcEachin. "Enoughis enough- we needto stopwastingtaxpayerdollarswith thiscompany , whichhasappearedto mismanage properties acrossthecountry.EssexVillageshouldideallybe closed.In anyevent, residentsneedexpedited accessto vouchersthatwill empowerthemto moveto decenthomes." [Editoria l note:VIDEO at source] [VA] Congressman calls for HUD to end business with company that manages uninhabitable properties (WTVR -TV, VA) (6/7/2017 6:47PM,VernonFreeman Jr.) Congressman DonaldMcEachin hascalledfor the Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment to terminatetheir businesswitha companythatmanagesseveralhousingcomplexes in theRichmond-area. McEachin saysPK Management properties is notmeetingthespiritof its obligationto providesafeandsanitaryhousing.PKManagement, an Ohio-based company, runsthreeSection8 facilitiesin HenricoCountyincluding,EssexVillage,Woodland Crossing andHopeVillage. Thecompanyreceivesmillionsof dollarsa yearfromHUDto subsidizerentat its housingcomplexes , butmultipleCBS6 investigat ive reportshaverevealedmultipleissuesat the properties . Residents havetoldCBS6 that the companyhasnotdoneenoughto fix thingslike leaks,flooddamage,sewageproblems, structuralissues,broken lights,andbuginfestations."Myconstituents arebeingforcedto livewithsewagebackups,dangerous structuralissues, rodentsandothervermin,"saidCongressman McEachin. "Enoughis enough- we needto stopwastingtaxpayerdollars withthiscompany, which hasappeared to mismanage properties acrossthecountry."McEachin specifically notedthat EssexVillageshouldbe closeddueto "uninhabitable" conditions , andhewantsHUDto terminateor abateall contracts withthemanagement company. "Inanyevent,residentsneedexpeditedaccessto vouchersthatwillempower themto moveto decenthomes,"hesaid.McEachinhasalsorequestedthatHUDallowpermissionfor HenricoCountyofficialsto join HUD'sinspectors for futureinspections at EssexVillage."I will continueto do everything I cansothatmy constituents do notlivein theseconditions andthattaxpayermoniesarenotgivenmillionsof dollarsto a companythat hasfailedat theirminimalresponsibilities," hewrote. [Editorialnote:VIDEOat source] Here is the link where you may read today's HUD News Briefing in full: http://www.techmis.com/hud/todaysbrief.pdf. 1111111 . 11111111 . Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802/800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ~ Please do not print AMERICAN VERSIGHT th is e-ma il unless necessary HUD-17-0235-C-000593 Ott. Richard M Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:58 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis FW: HEADS UP - From: Sent: To: Subject: Ack ... .I tried to brief up Nelson regarding Richmond, and he forwarded to everyone in order to brief them. Sorry ... I didn't mean to start this spotlight!! From: Bregon, Nelson R Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:53 AM To: Greenwood, Sheila M ; Kasper, Maren M ; Kurtz, R. Hunter ; Charles, Genger M ; Clemmensen, Craig T ; Golrick, Janet M ; Brown, Jereon M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott , Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: HEADSUP - HEADS UP: In our Richmond, VA Field Office we have a freshman Congressman who is rather aggressive in his opinions, and an ex-Colonel police officer (who is referred still as "the Colonel.") pursuing 3 MF properties over property conditions and health and safety matters. See below: From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:44 AM To: Bregon, Nelson R Subject: FW: Today's HUD News Briefing Mr. Bregon: So that you are aware, Richmond has been on fire with media and press inquiries, as well as related FOi As. We have a freshman Congressman who is rather aggressive in his opinions, and an ex-Colonel police officer (who is referred still as "the Colonel.") pursuing 3 MF properties over property conditions and health and safety matters. It has been quite a show. All is being managed by our key individuals in MF (most notably Bob Iber) and our PAO Wolfe. Jerry Brown is well informed each day. Just for your awareness at this time. We may need to get Joe or me down there depending how the next several days go. The owner has 60 days to cure the weaknesses. Oy .. .. Rich From: Davis, Anne Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:26 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Banks, Antoinette P ; Downs, Sharon ; Lamberg, Catherine D ; Legette, Ronnie J ; Ott, Richard M ; Rader, Brad E ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Brown, Brenda J ; Punter, Carolyn K ; Parker, Judith ; Ellis, Lisa C Cc: Holman, Virginia F ; Mares, Steven J ; Schmiegelow, Toni D ; Paikin, Steven M ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; Dunn, Tracey ; Edwards, Nika V ; AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000594 Anastasi, Carolyn M Subject:Today's HUD News Briefing The following items in today's HUD News Briefing are of specific interest to the HUD Richmond Office: [VA] Congressman McEachin requests HUD to 'cease business with PK .Management (WW BT-TV, VA) (6/7/2017 6:48PM,MeganWoo) Congressman DonaldMcEach in is requesting theDepartment of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentto "ceasebusiness" withPKManagement dueto theconditions at EssexVillageApartments in Henrico, aswellasotherPKManagement propert ies.Congressman McEachin sayshe "askedregional representatives for plansto addresshisconstituents' concernsandHUD'srelationship withthe management company." This comesafterrequestssentto HUDregarding EssexVillage."PKManagement is notmeetingthespiritof its obligationto providesafe, sanitaryhousing . My constituents arebeingforcedto livewithsewagebackups,dangerous structuralissues,rodentsandothervermin,"said Congressman DonaldMcEach in. "Enoughis enough- we needto stopwastingtaxpayerdollarswith thiscompany , whichhasappeared to mismanage properties acrossthecountry.EssexVillageshouldideallybe closed.In anyevent, residentsneedexpedited accessto vouchersthatwill empowerthemto moveto decenthomes."[Editoria l note:VIDEO at source] [VA] Congressman calls for HUD to end business with company that manages uninhabitable 6:47PM,VernonFreeman Jr.) properties (WTYR -TV, VA) (6/7/2017 Congressman DonaldMcEach in hascalledforthe Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment to terminatetheir businesswitha companythatmanagesseveralhousingcomplexes in theRichmond-area. McEachin saysPK Management properties is notmeetingthespiritof its obligation to providesafeandsanitaryhousing.PKManagement, an Ohio-based company, runsthreeSection 8 facilitiesin HenricoCountyincluding,EssexVillage,Woodland Crossing andHopeVillage.Thecompanyreceivesmillionsof dollarsa yearfromHUDto subsidizerentat its housingcomplexes, butmultipleCBS6 investigat ive reportshaverevealedmultipleissuesat the properties. Residents havetoldCBS6 that the companyhasnotdoneenoughto fix thingslike leaks,flooddamage,sewageproblems, structuralissues,broken lights,andbuginfestations . "Myconstituents arebeingforcedto livewithsewagebackups, dangerous structuralissues, rodentsandothervermin,"saidCongressman McEachin. "Enoughis enough- we needto stopwastingtaxpayerdollars withthiscompany, which hasappeared to mismanage properties acrossthecountry."McEachin specifically notedthat EssexVillageshouldbe closeddueto "uninhab itable"conditions, andhewantsHUDto terminateor abateall contracts withthemanagement company . "Inanyevent,residentsneedexpeditedaccessto vouchersthatwillempower themto moveto decenthomes,"he said.McEachin hasalsorequested thatHUDallowpermission for HenricoCountyofficialsto join HUD'sinspectors for futureinspections at EssexVillage."I will continueto do everything I cansothatmy constituents do notlivein theseconditions andthattaxpayermoniesarenotgivenmillionsof dollarsto a companythat hasfailedat theirminimalresponsib ilities,"hewrote. [Editorialnote: VIDEOat source] Here is the link where you may read today's HUD News Briefing in full: http://www.techmis.com/hud/todaysbrief.pdf. 111.111 . 111ii111 . Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802/800-842-2610, ext. 4802 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000595 a Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary HUD-17-0235-C-000596 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: l(b)(6) Friday, June 09, 2017 2:13 PM Ott, Richard M; Edwards, Nika V; DeFelice,Joseph J Secretary Carson My 2 Bedroom unit at Brinkley Hill in Ft. Washington (Townhomes ) available under Section 811. Hello Mr. Defelice, Please help me, Ms. Payne HUD - Baltimore office, passed me to Ms. Fadlemola in D.C. HUD office (Neither of these women are doing anything to help with the issue of my unit at Brinkley Hill in Ft. Washington under Section 811 being availab le. These two women have passed be back and forth since May 2013, and I have the emails to prove it Can you have someone from the Regional HUD Office call Ms . Sylvester, Director Housing Policy and Programs to see if my unit is available. Her number isl(b)(6) I My disability of anxiety (Reasonable Accomodation) was ignored by Ms. Sylvester, but really I just have to find a Female social worker, and I found a nice lady named Ms. Nab Brittingham at MDOD who is helping me. My present unit has water damage and mold smells and I suffer from headaches daily. I just suffered a mild heart attack from emotional stress on May 5, 2017. Gratefully, l'b)(6) --- On Fri, 6/9/17 ~.... (b_)(_6_) ____________ > From._l(b_)_( 6_)_____________ ___.~rote: ......., > Subject : Brinkle Hill in Ft. Wash in ton Town homes available under Section 811. >To: ' (b)(6) "Be linda > JFadlelmola" > Cc: secret ary .carson@hud.gov, patriciar .sylvester@mary land.gov, > shalonda.manuel@maryland.gov, karen .ashby@maryland .gov, > melody .c.taylor -blancher@hud.gov, "Carol BPayne" > , "Marvin Turner" > Date: Friday, June 9, 2017, 11:28 AM > Hello Ms. Fadlelmola, > > As I spoke with Ms. Payne she was going to determine if a "Unit was > available at Brinkley Hill. My disability wouldn't allow me to agree > to a Male Social Worker coordinating my move as recommended by Ms. > Sylvester , at MDOD. That's been the biggest issue. > > My Independent Now case manager (Ms. > Deborah Jackson) died, and I won't hav panjc ayacks dealing with > females opposed to males. My Docto _(b)(6) _sent 3 letters of > "Reasonable Accomodations" which have been ignored by Ms. Sylvester. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000597 > > But really, all I need is a female > social worker which is like looking for a needle in the haystack, lol. > > Where I live at now suffers from "Water damage" and I am living with > headaches from mold. > > On May 7, 2017 I just suffered a Mild > Heart attack and I have to avoid emotional distress > > Can you please check to see if my (2) > Bedroom at Brinkley Hill which I was approved is available? Ms. > Shalonda Manuel, is very nice she can help you. I will forward the > email to you that confirmed my Approva l for Brinkley Hill (2 Bedroom) . > > Thanks so much for caring, I remember > you so sweet >_____ _ :l(b)(6) > > --------> On Fri, 6/9/17, Fadlelmola, Belinda J > > wrote: > > Subject: HUD DC FIELDOFFICECUSTOMERSERVICECONTACT 6) > To.1(b)( >!(b)(6) ? ! > Cc: "Payne, Carol B" , "Turner, Marv in" > > Date: Friday, June 9, 2017, 9:20 AM > > > > > > > > > -(b-)(6-)----. 1 > > I am on the staff of > Marvin Turner, Director, HUD DC > Office, who is the > counterpart of Ms. Carol Payne, > Director, HUD Baltimore > Office. > > I' m reaching out > to inform you that I will be your POC, at this time, to obta in any > information you desire to share related to your housing issues. The AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000598 > information I receive > will be shared with the > appropriate program officia I for > further action; be advised, I will not be the decision-maker > regarding your concerns. > > You may email me at > Bel inda .J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov; > or call at 202-275-6280. > > I'm in the > office on Tuesday, Wednesday, and > Thursday until 5pm. > However, I'm in the office today; > you are > welcome to reach out. > > I look forward to > hearing from you. > > > > Sincerely, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > BELINDAJ FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD Nationa l Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Bel inda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov > > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000599 HUD-17-0235-C-000600 l(b )(6) From: Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 2:42 PM Ott, Richard M; Edwards, Nika V; DeFelice, Joseph J Taylor, Melody C; Secretary Carson HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disab led Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mr. Defelice, See the below nonsen,;e by Ms. Fadlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income . RegardsJ(b)( 6 ) I --- On Mon, 2/17/14, Fadlelmola, Belinda J wrote: > From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. I > To: !(b)(6) > Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 6:05 PM > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -- > > _filtered #yiv9920369924 >52224324;} {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:215 > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:211 > 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, > li.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 a:link, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color:blue;text-decoration : under Iine;} > #yiv9920369924 a:v isited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text-decoration :underline;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > div .yiv9920369924MsoP lainlext > {margin :0in;margin-bottom :.000lpt;font-size: 12 .0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 p. yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 > > #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924PlainTextChar {} span .yiv9920369924BalloonTextChar {} > #yiv9920369924 .yiv9920369924MsoChpDefault AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000601 > {} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} > #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924WordSectionl > {} > #yiv9920369924 Today was a holiday so our offices we re closed; please > refer to the emai l I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization. I provided complete instructions. I have > communicated w ith you today on my own time; and I have provided you > with information that will get you started on the road of obta ining > housing if you would please follow the directions that I have > provided . All you need to do is call the number tha t I have prov ided > and the Maryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > list ing of subsidized available units based on the needs and > specifications that you prov ide. I believe that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly provide to you. > The listing provided by the Maryland Housing Search organizat ion > includes HUD housing units. Enj oy your week . Belinda J. > FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst , FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda.j .fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Message----> FromJ(b)(6) ...... > [mail > Sent: > Monday, February 17, 2014 4:44 PM >To: > Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject: HOW DO YOU > OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Fadlelmola, I tried > calling you . I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc. You are not effective when you > te ll me about things that don't app ly to me . I am not interested in a > home. I know the vouchers are not being allowed, so you can help with > this; Specific question:HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED > VOUCHERS,are they for people like me . > 58 years > olddisabledlow income . -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direction then > don 't respond because you really have not been helpfu l when nothing > doesn't pan out. It's like having a friend , that can't talk, can't > walk , can't laugh, can't see, can't understand , but they are with you > fo r what? I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very ti red and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuicat ion with you and several people for 2 week s have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness . > -----On Mon , 2/17 /14, > Fadle lmola, Belinda J ____________ >,..R_e......._u_i r_em_e_nt_s_f_o......_ _______ > (b)(6) AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I ___,To f(b )(6 ) ate: Monday, February 17, 2014, 1:07 PM HUD-17-0235-C-000602 L] Homes may be only > obtained if you >al ready have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unable to select a "house". At this t ime, you > will be only able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is > provided for the unit that you wi ll be apply ing for . As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers : Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsidized vouchers are available . Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SRMgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street, > NE Suite 300 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) > (202) 275-6381 (fax belinda .".fadlelmola > Message----- Fron (b)(6) >Sent: Sunday, Feb""ru.,...,a'""'ry,..,...,....,.......,...........,......,....,...-r-----------------' > To: Fadlelmola. Belinda J Subject: RE:Eligibility Requirements for 1 will call you. But, I have 2 specific !(b)(6) > questions. Is this list from HUD do they have homes that are > subdized? > -------------------------------------------- On Sun, 2/16/14, > Fadlelmola, Belinda J RE: Eligibility Requirements fo (b)(6) > (b)(6) ate: Sunday, > February 16, 2014, 9:43 AM > #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 -- _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:215 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, > #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperlink > {color : blue;text-decoration : underline;} #yiv14067663 75 a :visited, > #yiv1406766375 span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperli nkFollowed > {color: purple;text-decoration: underline ;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > li.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin -bottom:.000lpt;font -size:12.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, ! AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000603 > #yiv1406766375 div .yiv14067663 75 MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:8.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375PlainTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375BalloonTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > .yiv1406766375MsoChpDefault {} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} #yiv1406766375 {} #yiv140676637~(b)(6) > divyjyJ406766375WordSection1 ~(b)(6) I did not see our original email; however, .._b_e-lo_w_ i_s_t-he_ .... I > picture of MARYLANDHOUSING SEARCH.ORGwhere you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs. You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as a disabled person. > The intake person wi ll provide available units and/or open waiting > lists. The illustration below is Annapolis, selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled. The list will prov ide > apartments that will be subsidized. If you do not want to do the > manual search call them at 1.877.428.8844 and they wil l gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list.If our > office can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call whereby > we can assist you further . > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will >betaken to the website. Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DCOffice820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) > 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)beli ~..J4.i.i.wi;;.w.1.1.1.L=~.!.l..lj,ov -----Original > Messa e----- From (b)(6) ....,ent: Friday, February 14, 2014 > [mailto ..__ (b)(6) > 8:36 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: > Fw: Eligibility .... ______ _,IMs. Belinda, > Requirements to l The information you sent me does not pertain to me. I am look ing > for HUD housing {Low-Income for SSDI Disability) . The law states I > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income . (1500.00 = $450.00) . Don't > you understand. The apartments on the listings are not for > Disabled, low-income under SSDI. Please don't respond if you can't > hel me because I am overwhelmed. --- On Fri, 2/14/14!._(b_)_(6_) __ __. (b)(6) wrote : > From: (b)(6) ubject: Eligibility > Requirements fo (b)(6) > To: > "Ashley Johnson-Hare" > Cc: "Kathy > (Mizzer@dhcd .state .md .us)Mizzer" > Date: > Friday, February 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello Ms.> Johnson-Hare,>> > Eligibility> Requirements fot(b )(6) (b)(6) .> > (1). I am 58 years old.> Not over 62.> (2). I am > D1sa e under SSDI>since Sept. 2012> (3). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffer from Severe > Disc __________ I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000604 > Degenerative Disease of my Spine and Neck {S).. My income is> > $1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland {6). My> > present rent is $1268 in District Heights, MD.> {S). I live in> l6) . On Feb. 11, > Prince Georges County .!(b)(6) > > 2014, My case manger is A.> Ahmed Telephone > No. 301-209-5130 (Maryland Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on > paper and couldn't care less about your situation .> (7). On Feb. > 10, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart. of Social > Services. >>Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > above information to assist me, because I> appreciate your > response, informat ion and recommendation. > Unforunate ly because of > my disability condition (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not> pertain to me.>> >>Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use the following > information to be > of assistance to me this would be oustanding because > referring me > to information most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved, uncaring > and > you only receive voicemail, no answer, and no assistance.>> Please > be specific when you> respond by (1) Admitting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it> out (confused) (2). Appoint or assist with > a Case manager one that> will actually assist me, and if possible > give me a call at your > ear liest convience to cut through the red > tape. I promise I am nice > to speak with .>> Sincerely,> ~(b)( 6) j(b)(6) ~r ...___ __, >-------------------------------------------->On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > >wrote:>> Sub.ect: Housin Resources> for Persons with Disabilities> > To: (b)(6) c: > "Mizzer, Kathy (Mizzer@dhcd.state.md.us)"> > > Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoo~(b)(6) JPYb)(6) Thank you for your inquiry. It was forwarded to me by> > Ms. Mizzer. The Maryland Department of Disabilities (MOOD) > > Disabilities currently administers the>> Harry and Jeanette > Weinberg Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities> Initiative for > Persons with Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiative, one must:Be > between the ages of > 18-62Be disabled and receiving or applying > for 551or SSDIHavea > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Area Median > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland> county in which > they wish to> reside Not be a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Methamphetamines on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> >>added to the Wait List for this initiative, one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and,Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referral.The Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active. In order for interested parties > to be placed on the > Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager . This> is necessary to complete the prescreening l AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I HUD-17-0235-C-000605 > application in the> web-based, Social Serve. If you are enrolled > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this> office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for> assistance. If you are without the required > supportive services, you > may contact one or both of the following > for some assistance around> housing advocacy and supports> > plann ing: Centers > fo r> > Independent > Living> (CIL) > Living>http://www.mdod.state.md.us/Get%20lnformed.aspx?id=900Area> > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>ht tp://www.aging.maryland.gov/AAA%20.html> There are no units > available> >currently . The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery> County and are expected to be > available to lease mid-2014. The> subject of your inquiry to Ms.> > Mizzer > mentioned> housing resources for a "disabled> >>senior. " The Weinberg Initiative is not designed > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jur isdiction you currently reside in, I wil l reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors. If you should> have any additional questions or concerns, > please do not hesitate to> contact me.> I hope this> information > is> > helpful,> >> > > Ashley>> Johnson-HareMaryland Department of DisabilitiesMPAH > Housing Program> Administrator217 East Redwood Street, Suite > 1300Baltimore, Maryland> 21202T:> 410.767.3649F:> 410 .333.6674> > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000606 From: Sent: DeFelice, Joseph J Friday, June 09, 2017 4:30 PM Payne, Carol B; Turner, Marvin FW: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIEDVOUCH To: Subject: Hi Im sure you are used to these - Just want to make sure you've seen this -----Original Froml; Edwards , Nika V ; DeFelice, Joseph J Cc: Taylor, Melody C ; Secretary Carson Subject : HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. Dear Mr. Defelice, See the below nonsense by Ms. Fadlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income . Regards, Jacqueline --- On Mon, 2/17/14, Fadlelmola, Belinda J wrote: > From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. > To:!(b)(6) I > Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 6:05 PM > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -> > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:215 >52224324;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 > 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 a:link, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color:blue;text-decoration : under Iine;} > #yiv9920369924 a:visited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000607 > li.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > div.yiv9920369924MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;marg in-bottom: .000lpt;font-size:12 .0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;marg in-bottom: .000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Plai nTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Ba lloonTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 .yiv9920369924MsoChpDefault > {} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} > #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924WordSectionl > {} > #yiv9920369924 Today was a holiday so our offices were closed; please > refer to the emai l I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization. I provided complete instructions. I have > communicated w ith you today on my own time ; and I have provided you > with information that will get you started on the road of obta ining > housing if you would please follow the directions that I have > provided . All you need to do is call the number that I have prov ided > and the Maryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > list ing of subsidized available units based on the needs and > specifications that you prov ide. I believe that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly provide to you. > The listing provided by the Maryland Housing Search organ ization > includes HUD housing units. Enj oy your week. Belinda J. > FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst , FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison , Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept . > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street , NESuite 300Washington , DC > 20002(202) 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda.j.fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Message----> From 1,..., (b,...,. )..,.., (6,..,... )----------. > [mail~...___________ > Sent: __, > Monday , February 17, 2014 4:44 PM > To: > Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject : HOW DO YOU > OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Fadlelmola , I tried > calling you. I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc. You are not effective when you > te ll me about thing s t hat do n't apply to me . I am not interested in a > home. I know the vouchers are not being allowed, so you can help with > this ; Specific question :HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED > VOUCHERS,are they for people like me. > 58 years > olddisabledlow income. -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direct ion then > don 't respond because you really have not been helpfu l when nothing AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000608 > doesn't pan out. It's like having a friend, that can't talk, can't > walk , can't laugh, can't see, can't understand, but they are with you > for what? I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very tired and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuication with you and several people for 2 weeks have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness. > -----On Mon , 2/17 /14, ~~.........._.........,........,_...,__._ __ -,_ To: !(b)(6) ate: Monday, February 17, 2014, 1:07 PM _ __J .____ _. : Homes may be only > obtained if you >already have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unab le to select a "house". At this t ime, you > will be only able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is > provided for the un it that you wi ll be apply ing for. As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers : Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsidized vouchers are available. Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street, > NE Suite 300 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) > (202) 275-6381 (fax) belinda.j.fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original (b_)_(6_) ________________ > Message----- From:l.... ___. > Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:09 PM > To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: RE:Eligibility Requirements for +b)(6) I will call you. But, I have 2 specific > questions . Is this list from HUD do they have homes that are > subdized? > ------------------------On Sun, 2/16/14, > Fadlelmola , Belinda J RE: Eligibility Requirements fo (b)(6) To: > (b)(6) ate: Sunday, > Fe ruary 16, 2014, 9:43 AM > #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 -filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font -family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, > #yivl406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.00Olpt;font-size:11.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 I ..;::.,.:.,.;,.;~:.:.:.:.:....:..:.:..::.:.:,;..:__ .............. ....1:=======r AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000609 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperlink > {color:blue;text-decoration :underl ine;} #yiv1406766375 a:visited, > #yiv1406766375 span. yiv1406766375MsoHyperli nkFol lowed > {color: purple;text-decoration: underline ;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > li.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > div .yivl406766375MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin -bottom:.000lpt;font -size:12 .0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, > #yiv1406766375 div.yiv14067663 75 MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom :.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} #yivl406766375 > span.yiv1406766375Pla inTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375BalloonTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > .yiv1406766375MsoChpDefault {} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} #yiv14Q6Z663Z5 {} #y iv140676637~(b)( 6) > div.yiv1406766375WordSectionl ~(b)(6) did not see our original email; however, below is the > picture of MARYLAND HOUSING SEARCH.ORGwhere you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs . You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as a disabled person. > The intake person wi ll provide available un its and/or open waiting > lists . The illustration below is Annapolis, selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled . The list will provide > apartments that will be subsidized . If you do not want to do the > manual search call them at 1.877.428.8844 and they wil l gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list.If our > office can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call whereby > we can assist you further. > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will > be taken to the website . Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) > 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda.- .fadlelmola hud.gov -----Original > Messa e----- From (b)(6) > [mailto (b)(6) Friday, February 14, 2014 > 8:36 PM To: Fa e mo a, Be in > Fw: Eligibility 5 > Requirements fol(b)( ) Ms . Belinda, > The information you sent me does not pertain to me. I am look ing > for HUD housing (Low-Income for SSDI Disability) . The law states I > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income. (1500.00 = $450.00). Don't > you understand. The apartments on the listings are not for > Disabled, low-income under SSDI. Please don't respond if you can't > help me because I am overwhelmed. --- On Fri, 2/14/14~(b)(6) JPYb)(6) rrote : > From..__: __ ____. ! I 1 I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000610 ~...(.,,..b )_(6_)...,....----,,---r::-:-:-:::-:---------...,.,,,,---~u bject: EIigib ii ity To: > Requirements fo~(b)(6) > "Ashley Johnson-Hare" > Cc: "Kathy > (Mizzer@dhcd .state .md .us)Mizzer" > Date: > Friday, February 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello M .> Johnson-Hare,>> > Eli ibilit > Requirements fo~(b)(6) j (b)(6) > > (1). I am 58 y...e_a-rs_o_ld-.>-N_o_t ...... over 62.> (2). I am I 1 > Disabled under SSDI>since Sept. 2012> (3). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffer from Severe > Disc > Degenerative Disease of my Spine and Neck (5).. My income is> > $1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland (6). My> > present rent is $1268 in District Hei hts MD.> 5). I live in> > Prince Georges County (b)(6) (6). On Feb. 11, > > 2014, My case manger is A.> A me Te ep one > No. 301-209-5130 (Maryland Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on > paper and couldn't care less about your situation.> (7). On Feb. > 10, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart. of Social >Services.>> Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > above information to assist me, because I> appreciate your > response, informat ion and recommendation. > Unforunate ly because of > my disability condition (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not > pertain to me.>> >>Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use the following > information to be > of assistance to me this would be oustanding because > referring me > to information most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved, uncaring > and > you only receive voicemail , no answer, and no assistance.>> Please > be specific when you> respond by (1) Admitting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it> out (confused) (2). Appoint or assist with > a Case manager one that> will actually assist me, and if possible > give me a call at your > ear liest convience to cut through the red > ta e. I romise I am nice > to speak with .>> Sincerely,> l(b)(6) (b)(6) r >--------------------->On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > >wrote:>> Sub.ect: Housin Resources> for Persons with Disabilities> > To: (b)(6) Cc: > "Mizzer, Kathy (Mizzer@dhcd.state .md .us)"> > > Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoo1(b)(6) !(b)( 6) Thank you for your inquiry. It was forwarded to me by> > Ms. Mizzer . The Maryland Department of Disabilit ies (MDOD) > > Disabilities currently administers the>> Harry and Jeanette Weinberg > Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities> Initiative for Persons with > Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiative, one must:Be > between the ages of > 18-62Be disabled and receiving or applying > for SSIor SSDIHavea > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Area Median l AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I HUD-17-0235-C-000611 > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland> county in which > they wish to> reside Not be a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Methamphetamines on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> >>added to the Wait List for this initiative, one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and,Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referral.The Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active. In order for interested parties > to be placed on the > Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager . This> is necessary to complete the prescreening > application in the> web-based , Social Serve. If you are enrol led > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this> office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for > assistance. If you are without the requ ired > supportive services, you > may contact one or both of the fo llowing > for some assistance around> housing advocacy and supports> > plann ing: Centers > for > > Independent > Living> (CIL) > Living>http://www.mdod.state.md.us/Get%20lnformed.aspx?id=900Area> > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>http://www.aging.maryland.gov/AAA%20.html> There are no units > available> >currently.The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery> County and are expected to be > available to lease mid-2014. The> subject of your inquiry to Ms.> > Mizzer > mentioned> housing resources for a "disabled> >>senior." The Weinberg Initiative is not designed > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jurisdiction you currently reside in, I wil l reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors. If you should> have any additional questions or concerns, > please do not hesitate to> contact me.> I hope this> information > is> > helpful,> >> > > Ashley>> Johnson-HareMaryland Department of DisabilitiesMPAH > Housing Program> Administrator217 East Redwood Street, Suite > 1300Baltimore, Maryland> 21202T:> 410.767.3649F:> 410 .333.6674> > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000612 From: Sent: To: Subject: DeFelice, Joseph J Friday, June 09, 2017 4:41 PM Turner, Marvin; Payne, Carol B RE:HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIEDVOUCH Great thank you -----Original Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:40 PM To : DeFelice, Joseph J ; Payne, Carol B Subject : RE: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Yes, we're handling it. Not much we can really do, but we're putting all of the muscle into it. Belinda Fadlelmola of my office is taking the lead for our shop. M -----Original Message----From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:30 PM To : Payne, Carol B ; Turner, Marvin Subject: FW: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Hi Im sure you are used to these - Just want to make sure you've seen this -----Original Message---- From !(b)(6) Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 2:42 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Edwards, Nika V ; De Felice, Joseph J Cc: Taylor, Melody C ; Secretary Carson Subject: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014 , Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. Dear Mr . Defelice, See the below nonsense by Ms. Fadlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income. Regards, Jacqueline --- On Mon, 2/17/14, Fadlelmola , Belinda J wrote: AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000613 > From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. >To: _(b)(6) > Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 6 :05 PM > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -> > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1 :215 >52224324;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Tahoma;panose -1:211 > 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 310 2 3 4;} > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoNormal > {margin;0in;marg in-bottom:.000lpt;font-size;ll.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 a:link, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color:blue;text-decoration : under Iine;} > #yiv9920369924 a:visited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text -decoration :underline ;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > div .yiv9920369924MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:12.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Plai nTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Ba lloonTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 .yiv9920369924MsoChpDefault > {} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} > #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924WordSectionl > {} > #yiv9920369924 Today was a holiday so our offices we re closed; please > refer to the emai l I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization. I provided complete instructions. I have > communicated w ith you today on my own time ; and I have provided you > with information that will get you started on the road of obta ining > housing if you would please follow the directions that I have > provided. All you need to do is call the number that I have prov ided > and the Ma ryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > list ing of subsidized available units based on the needs and > specifications that you provide. I believe that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly provide to you. > The listing provided by the Ma ryland Housing Search organ ization > includes HUD housing units . Enj oy your week. Belinda J. > FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith- Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000614 > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda .j .fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Message----> From :,:.;l(b,..,)"""'(6""")----------, > [mail\ ...___________ > Sent: _, > Monday, February 17, 2014 4:44 PM > To: > Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject : HOW DO YOU > OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Fadlelmola, I tried > calling you. I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc. You are not effective when you > te ll me about things that don't apply to me. I am not interested in a > home. I know the vouchers are not being allowed, so you can help with > this; Specific question:HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED > VOUCHERS,are they for people like me. > 58 years > olddisabledlow income. -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direction then > don 't respond because you really have not been helpfu l when nothing > doesn't pan out. It's like having a friend, that can't talk, can't > walk, can't laugh, can't see, can't understand, but they are with you > for what? I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very tired and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuication with you and several people for 2 weeks have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness. > --------------------------------------------On Mon , 2/17 /14, > Fadlelmola, Belinda J > wrote: Subject: .~~~............_ ___ __,, To: !(b)(6) > Re uirements fo > (b)(6) ate: Monday, February 17, 2014, 1:07 PM (b)(6) ___ ..._ _. Homes may be only > obtained if you >already have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unab le to select a "house". At this t ime, you > will be only able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is > provided for the un it that you wi ll be applying for. As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers: Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsidized vouchers are available. Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SR Mgmt > Analyst , FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street, > NE Suite 300 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000615 > (202) 275-6381 (fax) belinda.j .fadlelmola@hud .gov -----Original > Message----- From:l.... (b_)_(6_) _________________ > Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:09 PM > To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: RE: Eligibility Requirements for 11 will call you. But, I have 2 specific j(b)(6) > questions . Is this list from HUD do they have homes that are > subdized? >-------On Sun, 2/16/14, Subject: > Fadlelmola, Belinda J RE:Eligibility Requirements fo (b)(6) _. ate: Sunday, > ....__......,. b 6 _. _________________ > February 16, 2014, 9:43 AM > #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 -filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font -family:Calibri;panose - 1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {panose-1 :2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, > #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoNormal > {margin:0in ;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yivl4067663 75 MsoHyperli nk > {color:blue;text-decoration:underl ine;} #yiv1406766375 a:visited, > #yiv1406766375 span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperli nkFollowed > {color: purple;text-decoration: underline;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yivl406766375MsoPlainText, #yivl406766375 > li.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:12.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, > #yiv1406766375 div.yiv14067663 75 MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:8.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375Pla inTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375BalloonTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > .yiv1406766375MsoChpDefault {} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375Wo rdSection1 {} #yiv140676637~ (b)(6) *b)(6) I did not see our original email; however, below is the > picture of MARYLANDHOUSING SEARCH.ORGwhere you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs. You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as a disabled person . > The intake person wi ll provide available units and/or open waiting > lists. The illustration below is Annapolis, selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled. The list will prov ide > apartments that will be subsidized. If you do not want to do the > manual search call them at 1.877.428.8844 and they wil l gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list .If our > office can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call whereby ! AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT ! HUD-17-0235-C-000616 > we can assist you further . > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will >betaken to the website. Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) > 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax}belinda.' .fadlelmola hud.gov -----Original > Messa e----- From: (b)(6) > [mailto (b)(6) ent: Friday, February 14, 2014 > 8:36 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: > Fw: Eligibility > Requirements fol(b)( 6) Ms. Belinda, > The information you sent me does not pertain to me. I am look ing > for HUD housing (Low-Income for SSDI Disability). The law states I > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income. (1500.00 = $450.00). Don't > you understand. The apartments on the listings are not for > Disabled, low-income under SSDI. Please don't respond if you can't > help me because I am overwhelmed. --- On Fri, 2/14/14!(b)(6) b 6 rote : > Fro._m_: ___ _. I (b)(6) ubject; Eligibility To: > Requirements fo (b)(6) > "Ashley Johnson-Hare" > Cc: "Kathy > (Mizzer@dhcd.state.md .us)Mizzer" > Date: > Friday, February 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello Ms.> Johnson-Hare,>> > Eligibility> Requirements fo~(b)( 6) ~(b)(6) I am 58 years old.> Not over 62.> (2). I am > Disabled under SSDI>since Sept. 2012> (3). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffer from Severe > Disc > Degenerative Disease of my Spine and Neck {5) .. My income is> > $1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland {6). My> > present rent is $1268 in District Hei hts MD.> 5). I live in> > Prince Georges County. (b)(6) {6). On Feb. 11, > > 2014, My case manger is A.> Ahmed Telephone > No. 301-209-5130 (Maryland Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on > paper and couldn't care less about your situation.> (7). On Feb. > 10, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart. of Social > Services. >>Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > above information to assist me, because I> appreciate your > response, informat ion and recommendation . > Unforunate ly because of > my disability condit ion (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not> pertain to me.>> >>Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use t he follow ing > information to be > of assistance to me this would be oustanding because > referring me > to information most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved, uncaring > and 1(1). AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I HUD-17-0235-C-000617 > you only receive voicemail, no answer, and no assistance.>> Please > be specific when you> respond by (1) Adm itting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it> out (confused) (2). Appoint o r assist with > a Case manager one that> will actually assist me, and if possible > give me a call at your > ear liest convience to cut through the red > ta e. I romise I am nice > to speak with .>> Sincerely,> ~(b)(6) ~~) r > -------- - ---> On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > : ;~~,ifbf( 6)S11biectHo11sioeBesomces>foe Pecsoos witb Disabilities> ~c: > "Mizzer, Kathy (Mizze r@dhcd.state .md.us)" > > > Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoonl(b) (6) *b)(6) Thank you for your inqu iry. It was forwarded to me by> > Ms. Mizzer. The Maryland Department of Disabilit ies (MDOD) > > Disabilities currently administers the > > Harry and Jeanette Weinberg > Affordable Rental Housing Opportun ities > Initiative for Persons with > Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiat ive, one must:Be > between the ages of > 18-62Be disab led and receiving or applying > for SSIor SSDIHavea > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Area Med ian > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland > county in which > they wish to> resideNot be a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Methamphetamines on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> >>added to the Wait List for this initiative , one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and,Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referral.The Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active . In order for interested parties > to be placed on the > Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager. This> is necessary to complete the prescreening > application in the> web-based, Social Serve. If you are enrol led > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this > office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for> assistance. If you are wi t hout th e requ ired > suppo rtive services, you > may contact one o r both of the fo llowing > fo r some assistance around> housing advocacy and supports > > plann ing: Centers > fo r> > Independent > Living> (CIL) > Living>ht tp://www.mdod .state.md.us/Get %201nformed .aspx?id=900Area> > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>ht tp://www.aging .maryland.gov/AAA %20.html > There are no units > available> >currently.The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery> County and are expected to be > available to lease mid-2014 . The > subject of your inquiry to Ms .> > Mizzer > men t ioned> housing resources for a "disabled> > > senior ." The Weinberg Initiative is not designed ! AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I HUD-17-0235-C-000618 > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jurisdiction you currently reside in, I wil l reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors . If you should> have any additional questions or concerns, > please do not hesitate to> contact me .> I hope this> information > is> > helpful,> >> > > Ashley>> Johnson-HareMaryland Department of OisabilitiesMPAH > Housing Program> Administrato r217 East Redwood Street, Suite > 1300Baltimore, Maryland> 21202T:> 410.767 .3649F:> 410 .333.6674> > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000619 From: Sent: To: Subject: Turner, Marvin Friday, June 09, 2017 4:40 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Payne, Carol B RE:HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIEDVOUCH Yes, we're handling it. Not much we can really do, but we're putting all of the muscle into it. Belinda Fadlelmola of my office is taking the lead for our shop. M -----Original Message----From : DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:30 PM To : Payne, Carol B ; Turner, Marvin Subject : FW: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Hi Im sure you are used to these - Just want to make sure you've seen this -----Original Message----Froml(b)(6) Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 2:42 PM To : Ott, Richard M ; Edwards, Nika V ; De Felice, Joseph J Cc: Taylor, Melody C ; Secretary Carson Subject: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. Dear Mr. Defelice, See the below nonsense by Ms. Fadlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income. Regards, Jacqueline --- On Mon, 2/17/14, Fadlelmola, Belinda J wrote: > From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. > To:!(b)(6) > Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 6:05 PM > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -> > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:215 >52224324;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:211 I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000620 > 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 a:link, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color:blue;text-decoration : under Iine;} > #yiv9920369924 a:visited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text-decoration :underline;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > div.yiv9920369924MsoP lainText > {margin :0in;marg i n-bottom :.000lpt;font-size: 12.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate > {margin :0in;margi n-bottom :.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Plai nTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924BalloonTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 .yiv9920369924MsoChpDefault > {} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} > #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924WordSectionl > {} > #yiv9920369924 Today was a holiday so our offices were closed; please > refer to the emai l I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization. I provided complete instructions. I have > communicated with you today on my own time; and I have provided you > with information that will get you started on the road of obta ining > housing if you would please follow the directions that I have > provided . All you need to do is call the number that I have prov ided > and the Maryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > list ing of subsidized available units based on the needs and > specifications that you provide . I believe that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly provide to you. > The listing provided by the Maryland Housing Search organization > includes HUD housing units. Enjoy your week . Belinda J. > FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.5. Dept . > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda.j.fadlelmola@hud .gov -----Original > Message----> From:l(b-)-(6_) .... ________ _ > [mailt_...___________ > Sent: __. > Monday , February 17, 2014 4:44 PM >To: AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000621 > Fadlelmola , Belinda J > Subject: HOW DO YOU > OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Fadlelmola, I tried > calling you. I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc. You are not effective when you > te ll me about things that don't apply to me. I am not interested in a > home. I know the vouchers are not being allowed, so you can help with > this; Specific question :HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED > VOUCHERS,are they for people like me. > 58 years > olddisabledlow income . -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direction then > don 't respond because you really have not been helpfu l when nothing > doesn't pan out . It's like having a friend, that can't talk, can't > walk , can't laugh, can't see, can't understand, but they are with you > for what? I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very tired and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuication with you and several people for 2 weeks have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness. > -------On Mon, 2/17 /14, > Fadlelmola, Belinda J > wrote: Subject: RE: Eligibility b ...6......-----------Toj(b)(6) > Re uirements fo ....... > (b)(6) ate : Monday'-,-Fe_b_r-ua_r_y_17,-2-0-14-,__.1:07 PM > (b)(6) >...___ __. Homes may be only > obtained if you >already have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unab le to select a "house". At this t ime, you > will be only able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is > provided for the unit that you wi ll be applying for. As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers: Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsidized vouchers are available . Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street, > NE Suite 300 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) > (202) 275-6381 (fax) belinda.j .fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Message----- Fromi... (b_)_(6_) _________________ > Sent : Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:09 PM > To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: RE:Eligibility Requirements for i(b)(6) I will call you. But, I have 2 specific > questions . Is this list from HUD do they have homes that are > subdized? >-------On Sun, 2/16/14, > Fadlelmola, Belinda J wrote : Subj ect: > RE: Eligibility Requirements for (b)(6) To: _. ! AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000622 ~(b)(6) pate: Sunday, > February 16, 2014, 9:43 AM > #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 -_filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font -family:Tahoma;panose -1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, > #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom :.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperlink > {color: blue;text-decoration : underl ine;} #yiv14067663 75 a :visited, > #yiv1406766375 span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperli nkFollowed > {color: purple;text-decoration: underline;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > li.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoP lainText > {margin:0in ;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:12.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, > #yiv1406766375 div .yiv14067663 75 MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375Pla inTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375BalloonTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > .yiv1406766375MsoChpDefault {} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} #yiv1406766375 > div. iv1406766375WordSectionl {} #yiv140676637*b)(6) (b)(6) I did not see our original email; however, below is the > picture o MARYLANDHOUSING SEARCH.ORGwhere you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs. You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as a disabled person. > The intake person wi ll provide available units and/or open waiting > lists. The illustration below is Annapolis, selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled. The list will provide > apartments that will be subsidized. If you do not want to do the > manual search call them at 1.877.428.8844 and they wil l gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list.If our > office can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call whe reby > we can assist you further . > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will >betaken to the website . Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith- Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DCOffice820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) > 275-6280 > (voice)(202) I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000623 -----Original Friday, February 14, 2014 > 8:36 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Fw: Eligibility 6 > Requirements fo~._ (_b)_( _)______ Ms . Belinda, > The information you sent me does not pertain to me. I am look ing > fo r HUD housing (Low-Income for SSDI Disability) . The law states I > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income . (1500.00 = $450.00) . Don't > you understand. The apartments on the list ings are not for > Disabled, low -income under SSDI. Please don't respond if you can't > help me because I am overwhelmed. --- On Fri, 2/14/14!{b)(6) b 6 rot e: > From: (b)(6) u bject: Eligibility To: > Requirements fo (b)(6) > "Ashley Johnson-Hare" > Cc: "Kathy > (Mi22er@dhcd.state.md .us)Mizzer" > Date: > Friday, February 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello Ms.> Johnson-Hare,> > > Eligibility> Requirements fo~(b)(6) (b)(6) > (1). I am 58 years old.> Not over 62.> (2). I am > 1sa e unaer SSDI>since Sept. 2012> (3). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffe r from Severe > Disc > Degenerative Disease of my Spine and Neck (5).. My income is> > $1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland {6). My> I live in> > present rent is $1268 i 1---1-",;..i..-'J> Prince Georges County. (b)(6) {6). On Feb. 11, > > 2014, My case manger is A.> A me Te ep one > No. 301-209-5130 (Mary land Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on > paper and couldn't care less about your situation .> (7). On Feb. > 10, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart. of Social >Services.>> Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > above information to assist me, because I> appreciate your > response, informat ion and recommendation. > Unforunate ly because of > my disability condit ion (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not> pert ain to me.> > > >Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use the follow ing > information to be > of assistance to me this would be oustanding because > referring me > to informat ion most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved , uncaring > and > you only receive voicemail, no answer, and no assistance.> > Please > be specific when you> respond by (1) Adm itting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it > out (confused) (2). Appoint or assist with > a Case manager one that> will act ually assist me, and if possible > give me a call at your > ear liest convience to cut through the red (6_) __ _. I romise I am nice > to speak with .> > Sincerely,> (b_)_ _.I I I !... r > ----- -- -- --------------->On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000624 >wrote:>> 5ub.ect: Housin > To: (b)(6) Resources> for Persons with Disabilities> Cc: > "Mizzer, Kathy (Mizzer@dhcd.state.md.us)"> > > D : Fri , February 14, 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoon~ (b)( 6) Thank you for your inquiry. It was forwarded to me by> > Ms. Mizzer . The Maryland Department of Disabilities (MOOD) > > Disabilities currently administers the>> Harry and Jeanette Weinberg > Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities> Initiative for Persons with > Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiative, one must:Be > between the ages of > 18-62Be disab led and receiving or applying > for 551or 55DIHave a > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Area Median > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland> county in which > they wish to> reside Not be a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Methamphetamines on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> >>added to the Wait List for this initiative, one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and,Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referral.The Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active. In order for interested parties > to be placed on the > Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager. This> is necessary to complete the prescreening > application in the> web-based, Social Serve. If you are enrol led > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this> office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for> assistance. If you are without the requ ired > supportive services, you > may contact one or both of the following > for some assistance around> housing advocacy and supports> > plann ing: Centers > for> > Independent > Living> (CIL) > Living>http://www.mdod.state.md.us/Get%20lnformed.aspx?id=900Area> > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>http://www.aging.maryland.gov/AAA%20.html> There are no units > available> >currently.The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery> County and are expected to be > available to lease mid-2014. The> subject of your inquiry to Ms.> > Mizzer > mentioned> housing resources for a "disabled> >>senior." The Weinberg Initiative is not designed > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jurisdiction you currently reside in, I wil l reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors . If you should> have any additional questions or concerns , > please do not hesitate to> contact me .> I hope this> information > is> > helpful,> >> > > Ashley>> Johnson-HareMaryland Department of DisabilitiesMPAH > Housing Program> Administrator217 East Redwood Street, Suite AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000625 > 1300Baltimore, Maryland> 21202T:> 410 .767.3649F:> 410.333 .6674> > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000626 From: Sent: To: Subject: Turner, Marvin Friday, June 09, 2017 4:46 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Payne, Carol B RE:HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIEDVOUCH You are welcome. M -----Original Message----From : DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:41 PM To : Turner, Marvin ; Payne, Carol B Subject : RE: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Great thank you -----Original Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:40 PM To : DeFelice, Joseph J ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Yes, we're handling it . Not much we can really do, but we're putting all ofthe muscle into it . Belinda Fadlelmola of my office is taking the lead for our shop. M -----Original Message----From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:30 PM To: Payne, Carol B ; Turner, Marvin Subject: FW: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms . Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014 , Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Hi Im sure you are used to these - Just want to make sure you've seen this -----Original Message----From j(b)(6) Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 2:42 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Edwards, Nika V ; DeFelice, Joseph J HUD-17-0235-C-000627 Cc: Taylor, Melody C ; Secretary Carson Subject: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. Dear Mr. Defelice, See the below nonsense by Ms. Fadlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income . Regards, Jacqueline --- On Mon, 2/17/14, Fadlelmola, Belinda J wrote : > From : Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. : ~~Jb1~1~r1oa9, Feotoary 11, 2014,o.os r1v1 I > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -- > > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Calibri;panose -1:2 15 >52224324;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font -family:Tahoma;panose -1:2 11 > 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 a:link, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color :blue;text-decoration : under Iine;} > #yiv9920369924 a:visited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText , #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > div .yiv9920369924MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin-bottom: .000lpt;font-size:12 .0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924PlainTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Ba lloonTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 .yiv9920369924MsoChpDefault > {} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} > #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924WordSectionl > {} > #yiv9920369924 Today was a holiday so our offices we re closed; please > refer to the emai l I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization. I provided complete instructions. I have AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000628 > communicated w ith you today on my own time ; and I have provided you > with information that will get you started on the road of obta ining > housing if you would please follow the directions that I have > provided . All you need to do is call the number that I have prov ided > and the Maryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > list ing of subsidized available units based on the needs and > specifications that you provide. I believe that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly provide to you . > The listing provided by the Ma ryland Housing Search organization > includes HUD housing units . Enj oy your week . Belinda J. > FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda.j.fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Message----> From:,...l(b,....,.)...,.,(6,..,...)----------, > [mailt > Sent: > Monday , February 17, 2014 4 :44 PM > To: > Fadlelmola , Belinda J > Subject: HOW DO YOU > OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Fadlelmola, I tried ------------ > calling you. I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc . You are not effective when you > te ll me about things that don't app ly to me. I am not interested in a > home . I know the vouchers are not being allowed , so you can help with > this; Specific question:HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED > VOUCHERS,are they for people like me . > 58 years > olddisabledlow income . -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direction then > don 't respond because you really have not been helpfu l when nothing > doesn't pan out. It's like having a friend, that can't talk, can't > walk , can't laugh, can't see, can't understand, but they are with you > fo r what? I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very tired and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuicat ion with you and several people for 2 weeks have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness. > -------------------------On Mon, 2/17 /14, > Fadlelmola , Belinda J > wrote: Subject: R..,E,....,:,...,E..,.,li_...ib_il_it ......___ ____, (b_)_ (6_)_____ ......, > Requirements fo (b)(6) rd.... > (b)(6) (b)(6) ate : Monday, February 17, 2014, 1:07 PM ___ ...._ __, Homes may be only > obtained if you >al ready have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unab le to select a "house" . At this t ime, you > will be on ly able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000629 > provided for the unit that you wi ll be applying for. As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers: Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsidized vouchers are available . Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept . > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street, > NE Suite 300 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) > (202) 275-6381 (fax belinda.._fadlelmola > Message ----- From ,__ (b)(6) __________________ __. > Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:09 PM > To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject RE: Eligibility Requirements for !(b)(6) ! will call you. 1 But, I have 2 specific > questions. Is this list from HUD do they have homes that are > subdized? >-------Subject: > Fadlelmola, Belinda J RE: Eli ibilit Re uirements fo (b)(6) _________________ (b)(6) ,__ > February 16, 2014, 9:43 AM > #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 -- __. ate: Sunday, filtered > #yivl406766375 > {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:215 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} _filtered > #yivl406766375 > {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, > #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11 .0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv14067663 75 MsoHyperli nk > {color:blue;text-decoration:underl ine;} #yiv1406766375 a:visited, > #yiv1406766375 span. yiv1406766375MsoHyperli nkFol lowed > {color: purple;text-decoration:u nderline;} #yiv1406766375 > p.y iv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > li.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:12.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > p.y iv1406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, > #yiv1406766375 div .yiv14067663 75 MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:8.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375PlainTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375BalloonTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > .yiv1406766375MsoChpDefault {} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} #yiv~S > div .yiv1406766375WordSectionl {} #yiv140676637~ AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000630 I l(b)( 6) I did not see our original email; however, below is the > picture of MARYLANDHOUSING SEARCH.ORGwhere you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs. You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as a disabled person. > The intake person wi ll provide available units and/or open waiting > lists. The illustration below is Annapolis, selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled. The list will prov ide > apartments that will be subsidized. If you do not want to do the > manual search call them at 1.877.428.8844 and they wil l gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list.If our > office can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call whereby > we can assist you further. > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will >betaken to the website. Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DCOffice820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) > 275-6280 > (voice)(202) -----Original "'4 > 275-6381 (fax)beli ~~........................... > Messa e----- From (b)(6) __, ent: Friday, February 14, 2014 > [mailt ,._ (b)(6) > 8:36 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: > Fw: Eligibility Ms. Belinda, > Requirements fo!(b)( 6) > The information you sent me does not pertain to me. I am look ing > for HUD housing {Low-Income for SSDI Disability). The law states I > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income. (1500.00 = $450.00). Don't > you understand. The apartments on the listings are not for > Disabled, low-income under SSDI. Please don't respond if ou can't > hel me because I am overwhelmed. --- On Fri, 2/14/14, (b)(6) > From: b 6 (b)(6) ubject: Eligibility > Requirements fo (b)( 6) > To: > "Ashley Johnson-Hare" > Cc: "Kathy > (Mizzer@dhcd.state.md .us)Mizzer" > Date: > Friday, February 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello Ms.> Johnson-Hare,>> > Eligibility> Requirements for!(b)(6) I JPYb)(6) I.>> (1). I am 58 years old.> Not ove r 62.> (2). I am > Disabled under SSDI>since Sept. 2012> (3). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffe r from Severe > Disc > Degenerative Disease of my Spine and Neck (5).. My income is> > $1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland (6). My> > present rent is $1268 in District Hei hts, MD.> 5 . I live in> > Prince Georges County . (b)(6) (6). On Feb. 11, > > 2014, My case manger is A.> Ahmed Telephone > No. 301-209-5130 (Maryland Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on __________ I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000631 > paper and couldn't care less about your situation.> (7). On Feb. > 10, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart. of Social > Services. >>Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > above information to assist me, because I> appreciate your > response, informat ion and recommendation. > Unforunate ly because of > my disability condit ion (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not> pertain to me.>> >>Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use the follow ing > information to be > of assistance to me this would be oustanding because > referring me > to information most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved , uncaring > and > you only receive voicemail, no answer, and no assistance.>> Please > be specific when you> respond by (1) Adm itting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it> out (confused) (2). Appoint or assist with > a Case manager one that> will actually assist me, and if possible > give me a call at your > ear liest convience to cut through the red > ta e. I romise I am nice > to speak with.>> Sincerely,> ~(b)(6) (b)(6) r >--------------------->On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > >wrote:>> Sub.ect: Housin Resources> for Persons with Disabilities> > To: '(b)(6) Cc: > "Mizzer, Kathy (Mizzer@dhcd.state.md .us)"> > > Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoonl(b)(6) *b)(6) Thank you for your inquiry. It was forwarded to me by> > Ms. Mizzer. The Maryland Department of Disabilit ies (MDOD) > > Disabilities currently administers the>> Harry and Jeanette Weinberg > Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities> Initiative for Persons with > Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiat ive, one must:Be > between the ages of > 18-62Be disabled and receiving or applying > for SSIor SSDIHavea > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Area Median > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland> county in which > they wish to> reside Not be a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Methamphetamines on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> >>added to the Wait List for this initiative, one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and,Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referral.The Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active. In order for interested parties > to be placed on the > Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager . This> is necessary to complete the prescreening > application in the> web -based, Social Serve. If you are enrolled > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this> office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for> assistance. If you are without the requ ired > supportive services, you > may contact one or both of the following > for some assistance around> housing advocacy and supports> > plann ing: Centers I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I HUD-17-0235-C-000632 > for> > Independent > Living> (CIL) > Living>http:/ /www .mdod .state.rnd.us/Get%20lnformed .aspx?id=900Area> > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>http://www.aging .maryland.gov/AAA%20.html> There are no units > available> >currently.The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery> County and are expected to be > available to lease mid-2014. The> subject of your inquiry to Ms.> > Mizzer > ment ioned> housing resources for a "disabled> > > senior ." The Weinberg Initiative is not designed > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jur isdiction you currently reside in, I wil l reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors. If you should> have any additional questions or concerns, > please do not hesitate to> contact me.> I hope this> information > is> > helpful, > >> > > > > > Ashley>> Johnson-HareMaryland Department of DisabilitiesMPAH Housing Program> Administrator217 East Redwood Street , Suite 1300Baltimore , Maryland> 21202T:> 410.767 .3649F:> 410 .333.6674> > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000633 From: Sent: To: Subject: Payne, Carol B Friday, June 09, 2017 8:15 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Turner, Marvin RE: HUD Offi ce - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIEDVOUCH Indeed, the Baltimore Field Office engaged(b)(6) !December to June . As Marvin noted DCFO will handle--not sure we {HUD) will have the best answer . Have a great weekend! Carol Carol Bryant Payne Field Office Director 10 South Howard Street , 5th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: (410) 209 -6557 Fax: (410) 209-6670 Email: caroLb.payne@hud.gov "The arc of the mora l universe is long, but it bends toward justice ." Martin Luther King -----Original Message----From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:30 PM To : Payne, Carol B ; Turner, Marvin Subject : FW: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms . Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014 , Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCH Hi Im sure you are used to these - Just want to make sure you've seen this -----Original Message----From j(b)(6) ~I Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 2:42 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Edwards, Nika V ; DeFellce, Joseph J Cc: Taylor, Melody C ; Secretary Carson Subject: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne {Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. Dear Mr. Defelice, See the below nonsense by Ms. Fadlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income . Regards, Jacqueline AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000634 --- On Mon, 2/17/14, Fadlelmola , Belinda J wrote: > From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J > Subject: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIEDVOUCHERS. > To:!(b)(6) > Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 6:05 PM > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -> > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font -family:Calibri ;panose-1:215 >52224324;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {font-family:Tahoma;panose -1:211 > 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoNormal, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoNormal > {margin:0in;marg in-bottom :.000lpt;font-size:11.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 a:link, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color:blue;text -decoration : under Iine;} > #yiv9920369924 a:visited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text-decoration :underline;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoP lainText, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > div.yiv9920369924MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;marg in-bottom :.000lpt;font-size:12.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate, #yiv9920369924 div.yiv9920369924MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;marg in-bottom :.000lpt ;font-size:8.0pt;} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Plai nTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 span.yiv9920369924Ba lloonTextChar > {} > #yiv9920369924 .yiv9920369924MsoChpDefault > {} > _filtered #yiv9920369924 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} > #yiv9920369924 div .yiv9920369924WordSectionl > {} > #yiv9920369924 Today was a holiday so our offices we re closed; please > refer to the emai l I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization . I provided complete instructions. I have > communicated w ith you today on my own time ; and I have provided you > with informatio n that will get you started on the road of obta ining > housing if you would please follow the directions t hat I have > provided . All you need to do is call the number tha t I have prov ided > and the Maryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > list ing of subsidized available unit s based on the needs and > specifications that you prov ide. I believe that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly provide to you . > The listing provided by the Ma ryland Housing Search organ ization I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000635 > includes HUD housing units . Enjoy your week . Belinda J. > FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax}belinda.j .fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Message----> From i,..(b...,.)"""'(6,.,..)-------...... > Sent: [mail1.____________ > __. > Monday, February 17, 2014 4:44 PM >To: > Fadlelmola , Belinda J > Subject : HOW DO YOU > OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Fadlelmola, I tried > calling you. I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc. You are not effective when you > te ll me about things that don't app ly to me. I am not interested in a > home. I know the vouchers are not being allowed , so you can help with > this; Specific question:HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASEDSUBDIZIED > VOUCHERS,are they for people like me. > 58 years > olddisabledlow income. -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direction then > don 't respond because you really have not been helpfu l when nothing > doesn't pan out. It's like having a friend, that can't talk, can't > walk, can't laugh, can't see, can't understand, but they are with you > for what? I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very tired and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuication with you and several people for 2 weeks have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness. > --------------------------------------------On Mon, 2/17 /14, > Fadlelmola, Belinda J ,..El.,...i ._ib..,i ... lit......_ ___ ___, > wrote: Subject: R,-E...,: > Re uirements for (b)( 6) To: l(b)(6) > (b)(6) ate: Monday, February 17, 2014, 1:07 PM (b)(6) _,__ ___ _.Homes may be only I > obtained if you >already have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unab le to select a "house" . At this t ime, you > will be only able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is > provided for the un it that you wi ll be applying for. As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers : Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsid ized vouchers are available . Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept . > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street, > NE Suite 300 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000636 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) > (202) 275-6381 (f~x1 belioda i fadlelmala@b11d gnv -----Q cigioaI ..._ 6) _, > Message----- Froni(b)( > Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:09 PM > To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subj ect : RE:Eligibility Requirements for 11 will call you . But, I have 2 specific *b)(6) > questions. Is this list from HUD do they have homes that are > subdized? > On Sun, 2/16/14, Subj ect: > Fadlelmola, Belinda J RE:Eligibility Requirements fo (b)(6) To: > (b)(6) ate: Sunday, > February 16, 2014, 9:43 AM > #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 -- _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:215 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {font -family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 > {panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4;} #yiv1406766375 #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, > #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoNormal, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoNormal > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:11 .0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv14067663 75 MsoHyperli nk > {color:blue;text-decoration: underl ine;} #yiv14067663 75 a :visited, > #yiv1406766375 span.yiv1406766375MsoHyperli nkFollowed > {color: purple;text-decoration: underline;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > li.yiv1406766375MsoPlainText, #yiv1406766375 > div.yiv1406766375MsoP lainText > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.000lpt;font-size:12.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > p.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv1406766375 li.yiv1406766375MsoAcetate, > #yiv1406766375 div .yiv14067663 75 MsoAcetate > {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:8.0pt;} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375Pla inTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375BalloonTextChar {} #yiv1406766375 > .yiv1406766375MsoChpDefault {} _filtered > #yiv1406766375 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} #yiv~S > div.yiv1406766375Word5ection1 {} #yiv140676637~ I did not see our original email; however, below is the ~(b)(6) > picture of MARYLANDHOUSING SEARCH.ORGwhere you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs. You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as a disabled person. > The intake person wi ll provide available units and/or open waiting > lists. The illustration below is Annapolis , selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled. The list will prov ide > apartments that will be subsidized. If you do not want to do the ___________________ I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000637 > manual search call them at 1.877.428.8844 and they wil l gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list.If our > office can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call whereby > we can assist you further . > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will >betaken to the website . Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-Basedliaison, Lead Customer Svc RepU.S. Dept. > of HUD-DCOffice820 First Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) > 275-6280 > (voice)(202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda." .fadlelmola hud .gov -----Original > Messa e----- From (b)(6) > [mailt (b)(6) ent Friday, February 14, 2014 -.....------------r > 8:36 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Subject: > Fw: Eligibility > Requirements (b_.) .... (6...)______ __.!Ms. Belinda, > The information you sent me does not pertain to me. I am look ing > for HUD housing (Low-Income for SSDI Disability) . The law states I > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income. (1500.00 = $450.00) . Don't > you understand. The apartments on the listings are not for > Disabled, low-income under SSDI. Please don't respond if you can't > help me because I am overwhelmed. --- On Fri, 2/14/14~(b)(6) b 6 rote: > From: (b)(6) ubject: Eligibility > Requirements for (b)(6) .> To: > "Ashley Johnson-Hare" > Cc: "Kathy > (Mizzer@dhcd .state.md.us)Mizzer" > Date: > Friday, February 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello Ms.> Johnson-Hare,>> > Eligibility> Requirements fo~(b)(6) (b)(6) > > (1). I am 58 years old.> Not over 62.> (2). I am > Disa e under SSDI>since Sept. 2012> (3). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffer from Severe > Disc > Degenerative Disease of my Spine and Neck (5).. My income is> > $1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland {6). My> > present rent is $1268 in District Hei hts MD.> 5 . I live in> > Prince Georges County (b)(6) {6). On Feb. 11, > > 2014, My case manger is A.> Ahmed Telephone > No. 301-209-5130 (Maryland Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on > paper and couldn't care less about your situation.> (7). On Feb. > 10, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart . of Social > Services. >>Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > above information to assist me, because I> appreciate your > response, informat ion and recommendation. > Unforunate ly because of > my disability condit ion (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not> pertain to me.>> >>Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use the following > information to be too ... I I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000638 > of assistance to me this would be oustanding because > referring me > to information most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved, uncaring > and > you only receive voicemail, no answer, and no assistance.>> Please > be specific when you> respond by (1) Admitting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it> out (confused) (2). Appoint or assist with > a Case manager one that> will actually assist me, and if possible > give me a call at your > ear liest convience to cut through the red > tane. I nromise I am nice > to speak with .>> Sincerely,> *b)(6) (b)(6) or > --------> On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > Cc: > "Mizzer, Kat y Mizzer@ c .state.m .us > Date: Frida(' February 14, 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoonl(b)(6) l(b)(6) _ Thank you for your inquiry . It was forwarded to me by> > Ms. Mizzer. The Maryland Department of Disabilit ies (MOOD) > > Disabilities currently administers the>> Harry and Jeanette Weinberg > Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities> Initiative for Persons with > Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiative, one must:Be > between the ages of > 18-62Be disabled and receiving or applying > for SSIor SSDIHavea > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Area Median > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland> county in which > they wish to> reside Not be a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Methamphetamines on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> >>added to the Wait List for this initiative , one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and,Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referral.The Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active. In order for interested parties > to be placed on the > Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager. This> is necessary to complete the prescreening > application in the> web-based, Social Serve. If you are enrol led > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this> office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for> assistance. If you are without the requ ired > supportive services, you > may contact one or both of the following > for some assistance around> housing advocacy and supports> > plann ing: Centers > for> > Independent > Living> (CIL) > Livi ng>http://www. m dod .state .md. us/G et%201nform ed. aspx?id=900Are a> > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>http://www .aging.maryland .gov/AAA%20.html> There are no units > available> >currently . The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery> County and are expected to be > available to lease mid -2014. The> subject of your inquiry to Ms.> AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000639 > Mizzer > mentioned> housing resources for a "disabled> >>senior." The Weinberg Initiative is not designed > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jurisdiction you currently reside in, I wil l reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors . If you should> have any additional questions or concerns, > please do not hesitate to> contact me .> I hope this> information > is> > helpful,> >> > > Ashley> > Johnson-HareMaryland Department of DisabilitiesMPAH > Housing Program> Administrato r217 East Redwood Street, Suite > 1300Baltimore, Maryland> 21202T:> 410.767 .3649F:> 410 .333.6674> > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000640 From: Sent: DeFelice, Joseph J Friday, June 09, 2017 8:44 PM Payne, Carol B; Turner, Marvin Re: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw : RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOUCH To: Subject: Thank you. I have received several from her and just want to make sure they arc going to the right place Get Outlook for iOS From: Payne, Carol B Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 8:15:13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Turner, Marvin Subject: RE: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOUCH Indeed , the Baltimore f; Turner, Marvin Suhjcct: FW: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disahled Elderly since 2014, Ms . Belinda Padlclmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since fchruary 17. 20 I4, Evidence hclowPw: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOUCH Hi Im sure you arc used to these - Just want to make sure you've seen this -----Orlain2l l\1es-s-oae FrornJ(b )(6) Sent : Friday, June 09. 2017 2 :42 PM To: Ott, Richard M : Edwards. Nika V : DcFelicc, Joseph J <1oscph.J.DcFciice@hud.gov> Cc: Taylor, Melody C ; Secretary Carson Subject: HUD Office - DC Wild Goose Chase for Disabled Elderly since 2014, Ms. Belinda Fadlelmola and Ms. Payne (Awful) caused my facing Eviction, Anxiety and Poverty since February 17, 2014, Evidence belowFw: RE: HOW DO YOU OST AIN AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000641 TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Dear Mr. Defelice, See the below nonsense by Ms. radlelmola trying to get me to purchase a house on social security income. Regards, Jacqueline --- On Mon, 2/ 17/ l 4, radlelmola, Belinda J wrote: > Prom: Padlclmola, Belinda J > Subject: RE: HOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED VOlXHERS. > Toi(b)(6) > Date: Monday , l.chruary I J, 2014,6:lb PM > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 -- I > > _filtered #yi v9920369924 {fonl-family:Calibri:panosc-1 :2 15 >52224324;} > _filtered #yi v9920369924 l font-family:Tahoma:panose-1 :2 11 > 6 4 3 s 4 4 2 4: I > _filtered #yi v9920369924 l panose-1:2 4 6 2 6 3 10 2 3 4:) > #yiv9920369924 > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoNonnal, #yiv9920369924 > Ii. yi v9920369924MsoN ormal, #yi v992036992 4 div .yi v99203 69924MsoNormal > { margin:Oin;margin-bottom: .0001 pt;font-size: I I .Opt;) > #yiv9920369924 a:link. #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv9920369924MsoHyperlink > {color:hlue;text-decorntion:underline:} > #yiv9920369924 a:visited, #yiv9920369924 > span.yiv99:?.0369924MsoHyperlinkFollowed > {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;) > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920369924MsoPlainText, #yiv9920369924 > li.yiv9920%9924MsoPlainTcxt, #yiv9920%9924 > div.yiv9920369924MsoPlainTcxl > ( margin:Oin;margin-hottom: .0001 pt;font-sizc: 12.0pt;) > #yiv9920369924 p.yiv9920J69924MsoAcctatc , #yiv9920369924 > Ii. yi v9920369924M soAecta te, #yi v9920369924 div .yi v9920] 69924MsoAcctatc > ( margin:Oin;margin-hottom:.0001 pt;font-size:8 .0pt;) > #yi v9920369924 span. yi v9920369924Plain Text Char > {} > #yi v9920369924 span. yi v9920369924Bal loonTexLChar > {} > #yi v9920369924 .yi v9920369924MsoChpDefault > Il > _filtered #yiv9920369924 l margin: I .Din I .Oin I .Din l .Oin;) > #yi v9920369924 div .yi v99203 69924 WordSection I > Il > #yiv9920369924 Today was a ho liday so our offices were closed: please > refer to the email I sent to you to contact the Maryland Housing > Search Organization . I provided complete instructions. I have > communicated with you today on my own time; and I have provided you > with information that will get you started on the road of obtaining > housing if you would please f<)llow the directions that I have > provided. All you need to do is call the number that I have provided > and the Maryland Housing Search intake person will provide you a > listing of subsidized available units based on the needs and > specifications that you provide. I hclicve that is has much > comprehensive assistance that anyone could possibly prov ide lo you. > The listing provided hy the Maryland Housing Search organization > includes HUD housing units . Enjoy your week. Belinda .I. > PadlelmolaSR Mgmt > Analyst. FOIA & Faich-BasedLiaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S. Dept. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000642 > of HUD-DC Office820 First Street. NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 20002(202) 27S-6280 > lvoice)l202) > 275-6381 (fax)belinda.j.fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original ...------------. > Messa,..g;,..e.,.--..,-> hom~(b )(6) > lmail~ > Sent: > Monday, 1--ebruary17, 20144:44 PM >To: > Padlclmola , Belinda J > Suhjcct: HOW DO YOC >OBTAIN TENANT BASED SlJBDIZIED VOUCHERS. Hello Ms Padlelmola, I tried > calling you . I hope when you respond you will be productive for me > and tell me how to, where to go, etc. You arc not effective when you > lei! me about things lhal don't apply lo me. I am nol intcres\e home. I know the vouchers arc nol being allowed, so you can help wilh > this; Specific queslion:IIOW DO YOU OBTAIN TENANT BASED SUBDIZIED > VOCCHERS, are they for people like me. > 58 years > olddisabledlow income. -- If you > can't suggest HUD programs for me, lead me in the right direction then > don't respond because you really have not been helpful when nothmg > doesn't pan out. It's like having a friend, that can't talk, can't > walk, can't laugh. can't see, can't understand, but they are with you > for what'! I call my case manager who never answers. Another circle > of denial. I am very tired and I don't mean to be upset, but > commuication with you and several people for 2 weeks have not got me > any closer to escaping homelessness. > --------------------------------------------On Mon, 2/ 17/ I4, > 1--adlelmola,Belinda J > wrote: Subject:.....,......................... ____ _ 1i~~i~~ary 'ffl~~w:.llLL>..;WLl=~---,-.,-1t-e:_tv_f_o.Jnd~1~'. I7, 2014,I ___ :(hPM __.: Homes may he only > obtained if you > already have a Housing Choice Voucher from one of the housing > authorities. Since Prince George's County is not allowing for new > vouchers you will be unable lo select a "house". Al this lime, you > will be only able to select an apartment whereby a voucher is > provided for lhl: unit Iha! you will be applying for. As you can > see there are two types of subsidized eligible vouchers: Housing > Choice and Tenant/Project Based. At this time, only tenant/project > based subsidized vouchers are available. Belinda J. > Fadlelmola SR Mgmt > Analyst. FOIA & Faith-Based Liaison, Lead Customer Svc Rep U.S . Dept . > of HUD-DC Office > 820 First Street. > NE Suite 300 > Washington, DC > 20002 (202) > 275-6280 (voice) > (202) 275-6381 (fax belinda ..fadlelmola@hud. ov -----Ori 0 inal > Message---- - From (b)(6) ........ > Sent: Sunday, Pehruary 16, 2014 8:09 PM > IP' Emlklrnoh Bl'lioda Subject: RE: Eligibility Re4uircmcnts for ~(b)(6) . I will call you. But, I have 2 specific > 4ucstions . Is this list from HUD do they have homes that arc > suhdized'.' > -------------------------------------------- On Sun, 2/16/14, > Fadlelrnola. Belinda J wrote: Subject : - ---------------------I AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000643 > e ruary > #yiv I 406766375 #yiv l 406766375 -_filtered > #yivl406766375 > ( font-family:C:alibri :panose-1 :2 15 5 2 :?.2 4 3 2 4:) filtered > #yivl406766375 > ( font-family:Tahoma;panose-1 :2 I I 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;) _filtered > #yivl406766375 #yivl406766375 > (panosc-1:2 4 6:?. 6 3 10 2 3 4:) #yivl406766375 > p .yivl406766375MsoNormal. > #yivl406766375 li.yivl406766375MsoNormal, #yiv 1406766375 > div.yiv !406766375MsoNormal > ( margin:Oin;margin-bottom:.000 I pt;font-size: I I .Opt;} #yiv 1406766375 > a:link, > #yiv1406766375 > span.yiv1406766375Msollypcrlink > ( color: blue: text-decoration: umkrli ne:) #yi v 1406 7 663 7 5 a:visitcd, > #yiv1406766375 span.yiv 1406766375MsoHyperlinkFollowed I #yiv 1406766375 > {color:purple:text-decoration:underline: > p.yiv 1406766375MsoPiainText, #yiv1406766375 > li.y1v 1406766375MsoPiainText, #yiv 1406766375 > div.yiv 1406766375MsoPlainText > {margin:Oin:margin-bottom:.000 I pt:font-size: 12.0pt: I #yiv 1406766375 > p.yiv l 406766375MsoAcetate, #yiv 140676637S li.yiv I 406766375MsoAcetate, > #yiv 1406766375 div.yiv 1406766375MsoAcetate > ( margi n:Oin:margin-bottom:.000 l pt:fi.mt-size:8.0pt;} #yiv 1406766375 > span.yivl406766375PlainTextChar {) #yivl406766375 > span.yivl406766375BalloonTextChar {) #yivl406766375 > .yivl406766375MsoChpDefault {) _filtered > #yivl406766375 {margin: l.Oin l.Oin I.Oin l.Oin;) #yiv ~~75 > iv. oivl40 766375WordSectionl {) #yivl40676637~ (b)(6) I did not sec our original email; however, below is the > picture ot A RYLAND HOUSING SEARCH.ORG where you can contact the > organization and request a listing of available units based on your > specifications and needs . You can inform the intake person that you > desire a subsidized apartment as u disabled person. > The intake person will provide avuilable units and/or open waiting > lists. The illuslrnlion below is Annapolis, selected Advanced and > finally Selected Eligible Disabled. The list will provide If you do not wanl lo do lhe > apartments thal will be subsidized. > manual search call them al 1.877.428.8844 and they will gladly give > you the information over the phone and mail you the list.If our > office can be of further assistance. do not hesitate to call whereby > we can assist you further. > GOOGLE: > Maryland housing > search and you will Belinda J. FadlelmolaSR Mgmt >betaken to the website. > Analyst, FOIA & Faith-BasedLiaison, Lead Customer Svc RepL.S. Dept. > of HUD-DC Office820 Pirst Street, NE Suite 300Washington, DC > 2000:?.(202) > 275-6:?.80 > (voice)( 202) > 275-6381 (fax)bel inda. ..fadlelmola@hud.gov -----Original > Mcssu .----- . > fmailt! (b)(6) 'ent: Priduy, Pehruary 14, 2014 > 8:36 PM To: fadlclmola, Belindu J Subject: > Pw: Eligibility Ms . Belinda, > Requirements fo!(b)(6) > The information you sent me docs not pertain to me. I am looking > for HUD housing (Low-Income for SSDI Disability) . The law states I ! AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000644 > should pay rent at -30-40% of my income. (1500.U0 = $450.00). Don't > you understand. The apartments on the listings are not for > Disabled, low-income under SSDI. Please don't respond if oou can't .,:,,u,i~wi......,=....i..~=~,ii,I.LIJ1,1;,1,1,,..___;;;~ Fri, 2/14/ 14 (b )(6) Tote: > from: 'uhject: Eligihil ity i..,..;..;..,.;_ ____ ..,.,....,,...,.,,.,-----------.-----' > eqmrements ...,.., ....... ...,..._,,....,.....,,---.....,...,-- o: > "Ashley Johnson-Hare'' > Cc: "Kathy > (M izzer@dhcd.state.md.usJM i77.er'' > Date: > Priday, Pehruary 14, 2014, 5:02 PM Hello Ms.> Johnson-Hare,>> ._ ................,... Requirements for!(b)(6) > (I). I am 58 years old.> Not over 62.> (2). I am > 1sa e under SSDI> since Sept. 2012> (]). I am > Mentally> > impaired with > Severe Anxiety and Depression (4). I suffer from Severe > Disc > Degenerative Disease of my Spine am.I Neck (5) .. My income is> > S 1,500.00 (Below the 30-40% Median for PG County Maryland (6). My> Hejo-hrs MD> > present rent is $1268 i1\ Djstrjct J (6). On Feb. IL > Prince Georges Count}t(b)(6) > > 2014, My case manger is A.> Ahmed Telephone > No. 301-209-5130 (Maryland Department of Human> Resources. These > case managers never return calls, have no identity> other than on > paper and couldn't care less about your situation.> (7). On Feb. > I 0, 2014, I have been> approved for Food Stamps by Depart. of Social > Services. >>Therefore, if you could be> very active in using the > ahove information to assist me, because I > appreciate your > response, information and recommendation. > Unforunately because of > my disahil ity condition (anxiety and> dpression) I don't want to be > overwhelmed by information that does not> pertain to me.>> >>Therefore, please find> above a list of my > eligibilties. If you could use the following > information to he > of assistance to me this would he oustanding because > referring me > to information most likely will not result in any success > due to > the inability of people contacted being not involved, uncaring > and > you only receive voiccmail, no answer, and no assistance.>> Please > he specific when you> respond hy (I) Admitting I qualify instead of > causing me to figure it> out (confused) (2). Appoint or assist with > a Case manager one that> will actually assist me, and if possible > give me a call al your > earliest rnnvicncc 10 cul through the red > la c. I romisc I am nice > lo speak with.>> Sincerely,> >j(b)(6) (b)(6) or ! >-------------------------------------------->On Fri, > 2/14/14, Ashley Johnson-Hare > : ;~~t(-~(]) Suhjeer-Housiar Resomces> forPersons wjthDisobilities> ~:c: > "Mizzer, Kathy (Mizzer@dhcd.state.md.us)"> > > Date: Friday. February 14. 2014, 9:42 AM> > Good Afternoo _(b)(6) *b)(6) Thank you for your inquiry. It was forwarded to me hy > > Ms. Mizzer. The Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDODJ > > Disabilities currently administers the>> Harry and Jeanette Weinberg > Atl<.irdable Rental Housing Opportunities> Initiative for Persons with > Disabilities.> In order to > be> assisted under this Initiative, one must:Be > between the ages of > I 8-62Bc disabled and receiving or applying > for SSI or SSD!Have a > gross household income at or between 15-30% > of Arca Median > Income> (AMI) in the Maryland> county in which > they wish to> residcNot he a> convicted> sex offender Not have > been> convicted of the manufacturing of> Mcthamphctamincs on Public> > Housing> Authority-owned propertyln order to be> ! AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT I HUD-17-0235-C-000645 >>added to the Wait List for this mitiative, one > must:Be referred by a> Case Manager and.Be a resident of Maryland > at the time of> referraLThe Wait List for assistance under > Weinberg is currently >>open and active. In order for interested parties > to be placed on the> Wait List, he or she must first be referred > by a Case Manager. This> is necessary to complete the prescreening > application in the> web-based, Social Serve. If you are enrolled > in Case Management of > supportive services, you may have that > designee to contact this> office via e-mail for instructions on how > to refer you for> assistance. If you arc without the required > supportive services, you > may contact one or hoth of the following > for some assistance around > housing advocacy and supports> > planning: Centers > for> > Independent > Living> (C]L) > Living> ht Ip ://www. mdod .slate .m > Living>Agencies on Aging (AAA) > Living>http://www .agi ng.rnaryland.gov/AAA%20.html> There are no units > available> > cunently. The next phase of units > will be located in Montgomery > County and are expected to be > available to lease mid-2014. The> subject of your inquiry to Ms .> > Mizzer > mentioned> hou sing resources for a "disabled> >>senior." The Weinberg Initiative is not designed > to assist> Constituents 63 or older, but if you are willing to > provide which> jurisdiction you currently reside in, I will reply > some resources > that are more local and specifically serving > seniors. If you should> have any additional questions or concerns, > please do not hesitate to> contact me.> I hope this> information > is> > helpful,> >> > > Ashley>> Johnson-HarcMary laml Department of DisabilitiesMPAH > Housing Program> Administrator2 l 7 East Redwood Street, Suite > I 300Baltimore, Maryland> 21202T:> 410 .767 .3649f:> 410.]3].6674> > > > > AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000646 To: Cc: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Wednesday, June 14, 2017 5:29 PM Turner, Marvin DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE:j{b)(6) From: Sent: I Thanks; will follow-up with the" next steps" and report back. BELINDAJ FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 4:12 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott , Richard M I Subjectfb )(6) Belinda, I had a conference call with the Maryland Department of Disabilit ies and the Maryland Assistant Attorney General regarding th~(b)(6) case. They gave me a 30,000 foot view of what was going on and I am able to discern a few next steps for us. I o l(b)(6 ) I applied for a as accepted for a Weinberg Unit in Brinkley. She was approved for her credit and background check and declined to part icipate. She refused to ident ify a case worker and her paperwork was returned to her . o (b)(6) does not qualify for an 811 unit, because she is 62 (they are for under 62 population) . o (b)( 6) has been approved for the Maryland Rental Assistance Program (http ://dhcd .maryland.gov/HousingDevelopment/Pages/rap/default .aspx), but refused to sign the papers. If she signs, she would be eligible for between $460 and $480 a month to assist her. This program is a state program, but run at the County level. She needs to complete the paperwork to receive it, as she is already approved. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000647 o o She did have a caseworker with the Center for Independent Living, but that ended badly {according to the State) and they may refuse to work with her again. The State suggested that QCI Behavioral Health may be a better fit. They have a Prince George's outfit at http://www.qcihealth.com/largo. Because she is 62, she is more likely to find a solution w ith Senior Housing. Not sure what that looks like in the County . Next Steps: 1. If you can reach out to QCI Behavioral Health and see if she can obtain a female case worker? Because of HIPPA, I'd recommend treading lightly here, but suggesting that she may need a fema le caseworker . Do not discuss her self-identified diagnosis/phobias. 2. If they do provide a caseworker, have them (the caseworker I reach back out to Ms. Sylvester to see if she can get ~ackonthe ljsttor Brinkley. Hav(b)( 6 ) !execute the documentation to allow her to obtain the RAPmoney. I've put the website above to famil iarize you with the program. 4 . Contact Prince George's County to discuss the ir senior housing. Also, fee l free to reach out to Carol to determ ine if there are pockets of senior housing that she may be familiar with in Anne Arunde l County . 3. Keep me posted and let me know if I can be helpful , but that's about as far as we can go at this point. Thanks, Marvin W. Turner Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development District of Columbia/ National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202-275-6291 Fax: 202-275-6380 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000648 From: Cc: Ott. Richard M Thursday, June 15, 2017 8:54 AM Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Turner, Marvin DeFelice,Joseph J Subject: RE: !(b)(6) Sent: To: Thank you both for these efforts. From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 5:29 PM To: Turner, Marvin Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE!(b)(6) I Thanks; \Viii follow-up wlth the "next steps" and report back. ,~v'N'-cl>\ <~/ BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 4:12 PM To: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Subject:!(b)(6) I Belinda, I had a conference call with the Maryland Department of Disabilit ies and the Maryland Assistant Attorney General regarding the Humphreys case. They gave me a 30,000 foot view of what was going on and I am able to discern a few next steps for us. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000649 o !(b)(6) bpplied for a as accepted for a Weinberg Unit in Brinkley. She was approved for her credit and background check and declined to part icipate. She refused to ident ify a case worker and her paperwork was ret urned to her. o (b)(6) does not qualify for an 811 unit, because she is 62 (they are for under 62 population) . o (b)(6) has been approved for the Maryland Rental Assistance Program c .mar land . ov Housin Develo ment Pa es ra default.a s x , but refused to sign the papers. If she signs, she would be eligible for between $460 and $480 a month to assist her. This program is a state program, but run at the County level. She needs to complete the paperwork to receive it, as she is already approved. o She did have a caseworker with the Center for Independent Living, but that ended badly (according to the State) and they may refuse to work with her again. The State suggested that QCI Behavioral Health may be a better fit . They have a Prince George's outfit at htt p:ljwww.qciheal t h.com/largo. o Because she is 62, she is more likely to find a solution w ith Senior Housing. Not sure what that looks like in the County. Next Steps: 1. If you can reach out to QCI Behavioral Health and see if she can obtain a female case wo rker? Because of HIPPA, I' d recommend treading lightly here, but suggesting that she may need a fema le caseworke r. Do not discuss her self-identified diagnosis/phobias . 2. If they do provide a caseworker, have them (the caseworker I reach back out to Ms. Sylvester to see if she can get back on the list for Brinkley . 3. Hav~(b)(6) ~xecute the documentation to allow her to obtain the RAPmoney. I've put the website above to famil iarize you with the program. 4. Contact Prince George's County to discuss the ir senior housing. Also, fee l free to reach out to Carol to determ ine if there are pockets of senior housing that she may be familiar with in Anne Arunde l County. Keep me posted and let me know if I can be helpfu l, but that ' s about as far as we can go at this point . Thanks, Marvin W . Turner Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development District of Columbia/ National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202-275-6291 Fax: 202-2 75-6380 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000650 Fadlelmola, Belinda J From: Sent: Thursday , June 15, 2017 3:52 PM !(b)(6) To: Cc: ! Turner, Marvin Subject: HUD'S REVIEW:REQUESTFORHOUSINGASSISTANCE l(b)(6) Our office reached out to the parties/organizations ,vho arc involv ed in assisting you with rental assistance and obtaining affordable housing: we obtained the follmving information: It was confirmed that the Rental Allmvance Program is a flat-rate subsidy (it 1101 the s(1111e us other housing JJrogn1111s whereby the an101mtreceil'ed is based on a percentoge ol_-rour income) . Below is the vvebsite 'Nhich indicates the "flat -rate" of S460 which is determined based on your metropolitan area and family size. You fall under \Vashington, DC S\ 11SA 1-:2. I. http://dhcd.maryland.gov/HousingDevelopment/Documents/rap/MoAllowPmtAmt sByHH-SizeCounty.pd 2. Our office reached out the QCI Behavioral Health, LLC (http://www.qcihealth.com/) to assist you in obtaining a female casevv.orkcr. Thl' intake person provided their procedures to determine eligibility under their program. QCI \Vas suggested by the l\faryland Departrnent of Disabili lies. 1. As a reminder, you are not eligible under the Section 811 program because it is for persons "under " 62 years-of age. Please click on the link below to conl.irm the eligibility requirements -- "Section 81 I Supportive Jlousing Fact Sheet- Que.,.tirm 15: Who is eligible ... '' http:/ /811 resourcecenter. tacinc.org/policy-programs/section-811-program-fags Recommendations: Rental Allowance Program: The State of l\1aryland Department of Social Services (DSS) is \Vaiting for you to submit the proper papervd)rk to receive assistance under the Rental Allowance Program (RAP). Once DSS receives the signed documents. they arc in the position to rnake the rental allowance 01. $460 1.or .June, and will continue until the assistance ends. Case !Vlanagcmcnt: Due lo privacy issues, our office cannot obtain the services or a female caseworker for you . However, we are offering a referral: QCI Behavioral Health, LLC (http://www.ycihealth.eom/). We contacted the organization and \Vas informed that a person AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000651 who is interested in obtaining case rnanagement must fill nut the required surveys and suhrnit to QCI for revie\V. A staffer will contact the requester for further determination of elig ibility: and hopefully, provide case rnanagement and/or other services under their prograrn . QCI Questionnaires: Patient Information: https://docs.googlc.com/vicwcr?a=v&pid=sitcs&srcid=cWNpaGVhbHRoLmNvbXx3d3d8Z3g6 NjQyMmQ I MGY2MTk5Mjg20A Request for Referral Services: https://docs.google.com/viewer'?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=cWNpaGVhbHRoLmNvbXx3d3d8Z3g6 Nm Y4ZDNkODA3N mE40DMx Y g HOUSING: Our n:vievv. of your housing request clarified that your application for a \Veinbcrg unit in Brinkley was previously approved. It is a requirernent , under the housin g program, that you identil'y a case worker and execute the proper papenvork to proceed \vith obtaining housing. It is hoped that the above rererral will assist \vith the case ,.vorker requirement. \Ve also reached out to the Prince George ' s Count) ' Housing Authoril) ' rel!arding )'OLir placement on the Housing Choice Voucher 'A'aiting list. Lnfortunately, you are number 2.491 on the list ; and we do not have the authority to advan ce you. ...... In summary , l Subject: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA r:M;\ \o o""'' Q, "'?' .... ,/ f BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275 -6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000655 ---------------~---~---~---~---~ --.. o .' I JI I JI I JI I I JI JI I I JI I JI I JI /I I JI I I .' JI I LI I UI I JI I ..' 1 1o I UI I JI I .' I LI I UI I JI I ..' 1 1o I UI I JI I .' I LI I UI I JI I ..' 1 1o I UI I JI I .' I , --.. --.. --.. --.. ---.. --.. ----- HUD I .' POLl'".flC1\L , ~ I .< I .' , o I ., "t ~ '.I I .' I ., _J .. .-.:, _..,. -~'' o . . I, 1, ~.::.: I " _,.. - I " a:.. HOSTS: _,.. I" HUDDC NationalCapitalArea Office MarvinTurner, Director Russell Conlan,Chief Counsel ,I ,, . -'. .,:I "?7f;,. I " I" _,.. . I" I " PARTI: TOUROFTHE FOOTPRINT OF PUBLICHOUSING/MIXED-USE HOPEVI I ., I I .' I" I " Navy Yard iW'etro Stop (Dept. of Transportation Exit) and I ., I " a:.. meet up at Capital Riverfront Business Improvement District 1100 New Jersey Ave, SE, Ste 1010, DC 20003. The Navy Yard Metro Stop is on the Green Line towards Anacostia. All participants will w,semble in the lobby.) I .' ~ I .' I ., , I I" I" I " a:.. I ., I M:.. "'"' "' "'"'"' "' 10:20am I .' Canal Park (200 M Street, SE) I ., H I" _,.. http :// www.rnpitolri ve r[nmt.or g/c w1al-park I " I ., I " I .' I " Hope VT 1irthur Capper Carrollsburg Dwellings Townlwmes M:.. I .' I ., ~ I" _,.. I " http://www.dchousin g.org/doc .aspx : do cid= 9 1 , I ., "' "' I .' ..........J0:35am I " I Arthur Capper Senior Facility (900 5 th Street, SE) 4 -4 I" I ., https :/l,vww.a1JC 1rlll1n1ts.cm11/arthur-caep e r-se nio r-i-wa shi11gton- I :t ddcrixnq!I I " I " I :t Arthur Capper Community Center 1 :t '.l I :t I :t """ ""I. .... Bixby Apartments (601 L Street, SE) "' "' ' "' ./ 1:25am 1 :t '.l EXD OF PLTDLICHOL'SIXG PORTIOX I :t bacl. p11ge) (continue 1 :t H I H I H I H I H I H I " h11ps://1hebix/Jvdc.co111 / I :t I :t I I " (1000 5 111 Street SE; LEED Gold Community Center for Mixed Income Community) I :t H _,.. (This is the anchor senior apartment building.for the dwellings.) < I H I H I H I H I " I :t ;l I :t -a:..~a:..a:..a:..a:..~a:..a:..a:..a:..;llir.,.~-M)..a:..~~M),.;llir.,.~~M)..a:..~-M),.;llir.,.~~M),.a:..-,.._,.M)..,.;r,..~-,.. I 1r I ,r H _,.. ~ ( H _,.. , I H I " - ~.....: ..;:...o.-:-~. - , I ---------I 1, H I" ,-, '.t . . o'. II ,., M:.. I .' fl '':' I 1\PPOl~r:l.,EES WAl.iKING TOCR I' I JI I " I .' I I _,.. I " I ., I LI I II I 1r I If I 1r I H VERSIGHT I If I 1r I If I 1r I r I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I 11 I 111 I 1r I [ I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I 11 I 111 I 1r I r I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I H I H I IL I 11 I ,r HUD-17-0235-C-000656 ---------------~---~---~---~---~ --.. -o .' I JI I JI I JI I JI I JI I JI I JI I JI I /I I JI I JI I .' I LI I UI I JI I ..' 1 1o I UI I JI I .' I LI I UI I JI I ..' 1 1o I UI I JI I .' I LI I UI I JI I ..' 1 1o I UI I JI I .' I , ---.. --.. ---.. -------.. --------- -----------I PART 2: TOUR OF FHA SITE I .' H I " ....~""~ ""~.... '12:15pm I' , I" Foundry Lofts (FHA Risk Sharing Deal with I " DC Housing Finance Agency-Inclusive Zone /Affordable ~ I .< a:.. I H Units) I .' ,,,;,,>,. I " http ://www .foundryloftsdc.com / , I" I ., I .' I " On-site discussion of the day /2_.30pm ~ a:.. I H ,,,;,,>,. M:.. I .' I" l~unch (Optional) 1:00pm I ., I , ., H I " I ., I Fl i\/1 ! I .' , H I" I I ., H I " a:.. I I .' H I .' I" I ., I" , ., I " a:.. I ~ I ., H ,,,;,,>,. M:.. I .' I" I ., I I ., H I " I .' I " ,,,;,,>,. M:.. I .' I" I ., I , H I " I ., I I .' H I" < --------I" I ., I " I :t I :t 1 :t I H I H I " I :t I :t I :t 1 :t I H I H I H I H I " I :t I :t I :t 1 :t I H I H I H I H I " I :t I :t --.a:...oir)..-oir)..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),..-oir),.--M),.r ,r ,r ,r ,r ,r ,r r I JI I " I .' I I I " I ., I LI I I II I I If I I H VERSIGHT I If I I If I I I 11 I 111 I r.,.-~M),.- o Ir I r.,.-,..~M),.- o r I 11 I 111 I ,r I r.,.-,.._,.M),.- or.,.-,..~M),.- o r I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I 11 I 111 I ,r I I H I H I IL r.,.-,.._,.M),.- or.,.-,..-,.. o r I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I 11 I 111 I Ir I f I 11 I ,r HUD-17-0235-C-000657 Wolfe, Lisa A Friday, June 16, 2017 3:40 PM Turner, Marvin; Bregon, Nelson R; DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Solivan, Elvis Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Conlan, Russell S RE: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: THANK YOU! LOOKSGREAT! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 3:37 PM To: Bregon, Nelson R ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; Solivan, Elvis Cc: Fadlelmola, Belinda J ; Conlan, Russell S Subject: FW: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA Nelson, As promised, here is the updated agenda. This presumes walking. M From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 2:28 PM To: Turner, Marvin Subject: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000658 Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 {fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000659 From: Sent: Bregon , Nelson R Friday, June 16, 2017 3:44 PM Turner, Marvin; DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Wolfe , Lisa A; Solivan, Elvis Fadlelmola , Belinda J; Conlan , Russell S RE: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA To: Cc: Subject: Thank you DC A-Team. Have a great week end HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Nelson R, Bregon Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary Office of Field Policy and Management From : Turne r, Marvin Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 3:37 PM To: Bregon, Nelson R ; De Felice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Wolfe , Lisa A ; Solivan, Elvis Cc:Fadlelmola , Belinda J ; Conlan , Russell S Subject: FW: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA Nelson , As prom ised, here is the updated agenda . This presumes walking. M From : Fadlelmola, Belinda J Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 2:28 PM To: Turner, Marvin Subject: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA 1:.M:) o ~ i ,...,~.,._,/ BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000660 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000661 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Turner, Marvin Friday, June 16, 2017 3:45 PM Bregon , Nelson R; DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Wolfe, Lisa A; Solivan, Elvis Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Conlan, Russell S RE: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA Thank you! M From: Bregon, Nelson R Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 3:44 PM To: Turner, Marvin ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; Solivan, Elvis Cc; Fadlelmola, Belinda J ; Conlan, Russell S Subject: RE:JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA Thank you DC A-Team. Have a great week end HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Nelson R, Bregon Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary Office of Field Policy and Management From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 3:37 PM To: Bregon, Nelson R ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; Solivan, Elvis Cc: Fadlelmola, Belinda J ; Conlan, Russell S Subject: FW: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA Nelson, As promised, here is the updated agenda. This presumes walking . M From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 2:28 PM To: Turner, Marvin Subject: JUN 21 TOUR AGENDA AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000662 ~ ..... o.:.. r:111:\ , ...Of,..,..,/ ll .. BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000663 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Will iams, Sheppard V Monday , June 19, 2017 10:13 AM Dunn , Tracey Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis RE: Congressional Inquiry : Rep. Evans (PA) - Constituent: James Bear - Antenna Insta ll Rqst MFH Insturctions on FOIA, Controlled Correspondence and Webmail 6-19-17 .pdf; JBear release form .pdf Hi Tracey, Thismatterdoesinvolvea multifamilypropertyin Philadelphia.TheAssetManageris in the Philadelphia office,however , underthe newprocedures that MF-NewYorkRegionalCenterissued,as of todaywe are to assignall controlledcorrespondence to a generalmailboxfor theirOperationsDivisionto coordinate . Wewill get it in the queuefor the MFmailbox.I havealreadyalertedthe MFstaffin the Philadelphia officewhereI believetheassignment will be made. Staffhasalreadyindicatedthatthey currentlyare unawareof the leasesubmittedby G-townRadioand InterfaithHousefor HUD's review/approva l. Seeattached. Callmeif you haveanyquestions . S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof theRegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud .gov 0, 14111c :. This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete t his message. Thank you. From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 9:02 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Ric hard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: FW: Congressional Inquiry : Rep. Evans (PA) - Constituent : James Bear - Antenna Install Rqst Importance: High Hi Van, Can you initiate a review of th is inquiry from Rep. Evans' office, please? AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000664 o!};;fNY{/JrrII II Congressional Liaison Office of Congrc~~ional And Intergovernmental Relations US Department of Housing and Urban Development Main: (202) 708-0005 I Fax: (202) 708-3707 Direct: (202) 402-2403 I Mobile:!(b)(6) !I What's new@ HlJD: Community Assessment Reporting Tool (CART) https://egis.hud.gov/cart (Ask me for a demonstration') From: Parker-Cox, Felicia [mailto:Fclicia .P;irkcr-Cox@mail.housc.gov] Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 5:01 PM To: Dunn, Tracey Subject: Constituent lnquiry-PA-02-(James Bear) Good Afternoon, Tracey, Attached you will find a Privacy Release Waiver for our constituent . Mr. Bear submitted a lease to HUD on behalf of his company, GTown Radio and Interfaith House. He has been trying to erect an antennae on the roof of Interfaith House, located at 18 W. Chelten Ave. Phila PA 19144) which is a HUD managed facility . He has been waiting for a few months to receive approval to finalize having the antennae placed. Can you look into this issue and let me know if a resolution can be reached? The form and explanation is attached. Thank you, Felicia Felicia Parker-Cox District Office Scheduler/Executive Assistant Representative Dwight Evans (PA-02) 7174 Ogontz Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138 (215) 276-0340 Office !(b)(6) !Mobile Join the online conversation: (R)fi:J Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000665 Williams, Sheppard V From: Cc: BaltimoreMultifamilyCorrespondence Friday, June 16, 2017 1:34 PM BaltimoreMultifamilyCorrespondence; Williams , Sheppard V; Stovall, Teresa V; Wallis, Patrick R; Matthews, Eugenia W; Robinson, Shana; Sillery, David A; Williams, Evie; Davis, Anne; Schmiegelow, Toni D; Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Everett, Janice C; Miller, Jane E WISE, BRETTW; Brown, Brenda J; Ashmore, Stacey L;Harding, Richard M; Jackson, Subject: Yvette B; Mcleod-Cooper, Angela; Parker, Judith; FORD, ROBERTJ; Scheetz, Randall J; Downs, Sharon; Ellis, Lisa C; Dorm, Florence; Chappell, Katie M; Evans, Francina A; Gleaton, Ruth A; Jones, Ernestine P; Player, Mary M; Downes-Angus, Katherine P; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A; Grantling, Jessica V RE: Region Ill FOIA's, Correspondence and WebMail: Multifamily NE Region Baltimore Sent: To: Satellite Office and corresponding Field Offices Good Afternoon Everyone, This message is just a reminder that this coming Monday June 19, 2017 this mailbox will be ready to receive all inquiries such as FOIA's, Controlled Correspondence, Executive Orders, and Web Mails requiring a response rrom any Multifamily Employee whose properties fall under Region Ill's governing states: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. Please just be sure to identify: L If you're looking for the staff to directly respond back to the recipient, provide you with the information so you can prepare a response, or identify if spoken via telephone how they resolved the issue. 2. If a final signature is needed, advise if we're to provide you with the response for final signature (for your RA/Deputy Secretary/FOO) and mail out or, can one or our Division Directors sign off on it. 3. The due date you would like the response sent back to you or replied by. The Mailbox address is: BaltimorcMultifamilyCorrcspondcnce(a)hud.gov Thank you and have a great weekend! Operations - Multifamily Northeast Region U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From:BaltimoreMultifamilyCorrespondence Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 7:07 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V ; Stovall, Teresa V ; Wallis, Patrick R ; Matthews, Eugenia W ; Robinson, Shana ; Sillery, David A ; Williams, Evie ; Davis, Anne ; ; Schmiegelow, Toni D ; Fadlelmola, Belinda J Everett, Janice C ; Miller, Jane E Cc:WISE, BRETTW ; ; Ashmore, Stacey L .gov>; Harding, Richard M ; Jackson, Yvette B ; ; Mcleod-Cooper, Angela ; Parker, Judith FORD, ROBERTJ ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Downs, Sharon ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Dorm, Florence ; Chappell, Katie M ; Evans, Francina A ; Gleaton, Ruth A ; Jones, Ernestine P AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000666 ; Player, Mary M ; Downes-Angus, Katherine P ; BaltimoreM u ltifam ilyCorrespondence Subject: Region Ill FOIA's, Correspondence and WebMail: Multifamily NE Region Baltimore Satellite Office and corresponding Field Offices Good Afternoon Everyone, So you may have heard that Multifamily' s NE Region would like to have some visibility and give you a main POCmailbox location where answers and or either information that you need for various types of correspondence will be received, routed, addressed and sent back to you for final close-out. As you can see this email is coming directly from our new correspondence mailbox BaltimoreMultifamilyCorrespondence@hud.gov. We look to implement this process around mid-June 2017 (th is year) and to work with you in making this a streamline process between you and our staff. I understand you (Region 3) has a turn-key process in place but the vision for this mailbox is just to provide you a centralized location so that you can send any inquiry such as FOIA's, Contro lled Correspondence, Executive Orders, Web Mails request to one location not having to seek and find out who it goes to thru ought the Region. We will do that for you! From this mailbox we will assist as to direct ly identify the property (based on address) and the assigned NE Mu ltifamily staff member who then w ill provide back to you the response, or information needed to prepare the official final document for mailing or the staff can respond directly to the recipient (such as web mails). This mailbox only serves the Mult ifamily North East Regional staff who's offices fall under Region 3 : Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Richmond, Washington, and Charleston field Offices. All I ask is when you send these inquiries to the mailbox please identify: 1. If you're looking for the staff to directly respond back to the recipient, provide you with the information so you can prepare a response, or identify if spoken via telephone how they resolved the issue. 2. If a final signature is needed, advise if we're to provide you with the response for final signature {for your RA/Deputy Secretary/FOO) and mail out or, can one of our Division Directors sign off on it. 3. The due date you would like the response sent back to you or replied by. I look forward to working with you all going forward . If you have any questions fee l free to contact me via email or telephone as my contact info is listed below in the signature. Have a great day and best regards, I o II II11I Tanesha Smith Program Analyst Operations - Northeast Regional Directo rs Office U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Multifamily Northeast Region New York Regional Center 26 Federal Plaza Suite 3200 New York, NY 10278-0068 Phone:212-542-7712 Fax: 212-542-7790 2 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000667 Email: Tanesha.Smith@HUD .gov The information in this email is privileged and confidential ; release to any party or organ ization other than those in the address lines above is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please destroy and notify me immediately . Federal law prohib its the disclosure or other use of th is information . llll)YOl Is'\()\\ Tll.\111\\1'\(,8' o, OIIIU)\IU n :.\H'! SH;\ I I' FOR A\ LI' .\ l'0RTl .OU0 I'll \"IL\ l'l{Ol'l \l.\:\ .\(;[ ,J{ ,\('( '01 \T \l . lffll . S\\Tlll l.Y\l'Olill-01.10 \L\'\\{;1- \IHJ:H TOIU Y \'ill PRO\ IDJo; IT TO \Ol E:\UlTIH :: Fl\DOIT\IOIU : .\T : https: // \"" .w,.,...L.n~ru\.star .gc1,./ huildinus /facj]it, .-owners-aud-ntanau~rs/~xjsting-huj]dings :R \( "('()l '\ISIS \{;O.\I IIIIS R Ill '[) ..\ITOI \"I' / us~-pc1rtfoli1>-nlanau~r 3 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000668 Privacy Act Release Form Representative Dwight Evans - Sccorrd CongressionalDistrict, Pennsylvaniu Under the Pnvacy Act of 1974, federal agencies ore proh1b1tcdfrom disclosing mfonnationfrom your files to o.nyonc\\ithoul your written authori1,a110n . By completingthis fonn 11ndsigning the Pnvacy Act Sllllemcntbelow. you arc oulhonzingthe federalagency mvoh.cd10disclose such informatmnto U S CongressmanDwight EvllllsW1dlormembersofh1s staff Such informationwill be kept confidentialby them You nlso offinn that this request for LSs1stancc1sm no way an nnemptlo cvudcor violate any federal,state, or local law .....::.;.,.,__--'--:-.*~~;;;;a;;;a;=Q...._.,----CEL,.!:;::;:;:;;::=======,-ALT L--.....---.---........_- ________ _ 6 SSN.,_!(b_)_( _)------~--------- THIRD PARTY (irapplicable) ---'q_;=~ ...._-\=e'-'w""-'-,J\-+-->i,....,_ ________~~=~0...__ Relntionship? ~\ o...f\ ~P. ~e-..( Pursuantto lite provisions ors U.S. Code 552a (Privacy Act of 1974) P. L. 93-579, I hereby authorize the relense ofinfonn111ionfrom my medical records,1111y files perlll'ning to me, or copies thereof,to U.S . Representative Dwight Evans and/or his staff. lfyourmuner concerns lhc US Military or Veterans Affain , plensc provide the followinginfonnation: BRANCH_________ _ _ DATESOF SERVICE_____ TO ____ RANK____ _ HOMEOF RECORD LAST DUTYSTATION_ ____ __ _ ____ _ DIDYOUHAVECOMBATSERVICE? NO YES CONFLICT_____ _ _ _ ___ __ _ V.A. FILE NUMBER(ifdiffcrent from SSN)________________ _____ __ _ Is this matter currently under considerationby an attorney? NO~ YES _ _(S__ Have you contected any other Congressionaloffice ubout this m11tter?NO YES__ NAME_________ _ NOTE: ffyou would like Rep. GBPwns lo rakeoveryour casefrom Subject: Essex Village Good Morning, Plz send me the one pager you sent joe on Essex village . I am not sure I have a copy. Thx for your help yesterday. Have a greal day. Get Outlook for iOS AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000670 Essex Village, Henrico County, Va. Briefing Report, 05.11.17 On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and members of the multifamily team met with Henrico County officials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, Essex Village at the Richmond Field Office. In preparation for the meeting on March 29, Brenda Brown, Director Baltimore MF Satellite Office, Lisa Ellis, Branch Chief, and Carolyn Anastasi, Resolution Specialist, met with PK Management Official Jenne McClain-Blankhead and others to tour the site. There were many obvious physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invited into a few units. There is an obvious difference between the condition of elderly units and the condition of those mainly for families. PK Management is working on the Compliance, Disposition, and Enforcement (CDE) plan, (due May 25) following the failing REAC score. Management will be submitting monthly accounting reports and physical property updates. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Middleton, Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Officials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices previously given to property as well as sewer issues (privately-owned). Brenda Brown discussed prior day property visit and planned physical repairs including a possible S 19 million in rehab. Following the meeting, Brenda Brown spoke with owner, Gregory Perlman, to facilitate a meeting with the Colonel to open the lines of communication. A meeting via conference call will be scheduled monthly for property updates. The development is considered a troubled property with a final REAC score, after appeal, of 51. The Owner's plan of correction is due in May (60 days after the posted score). To date, the following is in process or has occurred . o The Performance Based Contract Administrator (PBCA), Navigate Affordable Housing, conducted a Management Occupancy Review (MOR) on April 18. The final report was sent to the owner on April 28. o PBCA Navigate Management Review included maintenance reports for over 3,000 requests for service in last yem, averaging 261/month. All REAC exigent, health and safety deficiencies have been corrected. o There has been continued media interest in Essex Village, including a FOIA request for the most recent REAC Inspection report (Not releasable for 120 days from report date). Three reporters arc currently tracking the release of the report. o An April 3 fire damaged eight units. No injuries occurred and all residents are hack in their units. Restoration work has been completed except the unit in which the fire started; repairs arc still underway and the resident was housed in an available apartment on site. o PK Management is submitting bi-weekly property updates concerning sewer/maintenance issues and proposed project transformation through sale/merger with a nonprofit and the Compliance Disposition and Enforcement (CDE) plan is due May 25,2017. o PK Management responded to Notice of Violation (NOV) and has completed a I 00%unit inspection. o PK Management Official Jenne McClain-Blankhead confirmed that a meeting took place between Essex Village owner Gregory Perlman and Henrico County's Deputy County AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000671 Manager of Public Safety Colonel Doug Middleton on May 8. Security , exterior site work and upgrades , sewer issues and completed work orders were discussed. County officials and PK Management agreed to meet again in 90 days. They are investigating a more controlled access to the property , have expanded security and have initiated a one -way entrance/exit during the evening hours. Confirmed that 100 percent of units have been inspected , work orders generated and work is just about complete. Owner walked through site and has ordered: o asphalt resealed and parking lot restriped - should be started this weekend. o Landscaping upgrades will continue; o Playground equipment has been repainted and new additions added. o An old basketba11 coun area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot - A contra ct is being sought to investigate (camera/engineering study) the sewer issues , the Colonel did acknowledge that although there were two backups in January , and that they were handled properly by PK Management. Mr. Perlman/owner addressed the police substation and stated his interest in accepting the Colonel ' s desire to increasing the usage of this unit, Both sides promised to cooperate with a common goal and meet again in 90 days, - All in all, all parties felt it was a step in the right direction. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000672 From: Sent: Will iams, Sheppard V Monday, June 26, 2017 4:54 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis RE: Haddington residence issue letter to HUD.PDF To: Subject: Attachments: Joeand Elvis, Thismatteris in the processof beingaddressedby multifamily.UnderMultifamily's newcorrespondence 6 wasloggedin CTSandassignedto procedures, thisrequestfrom1(b)( ) Multifamily's correspondence lastweekwitha duedateof 7/5. Themother'snameis l(b)(6) I I Sowe arewaitingfor Multifamily's response . I caninquireon TuesdaywithRandyto seeif theyhaveany info. Van S.VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud .gov D' I oo , C :. This communication, along with any att achments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic commun icat ions and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or port ion thereof is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 4:14 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: Fwd: Haddington residence issue Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From!(b)(6) Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:59 :47 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Pam Jones Subject: Haddington residence issue Mr. Defelice AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000673 I have attached a letter pertaining to our mother's application for senior living. She has been on the waiting list since January 2014. It is imperative that our mother find a place to live. Due to her handicap (hearing impaired), we believe she is not being considered residency . She desires to live at the Haddington facility and we know there have been plenty of people who have moved in and out of that facility since 2014. Please review the letter and faxes that arc submitted for a better understanding. A hard copy is being mailed as well. We appreciate your time and look forward to speaking with you soon. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000674 June 9, 2017 Joseph J. De Felice Regional Administrator HUD The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 6) (b)(... RE: ,-.(b-)( 6)____ as Haddington Elderly __ __. !Residence Dear Mr. Defelice: 6 ~ho has applied We are writing on behalf of our mothe~(b)( ) (application number 0142102) for residency at the Mah Ion M. Lewis Residence as Haddington Elderly Senior Living House. Just as way of background , our mother has a handicap (she is Hearing Impaired/Deaf) and we applied for residency in 2014. We have called continuously after our site visit in 2015 about the status of our mother's application. We have been told that there has not been any availability and that she is still on the waiting list. We do know that several people have moved in and out of the facility since our first meeting. We have some concerns that our mother's application is not being processed because of her handicap and the facility would not be able to accommodate her needs. If someone would discuss with us their concerns, we could let them know our mother 's actual limitations and specific needs. An application has been filed in January 2014, a form was sent to the facility on August 13, 2014 stating to keep our mother on the waiting list. We were asked to come to the facility to fill out documents in August 2015 and missing documents were faxed to the facility on 7/7/2015 and 8/10/2015 . A ll documents faxed are attached. It is very disheartening to not be contacted from the facility about our mother's housing status . We are contacting you first to see what assistance and/or advice you can offer us in processing our mother's application. We have been advised to contact our State Representat ive to get assistance but we want to make sure that you were aware of our situation and give you an opportunity to advise us prior to seeking that assistance . We are willing to schedule an appointment with you to discuss this matter further. Thank you for your attention in this matter . . Sincer,,ew, (b)(6) / Enclosures AM~ HICA\J VER IGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000675 DeFelice, Joseph J Tuesday, June 27, 2017 9:28 AM Will iams, Sheppard V; Solivan, Elvis Re: Haddington residence issue From: Sent: To: Subject: Please do . I would like to get back to her Joseph J. DcFclicc Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Wi lliams, Sheppard V Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 4:53:30 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Subject: RE: Haddington residence issue Joeand Elvis, UnderMultifamily's newcorrespondence Thismatteris in the processof bein addressedb 6 as loggedin CTSandassi nedto procedures, this requestfrom(b)( ) .,_a-st:-w_e_e-,--w..,.1 t~a---ru-e---r-a-:-te-o~7m5 ..... __,.-e-mothe r's nameis (b)(6) Multifamiiy's correspondence Sowe arewaitingfor Multifamily's response . I caninquireon TuesdaywithRandyto see if theyhaveany info. Van S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov D. I oo I ,o:: This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 4:14 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: Fwd: Haddington residence issue Joseph J. DcFclicc Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000676 From:l(b)( 6 ) Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:59:47 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Pam Jones Subject: Haddington residence issue Mr. Defelice I have attached a letter pertaining to our mother's application for senior living. She has been on the waiting list since January 2014. It is imperative that our mother find a place to live. Due to her handicap (hearing impaired), we believe she is not being considered residency. She desires to live at 1he Haddington facility and we know there have been plenty of people who have moved in and out of that facility since 2014. Please review the letter and faxes that arc submitted for a better understanding. A hard copy is being mailed as well. We appreciate your time and look forward to speaking with you soon. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000677 From: Sent: To: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:58 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Dunn, Tracey FW: HUD Follow-up : Essex Village FYI- missed you all on the first send. Waiting for a response from multifamily. Please note the Board of Supervisors meet ing this evening. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien , Kerri [mai lto :KOBriencajwric.coml ll Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up : EssexVillage Hi Lisa, Just checking in on that Compl iance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management . Any updates for response from HUD? Can I get a copy of it yet? Also, has the REACre-i nspection been scheduled yet? There is a meeting tonight w ith Hen rico Board of Superviso rs on EssexVillage. Thanks, Kerr Kerri O'Brien Noo n Anchor/ Invest igat ive Rep orter W RIC News W he re You Live 804-3 30-88 30 1 ffi ce 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien @lk,,r ic.rom] Tw itter: @Ker ri 8News 30 1 Arb o ret um Place, Richm o nd , Va 23236 www .wri c.com CNEWS WRIC doe.snot discrimindt e in ddVPrtising contr acts on the basis of race, et hnicity or gendPr and furthe r requi res that in t he pPrfo rmance of all WRIC advertis ine ,1ereements, WRIC requi r es t hat e,1chp.irty not discr im inate on the basis of race or et hnicit y. This e-mail and any f iles transmit t ed wi t h it are th e property of Nexstar Broadcas tin g, Inc., are confi dential , and are int ended sole ly for the use of t he individual or entity to whom t his email is add ressed "nd/o r as indicated in t he app licable tile. 1tyou are not one ot t he n,1med recipient(s) or otherwise have reason to believe th,lt yo u hc1vcreceived this message in error , please notify t he sender and delete this message immediate ly AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000678 fr om yo ur comp1,t er. Any other 1,1e, retenti on, d i,s emination, fo rwa rdi ng, print ing, or copyi ng ofthi1 e-mai l is strictly pr ohib it ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:LisaAWolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:31 PM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Kerri - Here's the update I promised. First off, I wanted you to know that I received word from PK Management's regional manager that she spoke with!(b)(6) jWednesday morning . She has been temporari ly moved to a hotel and will then move to a first-floor 3-bedroom apartment in the complex. PK Management has secured a company to help her make the move Friday morning. So, that is good news. And second, please know that we take the issues raised about the complex very seriously, and are taking the appropriate steps to ensure the families at EssexVillage have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. Here's a little background about the work that has been going on: On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and membe rs of the mu lt ifamily team we re scheduled to meet with Henrico County offic ials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, EssexVi llage at the Richmond Field Office. As you are aware, the deve lopment is considered a troubled property with a fina l REACinspection score, after appeal, of Slc* . (Available by FOIA.} In preparat ion fo r the meeting, on March 29 HUD's mult ifam ily team met with a PK Management offic ial and others to tour the site. There were many obvio us physical maintenan ce needs. HUD official s spoke to many residents and were invite d into a few units. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Middleton , Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Officials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices prev iously given to prope rty as well as (priva t ely-owned) sewer issues. Multifamily leaders discussed the prior day prop ert y v isit . Al l part ici pants agreed to monthly confe rence calls for prope rty updates . HUD Multifamily and Richmond Field Off ice leaders met with Henrico County Offic ials on May 23. Mu lt ifamily staff participated via conferenc e call. Congressman McEachin and members of his staff also participated in the call. HUD's report-out included : o o o o o o o Owne r and agent are making efforts to improve the property; Management is investigat ing a more controlled access to the property and has initiated a one -way entrance/exit during the evening hours; Security coverage has been increased; Essexis now setup on a 16-hour day security utiliz ing two off-duty Henrico Police Officers per shift; Trash pick-up has been increased; Extermination contract has been switched to Termin ix for mice, rodents and bedb ugs (if rep orted}; quarterly treatment scheduled; Per HUD guidelines as a follow -up to the failed REACscore, the owner/man ager conducted a 100 %-unit inspection; the inspection has been completed and wor k is underway t o correct the defic iencies; Owne r walked through site and has ordered : asphalt resealed and parking lot restrip ed by June 1 landscaping upgrad es wil l cont in ue; playground equipment has been repainted and new addit ion s added; unused basketball court area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot; o o o Siding has been repai red and power-washed; Owne r set aside funds for $500,000 to have three buildings re-sided to begin in 30 to 45 days (confi rmed on May 25); Contract is being sought to investigate (camera/engi neering study) of the sewer issues; Dillon Plumbing has been contracted to be completed this week; AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000679 At this point, HUD officials are reviewing the Compl iance, Disposit ion and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management last Friday . Per HUD guidel ines, the Plan defines a specified timetab le for correcting all deficiencies noted by the REACInspect ion and the 100%-unit inspection conducted by the property management company. We are also in the process of scheduling a REACRe-inspection . Happy to update you as more information is available . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 / AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000680 From: Sent: Will iams, Sheppard V Tuesday, June 27, 2017 4:21 PM Green, Patrice R; Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Robinson , Shana; Wolfe, Lisa A; Edwards, Nika V; Porinchak, Brandon R; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn; Porin chak, Brandon R; Solivan , Elvis On Leave - Wedne sday, June 28 To: Subject: I will returnto workon Thursday S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud .gov D I i1a1 ," t This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution , use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error , please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000681 From: Sent: Williams, Sheppard V To: DeFelice,Joseph J Cc: Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: Haddington residence issue Tuesday, June 27, 2017 5:13 PM Joe, I am waitingfor an updatefromthe multifamily assetmanager/contractor. RandyScheetzcontactedthem aboutprovidinga statusso thatyoucouldget backto .... l(b_)(_6) ____________ ___.IHer motherappliedfor seniorhousingat Haddington Elderlybutthereis concernabouthowlongit is taking.Theyfeelthat management hasnotbeenresponsive to inquiries. I will not be in theofficetomorrow. S. VanWilliams FOIA & CTSLiaison SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional Officeof theRegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud .gov 14111c ;? o. This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commun ications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: DeFelice,Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 9:28 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: Re: Haddington residence issue Please do . I would like to get back to her Joseph J. DcFclicc Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 4:14 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: Fwd: Haddington residence issue AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000682 Joseph J. DeFclicc Regional Administrator U. S. Deparlmenl or Housing and Urban Development From: t.... (b_)(_6) ____________ Sent; Monday, June 12, 2017 9:59:47 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Pam Jones Subject: Haddington residence issue _, Mr. Defelice I have attached a letter pertaining to our mother's application for senior living . She has been on the waiting list since January 2014. It is imperative that our mother find a place to live . Due to her handicap (hearing impaired), we believe she is not being considered residency. She desires to live at the Haddington facility and we know there have been plenty of people who have moved in and out of that facility since 2014. Please review the letter and faxes that arc submitted for a better understanding. A hard copy is being mailed as well . We appreciate your time and look forward to speaking with you soon. l(b)(6) AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000683 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:21 AM lber, Robert G; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Schmidt , Carrie S DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott , Richard M; Brown, Jereon M FW: HUD Follow -up: EssexVillage FYI Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Office r Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien~~ric .comJJ Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:19 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up : Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking back in. Henrico County has shared 9 criminal summons they have against the owners of Essex Village and Greg Pearlman. They range from failing to ma intain balconies to air condition problems to failing to fix plumbing . Any comment from HUD? Thanks, Kerri Kerri O'Brien Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter WRIC News Where You Live 804-330-88301 ffice 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien k,ric.com Twitter : @Kerri8News 301 Arboretum Place, Richmond, V;:, 23236 www.wric.com ONEWS WKIC does not discr imi nJk in Jdvertisine contr.icts on the bJsis of race, ethnicity or eender and f,at11er requires t11.it in t11cperform.ince of all WRIC adVPrli.sing agrePment.s. WRIC requires th at each party not discriminalP on the basis of race or Pthnic it y. T his c r11 Jil c1ndany fi les trJnsmitted w ith it Jrc the property of NcxstJr BroJdcJ,ting, AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Inc., ,1rc confidcntiJI , c1ndJre intended solely for the use of HUD-17-0235-C-000684 the individual or entity to whom this email is addressed and/or as indicated in the applicable file. If you are not one of the named recip ient(s) or otherwise h.ive re<1sonto believe tl1c1tyo u have received this rness<1ecin error, ple<1scnoti fy t he sender end delete th,s messaee ,rnmediete ly fr om you r compu ter. /\ny other use, rP.tention, dissemindtion, fo rwa rding, printing, or copyi ng of this e-m;iil is .st rictly pro hib ite d. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe @hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:56 AM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Kerri - Checking now . W ill get back to you short ly . Lisa Lisa A. Wo lfe Regional Public Affa irs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developmen t The Wanamak er Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215 ) 430 -6640 From: O'Bri en, Kerri [mai lto:KOBrien ~w ric.comJII Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 201710 :53 AM To: Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow -up : Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking in on that Compl iance, Dispo sition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Managemen t. Any updates for response from HUD? Can I get a copy of it yet? Also, has the REACre-i nspection been scheduled yet? There is a meeting tonight w it h Hen rico Board of Supervi so rs on Essex Village. Thanks, Kerr Kerri O'Brien Noon Anchor/ Investigative Reporter W RIC News W here You Live lpffic e ,804-330-88 30 804-396-39 78 Cell kobrien kir ic.co rn Tw itter: @Kerr i8News 301 Arboretu m Place, Richm o nd , Va 23236 www.wri c.com ONEWS WRIC doc, not discr iminate in advertising con trocts on the basis of race, eth nicity or gender and further require, that in the performance of all WRIC advertising agreements, WRIC requi r es th;at each p;arty not di,crim inate on the basis of race or ethnicity . Thi.se-mail and ;iny fi les transmitted with it are the property of Nexstar Broad ca.sti ng, Inc., ;ire rnnfidential , and are intended solely fo r thP use of the individual or entity to whom t his email is addre ssed and/or as ind icated in the appl icable file . If you ;are not one of the named recipient( s) or AMl Hl(,AN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000685 ot herwi,e have reason to believe that yo u have receive d this me.1sage in error, please notify t he sender ,ind delete t hi1 mes,age immediate ly fr om yo ur cornp c,te r. Any ot her c,se, ret ent ion, dissc min.3tion. forw .irdine, pnnt, ne, or copy,ne of t h,s e rn.1il is strictly pro hibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:31 PM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Kerri - Here's the update I promised . First off, I wanted you to know that I received word from PK Management's regional manager that she spoke withl(b)(6) }/ednesday morning. She has been temporari ly moved to a hotel and will then move to a first -floor 3-bedroom apartmenl in the complex . PK Management has secured a company to help her make the move Friday morni ng. So, that is good news. And second , please know that we take the issues raised about the complex very seriously, and are ta king the appropriate steps to ensure the families at EssexVillage have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. Here's a little background about the work that has been going on: On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and membe rs of the mult ifamily team we re scheduled to meet with Henrico County offic ials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property , EssexVi llage at the Richmond Field Office . As you are aware, t he development is considered a troubled property with a fina l REACinspection score, after appeal, of Slc*. (Available by FOIA.) In preparat ion fo r the meeting , on March 29 HUD's multifam ily team met with a PK Management offic ial and others to tour the site . There were many obvious physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invite d into a few units . On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Middleton , Deputy County Ma nager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Officials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices previously given to property as well as (privately-owned) sewer issues. Multifamily leaders discussed the prior day property v isit . Al l participants agreed to monthly conference calls for property updates. HUD Multifamily and Richmond Field Office leaders met with Henrico County Offic ials on May 23. Mu lt ifamily staff participated via conference call. Congressman McEachin and members of his staff also participated in the call. HUD's report-out included: o o o o o o o Owne r and agent are making efforts to improve the property; Management is investigat ing a mo re cont rolled access to the property and has initiated a one -way entrance/exit during the evening hours; Security coverage has been increased; Essexis now setup on a 16-hour day security utilizing two off -duty Henrico Police Officers per shift; Trash pick-up has been increased; Extermination contra ct has been swit ched to Termin ix for mice, rodents and bedbugs (if reported}; quarterly treatment scheduled ; Per HUD guidelines as a follow-up to the failed REACscore, the owner/manager conducted a 100 %-unit inspection ; the inspection has been completed and work is underway to correct the defic iencies; Owner walked through site and has ordered : asphalt resealed and parking lot restriped by June 1 landscaping upgrades wil l continue; playground equipment has been repainted and new addit ions added; unused basketball court area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot; o o o Siding has been repaired and power -washed; Owne r set aside funds for $500,000 to have three buildi ngs re-sided to begin in 30 to 45 days (confi rmed on May 25); Contra ct is being sought to investigate (camera/engi neering study) of the sewer issues; Dillon Plumbing has been contracted to be completed this week; AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000686 At this point, HUD officials are reviewing the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management last Friday. Per HUD guidelines, the Plan defines a specified timetable for correcting all deficiencies noted by the REACInspection and the 100%-unit inspection conducted by the property management company. We are also in the process of scheduling a REACRe-inspection. Happy to update you as more information is available. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 ::._/ AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000687 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Anastasi, Carolyn M Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:27 AM Wolfe, Lisa A; Iber, Robert G; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C; Schmidt, Carrie S DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M; Brown, Jereon M RE: HUD Follow -up : Essex Village Can you request a copy of the criminal summons to date these have not been shared by Henrico county. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:21 AM To: lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Ott, Richard M ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: FW: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Importance: High FYI Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien~k,Jric .com]jJ Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:19 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking back in. Henrico County has shared 9 criminal summons they have against the owners of Essex Village and Greg Pearlman. They range from failing to ma intain balconies to air condition problems t o fail ing to fix plumbing . Any comment from HUD? Thanks, Kerri Kerri O'Brien AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000688 Noo n Anchor/ Investigat ive Reporter W RIC News W here You Live 804-330-88 30 1 ffi ce 804-396-3978 Cell kobri en br ic.corn Tw itter: @Kerr i8News 301 Arbo retu m Place, Richm o nd, Va 23236 www .wri c.com ONEWS t!ll'..';.E.!1 u 11o.!.tJIM WRIC does not discrimindte in ddVPrt ising con tr acts on the basis of race, eth n icity or ge n dPr and furthPr requires that in the pPrfo rmance of all WR IC advertising agreements , WR IC requi r es t hat each party not d iscr imi nate on the basis of race or ethnic ity. T hi.s e-mai l d nd ;m y fi les transmitted with it are t he prope rty of Nexstar Broad ca.stin g, Inc., ;,re confi d en ti al, an d are int e nded sole ly fo r thP use of t he ind ividual or e ntity to whom t h is email is add ressed and/o r as ind icated in t h e appl icable file . If you are no t one of the named recip ie nt( s) or otherwise have reason to believe th,H you h,wc received this message in error , pleJ,e noti fy t he sender and delete th is rnc,sagc immediate ly from yo u r comp ut P.r. /\ny other usP.i rP.tP.ntion, dissemination, fo rwi-ird ingi pr int ing! o r copyi ng of this e.-m-Milis .':itrictly pro hibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:56 AM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Kerri - Checking now . Will get back to you short ly . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215 ) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien@w ric .com]II Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow -up: Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking in on that Compl iance, Disposition and Enforcemen t Plan submitted by PK Manag emen t . Any updates for response from HUD? Can I get a copy of it yet? Also, has the REACre-i nspection been scheduled yet? There is a meetin g tonight w it h Henrico Board of Superviso rs on Essex Village. Thanks, Kerr Kerri O'Brien AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000689 Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter WRIC News Where You Live 804-330-88301 ffice 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien bric.corn Twitter: @Kerri8News 301 Arboretum Place, Richmond, Va 23236 www.wric.com ~ . NEWS WRIC does not discrimindte in ddVPrtising con tr acts on the basis of race, ethnicity or gendPr and furthPr requires that in the pPrfo rm ance of all WRIC advertising agreements, WRIC requi re s that each party not discriminate Th i.se-mai l dnd ;my fi les transmitted on the basis of race or ethni cit y. with it are the property of Nexst ar Bro ad ca.sting, Inc., ;,re confi d en tial , and are intended solely for thP use of t he ind iv idual or entity to whom this email is addr essed and/or as indicated in t he applicable file . If you are not one of the named recipient( s) or otherwise have reason to believe th,H you h,wc received this message in err or, pleJ,e noti fy t he sender and delete this rnc,sagc immediately from yo ur comp ut P.r. /\ny other usP.i rP.tP.ntion, dissemination, forwi-irdi ngi pr int ing! or copying of this e.-m-Milis .':itrictly prohibited. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:31 PM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: HUD Follow-up: EssexVillage Kerri - Here's the update I promised. First off, I wanted you to know that I received word from PK Management ' s ~ednesday morning. She has been temporari ly moved to a hotel and regional manager that she spoke with f(b)(6) will then move to a first-floor 3-bedroom apartment in the complex, PK Management has secured a company to help her make the move Friday morning. So, that is good news. And second, please know that we take the issues raised about the complex very seriously, and are taking the appropriate steps to ensure the families at EssexVillage have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repa ir. Here's a little background about the work that has been going on: On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and members of the mult ifamily team were scheduled to meet with Henrico County officials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, EssexVi llage at the Richmond Field Office. As you are aware, the deve lopment is considered a troubled property with a fina l REACinspection score, after appeal, of 51c*. (Available by FOIA.} In preparat ion for the meeting, on March 29 HUD's mu ltifami ly team met with a PK Management offic ial and others to tour the site. There were many obvious physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invited into a few units. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Middleton, Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Officials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices previously given to property as well as (privately-owned) sewer issues. Multifamily leaders discussed the prior day property v isit . All participants agreed to monthly conference calls for property updates. HUD Multifamily and Ric hmond Field Off ice leader s met with Henrico County Officials on May 23. Mu ltifa mily staff participated via conference call. Congressman McEachin and members of his staff also participated in the call. HUD' s report-out included : o Owne r and agent are making efforts to improve the property; o Management is investigating a more controlled access to the property and has initiated a one-way entrance/exit during the evening hours; o Security coverage has been increased; Essexis now setup on a 16-hour day security utilizing two off-duty Henrico Police Officers per shift; Trash pick-up has been increased; Extermination contract has been switched to Termin ix for mice, rodents and bedbugs (if reported}; quarterly treatment scheduled; o o AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000690 o o Per HUD guidelines as a follow-up to the failed REACscore, the owner/manager conducted a 100 %-unit inspection; the inspection has been completed and work is underway to correct the defic iencies; Owner walked through site and has ordered : asphalt resealed and parking lot restriped by June 1 landscaping upgrades will continue; playground equipment has been repainted and new additions added; unused basketball court area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot; o o o Siding has been repaired and power-washed; Owner set aside funds for $500,000 to have three buildings re-sided to begin in 30 to 45 days (confirmed on May 25); Contract is being sought to investigate (camera/engineering study) of the sewer issues; Dillon Plumbing has been contracted to be completed this week; At this point, HUD officials are reviewing the Compl iance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management last Friday. Per HUD guidel ines, the Plan defines a specified timetab le for correct ing all deficiencies noted by the REACInspection and the 100%-unit inspection conducted by the property management company . We are also in the process of scheduling a REACRe-inspection . Happy to update you as more information is available. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000691 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Schmidt, Carrie S Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:33 AM Anastasi , Carolyn M; Wolfe , Lisa A; lber , Robert G; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott , Richard M; Brown , Jereon M RE: HUD Follow -up : Essex Village In Virginia if a Notice of Vio lation has been issued by the locality, and the time has exp ired to cure, next step is to take it to court. llltlll . 11111111 . Carrie S. Schmidt Field Off ice Director US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4807 (Voice) 804-822-4984 (Fax) ~ Please do not print th is e-ma il unle ss necessary From: Anastasi, Carolyn M Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:27 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Ott, Richard M Can you request a copy of the criminal summons to date these have not been shared by Henrico county. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:21 AM To: lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Schmidt , Carrie 5 Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: FW: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Importance: High Ott, Richard M FYI AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000692 Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Offic e of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien~wric.comJ II Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711 :19 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up : Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking back in. Henrico County has shar ed 9 crimin al summon s th ey have against the own ers of Essex Village and Greg Pearlman . They range from failing to ma int ain balconies to air condition problems t o fail ing to fix plumbing . Any comment from HUD? Thank s, Kerri Kerri O'Brien Noo n Ancho r/ Invest igati ve Reporte r W RIC News W here You Live 804-330-8830 1 ffice 804-396-3 978 Cell kobrien wric.corn Tw itter: @Kerr i8N ews 30 1 A rbo ret um Place, Richm o nd , Va 2323 6 www .wric .com CNEWS WRIC doe, not discr irni nat c in advertising con tracts on t he basis of race, eth ni city or gender and fur t her requ ire, that in th e per formance of all WRIC advH t i.sing agrei,men t.s, WRIC requir es th at each party not discr im inat e on the basis of race or et hnicity . Thi, c mail and ,rny files t ran,rnit ted wi t h it arc th e proper ty of Ncxstor Broadc a, tin g, Inc., Me con fidenti al, and are int ended sole ly for the use of t he in dividual or ent ity to whom t his email is add ressed and/o r as ind icated in t he appli cabli, filE. If you are not one of the named r ecipii, nt(s) or otherw ise have reason t o believe that yo u have received this message in err or, please not ify t he sender and delete t his message immediate ly fr om yo ur compu ter. Any other use. retent ion, dissemination, fo rwa rd ing, printi ng, or copy ing of th is e m<1il is strictly prohibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:56 AM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: RE: HUDFollow-up:EssexVillage Hi Kerri - Checking now. Will get back to you short ly. Lisa AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000693 Lisa A. Wo lfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Offic e of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430 -6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien@iwric.com]li Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE:HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking in on that Compl iance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management . Any updates for response from HUD? Can I get a copy of it yet? Also, has the REACre-inspection been scheduled yet? There is a meeting tonight w ith Henr ico Board of Supervisors on EssexVillage. Thanks, Kerr Kerri O'Brien Noon Ancho r/ Invest igati ve Repor t er W RIC News W here You Live 804-3 30-8830 1 ffice 804-396-3 978 Cell kobrien wric.corn Tw itter: @Kerr i8News 30 1 Arbo retu m Place, Richm o nd , Va 2323 6 www .wric .com CNEWS WRIC doe, no t discr irni nat c in advertising con tracts on t he basis of race, eth ni city or gender and fur t her requ ire, that in t he perfo rmance of all WRIC advHti.si ng agrei,men t.s, WRIC req uir es t hat each party not di scrim inat e on the basis of race or et hnicity . Thi, c mail and ,rny files t ran,rnit ted wi t h it arc th e proper ty of Ncxstor Broadc a, ti ng, Inc., Me con fidenti al, and are int ended sole ly for the use of t he individual or ent ity to whom t his email is add ressed and/o r as ind icated in t he appli cabli, fili,_ If you are not one of the named r ecipii, nt(s) or otherw ise have reason t o believe that yo u have received this message in err or, please not ify t he sender and delete t his message immediate ly from yo ur compu ter. Any other use. retent ion, dissemination, fo rwa rd ing. printi ng. or copy ing of th is e m<1il is str ictly prohibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:31 PM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Kerri - Here's the update I promised. First off, I wanted you to know that I received word from PK Management's regional manager that she spoke with,(b)(6 ) !Wednesday morning. She has been temporari ly moved to a hotel and AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000694 will then move to a first-floor 3-bedroom apartment in the complex . PK Management has secured a company to help her make the move Friday morning. So, that is good news. And second, please know that we take the issues raised about the complex very seriously, and are taking the appropriate steps to ensure the families at Essex Village have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair . Here's a little background about the work that has been going on: On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and members of the mult ifamily team were scheduled to meet with Henrico County officials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, Essex Vi llage at the Richmond Field Office. As you are aware, the deve lopment is considered a troubled property with a fina l REACinspection score, after appeal, of Slc*. (Available by FOIA.) In preparation for the meeting, on March 29 HUD's mu ltifamily team met with a PK Management offic ial and others to tour the site. There were many obvious physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invited into a few units. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Middleton, Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Officials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices previously given to property as well as {privately-owned) sewer issues. Multifamily leaders discussed the prior day property v isit. All participants agreed to monthly conference calls for property updates. HUD Multifamily and Richmond Field Office leaders met with Henrico County Officials on May 23. Mu ltifamily staff participated via conference call. Congressman McEachin and members of his staff also participated in the call. HU D's report-out included : o Owner and agent are making efforts to improve the property; o Management is investigating a more controlled access to the property and has initiated a one -way entrance/exit during the evening hours; o Security coverage has been increased; Essex is now setup on a 16-hour day security utilizing two off -duty Henrico Police Officers per shift; o Trash pick-up has been increased; o Extermination contract has been switched to Termin ix for mice, rodents and bedbugs (if reported); quarterly treatment scheduled; o Per HUD guidelines as a follow-up to the failed REACscore, the owner/manager conducted a 100 %-unit inspection; the inspection has been completed and work is underway to correct the defic ienc ies; o Owner walked through site and has ordered : asphalt resealed and parking lot restriped by June 1 landscaping upgrades will continue; playground equipment has been repainted and new add itions added; unused basketball court area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot; o Siding has been repaired and power-washed ; o Owner set aside funds for $500,000 to have three buildings re-sided to begin in 30 to 45 days (confirmed on May 25); o Contract is being sought to investigate (camera/engineering been contracted to be completed this week; study) of the sewer issues; Dil lon Plumbing has At this point, HUD officials are reviewing the Compl iance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management last Friday. Per HUD guidel ines, the Plan defines a specified timetab le for correcting all deficiencies noted by the REACInspect ion and the 100%-unit inspection conducted by the property management company. We are also in the process of scheduling a REACRe-inspection. Happy to update you as more information is avai lable. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development AM[ Hl(,AN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000695 The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -:__ / AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000696 Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:35 AM Schmidt, Carrie S; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Iber, Robert G; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott , Richard M; Brown, Jereon M RE: HUD Follow -up: Essex Village From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Already made the request. Wi ll send as soon as I receive from the repo rter . Checking online now ... Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Office r Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430 -6640 From: Schmidt , Carrie S Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:33 AM To: Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Ott, Richard M ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: RE: HUD Follow -up : Essex Village In Virginia if a Notice of Violation has been issued by the locality, and the time has exp ired to cure, next step is to take it to court . 1111111 . 11111111 . Carrie S. Schmidt Field Office Director US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23219 804 -822 -4807 (Voice) 804-822-4984 (Fax) ~ Please do not print th is e-ma il unless necessary From: Anastasi, Carolyn M Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:27 AM AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000697 To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; lber , Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Schmidt, Carrie 5 Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: EssexVillage Ott, Richard M Can you request a copy of the criminal summons to date these have not been shared by Henrico county. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:21 AM To: lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Ott, Richard M ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: FW: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Importance: High FYI Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto:KOBrien{ajwric.comJ II Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:19 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: EssexVillage Hi Lisa, Just checking back in. Henrico County has shared 9 criminal summons they have against the owners of EssexVillage and Greg Pearlman . They range from failing to ma intain balconies to air condition problems t o failing to fix plumbing . Any comment from HUD? Thanks , Kerri Kerri O'Brien Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter WRIC News Whe re You Live 804 -3 30-8830 lprnce AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000698 804-396-3978 Cell kob rien l,Nric.com Twitter : @Kerri8News 301 Arboretum Place, Richmond, Va 23236 www .wric .com ONEWS WRIC docs not discriminate in advertis ing contracts on the ba,is of race, eth nicity or gender and further require, that in the performance of all \.'VRIC adw~rti.'-iing.-1grP.P.mP.nts , \.'VRICrP.quir P.s th r:1tp;,ich pr:1rty not discriminatP. on thP. basis of race or P.thnicity . T hi, e mail and ,iny files transmitted with it arc the property of Ncxstar Broadcast ing, Inc., ,ire confidential , and arc intended solely for the use of the individudl or entity to whom this P.mdil is addressed and/o r dS indicated in the appl icab li, fili, . If you are not one of the named recipii,nt(s) or otherwise h.Jvere.11011 to believe tl1,1tyou 11-wereceived this rness.iee in error, please notify 11,csender .ind delete thrs message,rnmedi.ite ly from you r compu te r. Any other u,c. retention , di,scrnination, forv,arding, printing, or copying of thi, c m,1il is strictly pro hibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:56 AM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: RE: HUDFollow-up:EssexVillage Hi Kerri - Checking now. Will get back to you short ly. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien@wric .com]I] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Lisa, Just checking in on that Compl iance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management. Any updates for response from HUD? Can I get a copy of it yet? Also, has the REACre-inspection been scheduled yet? There is a meeting tonight w ith Henr ico Board of Supervisors on EssexVillage. Thanks, Kerr Kerri O'Brien Noo n Anchor/Investigative Reporter WRIC News Where You Live 804-330-8830 lpffice AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000699 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien l,Nric.com Twitter : @Kerri8Ne ws 301 Ar bore tu m Place, Richmond , Va 23236 www .wric .com O. NEWS W RIC docs not discr iminat e in advertis ing contr acts on t he ba,is of race, eth nicity or gender and fur t her requ ire, that in th e perfo rmance of all \.'VRIC a dw~rt i.'-i ing .-1grP.P.mP.n ts, \.'VRIC rP.qui r P.s th r:1 t p;,ich p r:1rtyno t di scr imin a t P. on thP. bas is of race o r P.th n icity. T hi, e ma il and ,in y files t ransmit ted wi t h it arc th e proper ty of Ncxstar Broadc asti ng, Inc., ,ire con fidential , and arc int ended sole ly for the use of t he in dividu dl or ent ity t o who m th is P.mdil is add ressed and/ or dS indic ate d in t he applicab li, fili, . If you are not one of t he named r ecipii, nt (s) o r ot herwise h.Jvere.11011t o believe tl1,1t you 11-we received this rness.iee in error, please not ify 11 ,c sender .ind delete t hrs message ,rnmedi.it ely fr om your compu te r. A ny ot her u, c . retent ion , di,scrnination, forv, ard ing, print ing, or copy ing of th i, c m,1il is strict ly pr ohibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:31 PM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Kerri - Here's the update I promised. First off, I wanted you to know that I received word from PK Management's regional manager that she spoke with l(b)(6) r1ednesday morning. She has been temporari ly moved to a hotel and will then mov e to a first -floor 3-bedroom apartment in the complex . PK Management has secured a company to help her make the move Friday morni ng. So, t hat is good news. And second, please know that we take the issues raised about the complex very seriously , and are ta king the appropriate steps to ensure the families at EssexVillage have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repa ir. Here's a little background about the work that has been going on : On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and membe rs of the mu lt ifamily team were scheduled to meet with Henrico County offic ials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property , EssexVi llage at the Ric hmond Field Office. As you are aware, t he deve lopment is considered a troubled property with a fina l REACinspection score, after appeal, of Slc*. (Available by FOIA.) In preparat ion fo r the meeting , on March 29 HUD's mu lt ifam ily team met with a PK Man agement offic ial and others to tour the site. There were many obvio us physical maintenance needs. HUD officials spoke to many residents and were invited into a few units. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Middleton , Deput y County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Off icials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaint s concerning exterior physical violation notices prev iously given to property as well as (privately -owned) sewer issues. Multifamily leaders discussed the prior day property v isit. Al l partic ipants agreed to monthly conference calls for property updates. HUD Multifamily and Ric hmond Field Office leaders met with Henrico County Offic ials on May 23. Mu lt ifamily staff participated via conference call. Congressman McEachin and members of his staff also participated in the call. HUD' s report-out included : o o o o o o o Owne r and agent are making efforts to improve the prope rty ; Management is inve stig at ing a mo re cont rolled access to the prope rty and has initiated a one -way entrance/exit during the evening hours; Security coverage has been increased; Essexis now setup on a 16-hour day security ut ilizing two off -duty Henrico Police Officers per shift; Trash pick-up has been increased; Extermination contract has been switched to Termin ix for mice, rodents and bedb ugs (if reported); quarterly treatment scheduled ; Per HUD guidelines as a follow -up to the failed REACscore, the owner/manager conducted a 100 %-unit inspection; the inspection has been completed and work is underway to correct the defic iencies; Owne r walked through site and has ordered : AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000700 asphalt resealed and parking lot restriped by June 1 landscaping upgrades wil l continue; playground equipment has been repainted and new addit ion s added; unused basketball court area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot ; o Siding has been repai red and power-washed; o Owne r set aside funds for $500,000 to have three buildings re-sided to begin in 30 to 45 days (confi rmed on May 25); Cont ract is being sought to investigate (camera/engi neering study) of the sewer issues; Dillon Plumbing has been contracted to be completed this week; o At th is point, HUD officials are reviewing the Compl iance, Disposit ion and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management last Friday . Per HUD guidel ines, the Plan defines a specified timetab le for correct ing all deficiencie s noted by the REACInspect ion and the 100%-unit inspection conducted by the property management company . We are also in the process of sched uling a REACRe-inspection . Happy to update you as more informatio n is available . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 - / AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000701 From: Sent: To: Subject: Williams, Sheppard V Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:42 PM DeFelice,Joseph J Automatic reply: Haddington residence issue I am not in the office today, Wednesday, June 28. I will respond to your message upon my return on June 29. For immediate assistance, please contact our Customer Service Representative at 215656-0600. For FOIA matters, please contact my supervisor, Richard.M.Ott@hud.gov at 215-430-6621. Thank you. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000702 From: Sent: DeFelice, Joseph J Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:42 PM Will iams, Sheppard V Solivan, Elvis; Ott , Richard M Re: Haddington residence issue To: Cc: Subject: Great thank you Joseph J. Defelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Wi lliams, Sheppard V Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 5:12:45 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Cc: Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M Subject : RE: Haddington residence issue Joe, ::e7 J:a~:contractor Ra:y co:tacted Ithem Her I amwaitingfor an updatefromthe multifamily asset aboutprovidinga statusso thatyoucouldget backto (b)( 5) motherappliedfor seniorhousingat Haddington Eldery u ere 1sconcerna ou ow ong1 1s taking.Theyfeelthat management hasnotbeenresponsive to inquiries. I will not be in theofficetomorrow. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof theRegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov D' I oo , C: This communication, alo ng with any attachmen t s, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electroni c commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipien t, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent; Tuesday, June 27, 2017 9:28 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: Re: Haddington residence issue Please do . I would like to get hack to her AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000703 Joseph J. DcFelicc Regional Administrator U . S. Department or Housing and Urban Development From: Defelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 4:14 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: Fwd: Haddington residence issue Joseph J _ DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ~:~~:rt~:,~~y, JUiie 12, 201) 9.59.41 AIVI To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Pam Jones Subject: Haddington residence issue Mr. Defelice I have attached a letter pertaining to our mother. s application for senior Iiving. She has been on the waiting list since January 2014. It is imperative that our mother find a place to live. Due to her handicap (hearing impaired), we believe she is not being considered residency. She desires to live at the Haddington facility and we know there have been plenty of people who have moved in and out of that facility since 2014 . Please review the letter and faxes that are submitted for a better understanding. A hard copy is being mailed as well. We appreciate your time and look forward to speaking with you soon. l(b)(6) AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000704 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:44 PM lber, Robert G; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Brown, Jereon M DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Ott, Richard M; Rader, Brad E; Davis, Anne FW: HUD Follow-up : Essex Village June 27 summonses .pdf Here are the first NINE. Two more in the works ... Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mailto:K0Brien@~ric.com]J Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:43 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Lisa, Here are copies of the summonses. There are 9. Henrico tells me they w ill be serving two more. Thanks, Kerri Kerri O'Brien Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter WRIC News Where You Live 804-330-88301 ffice 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien l,Nric.com Twitter : @Kerri8News 301 Arboretum Place, Richmond, Va 23236 www .wric.com ONEWS WRIC doc, not discriminate in advertising controcts on the basis of race, ethnicity or gender and further require, that in the performance of all WRIC advprtising agrepments , WRIC requires that each party not di scriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity. Thi, e mail and ,rny files tran, rnit tcd with it arc the property of Ncxstar Broadca,ting, Inc., <1reconfidential , and arc intended sole ly for the use of the individual or entity to whom this email is addressed and/or as indicated in the applicablP filP . If you are not one of the named r ecipiPnt (s) or otherwi se have reason to believe that yo u have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete this message immediately AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000705 from your computer. Any other u1e, retention , di,semination, forwa rdi ng, printing, or copying ofthi1 e-mail is strictly prohibited. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:LisaAWolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:31 AM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Kerri- I'm afraid that I am unaware of this . Can you please send what you received from them? Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto:KOBrientajwric.coml ll Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 201711:19 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: EssexVillage Hi Lisa, Just checking back in. Henrico County has shared 9 criminal summons they have against the owners of EssexVillage and Greg Pearlman. They range from failing t o maintain balconie s to air condition problems to failing to f ix plumbing. Any comment from HUD? Thanks, Kerri Kerri O'Brien Noon Anchor/lnvestigcitive Reporter WRIC News Where You Live 804-330-88301 ffice 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien k,,ric.corrj Twitter: @Kerr i8New s 301 Arboretum Place, Richmond, Va 23236 www .wric .com CNEWS WRIC does not discrimi nate in advertising cont racts on the bo1is of race, eth nic ity or gender and further requires that in the perfo rmance of all WRIC advertising agreements , WRIC requires that each party not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnic ity . This e-moil and any fi les tronsmitted with it are the property of Nexstar Broodcast inR, Inc., are confidential , and ore intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom this email is addressed Jnd/or as indicated in the applicable tile. It you are not one ot the n,1med recip ient(s) or AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000706 othe rwi,e have reason to believe that you have received this me.1sage in error , please notify the sender ,ind delete thi1 mes,age immediate ly from your cornpc,t cr. Any other c,sc,retention, disscmin.3tion. forw.irdine, pnnt ,ne, or copy,ne ofth,s c .rn.1il is strictly pro hibit ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:56 AM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Hi Kerri - Checking now. Will get back to you short ly . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: O'Brien, Kerri [mai lto :KOBrien~kvric.com] jJ Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD Follow-up: EssexVillage Hi Lisa, Just checking in on that Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management. Any updates for response from HUD? Can I get a copy of it yet? Also, has the REACre-inspection been scheduled yet? There is a meeting tonight w ith Henr ico Board of Supervisors on EssexVillage. Thanks, Kerr Kerri O'Brien Noo n Anchor/Investigative Reporter WRIC News Where You Live 804-330-88301 ffice 804-396-3978 Cell kobrien@lwric.com1 Twitt er: @Kerri8News 301 Arboretum www.wric.com Place, Richmond, Va 23236 "NEWS WKIC docs not discriminJtc in .3dvcrtisine contr.icts on the bosis of race, ethnicity or ecndcr .ind f,nthcr requires th.it in the pcrform.incc of all WRIC cidverti,ing ,1grcemcn1,, WRIC requi res that c,ich party not disoiminatc on the ba, is of race or ethnicity. I h,s e-mail Jnd .1nyfi les tr;i111mittcd wit11it arc Ilic property of Ncxst.ir Broadc.istine, Inc, .,re confidential, Jnd arc intended solely for tl1e use of the individudl or entity to whom this emilil is addressed and/or ils indicated in the applicablP filP. If you are not one of the named recipient(s) or otherwise have reason to believe that yo u have received this messoge in error , please notify the sender ond delete thi1 message immediote ly AMl Hl(,AN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000707 fr om yo ur comp1,t er. Any other 1,1e, retenti on, d i,s emination, fo rwa rdi ng, print ing, or copyi ng ofthi1 e-mai l is strictly pr ohib it ed. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:LisaAWolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:31 PM To: O'Brien, Kerri Subject: HUD Follow-up: Essex Village Kerri - Here's the update I promised. First off, I wanted you to know that I received word from PK Management's regional manager that she spoke withHb){6) Wednesday morning . She has been temporari ly moved to a hotel and will then move to a first-floor 3-bedroom apartment in the complex. PK Management has secured a company to help her make the move Friday morning. So, that is good news. And second, please know that we take the issues raised about the complex very seriously, and are taking the appropriate steps to ensure the families at EssexVillage have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. I Here's a little background about the work that has been going on: On March 30, Director Carrie Schmidt and membe rs of the mu lt ifamily team we re scheduled to meet with Henrico County offic ials to discuss concerns about the HUD-assisted property, EssexVi llage at the Richmond Field Office. As you are aware, the deve lopment is considered a troubled property with a fina l REACinspection score, after appeal, of Slc* . (Available by FOIA.} In preparat ion fo r the meeting, on March 29 HUD's mult ifam ily team met with a PK Management offic ial and others to tour the site. There were many obvio us physical maintenan ce needs. HUD official s spoke to many residents and were invite d into a few units. On March 30, HUD staff met with Colonel Doug Middleton , Deputy County Manager of Public Safety, and 10 other County Officials at the Richmond Field Office. The Colonel voiced complaints concerning exterior physical violation notices prev iously given to prope rty as well as (priva t ely-owned) sewer issues. Multifamily leaders discussed the prior day prop ert y v isit . Al l part ici pants agreed to monthly confe rence calls for prope rty updates . HUD Multifamily and Richmond Field Off ice leaders met with Henrico County Offic ials on May 23. Mu lt ifamily staff participated via conferenc e call. Congressman McEachin and members of his staff also participated in the call. HUD's report-ou t included : o o o o o o o Owne r and agent are making efforts to improve the property; Management is investigat ing a more controlled access to the property and has initiated a one -way entrance/exit during the evening hours; Security coverage has been increased; Essexis now setup on a 16-hour day security utiliz ing two off-duty Henrico Police Officers per shift; Trash pick-up has been increased; Extermination contract has been switched to Termin ix for mice, rodents and bedbugs (if rep orted}; quarterly treatment scheduled; Per HUD guidelines as a follow -up to the failed REACscore , t he owner/man ager conducted a 100 %-unit inspection; the inspection has been completed and wor k is underway t o correct the defic iencies; Owne r walked through site and has ordered : asphalt resealed and parking lot restrip ed by June 1 landscaping upgrad es wil l cont in ue; playground equipment has been repainted and new addit ion s added; unused basketball court area has been redefined and is being transformed to become a new fenced in 'tot' lot; o o o Siding has been repai red and power-washed; Owne r set aside funds for $500,000 to have three buildings re-sided to begin in 30 to 45 days (confi rmed on May 25); Contract is being sought to investigate (camera/engi neering study) of the sewer issues; Dillon Plumbing has been contracted to be completed this week; AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000708 At this point, HUD officials are reviewing the Compl iance, Disposit ion and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management last Friday . Per HUD guidel ines, the Plan defines a specified timetab le for correcting all deficiencies noted by the REACInspect ion and the 100%-unit inspection conducted by the property management company. We are also in the process of scheduling a REACRe-inspection . Happy to update you as more information is available . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 / AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000709 SUMMONS OF CORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CASENO. Hearing Date/Time Va. Code? 19.2-76; Rule 3A: 4 ACCUSED: [~ General District Court [ ] Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court ..................... ....... .................................. ........................ ..H~!P.1~Q o . CITY OR COUNTY 23228-2745 VA 4301 East Parham Road .............Henrico ........ .... .... ....... ... ... ..... ... ...... .. .... ..... ....... ........ ..... .... ... .......... .... ... ...... ... ...... ....... 1...... ........ ...... ..... .. ... ..... .... .. ......................... ..... ...... ..... . STI\EE.TADDRESSOF COURT ...... _Jul.28,..2017...... ..Essex_v A .Investors.LLC/ ....................... NAME OF LEGAL arrJTY . ............................... ..Paracorp .Inc ............................. .. 09:00.AM ....... . ............ ..7288 .Hanover. Green Dr .................... TJON Al>DRESS/UlCA TO THE ACCUSED: .... ............... ..Mechanicsville.,.VA 23111 ........ The accused is commanded to appear before this Court on , ............... ......... to oanswer the charge that on or about .9.~12..?f.?:9.J:1 ...... .... ..... ..~...... 9.~.:9.9. ....... .~..?Q.~.?. .!.~1.?~ DATE DATEANDTIMEOF HEARING the accused did unlawfully [ ) and feloniously andguardswhichviolatessection304.2,304.9, violateVirginiacodebyfailingto properlyreplaceor maintainbalconies Code, 304.1Oand304.12of the2012VirginiaMaintenance CLASS_lLMISDEMEANOR FELONY CLASS Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2~76. DATEAND TIME OF SERVICE ... ... ............................... ... .. ...... .... .... ............... ...... .... , OFFICER BADOENO.o AGENCYANDJUIUSOICTION for ........................................................................................ SHERIFF tx] in violation of Section [ 1 iJ?-violation .. , Code of Virginia. ......................... 2.9.::lQ?.(~J. ............................., Code or Ordinances of this city, county, or town. of Section ,....................... The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other times and places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued, transferred. or appealed. [ ] EXECUTED by serviceon an officer, director, manager,or employeeof the accusedlegal entity. [ ] EXECUTEDby service on a registeredagent. NAMEOF R.EPJlGBPSENTATIVE TJTU:OF REl'RESfflTATIVE I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accused committed the offense charged, .. , Complainant. ...G.9.t~.Q.P.:..........~:gj!gmgJ~P..~.......... ...R:.T., Based on the sworn statements of .J.P.~P.~9.t9.!.. . .06/27/2017 .08:42.AM ............... l>ATEANDTIME ISSUED ADDRESS Short Offense Description: CODEVIOLATION BUILDING .087~~170002220Q Offense FOR ADMINISTRATIVEUSE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: ORD-9967-M9 FORM PC-321 MASTER 10/09 IER I HT HUD-17-0235-C-000710 ....... SUMMONS OF CORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY < OR FELONY MISDEMEANOR m JJ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CASE NO. [XJ en ....[ ] ...... ...... ................. ....................................... - ..lJ.~P.:n.99.............. ACCUSED: General District Court Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court G) CITYOlt COUNTY :::c 23228-2745............................ Henrico Road Parham East 4301 ............. ...................... ........ ................. ......... ............................ .........o VA ....... .............................. ..................... ....... ....... ... -I Hearing Date/Time Va. Code? 19-2-76; Rule 3A: 4 STREETADDRESSOF COURT . .Jul.28,..20.17 ............. ......... ..Essex..VA.Investors.LLC/...... ...... NAME OF LEGA.J.ENTITY 09:00AM . ........... ............... ..Paracorp. Inc ...... ........................... .............. ..7288 .Hanover. Green Dr ................... ADDRESSILOCA.TJON TO THE ACCUSED: . ..Mechanicsville.,.VA 231.11.......................... The accused is commanded to appear before this Court ......, ....... ........... .....to answer the charge that on or about .9.9.{2:?f.i9.r!. ..~............... 9.~.:.QQ .?........ ~9..~ ..~~ .?.. on .!.~~ DA.TEAND TIMEOF HEAAING DATE the accused did unlawfully [ ] and feloniously Oand 304.1 section andguardswhichviolates balconies or maintain replace violateVirginiacodebyfailingto properly Coda. 304.12of the2012VirginiaMaintenance CLASS___ll_MISDEMEANOR FELONY CLASS Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76. DATEAJ.IDTIMEOF SERVICE ............. ............... ....... ......... . ........... ............. ............ , OFFICER BADGENO.,AGENCYAN!>JURJSDICTION ........... ............................ ............. for .................................... SHER.!FF .., Code ofVirginia. .... ... ...... ............. i;xJin violation of Section JQ::lQ!5.fo). , Code or Ordinances of this city, county, or town. .......................... [ 1 in violation of Section ........................... [ ] EXECUTEDby service on an officer, director, manager, or employeeof the accused legal entity. [ } EXECUTEDby serviceon a registered agent. The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above andappear at all other times and places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued, transferred or appealed. NAMEOf REPRESENTATIVE TITLE OF REPRESENTATIVE HUD-17-0235-C-000711 I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accused committed the offense charged, , Complainant. ..~! ............ ~w.14tngJn?.P .......... . RI.. 9..Q.r.4.im .... Based on the sworn statements of .w.::m.~9.tgr. ..... .0612112011.08:47 .AJPY............ DATEANDTIME ISSUED ADDRESS Short Offense Description: GE CODEVIOLATION BUILDING Offense 087GKif17000222_01 FOR ADMINISTRATIVEUSE ONLY VirginiaCrime Code: ORD-9967-M9 FORM DC-321 MASTER 10/09 SUMMONS OF CORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY < m MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY JJ - G) COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN[A General District Cowi [.x:J .@ ....................................................................................... [ J Juvenile and Domestic ..H~@ Hearing Date/Time ACCUSED: o Relations District Court CITY OR COUWTY ::c.4301 .East.Parham.Road -I CASE NO . Va. Code? 19.2-76; Rule 3A: 4 ............ ............. Henrico.t.VA ..23,728-2745 .......................................................... ......... STREETADDRESSOF COURT . .Jul.28,.,2017 ..... .................... ..Essex .VA.Investors .LLC/ ........ NA.MEOF LEOALEJ,ITITY . ..Paracorp Inc ............................................................ ..7288 .Hanover Green _Dr................................ 09:00AM ADDRESS/LOCATION TO THE ACCUSED: ...... ..Mechanicsville.,. VA 23111 .................... The accused is commanded to appear before this Cowi on ........to answer ..... ...... . 9.~.:.QQ.~ .?....... }~~..?.~1..~9.J the charge that on or about DATEAND TIMEOP HEARING , ................ ........ .!}gj~?!.7.9.11 DATE the accused did unlawfully [ ] and feloniously materialln theroofwhichviolates violateVirginiacodebyfailingto properlyreplaceandmaintaindamaged/decayed Code. section304.9of the2012VirginiaMaintenance CLASS_lLMISDEMEANOR FELONY CLASS Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76, DATEANOTIMEOF SERVICE ... ... .......... ... ... ............ ...... ..... .. ..... .. ...... ....... .. ........ .... , OFFICER BADOENO., AGENCY AND JIJlUSDICTION for ........................................................................................ iv1 L~J .. 106(a' . 36 . ors ection o 1 . v10 _.... '-'.............................. , code orv.1rg1ma. ......: ....... at1on m or town. [ ] in violation of Section ....................,................................ , Code or Ordinances of this city, COWlty, SffEltlFF [ ] EXECUTEDby service on an officer, director, manager, or employee of the accused legal entity. [ ] EXECUTEDby service on a registeredagent. The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other times and places and before any cowi or judge to which this case may be rescheduled , continued, transferred .or appealed. NAMEOP REPRESENTATIVE TITLE OF REl'RESENTATNE HUD-17-0235-C-000712 I, the undersigned, have foWldprobable cause to believe that the accused committed the offense charged, Based on the sworn statements of ...' Complainant. .~..!.. .... fl:mkUn.&JP.?P G.9.r.49Jl......... ....R/I.. .. .m~P.~GBPtQr. .. . 06/27/2017 .08:48 .AM .............. DATEAND TIME ISSUED ADDRESS Short Offense Description : CODEVIOLATION BUILDING Offense 087G~1700Q22202 FOR ADMINISTRATIVEUSE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: ORD-9967-M9 FORM DC-321 MASTER 10/09 ....... < SUMMONS OF CORPORATION m MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY JJ COMMONWEAL TH OF VIRGINIA CJ') OR LEGAL ENTITY "'====.. CASE NO. Hearing Date/fime Va. Code ? 19.2-76; Rule 3A: 4 . ACCUSED: [~ General District Court - .... Hennco [ ] Juven1.1e and Domest1c . Relat1ons . n.1stnct . Court ,....._ ........................................................................................................ ~ I CITY OR COUNTY ..Essex .vA.Investors .LLC/ ........................... .. .Jul .28 ...2017 ...... NAME 01' LEGALENTITY 09:00AM ..Paracorp Inc ..................................................... ........ :I: .4301.East.Parham.Road ........Henrico,.STREET VA ..23228~27,45.................................................................................. .. --1 ADDRESSOF COURT ..7288 .Hanover GreenDr................ ................ . ADDRESS/LOCATION TO THE ACCUSED: ..Mechanicsville ...VA .f3111 .......................... . ooonoo~onuo~o~uoonnoo The accused is commanded to appear before this Court ?.:~.? ..~Q~.?. ....... 9.~.:.QQ .~ ..................... to answer the charge that on or about .9.9.tl-.?1.7.9.rI. ...... ........... ......., on }~ .. DATEANDTIME OF HEARING DATE the accused did unlawfully [ ] and feloniously violateVirginiacodebyfailingto properlyreplaceandmaintainguardsandbalconies whichviolatessection304.12of the 2012VirginiaMaintenance Code. CLASS_ll_MISDEMEANOR CLASS FELONY Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76. DATEANDTIME OF SER.VICE .............. .... ... ....... ..... .... .. ....... ....................... ............ , OFFICER BADGENO., AGENCYAND IlJRJSDICTION for ............................................................................ ........... . SHEJUFF [x] in violation of Section3..?.::lQ!5.(a). ..................... ........ , Code of Virginia. [ l EXECUTEDby service on an officer, director, [ ] in violation of Section ..................................................... , Code or Ordinances of this city, county, or town. manager, or employee of the accused legal entity. [ ] EXECUTEDby service on a registered agent. The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other times and NAMEOFIW'I\ESENl'ATIVE places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued,transferred.or appealed. nTLE OF REPRESENTATIVE HUD-17-0235-C-000713 I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accused committedthe offense charged, Based on the sworn statements of Jn~P.~fiQL...R.:'.:L ..G.9..t9.9.P.:. ......... ~~i1ru.ngJQ?.P..~ ............ , Complainant. . 06/27/2017 .08:54.AM .............. .. DATEAND TIME ISSUED ADDRESS Short Offense Description: BUILDING CODEVIOLATION 087Gllt-io_0022204 Offense FOR ADMINISTRATIVEUSE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: FORM OC-321MASTER 10/09 ORD-9967-M9 .. no,.+&> )> rii '\,,J SUMMONS OF CORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY JJ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ~ G) ~ CASENO . Hearing Date/Time Va. Code? 19.2o76; Rule 3A: 4 ACCUSED: [~ General District Court ...... [ ] Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court .... ................. ........................... .qQ................. ..... ....... ..tl !,;:rnJ . CITY Oil COU1'1n' . 23228-2745 Henrico Parham East ~ OF COURT....... ..... ...... ....... ..... ... ...... ......... ............. ... ....... ... ...... ...... . . VAAt>PllESS .....~ET ....... .......... ................ ..Road ........ ..... ...... ....... ............... ---1..4301 ........... ..Essex .VA.Investors .LLC/ .................. NAMEOFLEOALENTITY .. ........ ........ ......... ...................... ..Paracorp.Inc ............ . ..7288 .Hanover.Green Dr .......... .................... .Jul .28 ...2017 ...... 09:00AM ADDRESS/LOCATION TO THE ACCUSED: .............. ..Mechanicsville~.VA 23111 ............. The accused is commanded to appear before this Court on , ........... ............. .......... .........to answer the charge that on or about .\?.Q!l?f.7.QU . .:.QQ.A:M .....9.~ ~2!.7. .?.. }?.t~~ DATEAND TIMEOF HEARING DATll the accused did unlawfully [ ] and feloniously whichviolatessection304.10and violateVirginiacodebyfailingto properlyreplaceandmaintainguardsandbalconies Code. 304.12of the2012VirginiaMaintenance CLASS_ll_MISDEMEANOR FELONY CLASS Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76. DATE ANDTIMEOF SEltVICE .. ......... .... . .......... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... .............. ....... .. ....... , OFFICER BAPCENO., AGENCYANDJOJUSD!CTlON for ........................................................................................ SHERIFF ~] ....................., Code of Virginia . (~J. ....... in violation of Section 19.::J.QQ [ ) in violation of Section ..................................................... , Code or Ordinances of this city, county, or town. [ ] EXECUTEDby service on an officer, director , manager, or employeeof the accused legal entity. [ ] EXECUTEDby service on a registered agent. The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other times and places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued, transferred or appealed . NAMEOF REPRESENTATIVE TJTLEOF REPIU:SENTATlVE HUD-17-0235-C-000714 I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accused committed the offense charged, .~......... .., Complainant. ~.g,U~tw.,gJQ?.P. ......... B/L..G.9J:4.9.P.. of JD.~P..~9.t...QI. Based on the sworn statements ..... . 06/27/2017 . 08:52.AM ........... DATEANDTIMEISSUED ADDJlESS Short Offense Description: E BUILDINGCODEVIOLATION Offense ostGU1"~o0222j)3 FOR ADMINISTRATIVEUSE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: ORD-9967-M9 FORMDC-321 MASTER l0/09 < m JJ en - G) J: -I Cl 1 i ..,. SUM..1\10NSOF CORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY COMMON~ OF VIRGTNlA CASENO . Hearing Date/Time Va. Code? 19.2-76; Rule 3A: 4 ACCUSED: [XJGeneral District Court . . [ J Juvenile ....... .... ............................ .......... .......... .............. ...... ..H~~ .~ ...... CITY OR COUNTY and Domestic Relations District Court ..Essex.VA. Investors .LLC ...... ........................ .Jul.14,..2017 ...... NAME OF LEGALENTITY ........ ........ ................................ ,......... ................ Henrico 1. .VA ..23228-2745 ......... .4301 ..East .Parham .Road ........ COURT 09:00AM ... .......... .......................... ............. ..Paracorp Inc ......... . ... ..7288 .Hanover Green ,Drive ...................... TO THE ACCUSED : ......... ..Mechanicsville., .VA .2311.1.................. STREETADDRESS OF ADDRESS/LOCATION The accused is commanded to appea r before this Court on , .9.11............ answer the charge that on or about .Q?.(J~/.7............ to ........ .~ G..2........... ...9.?.:.Q .... .?. }?.~...~.~1..?2J DATE AND TIME OF HEAR.IN DATE the accused did unlawfully [ ] and feloniously systemsandfixtures.Failingto properly violateVirginiacodesectionbyfailingto properlyreplaceor maintainplumbing . freefrompestandrodentinfestation Failingto keepstructure maintaininteriorstructurein soundandsanitarycondition, , whichviolates Cir.RichmondVA, Failingto provideinteriordoorsforsafety,securityandprivacy.At 2222DEngleside Code. ce Maintenan VA 2012 the of .1 504 section305.1,309.1, 305.3, 305.6, CLASS_ll_MISDEMEANOR FELONY CLASS Service was made on a representative of the Jegal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76. d-? - .t?@.. .t.-. .... ... ......../ .C({>S- ...... ........ DATE ANDTIME OF SERVICE , ..2 ..~~ .... .....4.Z:.....-t!'f..~ OFFICER . .............. ..../1-cJ<;-- ......................... ....t>II'?....... JURJSDlcnQN BADGE NO., AGENCY AND for .........~ ...~ ....70... .. ...... ............ M.n.~ ...... SHERIFF ......, Code of Virginia . ........................ [X] in violation of Section J.(?.::J.Q.9.(~) ...... , Code or Ordinances of this city , county , or town . [ ) in violation of Section ............................................... [ 1EXECUTED by service on an officer , director, manaJer, or employee of the accu sed legal entity . [ .J-'EXECUTED by service on a registe red agent. The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other time~ and places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued , transferred or appealed. 1l~ .......... HUD-17-0235-C-000715 I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accused committed the offense charged, , Complainant. ............ 7P~ Y...... ..Jqrkl?tjg~,..R.QQP.~..R. .P.~..~t9..r. Basedon the sworn statements of .m.4.&J~~ . ..06/23/2017 . 03 :.17.PM ....... ........ DATE AND TIME ISSUED ct~~ Leonard Broadnax M MAGISTRJ,.TE . .. ................ ~;e.s..-l.:~ ...... ...... T!Vl, NAME OF REJ>RESElffA NTATIVE.. ........... ...... ...... . . .. ... ..... ....... eff~{!REPRJi.SE .. ........ ~ .... ..~ ..... . .......1~ .f6"-. ........ ..... ADDRESS Short Offense Description: [ ) JUDGE CODEVIOLATION BUILDING Offense os1Gittfooo211ss FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: ORD-9967-M9 ~ At)), .( T'",f""'l') I 1-.A4 i;::TP~ l nmo ~~.-, .....----......." o -- .. --...: ....-- ..---.:-..-.-........ oooo ooo _Jul.28,..2017 ...... 09:00AM ............. ..... ..7288 .Hanover .Green.Dr .............. ADDRGBPSSILOCAT!DN ......... ..Mechanicsville.,. VA .23111 ......... ........ TO THE ACCUSED: The accused is commanded to appear before this Court to answer the charge that on or about ~ on }~.~..~.~? .. .. .. . ................. 9.2.:...9.9 .... ~.? ~.9.... .. , .. ................. .Q.~(J.i!.7....9.P: DATE DATE/\NDTJMEOFHEARING the accused did unlawfully [ ] and feloniously unitsof 80 of dwelling g occupants ainairconditioninto violateVirginiacodesectionbyfailingto properlyreplaceor maint whichviolatessection602.4and601.2of Equipment l Electrical and Mechanica degreesor lessandfailureto maintain t'Ylo..in-t't\'\O..C'Ct.the 2012j:9,iM;C VA Ccdt. ~ CLASS_ll_MISDEMEANOR FELONY CLASS Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76. .~..tP?-.1.? .....<.?......tr~r ........ .. ........t.... .... DATEAND TIME DF SERVICE ~ ......OFFICER ...z ... 4.-:f.,....ttJ._ ..... . ......... v: ,......................... .. ...6t(C, .........#C.S BADOENO., AGENCYANO Jl.llUSDICTION . .... .... ...... ..... .~ ....... for ........~....~ ..~..,A/2 SHERIFF , Code of Virginia. [ ] in violation of Section ..................................................... j) .................... , Code or Ordinances of this city, county, or town. .......... in violation of Section 3.6.::l.QQ(i ~ shown above and appear at all other times and The accused must appear in court at the time and place be rescheduled, continued, transferred or may places and before any court or judge to which this case appealed. HUD-17-0235-C-000716 d committed the offense charged, I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accuse : ...., Complainant. ........ jg~,1J~ ......:7Q: K4."~J?.r..R.QQ 9.r. .P..~~t.... on the sworn statements of .~14&J9.? [ ] EXECUTED by service on an officer, director, man~r, or employee of the accused legal entity. [ "fEXECUTED by service on a registeredagent. ... . ..... ......... ......?.,~.oct.,i~;t;C~j{" ...... ..... . ... ...... ...... ............ ............... .~/A _........ . ...... ...... ....................... ..9 ....-~ ...l~e .... ......... .... TITLE OF REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS Based . 06/26/2017J .0:3) ..AM ................ Ci Short Offense Description: [ }JUDGE CODEVIOLATION BUILDING DATEANO TIME ISSUED Offense 087kGM1700022047 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: ORD-9967-M9 _.,.._ ... _,... ..,.... , ~o<'"'"r'r.n ,n,no < m JJ 00- -) G SUMMONS OF CORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY COMMON~fALIB /,,., . OF VIRGINIA . Hearing Date/Time ACCUSED : [XJGeneral District Court ..H@n .<:;9............................................. ....--.....................o..............[ J Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court ..Essex .VA .Investors.LLC ............................... NAME OF LEGAL ENTIIT CITY OR COlil'Tl"Y :::c .4301..East .Parham. Road .........Henrico -I CASE NO . Va. Code? 19.2-76; Rule 3A: 4 1o VA ..23228-2745 ...............................................,,............. ...................... STREETADDRESSOF COURT .Jul .14.,__2017 ..... ..Paracorp .Inc .......................................... .................. . 09:00AM ..7288 .Hanover Green Drive .......... ............... ADDRESS/LOCATION TO THE ACCUSED: ..Mechanicsville., .VA 23111 ........................... The accused is commanded to appear before this Court on }~!Jii..~Q.~.?.......9.?..:.Q9..~ ....... ..............to answer the charge that on or about .!?.~0.4/.7.9..1.7 ......................., DATEAND TIME OP HEARJNG DATE the accused did unlawfully [ J and feloniously violateVirginiacodesectionbyfailingto properlymaintainplumbing fixtures,garbagedisposalandsinkpipesleaking intocabinetbase. Abatemice infestation. Failingto maintaininteriorstructurein goodrepair,holesin baseboardsandin mechanical closetallowingpestandrodententry.At 1141AEngleside Cir. Richmond, VA,whichviolatessection305.1, 309.1,309.4,504.1of the2012VAMaintenance Code. CLASS___.Il_MISDEMEANOR CLASS FELONY Service was made on a representative of the legal .entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2~lts :::~Ji!~J!J!JJ:J . :,-~;~...................c .............................................................., OFl'ICER SHEIUFF [X] in violation of Section J.Q::lQ!?.(~J. .......... ....... ....... ...., Code of Virginia. [ ] in violation of Section ................ ................................... .. , Code or Ordinances of this city, county, or town. The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other times and places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued, transferred or appealed. HUD-17-0235-C-000717 I, the undersigned, have found probable cause to believe that the accused committed the offense charged, Based on the sworn statements of .~JggJ~.P..~.9.t9I ....KJrJs:.9.rjg~, ..R.Q@~Y.R.....J..O~ ............, Complainant. ..06/23/2017 ..03:30.PM ............,.... DATE AND TIME ISSUED ~ I ] '?"U ~d')CL~C) CLERK M MAGISTRATE [ J JUDGE [ ] EXECUTED by service on an officer, director , manager, or employee of the accusedlegal entity. ~XECUTED by service on a ~i*red agent. .... ...... .....~&~i"o F.filtit~~........ .... -. :~,fl.w.GBP~/ ..........1.;2. ..$'..~ ......~ ..Jh!J.if.~ . ADDRESS .,............~ .L.t.......J~..... ~1// ............. . Short Offense Description: BUILDING CODEVIOLA TlON Leonard Broadnax Offense TatG~1700021763 FOR ADMINISTRATIVEUSE ONLY Virginia Crime Code: ORD-9967-M9 FORM DC-321 MASTER 10/09 SUMMuN:s uF?C-ORPORATION OR LEGAL ENTITY MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY CO~ ONWEALTH OF VIRGfNlA 'o\ CASENO. Va. Code? 19.2-76; Rule3A : 4 . '". Hearing Dateffimc ACCUSED: [~ General District Court ..tl~@ .9.Q.......... .................... ........................... ........ ....................[ ] Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court CITY OR COUNTY ..Essex.VA.Investors.LLC/ .......... ......... .......... . 4301.East .Parham .Road .........Henrico, VA ..23228-2745 ............................. ........................ .......... .................. .. ..Paracorp Inc........ ................... ......... ........ ................. ..7288 .Hanover.Green .Dr........ ........ ................ . STR.EETADDRESSOF COURT TO THE ACCUSED : NAME Of LEGA L ENTITY .Jul.28~.2017 ..... 09:00AM ADDRESS/LOCATION ..Mechanicsville.,, .VA 231.11...................... .... . The accused is commanded to appear before this Court 9.?.: .9.9. ..~M..... ..."........... to answer the charge that on or about .Q .~(JP7.QP ........... ............ .., on } .~.~..~.?.!}Q .~.?. ....... DATEANDTIME OF HEARING DATE the accused did unlawfully [ } and feloniously violateVirginiacodesectionbyfailingto properlyreplaceor maintain airconditioning to occupants of dwellingunitsof 80 degreesor lessandfailureto maintainMechanical andElectrical Equipment at 1101A Eng!eside Cir., Richmond, VA, whichviolatessection602.4and601.2of the2012~YA rt)o.. M<1e.t. i,v\e. Wt- - (OJ) CLASS_ll._MISDEMEANOR CLASS FELONY Service was made on a representative of the legal entity pursuant to Va. Code? 19.2-76. ............. 6-fJ?-./? ...... s- ........... .............. DATEANOTIME OF SERVICE ....l-f..:...::P..::7. ;..A.l~ ......a.11.. .s....... OFFICER .... ...........Ac.su................ ................... ....... .............. . .. for .......f!.L. ... ....'.'2?. ...:.( ..... ~ .............. ........ .......... .. BADGE NO., AGENCY ANO IUIUSDICTION SHERIFF [ ] in violation of Section ..................................................... , Code of Virginia. ~ in violation of Section 3..6.::1.Q6 ....... .(a). ............... ......., Code or Ordinances of this city, county , or town . The accused must appear in court at the time and place shown above and appear at all other times and places and before any court or judge to which this case may be rescheduled, continued , transferred or appea}ed. [ } EXECUTED by service on an officer , director, manager , or employee of the accused legal entity. [ ~XECUTED by service on a registered agent. .......... ...1:t.~t,; Solivan, Elvis Subject: DRA meeting on 8/10/17 Joe, Elvis: This is the agenda for a DRA call be VTCed to all Regions. This is FYI. Some agenda .. . Rich DRA's, by now the VTC staff in your regions have let you know that we will be holding a DRA, VTC meeting in lieu of the quarterly DRA face to face here in the DC headquarters. My apologies that you heard it from them first. Below is the agenda. We have compressed the meeting to 6 hours to fit in all the top ics we usually discuss and to accommodate our west coast family . Pam, myself, Darlene and Paul will have ou r staff on hand for po rtions of our respect ive sessions to faci litate an effect ive discussion . We have included an optional block for those t hat want to stay on and explore these or other issues with the HQs team in more depth. Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-402-6036 desk) (b)(6) hone) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM -4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Who Welcome 10:30 - 10:50 Mr . Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Ange la Beckles OFPM Administration Updates 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK AIVlt HICAN VERSIGHT 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 HUD-17-0235-C-000773 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute Updates (Read ahead materials will be provided) 12:00 -12:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff FY2017 LOP Updates : o o Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBECUpdate Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A 12 :30 - 12 :45 LUNCH 12:45 -1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements 2:15 - 2:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:30 - 2:45 OPA Update (Tentative) 2:45 - 3:15 All CIR/OPE Update 3:15 - 3:45 Seth Appleton & All AFFH Update 3:45 - 4:15 Bryan Greene/Krista Mills & All Open Discussion 4:15 - 4:30 All Wrap-Up 4:30 -4:45 ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 DRAs & FPM Managers AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Staff HUD-17-0235-C-000774 Solivan, Elvis Monday , July 31, 2017 4:56 PM DeFelice,Joseph J RE: DRA meeting on 8/10 / 17 From: Sent: To: Subject: THx Rich. Elvis Solivan Regional Senior Advisor to the Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, 11th Floor Philade lphia, PA 19107-3380 Elvis.Solivanl@HU D.gov (215) 861-7565 Phone (215) 656-3427 Fax From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:54 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Solivan, Elvis Subject : RE: DRA meeting on 8/10/17 Ill say From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:50 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: DRA meeting on 8/10/17 Joe , Elvis: This is the agenda for a ORA call be VTCed to all Regions . This is FYI. Some agenda .. . Rich DRA's, by now the VTC staff in your regions have let you know that we wil I be holding a DRA, VTC meeting in lieu of the quarterly DRA face to face here in the DC headquarters . My apologies that you heard it from them first . Below is the agenda. We have compressed the meeting to 6 hours to fit in all the top ics we usually discuss and to accommodate our west coast family . Pam, myself, Darlene and Paul will have our staff on hand for portions of our respect ive sessions to faci litate an effective discussion. We have included an optional block for those that want to stay on and explore these or other issues with the HQs team in more depth . Jaime E. Forero Director of Field Operations Office of the Assistant Deputy Secretary Field Policy & Management US Department of Housing and Urban Development AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000775 202-402-6036 (desk) l(b)(6) ti Phone) Deputy Regional Administrators Meeting (via VTC) Thursday, August 10,2017 10:30 AM - 4:45 PM EDST Agenda Topics Time Who We lcome 10:30 - 10:50 Mr . Hunter, ADS Mr. Bregon, AADS Weekly Reports 10:50 - 11:00 Ms. Ange la Beckles 11:00 - 11:30 Mr. Scott, DRAs & Select Staff OFPM Administration Updates Operating in the Future FY2017 Budgets, HR and Funding CRM Implementation Open Discussion/Q&A BREAK 11:30 - 11 :45 11:45 - 12:00 OFPM- Field Operations 5 minute (Read ahead materials will be provided) Updates 12:00 - 12:30 Mr. Forero, DRAs & Select Staff FY2017 LOP Updates: o o Community Partnerships Data Collection/Trends Analysis FY2018 LOP Guidance Development PBECUpdate Peer-to-Peer Initiative & Evolution Small Contractor Initiative Connect Home Open Discussion/Q&A 12 :30 - 12 :45 LUNCH 12:45 -1:30 Davis-Bacon 1:30 - 2:00 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:00 - 2:15 Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 requirements 2:15 - 2:30 Open Discussion/Q&A 2:30 - 2:45 OPA Update (Tentative) 2:45 - 3:15 All CIR/OPE Update 3:15 - 3:45 Seth Appleton & All AFFH Update 3:45 -4:15 Bryan Greene/Krista Mills & All Open Discussion 4:15 - 4:30 All Wrap-Up 4:30 -4:45 Optional - Open Discussion Period/Open Mike 4:45 -5:30 Ms. Glekas, Davis Bacon, DRAs & Select Staff Dr. Williams, DRAs and Select AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Staff ADS, AADS, DRA & HQs Managers DRAs & FPM Managers HUD-17-0235-C-000776 HUD-17-0235-C-000777 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe, Lisa A Thursday , A ugust 03, 2017 3:54 PM DeFelice, Joseph J Ott, Richard M; Solivan, Elvis; Schmidt, Carrie S SUBMISSION: Updated EssexVillage Media Report UPDATED Essex Village Media Report 08.03.17.pdf ; M cEachin Final Response 90 Pages.pdf Joe - Per your request, I updated the summary section of the media report for Essex Village. I also included the final response to Congressman McEachin. You'll find the letter to the Congressman explains the issues pertaining to our path forward and includes the 74 pages of repairs/ issues needed to be addressed at the site. Please note this copy contains Personally ident ifiable information (PII). We shipped a second version with the PII redacted in the event he elected to share the information or make it public. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430 -6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000778 UPDATED MEDIA REPORT, PK Management Properties EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va., Woodland Crossings Apartments, Richmond, Va. and Hope Village Apartments, Glen Allen, Va. FROM WHITE HOUSEREPORTING:March 22, 2017 through August 3, 2017 Contact: Lisa Wolfe, Regional Public Affairs Officer, lisa.a.wolfe@hud.gov SUMMARY: Essex Village Apartment, Henrico County, Va. a PK Management Company Richmond, Virginia Media Outlets We received our initial EssexVillage Apartments inquiry from CBS6 WTVR-TV reporter Melissa Hipolit on Wednesday , December 14, 2016 . Mel issa asked for the total amount of Housing Assistance Payments sent to EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virginia in 2016. At that point, the current annual subsidy was $5,376,299. The apartment complex has 496 units under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program (HAP) contract. Melissa acknowledged she was new to assisted housing, so I explained that fami lies and individuals pay no more than 30 percent of their income towards their monthly rental-and that the HUD voucher makes up the difference. Because this property is project-based assistance, the voucher is t ied to the apartment unit, not the ind ividual or family. She requested a copy of the HAP contract and the most recent HUD REACInspection scores-which I let her know were both subject to FOIA. Over the next few weeks, we received a number in inquiries-mainly resident complaints about water issues, leaks, mold, pests-about the deter iorating living conditions at the property . On January 3, 2017, we confirmed a REACInspection was scheduled in two weeks. The inspection was conducted on January 17, 2017. Ms. Hipo lit was the first to request a 2017 REACInspection report which was not available by FOIA for 120 days. A letter dated February 2 from Henrico County Supervisor Frank Thornton was sent to Richmond Field Office Director Carrie Schmidt making her aware of the County's concern for residents stemming from the many code vio lations and life safety issues at the complex. Director Schmidt alerted Multifamily and the others impacted by the issues raised in the letter. A March 30 meeting was scheduled at the Richmond Field Office, but before HUD Multifamily and Field Office leadership met, Henrico County officials dialed up the issue in the press. With CBS6's Melissa Hipolit leading in continuing coverage on EssexVillage includ ing the fai ling REACInspection score of 46c, she expanded her storyline to include the PK Management properties in the Richmond area including Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. (66b) and Hope Vi llage, Glen Allen, Va. (82). NBC12 WWBT-TV Ashley Monfort has also been following with coverage on all three properties, with "dueling coverage" on who can uncover ongoing resident issues, including the fall of a 7-month pregnant resident from a balcony in disrepair. "Bubbling" sewage, along with other water, mold and infestation issues, continue to be reported by residents at all three properties. Both televis ion stat ions are working in concert with Henrico County officials to bring resident issues "to light" and to be quickly addressed by PK Management, Navigate (the Performance Based Contract Administrator) and HUD. U.S. Congressman Donald McEachin (VA-4) toured the property on May 12 with NBC's Ashley Monfort in tow and has been continuing to issue press releases and statements calling for HUD to take action. WRIC-TV anchor/reporter Kerri O'Brien has also visited the properties, interviewed residents and is calling for HUD to provide vouchers for residents to relocate. Richmond Times-Dispatch reporter Debbie Truong and Richmond Free Press reporter Jeremy Lazarus have been adding print and on line stories into the mix. We continue to receive notifications of resident issues from the various outlets, and are working to provide updates on resolutions as well as the work underway to upgrade the properties and repair the many issues. In July, we worked with Navigate to craft a "1,2,3 step" communication for Page I 1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000779 residents that includes flyers, an upgraded website portal for complaints, and provided this information to the various media outlets requesting their assistanee in helping us help the residents. Key dates/deliverables include : The Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (CDE) Plan for Essex Village Apartments that was received from PK Management on May 25 includes 74 pages of issues/repairs to be addressed by PK Management by July 31. A June 7 conference call with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County officials addressed the many questions/issues the Congressman had raised with HUD (please see attached] . On July 14, an attorney representing the owners of the EssexVillage apartments appeared in front of a Henrico County General District Court judge for an arraignment on charges related to five of the 18 bui Iding code violation charges that have been issued. The July 28 meeting between Henrico County Board Chairman Pat O'Bannon and senior HUD officials was postponed due to the Secretary's schedule. The meeting is in response to Ms. O'Bannon's email to the President, requesting his assistance. HUD has scheduled a REAC Re-Inspection for August 8 . We anticipate that Henrico County officials and the media will be on-hand that day. In the interim, we continue to field multiple media and FOIA requests almost daily, and will continue to respond to these many requests. Residents continue to contact Henrico County officials, CBS6Problem Solvers or other media portals for customer complaints-noting timely responses for those who bypassed the work order system . During a July 25 Board of Supervisors Meeting, Henrico County officials cited that HUD repeatedly gave the property passing scores, causing misrepresentation of HUD's ongoing work with the owner and property management agent that follows a failing REACscore. On Friday, July 28, Public Affairs' GDASJerry Brown visited the property as a follow-up to his visit a month earlier. He reported a tremendous difference - and that in conversations with residents, they were thrilled with the repairs and the fact that their maintenance calls were receiving a timely response. He noted EssexVillage is old (built in 1981) and the property needs the facelift that is now underway. It is clean, kids were playing in the street and externally it looks like it would pass our inspection. Here is what he saw: o One, out of every four buildings, has some type of repair work underway . Some of it is extensive. o Gutters are being replaced. o o o o Siding is being replaced. Dry wall work is occurring inside numerous building. Crews were stil l working and it was 5:50 p.m. Nearly every balcony had replacement slacks. Those that didn't were completely rebuilt including flooring . o Storage containers with sheetrock, siding, gutters were prominent throughout the complex. At least six crews were working throughout the complex. The only portion ofthe complex that was not being worked on was the rancher-side of the complex-where seniors reside. That port ion of the complex looks much better than the other side. It may just be the density of the housing and the cul-desac approach. Jerry has photographs that he is w illing to share. As of August 3, two FOiAs with requests for the Compliance Disposition and Enforcement Plan are outstanding pending submitter objections . An additional FOIA with nearly 150 pages of emails will be shipped later today. Page I 2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000780 MEDIA INQUIRIES Wednesday, March 22, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. The apartment complex has 496 units under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program (HAP) contract. Melissa withdrew her FOIA request for the last two inspection reports because she is aware there is a subsequent REACinspection/report out underway. She is asking for specifics as to why the property failed the inspect ion with a score of 46c*. I let her know that because the most recent inspection was completed on January 11, 2017 and the report was given to EssexVillage and HUD on January 19 and that REACreports are not releasable until 120 days to allow time for appeals. The final REACreport will be available beginning May 19, and subject to any FOIA exemptions. As far as the specific issues at the property, I explained that I am unable to provide any additional information until the final REACreport is released. During a second late-day call, Melissa asked if Gregory Perlman of GH Capital was involved in the project. I mentioned that I was unfami liar with the name, and the only owner/management company I had knowledge of was PK Management . Today I verified that Gregory Perlman is involved with EssexVillage Apartments through both EssexVA Investors LLCand PK Management. I verified that he signed the HAP Basic Renewal Contract as the Manager and authorizing representative. HUD Multifamily leadership has been meeting with Mr . Perlman and others to resolve deficiencies at the property. Mel issa is also aware of the meeting between Henrico County officials and HUD scheduled for March 30, so we are anticipating that press will be at the Richmond Field Office that day. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit inquired about Gregory Perlman, the owner involved with EssexVillage Apartments through both EssexVA Investors LLCand PK Management. He signed the HAP Basic Renewal Contract as the Manager and authorizing representative and is one of the indiv iduals representing PK Management who is currently working with our team to resolve the issues at EssexVillage. Monday, March 27, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Melissa has reached out to Colonel Douglas A. Middleton, Henrico County's Deputy County Manager for Public Safety for a pre-meeting interview to discuss the myr iad of county inspections that parallel HUD's fail ing score. Ten County officials wil l meet with the Richmond Field Office and multifamily teams on March 30. We are anticipating that press will be at the Richmond Field Office that day. Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) reporter Debbie Truong inquired about EssexVil lage in Henrico County after speaking with w ith Doug Middleton, the deputy county manager in Henrico who told her the county has cracked down on the number of code violations at Essex in hopes of bettering the quality of life there. She asked about percentage of Section 8 units at Essexand if HUD is supportive of Henrico's efforts to crackdown on code violations. Doug mentioned that the county would like to strengthen its relationship w ith HUD and if the agency is wi lling to do the same. She also identified the county said it found 140 code violations at Essexasking how HUD regulates conditions at the propert ies it provides funding to and how regularly HUD properties are inspected and/or regulated. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) reporter Melissa Hipolit asked about a proposal for a large rent increase at EssexVillage. During an interv iew with Henrico County officials, it was mentioned that numbers that Page I 3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000781 show substantial rent increases have been proposed . She also requested an on-camera interview which was declined. Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) reporter Debbie Truong requested additiona l information including a follow-up that Middleton stated that EssexVil lage received the fifth lowest score in the state from HUD though he was unclear about what the scoring was related to. I explained the REACInspection process and how the scores determine frequency of inspection and steps HUD/proper t y manager must take to resolve issues. She also submitted a FOIA requesting a list of the property owners/managers since the property was built in 1982. Friday, March 31, 2017 Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) repo rter Jeremy Lazarus was briefed about how Henrico County officials are working with HUD to address the many issues at EssexVillage Apartments. I suggested that he follow -up with County officials for specifics, as they are addressing the code violations and health and safety issues their own inspections have uncovered as well as the police and fire calls originating from residents to County responders. I noted our agency has our own inspection process and we are currently working with the property owners and management to address the issues we have identified . There are no proposed rent increases. Independently, we are working on behalf of residents to improve conditions at the property. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has requested under FOIA copies of inspection records regarding EssexVil lage Apartments located in Henrico County, Va. from 2012 to 2017. She has also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. She initial ly contacted HUD while a meeting between Henrico County officials and HUD multifamily and field off ice leaders were meeting last Thursday, March 30 about living conditions and issues at the property . She also requested and we declined an on-camera. We are working with PK Management to address the issues. More to follow. NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) News desk reported there was a fire at EssexVil lage around 10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. Approximately eight households were displaced. The fire department was dispatched and rescued several residents trapped on the ir balconies; no reported injuries. The cause of the fire is being investigated by the fire department. Thursday,April6, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has requested under FOIA copies of inspection records regarding EssexVillage Apartments located in Henrico County, Va. from 2012 to 2017. She has also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. The FOIA has been assigned and the inspection reports have been pulled and are being redacted. Multifamily housing is working on the correspondence aspects of the request. Because there is an inspection process currently underway, any correspondence pulled will need to be carefully reviewed before release. Continuing to work this request. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Melissa is continuing to ask for an oncamera interview which we have declined (three times). She is also follow-up with a resident document Page I 4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000782 that illustrates a substantial rent increase. Yesterday I responded with the note that for a rent increase, the owner/management would have to submit a formal proposal to HUD for approval. Nothing has been submitted to HUD to date. PK Management is contemplating a substantia l renovation of the property (ranging from $9 to 19 million), but the initial proposal was incomplete and a new proposal has not been submitted. Will continue to work the various aspects of this question. Friday, April 7, 2017 Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on last week's second request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico, Va. Pending approval from multifami ly housing leadership, today's response will address a series of questions including a date or time that a project -based Section 8 property must correct problems; the timeframe HUD will give them time to correct and/or bring the property into compl iance as well as what is the actual time-period. Notice: H 2015-02-Subject: Required Actions for Mu ltifamily Housing Projects Receiving Failing Scores from HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC)which defines the various steps both HUD and the property owner/manager must take following a failed physical inspect ion. The Notice covers the deliverables with dead I ines. The process is basically a decision tree in the event the corrections/deficiencies are not made at the various points in time . I did not cover what happens in the event of a Failure to Comply, but that is also included in the notice. More to come . Friday, April 21, 2017 NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort followed-up w ith us on a FOIA request she sent over April 4. She requested copies of the REACproperty inspection reports from 2012 to 2017 regarding EssexVillage located in Henrico County, Va. Inspection scores for 2012 to 2015 have been in the 70s. The most recent inspection in January 2017 resulted in an initial REACscore (46c*). The owners' appeal was granted, bringing the score to 51--still considered a fail. That report will be releasable on May 19, 2017. Corrective actions and t imeline has been put in place for the owner/manager. The reporter also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. My guess is she is searching for information about a possible rehabilitation/sale which was initiated by the owner, but never completed. The Richmond Field Office anticipates completing the request early next week. A March 30 on line story was updated this week to include a statement by Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) who issued the following statement about the failing living conditions at EssexVillage: "No family deserves to live in conditions such as the one documented at EssexVillage. All individuals - no matter their race, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation - should be treated fairly and have safe and clean shelter. The property managers must address these unhealthy conditions immediately . The fami lies who call this community home, should be able to rest easy in a safe environment after a long day at work and school, not worry about the living conditions." Thursday, April 27, 2017 NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received the FOIA request she sent over April 4. We shipped the REACproperty inspection reports from 2012 to 2017 regarding EssexVillage located in Henrico County, Va. Inspection scores for 2012 to 2015 have been in the 70s. The most recent inspection in January 2017 resulted in an initial REACscore (46c*). The final report will be releasable on May 19, 2017. The reporter also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVi llage from 2015 to 2017. Documentation within the correspondence validated that GHC Housing had been trying to sell the property, but Henrico County turned down supporting their request for LIHTCto support an estimated $19 million in renovations. I anticipate more follow-up tomorrow . Page I 5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000783 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Yesterday she submitted three requests for information on GHC Housing properties including specifics Woodland Crossing in Richmond including the most recent inspection report and amount of subsidy for residents annually. She is also seeking any information on Greg Perlman as well as how to research any Section 8 prope rty owners with a history with HUD. She's looking for investigations, sanctions, etc. She has also requested a list of the inspection ratings, resident complaints and overa ll subsidy GHC Housing Properties received last year (2016). W ith more than 18,000 units in 24 states, we are determining if any reports can be run with the inspection/funding information. More to fol low on that tomorrow. Friday, April 28, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit expanded her FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview w ith Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va.). Today, we confirmed her request for information for a second PK Management property, Woodland Crossing in Richmond Va. She has requested the most recent inspection report (which earned a barely passing 66B) as well as the current annual funding HUD pays on behalf of residents; believe to be approximate ly $2,146,000. She has requested a listing of any sanctions or investigations involving PK Management ; a HUD-2530 report has been pu lled by multifamily and indicates there is no current negative activity. She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties. This report has been produced by multifamily, but included expired contracts; awaiting update from multifamily. Annual receipts appear to be in the range of $200 million. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties . We are working with the PBCAagents to generate the requested reports. Monday, May 1, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Working Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview with Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va.). She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties. This report has been produced by multifamily, but included expired contracts; awaiting update from multifamily. Annual receipts appear to be in the range of $200 million . She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties. Reaching out to the PBCAagents to generate the requested reports. Wednesday, May 3, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Continuing to work on Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview with Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va.). She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties nationwide as well as Woodland Crossings. Multifamily is generating the report. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties; Tim Shearer of Navigate, the PBCA,wi ll generate the requested reports. HUD Headquarters is also working on the REACinspection report scores for PK Management properties nationwide. If all goes well, we should be able to ship the FOIA by the end of the week. Her interview is scheduled for Monday, May 8. Page I 6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000784 Friday, May 5, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Continuing to wor k on Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview w ith Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va.). Her FOIA request has been classified as "complex" and we continue to pull together files including the subsidies paid to PK Management for Wood land Crossings ($1.4 mi llion) and nationwide ($152 million). We also collected the PBCA'scomplaint numbers-surprising ly low considering the issues at EssexVillage. The input from the requested sources (HQ, Baltimore Multifamily HUB, Richmond Field Office Multifamily) are due next Wednesday . We should be able to release a portion of the FOIA before the end of next week. Tuesday, May 9, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partia l for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVil lage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. She is hoping to air the story within the next week or so. We have completed several items in her request and should be able to ship partials today and tomorrow. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit visited Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va., a PK Management property, and alerted us that a resident who contacted her claimed her child has elevated lead levels. The reporter reviewed the lab results which confirm the young boy does have an elevated lead level. The resident is scheduled to have all three of her children tested next week . Henrico County officials as well as the health department have been made aware and are responding to the situation. HUD confirmed the property has both lead certification disclosure and reports up-to-date and on file for the property. A follow -up call with the reporter led to further discussions that mult iple resident appeals from both Hope Village and Woodland Crossing in Richmond, Va. have gone unanswered. All three are older and deteriorating. We are working with multifam ily and the PBCANavigate to learn more and initiate follow-up actions. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partia l for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. She is hoping to air the story with in the next week or so. The redacted REACinspection report and annual Section 8 funding amount have been submitted to OGC for clearance; hope t o ship today or Monday. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received a fo llow-up to her request for a list ing of the most recent REACinspection scores for the 164 properties nationwide managed by PK Management. There are five properties that have had recent inspections that are not re leasable. Most REACInspections are in the 80-99-point range-146 of the 164. Friday, May 12, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort toured EssexVillage Apartments with U.S. Congressman Donald McEachin and called and asked for comment about the Congressman's comment that he is going to try to convince HUD to provide vouchers. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested the amount of money HUD provides Page I 7 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000785 GHC Housing/PK Management to subsidize the rent of residents at Hope Village annua lly. She also requested an update on her othe r open FOIA requests . Wednesday, May 17, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received an interim response to her FOIA request which included the HUD subsidy information and the 2016 REACInspection on Woodland Crossings Apartments in Richmond, Va. The score was a barely passing 66c. Friday, May 19, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit visited Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va., a PK Management property on May 9, and alerted us that a resident who contacted her claimed her child has elevat ed lead levels. The repor t er reviewed the lab results which confirm t he young boy does have an elevat ed lead level. The resident is scheduled to have all three of her children te sted next week. Henrico County officials as well as the health department have been made aware and are respond ing to the situation . HUD confirmed the property has both lead certification disclosure and reports up-to -date and on file for the property. A follow -up call with the reporter led to further discussions that multiple resident appeal s from both Hope Vi llage and Woodland Crossing in Richmond, Va. have gone unanswered. All three are older and deteriorating. We have learned the number of resident complaints from all four of the PK Management propert ies is surpr ising low , given the issues of late. Following up with the reporter today . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on the inspection process for HUD REACInspections- she was particu larly interested in the inspectors are third party contractors or HUD employees. The 2017 REACInspection at EssexVil lage Apartments was performed by HUD Quality Assurance Inspectors . Monday, May 22, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partia l for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVil lage Apartments, Henrico County , Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. The redacted REACinspection report and annual Section 8 fund ing amount reports were shipped last Tuesday. On Friday May 19, Melissa interviewed PK Management ' s Jenne McClainBlankhead. The story has not yet aired. Jenne will submit a summary of the interv iew to multifam ily by COB on Monday , May 22. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond , Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort previously inquired about the January 11, 2017 REACInspect ion report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now availab le for release. I ant icipate FOIAs from both telev ision stations as we ll as the Richmond Times-Dispatch in the next day or so. Wednesday, May 24, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit submitted a FOIA request on the annual subsidy amount paid to PK Management for Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va. The FOIA was completed and shipped today . This is a follow-up to her visit to that property on May 9. The resident's apartment, which she alerted us had evidence of mold and a child with an elevated blood lead level, has been tested and certified there is no lead in the residence. The report has been given to County officials . No further action on this mat t er anticipated. Duri ng the May 23 meeting with Henrico County offi cials and Congressman McEachin, both the County and Congressman requested that HUD investigate issues at the prope rty. Page I 8 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000786 Friday, May 26, 2017 Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on his April 10 request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. He inquired about the status of the pregnant woman who fell from a second-floor balcony and was injured. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin is now calling on the Secretary of HUD to explain what HUD is doing to force the landlord to make improvements. Jeremy is asking what HUD is doing, aside from flunking the complex as well as if the agency is planning more inspections and imposing requirements for fixes. Working with multifamily housing and legal on a response to the steps underway to bring the complex into compliance. Also, received a Congressional request as a follow-up to the May 23 call on our discussion on vouchers during the conference call about EssexVillage, the Congressman's staff is hoping to get more information about how residents can vacate their contracts. Sunday, May 28, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us after residents of EssexVil lage reached out to WTVR CBS6 News about a sewage issue Sunday afternoon. They said the problems started around 1 p.m. when a woman's toilet overflowed and solid waste continued to flood into her apartment . Outside the unit, sewage also started bubbling up from a drain in a sidewalk because of a blockage . EssexVillage's sewage system is privately owned and not maintained by the county, but Henrico utility crews responded, removed the blockage and made sure the line was clear. PK Management investigated and learned it was the fault of the resident. No additional action needed. Friday, May 26, 2017 Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on his April 10 request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. He inquired about the status of the pregnant woman who fell from a second-floor balcony and was injured. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin is now calling on the Secretary of HUD to explain what HUD is doing to force the landlord to make improvements. Jeremy is asking what HUD is doing, aside from flunking the complex as well as if the agency is planning more inspections and imposing requirements for fixes. Working with multifamily housing and legal on a response to the steps underway to bring the complex into compliance. Also, received a Congressional request as a follow-up to the May 23 call on our discussion on vouchers during the conference call about EssexVillage, the Congressman's staff is hoping to get more informat ion about how residents can vacate their contracts. Sunday, May 28, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us after residents of EssexVil lage reached out to WTVR CBS6 News about a sewage issue Sunday afternoon. They said the problems started around 1 p.m. when a woman's toilet overflowed and solid waste continued to flood into her apartment. Outside the unit, sewage also started bubbling up from a drain in a sidewalk because of a blockage. EssexVillage's sewage system is privately owned and not maintained by the county, but Henrico utility crews responded, removed the blockage and made sure the line was clear. PK Management investigated and learned it was the fault of the resident. No additional action needed. Wednesday, May 31, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story. She noted Congressman McEachin's letter to Dr. Carson last week expressing concerns about the pregnant woman that fell, as well as the weekend the sewage eruption . Waiting for approval from legal and others to ship timeline/reporting of what HUD is doing in response. Page I 9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000787 CBS6 WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and NBC12.,WWBT-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort previously inquired about the January 11, 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now available for release. Redacted copies of the 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVil lage Apartments were shipped to both reporters, along with the December 2017 report requested by CB56. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong contacted me about a story she is writing about Henrico County issuing a violation notice for a balcony at EssexVillage that a pregnant woman apparently fell through. She asked if HUD is aware of the issue, and asked for comment. Waiting for legal to advise since there is concern about resident litigation/disclosure. Thursday, June 1, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story . She noted Congressman McEachin's letter to Dr. Carson last week expressing concerns about the pregnant woman that fell, as well as the weekend the sewage eruption. Crafted a response to the status of the resident who fell as we ll as the work underway by HUD, PK Management, Henrico County and others to address the many issues at the property. Mult ifamily, OPA, OGC and FPM reviewed and approved the response . In response, received a query about the balconies-and a resident rumor that the balconies were going to be removed . Confirmed w ith PK Management they have contracted for the inspection and repair of the balconies throughout the property. CBS6 WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit continued her investigation/reporting of PK Management properties with a report on Woodland Crossing in Richmond. Her investigation uncovered that PK Management has been cited by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for several health and safety infractions at the complex. The story included evidence of roach infestation, front doors that will not lock, mold and other safety and health hazards. 8NEWS,WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien contacted me multiple times yesterday for a story regarding complaints about PK Management that included federal lawsuits, involving overcharging and HUD vio lat ions in 2009 out of North Carolina. Additiona l research uncovered two HUD OIG audits. In addition to shipping information on assisted housing, REAC Inspections and specific PK Management REACInspection reports, the reporter focused on the question-why is HUD entrusting its resident housing to an unscrupulous company? PK Management has three properties in Henrico County, Va.- all in disrepair. Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus submitted three (3) requests over the past few days including an update on the status of the resident who fell from the balcony as well as the work underway to remedy the deficiencies at EssexVi llage. He noted that the inspections in previous years appeared to over look the deterioration-not the case-the property has always been scored in the 70s. He requested an update on the letters Congressman McEachin issued to Secretary Carson. He also inquired about the HUD inspection process and the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (COE) Plan. All questions were addressed, status report shipped and closed. NBClZ, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received the January 11, 2017 REAC Inspection report for EssexVil lage Apa rtments that is now available for release. She requested an update on the resident who fell from the balcony and the work underway at Essex (status report shipped). She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (COE)Plan. As far Page I 10 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000788 as the plan, it was just submitted on Friday and is in review, so no copy is available right now. I am trying to get a t imetable (line a REACinspection report) as well as what elements of the plan are releasable by FOIA (and when). RichmondTimes-Dispatch(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong contacted me about a story she is writing about Henrico County issuing a violation notice for a balcony at EssexVillage that a pregnant woman apparently fell through. She asked if HUD is aware of the issue, and asked for comment. Waiting for legal to advise since there is concern about resident litigation/disclosure . Crafted a response to the status of the resident who fell as we ll as the work underway by HUD, PK Management , Henrico County and others to address the many issues at the property . Truong directly quoted from the response. Friday, June 2, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is at Hope Village, the third PK Management property in Henrico County, Va. More than 25 residents are preparing a petition identifying the ongoing issues at that complex includin mold, water damage, nonworking smoke detectors/lights as well as other issues. One resident (b)(6) contacted Henrico County offic ial Colonel Doug Middleton who referred the resident to FOD Carrie Schmidt. Yesterday the resident met with PK Management, identified the issues with her apartment and is scheduled for repairs next week . During a call this afternoon, the resident asked me about obtaining a housing choice voucher-an obvious plant. Melissa is also pushing for a fo llow -up story on Woodland Crossing next week. Monday, June 5, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her coverage at Hope Village, the th ird PK Management property in Virginia. She is continuing to interview residents who signed a petition identifying the ongoing issues at that complex including mold, water damage, nonworking smoke detectors/lights as well as other issues. Sourcing informat ion on how residents can contact the PBCA contractor Navigate- a communication "miss" that we identified and are try ing to remedy . Tuesday, June 6, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her coverage of PK Management properties in Virginia. Today, the request was for data sets for tracking safety/security/cr ime issues in multifamily and public housing. She was specifica lly looking for public housing because of the criminal activity in Richmond's housing projects here recent ly. She requested an update on the FOIAthat includes the list of complaints fielded by HUD/Navigate related to PK Management properties in Virginia. And, also made us aware the 25 residents signing a petition in Hope Village had decided not to follow through since their issues are being taken care of by PK Management this week. NBC12, WWBT-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort inquired about additiona l informat ion on the 2017 EssexVillage REACInspection report. The property profile says 26 residentia l units were sampled. Are different units inspected each year? The inspection reports show that inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years. Were there follow ups to makes sure these issues were fixed? And even if there was, it seems the issues persisted and became worse . I've been told EssexVillage was given a passing score until 2017 after the county started issuing violations as well. Will work to clarify the many myths in her request. RichmondFree Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested the insight on the Essex Village subsidy. Per the Congressman's request for how much HUD subsidized rents last year, the actua l Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract amount for Essexwas$ 4,226,300. The contract runs from Page 111 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000789 October 1- September 31, so the figure reflects the contracted amount from October 1, 2015 to Septembe r 31, 2016. Month ly vouchers can fluctuate depending on tenant adjustments , vacancy claims et c. so the figure reported on December 23, 2016 (per the CBS6FOIA request) had not accounted for the adjustmen t s and was based on calendar year. At that point, the reported subsidy was $5,376,299. There was no additional capital--no right/wrong--simply a different period of reporting. Wo rking on a second follow-up about the progress of work underway at Wood land Crossing. Wednesday, June 7, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit reached out t o find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village sto ry. She is looking fo r information from her original FOIA request due June 5. Today, we will be shipping the table of resident comp laints from PK Management properties in Virginia submitted to Navigate, the PBCAand the tota l subsidy funding from PK Management properties nationwide. We are in the process of clari fying her final request for any sanctions and/or investigat ions involving PK Management and HUD. Checking in with multifamily housing. 8NEWS,WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien subm itted four (4) FOIA requests looking for PK Management property REACInspection scores from Jan. 2016 through June 2017 (164 propert ies nationwide, HUD OIG audit reports , all electronic payment vouchers for Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County , Va. from 2013 to 2017 and a copy of the COEPlan subm itted to HUD on Friday, May 16. HQ is working through the requests. Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus is looking for an update on the work underway at Wood land Crossings in Richmond, Va. Awaiting multifamily housing's response. NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted several follow-up questions based on her review of the EssexVillage REACInspection Report for January 2017. She's trying to understand the sample size, why mu lt iple reports cite inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years, how is HUD holding the owner accountable and did HUD respond only after Henrico County reported code violations . All issues circ le back to the deterioration of the property and the failing REACInspection score. RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is looking for informat ion on how many audits/copies of audits HUD conducted with PK Management . If PK Management needs to notify HUD of any lawsuits f iled against the company and if so, how many lawsuits have been filed against the company, where and by whom . She is also requesting HUD's assessment of how PK Management manages the federally subsidized housing it runs and owns as well as a list of the property owners and managers who have overseen EssexVillage since it opened . She is writing a story for the weekend edition and is on deadline. Wednesday, June 7, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out for comment on the Congressman McEachin releasing a statement t hat he's asking HUD to cease all business with PK Management . No response-after hours . NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort requested a response in regards to Congressman McEachin's most recent statement: McEachin requests HUD to address conditi o ns at Essex Village ; other PK Management properties : Page I 12 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000790 http://www. nbc 12.com/sto ry/35 61455 6/mceach in-reg u ests-h ud-to -add ress-cond iti ons-at -essex-vi IIageoth er-pk-man agement-properties Thursday, June 8, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted a FOIA request for the 2015 and 2016 REACInspection reports for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. She misunderstood that we declined the availability of correspondence in a previous request, not the reports. RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is following up on her request for information on how many audits/copies of audits HUD conducted with PK Management . If PK Management needs to notify HUD of any lawsuits filed against the company and if so, how many lawsuits have been filed against the company, where and by whom . She is also request ing HUD's assessment of how PK Management manages the federal ly subsidized housing it runs and owns as wel l as a list of the property owners and managers who have overseen EssexVi llage since it opened . She is writing a story for the weekend edition and is on deadline. Multifamily provided guidance on each element; response shipped this afternoon. Friday, June 9, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted a FOIA request for the 2015 and 2016 REACInspection reports for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. The reports had been previous ly sent under an earlier request . Confirmed receipt . RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong submitted a FOIA request for the 2017 REACInspection report and appeal report for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. Both reports were shipped th is afternoon . Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested information on the conference call on June 7 with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County Officials. In subsequent press releases and news articles, the Congressman appeared skept ical that progress is being made as HUD has stated it is and that the plan of action PK provided will be implemented. He asked if HUD provided any response to congressman's request. He also inquired if there is a reason that the Congressman believes PK is not getting the improvements done and that HUD is al lowing complex to slide while keeping tenants in unfit apartments. He also asked if HUD is explor ing the voucher option . Wait ing for the Multifamily/CIR response that is in review; will craft follow-up fo llowing release of that information. WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien submitted four FOIA requests for informat ion submitted through the public access link on EssexVillage Apart ments in Henrico County, Va. and PK Management. These are in addition to the multiple media inquiries from Kerri that I have been addressing. Kerri has requested copies of all electronic payments made to EssexVillage from HUD for a period of two-years ; a copy of the CDEPlan that was submitted to HUD on May 25; copies of all REAC Inspection Reports for all of PK Management's 164 propert ies and any HUD OIG audits and/or investigations of any PK Management properties. The Richmond Field Office is working with HQ to pull the requested files and determine who will provide the final information to the reporter . Monday, June 12, 2017 WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Kerri O'Brien contacted us about a shooting that occu rred in Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County, Va. on Sunday, June 10. The victim who was shot in the arm, had been previously banned from the property for shooting dice and is a friend of a resident who has been Page I 13 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000791 notified of eviction proceedings. We contacted PK Management and requested information relative to on-site security and camera footage . There is an unmarked auxiliary police unit stationed in an apartment on the property. Followed-up with the reporter with that information as well as the fact the security camera footage had been turned ove r to police officials . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a comment on Congressman McEachin's announcement that he wanted HUD to cease business with PKManagement. She also requested a follow-up on her mult i-pronged FOIA on EssexVillage Apartments and Woodland Crossings Apartments in Richmond, Va. Of the five item requests, the two on Woodland Crossings have been shipped; awaiting concurrence on the fina l three items pertaining to EssexVillage . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit sent a video about an EssexVillage resident complaint about bedbugs and roaches emailed to WTVR Problem Solvers. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate . Both followed -up with the tenant, who had not submitted a work order for the complaint, and was advised PKwould have an exterminator follow-up immediately. The issue has been followed-up and resolved. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on the outcome of an investigation by HUD's inspector general back in 1982 into allegations that HUD illegally bypassed procedures to approve the construction of EssexVi llage. The reporter stated there were allegations of a $2 million cost overrun. The inquiry was transferred to Darryl Madden, HUD OIG Public Affairs, to handle. We were also made aware that HUD OIG is considering opening an investigation at EssexVillage . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit shipped an EssexVillage resident compla int posted on the station's Facebook live. The woman appeared to have water leaking all over her apartment from a defective water tank or water heater. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. The following morning, it was reported the leak, from a malfunctioning air conditioning unit, had been repaired overnight. The issue had been fo llowed-up and resolved. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit sent an email about an EssexVi llage resident complaint about bedbugs emailed to WTVR Problem Solvers . I forwarded the complaint to mu lt ifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. Both followed-up w ith the tenant, who had not submitted a work order for the complaint, and was advised PK would have an exterminator fol low-up immediately. The issue has been followed-up and resolved. WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien received her FOIA requesting copies of all electronic payments made to EssexVillage Apartments from HUD for a period of two-years. Thursday, June 15, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received a follow-up to her FOIA request for information that included full amount of housing subsidy paid to PK Management during FY2016 ($152 mi llion) as well as the complaints collected on PK Management propert ies in Virginia . I spoke with Melissa to further clarification the remaining requested item pertaining to "sanctions" and "investigations ." Page I 14 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000792 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out late-day to inquire why NBC12 had the 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that she had requested, but had not received. After a series of emails, I determined the FOIA had been shipped on June 1 that included the 2015 and 2017 inspection reports. We dete rmined her station's filte rs we re not accepting the files after I successfully shipped them to her private email account. Her evening report included the "more than $150 million" subsidy report. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted a FOIA request about how much money PK Management received from HUD for EssexVillage and Woodland Crossings in the past fiscal year . The FOIA is being handled by the Richmond Field Office and wi ll be shipped on Friday. Friday, June 16, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort inquired about the date of HUD's follow-up REACinspection in July. No date has been set. She is also seeking an on camera with a HUD officia l, which I politely declined. Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested information on the conference call on June 7 with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County Officials . In subsequent press releases and news articles, the Congressman appeared skeptica l that progress is being made as HUD has stated it is and that the plan of action PK provided will be implemented. He asked if HUD provided any response to congressman's request. He also inquired if there is a reason that the Congressman believes PK is not getting the improvements done and that HUD is allowing complex to slide while keeping tenants in unfit apartments. He also asked if HUD is explor ing the voucher option . Wait ing for the Multifamily/CIR response that is in review; crafted a follow -up for media . Awa iting approval from both to ship. RichmondTimes Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is doing a story on EssexVillage for the weekend edition and had a few questions to be addressed. She stated that Henrico County manager John Vithoulkas criticized HUD for the way it conducts inspections and suggested that inspecting only sampling of buildings is not adequate. He said that he feels HUD erroneously gave Essex passing REAC inspection scores when the property should not have received them. She requested HUD's response which we did not respond to. We addressed her other questions including the REACre-inspection has not been scheduled. The other two "troubled " properties are Woodland Crossings in Richmond, Va. and Hope Vil lage in Glen Allen, Va. And, HUD's records reflect GHC Properties as the owner, PK Management as the management company. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested assistance for an EssexVillage resident who cited issues with her apartment since she moved into the complex March 23, 2016. She complained of leaks and mold . Forwarded the inquiry to Multifamily and Navigate. She requested a response ASAP. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed with a second inqu iry regarding the ongoing calls and emai ls from residents at EssexVil lage who are cont inuing to have issues that have gone unresolved. I requested that Melissa assist us w ith "getting the word out" about the process we have in place to deal with the issues-particularly since the work to remedy the deficienc ies in the CDE report is underway . I crafted a response and forwarded it to Mel issa and Colonel Midd leton and requested their assistance. Page I 15 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000793 Monday, June 19, 2017 RichmondTimes Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong forwarded a Richmond TimesDispatch article from 1982 st at ing that an investigation was started over a possible cost ove rr un as Essex was being const ructed. The art icle doesn't show up o nline, but she attached a copy. She was reque st ing a resolution to the inquiry-which I forwarded to HUD OIG to respond. Tuesday, June 20, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit reviewed the 2015 and 2017 Essex Village HUD inspection reports and inquired about several PK Management employees try ing to validate if either one was the senior VP that was allegedly "terminated" by PK Management for poor performance related to the prope rties in the Richmond area. I directed the reporter to PK Management because of the nature of t he personnel issue. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit was confused by the notation of unsuccessful versus successful on the REACInspection reports and did not understand that a score of 59 or below constitu t es a failing score . I confirmed that EssexVillage Apartments failed the REACInspect ion w ith a 46c/51c and ve rified the notation on the REACInspection report means that the inspection was successfully completed and the inspection file was successfully up loaded to our PASSIT system . The word "successful" has nothing to do with the condition of the property. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit submitted a FOIA for EssexVillage and PK Management's Comp liance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted on May 26, the appeal for the January 2017 REACInspection, the Not ice of Default from HUD to PK Management and the Project Owner's Certification form. She also asked if the repair plan has been approved by HUD. Friday, June 23, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has submitted a FOIA requested the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actual amounts, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016 for each property. We will most likely release the FOIA on Monday after hearing back from multifamily housing . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed up on her FOIA request for Essex Village and PK Management's Compliance, Disposit ion and Enforcement Plan submitted on May 26, the appeal for the January 2017 REACInspection, the Notice of Default from HUD to PK Management and the Project Owner's Certification form . She also asked if the repair p lan has been approved by HUD. Await ing avai lable documents and a response about plan acceptance from multifamily housing. Monday, June 26, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfor t has submitted a FOIA requested t he amount of annual subsidy paid t o PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apart ments , Henrico County, Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actual amounts , but are also det ermining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016for each property . Working on a response with multifamily housing. Tuesday, June 27, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has submitted a FOIA requested the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Page I 16 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000794 Village Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actual amounts, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016for each property . Waiting on a response/clarification from mul t ifamily housing. WRIC-TV 8News Where You Live (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien has requested a response/copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan subm itted by PK Management for EssexVil lage Apartments, Henrico County , Va. She also inquired if the REACreinspection been scheduled. She informed us t here is a meeting tonight w ith Henrico Board of Superviso rs on Essex Village. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit inqu ired about the FOIA she submitted related to Essex Village Apartmen t s and PK Management. She has requested a copy ofthe Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (accepted and currently being redacted) , the Notice of Default , the Project Owner's Certification Survey and Certification form . We are currently waiting for a response from multifami ly housing. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit has yet to clarify what she means by requesting a listing of any sanctions or investigat ions involving PK Management from an earl ier FOIA request. She has until July 5 to respond to our request. Wednesday, June 28, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Online Reporter Megan Woo in her report on the Henrico County Board of Supervisors meeting reported that poor living conditions in EssexVillage Apartments was the focus of the meeting. Officials say the ir goal is to get up to speed on what ' s being done to fix the problems and to determine the next steps. Officials also say they will cont inue to work with the chief building inspector , and HUD officials to follow up on notices and violations - but incorrectly reported that "despite the fact that HUD continues to give the facility passing grades." The story noted Congressman Donald McEachin has also sent two letters to HUD Secretary Ben Carson about the problems . A correction was filed on the property's failing REACInspection score of Slc* . WRIC-TV 8News Where You Live (Richmond , Va.) Noon Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien alerted us to the fact that Henrico Count y filed nine (9) criminal summons against the owners of EssexVillage and Greg Perlman. They range from fa iling to maintain balconies to air condition problems to fail ing to fix plumbing . PK Management stated the violations were received after 5 p.m. last evening. Essexstaff is already addressing them and Managemen t is verifying t he issues were not previously addressed . Also, a violation, if corrected prio r to court date carries no fine, only if not add ressed. Carolyn Anastasi wil l follow-up tomorrow morning. WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us about a resident repo rting w/video that there is another sewage overflow in Essex. PK Management made us aware of the issue prior to receiving the repo rter's note and alerted us that the plumbing company had been called and was on-site along w ith Henrico County officials and the fire department. Melissa also sent two additional resident complaints our way-one with an overflowing ai r conditioner and one with long-term carpet damage. I forwa rded the information to Multifam ily and Navigate . CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is int erviewing National Al liance of Housing Tenants Michael Kane about HUD's REACInspection process. Delt on Nichols and Robert lber provided insight about the process that was edited and shipped to the reporter . Melissa requested an interview with Deputy Assistant Secretary DJ Lavoy. We will again politely decline. Page I 17 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000795 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received her FOIA requesting the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. The decision was to pull actual payments , not HAP Contract amount. RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong submitted a FOIA for the amount of federal funding EssexVillage receive last year and what the money was intended for. She asked if HUD require owners of properties that receive federal fund ing to report how they use their money as we ll as a copy of reports or any documentat ion GHC Housing Partners, PK Management and/or EssexVA Investors LLC.submitted related to how they used the federal money they received. She also requested a copy of the Compliance , Disposition and Enforcement Pian for the property . Thursday, June 29, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Investigative Reporter Melissa Hipolit received an interim response her FOIA (June 20) that included the Notice of Defau lt sent by HUD to the Owner of EssexVillage on February 24, 2017. The other requested documents have been submitted to HUD by either the ownership or the management entity for EssexVillage, and may contain commercial orf inancial information that is arguably protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)) and require submitter notification--which has been made. Friday,June 30, 2017 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us about a resident reporting w/video that there is another sewage overflow in Essex. PK Management made us aware of the issue prior to receiving the reporter's note and alerted us that the plumbing company had been called and was on-site along w ith Henrico County officials and the fire department. The additional questions about the issues with the sewer system have been part ially addressed with the remainder forwarded to PK Management. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up her Wednesday afternoon inqu iry that included how PK Management is being held accountab le in any way for not properly taking care of EssexVillage. Cited Code of Federal Regulations and guidelines HUD must fol low when a multifam ily owner fails in the requirement to provide decent, safe, sanitary housing in good repair. The Notice of Default of the Housing Assistance Provider Contract has been issued and the subsequent steps are underway . That If the property fails to pass the REACRe-Inspection , actions may include considering imposition of civil money penalties (CMPs), abatement of the Section 8 or other rental assistance subsidy, in whole or in part , and possible assignment of an FHA loan and/or foreclosu re. She also inquired if HUD is investigating what happened to the money they gave PK Management to maintain EssexVillage. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit asked why HUD continues to decline requests for an interview. Jerry Brown agreed to fol low-up with the reporter. Monday, July 10 RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong received a partia l de livery on her FOIA request for federal funding EssexVil lage received last year and what the money was intended for . She asked if HUD require owners of properties that receive federal funding to report how they use the ir money as well as a copy of reports or any documentat ion GHC Housing Partners, PK Management and/or EssexVA Investors LLC.submitted related to how they used the federal money they received. Page I 18 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000796 This documentation has been shipped. She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for the property which is still under submitter notification. Tuesday, July 11 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up on her FOIA for relating to Essex Village and PK Management. She is looking for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (still in submitter notification and unavai lable for release) as well as the appeal to the January 2017 REACinspection, the Notice of Default and the "Project Owner's Certification" Survey and Certification form that the project is compliant with HUD's physical condition standards and state and local codes (this was to be submitted within 60 days of receipt of NOD). A partial is available for release. Melissa requested a verification of the dates of the submitter notification . Tuesday, July 11 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed -up on her FOIA for relating to Essex Village and PK Management. She is looking for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (still in submitter notification and unavai lable for release). I confirmed the period of the submitter notification. I also confirmed the remainder of her requests were shipped to her on June 29 that included the appeal to the January 2017 REACinspection, the Notice of Default and the "Project Owner's Certification" Survey and Certification form that the project is compliant with HUD's physical condition standards and state and local codes. She has had issues receiving large files before and may not have received the reports/submittals. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on HUD's REAC Inspections including if the inspectors talk to the tenants as well as how much weight are mold/mildew/toxic air issues and bed bugs are given in the inspections . Also, whether inspectors test for mold or if it is just a visual test. The response included the fact that these issues are exigent health and safety issues calling for immediate reaction. I also included extensive information on our bed bug guidance and policies . Melissa fol lowed-up on Wednesday with additional questions concerning inspections. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit made us aware that a meeting had been held between PK Management and the residents of EssexVillage Apartments last week and that PK Management said they were looking to sell property to Ernst and Hoss in 60-90 days. She asked if HUD was aware of the meeting and/or sale of the property . We confirmed there was a meeting, but that a sale was not discussed. Wednesday, July 12 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a new FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management . She has requested digita l copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee McClain-Blankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. Richmond Field Office will be handling that request. Thursday, July 13 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wo lfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. We have been back and forth Page I 19 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000797 clarifying exactly what the reporter is looking for; she has requested any emails in the time periods noted that include information about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Me lissa Hipolit and WTVR. We are beginning to pull emails in response. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on any mold testing conducted at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. Her request has been forwarded to PK Management for response. Friday, July 14 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested the last four REACInspection scores for the Burton Apartments in Cincinnati, Ohio. The scores include: 04.03.17, 73b*; 07.08.16, 33c*; 08.22.12, 90c and 05 .07.08, 84b . Burton Apartments is part of a 727-unit portfolio in Cincinnati owned by affiliates of PE Holdings, the principal of which is Chaim Puretz. The portfolio, which includes Burton Apartments, was placed in a Receivership in a joint action brought by the private lender and the City of Cincinnati on February 1, 2016. Burton Apartments experienced a fire and a collapsed roof due to flooding conditions during the period that PEwas in control of the asset. The Receiver, Jodi M . Ridings and her agent, Mi lhaus Management, have had operational contro l of the propert ies since February 1, 2016 and have performed roof repairs and brought fire damaged units back on line . The Receiver also performed other stabilization repairs at the property . This could be an explanation for the change in score (from a failing 33c* to 73b*) as the Receiver did not commence substantial stabilization work at Burton until after July of 2016, but did substantial work after that date . Friday, July 14 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong have both submitted requests for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. As expected, the attorney for GHC Housing and PK Management has sent an objection to the release of the media requested materials which include th is document. We anticipate a ru ling about next steps on July 18. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Brendan King filed the story EssexVillage in court over 18 criminal charges and called asking for comment , which we declined. NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort filed the story EssexVillage owners dodge questions outside courthouse and left a message, also asking for a call-back if able to comment. Saturday, July 15 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond Va. Re orter Melissa Hi olit re uested assistance with an EssexVil lage resident complaint about (b)(6) Her mother, !(b)(6) l contacted the reporter about rodent and bed bug infestations and a request for a apartment is scheduled for transfer. PK Management immediately followed-up andl(b)(6) exterm ination. I Monday, July 17 WTVR-TV CBS6(Rich~opd, Va,lReporrrMelissa Hipolit requested assistance with an EssexVil lage resident complaint fa (b)( 6) The new mother with two additional young children has been staying with her sister for the last seven months because of an ongoing rodent infestation. PK ~ apartment is scheduled for extermination. Management immediately fo llowed-up and!(b)(6) Page I 20 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000798 Wednesday, July 19 RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong followed-up on her FOIA requesting a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for EssexVillage in Henrico County, Va. PK Management objected to the release of the document, so the Plan will be unavailable until August 1. Friday, July 28 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wo lfe , Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. She has requested any emails in the time periods noted that include information about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Mel issa Hipol it and WTVR. Completed pulling and culling the records; forwarded to Anne Davis, Richmond Field Office FOIA Lead. Thursday, August 3 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management . She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the fo llowing dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. She has requested any emails in the time periods noted that include information about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Mel issa Hipol it and WTVR. Completed the review of and concurred on the fina l two documents and letter and submitted to Anne Davis, Richmond Field Office FOIA Lead. We anticipate the final FOIA to be shipped late this afternoon or tomorrow. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (COE)Plan for EssexVillage Apartments that was received from PK Management. When she inquired about the delivery of that plan, we reshipped a description of the submitter notification process, and that it is a requirement under FOIA. Again, we explained the FOIA is on hold because there were some objections to release of documents raised by the submitter. PK Management has been given until tomorrow COBto present those objections in a way that will give us reason to withhold the documents. We wi ll follow-up with PK Management tomorrow, and in turn, the reporter . Page I 21 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000799 l.S. Di:.r .-i.R1.Ht." ur nv1.,~L'u .-'1. .,u l ; K.DA., u.t. V.t.LUl' W.->.SHl:\'GTO:\. DC 2()-ilO-l(J(iO 1 1Ht,:'II l Off!CE or CO:-GRESSION ., L .-\SD l:STERGOVERN\11'\TAJ . RELATIOSS The Honorable A. Donald McEachin Member, lnited States House of Representatives l 10 N. Robinson Street , Suite 40 I Richmond, VA 23220-4457 Dear Representative McEachin : On behalf of Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., lhank you for your interest in Essex Village and your continued concern for its residents . The Department is keenly interested in resolving the issues at the property and shares your desire to achieve the best outcome for the residents of the Essex Village community. Specifically, you made a series of inquiries regarding the vitlage. The HUD team has already responded to a series of email inquiries and had numerous conversations with your staff regarding Essex Village. The Department is pleased to work with you in this manner to address these very important concerns. Initially. given the general scarcity of affordable housing. the Deparlment's policy is to work with owners. residents, and localities to preserve project based Section 8 contracts whenever possible. If the Section 8 Housing As .r,istance Payment Contract at Essex Village were to be terminated, without first attempting to rectify the physical deficiencies at the property, those 496 units of affordable housing would be lost to Henrico County forever. In addition, many families residing in the property would he displaced . Preserving affordable housing units strengthens neighborhoods and allows families to remain in the communities they call home. This policy of preservation does not override the owner's obligation to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing according to the terms of the comract. Nor does it override the tenant's right to live in peaceful enjoyment of that housing. The following information is provided by HUD's Office of Mult ifamily Housing. Your letters make specific requests of the Department . You also ask that where your rcqucst(s) cannot be met, that the Department provide a detailed explanation and "constructive alternative suggestions for ensuring that current residents of Essex Village have access to homes that afford them a decent quality of !ife." In your letter of:\fay 25, 2017, you requested a call from HUD with your staff and Henrico County officials. Most of your requests resulting from lhe June 7, 2017. conference call with HUD staff were addressed at that time, and this letter largely reiterates the information provided in that call. HUD has numbered and listed each of your requests below and provided a detailed response. The following responds to your letter dated, June 13.2017: Request I: Receive a copy of PK Management's report on needed repairs at Essex Village sent to HUD in May 2017 . Response: When Essex Village received a failing REAC inspection score, HUD sent the owner a Notice of Default letter requiring that it perform a l 00 percent unit inspection and submit a plan to www.h11d.go, . AMERICA'\J VER IGHT espanol.hud.gm' HUD-17-0235-C-000800 2 address all physical deficiencies ac the property. HUD reviewed and accepted the owner's plan, which was received on May 25, 20 l 7 (Refer to enclosure #I). Request 2: Confirmation of the date of HUD's next REAC inspection at Essex Village, which we understand will happen late July/early August. Response: The date of the next REAC inspection is Augusc 8, 20I 7. Request 3: A plan to close Essex Village and provide vouchers to residents as soon as possible. Response: As discussed on our June 7,2017, conference call. after the failing REAC inspection from January 2017. the owner was given a Notice of Default and an opportunity to cure the deficiencies . The repairs are expected to be completed by July 3 I. 2017. In accordance with this process, if the owner fails the second REAC inspection, the Department will take enforcement action, which can include requiring a change in management; encouraging a sale of the property; or abating the Section 8 subsidy. If the determination is made to abate and terminate the subsidy, the residents will receive vouchers. If the REAC inspection reflects that the owner is maintaining the physical condition of the property to standard, HUD will continue to monitor the conditions at the property and work with Henrico County officials to ensure that ownership continues to meet its obligations. As discussed during our conference call, if Henrico County condemns the units or revokes the rental license, the owner wil! be considered in violation of the Section 8 contract. This will result in HUD terminating the contract and making vouchers available to the residents. Request 4: Allow Henrico County officials to join HUD for future inspections of Essex Village. Response: HUD cannot accept this request because the HL'D inspection process and standards of the locality are different than REAC's. Conducting two different inspections at the same time can present confusion for the resident. owner. and the inspectors. As we discussed on our call and provided in our written responses to earlier questions posed by your office, the Department's policy is to allow only property participants (owner. management resident) ro accompany the REAC inspector. HUD's policy minimizes the number of people for a good reason: Too many people on inspections can become distracting to the inspector as well to residents. In addition, the policy also protects the tenants' right to privacy by ensuring that physical inspections are not viewed as an intrusion into tenants' homes. ~!any tenants take issue if people other than the property's representative arc present. This is a long-standing policy in existence since REAC's inception. HUD will continue to work with the County and the owner on resolution of the outstanding code violations. Request 5: Temiinate or abate HUD"s contracts with PK Management at all properties. Response: At present, Essex Village is the only PK \.Ianagement affiliated property that is experiencing a default. Therefore, HCD has no grounds to terminate contracts at other affiliated properties. To do so would violate the respective property business agreements and be contrary to our mission of preserving scarce affordable housing resources across the country. As was discussed on the ca IL the Department monitors all of its 30,000 properties using a variety of sources in addition AM RICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000801 3 to the REAC inspection. HCD will provide closer scrutiny to the I 71 PK affiliated properties, with particular attention to the Virginia-based assets. Request 6: Please provide constructive alternative suggestions for addressing Essex Village . Response: The Department shares your goal of ensuring that all Americans, including residents of Essex Village and all HUD-affiliated housing. have access co safe, decent, affordable housing. As stated above , HUD also has the goal of preserving limited housing stock. Therefore, HOD cannot abate the contract without first attempting to improve the physical condition of this prope1iy. Currently , Henrico County administers approximately 250 vouchers . Given the significantly rising rents in nearly every city in the country, there is concern that a significant increase in vouchers may not be easily accommodated by the existing units in the county . HUD is committed to working with you to find the best solution. H"CD works with local stakeholders to balance the needs of residents, communities , and the due process protections that are basic to all property participants. HUD will continue to ensure that our owner and management partners adhere to their business agreements and provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing . If they do not the Department will enforce compliance or will tem1inate our relationship and provide alternative housing for residents. In addition to the specific actions HUD is taking with Essex Village as the federal agency charged with ensuring the potentially competing goals of preservation and compliance, the Department developed a series of initiaLives to more quickly identify troubled properties; enhance enforcement actions; and improve our communication concerning such properties with residents. communities, and local governments and can share them with you and your staff. The following responds to your letter dated. June 22, 1017: Request 7: You referenced general concerns regarding the property. specifically the sewage system. Response: The mvner/managcment reported a sewer line camera inspection Vias completed by Dillon Plumbing, a local third party plumbing and sewer company, over the course of two weeks in late May and early June. The final written report was due on June 16, 20 I 7, but was delayed. To expedite the receipt of the report, the videos were forwarded to UIS Engineering, who provided an initial response on Wednesday June 22,2017. The initial report was a review of 1,000 lineal feet of the lines. Verbally, Dillon Plumbing conveyed to County inspectors that no material damage was noted in their review of the camera videos. The cause of the backups was primarily due to improper disposal of grease. pampers, baby wipes, etc. Dillon Plumbing also noted that the lines were previously obstructed by bottles and other large objects. Preliminary results of the report from UIS show that over 63 percent of the lines were clear and that the 36 percent of apparent obstruction was grease build up. Management provided a notice detailing items that are not flushable and proper grease disposal instructions in May and this notice will be redistributed and included in the July Newsletter (Refer to enclosure #2). Management has a contract to jet the lines quarterly (Refer to enclosure #3). The owner/management reported that recent backups (including the one highlighted by the media over the Memorial Day weekend) were due to grease. pampers, and wipes . They have no record of recent incidents of the backup of actual raw sewage. Bill Mohr, Facilities Director for PK AM RICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000802 4 Management, was on site at Essex and personally observed one of the backups in question at the cleanout. He reported that the backup consisted of clear waste water (no feces or urine). Request 8: You noted residents stared they were told not to contact the County and that PK staff did not respond to requests for assistance. PK l\fanagement reports the following: Response: According to management, residents have not been told not to contact the County and encouraged to contact the leasing office (during the business day) and to use the emergency after hours service (after business hours) to repott maintenance issues. In addition, the contact information and grievance protocol for ~avigate Housing. the Contract Administrator for Essex. was redistributed to residents and reposted in the leasing office. Last week, management instituted a customer service email where residents can voice concerns about repair quality, maintenance promptness. or any other management concern. This email is monitored and goes directly to the centralized Customer Service center located at the PK Corporate office. Management is also aware that recently, some residents voiced that calls to the emergency after hours. line went unanswered . To address this, management added a second "on-call" maintenance technician. Each shift will now include one HVAC technician at all times, and the technicians are authorized to use 3rd party HVAC contractors, as needed. to expedite service. These customer service enhancements were reiterated via hand delivered tenant notices, as well as, during the resident meetings held the week of June 19, 20 l 7. (Refer to enclosures #4). The Depattment encourages residents to contact management first. then the Navigate Housing. then contract administrator, and then HUD staff. Request 9: You requested a list of all properties in Virginia .s 4 th Congressional district with failing REAC scores and the names of the owner operators of those housing complexes. Response: 1l1e list of properties is enclosure #5. I hope this infonnation is helpful. Sincerely, (7 I // ~ Li...,...,--...,- Aaron Santa Anna Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Enclosures AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000803 ENCLOSURE a E1 1 - . -,, ~ ~ PK May 25, 2017 VIA ElectronicMail and Federal Express Ms. Carolyn Anastasi US Dept. of HUD Wanamaker Bldg. 12th fl 100 Penn Square East Phi/adelphra, PA 19107 RE: Essex Village Apartments-VA36-H027-196 REAC InspectionCOE Dear Ms. Anastasi: As a follow up to our original submission dated April 28, 2017, please accept this as our final COE and improvement plan for Essex Village Apartments. EHS All EHS items noted on the REAC inspection were addressed and documented to HUD on January 13, 2017 (see attached report). In addition, from the 100% unit inspection survey, a!I items of this type have been addressed. Interior Units Total Point Loss Units _j(b)(6f7 1._J As previously noted, following the receipt of the final REAC score of 51, a 100% unit inspection was conducted. Attached please find the revised COE report including completed service requests. Management utilized several third-party contractors including flooring contractors, plumbers, HVAC contractors, carpenters, and exterminators, to address unit deficiencies. Unless noted, repair work has been completed. Any open items will be addressed by July 31, 2017. Due to the number of units at Essex, as well as the comprehensive nature of this inspection, management will be revisiting units and ensuring that 3rd party contractor work as well as on-site work has been completed up to UPCS standards. We expect this secondary review to be completed by July 31, 2017. 26301 Curtiss-WrightParkway.Suite 300, RichmondHts., Ohlo 44143 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000805 Exterior Fencing and Gates - Point Loss - 2.23 All fencing and gates that were damaged were repaired. Some sect ions are being reviewed for replacement and will be done by July 31, 2017 if needed. Gutters/Downspouts/Soffits/Fascia- Point Loss - 2.47 All gutters, downspouts, soffits, and fascia noted on the REAC inspection report have been repaired/replaced as needed . The entire property was surveye d and repairs downspouts, soffits and fascia were made by our 3rd party contractors on site. to gutters, Siding - Point Loss - 3.63 All siding has been repaired and is up to UPCS standards, howeve r, the owner has approved to begin siding replacements over the next 60 days, beginning with the 100 Series. We anticipate that this first series of 5 buildings will be completed by July 31, 2017. Common Areas - Point Loss - 1.08/Stair Repairs (Breezeways) Point Loss - .01 Common Areas have been inspected and repairs have been made as needed including in the office, community room, laundry rooms, and breezeways. All breezew ays have been power washed and all several stair risers have been repaired and stairs replaced as needed. All common areas will continue to be inspected weekly and repairs will be made as needed. Grounds {Landscaping)Overgrown Vegetation - Point Loss- 5.57 Landscaping upgrades have been extensive since March 1, 2017. Specific ally mulch, shrubs, and other plantings have been added. In addit ion, tree trimming and bush trimming have been completed to address any areas of overgrown vegetation. Landsca ping and the monitoring of vegetation will be ongoing and continuous. Grounds (Landscaping) Erosion - Point Loss- 7.43 Erosion has been addressed by seeding and straw coverings , This will be ongoing with major areas addressed by July 31, 2017 . Playgrounds - Point Loss - 5.57 All playgrounds have been repaired and swing seats replaced. Playgro unds will be monitored daily and any needed repairs will be addressed immediately. Paving- Point Loss - 0 No deductions related to paving were made on the REAC report Howeve r, the owner authorized a full seal coating and striping of all lots which will occur on May 31, 2017 . Extermination (Infestation) - Point loss - 4.20 Service has been transferred to Terminix. All units on the property have been treated during a "cfeanout" process. Tenninix is new contracted for !he ongoing service as well. C!eanouts for both roaches and mice have been completed . rv1iceexclusion and extractio n will continue as needed . Units will be treated a minimum of four times per year - more as needed . Note - the point toss in Extermination is also reflected in the total unit interior point deduction above. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000806 Other Items Sewer Backups - No point deductions related to Sewer backups were made on the REAC report. However, this issue was discussed during the meeting held on March 29, 2017. To address this issue, all lines were jetted during the first week of May 2017. This procedure will be continued, as needed, but is planned for a minimum of twice annually. Jn addit ion, the owner has agreed to conduct a camera inspection of all lines. The latter is planned for the first week of June. Balconies - All balconies were inspected on May 25, 2017. made by third party contractors as needed. Repairs and replacement will be Refuse Disposal - It was determ ined that the number of refuse pickups was not adequate. Management increased the refuse service from: o Old Service: 20-8 yd. dumpsters on site 4-8yds emptied 3x week 12- 8yds emptied 2x week 4-8yds emptied 1x week (senior side) o New Service: 20 - 8yd dumpsters on site 16-8 cubic yard dumpsters each emptied 3x week and the 4-8yds emptied 1x week (senior side) Security Guard Service - Security was discussed during the meeting held with Managem ent and HUD on March 29, 2017. Since that meeting security guard service at Essex is now setup on a 16 hour day schedule utilizing 2 off-duty Henrico Police Officers per shift. Day Shift will operate from approximately 12:00 pm -4:00 pm daily. Evening Shifts will operate from approximately 2:00 pm - 2am daily. (7 days per week) Officers will utilize marked police vehicles while on duty for mobile patrols, and also be spending most of their shifts on foot patrol when weather permits. Essex also has a HPD sub-station ~office" where officers can take breaks from the elements and do any report writing . Other On-Duty Police often do foot patrols with the Essex officers on a regular basis. Officers will enforce all local and state laws, including but not limited ta: Trespassing, Curfew Violation, Loud Music, Domestic Calls, Frearm Violations, Alcohol/D rug Violations, etc. Reports will be emailed to our distribution group daily for review. Cameras - CurrenUy, the property has a camera system covering certain areas of heavy traffic. This system will be augmented over the next 90 days, by August 31, 2017 to have additional coverage in all three series (100, 200, and 300), as well as on the senior side. Customer Service/Nuisance Calls Management has requested the most recent log of nuisance calls from the County and will follow up with Colonel Middleton on this matter. In the meantime, management has reiterated its grievance procedure to tl1e residents as well as all after-hour's emergency numbers, service request procedures, etc. AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000807 Tenant Relations In an effort to improve tenant relations, management conducted one on one meetings with tenants in April to discuss the House Rules and to address concerns. A new Property Manager was hired on March 27, 2017 and willensure follow up meetings are being scheduled to check in with residents, discuss any concerns they have and to solicit constructive criticism and feedback from the residents regarding the recent repairs and the management team in general. Social Services Essex currently has one full-time Social Service Coordinator. Management is in the process of hiring another Service Coordinator who will be assigned to augment services specrfically for the children who reside at Essex. We look to have this new position in place by July 15, 2017. In the meantime , Essex will continue with a robust services and programming schedule. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at ~216) 472-1870x1151. SJA~\ely, ,--... -~ /\ ,. / \f\!lf;.I \ l I y--/ ..rTf 11 :1 ,~f!/flu.,'l ,, V I \ / - . Jenee McClain-Bankhead President JMB/pjo Attach. AM HICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000808 < m JJ en - Essex Village - 100% Unit lns_f)_ection Oeftclancy Alea .De fic!encl Comments Hules/Missing Seclions/Damaged/F atiinglleaning (Nonsecurity/Non-sarety) unit privacy fences missing at fir.;.tfloor of sevc,al units Fencing and Gc1\es Holes/Missing Scclions/Darnayed/Fal!inglleaning (Securily/Safe1y) vegetation growing lhrough all fencing causing damage . chain link. at rear ol olfica damaged , wood fence damaged at golf cart garage Grounds Erosion1Ru1ting Arnas Site: Fencing and Gates G) I -I I . bate ." h, ildings: unde,mining atHb\/6) I (b)(6) lanlries, holes front ofHbHol r erosio~merous areas, throughoul site. bahin (b )( near condensers, undermining at elec closet, r1,1<1rof 20o1, undermining, wall~ lo~ hole at ~~pout front o (b) rutting runl of 300erosion at downspuuls of office 1~o .--.- I Grounds Heallh & Safety Heallh & Safely OverqrownlPenetralinCJ VeQelation Hazards-Sham Edoes Hazards-Tripping veqetation <,rowinq through broken olm;s numerous sidewalk to curb trarn,i1ion; by oflice II around offine fol sewer cover . cable_; rear ol I b 6 caomumly patio , sidewalk uneven aj !iiOIN gate noarl(b)l6) entry hall, cable lrip haZ,lfdS around most bldgs. polhole wotoo l i?l mcer cau~ino nea (b) 6 hanrd alk at olfice al water m1c11er cover HUD-17-0235-C-000809 Mailboxes/Proiecl SiQn!> Market Appeal Parking Lots/O Damaged Surface (Holes/PalflVRusUG!ass} stoooer not workinglmissino Bath 1 & 2 Toilet lcwking; Balh 1; lub faucet drips and diverter; Balh 2 011track : Bedroom 1 ; Closet 111in Bedroom 3 2 or more burners do nol function hanaino ; Hallway/Hall s!oooer not funclionino :Balhroom 2; Toilet napper/valve leakinr:i :Bathroom 2 Kitchen Roaches no access ; Balhroom 1 2 or more burners do nol function Fretizer seal needs replaced Switch olate cracked ; Bedroom 3 3/14/2017 26642 -1 26642.1 26642-1 26642-1 Bathroom 1: Bedroom 1 3/17/2017 26643-1 Lock not !unclioning: front entry door edoe spilt; Bedroom 1 3114/2017 26644-1 26644-1 3/14(2017 3/14/2017 I Essex Village -100% U11itlnsp_ection < m; Deficiency Alea JJ - Kitchen Kilchen CJ) Unit #l(b \/6\ I Health & Safely Kitchen Smoke npt,:;rcto, G) :::c Unlt#f(b)(6) -I I Bathroom Bathroom Health & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Smoke Detector Wirvo~.Unit t,f(b)(6) Unit il(b)(6) I Doors Kitchen Smoke Detector I Ceiling Heallh & Saletv Health & Safely Health & SaCely Heallh & S<1re1v Smoke Detector Windows Unit #Hb )(6) I Bathroom Hc,.:Jllh& S.iletv Kitchen Liohtino Windows Winrin"'"' Unit l/b)/6) HUD-17-0235-C-000814 I Smoke 0AtActor Unlt#l(b)(6) Comments Ll:lai<.ing FauceUPip..is Ranqe/S love-Missi nq/Damagedlln operable lnrestat ion-ln s,:;cls RanQe Hood/Exhaust Missing/lnooerable Leakinu FauceliPioeti Waler Clos!:!1/Toi!el-Damaaed/ClooaeoiMi::.sinQ Emernencv Fire Exits-Emerqency/Fire Exits RanQe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Refriqeralor-Missing/Damaged/!noperaole Missino/lnooerable Inoperable/Nol Lockable I Heallh & Safetv Uoit #l(b)(6) I Ceilu,~ Doors Doors Health & Safety Kilchen Other Damuoed HardwarelLocks Sink-Missing/Damagad Missino/lnoperab le Mold/MildewNJalcr Slains/Water J_ Date Comph,u,ij Faucel .leaks Righi)front burner ooes not function 3/1412017 3114/2017 Roaclles not funchoninolblocked smoke dot. not workinq; Hall & Bed 2 Fans-Excessive I He,111na. Salely Walls Unit #ll(b)(6) D.if'iciu n c~ sink faucet drips ;lub faucet Toilet is loose Bedroom 2 window not lunctioninQ/block~d Fresh food seal needs reolaced smoke detector is nol functioning:Bedroom Window won't slay up; Bedroom 2 no elect ric Darnage MoldlMildewfWatcr Slains/\Na1er Damaqe Emergencv Firn Exils-EmerQencv/Fire Exils Hazards-Tri o uinc, tnrestation-!nsects Other Mlssing/lnoplaced 26649-1 26649-1 26649 - 1 26650-1 26650 - 1 26650-1 26650-1 26650-1 26650-1 3115/2017 26653-1 3/15/2017 26653-1 3/15/2017 3115/2017 311512017 2U653-1 26553-1 26653-1 Essex Village - 100?/o Unit Inspection < Oaflclancy JJ Sm"k"' n"'"'"'0r Unit'l!(b)(6) I Missinq/lnop&rable G) Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Bulldina Exterior Ra nqe/Stove-Missinq/Oamaqed/lnoperable Rerria0,a1or-Missinn/Damaqea/lnoperable Sink-Missing/Damaged m en - :I: --t Arna 0~llciuocy . C ornrnents Smoke delector is missing ; 1-lall RighUlront bume, does not function Fresh lood seal needs renlaced sprayer . Rools Missinq/Dam.:iqed Componer.ts from Oown spoul/GuUer Common Aroas: Clost,t/Utllil)l]Mechanl cal Doors Uahtino 1/h)/o I Damaged Ha,uwarc/Locks f Missinq/Oamacied/lnooernble . I _Q;;tiai_Comple_tild7 splas hb!ocks Striker plate mis C abmets-Miss1ng/Oamaqed Damaaed Ha!'dwarellocks Bathroom 1 Closer damaued/disconm:icIed Front enlrv door 6aIhroom walls/ceillnq Roaches 2 or more burners do not !unction Fresh rood seal needs replaced VACANT - deliciencim; will lie repaired as unit is made market ready counter stoooer not runctionino Handle broken Front entrv door Broken window;Bedroom 2 Roaches Fresh food seal needs replaced broken oane;Bedroom 2 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 26872-1 tenanl rtifusal sink faucet clrius ;13alhroom 1 Closer damaoed/disconnected ; Front entrv door: Balhmom 1; Faucet leaks: leltllront burner does not function : Fresh food seal needs reolaced; Bathroom 1; cove base missing;Balhroom 1; stopper missing ; showerhead not funclioninQ : seal loose Closerdamaged/disconnected Fron! entrv door: doors ; ; Handidli.nob loo!.e/dam;;qucl pai10 4n/2017 4/7/2017 4n/2017 4/7/2017 26876-1 26876-1 26876-1 26876-1 26876-1 26876.1 41712017 417/2017 4(7/2017 4/7/2017 26876-1 26876-1 4nl2017 26876 - 1 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 4i8/2017 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 26877-1 4{7/2017 26!37.':!-1 26877-1 26877-1 26877-1 26877 - 1 26877-1 26877 - 1 Essex Village o 100 3/4 Unit Inspection < Oeficlenc:t Alea m JJ en - G) :J: -f Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Win......... Unit ~(b )(6) I Doors Health & Safely Health & Sare1v Health & Salely Kitchen Windows Unlt1'11b)(6) I Heallh & Safely Unltj(b )(6) Balnroom Bathroom Deleriorated/Missino Seals IEntrv Only) Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panel s Emeraencv Fire Exil~-Emernencv/F ire Exits lnfestation-Rals/MiceNermin Refrioelaced 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4120/2017 26900-1 26900-1 Mako entry - repair all observei.J dincionciel:. and thoroughly list out 26900-1 26900-1 Essex ViUage - 100% Unit Inspection < m JJ en - G) ' Oetlclencv Ared Dlliidunc ,Comments Smoke n,-lPrror Unlti.d(b)(6) I Heallh & Safely Missingllnoparable smoke detectors Hall Bedroom 2 4120/2017 2G900-1 Make entry - repair alt ooserved dificiencies and lhoroughly list out 4/2012017 26901-1 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4(2012017 26902-1 26902-1 26902.1 26902-1 4/2012017 4/2012017 4/20/2017 26903-1 26903-1 L!!:ill(b) .11 ( 6) ::c I Bulldlna Extorlor Doors Healln & Safely Roofs 1A1~11~ I Unit #l(b)(6) Bathroom Bathroom issing lnfestulion -~ lnsects OttHlf I Health &. Sarety I b)(6) Oam.i(ied Surface (Holes/PainURust/Gla ss) Dishwasher/Garbaoe Disoosa~lnooerable Refrioeralor-MissinCJ/Damaqed/lnoperallle Damaged Leaking Faucs:l/Pipes Showerffub-Damaoed/Missinn Waler Closet/f oilet-Damaged/CJouued/M Damaged Hardwar1:1/locks He:arrh R. s; ::.f<>tv Unit ;!(b )(6) I Heallh lS. ~alely Unit #l(b)(6) Work Order# I Doors Kitchen Kitchen Walls Unll_#l(b)(6) Ba\liroom Bathroom Balhroom Doors -I Other Date Complelttd Oth1 I Heallh & Salety Unitl(b)( 6) #11h111,,;1 HUD-17-0235-C-000825 Unit ,A(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Floors Kilchcn Kitchen Unit #Hb)(6) I Health & Safely Damaqed Ha,dware/Locks Oeterioraled/Missino Seals (Entrv Only) Soft Floor Coverin~ Missinq/Darl\aqed Ememency Fire Exils- oEmarnencv/Fire Exits Refri!.lerator-Miss inci/OamaQed/lnoperiibla I Bathroom Health & Safelv Kitchen Health & Safely Leaking Faucet/Pipes Oam.,ged Hardware/Locks Deleriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Ememencv Fire Exils-Emerriencv/Fire Exils fnoptirable RanQe/Stove-Missinq/O.,maged/lnoperabfe Relriuerator-Missino/DamaQed/lnoperable Inoperable/Not Lockable Other Bathroom Unit :comm1:nts Refrine,ator-Missinq /Oam .igeu/Jnoperabla Unit# 1/b)(6) I :::c -I Area I Lavalorv Sink-DamagediMissinQ LeakinQ Faucel/Pipes Ememencv Fire Exits-Ememencv/Fire Ellits Raf n!]erator-MissingJDamaoed/lnoper.:ible Olher li:ivatorv .S1nk- DamaQ~d/Mis~1M Leaking FauceVP1pes Damaoed Hardware/Locks Damaged Surface (Holes/PainVRuM/Glnss) Oeteriorated/MissinG Seals {Enlrv Only} Soll Floor Covering MissingtOarnaoed Refr iqeralar-Missinq/OamaCJed/lnoperable Sink- Missing/Damam~d Other Lavatory Sink-Damaged/Missing leakino FauceVPipes Waler Closel/T oilet-Damaqed/C!ooaed/Miss Bu!Qinq/Bucklinq Damaqcd Surtace {HolesiPainURusVGlass) Work Order# Fresh food seal needs reolac ed 4/10/2017 26908-1 showerhe;id Closer damaaed/disconnected Front entry door Bedroom 2 screwed shut Thermostat nol functionino Righi/front burner does nol function Fresh food seal needs replaced screwed sllut Bedroom 2 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4110/2017 4/10/2017 269D9-1 26909-1 inq 26909-1 26909-1 26909-1 26909-1 26909-1 26909-1 Clo:,er damaQed/disconnecled Front antsv door stains Bedroom 1 bed Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/10 /2017 4/10(2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 26910-1 26910 -1 26910-1 26910-1 26910.1 Maka Entry o repair all observed dificicncii,s and thoroughly list out 4/11/2017 2tl911-1 stooncr missino showerhead Bedroom 3 bed Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 26912-1 26912 -1 26912-1 2(,912-1 Make Entry - repa ir all observtid dificiencics and thoroughly !isl oul 4/10(2017 26913-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 26914-1 26914-1 26914-1 26914-1 26914-1 26914-1 26914-1 26914-1 Make Entry - repair all observed dificiencies and thoroughly list out 4/11/2017 26915-1 sloooer missino: Bathroom 1/2 showerhead Balhroom 1 toilet cloooed seat loose: Balh 2 Bathroom 1 door edQe solit; Bathroom 2 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26916-1 26916-1 26916 -1 26916-1 26916.1 s1opper missmq sink faucet drips Closer damaoed ; patio handle door edge splil: Bathroom 1 Front entrv door; patio foaaed stains Fresh food seal needs replaced no pressure/loose Unitt;l(b)(6) I Batllroom Bathroom Bathroom Ceilino Doors J. Dal~ ~om~tu.Deficiency m Ar~a JJ Doors Doors Health & Safety Kitchen Essex Village .. 100% Unit lnseection Otificlency :::cUrifti(b )(6) Damaged/Missmi] Screen/Storm/Security Door Deteriorated/MissinQ Seals (Entry Only) lnfeslahon-tnsects Clooaed Drains Dishwasher/G arbacie Disposa!-lnoper aole Relriqeralor -Misf>ino/Damaqed/lnoperable ~(b)(6) Lavatory Sink-Damagcer<:11 Jlo Relrioerator-MissinQ/Dam,med/lnopcrable - CJ) G) -I Kitchen Kil I Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Health & Saletv Heallh & Safetv Kitchen Kite~-- I Bathroom Doors Health & Satetv Kitchen Unlt#l(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safety Kitchen Unit 1'1(b )(6) I Bathroom Doors Electrical System Hot Water Heater HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Li . HUD-17-0235-C-000826 Uoli'#l(b)(6) I Doors Doors Lighliac. Unit ;A(b)(6) I Doors Health & Safelv HVACSysosed Wires/Open Panels Range/Stove--M1ssi nC1/Darni:laedllnuoerable Ventilation/Exhaust Svstern-lnopernblci Deleciorated/Missino Seals (Entrv Only) GFl - lnoperable lnooerable UnlVComponents lnoperallla Dishwasher/G,ubage 01sposal-lnoperable Range Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Ranoe/S\ove-Missing/Damaqed/lnopera b!e Ref rigerator-MlssinQ/Damaged/lnoperable MissinQ/lnooerdb!e Fixture Damaged Hardwarn/Locks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Missinq/lnooerable Fixture Deteriornted/M1ssir1Q Seals {Enlrv Onlvl lnfesl.:ilion-lnsects Inoperable Cornm1mts I Dal;: Completed I Work Oraer # Screen \om Fronl entry cloor Roaches Sink drain is c!og9eo IQarbaoe disposal not 1unctioninr1 Fresh food seal needs reolace.:J Conlfac1or 4/11/2017 4/1112017 4/11/2017 26916-1 26916-1 16916-1 26916-1 26916-1 sw1:ioer missino stopper missing seat loose Striker plaie misaliyned/missin~l ;Bedroom 2; Roaches Mice Leflllront burner does nol funcl1on Fresh food seal needs l'CDlaced Con1rac1or Conlrac1or Con!ra cior Contractor Conlractor Contrac1or Contraclor Contractor 26017-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917 - 1 26917-1 2ti917-1 sink lauc1:1tdrios Front entry do0<; slider foqgod Roaches Fresh food st:1alneeds wplac:ed 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 Conlractor 4/29/2017 26918.1 26918-1 26918-1 26918-1 seat loose Balhroom 1; Bathroom 2 Closer damaged/dis connacled Fronl enlry door disposal wire Riohllfront burner does not !un ction no power Front ontrv door : no power no power no power no power no oower no power no power no oower Closer damaoed/disconnected Front entry door: DininQ Room ; Front entrv door; Roaches; not adequately heatmq ; 4/1 l/2017 4/1112017 4/11/2017 26919.1 4/11/2017 26919-1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26919 -1 26919.1 26919 - 1 4/11/2017 2m120 -1 4/11/2017 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920.1 26920 - 1 26920-1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 ; 26916-1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4111/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2011 26920.1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26921-1 26921-1 26921-1 4/11/2017 26922-1 Contractor 26922 -1 4/11/2017 26922.1 I < JJ en - Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection \ Deficiency m G) :I: --t Are<1 D<'Jfichmc lCort11ntmts Doors D,1rna9ed Surface ('1011'.:!s/PaTnVRi.ls UGlassJ Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Stairs Doors Dama ed Hardwareilocks Doors Damaged Surface (HoleslPainl/RusL 'Glass ) Graffiti IGraffi11 Stairs/Hand Railtngs !Broken/Missing Hand Railing Walls lDamag_e-d Common Areas: Health & Safety Health & Safety j Hazards-Sharp Edges Common Ale.as: laundry 10 ''fnl r Bathroom Doors Health & Safety Hot Waler Haater Kitchan Wa~ Unltt{b)(6) J Bathr.n..r'UY'lo Unit #l(b )(~ Balhroom Doors n"""' Unit ((b)(6) J Bathroom Doors Electrical System HeaUh & Sarety_ Kitchen Kitchen Windows: HUD-17-0235-C-000827 _J Kitchen Kitchen leaking Fa~eVf:ipes Damaged Surface (Hoh,s/Paint/RusVGlass ) DotarioraledlMissing Seals (Entry Only) Damaged Surface (Holes/Painl/RusVGlass ) GFt-lno_perable Hazards-Tripping Range/Stove-Missing/Damaged/Inoperable Rofrigerator-Missing/Damaged/inQPerable Cracked/Broken/Missing Panes Range/Stove-Missing/Damayed/lnoperable Refrigerator-Missing/Oamagedilnoperable Windows Balhroom Leaking FauceVPipes Leaking FauceUPipcs Damaged Hardwareilocks Doors Unlfi(b)(6) .i~ing Ptielin_g/Needs Paint Dami'..lged Hardware/Lock, lnfm-.iation-lnsects General RusVCorrosion Relrigeralor -MissingJOamaged/lnoperab le Damaged/Deteriorated Trim Lavatory Sink-Damaged/Missing Bathroom I lno(.l_erable/NolLockable Waler Close late llndry I I vent disconnecle ' 1(b )( 6) ----'i [in dee closet )no key. no access Leaking Faucei/Pipes Damag_edHardwaroJlocks Doors Unit #l(b)(6) Bathroom -- OU1er Showerffub-Damaueo/Mis Ceiling_ riker ~ bandrail - VToilet-D~m39ed/Clo;:mecl/Missin9 lpeuling Bathroom 1; Balhroom 2 Closer damagQQ/cliMconneclcerobie RcfriQerator-Missinci/Dami:JQed/lnooerable Damaged Othur Showcr/Tub-Dam.iqed/Missinq Damaoed Hardware/locks Le<1kino Faucet/Pipes Refri11era1or-MissinCJIDamaoed/lnouurable Bathroom Doors LeakmQ FauceVPipos Damaged Hardware/Locks Health & SaMy tiealth & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildew Observed Other Cabinets-Miss ing/Damaged Range Hood/Exhausl Fans-Excessive Refrioi:uator-MissingfDamaged/lnoperablt! Missing/Broken Cover Plates Ouo .-lr/C:.u,arhes HUD-17-0235-C-000828 Unit~ b)(6) I He IU, ll. S;;.f "(Y Unit~ (b )(6) I Kitchen Bulldlna Exterlor Heallh & Safety Health & Safety Rools Walls IOther Leak inq FauceVPiPl:!S E>11>osed Wires/Open Panels Sharp Edges Missing/Damaged Components from OownspouUGutler Missing Pieces/HoleslSpalling L_Q_ate Cornplr,h,d I Work Ordtlr # Striker plate missing: 1:ntry & Bed 1 door t:,dqe splil ; Bedroom 2: Roach~s Fresh food seal needs replaced Closer damaned/disconnected ; entry Roaches Faucet teaks Fresh food seal needs reolact:1d Hallwoy/Hall Bedroom 3 Bedroom 2 hole(s) :Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bathroom 1 Fresh food seal; Freezer seal rnol a-:e holes : Hallway/Hall ; Bedroom 2 minor onlv orcscnl 1oeelinq Striker plalo mis,digned/missinq; entry trap leaking Frosh food seal netids roolaced sink C.iucel drips Closer damaged/disconneclcd ; Striker plate mlsaligned/mrssmg ; entry Tub mildew on tub lilos drawers not funclioninQ/blocked Fresh food seal needs replaced Switch plate missintl: Bedroom 3 New Unll - no issues Faucet leaks ac dicr-"nnect conduit ; rear ~indow splash blocks vinyl patching non mat1,;h,NIS dry.ii 11en1 louvers mis::.ing b)(6) 4/2912017 26938-1 Essex Village~ 100"/o Unit Insp ection < IOeficloncy Atea m Defld,mcy en Windows Cracked/8rokeniMis:;inCJ Panes Common Areas: Health & Safe tlJ Heallh & Safely Ha2ards-Olhi:!l G) Common Aroas: Storaoe JJ - J: -I nnnr<: I h\16\ Dc.1maoed1-!ardwarti/Locks I Unit#l(b)(6) Doors Kile' ILJnii"it(b)(6) I Baltiroom Bathroom Doors Doors Heal h & <::;of.-,.ty Unit#! (b)(6) I Bath IOUJII Bathroom Doors Do(l(S Hot Water Heater Kitcrum._ Un1ut(b)(6 o BaU1mom Doors Electrical Svstem Kite"~- HUD-17-0235-C-000829 Unit d b)(6) I Bathroom Doora Doors Ooors Electrical System Heallh & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Kilc"'M UnJti(b)(6) Bathroom Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Unit 4/hu,,.;\ .. I (b)(6) . .L Date Co!flPleta~ l I no key no access (b) laundry & (b) closet Water Ctosetffoilet-DamaAed/Cloq ()edJMissing Damaqed Surface !Holes/flainl/Ru sUGlass) Oeleriornted/Missing Seals fEnlry Onlv) RanqeJSto11e-MissinqtOa1m.1Qe d/lnoperab!a LeokinQ FauceUPi'1es Waler CloseVTollet-Damaued/Cloc oed/M1ssinCJ Damooud Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/Missina Seals (Entr v Onlvl lnfeslatlon-lnsecls L a11.:itorySink-Damaacd/Missino Leaking FauceUPipes OamaQed HardwarPJlocks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Enlr v Onlvl Generol RusUConosion Refrigerator-Missing/Oamagc!d/lnoper able La,..atorv .Sink-Oamaocd/Missino Oetenorated/Missmq Seals {Enlr y Only) GFl-lnooernble Refngorator-Miss1m1/Damaged/ln operable le.ikino Faucel/Pipes OamaC1ed Hardware/Locks Damaaed Surface CHolesJPainV RusUGlass) Deterioralcd/Missino Seals {Entr y Only) GFl-lnopernble Infestation-Insects Ranqe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessiv e Ranae/Stove-Missing/Oamaooolln ooerable Rofrigeralor-Missinq/Oamaged/lnoper able Lavaloiy Sink-Damaged/Missing Ranoe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excosstv e Range/Stove-MissinQ/Damaged/ln opernble Refnc:ierator-Missirm/Damaqed/lnop erdble lectric IStrikar olale misaliCJnedtrnissinCJ;l( b)(6)I - I Bathroom Doors ..commanls seat loose holeisl; Bedroom 1 Front entrv door Oven does not function sink faucet drins seat loose Closer damaged/d1scoonectcd Fronl entf\l door Roaches stoooor missinQ show1:1rhead Closer damaqed/disconnected Fronl enlrv door Fresh food seal needs replaced stouoer m1ssinq Fronl entry door Balhroom 1 Fresh food seal needs raplaced sink faucet drips; lub raucel drips Closer damac.ied/disconnected hole(s); Bedroom 3 Front entrv door Kitchen Roaches not {unctioninri/blocked 2 or more burners do nol function Fresh roodsual needs replaced sloooer missing not functioninn/blocked 2 or more burners do not function Fresh rood :;eal replace Work Order # Essex Village - 100% Unit lnspection < m l Dftficlencv Atua JJ - (/) G) Health & Safely Unit #1/b\(6)1 Bathroom Ceilina Ceiling Doors Doors Floors Health & Safetv Health & Safety Kitchen Unitd(b\/6) I Balhroom Bathroom :::t: --4 Doors Doors Doors Kitchen Ughlina Unid/b)(6) Bathroom Doors ; Daflcloncy ,Comments Other no key ShowudTub-Oama qed/M issinq Bulging/Bucklina PeelingJNaeds Pain! DeterioraledlMissinq Sa ab (Entry Only) Missing Door Hard Floor Cove ring Missinq/Damaged Flooring/Tiles Electrical Hazards-Exoosed Wires/Open Panels lnfe:italion - Rats/MiceNermin Ref ritieh:J/NotLockable Sink and Tub not draiuinQ Balh 1 Front entrv door window balance Bedroom 2 Left/rear burner does not function Fresh food seal needs replaced loose from wall Hallwav/Hall Window won 't stay up: Bedroom 2 Other no key Leakinci Faucel/Pipes OamaQ1:dHardware/locks Deteriorated/Missing Seals {Enlry Orny) Electricc1IHazards - -Exposed Wires/Open Pan els sink faucet dnps Closer dnmacied/disconn4::!cled Front entrv door ,Qap 1n panel j Datu Completed I Work Order # Essex Villageo 100% Unit Inspection < m JJ u, - G) :I: -I , O&flclency Ara a Baihroom Bathroom Doors HVACSvstem Kitchen Kitchen Building Exterior Doors Health & Safely Walls Walls Ouhclcncy ;Comments Lavalory Sink-Darnaoed/Missinq Waler Closet/T oilct-Damai::iad/Cloon( .'<1/Mis~i ng Delerioraled/Missina Seals (Entrv Onlvl Inoperable Ranoe Hood/Exhausl Fans-Excessive RefriqeraloroMissing/Damaged/lnoperab le Darna(Jcd Surface (HolesiPainVRusl/Glas s) Wires/Open Panels bposed Cracks/Gaos Missing Pieces/Holes/Spalling Common Areas: HJU5/Corr!dors1Stai rs Stairs/Hand Railings BrokenlDamaged/Mi:.sing Damaged Steus HUD-17-0235-C-000831 Common Areas: Health & Safotv Heallh & Safety Hazards-Sharp Edqes Common Areas: LaundN LiohtinrJ MissinQ/Oamaotid/lnoperable Fixture Walls Damaged l(b\(6\ l:ommunitv: Bulldlna Exterior Doors Damaged F raml:l5rThmsl10!d/Linte1sr r rim Roors Damagt 3/4 d Soffils/Fascla/Solfit Vents Roofs Missina/Damam!d Comoonenl5 from DownsooulJGuller Common Aruas: Closul/Utilltv/Mechan lcal Electrical Blocked Access 10 Electrical Panel Common Areas: Health & Safetv Health & Sa(etv IElectrical Hazards-Elloosed Wir1;s/Ooen Panels Common Area&: Kitchon rnm ...,, Holes/Missmo Tiles/Panels/Cracks l(b)(6) I Unit# Hb \In\ I Bathroom LeakinQ Faucel/Pipes Doors Damaged Hardware/Locks Kitchen D1shwasher/GarbaQe D1soosal-lnope rable Kitchen Range/Stove-Missing/Damaged/Inoperabl e Kitchen Refnqerator -M1ssinQ/Oamaciedllnooe rable Unit~(b)(6) I Health & Sarety ilinil#l(b)(6) Doors Doors Other 1 Damaotid Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/MiSSIOCl Seals (Enlrv Only) .T Date Completed I Work Order # stooour mi:;sin,::i seat loose Front entrv door nol adeouatelv heating not functioninQ/blocked Fresh food seal needs rcotaced (b) I elec closet oeelina .l.filfront .1 ac disconnecl box loose from wall l(b)( lend of bldQ nisr siding damag~. llon1 o (b) at ac condensers Tr~agacl al (b)(6) both under both stain,, also slair tread a11(b)(6) I l(b) I 116\ Jaundrv back closet handicap ooener nol lunc!ion ino sorfit elbow misslnq : solashb!ock downsooul 1oanal door broken cannot open G.ip around <1libv stove numerous tiles sink faucel dnps Closer damaoed/disconnecled QarbaQe disooi;al not functioninQ Right/front burner does not function Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/12/2017 4/12(.!017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26992-t Make Entry - Repair alt defiaenc1es and thoroughlylist out 4/12/2017 26993-1 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26994-1 26994-1 Closer damaged/discon necled Front entrv door 26992 -1 26992-1 26992.1 26992 -1 Eti::aex Villageo < m 'Oot1ficlency Area JJ en -) G J: -I :QeflCiii!r lCV 100% Unit inspection ' Comments Hot Water Healer Mi:,sing Pre=,sum Reiil;!f Vc1lv t),nension tube irom pressure reliel val11eis missing Kitchen Range/Slove-Mis:;ino1Damaat2d/lnau.:rable RtJlrioeralor -M1ssino/Damaaed/lnooernble 2 or more bumers do not function Kil_.___ Unit)(b)(6) I Batnroom Bathroom Door5 Health & Sc:1k,1y Kitcht!n Kitchen Outlets/Switches Unit .(b)(6) I Bathroom Balhroom Doors Heallh & Safelv Kit.'"'..- ~(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Hoalth & sare1v Kitchen Kitchen w~"~ Uoltl(b)(6) HUD-17-0235-C-000832 Batnroom CeilinQ Doors Doors Health & Salelv Health & saretv 4/12/2017 4112/2017 26994-1 26994 - 1 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/1212017 4/12/2017 26995-1 26995.1 26995-1 26995-1 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26995 - 1 Shower/Tu1>-Damaut1d/Missin<1 Waler ClosetlT oile1-0amaqed{Cloo,1ed/Missina DamaQed Hardware/Locks lnfoslation-Rals./MicoNermin Ranae/Slove-Missino/Damaciad/lnouerable di.-er1er seat loose Closer damaoed/disconnected 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 41l2/2017 Shower/T ub-DamauedtMissino Deteriorated/Missinri Seals (Enlrv Onlvl lnfastation-Rats/MiceNenTiin Cabinets-Missino/Damaned RelriQerator -Missino/Oamaaedlinoot'.lrable Lavatory Sink-Damaqed/Missinc1 Shower/Tub- ,DamaQed/Missina Water CloseVToilel-Damaqed/Clooaed/Missino lnooerable UniVComoonents MissinQ/Broken Cover Plates Waler Clost:iVToilat-Damaaed/Clouoed/Missina Bulging/Buckling Damaaed Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/Miss inu Seals (Entrv Onlvl Air Quality-Mold and/or Mtldew Observed lnfesta\mn-lnsects Work Order # 26094-1 4/12/2017 Vcntilc1tion/Exh.iusl Svstem-lnooernbte Water Closet/T oilet-Darnaried/Clocmcd/Mis!>jna Damaned Hardware/locks Datoriorated/Missinn Seals (Entry Only) Electrical Hazards-Exoosed Wires/Ooen Panels Dishwasner/Garbac,e Disposal-lnooerabla R,;frit1erator-Missinci/Damaciedllnap0rab le I 4/1212017 Tub does not 0rain stonner missina Front ontrv door Tl/b Riohtifront bumer does no1 function Fresh food seal needs replaced Oullel olate rnissino ; Bedroom 1 Damaacd OuU~s/Swilches Unit ii(b)(6) I Date Completed CJonned Drains Lavalorv Sink-DamaCJt:dlMissinq De1e1ior<1ted/MissinaSeals (Entry Onlv) Air Ouahtv-Mold and/or Mjldew Observe ct RanoeJS\0110-MlssinQ/Oamaoed/lnoperallle RelliaeratoroMissino/Dama<1ed/lnoi:ierable Missina/Bro,-en Cover Platas I Bathroom Duors Health & Safety Kitchon Kitchen Unit j/b\ln\ I Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Hot Water Heater Fresh food seal needs reolaced I 26995-1 26995 -1 2l'i996.1 26996-1 Mice LefVlronl burner doos not function Contraclor 26996 -1 26996 -1 4/1212017 26996-1 not lunctionina seal loose Closer damaoed/disconnected Front enlrv door hwh cvr missinn . aau in breaker panul laarbaaa disoosal not functioninQ Fresh food seal need!> rcolaced ihrouuhout 4(12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/1212017 4/12/2017 4112/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26997-1 26997-1 26997.1 26997-1 26997-1 26997-1 26997 -1 26997-1 divener not functionina Front entrv door 4/12/2017 4/1212017 Contractor 26998-1 26998-1 26998-1 4112/2017 4/12/2017 26998-1 Mice drawers Fresh food seal needs reolaced stonoer not functionina di11erter seal loose hw runs oul Outlet olale missina: DR & Bed 2 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 toilet cloooed: Bathroom 1 Bathroom 1/2 Closer damaoed/disconnecled Front cntrv door Tub;Ba\hroom waUs/ce1li r11, 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 Roaches Contractor 26998 - 1 26999-1 26999-1 26999-1 26999-1 26999-1 27D01-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001. l < m JJ - CJ) G) Essex Village o 100% Unit Inspection iDeflclency Area Deficicnc Health & Safety Hol Water Healer Kitchen Kitchen Un11Hb)(6) I Heallh & Salety lntesli.ilion - Ri:ils/MiceNennin Inoperable Unit/Components Range/Stove--MissinQ/OamaQed/lnooer<1 ble Refnaerntor -Mi:.sinolDamanedllnoperable :::c -I ~(b)(6) 1 Bathroom Bathroom Do-~ Unltl(b)( 6 ) I Bamroom Health & Safetv Health & Safety Kitchtm Kitchen Kitchen Windows UniUl(b)(6) Other I Bathroom Bathroom [)oo(S Doors Doors Electrical Svstem Kilr hon Unit Hb)(6) I Bathroom Doors Electrical S vstem Hoallh & Safety Kifrh<>n Unlt1(b)(6) HUD-17-0235-C-000833 I Health & Safely Kitchen Bathroom Unit ill/h \ lf-\ 1 Bathroom Doors Kitchen BulldlnaExterior Health & Safetv Walls Shower/Tub-DamaqedJMissinQ Waler Closel/Toilel-DamaQed/C!coaed/Missin<1 Oet~rioraledJMissina Seals (Enlrv Only) Cl0<1cedDrains lnrcslation-lnsecls lnfeslation-Rals/MicoNermin Cablnets-MissinQ/Damamid Ranmi/Sto11e-Missinu/Darna4od/lnoperable Rolrigerator -Missin!i/Damariecl/lnooerab!e lnouer.. ble/Nol lockable Leukinq Faucel/Pipas Waler CloseVT oilel--Damaqed/ClotifJecJ/M issinQ Damaged Hardware/locks Damaoed Surface (Holes/PainURusl/Glass) Deterioratod/Missinq Seals (Enlrv Onlv) GFl-lnooerable Relrigcralor-Missinq/Damoqed/lnoperable Waler Closetll 01lot-Damagad/Clooaed/Missing Damaqed Hardware/locks GFl-ln Gperablo Electrical Hazards-Exposod Wires/Open Panels Cabinels-Missino/Dama oed lnfeslat ion-Rats/MiceNermin Ceilina Sink Lavatory Sink-Damaged/MissmQ Delerioratcd/MissinQ Seals (Enlry OnM Refriqerator-MissinQIDamaged/lnoperable E)(posed Wires/Open Panels Cracks/Gapi; Walls Missing Pieces/Holc:;/Spalhng Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Stairs 'Comments Dale Completl!d Work Order# Cont ractor 4/10/2017 4/10(2017 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 make entry and repair all ooserved dificiencies and thoroughly list out 4/29/2017 27392-1 [peelinQ, hole seat loose Fronl entrv door 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 Mice hw runs out in showe, RiQht/fronl burnef does not !unction Fre::1hfood seal needti replaced Sink does not drain Roaches Mice doors Righi/front burner does nol function Fresh food seal needs replaced Lock inooerable; Bedroom 112 Faucet drips/showerhead ; Bathroom 2 toilat not funclionlno; Bathroom 112 Closer damaued/disoonnecled holc(s) numarovs Front entrv door Bathroom 1 Fresh food seal needs replaced seat loose Bathroom 2/1 Handle/knob pa\io, Hinoes loose Bed 2 Bathroom 2 Bedroom 2 swilch gap drawers Mice damaged balh sink inoperable 4/10/2017 3/24/2017 4/10/2017 26755-1 26755-1 26755-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 27006-1 27001.H 27006-1 27006-1 27006-1 27006 . 1 27006-1 4/14/2017 4114/2017 27007-1 27007-1 27007-1 27007 -1 27007-1 Contractor Contraclor 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 Contractor 4/13/2017 4/13/2017 loose Front entry door Fresh rood seal needs reolc.1ced 4/14/2017 rear ac wires loose from disconnect box sioinQ gaps sidinQ holes and nisr damaCJeto sidinn 3/28/2017 3/28/2017 3/28/2017 4/14/2017 4/1412017 27008-1 27006-1 27008.1 27009-1 27009-1 27009 -1 27010.1 27010-1 27010-1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m. 'Defichincy Arna JJ en - G) J: -I CeilinQ Doors Common Areas: laundry Drver Venl Liohlino I I b \/6 1 Unit j(b)(6) I Bathmom Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safety Windol.."' Unit ;t(b)(6) :Comniunts Holes/MissinQ Tile:i/Panels/Cracks DamaQed Hardware/Locks nisr damaudlD) I floor 2 Stnkor plate misaligned/missinc:j(~) l{loor 2 Dr'im Var1t-Mii;sinq/Oamaged/lnoperable I Missino/Damaoedllnoperab!e Fixture Hot Waler Heato:r Kilchen Kitchen Unit #l(b)(6) I Balliroom Bathroom Doors Hllallh & Safetv Kitchen Unit l(b)(6) I Doors Unit# l(b)(6) I Doo,,, Doors Health & Safely Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen I HUD-17-0235-C-000834 Batnroom Doors HVAC Svslem K1lchen Windows Unit #l(b)(6) I Health If. Safetv Oullels/Sw11ches ~(b)(6) I Ba lti,vum Bathroom li.Le.al.d,s,,onnecl.:!J in elcc room 01(b) laundry 1(~) I Date Completed Work Order# 3128/2017 27010-1 27010 -1 3128/2017 3/28/2017 3/28/2017 27010-1 27010 -1 leaking FauceVPip~s Water C!osetfT oilet-Damacied/CloClaf:!,t/Missino Dami:iqed Hardwareilocks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Onlvl Emergency Fire Exils-Emerriancy/Firo E>:its lnooerable/Not lockable showerhe;jd Seal cracked Closer damaged /disconnected Fronl enttv ooor window balances Bed 1, 2 & 3 Window won't stay uo;Bed 1, 2 & 3 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4121/2017 4121/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27012 - 1 27012-1 27012 -1 27012.1 27012.1 27012.1 Soll Floor Covennq Missinq/OamaCJed General RusVCorrosion Raf\Qe/Stov~M1ssirm1Oarn,medllnoper able RofriaeraloroMisslng/Damacied/lnooefable throuqhout 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 27013-1 27013-1 27013 -1 27013 -1 27014-1 27014 -1 Frc~h foocl seal needs replaced 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/2112017 4/21/2017 :.17014.1 27014 -1 Dam;iged/Missino Scm1:1n/Slorm/Securily Door Scrnen lorn palio 4/21/2017 27015-1 DamaQed Sur/ace {Holes/Painl/RusUGlass) Dcteriorated/Mis:;ina Seals (Entry Only) lnfcslation-lnsecl:; lnfestation-Rals/MiceNe,min Cc1b1ncIs- Missing/Damacicd Clom1ed Drains Refngerator-Miss1ng/Oama<:iedllnoperable hole{sl : Bathroom 1 Front enl,v door Roaches Mice drawers ; doors Sink drains slow Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 I Floors Unlt*b)(6) 'Ouficieuc Lav alorv Sink-Dam;,ued/M issing Walt!r Closi;tfToilot-Oamaried/Cloqgi:d/M,s:;mg Deterioraled/M1ssi11g Seals (Enlrv Only) Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildew Observed Ref rigerator-MissinQ/Damaqed/lnooarablo Riqhl/lron\ burner dO<::Snot fundion Fresh food seal needs replaced sloooer m1ssiny seal loose Froot an1ry door Tub 27014o1 Showar/T ub-Damaged/Missmg Oeleriordted/Missing Seals (Entry Only) lnooerable Re[rigeralor-Missinq/Oamaqed/lnooerable lnooerabla/Not Lockable low pressure Front entrv door nol cooling Fresh food seal needs reulaced Window won't slay up; Bed 3 4/21/2017 27017-1 27017-1 270H-1 27017-1 27017-1 Electrical Haz<1rds-Exposed Wires/Open PanlllS Missinci disposal wire Switch brokenfmissing; Bathroom 1 4121/2017 4/21/2017 27018-1 27018-1 4/21/2017 27019 -1 27019.1 La11atorvSink- -..Qamm1ed/Missing leak1nq Faucet/P ipes staooer missinQ sinkfaucet drios ;tub raurnt dnps 4/21/2017 .,. 4/21/2017 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection <: DefJcl~ncy An~a m JJ - Bathroom Doors CJ) G) Floors Kitchen Outlets/Switches .Y_n!!J(b)(6) I Bamroorn Doors Eleclrical Svslem Health & Safelv Heallh & Safotv Kitchen Walls Unlt~(b)(6) I Bathroom Heatlh & Saletv Health & Safety Kitchen ~(b)(6) I Ba Bathroom :::c -I Doors Doors Wi~ Un1tM(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Floors Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kitchen HUD-17-0235-C-000835 Oull ., ..... . hes Unlt#l(b)(6) I Battiroom Bathroom Doors Doors Electrical Svslem Health& Safety Kitchen Unlt_!l(b)(6) Batrnuum Balhroom I 'Ouflclencv Water Closettr oilel-Damagad/CloqQed/Missinu Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Hard Floor Coverina Mlssincl/DamaQed Floofin q/Tiles Range/Slovu-MissinQ/Damaoed/I nooerable MissinQJBroken Cover Plates Lavatory Sink-Dam;;iqed/MissinCJ Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) GFl-looperable Infestation-Insects Other Ranc1c/Stove-Missinq/OamdQedllnoperable Damaged WaIor ClosoVToilel-DamaftedfCloaoed/MisslnCJ lnfeslation---lnsects Other RefriqeraIor-MissinolDamaged/lnooerable LavatoIv Sink Damaqed/Missino Water CtosoVT oilet-DamagedfClooc1ed/Missing Damaged/Mission Screen/Storm/Security Door Deleriorated/MissinQ Seals (Entrv OnM Inoperable/Nol lockable Lavatorv Sink-Oamaood/M1ssinC1 Leaking FauceVPipes Water ClaseVT oilet-Damaqed/Cloaat1d/Missino Deterioraled/Missinn Seals (Entry Onlvl RoVDeterioraled Subfloor Other Range/Sto1Je-Missing/Oamagad/lnoperab le Relrigeralor-Missing/Damagedl!noperal>le Missino Bc1throom Cabinels-Damaged/Missinc.i Water Closel/T oilet-DamaCJed/ClooCJed/Missin g Damaged Hardware/Locks Oeleriorateut /Guttur Mis sing Piece sJHoles/Spalling Walls . sotf it iron\ splashbl ocks sid ing holes and nisr to siding cJ.1mage, missing siding rear I <'ln" o'r damaged/disoonnecled;H,mdle/1<.nob l (b)(6) ~all 3129/2017 27028 - 1 3/29/2017 3/29/2017 27028-1 27028.1 3/2912017 27028-1 3/29/2017 3/2912017 27028 -1 27028-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27029-1 27029.1 27029.1 4126/2017 27029-1 27029-1 lit:ihl hanq inq 126 floor 2 hall Unlt#l(b\/6\ I Balhroom Doors Doors Doors Doors Health & Safely Sm-"- n~ -- 1or unual (b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Floors Health & Safocy Health & SafBIY Kitchen Kitchen Smok e Detector UnitHb) (6) I HeaUh R. S::if<>h HUD-17-0235-C-000836 Unit l(bH6) Batnroom Leaking FauceUPipes Waler Clost!VToilet-Dam ~1QedlCloooedJM1ssinc i Deterioraled/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Hard Floor Covorinn MissinQ/Damaoed Floorin C!niles Eleclrical Hazards - Exposed Wires/Open Panels lnlestalion-lnsects leaking FauceliPlpes Refriqeralor-M issing/Oamacied/lnoperable Missinq /lnoperable Other I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Heallh & Safety Health & Safely Windows Unit #l(b)(6) Water CloseVT oilut-Dam amid/Cloooed/Miss inq Dam;,gcd Hardwari::llocks Damaqed Surface (Holes/PainURusVG!ass) Oel e,ioraled/Missinq Seals (Enlrv Only) Missing Ooor Infestat ion-In sects Missinr:illnooerable I Leakin q Faucel/P ipes Water Ctos etfT oilet-Damaged/Clooaed /Missin g Deteriorated/Mis~inq Seats (Entrv Oolvl Ememency Fire Exit:.- Emeraency/Fire E)(t\S lnfeslalion-lnsects Inoperable/Not lockable Ven\1la11on / Exhausl Svslem-lnooerable Handle broken Closer dama11ed/disconnecled hofe(s):Bedroom 3 Front entrv door Bedroom 2 Roachtls Smoko detector is missin<1:Ha llway/H,111 tub faucet drips seal loose Front eolry door Hallwa't'/Hall disposal wire Roaches Faucet leaks Fresh food seal needs replaced Smoke detector is missina : Hc1Uway/Hall lno kev sink faucet drips seat loose Front entry door Bedroom 1 window not functioning 1qnats nol functioning Bedroom 1 lnot funcliornng 4/26/2017 Conlractor 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 '1/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27029-1 27029-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27030-1 27030-1 27030-1 27030-1 27030-1 27030 -1 27030 -1 27030.1 27030 -1 4/26/2017 27031-1 4/26J2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 4/20/2017 27033-1 Contraclor Cont1aclor < m JJ en - Essex VIiiage - 100% Unit lnspectiol!,_ ____ __________ ;Datlctency Area Doors FIOQJS h.. lurillj(b)(6) ~ __ ly G) :J: -f OMlclancl! __ Deteriorated/Missing Seals lEGBPiliy_Only} Hard Floor Covering Missing/Damaged Floorin g/Tiles Other Unl1~6) BaUiroom Doors Health & Safety Hol WaterHeater Un1tl(.b)(6) Doors Health & Safety Health & Sarety Kitchen u~He I 1 . ro!Y unit1(b)(6) o Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Ceiling HVAC:System Unitl(b )(61 ety Health & Sa{el'y Unit lr1(b)(6) I HUD-17-0235-C-000837 Balliroom Doors Electrical System Health & Safety Health & Safe!Y HVACS_ystem Bathroom DOOfs Unit .,./b)(6LJ Bathroom Bathroom 0\her Shower/Tub-D;imag_el_d/Mii;siJ]g W <1terClosel/T ollet-Darnaged/C longed/Missin g Mold/Mildew/Waler Stains/Waler Damage Oc!criorated/Missing_?_eahl E l}l_ryQl!!Y) Bathroom Bathroom Doors Health & Safe_l}I_ Unit #l/b)/61 Deleriora!ed/Missing Seals (Entry On_!tl Emergency Fice E1cils-Emergency/Fire Exils lnfes1alion-Rats/MiceNermln Refrigerator -Missing/Damagedllrioperable LeakinllGBPaucet/Eif)es Do.ors Uniil(b)(~ Kitchen W .iler Closel/T oj1el-Darnaged/C!oqged/MissinQ Deteriorated/Missing Se_als(Enlry _9nly} Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Inoperable lJnitiCornponen1s Bathroom Cc1binats-Damc1_ggd/Mi?sirlg_ Wator Closet/T oitel-Dam.iged{C::lonill!d/M_i&siGBP 19 Dctcriori.iled/Missing Seats (Entry Only) Infestation-Insects Inoperable Othc:r Other Clc)gged Dra111s Dclenor.;,ted/Missmg Seals (Entry Only} Evidence of Leaks/Corrosion lnleslallon-lnsects Other NoisyMbratmg/Leak1ng Relngeralor-Miss1'!9LDama_g_edlinoperal.ile Waler ClosetfT oil et - ~Damag1:d/CIQilljed/Miss1 ng Dclenoralcd/Miss1ng Seals (Enlry_Qni}1 La11alory Sink - Damaged/Mi!i_smg VenlilahonJExhaust~m-lnQQerable ;Comments Front en!!}' door tiles missing; Bedroom 1 no key seat loose Front enl!Y door Bed 1; Closet light loose . dispo:;.;I wire hw runs out Front emry door child knob on front door Mice Fresh footl se,, ! needs replac.id no key showerhead diverter not functioning seat loose Balhroorn 2 Balhroom2 Front entry door mirror(.fil loose toilet Front entry door Roaches no heat no key no ktly sink drains slow; Bathroom 2 Front enlry_door leaking on elec hwh Roaches Bath 1: Bed 1 locked no! ins peeled leaking ac Fresh food seal needs ref)lacod seal loose Front entry door stopper missirlg nol lunctionin.g l ~_, Date Completed ] Work Ordor # J 4(26(2017 4/26(2017 2703'.H 4/26/2017 27034.1 27033-1 4/23/2017 27035-1 4123/2017 4/23/2017 27035-1 4/23/2017 27035-1 27035-1 4/23/2017 27036-\ 4/23/2017 Contractor 27036-1 27036-1 4/23/2017 27036-1 4/26/2017 27037-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27036-1 27031H 27038-1 4/26/2017 27038-1 27038-1 4/24/2017 2703!H 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27039-1 Contrnctor ?.7039 -1 27039-1 4/24/2017 27040-1 4/24/2017 27041-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27042-1 Contrnclor 4/24/2017 4/2412017 27042o1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 4/24/2017 27042-1 27042-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27043o1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27043.1 27044-1 27044 - 1 Essex Village~ 100% Unit lnseection < m 0-,ficlonct JJ Area O~fiCl.-!r1C,t Doors Deteriorated/Missinq Seals {Entry Only) Health & Safety Electrical Hazards-El(posed Wires/Open Pa1Hils Health & Safely Emerqencv Fire Exits-EmerqcncyJFire Exils Bulldlna Exterior Walls Missinq Pieces/t-loleE;/Spalling Common Areas: H{jalth A S.;folV He.rlotlh & Safety Air Quality Molt! and/or Mildew Obs.::rveu en - G) ::c -I (b)(6) I Ul!!U!J(b)(6) Front entry door disconnect box unsucured in hwti clos e t Bedroom 2 cJres:;e,/!11 . _Oate Completed I Work Order# 4/24/2017 4124/2017 4/24/2017 27044-1 27044-1 4/24/2017 27045-1 4/241.2017 47045-1 Toilul /t.1akir KJ : Bathrooms 6.;lhroom 1 Tub drawers RiQht/fronl burner dous not !unction Not working in bdrms 4124/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27054-1 27054-1 27054 - 1 27054-1 27054-1 27054-1 mmoron lv 4/24/ 2017 27055-1 l:lulhroom 1 Bedroom 1 smoke dtJtector: Hc1II/Bdrm window in Bedroom 1 Roaches not runctioning/blocked : fife dam,1ge Fresh food seal needs rE:iplaced; Smoke deleclor is missinq :Bedroom Window won 't slay up; Bedroom 1 4/17/2017 4/17/2017 4/17/2017 27056-1 27050 - 1 27056-1 27056-1 ls ioino ..... nisr to l aarbaoe disoosat not functionmg Fresh food seal nel:lds reolaced smoke detector 1snot wo1kina;Bdrms 4/24/2017 4/2412017 412412017 4/24/2017 27047-1 27047-1 27047-1 27047-1 4/24/2017 27048-1 Front jjnl,v Cloor Balhroorn 1 window Bedroom 1 Fresh food seal needs reolac ed Window won't stav uo; Bdrms 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4124/2017 4/2412017 4/24/2017 27049-1 27049-1 27049.1 27049-1 27049-1 Bathroom 3 ; Bathroom 1 Bedroom 3:Closet Freezer seal needs reolaced 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/2412017 27050-1 27050-1 27050 -1 4/25/2017 27051-1 4/2!1/2017 4/25/2017 27052 - 1 27052-1 no access no access toilet not funclionino lhole!sl;Bedroom 2 < m JJ en - Essex Villageo 100% Unit Inspection D11fjciunc1 Aiila G) Healt/1 & Safeti; HVAC Svstocn Kitchen Kitchen SnlOk,- '"'"''~ctor 1Jniillb \(6) J: -I 1 O~flclt10G,X Commtints EmerQttncv fire Exits-EmerctencyiFire Exits Conveclion/Radiant Heat Svstem Co-.,ers Ranoe/Slove-MissinolDamaQedJlnoperable RefriQern!or-Missinq/Damaqed/lnop,3rable Missing/Inoperable Electrical System GFl-lnooemble Hot Waler Healer Leaking Val11es/Tanks/P11les Kitchen RefriqeratoroMiss ing/Damagect/lnopernb le Bulldina Exterior Heallh & Safety Exoosed Wires/Open Panels Walts MissinQ Pieces/Hotes/Spalling Common Areas: Closel/UtllltvJMachanical Doors Oama!lCdSurfaco (Holtis/PainURust/Glas:,) Common Ar..as: H;.,.itll & S.-ft:tv 1-,1,.,,.uh &. Safely Hazards Other I D\ln\ I Un1ttil(b)(6) I Heallh & Safely Unit 111/b )(6) I Doors Doors Heallh & Saft:!tV Wall" Unit M(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Health & Safelv Heallh & Safely Kitchen Windows Unlt~(b)(6) HUD-17-0235-C-000840 Batnroom Donrc:. Unit .(b)(6) Doors Doors Kilchen Unit tl(b)(6) Bathroom Doors Unft~(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors I I I Other Date Compl~t~d Work Ord.ir # furniture Bedroom 1:ac in Bedroom 2 ac not functioninq Oven does not lunctioo Fresh food seal needs replaced Smoke detector is missing: Hall :Bdrm 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27052o1 27052-1 27052 ~1 Bathroom 1 orain Fresh rood soal needs rl:!placed 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27053-1 27053-1 27053-1 4t4r2011 27123-1 27123-1 27123-1 27123-1 27052.1 27052o1 ac disconnects : mar & ac cover loose ; 1 11inylpatch. NIS dryer vent 1111:lelinq pain\:peeli119paint: no kev. no acc1:1s!::!201 laundry no kl:ly Damaged Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/Missing Seals {Enl1YOnly) Emergency Fire faill>-Emeraencv/Fire Exi!s D<.1maQed Closer damaned/disconnected Front entry door Bl:ldroom 2 bed Mle Bathroom 1 L avatof"y S1nk-Damc1i1cd/Mis:;ing Water C losel/T 0Ucl-DamageutCl01rncd/Missmq OamaQed Hardware/Locks Electrical Hazards-Exposed WiresJOoen Punels Emeroencv Fire Exlls-Emernencv/Fire Extls Rerrigerator-MissinglDam<1ged/lnoperable lnooer3blc/Not Lockable stopper missing seat loose Closer d amaoedldisconnec1od disposal wire Bedroom 1 window balance Fresh food seal needs replaced Window won't slay up;Bedroom 1 Wat~r Closelff oilet-Dam.a~edf Cloaoed/Miss inq Oamam,d Hardware/Locks Damam:i<.J H.irdware/locks 01:lleriorated/Missinn Seals (Entry Only) Refrigerator-Missini:i/Damaqed/lnoperable 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/412017 414/2017 27124-1 27124.1 27124.1 27124-1 27124-1 27124.1 27124-1 seat loose Closer damaaedldisconnectf:d 4/4/2017 27125 -1 27125-1 Closer damaoed/disconnecled ; Front entry door ; Fresh food seal needs reDlacud; 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 27126-1 27 '126- 1 27126.1 4/4/2017 Waler CloseVT oi!et-Damaged/CloQQed/Missing Oet~riorated/Missinq Saa!s (Entrv Only) seat loose Front entrv door: 4124/2017 4/24/2017 27127-1 27127-1 Showerffub - Damaged/Missinn Water Closel!T oilel-Damar,ed/Clomied/M Deleriarattod/Missino Seals (EnlrvOnly) di11erierBathroom 1; seat loose Bathroom 1/2 Front entry door: 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/2-1/2017 27130-1 27130.1 27130-1 issinq < m JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection : Ouflcienf:l Art!a Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Wind~ooor UnltA(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Heallh & Safety Kilchen Unit fii/b\/6) I Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen UnttJ(b)(6) I Bamroorn Doors Doors Heallh & Safetv Kit~._,,.., ~(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Health Saloty Windows Unll tl/b\l6) I Balhroom Doors Doors Floors Heallh & Safetv Kilf'.hAn a. Unltj(b)(6) I HUD-17-0235-C-000841 Bathroom Bathroom Doors Eleclrical System HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Bulldina Exterior Roors Walls : Du1kia11C::i, lnfestalion-lrn:;ucl:; Cabinels-Missinq/Ournaqcd Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal-Inoperable Rt1friqerator-Missing/Damaqed/lnoperable lnooerable/Not loc;kable lavatorv Sink~D.irnacied/Missinq Water Closet/Toilet-Damaoed/Clocu1od/MissinCJ Oamaqad Surface {Holes/PaintJRusUGJass) Dolerioraled/M(ssing Seals (Entry Only) Emergency Fire Exits-Emeraencv/Fire Exits Relrl!:leralor-MissinqJDamagedllnoperable De10rio1c11ed/MissinqSeats (Entry Only) Hazards-Sharo Edqes Ranue/Stova---Missing/Oamaoed/lnooerable Refrioera1or-Missing/Damaged/lnoperable Water CloseVT oilol--Damaged/Cloum-id/Missirn1 Damaged Surface (Holes/PainURusl/Gtass) Dcturioratod/Missinq Seals (En1rv Onlv) Emert1encv Fire Exils-EmerQencv/Fire Exiis Cabinets Missing/Damaged Water CloseVToilct-Damaned/Clonned/Missinq Oelerioralecl/Missing Seals (Entry Only} Emeroencv Firtl Exils-Emernency/Firo Exils lnooerable/Not lockable Wal1.u Closal/T ollel-Damoged/Cloggl!d/Mis::;ing Damaoed Hardwa,e/Locks Detorioratcd/Missing Seals IEntiv Only) Soft Floor Co..-erinQ Missing/Damaged Ememencv Fire Exits-ErnerQencv/Fire Exits Sink Missing/Damaged LeakinCJFaucel/Pioes Water Closel/Toilet-Damaged/Cloaaed/Missing Deteriorated/Missino Seals (Entrv Only) GFl-lnooerable lnooerable Dishwasher/Garbaoa Disposal-Inoperable Refrigerator-Missing/Oarnagc!d/lnoparabte Missmg/Damaged Components from Downspout/G utter Cracks/Gaps Comments Roaches ; doors;drawers ; Cli:ltbaae disoosal not functioninq; Fresh food seal needs replaced ; lock inoperable;Bedroom 3 : slapper missing : seat loose nisr door edge split: Front entry door ; Beuroom 2 bed Fresh rood seal needs reolaced : l Dato Completed J Work Order# Contractor 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 412412017 27130-1 27130-1 27130-1 27130.1 27130-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 Front entrv door: tack slrip at kite.hen Oven does not function : water leaking inside refriduerator:Fresh lood 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4124/2017 4/24/2017 271:14-1 27134-1 27134-1 27134 -1 seal loose door edge splitJ3athroom 1: Front ent/Y door; Bedroom 2 bed drawers: 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4124tl017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27135-1 27135-1 27135-1 27135o1 27135-1 seat loose Front entrv door : window balance Bedroom 1 Window won'l stav up;Bedroom 1; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27136-1 27136-1 27136-1 seal loose Lock not functioning entry Fronl entrv door ; stains Bedroom 1 bed loose sink lauc:el dries ; saal loose Front entrv door; Bathroom 1; noac qarbaQe disposal no\ func\ioninQ; Fresh rood seal needs replaced; splash blocks s1chnqQapl(b)( I end 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27136-1 27137-1 27137-1 27137 -1 27137-1 27137-1 27137-1 4/25'2017 27138 -1 27138-1 27138-1 4/25/2017 27138 -1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27138-1 27138-1 27138-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 < m Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection , I o ) o o Ocficlencv Area ,Ouficienc Comments Walls Missinq Piic;cesJHoll'!;;/Spallin4 Building Svshuns Health & Safety Elt::clrical Hazards-Exposed WireslOpan Panels Common Area5: Halls/Corridors/Stairs Doors DomageJ Hardware!Locks Doors Damaqed Surface (Holes/Painlll~1JsUGla:;:;) IHb )(6) I Unit #l/b)/6) I Heallh & Safely Unlt#l/h\/f;\ Health & Saff!IY Smoke De1ec:1or Windows Unit #Hbl<6l I Doors Bathroom Kilhl-l I Unitlt(b)(6) Bnmroom Electrical Syslem Health & Safely Health & Safoty Smoke Detector Windows Unit 1/h\/n\ Winrlnw" Un1uHb)(6) I HUD-17-0235-C-000842 Health & Safety Kitchen ~(b)( 6 ) ,vlor loap al conduil into disconnect box of ,:lee Clos"' , 1- .-~ ~edldisconnec\ed 206 laund1y hole(i(b) ltaundrv 4/25/2017 27148.1 Dan1aqcd Hardwa1 eilocie~ Waler Closel/T ailel-Dama11ed/Croooed/Missinq Damaqed Hardwarellocks Damaaed Surface (Holes/PainURusl/Glass) Rel ri9eralor-Missiriq/Dama11ed/lnoperable DarnaQed Hardwar~/Locks Doieriorated/Missinq Seals (Entry Only) Eleclrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Emeniency Fire Exi1s-Emergency/Fire Exits MissinQ Pressure Relief Valv Countertops-Missing/Damaged Range/Slove-Miss lnr,/Damar,cdllnoperable Inoperable/Nol Lockable Damaqcd Hardware/Locks Missinu Door Emergency Firi: Exils-Emerqency/Fire Exits Other Refrigerator-Missin o/Damaged/ lnoi>eralllo Leaking Faucet/Pipe~ Electrical Hazards Exposed Wires/Open Panels ShowerfT ub-Damaged/MissinCJ Ventilation/Exhaust Svstem-lnool:lra ble Oamaqed Hardware/Locks Missing Door Infsstalion-ln:.eds Range/Slova--Missing/Damaged/lnopernb le I Date Comeleltid Work Ordi:r# headboi:lrd in Bed room 2: Right/rear burner does not function : Fresh rood seal needs rei>laced; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27155-1 27155-1 Balhro om 1. entrv Bedroom 1: no access lo Bedroom 3; 2 or more burners do not function : Fresh food seal needs replac;ed: o1/26/2017 4126/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27495-1 27495-1 27495-1 27495-1 27495 ~1 27495 -1 dive!1er hole{s) :Beclroam 3: Fresh food seal needs rel,llac ed ; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26rio17 27496-1 27496-1 27496-1 d1verler Seat loose cntrv holc/sl ;Bsdroom 2 : Fresh lood seal needs replacud : 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27499 - 1 27499.1 27499-1 27499-1 27499-1 enlrv Front enlrv door ; HWHw1re window Bedroom 1; extension lube from 1>1essLirerelief valvt:! 1s 4/25 /2017 4/26/2017 27155-1 left/front burner does not funcl1on : Window won't stav up : Bedroom 1; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/2ti/2017 4/26/2017 4126/2017 Slriker plate misall ,..mud/m is:.inQ ; Bedroom Closet ; headboard; Bedroom 3: Utility Room : no access Fresh food seat needs rep laced; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 27501-1 27501-1 27501-1 4/2612017 4/26/2017 27502-1 27502-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27503-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 Conlractor 4/26/2017 27503-1 27503-1 27503-1 diverter HWHwire Caulk needs replaced ; nol funclioning ;Bathroom 1; entry . numerous Closet ; Roaches ; lel\Jroar burner dues not funci ion; 27500-1 27500 - 1 27500.1 27500-1 27500-1 27500.1 .:aso-o1 27500-1 27501-1 27501-1 27503-1 27503-1 Essex Vilfage o 100Q/oUnit lnsp&ction < m Duficiencr_Ar;;a JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Kitchen Li!}hling Walls Unit Hb \In\ Q41fichmc Rcfriqerator-Missinq/Oama geo/lr.operable MissinQ/lnooerable Fixture Damaged I Bathroom Doors Doors Heallh & Safety Kitchen Windows Shower/Tub-Oama()ed/Missinq Damaged Hardware/Locks Deleriorated/Missino Seals (Entr,,. Only) Emeraencv Fire Exils-Emeroencv/Fire E~us Refrigerator-Missint.:i/Damaged/lnooerabte lnooerable/Nol Lockable :Comm,rnts Fresh lood so al nt,ed::; rnplaced: B.ilhroom 1; holes diver1er, caulk Closer damaoed/disconnec\ed : entrv Front entry door; window: Bedroom 1; Fresh rood seal needs replaced: Window won't s(ay up : Bedroom 1; Bulldlnc:iExterior Roots Dama c1.::dSoflits/Fascia/Solfil Vents soffit : front Roofs Missing/Damaoed Components from Downsaout/Gu uer sotashb locks Walls MissinQ Pieces/Holes/Spall1no vinyl patch . NIS weed 1rimm1::rdmge Common Aroa5,: Hoaith & Safoty o.o "Safely Electrical Ha2arcls Exposed Wires/Ooen Panels 1(b)(6)1meterroom liahl Hxturo (b)(6) I Unlt#l(b)(6) Doors t-leallh R. ~,..rety Unit #1(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safetv Health & Safely Wall~ Unit #l(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Kitchen Windows HUD-17-0235-C-000844 Bathroom Bathroom Balhroom Celling Doors Doors Doors Leaking Fauc .. UPipes Deleriorated/MissinQ Seals {EnIrv Onlv) Infestation lns11.cts Shower/Tub-Damar,cJ i Missino Vcntilalion/Exhaust Syslem-lnop~rablu Deterioralcd/MissinCJ Seals (Ent,v Onlvl Missing Door Emt:m1encv Firn Exit~-E,m.:rmmcv/Fim Exil\; lnleslalion-Jnsecls Damaqed Shower ff ub- Damay1::d1Mi!:>su1g DamaQed Hardware/locks Deterioraled/Missina Seals (Enlrv Onlvl leakinq FauceVPipes Damaged/Missing Screens Unlt#l(b)(6) I Bathroom Work Order# 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27503-l 27503-1 27503 -1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4(26/2017 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 4/26/2017 Contractor 27505-1 27505-1 27505-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 Contractor 27544 - 1 27544-1 27544 - 1 Work will bu completed When Unit is Turned - 27545 - 1 27545-1 275 ,15-1 27545 - 1 27545 o1 4/26/2017 27504 -1 I Balhroom Windows Unit llh\lf-i\ Striker Dato Compl~ted Lava1ory Smi..-Oamaged/Missinq Leakino FauceUPipes Water CiosetlT oi!el-0:.maQed/Cloaoed/Missmq HoleslMissillQ Tiles/Panels/Cracks Damaged Hardware/Locks Detertorated/MissinQ Seals (Entrv Onlvl I Inoperable/Nol Lockab le Shower/Tub----DarnaoedJMiss1110 Oetenorated/illhssm\,J Seats (Enlry Only} tub faucet drips showmhead Front enl/V door ; Roaches: di.,.erter not lunclion in,i : fronl ontrv door: closets Bedroom 2 drl-lsser Roaches ; Bedroom 1; showerhoad nt:t:ds rerllac ed Closer damaqed/clisconnecled : Front enIrv door; Faucet leaks ca.using damage : Bedroom 1 ;Bedroom 2: stopper missin!l ; lub raucel drips ; seal loos.e Bathroom 1: Handle/knob loose/damaqed Dalio Front entry door; Lock inoperab!e ;Bedroom 1: stains : Front entry dl,v, . VACANT Contractor 27545 -1 27545-1 4/2712017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27546-1 27546 -1 27546-1 27546-1 27546-1 4/27/2017 27547-1 4/27/201'1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27547-1 27547-1 27547-1 27547-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 27547-1 4/2712017 27547-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 2754iJ.1 27548-1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m , D1ttlclencl_ Area JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Floors Health & Safe ly .~ 0 -o es ruoii1(b)(6) I Health & Safetv U nit t.1/h)/n) I Bathroom Bathroom Ba1hroom Doors Floors Patio/Por,-h/ BalCOO\I Unlt- (b)(6) I Health & Safely Unit flllh\lR) 1 Bathruom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Kitchen Kitchen Health l!. .c:,.re1y Unit .(b)(6) I Bathroom Balhroom Bathroom Ki1-'--Unltt(b)(6) I Balhroom Bathroom Kitchen Health & Saf1:1tv Unlta'llh\/n\ I Doors Health & Saletv UnitM/b)(6) I HUD-17-0235-C-000845 Bedroom Health & Salew Kitchen Kitchen Unitfllllh\/6\ I Doors Bathroom Floor Bathroom Health & Safely Diltlclcnc~ Hard Floor Ca11efin!-lMissing/Oamaqed FloorinqfTiles lnleslil!ion - lnsecls Missin(1/Broken Co11erPlates lnles1a1ion- lnStlcls Clonoed Drains Lavatorv Sink-Dama<.1ed/M issininkl<1ucetdrios :Ba\hroom 1; not functionina ;Balhroom 2: loosa se3\ 8athroom 2: Closer damaaocl/disconnecled ; Front enlrv door: Frosh rood seal needs rn11laced: Leakinq Faucet/Pipes Ventilation/Exhaust Svstem-lnaoerable Damacwd Surfarn I l-loles/PainVRusVGlass) Dotenorated/Missinq Seals (Enlrv Onlv) Missinn Door lnlestallon-lnsects Missinqlfnooerablo Dam.im;uj sink faucet drins ;lull faucet drips : not lunctioninQ : holeCsl;Bedroom 1;Closel; Front enlry door ; Bedroom 211. Bedroom 1:Clm;el ; Roaches; Smoke dotuclor is mi::.sino:Hallway/Hc1II: Bedroom 2; Darn.Hied Smoke Detector Damaaed Water Closel/Toilet-Damaoed/Clonnud/Missina Deleliorated/Missina Seals /En1rv Onlv) lnleslalion-lnsects Other Inoperable Unil/Comoonents tub faucet drios :Bathroom 2; seal loose Bathroom 2: door edqe sohl;Bedroom J; Kitchen; Fresh lood seal needs r,mlaced: Waler Clo!.el/T oilet-Damaaea/ClornwJll~1i:.sina seal louse Balhroom 2/1 4/2712017 27554-1 4/27/2017 27554-1 4127/2017 27554-1 27554-1 27554o 1 Contractor 4/27/2017 4/W/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/2912017 runs Front entrv door; Roaches; outlets not funchonimJ hw not taslinCJ Loakinn Fauc~VPiutis Water Closel/Tollet-Damaaed/Clormed/M1ssina Damaqed Surface (Holes/Painl/RusVGlass) Gfl-lnoperable Rofriqeralor-Missinn/D.imaaed/lnooerable 4/25/2017 4125/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 . o.-.. 27555 - 1 27555-1 27555 -l 27555-1 27555-1 27555-1 27557-1 27557-1 27557-1 Contractor Contractor 27557-1 4/27/2017 27557-1 < , m Essex Villageo 100% Unit Inspection Ooflclency Afoa JJ en - G) :J: -f Doors Doors Kitchen Walls Unit#llaced; w.,,,i., J Date_Cort!Jl!(ltai:f I Work Order # HandleJlmob loose/d.;maqed entry Front entrv door : Fresh food seal need~ re.olaced: numerous hole:l 5/2/2017 5/2/2017 5/2/2017 Contmctor 5/2/2017 27560-1 27560-1 27560 -1 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27561.1 27561-1 27561-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27562-1 27562-1 27562 - 1 27562-1 4/27/2017 27562.1 4/27/2017 27562-1 4/27/2017 4(27/2017 27552-1 27562.1 4/25tl017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27501M 4/25/2017 27560-1 27560-1 27506-1 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27507-1 27507-1 27507-1 27507-1 27507 - 1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27508-l 27508-1 27508-1 27500-1 .--~ < m j Oetlcionci Arua JJ WaJk .uiib\/6) o G) D"""" en Unit - I -I ---.------------------ - - - -- Essex Villa~e o 100% Unit Inspection Doors Unit ~l h \ln\ Doors Hol Water Heater Kitchen Kitchen Kile'-. -Unit .o,ub\16\ o Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Floors Floors HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Bathtoom Bathroom Doors Kitchen Kitchen Unit j/h\ln\ Bathroom Bathroom 1: Damaged Surface (HolesiP.iinVRusUGlas~) Leakina ValveslT,.mks/Pipes Countertops-Missinq/Damayed Relrlger.:ilor-Missinn/Damaqed/lnopt:lroble Sink Missing/Damaaed I HUD-17-0235-C-000848 Walls .!,!nllj(b)(6) Ceiu,t<.i Doors Doors Smoke Detector Walls 4/2512017 Work Ordar# 27508-1 e1ntry 4/25 /2017 Front entry door: 27 509.1 4/2512017 27509-1 Bedroom 1: 4/25/201 "/ 4/25/2017 4'25/2017 27510-1 IPiDe Fre sh Food seal needs repli:lced : faucet loose 4/2512017 4/25/2017 loose faucets diverters Closer damaqedldisconne:cted ; l!nlrv 61:!droom 1; Bathroom 2: around toilel/lub area;Bdlhroom 2: t-stal not functioninq 4/29/2017 4(29/2017 4/29/2017 27510-1 27510-1 27510-1 27510-1 loose raucel smoke delector is nol func:tioning :Bedroom 3; 4/2912017 4/2912017 27513.1 LeakinQ faucet/Pipes Ventilahon/Exhausl Svstcm - lnooerable DamaQed HardwareJLocks Ranoa/S\ove--Miss1ng/Oamag,1d/lnooerahle Rofriaerator-M1ssing/Oamaged/lnoperablo d1vener not lunclioning ; Striker plato mis.iligned/m1ssing :Bedroom 2: Righl/fronl burner doos not function; Fresh food seal needs repl..:1<.:t:d; 4/25/2017 27515.1 4/25/2017 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27515-1 27515o1 Water C!o5.,lfT01lel -- DamaqHdsreplaced ; Bathroom 1; 4/29/2017 Contractor 27535-1 Peeling/Needs Paint OarnaQed frames/Threshold/lintels/Trim DamaQed Hardware/Locks DarnaQed Surface (Holes/Paint/Ru st/Glass) Missing/Inoperable PeelinQ/Needs Paint Bedroom 3; Bedroom 3; 011track :Mechanical .irea: Handle/knob door :structure d.imaged :Bedroam 2; Smoke detector is Bedroom 3; Pealinn/Needs Paml DamaQed Hardware/Locks Bathroom 1: Closer damaqed/disconntlcled I Doors Date Completed 27513 -1 27513-1 27513-1 27513.1 27513-1 27513-1 27513.1 27513. 1 27513-1 I Doors Doors Health & Safety Health & Sarety Kitchen Ceilmci Doors Pcelino/Nee/Locks Damaged Surface (HoleslPa1nVRusVG1ass) Hard Floor CovarinQ Missinq/Oama!led F)oorirm/Tilos Roi/Deteriorated Suhfloor C?'wcction/Radianl Heal System Covers Countertops-MissinQ/Oamaoed S ink-Missinn/Oam<1Qed Missmu/lno11erable Doms Unit~(b)(6) Comrnt!nls Damam,d Surface (Holes/PainURusVG !ass) IDeleriora\ed/Missinq Seals (Entrv Only) I Srnlli!."" nnlnrtnr Unitl(b)(6) Oeticl c nci'.. I :bnlrv 4/2912017 4/29/2017 4/2912017 4/2912017 4/29/2017 4/28/2017 4128/2017 4(.lS/2017 27515-1 27515-1 27535-1 27536-1 27536-1 27536-1 4/2812017 27536-1 "1/28/2017 27536.1 4/2812017 27536-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27537-1 27537 - 1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m :oeflclency JJ - CJ) Al~a Kitchen Walls Unit 4(b)(6) Ceiling G) J: --4 I Doors Health & Safety Kitchen Smn1ton>>10.-.1or Unit :l.ll(b )(6) I Doors Health & Salelv Hot Water Heater Kitchen Windows. UnU 1(b)(6) I Doors Doors Kilchen Unit #l/h\lh\ I Health & Safety Dalic:l m 1c :t_ Refricieralor -Missin q/Oamuyed/lnopernble Pcelin,iNeeds Paint Mold/Mildew/Waler S1t,1ns/Waler Damaoe DelefiOialed/M issinQ Seals ,Entrv Only} Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wiros/Ooen Panels Range Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excess ive Missino/lnooorab!e Darnaqed Hardware/Locks Emeroency Fire Exits-Emero,;,ncv/Fire Exits General RusVCorros1on Ranoe/Stove-MissinQ/Damaq~t1/lnouemble Inoperable/Nol Lockable D;:,maqcd HarrJwarBilocks Damac1ed Surface (Holus/PainURu sVGlass) Oishwasher/Garbagu Disoosal-tnooernble Olher HUD-17-0235-C-000849 Bulldlna Exterior Health & Safety Exnosed Wir es/Optl n Panols Roors Damaqed Sollils/Fascia/Sof1it Vents Walls Missinq Pieces/Holes/Spulli1"MJ Building Systems Elcclncal System Evitlenco of LHaks/Corrosion Common Aroas: HallsJCorrldors/Stalrs Stairs/Hand Railinas Broktin/Mis5ina Hand RailinQ bH6l I Unll#llb\ln\ I Bathroom Water Ctoset/T oilel-Oarnaged/Cloaaed/Mis sino Doors Damaqed Hardwari>Jlocks Doors Damaoed Surface (Holes/PainURust/Glass) Doors Delerioraled/Missinq Seals (Entry Only) Heallh & Safety Ememencv Fire Exits-Emerciencv/Fire Exil s Kitchen Range Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Kitchen RefriCJerator-MissinQ/Damai:ied/lnoperable Windows lnoperableJNot Lockable Unit :lllb \(n\ I Balhroom Bathroom OOOIS HVAC Svslem leakino FauceVPipes Water Closet/T oilet-Darnam~d/Clooo ed/Missioo Delerioraled/M issinci Seals (Enlrv Onlvl lllOperal>le Comments I Fresh food seal need~ replaced ; Throughout unit: Bathroom 1: Front enlry door : smoke detector wires not functioning/blocked ; Smoke detector is rnissinq :HaUway/Hall; Dato Co m pleted I Work Order # 4/27120 l 7 4/27/2017 27537-1 4/27/20 17 4/27/2017 27 538-1 27538-1 27537-1 4/27J'20H 27538-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27 538-1 27536 - 1 4/2712017 Closer dam aged/disconnected ;Slrik.m pl ale window in Bedroom 2; bottom/top Lafl/front burner does not function : Window won 't stay up : Btidroom 2 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 2'f5:l9-1 27539 - 1 27539-1 27539 -1 27539 -1 Closer dam aqed/disconrn ,clod ;enh'I scralched/sculfed ;Bedroom 2: Qarbane disoosal not runctionino : 4127/2017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 27540-1 27540 - 1 27540 -1 4/28/ 2017 27541-1 4/28/2017 4/28/2017 4/28/2017 27543-1 27543-1 27543-1 4/21:l/2017 27543 - 1 4/W/2017 27543-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4127/2017 412712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27563-1 27563-1 VACANT - AU repairs will be compl eted as app licablo when unit made make ready exterior lil.lht conduit sollit front :fascia ; :;idc vinyl patch . NlS ac disconnect Loose b.-acketsJ(b) (6) I seat toose Closer damaged/disconnected holelsl: Front enirv door ; bedroom 1 window balance nol lunctioninri/blocked ; Fresh rood seal needs replaced; Window won't stay up ;Bedroom 1 cold tub handle leaks seat loose Front enl,v door ; runs constantly 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27563 -1 27563-1 27563-1 27563-1 27563 -1 27563 -1 27564 - 1 27564 - 1 27564-1 27564-1 Essex Village o 100% Unit Inspection < m Oeficlcncy Arna JJ Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Windows - CJ) G) :::c -I Wi~A~...~ Unltl(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Door.; Health & S=>f.,ty Unit :lit/b)/6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Heallh & Safely Health & Safety Hot Wator Heater Kitch..,,. HUD-17-0235-C-000850 Unit j(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Electrical Svstem Floors Health & Safety Hot Wator Heater KH.-hnn Un11l(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Electrical Svstern Kitchen Kitchen Pali~'~ i:.alconv Unit #l(b)(6) I Doors Health & Safely Health & Safety HVAC Svstem Kitchen Kitchen Win"~., _ Unlfft1(b)(6) Batnroom I Daf1clanc .comments Ranqe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessivt:o RanQe/Sto11e-Missinq/Oarna1:1ed/lnoperable RelriQerator-Missino/DamaQed/lnoparable Ctacked/Broken/Missina Panes Oamaqed/Missing Screens nol lunctiMino/blockt!d : Oven does nol function: water leakina insidci refridueralor: cracked oane;Bedroom 2: Lava\ory Sink - Oam,w ed/Missina Water Close VToilel-Damaqed/CloQ ll.ls clw;et door lo;;rbane dis[msal no\ l unctionmg: stains seal loose Front enllV door Bathroom 1 lhrouahout Roaches: 0Atension tube from orossure rotiet valve 1s Fresh rood s1;1.d needs reolaced stonner m1ssmC1 showerhead Front enlrv door Kitchen aarbaoe disoosal nol fi...nclionina Fresh food seal needs reolaced loose rail Front entrv door; Bedroom 2 window ba lance Roaches: Thermostat not func\ionino; .narbaoe disoosal not functioning ; Fresh food seal needs reolaced; Window won't stav un ;Bedroum 2: :.howerticad Dat.i Complt!ted Work Ordur# 4127/2017 4127/2017 4/27(2017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 27564-1 27564-1 27564-1 27564-1 27564-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4127/2017 27565.1 27565-1 27565.1 27565-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4127(20\7 27566-1 27566-1 27566 -1 275ti6-1 Contractor 27566 -1 27566-1 27566-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 27566-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 21567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27568 -1 27568-1 27568-1 275(i8-1 27568-1 27568 -1 27568 -1 4/27/2017 4J21r1.011 27569-1 27569 -1 27569-1 Contractor Contractor 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27569-1 4/27/2017 27570-1 27569 - 1 27569 -1 27569-1 < m JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Essex Village o 100% Unit lnseection D.itlclenc.x Ar<11osed W ires/Op.an Panels Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Sralrs Doors DamaQed Hardware/locks Graffill Gralfili Cammon Areas: Laundrv Oullets/Switches/Cover Pl<.1lesIOutlets/Swilches/Cover Plates--Missm'l/Broken W'-'JIS Damaged l(b )(6) Maintenance: Bulldlna Exterior Roofs IMissina/Oc.1maaed Comoommts rrom DownspouVGutler Walls Miss1nq Pieces/Holos/Spal!inQ Bulldina Systems Electrical System Blocked Access/Improper Storage Common Areas: Storai:.ie Doors MissinQ Door Smoke Detector Smoke Detector-Miss1nq/Jnoperabte I b)(6) I !!!!!!..!I (b) ( 6) I Bau,,uu,11 LeakiflQ FaucE!I/Pipos DootS Otileri0t Fans-Exce ssivt! Patio door lock o won't ;;lido Walls Front enlry door seal Other Door knob mii;si11Q Ranqe Hood/Exhaw;I Farn,-Exce ssi11e Showerffub-DarnaQed/Mi::;sinri Holes/Missino Tilus/P,mel:,/Cracks Wator Clo::;eVToilct-DamaCJE:d/Cloqqed/Miss1 nci Hardware/Locks GF I-Inoperable lnooerable UniUComponents o .imaged bad.splash needs caulkinq Sink-Missmt1'DamaQud Smoke Deleclor-Missin g/lnoperable toilet tank drvwall has holes Cl0<.medDrams Mold/Mildew Ml ater Slainsfv\Jatm Damage Damaged Ha,dwani/Locks Damaqed Surface (Holes/PJ inURusUGld:;sl Air Quality-Mold and/or Miidew Obser.ied H 100% Unit Inspection Comments Date Complt",l~d Work Order# VACANT - will repair all del iciencies when unit is made make rn.idy 4/2412 017 27467-1 se at loo~e Closer dama,led/d isconnthclirnc Range/Stov&--Miss ing/ Oamag.:id/inoperable lnoperablt:i Dishwash.;r/GarbaQe Oisuos .i.l lnoperabl~ Leaking Faucel/Pipes Holes/MissinQ Tiles/P,mels/Cracks Clooaed Drains Water Closet/T oilut-Oan1<.iCledJCloom,d/Missinci Damaaed Surface (Holes/Paint/Rust/Glass\ Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Enlry Only} Oishwasher/Garbaoe Oisoosal-lnooerable Refrigerator-Missing/Damaoedllnoperable Lavatorv Sink-Damuqed/M issino Shower/Tut>-Damafled/M issing W c11erClosel/T oilel-Oamaqed/Cloyl1ed/MissinQ Ref ,iaarator-Misslng/Oamaged/lnooorab !e Oll1or Ref ri9eral or-Mi ssim1/Dam<1r1ed/h 1operable Lavatol)I Sink-Damagcd/Mi:;s ing Showerffub-Damaqad/Missinq Peolino/Needs Paint Inoperab le UniVComponcmts OishwashcrJGarb..att Oisposa~lnoperable Lcahinci Fauce1/Pipos DamaMM l,nje 1 Loose brackel~/bl/6)1 Hb)(6) lelec closet ceilinq ibox cov,n loose Lav.:1torySink-Damaqed/Missinq Water Closet/T oilet-Damaqsd/Cloc:med/Misr,inq Damaned H,:Hdwarc/Locks lnfeslation-lnsec\s RefriQoralor -Misslnq/OamaQedllnoJJcrable s\ooner missirlg ; tank loose patio handll:l Roaches ; Fresh load seal needs replacecl; 3/1312017 3/13/2017 3/13/2017 Conlract or 3/13/2017 26670-1 26670-1 26670-1 26670o1 26670-1 Other Make Entry - Repair ail Cle/it;iencies and thoroughly list out 3/13/2017 26671-1 j < m JJ - CJ) G) Essex Village .. 100% Unit Inspection ! Delicfency Ania Unit #l(b)(6) I Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Unit 4(b)(6) :::c -I D.ifld.:inc.z'._ I Health & Safety Unit Hb )(6\ I Heallh & Safely Unlt~lh)l6) Bathroom Bathroom Unit _#ll(b )(6) I 6 ~.1101y Bathroom HUD-17-0235-C-000859 Bathroom Bathroom Ceiling Doors Doors Water Closol/T oilet-D.:1maC11=d/Cl0<1oe faucet drips , tiles Toilet 1s loose . Clo~er damaCJed/disconnected ; Bedroom 3; 1 slol Broken bathroom mirror ;Bath,oom 2: Roaches; Righi/front burner does not runction; Fresh food seal needs reolacect; Swilch plale cracked; DininQ Room ; smoke delecior is nol funclioninq: Bedroom 1; holes Bedroom l closet lighl fixture Faucet leaks causinci damaoe: Fresh food seal needs replacetl ; 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3120/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 26694-1 26695-1 26696-1 26696-1 26696-1 26696-1 26696-1 26696-1 26697-1 2G697-1 26697-1 Essex ViUa~e o 100% Unit lnspection < m .Otiflclenc;t Are a JJ - Health & Safely .Ddlcicnc:z: Oth ur G) J: -I Worli Order# 3/21/ 2017 267 11-1 Damaaed Harowarn/Locks Clo~e, darnilqed/d isron neclt;d :Slrilo.ar rlla!e 3/20/2017 26698-1 La11atorvSink- - Dan,a9ed/M iss1ng I nleslallon-lnsects lnfestation - Rats/Micf.lNermin Missin,:,llnooc.rablo stouoer missif\Q ; Roaches; Mice; smoke dtW!ctor is not natch in Hallwa11/Hall: NlS 3/20/2017 Contractor I Doors U nit #l(b)/6) I Bathroom Health & SalelY Haa!lh & Safetv Smoke Daleclor Warts Unit 111/nll~I I Health & Safely Unltd(b)/6) 1 Hea1U1& Safety Unit J/h\lR\ Ce11ina Datu Complc1ud Make Entry - Repair al! deficiencies and thorrn,ghly list out (J) Unit lil/h \In\ Cotnm~nts Damaged Other Olher 26699-1 Conlrat::tor 26699-1 26699-1 3/20/2017 26699-1 3/2012017 26699-1 Make Entry - Repajr all dolicienc ies and thoroughly lisl out 3i13/2017 26705-1 M;.kc Entry o Repair alt deficiencies and thoroughly li:;t out 3/13/2017 26706-1 3/20120\ 7 3/20/2017 26707-1 o Doors Health & Saf1>IV Health & Safety SmokA nol..:.rtor Unlt#l(b)(6) I Health & Safely Unit .(b)(6) I Health ,5. Safety Mo!d/Mildrow/Warnr Stai n:;/Wdl;;f Oam.iqe Dam.:1qed Hardwar~/Locks Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Onen Panels lnfeslation-lnsocls Missmg/lno~ernb!e Othcr Other Batluoorn 1; Closer damagod/discunnectcd HWHwire ;onlry Roaches: smoko detector is nol functioning :Bedroom 1; Conlractor 3/20/2017 26707-1 26707-1 26707-1 M.ike Entry o Repair all dtilicu:mc,es and thorough ly list out 3120/2017 26708.1 Make Entry o Repair all delic1enc1es and thoroughly list out 3/13/2017 2G709-1 3/20/2017 3120/2017 26710-1 26710 -1 26710-1 HUD-17-0235-C-000862 Unit #l(b)(6) I Doors Damal)ed Hardware/Locks Closer damaqed/disronnec\ed ;enlrv Doors D.imaQed Surlace (Holes/PainVRust/Gl ass) oeelinQ oaintenlry door slruclure Health & Safetv Electrical Hazard5-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Bedroom 1 closet Jiqhl fiierable Hoa,m e5.:::,a1ety Other SITlQlw.iu. 1,..,.,or Unit ~(b)(6) I Unit l(b)(6) Bathroom I Bathroom Doors Doors ElectricalSystem Health & Safety Ctoi:mcd Drains leaking Faucel/PitJes DamaqedSurface (Holes/Painl/Rust/Glass) MissinQ Door GFl-lnooerable Elec1ncal Hazards- - Exuosed Wires/Open Panels Comments 11entclisconnectecl~laundry Dale Completed room Make Entryo Repair all d1:oficienci.. s and lhoruughly list out divene, I Bathroom1: stooocr mi:ssinQ : rumi\ure in Bedroom 1: Roaches: t.eft/front burner does not Iunction: Fresh food seal nei. sing/Damaged/lnopcrable RelriQerator-Missinq/D amar:ied/lnoperable Caulk needs replaced . d111erter nol functionmg : Closer damaged/disconnti cted :entry Fronl entrv door: Bedroom 1; slams ; carpet Roaches : Righi/roar burner does not func\100; Fresh lood s1~alnat.ds replaced : 3124/2017 267fi0 - 1 26760-1 26760-1 Dam aged HardwareJLo cks Closer damag ed/disconnecled ;entry Striker ulate misaligned/missing :Bedroom 1 ; Lock not fum.:lioning :Bedroom 2; peefiriQ oainl ; Bathroom 2: window im Bedroom 2: smoke detector is not functioning;Bedroom Window won't slay up; Bedroom 2 3/24/2017 26761-1 26761-1 26761 -1 26761-1 Make Entry - Repair all ueticiencies amJ thorough ly list out 3/15/2017 26762-1 Make Entry - Repair all delicienci~s and thoroughly list ou\ 3/24/2017 26763-1 Doors Kilchen Kilchen Kilchen Kitchen WaUs Winrlno.,~ Unit l(b )(6) Ceilino Doors I Doors Smoke Deleclor Wall-; Unlt#l(b)(6) I Health & Safety Unit_!A(b)(6) I Balhroom Balhroom Doors Doors Doors Floors Health & S,1letv Kitchen Kitchen Unltllllh\/n\ I Doors HUD-17-0235-C-000864 Doors Electrical Svstem Health & Safety Smoke Detector Windows Unit tll(b l/6) I Health & Safely Unit 111/bl/6) I Heallh & Safety Dam.:iqed Surface (Hlll~:;/PainVRustJGlass) GFl-lnoperable Emerc,1:mcyFire Exits-Emerqency/F ire Exits Mi!lsiria/lnoperable Inoperable/Not Lockable Other Other ' Commonts Work Order# 3/23/2017 3/23/2017 26720 -1 3/23(2017 26720-1 3/22/2017 3122/2017 3/22/2017 26722-1 3/22/2017 3122/2017 3/2212017 3/22/2017 3124/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 Contractor 3/24/2017 26120-1 26722- .t 26722-1 26722-1 26722-1 26722 -1 26722-1 26722-1 26722-1 W7 2~-1 2G723.1 2h760.1 3124/2017 26760.1 26760-1 26760-1 26760.1 267 G0-1 3/24/2017 26761-1 3/24/ 2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 26761-1 - < m . Deficlenc;t JJ Af,3a Unitt:l(b\/6\ Ba\hroom Bathroom J: Doors Hot Waler Heater Kitchen Doors -I Bulldlna Exterior Doors Health & Safety Roofs Walls I Bulldlnn Svstems Sanilary System Common Ar&as: Laundrv Doors h\/n\ I Unit 11/h\In\ I Balhroom Bathroom Doors Sm"""'n ..1.. r-.1or Unjtj(b)(6) I Bahir..,.,m Ceilino Elec(ncal Svs1em Electncal Svs\em Kitchen K1\chon Smoke Detec\or Walls ~(b)(6) HUD-17-0235-C-000865 Bathroom Bathroom Doors ..- - ...- -- .o...-.- ...- .- ". Es~ex Village - 100% Unit lnspc: ctioo ' Ddkk11CJ! ,Comments Shower/Tub - Dama(Jedlt.i iss111g Waler Closel/Toilcl-DamanedJC!oam id/M1ssinr1 DamaQed Hardware/Locks Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/Rusi/Glass) General Rusi/Corrosion Leakinq FaucaUPipes diverl.:ir toilel not functioning : Handleiknob loost'.!/damaQed ;patio 1peelincioainl:Bedroom 2 : lop ae1.itur DamaCJedSuri.ace (HolesiPainl/RusVGlass) Exposed Wires/Open Panels Missino/DamaQed Componenls from Downspout/Gu\ler Missing Pieces/Holos/Spalling IMissinc1 O1'ain/Cleanm11/Manhole Covers Dam,jqe(l Hardware.llocks - -- Date Completed - ---Work o,de,# I II 3/2312017 26764-1 3/23/2017 26764-1 3/23/2017 26764-1 3/2312017 26764 -1 J meter room door corroded ac disconnecl & compressor ; front ac sp/ashblocks cauhlivinyl repa ir NIS hole for ac cdl , rearl.illll side from plywood wmdow cover 4127/2017 26765-1 4/27/ 2017 4/2712017 26765-1 26765-1 4/2712017 26765-1 o"lcrmr deanoul cov,ir d<1m,;qed ; front 4/27/2017 i67B5 o 1 Clo~tir di:imaged/di::;amnectedl(~) 4rn12011 26765-1 2676ll-1 1 \/ I Slnk~r lavalorv Sink-Damaqed/MissmQ Loak1nu FauceVP1ues Damaged Hardware/locks Mlssin<1/lnooerc:1ble stopper m1ss1n4:Bathroom 1 ;l:3athroom 2 : tub foucet dnos :Bathroom 1; Striker plate misa!ioned/missing ; Bathroom 2: hanQ1nq . Hallway/Hall ; 3/21/ 2017 3/2112017 3121/2017 3/2112017 LaYalory Sink -Damaged/M1:.smg Mold/Mddew/Waler Stains/Water Damaoc no hot Bathroom 1 Bathroom 2: Bathroom 2: 1 slol garbaqe disposal nol functioning: water leakinq inside mlndqerator:Frnsh Smoke delector is missing; Bathroom 2: 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 GFl--lnooerablo Missing Breaken./Fusus Di!;hwasher/Garbilgo D1suosal- lnoperalllu R~frtqcrator-MissinC1/Damaqedllnooerable Missing/Inoperable Mold/Mildew/Water Stains/Water Darnaae I Bat ... Doors Health & Sar~ty Kitchen Smoke Delaclor Unit olh\/6\ I Hot Water Healer Kitchen Unit,ij/h\16\ .-o.o...-- o-.o......-- I en -) G - Showl:lr/Tub Dam aqtKJ/Missinq Damaged Hardware/Locks lnfeslation-lnsects Dishwasher/Garbane D1sposal-lnoperaule Missing/Inoperable General Rust/Corrosion Refrigerato,.Missing/Damageo Leakinq Faucel/Pioes Water Closel/T oilet-Damag Damaned Hardware/Locks i lnonerabl e ed/Cloqqcd/Mis:m1q :l/2112017 food 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 26768 - 1 26768 - 1 26768 -1 2G769-1 26769-1 26769-1 26769-1 26769-1 26769-1 3/21/2017 26769.1 3/21/2017 26769-1 diverter Dalio Roaches: Qarbane disposal not funclioninCl ; smoke delector is not function/r,q ; Bed1oom 1; 3/22/2017 3122/2017 Contractor 3/22/2017 3122/2017 26770 1 26770-1 26770 - 1 lop Fresh food seal n~eds replac ed; 3/2112017 3/2112017 26771-1 26771-1 diverter Bathroom 1: Lid broken ;Bathroom 1: toilet clo ao ed Striker plate misc:1l igned/missinq ;Bathro om 1; 3/21/2017 3/21(2017 3/21/2017 26772-1 26770 o1 26770-1 26772-1 26772-1 < m JJ - (/) G) ..--------- --- -..... -.- ; Daficlunc:t, Ar~i.l Ovflcienct_ Commonts Damaged Sumice (Mol,is/Pa1nl/Rust/Glassl lnleslaUon-lnS<:!CtS Leakino F aur.el/Pioes Range/Slove----Missing/Damaqed/11,uPcf sink o pop up missing no access Front enlrv door : no acc~ss oulle1 covers outlet co\lers replace 3122/2017 3/22/2017 3/2212017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 26781-l 26781-1 26781-1 26781-1 26781-1 26781-1 Shower/T ub-Oamaged/Missing Oamaqed Hardware/Locks Hard Floor Coverinci Mis::.ing/Oama\Jed Floorim1fTiles Missi nQ/lnooerable tiles Close, damagel.1/C!isconnected ;Slriker plale tile:; missinq;Ba1hroom 1 : Smoke deleclor is missinq;Bearoom 2; 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 267&3-1 26763.1 267U3-1 26763 -1 \oslat replace hardware - palio 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 26784-1 rtiar Unhtknockout abc.11d(b)(lmeter room splashblocks weed trimmer damJqc drvt:ir vem icu .. urs 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4i27/2017 2G705-1 :!6705-1 llnooerable Hardware mis:;inq Building Exturiot Hcallh & Safety , 1: Dale Comploted Fresh food !:ieal neods mplaced : smoko detcclor is not I Bathroom Doors Floors Smoke Detector Unlttll/h)/6) I Roofs Walls - I Bathroom Unit #1/hllf;I --- Essex VillaQe o 100%----Unit Inspection EJCposedWirei;/Open Pno els Miss1n-i/Damat1ed Comllonents Missing Piec1::slHoles/Spa l!ing from DownsoouUGutter 3/22/2017 26784-1 26785 -1 Essex Village < m Deflcltmcy JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Area Defidonc 81Jlldin S stems Domestic Water Leakin, Central Wa11:rSu . I Heallh & Safety Electric:_.:11 Hazards-ExR_osed Wirel{O.J)en Panels Common Areas: CJosel/UtilltyiMochanlcal Doors IDama_g_ed HardwwelLocks Common Areas: Hall$/Corridors/Stali-s Ceiling IPeelinq/Neads Paint Slairs/Hand Railings Common Areas : Laundty Dools Dryer Vent Common Atea5: Storctil_e Ceiling lih \IR\ I !Bml/Pa int/R_u~I/Gla~ !Missing Door l!nrestation-lnsecls !Range/Stove-Mii;sing/Oamaged/lri_operable IRefrigeratoroMissing/Damaged/lnoperab/e !Miss ing/Broken Cover Plates IDarm1gad Patio blinds Stove Damaged Su,raca (Holes/Pa1nl/Ru:iVGlass) Holes/Missing Tile s/Panels/Cracks Shower/Tub-Damagod/Misi;ing_ Water Closet/T ailttt-Oamaged/Clogg~/Misslng Dam.iyed Surface {Holes/Pa inl/Rust/Glassj Missing_Door Emergency Fire Exils - Emerge11c_tiFireExits Rofrigerator -Missing/Damagedtlnoperable Missing/Inoperable lnope,able/Nol Lock.able Damaged Hardware/locks lnol)erable Olher ILa11a;o,y.__Sink - Dat11av0:::d/M1ss ing Work Order# 4/27/2017 26785 -1 26785-1 4/27/2017 26785-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 26785-1 26785-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 26785-1 26785-1 4/2.712017 26785 -1 Unlt)t(b)(6)_J Bathrnom Doors Doors Doors I _J101!1Jl_ clogg_ecl :Bathroom 1; !Bedroom 2; Slfiker lute misali ned/m1ssinr :ent i:i_eel!firrp.1inl;eritry numerous Roaches; Righi/front burner ctoos not function : Fresh food soal needs replaced: Outlet_Qlcltemissir1g_ ;Hal!wa_y/Hall: numerou:. missing burner not worning: switch need repair Bedrooms IP.itch afld paint walls bedroom d111ener Seat broken Bedroom l . door edge split;Balhroom Bedroom 1;Clo.?...et ; window Bedroom 2 : Fresh food seal needs replaced ; Smoke deteclor is missing ; Bedroom 1; Window won't slay_l)p;Bedroom 2; Closer damaged/disconnected :entry jper tenant not func\ioning no key cold side Balhroom 1 stopper missing 3/221W17 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3122/2017 26787-1 26787-1 26787-1 26787 -1 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 26788-1 26788-1 26788-1 26788.1 26788-1 26788-1 26788.1 26788-1 3/2112017 3/21/2017 26789 -1 26789-1 3/15/2017 26790 . 1 3/21/2017 26791 -1 Essex VIiiage o 100% Unit Inspection < oeflclency m JJ Aloa Bathroom Health & Sa (aly Hot Waler Heater Kilchen Smoke Deleclor Unit #l(b)(6) I en - G) :::c -I I Un1tfllll h\ / 6\ Heatlh & Safety Health & Safety HVAC Syslem Bathroom Health & Safoly Bathroom Kitchen Donrc:. Unit ,i(b)(6) Doors HUD-17-0235-C-000868 Unit ~(b)(6) I Balhroom Balhroom Doors Door s Kitchen Kitchen Unit l(b)(6) I o Doors Doors Eleclrical System Kitchen Kllchen Kitch en Oullels/Swilches Smoke Detector ) Doors Heallh & Safety Kilchen Dato Compli!toci Work Order# Shower/T ub-Darn aqed/Miss1nq lnleslat1on - lm,ec1s Missing Pressure Relief Vc:1lv Ranqe Hood/Exhau st Fan s-Exce ssive Mlssin of lnooerablo Caulk naeds reola ced ;ll(,lh Roaches : exlension lube from or8ssure rel ief valve not functionina/blocked ; smoke detector is nol funclioninCJ;BeClroorn 3121/2017 Contraclor 3/21/2017 3121/2017 3/21/2017 26791-1 Olhar VACANT - all deficien cies will I.le rnp.i ired when unit is turned 3122/ 2017 267 94-1 Roctorior Walls Od1cioncy Comm,mts O..imaned Sills/Frames/Un1elslT rirn Bedroom I: Unit # 11..h.lliiJ HHallh & Salely Unit# l(bH6) I Balhroom Doors Doors Electrical Svslem Kitchen Unit #Hb \IR\ I Doora Eleclrica! System Health & Safety Bulldina Exterior Walls HUD-17-0235-C-000870 I [-D.-.te Come_l_t)_t_e_ _[ Work r,l Order# OwnaQed Drnwer Screen Damaged Heal lamp Broken Closet Rod ReIrigera1or-Mi:;;;inu/Darna11ed/lnone,,,ble wa1.ir leakim1 insid1:1r.;lricfo e,aIor. 4{20/2017 4/20/2017 4/2012017 412012017 27319 - 1 27319-1 4/20i2017 27320 -1 27321-1 27321-1 lstornqe close\ screw missing ; breaker box 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 O.imaycd Surfa ce (liolcs/Paml/Rw;l/Glass) DarnaC1ed/Miss1nqScrcenJSturm/Securily Dour Blocked Acress lo Electrical Panel GFl-lnopemblo lnoul.lrable Rclnc1erator-Missu1g/Oamac;ed/lnopernble hole: slor,me closet Cvlindcr missinq : h~hind nadlock.ed door Bathroom 1: heat lamp ; Bathroom 1; damaged seal 4/20/2017 4/2012017 4120/2017 4/20/2017 412012017 27322-1 27322-1 27322 .1 27322-1 vinyl reoair mism.iIch<'!d NIS Contractor 27323 -1 dog ;:ilomi. no access 4/21/2017 27324-1 di11erter Striker pl.ite rnisahqnedlmissmn :t:nlry Front enlrv door under smk 412.1/2017 4121/2017 4/21/2017 4/2"1/2017 4}21/2017 L73 25- l 27325-1 27'.125-1 :.!7325-1 27325-1 tenant having problems with key stored !\ems lumiture in Bedroom 1 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27330-1 27330-1 27330-1 numerous pieces of siding missin<1 4/21/2017 27331-1 sloraqti closet ballerv needs replaced ;l-lallw av/HaU; 4/21/2017 4/2112017 27332-1 27332-1 Caulk rieeds reola.:ed : not functioning; latch not funclioninQ ; stored items ; 4/2112017 4/21/2017 4121/2017 4/21/2017 21:1:n-1 OlhE:r leaking Fauce:UPipcs Daim.1ged Hardwore/Locks Deteriorated/Mlssinq Seals (Entrv Only) Blocked Access 10 Eleclncal Panel Cabmtils - -Miss1ng/Oamaqcd D;imaaed Hardware/locks Blocked Access to Elecll'ical Panel Erneraencv Fire Exils-Emergencv/Fire 4/20/2017 stored items Exits Mii:isinQ Pieces/Ho!es/Soalling Unit# .... "' 1 Doors Sm ~(b)(6)1 ~ ctor Bathroom Bathroom Doon. Electrical Svstem ~(b)(6) I 27319-1 273HH l Dam.io ,id Hardwau::/locl'.s Eleclncal Hazards Eliposed W i,e s/Ooen Panel1:, M1~:;ino P1ecoslHult!slS o;;liino1 b)(6 I 'h\ln Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Damcged Hardware/Locks MissinCJ/lnopE;rabte ShowerfTub-Da1miaed/Miss111Q Ventitallon/Exhausl System-Inoperable Damai:ied/Missinq Screcn/Stonn/Securitv Blocked Access lo Elcclncal Panel Door ~-- ...... 27322-1 27322-1 27333.1 27333 - 1 27333 -1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection ~ JJ Deflcluncy Arna Dotlcit:nc~ :Comm.!nts Doors Doors Electrical System Hot Water Heater Kitchen Unit,fj/h\lR\ I Smoke Detector Doors HVAC Svslem b)/61 Unlt#llb)(6)1 K,tctien Outlets/Switches Unit ~/h \In\ I Doors Doors Damaqed Hardware/Locks Oamaged/Miss,no Screen/Storm/Secu rity Door Blocked Access lo Electrical Panel Missmq Pressure Rehef Valv Range/Stove-MissinQIOamaged/lnooer:ible Striker plattl misal iqrwd/missin g :Bedroom 1: Cylinder missino ; behind padlocked door extension tuoe from pressure relief valv'3 is Righi/front burner does not function ; en - G) I -I rlnnr<: ui_!!!J(b)(6) I Doors Hol Water Heater Kitchen Unit ~(b)(6l I Doors Kitchen Buildlna Elltcrior Roors I h\/F,\ Missing/11101,>erable bathroom door Filter 4/2112017 27334-i 27334-1 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27334-1 27334-1 27334 - 1 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27335-1 27335-1 27335-1 4/21/2017 spraver hala 4/2112017 4/21/2017 2n:rn-1 27336-1 Damayeu t-lardware/Locks Dama1.1ed/Missm1.1 Scrtlen/Storm/Securuy 0001 Delerioraloo/Missino Seals IEntrv Only) Slriker plate misalil1ned/m1ssinn :Bedrnum 1; latch not functioning : Front entry door; 4121/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27337-1 27337-1 27337.1 Damaf'.lod Hardware/locks Mlssino Prossure Relial Valv RefriQerator-MissinQ/Oamaqed/lnoperable Hinges loose/damaged :en1ry extonsior1 lubt:1from pressure relier valve is Frosh food seal needs replaced: 4(21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 273313- 1 27338-1 27338-1 lalch not luncl ioning ; trap leakinq ; 4/21/2017 4/2112017 27339-1 27:J39.1 soffil; unill(b)( 5 ) Conlrn.clor 273?10-1 Striker plate misaligncd/mis&iny :Bedroom 1; extension tube from pressure rellef valve is 4/21/2017 4/21/'l017 27342-1 Off track ;H;,UwavJHallCloset ; rusted s1orage dooor furniture in bedroom RiohVrcar burner does not function : 4/2212017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 Damageu/MisstnQ Sr;rat:1n/S1orm/SecuntyDoor ILeakinq FauceVPipos Damaged Somts/F.ascia/Solin Vonts I 1 HUD-17-0235-C-000871 Doors Hot Water lieatcr Unit 1/b )(6) I Doors Doors Health & Safety Kitchen Unlt#J(b)(6)1 Bathroom Unit #l(b\/6\ I Bathroom Doors Doors Electrical Syslem Health & Safelv I b\/6t Unit# l(b)(6 I Doors Work Order# Smk- .M1ss111q/Oamar.ed Missing/Broken Cover Plates I Unit..,, b)/6) Date CompJefod !Damaged Hardware/Locks IMiss intJ Prossure RelieCValv Damaried Hardware/locks Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/RusVGlass) EmerQency Fire Exits-Emergency/Fire Exits Ranoe/Stovc--MissinQ/Damaoed/lnooerab!e 27342-1 27343-1 27343-1 27343-1 27343-1 Le.:1kinc:iFauceVPipas !aerator Leakinq FauceVPipes Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/Rusi/Glass) DamaQed/MissinQ Screen/Storm/Security Door GFl-lnoperable EmercienL-v Fire Exits-Emerr.iencv/Fire Exits lub faucel d1ips ; rusted storage Cvlindar missino : Bathroom 1; tv in bedroom 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27345 - 1 27345-1 27345-1 27345-1 27345-1 Striker plate misaligneoJ/mi:;sinq ;Bedroom 1; 4/21/2017 27346-1 IDamaged Hardware/locks 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 Essex Villageo 100% Unit lnspdction ~ Deficiency At0a A. S:iofety JJ UnitHealth # 1 'h\lF;\ - (/) G) Doors Unit ~(b)(6) :::t: D0 --4 Unlt](b)(6) 11 rs: I Ceim,u Bulldlna Exterior Health & Saretv Wal s l/b\lR Unit# (b )(6) I Doors Electrical Sys1em Kilchen Unito 'h )/6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Electrical Swtem Kitchen Unlt,lillh\/n\ I Eleclncal Syslem K1Lchen I Balhroom Electncal Svstem Kitchen Bulldlna Exterior \/lfo,11.,, l(b)(6) 1 unlt#1(b)(6) HUD-17-0235-C-000872 Date Compfoted Work Ot'der# lnft;sloU0ti-lll::ii:!CIS RuaChO!i ; Contractor 27346-1 Dornaqeo Hardw;;;reJL,1cks Lock not lunclionino : Bedroom 1; 4/2112017 27351-1 Leal-inq Fauet,l/P1pi:;~ Damaaed Hc1rdwaro/Locks Deteriorc1tedJMissinq Sti!als (Entrv Only) sink faucel dnos: hot side Slrikei olate misal iqnedJrniss im1 : M1::chanical Front entrv door: 4/21/2017 27352-1 412112017 4121/2017 27352-1 27352-1 Holes/Missing Tiles/Pa1)elsiCrac.ks holt:S : storaae closet 4/2112017 27358-1 Exoosed W1res/Ooen Paneh, Missmci Piec-.s/HolesJSna il1nq ac dir.connect virwl ,eoair NIS 4/27/2017 4127/2017 27359o1 27359-1 Damaged Haruware/Lock:. Handlt:,/lmob !oo:;e/d.:1ro.iged ; Hallwuy/l-1<.111 Closet 4122/2017 27360-1 Blocked Acct'ls!:. to Electric;:;! P,md Dishwasher/Garbaoa D1s1Josal-lnont:rable behind oadlocked door iaarbaac di&nosal not runcIioninci 4/2212017 4/22(2017 27360-1 27360-1 Leakinn FauceVPioes Vfclnhlalion/Exhaust Svstern-lnooera b!e Damalled/Mis:.ing Screen/StormJSecuritv Door Blocked Access to Electrical Panel D1shwasher/Garbaqe Dis11osal-l11ope1able tub faucet drios ; divener not runctionina latch not lunclionino: lronl stored items loarbaqe disoosal not lunclioni ng 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27361-1 27361-1 27361-1 27361-1 27361-1 GFl-lnooor able Range Hood/Exhau~! Fans Kitchen not runclioninu/blocked 4}22/2017 4122/2017 27362-1 273ti2ol Leaking fauccVPipes Blocked Access 10 Eh:ictncal Panel Ranne/Stov-Missina1Dc.1maned/lnouera1Jle sink raucct dnas behind oadlocked door broiler 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27363-1 27363-1 27636-1 MissinCJPieces/Holes/Soallina caulk reoair NlS 4/27/2017 27364-1 Lavalorv Sinl\--Damaaed/Mis.sina Blocked Access to Electrical Panel Miss inQ/lnooerable Fixture Missinci/lnooer.:1ble simmer missina ; aerator mooed Kilchen ;Hallwav/Hall smoke detector not work1no Hall/Bdrm 1 4/22)2017 4122/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27365-1 27365.1 27365-1 27365-1 Damaaed Hardware/locks Missino/lnooerable storane closet batlerv needs reolaced 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27366-1 27366-1 Leakmg FauceVPioes Damaaed Hardware/Loclo..s Oamaqed/Missinci Screen/Stum1/Sec.uritv Doo, diverter Sinker olate misalianl'!d/rnissino ;BaIhroom laKn not iunclioninq 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27367-1 27367-1 Excess111e Strii,(~r wei.ld trimmer d,:m1aqe 4/23/2017 I Bathroom Electrical Sy:,tem Li~hling Smoke r)nt<>rtor Unlt4(b)(6) ;Comments I Balhroom Doors UniUl(b)(6) Duticir.:ncy I Doors Smoke Detector Unit tilh\/F;\ I Balhroom Doors Doot1l 273tl7-1 I < m --.-..,-.----- ---....-- J 01;1fichmcy Area JJ ~~w.11.i..Wiil.ll en - G) Essex Village - 100% Unit lnspuction Dtltici,rnci'_ Communts Inoperable Date Complctod Work Order# H1ennos1at nol function ing 4/24/2017 27367o1 412112017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27368-1 27368-1 27368-1 27368-1 ~......i..;_.;,..;....;......,J ~ :I: Kitchen --t ~ke Detector Handle/knob looswdamaged ; B.ithroom 1: Front t:mlrydoor stored items Sink drdins slow smoke detector is not funct1oning_;_Sedroom1: Lt:!akin!:J Faucet/Pipes Blod ;iJd Acc.:.ss to Electri cal Panel beliind padlockect door 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27369-1 Leaking Faucet/Pipes ShoworfT ub-Damaqed/Miss1n.9. Deterioratl:!d/Mlssing Seals (Entry Orl/y) sink taucot drips Caulk needs r(lplaced Front entry door 4123/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27370-1 27370o1 27370-1 Exposed Wires/Open Panel;; ac disconnocts 4/23/2017 27371-1 Evidence ol Lcaks/Co,ros,on ac disconnects 4/23/2017 27371-1 Leaking FauceVP_I_IJ_es diverter 4/26/2017 :.!7393-1 S howtc!r/Tub-Darnayed/Mi:>sing Damagml Surface _iHoles/Paint/RusUGlass) Damaqcd/MissinJl Screen/Storm/Security Door Electrical Haz:.. rds-Ex1msed Wires/Open Panels diverter hole(s):6alhroom 1; rusl storage closet latch not functioning_ 27368-1 I Unit #l(b)(6) Bathroom Electrical S~m Unit #l(b)(6) l Bathroom Bathrnom Doors Bullding Elltorlor Health & Safety Bulldln__g_fu,_stems Eloc1rical Syslem bl{filJ Unlt #l/b)(6LJ Batho~~~ luiiiti{b)(6) Oam;;_g_ed Hardw&re/Locib le Sink- -Mis sinr:i/Damaadlocked 4/2412017 4/24/2017 27-102-1 27402-1 L~akin!l Faucel!Pipes D.:imaqcd Surface (Hok:~/Painl/RusVGlass) Oeswioraled/Missing Seals {Entry OnlY) Blocked Access to Elec\fical Panel Ranae/Siove-Mlssinn Unit #l(b )(6) _J Bathroom Doors Kilchen Kitchen Kitchen SmokePttlecJPr Unit"il(b)(6) I Electrical System Kitchen Kitchen SmokeOei,onur unn#l(b)(6) J Electrical S1slom Electrical System Hot Waler Heater Kitchen Kitchen Smoke Detector Bulldlng E,i;terlor Health & Safety Walls L.b..l.iliJ Unlt#I( b )ifil o ..tlcit:nc lcommunts Lt:aking Valvesfr<.111!,;,:;JPipes l~ain leaks _a_m_a.._e'-'. posed W i,e:-;/Open Pa11els !stopper not funclioninCJ lpeel1nci paint 1.mlry 4/26/2017 27422 -1 27423.1 27423.1 27423.1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m Deficiency_ Area JJ Health & Safely Kitchen - (/) Winn,.,_..,,,, Unit #Hb)(6) I G) Balhroom Doors Doors Health & Safet11 Unit #l(b )(6\ I :::t: --4 .,-;1,-hen lib)(6) 1 Unit#l(b )(6) Dat11Compleltid Work Order# Electrical Svslem ni>l.orlor IJnitllb )(R\ I s-~~~ Bathroom QooN Unlt#l(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Kitchen Smoke De\ec\or Bulldlna Exterior Walls Building S11Stoms 1=1 .. c-.1rtcalSystem h\/R\ I HUD-17-0235-C-000877 Other Reln: Other Communltv Soaces Windows lnooorable/Nol Lockaule 27435-1 re,ir soflil downspout mis;;inq lronl sidino holes condu it al ac concicnsor loose from bm, hole in br1ck al mnr a/lice oxit door 412712017 27437-1 4127/2017 27437-1 1m.iroflico 4/27/2017 27437-1 :ibox. cvr missinq 4/27/2017 27437-1 oao muund outlets in lobby sillim1 aron/kev 4/27/2017 27437 - 1 doon; no\ closonQ ilush enlrv lobby 4/2712017 27437-1 2 sc,ewed shul rn kllclrnn 4/27/2017 27437-1 HUD-17-0235-C-000878 ENCLOSURE a' '1 E2 DIilon Sewer Service, Inc. P.O. Box 9291 Richmond, VA 23227 Ph: (804)266-8214 Fax: (80,4)286-8217' Date Invoice 05/10/17 039351 Page 1 Federal ID#: 54-1891894 Billed To: Essex VIiiage Apartment. Job: JETTING Rof: W002549 Mechanic:MATTHEW Cust Ph: 804.329.5820 Fax: 804.321.0523 3901 PIiots Lane Richmond, VA 23222 ob Location Essex VIiiage Property Saniary Sewers Sanitary Sewer Cleaning (Ev 3months) Description of Work: Contract Per proposal : Jetted sanitary iewer manholes (heavy grease, bottles, and sticks) Matthew .Jason, and Paul :;=====~~===~:=~~=~==~--=====-=====-:===~ ==~~ = ==========~= frof< IWe We propose to clean the sanitary sewers roaobol.., every 3 months. This wlll not stop back ups from !he build ing. Every 3 months the charge will be jb )( 4) are not responsible for any landscaping, concrete , asphalt , siding/brick, and or any items that may need to be removed to complete the job. Essex is responsible for blocking off any areas that may need to be blocked off to complete the job . Thank you, Ron Dillon President DUE & PAYABLE UPON COMPLETION_ A FINANCECHARGEOF 2% PER MONTH(24.% PER ANNUM) \IVILL EJEAOOEDTO ACCOUNTSNOT PAID WITHIN30 DAYS_ Total l(b)(4) CustomerCopy AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000880 Pagel oft Essex Invoice 3901 F'iots ln Ridlmond, VA 23222-1211 (804) 329-5820 039351 Status : Pending !nvoice dale: 0511012017 Asof05118/201712:14PM {CST) Fax (804) 321-0523 by: Tanelaha Washington Pending approvalby: AngelaH!9qlns Submitted @ 05118/201712:14PM (CST) Vendor DILLON SE.WeRSERVICE,llfC oo OIQlonSew. Attn: DILLON SEWER SERVICE, INC. (Dillion 5eJPYfer) POBOX9291 RICI-NONO, Vf!;.,23227-0291 lmloicelnfonnatlon Postingdate: lnOffliee date: 05'1812017 05(10/2017 Terms: Diledate: Net 30 day& 0610912017 lrivolc.etotal: lrice Account A~~ I I Total -~ (b)( 4) 652014 o Plumbing Contrad I Subtol.i Till Shlppini TOI!! Commenta jelled sanitarysewermanhole$(heavy Q"Jetie . bottln. and Slicks https://pkmgmt.onesite.realpage.com/purchasing/300/comrnon/printDummy AMERICA, VERSIGHT .htm 5/18/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-000881 Dillon Sewer Service, Inc. Date P.O. Box 9291 04/20/17 Richmond, VA 23227 Ph; (804)266-8214 Fax: (804) 266?8217 Federal ID#: 54-1691894 Proposal 000325 Page 1 Submitted To: Essex Village Apartments 3901 Pilots Lane Richmond, VA 23222 Job: Jetting Phone: 804.329.5820 Job Location Essex VIiiage Property Saniary Sewers Sanitary Sewer Cleaning (Ev 3months) We propose to clean the sanitary sewers from manholeseyery 3 ronths. This will not stop back ups from the building. Every3 months the charge will bel (b)(4) We are not responsiblefor any landscaping,concrete,asphalt, siding/brick,and or any items that may need to be remove d to completethe job. Essex is responsiblefor blockingoff any areas that may need to be blocke doff to completethe job. Thank you, RonDillon President ZERO and NO/100 Dollars s_oo This wl not stop kltchen silks, bath tub, or iuJivdualtoiets from bacmg up. If there are any spots that are questiJnable, we 1vl quote tne use of a camera to check the condtions of the pipe. (If 1veneed to camera, we wl quote price at that tme) We Proposehereby to furnish materialand laboc-completein accordancewith the above specification,for the sum of: dollars! <$'.: m:r.., JJO i-i~~i CJ'i _ zl> ~~iV\ G) :::c -I June 22 . 2017 Re: Maintena nce Concerns Dear Valued Residents : In an effort to further imp rove our customer service response time, Management has established a new email address for all residents at Essex Village. The email address is: ,,..,,' <:.~'..'\' o~:'''I, ooJPY,.,. . ., ,.o o ..oo~;. <;; o ~ ..... , ~ .,...o t.,. A 'l.-l A ........ l.~ _J:r: ~ ,...,,.~ ..., o oo~.1 J'"I o'. /, ~::o:~ ;.,-.' o, ' -.. ~~J J fl.~ ~ \.: i \ .,."\.,,JPY 'i:. ~~ '',:it.~t., ~ ~ l i!J, ' '-. {., .....o ' ~: ;o,-: .-1.~.o~. lr\ J o 1 , o 'o,1, i,f '. ,.. ;.. h' o.o .o\,. ~ I This email address is for residents to send any maintenance concerns to us ulcclronically whether lo express i:ll'IY dissatisfaction with service or if a request for service has not been addressed professiona lly or promptly . Also, please reniornuer that our Resident Service Manager, Dawn Pahoresky, is available to assist you with any customer service issues . Her phone number is (216) 527-4787. The after-hours emergem::y maintenance number for Essex Village has not changed . Please be sure to use this line for all after-hours emergencies only. It is: (855) 344-7476 Sincerely, HUD-17-0235-C-000887 !//{J,m; , )/ryyiN-j Penny Higgins Regional Vice President 26:l 01 Cuni,s . Wrighl ParKw~y I Su-tc 300 I Richm ond Hts , Ohio 4414:\ G:r ENCLOSURE L5 - ~ :D MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES JNTHE 4th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT WITH FAILING REAC SCORES u. 5464 62 ~. :::c 591063 530252 - PROPERTY. INSPN ID 582009 . ADDRESS 41 112 Ma lvern Avenue 3901 Pilot s Ln 305 North 18th Street 1359 W Broad Stree t CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CONGRESSIONAi. . CODE CODE . DISTRICT CODE INSPN DATE INSPN SCORESFX PROPERTY ID. ROUND INSPN OT INSPECTION SCORE Richmo nd Richmond City VA 23221 04 9122/20 16 c' 800240452 9/22/2016 8 :56:44 AM 48 Richmond Henrico VA 23222 04 1/10/2017 c' 80002 1812 1/1012017 8 :51:00 A M 51 Richmond Richmond City VA 23223 04 8110/2016 C 800225709 811012016 9 :06 35 AM 51 Richmond Richmond City VA 23220 04 3116/2017 c* 800235222 3116/2017 9 :26 :23 AM 59 PUBLIC HOUSING PROPERTY(IES) IN THE 4 th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT WITH A FAILING REAC SCORE PHAN ame ;uflolk Redeve lop ment and Hou sing Auth ority Dovelopment Code VA025000005 Development Name HOFFLER APARTMENTS In spect ion Score 58 Inspection Date 09M A Y2016 :09 :00 : 18 Address Address line l 2210 E WASHINGTON Street line 2 City SUFFOLK ~.... VA l;,coo, f34 3'1 HUD-17-0235-C-000889 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe, Lisa A Thursday, August 03, 2017 4:05 PM DeFelice,Joseph J Ott, Richard M; Solivan, Elvis; Schmidt, Carrie S SUBMISSION:EssexVillage Media Report Essex Village Media Report 08.03.17 UPDATE.pdf;McEachin Final Response 90 Pages.pdf Joe - Please use this version. Per your request, I updated the summary section of the media report for EssexVillage. I also included the final response to Congressman McEachin. You'll find the letter to the Congressman explains the issues pertaining to ou r path forward and includes the 74 pages of repairs/issues needed to be addressed at the site. Please note this copy contains Personally identifiable information (PII). We shipped a second version with the PII redacted in the event he elected to share the information or make it public . Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000890 UPDATED MEDIA REPORT, PK Management Properties EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va., Woodland Crossings Apartments, Richmond, Va. and Hope Village Apartments, Glen Allen, Va. FROM WHITE HOUSEREPORTING:March 22, 2017 through August 3, 2017 Contact: Lisa Wolfe, Regional Public Affairs Officer, lisa.a.wolfe@hud.gov SUMMARY: Essex Village Apartment, Henrico County, Va. a PK Management Company Richmond, Virginia Media Outlets We received our initial EssexVillage Apartments inquiry from CBS6 WTVR-TV reporter Melissa Hipolit on Wednesday , December 14, 2016 . Mel issa asked for the total amount of Housing Assistance Payments sent to EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virginia in 2016. At that point, the current annual subsidy was $5,376,299. The apartment complex has 496 units under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program (HAP) contract. Melissa acknowledged she was new to assisted housing, so I explained that fami lies and individuals pay no more than 30 percent of their income towards their monthly rental-and that the HUD voucher makes up the difference. Because this property is project-based assistance, the voucher is t ied to the apartment unit, not the ind ividual or family. She requested a copy of the HAP contract and the most recent HUD REACInspection scores-which I let her know were both subject to FOIA. Over the next few weeks, we received a number in inquiries-mainly resident complaints about water issues, leaks, mold, pests-about the deter iorating living conditions at the property . On January 3, 2017, we confirmed a REACInspection was scheduled in two weeks. The inspection was conducted on January 17, 2017. Ms. Hipo lit was the first to request a 2017 REACInspection report which was not available by FOIA for 120 days. A letter dated February 2 from Henrico County Supervisor Frank Thornton was sent to Richmond Field Office Director Carrie Schmidt making her aware of the County's concern for residents stemming from the many code vio lations and life safety issues at the complex. Director Schmidt alerted Multifamily and the others impacted by the issues raised in the letter. A March 30 meeting was scheduled at the Richmond Field Office, but before HUD Multifamily and Field Office leadership met, Henrico County officials dialed up the issue in the press. With CBS6's Melissa Hipolit leading in continuing coverage on EssexVillage includ ing the fai ling REACInspection score of 46c, she expanded her storyline to include the PK Management properties in the Richmond area including Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. (66b) and Hope Vi llage, Glen Allen, Va. (82). NBC12 WWBT-TV Ashley Monfort has also been following with coverage on all three properties, with "dueling coverage" on who can uncover ongoing resident issues, including the fall of a 7-month pregnant resident from a balcony in disrepair. "Bubbling" sewage, along with other water, mold and infestation issues, continue to be reported by residents at all three properties. Both televis ion stat ions are working in concert with Henrico County officials to bring resident issues "to light" and to be quickly addressed by PK Management, Navigate (the Performance Based Contract Administrator) and HUD. U.S. Congressman Donald McEachin (VA-4) toured the property on May 12 with NBC's Ashley Monfort in tow and has been continuing to issue press releases and statements calling for HUD to take action. WRIC-TV anchor/reporter Kerri O'Brien has also visited the properties, interviewed residents and is calling for HUD to provide vouchers for residents to relocate. Richmond Times-Dispatch reporter Debbie Truong and Richmond Free Press reporter Jeremy Lazarus have been adding print and on line stories into the mix. We continue to receive notifications of resident issues from the various outlets, and are working to provide updates on resolutions as well as the work underway to upgrade the properties and repair the many issues. In July, we worked with Navigate to craft a "1,2,3 step" communication for Page I 1 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000891 residents that includes flyers, an upgraded website portal for complaints, and provided this information to the various media outlets requesting their assistanee in helping us help the residents. Key dates/deliverables include : The Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (CDE) Plan for Essex Village Apartments that was received from PK Management on May 25 includes 74 pages of issues/repairs to be addressed by PK Management by July 31. A June 7 conference call with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County officials addressed the many questions/issues the Congressman had raised with HUD (please see attached] . On July 14, an attorney representing the owners of the EssexVillage apartments appeared in front of a Henrico County General District Court judge for an arraignment on charges related to five of the 18 bui Iding code violation charges that have been issued. The July 28 meeting between Henrico County Board Chairman Pat O'Bannon and senior HUD officials was postponed due to the Secretary's schedule. The meeting is in response to Ms. O'Bannon's email to the President, requesting his assistance. HUD has scheduled a REAC Re-Inspection for August 8 . We anticipate that Henrico County officials and the media will be on-hand that day. In the interim, we continue to field multiple media and FOIA requests almost daily, and will continue to respond to these many requests. Residents continue to contact Henrico County officials, CBS6Problem Solvers or other media portals for customer complaints-noting timely responses for those who bypassed the work order system . During a July 25 Board of Supervisors Meeting, Henrico County officials cited that HUD repeatedly gave the property passing scores, causing misrepresentation of HUD's ongoing work with the owner and property management agent that follows a failing REACscore. On Friday, July 28, Public Affairs' GDASJerry Brown visited the property as a follow-up to his visit a month earlier. He reported a tremendous difference - and that in conversations with residents, they were thrilled with the repairs and the fact that their maintenance calls were receiving a timely response. He noted EssexVillage is old (built in 1981) and the property needs the facelift that is now underway. It is clean, kids were playing in the street and externally it looks like it would pass our inspection. Here is what he saw: o One, out of every four buildings, has some type of repair work underway . Some of it is extensive. o Gutters are being replaced. o o o o Siding is being replaced. Dry wall work is occurring inside numerous building. Crews were stil l working and it was 5:50 p.m. Nearly every balcony had replacement slacks. Those that didn't were completely rebuilt including flooring . o Storage containers with sheetrock, siding, gutters were prominent throughout the complex. At least six crews were working throughout the complex. The only portion ofthe complex that was not being worked on was the rancher-side of the complex-where seniors reside. That port ion of the complex looks much better than the other side. It may just be the density of the housing and the cul-desac approach. Jerry has photographs that he is w illing to share. As of August 3, two FOiAs with requests for the Compliance Disposition and Enforcement Plan are outstanding pending submitter objections . An additional FOIA with nearly 150 pages of emails will be shipped later today. Page I 2 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000892 MEDIA INQUIRIES Wednesday, March 22, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. The apartment complex has 496 units under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program (HAP) contract. Melissa withdrew her FOIA request for the last two inspection reports because she is aware there is a subsequent REACinspection/report out underway. She is asking for specifics as to why the property failed the inspect ion with a score of 46c*. I let her know that because the most recent inspection was completed on January 11, 2017 and the report was given to EssexVillage and HUD on January 19 and that REACreports are not releasable until 120 days to allow time for appeals. The final REACreport will be available beginning May 19, and subject to any FOIA exemptions. As far as the specific issues at the property, I explained that I am unable to provide any additional information until the final REACreport is released. During a second late-day call, Melissa asked if Gregory Perlman of GH Capital was involved in the project. I mentioned that I was unfami liar with the name, and the only owner/management company I had knowledge of was PK Management . Today I verified that Gregory Perlman is involved with EssexVillage Apartments through both EssexVA Investors LLCand PK Management. I verified that he signed the HAP Basic Renewal Contract as the Manager and authorizing representative. HUD Multifamily leadership has been meeting with Mr . Perlman and others to resolve deficiencies at the property. Mel issa is also aware of the meeting between Henrico County officials and HUD scheduled for March 30, so we are anticipating that press will be at the Richmond Field Office that day. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit inquired about Gregory Perlman, the owner involved with EssexVillage Apartments through both EssexVA Investors LLCand PK Management. He signed the HAP Basic Renewal Contract as the Manager and authorizing representative and is one of the indiv iduals representing PK Management who is currently working with our team to resolve the issues at EssexVillage. Monday, March 27, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Melissa has reached out to Colonel Douglas A. Middleton, Henrico County's Deputy County Manager for Public Safety for a pre-meeting interview to discuss the myr iad of county inspections that parallel HUD' s failing score. Ten County officials wil l meet with the Richmond Field Office and multifamily teams on March 30. We are anticipating that press will be at the Richmond Field Office that day. Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) reporter Debbie Truong inquired about EssexVil lage in Henrico County after speaking with Doug Middleton, the deputy county manager in Henrico who told her the county has cracked down on the number of code violations at Essex in hopes of bettering the quality of life there. She asked about percentage of Section 8 units at Essexand if HUD is supportive of Henrico's efforts to crackdown on code violations . Doug ment ioned that the county would like to strengthen its relationship w ith HUD and if the agency is wi lling to do the same. She also identified the county said it found 140 code violations at Essexasking how HUD regulates conditions at the propert ies it provides funding to and how regularly HUD properties are inspected and/or regulated. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) reporter Melissa Hipolit asked about a proposal for a large rent increase at EssexVillage . During an interv iew with Henrico County officials , it was mentioned that numbers that show substantial rent increases have been proposed. She also requested an on-camera interview which was declined . Page I 3 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000893 Wednesday, March 29, 2017 RichmondTimes-Dispatch(Richmond, Va.) reporter Debbie Truong requested additiona l information including a follow-up that Middleton stated that EssexVillage received the fifth lowest score in the state from HUD though he was unclear about what the scoring was related to . I explained the REACInspection process and how the scores determine frequency of inspection and steps HUD/property manager must take to resolve issues. She also submitted a FOIA requesting a list of the property owners/managers since the property was built in 1982. Friday, March 31, 2017 RichmondFree Press(Richmond, Va.) reporter Jeremy Lazarus was briefed about how Henrico County officials are working with HUD to address the many issues at EssexVillage Apartments. I suggested that he follow-up with County officials for specifics, as they are addressing the code violations and health and safety issues their own inspections have uncovered as well as the police and fire calls originating from residents to County responders . I noted our agency has our own inspection process and we are currently working with the property owners and management to address the issues we have identified. There are no proposed rent increases. Independently, we are working on behalf of residents to improve conditions at the property. Tuesday,April 4, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has requested under FOIA copies of inspection records regarding EssexVil lage Apartments located in Henrico County, Va. from 2012 to 2017. She has also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. She initial ly contacted HUD while a meeting between Henrico County officials and HUD multifamily and field off ice leaders were meeting last Thursday, March 30 about living conditions and issues at the property . She also requested and we declined an on-camera. We are working with PK Management to address the issues. More to follow. NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) News desk reported there was a fire at EssexVil lage around 10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. Approximately eight households were displaced. The fire department was dispatched and rescued several residents trapped on the ir balconies; no reported injuries. The cause of the fire is being investigated by the fire department. Thursday, April 6, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has requested under FOIA copies of inspection records regarding EssexVillage Apartments located in Henrico County, Va. from 2012 to 2017. She has also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. The FOIA has been assigned and the inspection reports have been pulled and are being redacted. Multifamily housing is working on the correspondence aspects of the request. Because there is an inspection process currently underway, any correspondence pulled will need to be carefully reviewed before release. Continuing to work this request. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Melissa is continuing to ask for an oncamera interview which we have declined (three times). She is also follow-up with a resident document that illustrates a substantial rent increase. Yesterday I responded with the note that for a rent increase, the owner/management would have to submit a formal proposal to HUD for approval. Nothing has been submitted to HUD to date. PK Management is contemplating a substantia l renovation of the property (ranging from $9 to 19 million), but the initial proposal was incomplete and a new proposal has not been submitted. Will continue to work the various aspects of this question. Page I 4 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000894 Friday, April 7, 2017 Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on last week's second request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico, Va. Pending approval from multifami ly housing leadership, today's response will address a series of questions including a date or time that a project-based Section 8 property must correct problems; the t imeframe HUD will give them time to correct and/or bring the property into compl iance as well as what is the actual time-period. Notice : H 2015-02-Subject: Required Actions for Mu ltifamily Housing Projects Receiving Failing Scores from HUD's Real Estate Assessment Cente r (REAC)which defines the various steps both HUD and the property owner/manager must take following a failed physical inspect ion. The Notice covers the deliverables with dead I ines. The process is basically a decision tree in the event the corrections/deficiencies are not made at the various points in time . I did not cover what happens in the event of a Failure to Comply, but that is also included in the notice. More t o come. Friday, April 21, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort followed -up w ith us on a FOIA request she sent over April 4. She requested copies of the REACproperty inspection reports from 2012 to 2017 regarding EssexVillage located in Henrico County, Va. Inspection scores for 2012 to 2015 have been in the 70s. The most recent inspection in January 2017 resulted in an initial REACscore (46c*) . The owners' appeal was granted, bringing the score to 51--still considered a fail. That report will be releasable on May 19, 2017. Corrective actions and t imeline has been put in place for the owner/manager. The reporter also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. My guess is she is searching for information about a possible rehabilitation/sale which was initiated by the owner, but never comp leted. The Richmond Field Office anticipates completing the request early next week. A March 30 on line story was updated this week to include a statement by Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) who issued the following statement about the failing living conditions at EssexVillage: "No family deserves to live in conditions such as the one documented at EssexVillage. All individuals - no matter their race, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation - should be treated fairly and have safe and clean shelter. The property managers must address these unhealthy conditions immed iately . The fami lies who call this community home, should be able to rest easy in a safe environment after a long day at work and school, not worry about the living conditions." Thursday, April 27, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received the FOIA request she sent over April 4 . We shipped the REACproperty inspection reports from 2012 to 2017 regarding EssexVillage located in Henrico County, Va. Inspection scores for 2012 to 2015 have been in the 70s. The most recent inspection in January 2017 resulted in an initial REACscore (46c* ). The final report will be releasable on May 19, 2017. The reporter also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVi llage from 2015 to 2017. Documentation within the correspondence validated that GHC Housing had been trying to sell the property, but Henrico County turned down supporting their request for LIHTCto support an estimated $19 million in renovations. I anticipate more follow-up tomorrow . CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her fo llow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Yesterday she submitted three requests for information on GHC Housing properties including specifics Woodland Crossing in Richmond including the most recent inspection report and amount of subsidy for residents annually. She is also seeking any information on Greg Perlman as well as how to research any Section 8 prope rty owners with Page I 5 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000895 a history with HUD. She's looking for investigations, sanctions, etc . She has also requested a list of the inspection ratings, resident complaints and overa ll subsidy GHC Housing Properties received last year (2016). W ith more than 18,000 units in 24 states, we are determ ining if any reports can be run with the inspection/funding informat ion . More to fol low on that tomo rrow . Friday, April 28, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit expanded her FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview w ith Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments , Henrico County, Va.). Today, we confirmed her request for information for a second PK Management property , Woodland Crossing in Richmond Va. She has requested the most recent inspection report (which earned a barely passing 66B) as well as the cu rrent annual funding HUD pays on behalf of residents; believe to be app roximate ly $2,146 ,000 . She has requested a listing of any sanctions or investigations involving PK Management; a HUD-2530 report has been pu lled by multifamily and indicates there is no current negative activity. She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties. This report has been produced by multifamily, but included expired contracts; awaiting update from multifamily. Annual receipts appear to be in the range of $200 million. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties . We are work ing with the PBCAagents to generate the requested reports . Monday, May 1, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Working Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview with Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County , Va.). She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties. This report has been produced by multifamily, but included expired contracts; awaiting update from mult ifamily. Annual receipts appear to be in the range of $200 million. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties. Reaching out to the PBCAagents to generate the requested reports. Wednesday, May 3, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Continuing to work on Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview with Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments , Henrico County, Va.). She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties nationwide as well as Woodland Crossings. Multifamily is generating the report. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties; Tim Shearer of Navigate, the PBCA,wi ll generate the requested reports. HUD Headquarters is also working on the REACinspection report scores for PK Management properties nationwide. If all goes well, we should be able to ship the FOIA by the end of the week. Her interview is scheduled for Monday, May 8. Friday, May 5, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Continuing to work on Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview w ith Greg Perlman , owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va.). Her FOIA request has been classified as "complex" and we continue to pull together files including the subsidies paid to PK Management for Wood land Crossings ($1.4 million) and nationwide ($152 million). We also collected the PBCA'scomplaint numbers-surprising ly low considering the issues at EssexVillage. The input from the requested sources (HQ, Baltimore Multifamily HUB, Richmond Field Office Multifamily) are due next Wednesday. We should be able to release a portion of the FOIA before the end of next week. Page I 6 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000896 Tuesday, May 9, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partia l for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVil lage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. She is hoping to air the story within the next week or so. We have completed several items in her request and should be able to ship partials today and tomorrow. CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit visited Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va., a PK Management property, and alerted us that a resident who contacted her claimed her child has elevated lead levels. The reporter reviewed the lab results which confirm the young boy does have an elevated lead level. The resident is scheduled to have all three of her children tested next week . Henrico County officials as well as the health department have been made aware and are responding to the situation. HUD confirmed the property has both lead certification disclosure and reports up-to-date and on file for the property . A follow -up call with the reporter led to further discussions that mult iple resident appeals from both Hope Village and Woodland Crossing in Richmond, Va. have gone unanswered. All three are older and deteriorating. We are working with multifamily and the PBCANavigate to learn more and initiate follow-up actions. CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partia l for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. She is hoping to air the story within the next week or so. The redacted REACinspection report and annual Section 8 funding amount have been submitted to OGC for clearance; hope to ship today or Monday. CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received a fo llow-up to her request for a listing of the most recent REACinspection scores for the 164 properties nationwide managed by PK Management. There are five properties that have had recent inspections that are not releasable. Most REACInspections are in the 80-99-point range-146 of the 164. Friday,May 12, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort toured EssexVillage Apartments with U.S. Congressman Donald McEachin and called and asked for comment about the Congressman's comment that he is going to try to convince HUD to provide vouchers. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested the amount of money HUD provides GHC Housing/PK Management to subsidize the rent of residents at Hope Village annually. She also requested an update on her other open FOIA requests. Wednesday, May 17, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received an interim response to her FOIA request which included the HUD subsidy information and the 2016 REACInspection on Woodland Crossings Apartments in Richmond, Va. The score was a barely passing 66c. Friday,May 19, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit visited Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va., a PK Management property on May 9, and alerted us that a resident who contacted her claimed her child has elevated lead levels. The reporter reviewed the lab results which confirm the young boy does have an Page I 7 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000897 elevated lead level. The resident is scheduled to have all three of her children tested next week. Henrico County officials as well as the health department have been made aware and are respond ing to the situation. HUD confirmed the property has both lead certification disclosure and reports up-to-date and on file for the property. A follow-up call with the reporter led to further discussions that multiple resident appeals from both Hope Village and Woodland Crossing in Richmond, Va. have gone unanswered. All three are older and deteriorating. We have learned the number of resident complaints from all four of the PK Management properties is surprising low, given the issues of late. Following up with the reporter today . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on the inspection process for HUD REACInspect ions-she was particularly interested in the inspectors are third party contractors or HUD employees. The 2017 REACInspection at EssexVillage Apartments was performed by HUD Quality Assurance Inspectors. Monday, May 22, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partia l for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVil lage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. The redacted REACinspection report and annual Section 8 funding amount reports were shipped last Tuesday. On Friday May 19, Melissa interviewed PK Management's Jenne McClainBlankhead. The story has not yet aired. Jenne will submit a summary of the interview to multifamily by COB on Monday , May 22. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort previously inquired about the January 11, 2017 REACInspect ion report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now available for release. I ant icipate FOIAs from both telev ision stations as well as the Richmond Times-Dispatch in the next day or so. Wednesday, May 24, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit submitted a FOIA request on the annual subsidy amount paid to PK Management for Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va. The FOIA was completed and shipped today. This is a follow -up to her visit to that property on May 9. The resident's apartment, which she alerted us had evidence of mold and a child with an elevated blood lead level, has been tested and certified there is no lead in the residence. The report has been given to County officials. No further action on this matter anticipated. During the May 23 meeting with Henrico County officials and Congressman McEachin, both the County and Congressman requested that HUD investigate issues at the property. Friday,May 26, 2017 RichmondFree Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on his April 10 request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. He inqu ired about the status of the pregnant woman who fell from a second-floor balcony and was injured. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin is now calling on the Secretary of HUD to explain what HUD is doing to force the land lord to make improvements. Jeremy is asking what HUD is doing, aside from flunking the complex as well as if the agency is planning more inspections and imposing requirements for fixes. Working with multifamily housing and legal on a response to the steps underway to bring the comp lex into compliance . Also, received a Congressiona l request as a follow-up to the May 23 call on our discussion on vouche rs during the conference call about EssexVillage, the Congressman's staff is hoping to get more information about how residents can vacate their contracts. Page I 8 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000898 Sunday, May 28, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us after residents of Essex Vil lage reached out to WTVR CBS6 News about a sewage issue Sunday afternoon . They said the problems started around 1 p.m . when a woman's toilet overflowed and solid waste continued to flood into her apartment. Outside the unit, sewage also started bubbling up from a drain in a sidewalk because of a blockage . EssexVillage's sewage system is privately owned and not maintained by the county, but Henrico utility crews responded, removed the blockage and made sure the line was clear. PK Management investigated and learned it was the fault of the resident. No add itional action needed . Friday, May 26, 2017 Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed -up on his April 10 request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County , Va. He inqu ired about t he status of the pregnant woman who fell from a second-floor ba lcony and was injured. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin is now calling on the Secretary of HUD to exp lain what HUD is doing to force the landlord to make improvements. Jeremy is asking what HUD is doing, aside from flunking the complex as well as if the agency is planning more inspections and imposing requirements for fixes. Working with multifamily housing and legal on a response to the steps underway to bring the comp lex into compliance. Also, received a Congressiona l request as a fol low -up to the May 23 call on our discussion on vouchers during the conference call about EssexVillage, the Congressman's staff is hoping to get more informat ion about how residents can vacate their contracts. Sunday, May 28, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us after residents of Essex Vil lage reached out to WTVR CBS6 News about a sewage issue Sunday afternoon . They said the problems started around 1 p.m. when a woman's toilet overflowed and solid waste continued to flood into her apartment. Outside the unit, sewage also started bubbling up from a drain in a sidewalk because of a blockage. EssexVillage's sewage system is privately owned and not maintained by the county, but Henrico utility crews responded, removed the blockage and made sure the line was clear. PK Management investigated and learned it was the fault of the resident. No additiona l act ion needed. Wednesday, May 31, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story. She noted Congressman McEachin's letter to Dr. Carson last week expressing concerns about the pregnant woman that fell, as well as the weekend the sewage erupt ion. Waiting for approval from legal and others to ship timeline/reporting of what HUD is doing in response. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort previously inquired about the January 11, 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now availab le for release . Redacted copies of the 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVil lage Apartments were shipped to both reporters, along with the December 2017 report requested by CBS6. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong contacted me about a story she is writing about Henrico County issuing a violation notice for a balcony at EssexVillage that a pregnant woman apparently fell through. She asked if HUD is aware of the issue, and asked for comment. Waiting for legal to advise since the re is concern about resident litigation/disclosure . Page I 9 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000899 Thursday, June 1, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story. She noted Congressman McEachin's letter to Dr. Carson last week expressing concerns about the pregnant woman that fell, as well as the weekend the sewage eruption. Crafted a response to the status of the resident who fell as we ll as the work underway by HUD, PK Management, Henrico County and others to address the many issues at the property. Mult ifamily, OPA, OGCand FPM reviewed and approved the response. In response, received a query about the balconies-and a resident rumor t hat the balconies were going to be removed . Confirmed w ith PK Management they have contracted for the inspection and repair of the balconies throughout the property. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit continued her investigation/reporting of PK Management properties with a report on Woodland Crossing in Richmond. Her investigation uncovered that PK Management has been cited by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for several health and safety infractions at the complex. The story included evidence of roach infestation, front doors that will not lock, mold and other safety and health hazards. 8NEWS, WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien contacted me multiple times yesterday for a story regarding complaints about PK Management that included federal lawsuits, involving overcharging and HUD vio lat ions in 2009 out of North Carolina. Additiona l research uncovered two HUD OIG audits . In addition to shipping information on assisted housing, REAC Inspections and specific PK Management REACInspection reports, the reporter focused on the question-why is HUD entrusting its resident housing to an unscrupulous company? PK Management has three properties in Henrico County, Va.- all in disrepair . Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus submitted three (3) requests over the past few days including an update on the status of the resident who fell from the balcony as well as the work underway to remedy the deficiencies at EssexVi llage. He noted that the inspections in previous years appeared to over look the deterioration-not the case-the property has always been scored in the 70s. He requested an update on the letters Congressman McEachin issued to Secretary Carson. He also inquired about the HUD inspection process and the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (CDE) Plan. All questions were addressed, status report shipped and closed. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received the January 11, 2017 REAC Inspection report for EssexVil lage Apartments that is now available for release. She requested an update on the resident who fell from the balcony and the work underway at Essex(status report shipped). She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (CDE)Plan. As far as the plan, it was just submitted on Friday and is in review, so no copy is available right now. I am trying to get a t imetable (line a REACinspection report) as well as what elements of the plan are releasable by FOIA (and when). RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong contacted me about a story she is writing about Henrico County issuing a violation notice for a balcony at EssexVillage that a pregnant woman apparently fell through. She asked if HUD is aware of the issue, and asked for comment. Waiting for legal to advise since there is concern about resident litigation/disclosure. Crafted a response to the status of the resident who fell as we ll as the work underway by HUD, PK Management, Henrico County and others to address the many issues at the property. Truong directly quoted from the response. Page I 10 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000900 Friday, June 2, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is at Hope Village, the third PK Management property in Henrico County, Va. More than 25 residents are preparing a petition identifying the ongoing issues at that complex including mold, water damage, nonwo rking smoke detecto rs/lights as well as other issues. One resident, Christin Hardy, contacted Henrico County offic ial Colonel Doug Middleton who referred the resident to FOD Carrie Schmidt. Yesterday the resident met with PK Management, identified the issues with her apartment and is scheduled for repairs next week . During a call this afternoon , the resident asked me about obt aining a housing choice voucher-an obvious plant. Melissa is also pushing for a fo llow -up story on Woodland Crossing next week. Monday, June 5, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her coverage at Hope Village, the th ird PK Management property in Virginia. She is continuing to interview residents who signed a petition identifying the ongoing issues at that complex including mold, water damage, nonworking smoke detectors/lights as well as other issues. Sourcing informat ion on how residents can contact the PBCA contractor Navigate- a communication "miss" that we identified and are try ing to remedy. Tuesday, June 6, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her coverage of PK Management properties in Virginia . Today, the request was for data sets for tracking safety/security/cr ime issues in multifamily and public housing. She was specifica lly looking for public housing because of the criminal activity in Richmond's housing projects here recent ly. She requested an update on the FOIAthat includes the list of complaints fielded by HUD/Navigate related to PK Management properties in Virginia. And, also made us aware the 25 residents signing a petition in Hope Village had decided not to follow through since their issues are being taken care of by PK Management this week . NBC12,WWBT-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort inquired about additiona l informat ion on the 2017 EssexVillage REACInspection report. The property profile says 26 residentia l units were sampled. Are different units inspected each year? The inspection reports show that inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years. Were there follow ups to makes sure these issues were fixed? And even if there was, it seems the issues persisted and became worse. I've been told EssexVillage was given a passing score until 2017 after the county started issuing violations as well. Will work to clarify the many myths in her request . Richmond Free Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested the insight on the Essex Village subsidy. Per the Congressman's request for how much HUD subsidized rents last year, the actua l Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract amount for Essexwas$ 4,226,300 . The contract runs from October 1- September 31, so the figure reflects the contracted amount from October 1, 2015 to September 31, 2016. Monthly vouchers can fluctuate depending on tenant adjustments , vacancy claims etc. so the figure reported on December 23, 2016 (per the CBS6FOIA request) had not accounted for the adjustments and was based on calendar year. At that point, the reported subsidy was $5,376,299. There was no additional capital--no right/wrong--simply a different period of reporting. Working on a second follow-up about the progress of work underway at Wood land Crossing. Wednesday, June 7, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story. She is looking for information from her original FOIA request due June 5. Today, we will be shipping the table of resident comp laints from PK Management properties in Page 111 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000901 Virginia submitted to Navigate, the PBCAand the tota l subsidy funding from PK Management properties nationwide . We are in the process of clarifying her final request for any sanctions and/or investigations involving PK Management and HUD. Checking in with multifamily housing. 8NEWS, WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien subm itted four (4) FOIA requests looking for PK Management property REACInspection scores from Jan. 2016 through June 2017 (164 propert ies nationwide, HUD OIG audit reports, all electronic payment vouchers for Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County, Va. from 2013 to 2017 and a copy of the COEPlan subm itted to HUD on Friday, May 16. HQ is wo rking through the requests. RichmondFree Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus is looking for an update on the work underway at Wood land Crossings in Richmond, Va. Awaiting multifamily housing's response. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted several follow -up questions based on her review of the EssexVillage REACInspection Report for January 2017. She's trying to understand the sample size, why mu lt iple reports cite inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years, how is HUD holding the owner accountable and did HUD respond only after Henrico County reported code violations. All issues circ le back to the deterioration of the property and the failing REACInspection score. RichmondTimes-Dispatch(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is looking for informat ion on how many audits/copies of audits HUD conducted with PK Management. If PK Management needs to notify HUD of any lawsuits filed against the company and if so, how many lawsuits have been filed against the company, where and by whom. She is also requesting HUD's assessment of how PK Management manages the federally subsidized housing it runs and owns as well as a list of the property owners and managers who have overseen EssexVillage since it opened. She is writing a story for the weekend edition and is on deadline. Wednesday,June 7, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out for comment on the Congressman McEachin releasing a statement that he's asking HUD to cease all business with PK Management . No response - after hours. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort requested a response in regards to Congressman McEachin's most recent statement: McEachin requests HUD to address conditions at Essex Village; other PK Management properties : http://www. nbc12 .com/ sto ry/35 61455 6/mceach i n-req uests-h ud-to-a dd ress-cond iti ons-a t-essex-vi IIageothe r-pk-ma nagement-properties Thursday,June8, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted a FOIA request for the 2015 and 2016 REACInspection reports for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. She misunderstood that we declined the availability of correspondence in a previous request, not the reports. RichmondTimes-Dispatch(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is following up on her request for information on how many audits/copies of audits HUD conducted with PK Management . If PK Management needs to notify HUD of any lawsuits filed against the company and if so, how many lawsuits have been filed against the company, where and by whom . She is also requesting HUD's Page I 12 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000902 assessment of how PK Management manages the federal ly subsidized housing it runs and owns as wel l as a list of the property owners and managers who have overseen EssexVi llage since it opened . She is writing a story for the weekend edition and is on deadline. Multifamily provided guidance on each element; response shipped this afternoon . Friday, June 9, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort subm itted a FOIA request for the 2015 and 2016 REACInspection reports for EssexVillage, Henri co County, Va. The reports had been previous ly sent unde r an earlier request. Confirmed receipt. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong submitted a FOIA request for t he 2017 REACInspection report and appeal report for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. Bot h repo rts were shipped th is afternoon . Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested information on the conference call on June 7 w ith Congressman McEachin and Henrico County Officia ls. In subsequent press releases and news articles, the Congressman appea red skept ical that progress is being made as HUD has stated it is and that the plan of act ion PK provided will be implemented . He asked if HUD provided any response to congressman's request . He also inquired if there is a reason that the Congressman believes PK is not getting the improvements done and that HUD is allowing complex to slide while keeping tenant s in unfit apartments. He also asked if HUD is explor ing the voucher option . Wait ing for the Multifamily/CIR response that is in review; will craft follow -up fo llowing release of that information. WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien submitted four FOIA requests for informat ion submitted through the public access link on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. and PK Management. These are in addition to the multiple media inquiries from Kerri that I have been addressing . Kerri has requested copies of all electronic payments made to EssexVillage from HUD for a period of two-years; a copy of the CDEPlan that was submitted to HUD on May 25; copies of all REAC Inspection Reports for all of PK Management's 164 propert ies and any HUD OIG audits and/or investigations of any PK Management properties. The Richmond Field Office is working with HQ to pull the requested files and determine who will provide the final information to the reporter . Monday, June 12, 2017 WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Kerri O'Brien contacted us about a shooting that occurred in Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County , Va. on Sunday, June 10. The victim who was shot in the arm, had been previously banned from the property for shooting dice and is a friend of a resident who has been not ified of eviction proceedings . We contacted PK Management and requested information relative to on-site security and camera footage. There is an unmarked auxiliary police unit stationed in an apartment on the property . Followed-up with the reporter with that informat ion as well as the fact the security camera footage had been turned over to police officials. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a comment on Congressman McEachin's announcement that he wanted HUD to cease business with PK Management . She also requested a follow-up on her mult i-pronged FOIA on EssexVillage Apartments and Woodland Crossings Apartments in Richmond, Va. Of the five item requests, the two on Woodland Crossings have been shipped; awaiting concurrence on t he fina l three items perta ining to Essex Village . Page I 13 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000903 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit sent a video about an Essex Village resident complaint about bedbugs and roaches emailed t o WTVR Problem Solvers. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate . Both followed-up with the tenant, who had not submitted a work orde r for the compla int, and was advised PK would have an exterminator follow-up immediately. The issue has been followed-up and resolved. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on the outcome of an investigation by HUD's inspect or general back in 1982 into allegatio ns that HUD illegally bypassed procedures to approve the const ruction of EssexVi llage. The repo rter stated there were allegat ions of a $2 million cost overrun. The inqui ry was transferred to Darryl Madden , HUD OIG Public Affairs, to handle. We were also made awa re that HUD OIG is considering opening an investigation at EssexVillage . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit shipped an EssexVillage resident compla int posted on the station 's Facebook live. The woman appeared to have water leaking all over her apartmen t from a defective wate r tank or water heater. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. The fol lowing morning, it was reported the leak, from a malfunc t ioning air conditioning unit, had been repaired overnight. The issue had been fo llowed-up and resolved. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit sent an email about an EssexVi llage resident complaint about bedbugs emailed to WTVR Problem Solvers. I forwarded the complaint to mu lt ifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. Both followed-up w ith the tenant, who had not submitted a work order for the complaint, and was advised PK would have an exterminator fol low -up immediate ly . The issue has been followed -up and resolved. WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Anchor/Reporter Kerri O' Brien received her FOIA requesting copies of all electronic payments made to EssexVillage Apartments from HUD for a period of two-years . Thursday, June 15, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received a fol low-up to her FOIA request for information that included full amount of housing subsidy paid to PK Management dur ing FY2016 ($152 mi llion) as well as the complaints collected on PK Management propert ies in Virginia . I spoke with Melissa to furthe r clarification the remaining requested item pertaining to "sanctions" and "investigations." CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out late-day to inquire why NBC12 had the 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that she had requested, but had not received. After a series of emails, I determined the FOIA had been shipped on June 1 that included the 2015 and 2017 inspection reports . We determined her station's filters were not accepting the files after I successfully shipped them to her private emai l account. Her evening repor t included the "more than $150 million" subsidy report. NBC12,WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort submitted a FOIA request about how much money PK Management received from HUD for EssexVillage and Woodland Crossings in the past fiscal year . The FOIA is being handled by the Richmond Field Office and wi ll be shipped on Friday. Page I 14 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000904 Friday, June 16, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort inquired about the date of HUD's follow-up REACinspection in July. No date has been set. She is also seeking an on camera with a HUD officia l, which I politely declined. RichmondFree Press(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested information on the conference call on June 7 with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County Officials. In subsequent press releases and news articles, the Congressman appeared skeptical that progress is being made as HUD has stated it is and that the plan of action PK provided will be implemented. He asked if HUD provided any response to congressman's request. He also inquired if there is a reason that the Congressman believes PK is not gett ing the improvements done and that HUD is allowing complex to slide while keeping tenants in unfit apartments. He also asked if HUD is exploring the voucher option. Waiting for the Multifamily/CIR response that is in review; crafted a follow-up for med ia. Awaiting approval from both to ship. RichmondTimes Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is doing a story on EssexVillage for the weekend edition and had a few questions to be addressed . She stated that Henrico County manager John Vithoulkas criticized HUD for the way it conducts inspections and suggested that inspecting only sampling of buildings is not adequate . He said that he feels HUD erroneously gave Essex passing REAC inspection scores when the property should not have received them. She requested HUD's response which we did not respond to. We addressed her other questions including the REACre-inspection has not been scheduled . The other two "troubled" properties are Woodland Crossings in Richmond, Va. and Hope Vil lage in Glen Allen, Va. And, HUD's records reflect GHC Properties as the owner, PK Management as the management company. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested assistance for an EssexVillage resident who cited issues with her apartment since she moved into the complex March 23, 2016. She complained of leaks and mold. Forwarded the inquiry to Multifamily and Navigate. She requested a response ASAP. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed with a second inqu iry regarding the ongoing calls and emai ls from residents at EssexVil lage who are cont inuing to have issues that have gone unresolved. I requested that Melissa assist us with "getting the word out" about the process we have in place to deal with the issues-particularly since the work to remedy the deficienc ies in the COE report is underway. I crafted a response and forwarded it to Mel issa and Colonel Midd leton and requested their assistance. Monday, June 19, 2017 RichmondTimes Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong forwarded a Richmond TimesDispatch article from 1982 stat ing that an investigation was started over a possible cost overrun as Essex was being constructed. The art icle doesn't show up on line, but she attached a copy. She was request ing a resolution to the inquiry-which I forwarded to HUD OIG to respond. Tuesday, June 20, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reviewed the 2015 and 2017 EssexVillage HUD inspection reports and inquired about several PK Management employees trying to validate if either one was the senior VP that was allegedly "terminated" by PK Management for poor performance related to the prope rties in the Richmond area . I directed the reporter to PK Management because of the nature of the personnel issue. Page I 15 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000905 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond , Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit was confused by th e notation of unsuccessful versus successful on the REACInspection reports and did not understand that a score of 59 or below constitu t es a failing score. I confirmed that EssexVillage Apartments failed th e REACInspection w ith a 46c/51c and ve rified the notation on the REACInspection report means that the inspectio n was successfully completed and the inspection file was successfully up loaded to our PASSIT system. The word "successful" has not hing to do with the condition of the property . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit submitted a FOIA for EssexVillage and PK Management 's Comp liance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted on May 26, the appeal for the January 2017 REACInspection, the Not ice of Default from HUD to PK Management and the Project Owner's Certification fo rm. She also asked if the repair plan has been approved by HUD. Friday, June 23, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has submitted a FOIA requested the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actual amounts, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016 for each property. We will most likely release the FOIA on Monday after hearing back from multifamily housing . CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit followed up on her FOIA reque st for Essex Village and PK Management's Compliance, Disposit ion and Enforcement Plan submitted on May 26, the appeal for the January 2017 REACInspection, the Notice of Default from HUD to PK Management and the Project Owner's Certification form. She also asked if the repair p lan has been approved by HUD. Awa it ing avai lable document s and a response about plan acceptance from multifamily housing . Monday, June 26, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfor t has submitted a FOIA requested t he amoun t of annual subsidy paid t o PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apart ments, Henrico County , Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actual amoun t s, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016for each property. Wor king on a response wi t h multifamily housing . Tuesday, June 27, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfor t has submitted a FOIA requested t he amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apartments , Henrico County , Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actual amoun t s, but are also det ermin ing the HAP Contract amount for FY2016for each property. Waiting on a response/clarification from mul t ifami ly housing. WRIC-TV 8News Where You Live (Richmo nd, Va.) Noon Ancho r/ Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien has requested a response/copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan subm itted by PK Management for EssexVil lage Apartments, Henrico County , Va. She also inquired if the REACreinspection been scheduled . She informed us there is a meeting tonight with Henrico Board of Supervisors on EssexVillage. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit inqu ired about the FOIA she submitted related to Essex Village Apartmen t s and PK Management. She has requested a copy of t he Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (accepted and currently being redacted) , the Notice of Default, the Project Owner's Certification Survey and Certification form . We are currently waiting for a response from multifami ly housing. Page I 16 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000906 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit has yet to clarify what she means by requesting a listing of any sanctions or investigat ions involving PK Management from an earl ier FOIA request. She has until July 5 to respond to our request. Wednesday, June 28, 2017 NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Online Reporter Megan Woo in her report on the Henrico County Board of Supervisors meeting reported that poor living conditions in EssexVillage Apartments was the focus of the meeting . Officials say the ir goal is to get up to speed on what 's being done to fix the problems and to determine the next st eps. Officials also say they will cont inue to work with the chief building inspector, and HUD officials to follow up on notices and violations-but incorrectly reported that "despite the fact that HUD continues to give the facility passing grades." The story noted Congressman Donald McEachin has also sent two letters to HUD Secretary Ben Carson about the problems. A correction was filed on the prope rty 's failing REACInspection score of 51c*. WRIC-TV 8News Where You Live (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Reporter Kerri O' Brien alerted us to the fact that Henrico County filed nine (9) criminal summons against the owners of EssexVillage and Greg Perlman. They range from failing to maintain balconies to air condition problems to fail ing to fix plumbing. PK Management stated the violations were received after 5 p.m. last evening. Essexstaff is already addressing them and Management is verifying the issues were not previously addressed. Also, a violation, if corrected prior to court date carries no fine, only if not addressed. Carolyn Anastasi wil l follow-up tomorrow morning. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us about a resident reporting w/video that there is another sewage overflow in Essex.PK Management made us aware of the issue prior to receiving the reporter's note and alerted us that the plumbing company had been called and was on-site along w ith Henrico County officials and the fire department. Melissa also sent two additional resident complaints our way-one with an overflowing air conditioner and one with long-term carpet damage. I forwarded the information to Multifam ily and Navigate. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is interviewing National Al liance of Housing Tenants Michael Kane about HUD's REACInspection process. Delton Nichols and Robert lber provided insight about t he process that was edited and shipped to the reporter . Melissa requested an interview with Deputy Assistant Secretary DJ Lavoy. We will again politely decline . NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received her FOIA requesting the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. The decision was to pull actual payments, not HAP Contract amount. RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong submitted a FOIA for the amount of federal funding EssexVillage receive last year and what the money was intended for . She asked if HUD require owners of properties that receive federal fund ing to report how they use their money as we ll as a copy of reports or any documentation GHC Housing Partners, PK Management and/or EssexVA Investors LLC.submitted related to how they used the federal money they received. She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Pian for the property . Thursday, June 29, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Investigative Reporter Melissa Hipolit received an interim response her FOIA (June 20) that included the Notice of Default sent by HUD to the Owner of EssexVillage on February 24, 2017. The other requested documents have been submitted to HUD by either the Page I 17 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000907 ownership or the management entity for EssexVillage, and may contain commercial or financial information that is arguably protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)) and require submitter notification--which has been made. Friday, June 30, 2017 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us about a resident reporting w/video that there is another sewage overflow in Essex.PK Management made us aware of the issue prior to receiving the reporter's note and alerted us that the plumbing company had been called and was on-site along w ith Henrico County officials and the fire department. The additional questions about the issues with the sewer system have been part ially addressed with the remainder forwarded to PK Management . WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up her Wednesday afternoon inquiry that included how PK Management is being held accountab le in any way for not properly taking care of EssexVillage. Cited Code of Federal Regulations and guidelines HUD must fol low when a multifam ily owner fails in the requirement to provide decent, safe, sanitary housing in good repair . The Notice of Default of the Housing Assistance Provider Contract has been issued and the subsequent steps are underway . That If the property fails to pass the REACRe-Inspection, actions may include considering imposition of civil money penalties (CMPs), abatement ofthe Section 8 or other rental assistance subsidy, in whole or in part, and possible assignment of an FHA loan and/or foreclosure . She also inquired if HUD is investigating what happened to the money they gave PK Management to maintain EssexVillage. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit asked why HUD continues to decline requests for an interview. Jerry Brown agreed to fol low-up with the reporter. Monday, July 10 RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong received a partia l delivery on her FOIA request for fede ral funding EssexVil lage received last year and what the money was intended for. She asked if HUD require owners of properties that receive federal funding to report how they use the ir money as well as a copy of reports or any documentat ion GHC Housing Partners, PK Management and/or EssexVA Investors LLC.submitted related to how they used the federal money they received. This documentation has been shipped. She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for the property which is sti ll under submitter notification. Tuesday, July 11 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up on her FOIA for relating to Essex Village and PK Management. She is looking for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (still in submitter notification and unavailable for release) as well as the appeal to the January 2017 REACinspection, the Notice of Default and the "Project Owner's Certification" Survey and Certification form that the project is compliant with HUD's physical condition standards and state and local codes (this was to be submitted within 60 days of receipt of NOD). A partial is available for release. Melissa requested a verification of the dates of the submitter notification. Tuesday, July 11 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up on her FOIA for relating to Essex Village and PK Management. She is looking for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (still in submitte r notification and unavailable for release). I confirmed the period of Page I 18 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000908 the submitter notification. I also confirmed the remainder of her requests were shipped to her on June 29 that included the appeal to the January 2017 REACinspection, the Notice of Default and the "Project Owner's Certification" Survey and Certification form that the project is compliant with HUD's physical condition standards and state and local codes. She has had issues receiving large files before and may not have received the reports/submittals. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on HUD's REAC Inspections including if the inspectors talk to the tenants as well as how much weight are mold/mildew/toxic air issues and bed bugs are given in the inspections . Also, whether inspectors test for mold or if it is just a visual test . The response included the fact that these issues are exigent health and safety issues calling for immediate reaction. I also included extensive information on our bed bug guidance and policies . Melissa fol lowed-up on Wednesday with additional questions concerning inspections. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit made us aware that a meeting had been held between PK Management and the residents of EssexVillage Apartments last week and that PK Management said they were looking to sell property to Ernst and Hoss in 60-90 days. She asked if HUD was aware of the meeting and/or sale of the property . We confirmed there was a meeting, but that a sale was not discussed. Wednesday, July 12 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a new FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digita l copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee McClain- Blankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. Richmond Field Office will be handling that request. Thursday,July 13 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wo lfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. We have been back and forth clarifying exactly what the reporter is look ing for; she has requested any emails in the time periods noted that include information about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Me lissa Hipolit and WTVR. We are beginning to pull emails in response. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on any mold testing conducted at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. Her request has been forwarded to PK Management for response. Friday,July 14 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested the last four REACInspection scores for the Burton Apartments in Cincinnati, Ohio. The scores include: 04 .03 .17, 73b*; 07.08 .16, 33c*; 08.22.12, 90c and 05.07.08, 84b. Burton Apartments is part of a 727-unit portfolio in Cincinnati owned by affiliates of PE Holdings, the principal of which is Chaim Puretz. The portfolio, which includes Burton Apartments, was placed in a Receivership in a joint action brought by the private lender and the City of Cincinnati on February 1, 2016 . Burton Apartments experienced a fire and a collapsed roof due to flooding conditions during the period that PEwas in control of the asset. The Receiver, Jodi M . Ridings Page I 19 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000909 and her agent , Mi lhaus Management , have had operationa l cont rol of the propert ies since February 1, 2016 and have performed roof repairs and brought fire damaged units back on line. The Receiver also performed othe r stabilization repairs at the property . This could be an explanation for the change in score (from a failing 33c* to 73b * ) as th e Receiver did not commence substantia l sta bilization work at Burton until after July of 2016, but did substant ial wor k after that date. Friday, July 14 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit and RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong have both submitted reque sts for the Compliance , Disposition and Enforcement Plan for Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County , Va. As expected, the attorney for GHC Housing and PK Management has sent an objection to the release of the media requested materials which include th is document. We anticipate a ru ling abou t next steps on July 18. WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Brendan King filed the story EssexVillage in court over 18 criminal charges and called asking for comment, which we declined. NBC12WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort filed the story EssexVillage owners dodge quest ions outside courthouse and left a message, also asking for a call-back if able to comment . Saturday, July 1S WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested assistance with an Essex Vil lage resident complaint abou1(b)(6) Her mother, ~ contacted the reporter about rodent and bed bug infestations and a request for a !(b)(6) apartment is scheduled fo r transfer . PK Management immediately followed -up andj (b)(6) exterm inat ion. I I Monday, July 17 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested assistance with an EssexVil lage resident complaint foMb)(6) I.The new mother with two additional young children has been staying with her sister for the last seven months because of an ongoing rodent infestation . PK Management immed iately fo llowed-up an4(b)(6) ~ apartment is scheduled for extermination . Wednesday, July 19 RichmondTimes-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong followed-up on her FOIA requesting a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for EssexVillage in Henrico County , Va. PK Management objected to the release of the document, so the Plan wil l be unavailable until August L Friday, July 28 WTVR-TV CBS6(Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emai ls written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wo lfe , Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. She has requested any emails in the time periods noted t hat include information about EssexVil lage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Mel issa Hipol it and WTVR. Completed pulling and culling the record s; forwa rded t o Anne Davis, Richmond Field Office FOIA Lead. Page I 20 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000910 Thursday, August 3 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the fo llowing dates : January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. She has requested any emails in the time periods noted that include information about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Melissa Hipol it and WTVR. Completed the review of and concurred on the fina l two documents and letter and submitted to Anne Davis, Richmond Field Office FOIA Lead. We anticipate the final FOIA to be shipped late this afternoon or tomorrow . WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (COE)Plan for EssexVillage Apartments that was received from PK Management. When she inquired about the delivery of that plan, we reshipped a description of the submitter notification process, and that it is a requirement under FOIA. Again, we explained the FOIA is on hold because there were some objections to release of documents raised by the submitter. PK Management has been given until tomorrow COBto present those objections in a way that will give us reason to withhold the documents. We wi ll follow-up with PK Management tomorrow, and in turn, the reporter. Page I 21 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000911 l.S. Di:.r .-i.R1.Ht." ur nv1.,~L'u .-'1. .,u l ; K.DA., u.t. V.t.LUl' W.->.SHl:\'GTO:\. DC 2()-ilO-l(J(iO 1 1Ht,:'II l Off!CE or CO:-GRESSION ., L .-\SD l:STERGOVERN\11'\TAJ . RELATIOSS The Honorable A. Donald McEachin Member, lnited States House of Representatives l 10 N. Robinson Street , Suite 40 I Richmond, VA 23220-4457 Dear Representative McEachin : On behalf of Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., lhank you for your interest in Essex Village and your continued concern for its residents . The Department is keenly interested in resolving the issues at the property and shares your desire to achieve the best outcome for the residents of the Essex Village community. Specifically, you made a series of inquiries regarding the vitlage. The HUD team has already responded to a series of email inquiries and had numerous conversations with your staff regarding Essex Village. The Department is pleased to work with you in this manner to address these very important concerns. Initially. given the general scarcity of affordable housing. the Deparlment's policy is to work with owners. residents, and localities to preserve project based Section 8 contracts whenever possible. If the Section 8 Housing As .r,istance Payment Contract at Essex Village were to be terminated, without first attempting to rectify the physical deficiencies at the property, those 496 units of affordable housing would be lost to Henrico County forever. In addition, many families residing in the property would he displaced . Preserving affordable housing units strengthens neighborhoods and allows families to remain in the communities they call home. This policy of preservation does not override the owner's obligation to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing according to the terms of the comract. Nor does it override the tenant's right to live in peaceful enjoyment of that housing. The following information is provided by HUD's Office of Mult ifamily Housing. Your letters make specific requests of the Department . You also ask that where your rcqucst(s) cannot be met, that the Department provide a detailed explanation and "constructive alternative suggestions for ensuring that current residents of Essex Village have access to homes that afford them a decent quality of !ife." In your letter of:\fay 25, 2017, you requested a call from HUD with your staff and Henrico County officials. Most of your requests resulting from lhe June 7, 2017. conference call with HUD staff were addressed at that time, and this letter largely reiterates the information provided in that call. HUD has numbered and listed each of your requests below and provided a detailed response. The following responds to your letter dated, June 13.2017: Request I: Receive a copy of PK Management's report on needed repairs at Essex Village sent to HUD in May 2017 . Response: When Essex Village received a failing REAC inspection score, HUD sent the owner a Notice of Default letter requiring that it perform a l 00 percent unit inspection and submit a plan to www.h11d.go, . AMERICA'\J VER IGHT espanol.hud.gm' HUD-17-0235-C-000912 2 address all physical deficiencies ac the property. HUD reviewed and accepted the owner's plan, which was received on May 25, 20 l 7 (Refer to enclosure #I). Request 2: Confirmation of the date of HUD's next REAC inspection at Essex Village, which we understand will happen late July/early August. Response: The date of the next REAC inspection is Augusc 8, 20I 7. Request 3: A plan to close Essex Village and provide vouchers to residents as soon as possible. Response: As discussed on our June 7,2017, conference call. after the failing REAC inspection from January 2017. the owner was given a Notice of Default and an opportunity to cure the deficiencies . The repairs are expected to be completed by July 3 I. 2017. In accordance with this process, if the owner fails the second REAC inspection, the Department will take enforcement action, which can include requiring a change in management; encouraging a sale of the property; or abating the Section 8 subsidy. If the determination is made to abate and terminate the subsidy, the residents will receive vouchers. If the REAC inspection reflects that the owner is maintaining the physical condition of the property to standard, HUD will continue to monitor the conditions at the property and work with Henrico County officials to ensure that ownership continues to meet its obligations. As discussed during our conference call, if Henrico County condemns the units or revokes the rental license, the owner wil! be considered in violation of the Section 8 contract. This will result in HUD terminating the contract and making vouchers available to the residents. Request 4: Allow Henrico County officials to join HUD for future inspections of Essex Village. Response: HUD cannot accept this request because the HL'D inspection process and standards of the locality are different than REAC's. Conducting two different inspections at the same time can present confusion for the resident. owner. and the inspectors. As we discussed on our call and provided in our written responses to earlier questions posed by your office, the Department's policy is to allow only property participants (owner. management resident) ro accompany the REAC inspector. HUD's policy minimizes the number of people for a good reason: Too many people on inspections can become distracting to the inspector as well to residents. In addition, the policy also protects the tenants' right to privacy by ensuring that physical inspections are not viewed as an intrusion into tenants' homes. ~!any tenants take issue if people other than the property's representative arc present. This is a long-standing policy in existence since REAC's inception. HUD will continue to work with the County and the owner on resolution of the outstanding code violations. Request 5: Temiinate or abate HUD"s contracts with PK Management at all properties. Response: At present, Essex Village is the only PK \.Ianagement affiliated property that is experiencing a default. Therefore, HCD has no grounds to terminate contracts at other affiliated properties. To do so would violate the respective property business agreements and be contrary to our mission of preserving scarce affordable housing resources across the country. As was discussed on the ca IL the Department monitors all of its 30,000 properties using a variety of sources in addition AM RICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000913 3 to the REAC inspection. HCD will provide closer scrutiny to the I 71 PK affiliated properties, with particular attention to the Virginia-based assets. Request 6: Please provide constructive alternative suggestions for addressing Essex Village . Response: The Department shares your goal of ensuring that all Americans, including residents of Essex Village and all HUD-affiliated housing. have access co safe, decent, affordable housing. As stated above , HUD also has the goal of preserving limited housing stock. Therefore, HOD cannot abate the contract without first attempting to improve the physical condition of this prope1iy. Currently , Henrico County administers approximately 250 vouchers . Given the significantly rising rents in nearly every city in the country, there is concern that a significant increase in vouchers may not be easily accommodated by the existing units in the county . HUD is committed to working with you to find the best solution. H"CD works with local stakeholders to balance the needs of residents, communities , and the due process protections that are basic to all property participants. HUD will continue to ensure that our owner and management partners adhere to their business agreements and provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing . If they do not the Department will enforce compliance or will tem1inate our relationship and provide alternative housing for residents. In addition to the specific actions HUD is taking with Essex Village as the federal agency charged with ensuring the potentially competing goals of preservation and compliance, the Department developed a series of initiaLives to more quickly identify troubled properties; enhance enforcement actions; and improve our communication concerning such properties with residents. communities, and local governments and can share them with you and your staff. The following responds to your letter dated. June 22, 1017: Request 7: You referenced general concerns regarding the property. specifically the sewage system. Response: The mvner/managcment reported a sewer line camera inspection Vias completed by Dillon Plumbing, a local third party plumbing and sewer company, over the course of two weeks in late May and early June. The final written report was due on June 16, 20 I 7, but was delayed. To expedite the receipt of the report, the videos were forwarded to UIS Engineering, who provided an initial response on Wednesday June 22,2017. The initial report was a review of 1,000 lineal feet of the lines. Verbally, Dillon Plumbing conveyed to County inspectors that no material damage was noted in their review of the camera videos. The cause of the backups was primarily due to improper disposal of grease. pampers, baby wipes, etc. Dillon Plumbing also noted that the lines were previously obstructed by bottles and other large objects. Preliminary results of the report from UIS show that over 63 percent of the lines were clear and that the 36 percent of apparent obstruction was grease build up. Management provided a notice detailing items that are not flushable and proper grease disposal instructions in May and this notice will be redistributed and included in the July Newsletter (Refer to enclosure #2). Management has a contract to jet the lines quarterly (Refer to enclosure #3). The owner/management reported that recent backups (including the one highlighted by the media over the Memorial Day weekend) were due to grease. pampers, and wipes . They have no record of recent incidents of the backup of actual raw sewage. Bill Mohr, Facilities Director for PK AM RICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000914 4 Management, was on site at Essex and personally observed one of the backups in question at the cleanout. He reported that the backup consisted of clear waste water (no feces or urine). Request 8: You noted residents stared they were told not to contact the County and that PK staff did not respond to requests for assistance. PK l\fanagement reports the following: Response: According to management, residents have not been told not to contact the County and encouraged to contact the leasing office (during the business day) and to use the emergency after hours service (after business hours) to repott maintenance issues. In addition, the contact information and grievance protocol for ~avigate Housing. the Contract Administrator for Essex. was redistributed to residents and reposted in the leasing office. Last week, management instituted a customer service email where residents can voice concerns about repair quality, maintenance promptness. or any other management concern. This email is monitored and goes directly to the centralized Customer Service center located at the PK Corporate office. Management is also aware that recently, some residents voiced that calls to the emergency after hours. line went unanswered . To address this, management added a second "on-call" maintenance technician. Each shift will now include one HVAC technician at all times, and the technicians are authorized to use 3rd party HVAC contractors, as needed. to expedite service. These customer service enhancements were reiterated via hand delivered tenant notices, as well as, during the resident meetings held the week of June 19, 20 l 7. (Refer to enclosures #4). The Depattment encourages residents to contact management first. then the Navigate Housing. then contract administrator, and then HUD staff. Request 9: You requested a list of all properties in Virginia .s 4 th Congressional district with failing REAC scores and the names of the owner operators of those housing complexes. Response: 1l1e list of properties is enclosure #5. I hope this infonnation is helpful. Sincerely, (7 I // ~ Li...,...,--...,- Aaron Santa Anna Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Enclosures AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000915 ENCLOSURE a E1 1 - . -,, ~ ~ PK May 25, 2017 VIA ElectronicMail and Federal Express Ms. Carolyn Anastasi US Dept. of HUD Wanamaker Bldg. 12th fl 100 Penn Square East Phi/adelphra, PA 19107 RE: Essex Village Apartments-VA36-H027-196 REAC InspectionCOE Dear Ms. Anastasi: As a follow up to our original submission dated April 28, 2017, please accept this as our final COE and improvement plan for Essex Village Apartments. EHS All EHS items noted on the REAC inspection were addressed and documented to HUD on January 13, 2017 (see attached report). In addition, from the 100% unit inspection survey, a!I items of this type have been addressed. Interior Units __ l(b)( 6 ) Total Point Loss Units 1......._ ____, As previously noted, following the receipt of the final REAC score of 51, a 100% unit inspection was conducted. Attached please find the revised COE report including completed service requests. Management utilized several third-party contractors including flooring contractors, plumbers, HVAC contractors, carpenters, and exterminators, to address unit deficiencies. Unless noted, repair work has been completed. Any open items will be addressed by July 31, 2017. Due to the number of units at Essex, as well as the comprehensive nature of this inspection, management will be revisiting units and ensuring that 3rd party contractor work as well as on-site work has been completed up to UPCS standards. We expect this secondary review to be completed by July 31, 2017. 26301 Curtiss-WrightParkway.Suite 300, RichmondHts., Ohlo 44143 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000917 Exterior Fencing and Gates - Point Loss - 2.23 All fencing and gates that were damaged were repaired. Some sect ions are being reviewed for replacement and will be done by July 31, 2017 if needed. Gutters/Downspouts/Soffits/Fascia- Point Loss - 2.47 All gutters, downspouts, soffits, and fascia noted on the REAC inspection report have been repaired/replaced as needed . The entire property was surveye d and repairs downspouts, soffits and fascia were made by our 3rd party contractors on site. to gutters, Siding - Point Loss - 3.63 All siding has been repaired and is up to UPCS standards, howeve r, the owner has approved to begin siding replacements over the next 60 days, beginning with the 100 Series. We anticipate that this first series of 5 buildings will be completed by July 31, 2017. Common Areas - Point Loss - 1.08/Stair Repairs (Breezeways) Point Loss - .01 Common Areas have been inspected and repairs have been made as needed including in the office, community room, laundry rooms, and breezeways. All breezew ays have been power washed and all several stair risers have been repaired and stairs replaced as needed. All common areas will continue to be inspected weekly and repairs will be made as needed. Grounds {Landscaping)Overgrown Vegetation - Point Loss- 5.57 Landscaping upgrades have been extensive since March 1, 2017. Specific ally mulch, shrubs, and other plantings have been added. In addit ion, tree trimming and bush trimming have been completed to address any areas of overgrown vegetation. Landsca ping and the monitoring of vegetation will be ongoing and continuous. Grounds (Landscaping) Erosion - Point Loss- 7.43 Erosion has been addressed by seeding and straw coverings , This will be ongoing with major areas addressed by July 31, 2017 . Playgrounds - Point Loss - 5.57 All playgrounds have been repaired and swing seats replaced. Playgro unds will be monitored daily and any needed repairs will be addressed immediately. Paving- Point Loss - 0 No deductions related to paving were made on the REAC report Howeve r, the owner authorized a full seal coating and striping of all lots which will occur on May 31, 2017 . Extermination (Infestation) - Point loss - 4.20 Service has been transferred to Terminix. All units on the property have been treated during a "cfeanout" process. Tenninix is new contracted for !he ongoing service as well. C!eanouts for both roaches and mice have been completed . rv1iceexclusion and extractio n will continue as needed . Units will be treated a minimum of four times per year - more as needed . Note - the point toss in Extermination is also reflected in the total unit interior point deduction above. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000918 Other Items Sewer Backups - No point deductions related to Sewer backups were made on the REAC report. However, this issue was discussed during the meeting held on March 29, 2017. To address this issue, all lines were jetted during the first week of May 2017. This procedure will be continued, as needed, but is planned for a minimum of twice annually. Jn addit ion, the owner has agreed to conduct a camera inspection of all lines. The latter is planned for the first week of June. Balconies - All balconies were inspected on May 25, 2017. made by third party contractors as needed. Repairs and replacement will be Refuse Disposal - It was determ ined that the number of refuse pickups was not adequate. Management increased the refuse service from: o Old Service: 20-8 yd. dumpsters on site 4-8yds emptied 3x week 12- 8yds emptied 2x week 4-8yds emptied 1x week (senior side) o New Service: 20 - 8yd dumpsters on site 16-8 cubic yard dumpsters each emptied 3x week and the 4-8yds emptied 1x week (senior side) Security Guard Service - Security was discussed during the meeting held with Managem ent and HUD on March 29, 2017. Since that meeting security guard service at Essex is now setup on a 16 hour day schedule utilizing 2 off-duty Henrico Police Officers per shift. Day Shift will operate from approximately 12:00 pm -4:00 pm daily. Evening Shifts will operate from approximately 2:00 pm - 2am daily. (7 days per week) Officers will utilize marked police vehicles while on duty for mobile patrols, and also be spending most of their shifts on foot patrol when weather permits. Essex also has a HPD sub-station ~office" where officers can take breaks from the elements and do any report writing . Other On-Duty Police often do foot patrols with the Essex officers on a regular basis. Officers will enforce all local and state laws, including but not limited ta: Trespassing, Curfew Violation, Loud Music, Domestic Calls, Frearm Violations, Alcohol/D rug Violations, etc. Reports will be emailed to our distribution group daily for review. Cameras - CurrenUy, the property has a camera system covering certain areas of heavy traffic. This system will be augmented over the next 90 days, by August 31, 2017 to have additional coverage in all three series (100, 200, and 300), as well as on the senior side. Customer Service/Nuisance Calls Management has requested the most recent log of nuisance calls from the County and will follow up with Colonel Middleton on this matter. In the meantime, management has reiterated its grievance procedure to tl1e residents as well as all after-hour's emergency numbers, service request procedures, etc. AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000919 Tenant Relations In an effort to improve tenant relations, management conducted one on one meetings with tenants in April to discuss the House Rules and to address concerns. A new Property Manager was hired on March 27, 2017 and willensure follow up meetings are being scheduled to check in with residents, discuss any concerns they have and to solicit constructive criticism and feedback from the residents regarding the recent repairs and the management team in general. Social Services Essex currently has one full-time Social Service Coordinator. Management is in the process of hiring another Service Coordinator who will be assigned to augment services specrfically for the children who reside at Essex. We look to have this new position in place by July 15, 2017. In the meantime , Essex will continue with a robust services and programming schedule. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (216) 4 72-1870x115. SJA~\ely, ,--... -~ /\ / ,, \f\!lf; . I\ ,~flt!Ll( V ,. ;l / ,.,., I! I \ / , . Jenee McClain-Bankhead President JMB/pjo Attach. AM HICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000920 < m JJ en - Essex Village - 100% Unit lns_f)_ection Oeftclancy Alea .De fic!encl Comments Hules/Missing Seclions/Damaged/F atiinglleaning (Nonsecurity/Non-sarety) unit privacy fences missing at fir.;.tfloor of sevc,al units Fencing and Gc1\es Holes/Missing Scclions/Darnayed/Fal!inglleaning (Securily/Safe1y) vegetation growing lhrough all fencing causing damage . chain link. at rear ol olfica damaged , wood fence damaged at golf cart garage Grounds Erosion1Ru1ting Arnas Site: Fencing and Gates G) I -I ~. .--.." h, ildings : unde,mining i(b)(6\} I b\/fi\ I anlries, holes front arHbH 6 l . 1 erosion in numerous areas, throughoul site. behind 202, near condensers, undermining at elec closet, r1,1<1rofl1fili;[] undermining, wall at entry 1omiIJhole ~ downspout front rutting Jrunl of ( b )( fil[] erosion at downspuuls of office ofihil I Grounds Heallh & Safety Heallh & Safely OverqrownlPenetralinCJ VeQelation Hazards-Sham Edoes Hazards-Tripping I . bate veqetation <,rowinq through broken olm;s numerous sidewalk to curb trarn,i1ion; by oflice II around offtne lot :,ewjcover . cable_; rear ol I b 6 caomumly patio , sidewalk uneven at en17 gate near l!b)/6) entry hall, cable lrip haZ,lfdS around most bldgs. polhole causing lrip ha..:ard corner nearm;;:rlront walk W'tng afiEil, at olfice al water m1c11er cover HUD-17-0235-C-000921 Mailboxes/Proiecl SiQn!> Market Appeal Parking Lots/OII<> Dn1tl(b)(6) Oishwashar/Garbaoe Disposal-lnooerablo Refrioer.ilor-Missinq/Damaqed/lnooerable Missin Damaged Surface (Holes/PalflVRusUG! ass} ,Comments lor:.ps in Mechanical areri; holes in hatlwav nokev showerhead low pressure Lock not funclioninc:i ;Bathroom 1 door edcio solil;Bedroom 2 Ort trdck :Bedroom 2 I Date Completed I Work Order# 3/24/2017 26809-1 3/3112017 26818 - 1 3/28/2017 3/2812017 3/28)2017 3/28/ 2017 3l28/2017 26BHH 26819-1 3/14/2017 26641 o1 3/14/2017 26641 - 1 26819-1 26619 -1 26819 - 1 hole in elec roam anti'\' of 1(b)( I hole abv light al rear of 102. numemus nisr on siding damag1:1 gap at oiscunncc1 bo)( in elec rooms from wrong size wire fitting floor drail\ cover missin~(b} llaunurv atllhu.,.;\ I hallwavs stoooer not workinglmis sino Bath 1 & 2 Toilet lcwking; Balh 1; lub faucet drips and diverter ; Balh 2 011 track : Bedroom 1 ; Closet 111in Bedroom 3 3(14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 26641 - 1 2 or more burners do nol function hanaino ; Hallway/Hall 3/14/2017 26641.1 26641-1 26641-1 3/14/2017 26641 - 1 s!oooe r not funclionino :Balhroom 2 ; Toilet napper/valve leakinr:i :Bathroom 2 Kitchen Roaches no access ; Balhroom 1 2 or more burners do nol function Fretizer seal needs replaced Switch olate cracked ; Bedroom 3 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 Contr;ictor 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14(2017 3/14/2017 26642 . 1 Bathroom 1: Bedroom 1 3/17/2017 26643-1 Lock not !unclioning: front entry door edoe spilt ; Bedroom 1 3114/2017 26644-1 3114/2017 26642-1 26642.1 26642-1 26642 -1 26642.1 26642-1 2664 4- 1 I Essex Village -100% U11itlnsp_ection < m; Deficiency Alea JJ - Kitchen Kilo'. - - CJ) Unlttl(b)( 6) I Health & Safely G) Kitchen :::cUnltlll(b )(6) Sm"""' n.,,.,,.,o, .. -I I Bathroom Bathroom Health & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Smoke Detector Windows Unit#llhllhl 1 Heallh & Salely Unit IR1b)(6) I Doo,:. Kitchen Smoke Del!:!clor Walls Unit #l/b)(6) I Ceiling Heallh & Saletv Health & Safely Health & SaCely Heallh & S<1re1v Smoke Detector Windows :!!!!!!..!I (b \ / 6) Ll:lai<.ingFauceUPip..is Ranqe/S love-Missi nq/Damagedlln operable lnrestat ion-ln s,:;cls RanQe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Missing/lnooerable Leakinu FauceliPioeti Waler Clos!:!1/Toi!el-Damaaed/ClooaeoiMi::.sinQ Emernencv Fire Exits-Emerqency/Fire Exits RanQe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Refriqeralor-Missing/Damaged/!noperaole Missino/lnooerable Inoperable/Nol Lockable Other Damuoed HardwarelLocks Sink-Missing/Damagad Missino/lnoperab le MoldlMildewNJalcr Stains/Water Darnage MoldlMildewfWatcr Slains/\Na1er Damaqe Emergency Firn Exils-EmerQencv/Fire Exils Hazards-Tri o uinc, tnrestation-!nsects Other Mlssing/lnoplaced 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 3114/2017 26650-1 26653-1 Essex Village - 100?/o Unit Inspection < Oaflclancy JJ Srn.ok..e. n"'"'"I0r Unitl(b)(6) I Missinq/lnop&rable G) Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Bulldina Exterior Ra nqe/Stove-Missinq/Oamaqed/lnoperable Rerria0,a1or-Missinn/Damaqea/lnoperable Sink-Missing/Damaged m en - :I: --t Arna 0~llciuocy . C ornrnents Smoke delector is missing ; 1-lall RighUlront bume, does not function Fresh lood seal needs renlaced sprayer . Rools Missinq/Dam.:iqed Componer.ts from Oown spoul/GuUer Common Aroas: Clost,t/Utllil)l]Mechan lcal Doors Uahtino h\/6\ I Unit #l/h\ln\ Damaged Ha,uwarc/Locks f Missinq/Oamacied/lnooernble w-" .. Balhroom HUD-17-0235-C-000927 Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Health & Safety Kitchen sloom,r missing Handle/knob looso;Ck,ser damaged, Lock working Balh 1 door edqe solit ; Bedroom 1 Front entrv door closets Bathroom wc11ls/ceil/nq doors Fresh lood seal ne eds replacet.l Bathroom 1 Damaoed I I counter stouper missing cold water nol lunclioning seat loose Front entrv door Mice LefUfront burner dot:1snot function Fresh food seal needs roolaced Mechanical area gaps D.imaCJed Surface ( Holes/PainVRusUGlass ) Oeleriorated/Missina Seals (Entrv Onlvl Missing Door Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildew Observed Cabinets-Miss1n<1/Damaoed Rerrigerator-Miss1ng/Oamaged/lnoperabl1 :J Doors Walls Fh(lure lavaloiv Sink-Oamaoed/Missing Damaged Hardware/Locks Health & Sare1y Kitchen Kitchen Bearoom Striker plate mis\ Bathroom Doors I I Door5 Floors Health & Safelv Kitchen Smoke n ..tAr-tor Unit 4/h \16\ I Doors Health & Sc1fety Kitchen Ki!choo. Unlt#Hb)(6) I Electrical System Health & Safely Heatlh & Saletv Kilchen Walls Windows M!!.!!.!f (b )( 6) I ,Communls sprnyer Outlet ol;;te missing ; Bedroom l Dam;,1ged Hardware/Locks Emergency Fire Eiots-Emergencv/Firo lnlesta\ion-lnsecls Missing/Inoperable lnooerablc/Not Locl<.able Exits Damaged Hardware/Locks Refriaera1or-Missino/Da111aqed/lnooerable Sink-Missing/Damaqed Mold/Mildew/Water S1.ilns/Water Damaoe LeukinQ Faucot/P1pes Damaged Surface (t-ioles/Pain\/RusVGlass) Missing Door Solt Floor Coverin,i Missinq/Oarnaoed Infestation-Insects Refrigerator -Missinq/Damaged/lnouerable Missinollnoperable Darnaoed Hc1rdware/Locks Infestalion-ln~ects RanQe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Sink. Missint1/Damal1od GFl-lnoptlrabte Eme,Qancv Flro Exi\s- Emeroancv/Fire Exits Hazards-Triooing Rango Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Peeling/Needs Paint lno.oerable/Not Lockable HUD-17-0235-C-000931 Kit~..~. Filler Kilchen Relnger.Jlor-MissinQ/Damaned/lnoperable Doors Closet damaQed Unit #l(b)(6) I Doors Damaged/missing Doors Patio door Livinq room/Hallwav Walls damaGed Building Extarlor Walls Missino Pieces/Holes/SpallinQ Buildlna Svstums Sanitary System Broken/LeaklnQ/Cloqqed Pipes or Drains Common Areas: ClosetJU1illtv/Mechantcal entry closer windows; Bedroom 2:Be:omom 3 Roaches smoke detector not working ; Bd 3 screwed closed ; Bed 2 & 3 I Date Completed I Work Order # 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 26664-1 3/15/2017 26665-1 26664-1 3/15/2017 Contn'lctor 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 26665-1 26665-1 entry closer Fresh food StMI needs replaced sprayer Bathroom 1 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 3/1512017 20666-1 2666G.l 26666-1 26666-1 sink lauce\ d1ips loeelinQ oaint; Entrv Bedroom .1 stains Roaches Fresh load se.:,I needs replaced smok.a detectors Hallwav. Bed 1 & 2 3/16/2017 3/16/2017 3/16/:.!017 3/16/2017 Conlri:!clor 3/16/2017 3/16/2017 26667 - 1 2Gli67o 1 entrv closer Roaches no\ funcl ioninQ/blocked sprayer Balhroom 1 Bedroom 3 in window Iv cable/cord in hallway not funchoninglb!ocked Bedroom 3 Window won't stay up: Bedroom 3 reolace gasket missing repair Bedroom and closet dooru handle missinq need oain\ caulk & lc1oerepair : NIS rear lel\ comer laundrv room 3/16/2017 Contractor 3116/2017 3/16/2017 26665-1 26665-1 26667-1 26667-1 26667 - 1 26fi67.1 26667-1 261.i68-1 26668 -1 26666 . 1 26668 - 1 3/15/2017 3/1512017 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 3/15/2017 26669-1 26669-1 26669-1 26669-1 3/16/2017 3/16/2017 3/16/2017 26703-1 26703-1 26703-1 3/15/2017 3115/2017 3/15/2017 26704 - 1 26704-1 26704--1 3/15/2017 26656-1 3/15/2017 26656 ~1 26669-1 26669-1 .--. I < m Essex Village o 100% Unit Inspection Dellcleocv Area JJ Doors - CJ) Comm~nts OamaQed Hardw,.m,i/Locks d I Unit# t(b)(6) I CeilinQ Doors :::c -I :Oeticiancv Common Araas: Halls/Conldors/Stalrs Mailboxes Mailbox-Missi1wiDan1ane I ' h \/"'\ G) ., . .... Doors Health & Saretv Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kilchen Unit# Hb)(6\ I Heallh & Safely Bulqin(l/Bucklin, .J Damaaed HardwmetLocks Doienoraled/Mh,sino Seals /Entrv Only) Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildew Observed lnfostalion-lns~cts Ranae/Stove-Missina /Damauecl/lnooerable Retngeralor-Missino/Damaqed/lnooerable Other Unltt.f(b)(6) I Balhroom Bathroom Bathroom Doon. Hoal\h & Safely Heallh & Saletv Kitchen Windows Unit 11/b)/R\ I Health & Safely Unit# 108o2a Bathroom Doors Doors Floors Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Walls Walls HUD-17-0235-C-000932 Unll~(b)(6) I Batnroom Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Kitchen Unit iil/b\/6\ Doors I Bathfoom Cabinets-Damaoed/Missiou Lavatory Sink-DamaCJedJMissinQ Water Closel/Toilel-Damaaed/Cloo(Jed/Mis5intJ Oelerioraled/Missinq Seals {Entrv Ontvl Hazards-Sharp Edof!!, lnlostation-lnsects Refriqerator-Missino/Damaoed/lnooerable Cracked/Broken/Missina Panes Olhilr Leakina FaucellPipes Damaaed Hardware/Locks Deleriorated/Missinq Seals (Entrv Onlvl RuVDeleriorated Sublloor Leakina Faucel/Pipes Ranae/Stove-Mlssina /Oarnaued/1nonerable Relriaernlor-Missino/Damaoed/lnooerable Damaaed Oamaoed/Deterioraled Trim lavatmv Sink - DamaQed/Missinq Leakina Faucet/Pioes Ventilation/Exhaust Svstem-lnooerable Water CloseVT oilet-DamaciedJClooaed/MissinQ Damaaed Hardware/Locks Detenorated/Missma Seals !EnlrvOnlv~ C abmets-Miss1nQIOamaaed Damaaed Ha!'dware/locks Date Cornol~led Work Ordt!r# 3/15/2017 26656-1 1 doormi!..sinoin l(b)(6) I 3/15/2017 26656-1 Bathroom 1 Closer damaaed/disconnecIed Front enlr,., door 6aIhroom walls/ceillno Roaches 2 or more burners do not !unction Fresh rood seal needs reolaced 4/4/20'17 4/412017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 Contractor 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 2tiU72o1 2Ci872.1 26872 o1 26872-1 26872-1 26872 - 1 26873 - 1 3/24/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 Contractor 26874-1 26874-1 26874 - 1 26874-1 26!!74-1 26874-1 26874-1 26874-1 ~ VACANT - deliciencim; will lie repaired as unit is made market ready counter stoooer not runctionina Handle broken Front entrv door Broken window;Bedroom 2 Roaches Fresh food seal needs reolaced broken oane;Bedroom 2 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 26872-1 tenanl rtifusal sink faucet clrios ;13alhroom 1 Closer damaned/disconnected ; Front entrv door: Balhmom 1; Faucet leaks: lellllront burner does not function : Fresh food seal needs reolaced; Bathroom 1; cove base missinci;Balhroom 1; stoooer missina ; showerhead not funclionino : seal loose Closerdamaaed/disconnected Fron! entrv door : doors ; ; Hand idli.nob loo!.e/dam ;;ciucl pai10 4n/2017 4/7/2017 4n/2017 417/2017 41712017 417/2017 4(7/2017 4/7/2017 4nl2017 26876-1 26876-1 26876-1 26876-1 26876-1 26876.1 26876-1 26876-1 26876 - 1 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 4i8/2017 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 4/8/2017 26877-1 4{7/2017 26!37.':!-1 26877-1 26877-1 26877-1 26877 - 1 26877-1 26877 - 1 -- < JJ en - m G) :J: -f Essex Village o 100 3/4 Unit Inspection Oeficlenc:t Alea Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Win......... Unlt#l(b)(6) I Doors Health & Safely Health & Sare1v Health & Salely Kitchen WinA~,.,r Unlt.llh\16\ I Heallh & Safely ~(b)(6) Balhroom Bathroom De1eriora1ed/Missino Seais (Entry Onlvl Emergency Fire Exits-Emergency/Fire Exits R~friqera1or-Mis~inci/ Oamaged/lnooerable lnooerableJNo\ lockable Deleriorated/Missino Seals IEntrv Only) Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panel s Emeraencv Fire Exil~-Emernencv/F ire Exits lnfestation-Rals/MiceNermin Refrioelaced 4/20/2017 4120/2017 26894-1 < m Essex ViUage - 100% Unit Inspection ' Oetlclencv Ared JJ 0 en - G) Unlti(b)(6) I Heallh & Safely IUni'itiJ(b )(6) ::c -I Sm"" n,.,., ...,,.,r ,Comments Missingllnoparable Other 1 Doors Oam.i(ied Surface (Holes/PainURust/Gla ss) Dishwasher/Garbaoe Disoosa~lnooerable Refrioeralor-MissinCJ/Damaqed/lnoperallle Damaged Kitchen Kitchen Walls Unll 1/h \/fi\ Bathroom Bathroom Balhroom Doors I Leaking Faucs:l/Pipes Showerffub-Damaoed/Missinn Waler Closet/f oilet-Damaged/CJouued/M issing Damaged Hardwar1:1/locks Hearth & Safetv Unlt~(b)(6) I Heallh lS. ~alely Unit Hb)(6\ I Health &. Sarety Bulldlna Extorlor Doors Healln & Safely Roofs Walls I b)(6) I Unlt#l(b)(6) Bathroom Bathroom Dlliidunc lnfestulion -~ lnsects OttHlf OthDeficiency m Ar~a JJ - CJ) G) Doors Doors Health & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Kile"-- :::cu'nit11(b)(6) -I I Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Health & Saletv Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kitc"M Unit i!(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Health & Satety Ku-'- --- Unitl(b)(6) I Batnroom Doors Doors Health & Safety Kitchen l!!n!!!(b)(6) I Bal,uuu,u Doors Electrical System Hot Water Heater HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Ugh"-~ HUD-17-0235-C-000938 Uolt#l(b) (6) I Doors Doors Ugh"'"' Unlt#l(b)(6) Doors I Health & Safelv HVACSysino/Damaqed/lnoperable Lavatory Sink-Damagcer<:11 Jlo Relrioerator-MissinQ/Dam,med/lnopcrable lt:.;1king Faucet/Pipes Deteriorated/M issing Seals (Entry Only) lnlestdlion-lnsects Rofrig~ralor-Misslng/Oamaged/lnoperable Water Closet/Toilet-Oamacied/Cloqqed/Missinq Damaged Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/Missing Soals {Entry Onlvi Electrical Hazards-EJc1>osed Wires/Open Panels Range/Stove--M1ssi nC1/Darni:laedllnuoerable Ventilation/Exhaust System lnopernblci Deleciorated/Missino Seals (Entrv Only) GFl - lnoperable lnooerable UnlVComponents lnoperallla Dishwasher/G,ubage 01sposal-lnoperable Range Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive Ranoe/S\ove-Missing/Damaqed/lnopera b!e Ref rigerator-MlssinQ/Damaged/lnoperable MissinQ/lnooerdb!e Fixture Damaged Hardwarn/Locks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Missinq/lnooerable Fixture Deteriornted/M1ssir1Q Seals {Enlrv Onlvl lnfesl.:ilion-lnsects Inoperable Cornm1mts I Dal;: Completed I Work Oraer # Screen \om Fronl entry cloor Roaches Sink drain is c!og9eo IQarbaoe disposal not 1unctioninr1 Fresh food seal needs reolace.:J Conlfac1or 4/11/2017 4/1112017 4/11/2017 26916-1 26916-1 16916-1 26916-1 26916-1 sw1:ioer missino stopper missing seat loose Striker plaie misaliyned/missin~l ;Bedroom 2; Roaches Mice Leflllront burner does nol funcl1on Fresh food seal needs l'CDlaced Con1rac1or Conlrac1or Con!ra cior Contractor Conlractor Contrac1or Contraclor Contractor 26017-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917 -1 26917-1 2ti917-1 sink lauc1:1tdrios Front entry do0<; slider foqgod Roaches Fresh food st:1alneeds wplac:ed 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 Conlractor 4/29/2017 26918.1 26918-1 26918-1 26918-1 seat loose Balhroom 1; Bathroom 2 Closer damaged/dis connacled Fronl enlry door disposal wire Riohllfront burner does not !un ction 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26919.1 26919-1 26919 -1 26919.1 no power Front ontrv door : no power no power no power no power no oower no power no power no oower Closer damaoed/disconnected Front entry door: DininQ Room ; Front entrv door; Roaches; not adequately heatmq ; 4/1 l/2017 4/1112017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26919 - 1 4/11/2017 2m120 -1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2011 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920.1 26920 -1 26920-1 26920.1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26921-1 26921-1 26921-1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4111/2017 4/11/2017 ; 26916-1 4/11/2017 26922-1 Contractor 26922 -1 4/11/2017 26922.1 I Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < \ Oeficlcncv Are<1 m JJ en - G) :I: --t D<'Jfichmc Doors D,irnaQed Surface (Holl'.:!slPainVRusUGla ss} Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Stairs Doors Damaqed Hardwareilocks Doors DamaQed Surface (HoleslPainl/RusL 'Glas s) Graffiti Graffi11 Stairs/Hand Railtnqs Broken/M1ssinc:iHand Railin.::t Walls Damaged Common Areas: Health & Safetv Health & Safety Hazards-Sham Edges Common Ale.as: laundrv Drv1-rVAnl Drver Vent-M,ssino/DamaQed/lnoperablo l(b)(6 I Unlt'II (b)(6) I Hea in & ~aietv Unit# /hllf-1 I Bathroom Ceiling Doors Health & Saletv Hot Waler Haater Kitchan Wal"Unit1 (b)(6) I Bal ,ro~m I ~ (b)(6) Bal nuvm Doors Doo..., Unit# (b)( 6 ) Bathroom Doors I Doors Electrical Svstem HeaUh & Saretv Kitchen Kitchen Windows HUD-17-0235-C-000939 Unit #1(b)(6) I Baltiroom Bathroom Doors Kitchen Kitchen Winr1n"' " Unlt"alh)/6) Balhroom OU1er Showerffub-Damaned/Mis .i~inq Ptitiling/Needs Paint Dami'..IQedHardware/Lock, lnfm-.iation-lnsects General RusVCorrosion RelriCJeralo-r MissinqJOamaqed/lnoperable Damaqed/Ooterioraled Trim Loakinq FauceVPipes leaking FauceVPipes Damaqed Surface (Hoh,s/Paint/Rust/Glas s) DotarioraledlMissiM Seals {Enlrv Onlv) LeakmQ Faucei/Pioes Damaged HardwaroJlocks Damaqed Surface (Holes/PainVRust/Glas s) GFl-lnoperable Hazards-Trippinq Ranoe/S1011e-Missinq/Damaqed/lnooerable Rofrigerator-Missino/Damaged/inoperable Cracked/Broken/Missirm Panes Lavatory Sink-DamaQed/Mlssino Leaking FauceUPipcs Damaoad Hardwareilocks RanQe/Stove-Missinq/Damaued/lnooerable Refri1:1eralor-MissinCJIOamaQedilnooerab le Inoperable/Nol Lockable Waler Closel/T oilet-D~rnllJ:led/Cloaoecl/Mis sinq lCort11ntmts l(b) le1ec closel holes Closer dmnaned/di<'iconnected:Slfiker olate hole(s1litillli'undrv. ho1e(s)l(b) ,aundrv both halls Missing/broke~ I b )( lslairwell Work Order# 4/10/2017 26906 -1 4/10/2017 26906.1 26906-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 1/b )( handrail vent disconnectect(b)(6) Dale Compleied In dee closet no kev. no access .oeulino Bathroom 1; Balhroom 2 Closer damaqod/cliMconneclcd : entry Roaches Frai;h food seal: Freezar seal replace cove base mlssinq ; Bathroom 1 ltub laucot Toilet leaking scralched/scuffecl; B,i.lhroom 1 Front entr,, door sink faucet dnps : Bathroom 1 Hinges loose/damaged; Bed l & Closet Bedroom 2 Bathroom 1 Iv cable/cord in hallwav Lefllrear burner does oot function Fresh food seal needs replaced cracked oane; Bedroom 1 stopper missing; Bathroom 2 dhterters; both Closer damaged/disconnucted; enlly 2 or more burners do not runction Fresh food seat:Freezer seal reolace lock inoperable: Bedroom 1 loilel not funcuornno : toilet cloqaed 26906.1 4110/2017 4/10/2017 26906 -1 26906-1 4/10/2017 26906 -1 4/10/2017 26906-1 f < m ' Daficl6ncy Alea JJ en - Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Doors Doors Heallh & Safely Kile""" G) lQiili](b)( 6) ::c -I Duflcltwcy I Oou,J Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Walls !!!!_lt~(b)(6) able I nm Doors Doors Electrical Svstom Kitchen Walls UnltJ1f(b)(6) I Heann o. ;::,a1ety Unit tHb\/6\ I Balhroom Doors Kitchen KitrhM I Bathroom Doors HUD-17-0235-C-000940 Health & SaMy tiealth & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen OuUe\s/Switches Unit I b)(6) I He .. ~ 11. -~oetv Unit I (b)(6) I Kitcnon Bulldlna Exterlor Heallh & Safety Health & Safety Rools Walls Damaqed Hardwar1c;/Locks Damaoed Surface (Hol.i si Pa intiRuslJGiass) lnfes1alion-lnsec\s Ref 1i~erator-MissinQ/Damaciea/lnoperatil..-i Damaged Hardware/Locks lnfestalion-lnser:ts Leakino FauceVP ipe;; Refrigerator-Missina/Darnaacdllnooer Damaged Dow:> Doors UnifA(b)(6) :Comments Damaqed Frames/Thrnshold/l.int~lsfT Damaged Hardwarn/locks DamaQerl Surface (Ha lo~IP;,riotlRusUGlass) Misslnt:J Ooor GFl-lno,>erobie RcfriQcrator-Missinci/Dami:JQed/lnooerable Damaged Othur Showcr/Tub-Dam.iqed/Missinq Damaoed Hardware/locks Le<1kino Faucet/Pipes Refri11era1or-MissinCJIDamam;d/lnouurable LeakmQ FauceVPipos Damaged Hardware/Locks Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildew Observed Other Cabinets-Miss ing/Damaged Range Hood/Exhausl Fans-Excessive Refrioi:uator-MissingfDamaged/lnoperablt! Missing/Broken Cover Plates IOther Leak inq FauceVPiPl:!S E>11>osed Wires/Open Panels Sharp Edges Missing/Damaged Components from OownspouUGutler Missing Pieces/HoleslSpalling L_Q_ate Cornplr,h,d I Work Ordtlr # Striker plate missing: 1:ntry & Bed 1 door f:ldQe splil ; Bedroom 2: Roach~s Fresh food seal needs replaced Closer damaned/disconnected ; entry Roaches Faucet teaks Fresh food seal needs reolact:1d Hallwoy/Hall Bedroom 3 Bedroom 2 hole(s) :Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bathroom 1 Fresh food seal; Freezer seal rnol a-:e holes : Hallway/Hall ; Bedroom 2 minor onlv orcscnl 1oeelinq Striker plalo mis,digned/missinq; entry trap leaking Frosh food seal netids roolaced sink C.iucel drips Closer damaged/disconneclcd ; Striker plate mlsaligned/mrssmg ; entry Tub mildew on tub lilos drawers not funclioninQ/blocked Fresh food seal needs replaced Switch plate missintl: Bedroom 3 New Unll - no issues Faucet leaks ac disconnect conduit ; rear 'b\lR\ owindow splash blocks vinyl patching non mat1,;h,NIS dry.ii 11en1 louvers mis::.ing 4/2912017 26938-1 Essex Village~ 100"/o Unit Insp ection < IOeficloncy Atea m Defld,mcy en Windows Cracked/8rokeniMis:;inCJ Panes Common Areas: Health & Safe tlJ Heallh & Safely Ha2ards-Olhi:!1 G) Common Aroas: Storaoe JJ - J: -I Doors l(b)(6) I Unit #l(b)(6) Dc.1maoed1-!ardwarti/Locks I Bathroom Doors Doors Kilchen Unit 111(b)(6) Bathroom Bathroom I Doors Doors Health & S;ifoty Unit ,t/h\lfi\ 1 Bathroom Bathroom Doors Do(l(S Hot Water Heater Kitch"n Unl/b)(6) I BaU1mom Doors HUD-17-0235-C-000941 Electrical Svstem Kitchen Unit #l(b)(6) I Bathroom Doora Doors Ooors Electrical System Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen UnlU(b)(6\ I Bathroom Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Uolt~(b)(6) I Water Ctosetffoilet-DamaAed/Cloq ()ed/Missing Damaqed Surface !Holes/flainl/RusUG lass) Oeleriornted/Missing Seals fEnlry Onlv) RanqeJSto11e-Missinq/Oamaqed/lnop erab!a LeokinQ FauceUPi'1es Waler CloseVTollet-Damaued/Cloc oed/M1ssinCJ Damooud Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/Missina Seals (Entr v Onlvl lnfeslatlon-lnsecls La11.:itorySink-Damaacd/Missino Leaking FauceUPipes OamaQed HardwarPJlocks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Enlr v Onlvl Generol RusUConosion Refrigerator-Missing/Oamagc!dllnoper able la,..atorv .Sink-Oamaocd/Missino Oetenorated/Missmq Seals {Enlr y Only) GFl-lnooernble Refngorator-Miss1nq/Damaged/lnoper able Le.ikino Faucel/Pipes OamaC1edHardware/Locks Damaaed Surface (Holes/PainVR usUGlass) Deterioralcd/Missino Seals {Entr y Only) GFl-lnopernble lnfeslation-lnsects Ranqe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessiv e Ranae/Stove-Missing/Oamaooolln ooerable Rofrigeralor-Missinq/Oamaged/lnoper able Lavaloiy Sink-Damaged/Missing Ranoe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excosst ve Range/Stove-MissinQ/Damaged/ln opernble Refnc:ierator-Missirm/Damaqed/lnop erdble ..commanls (b)(6) . .L Date Co!flPleta~ l I no key no access (b) auodry & (b) closet lectric IStrikar olale misaliCJnedlrnissinCJJ( 6 b)( I seat loose holeisl; Bedroom 1 Front entrv door Oven does not function sink faucet drins seat loose Closer damaged/d1scoonectcd Fronl entrv door Roaches stoooor missinQ show1:1rhead Closer damaqed/disconnected Fronl enlrv door Fresh food seal needs replaced stouoer m1ssinq Front entry door Balhroom 1 Fresh food seal needs raplaced sink faucet drips; tub raucel drips Closer damac.ied/disconnected hole(s); Bedroom 3 Front entrv door Kitchen Roaches not {unctioninri/blocked 2 or more burners do nol function Fresh roodsual needs replaced sloooer missing not funclioninn/blocked 2 or more burners do not function Fresh rood :;eal replace Work Order # Essex Village - 100% Unit lnspection < m l Dftficlencv Atua JJ ; Daflcloncy Healok it c::~,~1y - :~(b)(6)1 (/) G) :::t: --4 Bathroom Ceilina Ceiling Doors Doors Floors Health & Safetv Health & Safety Kitchen Unit iillb\lR\ I Balhroom Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Kitchen Ughling Unlt#l/b\/6\ Other no key ShowudTub-Oamaqed/Missinq Bulging/Bucklina PeelingJNaeds Pain! DeterioraledlMissinq Saab (Entry Only) Missing Door Hard Floor Covering Missinq/Damaged Flooring/Tiles Electrical Hazards-Exoosed Wires/Open Panels lnfe:italion-Rats/MiceNermin Ref ritieh:J/NotLockable I Health & Safety Unit 111/h\/6\ Bathroom ,Comments Doors He,.lth II. i::,.,;.,ly Unit tA(b)(6) I loose from wall Hallwav/Hall Window won 't stay up: Bedroom 2 Other no key Leakinci Faucel/Pipes OamaQ1:dHardware/locks Deteriorated/Missing Seals {Enlry Orny) Electricc1IHazards -Exposed Wires/Open Pan els sink faucet dnps Closer dnmacied/disconn4::!cted Front entrv door ,Qap 1n panel I Doors Sink and Tub not draiuinQ Balh 1 Front entrv door window balance Bedroom 2 Leftlrea, burner does not function Fresh food seal needs replaced j Datu Completed I Work Order # Essex Villageo 100% Unit Inspection < , O&flclency Ara a m JJ Baihroom u, - Bathroom Doors HVACSvstem Kitchen Kitchen Building Exterior G) :I: -I Doors Health & Safely Walls Walls Ouhclcncy Lavalory Sink-Darnaoed/Missinq Waler Closet/T oilct-Damai::iad/Cloon( .'<1/Mis~i ng Delerioraled/Missina Seals (Entrv Onlvl Inoperable Ranoe Hood/Exhausl Fans-Excessive RefriqeraloroMissing/Damaged/lnoperab le Darna(Jcd Surface (HolesiPainVRusl/Glas s) Wires/Open Panels bposed Cracks/Gaos Missing Pieces/Holes/Spalling Common Areas: HJU5/Corr!dors1Stai rs Stairs/Hand Railings Broken/DamagedJMi:.sing Steus Damaged Common Areas: Health & Safotv Heallh & Safety Hazards-Sharp Edqes Common Areas: LaundN LiohtinrJ MissinQ/Oamaotid/lnoperable Fixture Walls Damaged ,/b)ICommunitv: Bulldlna Exterior Doors Damaged F raml:l5rThmsl10!d/Linte1sr r rim Roors Damagt 3/4 d Soffils/Fascla/Solfit Vents Roofs Missina/Damam!d Comoonenl5 from DownsooulJGuller Common Aruas: Closul/Utilltv/Mecha nlcal Electrical Blocked Access 10 Electrical Panel Common Areas: Health & Safetv Health & Sa(etv IElectrical Hazards-Elloosed Wir1;s/Ooen Panels Common Area&: Kitchon Ceilino Holes/Missmo Tiles/Panels/Cracks I h\/f;\ I Unit ~llb)/fi\ I Bathroom HUD-17-0235-C-000943 Doors Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Unit ,lillb)(6\ I Health & Sarety Unit #l(b)(6) Doors Doors LeakinQ Faucel/Pipes Damaged Hardware/Locks D1shwasher/GarbaQe D1soosal-lnope rable Range/Stove-Missing/Damaged/Inoperabl e Refnqerator -M1ssinQ/Oamaciedllnooe rable Other I Damaotid Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/MiSSIOClSeals (Enlrv Only) ;Comments .T Date Completed I Work Order # stooour mi:;sin,::i seat loose Front entrv door nol adeouatelv heating not functioninQ/blocked Fresh food seal needs rcotaced (b) t,lec closet oeelina ~ronl ac disconnecl box loose from wall I(b )(lend of bldQ nisr siding damag~. llon1 o\Ulli?J condensers ac Treads damagad both under both stain, , also a~lbl'6l I slair tread ati(b)( 6 ) l(b) 1(6) I I llaundrv back closet handicap ooener nol lunc!ion ino sorfit elbow misslnq : solashb!ock downsooul ,canal door broken cannot open G.ip around <1libv stove numerous tiles sink faucel dnps Closer damaoed/disconnecled QarbaQe disooi;al not functioninQ Right/front burner does not function Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/12/2017 4/12(.!017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26992-t Make Entry - Repair alt defiaenc1es and thoroughlylist out 4/12/2017 26993-1 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26994-1 26994-1 Closer damaged/discon necled Front entrv door 26992 -1 26992-1 26992.1 26992 -1 Eti::aex Villageo < m 'Oot1ficlency Area JJ en -) G J: -I :QeflCiii!r lCV 100% Unit inspection ' Comments Hot Water Healer Mi:,sing Pre=,sum Reiil;!f Vc1lv t),nension tube irom pressure reliel val11eis missing Kitchen Kilchn~ Range/Slove-Mis:;ino1Damaat2d/lnau.:rable RtJlrioeralor -M1ssino/Damaaed/lnooernble 2 or more bumers do not function Unlt..i 1h1 1R1 Bathroom Bathroom Door5 Health & Sc:1k,1y Kitcht!n Kitchen Outlets/Switches ~(b)(6) I Bal" J~,,. Balhroom Doors Heallh & Safelv Kite"-..- ~(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Hoalth & sare1v Kitchen Kitchen Walls Uolt ll(b)(6) I Bathroom Duors Health & Safety Kitchon Kil Uniil(b)(6) .L I HUD-17-0235-C-000944 Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Hot Water Heater OuU""' -~ Unlt#l(b)(6) Bathroom CeilinQ Doors Doors Health & Salelv Health & saretv I Fresh food seal needs reolaced I Date Completed Work Order # 4/1212017 26094-1 4/12/2017 4112/2017 26994-1 26994 - 1 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/1212017 26995-1 26995.1 26995-1 26995-1 CJonned Drains Lavalorv Sink-DamaCJt:dlMissinq De1e1ior<1ted/MissinaSeals (Entry Onlv) Air Ouahtv-Mold and/or Mjldew Observe ct RanoeJS\0110-MlssinQ/Oamaoed/lnoperallle RelliaeratoroMissino/Dama<1ed/lnoi:ierable Missina/Bro,-en Cover Platas Tub does not 0rain stonner missina Front ontrv door Tl/0 Riohtifront bumer does no1 function Fresh food seal needs replaced Oullel olate rnissino ; Bedroom 1 4/12/2017 Shower/Tu I> Damauad/Missin<1 Waler ClosetlT oile1-0amaqed{Cloo,1ed/Missina DamaQed Hardware/Locks lnfoslation-Rals./MicoNermin Ranae/Slove-Missino/Damaciad/lnouerable di.-er1er seat loose Closer damaoed/disconnected 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 41\2/2017 Mice LefVlronl burner doos not function I 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26995 - 1 26995-1 26995 -1 2l'i996.1 26996-1 Contraclor 26996 -1 26996 -1 4/1212017 26996-1 Vcntilc1tion/Exh.iusl Svstem-lnooernbte Water Closet/T oilet-Darnaried/Clocmcd/Mis!>jna Damaned Hardware/locks Datorioraled/Missinn Seals (Entry Only) Electrical Hazards-Exoosed Wires/Ooen Panels Dishwasner/Garbac,e Disposal-lnooerabla R,;frit1erator-Missinci/Damaoedllnap0rab le Damaacd not lunctionina seal loose Closer damaoed/disconnected Front enlrv door hwh cvr missinn . aau in breaker panul laarbaaa disoosal not functioninQ Fresh food seal need!> rcolaced ihrouuhout 4(12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/1212017 4112/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26997-1 26997-1 26997.1 26997-1 26997-1 26997-1 26997 -1 26997-1 Shower/T ub-DamauedtMissino Deteriorated/Missinri Seals (Enlrv Onlvl lnfastation-Rats/MiceNenTiin Cabinets-Missino/Damaned RelriQerator -Missino/Oamaaed/inoot'.lrable divener not functionina Front entrv door Mice drawers Fresh food seal needs reolaced 4/12/2017 4/1212017 Contractor 26998-1 26998-1 26998-1 4112/2017 4/12/2017 26998-1 stonoer not functionino di11erter seal loose hw runs oul Outlet olale missina: DR & Bed 2 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 toilet cloooed: Bathroom 1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 Lavatory Sink-Damaqed/Missinc1 Shower/Tub- ,DamaQed/Missina Water CloseVToilel-Damaqed/Clooaed/Missino lnooerable UniVComoonents MissinQ/Broken Cover Plates Waler Clost:iVToilat-Damaaed/Clouoed/Missina Bulging/Buckling Damaaed Hardware/Locks Deteriorated/Miss inu Seals (Enlrv Onlvl Air Quality-Mold and/or Mtldew Observed lnlesta\mn-lnsects Bathroom1/2 Closer damaoed/disconnecled Front cntrv door Tub;Ba\hroom waUs/ce1li r11, Roaches Conlraclor 26998 - 1 26999-1 26999-1 26999-1 26999-1 26999-1 27D01-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001. l < m Essex Village o 100% Unit Inspection iDeflclency Area Health & Safety Hol Water Healer Kitchen Kitr.hRn JJ - CJ) G) Unll '#1(b)(6) :::c -I Deficicnc I Hearm & ::iarety Unit #llb\/6) Bathroom Bathroom Doors I Bathroom Health & Safety Health & Safety Kitchtm Kitchen Kitchen Windows Unit ~(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom [)oo(S Doors Doors Electrical Svstem Kitchen Un It # I.Lb.llii.J Bathroom Doors Electrical S vstem Hoallh & Safety Kirchen I Health & Safely Kitchen Ba.. HUD-17-0235-C-000945 ~(b)(6) Other I Unit #l/hlihl Unit ll(b)(6) lntesli.ilion - Ri:ils/MiceNennin Inoperable Unit/Components Range/Stove--MissinQ/OamaQed/lnooer<1 ble Refnaerntor -Mi:.sinolDamanedllnoperable Shower/Tub-DamaqedJMissinQ Waler Closel/Toilel-DamaQed/C!coaed/Missin<1 Oet~rioraledJMissina Seals (Enlrv Only) Cl0<1ced Drains lnrcslation-lnsecls lnfeslation-Rals/MicoNermin Cablnets-MissinQ/Damamid Ranmi/Sto11e-Missinu/Darna4od/lnoperable Rolrigerator -Missin!i/Damariecl/lnooerab!e lnouer .. b!e/Nol lockable Leukinq Faucel/Pipas Waler CloseVT oilel--Damaqed/ClotifJecJ/M issinQ Damaged Hardware/locks Damaoed Surface (Holes/PainURusl/Glass) Deterioratod/Missinq Seals (Enlrv Onlv) GFl-lnooerable Relrigcralor-Missinq/Damoqed/lnoperable Waler Closetll 01lot-Damagad/Clooaed/Missing Damaqed Hardware/locks GFl-ln Gperablo Electrical Hazards-Exposod Wires/Open Panels Cabinels-Missino/Dama oed lnfeslat ion-Rats/MiceNermin Ceilina Sink I Batnroom Doors Kitchen BulldlnaExterior Health & Safety Walls Lavatory Sink-Damaged/MissmQ Delerioratcd/MissinQ Seals (Enlry OnM Refriqerator-MissinQIDamaged/lnoperable E)(posed Wires/Open Panels Cracks/Gapi; Walls Missing Pieces/Holc:;/Spalhng Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Stairs 'Comments Mice hw runs out in showe, RiQht/fronl burnef does not !unction Fre::1hfood seal needti replaced make entry and repair all ooserved dificiencies and thoroughly list out [peelinQ, hole seat loose Fronl entrv door Sink does not drain Roaches Mice doors Righi/front burner does nol function Fresh food seal needs replaced Lock inooerable; Bedroom 112 Faucet drips/showerhead ; Bathroom 2 toilat not funclionlno; Bathroom 112 Closer damaued/disoonnecled holc(s) numarovs Front entrv door Bathroom 1 Fresh food seal needs replaced seat loose Bathroom 2/1 Handle/knob pa\io, Hinoes loose Bed 2 Bathroom 2 Bedroom 2 swilch gap drawers Mice damaged balh sink inoperable loose Front entry door Fresh rood seal needs reolc.1ced rear ac wires loose from disconnect box sioinQ gaps sidinQ holes and nisr damaCJeto sidinn Dale Completl!d Work Order# Cont ractor 4/10/2017 4/10(2017 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 27001-1 4/29/2017 27392-1 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 26755-1 26755-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 26755-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 27006-1 27001.H 27006-1 27006-1 27006-1 27006 . 1 27006-1 4/14/2017 4114/2017 27007-1 27007-1 27007-1 27007 -1 27007-1 Contractor Contraclor 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 Contractor 4/13/2017 4/13/2017 4/14/2017 4/1412017 27008-1 27006-1 27008.1 4/14/2017 27009-1 27009-1 27009 -1 3/28/2017 3/28/2017 27010-1 3/28/2017 27010.1 27010-1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m. 'Defichincy Arna JJ en CeilinQ - Doors Common Areas: laundry Drver Venl J: -I 1(b )(6) G) I o-hoo~~ I Unit #Hb )(6) I Bathmom Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safety Wi .o UnitiJ(b )(6) :Comniunts Holes/MissinQ Tile:i/Panels/Cracks DamaQed Hardware/Locks nisr damam:l(b)( loor 2 '(bfl Stnkor plate misaligned/missingltR\ Jloor 2 Dr'im Var1t-Mii;sinq/Oamaged/lnoperable I Missinci/Damaoedllnoperab!e Fixture Hot Waler Heato:r Kilchen Kitchen Unit l(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Hl:lallh & Safetv Kitchon Unit M(b)(6) I Doors I HUD-17-0235-C-000946 Doors Doors Health & Safely Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Unit #HbH6l I Bathroom Doors HVAC $ySlem K1lchen Windows ~(b)(6) t H----. ... __ fetv Oullels/Sw11ches Unit #Hb)(6) I Balhroom Bathroom 11en1d,s,,onnecl.:!J in elcc room 01(b)(6 ) I l(b)( llaundrv Date Completed Work Order# 3128/2017 27010-1 27010 -1 3128/2017 3/28/2017 3/28/2017 27010-1 27010 -1 leaking FauceVPip~s Water C!osetfT oilet-Damacied/CloClaf:!,t/Missino Dami:iqed Hardwareilocks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Onlvl Emergency Fire Exils-Emerriancy/Firo E>:its lnooerable/Not lockable showerhe;jd Seal cracked Closer damaged /disconnected Fronl enttv ooor window balances Bed 1, 2 & 3 Window won't stay uo;Bed 1, 2 & 3 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4121/2017 4121/2017 4/21/2017 27012 - 1 27012-1 27012 -1 27012.1 27012.1 27012.1 Soll Floor Covennq Missinq/OamaCJed General RusVCorrosion Raf\Qe/Stov~M1ssirm1Oarn,medllnoper able RofriaeraloroMisslng/Damacied/lnooefable throuqhout 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 27013-1 27013-1 27013 -1 27013 -1 Frc~h foocl seal needs replaced 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/2112017 4/21/2017 27014-1 27014 -1 27014o1 :.17014.1 27014 -1 Dam;iged/Missino Scm1:1n/Slorm/Securily Door Scrnen lorn palio 4121/2017 27015-1 DamaQed Sur/ace {Holes/PainlJRusUGlass) Dcteriorated/Mis:;ina Seals (Entry Only) lnfcslation-lnsecl:; lnfestation-Rals/MiceNe,min Cc1b1nc1s - Missing/Oamacicd Clom1ed Drains Refngerator-Miss1ng/Oama<:iedllnoperable hole{sl : Bathroom 1 Front enl,v door Roaches Mice drawers ; doors Sink drains slow Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27017-1 27017-1 4/21/2017 I Floors Unlt#l(b)(6) 'Ouficieuc Lav alorv Sink-Dam;,ued/M issing Walt!r Closi;tfToilot-Oamaried/Cloqgi:d/M,s:;mg Deterioraled/M1ssi11g Seals (Enlrv Only) Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildew Obseflled Ref rigerator-MissinQ/Damaqed/lnooarablo 4/21/2017 Riqhl/lron\ burner dO<::Snot fundion Fresh food seal needs replaced sloooer m1ssiny seal loose Froot an1ry door Tub Showar/T ub-Damaged/Missmg Oeleriordted/Missing Seals (Entry Only) lnooerable RerrigeraloroMissinq/Oamaqed/lnooerable lnooerabla/Not Lockable low pressure Front entrv door nol cooling Fresh food seal needs reulaced Window won't slay up; Bed 3 4/21/2017 27017-1 27017-1 Electrical Haz<1rds Exposed Wires/Open PanlllS Missinci disposal wire Switch brokenfmissing; Bathroom 1 4121/2017 4/21/2017 27018.1 27018-1 4/21/2017 27019 -1 27019.1 La11atorvSink- -..Qamm1ed/Missing leak1nq Faucet/P ipes staooer missinQ sinkfaucet drios ;tub faurnt dnps .,. 4/21/2017 270H-1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection <: DefJcl~ncy An~a m JJ - Bathroom Doors CJ) G) Floors Kitchen Outlets/Switches UniU/b\lR\ I Bathroom Doors Eleclrical Svslem Health & Safelv Heallh & Safotv Kitchen :::c -I Walls Unlt#l/b)(6) I Bathroom Heatlh & Saletv Health & Safety Kitchen ~(b)(6) I Bat ...~, Bathroom Doors Doors Windows Unit dlh\/6\ I Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Floors Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kitchen HUD-17-0235-C-000947 Oull ., ..... . hes un1uHb)(6) 1 Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Electrical Svslem Health& Safety Kitchen Unit i>llh 1/fi\ Bathroom Balhroom I 'Ouflclencv Water Closettr oilel-Damagad/CloqQed/Missinu Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Hard Floor Coverina Mlssincl/DamaQed Floofin q/Tiles Range/Slovu-MissinQ/Damaoed/I nooerable MissinQJBroken Cover Plates Lavatory Sink-Dam;;iqed/MissinCJ Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) GFl-looperable Infestation-Insects Other Ranc1c/Stove-Missinq/OamdQedllnoperable Damaged WaIor ClosoVToilel-DamaftedfCloaoed/MisslnCJ lnfeslation---lnsects Other RefriqeraIor-MissinolDamaged/lnooerable LavatoIv Sink Damaqed/Missino Water CtosoVT oilet-DamagedfClooc1ed/Missing Damaged/Mission Screen/Storm/Security Door Deleriorated/MissinQ Seals (Entrv OnM Inoperable/Nol lockable Lavatorv Sink-Oamaood/M1ssi11C1 Leaking FauceVPipes Water ClaseVT oilet-Damaqed/Cloaat1d/Missino Deterioraled/Missinn Seals (Entry Onlvl RoVDeterioraled Subfloor Other Range/Sto1Je-Missing/Oamagad/lnoperab le Relrigeralor-Missing/Damagedl!noperal>le Missino Bc1throom Cabinels-Damaged/Missinc.i Water Closel/T oilet-DamaCJedJClooCJed/Missin g Damaged Hardware/Locks OelerioratedJMissinCJ Seals (Entrv Onlv) GFl-lnooerable Hazards-Sharp EdQes Relriqerator-Missina/Damaaed/I nooerable ILa11alorvSink-DamaaedJMissina Leakinci FauceVPipes .Comm-,nls I seal loose Front enlry door balcony WOGd Oven does not function: leU front not Swilch plale missing: Kitchen 4/21/2017 4/2112017 -1/21(2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 sloooer misslno: B;,throom 1 Front enlry door Balhroom 1 Roaches ouUets not funcl ioninQ Oven does not runcIion memissino Balhroom 2 seat loose Balhroom 2 Roaches outlets not funchoninq Fresh food soal needs replaced :;toooc, m1ssinci :Bathroom 1 & 2 scat loose Balhroom 2 Screen tom Front entrv door Lock inoperable ; Bedroom 3 sink damaQed showerhead Sa1hroom 2 seat loose Bathroom 2 Front enlry door around toileUtub area : Bathroom 2 oullels not funclioniM Lelt/front IJurner does not function waler leaking im,ide relriogeralor;Fresh seal needs replaced Switch broken/missino; Dinina Room mirror(s) seat loose Closer damaged/disconnected Front enl,v door Bathroom 1 Broken bathroom mirror Fresh food seal needs replaced stopper miss ing tub laucet drios Dah1 Completed food I Wark Order# 27019-1 27019-1 27019-1 27019-1 27019-1 l Essex Village - 100% Unit inspection < m iDeilch,ncy Area 0uth;;l,i;ncy - Doors HVACSvstem Kitchen B ulldlor,i Exterior Heallh & Safety Detelioraled/Miss io.:i Sea ls (Entrv Onlv} Inoperable Ranoe/Stuve-M iss ina/Oamaaedllnoperalite JJ CJ) G) :::c -I Roofs Roofs Walls Exposed Wires/Open Panels Oama oe d Soltits/Fa scia/Soffit Ve nts MissinofOamaqed Components from Dowrn;p,:>ut /Guttur Mis sing Piece sJHoles/Spalling HUD-17-0235-C-000948 Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Stairs Doors Damaged Hardware/Lo ck!; Graffiti Graffili Common Arns: Health & Salotv HeaUh & Safety Electric.JI Hazards-E:,cposed WiresJOpen Panels bH6l I UnltM/b)/6) I Balhroom Water CloseVT oilut-Dam amid/Cloooed/Miss inq Doors Dam;,gcd Hardwari::llocks Doors Damaqed Surface (Holes/PainURusVG!ass) Doors Oel e,ioraled/Missinq Seals (Enlrv Only) Doors Missing Ooor Health & Safely Infestat ion-In sects Smoke o.,,.,.,.,1or Missinr:illnooerable unuHb \In\ I Bathroom Leaking FauceUPipes Bathroom Waler Clost!VToilet-Dam ~1QedlCloooedJM1ssinc i Doors Deterioraled/Missing Sea ls (Entry Only) Floors Hard Floor Covorinn MissinQ/Damaoed Floorin C!niles Health & Safocy Eleclrical Hazards - Exposed Wires/Open Panels Health & SafBIY lnlestalion-lnsects Kitchen leaking FauceliPlpes Kitchen Refriqeralor-M issing/Oamacied/lnoperable Smok e Detector Missinq /lnoperable Unit fl (b )( 6)1 Hea tn & ::.afetv Other Unit fl /b)/6) I Bathroom Leakin q Faucel/P ipes Bathroom Water Ctos etfT oilet-Damaged/Clooaed /Missing Doors Deteriorated/Mis~inq Seats (Entrv Oolvl Heallh & Safety Ememency Fire Exit:. - Emeraency/Fire E)(t\S Health & Safely lnfeslalion-lnsects Windows Inoperable/Not lockable Unit #Hb)(6) I Bathroom Ven\1la11on / Exhausl Svslem-lnooerable ;Comments . 1 DateCompletud I Work Order# Fronl emry door ac not !unctionino Oven does no\ fun ction front ac disconnect wi ;es exposed, front exterior jbo,i; cvr loos e/off sotf it iron\ splashbl ocks sid ing holes and nisr to siding missing siding rear cJ.1mage, ....I..Cla.:ier damaged/disconnecled;Hc1ndle/l<.nob 1(b)( lhall 3129/2017 27028 - 1 3/29/2017 3/29/2017 27028-1 27028.1 3/2912017 27028-1 3/29/2017 27028 -1 27028-1 3/2912017 lit:ihl hanq ing (b) !floor 2 hall Handle broken Closer dama11ed/disconnecled hofe(s):Bedroom 3 Front entrv door Bedroom 2 Roachtls Smoko detector is missin<1:Ha llway/H,111 tub faucet drips seal loose Front eolry door Hallwa't'/Hall disposal wire Roaches Faucet leaks Fresh food seal needs replaced Smoke detector is missina : Hc1Uway/Hall lno kev sink faucet drips seat loose Front entry door Bedroom 1 window not functioning 1qnats nol functioning Bedroom 1 lnot funcliornng 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 Conlractor 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 '1/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27029-1 27029.1 27029.1 27029-1 27029-1 27029-1 27029-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27030-1 27030-1 27030-1 27030-1 27030-1 27030 -1 27030 -1 27030.1 27030 -1 4/26/2017 27031-1 4/26J2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 27032-1 4/20/2017 27033-1 Contraclor Cont1aclor < m JJ en - Essex VIiiage - 100% Unit lnspectiol!,_ ____ __________ ;Datlctency Area G) :J: -f Doors OMlclancl! __ Deteriorated/Missinq Seals (Entry Only) Hard Floor Coverimi Missinq/Damacied Floorin ,1/Tiles F1h~~. LJniil(b )(6) Heallh }I,~"'' ~1y UnlU1(b)(6) Balhroom Doors Health & Safety Hol Water Heater ~(b)(6) Doon, I Health & Saratv Health & Saretv Kitchen Unit;d/h\/01 I Health & Safoty Other W .iler Closel/T oj1el-Darnaged/C!oqoed/Missin< 1 Deteriorated/Missing Seals {Enlry Only) Electrical Hazards-Exoosed Wires/Ooen Panels Inoperable UnitiCornponen1s Deleriora!ed/MissinQ Seals (Entry Only) Ememencv Fice EKils-Ememency/Fire Exils lnfes1alion-Rats/MiceNermln Refrioerator -Missino/Damaqedllnoperable Olher 1!!!!!.!J(b )(6) I Bal uuum Bathroom Bathroom Ceilino Do""' Unit illt(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Health & Safety HVAC~v~ Unit#llb)(6) I Health & Safety Unit #llh \In\ I Heauh R. c:.,..rety Unit ~lh I/hi HUD-17-0235-C-000949 Balnroom DOOfs Unit #llhl/n\ Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Cc1binals-Damc1ged/Missing Wator Closet/T oitel-Damaged/Clooned/Mi&sing Dctcriori.iled/Missinn Seats (Entrv Onlvl Infestation-Insects lnooerable Othc:r Other 1 Bathroom Doors Electrical Svstem Health & Safetv Health & Safety HVACSystem Kil"ho.., Uniti(b )(6) Leaking Faucet/Pipes Shower/Tub-D;imaqed/Mii;sinCJ W <1terClosel/T ollet-Darnaoed/C lom1ed/Miss inn Mold/Mildew/Waler Stains/Waler Damaae Oc!criorated/Missing Seals {Entry Only) Cloooed Dra111s Dclenor.;,ted/Missmg Seals (Entry Only) Evidence of Leaks/Corrosion lnleslallon-lnsects Other NoisvMbratmq/Leak1ng RelnQeralor-Missing/Damagedlinooeral.ile ;Comments Front enlry door tiles missing; Bedroom 1 no key seat loose Front entry door Bed 1; Closet liqht loose . disoo:;.;I wire hw runs out Front emr,, door child knob on front door Mice Fresh footl se,, ! needs replac.id no key showerhead diverter not functioning seat loose Balhroorn 2 Balhroom2 Front entry door mirror(sl loose toilet Front ent/V door Roaches no heat no key no ktly sink drains slow; Bathroom 2 Front enlrv door leakino on elec hwh Roaches Bath 1: Bed 1 locked not ins peeled leakinQ ac Fresh food seal needs replaced Waler ClosetfT oil et - ~Dama~ied/Cloqged/Miss1 ng Dclenoralcd/Miss1nQ Seals (Enlry Only) seal loose Front entry door La11alorv Sink - Damaged/Missing VenlilahonJExhaust System-lnooerable stopper miss inQ nol functioning l ~_, Date Completed ] Work Ordor # J 4(26(2017 4/26(2017 2703'.H 27033-1 4/26/2017 27034.1 4/23/2017 27035-1 27035-1 27035-1 27035-1 4123/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27036-\ 27036-1 27036-1 27036-1 4/26/2017 27037-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27036-1 27031H 27038-1 27038-1 27038-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 2703!H 27039-1 ?.7039 - 1 Contractor Contrnctor 27039-1 4/24/2017 27040-1 4/24/2017 27041-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27042o1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27043-1 27043o1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27044-1 27044 - 1 Contrnclor Essex Village~ 100% Unit lnseection < m 0-,ficlonct JJ Doors Health Health Bulldlna Walls Common en - G) O~fiCl.-!r1C,t & Safety & Safely Exterior Deteriora ted/Missin q Seals {Entry Only) Electrical Hazards-El(posed Wires/Open Pa1Hils Emerqencv Fire Exits-EmerqcncyJFire Exils Missinq Pieces/t-loleE;/Spalling Areas: H{jalth A S.;folV Hea11h& Safety Air Quality-Molt! and/or Mildew Obs.::rveu b)(R\ I Unit #llh I/hi I Bathroom le ,1kinll Fauc el/Pip.is Electrical Svstem G Fl-!nouernble Health & Saletv Air Oualilv-Mold and/or Mildew ObsetVed Kilc:rn:n Cabinets-Mfssing/Darn.iged Kitchen Ranqe/Stove-MissinQ/Damaq elllin opl:1aole Smoke Detet:lor Missing/Inoperable Unit ~l/b\/6\ I Health & Safe\\1 Other Unlt#llh\/hl I Ceilinq Mold/Mildew/Water Stau)s/Waler Dam.;qo Doors Dam;:iqed Hardware/Locks Health &. SafoIy Eledrical Hazards-Exposed W ires/Ootin Panels Health & Salety Emcrqencv Fire Exits-Emergency/Fire Exits Heallh & Salolv lnfestation-lnsects Kitchen Range Hood/Exhau st Faris-Excessive Kitchen Relririerato,-Missinq/Oamaqt:idllnoperable Smoke Detector MissinCJ/lnooerablo Windows Inoperable/Not lockable Unit ,../h\/6\ I ::c -I Area VACANT Unit il/b)/6\ Bathroom Bau,room Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Mak1mI all repmrs al Unit Tum I HUD-17-0235-C-000950 CeiliOQ Doon. Doors Electrical System Kitchen Smoke Delector Walls Un\t1(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Health & Safl.ltY L,vatory Sinll.-Damaged/Missing Leakino FauccVPipes Shower/Tub-OamageoJMissing VentilalianJExhaust Systom-lnop erable Waler Closet/Toilet-Damaged/Clon o ed/Missi no Mold/Mildew/Water Stain s/Waler Damage Damaqed Hardware/Locks Damaaed Surface lHoles/PainVRust/Glass) GFl-lnooerable RofrigBrator-Miss ing/Damaaedllnoperable Missino/lnooorab !e Damaged leaking FauceUPiuf.l:; Showar/T ub-Oamao odiMi ssing lnfeslation - lnsm:ls Co mments Front entry door disconnect box unsucured in hwti clos e t Bedroom 2 cJres:;e,/!11 . _Oate Completed I Work Order# 4/24/2017 4124/2017 4/24/2017 27044-1 27044-1 4/24/2017 27045-1 4/241.2017 47045-1 Toilul /t.1akir KJ : Bathrooms 6.;lhroom 1 Tub drawers RiQht/fronl burner dous not !unction Not working in bdrms 4124/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27054-1 27054-1 27054- 1 27054-1 27054-1 27054-1 mmoron lv 4/24/ 2017 27055-1 l:lulhroom 1 Bedroom 1 smoke dtJtector: Hc1II/Bdrm window in Bedroom 1 Roaches not runclioning/blocked : fife dam,1ge Fresh food seal needs rE:iplaced; Smoke deleclor is missinq :Bedroom Window won 't slay up; Bedroom 1 4/17/2017 4/17/2017 4/17/2017 27056-1 ls ioino ..... nisr to l aarbaoe disoosat not functionmg Fresh food seal nel:lds reolaced smoke detector 1snot wo1kina;Bdrms no access no access toilet not funclionino lhole!sl;Bedroom 2 Contrar.lor Essex Villageo 100% Unit Inspection < m JJ en - D11fjciunc1 Aiila O~flclt10G,X Commtints Healt/1 & Safeti; EmerQttncv fire Exits-EmerctencyiFire Exits HVAC Svstocn Conveclion/Radiant Heat Svstem Co-.,ers Kitchen Ranoe/Slove-MissinolDamaQedJlnoperable Kitchen RefriQern!or-Missinq/Damaqed/lnop,3rable Smoke De1ector Missing/Inoperable Unit t.1/b)(6) I Electrical System GFl-lnooemble Hot Waler Healer Leaking Val11es/Tanks/P11les Kitchen RefriqeratoroMiss ing/Damagect/lnopernb le Bulldina Exterior Heallh & Safety Exoosed Wires/Open Panels Walts MissinQ Pieces/Hotes/Spalling Common Areas: Closel/UtllltvJMachanical Doors Oama!lCd Surfaco (Holtis/PainURust/Glas:,) Common Ar..as: H;.,.itll & S.-ft:tv Health &. Safely Hazards-Other I h\ln\ I Unit# Hb)(6) I Heallh & Safely Other Unit JR/h \In\ I Doors Damaged Hardware/Locks Doors Deteriorated/Missing Seals {Entry Only) Heallh & Saft:!tV Emergency Fire faill>-Emeraencv/Fire Exi!s Wall" D<.1maQed I Unlt:illb)/o\ Bathroom L avatof"y S1nk-Damc1i1cd/Mis:;ing Bathroom Water C losel/T 0Ucl-DamageutCl01rncd/Missmq Doors OamaQed Hardware/Locks Health & Safelv Electrical Hazards-Exposed WiresJOoen Punels Heallh & Safely Emeroencv Fire Exlls-Emernencv/Fire Extls Kitchen Rerrigerator-MissinglDam<1ged/lnoperable Windows lnooer3blc/Not Lockable I 1 1... .c Unlt:a11 Bathroom Wat~r Closelff oilet-Dam.a~edf Cloaoed/Miss inq Do Oamam,d Hardware/Locks G) J: -I Unii,J(b )(6) HUD-17-0235-C-000952 Doors Doors Kilchen Unlt_ffl(b\(6) I Battiroom Doors Unft.dlh\lfi 1 1 Bathroom Bathroom Doors I Damam:i<.J H.irdware/locks 01:lleriorated/Missinn Seals (Entry Only) Refrigerator-Missini:i/Damaqed/lnoperable Date Compl~t~d Work Ord.ir # furniture Bedroom 1:ac in Bedroom 2 ac not functioninq Oven does not lunctioo Fresh food seal needs replaced Smoke detector is missing: Hall :Bdrm 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27052o1 27052-1 27052 ~1 27052.1 27052o1 Bathroom 1 orain Fresh rood soal needs rl:!placed 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27053-1 27053-1 27053-1 ac disconnects : mar & ac cover loose ; 1 11inylpatch. NIS dryer vent 1111:lelinq pain\:peeli119paint: no kev. no acc1:1s!4(b)(6 laundry no kl:ly Closer damaned/disconnected Front entry door Bl:ldroom 2 bed Mle Bathroom 1 4t4r2011 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 27123-1 27123-1 27123-1 27123-1 stopper missing seat loose Closer d amaoedldisconnec1od disposal wire Bedroom 1 window balance Fresh food seal needs replaced Window won't slay up;Bedroom 1 4/4/2017 4/412017 414/2017 27124-1 27124.1 27124.1 27124-1 27124-1 27124.1 27124-1 seat loose Closer damaaedldisconnectf:d 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 27125 -1 27125-1 Closer damaoed/disconnecled ; Front entry door ; Fresh food seal needs reDlacud; 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 27126-1 27 '126-1 27126.1 27127-1 27127-1 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 Waler CloseVT oi!et-Damaged/CloQQed/Missing Oet~riorated/Missinq Saa!s (Entrv Only} seat loose Front entrv door: 4124/2017 4/24/2017 Showerffub - Damaged/Missinn Water Closel!T oilel-Damar,ed/Clomied/M Deleriarattod/Missino Seals (EnlrvOnly) di11erierBathroom 1; seat loose Bathroom 1/2 Front entry door: 4/24/2017 27130-1 4/24/2017 4/2-1/2017 27130.1 issinq 27130-1 < m JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection : Ouflcienf:l Art!a HUD-17-0235-C-000953 Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Windows Unit j(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Heallh & Safety Kilchen Unit 4(b)(6) I Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Kitchen UntUl(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Heallh & Safetv Kitchen Unit1:llh\/6) I Bathroom Doors Health a.Saloty Wi_ _._ ..Un1ttl(b )(6) I Balhroom Doors Doors Floors Heallh & Safetv Kilchen Unit #l(b)(6) I Batnroom Bathroom Doors Eleclrical System HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Bulldina Exterior Roors Walls : Du1kia11C::i, lnfestalion-lrn:;ucl:; Cabinels-Missinq/Ournaqcd Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal-Inoperable Rt1friqerator-Missing/Damaqed/lnoperable lnooerable/Not loc;kable lavatorv Sink~D.irnacied/Missinq Water Closet/Toilet-Damaoed/Clocu1od/MissinCJ Damaqad Surface {Holes/PaintJRusUGJass) Dolerioraled/M(ssing Seals (Entry Only) Emergency Fire Exits-Emeraencv/Fire Exits Relrl!:leralor-MissinqJDamagedllnoperable De10rio1c11ed/Missinq Seats (Entry Only) Hazards-Sharo Edqes Ranue/Stova---Missing/Oamaoed/lnooerable Refrioera1or-Missing/Damaged/lnoperable Water CloseVToilol--Damaged/Cloum-id/Missirn1 Damaged Surface (Holes/PainURusUGtass) Dcturioratod/Missinq Seals (En1rv Onlv) Emert1encv Fire Exils-EmerQencv/Fire Exiis Cabinets-Missing/Damaged Water CloseVToilct-Damaned/Clonned/Missinq Oelerioralecl/Missing Seals (Entry Only} Emeroencv Firtl Exils-Emernency/Firo Exils lnooerable/Not lockable Wal1.u Closal/T ollel-Damoged/Cloggl!d/Mis::;ing Damaoed Hardwa,e/Locks Detorioratcd/Missing Seals IEntiv Only) Soft Floor Co..-erinQMissing/Damaged Ememencv Fire Exits-ErnerQencv/Fire Exits Sink-Missing/Damaged LeakinCJFaucel/Pioes Water Closel/Toilet-Damaged/Cloaaed/Missing Deteriorated/Missino Seals (Entrv Onlv) GFl-lnooerable lnooerable Dishwasher/Garbaoa Disposal-Inoperable Refrigerator-Missing/Oarnagc!d/lnoparabte Missmg/Damaged Components from Downspout/Gutter Cracks/Gaps Comments Roaches ; doors;drawers ; Cli:ltbaaedisoosal not functioninq; Fresh food seal needs replaced ; lock inoperable;Bedroom 3 : slapper missing : l Dato Completed J Work Order# Contractor 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 412412017 4/24/2017 27130-1 27130-1 4/24/2017 seat loose nisr door edge split: Front entry door ; Beuroom 2 bed Fresh rood seal needs reolaced : 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 Front entrv door: tack slrip at kite.hen Oven does not function : water leaking inside refriduerator:Fresh lood 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4124/2017 4/24/2017 seal loose door edge splitJ3athroom 1: Front ent/Y door; Bedroom 2 bed drawers: 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4124tl017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 seat loose Front entrv door : window balance Bedroom 1 Window won'l stav up;Bedroom 1; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 seal loose lock not functioning entry Fronl entrv door ; stains Bedroom 1 bed loose sink lauc:el dries ; saal loose Front entrv door; Bathroom 1; noac qarbaQe disposal no\ func\ioninQ; Fresh rood seal needs replaced; splash blocks s1chnqQaol/blU end 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27130-1 27130.1 27130-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 27133-1 271:14-1 27134-1 27134-1 27134 -1 27135-1 27135-1 27135-1 27135o1 27135-1 27136-1 27136-1 27136-1 27136-1 4/2512017 27137-1 27137-1 27137 - 1 27137-1 4/2512017 4/25/2017 27137-1 27137-1 4/25/2017 27138 -1 27138-1 27138-1 27138 -1 27138-1 27138-1 27138-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 < m JJ - (J) G) J: -I Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Ocficlencv Area ,Ouficienc Comments Walls Missinq Piic;cesJHoll'!;;/Spallin4 Building Svshuns Health & Safety Elt::clrical Hazards-Exposed WireslOpan Panels Common Area5: Halls/Corridors/Stairs Doors DomageJ Hardware!Locks Doors Damaqed Surface (Holes/Painlll~1JsUGla:;:;) I n\/n\ I Unit #Hb Health 6) Unlt#llb ,(6) .C:::,.ely Doors Health & Saff!IY Smoke De1ec:1or Windows Unit M/h\/6\ Doors Bathroom KithP. I Unitlt(b)(6) I Bathroom Electrical Syslem Health & Safely Health & Safoty Smoke Detector Windows Unit Hh\(6\ Bathroom Floors Health & Safety Health & Safelv Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kilchen Smoke Detec1or HUD-17-0235-C-000954 Windows Unit #II h \/ f>\ I Health & Safety Kitchen Smoke Detector l,!nlt_M(b)(6) I Dou,::. Doors Kitchen Ki1chen Outlets/Switches Smoke Delector Oat.:iCompleted Work Ordor# nisr s1diny dJrnaga loap al conduil into disconnect box of ,:lee Close, -1iamaaedldisconnec\ed 206 laund1y hole(st(b l{J1aundrv Olher no access 4/25/2017 27148.1 Dan1aqcd Hardwa1 eilocie~ Waler Closel/T ailel-Dama11ed/Croooed/Miss inq Damaqed Hardwarellocks Damaaed Surface (Holes/PainURusl/Glass) Rel ri9eralor-Missiriq/Dama11ed/lnoperable DarnaQed Hardwar~/Locks Doieriorated/Missinq Seals (Entry Only) Eleclrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Emeniency Fire Exi1s-Emergency/Fire Exits MissinQ Pressure Relief Valv Countertops-Missing/Damaged Range/Slove-Miss lnr,/Damar,cdllnoperable Inoperable/Nol Lockable Damaqcd Hardware/Locks Missinu Door Emergency Firi: Exils-Emerqency/Fire Exits Other Refrigerator-Missin o/Damaged/ lnoi>eralllo Leaking Faucet/Pipe~ Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panl,!1s ShowerfT ub-Damaged/MissinCJ Ventilation/Exhaust Svstem-lnool:lra ble Oamaqed Hardware/Locks Missing Door Infsstalion-ln:.eds Range/Slova--Missing/Damaged/lnopernb le I Date Comeleltid Work Ordi:r# headboi:lrd in Bed room 2: Right/rear burner does not function : Fresh rood seal needs rei>laced; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27155-1 27155-1 Balhro om 1. entrv Bedroom 1: no access lo Bedroom 3; 2 or more burners do not function : Fresh food seal needs replac;ed: o1/26/2017 4126/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27495-1 27495-1 27495-1 27495-1 27495 ~1 27495 -1 dive!1er hole{s) :Beclroam 3: Fresh food seal needs rel,llac ed; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26rio17 27496-1 27496-1 27496-1 d1verler Seat loose cntrv holc/sl ;Bsdroom 2 : Fresh lood seal needs replacud : 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27499 - 1 27499.1 27499-1 27499-1 27499-1 left/front burner does not funcl1on: Window won't stav up: Bedroom 1; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/2ti/2017 4/2612017 4126/2017 27500-1 27500 - 1 27500.1 27500-1 27500-1 27500.1 Slriker plate misall ,..mud/m is:.inQ ; Bedroom Closet ; headboard; Bedroom 3: Utility Room : no access Fresh food seat needs replaced; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 27501-1 27501-1 27501-1 4/2612017 4/26/2017 27502-1 27502-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27503-1 enlrv Front enlrv door ; HWHw1re window Bedroom 1; extension lube from 1>1essLire relief valvt:! 1s diverter HWHwire Caulk needs replaced : nol funclioning ;Bathroom 1; entry . numerous Closet ; Roaches ; lel\Jroar burner dues not funci ion; 4/25 /2017 27155-1 .:aso-o1 27500-1 27501-1 27501-1 27503-1 4/26/2017 27503-1 4/26/2017 Conlractor 27503-1 27503-1 4/26/2017 27503-1 Essex Vilfage o 100Q/oUnit lnsp&ction < m Duficiencr_Ar;;a JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Kitchen Li!}hling Q41fichmc Rcfriqerator-Missinq/Oama geo/lr.operable MissinQ/lnooerable Fixture Damaged Walls Unit Hb i/6i I Bathroom Doors Doors Heallh & Safety Kitchen Windows Shower/Tub-Oama()ed/Missinq Damaged Hardware/Locks Deleriorated/Missino Seals (Entr,,. Only) Emeraencv Fire Exils-Emeroencv/Fire E~us Refrigerator-Missint.:i/Damaged/lnooerabte lnooerable/Nol Lockable Bulldlnc:iExterior Roots Dama c1.::dSoflits/Fascia/Solfil Vents Roofs Missing/Damaoed Components from Downsaout/Gu uer Walls MissinQ Pieces/Holes/Spall1no Common Aroa5,: Hoaith & Safoty Healthj Safely Electrical Ha2arcls-Exposed Wires/Ooen Panels I b)(6) Unit# 1/h H6l I Balhroom Doors l-le"llh R. c, ~r~,.o Unit #j(b)(6) I Balliroom Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safetv Health & Safely Walls Unit #l(b)(6) Batliroom HUD-17-0235-C-000956 Doors Shower/Tub-Damar,cJ i Missino Vcntilalion/Exhaust Syslem-lnop~rablu Deterioralcd/MissinCJ Seals (Ent,v Onlvl Missing Door Emt:m1encv Firn Exit~-E,m.:rmmcv/Fim Exil\; lnleslalion-Jnsecls Damaqed I Shower ff ub- Damay1::d1Mi!:>su1g DamaQed Hardware/locks Deterioraled/Missina Seals (Enlrv Onlvl leakinq FauceVPipes Damaged/Missing Screens Doors Doors Kitchen Windows Unit j(b )(6) Bathroom Bathroom Balhroom Celling Doors Doors Windows Unit #l(b )(6) Bathroom Leaking Fauc .. UPipes Deleriorated/MissinQ Seals {EnIrv Onlv) Infestation lns11.cts I I Lava1ory Smi..-Oamaged/Missinq Leakino FauceUPipes Water CiosetlT oi!el-O:.maQed/Cloaoed/Missmq HoleslMissillQ Tiles/Panels/Cracks Damaged Hardware/Lacks Detertorated/MissinQ Seals (Entrv Onlvl Inoperable/Nol Lockab le Shower/Tub----DarnaoedJMiss1110 Oetenorated/illhssm\,J Seats (Enlry Only} :Comm,rnts Fresh lood so al nt,ed::; rnplaced: B.ilhroom 1; holes diver1er, caulk Closer damaoed/disconnec\ed : entrv Front entry door; window: Bedroom 1; Fresh rood seal needs replaced: Window won't s(ay up : Bedroom 1; soffit : front sotashblocks vinyl patch . NIS weed 1rimm1::rdrnge Dato Compl~ted Work Order# 4/26/2017 27503 -1 27503-l 27503-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 Striker 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4(26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 27504 -1 27505-1 Contractor 27505-1 27505-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 27544 -1 Contractor 27544 -1 Work will bu completed When Unit is Turned - 27545 -1 27545-1 275 ,15-1 VACANT 27545 o1 27545 -1 I)~{meter room liahl Hxturo tub faucet drips showmhead Front enl/V door ; Roaches: di.,.erter not lunclion in,i : fronl ontrv door: closets Bedroom 2 drl-lsser Roaches ; Bedroom 1; Contractor 27544-1 27545 - 1 27545-1 showerhoad nt:t:ds rerllac ed Closer damaqed/clisconnecled : Front enIrv door; Faucet leaks ca.using damage : Bedroom 1 ;Bedroom 2: 4/2712017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 stopper missin!l ; lub raucel drips ; seal loos.e Bathroom 1: Handle/knob loose/damaqed Dalio Front entry door; Lock inoperab!e ;Bedroom 1: 4/27/2017 4/27/201'1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/2712017 27547-1 27547-1 27547-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 2754iJ.1 stains : Front entry dl,v, . 27546-1 27546 -1 27546-1 27546-1 27546-1 27547-1 27547-1 27547-1 27547-1 27548-1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m , D1ttlclencl_ Area Diltlclcnc~ - Floors Health & Safe ly Oullms/Switches Unit #l(b )(6) [ Hi:,allb& Saf#ty Hard Floor Ca11efinyMissi ng/Damage~ Floo rin!JfTil es lnleslil!ion - lnsecls Missing/Broken Co11erPlates JJ CJ) G) J: --4 Un114(b)(6) [ Batnroom Bathroom Comm.ints lnles1a1ion- lnStlcls Clormed Drains Lavatory Sink-Dama~ed/M issin(J Ba1hroom Doors Floors Pati0(Poccbt~ Leakin_gFauf_el/Pi_ges Deleriorated/Missing Seals (Entry_Only}_ Hard Floor Covering Missing/DaJ!laged Flaofing/Tiles Baluster/Side Railings Damaged Hea.lffiTSa{ft lY Othc:,r ?jcony urill](b)(6) Unit d(b)(6) Bathruom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Kitchen Kitchen Healih .Jc~,.r.... Unit j(b )(6) Bathroom Balhroom Bathroom [ L,walorv Sink -. Dama9eci/11,11ssi1"19. Kilrhon Unltl(bl{.6) f Balhroom Bathroom Kitchen Health & Saf1:1ly UnlUl (b)(6) l Doors Health & Safety Unit~(b)(6) lavatory Sink-D,1m;;9ed/M issing Bathroom tub Ceiling 'J@ter tlam.igc Missing/dam aged Cabinels-Missin1i/Damaqed Rangc/S_!t.J.,.~Missi11g/Oamaggdllnoj)_crabfu Smoke Delector I HUD-17-0235-C-000957 Bedroom Health & Salel'y' Kitchen Kitchen Bathroom Floor Bathroom Health & Safely Celling water dam,!ge Ceiling water damago Sink/Faucel lavalo,y Sink-Oamagt,1d/M1ssing Ceilin.9.water damaqe Relrigeralor -Missing/Damaged{lnoptlrable Smoke Deteclor Doo~ - Slidin~ Smoke Deleclor Doors dam~e_d_ IFaucet sink !Damaged IToileVfub /Floor IHVAC _ 4/21/2017 Contractor 4/2712017 27540-1 27548-1 27548 -1 Roache:. : Cor)lri:ictor 27550-1 4/27fl017 4/27/2017 27551 -1 27551-1 Sink does not drain : stopper not functioning : tub faucet drips : Front enlly_ door : balcony_wood Faucel leaks tub drips holes/missing lilr:s Iron\ door seal missing drawers/doors broken right fronl bur_r,er_(l_OIwQ_rk i ng Not lunclioning Needs paint Walls dam;med faucet leaks/lresh food seal mi eded leaking divener Needs paint Fresh food se;il needtid nol lunctioning 27551-1 2755 1-1 4/2812017 27553-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 275 06-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506.1 27506.1 27506-1 27506.1 4/25/2017 27507-1 4/25/2017 27507-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27507 - 1 27507 -1 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25rio11 27506-1 27508 -1 27508 - 1 27508-1 4125/2017 4/25/2017 27509-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27510-1 27510-1 27510-1 27510 -1 4/2512017 Bedroom1 Leakirig val11cs_{Qipe damaged/food seal mit;s ing faucet loose Enlry. Closet, Bedroomt loos. diverter leaks !Bedroom 2 IBalh 2 ; floor de1erioral~d IT -slat not runctioning 27551-1 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/25/2017 Faucet leaks IFaucet 4/27/2017 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 handle missing not funclioning Doors dam agl: d Hot Waler Heater Counlertops Missing{Dalll_aged Faucet sink Work Ordtir # balcony llaor Roa ches: Outlet jll.i le rnissin g ;Qi_riin_g_ Room: no key _j Date Completed I I I I 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4(15/2017 4/25J2017 27509 -1 27513-1 I I I l 27513-1 27513-1 27513-1 27513-1 < ,oet1c1ericyAsea . m JJ Kitchen en - G) Un!t:lltlb\16) ::c I Walls Health & Safely Doors UnlUl(bl/6\ -I Doors Kitchen Kitchen Unit #Hb)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Heallh & Safely Kitchen Unltl(b\16\ I Bathrnom Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Kitchen !,lnlt #j(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors HUD-17-0235-C-000958 Doors Doors Health & Salety Smoko Deleclor Wall!'; Unit# 1(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Health & Safety Health & Safely Hol Waler Heater Uoit#l(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Electrical System Kitchen Bathroom oOt11id,mcv I .r .Comments Date Completed I Work Order# Counti;noos-MissinctlDamaaed damaneinkl<1ucetdrios :Ba\hroom 1; not functionina ;Balhroom 2: loosa se3\ 8athroom 2: Closer damaaocl/disconnecled ; Front enlrv door: Frosh rood seal needs rn11laced: 4/W/2017 27555 - 1 27555-1 Leakinq Faucet/Pipes Ventilation/Exhaust Svstem-lnaoerable Damacwd Surfarn I l-loles/PainVRusVGlass) Dotenorated/Missinq Seals (Enlrv Onlv) Missinn Door lnlestallon-losects Missinqlfnooerablo Dam.im;uj sink faucet drins ;lull faucet drips : not lunctioninQ : holeCsl;Bedroom 1;Closel; Front enlry door ; Bedroom 211. Bedroom 1:Clm;el ; Roaches; Smoke dotuclor is mi::.sino:Hallway/Hc1n: Bedroom 2; I Bathroom Unit _.(b)(6) Essex Village -100% Unit Inspection Water Closel/Toilet-Damaoed/Cionnud/Missina Deleliorated/Missina Seals /En1rv Onlv) lnleslalion-lnsects Other Inoperable Unil/Comoonents runs Front entrv door; Roaches; outlets not funchonimJ hw nal taslinCJ Loakinn Fauc~VPiutis Water Closel/Tollet-Damaaed/Clormed/M1ssina Damaqed Surface (Holes/Paint/Rusi/Glass) Gfl-lnoperable Rofriqeralor-Missinn/D.imaaed/lnooerable tub faucet drios :Bathroom 2; seal loose Bathroom 2: door edqe sohl;Bedroom J; Kitchen; Fresh lood seal needs r,mlaced: Waler Clo!.el!T oilet-Damaaea/ClornwJll~1i:.sina seal louse Balhroom 2/1 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/2912017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 Contractor Contractor 4/27/2017 . o.-.. 27517-1 27515-1 27555 -l 27555-1 27555-1 27555-1 27557-1 27557-1 27557-1 27557-1 27557-1 < , m Essex Villageo 100% Unit Inspection Ooflclency Afoa JJ en - G) Doors Doors Dama<1edHardwa,e/Locks Kitchen Wa 110 "iJnitil(b )(6) I :J: -f ,Deficlenc:;t Batnroom Balhroom Doors Health & Safety Sm~~~ r'lftl~roor Unit 4(b )(6) Oete,iorated/Missing Seals (Enlry Only) Refrlcierator-Missing/DamaQed/lnoperable Damaqed Showerrruo-Damaned/Missinq Water CloseVT oilel-Damacied/Clo aaed(Miss ing Oi;;tt:riorated/Missino Seals !Enlrv Onlvi lnfesliltion-lnsects Missinq/lnoperable ,Com men ls stains: seal loose Front entrv door: Roaches: Smoke decec10, is niiss.,ng; I Doors Damaged Surface {HoleslPaint/RusUGtassl loeeling paint enlrv Health & Safely Air Oualitv-Mold and/or MildewObserved kitchen counter Walls Damaaed lub tile Buildlna Exterior Doors Damacied Surface (Holes/PainVRusUGIJss) b} folec ctosel Health & Saletv Exoosed Wires/Open Panols front ac condense, wtre ul disconnect box Rools Mlssing/OamaQcd Components lrom Down spouVGu!ler splashblocks Walls Mi::.sino Pieces/Holos/Soa!linQ nisr sidina darnawe, s1dina holtls Common Areas: HallsfCorrldan;;/Stairs Doors Damaqed Hardware/Locks Closer damaqed/disconnectecf (b )( oaund,-.,, Common Area5; Health & Safety Health & Safety GarbaQe and Debcis-lndoors 1(b) lhall Common Aroas: Laundrv Lighting Missing/DamayedllnopP.rable Fixture l(b)( ltaundry _ Oullels/Switches/Cover Plates OuUels/Swi lchas/Cover Plates--Missmq/Broken swilch plate missini:ll(b) I laundry I h\ln\ I UnlUl/h\ln\ I HUD-17-0235-C-000959 Bathroom Ceilino Kitchen Kitchen Walls Unltllli.h\H::\ Bathroom Ceiling Doors Kitchen Date_Cort!Jl!(ltai:f 1 Loakmq Faucet/Pipes Holm;/MissinCJTitos/Panels/Cracks Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Cabincts-Missinq/Darnaqad Ranoe/Stove-Missing/Damaged/Jnooerable MissinCJ/lnoperable Peellnq/Nceds Paint Leaking Faucet/Pipes Peeling/Needi, Paint Leak.inn FauceUPioes Refriqen)tor-Missing/Damaqed/lnoperablo Mold/MildewM'aler Stains/Water Damaqe Leaking Faucel/Plpes Peelino/Needs Paint Damaged Hardware/Locks Relriqerator-Missino/Damaged/lnoperabte I Work Order # 5/2/2017 5/2/2017 5/2/2017 Contmctor 5/2/2017 27560-1 27560-1 27560 -1 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27561.1 27561-1 27561-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27562-1 27562-1 27562 - 1 27562-1 4/27/2017 27562.1 4/27/2017 27562-1 4/27/2017 4(27/2017 27552-1 27562.1 4/25tl017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506 -1 I Balh1oom Ceilinq Doors Kitchen Kitchen Smoke Detec tor Walls Unit #l/b)/6) J HandleJlmob loose/d.;maqed entry Front entrv door : Fresh food seal need~ re.olaced: numerous hole:l sink faucet drips :Bathroom 1, tub raucet Bathroom 1: Front entry door; drawers;doors ; Righl/fronl bumer does not function; smoke detector is not lunctionini:1:Bedroom 1; Bathroom 1; 27560-1 27560-1 27506-1 sink faucet drips :Bolhmom 1; Bathroom 1: Faucet leaks; Fresh rood seal needs reolaced; Bathroom 1; Bathroom 2; 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27507-1 27507-1 27507 - 1 diverter Bathroom 1; Striker plate misaligned/missinQ ; Bedroom 2; Fresh food seal needs re,>laced; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27508-l 27508-1 27508-1 27500-1 4/25/2017 27507-1 27507-1 ,--~ < m JJ j Oetlcionci Arua WaJk en uni"t#!(b)(6) - - - - -- I Doors Kitchen Kitchen Kilchen Unit~(b)(6) Bathroom Doors Doors Floors Floors HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Smoke n,,1,-,r.1or Unit d(b)(6) I Bathtoom Bathroom Doors Kitchen Kitchen l!!:ilt_t~(b )(6) I Batnroom Doors Doors Doors Health & Safety Health & Sarety Kitchen Walls HUD-17-0235-C-000960 Doors Doors Smoke Detector Doors Bathroom 1: 4/2512017 27508-1 e1ntry 4/25 /2017 4/2512017 27509-1 Damaged Surface (Holes/PainVRusUGlas~) Leakina ValveslT,.mks/Pipes Countertops-Missinq/Damayed Relrlger.:ilor-Missinn/Damaqed/lnopt:lroble Sink-Missing/Damaaed Lavatorv Sink-Danrnued)Missinq leaking FauceVPipes Damaqed Har/Locks Damaged Surface (HoleslPa1nVRusVG1ass) Hard Floor CovarinQ Missinq/Oama!led F)oorirm/Tilos Roi/Deteriorated Suhfloor C?'wcction/Radianl Heal System Covers Countertops-MissinQ/Oamaoed S ink-Missinn/Oam<1Qed Missmu/lno11erable Date Completed Front entry door: Bedroom 1: 4/25/201 "/ IPiDe 4/25/2017 Fre sh Food seal needs repli:lced : faucet loose loose faucets diverters Closer damaqedldisconne:cted ; l!nlrv 61:!droom 1; Bathroom 2: around toilel/lub area;Bdlhroom 2 : t-stal not funclioninq 4'25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 Work Ordar# 27 509.1 27510-1 27510-1 27510-1 27510-1 27510-1 4/29/2017 4(29/2017 4/29/2017 27513 -1 27513-1 4/2912017 4/29/2017 27513.1 27513-1 27513-1 4/2912017 4/2912017 4/29/2017 27513-1 27513.1 27513. 1 27513-1 loose raucel smoke delector is nol func:tioning :Bedroom 3; 4/29/2017 4/2912017 LeakinQ faucet/Pipes Ventilahon/Exhausl Svstcm - lnooerable DamaQed HardwareJLocks Ranoa/S\ove-Miss1ng/Oamag,1d/lnooerahle Rofriaerator-M1ssing/Oamaged/lnoperablo d1vener not lunclioning ; Striker plato mis.iligned/m1ssing :Bedroom 2: Righl/fronl burner doos not function; Fresh food seal needs repl..:1<.:t:d; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27515o1 Wc1\er C!o5.,lfT01lel -- DamaqHdsreplaced ; Bathroom 1; 4/29/2017 Contractor 27535-1 27535-1 Peeling/Needs Paint OarnaQed frames/Threshold/lintels/Trim DamaQed Hardware/locks DarnaQed Surface (Holes/Paint/Ru si/Glass) Missing/Inoperable PeelinQ/Needs Paint Bedroom 3 ; Bedroom 3; 011track :Mechanical .irea: Handle/knob door :structure d.imaged :Bedroam 2; Smoke detector is Bedroom 3; Pealinn/Needs Paml Bathroom 1: Closer damaqed/disconntlcled I Ceilino Doors Ceilinci Pcelino/NeeJlocks Damaoed Surface (Holes/PainURust/Glass) Delerioraled/Missinq Seals (Entry Only) Ememencv Fire Exits-Emerciencv/Fire Exil s Range Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessive RefriCJerator-MissinQ/Damai:ied/lnoperable lnoperableJNot Lockable leakino FauceVPipes Water Closet/T oilet-Darnam~d/Clooo ed/Missioo Delerioraled/M issinci Seals (Enlrv Onlvl lllOperal>le I Work Order # 27537-1 27537-1 27538-1 27538-1 4/27/2017 4/27J'20H 27538-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27 538-1 27536 - 1 4/2712017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 Closer dam aged/disconnected ;Slrik.m pl ale window in Bedroom 2; bottom/top Lafl/front burner does not function : Window won 't stay up : Btidroom 2 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 2'f5:l9-1 27539 - 1 27539-1 27539 -1 27539 -1 Closer dam aqed/disconrn ,clod ;enh'I scralched/sculfed ;Bedroom 2: Qarbane disoosal not runctionino : 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27540-1 27540 - 1 27540 -1 4/28/ 2017 27541-1 4/28/2017 4/28/2017 4/28/2017 27543-1 27543-1 27543-1 4/21:l/2017 27543 - 1 4/W/2017 27543-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27563-1 27563-1 VACANT - AU repairs will be compl eted as app licablo when unit made make ready exterior lil.lht conduit sollit front :fascia ; :;idc vinyl patch . NlS ac disconnect Loose b.-acketsl(b )( 6 ) I I Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Heallh & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Windows Unit #llh)/f>\ t Balhroom Comments seat toose Closer damaged/disconnected holelsl: Front enirv door ; bedroom 1 window balance nol lunctioninri/blocked ; Fresh rood seal needs replaced; Window won't stay up ;Bedroom 1 cold tub handle leaks seat loose Front enl,v door ; runs constantly 412712017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27563 -1 27563-1 27563-1 27563-1 27563 -1 27563 -1 27564 - 1 27564 - 1 27564-1 27564-1 Essex Village o 100% Unit Inspection < m Oeficlcncy Arna JJ - Kitchen CJ) G) Kitchen Kitchen Windows Windows :::cUnit id/b\/6\ -I I Bathroom Bathroom Door.; Health R. ~""'"'IY Unlt#l(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Heallh & Safely Health & Safety Hot Wator Heater Kitchen ~(b)(6) I Bat ... " Bathroom Doors Electrical Svstem Floors Health & Safety Hot Wator Heater Kitchen Unit #l(b)(6) I HUD-17-0235-C-000962 Batl'iroom Bathroom Doors Electrical Svstern Kitchen Kitchen Patio/Porch/ Balcony Unit# l/b)(6) I Doors Health & Safely Health & Safety HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Wind"~"" Unlffllllb)(6) Bathroom I Daf1clanc .comments Ranqe Hood/Exhaust Fans-Excessivt:o RanQe/Sto11e-Missinq/Oarna1:1ed/lnoperable RelriQerator-Missino/DamaQed/lnoparable Ctacked/Broken/Missina Panes Oamaqed/Missing Screens nol lunctiMino/blockt!d : Oven does nol function: water leakina insidci refridueralor: cracked oane;Bedroom 2: Lava\ory Sink - Oam,w ed/Missina Water Close VToilel-Damaqed/CloQ ll.ls clw;et door lo;;rbane dis[msal no\ l unctionmg: stains seal loose Front enllV door Ba throom 1 lhrouahout Roaches: 0Atension tube from orossure rotiet valve 1s Fresh rood s1;1.d needs reolaced stonner m1ssmC1 showerhead Front enlrv door Kitchen aarbaoe disoosal nol k.nclionina Fresh food seal needs reolaced loose rail Front entrv door; Bedroom 2 window ba lance Roaches: Thermostat not func\ionino; .narbaoe disoosal not functioning ; Fresh food seal needs reolaced; Window won't stav un ;Bedroum 2: :.howerticad Dat.i Complt!ted Work Ordur# 4127/2017 4127/2017 4/27(2017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 27564-1 27564-1 27564-1 27564-1 27564-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4127/2017 27565.1 27565-1 27565.1 27565-1 4/27/2017 27566-1 27566-1 27566 -1 275ti6-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4127(20\7 Contractor 27566-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 27566 -1 27566-1 27566-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27567-1 27567-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27567-1 21567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27568 -1 27568-1 27568-1 275(i8-1 27568-1 27568 -1 27568 -1 4/27/2017 4J21r1.011 27569-1 4127/2017 4/27/2017 Contractor Contractor 27569 -1 27569-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27569 -1 27569-1 4/27/2017 27570-1 27569 - 1 27569-1 < m JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Essex Village o 100% Unit lnseection D.itlclenc.x Ar\ 4126/2017 I Work Order# 27519-1 275 .19-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27519-1 27519-1 4/7/2017 4/7/2017 26050-l 26950-1 cold stnk handle luaks Front enlrv door 4/24/2017 4/2412017 27514 ..1 leaking Faucel/Pioes \Delenorated/Missmg Seals (Entry OnlY) both tub handltis Front entry door 412412017 4/24/2017 27512-1 Waler Closet1Toilet-DrunaQed/CJo qged/M1ssinQ Damacied Hardware/Locks DamaQed Surface (Holos/PamVRusVGlas~) Oetenoraled/Misr.ino Seals (Entrv Onlv) Missinu DoOf Hard Floor Coverinq M1ssmQ/Damaqed FloorinQ/fdes Emergency Fire Ex11s-Emergenc11/fire Exits Relrinera\or-Mi:;sinqf amaoed/lnooerable seal IOO::ll:l Closer damaged/disconne cted door edge split;Bedroorns Front entry door Bedroom 2:Clos1:1t lhreshold Bedroom 1 dres:;t!f Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4125/2017 4/25(2017 27511-1 27511-1 27511-1 27511-1 27511-1 27511-1 27511-1 27511 - 1 Venhlat,on/Exh aus: S 1stem-l110pe,able not fwnctionino Closer damaoed/disconnecled Bedroom 1:U-,ing Room 412512017 4'25/2017 4/25/2017 274\/U-l 27498-1 27498 -1 o 27519-1 ac d1sco~x wire loose at conduit rear soffit reart(b )(61 siding damage/nisr damaae , dryer vonl laap al conduit to disconnect bo><11osed W ires/Op.an Panels Common Areas: Halls/Corridors/Sralrs Doors DamaQed Hardware/locks Graffill Gralfili Cammon Areas: Laundrv Oullets/Switches/Cover Pl<.1lesIOutlets/Swilches/Cover Plates -Missm'l/Broken Walls Damaged I/ 1)/R\Maintenance: Bulldlna Exterior Roofs IMissina/Oc.1maaed Comoommts rrom DownspouVGutler Walls Miss1nq Pieces/Holos/Spal!inQ Bulldina Systems Electrical System Blocked Access/Improper Storage Common Areas: Storai:.ie Doors MissinQ Door Smoke Detector Smoke Detector-Miss1nq/Jnoperabte G) I I Doors Health & Safetv LeakiflQ FaucE!I/Pipos Otileri0reakc:rlaunLlrv 4/26/2017 27483 -1 Closer damaoed/d isconnecled 1(~) bundry, hallwavs 4126/2017 4/26/20'7 27483.1 27483-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27471-1 27471-1 4/23/2017 27470.1 Contractor 274G9 - I 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 ,f/24/2017 27469 -1 27469-1 27469-l Contractor 21468-1 27468-1 solashblocks nisr siLlina d.imc1lle 11/h~\ ~lttc closets 4/2612017 cJtconduit lo disconne;,cl - I Disposal Bedroom 2 VACANT-Not workina Reoair I Unit# 1/n\/hl o Health & Safelv Bathroom DininQRoom Doors Unit# l/b\/6) 4/26/2017 27484-1 27o184-1 VACANT -will repair all deliciencles when unit is made make ready inles1at1an-lnsects Ven!ilalion/Exhaust Svslem-lnooerabla OuUols/Switches/Co11er Platos-Missiiiu/Braken Front entry door seal I Health & Salelv Balhroom Unit #l(b )(6) I O(her Medicine Cabinet bedhuas nol insoecled Not work.inq Coverolate missinu Reolaced seal bed buqs no1 insoectod Loose -. 4/24/2017 < m Essex Village 011ficlt1_n_c;t Atea :Ooficit!HC:t JJ en ~(b)(6) - G) :J: -f I Balhroom Doors Doors Doors Hol w,.,...,,u ._. let !!!!!!,j(b )( 6) I Dom"!:' Doors Floors Health & St Fans-Exce ssivt! Patio door lock o won't ;;lido Walls Front enlry door seal Other Door knob mii;si11Q Ranqe Hood/Exhaw;I Farn,-Exce ssi11e Showerffub-DarnaQed/Mi::;sinQ Holes/Missino Tilus/P,mel:,/Cracks Wator Clo::;eVToilct-DamaCJE:d/Cloqqed/Miss1 nci Hardware/Locks GF I-Inoperable lnooerable UniUComponents o .imaged bad.splash needs caulkinq Sink-Missmt1'DamaQud Smoke Deleclor-Missin g/lnoperable toilet tank drvwall has holes Cl0<.medDrams Mold/Mildew Ml ater Slainsfv\Jatm Damage Damaged Ha,dwani/Locks Damaqed Surface (Holes/PJ inURusUGld:;sl Air Quality-Mold and/or Miidew Obser.ied H 100% Unit Inspection Comments Date Complt",l~d Work Order# VACANT - will repair all del iciencies when unit is made make rn.idy 4/2412 017 27467-1 se at loo~e Closer dama,led/d isconnt\ln\ L HUD-17-0235-C-000968 Unll#I hi/hi Date Complet ed Work Order# 4/25/2017 4125i2017 4/25/2017 27459 -1 27459-1 27459-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 27459-1 27459-1 27459-1 27459 -1 :,IOnoer mis sing ;B.ilh1oom 211 showerhead Bathroom 2/1 seal loose Bathroom 2: CIDser dam.io ed/d1soonnor.ted ; pa1 10 handle Bedroom 1 bed Rtqhlllront burner docs not function : 4124/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/2412017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27458-1 27458-1 27458-1 27458-1 27458-1 IPallO handle 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 I :::t: --4 Do:licicnc Ba1hroom 1; i:.tains/loose oxlnnsioo lub~ from pre ssur~ rehef valve 1s F,e5h food seal needs reolacod: Oullet nol luncl1ornng Bedroom 1: D1mm1Room : both latches not funct1onino bow ed entry bedbugs not inspcctt:tcJ 27459.1 274 56-1 27457 - 1 27457-1 27457 - 1 27457-1 27457-1 4/25/20'17 27457-1 27457 - 1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 Con1ractor 274 56- 1 27456 -1 27456-1 4/2512017 412512017 4/25/2017 27454-1 27454-1 27454-1 220 elec: :,lriker olale 220 elec closel conduit loose on front c1cdisconnect 220 side sp lash blocks nisr sidinq darnaae,222 end dryer vent hole 222 elec closet illoK cvr loose on ceilino I Doors Electrical Svsle rn Hoalth & Safety Health & Safelv Wall.: Unit #((b)(6) I Doors Health & Saletv Deleriornled /MissinQ Seals (Enhy Only) GFl - lnoocrable Air Quality-Mold arnJ/or Mildew Ob&eNed EmergencyFire Exits-Em(.>> ~-'-.. Unitl(b)( 6 ) D1>hclirnc Range/Stov&--Miss ing/ Oamag.:id/lnoperable lnoperablt:i Dishwash.;r/GarbaQe Oisuos .i.1-1noperabl~ Leaking Faucel/Pipes Holes/MissinQ Tiles/P,mels/Cracks Clooaed Drains Water Closet/T oilut-Oan1<.iCledJCloom,d/Missinci Damaaed Surface (Holes/Paint/Rust/Glass\ Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Enlry Only} Oishwasher/Garbaoe Oisoosal-lnooerable Refrigerator-Missing/Damaoedllnoperable Lavatorv Sink-Damuqed/M issino Shower/Tut>-Damafled/M issing W c11erClosel/T oilel-Oamaqed/Cloyl1ed/MissinQ Ref ,iaarator-Misslng/Oamaged/lnooorab !e Oll1or Ref ri9eral or-Mi ssim1/Dam<1r1ed/h 1operable Lavatol)I Sink-Damagcd/Mi:;s ing Showerffub-Damaqad/Missinq Peolino/Needs Paint Inoperab le UniVComponcmts OishwashcrJGarb..att Oisposa~lnoperable Lcahinci Fauce1/Pipos Dama faucet drips , 3120/2017 :.16696-1 26696.1 tiles 26694-1 26694-1 26694-1 26695-1 Toilet 1sloose . Clo~er damaCJed/disconnected ; Bedroom 3; 1 slol Broken bathroom mirror ;Bath,oom 2: Roaches; Righi/front burner does not runction ; Fresh food seal needs reolacect ; Swilch plale cracked; DininQ Room ; smoke detecior is nol runclioninq: Bedroom 1; holes 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 26696-1 26696-1 26596-1 26696 -1 26696-1 26696 -1 26696-1 26696-1 26696-1 26696.1 26696-1 Bedroom l closet lighl fixture Faucet leaks causinci damaoe: Fresh food seal needs replacetl ; 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 26697-1 2G697-1 26697-1 Essex ViUa~e o 100% Unit lnspection < m .Otiflclenc;t Are a JJ - (J) G) J: -I .Ddlcicnc:z: Health & Safely .!m it # (b)(6) I Bathroom Health & SalelY Haa!lh & Safetv Smoke Daleclor Wall!. 1 Unlt#lb\/6) Health & Safely Unit l(b)(6) I Heallri Bi Safety Unit 11/h\/6\ Ce11ina Health & Saf1>IV Health & Safety Tiiiit1b )( 6) Worli Order# Make Entry - Repair al! deficiencies and thorrn,ghly list out 3/21/ 2017 267 11-1 Damaaed Harowarn/Locks Clo~e, darnilqed/d isron neclt;d :Slrilo.ar rlla!e 3/20/2017 26698-1 La11atorvSink- - Dan,a9ed/M iss1ng I nleslallon-lnsects lnfestation - Rats/Micf.lNermin Missin,:,llnooc.rablo Damaged stouoer missif\Q ; Roaches; Mice; smoke dtW!ctor is not natch in Hallwa11/Hall: NlS Oth er Olher 3/20/2017 26699-1 Contractor 26699-1 26699-1 Conlrat::tor 3/20/2017 26699-1 3/2012017 26699-1 Make Entry - Repajr all dolicienc ies and thoroughly lisl out 3i13/2017 26705-1 M;.kc Entry o Repair alt deficiencies and thoroughly li:;t out 3/13/2017 26706-1 3/20120\ 7 3/20/2017 I Doors s.. - , Datu Complc1ud Oth ur I Doo:; Unltf,j 'b)/6\ Cotnm~nts - -r Mo!d/Mildrow/Warnr Stai n:;/Wdl;;f Oam.iqe Dam.:1qed Hardwar~/Locks Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Onen Panels lnfeslation-lnsocls Missmg/lno~ernb!e Batluoorn 1; Closer damagod/discunnectcd ;onlry HWHwire Roaches: smoko detector is nol functioning :Bedroom 1; Conlractor 3/20/2017 26707-1 26707-1 26707-1 26707-1 26707-1 Othcr M.ike Entry o Repair all dtilicu:mc,es and thorough ly list out 3120/2017 26708-1 Make Entry o Repair all delic1enc1es and thoroughly list out 3/13/2017 2G709-1 I Health & Safely 'Urill#l(b)(6) Health ,5. Safety 3/20/2017 I Other HUD-17-0235-C-000974 Unit# (b)(6) I Doors Damal)ed Hardware/Locks Doors D.imaQed Surlace (Holes/PainVRust/Gl ass) Health & Safetv Electrical Hazardi.-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Bulldlnq Exterior Roofs Missing/Damaged Components from Dawnspaul/Gutter Suildlna Sysll~m5 Domestic Waler Laakinq Central Wale r Suoolv Sanitary System Broken/Leaking/Cloaaed Pipes or Drains Common Areas: ClosotlUUlity/Mechanlcal Doors Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/Rusi/Glass) Common Areas: Halls/Corrldon,/Stalrs Ceiling Peelinq/Needs Paint Common Areas: Laundrv Doors Oamaaed Hardw;,ireJLocks Ooors Damaqed Surface (Holes/P;irnVRu:,;t;( ;,,,.;.s) Closer damaqed/disronnec\ed ;enlrv oeelinQ oaintenlry door slruclure Bedroom 1 closet Jiqhl fiierable Other Ctoi:mcd Drains leaking Faucel/PitJes Damaqed Surface (Holes/Painl/Rusl/Glass) MissinQ Door GFl-lnooerable Elec1ncal Hazards- - Exuosed Wires/Open Panels Comments Dale Completed Work Order# 417/2017 26944o '1 3/1312017 26713-1 divene, I Bathroom 1: 3/23/2017 3/23/2017 26714 -1 stooocr mi:ssinQ : rumi\ure in Bedroom 1: Roaches: t.eft/front burner does not I unction: Fresh food seat nei. n,,,,-,-1nr U nit ~(b )(6) Bathroom Doors Doors WaUs Winrlno.,~ Unit f/l(b)(6) Doors Smoke Deleclor Walls UnllM/b)(6\ He~"" R. c..,,"I II Doors Doors Doors Floors Health & S,1letv Kitchen Kile.,~- ["lhill#l(b )(6) I Doors HUD-17-0235-C-000976 3/23/2017 3/23/2017 3/23(2017 ShowGBPir/T ub-OamaC1Gd/M1ss11Q r Damaged Surface (Holes/PainVRusuG :assl Oe1etioraIedlM1ssinQ Seals lEntrv Only) Countertops-Miss1na1Dama qed Leaking FauceUP1pes RanQe/SI011e--MissiMIDamaqed/lnoi:, ernble Refrigerator-Miss10Q/Damaaedllnooerable Mold/Mildew/Water Stains/Water Darn.:iQe Inoperable/Not Lockable showarheacl holes :numerous Front entry door : backspla!ih Faucet leaks causing dama sing/Damaged/lnopcrable RelriQerator-Missinq/D amar:ied/lnoperable Caulk needs reolaced . d111erter nol functionmg : Closer damaged/disconnti cted :entry Fronl entrv door: Bedroom 1; stains ; carpet Roaches : RighUroar burner does not func\100; Fresh lood s1~alnat.ds replaced : 3124/2017 3124/2017 267fi0 - 1 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 26760-1 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 Contractor 3/24/2017 3124/2017 26760.1 26760-1 26760-1 26760.1 267 G0 1 Dam aged HardwareJLo cks Closer damag ed/disconnecled ;entry Striker ulate misaligned/missing :Bedroom 1 ; Lock not fum.:lioning :Bedroom 2; peefiriQ oainl ; Bathroom 2: window im Bedroom 2: smoke detector is not functioning;Bedroom Window won't slay up; Bedroom 2 3/24/2017 26761-1 3/24/ 2017 26761-1 26761-1 3/24/2017 26761-1 26761 -1 26761-1 Make Entry - Repair all ueticiencies amJ thorough ly list out 3/15/2017 26762-1 Make Entry - Repair all delicienci~s and thoroughly list ou\ 3/24/2017 26763-1 I Balhroom Doors Electrical Svstem Health & Safety Smoke Detector Windows Unit 4/h \/6\ I Health & Safely Unit 1/b\/6\ I Heallh & Safety Work Order# R1ahtlrear burner does not lunctaon: Fresh food seal needs mpli:lced : Smoke detector is rn1ssinq: Bedroom 1, I Ceilino Doors ' Commonts Ra11qe/Stove-Mis s1nq/Oa,nagedilnoper.:i.i:Jle Refriq.,,rator-Missino1Da,m.1~edllnoperalllt1 Miss1ng/lnoperabll! I Kilchen Kilchen Kilchen Kitchen Unit'1Cb)(6\ Balhroom Ooficienc Dam.:iqed Surface (Hlll~:;/PainVRustJGlass) GFl-lnoperable Emerc,1:mcyFire Exits-Emerqency/F ire Exits Mi!lsiria/lnoperable Inoperable/Not Lockable Other Other 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 26720 -1 26120-1 26720-1 26722- .t 26722-1 26722-1 26722-1 26722-1 26760-1 2h760.1 --.-o.o < m JJ . Deficlenc;t J: -I ..- -. ..- -- .o...-.- ...- .- ". Es~ex Village - 100% Unit lnspc: ctioo ' Ddkk11CJ! ,Comments Shower/Tub-Dama(Jedlt.iiss111g Waler Closel/Toilcl-DamanedJC!oam id/ M1ssinr1 DamaQed Hardware/Locks Damaged Surface (Holes/Pa1ntJRusl/GIass) General Rusi/Corrosion Leakinq FaucaUPipes diverl.:ir toilel not functioning : Handleiknob loost'.!/damaQed ;patio 1peelincioainl:Bedroom 2 : lop ae1.itur ---- Date Completed lJnlttil\b en -) G Af,3a ...-- o-.o......-- )(6) 1 Ba\hroom Bathroom Doors Doors Hot Waler Heater Kitchen Bulldlna Exterior Doors Health & Safety Roofs Walls Bulldlnn Svstems Sanilary System Common Ar&as: Laundrv Doors ' h \If;\ I Unit #l(b)(6) Balhroom Bathroom Smoke Deteclor Unit t.1/bH!:i\ I Balhroom Ceilino Elec(ncal Svstem Electncal Svs\em Kitchen K1\chon Smoke Detec\or Walls Batl'iroom I HUD-17-0235-C-000977 Doors Health & Sar~ty Kitchen Smoke Delector Unit ttl/h \/6\ I Hot Water Healer Kitchen Unit# l/b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Work o,de,# 3/2312017 26764-1 3/23/2017 26764-1 3/23/2017 26764-1 3/2312017 26764-1 4127/2017 26765-1 4/27/2017 4/2712017 26765-1 4/2712017 26765-1 o"lcrmr deanoul cov,ir d<1m,;qe d ; front 4/27/2017 i67B5o1 Dam,jqe(l Hardware.llocks Clo~tir di:imagedldi:swnnected: l(b) 4rn12011 26765-1 lavalorv Sink-Damaqed/MissmQ Loak1nu FauceVP1ues Damaged Hardware/locks Mlssin<1/lnooerc:1ble stopper m1ss1n4:Bathroom 1 ;l:3athroom 2 : tub foucet dnos :Bathroom 1; Striker plate misa!ioned/missing ; Bathroom 2: hanQ1nq. Hallway/Hall ; 3/21/2017 3/2112017 3121/2017 3/2112017 2676ll-1 26768 -1 LaYalory S1nk-- Damaged/M1:.smg Mold/Mddew/Waler Stains/Water Damaoc no hot Bathroom 1 Bathroom 2: Bathroom 2: 1 slol garbaqe disposal nol funclloning: water leakinq inside mlndqerator:Frnsh food Smoke delector is missing; Bathroom 2: 3/21/2017 2G769-1 DamaCJedSuri.ace (HolesiPainl/RusVGlass) l(b)( 6 )Jneler room door corroded Exposed Wires/Open Panels ac disconnecl & compressor ; front ac Missino/DamaQed Componenls from Downspout/Gu\ler sp/ashblocks Missing Pieces/Holos/Spalling cauhlivinyl repa ir NIS hole for ac cdl , rearW:W,. side from plywood wmdow cover IMissinc1 O1'ain/Cleanm11/ManholeCovers - I Slnk~r 26765-1 I Doors Unit~(b)(6) ---- GFl--lnooerablo Missing Breaken./Fusus Di!;hwasher/Garbilgo D1suosal-lnoperalllu R~frtqcrator-MissinC1fDamaqedllnooerable Missing/Inoperable Mold/Mildew/Water Stains/Water Darnaae Showl:lr/Tub-DamaqtKJ/Missinq Damaged Hardware/Locks lnfeslation-lnsects Dishwasher/Garbane D1sposal-lnoperaule Missing/Inoperable General Rust/Corrosion Refrigerato,.Missing/Damageo i lnonerable Leakinq Faucel/Pioes Water Closel/T oilet-Damaged/Cloqqcd/Mis:m1q DamanedHardware/Locks diverter 26768 - 1 26768 - 1 3/21/2017 26769-1 :l/21/2017 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 26769-1 26769-1 26769-1 26769-1 26769.1 26769-1 Roaches: QarbaQe disposal not funclioninCl; smoke delector is not function/r,q ; Bed1oom 1; 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 Contractor 3/22/2017 3122/2017 26770-1 26770-1 lop Fresh food seal needs replaced; 3/21/2017 3/2112017 26771-1 26771-1 diverter Bathroom 1: Lid broken ;Bathroom 1: toilet cloaoed Striker plate misaligned/missinq ;Bathro om 1; 3/21/2017 3/21(2017 3/21/2017 26772-1 Dalio 26770 - 1 26770 o1 26770-1 26772-1 26772-1 < m JJ - (/) G) ..--------- --- -..... -.- ; Daficlunc:t, Ar~i.l Ovflcienct_ Commonts Damaged Sumice (Mol,is/Pa1nl/Rust/Glassl lnleslaUon-lnS<:!CtS Leakino F aur.el/Pioes Range/Slove----Missing/Damaqed/11,uPcf sink o pop up missing Doors Floors Smoke DelPdnr 26772-1 26772-1 26772-1 B,iuroorn 2: Striker plate missiny ;1a1ntry,Bed 1& 2 Front enlrv door; window in Bedroom 2: Outlet DIate missinCJ:Beclroom 1: Smoke detector is missing; Window won't slay uo:Bedroom 2 ; Doors Bathroom 3/2112017 Colnrar.tor 3/21/2017 3/2112017 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 Damaned Frnmes/Th1es ho ld/LintelsfT rim Damaged H,l{dw.:1re/Locks Detenornted/Mlssinq Seals (Ernrv Only) Emergency Fire Exils-Ememoncy/Fire Exits Missinci/Broktm Covet Plales Misstngllnoni.rable Inoperable/Not Lockable Other Walls l:lBcJroom1: Work Ord11r# 3122/2017 3/22/2017 I Health & Salctv Oullols/Switches , 1: Dale Comploted Fresh food !:ieal neods mplaced : smoko detcclor is not Health & Safetv Balho-~~ Unit #l(b)(6) - Roaches: sprayer 2 or rno,e bum.;rs du not tunclion: smoke llEitec:tor is not functiuninci:Bedroorn door knob damarie :Bed1oom 2 & 3 I n,-.1.-,r-ior Unlt#l(b)(6) -- I Bathroom Smo""' --- Essex VillaQe o 100%----Unit Inspection EJCposedWirei;/Open Pno els Miss1n-i/Damat1ed Comllonents Missing Piec1::slHole s/Spa l!ing from DownsoouUGutter 20776-1 20777.1 26777-1 26777-1 26717-1 26777-1 26781-1 26784-1 26785 -1 Essex Village < m Deflcltmcy JJ - CJ) G) J: --4 Area Defidonc 81Jlldina Svstems Domestic Water Leaking Central Wa11:rSuoiJIV Heallh & Safety Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Common Areas: CJosel/UtilltviMochanlcal Doors Damaged HardwwelLocks Common Areas: Hall$/Corridors/Stali-s Ceiling Peelin9/Neads Paint Slairs/Hand Railinus Bmln .. ,.. ,.,~r Unit t.l(b)(6) -I Health & Safety HVAC Syslem Bathroom Health & Safoly Bathroom Kitchen Donrc:. Unltl(b) (6) Caulk naeds reola ced ;ll(,lh Roaches : exlension lube from or8ssure rel ief valve not functionina/blocked ; smoke detector is nol funclioninCJ;BeClroorn 3121/2017 Contraclor 3/21/2017 3121/2017 3/21/2017 26791-1 Olhar VACANT - all deficien cies will I.le rnp.i ired when unit is turned 3122/ 2017 267 94-1 Roctorior l.......16bUs (b)(6) j Unit# Hb)(6) I HHallh & Salety Unit #llh\/n\ I Bathroom Doors Doors Electrical Svslem Kitchen 1 Unit oerable bathroom door Filter Date CompJefod Work Order# 4/2112017 27334-i 27334-1 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27334-1 27334-1 27334 - 1 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27335-1 27335-1 spraver hala 4/2112017 4/21/2017 2n:rn-1 27336-1 Slriker plate misalil1ned/m1ssinn :Bedrnum 1; latch not functioning : Front entry door; 4121/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27337-1 27337-1 27337.1 Hinges loose/damaged :en1ry extonsior1 lubt:1 from pressure relier valve is Frosh food seal needs replaced: 4(21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 273313- 1 27338-1 27338-1 lalch not luncl ioning ; trap leakinq ; 4/21/2017 4/2112017 27:J39.1 soffil ; unit~ Conlrn.clor 273?10-1 Striker plate misaligned/mis&iny :Bedroom 1; extension tube from pressure rellef valve is 4/21/2017 27342-1 4/21/'l017 27342-1 Off !rack ;H;,UwavJHallCloset ; rusted sIorage dooor furniture in bedroom RiohVrcar burner does not function : 4/2212017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27343-1 27335-1 I K11cf1en Ou o~ .,es ~(b)(6) Smk- .M1ss111q/Oamar.ed Missing/Broken Cover Plates I Doors Doors Damayeu t-lardware/Locks Dama1.1ed/Missm1.1 Scrtlen/Storm/Securuy Delerioraloo/Missino Seals IEntrv Only) rlnnr<: Unit ,A(b)(6) Doors 0001 I Hol Water Heater Kitchen Unit #l(b)(6) I Doors Kitchen Damaf'.lod Hardware/locks Mlssino Prossure Relial Valv RefriQerator-MissinQ/Oamaqed/lnoperable Damageu/MisstnQ Sr;rat:1n/SIorm/Secunty Door ILeakinq FauceVPipos Buildlna Elltcrior Roors Damaged Somts/F.ascia/Solin Vonts I b\16) I 27339-1 Unit# l(b)(6) I Doors Hot \Nc,tAr l-ln"ter Unit# l(b )(6) Doors I Doors Health & Safety KitchM HUD-17-0235-C-000983 Unit ';l(b)(6) I Bally--Unit #l(b)(6) Doors Damaried Hardware/locks Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/RusVGlass) EmerQency Fire Exits-Emergency/Fire Exits Ranoe/Stovc--MissinQ/Damaoed/lnooerab!e 27343-1 27343-1 27343-1 Le.:1kinc:iFauceVPipas !aerator Leakinq FauceVPipes Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/Rusi/Glass) DamaQed/MissinQ Screen/Storm/Security Door GFl-lnoperable EmercienL-v Fire Exits-Emerr.iencv/Fire Exits lub faucel d1ips ; rusted storage Cvlindar missino : Bathroom 1; tv in bedroom 4/22/2017 27345 - 1 27345-1 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27345-1 27345-1 27345-1 Striker plate misalignect/mi:;sinq ;Bedroom 1; 4/21/2017 27346-1 I Bathroom Doors Doors Eleclrical Syslem Health & Safelv ~(b)(6) !Damaged Hardware/Locks IMiss intJ Prossure RelieC Valv 4/22/2017 I IDamaged Hardware/locks Essex Villageo 100% Unit lnspdction ~ Deficiency At0a & Safety JJ UnitHealth #11h \lF.\ 1 - (/) G) Duticir.:ncy ;Comments Date Compfoted Work Ot'der# lnft;sloU0ti-lll::ii:!CIS RuaChO!i ; Contractor 27346-1 Dornaqeo Hardw;;;reJL,1cks Lock not lunclionino : Bedroom 1; 4/2112017 27351-1 Leal-inq Fauet,l/P1pi:;~ Damaaed Hc1rdwaro/Locks Deteriorc1tedJMissinq Sti!als (Entrv Only) sink faucel dnos: hot side Slrikei olate misal iqnedJrnissim1 : M1::chanical Front entrv door: 4/21/2017 27352-1 412112017 4121/2017 27352-1 27352-1 Holes/Missing Tiles/Pa1)elsiCrac.ks holt:S : storaae closet 4/2112017 27358-1 Exoosed W1res/Ooen Paneh, Missmci Piec-.s/HolesJSna il1nq ac dir.connect virwl ,eoair NIS 4/27/2017 27359o1 4127/2017 27359-1 Damaged Haruware/Lock:. Handlt:,/lmob !oo:;e/d.:1ro.iged ; Hallwuy/l-1<.111 Closet 4122/2017 27360-1 Electrical SysIem l fo(y Unit ~(b )(6) I Kitchen Unit #1/h \In\ I Heallh & Safely Building Extorio, Roofs Walls S howt!r/T ub-Darna(Jed/Mbsing DamaCJmlSurface (Holes/Paint/RusUG lass) DamaCJcd/Missing Screen/Storm/Security Door Electrical Haz:..rds Exoosed Wires/Open Panels diverter hote(sl:6alhroom 1; rusl storaoe closet latch not function ing HUD-17-0235-C-000985 4/2312017 27394-1 27394 - 1 27394-1 breaker i:-iap 4123/2017 4/2312017 4/23/2017 L1:1aKinnFaucel/Pioes trao leakina 4/24/2017 27395-1 0011,r No KC:!Y 4/2412017 27396 - 1 Missmg/Oamaqed Components lrom Downspout/Gutter Missino Pieces/Holes/Spallino downspout : by D vinvi mismat ch NIS Damaged/Miss ing Screen/Slorm/Secu ,ity Door Electrical Haza rds-Exposed Wires/Ooen Pane ls Emergency Fire Exils - Emergencv/Fire Exits Refrigerator -Missinq/DamaQed/lnoperable lnoperableJNot Lockable Cylinder missing disposal wire , screw missina in panel Bedroom 1 window balance Fresh food seal needs replaced Window won't stay uo;Bedroom 1:Kitchen: 4/22/2017 4/ 22/2017 27397-1 4/22/2017 27397-1 4/22/2017 4/2212017 27397-1 27397-1 Lavalor,, Sink~ Dama gEURd/Miss ing Shower/Tub-DamaaedlMiss ing DamaQed/MissinQ Screen/Storm/S+acurily Door stopper mis.sing diverter Cvlinder not runctiorung 4/22/2017 4/22(2017 27398-1 I Unit#llbl/6l 27394-1 I Doors Heallh & Safety Heallh B.Safetv Kitchen Windows UnltA(b)(6) I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Unit# l/hi/6) 27368-1 I Unlt#l/bl/6) ,\/ hi Dtltici,rnci'_ 1 Unit #l(b)(6) I Bathroom Electrical Svstem Unit #llh\lf.\ I Bathroom I Essex Village - 100% Unit lnspuction I 4/22/2017 27397o1 27398-1 27398 -1 < m Essex Village - 100?/o Unit Inspection Deficionc;i Arc.; JJ - (/) G) Balhroom Elec1r1cal System Kite"=~ Unit# l(b )(6) I Bathroom Bathroom :::t: Doors --4 Oullets/Sw11ches Outlets/Switches llbH Dulicliilnc.:t_ Commerus Watf.:r Ciosel/T oilet-Damaged/Clouoed/Miss1nq Blocked Access 10 Eleclrical Panol Refnnerator-Missino/Damaqlcldllnoperaole seal loose stared ilem5 Fresh food seal nec1.b replaced Leakinq F.;1ucel/P1pes Showe rfrub--Damaqed/M1ssino Missing Door MissinQ Miss1n~/Bro11enCover Plates L.;11atorv Sink - -O.ima(lf:!d/M b :.iny LeakinQ Faucet!Pipes Damagod Hardware/Locks Damc1ned Surface ( Holes/P amVRusl / Gl.iss) Damat:1ed/M1ssmCJScreen/Sturrn/Secunlv Door Blocked Access to El!:!clrical Panel GFl-lnoperi>b le Sink- -Mis sinr:i/Damaadlocked I ~ 27401-1 Holes/MissinQ Tilos/Pa11elsiCr::icks Blocked Access lo Electrical Panel 1 Balhroom 1 27401-1 27401 - 1 27401-1 27401-1 I stopper not runclioninq Front entry door Bedroom 1 dresser :Bedroom 1; 27406-1 Essex Villa~e o 100% Unit Inspection ~ . D.ificlency Aroa D.iflci.,ncy JJ Doors ll I Electrical Syslom Electrical System Hot Waler Heater Kitchen Kitchen Smoke Delecto, Bloi;k1:::dAcci;ss to Electrical Panel Ranqe/Sto11e-Missinq/Oamaqed/lnoperable RefrKJerator-Missing/Damagedllnoperable Missini:i/tnoperable 1oadlo.:ked 2 or more burntirs do nul lunciiun Fresh lood seal needs rnnlaced smoke dotcctor is not funclionino:Bedrnoin 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27419 . 1 27419-1 27419-1 27419.1 Blocked Ac.:e:..s to Elcccrical Pane! GFl - tnoperauh:1 MissinQ Pressure Rt!lief Valv Ranqe/S1ave-Missiog/Oa111aqed/lnoperabla Refrioern1or-Missinq/Oamaqed/lncperable Missing/Inoperable padlocked Bulldlrn:1E,i;terlor Health & Salelv _wai s 1:1xtensiontube from pressure relief valve 1s Right/front burner does not funct ion Freezer seal needs reotaced smoke detecror is not lunclioninCJ:Beuroom 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 27420 - 1 27420-1 27420-1 27420-1 27420 - 1 27420-1 E)(posed WirnsiOi:ien Panel;; MissinQ Pieces/Holes/Soallinn ac discconnect conduit vinvl mismatch 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27421-1 27421.1 Damaged Surface (Hotes/Pa1nURusUGlas5) Damaqed/Missinn Screen/Slorm/Securitv Door GFl-lnoperablt:! Electrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panels Ref riQerator-MissinCJ/Dam.:iued/lnaoerabla stopper not funclioninCJ peeling paint 1;1nlry Cviinder not functionino Kitchen disposal wire Fresh load ser;I nueds re1ilaced 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/2612017 4/26/2017 27422.1 27422-1 27422 . 1 27422-1 27422 -1 Water CI0Sl:lt/Toiict- Damacmd/Clogged/Missing GFl-lnoperable Electnc..l Hazards-E, posed W i,e :-;/Open Pa11els s~at loose Bathroom 1; Kitchen on hwh at conduit 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27423-1 27423.1 27423.1 :::t: Kilcnen --4 3916: 27416.1 Unltt.i(b)(6) I Electrical Svstem Kitchen Kitchen Unit#l(b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Kilchen Kitchen Kitchen Smoke Detector Unit# (b)(6) I Electrical Svstcm Kitchen Kitchen (b)(6 I Unit# l(b)(6l HUD-17-0235-C-000988 lavatory Smk-Damaqect/Missino Doors Electrical Svstem Health & Safety Unit lock nol funclioning : entry Bathroom 1 l: I Bathroom Doors ~(b)(6) Leakinq FauceUPipa::, Damaged Hardware/Locks Ranqe/S1ove-Missinq/Oarn;:;qedllno11er.ible Rolrigerator-Miss inq/Damaqedllnoperable S ink-Missing/Dam.ioed Missinq/lnoperable I Balhroom Electricalsvs1em Health & Safely 27422 . 1 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection < m JJ - (/) G) Deficiency_ Area Deficl,inc1'_ Health & Safely Kitchen Windows Unit M(b)(6) I Balhroom Doors Doors H--ook ~ c . '-1y Un111(b)(6) I Kilchen Other :::t: --4 I b)(6) I Unit J\b)(6) I Bathroom Haallh & Safotv Kitchen Sm"~" n~ - -tor TI'nitl(b)(6) I Bathroom Balhroom Doors Electrical Svslem Sm"~~ n,,1.orlr,r Un1Ul(b)(6) I Bathroom QooN Unit #1/b)IR\ Bathroom Doors I Doors Kitchen Smoke De\ec\or Bulldlna Exterior Walls Building Svstoms 1 "' --ortcal System l(b)(6) 1 HUD-17-0235-C-000989 Unit #l/b)(6) I Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Heallh & S.ifety Kitchen Ou"....o~ "-hos Unit .(b)(6) Doors I -C.:imments Dat11Compleltid Work Order# Reln: Other Communltv Soaces Windows lnooorable/Nol Lockaule condu it al ac concicnsor loose from bm, hole in br1ck al mnr a/lice oxit door 4127/2017 27437-1 27437-1 1m.iroflico 4/27/2017 27437-1 :ibox. cvr missinq 4/27/2017 27437-1 oao muund outlets in lobby sillim1 aron/kev 4/27/2017 27437 -1 doon; no\ closonQ ilush enlrv lobby 4/2712017 27437-1 2 sc,ewed shul rn kllclrnn 4/27/2017 27437-1 4127/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-000990 ENCLOSURE a' '1 E2 DIilon Sewer Service, Inc. P.O. Box 9291 Richmond, VA 23227 Ph: (804)266-8214 Fax: (80,4)286-8217' Date Invoice 05/10/17 039351 Page 1 Federal ID#: 54-1891894 Billed To: Essex VIiiage Apartment. Job: JETTING Rof: W002549 Mechanic:MATTHEW Cust Ph: 804.329.5820 Fax: 804.321.0523 3901 PIiots Lane Richmond, VA 23222 ob Location Essex VIiiage Property Saniary Sewers Sanitary Sewer Cleaning (Ev 3months) Description of Work: Contract Per proposal : Jetted sanitary iewer manholes (heavy grease, bottles, and sticks) Matthew .Jason, and Paul :;=====~~===~:=~~=~==~--=====-=====-:===~ ==~~ = ==========~= :3ffl We propose to clean the sanitary sewers ~~obalfs every 3 months. This wmnot stop back ups from !he building. Every 3 months the charge will b}[{ We are not responsible for any landscaping, concrete, asphalt, siding/brick, and or any items that may need to be removed to complete the job. Essex is responsible for blocking off any areas that may need to be blocked off to complete the job . Thank you, Ron Dillon President DUE & PAYABLE UPON COMPLETION_ A FINANCECHARGEOF 2% PER MONTH(24.% PER ANNUM) \IVILL EJEAOOEDTO ACCOUNTSNOT PAID WITHIN30 DAYS_ Total l(b)(4) CustomerCopy AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000992 Pagel oft Essex Invoice 3901 F'iots ln Ridlmond, VA 23222-1211 (804) 329-5820 039351 Status : Pending !nvoice dale: 0511012017 Asof05118/201712:14PM {CST) Fax (804) 321-0523 by: Tanelaha Washington Pending approvalby: AngelaH!9qlns Submitted @ 05118/201712:14PM (CST) Vendor DILLON SE.WeRSERVICE,llfC oo OIQlonSew. Attn: DILLON SEWER SERVICE, INC. (Dillion 5eJPYfer) POBOX9291 RICI-NONO, Vf!;.,23227-0291 lmloicelnfonnatlon Postingdate: lnOffliee date: 05'1812017 05(10/2017 Terms: Diledate: Net 30 day& 0610912017 lrivolc.etotal: l(b)(4) P\lrct,aseClnlar(e}: o Quantity too I Product sewet hole deaning I CoMment j Property !Unit I Essex I Account 652014 o Plumbing Contrad f>rice &aCl1 I Total l)lice (b )( 4) I Subtolal Tax Shipping TOlal Commenta jelled sanitarysewermanhole$(heavy Q"Jetie . bottln. and Slicks https://pkmgmt.onesite.realpage.com/purchasing/300/comrnon/printDummy AMERICA, VERSIGHT .htm 5/18/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-000993 Dillon Sewer Service, Inc. Date P.O. Box 9291 04/20/17 Richmond, VA 23227 Ph; (804)266-8214 Fax: (804) 266?8217 Federal ID#: 54-1691894 Proposal 000325 Page 1 Submitted To: Essex Village Apartments 3901 Pilots Lane Richmond, VA 23222 Job: Jetting Phone: 804.329 .5820 Job Location Essex VIiiage Property Saniary Sewers Sanitary Sewer Cleaning (Ev 3months) We propose to clean the sanitary sewers from manholP.--!~:.uo:..... onths. .....,.1This will not stop back ups from the building. Every3 months the charge will be (b)( 4) We are not responsiblefor any landscaping,concrete,asphalt, siding/brick,and or any items at may need to be remove d to completethe job. Essex is responsiblefor blockingoff any areas that may need to be blocke doff to completethe job. Thank you, RonDillon President ZERO and N0/100 Dollars s_oo This wl not stop kltchen silks, bath tub, or iuJivdualtoiets from bacmg up. If there are any spots that are questiJnable, we 1vl quote tne use of a camera to check the condtions of the pipe. (If 1veneed to camera, we wl quote price at that tme) We Propose hereby to furnish materialand laboc-completein accordancewith the above specification,for the sum of: dollars!(b)(4) tevery 3 months). AHmaterial i5 guaranteed to be as specified. A( work to be completed n a professiO nal manner according to standard practices. Any alterroon or deviation from above soecificatiOns i1wolvi'1gextra costs willexecuted only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. AHagreements contingent upon strikes,acddents or detaysbeyond our control. Owner to carryfire, tornado, and other necessaryinsurance. Our workers are fully cover@dby Worker's Comnensaoon insurance . NOTE: Thts proposalmay be withdrawn bv us :f not accepted within 15 d'ilys . Acceptanceof Proposal- The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are autha-ized to do the work as specified. Dateof Acceptance:_______ _ Srgnature_____________ PO*------- AMLHICAN VERSIGHT _ - - -- --- HUD-17-0235-C-000994 ENCLOSURE i= :23 ESSEXVILLAGEAPARTMENTS 3901 Pilots Lane Richmond, VA 23222 June 27, 2017 RE: Grease and Bathroom Toilet Disposal To all residents: This is a REMINDER of proper disposal of oil and grease and what should NOT be flushed down your bathroom toilet. Don't Forget - Proper Methods for Disposing of Oil & Grease in your Home ... o DO Use an old coffee can or tin can as a grease collector. o DO Pour greasy or oily food waste into the container , NOT down the drain or garbage disposal. o DO Freeze or cool animal fats before disposing in the trash. o DO Mix liquid vegetable fats with an absorbent material such as kitty litter or coffee grounds in a sealable container before disposing in the trash. o DO NOT Pour oil or grease down the garbage disposal or sink. Bathroom: o Always flush your toilet after every use and NEVERplace objects in the toilet that cannot dissolve in water, e.g., paper towels , sanitary pads/tampons , baby wipes, wash cloths, diapers or products such as Depends. PROTECTINGTHE ENVIRONMENT IS EVERYONE'SROLE!! If you have any concerns or have questions on how to dispose of oil and grease or questions on what can be flushed down the toilet, please contact the management office at 804-329-5820. Thank you, EssexVillage Management AMf f~ICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-000996 ENCLOSURE WE CAN HELP Do you needhelp ...resolving a repair . ? issue. o CALL TOLL FREE AT 888.466.5572 OR WWW.NAVIGATEHOUSING.COM look for the Resident Complaints button in the middle of the page. Note: Always call the manager when you have questions or a maintenance request and give them a fair chance to respond or make the repair. Do you have questions aboutyour housing assistance? navigate AFFORDABLE HOUSING PARTNERS HEARING IMPAIRED? CONTACT US USING THE 711 REL.AY THEN 888.466.5572 EQUALHOUSINGOPPORTUNITY AM~ HICA'\J VER IGHT ~ HUD-17-0235-C-000998 )> <$'.: m:r.., JJO i-i~~i CJ'i _ zl> ~~iV\ G) :::c -I June 22 . 2017 Re: Maintena nce Concerns Dear Valued Residents : In an effort to further imp rove our customer service response time, Management has established a new email address for all residents at Essex Village. The email address is: ,,..,,' <:.~'..'\' o~:'''I, ooJPY,.,. . ., ,.o o ..oo~;. <;; o ~ ..... , ~ .,...o t.,. A 'l.-l A ........ l.~ _J:r: ~ ,...,,.~ ..., o oo~.1 J'"I o'. /, ~::o:~ ;.,-.' o, ' -.. ~~J J fl.~ ~ \.: i \ .,."\.,,JPY 'i:. ~~ '',:it.~t., ~ ~ l i!J, ' '-. {., .....o ' ~: ;o,-: .-1.~.o~. lr\ J o 1 , o 'o,1, i,f '. ,.. ;.. h' o.o .o\,. ~ I This email address is for residents to send any maintenance concerns to us ulcclronically whether lo express i:ll'IY dissatisfaction with service or if a request for service has not been addressed professiona lly or promptly . Also, please reniornuer that our Resident Service Manager, Dawn Pahoresky, is available to assist you with any customer service issues . Her phone number is (216) 527-4787. The after-hours emergem::y maintenance number for Essex Village has not changed . Please be sure to use this line for all after-hours emergencies only. It is: (855) 344-7476 Sincerely, HUD-17-0235-C-000999 !//{J,m; , )/ryyiN-j Penny Higgins Regional Vice President 26:l 01 Cuni,s . Wrighl ParKw~y I Su-tc 300 I Richm ond Hts , Ohio 4414:\ G:r ENCLOSURE L5 ........ MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES IN THE 4th CONGRESSIONAL DISTR ICT WITtt FAILING REAC SCORES PROPERTY. INSf N 10 .AQPRESS ~ 546462 59W63 530252 ss1,pos 41 1/2 Ma lvern Avenue 3901 Pilots Ln 305 No rth 18th Street 1359 W. Broad Str ee t CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CONGRESSIOl'W. . ' . CODE CODE . DISTRICT CODE .. INSPNDATE INSPN PROPERTY SCORES FX ID INSPNDT ROUND INSPECTION SCORE Rich mo nd Richmo nd City VA 2322 1 04 9/22/20 16 c. 8002 40452 9/22/ 2016 8:56:44 AM 48 Richmond Henric o VA 23222 04 1/10/20 17 c' 80002181 2 1/1012017 8 51:00 AM 51 Richmond Richmo nd City VA 23223 04 8/1012016 C 800 225709 8/ 10120 16 9:0 6 35 AM 51 Richm ond Richmo nd City VA 23220 04 3/ 16/2017 co 80023 5222 3/16120 17 9:2 6:23 AM 59 PUBLICHOUSING PROPERTY(IES)IN THE 4 th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTWITH A FAILING REACSCORE PHAName ,ulfolk Redevelopmen t and Housi ng Authority Dovclo pm ent Code VA025000005 Developm ent Name HO FFL ER APARTM ENTS In s pecti on Score Inspection Date ' 58 . 09MA Y2016:09:00 ; 18 Addre ss line l 22 10 E WAS HINGTON Street Address Llne 2 : City S UFFOLK ~:" LCodo r34 3'1 HUD-17-0235-C-001001 From: Sent: To: Subject : Attachm e nts: DeFelice, Joseph J Friday, August 04, 2017 4:12 PM Hunter, Matthew F FW: SUBMISSION:EssexVillage Media Report EssexVillage Media Report 08.03.17 UPDATE.pdf; McEachin Final Response 90 Pages.pdf Matthew This is a bit lengthy but if you get an opportunity, please review . This is date by date recap re EssexVillage in Richmond, VA. As you can see it quite in depth. Joe From : Wolfe , Lisa A Sent : Thursday, August 03, 2017 4:05 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Solivan, Elvis ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject : SUBMISSION: EssexVillage Media Report Joe - Please use this version . Per your request, I updated the summary section of the media report for EssexVillage. I also included the final response to Congressman McEachin. You'll find the letter to the Congressman explains the issues pertaining to our path forward and includes the 74 pages of repairs/issues needed to be addressed at the site . Please note this copy contains Personally identifiable information (PII). We shipped a second version with the PII redacted in the event he elected to share the information or make it public. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001002 UPDATED MEDIA REPORT, PK M anagem ent Properti es EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va., Woodland Crossings Apartments, Richmond, Va. and Hope Village Apartments, Glen Allen, Va. FROM WHITE HOUSEREPORT ING: March 22, 2017 through August 3, 2017 Contact: Lisa Wo lfe, Regional Public Affairs Officer, lisa.a.wolfe@hud .gov SUMMARY : Essex Village Apartm e nt, Henrico County, Va. a PK M anagement Comp any Richmond, Virginia M edia Outl et s We received our initial EssexVillage Apartmen t s inquiry from CBS6 WTVR-TV reporter Melissa Hipolit on Wednesday, December 14, 2016. Melissa asked for the total amount of Housing Assistance Payments sent to EssexVil lage Apartments in Henrico County, Virgi nia in 2016. At that point, the current annual subsidy was $5,376,299. The apartment complex has 496 units under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program {HAP) contract . M elissa acknow ledged she was new to assisted housing, so I explained that families and individuals pay no more than 30 percent of their income towards their mont hly rental-and that the HUD voucher makes up the difference. Because this property is project-based assistance, the voucher is tied to the apartment unit, not the individual or family. She requested a copy of the HAP contract and the most recent HUD REACInspection scores-which I let her know were both subject to FOIA. Over the next few weeks, we received a number in inquiries-mainly resident complaints about water issues, leaks, mold, pests-about the deteriorating living conditions at the property . On January 3, 2017, we confirmed a REACInspection was scheduled in two weeks . The inspection was conducted on January 17, 2017. Ms . Hipol it was the first to request a 2017 REACInspection report which was not available by FOIA for 120 days. A letter dat ed February 2 from Henrico County Supervisor Frank Thornton was sent to Richmond Field Office Director Carrie Schmidt making her aware of the County's concern for residents stemming from the many code violat ions and life safety issues at the complex. Director Schmidt alerted Multifami ly and the others impacted by the issues raised in the letter. A March 30 meet ing was scheduled at the Richmond Field Office, but before HUD Multifamily and Field Office leadership met, Henrico County off icials dialed up the issue in the press. With CBS6's M elissa Hipolit leading in continu ing coverage on EssexVillage including the failing REACInspection score of 46c, she expanded her story line to include the PK Management properties in the Richmond area including Woodland Crossings, Richmond, Va. (66b) and Hope Village, Glen Allen, Va. (82). NBC12 WWBT-TV Ashley Monfort has also been following with coverage on all three propert ies, with "dueling coverage" on who can uncover ongoing resident issues, including the fall of a 7-month pregnant resident from a balcony in disrepair. "Bubbl ing" sewage, along with other water, mold and infestation issues, continue to be reported by residents at all three properties. Both te levision stations are working in concert with Henrico County officials to bring resident issues "to light" and to be quickly addressed by PK Management, Navigate (the Performance Based Contract Administrator) and HUD. U.S. Congressman Donald M cEachin (VA-4) toured the property on May 12 with NBC's Ashley Monfort in tow and has been continuing to issue press releases and statements calling for HUD to take action. WRIC-TV anchor/reporter Kerri O'Brien has also visited the properties, interviewed residents and is calling for HUD to provide vouchers for resident s to relocate. Richmond Time s-Dispat ch reporter Debbie Truong and Richmond Free Press report er Jeremy Lazarus have been adding pr int and on line stories into the mix. We continue to receive notifications of resident issues from the various out lets, and are working to provide updates on resolutions as well as the work underway to upgrade the properties and repair the many issues. In July, we worked wi t h Navigate to craft a " 1,2,3 step" communication for Page 11 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001003 residents that includes flyers, an upgraded website portal for complaints, and provided this info rmation to the various media outlets requesting their assistance in helping us help the residents. Key dates/deliverables include: The Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (CDE) Plan for Essex Village Apartments that was received from PK Management on May 25 includes 74 pages of issues/repairs to be addressed by PK Management by July 31. A June 7 conference call with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County officials addressed the many questions/issues the Congressman had raised with HUD [please see attached]. On July 14, an attorney representing the owners of the EssexVillage apartments appeared in front of a Henrico County General District Court judge for an arraignment on charges related to five of the 18 building code violation charges that have been issued. The July 28 meeting between Henrico County Board Chairman Pat O'Bannon and senior HUD officials was postponed due to the Secretary's schedule. The meeting is in response to Ms. O'Bannon's email to the President, requesting his assistance. HUD has scheduled a REAC Re-Inspection for August 8. We anticipate that Henrico County officials and the media will be on-hand that day . In the interim, we continue to field multiple media and FOIA requests almost daily, and will continue to respond to these many requests. Residents continue to contact Henrico County officials, CBS6Problem Solvers or other media portals for customer complaints-noting timely responses for those who bypassed the work order system. During a July 25 Board of Supervisors Meeting, Henrico County officials cited that HUD repeatedly gave the property passing scores, causing misrepresentation of HUD's ongoing work with the owner and property management agent that follows a failing REACscore. On Friday, July 28, Public Affairs' GDASJerry Brown visited the property as a follow-up to his visit a month earlier. He reported a tremendous difference-and that in conversations with residents, they were thrilled with the repairs and the fact that their maintenance calls were receiving a timely response. He noted EssexVillage is old (built in 1981) and the property needs the facelift that is now underway. It is clean, kids were playing in the street and externally it looks like it would pass our inspection. Here is what he saw: o One, out of every four buildings, has some type of repair work underway. Some of it is extensive. o Gutters are being replaced . o Siding is being replaced. o Dry wall work is occurring inside numerous building. o Crews were still working and it was 5:50 p.m. o Nearly every balcony had replacement slacks. Those that didn't were completely rebuilt including flooring. o Storage containers with sheetrock, siding, gutters were prominent throughout the complex. At least six crews were working throughout the complex. The only portion of the complex that was not being worked on was the rancher-side of the complex-where seniors reside. That portion of the complex looks much better than the other side. It may just be the density of the housing and the cul-desac approach. Jerry has photographs that he is willing to share. As of August 3, two FOIAswith requests for the Compliance Disposition and Enforcement Plan are outstanding pending submitter objections . An additional FOIA with nearly 150 pages of emai ls will be shipped later today. Page I 2 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001004 MEDIA INQUIRIES Wedne sday, March 22, 2017 CBS6 WTVR -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipol it is continuing her follow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virginia . The apartment complex has 496 units under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program (HAP) contract . Melissa withdrew her FOIA request for the last two inspection reports because she is aware there is a subsequent REACinspection/report out underway . She is asking for specifics as to why the property fa iled the inspection with a score of 46c*. I let her know that because the most recent inspection was comp leted on January 11, 2017 and the report was given to EssexVillage and HUD on January 19 and that REACreports are not releasable until 120 days to allow time for appeals. The final REACreport will be available beginning May 19, and subject to any FOIA exempt ions. As far as the specific issues at the property, I explained that I am unable to provide any additiona l information until the final REACreport is released. During a second late-day call, Melissa asked if Gregory Perlman of GH Capital was invo lved in the project . I mentione d that I was unfamiliar with the name, and the only owner/management company I had knowledge of was PK Management. Today I verified that Gregory Perlman is involved with EssexVillage Apartments through both EssexVA Investors LLCand PK Management. I verified that he signed the HAP Basic Renewal Contract as the Manager and authoriz ing representative . HUD Multifamily leadership has been meeting with Mr. Perlman and others to resolve deficiencies at the property. Melissa is also aware of the meeting between Henr ico County officials and HUD scheduled for March 30, so we are anticipating that press wi ll be at the Richmond Field Office that day. CBS6 WTVR -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipolit inquired about Gregory Perlman , the owner involved with EssexVillage Apartments through both EssexVA Investors LLCand PK Management . He signed the HAP Basic Renewal Contract as the Manager and author izing representative and is one of the individuals representing PK Management who is currently working with our team to resolve the issues at Essex Village. Mond ay, M arch 27, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Mel issa Hipol it is continuing her follow-up on several earlier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virginia. Mel issa has reached out to Colonel Douglas A. Middleton, Henrico County's Deputy County Manager for Public Safety for a pre-meeting interview to discuss the myriad of county inspections that parallel HUD's failing score. Ten County officia ls wi ll meet with the Richmond Field Office and multifamily teams on March 30. We are anticipating that press will be at the Richmond Field Office that day. Tuesday, M arch 28, 2017 Richmond Time s-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) reporter Debbie Truong inquired about EssexVillage in Henrico County after speaking with Doug Midd leton, the deputy county manager in Henrico who told her the county has cracked down on the number of code violations at Essex in hopes of bettering the quality of life there. She asked about percentage of Section 8 units at Essexand if HUD is supportive of Henrico's efforts to crackdown on code violations. Doug mentioned that the county would like to strengthen its relationship with HUD and if the agency is will ing to do the same. She also identified the county said it found 140 code violations at Essexasking how HUD regulates conditions at the properties it provides funding to and how regu larly HUD properties are inspected and/or regulated. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) reporter Melissa Hipolit asked about a proposal for a large rent increase at EssexVillage. During an interview with Henr ico County officials, it was ment ioned that numbers that show substantia l rent increases have been proposed. She also requested an on-camera interview which was declined. Page I 3 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001005 W ednesday, March 29, 2017 Richmond Time s-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) reporter Debbie Truong requested addit ional information including a follow-up that Middleton st ated that EssexVillage received t he fifth lowest score in the state from HUD though he was unclear about what the scoring was related to . I explained the REACInspection process and how t he scores determine frequency of inspection and steps HUD/prope rty manager must take to resolve issues. She also submitted a FOIA requesting a list of the property owners/managers since the property was built in 1982. Friday, M arch 31, 2017 Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) reporter Jeremy Lazarus was br iefed about how Henrico County officia ls are working with HUD to add ress the many issues at EssexVillage Apartments. I suggested that he follow-up w ith County officia ls for specifics, as they are addressing the code violations and health and safety issues their own inspections have uncovered as well as the police and fire calls originating from residents to County responders. I noted our agency has our own inspection process and we are currently working with the property owners and management to address the issues we have identified. There are no proposed rent increases. Indepen dently, we are working on beha lf of residents to improve conditions at the property. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has requested under FOIA copies of inspection records regarding EssexVillage Apart ments located in Henr ico County, Va. from 2012 to 2017. She has also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. She initia lly contacted HUD while a meeting between Henrico County officia ls and HUD multifam ily and fie ld office leaders were meeting last Thursday, March 30 about living conditions and issues at the property. She also requested and we declined an on-camera. We are work ing with PK Management to address the issues. More to follow. NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) News desk repo rted there was a fi re at EssexVill age around 10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. Approximately eight househo lds were displaced. The fire department was dispatched and rescued several residents trapped on t heir balconies; no reporte d injuries. The cause of the fire is being investigated by the fire department. Thur sday, April 6, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has requested under FOIA copies of inspection records regarding EssexVillage Apartments located in Henrico County, Va. from 2012 to 2017. She has also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLC in regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. The FOIA has been assigned and the inspection reports have been pulled and are being redacted. M ultifam ily housing is working on the correspondence aspects of the request. Because there is an inspection process currently underway , any correspondence pulled will need to be carefully review ed before release. Continuing t o work th is request . CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Report er M elissa Hipolit is continuing her follow-up on several earl ier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virginia. Me lissa is continuing to ask for an oncamera interv iew w hich we have declined (three times) . She is also follow-up wit h a resident document that illustrates a substantial rent increase. Yesterday I responded with the note t hat for a rent increase, the owner/management would have to subm it a formal proposal to HUD for approval. Nothing has been subm itt ed to HUD to dat e. PK Management is contemplati ng a substant ial renovat ion of the property (ranging from $9 t o 19 million), but the initial proposal was incomple t e and a new pro posal has not been subm it t ed. Wi ll cont inue to work the various aspects of t his question. Page I 4 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001006 Friday, April7 ,2 017 Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on last week's second request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico, Va. Pending approva l from multifamily housing leadership, today's response w ill address a series of questions including a date or time that a project -based Section 8 prope rty must correct problems; the t imeframe HUD wi ll give them t ime to correct and/or bring the property into compliance as well as what is the actua l time -per iod. Notice: H 2015-02-Subject : Required Act ions for Multifam ily Housing Projects Receiving Failing Scores from HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC)which defines the various steps both HUD and the property owner/manager must t ake following a failed physical inspection . The Not ice covers the deliverables with deadlines . The process is basically a decision t ree in the event the corrections/deficiencies are not made at the various points in time . I did not cover what happens in t he event of a Failure to Comply, but that is also include d in the notice . M ore to come. Friday, April 21, 2017 NBC12, WWBT -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort followed -up with us on a FOIA request she sent over April 4. She requested copies of the REACproperty inspect ion reports from 2012 to 2017 regarding EssexVillage located in Henrico County, Va. Inspection scores for 2012 to 2015 have been in the 70s. The most recent inspection in Janua ry 2017 resulted in an initial REACscore (46c* ). The owners' appeal was granted, br inging the score to 51--still considered a fail. That report w ill be releasable on May 19, 2017. Corrective actions and tim eline has been put in place for the owner/manager . The reporter also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Managemen t and EssexVA Investors, LLC in regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. My guess is she is searching for information about a possible rehabilitation/sale which was initiated by the owner, but never completed. The Richmond Field Office anticipates completing the request early next week . A Marc h 30 onlin e story was updated this week to include a statement by Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) who issued the following statement about the failing living cond itions at EssexVillage: "No fam ily deserves to live in cond it ions such as the one documented at EssexVillage. All individua ls - no matter the ir race, socioeconom ic status, or sexual or ientat ion - should be treated fa irly and have safe and clean shelter . The property managers must add ress these unhealthy conditions immediately . The fami lies who call this community home, should be able to rest easy in a safe environment after a long day at wor k and school, not worry about the living cond it ions." Thursday, April 27, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received t he FOIA request she sent over April 4. We shipped t he REACproperty inspection reports from 2012 to 2017 regarding EssexVillage located in Henrico County, Va. Inspection scores for 2012 to 2015 have been in the 70s. The most recent inspection in January 2017 resulted in an initial REACscore {46c*). The final report wi ll be releasable on May 19, 2017. The reporte r also requested any correspondence between HUD and PK Management and EssexVA Investors, LLCin regards to EssexVillage from 2015 to 2017. Documentat ion w ithin t he correspondence validated that GHC Housing had been trying to sell the property, but Henrico County t urned down supporting the ir request for LIHTCto support an estimated $19 million in renovations. I anticipate more follow -up tomorrow. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit is continu ing her follow-up on several earl ier inquiries on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Virg inia. Yesterday she submitted three requests for informat ion on GHC Housing properties including specifics Woodland Crossing in Richmond including the most recent inspection report and amount of subsidy for residents annually. She is also seeking any informat ion on Greg Perlman as well as how to research any Section 8 property owners wit h Page I 5 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001007 a history with HUD. She's looking for investigat ions, sanctions, etc. She has also requested a list of the inspection ratings, resident complaints and overall subsidy GHC Housing Properties received last year (2016). With more than 18,000 units in 24 states, we are determining if any reports can be run with the inspection/funding information. More to follow on that tomorrow. Friday, April 28, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit expanded her FOIA requests as she prepares for an inte rview w ith Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments , Henrico County, Va.). Today, we confirmed her request for information for a second PK Management property, Woodland Crossing in Richmond Va. She has requested the most recent inspection report (which earned a barely passing 668) as well as the current annual funding HUD pays on behalf of residents; believe to be approximately $2,146,000 . She has requested a listing of any sanctions or investigations involving PK Management; a HUD-2530 report has been pulled by multifamily and indicates there is no current negat ive activity. She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties. This report has been produced by multifamily, but included expired contracts; awaiting update from multifam ily. Annual receipts appear to be in the range of $200 million . She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties . We are work ing with the PBCAagents to generate the requested reports . Monday, May 1, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Working Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview with Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments , Henrico County, Va.). She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties. This report has been produced by multifam ily, but included expired contracts; awaiting update from multifamily. Annual receipts appear to be in the range of $200 million. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management ' s Virginia properties. Reaching out to the PBCAagents to gene rate the requested repo rts. Wednesday, May 3, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Continuing to work on Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview with Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartments , Henrico County, Va.). She has requested a total of all monies HUD paid to PK Management and/or GHC Housing last year (2016) to subsidize the rent of residents at their properties nationwide as well as Woodland Crossings. Multifamily is generating the report. She has also requested resident complaints for all of PK Management's Virginia properties ; Tim Shearer of Navigate, the PBCA,will generate the requested reports. HUD Headquarters is also working on the REACinspect ion report scores for PK Management properties nationwide. If all goes well, we should be able to ship the FOIA by the end of the week. Her interview is scheduled for Monday, May 8. Friday, May 5, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Continuing to work on Reporter Melissa Hipolit' s FOIA requests as she prepares for an interview w ith Greg Perlman, owner/manager of PK Management (EssexVillage Apartme nts, Henrico County, Va.). Her FOIA request has been classified as "comp lex" and we continue to pull together files including the subsidies paid to PK Management for Woodland Crossings ($1.4 million) and nationwide ($152 million). We also collected the PBCA'scomplaint numbers-surprisingly low considering the issues at EssexVillage. The input from the requested sources (HQ, Baltimore Multifamily HUB, Richmond Field Office Multifamily) are due next Wednesday. We should be able to release a portion of the FOIA before the end of next week. Page I 6 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001008 Tuesday, May 9, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partial for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing {66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. She is hopi ng to air the story within the next week or so. We have completed several items in her request and should be able to ship partials today and tomorrow. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit visited Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va., a PK Management property, and alerted us that a resident who contacted her claimed her child has elevated lead levels. The reporter reviewed the lab results which confirm the young boy does have an elevated lead level. The resident is scheduled to have all three of her children tested next week. Henrico County officials as well as the health department have been made aware and are responding to the situation. HUD confirmed the property has both lead certification disclosure and reports up-to-date and on file for the property. A follow-up call with the reporter led to further discussions that multiple resident appeals from both Hope Village and Woodland Crossing in Richmond, Va. have gone unanswered. All three are older and deteriorating. We are working with multifamily and the PBCANavigate to learn more and initiate follow-up actions. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partial for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. She is hoping to air the story within the next week or so. The redacted REACinspection report and annual Section 8 funding amount have been submitted to OGC for clearance; hope to ship today or Monday. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Me lissa Hipolit received a follow-up to her request for a listing of the most recent REACinspection scores for the 164 properties nationwide managed by PK Management. There are five properties that have had recent inspections that are not releasable. Most REACInspections are in the 80-99-point range-146 of the 164. Friday, May 12, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort toured EssexVillage Apartments with U.S. Congressman Donald McEachin and called and asked for comment about the Congressman's comment that he is going to try to convince HUD to provide vouchers. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested the amount of money HUD provides GHC Housing/PK Management to subsidize the rent of residents at Hope Village annually. She also requested an update on her other open FOIA requests. Wednesday, May 17, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received an interim response to her FOIA request which included the HUD subsidy info rmation and the 2016 REACInspection on Woodland Crossings Apartments in Richmond, Va. The score was a barely passing 66c. Friday, May 19, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit visited Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va., a PK Management property on May 9, and alerted us that a resident who contacted her claimed her child has elevated lead levels. The reporter reviewed the lab results which confirm the young boy does have an Page I 7 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001009 elevated lead level. The resident is scheduled to have all three of her children tested next week. Henrico County officials as well as the health department have been made aware and are responding to the situation. HUD confirmed the property has both lead certification disclosure and reports up-to-date and on file for the property. A follow-up call with the reporter led to further discussions that multiple resident appeals from both Hope Village and Woodland Crossing in Richmond, Va. have gone unanswered. All three are older and deteriorating. We have learned the number of resident complaints from all four of the PK Management properties is surprising low, given the issues of late. Following up with the reporter today. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on the inspection process for HUD REACInspections-she was particularly interested in the inspectors are third party contractors or HUD employees. The 2017 REACInspection at EssexVillage Apartments was performed by HUD Quality Assurance Inspectors. Monday, May 22, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a partial for her last FOIA request on PK Management, the owner of EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She is currently working on a story about Woodland Crossing, the other almost failing (66b) PK Management property in Richmond, Va. The redacted REACinspection report and annual Section 8 funding amount reports were shipped last Tuesday. On Friday May 19, Melissa interviewed PK Management's Jenne McClainBlankhead. The story has not yet aired. Jenne will submit a summary of the interview to multifam ily by COB on Monday, May 22. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort previously inqu ired about the January 11, 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now available for release. I anticipate FOIAs from both telev ision stations as well as the Richmond Times-Dispatch in the next day or so. Wednesday, May 24, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit submitted a FOIA request on the annual subsidy amount paid to PK Management for Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va. The FOIA was completed and shipped today. This is a follow-up to her visit to that property on May 9. The resident's apartment, which she alerted us had evidence of mold and a child with an elevated blood lead level, has been tested and certified there is no lead in the residence. The report has been given to County officials. No further action on this matter anticipated . During the May 23 meeting with Henrico County officials and Congressman McEachin, both the County and Congressman requested that HUD investigate issues at the property. Friday, May 26, 2017 Richmond Free Press (Richmond , Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on his April 10 request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. He inqu ired about the status of the pregnant woman who fell from a second-floor balcony and was injured . U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin is now calling on the Secretary of HUD to explain what HUD is doing to force the landlord to make improvements. Jeremy is asking what HUD is doing, aside from flunking the complex as wel l as if the agency is planning more inspections and imposing requirements for fixes. Working with multifamily housing and legal on a response to the steps underway to bring the complex into compliance. Also, received a Congressional request as a follow -up to the May 23 call on our discussion on vouchers during the conference call about EssexVillage, the Congressman's staff is hoping to get more information about how residents can vacate the ir contracts. Page I 8 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001010 Sunday, May 28, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us after residents of EssexVillage reached out to WTVR CBS6 News about a sewage issue Sunday afternoon . They said the problems started around 1 p.m. when a woman's toilet overflowed and solid waste continued to flood into her apartment. Outside the unit, sewage also started bubbling up from a drain in a sidewalk because of a blockage. EssexVillage's sewage system is privately owned and not mainta ined by the county, but Henrico utility crews responded, removed the blockage and made sure the line was clear. PK Management investigated and learned it was the fault of the resident. No additional action needed. Friday, May 26, 2017 Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus followed-up on his April 10 request about issues at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. He inqu ired about the status of the pregnant woman who fell from a second-floor balcony and was injured. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin is now calling on the Secretary of HUD to explain what HUD is doing to force the landlord to make improveme nts. Jeremy is asking what HUD is doing, aside from flunking the complex as well as if the agency is planning more inspections and imposing requirements for fixes. Working with multifamily housing and legal on a response to the steps underway to bring the complex into compliance. Also, received a Congressional request as a follow-up to the May 23 call on our discussion on vouchers during the conference call about EssexVillage, the Congressman's staff is hoping to get more information about how residents can vacate their contracts. Sunday, May 28, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us after residents of EssexVillage reached out to WTVR CBS6 News about a sewage issue Sunday afternoon. They said the problems started around 1 p.m. when a woman's toilet overflowed and solid waste continued to flood into her apartment. Outs ide the unit, sewage also started bubbl ing up from a drain in a sidewalk because of a blockage. EssexVillage's sewage system is privately owned and not maintained by the county, but Henrico utility crews responded, removed the blockage and made sure the line was clear. PK Management investigated and learned it was the fault of the resident. No additional action needed. Wednesday, May 31, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story. She noted Congressman McEachin's letter to Dr. Carson last week expressing concerns about the pregnant woman that fell, as well as the weekend the sewage eruption. Waiting for approval from legal and others to ship timeline/reporting of what HUD is doing in response. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort previously inqu ired about the January 11, 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now available for release. Redacted copies of the 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments were shipped to both reporters, along with the December 2017 report requested by CBS6. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong contacted me about a story she is writing about Henrico County issuing a violation notice for a balcony at EssexVillage that a pregnant woman apparently fell through. She asked if HUD is aware of the issue, and asked for comment. Waiting for legal to advise since there is concern about resident litigation/disclosure. Page I 9 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001011 Thursday, June 1, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updat es to the PK Management/Essex Village story . She not ed Congressman M cEachin's letter to Dr. Carson last week expressing concerns about the pregnant woman that fell, as well as the weekend the sewage eruption. Crafted a response to the status of the resident who fell as well as the work underway by HUD, PK Management, Henrico County and others to address the many issues at the property. M ultifamily, OPA, OGC and FPM reviewed and approved the response. In response, received a query about the balconies-and a resident rumor that the balconies were going to be removed. Confirmed with PK Management they have contracted for the inspection and repair of the balconies throughout the property. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipol it continued her investigation/report ing of PK Management properties with a report on Wood land Crossing in Richmond. Her investigation uncovered that PK Management has been cite d by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for several health and safety infractions at the comp lex. The story included evidence of roach infestation, front doors that will not lock, mold and other safety and health hazards. SNEWS, WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Invest igative Reporter Kerri O'Brien contacted me multiple times yesterday for a story regarding compla ints about PK Management that included federal lawsuits, invo lving overcharging and HUD violations in 2009 out of North Carolina . Additional research uncovered two HUD OIG audits . In addition to shipp ing information on assisted housing, REAC Inspections and specific PK Management REACInspection reports, the reporter focused on the question-why is HUD entrusting its resident housing to an unscrupu lous company? PK Management has three properties in Henrico County, Va.-all in disrepair. Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus submitted three (3) requests over the past few days including an update on the status of the resident who fell from the balcony as we ll as the work underway to remedy the deficienc ies at EssexVillage. He noted that the inspections in prev ious years appeare d to overlook the deterioration - not the case- the property has always been scored in the 70s. He requested an update on the let ters Congressman McEachin issued to Secretary Carson. He also inquired about the HUD inspection process and the Compliance, Disposit ion and Enforcement (CDE) Plan. All quest ions were addressed, status report shipped and closed. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received the January 11, 2017 REAC Inspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that is now available for release. She requested an update on the resident who fell from the balcony and the work underway at Essex (status report shipped). She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposit ion and Enforcement (CDE) Plan. As far as the plan, it was just submitted on Friday and is in review, so no copy is available right now. I am try ing to get a timetable (line a REACinspection report) as well as what elements of the plan are releasable by FOIA (and when). Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong contacted me about a story she is writ ing about Henrico County issuing a violation notice for a balcony at EssexVillage that a pregnant woman apparent ly fell through. She asked if HUD is aware of the issue, and asked for comment. Waiting for legal to advise since there is concern about resident litigation/disclosure. Crafted a response to the status of the resident who fell as well as the work underway by HUD, PK Management, Henrico County and others to address the many issues at the property. Truong directly quoted from the response. Page I 10 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001012 Friday, June 2, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is at Hope Village, the third PK Management property in Henrico County, Va. More than 25 residents are preparing a petition identifying the ongoing issues at that complex including mold, water damage, nonworking smoke detectors/lights as well as other issues. One resident, Christin Hardy, contacted Henrico County official Colonel Doug Middleton who referred the resident to FOOCarrie Schmidt. Yesterday the resident met with PK Management, ident ified the issues with her apartment and is scheduled for repairs next week. During a call this afternoon, the resident asked me about obtaining a housing choice voucher-an obvious plant. Melissa is also pushing for a follow-up story on Woodland Crossing next week. Monday, June 5, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her coverage at Hope Village, the third PK Management property in Virginia. She is continuing to interview residents who signed a petition ident ifying the ongoing issues at that complex inclu ding mold , water damage, nonworking smoke detectors/lights as well as other issues. Sourcing information on how residents can contact the PBCA contractor Navigate-a communication "miss" that we identified and are trying to remedy. Tuesday, June 6, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit is continuing her coverage of PK Management properties in Virginia. Today, the request was for data sets for tracking safety/security/crime issues in multifamily and public housing. She was specifically looking for public housing because of the criminal activity in Richmond's housing projects here recently. She requested an update on the FOIA that includes the list of complaints fielded by HUD/Navigate related to PK Management properties in Virginia. And, also made us aware the 25 residents signing a petition in Hope Village had decided not to follow through since their issues are being taken care of by PK Management this week. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort inquired about additional info rmation on the 2017 EssexVillage REACInspection report. The property profile says 26 residential units were sampled. Are different units inspected each year? The inspection reports show that inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years. Were there follow ups to makes sure these issues were fixed? And even if there was, it seems the issues persisted and became worse. I've been told EssexVillage was given a passing score until 2017 after the county started issuing violations as well. Will work to clarify the many myths in her request. Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested the insight on the Essex Village subsidy. Per the Congressman's request for how much HUD subsidized rents last year, the actual Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract amount for Essexwas$ 4,226,300. The contract runs from October 1- September 31, so the figure reflect s the contracted amount from October 1, 2015 to September 31, 2016. Monthly vouchers can fluctuate depending on tenant adjustments, vacancy claims etc. so the figure reported on December 23, 2016 (per the CBS6FOIA request) had not accounted for the adjustments and was based on calendar year. At that point, the reported subsidy was $5,376,299. There was no additional capital--no right/wrong--simply a different period of reporting. Working on a second follow-up about the progress of work underway at Woodland Crossing. Wednesday, June 7, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out to find out any updates to the PK Management/Essex Village story. She is looking for information from her original FOIA requ est due June 5. Today, we will be shipping the table of resident complaints from PK Management properties in Page I 11 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001013 Virginia submitted to Navigate, the PBCAand the total subsidy funding from PK Management properties nationwide. We are in the process of clarifying her final request for any sanctions and/or investigations involving PK Management and HUD. Checking in with multifamily housing. SNEWS, WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigative Reporter Kerri O'Brien submitted four (4) FOIA requests looking for PK Management property REACInspection scores from Jan. 2016 through June 2017 (164 properties nationwide, HUD OIG audit reports, all electronic payment vouchers for Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County, Va. from 2013 to 2017 and a copy of the CDEPlan submitted to HUD on Friday, May 16. HQ is working through the requests. Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus is looking for an update on the work underway at Woodland Crossings in Richmond, Va. Awaiting multifamily housing's response. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort submitted several follow-up questions based on her review of the EssexVillage REACInspection Report for January 2017. She's trying to understand the sample size, why multiple reports cite inoperable smoke detectors, infestations and inoperable water heaters were issues for years, how is HUD holding the owner accountable and did HUD respond only after Henrico County reported code violations. All issues circle back to the deterioration of the property and the failing REACInspection score. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is looking for information on how many audits/copies of audits HUD conducted with PK Management. If PK Management needs to notify HUD of any lawsuits filed against the company and if so, how many lawsuits have been filed against the company, where and by whom. She is also requesting HUD's assessment of how PK Management manages the federally subsidized housing it runs and owns as well as a list of the property owners and managers who have overseen EssexVillage since it opened. She is writing a story for the weekend edition and is on deadline. Wednesday, June 7, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out for comment on the Congressman McEachin releasing a statement that he's asking HUD to cease all business with PK Management . No response-after hours. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort requested a response in regards to Congressman McEachin's most recent statement : McEachin requests HUD to address conditions at Essex Village; other PK Management properties: http://www.nbc12.com/story/35614556/mceachin-requests-hud-to-address-conditions-at-essex-villageother-pk-management-properties Thursday, June 8, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort submitted a FOIA request for the 2015 and 2016 REACInspection reports for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. She misunderstood that we declined the availability of correspondence in a previous request, not the reports . Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is following up on her request for information on how many audits/copies of audits HUD conducted with PK Management. If PK Management needs to notify HUD of any lawsuits filed against the company and if so, how many lawsuits have been filed against the company, where and by whom. She is also requesting HUD's Page I 12 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001014 assessment of how PK Management manages the federal ly subsidized housing it runs and owns as well as a list of the property owners and managers who have overseen EssexVillage since it opened. She is writing a story for the weekend edition and is on deadline. Mult ifamily prov ided guidance on each element; response shipped this afternoon. Friday, June 9, 2017 NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort submitted a FOIA request for the 2015 and 2016 REACInspection reports for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. The reports had been previous ly sent unde r an earlier request. Confirmed receipt. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong submitted a FOIA request for the 2017 REACInspection report and appeal report for EssexVillage, Henrico County, Va. Both repo rts were shipped this afte rnoon. Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested information on the conference call on June 7 with Congressman McEachin and Henrico County Officials. In subsequent press releases and news articles, the Congressman appeared skeptical that progress is being made as HUD has stated it is and that the plan of action PK provided will be implemented. He asked if HUD provided any response to congressman's request. He also inquired if there is a reason that the Congressman believes PK is not getting the improvements done and that HUD is allowing complex to slide while keeping tenants in unfit apartments. He also asked if HUD is exploring the voucher option. Waiting for the Multifamily/CIR response that is in review; will craft follow-up following release of that information. WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien submitted four FOIA requests for information submitted through the public access link on EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. and PK Management. These are in addition to the multiple media inquiries from Kerri that I have been addressing. Kerri has requested copies of all electronic payments made to Essex Village from HUD for a period of two-years; a copy of the CDEPlan that was submitted to HUD on May 25; copies of all REAC Inspection Reports for all of PK Management's 164 properties and any HUD OIG audits and/or investigations of any PK Management properties. The Richmond Field Office is working with HQ to pull the requested files and determine who will provide the final information to the reporter. Monday, June 12, 2017 WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Kerri O'Brien contacted us about a shooting that occurred in Essex Village Apartments in Henrico County, Va. on Sunday, June 10. The victim who was shot in the arm , had been previously banned from the property for shooting dice and is a friend of a resident who has been notified of eviction proceedings. We contacted PK Management and requested information relative to on-site security and camera footage. There is an unma rked auxiliary police unit stationed in an apartment on the property. Followed-up with the reporter with that information as well as the fact the security camera footage had been turned over to police officials. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested a comment on Congressman McEachin's announcement that he wanted HUD to cease business with PK Management. She also requested a follow -up on her mult i-pronged FOIA on EssexVillage Apartments and Woodland Crossings Apartments in Richmond, Va. Of the five item requests, the two on Woodland Crossings have been shipped; awaiting concurrence on the final three items pertaining to EssexVillage. Page I 13 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001015 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit sent a video about an EssexVillage resident complaint about bedbugs and roaches emailed to WTVR Problem Solvers. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. Both followed-up with the tenant, who had not submitted a work order for the complaint, and was advised PK would have an exterminator follow-up immediately . The issue has been followed-up and resolved. CBSGWTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on the outcome of an investigation by HUD's inspector general back in 1982 into allegations that HUD illegally bypassed procedures to approve the construction of EssexVillage. The reporter stated there were allegations of a $2 million cost overrun. The inquiry was transferred to Darry l Madden, HUD OIG Public Affairs, to handle. We were also made aware that HUD OIG is considering opening an investigation at EssexVillage. CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit shipped an EssexVillage resident complaint posted on the station's Facebook live. The woman appeared to have water leaking all over her apartment from a defective water tank or water heater. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. The following morning, it was reported the leak, from a malfunctioning air conditioning unit, had been repaired overnight. The issue had been followed-up and resolved. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit sent an email about an EssexVillage resident complaint about bedbugs emailed to WTVR Problem Solvers. I forwarded the complaint to multifamily who in turn notified PK Management and Navigate. Both followed-up with the tenant, who had not submitted a work order for the complaint, and was advised PK would have an exterminator follow-up immediately. The issue has been followed-up and resolved. WRIC-TV (Richmond, Va.) Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien received her FOIA requesting copies of all electronic payments made to EssexVillage Apartments from HUD for a period of two-years. Thursday, June 15, 2017 CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit received a follow-up to her FOIA request for information that included full amount of housing subsidy paid to PK Management during FY2016 ($152 million) as well as the complaints collected on PK Management properties in Virginia. I spoke with Melissa to further clarification the rema ining requested item pertaining to "sanctions" and "investigations." CBS6WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit reached out late -day to inquire why NBC12 had the 2017 REACInspection report for EssexVillage Apartments that she had requested, but had not received. After a series of emails, I determined the FOIA had been shipped on June 1 that included the 2015 and 2017 inspection reports. We determined her station's filters were not accepting the files after I successfully shipped them to her private email account. Her evening report included the "more than $150 million" subsidy report. NBC12, WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort submitted a FOIA request about how much money PK Management received from HUD for EssexVillage and Woodland Crossings in the past fiscal year. The FOIA is being handled by the Richmond Field Office and will be shipped on Friday. Page I 14 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001016 Friday, June 16, 2017 NBC12, WWBT -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort inquired about the date of HUD's follow-up REACinspect ion in July. No date has been set. She is also seeking an on camera with a HUD official, which I polite ly declined. Richmond Free Press (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Jeremy Lazarus requested information on the conference call on June 7 w ith Congressman Mc Eachin and Henrico County Officials. In subsequent press releases and news art icles, the Congressman appeared skeptical that progress is being made as HUD has stated it is and that the plan of action PK provi ded will be implemented . He asked if HUD provided any response t o congressman's request . He also inquired if t here is a reason tha t the Congressman believes PK is not gett ing the improvements done and that HUD is allowing comp lex to slide while keeping tenants in unfit apartments . He also asked if HUD is exploring the voucher option . Waiting for the Multifamily/C IR response that is in review; crafted a follow -up for media. Awaiting approval from both to ship. Richmond Tim es Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong is doing a story on EssexVillage for the weekend edition and had a few quest ions to be addressed. She stated that Henrico County manager John Vithoulkas crit icized HUD for the way it conducts inspections and suggested that inspecting only sampling of bui ldings is not adequate . He said that he feels HUD erroneously gave Essex passing REAC inspection scores when the property should not have received them . She requested HUD's response w hich we did not respond to . We addressed her other questions includ ing the REACre-inspect ion has not been scheduled. The other two "troub led" properties are Woodland Crossings in Richmond, Va. and Hope Village in Glen Allen, Va. And, HUD's records reflect GHC Propert ies as the owner, PK M anagement as the management company . CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested assistance for an EssexVillage resident who cited issues with her apartment since she moved into the comp lex March 23, 2016. She compla ined of leaks and mold. Forwarded the inqu iry to Multifamily and Navigate. She requested a response ASAP. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Mel issa Hipolit followed with a second inq uiry regarding the ongoing calls and emails from residents at EssexVillage who are continuing to have issues that have gone unresol ved. I requested that Melissa assist us with "getting the word out" about the process we have in place to deal w ith the issues- partic ularly since the work to remedy the defic iencies in the CDE report is unde rway. I crafted a response and fo rwarded it to Melissa and Colonel Middleton and requested the ir assistance. Monday , June 19, 2017 Richmond Time s Dispatch (Richmond , Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong forwa rded a Richmond Times- Dispatch article from 1982 stating that an investigation was started over a possible cost overrun as Essex was being constructed . The article doesn't show up online, but she attached a copy. She was request ing a resolution to the inquiry-which I forwarded to HUD OIG to respond. Tuesday, June 20, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporte r Melissa Hipolit reviewed the 2015 and 2017 EssexVil lage HUD inspection reports and inqu ired about several PK Management employees trying to validate if either one was t he senior VP that was allegedly "terminated" by PK Management for poor performance related to the properties in the Richmond area. I directed the reporter to PK Manageme nt because of the nature of t he personnel issue. Page I 15 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001017 CBS6 WTVR -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipolit was confused by the notation of unsuccessful versus successful on the REACInspection reports and did not understand that a score of 59 or below constitutes a fail ing score . I confirmed that EssexVillage Apartments failed the REACInspection with a 46c/51c and verified the notation on the REACInspection report means that the inspect ion was successfully completed and the inspection fi le was successfully uploaded to our PASSIT system . The word "successful" has nothing to do with the condition of the property . CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit submitted a FOIA for EssexVillage and PK Management's Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted on May 26, the appeal for the January 2017 REACInspection, the Notice of Default from HUD to PK Management and the Project Owner's Certification form . She also asked if the repair plan has been approved by HUD. Friday, June 23, 2017 NBC12 WWBT -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has submitted a FOIA requested the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Wood land Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actua l amounts, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016 for each property. We w ill most likely release the FOIA on Monday after hearing back from multifamily housing. CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipolit followed up on her FOIA request for Essex Village and PK Management's Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted on May 26, the appeal for the January 2017 REACInspection, the Notice of Default from HUD to PK Manageme nt and the Project Owner's Certification fo rm. She also asked if the repair plan has been approved by HUD. Await ing available documents and a response about plan acceptance from multifami ly housing . Monday, June 26, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has submitted a FOIA requested the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK M anagement last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Wood land Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled t he actua l amounts, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016 for each property . Working on a response with multifami ly housing. Tuesday, June 27, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort has submitted a FOIA requested the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in Essex Village Apartments , Henrico County, Va. and Wood land Crossings, Richmond, Va. We have pulled the actua l amounts, but are also determining the HAP Contract amount for FY2016 for each property. Waiting on a response/clarification from multifamily housing. WRIC-TV 8News Where You Live (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Investigat ive Reporter Kerri O'Brien has requested a response/copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted by PK Management for EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. She also inquired if the REACreinspection been scheduled. She informed us there is a meet ing ton ight w ith Henrico Board of Supervisors on EssexVillage . CBS6 WTVR -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipolit inqu ired about the FOIA she submitted related t o EssexVillage Apartments and PK Management. She has requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposit ion and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (accepted and currently being redacted), the Notice of Default, the Project Owner's Certification Survey and Certification form. We are currently wa it ing for a response from multifam ily housing. Page I 16 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001018 CBS6 WTVR -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipolit has yet to clarify what she means by requesting a listing of any sanctions or investigat ions involving PK Management from an earlier FOIA request. She has until July 5 t o respond to our request. Wedn esday, June 28, 2017 NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Online Reporter Megan Woo in her report on the Henrico County Board of Supervisors meeting reported that poor living conditions in EssexVillage Apartments was the focus of t he meeting. Officials say their goal is to get up to speed on what's being done to fix the problems and to determ ine the next steps. Officials also say they will continue to work with the chief build ing inspector, and HUD officials t o follow up on notices and violations-but incorrectly reported that "despite the fact that HUD continues to give the facility passing grades." The story noted Congressman Donald McEachin has also sent two letters to HUD Secretary Ben Carson about the problems . A correction was filed on the property's failing REACInspection score of Slc* . WRIC-TV 8New s Where You Live (Richmond, Va.) Noon Anchor/Reporter Kerri O'Brien alerted us to the fact that Henrico County filed nine (9) criminal summons against the owners of EssexVillage and Greg Perlman. They range from failing to maintain balcon ies to air condition problems to fa iling to fix plumbing . PK Management stated the violations were received after 5 p.m. last evening. Essexstaff is already addressing them and Management is verifying the issues were not previously addressed . Also, a violation, if corrected prior to court date carries no fine, only if not addressed. Carolyn Anastasi will follow-up tomorrow morning . WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Mel issa Hipolit contacted us about a resident report ing w/video that there is another sewage overflow in Essex.PK Management made us aware of the issue prior to receiving the reporter's note and alerted us that the plumbing company had been called and was on-site along w ith Henrico County officials and the fire department. Melissa also sent two additional resident complaints our way-one w ith an overflowing air conditioner and one with long-term carpet damage. I forwarded the information to Mu ltifamily and Navigate. CBS6 WTVR -TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter M elissa Hipolit is inte rviewing Nati onal Alliance of Housing Tenants Michael Kane about HU D's REACInspection process. Delton Nicho ls and Robert lber provided insight about the process that was edited and shipped to the reporter . Melissa requested an interv iew wit h Deputy Assistant Secret ary DJ Lavoy. We will again politely decline. NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort received her FOIA requesting the amount of annual subsidy paid to PK Management last year to support the assisted housing in EssexVillage Apartments, Henrico County, Va. and Wood land Crossings, Richmond, Va. The decision was to pull actual payments, not HAP Contract amount . Richmond Time s-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong submitted a FOIA for t he amount of federal funding EssexVillage receive last year and what the money was intended for. She asked if HUD require owners of prope rt ies that receive federal funding to report how they use the ir money as well as a copy of repo rts or any documentation GHC Housing Partners, PK Management and/or EssexVA Investors LLC.subm itted related to how they used the federal money they received. She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for the property . Thursday, June 29, 2017 CBS6 WTVR-TV (Richmond, Va.) Investigative Reporter Melissa Hipolit received an interim response her FOIA (June 20) that included the Notice of Default sent by HUD to the Owner of EssexVillage on February 24, 2017. The other requested documents have been submitted to HUD by either the Page I 17 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001019 ownership or the management entity for EssexVillage, and may contain commercial or financial information that is arguably protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)) and require submitter notification--which has been made. Friday, June 30, 2017 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit contacted us about a resident reporting w/video that there is another sewage overflow in Essex.PK Management made us aware of the issue pr ior to receiving the reporter's note and alerted us that the plumbing company had been called and was on-site along with Henrico County officials and the fire department. The additional questions about the issues with the sewer system have been partially addressed with the remainder forwarded to PK Management. WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up her Wednesday afternoon inquiry that included how PK Management is being held accountable in any way for not properly taking care of EssexVillage. Cited Code of Federal Regulations and guidelines HUD must follow when a multifamily owner fails in the requirement to provide decent, safe, sanitary housing in good repair. The Notice of Default of the Housing Assistance Provider Contract has been issued and the subsequent steps are underway. That If the property fails to pass the REACRe-Inspection, actions may include considering imposition of civil money penalties (CMPs), abatement of the Section 8 or other rental assistance subsidy, in whole or in part, and possible assignment of an FHA loan and/or foreclosure. She also inquired if HUD is investigating what happened to the money they gave PK Management to maintain EssexVillage. WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit asked why HUD continues to decline requests for an interview. Jerry Brown agreed to follow-up with the reporter. Monday, July 10 Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong received a partial delivery on her FOIA request for federal funding EssexVillage received last year and what the money was intended for. She asked if HUD require owners of properties that receive federal funding to report how they use their money as well as a copy of reports or any documentation GHC Housing Partners, PK Management and/or EssexVA Investors LLC.submitted related to how they used the federal money they received . This documentation has been shipped. She also requested a copy of the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for the property which is still under submitter notification . Tuesday, July 11 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up on her FOIA for relating to Essex Village and PK Management. She is looking for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (still in submitter notification and unavailable for release) as well as the appeal to the January 2017 REACinspection, the Notice of Default and the "Project Owner's Certification" Survey and Certification form that the project is compliant with HUD's physical condition standards and state and local codes (this was to be submitted within 60 days of receipt of NOD). A partial is available for release. Melissa requested a verification of the dates of the submitter notification. Tuesday, July 11 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit followed-up on her FOIA for relating to Essex Village and PK Management. She is looking for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted May 26 (still in submitter notification and unavailable for release). I confirmed the period of Page I 18 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001020 the submitter notification. I also confirmed the rem ainder of her requests were shipped to her on June 29 that included the appeal to the January 2017 REACinspection, the Notice of Default and the "Project Owner's Certification" Survey and Certification form that the project is compliant with HUD's physical condition standards and state and local codes. She has had issues receiving large files befo re and may not have received the reports/submittals. WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on HUD's REAC Inspections including if the inspectors talk to the tenants as well as how much we ight are mold/mildew/toxic air issues and bed bugs are given in the inspections. Also, whether inspectors test for mold or if it is just a visual test. The response included the fact that these issues are exigent health and safety issues calling for immed iate reaction. I also included extensive information on our bed bug guidance and policies. Melissa followed-up on Wednesday with additional questions concerning inspections . WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit made us aware that a meeting had been held between PK Management and the residents of EssexVillage Apartments last week and that PK Management said they were looking to sell property to Ernst and Hoss in 60-90 days. She asked if HUD was aware of the meeting and/or sale of the property. We confirmed there was a meeting, but that a sale was not discussed. Wednesday, July 12 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Me lissa submitted a new FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee McClain-Blankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. Richmond Field Office will be handling that request . Thursday, July 13 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates : January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. We have been back and forth clarifying exactly what the reporter is looking for; she has requested any emails in the time periods noted that include information about EssexVillage, PK Management , GHC Housing, Melissa Hipolit and WTVR. We are beginning to pull emails in response. WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested information on any mold testing conducted at EssexVillage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. Her request has been forwarded to PK Management for response. Friday, July 14 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested the last four REACInspection scores for the Burton Apartments in Cincinnati, Ohio. The scores include: 04.03.17, 73b*; 07.08.16, 33c*; 08.22.12, 90c and 05.07.08, 84b. Burton Apartments is part of a 727-un it portfolio in Cincinnati owned by affiliates of PE Holdings, the principal of which is Chaim Puretz. The portfolio, which includes Burton Apartments, was placed in a Receivership in a joi nt action brought by the private lender and the City of Cincinnati on February 1, 2016. Burton Apartments experienced a fire and a collapsed roof due to flooding conditions during the period that PEwas in control of the asset. The Receiver, Jodi M. Ridings Page I 19 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001021 and her agent, Milhaus Management, have had operational control of t he properties since February 1, 2016 and have performed roof repa irs and brought fire damaged units back on line. The Receiver also performed other stabilization repairs at the property . This could be an explanation for the change in score (from a failing 33c* to 73b*) as the Receiver did not commence substantial stabil ization work at Burton until after July of 2016, but did substant ial work after that date. Friday, July 14 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa Hipolit and Richmond Time s-Di spatch (Richmond , Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong have both submitted requests for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan fo r EssexVi llage Apartments in Henrico County, Va. As expected, the attorney for GHC Housing and PK Management has sent an objection to the release of the med ia requested mate rials w hich include th is document. We anticipate a ru ling about next steps on July 18. WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Brendan King filed the story EssexVillage in court over 18 criminal charges and called asking for comment, which we declined . NBC12 WWBT-TV (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Ashley Monfort filed the story EssexVillage owners dodge questions outside courthouse and left a message, also asking for a call-back if able to comment . Saturday, July 15 W TVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond Va. Re orter Melissa Hi olit re uested assistance with an EssexVillage resident complaint abou "'-'-'L.L.11.L.1.;i..a.._________________ !th) /6 ) I ___. Her mother, contacted the reporter about rodent and bed bug infestations and a request for a apartment is scheduled for transfer . PK Management immediately fo llowed -up an~ (b)(6) extermination . I Mond ay, July 17 WTVR -TV CBS6 (Richmond) Va.{ Reporter Melissa Hipolit requested assistance with an EssexVillage ! resident complaint fo ~/ h /6 The new mother with two addit iona l young children has been staying with her sister for the last seven months because of an ongoing rodent infestat ion. PK !apartment is scheduled for exterm ination . Management immed iately followed -up an~ (b) (6) Wedn esday, July 19 Richmond Time s-Di spatch (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Debbie Truong followed -up on her FOIA requesting a copy of the Comp liance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan for EssexVillage in Henrico County, Va. PK Management objected to the release of the document, so the Plan will be unavailable until August 1. Friday, July 28 WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management . She has requested digita l copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wo lfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carr ie Schmidt between the following dates : January 19 and February 2, Apr il 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017 . She has requested any ema ils in the time periods noted t hat include informat ion about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Mel issa Hipolit and WTVR. Comp leted pulling and culling the records; forwarded to Anne Davis, Richmond Field Office FOIA Lead. Page I 20 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001022 Thursday, August 3 WTV R-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request related to EssexVillage and PK Management. She has requested digital copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Lisa Wolfe, Greg Perlman, Jenee MCCiain-Bankhead, and Carrie Schmidt between the following dates: January 19 and February 2, April 19 and May 3, and May 25 and June 8, 2017. She has requested any emails in the time periods noted t hat include information about EssexVillage, PK Management, GHC Housing, Mel issa Hipolit and WTVR. Completed the review of and concurred on the final two documents and letter and submitted to Anne Davis, Richmond Field Office FOIA Lead. We anticipate the final FOIA to be shipped late this afternoon or tomo rrow . WTVR-TV CBS6 (Richmond, Va.) Reporter Melissa submitted a FOIA request for the Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement (CDE) Plan for EssexVillage Apartments that was received from PK Management. When she inquired about the delive ry of that plan, we reshipped a description of the submitter notification process, and that it is a requirement under FOIA. Again, we explained the FOIA is on hold because there were some objections to release of documents raised by the subm itter . PK Management has been given until tomorrow COBto present those objections in a way that will give us reason to withhold the documents. We will follow-up with PK Management tomorrow, and in turn, the reporter . Page I 21 /\MEf pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001023 l.S. DE:.r.-l-Rl .Ht .... l vr nvL,:,L,\.., A.-..u LKnA .... U1'..\""1'..LUl'lHl',:'lli WASHl:\GTO:\. DC 20-HO-li))O OrflCE orco:s;GRESSION>.L ,-\SD 1:-.TERGOVERN\lFNTAJ. RELATIOSS The Honorable A. Donald .McEachin Member, Lnited States House of Representatives l IO N. Robinson Street, Suite 40 I Richmond, VA 23220-4457 Dear Representative McEachin: On behalf of Secretary Benjamin S. Carc,on, Sr., thank you for your interest in Essex Village and your continued concern for its residents. The Department is keenly interested in resolving the issues at the property and shares your desire to achieve the best outcome for the residents of the Essex Village community. Specifically, you made a series of inquiries regarding the village. The HUD team has already responded to a series of email inquiries and had numerous conversations with your staff regarding Essex Village. The Department is pleased to work Viith you in this manner to address these very important concerns. (nitially. given the general scarcity of affordable housing. the Deparlment's policy is to work v.ith owners, residents. and localities to preserve project based Section 8 contracts whenever possible. If the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Contract at Essex Village were to be terminated, without first attempting to rectify the physical deficiencies at the property. those 496 units of affordable housing would be lost to Henrico County forever. In addition, many families residing in the property would be displaced. Preserving affordable housing units strengthens neighborhoods and allows families to remain in the communities they call home. This policy of preservation does not override the owner. .., obligation to provide decent, safe. and sanitary housing according to the terms of the contract. Nor does it override the tenant's right to live in peaceful enjoyment of that housing. The following infom1ation is provided by HuD's Office of Multifamily Housing. Your letters make specific requests of the Department. You also ask that where your rcqucst(s) cannot be met, that the Department provide a detailed explanation and "constructive alternative suggestions for ensuring that current residents of Essex Village have access to homes that afford them a decent quality of life." In your letter of :\lay 25, 2017, you requested a call from HUD with your staff and Henrico County officials. Most of your requests resulting from the June 7, 2017. conference call with HUD staff were addressed at that time. and this letter largely reiterates the information provided in that call. HUD has numbered and listed each of your requests below and provided a detailed response. The following responds to your letter dated, June 13. 2017: Request I: Receive a copy of PK ~fanagement's HUD in May 2017. report on needed repairs at Essex Village sent to Response: \\'hen Essex Village received a failing REAC inspection score, HUD sent the owner a Notice of Default letter requiring that it perform a I 00 percent unit inspection and submit a plan to /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT www.hud.go, espanol.hud.gor HUD-17-0235-C-001024 2 address all physical deficiencies at the property. HUD reviewed and accepted the owner's plan, which was received on May 25, 2017 (Refer to enclosure # I J. Request 2: Confirmation of the date of HUD' s next REAC inspection at Essex Village, which we understand will happen late July/early August. Response: The date of the next REAC inspection is August 8, 20 I 7. Request 3: A plan to close Essex Village and provide vouchers to residents as soon as possible. Response: As discussed on our June 7. 2017, conference call. after the failing REAC inspection from January 2017. the owner was given a Notice of Default and an opportunity to cure the deficiencies. The repairs are expected to be completed by July 3 I. 20 I 7. In accordance with this process, if the owner fails the second REAC inspection. the Department will take enforcement action, which can include requiring a change in management; encouraging a sale of the property; or abating the Section 8 subsidy. lf the determination is made to abate and terminate the subsidy, the residents will receive vouchers. lf the REAC inspection reflects that the ovmer is maintaining the physical condition of the property to standard, HUD will continue to monitor the conditions at the property and work with Henrico County officials to ensure that ownership continues to meet its obligations. As discussed during our conference call, if Henrico County condemns the units or revokes the rental license, the owner will be considered in violation of the Section 8 contract. This will result in HUD terminating the contract and making vouchers available to the residents. Request 4: Allow Henrico County officials to join HUD for future inspections of Essex Village . Response: HUD cannot accept this request because the HCD inspection process and standards of the locality are different than REAC-s. Conducting two different inspections at the same time can present confusion for the resident. owner. and the inspectors. As we discussed on our call and provided in our written responses to earlier questions posed by your office. the Department's policy is to allow only property participants (owner. management. resident) ro accompany the REAC inspector. HlJD's policy minimizes the number of people for a good reason: Too many people on inspections can become distracting to the inspector as well to residents. In addition, the policy also protects the tenants. right to privacy by ensuring that physical inspections are not viewed as an intrusion into tenants' homes. ~fany tenants take issue if people other than the property's representative arc present. This is a long-standing policy in existence since REAC's inception. HUD will continue to work with the County and the owner on resolution of the outstanding code violations. Request 5: Temiinate or abate HUD's contracts with PK ~fanagement at all properties. Response: At present, Essex Village is the only PK :\1anagement affiliated property that is experiencing a default. Therefore, HCD has no grounds to tenninate contracts at other affiliated properties. To do so would violate the respective property business agreements and be contrary to our mission of preserving scarce affordable housing resources across the country. As was discussed on the call, the Department monitors all of its 30,000 properties using a variety of sources in addition /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001025 3 to the REAC inspection. HCD will provide closer scrutiny to the l 71 PK affiliated properties. with particular attention to the Virginia-based assets. Request 6: Please provide constructive alternative suggestions for addressing Essex Village. Response: The Department shares your goal of ensuring that all Americans, including residents of Essex Village and all HUD-affiliated housing. have access to safe. decent, affordable housing. As stated above, HUD also has the goal of preserving limited housing stock. Therefore, HOD cannot abate the contract without first attempting to improve the physical condition of this prope11y. Currently, Henrico County administers approximately 250 vouchers. Given the significantly rising rents in nearly every city in the country, there is concern that a significant increase in vouchers may not be easily accommodated by the existing units in the county. HUD is committed to working with you to find the best solution. HCD works with local stakeholders to balance the needs of residents, communities, and the due process protections that are basic to all property participants. HUD will continue to ensure that our owner and management partners adhere to their business agreements and provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing. If they do not. the Department will enforce compliance or will tem1inate our relationship and provide alternative housing for residents. In addition to the specific actions HUD is taking with Essex Village as the federal agency charged with ensuring the potentially competing goals of preservation and compliance, the Department developed a series of initiaLives to more quickly identify troubled properties; enhance enforcement actions: and improve our communication concerning such properties with residents. communities. and local governments and can share them with you and your staff. The following responds to your letter dated. June 22, 1017: Request 7: You referenced general concerns regarding the property. specifica!ly the sewage system. Response: The mvner/management reported a sewer line camera inspection was completed by Dillon Plumbing, a local third party plumbing and se\ver company, over the course of two weeks in late May and early June. The final \Vritten report was due on June I 6, 20 ! 7, but was delayed. To expedite the receipt of the repott, the videos were forwarded to UIS Engineering, who provided an initial response on Wednesday June 22. 2017. The initial report was a review of 1,000 lineal feet of the lines. Verbally, Dillon Plumbing conveyed to County inspectors that no material damage was noted in their review of the camera videos. The cause of the backups was primarily due to improper disposal of grease. pampers, baby wipes, etc. Dillon Plumbing also noted that the lines were previously obstructed by bottles and other large objects. Preliminary results of the report from UIS show that over 63 percent of the lines were clear and that the 36 percent of apparent obstruction was grease build up. Management provided a notice detailing items that are not flushable and proper grease disposal instructions in May and this notice will be redistributed and included in the July Newsletter (Refer to enclosure #2). Management has a contract to jet the lines quarterly (Refer to enclosure #3). The owner/management reported that recent backups (including the one highlighted by the media over the Memorial Day weekend) were due to grease. pampers, and wipes. They have no record of recent incidents of the backup of actual raw sewage. Bill Mohr, Facilities Director for PK /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001026 4 Management, was on site at Essex and personally observed one of the backups in question at the cleanout. He reported that the backup consisted of clear \,\aste \Vater(no feces or urine). Request 8; You noted residents stared they were told nm to contact the County and that PK staff did not respond to requests for assistance. PK Management reports the following: Response: According to management, residents have not been told not to contact the County and encouraged to contact the leasing office (during the business day) and to use the emergency after hours service (after business hours) to report maintenance issues. In addition, the contact information and grievance protocol for :--ravigateHousing. the Contract Administrator for Essex. was redistributed to residents and reposted in the leasing office. Last week, management instituted a customer service email where residents can voice concerns about repair quality, maintenance promptness. or any other management concern. This email is monitored and goes directly to the centralized Customer Service center located at the PK Corporate office. Ylanagement is also aware that recently, some residents voiced that calls to the emergency after hours' line went unanswered. To address this, management added a second "on-call" maintenance technician. Each shift will now include one HVAC technician at all times, and the technicians are authorized to use 3rd party HVAC contractors, as needed. to expedite service. These customer service enhancements v..erereiterated via hand delivered tenant notices, as well as, during the resident meetings held the week of June 19, 2017. (Refer to enclosures #4). The Depattment encourages residents to contact management first. then the Navigate Housing. then contract administrator, and then HUD staff. Request 9: You requested a list of al! properties in Virginia's 4 th Congressional district with failing REAC scores and the names of the owner operators of those housing complexes. Response: The list of properties is enclosure #5. I hope this infonnation is helpful. Sincerely, Aaron Santa Anna Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Enclosures /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001027 ENCLOSURE a 1 E1 -o , :. . ; . .- PK May 25, 2017 VIA Electronic Mall and Federal Express Ms. Carolyn Anastasi US Dept. of HUD Wanamaker Bldg. 12th fl 100 Penn Square East Philadelph ia, PA 19107 RE: Essex Village Apartments -VA36-H027-196 REAC Inspect ion COE Dear Ms. Anastasi: As a follow up to our original submission dated April 28, 2017 , please accept this as our final COE and improvement plan for Essex Village Apartments. EHS All EHS items noted on the REAC inspection were addressed and documented to HUD on January 13, 2017 (see attached report). In addition, from the 100% unit inspection survey, a!I items of this type have been addressed . Interior Units Total Point Loss Units~(b )(6) As previously noted, following the receipt of the final REAC score of 51, a 100% unit inspection was conducted. Attached please find the revised COE report includ ing completed service reques ts . Management utilized several third-party contractors including flooring contractors, plumbers, HVAC contractors, carpenters, and exterminators, to address unit defi ciencies . Unless noted, repair work has been completed. Any open items will be addressed by July 31, 2017. Due to the number of units at Essex, as weU as the comprehensive nature of this inspection, management will be revisi ting units and ensuring that 3rd party contractor work as well as on-si te work has been completed up to UPCS standards . We expect this secondary review to be completed by July 31, 2017. 26301 Curtiss-WrightParkway.Suite 300, RichmondHts.o Ohio 44143 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001029 Exterior Fencing and Gates - Point Loss - 2 .23 All fencing and ga tes that were damaged were repaired. Some section s are being reviewed fo r replacement and will be done by July 31, 2017 if needed. Gutters/Downspouts/Soffits/Fascia - Point Loss - 2.47 All gutters, downspouts, soffits, and fascia noted on the REAC inspection report have been repaired/replaced as needed. Th e entire property was surveye d and repairs to gutters, downs pouts, soffit s and fascia were made by our 3rd party contracto rs on site. Siding - Point Loss - 3.63 All siding has been repaired and is up to UPCS standards, however, the owner has approved to begin siding replacements over the next 60 days , beg inning with the 100 Series . We anticipate that this first series of 5 buildings will be completed by July 31, 2017. Common Areas - Point Loss - 1.08/Stair Repairs {Breezeways) - Point Loss - .01 Common Areas have been inspected and repairs have been made as needed including in the office, commun ity room , laundry rooms. and breezeways. All breezew ays have been power washed and all several stair risers have been repaired and stairs replace d as needed. All common areas wfll continue to be inspected weekly and repairs will be made as needed . Grounds {Landscaping) Overgrown Vegetation - Point Loss- 5.57 l andscaping upgrades have been extensive since March 1, 2017 . Specific ally mulch, shrubs, and other plantings have been added. ln addition, tree trimming and bush trimming have been completed to address any areas of ove rgrown vegetat ion . Landsc aping and the monitoring of vegetation will be ongoing and continuous . Grounds {Landscaping) Erosion - Point Loss - 7.43 Erosion has been addressed by seeding and straw coveri ngs . This will be ongoing with major areas addressed by July 31, 2017 . Playgrounds - Point Loss - 5.57 All playgrounds have been repaired and swing seats rep laced. Playgro unds will be monitored daily and any needed repairs will be addressed immed iate ly. Paving - Point Loss o 0 No deductions related to paving were made on the REAC report Howeve r. the owner authorized a full seal coating and slrtping of all lots which will occur on May 31, 2017. Extermination (Infestation) - Point Loss - 4.20 Service has been transferred to Terminix. All units on the property have been treated during a "cteanout" process. Terminix is now contracted for the ongoing service as well. Cleanouts for both roaches and mice have been completed . Mice exc lusion and extracti on will continue as needed . Units will be treated a minimum of fo ur times per year - more as needed . Note - the point loss in Extermination is also reflected in the total unit interior point deduction above. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001030 Other Items Sewer Backups - No point deductions related to Sewer backups were made on the REAC report . However, this issue was discussed during the meeting held on March 29, 2017 . To address this iss ue, all lines were jetted during the first week of May 2017. This procedure will be continued, as needed, but is planned for a minimum of twice annually. In addition, the owner has agreed to conduct a camera inspection of all lines . The latter is planned for the first week of June. Balconies - AU balconies were inspected on May 25, 2017 . Repairs and replacement will be made by third party contractors as needed. Refuse Disposal - It was determ ined that the number of refuse pickups was not adequa te. Management increased the refuse service from: o Old Service : 20-8 yd. dumpsters on site 4-8yds emptied 3x week 12- 8yds emptied 2x week 4-8yds emptied 1x week (senior side) o New Service: 20 - 8yd dumpsters on site 16-8 cubic yard dumpsters each emptied 3x week and the 4-8yds emptied 1x week (senior side) Security Guard Service - Security was discussed during the meeting held with Managem ent and HUD on March 29, 2017. Since that meeting security guard service at Essex is now setup on a 16 hour day schedule utilizing 2 off-duly Henrico Police Officers per shift. Day Shift will operate from approximately 12:00 pm - 4 :00 pm dairy. Evening Shifts will operate from approx imately 2:00 pm - 2am daily. (7 days per week} Officers wi ll utilize marked police vehicles while on duty for mobile patrols, and also be spending most of their shifts on foot patrol when weather permits. Essex also has a HPD sub -station ~office~ where officers can take breaks from the elements and do any report writing. Other On-Duty Police often do foot patrols with the Essex officers on a regu lar basis . Officers will enforce all local and state laws, including but not limited to: Trespassing, Curfew Violation, Loud Music, Domestic Calls, Frearm Violations, Alcohol/D rug Violations, etc. Reports will be emailed to our distribut ion group daily for review . Cameras - Currentty, the property has a camera system covering certain areas of heavy traffic . Th is system will be augmented over the next 90 days, by August 31. 2017 to have additional coverage in all three series {100, 200, and 300), as well as on the senior side. Customer Service/Nuisance Calls Management has requested the most recent log of nuisance calls from the County and will follow up with Colonel Middleton on this matter. In the meantime, management has reiterated its grievance procedure to the residents as well as all after-hour's emergency numbers, service request procedures, etc. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001031 Tenant Relations In an effort to improve tenant relations, management conducted one on one meetings with tenants in April to discuss the House Rules and to address concerns. A new Property Manager was hired on March 27, 2017 and will ensure follow up meetings are being scheduled to check in with residents, discuss any concerns they have and to solicit constructive criticism and feedback from the residents regarding the recent repairs and the management team in general. Social Services Essex currently has one full-time Social Service Coordinator. Management is in the process of hiring another Service Coordinator who will be assigned to augment services specmcally for the children who reside at Essex. We look to have this new position in place by July 15, 2017. In the meantime, Essex will continue with a robust services and programming schedule. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (216) 472-1870x115. SJA~~~ly, __ .._ ,, .l / -~ 11 / ,, \f\ l1;. I\ / . -T ..,~l!ft/Ll(V 11 I! - I Jenee McClain-Bankhead President JMB/pjo Attach. /\MEf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001032 I Essex Vill age - 100% Unit Inspecti on I Coounonts Site: Fencing and Gates Holt:s/M1ssing Socliuns/Damaged/Falilng/Leaning (Non-security/Non-safety) unit privacy fences mis~ing at fir.;tfloor of sevotal units Fencing and Gales Holes/Miss ing Sccliom;/ Darmiyed/ Falling/le aning (Security/Safely) veg~tation growing through all fencing causing damage, chain link at rear oColfice damaged , wood fence damaged at golf cart garage Ground s Erosion/Rutting Areas 1~. . - - .- '" h , ildings ; undermining :.11 t o- \ / h )/ h \ I entries, holes front of I / h Date Com,plcted I Work Order # 1 \/ eros,on in numerous areas. throug houl site. bohincfZb]i ear conde11sers, und em 11n1 ng at elec closet, r~ 20o1, undermining, wall to hole at ~ ut front o rutting l mnl oft/ h \ rosion at downspouts of I rn otrico Groun ds HeaUh & Safetv Health & Safely Overgrown/Penetr ating Veg(llalion Hazards-S ham Edqes Hc12 ard s- Trippin g vo'l elation orowina throuoh broken Qla:.s numerou s sidewalk to curb transition ; oy o flico // around "frj:;P "'7GBP'\ fol sewe } ro ver . cable_; rear \ coamumly patio, j~" ~' o sidewalk gate naai \orrul entry hall, cable lrip ha:.mrds around most bldgs. polhole ~~ ~bj)(6 ?0 rdct\ :~k 1 at office al water meter cover Mailbox es/Pro iect Sign!, Market Aooeal Par\ Detecto, Unlt_4 (h \ ( I Batn roorn Bathro om Health & Sarety Kitchen Kitchen Smoke D etecto r Windows Unit# /h \/ I Health & S alety Unitl / h \/ Duflci ilil CY RanQe/ Stove-Missi nQ/Oamaqe dllnooera ble lnres1ation Insects RanQe Hood/Exhau st Fan s-Exce ssive Missinr.1/lno perable Leaking Faucel/Pipe s Water Clos et/T oilel-Da magedi Cloc1oeai Missin g Emeroency Fire Exils-Emeroencv/Fi re Exits Ranue Hood/ Exha ust Fan s-E xcessive Ref riQeralor-Mi ss ing/Oam ag ed/ lnoperable Mi&singfl nooera bl e Inop erable/Nol Lockable O ther I Doors Kitche n Smoke Oeleclor wa u." Unit #I I h \/ Cei~ng I Heallh & Salety Hea lth & Safety Heallh & Safety Heallh & Sc1re1y Smoke Ootector Win dows Unit# th\/ I Battir oom HG.lll h & S;:ile ty Kitch en Light ing Windows Windows Unit # 1 / L. \ I~ I Smoke Detec tor Unit# th \I I Hea lh JC. fi.: "'.:Jlf.c.h 1 Uolc th \I~ I Ce iling Door s Doors Health & Safety Kitche n Darm, oed H,irdware/Lock s Sink-Mis si ng/Da mao oo M1ssinolln ooarable Mold/ Mild ew/W aler Slain:;/Wat er DarnJqe Mold /Mild ew/W ater Stains/Wal er Damaqe Emergen cy Fir e Exil s-Em ergencv/Fire Exils Hazards - Trinn inQ lnresl ation -l nsect s Other Mis sinQ/lnou erable Inoper abl e/ Not Lock ablo Lavat ory Slnk- Dam aged/Missinc.i Em orooncv Fife fa its-Em erae ncv/Fire Exits Refri gcra\ or-Mi ssinQ/Dam agedllnopa rnble Mls sing/ lnooe rable F ixture C racked/Btokon/Mis sinCJPanos Inopera bl e/Not Loc kable Mis sh1!lil nopera ble Othe r Pae linq/ Needs Paint Dam aged Hardware/ Lo cks D amaged Surf ac e (Hole~/PainVRust/G lass ) Electrica l Hazar ds- Expose d W ires/O pen Panels Ref riacrato r oM1ss 1nr1/Dc.1m aQeo/lnoo eraole pVERSIGHT Fauce t -leaks RiqhVfront burn er ooes not fun ction Roa ches not funci ion ingl blocked smo ke dot. not workillf! ; Hall & 8 ed 2 sink faucet drips ;tub fa uce t Toi let is loose Bedroom 2 window not lu nction inQ/block ed Fresh food sea l needs reo laced smokedetector is nol fun ctioning:B edroom 1: Wi ndow wo n't &lav uo : Bedroom 2 no elect ric loc k not funcli onin q :B edroom 1 :Bed room 2: sprn,,.o, Smok e detect or is mishlng : B edroom Bath room 1 Bathroom 1 w indow in Bed room 3 tv cable/cord in hallw .iv Roaches no acces s lo Bedroom 2 Smoke detec tor is missina: Hc1IVBdrm 1 Wine.Jawwon't stay up;Bedroom 3 I Date Co m pfou ,d I Wo rk Order # 3/14/20 17 3/14/2 0'7 266 44o1 26644-1 Coni mc lor 26 645- 1 3114/2017 3/ 14/20 17 2664 5.1 26645-- 1 3/1512017 3/1512017 3/1512017 3/15'2017 3/1512017 3/1512017 3/15/2017 26646 -1 26646.1 266 46- \ 26646.1 266 46 . 1 3J13ri o 11 26647 -1 3/14/20 17 3/14/2 017 3/14/ 201 7 26 648.1 266 48.1 266 48-1 26648 . 1 3/ 141201 7 3/14 120 17 266 49.1 26649-1 3114/201 7 Contract or 3/ 14/2 0 17 26649-1 3/14/2017 26 646 - 1 26646-1 2G649.1 3/ 14/2017 26 649.1 26649-1 26649 -1 Fresh foo d seal needs reolaced Dining Room cracked uane ;Bedroo m 1 Wind ow wo n't stav uo;Be droom 1 3/14/2 017 3/14/ 2017 3/14/2017 3/14/201 7 3/ 14/201 7 3/14 /2017 26650 -1 266 50~1 26650- 1 266 50-1 26650- 1 266 50-1 smoke detector not wofki no Bdrm 2 3/14/ 2017 2665 1-1 Conlr acl or 266 5 2.1 loose fau cet window Bedroom 1 BB unit Bedroom 2 Off track . Closets Bath room 1;Bedroom 1 ;Clo5et HWH ele ment Fresh food seal ne eds rep laced 3/14/ 201 7 3/1 5/201 7 266 53-1 3/15/2 017 26 653- 1 3/1 5/2017 26653- 1 26653 -1 3/151201 7 3115/2017 2 66 53-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001038 Ess ex Vill a9e - 100% Unit Inspect ion Ooflclancy Anna Dellciuoc11 Smo '--. ~ Unit# ( Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen .comments Missi nq/lnoor::r.,ble h \( I Smoke de1ector is rnissinq ; Hall Ra nge/Stove-Mis~ing/Oama oud/ lnop erabl e RefriQe,.ttor -Missinn/ Dam aQed/lnoperable Sink-Missing/Dama Qed Bufldini:,Exterior . Roo ts Missing /Damoged Componer.ts from Oown spoul/Gulter Common Atoas: ClosJe Unit M 1 1- \ Ir- \ I Bathroom La -.,ato(Y Sink-Dama<1ed/Mis sinQ Leakino FauceUPfpes DamaQed Hacdware/l..ocks Detorlor ,ded/M1s5inQ Seals (Entrv Only) Emeroencv Fire Exits - Ememencv/Fire Exils ln{eslation-lnsecls General RusVCorros ion Ranc:ieJSto11e-Missinci/DamaQed/lnoperab1e Sink-Missinq/Damaoed MissinQ/lnoperab le Fixture Bathroom Do ors Doors Health & Salety He alth & Safely Hot Wator Healer Kitchen Kitchen lightina lY!!!!.!l(h)fh) I pVERSIGHT. F1ontentry door: Bedroom 1 bala nce. bedroom 2 bed Fresh road seal needs repla ced: Lock inoperable:Window won ' t slay Front entrv door/slider on hwh window bal ance Bedroom 1; Mice; Fresh rood s0.:1Inee ds raotac ed: Window won 'I sl ay uu:Bed room , ; O.de Com let(ld Work Order# 4/7/2017 4n/2017 417/2017 4ll12017 26678 -1 26878-1 26878-1 26 876-1 4ll/2017 4(7/2017 4/7/2017 26879- 1 26879-1 Cont ra ctor 4nl2017 26 879 -1 26879 -1 4f7/2017 26879-1 26879- 1 4/712017 26681-1 sloooer missing ;Bathroom 112 stoooer miss ino :Bathroom 1; seal loose Bathroom 1; Front entry door; RiQhVrronl burner doe:. nol function : Fresh lood seal needs repla ced; 4/11/20 17 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26880-1 26880-1 :;toooer missinq : Closer damaacd/disconnected : Balhroom Front en lrv door: Hallway/Hall:Closet knob Frosh rood seal needs reolac ed: 4/\0/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 Make entiy - repair alt ob seived diJiciencies .in d thoroughly list out stoooer mlssina : Front entry door ; Faucel leaks: Fresh food seal needs rep la ced; no cold sink faucet drips ;lub fau cet drips : Closer dama ged/d isco nn ected : Front entrv door: Bedroom 2 mirror Roaches ; RiohVfront burner does not func tion: raucel not functioning property Bathroom 2: 4/11fl017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10 /2017 4/10/2017 Contractor 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10(2017 26880-1 26680- 1 26880-1 26880-1 2688'..!-1 26882- 1 26882-1 26882-1 26882-1 26883. 1 26883.1 26683-1 26883- 1 26803-1 26885-1 26885- 1 26885-1 26685-1 26885-1 26885 -1 26885- 1 26885-1 26885-1 26885-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001045 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection ;Ooflclenc Arca Bathroom Balhroom Bathroom Balhroom Bathroom Ceillno Doors Doors D oors Flo ors Health & Safel'i Kitchen Kitch en WaUs wi~"~.... . tin'iii It.-..\ I {h ){h I 1iea1ma. ~a 1e1y Building Exterior Doors Doors Walls Common Areas : Halls/Corridor Doors Gratlili Common Ateas: Laundry lioht inq Common Areas : Storaae I inh1;~~ /h\/~\ Unit # I / B ath,uum W ,1IIH Closct/Toilol-OamaQoo/Clo,m eo/Mi ssinq Deteriorated/Missin{J s~ al!i (Entry Onlv) GF l-lnooerable Emornoncv Fire Exil s- Em ernuncy/Fire Exils Ranae Hood/E xhaus t Fans-Exc essiv e Relrio erator-M is sing /D amao&dlln ooeral,le Olher Oam .iged Hardware/Locks Damaged Surface (Holes/P ainURus l/Gla ss l Miss ing Pieces /Hole s/Spallin g s/Stairs DamaQcd Surt<.1ce{Holes/Painl/Ru sl/G ldss) Graffiti Missing /Oam aoe:d/lnoot!rnble Fixture Mis~ino/Dam om,dl lnoparab !e FiJ1ture I 1,..,.\ / La val ory Sink-DamaoediM issino Le akinA Fauc eUPipes Showe,rr ub-Oamay ed/M issi ng Ventilation/Exhaust Svstem-lnop erd ble Waler Ctoset/Toilel - Oama ged/Clooacd/M i::;sing BulQinq/BuckllnQ Damaoed/Mi ssinCJScreen/ Storrn/S ecurily Do or Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entrv OnM MissinQ Door Hard Floo r Co11eringMissinu/Damagod Floo ringfTiles Emeraencv Fire Exits-Em eio encv /Fire Exits Cabine ts-M issi nq/D amaaed Refri<1era1or-MissinQ/Damagedllnoperabl1:1 Oamaued lnopernblelNot Lock ablo 1 Bathroom Doors Electrical Svstem Health & Saraty Kite.hen Kite"'- - Unltl .o..ficlanc c \ I Ceilinn Doors Hea lth & Safel y Health & Safely Hot Wat er Heat er Kitchen Smoke Detector Leak ino Fau ce UPioes Mold/Mildew/Water Stains/Water Damage Damaaed Hardware/locks Air Qualitv-Mo ld and/or MIidewObserved lnrost ation-ln sects Genera l RusVCo rrosio n Ral"IQe/Stov&-Missino/Damaoedtlnuner all l~ Missirm/lnoo ora b!e pVERSIGHT Comments Dale Com sto ooer mis sinQ :Bat hru om 1: Tub faucet showerhcad Bathroom 2 : cold knob not functionirm Bathroo m 1; not functioninQ ;Bathroom 2; seal loose Bathto om 1; toilet nol func1ionin() Din ing Room: slider Fro nl entrv d oor: Bed room 1: and closets balc onv bo ard B edroo m 2 window baia ncc cou nte rtoo Fres h food seal needs re placed : throuohout Window won't stay up;Bed room 2: lott1d Work Order# 4/10(2017 26 886-1 4/10/2017 4/10f2017 26886 . 1 4/10(2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2 017 4/10/2017 4/1012017 1\/10/2017 26 886 -1 26886-1 26886.1 26 886- 1 26886-1 26886-1 268 86-1 26886 -1 26 866.1 26886 -1 26886- 1 26886 . 1 268tl6-1 ~ea, loo~~ F ront entry door : Bathroom 1; child lock front entrv not lun ctioning/blocked : Fresh rood seal ne eds rcplc1ced; 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/1012017 26887-1 VACANTo All rep airs will ba completed a s applicable when unit made m.:1ke ready :l/26/2017 268 88 -1 4120'2017 4/20/2017 4120/2017 26090 -1 26 890-1 26 890-1 26890 -1 26890-1 26890 -1 268 90-1 2689 0-1 4110/2017 26887-1 4/10)2017 26687o1 4/10/2017 26 887 -1 26887-1 268!J7o1 I clec closet s11ikermiss inQ I ele c closet holes nis r sidinQ ( h ojo ld /L {h )( (b la undry lhall aund rv l2L tub fa ucet drip s :Ba throo m 1 Bedroom 3 Closer damaged /d isconnec tl:!d; enlrv Walls/ceili na : Bath 1: Tub ; Bath 2 Roi:!ches 2 or more burners do not runcti on smoke dete ctor Hail18ed 1 & 2 4/20/2017 Contractor 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/2012017 HUD-17-0235-C-001046 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Oaf/clekea ncv .... UniU /h \/ Unlt# I (h )( I Windo _ws Unit Vi.....\ IC. I Doors Doors Electri cal Svs1em Floon. Hea lth & Sa fety Health & Safety Health & Safety Kitchen Kitc he n Oullals/Swilch es Smoke Detector Win"'-.- ~ /h \/ I Ele ctrical Svsl om Health & Safety Unit It I 1-. \/ I Health& Safely I Health & Safely Doors Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Damag ed Hardware/ Locks Deter1orated/Missin.:i Seals (Enirv Only} GFl-lnooerable Hard Floor Covcona Miss,no/Dc1maaed Floonn orrn es Emerqenr.v F1ro Ex1ts-Emeraencv/Fire Exits Haz ards - Trmo1no lnfo slalion-ln sects Dishwashe r/Garban e D1suosa l- lnoue,able Refnoorator oMiss ina/Damaged/lnop1m1ble MissinQ/Bro ken Co ver Plates Missing/Inoperable lnocerable /Not Lock.ible GF l- -fnooera bla lnfost ahon-ln se c!s Rch10era\or-M is~1r1g/Oa m aoed ll nopurable Oamaaed Hardware/lock s Damaaed Surface fHoles /PainVRusl/Gla ss) Hazards-Tno oinQ lnfestalion - lnsects Cabine\s-Missing/Oama oe d Refrioerator~Miss fng/Damaoed/lno perable Oth er c:..I Heaim & Safety Unlt# l /h \/ Crdcked/8roken !Missinq Pam~s Othe r 1 Doors Hea lth & Sah!IY 1-lealth & Safely Kitchen Kitchen Unit 1llI h \ I Other I ~(b) (6 Doo Un1U1/I,..\/ .Comments I Health & Safety Unit 1'II'- \I Kitchen .Oo1fleii'.IOCY Olhar I Damaoei.lHardware/Locks Dishwash er/Garbau e Oisoosa l- lnoo erable Ranoe/S tova-Miss ing/Damagedflnouerable RefriCJerator- Missi nQ/Oamooed/ lnoo erable pVERSIGHT I Dato Compluted I Work Order # VA CANTo Unit will be repaired when unit is made market ready 4/20/2017 2689 H cracked pane:Bedroom 1 1\/20(2017 26U92.1 4/20/2017 4/20 /2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/201 7 4/20/2 017 26803-1 26693-1 26893-1 26893-1 268 93-1 268 93-1 Contractor 26803-1 Off track; Utility Room Fro nt ent ry door Bathroom 1 Bathroom 1: tilas missina headboard in Bedroom 1 tv cable/cord in hallw av Roar.hes oarbaae dispos al not function inq Fresh food seal needs ropluced Outlet olate missino ;Dinino Room Smoke detector hall and Bedroom 2 Window won't stav uo; Bedroom 2 Kitchen Roaches 4(20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/201 7 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 268 93 -1 26693-1 20893-1 .!6893-1 26893-1 Contractor 26804-1 268 94-1 Mako entry - repair all ob servell di/icio nci1:1s and thorou ghly list out 4/20 /2017 26095.1 Fro:;h food seal ne eds replac ed 4/20/201 7 26896-1 4/20/201 7 2689 7-1 26897-1 26897-1 26897-1 Locks Entrv Beel l & 2 hal als); Bedroom 2 Iv cable/cord in hallwav Ro aches drawers Fresh food seal needs replaced 4/2012017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 26897-1 Make ent,y - repai r all observe d dificiencies and thoroughly list out 4/20/2017 26898.1 Make enlry - repair all ob served dificie ncies and thorou ghly list oul 4/2 0/2017 26699-1 Bedroom2;Bedroom 1 aarbaoe disposal not functioning 2 or more bumers do nol runclion Fresh food seal needs re1>laced 4/20/201 7 4/20 /2017 4/20/2017 4/20 /2017 26900-1 26900-1 26900-1 26897-1 269 00-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001047 Essex ViUa e - 100% Unit Ins ection ' Deflcienc Are.s . Dufidunc Srnak ~o Un!il { h) ( fi) I Heann Unit#! C!I;:,a1e1y /h \/ Doors Kltchen Wall'- Bal .. Health R. ~,,., fi,. 213900-1 Make entry o repair all ooserved dificienci cs and lhoroughly list out 4/2012D17 26901-1 Damaged surf ace (Holes/PainURvst/Gl ass I Oishwasher/GarbaQ0 Disposal-Inoperable RefriQerc1tor-Missinq/Damaged/lnoperaule Damag ed holes Bedroom 2; Bedro om 3 garbaoe disposal not lun ctio nino Fresh rood seal needs re olacc::d holes Bedroom 2: Bedroom 3 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2017 4/20/2011 26902-1 Leaking FaucGBP:t/Pipes Showerfrub-Damaaed/M iss inn Wale, Closet/Toilet-DamaQed/ClouutldlMis D amaged Hardwatt,/Locks sink fau cet dril)s IPeelin g Toller is loose Strik er plate missing;Closcr damaged en try 4/20/2017 4/2012017 4/20/2017 26903 -1 26903-1 4/20/2017 2690 :i-1 Ro..1ct1as Co ntrnclor 26903-1 Make entry - repair all observed d1iiciencies and thoroughly list oul 4120/201 7 2G004.1 Make oo lry - repair all ob served dilic ienc ie::; and thoroughly list out 4/20/2017 26905-1 4{10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/201 7 4/10/20 17 4110/2017 4/10/2017 26907 -1 26907-1 269 07-1 2690 7-1 26907-1 Co ntractor 26907-1 hllesta lion si ng Insects Olht 1/4 f Unit fj I L-..\IC. \ I Health & Safety Oth l::lr BulldlnA Extor lor Doors Healt n & Safe ly Roofs Wc,lle ~orc 1tilo Relr ioerat or-MissiM/Damaaed/lnoocrab le Doors ~ al\h & Salety Heallh & sar etv Kitchen Kitchen Unit d /I-\ Ir.:- 1 Bathroom Doors Hea lth & Safely Kitchen Unlt# I I'- \I I Bathroom Doors LeokinQ Fauccl/Piues Deteriorat ed/Mi ss ing Seals (Entrv Onlv) lnf estal ion-lnsccts Rofrio~ralor -Mi~sinQ/Oamaaecl/lnooerable Water Closol/Toilet-Oamacw.d/Cloaoed/M iss1nq Damaqed Hardware/Locks Deleriorated/Missino Soa ls CEnbv On M Electrical Hazards- ExJ)osed Wi res/Cuen Panels R anqe/ Stove- Missino/Da mao edl ln oo erabla Doors Health & Safe ty Kitchen Unll# I /1- \/ I Bathroom Doors Elect rica l Svste m Hol Wale r Haale, HVAC System Kitchen Kit chen Kitc hen Kit chen Lioh''-- Uolt#l/h )(h Ventilalion/E xhaust Svste m- lnu oerabl(i Deleriorated/M issino Seals /Entrv Onlvl GFl-ln ooer able Inopera ble Unil/Comoonen ts Inope ra ble Dishwasher/ Garbage D1snosal- ln ooerabl e Rana e HoodlExhausl Fans-Exce ssive R anQe/Slove- Missi nC1/ Dama oed/lnooera ble RehiCJeralor-Mlssinci/Damaoecl/lnooerable M issina/l nooer dble Fixture I Doors Doors li{;l""-- uni!] (h )(6) Doors H ealt h & S.:1fely HVAC Svslem Building Exterio r I Damao ed Hardware/Locks Oeteriorated/MissinQ Seals (Enlrv Onlvl Missing/lnooer ab le Fixture Oeteiioraled/M,ssiru:i Seals {E nlrv Onlvl lnfesl alion - lns ects Inoperable pVERSIGHT - --- -- - ------ ?Cornm1mts Screen torn Front entcv doo r Roach es Sink. drain is clo ooeo oarba ae d1soosal not t'unct1oninci Fresh food seal ne eds reol.ice.;t swr ,ne r missin a sloooe r mis sioa seat loose Striker olaie mis alion edl missirll1 ;Bedroom 2; Roaches Mice Le!t/l ront burno r doe s nol funcl1on Fresh food seal needs reula ced sink fauctil drio s Ftont entrv do0<; slider fonoud Roaches Fresh loo d st1al needs reolaced sea l loose Balhroom 1; Bathroom 2 Closer dam.iaed/disconnecled Front enlrv door disposa l wire Riohl/front burnor doa s not !unction no oower Front ontrv door : no oower no oower no oower no power no oower no oower no cowe r no power Close r da maoed/di sco nnected ; Front entrv door: Dinino Room : Front entrv door : Roaches; not adea ual elv hea11na; Oatt1 Com let<1d 4/11/2017 4/ 11/20 1"/ ~ Work Order# 26916-1 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 26 916 -1 26 916-1 26 916-1 26916-1 26 916- 1 Contractor Con\ rcacl or Contra ctor Co ntra ctor Contra ctor Contractor Con tractor Contractor 26tl17-1 26917-1 26917-1 26 917-1 26917-1 26917-1 26917-1 2 tl917-1 4/29/2017 4/29rl017 26918 . 1 26918-1 26918-1 26911H Con lfa ctor Contractor 4/29(2 017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4111/2017 4/11/2017 4/1 112017 4/11/ 2017 4/11/ 20 17 4/11/2017 4/1 1/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/ 20 17 4/ 11/2017 4/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/t 1/2017 4/1 1/20 17 4/1112017 4/11/2017 Contractor 4/11/2017 26919.1 26919- 1 26919-1 269 19-1 26919-1 26B20 .1 2 6920 -1 26920 -1 26920-1 26920- 1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 26920-1 269 21-1 26921-1 2692 1-1 26922-1 269 22- 1 26922 - 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001050 Ess~x Village ~ 100% Unit Inspection \ Deficiency Arlla Ouflci~nc i Ccrrun~nts Doors Oama!".led Surfa ce {Hol<:!~IPaint/RusVGla ss} Common AfHs: Halls /Corri dors/St.air s Doors Dama!l ed HardwareJLock s Doors DamaQed Surfa ce (Holes/Painl/Rosl'Glas s) Graffiti Graffi11 Stairs /Hand Railings Broken/Missing Hand Railin~ W alls DamilCled Common Area s: Health & Safetv Health & Saletv H azards-Sh;np Common Areas: Lau ndrv n,v-. /h\/C.\ "~-o Dryer Vent I Unit# lh\({::. Hea Ul & .S3tMl' Unit# /h \fr;;. Walls Unit 'Ill/a,...\/ C. Bathroom Unll 1it/a,...\/ C. \ I Bathroom Doors Doors I Doors Electrical Svstem Health & Salelv Kitchen Kitchen W i-~- - u~/h \/{::. Balhmom .~ ~u, (b )(6) Bal __ ,,, Leaking FauceU Pipes leakini:i FauceVPipe s Damancd Surfa co (Ho lesi Painl/Ru sl/Gl ass) Doterioralcd/MissinQ Seals {Enlrv Only) Le akmo Fauce t/Pipes Dam amable Rcfliocrator-M issinq/ Dam i.tQed/lnoper able Damaged Other Shower/Tub Damaqed/Mb~inq Dam aqed Hardw are/Locks lco1king Faucet/Pipe s Refr ineraloc-M issino/Oam aaed/ln ouorable Leakt~ Fau ceUPipos Damaged Hardware/Locks Hoallh&Safttly tiealth & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Kitchan OuU" 1~ 1,;;.,,.,. ~ .. es Unit fl /h )( I Hea lfl & :S ;l,JAIV Unit# )(n I Kite Bulkllna Exterior Health & Safety Health & Safety (h Rools Walls :Comments Air Oualitv-Mold and/or Mildew Observed Other Cabinets-Mis sing/Oama{led Range Hood/Exhaust Fans-Ex cessive Refri01:ualor-Missino/Damaoed/lnooerabl.i Missing/Broke n Cove r Plates Other Lc c.1 kinQ FauceVPipe s Ei11msedWlses/Open Pane:ls Sharp Edges Miss ini:1/DamaciedCompon ents from Downspout/G utter Missing Pieces/Hole s/Spalling .I 0<1te Complr,tud I Wor k Order# Bed room 3 Bedroom 2 hole(s) ;Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 B~throom 1 Fresh food seal; Freezer seal rnplu~e holes ; Hallwav/Ha/1; Boomom 2 minor onl y pr esent peelinq Striker plalo misal ignedfrnh;sin <~ ; entry trap leaking Frosh food seal need~ replaced sink Caucct drius Closer damaged/d1sconnec1cd ; Striker plate mlsalig ned/m1ssmg; entry Tub mildew on tub lilos drawers not funclioninQ/blockeu Fresh food seal needs replaced Switch plate missing; Bedroom 3 Naw Unit o no issues 4/2912017 26938-1 Faucet leaks ac rlic,r~mect cond uit; rear h )( lwindow 1.:i111u;:,1,u locks vinyl patching non match, NIS dryar ~i.nl louvers mis:. ing I pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001052 Essex Villa e IOeflclency Alea Windows Deflcl,mcy Cracked/Broken/M issioQ Panes Common Areas: Health & Safetv Health & Safety Hazards - Other n"""" Oamaoed l-lardwaru/Locks I un" 11 ti- \I I Bathroom Doors Doors Kilc.___ UnitM(h \fh I Bathroom Bathro om Doors Doors He ." ~/h\/ " "..' Bathroom Bathroom IY I Doors Do()(S Hot Water He ater Kitchen Unlit /1- \/ I Bammom Doors Electri cal Svslem Kile Unltj .-- (b '\(6 1 Bal room Ooora Doors Ooors Electrical SYStem Heallh & Safe lv Kilchen Kitchen Kitchen UnlUI /h \{e~ I Baltiroom Kilchen Kitchen Kitct-."" Urut 4( h \ ( h I 100"/o Unit Ins ection ..commanls ! b )(6 1 no key no accos Date Com . letad - closet Common Aroas: Storage fh \I ~ Wa1er Ctoset/foilet - Damaoud/Cloc 1aedJM!ssino Damaqed Su1face (Holes/Pa int/R u st/Glass) Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Enl rv Only) Rano eJSto11e-Missino/D;;imaqed ilnoo erabla LeakinQ FauceVPi11es Waler CloseVT oile1-D amaged/Clo aa~d/M1ssing Damaged Hardware/Locks Oeteriorated/Missino S eals (Enir v OnM lnfestalton--lnsects La11ato1YSink-Damar.ioct/Missing Leakin11FauceUPip es Oam aCJedHardwarf'Jlo cks Deterioraled/Missing Seals (Entr y Only) General Rusl/Conos iun Refrige rato,-Missing/Oamamid/lnop erahki La"a torv -Sink-Oamao1:d/Missinq 0f;(enorated /Missmo Seals (Entr y Only) GF l-lnooerable Refnqo,ator oMiss1n,1/Damo<1ed/ lnouerable leakinQ FauceUPio es Damaaed Hardware/Lo cks Damaged Surface (Holes/PainVR u sUGlass) Oeterioratcd/Missina Seals {Entr v Onlvl GFl-lnoperable lnfeslation- lnsecls Range Hood/Exhau st Fans-Excassiv e Ranoe/Slove-Mis sina/D amaaedl lnoo e,able Rofrigeralor -MissinQ/Oam aQed/lnoo erable Lavatory Sink-Damaged/Miss ing Ranoe Hood/Exhau st Fans - Exce ssiv e Ran<1e/Stove-Missino/Damao e faucet drips: Balhmom 2 Screen torn: Screen missing Front enlrv door numerous Fresh food seal needs rnplaced Bathroom 2/1 W ah,r Closel/T oilet- Damaq ed/Clonaed/Missinq Damage d Hardware/locks seat IOOStl Clos er darnagedfdisconnect ed ; Mechani cal area closut off track Oeteriora lctl/ MissinQ Seals (Entry Ontvl Front t1nlry door DamaCJedHc1tuwar e/Locks lnfestalion-lnsects Inoperable Rangu Hood/Exhau st Fans- Excessive Range/ Stove- Missing/ Damaged/Inoperab le Lock nol funclioninCJ: Bathroom 1 Roaches Thermoslal nol functionina not lunctioninq/blocked R1ghUfronl bume, does not lun clion Clocmed Drains Del erioraled /MissinQ Sea!S (Enlrv O<\lv) Emergency Fire fail s- Emergency/Fira Eidls Ranoe/Slove-Mis slno/Dam aaed/lnooerabl e Refrigerator-MissinQfOamaoed/lnoo erable Missinq/Brok en Cover Plates lnooeraole/Nol Lockable Sink and Tub not drairiing Bath 1 front ent,v door window balance Bedroom 2 Left/rear burner does not function Fresh food seal needs replaced loose from wall Hallwav/HaU W indow won't stay up: Bedroom 2 Other nokev l eakinci FauceVPipes Damaged Hardwar e/l ocks DelerioratedlMissinQ Seals {Enlrv Ornv) Electrical Hazards - - Exposed Wires/O pen Panels sink faucet dnos Closer dil mooed/disconnl:!cled Front entry doof gap ,n panel R IGl-1 -I HUD-17-0235-C-001054 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection ,Oeflclen c i! Aro a Ooficl.i rlC)' Baihroom B a1hroom Doors L<1vatorySink-Oamaci!.s lnfostali on- Ra tS/MicoNerm in Ranae /S 1011 e- Mis sinQ/Oamac1ad/lnooerablt:i di ver1er seat loose Closer damaQed/disconnec ted Mice Lell/fro nt burner does no l func tion Vcnlilation/Exh<1ust Systcm-lnoo era ble Wate r Cfoset/T oilet -D amaqed/CloaaedlM issina Dama ned Hardware/Locks Detoriorated/MissinQ Seals (Entrv Onlv) Elecllical H azards-Exoosed W ires/Coen Panels Dishw as her/Garbaci e Dispo sal-lnooerablo Rf!l ricierato r-Missi no/Damaoedl lnooerable Damaocd 4/12/20 17 4/12/2017 4/ 12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12120 17 4/12/2017 4/12/20 17 4/12/2017 2ti996.1 26!)96- 1 4/1212017 269 96-1 269 90-1 26996-1 nol lunctionlna sea l looso Closer damaoed/dh , conn ected Front enlrv door hwh cvr missinn. aao in breaker oancl oarbaoc disoosal not funclionin a Frosh food seal needs rco laced lh rnuo hout 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 4112120 17 4/12/2017 4/12/20 17 4112/2017 4/12/2017 269 97-1 26997-1 26997.1 26 997- 1 26997-1 269 97-1 26997 -1 269 97-1 Shower/Tub-Oamaoeil/Missino Deterioraled/MissinCJ Seals IEnlfV Onlvl lnfestalion-R ats/Mi ceNerrnin Cabinels -M issino/Damaged Relrio erator -Missina /Oama ae u/lnoot::lrable divene r not (unctionina Front enlrv door Mice draw ers Fres h food seal needs reolaced 4/12/2017 4/12/2017 26 998 -1 269 98 -1 26998-1 26998 -1 26998. 1 Li:lvatorv Sink-DamaaediM issino Shower/Tub - -DamaQed/Missino Waler CloseVToil el-Damaned/Cloaaed/Missina Inoper able UniVCornponenl s Mis sinQ/Broken Cov er Plates stoooer not funcli on ino diverter se al loos e hw runs out Ovlle l olale miss inQ: DR & Bed 2 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 Water Clost.1VToila\ Damaned/Cloaoed/Missino Buk'uno /Buckl ino Dama aed Hardwar e/ Locks Dete riorale d/Mis~in<1Seal s I Entry Onl y) Air Qual,tv-Mold and/o r Mildew Observed lnfest atmn- lnsec ts toHetclonned : Bathroom 1 Bathroom 1/2 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 ' HT pVERSIG Closer damao ed/d isconnec ted Fronl entrv door Tub ;Ba\hroom w alls/ ce11in1, Roaches Co ntra ctor Contra ctor 4/ 12/2017 4/12/20 17 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 Con lraclor 269 .99- 1 26 999-'1 26 999-1 26999 -1 26999-1 27001-t 27001-1 27001-1 27001- 1 27001 -1 27001-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001056 Essex Village o 100% Unit Inspection iOeHclcnc11 Area Ooflcl11ncv Health & Safetv Hol Waler Hea ler Kitchen Kit-"~IUntt i (h \( I Health & Saf ety lnresta tion- Rals/ MiceNenn in Inoper able Unit/Compone nts RanQe/Slove--- Missina/Oama oed/ lnooera ble Refno erntor-Mi:.sioa/Damaoedllnooerable .... , Other {b ){ Unit #I I Balhruur Bathroom Doors Unit iii, ._\, I Bathroom Health & Safelv He alth & Safety Kitchtm Kit chen Kitchen Wi- Uni'i1()(6 b Ba1nroo m 1 Bathro om [)oo;s Ooo,s Doors Electrical System KilCL ~(h)(fi I Bathroom Doors Electnca l Svslem Health & Sa(et y Kitchen Unlt#I /h \/ I Health & Safely Kil chen Balhroom ~ (h ) ( fi I Bal ...n.m Doors Kilchen BuildingExterior Health & Safety Show er/Tub DamaC1ed/Missina Waler CloseVToilet-D amacied/C!caa e(l/Mi s sin~ Deterioraled/Missino Seals fEntrv Onlvl Clooced Drains lnfcsl ation-lns ecls lnfes tation -R als/MicoNemlin Cablnels-Missina/Oama cmd Ranot!IStove-Missimi/ Darnauod/lnooerab le Rof riaerator -Missin~i/Oamami,t/lnooerab!e lnooemble/ Not Lock able Leakinq Faucel/Pioo s Water CloseVToil el-- Dama l1Cd/Cloa oecJ/Miss ina Dama<1edHardware /l ocks Oamaoeo Surface /Holes/ PainVRusl/Gla ss\ Doterioralod/Missinq Seals (Enlrv OnM GFl-lnopera ble Refriacrator-Mi s~ino/Oamaaed/ lnooerable Water Clo seUT01lot- Dania<1at.l /Clooaad/ Missino Darnaqed Hardware/Locks GFl- lnu,,1mmlo Electrical Haza rds-Exo os r.:dWires/Open Panels Cabinets-M issina/Dama oed lnfeslat ion-R ats/M iceNe rmin Ceiling Sink La vatory Sink Damaae d/Mis sinQ Deleri orated(M issina Seals rEntrv OnM Relriaerator-Mi ssina/Damaoed/lnooer.:1ble E)(pose d Wire s/Op en Panels Cracks/Gaps Walls Missina Pieces/Hole:; /Soallma Com mo n Areas: Halls/Corridors/Stairs Walls pVERSIGHT .....- .. . =comments Mice hw runs out in showet Rioht/front burner does not runction Fresh rood seal needs reolaced make entry and repair all observ ed dificiancies and thoroughly list out oeelina . hole se at loose Front en1rv door Sink does not drain Roach es Mice doors RiahVfront burner doe s nol function Fresh food seal ne eds reolaccd Lock inooorable ; Bedroom 1/2 I Dale Completotd Contractor 4/10/2017 I Work Order# 4110/2017 4/10/2017 27 00 1-1 2700 1-1 27001-1 27001-1 4/29/2017 27392-1 3/24/20 17 267 55-1 3/24/2017 26755-1 26755-1 3/24/2017 4/10/20 17 4110/20 17 4/10/ 201 7 4/ 10/2017 4/10/2017 2 7005o1 270 05- 1 27 00 5-1 27005-1 27005-1 27005-1 27 005- 1 4/10/2017 4110/2017 4/1 0 (20 17 4/10/20 17 4/l0/2017 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 27006 -1 2700tH 27006-1 27 006-1 27006- 1 27006. 1 27006 -1 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 27007 -1 27007 -1 27007-1 2700 7-1 27007-1 Contractor 4/1 3/2017 4/13/2017 27008-1 27006 -1 27008-1 loo se Front entrv door Fresh food sea l neele Waler ClosetfT oile1- Oamaqed/Clooaed/Miss 1nQ Dclenoralod/Miss1nQ Seals (Enlrv Only) La11a1orv Sink- DamaCJed/MissinQ Venlilal1on/Exhaust Svstem-lnooerable pVERSIGHT Front entrv door child knob on front door Mice Fresh food se,1!needs reolaced ---'---'-"------~---' ..;;..... -=-~-.; -- showerhead diverter not fun ctioning seal loo se Bathroom 2 Balhroom 2 Front entry doo r min-oi(sl loose toilet Front eot,v door no key 27033- 1 27033- 1 4/26/2017 27034- 1 4/23/2017 2703 5-1 4/23/2017 27035o1 2703 5-1 27035-1 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Contractor 4/23/2017 27036- 1 27036-1 27036-1 27036-1 4(2612017 27037-1 4(26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 2703U.1 27 038- 1 4126/2017 4/ 26/2017 27038-1 27038-1 4124/2017 270:l!H 27039- 1 27039 -t -=~---+---'-' ~ 27039 -1 4/24/2017 27041-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24 /20 17 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 27042-1 leak.iOQon elec hwh Roaches BatM: Bed 1 locked nol inspect ed leakin!1ac Fresh food seal needs replac ed Contf'dctor 4/24/2017 -'--~ 27038-1 27040-1 sink drains slaw; Bathroom 2 Front enlrv door stoooer missin Q not runctionino Work Ordor # 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2312017 4/23/2017 -+- I - ------,~---,.----+-4124/2017 no ktiy seat loose Front entry door Date Completed 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 Contractor Roaches no he at - -----------.-----:------- I Unit# 11.. \IC seat loose Front emtv door Bed 1; Close\ liciht louse. dispo:;;;I wire hw runs out no key Bathroom Cabincts-Damaqed/Miss inQ Walar Closel/Toilet-DamaQed/Cloo,Jed/Mi&sing Dcteriorated/M issinQ Saats {Entrv Onlvl lnlest ation - ln sec ls !t----- -.-= -.,---" Othor Bathroom Doors Electrical Svslem Health & Safetv Health & Safely HVAC Svstem Kitchen Batnroom Bath room Deteriorated/Missing Seals /Entrv Only) Electrical Haza rds-Exposed Wires /Open P anels Inoperable Unit/Components Waler Clo sel/T o!let-Darrtaged/C lotmed/Miss ing Mold /Mildow/W a1er Stains/Water DamaQe Oelcrioraled/Missino Seals I Entry Only) Ceilinq Doors UnH_1 /h \/ ing Leakin11FauceVPioe s ShowerfT ub-Domaoed/MissinCJ Bathroom Bathroom He .oo ... Unit ? 1 '1 nokev I Bal,11~~- Hea Other Other h \/ Unit~ Front enlrv door lites missioQ;Bedroom 1 Hard floor Cove,ioq Missi11.i/Damacie d Floori n,1/Tiles W.:alerCloscl/T oilel-Damaged/Cloqged/Miss Heallh & Safely I _ - --1 4/24/2017 27042-1 4/24/2017 27042-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27043-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27043-1 2704.M 27044 -1 HUD-17-0235-C-001061 Essex Village D..ificloncy Asr;.a Deterio rated/Mi ssing Seals {Entry Only) Electric al Haz ards-Eicoos ed Wires/Open Pa,,els EmerQencv Fire Exi1s-Em er9ency/Fire Ell.its Walls f,.\issi ng Piece:;/t-lo lus/Spa lling Common Area s: f-hjalth & S.-folY Hea11hA Safely Ai r Qual ity-M old and/or Mildew Oll:;i:le Missin9/lnoocrable . . or I Health & o::.,,,t..,v Unit #I /h \/ I Ceiling Olher Mold /Mild ew/Waler Staios/Water Dam.:1go Dam,m aJ Hardwarn/Locks Eladri cal Hazards -Ex posed Wif as/Op,m Pa nels Emcrgenc v Fire Exit s-Emerocncy/Fire Exits Infestation-In sects Rlln Qc Hood/Exhau st Fan s- Exccs :;ive Refri!]etalor-Missing/Oamagt!d/lnoperable Mis sinQ/lnooe rable Inoperable/Not Lock able Doors Health & Sato1v Health & Safety Health & Safely Kitchon Kitchen Smoke Dete ctor Windows Unit Ii1/h\/a VA Unit . "'"' Date Com l&ted Work Order# Front entrv door discon nect box unsuc ured in h.,...hclo set Bedroom 2 dress er/hr 4/24 /20 17 4124/2017 27044-1 27044-1 4/24/2017 27044.1 sioino ..... nisr to damaq~ i 4/24/2017 27045-1 4/24/2017 4Y045-1 4/24/20 17 Righi/front bume, oous no t functilln Not workino in bdrms 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2 017 4/24 /2 017 27054-1 27054 -1 27054-1 27054 -1 27054-1 27054-1 mmoronly 4/24/2017 :.!7055-1 I (h \ l loor 2 h.:111 I \/ Electrical Svstem Health & Satetv Kitchen Kitchen 100% Unit lns eection :Commtnts Doors Heallh & Saf ety Health & Sa!el v Building Exterior /h \/a ~ l Mak1rni all reo mrs at Unit Tum I /h \/ I Bathroom Bau,room Lavatory Sinli.-Damar:ied/MissinQ Leaking Fauccl/Pipes Shower/Tub-Damaged/M issing Venlila11qn/Exhaust Svstom-lnoporabl e Waler ClosetfToUet-Oa maged/Cloaaed/ Mis sing Mold/Mildew/Water StainsM'aler Dama ue Damag ed Hardwa re/Lo cks Damaged Surtace (Holes/PainVRusVGlass} GFl-ln ooeri:lb le Rehi<1Brator-Missino/O ama<1edJlnooerable Missino/lnoo era b!e Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Ceilill!l Doors Doors Electrical Svste m Kitchen Smoke Delector Wa"- Oamaoed ~(b)(61 Batnroom Bathroom Health & Sah:M Leakin g Fau ceUPiuas Shower/T uo-DamagodiMlssing lnfeslal ion-l n:.ecls N pVERSIGHT Toilol ff.::akim i : Batnrooms 6.;lhroom 1 Tub drawers Bathroom 1 Bedroom 1 smoke dlltector: H c:111/Bdrm window in Badrnom 1 Roac hes 001 runcti oning/ blo ckod; fire dam,1Qe Fresh food seal nee ds rtiPlaced : Smoke del eclor is miss ino;Bcdroa m Wind ow wo n't slay up ; Bedroom 1 VACANT sto pper r.01 luncti onin!'.J:Bathroom 1 tub la uce l & tollal drips ;Balhrooms liles 4/17/2017 4/17 /2017 4/17/2017 4/17/2017 Con lr ctc1or 4/17/2017 4/17 12017 4/17/2017 27056-1 27050 - 1 27056-1 27056-1 270 56-1 27056-1 4/17/2017 27056-1 27056-1 27056 - 1 4/2/ 4 17 27057-1 4/241201 7 4/24 /2017 27058 - 1 270 58.1 27 058 - 1 27058-1 4/24/20 17 4 (.?4/2017 lid missing Bathroom 1 Striker plate misa liQned/ missin<1; tmlfY hole( s );Bathroom 1: Bed rooms Bathroom 1 Fresh food seal replace:waler in fringe hanging ; Hall/Bdrms door knob damaqe ; Bathroom 1 4/24/2017 4/24/2 01 7 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/ 2017 27058-1 sink fau cel drips :Bl hrms; Toilet leaki nQ no cold : Balhroo m 2 Hoacnes 4/24/2017 412412017 27059-1 Contra ctor 270 59-1 2705 8-1 27058-1 27058-1 27058-1 27058-1 27058 -1 27059 -1 HUD-17-0235-C-001062 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Oaficlanc Area Kitd,an Kitchen l!!!:!!!!I/h \/ h Doon, Health & Saf ely OuUels/Swi1ches Smoke Dete ctor Walls Unit Ii /h \/ Kitchen Kitch,,.~ uiiii""M f h )/ Bc1tliroom Bathroom Doors Doors Ele ctnca l System Heallh & Salotv Kil chen Srru:ik1a n~1ar1 0, Unltl /h \/ I s--L-"" luniti /h )( -.-, Health & sa1 .. 1v !!ill!..!! ( h) Unit# l /h\/ Doors Doors Kit c.._M Health Balmuum Ooars Dom.i q ed Hardware/Lock s lnlestal ion-l ns ec1s Missing/Broken Cover Plates Missing/Inoperable I Clooq ed Drain s Oamaqcd Hardware/Lock s Emergencv flre Exits-Ememoncv/Fire Exds lnrestation - lnsects Rana e/Stove-Missing/O arna,ied/lnopf:rnb le RefnqerJloroMissing/Oamagedllnoperab le f:lathrc,om Cab1nets- Damaqed/M1ssmQ Lavatory Sink-Oamar,ed/Missing Damacied Surface (Holes /Painl/Ru sUGlas s) Detonorat ed/Ml ss ing Seals (Entry Only) GFl- -lnoueralJ te AJr Quality-Mold and/or MIid ew Obse,vad Rolooer.itoroMiss1no/Damaaed/lnor,erable Missing/Inoperable Damacioo Surface {Holes/Pa illVRusVGlass) Olshwasher/Ga1baqe 01sposal-lnoperable Rofnuerator-Missmg /Oamaoed/lnoperable Missint:1/lnoPerable Other vani!y damaried stopper missing peclinq paint: entrv Front enlry door Other l~t e d 4/24/2017 4/2412017 Work Order# 27059-1 27059-1 4124rL017 27060-1 Con1racto r 27060-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/2412017 27060-1 27060-1 27060.1 4/2412017 4/24/2017 4/24/2 017 27061-1 27061-1 27061.1 27061-1 Conlraclor 4/24/2017 4/2412017 27061-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27046-1 27046-1 l\}2412017 27061-1 27046-1 4/24/2017 4(24/2017 4124/2017 4/24/2017 27046.1 27046o1 27046.1 27046 -1 27046-1 numerous Closet QarbaQe d lsoosal not fuoctiornno Fresh food seal nel:lds replaced smoke detector 1snot workino;Bdrms 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 412412017 4/24/2017 2,047-1 27047-1 27047-1 27047-1 4/24/2017 2704B-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2 017 4)24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27049.1 27049- 1 27049.1 27049- 1 27049-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27050- 1 27050-1 2705 0-1 4/2512017 27051-1 4/25/2017 27052-1 27052-1 Front unity Cloor Balhroom 1 window Bedroom 1 Fresh food seal needs rel)lac ed Window won't stav uo: Bdrms no acc ess smg Dille Com Bathmom 1 Tub Fresh food seal needs reolaced Smoke detector is mtssinQ;Hall Bathr o om 3; Bathro om 1 Bedroom 3 ;Closet Freezer saal needs replaced l pVERSIGHT sink drains slow Closer damaged/discoonocted headboard : Bed,oom 1 Roache:. RighVfront burner does not function Fresh food seal needs te1>laced no access OOlariorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) GFl-lnooerable EmE!(uencv Fire Exits- Em eroencv/Fire E.xits Refrigerator. Miss ing/Damaqed/lnoperable Inoperable/Nol Lockab le Waler Clo seVToilet-DamagEJdJClogged/Mis Oamaoed Surface (Holes /Painl/Rusl/Glass ) 1rap leaking Oveo does not fu nction Striker prate missin g: Bctrm2 Roaches Outlet olat e m1ssioo: Bedroom 1 Smoke detector is m1ssinn :BL'ldroum holes . numerous Oamaoed Surface (1-ioles/Paint/Rust/Glass ) Missinq Door RerriQeralor-Missing/Dami:lged/inope rable ~ c~ fn l ~(b)(h rn1Jle ( Doo,~ Eleclrical Svstem Health & Safely Kitchen Window" Unltll1/h \/ Leaktn g Fauce l/ Pioes Ranqa/Stove-Missinq/Dam<1(lcd/lnope 1Cornmunt.$ DamaQed Bathroom Doors Htiallh & Safely HealthBiSafotv Doors KUchen Kitchen .Cltalicl.::tu;; toil~t not funclioninq lhoie(s):Bedroom 2 4/25/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-001063 Essex Villa9.t:._o 100% Unit Inspection Dtificiuncy .Au.a HealU1& Safety HVACSystem Kitchen Kitchen sm~l,t, l?IAl=~o~r ilJnili/h\/a.1 Coiorn.ints Emcrq1:mc:vFire Exits-EmerQencviFire Exits Convection/Radi ant Heat Svstem Covers Range/Slove - MissinglDamaqed/lnooe,ablc Refriqeralor-Missing/Oamaged/1nop13rable Missino/!noperable Electrical Svstem GFl-lnopemble Hot Wat er Heal ar L.eakino Valves/Tank s/Pules Kitchen Refriqeralor- Missing /Oamaq ect/lnopurable Bulldina Exterior Health & Safetv Elloosed Wir es/Open Panels Walls Missing Pieces/Hole s/Spalling Common Areas: CloseUUUUtv/Mechanlca l Doors Damage d Surf aco (Hol~s/Pai nURust/ Glassl Common Arus: H10.,ith & s..ttitv 1-l.o,.!t h R. Safely Hazards 011\er I / h \{C:.\ I Unit #I / I,.. \ IC:. I Hea'"' " '-'~'-tv OlhDr rTiniti/l h \ / I Doors Damacied Hardwc.1rt1/l.ocks Doors Deteriorated/Missing Seals {En!iy Only) Health & Safotv Emergency Fire Eki11 ,- Emergsncy/Fire Exils Walls Oorna<1ed Unit~ /h \/ I Balhroom Lavatory Sink-Dam.igcd/Missing Bathroom Water Closet/Tollcl - Damaqed/CloQQcd/Miss1m1 Doors Damaged Hardware/Locks Health & SalelV Electric;il Hazards - Exoosed Wire s/Ooen Panels Heallh & Safely Emeroencv Fire Ext1s-Emerger1cy/fire Exits Kitchen RefriQerator-MissinQIDamaoed/lnooerable Windows lnooe,ablc/Nol Lockab le Unit #I I 1,....\I~ \ I Bathroom Water Closel/Toilet-Damaged/Cloa o ed/Missing 0o~,r DamaQ~d Hardware/Locks Unit~ (h )(6 I Doors DamaQcd H.irdware/lo cks Doors Deterioraled/MissinQ Seals (Entrv Onl y} Kitchen Refrigerator-Missing/Damaged/In ope rable Unit Ii 1 1,....\ t I Bathroom Water CloseVT oilel-Oamaged/Cloaued/MlssinQ Don"" IDewsiorated/Misstnct Seals {En try Only) Unit A(h \( I Bathroom Bathroom Doors ShowerfTub - Damagec.1/Mi ssinQ Water CloseVT oilel-Damaoed/Clomied /Mis sinQ Deleriarated/Missinq Seals (Emrv Onlv) pVERSIGHT Date Comphd4:ld wo,k o, o .,, furniture Bedroom 1;ac in Bedroom 2 ac not functionino Oven does not function Fresh food seal needs reolaced Smoke detector is missinQ: Hall ;Bdrm 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 27 052o1 27052- 1 27052-1 27052-1 27052-1 Bathroom 1 orain Fresh food soal needs replaced 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 27053-1 27053-1 l 27053-1 ac disconnects : ,~a, & ac cover loose : 1 vinyl palch. NIS dryer \/Otll .oe~lina paint:oeelino oaint: no key. no accss:1 I ( lt aundrv no k1:1y Closer damaoed /disconnected Front entry door Bedroom 2 bed 4/4f.2017 4/4/2017 27123-1 27123-1 27123-1 27123.1 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 414/2017 27 124-1 27124.1 27 124. 1 27124 . 1 27 124o1 27124.1 27 124-1 lseat loose Closer damat:1ed/disconneclcd 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 27125-1 27125. 1 Closer damaged/disconnected ; Front entrv door; Fresh food seal needs reolaccd; 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 27126-1 27126-1 27126-1 seat loose Front entry door: 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27 127-1 27127-1 di-,ener Bathroom 1; seal loose Bathroom 1/2 Front entry door : 4/24fl0 17 4/24/2017 4/2-1/2017 27130-1 27 130-1 27130-1 hole Bath room 1 sloooer missing seal loose Closer d amaoed/dlsconnoctod disposat wire Bedroom 1 window balance Fresh rood seal needs replaced Window won't slav up;Bedroom 1 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-001064 ___________ [_, ,o_,tlclenc y Art!a oDu(kitl11 c y He.-lth & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Windows Unit# /h \I Bathroom I Bathroom Doors DoofS Heallh & Safety Kilc h.on UnitM /1-.. \I C \ I Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Kit- -~n Unit# {h )/h Bat lrOOffi I I Balhroom Doors Doors Floors Heallh & Safety Kil Unit ~ 1 Bat 1room Bathroom Doors Electrical Syslem HVACSvstem Kitchen (b )(6 Kitchen Bull dina Exterior Roof s Walls lnf estalion-ln sucts Cabinet s-Missing/Oama g oo Oishwasher/G arbaq e Disoosal-ln -ouern tile Ro,1frigera1or-Missing/Oamaged/lnoperable lnooerable/Nol lockable l avatorv Sink - Dum aged/Mis~i ng W ater Closel/T oilet-Damaoed/Cloauad/M issi<1Q Damancd Su rfac e (Holes/PainUR us UGlass) Dolerioraled/Missing Seals (Enlry Onlv) Ememencv Fire Exits-Ememencv/Fi re Exits RefriQe,ator-M issinqlDamaQed/lnoperabla Deto rior .ile d/M issing Seal s (Enlry Onlvl Hazards-Sharp Edqes Ran!l e/Sto va-Mis sing /Oam.iged/lnopernble Rel ri11era1or-Missi11a/Oamaoed/lnooerable Water Clo sel/T oilot - -Damaged/ClagqedfM is sinn Oarm1oed Surf ace (Hole s/P ainURusVGfas s ) Detc riD Doors Kitchen Kil chen Outlet s/Switches Smoke Detecto r fli:.r s1dinq dJOl UQ,3 1oap al con duit into discon nect bo x of .:ilec Close, A.i.w.aged/u1sconnec \ed 206 laund 1y ho le(sJ ( l laund,v I I toilet clooaed :Balhroom 1 entry bunkbed to Sadroom 2 Roacht1s Contractor 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4125/2017 Contraclur tenant mirror bruken drawefs Fresh food se al needs reolaced smoke detector is not Lock inoperab le: num erous 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 EmerQencv Fire Ei1ils-Emt:1rQency/Fire Exits RefriQeralor-Missin~IDamaried/lnooer- dble Mlssinq/ln op~f abl e fum11ure 1n Bedroom 3: Fresh food seal n1,eds reolaced; smoke detector is not fu nctiomn g;Bedroom 3; 4/25f2017 4/2512017 4125/2017 Damaged Surface (t.loles/P ainURusl/G lass) MlssiflQ Door Leaking FauceVPip es Refliger a\01oMissin9/Oamag od/1nop erab le Missing/Broken Cover Plates Missing/Inoperabl e hol e(s) ;Bedroom 2 Bedroo m 1 trap leaking Fresh load :;eal needs replaced Swit ch plate cracked;8edroom 2 smoke detector 1snot functionino;Bedroom 2; I pVERSIGHT 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27 534- 1 275 34-1 271 52- 1 271 52-1 271 52 -1 27152-1 27152-1 27152 -1 27152 -1 27162-1 27 152-1 27153-1 27153- 1 27153-1 4/25/2017 27154-1 412512017 27154-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4(.lS/2017 4/25/2017 27154 -1 27154-1 27154-1 27154-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001066 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection ;Deficiency Afga ;Oe1icl~n cy UniU I '-- \I I Heallh & Salety Kilc hen Kil e"'""' Unit# {h \I Celling I Doors Doors Health & Safely Kitchen Kile" iuniii (h \f h Bathroom Doors Kil chen Unit# /h\/C. I I Batlicoom Bathroom Doors Doors Kitchon Unlti /h \{ I D oor.; Doors Heallh &.Sal otv Health & Safelv Hot Water Hoalcr Kitchen Kitchen Win i,_..,., 1 Unit~ (h){6)1 D-- '" Doors He alth & Safety Health & Safety Kitchen ~ ( h \ H~ I Bal,..vu,11 Health & Safetv M!!.!!1t /h \I~ Batnroom Bathroom Doors Doo rs Health & Safety Kitche n :Comments Emtlrgenc y Firn Exits-Emerg1c1ncy/F in.':Exits Range/Stove--Mlssina/Damaqed/Jnooerabre Refngerator-Mi ss ing/Damaged/lnooorable MoldiMudew/W aler Slains/Walcr Damaon Damaoed Hardwace/1.ock s Dama ged Surface {Holes/P ain l/Ru suGla ssl Other Range /S1ove----Mis:;ing 1Dama91::d/lnoptlr ab!e RefriQeralor-MissinglDcmaged/lnooeratile L eaking F.iucel/P ipe s Damalace d; 4/26/2017 4/26/20 17 4/26f2017 27496 -1 27496-1 d1verler Seal loose en trv holcl s); Bedroom 2 : Fresh food seal needs roo lactJd: enlry Front ent/V door; HWHw1ra wind ow Bedroom 1: axlens1on tube from 01osSLire rcl iof valv~ 1s 4/26/2017 -4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 ::!7155-1 27495-1 27495.1 27495-1 27496-1 27499~1 27499- 1 27499-1 4/26/2017 27499-1 27499-1 4/26/2017 27500 -1 4/26/2017 27500-1 Left/fron t burner does not funct ion ; Window won't stav up: Bedroom 1; 4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/26/20 17 4/2ti/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 Striker plate misallgnf.)d/m is:;ing ; Bedroom Clos e t headboard ; Bedroo m 3 ; UlililY Room: no access Fresh food sea l needs replaced; 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 27501-1 4/2612017 4/26/2017 27502-1 27502.1 diver1er HWHwire Ca ulk needs replaced ; nol functioninCJ :Bathroom 1; entrv . numetou s Clos e t; Roa ches; Left/rear burner doe s not fun cli on; 4/2 6/2017 27500-1 27500~1 27500 -1 27500-1 27500-1 2 7500-1 27501-1 27501-1 27501-1 27501-1 27503 -1 4/26/2017 27503-1 4{26/20 17 4/26/2017 27503-1 Co ntra ctor 4126/2017 27503-l 27503-1 27503-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001067 L......--------- - ~---- -- -Dufi ciency Arua Kitchen LiQhting D11fici1mc :Commt1nl.s Rolriqerator-M issi oq/Oam age d/1no per abl e Missillg/lnooerable FiJC\ure Damaoed wa 1,. IUnlt (b )( Bat II.,._,., Essex ViUage o 100% Unit lnsp&ction I Shower/T ub Doors Doors Heallh & Sal etv Kilchen Windows Bulldlna Exterior Roofs Roofs Walls Oamacied/Mlssinq Oamaqed Hardware/Loe.ks Del eriorat ed/Missino Seals (Entry Onlvl Em eraencv Fire Exils-Emeraencv/Fire Exits Refr iq eral oroMis sino /Da maQed/l noi:ierabl e Inoperable/Nol Lockable Damat1cd Soflits/Fascia/S o llil Vents Missim:i/Oa maaed Component:; from Oownspout/G ut1er M issing Piecos/Hole s/Spalling Common Atoas: Hoaith & Safety He allh & Safely I ' h \/~ Ele ctrical Hazards-Expo I .!m!!.!l/h \/C. I Bal..,~ ... Doors 1-leallh & S:.1.-rv ~(h)(n Baln,vu .. , Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safety Health & Safely Walls sed W ires/Open Panels L eaki ng Fauc1:1VPines Det eriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Infestation lnsttcis I Shower/Tub Oama ncJiMissin q Venlilalion/Exn aust Syslem - !nopurnbl1;1 Deterioraled/Missinq Seals (EnllV On lvl Missi nQ Door Emergencv Fire Exits-Emurmmcy/Fire Exil~ lnl eslati on-Jn secls Dam aqed .!l!!!!J!(I h \ / C. \ I B::tlt11uu111 Doors Doors Kitchen .. Wi(TM),,..,. Unit# (b)(6 Bat, --. " Bathro om Ba lh roo m Celling Doors Ooors Wi--' -.. - ~(b)(61 Ba,,.,vv,11 Doors I Shower/Tu b Damaq1:::illMi::.su1Q Damaqed Hardware/Locks Detetioraled/M issina Seal s (Enlrv Only) leakinq Faucel/Pipes OamaQed/Mis sin o Setecns Lava10,-.,, Sml.. Oamaoed /Missina l eakrnQ Fa uceUPipes Water Closel/Toi!el - OarnaQed/ClaaoacJ/Mlss1no HolesfMi ssiOQTiles/Panels/Cracks DamaQeOHardware/Locks Detenorated/Missino Sea ls (Entrv Onlv) Inoperable/NolLockable Shower ITu b-Oamaged/Miss1110 Det e norated/M ;ssmg Sea ls (Enlry O nly} pVERSIGHT Fresh food so al Bathroom 1: holes Date Com lated nt,eds rt!olaced : di11&r1er,ca ulk Closer duma!'.Jed/disconnec\ed : en try Striker Front entrv doo r; window: Bedroo m 1: Fresh rood se al needs replaced ; Window won't stay up: Bedroom 1: soffit : front splash blocks vinv l patch . NIS I (b) weed trimm er dmgo lmeler room lighl 4/2fi/2017 27503-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 27503-1 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26fL017 4/26/2017 4/2612017 27503-1 27504-1 27504-1 27504 -1 27504-1 27504-1 27504-1 Contra ctor 27505-1 27505-1 27505-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27544-1 Contra ctor 27 544-1 Work will bu completed When Unit is 27545-1 275o15o1 27 5,15-1 27545-1 27545o1 27545-1 27545-1 loouro lub faucet drips showmh ead Fronl entry door ; Roaches: divener not lun cliOninn : Fron ! entry d oor: cl osets B edroom 2 dr~sser Roaches; Bedroom 1; showerhe .:id needs rcJllaccd Closer damaged/disconnected F ront enlrv door; fomed- VACANT Co ntrte Oiverler l~aks/v emilalion not h..nctionin g Striker olate missino; Bdrm 2 riQhtfront burner nol work lno fresh food seal nee ded 4/25 /2017 4/25/20 17 4/25/2017 27 515-1 27515-1 275 15-1 4/25/2017 27515-1 Lavatorv Smk-Oam acicd/M i:;sino Water Clo1:,el/Toilet-Damaqed/Clooaed/Missinq Oetcriorated/M issinQ Seals (Entrv Only) lnfeslc1lion-lnsecls RanQc/Stove--Missinti/Dama\Wd/lnop crable hot handle missinq seat loos e Front entry door: Roaches; RighVlront bume< does not !unction; 4/27/2017 27554-1 27554-1 27554-1 27554-1 27554-1 Leaking Fauc1::VP11Jt1S Ventilation /Exhaust Svste.n-\ooperabl e Waltir Closal/T oilot-Damaged/Clooocd/Missing Oanu:.i\led Hardware /locks DelerJorc1ted/MissinQSeal:i (Entry Only) Rel,i{1,:1ralor-Misslng/Damagedllnoperable !link l<1ucet drios :Balhrooin 1: not lunctioninQ :Bathroom 2: loose seat Bathroom 2; Close r damaQod/disconm:1cled : Front enlrv door: Frosh rood seal needs replaced: Water CloseVToilet- Damaoed/Cloooud/Misslno Delenorated/MissiM Seals (Enlrv OnM lnfeslation-lnsects I Bathroom N Date Comi>leled 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 Contrac tor 4rn 12011 4/W f..1017 4/29/2017 I Work Order# 27555- 1 27555o1 4/20/2017 27555 - 1 4/29/2017 27555- 1 27555.1 27555-1 4/29/2017 4/29 12017 runs Inoperable Unit/Component s Laakint1 Fau ce UPioes Water CloseVTollet-Damaoed/ClooQed /M1ssino DamaQed Surface (Holes/Pa inVRusUGlass} GFl-lnoperable Refrioeralor-Missi nolOurnaqedl lnoperable tub faucet drips ;BaIhroom 2; seat loose Bathroom 2: door edoe split;Bedroom J; Kitchen; Fresh lood se&I needs replaced ; Waler Clo::,et/Toilet- DamaQel1/ClooocJl !,1i:jsing seat loose B,1lhroom 2/1 pVERSIGHT .I sink faucet drips ;lull fau cet drips : not functioning ; hole(s):Bedroom 1;Closet : Fron! entry door ; Bedroom 2/1, Bedroom 1:Clo~el ; Ro.ic hes; Smoke dotoclor is missin o:Hallway/Hc1U: Bedroom 2; Front enlrv door; Roaches; ouUets not function ing hw not lasting Other I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Electrical System Kitchen Uni t #I t '--- \ t,.. , V Coumcnops-Missinct/Drimaqed Damam:id I \/~ :Comments Leakini} Fauc eUPi11se Vcnt ilalion/Exha ust System - Inoperab le Damac1odSurface IHoles/ PainVRusVGlass) Dotenorated/Mlssina Seals (Ernrv OoM Missing Door lnfestal1on-lm;ecIs Missina/lnooerable Walle:: UnltM/h\/~\ Uolt#l/h o0111id,..ncv 4/27/2 017 4/27/2017 Con lractor Contractor 4/27/2017 27557-1 27557-1 27557-1 27557.1 27557 -1 ..._.. HUD-17-0235-C-001070 Essex Villageo 100%1Unit Inspection -,Doflclency AfolJ ,Oeficl enc~ Doors Doors Kitchen w.,.u~ Unitj { h) { f;) I Bamroom Bal hroom Doors Hea lth & Safety Smoke Delec tnr Unit j / L-..\ / C \ Doors Health & Safelv I Showertrul>----Damarred/M issinq Water Closet/Toilet-Damaged/Clo ggel1/Missl na Delt:riorated/MissioQ Seals (Enl rv Onlv) lnfestc:1tion-lnsects MissinQ/lnooerable Walls Common Area~: Halls/Corrldon;/Stai,s Doors Oam aa ed Hardware/lock s Common Araa5: Health & Safotv H eallh & Safely Garbai:ie and Debris-Indoors Common Aroas: Laundry LiahtinQ Missino/Damat1ed/lno1>i!rable Fixture n,.II~,~, ,:,witch es/C over Pl ates OuUelsl Switches/Cove r Plates-Missmq l ' h)f~)I /h\/~\ ..--"' Bal CeilinQ Doors Kitchen Kitchen Smoke De1ac tor W" le Unit (b )(6 Ba Celling Kitchen Kitchen Wa11., ~(b)(6)I Bat, .....rn Celling Doors Kitche n I 5tains ; se at loose Front entrv doo r: Roaches: Smoke de1ecIor is miss1no: 5(2/2017 5/2/2017 5/2/2D17 Contractor 5/2/2017 oeeling paint entrv kitchen counter lub lile DamilQed Surf.i ce (Ho(es/PainVRu sVGlassl Exposed Wires/Open Pan ols Mlssing/Damaoed Comoonon1s from Down sp ouVGuttc r M~sinn P ieces/Holos/SoallioQ Roofs - 4/ 27/2017 4/27/2017 4127/2017 I h Leakino Faucet/Pip es PeelinQJNe eds Paint Leak inq FauceVPipes Refriger.ator-Missing/Oama qed/ lnoperoblo Mold/Mildew/\Naler Stains/Water Dama ge Leaking Faucet/Pipes Peel ino/N eeds Pain! Damaged Hardware/Locks Relrigera lor-M issincilOam,.l(fed/l nooera !lle pVERSIGHT 27560- 1 27560- 1 2 7560 -1 27560-1 27560- 1 275CiH 27561- 1 27561-1 27562- 1 27562- 1 Clos er damag ed/disconn ecre,I 4/27/2017 27562.1 4/2712017 27562- 1 4/27/2017 27562-1 27562- 1 II..iund,y hall laundry 1:,wIch plate missinq l ( l aundry 4(27/2017 I Holos/Miss ino Tiles/Panels/Cracks Oeteriorated/MissinCJ Seals {Entry On ly) Cabincts-Missing/Darnagad Ranoe/Stove-Miss inn/Damaoeo/ lnooerab la Missinr:1/lnoperable Peeling /Needs Paint Work Order# 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/2 7/2017 4/27/2017 (6) LoakmcJFaucet/Pip es I lelec closet ront ac condenser wtre i:11di1:,,conn~ctbox splashhlocks nisr sldinQ darna qe, sIdino holtiis (b) /Broken Date Complet ed Handle/knob loose/d omaqed entry Fronl ent,y door: Fresh food seal needs replaced: numerous holes Damaged Surface {Holes/Pa\nt/RusVGlass l Air Qu ality- Mold and/or Mildew Observed Damaged Walls Bulldlna Exterior Doors Health & Safety ~ l Damage!aced; 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4125/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27562 .1 2756 2- 1 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506-1 27506- 1 27506-1 27506-1 27507-1 27507-1 27507.1 27507-1 27507-1 27508 .1 27508-1 27508-1 27508-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001071 C !Deflci"ncy Essex Village - 100?/o Unit Inspec tion Alua Wafl;: Unlt__l4 /h Comments P~clinu/Needsreolaced ; 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/29/2017 4/2912017 4fl9/20l7 4/29/2017 4/2912017 4/25/ 2017 27509- 1 4/25/2017 4/25/ 2017 4/25/2017 27 515-1 27515-1 27515-1 27515-1 27515o1 4/29/2017 Contra ctor 27 535.1 27535-1 4/28/2017 4/28/2017 27536-1 o1/25/20"17 Bathroom1: :enliv 4/28/2017 27536-1 27536-1 27536-1 27536-1 4/28(2017 27 536- 1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27537-1 27537-1 4(,!8/2017 4128/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-001072 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection :oeflclencv Arva Del"iclencv Kitch en w~n ~ IUnft1/ I,..\ / C I Ceiling Doors Health & Saletv Kitche n sm~l, a n>>1ortnr Unitilh \/ I Doors Heal th & Sale tv Hot Water Heater Kitchen Windows Unit #I / L. \ IC \ I Doors Doors Kitchen Unlt#I/L.\/ I Health & Safely Refrloernl or-Mlssinq/Oamuyedtl nopernble Peelino/ Needs Paint Mold/Mildew/W aler s1 ..ms/Wa ler Oaman e DeleliOlaled/M !ssing Seals (Ent,v Onlvl Be clricat Hazards-E xposed Wires/ Open Panels Range Hood/E xhaus l Fans-Ex cessiv e Mjssino/l nooerable D.:mia!_ledHJrdwar eJLock s Ememen cv Fice Exits-E merq.,ncv/Fi rc Exits General RusVCorrosion Range/St ove-M issinglD amagl:ld/ln or,ernble lnooerabl e/Nol Lock able O;:,maqc d Han.Jwarl:lflock s Damaged Surface IHo lus/Pa iol/R usl/G lass) Oishwasher/Garbag u Disoosal lnooernble Other Building Exterior Health & Safelv Exposed Wires/Op .m Panols RooCs DamaQcd Solli1s/Fasci a/Sof1il Vents Walls Mh,sing Piece s/Holea/Soalling Bulldloa Sv stems Eloclrical System Evitlenc o of ll 1aks/Corrosion Common Areas: Halls /Co r11dors/Stalrs Stait1./Hand Railings Broktm/Missing Hand Railinq I I '--\/~\ Unltl4/I,..\ / Bathroom Dooo; HVAC Svsl em I Dato Complet "d W a1er Closel/T oilet-Da rnaqed/ClooaedfM iss inq Damaged Hardwan oJlock s Damao ed Surface {Holes/PainURust/Glass) Doteriorated/Mi ssinQ Seals (Enlrv Only} Emetg M cy Fire Exits-E mergency/Fire Exils RanC1eHood/ Exhau st Fans-Ex cessh1e RefriCJer ator-MissinQ/Dama11 edJlnoperable tnoperableJNot lock able l eakinQ F auceVPipes W aler Closet/T oilet- Dama qed/Cloaa ed/Missing Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entrv Only) Inoperable pVERSIGHT I Work Order # Fresh tood seal nucd s reolac ec:t: ThrounhOul unit: 4/27/20 17 4/27/2017 27537-1 Bathro om 1: Front entry door: smoke delE:ctor w ires not lunclioninQ/blo cked; Smoke detector is missinq:Hallway/H~II; 4/27/201 7 4127/2017 4/27/201 7 4/27/2017 4/27/20 17 .27538-1 27538-1 27 538-1 27 53 6-1 27 536 1 Closer damaged/di sconne cted ;Strike r olale window in Bedroom 2; bollo m/top l eft/front burner does not function; Wi ndow won 't stay uo : Bedro om 2 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/20 17 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 275 39-1 27 539-1 27 539-1 27539-1 2753 9-1 Closer damag~d/disco nm:1C1c:d:entry scrak:h ed/scuffed;Bedroom 2: l lcony M!!!tl!l {h Vh I Door.. Health & Safel y Heaflh & Safely HVAC System Kitchen Kitchen Wi-"~ .. ... Unifi /h\fh\ Batt1room I Lavatory Sink-Oamaoed/Missing Water CloseVT oilet-Dam aaed/Clog gc d/Mlss inci Oetefioraled/Missing Seals (EnlN Only) Emernencv Fire Exits--Ememency/Fire Exits Water Closel/T oi!et- Damaaed/Clo,10ed/Missino Oamageo HardwarcJLocks Doterioratcd/MissinQ Seals (Entrv Only) MissinQ Door Garbaoo and Dcllris - -Ou!door s lof esla tian-lnsccts Missing Pressure Rolie l Vafv Oishwa~her/Garbac1e Oisoosal-lnooorab le Showerfful!-Darmined/Missing Wat ar Claset/T oilot - DamaQad/ClfX1ottd/M1s sinci DetorioratedfMissin(] Seals (Enlrv OnM GFl - looperable Solt Floor Cov ering MissingJOamam~d Inf estation-lnsecls MissinQ Pressure Rulief Valv Refrigeralor-Missing}Oamaged/lnopcrabla Lavatorv S1nk- Dama1Jed/Missinq leaking Faucet/Pipes Deteriorall:ldlMi ssi na Seals (Entry Onlvl GF 1-lnouer able Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal - Inoperable Refriqeralo,-MissinQ/Damaqed/lnoJ.Jerable Baluster/Side Railinos DamaQed Deteriorated/M tssino Seals (Enlrv OnM Emerqencv Fire Exits-Ememencv/Fire Exits ln fes tatioll-lnsecls Inop erable Dishwasher/Ga1baqe D1suasal-lnopernble Refrioerator-Missing/Damaged/lnop er .ible lnooerableJNot Lockable Leak1nq F auc~t/P iv~s pVERSIGHT .comments I Datil Comolutud I Work Ord,i:rti not lunctioninQ/blocktHt Oven does no1 function: water le aking insidt:1refridceralor: cracked oane:Bedroom 2; 4127/2017 4127/2017 4127/2017 4127/2017 4/27/2 017 stopper miss1no ; soaI loos e Front entrv door: Beoroom 2 bed Clo!:.er darnaqed/diseunnected Front entry door : GBP:ntry cioset !Patio Roa cluis; 4/27/2017 4/27'2017 4/27/2 017 4/27/2017 4/2 7/2017 ; cfoset door Q.:arb a rie disposal not fun ctioning: sloooer m1ssmq showerhead Front ent,v door Kitchen 'garbage disposal not f1.incIioning Fresh food se al needs reolaced Front entrv ooor; Bedroom 2 window bala nce Roaches; Thermos tat no l funcl ioninci; garbage disposal not functioning; Flesh rood seal needs re placed; Window won't stay up;8odroum 2; - 27564-1 27565 .1 27565-1 27565 .1 2756 5-1 27566-1 27566-1 27566- 1 27506-1 27566-1 27566-1 4/2712017 27566-1 27566-1 4/27/201 7 4/27/2017 4/27/201 7 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 Contractor 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4127/2017 4/27/2017 4/2712017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/201 7 loose rail 27564-1 27564-1 Contractor 4/27/2017 :;tains seat loose Front entl'V door Ba throom 1 throughout Roaches; e"'tension lube frorn pressu re toliel valve 1s Fre sh rood sual needs replaced :.howemcad 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 4121rlo l7 27564-1 27564-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27567- l 27567-1 27567-1 27567-1 27568- 1 27568-1 27568-1 27508-1 27568-1 27566-1 27568-1 4/27/2017 4/27f.!017 27569-1 27569 -'\ Contractor 27569-1 27569-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2 01 7 4127/2017 4/27/20 17 27569-1 27569-1 27569-1 4/27/2017 27570-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001074 Essex Village .. 100% Unit lnse ectioo .Commtinls Ba1hroorn Electrical System Health & Safety Hot Waler Healer Patio/Porch/ Balcony Windows ~(h\( I Ba\11,uu,11 Doors Doors Unitfit/h\/ I I I Batnroom Bathroom Doors Health & Safety Kitchen Unit# (h )(fi Ceili ,., I Ba.,.,.,.,.,. Doors -- I Bat ,room Bathroom Doors El eclncal System Kitchen Kitchen Smoke O..tcirlnr Un1!1!1 ( b \{ h I Bachroom Doors Floors I l Lav atory Sink Damaged/Missina Deleriorated/Missina Seals IEntrv OnM Missing Pressurt:l Relief Valv Ran ne Hood/Exhaust Fans Exces sive Leakinn Faucet/Pioes Water CloscVToilet -Damaaed1Cloaned/Miss 11 m Damaaod Hardware/Locks GFl-lnooernble Range/Stovo-Miss1nq/Damao.adilnooerable Relrl qerator-Missina/Oamaaed /lnoo erable Mis5in g/tnoperable I Kite"'~~ I lsakim1 FauceUPioes Refoqerator -Missinc:1 /Oamaoed/lnoo erable Waler Clo seVT0tlal --- OamaQed/Cloaoed/ Miss1 no Damaged Hardware/Locks Soll Floor Coverina Missina/Oamaoed pVERSIGHT Date Com Jeted seat loose Bathroom 1; Roach es ; ex.tension luba fwm oroessuro relief ~alve Is loose rail I 4/2712017 4127/2017 Work Ordor# 27570-1 4/27/2017 4/27/2017 27570-1 27570-1 27570-1 27570-1 4/25/ 2 01 7 4125/2017 4/25/2017 275 26- l 27526 -1 27526-1 sinK laucet dri os Bath,o om 2 toilet not functionino seat loose Bath 2 oallofooo1:1d tlisoosal wire 2 or more burners do not lu nchon;Oven do% -1/26/2017 4/26/2017 4126/2017 4126/2017 4f.l6/2017 27525-1 27525-1 27525-1 275 25 o1 27525-1 Llv,no Room Frush food S(lal naeds rc ul.;c ed 4/2612017 4/26/2017 27524-1 Contrac1ur l :.wiich olate and no bulb mlssinq knob Entrv seal Leokinq Faucet/Pipes Waler Closel/T oilet-Damaaed/C lot10ed/Miss l11a Oeteriorale111Miss inq Seals (Entrv Onlvl Elec\rical Hazards-Exoosed Wires/Onen Panels Ranae/Sl ov l!-Mlssinq/O amaqed /lnooerab la I Kit~ Unitl (h\(fi\ Balrnl.J'UITI I Le.iki n,) FaucelJPiues Showe rIT ub-DarnaQtid/Missim1 Damaged Surface (Holes/Paint/RusVGlass l lnfeslalion-lnsects Relriqerator-M issin<.1/Damao1=d/ln ouerable Missina/lnooernble Hot Waler Hoater ~(h\(fi\ I I liqht switch Closet d00ts dam,u1ed Datarioratod/Mlssin(1 Seols (Entry OnlvJ Pl;)t:1 in!-f/Ne l ecls Poinl Refrinerator-M issim1/Damauedllnooarc.1ble Kitchoo. Unit# (h\{ I Bathroom Balhroom Doors Health & Safetv Kitchen Smoke n ..tt>rl"f ~(h\( I W .:iler ClosellT oilt:l-Da ,na1.1ed/Cloooco/M1ssinq GFl -l noperablo lnfe swlion- lnsects MlsslnQ Pressure Relief VfJlv Baluster/Side Railinas Dam aoed Damaoed/Misslno Screens I tub fa ucet dnos stains door edoe solil:Bedroom 2 Roaches Fm.sh food seal ne eds reolac ad Smoke deleclor missma Hall q/2 6/2 017 4/26/2017 4/26/201 7 Contrac1or 4/20/201 7 4/26/2017 27 52 4-1 27523-1 27523-1 27523-1 27523-1 27523-1 27523-1 stonne< m1ssinn :Bathroom 2 Front enlrv door ext . tube/oressure relief valve m,sstnQ no\ fu ncrionina/lllockod 4/26rl017 4/2 6/2 017 4/20/2017 4/26/2017 Sink fau cet leak out side basin seat loose Bathroom l Closer damaaed/di sconnected Bat hroom 2 Knoh/s) missinq Fresh food se al needs reclaced Smoke deleclOf missina Hall 4126/2()17 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/2 6/2 01 7 4/2 6/2017 4(26/20 17 4/26/2017 27 52 1-1 tub faucet drios Fresh food seal ne eds reolaced 4/26 /2017 4/26/2017 27520-1 27 52 0-1 seat loose oc:1tiohandle slains tnrouohout 4/2 6/2017 4126/201 '( 27519-1 4/26/2017 27519-1 27522-1 27522-1 27522 - 1 27522 1 27521.1 27521-1 27521 -1 27521-1 27 52 1-1 27521-1 27519 -1 HUD-17-0235-C-001075 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Oellcl enc Area Kitchen K itche n Kitchen Oullets/Switches Smoke Det ector Building Exterior Health & Safelv Roots Wall s Bulldlna Svstems Heallh & Safetv :Qefli::lenc Comments Ranc;e/S1011a--Mi;;s1nQ/Damaaedilnope,at,1e RelfiQerator -Mis sinQ/Darna o~ d/lnoperable Sink - Missin o/Dam aoe d Missinu/ Brok en Cover Pl.'.ltes Missing/lnoo era b le R1ghUfront burner docs not luncll on Fresh food sea l needs reolaced faucet loo se Outlet elate m1ssino :L1Y1nl'1 Room Smoke detector m,ssinoHall Exoosed Wi resJOpen Panels Damaged Solfils/Fa scia/Soflil Vent s Mis sina Pie c~s/Hol es/S oalli na ac d1sconn1>l'Ih,~,, ...;,.,. loose al condu it rear solfit reart /h. \/ C \ I sldinq d amaaelnisr t:lamaae, drv er voot Electrical Hazards-El<11os ed Wires/Oo~n Panels Common Areas:Halls/Corridors/St.ilrs Doors Graff,li Damaged Hardware/L oc ks Common Areas: Laundrv Oullcts/Swilches/Cove, I 1- \ I linte nance: Bulldlng Exter ior Roofs Wall s Bulldlna S11Stems Ele ctrica l Svstem Common Areas: Storafte Doo,s Smoke Detector / L \ ,-. I 4/26/20 17 4/2 6/2017 4126/2 017 4/26 12017 4/26/2017 Work Order# 27519-1 275'\9-1 27 51 9.1 27519-1 27 51 9- 1 to disconnect bol< In elec clos et Closer damanedld isconnectud l ( hall od/h. \IC I Gra/fili WsinQ Le aking Faucel/Pip ~s Damaoed/Missino Screen/StormtSecurilv OelerioratedfMissin1.1 Seals (Enlrv Onlv) Soft Floor Coverino MissinQ/Damaoed Refrigeralor-Missinq/Damaqed/lnoperable Missino/Br o ken Cover Plates pVERSIGHT se at loose Closer damaocd/disconnecled Fmnl entry door Closet:Bedroom 2 Fresh food seal needs replaced no key Darmiged Surface (Hul .. s/PainURu sVGla ss) Windows Jlnitjj/h\fa\ stoooer missinsure relief val11e1s Frnsh food seal needs reolaCtid; Outlet nol funcl1oninQ Bedroom 1: Dinmq Room : GFl- lnooerdble Soll Floo r Covering Mbsin,'.JIDamai;ied Mis smri Pro ssu ro Reile l Valv Refri<1erato roMissinq/Oamaqe dllnooe:rabl~ Missinq Pe eling/Ne eds P.ii nt I 0001s Doors Heallh & Safety Buildlna Exterior Doors Ooo,s Hearth & Saletv Roofs Walls 1 I Com m onls Oamaued Hardwart1/tvcKs Dam aq ed Surface (Holes/Pc.1inVRust/Gli;l$S) Otho, O.:.un;;g ed H,u dwardlocks Damaged Surface (Holes/PainVRusVGlas:s.) E;.;posfl d W ires/Ooen Panel s Mis sino/Damaqed Comoon enl s from Down soout/Gutler MissinQ Pit!ces/Hol es/ Spa liing common Atoas: Hualth & Safutv 0 Safety o ... Eleclrical Ha?a,d s ' h)lh)I Unilfll /1-. \/r!-\ I Doors Eleclrical Svsle m Hoa!th & Sarety Health & Satetv Walls ~(b)(h) Ooo,... He alth & Safe ty Expo!:ied Wires/Goen Panbis Deterioral ed/Mis!:iing Seats (Entry Only) GFl - lnopcrable Air Quahtv- Mold anolCcvr loose on ceiling Front entry door ; Ba1hroom 1; Bathroom wslls/ceitino : Bedroom 1 tv Bedroom 1; 4/25 12017 27454-1 4/25/2017 4/25/201 7 27454-1 27454-1 4/25/2017 27454-1 4/2 5/2017 27454.1 Closer damaged/disc onnect ed : Li11ingRoom couch 4/25/2017 4(25/2017 27453-1 274 53. 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001080 --.--- -.--- - -- ~....'0oflclenc Af.,a DeClclirnc Kitch, ~n Unit'il /L-..\/C:.\ HVACSyst em I Kil ' ~ - Dam aged /Missing Waler Ck>sel/Toilel-Damaged/Clouu ed/Mi ssinci Refr igarator -Miss ina/Oam ageo/l nop orab le Bathroom Bathroom Unlti Range/Stov&-Miss .comment5 Lt;a kinQ Fauce l/Pio es Holes/M1ssinQ Tiles/P,mel MCra cks Ceil'-Unit# -- -~ - -- - Esse - - x---Villa --- --- - - - - - ----- - - - ------e o 100% Unit Ins ection I Health & Safety Other Unll#:(b)(6: pVERSIGHT Oven door handie rnis:;in(l ;O>Jendoor Tl'l1:1rmos:a1 not fun ctionino : l m:irbag e disp osal not runclioni nQ; show er head Bathroom 1 Sink do es not drain soat loos e hole(s) ;Btidroom 3;Bedroom 2 : Front entry d oor; o arbaae disaosal not functioning: Fresh food seal ne ~ds reolac ed ; ---- - -- ----, Dale Com feted Wo,k Order# 4125/2017 27453-1 4/25 /20 17 4/2512017 27452-1 27452-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2011 27451-1 27451-1 4/2512017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25 /2017 4/25120'17 27450-1 27450 -1 27450-1 2745D- 1 27450-1 27450-1 4125/2017 sto ppe r not function lnCJ; divertor soat loo se Frosh food soal needs r~olaced : 4/25/2017 27449.1 27440-1 27449-1 27449-1 no key Frnsh lood seal ne eds cc placed 4/25/2017 4/25f,W17 27441M sl oouer missioCJ oive rter Bedroom 2: not e noucih hot water a arbaae disposal not funclionina: lub lau cet dnos Handlo /lmob lom;e Jda maaed all doors Roaches Fre sh food s eal needs reolac ed ho les Hallwa v/Hall ;Balhroom 1 W indow won .1stay up;B cdroom 1 wi ndow balance Bedroom 3 qarbaae disoosal not fuoctioniM missing pan e Bed room 1 Window won't stay up:8 edroom 3 4/2512017 4/25/2017 4/25/2 017 4/25/2017 4/2512017 27448-1 4/25/2017 27447-1 27447-1 27447 - 1 27447-1 27447-1 4/25/2017 4/25 /2017 4/25/2017 4/25 /2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27446-1 27446-1 27446-1 27446-1 27446-1 27446-1 27446-1 4/25/2017 4/25 /2017 4/25/2017 27445.1 27445-1 27445-1 27445 . 1 Contr actor 27443-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 no kev bedbuo s not inspe c ted HUD-17-0235-C-001081 _ _ _ _____Essex Village -100% Unit Inspection : D.:ficluncy Arna .Odlcluncy Electrical System Health & Safety Kilchn n UnitIii /h \I Eleclr ical Sys1,:,rn Hot Wal er Heat.:r HVACSyslem Kitchen Kitchen Kitche n l iQhtino Unit Iii/h \H~ Bathroom GFI-I MPftrab le Ooo- )( I Bathroom Doors Doors Doors Electri ca l SY!>lcm Health & Safely Hot Water Healer Hol W a le r Heal er Kitchen V1.:nlila 1io n/E.xnaus1 Svstem-lnoperaul e GFl-lnoperab!e Inoperable UniV Com pon en ts Inoperable Ranq e Hood/E,.ha ust F,am,- Exce ssiv e R.-.noe/ Slove-Mi ssin c/Darn aCJed/lnop 1orc1ble Retririer a 1or-MissiM1.IDamaqedllno o erabl tt Ml ~ inQ/lnope rab le Fixture Vacant -w ill be complet ed at uni\ tum 4/ 25/2017 no power 4 /25 12017 no oow er no powe r no power 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2 017 2710 1.l. 1 2744 1-1 2744 1-1 2 7441-1 27441-1 2744 1-1 2744 H 274 41-1 27441-1 4/2512017 4/25/2017 no power 4/L512017 Showcr/T ub-D ,inia (l i.!d/Mis:.in,J Damao ed Hardwa re/Locks Del eriora led/M iss ino Seals !En!l'y Onlv) div e rter Closer dama ged/ disco nn e cted Front enlrv door 4/2 5/20 17 4/25/2017 Leakin g F<1ucel/ Pi11as Dam,-1<1 ed Ha rdw a re/L ocks DamaQ e d Surfa ce ( Holes/P ain1/Rus VGlas s) Missin o Door show~ rhea d o<.1tiohandl e broken door adqe split:Bathroom 1 Bedroom 2;Close t Balhroom 1 Roaches Contractor lank leaks 2 a, more bum1ors do no l funct ion : 4/25/2017 4/2512017 4/25/2017 h \ / ~ lcle c closels damage and peeling ni sr s,din[J damaqe 4/2 812017 27438 -1 Con tractor 2743 8-1 4/28 /2017 4/28/2017 2743 8-1 4128/2017 2743 8-1 4/28 12017 274 38-1 3/1 '.;)(20 17 3/13 12017 3/ 13/2017 3113 /2017 26670 -1 2 6670 -1 266 70-1 26670o1 26670- 1 3/1312017 26671 - 1 GFl-ln ooerable lnl estalion-lnse c:ts Genera l RusUCorr osi on Leakin o Va lv1,1s/fonks /Pioe s Rangc/Slo110--Missing/O.im aoedl ln,1perable \ I I/ I 11- \ I 4/25/2017 4/25/W17 4 /25 /2017 4/25/20 17 4/25 /2017 4/25/2017 Paun drv entry eoa e ho le l reads dama~...r1 Loos e bracket ~ ( 11 , , ,.. b) ( 6 .\ I I !(b) ( l?lec clos eI ceiling jbox cov,n loose j 27108- 1 27108-1 no ouw.ir Doors Oi-.imaoed Surtacc (Hol~s/P.a1nl/R usVGl ass} Waifs Missin4 Piecos/H oles /S1rnlling Common Areas : tl allsJ Corri do rs/Stai rs IJoors Damaoed Surlace (Ho le s/P ainUR usti Gln ~ (b)f I Bal uuuu, Door.; Doors Doo~ Kitr ~"'"' Unit# (b Hea .... - )(6 I __ ,, ~(b)(6 Bal I Bathroom Bathroom Cellino Doors Kitchen Kitchen Kil :u7iit#1 (b )( 6 Bathroom Doors Doors Li:M.norv Sink-D aniaqcd/Miss inq RefriQcrator-Mi ssino/D amaged /lno oerab le Waler C losol/T oilel o..1naq13d/Clooow /Mbsi ng Darn.:iaml Hardware/locks Damaged Surtac.e (Ho les /Paint/Rus tJGtas s) Daterioraled/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Relricce,ator--Mis sin o/Dan1naeu/lnooer able Othel 1 Ba .. ,~~. Bathroom Doors Doors Electrical Syst em Health & Safelv Health & SafEJIY Kitchen ~(b)( .I Dale Completed I 1 Bathroom Cabinels Oamaoad/M i1osina Showorffub-Oamaned/Missino DarnaQed Surface i Hole s/Pa int/Rust/Gla ss ) Deteriorated/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Gf 1-lnooc,aule Air Qualilv-Mold and/or Mildew Observ&d EmerQencv Fire Exils-Emero encv/Fire Exits Refrinerato r-Missinq/Oamar1ed/lnoperable lavalory Sink-Oamaqed/ Missing Shower/Tub-OamaQed/M iss inQ Water Clos el/Toilet - OamaQed/Cloaoed/Mcssi nq MoldJM~dew/Water Stain s/Wale r Oamaqe Damaoed Hardware/L ocks Leak inQ Fau coUPipes Range Hood/Exhau st Fans-Excess,ye Range fS\ove-Mis s1ng/Damaged/lnoperab te Water Closet/Toilel - Damayed/C!ogged /Miss inc1 DamagedHardware/Locks Damaged/Miss inq Scroon/StonnJSecuritv Door pVERSIGHT I Work Order # Front entry door: Ro aches ; Fresh food seal needs rei:,lacod: Conlracior 3/13/2017 26672-1 26672-1 26672-1 Make En1ry - Repa ir all defici encies and thor oughly list out 3/1312017 26673-1 Notice of Abandonmc.nt filed - AU deficiencies will be repa~.ed when un it is made mark et ready. 3/ 1512017 26 766-1 1oil1;1soal 1 loo:.e Fresh food seal neods reulac ed; 3/13 /2017 3/13/2017 26674-1 3/13/2017 3/13/2017 26675-1 3/ 13/20'17 26675-1 3/13/.2017 26676-1 3/14/2017 26077-1 26677-1 26677-1 26677-1 26677 - 1 26677-1 26677-1 seat loose Handle/knob loose/damam1d :Lock not door edqe split entrv Frnnt entry door; Fresh food se,ll needs reolact.ld; Make Entry o Rapair all deficiencies and lhorougt ,ty list out ba so unuer sink di11erterBathroom 1: Bathroom 2 tub lnucet oee tino oaint entrv Front entry door; K itchen : Balhroom wal!s/csilln!l:Tub:Balhroorn 1; Bathroom 3 tv Fresh food sea l ne ads reolaced: stoooer missing :Bathroom 1; stoo1>ermissino ;Bathroom 1: seat loose Bathroom 2: Bathroom 2: Handle/knob loose/damao0d entry Faucet leaks; not functioninQ/blocked ; Riuhllfront burner doEJsnol function: soat loo se patio handle Screen lorn; 3/13/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 26674-1 26675-1 26677 -1 3/14/2017 26678-1 3/14/2017 26678-1 266 71H 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3(1412017 3/14/2017 3/1412017 J/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/20'17 26678-1 26678-1 26678- 1 26678 -1 26678-1 26679-1 26679 -1 26679-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001083 Essex Vill age - 100% Unit Inspection ;Oeflclenc Ani.11 :oouci .. nc Doors Doors Floor.; Kite - o ~ /h )ff; I Kitchen KilchAn Unit~ /h \/ Bathroom Door s Kitchen PaIi- 1n-o-h I 10 - o--nv ~/h\H::;\ 1 Bathroom Hoallh & Si.!ICIY f-19:,lth Unit Uh )I. C.-,l~h , \f C::.I Balhioom Ceiling Doors Doors Health & Safely K itchen Kitchen Unit ill /I,..\/ I Bathro om Bathroom Balhroom Doors Hol Wal1:1rHeaIor Kitchen Windows Windows Bathroom Do ors C N Work Order# D1:!lenara1ect/Mh,f.111g Seais !Entry Onl.,i) MissinqDoor Sult Flo or Cove nno Missing/Damaged Range Hood/Exhau st Fans-Exc1:ss1ve Fron! entry door: closets , bedroom 2 Living Room:Hallwav/Hall; not /unclioninofDloc ked : 3/1412017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 3/14/2017 26679-1 Oishwa sher/G orba ge D1soosal- lnopt! rablc Ref riaeratoroMissing/Oamag ed/lnoo erab!e iQcifbaoe disposa l nol fuoct io ning : Fresh food seal needs replaced; 311412017 31141.Wl7 2fitiU0o 1 26680 -1 W ater CloseVT oil et-Darna qud/Clol.~geu/MissinQ Oamaoed HardwiJr ello cks Refr10eratoroMissino/Da 1nat:it!tillnopemhlt'l B alust er/Side Railin Qs Oam a11ed seat loose BaUlf oom 1: 0iJlio hand le Fresh food seal needs rt1placco; 3/15f2017 3/15/2017 3/1512017 266 8 1.1 Lav.itorv Sink-Dam ,1LlediM1ssin(J and/or Mildew Obst1rved Electrical Haw ids Exposed Wires/Open Pan els ::.topp er not funclio ninCI ;Bathroom 2; Tub :Bathroom 2; disoosal wire :,11~12017 3/15/2017 3/15/20'17 26682 - 1 26682-1 La11.ltOfYSinl,.--O.imaqet11Missinq Mold/ M1ldt!w/W atcr SIainsMl ,11crD,m1age Damaged Hardware/Locks Oetenorall'ld/ Missina Seals (Ent rv Onlvl Air Qual itv- Mo!d and/or Mildew Oo served Cab inels-Mis smg/D amaged Refriqeralor- Missim1/Damaotidllnooerabla SIODPl:lrmissinQ Bat hroom 1 Handle/knob loose /damaged entry Front entrv duor Bathro om waUs/ce ilinci:Bathroom 1 oountertop Shelves brokenld-Oama oed/M 1ss,nn lnf eslal ion~ln sects Ranc1e/Stove- Missing/Oamao edl lnoperabl e Missin o/lnooerable Unltfii/h \(C:. I undrv room Dale Com let11d Le akinu Fauc eUPm1:s Dama qod Framos/T hreshold/l inlelsfT rim o \H::;I vent oisco nnectedl{Ja Make Efllry o Repair all dGBPoficie,,ci.. s and thoruughly list out \(fi I Bah1rvum Doors Unlt~(h :Comm ents Cloa ocd Drain s Le akino Faucel/PiDes Oama- Damaqed/M1ssing Venhlabon/Exhaust Syslem ----lnop,.m:11.JI~ O.ima<1ed Hardw are/loc ks Oelerio rated/Missing Seals (Entrv Only) Missing Doo r Solt Floor Coverin,1 Missinq/ Da mau od lnf es1alion- lns ec 1s Ranne/S1011e- Missinr1/Damane d/ln ooi!rable Rcfriqerator-Missinci/OamaQed/lnooer a blo Cau lk needs reo raced : d1\/erter nol runctionmo ; Closer damaged/discon nldcted :enlrv Fronl entry door : Bedroom 1; stain s; caroo t Roaches : Righ Vroar burn er does not luncbon; Fre:;h lood sHal nat!ds reo lacod : 3124/ 2017 3124/2017 3124/2017 267 l'i0- 1 267 60-1 Damaged Ha1dware/Locks Closer damag ed/ disconneclt;d :entry Sl riker plat~ misalign ed/missing ;Bedroom 1; Lock not lu nclioninu :Bedroo m 2; peeling paint; Bathro om 2: window im Bed room 2: smoke detector is not function ino ;Bedroo m Wind ow won 'I stay up; Be droom 2 3/24/20 17 3/2 4/2017 3/24/2017 26761-1 Make Enlry - Repair all uelicien cies and thoroughly list ou t 3115/2017 26762 -1 Ma l<.eEntry - Repa ir all de licie ncius and thoroughly lisl oul 3/24/2017 26763-1 Unlt# l t o \t i Health & c::.,,,,.,u Unittil / h\/~ Balhroom I Balhroom Doors Door.. 0001 s Floors He alt h & Salely Kitchen Kilchon I Unlt#l/h)H~ Doo rs Doors Ele ctrica l Svstc m Heallh & Safoty Smok e Dete ctor Windows Unit Id I L-..\ I~ Dam.:ic:,cd Surface (Hl)l e:;/P ainVRusUGlass) GFl-lnou e rabie Emermmcy Fire Exits -Em eroe ncv/F ire fails MissiOQ/lnopera ble Inoperable/Not Lockal:>le I Health & Safely Unit# I {h ){h I Heann 6 ~aJety pVERSG Work Ord er # Rtaht/cear burn er does not function : Fresh food seal need s reol;iced: Smo ke de tector is rn,ssino: Bedroom 1: 1 Doors ltited Ra11ge/S1011e-Missinc1/Oa,naQedilnoot:lrdtJlo Refrigti,!ratoroMissino1D~rm1gedllnope,al.Jlt1 Missin(j/lnoperablti Mn1tJfh )/e~) I Ba111r oom :c ommen ts Other Other T sea l 26720- 1 26722 -1 26722-1 26722-1 3/22120 17 26722 -1 3/22/2017 267 22- 1 26722- 1 2 6722- 1 3/2212017 3122/2017 3/2 2/20 17 3122/20 17 W72~- 1 3124/2017 26760 -1 21'1760-1 267 60. 1 26760-1 26760. 1 267 60- 1 3/24/2017 267 G0-1 3/24/2017 267 6 1-1 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 26761-1 267 6 1-1 26761-1 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 Conlla ctor 26 76 1-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001088 c ____ : Doflclency ~/ Ar,aa h \/~ ___ -- -- ---- - - - Uni ---t lns -.--p..:ctio -- oEs~ex Villag~ o 100% - - -- : O;,fl c lc11cy ,Comments ShowerfTub - Dam age d/Mis s111g Water Closel/T oilel-DamanedlCloQQed /Mi.,;sino Damaged Hard wa re/Lo cks Damage d Surface (Hol es/Painl/RusUGta ss ) General RusVCorro sio n Leakin ci Fau ce VPines toile t not funclio n inQ : Handle/knob loo sc/ dam .ig i::d ;.oatio 1peelino oaint:Bedroom 2 ; too at1rn Smn~,~ n~, , .,.. Unit IAI h \/a. Doors HeaHh& Sa felv Oullcts/Swilchas Sm o ke Dal ec lor Windows V fn I Sm~nu ~~o~~o~' M!!!!.!/hi \/ h Health & Safely O ullols/Sw itches Wa lls Bal" Unit# (b)(6) .~~." Doo rs Floo rs Smo.k" n-o,.-o~ ' Unit 11I h \ / h \ I HVAc.; ~y :;le rn Door.. Build6m,Exturior Hcallh & Safe ty Roofs Walls Damag ed Suriace (l-lol(!s/Pain\/ Ru st/Gl<1ssl lnl eslalion - lnsects Loakino Faucf!UPip es Rann e/ Slo ve-Missing/Dam .in ed/il) uP.:f<le M issi nq/ lnooe rable Dam aged lc>t,elinn pain1;Bt:idroom 3 : Roache s : soraver 2 or mote burners do not function : smoke detector is not functiunin q: Bedr oo m 1; door knob dama ae: Bed ,oo m 2 & 3 Showedf ub-Dam aoed /Missing W ater Ctose l/T oilet - Dama qed/CJo(la ud/M 1ss1no Damaged F ramesffhresho ldl l 1nle lsff rim GFl-lnuoerable Ran ndlStov e-- Mis sen!erable Refrinara tor-Missinol Oamaged /l nooera b le Missino/Broken Cov !-lr Plat es Damaged I Door s Ki tche n Doors Walls Unit~ I L..\I Balh mom Bathroom Doors (h )(fi He. ~ Unit A h\/h Batl room Pa tio blinds Stove DamaQ ed Surface CHoles/Pa1nl/Rusl/Glass) Holes/ Missi m:i Tiles/Panels/Cracks Shower/Tub-Dama <1cd /Mis!.iinn W ater Closet/T oiltjt - Dam ag ed/Clonoe d/M issi no Damag ed Surf ace {Holes/Painl/Ru st/Gla ss) Missing Door Eme rQancv Fire Exit s-Eme roencyiFire Ex.ils Rofriger ator-Mi ssing/Dam aged/lriope rnble Mis sing/Inope rable lnooe,able/Not Lockable Dam.ioe d Hardwar e/L ock s lnooe rable Olh er Lav aiory -Sink - Dai 11ant:i.J/M1ssino I - I( h Date Com leted l! aundry knoc:kouls missinQ : I / tn eter room & ac Strik er flliltil rnh,aligni:d/ mi:.s inii: 305 1, leci rlc 1/h\/C\ 1 I MlsStnQ/broken b.-aclu!U / h \/ I Striker olale mi saligned/ missin\l : Clo ser ve nt damaged j rr,et ar room l(h) I.IOrnmi 4/27 120\7 pVERSIGHT Work Order# 4/27/2017 26 78 5-1 26785-1 4/27/2017 26785-1 4/27/2017 26785-1 4/27/2017 26 785 -1 4/27/201 7 4/2712017 26785-1 26785-1 4/27/2017 26 785-1 3/22/W1 7 3/22 /2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 26 787-1 26787-1 26787-1 26787 - 1 3/2 2/2017 3/22/20 17 1 Ooon; UnlttHh \/ !comments 101llll cloaoed :Ba throom 1; Bedroom 2; Slfiker ol.:ite misaliuned/m1ssing :en try ... 1poehrn1painl ;entrv numerous Roaches: Righi/fr on t burner docs not fun c tion : Fresh food soal needs replaced : Oullot olate missinQ:Hallwav/H all: J\Ulll8f0 1JS missino burner not wofk.inQ: switch need rep air B edrooms .oa lch and oai nt walls bedroom d1vener Seal broken Bedroom 1: door edqe sp lil;B a lhroom Bedroom 1 ;Closet : w ind ow Bedroom 2: Fresh rood seat needs reol.ic ed ; Smoke detecto r is missini:i: Bedroom 1; W indow won't slay up; Bedroom 2; 3/22/2017 26788-1 26788-1 26788 -1 26788-1 26 788-1 3/22/2017 3/2 2/2017 26 788-1 3/22 /2017 26788-1 Closer damaged/di sco nnected :entry 3/2 1/2017 26789 - 1 3/21/2017 26789-1 3/15/20 17 26 790-1 3/21/2017 26 79 1-1 !per le nanl not funclioninq nokev cold side Bat hroom 1 . stoooer m1ssinq 3/2 2120 17 3/22/20 17 26788- 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001091 I Essex VUlage o 100% Unit Inspection .Deficiency Atoa , D1:fici u ncy oCo mm ents Bathroom Health & sarotv Hot Waler Heater Kilchen Smoke Dete ctor Unit ill t L. \ t ~ \ I Shower ITul>-Oam ag cd/Miss,no lnfestat Ion-lm,ec ts Missin a Pressure Relief Vr.1111 Rann e Hood/Exhau st Fans-Excessive Mlssinallno ocrablo Caulk naeds reo !aced ;both Roaches ; exlcnsion tube from ort'l'ssure reliel va!11tl not funcl ionino/ti lock ed' smok.e delector is not funclionina ;Bedroom UniU l /h\/~\ I Hea1111 a. ::;atety Othar Roaches Fum ace Medicine Cabinet Smoko detectors Exha ust fa n Stove & Re(riqerc1tor Hal!wav Doors Unit #I t 1-. \ t ~ \ I Health & Salaty Health & Safely HVAC Svstem Ba throm Doors Unit # ( b) Bat, missina filter loose brackets; Loose brackets ; Loose brackets: drio nan miss ino; bulb in rnfrioerc.1lur bi-(old off line Other missin11ll no oe rab lo ar\Qrv doQ. no access smoke deIec1or filter missino rsolace stem Bedroom Furnace tub/ shower damaQcd Unit j / L-..\I ~ \ I Balhroom Ba lhroo m Doors Doors Kitchen KitchM Unit d / h \IC \ I Doors Doors Elec lrical Svstcm Kitchen Kilchen Kitchen Oullels/Swilches Smo a"" .. (6) Doors Hea lth & Safely Kilchen Kitchen I Work Order# 3/21/2017 26791-1 Contractor 26791-1 3/21/2017 3121/2017 3/21/2017 2679 1-1 26 791-1 26791-1 3/22 12017 26794 -1 Contraclor 26794-1 267 94-1 2679 4-1 26794-1 26794-1 267 94.1 2679 4-1 VACANT - all deficien cies will be rnpaired wtien unit is tumed Health & Safety HVAC Svst em Bathroom Health & Safo lv Bathroom Kitchen I Dato Com r.il otcd 3122/2017 3122/2017 3/2212017 3122/2017 3122/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 3/22/2017 26795 -1 26795-1 267 95-1 267 95-1 2679 5-1 3/22/2017 CIO!lQed Drairis Wii!ter Clo:;el/T 01lt:tt-O,1maood/Cloo aed/Miss1no Dam aoed Frame s/Thresholle Imoro1rnr flush Bed1oom 1: enlrv Faucet le aks causinu tla maqo; Riohl/tront burner do us not lunc:iion; Dam aged Hardw are/loc ks Damaged Surface (Holes/PainURus UGlass\ GFl - lnoperable Cabi nets -Misl;in o/Da m;,qed Dishwasher/Garb aae Disoos al- lnooerabla Rolrigerator-Missing/DamaQed/lnoperable Missing/ Broken Cover Plates Missina/lnouerable Closer darnaaed/disconnected ;entry oe elino oain t;cn lrv hole(s\ :Bedroom 2; Bathro om 1; drawers ; aarbaoa disnosal not hmclionirm: Fresh food seal need s reolaced; Oullet olale miss ina;Bed room 1; smoke detector is not functionirm: all 3/20/2017 3/20 /20 17 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 J/20/2017 3/20 /2017 3/20/ 2017 26797-1 26797 -1 26797-1 2679 7-1 26797-1 2679 7-1 26797-1 267 97-1 diverter 3/21/2017 3/2 1/2017 3/21/2017 3/21(2017 J/21/2017 2679 8-1 26796- 1 26798-1 26798~ 1 26708-1 I Leakino FauceVPi oes Dam aoed Hardw areilocks Ememencv Fire Exlls-Emergencv/ Cabine1s-MissinQ/Dama<1ed Leakm<1FauceVPioes pVERSIGHT Tub does not dr<11n: Sinker olate misal inn ed/mis sina ; Bedroom 1: Fire Exits duble kev deadbolt doors: Faucel leaks: HUD-17-0235-C-001092 Essex Villa ge o 100% Unit Inspection jDitficiency Aiea .Commonts o..1.. ..,1nr Unlt# I /h \/ I Da lo Comp leted Missino/lnoo erab le smoke detecto r 1s not 3/21/2017 Hea11161 ~a1ety HVAC Svstem Health & Safety Kitchen Kitchen Olher Furnace m1~sinQ/lnoperable Cabinets-MissiOCJ /Dama{) ed Refri(leralor-Missing/Oamaoed/lno oe ,able Damaoed Hardware/Lo.:k.s no key reolc1ce filter smoke det ector Loose brackets; Needsdrip oan Bedroom 3 reoiace doo r kn6b 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 Doors Unit-..!/h \/~ I Bathroom Doors Doors Health & Safety Kilchoo Kitchen Smoke Dulector Walls UnlU I /1.-. \IC. I I Smoke Lavatory Stnk -Damaqed/Missmo DamaQed Hardware/locks Damaged Surface (Holes/Pa111VRusVGlass) Electri c.i i Hazards-E>1oosed Wire s/Ooen Panels Dishwasher/Garbaoe Disposal- -lnooerabh.t Range Hood/Exhaust Fans - Excessive Missino /lnoo erable DamaQed I Doors Oamaood FramcsfThSal scrnw mis sing ; braaker box 4/20/2017 4/2012017 27321-1 27321-1 Oamaqcd Surface (t-iotcs/PamURus l/Gtnss) DamaQed/Mis smq Screen/Siorm/Security Door Blocked Ace4:ss to Elect ncal Panel GFl- lnooerll Panel Cabmtits -Miss1ng/Oamaqod I Door.. Electrical Sv:;lem / h \I~ com m,:mts l (b)(6) Dn1tl(h ){ fi' O.!ficioncy 4121/2017 4/21/20 17 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27:125-1 l7J25-1 27325o1 'Unit11/ h \ / h. \ I Doors Smoke D etector Unit I / h \ / ~ \ Bamroom Bathroom Doors Ele <-ioo~ 1 c-. -o-Unlt # I ft,.. \IC\ Damage d Hardware/Locks MissiM/l noperabte I I Shower/Tub-Oa 1n,1ged/MLc;sinQ Ventilalion/Exhausl Sys tem- lnop 1m1ble Dama1:1ed/Missi na Scret?n/Slorm/ Securil-; Doo r Block ed Access to Elcctnc al Panel Caulk needs repla.:ed ; not lunclioninq; latch ool function ing ; stored ilems ; 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 "'-. ---- pVERSIGHT -- 4/2 1/2017 273:-13-1 27333-1 27 333 -1 27333 -1 HUD-17-0235-C-001094 Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection Deflcl~ncy Arna Doors Doors Electrical Svstem Hot Water Hea ter Kitchen ~(h\/h\ SmoKeueIec10r Dotlci.:11c i ,Comm'llnts Damaqed Hardware/Locks Oamagcd/Miss1ng Scre en/St o,m/S ecuritv Door Blocked Acce5:, lo Electrical Panel Misslflg Pre ssure Rehel Valv Range/Sto11e-Missino/Oamaciea/lnootl ratile Striker plate misal inned/missina :Bedroom 1: Cvlindcr rriissino ; behind padlocked door el(tansioo lube from pressu re relief va lv-2 is Riohl/lront burner does not function; 27334-1 27334-1 27334-1 27334-1 27334-1 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 27335 -1 27335- 1 27335- 1 4/2112017 4/2 1/2017 27336-1 Striker elate misalioned/m1ss inn :Bcdrnom 1; latch not functioning ; Front entry door: 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 4/2 1/2017 27337-1 27337-1 27337-1 Hinges loo sti/damaged :en1ry extens ion tuba from pressure relief valve i:. Fresh food seal needs replaced: 4/21/2017 4121/2017 27338-1 27331:1-1 27338- 1 Missm g/1,ioueraul e bathroom door Filter /h \IC:. I Kitchen Outlets/Sw1tches Work Orde r# 412112017 4/21/20 17 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 o1/21/2017 I Doors HVAC System /h \I I Date Com lated Unllfl'l Smk- --M1ss11KJJDa m ar,ed Missin CJ/B roken CoverPlates 1 ~fh\N~ Dou,.- Damal.led t-lardw..ire/Locks Damaged /Missing Scr~en/S lofflllS~rlly DelerioratedlMissino Seals {Entrv Only) Doors n,..,..= UnltM /h \( h I Doors Hol Water Hea lar Kit , ~ /h \( h I Doors /h \ ~\ I Dao (b )(6) I Doors Coors Health & Safety Kitchen IUnlt (h \IP-. I Bat Eleclrical System u~~.... A Safety l h \I Doors Damayeu/MissinQ ScraenlS lorm/Secun ty Door ILeaki no FauceVPioos lalch not funct ionin~ : trap leaking : 4/2 1/2017 4/21/2017 27339-1 27:!39.1 !Damag ed SoffilsJFascia/Solfll Vents soffi l : unit B Conlmctor 273o10-1 Damau ed Hardw are/L ocks Mis~intJ Prossure Relief Valv Striker plate mis <1li;:med/mis&in1.1 :Bedro om 1; exlension tube lrom orcssure rellcf valve is 4/21/2017 4/21t2017 27342- 1 27342- 1 Dama,, e d Hardware/Locks Damaged Surface IHoles/P aint/RusVGl ass l EmerQency Fire Exils-Emergencv/Fire Exits Range/Stove--Missing /Damaged/looperable Off track :Hal lwav/Hall Closet rusted storaae dooor furniture in bedroom Right/rear burner does not !unct ion ; 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27343-1 27343-1 27343-1 27343-1 I ILe;;,kinc:iFauceVPioas I aerator Leak ing FauceVPipes Damaged Surlaca (Holes/PainllRust/Glass) Damaci ed/ MissinCI Scre en/Storm/Sec urity Door GFl-lnoperable Ernem em,-y Fire Exits Eme rqencv /Fire Exits lub faucet drips : f\Jsted sto rage Cviinde r misslno : Bathroom 1; tv In bed room 4122/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 4/22/2017 27345-1 27345-1 27345- 1 Oamaq ed Hardware/locks SIrike r plate misaligneo/ m~ sing :Bedroo m 1 . 4/2 1/2017 27346- 1 1 Doors Doors I !!_nit1#1 /h 4/21/2017 2n:m-1 I Hol Wal er I-ieator Unit a 1 1-. \/~\ Unit~ fhVP-.\ Batmoom 0001 Damaged Hardware/locks Missinn Prnssure R eli~I Valv Refri91Jrator-Missing/Oama!Jed/lno1ieral>le K itchen Elulldlna Exte rior Roors Unit I sprayer hole 27345 -1 27345-1 \ U~) I pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001095 Essex Village o 100% Unit lns pi:ctio n Deficiency Ale a Outi cir:ncy Health & Saf e ty I Unit# /L.. \/ Doo r o IU niuU h H fi o Balhfoom Doors oo~-~ Uriii1/h \/h \ ,. " I Unit# / h \O:~\ Doo" \/1::\ I Bath roo m Bathroom Doors Elec lrical Svslern Kitcha~ Unitjl l L \/ r \ I Eleclncal Svsle m K1lchAn Unit# (h \( I Bathroo m Electncal Svstem Kitchen Bulldlna Extorior Wall s / L \/ " I Unit #I / h \/I:: \ Bathroom Electrical System Liohtin<1 Sm oke n ,,,.o-o- Unit diI h \/I:: I Doors Smoke l'"lot.D.-IA, Unit #I / 1,.,.\ / C \ I Ba lhroom D oors Doorn ~I' Work O.-der# lnft: Slo UOti- lm;ccl S Roactlas. Co nl rac tc., 21346- 1 D.:imaa,u! Hardwa re/Lt1cks Loc k. no1 func tioning : Bed roo m 1; Strik er 4/21/ ~0 17 27351 -1 Leah.inq Faucel/P1p11s Damnaed Hard w are/Lo cks De1erio rc1ted/Missi nQ Seals (Entrv Only) sink fau cet dnps ; hut side Strik e, nlate mi sa lign ed/mis~inq : M~chanical F ronl enl(\I door: 4/2 1/2017 4121/2017 4/21/2017 27352-1 27352-1 Holes/ Mis sing T iles/P ,rnel siCr acks hOlt}S : storage close t 4/21/2 017 27358-1 Exoosi::d Wir e:;tOoe n Panel!'. Mission Pieces/H otes/Spai11ng ac disconnect vinvl repair NIS 4/27/2 017 27359 o1 4127/2 0 17 27359-1 Dam age d Haruware/Lock~ Handl1::,/knobloose /dam aged ; Hallway/t-1c1II Close t 4/22 12017 27360-1 we.;d 1rirnme, damaoe 27352 - 1 I Ele ctrical Svs1em Kile'--Unit # /h Oate Com loted I Ceilini:i Bull dlng Exterior Haa llh & S afelv /h\lh\ ;Comments Blo cke d Ac ea~~ to Eleclric;:il P.ind Dishwasher/ Garbai:ia D1soosal lflOCJ t;rab le behi nd padloc ked doo r oarbaqc dis 1losa l not func1ionin q 4/22120 17 4/22rl017 27360 - 1 27360 -1 Leaking Fau ceVPioes Vldnhlalion/Exhaust Svs tcm - lnoperablc Dam aye d/M iss ioo Scre en/Storm/Se curit y Door Blocked Access lo Elect rical Panel D1!>hwasher/Ga rb aC1CDisposal lnowerable tub fa ucet d1los ; di ve ne r not runct ioninq lalch not functi oning; lron l sto rl:ld items toarbaQe dis posa l no t lu nclion ioa 4/22/20 17 4/22/20 17 27361-1 27361 -1 4/22/2017 4/22/20 17 27361-1 27361-1 4/22/2017 27361-1 GFl-ln o per abl e Ran CJeHood/Exha u~I Fans Kitchen nol hm ctionirn.i/blocked 4/2 2/2 017 4/22/2017 27362 -1 273ti2-1 Leaking fau cc VPipo s Blo c ked Access to Elec tnca l Panel Ran 9eJStov e-M issing/ O,imaned/bi o11era !Jle sink fauce t drip s behind oad locked doo r broiler 4/2 3/2 017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27363-1 27363-1 27636 -1 Missing Pieces /Holes /Spa lliM caul k reoair N IS 4/27/2017 27364-1 Lava lorv Sinll.--Dam aQed/MissiM Bloc ked A cces s to Electrical Panel Misslng /lno oerab le Fixture MissinQ/ lnooe rdbl e simmer missinQ; aerator moped Kilchen ;Hallway/Hall smo ke detector not worlmo Hall/Bdrm 4/22/2017 4/22/2 01 7 4/22/2017 27365 -1 27365 - 1 Damaged Hardwa re/lo cks Mi::.sinQk/ l ooerable le.akin~ Faucet/Pip e~ Eiu;esswe I Damaged Hardwa re/Locl--s Damag ed/ Missi ng Screen/Stou n/Se curitv Door pVERSIGHT 4/22/2017 27365 -1 2736 5-1 sloraqe closet balleJV needs rep laced 4/2 112017 4/21/2017 27306-1 dive1ter Striker pla te m isalicin~d/mis sino ;Bathr oom lak;n not fun ctioning 4/24/2017 4/24/2 017 27367 - 1 4/24/2017 27367 - 1 t 27366-1 27367-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001096 .----oo -~ ---..- ,.,,._ ,,,, ,.,..., ,. __ __ _ o-- .o--o- v..,.~-- - - -- - - -- -- .--...-.---- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - Essex. Village - 100% Unit Inspection ~01:1fichmcy .Arn Unltiil /L- \/r>-\ Co m m,mts tnooe rable Tt~nnos 1a1 not fun clio nino 4/24/20 l7 2136 7o1 Oam i:i.::iod Hardw &rn/LoCKS De1enorated/Mi ssm(1 Seals /Enlrv Onlvl Block ed Access to ElecLlic.ilPanel Cioaned D rain s Missinglt noo eraulo Hi.lndle/kn ob loose/d amane d ;B.ilh room 1: Front entrv door stored items Sink drdins slow smoke detec tor is no\ funcuonin c1;Bedroom 1: 4121/20 17 4/21/20 17 4121/201 7 4/2 1/2017 4/21/ 2017 27368.1 27368-1 2 7368.1 1 Doors Doors Electrical Syslem Kitchen I h\/C'\ D.itiCili!llC)' I ~ 11" I ' L,..\/ I Unit #I { h Door:; 27394-1 27394-1 ){ n I Health & Safely Heallh & Safetv Kitchen Windows ~/hV Ba tnroom Bathroom Doors Unit t4 t L- \ / I c:.\ I ,N pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001097 - - --- - ..Essex Village - 100% Unit Inspection : Defici oncy Arca Bathroom Elect rtcal Svstcm Kitchen Unit #I / h \ / C:. I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Outlels/Swllches Outlets/Switches I IL\l""" .I Ce;mmenls I Wal c:r Cios e l/T oilut-D ...maoed/Cloo aed/Missinq Bloc~ed Accp,:;s\o Elec trical Panel Refngeralor -Missing/Damag ~d/lnoo .:raola sea t loose slore d items Fresh food seal nec1.h;replaced leakinCJ FauccVPIP E:S Showerrru1>-Dan1aged/M1 :is 1ng M1s s1noDoor MisSillQ Misi;1nA/Brol\en Cove( Plates sink faucet drips diverter Bedroom 1:Closet Switch broken/mi ssim1:Kitchen Switch plate mis slnq :Mechanical area L,w .ilory Sink - -O.imaq11d/Mb,. inq Leaking Fau ce t/Pipas Damancd H ard war e/Locks Dam1.1nedSurface (Holes/PainVRu sI/Gl<-1:;:;) Damaged/M,ssmg Screen/Slorm/Secunty Do or Blocked Ac cess lo Electric.i i Panel GFl - lnoper..ble Sink--Mlssinq/Oama( 1ed Mlssino/ lnoparable Oamaoed stoppoermlssin(i sink faucet drips entrvchain peclinq o.:iinl missing stored ih,ims Bathroom l sprayer Smoke detector is missing;Bedroom Hallway/HaU;K ilch i,n Date Completod Work Order# 4/22 /20 17 27399-1 27399-1 27399 -1 4/22/2 017 4122/2017 4123/2017 27 400 -1 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27 400 -1 27400-1 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 27400-1 2'/400.1 4/23/20 17 4/23/2017 27401 -1 Unil11/ h \ / C:.\ I Bathroom Bathroom Doors Doors Doo rs Eleclrical Svstem Eleclncal Swlern Kitchen Smoke Detector Wall "' I Unlt #I /L..\/C Ceihni:, Hol es/ Missino Tilo s/P anelsi Cracks Blo cked Ac ces :; lo Electrical Panel Electrical Svstem ~ I h \/ c:.\ I Bal"'""'" l~akinri Faucel/Pio es D.:imagcd Surlactt (Hok:~IP .iln l/Ru s I/Glas~) Oc sc,ioraled/Missing Seals (Entry Only) Blocked Access to Electrical Panel Raoge/Siove-Mls sin q/Damac:iodllnoperable Missil\Q/I noo crable DamaQed Doors Doors Eleclrical System Kitchen Smoke Detector Walhi. UnltHh \{~ I r'Jcu'i~ ,._,,,._ Unit #1/L,.. \IC 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 1 !Bedroom 1 liiadlocked dii,erter door edqe split :Bml room 1 Front entry door stored items 2 o, more burners do nol function Smoke delector is mis:.inq :Bedro om 1 Mal!way/Hall 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 2740M 27401"1 27401-1 27401 - \ 27401-1 27401-1 27401 . 1 4/23/2017 27401-1 27401.1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 21,10 2- 1 27402-1 4/24/2017 27403 - 1 27403-1 4/24 /2017 4/24/2017 4124/2017 2740 3-l 4/24/2017 27403-1 27403-1 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 27403 . 1 27404 -1 27403 -1 DamaQedSurface (Holes/PainVRusVGlass} ,oeelino oaint:entrv 4/24/2017 Lava tory Sink-Damam~d /Missin Q Damaged Surface (Holes/PainVRust/Glass) Deier ioraled/MissinQ Seals (Entry Only) Eml! rgencv Fire Exits-EmefQencv/Fire Exits s1001>er nor funct ioning peelinq paint enlrv. Mechanical area vent Front sntry door Bed room 1 dre sser 4/25/2 017 274U5. 1 4/25/2017 27405 - 1 I Bathroom Doors Doors Health & S afety I ~fh)/h\ Do..,,., Doors Health & Safety laundrv UnltJll(h 4/23/2017 I ~~,tinn IRc,0111} \(h\ I Damai:ied Ha rdware /lo cks Deteriorated/Missino Seals (Enlry On ly) Air Quality-Mold and/or Mildl'lw Ob setvud DrverVen\ Miss inQ/Oamaoed/l nooerab le pVERSIGHT Str iker olate misaliQnect/missing;Bed,oom 1; F ronl entry door Tub venl d isconnected 4125/2017 27405-1 4/25/2017 27405 - 1 4/25/2017 27406 -1 27-106-1 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 4/25/2017 27400.1 27406-1 HUD-17-0235-C-001098 Essex Vilta e o 100% Unit Ins ection . Oufic l ency Ar oa Ooifl ci -,ncy Doors Kitchen 6ulldlna Exterior " 'b ){ I Unit#I {h ){F;) I Doo,J Doors Heallh & Saf ety Kitch en Smoke Dete ctor UniU/h \/C:.. I Ba1nroom Doors Doo rs Doora Electrical Sv&tcm Kil ,._ . !Unit~ {h ){F;) I Bat,ltoom Doors Doors Electrical Systom He a llh & S afe ty Kitchen Kitchen K itch en Sm oke Det ector 4125/2017 4125/2017 2740 7-1 2740 7-1 Mis sing Pieces/Hol es/ Spa ii1m1 nlsr sidinn clim m1l~ 4/27/201 7 47208-1 Dam aged Harow.u e/Locks Dam age d/Mis:; ing Scre en/St,:m n /Set:u ntv Door 4(24/20 17 Ro friaer.:i1or-Mi 5sing /Darn aoe d/lno pc, abl e Missinq/ln o oerab le S1riker plale misa lignedJm issin Q :Bedmo in 1: Lo ck not functio nin q Roache s F resh foo d seal n eeds re ulaced ball ery needs replaced 4/24/201"1 4/24/2017 2740 9-1 2740 9-1 2740 9-1 27409-1 27409 -1 Lavatorv Si11 k Oamao ed/Missing Laakina FauctiUPioes co ld s1em sin k fau cel drip s 27410-1 27410 -1 ~ L-..\IC. I Unlt # l tL-\/1':'\ Bathroom Doors Outlets/Switches Unit I /h \/ Ba lhroom Bathroom Bathroom Doo,s 4/24/2017 Con1mc1or Blocked Ac coss to Electrical Panel stored items 4/24/2017 4/24/2017 4124/2017 Snow erfTu b- Darm,oed/Missing Damaged Hardwar e/Locks Dam aqed /MissinQ Screen/ Slorrn/ Sc curilv Doo r Dol erio rated/M issiny Seals (Entry Only) GFl - lnoparable Ran<10Hood/Exhaust Fans Exces sive diverter Striker ulate mis allcmed/missinn :Bo dmo m latc h not fuoct ionif\Q Front ent ry door Bathroom 1 not lun c tion inQ/blocked 4/24/2017 4/24 12017 4/24/20 17 4/24/2017 4/24/20 17 4/24/2 017 ~7411-1 27411-1 27411 -1 ?.7411 . 1 27411 -1 27 411-1 lea kinu Fau c cl/Pip e~ Dam ag ed Hardw are/l o cks Damaged /Missing Scrnen/ Storm/S1:1curityDoor GFl - lnope rable lnfe statioo - lns ecls Cabinels-Missing/Damay t:id Ran q e/Sto11a-M issinQ/Oamaqed/l noperabl a Ref rigerator -Missin g/Oamaq e d/lnop erable Missing/Ino pe rable sink fou c.:,t drios : di11e11a r Strik ef plate misa lin Unitl /h \/a \ I Bathroom Doors Kilch&n Kitchen Kitchen Smoko Detector UnltJj /h \/~\ I Elecmca, .:.vstom Kitchun Kitchen Smoke Detector Bulldlng E:11terlor Health & Saletv w~ u., l ' h)/h)I UOlli!I /L,. \/~\ 4/25/1017 27414-1 Darnanuosed W irusiOuen Panel s IMis sina Pie ces/ Holes/Soa lling ac discconnect conduil vinvl mismatch 4/ 27/20 17 412712017 2742 1-1 27421-1 Lavalorv Sink-Dam aqeo/Missing Damaqed Surface (Holes/PainURusUGlass\ Dam aqed /Mi.ssinn Screen /Slorm /Secur ilv Door GFl-lnope rable Eleclrical Hazards-Exposed Wires/Open Panels RerriQerato,-Mi ssinQ/OamaQed/looper able stopper nol fun ctioning oealino uaint ~nlrv Cvlinder not functiomno Kitchen disposal wire Fres h food seul needs rvsu:,rn Eleclrical Svstem Hot Waler Heate r Kitchen Kitchen Smoke De1ect0< Dal& Com lttl c cl Luakill ~l V.,lv e.sffank ~ Piptls I th \I l co mmunb pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001100 Essex Village - 100% Unit Ins pecti on Deficiency Araa :o e:ticl.:inc y Health & Sa(elv Kitchen Win~,.,_..,,, Unit#ll /h \/~ H .. . " Unii1 . . /h l 'h\'~\ Unit C" )0~) I I /h \/~ Balllroom Bathroom Doors Electr ical Syslem i ~(b)(6) Bat Doors . I Doors Doors Kitchen Smoke Detector Bulldlna Extetlor Walls Bulldlni:i Svstbms Electrical System I h\/~ , dive rter peeling paint entrv Hallway/Hall ;Closel s disoosal wire 4126r1011 4/26/2017 4/26/2017 4/26/2 017 2742 4- 1 27424-1 27424-1 27424 -1 27423-1 !Ran;iiJ/Stov&-Mbsl11q/Darnaqed/lno11erable IRiqhVlront burner does not !unct ion 4/26/2017 274~5-1 Leak inClFaucel/Pii,tis Olher Refng.:rator -M1ss1n11/Damaned/lnciverable Miss1ng/loooo rablo sink tau c~t d1ios furnace filler per tenant Fresh food seal needs repl<1ced Smoke delector is missino : bdrm 1 4(2612017 4126/2017 1\/26/2017 4/26i20 17 27426-1 27426 -1 27426-1 27426-1 stoooer missing divefler Striker olale misahQned/missinQ :Bathroom 1; padlocked smoke detector is not funclion ing:Hallwav/ Hall : 4/2612017 4/2612017 4/26/2 017 4/2 6/2 017 4/2612017 27 427-1 L,111a 1orv S1nk- Dam.:1cied/M1 ssin9 Le aking Fauccl/Pi11es Damagtid Hardware/Locks Blocked Ac cess to Elactricol P,,nel Miss1na/lnope rabla Lm1kinn FaucoUPioes Oamaoed Surface (Holes/Painl/RusUGlass) diverti::r l oeeling oaint; entrv Lav atory Sink . -0.am ;iQane :Bedro o rn 1 I Unit o th\/~ Bat Work Order# I Ba nroom Haallh & Saroty Kitchen Smoke Det ector ~{h){ Date Com le1ed Oth er Ref nrn Unltl /h \/h I .... .- .-- -- - ----- -- - - - - - -- - -- - --- EsseJCVitlag.a o 100 % Unit lnseection -D.:Jicio n cy -- -- - - -- - -- -----, :Commonls Date Compl .ited Work Order# Unit, Bat ,room Doors Eleclr ical System Health & Saretv Bulldlna Exterior Rools Walls lnooernblo no ac 4/26/2 017 274 33-1 Lav.i1ory Sink-Damaged/M1ssmg Damaoed/Missinci Screen/StormlSecurny Door GFl - lnooerabla Emeroency Fire Ex1ls-Ernergencvif1 re Ex11s stoouer missing latch no t functioninq ;Lock not lunc1ioninQ : Bath roo m 1 Bedroom 1 chair 4/26/2017 4/26/201 7 4/26/2017 27434o1 274 34-1 27434 -1 27434-1 Damaued Soflits/F asc1a/Solfi1 Vem~ Missing Plec es/Ho les/Soa lling soffil al / h \ / C::.. I $id1ng holes 4{27/20 \ 7 4/27/2017 27435 -1 fa1dence ol Lt?ak.s/Co no;;ion bll m of disconn ec t box rusted out parkin q sid e Delenorat edlMissinci Caulk.inQISc.:.1s Ga rlJaqc and Debr is-O utdo ors over hea d door sm1Js Damagod Soffits/Fa scia/Solfil Vents MissinolDamaqed Comoonenls Crr;,mDownspoul/Guuer MlssinQ Pieces/H oles/Spallin Q rear ~offit downsooul mis::iinQ front sidin 0 holes 4/27/2017 4127/2017 27437 o 1 27437-1 1n4r offi co 4/27/ 2017 27437-1 :ibox cvr missinQ 4/27/2017 2743 7- 1 l9a l) arou nd oull el s in lob by s.itti nq aron/k ev 4121r2.011 274 37-1 doon; not closong ilosh enlrv lobby 4/27/201 7 27437 -1 2 sc, ew cd shul rn kitch en 4/27/2017 27437-1 Bulldina Svi.tem s Electrtcal Syslem Golf Cart Gar.age: Bulldina EJCtorlor Doois Health & Saletv Roorl> Roofs Wall s Office : 4/26/2017 2743 5- 1 Bulldlna Exterior Health & Salalv E.1Cl'.IOSlWiros lcl /Op&n Panel s Wall s MissmQ P iaces/Ho las/Soamno Dulldlno Svstems Emeruency Power Auioh,il'YL1uhlinn lno ,)erau lt:l Common Aleas: Closet/UtlUl:v JMechankal Elecir ical Missinq Co vtm; Common Aloas: Hoallh I!. Saf~tv Health & Safety Elec tric.JI Haz ard 5- Expo sed Wires i Open Pane ls Common Areas: Lobby Doors Darnaqed Hardware/Locks Common Arealii: Olhor Community Soaces Windows lnooorab le/Nol loc ka ltle I condu it al ac co ndcnsor loose from bo K hole in br1ck al mqr office exit door HUD-17-0235-C-001102 ENCLOSURE a= 1 k2 DIilon Sewer Service, Inc. P.O. Box 9291 Richmond, VA 23227 Ph: (804)266-8214 Fax: (80,4) 286-8211 Federal ID#: 54-1891894 Date Invoice 05/10/17 039351 Page 1 Billed To: Essex VIiiage Apartments 3901 PIiots Lane Richmond , VA 23222 Job: JETTING Rof: WOC2549 Mechanic: MATTHEW Fax: 804.321.0523 Cust Ph: BIM.329.5820 ob Location Essex Vlllage Property Saniary Sewers Sanitary Sewer Cleaning (Ev 3months) Descrtption of Work: Contract Per proposal : Jetted sanitary sewer manholes (heavy grease, bottles. and sticks) Matthew.Jason, and Paul ====~= ==:= ~=~:: == ~===;:::== === ======== === ~=== =========o=~===~::=== = =--====== frofTb)(4 r We propose to clean the sanitary sewers every 3 months . This wmnot stop back ups fmm the building. Every 3 months the charge wi ll be( We are not responsible for any landscaping, concrete, asphalt, siding/brick , and or any items that may need to be removed to complete the job. Essex is responsible for blocking off any areas that may need to be blocked off to complete the job . Thank you, Ron Dillon President DUE & PA YABLE UPON COMPLETION _ A FINANCE CHARGE OF 2% PER MOrll'H (24% PER ANNUM) WILL EJEADDED TO ACCOUNTSNOT PAIDWITHIN30 DAYS. Total l(b)(4) Customer copy pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001104 I Page I of l Essex Invoice 3901 Piots ln Richmond. VA 23222 -1211 (804) 329-5820 039351 Inv~ Fax (804) 321-0523 As of 05) 18/2017 12:14PM (CST) Submittedby: Tanelsha Washington Pendingapprovaby: l Anrpla HIGglns @I 05/18/201712:14PM Vendor (CST) lrllloice lnfonnatlcm DILLON SEWER SERVICE, INC.- Oilllon Sewer' Attn: OtLLONSEWER SERVICE, INC. {()illio n S.-r) POBOX9291 RICHMOND, VA. 23227-0291 F'Oflting date: 05/18/2017 lnVOiOe date: 05110/2017 Terms: Duedate: 06/0912017 Net 30 deya lflVCHCe total: !(b)(4) PurctlaH OC'Cllr(8 :) o Quantity 1.00 I Produl:I sewer hole deanln; Ststua: Pending date: 05110/2017 I Cor!lment I I I Property Unit Essex I Accovnt 6520141o Plumbing Conlrac1 Sublotal Price eaeti I Total ,_,.,.., (b )(4) Tax Shipping Total Comments JettedaanltarysewermanholeS(heavy grea59 . bofflu, and sticlcs o. pvERbrs://H~ t.onesite.realpage.com/pureha.sing/300/comrnon/printDummy .htm Sil 8/2017 HUD-17-0235-C-001105 Dillon Sewer Service, Inc. P .0. Box 9291 Richmond , VA 23227 Ph : (804)266-8214 Fax : (804) 266-8217 Federal 10#: 54o1691894 Date Proposal 04 /20 /17 000325 Page 1 Submitted To: Essex Village Apartments 3901 Pilots Lane Richmond, VA 23222 Job : Jetting Phone: 804.329.5820 Job Location Essex VIilage Property Saniary Sewers Sanitary Sewer Cleaning (Ev 3months) We propose to clean the sanitary sewers from manholes ev~A.3 months. This will not from the building. Every 3 months the charge will be /h)/ ) We are not respon stop back ups sible for any landscaping, concrete, asphalt, siding/brick,and or any items that may need to be removed to complete the job. Essex is responsible for blockingoff any areas that may need to be blocked off to complete the job. I I Thank you, Ron Dillon President ZERO and NO/100 Dollars $.00 Thiswl not stop l< 7. ~~~, G> :::c --i June 22, 2017 Re: Maintenance Concerns Dear Valued Residents: 111an effort to further improve our customer service response time, Management has established a new email address for all residents al Essex Village. The em;iil c1ddressis: ::.;: ..~~~~~~t,.l.;;{ (': (} ~: t~.J 3..t:~ ~i;)~-.-~5~:; ~ \l~ (;~--~!jJj t>t~J ~-i~'i~.,;;~ti L.ol~-(: ~ .,l~c:{Ji~ 1 This email address is for residents to send any maintenance concerns to us aleclron1cally whether to express any dissatisfaction with service or if a request for service has not been addressed professionally or promptly. Ah;o, please remember !hat our Resident Service Manager, Dawn Pahoresky, is available to assist you wilh any customer service issues. Her phone number is (216) 527-4787. The after-hours emergency maintenance number for Essex Village has not changed. Please be sure to use this line for all after-hours emergencies only. It is: (855) 344-7476 HUD-17-0235-C-001111 Sincerely, !~/ :,;,m; , /;; 11 1n,j Penny Higgins Regional Vice President 26301 Cunis,-Wrighl ParKway I Su,te 300 I RichrnoM Hts . Ohio 4414:, ~ ENCLOSURE a= 1 E5 ........ MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES IN THE 4th CONGRESSIONAL DISTR ICT WITtt FAILING REAC SCORES PROPERTY. INSf N 10 .AQPRESS ~ 546462 59W63 530252 ss1,pos 41 1/2 Ma lvern Avenue 3901 Pilots Ln 305 No rth 18th Street 1359 W. Broad Str ee t CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CONGRESSIOl'W. . ' . CODE CODE . DISTRICT CODE .. INSPNDATE INSPN PROPERTY SCORES FX ID INSPNDT ROUND INSPECTION SCORE Rich mo nd Richmo nd City VA 2322 1 04 9/22/20 16 c. 8002 40452 9/22/ 2016 8:56:44 AM 48 Richmond Henric o VA 23222 04 1/10/20 17 c' 80002181 2 1/1012017 8 51:00 AM 51 Richmond Richmo nd City VA 23223 04 8/1012016 C 800 225709 8/ 10120 16 9:0 6 35 AM 51 Richm ond Richmo nd City VA 23220 04 3/ 16/2017 co 80023 5222 3/16120 17 9:2 6:23 AM 59 PUBLICHOUSING PROPERTY(IES)IN THE 4 th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTWITH A FAILING REACSCORE PHAName ,ulfolk Redevelopmen t and Housi ng Authority Dovclo pm ent Code VA025000005 Developm ent Name HO FFL ER APARTM ENTS In s pecti on Score Inspection Date ' 58 . 09MA Y2016:09:00 ; 18 Addre ss line l 22 10 E WAS HINGTON Street Address Llne 2 : City S UFFOLK ~:" LCodo r34 3'1 HUD-17-0235-C-001113 From: Sent: To: Subject: Williams, Sheppard V Monday , August 07, 2017 3:35 PM DeFelice, Joseph J Automatic reply: SQUATTERS- 6139 Walker Street 19135 I will be out of the office, Wednesday, July 26 through Tuesday, August 8. I will respond to your message when I return on August 9. For immediate assistance, please contact our Customer Service Representative at 215656-0600. For FOIA matters, please contact Anne.Davis@hud.gov via email or 804-822-4802. Thank you. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001114 Dunn, Tracey Tuesday, August 08, 2017 11:20 AM joanna.campbell@mail.house.gov DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S RE:Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Taylor (VA) - NDRC Waiver Rqst Status - HUD Response 8-7-17 FR Notice.pdf From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hi Joanna, Thanks for the chat. The requested waiver and alternative requirement for the Commonwealth of Virginia were published in the Federal Registeryesterday. Refer to page 36822. Please let me know if this response and related attachment will suffice as the formal response. ~ CHSS D. Applicable Rules, Statutes. \Naivers. iil1ll Alternative Requirements E. Ouroliorr of Fu11,li11g II. Waivern iiml Alternative Requirements for CDilC-DR funds Appropriated by Public Law 114-223. 36813 August 7, 2017/Notices Hild 115-:ll only lo the Slate of 114-254 (Applicable Louisiana) Ill. 1\llocal ioll Framl'.work for Disasll'.rs ill 2017 or Later A. Ilackground R. UsH of Fullcls ,\]fHrnaliv;, R"-(!\ltl'l'.llll'.lllS V. Nc,v LMI l\c1tioml Objective Criteria for Ruvouls a11,l Housillg liu.:HnlivHs [Applicable to Multiple Appropriations) VI. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance VII. Finding of No Significant lmpnd Appendix A: Allocation Methodology I. 2015 and 2016 Allocations A Background Since December 2015, four different public luws huvc been enucted that have provided CUBC-O1{ appropriations to addre~:; 111<1jor dechred diso:;ters that ocr:urrerl in 201 S, 2016, 2017, and later. Table l lists these various public laws, the related Federal Register notices that govern the funds. gruntees thut have received allocutions, and umounts provided tu thu:;e grantees. Table 1 - FY 2016 and 2017 CDBG-DR Appropriations and Allocations Appropriation Act Date of Enactment Public Law 114-113 Public Law 114-223 December 18, 2015 September 29, 2016 Public Law 114-254 December 10, 2016 Public Law 115-31 May 5, 2017 Date of Applicable Federal Register Notice June 17, 2016 November 21, 2016 January 18. 2017 81 FR 39687 $299,000,000 81 FR 83254 $500,000,000 82 FR 5591 $1,805,976,000 Federal Register Notice Reference Number CDBG-DR Available $400,000,000 2015 Disaster Grantees Lexington County SC Columbia SC Richland County, SC State of South Carolina Houston. TX San Marcos, TX State of Texas Totals $16,332,000 $19,989,000 $23,516,000 $96,827,000 $56,560,000 $25,080,000 $50,696,000 $5,038,000 $6,166,000 $7,254,000 $29,871,000 $20,532,000 $8,714,000 $23,872,000 $21,370,000 $26,155,000 $30,770,000 $126,698,000 $87 ,092,000 $33,794.000 $74 ,568,000 $51,435,000 $45,595,000 $16,631,000 $37,976,000 $29,781,000 $59,335,000 $342,200 ,000 $1,708,407.000 $149,875,000 $238,895,000 $236,529 ,000 $95,086,000 $117 ,937 .000 2016 Disaster Grantees State State State State State State of of of of of of Louisiana West Virginia Texas North Carolina South Carolina Florida Total $437,800,000 $17,000,000 $45,200,000 $299,000,000 $500,000,000 $1.219.172,000 $87,280 ,000 $177,064,000 $198,553,000 $65,305,000 $58.602,000 $1,805,976,000 *The allocation amounts for Pub. L. 115-3 coh11m1 include amounts mmounccdby the Department on May 18, 2017. E,;r:h of the public: ),;ws idmltified above provides CDI3G-DR funds for nccessury expenses for activities authorizer! und er title I of tlrn Housing and Community Development Act of Hl74 (HCllA) related to disaster relief, long-term rer.ovr,ry, restoration of infrastructure and housing, and economic rcvitulization in the most impRr.terl and distrnssr,d Areas rP.sulting from a qualifying major disaster declared by the President pursuant to /\ VI I I'll pVERSIGHT thP. Robert T. Stafford Dis,;ster Reliflf and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (Stafford Act) (42 U.S.C. 5121 ct seq.). C.DBf',...DRgrants under P.ar:h appropriation arc governed by one or more Federal Register not ices lh,it contain the requirements, applir:ahle waivers, and alternative requirements that up ply to the use of the funds. C.ongress rnquires that HUD publish waivers and alternative requirements in the Federal Register. Th is Federal Register notice set:; out the requirements, waivers , and alternative requirements that govern the funds appropriated under Puhlir. LRw 115-31. Throughout this notice, references to Federal Register notices will be lo lhe dole lhe notice:; were published RSnoted in Tahir, 1. Under Puhl ic Low 1'15-::11, Cu11gre:;5 appropriated $400 million in C.DBG- DR funding to address remaining unmet needs (as defined by !IUD) arising from qualifying major disasters that occurred HUD-17-0235-C-001117 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, 36814 in 2015 and 2016, and for qualifying major disasters that occur in 2017 or later, until the funds are fully allocated. Congress required that HUD, in distributing the $400 million, use the allocation methodologies identified in June 17, 2016, and January 18, 2017, Federal Register notices for disast ers occurring in 2015 and 2016, respectively . Tabl e 1, under the column lab eled Public Law 115-31, reflects the allocation of funds appropriated by that act for qualifying disasters in 2015 and 2016 (inclusive of the amounts announced on May 18, 2017). In HUD's June 17, 2016, Federal Register notice, HUD described the allocation and applicable waivers and alternative requirements, relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, grant award process, criteria for Action Plan approval, and eligibl e disaster recovery activities for th e qualifying 2015 disasters. Grantees receiving an August 7, 2017/Notices allocation of funds under this Federal Register notice for qualifying 201 5 disasters are subject to the authority and conditions of Public Law 114-113 and the requirements, wa ivers, and alternative requirements provided in the June 17 , 2016, notice. In HUD's November 21, 2016, and January 18, 2017, Federal Register notices , HUD described the allocation and app licable waivers and alternative requirements, relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, grant awa rd process, criteria for Act.ion Plan approval, and eligib le disaster recovery activities for the qualifying 2016 disasters. Grantees receiving allocations of funds under these Federal Register notices for qualifying 2016 disasters are subject to th e authority and conditions of Public Law 114 - 223 and 114 - 254 and the requirements, waivers and alternative requirements provided in the November 21, 2016, and Jan uary 18, 2017 , Federa l Register notices . HUD is allocating the funds for the 2015 and 2016 disasters based on updated data HUD rece ived from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the Small Business Administration (SBA). HUD's allocations match the difference between HUD's 100 percent estimate of the serious unm et needs for repair in most impacted counties after taking into consideration other resources, including insuran ce, FEMA, SBA and the amounts previously allocated. HUD's methodo logy for allocation as specified in th e June 17 , 2016 , and January 18, 2017 , notices does not include additiona l funds for resi li ence activities . Detaile d exp lanations of HUD' s allocation methodologies for qualifying disasters from 2015 and 2016, are provided at Appendix A in the June 17, 2016 notice and Appendix A of the Jan uary 18, 2017 n otice, respectively. TABLE 2- QUALIFYING2015 AND2016 DISASTERS AND "MOST IMPACTED AND DISTRESSED" AREAS Minimumamount that must be expended for recovery in the HUD-identified"most impacted and distressed" areas Grantee FEMAdisaster No. 2015 Disasters Lexington County (Urban County), SC ................................ Columbia, SC ....................................................................... Richland County, SC ............................................................ State of South Carolina ........................................................ LexingtonCounty Urban County Jurisdiction($5,038,000). Columbia ($6,166,000). Richland County Urban County Jurisdiction ($7,254,000). Charleston, Dorchester, Florence, Georgetown and Clarendon Countieso ($23,896,800) . 4223, 4245 ... ... ... .. ...... Houston, TX ........................................................................ . City of Houston ($20,532,00 0). 4223 , 4245 ... ... ... ... ..... San Marcos, TX ................................................................... City of San Marcos ($8,714,000). 4223 , 4245, 4272 ....... State of Texas ...................................................................... Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, and Travis Counties ($12,511,200). 4241 4241 4241 4241 2016 Disasters 4263 , 4277 ... ... ... ........ State of Louisiana ..................... .......................................... East Baton Rouge, Livingston, Ascension, Tangipahoa, Ouachita, Lafayette, Lafayette, Vermilion,Acadia, Washington, and St. Tammany Parishes ($4 1,148 ,000). 4273 ........ ..... ... ...... ..... State of West Virginia .......................................................... Kanawha, Greenbrier, Clay, and Nicholas Counties.. ($36,476,000). 4266 , 4269, 4272 ....... State of Texas ...................................................................... Harris, Newton, Montgomery, Fort Bend, and Brazoria Counties ($13,304,800) . 4285 ....... .... .. ... .. .... ..... State of North Carolina ........................................................ Robeson, Cumberland, Edgecombe, and Wayne Counties ($30 ,380,800). 4286 ... ...... ....... ........... State of South Carolina ........................................................ 4280 , 4283 ...... ... .. . .. ... State of Florida ..................................................................... Marionand Horry Counties ($23,824,800). St. Johns County ($47,468,000). o Based on data presented by the grantee, HUD has approved the addition of Clarendon County to the 2015 South Carolina "most impacted and distressed" areas . .. Based on data presented by the grantee, HUDhas approved the addition of Clay and Nicholas Counties to the 2016 West Virginia"most impacted and distressed" areas. Use of funds for all grantees is limited to unmet recovery needs from the major disasters identified in Table 2. Table 2 shows the HUD-identified "most impacted and distressed" areas impact ed by the identified disasters. At least 80 percent of the total funds provided to each grantee under this notic e must address unmet needs within A pVERSIGHT the HUD-identified "most impacted and distressed " areas, as identified in Table 2. Grantees ma y spend th e remaining 20 percent in th e HUD-identified areas or areas the grantee determines to be "most impa cted and distressed." B. Use of Funds Pub li c Law 11 5-31 requires funds to be used only for specific disaster recovery related purposes. This allocation provides funds to 2015 and 2016 CDBG-DR grant ees for authorized disaster recovery efforts. Grantees allocated funds under this notice for 2015 and 2016 disas ters must submit a HUD-17-0235-C-001118 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, substantial Action Plan Amendment as outlined below. C. Grant Amendment Process To receive funds allocated by this notice, 2015 and 2016 grantees (listed in Table 1) must submit a substantial Action Plan Amendment to their approved Action Plan and meet the following requirements: o Grantee must consult with affected citizens, stakeholders, local governments and public housing authorities to determine updates to its needs assessment; o Grantee must amend its Action Plan to update its needs assessment , modify or create new activities, or reprogram funds. Each amendment must be highlighted, or otherwise identified within the context of the entire Action Plan. The beginning of every Action Plan Amendment must include a: (1) Section that identifies exactly what content is being added, deleted, or changed ; (2) chart or table that clearly illustrates where funds are coming from and where they are moving to; and (3) a revised budget allocation table that reflects the entirety of all funds; o Grantee must publish a substantial amendment to its previously approved Action Plan for Disaster Recovery prominently (see section VI.A.4.a of the November 21, 2016, notice and section VI.A.3.a of the June 17, 2016, notice) on the grantee's official Web site for no less than 14 calendar days . The manner of publication must include prominent posting on the grantee's official Web site and must afford citizens , affected local governments, and other interested parties a reasonable opportunity to examine the amendment's contents and provide feedback; o Grantee must respond to pub lic comment and submit its substantial Action Plan Amendment to HUD no later than 90 days after the effective date of this notice; o HUD ,,vill review the substantial Action Plan Amendment within 45 days from date of receipt and determine whether to approve the Amendment per criteria identified in this notice and all applicable prior notices; o HUD will send an Action Plan Amendment approval letter, rev ised grant conditions (may not be applicable to all gran tees) , and an amended unsigned grant agreement to the grantee. If the substantial Amendment is not approved , a letter will be sent identify ing its deficiencies; the grantee must then re-submit the Amendment within 45 days of the notification letter; o Grantee must ensure that the HUD approved substantial Action Plan Amendment (and original Action Plan) A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices is posted prominently on its official Web Site; o Grantee must enter the activities from its published Action Plan Amendment into the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) system and submit the updated DRGR Action Plan to HUD within the system; o Grantee must sign and retmn the grant agreement to HUD; o HUD will sign the grant agreement and revise the grantee's line of credit amount; o Grantee may draw down funds from the line of credit after the Responsib le Entity completes applicable environmenta l review(s) pursuant to 24 CFR part 58, or adopts another Federal agency 's environmental review where authorized under provisions incorporated by reference in Public Law 115- 31, and, as applicable , receives a response from HUD or tl1e state that approves the grantee's Request for Release of Funds and certification; o Grantee must amend its published Action Plan to include its projection of expenditures and outcomes within 90 days of the Action Plan Amendment approva l. D. Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers. and Alternative Requirements Awards under this notice will be subject to the waivers and alternative requirements provided in the notices governing the award of CDBG-DR funds for 2015 and 2016disasters , as identified in Table 1. These waivers and alternative requirements provide additional flexibility in program design and imp lementation to support full and swift recovery following the d isasters, while also ensuring that statutory requirements are met. Grantees may request additiona l waivers and alternative requirements from the Department as needed to address specific needs related to their recovery activities. Waivers and alternative requirements are effective five days after they are published in the Federal Register . E. Duration of Funding Public Law 115-31 provides that these funds will remain available until expe n ded. However, consisten t with 31 U.S.C. 1555 and 0MB Circular A-11, if the Secretary or the Pres ident determines that the purposes for which the appropriation bas been made have been carried out and no disbursements have been made against the appropr iation for two consecutive fiscal years, any remaining balance will be made unavailable for obligation or expenditure. Consistent with the June 17, 2016, November 21, 2016, and 368 1 5 January 18, 2017 notices, the provisions at 24 CFR 570.494 and 24 CFR 570.902 regarding timely distribution of funds are waived and replaced with alternative requirements under this notice. Grantees must expend 100 percent of tl1eir allocation of CDBG-DR funds on eligible activities within 6 years of HUD's execution of the grant agreement. II. Waivers and Alternati ve Requirement s for CDBG- DR Funds Appropriated by Public Law 114-223, 114- 254 and 115-31 (Applic able Only to the State of Louisiana) This section of the notice provides a waiver for the state of Louisiana, which has received CDBG-DR allocat ions pmsuant to Public Law 114- 223, 114254 and 115- 31. The state of Louisiana was allocated $1,656,972,000 in CDBGDR funds under Public Law 114- 223 and 114- 254 and HUD has approved tl1e state 's use of these CDBG-DR funds for three main recovery programs: Housing (86 percent), economic development (4 percent), and infrastructure (6 percent). These programs were developed to address the most urgent and significant unmet needs of those areas impacted by the eligible 2016 d isasters. This n otice allocates $51 ,435,000 to Louisiana pursuant to Public Law 115- 31, bringing the total amount allocated to the state for 2016 disas ters to $1,708,407,000 . 1. Waiver of the 70 percent overall benefit requirement (State of Louisiana only). The overall benefit requirement set by the HCDA requires that 70 percent of the aggregate of the grantee 's CDBG program's funds be used to support activities benefitting low - and moderate-income persons. It can be difficult for grantees working in disaster recovery to meet the overall benefit test, because disasters do not always affect low - and moderate -income areas and, therefore, this requirement can in some cases limit grantees' ability to assis t the most damaged areas. The November 21, 2016, notice maintained the 70 percent overall benefit requirement for all grantees receiving funds under these public laws, but provided the state of Louisiana and all other grantees with additional flexibility to request a lower overall benefit requirement. Specifically , that notice allows a grantee to request to further reduce its overall benefit requirement if it submitted a just ification that, at a minimwn: (a) Identifies the planned activities tha t meet the needs of its low- and moderateincome population; (bl describes proposed activity(ies) and/or program(s) that will be affected by the alternative HUD-17-0235-C-001119 36 816 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Mond ay, August 7, 2017/Notic es requirement, including their proposed location(s) and role(s) in the grantee's long-term disaster recovery p lan; (c) describes how the activities/programs identified in (b) prevent the grantee from meeting the 70 percent requirement; and (d) demonstrates that low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons' disaster-related needs have been sufficiently met and tl1at the needs of non - LMI persons or areas are disproportionately greater, and that the jurisdiction lacks other resources to serve them. The state of Louisiana submitted a request to establish a lower overall benefit requirement based on the above criteria. In its requ est, the state contends that out of the 57,600 households that suffered ma jor or severe damage during the flooding in 2016, only 44 p ercent were low -and and moderate -income (LMI) persons. The State 's request notes that due to the persistent flooding that occurs in these communities, offering assistance to all hous eholds in the areas affected by the storm, and not just LMI households , will help the impacted neighborhoods with critical rebuildi ng needs . Accordingly, the state will target its CDBG-DR funds to households with major or severe damage that did not have flood insurance at tl1e time of the storms (36,510 households). The state indicates that 53 percent of those households qualify as LMI, and that 65 percent of the funds for the state's homeowner program will benefit those LMI households. The state also estimates that 100 percent of its housing renta l funds will benefit LMI households, and 50 percent of the funds allocated for infrastructure and econom ic development activ ities will also meet the LMI national objective. The state designed its program so that those in greatest need are provided with the greatest level of assistance, by covering 100 percent of unmet needs for households earning less than 120 percent of area median income (AMI) and covering 50 percent of unmet needs for households above 120 percent of AMI. This approach prioritizes the unmet needs of LMI househo lds and encourages higher incom e hous eholds to leverage personal or private funds. To enable the state to undertake the activities it has deemed most critical for its recovery , and to ensure that LMI households are sufficiently served and/ or assisted, HUD is granting a waiver and alternative requirement to reduce the overall benefit requirement from 70 percent to not less than 55 percent of the state's allocation of CDBG-DR funds. This means tha t the state must use at least 55 percent of its CDBG-DR /\I\ pVERSIGHT allocations under Public Law 114- 223, 114- 254 and 115- 31 to benefit LMI households (or not less than $939,623,850.00). Based on the analysis submitted by the state, the Secretary finds a compelling need for this reduction due to the circumstances outlined in the state's request. In particular , HUD notes that the areas most damaged by the storms have limited LMI populations; that all of the state 's recovery programs will have some component that will specifically benefit LMI househo lds; that tlrn persis tent nature of flood ing has led the state to focus on the importance of rebuilding communities in a holistic manner; and that the state will prioritize the unmet needs of LMI househo lds in its homeowner recovery programs . HUD does not see evidence that reduction to the 50 percent level sought by the state is necessary given its approved program design an d early data with respect to its applicant pools . HUD, however, does advise the state to maintain its curr en t program design and targeting strategy to ensure tha t projected LMI benefit levels are achieved and the state continues to demonstrate that low - and moderate income persons' disaster-related needs have been sufficiently met. This is a limit ed waiver modifying 42 U.S .C. 5301(c), 42 U.S.C. 5304(b)(3)(A), 24 CFR 570.484 , and 570.200(a)(3) only to the extent necessary to reduce the low- and moderate-income overall ben efit requirement that the state of Louisiana must meet when carrying out activities identified in its approved action from 70 perc ent to not less than 55 percent of the state's allocations of CDBG-DR funds under Public Law 114223, 114-254 and 115- 31. 2. Waiver of Section 414 of the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. 5181 (State of Louisiana only). The state of Louisiana has requested a waiver of section 414 of the Stafford Act , as amended , for reha bilitation or reconstruction activities. This notice grants the State's request and specifies alternative requirements . Section 414 of the Stafford Act (42 U.S.C. 5181) provides that "Notwithstanding any other provision of law , no person otherwise eligible for any kind of replacement housing payment under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Propert y Acquisit ion Polic ies Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91-646) [42 U. S.C. 4601 et seq. ] ["URA") shal l be denied such eligibilit y as a result of his being unab le, because of a major disaster as determined by the President , to meet the occupancy requirements set by [the URA)" . Accordingly, tenants displaced from their homes as a result of the identified disaster and who wou ld have otherwise been disp laced as a direct result of any acquisition, r ehabilitation, or demol ition, ofreal property for a federally ass isted project or program may becom e eligible for a replacement housing payment notwithstanding their inability to meet occupancy requirements prescribed in the URA. Section 414 of the Stafford Act (including its implementing regulation at 49 CFR 24.403(d)(1)), is waived to the extent that it would apply to the CDBGDR funded rehabilitation and reconstruction activities und ertak en by the state of Louisiana, or its subrecipients, for its grants under Public Law 114-223, Public Law 114-254 and Publi c Law 115- 31; provided that fue activities were not planned, approved, or otherwise underway prior to the disaster. The Department has surveyed otl1er federal agencies ' interpretation and implementation of Sectio n 414 and found varying views and strategies for long-term, post-disaster pro jects involving the acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of disaster-damaged housing. Under the CDBG-DR supplemental appropriations, the Secretary has the authority to waive or specify alternative requirements for any provis ion of any statute or regulat ion that the Secretary administers in connection with the obligation by the Secretary or the use by the recipien t of these funds . The Department, in sp ecial cases, has previously granted a waiver and provided alternative requirements of Section 414 to CDBG-DR grantees, including the Gulf States impacted by disasters in 2005 and 2008 (see 72 FR 48804) and the 2011 floods in the city of Minot, North Dakota (see 79 FR 60490). The severe floods of 2016 damaged Louisiana's affordable rent al housing stoc k . According to the State , approximately 28,470 rental uni ts were damaged by the floods, resulting in lower vacancies, increased rental rates and further exacerbat ing the hous ing cost burden among low- and moderateincome renters. Many of the damaged rental hou sing units ha ve since been vacated by tenants who have found permanent housing elsewhere. The state of Louisiana's CDBG-DR Action Plan for recovery from the 2016 floods identifies this rental housing need and contains several programs geared toward the repair and increase of the affordab le rental housing stock by using CDBG-DR funds to reconstruct or rehabili tate rental units that were damaged by the floods and to create n ew rental housing by providing funding for multi-family developments. HUD-17-0235-C-001120 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, Existing CDBG-DR funding is only sufficient to bring less than six percent of disaster-impacted renta l units into decent, safe, and sanitary condition. With a potential poo l of 1,500 uni ts eligible for rehabilitation or reconstruction, a strict interpretation of Section 414 of the Stafford Act and 49 CFR 24.403(d)(l) would pose a significant administrative burden and add delays to achieving overall program goals within the timeframe set forth by the applicable notices governing the use of the CDBG-DR funds. Additionally, the State has demonstrated that replacement housing payments for persons initially displaced by the disaster will reduce funds available for improving long-tem1 housing affordability and sustainability. The State has identified a relatively small popu lation of households curren tly in need of continued temporary housing assistance of some form related to the flooding events, and the State's CDBG-DR Action Plan attempts to addresses this need by funding programs designed to assist the needs of persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to the 2016 floods. The Department's basis for this waiver and alternative requirements are unique to the State of Louisiana as documented in its request to the Department. The Department has considered the State's request and determined that good cause exists for a waiver and alternative requirements and that such waiver and alternative requirements are not inconsistent witl1 the overall purposes of title l of the HCD Act. 1. The State's proposal maximizes its ability to increase the overall supply of affordable rental units. Such units will have affordability requirements for low income persons. 2. The waiver will simplify the administration of the disaster recovery process and reduce the administrative burden associated with a strict interpretation of Stafford Act Section 414 requirements on the potential pool of 1,500 units eligible for rehabilitation or reconstruction . 3. This waiver does not apply to persons that meet tlrn occupancy requirements to receive a rep lacement housing payment under the URA nor does it apply to persons displaced by other HUD-funded disaster recovery programs or projects . Such persons' eligibility for relocation assistance and payments under the URA is not impacted . Due to the specific circumstances of Louisiana's recovery process, the Department is providing a waiver of Section 414 of the Stafford Act and its A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices implementing regulation at 49 CFR 24.403(d)(l), and establishing alternative requirements. For rehabilitation or reconstruction activities in suppor t of bringing damaged rental units back into productive use, the State must adhere to ilie alternative requirements specified in this notice . For tenants that have vacated housing units damaged by the 2016 floods , ilie State of Louisiana must: 1. Establish a publicly available rehousing plan for its rental housing programs tl1at includes, at minimum, the following: a. A rental registry containing information concerning the availability of all of the units assisted ilirough its rental h ous ing programs so that displaced low- and moderate- income households and other interested households may apply to live in these units; b. Contact information and a description of any eligibility and applicable application process, including any deadlines; c. Information on market rate rental units for non-LMI households displaced by ilie disaster; d. A descr iption of services to be made available, including, at minimum , outreach efforts to eligible persons and housing counseling providing information about available housing resources. 2. Establish and implement operating procedures to ensure iliat a good faith effort is made to con tact each former res idential tenants to inform them of the availability of th eir previous unit and other available units rehabili tated under ilie program . 3. Offer low- and moderate- income former tenants preferred status in the residential application process for the unit from which they were displaced and for oth er rental units repa ired or created with CDBG-DR funds. The State's request for waiver and alternative requirements indicates that landlords participating in the rental repair programs will be required to keep the restored units affordable for 5 to 20 years after initial occupancy. The State 's policies and procedures governing each rental repair program must detail any imposed affordability requirements for that program. This waiver has no effect on URA eligib ility for relocatio n assistance and payments for existing tenant occupants of dwelling units who may b e displaced or relocated temporarily as a direct result of a CDBG-DR activity. 368 1 7 Ill . Allo cation Framew ork for Dis asters in 20 17 or Later A. Background After addressing rema in ing unmet need for 2015 and 2016 disasters, $57,800,000 in CDBG-DR funding remains available to be allocated for major disasters occurring in 2017 or later . Pub lic Law 115- 31 specifies that the funds allocated for disasters in 2017 or later are subject to the same authority and conditions as those applicable to CDBG-DR funds appropriated by Public Law 114- 223 and, ilierefore, these funds are also subject to the requirements of ilie November 21, 2016 notice, ex cept tlrn major disaster may occur in calendar year 2017 or later until such funds are fully allocated . For 2017 and later disasters, HUD will use the methodology specified in Appendix A to the January 18, 2017 not ice for determining if a disaster meets the minimum qua li fications for funding using the lim its established by that notice. For disasters that meet the minimum qualification , HUD will allocate the lesser of 100 percent of serious unmet needs as defined in the Tanuary 18, 2017 notice or remain ing funds ava ilable from Public Law 11531. HUD will not evalua te a disaster for qualification to rec eive CDBG-DR funds until: (i) The major disaster has been declared eligible for FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) Program and Individual and Households (IHP) Progran1; (ii) FEMA bas approved Individual Assistance applications totaling at least $13 million in IHP financial assistance for the declared disaste r in a single county; and (iii) four mo ntl1s have passed since the disaster declaration that made IHP available, or the IHP registration per iod is closed, whichever comes first. These criteria do not assure CDBG-DR eligibi lity, but they will lead HUD to acquire th e data necessary to determine eligibility, and if eligible, calculate a formu la allocation . HUD will allocate funds to 2017 disasters using the best available data at iliat time . B. Use of Funds Grantees receiving an allocation of funds for 2017 and late r disasters pursuant to a subsequent notice are subject to the requirements of the November 21, 2016 notice, as amended, wh ich require that prior to the obligat ion of CDBG- DR funds, a grantee shall submi t a plan to HUD for approval detailing the proposed use of all funds , including criteria for eligibility, and how the use of these funds will address HUD-17-0235-C-001121 36 818 Federa l Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Mond ay, August 7, 2017/Notic es long-term recovery and restoration of infrastructure and housing and economic revitalization in the most impacted and distressed areas . This Action Plan for disaster recovery must describe uses and activities that : (1) Are authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (HCDA) or allowed by a waiver or alternative requirement ; and (2) respond to disaster-related impact to infrastructure, housing, an d economic revitalization in the most impacted and distressed areas. To inform the plan, grantees must conduct an assessment of community impacts and unmet needs to guide the development and prioritization of plann ed recovery activities, puxsuant to paragraph A.2.a. in section VI of the November 21, 2016 notice, as amended. Pursuant to the November 21, 2016 notice, each grantee receiving an allo cation of funds for 2017 or later disasters in a subsequent notice is also required to expend 100 percent of its allocation of CDBG-DR funds on eligible activities within 6 years of HUD's execution of the grant agreement. Grantees receiving an alloca tion of funds for 2017 or later disasters pursuant to a subsequent notice will be subject to the grant process provided for in section V of the November 21, 2016 notice. 2016 notice continue to apply to these grantees, except as modified by this notice. 1 This section of the notice also provides a waiver of the low- and moderate -income overall benefit requirement for the City of Moore , OK, and the State of New York, which have each received a CDBG- DR award pursuant to Public Law 113-2. This section of the notice also modifies tlie process for the publication of the expenditure ext ensions approved by the Department under Public Law 113- 2. This section of the notice additionally authorizes grantees receiving an allocation of CDBG-DR funds for Rebuild by Design proj ects to exclude expenditures of that allocation from the calculation of the grantee's overall lowand moderate-income benefit. B. Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements Public Law 113-2 authorizes the Secretary to waive, or specify alternati ve requirements for, any provision of any statute or regulation that the Secretary administers in connection with HUD's obligation or use by the recipient of these funds (except for requirements related to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor standards, and the environment). Waivers and alternative requirements are based upon a de termination by the Secretaxy that IV. Public Law 113-2 Waive rs and good cause exists and that the waiver or alternative requirement is not Alternative Requirem ents inconsistent with the overall purposes A. Background of titl e I of the HCDA. Regulatory waiver This section of the notice authorizes authority is also provided by 24 CFR waivers and alternative requirements for 5.110, 91.600, and 570.5. certain grantees that received an For the waiv ers and alternative allocation of funds appropriated under requirements described in this section Public Law 113- 2, which ultimately of notice, the Secretar y has determined made available $15.2 billion in CDBGthat good cause exists and that the DR funds for necessary expenses related waivers and alternative requirements to disaster relief, long-term recover y, axe not inconsistent with the overall restoration of infrastructure and purpos es of title I of th e HCDA. housing, and economic revitalization Grantees under Public Law 113- 2 may due to Hurricane Sandy and other request waivers and alternative eligible events in calendar year s 2011, requirements from the Department as 2012, and 2013. The full amount of the needed to address specific needs related appropriation has been allocated as to their recovery activities. Under the follows: $13 billion in response to requirements of Public Law 113-2 , Hurricane Sandy, $514 million in waivers must be published in the response to disasters occurring in 2011 Federal Register no later than 5 days or 2012, $655 million in response to before the effective date of such waiver. 2013 disasters, and $1 billion for the 1. Urgent need national objective Nationa l Disaster Resilience certification requirements for CDBGCompetition (NDRC). NDR grantees. The June 7, 2016 notice This section of the notic e specifies provided CDBG-NDR grantees with a waivers and alternative requirements waiver and alternative requirement to and modifies requirements for grantees that received awards under the NDRC ., Lin ks to the Jun e 7, 2016 notice, the tex t of Public Law 113- 2, and add itional guidance (CDBG- NDR grantees), descr ibed in the prepar ed by the Departmen t for CDBG-DR grants , Federal Register notice published by are available on the HUD Exchange Web site: the Department on June 7, 2016 (81 FR ht.lps:/lw ww.hudex cha nge.info / programs /c dbg-drl resi lie11t-recove,y /. 36557). The requirements of the June 7, A pVERSIGHT the certification requirements for the documentation of the urgent need national objective at 24 CFR 570.208(c) and 570.483(d), waiving the certification requirements until 24 months after the date the Department obligates funds to a grnntee, and alternatively requiring each CDBG-NDR grantee to document how all programs and/or activities funded Wlder the urgent need national objective respond to a disaster-r ela ted impact identified by the grantee. Elsewhere , this notice descr ibes the extensio n of th e exp end iture deadline that the Department is authorized to provide to all CDBG-NDR grantees, alJowing them to expend funds until September 30, 2022. For CDBG-NDR grantees funding activities that will satisfy the urgent need national objective, an extension of the existing alternative requirement to th e standard urgent need certification requirement is also required , to ensure that the CDBGNDR project can meet the urgent need national objective on a timeframe that coincides with an extended expenditure deadline. Each CDBG-NDR grantee was required to document how all programs and/or activities funded Wlder the urgent need national objective respond to a disaster -related impact. For activiti es that meet the urgent need national objective, grantees were required to reference in their Action Plan the type, scale , and loca tion of the disaster -related impacts that each project, program , and/or activity will address. Without an extension of the prior waiver and alternative requir ement to the certification requirements for documentation of the urgent need national objective, HUD's extension of the 24-month expenditure deadline could penalize grantees whose successfu l applications relied on the availability of the alternative urgent need national objective criteria . Grantees documented urgent needs in their initial applications, and the grantees will expend funds to meet these urgent needs throughout the grant period. Therefore, section 3.V.A.1.d . of the June 7, 2016 not.ice is modified to add the following alternative requirement for CDBG-NDR grantees: "Notwithstanding the two yea r limitation on the use of the urgent need national objective referenced in paragraph one of this section, for activities design ed to respond to disaster -related impacts that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community , and which were adequately documented within the grantee's initial Action Plan, the grantee may continue to use th e alternative certification of the urgent HUD-17-0235-C-001122 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, need national objective until the end of the extended expenditure deadline approved by the Department, provided that the grantee updates the needs assessment of its Action Plan as new or more detailed/accurate disaster-related impacts are known." As a reminder, Action Plans must be amended, as necessary, to ensure that an updated needs assessment is included for each pro ject , program, or CDBGeligible activity undertaken with CDBGNDR funds. This alternative requirement does not contemplate new projects or activities that were not documented as meeting an urgent need within a grantee's initial Action Plan. Amendments to a CDBG-NDR Action Plan that describe additional projects or activities will trigger the substantial amendment requiremen ts described in paragraph V.A.1.g.(i) in the June 7, 2016 notice and new projects or activities intended to meet the urgent need national objective may require a separate waiver from HUD to permit use of the alternative urgent need certification. 2 . Revision of substantial amendment requirements for CDBG- NDR grantees . The June 7, 2016 notice specified the changes to an Action Plan that would constitute a substantial amendment, and described the process required for CDBG-NDR grantees to make a substantial amendment to an approved Action Plan. The June 7, 2016 notice indicated that HUD would review the proposed change(s) against the rating factors and threshold criteria and consider whether the revised Action Plan, inclusive of the proposed change , would continue to score in the fundab le range for the NDRC. The June 7, 2016 notice also stated that HUD wou ld only approve a substantial amendment if the revised score remains within the fundable range of CDBG-NDR scores . However, all NDR awards funded scaled and scoped versions of proposals in NDR applications, because the Departme nt could not fully fund all the proposed activities desc ribed in applications that scored within the initial fundable range. Accordingly , determining whether a change to a grantee's Action Plan would fall within the in itial fundable range of CDBG-NDR scores is not an accura te method of determining whether a revised project would still be fundable. To address this and to further clarify the criteria and process for amendments to CDBG-NDR Action Plans, the Department is amending the third paragraph of section 3.1.B. of the June 7, 2016 notice by replacing it in its entirety with the following: A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices "A grantee may amend the Action Plan, but must receive prior HUD approval for substantial amendments to the plan . Before making any substantial amendment to the Action Plan, a grantee must follow the same citizen participation requirements required by the NOF A for the preparation and submission of an NDRC applicat ion, FR- 5800- N- 29A2 (NOFA). Add itiona l information about citizen participation requirements can be found in section 3.V.A.3 below. " Additionally, the Department is also amending section 3.V.A.1. of the June 7, 2016 notice by replacing it with the following: "1. Application for CDBG-NDR Waiver and Alternative Requirement. The requirements for CDBG actions plans, loca ted at 42 U.S.C. 12705(a)(2), 42 U.S.C. 5304(a)(1), 42 U.S.C. 5304(m ), 42 U.S.C. 5306(d)(2)(C)(iii), and 24 CFR 91.220 and 91 .320 are waived for funds provided under the NOF A. Instead, HUD required each grantee to submit an application for CDBG-NDR, and the Applicant 's Phase 1 and Phase 2 submissions for this competition together constitute an Action Plan required under Public Law 113- 2. HUD notes th at 24 CFR 570.304 and 24 CFR 570.485, to the extent they govern annual formula CDBG grant approvals, do not apply to National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC) allocations, but the standard of review of certifications continues to apply to grantee certifications . HUD will monitor the grantee's activities and use of funds for consistency with its approved Action Plan an d all other requirements, including performance and timeliness. Per the Appropriations Act, and in addition to the requirements at 24 CFR 91.500, the Secretary may disapprove a substantial amendment to an Action Plan (application) if it is determined that the amended application does not satisfy all the required elements included in this notice at 3.V.A.1.g.(i) . However, in reviewing substantial amendments, HUD will not pena li ze grantees for scaling and scoping decisions made by HUD as part of the NDRC award selection process ." The Appropriations Act , as used in the June 7, 2016 notice, refers to Public Law 113- 2. Additionally, the Department is also amending section 3.V.A.1.g. of the June 7, 2016 notice by rep lacing it in its ent irety v.rith the follow inf "(g) Action Plan Amenaments, Submission to HUD, Treatment of Leverage, Partners, and BCA. A grantee is encouraged to work with its HUD representative before making any amendments to its Action Plan to 368 19 determine whether the amendment would constitute a substantial amendment and to ensure that the proposed change complies with all app licab le requirements. lil Substantial Amendments . The following modifications constitute a substantial amendment requiring HUD approval: Any change to the funded portions of the application that HUD determines , based generally on the guidelines of the NOF A (as adjusted for HUD's scaling and scoping of the award), wou ld present a significant change to the grantee's capacity to carry out the grant (including loss of a partner without addressing los t capac ity through replacement or contingency plan identified in the application); any change to the funded portions of the application that HUD determines, based generally on the guidelines of the NOFA (as adjusted for HUD's scaling and scoping of the award), wou ld undermine the grantee's soundness of approach (including the benefit cost ana lysis); any change to the Mos t Impacted and Distressed target area(s ) (a revised al'ea must meet Most Impacted and Distressed threshold req u irements in the NOF A, including Appendix G to the NOFA); any change in program benefit, beneficiaries, or eligibility criteria, and the allocation or reallocation of more than 10 percent of the grant award; any change to the leverage that was pledged and approved in the grantee's grant agreement; or the addition or deletion of an eligible activity. Amendments that do not fall within the definition of substantia l amendment are referred to as 'nonsubstantial amendments.' A grantee must notify HUD at least 10 business days before a nonsubstantial amendment becomes effective . For subs tantial amendments, grantees must complete th e citi zen participation requirements of this notice, at section 3.V.A.3, before HUD can approve the amen dment. In addi tion to rev iewing Action Plans against the criteria at 24 CFR 91.500, HUD w ill review and approve a substantial amendment to an Action Plan if the amendment results in an Action Plan that HUD determines: (i) Can be reasonably carried out by the grantee and that the grantee has addressed any loss in capacity due to dissolved partners that are not replaced; (ii) may differ from the previously approved Action Plan but does not significantly deviate from the scope and objectives of the previously approved Action Plan or the purpose of the NDRC; (iii) satisfies all of the required elements identified in the NOFA (as adjusted for HUD's scaling and scoping of the HUD-17-0235-C-001123 36820 Federa l Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, award), this amended seclion 3.V.A.1.g. and elsewhere in the June 7, 2016 notice, including Tie-back requirements, and does not fund activities identified in section III.C.2. of the NOFA as ineligible; (iv) demonstrates (throu gh an updated BCA, if requested) that the benefits to the grantee's community and to the United States continue to justify the costs of the award; and (v) does not differ in the amount of leverage identified in the grantee's grant agreement (substitution of leverage sources is permitted). To allow HUD to make this determination, a grantee must submit adequate documentation that demonstrates the following: capacity of the grantee and partners to implement the funded activities, any changes to partners who will assist in the amended activity, scope and beneficiaries of the funded activities, the direct and supporling leverage committed by the grantee, and an updated BCA (if requested). Grantees are encouraged to work with their HUD representatives before making any amendment to an Action Plan. As indicated in the NOF A, if a grantee makes or proposes to make a substantial amendment to its project, HUD reserves the right to disapprove the amendment or amend the grantee's award and reduce the grant amount or recapture the grant, as necessary. (ii) Information for Substantial and Non substantia l Amendments. If the grantee proposes to amend its Action Plan, each proposed amendment must be highlighted , or otherwise identified , within the context of the approved Action Plan and be submitted to HUD. All anrnndments must comp ly with provisions of this notice, including Tieback requirements . Grantees may not amend an Action Plan to include funding for ineligible activities identified in section III.C.2 of the NOF A. The beginning of every proposed amendment must include a section that identifies exactly what content is being added, deleted, or changed, and whether the grantee believes that the proposed amendment would result in a significant change to the grantee's capacity or soundness of approach. This section must also include a chart or table that clearly illustrates where funds are corning from and to where they are moving. The amendment must include a revised budget allocation table that reflects the entirety of all funds, as amended . A grantee's most recent version of its approved NDR application and its DRGR Action Plan must be accessib le for viewing as a single document, at any given point in time, rather than requiring the public or HUD to view and cross-reference changes A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices among multiple amendments. Requirements for the full expenditure of CDBG-NDR funds by a date established by HUD will continue to be enforced under anv amendment to the Action Plan. Every amendment to the Action Plan (substantial and nonsubstantial ) must be numbered sequentially and posted on the grantee's website. The Department will acknowledge receipt of a proposed amendment via emai l or letter within 5 business days of receipt. HUD may seek additional information from the grantee to determine whether a proposed amendment is a substantial amendment. (iii) Amendments that may affect the BCA previously accepted by HUD. If requested by HUD, a grantee must submit an update to its BCA to support a request for a substantial amendment. (iv) Leverage Accepted by HUD. Grantees are required to show, through quarterly reports, evidence that finnly committed leverage resources in the amount required by the grant terms and conditions have been received and used for the intended purposes. A grantee may not propose an amendment to reduce the amount of leverage pledged and identified in the grant agreement. Sources of leverag e funds, however, may be substituted after grant award with HUD approval, if th e dollar amount of leverage is equal to or greater than the total amount of leverage required by the grant terms and conditions. Substitution of a leverage source in the same amount committed and identified in the grant terms and conditions is a nonsubstantial amendment. Section 3.V.A.2.e describes additional DRGR leverage reporting requirements. (v) Partners Accepted by HUD. The NOF A permitted a grantee to identify a partner in its application that the grantee would be otherwise required by program requirements to competitively procure. A grantee is not required to secure the services of any partner by competitive procurement if the partner is duly documented and identified in the initia l approved Action Plan for the CDBG-NDR grant. The Department has granted permission for single source procurement of thes e partners, pursuant to 2 CFR 200.320(1)(3) (cited in the NOFA as 24 CFR 85.36(d)(4)(i)(C), which has since been superseded by the Uniform Requirements) and advised state grantees th at have not adopted the local government procurement requirements in 2 CFR part 200 to review state requirements associated with single source procurement and to follow all applicable procurement requirements. In many cases, this will entail the grantee undertak ing a cost analysis prior to making payments to such a partner, and the grantee will be responsible for ensuring comp li ance with requirements that all CDBG-NDR costs be necessary and reasonable (for local government grantees, see 2 CFR 200.323, for state governments that have not adopted 2 CFR 200.323, see state procw-ement requirements applicable to single source procurements). If a partner dissolves the partnership after award and before activities are complete, a grantee shou ld make its best effort to replace the partner with a similarly skilled partner, if the grantee's approved CDBG-NDR application was rated and ranked based on the capacity of the dissolved partner . If the grantee is not able to replace the lost capacity of a partner by following a contingency plan included in its approved CDBG-NDR application, the grantee must complete a substantia l amendment to its Action Plan that addresses the lost capacity. If a grantee proposes to add a partner that would otherwise have to be procured as a contractor after the award or if the partner was identified in the approved CDBG-NDR application but was found by HUD to lack sufficient documentation , then that selection of that partner would not be covered by the single-source permission above and would be subject to procurement requirements under 2 CFR part 200 or state law, as applicable. Additionally, as required by Appendix D to the NOFA, the grantee shall execute a written subrecipient agreement, developer agreement, contract, or other agreement , as applicable, with each partner regarding the use of the CDBG-NDR funds, before disbursing any CDBGNDR funds to the partner. The written agreement must conform with all CDBG-NDR requirements and shall require the partner to comply with all applicab le CDBG-NDR requirements, including those found in Disaster Reli ef Appropriations Act, 2013 (Pub . L. 1132), title I of the HCDA (42 U.S.C. 5302 et seq.). th e CDBG program regulations at 24 CFR part 570, this amended June 7, 2016 notice, and any other applicable Federal Register notices , and commitments made in the grantee's Phase 1 and Phase 2 approved CDBGNDR applications." Additionally, the Department is also amending the first paragraph of section 3.V.A.3.a. of the June 7, 2016 notice by replacing it in its entirety with the following: a. Publication of the Action Plan , Access to Information, and Substantial Am endments: At all times, the grantee 1nus l maintain a public Web site that contains the latest versions of its Action Plan, including the DRGR Action Plan and the version as HUD-17-0235-C-001124 Federal Register /Vol. 82, No. 150/ Monday, August 7, 2017/Notic es submilled to HUD for the competition and including th e following portions: Executi ve summ ary; Factor narratives; Eligibility; national objective; overall benefit; and sched ule responses, threshold requirements documentation, and all exhibits (A- G) (but of the attachments, only Attachmen ts D and F must be published); and oppo rhm ity for pub lic comm ent, h earing, and substantial amendment criteria . Before lhe grantee submits a proposed substantial amendment, the grantee must publish the proposed submission, including a section that identifies exactly what conten t is being add ed, deleted, or chan ged, and whether the grantee believes lhat the proposed amendment would resu lt in a significa nt change to the grantee's capacity or soundness of approach; a chart or table that clearly illustrates where funds are coming from and to w here they are mov ing; and a revised budget allocation table that reflects the entirety o f all funds, as amended. 3. Projection of Expenditures and Outcomes . The June 7, 2016 notice specified the time frames for grantees to repo rt and update the projection of expenditw-es and performance outcomes for CDBG-NDR grants. As gran tees have refine d and finalized outcomes for each CDBG-NDR grant, the Department has determined that further clar ification of the time frames for initially reporting and updatin g grant ee projections of expenditures and outcomes is required. Accordingly, Section 3.II.B(9) of the June 7, 2016 notice is amended by replacing it in its entirety with the following: (9) Continuing responsibility related to ceitification. After ma terials nece ssary to support the Secretary's certification are submitted and th e gran t agreement is signed, grant ees have conti nu ing responsi bilities for maintaining the certification. HUD may request an update to the grantee's certification submission each tim e the grantee submits a substantial Action Plan Amendment , or if HUD ha s reason to believe the grantee has made materia l changes to grantee's support for its certifications. Grantees must submit to the Department for approva l an update to the progran1 sched ule (projection of expendi tur es) and milestones (outcomes) included in the approved CDBG-NDR applica tion response to th e Phase 2 Factor 3 Sou ndn ess of Approach ratin g factor. The projections must be based on each quarter's expec ted performance - beginning the quarter th at funds are available to th e grant ee and con tinuing each qu arter until all funds are expended. Each grantee mus t also include these projected exp endi tur es and outcomes in the initial activity set-up in DRGR. Within 90 days of HUD's approva l of th e initi al DRGR Action Plan, the projections entered into DRGR (as contai ned in the DRGR Action Plan) must be amended to reflect any subsequen t changes, updates, or revision of the projections. Any subsequent changes, updates, or revision of the pro ject.ions mus t receive written approval from HUD. Amendin g Action Plans solely to A pVERSIGHT accommodate ch anges to the tim eline for projected expend itur es does not fall within the definition of substantial amendment and is not subject to citizen participation requiremen ts. Guidance on the preparation of projectio ns is availab le on HUD's Web site under the headings Office of Communit y Planning and Development, Disaster Recovery Assistance (h ttps :Ilwww .h u dexchange.i 11/ a/resource/ 3685/cdbg -dr-grantee-projections -ofexpenditures -and -outcomesl). The projections wi ll enable HUD, the public, and the gran tee to track proposed versus actual performance. HUD will make the DRGR Action Plan and performance reports available on the DRCR pub lic Web site (http s:l!drgr .hud .govlpublicl). Additionally , following execution of a grant agreement, the DRGR Action Plan tliat reflec ts the components funded through th e CDBG-NDR grant must be posted on the grantee's Web site. Additional information on the DRGR repor ting system requ irements can be found in section 3.V.A.2. below. Grantees are also required to ensure all agreements (with subrecipients, recipients, and contractors) clearly state the period o f performance or the date of completion. In addition , grantees must en ter expected completion dales for each activity in the DRGR syste m. When target dates are not met, grantees are required to explain why in the activity narrative in the system . Other reporting, procedura l. and monitoring requir ements are discussed under "Grant Administration" in sectio n 3.V.A. of this amended June 7, 2016 notice. The Department will institute risk analys is and on-site monitoring of gran tee management as well as colla borat e with th e HUD Office of Inspector General to plan and implement oversight of these funds. In addition to the above changes, HUD is modifying the last paragraph of section 3.IV of the June 7, 2106 notice, by replacing it in its en tiret y with the followin g: o "Grant ee amends its pub lished Action Plan (the DRGR Actio n Plan) to include any updates to its projection of expendit ures and outcomes within 90 days of HUD's approva l of the initial DRGR Action Plan. " 4 . Waiver of Limitation on Planning Costs (State of New Jersey only) . The Department is modifying the alternative requirement in th e June 7, 2016 notic e which imposes a 20 p ercent limit on planning and administrative costs, and is imposing an alternative requirement for the state of New Jersey to accommodate activities to be funded und er the state's approved CDBG-NDR Action Plan. The Jun e 7, 2016 notice waived section 106(d) of the HCDA (42 U.S.C. 5306(d)) and 24 CFR 570 .489(a)(l)(i), (ii), and (iii) for states and prov ided an alternative requir ement that limit s CDBG-ND R grantees to using no more th an 20 percent of th e total grant amount on a combination of 36821 planning and genera l administrative costs (see paragraph V.A.10.b .(1) of the Jun e 7, 2016 notice). Th e state submitted a Phase 2 application to HUD for the NDRC on Octob er 27, 2015, describing an array of recovery and resilience activities that included both infrastru cture and p lannin g activities. In Januar y 2016, the Departmen t made a CDBG-NDR award of $15 million to the state for two proposed p lanning-only projects , a Regional Resiliency Planning (RRP) Grant Program and a best practices too lkit. As part of it s RRP Grant Program, the state propo sed to invest CDBG-NDR funds in a program evalu ation that investigates the efficac y of its grant progran1 and facilitates replication of the program in other com munit ies . Becau se the entirety of the state's CDBG- NDR award is for the pw-pose of planning-on} y activities, HUD is modifyin g the limitation described in the June 7, 2016 notice for the state of New Jersey only, and imposin g the foll ow ing alt ernative requ irement: To ensure th at the state of New Jersey can devo te the full an10unt of CDBG-NDR gran t funds to both of its approve d planning-only projects, the Department is waiving section 106(d) of th e HCDA (42 U.S.C. 5306(d)) and 24 CFR 570.489(a)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) to remove the limitation on planning expenses for this grant, thereby permitting the slate to expend 100 percen t of its CDBG-NDR grant on planning an d admini stration expenses. Additionally , to ensure that the state devotes a minimum amount of its funds to local level plann in g activities as described in its approved CDBG-NDR Action Plan , th e Depmt ment is requiring that at least 80 percent of the $10 million provided for the RRP in the state's Action Plan ($8 million) be exp end ed on local p lanning grants. As a remi n der, th e state mus t continu e to limit its general administrative costs for the CDBC-NDR grant to 5 perce nt of its tot.al grant award, as provided in Public Law 1132 and the June 7, 2016 notice . The state must also adhere to the program funding amounts in the sta te's grant agreement terms and condition s, as amend ed . 5. Waiver of Limitation on Planning Costs (State of Connecticut only). The Depar tment is modify in g the alt ernativ e requirement in th e Jun e 7, 2016 notice which imposes a 20 percent limit on planning and administrative costs, and is imposing an alternative requirement for the state of Connecti cut to accommodat e activities to be fund ed under the state's approved CDBG-NDR Action Plan. The June 7, 2016 notice waived sec tion 106(d) of the HCDA (42 U.S.C. 5306(d)) and 24 CFR 570.489(a)(1){i), (ii), and (iii) for states and provid es an alternative requir ement that limits CDBG-NDR gran tees to using no more than 20 percent of the total HUD-17-0235-C-001125 Federa l Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Mond ay, August 7, 2017/Notic es 36822 grant amount on a combination of planning and general administrative costs (see paragraph V.A.10 .b .(1) of the June 7, 2016 notice). The state submitted a Phase 2 application to HUD for the NDRC on October 27, 2015, describing an array of recovery and resilience activities that included both infrastructure and p lanning activities. In January 2016, the Department made a CDBG-NDR award of $54,277,359 to the state for infrastructure and the following planning activities: Bridgeport South End Design Guidelines ($330,000), Bridgeport South End District Energy Feasibility ($350,000) , Connecticut Connections Coasta l Resilience Plan ($8,203,323), and the State Agencies Fostering Resilience (SAFR) program ($3,500,000), which includes both administration and planning expenses . The sum of planning projects funded wider this award is $12,383,323, or 22.8 percen t of the total grant award amount , and the maxinmm allowable amount that can be used for genera l administrative expenses is 5 percent of the grant total or $2,713 ,868. In order to allow the state to fully fund its selected projects and properly administer its grant award, HUD is modifying the limitation described in the June 7, 2016 notice for tJie state of Connecticut, and imposing the follow ing alternative requirement: The Department is waiv ing sec tion 106(d) of the HCDA (42 U.S.C. 5306(d)) and 24 CFR 570.489(a)(l)(i), (ii), and (iii) lo increase the limitation on planning and genera l admin istration expenses for th is grant to 2 7.8 percent or $15,097 ,191. As a reminder , the stale of Connecticut must continue to limit its general admin istrative costs for the CDBG-NDR grant to 5 percent of its total grant award, as provided in the Appropriations Act and the June 7, 2016 notice. The state must also adhere to the program funding amoun ts in the state's grant agreement terms and conditions. as amended. The Appropriations Act referenced in the ame nd ed June 7, 2016 no tice is Pub lic Law 113- 2. 6. Waiver for Eligible Activity (Commonwealth of Virginia only) . The Department awarded the Commonwealth of Virginia CDBG-NDR funds to develop a Coastal Resilienc e Lab and Accelerator Center (the Center) that supports new business initiatives aimed at addressing flood risk . Many of the Cente r' s components, however, are not otherwise CDBG-eligibl e activities. Accord ingly , the Commonwealth requested and the Department is granting a waiver and establishing an alternative requireme nt to crea te a CDBG-eligible activity that comp ri ses all the components proposed for the Center. A \ pVERSIGHT The Commonwealth 's approved 7. Waiver and alternative requiremen t Action Plan states that the Center will fo r low - and moderate -income area "serve as the nexus for technologica l benefit activities (State of California and organizational innovat ion around only). The Department awarded the commun ity revitalization, water State of California CDBG-NDR funds to management , resilience measurement," develop a Community and Wat ershed and will "focus on generating economic Resilience Pwgram in response to the growth by assisting entrepreneurs 2013 Rim Fire that was the third largest skilled at identifying problems, wildfire in Califorma's history. The matching th em with potentia l solutions, program wi ll finance the development working with companies to create of a biomass facility and wood products product, and moving product quickly to campus in Tuolumne county as well as market." To this end, the a forest and watershed health Commonwe alth will use its CDBG-NDR componen t focused on forest res toration grant to fund specific components of the efforts, rangeland improvements, and pro ject including the design p lan for the biomass removal and thinning operations of the Center, training, office throughout the region. The program also space, and capital investment for includ es the establishment of a emerging business es focused on regional community resilience center that will resilience solutions, targeted workforce offer business incubator and job training development and support, public services, whil e also serv ing as an outreach, and sharing best practices. emergency evacuation center for the In rare instances when necessary to broader community . achieve recovery goals, HUD has The state's approved CDBG-NDR previous ly granted waivers and application noted th at th e most alternative requirem ents to allow a imp acted and distr essed area with remaining unmet disaster recovery grantee to treat a large complex project as a single eligible activity with needs to be served by the project mult iple components that contribute to encompasses the non-entitlement long-term recovery. HUD's approval of jurisdictions of Tuolumne , Mariposa the Commonwealt h' s application and Calaveras cow1ties, where 38 through the NDRC is intended to percent of the residents are low- and support the creation of a new regional moderate-income (LMI). The state's industry cluster to serve as a model for application indicat ed that if CDBG-NDR other communities that want to support funds were awarded for the program, businesses in this field. the state would requi re a waiver that HUD ha s determined that man y of the would permit activities carried out in propos ed project components in the areas with an LMI percentage of not less Commonwealth's application, including than 38 percent to qualify under the the development of a public facility, low- and moderate-income area benefit support for small busin esses through nat ional objective. training and capital, supporting Subsequent to the award and in workforce development , pub li c response to HUD's scoping and scaling engagement, and knowledge of the project, the state submitted a dissemination are alread y elig ible CDBG revised request to the Department, activities. Therefore, to streamline seeking a waiver and alternative implementation of the Center and its requirement that wou ld allow the state programs and allow the Commonwealth to apply excep tion criter ia that to proceed with valu able proje ct reco gniz es that few, if any communities components that are not eligible CDBG within the service area have 51 percent act ivit ies, HUD is wa iving section 105(a) or more low- and moderate-income (42 U.S.C. 5305[a)) and establishing an residents, per the requirements of 42 alternative requirement on ly to the U.S .C. 5305(c)(2)(A), allowing the state exten t necessary to crea te a new eligibl e to use a 38 percen t LMI threshold to activity for the Commonwealth's CDBG- qualify activities under the LMI area NDR grant , referred to as the Center, benefit national objective. In its request, comprised of the activities outlined in the state contends that the very natme the Commonwealth's approved Action of th e initiatives financed with CDBGPlan for its CDBG-NDR grant. Howeve r, NDR funds means that communi ties HUD reminds grantees that the b eyond th e identified servic e area will following provision in th e Jun e 7, 2016 also realize benefits, through reduced notice remains in effect: "\ II/hen CDBG- risks associated with wi ldfires, NDR grantees provide funds to for -profit improved waters heds and new businesses, such funds may only be econom ic opportun ities arising from provided to a small business, as defin ed efforts to comme rcialize the area's by the SBA under 13 CFR part 12 1. biomass. CDBG-NDR funds may not be used to Based on the state 's reques t and the directly assist a privately-owned utility fact that the approved projec t has a for any purpose". combined LMI population that is not HUD-17-0235-C-001126 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, greater than 38 percent of the area, HUD is granting a limited waiver modifying 42 U.S.C. 5305(c)(2)(A)(i), to the extent necessary to permit the state to use a percentage of not less than 38 percent to qualify activities und er the low- and moderate -income area benefit national objective. 8. Waiver of the 50 percent overall benefit requirement (City of Moore, OK only). The primary objective of the HCDA is the " development of viable urb an communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable liv ing environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income ." 42 U.S .C. 5301(c). To carry out this objective , the statute requires that 70 percent of the aggregate of the grantee's CDBG program's funds be used to support activities benefitting low - and moderate income persons. This target can be difficult for many CDBG-DR grantees to reach as a d isaster impac ts entire communities-regardless of income. Further, it may limit grantees' ability to provide assistance to the most damaged areas of need. Therefore, as described by the December 16, 2013 Federal Register notice (78 FR 76154) , the city of Moore , Oklahoma, in addition to the other grantees under Public Law 113- 2 received a waiver and alternative requirement reducing the amount of the city's CDBG-DR funds that must be used for activities that benefit LMI persons to 50 percent. Additional flexibility was provided in the March 5, 2013 Federal Register notice (78 FR 14329) . It allowed a grantee to request to further reduce its overall benefit requirement if it submitted a justification that, at a minimum : (a) Identifies the planned activities that meet the needs of its low - and moderate income population; (b) descr ibes proposed activity(ies) and/or program(s) that will be affected by the alternative requirement, including their proposed location(s) and role(s) in the grantee's long-term disaster recovery p lan; (c) describes how the activities/programs identified in (b) prevent the grantee from meeting the 50 percent requirement; and (d) demonstrates that the needs of non -low and modera teincome p ersons or areas are disproportionate ly greater, and that the jurisdiction lacks other resources to serve them. Upon HUD's review of the justification, the request can be granted only if the Secretary finds a compelling need to reduce the overall benefit below 50 percent. In response to the above, the city of Moore submitted a just ification addressing the required criteria. The EF-5 tornado that struck Moore in 2013 A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices also destroyed several affordable housing developments in the city which have not been rep laced. The city council adopted a p lan in March of 2013 that included infrastructure pro jects in support of a new affordable ho using development project that will bring much needed LMI affordable units to the city . In order to carry out these activities the city acquired land in a closed mob il e home park which wi ll allow it to replace a portion of the LMI affordable rental housing destroyed by the EF- 5 tornado. Demolition of the remaining structures and asbestos abatement has been completed and a Planned Un it Development (PUD) design for the site has been adopted. The SW 17th/Janeway Master Redevelopment plan will be a mixed use , mixed income urban village which will be built at an overa ll cost of $36$40 million . This redevelopment will include the use of $13.5 million in CDBG-DR grant funds and provides for 170 affordable LMI units and 30 mar ket rate units . The city counci l approved the master plan and PUD in October 2016, and staff are currently developing a Request for Proposals to solicit development bids. After the completion of the SW 17th/ Janeway development, the city expects that the percen t of LMI res idents in the block group which contains the deve lopment will rise to 57.2 percent , well above the 51 percent required to classify a project under the low/mod area benefit (LMA) na tional objective . Through its Infrastructure Recovery and Implementation Plan (IRIP), designed in 2014, th e city identi fied several flood control and drainage projects that will support the development of SW 17th/Janeway and its affordab le housing units , and thus will directly benefi t the LMI residents that return to the area. Currently, there are three infrastructure projects associated with the Round Rock development that will not meet the area benefit tes t that requires at least 51 percent of the residents in the area are LMI using the most current HUD FY 2016 data. The thre e pro jects include the Little River Sewer Interceptor project, the S . Telephone Road Improvements pro ject, and th e Little River Channel and Greenway project totaling over $7.6 million in CDBG-DR investments. Whil e these projects will directly benefit the new housing development, they will also benefit other block groups with in the city. With ou t this waive r , the city coul d carry out these activities under the national objective of Urgent Need, but because of the large number of CDBG-DR funds 36 8 23 dedicated to these activities, the city would th en not be able to meet it s 50 percent LMI overall benefit requirement. Hence, the city cannot carry out these infrastructure activi ti es without a waiver. To enable the city to undertake these infrastructure activit ies it has deemed most critical for its recovery , and to ensure that LMI residents are adequately served and/or assisted, HUD is granting a limited waiver and alternative requirement to reduce the overall benefit from 50 percent to not less than 42 percent. Based on the city's justification, the Secretary has found a compelling need for this reduction due to the circumstances outlined in Moore's request. In particu lar, HUD notes that these pro jects will all directly serve the new housing development that will provide 170 units of affordab le LMI housing , prioritizing the needs of those LMI residents because these three projects will ensure that the redevelopment site is no longer in a FEMA floodway, will repair and rep lace sewage lines that will service the development, and ins tall traffic control lights and widen an intersection to handle the increased density the development will bring. The city has identified these infrastructure pro jects as a top priority to ensure the success of the SW 17th/Janeway redevelopme nt and this waiver will allow LMI persons to live there safely. This is a limited waiver mod ifying 42 U.S.C. 5301(c), 42 U.S.C. 5304(b)(3)(A), 24 CFR 570.484 , and 570 .200(a)(3) on ly to the exten t necessary to red uce the low- and moderate -income overall benefit requirement that the city must meet when carrying out act ivities with funds appropriated under Public Law 113-2 from 50 percent to not less than 42 p ercent. 9. Waiver of the 50 percent overall benefit' requirement (New York State , only). As described in the Marc h 5, 2013 notice, the state of New York and all other grantees under Public Law 113- 2 received a waive r and alternative requirement requiring that at least 50 percent of CDBG- DR grant funds must be used for activities that benefit lowand moderate-income persons. The state of New York has submitted a justification to HUD to reduce the overa ll benefit requirement for funds provided und er Public Law 113-2. HUD has allocated $4,416,882,000 in CDBGDR funds to the state pursuant to Public Law 113-2, including $185 million for projects identified by HUD throug h the Rebuild by Design competition. The state 's CDBG-DR grant is administered by the Governor's Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR). HUD-17-0235-C-001127 36824 Federa l Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, GOSR's approved action plan allocates its CDBG-DR grant to four main recovery programs: Housing (58 percent), economic development (3 percent), community reconstruction (18 percent) and infrastructure (21 percent). These programs were developed by GOSR to address the most urgent and significant unmet needs of those areas impacted by the storms that are eligible under Public Law 113-2-Hurricanes Sandy and Irene. In its request, GOSR contends that it has engaged in extensive and continued outreach to all persons and businesses impacted by the storms to inform the state 's citizens of the availability of recovery programs and how to apply, and that all eligible applicants will receive assistance. Significantly, GOSR's analysis of the geographic areas most impacted by the storms demonstrates that the storms did not damage areas with significant LMI populations. Because HUD requires grantees receiving funds under Public Law 113- 2 to spend at least 80 percent of each grant in the HUD identified most impacted counties, it is very difficult for the state to meet both this requirement and the requirement that at least 50 percent of the expended funds benefit LMI populations. GOSR has submitted an extensive data ana lvsis to illustrate that the demographics of the communities most impacted by the storms are generally not comprised of LMI block groups. GOSR's data illustrates that , outside of the five counties that comprise New York City, the storms impacted communities in which only about 20 percent of the population resides in LMI block groups. GOSR has reported that while there are 3.96 million people living in the state 's most impacted counties (Nassau, Westchester, Suffolk , and Rockland), only 34 percent of those residents are LMI persons and only 25 percent of the block groups are considered LMI. The state uses this data to illustrate its difficulty in meeting the LMI area benefit national objective, particularly as it relates to infrastructure . Many of the state's infrastructure projects are large in scale and have widespread positive impacts for persons of all income levels, includjng LMI persons, but it is nearly impossible for those pro jects to meet th e LMI area benefit criteria. For example , one of the state's largest investments, the $101 million Bay Park Wastewater Treatment Plant project, benefits a service area that includes more than 370 block groups. Even though this project benefits many thousands of LMI residents within these block groups (approximately 135,000 LMI persons), there are not enough LMI A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices persons to meet the 51 percent test for an LMI area benefit activity. Given these challenges, the state has proposed allocating additional funds to initiatives that further address unmet needs of LMI persons , including the reallocation of $50,000,000 of Community Reconstruction (CR) funds to projects within the city of New York that will meet the applicable LMI area benefit criteria. To enable the state to undertake the act ivities it has deemed most crit ical for its recovery, and to ensure that LMl households are adequately served and/ or assisted, HUD is granting a waiver and alternative requirement to reduce the overall benefit requirement for the state's grant from 50 percent to not less than 35 percent of the state's allocation of CDBG-DR funds, excluding the $185 million allocated by HUD for Rebuild by Design projects and, consistent with existing program requirements and subject to the requirements in paragraph 10, below . This means that the state must use at least 35 percent of its CDBG-DR allocation (excluding RBD) under Public Law 113- 2 to benefit LMI persons. Based on the analysis submitted by the state, the Secretary has found a compelling need for this reduction due to the particular circumstances outlined in the state's request. In particular, HUD notes that the areas most damaged by the storms have limited LMI populations; that the infrastructure projects being undertaken by the state will nonetheless directly serve large populations of LMI persons ; that the state has done significant outreach to commun iti es in the most impacted count ies and will serve all eligibl e applicants that have applied for assistance; and that the state will reallocate at least $50, 000 ,000 of Community Reconstruction funds to in crease the number of LMI persons served. This is a limited waiver modifying 42 U.S.C. 5301(c), 42 U.S .C. 5304(b)(3)(A), 24 CFR 570.484 , and 570.200 [a)(3) only to the extent necessary to reduce the low- and moderate-income overall benefit requirement that the state must meet when carry ing out activities identified in its approved action with funds appropriated under Public Law 113-2 from 50 percent to not less than 35 percent. 10. Rebuild By Design Exception to Overall Benefit Requirement. In the October 16, 2014, Federal Register notice (79 FR 62182), HUD allocated $93 0,000 ,000 of CDBG-DR funds made available und er Public La"v 113-2, for the implementation of six proposals selected through the HUD-sponsored Rebuild by Design (RBD) competition. The RBD allocation was included as part of the larger allocation of CDBG-DR funds under Public Law 113- 2 for long term recovery from Hurr icane Sandy. Four grantees received an RBD allocation as part of their CDBG-DR grant for Hurricane Sandy recovery: The state of New York, the city of New York, the state of Connecticu t, and the state of New Jersey. The proposals selected through the Rebuild by Design Competition were identifi ed prior to the development and approval of action plans for grantees receiving an allocation of CDBG-DR funds under Publi c Law 113-2 . The October 16, 2014 , notice notes that the individual proposals were selected to addr ess the structural and environmental vulnerabilities that Hurricane Sandy exposed in communities throughout the region and to provide fundable solutions to bett er protect residents from future disasters. The notice also requires that projects funded with the RBD allocation reflect the proposals selected through the Rebuild by Design Competition to the greatest extent practicable and appropriate. The RBD proposals were selected by HUD and the RBD allocation was included as part of each grantee's overall CDBG-DR allocation for Hurricane Sandy recovery, however , HUD recognizes that as the location and scope of an RBD project is further refined, the RBD portion of a grantee's overall CDBG-DR allocation may prevent certain grantees from meeting the requirement of the Mar ch 5, 2013, notice that at least 50 percent of each grantee's overa ll alloca tion of CDBG-DR funds be expended to meet the LMI national objective. Accordingly , the Secretary has found a compelling need for this waiver based on the facts presented above. In particular, HUD's selection of RBD projects within defined geographic areas may limit the ability of grantees to meet an LMI national objective within that defined area. This is a limited waiver and alternative requirement to modify 42 U.S.C. 5301(c), 42 U.S.C. 5304(b)(3)(A), 24 CFR 570.484, and 570.200( a)(3) only to the extent n ecessary to allow the four grantees receiving an allocation of CDBG-DR funds specifi cally for RBD projects, to either include or exclud e the expenditure of its RBD allocation in the calculation of the grant's overall LMI b enefit. If a grant ee chooses to excl ud e the expenditures of its RBD allocation from its overall benefit calculation , it is required to notify HUD and the public through a non-substantial amendment to its approved action plan. HUD-17-0235-C-001128 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, 11. Publication of Approved Expenditure Extension Requests. Pursuant to the requ irements of section 904(c) under title IX of Public Law 1132, CDBG-DR and CDBG-NDR funds must be expended within 24 months following obligation, unless an extension is provided. The Office of Management and Budget (0MB) granted the Department a waiver of the statute's two-year expenditure timeline, recognizing that certafo disaster recovery activities satisfy the 0MB criteria for activities that are long-term by design where it is impracticable to expend funds within the 24-month period and achieve program missions. HUD may grant extensions for activities that satisfy the 0MB criter ia. The Fede ral Register notice published by the Department on May 11, 2015 (80 FR 26942) and the June 7, 2016 notice established the process and requirements for extension of the deadline for the expenditure of funds under Public Law 113-2, including the requirement that HUD p ublish its approval of the extension of grantee expenditure deadlines in the Federal Register. In order to provide the public with more timely information about the expenditure deadlines for funds provided under Public Law 113-2, the Department is amending both the May 11, 2015 notice and the June 7, 2016 notice, respectively, to provide for the publication of expenditure deadline extensions on the Department's Web site. Accordingly, the last bullet of Section VI of the May 11, 2015 notice is amended to read: o "If approved, HUD will publish the extension approval on its web site at: https:/1 www.hudexchange.info /progrOJT1slcdbg-dd. HUD will consolidate grantee extension approva ls for publication. Therefore, extension approval is effective as of the date of the extension approval letter, rather than as of the date th e approval is published on the HUD web site." The first paragraph Section 11.A.2 of the June 7, 2016 notice is also amended to read: "For any portion of funds that the grantee believes will not be expended by the deadline and that it desires to retain, the NOF A required the Grantee to submit a letter to HUD justifying why it is necessary to extend the deadline for a specific portion of the funds. Appendix E of the NOF A also required Applicants to submit extension requests with the application if the Applicant submitted a schedu le that indicated time needed for completion of the proposa l exceeds 24 months. Some Applicants submitted extension requests to HUD within their A pVERSIGHT August 7, 2017/Notices 36825 applications and such extensions were considered within the application review process. If granted, any extensions will be published on the HUD web site at: https:// www.hudexchange.info/programs!cdbgdr/. Under the NOF A, grantees that did not submit an extens ion reques t with their Applications are eligible to request an extension prior to the expiration of the twenty-four month deadline for the expenditure of obligated funds. As required by Appendix E of the NOF A, the extension request must justify the need for the extension, detail the compelling legal, po li cy or operational challenges necessitating the extension, and identify the date when funds covered by the extension will be expended. The Grantee must justify how, under the proposed schedu le, the Project will proceed in a timely manner. For example, large and comp lex infrastructure Projects are likely to require more than 24 months to comp lete. An extensio n request for such a Project should justify the new timeline for any proposed extension by comparing it to completion deadlines for other similarly sized Projects." governing those incentives specifica lly , the requirement that grantees "providing housing incentives must maintain documentation, at least at a programmatic level, describing how the amount of assistance was determined to be necessary and reasonable . In addition, the incentives must be in accordance with the grantee's approved Action Plan and published program design(s). Note that this waiver does not permit. a compensation program. Addit ionally, a grantee may require the incentive to be used for a particular purpose by the household receiving the assistance." The CDBG regulations limit activit ies that meet the LMI national objective to only the activities meeting the four established criteria in 24 CFR 570.208(a)(l ) through (4) and 570 .483(b)(l ) through (4). Prior Federal Register notices have advised grantees of the criteria under which a buyout activity can meet a LMI housing (LMH) national objective (80 FR 72102). Notwithstanding that guidance, however, HUD has determined that providing CDBG-DR grantees with an add itiona l method to demonstrate how buyouts and housing incentives can V. New LMI National Objective Criteria assist LMI households , beyond those for Buyouts and Housin g Incentive s described in the previous notices, will (A pplicable to Multipl e ensure that grantees and HUD can App ropriation s) account for and assess the benefit that Historically, various Federal Register CDBG-DR assistance may have on LMl notices published by HUD have households when buyouts and housing authorized CDBG-DR grantees to carry incentives are used in long term out "buyouts ," which have been recovery. Given the primary objective of generally limited to the acquisition of the HCDA to assist low- and moderate properties located in a floodway or income persons, the Secretary has floodplain or Disaster Risk Reduction determined that there is good cause to Area for pre-or post-flood value for the establish an alternative requirement purpose of reducing risk from future under which CDBG-DR grantees are disasters. These notices also generally authorized to qualify the assistance pro h ibit redevelopment of property provided to LMI persons through acquired through buyouts. Certain buyout and housing incentive programs , previous CDBG-DR Federal Registe r due to the benefits received by the notices also waive 42 U.S.C. 5305(a) and individuals that receive buyout and associated regulations to allow grantees housing incentive awards that allow to offer housing incentives to resettle them to move from areas that are likely beneficiaries vvh o were in disasterto be affected by future disasters . affected communities. As described in In addition to the existing criteria at those not ices, housing incentives are 24 CFR 570 .208(a)(l) - (4) and usually offered to encourage households 570 .483{b)(l )- (4), HUD is establis h ing to relocate to a suitab le housing an alternative requirement to include development or to an area promoted by two new LMI national objective criteria the community's compre hens ive for buyouts (LMB) and housing recovery plan, and may be in add ition incentives (LMHI) that benefit LMI to acquisition or buyout awards. households that use CDBG-DR funding In this notice, HUD is establish ing an provided by Public Law 113- 2, 114alternative requirement to clarify the 113, 114-223, 114-254 and 115-31. criteria under which buyout activities For a buyout award or housing and housing incentives can meet an LMI incentive to mee t the new LMB and national object ive . Grantees authorized LMHl national objectives , grantees mu st to use housing incentives as described demonstrate the following: (1) The CDBG-DR funds have been above, must continue to comply with provided for an eligible buyout activity the other eligibility requirements of that benefits LMI households by applicable Fede ral Register notices HUD-17-0235-C-001129 Federa l Register/Vol. 82, No. 150/Monday, 36826 supporting their move from high risk areas. The following activities shall qualify under this criterion, and must also meet the eligibility criteria of the notices governing the use of the CDBGDR funds: (a) Low/Mod Buyout (LMB). When CDBG-DR funds are used for a buyout award to acquire housing owned by a qualifying LMI household, where the award amount is greater than the pre disaster fair market value of that property; (b) Low/Mod Housing Incentive (Ll'vfHI). When CDBG-DR funds ai-e used for a housing incentive award, tied to the voluntary buyout or other voluntary acquisition of housing owned by a qualifying LMI household, for which the housing incentive is for the purpose of moving outside of the affected floodplain or to a lower-risk area; or when the housing incentive is for the purpose of providing or improving residential structures that, upon completion , will be occupied by an LMI household. (2) Activities that meet the above criteria will be considered to benefit low and moderate income persons unless there is substantial evidence to the contrary. Any activities that meet the newly established national objective criteria described above will count towards the calculation of a CDBG-DR gran tee's overall LMI benefit to comply with the primary objective described in 24 CFR 570.200(a)(3) and 24 CFR 570.484(b). Grantees receiving an allocation of CDBG-DR funds pursuant to the following appropriations acts must specifically request a waiver and alternative requirement from HUD in order apply the new national objective criteria established in this section of the notice: Public Law 109- 148, 109-234 , and 110-116 (Katrina, Rita , and Wilma); Public Law 110- 252 and 110- 328 (2008 Disasters), Public Law 111-112 (2010 disast ers), and Public Law 112-55 (2011 disasters). August 7, 2017/Notices VI. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance numbers for the disaster recovery grants under this notice are as follows: 14.218 ; 14.228; and 14.269. VIl. Findin g of No Significant Impact A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) with respect to the environment has been made in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 50, which implement section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S .C. 4332 (2)(C)). The FONSI is available for public inspection between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays in the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel , Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 10276 , Washington, DC 20410-0 500. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters buildin g, an advance appointment to review the docket file must be scheduled by calling the Regulations Division at 202-708-3055 (this is not a toll-free number). Hearing or speech-impaired individua ls may access this number through TTY by calling the Federa l Relay Service at 800877-8339 (this is a toll-fr ee number). Dated: July 31, 2017. Janet Golrick, Acting Deputy Secretary. Notice of issuance of permits. SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), have issued the following permits to conduct certain activities with endangered species , marine mammals, or both. We issue these permits under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). ADDRESSES: Documents and other information submitted vvith these applications are avai lable for review, subject to the requirements of the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act, by any party who submits a written request for a copy of such documents to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Management Authority, Branch of Permits, MS: IA, 5275 Leesburg Pike , Falls Church, VA 22041; fax (703) 358-2281. To locate the Federal Register notice that announced our receipt of the application for each permit listed in this document, go to www.regulations.gov and search on the permit number provided in the tables in SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joyce Russell, (703) 358- 2023 (telephone); (703) 358-2281 (fax); or DMAFR@fws.gov (email). On the dates below, as authorized by the provisions of the ESA, as amended (16 U.S.C . 1531 et seq.), we issued requested permits subject to certain conditions set forth therein. For each permit for an endangered species, we found that (1) th e application was filed in good faith, (2) the granted permit would not operate to the disadvantage of the endangered species, and (3) the granted permit would be consistent with the purposes and policy set forth in section 2 of the ESA. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: [FR Doc. 2017- 16411 Filed 8--4-17 ; 8:45 am ) BILLING CODE 421D-67- P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [Docket No. FWS-HQ-IA-2017-0037; FXIA16710900000-156-FF09A30000] Foreign Endangered Species ; Issuance of Permits AGENCY: ACTION: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ENDANGEREDSPECIES Permit No. 12500C .............. 06382C .............. 15671C .............. 93065B .............. 209142 .............. 13615C .............. Applicant Receipt of applicationFederal Register notice Charles Waibel ........................................................... 82 FR 4914 January 17, 2017 ................................... Richard Killion.............................................................82 FR 4914 January 17, 2017 ................................... New MexicoState University/TimothyF. Wright........ 82 FR 4914 January 17, 2017 ................................... Universityof South Carolina ....................................... 81 FR 63788 September 16, 2016 ............................. Adalgisa Caccone ....................................................... 82 FR 14742 March22, 2017 .................................... Stevens Forest Ranch ................................................ 82 FR 13486 March 13, 2017 .................................... /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT Permit issuance date 4/13/2017 4/13/2017 3/27/2017 1/12/2017 4/25/2017 05/01/17 HUD-17-0235-C-001130 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Edwards, Nika V Tuesday, Augus t 08, 2017 2:47 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Solivan, Elvis FW: Project HOME RAD @ ~ 315 N 8th St Philadel p hidi Since we have a tour/meeting with Sister Mary scheduled for Thursday, I'm following up on their concerns about the RAD project. Did the information provided to Janet Stearns add ress all the concerns, or do we need addit io nal info rmation from Tom Davis? I'm asking so we can be prepared in case this matter comes up on Thursday. Thanks, Niki From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent : Wednesday, July 12, 2017 12:21 PM To: Edwards, Nika V Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philade lphi FYIandpotentialweeklyreportitem S. VanWilliams Senior Manage mentAnalyst/Regio nal FOIA & CTS Liaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax 215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this messageis not th e intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this messageor portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this messagein error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 12:20 PM To: Sillery, David A Cc: Ott, Richard M Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philade lphi David, PleaseenterthisurgentinquiryfromPAStateRepresentative JohnTaylorin CTS. Thepreparation of a responseshouldbe assignedto Rich. Heis coordinating withRADDivision in HQandPhiladelphia FHEO Divisionin preparation of a responseto thistimesensitivematter.Pleasesetdeadlinefor Monday,July 17. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA & CTSLiaison pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001131 Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656 -3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 11:28 AM Van, So that we don't miss this, can we get it entered into CTS with a due date for Monday. I am not sure whether Joe is asking Tom or me to prepare the email. I do have follow-up from Tom from which we could craft a response. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 9:23 PM To: Ott , Richard M ; Davis, Thomas R Cc:Solivan, Elvis Subject: Re: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi Thank you Rich. The sooner the better as they are looking at a July 13 deadline Joe Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 9:49:54 AM To: Davis, Thomas R Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ IFl ~-31_5_ N _ 8t_h_S_t _P_h-ila_d_e_ lp-h""""' i~I Tom, I understand that you are the guru of all things RAD in HQ. Joe, our new RA in Philadelphia, received this inquiry regarding a RAD transaction with Project Home, here in Philadelphia. You will see that the concern centers on the timing of the FHEO review. I checked with our FHEO folks here in Philadelphia and they are advising that they are right on track. Can you provide some insight to Joe and me when you have an opportu nit y? Joe is in WV for the next 3 days. We might be able to catch him in the car at some point , or perhaps Friday?? Rich Richard M. Ott Deputy Regional Administrator Region HI, Philadelphia 215-430-6621 \ 'v ' pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001132 From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:44 PM To: Ott, Richard M Subject: Fwd: Project HOME RAD@ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi Joseph J. Defe lice Regional Admin istrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: josephjdefelice ~ (b)(6) Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 12:39:41 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: Fwd: Project HOME RAD@ ~ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi ~j Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From : John Tayl or Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi FYI and potential weeklyreportitem S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA& CTSLiaison Office of theRegional Administrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430 -6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard.v.williams@hud .gov I This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of thi s message or portion thereof is strictly prohibit ed. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 12:20 PM pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001136 To: Sillery, David A Cc: Ott, Richard M Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ [ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi ~ David, PleaseenterthisurgentinquiryfromPAStateRepresentative JohnTaylorin CTS. Thepreparation of a responseshouldbe assignedto Rich. Heis coordinating withRADDivisionin HQandPhiladelphia FHEO Divisionin preparation of a responseto thistimesensitivematter.Pleasesetdeadlinefor Monday,July 17. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the Regional Administrato r Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax 215-656 -3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not th e intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. Van, So that we don't miss this, can we get it entered into CTS with a due date for Monday. I am not sure whether Joe is asking Tom or me to prepare the email. I do have follow-up from Tom from which we could craft a respo nse. From : DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 9:23 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Davis, Thomas R Cc: Solivan, Elvis Subject: Re: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi Thank you Rich. The sooner the better as they are looking at a July 13 deadline Joe Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Ott, Richard M Sent : Tuesday, July 11, 2017 9:49:54 AM To : Davis, Thomas R Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ nl~-31_5_ N - 8t_h_S_t _P_h-ila_d_e_ lp_h...,, i~I pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001137 Tom, I understand that you are the guru of all things RAD in HQ. Joe, our new RA in Philadelphia, received this inquiry regarding a RAD transaction with Project Home, here in Philadelphia. You will see that the concern centers on the timing of the FHEO review. I checked with our FHEO folks here in Philadelphia and they are advising that they are right on track. Can you provide some insight to Joe and me when you have an opportunity? Joe is in WV for the next 3 days. We might be able to catch him in the car at some point, or perhaps Friday?? Rich Richard M. Ott Deputy Regional Administrator Region ITT, Philadelphia 215-430-6621 From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:44 PM To: Ott, Richard M Subject: Fwd: Project HOME RAD@ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: josephjdefelice l (h)(6) Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 12:39:41 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: Fwd: Project HOME RAD@ ~ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi ~I Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: John Taylor ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Solivan, Elvis Subject : Re: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi re==="'=------=- Niki I am on it. Received a new email from HQ today and will forward accordingly Joe Joseph J. Defe lice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From : Edwards, Nika V Se nt : Tuesday, August 8, 2017 2:47:14 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Cc: Solivan, Elvis Subject : FW: Project HOME RAD @1~315 N 8th St Philadelphi ~ Since we have a tour/meeting with Sister Ma ry scheduled for Thursday, I'm following up on their concerns about the RAD project. Did the information provided to Janet Stearns address all the concerns, or do we need additional informat ion from Tom Davis? I'm asking so we can be prepared in case this matter comes up on Thursday. Thanks, Niki From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 201712:21 PM To: Edwards, Nika V Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi FYIandpotentialweeklyreportitem S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001141 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . From : Williams, Sheppard V Sent : Wednesday, July 12, 2017 12:20 PM To: Sillery, David A Cc: Ott, Richard M Subject : FW: Proj ect HOME RAD @ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi David, PleaseenterthisurgentinquiryfromPAStateRepresentative JohnTaylorin CTS. Thepreparation of a responseshouldbe assignedto Rich. Heis coordinating withRADDivision in HQandPhiladelphia FHEO Divisionin preparation of a responseto thistimesensitivematter. Pleaseset deadlinefor Monday,July 17. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov o I This communica t ion, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communica t ions and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply im mediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. Van, So that we don't miss this, can we get it entered into CTS with a due date for Monday. I am not sure whether Joe is asking Tom or me to prepare the email. I do have follow-up from Tom from which we could craft a response. From : Defel ice, Joseph J Se nt : Tuesday, July 11, 2017 9:23 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Davis, Thomas R Cc: Solivan, Elvis Subject: Re: Project HOME RAD@ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi Thank you Rich . The sooner the better as they are looking at a July 13 deadline Joe pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001142 Joseph J. Defelice Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 9:49:54 AM To: Davis, Thomas R Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Subject: FW: Project HOME RAD @ .~-31_S_ N - 8t_h_S_t _P_h-ila_d_e_ lp_h...,, i~I Tom, I understand that you are the guru of all things RAD in HQ. Joe, our new RA in Philadelphia, received this inquiry regarding a RAD transaction with Project Home, here in Philadelphia. You will see that the concern centers on the timing of the FHEO review. I checked with our FHEO folks here in Philadelphia and they are advis ing that they are right on track. Can you provide some insight to Joe and me when you have an opportunity? Joe is in WV for the next 3 days. We might be able to catch him in the car at some point, or perhaps Friday?? Rich Richard M. Ott Deputy Regional Administrator Region III , Philadelphia 215-430-6621 From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:44 PM To: Ott, Richard M Subject: Fwd: Project HOME RAD@ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi Joseph J. Defelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development )(6) From: josephjdefelic l(b Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 12:39:41 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: Fwd: Project HOME RAD @ [ 315 N 8th St Philadelphi ~I Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: John Taylor Subject : Re: FOIA Check In pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001146 Ok great. When can you release the preliminary score? Thx! Sent from my iPhone On Aug 10, 20 17, at 3:28 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote : Melissa - I just heard back about the REACre-inspection . It was held this week-the on Tuesday, August 8 and was concluded today. Lisa inspection started Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 (.,.,b,....).,.,(,,..,6~)..,....,,,.,,...,,,.,..,....------ From : Melissa Hipol it 1 ... Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:39 PM To : Davis, Anne Cc:Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: FOIA Check In Thank you very much for the update, Anne. I know you've been out of the office. I haven't submitte d my new FOIA request yet, but I will soon! Melissa On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 1:36 PM, Davis, Anne wrote: Hi, Melissa - I only have one FOIA for you right now - the one for the REACAppeal, Certification/Survey and CDE plan. We have notified the submitter that we will be releasing on August 24, unless they find some way to stop it. So fingers crossed you'll have those documents on the 24t h o You won't hear back from the Inspector General about Mr. LaVoy's emails - at least I don't think so. You should hear back from the Executive Secretariat about it. It took us almost the whole 20 days to get together what we could find - so it might just be taking them a while. I'll send them a message to ask about it for you, OK? Your message on Saturday said you were planning to submit another FOIA for emails, but if you did for some reason, I haven't seen it - so please re-send. Many thanks - Anne /\M f pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001147 Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ~ Pleasedo not print this e-mail unlessnecessary I(_h .... )... (_6 .... )...._ _____ From : Melissa Hipol it ... Sent: Thursday, August 10, 20171:28 PM _ To : Hipolit, Melissa ; Wolfe , LisaA Subject: Re: FOIACheck In Hi Ann eAny news on what 's goin g on with thi s other FOIA ? Th anks 1 Also, I never heard from the inspector general about the Lavoy email s. At least, I don 't think I did . Melissa On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 12 :37 AM , Hipolit , Meli ssa lwrote : Thanks, Anne . Look ing forward to hearing how that turned out! Just a heads up ...l plan to submit another FOIA request for additiona l ema ils. I will try to be as clear and detai led as possible in that request. Lisa-would like to have a phone conversat ion next week. From what I unde rstand, there will be a new REACinspection of the property next week. The emails included in the FOIA seem to suggest it was supposed to happen in June and then July. Wondering why it 's just happening now? /\MER Also, I spoke with a man who is inte rested in purchasing t he property---Ernst Valery . Are you aw are of t his? pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001148 Finally---did you ever find out if the re was ever an investigation by the IG into PK M anagement or GHC Housing Part ners? THANK YOU! M elissa From : Davis, Anne Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 8:25 AM To : M elissa Hipolit; Hipolit, Melissa; Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA Check In Hi, Melissa -y our email FOIA is in concurrence now - hoping I'l l be able to ship it out to you by tomorrow at the latest. The other FOIA is on hold because t here were some objections to release of documents have raised by the submitter. They have been given until tomorrow COB to present those objections in a way that will give us reason to withhold the docume nts . I'll let you know how that turns out. Thanks - Anne Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext . 4802 ~ Please do not pr i nt t his e-mail unless necessary From: Meli ssa Hipol it I(b )(6) Sent:Wedne sday,Aug-u-st- 6~i p,-2~6 -1-7-7-:3 -3 -- p_M___ _ To: Davis, Anne ; mhipolit@i"'" w-t -vr-.c-o_m _,; J~ olfe, Lisa A Subject: FOIA Check In /\MER /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001149 Hello Anne, Hope you're having a nice summer! Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any FOIA responses ... What is the status of my two FOiAs? Thank you! Mel issa /\MERIC/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001150 From: Sent : To: Cc: Subje ct: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, August 15, 2017 1:12 PM Brown, Jereon M; Iber, Robert G; Nichols, Delton DeFelice, Joseph J; Schmidt, Carrie S; Ott, Richard M URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for EssexVillage Jerry/Bob/Delton - I am on the call right now. I am under the impression the SCOREcan't be released in the first 45-day period. Did something change? This makes me VERYnervous that we are sending to the Congressional delegation while we are in this initial period. Am I missing something? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430 -6640 From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:40 AM To: Brown, Jereon M ; lber, Robert G ; Nichols, Delton Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subjec t: URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for Essex Village Importance: High Gentlemen - Just a reminder this is what we released yesterday to McEachin ' s office and the press. Not sure this is what we were talking about today. Lisa A. Wo lfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe , Lisa A Se nt: Thursday , August 10, 2017 3:56 PM To: 'Hipo lit , Mel issa' Subject: Re: FOIA Check In Ok great. When can you release the preliminary score? Thx ! Sent from my iPhone On Aug 10, 20 17, at 3:28 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: Melissa - I just heard back about the REACre-inspection. It was held this week-the on Tuesday, August 8 and was concluded today. Lisa inspection started Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Melissa Hipolitl(b)(6) Sent: Thursday, Augu'""st--;1..,0 ..., .._'2"""0"""17-"""f """ :3""9 .... P.... M ....... --- ...... To: Davis, Anne Cc:Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: FOIA Check In /\M f Thank you very much for the update , Anne. I know you've been out of the office. I haven 't submitted my new FOIA request yet, but I will soon! Melissa pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001152 On Thu , Aug 10, 2017 at 1:36 PM , Davis, Anne wrote: Hi, Melissa - I only have one FOIA for you right now - the one for the REACAppeal, Certification/Survey and COEplan. We have notified the submitter that we will be releasing on August 24, unless they find some way to stop it. So fingers crossed you'll have those documents on the 24th o You won't hear back from the Inspector General about Mr. LaVoy's emails - at least I don't think so. You should hear back from the Executive Secretariat about it. It took us almost the whole 20 days to get together what we could find - so it might just be taking them a while. I'll send them a message to ask about it for you, OK? Your message on Saturday said you were planning to submit another FOIA for emails, but if you did for some reason, I haven't seen it - so please re-send. Many thanks - Anne Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ~ Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary From: Melissa Hipol it ._.! ("""b....,)....,(-=6 .... ) _____ ____, Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:28 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa ; Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: FOIA Check In Hi Anne- /\MER~ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001153 Any news on what 's going on with this other FOIA ? Thanks 1 Al so, I never heard from the inspector general about the Lavoy email s. At least, I don't think I did. Meli ssa On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 12:37 AM, Hipoli t, Meli ssa lwrote: Thanks, Anne. Looking forward to hearing how that turned out! Just a heads up ...l plan to submit another FOIA request for additional emails. I will try to be as clear and detailed as possible in that request. Lisa-would like to have a phone conversation next week . From what I understand, there will be a new REACinspection of the property next week. The emails included in the FOIA seem to suggest it was supposed to happen in June and then July. Wondering why it's just happening now? Also, I spoke with a man who is interested in purchasing the property---Ernst Valery. Are you aware of th is? Finally---did you ever find out if there was ever an investigation by the IG into PK Management or GHC Housing Partners? THANK YOU! Melissa From: Davis, Anne Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 8:25 AM To: Melissa Hipolit; Hipolit, Me lissa; Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA Check In Hi, Melissa -y our emai l FOIA is in concur rence now - hoping I'll be able t o ship it out to you by tomorrow at t he lat est. The ot her FOIA is on hold because t here w ere some object ions to release of documents have raised by t he submitter . They have been given until tomorrow COB t o present those object ions in a way t hat will give us reason t o wit hho ld the document s. I' ll let you know how t hat t urns out. Thanks - Anne /\MER pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001154 Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ~ Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary From: Melissa Hipolit l {b)(6) Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 7:33 PM I To: Davis, Anne ; mhipolit~ wtvr.com ; l~ olfe, Lisa A Subject: FOIA Check In Hello Anne, Hope you're having a nice summer! Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any FOIA responses ... What is the status of my two FOIAs? Thank you! Melissa /\MER C/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001155 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachments : Van, Ott, Richard M Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:53 PM Williams, Sheppard V; Wolfe, Lisa A; Edwards, Nika V DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis FW: Important FOIA Policy Statement Executive Secretariat FOIA Policy Statement - 8-1 5-2017 - DFW.docx; CFoiaO.DOCX Please take a look. Rich From: Williams, Darlene F Sent : Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:40 PM To: FPM_Deputy_Reg ional _Adminis tr ators Cc: Hunter, Matthew F ; Bregon, Nelson R ; FranceschiniPetty, Raquel ; Scott, Paul A ; Williams, Darlene F ; Forero, Jaime E ; Lake, Karen A ; Lawyer, Michael C ; Kelly, Holly A ; Routt, Lora D ; Glekas, Pamela ; Webb, Randall Subject: Important FOIA Policy Statement IMPORT ANT FOIA POLICY STATEMENT - PLEASE SHARE AS APPROPRIATE ALL FOIAs relating to appo intees are to be issued through Headquarters . It is the Executive Secretariat's Policy that all FOIAs related to appointees be handled in headquarters and responses are reviewed and signed by Helen Foster . Please copy Deborah Snowden, Executive FOIA Branch Chief and Jerry Brown , Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs as well as Darlene Williams, Senior Policy Advisor to ensure FPM headquarters awareness. The se FOIAs will be assigned to HQ. The same is true for all reque sts relating to members of Congress and all reque sts from any media outlet. Here is the link to the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. https://www.justice.gov/oip/oip-summary-foia-improvement-act-2016 See attachment s above, ; lber, Robert G ; Nichols, Delton Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Ott, Richard M Subject : URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for Essex Village Import ance: High Jerry/Bob/De lton - I am on t he call right now. I am under the impression the SCOREcan't be released in the first 45-day period. Did something change? This makes me VERYnervous that we are sending t o the Congressional delegation while we are in this initial period. Am I missing something? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affai rs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent : Friday, August 11, 2017 11:40 AM To: Brown, Jereon M ; lber, Robert G ; Nichols, Delton Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject : URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for Essex Village Import ance: High Gentlemen - Just a reminder this is w hat we released yesterday to McEachin's office and the press. Not sure this is what we were talking about today . Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Managemen t U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001160 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 --------- :~ ' follow.fu 'onTwl:ttr :S, .OH_ UD~ )c!Atl a~tk - __ -- ---- -' From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:56 PM To: 'Hipolit, Melissa' Subject: Re: FOIA Check In Ok great. When can you relea se the preliminary score? Thx! Sent from my iPhone On Aug 10, 2017 , at 3:28 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: Melissa - I just heard back about the REACre-inspection. It was held this week-the on Tuesday, August 8 and was concluded today . Lisa inspection started Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 /\M f pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001161 Office: (215) 430-6640 I(_b ...)... (_6 .... )_____ From: Meli ssa Hipolit ... Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:39 PM To: Davis, Anne Cc:Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: FOIA Check In ____, Thank you very much for the update, Anne. I know you've been out of the office. I haven't submitte d my new FOIA request yet, but I will soon! Melissa On Thu , Aug 10, 2017 at 1:36 PM , Davis, Anne wrote: Hi, Melissa - I only have one FOIA for you right now- the one for the REACAppeal, Certification/Survey and CDE plan. We have notified the submitter that we will be releasing on August 24, unless they find some way to stop it. So fingers crossed you'll have those documents on the 24th o You won't hear back from the Inspector General about Mr. LaVoy's emails - at least I don't think so. You should hear back from the Executive Secretariat about it. It took us almost the whole 20 days to get together what we could find - so it might just be taking them a while. I'll send them a message to ask about it for you, OK? Your message on Saturday said you were planning to submit another FOIA for emails, but if you did for some reason, I haven't seen it - so please re-send. Many thanks - Anne Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842 -2610, ext. 4802 ~ Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary /\MEnL.I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001162 From: Melissa Hipolit f(b)(6) Sent: Thursday, Augus""t.,,.1.,..0, .... 2+.0..,,1?"7...,1...,.:2.,.,8"""'PM....-------' To: Hipolit, Melissa j Cc: Davis, Anne ; Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: FOIA Check In Hi AnneAny news on what 's going on with this other FOIA ? Thanks! Also, I never heard from the inspector general about the Lavoy emails. At least, I don't think I did. Melissa On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 12:37 AM, Hipolit , Meli ssa ~~Tote : Thanks, Anne. Looking forward to hearing how that turned out! Just a heads up ...l plan to submit another FOIA request for additional emails. I will try to be as clear and detailed as possible in that request. Lisa-wou ld like to have a phone conversation next week. From what I understand, there will be a new REACinspection of the property next week. The emails included in the FOIA seem to suggest it was supposed to happen in June and then July. Wonde ring why it's just happening now? Also, I spoke with a man who is interested in purchasing t he property ---Ernst Valery. Are you aware of th is? Finally---did you ever find out if there was ever an investigation by the IG into PK Management or GHC Housing Partners? THANK YOU! Mel issa From: Davis, Anne Sent: Thursday , August 3, 2017 8:25 AM To : Melissa Hipolit; Hipolit, Melis sa; Wo lfe, Lisa A /\MER Subject : RE: FOIA Check In pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001163 Hi, Melissa -your email FOIA is in concurrence now - hoping I' ll be able to ship it out to you by tomorrow at the lates t. The other FOIA is on hold because there were some objections to release of documents have raised by the submitter . They have been given until tomorrow COB to present those objections in a way that wi ll give us reason to withhold the documents . I'll let you know how that turns out. Thanks - Anne Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street , Richmond , VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ~ Please do not pri nt t his e-mail unless necessary I(b )( 6) From : Melissa Hipol it Sent : Wednesday, Aug._u._s... t ~O*} -, 2 ,..b""'1'""7"'"7 '"":"'" 3.... 3-.P'""' M......-- ... To: Davis, Anne ; mhipolit@i __ w_t -vr-.c-o_m _ ; l~ olfe, Lisa A Subject: FOIA Check In Hello Anne, Hope you're having a nice summer! Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any FOIA responses ... What is the status of my two FOIAs? Thank you! Mel issa /\MER C/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001164 HUD-17-0235-C-001 165 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, August 15, 2017 8:54 PM Nichols, Delton; Brown, Jereon M; Iber, Robert G DeFelice, Joseph J; Schmidt, Carrie S; Ott, Richard M Re: URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for EssexVillage Thanks Delton! From : Nichols, Delton Se nt: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:58:07 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A; Brown, Jereon M; lber, Robert G Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J; Schmidt, Carrie S; Ott, Richard M Subject : RE: URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for EssexVillage I am unaware that we released anything to the congressman's office. The score has not been released to the owner yet. We wait 45 days after release to the owner before it is re leased to anyone else. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Se nt : Tuesday, August 15, 2017 1:12 PM To: Brown, Jereon M ; lber, Robert G ; Nichols, Delton Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Ott, Richard M Subject : URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for Essex Village Import ance: High Jerry/Bob/Delton - I am on t he call right now. I am under the impression the SCOREcan't be released in the first 45-day period. Did something change? This makes me VERYnervous that we are sending to the Congressional delegat ion while we are in this initial period. Am I missing something? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affai rs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Departmen t of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:40 AM To: Brown, Jereon M ; lber, Robert G ; Nichols, Delton Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: URGENTREACSCORERELEASEDATE for Essex Village Import ance: High VI pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001166 Gentlemen - Just a reminder this is what we released yesterday to McEachin's office and the press. Not sure this is what we were talking about today. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -~---- .~ :, ----- ~monTwiUer o t-it:ioM idAtlantlc . From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:56 PM To: 'Hipo lit, Melissa' Subject: Re: FOIA Check In Ok great. When can you relea se the preliminary score? Thx! Sent from my iPhone On Aug 10, 2017, at 3:28 PM, Wolfe , Lisa A wrote: Melissa - I just heard back about the REACre-inspection. It was held this week-the on Tuesday, August 8 and was concluded today . /\M f pVERSIGHT inspection started HUD-17-0235-C-001167 Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadel phia , PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 I From: Melissa Hipol it ..f_h.........,){ .... 6....... ) ___ ___ Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:39 PM To: Davis, Anne Cc: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject : Re: FOIA Check In ,....... Thank you very much for the update, Anne. I know you've been out of the office. I haven't submi tted my new FOIA request yet, but I will soon! Melissa On Thu , Aug 10, 2017 at 1:36 PM , Davis, Anne wrote: Hi, Meli ssa - I only have one FOIA for you right now- the one for the REACAppeal, Certification/Survey and CDE plan . We have notified t he submitter that we will be releasing on August 24, unless they find some way to stop it. So fingers crossed you'll have those documents on the 24th o You won't hear back from the Inspector General about Mr . LaVoy's emails - at least I don't think so. You should hear back from the Executive Secretariat about it. It took us almost the whole 20 days to get together what we could find - so it might just be taking them a while. I'll send them a message to ask about it for you, OK? Your message on Saturday said you were planning to submit another FOIA for emails, but if you did for some reason, I haven 't seen it - so please re-send . Many thanks - Anne Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 /\MERl pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001168 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ~ Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary (_b.,... )~(..,..6~ ),...,....,,.,,...,,.__,...------' From: Melissa Hipolit ._.l Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:28 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa ; Wolfe, Lisa A Subject : Re: FOIA Check In Hi AnneAny news on what 's going on with this other FOIA? Thanks! Also , I never heard from the inspector general about the Lavoy emails. At least, I don't think I did . Melissa On Sat , Aug 5, 2017 at 12:37 AM, Hipolit, Melissa lwrote : Thanks, An ne. Looking forward to hearing how t hat turned out! Just a heads up ... l plan to submit another FOIA request for additiona l emails. I will try to be as clear and detai led as possible in tha t request . Lisa-would like to have a phone conversation next week. From what I understand, there wi ll be a new REACinspection of the property next week. The emails incl uded in the FOIA seem to suggest it was supposed to happen in June and then July. Wondering w hy it's just happen ing now? Also, I spoke wit h a man who is interested in purchasing t he property---Ernst Valery. Are you aware of t his? Finally---did you ever find out if there was ever an investigation by the IG into PK Management or GHC Housing Partners? THANK YOU! /\MER pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001169 Me lissa From : Davis, Anne Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 8:25 AM To : Melissa Hipolit; Hipolit, Melissa; Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA Check In Hi, Melissa -your email FOIA is in concurrence now - hoping I'll be able to ship it out to you by tomorrow at the latest. The other FOIA is on hold because there were some objections to release of documents have raised by the submitter . They have been given until tomorrow COB to present those objections in a way that will give us reason to withhold the documents. I'll let you know how that turns out. Thanks - Anne Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802 / 800-842-2610, ext. 4802 ,,I;.Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary _______ ..._. .....,.....,.....,......,. From: Melissa Hipoli d/h\/6) Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 7:33 PM To : Davis, Anne ; mhipolit@ Wtvr.com ; l~ olfe , Lisa A Subject: FOIA Check In Hello Anne, Hope you're having a nice summer! Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any FOIA responses ... /\MER pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001170 What is the status of my two FOiAs? Thank you! Melissa /\MERIC/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001171 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Davis, Anne Monday , August 21, 2017 8:45 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Banks, Antoinette P; Downs, Sharon; Lamberg , Catherine D; Legette, Ronn ie J; Ott, Richard M; Rader, Brad E; Schmidt, Carrie S; Brown, Brenda J; Punter, Carolyn K; Parker, Judith; Ellis, Lisa C Holman, Virginia F; Mares, Steven J; Schmiegelow , Toni D; Paikin, Steven M; Wolfe, Lisa A; Dunn, Tracey; Edwards, Nika V; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A; Fitch, Ron Today 's HUD News Briefing The following items in today 's HUD News Briefing are of specific interest to the HUD Richmond Office : [VA] Portsmouth public housing tenants have been fighting mold for years with little help from PRHA AM, AnaLey) (Norfolk Virginian-Pilot , VA) (8/19/201710:17 Themoldhasreachedat leasteightfirst-floorhomesin the Hamilton Placeapartmentcomplex in the lastfouryears, shiftingfrom whiteto greento blackas it creepsalongwalls,carpetsand,finally,furnishings andotherbelongings . Low-income tenantsthere saythey'resickof scrubbing thestuffout.Theywantthecity'sHousingAuthorityto getrid of it, andnow,afterquestionsfrom The Virginian-Pilot, so doesthefederalgovernment."Weare inhalingthis," saidDonnaQuinerly,whoseapartmentoff Turnpike Roadwasso badlyinfestedthat lastweekshetossedouta livingroomset coveredin a sourfilm.Shefearsthatit's hurtingher son,whohasbeenhospitalized twice withsevererespiratory problemssinceFebruary,accordingto medicalrecords . Quinerly saidshefirstreportedtheproblemabouttwoyearsago,andalthoughshe'sbeengivencreditson herrentandtheoccasional visitfroma maintenance worker,officials withthe Portsmouth Redevelopment andHousingAuthoritydidn't offerto moveheruntil Wednesday afternoon- abouttwohoursafterThe Pilot askedpropertymanagersaboutthe problem.At leastoneformer neighborsaidshewasso fedup, shemovedouteventhoughherrentis nowtwiceas expensiveat an unsubsid izedhomein Chesapeake. "I hadto go,"saidIvoryDupree,48, whomovedoutaboutfouryearsagoafterthrowingawaya mattress.Property managerNatalieHoneyblue refusedto speakwithThePilot,referringinquiriesto PRHA'smain office. "Mynameor my likeness better notbe in anyreportsin the newspape r," shesaidbeforeaskinga reporterto leavethe property 's management office Wednesday afternoon . NewlyhiredPRHAExecutiveDirectorEdwardBlanddeclinedmultiplerequeststo comment. Some tenantsinterviewed this weeksaidthey've longstruggledwith moldbuthaven'treportedit outof fear of retaliation . "I don'twant to be evicted,"saidonewomanwhohasthrownoutseveralcouches , mattresses anddressersin the pasttwoyears. "Whenyou walkin myhouse,youcansmell it. It smellssour, it smellswet,andit smellslike mildew,"Jonessaid. Shereportedtheproblem a yearagobutsaidpropertyofficials neverfollowedup. Lisa Wolfe, a regiona l spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment, whichoverseesthe PRHA,urgedtenants to submitwork ordersif theyspotanyproblems . Thosewho havedoneso butstillhaven'tgottenhelpfromthelocalauthorityshouldreachoutto HUDto file a complaint,shesaid. On Thursday, Wolfe saidshereportedthetenants'concernsandnotedthatthefederalagencyis looking intothematter."That'sreallya shame," Wolfe said whentoldsometenantsareafraidto calltheirpropertymanage r. "I wishwe'd knownsooner.If we don't knowabouta problem,we can't do anythingaboutit." [VA ] Giving vets housing Freedom in Wythe (SWVA Today. Wytheville , VA) (8/21/2017 5:10AM,MarkSage) U.S. Rep. MorganGriffithsaidhe'd heardplentyaboutFreedomLanebuthadn't seenit. TheWythevilleRedevelopment and HousingAuthorityprojectto providehomesfor veterans"lookedgoodon paper," Griffithsaid.Thenhesaidhe turnedoff PeppersFerryRoadandthought"Wow. Notonlydidtheydo something good. Theydid somethinggreat."The Republ icancongressman wasoneof severaldozenin Wythevilleon Wednesday to celebrate the ribboncutti ng of a long-awaitedhousing complexfor thosewhoservedthe nation.OwnedandoperatedbytheWytheville Redevelopment andHousingAuthority,the24 newapartments off PeppersFerryhavealreadywelcomed12 newveteransand their families.A roadlinedwithone-andtwo-bedroomhomes,mosthandicapped accessib le, terminatesneara clubhouseon thefour-acretract. Theribbon-cuttingcamea littleovera yearfromwhengroundwasbroken for the affordablehousing development. CathyPattison,whoclosedout hereightyears on theWRHA's seven-memberboardon Wednesday, pointedout thattheprojectcamein underbudgetandaheadof schedule. Pattisonsaidtheideafor affordable veteranhousing gotstartedin I pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001172 2010, whenRandyMartin,the WRHA'sexecutivedirector,saidno veteranshouldbewithouta home.Theidealaydormantuntil 2013, whenthe housingauthorityboughteightacresof theformerAlcoproperty. Martinsaidthatthe purchasewas madewiththe $5 milliondevelopmentin mind. Martinsaidexecutingthe ideatookmorethan time,though. It requiredpartnerships acrossthestateandcounty,includingHOPE,VeteransAffairs,the Department of Social Servicesandothers. Martin said thatmorethanhalfof the24 unitshavevoucherstiedto themto helpwithrent. Sharon Alexander , the chairof theWythevilleRedeve lopmentandHousingAuthorityboard,askedin heropening prayerthatFreedom Lanebe "a placewherewe seethe bestof humanity."It wascertainlya placeWednesday whereJoeDeFelice,the regional administrator for the U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment, sawthe bestof SouthwestVirginia.Onhisfirsttrip to the region,he saidwasfallingin loveandmaynot returnto hisofficein Philadelph ia. [VA] Affordable housing shortage leaves hundreds calling hotels along Jeff Davis home (Richmond TimesDispatch, VA) (8/20/2017 9:49PM, VanessaRemmersandMichaelO'Connor) WhenAngieSmith's daughterwasborn,she madesureto keepherinfantin herarmsor a swing.If Arabellastoppedmoving,the roacheswouldstartcrawlingall overher. "It wastheworstroachproblemI'veeverseen," Smithsaid. Smithpaid$270perweek to livein AmericasBestValueInnnearJeffersonDavis Highwayin Chesterfield Countyfor eightmonthswithArabellaandher twootherchildren.Themotelroomallowedherto get awayfromheron-again,off-againrelationship with herbaby'sfather, and alsoprovidedrelieffroma homemortgageandotherbills. In an increasingly impoverished Chesterfield, an affordablehousing scarcity,coupledwithcredit and background requirementsfor apartments, hasled hundredsof peoplelikeSmithto settlefor months- or years- at motels,manyalongthe Jeff Davis corridor.This pastschoolyear, 160Chesterfield studentslivedin hotelsor motels.Acrossthe state,nearly3,000studentsfoundshelterthe sameway. [VA] Charlottesville, "happiest city in America"-but for whom? (Salon) (8/20/20171:47 PM, EmmaEisenberg) Whena citywitha whitesupremacist presenceandmarginalized blackworkingclassis runby genteel"progress ives"Therewas a momenton Saturday , August12ththathappenedquicklybutchangedthe courseof everything thatcameafterit. Aroundnoon, a smallgroupof whitesupremacists whohadleftthe centerof the protestsat Emancipation Parkwalkeddownto an affordable housingcomplexcalledFriendshipCourtand,standingat its entrance,hurledracistslursat blackresidents.Backat Emancipation Park, wordspreadamongcounterprotesters thatCharlottesville blackresidentsneededhelp,anda throngheaded southto offertheirbodiesas support.Butby timetheygot closeto the housingcomplex, an organizerwith AnarchistPeopleof Colortold themto turnback.Theresidentshadalreadyhandledthe situation,shetoldthe marchers.As theyturnedbackup fourthstreet, the first marchranintoanothergroupof counter-protesters alsounderinstructionsto headto Friendship Court. It wasa momentof jubilation- the residentshadsuccessfully defendedthemselves, andthe official"Unitethe Right"rallyhad beeneffectivelyshutdown.Thetwo marchesmerged,creatinga hugecongestion of people. Butthis moodlastedonlya few minutes.It was intothis rejoicingcrowdthat20-year-o ld JamesAlexFieldsJr. gunnedhiscar,thenbackedit up,andgunnedit again.It makesa cruelkindof sensethatHeatherHyerandthe otherswhowerehit by Fields'car hadjust comefromstandingin solidaritywithresidentsof this particularpublichousingcomplex,for it liesat the verycenterof the cityandat the centerof what happenedthis weekendin morewaysthanone. "Thesite itselfis in the heartof downtownandthe centerof the city's Strategic Investment Area,"a developernamedFrankGroschwiththe PiedmontHousingAuthority(PHA)tolda crowdassembledat the well-heeled OmniHotelin Septemberof 2015."And it's an extraordinarily valuable pieceof realestate."It wasat thatsame breakfastfundraiserthatGroschannouncedthatthe PHAwouldacquirethe 150-unitsubsidizedapartmentcomplexin 2018and redevelopit as a mixed-income neighborhood . [VA] Spratley House, Ashe Manor earn high marks on federal housing inspection (Newport News Daily Press, VA) (8/19/20177:48PM,ReemaAmin) Twopublichousingcomplexesdesignedfor the elderlyhaveagainpasseda federal inspection with mostlyflying 90036thSt., colors. However,the latestscoresfor SpratleyHouse, 65125thSt.,andWilbert& EffieAsheManorApartments, werelowerthanwhenbothwerelastinspectedin 2014. BothSpratleyHouseandAsheManor, inspectedlast month, have50 one-andtwo-unitbedapartments for the elderly.Apartmentsaredesignedfor peoplewhoneedspecialaccommodations and havespecialcordsthatcan be usedto callfor emergencymedicalhelp. SpratleyHouseearned94 pointsout of 100,andAshe Manorgot 87 points,accordingto scoresthe DailyPressobtainedthrougha Freedomof Information Act requestfromthe Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment , the agencythatdoesthesespecificphysical inspections. A passingscoreis 60. [VA] City housing authority board gets update on smoking ban (Lynchburg News & Advance, VA) (8/18/2017 7:45AM, ShereseGore) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001173 TheLynchburg Redevelopment & HousingAuthorityBoardof Commissioners waspresented witha timelineThursdayof the upcomingimplementation of a nationwide smokingbanon its public housingproperties. Theboardis expectedto approvethe smoke-free policyin December, withthepolicyto takeeffectJan.1.Thedraftsmoke-free policy is expectedto be developednext monthby LRHAstaff.A ruleissuedby the U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentbanssmokinginsidepublic housingunitsandin outsideareaswithin25 feetof dwellingsandadministrative buildings.Designated smokingareasmustbe outsideof the25-footzone. The rulewasissuedFeb. 3, andhousingauthoritieshave18monthsto implementsmokingban policies . TheLynchburgRedevelopment & HousingAuthorityownsfourpublichousingcommunities withmorethan325families in residence . [VA] New PRHA leader gives first interview after starting job (WVEC-TV , VA) (8/18/2017 8:00PM,LauraGeller) Thenewleaderof the Portsmouth Redeve lopmentandHousingAuthority answeredsometoughquestionsabouttheagency, which is supposedto helpsomeof Portsmouth 's mostvulnerablecitizens.Withjustabouta monthon thejob, Ed Blandhas alreadyvisitedeachof PRHA'scommunit ies andmetwithresidents.Theanswerto onequestionin ourhalfhourinterviewwith Blandsticksout. It couldgiveresidentslivingin someof the poorestcommunities in Portsmouth a goodideaof whatkind of leadershiptheycannowexpect.WeaskedBlandif hewouldfeelcomfortable movinghisfamily intooneof thesecommun ities. Blandreplied,"No,I wouldnotandI trulyunderstand thatandthat'swhywe'regoing to workveryhardto change."Thechangeis comingaftera difficult periodfor PRHA.Therewasthefederalinvestigation, whichpointedoutdeficiencies in howtheboardand administration ranthe authority.Accordingto Bland,newhomesmeanresidentsfeelbetteraboutthemselvesandtheir liveswith PRHA.'Tm hopingthatwhentheyreallyseethatwe reallycare, andwe do, thatthey willalsopartnerwith the Portsmouth housingauthorityto makethecommunities better,"heconcluded . [Editorialnote:VIDEOat source] [VA] Tim Kaine column: Virginians must respond to this pain by acce lerating progress (Richmond TimesDispatch , VA) (8/21/2017 4:45AM, SenatorTim Kaine) LastSaturday, Americaandtheworldwereconfronted withscenesof neo-Nazis , Klansmen, andotherwhitesupremacists terrorizing thecitizensof Charlottesville. Ostensibly protestingthe locallyelectedgovernment's democratic decisionto removea monument of RobertE. Lee,the ralliers chantedracist, anti-Semitic,homophobic messageshavingnothingto do withstatuesor heritage. Theycameto spewhate. Andit wasmorethanjustwords.Heavilyarmed"militia"membersintimidatedlocalcitizens.A mobbeatDeandreHarrisunconscious . A whitesupremacist intentionally drovehiscarintoa crowdof people,killing32-year -old HeatherHeyerandinjuringdozensof otherswhocameto standupfor loveandtolerance.Andtheensuingchaosresultedin the deathsof VirginiaStatePoliceofficersBerkeBatesandJayCullenastheyworkedto restorepeace. As I attendedthe memorial servicesfor thesebraveVirginians,eachkilledstandingupfor Virginia valuesof equalityandorder,I soughtto understand this grievousattackon ourcommonwea lth.Andmoreimporta ntly, I soughtto determinehowwe mustrespondto it. Theeventsin Charlottesville did notoccurin a vacuum.Ourcommonwea lth knowswellthepainof racismanddivision . Thearrivalof shackled Africansin Virginia in 1619beganthemonstrous institutionof slaveryin our country.Richmond becamethecapitalof an insurgentbreakaway nationdedicatedto themaintenance of slaveryandtheprincipleof whitesupremacy. Andwhenslavery collapsed , succeeding generations embracedJim CrowandMassiveResistanceratherthanlivingin accordwiththe principles we hollowly proclaimed to be self-evident. Here is the link where you may read today's HUD News Briefing in full: http://www.techmis.com/hud/todaysbrief.pdf . Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802/800-842-2610, ext. 4802 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001174 ~ Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary /\Mlf llC/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001175 Edwards, Nika V Monday , August 21, 2017 9:48 AM Williams , Sheppard V DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Fwd: HUD Priority Daily Briefing (8-21-17) HUD Priority Daily Briefing (8-21-17).docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachmen ts: The request from Maryland 's members of Congress concerning Kushner's properties is dominating the news today. Nika V. Edwards Regional Public Affairs Officer U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Region Ill/Mid-At lantic Region Philadelphia Regional Office 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-6622 @HUDMidAtlantic From: HUD Daily Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 6:46 AM Subject: HUD Priority Daily Briefing (8-21-17) To: HUDPRIORITYDAILYBRIEFING Preparedfor theOfficeof Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Housing& UrbanDevelopment By TechMIS www.techmis.com/hud TO: DATE: U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment & Staff Monday,August21, 2017 7:00 AM ET HUDNewsandOpinion BenCarsonto Speakat PolsonHousingConference (Flathead Beacon,Kalispell,MT) HUDsecretaryBenCarsonto speakin Polson(KalispellDailyInterLake,MT) /\M pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001176 Affordablehousingin focusin Polson(MissoulaMissoulian, MT) HUDin limbo:Topjobsunconfirmed, keydecisionsunmade(NationalMortgageNews) Fearof reassignments, buyoutspushesHUDto moretransparent changemanagement (FederalNewsRadio) HUDSecretaryBenCarsonrevealsvandalsattackedhisVirginiahome(HousingWire) (NY)Arkercompletes $38Mrehabat StatenIslandcomplex(RealEstateWeekly) (NY)Hereis theofficialresumeof thepersonTrumpputin chargeof federalhousingin NewYork(Washington Post) (MD)Democrats demandKushner-related housingrecords(CBSNews) (MD)MarylandDemocrats requestdetailson JaredKushnerapartment holdingsin state(Baltimore Sun,MD) (MD)U.S.Lawmakers SeekKushnerCompanyRecordson Maryland Apartments (ProPublica) NA) Portsmouth publichousingtenantshavebeenfightingmoldfor yearswithlittlehelpfromPRHA(NorfolkVirginian-Pilot, YA} NA) GivingvetshousingFreedomin Wythe(SWVAToday,Wytheville, VA) (MS)CMHAPolice,federalagentsraidhomeof accusednationwide Facebook scammer ZienupSbeih(WLOX-TV ABC13, Mfil (LA)Kennerhousingauthorityin limboafterMayorZahnasksdirectorto resign,removesremainingboardmembers(New OrleansAdvocate,LA) (LA)Kennermayorgutshousingboard,seeksexecsresignation (KLFY-TV10Lafayette,LA) (LA)KennerMayordismantlesKennerHousingAuthorityBoard,demandsresignation fromexecutivedirector(WVUE-TV, 1:8} (LA]KennermayorremovesentireHousingAuthorityBoard,callsfor Exec.Director'sresignation (WWL-TVNewOrleans Channel4, LA) (LA)OurViews:Louisiana's pastcouldprovidea blueprintfor howFEMAcouldrestructure disasteraid(BatonRouge Advocate,LA) [LA]TaskForceapprovesplanexpanding eligibility,increasing awardsthroughLa.'sfloodassistance program(KPLC-TV LakeCharles,LA) (LA]MoreLouisianahomeowners eligiblefor floodrecoveryaid(U.S.News& WorldReport) (IN)Escaping oneof thenation'sworstenvironmental disasterzones(Washington Post) (IN)EastChicagoresidentswantanswersaboutwaterat Saturdaymeeting(Northwest IndianaTimes,IN) [IN)TheEastChicagoleadcrisis,oneyearlater:Someof community groups'criticaldemandsunaddressed (Northwest IndianaTimes,IN) /\MERIC/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001177 [IL)Communication chaosin Cairo:Confusion hasreplacedshocksinceHUDtold400people theywillhaveto move.(The Southern,IL) [IL)EastSt. Louis on trackto regainlocalcontrolof its housingauthority(Belleville News-Democrat, IL) (Ml)HUDDirectorgoeson$336,000shoppingspreewithlow-income housingfunds(JudicialWatch) (CA)Richmond mayorwantsto scrapcity's public HousingAuthority(SanFrancisco Chronicle, CA) (CA)SanBernardino CityCouncilto decide:Doesspendingfederalmoneyon homeless help?(SanBernardino County Sun,CA) Hurricane Sandy (NJ)HUD,NJWrestleOver$1M In SandyRecovery (KYW-TV, PA) GinnieMae WithNoGinnieMaePresident on Board,AnnualSummitMovedto January2018(InsideMortgageFinance) HomeOwnership Bankof Americato Pay$6 Millionto BankruptCoupleEvictedFromHome(WallStreetJournal) (LA)Louisiana seeksto expandfloodrecoveryprograms for homeowners (BatonRougeAdvocate,LA) Affordable Housing (TX)Nirenbergannounces creationof majorhousingtaskforce,laysoutvisionforcity(SanAntonioExpress-News, TX) (TX)Nirenberg FormsHousingTaskForceto AddressAffordability, Gentrificat ion (RivardReport,TX) (CA)LA'sHousingCrisis:MuchWorsethanYouThink(CityWatchLA,CA) FairHousing Trumpcouldundermine civilrightsprogressmorethananyotherpresident(TheHill) Homelessness (DC)Homeless LGBTyouthfinda placeto calltheirownin D.C.(Washington Post) (OK)Initiativeto endchronicandveteranhomelessnessstillgoingstrong(TulsaWorld,OK) (UT)Utahteacherwantsweddinggiftssentto homeless, nother(Washington Post) (CA)Sacramento Countycan'tarrestitswayoutof homelessness (Sacramento Bee,CA) PublicandIndianHousing(PIH) (CTINewHaven'sChurchStreetSouthquiet,butfamiliesremain(NewHavenRegister,CT) /\Ml fPAl Philadelohia HousingAuthorityHoldsConference OnChangingPolicies(KYW-TV, PA) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001178 (VA)Charlottesville, "happiestcityin America"- butfor whom?(Salon) Sustainability TheTrumpadministration justdisbandeda federaladvisorycommittee on climatechange(WashingtonPost) NationalNews FleecingAmerica's builders(TheCenterfor PublicIntegrity) TheComplexRelationship BetweenInnovation andEconomic Segregation (TheAtlanticCitylab) TreasurySecretaryMnuchinRejectsCallsto Resign,DefendsPresident Trump(WallStreetJournal) (NY)ThewarinsideTrumpVillage(Grain 's NewYorkBusiness,NY) (VA)TimKaine column : Virginiansmustrespondto thispainby accelerating progress(Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) (WA)Trumpwonplacesdrowningin despair . Canhe savethem?(SeattleTimes,WA) (WA)Thisweekwe'resittingdownracismandstandingupfor Seattlemayor(KUOW) Headlines TheWashington Post TheNewYorkTimes TheWallStreetJournal ABCNews NBCNews CBSNews Washington Schedule President VicePresident Houseof Representatives Editorial Note:ThisBriefrepresents summarized content- clickon the hyperlinkto accessfull-textarticlesforthesenews summar ies. HUDNewsandOpinion /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001179 BenCarsonto Speak at PolsonHousingConfer ence (Flathead Beacon , Kalispell, MT) Flathead Beacon (8/21/2017 4:45AM,JustinFranz) Housingsecretarywillgive keynoteaddressat Native AmericanHousingAssociation meeting Secretaryof Housingand UrbanDevelopment BenCarsonwill be visit NorthwestMontanaon Monday. Carsonwill be deliveringthekeynoteaddressat the NativeAmericanHousingAssociation 's summermeetingat the KwaTaqNuk Resortin Polsonon Aug. 21. Accordingto a pressrelease,Carsonwillspeakabout"healthy,affordablehousing for tribalcommunities andeliminatingburdensome regulationsthat inhibitprosperityandself-sufficiency ." Carson,a notedneurosurgeon, wastappedby PresidentDonaldTrumpto leadthe U.S. Department of HousingandUrban Development earlierthisyear. Carsonunsuccessf ully ranfor the Republicanpresidentialnominationin 2016. In2014, Carsonspokeat a fundraiserfor StillwaterChristianSchoolin Kalispell. HUDsecretaryBenCarsonto speakin Polson(KalispellDailyInter Lake,MT) Kalispell Daily Inter Lake (8/19/2017 7:11AM, Staff) On Monday , August21, U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment SecretaryBenCarsonwillbe in Polsonon Monday, Aug. 21 to deliverkeynoteremarks at the UnitedNative AmericanHousingAssociation summermeeting . The conference at KwaTaqN uk Resortis a gathering of Native Americanhousingauthoritiesfromthe GreatPlainsregion. While in Montana , the Carsonwillalsomeet withUNAHA leadership,tribal membersandvisit localcommunitiesto learnabout thestatusof affordablehousingon triballands. Affordablehousingin focusin Polson(MissoulaMissoulian , MT) MissoulaMissoulian (8/20/2017 5:23AM,PerryBackus) POLSON - For a bit morethana week,stateandfederalofficialsfocusedtheirattention on affordab le housing in thetownof Polson. Lastweek, Gov.SteveBullockjoineda ceremonialgroundbreaking celebrationin frontof a newmultifamily affordablehousing unitthatis scheduledto opensometimein December. On Monday , Aug. 21, U.S.HousingandUrbanDevelopment SecretaryBenCarsonwill delivera keynoteaddressthat a newsreleasesaidpromisesto "discusshealthy,affordablehousingfor tribalcommun ity andeliminating burdensome regulations thatinhibitprosperityandself-sufficiency ." Carsonalsoplansto speakto membersof the UnitedNative AmericanHousingAuthorityfromthe GreatPlains regionandvisit localNative Americancommu nitiesto learnfirsthandthestatusof affordablehousingon tribal lands. Carsonis scheduledto speakat theKwaTaqNuk Resortin Polsonat 3 p.m. HUDin limbo:Topjobsunconfirmed , keydecisionsunmade(NationalMortgageNews) National Mortgage News (8/18/201712:00 PM, BrianCollins) WASHINGTON- WhenPam Patenaudewasnominated by PresidentTrumpas the No.2 at the Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment , shewassupposedto helpmakeup for the inexperience of theleaderof theagency,the retired neurosurgeon BenCarson. Butfour monthslater,Patenaude 's nominationremains in limbo,as doesthatof PaulCompton,thepickto bethe department's generalcounsel. \. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001180 Thathasleft HUDfacinga leadershipcrisis,withotherkeyroleslikethe headof the FederalHousingAdministration andGinnieMaegoingunfilledbytheTrumpadministration. "If youarea defenderof the missionof HUD,youaregoingto wantHUDto havea No.2 chiefoperatingofficerlike Pamas deputysecretaryanda generalcounselin placeso youcangiveSecretaryCarsonmorestaffandmorecapacityto runthe agency,"saidBill Killmer,senior vicepresidentfor legislativeandpoliticalaffairsat the MortgageBankersAssociation. While otheragencieshavealsobeenhamstrung withseniorjobsunfilled,theproblem is particularly acuteat HUDbecause Carsonacknowledges he lackspriorexperience . It hasleft keydecisions,includingwhetherto lowerFedera l Housing Administration premiums, unresolved for longstretchesof timewhileCarsonwaitsfor hisseniorstaffto arrive. It's notclearwhythe Senatehasnotactedon Patenaude, a formerHUDassistantsecretarywhois nowpresidentof theJ. RonaldTerwilligerFoundation for HousingAmerica's Families.Hernominationwasapprovedby theSenateBankingCommittee in April.Democrats lacktheabilityto filibusternominees,butby Senatetradition,a singlelawmake r cansometimes placea hold on a nominee. Someindustryobserverspointedto Sens.ElizabethWarren,D-Mass. , andRobertMenendez, D-N.J., as likely holdingPatenaude up.Democrats objectedto heraftershedefendedPresidentTrump'sbudgetrequestto slashfundingfor HUD. (Congressappearsto haveignoredTrump's request,withtheappropriations panels in bothchambersapproving billsthat wouldfundHUDat itscurrentlevel.) A spokesperson for Warrendid notreturncallsseekingcomment;a spokesman for Menendez saidtheNewJerseyDemocrat wasnotinvolved. "Whilethesenatorhascertainlyexpressedconcernsaboutthe president's fiscalyear2018budgetrequest,hedoesnothavea holdon thenominees," thespokesman said. EdwardMills,a financialpolicyanalystandmanagingdirectorat FBRCapitalMarkets,saidthe delayin fillingcrucialhousing positionsis a "reflectionof howfar we havecomesincethefinancialcrisis."The housingmarkethasstabilizedand"it showsthat housingis notthe priority it usedto be,"Millssaid. To be sure,someofficialshavebeenconfirmedto jobsat HUD. TheSenatevotedAug. 3 to approvemorethan70 nominees for variousgovernment agencies,includingAnnaMariaFariasas HUDassistantsecretaryfor Officeof FairHousingandEqual Opportunity andNeal Rackleffas theassistantsecretaryfor theOfficeof Community PlanningandDevelopment. "Wefinallyhavetwoof ourfourSenate -confirmedfolkson board.... Still,it wouldbe niceto haveourdeputyandourgeneral counselaboard,"a HUDspokesman said,referringto Patenaude andCompton. Butothertopjobsaren'tevenin the pipeline.BrianMontgomery , whopreviously servedas FHAcommissioner underPresident GeorgeW. Bush,is widelyexpectedto be nominated againfor thejob.David Kittle, a formerchairmanof the MortgageBankers Association, is saidto beTrump's pickfor Ginnie Mae. Despitemonthsof speculation,however,theyhavenotbeenofficiallyannounced. "It is hardto understand whyMontgomery and Kittle arebeingheldup," saida source,whospokeon conditionof anonymity . Killmersaidthatwitheverynewadministration , "theclearanceprocesshasbecomemoreintenseandlaboriousandtakesmore time. Eachnominat ion hasa differentrhythmor tempo." It appearsto be taking longerfor Montgomery go throughthe nomination clearanceprocessbecauseof hiswork in the private sectorandpossibleconflictsof interestas a co-founderandmanaging directorof the Collingwood Group,a mortgageconsulting firm. "I havebeenwaitingfor the FHAnomination," Millsat FBRCapital Marketssaid."Thatwill be onethe mostcompelling thingsin relationto thedirectionwheretheTrumpadministration wantsto go withits housingpolicy.It is unclearif the newadministration pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001181 wantsto shrinkFHAor expandit." If Montgomery is chosen,"therewon'tbe an aggressivereduction,"Mills said. Butthe newFHAcommissioner will be lookingfor redundancies betweenareasservedby the FHAandthoseservedby Fannie Maeand FreddieMac. "Andseeingif youcan reducethatoverlap,"Millssaid. Alsoin the mixis the roleof the FHAin anyfuturehousingfinancesystem. HouseFinancialServicesCommitteeChairmanJeb Hensarling, R-Tex.,has beentryingto limitthe activitiesof the government sponsoredenterprisesandthe FHAfor severalyears. SenateBankingCommitteeChairmanMikeCrapo,R-ldaho,meanwhile, hasindicatedrecently that hewantsGSEreformto "includeconsideration of FHAas well,"Killmersaid."Soit is notjust a Housething." Fearof reassignments, buyoutspushes HUDto more transparent change management(Federal News Radio) Federal News Radio (8/18/201711:15AM, JasonMiller) Forthe Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment, the effortto restructureitselfis not an exercisein workforcereduction. HUDpoliticalappointeessaytheyunderstand the realimpacton moralemovingseniorexecutivesor offeringbuyoutscouldhave on the agency. DavidEagles,the chiefoperatingofficerof HUD,saidthe departmenthasspenta lotof timetryingto mitigateany concerns aroundthe currentor upcomingpersonnelandprocesschanges. "Wehavebeencommitted to a highly engagedprocess.WhatI'm reallyproudof at HUDis this hasreallybeenanemployee-up plan. We've gottena lot of feedbackfromall levelsof HUD,andthatincludesthe field, headquarters, frontlineandsenior leadership , hundredsof recommendations andwe've distilled thoseintosomegoodideas," Eaglessaid, in an exclusiveinterview withFederal NewsRadio."WhatI'm excitedaboutis peopleunderstand thatwe've gotto be veryfocusedon, andthis is a governmentwide issue, on empowering peopleto besuccessful whofor yearsandfor decadesanddecadeshavehadnew rulesandregulationsandnewideasjust pile on top of federalagenciesandeveryyearit getsmorehamstrung to beableto do whatyouneedto do to beeffective ." EaglessaidHUD's leadershiphasreachedoutto employeesthroughemails,onlinesurveysandmeet-and-greets overthe last fewmonths.Hesaidthe goalwastwo-fold: first,to hearfromemployeesaboutwhatcouldbe changedoverthe shortandlong term,suchas newlightingin officesor a newcoatof paintto brightenthewalls; second,to developthe agency's planto restructure , reformandreorganize as requiredby PresidentDonaldTrump. Eaglessaid he expectsthe Officeof Management andBudgetto approveHUD'sreorganization planby mid-Septembe r. Hesaid becausethe planstillwasconsideredpre-decisional, hecouldn't talk muchaboutit. "Noideawastoo bigor too smallandwe've receivedhundredsof ideasfromthatprocess,"Eaglessaid. "Thereare threelevels thatyou haveto befocusedon:Thefrontline,whichis clearlythe mostimportantandwe'veengagedthemthroughthoseforums andconversations. At thesecondlevelis whatI'll call the middlemanagement layer.Thesearethe coupleof hundredfolks that drive morale.Theyareprobablyresponsible for 80 percentof the morale.Theyget a lotthe workdoneandareveryimportantfor us as well." Eaglessaid thethirdbucketis senior leadershipthatcanunifya hostof White Houseinitiativessuchas the executiveorderto reduceregulations , the fiscal2018budgetrequestandperformance management. Eaglesreadilyadmittedmanyideascomingfromemployees andfromseniorleadershiparen'tnewor different.Hesaidthe biggestchangeis the factthisrestructuring effortis happening at the beginningof an administration versustowardthe end. /\ VI t l pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001182 HesaidHUDwilldevelopa 12-to-18monthplan withspecificmetrics thatemployees,citizens,government auditorsand lawmakerscantrackon a publicdashboard , andthenreassessprogressandadjustas appropriate. [Editorialnote:consultsourcelinkfor furtherreading] HUDSecretaryBenCarsonrevealsvandalsattackedhisVirginiahome(HousingWire) HousingWire (8/21/20174:45AM, KelseyRamirez) Respondsto hate-incidents in Charlottesville BenCarson,U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment secretaryrevealedWednesday hisVirginiahomewas vandalized . Aftertheviolencein Charlottesville, Virginia,Carsonpostedhis responseto his Facebookaccount,revealinghatecrimeshe experienced himself. In his post,CarsonrevealedhisVirginiahomewasvandalizedwith anti-Trumprhetoric,butthathisneighborssteppedupto help. "Morerecentlyour homein Virginiaalongwiththatof a neighborwasvandalizedby peoplewhoalsowrotehatefulrhetoricabout PresidentTrump,"hewrote."Wewereout of town,butotherkind,embarrassed neighborscleanedup mostof the messbefore we returned ." TheHUDsecretaryalsotookthe momentto givea secondinstancein whicha neighborput up a confederate flag, butthatin thesesituations,it is importantto takethe highroad. "Inbothinstances,lessthankindbehaviorwasmetby peopletakingthe highroad,"Carsonwrote."We couldall learnfromthese examples.Hatredandbigotryunfortunately stillexistsin ourcountryandwe mustall continueto fightit, but let'susethe right tools. [NY]Arkercompletes $38Mrehabat StatenIslandcomplex(RealEstateWeekly) Real Estate Weekly (8/18/20174:31PM,Staff) TheArkerCompanies hascompleteda $38millionrehabilitation andpreservation projectat ElbeeGardens , a 178-unitaffordable housingdevelopment at 1950CloveRoadin the Grasmereneighborhood of StatenIsland.Situatedon nearlyeight-acresof land,ElbeeGardensis a six-storyelevatorbuildingthatwas initiallyfinancedas a HUD236projectandconstructed in the early 1970s.Theprojecthadnot receivedanysignificantcapitalimprovements sinceit wasfirst rentedup in 1973.HPDalsoprovided fourpercentLow-Income HousingTaxCredits, resultingin approximately $14millionin tax credit equity. Thefinancing incorporatesa permanentdayonestructurewithcreditenhancement fromFreddieMac. WellsFargois the tax creditinvestorandlimitedpartnerfor the project.Officialsfromthe NewYorkCityHousingDevelopment Corporation, HPDandthe US Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment joinedTheArkerCompanies andprojectpartners to celebratethe completiton of the project."Preserving andimprovingourexistingaffordablehousingstockis a keystrategyin meetingNewYork's housingneeds"saidLynnePatton,HUDRegionalAdministrator for NewYorkandNewJersey."The extensiverenovations at ElbeeGardenswill keepthishousingviableandkeepthe Grasmerecommunity thrivingfor the next generationof NewYorkers ." [NY]Hereisthe officialresumeof the personTrumpputin chargeof federalhousingin NewYork(Washington Post) Washington Post (8/18/20178:54AM,TracyJan) ThepersonPresidentTrumptappedthissummerto overseeoneof the largestregionsunderthe Department of Housing& UrbanDevelopment is a longtimeTrumpfamilyemployeewithno experiencein housing,accordingto the one-pageresume LynnePattonsubmittedas partof the transition. Pattonbeganworkingfor Trump'sson Ericin 2009as thevicepresidentof hisfoundationandas hisprimaryaide.Sheoversaw all aspectsof hisbusiness, charityandpersonalobligations. Thatincludedhis homeandspousalresponsibilities as well as pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001183 coordinating events. Shewaspromotedin 2012to betheTrumpfamily'ssenioraide andchief of staff, servingas the principal contactbetweenthefamily membersandall corporatepartners,headsof stateandhigh-enddonors.Specifically, sheworkedfor theTrumpchildren , DonaldJr., Tiffany,lvankaandEric andhiswife, Lara.DuringDonaldTrump's presidentialcampaign,Patton workedas hissenioradviser andfamily liaison,focusingon minorityengagement. Shewasalsoa prime-time speakerat the 2016Republican NationalConvention. InJune, HUDSecretaryBenCarson,an acclaimedneurosurgeon with no expertisein housingpolicyeither,chargedPattonwith running theagency's regionalofficeoverseeingNewYorkand NewJersey.Herappointmentstirredcontroversy becauseof her lackof experience andthefactthatTrumphasa 4 percentstakein a Brooklyn development , StarrettCity, thatis thenation's largestsubsidizedhousingcomplex . Pattonis oneof 10 regionaladministrators for HUD,an agencythathasa $48.7billionbudgetthisyear.Herpositionpays $161,900a year. "Theadministration prioritizeshiringfamilyfriends,employees andpeoplewhohaveexpressedloyaltyto the president,raising real questionsaboutwhythe presidentwantsherthere," said AustinEvers,a formerStateDepartment attorneyunderPresident BarackObamawhonowheadsthegovernment watchdoggroupAmericanOversight."Thisunderscores thatthisadministration doesnotprioritizequalifications at all, includingfor thisveryimportantjob whichoverseesbillionsof dollarsof taxpayermoney." Pattontoldthe Postin an email thatas regional administrator, sheservesas theprimaryliaisonfor localagenciesandcity officialsas it pertainsto housingissuesbeforetheTrumpadministration - a job shesayssheis uniquelypositionedfor givenher longhistoryas "gatekeeper" to theTrumps."I am notdeterminingfixed-ratemortgageloanrates.Nordo I haveanyoversightor undueinfluenceas to individualgrantdistribution or projectfunding, " Pattonwrote. PattonhasofficiallyrecusedherselffromanydecisionsinvolvingtheStarrettCityhousingdevelopment , signinga "conflictof interestdisqualification" memorandum on July12. AmericanOversight , formedby a groupof lawyersafterTrump'sinaugurat ion to monitortheadministration's ethicsandexpose anypotentialconflictsof interest,obtainedPatton's officialresumethrougha Freedomof Information Act requestof theresumes of politicalappointeesacrossvariousfederalagencies . [MD]Demo crats demandKushnerrelated housingrecords(CBSNews) CBS (8/19/2017 2:05PM, KathrynWatson) MarylandDemocrats aredemanding a slewof recordsfromKushnerCompanies LLCafterreportsthatitssubsidiaries'apartment complexesreceivingpublic housingpaymentsaregettingjudgesto orderthearrestof delinquentrentersandmaking rent paymentsunnecessari ly difficultfor tenants. PresidentTrump's son-in-lawandsenioradviserJaredKushnersteppeddownas CEOof KushnerCompanies whenhejoined theWhite House,butretainsa significant financialstakein the business.Thefirm hasreceived$6.1 millionin federalrental subsidiesthroughthe Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment (HUD)for threeapartmentcomplexesin Marylandsince January2015,accordingto a recentBaltimoreSunreport. Thosesubsidieshelptenantspaytheirrent.ButtheSunreportedKushnerCompan ies is "themostaggress ive [firm]in Maryland" in usinga debtcollectiontacticthaturgesjudgesto arrestpeoplewhofail to appearin courtfor unpaidrent,andhassoughtthe civilarrestof morethan100formertenants.The NewYorkTimesandProPub licaalsorecently reportedKushnerCompanies doesn't allowresidentsto payrentwithmoneyorders,requiringindividuals andfamilieswithoutcheckingaccountsto visita local Walmartor cashexpresscompanyandpay$3.50for everytransaction. "If thesereportsareaccurate,theyraiseveryseriousandtroublingconcernsaboutwhetherKushnerCompanies andits subsidiaries arecomplying withHUD's housingqualitystandardsto ensurethesafetyandhealthof theirowntenants,"Maryland Democrat ic Sens.BenCardinandChrisVanHollen,andfourotherMarylandDemocrats in the House,wroteto Kushner Companies on Friday. /\M ~ l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001184 (MD]MarylandDemocrats requestdetailson JaredKushnerapartmentholdingsin state(BaltimoreSun, MD) Baltimore Sun (8/18/2017 2:43PM,DougDonovan) Congressional Democrats fromMarylandareaskingfor thousandsof pagesof documents to reviewthe businesspracticesof the apartmentrentalcompanyownedby JaredKushner,son-in-lawandsenioradviserto PresidentDonald Trump. Ina letterFriday, Sens.BenCardinandChris VanHollenand Reps. ElijahE. Cummings , CA DutchRuppersberger , JohnSarbanesandAnthony BrowntoldKushner 's firmthatit mustabideby U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment regulations becauseits tenantsreceivefederalrentalsubsidiesthroughthe Housing Choicevoucherprogram.The KushnerCos.own17apartment complexesin Maryland,mostof themin BaltimoreCounty.Thelawmakers , whorepresentareaswithKushnerproperties, want documents thatdetailthe NewYork-basedcompany 's vouchercontractswithHUD, inspectionreports,lawsuitsfiledbythefirm againstformertenantsandinformationaboutanypotentialconflictsof interestfor Kushner. The BaltimoreSunposteda storyonlinethisweekdetailingthefirm'slegal effortsto collectunpaidrentfromformertenants, includingrequestingbodyattachments, thecontroversial practicein whichjudgesorderthe arrestof civildefendants for allegedly failingto appearin court.TheSunhasreportedthatthe KushnerCos.havefiled1,240civillawsuitsagainstformertenantsin Marylandfor unpaiddebts,actionsthat haveincludedrequeststo haverentersarrested.TheSunhasreportedthatthreeof the company's17 apartmentcomplexes in Marylandhavereceived$6.1millionin HUDHousingChoice voucherpaymentson behalf of 268tenants.TheWhiteHousetoldtheSunin FebruarythatKushnerwouldnotparticipatein anypolicydecisionsrelatedto thevoucherprogramto avoidthe potentialfor conflictsof interest. [Editorialnote:consultsourcelinkfor additionalinformation] [MD]U.S. Lawmakers SeekKushnerCompanyRecordson MarylandApartments (ProPublica) ProPublica (8/18/2017 8:06PM,AlecMacGillis) Democrats fromthestate's congressional delegationsayarticlesby ProPublica, The NewYorkTimesMagazineandThe BaltimoreSunraise'veryseriousandtroublingconcerns'aboutwhetherKushner 's businesses complywithfederalhousing standards. Maryland 's twoU.S. senatorsandfourof its U.S.Houserepresentatives , all Democrats , senta lettertodayto thelargerealestatecompanyownedbythefamilyof JaredKushner,PresidentDonald Trump's son-in-lawandsenioradviser,demand ing information aboutthecompany 's management of 17 apartmentcomplexes it ownsin thestate. Theletterto KushnerCompanies camein responseto a May23 articleco-published by ProPublica andTheNewYorkTimes Magazineinvestigating management practicesat the rentalcomplexes, mostof whicharein the suburbsof Baltimore,aswellas an articlethisweekin TheBaltimoreSunthatrevealedadditionaldetails. Theoriginalstorydescribedthe highlyaggressive legaltactics thatKushnerCompanies hasusedto pursuetenantswhoowed backrentor hadlefttheirleasesearly- eventenantswholeftthecomplexes wellbeforethecompanyboughtthemin 2012and theyearsfollowing . In manyof thehundredsof casesbroughtby thecompany,it pursuedtenantsin courtfor years,withlate feesandcourtfeesexpandingtheclaimsto amountsfar abovewhatwasinitiallyowed. Thearticlereportedseveralinstancesin whichthecompanysoughtpaymentevenwhentenantswereableto provideproofthat theyhadfollowedthetermsof the lease. Thearticlealsodescribedthe shoddyupkeepof manyof thecomplexes' roughly9,000 units,whereproblemssuchas ceilingleaks, miceandmoldare rampant. TheSunarticlethisweekreportedthatin 105instances , thecompanywentso far as to seekthecivilarrestsof tenants who failedto appearin courtto addressallegationsof unpaiddebt- morethananyotherlandlord in thestateoverthesameperiod. Courtrecordsshowthat20 formerKushnertenantswerein factdetained,thepaperreported.Thepaperalsodisclosedjust how dependent thecompany's complexesareon federalhousingvouchersfor rentalrevenue.Whilemanyof thecomplexes ' tenants paytheirownrent,thepaperdetermined thatat threeof thecomplexes alone,thecompanyhasreceived$6.1millionin federal rentalsubsidiessinceJan.1, 2015. Intheirletter,MarylandSens.ChrisVanHollenandBenCardinandthefourcongressmen - Elijah Cummings (theranking pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001185 Democratic on the HouseGovernment OversightCommittee) , DutchRuppersberger, JohnSarbanesandAnthonyBrown- note thatthe company'srelianceon subsidiesfromthe HousingChoiceprogram(Section8) obligesit to followDepartment of Housing andUrbanDevelopment rules.UnderHousingChoice,each"dwellingunitmustpassthe program'shousingqualitystandards andbe maintained up to thosestandardsas longas the ownerreceiveshousingassistancepayments. " Therulesspecifythat each"dwellingunitandits equipmentmustbe in sanitarycondition"and"mustbefree of verminandrodentinfestation ." [VA]Portsmouth publichousingtenantshavebeenfightingmoldforyearswithlittlehelpfromPRHA(NorfolkVirginianPilot,VA) Norfolk Virginian-Pilot (8/19/201710:17AM, AnaLey) Themoldhasreachedat leasteightfirst-floorhomesin the HamiltonPlaceapartmentcomplex in the lastfouryears,shiftingfrom whiteto greento blackas it creepsalongwalls,carpetsand,finally,furnishingsandotherbelongings. Low-income tenantstheresaythey're sickof scrubbingthe stuffout.Theywantthe city's HousingAuthorityto get rid of it, and now,afterquestionsfromTheVirginian-Pilot, so doesthe federalgovernment. "Weare inhalingthis,"saidDonnaQuinerly,whoseapartmentoff TurnpikeRoadwasso badlyinfestedthatlastweekshetossed out a livingroomsetcoveredin a sourfilm. Shefearsthatit's hurtingherson,whohasbeenhospitalized twicewithsevererespiratoryproblemssinceFebruary, accordingto medicalrecords. Quinerlysaidshefirst reportedthe problemabouttwoyearsago,andalthoughshe'sbeengivencreditson herrentandthe occasionalvisitfroma maintenance worker,officialswiththe Portsmouth Redevelopment andHousingAuthoritydidn't offerto moveheruntilWednesday afternoon- abouttwo hoursafterThePilotaskedpropertymanagersaboutthe problem. At leastoneformerneighborsaidshewasso fed up, shemovedout eventhoughherrentis nowtwiceas expensiveat an unsubsidized homein Chesapeake. "I hadto go,"saidIvoryDupree,48, whomovedout aboutfouryearsagoafterthrowing awaya mattress. PropertymanagerNatalieHoneybluerefusedto speakwithThe Pilot,referringinquiriesto PRHA's mainoffice. "My nameor my likenessbetternot be in anyreportsin the newspaper ," shesaidbeforeaskinga reporterto leavethe property'smanagement officeWednesday afternoon. NewlyhiredPRHAExecutiveDirectorEdwardBlanddeclinedmultiplerequeststo comment. Sometenantsinterviewed thisweeksaidthey've longstruggledwith moldbut haven't reportedit out of fearof retaliation."I don't wantto be evicted,"saidonewomanwhohasthrownoutseveralcouches,mattresses anddressersin the pasttwoyears."When youwalkin my house,you cansmellit. It smellssour,it smellswet,andit smellslikemildew," Jonessaid.Shereportedthe problema yearagobutsaidpropertyofficialsneverfollowedup. LisaWolfe,a regionalspokeswoman for the U.S.Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment, whichoverseesthe PRHA, urgedtenantsto submitworkordersif theyspotanyproblems.Thosewhohavedoneso but stillhaven'tgottenhelpfromthe localauthorityshouldreach out to HUDto file a complaint,shesaid. OnThursday,Wolfesaidshereportedthe tenants'concernsandnotedthatthefederalagencyis lookingintothe matter."That's reallya shame," Wolfesaidwhentold sometenantsareafraidto calltheirpropertymanager . "I wishwe'd knownsooner. If we don'tknowabouta problem,we can't do anythingaboutit." [VA]GivingvetshousingFreedomin Wythe(SWVAToday,Wytheville, VA) SWVA (8/21/20175:10AM, MarkSage) U.S.Rep.MorganGriffithsaidhe'd heardplentyaboutFreedomLanebut hadn't seenit. TheWythevilleRedevelo pmentandHousingAuthorityprojectto providehomesfor veterans"lookedgoodon paper," Griffithsaid. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001186 Thenhesaidheturnedoff PeppersFerryRoadandthought"Wow. Notonlydidtheydo somethinggood. Theydidsomething great." TheRepublican congressman wasoneof severaldozenin Wythevilleon Wednesday to celebratetheribbon-cutting of a longawaitedhousingcomplexfor thosewhoservedthenation. Ownedandoperatedby theWythevilleRedeve lopmentandHousingAuthority,the24 newapartments off PeppersFerryhave alreadywelcomed12newveteransandtheir families. A roadlinedwithone-andtwo-bedroom homes,mosthandicappedaccessible , terminatesneara clubhouseon thefour-acre tract. Theribbon-cutting camea littleovera yearfromwhengroundwasbrokenfor theaffordablehousingdevelopment. Cathy Pattison,whoclosedout hereightyearson theWRHA'sseven-member boardon Wednesday , pointedoutthatthe projectcame in underbudgetandaheadof schedule. Pattisonsaidtheideafor affordableveteranhousinggotstartedin 2010, whenRandyMartin,theWRHA's executivedirector, saidnoveteranshouldbe withouta home.Theidealaydormantuntil2013, whenthehousingauthorityboughteightacresof the formerAlcoproperty. Martinsaidthatthe purchasewasmadewiththe$5 milliondevelopmentin mind. Martinsaidexecutingthe ideatookmorethantime,though.It requiredpartnerships acrossthestateandcounty,including HOPE,VeteransAffairs,theDepartment of SocialServicesandothers. Martinsaidthatmorethanhalfof the24 unitshavevoucherstiedto themto helpwithrent. SharonAlexander,thechairof theWythevilleRedevelopment andHousingAuthorityboard,askedin her openingprayerthat FreedomLanebe"a placewherewe seethe bestof humanity. " It wascertainlya placeWednesday whereJoeDeFelice , the regionaladministrator for the U.S. Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment , sawthebestof Southwest Virginia.On hisfirsttripto the region,he saidwasfallingin loveandmaynot returnto hisofficein Philadelphia. (MS]CMHAPolice,federalagentsraidhomeof accusednationwide Facebook scammerZienupSbeih(WLOX-TV ABC 13,MS) WLOX-TV ABC 13 (8/19/2017 7:48PM,Carl Monday) CLEVELAND , OH(WOIO)- Thewomanaccusedin a nationwideFacebookscamoperationis in morehotwater. OfficerswiththeCuyahogaMetropolitan HousingAuthorityPolice Department andan agentwiththe U.S.Office of Inspector GeneralDepartment of HousingandUrbanDevelopment wereat ZienupSbeih'shomein theVillagesof Carver Parkoff of East 45thStreetandQuincyFridayafternoon . Officersexecuteda countysearchwarrant,removingdocuments includingbanktransactions, stuffedanimalsandothertoys possiblyusedin Zienup Sbeih'sallegedonlinescams. "Thisis basedon an investigation on storyyoumade,regardingZienup Sbeih,"saidCMHAPoliceChiefAndresGonzalez. [Editorialnote:VIDEOat source]. [LA]Kennerhousingauthorityin limboafterMayorZahnasksdirectorto resign,removesremainingboardmembers (NewOrleansAdvocate,LA) New Orleans Advocate (8/21/2017 5:10AM,FaimonA. Roberts ) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001187 KennerMayorBenZahnon Fridaycalledon the directorof the city's housingauthorityto resignandremovedthe agency'stwo remainingboardmembers,effectively castingthe agencyintolimbountil a newboardcan beappointed. Lastmonth,Zahnstartedan investigationintothe agencyafterreceivingallegations of mismanagement fromresigningboard memberConnieMontgomery. Montgomery accusedMarcStarling,whowasnamedexecutivedirectorlastyear,of hiringcronies to workat the agencyandalsoof bullyingbehavior . Starling accusedMontgomery of beingdisruptiveanduncooperative in a separateletterto Zahn. Montgomery 's resignationleft thefive-member boardwithjust two members, shortof the three-memberquorumneededto take anyaction. ZahnsaidFriday hewas removingthosetwo boardmembers"forcause"andthathe wouldreplacethemwith newmembers"in theverynear future." Hepointedto someof the thingsthatMontgomery citedin herletter,suchas issueswithprocurement andthe cancellationof somecontractswithvendors,whichZahnsaidweredone"withoutduecause." A city investigation "foundnumerousinstancesof potentialethicalandprocedural violations,whichat the veryleastgivean overwhe lmingsenseof improprietyat the KennerHousingAuthority,"Zahnsaidin a statement. Zahnalso citedStarling'sresume,whichshoweda graduatedegreein urbandevelopmentfromBelfordUniversity , an unaccredited , now-defunct institutionthathadno physicaladdress.ZahnalsosaidthatStarling hadleft twopreviousleadership postsat the U.S.HousingandUrbanDevelopment Department underallegationsof misconduct. [LA]Kennermayorgutshousing board, seeks execsresignation (KLFY-TV 10 Lafayette, LA) KLFY-TV 10 Lafayette (8/19/20172:21PM,ChevelJohnson,AssociatedPress) NEWORLEANS(AP)- A suburbanNewOrleansmayorhasguttedthe KennerHousingAuthority 's five-member boardand calledfor the resignationof the agency's executivedirector. MayorBenZahncalledfor an investigationafteroneof the agency's boardmembers,ConnieMontgomery , resigned . Shesent Zahna letterdatedJuly 5 claimingactionstakenby ExecutiveDirectorMarcStarling, BoardChairwoman FayeMathews , and BoardAttorneyDonRichard hadviolatedthe HousingAuthority'sprocurement policy,Louisianacivil servicerulesandstate statutesandbylawsof the authority. Montgomery 's resignationleftthe boardwithjust twomembers,shortof the three-member quorumneededto takeanyaction. Zahnsaidamongthe reasonsfor hisdecisionFridaywasStarling'scancellationof a multi-vendorcontractwithoutduecauseand questionable creditson hisresume. [LA]KennerMayordismantles KennerHousingAuthorityBoard,demandsresignationfromexecutivedirector(WVUETV, LA) WVUE-TV (8/18/20176:56PM,Staff) KennerMayorBenZahncomplete ly removedall membersof the KennerHousingAuthorityBoardandcallsfor the immediate resignation of ExecutiveDirectorMarcStarling. In a newsrelease,Zahnsayshe wasalarmedto learnStarling'sresumeshows, "graduateworkfroma fictitiouscollegecalledBelfordUniversitywith no physicallocation,culminating with hisreceipt of a Master'sDegreein UrbanDevelopment, as wellas hisdeparturefromtwo previousHUDleadershipposts."Kennerofficialssay Starlingalsovoluntarilyvacateda HUDExecutive Directorpositionin RhodeIslandamidallegationsof mismanagement, andhe wasremovedfroma similar postin Floridabyfederalinvestigators . Kennerlaunchedan investigation intothe HousingAuthority Boardaftera boardmember , ConnieMontgomery, resigned. Shesentthe mayora letterdatedJuly5 claimingactionstakenby Starling,BoardChairpersonFayeMathews,andBoard AttorneyDon Richard hadviolatedthe HousingAuthority 's procurement policy,Louisianacivilservicerulesandstatestatutes pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001188 andbylawsof the authority . At the time, Zahncalledon the FBI,the U.S. Attorney,the JeffersonParish DistrictAttorneyandthe city'sinternalauditor,amongothersto investigatetheallegationsmadein Montgomery 's letter."Ourinternal investigationfound numerousinstancesof potentialethicalandprocedural violations,whichat theveryleastgivean overwhe lmingsenseof impropriety at the KennerHousingAuthority,"Zahnsaid. "Thiswill not be tolerated,especiallygiven the missionof thisvery importantorganization." [LA]KennermayorremovesentireHousingAuthorityBoard,callsfor Exec.Director'sresignation (WWL-TVNew OrleansChannel4, LA) WWL-TVNewOrleansChannel4 (8/18/201711:32 PM, WWL-TV) KENNER- MayorBenZahnremovedthe entireKennerHousingAuthorityBoardfromtheirpositionsand hascalled for the resignation of the department's ExecutiveDirector. Accordingto a statementfromthe Cityof Kenner,ExecutiveDirectorMarStarling's resumeshowedgraduateworkfroma fictitiouscollegecalled"BelfordUnivers ity,"culminatingwith hisreceiptof a Master's Degreein UrbanDevelopment.Theresume alsoshowedthatStarlinglefttwo previousHUDleadershippositionsaroundthe country,but in realityhe vacatedoneposition amidallegationsof mismanagement andwasremovedfromanotherbyfederal investigators. MayorZahncalledfor an investigation intothe KennerHousingAuthorityafteroneof its boardmembers,ConnieMontgomery , resigned.Herresignationleftthe boardwithonlytwomembers,makingit unableto takeanyofficialaction. "Ourinternalinvestigationfoundnumerousinstancesof potential ethicalandprocedura l violations,whichat the veryleastgivean overwhelming senseof impropriety at the KennerHousingAuthority.Thiswill not betolerated,especiallygiventhe mission of this veryimportantorganization," Zahnsaid. The releasesaidthe mayorplansto replaceto boardmembersin the "Verynearfuture"andbring in a third-partycontractorto trainandcounselthe incomingboard. [LA]OurViews:Louisiana 's pastcouldprovidea blueprint for howFEMAcouldrestructure disasteraid(BatonRouge Advocate, LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (8/19/201710:32AM, AdvocateEditorial) Writingchecks,the wagssay,is whatthe UnitedStatesgovernment doesbest. In a meetingmarkingthe beginningof hurricaneseason,PresidentDonaldTrumpmetwithmembersof the Cabinetandothers. Hesaidaidwouldnot be heldup in the eventof a disaster."Wedo it quickly.We do it effectively ," Trumpsaid. "Wearevery strongwithrespectto FEMA. FEMAis somethingI'vebeenverymuchinvolvedin already." While a disasteris by naturea chaoticsituation,we thinkthereare lessonsthatthe presidentandCongresscouldlearnfrom Louisiana, wherewe'vehada lot moreexperience thanevena NewYorkCity developerat thetimeof Superstorm Sandyin 2012, whonowhappensto be presidentof the UnitedStates. TheFederalEmergency Management Agencyis not perfect,but sincethe catastrophically poorresponseto hurricanesKatrina andRitain 2005,presidentsBarackObamaandTrumphaveappointedexperiencedadministrators to thiscriticaljob. Canit do betterstill? WethinkLouisianafolkscouldgive valuablelessons.Afterthe disastrousfloodsin the greaterBatonRouge area,too manypeople couldnotget accessto FEMAsoonenough.To quotea favoritelineof the congressman representing the capitalcityregion, GarretGraves,"Thefederalgovernment hasa customerserviceproblem." Graveshashelpedto do somethingaboutit, pushinglegislationto makedatabasesaccessibledirectlyin an emergency,insteadof requiringpeopleto waiton the telephonefor FEMAagentsor contractors. Thatsmallbutwelcomestepshould onlybe thefirstway in whichthe U.S. government reassesses its responseto naturaldisasters. MaybeFEMAshouldhavemoreauthority,ratherthanless. Today,hurricaneresponseis in FEMA's corner,but long-term recoveryaid - as Louisianahasfoundout againthisyear- is by lawdoledout in packetsby a dysfunctiona l budgetprocessin Congress. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001189 Thechecksthencomeviathe U.S.Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment, throughblockgrantprograms. Wedon't knockanybody,butwe cannothelpbutwonderthatthe longprocessof rulemaking andregulation-writing by HUDstandsin the wayof thepresident'sboastaboutefficientlywritingchecks. The goalis to useblockgrantfundscorrectlyandwithoutwasteor corruption . Therealityis thatstateandlocalofficialsfacea newbureaucracy thatreinventsthewheel, oneof the reasonsmostcitedfor delaysin aid afterthe2016flooding. Louisiana's membersof CongressandGov.JohnBelEdwardshavespokendirectlyto newHUDSecretaryBenCarson,who visitedNewOrleansandBatonRougeto observetheproblemsandopportunities herefirst hand. Theseissuesarecomplex.Wedon'tneeda newfederalbureaucracy midwaybetweenFEMAandHUD.Thetaxpayershouldbe protectedagainstfraudulentclaims.Butsurelytheeventsoverthelastdozenyearsin LouisianashouldleadCongressto restructurehowdisasteraid is delivered,so thatthecheckscomein a timelyfashionfor communities. [LA]TaskForceapprovesplanexpandingeligibility,increasingawardsthroughLa.'sfloodassistanceprogram(KPLCTV LakeCharles,LA) KPLC-TV (8/18/201712:56 PM, KevinFrey) TheRestoreLouisianaTaskForcehasgiventhethumbsup to a planthatwouldexpandthenumberof floodvictimseligiblefor awards.Homeowners withfloodinsuranceandremainingunmetneedsafterinsurancepayoutscouldnowbeeligiblefor an award.Thismeansabout12,000homeowners whohavealreadycompletedthesurveycouldnowhaveaccessto funding. Homeowners thatstillhaverepairsto do canhavetheircostsfullycovered . Currently, for homeowners withincomesof morethan 120percentof theAreaMedianIncome,the programonlypays50 percentof repaircosts. Homeowners withcompletedrepairscangetbe reimbursed by50 percent,which is upfrom25 percentbefore.Somechanges willrequireHUDapproval,whichcouldtakea fewdays.PatForbes,theexecutivedirectorof theOfficeof Community Development , calledthechanges"Huge.""It eliminatestheriskthatwe'regoingto havethoseneighborhoods withblightin them becausepeoplecouldn'tputtherestof themoneytogether,"he said. [LA]MoreLouisianahomeowners eligiblefor floodrecoveryaid (U.S.News& WorldReport) U.S. News & World Report (8/19/2017 2:11AM, AssociatedPress) DENHAMSPRINGS, La.- Louisiana's floodrecoveryboardagreedFridayto Gov.JohnBelEdwards ' planto wideneligibilityfor a homeowner aid programby includingthosewhosefloodinsuranceproceedsdidn'tcovertheirrebuildingcosts. Grantamountsfor somehomeowners withoutfloodinsurancewhoalreadyhadbeeneligiblefor limited rebuildingaid alsowill be boosted,underprogramchangesunanimously backedbythe RestoreLouisianaTaskForce.The$1.3billionhomeowner aid programwascreatedwithfederalrecoverydollarsto helpthosewithdamagefromtheMarchandAugust2016floods.Of those withfloodinsurance , onlyelderlyanddisabled , low-to moderate-income homeowners hadbeeneligiblefor the program . Edwards ' administration determined it canbroadeneligibilitybasedon applications receivedso far. "It'sclearthatthereshouldbe enoughfundsto meetadditionalunmetneedsof affectedhouseholds," PatForbes,executivedirectorof thestate'srecovery agency,saidin a statement. About$16millionin grantshavebeenawardedto morethan550homeowners so far. Morethan 40,000people havetakenthesurveythatis thefirststepto determining eligibility. TheEdwardsadministration hasbeentryingto encouragemorepeopleto fill it out,knowingthatabout100,000homeswere estimatedto havebeendamagedby thefloods. Someof theadjustments approvedFridaywill requireapprovalfromtheU.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment, whichoverseesthefederalrecoveryblockgrantmoney.Edwards ' officeexpectsto easilygetthe necessary support. [IN]Escapingoneof the nation'sworstenvironmental disasterzones(Washington Post) Washington Post (8/20/20 17 7:29PM,Katie Mettler) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001190 InApril,EPAAdministratorScottPruittdeclaredduringa visitto EastChicagothatplaceslikeWestCalumetwouldbe histop priority.During a 90-second statementat a newsconference, he saidhe hadcometo "restoreconfidence" thatthe EPAwas "goingto get it right." Officials should"assessandmakedecisions andputthe commun ity first," hesaid, addingthathewas"taken" by hisconversation witha few residentsduringthe springvisit. "Theemotion , the passionwasjust telling," Pruittsaid. Later,in an interviewwithTheWashington Post,Pruittcriticizedpreviousadministrationsfor movingslowlyanddistributingfact sheetsandwarning signs. "Howaboutcleaningit up?Pruittsaid."Howaboutcleaning it up?" At theendof July,Pruitt's SuperfundTaskForcerecommended creatinga "top10 list"of sitesto prioritize. The administrator did not specifywhichsites,but mentionedEastChicagoto reportersat EPAheadquarters andcalledresidents ' despair "heartbreaking ." BenCarson,secretaryof HousingandUrbanDevelopment, whichoverseesthe localhousing authority,paid a visitthis month. HeacknowledgedthatWestCalumetresidentshadbeen"inconven ienced"but saidtheirrelocations were"donein a goodway." Of the hundredsof familieswhowereorderedout of WestCalumetlastsummer,Turner'swasoneof the lastto leave,dodging lettersfromhousingofficialsthreatening to shipheracrossstatelinesto Chicago.Thatwasthe cityshefleda decadeago,where momsfear notdirt but bullets.Shewantedto whiskherkidsto safergroundbutjust couldn't find any. [IN]EastChicagoresidentswantanswersaboutwaterat Saturdaymeeting(North west IndianaTimes,IN) Northwest Indiana Times (8/19/20174:52AM, SarahReese) EASTCHICAGO - Residents will be listeningSaturdayfor an answerto a simplequestion:Is the city's watersafeto drink? IndianaDepartment of Environmental Management DrinkingWaterBranchChief MaryHollingsworth will givea presentation , and Commissioner BrunoPiggottwill be in attendanceat the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency'smonthlymeeting , an IDEM spokesman said. Residents werefrustratedlast monthwhenEPARegion5 Groundwater andDrinkingWaterDivisionRegulations ManagerMiguel DelToraldid not attend.EPAofficialssaidhe wouldinsteadappearthismonthwith hiscounterparts from IDEM. EastChicagodid not respondby presstimeto questionsaboutwhetheranycityofficials plannedto attendthe meeting,which is setfor 10a.m.at the oldCarrie GoschSchoolin WestCalumet. It's beensevenmonthssinceDel Toral recommended residentscitywideassumetheyhaveleadservice linesandusewater filters,andresidentsare fed up with"inactionandlackof communication" on the partof government agencies,saidThomas Frank,a memberof the Community StrategyGroup. ''We'vebeenarticulatingourdemandsfor sevenmonthsandtherehasn't beenanyanswer,"Franksaid. "So,whatwe're goingto be puttingforwardis our plan to try to protectourownwaterandtry to addressthe issuesin absenceof anygovernment solutionsat thispoint." The Community StrategyGroupis workingto identifyfundingto conductthird-partywatertesting, he said. Residentshaveaskedto be includedon the agenda,but hadnot receivedany confirmat ion fromEPAas of lateThursday morning,saidAnjaliWaikar, attorneyfor the NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil. EPAfoundelevatedleadlevelslast fall at 18of 43 homesin the USSLeadSuperfundsite as partof a studyrelatedto its work there. Theagencylatersaidthe problem waslikelyto be systemw ide. /\M l pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001191 [IN]TheEastChicagoleadcrisis, oneyearlater: Someof community groups'criticaldemandsunaddressed (Northwest IndianaTimes, IN) Northwest Indiana Times (8/21/2017 5:10AM, LaurenCross) UpdatedAug19,2017 Aftera chaoticandrushedrelocationfor the 1,000-plusWestCalumetresidents , theCommunity StrategyGroupin a letterto HUDSecretaryBenCarsonis nowaskingthe U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentto createan EastChicago RecoveryFundto support,in part: A secondmoveprogramoption,whichwouldallowformerresidentsandtheapproximately40 voucherholderslivingelsewhere in the Superfundsiteto moveagain"withoutthetimeconstraints andbarrierscreatedbyoperationaldeficiencies ." The program wouldincludehousingcounseling andfundthecostof relocation. TheyarealsoseekingHUDto conditionfederallyfunded replacement housingso thatresidentsgetfirstpriorityrightsto movebackif theywish. Riskassessments at all homesin whichWestCalumetresidentsnowresidebecauseof thepreviousyearsof exposureto lead andarsenic. Relocation costsprogramto supportformer residentsandcoverincidentalcostsof moving,suchas newschooluniforms. A homeowner/rental propertyrelief programthatcouldoffergrantsandno-to-low-interestloansto eligible households in the Superfundsiteto remediate theirhomes,in part,to addressbasementflooding . Rentalproperties wouldalso be eligible. A HUD's Departmental Enforcement Centerbroadreviewof EastChicagoHousingAuthority's programs,statements aboutthe presenceof leadabatement in publichousing, andotheractionsandomissions anddevelop a planof action to remedypotential violations . HUD's Officeof InspectorGeneralinvestigationintothe EastChicagoHousingAuthority'sconductof staffduringtherelocation processandstatements regardingthe presenceof leadpaintin units. [Editorialnote:consultsourcefor full details]. [IL]Communication chaosin Cairo: ConfusionhasreplacedshocksinceHUDtold400 peopletheywill haveto move. {TheSouthern,IL) The Southern (8/21/2017 5:10AM, MollyParker) CAIRO- It's beenfourmonthssinceHUDofficials announced thatabout400residentswouldhaveto moveoutof theirfailing housingcomplexes in Cairoand relocateto othercommunities. Whilesomeof theshockhaswornoff sincetheannouncement, confusionanduncertainty havetakenits place. CorettaCornelius , a McBridePlaceresident,saidit's hardto geta clearansweraboutwhatoptionsareavailable for the public housingresidentswhosecomplexes areslatedfor demolition andwantto remainin thecity. 'There's no reasonwhywe shouldbe hangingwiththis stuffoverourheadsafterfour months," saidCornelius,whosharesher apartment withher4-year-old daughterandis hopingto beableto stayin Cairo."Theyneedto clearit up.It's beenfourmonths." OnApril10,HUDofficials calledresidentsof ElmwoodandMcBrideto a meetingto tellthemthatthecomplexestheycallhome areslatedfor eventualdemolition,andthattheywouldbe providedrelocationvouchersandassistancewith findingotherhomes - thoughmostlyoutsideof Cairo.Afterrepeatedcallsthat he visitthe historicalcity beforegoingthroughwitha plan thatcould threatenitsexistence,HUDSecretaryBenCarsonvisitedCairoon Aug.8, justshyof four monthsfromthedaythathis staff deliveredwhatmanyresidentsof thecity perceivedas a one-twopunch:thebuildingswill be leveledbecausetheyweretoofar goneto save,andHUDdoesnothaveplansto rebuild public housingin Cairo. ~ l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001192 At a townhallstyle meetingat the CairoJunior/Senior HighSchool, Carsontoldresidentsthatafterdriving aroundthecitywith MayorTyroneColeman,it wasclearthatthecityfacedsteepchallenges. Buthe toldresidents,to resounding applause,"I think by thegraceof Godit's possible to savethisplace." WhilevisitingCairo, Carsonalsosaidhe recommitted hisstaffto continuingto workwiththe cityto seeif moreoptionscouldbe securedfor peoplewhowantto remainin Cairo. HUD:Residentsencouraged to movebeforewinter HUDspokesman JereonBrownsaidthatthefederal housingagencyis exploringadditional optionsas a resultof Carson 's visit anda brainstorming sessionwith community leaders.Still, he saidthatresidentsarestill beingencouraged to move- andto do so beforecoldweather arrivesin a matterof months.Regardless of whatothersmayhavereadintothe hopefulmessageby Carson,or whatpeopleare hearingfromotherlocalandfederalelectedleaders,Brownsaidthat HUD'soverarching planhasnot changed. "Unfortunately, we can'tcontrolthemessagefromanyoneelse,"Brownsaid."We'vedonethisbeforeso we realizethatlivesand futurescanbe affectedbythedecision.Ultimatelyit comesdownto whotheybelieve." Brownsaidoneof the reasonstheyareencouraging familiesto movebeforewinteris becausetheAlexanderCountyHousing Authority,whichis beingrunby HUDadministrators in receivership , maynothavethefundsto repairor replacetheagingboilers thatheatthedevelopmentsif theyfail.Henotedthatresidentsweretoldin Apriltheyno longerhadto payrent- andmanyhad stoppedpayingmonthspriorto thatin protestof theirhousingconditionsandallegedmismanagement by pasthousingauthority managers. Thislackof paymentto theACHAfurtheraggravates thedeteriorated financialconditionof thehousingauthority. "We'reworkingon somefinancialmodels,weighingoptions,comparing footprints,butfor now,repairingboilers,if extensivework is required,is notfinanciallyfeasible,"he said. Fora numberof years,residentshavecomplained of inadequate heatingsystemsforcingthemto heattheirhomeswiththeir ovens,whichis extremelydangerousin anysituationandespeciallywherepeoplelivein suchclosequarters. It wasno differentthis pastwinter, eventhoughbythatpoint,HUDhadbeenin controlof theACHA's operations for closeto a year. Brownsaidthe issuefor thiswinteris thatfundsare limitedandHUDadministratorsoverseeing the local housingauthority aretryingto prioritizelimitedfundsto improvethedevelopmentsthatcanbe salvaged. "I'm notsurethatit makeslogicalsenseto repairunitsslatedeventual ly for demolitionwhenwe haveotherunitsin better conditionthatarealso in desperateneedof maintenance," Brownsaid. "The newerunits willbe aroundlongerso it actually makesmoresenseto repairthose.Thatmaynotbe seenas a compassionate answer,butit will helpthe seniorsresidingin those(other)complexes." [IL] EastSt. Louisontrack to regain localcontrolof its housingauthorit y (BellevilleNews-Democrat , IL) Belleville News-Democrat (8/19/2017 4:47AM,CarolynP. Smith) A federalhousingofficialsaidonceagainThursdaythattheEastSt. LouisHousingAuthoritywouldbe returnedto localcontrol, butno timetablewasannounced. BillTamburrino, directorof the U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment officein Baltimore,Maryland,said,"I anticipatethetransitionbackto local control,butwe havenotyet executedthetransitionagreement. " Hesaid thetargettransitiondateis Aug. 31. Tamburr ino spokeduringa meetingof the local housingauthority . Hesaidtheagreement , onceexecuted,wouldmakethem boardmembersinsteadof advisorycandidates . "Theyhaveto meetall of the requirements to be swornin accordingto state laws,"Tamburrino said. And, if everythinghappensin a timelymannerthe newfive-member board couldconductthecity'snext housingauthoritymeetingon Sept.21,Tamburrino said. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001193 NeitherEastSt. LouisMayorEmekaJackson -HicksnorMildredMotley,executivedirectorof theEastSt. LouisHousing Authority,couldbe reachedfor comment. In 1985, HUDdetermined thatthe EastSt. LouisHousingAuthorityhadsubstantially failedto meetits obligationas requiredby law.So, HUDtookovertheEastSt. LouisHousingAuthority,its projectsandprograms , asallowedby law.Sincethattime,the East St. LouisHousingAuthorityhasbeenunderHUDcontrol. Later,therewerefailedeffortsto putthehousingauthorityunderthecontrolof the St.Clair CountyHousingAuthority. In2015,EastSt. Louisfiledsuit seekingto havecontrolreturnedto thecity, buta federaljudgeruledthecourtshaveno authority to ruleon the matter. ''Weworkedon it in 2013andit didn'tworkoutthen. Now, I amglad to seeit comingbackto the cityof EastSt. Louis,"former mayorAlvin ParksJr. said. [Ml]HUDDirectorgoeson $336,000shoppingspreewithlow-incomehousingfunds(JudicialWatch) Judicial Watch (8/18/20171:03PM,Staff) HUD'sinspector generalhasalsotestifiedbeforeCongressabouttheseveremismanagement at offshootsfunctioning independently-yet federally funded-instatesacrossthe countrythathavefleecedtaxpayersoutof hundredsof millionsof dollars. Hetestifiedthathisofficediscovered morethan$200millionin questionable spendingat localpublic housingagenciessince 2012.Clearly,thisis partof a muchbroaderepidemicat HUD.A Michigan-area newspaper editorial blaststheagencyfor failing to protecttaxpayerdollarsandlow-incomefamiliesthatneedhelp.Thepiececitesotherrecentcasesin whichpublic employees stolefromHUD'sSection8 program , includinga 52-personringin Ohioandschemesin Texas,Louisiana, Arkansas,Colorado andMassachusetts. "It should be moredifficult for housingcommissiondirectorsto write checksto themselves,"theeditorial states."Andthe U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment shouldbe keepingcloserwatchoverits Section8 voucher program ." HopefullyPresidentTrump's newHUDsecretary,BenCarson,willcleansomehouseat thefraud-infested agency.We don't'needa newspaper editorialto tell usthat"HUDclearlyhasa gapin itsfiduciaryresponsib ility." [CA]Richmondmayorwantsto scrapcity's publicHousingAuthority(SanFranciscoChronicle , CA) San Francisco Chronicle (8/19/2017 4:49AM, KimberlyVeklerov) Richmond MayorTomButtis proposingthedismantling of thecity's HousingAuthority,sayingthatdiminishing fundsfromthe U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentmaketheagency 's continuedoperationsuntenable. Buttsaid dissolvingthe RichmondHousingAuthoritywouldnoteliminateexistingpublichousing,butwouldessentially divorce the cityfromfinancialresponsibility overthesubsidizedhomes.Hesaidthecity hasspentmillionsto maintainthe properties becauseHUDhasnotprovideditsfairsharefor upkeep. In callingfor theauthority 's eliminationFriday,Buttrequested thattheauthorityfirstinvestigate the inadequacy of its federal funding levels. On his proposedwitnesslist,the mayorfloateda numberof figureswhohe said couldbe subpoenaed to testify underCalifornialaw, includingHUDSecretaryBenCarson. Buttsaid HUDis "obsessed" withfaultinglocalhousingauthoritiesandhaschosento pickon a handfulof them,including Richmond 's. In hisdraftresolution , the mayor- whochairsthe bodythatgovernsthecity's HousingAuthority- pointedto a seriesof recentcomplaints fromHUD,includingtheauthority 's lackof independence fromthecitythat hasresultedin a multimillion-dollar debtowedby theauthorityto Richmond 's generalfund. "HUDhastriedto painta picturenationwide thattheyareoutthereprovidingall themoneyandtoolsandadministrative context, andthelocalagenciesjustaren't gettingit done,"Buttsaid.'That's sortof the perception they'll try to sellto you,andI don'tthink that'saccurate." HUDrepresentatives didn'timmediately respondto requestsfor commentFriday. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001194 TheRichmondHousingAuthorityoperateshalfa dozenpublichousingprojectsandadministers the Section8 voucherprogram for low-incomeresidents. A pairof auditsby HUDinvestigators lastyearreprimanded thecityauthorityfor imprope rly spending$2.2millionin federal funds,submitting falsedocumentation to thedepartment andwritingoff rentsowedby tenants. Thebottomline,Buttsaid, is thatthecity authority is notgettingthefunding it needsto operateandmeetHUD'sperformance standardsandregulations,whichhe calledarbitrary. Buttsaidthatif hisfellowHousingAuthoritycommissioners agreeto dissolvetheagency,thecitywould workto maintainthe existingpublichousingstock,buttransferit to anotherentity, suchas theContraCostaCountyHousingAuthority, HUD,a nonprofitor a privatedeveloper. . It's notworking.We've gotto finda wayout." "Thesehousingauthorities arejust beingstarved,"Buttsaid."It's notsustainable [CA]SanBernardinoCityCouncilto decide:Doesspendingfederalmoneyon homeless help?(SanBernardino County Sun, CA) San Bernardino County Sun (8/19/2017 4:47 AM,RyanHagen) SANBERNARDINO - A meeting Mondaywill decidewhetherthe citywill spend$880,000of federalmoneyon a plan to help homelesspeoplehereor returnthemoneyoutof fearsthatit will ultimatelyattractmorehomelesspeopleto thecityandburden taxpayers. Themeeting,scheduledfor 6 p.m.in theboardroomat 201NorthE St.,continuesa City CouncilmeetingWednesday where councilmemberssaidtheywouldn't approvetheplanuntiltheygot moreanswers . Thethrustof theirquestions:Willthisproject attractmorehomelesspeopleto SanBernard ino,burdeningresidentsanddiscouraging business?"Aftermeetingwith constituents , therewerea numberof concernsraised,"saidCouncilman HenryNickel."Thereremainconcernsthatas we build morefacilitiesthataccommodate thesetypeof individua ls, thatit doesattractmoreof thosetypesof individualsto our community. It servesas a magnetto attractthesetypeof individuals thatseekservices." TheCityCouncilhasalreadyapprovedtheprojectitself,whichis to convert21 apartments on GoldenAvenuenearHighland Avenueinto38 permanent housingunitsfor homelessandlow-incomeindividuals, alongwithsupportiveservicessuchasjob placementandmentalhealthcounseling . This$880,000wouldbe usedas a loanto helpthedeveloperacquirethe property. Thenonprofitin chargeof theproject,Inland EmpireHousingFirstPrograms- StepUp,hasprojectsin othercitiesandwould househomelesspeople fromthosecitiesthere,KimAlbers,the organization 's vicepresident,said duringthemeeting."SoI don't thinkin anywaythisparticular projectcouldserveas a magnet,"Alberssaid,addingthatoutreachwouldfocuson thearea immediately aroundtheproject.Councilman JimMulvihilladdedthatthe programis intensiveandlongterm- notan overnight shelter- makingit unlikelyto result in anynewpeopleon thestreets,he said. Nickelas well as Councilman JohnValdiviaandCouncilwoman Bessine RichardexpressedconcernthatSanBernard inowas takingon theburdenof othercities'homelesspopulations,attractingmorehomelessandfocusingresourceson thatissue insteadof attracting business.Thatled Richardto suggestcontinuingthediscussion later. Thecityfacesa relatively tightdeadline:ThefederalHOMEfundsmustbe spentbyAug.31,or theywill be reclaimedby theU.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentfor usein otherpartsof thecountry,accordingto citystaff. A persistentconcernamongmanyin SanBernardino - as wellas othercitieslikeRedlands, wherethe numberof homeless peoplecountedrosethisyear- is thatofferingservicesto homelesspeoplewilldrawpeoplefromothercommunities. That's why thecountyintendsto go to everycitywitha double-digit numberof homelesspeopleto bringthemintothe programandcreatea levelplayingfield,thecounty's homelessness czar, Philip Mangano, toldtheSanBernard ino CityCouncilin April. HurricaneSandy /\ VI t l pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001195 (NJ]HUD, NJWrestleOver $1MIn SandyRecovery(KYW-TV , PA) KYW-TV (8/18/201712:01PM, By DavidMadden) Thefedswantabouta milliondollarsfromthestateof NewJersey.At issue,loansgivento somevictimsof HurricaneSandythat auditorssuggestwerenoteligible.NewJerseywouldbegto differ.It comesdownto money,withthe HUDInspectorGeneral's officesayingas manyas 39 applicantsexceededincomeguidelines.LisaRyanwithNewJersey's Department of Commun ity Affairsrespondsbysayingtheauditorsarein error."Wedo admit thatthere were applicantincomeexceedances in Atlantic Countydueto a clericalerror,"RyantoldKYWNewsradio, "Butwe alsobelievethatmostof thoseexceedances wereextreme ly small. For example,oneapplicantexceededtheincomelimitby only 91 dollars." "Webelievethata lotof theseincomeexceedances , theydon't detractfromtheprogram'soverallpurposewhichwasto providehomebuyerassistance to people whowereaffected by Sandywhootherwisewould havebeennotable to purchasea home," sheadded. Thestatehasfileda formalresponsewith HUD,whichmakesthefinalcall.Ryansaysthestatehopesto workoutthe issuein a waythat"advances Sandyrecoveryin New Jerseyin a positivefashion. " [Editorialnote: VIDEOat source] GinnieMae WithNoGinnieMaePresident on Board , AnnualSummitMovedto January2018(InsideMortgageFinance) Inside Mortgage Finance (8/18/201712:51 PM, GeorgeBrooks) Ginnie Mae- whichhasn'thada confirmedpresidentsinceinaugurationday- will nothold itsannualsummit thisfall,pushing the usuallywell-attendedpow-wowto January2018.A Ginnie spokesman told InsideFHA/VALendinga newadministration and staffdepartureshavecausedorganizersto reconside r theirplans. TheTrumpadministration hasyet to announcea nomineefor the topjob at GinnieMaesinceformerpresidentTedTozerleft in January.IndustryveteranDavidKittle,whohasheldtop postsat the MortgageBankersAssociation , is rumoredto be the first choicefor thejob, butthere hasbeennoofficialannouncement or nomination . Michael Bright,a formerPennyMac executivewho joinedtheagencya fewmonthsbackas executivevicepresidentandchiefoperatingofficer, is actingpresiden t of theagency, whoseguarantees back$1.8trillionof MBS. HomeOwnership Bank of Americato Pay$6 Million to Bankrupt CoupleEvictedFromHome(WallStreetJournal) Wall Street Journal (8/18/201710:24 AM, KatyStech) ErikandReneeSundquist agreeto a settlementin theeight-year-longmortgagedispute Bankof AmericaCorp.hasagreedto paymorethan$6 millionto a Californiacouple whoa federaljudgesaidhadbeen harassedandillegallyforeclosedon by thebank's mortgageunit,ending an eight-year-long dispute. The proposedsettlementbetween the bankandErikandReneeSundquist wouldenablethem'1oenda longpersonal andlegal nightmare thathasimpactedeveryfacetof their andtheirsons' lives,"according to courtpapersthe couple filedto requestthat their 2014lawsuitagainstthebank be dropped. The dealcallsfor Bankof Americato paya fraction of thefineof morethan$46millionordered by JudgeChristopherKleinin March.In his ruling, thejudgesaidthe bank's mortgagemodificationprocessandmistakenforeclosure on theSundquists ' home in Lincoln,Calif., left themin "a stateof battle-fatigueddemorali zation." Theexactamount thatthebankwill paythe Sundqu ists is confidential, according to documents filedTuesdayin U.S.Bankruptcy Courtin Sacramento. The earlierordercalledfor the bankto paythe couple nearly $6.1 million in damages. I pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001196 (LA]Louisiana seeksto expandfloodrecoveryprograms for homeowners (BatonRougeAdvocate,LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (8/18/2017 2:55 PM, Elizabeth Crisp) As the state works to ramp up its flood recovery programs, some homeowner s still seeking assistance a year after the historic floods told a panel tasked with overseeing efforts that they are growing frustrated with the process. One by one, more than a dozen homeowners told the Restore Louisiana Task Force on Friday of inspection mix ups, delayed communications, confusion over qualifications and other issues. Members of the task force diligently took notes and vowed to help work out the kinks in the process. Officials from Gov. John Bel Edwards' administration followed up one-on-one with people in the crowd. "This will never be fast enough for any of us," said Pat Forbes, director of the Office of Community Development. The Restore Louisiana Task Force's meeting Friday took place in Denham Springs - one of the areas hardest hit by the August downpour. Officials estimate that nearly half of the Denham Springs area homeowners who had FEMA-verified loss in the flood haven't yet taken the initial step of filling out an introductory survey to get into the pipeline for assistance, about 7,500 households. Statewide, about 41,000 of the more than 90,000 homeowners who have losses verified by FEMA have filled out the survey at Statew ide, about 41,000 of the more than 90,000 homeowners who have losses verified by FEMA have filled out the survey at restore.la.gov. The task force on Friday agreed to ask for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's approval to open up the homeowner recovery program to those who had flood insurance who were previously excluded. They expect it could impact some 12,000 homeowners, who will be notified if they have taken the survey. Forbes said HUD's approval should be granted quickly. Affordable Housing [TX]Nirenberg announces creationof majorhousingtaskforce,laysoutvisionfor city(SanAntonioExpress-News, TX) MySanAntonio (8/18/2017 4:59PM,JoshBaugh) MayorRonNirenbergon Fridaylaidout hisvisionfor SanAntonio 's futurein a wide-ranging speechin whichhe declaredthat "SanAntoniois openfor business," andthatofficialsmustworkdiligentlyandquicklyto addressbotha massiveshortagein affordablehousingandgentrificat ion.Themayormadehisremarksat a NorthSanAntonioChamberof Commerce luncheon downtown.Duringa post-address newsconference , responding to an inquiryabouthis makinga majorpolicyspeechat a luncheonthatwasn't theannualStateof theCityaddress,Nirenbergsaidhe wantedto outlinehisvisionandplansandhopesto offermajorheadwayon his priorityinitiativesbythe timehegivestheannualaddressin thespring.Themayordelivered preparedremarkshe readfromteleprompters - rarelyad-libbing- andcoveredtopicssuchas transportation , crime, economic development andgentrification in the24-minutespeech. Healsoannounced thathe'sformeda newtaskforcechargedwithdeveloping a comprehensive housingpolicyfor SanAntonio, onethatwilladdressthe lackof affordablehousingandgentrification issueshere.TheMayor'sHousing PolicyTaskForcewill be led by LourdesCastro-Ramirez , theformerCEOof the SanAntonioHousingAuthoritywhowenton to becomethe principal deputyassistantsecretaryof the U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment,underthenSecretaryJulianCastro.San Antonio is facinga majorhousingcrisis,Nirenbergsaid,onethatcanno longer be ignored.In theensuingtwodecades,thecity will needmorethan500,000newmultifamily andsingle-family residences to accommodate theexpectedsurgein population. A city-funded analysisshowsthatthere's currentlya needfor 142,000affordablehousingunitsandCensusdatashownearly20 percentof SanAntoniansarelivingin poverty,he said.Thetaskforcewill developpolicyrecommendations, workingin concert withcityandnonprofitstaffers. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001197 (TX]NirenbergFormsHousing Task Force to AddressAffordability , Gentrification(Rivard Report, TX) Rivard Report (8/18/2017 6:02PM,JeffreySullivan) MayorRonNirenbergannouncedFridaytheformationof a taskforceto developa "comprehensive , compassionate" housing strategyfor the city to dealwithgrowthandrisingmedianhomeprices. "Thisis developing a newframeworkof policythatwill dealwithaffordab ilityissues, anddirectlyaddressgentrification and displacement as a priority,"Nirenbergsaid following hisspeechat the NorthSanAntonioChamberof Commerce's 2017Mayor's Visionfor SanAntonioeventdowntown . TheMayor's Housing PolicyTaskForcewillbe led byformerU.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment Principa l MarfaBerriozabal; DeputyAssistantSecretaryLourdesCastro-Ramirez . OthermembersincludeformerCityCouncilwoman GeneDawsonJr., ownerof Pape-Dawson Engineering;Jim Bailey,AlamoArchitectsassociateprincipal; and NoahGarcia, VantageBankseniorvicepresident. "Theywill be chargedwithassuringthatSanAntoniomaintainsits competitive advantagein housing affordab ilitywhilewe grow in a sustainab le way,"Nirenbergsaidto a roomfilledwithsomeof thecity's businessandgovernment leaders.Nirenbergsaid thetaskforceis necessaryto helpensurethatthecitygetsthe500,000newhousingunitsneededto accommodate expected growthoverthenext20 years, andlo makesurethatpeoplearen'tpricedoutof the neighborhoods in whichtheygrewup.The mayoralsonotedthatthecityis facingan affordab le housingshortageandneeds142,000newaffordablehousingunits. [CA]LA's HousingCrisis: MuchWorse thanYouThink(CityWatchLA, CA) City Watch LA (8/17/2017 4:40PM, DickPlatkin) DrivingthroughSkidRow, witnessinghomelessencampments near luxuryapartmentcomplexes, encountering peoplelivingin their cars, hearingstoriesaboutlongcommutesto theAntelopeValley for cheaperhousing , or readingthe latestdataof soaring housingpricesandrentsletsyouknowthatLAis in themidstof a severe housingcrisis. Thisis notnews,butthelatestreport fromtheU.S.Department andHousingandUrbanDevelopmentdocuments thatit is muchworsethanyouthought.LosAngeles andNewYorktopthe listof U.S. cities in whichresidentseitherlivein substandard housingor havea heavya rent burden.Los Angeleshas1 millionverypoorhouseholds , 57 percentof whichspendmorethanhalftheirincomeon housing,muchof whichis substandard . LA's homelesspopulationgrew by23 percent lastyear,andone of thechiefcauseswasrising rents. Mostof us cannotseeit, butaccordingto LosAngelesMayor EricGarcetti,it is there,andit canbefoundin hisJune30,2017, QuarterlyStatusReporton Directive13:Supportfor AffordableHousing.TheMayor'sgoalis to build15,000newaffordableunits between2013and2021, or approximately 2000unitsperyear.To date,LosAngeles hasbuiltslightlylessthan6,000new affordableunits,butthistotalincludespreservedaffordab le unitsandfirst-timehomebuyer loans. If thoseareexcludedfromthe Mayor's list, thetotalof actual newaffordableunitsconstructed in LosAngelessince2013is around4,000. This figureis less thanthe numberof rentstabilizedunitsremovedfromthe marketeachyear throughevictions,suchas 1370unitslostin 2016. FairHousing Trumpcouldundermine civil rightsprogressmorethananyotherpresident(TheHill) The Hill (8/18/2017 3:41PM,MayaRupertandCashaunaHill) Afterbarely eightmonthsin office, PresidentTrumphassecuredhislegacy:If leftunchecked, he willundermine civil rights progressin thiscountrymorethananypresidentin modernhistory.This weekhasshownpreviewsof this dangerousagenda. Sincebeginninghis campaign,Trumphasfannedtheflamesof racism,bigotry,andxenophobia - fromcallingMexicansrapists, making a borderwall oneof hiscentral campaignpromises, implementing a Muslimtravelban, andusingdog-whistle politicsto talk in veiledtermsaboutblackcommunities . Despitea numberof challenges to someof hismorehigh-profileattackson communities of color, Trumphaseffectivelyusedexecutive actionto significantly roll backcivil rightsenforcement in thiscountry. This month,theU.S. Department of Justiceannounced it would investigate andpotentiallysueuniversities overaffirmativeaction policiesin admissions. Priorto that, the DOJ's briefingcameon the heelsof thepresidentannouncing- viaTwitter- thathewouldbantransgender pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001198 servicemembersfromservingin anycapacityin the U.S. military.Thesehigh-profile announcements havecomeamidstof several less-reportedbuttroublingcivilrightsdevelopments, includingannouncements thattheDepartment of Housingand UrbanDevelopment is droppinga crucialcaseon exclusionary housingpolicies ; theadministration plansto significant ly limitthe officesof civilrightsat severalagencies . Justthisweek,amidstTrump's commentsthathavefurtheremboldened whitesupremacists whoseean opportunity in his presidency, HUDdealtanotherhugeblowto fairhousingwhentheyannounced thesuspension of a rulethathelpslow-income families moveto lower povertycommun ities. Withoutthisrule, low-income families- oftenfamiliesof color- willcontinueto be segregated intoloweropportunity commun ities,andit will be moredifficult to achieveintegratedneighborhoods . Homelessness [DC]HomelessLGBTyouthfinda placeto calltheirownin D.C. (Washington Post) WashingtonPost (8/19/2017 7:43PM, Madhumita Murgia) Ina bluerowhousein the District'sEasternMarket,Tiarais wiggling her hipsandsingingalongthroatily with 21 otherblack youths.Theirvoicesarevelvet.Tiara,in herrainbow-striped top,press-onbluenailsandyellowsneakersis dresseddownfor the occasion;herfriendsdazzlein redwigs,sparklyeyeliner,croptopsandleatherminiskirts. As the keyboard ist poundsoutthe melody,armsare raised,headsthrownbackandall thevoicescometogetherin a crescendo. Thegroupis Breaking Ground,a localtheatercollectivefor LGBTyouthsof color;theyarerehearsing for theirnextperformance in September , a musical extravaganza chronicling theirvariedlifestories.Hers,Tiara knows,is unusualevenamongthiseclectic group.Butfor now,sheis just revelingin the luxuryof beingherself. Likeso manyyoungtransgender people in thecity, Tiarais nota D.C.local.Shewasdrawnin becauseof thecity'sprogressive laws,vibrantLGBTcommunity andsocialsupportfor peoplelikeher.She's livingin a newly openedtransitionalhousing apartment off Benning Roadin northeastD.C., runbythe LGBTnonprofitSupporting andMentoring YouthAdvocates and Leaders(SMYA L). Thebuildingopenedits doorsto eighthomelessyouthsin January , tryingto pluga vastgapin thecity's resourcesfor youngLGBTpeoplewithouthousing ; Tiara, in herearly20s, wasthe firstresidentto movein. Nextsummer, she willhaveto moveoutandfindherownway. Thisapartmentis notmuchlikehome,sheoftenmarvels . Theghettoin Harare,Zimbabwe , wheresheliveduntillastyearis homealsoto theChipangano, the ruthlessyouthmilitialinkedto PresidentRobertMugabe.Sheworkeddiscreetlyas an LGBT youthactivist,butnooneoutsideherfamilyknewshewantedto liveas a woman,or eventhatshewasgay.Shewentby her malename,Traimo.Everytimeshedabbedon facepowderor worea tighttop in public,shefelt like shewasparticipat ing in a small revolution.Herfirstthoughtswhenshewokeup everymorningwere,"AmI goingto comehomealivetoday?" [OK]Initiativeto endchronicandveteranhomelessness stillgoingstrong(TulsaWorld, OK) Tulsa World (8/19/2017 5:12AM, MikeAverill) Housing641veteransand 187chronically homelesspeoplealreadyexceedsoriginaltargets An initiativeto endchronic andveteranhomelessnesshasfar exceededits initialnumericgoalsin termsof housing. Reachingthegoalof functiona l zero,meaningthenumberof homelessandshelteredis notgreaterthanthe monthlyhousing rate, is stilla waysoff. Thepathto gettingto functionalzerois takingshapeas agenciesareworkingtogetherto createa newintakesystemto ensure thoseneedingservicesthe mostaregettingthe helptheyneed.Since2015,641veteransand 187chronically homeless individuals havebeenhousedthroughtheA WayHomefor TulsaandtheZero:2016initiative.Zero:2016is a nationalinitiativeto endveteranandchronichomelessnessthatis spearheaded locally bya consortiumof 23 agenciesnamedA WayHomefor Tulsa. Chronichomelessnessis definedby theU.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment as someonewhohasbeen pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001199 continuously homelessfor onefull yearor fourtimeswithinthe pastthreeyearsandhasa disability.Theoriginalgoalwasto end veteranandchronichomelessness by housing290veteransby theendof 2015and89 chronicallyhomelessby theendof 2016. "Thepositiveis we'rehousingindividuals," saidMackHaltom,associatedirectorof theTulsaDayCenterfor the Homeless. "We're alsostilldealingwithinflow." As of Fridaymorning,the namesof 207veteransand 106chronicallyhomelesswereon a listof currenthomelessthatwas createdas partof the initiative. [UT]Utahteacherwantsweddinggiftssentto homeless,nother(Washington Post) Washington Post (8/21/2017 4:45AM, AssociatedPress) SALTLAKECITY- A Utahhighschoolteacheris gettingmarriednextmonth. Butinsteadof registering for a blenderor stemware,she'saskingfor shoesandbackpacks to givehomelesschildrenat herschool. CopperHillsHighSchoolteacherRickeeStewartsaid shewasshockedwhenshefoundoutmorethan100homelessstudents attendherschool.Shelearnedaboutthe homelessstudentsaftertheschoolset up a foodpantry. "Oneof mystudentswalkedup veryquietlyandsaid, 'So, my momwantsto knowhowI canactuallygetsomeof thatfood,' " Stewartsaid."It'sveryreal." ThisrealizationpromptedStewartto tell herweddinggueststheycandonateto herhomeless studentprojectin lieu of gifts, KSLTV reportedThursday. [CA]Sacramento Countycan'tarrestitswayoutof homelessness (Sacramento Bee,CA) Sacramento Bee (8/18/2017 3:36PM,BobErlenbusch) The2017Homeless Countfor Sacramento Countydocumented a dramaticincreasein the numberof homelesspeople,rising from2,822in 2015to 3,665in 2017,of which56 percentareunsheltered. That's2,000neighborsin Sacramento County,through no faultof theirown, forcedto liveoutside,includingalongtheAmericanRiverParkway . ThecountyBoardof Supervisors shouldmovewitha senseof urgencyto expandthenumberof emergency shelterbedsand shouldbe prioritizing additionalfundsto a woefullyunderfunded systemof mentalhealthandaddictionservicesfor homeless peopleto leveragethe$32millionin "WholePersonCare" fundingthe cityhasreceived . Instead , in lateAugust,theboardwillconsiderspendingan additional$3 millionto $5 millionon its"Whack-a-mole" strategyto increaselawenforcement alongthe parkwayto handoutcampingcitationsto peoplewhohavenowhereelseto go. Supervisors shouldforgetplaying'whack-a-mole ' on the parkway.Instead,expandshelterbeds,prioritizehomelesspeoplefor mentalhealthcareandhousingandworkwiththecityon WholePersonCare.Thesupervisors recentlyauthorizedan additional $6.2 millionon fournewhomelessinitiatives,oneof whichwasfor a full-service , 24-hourdormitory-style shelterfor upto 75 people.Thesadrealityis this centerwill notopenuntilmid-2018andonlymeets3 percentof the need.Thereis no senseof urgencyor scaleandno coordination withthecity'sinitiatives. Despitethesupervisors' claimsthattheycan'tarresttheirwayoutof homelessness, theirbudgetprioritiestella differentstory. Overall,the countyspends$40millionannuallyon homelessness , of whichonly$6 millionis countygeneralfund. Law enforcement alreadyaccountsfor 67 percentof this$6 million;theplannedincreasefor parkwayenforcement wouldweightthe county's strategyevenmoretowardarrests. Howwouldthe Sacramento RegionalCoalitionto EndHomelessness spendan additional$5 million?Triplethe numberof fullservicerehousingshelters,housing225people;or employ100homelesspeopleat $50,000each, effectivelygivingthemthe meansto housethemselves . Theycouldbedeployedto helpwithdebrisremovalandnavigation to community resources , amongotherneededfunctions.We wouldleveragecityfundsby prioritizinghomelesspeoplefor careat county-runmentalhealthandaddictionprogramsandfor county-controlled housing vouchers. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001200 Weurge the board to supporteffectiveshelter andemployment. PublicandIndianHousing(PIH) [CT]NewHaven's ChurchStreetSouthquiet, butfamiliesremain(New Haven Register , CT) New Haven Register (8/21/201712:03 AM, MaryO'Leary) Slowgoingfor remainingfamiliesat ChurchStreetSouth NEWHAVEN>> Whereoncetherewere283families,thereare now16. The deteriorated 48-year-old crumbling ChurchStreetSouthcomplexis eerilyquietthesedaysas relocationspecialist Jocelyne Barsczewski, an employeeof the HousingAuthorityof NewHaven,continuesto counseltheremainingtenantsonthe sitewhoneedto findnewhomes. ThefirstSection8 vouchersfromthe U.S. Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment werepassedoutto tenantswho wantedthemin May2016, butit couldstillbe monthsbeforethefewremainingtenantsleave. "Weare rightthere in thehomestretch,"Barsczewski recently told tenantsat a meetingat thecomplex. Barsczewski saidthereare 11familiesleftat thecavernouscomplexwithvouchersthatwillallowthemto moveanywhereHUD findstheapartmentacceptab le andthe landlordagreesto accepta rentalcap. [PA]Philadelphia Housing AuthorityHoldsConference OnChangingPolicies(KYW-TV , PA) KYW-TV (8/18/2017 5:16PM,By PatLoeb) Public housingresidentsandemployees fromaroundthecountryaregatheredin Philadelphiafor a conference on howto cope withchangingpoliciesundertheTrumpadminist ration. Theconference offers workshopson creativeuseof limitedresourcesand self-sufficiency througheducation andsmallbusinesses. Thehost, Philadelph ia HousingAuthorityChiefKelvinJeremiah , saysit'saboutempowering residentswhofacesharpcutsin government help."Thereductionsthatareproposedwouldbe devastating , impactingthemostvulnerablepeople:seniors, disabled , homeless,andpeopleat the bottomof theeconomicladder.Andtheyshouldbe participating in the processof determiningwhathappensto them,"Jeremiahsaid.PHAresident -boardmemberAsiaConeysaystenantsunderstand, andare seeking newopportun ities, butshealsohopesthey'll leavecommittedto preserving what'sleft. "Publichousingis a needthat folkswillalwayshave," shesaid. [VA]Charlottesvill e, "happi est cityin America" - butforwhom?(Salon) Salon (8/20/20171:47 PM,EmmaEisenberg) When a citywith a whitesupremacist presenceandmarginal ized blackworkingclassis runby genteel"progressives" Therewasa momenton Saturday , August12ththathappened quicklybutchangedthecourseof everythingthatcameafterit. Aroundnoon, a smallgroupof whitesupremacists whohadleftthecenterof theprotestsat Emancipation Parkwalkeddownto an affordablehousingcomplexcalledFriendship Courtand, standingat its entrance , hurledracistslursat blackresidents . Back at Emancipation Park, wordspreadamongcounter -protesters thatCharlottesv ille blackresidentsneededhelp, anda throng headedsouthto offertheirbodiesas support.Butby timetheygotcloseto thehousingcomplex , an organizerwithAnarchist Peopleof Colortold themto turnback.The residentshadalreadyhandledthesituation, shetold themarchers. As theyturnedbackupfourthstreet,thefirstmarchranintoanothergroupof counter -protesters alsounder instructions to head to FriendshipCourt.It wasa momentof jubilation- theresidentshadsuccessfully defendedthemselves , andtheofficial"Unite theRight"rally hadbeeneffectively shutdown.The twomarchesmerged, creating a hugecongestion of people.Butthismood lastedonlya fewminutes. It wasintothisrejoicingcrowdthat20-year -old JamesAlexFieldsJr. gunnedhiscar,thenbackedit pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001201 up, andgunnedit again. It makesa cruel kindof sensethatHeatherHyerandtheotherswhowerehit by Fields' carhadjustcomefromstandingin solidaritywithresidentsof this particular publichousingcomplex,for it liesat theverycenterof thecityandat thecenterof what happenedthis weekendin morewaysthanone. 'The site itselfis in the heartof downtownandthecenterof thecity'sStrategicInvestment Area,"a developernamed FrankGroschwiththePiedmontHousingAuthority(PHA)tolda crowdassembled at thewell-heeledOmniHotelin September of 2015."Andit'san extraordinari ly valuablepieceof realestate." It wasat thatsamebreakfastfundraiserthatGroschannounced thatthe PHAwouldacquire the 150-unitsubsidizedapartmentcomplex in 2018andredevelopit as a mixed-income neighborhood. Sustainability The Trumpadministrati onjustdisbandeda federaladvisory committeeon climatechange(Washingt on Post) Washington Post (8/20/201711:50PM, Juliet Eilperin) The Trumpadministra tion hasdecidedto disbandthefederaladvisorypanelfor the Nationa l ClimateAssessment, a groupaimed at helpingpolicymakers andprivate-sectorofficialsincorporate thegovernment's climateanalysisintolong-termplanning. Thecharterfor the 15-personAdvisoryCommittee for theSustainedNationalClimateAssessment- whichincludesacademics aswellas localofficials andcorporaterepresentatives - expiresSunday.On Friday,the National OceanicandAtmospheric Administ ration's acting administrator, BenFriedman , informedthe committee's chair thattheagencywouldnotrenewthepanel. TheNationalClimateAssessment is supposedto be issuedeveryfouryearsbuthascomeoutonlythreetimessincepassageof the 1990lawcallingfor suchanalysis.Thenextone,duefor releasein 2018,alreadyhasbecomea contentious issuefor the Trumpadminist ration. Administ rationofficialsarecurrentlyreviewinga scientificreportthatis keyto thefinal document.Knownas theClimateScience SpecialReport,it wasproducedby scientistsfrom13differentfederalagenciesandestimatesthathumanactivitieswere responsible for an increasein globaltemperatures of 1.1 to 1.3 degreesFahrenheit from1951to 2010. NationalNews FleecingAmerica'sbuilders (TheCenterfor Public Integrity) The Center for Public Integrity (8/21/2017 5:45AM,MaryamJameel) Howworkerson government construction jobsarevictimizedby contractors thatstandlittlechanceof beingcaught Poortrackrecordof oversight Government subcontractors underpaytheiremployeesanynumberof ways,LaborDepartment recordsshow.Somecompanies misclassifyworkers,claimingtheybelongto a lower-payingtrade, as theLaborDepartment foundwith the GSAasbestosremovers . Othershavebeencaughtstrikingemployees frompayrollrecordsentirely.Still otherscutworkers ' hourson paperto makeit appearthatthewagespaidreflectedactualtimeworked. Inonecase,air-conditionerinstallerson a job financedin partbythe U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment were routinelygivenpaychecksreflectingthe$50.70 perhourto whichtheywereentitledunderDavis-Bacon.Theywereforcedto cashthe checksandreturnabouthalfthemoneyto theiremployer , IglooHVACLLC, the LaborDepartment alleged.Payroll recordssubmittedto HUDreflectednoneof this. TheLaborDepartment settledthe casewithIglooHVAC,whichpaidmorethan$80,000in backwagesto fiveworkers.Roberto Flores,thecompany's owner,declinedto comment,citingthesettlementagreement. A HUDspokesman saidthatwhilethe agency reviewspayrollrecords submittedfor projectsit finances , it can't alwaysverifythe accuracyof thoserecords . pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001202 Wagetheftin federalcontractinghastakenon newurgencyas the Trumpadministration proposesa "greatrebuildingof our country, " a $1 trillionincreasein publicinfrastructure investment overthe next10years. TheComplexRelationship BetweenInnovation andEconomic Segregation (TheAtlanticCitylab) The AtlanticCityLab (8/21/20175:45AM, RichardFlorida) It's not justthe techindustrythat'sresponsible for America 's stratifyingcities. Nottoo longago,citieswerebendingoverbackwardto attracthigh-techcompanies, whichtheysawas offeringgood, high payingjobs. City aftercitydevelopedprogramsdesignedto turnthemintothe "nextSiliconValley." Butnow,fromthe backlashagainstAirbnbandUberto protestsoverhigh-techcompanies andtheirshuttlebusses,high-tech companies are increasingly seenmoreas villainsthansaviors,to blamefor makingcitieslessaffordableandfor thegrowinggap betweenthe richandthe poor.Indeed,America 's leadinghigh-techcenters-the BayArea,Boston,NewYork, Washington D.C., Austin,SanDiego,andRaleighall rankhighlyon variousmeasuresof wageandincomeinequal ity. Butto whatdegreedo high-techindustryandeconomicsegregation go together? A newstudyby meandmycolleague,CharlottaMellander, takesa deepdive intothis issue. Ouranalysis coversthe majority of America's350-plusmetros.Withinthem,we measureinnovationbothin termsof patents(themostcommonlyusedmeasureof innovationby economists) andthe concentration of high-techindustry.Wemeasureeconomicsegregation throughseveral modelsbasedon income,education , andoccupation , aswellas a combinedmeasureof overalleconomicsegregation basedon all three. TreasurySecretaryMnuchinRejectsCallsto Resign,DefendsPresident Trump(WallStreetJournal) Wall Street Journal (8/21/20174:45AM, NickTimiraos) 'Someof theseissuesarefar morecomplicated thanwe areledto believeby the massmedia,' Treasurychiefsays TreasurySecretaryStevenMnuchinrejectedcallsfor himto resignin protestof PresidentDonaldTrump's responseto violence at a white-nat ionalistrallyin Charlottesville , Va., lastweekend,anddefendedthe presidentin a statementSaturdayevening. Mr.Mnuchincondemned the "actionsof thosefilledwithhateandwiththe intentto harmothers." ''WhileI find it hardto believeI shouldhaveto defendmyselfon this,or the president,I feel compelledto letyou knowthatthe presidentin no way, shapeor formbelievesthatneo-Naziandotherhategroupswhoendorseviolenceareequivalent to groups thatdemonstrate in peacefulandlawfulways,"Mr.Mnuchinsaid. About300of Mr. Mnuchin'sclassmates fromthe YaleUniversityundergraduate classof 1985posteda letteronlineFridayasking Mr.Mnuchinto resignin protestof Mr.Trump's comments. "It is yourmoralobligation, " theysaid."Weknowyouarebetterthanthis, andwe arecountingon youto do the rightthing." [NY]ThewarinsideTrumpVillage(Crain'sNewYorkBusiness, NY) Grain's New York Business (8/21/20175:45AM,AaronElstein) Residentsareat oneanother'sthroatsas once-affordableapartmentsbuiltby DonaldTrump'sfathersoarin value JusticeDepartment charges Nonetheless, in 2015the U.S.JusticeDepartment chargedObermanandthe co-opwithunlawfullyattemptingto evictresidents, citinga "patternor practiceof discrimination againstresidents."ThefedssaidObermanallegedlybeganevictionproceedings againsta residentwhohada dogin violationof buildingrulesat the time.It turnedout the dogownerwasa veteranof combatin Afghanistanwhounderfederallawhadthe rightto owna pet-a shihtzu namedMickey-to help copewith post-traumatic stress pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001203 disorder.Prosecutors alsoaccusedObermanandTrumpVillageof threatening to evictthreeotherdog-owningresidents, denyingthempreferredparkingspacesandretaliatingagainstone by removingthe personfromthe co-op board. Thecasecameafterthe U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment chargedObermanandTrumpVillagein 2015with freezingpeopleon thewaitinglistfor parkingspacesandleapfrogg ing at leastonepersonto the top of the line. Oberman , whosteppedasideas co-opboardpresidentin 2015,saidTrumpVillageis nowpet-friendly andthe Justice Department casewas settledconfidentially in July. Inthe meantimeObermanfacesotherlegalchallenges. As partof the strategyto marketTrumpVillageapartments to families,a photoshowinghimwithhiswifeandyoungchildwas puton the co-op's marketingmaterialsat the sametimehewas runningfor CityCouncil.In Maythe CampaignFinanceBoard staffdetermined thatObermanillegally usedco-opcashto promotehis unsuccessful campaign,accordingto recordsobtainedbyCrain's underthe Freedomof InformationLaw. Heandhiscampaign faceup to $25,000in penaltiesandrestitution, althougha lawyerfor Oberman,LaurenceLaufer,saidhe believesthe casewill be dismissedwithoutfinancialpenaltiesat an administrative hearingscheduled for Aug.21. In 2014the cityfinedOberman$7,500 aftersayinghe usedhisTLCworkplacephoneto raisemoneyfor hiscampaign. progress(Richmond Times-Dispatch , VA) [VA]Tim Kainecolumn:Virginiansmustrespondto thispainby accelerating Richmond Times-Dispatch (8/21/20174:45AM, SenatorTimKaine) LastSaturday,Americaandtheworldwereconfrontedwithscenesof neo-Nazis, Klansmen,andotherwhitesupremacists terrorizingthe citizensof Charlottesville . Ostensiblyprotestingthe locallyelectedgovernment's democratic decisionto removea monumentof RobertE. Lee,the rallierschantedracist,anti-Semitic, homophobic messageshavingnothinglo do withstatuesor heritage.Theycameto spewhate. And it wasmorethanjust words.Heavilyarmed"militia"membersintimidatedlocalcitizens.A mobbeatDeandreHarris unconscious . A whitesupremacist intentionallydrovehiscar intoa crowdof people,killing32-year -old HeatherHeyerand injuringdozensof otherswhocameto standup for loveandtolerance.Andthe ensuingchaosresultedin the deathsof Virginia StatePoliceofficersBerkeBatesandJayCullenas theyworkedto restorepeace. As I attendedthe memorial servicesfor thesebraveVirginians,eachkilledstandingupfor Virginiavaluesof equality andorder, I soughtto understand thisgrievousattackon ourcommonwealth . And moreimportantly , I soughtto determinehowwe must respondto it. Theeventsin Charlottesville did notoccurin a vacuum.Ourcommonwealth knowswell the painof racismanddivision.The arrivalof shackledAfricansin Virginiain 1619beganthe monstrousinstitutionof slaveryin our country.Richmondbecamethe capitalof an insurgentbreakawaynationdedicatedto the maintenance of slaveryandthe principleof whitesupremacy. And whenslaverycollapsed,succeeding generations embracedJimCrowandMassive Resistance ratherthanlivingin accordwith the principleswe hollowlyproclaimed to be self-evident. [WA]Trumpwonplacesdrowningin despair.Canhe savethem?(SeattleTimes,WA) Seattle Times (8/18/20172:29PM,ClaireGalofaro, AP) In GraysHarborCounty,Wash.,the collapsedloggingeconomyhasbeenreplacedbydespair, homelessness,drugsand alcohol.SomeTrumpvotersheremaintainconfidencein him;othersareafraid. ABERDEEN, Wash.(AP) - One-hundred-fifty basketsof pink petuniashangfromthe lightpostsall overthis city,watered regularly by residentstryingto maketheircommun ity feelaliveagain.A localartistspendshisafternoonshighin a buckettruck, paintinga block-longmuralof a littlegirl blowingbubbles , eachcirclethe sceneof an imagined,hopefulfuture. Butin the present,vacantbuildingsdominateblocks.A van,stuffedso fullof blanketsandboxestheyarespillingfromthe windows, pulls to the curb outside StacieBlodgett'santiquesshop. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001204 "Lookinside of it," shesays."I betyou he'slivingin it." Aroundthe corner,a crowdedtent cityof thedesperate andaddictedhastakenoverthe riverbank,makeshiftmemorialsto too manydeadtoo youngjuttingup intermittentlyfromthe mud. America,whenviewedthroughthe barson Blodgett'swindows,looksa lot lessgreatthanit usedto be. So sheansweredDonald Trump's call to the country's forgottencorners.Thousandsof her neighborsdid, too, and her county,onceamongthe most reliablyDemocraticin the nation,swungRepublicanin a president ial electionfor thefirst timein 90 years. "People werelike, This guy'sgoingto be it. He's goingto changeeverything,makeit betteragain,"' shesays. Blodgettstandsat the computeron hercounterandscrollsthroughthe headlines.Everyday it's somethingnew:detailsin the Russiacampaigninvestigat ion, shake-upsat the WhiteHouse,turmoiloverTrump's responseto race-fueled riots. His administration 's failed plansto remakethe health caresystemmayor maynotcostmillionstheircoverage , andthere'sa lackof clarityoverhowexactlyhe intendsto eradicatea spiralingdrugcrisisthat nowclaims142Americanliveseachday- a growing numberof themhere,in GraysHarborCounty. "Hashe doneanythinggoodyet?"sheasks. "Hashe?" Blodgettwasbornand raisedin thiscounty, wherethe logging economycollapseddecadesago,replacedby a simmeringsense of injusticethatoutsiderstookthe lumber,built citiesaroundtheworldand thenleftthisplaceto decaywhentherewasnothing moreto take.The communitysankintodespair.Suicidesincreased,addictiontookroot.Blodgettis 59, and the rateat which peopleheredie fromdrugsandalcoholhasquadrupledin her lifetime. [WA]This week we're sittingdown racismandstanding upforSeattlemayor(KUOW ) KUOW (8/21/20174:45AM, Bill Radke& JasonPagano) AUDIO. Our panelthisweek: BillRadke@kuowradke , host RonSims@simsron,retireddeputysecretaryof U.S. Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment, andformerKingCounty Executive SydneyBrownstone@sydbrownstone, reporterat TheStranger RobMcKenna@robmckenna , formerWashington stateattorneygeneral Headlines TheWashing ton Post (8/19/20177:00AM) A neo-Nazi's rage-fueled journey to Charlottesville Rebel statues across South have face familiar to Yankees Trump thrusts Bannon aside Spain probe points to wider network (8/20/20177:00AM) Six angry men and the ir long roads of hate A bond forged behind barbed wire Bannon gone, but fissures remain Charlottesv ille lays bare GOP 's Trump dilemma Manhunt continues after Spanish terrorist attacks VI pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001205 (8/21/20 17 7:00AM) Totally immersed in today's eclipse A monument's safe haven 10 U.S. sailors missing, 5 hurt A comedian of antic joy and genius His searing punchlines landed hard TheNewYorkTimes (8/19/2017 7:00AM) Stephen Bannon Out at the White House After Turbulent Run Steve Bannon, Back on the Outside, Prepares His Enemies List Police See Wider Plot in Spain and Say Carnage Could Have Been Worse In Terror Attacks in Spain, a Global Community of Victims In Monument Debate, Calls for an Overdue Reckoning on Race and Southern Identity City Will Move Sidelined Teachers From Limbo to Classrooms 'We Can't Just Pull Out Our Gun': Border Patrol Alters Training (8/20/2017 7:00AM) How to Get Away With Murder in Small-Town India Charlottesville and Trump's Response Reshape Virginia Gubernatorial Race With Bannon's Ouster, Question Remains Whether His Agenda Will Be Erased, Too Spain, a Leader in Foiling Attacks, Falls Victim to One Anyway A Deal Breaker for Trump's Supporters? Nope. Not This Time, Either. The Benefits of Standing by the President Protesters Flood Streets. and Trump Offers a Measure of Praise (8/21/201 7 7:00AM) Trump Settles on Afghan Strategy Expected to Raise Troop Levels Bannon Was Set for a Graceful Exit. Then Came Charlottesv ille. Barcelona Attack Suspects Had Ties to Imam Linked to ISIS Jerry Lewis, Mercurial Comedian and Filmmaker, Dies at 91 Dick Gregory, 84, Dies; Found Humor in the Civil Rights Struggle Before a Solar Eclipse Crosses 14 States, a Great American Road Trip TheWallStreetJournal (8/19/2017 and8/20/2017 7:00AM) Steve Bannon, Controversial Aide to Trump, Is Out Spain Ties Attacks to Broad Te rror Network Mystery Bidder Emerges to Challenge Buffett for Oncor China Curbs Hollywood Deals, but Greenlights Tech Investments What Did Sloths Do to Earn Their Sudden Popularity? Not Much (8/21/2017 7:00AM) First Round of Natta Talks Reveals Early Friction Imam in Spanish Town Emerges as Suspect in Barcelona Attack Trump and the CEOs: Behind the Collapse of an Uneasy Alliance Investors Pull Back From Gundlach 's Biggest Fund at Doubleline ABCNews (8/20/2017 3:30PM) 10 missing after US Navy destroyer collides with merchant ship off Singapore Total solar eclipse: US braces for rare astronomical event Trump has 'inside information' on who protested in Charlottesv ille: Falwell Jr. NBCNews (8/20/2017 3:30PM) 10 Sailors Missing After USS John S. McCain Collides With Tanker Attacks Throw Spotlight on Spain's Muslim 'Parallel Societies' pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001206 Legendary Comedian and Actor Jerry Lewis Dead at 91 CBSNews (8/20/2017 3:30 PM) 10 sailors missing after USS John S. McCain collides with oil tanker University of Texas moving Confederate statues from main area U.S., South Korea start annual war games that infuriate North Korea WashingtonSchedule President (8/21/20177:00AM) The White House Seesourcelink.Schedulenotyet available. VicePresident (8/21/20177:00 AM) The White House See sourcelink. Schedulenotyet available. Senate (8/21/20177:00AM) Senate Senateis not in session. Houseof Representatives (8/21/20177:00 AM) House of Representatives Houseis not in session. {Endof Report} Disclaimer : Theinformation andviewsexpressedin this NewsBriefingdo notnecessa rily representthe viewsof HUDor the UnitedStatesanddo not constitutean endorsement by the Department. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001207 HUDPRIORITY DAILYBRIEFING Preparedfor the Officeof Public Affairs, U.S.Department of Housing& UrbanDevelopment ByTechMIS www.techmis.com/hud TO: DATE: U.S.Departmentof Housing and Urban Development & Staff Monday, August21, 2017 7:00AM ET HUDNewsandOpinion BenCarsonto Speakat PolsonHousing Conference(FlatheadBeacon,Kalispell,MT)3 [MD]U.S.Lawmakers SeekKushner CompanyRecordson MarylandApartments (ProPublica) ................................................... 9 HUDsecretaryBenCarsonto speakin Polson(KalispellDaily InterLake, MT).........3 [VA]Portsmouth publichousingtenantshave beenfightingmoldfor yearswithlittle help fromPRHA(NorfolkVirginian-Pilot , VA)......10 Affordablehousingin focusin Polson 4 (MissoulaMissoulian , MT)............................ [VA]Givingvetshousing Freedomin Wythe (SWVAToday,Wytheville, VA)...................11 HUDin limbo:Topjobs unconfirmed, key decisionsunmade(NationalMortgageNews)4 [MS]CMHAPolice,federalagentsraidhome of accusednationwideFacebookscammer ZienupSbeih(WLOX-TV ABC13,MS).......12 Fearof reassignments, buyoutspushesHUD to moretransparent changemanagement 6 (Federa l NewsRadio)................................... HUDSecretaryBenCarsonrevealsvandals attackedhis Virginiahome(HousingWire) ....7 [NY]Arkercompletes$38Mrehabat Staten Islandcomplex(RealEstateWeekly)...........7 [NY]Hereis the officialresumeof the person Trumpput in chargeof federal housingin New York(Washington Post)................................ 8 [MD]Democrats demandKushner-related housingrecords(CBSNews)........................ 8 [MD]MarylandDemocrats requestdetailson JaredKushnerapartmentholdingsin state 9 (BaltimoreSun,MD)..................................... [LA]Kennerhousingauthorityin limboafter MayorZahnasksdirectorto resign,removes remainingboardmembers(NewOrleans Advocate,LA).............................................. 12 [LA]Kennermayorgutshousingboard,seeks execsresignation(KLFY-TV10Lafayette,LA) .................................................................... 13 [LA]KennerMayordismantlesKenner HousingAuthorityBoard,demands resignat ion fromexecutivedirector(WVUETV, LA)........................................................ 13 [LA]KennermayorremovesentireHousing AuthorityBoard,callsfor Exec.Director's resignation (WWL-TVNewOrleansChannel 4, LA)........................................................... 14 [LA]OurViews:Louisiana's pastcould providea blueprintfor howFEMAcould HUD-17-0235-C-001208 restructure disasteraid (BatonRouge Advocate,LA)............................................. 14 Bankof Americato Pay$6 Millionto Bankrupt CoupleEvictedFromHome(WallStreet Journal)....................................................... 23 [LA]TaskForceapprovesplanexpanding eligibility,increasingawardsthroughLa.'s floodassistanceprogram(KPLC-TVLake 15 Charles,LA)................................................ [LA] Louisianaseeksto expandfloodrecovery programsfor homeowners (BatonRouge Advocate,LA).............................................. 23 Affordable Housing [LA]MoreLouisianahomeowners eligiblefor floodrecoveryaid (U.S. News& World Report)........................................................ 16 [TX]Nirenbergannounces creationof major housingtaskforce,laysout visionfor city 24 (SanAntonioExpress-News, TX)................ [IN]Escapingoneof the nation'sworst environmental disasterzones(Washington 16 Post)........................................................... [TX] NirenbergFormsHousingTaskForceto AddressAffordability, Gentrification (Rivard Report,TX).................................................. 24 [IN]EastChicagoresidentswantanswers aboutwaterat Saturdaymeeting(Northwest 17 IndianaTimes,IN)....................................... [CA]LA's HousingCrisis:MuchWorsethan YouThink(CityWatchLA, CA)................... 25 [IN]TheEastChicagoleadcrisis,oneyear later:Someof communitygroups'critical demandsunaddressed (NorthwestIndiana 17 Times, IN)................................................... FairHousing Trumpcouldunderminecivil rightsprogress morethananyotherpresident(TheHill).....25 Homelessness [IL]Communication chaosin Cairo:Confusion hasreplacedshocksinceHUDtold400 peopletheywill haveto move.(TheSouthern, 18 IL)................................................................ [DC]HomelessLGBTyouthfinda placeto calltheirownin D.C.(Washington Post) .....26 [OK]Initiative to endchronicandveteran homelessness stillgoingstrong(TulsaWorld, 26 OK).............................................................. [IL] EastSt. Louis on trackto regainlocal controlof its housingauthority(Belleville News-Democrat, IL).................................... 19 [UT]Utahteacherwantsweddinggiftssentto homeless,not her(Washington Post)..........27 [Ml] HUDDirectorgoeson $336,000shopping spreewith low-incomehousingfunds(Judicial 20 Watch)........................................................ [CA]Sacramento Countycan't arrestits way out of homelessness (Sacramento Bee,CA) [CA]Richmondmayorwantsto scrapcity's publicHousingAuthority(SanFrancisco Chronicle,CA)............................................. 20 .................................................................... 27 PublicandIndianHousing(PIH) [CT]NewHaven'sChurchStreetSouthquiet, butfamiliesremain(NewHavenRegister,CT) [CA]SanBernard inoCityCouncilto decide: Doesspendingfederalmoneyon homeless help?(SanBernardinoCountySun,CA)....21 .................................................................... 28 [PA]Philadelphia HousingAuthorityHolds ConferenceOnChangingPolicies (KYW-TV, PA).............................................................. 29 Hurricane Sandy [NJ]HUD,NJWrestleOver$1M In Sandy Recovery(KYW-TV , PA)............................. 22 [VA]Charlottesville, "happiestcity in America" - butfor whom?(Salon)............................. 29 GinnieMae WithNoGinnieMaePresidenton Board, AnnualSummitMovedto January2018 (InsideMortgageFinance ) .......................... 23 Sustainability TheTrumpadministration just disbandeda federaladvisorycommitteeon climatechange (Washington Post)....................................... 29 HomeOwnership 2 HUD-17-0235-C-001209 Nationa l News Headlines FleecingAmerica'sbuilders(TheCenterfor PublicIntegrity)........................................... 30 TheWashingtonPost.................................. 34 TheNewYorkTimes................................... 34 TheComplexRelationship Between Innovation andEconomicSegregation (The 30 AtlanticCitylab).......................................... 35 TheWallStreetJournal............................... ABCNews................................................... 35 NBCNews................................................... 35 TreasurySecretaryMnuchinRejectsCallsto Resign,DefendsPresidentTrump(Wall StreetJournal)............................................ 31 CBSNews................................................... 35 WashingtonSchedule [NY]Thewar insideTrumpVillage(Grain's NewYorkBusiness,NY)............................. 31 35 President..................................................... VicePresident............................................. 35 [VA]TimKainecolumn:Virginiansmust respondto this painbyaccelerating progress (Richmond Times-Dispatch,VA)................. 32 Senate......................................................... 35 Houseof Representatives ........................... 35 [WA]Trumpwonplacesdrowningin despair. Canhe savethem?(SeattleTimes, WA)....33 [WA]Thisweekwe're sittingdownracismand standingupfor Seattlemayor(KUOW) .......33 EditorialNote:ThisBriefrepresentssummarized content- clickon the hyperlinkto accessfull-textarticlesfor thesenewssummaries. HUDNewsandOpinion Ben Carson to Speak at PolsonHousingConference (Flathead Beacon, Kalispell, MT) Flathead Beacon (8/21/20174:45AM,JustinFranz) Housingsecretarywill givekeynoteaddressat Native AmericanHousingAssociationmeeting Secretaryof HousingandUrbanDevelopment BenCarsonwill be visit NorthwestMontanaon Monday . Carsonwill bedeliveringthe keynoteaddressat the NativeAmericanHousingAssociation's summermeetingat the KwaTaqNuk Resortin Polsonon Aug.21.Accordingto a pressrelease, Carsonwill speakabout"healthy, affordablehousingfor tribalcommunities andeliminatingburdensome regulations thatinhibitprosperityand self-sufficiency." Carson,a notedneurosurgeon, wastappedby PresidentDonaldTrumpto leadthe U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment earlierthisyear. Carsonunsuccessfully ranfor the Republican president ial nominat ion in 2016. In 2014,Carsonspokeat a fundraiserfor StillwaterChristianSchoolin Kalispell. HUDsecretary Ben Carson to speak in Polson(Kalispell Daily Inter Lake, MT) Kalispell Daily Inter Lake (8/19/20177:11AM,Staff) On Monday,August21, U.S. Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment SecretaryBenCarsonwill be in 3 HUD-17-0235-C-001210 Polsonon Monday , Aug.21 to deliverkeynoteremarksat the UnitedNativeAmericanHousingAssociation summermeeting. Theconference at KwaTaqNuk Resortis a gatheringof NativeAmericanhousingauthorities fromthe Great Plainsregion. Whilein Montana,the CarsonwillalsomeetwithUNAHAleadership, tribalmembersandvisitlocalcommunities to learnaboutthestatusof affordablehousingon triballands. Affordable housingin focusin Polson(Missoula Missoulian, MT) MissoulaMissoulian (8/20/2017 5:23AM,PerryBackus) POLSON - Fora bit morethana week,stateandfederalofficialsfocusedtheirattentionon affordablehousing in thetownof Polson. Lastweek,Gov.SteveBullockjoineda ceremonial groundbreaking celebrationin frontof a newmultifamily affordablehousingunitthatis scheduledto opensometimein December. On Monday,Aug.21, U.S.HousingandUrbanDevelopmentSecretaryBenCarsonwill delivera keynote addressthata newsreleasesaidpromisesto "discusshealthy,affordablehousingfor tribalcommunity and eliminatingburdensome regulations thatinhibitprosperityandself-sufficiency." Carsonalsoplansto speakto membersof the UnitedNativeAmericanHousingAuthorityfromthe GreatPlains regionandvisitlocalNativeAmericancommunities to learnfirsthandthestatusof affordablehousingon tribal lands. Carsonis scheduledto speakat theKwaTaqNuk Resortin Polsonat 3 p.m. HUDin limbo:Topjobsunconfirmed, keydecisions unmade(NationalMortgage News) National Mortgage News (8/18/20 1712:00PM, BrianCollins) WASHINGTON - WhenPamPatenaude wasnominated by PresidentTrumpas the No.2 at the Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment , shewassupposedto helpmakeup for the inexperience of the leaderof the agency,theretiredneurosurgeonBenCarson. Butfour monthslater, Patenaude 's nomination remains in limbo,as doesthatof PaulCompton,thepickto be thedepartment 's generalcounsel. Thathasleft HUDfacinga leadersh ip crisis,withotherkeyroleslikethe headof the Federa l Housing Administration andGinnieMaegoingunfilledbytheTrumpadministration . "If youarea defenderof the missionof HUD,youaregoingto wantHUDto havea No. 2 chiefoperatingofficer likePamas deputysecretaryanda generalcounselin placeso youcangiveSecretaryCarsonmorestaffand morecapacityto runtheagency,"saidBill Killmer,seniorvicepresidentfor legislativeandpoliticalaffairsat the MortgageBankersAssociation. Whileotheragencieshavealsobeenhamstrung withseniorjobsunfilled,theproblemis particularly acuteat HUDbecauseCarsonacknowledges he lackspriorexperience.It hasleftkeydecisions,includingwhether to lowerFederalHousingAdministration premiums, unresolved for longstretchesof timewhileCarsonwaitsfor his seniorstaffto arrive. 4 HUD-17-0235-C-001211 It's notclear whythe Senatehasnotactedon Patenaude, a formerHUDassistantsecretarywhois now presidentof theJ. RonaldTerwilligerFoundation for HousingAmerica'sFamilies. Hernominationwasapproved by theSenateBankingCommittee in April.Democrats lacktheabilityto filibusternominees,butby Senate tradition , a single lawmakercansometimes placea holdon a nominee. Someindustryobserverspointedto Sens.ElizabethWarren,D-Mass. , andRobertMenendez, D-N.J., as likely holdingPatenaude up.Democrats objectedto heraftershedefendedPresidentTrump's budgetrequestto slashfundingfor HUD.(Congressappearsto haveignoredTrump's request,withtheappropriations panelsin bothchambersapprovingbills thatwouldfundHUDat itscurrentlevel.) A spokesperson for Warrendid notreturncallsseekingcomment ; a spokesman for Menendez said theNew JerseyDemocrat wasnotinvolved. "Whilethesenatorhascertainly expressedconcernsaboutthe president's fiscal year2018budgetrequest,he doesnothavea hold on thenominees,"thespokesman said. EdwardMills,a financialpolicy analystandmanagingdirector at FBRCapitalMarkets,saidthedelayin filling crucialhousingpositionsis a "reflectionof howfar we havecomesincethefinancialcrisis."Thehousingmarket hasstabilizedand"it showsthathousingis notthepriority it usedto be,"Millssaid. To be sure,someofficialshavebeenconfirmedto jobsat HUD. TheSenatevotedAug. 3 to approvemorethan 70 nominees for variousgovernment agencies , includingAnnaMariaFarias as HUDassistantsecretaryfor Officeof FairHousingandEqualOpportun ity andNealRackleffas theassistantsecretaryfor the Officeof Community PlanningandDevelopment. "Wefinallyhavetwo of ourfourSenate -confirmedfolkson board.... Still, it wouldbe niceto haveourdeputy andourgeneralcounselaboard,"a HUDspokesman said,referringto Patenaude andCompton. Butother topjobsaren't evenin the pipeline.BrianMontgomery , whopreviously servedas FHAcommissioner underPresidentGeorgeW. Bush, is widelyexpectedto be nominated againfor thejob. DavidKittle,a former chairmanof theMortgageBankersAssociation, is saidto be Trump's pickfor Ginnie Mae. Despitemonthsof speculation, however,theyhavenotbeenofficially announced. "It is hardto understand why Montgomery andKittle arebeingheld up," saida source,whospokeon conditionof anonymity. Killmersaidthatwitheverynewadministration , "theclearanceprocesshasbecomemoreintenseandlaborious andtakesmoretime. Eachnominat ion hasa differentrhythmor tempo." It appearsto be taking longerfor Montgomery go throughthe nomination clearanceprocessbecauseof his workin the privatesectorandpossibleconflictsof interestas a co-founderandmanagingdirectorof the Collingwood Group,a mortgageconsulting firm. "I havebeenwaitingfor the FHAnomination," Mills at FBRCapitalMarketssaid. "Thatwill be onethe most compellingthingsin relationto thedirectionwheretheTrumpadministrat ion wantsto go withits housingpolicy. It is unclearif thenewadministration wantsto shrinkFHAor expandit." If Montgomery is chosen,"therewon'tbe an aggressive reduction," Mills said. ButthenewFHAcommissioner willbe lookingfor redundancies betweenareasservedby the FHAandthose 5 HUD-17-0235-C-001212 servedby FannieMaeandFreddieMac."Andseeingif youcan reducethatoverlap,"Millssaid. Alsoin the mixis the roleof the FHAin anyfuturehousingfinancesystem. HouseFinancialServicesCommitteeChairmanJeb Hensarling, R-Tex., has beentryingto limittheactivitiesof thegovernment-sponsored enterprises andthe FHAfor severalyears. SenateBankingCommitteeChairmanMikeCrapo, R-ldaho,meanwhile, hasindicatedrecently that hewants GSEreformto "includeconsiderat ion of FHAas well," Killmersaid."Soit is notjust a Housething." Fearof reassignments, buyoutspushesHUDto moretransparent changemanagement (FederalNews Radio) Federal News Radio (8/18/201711:15AM, JasonMiller) Forthe Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment, the effortto restructureitselfis notan exercisein workforcereduction . HUDpoliticalappointeessaytheyunderstand the realimpacton moralemovingseniorexecutivesor offering buyoutscouldhaveon the agency. DavidEagles,the chiefoperatingofficerof HUD,saidthe departmenthasspenta lotof timetryingto mitigate anyconcernsaroundthe currentor upcomingpersonnelandprocesschanges. "Wehavebeencommitted to a highlyengagedprocess.WhatI'm really proudof at HUDis this hasreallybeen an employee-up plan. We'vegottena lot of feedbackfromall levelsof HUD,andthatincludesthefield, headquarters , frontline andseniorleadership,hundredsof recommendations andwe've distilledthoseinto somegoodideas," Eaglessaid, in an exclusiveinterviewwith FederalNewsRadio."WhatI'm excitedaboutis peopleunderstand thatwe've got to be veryfocusedon, andthisis a governmentwide issue,on empowering peopleto be successfulwhofor yearsandfor decadesanddecadeshavehadnewrulesandregulationsand newideasjust pile on top of federalagenciesandeveryyearit getsmorehamstrung to beableto do whatyou needto do to beeffective." Eaglessaid HUD's leadershiphasreachedoutto employeesthroughemails,onlinesurveysandmeet-andgreetsoverthe lastfew months.Hesaidthe goalwastwo-fold:first, to hearfromemployeesaboutwhatcould be changedoverthe shortandlongterm, suchas newlightingin officesor a newcoatof paintto brightenthe walls; second,to develop theagency's planto restructure, reformandreorgan ize as requiredby President DonaldTrump. Eaglessaid he expectsthe Officeof Management andBudgetto approveHUD'sreorgan ization planby midSeptember . Hesaidbecausethe planstillwasconsideredpre-decisional, he couldn'ttalkmuchaboutit. "Noideawastoo bigor too smallandwe've receivedhundredsof ideasfromthatprocess," Eaglessaid. "There arethreelevelsthatyouhaveto befocusedon: Thefrontline,whichis clearlythe mostimportantandwe've engagedthemthroughthoseforumsandconversations . At the secondlevelis whatI'll callthe middle management layer. Thesearethe coupleof hundredfolksthatdrivemorale.Theyare probablyresponsib le for 80 percentof the morale.Theyget a lotthework doneandare veryimportantfor usas well." Eaglessaid thethirdbucketis seniorleadershipthatcanunifya hostof White Houseinitiativessuchas the executiveorderto reduceregulations, thefiscal 2018budgetrequestandperformance management. 6 HUD-17-0235-C-001213 Eaglesreadilyadmittedmanyideascomingfromemployees andfromseniorleadershiparen'tnewor different. Hesaid the biggestchangeis the factthisrestructuring effortis happening at the beginningof an administration versustowardthe end. HesaidHUDwill develop a 12-to-18 month plan withspecificmetricsthatemployees,citizens,government auditorsandlawmake rs cantrackon a publicdashboard, andthenreassessprogressandadjustas appropriate . [Editorialnote:consultsourcelinkfor furtherreading] HUDSecretaryBenCarsonrevealsvandalsattackedhisVirginiahome(HousingWire) HousingWire (8/21/20174:45 AM, KelseyRamirez) Respondsto hate-incidents in Charlottesville BenCarson,U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment secretaryrevealedWednesday hisVirginia homewasvandalized. Aftertheviolencein Charlottesvi lle, Virginia, Carsonpostedhis responseto his Facebookaccount,revealing hatecrimeshe experienced himself. In his post, CarsonrevealedhisVirginiahomewasvandalizedwithanti-Trumprhetoric,butthathisneighbors steppedupto help. "Morerecently our homein Virginiaalongwiththatof a neighborwasvandalizedby peoplewhoalso wrote hatefulrhetoricaboutPresidentTrump," hewrote."Wewereout of town, butotherkind, embarrassedneighbors cleaned up mostof the messbeforewe returned." The HUD secretaryalsotookthe momentto givea secondinstancein which a neighborput up a confederate flag, butthatin thesesituations , it is importantto takethe highroad. "In bothinstances,lessthankindbehavior wasmetby peopletakingthe highroad," Carsonwrote. "Wecouldall learnfromtheseexamples . Hatredandbigotryunfortunately still existsin ourcountryandwe mustall continue to fightit, butlet'susethe righttools. [NY]Arkercompletes$38Mrehabat StatenIslandcomple x (Real Estate Weekly) Real Estate Weekly (8/18/20174:31 PM, Staff) The ArkerCompanies hascompleteda $38million rehabilitation andpreservation projectat ElbeeGardens ,a 178-unit affordablehousingdevelopment at 1950CloveRoadin the Grasmereneighborhood of StatenIsland. Situatedon nearly eight-acresof land,ElbeeGardensis a six-storyelevatorbuildingthatwasinitiallyfinanced as a HUD236projectandconstructedin the early1970s.Theproject hadnot receivedanysignificantcapital improvements sinceit wasfirst rentedup in 1973.HPDalsoprovidedfour percentLow-IncomeHousingTax Credits,resulting in approximately $14 millionin tax credit equity. Thefinancingincorporates a permanentday onestructurewithcreditenhancement fromFreddieMac. WellsFargois the tax creditinvestorandlimitedpartner for the project.Officialsfromthe NewYorkCity HousingDevelopment Corporation, HPD andthe US Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment joined The ArkerCompanies andprojectpartnersto celebratethecompletiton of the project."Preserving and improvingourexistingaffordablehousingstockis a keystrategyin meetingNewYork's housingneeds"said 7 HUD-17-0235-C-001214 LynnePatton,HUDRegionalAdministratorfor NewYorkandNewJersey."Theextensiverenovations at Elbee Gardenswill keepthishousingviableandkeeptheGrasmere community thrivingfor thenextgenerationof New Yorkers ." [NY]Hereis the official resumeof the personTrumpputin chargeof federalhousingin NewYork (Washington Post) WashingtonPost (8/18/2017 8:54AM, TracyJan) ThepersonPresidentTrumptappedthissummerto overseeoneof thelargestregionsunderthe Department of Housing& UrbanDevelopment is a longtimeTrumpfamilyemployeewithnoexperience in housing,according to theone-pageresumeLynnePattonsubmittedas partof thetransition. Pattonbeganworkingfor Trump's sonEricin 2009as thevicepresidentof hisfoundationandas hisprimary aide.Sheoversawall aspectsof hisbusiness,charityandpersonalobligations. Thatincludedhis homeand spousalresponsib ilitiesas wellas coordinating events.Shewaspromotedin 2012to be theTrumpfamily's senioraideandchiefof staff, servingas the principa l contactbetweenthefamily membersandallcorporate partners,headsof stateandhigh-enddonors.Specifically, sheworkedfor theTrumpchildren,Donald Jr., Tiffany, lvankaandEricandhiswife,Lara. DuringDonaldTrump's presidential campaign,Pattonworkedas his senioradviserandfamilyliaison,focusingon minorityengagement. Shewasalsoa prime-timespeakerat the 2016Republican NationalConvention . InJune, HUDSecretaryBenCarson,an acclaimedneurosurgeon withno expertisein housingpolicyeither, chargedPattonwithrunningtheagency'sregiona l officeoverseeingNewYorkand NewJersey.Her appointment stirredcontroversy becauseof herlackof experience andthefactthatTrumphasa 4 percent stakein a Brooklyndevelopment, StarrettCity,thatis thenation'slargestsubsidizedhousingcomplex. Pattonis oneof 10 regionaladministrators for HUD,an agencythathasa $48.7billionbudgetthisyear.Her positionpays$161,900a year. 'The administration prioritizeshiringfamilyfriends,employees andpeoplewhohaveexpressedloyaltyto the president , raisingrealquestionsaboutwhythepresidentwantsherthere," saidAustinEvers,a formerState Department attorneyunderPresidentBarackObamawhonowheadsthegovernment watchdoggroup AmericanOversight. "Thisunderscores thatthisadministration doesnotprioritizequalifications at all, including for thisveryimportantjob whichoverseesbillionsof dollarsof taxpayermoney." Pattontoldthe Postin an emailthatas regiona l administrator , sheservesas theprimaryliaisonfor local agenciesandcityofficials as it pertainsto housingissuesbeforetheTrumpadministration - a job shesaysshe is uniquelypositionedfor givenherlonghistoryas "gatekeeper" to theTrumps."I am notdetermining fixed-rate mortgageloanrates.Nordo I haveanyoversightor undueinfluenceas to individualgrantdistributionor project funding," Pattonwrote. Pattonhasofficiallyrecusedherself fromanydecisionsinvolvingthe StarrettCityhousingdevelopment, signing a "conflictof interestdisqualification" memorandum on July12. AmericanOversight , formedby a groupof lawyersafterTrump'sinauguration to monitortheadministration's ethicsandexposeanypotentialconflictsof interest,obtainedPatton's officialresumethrougha Freedomof Act requestof theresumesof politicalappointees acrossvariousfederalagencies . Information [MD]Democrats demandKushner-related housingrecords(CBSNews) CBS 8 HUD-17-0235-C-001215 (8/19/20172:05PM, KathrynWatson) MarylandDemocrats aredemanding a slewof recordsfromKushnerCompanies LLCafterreportsthat its subsidiaries' apartmentcomplexesreceivingpublichousingpaymentsaregettingjudgesto orderthe arrestof delinquentrentersandmakingrentpaymentsunnecessar ily difficult for tenants. PresidentTrump'sson-in-lawandsenior adviserJaredKushnersteppeddownas CEOof KushnerCompanies whenhejoinedthe WhiteHouse,but retainsa significantfinancialstakein the business . Thefirmhasreceived $6.1million in federal rentalsubsidies throughthe Departmentof HousingandUrbanDevelopme nt (HUD)for threeapartmentcomplexesin MarylandsinceJanuary2015,accordingto a recentBaltimoreSunreport. Thosesubsidieshelptenantspaytheirrent.Butthe SunreportedKushnerCompanies is "themostaggressive [firm]in Maryland"in usinga debtcollectiontacticthaturgesjudgesto arrestpeoplewhofail to appearin court for unpaidrent, andhassoughtthe civil arrestof morethan100formertenants.TheNewYorkTimesand ProPublicaalso recentlyreportedKushnerCompanies doesn't allowresidentsto payrentwithmoneyorders, requiringindividua ls andfamilieswithoutchecking accountsto visita localWalmartor cashexpresscompany andpay$3.50for everytransaction. "If thesereportsareaccurate,theyraiseveryseriousandtroublingconcernsaboutwhetherKushner Companies andits subsidiaries arecomplyingwithHUD's housingquality standardsto ensurethe safetyand healthof their owntenants," MarylandDemocratic Sens.BenCardin andChrisVan Hollen, andfourother MarylandDemocrats in the House,wroteto KushnerCompanies on Friday. [MD]MarylandDemocrats requestdetails on JaredKushnerapartmentholdingsin state(Baltimo re Sun, MD) Baltimore Sun (8/18/20172:43PM, DougDonovan) Congressiona l Democrats fromMarylandareaskingfor thousandsof pagesof documents to reviewthe businesspracticesof the apartmentrentalcompanyownedby JaredKushner , son-in-lawandsenioradviserto PresidentDonaldTrump.In a letter Friday, Sens.BenCardinandChrisVan HollenandReps. ElijahE. Cummings , C.A.DutchRuppersberger, JohnSarbanesandAnthonyBrowntold Kushner'sfirmthat it must abideby U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment regulations becauseits tenantsreceivefederal rentalsubsidies throughthe HousingChoicevoucherprogram . TheKushnerCos.own17apartmentcomplexes in Maryland,mostof themin BaltimoreCounty.The lawmakers, whorepresentareaswithKushnerproperties , wantdocuments thatdetail the NewYork-based company 's vouchercontractswith HUD,inspectionreports, lawsuitsfiledbythe firmagainstformertenantsandinformation aboutany potential conflictsof interestfor Kushner . TheBaltimoreSunposteda storyonlinethis weekdetailingthe firm's legal effortsto collectunpaidrent from formertenants,includingrequestingbodyattachments, thecontrovers ial practicein whichjudgesorderthe arrest of civildefendantsfor allegedlyfailingto appearin court.The Sunhasreportedthatthe KushnerCos. havefiled1,240civil lawsuitsagainstformertenantsin Marylandfor unpaiddebts, actionsthathaveincluded requeststo haverentersarrested.The Sunhasreportedthatthreeof the company 's 17apartmentcomplexesin Marylandhavereceived$6.1 millionin HUD HousingChoicevoucherpaymentson behalfof 268tenants.The WhiteHousetold the Sunin FebruarythatKushnerwouldnot participatein any policy decisionsrelatedto the voucherprogramto avoidthe potentialfor conflictsof interest. (Editorial note:consultsourcelinkfor additiona l information ] [MD]U.S.Lawmak ers Seek Kushner CompanyRecordson MarylandApartm ents(ProPublica) ProPublica 9 HUD-17-0235-C-001216 (8/18/2017 8:06 PM, AlecMacGillis) Democ ratsfromthestate's congressionaldelegat ion sayarticlesby ProPublica, The NewYork TimesMagazine andTheBaltimoreSunraise'veryseriousandtroublingconcerns'aboutwhetherKushner'sbusinesses comply withfederalhousingstandards. Maryland 's twoU.S. senators andfourof its U.S.Houserepresentatives , all Democrats , senta lettertodayto the largereal-estatecompanyownedbythefamilyof JaredKushner,PresidentDonaldTrump'sson-in-lawand senioradviser,demand ing information aboutthecompany 's manageme nt of 17 apartmentcomplexes it ownsin the state. The letterto KushnerCompanies camein responseto a May23 article co-published by ProPublica andThe NewYorkTimesMagazineinvestigating management practicesat the rentalcomplexes, mostof whicharein the suburbsof Baltimore,aswell as an articlethis weekin The BaltimoreSunthatrevealed additionaldetails. Theoriginalstorydescribedthe highlyaggressive legaltactics that KushnerCompanies hasusedto pursue tenantswhoowedbackrentor hadlefttheirleasesearly- eventenantswholeft thecomplexes wellbeforethe companyboughtthemin 2012andtheyearsfollowing.In manyof thehundredsof casesbroughtby the company , it pursuedtenantsin courtfor years,withlatefeesandcourtfeesexpandingtheclaimsto amounts far abovewhatwasinitially owed. Thearticlereportedseveralinstancesin whichthecompanysoughtpaymen t evenwhentenantswereableto provideproofthattheyhadfollowedthetermsof thelease. Thearticlealsodescribedtheshoddyupkeepof manyof thecomplexes' roughly9,000units, whereproblemssuchas ceiling leaks,miceandmoldare rampant. TheSunarticlethisweekreportedthatin 105instances,thecompanywentso far as to seekthecivil arrestsof tenantswhofailedto appearin courtto addressallegationsof unpaid debt- morethananyotherlandlordin thestateoverthesameperiod.Courtrecordsshowthat20 formerKushnertenantswerein factdetained , the paperreported.The paperalsodisclosedjust howdependentthecompany's complexesareon federalhousing vouchers for rental revenue . Whilemanyof thecomplexes ' tenantspaytheirownrent, the paperdetermined thatat threeof thecomplexes alone,thecompanyhasreceived$6.1 millionin federalrental subsidiessince Jan. 1,2015. Intheir letter, MarylandSens.ChrisVanHollen andBenCardinandthefourcongressmen - ElijahCummings (therankingDemocratic on the HouseGovernment OversightCommittee),DutchRuppersberger,John SarbanesandAnthonyBrown- notethatthecompany 's relianceon subsidiesfromthe HousingChoice program(Section8) obligesit to followDepartment of Housing andUrbanDevelopmentrules. Under Housing Choice,each"dwellingunitmustpasstheprogram 's housingquality standardsandbe maintainedupto those standardsas longas theownerreceiveshousingassistancepayments." Therulesspecifythateach"dwelling unitanditsequipmentmustbe in sanitarycondition " and"mustbefreeof verminandrodentinfestation ." [VA]Portsmouth public housingtenants havebeenfightingmoldforyears withlittlehelpfromPRHA (Norfolk Virginian-Pilo t, VA) Norfolk Virginian-Pilot (8/19/201710:17 AM, AnaLey) Themoldhasreachedat leasteightfirst-floorhomesin the Hamilton Placeapartmentcomplex in the lastfour years, shiftingfromwhiteto greento blackas it creepsalongwalls, carpetsand,finally, furnishingsandother belongings. Low-income tenantstheresaythey're sickof scrubbingthe stuffout.Theywantthecity's HousingAuthorityto getrid of it, andnow,afterquestionsfromTheVirginian-Pilot , so doesthefederalgovernment. 10 HUD-17-0235-C-001217 "Weare inhaling this," saidDonnaQuinerly, whoseapartmentoff TurnpikeRoadwasso badlyinfestedthatlast weekshetossedouta livingroomsetcoveredin a sourfilm. Shefearsthat it's hurtingherson,whohasbeenhospitalized twicewithsevererespiratoryproblemssince February,accordingto medicalrecords. Quinerly saidshefirst reportedthe problem abouttwoyearsago,andalthoughshe's beengivencreditson her rentandthe occasionalvisit froma maintenance worker,officialswiththe Portsmouth Redevelopment and HousingAuthoritydidn't offerto moveheruntilWednesday afternoon- abouttwohoursafterThe Pilotasked propertymanagersaboutthe problem. At leastoneformerneighborsaidshewasso fed up, shemovedout eventhoughherrentis nowtwiceas expensiveat an unsubsidized homein Chesapeake . "I hadto go,"saidIvoryDupree,48, whomovedout about fouryearsagoafterthrowingawaya mattress. PropertymanagerNatalie Honeybluerefusedto speakwithThe Pilot, referringinquiriesto PRHA's mainoffice. "Mynameor my likenessbetternot be in anyreportsin the newspaper," shesaidbeforeasking a reporterto leavethe property 's management officeWednesday afternoon. NewlyhiredPRHAExecutiveDirectorEdwardBlanddeclinedmultiplerequeststo comment. Sometenantsinterviewed thisweeksaidthey've longstruggledwithmoldbut haven'treportedit out of fearof retaliation . "I don'twantto be evicted,"saidonewomanwhohasthrownout severalcouches , mattresses and dressersin the pasttwoyears."Whenyouwalkin myhouse, youcan smellit. It smells sour, it smellswet,andit smells likemildew,"Jonessaid. Shereportedthe problem a yearagobutsaidpropertyofficialsneverfollowed up. LisaWolfe,a regionalspokeswoman for the U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment , which overseesthe PRHA, urgedtenantsto submitworkordersif theyspotanyproblems.Thosewhohavedoneso but stillhaven'tgottenhelpfromthe localauthority shouldreachout to HUDto file a complaint , shesaid. OnThursday , Wolfesaidshereportedthe tenants'concernsandnotedthatthefederalagencyis lookinginto the matter."That'sreallya shame,"Wolfesaidwhentold sometenantsareafraidto calltheirpropertymanager. "I wishwe'd knownsooner.If we don't knowabouta problem , we can't do anything aboutit." [VA]Givingvetshousing Freedom in Wythe(SWVAToday,Wytheville, VA) SWVA (8/21/20175:10AM, MarkSage) U.S. Rep.MorganGriffithsaidhe'd heardplentyaboutFreedomLanebut hadn'tseenit. TheWythevilleRedevelopment andHousingAuthorityprojectto providehomesfor veterans"lookedgoodon paper," Griffithsaid. Thenhesaidhe turnedoff PeppersFerryRoadandthought"Wow. Notonlydidtheydo somethinggood.Theydid somethinggreat." TheRepublicancongressman wasoneof severaldozenin Wythevilleon Wednesday to celebratethe ribboncuttingof a long-awa ited housingcomplexfor thosewhoservedthe nation. Ownedandoperatedby theWytheville Redevelopment andHousingAuthority,the 24 newapartments off PeppersFerryhavealreadywelcomed12 newveteransandtheirfamilies. 11 HUD-17-0235-C-001218 A roadlinedwith one- and two-bedroomhomes,mosthandicapped accessib le, terminatesnear a clubhouseon thefour-acretract. The ribbon-cutting camea little overa yearfromwhengroundwasbrokenfor theaffordablehousing development. CathyPattison,whoclosedout hereightyears on theWRHA's seven-memberboardon Wednesday , pointedoutthatthe projectcamein underbudgetandaheadof schedule. Pattisonsaidtheideafor affordableveteranhousinggotstartedin 2010,whenRandyMartin,theWRHA's executivedirector,saidnoveteranshould be withouta home.Theidealaydormantuntil2013, whenthe housingauthorityboughteightacresof theformerAlco property . Martin saidthatthe purchasewasmadewith the$5 milliondevelopmentin mind. Martinsaidexecutingthe ideatookmorethantime,though.It required partnersh ipsacrossthestateand county,includingHOPE, VeteransAffairs,the Department of SocialServicesandothers. Martin saidthatmorethanhalf of the24 unitshavevoucherstied to themto helpwithrent. SharonAlexander,thechairof the WythevilleRedeve lopmentandHousingAuthority board,askedin her openingprayerthatFreedomLanebe "a placewherewe seethebestof humanity ." It wascertainlya placeWednesday whereJoeDeFelice,the regionaladministrator for the U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment, sawthe bestof Southwest Virginia. On his firsttrip to the region,he saidwas fallingin loveandmaynotreturnto hisofficein Philadelphia. [MS]CMHAPolice, federalagentsraid homeof accusednation wide Facebook scammerZienupSbeih {WLOX-TV ABC13, MS) WLOX-TV ABC 13 (8/19/2017 7:48PM, Carl Monday) CLEVELAND, OH(WOIO) - Thewomanaccusedin a nationw ide Facebookscamoperationis in more hot water. OfficerswiththeCuyahogaMetropolitan HousingAuthorityPoliceDepartment andan agentwiththe U.S. Office of InspectorGeneralDepartment of HousingandUrbanDevelopment wereat ZienupSbeih'shomein the Villagesof CarverParkoff of East45thStreetandQuincyFridayafternoon . Officersexecuteda countysearchwarrant,removingdocuments includingbanktransactions, stuffedanimals andothertoyspossiblyusedin ZienupSbeih'sallegedonlinescams. "Thisis basedon an investigation on storyyoumade,regardingZienupSbeih,"saidCMHAPoliceChiefAndres Gonzalez. [Editorialnote:VIDEOat source]. [LA]Kennerhousingauthority in limbo after MayorZahnasks directorto resign,removes remaining board member s {New Orleans Advocate, LA) New Orleans Advocate (8/21/2017 5:10AM, FaimonA. Roberts) KennerMayorBenZahnon Fridaycalledon thedirectorof thecity's housingauthorityto resignandremoved 12 HUD-17-0235-C-001219 theagency'stworemainingboardmembers , effectively castingthe agencyintolimbountil a newboardcanbe appointed. Lastmonth,Zahnstartedan investigation intotheagencyafterreceivingallegationsof mismanagement from resigningboardmemberConnie Montgomery . Montgomery accusedMarcStarling,whowasnamedexecutive directorlastyear,of hiringcroniesto workat theagencyandalsoof bullying behavior. StarlingaccusedMontgomery of being disruptiveanduncooperative in a separateletterto Zahn. Montgomery's resignation left thefive-member boardwith justtwo membe rs, shortof thethree-memberquorum neededto takeany action. ZahnsaidFridayhewasremovingthosetwoboardmembers"forcause"andthathe wouldreplacethemwith newmembers"intheverynearfuture." Hepointedto someof thethingsthat Montgomery citedin herletter, suchas issueswithprocurementandthe cancellat ion of somecontractswithvendors,whichZahnsaid weredone"withoutduecause." A city investigat ion "foundnumerousinstancesof potentialethicalandprocedural violations,whichat the very leastgivean overwhelming senseof impropriety at the KennerHousing Authority,"Zahnsaid in a statement. Zahn also citedStarling's resume , whichshoweda graduatedegreein urban development from Belford University, an unaccred ited,now-defunct institution thathadno physical address.Zahnalsosaidthat Starling hadleft twopreviousleadershi p postsat the U.S. HousingandUrbanDevelopmentDepartment under allegations of misconduct. [LA]Kennermayorgutshousingboard,seeksexecsresignation(KLFY-TV10 Lafayette , LA) KLFY-TV10 Lafayette (8/19/20172:21 PM,ChevelJohnson,AssociatedPress) NEWORLEANS(AP)- A suburbanNewOrleansmayorhasguttedthe KennerHousingAuthority 's fivememberboardandcalledfor the resignation of theagency'sexecutive director. MayorBenZahncalledfor an investigationafteroneof theagency's boardmembers,ConnieMontgomery , resigned.ShesentZahna letterdatedJuly5 claimingactionstakenby ExecutiveDirectorMarcStarling,Board Chairwoman FayeMathews , andBoardAttorneyDonRichardhadviolatedthe HousingAuthority'sprocurement policy, Louisianacivilservicerulesandstatestatutesandbylawsof theauthority. Montgomery 's resignation left theboardwithjusttwomembers , shortof the three-memberquorumneededto take anyaction. Zahn saidamongthereasonsfor hisdecisionFridaywasStarling 's cancellationof a multi-vendorcontract withoutduecauseandquestionable credits on hisresume . [LA]KennerMayordismantles KennerHousingAuthorityBoard , demandsresign ationfromexecutive director(WVUE-TV, LA) WVUE-TV (8/18/2017 6:56PM, Staff) KennerMayorBen Zahncomplete ly removedall membersof theKennerHousingAuthorityBoardandcallsfor theimmediateresignation of Executive DirectorMarcStarling.In a newsrelease,Zahnsayshewasalarmedto learnStarling's resumeshows, "graduateworkfroma fictitiouscollegecalledBelfordUniversity with no physical 13 HUD-17-0235-C-001220 location , culminating withhis receiptof a Master'sDegreein UrbanDevelopment,as wellas hisdeparturefrom twopreviousHUDleadershipposts."KennerofficialssayStarlingalsovoluntarilyvacateda HUDExecutive Directorpositionin RhodeIslandamidallegationsof mismanagement, andhewasremovedfroma similarpost in Floridaby federalinvestigato rs. Kennerlaunchedan investigation intothe HousingAuthorityBoardaftera boardmember , ConnieMontgomery, resigned . Shesentthemayora letterdatedJuly5 claimingactionstakenby Starling,BoardChairpersonFayeMathews, andBoardAttorneyDonRichardhadviolatedthe HousingAuthority 's procurement policy, Louisianacivil servicerulesandstatestatutesandbylawsof theauthority.At thetime,Zahncalledon the FBI, the U.S. Attorney,theJeffersonParishDistrictAttorneyandthe city's internalauditor,amongothersto investigatethe allegationsmadein Montgomery's letter."Ourinternalinvestigation foundnumerousinstancesof potential ethicalandprocedural violations,whichat theveryleastgivean overwhelming senseof impropriety at the KennerHousingAuthority ," Zahnsaid."Thiswillnotbe tolerated , especiallygiventhe missionof thisvery importantorganization." [LA]KennermayorremovesentireHousingAuthorityBoard,callsfor Exec.Director'sresignation (WWL-TVNewOrleansChannel4, LA) WWL-TV New Orleans Channel 4 (8/18/201711:32 PM, WWL-TV} KENNER- MayorBenZahnremovedtheentireKennerHousingAuthorityBoardfromtheirpositionsand has calledfor theresignation of thedepartment's Executive Director. Accordingto a statementfromthe Cityof Kenner,ExecutiveDirectorMarStarling's resumeshowedgraduate workfroma fictitiouscollegecalled"BelfordUniversity ," culminatingwithhis receiptof a Master's Degreein UrbanDevelopment. The resumealsoshowedthatStarlinglefttwo previousHUDleadersh ip positionsaround thecountry,butin realityhevacatedonepositionamidallegations of mismanagement andwasremovedfrom anotherby federalinvestigators. MayorZahncalledfor an investigation intotheKennerHousingAuthorityafteroneof its boardmembers, ConnieMontgomery , resigned.Herresignation leftthe boardwithonlytwomembers , makingit unable to take anyofficialaction. "Ourinternalinvestigation foundnumerousinstancesof potentialethicalandprocedural violations, whichat the veryleastgivean overwhelming senseof impropriety at theKennerHousingAuthority . Thiswill notbe tolerated , especiallygiventhe missionof thisveryimportantorganization ," Zahnsaid. Thereleasesaidthe mayorplansto replaceto boardmembersin the"Verynearfuture"andbringin a thirdpartycontractorto trainandcounselthe incomingboard. [LA]OurViews:Louisiana's pastcouldprovidea blueprintfor howFEMAcouldrestructure disasteraid (BatonRougeAdvocate , LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (8/19/201710:32AM, AdvocateEditoria l) Writingchecks,thewagssay,is whattheUnitedStatesgovernment doesbest. In a meetingmarkingthebeginningof hurricaneseason,PresidentDonaldTrumpmetwithmembersof the Cabinetandothers.Hesaidaidwouldnotbe heldup in theeventof a disaster . "We do it quickly.We do it effectively," Trumpsaid."Weareverystrongwithrespectto FEMA.FEMAis somethingI'vebeenverymuch involvedin already." 14 HUD-17-0235-C-001221 Whilea disasteris by naturea chaoticsituation , we thinkthereare lessonsthatthe presidentandCongress couldlearnfromLouisiana , wherewe've hada lot moreexperience thanevena NewYorkCitydeveloperat the timeof Superstorm Sandyin 2012,whonowhappensto be presidentof the UnitedStates. TheFederalEmergency Management Agencyis notperfect,butsincethecatastrophically poorresponseto hurricanesKatrinaandRitain 2005,presidentsBarackObamaandTrumphaveappointedexperienced administrators to thiscriticaljob. Canit do betterstill?WethinkLouisiana folkscouldgivevaluablelessons.Afterthedisastrous floodsin the greaterBatonRougearea,too manypeoplecouldnotgetaccessto FEMAsoonenough.Toquotea favorite lineof the congressman representing thecapital cityregion,GarretGraves,"Thefederalgovernment hasa customerserviceproblem."Graveshashelpedto do somethingaboutit, pushinglegislation to makedatabases accessible directlyin an emergency, insteadof requiringpeopleto wait on thetelephonefor FEMAagentsor contractors. Thatsmallbutwelcomestepshouldonlybe thefirstwayin whichthe U.S.government reassesses its responseto naturaldisasters. MaybeFEMAshouldhavemoreauthority,ratherthanless.Today,hurricaneresponseis in FEMA'scorner,but long-termrecoveryaid - as Louisianahasfoundoutagainthisyear- is by lawdoledout in packetsby a dysfunctiona l budgetprocessin Congress . Thechecksthencomeviathe U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment , throughblockgrant programs.Wedon'tknockanybody,butwe cannothelpbutwonderthatthelongprocessof rulemaking and regulation-writing by HUDstandsin thewayof the president's boastaboutefficientlywritingchecks. Thegoalis to useblockgrantfundscorrectlyandwithoutwasteor corruption . Therealityis thatstateandlocal officialsfacea newbureaucracy thatreinventsthewheel,oneof the reasonsmostcitedfor delaysin aid after the2016flooding. Louisiana 's membersof CongressandGov. JohnBelEdwardshavespokendirectlyto newHUDSecretaryBen Carson,whovisitedNewOrleansand BatonRougeto observethe problemsandopportunities herefirsthand. Theseissuesarecomplex.Wedon'tneeda newfederalbureaucracy midwaybetweenFEMAandHUD.The taxpayershouldbe protectedagainstfraudulentclaims.Butsurelythe eventsoverthelast dozenyearsin LouisianashouldleadCongressto restructurehowdisasteraid is delivered,so thatthecheckscomein a timely fashionfor communities. [LA]TaskForceapprovesplanexpanding eligibility,increasing awardsthroughLa.'sfloodassistance program(KPLC-TVLakeCharles,LA) KPLC-TV (8/18/201712:56 PM, KevinFrey) TheRestoreLouisianaTaskForcehasgiventhethumbsup to a planthatwouldexpandthenumberof flood victimseligiblefor awards.Homeowners withfloodinsuranceandremainingunmetneedsafterinsurance payoutscouldnowbe eligiblefor an award.Thismeansabout12,000homeowners whohavealready completedthesurveycouldnowhaveaccessto funding.Homeowners thatstillhaverepairsto do canhave theircostsfullycovered.Currently , for homeowners withincomesof morethan120percentof theAreaMedian Income,theprogramonlypays50 percentof repaircosts. Homeowners withcompletedrepairscangetbe reimbursed by50 percent,which is upfrom25 percentbefore. SomechangeswillrequireHUDapproval,which couldtakea fewdays.Pat Forbes,theexecutivedirectorof the Officeof Community Development,calledthechanges"Huge.""It eliminatesthe riskthatwe'regoingto have 15 HUD-17-0235-C-001222 thoseneighborhoods withblightin thembecausepeoplecouldn'tputtherestof the moneytogether,"he said. [LA]MoreLouisiana homeowners eligibleforfloodrecoveryaid(U.S. News& WorldReport) U.S. News & World Report (8/19/2017 2:11AM,AssociatedPress) DENHAMSPRINGS, La.- Louisiana's floodrecoveryboardagreedFridayto Gov.JohnBel Edwards'planto wideneligibilityfor a homeowner aid programby includingthosewhosefloodinsuranceproceedsdidn't cover theirrebuildingcosts. Grantamountsfor somehomeowners withoutfloodinsurance whoalreadyhadbeeneligiblefor limited rebuildingaidalsowill be boosted,underprogramchangesunanimously backedbythe RestoreLouisianaTask Force.The$1.3billionhomeowner aid programwascreatedwithfederalrecoverydollarsto helpthosewith damagefromthe MarchandAugust2016floods.Of thosewithfloodinsurance, onlyelderlyanddisabled,lowto moderate-income homeowners hadbeeneligiblefor the program. Edwards'administration determined it canbroadeneligibilitybasedon applications receivedso far. "It'sclear thatthereshouldbe enoughfundsto meetadditionalunmetneedsof affectedhouseholds," PatForbes, executivedirectorof thestate's recoveryagency,saidin a statement. About$16millionin grantshavebeen awardedto morethan550homeowners sofar. Morethan40,000peoplehavetakenthesurveythatis thefirst stepto determining eligibility. TheEdwardsadministration hasbeentryingto encouragemorepeopleto fill it out,knowingthatabout100,000 homeswereestimatedto havebeendamagedby thefloods. Someof theadjustments approvedFridaywill requireapprovalfromtheU.S.Department of HousingandUrban Development , whichoverseesthefederalrecoveryblockgrantmoney.Edwards ' officeexpectsto easilygetthe necessarysupport. [IN]Escaping oneof thenation'sworstenvironmental disasterzones(Washington Post) Washington Post (8/20/2017 7:29PM,Katie Mettler) InApril,EPAAdministrator ScottPruittdeclaredduringa visitto EastChicagothatplaceslikeWestCalumet wouldbe histop priority.Duringa 90-second statementat a newsconference , he saidhe hadcometo "restore confidence" thatthe EPAwas"goingto getit right." Officialsshould"assessandmakedecisionsandputthecommunity first," hesaid, addingthathewas"taken" by hisconversation witha fewresidentsduringthespringvisit. "Theemotion , the passionwasjusttelling,"Pruitt said. Later,in an interviewwithTheWashington Post, Pruittcriticizedpreviousadministrations for movingslowlyand distributing factsheetsandwarningsigns."Howaboutcleaningit up?Pruittsaid."Howaboutcleaningit up?" At theendof July,Pruitt's Superfund TaskForcerecommended creatinga "top10 list"of sitesto prioritize.The administrator did notspecifywhichsites, butmentionedEastChicagoto reportersat EPAheadquarters and calledresidents ' despair"heartbreaking." BenCarson,secretaryof HousingandUrbanDevelopment,whichoverseesthelocalhousingauthority,paida visitthismonth.Heacknowledged thatWestCalumetresidentshadbeen"inconve nienced " butsaidtheir relocations were"donein a goodway." 16 HUD-17-0235-C-001223 Of the hundredsof familieswhowere ordered outof WestCalumetlastsummer , Turner'swasoneof the lastto leave, dodginglettersfromhousingofficialsthreatening to shipheracrossstatelinesto Chicago . Thatwasthe cityshefleda decadeago,wheremomsfearnotdirt butbullets.Shewantedto whiskherkidsto saferground butjust couldn'tfindany. [IN]EastChicagoresident s wantanswers aboutwaterat Saturdaymeeting (Northwest IndianaTimes, IN) Northwest Indiana Times (8/19/2017 4:52AM,SarahReese) EAST CHICAGO- Residents willbe listening Saturdayfor an answerto a simplequestion: Is thecity's water safeto drink? IndianaDepartment of Environmental Management DrinkingWaterBranchChief MaryHollingsworth willgive a presentation, andCommissioner BrunoPiggottwill be in attendance at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 's monthlymeeting,an IDEMspokesman said. Residents werefrustratedlast monthwhenEPARegion5 Groundwater and DrinkingWaterDivision Regulations ManagerMiguelDelToraldid notattend.EPA officialssaidhewould insteadappearthismonth withhiscounterparts fromIDEM. EastChicagodid notrespondby presstimeto questionsaboutwhetheranycityofficials plannedto attendthe meeting,whichis setfor 10a.m.at theold CarrieGoschSchoolin WestCalumet. It's beensevenmonthssinceDel Toral recommended residentscitywideassumetheyhaveleadservice lines andusewaterfilters, and residentsarefed upwith "inactionandlackof communication " on thepartof government agencies , saidThomasFrank, a memberof theCommunity StrategyGroup. "We've beenarticulating ourdemandsfor sevenmonthsandtherehasn'tbeenanyanswer," Franksaid. "So, whatwe'regoingto be puttingforwardis our planto try to protectourownwaterandtry to addressthe issuesin absenceof anygovernment solutionsat this point." The Community StrategyGroupis workingto identifyfundingto conductthird-partywatertesting,he said. Residents haveaskedto be includedon theagenda,buthadnotreceivedanyconfirmat ion fromEPAas of late Thursdaymorning,saidAnjaliWaikar,attorneyfor the NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil. EPAfoundelevatedleadlevelslast fall at 18of 43 homesin the USSLeadSuperfundsiteas partof a study relatedto itsworkthere.Theagencylatersaidthe problemwaslikelyto besystemwide . [IN]TheEast Chicagolead crisis, one year later: Someof community groups'criticaldemands unaddressed (NorthwestIndiana Times, IN) Northwest Indiana Times (8/21/2017 5:10AM,LaurenCross) UpdatedAug19,2017 Aftera chaoticandrushedrelocationfor the 1,000-plus WestCalumetresidents , the Community StrategyGroup in a letterto HUDSecretaryBenCarsonis nowaskingthe U.S. Department of HousingandUrban Development to createan EastChicagoRecoveryFundto support,in part: 17 HUD-17-0235-C-001224 A secondmoveprogramoption,whichwouldallowformerresidentsandtheapproximate ly 40 voucherholders livingelsewhe re in theSuperfundsiteto moveagain "withoutthetimeconstraintsandbarrierscreatedby operational deficiencies." Theprogramwould includehousingcounseling andfundthecostof relocation . They arealsoseekingHUDto conditionfederallyfundedreplacement housingso thatresidentsgetfirstpriorityrights to movebackif theywish. Riskassessments at all homesin whichWestCalumetresidentsnowresidebecauseof thepreviousyearsof exposure to leadandarsenic. Relocation costsprogramto supportformerresidentsandcoverincidentalcostsof moving,suchas newschool uniforms. A homeowner/rental propertyrelief programthatcouldoffergrantsandno-to-low-interestloansto eligible households in theSuperfundsite to remediate theirhomes,in part,to addressbasementflooding . Rental properties wouldalsobe eligible. A HUD's Departmental Enforcement Centerbroadreviewof EastChicagoHousingAuthority 's programs, statements aboutthepresenceof leadabatementin publichousing,andotheractionsandomissionsand developa planof action to remedypotentialviolations. HUD's Officeof InspectorGeneralinvestigation intothe EastChicagoHousingAuthority 's conductof staff duringtherelocationprocessandstatements regardingthepresenceof leadpaintin units. [Editorialnote: consultsourcefor full details]. [IL]Communi cationchaosin Cairo: Confusionhas replaced shock since HUDtold400people they will have to move. (TheSouthern, IL) The Southern (8/21/2017 5:10AM,MollyParker) CAIRO- It's beenfourmonthssinceHUDofficialsannounced thatabout400residentswouldhaveto move outof theirfailing housingcomplexesin Cairoandrelocateto othercommun ities. Whilesomeof theshockhaswornoff sincetheannouncement, confusionanduncertainty havetakenits place. CorettaCornelius, a McBridePlaceresident, saidit's hardto geta clearansweraboutwhatoptionsare availablefor thepublichousingresidentswhosecomplexes areslatedfor demolitionandwantto remain in the city. 'There'sno reasonwhywe shouldbe hangingwiththis stuffoverourheadsafterfourmonths," saidCornelius, whosharesherapartment withher4-year-olddaughterandis hopingto beable to stayin Cairo. "Theyneedto clearit up. It's beenfourmonths." OnApril 10,HUDofficials calledresidentsof ElmwoodandMcBrideto a meetingto tellthemthatthecomplexes theycall homeareslatedfor eventua l demolition, andthattheywouldbe providedrelocationvouchersand assistancewithfindingotherhomes- thoughmostlyoutsideof Cairo.Afterrepeatedcallsthathe visit the historicalcity beforegoingthroughwitha planthatcouldthreatenitsexistence,HUDSecretaryBenCarson visitedCairoon Aug.8, justshyof fourmonthsfromthedaythathisstaffdeliveredwhatmanyresidentsof the cityperceivedas a one-twopunch:thebuildingswill be leveledbecausetheyweretoofar goneto save, and HUDdoesnothaveplansto rebuildpublichousingin Cairo. 18 HUD-17-0235-C-001225 At a townhallstyle meetingat the Cairo Junior/Senior HighSchool,Carsontoldresidentsthatafterdriving aroundthecitywithMayorTyroneColeman,it wasclearthatthecityfacedsteepchallenges. Buthetold residents , to resounding applause , "I thinkby thegraceof Godit's possibleto savethisplace." WhilevisitingCairo, Carsonalsosaidhe recommitted hisstaffto continuingto workwiththe cityto seeif more optionscouldbesecuredfor peoplewhowantto remainin Cairo. HUD:Residentsencouraged to movebeforewinter HUDspokesman JereonBrownsaid thatthefederalhousingagencyis exploringadditionaloptionsas a result of Carson'svisitanda brainstormingsessionwithcommunity leaders.Still, he said thatresidentsarestill being encouraged to move- andto do so beforecold weatherarrivesin a matterof months.Regardless of what othersmayhavereadintothe hopefulmessageby Carson,or whatpeopleare hearingfromother local and federalelectedleaders,BrownsaidthatHUD's overarching planhasnotchanged. "Unfortunately, we can't controlthemessagefromanyoneelse,"Brownsaid."We'vedonethisbeforeso we realizethatlivesandfuturescanbe affectedby thedecision.Ultimately it comesdownto whotheybelieve." Brownsaidoneof the reasonstheyareencouraging familiesto movebeforewinteris becausetheAlexander CountyHousingAuthority,whichis beingrunby HUDadministratorsin receivership, maynothavethefundsto repairor replacetheagingboilersthat heatthedevelopments if theyfail. Henotedthatresidentsweretoldin Apriltheyno longerhadto payrent- andmanyhadstoppedpaying monthsprior to thatin protestof their housingconditionsandallegedmismanagement by pasthousingauthoritymanagers. Thislackof paymentto theACHAfurtheraggravates thedeterioratedfinancialconditionof the housingauthority . "We're workingon somefinancialmodels,weighingoptions,comparing footprints,butfor now,repairingboilers, if extensiveworkis required , is notfinanciallyfeasible," he said. Fora numberof years,residentshavecomplained of inadequate heatingsystemsforcingthemto heattheir homeswiththeirovens,whichis extremely dangerousin anysituationandespeciallywherepeoplelivein such closequarters . It wasno differentthispastwinter, eventhoughbythatpoint,HUDhadbeenin controlof theACHA's operations for closeto a year.Brownsaid theissuefor thiswinteris thatfundsare limitedandHUD administrators overseeing thelocalhousingauthorityaretryingto prioritizelimitedfundsto improvethe developments thatcanbe salvaged. ''I'mnotsurethatit makeslogicalsenseto repairunitsslatedeventual ly for demolitionwhenwe haveotherunits in betterconditionthatarealsoin desperateneedof maintenance ," Brownsaid."The newerunitswill be around longerso it actuallymakesmoresenseto repairthose.Thatmaynotbe seenas a compass ionateanswer, butit willhelp theseniorsresidingin those(other)complexes ." [IL]East St. Louis on trackto regain local controlof its housingauthority (Belleville News-Democrat, IL) BellevilleNews-Democrat (8/19/2017 4:47AM, CarolynP. Smith) A federalhousingofficialsaidonceagainThursdaythattheEastSt. LouisHousingAuthoritywould be returned to localcontrol, butno timetablewasannounced . Bill Tamburrino , directorof the U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment officein Baltimore, Maryland , said, "I anticipatethetransitionbackto localcontrol,butwe havenotyet executedthetransition 19 HUD-17-0235-C-001226 agreement." Hesaidthetargettransitiondateis Aug.31. Tamburrino spokeduringa meetingof thelocal housingauthority.Hesaidtheagreement , onceexecuted, wouldmakethemboard membersinsteadof advisorycandidates. "Theyhaveto meetall of the requirements to be swornin accordingto statelaws," Tamburrino said.And,if everythinghappensin a timelymannerthenew five-memberboardcouldconductthecity's nexthousingauthoritymeeting on Sept.21,Tamburrinosaid. NeitherEastSt. LouisMayorEmekaJackson -HicksnorMildredMotley,executivedirectorof theEastSt. Louis HousingAuthority,couldbe reachedfor comment. In 1985, HUDdetermined thatthe EastSt.LouisHousingAuthority hadsubstantially failedto meetits obligation as requiredby law.So, HUDtookoverthe East St. LouisHousingAuthority,its projectsandprograms , as allowedby law. Sincethattime, the EastSt. LouisHousingAuthorityhasbeenunderHUDcontrol. Later, therewerefailedeffortsto putthehousingauthority underthecontrolof the St.ClairCountyHousing Authority. In 2015, East St.Louisfiledsuit seekingto havecontrolreturnedto thecity,buta federaljudgeruledthecourts haveno authorityto ruleon the matter. "Weworkedon it in 2013andit didn't workoutthen. Now, I amgladto seeit comingbackto the cityof EastSt. Louis," formermayorAlvinParksJr. said. [Ml] HUD Director goeson $336,000shoppingspreewithlow-incomehousingfunds(JudicialWatch) Judicial Watch (8/18/20171:03PM, Staff) HUD's inspecto r generalhasalsotestifiedbeforeCongressabouttheseveremismanagement at offshoots functioning independently -yetfederallyfunded-in statesacrossthecountrythathavefleecedtaxpayersoutof hundredsof millionsof dollars.Hetestifiedthathisofficediscovered morethan$200million in questionab le spendingat localpublic housingagenciessince2012.Clearly, thisis partof a muchbroaderepidemicat HUD. A Michigan -areanewspaper editorialblaststhe agencyfor failingto protecttaxpayerdollarsandlow-income familiesthat needhelp. Thepiececitesotherrecentcasesin which publicemployees stole fromHUD's Section 8 program,includinga 52-personring in Ohioandschemesin Texas,Louisiana, Arkansas,Coloradoand Massachusetts. "It shouldbe moredifficultfor housingcommissiondirectorsto write checksto themselves," the editorialstates."AndtheU.S. Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment shouldbe keepingcloserwatch overits Section8 voucherprogram."HopefullyPresidentTrump'snewHUDsecretary,BenCarson,will clean somehouseat thefraud-infested agency.Wedon't'needa newspaper editorialto tell usthat"HUDclearly has a gapin itsfiduciaryresponsibility." [CA]Richmondmayor wantsto scrapcity's public HousingAuthorit y (San Francisco Chronicle, CA) San Francisco Chronicle (8/19/2017 4:49AM,KimberlyVeklerov) Richmond MayorTomButtis proposingthedismantlingof thecity's HousingAuthority,sayingthatdiminishing fundsfromthe U.S. Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment maketheagency'scontinuedoperations untenable. Buttsaid dissolvingthe RichmondHousingAuthoritywouldnoteliminateexistingpublichousing,butwould essential ly divorcethecityfromfinancialresponsibi lityoverthesubsidizedhomes.Hesaidthe city hasspent 20 HUD-17-0235-C-001227 millionsto maintainthe propert ies becauseHUDhasnotprovideditsfairsharefor upkeep. In callingfor theauthority'seliminationFriday,Buttrequested thattheauthorityfirstinvestigatethe inadequacy of itsfederalfundinglevels.On his proposedwitnesslist, the mayorfloateda numberof figureswhohe said couldbe subpoenaed to testifyunderCalifornialaw,includingHUDSecretaryBenCarson. Buttsaid HUDis "obsessed" with faultinglocalhousingauthoritiesandhaschosento pickon a handfulof them, includingRichmond 's. In his draftresolution,themayor- whochairsthebodythatgovernsthecity's Housing Authority- pointedto a seriesof recentcomplaintsfromHUD, includingtheauthority's lackof independence fromthecitythathasresultedin a multimillion -dollardebtowedbytheauthorityto Richmond 's generalfund. "HUDhastriedto painta picturenationwide thattheyare outthereprovidingall themoneyandtoolsand administrativecontext,andthelocalagenciesjust aren'tgetting it done,"Buttsaid."That'ssortof theperception they'lltry to sellto you,andI don'tthinkthat'saccurate." HUDrepresentatives didn'timmediately respondto requestsfor commentFriday. The RichmondHousingAuthorityoperateshalfa dozenpublic housingprojectsandadministers the Section8 voucherprogramfor low-income residents. A pairof auditsby HUDinvestigators lastyearreprimanded thecityauthorityfor improperly spending$2.2 millionin federalfunds, submittingfalsedocumentat ion to thedepartment andwritingoff rentsowedby tenants. The bottomline,Buttsaid, is thatthecity authority is notgettingthefundingit needsto operateandmeetHUD's performance standardsandregulations , whichhe calledarbitrary. Buttsaidthatif hisfellowHousingAuthoritycommissioners agreeto dissolvetheagency,thecitywould workto maintaintheexistingpublichousingstock,buttransferit to anotherentity,suchas theContraCostaCounty HousingAuthority,HUD, a nonprofitor a privatedeveloper . "Thesehousingauthorit iesarejust beingstarved, " Buttsaid."It'snotsustainable. It's notworking.We've gotto finda wayout." [CA]SanBernardino CityCouncil to decide:Does spendingfederal money on homel ess help? (San Bernard inoCounty Sun, CA) San Bernardino County Sun (8/19/2017 4:47AM,RyanHagen) SANBERNARDINO - A meeting Mondaywill decidewhetherthecitywill spend$880,000of federalmoneyon a planto help homelesspeople hereor returnthe moneyoutof fearsthatit willultimatelyattractmorehomeless peopleto thecityandburdentaxpayers. Themeeting,scheduled for 6 p.m. in theboardroomat 201NorthE St.,continuesa City Councilmeeting Wednesday wherecouncilmemberssaidtheywouldn't approvetheplanuntil theygotmoreanswers . The thrustof theirquestions:Will thisprojectattractmorehomelesspeople to SanBernard ino,burdeningresidents anddiscouraging business?"Aftermeetingwithconstituents, therewerea numberof concernsraised,"said Councilman HenryNickel."There remainconcernsthatas we build more facilitiesthataccommodate thesetype of individua ls, thatit doesattractmoreof thosetypesof individualsto ourcommunity. It servesas a magnetto attractthesetypeof individualsthatseekservices." The CityCouncilhasalreadyapprovedtheprojectitself, whichis to convert21 apartments on GoldenAvenue 21 HUD-17-0235-C-001228 nearHighlandAvenueinto38 permanent housing unitsfor homelessandlow-incomeindividuals, alongwith supportiveservicessuchasjob placementandmentalhealthcounseling. This $880,000wouldbe usedas a loanto help thedeveloperacquiretheproperty. The nonprofitin chargeof theproject,InlandEmpireHousing FirstPrograms- StepUp,hasprojectsin other cities andwouldhousehomelesspeoplefromthosecitiesthere, KimAlbers, theorganization's vicepresident, saidduringthe meeting."SoI don't think in anywaythisparticularprojectcould serveas a magnet ," Albers said, addingthatoutreachwouldfocuson theareaimmediate ly aroundthe project.Councilman Jim Mulvihill addedthattheprogramis intensiveandlongterm- notan overnigh t shelter- makingit unlikelyto result in any newpeople on thestreets,he said. Nickelas well as Councilman JohnValdivia andCouncilwoman BessineRichardexpressedconcernthatSan Bernardino wastakingon theburdenof othercities' homelesspopulations , attractingmorehomelessand focusingresourceson thatissueinsteadof attractingbusiness.Thatled Richardto suggestcontinuingthe discuss ion later. The cityfacesa relatively tightdeadline:The federalHOME fundsmustbe spentbyAug.31, or theywill be reclaimedbythe U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment for usein otherpartsof thecountry, accordingto citystaff. A persistentconcernamongmanyin SanBernardino - as wellas othercitieslikeRedlands, wherethe number of homelesspeoplecountedrosethis year- is thatofferingservicesto homelesspeople will drawpeoplefrom othercommunities . That'swhythecountyintendsto go to everycitywitha double-digit numberof homeless peopleto bringthemintothe programandcreatea levelplayingfield,thecounty's homelessness czar, Philip Mangano, told theSanBernardino CityCouncilin April. HurricaneSandy [NJ]HUD, NJWrestle Over $1M In SandyRecovery(KYW-TV , PA) KYW-TV (8/18/201712:01PM, By DavidMadden) Thefedswantabouta milliondollarsfromthestateof NewJersey.At issue,loansgivento somevictimsof HurricaneSandythatauditorssuggestwerenoteligible.NewJerseywouldbegto differ.It comesdownto money,withthe HUDInspecto r General'sofficesayingas manyas 39 applicantsexceededincomeguidelines. LisaRyanwithNewJersey'sDepartment of Commun ity Affairsrespondsby saying theauditorsare in error. "Wedo admitthattherewere applicantincomeexceedances in AtlanticCountydueto a clericalerror," Ryan told KYWNewsradio, "Butwe alsobelievethatmostof thoseexceedances wereextremelysmall. Forexample,oneapplicantexceededtheincomelimitby only 91 dollars.""Webelievethata lotof these incomeexceedances , theydon't detractfromthe program 's overallpurposewhichwasto providehomebuyer assistanceto peoplewhowereaffected by Sandywhootherwisewouldhavebeennotableto purchasea home,"sheadded.Thestatehasfileda formalresponsewithHUD,whichmakesthefinalcall. Ryansaysthe statehopesto workoutthe issuein a waythat"advancesSandyrecoveryin NewJerseyin a positive fashion." [Editorialnote: VIDEOat source] 22 HUD-17-0235-C-001229 GinnieMae WithNo Ginnie MaePresidenton Board,AnnualSummit Moved to January2018(Inside Mortgag e Finance) Inside Mortgage Finance (8/18/201712:51 PM, GeorgeBrooks) GinnieMae- whichhasn't hada confirmedpresidentsinceinauguration day- will nothold itsannualsummit this fall, pushingthe usuallywell-attended pow-wowto January2018. A Ginniespokesman told Inside FHANA Lendinga newadministration andstaffdepartureshavecausedorganizersto reconsidertheirplans. The Trumpadministration hasyet to announcea nomineefor thetopjob at GinnieMaesinceformerpresident TedTozerleft in January.IndustryveteranDavidKittle, whohasheldtoppostsat theMortgageBankers Association, is rumored to bethefirstchoicefor thejob, buttherehasbeenno officialannouncement or nomination. MichaelBright,a formerPennyMac executivewhojoinedtheagencya fewmonthsbackas executivevicepresidentandchiefoperatingofficer,is actingpresidentof theagency,whoseguarantees back $1.8 trillionof MBS. HomeOwnership Bankof Americato Pay$6 Million to BankruptCoupleEvictedFromHome(WallStreet Journal) Wall Street Journal (8/18/201710:24 AM,KatyStech) ErikandReneeSundquist agreeto a settlementin theeight-year-long mortgagedispute Bankof AmericaCorp. hasagreedto paymorethan$6 millionto a Californiacouple whoa federal judgesaid hadbeenharassedandillegallyforeclosedon bythe bank'smortgageunit, endingan eight-yearlongdispute. The proposedsettlementbetweenthe bankandErikandReneeSundqu ist wouldenablethem"toenda long personalandlegalnightmarethathasimpactedeveryfacetof their andtheirsons' lives,"accordingto court papersthecouplefiledto requestthattheir2014 lawsuit againstthe bankbe dropped. Thedealcallsfor Bankof Americato paya fraction of thefineof morethan$46millionorderedby Judge Christopher Klein in March. In hisruling,thejudgesaidthe bank's mortgagemodification processandmistaken foreclosure on theSundquists' homein Lincoln, Calif., leftthemin "a state of battle-fatigued demoral ization." Theexactamountthatthebankwill paythe Sundqu ists is confidential, according to documents filedTuesdayin U.S.BankruptcyCourtin Sacramento . Theearlier order calledfor the bankto paythecouplenearly$6.1million in damages. [LA]Louisianaseeks to expandfloodrecoveryprogramsfor homeo wners(BatonRougeAdvocate, LA) Baton Rouge Advocate (8/18/2017 2:55PM,ElizabethCrisp) As thestateworksto rampup its floodrecoveryprograms , somehomeowners still seekingassistancea year after thehistoricfloodstolda paneltaskedwithoverseeing effortsthattheyaregrowingfrustratedwith the process . Onebyone, morethana dozenhomeowners toldthe RestoreLouisianaTaskForceon Fridayof inspectio n mix ups,delayedcommun ications , confusio n overqualificat ionsand otherissues. Membersof thetaskforcediligentlytooknotesandvowedto helpworkoutthe kinksin theprocess.Officials 23 HUD-17-0235-C-001230 fromGov.JohnBelEdwards ' administration followedupone-on-one withpeoplein thecrowd. "Thiswillneverbefastenoughfor anyof us," saidPat Forbes,directorof the Officeof Community Development. TheRestoreLouisianaTaskForce'smeetingFridaytookplacein DenhamSprings- oneof theareashardest hit by theAugustdownpour. Officials estimatethatnearlyhalfof the DenhamSpringsareahomeowners who hadFEMA-ver ifiedlossin thefloodhaven't yettakentheinitialstepof fillingoutan introductory surveyto get intothepipelinefor assistance, about7,500households. Statewide, about41,000of themorethan90,000homeowners whohavelossesverifiedby FEMAhavefilled outthesurveyat restore.la .gov. Thetaskforceon Fridayagreedto askfor the U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment'sapproval to openup thehomeowner recoveryprogramto thosewhohadfioodinsurancewhowerepreviously excluded. Theyexpectit couldimpactsome12,000homeowners, whowillbe notifiedif theyhavetakenthesurvey. ForbessaidHUD'sapprovalshouldbegrantedquickly. AffordableHousing [TX]Nirenberg announces creationof majorhousingtaskforce,laysoutvisionforcity(SanAntonio Express-News, TX) MySanAntonio (8/18/2017 4:59PM,JoshBaugh) MayorRonNirenbergon Fridaylaidout hisvisionfor SanAntonio'sfuturein a wide-ranging speechin whichhe declaredthat "SanAntoniois openfor business," andthatofficialsmustworkdiligentlyandquicklyto address botha massiveshortagein affordablehousingandgentrification. Themayormadehis remarksat a NorthSan AntonioChamberof Commerce luncheondowntown.Duringa post-address newsconference, responding to an inquiryabouthis makinga majorpolicyspeechat a luncheonthatwasn't theannualStateof the Cityaddress, Nirenbergsaidhewantedto outlinehisvisionandplansandhopesto offermajorheadwayon hispriority initiativesby thetimehe givestheannualaddressin the spring.Themayordeliveredpreparedremarkshe read crime, economic fromteleprompters - rarelyad-libbing- andcoveredtopicssuchas transportation, development andgentrification in the24-minutespeech. Healsoannounced thathe'sformeda newtaskforcechargedwithdeveloping a comprehensive housingpolicy for SanAntonio,onethatwilladdressthe lackof affordablehousingandgentrification issueshere.The Mayor's HousingPolicyTaskForcewill be led by LourdesCastro-Ramirez , theformerCEOof the SanAntonioHousing Authoritywhowenton to becometheprincipaldeputyassistantsecretaryof theU.S. Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment, underthenSecretaryJulianCastro.SanAntoniois facinga majorhousingcrisis, Nirenbergsaid, onethatcanno longerbe ignored.In theensuingtwodecades,thecitywill needmorethan 500,000newmultifamily andsingle-family residences to accommodate theexpectedsurgein population. A cityfundedanalysisshowsthatthere'scurrentlya needfor 142,000affordablehousingunitsandCensusdatashow nearly20 percentof SanAntoniansare livingin poverty,he said.Thetaskforcewilldeveloppolicy recommendations, workingin concertwithcityandnonprofitstaffers. [TX]Nirenberg FormsHousingTaskForceto AddressAffordability, Gentrification (RivardReport,TX) RivardReport (8/18/2017 6:02PM,JeffreySullivan) MayorRonNirenbe rg announcedFridaytheformationof a taskforceto developa "comprehensive , 24 HUD-17-0235-C-001231 compassionate" housingstrategyfor thecityto dealwithgrowth andrisingmedianhomeprices. "Thisis developing a newframeworkof policythatwilldealwithaffordability issues, anddirectlyaddress gentrificationanddisplacement as a priority," Nirenbergsaidfollowinghisspeechat the NorthSanAntonio Chamberof Commerce's 2017Mayor's Vision for SanAntonioeventdowntown. The Mayor'sHousingPolicyTaskForcewill be led byformerU.S. Departmentof HousingandUrban Development PrincipalDeputyAssistantSecretaryLourdesCastro-Ramirez. Othermembersincludeformer CityCouncilwomanMarfaBerriozabal; GeneDawsonJr.,ownerof Pape-DawsonEngineering ; Jim Bailey, AlamoArchitectsassociateprincipal;andNoahGarcia,VantageBankseniorvicepresident. "Theywill be chargedwithassuringthatSanAntoniomaintains its competitive advantagein housing affordabi litywhilewe growin a sustainable way," Nirenbergsaidto a roomfilledwith someof thecity's business andgovernment leaders.Nirenbergsaidthetaskforceis necessaryto helpensurethatthecitygetsthe 500,000newhousingunits neededto accommodate expectedgrowthoverthe next20 years,andto makesure thatpeoplearen'tpricedoutof theneighborhoods in whichtheygrewup. Themayoralsonotedthatthe cityis facingan affordablehousingshortageandneeds142,000newaffordablehousingunits. [CA]LA's HousfngCrisis: MuchWorsethanYouThink(City WatchLA, CA) CityWatch LA (8/17/2017 4:40PM,DickPlatkin) DrivingthroughSkidRow, witnessinghomelessencampments nearluxuryapartmentcomplexes , encountering peoplelivingin theircars,hearing storiesaboutlongcommutesto theAntelopeValleyfor cheaperhousing,or readingthelatestdataof soaringhousing pricesandrentsletsyouknowthat LAis in the midstof a severe housingcrisis.Thisis notnews,butthelatest reportfromthe U.S.Department andHousingandUrban Development documents thatit is muchworsethanyouthought.LosAngelesandNewYorktopthelistof U.S. citiesin whichresidentseither livein substandard housingor havea heavya rentburden.LosAngeles has1 millionverypoorhouseholds, 57 percentof which spendmorethanhalftheirincomeon housing , muchof which is substandard. LA's homelesspopulationgrewby 23 percentlastyear, andoneof thechiefcauseswasrising rents. Mostof us cannotseeit, butaccordingto LosAngelesMayorEricGarcetti,it is there,andit canbefoundin his June30,2017,QuarterlyStatusReporton Directive13:Supportfor AffordableHousing . The Mayor'sgoalis to build15,000newaffordableunitsbetween2013and2021, or approximately 2000unitsperyear. To date,Los Angeleshasbuiltslightlylessthan6,000newaffordableunits, butthis totalincludespreservedaffordableunits andfirst-timehomebuyer loans. If thoseareexcludedfromthe Mayor'slist,thetotalof actualnewaffordable unitsconstructed in LosAngelessince2013is around4,000.Thisfigureis lessthanthe numberof rent stabilizedunits removedfromthe marketeachyearthroughevictions,suchas 1370unitslostin 2016. Fair Housing Trumpcouldunderm inecivil rightsprogress morethananyotherpresident(TheHill) The Hill (8/18/2017 3:41PM, MayaRupertandCashaunaHill) Afterbarely eightmonthsin office,PresidentTrumphassecuredhislegacy:If leftunchecked , he willundermine civilrightsprogressin thiscountrymorethananypresidentin modernhistory.This weekhasshownpreviewsof this dangerousagenda.Sincebeginninghiscampaign , Trumphasfannedtheflamesof racism,bigotry,and xenophob ia - fromcallingMexicansrapists,makinga borderwalloneof hiscentralcampaignpromises, implementing a Muslimtravelban, andusingdog-whistle politicsto talkin veiledtermsaboutblack commun ities. Despitea numberof challenges to someof his morehigh-profileattackson commun itiesof color, 25 HUD-17-0235-C-001232 Trumphaseffectivelyusedexecutiveactionto significantly rollbackcivil rightsenforcement in thiscountry.This month,the U.S. Department of Justiceannouncedit wouldinvestigate andpotentiallysueuniversitiesover affirmativeactionpoliciesin admissions . Priorto that,the DOJ'sbriefingcameon the heelsof thepresidentannouncing - viaTwitter- thathewouldban transgender servicemembersfromservingin anycapacityin the U.S.military.Thesehigh-pro file announcements havecomeamidst of severalless-reported buttroublingcivilrightsdevelopments , including announcements thatthe Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment is droppinga crucialcaseon exclusionary housingpolicies;theadministrat ion plansto significant ly limittheofficesof civilrightsat several agencies. Justthisweek,amidstTrump'scommentsthathavefurtheremboldened whitesupremacists whoseean opportunity in hispresidency , HUDdealtanotherhugeblowto fair housingwhentheyannounced the suspension of a rulethathelpslow-income familiesmoveto lowerpovertycommunities . Withoutthisrule, lowincomefamilies - oftenfamiliesof color- willcontinueto be segregated intoloweropportunity commun ities,and it willbe moredifficultto achieveintegratedneighborhoods. Homelessness [DC]HomelessLGBTyouthfinda placeto calltheirownin D.C.(Washington Post) WashingtonPost (8/19/2017 7:43PM,Madhumita Murgia) In a blue rowhousein the District'sEasternMarket,Tiarais wigglingher hipsandsingingalongthroatilywith 21 otherblackyouths.Theirvoicesarevelvet.Tiara, in her rainbow-stripedtop,press-onbluenailsandyellow sneakersis dresseddownfor theoccasion;herfriendsdazzlein redwigs,sparklyeyeliner,croptopsand leatherminiskirts. As the keyboardist poundsoutthemelody,armsare raised,headsthrownbackandall the voicescometogetherin a crescendo. Thegroupis Breaking Ground,a localtheatercollectivefor LGBTyouthsof color;theyarerehearsing for their nextperformance in September, a musicalextravaganza chronicling theirvariedlifestories.Hers, Tiaraknows, is unusualevenamongthis eclecticgroup. Butfor now,sheis just revelingin the luxuryof beingherself. Likeso manyyoungtransgender people in thecity, Tiarais nota D.C.local.Shewasdrawnin becauseof the city's progress ive laws,vibrantLGBTcommunity andsocialsupportfor peoplelikeher.She'slivingin a newly openedtransitional housingapartmentoff BenningRoadin northeastD.C.,runbytheLGBTnonprofit Supporting andMentoring YouthAdvocates andLeaders(SMYAL). The buildingopeneditsdoorsto eight homelessyouthsin January , tryingto pluga vastgapin thecity'sresourcesfor youngLGBTpeoplewithout housing ; Tiara, in herearly20s,wasthefirstresidentto movein. Nextsummer , shewill haveto moveoutand findherownway. Thisapartmentis notmuchlikehome,sheoftenmarvels.Theghettoin Harare,Zimbabwe, wheresheliveduntil lastyearis homealsoto theChipangano,theruthlessyouthmilitialinkedto PresidentRobertMugabe.She workeddiscreetlyas an LGBTyouthactivist,butno oneoutsideherfamilyknewshewantedto liveas a woman,or eventhatshewasgay. Shewentbyhermalename,Traimo.Everytimeshedabbedon facepowder or worea tighttopin public,shefelt likeshewasparticipating in a smallrevolution.Herfirstthoughtswhenshe wokeupeverymorningwere,"AmI goingto comehomealivetoday?" [OK]Initiativeto endchronicandveteranhomelessness stillgoingstrong(TulsaWorld, OK) Tulsa World (8/19/2017 5:12AM, MikeAverill) 26 HUD-17-0235-C-001233 Housing641veteransand 187chronically homelesspeoplealreadyexceedsoriginaltargets An initiativeto endchronic andveteranhomelessnesshasfar exceededits initialnumericgoalsin termsof housing. Reachingthegoalof functionalzero,meaningthenumberof homelessandshelteredis notgreaterthanthe monthlyhousingrate,is stilla waysoff. Thepathto gettingto functionalzerois takingshapeas agenciesareworkingtogetherto createa newintake systemto ensurethoseneedingservicesthemostaregettingthe helptheyneed.Since2015, 641veteransand 187 chronicallyhomelessindividua ls havebeenhousedthroughtheA WayHomefor TulsaandtheZero:2016 initiative.Zero:2016is a nationalinitiativeto endveteranandchronichomelessness thatis spearheaded locally by a consortium of 23 agenciesnamedA WayHomefor Tulsa. Chronichomelessness is definedby theU.S. Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment as someonewho hasbeencontinuously homelessfor onefullyearor fourtimeswithinthe pastthreeyearsandhasa disability. Theoriginalgoalwasto endveteranandchronichomelessness by housing290veteransby theendof 2015 and89 chronicallyhomelessbytheendof 2016."Thepositiveis we'rehousingindividuals ," saidMackHaltom, associatedirectorof theTulsaDayCenterfor the Homeless . "We'realsostilldealingwithinflow." As of Fridaymorning,the namesof 207veteransand 106chronicallyhomelesswereon a listof current homelessthatwascreatedas partof the initiative. [UT]Utahteacherwantsweddinggiftssentto homeless,nother(Washington Post) Washington Post (8/21/2017 4:45AM, AssociatedPress) SALTLAKECITY- A Utahhighschoolteacheris gettingmarriednextmonth.Butinsteadof registering for a blenderor stemware,she's askingfor shoesandbackpacks to givehomelesschildrenat herschool. CopperHillsHighSchoolteacherRickeeStewartsaid shewasshockedwhenshefoundoutmorethan100 homelessstudentsattendherschool.Shelearnedaboutthehomelessstudentsaftertheschoolsetup a food pantry. "Oneof mystudentswalkedup veryquietlyandsaid, 'So, my momwantsto knowhowI canactuallygetsome of thatfood,'" Stewartsaid."It'sveryreal." Thisrealization promptedStewartto tell herweddinggueststheycandonateto herhomeless studentprojectin lieuof gifts, KSL-TVreportedThursday. [CA]Sacramento Countycan'tarrestitswayoutof homelessness (Sacramento Bee,CA) Sacramento Bee (8/18/2017 3:36PM, BobErlenbusch) The2017HomelessCountfor Sacramento Countydocumented a dramaticincreasein the numberof homeless people,risingfrom2,822in 2015to 3,665in 2017, of which56 percentare unsheltered. That's2,000neighbors in Sacramento County,throughnofaultof theirown, forcedto liveoutside,includingalongtheAmericanRiver Parkway. ThecountyBoardof Supervisors shouldmovewitha senseof urgencyto expandthenumberof emergency shelterbedsandshouldbe prioritizing additionalfundsto a woefullyunderfunded systemof mentalhealthand addictionservicesfor homelesspeopleto leveragethe $32 millionin "WholePersonCare"fundingthecityhas 27 HUD-17-0235-C-001234 received . Instead , in lateAugust,theboardwillconsiderspendingan additional$3 millionto $5 millionon its "Whack-amole"strategyto increaselawenforcement alongtheparkwayto handoutcampingcitationsto people who havenowhereelseto go. Supervisorsshouldforgetplaying'whack-a-mo le' on the parkway.Instead,expandshelterbeds,prioritize homelesspeople for mentalhealthcareandhousingandworkwiththecityon WholePersonCare. The supervisors recently authorized an additional$6.2millionon fournewhomelessinitiatives,oneof whichwasfor a full-service,24-hourdormitory-styleshelterfor upto 75 people.Thesadrealityis this centerwill notopenuntil mid-2018andonlymeets3 percentof the need. Thereis no senseof urgencyor scaleandnocoordinat ion with thecity's initiatives. Despitethesupervisors ' claimsthattheycan't arresttheirwayoutof homelessness, theirbudgetprioritiestella differentstory.Overall,the countyspends$40millionannually on homelessness , of whichonly$6 million is countygeneralfund.Lawenforcement alreadyaccountsfor 67 percentof this$6 million;theplannedincrease for parkwayenforcement wouldweightthecounty's strategyevenmoretowardarrests. Howwouldthe Sacramento RegionalCoalitionto EndHomelessnessspendan additiona l $5 million?Triplethe numberof full-service rehousingshelters , housing 225people;or employ 100homelesspeople at $50,000 each, effectivelygivingthemthe meansto housethemselves . Theycouldbedeployedto helpwithdebrisremovalandnavigation to community resources , amongother neededfunctions.Wewouldleveragecityfundsby prioritizinghomelesspeoplefor careat county-run mental healthandaddictionprogramsandfor county-controlled housingvouchers . Weurgethe boardto supporteffectiveshelterandemployment. PublicandIndianHousing(PIH) [CT]New Haven's ChurchStreetSouthquiet, butfamilies remain(New HavenRegister, CT) New Haven Register (8/21/201712:03AM, MaryO'Leary) Slowgoingfor remainingfamiliesat ChurchStreetSouth NEWHAVEN>> Whereoncetherewere283families,there are now16. Thedeteriorated 48-year -old crumblingChurchStreetSouthcomplexis eerilyquietthesedaysas relocation specialistJocelyneBarsczewski, an employeeof the HousingAuthorityof NewHaven,continuesto counselthe remainingtenantson thesitewhoneedto findnewhomes. ThefirstSection8 vouchersfromthe U.S.Department of Housingand UrbanDevelopment werepassedoutto tenantswhowantedthemin May2016, butit could still be monthsbeforethefewremainingtenantsleave. 'We are righttherein thehomestretch," Barsczewski recently toldtenantsat a meetingat thecomplex. Barsczewski saidthereare 11familiesleftat thecavernouscomplexwithvouchersthatwillallowthemto move anywhereHUDfindstheapartmentacceptable andthelandlordagreesto accepta rentalcap. 28 HUD-17-0235-C-001235 [PA]Philadelphia HousingAuthorit y Holds Conference OnChangingPolicies (KYW-TV , PA) KYW-TV (8/18/2017 5:16PM,By PatLoeb) Publichousingresidentsandemployees fromaroundthecountryaregatheredin Philadelphiafor a conference on howto copewithchangingpoliciesundertheTrumpadministration.Theconference offersworkshops on creativeuseof limitedresourcesandself-sufficiencythrougheducationandsmall businesses. Thehost,Philadelphia HousingAuthorityChiefKelvinJeremiah , saysit's aboutempowering residentswhoface sharpcutsin government help. "Thereductions thatareproposedwouldbe devastating, impacting themost vulnerab le people:seniors,disabled,homeless,andpeopleat thebottomof theeconomicladder.Andthey shouldbe participating in the processof determin ingwhathappensto them,"Jeremiahsaid.PHAresidentboardmemberAsiaConeysaystenantsunderstand, andareseekingnewopportunit ies, butshealsohopes they'llleavecommittedto preserving what'sleft. "Publichousingis a needthatfolkswillalwayshave,"shesaid. [VA]Charlott esville, "happiest cityin America" - butfor whom?(Salon) Salon (8/20/20171:47PM, EmmaEisenberg) Whena citywith a whitesupremacist presenceandmarginal ized blackworkingclassis runby genteel "progressives" Therewasa momenton Saturday , August12ththathappened quicklybutchangedthecourseof everything thatcameafterit. Aroundnoon, a small groupof whitesupremacists whohadleftthecenterof theprotestsat Emancipation Parkwalkeddownto an affordablehousingcomplexcalled Friendship Courtand, standingat its entrance,hurledracistslursat blackresidents.Backat Emancipation Park, wordspreadamongcounter protesters thatCharlottesv ille blackresidentsneededhelp, anda throngheadedsouthto offertheirbodiesas support.Butbytimetheygotcloseto the housingcomplex , an organizerwithAnarchist Peopleof Colortold themto turn back. Theresidentshadalreadyhandledthesituation , shetoldthemarchers. As theyturnedbackupfourthstreet,thefirst marchranintoanothergroupof counter -protesters alsounder instructions to headto Friendship Court. It wasa momen t of jubilation- the residentshadsuccessful ly defendedthemselves , andtheofficial"Unitethe Right"rallyhadbeeneffectivelyshutdown.Thetwomarches merged,creatinga hugecongest ion of people.Butthis moodlastedonly a few minutes.It wasintothis rejoicing crowdthat20-year -old JamesAlexFieldsJr. gunnedhiscar, thenbackedit up, andgunnedit again. It makesa cruel kindof sensethatHeatherHyerandtheotherswhowerehit by Fields'carhadjustcomefrom standingin solidaritywithresidentsof this particularpublichousingcomplex, for it lies at the verycenterof the cityandat thecenterof whathappened thisweekendin morewaysthanone. "Thesite itselfis in theheartof downtownandthecenterof thecity'sStrategic Investment Area,"a developer namedFrankGroschwith the Piedmon t HousingAuthority(PHA)told a crowdassembled at thewell-heeled OmniHotelin September of 2015."Andit'san extraordinarily valuablepieceof realestate." It wasat thatsame breakfastfundraiserthatGroschannounced thatthe PHAwouldacquirethe 150-unitsubsidizedapartment complexin 2018andredevelopit as a mixed-income neighborhood. Sustainability TheTrumpadminis trationjustdisbandeda federaladvisorycommittee on climatechange(Washing ton Post) Washington Post (8/20/201711:50PM, Juliet Eilperin) 29 HUD-17-0235-C-001236 TheTrumpadministration hasdecidedto disbandthefederaladvisorypanelfor the NationalClimate Assessment, a groupaimedat helpingpolicymakers andprivate-sector officialsincorporatethegovernment's climateanalysisintolong-termplanning. Thecharterfor the 15-person AdvisoryCommittee for theSustainedNationalClimateAssessment- which includesacademics as wellas localofficialsandcorporaterepresen tatives- expiresSunday.OnFriday,the NationalOceanicandAtmospheric Administration's actingadministrator, BenFriedman,informedthe committee's chairthattheagencywouldnotrenewthe panel. TheNationalClimateAssessment is supposedto be issuedeveryfouryearsbuthascomeoutonlythreetimes sincepassageof the 1990lawcallingfor suchanalysis.Thenextone,duefor releasein 2018, alreadyhas becomea contentious issuefor theTrumpadministration. Administration officialsarecurrentlyreviewing a scientificreportthatis keyto thefinaldocument.Knownas the ClimateScienceSpecialReport,it wasproducedby scientistsfrom13 differentfederalagenciesandestimates thathumanactivitieswereresponsible for an increasein globaltemperatures of 1.1 to 1.3degreesFahrenhe it from1951to 2010. NationalNews FleecingAmerica'sbuilders(TheCenterfor PublicIntegrity) The Center for Public Integrity (8/21/2017 5:45AM,MaryamJameel) Howworkerson government construction jobsarevictimizedby contractors thatstandlittlechanceof being caught Poortrackrecordof oversight Government subcontractors underpaytheiremployees anynumberof ways,LaborDepartment recordsshow. Somecompanies misclassify workers,claimingtheybelongto a lower-paying trade, as the LaborDepartment foundwiththeGSAasbestos-removers. Othershavebeencaughtstrikingemployees frompayrollrecords entirely.Stillotherscutworkers'hourson paperto makeit appearthatthewagespaidreflectedactualtime worked. Inonecase,air-conditioner installerson a job financedin partbythe U.S.Department of HousingandUrban Development wereroutinelygivenpaychecks reflectingthe$50.70perhourto whichtheywereentitledunder Davis-Bacon. Theywereforcedto cashthechecksandreturnabouthalfthe moneyto theiremployer,Igloo HVACLLC,theLaborDepartment alleged.Payrollrecordssubmittedto HUDreflectednoneof this. TheLaborDepartment settledthe casewithIglooHVAC,whichpaidmorethan$80,000in backwagesto five workers.RobertoFlores,thecompany's owner,declinedto comment,citingthe settlement agreement. A HUD spokesman saidthatwhiletheagencyreviewspayrollrecordssubmittedfor projectsit finances,it can't always verifytheaccuracyof thoserecords. Wagetheftin federalcontracting hastakenon newurgencyas theTrumpadministration proposesa "great rebuildingof ourcountry,"a $1 trillionincreasein publicinfrastructure investment overthenext10years. TheComplexRelationship BetweenInnovation andEconomic Segregation (TheAtlanticCitylab) The AtlanticCitylab (8/21/2017 5:45AM, RichardFlorida) 30 HUD-17-0235-C-001237 It's notjustthetechindustrythat'srespons iblefor America 's stratifyingcities. Nottoolongago,citieswerebending overbackwardto attracthigh-techcompan ies,whichtheysawas offering good, highpayingjobs.Cityaftercitydevelopedprogramsdesignedto turnthemintothe"nextSiliconValley." Butnow,fromthe backlashagainstAirbnbandUberto protestsoverhigh-techcompanies andtheirshuttle busses,high-techcompanies areincreasing ly seenmoreas villainsthansaviors,to blamefor makingcitiesless affordableandfor thegrowinggapbetweenthe richandthe poor.Indeed,America's leadinghigh-tech centers - theBayArea, Boston,NewYork, Washington D.C., Austin, SanDiego, andRaleighall rankhighlyon variousmeasuresof wageandincomeinequality. Butto whatdegreedo high-techindustryandeconomicsegregation go together? A newstudy by meandmycolleague,CharlottaMellander , takesa deepdiveintothisissue. Ouranalysis covers themajority of America's350-plusmetros.Withinthem,we measureinnovationbothin termsof patents (themostcommonlyusedmeasureof innovation by econom ists)andtheconcentration of high-techindustry. Wemeasureeconomicsegregation throughseveralmodelsbasedon income,education,andoccupat ion,as well as a combinedmeasureof overalleconomicsegregation basedon all three. TreasurySecretaryMnuchinRejectsCallsto Resign , DefendsPresidentTrump(WallStreetJournal) Wall Street Journal (8/21/2017 4:45AM,NickTimiraos) 'Someof theseissuesarefar more complicatedthanwe areledto believeby themassmedia,' Treasurychief says TreasurySecretaryStevenMnuchinrejectedcallsfor himto resignin protestof PresidentDonaldTrump's responseto violenceat a white-nationalistrallyin Charlottesville, Va., lastweekend,anddefendedthe president in a statementSaturdayevening. Mr.Mnuchincondemned the"actionsof thosefilledwithhateandwiththe intentto harmothers." "WhileI findit hardto believeI shouldhaveto defendmyselfon this,or the president,I feelcompelledto let you knowthatthepresidentin noway, shapeor formbelievesthatneo-Naziandotherhategroupswhoendorse violenceareequivalentto groupsthatdemonstrate in peacefu l andlawfulways," Mr.Mnuchinsaid. About300of Mr. Mnuchin'sclassmates fromtheYaleUniversityundergraduate classof 1985posteda letter onlineFridayasking Mr. Mnuchinto resignin protestof Mr.Trump's comments. "It is yourmoralobligation," theysaid. "Weknowyouarebetterthanthis,andwe arecountingon youto do the rightthing." [NY]ThewarinsideTrumpVillage(Crain's NewYorkBusiness,NY) Grain's New York Business (8/21/2017 5:45AM,AaronElstein) Residents areat oneanother'sthroatsas once-affordab le apartments builtby DonaldTrump's fathersoarin value JusticeDepartment charges Nonethe less,in 2015theU.S. Justice Department chargedObermanandtheco-opwithunlawfullyattempting 31 HUD-17-0235-C-001238 to evictresidents,citinga "patternor practiceof discrimination againstresidents." ThefedssaidOberman allegedlybeganevictionproceedings againsta residentwhohada dogin violationof buildingrulesat thetime. It turnedoutthedogownerwasa veteranof combatin Afghanistan whounder federallawhadthe rightto own a pet-a shihtzu namedMickey-to helpcopewithpost-traumat ic stressdisorder.Prosecutors also accused ObermanandTrumpVillageof threatening to evictthreeotherdog-owning residents , denyingthempreferred parkingspacesandretaliatingagainstoneby removingthepersonfromtheco-opboard. Thecasecameafterthe U.S.Department of HousingandUrbanDevelopment chargedObermanandTrump Villagein 2015withfreezingpeopleon thewaitinglist for parkingspacesandleapfrogging at leastoneperson to thetopof theline. Oberman , whosteppedasideas co-opboardpresidentin 2015,saidTrumpVillageis nowpet-friendly andthe JusticeDepartment casewassettledconfidentially in July. Inthe meantimeObermanfacesotherlegalchallenges. As partof thestrategyto marketTrumpVillage apartments to families , a photoshowinghimwithhiswifeandyoungchild wasputon theco-op'smarketing materials at thesametimehewasrunningfor CityCouncil.In MaytheCampaign FinanceBoardstaff determined thatObermanillegallyusedco-opcashto promotehis unsuccessful campaign,accordingto records obtainedby Crain's underthe Freedomof Informat ion Law.Heandhiscampaign faceupto $25,000in penaltiesandrestitution, althougha lawyerfor Oberman,LaurenceLaufer,saidhe believesthecasewill be dismissed withoutfinancialpenaltiesat an administrative hearingscheduled for Aug.21. In 2014thecityfined Oberman$7,500aftersayinghe usedhisTLCworkplacephoneto raisemoneyfor hiscampaign. [VA]TimKainecolumn:Virginians mustrespondto thispainbyaccelerating progress(Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA) RichmondTimes-Dispatch (8/21/20174:45AM,SenatorTimKaine) LastSaturday, Americaandtheworldwereconfronted withscenesof neo-Nazis , Klansmen,andotherwhite supremacists terrorizing thecitizensof Charlottesville. Ostensibly protestingthe locallyelectedgovernment's democratic decisionto removea monument of RobertE. Lee, the rallierschantedracist, anti-Semitic, homophobic messageshavingnothingto do withstatuesor heritage.Theycameto spewhate. Andit wasmorethanjust words. Heavily armed"militia"membersintimidatedlocalcitizens . A mobbeat DeandreHarrisunconscious. A whitesupremacist intentionally drovehiscarintoa crowdof people, killing32year-old HeatherHeyerandinjuringdozensof otherswhocameto standup for loveandtolerance.Andthe ensuingchaosresulted in thedeathsof VirginiaStatePolice officersBerkeBatesandJayCullenas they workedto restorepeace. As I attendedthememorial servicesfor thesebraveVirginians, eachkilledstandingupfor Virginiavaluesof equalityandorder,I soughtto understandthisgrievousattackon ourcommonwealth. Andmoreimportantly ,I soughtto determinehowwe mustrespondto it. Theeventsin Charlottesville did notoccurin a vacuum.Ourcommonwealth knowswellthe painof racismand division.Thearrivalof shackledAfricansin Virginiain 1619beganthe monstrous institutionof slaveryin our country.Richmondbecamethecapitalof an insurgentbreakaway nation dedicatedto themaintenance of slaveryandtheprincipleof whitesupremacy. Andwhenslaverycollapsed,succeed ing generations embraced JimCrowandMassiveResistance ratherthanliving in accordwiththeprincipleswe hollowlyproclaimed to be self-evident. 32 HUD-17-0235-C-001239 [WA]Trump won places drowningin despair.Canhe save them? (Seattle Times, WA) Seattle Times (8/18/2017 2:29PM,ClaireGalofaro,AP) In GraysHarborCounty,Wash.,thecollapsedloggingeconomyhasbeenreplacedbydespair,homelessness, drugsandalcohol.SomeTrumpvotersheremaintainconfidencein him;othersareafraid. ABERDEEN, Wash.(AP)- One-hundred-fifty basketsof pink petuniashangfromthe lightpostsall overthis city,wateredregularlyby residentstryingto maketheircommunity feel aliveagain.A local artistspendshis afternoonshighin a buckettruck, paintinga block-longmural of a littlegirl blowingbubbles,eachcirclethe sceneof an imagined,hopefulfuture. Butin the present,vacantbuildingsdominateblocks.A van,stuffedso fullof blanketsandboxestheyare spillingfromthewindows,pulls to the curboutsideStacieBlodgett's antiquesshop. "Lookinsideof it,"shesays."I betyouhe'slivingin it." Aroundthecorner,a crowdedtentcityof thedesperateandaddictedhastakenoverthe riverbank,makeshift memorials to too manydeadtooyoungjuttingup intermittently fromthemud. America,whenviewedthroughthebarson Blodgett'swindows,looksa lot lessgreatthanit usedto be.So she answeredDonaldTrump's call to thecountry's forgottencorners.Thousandsof her neighborsdid,too,andher county,onceamongthemostreliablyDemocratic in thenation, swungRepubl icanin a presidential electionfor thefirsttimein 90 years. "People werelike,'Thisguy'sgoingto be it. He'sgoingto changeeverything,makeit betteragain,"' shesays. Blodgettstandsat the computeron hercounterandscrollsthroughthe headlines.Everydayit's somethingnew: detailsin the Russiacampaigninvestigation, shake-upsat theWhite House,turmoiloverTrump'sresponseto race-fueledriots.Hisadministration's failedplansto remakethehealthcaresystemmayor maynotcost millionstheircoverage,andthere's a lackof clarityoverhowexactlyhe intendsto eradicatea spiraling drug crisis thatnowclaims142Americanliveseachday- a growingnumberof themhere,in GraysHarborCounty. "Hashe doneanythinggoodyet?"sheasks."Hashe?" Blodgettwasbornandraisedin thiscounty,wherethe loggingeconomycollapseddecadesago,replacedby a simmeringsenseof injusticethatoutsiderstookthelumber,builtcitiesaroundtheworldandthenleftthisplace to decaywhentherewasnothingmoreto take. Thecommunity sankinto despair.Suicidesincreased,addiction tookroot.Blodgettis 59,andthe rateat whichpeopleheredie fromdrugsandalcoholhasquadrupledin her lifetime. [WA]This weekwe're sittingdownracismandstandingup for Seattle mayor(KUOW) KUOW (8/21/2017 4:45AM,Bill Radke& JasonPagano) AUDIO.Ourpanelthis week: BillRadke@kuowradke , host RonSims@simsron,retireddeputysecretaryof U.S.Departmentof HousingandUrbanDevelopment,and formerKing CountyExecutive 33 HUD-17-0235-C-001240 SydneyBrownstone @sydbrownstone, reporterat TheStranger RobMcKenna@robmckenna , formerWashington stateattorneygeneral Headlines TheWashington Post (8/19/2017 7:00AM) A neo-Nazi's rage-fueled journey to Charlottesville Rebel statues across South have face familiar to Yankees Trump thrusts Bannon aside Spain probe points to wider network (8/20/2017 7:00AM) Six angry men and their long roads of hate A bond forged behind barbed wire Bannon gone, but fissures remain Charlottesville lays bare GOP's Trump dilemma Manhunt continues after Spanish terrorist attacks (8/21/2017 7:00AM) Totally immersed in today's eclipse A monument's safe haven 10 U.S. sailors missing, 5 hurt A comedian of antic joy and genius His searing punchlines landed hard TheNewYorkTimes (8/19/2017 7:00AM) Stephen Bannon Out at the White House After Turbulent Run Steve Bannon, Back on the Outside, Prepares His Enemies List Police See Wider Plot in Spain and Say Carnage Could Have Been Worse In Terror Attacks in Spain, a Global Community of Victims In Monument Debate, Calls for an Overdue Reckoning on Race and Southern Identity City Will Move Sidelined Teachers From Limbo to Classrooms 'We Can't Just Pull Out Our Gun': Border Patrol Alters Training (8/20/2017 7:00AM) How to Get Away With Murder in Small-Town India Charlottesville and Trump's Response Reshape Virginia Gubernatorial Race With Bannon's Ouster, Question Remains Whether His Agenda Will Be Erased, Too Spain, a Leader in Foiling Attacks, Falls Victim to One Anyway A Deal Breaker for Trump's Supporters? Nope . Not This Time, Either. The Benefits of Standing by the President Protesters Flood Streets, and Trump Offers a Measure of Praise (8/21/2017 7:00AM) Trump Settles on Afghan Strategy Expected to Raise Troop Levels Bannon Was Set for a Graceful Exit. Then Came Charlottesville. Barcelona Attack Suspects Had Ties to Imam Linked to ISIS Jerry Lewis, Mercurial Comedian and Filmmaker, Dies at 91 Dick Gregory, 84, Dies; Found Humor in the Civil Rights Struggle Before a Solar Eclipse Crosses 14 States, a Great American Road Trip 34 HUD-17-0235-C-001241 TheWallStreetJournal (8/19/2017 and8/20/2017 7:00AM) Steve Bannon, Controversial Aide to Trump, Is Out Spain Ties Attacks to Broad Terror Network Mystery Bidder Emerges to Challenge Buffett for Oncor China Curbs Hollywood Deals, but Greenlights Tech Investments What Did Sloths Do to Earn Their Sudden Popularity? Not Much (8/21/201 7 7:00AM) First Round of Nafta Talks Reveals Early Friction Imam in Spanish Town Emerges as Suspect in Barcelona Attack Trump and the CEOs: Behind the Collapse of an Uneasy Alliance Investors Pull Back From Gundlach 's Biggest Fund at Doubleline ABCNews (8/20/2017 3:30 PM) 10 missing after US Navy destroyer collides with merchant ship off Singapore Total solar eclipse: US braces for rare astronomical event Trump has 'inside information' on who protested in Charlottesv ille: Falwell Jr . NBCNews (8/20/2017 3:30PM) 10 Sailors Missing After USS John S. McCain Collides With Tanker Attacks Throw Spotlight on Spain's Muslim 'Parallel Societies' Legendary Comedian and Actor Jerry Lewis Dead at 91 CBSNews (8/20/2017 3:30 PM) 10 sailors missing after USS John S. McCain collides with oil tanker University of Texas moving Confederate statues from main area U.S., South Korea start annual war games that infuriate North Korea Washington Schedule President (8/21/2017 7:00AM) The White House Seesourcelink. Schedulenotyet available. VicePresident (8/21/2017 7:00AM) The White House Seesourcelink. Schedulenotyet available. Senate (8/21/2017 7:00AM) Senate Senateis not in session. Houseof Representatives (8/21/2017 7:00AM) 35 HUD-17-0235-C-001242 Houseof Representatives Houseis notin session . {Endof Report} Disclaimer: Theinformation andviewsexpressed in thisNewsBriefingdo notnecessarily represent theviewsof HUDor the UnitedStatesanddo notconstituteanendorsement bythe Department. 36 HUD-17-0235-C-001243 From: Sent: To: Subject : Williams, Sheppard V Monday , August 21, 2017 1:50 PM DeFelice, Joseph J FW: FEMA Meeting Photos needed Joe, Nikihadwanteda posedphotoof youandthefolksyouaremeetingwithnow. AnychanceI canstagea picturewillyouall at theendof yourmeeting? S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this messageis not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this messageor portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this messagein error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Edwards, Nika V Sent : Friday, August 18, 2017 5:17 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc:Solivan, Elvis Subject : Photos needed Importance: High Van, thank you for your help! Here are the meetings that will be held here in the office/FPM Confere nce Room. Please get a few posed shots of Joe with each special guest . o o o August 21 - RA DeFelice will meet with Maryann Tierney, FEMA Region Ill's Regional Administrator, and Kevin Snyder, FEMA Region Ill's Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator. 1:30-3:00 August 23 o RA DeFelice will meet with former Pennsylvania Governor Mark Schweiker and U.S. Facilities' Brandon Kelly to discuss Section 3 opportunities. 11:00-12 :00 August 23 - RA DeFelice will meet with U.S. Dept . of Health and Human Services Acting Regional Director Melissa Herd to discuss the HHS/HUD partnerships in Region Ill. 1:30-2:30 Nika "Niki " Edwards Regional Public Affairs Officer U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Mid-Atlantic Region (Region III) Philadelphia Regional Office 100 Penn Squar e East pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001244 Philadelphia, PA 1910?.7 2154306622 HUD-17-0235-C-001245 From: Sent: To: Subject : DeFelice, Joseph J Monday , August 21, 2017 3:00 PM Williams , Sheppard V Re: FEMA Meeting Photos needed Sorry just saw this van. Thanks for tiling the pies Joseph J. DeF elice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 1:49:47 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: FW: FEMA Meeting Photos needed Joe, Nikihadwanteda posedphotoof youandthefolksyouaremeetingwithnow. AnychanceI canstagea picturewillyouall at theendof yourmeeting? S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA & CTS Liaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3 445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this messageis not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this messageor portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this messagein error, pleasereply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Edwards, Nika V Se nt: Friday, August 18, 2017 5 :17 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc:Solivan, Elvis Subject: Photos needed Importance: High Van, thank you for your help ! Here are the meetings that will be held here in the office/FPM Conference Room. Please get a few posed shots of Joe with each specia l guest. o August 21- RA DeFelice will meet with Maryann Tierney, FEMA Region Ill's Regional Administrator, and Kevin Snyder , FEMA Region Ill's Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator. 1:30-3 :00 o August 23 - RA DeFelice will meet with former Pennsylvania Governor Mark Schweiker and U.S. Facilities' /\M f Brando n Kelly to discuss Section 3 opportunities . 11 :00-12 :00 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001246 o August 23 - RA DeFelice will meet with U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Acting Regional Director Melissa Herd to discuss the HHS/HUD partnerships in Region Ill. 1:30-2:30 Nika "Niki " Edwards Regional Public Affairs Officer U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Mid-Atlantic Region (Region III) Philadelphia Regiona l Office 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-6622 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001247 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachments : Williams, Sheppard V Tuesday, Augus t 22, 2017 8:11 AM Schmidt, Carrie S; Payne, Carol B; Miller, Jane E;Turner, Marvin ; Bynum, Maria L; Alston, Julie A Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Edwards, Nika V; Wolfe, Lisa A; Davis, Anne; Wi lliams, Evie; Stovall, Teresa V; Wallis, Patrick R; Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Bert, Jennifer M Please Read: Important FOIA Policy Statement - Effective Immediately Executive Secretariat FOIA Policy Statement - 8-15-2017 - DFW.docx; CFoiaO.DOCX Please read the complete email thread below which contains important FOIA policy statement and clarification for the field. This is effective now. In the interim, please contact your Regional FOIA Liaison at 215-4306628 , if you have any questions. From: Williams, Darlene F Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:40 PM To: FPM_Deputy_Regional_Administrators Cc: Hunter, Matthew F ; Bregon, Nelson R ; FranceschiniPetty, Raquel ; Scott, Paul A ; Williams, Darlene F ; Forero, Jaime E ; Lake, Karen A ; Lawyer, Michael C ; Kelly, Holly A ; Routt, Lora D ; Glekas, Pamela ; Webb, Randall Subject: Important FOIA Policy Statement IMPORT ANT FOIA POLICY STATEMENT - PLEASE SHARE AS APPROPRIATE ALL FOIAs relating to appointees are to be issued through Headquarter s. It is the Executive Secreta riat's Policy that a11FOTAs related to appointees be handled in headquart ers and responses are reviewed and signed by Helen Foster. Please copy Deborah Snowden, Executive FOIA Branch Chief and Jerry Brown, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs as well as Darlene Williams, Senior Policy Advisor to ensure FPM headquarters awareness. The se FOIAs will be assigned to HQ. The same is true for all requests relating to members of Congre ss and all requests from any media outlet. Here is the link to the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. https://www.justice.gov/o ip/oip-summary-foia-improvement-act-2016 See attachments above, ; Foye, Kristine G ; Snowden, Deborah R ; Smallwood, Marcus R Cc: Hunter, Matthew F ; Bregon, Nelson R ; FPM_Deputy_Regional_Administrators ; Franceschini-Petty, Raquel ; Scott, Paul A ; Forero, Jaime E ; Lake, Karen A ; Lawyer, Michael C ; Kelly, Holly A ; Routt, Lora D ; Glekas, Pamela ; Webb, Randall ; Brown, Jereon M ; Jih, Deena S ; Simpson, Kevin M Subject : RE: Follow up clarification requested regarding sentence in Important FOIA Policy Statement Great question. Please let me clarify. We are essentially identifying three types of FOIA requests that should be processed through HQ. That means that the responsive documents will be prepared and released by HQ Exec Sec. and the final release will be reviewed and signed by me as the Chief FOIA Officer. The three types that this procedure applies to are: (1) Any FOIA request from, or relating to, a member of Congress OR (2) Any FOIA request from any media outlet OR (3) Any FOIA request relating to an appointee In each of these cases, we will, of course, still rely on the field FOIA liaisons to work with t he reco rds custodians and guide the searches as appropriate, but the processing of those documents (the application of exemptions and correspondence with requesters) will be handled by HQ FOIA. The rat ionale for this policy is the same in all three cases. These types of FOIA requests are the most likely to requ ire cross-agency coordination and/or HQ leadership awareness/visibility. The FOIA Improvements Act places responsibility for FOIA compliance squarely on the agency head (the Secretary). As a result, inconsistent or uncoordinated responses create additional oversight and reputational risks to the agency and the Secretary in particular. To mitigate those risks, we have developed a uniform process for the vetting of complex and high visibility FOIAs at HQ that ensures (1) we are applying the law and HUD policy consistently, including implementing the new foreseeab le harm standard; (2) HQ OGC FOIA counsel has an opportunity to review such responses; and (3) CIR,OPA, and the Secretary's staff (when needed) are informed of the content of outgoing FOIAs,without creating delay in the release. As the fina l signatory, I am the last check (the buck stops here, if you will) to make sure that (1), (2), and (3) happened without delays, short-cuts, or missteps. Happy to talk about this further at any time. Add ing in Kevin Simpson and Jerry Brown in case I missed anything or they have anything to add. Helen From : Williams, Darlene F Se nt : Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:29 AM To: Foye, Kristine G ; Foster, Helen G ; Snowden, Deborah R ; Smallwood, Marcus R Cc: Hunter, Matthew F ; Bregon, Nelson R ; FPM_Deputy_Regional_Administrators ; Franceschini-Petty, Raquel pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001249 ; Scott, Paul A ; Forero, Jaime E ; Lake, Karen A ; Lawyer, Michael C ; Kelly, Holly A ; Routt, Lora D ; Glekas, Pamela ; Webb, Randall Subject: Follow up clarification requested regarding sentence in Important FOIA Policy Statement Good morning ORA Foye, I am adding Helen Foster and staff reque sti ng clar ification on the sentence. Ms. Foster, please see the email attached below from ORA Foye. We are requesting your clarification on behalf of FPM. Please provide a response ASAP. Thankyouinadvanc~ ; FPM_Deputy_Regional _Administrators Cc: Hunter, Matthew F ; Bregon, Nelson R ; FranceschiniPetty, Raquel ; Scott, Paul A ; Forero, Jaime E ; Lake, Karen A ; Lawyer, Michael C ; Kelly, Holly A ; Routt, Lora D ; Glekas, Pamela ; Webb , Randall Subject: RE: Important FOIA Policy Statement Dr. Williams - can you please clarify this sentence? The same is true for all requests relating to members of Congress and all requests from any media outlet . Does that mean that any FOIA reque st about Congress, and from media outlets need to be handled in HQ (regardless of the subject)? Or does that mean that any inquiry from a member of Congress or media outlet regarding an appointee has to be handled in HQ? Thanks for the clar ification Kristine Foye /\M ~ ( J\\-i pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001250 kristinugfnve?imLida-W HUD-17-0235-C-001251 ALL FOIAs relating to appointees arc to be issued through Headquarters. It is the Executive Secretariat's Policy that all FOIAs related to appointees be handled in headquarters and responses are reviewed and signed by Helen Foster. Please copy Deborah Snowden, Executive FOIA Branch Chief and Jerry Brown, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs as well as Darlene Williams, Senior Policy Advisor to ensure FPM headquarters awareness. These FOIAs will be assigned to HQ. The same is true for all requests relating to members of Congress and all requests from any media outlet. Here is the link to the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 with some additional changes. https ://www.justice.gov/oip/oip-surnmary-foia-irnprovement-act-2016 AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001252 Excerpt from amendments to FOIA signed into law ,July 2016 0)(1) Each agency shall designate a ChiefFOIA Officer who shall he a senior official of such agency (at the A-.sistant or equivalent level). Secretary (2) The Chief FOIA Officer of each agency shall, subject to the authority of the head of the agency(A) have agency-wide responsibility for efficient and appropriate compliance with this section; (B) monitor implementation of this section throughout head of the agency, the chieflegal General appropriately informed the agency and keep the officer of the agency, and the Attorney of the agency's performance in implementing this section; ( C) recommend policies, to the head of the agency such adjustments personnel, implementation and funding as may he necessary to improve its of this section; (D) review and report to the Attorney at such times and in such formats agency's performance (E) facilitate public understanding agency's handbook on this section, issued under (F) offer training through General of the purposes subsection may direct, on the of the statutory exemptions of the exemptions in both the (g), and the agency's an overview, of agency records the head of the agency, this section; concise descriptions and hy providing categories General, as the Attorney in implementing of this section hy including general to agency practices, where appropriate, to which those exemptions to agency staff regarding annual their responsibilities report of certain apply; under this section; ( G) serve as the primary Information Services (H) designate agency liaison with the Office of Government and the Office of Information t or more Policy; and FOIA Public Liaisons. (3) The Chief FOIA Officer of each agency shall revie\\', not less frequently annually, compliance AMERICAN VERSIGHT all aspects of the administration with the requirements than of this section hy the agency to ensure of this section, including - HUD-17-0235-C-001253 (A) agency regulations; (B) disclosure of records required under paragraphs (2) and (8) of subsection (a); (C) assessment of fees and determination (D) the timely processing of requests (E) the use of exemptions under subsection (F) dispute resolution Information Services AMERICAN VERSIGHT services of eligibility for information for fee waivers; under this section; (h); and with the assistance of the Office of Government or the FOIA Public Liaison. HUD-17-0235-C-001254 From: DeFelice, Joseph J To: Williams, Sh e ppard V Tuesday, August 22, 2017 10:31 AM Read : Please Read : Important FOIAPolicy Statement Sent: Subject: - Effective Immediately Your message To: Schmidt, Carrie 5; Payne, Carol B; Miller, Jane E; Turner, Marvin; Bynum, Maria L; Alston, Julie A Cc: Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Edwards, Nika v; Wolfe, Lisa A; Davis, Anne; Williams, Evie; Stovall, Teresa V; Wallis, Patrick R; Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Bert, Jennifer M Subject: Please Read: Important FOIA Policy Statement - Effective Immediately Sent: 8/22/2017 8:11 AM was read on 8/22/2017 10:31 AM. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001255 Subject: Location: Monthly Ethics Briefing Deputy Secretary's Conference Room Start: End: Show Time As: Wed 8/23/2017 10:00 AM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Required Attendees: Zorc, Bethany A Zorc, Bethany A; Hughes, Andrew; Coffey, Alexander; Barton, Victoria L; Bass, Deana; Beckles, Angela L; Bowes, Robert B; Byrd, David J; Fitzpatrick, Nora S; Greenwood, Sheila M; Gruson, Barbara; Holderfield, Stephanie A; Kasper, Maren M; McCall, Drew A; Patton , Lynne M; Petty, Timothy J; Youngblood, Richard A; Williams, Raphael L; Browning, Austin G; Gribbin, William J; Dendas, Michael W; DeFelice, Joseph J; Thompson, Amy C; Demarzo, Benjamin E; Delahoyde, Abigail M; Coressel, Jacie; Bacon, James A; Marzol, Adolfo F; Kurtz , R. Hunter; Burley, Michael N; Eagles, David T; Shasky, John E; Alexander, Mason; Gibbs, John; Gormley, Joseph M; Bourne, Christopher M; Joy, Johnson P; Hobbs , Benjamin R; Gaines, Ralph H; Mills, Allison F; Woll Jr, David C; Appleton, Seth D; Bright, Michael R; Ludlow, Ashley; Kelley, Michael J; Wade , Dana T; Brown, Christina M; Hunter, Matthew F; Roget, Gisele G Bravacos, John G Optional Attendees: Wed 8/23/2017 10:30 AM Tentative We will discuss FOIA, the Privacy Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other related confidentiality rules. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001256 From: Sent: To: Subject: Will iams, Sheppard V Wednesday, August 23, 2017 3:11 PM DeFelice,Joseph J Congressional Response Letter in your box Anychanceyoureviewandsignthe letterfor Rep.Perrythisafternoon? Sheppard "Van" Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator - Region Ill U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 100 Penn Square East - 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430 -6628 Phone 215-656-3445 Fax Sheppard.V.Williams@hud.gov o. 14IIL' ':' This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution, use, or copy ing of this message or portion thereof is strict ly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001257 From: Sent: To: Subject: DeFelice, Joseph J Wednesday, August 23, 2017 3:27 PM Will iams, Sheppard V RE: Congressional Respo nse Letter in your box yes From: Wi lliams, Sheppard V Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 3:11 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: Congressiona I Response Letter in your box Anychanceyoureviewandsigntheletterfor Rep.Perrythisafternoon? Sheppard "Van" Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator - Region Ill U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 100 Penn Square East - 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-6628 Phone 215-656-3445 Fax Sheppard.V.Williams@hud.gov 0 141h ': This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copy ing of this message or portion thereof is strict ly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001258 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Will iams, Sheppard V Thursday, Aug ust 24, 2017 7:40 AM Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Wolfe, Lisa A; Porinchak, Brandon R; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn; Robinson, Shana; Fear (Ctr), Eugenia F; Solivan, Elvis Sillery, David A Reminder - On Ann ual Leave Fri. 8/25 Havea goodweekend! Sheppard "Van" Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator - Region Ill U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 100 Penn Square East - 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 215 -430 -6628 Phone 215-656-3445 Fax Sheppard.V.Williams@hud.gov D' , oo , L.;1. This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copy ing of this message or port ion thereof is strict ly proh ibited . If you have received this message in er ro r, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001259 Fadlelmola, Belinda J From: Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 11 :32 AM bal.incoming To: Cc: Turner, Marvin; Ott, Richard M; FORD, ROBERTJ; Porter , Michelle D; DeFelice, Joseph J; Everett,Janice C Subject: Attachments: Attached l(b)(6 ) property VESTA ENTEKA VESTA CAMILLE SHEPHERD.pdf is the recent incoming correspondence from Iand her complaint against the subject management company. 1 Internal search revealed that this a MF property Michelle Porter. assigned It is our understanding that a response will be prepared submitted to Marvin Turner for signature. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to and to ask. BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOF'MENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001260 BRIA:'i E. FROSH WIU.IAM D. GRLH:'i Attorney neneral Chief Consumer Protection Division RLl7.ARF.TIIF. HARRIS Chief' Deputy Attorney nenera! DO:'l'NAHILL STATON Deputy Attorney Crenera/ CARO LY~. Ql!A TTROCKI l)eputy Attorney General STATE OF MARYLA;IID OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WRITrn's DIRECT DIA!.. No . (30 I) 386-6200 Fax: (301) 386-6210 CO;IISL'~IER PROTF.CTIO~ DIVISION August 22, 2017 Re: Vesta, Inc. Case ~o.: YIU-285958 Dcal(b)(6) Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the problems you experienced with Vesta, Inc. Unfortunately, the Consumer Protection Division is not the proper state agency to assist you with these concerns. for this reason, by copy of this letter we are referring your complaint to the following which we believe will be better able to assist you. Housing and L'rban Development 820 First Street, 1''E, Suite 300 Washington D.C., 20002 Phone: (202) 275-9200 Fax: (202) 275-6381 If you do not hear from the above following receipt of this letter, you may wish to contact them directly to verify receipt of your refened complaint. Thank you again for notifying us of your concerns and we hope that the I lousing and Crban Development office will be able to assist you. Very truly yours, Consumer Protection Division cc: Housing and Urban Development 820 First Street, NE, Suite 300 Washington D.C., 20002 Prince George\ Cuunty Branch Office 9200 Basil Court, Suite 30 ! o Largo , \1aryland 20774 Telephone (30 I) 38(,-6200 o Fax (301) 386-6210 Consumer Complaint;; Toll Free (888) 743-0023 o Health Advocacy LnitiBilling Complaints (410) S28-l!M0 1!~alth Advocacy Unit Toll f'rcc (877) 261-8807 o I lomebuildcrs Division Toll Fret: (877) 259-4525 + Telephone fur Dear (410) 576-63 72 AM VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001261 Banks, Tomii From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: OAG Tuesday, August 15, 2017 8:54 AM Consumer FW: TIME SENSITIVEComp laint Against Vesta, Inc. Lanham ( Possible Homelessness caused by Agency that 1 believe receives state and federa l funds) About Vesta.docx Please see below . Thank you! From! (b)(6) Sent: Monday , August 14, 2017 6 :53 PM To: 0AG <0AG@oag.state.md .us> Subject: TIME SENSITIVEComplaint Against Vesta, Inc. Lanham ( Possible Homelessness caused by Agency that I believe receives state and federal funds) Dea r Attorney Genera l Staff : I don 't know if this is the appropriate office to lodge my comp laint. but please direct me to the off ice if you do not handle this type of complaint. I am basically about the be made homeless by an agency that is supposed to be providing me houslnglll I am rent ing a room in a house owned by Vesta , Inc., a non-profit behavioral health organization that provides assistance to mental healt h patients in a number of areas , including housing . ( SEE vesta.org for more details) In any case , I was recently informed that Vesta would not renew my lease because I earned too much money to meet HUD housing requ irements . The letter also falsely claimed that I fai led to cooperate with the HUD recertification process process. I provided them all the information that they requested. They then represented to me that they had non-HUD housing available at a nearby house which I qualified for . They even had me to fill out an application for the housing and gave me a rent amount to pay . They sent me the officia l Notice of Non-renewal on July 18, 2017 and informed me that I had 30 days to move . ( They did this on the same day that they were informed that I had to leave town due to my father 's illness Hhis demonstrates how insens itive this Agency and his be ing placed on a venti lator- my father later passed on!(b) (6) They offered me a location to move in EXTENSIONS) NO ME WOULD THERE THAT INDICATED is- THE LETTER and I accepted upon their offer and representation that I was eligible to live in this specific home that they offered me. My scheduled move was to be on August 18, 2017. I was informed today , that the home they had offered me and wh ich I was to move into this Friday was not available because today, for the first time . Vesta represented that the home was a HUD home and that I did not meet the requirements . They wanted me to move immediately as scheduled , but my case manager nego tiated a two week extens ion . ( The Hous ing Representative for Vesta. Inc. who made these claims today was Ange la Middleton( I am wr iting to the OAG because this lime frame to find a place is unreasonable and this is a classic case of "detrimental reliance ." I relied on their representation that they had a place for me to stay to my detriment. I reserved and paid for movers on last week. Contacted the cable company to establ ish cable at my new address and rented a U-Hau l truck for the move . Fl NALLY, I did not spend my time over the last 30 days looking for a place because I relied on the ir word that I had one. This is what I would have done had I had not relied on their representation that they had a place ava ilable for me to stay. I need your help dealing with this Agency and their improper treatment of the ones they are charged to protect. The relief that I want is MORE TIME TO SEARCH FOR A PLACE WITH VESTA PROVIDING ME WITH HOUSING WHILE I SEARCH. 6_)___ Please reply to confirm receipt of my message and call me a~._(_b)_( A~LH CAf\ VERSIGHT __. HUD-17-0235-C-001262 I am attaching some Information about Vesta, Inc that I gathered from their websle to give you an Idea of who I am dealing with. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance In this matter. Sincerely, !(b)(6) 2 AM~ HICA\J VER IGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001263 uindlora/Tenant Crovidlr1g me houSi11gU n provr!le~as;:.l9tance co manta! ht>illthpatients In a number orareas, health 01.11an1ietrothat t Inc,, ll not1-prof1~havro!'ill would not renew my lease .org for more n UlBt they h11da plllce for me to 9tay to my detr iment. truck for the move . FINALLY, I Clid not S"l'!rl~ my time cable comiieny to estab ll~h cab le at m~. new address and rented o U-Hnl.rl mat I hod one . This is what i would hi>Vedone l111dI had ovcir the l~st 30 dayslooking foro pla~e tiecau!e { relied on tMcr word me to nay . I need your Mlp de~lln~ Wlth this Agenty am! not 1?ol1ed on their represent:ltion that they hod" place: a111,rla~\eror rellef tnat I warit is MORETIME TO $EAR.CHr-DR A. PLACE Tl7e prot~ct. t-0 Ch<1rvea <'Ire thi!y onl'!!i the of treatment t/lelr lniproperson r;Qmplalned Angela Middleton ( !10115lngcontact-Director- Contact Cc: Tamara Jones Subject:Fw: Notice of Non Renewal - C. Shephard High Importance: Good Morning Catina, Please see the attached letter foj(b)( 6) or contact her via cellphoneto inform her ~er. Pleaseadviseonceyou havespokento he~ ICould you forward (via email)a copyof the letter td(b)( 6) 1 I will have Ife place a copyunder her door at St. Anne s. Thanks From: Angela Middleton Sent: Tuesday, July 18,2017 8:38 AM To: Tamara Jones Cc: Nicole Jean; Felicia MJnor;lfc Minor Subject: Notice of Non Renewal~ C. Shephard Good Morning l Please hand deliver this notice today. Please mark o Attached is the notice ofnonorenewal for!{b)(6) the date and time on the fonn and scan back to me. Please let me .knowif you have any questions. ThankYou, Angela V Middleton, RAMP Corporate Property Coordinator 1/2 about:blank 90 3Sll1d AIV VERSIGHT 2';900 S3ld1HS HUD-17-0235-C-001267 Print 1:1114/2017 FairHousingOfficer VestaInc., FinanceDepartment Road.Ste.300 9301Annapolis Lanham1 MD 20706 Pbn: 240.296.6332 Fax: 301.459.9110 Email:angelam@tyesta.orj~ ~ NtcM1.e11 "Whi:nwe change ow.jimdamentalaltitude ot mind-set, we can instantly transfonn borh our livesa11dour environme111" Doishoni11 for 1ne,roleuse of the inzende.rl >o ha.~ been createde.rp/icitl NOTJCGBP;This Nnail message, tnduding any arracl1mGBP . Angelav. Middleton Corporate ?roperty Coordinator !=airHousing Officer {X)HandDelivered Date _ ____ ____ i )Malled Date _ _____ __ Time~- ---- -- - - _ CC;File . ~ t:a)CJ . cor por.:lteOfflcti: 9301 Armapohs Road, Suite 300, Lanha m, MD 20705-312S Office: 240.296.6332 Fax; 301.459.!H l O.~.~ l0 AM 3911d VER IGHT S37di:/l5 HUD-17-0235-C-001269 Our Company Vesta, Inc. is a private, non-profit , comprehens ive behavioral health careorganization with seven locations throughout Maryland . Vesta offers comprehensive , flexib le, and ongoing services for adults, children and adolescents with a wide range of psychological difficulties, including serious and persistent mental illness. Services include: o o o o o o individual , couple, family, and group therapy , medicat ion management , day rehabilitation programs, residential rehabilitation programs, substance abuse counseling, and supported housing. Our Philosophy The mission and guiding principle of Vesta, Inc is to make each client and their persona l deve lopment a priority . All individuals, regardless of their illness or housing status, are ent itled to a qua lity of life which includes stable housing, employment , and community involvement. Vesta recognizes there are barriers and limitations in the form of stigma , funding , and availability of programs to meet the goals of those we serve and is dedicated to overcoming those obstacles . Our most important resource in overcoming these obstacles and achieving the goals of those we serve is the Organization's employees. Vesta , Inc's staff is committed to the personal growth of those whom we serve as wen as the growth of Vesta, Inc staff members. In working towards th is commitment, we recognize that high qual ity service to those we serve can only be accomplished through the work of trained , dedicated, and satisfied employees. In this regard, the commitments upon which our mission is based include the following : o o o o o o o To treat with respect , each employee , customer , and client of and visitor to the Organizat ion; To estab lish clarity and accountability in each staff position , supporting the growth of the staff member through education and continua l learn ing; To provide an efficient and friendly environment ; To encourage ongoing communications between clients , staff, management, and leadership; To provide a process for the resolution of disputes and grievances; To empower clients to achieve self-determination and enhance their lives within the community ; To promote the advocacy of consumer rights , needs, and the reduction of stigma w ithin the commun ity . o Services . . .......... .i.rg_.......... -cl.tii?l!~ ?.~PP<>~~ o .... Supported Housing (SH) Vesta also offers supported housing services in wh ich individuals with mental illness can live in apartments or single-family homes within the constraints of their budget. Services include roommate matching , assistance in shopping for furniture and other basic housing needs , and assistance in setting up utilities and negotiat ing leases . Staff will typically make house visits at AMEHICA\J VER IGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001270 least weekly. For more information about supported housing please call the center located in your county . AMERICA\J VER IGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001271 From: Sent: Everett, Janice C Thursday , August 24, 2017 2:12 PM Fadlelmola , Belinda J; bal.incoming Turner, Marvin ; Ott, Richard M; FORD, ROBERTJ; Porter, Michelle D; DeFelice, Joseph J To: Cc: Subject: RE: VESTA ENTEKA Ok - Thank you! From: Fadlelmola, Belinda J Sent: Thursday , August 24, 2017 11:32 AM To: bal.incoming Cc: Turner, Marvin ; Ott, Richard M ; FORD, ROBERTJ ; Porter, Michelle D ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Everett, Janice C Subject: VESTA ENTEKA Attached 5 l Cc: Williams, Sheppard V ; Bregon, Nelson R ; Williams, Darlene F Subject: Region 3 Overdue FOIA Report Richard, Per your requesl this report is automatically scheduled and delivered from FMS2. If you ever want lo stop the automatic delivery of this report please submit a Help Desk ticket to have it stopped. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001274 Report Date: 08/28/2017 Time:8 :00:20 AM R03 - Overdue FOIA Report No results found for the selected reporl criteria . AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001275 From: Sent: DeFelice, Joseph J Monday, August 28, 2017 11:06 AM Will iams, Sheppard V; Davis, Anne; Fadlelmola, Belinda J; Wallis, Patrick R; Bert, Jennifer M Ott, Richard M; Miller, Jane E; Schmidt, Carrie S; Payne, Carol B; Turner, Marvin ; Edwards, Nika V; Wol fe, Lisa A Re: Region 3 Overdue FOIA Report To: Cc: Subject: Great job Yan Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 10:08:56 AM To: Davis, Anne; Fadlelmo la, Belinda J; Wallis, Patrick R; Bert, Jennifer M Cc:Ott, Richard M; Miller, Jane E; Schmidt, Carrie S; Payne, Carol B; Turner, Marvin; DeFelice, Joseph J; Edwards, Nika V; Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: FW: Region 3 Overdue FOIA Report Yayteam!No FPMoverdueFOIAsin our region. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof theRegional Administrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov o. I oo , c: This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Nelson. R.Bregon@hud.gov [mailto:Nelson.R.Bregon@hud .gov] Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 8:00 AM To: Ott, Richard M Cc:Williams, Sheppard V ; Bregon, Nelson R ; Williams, Darlene F Subject: Region 3 Overdue FOIA Report Richard, Per your request this report is automatically scheduled and delivered from FMS2 . If you ever want to stop the automatic delivery of this report please submit a Help Desk ticket to have it stopped. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001276 Subject: Location: FW: Regional Ad ministrators Orientation Meeting HUD HQ Conferen ce Room 2116, Washingto n, DC Start: End: Show Time As: Tue 9/2 6/ 2017 8:30 AM Wed 9/27/ 2017 12:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet respond ed Organizer: Routt , Lora D Joseph J. DcFclicc Regional Administrator U. S. Department or Housing and Urban Development From: Routt, Lora D Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 9:06:34 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time To: Routt, Lora D; Patton, Lynne M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Cleveland-Leggett, Denise C; Van Duyne, Beth A Cc: Douglas, Lashawn N Subject: Regional Administrators Orientation Meeting When: Tuesday , September 26, 2017, 12:30 PM to Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 4:00 PM. Where: HUD HQ Confe rence Room 2116, Washington, DC The Regional Administrators Orientation meeting information: o o o o Travel to DC: Monday, September 25 All-day session: Tuesday, September 26 Half-day session: Wednesday, September 27 (end at noon) Travel home: Wednesday, September 27, afternoon For your review , attached is the draft agenda. The final agenda will be provided upon completion . If you have questions or need additional information , please contact Ms. Lora Routt at Lora.D.Rout t @hud .gov. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001277 HUD-17-0235-C-001278 OFFICE OF FIELD POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Regional Administrators HQ Orientation Meeting Weaver Building, Washington, D.C. September 26-27, 2017 PROPOSED Where: Weaver Building, Conference Room 2116. Point of Contact: Lora Routt, lora.d .routt@hud.gov , 202-412 -5432 Notes: Travel Days: Monday, September 15 and Wednesday afternoon, September 17. Will revise agenda when SOHUDparticipation is confirmed. Have submitted reservation for 1116. Shopping for other rooms. Purposeand objectives:The purpose of this meeting provide an orientat ion to the new Regional Admin ist rators by providing the informat ion needed to adm iniste r the ir regions effectively and successfully as well as developing a vision and action plan. OFPM Leadership w ill: o o o o Introduce key players of the department 's program and support office s Provide an orientation of the department' s organizat ional structu re, procedure s, profess ional ethics, and code of conduct Determine OFPM' s vision, prio rit ies, and next steps Estab lish deliverables and expectations TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2017 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Time Topic 8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Room 2116 Welcome to HUD/FPM Book of Business (OFPM Orientation Roles and Responsibilities) Matthew Hunter, Nelson Bregon 8:45 a.m. -10:15 Working Session with ADS Hunter - FPM - Our mission, a.m. vision/message, and action plan Matthew Hunter 10:15 a.m. -10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m. BREAK HUD Reform Plan Acting Deputy Secretary, David Eagles 11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Open time TBD 11:15 a.m. -11:45 a.m. Field Operations o Introduction, Holly Kelly and Lora Routt o Desk Officers Roles and Responsibilities o FY2018 Local Operating Plan Jaime Forero rl ~ ru CL AIVll Hl(;AN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001279 OFFICE OF FIELD POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Regional Administrators HQ Orientation Meeting Weaver Building, Washington, D.C. September 26-27, 2017 PROPOSED 11:45 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Working Lunch- Introduction of HUD Program Offices - Overview of Programs, Roles and Responsibilities Nelson Bregon 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Office of PublicAffairs and Public Engagement o Discussion o Introduction - Roles and Responsibilities o What to expect from OPA o Role of Regional Public Affairs Officers Matthew Hunter, Nelson Bregon, Amy Thompson, Jerry Brown 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Office of General Counsel o Discussion o Introduction - HQ Roles and Responsibilities/Role of Regional Counsel o Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct o Departmental Enforcement Center Linda Crucioni Doniel Baxter, Georgia Giles-Maclean, Done M. Norode 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BREAK Office of Congressionaland Intergovernmental Affairs o Discussion o Introduction -Roles and Responsibilities o Regional Assignments Seth Appleton 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. AFFH o Discussion o Introduction o Updates/Status o What are the next steps for our regions? o Expectations for FYs 2017-2018 o Roles of RAs, DRAs + FODs Deliverables o Timeline of Deliverables o Role of HQ-FPM o Role of HQ-FHEOand Points of Contact o Transcription Service Brian Green, Sunaree Marshall , Nathan Roth 4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Room 3254 ConnectHome AIVll Hl(;AN VERSIGHT o o Introduction PIH's Roles and Responsibilities HUD-17-0235-C-001280 OFFICE OF FIELD POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Regional Administrators HQ Orientation Meeting Weaver Building, Washington, D.C. September 26-27, 2017 PROPOSED o Role of Regional Admini strator s Ronald Ashford, Dina Lehmann-Kim, Lisa Nowinski 5:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up 6:00p.m. RA s Only Optional Dinner- Beucharts Saloon, 623 Pennsylvania Ave SE,Washington, DC 20003 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M Time II 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Topic Disaster o Discussion: Office Closure Notifications for Emergency and Non-emergency conditions Joseph Sullivan, Beth Van Duyne 9:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m. Workforce Reshaping Steps: Seven Steps Nelson Bregon, Paul Scott, Michael Lawyer 10:15 a.m. -10:30 a.m. BREAK 10:30 a.m. -11:15 a.m. o OFPM FYs2017 /2018 - Office Budgets and Staffing o Travel and Training o FY18 Budget - Congressional Justifications o OFPM PACS/EPPESPerformance elements o Correspondence, FOIAs, 508 Requirements Paul Scott, Karen Lake, Mi cha el Lawyer, Darlene Williams 11:15 a.m. -11:45 a.m. Davis-Bacon o Discussion o Updates/Status o What activities are expected in FY17/18 o Update on deliverables o Expectations for FYs2017-2018 o Roles of Regional Administrator o o Role of Program Leaders (Field/MF) Role of HQ-FPM Role of HQ- Programs+ DOL o Points of Contact rt) CJ Nelson Bregon, Pamela Glekas ru CL AIVll Hl(,AN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001281 OFFICE OF FIELD POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Regional Administrators HQ Orientation Meeting Weaver Building, Washington, D.C. September 26-27, 2017 PROPOSED 11:45 a.m. -12:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. -12:15 am. CRM- Randall Webb CART- Marika Bertram and Dustin Hogenson 12:15 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Wrap-Up and Next Steps AIVll Hl(;AN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001282 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Will iams, Sheppard V Thursday, August 31, 2017 3:43 PM Edwards, Nika V; Wolfe, Lisa A; Green, Patrice R; Robinson, Shana; Fear (Ctr), Eugenia F; Solivan, Elvis; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn; Porinchak, Brandon R; Sillery, David A Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J Out of Office I willbeon leaveFriday,September 1 andTuesday,September 5. Everyone havea safeandenjoyable holidayweekend! Sheppard "Van" Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator - Region Ill U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 100 Penn Square East - 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-6628 Phone 215-656-3445 Fax Sheppard.V.Williams@hud.gov o. 1411 c: This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. lfthe reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution, use, or copy ing of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001283 From: Sent: Wolfe, Lisa A Friday, September 01, 2017 9:05 AM Nichols, Delton; Iber, Robert G; Larson, Jennifer L; Davis, Anne; Brown, Brenda J Sullivan, Brian E; Brown, Jereon M; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; DeFelice, Joseph J FYI:ICYMI: McEachin Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars are Wasted at Essex To: Cc: Subject: Folks - This was making the rounds last evening . We received a copy of the letter from the Congressman's office. Just so you are aware, I also received a media inquiry from the Richmond newspaper. It would be helpfu l to know the status of the release of the CDE Plan-we have two FOIAs in HQ that have been held up due to submitter objections and may have been released yesterday . So, this will be dialing back up in the press. Any assistance in knowing where things stand will be very much appreciated. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 10:49 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: ICYMI: McEachin Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars are Wasted at Essex Rep. McEachin issued a press release this afternoon: McEachin Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars arc Wasted at Essex. Please disregard if you are already aware. Sec tweets below. o Rep. Donald McEachin @RcpMcEachin ~d~iw Just sent a letterto @SecretaryCarsoncallingfor the terminationof @HUDgov's relationshipwithe current owners/operatorsof Essex Village 215 PM- 31 Aug 2017 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001284 o o 2 Retweets 3 Likes .dalll0 1 rep ly2 ret wee t s3 likes 1 2 3 1. .Rep. DonaldMcEachin @ n c pMc Eac hin 5h5 hour.s ago More Repl yi ng to @RepMcEachin @SecretaryCarson @HUDgov Read more here: 0 replies1 retweetO likes Nika V. Edwards Regional Public Affairs Officer U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Region III/Mid-Atlantic Region Philadelphia Regional Office l 00 Penn Squa:reEast Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-430-6622 @HU DM idAtlantic AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001285 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Nichols, Delton Friday, September 01, 2017 10:04 AM Wolfe, Lisa A; Iber, Robert G; Larson, Jennifer L; Davis, Anne; Brown, Brenda J Sullivan, Brian E; Brown, Jereon M; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; DeFelice, Joseph J Re: FYI:ICYMI: McEachin Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars are Wasted at Essex Thanks Lisa for the update . Get Outlook for iOS From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Friday, September 1, 2017 9:04:55 AM To: Nichols, Delton; lber, Robert G; Larson, Jennife r L; Davis, Anne; Brown, Brenda J Cc: Sullivan, Brian E; Brown, Jereon M; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastas i, Carolyn M; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: FYI: ICYMI: McEachin Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars are Wasted at Essex Folks - This was making the rounds last evening . We received a copy of the letter from the Congressman's office . Just so you are aware, I also received a media inqu iry from the Richmond newspaper. It would be helpfu l to know the status of the release of the CDE Plan- we have two FOIAs in HQ that have been he ld up due to submitter objections and may have been released yesterday. So, this will be dialing back up in the press. Any assistance in knowing where things stand will be very much apprec iated . Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Edwards , Nika V Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 10:49 PM To: Ott , Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: ICYMI: McEachi n Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars are Wasted at Essex Rep. McEachin issued a press release this afternoon: McEachin Tells HUD: Taxpayers' Dollars are Wasted at Essex. Please disregard if you arc already aware. See tweets below . AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001286 o Rep. DonaldMcEachin @Rep McEa.chit, Fol low M"'ore Just sent a letterto @SecretaryCarsoncallingfor the terminationof @HUDgov's relationshipwithe current owners/operatorsof Essex Village 2: 15 PM - 31 A ug 20 17 o 2 Retweets o 3 Likes ..me 1 rep ly2 ret weets3 likes 2 3 1. o Rep. Donald McEachin @ncp McEac hin 5115hou rs ago Rep lying to @RepMcEa chin @S ecretaryCarson @HUD gov Read more here : 0 replies1 retwe elO lik es Nika V . Edward s Regional Public Affairs Officer U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Region III/Mid-Atlantic Regi on Philadelphia Regional Office I 00 Penn Square East Philadelphia , PA 19107 215-430-6622 @HUDMidAtlantic AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001287 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:31 AM Brown, Brenda J; Iber, Robert G; Larson, Jennifer L; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Brown, Jereon M; Nichols, Delton DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott , Richard M; Solivan, Elvis; Schmidt, Carrie S; Davis, Anne ASSISTANCEREQUESTED : [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACReInspection/FOIA Requests Good morning-- I followed-up w ith Melissa to find out who told her that HUD was not happy about the score, but in the meantime, can you please advise how best to handle this inquiry? As you can see from her earlier email, this is one of the reporters that we advised the score would not be availab le fo r 45 days. My guess this is the first inquiry, but not the last, so best to craft some talk ing points for release. Thanks, in advance for the help! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipolit,Melissa [mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr.comj l Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:12 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT)HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response . I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the public that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possible amount of points. Moreover, I understand HUD was not happy about that score. Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved conditions in the units? THANK YOU! Melissa From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday , August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To: Hipolit , Melissa Subject: [EXT)HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response. As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner , the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public. With the inspection concluding on August 10 and the notification to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9--depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001288 As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr. LaVoy's emails. Both are being handled at Headquarters, so we have reached out and are wa iting to hear back on both. Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit,Melissa[mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr.comj J Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject: Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tell me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PKchallenged the release). Also-I've heard nothing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001289 From: Sent: To: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Thursday, September 07, 2017 11:34 AM Amin, Reema HUD FOLLOW-UP: FOIA request for the Daily Press/NNRHA/REACINSPECTIONS Hi Reema - Sorry for the delay. Yesterday I learned the New Lassiter Courts inspection was conducted in August and the score was just released to Newport News RHA on August 28, 2017. I also confirmed the score wi II be releasab le 45 days after August 28 (the notification date) or approximately October 13 or a week or so after that date. It all depends on if we receive an appeal on October 13; right on the deadl ine. The subsequent REACInspection report will be releasable by FOIA on or after 120 days which will be on December 27, 2018-aga in, depending on any appeals . I will check on the other NNRHA inspection dates scheduled in September-and will provide timel ines for those as well. Please let me know if there is anything e lse you need right now. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 1:11 PM To: 'Amin, Reema' Subject: RE: HUD FOLLOW-UP: FOIA request for the Daily Press/NNRHA/REAC INSPECTIONS Hi Lisa, Hope you are doing well. You mentioned a couple weeks ago that New Lassiter Courts in Newport News was scheduled for an inspection in August. Has the inspection happened? How soon could I request the score and the full report? Thanks. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa .A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:50 PM To: Amin, Reema Subject: RE: HUD FOLLOW-UP: FOIA request for the Daily Press/NNRHA/REAC INSPECTIONS Anytime! I will be out of the office from tomorrow at noon through next Wednesday at 12:30 p.m .-heading south to see the solar eclipse, so only checking email periodically. The RAD folks are aware of my schedule, so I think we wi ll see something from them later today, or worst case, tomorrow morning. So, more to come! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From:Amin, Reema [mailto:ramin@bailypress.com] Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:31 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: HUD FOLLOW-UP: FOIA request for the Daily Press/NNRHA/REAC INSPECTIONS Hey Lisa, Thank you for this update. From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:22 PM To: Amin, Reema Subject: HUD FOLLOW-UP: FOIA request for the Daily Press/NNRHA/REAC INSPECTIONS Hi Reema - As far as REACInspections, New Lassiter Courts is scheduled for inspection in August. Pinecroft Apartments, Marshal l Courts, Ridley Place and Aqueduct Apartments are all scheduled for inspections in September . So not a lot of new information available. I expect to hear back from the RAD team late today or tomorrow morning. So, continuing to work on your request. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001291 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, August 16 , 2017 2:28 PM To: 'Amin, Reema' Cc:Davis, Anne Subject: HUD FOLLOW-UP: FOIA request for the Daily Press/NNRHA Hi Reema - Here are the most recent REAC inspection scores for the Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority's portfolio. I reached out to our REACteam to see if any of these properties are scheduled for inspections or have been recently inspected and the scores may simply not be available at this point in time . Also, I reached out to the RAD team to find out the status of the three NNRHA properties that are in conversion. I'll fo llow-up as soon as I hear back from either team. So, continuing to work on it... Lisa Inspect ion 100 Release Development Date # Development Name RAD Unit Point Indicator Count Score 6/6/2016 VA003000326 Orcutt Town homes Ill Yes 30 97a* 8/10/2016 VA00300032S ORCUTT TOWN HOMES No 40 80c 7/12/2017 VA003000321 SPRATLEYHOUSE Yes 50 94c 8/7/2017 VA003000324 ASHE MANOR No 50 87b 09/22/2014 VA003000313 PINECROFT No 140 93b 06/06/2016 VA003000302 NEW LASSITERCOURTS No 100 SSc 06/16/2016 VA003000302 MARSHALL COURTS No 348 66c* 07/25/2016 VA003000304 RIDLEY PLACE No 253 52c 08/24/2016 VA003000311 AQUEDUCT APTS No 262 39c* Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Amin, Reema [mailto :ram in@ibailypress.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:20 AM AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001292 To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA request for the Daily Press Oh, great. Thanks a lot ! From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto :Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:19 AM To: Amin, Reema Subject: RE: FOIA request for the Daily Press They are working on it . Wi ll have it over to you shortly ... Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Office r Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Amin , Reema [mailto :ram in~~ai lypress .com] Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:09 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA request for the Daily Press Got chy a - t hank you for the quick response . From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:08 AM To: Amin, Reema Subject: RE: FOIA request for the Daily Press Hi Ree ma - I reque sted them right afte r we spoke yesterday aft ernoon , but have not seen a response yet. Will tap again . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Amin, Reema [mailto :ram in~ijai lypress.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 201711:06 AM AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001293 To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: RE: FOIA request for the Daily Press Hi Lisa, Want ed to fo llow-up on t his from yesterday. Do you know when you would be able to pass along th ose scores? Thanks, Reema From: Wolfe, Lisa A [mailto:Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov] Sent: Monday,August 14, 2017 3:44 PM To: Amin, Reema Cc: Davis, Anne Subject: RE: FOIA request for the Daily Press Hi Reema - Hope you are doing well. Anne returns to the office tomorrow. Do you want me to pull the scores and then you can determine if you need to see the reports? That' s how I would suggest proceeding. Just let me know ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Office r Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Amin , Reema [mailto :ram in@i~ailypress.com] Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 3:28 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc:Davis, Anne Subject: FOIA request for the Daily Press Hello Lisa and Anne, I touched base with you last year about REACinspection reports in Newport News. Hope you ' re well. I want ed to submi t another similar FOIA request for the most recent REACinspection reports for public housing complexes that are managed by the Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority . I want to request the waiver of fees because this information will be used to inform the public. Please let me know when you've reviewed my request . Thanks, Reema Amin Daily Press AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001294 Newport News reporter HUD-17-0235-C-001295 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Holland, Camille R Friday, September 08, 2017 5:05 PM Shaffer, Julie; Triolo , Anthony T Alston , Julie A; Ashby , Pamela; Burney, William D; Bynum, Maria L; Carson, Gregory; Cunningham, James A; DeFelice, Joseph J; Foye, Kristine G; Leach, Thomas H; Maio Messano, Maria T; M cNamara, Michael F; Miller, Jane E; Orriols, Mirza; Ott , Richard M; Patton, Lynne M; Payne, Carol B; Piacentini, Suzanne; Polsinelli, Michael L; Schmidt , Carrie S; Schmiegelow , Toni D; Smith Greer, Nancy; Spilman , Joan K; Turner, Marvin PHOC Monthly Activity Reports for July and August 2017 PHOC Housing Monthly Report August 2017 .docx ; PHOC Housing Monthly Report July 2017 .docx Good Afternoon, Attached are the interna l monthly activity reports for the months of July and August 2017. Camille .R.Holland@hud .gov Manage mentAnalyst Philadelph ia Homeownershi p Center 215-861-7238 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001296 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HomeownershipCenter The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3389 September 5, 20 l 7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Julie A. Shaffer, Director, Philadelphia Homeownership Center, 3AHH FROM: Anthony T. Triolo, Deputy Director, Philadelphia Homeownership Center, 3AHH SUBJECT: Philadelphia Homeownership Center Monthly Update Report Ending August 2017 The operational update for the month of August 2017 is below. This report is no longer required by HQ on a bi-weekly basis; it is continued as a PHOC internal report. An informational copy is sent to the PHOCDi vision and FPM Directors . I. RISK MANAGEMENT AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES (Evaluation and Data Analysis Findings) Processing and Undenvriting Division . ,ppraiscr RCVICWS Compcc 1 t d - FYTD 2016 Cumu Ia f1ve 10/1/16 throug h 8/31/17 PUDT 3fGBPC tdA C Office Desk Field Roster Roster Education Notices of No Reviews Reviews Removal Removal Sanctions Deficiency Action Taken w/Education Sanctions 181 443 Philadelphia 1692 845 7 57 0 HOC IL ACTIONS AGAINST LENDERS, CORRESPONDENTS, and/or MORTGAGEES Processing and Underwriting Division Lender Activity/ PETRS o A total of 332 loan reviews have been completed in the Loan Review Process. The Division has obtained 10 signed indemnification agreements. In addition, the lenders have mitigated 162 reviews . o No Pre-Closing Suspension Letters were issued this period. o No LI Termination Letters were issued this period. www.l111d.gov AMERICAN VERSIGHT espa110J./111d.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001297 2 Quality Assurance Division Activity for Fiscal Year to Date as of 8/31/17 o The following reporting does not include all loan reviews. Only cases processed through the Approval Recertification Review Tracking System (ARRTS) are reported below. Effective May 15, 2017, all loan reviews arc processed through the Loan Review System (LRS). At this time, the reporting tool in LRS is not available . o The Philadelphia QAD has completed and issued 21 letters to lenders as a result of lender reviews. In addition, QAD has received 400 referrals from the Processing and Underwriting Division, reviewed 984 lender reports from the Neighborhood Watch System, 25 Claims, and 212 Random loans . As a result of these findings letters, QAD has issued 597 letters in response to lenders, 953 letters closing out issues, and 2 referrals to the Mortgagee Review Board for additional administrative actions. There were 2993 cases referred to the Office of Inspector General for possible criminal prosecution. To date , a total of 3017 letters have been prepared and issued through the Philadelphia QAD office. o The Philadelphia QAD has received and executed a total of 558 Indemnification Agreements. I 07 Indemnification Agreements were received as a result of Lender Reviews, I 55 from referrals by the Processing and Underwriting Di vision, 271 from referrals by the Industry through the Lender Reporting Tool in the Neighborhood Watch System, 0 from Claim Reviews, 25 from Random Reviews and O as a result of referrals by the Office of Inspector General. Based on the Department's Loss from Sales national average amount of $70,609, the total savings in possible loss from these Indemnifications is $39,399,822. o The next monthly update for QAD Activity is due 10/1/2017. III. ITEMS OR AREAS OF CONCERN OR UNDER REVIEW . an dP roccssmg Rcqucs t s PUD T cc h mca . I Branc h Sta ff CompcI tcd Incomm11 RCVICW Month ending 8/31/17 Purtial Release Security Request 10 PlJD Condo Project Approvals 70 Condo Site Review 1 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Condo Re-certifications 114 Condo Annexation Requests 28 DELRAP Condo Reviews 0 Problem Case Reviews 425 Rcconsidcrati!ms 129 Sec 203k Consultant Applications 3 Property flipping Reviews Homehuycr Complaints/ General Conespondence / Congressional / FOIA 109 8/4/3/0 Prope11y Flipping Waivers llamJbook Waiver Requests 0 31 HUD-17-0235-C-001298 3 PUD Technical Assistance o No items to report. REO Activity and Updates (No items) IV. UNDERWRTING, GRANT, AND DIRECT FUNDING ACTIVITIES (Notable Newly Insured Loans, Projects, and/or Awards) PUD New Lenders/ Loans V. o No Release Letters were issued this period . o No Test Case Extension Letters were issued this period. o No Welcome Letters (Pre-closing) were issued this period. HOC NOTABLE INDUSTRY OUTREACH OR RESPONSE TO INQUIRIES CONFIRMED OR COMPLETED EVENTS ending 8/3 l/17. There arc no events to report . HUD National Webinars/Iraining For upcoming and national FHA Industry events and wcbinars, including Single Family Handbook pre-recorded training webinars, visit the HUD/FHA Single Family Training and Events Page: http://portal.hud.gov/hudpmtal/HUD? . .rc=lprogram offices/lwusing!s[h/events VI. HUMAN CAPITAL TRANSFORMATION (Notable New Hires and/or Staffing Plan) Training and Development Assessments, Plans, and/or Activities Staff continue to be trained on the Loan Review System technology. Staffing No items to report. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001299 4 VII. ADDITIONAL ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE OR INTEREST o Julie Shaffer and Anthony Triolo participated in various HOC, Single Family, FHA, FHA Resource Center/CRM, FPM , and other program, development and management initiative meetings throughout each week. o Anthony Triolo , Andy Cianci , and Patricia Peiffer traveled to the Denver HOC for the PUDQAD Counterpart Meeting held August 8-11 , 2017. VIII. OTHER REPORTING CATEGORIES AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001300 5 IX. Chief of Staff Week ending 8/31/17 (Confirmed Events - Report range September 6-15, 2017. No items to report . AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001301 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HomeownershipCenter The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3389 Augusl 5, 20 l 7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Julie A. Shaffer, Director, Philadelphia Homeownership Center, 3AHH FROM: Anthony T. Triolo, Deputy Director, Philadelphia Homeownership Center, 3AHH SUBJECT: Philadelphia Homeownership Center Monthly Update Report Ending July 2017 The operational update for the month of July 2017 is below. This report is no longer required by HQ on a bi-weekly basis; it is continued as a PHOCinternal report. An informational copy is sent to the PHOC Division and FPM Directors. I. RISK MANAGEMENT AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES (Evaluation and Data Analysis Findings) Processing and Undenvriting Division . ,ppraiscr RCVICWS PUDT 3fGBPC tdA Compcc 1 t d - FYTD 2016 Cumu Ia f1ve 10/1/16throug h 7/31/17 C Office Desk Field Roster Roster Education Notices of No Reviews Reviews Removal Removal Sanctions Deficiency Action Taken w/Education Sanctions 171 Philadelphia 1483 779 45 399 6 0 HOC IL ACTIONS AGAINST LENDERS, CORRESPONDENTS, and/or MORTGAGEES Processing and Underwriting Division Lender Activity/ PETRS o A total of 206 loan reviews have been completed in the Loan Review Process. The Division has obtained 13 signed indemnification agreements . In addition, the lenders have mitigated 129 reviews. o No Pre-Closing Suspension Letters were issued this period. o No LI Termination Letters were issued this period. www.l111d.gov AMERICAN VERSIGHT espa110J./111d.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001302 2 Quality Assurance Division Activity for Fiscal Year to Date as of 7/31/17 o The following reporting does not include all loan reviews. Only cases processed through the Approval Recertification Review Tracking System (ARRTS) are reported below. Effective May 15, 2017, all loan reviews arc processed through the Loan Review System (LRS). At this time, the reporting tool in LRS is not available . o The Philadelphia QAD has completed and issued 20 letters to lenders as a result of lender reviews. In addition, QAD has received 400 referrals from the Processing and Underwriting Division, reviewed 981 lender reports from the Neighborhood Watch System, 25 Claims, and 212 Random loans . As a result of all of these findings letters, QAD has issued 595 letters in response to lenders, 934 letters closing out issues, and 2 referrals to the Mortgagee Review Board for additional administrative actions . There \..Vere2993 cases referred to the Office of Inspector General for possible criminal prosecution. To date, a total of 2990 letters have been prepared and issued through the Philadelphia QAD office. o The Philadelphia QAD has received and executed a total of 529 Indemnification Agreements. 91 Indemnification Agreements were received as a result of Lender Reviews, 154 from referrals by the Processing and Underwriting Division, 261 from referrals by the Industry through the Lender Reporting Tool in the Neighborhood Watch System, 0 from Claim Reviews, 23 from Random Reviews and O as a result of referrals by the Office of Inspector General. Based on the Department's Loss from Sales national average amount of $70,609, the total savings in possible loss from these Indemnifications is $37,352,161. o The next monthly update for QAD Activity is due 9/1/2017. III. ITEMS OR AREAS OF CONCERN OR UNDER REVIEW . an dP roccssmg Rcqucs t s PUD T cc h mca . I Branc h Sta ff CompcI tcd Incomm11 RCVICW Month ending 7/31/17 Purtial Release Security Request 6 PlJD Condo Project Approvals 51 Condo Site Review 3 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Condo Re-certifications 104 Condo Annexation Requests 25 DELRAP Condo Reviews 0 Problem Case Reviews 427 Rcconsiderati!ms 104 Sec 203k Consultant Applications 5 Property flipping Reviews Homehuyer Complaints/ General Conespondence / Congressional / FOIA 83 11/4/6/0 Prope11y Flipping Waivers llamJbook Waiver Requests 0 24 HUD-17-0235-C-001303 3 PUD Technical Assistance o No items to report. REO Activity and Updates (No items) IV. UNDERWRTING, GRANT, AND DIRECT FUNDING ACTIVITIES (Notable Newly Insured Loans, Projects, and/or Awards) PUD New Lenders/ Loans V. o A Release Letter was issued this period to Centric Bank, PA. o A Test Case Extension Letter was issued this period to Honor Credit Union, Ml. o No Welcome Letters (Pre-closing) were issued this period. HOC NOTABLE INDUSTRY OUTREACH OR RESPONSE TO INQUIRIES CONFIRMED OR COMPLETED EVENTS ending 7/3 l/17. NEWYORK July 18, 2017, FHA Lender Roundtable and Underwriting/Realtor Training , Albany, New York. PHOC hosted an FHA Lender Roundtable and conducted FHA Underwriting and Realtor Training at the HUD Albany Office. Julie Shaffer, Andy Cianci, Mike Curry, and Eric McDowell made presentations throughout the day long event and delivered training to a total of 35 participants. Feedback was very positive. OHIO July 13, 2017, FHA Lender Roundtablc and Underwriting/Realtor Training, Columbus, Ohio. PHOC hosted an FHA Lender Roundtable and conducted FHA Underwriting and Realtor Training at the HUD Columbus Office. Julie Shaffer, Andy Cianci, Mike Curry, and John Phillips made presentations throughout the day long event and delivered training to a total of 44 participants. Feedback was very positive . PENNSYLVANIA July 18, 2017, FHA/HOC Overview Presentation forOIGA, Philadelphia, PA. Anthony Triolo , Andy Cianci, Charles Anderson, and Dave Marshall presented an overview of FHA' s Single Family Programs as part of HQ OIG Office of Audit/Tech Oversight/Planning Division's internal training for auditors/investigators. There were 35 auditors and investigators participating in the training . July 20, 2017, FHA Lender Roundtable and Underwriting and Realtor Training, Philadelphia, PA. PHOC hosted an FHA Lender Roundtable and conducted FHA Underwriting and Realtor Training at the HUD Philadelphia Office. Julie Shaffer, Anthony Triolo, Andy Cianci, Mike Curry and John Phillips made presentations throughout the day long event and delivered training to a total of 91 participants. Feedback was very positive. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001304 4 HUD National Webinars/Iraining For upcoming and national FHA Industry events and wcbinars, including Single Family Handbook pre-recorded training webinars , visit the HUD/FHA Single Family Training and Events Page: http://portal.hud.gov/hudpmtal/HUD? . .rc=lprogram offices/lwusing!s[h/events VI. HUMAN CAPITAL TRANSFORMATION (Notable New Hires and/or Staffing Plan) Training and Development Assessments, Plans, and/or Activities Staff continue to be trained on the Loan Review System technology . Staffing An Appraiser and Underwriler have finally been broughl on board to the Processing and Underwriting Divi sion in July . VII. ADDITIONAL ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE OR INTEREST o Julie Shaffer and Anthony Triolo participated in various HOC , Single Family , FHA. FHA Resource Center/CRM, FPM , and other program, development and management initiative meetings throughout each week . o PHOC supervisors participated in the Region III All Supervisors Training on Reasonable Accommodation conducted at the Philadelphia Office and via VTC on July 27, 2017. VIII. OTHER REPORTING CATEGORIES AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001305 5 IX. Chief of Staff Week ending 7/31/17 (Confirn1e wrote: We are good on the Hope IV unless I gave her incorrect information-Melissa Please let me know if I did okay . THANKS! uncovered the grant . Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:22 PM To: 'Hipo lit, Melissa' Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I don't think so. We haven 't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are still a few projects being wrapped-up wh ich is why it is still "active" but I do not think there will be any additional awards. I am confirming that-so please do not quote me . There may be some other things in play. Checking on them now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001311 From: Hipolit,Melissa[mai lto:MHipol it@if,;,tvr.comJII Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ...haha. Now I'm wondering if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond . The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26 .9 million from HUD (the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPEVI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere .) The HOPEVI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi-family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeownership units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPE VI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services (through "SSTP," RRHA'sHOPEVI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objectives. In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell 's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing , the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I' m sti ll worki ng on the fir st round!! Will check. Back at my desk fo r a few mi nutes. W ill t ry to batch the fir st set of answers and send before I unplug again. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Office r AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001312 Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipolit, Melissa (mai lto:MHipol it@lwtvr.com] II Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa From: Hipolit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Got it. Some of this will take some time. Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 201712 :17 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meetings all day, but will call when we take a break. Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now. Thanks! Lisa From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001314 To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) Hi Melissa - Here's what I learned late yesterday afternoon. The August 10 REACscore of 74.17 is a "passing" score, however, the Department found areas of non-comp liance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of suffic ient concern to warrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner . The intention of that letter, and requirements for owner inspection, repa ir and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractual obligations to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property. As stated in the letter, HUD continues to provide oversight of the owner 's efforts to address the cond itions at the property and continues to assess whether enforcement action is warranted. Hope that gives you what you need for now. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipo lit,Melissa[mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr.comJ II Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To : Wolfe, Lisa A Subject : Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests LisaI have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman te lling Greg he is in non-compliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17 , but it also states individua l unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants. HUD is giving them another 90 days to comply. I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply without penalty? Why haven't they been penalized monetarily yet, or had their contract w ith HUD pulled? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forward to hearing backd. Melissa From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday , September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To : Hipolit , Melissa Subject : RE: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001315 Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 4 30-6640 ----- Original Message----From : Hipo lit,Melissa [mailto:MHipo lit@lkvtvr.comJIJ Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10 :12 AM To : Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspect ion/FO IA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response. I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the pub lic that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possible amount of points . Moreover , I understand HUD was not happy about that score . Is thi s co rrect? Wh at type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and imp roved cond it ions in the un its? THANK YOU! Melissa From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday , August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To : Hipolit , Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspect ion/FOIA Requests Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response . As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public. With the inspection conclud ing on August 10 and the notificat ion to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9--depending upon possible appeal s. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down . As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the re lease of the report as well as your reque st for Mr . LaVoy's emails . Both are being hand led at Headquarter s, so we have reached out and are wait ing to hear back on both . Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Buildi ng, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215 ) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipo lit, Melissa [mailto :MHipo lit@lkvtvr.com]IJ AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001316 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject: Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tel l me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PK chal lenged the release). Also-I've heard nothing from inspecto r general on LaVoy emails . Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001317 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:52 PM Schmidt, Carrie S Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Dunn, Tracey; Brown, Jereon M RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Agreed . Catherine and I are working on her initial set of questions-should be able to ship the initia l responses this afternoon . But yes, another time we just need to be one step ahead of CBS6. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Schmidt, Carrie S Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:50 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Lisa We should talk about this tomorrow. I have copied you Tracey as I'm sure the Congressman will begin to weigh in soon especially since the city has called for a housing Summit October 31. Carrie Schmidt Field Office Director US Department of Housing and Urban Development On Sep 13, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: We are good on the Hope IV unless I gave her incorrect informat ion-Melissa Please let me know if I did okay. THANKS! uncovered the grant. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001318 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:22 PM To: 'Hipo lit , Melissa' Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I don't think so. We haven't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are st ill a few projects being wrapped -up wh ich is why it is stil l "active" but I do not t hink there will be any additional awards . I am confi rming that-so please do not quote me. There may be some other things in play. Checking on t hem now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From : Hipo lit, Melissa [mailto :MHipol it@htvr.com] II Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ...haha. Now I'm wondering if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond . The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26.9 million from HUD (the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPEVI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere .) The HOPEVI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi-family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeowner ship units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPEVI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001319 (through "SSTP," RRHA'sHOPEVI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objective s. In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell 's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing, the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday , September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I' m sti ll working on the fir st round!! Will check . Back at my desk for a few minute s. W ill t ry to batch the first set of answers and send before I unplug again. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Buildi ng, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215 ) 430-6640 From: Hipo lit,Melissa(ma ilto :MHipol it@lfdtvr .comJII Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa From: Hipo lit, Melis sa Sent: Wednesday , September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001320 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Got it . Some of this will take some time . Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? From : Hipo lit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 201712 :17 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject : Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meeting s all day, but will call when we take a break. Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now. Thanks! Lisa AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001321 From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) Hi Melissa - Here's what I learned late yesterday afternoon. The August 10 REACscore of 74.17 is a "passing" score, however , the Department found areas of non-comp liance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of suffic ient concern to wa rrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner. The intention of that letter, and requirements for owner inspection, repa ir and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractua l obli gations to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property . As stated in the letter, HUD cont inue s to provi de over sight of t he owner 's effort s to addre ss the co nd it ions at the property and continue s to assess whether enforcement action is warranted . Hope that gives you what you need for now. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipo lit,Melissa [mailto :MHipo lit@lf;tv r.comJII Sent : Wedne sday, September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To : Wol f e, Lisa A Subject : Re: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests Lisa- AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001322 I have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman telling Greg he is in non-compliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17, but it also states individual unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants. HUD is giving them another 90 days to comply. I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply without penalty? Why haven't they been penalized monetarily yet, or had their contract with HUD pulled? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forward to hearing backd. Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject : RE: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@jkitvr.com]II Sent: Wednesday , September 06, 2017 10:12 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response. I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the public that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possible amount of points. Moreover, I understand HUD was not happy about that score. Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved conditions in the units? THANK YOU! Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001323 Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response . As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public. With the inspection conclud ing on August 10 and the notificat ion to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9--depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down. As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr. LaVoy's emails . Both are being handled at Headquarters, so we have reached out and are wait ing to hear back on both . Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipolit,Melissa[mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr.comJ II Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To : Wolfe, Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject: Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tell me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PK challenged the release). Also-I've heard nothing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001324 From: Sent: To: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, September 13, 2017 4:26 PM Hipolit , Melissa HUD FOLLOW-UP: RRHA Housing Melissa --1 believe you wil l find that was a Choice Neighborhoods grant. Here's an article by the Nat ional Low-Income Housing Coalition that defines the two programs, when they were funded/received funding and how they differ . It's a litt le dated, so does not include all the funding information, but it 's an unbiased view of the programs. And yes, Richmond RHA applied for a Choice Neighborhoods grant, but was unsuccessful. Please know these grants are extremely competitive and that RRHAwas one of 29 agencies that did not make it to the final five. There were 34 applications in total. http://nlihc .org/s ites/ default/files/2014AG-128. pdf This is the last year HUD will be funding Choice Neighborhoods Imp lementation Grants. The Notice of Funding Avai !ability is open now-application period ends November 22, 2017. https ://www .grants.gov/web/gr ants/view-opportun ity. htm I?oppld=296794 Again, hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipolit,Melissa(ma ilto:MHipol it@btvr.comJ II Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:27 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? OK. Thanks! I think I saw Richmond applied for a Hope 6 grant recently, but they were denied last year ... M From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:26 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001325 I don't think so. We haven't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are still a few projects being wrapped-up which is why it is stil l "active" but I do not think there will be any additional awards. I am confirming that-so please do not quote me. There may be some other things in play. Checking on them now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Hipolit,Melissa[mai lto:MHipol it@lfdtvr.comJII Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHAHousing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ...haha. Now I'm wondering if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond. The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority {RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26.9 million from HUD (the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPEVI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere.) The HOPEVI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi -family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeownership units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPEVI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services {through "SSTP," RRHA'sHOPE VI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objectives. In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing, the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001326 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? 1 l m still working on the first round!! Will check. Back at my desk for a few minutes. W ill try to batch the first set of answers and send before I unplug again . Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Hipolit,Melissa[mai lto:MHipol it@lf,,vtvr.comJII Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa From: Hipolit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Got it. Some of this will take some time. Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001327 From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 201712 :17 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meetings all day, but will call when we take a break. Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now . Thanks! Lisa From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent; Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) Hi Melissa - Here's what I learned late yesterday afternoon. The August 10 REACscore of 74 .17 is a "passing" score, however, the Department found areas of non-compliance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of sufficient concern to warrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner . The intention of that letter , and requirements for owner inspection, repair and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractual ob ligations to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property. As stated in the letter, HUD cont inues to provide oversight of the owner's efforts to address the conditions at the prope rty and continues to assesswhether enforcement action is warranted. Hope that gives you what you need for now. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit,Melissa[mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr.comJII Sent: Wednesday , September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To : Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests LisaI have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman te lling Greg he is in non-compliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17, but it also states individual unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants. HUD is giving them another 90 days to comply. I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply without penalty? Why haven't they been penalized monetari ly yet, or had their contract with HUD pulled? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forward to hearing backd. Melissa AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001329 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To : Hipolit, Melissa Subject : RE: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipolit,Melissa [mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr .coml ll Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10 :12 AM To : Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response. I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the pub lic that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essex only received half the possible amount of points. Moreover, I understand HUD was not happy about that score. Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved conditions in the units? THANK YOU! Melissa From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To : Hipolit, Melissa Subject : [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response. As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public. With the inspection concluding on August 10 and the notification to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9--depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down. As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr. LaVoy's emails. Both are being handled at Headquarters, so we have reached out and are wa iting to hear back on both. Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001330 Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@lkvtvr.com]II Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To: Wolfe , Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject: Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tell me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wa it to see if PK challenged the release) . Also-I've heard noth ing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001331 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Thursday, September 14, 2017 8:23 AM Schmidt, Carrie S Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Dunn, Tracey RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Carrie - Just let me know what time you'd like to set-up a call as well as who you'd like to inc lude. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Schmidt, Carrie S Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:50 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Lisa We should talk about this tomorrow. I have copied you Tracey as I'm sure the Congressman will begin to weigh in soon especially since the city has called for a housing Summit October 31. Carrie Schmidt Field Office Director US Department of Housing and Urban Development On Sep 13, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: We are good on the Hope IV unless I gave her incorrect informat ion-Melissa Please let me know if I did okay. THANKS! uncovered the grant. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001332 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:22 PM To: 'Hipo lit , Melissa' Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I don't think so. We haven't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are st ill a few projects being wrapped -up wh ich is why it is stil l "active" but I do not t hink there will be any additional awards . I am confi rming that-so please do not quote me. There may be some other things in play. Checking on t hem now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From : Hipo lit, Melissa [mailto :MHipol it@htvr.com] II Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ...haha. Now I'm wondering if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond . The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26.9 million from HUD (the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPEVI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere .) The HOPEVI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi-family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeowner ship units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPEVI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001333 (through "SSTP," RRHA'sHOPEVI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objective s. In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell 's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing, the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday , September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I' m sti ll working on the fir st round!! Will check . Back at my desk for a few minute s. W ill t ry to batch the first set of answers and send before I unplug again. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Buildi ng, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215 ) 430-6640 From: Hipo lit,Melissa(ma ilto :MHipol it@lfdtvr .comJII Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa From: Hipo lit, Melis sa Sent: Wednesday , September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe , Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001334 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Got it . Some of this will take some time . Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? From : Hipo lit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 201712 :17 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject : Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meeting s all day, but will call when we take a break. Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now. Thanks! Lisa AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001335 From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) Hi Melissa - Here's what I learned late yesterday afternoon. The August 10 REACscore of 74.17 is a "passing" score, however , the Department found areas of non-comp liance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of suffic ient concern to wa rrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner. The intention of that letter, and requirements for owner inspection, repa ir and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractua l obli gations to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property . As stated in the letter, HUD cont inue s to provi de over sight of t he owner 's effort s to addre ss the co nd it ions at the property and continue s to assess whether enforcement action is warranted . Hope that gives you what you need for now. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipo lit,Melissa [mailto :MHipo lit@lf;tv r.comJII Sent : Wedne sday, September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To : Wol f e, Lisa A Subject : Re: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests Lisa- AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001336 I have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman telling Greg he is in non-compliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17, but it also states individual unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants. HUD is giving them another 90 days to comply. I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply without penalty? Why haven't they been penalized monetarily yet, or had their contract with HUD pulled? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forward to hearing backd. Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject : RE: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@jkitvr.com]II Sent: Wednesday , September 06, 2017 10:12 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response. I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the public that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possible amount of points. Moreover, I understand HUD was not happy about that score. Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved conditions in the units? THANK YOU! Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001337 Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response . As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public. With the inspection conclud ing on August 10 and the notificat ion to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9--depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down. As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr. LaVoy's emails . Both are being handled at Headquarters, so we have reached out and are wait ing to hear back on both . Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipolit,Melissa[mailto:MHipo lit@l~tvr.comJ II Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To : Wolfe, Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject: Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tell me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PK challenged the release). Also-I've heard nothing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001338 From: Sent: Will iams, Sheppard V Friday, September 15, 2017 8:25 AM DeFelice,Joseph J FW: Award Letters To: Subject: Joe,the lettersare in yourin bin. I havereviewedthemall. Van S VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov o.. .....c : This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commun ications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From:Wi lliams, Sheppard V Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:23 AM To: Pollock, Patricia E Cc:Bynum, Nadab ; Collins, David M ; Wampler, Mandy Subject: RE: Award Letters Hi Patricia. Joewill lookingat the letterstoday. I mentioned thattheyarea rush. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud .gov 0 141h' : This communication, along with any at tachments , is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error , please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Pollock, Patricia E Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 7:35 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc:Bynum, Nadab ; Collins, David M ; Wampler, Mandy Subject: Award Letters AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001339 Good Morning Van: Have any of the FY 17 award letters been signed yet? Thanks. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001340 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dunn, Tracey Friday, September 15, 2017 8:32 AM Wolfe, Lisa A; Schmidt , Carrie S Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Any update on this call? From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Thursday , September 14, 2017 8:23 AM To: Schmidt, Carrie S Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Carrie - Just let me know what time you'd like to set-up a call as well as who you'd like to inc lude . Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Office r Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Schmidt , Carrie S Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:50 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc:Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Lisa We should talk about th is tomorrow. I have copied you Tracey as I'm sure the Congressman will begin to weigh in soon especially since the city has called for a housing Summit October 31. Carrie Schmidt Field Office Director US Department of Housing and Urban Development On Sep 13, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001341 We are good on the Hope IV unless I gave her incorrect information-Melissa Please let me know if I did okay. THANKS! uncovered the grant. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:22 PM To: 'Hipo lit, Melissa' Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I don't think so. We haven't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are still a few projects being wrapped-up wh ich is why it is still "active" but I do not think there will be any additional awards. I am confirming that - so please do not quote me. There may be some other things in play. Checking on them now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipolit,Melissa[mai lto:MHipol it@if,Ntvr.comJ II Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ...haha. Now I'm wondering if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond. The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26.9 million from HUD (the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPE VI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere .) AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001342 The HOPEVI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi-family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeownership units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPEVI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services (through "SSTP," RRHA'sHOPEVI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objectives. In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell 's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing, the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I'm still working on the first round!! Will check. Back at my desk for a few minutes. W ill try to batch the first set of answers and send before I unplug again. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipolit , Melissa [ma ilto:MHipol it@JfNtvr.com]IJ Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001343 From: Hipolit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Got it. Some of this will take some time. Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 12:17 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meetings all day, but will call when we take a break . Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now. Thanks! Lisa From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) Hi Melissa- Here's what I learned late yesterday afternoon. The August 10 REACscore of 74.17 is a "passing" score, however, the Department found areas of non-comp liance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of suffic ient concern to warrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner. The intention of that letter, and requirements for owner inspection, repa ir and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractual obligation s to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property . As stated in the letter, HUD continues to provide oversight of the owner 's efforts to address the cond it ions at the property and continues to assess whether enforcement action is warranted. Hope that gives you what you need for now. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001345 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@Ftvr.com]I J Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests LisaI have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman telling Greg he is in non-compliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17, but it also states individua l unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants. HUD is giving them another 90 days to comply. I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply without penalty? Why haven't they been penalized monetarily yet, or had their contract with HUD pulled? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forward to hearing backd. Melissa From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: RE: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@Jkvtvr.com]I J Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10 :12 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject : Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response. I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the public that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possible amount of points. Moreover, I understand HUD was not happy about that score. AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001346 Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved cond it ions in the units? THANK YOU! Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To : Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response. As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public. With the inspection conclud ing on August 10 and the notificat ion to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9-- depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down. As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr . LaVoy's emails. Both are being handled at Headquarters, so we have reached out and are wait ing to hear back on both. Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipo lit, Melissa [mailto :MHipo lit@htvr.com] II Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12: 38 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject: Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tell me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PK challenged the release). Also-I've heard nothing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001347 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wolfe, Lisa A Friday, September 15, 2017 9:08 AM Dunn, Tracey; Schmidt, Carrie S Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Brown, Jereon M Re: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Traccy--Jcrry has spoken with Janet about all of the RRHA issues, so there will be follow-up from that. I'm on sick leave today, and will follow -up with you on Monday . From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:32 :06 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc; Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Any update on this call? From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 8:23 AM To: Schmidt, Carrie S Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: RRHA Housing : Can you call me? Carrie - Just let me know what time you'd like to set-up a call as well as who you'd like to inc lude. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Schmidt, Carrie S Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:50 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Lisa We should talk about this tomorrow. I have copied you Tracey as I'm sure the Congressman will begin to weigh in soon especially since the city has called for a housing Summit October 31. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001348 Carrie Schmidt Field Office Director U 5 Department of Housing and Urban Development On Sep 13, 2017, at 3 :27 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: We are good on the Hope IV unless I gave her incorrect information-Melissa Please let me know if I did okay. THANKS! uncovered the grant. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:22 PM To: 'Hipo lit, Melissa' Subject: RE:RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I don't think so. We haven't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are still a few projects being wrapped -up wh ich is why it is still "active" but I do not think there will be any additional awards. I am confirming that-so please do not quote me. There may be some other things in play. Checking on them now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipolit,Melissa(ma ilto:MHipol it@lwtvr.comJII Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ...haha. Now I'm wondering AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? HUD-17-0235-C-001349 "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond . The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority {RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26.9 million from HUD {the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPEVI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere.) The HOPEVI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi-family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeownership units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPEVI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services (through "SSTP," RRHA'sHOPEVI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objectives. In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell 's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing, the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I'm still working on the first round!! Will check. Back at my desk for a few minutes . W ill try to batch the first set of answers and send before I unplug again. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From; Hipolit,Melissa(ma ilto:MHipol it@lf< Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001350 Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa From:Hipolit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re; RRHA Housing: Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Got it. Some of this will take some time. Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 12:17 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meetings all day, but will call when we take a break . Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now. Thanks! Lisa From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) Hi Melissa - Here' s what I learned late yesterday afternoon. The August 10 REACscore of 74.17 is a "passing" score, however, the Department found areas of non-comp liance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of suffic ient concern to warrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner. The intention of that letter, and requirements for owner inspection, repair and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractual obligations to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property. As stated in the letter, HUD continues to provide oversight of the owner's efforts to address the conditions at the property and continues to assess whether enforcement action is warranted . AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001352 Hope that gives you what you need for now. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@Ftvr.com]IJ Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests LisaI have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman telling Greg he is in non-compliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17, but it also states individual unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants. HUD is giving them another 90 days to comply. I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply without penalty? Why haven't they been penalized monetarily yet, or had their contract with HUD pulled? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forward to hearing backd. Melissa From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: RE: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipolit, Melissa [mailto:MHipolit@Ftvr.com]IJ Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 10:12 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001353 Subject : Re: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response . I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the public that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possib le amount of points. Moreover, I understand HUD was not happy about that score . Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved cond it ions in the units? THANK YOU! Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To: Hipolit , Melissa Subject : [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response. As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to the owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made public . With the inspection conclud ing on August 10 and the notificat ion to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9-- depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report, the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down. As far as your FOIA requests, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr. LaVoy's emails . Both are being hand led at Headquarters, so we have reached out and are wait ing to hear back on both . Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Offi ce of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipo lit, Melissa [mailto:MHipo lit@lf;tv r.com]II Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To : Wolfe, Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject : Checking In Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tel l me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PK challenged the release). Also-I've heard nothing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001354 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dunn, Tracey Friday, September 15, 2017 9:16 AM Wolfe, Lisa A Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Brown, Jereon M; Kelley, Michael J; Schmidt, Carrie S RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? + Michael Kelley From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 9:08 AM To: Dunn, Tracey ; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc:Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Brown, Jereon M Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Tracey--Jcrry has spoken with Janet about all of the RRHA issues, so there will be follow-up from that. I'm on sick leave today, and will follow-up with you on Monday . From:Dunn, Tracey Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:32:06 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A; Schmidt, Carrie S Cc:Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Any update on this call? From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 8:23 AM To: Schmidt, Carrie S Cc:Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Carrie - Just let me know what time you'd like to set-up a call as well as who you'd like to inc lude. Thanks! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Schmidt, Carrie S Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:50 PM AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001355 To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Dunn, Tracey Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Lisa We should talk about th is tomorrow . I have copied you Tracey as I'm sure t he Congressman will begin to weigh in soon especially since t he city has called for a housing Summit October 31. Carrie Schmidt Field Office Director US Department of Housing and Urban Development On Sep 13, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Wolfe, Lisa A wrote: We are good on the Hope IV unless I gave her incorrect informat ion - Melissa uncovered the grant . Please let me know if I did okay . THANKS! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13 To: 'Hipo lit , Melissa' Subject: RE: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? I don't think so. We haven't awarded Hope IV program grants since I have been with HUD. I believe there are st ill a few projects being wrapped-up wh ich is why it is stil l "active" but I do not think there will be any additional awards. I am confirming that-so please do not quote me. There may be some other things in play. Checking on t hem now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Offic e of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Offic e: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipo lit,Melissa(ma ilto:MHipol it@btvr.comJ I Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:18 PM AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001356 To: Wolfe, LisaA Subject: Re: RRHAHousing: Can you call me? Great news ... l found that they did ... haha. Now I'm wondering if they can apply for more, or if they have applied for more Hope 6 funding? "HOPE VI is a comprehensive program that is revitalizing Virginia's historic Blackwell community, which lies just south of downtown Richmond . The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) and the City of Richmond secured a HOPEVI grant of $26.9 million from HUD (the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) to revitalize Richmond's Blackwell community. (HOPE VI is an acronym for Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere.) The HOPE VI Program is bringing replacement housing units that will include: * 161 multi-family units in Blackwell; * 188 new single-family houses in Blackwell; * 120 homeownership units in three other Richmond communities For the public housing residents of Blackwell, the HOPEVI Program creates opportunities for new rental and homeownership housing and provides comprehensive self-sufficiency services (through "SSTP," RRHA's HOPE VI Self-Sufficiency Training Program) to improve their quality of life and support employment objectives . In September 2001, just one year after breaking ground for Blackwell 's first new multifamily housing, families have moved into the multifamily housing , the Townes at River South. Many of the families moving into these attractive, privately owned and managed rental units are former residents of Blackwell public housing." From: Wolfe, LisaA Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:16 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: RE:RRHAHousing: Can you call me? I'm still working on the first round!! Will check. Backat my desk for a few minutes. Will try to batch the first set of answers and send before I unplug again. LisaA. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001357 Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Hipolit, Melissa (mai lto:MHipol it@lwtvr.com] II Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Also-has RRHAever received Hope 6 funding? Have they ever applied to get it? THANKS! Melissa From: Hipolit, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:37 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? 2:30 works for me. Hoping to do at least one angle for next Tuesday. M From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 20171:13 PM To: Hipolit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Got it. Some of this will take some time. Will get folks started on pulling what we can and will give you a ring sometime after 2:30. Are you on deadline? From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 12:17 PM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: Re: RRHA Housing: Can you call me? Melissa--l'm in meetings all day, but will call when we take a break. Is there something I can begin working on before we chat? In a lunchtime discussion now . Thanks! Lisa From: Hipol it, Melissa Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 8:24 AM To: Hipo lit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests (3) AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001359 Hi Me lissa - Here's what I learned late yesterday afternoon . The August 10 REACscore of 74.17 is a "passing" score, however, the Department found areas of non-comp liance with HUD's standard of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the inspection that were of suffic ient concern to warrant the issuance of the August 21 letter to the owner . The intention of that letter, and requirements fo r owner inspection , repa ir and reporting to HUD, are to ensure that the owner meets his contractua l obligations to HUD and the tenants and continues to address the physical needs of the property . As stated in the letter , HUD continues to provide oversight of the owner 's efforts to address the cond it ions at the property and continue s to assess whether enforcement action is warranted . Hope that gives you what you need for now . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 -----Original Message----From: Hipo lit,Melissa [mailto :MHipo lit@lk,;tvr.comlll Sent: Wednesday , September 06, 2017 10:39 AM To : Wolfe, Lisa A Subject : Re: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspection/FO IA Requests LisaI have a copy of the letter HUD sent to Greg Pearlman te lling Greg he is in non-co mpliance with his "renewal contract". The letter states the overall score was much better at 74.17 , but it also states individua l unit scores are "unacceptable" and represent a serious risk to the health and safety of the ten ants. HUD is giving t hem another 90 days to comply . I am wondering why they are getting yet another 90 days to comply witho ut penalty? Why haven't they been penal ized monetarily yet , or had their contract w ith HUD pul led ? Isn't the condition of the individual units most important for the residents? Look forwa rd to hearing backd. Melissa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 10:21 AM To : Hipolit, Melissa Subject : RE: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UP EssexVillage REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi Melissa -- Hope you had a good vacation. Who told you HUD was not happy about the score? Happy to check on your questions and will get back to you. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regiona I Public Affairs Officer Offi ce of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001360 Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 4 30-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipo lit, Melissa [mailto:MHipo lit@htvr.com] IJ Sent : Wedne sday, September 06, 2017 10:12 AM To: Wolfe , Lisa A Subject : Re: [EXT] HUD FOLLOW-UP Essex Village REACRe-lnspection/FOIA Requests Hi LisaThanks for this response. I've been on vacation and today is my first day back. I see that Congressman McEachin told the pub lic that the new score reflected extremely low unit scores. It appears Essexonly received half the possible amount of points . Moreover , I understand HUD was not happy about that score . Is this correct? What type of action are you taking to hold PK/GHC Housing accountable since they haven't held up their end of the bargin and improved cond it ions in the units? THANK YOU! Melis sa From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday , August 30, 2017 4:21 PM To : Hipolit, Melissa Subject: [EXT]HUD FOLLOW-UPEssex Village REACRe-lnspect ion/FOIA Requests Melissa -- Sorry for the delay in the response. As we have communicated in past emai ls, once the score is released to t he owner, the owner has up to 45 days to appeal the score before it is made publi c. With the inspection conclud ing on August 10 and the notificat ion to the owner a few days following, the score may be releasable on October 9--depending upon possible appeals. As far as the inspection report , the release is typically 120 days if there is no appeal to slow things down . As far as your FOIA reque sts, we are checking on the status of the release of the report as well as your request for Mr. LaVoy's emails . Both are being hand led at Headquarters , so we have reached out and are wait ing to hear back on both . Hope that helps ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Offic e of Field Policy and Management U.S. Departme nt of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Offic e: (215) 4 30-6640 -----Original Message----From : Hipo lit,Melissa [mailto :MHipo lit@htv r.comJIJ Sent: Monday , August 28, 2017 12:38 PM To : Wolfe , Lisa A ; Davis, Anne Subject : Checking In AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001361 Hi LadiesJust checking to see if the most recent EssexVillage inspection report is ready for release? Can you tell me their score? Also-can you release that FOIA info I requested yet? (You had to wait to see if PK challenged the re lease). Also-I've heard nothing from inspector general on LaVoy emails. Thank you! Melissa Sent from my iPhone AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001362 From: Sent: Williams, Sheppard V To: DeFelice,Joseph J Subject: Attached - Re: Program Year Review Letters (Proposed revision to Haverford Township letter York County ACA 2016.docx; Haverford ACA 2016.docx Attachments: Friday, September 15, 2017 10:37 AM Joe, Attachedis the HaverfordTownshipletter. TheYorkCountyletteris alsoincluded. I haveamendedthe language in the FHEOparagraph for the Haverford letterto readas follows: (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege Letmeknowif thisis ok beforeI finalizedthe revisedletter. (I havenotattachedthe revisedone} S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof theRegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov D. '"'' ,.:: This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commun ications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Collins, David M Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 1:38 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Robinson, Shana Subject: Re: Program Year Review Letters VanHere's the digital versions of the Program Year Review letters . Dave AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001363 David M. Collins, AICP Program Manager U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development The Wanamaker Building , 12th Floor 100 Penn Square East Philadelph ia, PA 19107-3380 Phone: (2 15) 86 1-7659 Fax: (215) 656-3442 Email: David.M.Collins@HUD .gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001364 U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment Philadelphia Office TheWanamaker Building 100PennSquareEast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19107-3380 The Honorable Susan Byrnes President York County Board of Commissioners County Administrative Building 28 E. Market Street, 2nd Floor York, PA 17401-9550 Dear Ms. Byrnes: RE: Annual Community Assessment York County, Pennsylvania January I, 2016 to March 31, 2017 (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege www.hud.gov AMEHICAN VERSIGHT cspanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001365 Deliberative Privilege HUD-17-0235-C-001366 De?berative Privilege HUD-17-0235-C-001367 4 (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege Sincerely , Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator cc: Mr. George Barnock AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001368 5 cc: 3ADPM 3ADPM 3ADPM 3AD 3AMA 3AMA 3AEHP Official File (2016 CAPERChron File Cai Pollock DeFelice FPM Latham 3ADPM:Cai : 09/06/17 Draft 3ADPM:Cai: 9/11/17 Final York County) ( J:\cai\York County ACA 2016) CONCURRENCE: 3ADPM Cai AMERICAN VERSIGHT 3ADSS Collins 3AD Bynum HUD-17-0235-C-001369 U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment Philadelphia Office TheWanamaker Building 100PennSquareEast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3380 Mr. Chris Connell, Sr. President Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township 2325 Darby Road Havertown , PA 19083-2251 Dear Mr. Connell: RE: Annual Community Assessment Township of Haverford April l, 2016 through March 3 l, 2017 (b)(5) Deliberative Privilege www.hud.gov AMERICAN VERSIGHT cs1>anol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001370 De?berative Privilege HUD-17-0235-C-001371 3 (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege Sincerely, Joseph J. Defelice Regional Administrator cc: Mr. Larry Gentile AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001372 4 cc: 3ADSS 3ADSS 3ADSS 3AD 3AEHP 3AMA 3AMA Official File (FY-16 Haverford Township CAPER File) Chron File Cai Pollock Latham FPM Defelice 3ADSS:Cai DRAFT 08/17/2017 L_\Cai\Haverford ACA 2016 3ADSS :Cai Final 9/11/17 CONCURRENCE: 3ADSS Cai AMERICAN VERSIGHT 3ADSS Collins 3AD Bynum HUD-17-0235-C-001373 From: Sent: Williams, Sheppard V To: DeFelice,Joseph J Subject: Attached - Re: Program Year Review Letters (Proposed revision to Haverford Township letter York County ACA 2016.docx; Haverford ACA 2016.docx Attachments: Friday, September 15, 2017 10:55 AM Joe, Attachedis the Haverford Townshipletter.TheYorkCountyletteris alsoincluded. I haveamendedthe language in the FHEOparagraph for the Haverford letterto readas follows: (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege Letmeknowif thisis ok beforeI finalizedthe revisedletter. (I havenotattachedthe revisedone} S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof theRegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 sheppard .v.williams@hud.gov D. o oo 1 ,": This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commun ications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Collins, David M Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 1:38 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Robinson, Shana Subject: Re: Program Year Review Letters VanHere's the digital versions of the Program Year Review letters . Dave AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001374 David M. Collins, AICP Program Manager U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development The Wanamaker Building , 12th Floor 100 Penn Square East Philadelph ia, PA 19107-3380 Phone: (2 15) 86 1-7659 Fax: (215) 656-3442 Email: David.M.Collins@HUD .gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001375 U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment Philadelphia Office TheWanamaker Building 100PennSquareEast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19107-3380 The Honorable Susan Byrnes President York County Board of Commissioners County Administrative Building 28 E. Market Street, 2nd Floor York, PA 17401-9550 Dear Ms. Byrnes: RE: Annual Community Assessment York County, Pennsylvania January I, 2016 to March 31, 2017 (b )( 5) Deliberative Privilege www.hud.gov AMEHICAN VERSIGHT cspanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001376 De?berative Privilege HUD-17-0235-C-001377 Deliberative Privilege HUD-17-0235-C-001378 4 (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege Sincerely , Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator cc: Mr. George Barnock AMERICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001379 5 cc: 3ADPM 3ADPM 3ADPM 3AD 3AMA 3AMA 3AEHP Official File (2016 CAPERChron File Cai Pollock DeFelice FPM Latham 3ADPM:Cai : 09/06/17 Draft 3ADPM:Cai: 9/11/17 Final York County) ( J:\cai\York County ACA 2016) CONCURRENCE: 3ADPM Cai AMERICAN VERSIGHT 3ADSS Collins 3AD Bynum HUD-17-0235-C-001380 U.S.Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment Philadelphia Office TheWanamaker Building 100PennSquareEast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3380 Mr. Chris Connell, Sr. President Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township 2325 Darby Road Havertown, PA 19083-2251 Dear Mr. Connell: RE: Annual Community Assessment Township of Haverford April l, 2016 through March 3 l, 2017 (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege www.hud.gov AMERICAN VERSIGHT cs1>anol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001381 Deliberative Privilege HUD-17-0235-C-001382 3 (b)(5) DeliberativePrivilege Sincerely, Joseph J. Defelice Regional Administrator cc: Mr. Larry Gentile AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001383 4 cc: 3ADSS 3ADSS 3ADSS 3AD 3AEHP 3AMA 3AMA Official File (FY-16 Haverford Township CAPER File) Chron File Cai Pollock Latham FPM Defelice 3ADSS:Cai DRAFT 08/17/2017 L_\Cai\Haverford ACA 2016 3ADSS :Cai Final 9/11/17 CONCURRENCE: 3ADSS Cai AMERICAN VERSIGHT 3ADSS Collins 3AD Bynum HUD-17-0235-C-001384 NOTE:ATTACHMENTSNOTINCLUDED From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe, Lisa A Wednesday, September 20, 2017 10:14 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Solivan, Elvis Schmidt, Carrie S FYI:ASSISTANCEREQUESTEDVIRGINIA: FOIA weekly reports Agency Official Congressional and Media Report as of 9.20.17.xlsx; FOIA Case Info l 7FI-R03-01548; Submission of Media FOIA #l7-FI-R03-01696 Max Lee to ExecSecfor finalizing ; Submission of Media FOIA #17 - FI- R03 -01465 Debbie Truong to ExecSecfor finalizing; Submission of Media FOIA #17-FI-R03-01425 Theresa Clift to ExecSecfor finalizing Good morning everyone - Carrie asked me to make you aware that I am trying to find out why it is taking so long to process our FOIAs in HQ now that they are handling all of the incoming media requests. Of concern, are two FOIAs for the COE Report for EssexVillage. Jerry has offered to help me track and process our requests, so this is the first batch we are seeing assistance with. Please let me know if you have any questions . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 201710:02 AM To: Davis, Anne ; Williams, Sheppard V {sheppard.v.williams@hud.gov) Cc: Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: FW: ASSISTANCEREQUESTEDVIRGINIA: FOIA weekly reports FYI-Just wanted you to know that I am following up on the FOIAs that seem to have dropped into a black hole at HQ. Will let you know what I f i nd out... Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001385 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 9:59 AM To: Brown, Jereon M Subject: ASSISTANCEREQUESTEDVIRGINIA: FOIA weekly reports 8/8/2017 17-FI-HQ01696 Lee, Max - To Whom It May Concern: (INJT]AL REQUEST) I am makin to the Freedom of Information Act: - The following record, an apartment complex at 100 Massanutten Manor Circle in copy of the or iginal Housing Assista nt Payments (HAP) con current/renewal Housing Assistant Payment s (HAP) contra, the past year; and d) all initial Housing Quality Standards, the past year. ---- ------ ----- ----- - -- --- -- --- ----- ------ ----- -------------------o----o-- 7/13/2017 17-FI-HQ- Hipolit, Melissa WTVR Truong, Debbie Richmond Times-Dispatch Hipolit, Melissa WTVR 01554 6/28/2017 17-FI-HQ01465 6/20/2017 17-FI-HQ01425 --- o------------------o----o----- Compliance, Disposition and Enforcement Plan submitted ~ inspection Notice of Default " Proje ct Owner's Certification" the project is in compliance with HU D's physical condit ion i codes (this was to be be submitted within 60 days of recei1 Jerry-These are the four FOIAsthat I am tracking . Anne spoke with Deena yesterday and apparently the last one (01425) is in OGC compliance. Debbie Truong has moved on, but Michael O'Connor has picked up her request for the Richmond Times Dispatch. Given her request is the same as Melissa's, I'm not sure why these have been classified th is way. Please note one of the requests has been misclassified as "agency officials" not "media." Not sure how to handle that. Attached are the dates the FOIAs were either submitted and/or reassigned to HQ_Thanks for your reports-at least now I know how to check if they are still in queue. Thanks for your help! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Brown, Jereon M Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 7:44 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: FW: FOIA weekly reports AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT ------- - To Whom It May Concern :I am making the following reqL Info rmation Act: (VIA 8/1/2017 EMAIL) If there are any ch request, I am requesting that I be notified of the charges ( reques ting : al l in it ial Housing Quality Standards {HQS) insr year for Massanutten Manor at 100 Massanutten Manor Cir reques ting to receive responses in electronic format if pas; Essex Village, PK Management, GHC Hous ing Partner;, Mel copies of all emails written to and from DJ Lavoy, Greg Pe, oetween the following dates: January 19 and February 2 A and June 8th . 1) Any documents that show the amount of federal fundini between 2012 and 2016 as well as any documents that sh, intended for; 2) Any documents from Essex Village owners used federa l funding from HUD oetween 2012 and 2016; 3 Disposition and Enforcement plan submitted oy PK Manage HUD-17-0235-C-001386 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 us :ie:,.=i,t"'lf!r"t c. G) Repor-t Oate :0~:'2U/lUl I '101_~1~,g a,1e1u,11a11 De-.-o::1a, ~1ne~,1 c-tti\".P.at tile ~),,f!(utivo:':~,P.C:P.7cJ(ia:-~5J ,t~, St., S . W. R~illlll l0l3g W.i~h ir"9to, 1, DC :.i:0'1J,) :::c Time :6.~~-2 -I Agency Official, Cong~ssional Rece ived hctWCCl"I (J1J01{:2015 Received 7_:1g,:;;n17 021te I Req ue.st ID 17-FI-HQ- 1 ,\M & Media .Jllld 09' / l0/2017 Requester J1ir-!"o,. l<11ri,w11<' N.ame R.eq u est Oescri ptic n Organization Oi-mrnro11-yr111w,1.d r1111111l,1lb11 011>3 Multi~ Track Type Priority ,1do;i~no,~ l11 ir-l11r111 iJ,)lil.y1lHkir"9. ::-n ~.is :<.i r"Q L~oth SP.r"ell!! o CClOtirmed Cabir"P.[ ~P.<".f:e ta . ,,::~ a o,d o.;dP..a P.t-,i,o.~rP.gula t1,)1lf. 1rcl.Jd ng ccnfhct-~f-in:e.-esc ,.u1es. le 1.m1e1.s:a"d and el<:p a1" cc th: p<..bl c tne sc.c-pe --:,fgc.~ernn.ent b..i~ n,; s~ (;Cl""l"h.-ctLotl:-y thw.;to i-.fcrm.JI ,,d ooiHors, ),:--.c,.r.Jc.,o .:-,) r"'-.,,rii t=,: ,n1n,:;,1ticr- "''1"11,,Lo~:~th ~t th,; [),-p,1r1m.-11t 11[ llrn1~i ll',_:,u-11 llrlJ ,tr" O~o;,-l :>11r1o,-111r1. 1:<:11 <.,- tll<' ' olh:.1,iriJ wi~h 11tw...r.I'! :)11-.ir.,-,,-. davs . All CA)lllrr"ur"'iC.~t1,)1l~o. ir"'Cl..1d111grli\~ rlt7n\".llrr"'P.11ts. SP.nl to,:;, trorr Crli"I Jcah1l, Rudlll1~h Gi ... lia~,, K1cha ' d LE~rak , ~te. ..e, Koth, ~c-bert Kraft, lk -::!1-'e.-ln.utter , !:iteve scr--wa.-zmar, l-'t-11R ...ffin, l(upert t-1..ir(l,:;o;:h,(.l.)rLoy Lt"tio:1m:Jl.>wsl-:.i , Nt"w: Ginqrir::h, (t-ri~ i:t1,,(ldo;, 51:~n H ,m--.ito;, Th ,::m,,s e.,,rr~cl-:, ;r, , Chrio; indl.lli .,'cl .'" "! l.tirio;I i,-, i:::1:J,-r S I :,11..-, r,icT,1111111, m Orn1,1 ,I Tr .,m; ,, lr Al 11:. .,m.mi1,1~i,:.,o., nlta <.llml:'!r"tf., lll~i:lP. ,) f lf!~P.l\oP.i:l ,1 (P.lal1, )1l to 0( 1"P.tlf!<.t ,1g lt"P. ,.~11ldu\".I ,:;o ,GBP0\'=!1"1 ,1\l=:!1\t11...s,nP.f,S ...~11 ,g a"'t' n--:,ngo..'e'"me,tal en.a11 account c-r ,o..,gc.~ernn.en:al con.m,.,n,,::at1ors de.:,ce establ,sl"ed. C'")nlr,)llr;,:; or u.;t.d b.1o C~ rl :..:,,1-n, ~vtlo)lph Giuli,11""i, Ri<,:h~r,:; l,:F"r;,k, Stt'",.,;_on R,:::h, R1.>b<:r: l(r,,fl:, :klo P..-rlm11~I.-,, Sl..-v,- S1 l1w...rn11,1 .i, F.,il Rurrir.. R11;,,-rl Mw,1111 .i, l.1:.<'}' I ~,,.,.,.,,-11!:,..-o,l-:i,N~wl ,:';h1,rid1, l ., Cll(if. Cll(if.11'1!, RogP.o" :Ot,:;nP.. E,oic. Tfur'l"1L ,)f Dc 1 ,nl:-:I Cl111~ Ru:-:ld~, SP.a~, Ha1lr"it~ . T~,Or'l"rl? Bu,a~k. , me J ~.no . cmcA'r. a .,.,,c, .-,.rc o ., .. -r ,ra .o ' l""'co cf ~ccr,co -,,.d 1an,nr,1aa ' " " c. lf " o ~ .,... 1.eq.JP.f.l tl\a: ,'I (.Opj i'.lt tne ((';IIOw111gac:~u""IP.r"tf. Ile :')fO~.,-:::M I('; MP.! A ,.op~ ot CA)1..e:e.p,)1ldP.1l~P.r(orr . .>1easesea,.c.nfo,. i:.:o..,g,.essor,c-ma,L.>1a"e1;,la,:kcrrerstaffa"dtne re;:p-:,nsetc - tr--ec.-:irre.:pc-ncrence tlo)c1.,m,:ot .; fr1.>m J~n1.,,,r, . 2011 t"lr1.>uqh prLo~t.nt >. r::v p .,. '>f ,,11<.:orrLo~:-;,o r-cl/:nct ' lr v m t h,: m ,,j ,::.ity ,;.t,:,f' 111tl,..-111n . ',<' A-.11ls,-t l.11m..iitl..-.-lroo11 J,1.111,1,}' 1,. ;n t7 :t1r 1:.J1,1.i11...--.,-r.I . r b,-lie-o.-,-tl,..- n1rr,-o, ;, 1ir-1l..-.i1en(P.rrll?t l1.p yf,u( C:.tti.-.P.or C:c 1 ,g.e:c.~ o,ial Attn,.f., C:.ttif.P.or LP.gi?lrlt,vP. Arr au.~ , c. tlloP. system. t a'li:l 1kelv tra,::ke.:: w,th,n a ,::01Tes::io..,de'lc.-::! ma'lagem-::!nt office c~ :he t:,.:ec1..t1.~e secretao1at ,,fT"' St:-Lor:: ifir::.JII.,o11.>cl.li,;,;y,toriisl~ti,)n, <)r r,;;iu ,,t l.)n';, r,-, 0011rr.,-rn:,1ti11r. ., t,: . ri,-, ul io;,- !nt.11d1 r~11.,lio,,,. m 11p:,11i11Im...r .b, rn ., u r1:)m l :, r Opf !11., lio11 t11 f,-/1,-r,1! tund 119 tilt" l,)(og,.amf o. 1,1 . ,:;J.;ct~. ,) 1.carrua~,iP.:<.. I nrr wil i1l.} t,) ua~ tP.P.f, tilt" tt'is .e-:::u.,:.st u1~ f,:; a M.-,lit. Q':'il~i2:':117 DP.M Si(iM~aam: T",if, i~ a 1'=:!q,._P.~tu",!l=!t" :n.; f1'.;P.i:l,) 111o::t [r"lo1.111atio::n /\C.t. I 1'P.quP.f.t tnat a cop.~ of t,e fclloor, ng dccu~,e..,Us ! be ::iro.:,.::ed le ~,e : Oate Ka..,ge . '1a,.c.h "2. "2Cil/-l'res-:nt C:.L.~;;:rip!i,::n of rt.qt,r;o;t<:rl rt.t.1.>r!i"S. o Co) pi<.:~ cf ~II u,rr.:~i=,1.>nc.:t.rcr:, in,;,;11.,(linq:>ut no)t I mi:t.cJ tc ,::m.:, I~, m.-1111:o;, ,1")11s11i,l,1.i1 ~. 11rfl..-11r:... , ..:,11,1"lll l,i~ 11:11fid..r1~i,1Io,t ,1H ro~rl,1i11ir"!J lll puhli, -11riv,11,w C:,)1,)12~ct ~II <".llff,\?.~011('.P.r"'CoP., i,1<.1 ...d,ng '.>ut llf,I 111111:P.dtc 2 ,na Is, 1lloP.""'IOf., nr"'a 1,1a,-:-,1.;.-:<.ll11,)f. Ag<:1ll'.'f C:otti\".inl~ P1t-'~iil~11l Tr1111111 h,1~ 111<1<:I"' l.llf)r~, <'(:i-1.1.-(: 11-..i-1:' o;11-n1ll~1t 'oi11fmm~l (,n:, ":Ii l~ i~Q I 7 .12.GBP!..l:!Q._ 01112 61a CP.1=!,Drl1l P.I 'i:1/Hii~OI:' .12.GBP!..l:!Q._ 01111 DP.)P.a 1 ,,Af,l\l.;y COr"Q(P.f,?1,)11a;: 1 ,t.;1"1\,GBPP.r"Cy HUD-17-0235-C-001387 g..11dance, c-f uav1d ta,;le; a"d r1s,::o..,r1a-::!nt1a1 ;t-:ff perta1 ...m,; t--:,po..bllc-p-rvate pc:1tn-::!r;h,ps o All r::.Jltor(i.:,. 1:--.t.i-1.'Srtotl,;:ctin;j m,;:tot nqs ,:;' ).:,..,itl C,,qlto"S F1.>rc.:, L"n,:;,,r tortri1:o; r::r1:~t1:,:; ir- C-utlc,:;~ 1.> r si--.il~ r r, . ,:.,;r.-.m-., thr <:11< .rnr . ...r1'.., o;h :,111,: t,,- 111ml11,o,-,I 11'.rr....rr,:,'" lrn111 t11 in 1.,11.-.-.It i11... Ir.-.,.- .,11t,-.,, .-.ri:J ,111 t~, Cut lo,:;< ca P.1Kn(s . : ,e~u.;st tt'P. p1c:-:::u<.t011 ,)t n11~ ntta<.llmP.r"ff o. Pl=!rl?=! d,:; ~,at lirrit ~ou1 r.P.n(c.~, c . electron c, ,~.neth-::!r c,n go...errme,t-,s:sued o.- p,2r ;:o..,al de.:,ce:s-us-:d to t.a-:k er c.alerdao-paper c->1.>r(lin,,tL' h9w t-1, [ ,,qltos ,111.;:icvtt"; his timr: '>" v u';ir-Lo~s This rl'(IUt'St ,:nr::.;:imi=,,1~';t's mr:<:ti--.q~ f,1!JI~o. ,1:l1MI y ,1tl..-111l.-1l,1-. w..-11,.,~ 111..-~li.,'cl'' I :> wt, ,t. h..- .~..-.o. ,,-_.ii.-,: m w..-...- ; ,1r.,..-ll,-,I . 1111:. d,-r h: 1 11"'11,) o:::P.tP..-,11, ,P. tf!=!~. ~Ou :<. lh )ul:-:1krow t11a: I r1,11a r=!urP.f,P.lltnti~ .f! ,)t ttP. ,1.;w~ mP.din. ,......,suc.n, I nrr cm a repo1.t:r ct O('l'r' ,.eQu,re1 tc- pa.~ for tr--e d r-::!ct cc;t c-f d<..pl1ca:1cn after tr--e f1.-s: 1::,u ~ages.: t-lo)tl-L.r ;l.)n<:s fT"'<"lil~into, ~n ,:,....,,r(ioo1, inr-in c: p.int .ind wtob po..bl c,:,tic--. wi:h ~ f"l:!~stht' couot.c,., Tl-tis, ti ~t.lostirto ,:;I ~h<: rl'q.,,-~l..-c ! ir-l11r111,1:i1:11 I :> 111..-io, h I.,,- r11bli,. iri'.,-r,-~I .. ,rnd io, ii<...-y lo 11:.,l.il1111,- ~i",111ilic.,1r.llyh: ;,,,l1li: 1 or tlloP.acti~.,lioP.:<.or tlloP.,;;o ....; ,.o,,noi1lt. Gi ~ooP. M(1tl12, . J{,oloP.~if, o"Jll '.).,- tl loP.;,)ur"'!la:io::n u 1 ,!l!1!1-:<.l~1ldi11,;; , t.,nt fo,. Nahc-na l'rog.ess. a ~-)1:c;-(J), nc'l-p ' c~t c.gan 2a: 1c, . the -ecuested .::ocun.en:s are nc: 1:,-im,,rily in my ("l.)motorc ,,1 int-i.'rt ' St ]Im .,o .,;,;;u-i.'St i~ ,:;tor-itod in -.,.he L"er Di.Ir!, I ,,-.I;,1--.,,t 'iCl. :to"Stif y ,,11 ,1.. 1,-1i111 .o, l )y ,,-f,-r,-r.1..- Ill "'II<': iric ...~ .. lllf)1io11~ 11rI .,,.. ,1("1. : .,,ill ,11o,() l'Xf !,..I'. y,:.J l o , .. 1........... ,1 I I .;c Jo" df! ~if,iOr"' tc s,:, 9fP.gnll P. 1,),)1-:icfl~ ,) f Ill hP.(Wl~P. P.~P.1H:')t -.nt P.t"inl. : . P.:<.P.(vP.1112 ,. gr t t O n1~1,)P.~ w,thl'lol.:: a .. .,. 1dorma:1cn o.- t-:i d@'"l'r'a ,~.a1ve r -!:>tfees . J loc ~ for,va,.d to y-!:)u,-repl't' w,th,n .!U ~u:Sm-::!sS tl.Jo,~. ,,~ :ho:: ~t;1t..it<: rcc,1,,irl'~. l"lr:.JSI'. ';t"r-!i thio; ir-form.:,:i,:;n ir- dr:<.:t.cnk form.:,: wl-LorLow:r i=,1.>~o;ibltoA-; "li 15/~Q I 7 .12.GBP!..l:!Q._ 01110 Dill,) 1\. _a..11'P.1l DP.llh )((,'ltic.\ntiOr"rllC:C:""illlltP.P. All <.OffP.~:')Or"!lP.1 ,C.<'.~P.1 ,t ,w .f!<.P.1\'P.i:l~P.twP.f! 1 , Cotti(.P. or tllf! S.;uP.trli''f or C:otti\".P.or tllP. ~:..f!~u7iv.; secretao1at a'ld "!:i-::!nato1.c,e.., ~as;e fron. lYY-1 tc th-::! p1.esen: . 1n,;; 1s le nclu1e, bu: n--:,t ~e 11~,1ted to . C'")r.,;o;p o)ndL.n,;,;t. "SL'n! er rL.e<:ivr;,:; ,:,.,.o::r'o)ll,::."'inc; t mr; ;>t'ric.:t:~. ') ;, ,nt1,,ry 20i:o.!.t1.>),,,..,,,:,.. 1. 200'}, wh,::n P11li:y. :, :";,-r.,il :" ~t.o,~,- o,.-n,,-,l ,1o, ~1,111 :Jir,-d1: . 1:I ~he- IJ . ~. n~p,1rt111..-11I :,I '.11~li: ,- Orli: ,- 1:I I ..-:_.i,11 lnr"'ua.y 40o:ls :o J1.I.,- l G!'i. .,,11eo, SP.r"'ilt,)t" Sa?f.P. ~.,, ..,,P.a a~ .-.11,,:,/ot ?tiltr to RP.1) 1.e~eo,tal,~P. JP.tr 1-01.t:n~er1"~ of Nebl"a:ska. C. ;ur~. :.!OU~ tc !:i-::!ptem~e1. :.!:J(J~, .,.,e .., senate . ~ass-: ser.--::!d as a c-) n"Stilt,,,..t ti.> tot. Ot .t:-.ortfT"'t'nt cfH1.>m1.ol,,r(l s,:..:u.it y v [J,::c1:obt ' r 20:)(: ~c Ot.,.tom:--to r 2V07, otJhl'' :';,-r..-.l :,r St.o,,-,- .,.-rv,-, l ,1., n1111r,~l11r I:, It . ,- S,-,.r.- l,1f '! o l ll.- t. 1111,11.111111,ro,111!..-r v i, ,..,.:, '..-.r11Mry ]l"IC:R t11 lilr"ua.y 40o:l'i:I, wllOCllSe.,nto1. !",rlS:C.P. f,P.o"vP.d rl~ A~s,stn11: SP.\".1.octa.y ,~i1. Plnr"'1)1ng ~1\d E\'~lu~fl~lll at thP. during wr--1c., time U.S. l.)epar:m-::!nt of Health and --tu mar Serv1.::es. o Ja ...uar,, ..i.(Jl'.:i :o the pres-:nt, o Page 1 COr"Q(P.f,S1,)1\a;: 1 ,t,:,1.1\,GBPP.r"C)' )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ~il~,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- t:asev , 1ec.c-ut:-ll l"g oJse 41Jrto,:otor-ts l,,nd/or SloC-:ico 2~(; [rt,;rr :-;t ;;:,::(11,,ct ior fl,, .,omt ort Aqn .'l'mc,ont ~ $1,,brT"it:tod For Tl- lo St~m::t L.il~. Zl.1111/m ~prir ' !.I r:r.-.-~ T , :.1,.-r. , tl1111-.ir' !.1D .-....-h1f !111.-.1I :--1: 111 J,,,.,,,,.. ~ 7n17 Tin :.,,,.., T 1.- llge'"IC~ Dffic,als F . .-...,,-1.1 Date . : ~Ill (P.que; t111g (Gf)iP.:=.ot Se~t11)1l 13-5 DP.fA)Uf~lir"g lBe / 1/2 :fP.P.f'l"P.lltSi11ld,'01" ~,P.r.:ic~, 2:;,~ [r"fe,e;t G) Recl.,c.t,c, IJa.~ment ,,~reen.en:s. !:iut:m1tte~ fo, . the ::.:tarrett c.:it.~ an~fo, . Spnng .;.:re-:2 k lc,we,.s. Hoo..s,ng C,(!"'il'l'>IJrT'l'n: t '> tt.T >.~-;oci,,tl. C:-top.it"!,'tis;i~:,,rt So:<.:rtoWr"!/fl,)r M1,lt h1mily Hou o;irlJ F>.cqr,1m~ fri.:,m : ,... ,,,.,,.,. 1, 7o.11? , llir,,l , !.lt. lt.,-p.r-. .. ,.1,1.-,1 .. ,,r l .,i:,.r~oll , .. ',I o .... r1.-,1Ar1l/1 : . r;,,,.,1i , .- ;Jr,, ....... 1,1r1 .., .. ,.1 Rig~,t~ U~P. A91'.'.P.1\\.'.11!Pta~.~ ..,WTI\.'. :,ra .( P.lt c:,t.,. ancl,' ,) I' Sp1'i11-gc, .P.P.k TOw.'.1':'. H!iur.i,1-g DP.~.P. l'.ljl-.P.r"I lo Associate t;,ep ..il'~ l\s:s1s:af'l ~e,::reta,-~ for M1,,lt1fam,1.r Hou;;1,-,g Prc9ram;; ~u~m,tted t-rom Jan ...arv 2~o]'/ Tl"r, ) 11qh Th,: Pr.:~,:ot :".l.:r:t. [ ,:r, rL"ll.,ll' "S.thq -.:opit''S. uf t) .,:rrtt.c.l ,,n<,;/or fi.-,,liu.c) ,;1,:.,..L.l <,;:;,m,:nt r IJH~ 11~ .. "gr.-..rrie-11t pl,111~ Im It. .. Sl.1r..-:I ~. I~ ,md / m S1lfir .IJ C:r.. .-~ T,:,-, .. ro, tl1111-.ir.IJ D.. ..o~l11r)111.-11I L, ~1.llrrit:P.cl tc: /,.-<,, ~,) C1~IP. OP.:lut .1 Af.~1~tao1t ~, P.C .. P.:M .1 re , Mul:irami lt Heu~ ,19 P,.og.a.-... ~ o,cm l~r'ua.y :.!(il / , l'"ll'OU,;h :h-= p, .esen: Clale C.f 1r1s -ecuest . blCI UCoC1,,me'"ltS:su:im tteCI ~.~ ~l'C.OK:SVIIe t:on.pa'"lj' L~CAr-,;1/<,;r i;,:;,;,;l r,::,qi..L.~t 1n .;:o,,.. im ; -An .;.1-Ou:ri->inq Corrl'~;:,or- o:1 Tt. .. :,.,,-.,,6,.,t .. f) .. p .JI\o t..o.~io. 1,.,.-I S.-:, .. l~r" lur Ml, llil.-.oriily t l 11w;ir.!:I l=ri:;Jr.-.or,o: rr11m l11r1~/C . 17Tt-r:,111Jlo TtP. PrP.r.P.11:Dnl.;,.] n,n . ~Cu~~ti,1,;; e,ii,.;, s c:. 1Kl'.l1l1,19-n,1:1-0--rgoir-g l..r.,,.,..,~.~l'.l,lC P.r'CP., wll ct- ~t-f)u d incl ...de -=ma ls ancl fa~e;; , beti~ .ee,-, lt'e A~oc1ate L>ep.Jh . 1:,: .. Kot <.'h , :..It.:,: Mt,ck "':ro~ ..t:7l~~ ~:~lL'~ ~;c.lr~:~;,~~;' .. ~f Ri, k 1 1 PP.ffv t,) ttP. C-tli<" .P. or c:c:.-....,11.J,1,ty=-1n.-11,~,gao1cl O.;,vP.1,)!)r'l"P.ll: or lllP. :JP.:l~rt..,P.r't c:. .-to-.~,~.g a,1c1 lJfba,1 ~en . ;oh'"I C.: o l'n~.n . ~en. 1ect t:ruz, ltep. LCou,: from Jan ...ar.,- l.:.!Cil~ trr~ugn tne present: uevelcopn.en: Go>hfT'L'rt, R<:ti Ttoc.l Po,: . R.l'tl, S,1m J.;:,h.-~cn h, : ;:, khn R;_,tdiffr: , R.l'tl, ; Lob lk'r- s ,:rrlim1 R.top )o,: 11.-.rh:., R.-;, l1;.m -:'" .. ,U,,-1.,i: ., R.- ;, K.-v ir, ,'l.,.,,:y . ::t.-11. Mid,,., .. I Mr r:,.,l.l , R.-;, Mi, .,,.,,. <.1111~..,.,., .~. R.. r, . Krr,- c;, .a,1,;;P.r. RP.:l. Mac Tlh ) 1.ob~i'1y , RP.!). Ra11:'.1;.\'iP.L~P.,., RP.i~. 6il FIO(P.fo. RP.1~. JoclP..,-Ar.-i,1~t~111.R-:=:11. Lama ' ~n.1th. Re~ . Pete u sen , Rep . Will H ...r.::, Rep. Kenn o; Ma -chant . Rep . Roger.,,., 11a~,s. lt ep Mi.;:h~LoI6 1.,rqt''SS, Rep B,,11,:F;_,r"(,!"nthc,:1, ~'-'ti Jo>hr- f:<,rt,:r , Rep ;,Lote SLo~-_;ii::o R,::, 0ri,:rn e,,,tin ;_inc) lm,11.-. R.- ;, i.:.....,,1.,.. N.- .J,,,~lo.....J.. r r, :. .-11Mil , , :.r .. ~111:111le-11,. .. , tl,io , , .. In o. Ill ....11I OIIIH'lll.i1 .1l i:, ,,~ Ir :, ,,, ttP. ~!:! P.IP.c.t.;,ct c:tt c,al ~ ~P..-t tr., nry 11.Jcl. QC:1. Of ,.!:!lntP.CI!:!,na, I no:iclrP.f,SP.~ nrr , i~tP.CI.,,ith t-,P. Otr, t.P. c:t ,\II rP.c.o,.dr. ,.!!tlP.<.t,ng ~orr,110.1\1<.~tio.-~-i.-clud ,19 P.111~;1;. , 11\.'.P.I,1g~ . t.~1.'.11cla,.P.11:,oiP.f.,!)hor'P. r.allr., I Co,11:llP.~ prone ca I le,;s, or ted n.es.sages-t:-et,~.ee,-, L~.n,-,e f.'att~n , Reg,onal ; , dnom,strate . fc , ~e,;1en J: , an-::1 Lin'/ o(tht o fc lo'f! n11. o Prt''Sit.ltont Trump 0 : ..,.,m~,1 T.i..mv (Ku'ShoLor ; o J,,rl'cJ Ktoshr-Lor o C:-on;_,I()Tq,,,..p , ,:11.-.yd1111)Tr11rro111; i"ri, Tr111ro1o1; . ,.,.,., (Y,.,r. ,,~k") Toum1J II Tirr,.,,.y Tr1. 111r , 11 :,.,,,....,.,,. '.o . 11 Gon c;rt.~ -;i<,;n,,1/[r-t,:rAql'nc,o ,\ge~,, .t C:ftir.,alf. V,.,, ....,..,,., P.111:llC':~P.CI ~..- c:. (P.1~1'<'.~P.~,t 119 l tP. 111.mi~ c, .,;;nr-i1at1, ) l1. 711~ D,) na Cl J. Tl'urri:i FC:uncntiOr", thP. E1' C r.-u~,p ~~u,-,da: 1en . er the '.:ier~I a,-,d t:tarle:s Kushf'er t:han:able f-eun1at1or o An~.on-= u:sin,; en.a11 ,,c);.irL.~o;t' 'S.fro m th ,: r,) 11<,; .~,i nc; c).;:,m,:rin"S, . ? (~.lrt,mp i:vm ~ ~trt1fT'p<,;.o1 C")m ~ ~tq1fT't1<1olf <.'OfT'? t!i:r11rro11i.11.-r.M t i1w111r.. ,., 1.~.11:111? :tblr .1m11wi1,.. ,y. : 11r1o? ii1.l n .111r~l11:1.. 1o, n1m ~ ,S;:111:1,,.,l(ljl n . 11oF .' :l111o) ,11 ~ vnr'k~t.-.J1np . .-.o,n ~ ,r:i..tnrr ily .cc:m SP.a . c.l1P.; ~hoo.lcl 11Klu:'.IP.tl1P. ..1c1i~.,:'.lu~I~i~:P.cl rlb{wP. L~oth ;,. te/~ .cm.'c-::.'Ccc f elcts c~ ema 1s ano:i ca en-::ra,. ert1 .1es ard 1n tne C!oci~. ol t'"lose rec~r1s. t:n.a11:. forw ,,rcJim1 otht orwi -;to rt''Sti <.:n~ 'it' rtot.oro:1'Stc .;:,r '.cm ,, Pl'r~cn ,,I <,. ' m,:r I ,,.,..cc.,1nt ,,rto rt''Sti <.:o~oooto to tois ,.,,lL .. ','. fo ; r , ..-.1.-.ul,H e-11H... , ,. , .. ,.,1.,,1 11Ol.lb11k 1:1 ~im 1,.,, p .o;':.:r.-.mo;, 111.-,:un11ro,-r,: o, -.h :,111,:t ,.. jl(Oo3u<" .P.CI111"rrP.11\,)'" 10,.m to ir-cluCI~ all 11\v IP..'.S. a11y notP.s, a11:1 nl at:n<".11rrP.1lB. Ple~~P. co r'Ot li,n r vo...r sea ' Ch to Outlcc ok calef' da rs-,~.e reque s t the ~rocl1.1ct1e.., of a '"l'r'calencla r- pap:r ~r :lect,. o ,-,1c, -s ,: whetl"l'r on c;o ..oe r , ment.i~ o;ueo:1 <.:. t;Lorsco,,I ct.o . cr:-_;-(l'Sl't.l :o tr.Jck .;:,r,;,;oc. cJin.Jt,: oo'f! th,1_ ..n..~----1!--i, 'J/12/2017 17-FI-HQ- [-.o,;_ or-;, Ai..~tin :i.m,:.i,;,;,..- C ootor~irit-t 02082 ,;, R.L.i1.,1t''St,: c A.t.t.or,;1s Am,:.i,;,;,..- C.otor~ rJl"t rl'(ltli: ';t'_; to,1t IIIJD prot.l.,1C\.otl"Lo (ollow inq .,14it,ir- t'f!ento,1... ,.i,, .. ~o. ,1.-.y~; 1. All .. rro.-.ilo; o,,-111'" r~o.-io.. .. ,I (in; h. ,li .,y : "rhrn, n,p; .. ,, o r IJli,111: ,.,,11:>11nip .. ,.) IJt'lw .. .-,, I ~IP.Cl~P.l!iw ~.-Cl ao.,-c:oP. r(Or'I" ltP. E~P.C.ut,vP. Orto<.P.c:t 711<' . p,.P.~1Cle1 ,t ( 1Klucir-g a,1~ (.It ll'IP. 11"1Cl1viC1ua1~ c:herv,1S: respons1v: l"ECe' clS too,. from a an~.on: usm9 ar eop .g-:::,ven.a11 adclr:ss) . t;;;~,a, s fo",.ar11rg p1:. 'Son;_,I 1:,,..,,;1 ~ccount ~r,::, r.:spon~i ...e tc :his rt.Qtli: '_;t. o l:'it.th .oo.Jn Ou y n,: '> ; oho Gib:,~ '> Ghristc:>her 111livic:11 .1Io, j,,, .. ,11,.-11 w ll1....~ ....1-.11h, ,,,1.., n1111,r-.. 11lyn, .. ;,.-.1:,w /. AI 1,1l..r.,1..... .-.il.ie-o, r, : . i,iciv clo_;:;il trorr ltP. E,P.C.Jt vf! orr,c.P. cio tll!! Pff!~ clP.ot ;11Kluc i.-9 a 1 ,.,.c~,P. ...~, ~,g ao1 P.,) i:i.,;;ov <'.Illa I ad-::tr e~;o as an 1nv te: or pa -tic,pant. ~or calen,ja, . ert, .1e;; create-::! 1,-,Dutloek or s,m11ar programs, tre o:1 c.;:uotoot "S.~t-ou ,;1tLo p. c <.:u,;,;t oc.l in "oto,,..o.' form :o i,,: toc.lLo,,I inyit <.oLo~. nc:t''S. , ,..-,:1,:r I 1111,.,d111o .. 11:o,. Pl.-,, ,,,. :J111. 111 imil l:mr .,.. 11r1t. 11: :1ul 11111k (.,.,1,-11d111o,-w.- . .-(:11,-o,1 It. .. 11. 1:(:11: I i11r1:ll 11r1~ o co P.llC.=tr-!)a:lP.( Of P.l~ct,.~,011<. , whP.tllP.1 c:n Q(wP.r11me.-t-,~~.JP.cl o.- !)P..;.0,1~1 d.'.vi<".P.~-1.~P.:'.lh) l(~ CI<.or cc~r,:1,-,ate hev, ttese m.::1-..d ...al s allc.ca:e the r:1n.e Of' a enc l:.Jsness . 1. :telt var l)J'Te :.!. ;oh'"I l{eq .Jeste.: Kecords Ame -,car eve, .s grt ,.eouests t '"lat HIJ u pro Cl.Jee tre ro11ow,n9 v, 1t'"llr to11entv bt,sint''SS cJ,,y'S,. :,,111:m,, ils 'Sl'nl or rL'C<.'iw;;.1 (ir-cl.,1t) nq c.:r.ton ,;,;opit''S or bl nc) c.:r.ton ,;,;opito'S; b; o the im:i .,. ill . .-.1,.1;,.1.-:J ti.-luw " "'' .-.rov ir, :li'.. 1ll. .-.l l .',hy ,, 111:.i-yoo;..rw .i ..r .I ....c:il ..--.., ;: t ,,,I i-., " 'l ,.,11i1r.. ~., P.11:'.lir-g,o .=i clo,11ai,1 .;:,r.t.;,1,,;0.- ot",P.r t-,n.- . g,w, f.u .-.11a~ . ,.0111, . P.du .. 11P.:, .,)f,;;:, . c: ::i.'.lt' v.=i.-0.J.,-r'P. o ;oh'l i:..11:::>s o t:h,.1s te=>h-=r :toume o LVn'"le Patton ::mail s te ~r~ -e~, a persenal :ma,I acld,.e s s , ,nclu.::1,-,g L'm,:1ils forw,,rt.l nq otol'rwi';l' rl'spcn~io,T rl'coro:1'>, ,,rto rtostii::o~o.o"t' to tois rt' (ll.l'~t P L.,,sL. p.cyitJ,1_' ,111 :,,')r: ,,:y1,"ffici,1ls ,.,,.y u,.. ''"'I ~..-I :.!i1.u 1 1 17-1-1-HQ- t:ve I'S, Ao..stm /1me -,car ave i's,gr t r ..oe-r-., Al .o,lifl t..111.-.i(.,.,r. L <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ~,'l:.!,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- tVEl'S ,AL.5tm !1me-1caravei-s.1grt tl"e 1rd,.~10.. at;; l,st"'d a:iove bc:h ,n to.'from;'cc/:icc 17-FI-HQ- n Iii:., , Ln,., ,-11 02076 ,n.o.&t,rdtbooo ' WI'. Q/6J2(ol7 l,_,a;wH 17 Fl HQ 01%0 1.17 Fl HQ e,.,,,:i,..to,'t. M.=.irga,.e t 01 '01 17 Fl HQ 17 Fl HQ 17 Fl HQ 17-FI-HQ- o 17 T . ")Q ,\ gP.>,c.1 C:ttic.,.il;, ,\g@>,r.1Cttic .,.il;. JG'20!2) G,)I(), M,JYi' Fir~l. CR.['/.' rt'(I Lli;';t'; c-0oi<:s c;' ~II t.ommu..,it .,,t on'; from \i ,1r,;:h G. 2(J7 tc; th<.' or t'SL'"~ b<:t'IJ<:ton <)r 11':om;;,I,:~ : o Ad '''=In.-1n.l .~ S,-, r,-L,iry J,.,r.,-1 in'v11h. ,,g Mr.,. l.-,m:y r:,. . :...,m ,, ,111""~' ,,r l .i,- r,:11,,wi,,':I I llln :)Iii, i11I:... G,)hoic.k o c ~,iP..,) f Sfa'f !:~,,,,,l;:iG1'<:P.1\.1,oaCIo c ~,iP.t0:"!P.(iltiOr"S otr,<.P.( Dn~.t:1 Eagle,s o DP.l,l.Jh C111d ol sea"t Jeana :lasso De:iut'r' cr1efc~':i:affHuree o 1<...r:z o ~e'llC' Adv'1sor tc th-: Sec.reta,. .,. Adolfo Mao'ZCoI o \o,'t-ito;:-I lc..i~<: L ,,i,;on A,t1. 1:..-. I l1.,,:tr1h,:~o l':hi<:f : ...rorm;.,ti0n Offkt"r Jot-no;.on J,>.ro G n,it. Moot. r~ .. , ,.1;..,,. Vir .. p,,.:...i,l,-111 ,.,,, .... , K":...[l<'I + l.111.Llr.. :,.o,io,,,, R,-l,,'.i1:., ,, {)" , ... 'Ji : I :11i,1 rMrl o ,, + s,-,.i,or }pt'P.1' Bou,r-P. SP.l'.01lC, CRE'A' :<.P.P.d ('.Op P.~ ,}t ,ill <.nl<:nan, .~ anci.-,w {1tl'P.1' o'<:C C.CI~ POI Cy A<:...1:=.orCl111:<.t, Carse-.. ard these same 11 frcom Marer& , i.CJl,' :o the :iresent reflect,-..g ~,ee:1rg::. with Mrs . c.:a-..CJ.~ inc;i... ,:ti.,,,1,;, T-,i,(), GR.[',o/ ~o;:-L.ko;. cc;i,i<:'; of v I cr)mfT',,,...ic~ti,)no;. /,-,)m M,,rcl- Ci, 2017 :o thr: prL.~~.'nt 1,.-~w.-,-111:. i.w, : ooio.y Mr . n.n,-:-~11-.11,.,Jr. (-1-! 1..:, ,111d 11r1v 11,,-:,.,-lir:)mlh , r.i:::rw o:,-.-~o. n111i,-o, :>I .111 ca f!llCMS ~,1C1;0,. othP.r fP.(.{Jl':'JS',c:m M~, .~11 5, 2 17 to lhf! t~o.esP.>,t 1P.t P.C.lir"Qr'l"P.P.ti,,gs .~.ilh M, "i;j _; " : .1,0ulCI I kP. to ilrr"P.11.:'. lllj j)(P.v Ou:<.o'P.M 1'C~ .P.Cu<:St. I 1lG 01lfP.( 11<:P.CI S<:CtiOr" 18 i:11,):)h~.=itiOr"~ L~ut rl1ll IC01ll:"!IP.~ in:e fes te.:: 1r rece v1rg the 11,,,\J app 1c..at,-:,n::,sent :i.r the \eo~, Alba'l 'r' Hou;;1rg Ai.tronh. . As pe,. t'le . oopoli,;:,,tio,:,: thvt I 1,..,,, tc;l,:t .,,vvlc; b<.' ,wvil,,t;;lt.; o P,:,rkvit "fJ, .:.,:. full,>wirlJ r:--., ,i, b~lo. v ~r._-tl-L. A.Alo,,.1-11 li1/ 1:1; lr.111-.o1di:l11d,,,.,.,I f,/ :1:)/16 o l.r v o,l,il Ar).1rlr,o,-111o,, 111.il-.- '<:A:) OIAF' "wt.r :J i:... 111.ilo; R,\D CH/\P a,~rli'CI ,~S.JP.CIl ,ll; IJ , t( .'Jr"Sac.l 011 <.IC.~P.df.,':lC/lf, o Riv.;,1":<.idP.T.;,f. a c.P.. L2:) u >,its - R,\D o na-..c.ng plan ciue 9 ! J:>.'l/ o R1...er.-,ew ro wers (Ma ' I< th .oa:. 1-:.11un es C.:HAPawai'CI ssue-::1 /Ji.I.'!~; ,!,,1Jrn,;:yr::.ffici,,I,; i:i,,i--. For R.toi--.b..irs,:--.t'rtS For [:,:;)(',-,:ti~u -,:o; On 0 11 ici~I E',uo;irLo~ ';, SF l J(, .!., 5..ibmittt:c; e,y A.-,:t/c. O .. : t.111 n,-tit.ir or s,-n ,.,,, ..~ f .t.r oaw rm,11 M11r,t. ;:>, ;;n1J . Tt.ro,,r,il, Tl,.- P,,-, ..-,,1 n ....~ .. 01 Tl,io: R,-1111.--.1 ,..;,qo.P.~7ir-g<'.01,)P.S ,) t Clai,n If,, . ' P. 1lll~ur S.=:1llP. ' ,e:<.tor P.X:'.IP.r"Cl17u .P.:<.Or" f'.ltli,o.i.=.il Du~ir"P.S~, ;.ta >,CJa,.:'J tOrlll 110 -1, s .. t:~,1tte.: t:;, an.::: o, . or be'lal~ d sec. . e:a,..r c.:a.::.on o-c~, Match i. , 2Ul I . :h.c.Jg'l t'le prese'lt -hv I GI Stocr,:t,,ry (vrson ,:lv!to c;I this rtoq11r:st, Tr,,..o<_ oI V'oL..cl-L.r,SF 1012, S1.,bfT'itttod Bor An,:.i/or On 8-1. lro111 M11r1t. , .. ;n 17, Tt .m11g l1 Tit.- ~r.-o,.-.11 ::,,,~.. (")f Tl1i-. R,-1111.--.1 . : ,1111r .. q,,.--.1 I 1:;)i.--. 11rt,,,,,. .. 1 vOi.Ct'P.o' to,.,n;,, S7ilr"Cla.CItof,H I Cl 2 . :<. u::0111,ttP.CI D;. anCl,'{J1',) 1l bP.ll~lt ot SP.C1'P.ta,.t Crlo'S(;fl to'01\l t,1/1((.h '1., ::!:Ul; , tt'1Cough tile present da:e cf :h s ,.eQue;;t _ ;,uthC'1Zat1or ~orm s Sut-m,1ted Ard cc:;;t;; Jncul'l'eCI 1 ,,fT' For SLoc:.,:: ,,ry (v.son 's US,J'Jt' OfGo..oo;:,r"'lm<_'nt,11Airt.r~ft,; And/or G0ootornmtortvlTr,,,svort,Jtic;n ''"'lL,-o,'.ir .!J c11p ,.,, o l ,.,,,1t1:>1i ? n'.i1:01 rmm-. ., uhmitl.- :J ,.,,.,1,., ,,.,t,1,- o:I : t,,- 11:o:I o: in,.rr.-,/11 ,\ gP.>,C.j C:ttiC.1rll !. ,,r ,.:i . 17-FI-HQ- HUD-17-0235-C-001389 01845 ,,-btb,n.ococc1<"0<"'~oo ,\ gP.>,<.t C:ttic.,;:il;, OlSSO 0/29/201: '2C1EUR o 17 Fl HQ ,-coc,to. Tl"i~ s a .P.cue,~t ur"Clf!. tllP. ~.P.<:Clcm al 1,1.{1f""iiltior" ,\ct. J 11e.f!'.).p (P.que:<.t all e....,11,1,1,1:1Clg,:111 ccmm .. n ca:1cns ser-t t-.,- o,. t.:i ;anel Uol'ick, ::ia.~1e1::agles, Craig uen.menSc:!n , Ma,.1r Kaspe,. , ACla ' or Atlmi.- i~tr,1t ion, .. , .!. SA, .. , ;)ffic1: 0 f Rutl-i<;U<.'i:c . SI- Loil;.,G.,:t'nW'>Od ndu.;.ii.- 1J th 1! .-.or,:i,; ' Gi!o."~GFlic-<. :,,.,....our11i111,.-.. ..,.~,.,.,,ti ....- ,,.. ,.,,-I,, ..~~ It.,- r:tii,-r :..,lmir.io.1,-,1 ;...,. orli<. .. ,.. ~or::..o.. ~,1,-,.ky ...:...::mi11~.-r~,.,. 's ...ii<:" ' C1,;11r.tP.1""CAO" "E ):.P.(uti\'f! S<:UP.t rli'int" ' P.IP.~.it11,." ... ac, lit'"'~ ' " pi1(k1ng o " ru,.111tu1P." "~.ll ~,,.~' 'art ' "Clesk.' ' pa,nt'' 'gi.ards.' .'secu .,:.( "tat: e" ' t-oJ;, .' 'ccn-es pc'lClence" ' McUi.re.' or ' pn-..acy' L~w Cotti(.P.~ M ;011~rr.i,1 CaCIP. 01885 H,l:!C,'2 '>Aio>e He . ,r,1,1, L.JC:P.7ia CrlCI<:, Jar- 01949 '),'~/2(]7 ~,, A!j<''ll )' (',Iii, i-,J:,. ,\gP.>,r.r C:ttic.,nl;. 01953 Q/6;2(ol7 Dff1c.,als ,\II Cloc.11111.;,,1t s a >,CJ~o,r,11,..11,<..=.it ior-s i,~ ,,.udi,1.g @rrnil <.orrm,..,1, ~.=.itior-si rP.l~t@.:::If, tt-P. 1111 . ,19 ot Dn~.,1 ICoin::ilP.~ ta,;les . ,nc. uC1m9 t: .. t not 11n.1ted to statem-=nt of qual f1c..ct,cons, res.Jme, c.contract, t-=r-,s -:,f Lom;i,lc;.,.mr:..,t. ,,n,u;.,I cr)mvton ~,,tio, . t tic:, rLoftorto,co:~ . v,d/o)r .,:<.:ofT'mr:"'ltl;.,tio)no;,(CJ~to: R;.,no1Lofor r ...... n, ,n,,.,,.. , .,T,o ,..,<1,."'lr.:.--,.n,.,, 7j Al P.lll.:lil a >,(l cigital M 1llrr"ur"iC.atl,)1\!, ~P.fll 70,'f(Orr" rlll~ HUD.g,:;~ .ic.~a ...11t o ,. HUD .:'.P.vCP.a~ !.OC. rll<:CI or ass1gne1 tco lt-e follow,ng 1s:eC1 m.::1v di.als ccntc:m ng tre wcros "Ke-,p' cor. . :1-a.~ac-:,s' fron. ~t:v't.m:-t.r 8 , 2i:oJ (> tl-,-,>tiqh i=,::-r11v ..,. 28, 2i:o17 o \t+;o, Br<:1Jt:"'I o r,,1.,I $,:,)tt o .i-.();., Gr.,1c,,n o l(c_-o;i,Sim;l',: o11o Jnr.,-l ,:';1:r1k ol.rni,;; C':l.-..im.-11:...1111 o:'!;,1.,.,., lyh,-r,;; o P,-ln l.1111-.l.rntir,,-o A ,1,., '<::)il1ig11.-r e,.,,,:i,..to,.t. M.=.irga,.et 01957 Q/6;2(ol7 Age.K~ 1n :he Tt'is s a .P.cue,st ur"CIP..UlP. ~.P.<:Clcm ot 1,1.~1 ,.....,iltior" ,\ct. l l1P..f!'.).prP.quP.:<.I<.oi~iP.;,ot .=ii CIG<.umP.r"f;, .i,1c ccmm .. n ca:1c:ns ;,nclu.::1rg e~ ,a, cc~,m .. n,ca:1c:-..s) ' et;ao'CI ng ere ai::,pc ntme-..t d uav1C1 t:a,;les as ,!,,ctin<: Cloo..it -y SLoc--,:~,,ry c' o!IJD ~Dv~to hvm1<: for Rec-0rt: Sto.,.ch; FrofT' 0G/ 01 / 21;J7 T ,:: M/:)(:/2017) ,\ll Cloc.rnn.;, 11ts a>,CI ~arr 1llo_ll1<..=.it iOr"s ( 1>,c. uCIi,19 P.rl"i'lilC.Cn'I" ,n,_11,~.=.iti cnos i (P.1~tP.C If, It- P. 1111 . 119 ot 511.;,lia ICo,11 :"JIP. ~ G. eenoncooa, mcl ...d,ng :iut ncot I m,:eci 1c sta1e~,er1 c' ,ou.a11fi.-:::at1ors , .esume, cortt'act, :e,.m; of L'm;)lc;.,.m,: "'lt. iln"'IUill C")mvton~,,tio, . t tic:, rLoftorto,co:~ . v,tl/o)r .1:<.:ofT'mr:"'ltl;.,tiomo;.([J~to: R;.,m1Lofor BP.11 ....toi't . M11rga,.e,t 01959 ll,'6;2(.l7 fie d:s.of en.a 1t;; ard calendar-:ntne:s.end bc-:.iv G' th0~1: .1:-:.:ortl'; (m,:, I~ '-:.:,r,1,,,rr:iinqoAtl orwio;l" olo~por~iVl" olor::-0r-:.t~ :o c. fron- p1!.son,c1I t'fT';,il .. :,.I, r :>r , .,,, .. ,.,1,,, .. ,,~,; .. :,. ,, .. ,,'. .. d jr, 0 ,JI 11111,; '": 11,. ,,1,, ,, ... r.- o:p :>11:,.i y.- 111Ll,i-. , .. 1111 ;,r -.irroil..... rH" LI'"""o tl'P. Cl,~c...,llP.flt:<.~~,o...1C1DP.f~f,~Cl...cP.c ir" ' 1\\P."'\O" (('; ofl" 10:: 1KluCP. a I ir"vitP.P.!., ilr"'( ll~JtP.:>, a >,CIall -ecu-=st tl"e p-c.::u-:::t,on 'Jf an-~ attachn.en:s . Please 10 rot 1m,t y-:,u,. searer tc ::.iutlook cal-=ndars-we CV L"nc;,, rpvpt.r or t.Lc:ct,.... ) ni,;:, .t, ht.th r:r c;"'I'l'>'ot.rnot.,t oi~~Lot.d or pr:r,;on~I d<."oiu-~-1.,~o:.:.i t' > tr,ot.I;_ or 11::>rilir.,il,- 111 :.1, lt.t'o,,- im:i..o 1ll. .1I:...,illo,,1~,- ti,.- r :i rr,- 11r.,1y,-1w'( tt.J', 11.--.o. F'l<',1',<';>r11Yi<:,-n I r,-o,;>1wo,ivt' Allw . i1l,-11n1r,,-o,r,i1m :,-,.,.- . ,..,,,,ii:..., r,.,.,.,. , ,,.,.., ., ,.,, , ,-111:rLo.,. :>ri,-ti,1",1r tP. P.)ViOr"P.1'P.C.~!(.:'.~ :<.P.r" t. . P.<.P.,~P.CI,Of C(P..:17P.CI lly HUD RP.fi Cfl 1: i\:'l11l 1\1M.a : o( Lv11>,P. P~HM .~111 <.ll reference the ~:a,Tet: C.:1tvClevel'Jpn.en: 1r tast Ne on iOfk , ~ .cd:ly-.., New York lhe -eco, .cis J re qi.es: in<.:11.,,:ir:, bt.t v.r: "'lot lifT'itc:,:1to ; Any r<.-cc;r() whicl- r<_-fL'fL"n<.:t.s tl-Lo ~~It. er ~h<: Stv . rt .tt City ckw:lop,t.rt :i11LCir1:ur1, Io~ s~,.,,r,-11 l.iLy Ao,-.,ll'int,-o, 1,,,., j:liri~ .,,..,.,1.u,- ir.1l.11li11gIt.,- r1r1111ko:yi1,-r., :mr1t.1r~ t.11il R,11~111 Do'C wl'ic.h 1'P.IP.(P.r"CP.:<. tc. 111<'.lu CP. a>,.p (P.<'.01.C1 (P.(P..P.>,r.119 HUD s a::ijl.Cl~.rll cio :ll s t, .a1lf.rlCiClfl. Ar"v 1'P.C ::icna1.:: ln..mt:-, the Dor ala:. 1o1.mt:- Re ...ccat-1e pctert,al p.ccee.::s-:,f ere s.:1e t-enef1t ng l'resdent t;;or ,,ror m ,:_mt;;Lor Tru -;t. ;,ny mo:mb~r o>f tl-Lo T. 1.,mv f.,m ly, <)r ~n ;o tr11,;.t c;. c;th<.'r Loq~I torti~y t.o n~roll ,:_-,:t l,r ,I hy Pr,-,.iil,-11L 111I .1,- Tr.11rq, r,.,roil.~. A11.~ ' r<.111il ,\.loi: to . ro:-r:-,w,-., :t,.- 111hmi ly 11w.1..r ., l1if! iro:,-1,-:...I:... D,)1la ClT1'u,l):') ilr"CITi"Ulll:"!t.=.irr"ily....,P.rr"llP.1;,i,l !:7/lfo'P.17Citv /\s;o( .iiltP.S. jl(P.;,P.,ltly tl1e, Owr"P.i' of thP. sea ofete c.:,:"r'rous1rg de ...e opmert. ,,'l 'r' ,.ecord 'ra'llCh ,.ef eri2'lc.es the oe,::usal ~f Ms. J.la:t~n fron. an.~ il~pton cf HIJ;')' o; i, o,olvlom<_' nt in ~he: ~VILoof th,: 5t,,rrtott Cit o, th."il'l0pfT'tont Thi o; is tG incluc.:t. ., ...... , .. , , :rd o. , .. r.-..-11, "'::I It. .. fl:)o.:,.ilolily, o:I',-,. rn ',L,!J l,l .. ,,~i,:11l.M L Mi,. , p,,,1 ;) II ft'('lli', .. t,,-.-. ..1o. ,,,, .~... 11 ., oo n.,y ,.., CCl1a~ rP.IP..P.nc. ,19 rlll ~ct ua I fe,,:,._~aI lly M~ . Pilt tClfl. TllP. tin" P.-t,..i,ne, o t Ill~ fe,q,._P.~t i!. :ul ~ ~. :rnL: to :::c Q/D/}n17 lt:om:ile;,; J,,t.,, G) -I !di 1.ecord:s.r-::!flect1ng-:::on.m...n,cat1ors-1rc1ua ng emc:11:s. , meet ngs, -:::a1enoaren:nes, pMl"e c.all:s., ph.:,n,;:- c.:;iI lc<;~. i,;,r t,;xt IT"l"~';,"ll"~-t-lot...,.lotor ''")' p,;r,;.i,;,n i~:tod in C.:,t,;(; ory A l:;loI,:;,._.,,n;.t ,,,-,,- p1_'r~or1;,.,1.(: ir. L.,11,-!_.11 :rl i1 :)r-1:)w: r:...1.-1:1or~ ~: 11.-11,V,w l':luyr .r(;ihl,,.., r:liri,.,11::)to:-r ~:) 11rro.-I <1111 . .- F'n: I :)11 Cnt.,:.gr..y B. S.=:c(etn,.v 6f!I" Cr11.sr.~, li=ir.~1la .:-..:11ldv"CcJ(S,)1lBe~, "6.J.- Ca ,-:=.ol"Se.=i(c.,e~.st-ould ,ncludP. 02079 i:,,~o;:-or . inl J ~orst . t:1-!.C V,'' .-eQuests c-:ip,es co <lt ..-r t1\) 1H Mn,.cr fl . .ia L7 70 th@ :')1"P.~e:11t .-e:tle\".11',g.....P.@7ir"gf.with M,-:=. . c:a-,d~ en, .~,:;o, ,;,r-el tl)P.:C.P. f,,i,n.;, l I 1n.;:1 v do..als. 1'11i"el, t:IU:\'i seek s cc:i1es of <1I c.c-mn.ur ,c.at,c-ns fn:-m Marer l!:i, ,i.CJl/ :o tne pres-,;,nt b1:~w,: o::n r_;-iwr.; o.-ir!J Mr , Blon (;_,r--_;or, }r ("" E', J ""i ;_,n(.I''"" i.:,fthl''S-L' ll irr:li l'i tl.,1,,l s Fcurtt-, CFl,('/o' , ]01 7 \11 11,.. p, .. ..... ,l , .. r .. , 1i, . t ,....-k,. : 11pi.-~ ,,r .-,II, .-,1.. rii: .-,,,. ~11rl/111,,I 1,.., , .. , o r<:o. o., ;.., M ~r : lo-:=. 111u,,. '.-1 1.-..-, rr.- .. ll :>1111:Irr-111r111.-,1i1 :u A, ~, ~ IJ.S.r:. ? 'j"i /, 1 r.-11.i.-~1 trurro It . .- ,1,-p.-,. u11.-11I: IC:11m;)lr x P11r~11.-,.11 ,'\II e.-..,,;,,1((';1(P.f, jl('; fl el<:1KP.t ,) ,l1) 1 f1"f)ll) ti)~ toll ,)w ir"g De1~n1"tr'l"P.t)tot Hou~if"g and Llfll-:1', De ..@IOjl""lP.r"t em:ilcfees (t!oet"I 'h1r ll..1.rre, N1c,:i1as ltam-:in, 1oat.,c1a ::..;.;mpbe I, ~c.ott H..1dmar, LJ1are t-oo..rme o, .esl,-:l! Br;_,,:11,;,:-'i, (.:;irlo)s 8c.rt o11i.:, , (l"r 'ls tn O,,... 1,,-Lo~l.z , G~i l Pr.:,tl'r, O,,... r:1Sti.:,rms, Ekr l,.;1rsc...,, O,,..oir:1(;1qllo~ . -..,.,,.1 C,,,l .id ,, Sl,.-i .-, c;,,-.-u,~.1111rl,r::,.-.-,, ..-,r,...~o._.l i,1111,-, Kurl .,., A1b lf11M.-,rn : I, An :J, .. w tl11<;1l1.-o: , 11:lm o:iw :o -,.. i,m-,. Tl l(';Mjl:C.Or"i"11):1H~IP.r" GM I Fll~t@(;, ll~lw<:P.11 m~ ela7P.!.ot )ul y J, 2 C:,] 1, ,;,('Cl Ill e :'.Int@tl"li!. reqo..es: 1s ful',lle.;: w,:h th: fol lc-,\'l l"'Q sea,.c.h ter~, : o ' floe.;: .. (l)ate l( am;e icrRe-::o.-d ~earcr:. trc-m :::c ,.-,,:.,1-. -I R,'JR,'1017 17-FI-HQ- k"r,, o.-iu _.n.- ..-k 01833 131213/2017 17-FI-HQ- [".oo;_o r--;, A l.st in Am,:.k,,r Cootor~i!Jl"t 01832 Amr:.i;; ,,r Cootor~i!Jt-t rl'q11r:o;t-; th,1t Ill.JD ;:,ri.:,tl11C"l' tt-lo fo l owhri ..i.ithir t'f!-l'nt'i b.i~ m:s ~ ,:;,,.,"; ,,rr:1 'Sl"l'ks I C:,:;:,('(.iit,;,:.-x p.-,11.- ,: r.-vi,-....- 11 t ll1io : r.-11.i .-~I t1:1 llo.- .r,1 ..1:11 o, ,l.-11lili .-rl l1.-l11w: 1. All ..-c.m,I .: r.-fl.- : l i11<;11.-, .io .!.I p,:;1111~ ,~,.e:iia . ec ll~. if" c,:;n)u',CiC', w,: n , o.- i,1 <.or-s...11at1 ,) 1l w tr r11i~o,ie: to"~i, n tl \P. :lr,c@ ,)t lt" P. w11,1e He use for H'Jll to .-espcnd to n.ed a 1rqo..1nes. ab-:iut tre e..,ents ,n Char otte sv111e . i . All em.i,ls b1: on( ;il"l)tO(,, ) .:,nyl"On. ,:,:, ,rt' 1: . IT'l.'m:ol'rofthr: 5,;,:nio)r[)( 1;,:,: u!i '.o(,.oStor .oit 'l.' ( $ (5) in th1:0f'ic1: o)ftl"l o :, .. , -.. ~ t1r'r'.- m : t1r.-.. r r ..i 1il11y<',- ii<'~.-,jl,-,1 I 11.-, llll~il rn1 .. lir,iit, .. I:) h<' 'ill<' (: h'I II ri:l 11-1..-,r .. .-, m .. 111b.-r 11[ p10.,-e2 ;;,p:-:io,nl!!d L~y tt"P. SES, (lli .. ,,.,. ::.,..11eculP.C P.fr"pl,)yP.@ 11tl1e o.. ce ,) t lt-P. SP..-.,..;t.i . y, ('i .....,. e ...... , -:ir (-j;- a.--v adm,m s.t,.at1.:el '1 tt'e l-',.es1e1:nt, w,:h -:ir w1trtoo..t ~enate c.c-nf,-n.at,on (l'AS an-j 1-'A:t ; .:,j 1.:i98 :-:, 1.189t or~ ;;:, .:i-:_ h ~n ,,pp oi-.,t,;,:-,:1 ,;,p o y r:.;: ccnt..iin n11 ''"" i.:,ft-.,to f r.; loo,, nq w ortl o; or i;:nr,1~,;,:-~ 11) ArL-r:ln .-:, Alli.-,rn ... to: r Ar ro.-ri o,111M ,muf.-,!"IL .ri111,1 1: Zl.11-1.-[I:_-1:, A ll or iyt . I t.; Zl.111.-fli; Ztll ri:_-1111 j:, Ar11it.-, y :');, Cor-led e:,..it@ c;, c~-, IP.( ;, Duke: Si k;, 6LM I) 3.e tl ~n.-t r'l"; c~-,IP. r"; Cl)r :,11:, UV.:.. 1ori) Virc1ir.i.-, 'l'l) ','1,i.-,t.1111w~rr) ',\i .-,lm.-,rl !.!,; w~,itf! tl~ l,, )ola ;~: 1:;, Wl\17P.!.u1~1<:1na<.i!,t:!. All .e<.O(el:C.,.etl e<.t ,19 l'.ltt-t~,P.-( f!( .Oi"el \".ll tll ""lurtiG'lt ll1l:C. be:ween HIJt ::rs po..bl c <1""a1rscffce and an~. me~,t:erd tre m:d,a r:g<1rdin9 t'"le e~.ents. ,n f:h,:.-1,)ttl'~'lill ,;,:, t..,t. vro ,.-~it:t.l"t ..; rlo~;:,o.- sr:, tl"to ,,(.lmi..,i";tr, ,tio.-o ~ .,:-; p,, n-s. to, th,: ~t.t.ri,.-t.:,1"1o' ~ rt'-s.pc n~oo.', or 11110.,, , .. ~,11:11o, .. . 4 . 411r .. n .. ,I~ r .. 11.-di.1y ("lllf'lllt . llk.-,li,wo, b .. 1-,,.-.-r. 1 ~to.. 11r11p.-1li or.-,h ll o11rl Zl.11.-, .l111r.,I ,, b , ,.1.-,I .-,l l f,~:-so~ . R, .,i::1,;;eAve:,1...e, c:amll11cge, MJ\. 13/25/201 7 01829 117-F[-HQ01826 [..o o;_o r--;, A l, stin Am ,; .i,:,:,,r G.ootor~ i!JI"t i~ , ,: ~-~~i~.s ~~o:~rt:: ~i itl~r-~lr~,1 ~~.. ~r ~~-~;:~--~- :~~r :. ... .-~,~~r~o :. :,tt o;~ ~: r~~~:~i~:.;~; ;~.~I~o~ ~q IC.i.:,m;:,I,;~ 1 1 11 1 nlt@f"d1' ,g ever-t,. ;,,~1...c1ec if" tt'nt :,oiii. 2 . I ~-,;i to.- log~ (P.rlecti, i,;; 6er- ' B. J... C:a.f.01l. :,.. P.1l7P.(ir"g <1',.r H'Jll c,ft1c.e b...1ld1n9. J . All .ec o,.i::1:.refle -::t ng cc~,m.Jn c.i:1c'1s: nclud1rg e~,a, s <1'1d:el:pron-:l! log s) s,: ;,,1rtrl'rs, ~LC (irt,:.~r s,:;:,,,rtntor~.ccm;, b1:~w,: o::n 81:n oe, J y (;_,r--;or ;r, i.:,r 1 SP.C.-P.7M.rt,:;, P,)li(.y De~.P.llljl .....P.r"I -3', d Re~ea, .,:-; h o tl)P. J\;~1stn,1: :,e<.,oe:fa.y t~11.F~i,o H,:;u~11lg n,11 E'.:ju~I Qpport ...n,t'r' o the Liereral Ccunse l o the -' rnc1p< ,.etle ~t111g 1llE!M1ng; ll!!tw,:,P.,l B,:,11"B .J.' " D11.~,:;o, J,.. er ,;,r-y P.fr"pl,)VP.E! C:jlE!" 11rr o.-r1~ o It..- Fl,i r., i;,.-,1 l").-;>11'.yA ~o.io:I ~ool !; ,-, ,.-1.-,,y t, :. C:1:mmomil .~ Pl.-,1.11i11L,1 ~,,,I l"),-,.-.-l:>11rr..- r11 o tt'P. GP.11e.-~1 Df! jl .Jtj ,\~f.i~t,;,('t S@~1.@1~.-~ to,. C01)lM u lli ty Pl ~1)r"i1l9 c.lr"d OP.v<:IOf~lll @nt o tll@ Jepu: .,ilss1s:art ~ecretai.t for l::conc-m,c L)e.,oelop~,erl 4 the A ss,;t.;nt Sec..e:a,..r. fc , Pc-l1cv l)e.:e op~ ,ert <1'1d Rt.~<.o,,rct- o !h.;: G.;:n,:..:, D<.'Dt.t"1. A-_;~st.,nt St.t .r,::t.:,..,. 'o)r ;,oli,:,:y Ot' "ooo::lovm,:..,t ;_,n(.IRl.~(..o,1rct- o !h.;: 4 o.~io.~.-,,-1s ..n .-1,H)' Im r.1ir t b 11~ir1:_-1 .-,r-,I fljL . ...I Op111:.l 1..-il'1 o 1t,,- (,,-11.. MI r:1111.1o.~l4 It..- Prin i 1MI fP.t<11.1tllf Hfl .J!. 11 9 w 711,:, O.;jldy ,,:">!.~t ,1,17!"iP.C.o"M <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 t:l,'l/ 0 ,'..!Ull 17-H-HQ- Raascr, Ch.Jc.~ St. _c.J1:s.1-'ost-D1spa:c.n 01821 ;,ug . :.M, lUl I Dea - S1' er Maa-:m; 1ru; 1s a request ...noer ere t-reeaom of :'lfo1.m-:t1on Act.ta - , a :ou.r-,,li ,;t. worki-.r1 1,>r iJ ti.;, 1.,.'"l"WStJ.;J;)t'r ,,r-(l it~ .,,.lob ~ill', .;;ntl [ .,..,,La: this rtoc.iw: o;t n .,..,,. offi ,i,;i.;,I lt:om:ile;,; Mei:11a 111:Mi.il). ,1o, ll1:-W~.,t . ir1:_1l:)11r:, : rr,-,.111:.111.-11\l11r It . ,- SI. I :)11i-. P1: o;l-11i-.p,1ld1. r rr-q,,.--.1, l11r It . ,- p.-r 1111 , dOC1Jlll~11ts . .=:,na Is . (G~P.1"i1l~ Jell". 2:l, 2017 Llltil the firre O( tile ;P.a.\".11. ~Of~iP.f. ot ,'J("y jj('(l a I ,n.=:,nG:=. lette ' s or an ,; ot,e.- c,':lmn.ur1c..at,,:ins pe ' ta1rmg tc. Ui!partme'"lt of Hcus,ng an~ Urt:,an oe~.elc:im,2nt G) pclirilo~ ;,:,n ,:)e,,linq with vnll .r: -_;p;:intlin ,i tv m:..-.s IT'l"tl ,, rl"tl..lt'Sts ] wot.ltl iJSI-: ~h;_it thi -_; rl"tjllt'st inr:l11dl' """ .-,rn: .-.I 11: mmuri ,.-.1i1: 11 o,, ,io, ,: ,-Mrib,-,1 ~J11 ;., ,-, 111.-.~"''?"'1li1or. It.,- l'?"r .., , "t.-.k,- rl?-W ', ' i11[)t'[Mrl,ro,-r,'. and, 1'>1 ' t"~q.._P.~H.1c::m tl'IP. r"P.wf. 111e:1ia.: ,-,,-5P.C.1P.tMia d11e:.t11'>1H.:ir. it pP.flai,1~ I.) ,1e.,d f.1'>..-e1a-gP. :::c ,\'01,,ld .:sk :hat ')'C.U 1.e1ease mtc-r~,at1or as ~.ou -ece1~.e 1t. I.E ., n.ore read1I')' .:vailat:le m.:ten.:t and not in vnr: .,; ,;p')"'S-L" 1 ''"" ,, ',\l;,,,.hir-1Jt'-"'n bu.r:..ilo rt'D'-"'olr:r fr.Jr thr: S! Lot.i'i ;,,_.,'i!o Oi'ip,,tcl- , ,,r-,:1 thr: . r:by I re-lJl.t'','. I .i.-.l ir1 lh~ pl . l1li1 hle-r'?"'oI ym. w.-.i.,-,- [,-, .. ; Im I Iii~ ''?"IJL. t'',~ Tl1i-. rl"q.,,-~I io; m,111.- ~o. [) 11rl 1:I 1lf!.,.~ g;:it",f!(ir"Q a",d ',Otto, . ,e ...... ,11,:,.-.-:ialuf.f!. ::il"ould )'{JU df!C.df! :o a:c.~,:,~f-tf!f!f., i.llf!;,f,f! M,t,t-y lllf! t -I tre.r a .e ~ro)ec1e-::1 tc - t:ie ~ve1. a n.a)(1mum oi :1::.1~ 1c ~roc.ess 1r1s rea!:luest. J r-:=ser,.,-:=ire ng-it :o app-:=al tc oto iJ"ltl :o ,,..,,- m,ow',;:,,,DL"r i'i n thr : tl-Lo ,,-s.s1:';'iotor-t CJ11 (.'"L''i, CJsdO'S-llrto c 1 :h-i.- r,;,:-(lt,l''i!tod in 1 q ro,,tiorp,.l11i1 i->le-r'?"'ol hr:.-.,.-,<' ii i-.lik,-l.~'.111.11ri1rit1.,l'?".oi":.:11ili1,rnllyl11[uhi1 .m,:.-r. .~.-.r-ili111,1 :,I 1t. ,-11r,..r,,li11ri-. 11tP.1"P.~t . Tha',k y ,)u te, y,) uf ,-,,-;:iciv ti.;~ c::t :ll,c ge~P.,.11rrP.11:;,,.d ,~ oh)t i~n,na11 v ir" 1Hy :.orr1nf!1(i;,I H/2~o/2 o 17 17 Fl HQ ..)1KP.f1l: Tllo:". if, i'I ,.P.qJP.~.t'-lldP. f tl"P. F1"P.P.dl'>1n ,)t :-,tor111ah{Jll AO . I ,'\ugu~.t 2J. :.10L7 To Wll {llll It '1;, y :-he . et:i.r ,.eque~t th-:= fol1~w1r"g .-ecords: ;,n')' and all -:=ma ls to and ~rem lhe fc 10-,, ng r-:=c,~1ent;; w,lh,n tl-lo IJ.S C':lop<.1r:mLont ,_.,fll,)11-;.inq ,,r-,:1 l)r:, ,,r- Cll" o"t'koDIT'l'n~; e.tor- r:.,,rscn, s,:-:.n.t~r " r,11T"l'1iJ llu <;hl ' S P,1l,-r,1.11rl.-, ["),-p11ly S.-cr'?"l.-..l \,-,. - . R..-.,.klrl', li.o,,-io,1,1r. I Sr: r.-1 Mo/ 11[f:11rro1m.11i~y ~ ,.,11,ir.t, .-.1111 LJC. i'I, 6111 01808 ,'\QP.',C.t C:ttir .1i'llf. D,:,vP.l,)i.lrrP.1): Wll1 :.Ll <.Or"ta ,1 tile ',)ll<:.,,i1)"9 l<.P.)'WO(C:". ,'Jr"d f~ll(,'Jf.P.~. C,)1\lr'r"ur"i[)' O.;vP.l,) i.lrrP.11: 61e<.I<. ;I oc., i:.-a,t i.::)B(.; An.:: wt'1,:h we.e ;:ef'I ~etv,eef' March .J. .i:.ll/ , i:.-a,ts <.:onom,._n,:.,. Oeveloa,me,t ,,n-:.1t"lt' diotl ' '/OL,r o)HiC'l' pron.''iSt''S- th~ . r:1-;Ul' St Pklo~l' in .;JL,,:1<: ~n.). <.1tloll""'lf!fC.1i'II m:e,.esl cf:he req ...este, .. Jn th-:= e ..'e'"lt :hat the . e er-:= fees, J <\'01,,ld t:ie grete~ul ,~ ,;ou v,ou d ,nfo.-m ~,e ,_.,,t"lt' WWI '="'o"fll ' S h ,,,:.1,.-,,r-c,:'>' h 1IF11hr1 my rt'(j\l('.St, '. ....,_.,ul,:1 vr,;,:-kr tt-e req.it''S-1 l'-"' bl ' wopllot,;,:-rl ,-l.-d., :.,i,.,.11", ho/ ,-m.,il .-.11.11 h11r11I I ,,.,,.,.1.-.bl,- 1:r f:D-ROM ii 111 ; 1 Tl,.-.111<. -~ou i., .-.,1,_.,.,., .- l :>r "'"" R,'J:i,'Jl'l17 17-FI-HQ- r:,,1.. ,,,,,, 7,,,< li.11':I. 71, ]l'l17 C01l~P.r,1. Tll 01806 ~ 4~1 7ll1 Slr.-,-1, !'..W, Rumro 1C-1~Q ',V.-.~l1i111,111w , [)f: / C-0:.11'l.ll'lC-l'lT11 Wl11:m 11 M.-,y 1:<=. ;, (f!Quf!:".t J1l<:P.f t~,P. Free.::orr or lilrc::.rr;:it ,,~. t ;FOIA) 1'>11 . I rP.que:c.t ~II (P.<".01.df. ccnc.-:=r'"l1f'g com~,u ...1cat ono t:etoneen -io1,,s,,g and u, .t:an Develoc,me,t ;,u::i:, a'"ld :he Ma:1c,al <.1n. 4S'S-'-"'C'i;,t '-"'" of I k:mt. 0L.i ldLors ~~l4110) -;.inc.:t.JiJ"l 20, 2017 ~o AL.I) 2 ), zr::.17 Pl(.oio'i(.o in,:_:11.,,:lr: 1o :;,ho>nr: 1,1 Io, , 1,1 I 11:;,i o,, 1.-.II o,.1.-rlo,, Skyr)t' 1 di~ 11r o.-i,l,-11,-, .-rro,1il-., l~llno, .- l1.-.nl-wri~l'?"11 r-111~o,.- :J,1l : .-.1~1111.-,r o,.ollf!.-..,or;,r"C,_,llf, , ,n.;,;,11119;:ig.;,1di!1 Shf!f!t~. tf!d rrP.s;;,gP.s, vo,.-:,;, a ' ,d ~-id:!!O 1"P.C.{Jo":1ir"Qf, i!11K otllf!I dc-:::u-,erte.:: fo, .ms of com-,u-i1cat on ~et\\'ee-i H~D an.:: f'MHb. As for ccmmun ca:1cns . : .:m seeking ,_.,fthto ccmm.m t.J~icn 'i :>totwtor : o H,n,-;.in ;J ,,r-,:1 l)r:,,,r- [J,;,:-ootol, >D""~on: ,:rffi.;,: i,J s w,tl ":prL"R'"lootiootos N,1'.i1:.MI Ao;o, :)I i,,li:)111 :' lfllrl't' r,11111.-r-., lllr 111'.n 11rY1nic-l1i-. in 1ml "':I Ill.I nil imil.-c: I :> [].ill t' K;:ium;,ya , :i!i,ll,C~ Tol.l111: ::irntt M:!!vP.(: Li'ikf! :-.... )ul;or" , C1'>u1t1lP.~B,.gg~: J .P. DP.lrrl'>1"P. ; /\If!~ ~,t(Or"g: ;essica Hall; J1,,l!a tY-ig...e: Da...,.;: Logan ; Ale:.::1sMc-::h . .::.;,.a,..ge' Mac.Ocnal-::1: Kaf'd')' Noe ; u -e,; u,;al-::Je; CJ,;,:-,m Mor- ; [() 0,ra:,:1.)o;Jlo'itir- M.J-:.:C,_.,na:ltl;Qn,:.I G.,:<; P,:l'1-. 1 p.,:Zl ' r ~IJ rl'Cloi ..,l ' tl"l" re~;:,or-s,: to this fe"ljl ,t'', '. ir . .. 1.-d . 1:11i,.' '""' . rr "<'',[IOll~t' l o ll.io. rr <:11e-o,l.. ,,, ..... ,1,, rro11r,- l.,,1r. 11111r;,i.-.byl~o. , 1,1 ... , .... cc::ntact 1ne 111c::,dP.1 " tc:: ~.-1ang,,; i'lolf,tt'P.o" to1.1n c::t :1P.11vP.( .; c::m~.- m~,1 em.:i,1. ll i.:ic::~~olll!!, l ...-0...10 po"P.tP.( ll,.- tc rece.-~e the 1ar9est run.berc~ re-::01.os o,. oc-c ...ment.: ,,.. ele-::trcmc form.La-, f11ng tr1s h.l t A r(.'(ll,L''i: ,,,; ,, ~rlopr,:st .r-twti.. .l ' of tht. oL"W'S-mr:<.:iw'" ';ii-er: I ,Jm ,, rt'D'-"'rtr:. fer (limwtt"tJirL' . - <.:nt. r.Jf P11bli~loi111fo,fi.,-.- il,1il.f rn 1li11r ;)11:)k.-.li111.o,. Tho, ,I,-o , 1Jr..-,lim1 ~111il ,-,, mt' lll,. r,.,.-i,11n11.-.,I ~ rr..-qF o~.;,,~of!1" nt tf!f!:". ;,,..c1.1n...1;,tP.Ocu11',g :11.; ;:icual ~,;;:i,-cr ;:i,1:1,.f!~.,:ew ~ -c:<.P.f.S . \f!v<' .1-:11.;lf!f.~. ,t yo,_,. ~9f!',C .~ dc-:=s deter-,,,.e mat: sh~u1.:: l:e crarge.:: fo,. arv par: oi th,; reqJest, ~le.:se cor"ta-:::t -,e ~ef oi"e t-.2~ This r l '(l.ll''S-l io; m .; ,:1r : <.IS Viort cf nt"1JS.r1.:tl-Lorim; ,,, .tivity ,,n .;_ 1 i-;. net for L"~tilT'111,li u,.dP..~.la',d111g ot .;<:Jo" ;:ig:e,Kv ;,fd tile ,;;ov:!!o"',1\l:!!1\t i!lt i!11"gf!.Tl"i~ ,1te,rri!lt1M .~ r"Ot Ill tile :"Ju~h:. dcma,nl:.,tc -nceor oc.,rag-:=ncvres~of'd s. tc:hsf-UJl\req.,e s t , t oml l bep ' 1'"ltedcno ...r, \.el:;1te, WW'/>,l'l'Ol'W'S- nLot, ..-.hi,:_:h"1,t-;. me.,: :h<.1n 40,000 U"li(l\11; 'li'i te.s l' dii'i Wto 1:ipr:<.:t :h(!' in',>ro,1tiorio. IJIIIII.JI e-11llir111. t,t. lt.io . ~11,I 111.... , ro1t.. .~o l l , t' ',I', ~.. ~ ............. 111.. b.-,o, o, r, :. ,_.. .,,. .. r.-.1.-,rli : 1.--.11....l P.J<.f~ln,nt",P. g,-,~-e . r",nP.~,t .~ a<.t 0,1:c.-'lr"d <::"JP.r.:itiOr"Sti'> l',P. ,~ul~lic For 111>1..; i,1',)1..-..,.:itiOr"i!illf,ut tt-lot u1n.ate\\'1.-e a-io ::::n~.1ron~,ert d tn-:=r9 ',' PJt:l1sh1rg , please -e~-:=r:o .,,.~w .eeneY1s .net. t-uJ;, r-:=qi..ires i!ll to1<,;,:-mvtfro"" ciiKl,...,~..rrL", .,ov11IT'lo'>t rto,:.l;,c-::,,.-,:1 rtoIL' i''i<." ,,11 st"'ll"(.'').J!tod pw.ts tt-,,t F pw.t ,_.,f,, rto<.,...,r,:1 Pl<',1',<' (: ,.,_I ril)t' t ., .. r1.-1.-:.. ,, I IM~ l"r i.-. in (:,-(.-,ii ~,1r1 ',[)t'I 1y 1-, .. r .. ,, .. 11,.', r1: . t)l"li ~ooir .IJ l l 1.-.~I "It' ,. lt'f:1.. ,, st;:itut f 11.~:uf.t,tcati<:', ;,f~~I P.~ ,1 t11,; ir"~t;:io1~P.. Urry fP.quP.f,t ,_; d,:,111:ed,,-, wl"Olf! ,)1" ,1 ,~;:i.-t, plf!a~P. sa,ec.1fv wr1c.h eMemc,11c-nis: 1s ;are; c1a1med fer eacr pa;s.:ge ~r 1~.nc1ed'='ci..ment ~e.--1ed. Jr, a~o1t1'='l'I, pl,;,:-,1~,;,:l]i VL" toto ol11T"b1:r cf P,"IL"'i n 1:<.1ct-cic ;,:umtort .Jotl ~h,;,:-tc~,,I nuob-i. -r ')I DiJ(;tos p,:rt,,irin ;J t' > tl-i'i R,'J:i,'Jn17 l7-FI-HQ- n.i11 .,, Ar-1lrrw r:l1,1. i:>lll"At,1:-11rl,. : ,1111rl"cp,r-.111':I11 : ;)ir-. 11ri11o,;),-diou HUD-17-0235-C-001391 -,,.._,"\ n.-1:1,1;rn 1, l7-FI-HQ- We-io, .. ,.-.n1_.A.me- 17-FI-HQ]7-FI-HQ- 01795 ,,-.. . ,., .0 or""c!,,r :,,.~_,o,l ,::,.,~,~o ~~"~ /',1'1', i,,.., } ,"lft1 I Sim;)lr } T, b.lJ<'">I)' l , lli, i.-,1,- r.-u-,p -ie1.;:: (:.:!) i.:c-p,es c~ ' eCOl'dS reflect ng wh~ ac.con.pa-i1e.;: ~ecreta.y i.:u:so.-- on that tr p ; and::::; ccpi1:'; of iJ I rLor:v r.;.t~ n,:Jic-~thr1 vr -,,'ILoC-:ir-lJ otni(.h htl ooidlliJ ,_.,rin,:;i, o cii..,,1-;.h1:lp,:,:; Sto(.r-i:t.J. .,o Ci,irsorWe-o,l, Ali ~:.~io~;;;~;. 1 r:, ,,,.,,. ,.., ., ,,,,1.1 r:.-.rr, ,.-.i!Jr. 01800 R,'J/,'Jn17 """' " }/',1"l' ( I) r:1:;)i<'-. 11r.-. 1 r,-, :)1:Jo, :)t'rl ~ir111':I 11: lt1~ ,mlt1 :)r ,.-.li,:11 rm .-.nl F"Yrr'l"rl~ 11rS.- : rt'IUI" -:".uo;rn.. o, I C:11m;)1<'x tfif) le: :-11e,:,111x,/\1"i]{,ola ,)1l c:, bf!IOff! A._g._~t 22 , 2:-JJ7, to ~:-..f!a~ ;it~ cami.:i~ iQ' o ,.;ill~ P1"P.S1df!f"I[Oc:n;,1:1 C:RT',',,' 0l804 R,l]:i,l]n17 rl"r)1111~ lr o 111tllJD",- Rr.-.1 :o.~.-.l<' Ao,o,.-~o,rron11 r:,- , .1.-. 1:11Pi.Id I HC::IJ~1)g i'lolC M.Jltit;,rrily --10...~,-,g :"J1.ni.:i.;,tif!; ir" Me:.l<.l:!!1ll~urg C{Jur"ty. N<:1tll Ca.c:: i11a. ThP.~.P.~no...ld mcl ...de <:n')' ' e e...a-it ,nspectc -rs' f'Otes a'"JO .eascm,..g s be""11.--dthe sc.c-1es g1...e,. Jan. m:e,.este~ If' 0l805 n 1,t.- ._.-:-Jiri., f1.h11: .. 1t,.-1s r,NA I~:o~: :,:;;:; :::,.";'.: ~o C:1m':_:rt'o,-.i1:1 1.-.l,'rr.lrrA':l""'"Y ~;/~r'~;;: ; ; ~'. ;:l~o~':1;~o~~; ~:o;!J~;;.-~:~ o ;;~ ./r;~o~o~~:o o:" ;:r:;~ i~-i~'.~~o~~/;',";;~;:~." 1 1 1 1 an~ t'"leGBP_resent .::ay ... ry 1, /C-17 l,,r w,,rk l11 t,,- 11r. r, : m.,-, I 1,y,. I Z..11 , .,,r, o;l o1. 1li1,r- .. m: ., :-r v i, .- , ,:. il . .-.do; ', 1Jr.,-, l -.i1. , .- 11.111 cc::nt.a([{J f ' {1o"--IUD e. en;, 1 U\r/Ul/:.!(il/ Page 5 HUD i.:i.eJ:ect. (Di!lt,C R;:io1,;;P. re. Rf!(O((I S:e;:i1.cr . F1\ )1H Col/( ) l,12 o 17 To 1,, )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I t:l,'16,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- uemccrat c ccng ' ess on-:1 t:an.pa1gf' 'A'ESt, Ah (.Qmos: t!>rcown, t::n.ma r l"e ',\lash1rgton Cha-,t:et-s, tl i" .>os: 01752 l:l/l~,',!Ul I 17-H-HQ- 1=-ecu-:st tc ;;,r r,cm 01767 L o,-ra1re ac,::e:s.sto ard cop es -:if all 1ogs of con,;res:. 1c"la l -'.:01Tes:iorde"lc-::!rega ' dm,; cDrre;p,:iMence ,,,. ,,- offi (;i.;:,I~.;:,: thto Offi <,;t' er tht o [>C.;:ci,..tiYL" ,,r-(l i::.,;;i,r Lo~'\!'nt, , t oo to (cl i::.c )'to: l s1m:ile _.{n -r.-, ,~ c~ ,. , ,, ..., AAI s:.o. \l ":u,J,.,...-.,,- ....... nr ! Cop esc-f all ep-:r:ms:nt of H-:ius1ni;ard Urbaf' U-::!vel-:ipn.ent ~oo~o ;;,n l 2017 ~C:,,,tLo R,,,r-1')<:1 ') 1" R1..'C(.:-O :J Sto, m:h ; l=?rl,)m 01,'01,"2017 To i::o8 / 15 ,'20 17) 1:,cces; tc - an,: C!Jp,es c~ a ll .-eco rd s cc'"lc.er11rg HUD ::,;ecretil'Y :l,m Lil ' Son s scl"ec 1..1e and t, .a,.,,;,,I Plt'V'.:it' i ncll11:Jl-,,1 N:w .Us thvt tl o>c1.-m,:nt 5-1. ' trt ot.,r o1 .o01.-crlors fro,r M,:i .(.h 2, 2017 t0 trlo p11:sl'rt r:.-,ro,1:11\. o,dl<'(III I"', i111 11 1lir1;; tul .111(lirroilt'"il 111,u,1l"'r1:J,1,_ll<'t'"I"'. .1f)III: llllll<'"ll-., 11.-,',' n1l<'11il,1r-. , it ,1e . a -, 2 ~. ::.o:: ~,9 12 calP.1lC,u~. Cullc <:k calP.1lCM ~, 13ro9,.a,11r., t2:d mP.f.~il':P.f. n,11 t1111 etal ~IP.f,. (Dn l 2 Me 11a l t:om:ile-" lw..,on. 1t -,ay -::orcerr, Jam re~uestm~ that tl"e fol ow,..,g .:ocun. en ts :ie .-e1eased to me urde ' the Fl'\!"l'tl' ) m c 1 [rf ()r m v:ic.., AC: ~ l' ,1'5-l"D"CYitl-1.'th o tl ;.ic1_.m1nt'; ir d1:,;,;t.c..,i(. s1:,i1r;,;h;ib k fi,;,rmv: I ,,,,.. ",<'t'"kir. !J ll1<' lo lh:.,,iri;; ,100,.,,, .. .11-. ir . l t .i., rorA r.-q,,.-, ,1 1 All .-rr,,,il,. .,.-.11, lr :>11,.. :).-lw.-.- .1, 1,, nr . ,I rr , ,rr. 01747 con,;ress1cna 1,'tf'terAgenq- :-totwto<: o ), ,, 11.;:, r-,o ,m :J I .1.- ilti l.- 111m y r.-111. r-.,:o ,. r.-,r 11t .!i.li ',"i,-,.,1 Dr-rr. 111. n:i, . r: , 111:_lrr- .,-..i1:11nl ("~1111f!tJi':1oo Age ..,c..~ Qff1c.,als Age'lc~ Qff1c.,a1s nil~ ot lhP. r<: low ,19 HUD :!lllf ~ICy:!P.S, Ma.11"JP.I i't M.J1"ill,), D' .=il"d(.=iHnll~i,EOI", Rll (J1ldn E~s111gt<:o, Keot,, aura l}urn employee Lat:c-r ;;;e1at1ors ~CL;;;) and my tHl:: U su:ie,. ...,so ,..r. stil"f :lc-n,ta Howard, Trurm,c1n Mi l1:s or G,,rf)' Swto1:'"lt'), b1::w1:~n Jvnuo:1rv 2i::-1.::r,m ;.1 Auqu-_.;t 2017 ;,;ortv ninq .~n .i. ~ntl ,,n '<'' i ., .. ,,. d ,<'., o, 11 .-dr i, ..-,II}' , ,,.im_; I Ii .- b.-1,: .~- rt" lnl ,-.,I o.1. I 1j<'d m nl I<',,. o lo1. I "' I' <': irknl y ir. 1I .J1b- ,-.m.,il 111 t e . rr~. ii~ r<:11aw111g,n. Lannil"P. 1:1.Cll a-. llo::1':". r.. Ul"iOr er. O" c,al T mf! o/:. PP.. r<:.rr;;m :.P. r . -t~fl >, g ,;;. 'A'c-r~ p.-oduct I". O...e-t1me 1. l::Pl-'f::~;. t-Hl::O k . .>rcom c:1cn I. Na t1oral c..:cun-::11m. RVPc-r A I- R\W n . 11.:r.,:r,;~ o)r h,,r,,ssr: si or hilriJssmr;nt v l\t- ...it.w D [ slit(] [mt:il c.,.-t"l' r (cnni.;:t s ',o/l .bt.:r t Tim -1:,,n .;_ 1 ~lll"'ml.1r.1<' .1 l11-.11I J11r1l11.1 '.i1:.1 Plt'".-,',t'" I I<' -.11.<' '.11i .11 11111"' nl re'",[)l lr1-.i..o~ .-m,1il,_ ir1:l1.1li11y ~r : t1io.-.-rl f!lllililf. i't1l1 .=irv a rd ii I clo!:IP.tf'd 21llil I~. 2 . ::-,.(widf' "/\ II {,ltir.2 c<:-.mJt11CiltOf (,) 1lvo/:1':".;,ticr"~" l~f'l,~P.f'r" Mi1' 1ne1 a Munllco an~ lYard.-a Han~ 1n;; or, Kh~ncra 1::;;s,ngtcn, Ke~wa ...nil IJ...nr Detwe:n Jan u-: r~. l, 2i::.J4 ,m.;.1Au (;u st trkir, ":.:hcmr. , i11<. ltd1ng, lll..t l"Ot i,n tee t,) , l:lo::tn,.e 6-.i)Qa,n <:~, wf!o::kcrav~ . ntto::,.-!':,:Qo:li:im w e:!kd~v~ . n,11 ;,t n,lf t ,me on weeke nds du,.1rg ,!U lf, , ;,;:en::,, :2U l b an~ :2.) 1/ c.alerdil ' yea r. Jf tl" e en.a 11;; c.anf' ot :ie su~m, : ted ,n tl-t'ir torti .,::y, :>r1.1vi;_ito v 1.111 '_.;t;itinq :h(!' i:ivtt ., tilT't', rtocip l'nt ,1r ,:i stot- :t'C-::,1lil;,to otii ll ,:i sc '-"ooli~f v tl- i~ re-11,. .-,,'. 4 . (11n<'. r. in;J hi"' <'..1.1il will1 Ill<' -.1Dj.-d I 11<'.o \mroir,,1l i:)I!,_ 11[fl.-1'.i1:11o, - )11y 19 , Jn17 ~ i,1 t, a lly ~f'r t l~v Lo...-~i,12 c11aml:lo::1':".or 'A'o::elrP.sc ay, :ul f l Y, 2::IJ 7 , ii: S..:IJ p111. a .Prov,dE'! 1112 ,1amef. of all r:c,~1ent;; ofth,; eo.atl. b. Lrd,cate w l"e t'le,. Marnella Mu.-1110, ii knc ,..-n ,.ec1p,ent of th,s en.a11, Fo n ~o,,r tl1.-clth,: (.om,:r I ,,t ;,n-,.. DC nl ,,n <; irclk,oll" t o) "' h ;,im l hr: 1.om ,:r I w.:rs forw,:rr,:jlotl ~nd t:iro..oiclr: ~ll 11.1 .. 1.-,. ,m :J r1.1r'.i<''>, /1,11~oo .11111 lir1o.-o, . ~- ;:"? .()111..-nihy 1t,~ .-m~i1 wilt. It .,-. o,.1t1j~1l lir..- ~R.-rroin :J.-1N<:mirrtt,o,i a, id Elo::c ti cr Nc.7il".f'" iril nll~ ~en t ::.-,. Loffnire Cliaml (. : ~ / pm: a. Proo.,~e the 'la n.es C.f alt rec1i:,1erts of t'l1 S em-: 1I. D. 1.;.nvwn .1:,;,;ivit'rt cf this 1:, ,1i. forwv.Ut.tl :h(!' l"m ~il vt ,,r o, t10in: l 11rw.1r 1l~1l .1111I11r11vi ,: .- n I n.1111<'-.nnl JM rli~ o._. :ln l .-o, .,,ul I i .-,.-,._ ~f'o.s co M{i11dn-; . J.Jly ii-1. 2Col 7 . at Jn.:,cat':::! whett'er Mannella Munl l.:i, a ,1rcl intlicv:l' ti.) wr1.1m th -1.-L'm;iil oti~s 6. \. 1,nc..-,riim:1 .-m.,il ,. ,,b:.-1'. : ' Rf' 11l 11t'CtV [J,;:m c,;,;r,1t c S1:n,,t1.1ri,1I C~mv;,iqn l.11m.. , ill<'t'" 01744 c11aml ~f'1"S <:n M{i1l drl-;. l.Jly '1.1, T c \oirom [t M,:r)' (.1.1n;.:torn. Pt1r~..,,1rt ti.) tht' Frtor:.;.io,r of )nf c rlT' Llt 1.1nA ;,;t, '.; lJ SC ~':i'.;2 ~t '5-l'(I , ( ' r(";;ti o:,,: r<'c:ut"o,t ,, : ;)i<'-. 11r" I ,lrn1 . ,11<'11lo: 11,. lli,, .. ,: ir. ,1.. 1.1i 1,.. 111 w : o :...n.,.-r,~.-,l :>111,:I r,.lrn 111.1'. i1:u (.1.1m;re~-;icn, 1l/[rt1:rAqt'n,;,;y ,\Ct l"o/:Q'-P. S7~ '1lf'(l Nl":\' f!11l::ie, 2o:JJ~ t,) j)(f'r,P.117,.ega, ocil"g SP.>1,'il(.11 ' :oP. Mrl1\ ~ll 11 l (11 tile M~ff .,, . rep,.esen:at1 ,:es of~e--.at or ;oe Manch n . n 1:-ot--.h,s capc:ccr ilS a oJn,ted ~tiltes ~enc:tcr and -:s a t:iri-..~tr: .;:iliz-1.:n o A.- ., rt.~;>o.-siYt" tlo>ct-mr;"lt'; ~,;:nt l,)U: b-,.. 'iOl.-t illJ''."IC'y in .r: '; tJo)n'S-t' t '> trto ,,t- 1,)w; : ul1I iro: 11 . ,I<' l"'l'.l"'f',, .-m,1il"', r.-p :l rl o,, r1t'"l"'tlrn11 ,:o r,.l11r111.1'.i1:.1 :...,'. rl"'11.1.-,_1,..Oir.-, '., :or"<'':p o ,ull"'m..- ,.111 no11 ctJ1e . ff'1o/:v;,rt rrnt2,.,n1 . [ ii-, 1l,) t f,f'P.k ,19 n,,, ~e.-:orda,y -,;,tf' l"i.=i1~u ~ll ii~ i~ll<:ne l(, gf. , 1l ,) tilti c.o~ of c.c-nve1-sat1of' , etc. l f a'l'r ' ,.ecords are w,thhel.: Ot" recractecr,: re~uest trat ~.ou st ate the spec.fie. :nl f,,. ltoq,11,:rntl f;ictl ovl 1Jro 1_. n ,:js fc . otiitt-h c i;tinq ;i n.,o doni trton:~ ;,ir :>ort l,)ns of dl,)n1mt ' nls, t:ilr:;isr: i:11 .-.1d1rl111.,m,-11l lt ..-,1o ,. 11 ,.wil l, ,.11: ;).- 1:''.h.,r.-q11.--.I l,11'. i,.w illit . ,-lrl lr :>1111.-1,-.-,, , ,-. \I r,- 111 . .-.,1.-rl d<:~u-.f!l"tf. i'tff' l<:~;,ted 111a>,atl1e, ,o~:;,I nt,011 {11"::iu.eau . [ (f'QuP..<.t 11l~t y {iu f~lf!a;e ,erE'!. th,~ l"f!Q.JP.f.t or an-~ r':::!leYant pc ' tlOf' of lh 1s req1..es: tc - tl"e app, .opr,at':::! 1n ;;t-: llat 1cn o,. t: .. rea1... 1.:i tre extert thilt tl-lo r lo~;:,orsiV'l' r l'C"")rt.:~ ~r-1. ' ,w,:iil,,t-lto h l'l~ttl")ni;,; form;i1, I '/! ;.Jlll<.: tJfl'.~r 10 r t'ctoi..o~ trl o irform,:i:icn v i~ ,..,.,.,ii, :. r.o, r).-,rli : , , ,1rlv ii wuvi ,: i, .!J llo<' ;.,r, : rrro.-,1 "" "<'(: ,, : .-,.It.,-. I"'<' :)r t'"~ro~,,,.,.. i, -,..,, 1" .-,1. c:trf'i"l\"i~.P., I w,11 P..-c:'.IP.d t o l"P.(.<'d\"P. 1112 inl ,)r-..=itiOI" ill p.=if~P. .- t l'>1 "1ll. TO t'P.lf~ rl S~P.~.~rY''( ~t;, tu ~. to ,. ccp;.,..,g -:nd ma,11rg fees , ~lease 'lote t'lat: am gathe,.1rg ,nfo,.m-:t,c-n for ,.esea,.c..., 1::1.Jrpc;es an1 n.:it f ()r ccmm (.or,;,;i,:r ;,c ti..o tio::s [ ,:rm w i li,-IJ ti.) p~o, ,,I ro::oo~v n,:rbl r: .;:ost"> in ;.:urrtod in ll.)Cilli nr1 i)n,:j ,:t,._plic.:r:i,-IJ .o , .. [ )l illr 11: llrtll ~-...ir,;; lo -1r1:)rllY<' ~or~ lt'"I"'', :)I : l 1,1r':_:.-~iun,rr.-11 in 1,-.... ~ 111.1'..-ri,1', . !'I.JI lll<',1',<' nwlnd 13/11120 17 17-FI-HQ- : ;i m rt'(llll'.'-"l nr 1 w:>ir:'_.;of: 1 '.o Any DC ic lo~ '>r pr1.1c-1. ' i:it.rtos rt'q ;1rclinr 1 o11JD' s hr nq or iltJ poi"ltmt'r"I c' I Sim;> lr: i 111111,lir,":.:wt ..-11,.-r ~1lrr-ir1i o,lr,1li y .- )1,c:1,1~ o. ,:wl1id1 n r <' ;Mrl :)I It.,-. t l.,r) (";lli1 e- 111tl,-.-,r iri ':_:',,.,,,I 411[)1"'.11,;'.,, Slor,1ti r, {'iri ,1r 01730 ~IJ':..,n, Gffici,,1s t l-P..; a .P. atJf~Oil"tP.:1 t ,} t rP. ir tl ~o~17i<:n~ ::..,- tllf! HU:i SP.:..-P.I~,-~. ,'I (I P.~grP.P. c . 1112 HUD !!:o::trP.lr>,.v, c , an .; ot'l e.- pe1-sor. o.- 1fthe.~ ob:a ,.., t'"lese pc-s,:1c'ls :h'C.JQ'l af''I othe ' prc-cess L :, Ar'I dcoc...me'lts n;_o fl tol.ti-. q ,1,h,: :h o::r o1IJ) ',; t..-.1,)n1rr,:,:-nt ~,:ilT'in istrilti.,.-t. )u siql ' S f,J,:rntoss,:r L ll ,,11,,n .;_ I fl, ~ll o)C~nck r M.1.111t'" I :, W<'r<' ,111[)11ir-l<':llo lt ..-ir p:) o,ili 1:.1o, IJ',' lll<' liU .":1:';<':1.-lt.rl", ,1 lil"'',i!Jf"I"'.- 1:l lh~ IIU[") St'"11.-t,1ry , 1:1 no1~ ot hf!r i:i 2.-;or. er ir t l1e, ,.ece,vf!d It' f! tJ,} ~1:i<:~, er Adm , ~,if.t( ;,ti~.e J .Jd,;;e tl1ro1. gt' no1f ot ",f!r i:a.<:<.P.f.~ re :ie c1ea' , ,uo ras :ioth .'Acrm,..,1:st,.at1...e _il v1 ;ucrge;;' . ard .'Acrm ,n1s1,.at1...e J.Jd~ es,' . w l"1c.h a,.e t wo HUD-17-0235-C-001392 8/10/2017 1 ei5/2i:: . Ji 17-FI-HQ- G-,:r..,,,tr, [:.o~o ~'r [,:r ,;tB..io,Ex r,, t..,rtochi,;;r:-:.:,b1:rt Prl,)F'1_.bltv t:irl 'SS Mc -; t .r:c.:tort ;..,~;:,toctio) n rl'Dl.)rt-. f l,)r [( i::.,:,;:m-. ~t:i.:r.tm, : n ts i.- r,:.,,1,1 ..,n,:I, CA Si m ;:,lr: M,: , ti,:r rur-.11,:i-.t 10 lh,: ""r1:-1. -clcm of ln 1 0rm,,tior ~ct , 'j y S C, 5l'C l ic-. 5'.;2 t' t Sl'tl ;o::-:)(A"), I r t'Qt11:-_.;t;,;ovit os l.)fl 5i m;:,l r: ( 1,r ,11: .. ,.., l, , :, 11,.. '?!J"' llr o,i;Jr1-i11,.,, .. ~1.. l ,ir o;i,.il :)r o: nl Ylll .l ~!J<'III .,.. oo, 1,.-.1:J11u.1rlt'"r', Tl, i-. rl"'llll .. ,.I "'11'1"\', Tc :n,u;,r o,- .za to thP. dnl2 tr i~ ~:HA ,.c.13,<:<.P.f,se1. (Da tP. R;irgE'! .1,,. -r:2c<:,d 5P.arr.h : Ffo,n :ll/10!1017 M1: ;.ii,:r 01728 17-FI-HQ01702 o.Ji:. I l ~ Page 6 )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 t:l,'IS_.':.!01/ 17-H-HQ- re wrom LEe, Max G) l com:ile;,; Mei:11a Stvotl~r.;,1~ ~HQS'..irsvloC":i,:;n rep ,>r.~ ,1,it-.,ir ttlo p~st ft'.:;ir :::c -I Lt Ma.~ con-::e1.n.1:n-.:I JAL .i:::::~u::::s1)La-, mak1rg me fc-1lc1~ .1n-greq.Jest i:-u1.s.Jartto t'le Fr.;:lotl, >m c 1 [r-Form.:;i~ic -. Ai;:: - Th,;: fi,;,11 ;,iwir-lJ rt ot.l.)rtio; r"-'IJ,::n:Jin; i t-b s-s.,onlolttor M.:;inor, ,:in ,, v, , rtlT'l'nt 11: 11111,-:,,:...: Eln ',1,.,..,,. .,,.11.-11 M,mm ::-.,dr i11su~o.t)11f",1, '.'lJ. ::>]fi ~7-1 1Con: n) ~ 11:11'p', :o 1t,:- rniyi11,1I H<;u~ ,ig ,'\~~.i~t.=if'tP~v,n.=:,it~ (H,\P;, c.~11 1t,.~ct, llj a ~01~v ot tile <.u. (P.f't/(P.l"ewa H<;.J~119 ,\~f.i~t.=ir-1 1-'ay~ ,ert s (HAP ) -::ortfact; c) all -::on.pI21n:s f,led ,,o1th,n t'"le i:-ast .roear. anCI d:, all IrIt al HousIrg Qo..al,:,1o 01696 - H: .,o,ro,n R.17/:::>C-17 17-FI-HQ- It Ma,- Cr.,11<.P.(11. 1 a-. 1ll~kir"Q tile .~ill <:.1, i11,;;l'P.que~.t i~ur~u .:ir"t t o tl"e t-reedom -:if : "1fo1.mat1-:in Act: ivrn l:1.-'1.':.l:,ll/ t:M/\JL) lfthe'e .ar-::!an~. cl"arges a:s.sc-:::1a:edwith this r.:q1...l.~:. 1 ,, rr r.:,:i1...l.~tir1J thv:] br: notifir:<.: of thr: ..:h~rql"'S- pri c. tu fu fillin11 m.,- rr:qu l!~ t ] ;,m Im re-ql .l"'','.ir.!J: ,1 I i1.il .1l ll1111";ir.y Ql .illily :';(,1r1:J,1ril-. (IIQS) i11~11<'d 1m "<';mrl o; wilhi11 \11<' ;M~I "J~ilr : 1 1:o l,it,1,- ~1,.1lie-o. , >11lIHI 1,y r:...1,i\ 11 1 Miriio.tri,-o. ~::-.M:-, ...1r:11m; ,l<'X We- ,ir-1r.. -~1o1 .11l 1h.. 1 s .. :, ...1.. r ., r:..ro.1: 11i~ .. o,1111ro,1 r:lni~l<'"l ',e'"II.- ~}'iUI 51:ol{(.;P 01686 i r"01l:")o"Otil o.-ga ~1i,r.1t 011.1, ll(';:<.P.V ~1,)1),:<.~I<) P.~-a ~1g<:1i,P.P.l<:CtP.CI ,) 1tic. r.11r.r.111:'.I IP.aCIrne-. A!_j.-"ll }' (', Iii, idl ~ t,) 1,.M i:I ma:u'1t',' 1n i:.:h-,;;t ..'1 Accc'd1m; t'J c.:M.s webs te. ~ec.re:a1.or i:.:arson ind eight ot he .- i:.:at:-m-::!tct'1c,ilSir-::! li,;t,: <.: ,,,; ~o~-.ill' ll' ) ll'S-l' ( ,, t,inl!t Si::,un:;or~ -af tJ-lo orr 1~niz,,tioro~ biblt" ,;t1.,i:1il!~ 2 P1.,r~u~nt tc : h i! Fr.:l.tl o) m 111<'';1,1 11: ;, v 1:I ~t,e- ll1lbwi1 . u : 1 . Arty ,1:r, ...~111: .,ile-1wl"', 111111(1:modli1m Ad ;i:;U .S.C: .) :,~/) , f 11"'1 ,;,,-(I an .,- fP.f~.-e~oP.n t~hvP. or H UD , 1~,c.ludi11,;; 5P.c..-..ta . y i11<.li_i:l1 n g 2,na I~. l1oP.twee11CM 1"!!1lfP.U!1l:,;,ti~.oP.:<. i:.:arscn , :s.mce Ja"Ju.a1.~ 1, ::!:Ul/. :.I. A"l'r' 1nter"lal co tT espof'denc.e, lf'CI.Ji:I ng em-:111:s., 1::etoneen r1.oprt'"S-lon: ,1tiw:'; of 11UO, inc u d in ;J Sto,.r.:tv..,o (,ilr~oo, ~ inno ), , r u.;,..,o 1, 201 7, rr:i; ,.,ti nq tJ-lo ( ,, t;;inl!t l1i:, I.- -.I .J1I ,.., ,11111/ur l.M. -, Ar .y 11rS.-n,-1,,r~ . r:,.,,,,:.,.~11,1ly ~, t . ,-,lu l.-o; 111,1\i11:11. 11.-lh.- r:,.1,11.-1h 111.- R,'1/ :::> C-17 i,'Jf,,"}(l 1i i,'}(.,l}(l1i 117-FI-HQ0]648 r .. 1.,r,-1 Iii _. ~:, l1<'rl l l7-FI-HQ0]6]2 W ',<', I 1111o,,1~o l okr:lo1t1t .y N~wo,;Mf)t'r', l n-F 1-Ha 0]605 l(,-ll )o.l.,1111li11.- n.,- P11r~11,1 ., I 111l11.- or .. ~111:111 111ln' ;,r 111 ,1\i11r. A1 l, "i . . S.:'."" .. !;,- 1 I ii:., "i';? ~I ,-,-11 ("':1 1A" )_. I r"'l"'"'"I Pr11Pd1l1,1 : 11pi,-~ 11 q r:11m;>l<'x M.- :Ji,1 (01' i'IC.~P.r. s to ;, ;JI P.lllailr. llP.Twe!:!11a -gP.r"C)I<:1n1~1oy<:P.~ '1MP. r" Kn~pP.r, BoP. tll Z {11 "~ or Di!\ "l:'.I Eagl!:!~ a ~1i:1 an~.on-::! with the .::o n.a1f' name o.Q-roo fa t c-:::k.con.. ,C fm.ance ofame .-1ca. com . ffv,ell;;fa1.gc- .c.-:im, ~.,f~,:i-.,,i l orri ,, , -:P.t,m l "Um Plt.v~t. prv..-itll. t-io "Sl' t.rr,,i1~ for tht. PL.riotl ~p,,nnir-lJ Jv-iu~r.,.. 2t;o W tht o :s...,.. n.111.,,, M11r11i11 y u,-wo; <' :)l"'lWt'<' "\ U .S. 111 . 11 .. - lllr' :--.. ~oh:111 "' lulm ..M( illr" li.1( , 1 fe'"ljl.t'',: 1011ie-o, 1:' ,111n1rre-',f)llm:n.1 C1.:i1.,P. Mc.Cask IL ~,P.(orr1<:P. (';. r'l"P.lll ~P.fS ,)I Il e. f.ta" a11d HUO ,) ttic . r.ll f. l)':!7w':!,C1lJa~,uao"t l . 4 0!)~ a11d ;u1~- :.!~. :.!::11/ . ( Date Karge ~-:ir ~a:cc rd sea,.c."I: J-rom ::11/::1:.!/,rn::iti 10 01:"2~:".Wl,:. 1. :..1 rt'I 0 1(1', : llr"l<'Tiri;,1 tllJI) R,-yi1m,1I A,lm ir. io,lrdl :)I R-~lt. \ 1drl .) l .yri~.o, o;i 11 ...,11,1~o,hi~ o,t-... ,1~o.t. lllt"':J M<':Ji,1 1r:11m:>l<'X A!_lr'"ll )' (',Iii, i,il ~ tt-P. orr, <:P. o::~,Mav H, 2C. l7 to:: :")1. P.s.,;11t. 2. ,\II rP.c.01..:lf.rnnc.,;1.~1if'g l,) gf. i:10::~umP.r-tong .,, llO::hM. vif,it<'.i:I t11e ~ort \'io1.t"I Keg1of'al Uff1ce a: l:l:,ll ~"leiT'I Stre-::!t, yn,t ~4~ ':i.J1te :.i~a::i J-o.-t 'l','crth , I X /t-1::i:.1 ~rem M,:i. t. h &, 2017 tv tJ-lo pr,:st or-t Pll'V ';t o ini:-ltidto ,,1 r1.occ.ds thvt t1,)c1.,m,:nt ~1!1Jivn '.JI fll,I[': o'~ yi~itc .,;, induli 11 y IJll 1 r1o l li111il l"'il 11: i:,11,it,,1o,<' (: ll~lil"' ',, llrl i11.-f~!Jhl.o1:i1:11 [111m-., ,-iy11-ir . o,t. .....1,,_.'Yio,i l1:. h,111;:r ...~. ,K 1u:'.lir' g l~ut 1\(';t 11-iitP.d to em;i , ~- .....,P.r'l"O~ . IP.tte,f. 1-'lf~P.If.h~l-.oP..f . r.111<: .. ~Sf.P.S. J . /\ I C.{11.,e:o.i:a,)1)dP.1l~P.. Van :Jc.yn-:::!fr-:im Maret"" Ii, ::!: Ul / to an~ fa x es , sef't cr1 .ec e1v":d t:-'( HLU Regi onal l\dm1f'1:s.trat~r 1::1,:!tt"' 7,'2.!./2017 17-FI-H0- TJ-i~ ~ v .,:,;;uo.'~l (1r,;1,:. thr: ;-. ,:l! i:1cm of lnzvr-i ,1tior- ~ct ] ;,m .r:,;;ut ' ~tinc; tolto ctP)ni ..: C")IJi'-'~ cf .r: ;;:ortl~ 11<':ni im_,;iln1ii1<'l"'nli:w.--. 11ro1I IM 'Yl"'l ,n1t ~o;f-'rl ,w,Io, rn .ur rt'II l iy 111.-~!./<'Illy m irn : i..oi1ll.ill Mt .lllr: II, ~y; , n 01602 Mr: ;;ii.;, ;:i,g!! 11\".yP.r'I"i:al,) yP.e; ,;,,-(I ,: 01111.;:i,c .t P.r'l"!ll,) yP.oP.;Or' lleh;il l {11 tl"P. ;ig P.ll~,. l~P.t.,-f!P.r' :r.111 . l , :.i:Ol 5 ~ 11d It- P. p.-e:sen : i:icte . r.-avel c.c-sts or,'Jul.: lf'CI.JCle a11'fa1 .e, "lOtel, -::!nterta nn.ent , n.ea ls, gr -:iuf'd trcn :s.pcrtat1on , L'tc,: v-itl l!'oto rt,; wo1.,ltl indu~k ("l,)n1<.'r'-'"("Lo~. m, :l! tinr1 s. rl'tr.:11ts.;,-itl ;;:odl' ~-ito1::~. :o :h l!r.: 1..,n(i1w io, .ml 1,.. m,1 o,1:uylil o :, r ("llrl'lll<'H 'i '11 :>1H[)ll',e'"',. Ir "(:>11ilt'II}' ilrl 'I ur ,ill :)I lt . io, "<'Cll,.',l, ri1.....~ ... (o7P.oP.act-Sf~P.C .1tic. !!>rvt J-lor r.:c,::1(.ls ,::f!h<. o '"1'-' nc,- th ,, t wu, ...~o.io11,1 11: 111mu111,1lit:. ,,,, ,i11c:ir.l,1r111,1:i1:1,,1r. 1I br ,-[ir .!_l rl"'[lll<'-.1-. , i111 1ulir1;:r lr,1, .o 1111"' , ..., -...i..oi11r,,11rC-:1 tt-P. datoP. .oP.<.P.1~P.i:I, ii:loi11tit~ ot se11dP.o",S.Jl.lject ot t~,P. ,..01n-iuni.- .r111 011, otti.-.P. or orr1~i.;, 11a~,i:11i11gt" ,P. a"ICI ~ate of a,;ef'cy response ~ --o 7/2] / 2017 17-FI-HQ- 01593 o -- oo o ~, .o .,. L- ~ L o ' espc-n:s.e. Pease prc .~1i:1":tt"'e legs :hat ,.ecord commu"l1cat1ons C.:on,;ress:1cnal ,-'lf'terAgenq from ..............: I Pk-il s,: ;,rl,)Yi;;it' th,: fvllc, 1,in ;J rt'C">ri:.:~ -. ,,i-.Winl!i:1 t;;o,- ','Cllr llfl<.' nc,- or for v c o.ir l"IL'nc,- by ,1 r1vool'mml'rt 11: 111 . ,1cl :>1 o Al l r,-1 1:rrlo. 1:o :'."".:>11':lre-o,,-i111 . ,.I n,rr,- o,p11r1:J,-r .1.- ~h.,I r,-,111.-o:I 11r1:rrrodl i1m o r IJ,i,-ri11o,1o; 1'.':CP.VP.Cl 1))1Tll.': r.1g<:1KyClui"i11-g t" ,P. rrM711:<. or Mr.1.,- ani:i Ju11<: 2(ol0, (.l,)m;rl'~ ',;ic n,,1/( r-tt:rAq Lonc,:v ilr'CI Mr.1.,-a ' ,CI l.Jll!:'! 2(o ] 1. o ,\II re ccrd s c~ :he ag-::!nC\I resp o f' ses tc - tt""OS-::!reqc. es:s thi t .~,ere rece ved b y :he ag-::!ncv i:I.Jnn,; May af' d 7,'2]/2017 17-FI-H0- T .,- t.r, P,::t.r Pr l,)jtot"t e n Guw:rrm,:-it J>1l.r sic;h! 01592 7,'2],'20 17 17 Fl HQ 01590 I Pl,:-ilsr: ;, r l,)Yi;;l to th,: fv llc, ooin q rt.c-<>ri:.:~ -., , i-.winl!i:1 b.,- yc\1r '"1'-' nt. or or for y u .,1r l"Jt ' nl"'i by;, 11: 11l. ,1d :>1 o All 11:. .,m.mi1,1:i1:1I', ,,,,,I r~11:rrlo, 1:' 11\!"'111,111lio;i uo,o;i1:.,,,, l 11r111,11,r iri'ormnl, r1v .-.l.rnmt .ot 1m h11w ,mil l r..um;,l,:x (.un c;rt.~ -;icn, , l/[r t1:rAqi:n c.:y wt1.,;11to 1.P.~por'd to COr'Q(P.f.~1,) 11a 1'.':Cf1.P.~7~ l,) 1" 11ro::.rrr11t101 1 t .o::-. J,;,.-ua1y l , 2015 to Ju v I~ , 2017 . ~ All ,.ecords of af'y agenq. gu,~af'ce, forma or 1n1'c:-r-,a1,or cc - 1m.Jn1ca:1cn i:1stnt:11 .. tei:11::etween '1ay 1, 2i";.J/ ,m zi Ju lo,- 18. 2017, rr: 1,,t nq tc :ht ' CJ\!pv.tmr : nt o>f ;( 1"Sti<.:l'?'; OffkLo ofLto1i.1 I (c.,1 n ~toI vpi-.icn ofM,1y 1, :::> n1 7, li:1.- , : "A 11 : h m l .t o l :.,ii o;i,111,1 M.- .. ,11.-r-. 111l.i:11o,1 . .--.., 111l.1:.>11.11I Ov.- .~i yhl o l It . ,- r xl' 1 .,I ._.,. F'MP.dP.S, :o lVi rt-P. ProtP.c.t DP.in ~,Cfil<".v Prnj e<:t rt-P. PrntP.c DP.111< ) cr,;,.-.y Proje c t ~,P.fP.L~ v 1.P.q.JP.f.tf. rrr.1t ~ou1 o::" ce :-:i1.oi:1_,,_., will11 ~, 2.:l l.l.J~ t1e!'.s c,;,y:<. 1-,P. HUD-17-0235-C-001393 Of' tl"e t~pes o f.-ecord:s. scug"lt ). l. Af'\I ard a I rec.-:ir1s follc-1,o1f'g .-ecord:s. ( see be ow fcrclanty in..,1,)1 ..o nq, rLon,: c;t n,1, ti st.\1"Ssinr1, or mr : mori,J izinq instr1.,ctior IP >m, c,:ors 1.,IWti, >n oto tt- , or rto Yit' W by, 11.... Wllill"' tl111i-.t' 1:. \lit"' :'x.-n1:i....- C,ilil ~ 11 [ 11,... F..--.i, l ntl I Ollt" t'rllill',j , .. :111.-o,to,,-11b111i 1I ~oI f )llr ',. Ml "I Ill FG :,, . 01. i".':~\~01l;P.f, tl"P.1"P.t,). 1~1if. i1l~li_de; -'lr'Y fP.C.{11.:1~' {11..~r.1, .i:ie:1 b~ tl"P. F6) to.- 'A'hitP. M{1uf.P. 1"P.\"l!:'!W ir' ccnnect1or" with ~u JI\ req .Je:S.ts; an .1 pc 1c. e :s, em-:111:s,Of m e m c ra"li:IC seek1r"g \'ih,te Ho ...se -e.~1e.r1C.r ,,r-,:1.;,-.y rt"cor,;1,; with rl'fr:r1:n~s ti,) tht' phr ,,,;lo~ ccn~l1lt,1t on ')n FOlA rl'(I.Jt''S-t'S ,m e rlo~por~, :s t-it'rt'tl,); 'W .,i\ ,- tl o 11~,- ,.,111i~i.-o:, " ".-1,-1 .,I ,_.,. br,,i1d1 nm ' 11.-.,I dli'.y i.,le-re-o,\ o,_.' o r 'e-~,-,.11ti._..-;>1iYi ,-ye-." 7 . :., r.lCl:'.l ilill r' f('; ti\!:! o",!:((';1d~ f P.que ; t!:!CI a~o ...e:, WP. al ~{! o",!:Cfi_P. ~7 o"P.C .{11":'.IS('.f!f.Cfil ~i11-gt",P.1~1-,) ce ;~ 119 or thir. reqc.es: , 1nc.ludin,; rec-:ir.:s ;;ut'c1-::!nttc de'ltfvsearctte-nos1.se,: af'dl-:ica:1c'l si nd cc.stod an;; so:1..1r..:ht . i:1, .,ntl ;,n .,..t r ,,, .L;_ ir- lJ ,;h ,:l!l'S- ll'S-l'tl to t r1..1ck! h i! prot 'lo~~ir- lJ cf thi s rt"q\11:sl, : o "our .;,c;t. r-c.,. 11~t.s rn :A :111~ o.( illf"ll,1 r~o. , : . ,. ...rli'i1,1:i ,: .,o, :11rro11le-lt"':lh }o im:i ..oi1h. .1I n1~l1 ::Ji,1., ,, :, r ,. 11r1o111:11t'l.I~ 11: 1..:.n: ',,.. r,-_,..,..,,r-1,.,.. ,. ,.th -h.:: ,..,.,.,-.,,.,~1,.,. ,- f th,~ ,..,,,.,..,-c-, ,,.., r ,...,.,~r ~~ . Page 7 ,\ g e~,c.1 C:ttiC.1r.llf, )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 /ilt:l,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- se1oma"l,Jesse v:,;::::: ;esse Se dn.an '.' ce \ eons '19 s -ina ~treet ~r-:ioklvn NY 1 Li! 11 re 11,ncmIt ma,; ccnc:rn: 1nIs Is2 Age'"IC~ Dffic.,als l"l.'t'll..l'~: uni:Jo;,or:h.;: Fl"(.olotlo)m c' [rfi,;,rm.:,!i c, At"t Or b1;h ,1I' o) f \ 1ii:c,o tok..-.~ .:,r11:J''l''Holf, j,)intl.,o, : .,: ,1uc.o~t ll . .11~''"' ;)r11vi:J.- , .o, w It .: . Sr, . r-:n1y lull <:,1ily .,: t,,-,IL.lr- t, :. <"'-'r"r'f 11.ey ., 11n. 7/ln_:17 '.11 7,1I K/ I 7. f,)1"""1,'lt. wf! tP.f tc I P.<'.f?!I\'P. i"f!C.~if:1~ll t Ile t,)IIC., i,ig t0(111atfo. l,:c.t!!d ,n O(d!!1",)t )l(P.le .e ~,r..=: . ( i:, electrc,n,~ Clata ~ormat so..ct. as a te.,,t- sea ,.c.nat:-le POr- C' \'iofd -:locun.ent, er s1m laf: C.!) an l'l1:,:,:t.,:;..,ic ~c;moto,J PC.F; ()) ,:;:h,;:r nor-prop-rilotilry l'l1:-:.:t1,:;nicform.:,t Pllo,,slo rlo~;:,orrt oti thn 20 w11rl<.i.,\Iooirl..,.. m 111 ; 1iti ,,, .. i' .o.m uo.1Mlv or .o.-~,.-101i111..-,I~ dr1 l .,,,,.l,1.,i ,-,. ,1;,roly - ., ,. 01575 !~'"' a, G) :::c -I r:,.,,,.,,,r, tl'P. 11.C.1 u:<.P.r . tl'OS"' tP.,rr s. H y,)u dP.C.1CIP. to P.~P.1llpl ;")Q(too,, M i'll\)' .."'c,::.d, f.llP.ll~.P.fP.IP.~SP.all C:711<'.t" se,;regabl: parts. If you.,. It-he d an.r .-ecord er c-ort,con cfa r:cc.d. please specifo.. 'oh1ch statu:o,..r cl~imt'rt fc.;o ,;~ct- withhJlcJim : P L',o'S-L " ~,;.:p.:,ov:l.ly ~t;ot,;.: .,01.-r .r:t1~c.:n~ "-:,r oot in..,i.;,lrino1 L"ll;r;op:ic.;"I~ -O"-" yon., ,:i,., r .. lioir-, ,1~ It. .. A1'. ,1111w~, lo re-1..,.,.._ .. llo<' .<'co,,-o,1.. ,t i1ot1;.,ro,1I 1m. Pl...1,,.. ,:,-.~1oib,-. ..,1d1 ... ,., 11,I witlll'P.1d, ir'CI.JCI,,git:<. elate a,1d ~,;-P.- P..g., a.....,o,._,1tot P.l.;ct,.,) 1\1~ ,n ,:,,nc:, y ,)o" nu.....,b2,. ,)t i,:iapP.( i,:i~ge~. ~ee wa,~ .er ltequest Jf tne, .e a-e -cny searcn , .e.~1eo,1,or di..pl caucn fee~ g.eater tna, '..I.L~. in"c-rm m: be' >"-" 'iOl- fill :he: "-"Ql-L'~t 6l-t fi.st t:-ll'.J';to n:in o;i,:kr m.,. .r:cuc..~t~ fr;. fr:<: r,;_-rt1.-ctior ,rn,:; ft-r: ..-.;fr.ot'r. ir. 11;0,r,,-, lio,r. will, 'Ji; ,. ~ .. w,.' r,,-...-o,':_:,1ll1.-ri.,\Io.md ,m .. ,11.11ro,,1 ' o r,,,,.~ Tt . i., ..-,: ,,,-.,l i., 1,.. i .,\I 01~,P.(C,)1HrrP.1.co~Ii,:iu,.uc:~P.. .,,,ce New~ ir'tP.nd~ I,) l)(Odu<.P. Or'P. O( ,n ~i,.2 o.-ig111a i,,.,e~fignt vP. fP.1~0,"tf. based on analys s c1 th-:, req ...es:ed 1n~ormat1or. ','1Ce News re,::iuests a ,~.a1v-.!rof all dupl,-::at1or fees for t~i~ H;o;;u,;.:~t;1~ pt"rm ttl'li .m-:.1t"rtot o An Th,;.: rti-_;co~.lrl'~ ..-.lo rl'(I.Jt'St i_.n,:)Lortl-l' Frl't'dom ')f : -,r,11rr1.,lio 11Ad fi' ,,,,.,.i1y o.,-r ., .. 11,.. f)1tbli,. ir,1.. ,,-.~I ,1.>111111 l .-,n., 11;.-,m.-rd,11 ir,'.t'r ..,.I. r-xr..,I 1.. :J Po"OC.!:!S~.i,,,;; RP.quP.:<.t.., CP.t~cP.; /l l".O,npP.I i,1.g 11<':P.CI to c:t:it~ i,l 11\,s 1>,tor,nat, ~J1\a; q ..;.-.kly ~s f~OS~il~IP.1>, orde- to sho"r1 :he Ame near people tre t,;pe cof wo,"k, mee:1rgs an,: other act v1t1es tre secr-.!tarr os p.:,.ticip.:,:ir-lJ in or tl-toir bt oh.:,11 ]I 'iOL- h.JYL' ,"'i tll'l' "Sti.;;, n";; ;ob' >lot ,,n.,- toto~otor:, ( ,,) 6r:n C,or ~.;;,n, Chi,;' .;;,I St.:," Shloil;, C~rt't'n"-.i.;,od, C-t'Plot.r (.hit,f ofSt~ff l"),-,111,,l"',,1o, .. , o ..ri111y o,; ..r o,t Sl.1H tlurOlt'I K11n, .. .,,,.~ :,11. .. , 111 : lili1,1 .1ro1J11i111,.. ,, :,r s:s o,1,1/t io, 11,.. Gftir.2 of t~,e SP.o.P.ta,.~. Of Lv11>,P.Patto,,. Reg 011a1/\d.....,if' is:,.nt-)1 .. RP.goo,, (I n.-a (l~; F,.2a r.- .. ,1,r 1:1 an~. pe -s on act1n,; or tie,a lf of ~r-:,d I rum:. J:L, C.r any employee, ,.eprese,tat, ... e, C' a9ert cf :..:C.ll,-.!n ,,r tortri,;s for St'r (.,,r~cn, (1-it"f cf St ,,ff Sl-l'il~ G11:-r..'n't1-voll,[J-r..'l)l-t) Chir:f -vi :-,t,:: r-. ,,tior-,,1 2 Al cv L'n-:,1 :,1,.,o1 ::,.. .,.,,., ;:i.,,,,., o .. ,, .,ly f],ie-111[ s1., 11 ll,.111.. r l.. ro,:,11 ,1:I 11g ,m :, .. t. .1lr ,:o o. .. ,: T.l.1111! :11, o:r ,1.1v .. .-1p 11v<'.-. r ..,, ....... o. l,1'.i..o,-. rn ;i,g2 11t ot ColliP.(!, lr't@1r'illt1011al. Fe:. l".illl e~,e1a,.!!1\t1.1P.S ~.-P.ntP.CIll Odl ~Jflk c:. f.im lnr i,:i,c:9,.r1,n;, ti\@ dc-::u~,erts srou d t-e p .c.::uced 1n ..~,en.o .. fo,.m :o ,'"le. ude al 1n-..1tees. an .~ nc:es, ard a 1 ,,n,,,.hrrton:~ . Pl,:i.ls,: do ri.;,t imit .,.011r ~,;,:-,,re~tr; J11tlook ,;,;,1kntl,1r~-w1: .1:-:;u-r..-~tt~t. p. c,:;u.;;tio n ;,:,F ;,ny ..r. l oi .. o,.Jt'II 1111,.-. ,..,,..,1, l.-.oii o...,-,..,.-:J l o l r,11ok m ,,., ..rn:,1r-11,1;, .. , 111,.J,-1lr :)11i(.,w l ,.. ll,.-r 1:11\l :>.o..rr1111 ,.o,n.....,u>,ir.nt o,,~ cc:~i,.cif'ntoc 1,c:.1,ft'P.~,:, i,,.::i-.-a ...nlf. nll ,)ca:e tl\P. ,. 7irre o.- ng<'-,Kv u .. ~ ,,e~~. 1 . in. .. olv ng t!ien ca rsor, c.:h ef of ::.:taff sh-:1la .::..-eenwcod, De:iut.,. c.:r 1ef a~ ":i:aff Dea'"la Bass, Ue po..ty ocrtot.1rot, (.hi,;.:f of Sti.lfl I ll-ntLor Kurtr , .J"l'r' c:h,;,:-r ;:,ol tk ,,1 ~p~oirt,:t'~ er S(S ~t.lff' ir tl-t" Offiuo of th,; S-r.. 111I .r11r.. P,1'.1011,~f"!_lio 11,1 ll,1lrroinio.lr.,lo : ., ~f"!_li:>1111 r,-l,1\ ir1c1l o It . .. ,1r11oli1 ,1'.i1;., 11t,.,.,.,. <'ll1i,,_ o-1.-,l.11,-, o:t-: i,~,. ,. 7/1.!/2017 17-FI-HQ- (.i.;,m;:,11;~ Amr:.i.;,:,,r C-ootor~il")~t rt'CJ\li;';t'; th ,1t lllJD ;:,ri.;,1:hict't~to fol owhq ..-.ithir t'f!-r..'nt'i b.-1~m;~ ~ ,:;,,.,";: 1. All t'm,,il,. .,.- .,I :>r . .-, . .. ivt'il :,y ,1.,y r,11li'.i,..1I ,1;1poi r1'.t'<' o r s:s .,~,.,rtiu I., .. Otti: t' 1: I 1t,,- :,,., ..-~"'Y: ~t,,GttiC.!:! ot t~,e oe, ~utv seu,:,1a.y, tt'P. Coni,.P. or P11l:iic. J\"t~,.-~.1112 Gttic..=:ot CO!'QfP.f.~o,)11an,,r.: :'"lter,;over,m-:,nta l Re at ons, er the :Jf" ce c-t Hel.:: l-'cl1c.~.an-:! M.;;na9en.en: 1rcluCI ng tre phrase yfrc.:toU;,:,m cf [rlormvticn Ar... or tot. o,,-vr-:_ 1 hFO]ti. .o 2, t,,11cth-r..or ,;,;orrmi_.ni,;,; ,,tiors invc o;irlJ ,:iny voti:it .,,I .1111J 11i.,1.-.. ,,r srs ...1.111iro ~h.- n111,.. ,,r l.w s ..n .. 1,1ry_ I.,,.. om: .. o:I '.t,,- l1e-1n.li S.-0, ..1.-,ry, 11,.. :1o1," :>I Put:ilo<. Attn,.f,, t.,P. Ott , ~P.c:o :-_._) 11g.-<':~f.iOr"nla ~,CI [rte,go~.e,rment~I RP.l~t ,~,ilf,, thP. Ott, <.P. ct :ll<': G.;l\e . a reg..r.::1rg Huo.s pellc.,es cor practices for counsel, C' the...., ... ce cof ~1e1.::1-'c 1cr an,: Mana,;e,,.en: prot.to~ sirlJ t=O lA rtoq..1tosts or protllocin, : cJ,>c1,mr:ot o;t ir rc.:svon';tt' to FO]ti. l"(."t"JI.L'~:s.Tl-is .,:-:;u,::st ,1li:,i,,. reoy,1.rli11s rt-vi.-w ,ot .. xio, lir .y r~11li:i<'... llr p.,1, .I I .. ,; ...~ Wt-II ,1', <"IOH'llll.Oli:,1lillr"', indl . 11.... I :>11orro1,r-i1 oStioq l,),)li<.iP.f. o,. l,)flld1<.P.f. ntte,.long 1'<'.ga.di,q ndopfic:o or r'P.w ,~olo~ie:<.Of p.a <.t ce; Of ot ,.1,a~,g,:,~ to P.J< GH::: -10 ...~,ng Pn,.trP.t"~. MP.l,~f.n H,i,:ic:it, rlll:'.I WTVR dig,tal cc:pie; ot all I Co,n;")I@~ Ef.~@~ \'.i11a9e, PK M~11a9P.r"l"P.11:, between the fclloomng emails wnt:e.-- le -end from DJ La...c.,-, Gr-.!g P-:,arlm-cn , Jene: McUa,n-Oarkh-.!ad rt-:i:l o"S. ;,, n..1,1ry 19 .:,-,cJ F,i:bru~r.,- 2 Avril 1'."I,,.-rt M;,y 3, 20171-b o; 25 ,,.-rt J1,,n,i: 9th ti.1Jr:,,:yl,.ffici,,ls Rn ..-,,,, Sh~uf' ,'\ti (P.(.Oi"Clf,t1";)1H thP. oB[ t, P.or Jc:h1\ '-H.:::~m,l, i'l (A) Olt,,wP.(~ nl l".i~.o ,. gt-If. lP.il:'.IP.(if' Hanc.{1Ck C{/1\\f~i'lll~. i:.eorg,,;; in :he IY&(;.'sand lY / (;.'s Me:'.lia Rn ..-.-it;-k y . M, ~IHP.I RP.q.JP.f.ta c-:o,~vot P.~Ct' P.oH~il f.i,l~P. Mn,.,r l o .iO L7 ll tl\P. 0P.;")I {11 HC:.JS,,g n,1:'.1U1l} i'l1l ::ie~P.IC:f)1n2,,t. I C01ll;")IP.~ s~ec.1f1,:aII)' o~.1t'"llf' It- e uft1ce oi the J\Ss stan: :seen: tar)' ~or Cong re ss1or al a nCI Lr te .go. ..e.r me'"ltal RLolvtic-,~ (OCR) iJnd tt-Lo Offit"l' oflntt"r110oot"rnmt"rt.:, Rd.:1:ic-,~ (C[h) .:,oc.1:he: Cffic-r..' of(or1Jrtossi,>nvl 1 I ., .. ,.,. w1;.rlo.; ,1.,1,,.,,.,, .-,11~11.-r,,li ; t, 11wt. .-,r,I hmnl,,.,,.li r huH111;11,.,1,ry R... 1,.,~i,:.,.., lt ..-,1 : m .l ,1 .,,. .-,r,.,-11 Cla>,g,:,,-.)uf, eg~i,nania ~ egot,stic.~1 irr,na:u . e 11\ta>,t 1IP.,ns~1\P. t"1P.;u,) 1\f.il:IIP.la .Jghif'Qf,IC: ~k I.J1\~t,c-: m,;ogvn, st na.c1so1sm rarc,ss st na -c 1ss1st,c oi:-pcrtur1st SC.CoO pa:h soc1opath1c urbe~,tting U'"ICIgr 1f1e,: lorh i nq ,;,:rt ..._.1111oo r .ou l)v .ii.ln .,,h,,cl:. (JR L"mplcyl't.s . [riki.l L. Mc.i t~l"I.J r..omini-:_,u,;,:-Mct:.oy Aic, , R.11il.isu,-, Ki ..1 Rh\o11.. .~m , A. ..'.h,, 1"'..11o01, .. II S'.,-...-e-11~ l..1rl .. . Ol.R f111phr(.- ..',: &<-r.i...,il f1..Jlt1110 ... .-,io... Big.;low R,crn,.i::1 Rett,a.t t El 1at:iP.tl1 ::ic:ng~ila~ rrn,.P. .,- ou~ ..1 Lc:unl,ce =u,a. o\' iil;or K;i,,.P.1\PP.ll'n,n StnrlP.y co,1,;; ,.e~~ic:nnl ,'( .- te, Ag P.,ic-:-,- Ci.C:.71h. Ekr1t,:,f1\a : a~k t,c:m FC-1,'\ to.- nll 2,na,1~ :<.P.r"tl ~v 1~,P.1~P.Of ~IP.l ~P.lc:,~ fc: <11\y ~ad.-,:,sf. llP.7wP.<' .1\ Janu~.-~ 2Co. 2:)J 7 I Co,n;")IP.~ and M-cr-::h .i.."1..i..Ul/. tor tl"'es-: HIJU :iec:ile;: : Ms. ::.:rela :..;,.ee'"IWCC.d , Mr. C.:ra1guen.menso:n, '-'IS. Tc,1,;rn .;:I,, 6roc~L.~. Mr ~tr:. (c-,~:,,rtinto , M~. ti.it.I~ Roc.loi<;u-r..';:,~n,:J Ms ) ,,rl't Ge Irick, : ~I~.;;,rL'tll.l'~t ,,II ..m.,il,. ,... .,I 111,1.,y ,1c'.1lrr'o;o. :,y Mo o. l.,11<'~C:.111,ic., Mo . . P.11 lt11h.-,r1o"1111:r<',Mr <.r,1icJ<.l<'..,rr1f"11Mm, Mr David Ea,;;1P. ;. anCI '-'11 .. :,1121,;iGi"P.P.f'wOC:<: b!:!lw!!P.1\ /1.pfil r,.f,t tll(Oo.gr :uf'P. 2 :'i, 2 17 ~DlltP. Rllr"ge -~,,. ,'\ge~,c.r C:ftic.,nlf. [...r.:r--;_ Ai..stin 01560 7,'11,'2 o 17 17 Fl HQ H,pol I. MP.I~f.n 01554 7,'1:1,12o 17 l 1.11ci.12 o 11 17 Fl HQ 01553 1"11 Fl HQ 01.527 HUD-17-0235-C-001394 7/7;2(ol7 17 Fl HQ 01.525 Am,;.i,;,;,,r C-ootor~i1Jl-t o Page 8 I C01ll;")IP.~ :1,9e~,c.1 C:ttic.,nlf. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 lil.-''1.011 17-H-HQ- (.:i-e,;o.-,Al15C'"I Prof-'i..tilca Pursua"lt to f-UJA,~ u.s .t:. !:, ~'.Ji. et sec., th": ro11 c-w1"g Reco(a;; a1.e reret:~. r-=q...es:ea 1rr~ugn me Me-::11a A li~t l,)f ,,1 T o1iittlor Lo~oi.nt~ l:;lo,.l;.tod boo t:l'\1 1:J1:1 o'i (11,.- , :" i,i~l T ,\.il:.-r 11,.11: 1ml , ,r tl,.- ::,.-;Mrl 111.-r.I 1:o .l 11L. .,i11y IJr t ,~,, D.-...,-h1f!111r11I). Tt .i., i,1.~1........ .=itiOI" ca-, ea:<. il )' llf! ac( .f!EP.d, wre,1 log ,;;ed i1) ~~ itt.l).Jd':OV, lly ~0 1',g to cl.;i~to ,:I .,; '; tJ;,)" Sl' ch.otr; rrrin ,i.lti,)n i,; ~-i:nt t,:: ;;:-1.'(]l-l'~~tor: 01521 G) htt~s:,'ft,,.1tte'.con..-.se:t ~,,ii ngs,:~ locked an~ pn, t ng out o,. s:av,r g the re;;ult, ng 11st . o A 11st of a I 1v,11te, ,,c-:.:01,,nt~t; lo(.l;.to,:Jb.,. ;:)'IS1:-:.: r lot ~r"!,'(.Lor~,:;n (tht o cf'i ci~ I T,1,it~tor ,,(.cc. mt of s,:;,:ret~ry of ll 0w:-inq ,,rct IJ,t,,.,, (),- ..o.-l11r1111.-11Ii'1.-11j,1.., ir. !;. C":,uo.:>11_.S. . ) . Tho. i11t1:. rr o,1I "" ,.,.,,. ,-,1~i1.~ 1,,- ,.,.,.-,.~,.,I, wt,.-11 l<>!J f:1"'1 ill ~s ott.SP.l".l "~t a .y ::-..a 1":'.0r', ll~ g<:1119t<: ~,t:p ~ :fi t.~ it7P.(.l".Olll/ iP.t/ 1' ,gMll hKkP.d a 1\(1 f.l(ir"II ' ,g ~iut o,. sa ~i11,;; :::c C ' ,.ece1-..edt-v,(:h<..d90.: (thec-ffic.al 1w1tter tt-eres.1ltm9l,st. Al,stc-fall.::1,.ecl n.e ss:agessert ,,c.;:oi...nt i.;,ftht. Oq: ,,,rtrrt.n~ of Hi.;,u~i.-., v,tl ~rbv n r otovr; li.;,pot .r t) Ct.qinrinc: ), , r 20, 2017 Th~ l11 t l1.- .-,,-~o,<1Jt'~ l,1 :) 1,r ir1':)1..Mli1w 1,1.1 ,-,1-..il',' 11.-,1,, .,-o,o;,-d, wt . ,-u h1y,;;,-d ir1 f.' , f(-h.J1lc_;1r.o,Ir~ ;_i11i.11,1 tt'P.1 ,) 1,)L~r1,.rlllC l,).1',t 119 Ou7 P.a<.11""\f!f.~a,;;P. f!~Cl"rl 1l,;;P.. -\ lif.t c:t all (li1"f!(.7 ,n;,~f.rlQ,\~ f.P.1170( 1"f!(-<'.i~.f!,C D)' ~-~ecretar~ .c arsc-. (t'"le cff c,a1 1w1tte,. acccun: of !,:e~ret-:r~ . of Hc-usm9 ard ur:ia r ueve1-:ipn.en: Btonj ;.,mi-. S (.:;n.l)n. S r .! T, i,. in', ) ro ,,tior c.;n to.:,:;il.,- b1: ~C("LY;tod. wl- ton l)fl ;lt'd in ii~ ti&S.-,r ..t ...,yC-:,1to,<>1 1_. :,y g11it. !Jll1 lr, .. ,, .... , .....g .. -, , ...t , ,m 1t,,- l , : 1,t1t.l f.l lrl 11ri1.li,11,1 :>11l.....,-1,rr- .. o,o;,1g.. f!lo.(.ha',g~. A l P.le<.t.<:',il". ,11aIIE!)l,ef., e(r"rlil ac( .Ou',t~ .=.ir-da<:d,e;s~s . lllf.ta',t mef.Sa~e a<.eDur"ff. ;11,:1 o f Hc11s,ng and Urban oe~.elcpm.,;,nt add r esses, ard aliases e ssoc.,at.,;,d 'n tr each c1:he Uepa'tment W ~~n,:) or rt' c,;io,"t' vov ,:ltoctrl)n c ("l)mmu,ic,1til)n r1:ILot<:-rlW ,,r- o1 m;.,ttt or l)f t"ll' pc lit CV .-J:l;:,ointt'l'~ U~<.!"rl ,I i 1111,,,1.. , b111 111 :~ 1,.- lirro il ,.,1 tu: ll,1""1t' _.,-11,rl11.~,. .. j11b ll.!Jr'"" .....R,,-~111:.1o.io... , .. ,-.. .,b o.1.1111 i.=.itP. CIe:IP.c .t roric. m.=.i,lli <:~es, P.111aila ~,.~,urtr. no1:1.=.iddrP.r.se;, t,: 1e. P.111:") l<:~P.P.CIP.Jla,1,11;,,1t,.=.irCIall .=..tt, msta ntmessage-:cc ount;ar da.:Clrei!r-5 , -:ndal,ases. lh,;cc -ve.-sbotha ct,veand na-::t,ven.a1 lbo),(.,;,5 , .17, wl-t.t hlor ptibliclo,- f,,t .inq or n.;:,t, ,,c.;:oi...nts, ~rltln:.ossto~ ~n,:J ,,li<.1~ o: ~ ir to,,:istt ont .t. or i.;,r ,,n.i..or J ~n 20, 2".: ,-1,1 0 o.-..,r,..i ,-,. 1,11 (t' g ., wt,~lt.,-r 11r11-.oi11.-,: II'/ I t . .. 1,1 :)'it'(tllllt'l"I ~r' .!_,I.,, ,,.,--, ..,n-,1g,-r,:y.,;; 1r.o) :)I .--1,-, .Mt, 111:1 .lu<:ef,. ll.1t ,s r-nt i,11,te:1 t,) ,na lb,))l.ef oo JPY .cc:u,1:s . ;:i,::J,c,.es:=.ef. ru1:1.=.ihJPY.;s ,1a""\e,tt-.=..c: 1. c.~"11; . Tl1 s alsc: 111<" 11 s te.: 1r vo<..r ~ercy .s c'"lh'"le s ta"" -::11,.ectc ' y . All :ma,1 m:ssag:s se n: tc- or fr~m ,nto, .mat,c -n t1:,:,:hnol o)'J>' (IT; l)r si oil ~r ;:,tor~.;:,nrl'I i, wl-ic, ,, fr:c tor ,,I <;o.oo<:-r-im<:-nll'm;:,lc-:,,l't' ho ~ . r:-t;U<.!"Sltotl~h<.: ,,.,,.,~i, :., 111 ,.,., ,1l'.,-1r1,,I .- .-1,-,.lrm .i, 111,1ill11:x,.,.,.,.ii ,., ,.1111111 ,.,1rl/111 ,.,L:J,.,.,. ,, i11o,l,1r.I .,..,., .,,.,g., ,1,.11:unl I a :")l,),)i1 1: ee. ft' is ~o...~.-; e(r"Ail.; S~1\t 0,1 ~ tie I Jan. 2 C. :.i:O L7 . rill :1i O( ,'Jdd(ef.S . ,)f ~ lia; tO( ,'J,~ob7i<".A -I r--,,i1,,.,. ..,. ~!,. 7/ ~/2".:.li Put2itor,Korr;.ii:t Pur,;11v-it to th,; ;:-tt:t'rlcm of ln' .;:,rm,1tior Acl . J wm..h:! Iii": to h~;:,l'ct th1: ' .;:,llc..-.inc: p..ib ic "! <.:orch ; A;>ril 1 /C:-17 ,1ml ,-,.1li111,1 I }' '""" P,1'.l<>1 1' o; l11ll o.d1.-1t, . I,- 1:o m,-.- : ir.!J~ Im I t .,- I 111.-1,,., i, :,: o.'.,1rli11g 1111 <>11 :ur-e 3 :) 2:)J ,, ,nc.ludi 11,;;t~,e r-n,11,:,;=. <:t ~11,~eOf~le F'~tto,, met witll du (ir"g rna: l,)~1.1od. TrP. Jl.11.p<::=.ec t :o !,:e-::. Cars.on and tr1s recuest 1s :o f1.r:her th: p<..DIc.s unC1:rstanC11n9 of .,...,on. a ke.~ ae1.~1s-or ,,,:Jmir-i~tr;,to r .;:, 1I IIJ[J ~~')i, , n 11 i.;,ftt1rn', tc ,,, r po l c.1o ;.,('I... c,: ~n,:) tl-t o ir-n,;1 .vo, r t rt"no n: l"IT"Loil-; ~<:-nt lr<)m .:,,ti :h<:- 7,::-mc o;t .1:,:,:t .r-t 1:0,, i s rt.noi ..oo;:rl t-.,- ,,I t'm,1il ,1("1() 11t"I~ .. ~ ..111,.,.S.- : , ..1u ...-r.... , ..1:11r11111ftid,1l l1L.o.i ., ..~oo. T11io, , .. 1,11.-o;I 11d11:1 .. ~ ...11.1lt,111,m,-11lo, l ll o. fu . tl 11?. .. [ a~k t11a: t~,ef.f! Cl~1c1..,111?. ~,t:o.ll.; ~e' ,t to rrP. ir ;rn~ d,,;;itn l tc:. rrnt :=.ir wll ct' tt"P.-,. t l"o~!! P.111ailf -,erts of l:::lYti, !,:e-::t,on ~- ,~ a dccumert e;i11sts ,n ex,st. Urde ' the :e.- ms of the ::::-1-UJA;,men CJ A')r:,ey r::-ffici,, 1,. ;1,r- Lo )0. 2017 FOlA rtoi1..it''St Thi-; FOJA rt'llt-l o~ t i,; ll)r ALL r:toctrl)nic 1:m,,il cc omt 1ni cv~ic n~ ~nd l f..l)m;:,k~ ,1ll,1,oln1. .. 11'.., ' o,:oo, I o,., ]T :).-; M rl ..,.,1. 1 tl1,1'. ,,. ., ,.r ..-: J Ap .i t\1, ] .)I f, l .,t1111:.1h',1,1o~ 1 1, /C:.171 1.-'.wr.-11 tlo.,\sf.et "1.=.ir-r1g~111ent, tOll,) wir"Q 10CIvidua s i.steCI bel, ) w : J. B.-.;,1dr1 J. B,own, Di,ed<:. Mulfita""\ih Balt ,mc -re Sat.,;,11,:e c"'f,ce ,~.,t.-,: Ler a t-aiT ah, Se n,o r J,cco unt ::x ecu:r.,.,;,, M ,do,,.,;,st l(eg,on , U,2t,.o,: Fitol,:J Pol Ci' "1,,.- ,,qtom1:nt, l':ll' .oot' l,1rrl t1UO offino S,, t <.ollitt' cf'ic1: ~,,mt 'I,, ( A~ob)', Fi,: r1Offino Oirl'ctcr, 1o;1,-r. Z..1n11111I fx.-n o'.i.,o,- l1rt.11d, C-:h,-r . "lid".,-~I R.--;)1:11C":1 .--.,,-l,1.,i l o1lH) Ott i:,- Jii,,rr,;,.11tn S , 111 Ttoma s . S;,,1,~,,. i, ~,.~,urt E !'C P.,..uti~ .e, M, :1we;1 -!!!Q1< ) 11Cle:vP.la,1C1HUD o..,ce Plly llif. M,7c.~,e11, SP.r"ior liccount ::xecu:1ve , M do,iest l{ eg on c e.:e an.:: HML) tJff1c.e Ma ' y B. scrwegle,. , HeadQ<..arters o~. Fin<.1 nt .i,,I Tr,,n ~,ot.tio) n M,,n ..,.,,; , , O"icr: v f ~ffi.;,rrlvblr; llo<..sinr1 Tr,,ns,ot .ti v n Oi ..o ~i,, n ALL t.l,;.;:trcnit. tom<.1il 11: mm.m 1,1~i,:11o.~h.111:: 1 urr.-11 t i .. 1,..-,-,., . 11.,- 1111.-o.,1..1,- 1:o A1Jril C:.1_./ nl~ ltm :u y., M,1y :11, ]017 lie:we.;, 1 tile .{ill<:,~i,1.,; ir"Cl1 \oiCl.1.=.il~ : 2 . :udit~, 6,.v.=..r-t Pa,.~e,.. ILC.<. 01.1lt E.o12c1.t "o e 61.ru1c.11::~,ie.. Br1lt i1ll,) 1"2 satellite c t", ce vi1t'"I: .::era 1-a,..-ah, sen ,or Acco u'"lt txe ~ut1-..e, oe t'c ,t !,:atel 1te office 11ame1c t . A;hto.r, Fid e Offi,.lo Ci r loC,:or. Fidtl ~l)li,:,:y M,m~'),:mtort, C Low : ,m ~i HU[:- l)ffi("l' )o l-n S(.hi..stlor. A,:,,:ot-nt r~ .. , , .Ii-..... r ....... d , C.,i .-', Mi:Jw ..-..1 ~~!JiOII c:1.. ..... 1.,,,,1 1111n{)" 1., l 111r1.i,-Tl11:.o1,1~. s ..,.;,,. A, ("!IL.Ill HUD Cotti(.e Pr vii S Mit<.11.;11 E.o:ddnoe, M id.1,es7 Regior- c1e-.-.;1.=.ir-d . S<':1\1, ) 1" 1\<.e,)ur't El'Ce(.uti~.e, M1<:we:=.t Reg on C e.: e and HL'l) r:f f1c.e Ma 'y B. scrweg le,., Headq<..arte rs o~. ~m-:nc1al lran;ac t,-::,n Man -:ger, f) ffict ' of Affo rtl <1blto I lc..i~in11 Tr,,r-sv J.:t l)n Divi~il)n ;,lto.JSl" ',t'n -:.1 t,i,. rt ' l] t. to~t tv m ,: [w:lo,-n B1c.-.n o. ,, A')r:,ey r::-ff ici, , 1,; S ct,,ft or, Mlot~h(.!"W RL"tl-'l''St VJ.:Ct' ~'> tc ;.,n,:J ccpi1;'_; ofth ,: 1,1~~ t,irty t~ljL .t'' ,'. A')r:,ey f) ffici,, 1,. Rl)n'f. Alr: Vioncl'r Tt-i~ ~ ,J .1;-t;Ut'~t f l)r tl-t o fol l)Wi.r 1 .r:,:,:ortl- ;; 1. [ .,o;.,lu;.,tivn,;. rlocvmrren ;.l,,tior s, <1ncJ proqr t ' S'SN: Pc .ts lr o, 11th.- ~ .. !JL.l,1t 111yRt't 1: rr1o T,1o;li. fo : rct' l o It .,- ,1gt'r1 : y t . .. ,1,I o~!J,1rrlir1~ I "It' rt'pt',11 , o~ 11lt.1r'mt'1.I_. o r 2 C.F .R. 122t"i.~ ,3;<: ;, ,'Jr"d 62 c: _;_R,_ J~2-i!;S :~(g). 2. ,n<:<:it,~.=.itiOr"ot e.o11Sti11,;; .-egula :i<:ns, f}Ll":'.U~llt t<: -1!; tn.a 11s.n.emc-rancla , c,r:sent -:t ,cons, ofi,c1al ccn .espcnClence , a'lCI meet1rgrotes f.-on. tre 1-tegulatc . y Rtoform :J'fc1: ., i;?~')i...l,,t or.1 R.l"fco IT" Tv o_; lt Fc.(. t. m o;:mt.tor s, ~n,:J ,.r1<:-nc1ht ' iotlinq r>::')v.,:Jin(: cv mvl iv,c<: . r -..,-,1.d1 trrnr o r,-t,.1.,1ry ],), )017 11111,,willo ,1.1,I ~~,-1.11 li 1w 11f r x,-,.,I ._.,. Oril.-r 1 :1777 F ,.,.,~,- li..,il y111 S hidtl 7,']/2(]7 17- FI-HQ- Pl)liti (.,,lhr :'; tov.,.h ,,rr;,... 01505 01496 ~~ 7/? /2( 17 17-FI-HQ- 01495 7,']/2".:.]7 17-FI-HQ- Br<)\ \'n. [ ,o(.!"!y r 01493 HUD-17-0235-C-001395 Ci/2912017 17-FI-HQ- NA ,' .......... .... ~ ~ Lom~il,; ~,:, t ;-.y Lv rni: P,,t:or oo~ v f tl-Lo tl ~t,: ')f tt-i~ 01481 (j/2')/20 17 17-FI-HQ - 01475 Page 9 M,; .;1iv )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ti,'l~,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- -I 17-FI-HQ- C:,1o ,,-y, K"'.hl,-,-r. IC. -to ...s,,g Lf'vestn.en:s:hat ll.111.-.k,,1. n.,111:1,-,1o ,'. l.t'dl.f )' 01466 17-FI-HQ- r,.,. fi.'JR.'Jl"ll7 17-FI-HQ- ]7-FI-HQ17-FI-HQ- r-.,,.r-. , A1. o,lir1 ll.111.-.i<.,,, o r,, ...,1o,iyt.I ,I,-, io,irn1 r,o,-rr,m,11111,., dirt'I ~i-.o~o,, :,r :,11li1'( 11\t'rllrt'\,.I 111.,;m yui 1l,.m.,- ~iy.i,-11, "f!11r11..o~1I, :, r Z..11 r,t~,P.rw,:<.P.a<:of~le:1 Ll1 !",P.c:e:~r .r c:a of.r,,1. Tt"is ,e::;iu.;~I i,1~1...cie ; ~,.,.. d(,C<.111ent o'.stnll is~,;,-g . ""IOdit.r, >,g , c1arfy1rg , c-r -e;c.,ne11n,; al"y HML>pc 1cy., le9a1 ~r :iol,c')' ,nterp.-etat on, or p,.act.-:::e , 1~.hether preS-::!nted oo~ ii m,:mor,1r(i1,.m, totttor, 'lloic;,,rcr: ;.ionorrlont, c. in ,"'i oth ,:. fcrlT' Pl,::o;o~t ' pro..o ('1,; t.111rt o-s.pc n~iooto ll.11.~ ~,111 .111:J," .mr.t'r1I., " '"' .-m~il , .mm111ni, ..1I im, ,, 1 IIIJO m~11lim . in:,1 ll1r- r. .1rr,,. y l}.111..- p,.,,1 :m~ tr,11r. :n,l.Jrl('f 20. ~017 :11.c:.1gh JunP. 27 . ~Ol7 . (Datf! ~~1lgP. fO( RP.l'.Ofd 5f!~1.c11. f,,:;m Ql i 2::li2:)J7 T~, ll.lr-rro,1r,\", J,.,,.,1o-r-li.i.- h7-FI-HQ01449 M.- :Ji,, 1r:,,m ;,l.-x ll.y.- '" )' C",lli,i.11"' l'.i.im;)I.- M.- :Ji,, Ub:':.1//:.l(i l/ 1 '.i.111i1t, , c;-,. ':.: N'l n,1il.~ \,-w-. 01452 I'-''"'?" ,.,,..,.. c 1) Ar.y ilrnl.111.- .,1 oo I "Ml o,t-i,w ll,.- ,11111 :.m1 11rr.-c: ...... 1 l.m :Jir.y r ,,,.,-x 'Ji l"'':I" r .. , r,11m o1u::, t~.. 1-,, .. .-r l '.i.im:,l.2(ol2 i'lll:12:)J :=,rlf, WP.I ;is a,1y :10\'.url"P.ll7S tll~t ;.11,:;.,, wll~t tll(";~P. ro_11ds w~,-~ i,lfP.r"df!:1 to(: 2) ,,-, .,. dc:-:::u~,erts frc-m !::ssex \ .'1llage o.,,,e,.s~r ~ ,a rag-:r;; t,at st-ow l"ow they . used ~-:deral furd,ng from IIIJ[l :>l'lWt'1:-. 2012 ,,r('t 201G: 3! t,, CCP'r'cf th'-' C.um;:,li;Jncto, Oi-s.pco;itior ;m ;.t (nforr:,::mr:ot pl.:,-. 01459 f,,']7,1]1"117 1,,,..,.., Ri, llrrl()IIII Tim .. ,.-n ',f!.11:h 01463 fi,'17,'Jfll7 -,1, Tr110111:1,0.-h:,i.- 01465 Me ,;l1a : .,, 0111hy.t. .111-0.il<_;11i11y::'l>r..--.po1u1..,,:., n.-1w.-,-11 1.-o1 r..,1'.11~ ll.1111T,:11r.. ,,1.,..,,, .ot.i'.ti n, .. L"'.lli,~ IC:11111; ,1.-x Gt Tt"P. /\d......,ir"iSt,.;it,)1' w,:11 ll Tile Pll, ;id,:,li>hia P..=:91 (i11al Gttic.~ f,. ~1111J<.1.,-20()~ Tll(Qo_gt" ,,uguf.l 20 I 0 . I c.c-p,-:s cf ncom,ng-an-:l.o ....tgo1rg con'Es~on.::erce, wh,cl" sl"ould ,nc.lude en .a11s, am re~u-:stin,; 1.1ftot o AJmi-.io;tr,1t1.1r with in toto F>hil~(i,:1[11-i ,, b1::w1:c:n k'f B.Jr:o-s. with Toll 3rctht'r-; ]nt . with tho:: C-ffic-:: 1.,1-~ I , ;inr. -~, :to . , :u',lh :,..,':.:"';I :::>r.-1c . ll':l.ll.11doC',11tyi: ''':I r: ... , ... ,r,,,m: .. , -, .. R.. .,. ,m.,I . a:0( Witl"lir" Tt"P. P,tt~Llui'gt" 8P.t.,,P.P.r" : P.tt 6Mt ~J~ Ar"i:I Tnll B,,:;m~,-~ l,K. Witn TnP. orr,<.P. or Tl lo!'!A<:1ll11l1:<.t Reg onal Office t-rom J.11')' .:u:;,~lhrcugh Au,;u;;t :l:UlU. : am ,.equest ng cc:,1e;; of ,,c ,;im,,g -anduutr1 o)i n, : C"')r.,:-;p,)ntllon;,:t., -... hi,;,:h -;h o)l1lc; ir-cl.itlo::-tomt.1il,;, bo:.:t.t,o:.: t.n J,::,ff Bt,rtcs with Toll e,,...)tt-tors ln,;: wi\11 \11.- 0 " ,,. o l It.,- :i.,1.-ii,.io,~r,.lor .1,il.iir. It. ,- Pi'.1-.turyt. R,-y 1111.11 om,.,-rrum 1.JI~ 1, Jflr.-~ , ltn : .Jy.i r,,,.,, fi,'1R.'Jf1l7 n.ent1c, o,. rela:e to t,e Mo...,,g :o \'io,.K a,;reen.en: ~=:.i . ~1t:le, ;ake 01472 fi,'JR.']1"117 Mei:11a b1::1w:.;:n HUD ,,rr:1 th r: C..,kw10 llc,..1~inq A.11thcri:'p' [ rto,:i11,:st :ho:.!"in 1 0rm,,tior br: 1 tirn ishtor:1(liq tv ly, n ,,.-,H : t,,d,1,- pr,,r 1111111,<~ it rl'. ...1 p1:v.1,1 .. . 1 ,..,, ,.-:111~o.liri<_;llf' 1,,.,,,,11 :,In- .. N.,li n 11, ,1 ........ klv Fllli'.i, ...., 1,:;, . !!Ill a pu(1\.'!li f.t. a11d: ~P.f!< tt"P. ir"tr.i,.,na:i,:;n ir" r,fi::IP.. tr, 1\f!.1,srrng.'!?1nP.. a~caus~ :, tt"P. 1'P.q11P.r. d,sS-::!m,--.ate 1t tc :he P'-bl c. and beca .. se :he 1ntr~,at101" rega'CIS the safe:., .. v,elia'e, an,: le,;al '19h:s uf t">t' o1t.n,..or~I p(1b ii:, tl-t. rt.ql ot.-s.t rrt.t.t~ th,: o;t.Jt1.,Wr 1o c.:t.fi-.itior uf ~i, tl-t. p.ib ii: ntt.rto~: ~ Thi.; ''"'ll.t'','. i~ 111:~ rm I Olllrr't'rl i.11 t,~11.-I I ,D..!E~~~~ fitd Th id YC' II fnr YC'llr ti::::,1o1ml ::,rnrn::,t -ott r o tiC'D t'l tti~ l l"ereb,; re v,hc~, 1t ma.~ ccnc-:r'l , P.1rs ...ant to tl" e t-reedom of :nfo .-m ,;t,,;in Act,~ U .S .<.:. 5 n:ci1...t.~: t">t. fcllo.t, nq i:tc,;,:u--.t.rt-s. . [J r:ii1,,1. 1:::m.:itl\1ctic-. of., I t.rr,,ils ~-::nt b.1o <.1n.; '>' tl-to fol 1.1wi-.q I:, It.,- R..,-1,,1 t'm: >h:y"t't'~ 111tllJI), wi~t, 11l11.- :J,<\,- r""<.i" ~11.-:ili~,I b,-h:,\., 11,,,\ 11:.1l,1i11..-o~o~111.,,\Sf.iS7~1'Cf! :Jf!""IOr"St,.at, ~Jll ,~1\}Qr~rr (Of 'R,\O '). :P.1ll11lf!"-. e,,.,0,1 - CiP.r"P.o'ellDP.f~Uty /\s~if.lil',I sec .e:a,..,. , V"f,ce of tl"e secr-:ta ' ')' s--..,.lon f-en-.;-Jenn ,ngs - Ou-:Jg-:t D1t"ectcr . ~ff,ce ,;if ~uClget M,lar f};;:tlin'-' t - C-top.ity t..s-s.i~:,,rt s,:,;,:rtot t.1ry fur Pu:-,li,;,:11,n,-s.in; i ,1r(i '.Jcl11::htor Pror1r~m-s. Mcnit .;, Sh...-pl-tor(i fl r,-1l11r, Pl.hli1 tl1111";ir.yM,m~y.- .. ,.- r. I ""\II On .lp,111,.y Di'a'io;i1:., 1',. ,,r . Pm.r - Oirr-d1: ._. ':,tpi '."I ;,myr,,rro D vi;,ior" (via ,:,,na I Or" :ul~ 1. :1:0I 7. tt"P. 1.P.q.1P.f,lf!. w1C:tP. l~elC.( t,:; ~OCA S1~P.C.1i'lh:<.t lt.)Sf!',U~1.9, tl1at Ii,:, wo ....1e1bea,;reea:ile, asa ,,.a')'tOStfeaml,,ethe recuest(at eastfc o t-1m:o,.ecer .. -:an ,n, t1a lr-:ph.!, I IIJ[l ~ fc,;,:u-;irr:i c-. orlv cot . c' :ho:: ,1ti<>oot. ,:-.,,ii ,,t1~frL"~Sl'-S..- tl'"'lo orlo t-.,,t i~ oo-s.t likl'i'!I tc ;,:ort-,in th1: 1111:-.I,.--.roo11~i._..-:J11ct1rrot'r1'.o, -. ,,.~ti .. , 1ti~11 tllJO 1--~i"':I h: I o.t. 1111~1lup i, .,I.-o: 11<.Ii:' .-,,,, .. ll,,,., 11,. ,P.lllail .:IUA)Ur"t. P1'(1Q(rlrl" Ctli(.~ ,,,oo_lCI',P.e<: t ~J ii:l,:,,1rn.; (";' ,P. c:. :11~ i'lll,WP. r.1ao1,:,,~ t (1 ~,nglP. Od t,:; . p.-ov,d,,g ;;ea-ch ,.esul:s . ) : -ecu-:!st tl"e 1rforma:1cn b-: fu,.n,st-ed -:J1g1tall')'. in sea -cha:,le PU~ ~ormat 1f E!,...-c-,lo~'' : loI ~11Vo~-;il:,lt. [ vm rt.qlot."Stinr1 o>n bt.h~ lf ofTh,: \, ,t ior-, ,, .tio:.:tokli, pc lit CVI n1:,.o~rr,u1~iint. It.,- '"'1 -lt'~I, :. , '"''" j :)11rn,,li~I , ,md: ._.,,.~ It. ,- ir.lm11M'.i1:., ir. 11ril.-. 11111oo~""' ,.,,1,- i'. lo It.,- fl.lb i1, ,m <'. llf!C.~<.Sf!:ll.; i,1.~i,.m~tiOr" ,..;ga,ds tl)f! :i:.;ite:.,-. .,,P.lta.e, i'l1l:1 lf!9rll 11,f;llfS,) t lt"P. g.;,1e . a jldll C. tlH! l'Eq,.,es: meets t'"le sta:u:o, ..1o defll'lt on c-f .m :he P'-bl c 1'"1terest. " l"llS req .. es: 1:s nc: fo, . ocmn.erc,al b,: otofi t ,, , i:t,: 'im:c; ir ti- to ~: ,,tutto b-::t-, .J~O::tt-i~ r1: ;.1u-::st i~ -, ,,,:k by ,, m ._ombtor uf t hto r t'\\'-S. m,;di-, ,1,hc-;to 111ir.1i;MI :>iirf!11.,,- i., : 11...n ,..,~ ,.r, :J ii .,~t'rr1 ,,,.,: .. i .,rmm,,liou r.-1:1...11li.1'=''.ti,- y.- .,.-,,.,1 :,11:, lic o,. .,,.,o,.1 .~. WP.I' ~,-~. ~r"d l~gal .-,gt'tf o. l (J tt'P. P..o:fP.r"Iy,) u , o,t,:,,1d tc: ~Sf,P.E rlr"V C.",rl(g~s . f)lf!aSf! -,om-, . rl"P. t,) d1:<.C ..JS:<. :::c 17-H-HQ- s.:q.,: r.o,,gr SeC.'e:a,..r fcrp.,t:: I ~~:.! e: rt'Ql":St the,o Foll;,)wirlJ di,;,n1m,::nts: ~, : :;:,rotl.it""::ic-. of ,;i I t'IT',, il s H ' "l within thto spr:,i,;ifi1_,i:1 r.J.ot.;: (t,.- lw ,-.-r , 1 i ? .Ji7:)1 "? nnl ll ,.- :J,.lr 11rll,.- r.- :111.-.,l oo 11n1.-11I l1r-li1 ,1l ,1/11li1i, :. 1 m,111.- ,,11.-r ro1:,. B.-a,Kll a:..ke:11"P.Q11f!f.lf!1jL~y Ma,.1,11)',P.L.'lna,,:; J1.f!<.l,)1", Mr.~i,lf I~! 'A'~1.-kGttico:=:ot thP. Dei ~utv /\s;ir.fa',t h,;.r:bv G) ~iJ~iJUI t re wnc-, 1t ma.~ ccnc:r,, P.Jrs...ant ,~ ire u .s. t-reei:Jom c-f:"1fo1.mat1~n Act, ~ u.s.c. ~it:le, ;a1,i:I-0.1t-g01 ' ,g H,:;u~ 11g-FP.C1.;1 .a1 H,)uf,ing corr,n,~s,nn<'.t' <.:orresc-on-:lel'ce :letoneen J:ff ~artcs An.: lc-11B,.othe's :--.c. 'A' ti" rl"e HML> ~rc-m J,.1; . 2UV~ lh,.o,.,gl" ,; 411q11-s.t 2010 [ -,-, rt.q.it.-s.ti-.r1 ;,:opit .-s.of irccmir1J o-,-.t1-, Aot1JC nq cc.rtoo;pcntlo::-nrt., .t,-.it.h -s.hcldtl in,;,:11,.('1 t'm,,il~, t,,-lw,-,-11 1~11 r..... 111:o; wilt, T11ll l'!-ro1t.,-,,, lr1(. w It . It .,- tllJI) L"'.lli1,-o,I o,\,-1I IJt'low [rum lut.~ I, 2GO,:;, 1~,,.ou,;;11,,_,g.,s: :H , 2010. Tl1,:, toll, ) wit'Q c:oo Cf!:<.w,:11 tl HUD s~,01.ld ::OP. ~.P.rlrc.~,P.dto,. ccn .espc--.i::1ence : office of f"leli::I'::iup:ioft end Gpe .a:1cns, Cfflc.-: of 1-"c11c.~ . & Grent ;1dn.1n strat,c-n, u"f,ce s,-,r.,,,.,y HUD-17-0235-C-001396 Page 1D M,- ;Ji,, )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ti:L.-1,',Wll 17-H-HQ- UeDc' a"I snowt1":n De~arcn.en: of Hou51l"'gana Mrtian De...e1op-,el"'IUif1ce c~ :he t::,.:eci..t1~ .e secr":tanat 1.:.~ l 7tt- St r too;t, S',o/, J::.,;;;)m10139 ~o,.~~t-ini;t<>n, )( 20ma, .,. ct' ,c,els al Uif,-:::ecf tho: t:x.;!ci..1,-~e Sec11eta ' 1..:tancl Rep. :Jan-ell :;;sa bo'.~\'/i'.O::n Jv,u~rv J, 20:)0 ,:1n,:j;l ,rl ' 14 , 2017 Ir tt-lo t''o't'nt fl.)rmvl ccnq rr:~~ion~ l lcq~ ~n..' net c1ar~. t:ra"lti-.:>n 01444 G) 111,111 \ 11ir..-,l li.-lw.- .. ,,Orrino11t1l,.tc ~,1d cc ::>ie:>or a 1 ,.ecA)l".:'.i>Mo,. :::c con,;res.s1cna 1,'tf'terAgenq- i"11.-c111i..o~S,-,r.-1,1ri,1'. ,.,,.,1,. ,,..,, 1j .. ,o . :,I r:, m~o"' o'-, 1 '" ' 1.'" :--1,.,,.,,. ,.:-.-e:rreo,~,g <.orr ,nL11,~;iuor-1, t oo, t, .o,n ~,1y {Jtti c. 1:11~. 1:11:1.t ce {J t tre Cl>:ec...t.-~e ~ecreta ' 1<:l and ~ep. Jan .e1 :;;s.c betwe:n Janu<:r~. 1, ..:.u::iu.and ;u ,...e 14, JUI I. Plea;;e ~o:;_,r.,: h ' vr .,:-;p 1 Jn'5-iw: .r:<.:ootl~ rL.o1;_,l"(;lr:~~,,f 11,)rm,:it , rrL.tl llrr, or physic~I c-..,1r,ot. t ,:.i,;t C'S-',\Jhr:. r: po:o;o,i l,le-, fl t' ,11'-t'pro::Jrn. .. , .. ,-,11,I:--t-'I.-: l11:11i,.,1II~o . ir. Pr>r llr Tlr rmm, 11_.\oi,1 <'llMil llr r:o , IM"li, ul,1. 1~o ir utov,d,~,g fll !! i,1t,)1......,;itiOr" 1"!!d<.ce~ t~,f! I i,n,:, o,. f!),.f~f!ll ~f! ,n~-c:lvP.d. ] t yO<.,. {JttiC.!! can,i.)t l"0 1l{J1":l l /; -I p.-efe ' e'"lc.e, Jam 1~.1 11ng tc a!:11:sc ...s:s ire m-,st ccst-:ffec.:1ve an-':I eff ,c1ent -,ea'"lsc-f d<.pl ca:1c'"I. J ag ree tc p,, .,o .,:.-~C:7, , 1;;.lto,:hit:-li,::o ,t o n 1 1.'l"~ fl' G' ~h ~ r t'(lllf'.';t :"U~ is withl"l'l,:J f rt)m rt'l<:Lo~<: ;,n,:; p .c;-.,.itl<:Lin in,:JLol( GI ~ho)~I! ,:;on,rrl'n~~ ,.,., ..-i: 11re-ii l.11,1.. , \1,111 ,;_; !111Y, R:, ...... , .Jfl :'.> tt'e sc-ught-afte r ,nfc -noat,on. :~ I ,s 'r'C.JI" de:e,. m na: 1c'"I that scme c-ort,c -n s. of req.,es.te.: rec.'Jr.:s a: L'"=':op:, plt'ol';to ,:Jis<.:lcsto ,:i,y rto.:i-;or,,b 'i S(.'')rt' ' loobl L. nvn or:xL.m;,t ;,ort o n '; of th,; .,;o;;u(.'~tL"tl .,:..:ortl -; lf re"ljl .t-'','.t-'(l lh :n, ml"'f.I:-- ,111"'11:(",'l(t-'II ill ,1")11l11.-.i.1o.~,1l ,1I llrl or :,..- ... 1,1_.f ll"'l'-l l<'d '.1 11~ofe"ljl.t-'','. l "Ml y,n. u1,:,1:1 ~,:, 1"21P.1"ll"i i; .e<:u!!~l 01' /:lllf f21P.vant flC:otiOr" llt thif. ,.,:,q<.P.~7l {J ll" P. .':lf~l,)fOf~flr!lt,:, i,1:c.t~llatic:n 0( D<.1'Eau. re ne1=, a:sse;s. m.rs.t atu ; fo ,. c.-,py,ng an.: mailing o:es, pl eas.: nc : e tr.a: 1 am ~athenng in';,;,ro,,tior for r,:,:-~,;~r,:,:hp urt:-O~(.'S ol7tl 70t Fur cGom<:r,:,:i,:il ,,i:ti..oiti.i.-~ .!.,:;tliti;,;,n.:,11',' , ;,i i'S-cl;,;,~1.r.i.' of thto in':,r.-,...li1or . .,1:. 1',l., I .,i.,l.,,-p,,t,li, .i 111,-,,-:-,.It, ,., ,,11:--t'il i., ik.-l yl:,1 1:11lri:>111,-:--i',111iri c.,1r. ll'fl1 : ;>11:, li : ur" de. ~.,a ' ,d 1119nt t~,e c:pe, ;it ior" ~ c:. a ~t,vitier. ot trie go ~.e. r-,nent. r rn, 1~ voL ro.- yOL,. <.oc:::>ef;i1 ior" wi t 11 tt'1s recuest. Jf ne ces.sa'y,: ,\.elcome tt'e oc,pc-tur 1t,; tc ,:1s.c...ss. whetrer an,: t,;, what e.>< t e'"lt th,s ,,g "" I' f,/]//]017 17-FI-HQ- I 1w11lr., T.1yh;r P11:,li : C"-:ili~~11o-. C"-:m.!Jo,.~o . ',\i,1l1 t . 1. ;,.1 ,,., ori:o . iil .-., 1 l yir.!J i.,.l o;i,111,1o, t-i,,.,1 :>'p' llo.- o111l,o, i .o',l o"''I l!rh.,11 [) ,--.,,.l11p11,.-.,l ., ,. ,1 ;,iol l ic.,11 nupo, ~,1,:,e i; ,Ke Mr". 2.:J, 1D17. and tre )Ol~ 1,:1e:c. or t h e:o.e 1' ,dwidua 1r:11m;,I.-~ l,,!J<'"")' r,lli, i,11:-- i>. T ll2i>f! , e~or d :c.i>l'IOLld 11Klu.::e w,,~): 01432 tt'os.: h,re.: as 1-'res,de'"lt al Ac-pc ntme 1t;; w,th ~:nate Cc'"lf1,.m.ahc-n l'res,-':le f' t,.al Appo,'"lt-,e,...t:s withll..rt 5(.'n,):t. (()7 fi rm.:, ti 1 Jn ~PAJ: \oroc,:n :(.'r 5(.'ni 1 Jr ["=,;~u~i...(.' SL.r ., in. (N.S): ;_,n,:J Scl"L.tl11I,; C .r..11r ,11ir.lrr ot'r1 1'. : ~-:-.:,. ,. :..-,.,. 1:1o.. r 11"'1~.-ro,:>r olt.n 111::11111.-r. I:-- 11.-o;1 ri: ,i r.!J l.-r111:--11rt-'rro11loym~11l ,1ri:J j,,t, d<.t, ,e~ tc . ,~,d vid u.a ~ d f!i>~1o ill !!d 1', ua ,.agt ilf~ll I , .':il~o~.P. :i. Ar" y 1"f!i>u111,:,1,. <.u. fi<".ul.J1ll vita f!~ {JI " {Jtl"P.1" dc-:::u-,e..-1s. trat =,ro...,.:e acc.c-u..-t:s of t'"le caree, . h storv a..-d e.:u-:::at10..- of t'"le ,nd v1dua s descnt:ed 1'"111'" p,:i.,);Jr;,p-. 1, Llb'J'i t' 4 Arot tlo1c1.-m ,: n ts rLoftorrim; t;,;, tl"Lo t<:roir,1 t l,)n. r,:,:-~i;in.:ti;,;,n c;r c.l1lmir ,,tio n ;,;,F n.-11,1Jn1, 17-FI-HQ- !=..111ilti , L,. .-,;_; N"f f) ,1il.~ \t-'W'- .Jrrle"lll', ft-' l,11.-:J lo 11. 1"'....... ltU:) ln-.p~1 ti11t' ,,r :SI 1.rr.-11 :-.it.~. Rt'II .Jl"'l'-1,1("1 ~-.:--11: 11111, ,:pi.--. ,,r 11111 M.- :Ji,1 So",)llklfll 01426 f,/]0/]017 f,/]0/]017 17-FI-HQ01425 lli1 111II, M,-l o.:-,. ,1 l7-FI-HQ- r1.,1 ol,-,,D WTVR 17 ir,o;11,.,li11,. 1r:11m;,l.- x r:11rn;,li,t1Wt', [)i:--p 1:-.ilirn. ,1r1:J f.,f11r1 e-111.-.,I ;:,1,., , . o.l.lirr oil ~t-'d M,1)' /61t. 1,,pr,,.,.,I ~11 ),1.u11.o )' ;;>CN<;t i,o.e or Dera.,lt ' P,.OJP:l".IOw ', P.r'f, CP.,.t,., ca:;c:~,.. Su ov,:,y .':lr"d ce,ti tio'lt,O ,l .,),......,1~,;it rre 1-1.c:J.;ct ii> ,1 ccmp 1af'ce 1~.1t'"IHML>'s ph.~s,-:::al cof'd1: 1cn s:af"da-ds 1.io;l o 11t.,., and st.ate .and local cod:s !th,;; M.- :Ji,1 wa;; t,;, be be A,,-,.,,,; lo ,1rn: 1 :>11i,.,. , :o , ,,.,,. ,1p;>lic.,o1i111 . o. ,1.,ol ~II ,,-l,11.-,: ,-~ .,ibil-. , ,1'.l .1,t ., 11.-11o; ,1r.1I " l'fl i, .,li:>11 M.- :Ji,1 ,n a:efiali>. ai; w211 a; nr-1lL1:II fP:f~Oftr. tile.: ll~ rre .':lf~uhcant ~i; requ11e:'.I und2n112 loan ;ig.-2e,n21lti>. t~1i' tt'e follow,ng h ea trca-e ~.. ,, 1t.~ p.-01e-:::t. ~-ii\ u:n-i:J::il'J? 1:a n:clo: \ ur:s1m; Cef'ter 1 l(jf. I eaf'ec. ~ Rd .. Tr;;_,n,;..:lr, ~N;l'r C1JU7t)" , NJ A<.:~S'S tll ;_,n,:Jc,:_::,i,;-; ofl 1 >>on ;_,pi::,lin,t IJM~ ,,rtt VI rLolv:l'tl L"-:l"ib t'S, ,1', fl"'ll lli. .- :J ,1ll,11.l11 rot-'11 ~o, ,1111111p;>k ,1li111.111,1'.t'ri,1o,,. ,, ,. w~ll ,1o; ,1r.m.,1I rt'r>ml:-- lit.-,: t1y It. .. ,11,1111,1111 ur"de. tile Oil(" ;ig,P.2.ne~,t :c., re , tile '{,IIC:,~i,l': ll<',r!1IIIKr!1 1"f! t;i ,o.iht .,- 1) 1", ):P.c: FH /1.,:)J l-2 ~0,tf, Ol4l7 Ma'"lh.a1tan.~1eo,1 Nu -:s1n ,; ce..- te . j:J(jU HUdSC 'l A...e .o U '"IIC'"ICi t 't', HUdSC 'l co ...ntv , N; ( U.ale ~.ange fo, (j/20/20 17 17-FI-HQ- BLol(tl'r , Ch .i ~t o>pl"Lor 01415 n 4 cn.~~ t'> ,,n,:; cvpi<:~ c' o,, r ,,p:,li-:.:,,tior~ V7tl ~II rtol;_,t1:,:; t.:,c7il:,it'.>, v:t;_,ct-m1:nt~ ,, rtt vpp i,:-;_,ti;,;, IIM '.t'r i,.Io,_.,1', w~ll ,1o; ,1r.m.,1I ,,..r,url:-- lil.-c: l1v lt.t' ,1rpli1 ,1111t.', l t' [lt1ir.-:J 111111~1 It,~ 111,111 ,1r,rr~t'm~11\o,_. br itt urojP.~I . F-IA a :~J -12:l 'ili' Aon::ioy ca.-,:, CP.11:P.rJ . ,n d ::>P.rg/1.~P... ;,,P. ,.tr t t'P. tol low ,ng hP.a rrca.P. Ml '") a.o [/:?DOE for l'OCCI' " ~'o?fcb. Cii20i2017 17-FI-HQ- BLol(tLor, (;h.i~to >pl"Lor 01413 17-FI-HQ- 01411 t t'e IOI IOw, ng ri ea rrca.e BLol(t Lor. (;h.i~t'>ttl"Lor f:.om IP I 'll , . .,., I Co ")&' "(I' " (I]. 4cn.~~ t'> ,m,:; i:vpi<:~ c;' IJ,,r ,,p:, lk, ,ti or~ ,:i7tl ~II r('l;_,t1:,:; t':,c7it,it-;, v:wct-m1:nt~ ,,rtt vpp i,:-;_,ti;,;,n ,1yr~t'm~11\o, _. l;,r 111,1'.t'ri...lo._..1o, w~ll ,1o; ,1r.ul,,1I , ,.r,ur l :-,.lil.-c: 11'{ lt.t' ,1J' p li1 ,1111t.' , lt'[lll ir.- ;J 1111,l~r l h~ 111,111 l Ci/20/2017 M,; ;,ii,:i .~c, ,I. l.'....n L'"<.: ,:;,;,pi<:~c;' IJ,,r ,1p:,lk,,tior~ V7tl ~II rd;_,t1:,:; t':,c7il;;.it'.> . v:wct-m,:nt~ ,,rtt ,:ipp i,:;_,ti;,;,n 1111,l~r 1t,~ 111,111 ,1yr~..,n~111 111,1'...,i,11o._. .1o. w ~ll ,1o; ,1r.m. ,1I , ,-pur l:-- Iii.-,: l1v lt.,- ,1ppli1 ,1111t. o. '"'l"ir.-:J tre 1011ow, ng riea rrca . e .~c, it,- uroje~t. 'J 1 I u,-,,,t..,_ f"J U ."o~t HUD-17-0235-C-001397 Page 1l _..,.,,..,_,,h,, o.,1, o .-. ,,.-,,,,,._ F-11\ ,v(,:E-22 ,.. .-.t., NI M1;;,1i,:i Royal H.;1:lltl l G.':lte Uur i;,n g !!,. RP.ll~ ll 11it~t1{!1l F-11\ OJS-12:)58 o-~7 Mn, 1a11a.1,kir" NL1o;ir-g 1 1~.=.t" t>, & ;:-....)1lvalef.ce ~,t ::2,1te.- M,;;,1i,:i )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ti,'16,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- ~Ot.Jrg , ':i"la"rin ! di Real t:sta1e 1\ssessment c-:nter 1n~pect1o r r-:::!p crts, auan~ , craoc..Jm-:nts 1.e1-cte~IC. an-~or t"le 'A'asrm~,c-n Pc-st G) L_C..:-'C..: c mpany -I 17-FI-HQ01380 (i . ,.<_; 111,Alio,1:.i : 'K~ '11ddl'3eR1..'e ', _Lt:' . C..:on.pan.ro: "'Kl- \.,.e st.ra'Jod Partrer , LL::.:' \.?.:>mj:-an .~ : '1<,_ ,s W<.!"~two,:; i:; GP, LLG' f'..om;:, ,,ro,-: ")K2 \oo,:-;toir~tl"r, LLC . (, >mt:-,mll . ' W',!'~tmi-i~~l'r 1.1(,1GF>Co>r;;," l.11m;,...,.y ; "1(11-..t,., .. o M.u y l,.o.1IA :-,, o.1:<.i,. '... i-,,,l l \." Po:>p,.oly : "r)urit . ....... o \.lill .-.i,i.-' -1~<:i: t7n; 1:17: 1-, i::; Cll1P.M1 ,ut LN . ~ (1-?1\lC. ' ,CI --IP.1,GBP117;',, CH C:C."'\!)O:ll l y . :JC..l..11e:<. to!:1".,, 11a,;;P. I Cowr'"P.1 . l_ C:; DOfC.~,P.~.t e. v , lngP. 1: t:wns:r _Le.:1-'.-oc-erty: ...>ark \lalle ',' Ac-artn.ents. - ..11:1.1:J tt ::.;H~t:RC~ I LN. c..:,nc,n.--at,. UH :..:omc-an~.. r ,,d , '-Iv It--,. D ,,,n,:o LL(.; p,,.1, '-Iv lt..1. ~l! Url)v , iz.,tiun Ll.C PropL"rt .1o. or,:mt.r.,_o~t A,pvrtm ,;nt~" oo )173 rnm .... ,,1 r:T, L.ir,:in,,.~i _.:111C:rnrop,. .iv : f,.,,, , .,.-..1 Po :op,.1li ..:-. r , w11~r .Lr: Pr11F.. r1.~ .~~11"'1"' .'\pa . t,HIP.',I:<." - 2-1s,i;,WE5T'A':){):) NCRrHERN B\o, Cir"C1',1Ht1, CH C:C."'\jlil1ly . ~.,;,1a7;, P.C::')IP.(tIP. ~ {) .~,,liP.. L_C..: P.c :ie.-r~ : 'l:ieorge:o or1'l .,1111age' - .::,u-1~ u~e, . A...e-iue. 1e:1ei:10 , UH c..: om:ia.--v : Geo, .gs:1cwn v , 1age : O..,.nr:. LL(. ; Go:!ur1J,: to w n \.'il 1;u1o;,.o : I 0o1i--.tor LLC : 0,:JPY , wtuwr \lilli11J< : [I] C l,on'-'r ~LC : G Loor11-:!tc,1..n n ....-n~r rv o ....,, .., 11 ~. Pt :>11.. rl y: "tl,m1 ..r., ~i, l,y,-" - :14nfi G.ihr ...11..., tl,-i,yl,l. ,_.T11l.-,h:, n 11 r:, :.-, p ~,,.~ 'Hl.lltP.I"~ R,:"lg.,; P.-ou.,;.-:..-Ow 1 ,P.( LL::' ,) f "Tol~Clc: Pf,)ue, ti P.~.Cw,1~,. .LC " P(Of~P.,.fy . 'flbl)~y Run" - :ns~ West / . 011 C,) mpL1nv . Tc lLoli' > Pn)P'-' rti r:~ Owrer L~C: Mi r rcpt ort .,.-Cwn l! r I . C: 1=.1 : :)t'rl y: '!;1,r11"( :J,.1,-f:-.1,.~,-:-,, o . :Ofi :id N. Ynm o, To l,-,111,Otl l.mri ;Mr . y : To l,-,111Pr11Ft'rli~ o. (1w 11 ,-o L_C:. s ..,1~,.,-i:1a1e~S7.'ltP.;',=>, .,)ue. t v C.wrP.,. L_C: P, c.pP.rt-,. ' CP.Cl~ ,-,, ooi:i \.-ill~ge. o IJ "l.J o LJ'1J , l:!l6 o lJ~ V 'A'eat""Je,...'a""JeLN, A kron . t:-H c c-,p .:ny . :.:eda"riooCI '.' ,lla,;e Ac-artn.ents L d IJ u wrer LU:; r:t.ll il r.-.uod ~'illillJ' ! .l.;;,,,rtol ort s :11 OwrL"r Lk( f>.cptort.,.- . 'r:uh .,mtno s r ,,rl<" o )')/7 o (;0] 3 6o:ilr Crr;.._,I;_ l"). b, .. , Fl,.d 111II11.. i<.;hooo (')o1 i.111ro1M.\y: r'.1:l11trol1L.', l=,1t< P111p.-r~yOw. , .. , 11 ~. Pr :)ll<'rly : --r.,...oui ,m 'A\ )r>CI :<."- J ~.1 6avJPYia 1 , o,. vP. . Mii:ICll.,;tc:.~.,1 c:c:.-...u~11y . Bav;,rian Wooi:l s Ow 1 ,P.r LL:: P,.~,u e ,tv : "Sk y i,12 c -,p-cny. ':i,vhne P.c :ie.-t~. c-wn-:::!ro .'-'. llpa . tme-its' . - ':.:!V te . ,.ace A~e'lu-:, Ha~l::' C.JC, rie,grts tu' c..: Pn;,pl! r:v: ""L,,k l! o.-ir:..-. Apv.tm, ; -.to;'' - ':11 (. l;Jl;.toooiLow A.ool!ni..to: (; 24 -(, C:h,1rl,-., S:,,-,-1 W.-.,1...-111 ::J, r-.: P.-ou.,;,-:.,-: ..;,tr.11\f,) 1"<'.co ...,-:.. - So:lOC.,;,1te,. n~.enu<: w.,;stwOC.j, N; P,.op.,;.-:.,-: ""Tile '1ni:li S,)11"'- ,:;-g,r;:i,:i sc.o oll1gnor 'A'ay 1-lov -:,r~.ale l'ropertv . a.:e,u e 'A'estw oc.::, N: l'rop-:::!11'r' : .ov, lage o.-- tt"e Green' - "l.:.:!9 C..: - 2'j o1it.l;.orv f>ILoC"'', Ch~t t- L,m N) Ct1IT'p,:iny: "'(t-;,th ,,IT' I lill LLC" 0 r o,:.h.:,!hilm h it .l.p,,rtmt'rt-;o .r:1,...~h.111,tl ill Ao:o.:)I i.,1.. ,;, LI r:' P111r,.. o'.y: ''fi ,:. Jl,'V/lrll AF.-,olroon11 o,. . -)gr:; n,m,t . SI _., 1...:-.lirm .,k l,) 11 Av<:, Fn~11' l'rop-:::!1-:; .: .ooa.-tmoo..tt" v111-cge. - v:, t:.ati:lw,n ~ars1pparv . N; r:um::,,,ro;; "CARTMCUTII '-llLLPoG( LLC ' Prr>p,:rto;; Col.;:,ni ~I ~ltoiri-.t '; - 300 ;:,,, rsipp i.ln.,o ~) P;,r si ;;,p ~n.,oo P11r:-.11 ....11 I ll u, ...... 1.. .... rr .... 11:>1111:Irr-1m11,...1i1:u A,~, ~ IJ.!. . r: . ? c;i::;;,, ...,~ , .. ,.l.t' '.I : 4 0.11r1t .i1 o; r ..1 uo.~1 1r:11111; )l<'X f)f ( C..J1l:".P.l111g 1lle""10f, i~:<, u.,;CIL~v l",P. a,;;P.r'"Cy:<. ir'"Ce Ja,1. .iO. .!Co17. ] " .oi. lCI like to (P.\".P.iv~tre 1noor-,at10.-- 1n : he tol 1ow1.--9 fc on.at. -:l ect.-o.--1c.1 ,s a re::iresentat.-,e c f th-::! ne,~.s n. ei::1,aJ am o n1-,. i-; br:inr1 1"'(!"(1 1.-irLoU :o PLI',' fc1 th ,; ;.lirt ot.t t.l)~t of d11vlk.L1tl)n ilft,;. th ,; fr- ; t 100 Pill]': '; Thio; irll)rm.:,:ic, o.o:ui,i.,I " " t,,-t,.,lr 111l=. 1:;:,11bli,..-., ,. ., il"ll,.;,,.., . ,1,..,1 .111r. o11r11ti:.,,..,..o. o o~ ,.o .i~.,li o 11_. ' o o ,i i:-.o.,. ..,io ..-.1"" ~1111,,. IP.P. ~o. RP.l<':rl ;',~ or tllP. 1flt0(11l~h~i,1 , ~ ir'" 11-"P. uul:Jli(. 11 )tP.l"P. ;',I ge 1 ,P.(nl pu~h <'.. p P.,V.P. wa, vP. a -,..- a ppli (.:1111~ becao..se I .,, II con:nb:ut-:::! s,gn f1,:;;nt l'r' to p.Jb: 1c..Jn.::e,.s:a.--d,-,g cof gc .~ernn.ent oc-erat ons a.--d loC"ti... tit . ~, sp.._ oci l icv ly th r: ;_it.tLormi-i ,,tiO<' uf p0 tr:-it ,,1 <.unfiC:~ 0 f intt'rt' st cf ft. r:fr:rvl L"m::>l c .,.-l"t.s with 1l<'(.i~i1w-11,,.wir-lJ t. i,;,m:;;,,1r-i~o-s. o r pri:it:-lorti.;:~: ( ,::op ;,in ;o . o\o,'r:';tmir-~t lor M,:;1n,,,1lom ,::nt , LL(" C,)mt:-.ony". 'W.- .,l111i1r ,'.r-1 Till:- ll_,,,.,11 i.11:-.,_. IL r:' ' r:11rr.1,,.,.1y : '",'ir-:,,lrr.i11-.l.-r Till.- R.-~11~. L.m11." ::-i )111r ~1tr1~. : 'k",,,.lw.-r M,1 we~t :;;,i'Jl?t('P.fSI Ll C:" c:c .-...,ii~1ly. 'Hea,tl.'l('d Mul:iramih ;\; LLC:" C:C""'il)~1)y. "K t,'l,'J(.pl~1ld,\s~.oc .,r1tes 01406 PruPL.111,,. 'I",,._.,. . ccmme rc1a 1nte.-e:s.t:s.of ottie . rew :s.orga'l1zat on~ . Jf m .~ r-:,qo..est 1:s.de -i1ei:11 r whole c. c-ar1, L as1no; b.,. .,;o .,_ .r(!"nt.t. t<>~VL'C fie l! )(l'IT'ptior s c ' !h i! ti.ct J wil ;11 -;u to:.:;:,tot.t .,o;;,u tu ,-11,,.. ri,y l ,l I , : '- l'f i ,-,.1 r.-1,-,...,,..,. 1 .o~!:lrr,y11t,,.. p :>r'.i, :.\., :)I ,,l .i,-,wi -..,- <'Xrm ;)I .. ,...,..,;,.1 . :, ,,r ,rn ,r.,~. r,-.,~r ...vo ...rcP.1".is,0,1 tow trhc.lCI a ' ,.r ,ntof111~h,)11c.. to ,:i.,;,1ya wn l\oP.,. or tP.e:<. . Ar. : ~,n rrnk,og 111,sfP.que~t ~s aJo ...r'lal st an.:: th is 1noormat10.-- IS of t,mel~ . va l .Je, L or,c ould ac,p,.ec1ate 'r'C1..II" cc ~ ,m.Jn1ca:1.--g .,, tr me bi' !l'l'- opt- l)n'-', r;1thtor t, ,,r b.1o --,,,i, if .t'0 ll 1--LIW;i,;Ul' ~tiors ft''lil r r;ihq !h ~ rt'Q\ll; ';t. : ~.~') ,,~ ~ ti-Lit thi~ :o......,I ... ljL.t''. '. h,- t'XF .. ,1 I<'(! 1111,I,-,1.-.m-.. 11 1 u, ........ ,11:11111rlnl ()f ."M \ i11,. A.1l . r ~p<'co: ~~nr1 b<: ~llc .""L"li ,~.ith ,, n.rtifcvticn of ~t .ompt.llinq ntoL'li," A,~ th ,: ,,.,ir.!:I. :1.Jr r.11b11...1.. f111 A.tl o,l.-.1~o-.- " "'' 1,......~ ,r. . 11....,..oo Ill ,1.-,i:J,- w ., ..u ,.. . lll i,i. ....11 ~~p~ili: .. ,1 IP. >.f~eCIle e u, c:~P.f.~11 ,g .JllCIP.(to,iP.'\ ..0111 :"IP.Ii11,;;112ei::I' :<.Iui.lnt icr" i~ a~ tc: low :<.: WP. MP. f,1P.1P.k111g 9(1P.il7P.( y eesc:s c-art co e1ar1y con trie re~OI.Jt on cof pc:er"1,a1 c.c:nrl cts cf ,nteres: or" tre par: offe.::e, .a1 -:::!ma:,1o ce nt ni..toll <.: tl"o'\!fillJ< : ilnd rd t 'V';to c' tothc~ wvioo tor~ ~n() finilnt.i ,,I ;_li-;cb~1..rc.o~ c --.thto Vilrt c f :h.._, fLoll -:!rill l'""... .o , , ,1,~ b,'9_::.!01/ 17-H-HQ17-H - HQ- llge-i c~ C'fflc.,als ~eao..fort , Ma,.gar-:::!t all ema Is ;e.--t t-v 1-'a: Ho ban Moore CI.Jnn,; the c-enM of Julv l thrcugh Noven.ber JU , 2Ulti . : re-::ius:st l c..:om:i1e;,; oli, tt-,,t !h s inform ~ti v n bLo po cvi ().,_ , ,:1r:ltoC:run cvlly in pr.:f form il t o1,itt- ,,11~pvrr >privtl' IT'Lot~i:lvt ,, inclt1<.IL (0,, 1,. R~,,,y.. r,u R.. n.,,1 :-:;,.,1, : t, r . ,:.. i n1 ; n1 ; , ~111 To 11/ :ir./, r.o16; ll ge-ic~ C'ff1c.,a1s C..:opesd tt"e c..: 0.--9,.e:s.s,o na C..:01T-:::!SC-Oni:lerce og; t'lat are mainta,'l ei:I by -1UP triat l,;;t;; c.ongr-:::!s s 1oral Lon;.1/or w >.otorn--.t'rtV c,:.:.rl'sp c -ill l! nt.L. bl!t.1, l! L"n o11J) v-id U>n<1r(!"so;ior;,1c f'ici~I~ li~tl'd bo;l l)W -,i itt- tt-Lo ......,. .:-. h : ._.. ,. -d, h r1~1.-1111,,.-..i:-. : :>..ri.111 : r l<'l'1.~ ' 1~11' n,.1,;,- ( 1.1V / C:on1-Po,-o,.-11l) G :oo.-,-rn:or Ri1t ..-.r1I ~!'1 111~ll Lu ~;,f, 'l.JklP. - MP.f.~IP. . ( I;],' 2a I ]-f ~t"2SIP.nt) .'."".< ) tl g ,.2~f.1llil 'Ric .o' !", rntt : Li.1,' ~a LJ o ~,.P.~O,tlt; Cn,1,;;.-P. n I hecodc ' e 'I oi:id .' Rc ,1ta ( 1/J .-o:.!VU-p.-e:s.ent;o c..:o r g,.e:s.sn.a n ~rei:1e1"1Ck o.t-rei::I' L'p:o .-- ( l/1 _::.:!VUVill.,_ , ( l / 1/ 2(:o0i":.- ] / 1/2(: ol 5) (.un , Jrto~sw C m ,,r A,nr prto -;;ton:;, 1-1[ St;oto:! SLonilt C o i::.v-.dall "i::.vndv' Rich,,rll .,.w.,yr . .., (I. -1;,,J1 1-p . .. -..... . 1) C:1:.u::r..-..o,,-,11 ftl,111'Ji: ....~ o1...r l.rl<'t ~ 1/ :"l,'Jnl 1-, ,r ~o,.. .\I) .A~I:)tll ...f ,:;,.11..r ..., ;, fll70(1l <'.v GP.11.,;,allunc.th~ ' T,m" fo.oe ( li"7 / .i0 LJ) MOr'"fao;, ;o~o,u~ ' ;o~h"" H~o~.let ( IN ; 2() l 7-u(P.~.P.11f 1,ui:1,tcor Mattt" ew .oMat:o . K05en.::ale ( 1,:2_::.!V1/- p,.e5en: ;o Ser at -or :Jee n Heller ( ~: i,i_:,<.a11 o pres.-::!nt! l,l)n r T o"' GL1m;obd l ,; 12/ 1/ 2(:. I 2111,:-.,-ri~ :. N:) 1-:.. ,u ..o.~11l.-.lio.-,-Ri : kn .., ....... ~ 1/ 1,1J n11 - ,,. .. .... ,,1) ::i11 T . .. ~o.1.r ~o l :,o.t . ,,... .Jc, o.t . ' r-,,..,,1~1 ;',~ .,ll ao LOu1;', ""LOl." Bn,.1P.tta ( 113/ .iO L J- :")l"P.;',~11t ; co, 1,;;1.P.;',~1lla 11GP.c.,gP. ( 1/ I C,'20 I l-1~1..,;;',,P.Ot) :::~11191"-!: r ke.- l l/ .::, .':.:!:,a / - prese.--1:, ~e nator l(afae I 'M, ,eo. Kelly i l :' ;:..':.!:)11-p .ese.--t:, ~e-.ator Rob:e1-: o.c,ot,' C..:o oy,. ,, .. 1~r.. , . 1 .~ .- ?r". l l - nrr.sr o r' 1.ac o rr c som, mlj B 1cb.w1 (11mstnrk fl .1.201 C.. o c1. ., ...,, : . ecu-:,st a,;:,::e ss t o ard cop e5 of al l re,::o ,.,:is of ~e ,::ret-c1v i:,en i.."c:r~or"'s ~c.-iei:1u1s:dn.eet 1n,;s Detween Mv. <.h 2. 1.0 17 ,,r,:1 Ji..n,; 1. 201 "7 Th~ t i--.clloLo,,s L' po c vill -:! n.o~1,lt'; ir d 1:<.:t.c,it. l11r111 o:p ,lr) w It . .-.II,1111,r :,11ri,.1.-rr-,-1,.,1,.1,. i,11h11l,-,I 01365 b,'9 .-':.:!Vl / r,' ~ea ...tol"t , Ma,.gar-:::!t Page 12 ll ge-i,;:.~ C'ffic.,als )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 G) :::c -I ~,'JU,'.Wll 17-H-HQ- 1. ~'( :.!oJU ! - '..11m 1h0n- ~i:-on;o1. , ccng .ess-,al" ;oh n M.Jrtra-t- of a::..: ty 11rcarnf1":h:JR::!v1tah2at1O1". .i. ~Y 12.-:-01- S~Oi": .,00 - Sp,>nsor, Stor-,,t,>r;;: cL,;S~ntQrlll'T' - Fl.',rtl ( i:v 6ro'f!ofi,; cl t::.,;.,.-it;,iliz,,tii.;,n, 3 FY 2002 - LEMer ma'l , f::rk 013 00 l,1, u;m1 l:17-H-HQ- c..:on,;ress1cna 1,'tf'terAgenq- s~nc-,n o:ln - S:)11 1",, : r_. :-.:mg,:-.,,.,,,,,. ., J11h , M111I1,.., - rlmw11f ir hl r .-...i l,,li Jdi o 11. llme -,car ~r dge :.!11> : c.:e.--t...r~ case't' . Ka:hlee,.. 1. A d l'res,de--.t al Ai:-pc,ntea f'ost,c -ns 'A',U.in I h':! Uepa .tme nt c-f Hc.1sng an.:: U.~a n C..:om~le.>< Ag e ..,c.~ t: ff1c,a1s CJ<.!"ilr FC-:A O' fic1:. ; F>,.1r:,;1..-,mt t9 ttlo pr evi~ i.:in:,;of th,: ="rr:cr:lem oflnbro,,tior 4ct (FC-:.!.),5 IJ S ( , !;i~ l.-:.i.:im;:,11:~ Co~::> , .,.1 "'"' Io It .,- t l.i m ., 11Ri~hl o, (;,. 111 p ,oi':111,:HRC:) lo.-r.-lJy r .-,111.--.I-.f,11m 11,.,.0 ,-11,1.1111.-.,I :,I I h:.io,i11':I il~, l!!ttP.1"~- t P..o: t ;,,1:1 u,t ~r:1,1Jf!~P.l(';f)1H!!1lt i':111~ n,1c ,'!I ,..c.c,:-;.(I~ 11 ,C.luil.~: rnf) . Tl ,', r .-1111.--.Ii11d11(: .... _ tul io, n,I imil.- :J lo , i1)"{,.-.-..,;itiOr' ,.;, l;itP.d to t l)f! ' {, IICl,~i,1,;; ll"'Ol,)IP.: SP..-.,.;,ta,y i3!!1lC:a1f.01l B-,~,l ;,,._11,~illl'1;if,01l J\IP.,.a fld !!1" V1co.-1a ~1lof' Ue1d .e ::lass Angela ::1-:c1i:1esRc-De.t ~owes oa,.,-::i t:,o,..-d 1\ e:a:a"ld-:r ~~ffeor ~ .. sa"I o u~ m -h:J Grtoqo rot Ner.;, ="itz-p.;,tri("<.!" Sh,: l,, Grloton,oocc Annto G r itl;-,ir e.,,rti.;,..;, Gr usor St,:ph~ ni-i.- I lelr:lr:rfi -i. llo:1111.-. An(:r.-w tl119lo.--. M,,r.,.., K,1-.p.,.t lo 11,1'.t1,rnM, l.,1 IM ,t o,o,-1\,.,,._,,ro.r1r ,.,. P,1lh: .1 T 1111 :~t,~- P.-11.~ 'A' lh~,n RL~f.P.11s~,P.r,n cl-';.P.I S ,1glP.t01l Elv,~ ;,,:-;1 ,~.an Ri(.ha,d ~.,:-;u,1-gl.lll'.lo1c :"1n ovat 1or (: P:) HKC req.1e sl s a wa,ve,. of fees a;;soc,..:te-::1 w,th th,s l\!'(ll,l. ~: ir ,,rxortl~ncl' with'.:'. IJ,S C ~ 5~2-;.;,J;.:i;,(A'.o(iii; A.lol-i. -,,~inq ltl o~-i. - (ie<..:Uol'rtS ilrl' ir tt lo p,.1ti ir: .. r.I . in~,_,,.,._1,1.111.~oo"' 11nmlrih .11.,. o,is r,i li, ,111lly lo p .ih i, .111(: .. , o.~,1nli111,1:)I It.,- ,1divil ,-,, o l It. ,- 1,10o.-.-r11.., t iar" ~C:-l(l ".;(~i c t tll!! : -,t;,r',,'!I ~!!vP.('uf! C{, d f!.:t ,) ur rP.q.1P.f.l r,:-;, HRC: ,~ ,'I ('011-p, .o til r.,.-ga-,i,P.d ..Jll:-:lf:r1i<'.C a wave,. 1s net g'a"lted , we agree tc- pa.~ r-=asona ble -::Jupl,-:at,of' fees for tre prc ,:ess, ng ~f tr1s ,1rt. tl<.!" li...<.!"l\!'r:I ;.., tlil")it,,1 f-ar, ,,t S ir cr:rr:1;., O,,... r:I ~o q 1...l . ~! ',o/to rt'Ql": '; t th ~t 'tJ"'lt"rL.vr:r po~:,;iblt. rt.t .,..,r,:1-s. Al")r:--.n,C-ffici,,1s ftht.f t1lo otJnr1 r:lcc.:umt.rt-s. Pur-s.11.:,-.tlothr:r<.!"(1,:..;, Fl\!'t.tl-amt1f [ril,)rm .;,lit1nA ,::, 1 rt.q1 1t.-s.tth.;,!,,t .,_.,p.,-,_., 1,.- ;>r11vi:J.-d 11: 111.-: A,.y ,.,,.,I ,o I 11:)11.111.-.,1-., h, 1,rlir1;,i.-11o,oilo;, rro.-m :)', _.n11r.- o,1i1w11.-,11.. , ir.l.-r-1 :" i,.CA)1.:1~ . f! ;,t111g lc ~arr,n,._ ,1,~;it ior"1>l~P.t.~,P.P.r',-;,l,)rP.f,P.11:;iti ~.f!~ ol cc m, 11.1,1 ca:icn1>, ;,,ic ;ill othP.r writlf!fl o"P. qu ,c1<: e "I Loars a"l d th-: u-:pa rtm e"lt ~f Hc..1s,ng an!:I um-an ::ie~.elcpm-:nt lr~ m Janu..:r~ 12u1 1 cnwari:J. Tt-lo '.\1;1115!rnot ;i.:iurr ,,I io; ,, rtows 1,;1r l").;,niz-.1ton ;,,nJ tt-lo irf l,)rm .;,tie n rl"l llll'St1: ;,i will n -at blo U~tod for 11:11,rri.. rc.i,1 1n.r 111, ,._,-,,. :11t, ,-,,-i., ,. 11:-.I ,, -,,._,,. ,ol,-,lw lt. lt .i., ..-,:,,.,..,,, r,,.,. ,._,.,rn,l ,01 1 m,-will1 ,111 P.1itirr;,t;,. l ca 1:1~,-~i!ChP.d nt ;:.t1~ ;, -H~-~5 3 2 ,)1. 1;,;,11.P.;iglP.f,llam ,(.'w!iJ.rnm . (D;i tP. R;ir-gf! R!!rn1d Mr:;;ii.;, !111 com-,u"11cat ,ons, ,nc1u<1m,; af'y atta,::hmef'ts. S-:nt tc c-r~rcm af'V nc-ngo .:e .f'ment-:1 en.a11 adar-:ss i; ,,r r:I(Jr ;-,,,r [J,;:-oot ol,>prrlont, O r !;l,tor l"~t, ,t;.lio;.hr:;.1, t.i.:in!r oll<.!" (1, o)r 11~-i:(1l;;.otl"'lt' Sr:c.:rtot~r.,- of 11;,;,l'o;.in .,m,-11l ,ol.- .o,,oil ,o,l:Jr.- o,o; ,-,.,1,.,l,lio;t,,-,I_. l.tit. ,1:11 All r,-,1 :1d., r.-t.-11ir .!.l 1:. tt'ldi111:1111,111'p'f"llll':_:1r...-1 1 ,g ~,1(1 Urlla,1 DP.v~la1~1nent. D.. a;,,1 Ca.f,011 . ,\II rnnt.(';IIP.d . ar u .=.P.dlly :h;, !",P.C : f!:;ir-; ,:-;t r-illL1i1 ccmm .1n ca:1c:ns, mdo.d,'lg ..:n)' atta c.hment s, - ,aile o.- rec.-:1...e-::11r CC:'ln-:ct1or with the transact,c on d l")el't'rnlT'l'nt b,.1~ m:o_;~,.1~"' I i'"I' ne-.q, >ootornol'rt.J l'm<1il .J<..: C")\1rt e. ron( ;o.oo<.!"r-.mt.'ntillco m ounit .,, t i.:in~ , 1.--,,;,.,. ,-o,'.,1hli,..,lo.-(:,nml 111ll,-1I 1:. 1. oo.-(: t,y S.-,-_.~,.,,y l.,1.,..,,m , Tt..- li111.-;, .-,i , ::J fur l .1i,._r.,.,ll , ,-o,I j,._ Age"lc~ t:ff1c,als .1il 1 ,,rr r.:q1.,L. ~:i,-.1J,:, i~: of VI p .,;si<.IL.n:i,:,I ;,ppOi">t<:rl o;P .! ) .,;t.:, ff pc.:si ti or-s .t,ithn IIIJ) 2 A li,.,I , :o Pr~o,i(:i-r.li~I Ap1111hl'?d p11o,ili:>11,.,till:-11 ,.,ir1no J,11111,11~o 7:>17 1 nrr- r:-1JL.l"',lir.u ,1 (11"\.-,il""ilI o,l 11f ;.II ;i.,-;,~1:-:IP.r"t1al ;if~l,)Cl11ltP.df)Of.il101)~w111l11lHUD th;it lla~P. Ll!!P.ll t,IIP.:1~11KP.J;ir"ua,y :.ta, 2C-17 . ThP. l,~t date, pay, g.-aae , ana ;t-:ff title . (Uate ~ange fo,. Kecord srou d ,nc1ui:Je t"le f'am-:s, JC.Da~p~m:m-:nt [J<:.ot. lo>IJrr L.n: ,r.-. 01295 5;2.:. i20 I: 17-FI-HQ- [J,.11J(,!-r-_;to;:i n , [J,c1o.-i(J 111.,m,J--. l\iqht:,; C.Jop~ir1o 01268 5/1')/2017 17-FI-HQ- [.;, c:lr:';h~m, J<.!"iln 01254 t~,.- 1, ~,'l~,'2Ul I 17-H-HQ- uemccrac~ :ones , K-:ranne 01252 5/15/2 o 17 17 Fl HQ f,:-;ur.~,t-)11. '1JPYga 1 ,\lly ~0(1"P.1i:"J Or' do!'! ,C,?:.ir"cl ..Jd ,1g P.lf!<.I. (';',il".. t,) .,-o,._,. a Qf!1 ,C.f 1,-,),ll (';. (';fl Ll;, l)a II r.,t c,ll " T. f!a ~ ...,..,,. ,)t ;,ta:P. ICl'.llll:"Jlf! ~ ;os'l Man ojel (2U l !-present) o,re,::t co,-..es ::,or-denc-: st ou d ,nc ui.-o; ,,r ,1111011':l,.,.,,,._j,,.-,iln11r.,. ',f)rn 1:J.-n.(~r r,:A ~), Coll.:'i- r:. ?"i':i? , .-1 -..-q.,1 log ~ rP.g;., .d ,og <.or.-P.~por-df!nc;, llf!7wf!<'.1lan.,- ,:-;r,c,~I~ at lll f! :1r1cf! ,)t tt'P. E ~f!C.1t vii'! ct t ll!! O;,l,)a .l,nf!n t ol H'::> u s.1n,; ard IJrtiaf' uevelc-pn.ent af'd Re~reS-:ntat ve L@C"la,.d L.a"ICEDet ween Ja 'lu..:r~. l, 2 UoJY _.:noj . 2017 In th<.!"l"W'."'11' -ar-. ,,1 <..: orl")rtos:,;i,)n-:,1 cerrtospe-.,:J o;. on t.to le (;~ ~o-l' ne! m o in: ,,in tod br::w,:<.!"n M.;,'f JI?;. ll. .-Orri ,. .-,,r,1,.- ;-,..-, .111i-...,.11fl .1.-D .. F'"'lrr..-11: 11ttl,11,-.ir .!.l,0.11l .,rl 1,1.1[) ,-..,.,,,p .. ,,-, .l ,.,-1,I .. 1.-rr-l,.- -,..,,,r co,1~1.,P.1,~ , I fP.q..1P.f,taa;,~f- t('; a,1d ((';:"Jill'!~ ar a I fli'!(A)l"C1i ,) to.- i"dlP.d , .,g <.Or'r"1 )lLol1<.;itiO('~ tl'.I Q( t,.o,n .:lily a,d olf1cral;;at tt'e Office o f the ;xe,:u: 1ve of l'leOepa rtn .ent ofHou ;;1r g a'ld Lortia, l)e...eopmerl Rtop .,:o;tor-t.J!ioo.r.- L<.!"on,c1n:; L,1nc.:l' b t.t...-l.tor- ;,,n,.1,,r'p' 1, 2009 ,,r-r:1Mio'r' 10 , 2017 , PJ1:,c1s,: sto.;,. ch fer : o;o,il,I,-, r,1,-,.,._,re'",pm,-.i..oe--re--11 : 1do, r.-':1'""11,-,,,._11ff111m,1I_. ..,.- di 11.. ,, 1:, f)lr ~o;i, .,ol d1,1.,1(.l.,.r o,li1-. ',\,"t,.,.re--111 l,)fO,jul".f!,.M.{,i":1~ ;,lf!l".lrnr-ir.ally, i,1 ;JoOf{,,. Tlf to.-,na:, v n P.l'rnil {,,- :::o. .'l;irt ,,._1;irly t l,)fOv1d, 1 ,g tll !! m~~r-,at1of' redo.ces t"le t ime or expense ,n .:c 'led . Jf voo.rc-ffK-= ca"ln'Jt ronc-r th,s preferen,::e , la-, n . blt ' l~oillin(: I') (iisno~s t"lt' fT'O~t C")Sl.lofft ot.tivLo ,,r(i r:"ici.r.-nl m,:~n-s. ,_.,ftlloP ir:;,,t i.;:,n [ .;,<;rtoto ll,) p ~o, rto,, -s.,_., 1l1.11 li1.1:i1:11r.-.--. r,11 I .,,- f!rrn.-o;o,i119 11[11,i,..,r,- 1jl.t' ','. ir. t1r1 ~,111:.m : 11:)I lll .-~: .-.-:J $)0::i tluw.--,,.-r, 11,.,.,,._,. ,1,:-;tiry mP. ,~,.o,. t,:-;'Jl'.IU" 11 ,r..1,.,.,19 l',),.f~f!ll ~P.f, i1l ;,.M,?:~f. ,..., , to,;it ;,,n,)ur't . It an..- (f!<".f)t"df ..... IP.w,:11~,P.l:-:I L ,.equesl t h..:t)'~ U s ta:e the:Sp-::!c,fcl-:gal an -=ifac to.al gr~urds. forw1 thto lojm,; ary or redacted, r:le;,:u-.l'rts i.:i r pe.tiors e' con,rrto n~~. Pk ,c1:,;r: r:1,:..,tfo,- to.;,c.:h cot.l,rrlon! to, ,t F.,11-;wi:h nth ,: ';C")[I''. ,)f tt-i!: le"ljLt"'.~ ti .JI io. w lt -1,.. ,1 r, ,,., . , .. 1......... ,1.111 ;,r11Yi:I.- ,1.1 ir.,1.-x , ,r l .1,,.... ,l :>1l.lll.. .11-. ..... , .. ljL ir.-, 1 .m,:.-r ~onu~ ll ', ~-- ~,) ~f!o,, ,]t-j,\ F. 2 c ~:iQ ;:i.e. Ci,o. J<:" : :;;,, (.P.i"t. CP.r"iM, .1L5 -.S. <:"7 i ( 2S-7~ ,\. F'P.,'!f,P.d;, 1,(.i'llf! each i:Joc.1m-:nt c1..:1m-:d a; exemc,t ,'"lcludm,; the conseQUe'lc.es c f supply1rg the ; o o.gt't -a'te, . inr;,;,ro ,,t ior- ]f iii:,; 'i''>l" tlc:11:rrrin,c1tio)n th.J! ~')mr: porti,..,n:,; ofrt"Ql":stc.:,:1 rt.corr:ls ,,rlo t.:,:.r. . m pt , :,lr:<1!l'o: ..,ro~rmr'.i1:.,,, o l It.,- r.-, , .i.-,..,1.-i: r.-, o r(! . :o ,Ii-., 111o,,-'""~' r,-,oo,:>11,1:)ll -..-~r.,. 1J,1:)I.- .,iw-.-x.dCl~u.-..,P.r"lf.;.fP. lc~;i tP.d 111a 1 ,0lllf!1 , 01,:;il ;,t, ,-., ,1 { n" ~u .f!au. [ fP.f.l,)f!<.t 'u ll~ ,.;,q,._f!~: th;it yo,._ 1,) 1!!;.GBP !! o"..tf!1" tr1s recuest or an,; relevant pcrtlof' of t"IIS reqo..est tc- tre app.-oc,rat-: msta1ra:1cn o,. t::ureao.. le - hep -~, ;:,lr :;,,so: -.ot~o t-.,,t: ,ilm oi.othtorirlJ inform o ti,>n fer oo~St'SS fT''i ~t ,,tl' S for cep 'p'i-.q ;,,n (J m .;, lirl") fr:-i. r .. ,,.-,,r : h ;>11tl!lr,.,.., ,1o>11 1111l 111111:mm,-,d,o ,o,:i ...ili,-., . A(!1lilio 11,1 ly_.<:i,.,,l:),,,.r,- 111 I lo.- i11[111m ,. li:>11,.,,,,, ~ h i u ~lo~ ir"tf!.f!~t tlP.l".nu;P. 1t if. lik~I-,- tr> C{11lto"1lldf!;ig,1,.,,a . ,t V t{1 il'-lll C LlldP. 1"St;.,1:-:lif'g,:-;tt ll~ is Ill t l)f! :"J I ha'll<: )'OU fo ' '>'~u,. c.c,opera t,on or, It It 1s. ' ec u-::!st. J f op era t,c,n s or ac.:1v t,e s c~ : he gc~.ernn.en:. m:<.:t'S!l'.J""t',: ....,l'lci.:imo;.ottlo oppert11ritv IC cisc1.,:,;s wht.'t tl'r ;,nc t-:i wh,c1t 1:Kt1:nt ~hi:,; rt'Qlll'.!l't c.:,,r b,: Cr.,,1,;;1.P.~~i,:-;n;i l,'( r'l f!1AgP.1K.,- C01)<;;1"f!~ :<. icn;il i[r"lf! 1AgP.1K.,- Cl'.111,;;1 .P.~~i,:-;n;ili[r"lf! 1Agf:11<. .,- ,.-,,u... "'''J HUD-17-0235-C-001399 ..-c,,.,.,,,,.,1 ~,'l o ,'2 o 17 ~-----912 17 Fl HQ ,\,1y ~or,.P.1>.'lOr"df!~,c;, w itll Stnl;, FtP.l,) of!~P.r"t.:17iv;,c;;,r.,t1,.P..,- ('"GP.(';" ") G. :i,;,lll, i,l ;,ito,P.r ll c ,t,zef' Sta:e Re~resentat ve eras a N'/ate 00 Page 13 ~ <".i'll,)H17 ., a~ It l !, i,H.'llf! Cl'.11l<;;1 .P.~~i,:-;n;ili[r"lf!1Agf:11<. .,- )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 ':,/9.-':.!01/ 17-H-HQ- tVEl'S,AL.5tm i:, Al cc:mm.Jnca:1cns Detwee"I H~L> an,: t:ol"gi-es.sn.an JeD Hensad1'lg, anf otne( m:mt-er of t'le !1me-1caravei-s1grt G) :::c -I ~..-r;._,:.101, 17-H-HQ- Ja.J, B')'rcn 'A'all~treetJ-=:iu,.nal 17-H-HQ- He kK,nef', N 1na 17-H-HQ- casev . Ka:hleel" Ame-,caf' ~r dge .!ls: Cef't<.r~ 0JJ75 ~.' .1/:.101/ 17-H-HQ- ~/l,':.101/ 0JJ65 17-H-HQ- l s1m::,le - A"l'r' or,' otten, paper or d,g1tal correspon.::ef'ce between af'y p-:er;;ol" 1n :he t:on,;res;;1cnal and Lil i.:,n'_; ,1rrl ,:iny o;tv'f mt'IT'b 1:r cr r:ILorttoJ m,:mbt or vf tl-Lo IJ,S 11;,;,llSl'or IJ,S :,tl!r<;o.oo<;!nm-l'nt.1 1 F=-1: s ...,d .. ..,.,o.lio11i.,1,101 .o .ir1s I .,,- ........ ,: 11rro11111111:.rro"'I""Ad o or .ooorA" '.d""~r.,1 ..i: 1o.. 1w,-.,., l.111 .,n ,. o.o" "~"'~<>., o ,n.~ , .,_.,,~..,., h,.,:,,.n , .~. <-onh, "o"""' .,,,.,, . . ,n,. T,-,r..c:w ... ,~n,-,., : am ,.eQuest ng any. dccu-,el"ts, ll"CI.JCIng email e.>1ctan,;es, c..alel"da-s an-: memcra"ICIC fr-=:im lt:om::, le.>1 5Loc.,:~,,ry 6r:, C,,r~;,;,n, th~t inclloJlo thl' r;,mto~ er c;hr,,sto~ 'R,c1lph (:-rv)llinrlt'r.' '(.Ll[litc Ministrif:'_;," '11ih ,- o.~1,:Jy ,' ,11,rl,'11ror:,.,t, 11.. : ,.. .. llih., o,'.11<:y".fr .,l.,ol 111.,1, ,-,o.y ti.,[) 1,...1,11111,-,.l..,,,o111:.., 1III M"'nt. ,7 . 7:J171 .,r1111:.ito ~11 .. w ..~ ....~: R .... <: C:n,.C11:".ll la,..:,d K<.~t'1lf!1 (:;M-,- C:c:h,l i\',d of!,, e,,-.=,,11l~E'!1.9 C:t-,.,~Liddf!II Di ,H Powell StP.~hf!r" M,IIP.f (Dnte t:on,;ress1cnal,'ll"lerAgenC'f ;,ge"IC.-~ C'ff1c.,als ,,.t,,., 0JJ82 ':,/:!/:.101/ con,;ress1cna1,'tl"terAgenc, n,..,.. 0JJ86 ~.'IS/:.101/ lt:om:ile;,; ll clo~,;:- Fin ~nc.i, ,I 5-i:r.,..ic,;,:-s(com ttl"l', '>r .:n.,o ';t.;ff m r:ob,;:-r..,1oork.i rl'J fer r: tt-lor tt-lo 11,>l"~lo Fir,,n;,;iv S.-ro;in .. , ("..()1 1,rr.il:.-.- o r :>11.-ol ii -. rr,.-11,l!r-1., n ,rw.-rr,i, 19 11r11 1!1r,.-1 l l:-!Jio;l..,1i,:.1 ,,r ..,11,,,i .1i,..l1,1li 'a'r- ~,1i111'., Plea~e :"!1.0~.,:1e a I .-e~por-~1\of! ff!C/11.:1~o,,:;m lilr"ua.y :.1:0.2Col 7. t~, tre date :11.=: se~.-~11~ l".O,Ku<.t,,;d. ~;. /di com~,u,1cat,ons relat1rg to t'"le c:i1r1or of C.:on.m,Uee c.:hairma, Jet- He,s..:rrm~ t1at u:mm.m cv~icn~ :>l'tl\'l'i!'"I tht' 111.)U'.,;to Fin,,rcia:I St"rvi-:.:t'':-(.i.:,mmitt,:-l' ,m.;,t ftodlor,11 vqt"rci-:.!"S v11: not o,1.l1j.. ,.I 111dio.: h:-.11... 1m;J,-, I.,,- .,,. .., : 11rro11[l11t1:orro"'I '"' A:I, ir,d1 . 1li11y :,111riol li111i~,-,I lo: i11 ~ lr11d '"''-, 1:kf!<.t vP.roo Of Q.Jidn,1<.P.fP.t'.P.iv<:CI<:', t~,;r. i~:'.u!! t,.,),n c:rnif1na,1 HP.ol:'.ilfhng 1i,. ~,;r. ~trltt, a~ wP. I M. in:e.-n<:I agenc.r corresi::-on.::ef'ce i:in the ssue. 1-'lease :iro...,.::e a I respof's,~.e rec,i:ir1s frcm Jaf'Ua'')' 2fJ. 2~.l"i, to) tl-L. tlt.1tr: :hi! ~r:t.1.-.;:h~ u1nc.:u1.:tl!rl :;;. An)' mr:oor,,rrlv, pc.:liciL.~. r.,1lr:~. ~rv)tc.:;,;ol:;, rt"s.trirti-an-s., 1li. ..d o;,-~, y.Jirl,.,r1:,-, :,r olt...r !JL.i1l~lir.,-o, ~,lr l r .. o,~irl'!.:11:,w ti.,[') r~',[)lm:Jo, '.11f'(")lA rt'llllt'~I~ lt."' I i1ll:"".olo<.lllP. {A)lllr"r"ur"iC.~l,,)o)f.w itl l C:C:',g.R<,~,) 1" .P.<.O(CI:". c..f!iltf!<: ;,t tl"P. o"f!Q.Jf!f.tc:. C,)119, uses ~utA que;;t,on"la,'es o.- c.er:1i,cat1of's com::, le:ed b')' ,nd1...,dua1 c1.1stod1al"s er 0JJ94 su, .gev, fll1ck C-'Onef', 1-'a:nc.~ 01138 ~~d Rec.c-r-::s n the ::,ossess,on c-f tre L>es,gf'ated Agen~.r ttt1c;. Uff 1c1al~~;- p-: 1ta,"11l"g to p-=:il1t1cal Llppohtl!l'~. Pll:<.1~r:pri.:,Yic.:toci.:,pilo~ vf Lin"!,'Lom~ilo;, r;,;,nsloltirlJ rot~~, ;,;oi..no;dinq notLo~. i.:,r i.:,thtor writti:n ,,., i:r,Io. ['t'oI,-, 11i11y~11p11li1i,."'I '"'l'J">i111,-.. -. hir~,I ~in : ,- J,-,.,11uy"/C:-, 7:l17 uemccrat c ~enatona 1cami:-a1gn (.i.:,m-.itt,:I! lt:om::, le,. l'atrocl< u.~r,en oe-,ocrat,c Sef'atc-ral campaign co11om1tt-:ee llfJ t-1a,..r1<:M;,ve flit \'iast11'lgtol", L>C 2(0(2 202.5-45.35(,0 Ot-r Lon:)l,:J~,.c ')n; 1-1<.Io; 1. 2~.17 [J(.op.;,.tm,;,t ') ' llc..o~ n,1 ,,n;.t IJ.t-L1n ),:-.,lo lc;, m <;!nt R .. : rn1;, ,- 11r1., .. r~ ..1.111ivr s.. ,, ..l,.,,i,-,l ,~ 1 71t. s1, ...-: , s....-,R,: :)111 101 :\<,- w~ o,h11:.il:)11_.rx: 10.:11<.--:\C:OC: fo"<:P.d,)111 c:. lr"tl')1"1Ha:i<:',Ac.: RP.quf!:'.t To \'ilh ) 1ll It t,1;,y r .,)1\\".P.1"11: p ...-~...n,1t t,) tt'P. F1"f!P.dl')11l 1Jt : ...to.-mat,c on Act , ~ u .s.c. 5~.:,:.1 e: seq . ;.-~utA ':,, I ,.equest copies of al dccu-,e,..ls outl,"led 1n -::eta11 b1: i.:,w; o Any" Fl'(,!"L'li')m Ci [di.:,rmv:icn Act rl'll.,ll'Sts fil1:c.:N<) 'it'IT'b1:. 2012 ti.:, p.r: '.'t'rt rtor1L1r[lh11 51!nv:or ... ,,.,. ~,-111,-,1;._.,.,; 11tS .. .,,-,lm :11,-M"'r1:l1i11, i11b11Ilot,o. ,.,.,p,11ily ,-,o; ,-, (l11i1,-,I :11,-M,.,11; h 111:o 11,.. o;If.II'" Me11a Age"lC.-~ C'fflc.,als con,;ress1cnal,'tl"terAgenq :,ra:P.r. ~,P.11at<:1 a ' ,d a~ a p,oi~.a:P. l'.it1?E'! ' ,. o 1\1\~ .-e:~1 ~01\~iv<: d<:e.umP.r"tr.SE'! ' ,t 11ut lly ~l')u. a~P.r"Cy 11 resconse to t"le a~ove 1-reedc-m c~ tl"for ma: 1cn Act req.Jests . L>wec.t c.-:>rrespc-Mence shculd 1nd...de lt.ttr:.-s., t'IT',,il ,_;, rq;i.:,rt-s., ,,..clc.::h1. or r,:IL.vvnt -., , tL.ri,,I ,: <.1mri.:,t '.'l"r:ort,o,l :". ot Cloc.. ,n e,i t ~ please 1cient1f.r'eacr dc-::umel"t tnat falls .,,,tr scop: of tn1s r-:!q<.est t:.Jt ,s w,1rne1d fron. release. lf r(.'t]I.-L'~:t.d rlc,i,:umtorto; LlrLo lcc ,, tL.d in v,oth,:. ;,~~,,I Lit i.:,n')r :-u.,:illl , [ rt'Qllf: ';t ~h<.1t.,,,) ll c:-lt.v-;l' rtofl:r ll . i., or c:11,-.,l m "'"" r,-l.,.,.,11111a:rli11t. 11[I .,i~ r.. ,l'-t' '.I lo It -., '"'Fl""f'r "'I~ ir1-.l.1ll,-,:i1:1111t To It-., f!lo.tf!llt t",;,t tl"P. o"f!S'.>O,.~l\'f!o"f!fA)1-.::~ a,..; n~-a lnl~le ,,, P.1<:ct,.,)111~ to,,nat. I w1iulc u.f!.e:, . to ff!l".P.iv<: tt'P. 1n~-=:ir-,at101""1a -:ema Io,. CL>, par:1curarly 1i prc -.,..1dm,;the ,nfo,.mat,-=:in ,.educes :he t,m e C' e ...pense in\'i.:ol..ol!rl 8:htor.-.i~I!, I wil t')(Vl'C:: t '> r(.'t1: ooto th1: nfc.,,..;,tii.:,n n v,1pt ' r ' o)rm Ti.:, h~lp ~~SL'~'.' m')' st.,t.,1~ Im 11:1iyh1,1t.11rl 111.-1 lir.!J , .. ,.,,_. ;, l.. f.o,.. 1111lt'I l1.-1l: ~111fd"'ll,,-rio.!.I i11f11rmdi:>11t1:o ,,.~.,,-,r, 11rlllrp1 :o;,-~ "'11:J ,1c:t tor C.f,onrrP.,.c,~I ;,ct,~it,P.~. : ~on w ,11,ngta ,~.i., all ,.P.;,r.o,1alile C<::'.I:'.irc ...,.,E'!:1ir 10,...it ,19 .i,i:1 d<.pt,ca:1f'g ttiese n.at-:enals. out p ease c.-:>ntac.tm-:! p.-1crto p-c-::ess,"lg to app-c.~e af'V fee;; o.- c.na,.g-:es in,i.:urrtoJ in l ' J(C\. ' SS of>l'jQ Thv,1.- .,")ll fc.:1.,") llr C") OPt' rt.1ti,) n otoitl- tl-i~ r,;;.JUl!St I ,1m ...,;11nq tc.:c.:io;ci..s-s. ,,r t,,,,.,,.,, __ 'oil'oilUII 17-H-HQ- Rod'1,;u-:e2, C'lelsea o 1\'l'r' direc.: c.-=:ir -e;;pc-ndence ~etv,eel" yo ...r age'lc~ and U.S. 11.ecrese'1ta1.-~e Kev,n c.-an.er or tre s:ar'i s1m:ile o Any rli.r :,i.:t ,i.:crrrLo~;,orrlr : ,C\.o i.:,fIJ. 5 R.l' [:-r(.osr:,t<.1tiYL' lndary matenal S.JC"l as pron-: logs , "lotat on;; oi con~ .ersat1C"1, e:c.. (Ua te r:,,.,,,,~, 0JJ02 ____ .:./13/2017 17-FI-HQ- 01041 Lpvmv, . o ,,i-it.I ....,__ ,. ___ ,._,,,._,,~;,,,,. 'T'- AA " .ot. t,,pr il 1 ), 2~.]7 [J,>lort'o; Colr: Ou C<:') f tl-Lo (~t"C.,1t S<:o:.:rLotiJriLoI Ro)l.)m 101 ):) <1::;l 7t, $t . 1:l!t, 5'/o' w,,,,t.irt'!.:1<>11, :x: ]041C:..:IC:.OC:. o .. ,.,r 0:)lllrt'~. T.,i~ io, ,1 r~ljl.t'',I .,-,.1.. , ~ti.. rr .... ,1rn,1 1:' lr-lm111,-,~i,:., A,~ I 1<\Cj<.P.~: t",;,t n CD~y ,)t tt'P. lol lnw ,ng :10,..urrP.11:~f,,-co,..urrP.11ts <.Or"ta 1l1',g : Ii,; tnll f ,wirg 1',tormat1 (J1l bf! p.-ov,de.:: t-=:ime . :in. ..a:e screci .. les of tne secr-:e1a.y ;;1,..cetal< ng office (up t-:>tre t me that ')'-:>U pro..oirlr: mto th,: ;.iot.loIT'Lont~). :, ortl (.or to 1-Lolv tc ;.itotLormi,to ,..... .,. ~:,, t11s tc.: ~~'5-L'~ S fl o,:-;, .,'V l' -s.hc.,11,:11;.n;,;,w 11,r ., ..w-. ,,. .. ,1;~ ,.,rrn;,.,1 .. ,1 wilt. POI :T 1r:r, "'"<: 11,;,., ,~qL .t'',I i~ ,,,,.,:J.. ,.,,; 1,-,.,1 r ,.,.o,,., , .. r)r ...... ,,1~1;..,.. ua.t ot 11<:1\.~ ,;;;,tl1f!.1' ,g ~,1d ,1c:: to( ii ,..0,11-.P.rc.,nl L~E'!. : 1E'!::ju<:~tn wa,vP.f ot all ff!E'!~ tor lhir. ,.!!q,._P.~t u sclosu,.e c~:he 1eq ...es:ed 1n"c-r-,at1of' tc -,e ,s If' tl"e p .. t: 1c nteres: t:eca.Jse 1t s I ke1.~ le col" t,.1~ute ~ii;nificilntly ti.:, p.,1b ic 1inc.:tor~t,,..rlhr1 ;,;,f tl-Lo OC:-l'rL1tii.:,n:; or ,,(.ti y itito~ ;:if tl-lo qvootornmt'rt .;,,ti ~ ri.:,t l"irr o,.,oil.~ i11rroy 1<>111rro,-r 1it.I io.l .. -.. -.1. Tt.,.,rok 'p'lll. l,or Y'".' ,.,,..,,;,:,-,,-,li1w 11[11,i~ , .. 111.,-o.I Si.u .. , .. ly, n,-,.,i ,,t HUD-17-0235-C-001400 Page 14 con,;ress1cnal,'ll"terAgenq ,~,,L,.,,y ta.r:ir:,C)'Gffici,,ls )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 'oill,'..!Ull 17-H-HQ- casev , Ka:h1eef' !1me-1car 11rdge :n~: t:el"t1.,,r~ 01023 : -ic.i:m1"lg-1\.u:1-iJ .Jt~ o,ng t:ma 11cc ' 1.espc na-:= nce Detween 1"le Ufi1-::eUi I ne ':i-:=ci"etarvl\n-=i 1 ne lt:om :ile;,; [r-o;iror-m ,: ot ;,il Protloc:ti,:;-. Ar1-1. -n,.itos (:-Flic--1,. ' i,;,fAt)-.ir-i~tr,, t ii,;,n ;:'In Toto T l,)pic Of ~Lto.;:,;.1"'l="rl,)m M,,rc--. ,2:)17 Age'lc.~ Dffic.,als Tl . roi ,gl, Tl,.- Pr,--,,- .,I . : .,,,, rr-111,.-....1 ,,g ir1: 11wiris - ...r. ,l-1:. ,ls11i11y l,rolw.-.- ., 11,.. orlkr- 1:l :to.- r~,-,,.1;..,,. l AgP.1lCp c~, thP. SP.C.-P.7Miatjj('(l tile Ot'1(P. ,)t tt'P. Acl""iir"i~fi"rll ~i, ..,,i t hil" tre En~-,-c~,,n~1)ti'JI P1CtP.d1~11 G) tcp1c of 'lead , .' ano_,or 'pa ntm"9 ru1,.,,.. ard,:cr ..the .ead R,s k Re-:luct on .,.n:-g,.an., .. from Ma,.c., l~, 21'.:.Ji tl-r<>11qh th,: ;:,re~-:.!"nt Thl' se,,rch for torr,, it -:.:orre~;:,on:1,:,cl.. ' ~t-ou cl t.l. limitl.U to th ,; ' ;,:illc;,1,in( : 11Hid,1Io: ,1r,l ,1:Jm 11io:lr,1lm w ill1i11 \ 11<'olli, .. ,, r. ,,1.. ,1 ,11111..o ~. o n,-ri Cu-.11,. ; IILH) :)'I,_. :,I It.,- f~,-, uli oo,Bo~ro. HUD :m Cf! ,) I 5P.r: f!7Mi.:lt o ~,l\f!1l,'Jc;,.P.P.r""wO CC : H LJD Ctr ir..!: /'.It tnP. E:,,.P.(.uti~.f! S!!UP.Hu.;;it o Of!.:111.:1 tt"e t::.>A_ Orli,:,:.o ,_.,ft""ll. Aclmi,i "Str ,,t,_.,r o J;,:ih, R.t.l.clt.r . [P.! (,Iii,~ 11[ 1.1,- Ad111i11i~lr,1 t rn o (. .1,1,I .. -. M .m o 1: rPA om,... 11r11,.. All~P.to t" ,e ccn .es.pC'"ldence . Pea s e 5-:arct for dccu .,.,ert s. fr~m Janu.ar ~. :.!VU ttr ~ ugn pr":sent. co,1,;;,.P.~:<.icnnl / (r""tf!1f\ ge,1c,- Dail y ~llf ~Oir""lrre,1t c.alP.r""da .f., d~ity agf! ~,das . C.,'JIS!1)drlo"S . a,ld df!t ;ulP.d :1;,, V sc.11.:;ddP.f. to.- BP.11ca, -:<. Or", I Co,n:-:ilP.~ appc ntme'"lt -::: aleMars , 1a, ag en1as, c.alerdars. or deta,led 1ai1v s-:::h":do..lesfor ~en :.:.c:1so r ; ,ny 1a, tt- ,,t .r;' ,::r to .:;i 'C~ bi -.tot Mr; mb <.or Bibi<.' St 1.,tl.,oo. lr ;,:im M,,rel- J, 20 l 7. t c; tht ' tl.:;itt o this rL"ll.,Jtos t i:; ,5 U .!;.C., ~1 Do:=:r1.Fe: ,, o . t,cf!. ! p..,,-~,_r1,1tt,) trP. p, c ~i~ l'.l1Hor tile ~,f!ed<:m or l1\l,)1.---.a1;0.- o"t (FC: .11.) ~::::.!. el seq. tre H..1man Ru;hts i.:.:mi:,a,gn (HR(.; ) hereb.; ,.eQuests from the U":pa ' tme'lt ~f Hc..1s,ng occ .cls i,cl\1clin ,: b 11t ,ot lirritt . tl t'-' t.rr,,il .,, lt. ttt.rs , tt.:,ct ,,n-:. 1 IJrt-,,n ),:vt.lc;pm~ : nl ,,ny ;,n ,:; ,,I r<. 111<''' ..1!J<''-, [ )111:. 1,- ,,-n1r1I~. o,d, .. 111 . lir.y ,,-n1r1I~. ,1r.1I i:~he-r c!11<"11tto..r1l,1Lirn . lt.,11 .<'l1tl ~ Ii: ~he- wi \ l11lr~w,1I ~:<. 1) S!Sf. jlfOjf!C.I t:,etwP.f!CI[.l,WP.rrllf!o "i-11"il1l:1 t",P. f~o.S!~f!nt. Ti"i~ of;, f.uf~ .f!~ ,..;,l;,tP.d to an LGi:lT ll ~J1Hf!IP. reqo..es: 1rc11..1cres, Du: 1s nc: 1,- ,1tecr :o , nfc -noat on ' e ated to l'le fc IO'ri ng pecople : i '.::iec,.eta r v Der ..,,,...1 '-.1,,s on ~ l')(,:intlt or ' ',Ji,i.;t,) r ,, e,,,rt ;,:in ) C:.toicl.-.;:-Boo~-; ! A,nqLol.:;iB<. -ck to~ ' F:.c ;-,tort r:,,r ~c n? Br ;,n 5_.,11, n..w .. -. 7 [),1.oill 11yril " :i.1.. x .. m:..r r:11rr.. ~ o s .,.,t... D11l,ir. o \rn,. ri : ~:M\1, .. , St .,-il,, .. ....... wo 11,I, A, ..... G. 1'."lll11? 6,'J(l)a.-a c;,,_~,::n ? : ,tf!f)h~ tl l!! Hc lde 1t1!!ld 'G,.eg!, f ~ Hclme; ? ,\11d,.ew H11ghP.r.~ MnfP.r"' KrlSfJP.( i Jcona:han Mcr.:a I ? M,chaeJ Nasc on ? Lyn,e J.>.atton ' I 1mcotty l'e:t.~ i w, Ila - , Kussell? Sher ...,1cha':I Sinc;l1:~o,' [I ... s Sc iv.:;i,? R.it"'l,,rtl Yo1.,nqbl'>Otl o1A.Crl"ti.,Jt'">tS ,, w~ .ot"r or fl:o::s.::i-_;~o>ti;.it,:,:; with ~h s wilh ';: U .S. r: -) ~~ ;,,:,.J:4:,(A:,(iii; . R,,-l~,1o.i1 1,;i It.,- o. ~ 1h;("l1..1,-rl ~ ,.,,. ir It .,- [I .Jh i1 re-ljl .,-o.~ ir. ,11<.1n1l~11<",ill7P.r P.r., a 1 ,d .,. f)u d (..011tr ill ..1to:': ~,,;;111tir.a11t 1-,-t f) I) .Ill ir . ..111cer ~7,'Jr"'d1ng1,t Ii" P.,'J(..t, ~it P.~,) I ti"P. g,w P.rn'""'ier"'I. HRr.: ,s a ron-prof1t orga"11zed ..1n1e,. sect1or ~Vl(c ) ( r.:, c1 th': :'lter'"lal W:':v erue i.:~ de . :1coUf req..1es.t fer ,, WiJ .ot.r i"S-ne t o1. .::i,t<. otl , .JoL" '"1.-.:!t' to) p.::iy n ..' io~-vn.::iblr; ;,iupli ,;:,,tio, ft.t. 'S-/,_.,r11-t. prc .;:l."Ssinr1 ;,:ii tt-i~ te'"ljl.,-o,~ .,....,. r,-1111<''-Ilt1t.l w .1,-,. ,-v<'r [)11',o:it)I,-r,-n,rll~ 11r,-,1.. li..-.. re-11h 1liyilo1I l: )1..i...L S.in <'l<'ly, :';,1r...l1 .\ gf! ~,r.1 C:ttic.,~lf. 1. !;~,1Lio,li1.,1Ii 11h1rm~lio11_.\o,-,11 ti ,,- y,-,1. ti: . nl l<',1',l 1C' : y,-,1,~ In . I (i:r ,1o; rr11.11JPY,,-,-,1ro, t.', "f:)11t.11v<' lh~ I C:11t11;)l<'x st~t ,~tic.~ fa) 1ll f~ilf!:1 Of ;,-.,aila::ol@Ill fP..~f)ftf. , S",Ow ,19 ti"P. ,1..1,111':,ef ct ra ,. ~,o._s,~,g ~Or'l"jll ~i,1:s , ur""df!1 Tit IP. M<':Ji,1 01013 ~o .' I C,' 2 o 17 1,..,:,;2<:-l1 G 7,rod, ) M@:1ia ::;fOo_jl 17 Fl HQ 01012 Fl HQ rl7 v 'A'aft:iP.l,) w, Sa .an Ho_lll.:11 , Rigl lt~ ca---.p~ig 11.. .b,-,I _.Ke-il.l N<''l,o,rl,1y r,-f)IIII<' . 1 , 00%S :1,111,']017 17-Fl-HQ- 00959 J,'.21:J,'.2 o 17 17 Fl HQ 17-H-HQ- dc1~.n r~pe ~f cc - ,p a1r t ( d1s.:D11r~. fan.11,.a1s:atus, race, H si:,an c cn,g1r , Sc:!:.:: , I ll\o?A.: ) 'S-L"t(; ) P l",oSL' p. c;vitl -i;-tl-to tl;.it.:;i F;,:ir ~~ ; R.Lo o1 '-'n [I, NL"\\' Yor i;. ,,rt! NLow J,:--.~ ov, ;.incl ib) Th ,; ,-111i 1,- U. S. } . r:11rro11l,1ir11il ,, ,,.. 11h:. t1o1tl i1111,i11dL.1li11y ,111i.lf11tm,1lb111:11,11111 : 111 p l1ti1.l,./ 1,1o;,-,. in : IL. 11.. :J i1 D.,,ver, Mi,11 \lir .e Mecia .LC Tri~ ~ a .f!Cu!!~I ur"'de . tile ; .P.o:':dCMOf 1,1.! ,f'""'i,'JtiOr"',\ ct . C:o1 1 '."IP.i"rllr(";. .o11Cf!New; ,'Jr"'drr v ~<'.lt, j c ,1t1-,-. I s v,1t'"l: l'le da 11~.sche,:u e fo.- Sec . t;,er Carse'\ snce J/ ;,.'1/. F-c-n.at : v,e req,.es: t,at vo1. p.-o._.de ..1 it-r of~r,:_oftortonn. : ,; 1; ;,n <.olt.t .tro,ic -:. 1,,t;, prt"fo: . t'-' rto,:,:.oiw; r,;.:_:ortls i, tl-to fol '-'Wi"'lq ' '>r--.,,t~ , i~:t.d in ') r-:. l11r111,1~ ',Ill .1,1~ .. 1.. ~1--.,-,1.d1,1:)I<' ;,n r :)t il.., ,,d ,h :: 11111 ..r l _.ot o:irroil,11; ,:1 ; '1tl ~1..d111r.i1 o., ~,,r. .. ,I Pnr, (Ji <1711.;,,. Clllr"o jlo"Of~I. P.ta.-1 elf! ~t, c ni(. to.-,nat . PIP.,'Jf.P. ,.P.s:-.. or-d w ti"i,l :ia .~.o,okir"g drl.pf., ,'Jf. ti"P. Ac p.-o...,des , C' r"Ol1fv m-::! 1f ' unu;u.ar . o.- . e:,.:cei:,t,~nar" c,-cun.stances apply - as tte Act u;es crose t,: .rrs [f >'')l' clLotitl,; lo ,: ~lom ;:,t ;:,orl '-'" ') I ,,ny .-.::cc .d, plLo,os Lo rLol,;~s,; o II c;~h<.or ~tor1r\ ' 1J,:;Jblr;p,,rt~ lfy c;11 wi\l,t . ,,111,1r,y re-,1:.11 ,or 111 :. 1i1,r- 111 ,. ,,-nir,1_. ;)I.. ,,., .. -.p .. , ii~. whi , t . o,\111.,lo ry ,-x .. ..lp '.i1:.1., ,,, .. , l,,im .. ,I r, :. ea\".h w fi"llcld,~,g . Ple~~e ;P.i~~.-ntel.,-Ma:P. y ,)uf ,.e;,r.0,1; for 1l! 1f ,n~.c ki,1-g rc111.d,~r.,eticn , a; the Ad all~ws., tc relea se t,e ,.eQuested ,,fo,.m.ato con . Plea se descnt:": each .-ecord 'n tl"'held , ,nc lu.::,rg ,ts .::ate ,\ ge 1 ,r.,. CttiC.1rllf. 'A'e1s-,arn ,1 ,'lne CRt::W 1. ::.:op,es c~ all calend.a1s ar"d i c ' c:h":r -eco, .ds reflect ng meet,'lgs Serio.- 'o\'h,:e House Cc..111Se1 "la,.e r o . koo~ ;:> l'r h.itl frorr ; ;,n.,.1, , ry 20, 2017 :o thr : prt.~t ont 2, [J;.:,c1.,m,: ,t '.>rt.tlr: ,i.;t nq tl-t. m S"Sio,, o,;)<'I te'"',f)lltl'-it )ili~i<''-, ,1.111c:11li<''- 11(Ill<' Se-11i:l r '/,'hi .. I h:uo,~ C:111111o,e-l po o,ilii:u 1 .Jrte-11lly t.,-111 ll"f ',\o,. 1(11 3 . hi (.) 1llrrur-ir.at1 ,) 1lf, l)E'!7wf!.:;11 M~ . Ka~f~P.o.,1,1:1Wll,tP. Hf>u!'.e ce, ~ut v Cll P.t ot 5t~tt R.i(.k DP.Mb {JfCI lU J,'ll!l/..!Ul/ 17-H-HQ- HUD-17-0235-C-001401 17-H-HQ- 00836 n ... ... ~ ... R>~ L .. ,,A I> C" .... A .. .0 ,-.1 Mrl .o > K>< ' A o I V "' l com:ile,. C>> tt ''"c; 00866 'J.'l'J/..!Ul/ ,\ ge 1 ,r.,. CttiC.1rllf. t-v v:u, t-rcoker 00937 'Jil.lil.Ull v (..;.a ; ria . ::;taar l lny ~reedcm oi Jno~r ...,at1or ;,ct reqo_es:s .:nd lte re s pors.-~e maten<:l s :hereof filed Ja'lu.ar~ . :.!Vll prt.-ston: req ~r;,iir-lJ Sr:,,,tor [liz.::i:--toth ',"/,,rrton '>r tht ' ~t,,ff of re~rt o~r:nt~ti v to~ o>f Ston~tc . (liz,,b o::ttW,1t. <'.,, h ho lt . 1,_.. ,.,1p,11i~y n-." l111i~,-d~l,1~,-,. S..r1d1:r ,1.111~o." ;)riv,11,- ,.ili1<'.1 Page 15 tc Con,;ress:1cnal ,-'LrlerAgenq )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 :J,'/_.':.!01/ 17-H-HQ- Ma cG1115, Alec. Pursua"lt to me "'ede.a treea,:im cf ll"format1cnAc,~ u.s.t:. !:, ~'.:12,J req.Jest a-'.:c,:=ss tc aM ccp1es oi o.;:, l c-a:lto.-cl.;:,.-s.cl.::ittoJ b,;:w,:-::n J.;:,nu;_ir-y 2r:-, 2017, ,;i-.(j th1,.' prt''S-l"nt (up t;,) ,,n ,:; ir-cll11:.Inq tl-lo ti.:o,-1-.i-. .o1,,-,.: hl,r-11:J l.-o1rr,o.: o rr-11,.r-..~ ;,. pmGBP'r .. ,o,.-11;, 111lhr lo lh:.,,ir,~ 11rri: ;,. ., l r111r. It . ,- r, ,-.,.,. ...1111,hi,.1,,.,li,w'o, Prof-'i..tilca 00809 lt:om:ile;,; Age-ic~ Dffi,:,als N<;,a ~,f7uaMco:=:-Rob~,1 6ow~~ -0.'lvn:1 By.d -: ,u~.r11lOi..h,~, -1\,KfP.w Hughe; -T11nc tlh Petty -\'."1lliam Russe 1- 1::1v1 s Sol,~.an . ;i; cl"ard "roung::ilcc .d -Masc.n Ale~arde o -v,ctc or a t::,a,.t'Jn -::.:teptiar1e Holderf1el~ :ono:1tt-;m Mr:(~11 -Grl''I' )')' llclm,:~ -('i,, rt,~r~ Gr1..~cn .An ,jt"lil Blor:~ltos -tl.lto)(;_in(.ler Goffto.io -~nnt ' G1i:,t,in n.-i,I..- i"i,,,.~ -M,...- ., K,.~ ,,.-. -lyr .11.- ;,,,11,w -Sl1.-.rr oi1 1,,..-1 Siri~ l.-111r. oMi : ti~ .. 1 ~ ...o.:)11-St. .. il~ c:;,.-,-11w:>111I 'P.S<'.1lti'illvf! <:17 11<'. : ., , ,.,uh:11 kP. tr, f P.r.<:i~. f! 71\!!!i,1.,~,.-..:iuar- ill 711<'.t r,11,~wir'Qr<:.rrnt. <'.tP.l'.l(Or'iL ,\ S a . f!:'.J1 neY,s n.ed a J am 'Jnt~. r-::!q...1red :o ~a.r fer the 11,.ect cost of du~11cat on afte ' the f r:s:t lU:.l pages . I h,:s: in 1 ,;;,r, ,1tior- ;~ :>l.inr1 '.>01...IJt-tc.:n bt oh,J f of ProP.,.1b ice:, ,,,- in .;.it'vt.nc;t.r-t r-ono;;,rofit nr:..-.,; c.:. o1oon .:.J!icn, fc.:o ,lj..,,,,-,,li 'Mlilll' I, : ~ht" !J<''l t'r ...l ; o11:>lk H rrl} ' re-q, .... ,'. i~ d.-.,i.- o.f!'"1t,:itic:~,s se,;regatil-::! pcrt10,.-s C4 c-tre1w1se e:>tem~t n.ater al. L, cof cc.irse, rese -ve ire ng-it :o a:ip-::!al yc,u, i:kdsior- tc.: ooo it;h< ) ltl ,.1n.,o infc.:,,,..,,t on .;;,r :o ,:kn " ,, IWJ ootor of fr:t'S .!.,; J ,,m --.,,kinq tt-i~ r,;.;,,u,;,:,st01~ ~ :uw r. ,,li..,I ,,11,I lh., 11r,:. t1.,,li11t1 i., 1: I :irr . .. l.f ,.,,,1,... , l wo: ul,I "Pl".,, ,,1,- ym.1 ('11rr.111,.11i, .,.ti11:,1will, .o,., t, y G) :::c -I :l,'7.',r.o17 17-FI-HQ- ,p,.-..., f,. .1i,. M"~o\ 't'II Tt.io, o," ..-cu,-o,\ 111'11<''u, .. 1"'..-t"1l1:111 11rlr,':)l '"Mlillf' &.1l . 1 , ,.-..-:)',' , .. .111.... ,,.ii ,m:J ,1 !Ji~,., cc:mon.i1l Ca7iC:flS:=.P.r'tL~v l.'lr'P.I ::;c: ,.,ck ~old :Ollf! l.'l G 1'P.P.r"wQC:;'lir'Clud111g trP. wc: ,d ~ "f,l.'lv!!!o o,. '1m-.1gr-:nt' or os~eecri.o t,etY1eer J :'O l ,'.Wl / a-icl 3.'U~.':..!oJl/ . Jf t-ie, .e ,s a cos t assc~1a:ee1 w,tri tri1s rx..i:i1...l.~:.vlto.J ';to kt IT'l' i.-r-ow .,o ,, tot . ,.ont ,1,.t i-.form,.1ti.;;,n incltotll.tl ..-.it, tois l'm,.1il ~:->.:i:t. f:..:,-.r1-:: for M...x......11. Trnoio' 1 . r;,,,.,.I ,1<1i,.L1lri :Ji,.., tlrn, ,.iri,J Pl,.11, lo r 111,- L'""I ' io,.. 'f"'"' oo: '.11 irn 11d.. I .1 .. "''" . ~ , .. , e-11tly s'-llrrit:P.CI p1a,1. ~. Ar-,1,_;i11~P.1'tll1'111a~.c..: 1'<'.t,:i <:.t~ (a 1 .c1;~i1. auClit ; ;. 1. o.:it neorrpa~,.,. tllf! :'.101'.urrP., l ts mo,.-1tcorng l'EVleY, da:edAp,.11 :.i:C', 17 17-FI-HQ- 'f'""' .. 0079 1 1.' :l;2(ol7 17 Fl HQ Ma <.Gitls . i\lP.C b.!J<'' ll }' C" , lli, i,ol~ s..n;,1.- {Jlll <:t lr'lll1'tl)afi<:n Ac, -~ lJ . S . C. 9 551, I 1'P.Q.JP.f.ta~c.~Sf. tc: a,id rnpiP.~ ol l Cll1ll:"!lf!~ Pu,f,ua~.t to tile "<'.df!.a f1'<'.P.cl Janua1.~ :..!O, :..!::11 ~al c.are,.-da os dateCI be:ween / , a-.ct th': p,.esent (up t~ an.: 1,.-c1uc1ng tre clay t-.i s r<.:"t;]t.lo~:is proct"~Sl'c.l : , of th1; /,)llc ..-.inq mt ' mblor~ cf tht' n,;.,_. ,,t1mir-i~:r;1t on',; ~.J(;tor-c," l;mc;ir-rJ tto ,11T"" Im It. .. ile-1,,..111,.-111 -lolw -li111rroy K.. rro11 -t1 .....tl1.-r rt ii .: -!=;.,,.w11 K,,,,,,: .. -flvi o: S11lio,,., . . n,..,;,1 P,.r,Pdllca 00788 M.- :Ji,. ,\gP.~.c .,- C:ttic.,nlf, n.,,.,,,.,.,,, . 1,'2;2(.l7 17 Fl HQ Zurik , L!!!f! l j A I ~t Ill ill t P.cl!!!o'~llyIMl'.kP.CI HUD IOilr'~ r'llw ,~. CIMnu I('; o l,}nM , t..nt WP.f f! w .,:t.;,,1 C:. f.l1a . gP.cl ~,tt . U.ata:iase wc.ilCI inclo..de . bo..t ,.-ot be 1,m,:ed le, date c f oa,.-, n-:me 'Jf whco loan was g ..-e,.- tc, acl-:lres; ufp.c.:plort y ufl c t.1n, t.1mc .m: ofl,>.,n , ,:1r:1 t.1tolt ,,IT'OUnt.,,n .;,itl,;,:,f;1ult/(.h.:,r11looff ,.;;, r..-.ritr : ,) lf,:1.:,:t o M\'.0<'.f'"10tt . \.=ttlla~. . tur'it)' tc: o . O<'.i'ilo' Cuf.t<:cia 1 o or Re <.ara:=.: U 1 .c1;,,. :11.; f1<:P.cl,)1ll <:' 1.-rn.-,na7i<: 1 o Ac , 1 .=irr ,..;q,_P.~7ir'g a~, Of~t,:i<: em,:1Js fr~m er to Jul 1a,.inspect or ol:::a,n cc,p,,;,,s cf th": follc ,,,o1,.-g puPl1c r,;,,cc'Cls: 1) An')' -:nd all ,nterna r:,,~:ro. th o: 1 o) r--i('r Sl.U ~:t.:, ..i. o>f 11c.:v~nq t: IJ. b;,n o,:'ll'lc.::->m<.'nt. ,:).,rim ; hi~ ll'n1,rt", th.:,t c<) nt;,ir- 1t-to pl.r.1o,.- oR,,-111.,.,~,mo ~1111/m o1.,.ro,1 :.," ,.,.,1/1:, "l'Y"'"'i,t~o ,or1:Ji 11t y.,. 11t, ..1o\.., .. ,. n,-, I, ? 01 f, l11 :n,1.i.=ir., 2a. ~0 17 ~;. A1lt n,K .=ti illtf!fll~I f!rT'i'ilil; t,.n,11 {Ji"70 C:r.=i,,gClf!'"11ll!!!1lf.f!1l , tt"f! .:i...r,~,g S!!!CfP.tn,.y ot that cc-it.am :he prrc:se o~n ca -son. .and/or 'Carseno . a,.-d,'c ' Hcus ng & uroan lJe.~elc:iment. o p.,.-.:,--.i,:.ls " .Jotl / ')r .;Jro,ir- b, : two:t'n J.:,ou~ry 2(. 2017 t o> flob.1.,;,rot 20 , 201 7 lf th t orto .:,.,: ~n.,o f.;:to~ ' v r o..-.,r : hirn:1 11r 11:11yhy 1t,,-, ..- . .. nir,1 ..., f)I.,,..., .. i11f11rm .. ,., i' ~t,.- 1,:..,1 o\.ill ~~1 ,. .. 11 ';':7'> tl11w.-,., .. ,. r,1.. ,.~ .. 10( Cf.lN .=tr'd f,P.P.k 711~ ,nto(1ll~t1 {J1l , ,.. 1~.P.i~ul~li( ,1c:tP. tl1a7] i'illll ~ 1llf!'"1ll!!1',) t tt"P. 1ll!!cl1a 1'!!t,:J<:1ti11,;; reQu,r":s a . e:s:pcon s e 1r a reasonatil': in:e ,.es t , ,ot for cc---,merc1al us e . I he stah.te t,-.e penoCI. Jf ;1c.;,:t oss to tot . rt ot.or,:1s: ~m rtoUt":~tinq wil t.Jkto lc.:,qo::r. ol.;:;1~,;,owot.-ct m,: ..-.it, ir-form.:,:ic.:, ,,bou: ....-he-11l m Llt.I .-x11.-d : 11r,i.. ,. 111It . .. ,. t,iti~y 111i,., .p .. ,~ I ., .. , .. 1111.-..,le-11 , .. nir,I~ . 11 Y'". ,1.-.,y ,. .,.,. , : . ,.1, ,r tt"iS 11?.Cudt, t,:JP..'lf.P.c.,tf! <'.i'IC."o ~j)f!(.itK P.>o.E'!'"1p7i <:~. .;<:.1 tP.f! :uf,t,'1P.S :11.; i'<'.luf.rll to 1.P.tf!~Se tll!!! 1no~r---,at10,.. an,: n'Jt,o,; me 'Jf lt'e a~pec:I p'c,:eClu,.es a...a,lat,le to me urde' the law . lh -:nk ~.ou for ,;: .",., oo ,,1., IJ.,tt. n 'ldcD --er t' R .c ct .r ,-HM '"'"il.J~O-f H7 1 T ritt~ :,.-,.-wwor,.zCIne: .com;' a 1-:,clefl Cone- riacke, .- 1::re-: ct es-~U - Lin ..-e,.s he s-fe'!:le, .a1--: ge nc,es;' I he:! 11rk com :ole.:< 01b.;;,o;toi-; tv ;m s1r:idt. which st.:itt .s th1t"' h.:,;,:i.-,:., R.-~vtotin. . h.:,s ,, 1-;o ,;tru,:,:i.-th,; , I.JSDt' CI.J.tm,;nt 9 f 'f , .. ~11.-d' .1lly fe"ljL... o,'. "nip }o 11/ , .. , ormt"11l lll".P.(w 1:<.P. . ,) I i'illlatrf! . a ~.[11l1l lf!j)O(t; , Cli'i11llagf!~~f,P.~;,n.;,1t ~. 1Kid!!!1lt 1<:pc:.t ~. a,1e1 i'illl~ c<:m,nrnl cati<:n ~ ,\ gP.~.c.,- C:ttiC.1i'illf. Cop esd all o~rms . qo..es:1cnna1res. or s,-.11ar -:locun.en:s -:on.pl-::!te-:l b)' She ' n'Khae s1n~le:or. a ,;,:-.ic.:. .:,c;vio;t or tv tt-l. f.l.p~rtm ,;:nt of Hv t1,;inc; ,, r,:11.,Jrb,,r- Dt"o.tol,)plT't.nt from J~n1.,;,rot 23 , 2017, :o r .. t,.1.,.,y 16 , ? 017,. ., o. f)<1rl 1:I ~t, ,- .,.,llhy ;m11 e-o.~ Im p1: ii,,. .1r1;)11i111,.. , II: i111'111(: .. ,.1111.... ol ""}. . M ,~ . o ,:,tho. -:iol I ~.:.1 1:, Jncon.1n,;-An-:l-Ou : gc-1n,; CotTespo,.-denc-::! ~etY,ee,.. U:S . Uepa ' tment V 4 Hoo..s,ng L'rba, [J,;:.ot.l,) plT'l'n: An,:; ),,rt.c.11<.toShl'l'r frv) m 20(:.'.jThrot.1)1- Tt-lo Prt-slon: 1 ,,IT' l'(.'Ql,l"~!il"'IJ l'O[I l"~ ')' iron1rroiro;,,-,.r.1l-1:ulc,;11i.,y <.11r,.. o.; )111.1l.-.i1t" 11.-~w.-e-11111.- .. S . ::>.-;Mrl m.-r .I 1:I o!11L.o,i.,y ~,,d IJrh,111 O.;,vf!l,) t,:irrP.11:.=ire! Ja.f!c Ku~l1nP.r tm,n :ia;is tl1,c:.ig~, tl?IP.f~,.!!!~f!~,t. Tt"P. s.;,n,.cr to,. rn.fP.f.t,:ic:ni::12,KP. w1tt1,-i H~O srou d Pe 1,-.1tec1 :o trie "c.llcYim-;:i oif,ces ,..pcs1t10,.-s: Uif1ce c' :he sece:ao''r' , ::ie:iu:.,. 4,;si~:,, r-t s,, -:.: rlol,.1r-y for M1.,lt f;om ly 11ou-;ir1J, ;:lf' c,: <)11 lc ..J~n,1 4 ~si~t.,rc,, ,.1n,:) G..:,-.t ~c;m ni-;t..:,~ic.:n, ...r.1I ti,,. O' li,,. :)I :,,..,,...,1 !.l"li, :. , :;; I l,: u., i11r,, f,tli, ,- 11fRt't,j11l.1l1:1.f A" ,.ir., _.O'li,,. :,I r.1ir tl o 11~i11:,1 LiS7P.d BP.I<:.~. J i'illll .f!Cu<'.Sti,1-;i C.{Jt,llr'l'rl >o '/.',;,; t Vr;1ir-i ,1 S o: o ,,tor [o o~n )i:nkin~j f.c.:--. 20 03 torou .;Jh :ho;: 111.. ~.-r, : Tl,,. .:..... .d, r, :. n,rr.-o ,r,imc:.-r .,,. .1,il '\ ir. I n1n ..,t,o, ,lc: ti.- lirr.il.-,l 11, , ., .. r, : h,w ,,9 lllti(.P.S,l:'.IOf,it011:<.:C:otti\'.P.or C:<:ng.f!:=.Sll1l~li l1ltP.1'Q(';\oP.1'1 l rT'f!1lt.'l I R~l.'ltiOr"S. S<'.C(P.tn,.v or tllf! Jf!f).'l(lffiP.r't of H'Ju s in,; ard 1Jrba,.. Uevelc.pn.ent , and :he Uep...t')' !:iec,.eta ry of the ::iepao't-,e,.-t cf Ho ...s,-.g anCI Urbs1n Ol.o o-::lovm,;nt. ::t'IT' 2 . Housir-lJ OiscrilT'in,.11i,)n (c.:--.o ,,ir-ts Fil,;.;,\ Ar1s1inst Th,;,:,r:oroc.:o.:itic.:n~ I o,t,-,1 11,i,,l,,w. : ,.,,, , .. 1111.-o:li,1911:rii.-.., t .,111o:ir.!J dio,c.rim ,,..,~i,:., 1rn11pl..,i.,I.., filt"1I w It. It.,. U. S . o.;pa.tmf!nt ,)t H<:us ng i'lllC U. L~i'illl Of!\' P.IC:j)lll<'.nt 11g~i11 :<. t tll!!! (<:1pllfi'ilt101H hM!!!CIL~P.I(';,~ . o ~ vP.(~.,<'.w Ma-io,. , Jn-: . ~west v, -gin a ~ o R1.:e-v ew Man'Jr \e,~h:io.-h'Jocl 1\:s:sc,, 1.ahcon , lrc. ' West .vr,;1r1a :o o com:ile.:< Age-ic~ Com:ile,c Me11a 00771 2,'2H,12Cl7 17 Fl HQ 00761 :..!,'.!l,'.!U l / 17-H-HQ- .-..,t,,-, I t; -eeneY,alCl,Jorn 00708 :..!.'.!l.'.!Ul/ 17-H-HQ- coco,.-ncr , :lrenclan t; zn.oclc o Me11a ::.o"oo..p 00707 l.'l!.l.'.!Ul/ 17-H-HQ- case't' , Ka:hlee,.. l\me-,ca,.. ~r dge .!ls: Ce,..to..r~ 00642 HUD-17-0235-C-001402 ,.-r1/,r ..17 17-FI-HQ- r\.1il.-y, K,.~ .. 00620 ,.-1pr.,11 17-FI-HQ- 00611 l !, i1H:'.ll f! i.,oo,t"y, K...~tol.. .-r. .!o.111.-.i <.,., . r\r ily .. ;,1,.~ C:.. dL.I }o ,,,11 n... ,,t Page 16 Dffi,:,als 1r:,1m;)l<'X lt!Jr- 'll )' C",ili1i,1h l i.11m;)l.-x M.- :Ji,. )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 l,'JU,'..!Ull 17-H-HQ- Kes:er, Ke~eoca to)( New s Ct'la"ln-::!I 'A'e are S.Jt:mItt1ng-c tr-=ea~m c~ Ll"'forma:Ic 'l Ac.t req.Jesc forcorr-:=s~on-'.lef"ce, 1c ncIu-:ie e- ,a11or lcom:ile;,; Age'lc~ Dffic,als w ritttor ltott ,: .'5-, b.;:toti O::l 'l"I S:t'"-' t' n "1r,1.,ct-in ;,ind I IIJ[J ',;pt'ci' c.;:illy .:,s ,, rt" ;,p c nH ' tc 'Mort i;, "l l"t' Ltott ,; r ::> f.. 1 ~. 11' IIL.I ".,, : '.11 i .ll 11ilr ...r.y ,w1l ,o I 1o r1r. o11:)11ll.-r1n. brl .,, r.-r . Mr M11L.1t . in ,111/1llllO :)r-lwrr .i 11,r 00558 da7P.f. ot .1.l .i3/ .i0 LS a11d l2 ; D l ,' 2(ol 0. )1) 1-'i~ la1l<-rlfv J 9th, 2017 f,P.ll ate <.Or'li1o111ati,:;~, ll!!rJ1"ill-;), Mf . Mruch,"l s:a1d 'le .r,oc:e to H~l.) follc -w1rg the ' e ea se of HUD 1550..eclMo.-t,;:agee Lette ' ..Wl ~. l l. "Ir. Mrto (.hh ~il'i~ otrc;:t" 1. n tot . ':-tot-:l' C-: orslon i.:,r ci:izl'n ' o>rtocl '>~l..-ri:.!"~"otrio 't! <.:ri:.!"br:,irr:1 c ..,I.,. o,;m,:JII ,,rr1<>1wl~'"' '.,1~~o. ,11111 i11~1,r,1r1.-o . W~ ,1r.. r ..IIu .. ~li.,1,1 llo o. nirr'?"' oP'"'' : .. r.,.- 1. 1;.., Mr . Mn .ii .,ir. 11; o1lJ;), .-..:itiOr" rrr11 m,~ l<':ttP.1 .;P.1n ail r1,1:'.l.:ir"v w( itui ~, l'P.~por" ~f! 70 M,.. Mr"ul ..n,n ir i t wa :<.g, vP.r". -'lr"Cl.1 ,:; , f.r.,,1o11 ,\.as ne;,e r r-=ce,ved b ')' HUJ . ~te ..,en Mn .. crIn 1-.as :he i:.:to c~une\'iest at the time of t'le April , J.'J, 2~o] 5 i:1.:i:t.d o Mcrtl)v <;t.r: .,;tt,;:r 201 ':i. l 1 ', Fur r~.'fL-rL"n<.: l' , !h ~ i ~ Hr Mn.11:hi,-o~ :;,rq)~rt ' i:1tL.~:irr1Jny in wt, ,t. Ii.- 1.-o~ro!"11, ...,, .1,rili111,1:11 tllJD rn . It . .. o,.ihj'?"11. lo:I ; oo,; /"1,...,w.'11,1 .11o!".',o!"t1,1'. .. . ;J o~.,l,mo / rr"P.i:I;:iii:l,)c ,IM,1,._er i,1-x. 2 :".I C or" tif111a7i,:;n1n,:.to-i e,na . k :<. % :.tOo 'fo2o:l% ~aF ,1a '!-1,2DI:o l I H2 o 17. '.li:It o ~te .~en Mn ..1c'lI,..on Jan .. arv l':itt'l , J.Ul / : .. ::;,- ,I1arv , , ... :to:H~, o,i'le,.. HIJL'I ssue.: Mcor:gagee Letter 2~.15. Jl. I wn;,t t' tc o11JD ,:i7tl ..,~J.c,;:,:1 th ,;m t '> chm ;Jt' th ,; pol c.,. ~o thv: w1: ,,, i.;,ul,:1,i.;,t :>t. f c rc.t.tl to .. l w,1-. o,:, l, ,r .., 11',~ om -...r. i,n I li,'l'f ' o, w .>1I w'?"''?" l1.-l1iro1l 1;.1Io~ -.m,1ll ,1.o11I<.IIlo, I ;1I I ,:~ ..~ <1m! ir.o,L.t<':11<' 17w17h ,) u( 11.I-..:i(.p (P.gulat,:; .. 7h<: Gtt ic.=:r.,t t~,P.C:<;-ii:i7mll,;,. ,) t trP. t(OLlllei:I L~v 1~,ir. trnt I di~<.u:<.~.=:i:I G) ot. :::c -I l/25/2 o 17 17 Fl HQ Rr.,t~i~. 5uf,i'l1l 00.534 Plea ~e :<. P.r"i:Ir'r"P.( J) a rn '.l.p <; t .=:nr.~, nr" .:I f!\oP.I.v c.) IHr'r"ur" ica t.,) 11 tr., O( t,.r.,,11711<:: ,P.c..P.7 -'l(.p <; t --to1.~,,,g a 11d ICr.,,11'.llP.~ u..t::an Oe11elo pment sIrce J.2n.. ar v l~ , J.Ul /, :h -cugh t,e prese nt, md .. d,7g -=:IIthat w e . e 5er"t fron. 01 1"1,!'Ci ! 'it'd b.,o ~n.1o c t o.oo c,:, im;:l1,,,:iinr1:>Ut n,>t limi!l'd t c .;:orrp 1,,t,:. c1 rrob iko I It . .. S .. n'?"l ,1r.~ :,I , ir"CI.Ji:111 )9 nll : I1at w.=:,.e H(';u~ ,,g i'lllC U .(~,11 ) :,f!\oP.l(';'.)1l\ <':1)t~11 , (,;. . :r11l.JM.; In. :.!Q L7' rr ..1iugl\ 11\f! '.)f P.~<':1)l ,\ gP.~,,.1 Gttic.,nlf. ,,r l,'ll,'..!Ul/ 17-H-HQ- tat..1rech1 , -t~bert l'ro~ .. blca ! di corresp,on.:erce :ietL\'ee'l t 'l e c"'ce cof tre secreta . y cof HIJL'I aM HIJL'I non.inee R;,n ,jt' fc. i:::., :..:ortl 5,;:,,rct- . Frr) m (J ,'r,. li201.!. T i.;,01/11/2017'., li:.:om:i le;,; ll ge'lC~ Dff1c.,als c"i:.:orncr , :lrendan 1..zn.oi:lc o Me~Ia ::.;,.01.p ;. ny -=ma Is ;:erl er ,.ece1..,-=d t-v tho se 1rd,.~1i:1..1a1s l,5t-=d Cele,~. on \o\oemt-er 1;1.i:; :.!Vlb. l'la t me'lt on-=d li:.:om:ile>< nth,: :>od.t or ~.,bj ,;:ct . ;l,I ,,n C~str .:.:i,St' C'rt' t,). .,.: \ ,,r-i A (c.:l1Jrt'tti , D1:puty tl-Lo wc.:.d ' Trump' u; T:)11'~,1R11t111~1111, A, l ir,;,i C:...r,e-r,11 r:......~ ..I; f,lw.u ,: I C:.11ldi11;,, :, .. , ..-: ...rv ; N .....I II F,,rk,-,. r.t,i,-r 11(s, ... Pfi1l~if~ill DP.f~Uty /\~~if.ta ~,t S.;crP.t i'l,.y tot t~,P.ort, ~P. Cll Ho ...s, -,g , L<;uf i:IP. :<.Cnf./ (';. Ra-.i r P.,, Pt ir"Clf)~I Uep .. t y 1\ss,stan: fo,. t'le o ir ,-::e cf ..,,ut-I1ean.: JMIar He.JS ng ; Ha . ,.Ie:t I reg ~ n,'lg, l'nncIpal Deputy A~si~:,,,-t s ,:<.:rL"lill"')I For t l-Lo Offino of ( c om.,n t .,o ~l,,,-ni7'1 ~nd Clt" ot ol,>prrlont ; l( ,,th ,;.into NI Q'i:::.,;, J,", 1 R...... ,uot ..; C,.io,:,1..o;) r . v ...I~o.,p,.- t, A~.,i-.l.111l :, .. , r.-I ...ry r, :, r ...ir A.,~io,':,11.I S .-n ..l,H )' Im P11I. .~ ,1111 ll ge'l C~ Dff1c.,als l . ) ,, ~,.; a ' ,i:I all HUD C.<)lllr'r"ur"iUh ,) 1lf, witll "it' .!l 7t.g ,:;,.o P.ollailf, i'li:l'.:h.P.~~P.f, ll1P.fwP.e11 tllP. C~tP.S l l.'~i2 i) J~ I o an~ 1/3.':.!:,ll/ . 1.;.An~. an.: all mte, .nal H L'L> ccmmun ca:Icns -::o,.-ta n,'lg :he na-,e .1Ben i:.:ai'S'Jn.o <.: orrm 1,,ni .;:,,tio, s t i.;,, frorr, or r ;,:,nt,,i,in ,; b<: !1\o,;,;:n thr; c;,,tLo~ 1/ 1/ 201':i ~nd J/3/ 2~. 17 ), : t\n .,o iJnd ,,11 It . ,- 11,1111."krr " ,lr :,111,1 W lli,1111~.1,.-Iw.-~111I,.- c:,1l,-o, I1.--=:o;,,:11n ,11.111/:1/Jnl i. (:':i,1:,- R,1.,y ~ lur R.. ,or c: ,\ gP.' ,C.t C:ttic.,;:ilf, 1 Tt'i~ ~ a .P.cue~t ur"i:IP.. t ile ~.=:i:le.a f1.o:' .P.i:l,) 1ll Cl) (("ff)1.111a7iCl 1 /\c (FC:ol,\; . lhP. F, .f.t Ar'r"f!1K1He1)t t r. 7h<: ICf)1ll '.lll'!~ Ur1ted ::itat.,;,s i:.:c'ls:ItutIor, t7@ com ~ ,or laon c,f tt-e U'lItei:1 ':i:ate s , lt-e 1-',T.-acyAct( ~ u .s .c..:. :,s ec.tIcn 5~2.,, ;,n ,:; ,,,-'i ~:,,wtl' p.c v itlinq for p1,,blic o).;:CL'SSIC (: ooo,;:r7m{.' nt inf, ) ro ,1tio, .: r1:.:.iu,;:~ttt-,1t [ t.lo ~,;:nt 11: 1ii.--. ,,r l l,.- l ;olh ; ,,.i .. cJ 1I0 1,. ,,,.-.,I-. ,,. , ;o :to~,'?" ioo. , l,1ry'?" r , he-1,.-. .. oil: .. d 11; oo~11.d :t,'?" l11llo wir.y i::1 ,:;~u-.P.r"l fo. ,\n y and n117,.r111 :<. itiOr" I1rif!" ng Cl(';<.u-. P.r"t f, r.,r m a7P.ria ~ gi~.f! ~, ll~ tt'P. DP.11 ~ 11m,c.nt r.,t Uban.a Hcus ng & Urtan lJe.~elc :iment tc th-= 1,.ars,t1cn.'lani:1 ng team fc o then-~res1i:1ent-ele-:::t :1-e:r-=:cl< in 2008 ~nd 2~o0') T 7iS in .;:lt,,:1r;~ C"' ) pit o~ c.:1m ,,tL.ri,,ls lc~ ,:1,;.;_ I IJl"'IC !to<.h,-1JlcIC (:o oo,;:r"lm{.' nt inhro ,1tio, .: r1:.:.iu,;:~ttt-,,t [ t.lo ~,;:nt 11: 1ii.--. ,,r l l1.- l; olll;,, .ir1,J 11 0, ,. 111.-.,I-.I1r, i' '.lo~r'?" ioo o1 l,1ryo!"11L . 111h..r, he- II<'. .. oil'. .. d 11; 11~11.d '.11'?"I1111 0 ...,.ir.y ,:l(';~u-.P.r"l f,. ,\11)' a,1d i'lll 71.n,1 :<. itiOI" llri e" 119 ,:l(';<.u-. P.r"t f, f)f ina 7P.ria s gi~.P.~, b~ tt'P. DP.1l~ 111ll<' .1lt l'.lt Hcus ng & Urtan lJe.~el c :iment tc th-= 1,.ars,t1cn.'lani:1 ng team fc o Pre:>1dent-elect L'lconald 1r..1m:i. lh,s in<,: I1,,,:1, :-; r .;:,pi,to~ VZ -,,,tLori,,I ,; lci.li:1<:c; Ol"'IC l lot.h, i.;,lc.:c;'r' ~,:,'] , b1,,t ,ot imitr; c; t .;:,, t ~bl,;:t s 1Jr cl'>lod ,111d / rn l,1nli11y : .. ,1111o, . :1 Im~o,il1I.-, : ,,.1111111 [ )r~ll"r h ; l.-d11111l o y ~ ) ' o r ~,1o,~ 11[,,.;,- t )y I .1.. lr~11~il 1111 ,\ gP.~,,.,. C:ttic.,nlf. ,\11y ,e ~ora~ , dr.,c...1,n.;11t~. .;,na Is, q1.P.~:i,:;n,1ai,oP.~ , ,n P.-iora r"i:la ,) f ~,tl"P.r c,:;orP.r,i:i,:;~,ae,KP. or IC0111'.llP. ~ cc mm .Jn ca:Ic ns :ietL\'ee'l ag en-::;. ct',c,c Is .a:nd tr e l n..mp l'res,de nt ,al I re ns,t ,on I earn , ,.eg ardl-=ss of Fi.;,rmv: , rrL.tl l lrr 1Jr pl-ot ~ C.)I ct-,,r;,rtlori s tk ~ iJnd in ..:l1,,,:iinr1L'ltot .tro,ir .r:<.:ortl '; ,,,-,:1 inform ~ti .;:,n Tht ' re-qL... ','. inlllllo!" o, h11I.1 ir. ..11,1~1wy,1r.1I r' Xlr'T.1I nirt11111111i c.1I 11w; Tl,.- ik.- y 11,:1.- . ,1.1ye- 111I .1.. r .. n,r1 l~ io, 5 P.!l7, I. 2::,Jf, t~,mu911 tll=! i:irP.~.P.117 . I ;Jr'!" f=!q1.P.~tirg rP.~.i:ic~,~ vP. rP.<'.f.11.11~. r=!ga,dlP.~.~ ct t{i ,...,.:it o .:iri:I tli e n:q .. es: Ir"Cludes a:tcct-meit;: t~ tt- ose I.-=cc-ds . Lr" ae1.:ItIor", plea s e wt-en:ver pcoss1t::reprc':lu -::e record s h ~s ( :.;~I fil,;:s er PDF fi l' ~. Pkil sr: ill ~;,:,pro ..o ,:1 l'k c.:t.c..,i,: .;,11,f in 701"'.pro~rt't ~r,f h:,rm,)t~ -;uo;: ,; ~n.1o ~nd ,111c:11,.......... l,1lim . r~l ,1l,-1I '.11Ml<'II .- .. , lr1111i1, .. ,.,ir,I~, inl.i1li111:1 Ill . I 1. 111lim lr' :J l o ol,1'.,1 rli1 '.io:11 ,1ri<'-., Cla7.:il~n~e(l<;~u-.e r"tati,:;n, ( f!l'.Ol'CI Iavo...tf., CA ) (IIP.:<. lleet :c., dnta P.1lt,.v ir"~tfu c.ri ,:;1 ,~ , n,1-::s ,n,I,1,. !l ( ir"lec O( elect'C'llC dccu=,erta:1c'l matencls . l'lease -e;:pond wIth,n :.!o) wcr1<,ng da.~s, -=:sthe Act pro...,':le s, o,. nc tif' 1. mt. ir .o.,n_,~.,,,I o ')r " c::.:~ptior- ,,I' t.irc1,,m-;l,)7~ ~ ,):;,p .t ( ,,s tl-Lo Ac: ust.s tt-o~ -to t1: . rrs) [f o,.,>1o 1l.-,.i1I.. I;) wi l l1t.11ld ,1r, '?"~.. rr-IIt 111 :rli1w 11[,1r.y r,-1 ;)1:J, f)l,-,1o;.. r .. l'?".1',e-,111;)It.,-, o,.--c,;r .. y,1I1I~ 11,1.\o,. It i :)II .11. :lllP.a~P.:c.i:i.;c,1)- wl1,cr ~t;it..1!.) 1.1 P.>I.P...,!l7iCl', ~ a,..; clai,n.;,:I ta witlil"old ;i,1~ ,..;rn .d r.,,. i:i<;.tior" r.,/ a < Pro cto~s. ~pt.t .ifit.,,11 ~ ''" " prt.sl.'n: ,1tior-~ ,:.rtooottoi:1fc o er <.11.'liVt'rLotlto rrl'mb t .r~ o>f tl-t o Pr t.sitlc:nti ,,I T1,1r. o.ili1;.1 T~.1m ' :or :t1o!"11.-,,. to.ilrroir, o.lr~l io 11,l111ir.u N11v.....,t,~r ,1;).-; ..rroI,.- . ? n1 fi . (0,1'. .. R,1.1y~ Im re o. l.E 1I. o 1,,, ..,.::.,. ,.., .,, .,c. .,n ! di a~erc y ~nei,ng material; rela:ea t c :he 11res,de'lt al tr-=:ns1t on "i:,r A~erc ')' ;i;.,;,v1e,~ . ream s (al so lcom~le>< 1.;_n.:.:, w n ii~ Aqlon .;:v L,,,-,:1inri Ttoo)o~). Tt-e~-l' m,):t orio)IS i 7C\ldl", t.tot ,ire no>t limi!t" d tc ~"',' ~1)1:nrv.~ 0 ,11~ .: "'!J,111i,..,1I1111dI h,1rl , l111 ;Jy'?"I ; h1rr o,1n : ,1pil~I 11..o~,.,.; .. w, ; 11 .... r.I 111io:o.i11r1.ooi~iur. ,1 .. ;J o.'.r,1l'?"yi: 1,1 ,\ ge' ,L)' C:ttiC.1i'llf, oe,.- i:.:ar sc'l. ~Date 00481 1/ t;/:.!Vl / 17-H-HQ00468 l,l:!;21:.l7 17 Fl HQ Ma :c.s P., cr, .,~toi:i~,P.r 004.56 l2 ; l6 ; 2C:ol6 17 Fl HQ 'A' 1S~!ll. MP.gn1l rrP. H II 00380 ,,..,,,b.. l 2; l6 ; 2C:ol6 17 Fl HQ 'A' IS1!1l. Megn, 1 rrP. H II Uevir"P., Ca .rie CP.1l7P.( to r Pl.Ill C l1l7P.grt y MC' 15't', Michael M,.c1<-toc1< 00379 12;Ll ; 2C:.l l"> 17 Fl HQ 003.57 HUD-17-0235-C-001403 1J.,o~/1Ult;r 17-H-HQ00337 lJ. .,!,1/..!Ull:! 17-H-HQ- KravIt 2, De -el<. 00336 Hi .,U / :.:!Cilb 17-H-HQ00047 Hcld,'lg, lieorge : am ,.eQuest ng an C.pe'l .:I scl osu, .e c~ : he de:a, s c ~ a H'Jl.l oar ap:il,cat1 or s.. bn.,t:ed by :h-= r cv,n c~ lcom~le;,; l, ;1rot for t"ll' ~tirp .;:,~,; ;,:,f b1,,il()inq ,, I.J)(l,,t"'y hc:d , l 5.Jmo,,r'r' er IUJ)'~ nIrr{. ' nt pc~itio, on th is ...,,1ili, .,1ti111 . ,.,, ,J ,.,,.. rl',1':0lr' (o.) r, ,, iio. , : .. l ,:y ]. ~ .. " ,I, ;; llll11"r.I~ ,.,, ,J;,,. 1 :>1r.-o;p :,11rI.... , .. ~,,t ,, ,,ill ~,1 by tr f! T,) Wll ~ir"(IP.,)1. g, ' ,,'JIV S.Jll-iit/1 ~,g 711<':i'lll ;')h<.ntiOr". J. : f)IJ ~,l d f!( A)ll (';-.i (. ,.!!~l.lt:C. [ ll-'lt wil Ill'! . e:::iu,feel Page 17 A ge'lc :~ Dff1c.,als con~re55Icnal ,'lrler1'genq )> <~ m IJ JJ C) en )> _ 7 10_!~,'..!UIEi 17-H-HQ- 'A'coel1er:,LotTa1r"e ofHous1f'g a"lll ~rDa"I Oeooe opmert \'iasr11"lgtol", L>.t:. G.F ;Ni:-Ql\t-1.\TJC-NA(T R[QV[ST [1-.-,,r M,;i;.i ,,rr i.;,rSir. l"'ur-.lo.;,nt to thr: G(t. '.:I, :.!016 Chief H):1\ 0'" ce' Departn.en: l'Ollt1-'.:0 2(210 00019 '.JlA [\.IAJL ~R[(DOM r,.- .. 110111, :o lr.lm111,1'.i1: .1 :,,, :, ~ IJ.s.r:. S r-dim, ~~] .. 1 ......,1 (rn:A: , , : . .-<:11.-.,l ,l.- '.,1ih , :Is .. , r.-l,try Media J11li,w Cn~:.-o'f. ~(.llf!Cu f!. P P.cl~.f! !)"(';\oid,,; rl11~ll!~Oil"trrP.1l:~. l)t"01)e log~ a~,d <..=ile11d;;.-~ (f!l~tP.1 t,) Of ina ,1tr1ir"P.d b'y 'ir. t:ast,.o dat,ng from Ja'l. l, :.!.Jl~, to the date of 'r'CL.11" r,2ce pt of this lette'. tf HUD rec.-:ntl .,o t-as l'l,!'~~on<.:totl W ~ ~i mil,:1r r1:-:.,u<.!"~lfor in f.-)ro,,tior, ] ;1m ."" ill "'I W .JCCl'P~ ,, copv I)( t h,,t pric r rtoo;p,:;n~(.' willo ll1.- .1r1;J.-ro.~,1nli.>',1'.h.,I till[) 11oi.. ,,.l .. li .~, ill;, .. n1m;,1 ..~ .. I)o ,,.o,p11r1.. i..,,. lo: '.11o, ..... ,, .... 1 ;,y ti Iio.~ i., i'lll~ ga::,5 Ill 1 1 ,t0 ( 1\lat, ~JI\. [ a-. .'l (P.f~01'lf!. re:. P~1litiCA),,'l('i'lC.~fP.CI t f!.:: .'lr"CI(P.l'.ognilP.CI nP.w;gatrP.1'i119 orga--.1zat on.: re-:1u,2st tt'e rec.o:ir1s :o ,nfo,.m :he p1,bl,c abo<..t n.at:e,.s -:if p1,bl c conce.-n . H::,, ~q<.,irL o~ !h;_,t tho: y"OU o ,:,<;t.r-c.1o rr:spvncJ tc th is 'l'Cll"'.!l't ._..ithir- 2('.o b<..si"lt"s.s ,:J;,y-s. T-.i-s. ~i:Jl..L"~! i-s. ,,.. ,;;, .. ",1,1111,-, ,.r.,I .~01,r "':lt'rl<''r' rro11y nil ,\.il .,tmh l ,.11lir .. , .. , eor(:o, :,.. , ...,,,.... 1:o 011 ...... dim, t.,,.'. y1:.J t,,.li .. ..,.. i!. !!1t>to~ tc f,1:)0, '.1 y"QU <.!'~tim;_,t1:!h;Jt v<.:t,..1, 11 <.:O>t> .. '.hf" <1/IIJr11poi~I.. ~, ,,.,,,,.,..,,. .. 11lo;l11r ..,,ill .. xc .... ,I ll.io, ~1111:.ml, r)1.. ,. .... , .11r1'."d rr- .. o.o lt.11I f rro,1y rro,11<. G) :::c -I ,,t 7/2J/201G 16-Fl-HQ - B,1rtco. (thm [J;_,il.,oC~lkr Ntow-s. fountl~ti,)n 01790 Ac-:, ~ U S.r:. ~ '.,'j2, 1 rLomot.-s.t l r:.i,;,m;:,k~ Pk;_,s,: '; tor: ;_,tt,1rot'd . Pu.-s.lo.:iot :o th,: 1 <.!'r:lr:.v F~t.tl,)m cf [rfi,;,rmv:ic, ,11; ..,.o,1,,,., .,I c11pi.... :,I"")" ,.,i;J,.ll111r11111,., 1lrn,.11,.. 11 lo;1,r 11lh.. ,, ..,., 1r1l"'l""'l11 c... ,I ~.," .r.ai 1ll 1;o ,,11 Cttir.2 ot hlf,l3@(.h)1. ::ie 1 ,P.(;,1s~~tP.111,c 11np1,~;,tior-~ Re::ia(t 1f!9Ma ,19 crn,191:'!r. t c: :11.=:D.=:13a.t,11ent,)t Hcus ng an.:: U't:-an ::ie.~elc:iment's :iroc.ess. tc suspend and ,:l,2ba' ,.ea l estate prcfes s.1orals.. Ja m ..'ISCo w ~n,:J w;:,i1:~ of ,:,ny ,:inti ~II r t.corcls p1:rt,,irinq t'> ''"" p,;;licv c~,,n ,Jt.-s.oo~ ;_,r-1. -~1.,lt 0f ~i:J<..L"~:irlJ v<.:i:-::s-s. ot. .. r,,..p.1r'.m,-11l torno~iri;.i ,.r.,l llr:Mo. 1:)11rron1 : .1o.11io; ll.io, r .. ;)11ro. Tt. .. , .. ,,:,rl w.1.. o,11t1mill.. :J t 1~,g ally a11d rill carr,11._,1,~;,tiC r"!.. 1Klu:1ir-g f!"'l,'l1 I!.. bP.twP.f!~, Cla:P.d Ma1 l.~. 2o:)J:i.. I ;,rr nlf,O 1.f!q11P.f, HUU coff1cals. r,2ga'd1n-g e,th,2r:he r,2pcrt or tre 1s.s<..ep-esef'te.:: If' tre repco1: J::, aavs before corcfter tl-Lo r Lopo>r: W,J'; i-s.st..Locl.: ._..oulcl 11.;toti,;, rLo~oiw: this iofo rm;_,ti0n in, , -s.Lo, ,rro ,, l;;lto P)!= ..oi,, t'IT';,il _;ir :hl,m:> M,: .;1i,:i All lT'L'm')S, ;,ton,.,.. Lont~. or otht"r rt'C")r.;1~. prodll('l'tl ~~ .J .r:-;uot c' ~ Ftobr 1,,1ro; 13, 2012, o or cr: vi :.,,,; , .. d, ;. .......... ,.1 S.~o;l ,-,, ,i : l111r,li,.,1l i, ..... R ..p ,irl , .. ':l"''l i, ,,,. ~t,,.. ,Ii-., ... 1i1;11 , ,,,blic 111 :.Jo. ,.,,~h :,rili,-o. M,: .;1i,:i oo 7/2J/201G 16-Fl-HQ- B,1rtc;,, (thm [J;_,it.,oC~lkr Ntow-s. fountl~ti,)n 01789 1/Hl/..!UH, ~/lt:1/..!UIEI 'o/n/..!U IEI 16-H-HQ01767 16+1-HQ01449 16-H-HQ- ,,r n..,.-.. ,,t ''':I l r:.i,;,m;:,k~ :'.IP.(tai,11119 tc: a,1y pol Cy (PHM, ,: lh ) t to t .=:,o"'lir"i'lt!! tugit,vP. ff!I OM,. ,mo f,P.P.k111g cc:pif!:<.Of a I 1'f!C.~1.-:1~ cran,;es. as c l'ES<..ltd tre repcor:: al cc~,m ..1n,ca:1c'ls, 1ncl1,d,ng ema,ls. betwe,2n HUO off,-:::1as "-'l'JV"dinq t.ith-i.' r :h <.!'r-i.-pcrt ur t ~ t' i-S.Sl..t"p . 1:.;t.rt1:,:; ir t ~ t' rt'p ,,r: ):) ti~ -;~ bt.fcr r: o)r ~lt1:r th ,: r,:port ..,.,,~ io,.. 11,-,I; .1.>11:Jirl"'d;-., .. ,, ,md ,11.. ..,i1r.1nl" .. ...r.I by tl.,I) 11: Pl IA~ ,1o,,1 ,,-o,l.11 :,I It. .. OHi o.. 11rnl. W~11\o, 111 1<\CP.vP. tllf! 11tc:.rr,1t 011 11a :<.P.a . ,.l1a::il@ ;,OF ~i;, @"'l,'l1 Of 0,1 ~ tt'urro1 cl1'ivf!. It r"Ot, ,i~.a,l;,blf! tlla: wa~. Rec.cor.::s "cor ell pr,2m,.Jmoclass:ra...e p1,r,:hcse;; s nee Jaf'Uil'Y 1, lUl~ . un:11 :h,2 da:e cf Hu::i.s ~~i:;on ';to, !O inrlucJLo b...at oot lilT'it<.!'clti,;,, th ,: ,:;toi:;,.rtlT't'n! ,,rel int1i'..it111vl fi,;,r whic~ t~L. t ck-i.'t oti~~ p1.rd1t.o, .. (:, l., .. ;,wr)11o,,. l11r lr.1..of"I, 11,.. or ~hnlirw ,1m: ,.,.,.1ir1,1li: >11, :o 1t,,-1r,...o,-o nnl 11,.. 1111,11 ,.11o ,'. S1m:ile 'A'J'f.lt:henf'e1o1 fo1arecuest s1m:ile Re-."clv1,.-g OocrP ' CJECt t:om:ile;,; : -ecu,2st an elect,.o,.-ic. -:::opy (e.,; . pdfs. on c t:U-IK1"1 o,. ...,e eme.r :, c~ ell e~,a,ls crn.em-:is ,n t--.e DCSR's-s.ior- uf Stot."-ot.:,--,o (;_,st" >, 111,;.o;,li,P.:,-ko:.o r, or ll r: Lon K~nc..-sk)' tt-,,t mtortivn J.:,sor RuR'nl::-LorlJ, P.. l,.., S, t .n, 11r Jnrroil"' Dirro,m 11.. l.....-,.. .. ., N:)o.-.. rro1,.. . 1, ,,::i 14 ,1r.11 A1n 17im:, :;,n1n. n, o,~,,..dtk<1I y i11<.1 ...i:1e:<.,t~ut i~ 1 ,at lirrit.=:i:I tn, a 1,nate.,~os :l1.P.11a,.2 i:1,n c~)11r-ecic:n Is) 111e2t,1 ,g:<.w ,:11 Jase:~, Rof.P.ol:Jf!(Q, -ecua:st a wave,. of a I fee:. fo.- tn1s req<..e5:. Jn Cor.::e,.t-:i nelp to l'eter ~crer, o,. Jan.1e Dm.on.: , y"OU -;h<) (1l.;i l11',1.>11.o::,.. 1,., l S11:. .. v '.nbl .. ~ rf"ljl. .. ,,~ 10 11i,-o,1:' ~II , .. n,r1b 1<<>111 1 Jt ll"P.fP. if. i'lll)' CC:1 ,tu~iC:1 , ~L~llu7, c:. c.l;,rit,<.;,ticr" 1lf!,\Cl@c, r11,gr1,.d1 ,g tll2!.@ .@<.Ord~, f~lf!a OP. f,P.P.rY''( ccn .es.pc'laence w,:h th,2 1-c:A :Jt' ce .s tugene Mcti,1: from 1-eb. "-El - March 2, lUlEI (s.uc;ect h'le : [ rt'Ql":o;t this ioform,i1ti0n in thto -s.,,m-i.' tli;1itooo f c. .,..,,t ;JS IIU() vNIA5 n-s.p,;-:t i,;,n,:;,, tio u;:,tl ,:tr:'') llfll'o'illr<: io. rf"',f ! llrl-. .. 111HI). 1n.. ..oi1111-. r .. ,,u .... 1 1!i.fl.t1Qo:lnf..1!, \Tl 1i.. , .. ,j.J .... I rr- .. , .. 1l ...... (', l.,1d11I.-o, lll i'I ~..1b:<.P.t llt t',P. li'lb P.S.,c:m tn;,t .-.=:~, ~n,1:<.e.)Tll1S 1',tar,nat,~111 ,; b.=:i,1g !.,)ugllt Ill\ :lf!t'i'llt ct ~..177FP.@:1 Nev,s fcrtne purpose of 1,..form,'lg th,2 ge'le.-al :iubl ,,::. Beca<..se th,2 release cf :h s ,nfo,.mat,c.n ,s 1,..tre p1,blichto:..~st, p t.,,-s.t. wvioot" .Joyv;:,p i,:;_,bl-i.-cl1.-plicv!icnft"r:'; lfyc...atl-r:t,:..,..in-i. 'tl-;,t 1 -1.'L'~oooill-i.-:,,:r-i.'L'tl S] !i , ;,I... , .... i11ti: rrr o , ,. .. I r o;I. ll.o, 1 "rr- '"" kir1s I loi~ , ~111 . .. ,.: "~ " j111.r .,,.lio,l "" :J I .,i~ ir1'o r ""'li1 ,r- io, :,I {JlllrY'ur"iC.!lt.ng .,,ii', Ill<': lly tP.l.=:13ro, 1.=:o,. P.lf!<.t .C:1 ,i\'. ,11.:1,1 - lif.lf!('. r.-.P.I~ v.'lluP.. [ w,)ul:1,'lf ~!l(P.1o.i.:itP. .,-c:... C. al::-:ive ratne, . tna,.. b :ios.ta ma,I. J lc -:,k fo,.wa'd tc .our,.e I.. .~,,trm 2U bu;:1,..es;: i:lc s asth,2 /di clataba:.e .-ecord s. frc ,m HUD.s. L,2ad t!,.;;se.: 1-'a,nt :ns.pect.c ,n prc og,.an., from th,2 p,.ogram.s 1,..ce:it on t:om:ile;,; W th<.!'clv~to thi-.,; rL'(l,.Jt'-S.ti~ fulhll<.!'cl ( V SC .,:,:;uo::~t ;111.1:0:.:orcl,1yc,..1t'.,;,(.1;1t;_, clktii,;,n~r Lo~. tr,,inirlJ 1l, 1l,i .. ,Id"o"'~ .. 1 , .. ,1., .. ~o lhi .. ir.lm111,.'.i1: 11ir.,. ,. ~i 1...1' ;,r11,...\, ,,.,. ..,,d,,, ,1r1;J ,,..,,....,.,; .. ,, "~o.1; ; i,.'. .. d .....-i i,:irP.tf!.a::ily as C:' ,P.c , rr"lll'P. E ~Cf! !.f~f<':i'I0:<.11<:P.t:<., \'.omm;, !,P.)l.:l1'Hf!.:: ~.aluf!:<. (Csv;, til!!!. . ~ir SQL r.crP.m~ m, . ~o..,,~,.,.A~~ .. ~~~o m, l'Ll::A::.:t Sl::t c1c.;:;1N,,_ JNC:JMWt; Rl::qMt:io t-UR t:U M.,Ll::11:: L'l:: 1;.:_::; Recu,2stm,; N,2w Jet"S'2'1ht New l t:om:ile;,; Y,:,:rk's ,J;:,p i,:;_,tio>n f ,;;. th,: N,,wr, , I )i-;, , -s.t,:o i:::.,:,;ilLont t' (cmpo:.otiticn riovnt. 00891 Page l S M1:(ii,:i Media Me11a CffK1als. HUD-17-0235-C-001405 16-H-HQ- Harte Elr'an Dally Lc Ier News I-ou nae tIc-n 00099 Pursuant to the ?ede a I-Ieedom cf lr?fnlmatlcn U. 5. :3 552 ace??~55 to and names or Lomnlex 'I'Inc riUCU?IL'rts r5:I?II:I?din I'Ippl I:Ijtitns. awn-ails, I5. 010 rr'purts of Ca pIILit-Ir Bu 1r A?IoIcII-Ilrlr- gr Lyl' SHI 4 0| HUD DI.- 19'1?} 5 231 I 'If. L?ut In. an,- all. I. irarIde. ll'JI' funaIn-g: 2. grar?t I'ecu: en: 5' and r'crn'ance conducted EV H- D. the C-Ffiri: tor 5r '1 "Ur third-part 5le ted b? grar?r and -a .3 .Il'luc I5 awarded and -aw= r1555 :cnauctea by HUD, folce GeneIaI b. Pal? armarce goals and ubictt :5 sub?Hum: bIr walnuts, car'IIrI: IT: I: I:rIt5' sub-I Award notices: 3 ll"dl rr'IriI-Iw Elli?- r'r nu, l'r Tn. IE and EnmmI Ill}.I elcpment ccmol'at capecr a'1I:| how con?mun "es were subsequently effeced; H. Curmspundt'rcr: D- I'm: rIra?t 'DiL'rt5. rut irrI tut: to cm letters. Ir'xl rr-I-?m-Igr?. .1 rl 1C5 ir'null llIr 'r-Iflol 5r- e5ponaewe regaIaIng I'Egdla?c'ls. it ENEELEWE b?al'ltInc-5pm?. Ir I I-I lr'lrIIiJIIgr-IrIr-fI 1r r? .I M-Irl HGIJS ng and LJ-lvan ch5Ing hutnc llIe- US. rI 0| 'egaI'cir'g the Sea-Ia?ar' 'CIbur?ry "Ja: Ridge fol REE: I. SEE U9 201'. ll: l._.llf Nll'n? DI-II . 01835 I-II.I-I AI. FL I HGIJS ng Include any 'e -I - 1 -ns I- '1n1 Page 19 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Davis, Anne Thursday, August 24, 201711 :50 AM Wright, Sandra J Foster, Helen G; Snowden, Deborah R; Smallwood , Marcus R; Ott , Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Wolfe, Lisa A; Williams, Sheppard V Submission of Media FOJA#17-FI-R03-01696 Max Lee to ExecSec for finali zing Dear Sandi, Following telephone conversations with the Region Ill FOIA Liaison, Van Williams, and pursuant to the recent FOIA policy and clarification, our office is turning over the responsive documents and supporting information to ExecSec-FOIA Branch for finalizing the processing of the documents and response to the requester. I have uploaded the following documents in FMS2 under FOIA case control #17-FI-RO3-01696 (Max Lee, Northern Virg inia Daily) in Document Management, File name "Lee-NVDaily": 1. 2. Original HAP Contract RFD Response from Program Area Your will find the Recommendat ion Sheet in the correspondence log. I plan to update the FOIA case control number in FMS2 to reflect that this is now a HQ-controlled case and remove it from the RO3 queue since ExecSecis finalizing the processing of the request . Please advise if there is any outstanding matter or needed change to the above steps. Thank you, Anne Davis Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001406 Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802/800-842-2610, ext. 4802 P Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001407 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Davis, Anne Thursday, August 24, 2017 11:37 AM Wright, Sandra J Foster, Helen G; Snowden, Deborah R; Smallwood, Marcus R; Ott, Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Wolfe, Lisa A; Wi lliams, Sheppard V Submission of Media FOJA#17-FI-R03-01465 Debbie Truong to ExecSecfor finalizing Dear Sandi, Following telephone conversations with the Region Ill FOIA Liaison, Van Williams, and pursuant to the recent FOIA policy and clarification, our office is turning over the responsive documents and supporting information to ExecSec-FOIA Branch for finalizing the processing of the documents and response to the requester. I have uploaded the following documents in FMS2 under FOIA case control #17-FI-R03-01465 (Debbie Truong, Richmond Times-Dispatch) in Document Management, File name "RTD-TRUONGESSEX-2017": 1. 2. 3. 4. All PK Properties Essex HAP Payments 2012-2016 EssexCDEOriginal EssexCDERedacted For your information, the requester received an interim response on July 10, 2017, which you wil l find in the correspondence log. With the interim response, the "All PK Properties" and "Essex HAP Payments 2012-2016" were released in full. This FOIA has been linked to 17- FI-R03-01425, and the clock has been stopped, because the COEdocument requested by both of these media requesters has not yet been released pending resolution of submitter objections to the release of the following documents: The decision to release these documents has been made and the submitter was notified of HUD's intent to release on August 17, 2017 (this is in the correspondence log). The requester is anticipating receiving our fin a I response by August 31, the date provided to the submitter as the intended date of document release. I plan to update the FOIA case control number in FMS2 to reflect that this is now a HQ-controlled case and remove it from the R03 queue since ExecSecis finalizing the processing of the request. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001408 Please advise if the re is any outstanding matter or needed change to the above steps. Thank you, Anne Davis Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond , VA 23219 804-822-4802/800-842-2610, ext. 4802 P Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001409 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Davis, Anne Thursday, August 24, 201711 :14 AM Wright, Sandra J Foster, Helen G; Snowden, Deborah R; Smallwood , Marcus R; Ott , Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Wolfe, Lisa A; Williams, Sheppard V; Schmiegelow, Toni D Submission of Media FOJA#17-FI-R03-01425 Theresa Clift to ExecSecfor finalizing Dear Sandi, Following telephone conversations with the Region Ill FOIA Liaison, Van Williams, and pursuant to the recent FOIA policy and clarification, our office is turning over the responsive documents and supporting information to ExecSec-FOIA Branch for finalizing the processing of the documents and response to the requester. I have uploaded the following documents in FMS2 under FOIA case control #17-FI-RO3-01425 (Melissa Hipolit, WTVR-TV) in Document Management, File name "WTVR-Essex-June20-2017": 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notice of Defau lt COE-May 25-Approved January 2017 REACAppeal Project Owner Certificat ion Survey REACAppeal Redacted In the review layer you will find the fol lowing redacted documents: 1. CDE-May 25 - Approved 2. Project Owner Certification Survey 3. REACAppeal Redacted For your information, the requester received an inter im response on July 10, 2017, which you wil l find in the correspondence log. With the interim response, the "Notice of Default" was released in full. The clock is stopped on this request pending resolution of submitter objections to the release of the following documents : 1. 2. COE- May 25 -Approved (Redacted) Project Owner Certificat ion Survey ( Redacted) AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001410 3. REACAppeal Redacted The decision to release these documents has been made and the submitter was notified of HUD's intent to release on August 17, 2017 (this is in the correspondence log). The requester is anticipating receiving our final response by August 31, the date provided to the submitter as the intended date of document release . I plan to update the FOIA case control number in FMS2 to reflect that this is now a HQ-controlled case and remove it from the RO3 queue since ExecSecis finalizing the processing of the request . Please advise if there is any outstanding matter or needed change to the above steps. Thank you, Anne Davis Anne Davis, Sr. Management Analyst US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4802/800-842-2610, ext. 4802 P Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001411 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Will iams, Sheppard V Thursday, September 21, 2017 8:08 AM Robinson, Shana Ott, Richard M; Edwards, Nika V; Hawkins, Monica A; DeFelice, Joseph J Please Log in CTS and assign to PH (email to J. DeFelice from John Leary re HCV/AFFH/FMRs) PHA Sect8 Sept2017.pdf Shana, Pleaselog this incomingemailandattachmentto Joe in CTSandassignto PH. MonicaHawkinsis alreadyawareandwill be speakingwithJoeaboutpreparationof a formal response. S VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard.v.williams@hud.gov o. 14111c : This communication, along with any attachments , is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commun ications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to t he sender and delete t his message. Thank you. From: Hawkins, Monica A Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 11:54 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Cc: Williams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: FMR, AFFH, PHA Hi Joe: Let's discuss these so that I can separate the statutory requirements/HUD regulations from PHA's discretionary policy decisions. After we discuss, we can formulate a response to this inquiry. Let me know when you are available. Thanks. : o ' I, o Monica A. Hawkins, MBA Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public Housing The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001412 Philade lphia, PA 19107 (215) 861-7593 From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7:25 AM To: Hawkins, Monica A ; Ott, Richard M Cc:Williams, Sheppard V Subject: Fwd: FMR, AFFH, PHA Joseph J. Defelice Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From:John Leary Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 1:28:38 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Cc:info@pha.phila.gov; helen.gym@phila.gov; mar ia.q.sanchez@phila .gov; cindy .bass@phila.gov; jenn ifer.kates@phila.gov; da rrel l.clarke@phila.gov: jam es.kenney@phila.gov; ubinas@philIv.com; med ia@nl ihc.org: ourhomes@nlihc.org; eweiss@nlihc.org; rwillis@nl ihc.org; smickelson@nlihc.o rg; Edwards, Nika V; Wo lfe, Lisa A Subject: FMR, AFFH, PHA September 19, 2017 Mr. Joseph J. DeFel ice, Regional Administrator Office of the Regional Administrator Mid-Atlantic Region U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Philadelphia Regional Office The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107-3380Phila Dear Mr. DeFel ice , Following are ema ils concerning the PHA and landlord/tenant problems in the whirlpool of FMR levels and affordable housing issues in various areas causing much grief (please see the PDF attachment), PRRAC alert on the Small Area FMR rule, contact with NLIHC for AFFH comments , and my submission in 2013 for HUD Docket No. FR-S173-P-OI. I would look forward to speaking with you concerning these items and how your office can he lp the specific issue with the PHA in relation to tenants caught in the crossfire between PHA and their listed realtors;. It is important that affordable housing will continue to be possible for lower and fixed income households in the midst of the extreme cost of living which is displacing many people in var ious metropolitan areas, driven by developers seeking to profit without regard. For your information, I have contacted various individuals and agencies for consideration using disposable or net income instead of gross income being more realist ic as the qualifier for housing affordability. Thank you for your consideration , and much success in your position . AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001413 Sincerely, John Leary Consultant * Producer 2 Penn Center' POB 59107 o Phila, PA 19102 1.800.561.8050 oo 215 .701 .7216 www.thejlo.org "May this communication be a blessing in your day ." THE JOHN LEARY ORGANIZATION Cc: Councilwoman Helen Gym (Re: your current hearings on the Eviction Crisis) Councilwoman Maria Ouinones-Sanchez (Re : your current hearings on the Eviction Crisis) Councilwoman Cindy Bass (Re: your current hearings on the Eviction Crisis) Ms. Jennifer Kates, Esq. tor Councilwoman Gym Council President Darrell Clarke Mayor James Kenney Ms Helen Ubinas, Phila lnq Renee W illis, VP , Field & Communications, NLIHC (Possibly for NLIHC VP for Research And rew Aurand and NLIHC Research Analyst Dan Emmanuel per their authorship). Sarah Mickelson, Publ ic Policy Director, NLIHC Elayne Weiss , Senior Policy Analyst , NLIHC Timothy Smyth, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Programs , HUD, Wash, DC (April 28, 2017 , edition of T he HU Odle, "Enforcing Fair Housing 49 Years after the Fair Housing Act"; exce llent article) Niki Edwards, HUD, Phila, PA Lisa Wolfe, HUD, Phi la, PA ################################################################################ ################### From: John Leary [mailto:admiri~theildfo...cg ] Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:22 PM To: 'info@pha.phila.gov' Cc: 'helen.gym@p hila.gov'; 'ma ria.q.sanchez@phila.gov'; 'cindy.bass@phila.gov'; 'jennifer.kates@phila.gov'; 'darrell.clarke@phila.gov'; 'james.kenney@phila.gov'; 'ubinas@philly.com ' Subject: Section 8 Eviction Importance: High September 18, 2017 Mr. Kelvin A. Jeremiah President and CEO Philadelphia Housing Authority 12 South 23 rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Dear Mr. Jeremiah, This is in reference to an article wr itten by Helen Ubinas in the Sunday , September 10, 2017, edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer. Please take a momen t to read the article (see copy of PDF attached ) and review the options available . The article details a problem with a Section 8 recipien t who is caught in a battle with the landlord and PHA voucher payme nts. The tenant is a single mother raising three young children and is now facing possible eviction after residing at the property fo r nine years. AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001414 I am involved in helping the residents and businesses of Philadelphia and look forward to making a d ifference accordingly . In line with that, I have been following Philadelphia's Eviction Crisis as instituted by Councilwomen Gym, OuinonesSanchez, and Bass. I would look forward to hearing more about your thoughts on making changes and collaboration among various entities empowered to take responsibility , and to coordinate a meeting for everyone to sit at the table and discuss proactive ly, not reactively. Thank you for your consideration . John Leary Consultant. Producer 2 Penn Center. POB 59107 * Phila, PA 19102 1.800.561 .8050 ** 215.701.7216 www.thejlo .org "May this communication be a blessing in your day." THE JOHN LEARY ORGANIZATION MAKE A DIFFERENCE Best Practices Solutions * Business Ethics Review* Business Networking Community Developmento Consumer Advocacy* Entertainment Productions Event Planning* Fundraising * Image Consu lting* Marketing & Promotions Cc: Councilwoman Helen Gym (Re: your current hearings on the Eviction Crisis) Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez (Re: your current hearings on the Eviction Crisis) Councilwoman Cindy Bass (Re: your current hearings on the Eviction Crisis) Ms. Jennifer Kates, Esq. for Councilwoman Gym Council President Darrell Clarke Mayor James Kenney Ms Helen Ubinas, Phila lnq ################################################################################ ################### Small Area Fair Market Rent Rule>>>>>> Also, per the PRRAC update sent 9/14/17 >>>>> More on the Trump Administration's unlawful suspension of the Small Area Fair Market Rent rule: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has published an excellent commentary urging HUD to reinstate the mandatory implementation of the Small Area Fair Market Rent rule, and a detailed analysis of HUD's Interim Report on the Small Area FMR demonstration, which, contrary to Trump Administration claims, actually supports the implementation of the new rule. The suspension of the rule was also recently covered in the Atlantic , quoting former HUD Secretary Julian Castro. emerbiAqhirquicksand eFMR Tto At this juncture the responsibil ity of deciding who should be a delegate under the Republican focus places those voters in a negative, eleventh hour decis ion making process, which is actually discriminatory, given that the voters under the Democratic focus will be able to identify the delegates to the cand idates they support. >>>>>> Through the Department of Housing and Urban Development {HUD), the Obama administration undertook a number of that sought to help families move from low- to high-opportunity neighborhoods. Part of the idea was that doing so would actually get people off government assistance, Julian Castro, the secretary of HUD during the final years of the Obama administration, told me. If they move to better neighborhoods , families can access better educational opportunities and jobs , make more money, AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001415 and stop needing public help. "You need to help empower families by ensuring that they have the tools they need to succeed," he said. ################################################################################ ################### Addit ionally, please refer to my email of 6/8/ 17 to NLIHC (copies to HUD offices) concern ing FMR problems and my Comment foro Docket No. FR-5173-P-01 * Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing August 12, 2013 for consideration by HUD From: John Leary [mailto:admin@thejlo.org l Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 8:37 PM To: 'outreach@nlihc.org' Cc: 'media@nlihc.org'; 'rwillis@nlihc.org'; 'smickelson@nlihc.org'; 'eweiss@nlihc.org'; 'Timothy .Smyth@hud.gov'; 'Nika.V.Edwards@hud.gov'; 'Lisa.A.Wolfe@hud.gov' Subject: RE: Out of Reach 2017 from NLIHC Now Available Importance: High June 8, 2017 National Low Income Housing Coal ition Washington, DC Thank you again for excellent information and for your "Out of Reach 2017" content. Following is a copy ot the comment I submitted for the 2013 HUD Docket FR-5173-P-01 referencing the AFFH situation in 2013. You 'll note my reference to your "Out of Reach 2013" report. I had forwarded this information to various agencies and var ious powers that be to do something positive (you were also sent copies as well). The prob lem hasn't gone away and is still one of discriminat ion when using the FMR calculation and factoring the gross income versus disposable income information and the fallacy of the 30% limit being equitable. Those individuals who are not wage earners are discriminated against due to the question of tax liability. This is an obvious example of a flagran t disregard for quality of life and the belief that a certain income level is the rule of the land . Logic becomes non-existent. My belief is that legislators continue to unethically and immorally allow various interest groups to continue this discrim ination. I would look forward to assisting any organization in proposing legislative adjustments . And, for a little light humo r, I am not "out of reach" . Everyone is invited to be a guest on my show , www .thejlo .org {media tab). John Leary Consultant* Producer 2 Penn Center* POB 59107 * Phila . PA 19102 1.800 .561 .8050 ** 215 .701.7216 www.thejlo .org "May this communication be a blessing in your day." THE JOHN LEARY ORGANIZATION MAKE A DIFFERENCE Best Practices Solut ions * Business Ethics Review* Business Netwo rking Community Development* Consumer Advocacy* Entertainment Productions Event Planning* Fundraising o Image Consu lting o Marketing & Promotions Cc: Renee W illis, VP, Field & Communications, NLIHC (Poss ibly for NLIHC VP for Research Andrew Aurand and NLIHC Research Analyst Dan Emmanuel per their authorship). Sarah Mickelson, Publ ic Policy Director , NLIHC AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001416 ElayneWeiss, SeniorPolicyAnalyst,NLIHC TimothySmyth, DeputyAssistantSecretaryfor Enforcementand Programs,HUD, Wash, DC (April28, 2017, edition of The HUDdle, "EnforcingFair Housing 49 Years after the Fair HousingAct";excellent article) Niki Edwards, HUD, Phila, PA Lisa Wolfe, HUD, Phila, PA We are pleased to announce the release of Out of Reach 2017: The High Cost of Housing . This report, released today by the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), revea ls that on average a ful l-time worker in the U.S. must earn $21.21 per hour to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment and S17.14 to afford a one-bedroom apartment. The report indicates that housing costs are "out of reach" for both for the average renter and for millions of low-wage workers, seniors and people with disabilities living on fixed incomes, and other low- income households. Out of Reach reports on the Housing Wage - t he hourly wage a full-time worker must earn to afford a modest rental home without spending more than 30% of his or her income on housing costs - for every state, county , and metropol itan area in the country. The average hourly wage of renters in the U.S. is $16.38. $4.83 lower than the two-bedroom Housing Wage and nearly $1 lower than for the one-bedroom Housing Wage . In no state , even those where the minimum wage has been set above the federal level , can a minimum wage renter working a 40-hour work week afford a modest two-bedroom rental unit. A worker earning the federal minimum wage of S7.25 per hour would need to work 117 hours per week for 52 weeks of the year (or nearly 3 ful l-time jobs) to afford a modest two-bedroom rental home and 94 .5 hours per week (2.4 full time jobs) to afford a modest one-bedroom apartment. U S Representat ive Keith Ellison (D-MN) wrote the preface for this year's report and was a guest speaker on a call to announce the launch of the report to the press. The disparity between the Housing Wage needed to afford a rental home and workers' wages results in a shortage of 7.4 million rental homes nationwide that are affordable and available to extremely low income households, underscoring the need for greater investments in affordable housing solutions. NLIHC advocates for solutions like those in the Unitedfor Homes campaign and Mr Ellison's "Co mmon Sense Housing Investment Ac t" (H.R. 948), both of which call for modest reforms to the mortgage interest deduction - a tax expenditure that largely benefits wealthier homeowners who would be stably housed without the government's support - to generate billions of dollars in savings to reinvest in affordable renta l housing programs. To call national attention to the report and how th is year's Housing Wage clearly demonstrates that housing costs are too high for low -wage workers and other vulnerable households, we invite you to participate in today's tweetstorm from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET and share info rmation about how the mismatch betwee n the wages people earn and the price of decent rental housing affects you and your community. ################################################################################ ######################## Comment for * Docket No. FR-5173-P-01 * Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing August12,2013 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001417 The Fair Housing Act has protected classes including race, creed, gender, color, national origin , age, handicap, and familial status. Some locations, such as New York City and Philadelphia , include additional classes such as sexual orientation, marital status , partnership status, and source of income . While the source of income is important, disposable or net income after taxes. is more of a criteria to determine a person's qualification for housing. Most wage earners are subject to compulsory payroll taxes, such as federal, state , and possibly city (or local) taxes, social security, medicare, and unemployment taxes, and these taxes approximate 30 3/4 of gross income . People with fixed income, such as pensions (Soc ial Secur ity, Railroad Retirement), various forms of federal, state or local disabil ity, public assistance, and housing assistance, are, in most cases, not required to pay payroll taxes because they are not wage earners , and the tax laws eliminate the filing requirement due to the modest income involved . The stipulation that no more than 30% of income be used on housing costs seems to be the qualifier in most areas . One report, "Ou1 oj'Reach 2013" published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition on March 11, 2013, mentions that a gross income amount of $39,080 (hourly wage of $18.79 @40 hours/week @52 weeks/year) is needed to qualify for a Fair Market Rental (FMR) of $977 ($39,080112 = $3,257 x .30 = $977) . The $977 is fine; however , the payroll tax deductions are not included, so if a figure of 30% for payroll taxes is used , the $977 becomes $684 ($977 x .70) for disposable or net income available. Therefore, a person on a fixed income of $27,360 not subject to payroll taxes would also qualify for a Fair Market Rental of $977. If we follow the "Om of'Reoch 2013" examp le and use the 30 3/4 as qualify ing for a FMR of $977, then the $39,080 for the wage earner should be reduced by 30% ($39,080 x .70 = $27 ,356) to accommodate the payroll tax deduction, or the person on a fixed income should have the 30% payroll tax figure added to the qualifying income ($27,360/12 = $2,280/.70 = $3,257 x .30 = $977). Therefore both individuals will be equally qual ified. Disposable or net income after taxes becomes an equitable guideline for affordable housing, and gross income can be removed as a qualifier . Additionally , all persons on fixed income are not interested in senior citizen or handicapped housing, nor should they be, and they should not be discriminated aga inst when app lying for standard or "norma l" housing . In summary, fixed income (or lowe r income) households, primarily those with no payroll tax deduction, face d iscrimination in their ability to find affordable housing . I respectfully request consideration of including disposable, or net income after taxes, as a protected class under the Fair Housing Act (and also to include source of income besides New York City , Ph iladelphia , and other locations), and to include both of these classes as a part of the Affirmatively o The John Leary Organ izationo Furthering Fair Housing rule being proposed by HUD under Docket No . FR-S 173-P-0I. John Leary P.O. Box 59107 * Philadelph ia, PA 19102 * 215.701.7216 ################################################################################################# ####### AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001418 ~2 Tt--GBP P H LA D E-P ---ill'~ 11-~0U IRE~J ~IJNDAY, SEPT. _1~, --,1;~1:!_______ ___ ______ _ ___ ____ _ The Section 8 blue N icole Fleming has been rent ing the s ame three-bedroom hou s e in Philade l phia through Section 8 fo r the last nine years . It's not per-feet some rooms could u se a fresh coat of paint, she ' d like some new carpeting or hardwood floors . But it 's been a sol id house on a safe, quiet Germantown street for her and her three children. : It's home. ' So , why is she now packing up to leave? . Basically what we have here is a i sing.le mother with h e alth issues stuck b e twe e n a frustrat ed landlord who say s he's be e n try.' ing to get a fair rent i ncrease from . an unresponsive Phil a d e lphia Hou s. ing Authority for o HWNUBlflAS at least four vear s , and the PHA- , with lot s of rules th a t don 't seem to leave a lot of-room for realized he wa s n 't exa g gerating . I tried to reach the execu ti ve dire c tor and you wou ld h a ve thou gh t I w as askin g ro be tran s fe rred to the Oval Office . After mu l tiple day s and calls, I even t ually r e ached PHA spoke s woman Nicho le Tillman . She was sympath e ti c, but unmo v ed . ''PHA determ ines the appropriate rent by ex a minin g the amenities a prop e rty offer s, studying comparable r e ntal properti e s in th e neighborhood , and u s ing a third-party analy s is ," she s a id by email . "There is an affordable housing c risis in Phil a d e lphi;i . In o rd e r to se rve a s niany famil ies possible, we ca nn o t ex ceed thes e fair market rents. To do so would be unfair to prospec tiv e clients and taxpayers. " As s imple as it would b e to have a clear- c u t villain h e re , I get it . The Hou s in g Cho ice Voucher program serves nearly 50,000 res id e nts. Almo s t 5,000 landlords part icipate in the prog1 .am. It 's a huge bureaucra cy . The r e have to b e rules . It's public money . Common You didn't expect m e not t o have a "but," did you? . Public agenci e s need to be responsive - no on e should have as hard a time getting throu g h to PIIA as the landlord and I had. Th e y should also s trive to be flexi ble. Bureaucracies fail most often when rules override flexib i lity and common sense . And no matter how I l ook at this, I 'm not convinc e d . th a t it wouldn't sa v e e v e ryone involved t ime and money to just pa y the extra $100 a mon t h and not uproot a family that fe e ls safe i n a home they've lived in for y ears. The house is close to Flcmin a 's ioh ,me! th P o se ns e. PHA has paid Fleming's landlord , Pesach Adlerstein, $765 a month in rent since she moved in . Ile want s $950 , a figure h e said he 's basing orl f(UD rates for a fair niarket rent. Recently , PI-IA agreed to pay him $850, an amount h e considers to b e ':'too little, too lat e ." l When l first talked to him, one of hi s biggest complaint s about PHA was its la ck of transparency. There $e,a,med to be no rhyme or re a son f or irs de c isions. He said his calls and emails weren't answered for weeks a nd months, if eve,.. : If I douhted his cl a ims of a Jes s than-transpa r ent a g e ncv . l auicklv AMERICAN VERSIGHT But ... k id s ' schools . PHA said it will di r ect her to s ervi ces that could help her move , but it does no t provide security-deposit a ss istance. In the realm of a ll the things goi n g on in th e w o r ld th ese day s, n o ne of this may seem like a big deal one landlord who disagree s with th e PHA , one tenant who doesn't want to move. But it illustrate s a b roader reality of what it's like to be poor and at the mercy of a bureaucratic system. They sec the rules, they, in es sence , are in charge of your life. So here we are . Aft e r F1em ing l ea ves , maybe Adlerstein will r e nt the place ag a in. M a ybe h e won't . " Maybe I'm no t m ea nt to be a landlord ," he said. Whatever he decides , it probab ly won't affect him much . Same with PHA, who made it clear thal there are a lot more landlords where he came from, "The pool of landlords is la r ge a nd PHA continually recruits for more property owner8 to participat e ," Tillman wrote . Meanwhile , Fleming is hunting for _boxes to pack up her stuff , and try i n g to figure out how she 's going to pay to move . Betwe e n her part.time job a l a nearby school and her b e n e fits, there's never a lot of extra money, especially at the st art of the school ye a r for her children , ages 4, 13 , and 19. "I don 't know what rm go ing to do, but I have to d o s o mething." Unlik e h e r landlord and PHA ; s he has no oth e r c hoice . 2J ubina s@ p hilly .com 1 .:C:-1 ? 1 t:;._R~ .d-r=.OA~ l'S 1n'\ 1<,,1 ,...,.. oc-C r ,-,......,U...,l HUD-17-0235-C-001419 From: Sent: Wolfe, Lisa A Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:10 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott , Richard M; Edwards, Nika V FW: Updated Telephone Directories as of 5.15.2017 5.15.2017.xlsx; Communications Guide Dec. 2014.PDF To: Subject: Attachments: Joe - There may be one more version of this . It includes the direct dials of all staff throughout the reg ion. Also, attached is the last FPM Commun ications Guide that has the FODs numbers and cells. I have an excel file of the Comm Guide somewhere, but will need to dig it up. Do you want us to drop all of this in one spreadsheet? Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philade lphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 From: Russo (Ctr), Vittoria M Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 9:31 AM To: PHI STAFF-A - J ; PHI STAFF- K- Z ; PHI IG AUD IT STAFF ; PHI IG INVESTIGATIONSSTAFF Subject: Updated Telephone Directories as of 5.15.2017 Attached please find the most recent telephone directories for Philadelphia as well as a11the Region III offices. '-- . , l ,, l ~ i ,' o Vicky Russo Office of Ad1ninistration & Field Support U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Devclop1nent Philadelphia Regional Office Phone: (215) 430-6704 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001420 Fax: (215) 656-3433 Vittoria.1n.russo@lhud.gov Please give us your feedback AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001421 5.15.2017 PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISIONAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TTY: 800-877-8339 HEARING IMPAIRED HOTLINE 11'.EDERAL POLICE 800-525-5726 Banks, Antoinette Perry Juzwiak, Carol Russo, Vicky Thompson, William F. West, Melvina L. 430-6705 430-6706 430-6704 430-6701 430-6707 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Regional Support Manager Mail room - 11th fl. Mailroom - 12th fl. Wright-Ellis, Justin Yeargin, George 430-6703 861-7255 861-7245 861-7244 FIELD SUPPORT I MAILROOM Bellacima, Mary Anne Bynum, Nadab Cai, Xiaomin Collins, Dav id M . Colon , Ileana Edwards, Andrea Edwards, Crystal Gummel, Kathleen Jones, Christine Lehmann. Paul J. McDonnel l, Chris Ming, Fatina Patterson, Michelle Pollock, Patricia Satiah, Stephanie Szupper, Michael Wampler, Amanda (Mandy) 861-7654 861-7652 861-7655 861 -7659 861-7656 861-7658 861-7657 861-7549 861-7668 430-6636 861 -7661 861 -7662 861-7665 861-7666 861-7653 861-7669 861-7664 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Anderson, Bridgette M . Fabian, Daniel Johnson , Michelle McGivern , Jennifer L. McOuoid, Patrick Odne , David Staffieri , Gary F Valentine, Kathy Waltz , Shelli J. Weise , Elisa 430-6722 430-6725 430-6717 430-6724 430-6718 430-6639 430-6794 430-6716 430-6721 430-6719 CONTRACTING DIVISION Flanne lly, Michae l Moroz, Patricia C . Shinn, Joseph Tieff, Matthew 430 -6677 430-6682 430-6683 430-6680 EMAD Beltran, Wi lliam Carabello, Mary Jean Chavez, Roberto H Delaney, Barbara DiCriscio, Linda James. Sharron L. Latham, Ronaldlyn Lew. Richard McAllister, Laura Marvit, Tom 861-7647 861-7621 861-7625 861 -7637 861-7644 861-7628 861-7629 861-7630 861-7631 861-7645 FAIR HOUSING & EOUALOPPORTUNITY AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT OFFICE OF ADMINISTRA TION/ FIELD SUPPORT Support Services Specialist OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Clerk OFFICE OF ADM INISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Project Management Division OFFICE OF ADM INISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Support Services Specialist FIELD SUPPORT/ MAILROOM FIELD SUPPORT I MAILROOM FIELD SUPPORT/ MAILROOM COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION EMAD EMAD EMAD FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EOUALOPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EOUALOPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EOUALOPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Mailroom Clerk Mailroom Clerks Main Line Mailroom Clerk Mailroom Clerk Senior CPD Representative Director CPD Representative Program Manager Senior CPD Representative Economic Development Specialist CPD Representative CPD Representative CPD Representative Environmental Officer Financial Analyst CPD Representative CPD Representative Program Support Specialist Financial Analyst Regional Relocation Specialist Program Manager Contract Specialist Contract Specialist Contract Specialist Contract Specialist Procurement Analyst Contract Specialist Contract Specialist Contract Specialist Branch Chief Contract Specialist Economist Director - EMAD Economist Economist Equal Opportunity Specialist Equal Opportunity Specialist Intake Branch Chief Director - FHEO Phila. Program Center Equal Opportunity Assistant Equal Opportunity Specialist Program Compliance Branch Chief Equal Opportunity Specialist Equal Opportunity Specialist Presidential Management Fellow HUD-17-0235-C-001422 861-7617 861-7634 861-7635 861-7611 861-7643 861 -7636 861-7639 861 -7641 Nibley, Megan Rivera, Nancy Rucker, Wayman Sievers , Danielle Melody C. Taylor, Waheed , Raeesa Wallace, Kim Welch , Miranda Edwards, L. Nika V. Green, Patrice Kirshenbaum, K. Lyn Murphy, Katelyn M . Ott, Richard Porinchak, Brandon Robinson , Shana Will ia ms , Sheppard Wolfe , L isa A. Worth, (Van) M ichael 430-6622 430-6641 430-6695 430-6623 430-6621 430 -6624 430 -6632 430 -6628 430 -6640 430 -6665 FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Pres idential Management Fellow / EOS FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equa l Opportun ity Specialist FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equa l Opportunity Specialist Equa l Opportun ity Specialist Regional Dire ctor - FHEO FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Program Ana lyst FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equa l Opportunity Assistant FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equal Opportunity Specialist FPM Public Affairs Specialist FPM FPM Management Analyst FPM FPM Senior Management Analyst Executive Secretary Deputy Regional Admin istrator FPM FPM Pres idential Management Fellow FPM FPM Senior Management AnalysURegiona l FOIA FPM Supervisory Management Ana lyst Executive Secretary Public Affairs Specialist Edward A. 861-7670 HEALTHY HOMES & LEAD HAZARD CONTROL Healthy Homes Representat ive Ei ler s, Beth Maclean , Sharon E . 861-7262 861-7268 861-7265 HOUSING OUTREACH & CAPACITY BLDG HOUSING OUTREACH & CAPACITY BLDG Hous ing Specialist Management Analyst HOUSING OUTREACH & CAPACITY BLDG Hous ing Specialist Thomas, Panasiuk, Annette Buckmaster, Webster, Miche le Ashley T. Woodson, Darryl B. Bubel, Mark Jankowski, Debbie Shipley , Rob Trinh, Tram N . Burgwald, Gregory Catan ia, Annamaria Carrington Jr. , James A. Cholewiak , Stephen Dahl, Kimberly A. Darby, Debra Downey, Michae l Fulton-Jenkins, Juanita Grant, Farell Kasperowicz, David Knox, Thomas Lloyd, Ronald Morelli, Ashley Swager , Jennie Will ia ms , Clarice Aeillo, Frank Barbat-Gonce , Danny Duque, Analuisa Laforet, Deborah Madarang, Denn is Mancini, Louis Nelson, Bertrand N. Porce lli, Steve Ouartapella, John Rice, Shawn 430-6642 430-6646 430-6644 HUMAN RESOURCES HR Specialist HUMAN RESOURCES HR Specialist - Employee/Labor Relations HUMAN RESOURCES HR Specialist 430 -6694 430 -6689 430-6693 430 -6692 INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY User Exper ience Designer & Researcher Director - Information Technology INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY Field Technology Manager 430-6739 430-6735 430-6741 430-6637 430-6729 430-6731 430 -6728 430-6734 430-6736 430-6730 430-6759 430-6748 430-6638 430-6737 430-6696 INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Adm inistrative Support Assistant INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Asst Regional Inspector General for Audit INSPECTOR GENERAL -A UDIT Asst Regional Inspector General for Audit INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL-AUDIT Adm inistrative Support Assistant INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor 430-6751 430-6752 430-6750 430-6749 430 -6753 430-6754 430 -6756 430-6755 430-6745 861-7676 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT IT Spec ialist Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL-AUDIT Regional Inspector General for Audit INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Asst Regional Inspector General for Audit INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor INSPECTOR GENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS INSPECTOR GENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Adm inistrative Officer INSPECTOR GENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS INSPECTOR GENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS INSPECTOR GENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Assistant Specia l Agent in Charge Special Agent Special Agent in Charge Special Agent HUD-17-0235-C-001423 Steel, Michele 430-6742 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Criminal Research Specialist Bensala, Debra Ramoth , Eric 430-6648 430-6626 LABOR RELAT IONS Regional Labor Relations Officer Senior Management Analyst Anastasi , Carolyn Blesi, Christopher J. Bowie, Brenda J . DeMarco , Ri1a Henry, Robert Luberto , Nancy Nguyen, Hoang Yen Thi Nace, Susan J. Scheetz, Randall J. Taylor -Whitehead, Stacy 861-7551 861-7585 861 -7552 861-7554 861-7575 861-7577 861-7570 861-7583 861-7576 861 -7579 MULTl -FAMILY HOUSING Baldwin , Margaret Caramenico , Michele Droz-Berrios, Teresita Durham, Andrea Johnson , Sheryl L. Kaloyanides , Sonya Knebels, Patricia McGarvey Lego,John Marchese, Richard Prout, Ivy Ross, Elizabeth Rappaport, Steven J. Smith , Donna M. Turrin , Elizabeth Xu, Tanya 430 -6653 430 -6667 430-6670 430-6666 430-6655 430-6671 430-6664 430-6663 430-6668 430-6654 430-6656 430-6661 430-6657 430-6662 430 -6659 OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Beale, Eugenia Parad ise, Neil B. Triolo , Theresa 861 -7601 861 -7623 861-7586 PUBLIC HOUSING- OUTSTATION FROM HQ Couture, Ashley Hawkins , Mon ica Jones , Al ice 861-7606 861-7593 861-7599 PUBLIC HOUSING. Chavez, Ivan Schlosnagle, Brian 861-7597 861 -7594 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION A Al len. Damien Axler, Judy R. Cox , Lynn Duca, Santo Gannone Jr ., James P. Martin, Trina A. Santiago, Wi lliam Wash ington, Martina B. Will iams, Edward Wilson , Deanda 861-7681 861-7604 861-7598 861-7600 861-7682 861-7607 861-7608 861-7602 861-7609 861-7612 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B Clark, Julia Grabowski, David J. Holland , Cami lle R. Levine, Michael Shaffer , Jul ie Triolo , Anthony 861-7204 861-7243 861-7238 861 -7239 861-7216 861-7252 S/F HOC - OFFICE OF D IRECTOR AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT LABOR RELAT IONS MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING MULTl-FAMILY HOUSING MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING MULTl-FAMILY HOUSING MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING MULTl-FAMILY HOUSING MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING MULTl -FAMILY HOUSING MULTl-FAMILY HOUSING Contract Admin. Oversight Account Executive Account Executive Account Executive Account Executive Account Executive Account Executive Account Executive Supervisory Project Manager (Asset. Mgmt.) Account Executive OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Trial Attorney Litigation Trial Attorney Litigation Paralegal Specialist tor Programs Program Attorney Regional Counsel Deputy Regional Counsel Trial Attorney Litigation Program Attorney Trial Attorney Litigation Associate Regional Counsel for Programs Paralegal Specialist OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Assoc . Reg . Counse l Litigat ion & Prog. Enforcement OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Paralegal Specialist for Litigation Legal Honors Intern Legal Honors Intern OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSE L OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSE L OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL PUBLIC HOUSING - OUTSTATION FROM HQ PUBLIC HOUSING. OUTSTATION FROM HQ OFFICE OF DIRECTOR PUBLIC HOUSING PUBLIC HOUSING - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION A PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B SIF HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SI F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SI F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Quality Assurance Specialist Energy Management Specialist Program Analyst Program Analyst Director. Public and Indian Housing Program Support Assistant Engineer Engineer Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Director - Office of Public Housing Divison B Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Financial Analyst Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Business Analyst Business Analyst Management Analyst Housing Program Officer Director - Homeownership Center Deputy Director - Philadelphia HOC HUD-17-0235-C-001424 Cahall, Elizabeth M. Daniel, Maryanne F. Peacock, Deborah Skinner, Janice 861-7236 861-7261 861 -7199 861 -7267 S/F PROGRAMSUPPORTDIV. OFFICEOF DIR. SiF PROGRAMSUPPORTDIV. BR #3 S/F PROGRAMSUPPORTDIV. BR #3 SiF PROGRAMSUPPORTDIV. BR #3 Director - Program Support Division Management Analyst Housing Program Specialist Housing Program Specialist Ambrose - Evans , Greta Boguslaw , Christopher J . Eisele , Kath leen Kinnard , David Litty , Lance Longo, Thomas Owens, Laurence Po llard, Michael Roe , Kathleen E. Sica, Jen nifer Young, Richard J 861 -7688 861-7241 430 -6715 861-7273 861-7541 861-7548 430-6627 861-7247 861-7248 861 -7690 861 -7693 SiF HOC- OCSD S/F HOC- OCSD SiF HOC- OCSD S/F HOC- OCSD SiF HOC- OCSD S/F HOC- OCSD SiF HOC- OCSD S/F HOC- OCSD SiF HOC- OCSD S/F HOC - OCSD SiF HOC- OCSD Management Analyst Director - Operation s & Customer Service Management Analyst Management Analyst Management Analyst Management Analyst Management Analyst Management Analyst Management Analyst/Compliance Officer Management Analys t Management Analyst Brooks, Janie V. Byrd , Rashida Cosenza, Sarah Crinit i, T her esa C. Fogle, Valerie Herre , Donna Maldonado, Debo rah Pyle, Lisa Scott, Crysta l Yong, Liong 861 -7504 861 -7514 430 -6793 861-7282 861-7285 861-7253 861-7276 861-7296 861-7543 861-7291 SiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCE BRANCH#1 INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCE BRANCH#1 INSURANCEBRANCH#1 INSURANCE BRANCH#1 Program Analyst Program Assistant Senior Underwriter Underwriter Program Support Assistant Senior Underwriter Chief - Insurance & Underwriting Branch #1 Underwriter Program Analyst Underwriter Burkel , Cheryl Cella, Karen Griffin, Carla Jones, Antwine Jones , Joyce M inch , Patricia A. Naiditch, Francine Woodward, Roberta 861-7289 861 -7279 861 -7515 861 -7521 861 -7519 861 -7293 861-7295 861-7686 S/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#2 INSURANCEBRANCH#2 INSURANCE BRANCH#2 INSURANCEBRANCH #2 INSURANCE BRANCH#2 INSURANCEBRANCH#2 INSURANCEBRANCH#2 INSURANCEBRANCH #2 Senior Underwriter Underwriter Program Assistant Underwriter Chief - Insurance & Underwriting Branch #2 Underwriter Underwriter Underwriter Calderaio, Madel ine Czechowski, Jennifer L. Doughty, Deborah A. Gonzalez , Evelyn Matheny, Ernestine Mezey , Barnet E. Ph ilips, John Smith , Ruth 861-7275 861-7234 861-7284 861-7287 861 -7290 861-7292 861 -7298 861-7542 SiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#3 INSURANCEBRANCH#3 INSURANCEBRANCH #3 INSURANCEBRANCH#3 INSURANCEBRANCH#3 INSURANCEBRANCH#3 INSURANCEBRANCH#3 INSURANCEBRANCH#3 Underwriter Underwriter Underwriter Underwriter Program Assistant Underwriter Chief - Insurance & Underwriting Branch #3 Program Analyst And ers on , Cha rles Clark , Audrey Dilks , Cheryl Duffie , Dawn Fostik, Christopher Ged ling , Cheryl Ann McDowel, Er ic Pusicz, Lisa Ridley, Wesley (Jasmine) Robinson , Cynthia 861-7281 861-7280 861-7530 861-7614 861-7547 861-7249 430 -6795 861 -7278 430-6797 861 -7297 S/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUDS/F PUDSiF PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#4 INSURANCE BRANCH#4 INSURANCEBRANCH#4 INSURANCEBRANCH#4 INSURANCEBRANCH#4 INSURANCE BRANCH#4 INSURANCE BRANCH#4 INSURANCEBRANCH#4 INSURANCEBRANCH#4 INSURANCEBRANCH #4 Chief - Insurance & Underwriting Branch #4 Program Assistant Underwriter Underwriter Senior Underwriter Underwriter Senior Underwriter Program Assistant Underwriter Program Assistant Cianci , Andrew Hall, Shel ia A. 861 -7687 SiF PUD- OFFICEOF DIRECTOR 861-7277 S/F PUD- OFFICEOF DIRECTOR Director - Processing and Underwriting Program Analyst, CHUMS Coordinator Buck , Daniel 861-7613 Underwriter AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT S/F PUD- TECHNICAL BRANCH#1 HUD-17-0235-C-001425 Cherubini, Suzanne Dubin , Scott Greaux, Rose Hill, Landon Jennings , Danielle A. Mazurkiewicz, Cheryl L. McArdle , Michae l H Nicodemo , Joseph A. Owens , Donita Rivera , Felicia Tang, Sylvania Walter , Kevin Watsko , Stephen P. Wi lliams , Lisa A. Wi lloughby , Steven 861-7511 861-7257 861 -7517 861 -7512 861-7535 861 -7522 861-7689 861 -7251 861-7528 430-6798 861-7675 861-7524 861-7272 861-7525 861 -7526 Cella, Nicholas Cicciarelli , James Coleman , Christopher K. DiGiovanni , Carmen Gdu la, Michael Halon , William Hoffman , Jeffrey S. Hofmann , Lynda Kennedy, Dan S . Mccloskey , Patrick Negro, Richard P. Raja , Krish R. Sn ively, Barbara J. Sp ina, John 861 -7527 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861 -7286 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861 -7520 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861 -7529 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7532 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7533 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7534 S/F PUD - TECHN ICA L BRANCH #2 861-7685 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7536 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7254 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7509 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7539 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 861-7538 S/ F PUD - TE CHNICAL BRANCH #2 861 -7523 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 Underwriter Appraiser Appraiser Underwriter Review Appraiser Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Appraiser Appraiser Appraiser Appraiser Appraiser Chief - Technical Branch #2 Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Calderaio, Madel ine Chelak, Terri Ann Czechowski, John L. Danzeisen, Rhona Gross, Glenn D. Isaac, Lu is Nicke ns, Ronda Peacock , Deborah Perkins , Diana Poole , Ramona Santiago, Luz Swartz, Maria Tate Cech , Joyce A. Wi lliams , Kamilah 861 -7275 861 -7218 861 -7500 861-7208 861-7237 861-7211 861-7222 861-7199 861-7540 861-7502 861 -7223 861-7210 861 -7225 861-7240 Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Program Assistant Program Support Assistant Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Chief - Field Review Branch #1 Program Support Assistant Ki ng, Ther esa M ilillo, Donna Morad, William Pe iffer, Patricia Zaic, Jerome E. 861-7256 861-7221 861-7684 861-7209 861-7691 Chalk , Therese Diorio , Donna Errichett i, Christina Redrup , Melissa Stines , Peter Van de Zilver , John 430 -6714 S/ F QAD - FIELD REVIEW 861 -7531 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW 861-7294 S/ F OAD - FIELD REVIEW 861 -7584 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW 861-7219 S/ F OAD - FIELD REVIEW 861 -7226 Si F QAD- FIELD REVIEW DiPietro , Andy 861-7220 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - INSURANCE BRA NCH #1 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - INSURANCE BRA NCH # 1 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 S/ F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH # 1 S/ F QAD- FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 S/ F QAD- FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 S/ F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH # 1 S/ F OAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH # 1 S/ F OAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 S/ F OAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 S/ F OAD- FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #2 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #2 S/ F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRA NCH #2 Si F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #2 S/ F QAD - FIEL D REVIEW BRANCH #2 BRA NCH #3 BRA NCH #3 BRA NCH #3 BRA NCH #3 BRA NC H #3 BRA NCH #3 Si F QAD - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Program Assistant Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Underwriter Program Analyst Underwriter Underwriter Chief - Technical Branch #1 Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Underwriter Program Analyst Underwriter Underwriter Construction Analyst Underwriter Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Chief - Field Review Branch #2 Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Chief - Field Review Branch #3 Director - S/F - Quality Assurance Div. HUD-17-0235-C-001426 Curry, Jr. Michael J. Harrigan, Carmella S. 861-7202 861-7263 Anderson, Tracey M. Bouwie , Anthony Coursey , Kim Engler, James Hauser , Charles McCa ll, Lisa A. McCoy, Valerie Smith , Elisha M . 861-7183 861-7182 861-7 185 861-7545 861-7692 861-7230 861-7230 861-7203 Casey, David Dennis, M ichael 861-7198 861-7508 861-7190 861-7192 861-7193 861-7 196 861-7200 861-7197 861-7546 861-7206 861-7207 Kellett, Cl ifford J . Lawlor, Patr icia Marshall , David Mendoza. Lumen Moon, Meredith Mungin , Alison E. Sicilia, Patrick Wilkinson, Michelle Will ia ms, Elizabeth S/F REO - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SiF REO - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Director - Real Estate Owned Division Management Analyst SiF REO BRANCH#1 S/F REO BRANCH#1 SiF REO BRANCH#1 Program Support Assistant Program Support Assistant Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#1 SiF REO BRANCH#1 Single Family Housing Spec ialist Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#1 SiF REO BRANCH#1 Management Analyst Chief - REO Branch #1 S/F REO BRANCH#1 Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#2 SiF REO BRANCH#2 Single Family Housing Spec ialist Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#2 SiF REO BRANCH#2 Hous ing Program Officer Senior Single Family Housing Special ist S/F REO BRANCH#2 SiF REO BRANCH#2 Chief - REO Branch #2 Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#2 SiF REO BRANCH#2 Single Family Housing Spec ialist Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#2 SiF REO BRANCH#2 Single Family Housing Spec ialist Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#2 Single Family Housing Spec ialis t SiF REO BRANCH#3 Single Family Housing Spec ialist S/F REO BRANCH#3 SiF REO BRANCH#3 S/F REO BRANCH#3 SiF REO BRANCH#3 S/F REO BRANCH#3 SiF REO BRANCH#3 S/F REO BRANCH#3 Single Family Housing Spec ialis t Single Family Housing Spec ialist Single Family Housing Spec ialis t Senior Single Family Housing Special ist Single Family Housing Spec ialist Senior Single Family Housing Special ist Supervisory S/F Housing Specialist - Branch #3 S/F REO BRANCH#3 Single Family Housing Spec ialist Scott T . 861-7187 861-7188 861-7505 861-7205 861-7189 861-7537 861-7503 861-7194 861-7271 Caulfield, Phil ip 861-7269 S/F HO - HOME MORTGAGEINSURANCEDIV. Hous ing Policy Specialist Crowley, Donna 430-6720 S/F HO - PROCUREMENTMANAGEMENTDIV. Contract Oversight Specialist 861-7591 AFGE - LOCAL 2032 Union President , Lynn Cox 861-7231 CONTRACTOR NEW WORLD TECHNOLOGY Batcha, James Hawthorne, Walter lovine, Joseph Jamison , James J. Johnson , Cardel Melendez, William Surrey, Kevin Thress, John D. Willson, Union Office Brockington, Carolyn Brockington , Nadirah Graham, Dinah Lawrence, Anna Moy , Brian 861-7233 CONTRACTOR LJ CONSULTANTS 861-7232 861-7215 CONTRACTOR LJ CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR KATMAI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 861-7201 CONTRACTOR KATMAI INFORMATION T ECHNOLOGIES AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001427 5.15.2017 PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL OFFICE ALPHA TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TTY: 800-877-8339 HEARING IMPAIRED HOTLINE FEDERAL POLICE 800-525-5726 430-6751 861-7681 861-7688 861-7551 430-6722 861-7281 861 -7183 861 -7 604 Aeillo, Frank Allen, Damien Ambrose-Evans, Anastasi, Greta Carolyn Anderson, Bridgette M. Anderson, Charles Anderson, Tracey M . R. Axler , Judy Baldwin, Margaret Banks , Anto ine tte Perry Barbat -Gonce , Danny Batcha , James Bea le , Eugenia Bellacima, Mary Anne Beltran, W illiam Bensa la, Debra Blesi, Chr istopher J. J. Bogus law, Christopher Bouwie, Anthony Bowie, Brenda J. Brockington , Carolyn Brockington , Nadirah Brooks, Janie V. Bubel , Mark Buck, Daniel Buckmaster , Michele Burgwald , Gregory Burkel, Cheryl Bynum, Nadab Byrd, Rashida Cahall, E lizabeth M. Cai, Xiaomin Calderaio, Made line Carabello, Mary Jean Caramen ico, Michele Carrington Jr ., James A . Casey, David Catania , Annamaria Caulfield, Philip Cella, Karen Cella, Nicholas Chalk, The re se Chavez , Ivan Chavez , Roberto H. Chelak, Terri Ann Cherubini , Suzanne Cholew ia k, Stephen Ciacciarelli, A. James Cianci, Andrew Clark , Audrey Clark, Jul ia Coleman, Collins, Christopher K. David M. Colon, Ileana VERSIGHT 430 -6653 430 -6705 430 -6752 861-7187 861-7601 861-7654 861-7647 430-6648 861-7585 861-7241 861-7182 861-7552 861 -723 1 861 -7233 861 -7 504 430 -6694 861 -7 613 430-6642 430-6739 861-7289 861-7652 861-7514 861-7236 861 -7 655 861-7275 861 -7 621 430-6667 430-6741 861-7198 430-6735 861-7269 861-7279 861-7527 430-6714 861-7597 861-7625 861-7278 861 -7 511 430-6637 861 -7286 861-7687 861-7280 861-7204 861-7520 861-7659 861-7656 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B Special Agent SiF HOC - OCSD MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Management Analyst CONTRACTING DIVISION S/F - HOC - PUD INSURANCE BRANCH #4 Contract Specialist Chief - Insurance Branch #4 S/F HOC - RED BRANCH#1 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B Pro gra m Suppor t Assistant Director - Office of Public Housing Division B OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Trial Attorney Litigat ion Public Housing Rev ita lization Specialist Contract Admin . Oversight OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/FIELD SUPPORT Reg iona l Support Manager INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent S/F RED BRANCH #3 PUBLIC HOUSING - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Single Family Housing Specialist COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Senior CPD Represen tative LABOR RELATIONS MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Qua lity Assurance Specialist Equal Opportunity Specialist Reg iona l Labor Relations Officer Account Exec utive S/F HOC - OCSD OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F REO BRANCH #1 Director , Operations & Customer Service Div. MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING TECHNICAL SUPPORT SUPERVISOR Account Exec utive SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 LJ Consultants Supervisor (Contractor) Program Analyst INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY S/F PUD . TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 User Exper ience Des igner & Researcher Underwriter HUMAN RESOURCES INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT A uditor S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #2 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Director SiF PUD . INSURANCE BRANCH #1 Program Assistant SiF PROGRAM SUPPORT DIV. OFFIC OF DIR. COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Director -Program Support Division SiF OAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Senior Sing le Fami ly Housing Specialist Program Support Assistant New World Techno logy Contractor HR Specialist Senior Underwr iter CPD Representat ive FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equal Opportunity Specialist OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Tr ial Attorney Litigat ion Auditor S/F REO INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Adm inistrat ive Support Ass istant S/F HQ, HOME MORTGAGE INSURANCE DIV. Single Family Housing Specialist S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #2 Housing Po licy Specialist Underwriter S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #2 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #3 Senior Single Family Housing Specialist PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION A FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Engineer Intake Branch Chief SiF OAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Senior Single Fami ly Housing Specialist Underwriter S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 Program Assistant INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #2 A uditor Appraiser SiF PUD . OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #4 Program Assistant SiF HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F PUD . TECHNICAL BRANCH #2 Busi ness Analyst Appraiser COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Program Manager Director - Processing and Underwriting Senior Representative HUD-17-0235-C-001428 Cosenza, Sarah Coursey , Kim Couture, Ashley Cox, Lynn Criniti, Theresa C. Crowley, Donna Curry, Jr. Michael J. Czechowski , Jennifer L. Czechowski , John L. 430-6793 861-7185 861-7606 861-7598 861-7282 430 -6720 861 -7202 861 -7234 861 -7 500 S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 Dahl, Kimberly Daniel, Maryanne F. Danzeisen, Rhona Darby, Debr a Delaney, Barbara Delp , Ma1thew Demarco , Rita Dennis , Michael DiCriscio, Linda DiG iovanni , Carmen Dilks, Cheryl Diorio, Donna DiPietro, Andy V. Doughty , Deborah A. Downey, M ichael Droz-Berr ios, Teresita Dubin, Scott Du ca , Santo Duffie , Dawn Duque , Analuisa Durham , Andrea 430-6729 861-7261 861-7208 430-6731 861-7637 430-6757 861 -7 554 861-7508 861 -7 644 861-7529 861-7530 861-7531 861-7220 861-7284 430-6728 430-6670 861-7257 861-7600 861-7614 430-6750 430 -6666 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Edwards, Nika V. Edwards , Andrea Edwards , Crystal Eilers , Beth Eisele, Kathleen Eng ler, James Err ichetti, Chr istina 430 -6622 861-7658 861-7657 861-7262 430-6715 861-7545 861-7294 Fab ian, Danie l Fla nnelly , M ichael Fog le , Valarie Fostik, Christopher Fulton -Jenk ins. Juan ita 430 -6725 430 -6677 861 -7285 861 -7547 430 -6734 Gannone Jr. , James P. Gd ula, Michael Gedl ing , Che ryl Ann Gonza lez, Evelyn Grabowsk i, David J . Graham , Dinah Grant , Farell Greaux , Rose Green , Patrice Griffin, Carla Gross, Glenn D . Gumme l, Kathleen 861-7682 861-7532 861-7249 861-7287 861-7243 861-7232 430-6736 861-7517 430 -6641 861 -7515 861 -7237 861 -7549 Hall , She lia A . Halon, Wi lliam 861-7277 861-7533 VERSIGHT S/F REO BRANCH #1 PUBLIC HOUSING - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 S/F HQ PROCUREMENT MANAG EMENT DIV. S/F REO, OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F PUD - INSURANC E BRANCH #3 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 S/F PROGRAM SUPPORT DIV. BRANCH #3 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 INSPECTOR GE NERAL - AUDIT FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUN ITY INSPECTOR GE NERAL - INVESTIGATIONS MULTI -FAMILY HOUSI NG S!F REO BRA NCH #2 FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUN ITY S!F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #4 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #3 S/F QAD - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F PUD - INSURAN CE BRANCH #3 INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL S/F PUD - TECH NICAL BRANCH #1 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B S/F PUD - TECH NICAL BRANCH #4 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGA TIONS OFFICE OF REGIONA L COUNSEL FPM COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT HOUS ING OUTREACH & CAPACITY BUILDING S/F HOC - OCSD S!F HOUSING - REO BRANCH #1 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #3 CONTRACTING DIVISION EMAD S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 S/F PUD - INSURANC E BRANCH #4 INSPECTOR GENERA L - AUDIT PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B S!F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 S/F PUD - INSURAN CE BRANCH #4 S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #3 S/F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT S!F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 FPM S/F PUD - INSURANC E BRANCH #2 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEV ELOPMENT S/F PUD - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 Senior Underwriter Single Family Housing Specialist Program Analyst Public Housing Revitalization Special ist Underwriter Contract Oversight Specialist Director - Real Estate Owned Division Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Assistant Regional Inspector General for Audit Management Analyst Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Assistant Regional Inspector General for Audit Director - FHEO Philadelphia Program Center Special Agent Account Executive Single Family Housing Specialist Equal Opportunity Assistant Underwriter Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Director - S/F Quality Assurance Division Underwriter Auditor Paralegal Specialist for Programs Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Public Housing Revitalization Specialist Underwriter Special Agent Programs Attorney Public Affairs Special ist Economic Development Specialist CPD Representative Housing Program Specialist Management Analyst Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Contract Specialist Economist Program Support Assistant Senior Underwriter Administrative Support Assistant Financial Analyst Review Appraiser Underwriter Underwriter Business Analyst LJ Consultants Auditor Underwriter Management Analyst Program Assistant Senior Single Family Housing Specialist CPD Representative Program Analyst, CHUMS Coordinator Senior Single Family Housing Specialist HUD-17-0235-C-001429 861-7263 S/F REO- OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Management Analyst Hauser, Charles Harrigan, Carmella S. 861-7692 Single Family Housing Specialist Hawkins, 861-7593 861-7188 S/F REO. BRANCH #1 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIRECTOR Single Family Housing Specialist Monica Hawthorne,Walter Director - Public and Ind ian Housing Henry, Robert 861-7575 S/F REO BRANCH #3 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Herre , Donna Hill Ill , Landon 861 -7253 S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 861 -7 512 S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 Senior Underwr iter Program Analyst 861 -7534 S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #2 S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #2 Appraiser Appraiser S/F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Management Analyst S/F RED BRANCH #3 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Sing le Family Housing Specialist Hoffman, Jeffrey S . Hofmann , Lynda Holland, Camille R. 861 -7 685 861-7238 lovine, Joseph 861-7505 Isaac, Luis 861-7211 James, L. 861-7628 FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equal Opportunity Specialist James J. 861-7205 S/F REO BRANCH #3 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Single Family Housing Specialist Director, Information Technology S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Sharron Jamison, Account Executive Jankowsk i, Debbie Jennings, Danielle A. 430 -6689 861-7535 Cardell 861-7189 S/F REO BRANCH #3 Johnson, Michel le 430-6717 Sheryl L. 430-6655 861-7599 CONTRACTING DIVISION OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Contract Spec ialist Johnson, PUBLIC HOUSING - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Johnson, Regional Counsel Jones, Alice Jones, Antwine 861-7521 S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #2 Progra m Suppor t Assistant Underwriter Jones, Christine 861-7668 Jones, Joyce Juzwiak, Carol 861-7519 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #2 CPD Representat ive Chief - Insurance & Underwriting Branch #2 430-6706 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Support Services Special ist Kaloyanides, Sonya 430-6671 430-6730 861-7190 OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Deputy Regional Counsel Kaspe rowicz, David S/F REO BRANCH #2 S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #2 Housing Program Officer Appraiser Kellett, C lifford J . Kennedy , Dan S. King, Theresa Kinnard, David Kirshenbaum, K. Lyn Knebels, Patricia McGarvey 861-7536 861-7235 Reg ional Inspector General for Audit S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #2 Senior Sing le Family Housing Specialist 861 -727 3 S/F HOC - OCSD Management Analyst 430-6695 FPM OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Senior Management Analyst Trial Attorney Litigation INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT A uditor Knox, Thomas 430-6664 430-6759 Laforet, Deborah 430-6749 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Latham, Ronaldlyn 861-7629 FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Adm inistrat ive Officer Program Compliance Branch Ch ief 861 -7192 S/F RED BRANCH #2 HOMEOWNERSHIPCENTER Katma i Contractor OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Programs Attorney Environmental off icer Lawlor, Patricia Lawrence, Anna Lego,John Lehmann, Paul J. Levine , Michael Lew, Richard 861 -7215 430 -6663 430 -6636 861-7239 Senior Sing le Family Housing Specia list S/F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Housing Program Officer 861-7630 FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equal Opportunity Specialist Litty, Lance 861-7541 S/F HOC - OCSD Management Analyst Lloyd, Ronald 430-6748 INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT Auditor Longo, Thomas 861-7548 S.'F HOC - OCSO Luberto , Nancy (Nunzia) 861-7577 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Management Analyst Project Manger Maclean, 861-7268 HOUSING COUNSELING Management Analyst 430-6753 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent Sharon E . Madarang, Dennis MAILROOM - 11th fl. MAILROOM - 12th fl. 430-6703 861-7255 Maldonado, Deborah 861-7276 OFSS MAILROOM Mailroom Clerk OFSS MAILROOM S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 Mailroom Clerks Main Line Underwriting Branch Chief Special Agent Trial Attorney Litigation Mancin i, Louis 430 -6754 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Marchese, 430 -6668 861 -7193 OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Richard Marshall, David Martin , Trina A. 861 -7 607 Marvit, Thomas 861-7645 Matheny, 861-7290 Ernestine VERSIGHT S/F RED BRANCH #2 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #3 Chief. REO Branch #2 Publ ic Housing Revital ization Special ist Pres identia l Management Fellow Program Assistant HUD-17-0235-C-001430 Mazurkiewicz, Cheryl L. McAllister, Laura Mc Ardle, Michael H McCal l, Lisa A. McCloskey, Patrick McCoy, Valerie McDonnell, Chris McDowel, Eric McGivern, Jennifer L. McQuoid, Patrick Melendez, William Mendoza , Lumen Mezey, Barnet E. Milillo , Donna Minch, Patric ia A. Ming, Fatina Moon , Meredith Morad, William Morel li, Ashley Moroz, Patr icia C. Moy, Brian Mung in, Alison E. Murphy , Katelyn M. 861-7522 861-7631 861-7689 861-7230 861-7254 861 -7544 861 -7 661 430 -6795 430 -6724 430-6718 861-7537 861-7196 861-7292 861-7221 861-7293 861-7662 861 -7200 861-7684 430 -6638 430-6682 861-7201 861-7197 430-6623 S/F PUD- INSURANCE BRANCH#1 FAIRHOUSING& EQUALOPPORTUNITY S/F PUD- TECHNICAL BRANCH#1 S/F REOBRANCH#1 S/F PUD- TECHNICALBRANCH#2 S/F REDBRANCH#1 COMMUNITY PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT S/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#4 CONTRACTING DIVISION CONTRACTING DIVISION S/F REOBRANCH#3 S/F RED BRANCH#2 S/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#3 S/F QAD- FIELD REVIEWBRANCH#2 S/F PUD- INSURANCE BRANCH#2 COMMUNITY PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT S/F REOBRANCH#2 S/F QAD- FIELD REVIEWBRANCH#2 INSPECTORGENERAL- AUDIT EMAD HOMEOWNERSHIP CENTER S/F REDBRANCH#2 FPM Underwriter Equal Opportunity Specialist Chief - Technical Branch #1 Management Analyst Appraiser ChieL REO Branch #1 Financial Analyst Senior Underwriter Contract Specialist Procurement Analyst Single Family Housing Specialist Single Family Housing Specialist Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Underwriter CPD Representative Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Auditor Director, EMAD Katmai Contractor Single Family Housing Specialist Executive Secretary Naiditch, Francine Neqro , Richard P. Nelson , Bertrand N. Nguyen, Hoang Yen Th i Nibley, Megan Nickens, Ronda Nicodemo , Joseph A. Nace , Susan J . 861-7295 861-7509 430-6756 861-7570 861-7617 861-7222 861 -72 51 861-7583 S/F PUD- INSURAN CE BRANCH#2 S/F PUD- TECHNICALBRANCH#2 INSPECTORGENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS MULTI-FAMILYHOUSING FAIRHOUSING& EQUALOPPORTUN ITY S/F QAD- FIELD REVIEWBRANCH#1 S/F PUDTECHNICA L BRANCH#1 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Underwriter Appraiser Special Agent In Charge Account Executive Presidential Management Fellow/ EOS Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Program Manager Odne , David Ott , Richard Owens, Donita Owens, Laurence 430-6639 430-6621 861-7528 430-6627 CONTRACTING DIVISION FPM S/F HOCPUD- TECHNICALBRANCH#1 S/F HOC- OCSD Contract Specialist Deputy Regional Administrator Underwriter Management Analyst Panas iuk , Annette Paradise, Ne il B. Patterson, Michelle Peacock, Deborah Peiffer. Patric ia Perkins, Diana Phillips, John Pollard, Michael Pollock, Patricia Poo le, Ramona Porcel li, Steven Pori nc hak , Brando n Prout, Ivy Pus icz, Lisa Pyle , Lisa 861-7265 861 -7623 861 -7665 861 -7199 861 -7209 861 -7540 861 -7298 861-7247 861-7666 861-7502 430-6755 430-6624 430-6654 861-7278 861-7296 HOUSING OUTREACH& CAPACITYBUILDING Housing Specialist PUBLICHOUSING Energy Management Specialist COMMUNITY PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT CPD Representative Housing Program Specialist S/F PROGRAMSUPPORTDIV. BR.#3 S/F QAD- FIELD REVIEWBRANCH#2 Chief - Field Review Branch #2 S/F QAD- FIELDREVIEWBRANCH#1 Senior Single Family Housing Specialist S/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#3 Chief - Insurance Branch #3 S/F HOC- OCSD Management Analyst COMMUNITY PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT Program Support Specialist S.'F PUD- INSURANCE BRANCH#1 Program Assistant INSPECTORGENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent FPM Presidential Management Fellow OFFICEOF REGIONALCOUNSEL Associate Regional Counsel for Programs Program Assistant S/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH#4 S/F PUD- INSURANCEBRANCH #1 Underwriter Quartapella, John 430 -6745 INSPECTORGENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS Special Agent Raja , Krish R. Ramoth, Eric Rappaport, Steven J Recept ion Desk Redrup , Melissa 861 -7 539 430 -6626 430 -6661 430-6630 861-7584 S/F PUD- TECHNICAL BRANCH#2 LABORRELATIONS OFFICEOF REGIONALCOUNSEL FPM S/F QAD- FIELD REVIEWBRANCH#3 Chief, Technical Branch #2 Senior Management Analyst AssocRegCounselLitigation & Prag Enforcement Reception Desk Single Family Housing Specialist VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001431 Rice, Shawn Ridley, Wesley (Jasmine) Rivera , Felicia Rivera , Nancy Robinson, Cynthia Robinson, Shana Roe, Kathleen E. Ross , Elizabeth Rucker , Wayman Russo , Vicky 861-7676 430-6797 430-6798 861-7634 861-7297 430-6632 861-7248 430-6656 861-7635 430-6704 Santiago, Luz Santiago, William Satiah, Stephanie Scheetz, Randall J. Sch lichting , Robert E. Sch losnagle, Brian Scot t, Crystal Shatter, Julie Shinn , Josep h Shipley, Rob Sica, Jennife r Sic ilia, Patrick Sievers , Danielle Skinner, Janice Smit h, Donna M. Smith , Elisha M. Smith, Ruth Snively, Barbara J. Spina , John Staffieri , Gary F Steel, Michele Stines , Peter Surrey , Kevin Swager , Jennie Swartz, Maria Szupper , Michael 861-7223 861-7608 861-7653 861-7576 861-7250 861-7594 861-7543 861-7216 430-6683 430-6693 861-7690 861-7546 861-7611 861-726 7 430-6657 861-7203 861-7542 861-7538 861-7523 430-6794 430-6742 861-7219 861-7503 430-6737 861-7210 861-7669 Tang, Sylva nia Tate Cech, Joyce A. Taylor , Melody C. Taylor-Wh itehead, Stacy Thomas , Edward A. Thompson , William F. Thress, John D. Tieff, Matthew C. Trinh , Tram N. Triolo , Anthony Triolo , Theresa A . Turrin, Elizabeth 861-7675 861-7225 861-7643 861-7579 861-7670 430-6701 861-7 194 430-6680 430-6692 861-7252 861-7586 430-6662 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 Union Offi ce 861-7591 AFGE LOCAL 2032 Valentine , Kathy Van de Zilver , John 430-6716 CONTRACTING DIVISION 861-7226 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #3 Contract Specialist Chief - Field Review Branch #3 Waheed , Raeesa Wal lace , Kim Walter , Kevin Waltz, Shelli J. Wampler , Amanda 861-7636 861-7639 861-7524 430-6721 861-7664 Program Analyst Equal Opportunity Assistant Underwriter Branch Chief Program Manager VERSIGHT Assistant Special Agent in Charge Underwriter S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 Program Analyst FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Equal Opportunity Specialist S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #4 Program Assistant FPM Receptionist S/F HOC - OCSD Management Analyst/Compliance Officer OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Paralegal Specialist FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUN ITY Equal Opportunity Specialist OFFICE OF ADM INISTRA TION/ FIE LD SUPPORT Clerk INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #4 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT MULTI-FAMILY HOUSI NG S./F HOC OCSD PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B S./F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 S/F HOC - OFF ICE OF DIRECTOR EMAD INFORMATION TECHNO LOGY S/F HOC - OCSD S/F REO BRANCH #1 FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUN ITY S/F PROGRAM SUPPORT DIV. BRANCH #3 OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL S/F REO BRANCH #1 S/F PUD - INSURAN CE BRANCH #3 S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #2 S./F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 CONTRACTI NG DIVISION INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGA TIONS S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #3 S./F REO BRANCH #3 INSPECTOR GENERA L - AUDIT S./F QAD - FIELD REVI EW BRANCH #1 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVE LOPMENT Program Support Assistant Public Housing Revitalization Special ist Financial Analyst Supervisory Project Manager (Asset Mgmt.) Management Analyst Engineer Program Analyst Director - Homeownership Center Economist Field Technology Manager Management Analyst Single Family Housing Specialist Equal Opportunity Specialist Housing Program Specialist Paralegal Specialist for Litigation Single Family Housing Specialist Program Analyst Underwriter Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Contract Specialist Criminal Research Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Auditor Senior Single Family Housing Specialist Regional Relocation Specialist Underwriter Chief - Field Review Branch #1 FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUN ITY Regional Director, FHEO MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING Account Executive HEA LTHY HOMES & LEAD HAZARD CONTROL Healthy Homes Representative HUMAN CAPITAL FIELD SUPPORT Project Management Division S/F REO BRA NCH #3 Chief - REO Branch #3 EMAD Economist INFORMATION TECHNO LOGY IT Specialist S./F HOC - OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Deputy Director - Philadelphia HOC PUBLIC HOUSING - OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Program Analyst OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Legal Honors Intern S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUN ITY FAIR HOUSING & EQUA L OPPORTUNITY S/F PUD - TECHN ICAL BRANCH #1 CONTRACTING DIVISION COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT Union President. Lynn Cox HUD-17-0235-C-001432 Worth, Michael Wr ight-Ell is, Justin 861-7602 861-7272 430-6646 430-6719 861-7641 430-6707 861-7206 430-6696 861-7609 861-7207 861-7240 861-7525 430-6628 861-7526 861-7271 861-7612 430-6640 430-6644 861-7686 430-6665 861-7245 Xu, Tanya 430-6659 OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL Yeargin, S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #1 Underwriter Young , Richard J. 861-7244 861-7291 861-7693 S/F HOC - OCSD Management Analyst Zaic, Jerome 861-7691 S/F QAD . FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #2 Senior Sing le Family Housing Specia list Washington, Watsko, Webster, Weise, Welch, Martina Stephen B. P. Ashley T . Elisa Miranda L L West, Melvina Wilkinson, M ichelle Williams, Williams, Clarice Edward Williams, Williams, Elizabeth Kamilah Williams, Lisa A. Williams, Sheppard (Van) Willoughby , Steven Willson, Scott T. Wilson, Deanda Wolfe, Lisa A. Woodson, Darryl B. Woodward, Roberta George Yong, Uong E. PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION A Publ ic Housing Rev ital ization Special ist S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 HR - EMPLOYEE/LABOR RELATIONS Construct ion Ana lyst CONTRACTING DIVISION FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Contract Spec ial ist INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B Auditor S/F REO BRANCH #2 S/F QAD - FIELD REVIEW BRANCH #1 Single Family Housing Specialist Program Support Assistant S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 FPM Underwriter Senior Management Analyst/Regional S/F PUD - TECHNICAL BRANCH #1 S/F REO BRANCH #3 Underwriter Single Family Housing Specialist Human Resources Spec ialist Equal Opportunity Specialist OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Support Services Special ist S/F REO BRANCH #2 Single Family Housing Specialist Publ ic Housing Revital ization Special ist FOIA PUBLIC HOUSING - DIVISION B Publ ic Housing Revital ization Special ist FPM Publ ic Affai rs Special ist HUMAN RESOURCES S/F PUD - INSURANCE BRANCH #2 HRSpecialist Underwriter FPM Supervisory Management Analyst OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/ FIELD SUPPORT Mailroom Clerk Legal Honors Intern OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION/FIELDSUPPORT Mailroom Clerk Brockington, Carolyn 861-7231 CONTRACTOR NEW WORLD TECHNOLOGY Brockington , Nadirah 861-7233 CONTRACTOR LJ CONSULTANTS 861-7232 CONTRACTOR LJ CONSULTANTS 861-7215 CONTRACTOR KATMAI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 861-7201 CONTRACTOR KATMAI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Graham, Dinah Lawrence, Anna Moy, Brian AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001433 5.15.2017 PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL OFFICE DIRECTORS, SUPERVISOR & CHIEFS DIRECTORY Banks, Antoinette Perry 430-6705 OFSS Regional Support Manager Antoinette.P.Banks@hud.gov Waltz , Shell i 430 -6721 Contracts Branch Chief Shel li.J.Wa ltz@hud.gov Bynum, Nadab 861-7652 CPD Director Nadab.By:num@hud.gov Collins, David M. 861-7659 CPD Program Manger David.M.Collins@hud.gov Wamp ler, Mandy 861-7664 CPD Program Manger mandy.wam12ler@hud Moroz. Patricia 430-6682 EMAD Field Director Qatricia .c.moroz@hud .gov Delaney, Barbara 861-7637 FHEO Director, FHEO Philadelphia Program Center Barbara .R.Delane~@hud gov .gov Latham, Ronaldlyn 861-7629 FHEO Program Compliance Branch Chief Ronald ly:n.E.Latham@hud .gov Chavez, Roberto H. 861-7625 FHEO lnake Branch Chief roberto.h.chavez@hud.gov Taylor, Melody 861-7643 FHEO Regional Director, FHEO melody .c.taylor@hud.gov Ott, Richard 430-6621 FPM Deputy Regional Admistrator Richard.M .Ott@hud.gov Dahl, Kimberly 430-6729 OIGA Assistant Regional InspectorGeneralfor Audit Kdahl@hudoig.gov Darby , Debra 430 -6731 OIGA Assistant Regional InspectorGeneralfor Audit ddarby@hugoig.gov Kasperaw icz , David 430-6730 OIGA Regional Inspector Genera l for Aud it DkasQerowicz@hudoig .gov Nelson, Bertrand (Nick) 430-6756 OIGI Special Agent in Charge bnelson@hudoig.gov Jankowski, Debbie 430 -6689 IT Director , Informat ion Technology Debbie .Jankowski@hud .gov Bensala, Debra 430-6648 Labor Regional Labor Relations Officer Debra .Bensa la@hud .gov Johnson, Sheryl L. 430-6655 Legal Regional Counsel Sher::,,I .L.Johnson@hud .gov Kayloyanides. Sonya 430-6671 Legal Deputy Regional Counse l Son::,,a.M.Ka::,,lo::,,anides@hud.gov Prout, Ivy 430-6654 Legal Associate Regional Counsel for Programs lv::,,.J.Prout@hud.gov Scheetz, Randal l J. 86 1-7576 M/F HSG Superv isory Proj ect Manager (Asset. Mgmt.) Randal l.J.Scheetz@hud.gov Hawkins, Monica 861-7593 PH Director, Division A Office of Publ ic Housing Monica.A.Hawkins@hud.gov Axler, Judy R. 861-7604 PH Director, Division B Office of Publ ic Housing Judith .R.Axler@hud .gov Shaffer, Ju lie 861-7216 HOC-D ir Director, HOC Julie.Shaffer@hud.gov Triolo, Anthony 861-7252 HOC-D ir Deputy Director , HOC Anthon::,,.T .Triolo@hud.gov Boguslaw, Chr is 86 1-7241 HOC-OPS Director , Operations & Customer Service Chris .Boguslaw@hud.gov Maldonado, Deborah 861-7276 PUD-ln1 Chief , Insurance & Underwriting Branch #1 Deborah.H .Maldonado@hud .gov Anderson, Charles 86 1-7281 PUD-ln2 Underwr iting Branch Chief Cha rles.J.Anderson@hud.gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001434 Jones , Joyce 861-7519 PUD-ln2 Chief , Insurance & Underwriting Branch #2 JOYCE. R.JONES@hud.gov Cianci, Andrew 861-7687 PUD-Dir Director , Process ing & Underwriting Division Andrew .Cianci@hud.gov McArdle, Michael H. 861-7689 PUD-T1 Chief , Technical Branch #1 michael .h.mcardle@hud.gov Raja, Krish R. 861-7539 PUD-T2 Chief , Technical Branch #2 Krish. R.Raja@hud.gov DiPietro. Andy 861-7220 QAD -Dir Director, S/ F QAD A nd)".V.DiP ielro@h ud.gov Peiffer, Patricia 861-7209 QAD-FR2 Chief , Field Review Branch #2 Patricia. Peifie r@hud.gov Tate Cech , Joyce A. 861-7225 QAD -FR1 Chief , Field Review Branch #1 joyce.tate@hud.gov Van de Zilver, John 861-7226 QAD -FR3 Chief - Field Review Branch #3 john.f .vandezilver@hud.gov Curry, Jr. Michael J . 861-7202 REO-Dir Director , Real Estate Owned Division michae l. j.curr:y@hud.gov Harrigan, Carme lla S. 86 1-7263 REO-D ir SupervisorySingle Family Housing Specialist carmella.ha McCoy, Valer ie 861-7544 REO-1 Chief , Real Estate Owned Branch #1 valerie.l.mccoy@hud.gov Marshall. David 861-7193 REO-2 Chief , Real Estate Owned Branch #2 David.B.Mars hall@h ud .gov Thress , John 861-7194 REO-3 Chief , Real Estate Owned Branch #3 john.d .th ress@hud.gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT rrigan@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001435 5.15.2017 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT BALTIMORE OFFICE CITY CRESCENT BUILDING FIFTH FLOOR 10 SOUTH HOWARD STREET BALTIMORE, MD 21201 Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Main Number: 410-962-2520 Direct Extention: 410-209-xxxx Telephone Directory WEBSITES HUD National Website www.hud.gov Baltimore .Field Office W ehsite www.hud.gov/local.bal/ HUD Homes for Sale \Vww.hudhomestore.com FACSIMILE MACHINES Field Director Office of Administration CPD FHEO Chief Counsel Multifamily Housing Division (HUB/Production) Public Housing Dh.ision Mail Room Copier Room Auditor's Office Union Office IMPORTANT CONTACTS HITS Help Desk HUD Hotline HUD Handbooks, Notices, and l<'orms HOME Ownership Center (HOC-PHIL.) Customer Service Representative Maryland State Inspector General for Audit Union Contact, Al<'GELocal 3122 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT (410) 209-6670 (410) 209-6671 (410) 209-6672 (410) 209-6673 (410) 209-6674 (410) 209-6675 (410) 209-6678 (410) 209-6688 (410) 209-6689 (41 0) 209-66 79 (410) 209-6680 1-800-347-3735 l -800-767-7468 l -800-225-5342 (410) 962-2520 (410) 209-6631 (410) 209-668 l HUD-17-0235-C-001436 FIELD POLICY & MANAGEMENT Payne, Carol Matthews, Eugenia Stovall, Teresa Wallis, Patrick x6557 x6561 x6593 x6587 LABOR RELATIONS Radden, Ceely Ross, Lavaris x6578 x6620 HUMAN CAP IT AL FIELD SUPPORT Banh, Antoinette Griffin Darlene Kuperstein, Miriam (IT) OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL Jacobs, Sorella Akman, Joseph Jones, Melissa Taylor, William COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Halm, Charles Cartagena, Evelyn Harmon-Darrow, Aimee Locks, Ethel Schenning, Ann Taylor, Susan Thomas, Lauren x6527 x6503 x6559 x6598 x6590 x6588 x6602 x6541 x6515 x6520 x6560 x6585 x6616 x6599 FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM Leith , Rachel Punter, Carolyn Barringtine, Tracye Brown, Carolyn Faulkner, Pamela Goff, Toni Grey, Linda Huusko, Lindsay MULTIFAMILY Baltimore Satellite Office Brown, Brenda Ellis, Lisa AMEHICAN VERSIGHT x6548 x6514 x6504 x6511 x6530 X6611 x6539 x6518 x6510 x6505 HUD-17-0235-C-001437 Ford, Robert Hardi11g,Richard Jackson, Yvette Parker, Judith Brown, Evelyn Burley, Margaret Campbell, Attar Coker, Debra Coleman, Angela Cooper, Angela Dieter, Patrick Dorm, Florence Gaither, Diana Gray, Stephen Hall, Bill Harrison, Robin Jefferson, Leland Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Courtney Johnson, India Kiracofe, David Meekins, Kimyetta Nash, Molly Pcchuckonis, Erik Satterwhite, Lorraine Scott, Sharon Simmons, Bhek Sonberg, Joanne Sprecher, Stephen Wing, Dannell Winters, Tanya x6604 x6524 x6550 x6569 x6591 x6521 x6566 x6605 x6568 x6608 x6629 x6525 x6534 x6507 x6592 x6543 x6551 x6552 x6576 x6554 x6558 x6597 x6628 x6581 x6610 x6586 x6544 x6601 x6582 x6609 x6565 PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM Tamburri110, William De Souza, Russell Curtis, Gregory Epps, Ned Hayden, Dylan Jackson, Tiffany Johnson, Dana Middleton, Emma Page, John Pederson, Doreen Paramore, Pamela x6595 x6522 x6519 x6618 x6531 x6626 x6553 x6567 x6571 x6574 x6570 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001438 Richardson, Claunella Salters, Carolyn \Varren, Carol Weber, Carol x6538 x6S83 x6622 x6606 Philadelphia (HOC) x6S29 x6555 Morris, Lisa Richardson, Joyce Outstationed Employees McKinney, Ebony Simms, Candace lber, Robert Henderson, John x6S63 x6589 x6549 x6S47 OFFICE OF REGIONAL INSPECTOR GENERAL AUDIT (Room 4610) Hal'l'ison, Kimhel'ly x6631 Morales, Belinda Nwokeuku, Shaleena x6542 x6633 INVESTIGATIONS Carling, Lisa A Dunn, Kylan Weinstein, Michael (Room 4640) x6S94 x6634 x6596 ADDITIONAL PHONE NUMBERS 1 4 " FLOOR Conference Room 4A Conference Room 4B Audit Conference Room x6659 x6660 x6632 th 5 FLOOR Director's Conference Room Polycom Conference Room SA Conference Room SB PO}'kOm Conference Room SC Interview Room Legal Library Map Room Mail Room AMEHICAN VERSIGHT x6644 x664S x6646 x6647 x6648 x6649 x6650 x6651 x66S2 x6653 HUD-17-0235-C-001439 PC Training Room Polycom Computer Room PC Work Room Elevator Lobby Reception Courtesy Phone Telephone Closet (North) AMEHICAN VERSIGHT x6655 x6656 x6657 x6658 x6662 x6663 x6687 HUD-17-0235-C-001440 5.15.2017 CHARLESTON FIELD OFFICE 405 CAPITOL STREET~ SUITE 708 CHARLESTON, WV 25301 PHONE: (304) 347-7000 FAX: (304) 347-7050 TDD Machine: (304) 347-5332 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Julie A. Alston Evie Williams Field Office Director ' s Fax Machine Ext.# 104 12S (304) 347-7007 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Charlotte Puryear Admin. Fax# 107 (304) 347-7043 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Danny Myers 105 FHA/SINGLE FAMILY PROGRAMS Dave Gallian Thomas Hurt Single Family Fax Machine 132 130 (304) 347-7010 MUL TIFAMIL Y PROGRAMS CENTER Cindy Bauer Cheryl Haynes Nicole Sutters Main Office Fax No. 131 116 125 (304) 347-7050 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING Julia Borders PIH Fax Machine 123 Small Conference Room Multi Media Center Mail Center 120 126 135 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT (304) 347 -7045 HUD-17-0235-C-001441 Satellite Conference Room 140 ALSTON, JULIE A BAUER , CYNTHIA BORDERS , JULIA GALLIAN , DAVE HA YNES, CHERYL HURT, THOMAS MYERS , DANNY PURYEAR.CHARLOTTE SUTTERS , NICOLE WILLIAMS, EVIE 104 131 123 132 AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT 116 130 105 107 128 125 HUD-17-0235-C-001442 Field Office Director Senior Management Analyst Support Services Specialist Lead lnfrHmation Technologie s Spec ialist Housing Support Specialist Senior Single ramily Hous ing Spec ialist Account Executive Account Executive Account Executive Pub lic I lou sing Rcvitulization Spec ialist AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001443 5.15.2017 DC FIELD OFFICE ALPHA DIRECTORY 820 FIRST STREET N.E., SUITE 300 WASHINGTON, DC 20002 MAIN NUMBER: 202-275-9200 FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE: 202-708-llll Al len, Drellar 275-6333 PUBLIC HOUSING Barnard. Vanessa 275-6266 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT Brown , James 275-6265 PUBLIC HOUSING Chappell, Katie 275-6268 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Clarke, Donna 275-6269 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT Conlan,Russell 275-6270 LEGAL Crim, Sherrie 275-6271 PUBLIC HOUSING Davis, Deborah 275-6275 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVE LOPMENT Dawson, Ernest 275-6276 FAIR HOUS ING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Denman, Felicia 275-6292 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT Duke, Diane 275-6278 PUBLIC HOUSING Elmore , Wal1er 275-6323 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT Evans, Francina 275-6279 MULTI- FAMILY HOUSING Everett, Janice 275-6339 FPM Fadlelmola , Belinda 275-6280 FPM Falkenste in, Robert 275-6281 S/F HOUSING Ford, Robert 275-6273 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Freeman , Tiffany 275-6277 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVE LOPMENT Gleaton, Ruth 275-6283 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING Green , Cabrinna 275-6285 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Greene, Larry 275-6286 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Hatcher, James 275-6287 HUMAN CAPITAL FIELD SUPPOR T Henriquez, Evita 275-6261 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVE LOPMENT Hill, Stephanie 275-6289 COMMUNITY PLANN ING & DEVELOPMENT Hirko , Elizabeth 275-6290 LEGAL Isaacs , Suzanne 275-6298 HOUSING OUTREACH & CAPAC ITY B LDG Jenkins, Christine 275-6306 PUBLIC HOUSING Johnson, Eric 275-6293 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING Jones, Ernestine 275-6263 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001444 London, Kamile 275-6296 PUBLIC HOUSING . Lucas,Jean 275-6337 PUBLIC HOUSING Middleton, Maryann 275-6301 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Paikin, Steve 275-6305 FAIR HOUS ING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Payton, Trueyer 275-6308 MULTI- FAMILY HOUSING Porter, Michelle 275-6309 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Randolph , Pamela 275-6311 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Redmond, Janet 275-6272 LEGAL Richardson, Lorraine 275-6274 FPM Robinson, Ygerne 275-6312 FAIR HOUS ING & EQUA L OPPORTUNITY Rose , Michael 275-6266 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Scott, Linda 275-6330 PUBLI C HOUSING Suberu, Michael 275-6337 PUBLIC HOUSING Thomas, Lavon 275-6321 HUMAN CAPITAL FIELD SUPPORT Turner, Marvin 275-6291 FPM Turriago , Patricia 275-6368 HUMAN CAPITAL FIELD SUPPORT Wa ites, Aneita 275-6329 PUBLIC HOUSING We iser , Colleen 275-6288 HOUSING OUTREACH & CAPACITY BLDG Westray , Tonya 275-6318 MULT I-FAMI LY HOUSING Whitfield , Deborah 275-6319 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001445 PITTSBURGH FIELD OFFICE WILLIAM MOREHEAD FEDERAL BUILDING 1000 LIBERTY AVENUE, SUITE 1000 PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 MAIN#: (412) 644-6428 FAX#: (412) 644-6499 FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE 1-800-525-5726 Asad, Ali 644-5862 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING Bautista, Yamilette Bert, Jennifer Braun, Debra Byrne, Catherine 644-6462 644-5855 644-6948 644-5843 FHEO FPM INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Cochran, Malea Coll, Pam Cooper, Gerry 644-6494 644-5849 644 -6413 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT LEGAL Dey, Chandra 644-6373 Dzubinski, Christine 644-5763 INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Foley, William 644-6598 INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS Galati, Barbara Gillespy , Cindi 644-2889 6536 MULTIFAMILY HOUSING OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING Humphrey, Richard 644 -2739 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING Jacobs, Matthew 644 -2734 Jansen, Michael 644-5449 INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Maclean, Rebecca Martin, Debra Mazzocco, James McIntyre, Brian Meyers, Andy Michalka, Paul 644-4881 644 -6595 644-6563 644-6383 644-5499 644-5485 Miller, Jane 644-5945 644-6635 Miller, Paul Molinaro-Thompson, J 644-6529 644 -5487 Moyer, Jill 644-2731 Murray, Brian D. 304-347-7000 Myers, Danny AMEHICAN VERSIGHT X 105 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING LEGAL OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING FPM OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MULTIFAMILY HOUSING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HUD-17-0235-C-001446 Obringer, Trish 644-5785 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Palmer , Christina Pietragallo, Sarah Popp, Michael Possage, Gary Prescott, Reana 644-6461 644-6414 644-6598 644-6399 644 -6492 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING LEGAL INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING OFFICE OF PUBLIC HOUSING Ronallo, Patricia Ross, Lavaris 644-5491 4 I0-209-6620 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT LABOR RELATIONS Shaw, Martha 644-5463 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Tolbert, John 644-5846 COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Watkins , Mark Whitelock, Michael Whitelock, Pamela 644-6637 644-6932 644 -2733 S/F HOUSlNG DlV COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION 5.15.2017 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001447 5.15.2017 RICHMOND FIELD OFFIC 600 EAST B RICHr PHON FAX~ Aho, Linda 822-4811 Booker, Bonita 822-4895 822-4810 822-4827 Brinkley, Sylvia Brinkman, Anthony Bucci, Chuck 822-4823 822-4904 822-4838 822-4825 Clarke, Brenda 822-4905 COLE, CLIFF 822-4884 Dash, Sarah DeCordova, Stacy 822-4844 822-4899 822-4802 822-4943 822-4812 DOWNS,SHARON 822-4896 Edison, Amy Eudailey, Brian 822-4883 822-4891 Fitch, Ron 822-4849 Gordon, Barbara Greene, Denise 822-4850 822-4830 822-4885 822-4851 Henry, Wilma Hladik, Robert Holman, Virginia 822-4897 822-4890 822-4911 Johnson, Kerry Johnson, Teresa 822-4803 822-4813 LAMBERG,CATHERINE LEGETTE,RONNIE 822-4898 822-4831 Brown, Barry Brown , Janet Brown-Taylor, Nicole Davenport, Robert Davis, Anne Dawson, Ernest Grant , Jay Green, Jeffrey AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001448 Lomurro, Dominic 822-4893 Mailroom Mares, Steve Martin, Gwen Meyers , Carolyn Mills , Bettie Mitchell, Rashida Moody, Rodney 822-4821 822-4876 822-4894 822-4832 822-4828 822-4869 822-4870 822-49185 Ogunde , Tom 822-4824 Peebles, Pearl Peluso, Jim Perry-Banks, Antoinette 822-4834 822-4882 Player, Mary Pontes, Richard 822-4919 822-4887 RADER, BRAD 822-4814 Roberts, Carolyn Ross, Lavaris 822-4863 822-4874 410-209-6620 Schlotzhauer, Arthur (Bill) 822-4906 SCHMIDT, CARRIE 822-4807 Schmiegelow, Toni Sease, Doug 822-4925 822-4835 Tay lor , Kamaria 822-4806 Venable, Janet 822-4921 Wagenhauser, Michael Wilder, Robin 822-4888 822-4881 Young , Kristina 822-4900 McGreevy, Michael Romero, Blanca AMEHICAN VERSIGHT 410-209-6527 HUD-17-0235-C-001449 HUD-17-0235-C-001450 'E ALPHA TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ROAD ST, 3rd FLOOR \1OND, VA 23219 E: (804) 822-4805 1#:(804) 822-4984 INFOTECH SPECIALIST PUBLIC HOUSING OFFICE OF ADMINISTRAT ION, FIELD SUPPORT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FAM ILY QUALITY ASSURANCE FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FAM ILY REO INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUDIT MULTl-FAMILY HOUSING PUBLIC HOUSING FPM ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER SUPERVISOR- MULTIFAMILYMANAGEMENT INSPE CTOR GENERAL- AUD IT INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS MULTl-FAMILY HOUSING MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN T INSPECTOR GENERAL- AUD IT MULTl-FAM ILY HOUSING PUBLIC HOUSING INSPECTOR GENERAL - INVESTIGATIONS HO USING OUTREACH & CAPACITY BLDG ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL DIRECTOR- PUBLIC HOUSING DIRECTOR- COMMUNITYPLANNING& DEVELOPMENT AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001451 COMMUN ITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT FIELD SUPPORT I MAILROOM SINGLE FAM ILY PROGRAM SUPPORT PUBLIC HOUSING HEAL THY HOMES & LEAD HAZARD CONTROL COMMUN ITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MULTl-FAM ILY HOUSING MULTI-FAM ILY HOUSING SINGLE FAM ILY REO COMMUN ITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUN ITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN T PUBLIC HOUSING REGIONAL SUPPORT MANAGER MULTl-FAM ILY HOUSING INSPECTOR GENERAL - AUD IT ASSOC REGIONAL COUNSEL o OFFICE OF REGIONAL COUNSEL MULTl -FAM ILY HOUSING MULTI-FAM ILY HOUSING LABOR RELATIONS PUBLIC HOUSING FIELD OFFICE DIRECTOR . FPM FPM COMMUN ITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST SINGLE FAM ILY REO INSPECTOR GENERAL- INVESTIGATIONS COMMUN ITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC HOUSING AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001452 HUD-17-0235-C-001453 5.15.2017 United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Wilmington Field Office One Rodney Square 920 King Street, Suite 404 Wilmington, Delaware 19802 Bynum, Maria Field Office Director Sillery, David Customer Service Rep FAX AMEHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001454 {302) 573?6300 {302) 573-6300 {302} 573?6259 HUD-17-0235-C-001455 FIELD POLICYAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE ' \ ... \~ DECEMBER, 2014 Mary E. McBride. Assistant Deputy Secretary AMf YICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001456 Mary E. McBride Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy & Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Dire ct: N/A Off ice: (202) 708-2426 BB: (206) 601-6053 451 7th Street, S.W. Cell: N/A Room 7108 Washington, D.C. 20410 Fax: (202) 708-1S58 Direct : N/A Office: (202) 708-2426 BB: (202) 368-6265 Room 7108 Cell : N/A Washington, D.C. 20410 Fax: (202) 708-1S58 Nelson R. Bregon Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy & Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. Paul A. Scott Deputy Director for Field Policy & Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. Room 7122 Direct : (202) 402-2354 Office : (202) 708-2426 BB: (703) 585-2622 Cell: N/A Fax: (202) 708-1558 Washingto n, D.C. 20410 David J. Reeves Senior Advisor Direct : (202) 402-6418 Office (202) 708-2426 U. S. Development of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. BB: {202) 904-4162 Cell: Room 718 11202)439-193211 Fax: (202) 708-1558 Washington, D.C. 20410 Darlene F. Williams Senior Advisor Direct: (202) 402-4143 Office: (202) 708-2426 U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. BB: (202) 251-2867 Cell: N/A Room 7108 Fax: (202) 708-1558 Washington, D.C. 20410 AMLHICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001457 KarenA. Lake Direct: (202) 402-4341 Director of Budget & Financial Management Office: (202) 708-2426 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development BB: (202) 905-3591 Cell: Fax: (202) 708-1558 Zuleika Morales-Romero Direct: t 202) 402- 7683 Supervisory Field Management and Support Office: (202 ) 708-2426 4 451 7th Street, S.W. F Room 7122 N/A Washington , D.C. 20410 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W. Rooom 7108 Washington, D.C. 20410 BB: Cell : Fax : (102) 340-4757 NIA (202 ) 708-1558 Jacqueline W. Roundtree Direct : (202) 402-6297 Director of Administrative Services and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office : (202) 708-2426 BB: (202) 246 -9355 451 7th Street, S.W. Room 2120 Cell: Fax: 1[(571} 332-7387 .. (202) 708-1558 Washington, D.C. 20410 AM HICA\J VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001458 REGIONI KristineFoye Acting Regiona l Adm inistrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development O'Neill Federal Building 10 Causeway Street , Room 301 Boston, MA 02222-1092 Direct: Office : BB: Cell : {617) 994-8220 (617) 994 -8223 (703)568-0926 lsmu1Stre.-:1.-lrh Floor Man c:he 5ter. Providence, RI - tGM (401) 277-8300 :--H03101-17 30 I~ I South \l ain Street. Suite 300 Pro, idence . RI 02903-7104 (212) 542-7109 I 603) 666- 7599 I 202) 49 1-7773 BR: Cell: Fax: (603) 666-7667 Direct: BB: ( 401 ) 203-99 08 NI:\ FIELD OFFICE :-Janey Smith Greer fiel d Office Dire.ctor New York, NY Dire ct: REGIOl\AL OFFICE Holly Leicht Cell: Fax: Direct: (401 J 277-8350 !(b)(6) I (-10I l 277-8395 (2!2)542-7100 Regional Admini,traior BB : (202)738-6803 26 Federal Plaza Cell: NIA Suite 35-11 fax: (212)26 4-8034 New York . NY !0278-0068 AM( HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001465 Albany.NY (518) 464-4200 FIELD OFFICE Jaime E. Forero Fieltl Office Direcwr 52 Corporate Circk Room 205 Buffalo. !\Y 1-1203-178 Buffalo, ~Y (716) 551-5755 (973) 776-7219 Fax: I (5 l 8) 464-4300 FIELDOFFICE Jo:rn Spilman Field Office Director Lifay.-:ueCourt . 2nd floor --165Main S1rcc1 Buffalo. :-,..y14203 - !78 Newark, NJ Direct: FALSE BB: (202) 590-8924 Cell: l(b)(6) Direc1: (7 I 6) 551-5755 > BB: Cell: Fax: 016i 830-71S8 l(b)(6) (716) 5.'i1-5734 I FIELDOFFICE Maria Ylaio-.,\fassano Direct: (212)542-7717 Fidd Office Direcwr BB: \ 973-202-2084 One Newark Cscnrcr Cell: NA 131h floor Fa.,: 1973I 645-232.'l Direcr: BB: (215 t 430-6635 Newark. l'\J 07102-5] I<; ., ~ [ :i> Philadelphia,PA I215J 656-0600 REGIONALOFFICE Jan~ CW . Vincent Regional Adminimator Baltimore. i\lD (410) 962-2520 (21:'-I 384 -8191 Th.: \.\'.lnam:iker 81dg. Cell: 100 Pe,m Square E~st Philaddph1:i . PA 19107-3380 Fax: (2151656-3445 CJrol B. Payne Direct: (4] 01 209-6557 f'idJ Office Direccor BB: l(b)(6) FIELD OFFICE City Cre~t'nt Building Cell: 10 South How"rd Su~et. 51h floor Fax: 1410! S85-79Qti l(b)(6) (410.1209-6670 Bal1imore. l\1D :1201.:505 Charleston, WV (304) 347-7000 ~ 1()4 FIELD OFFICE Peter C. \linter Fidd Office Director -W5Cipitol Street Suite 708 Charks1on. WV 25.,01 AMEHICAN VERSIGHT Direct: U04 1 347 -7064 BB: 1:703 798-0390 (b)(6) Cell: Fax: {. 4) _,4 7-7007 HUD-17-0235-C-001466 Pittsburgh. PA Richmond, VA \\ 'ashingt o n, DC Wilmington, DE (412) 644-6U8 (804) 771,2610 (202) 275-~200 /302) 573-6300 flELD OFFICE Jane Miller Fid d Office Director William S. 1-loorhcaJ Federal Building l000 Libercy A\ cnue. Suite 1000 Pi1tsburgh. PA 152:~ FIELD OFFICE Carri.: Schmidt hdd Office Diri:ctnr 600 East Broad Street Suite 300 Richn1ond. VA 23219-4910 FIELD OFFICE \l ar~in v... Tomer f id d Office Direcror 8 20 First Stree1.NE Suit e 300 Washing10n.DC 20002--1205 FIELD OFF'fCE \ br ia B) num Field Office Dirc:c tor One Rodney Square 920 King Sm:el. Suite 4t)./ Wilmington. DE 1980 1-30 16 Direct: BB: Cell: Fax: -5945 (4 12) 64--1 (4 12) 9 16- 1593 (b)(6) 1412) 64-1-4_4 Direc1: l804) 82 2.4go7 BB : Cell: l(b)(6) Fax: (80 4) 82 2-4984 Diri:ct: (2021275-6291 (202) 320-6762 BB: (SO-I1 539-7077 t Cell: Fax: 6l l{bH Direcr: (302) 57.'l-6250 (.302I 494-719 l 1(61 BB: C~ll: (202 12i 5-638 1 l{b Fax: (302! 57:l-6259 Direct: (678) 73~-2008 (404) 273-4423 NIA 1404) 730-2.\92 .\~.-' ; H >-~-Atlanta , GA Birmingham.AL (678) 732-2008 I 731-2617 {2115 REGIO!\AL orFJ CE E OfflCE John Gemmill riel 746-34::!0 l~b}~6} I Fax: (.~UI Dir~ct: BB: Cell: (.,17) 213-5710 l(b)(6) Fax: (.,!I! L!G-6., I I Direo : BB: Cell: (--11-l)935-6606 NI,\ 226-561 l (3 171 ~~6-6303X; FIELDOFFICE Oak Darrow AMEf~ICAN (3 I 3) 134-750:! BB: Cell: FJELDOFFICE John R. H:11! Fidd Office Director 151 Nonh Dd aware Street Suite 1200 Indianapolis. IN --1 620-l-~:'i26 Milwaukee. WI Direc t: Fax: lib}~6} (4 14) 93'.i-6775 HUD-17-0235-C-001469 1\-linneapoli,;,MN (612) 456-2100 FIELD OfflCE [k~itr Sidne) hdd Office Direc1or Kinnard F-inan.:i:1ICen1er.Sui1e I YX) 920 Second A,enue. South .MinnCJfl<.1lis.\IN ht Direct: BB: (612) 456-2}{)() X: Cdl: Fax: lc,AZ AMLHICAN VERSIGHT {213) 894-8000 (602) 379 -7100 FIELDOFFICE Ray W. Brewer Direct: Field Office Di rector BB: (213) 534-2503 611 W . Sixth Street Cell: !20ZJ .2,HJS~ l Subject: pie .,~~-~:\ :~. .\ * at" -- . .~.~,~~,?- - BELINDA J FADLELMOLA Senior Mgmt Analyst DC WebManager, FOIA Liaison, Congressional and Community Liaison Senior Customer Service Project Manager U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD National Capital Area Office 820 First Street, NE Suite 300 Washington, DC 20002 202-275-6280 (voice) 202-275-6381 (fax) Belinda.J.Fadlelmola@hud.gov AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001511 HUD-17-0235-C-001512 Subject: Location: CONFIRMED Trip to Richmond, Va. F[NAL ATTACHMENTSfor Monday Start: End: Show Time As: Mon 10/30/2017 12:00 AM Wed 11/1/2017 12:00 AM Out of Office Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Organizer: DeFelice,Joseph J Elvis Solivan (Elvis.Solivanl@hud .gov); Franceschini-Petty, Raquel; Ott, Richard M; Edwards, Nika V; Schmidt, Carrie S; Davis, Anne; Hunter, Matthew F Required Attendees: Folks- Here are the revised and final attachments for you to review before you begin your tour in Richmond, Va. There will be additional documents added to the SUMMIT calendar hold and an additional report on EssexVillage-that I am working on now. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks! Lisa for Joe AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001513 10/ 23/2017 CPD Grants Richmond city CPD: Formula l.tnnmunity # or 2016 Grants Dcvclopml'nl Grantees Block S 1.096A~ Solutions COC: Competitive Continuum Variance "lfl. -..:.. . ' () SI.OH.:! .2 9' ~: 111~111 *} Community Assessment Reporting Tool .-.,"~.-, ~,,.,,:.o: :.,"- CART 10/23/2017 RENTAL ASSISTANCE Richmond city Multifamily Housing Funding Units auiUed Pro_icct-Uascd Rental Assistance (Sc'C ~ Renta I assistance and rem a I suppl cmc 111) Section Multiramily 2.f>k~ 81 I Other (202,. FYl6 - Funding t2fJ .9(J5.2 l'l ~I 2J6s. FYl5 - Funding Variance ',2 0,314,285 SIS, . 19k SIS7.1~1 etc) Prop<'rli<'s 2016 Counu 17 3.162 Multifamily Housing Tenant Figures Housing Units Pc rec n r F 1,kr I:,. 3.162 ~lT\1....d Pnt .,.nl DisJbic-J Sl..nfd Tenants Served Children Served ~ Public lnv, -- in~C'lllc' Sc'l'\'C'd ltlfl"o 1 1_{,(,4 Housing PIIA Funding (Operating Fund) P'l"JLL'Jll FYl6 - Funding FY15- Funding Variance F'i. 16 Estimated E :1v~nditu res FY15 Estimated E:1penditu res Variance Fund & Capital HUD PIH ID\'CStmcnts # of2016 Unih Public !lou s ing Low-Rent Properties 4.()27 units $23.855.071< S24,622,688 .] (!-io l lousing Choice Voucher Program 2.3(,~ llllif~ $llU~l.4l5 S 17.363.479 (,'~o, Rental Assistance continued on next page AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001515 ('jj[~f) Community Assessment Reporting Tool CART . .,,,~, ., ~oH '.. , 10/ ~3,'2017 RENTAL ASSISTANCE Richmond cit)' PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY ]';umber 01. PHAS Trnubkd Housing 2 f'HAs Trot1blcd Amhorities Pi-1..1jl_!~C~ l;tilization Rate for Section 8 Occupancy Rare for Pl l (\c1w-r,.11c1 lcd Scrvcci (,.(,(,4 P-crccnl Lr,\,-i llC'('lllc' S,'ITC'd $9,4/ili Low-Rent Properties: J!ousi ng Un its 4.()27 Median 4.l'\42 Served lncumc uf Assi,;tcd Fl,krly Pt:"r,,:1,,.~111 Di~abli..~d Scr,t.~d Tenants Served Children Pc.rn.nt ~L'r?\.\.'Ll P1.:ru.:nl lnv, -rnco1lh. ... S,L-.f\-t~tJ Houschuld, Vouc.;her~ : PC' IC'<' nt I: Ide rly S1..~rv1..:d Hou~in g Units Tenants Served Children Served Median Income of Assisted AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT f'cr,cm 90 ,' "' Disabled Sc'l\.nl u1n J !ouscholds Pc.rcc11t l .owServed HH..::nmc Sl0.136 HUD-17-0235-C-001516 {:,11,~ilf :) Community v ,... Assessment Reporting Tool .. CART .,r,4,., ~,,.,,,.,,.,. I Oi23i2017 MORTGAGE INSURAI\'CE Richmond city Multifamily '?'umber Properties 26 of Projects Market Rate Cnits with l\.fortgagc Insurance 1,9.12 Units ,vith :vlortg:agc Insurance 2.391 Multifamily Capital Housing Total Number of Insured Properties Insurance Advances '?'cw Construction H calthcarc (1 and I mprovemcnts 1(, and Hos pi tab within Remainder Single Family Insurance Housing in Force of Properties S89,4J 4.800 $89 ,4 I 4,800 $ I 84,522.800 Properties # of 2016 Properties Prnpert ic s Defaults 353 Properties REO 140 Properties AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT '-1/A S4,425,000 '-1/A Loans 6,071 as of S4A25.000 S145 ,7l0,700 S5,~R5,800 S5,385,1WO :'-iiA '-I/A % of Loans Maturing # Loans FY Amount FY15 Properties '-1/A Propcrli~s Loans Marnring Endorsement :'-1/A 2 Properties Other Total Initial ofFY16 '-1/A Properties Risk Sharing Refinancing Total Initial Endorsement Amount as N/A of total units Cumulative Unpaid Principle S702.J I J .359 Insured $32,408,307 It1surcd Balance Insured HUD-17-0235-C-001517 ,.1;-.. '-'-'.'.,-..Ii,-,,." \_,, (: 111~111 ) Community Asses~~ent Reporting Tool fl,1: ._..i_,ot -_1.;~_'-,' 10/23/2017 FAIR HOUSil\'G Richmond city Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity # of 2015 Grants FY15 - Grant Award FY14 - Grant Award Fair Housing Assistance Program (FIIAl'J /\:,'A (jrants N/A :--J iA Fair !lousing Program (Fl!ll' J I (jrants S325.000 :--J iA Initiatives AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Variance HUD-17-0235-C-001518 If: ) ( :111ri1Community Assessment Reporting Tool CART " P ,1,-,. L' : .., o;}..'.'" 10/23 /2 01 7 HOUSll\'G COUNSELI'.'l'G Richmond city Office of Hou s ing Counseling Hou sing Cou ns e lin g Age n ~ies AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT # of 2015 Housing Counseling Agencies Housi ng 3 Co un se ling /\ gc ncic~ FYIS- Grant Award FY14 - Grant Award S865.555 $83 4,3.,3 Varian ce HUD-17-0235-C-001519 (liirif) Community Assessment Reporting Tool ..~ -~ '""'-,~, ..,,,, ~' CART 10/ 23/'.Wl 7 SIG~ATURE Richmond city Signature Grants Sustainability # of Grants Grants Challenge Regional Pb1nning Choi cc l\ "ighhorhoods Implementation Urants Planning Grant, Signature Total Grant Award Grants $400.000 Grants $400.000 N/A Grant$ NiA N/A Grants N/A N/.t\ Grants N/A N/.t\ Grants N/A Programs RAD Propcrti cs C:011 vc rkd Promise Zones N/.t\ Promise SC:2 N/A SC2 Sites AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT Zm1e Sites HUD-17-0235-C-001520 ,-::..~ -~.\.~- ..l' n.~-. "<,. IIII~ '-\. t. 111~111 *} Community -""~. ' ...;;_,t .,o --'-.'?'"' Assessment Reporting Tool CART 10/23/2 017 DEMOGRAPHICS Richmond city Demographics National State SeleclM Geography Total Population R.100.65.1 l;nemployed II" -.,. Living be low poverty Families Spending Ow.- 30" .. Ori l!.:1using Families Spcndi11t (1,~r Selected Community (1," 7/ LI 21,".-.,. lev e l Fmnilies Sp-..:n . State National --l.~"-.. 6 7~-,-, 65 ~,,; l Renters 57''..(o .13~-,-, _)5~,-; l Vacant Hous ing 14(!,-;, 1 11}{1 121~{) Ht)111-c 0\-...-nc.:-rship AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001521 Community Assessment Reporting Tool CART 10/23/2017 lll'SCLAIML:~ By 11:..mt; 11,i-. 1m,l , y(l,1 ; 1n.:,:p1 1hi:-.di:-.,:L11111i;r iu 1.1111. Th-...d~1C;1 11i-~-:d 1111l11s r: -:p,,o'1 .11, . , 111.,;11, l-..,I , ,,, ,111,,,11,.,n .. 1,.,l roofro oo. 1,o ~ , ,n ly .,n,I .,11,,w lho;;u .-;o;;r 1,1111uri; dl,:o;,. .riv(,." l_v:n:,;;i;-.-. hmtlll1!; iri l( trr11a1iori p: -:r1;1111i11;_! Co rl,i;ir l l L:n ,!(1:-:s 111,, r cpn::-;o;,.oril , 1, :,rr;111L 1111d<..r1.d,.,;,,r ~11.,r .,111-..:..: 111.,1 ,ti..: ,1. .,., ,l,~r-L,:,,.,I . .r1,. ti,., . 1111,,J , L1TT,:,,1 intlm11;11mn. :1.-; tl;11;1 :1r,; ,rnl_y;1l- up ro ,:bl,.: :1-; 1h,: 1110:-.r ri;L:cnl c:-; 1r;1,:1. f);11:1 :-:l,:111,;m:..,u ;i_vh<.. 11rd:tc:-:.;_I ;11, hffrr, :111,;d1:-:dltks. A,kt irim1:1lly, pi:-: ,:;h;1r1:-.111.1 ~ 11111 ,.,11,.111l11}'. ,11,-..:r., ri..11,1111\11~ ...nor o. l'l\.. .ts. :o, ,, 1nnl 1 .,u1h _vp11rl11L::il H l. 1D 111li<;i,:l"or ll1i,: ruol,,C ri,:n:n1 inl~frr11:11ion :md or fiir 111vri,: l(H)S vr c.:,m n;: n1, . rl ..-.1,,: .,..,1111.,.1 ~ I " " 11.~ .,I I rt 10 ', th , ... i"ur .. :"fl 1.1o.,11 .. 1, .o,,,I th l ,.frn.. oC:11ivr>(ti" 1hi),,d:1,:J. i11f1>nn:1ci o 11p:.:r l:1111i11 ;; lP f?1L11dmg..1:Jl:1. If }"V\l h :J~ L:~111:.:sl -.ri.:t . il lL: j11ri-.tli n 1un ur (;, H n m1111i 1y. ;,, cl11s 1,1(11 111:1_v he i.::-.1i111:LC:.: d du,: co rl1,: li111iC:L!i,m 1if ;n-;Lil:1hlc d:11:1(Hl Th:.: inl~m11;1l1(111 pro\.idi.:d i11cl11:-;11ml i:-.h ;1:-.,:.;,I nn lll.JO's :11t111111 is 1r:Jli\, . ,~-...1,,;t1h .,u ll c..'..:1h11,tl.11.1 Tl,.,: lu111lm~ .1h1! ,.o.p,-,i,lu,,,\.. d .1,.1 r11,rH .1_-.~..I -, ilu1 o l'tllll 1111111~ h11u1Jtl.111 ,.:, ,Iv tldl 11,i., --. :oo.-..1111_, .111~ :,, --~11h 111.1D rofLl~!r.11,,_nu 1-:di1:1ions . Add ili lln:Llly 1hc i11l(m11:1ciun rru vi.;,h:.;, I Ill(",, R T i),,1101 in nt :n A.;,lrnini:-.1r:1civc Sy~ 1i,:111 s or [O ,Iii,: r:.~ r,l;u ::., v f p,:..rl~t1.rn:11H"o.; rn1gr;Lrl1"- .111,l.. c ~:.f.1111 "'> .,d u 11 111,l,,;f.,;d h ,1111 II ., ,.,11u1,11J111, _. f.:.Jlh ,..r II ,,. 11l. 11" ).~ 1111\,"lllto h,-; ,. .,, nn 1hc pr nv r :1111),,1h:111n;1ko.;u p 1h:.:Ul:l}Vfily or I h11dgct. r,,r :1 inli,:11110..:-,! 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I iL () l.lc(m;;:-. .1 uo11 1ru1ln1t ~ ,,, 11n,. , 11 11\~- l~d l, 1 ,1 111~ ,, L.n1t ,, 1. ~ ,,.n,' rJ I l,i, JI [ iL,\ l.rn m i:-n1 1llf iL ', i. ;, ( Lon~r,.. . oo ,11,11I )1:-.l11- l. u \ h .tr.;,ll'(1lilu11 '.-..rn1i~lk.,1I ,\ rl'.l . .l C( 111nty. (ll" a St.l1 ;;. :.r.. t )'~1llr I, o, :.ii o 1L1P 11~.kl , 11ti, ,o , .,,r 1,r , , ~r,11mt1.1t1t ;11Hli11TIJm~ 1r,1. .. n,,,111,-TI If (1_it1ri~dic1i,,n .;..,11,n,:,ltbL. f(1umi in thi-.;t(1,:,ll,roh...1:--,.,., 1111 CPO Grana For CPD Formula Tab Grants: Th :.;i_!f:ir,r,o..--... \( n1i(1 . I ...;l: . H(lr-.(1 ." .,1111.rur\\ .-\1 l,,L .d UI du , . o.r11r1 111 , I~ h :o ,.,1111rl..:1-...o~ ,1r p .,f!1.1II ~ , 11111.1,11, .tl h_.. ti,~. I L1l\111l111111 y _,,, .. l,. 1o, L" -....ko, ....,I Tl,~. l1JU,l111~~ .,1,111111>1, ,l1~rl .,y :od .,, th, - 1~.r.. , 1 .1r~. :o~~o,:i:11cd illri ,.:.lh t11o11. 11h1LI\ 111 :1~ ~-\ 1,,:11Jh, . ~.,111LIlh,. h-..ol111J :111-.::-,,r 1l1L. ..:,11Y11nt111n~~1,11 ,i:-1t.~.,i:-d I 1.iiu , -.,Ill onoTI , i:-11 .-_ .1.:-,1, .. 11,., :111I ,,, 111,-n,i:-,,1, , , :,,,1,.i:-. 1lu ~ ,u,1:-.L\1111,i r1 m:i:~ r .:-Li:-1o . ._. fi11,d-..;fn1m ~~.i1h1lw l.,u1ri.:,\ . ,,t",h ,. ~ r:111t-.:L. th.... -.;..,.11~. N , on -1 m n l,o111~ .1111'!'1,.o~r ;11n Sou n:1,,,.: Update frequenQ ': 1\ o11t"11o.:1 11, ::-.~ ...i,.-t'I...,l1..:\dl 11"1r-.-M :11' h1 01 i~,-~. \ , 1 (. ~'t'll1'1'1 \11\1ly 111;\1Hllt'I~ ,1,1d l l,,-\.,_. 1., .- 1u.,111,,.... 1)1\ , ...),'1) .......1 111.-I 111...;N,;.1,1"11 1)),~u.r -... ~o1j1 .-,o11:11),1Jl"'i1~~, ....,;,1ll~o) ~~ , 1\.o1jl 111~1~ 1 ''""'" For CoC; Th;; ( tin1i11uum '1.tl~ .ir-: ((, ,c_. 1 ~r onil...:. h , 1..:,1111 cl11, r..:r,1r1 rn.i ;; t-.,ol ,111111 1-:t..:1.! ,,1 r 1r11:1II.! ,, 111 :1111 ..:d t-,~-th,. \ 1'mn111n11y ~-,111h.n ,. ,1. l,.1.h"J Th ,. hllld1n:i: ;rn1,,111,11. . h,,m ~.l;, ~ Ill , h .-11,.r~. 1111~lwhocd h~1mi..k:..:..;111d10 1:11 ht'111l"k~s di~pl.ly ..:-d iTI o h..: r..:r,1r1 ;,r ..: .i .:., ,. 1, 1..:d .oo 11h oh-: ,.1111r-:t .:. ,,( rl1.; f_ ,,( 1o1r1"h . t1<111., .. h1, I-, 111 :1.:.1."\l..:nl.l h~.~.,1ll1l 1h,: h,o\tnJ:111n. ,,i" 1h ; ,.,1mm\n111:-,-:i,.,o11-..,.-1;1 h: 1l Th1. l11n.:hn;.: .,,; 1,o11n11,-... , ,d l(1r t h e ("0(" gr ;1n1c..::,;. .-,.! 11,oI 111lI 11,h. ,,,J(l 1r1,o11 ;,I t"11nd1n~ 11-, .-,r .,, ;, o ;1o., ,.or,l.;,I .-1:i tl1,. 'I OF o\ l'r'" :~.:...:--t 1'r m,or1. 1111 ~,1111;111,on rok. 11.r 1.,,1,,,1. l :-,-,111r I.,, :11 I Ill fl r1dd , ,i"j1,.,. Ji-.;pby-.; pr'l.l r.11;1 ni.::..:dm1,J 111 Update Frequen~y: For Section 108 Loan Guarantee : Th:.' numb..:r an ...i 1.1m,1LmltJt' S:.'.:cit>1l 1(JH L mrn (iLll.lr-.rnti.::~.., 1,.,lo.U 11\ ll\ 1, o o-1" .o ,f l 1, b.~,o:~I , 11, tk. ( Dl!<. i !-:c,111,:-,. 1u11--J1,.,, .-~,, .. ,h,1 1 J1 ,. J1.LJl; o,1 L'11heo L1' 1)1rJ:.-, ch- or 11-.1.r ti -.dl _v ~\ 1thin 1h-.. b ,1uo,for ii.::slll' Lb..:-.!t)Jl11l\UC1iry you s:.'l:.',i.,'t:.' d . Th i.::11Llllll~i.::r,rnd J.ll\tH IIU t )I' S:.'.:cit)il HJ:-lL u.-11 1 (.i11.11,111l,.o:, l 1,t-, 1J \11lli\o, 1~-111-cl .,11; J .,oooo~ 1,1l1. J. o...-1t ho hL' L'n111,'I'\ .,( 1k ' \ J)Jh o :-!1Jnl c' II.JI1-.J1d 11>1)wbii.: h m,i y ..:-~1:.'nJ.b:.'y.a)nd chc bt)Llllda(ic::. t )l'tb-..' ..:tJJlltnu1ii1y y t111 ~..:li.:-L.:h:1!. l ,'pdatc Frequency: For Disaster ..\nnu.il Recovery Grants: rJi:.' numb..:r a11d ,1m,1Lml tlt'DR(il{ g rJ.ab lL~1:. ' d 1n ell,~ r:.'Jlt)(l J::-.b,is:.'d t )c1Ltl-..oDfHd~ ~\,11V~.,. llo~1,J..,q,,1" oh,11 .11..: l,~t"J1,., 1 ;'11k'i t"om 1)k t:..'I~-,)r pJ.(1m lly ,~l1hJn , h i.::bthmdJ.dc::-. t)l"tb..: i.:rnnmuaity . :-,, .o u t i::t111ul Lun,cy 11Lay b-.. u,i.:=r:,.Lac-..,l. Lb-..DRC!R Br: 1111-. ...:}11nsd 1i::(it1ns rn;,y i.:=,h:nd b..:yt111tl ch..: b11urub cic .~ uflhi.:- ..:un11t111n1l~ . :,''" .,i.:1-:~li.:~l, 1,,: r,,,1111':.i ,n11I ,., , ,.,11111,,i l) R(i R ~-r,illLs h .~1i.:=d1;_11 Source: l ,'pdatc Frequency: y-.,u !--i.::l..:cti.::n1) ;1ti,rn , ;md 1,._on:1n1,:b:1r:1t.h:ris11e:-. li s1 , :.;.1i11 cl,i,; ri,:p,irl ;Lr,; :-.u11m1: 1ri,,i,:,! li ,r 1h,._o s1,.ok o,:1-.. o,t o;;,H1n11u11i1y h:1s-...,!(.Hl lh,; 11,,: ;111(.Hltaddr 1,.oi.:,;.) (1ftl1i,: r,;r f rc 1D -;1ssi:-.1,;, t t-..hLllif:1111ily prnp,:rly , :\ ,:11 1f 1h:11 pror ... orcy ,:onsi:-.ls vi" 111uh irl,: hlLildinrpo. l ll'.D-:1s s i,;1i,:d tvf11h1f:rn1ily pr,1p,:r1y :1s Tl'.(.:llT<; .l.:.;_IIll 1ll :l)'s :1dmirii,;1r;L[iYo;; (.b[:1 sy ,;l,;rn . Only (.Hli,: ;J,l. !n,.o:,,:,;.;., prn,.1.;_l,:.;._I fon~lin~ ;u11,rn11c-;1h:JI arp:::1r in lh<.. D,::1:iil,; :..::c.:rim1ru ;1_v1101rii,:L :o;;:-.:..: 1nly t:qttal 1ho:::u111,m11:1.;_!t;r<:g:LC:~d l"LlT1ln: :..di;t .1L:;,ll :11nirutmic_v This i:-. d111: 1(1 1h1: m:rnui;r cl1r,:;:Jl, :.;.I wi1hin ihi; hrnirubri:~~ nf ch, : ,;ck,:;1,;,! ,:;1>111r 11tu1i1y rn :, y or m:1_...-11v1 h:~ s,;n.iL:in[! 1h :~ si;-1,;,. .L:li;d ,:01111111mi1y. 1"trn;,lmt; :1111vtml:.;.,!i,;pby,;,! :m: ,:;1>m1L:,;,..t::d lo 1h:~ c1111n~,y of cl1i; P iLhli,;,.--f fv i1:-.i11~ A111lmri1y :J;,l111ini :..1r :1i1n~ ~m.;:J, wh id1 m:Jy ,: -..lend h,;yL1nd ihi; hc1tm,;.bri,:s 01. 1h,.. :-.i;l,..1:h:;,I ,:0111mtmi1y. ;\cl;, l1i1v11:il ly , P 11hli,:; l l,111,;i11;_!; \u1tmn11c:-. , DcYclnr111i.:11ts :rnd Buil.;.l i11t;:.. 111:Jy rml :Lpp:::1r ir, lh,; ru :1p ,1r il.;1:111~ :-.i;t.i1v11 dtL,: l ei 111rrn 11pl,;1,;; e11. i,:1-r.m::vtL:-. :,ildr:: s s in l~tr111:JliV1"1. l :pdate Frequency: <)llmer ly For PIH Investment Information: Th:: lllL111h,;,. .r i,I" l., 1~.-ri;11c lLllil,;, ,.v11,:;h,;r:-. , ~L11;,Ii; :--1im:11t:d ,_o:,;pc11;,l11ur:~spr11~ 1;,l::,d i11 11,i~ ri;p11rl :Lr<: s 1111m1:1ri.,<:d fi,r 1h:~ ,;<;-l::,;,.-C:~d L:~tr1111111ni1yh:1:.-,:.;.I ,m 111.; lvl :~1cic111(~Ld;,lri;,;~ I ,,f tl1 ,: ruhli,: lmtL:-.mg vr H1ud1,;,..r 11ni1. Tl1, : ::-;.p, :11,!i111r~:s :Lr,; i;~I i111:1c::d ,1:-.i11~;1 p(,."r 1111i1,;,.--,1 s 1 ,::1li.11l:11i1>n. le 1s in1ror1:1n, iv rmli; 1h:JI Pl fr t:s1i111:11,;t! ,;:,;p::11;,l1i11f\.":-.:1~gr::v:11::d l",lT :J ~cl::,:;1cd ,;,..rn1rn1u11i,_v111:1_vnv1 :ul;,I up 10 1ht: hm;,li11t; :1111v1m1:-.li~c::d in 1ht: Pl f.-\ l"tmdi r,;_! :..1:,;,.-ciu11 t!u,;; ,o 111.; l"at .i ch :11 cln: PII.-\ :idr11i11i~1,;;rin1) 11,,:,:-111111 nia_y :il :-.n hl: :id111ini,;1i;rmt; 111111:.. wh id, : 1rl: 1,.,, kK.a1,:,:-d1~.iil1i11 lhl: hPrnll!:wi<::-. c1f1h:: s,;,.--k<;1i.;d(,."lllllr11tLnicy :111d1tms :m.. 11v1 h1:inv 1:vtmh:.;. l 1111h: : Pfl.-\ li111di11~ ,um1un1s th,11~orr-c :or in th.: O;;tails sc .::ti(111 rnuy not 111... "1...: :..:...irily ...-q,1:11 1lw :.1rrwum ;1gc.rq!: u1i...d r;,r lh...:-.;d:u...:d 1.. .(11rnnu11i1y . Thi--.i:-.dui.. t~) 1h,.:ni.u11wr 1hr ,;,ltL~h whkh 1h1... pnip...:ny tmit .1dl..!n..ssc-.; ar;,; ;.i~grq::uli..d w ithin tl1i.;syst..:m . 111aJditil1n. ifthi.:r.:: ;.m:. If) (lf frw-.:r t...;-n ;1n1s w ithin a p-rnp..:rly in a s..:k, .t...:-djuri;.:d idiLin. ii is th ;,:ywli, .y ;,lf IILD Pliliry {)...;-Y ,."kll'llli. ' nt & R1...s.:::1rl"h 1l1 m:1sk lhi.. , .:1h1c wilh :1 '-o1' Lhus pr(.1h..~1i11gth.:: pri \ .u-cy (1f the--....:1i.::na11h . rc ywn Sour Lpdate ,.e.. '" Frequen9 .: Jo~ t' Jlh)l"V .'.\fan,ll!,Cllh:1)1 SV:-..(:c"lll ([~ .1Sl I'll l lnfornrnlitiO \'l111d11.::1-' \:bna~::m~.1u S),.':-.c~ .m ( V\,1S) Cem..:r ((l[(")_ Ill.ID \ , C:..'JllnLI ..\Ct.:tilJllllll~ J.n ..i Prn~rnm ~ - S-vsL,.::111I] HJl)C.\PS"i. . Lui...- ,,f Cr:..-..iic (?()])((,;)[ S~.SLClll ,.LO( "( .s l. . <)umerlyo .. f::. hmac \.' ,J L!.-.:p..:n.JL1ur:..'~ 111ayi.'l1.1n~,.:::-.h:gluly frnm 4Lrnrl..:r h) i.jlJJ.rti.:::rw idw1 a :-.mgli.:: lhL ' .!I y\..,1r J.:--..::\]1:.. ' ndiLLll"C~lll"L!l"J.kLIIJ.C:..'.JbJ.:-.cuhlii.; I hl11.~i11t...:\ulhL1r1 1I,::-. lrn .:a1:..-d \\ 11tlin lb..:- buund:lni;-:-. L>flh:... .~,.-k.i.:lo.:LIcl1 11ulm1l1 C\>1lL;1v llr ril;n.o n,11 h:... _,;,:c \ ii.:11l1.tcl1L!:..~.IL!cC~ od ;...,111ullu1l~(),'. Th ..o P11hlia.: I luu si n ,3 Ancl1rn icy 1nfocilL: 1li~m J)Ho1 1.l,:il iC11hi:-. r<.!l)l ol L i:-. :1.,;.~,1;...i;11L!d 1h<.!"<.!11ci1-.!"[yL>rlb<.!' lluhl i;... I Con:-.111g A11lhur1L:-; aclmi111slca1i,.<.!' :Ht 'a, wilh.:h ;H~oy <.!:>.(~.mlb<.!"yl11Hl(Ii<.! l;t,111nl.u1:...:-. ,1f1l1L! ,;cli:,:;1,;,! ,;,..,m1n11L11ic:;,.. .on.:-. Source: l '.pdate lorequency: ",th ][l~L!nlury r,._follii~.....JH<.!111Sy:-.lt'llL ([MS) 1'.111 1r,r unst>ling T~h For Housing Counseling: Tht: llou s inv Cntu1s,;,..ling ;\t!::1Ki,:s :rnd ;1s s i, ,:_: 1att:d 111f,in11ati c111pr,,o . ,d ,.,1 1111li1.- .-, .roorl .,.-..: ..,111u11.111;..:1l I," 11,~..._ ~.k, 1~o,J ~-o"""""'''~ 1-., .. ;..i ,,,, 11,;- l, ,,;; 11ii,11 (:1,!dr::ss) i,r1h:: llou sir >v ("c1t1nso.;ling ;1t;..:11<:_v ;1s ro.;,:ord::d 111 11(.JO 's ;1.!1111111 s 1r;11i,., : ~l;i1;1 s,.-:-.[::111. Pl,::L :-., : 11,ih: 1luc t h:: f fv~1:-.irn,.!(_ ,,. 11"'~.1, 11:: .", 1:,oro o."o.. 111,., ,:.d -., 11h11, 11,..: h,,1111,l ,11,;-,._,,, rl,,. .. ;-1,-~-r~.,J; ,,,.,,,,,,,,, ,.. 111,iv ,ir 111:Lo t 11i,1 ho.; :-.,:r\.it.i11si 1h.,; :-..,:lo.;L :l,:'1.1 ,:or111111111i1,. -. .-'\dcl ici,in :,llv, frl,~11 , 1111n1,;rin :~d1 ::1 -~ -- "Ir\,; rh.,1 m;,y n-o1 I'-.,; .,_ -;,1,111r-... .,l 1n \ -\RT Th, 11,oli--.m,-. ~ ,, ~11,sloli,,!,:! .-\;;,.:1Ky i1,t~lrnm1i,,1, - pnn id ...-: d in this r...-:p,,r1 fi:-..i-.;s(i1..iti1i.;J \;. ith 1..,..nain f ['l.lt1 :-.i11g ( l'llll:-cli11g -,\~l'll..:il.~ may rl. 1.....:-i'\ i,; fonJin;; t h, . ,: n1iri.;1y .;.Jf 1ht.. f kiu :-i11g ( t'llll~di11g .-\~l'lll'Y ,.;,_or,.i,....; ..ir...:-u.whi< : h 11vi.~ o:\1.,_.11~1t....,_ ..:. , ,n,J 11.,~. h - oo1n, l;,rh"' ,,f th, ,. .h-, L;d ,.,1 m1mm11~ - F,,, rn,,1 ~. mt~lrnWli, ,n . -.;.;.ln1a.: : t th..: Ofll..:...:.;.Jf I kiu:,;.in g ( ,, un:,;.i,;lin g. Source: l :pdate Frequency: l h )us 11lg C",11111:.,d ing Sy .~,~.JlL(I l(' S l .-\nnu;il Disclaimer AM[ HICAN VERSIGHT continued on next page HUD-17-0235-C-001524 Community Assessment Reporting Tool CART 10/ 23/2017 DISCLAIMER Si~nature For Signature Programs, ni:.' Sig n,1tu1 ...- ['rt)gr;.rnt ~rnnh ..'t:::. li sc...-d LJlllw, Freq uenc.'.".: nrny b._.i..:ticnpl..::ti.!ly tir r~olrli,ilJy i..:tinliHih ..'iJ by Lb-:,..!t)Jlllnuirny Lh:.'boundan,:s ot' cite i..:timmunicy ytilJ sc k-..-10.:: J. 1:.o1itin graolc:.':-, targ-..-1arc;,. \'dlii..:lt JH...: ;1l1tm I ;iddc, :i,.i,.) oflho.!' l'>uhlii..: ) h111s11lg ;1~ ICL.:Hr,l,:, l Ill 1bla :-.ys1i::1n. Sour4.:c: ln\,:111(lry t-.. -f:111:1v<:111i,:111S_v:-.c:~111 ([MS) Plff lr,l(fm1:J1ivri C,:111<:r tPIC1 Ocmographi<:s For Demographics Tab Tab: Tht: s,; cbc:1 li~1...-,t in lhi :-. n:p~trt r11II !< l"n,tm lh,: Amt:ri, ::111Cn1111111111i1yS~tr\,:_y (,\("S) )-Yi.::1r r>:11:1 :1t;~!Tt:v:1h :-;_Ici, y1i1Lr S,:li,:t. i, :, 1 ,luri s(.ii,:li1>11. Pl ::;1!<,:ri,11,.: 1h;11 ih..:!<,: ~l:11:1;1ri,: L:urr<:nll y un :J\ ;Jibhli.: .1ccn ,pvli1 ;u1 S1;1li!ISCLA I \IER By using this tool, you :1cc-Cpt th is d iscl aime r in full. The data used in this report are in1ended for inlorm atlonal pu rposes only and al low 1he user 10 mo re cffcclively accc.-ssfonding infonna tioa pe r laining lo their specificj vrisdiction or community. HUD does no1 represeot, warrant, undertake or guarantee tba1 the darn d isplayeIH lnfo m1ation Ce nter (PIC). HU O's Centra l Accoun ting and Program System {HUDCAPS). Line of Credit Con trol Syst em (LOC CS), Vo uc her Managernem System (V MS) Quaner ly* ,. Esti mated expenditures may cha nge slig htly from qua 11e r to quarte r w i1hln a sing le fi~cal year as expe nditures are ca lculate d based o n occupied unit~. w hich can vary from qua rter 10 quar ter. For Public Housing Authorit y: - The nuinber of Publ ic Mou sing Au thor ities, vo uche1. milizat ion and occupa ncy raLes p rovided i.o this rept:,r1are s ummar i1.ed for the se lected comm u nity base d 01~ th e-locat ion (address) o f the Public Mou sing Au1hor i1y as reco rded inf IUD 's adm iois1rati ve. d ata sys1cin. Please nore 1ha11he Publ ic Hous ing Au1hori1ies locate d wi1hin 1he boun daries o f the se lec ted co mmunity may or rnay not be serv ici,~g 1he se lecte d commu n i1y. The Pllbl ic Hous ing Aulhori 1y 1nfonna1ion provided in 1h is report is assoc iated with 1he em irety of 1he Pub lic Housing A uthori ry admirlis1rmive area. which may ex1end beyond 1he boundaries of the selec led commun ity. Source : Upd ate Frequency: Inve ntory Managemcm System (IMS) / PIH Information C enter(PIC) Quarter ly Disclaim er continu ed on next page AMf RICAN pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001546 Community Assessment Reporting Tool CART 10/23/ 2017 DISCL \I\IF.R Mortgag e Insuranc e Tab For Multifamily Properties and Multifamil y Housing Insurance: The number o f FHA- insu red mu ltifami ly prnJ>el'lies and ass ociated informa tion provided in this report are summarized for the selec ted communi ty based on the loca1ion (address) of 1he property as reco rded in HU O's administrative data system . Only one flddress is prov ided per HUD-assis ted Mu l1ifamily property even i f that property cons ists of mu ltiple bui ldings . Sour ce: Updat e Frequency: lntegrnted Real E.stote Management System (iREMS) Quarter ly For Single Family Housing: The munber of SF REOs, Defaults. Insurance in Force and associn1ed infor1muio11provided in 1his repon are summarized for 1heselecled community based on the loc-a1ion (address) of the property as recorded in HUD's admin istrative data system . Source : Upda te Fr equency: SF n a1aWarehouse. Quarter ly Fair Hou sin g Tab For Fair Housing: The FHAP and FHIP granlee infOl'malion provided in this repon is summa rized for 1he selecled commu nity based on the location (address) orthe FHAP or FHIP agency as recor ded in HUD' s a Subject : Fwd: NEW Congressional lnquiry(PA02RH) Can See below . Joe Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Pitts, Julia Sent: Wednesday , October 4, 2017 2:55 :22 PM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J; Edwards , Nika V; Wil liams, Sheppard V Subject: NEW Congressional lnquiry(PA02RH) Good afternoon Mr. Ott, My name is Julia Pitt s and I am a Congressional Aide for Congressman Dwight Evans (PA02). I am work ing with a Constituent by the name o!(b)(6) who applied for the waiting list for PHA Programs in the early 2000s . She recent ly called to follow up with her appl ication status and was told that she is no longer on the waiting list . She has spoken to multiple people at PHA, but has not received a satisfactory answer to why she was removed from the list. She is continuously told that hers is a federal issue. Can you prov ide more information about why l(b)(6) 1was removed from the waiting list? I /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001554 She also is inquiring about the property of 320 N Preston Street, Philadelphia, PA which has been vacant for a number of years. After asking multiple representative offices she was told that these are HUD properties, but she cannot receive any more information. Can you provide information about this property? Her Privacy Release Form is attached. Thank you, Julia C. Pitts, MSW Congressional Aide Representative Dwight Evans (PA-02) 7174 Ogontz Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138 (215) 276-0340 Join the online conversation : @0 0 Click here for more legislative updates from Congressman Evans /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001555 Williams, Sheppard V Thursday, October 05, 2017 10:21 AM Pitts, Julia DeFelice, Joseph J; Edwards, Nika V; Ott, Richard M RE:NEW Congressional Inquiry(PA02RH) From: Sent : To: Cc: Subje ct: Julia, Thankyou. Wewill researchthismatter. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From : Pitts, Julia [mailto:Julia.Pitts@mail.house.gov] Se nt: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 2:55 PM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Edwards, Nika V ; Williams, Sheppard V Subject: NEW Congressional lnquiry(PA02RH) Good afternoon Mr . Ott, My name is Julia Pitts and I am a Congressional Aide for Congressman Dwight Evans (PA02). I am working with a who applied for the waiting list for PHA Programs in the early 2000s. Constituent by the name of !(b)(6) She recently called to follow up with her application status and was told that she is no longer on the waiting list. She has spoken to mult iple people at PHA, but has not received a satisfactory answer to why she was removed from the list. She is continuously told that hers is a federal issue. Can you provide more information about why was removed from the waiting list? !(b)(6) I ! She also is inquiring about the property of 320 N Preston Street, Philadelphia, PA which has been vacant for a number of years. After asking multiple representative offices she was told that these are HUD properties, but she cannot receive any more information. Can you provide information about this property? Her Privacy Release Form is attached . Thank you, Julia C. Pitts, MSW /\M f Congressional Aide pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001556 Representative Dwight Evans (PA-02) 7174 Ogontz Avenue Philade lphia, PA 19138 (215) 276 -0340 Join the online conversation : @0 0 Click here fo r more legislative updates from Congressman Evans /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001557 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachment s: Williams, Sheppard V Friday, October 06, 2017 10:26 AM Bynum, Nadab Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis PLEASEADVISE - Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Mail Room_20170913_181101.pdf Nadab, Wouldyourofficebe ableto providea responseto thiscongressional inquiryaboutthestatusof a request foran extensionon theCityof Reading2010EDIgrant?Shouldthisbe referredbyTraceyto CPDin HQ?Thanks, S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof theRegional Administrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received thi s message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Dunn , Tracey Sent: Friday, October 06 , 2017 9:41 AM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Williams, Sheppard V Subject: RE: Congression al Inqu iry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Hi Rich, Can your staff handle this or will this require a HQ review? Tracey Begin forwarded message : From : "Cammauf , Nicholas" Date : October 6, 2017 at 9:33:59 AM EDT To: "'Dunn, Tracey"' Subject: FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements /\M f Hello Tracey, pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001558 Can you give me an update on if they received an extension on their grant? Thank you very much! Nicholas Cammauf Office of Congressman Lloyd Smucker 717-393-0667 From: Randy Peers [mailto:RPeers@greaterreadingchamber.org 1 Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 12:08 PM To: Cammauf, Nicholas Cc: Peirson, Zachary ; jweidenhammer@hammer.net Subject: FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Nicholas, On behalf ofthe Greater Reading Chamber and our board member, John Weiden hammer, we are seeking Congressman Smucker's assistance on obtaining an extension on the HUD grant for the City of Reading. Attached you will find a copy of the latest correspondence with HUD, which includes the grant number and information, and below you will find the HUD contacts Mr. Weidenhammer has been dealing with. Please let me know if you need any additional information. for any assistance on this. Thank you and the Congressman in advance Sincerely, Randy Peers President & CEO /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001559 U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOP}IEXT WASHINGTON,DC 20410-7000 OFFICEOP COMMUNITYPLANNING ANDlllWRLOPMEI\T APR ..1It 2017 Mr. Jolm Weidcnhamrner Chairman of the Board Riverfront Center Reading 935 Berkshire Boulevard Reading, PA 19610-1229 RE: FY2010 Economic Development Initiative-Special Project grant: Expiring Grant Funds Dear Mr. Weidenharnmer: This letter is in reference to a congressional Economic Development Initiative-Special Project grant that was awarded to your organization through the U.S. Depmtment of Housing and Urban Development's FY2010 appropriation. The award is authorized to be used fm the following project: B-10-SP-PA~0304: for Riverplace Development Corp.oration, The Penn Corridor streetscaping. As of April 14, 2017, the Economic Development Initiative-Special Project (EDI-SP) grant awarded to Riverfront Center Reading grant number B-10-SP-PA-0304 has a balance of $72,840.51. This EDI-SP grant was funded by the Congress in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (the Depurlmcnt) Appropriation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-8) and described in the Committee Print of the Committee on A pprnpriations U.S. House of Representatives, March 2010. Pursuant to the provisions of 31 U.S.C. Section 1552, as added by the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1992, any funds associated with this congressional grant that have not been depositedinto a grantee's bank account by September 30, 2017 shall be cancelled by operation of law, returned to the U.S. Dcpanment of Treasury, and will no longer be available for disbursement. This is a statutory deadline and requirement that cannot be wuivcd or extended by the Department. In order for your organization to access these grant funds prior lo the cancellation date, several conditions and requirements must be safo;fied. These conditions and requirements include: -1. Environmental Review; In accordance with the section E "Environmental Review" of the Grant Application Kit a5sociatcd with this award, HUD reminds all grantees that no EDI-SP grant funds or any other funds may be committed to a project and no EDI~SP grant funds can be drawn down for the project, until an environmental review has been completed. An environmental review must be completed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urhan Development (HUD) Field Environmental Officer (FEO) for each FY2010 Economic Development Initiative-Special Project grant. The HUD approving official shall make an independent evaluation of the environmental issues; take responsibility for the level and scope of the review and content of the compliance finding; and make the environmental finding. If the grantee is planning to use the Economic Development Initiative-Special Project funds for such work as al'chitectural and engineering, technical assistance, or salaries, then the environmental AMLf{ICAN pVERSIGHT www.hud.gov cspanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001560 2 review may be as simple as documenting that these activities are excluded from any further review. However, if your organi:tation's project for this grant includes activities such as 1) acquisition, longtel'm leasing, or disposition of real property; 2) change in I.and use, including change in density; or 3) physical change of land or buildings, HUD's release of funds to the grantee's bank account cannot occur until HUD has completed the environmental review. :\1'0TE: You may not take any actions nor commit any HUD or any non~HUD funds which would cause actions that are choice-limiting among reasonable alternatives or would produce an adverse environmental impact, until HUD has completed the environmental review. Therefore, you are encouraged to have the environmental review process started as soon as possible. You are advised to contact Ms. Theresa J. Fretwel1,Envimnrnental Review Officer at your local m;o field office regarding this matter. Ms. Theresa J. Fretwell may be reached at (212) 5427445. 2. eLOCCS: In August 2014, HUD began transitioning all grantees from using the Line of Credit Control Voice Response System (LOCCS/ YRS) to the eLOCCS system to access grant funds. The eLOCCS system is accessed through the HUD internet portal called Secure Systems. NOTE: Please he advised that the LOCCSNRS systems have been disabled and that all grantees are 1.equiredto access grant funds through the eLOCCSvia Secure Systems. While the functionality of the LOCCShas not changed, the previous telephone system (the VRS) is no longer available; therefore, you will he required to enter LOCCS via your computer. Even though grantees will now access to grant funds though the eLOCCS, they wiU still maintain the same LOCCS user-id and password. Grantees will, however have a user-id and password for Secure Systems in addition to the WCCS user-id and password that must be maintained. You should also note that the HUD form 27054 ''LOCCS Voice Response System Access Auihorization" form will still be required to establish, change or terminate user access. In addition, all LOCCS approving officials and users must register in Secure Systems. Approving officials must register as the coordinator, and users as users. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Also, please ensure that your organization's authorized user has gained ol' maintained access to the Department's eLOCCS for disbul'sement of.the funds. Authorized users that have not maintained a valid user id and pa5sword for the eLOCCS will need to secure a new user id and password in order to request payment. If you have previously secured an eLOCCS user id and password, but have not accessed the system in the last 60 days, your user id and password have expired and new ones will be required. Please also ensure that tl1ebank account which was designated by your organization for the deposit of grant funds remains open. If the bank account information for the grant has changed, a new Direct Deposit Sign Up fonn, and a void or cancelled check or deposit slip for the new account, will need to be submitted well in advance of the disbursement deadline, for entry into eLOCCS. AMlf{ICAN pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001561 3 The following Internet links to severa l resources provide an overview of the eLOCCS and tools such as the "LOCCS Access Guideline s" and the "eLOCCS Getting Started Guide" that outline the full proc ess and ways to navigate the system once you have comp leted the registratio n. Th e links wil l provide a complete set of instructions with the necessary forms attached. o LOC CS Access Guidelines for Grantees http://p orta l.hud .gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program offices/cfo/loccs guidelines o eLOCCS Registration Guide http://portal.hud .gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc'?id =eloccs registration guide.pelf o eLOCCS Getting Started Guide http://p01tal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=eloccsguide.pdf Plea se type these links into your Internet browser to access them. EDI -SP grantees are also responsible for ensuring that all Semi-Annual Report s and suppo1ting documentat ion for draw down requests are prope rly completed and submitted to the approp r iated Gran t Officer. Failure to complete or submit these documents may result in a delay in the approval of your organization's draw down reques t. Finally, you must note that the disbursement of grant fund s to your account can take at least 72 how.s following the Depaitment 's approval of the payment request in the financia l system. Accordingly, all requests for payment must be entered into the Line of Credit Control System no later than Friday, September 15, 2017 in order to ensure deposit in your account prior to the September 30, 2017 deadlin e. Submission of documents by this date will allow for the necessary documents re view and provide an opportunity to address defic iencies in the documents, if possible. Plea se be advised that this date may change by approximately three business days and that your organizatio n will be notified, in writing of suc h change. Any FY2010 EDI-SP grant funds that have not been deposited into the grantee's account by September 30, 20 17 will au tomati cally be cancelled by opera tion of law, recapture d by the Depaitment and return ed to the U.S. Trea sury. After that time, these grant funds will no longer be available for disbursement for this project. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your Grant Officer, M s. Laura Sti llwell by telephone at (202) 402-7037 or via emai l at Laura.J.Stillwell@hud.gov. Thank you for your attention to this matter. The U.S. D epartment of Housing and Urban Developme nt's Office of Policy Deve lopment and Coordination looks forward to working with you on the completion of your project. S eve K. Washington Director Office of Policy Development and Coordinat ion PVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001562 From: Sent : To: Cc: Subje ct: Bynum, Nadab Friday, October 06, 2017 10:37 AM Williams, Sheppard V Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis RE:PLEASEADVISE - Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Van, This item should be referred to HQs. We do not retain any EDI records in our off ice. The oversight of this initiative was handled by HQs. Nadab Nadab 0. Bynum, Director U.S. Depart ment of Housing and Urban Deve lopmen t Office of Community Planning and Deve lopment The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, 12th Floor Philadelphia. PA 19107 Nadab.Bynum@HUD.gov (215)-861-7652 Fax: (215)-656-3442 From: Williams, Sheppard V Se nt: Friday, October 06, 2017 10:26 AM To: Bynum, Nadab Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: PLEASEADVISE - Congressiona l Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Importance : High Nadab , Wouldyourofficebe ableto providea responseto thiscongressional inquiryaboutthestatusof a request foran extensionon theCityof Reading2010EDIgrant?Shouldthisbe referredbyTraceyto CPDin HQ?Thanks, S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax 215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001563 notified that any dissemination , distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Dunn, Tracey Se nt: Friday, Octobe r 06 , 2017 9 :41 AM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Williams, Sheppard V Subject : RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Hi Rich , Can your staff hand le this or will this require a HQ review? Tracey Begin forwarded message: From : "Cammauf , Nichola s" Date: Octob er 6, 2017 at 9:33:59 AM EDT To: "'Dunn, Tracey"' Subj ect: FW: Gerlach Grant Seco nd Street Imp roveme nts Hello Tracey, Can you give me an update on if they received an extension on their grant? Thank you very much! Nicholas Cammauf Office of Congressman Lloyd Smucker 7 17-393-0667 From: Randy Peers [mailto:RPeers@greaterreadingchamber.org 1 Se nt : Thursday, September 14, 2017 12:08 PM To: Cammauf, Nicholas Cc: Peirson, Zachary ; jweidenhammer@hammer.net Subject : FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Nicholas, On behalf of the Greater Reading Chamber and our board member, John Weidenhammer, we are seeking Congressman Smucker's assistance on obtaining an ext ension on the HUD grant for the City of Reading. Attached you w ill find a copy of the latest correspondence with HUD, which includes the grant numbe r and information, and below you will find t he HUD cont acts Mr. Weidenhammer has been dealing w ith . Please let me know if you need any addit ional informat ion. Thank you and the Congressman in advance for any assistance on this. Sincerely, /\M f pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001564 Randy Peers President CEO HUD-17-0235-C-001565 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Williams, Sheppard V Friday, October 06, 2017 10:39 AM Bynum, Nadab Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis RE:PLEASEADVISE - Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements ThanksNadab!I'll informTracey. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax 215-656 -3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribu t ion, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Bynum, Nadab Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 10:37 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: RE: PLEASEADVISE- Congressional Inqui ry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Van, This ite m should be referre d to HQs. We do not retain any EDI records in our offi ce. The oversight of this init iative was handled by HQs. Nadab Nadab 0 . Bynum, Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Co mmunity Planning and Development The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, 12th Floor Philade lphia. PA 19107 Nadab.Bvnum@HUD.gov (2 15)-86 1-7652 Fax: (215)-656-3442 From: Will iams, Sheppard V /\M f Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 10:26 AM pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001566 To: Bynum , Nadab Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: PLEASEADVISE - Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Importance: High Nadab , Wouldyourofficebe ableto providea responseto thiscongressional inquiryaboutthestatusof a requestfor an extensionon theCityof Reading2010EDIgrant?Shouldthisbe referredbyTracey to CPDin HQ?Thanks , S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 sheppard. v.williams@hud.gov D This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or port ion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error , please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 9:41 AM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Williams , Sheppard V Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Hi Rich, Can your staff handle this or will this require a HQ review? Tracey Begin forwarded message : From: "Cammauf, Nicholas" Date: October 6, 2017 at 9:33:59 AM EDT To: '"Dunn, Tracey'" Subject: FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Hello Tracey, Can you give me an update on if they received an extension on their grant? /\MER l /\I\ Thank you very much! pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001567 Nicholas Cammauf Office of Congressman Lloyd Smucker 717-393-0667 From: Randy Peers [mailto:RPeers@greaterreadingchamber.org ] Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 12:08 PM To: Cammauf, Nicholas Cc:Peirson, Zachary ; jweidenhammer@hammer.net Subject: FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Nicholas, On behalf ofthe Greater Reading Chamber and our board member, John Weidenhammer, we are seeking Congressman Smucker's assistance on obtaining an extension on the HUD grant for the City of Reading. Attached you will find a copy of the latest correspondence with HUD, which includes the grant number and information, and below you will find the HUD contacts Mr. Weidenhammer has been dealing with. Please let me know if you need any additional information. advance for any assistance on this. Thank you and the Congressman in Sincerely, Randy Peers President & CEO /\MER C/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001568 From: Sent : To: Cc: Subje ct: Bynum, Nadab Friday, October 06, 2017 10:39 AM Williams , Sheppard V Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis RE:PLEASEADVISE - Congressional Inquiry : Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements You are welcome. Nadab 0. Bynum, Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Com munity Planning and Development The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, 12th Floor Philadelphia. PA 19107 Nadab .Bynum@HUD .gov (215)-861 -7652 Fax: (215)-656-3442 From: Williams, Sheppard V Se nt: Friday, October 06, 2017 10:39 AM To: Bynum, Nadab Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: RE: PLEASEADVISE- Congressional Inq u iry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Thanks Nadab!I'll informTracey. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Reg ionalFOIA& CTSLiaison Office of the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia Regional Office Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 This communication , along with any atta chments , is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissem ination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Bynum, Nadab Sent : Friday, October 06, 2017 10:37 AM To: Will iams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: RE: PLEASEADVISE- Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements /\M f '" pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001569 Van, This item should be referred to HQs. We do not retain any EDI records in our office. The oversight of this initiative was handled by HQs. Nadab Nadab 0. Bynum, Director U.S. Department of Hou sing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, 12th Floor Philadelphia. PA 19107 Nadab.Bynum@HUD.gov (215)-861-7652 Fax: (215)-656-3442 From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 10:26 AM To: Bynum, Nadab Cc: Ott, Richard M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis Subject: PLEASEADVISE - Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Importance: High Nadab, Wouldyourofficebe ableto providea responseto thiscongressional inquiryaboutthestatusof a requestfor an extensionon theCityof Reading2010EDIgrant? Shouldthisbe referredby Tracey to CPDin HQ?Thanks, S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement Analyst/Regional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 sheppard. v.williams@hud.gov o This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipie nt, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Dunn, Tracey Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 9:41 AM To: Ott, Richard M /\MEf Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Solivan, Elvis ; Williams, Sheppard V Subject: RE: Congressional Inquiry: Rep. Smucker (PA) - Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001570 Hi Rich, Can your staff handle this or will this require a HQ review? Tracey Begin forwarded message: From : "Cammauf, Nicho las" Date: October 6, 2017 at 9:33:59 AM EDT To : '"Dunn, Tracey'" Subject: FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Improvements Hello Tracey, Can you give me an updat e on if they received an ext ension on the ir grant? Thank you very much! Nicholas Cammauf Office of Congressman Lloyd Smucker 717-393-0667 From: Randy Peers [mai1to:RPeers@greaterreadingchamber.org 1 Sent: Thursday, September 14, 201 7 12 :08 PM To: Cammauf, Nicholas Cc: Peirson, Zachary ; jweidenhammer@hammer.net Subject: FW: Gerlach Grant Second Street Imp rovements Nicholas, On behalf of the Greater Reading Chamber and our board member, John Weidenhammer, we are seeking Congressman Smucker's assistance on obta ining an extension on t he HUD grant for the City of Reading. Attached you wi ll find a copy of the latest correspondence with HUD, which includes the grant number and information, and below you will find the HUD contacts Mr. Weidenhammer has been dealing w ith. Please let me know if you need any add it ional informat ion. Thank you and the Congressman in advance for any assistance on this. Sincerely, Randy Peers President & CEO /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001571 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Ott, Richard M Friday, October 06, 2017 1:08 PM Hawkins, Monica A DeFelice, Joseph J RE:Public Housing Response RE:Folder ID 2017-3AMA-FLD-01774 - John Leary DOL: 09/19/2017 These are nicely done, Monica. From : Hawkins, Monica A Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2017 5:57 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V ; Sillery, David A Edwards, Nika V ; Axler , Judith R Subject: RE: Public Housing Response RE: Folder ID 2017-3AMA-FLD-01774 - John Leary DOL: 09/19/2017 Cc: Sillery, David A ; Ott, Richard M ; Hello Van: Attached are the talking point for Joe to respond. This should closed out the subject folder. Mon ica A. Hawkins, MBA Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public Housing The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 861-7593 From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 4:38 PM To: Sillery, David A Cc: Sillery, David A ; Ott, Richard M ; Edwards, Nika V ; Axler, Judith R ; Hawkin s, Monica A Subject: Public Housing Response RE: Folder ID 2017-3AMA-FLD-01774 - John Leary DOL: 09/ 19/2017 David, I havespokenwithMonica . Herstaffwill preparetalkingpointsfor Joeto respondbackto Mr.Learyeither bytelephoneor email. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001572 S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysUReg ionalFOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof theRegional Administrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in erro r, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Hawkins, Monica A Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 4:28 PM To: Sillery, David A Cc: Robinson, Shana ; Sillery, David A ; Williams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M ; Edwards, Nika V ; Axler, Judith R Subject: RE: Folder ID 2017-3AMA-FLD-01774 - John Leary DOL: 09/19/2017 Hello all: I never got an opportunity to discuss this with Joe. There really is no answer for us to give except that John Leary should approach his Congressman with his suggestions for regulatory changes. There is nothing that the Field Office can do to resolve this matter. However , we can write this up if needed, but perhaps Joe may want to discuss with Mr. Leary(?). " Monica A. Hawkins, MBA Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public Housing The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 861-7593 From: David.A.Sillery@hud .gov [mailto :David.A.Sillery@hud .gov] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 8:55 AM To: Axler, Judith R ; Hawkins, Monica A Cc: Robinson, Shana ; Sillery, David A ; Williams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M ; Edwards, Nika V Subject: Folder ID 2017-3AMA -FLD-0 1774 - John Leary DOL: 09/19/2017 /\M f Please prepare a response for the signature of RA Joseph J. Defelice and handcarry to the Front Office by October 6, 2017. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001573 Attached is the incomin g from John Leary. Be sure to name the file 2017-3AMA-FLD -01774 SME Response. Please email me when the letter has been handcarri ed to the Front Office so that I can updat e the system. Thank you in advance for your special attention to this matter. David Sillery /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001574 Williams, Sheppard V Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:53 AM DeFelice, Joseph J; Hawkins, Monica A Ott, Richard M; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn; Sillery, David A Please Log - CTS RE:Hello sir, Please I need help me disabled and my son disabled From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: JoeandMonica: Logging in CTSandassigning to PHfor preparation of emailresponse . S. VanWilliams Senior Management AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the Regiona l Administrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656 -3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in erro r, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete thi s message. Thank you. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:42 AM To: Hawkins, Monica A Cc:Will iams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M ; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn Subject: FW: Hello sir, Please I need help me disabled and my son disabled and a grandson and his mother are boroeless aorl in need now in help with a housing voucher asap please call me when you get this email 6 l(b)( ) have been waiting for years and nothing.P j Fromt b )(6) Sent: aturday, October 07, 20173:49 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: Hello sir, Please I need help me disabled and my son disabled and a grandson and his mother are boroeless aorl in need now in help w ith a housing voucher asap please call me when you get this email ] have been waiting fo r years and nothing .Pl... l(b)( 5 ) /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001575 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Hawkins, Monica A Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:57 AM Williams , Sheppard V; DeFelice, Joseph J Ott, Richard M; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn; Sillery, David A; Axler, Judith R RE:Please Log - CTS RE: Hello sir, Please I need help me disabled and my son disabled Good morning all: We will prepare an email response. Thanks. Monica A. Hawkins, MBA Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public Housing The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 861 -7593 From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:53 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Hawkins, Monica A Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn ; Sillery , David A Subject: Please Log - CTSRE: Hello sir , Please I need help me disabled and my son disab led JoeandMonica: Logging in CTSandassigning to PHfor preparation of emailresponse. S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 This communication , along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution , use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: DeFelice, Joseph J /\M f Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:42 AM pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001576 To: Hawkins, Monica A Cc: Will iams, Sheppard V ; Ot t, Richard M ; Kirshenbaum, K Lyn Subject: FW: Hello sir, Please I need help me disabled and my son disab led and a grandson and his mother are homeless and in need now in help with a hous ing voucher asap please call me when you get this email l (b)(6) t have been wa iting for years and nothing.P From :l(b)(6) a_t_u-rd.... a_y_, ... O-ct_o..,. b_e_r """ o""" 7-, 2 .... o.... 1"""' 7""'" ....:_4.,. 3 9_A__ M ______ Se nt: s""" ___, To: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject : Hello sir, Please I need help me disab led and my son disabled and a grandson and his mothe r are h m I (b)(6) /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT in need now in help with a hous ing voucher asap please call me when you get this email have been waiting for years and nothing.P l. .. HUD-17-0235-C-001577 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Attachments: !(b )(6) Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:09 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; deborah.a.owcimak@hud.gov; phoebe.r.buchan@hud.gov; Chernoff, Donna C Hawkins, Monica A; Ross, Lavaris V DOJ complaint, Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEO Fw:!(b)(6) complaint after MCCR Denies Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, their Maryland Partnerships with MOOD can't f ile a lawsuit against their own, denies relief for ! 17-00069 -P.PDF;Scott Management (Oakcrest Towers).pdf >>> > > > Deaf..., (b..... ).._ (6.._ ) ___ ...., >>> > > > Attached is a letter with > > > information about your recent > FOIA > > request to the Civil > > > Rights Division of the US > > Department of Justice. >>> >>> > > > Regards, >>> > > > Civil Rights > > > Division/FOi > > > (202) 514-4210 - Main > > > FOi >>> >>> Dear Secretary Carson: > > Please find attached the original DOJ > complaint accepted under " Notice of Referral of Complaint for > Appropriate Action, wh ich was forwarded to Ms. Melody C. > Taylor -Blancher, Regional Director of FHEO on July 20, 2017. > > On August 14, 2017, Ms. Blancher signed the DOJ complaint CTS#606838 > under HUD Case No. > 13-17-7302-8. > > Since August 14, 2017, the State of > Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, MCCR (Cancelled, Dismissed, > Argued in Errors, Admitted to "Giving Consideration t o Colleagues" > then cancelled both complaints, Reinstated and Remanded comp laints > against the State" but cancelled the Fact Finding Conferences. > > Ms. Kara Hunt , the investigator > complained about having too many charges, whi le the original pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001578 > invest igator was removed Mr . Ato Commey was excellent, > non-argumentative, warm and easy to ta lk with . The appointment of Ms . > Kara Hunt was intentional because she cancelled both compla ints "unti l > further notice" intentionally. > > Therefore, on September 29, 2017, after ...---------. > 30 days I requested my MCCR comp laind (b)(6) G_. (b - )-(6-) ----. *b)(6) !vs. ST MD, MDOD, Conifer Realty, Brinkley Hill Townhomes, > and Episcopal Housing Corp.) w ithdraw for "HUD to Take up" due to MCCR > "Denied Jurisdiction Tactics." > > MCCRexcuse for delay was not true, > where I have emails from Ms. Kara Hunt that she was considering her > colleagues and during a phone call she personally threaten me to make > a decision or she would dismiss my comp laint . > > Regarding, MCCRcomplaint~ .... (b __ )....... (6....... )_ __. vs. Oakcrest Towers dba Scott Management), > !(b)(6) > MCCRdismissed this complaint 2 weeks after Ms. > Blancher sent it on August 14, 2017, I I > > Ms. Alesha Bell, Intake Supervisor > argued with me on the phone, she was confused with both complaints and > didn't want to admit it, after I complained to Mr. Gillard and Mr . > Horton the complaint was reinstated , but was stagnate. > > All of the MCCRcomplaints were > cancelled, term inated and became stagnate as I believe under Color of > Law. Therefore, I have been trying to get a response from Ms. Taylor, > but she never answers. > > Since February 17, 2017, My landlord > still intrudes with the last intrusion on August 21, 2017, and > Brinkley Hill, Conifer and MDOD still deny my access to Brinkley Hill > as of July 29,2017 after I was approved giving social security numbers > fo r background check. I was to ld to sign papers that my Male Social > Worker would be "Power of Attorney" and responsible for "Coordi nating > my Move" after, because of my Anxiety, I could not agree. > > On February 11, 2017, and April 12, > 2017, My doctor Reasonable Accommodat ion Let ters were ignored (for a > person al lock) and for family to coord inate my move to avoid Panic and > Heart Attacks, due to also Bipolar. > > The State of Maryland Department of > Disabilities denied my application and then informed Conifer Realty > and Episcopal Housing that I was disabled and I was denied housing > again on July 29, 2017 . My present landlord Oakcrest fails to repair > water damage so I live in mold, leaking ceilings, crusty paint , mold > and ru st appliances, and I need to move waiting for a HUD House Choice > Voucher since May 201 1. > > My rent is $1414, and my SScheck is pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001579 > $1627. The social services paid my rent but my landlord still issued > Eviction notices because I comp lained about water damage . > > I am 61 years old, living with Anxiety and Depression, and the > suffering at MCCRhas been so sad. > > I hope you can help. Ms. Hunt says well it could be worse, you could > be living on the street after the hurricane! > > This has been so traumatic and caused my heart attack on June 5, > 2017 . > > See below , Warmest regards, > l(b)(6 ) >> >> /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001580 U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division NDH:ANF:RG3 17-00069-P Freedom of Infomu11ion!Ptivacy Acts Branch - BICN 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington. DC 20530 SEP21 2017 Via Electronic Mail Only l(b)(6) This is in further response to your July 21, 2017 Freedom of Information Act request seeking access to records pertaining to your complaint. After review of the responsive Civil Rights Division documents, 1have determined that the enclosed records may be released to you in their entirety. t I hope the Civil Rights Division has been of some assista Sincere!-' you in this matter. / a, Chief Fr edom of Information/Privacy Acts Branch Civil Rights Division /\MER l /\~ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001581 Green, Robert (CRT) From : lntakeUnit, DRS (CRT) Sent: To: Subject: anagement a crest Towers) Harrassment against the Disabled under Rental Assistance Program in PG County Good morning, This email is to inform you that we will process your complaint. Thank you . Intake Unit Disability Rights Section Civil Rights Division Department of Justice -----Original Message----Frorn(b)(6) Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 1:20 PM To: Bond, Rebecca (CRT) Subject: Scott Management (Oakcrest Towers) Harrassment against the Disabled under Rental Assistance Program in PG County Dear Ms. Bond, and I My name i~(b)(6) and my present landlord at Oakcrest Towers, under Scott Management continues to threaten lega l action (2 times) after receiving payments by the Department of Social Services in PG County. I have copied you on most of the emails and decided to contact you regarding a "Legal complaint" against Scott Managment under these basis" 1. Once I informed my Landlord that I suffer from Disability specific Anxiety, Biopolar and Panic Attacks (Dr.l(b)(6) ~ent a letter requesting Reasonable Accomodations on April 11, 2017), which was denied, my land lord specifica lly Mr. Cutrona and Ms. Quartery have sent "Security knock ing on my door for rent that was already sent by Social Services) , these act ion s caused a str ess induced heart attack. The Department of Social Services failed to give me a copy of the money order or receipts, and I was forced to confirm their payments with my land lord, who argued, harrassed and denied payments, but they were received. This process caused undue emotiona l distress as I suffer from Unstable Angina, also (2). In May and June after signing the agreement to allow subdized payments by social services my land lord without waiting more than 2 weeks start threatening me wit h evictio ns and lega l actions, posting notices on my door , sending security and arguing with me on the phone. VI t pVERSIGHT 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001582 July 10, 2017, payments was made by Social services but I was threatened with legal action on July 11, 2017. (3). It is apparent my landlord is attempting to cause me to pay twice and cause a "panic attack" from Anxiety and Bipolar. (4 ). I have been denied a private lock after the maintenance man entered my apartment at 8:00 a.m. informing me he was there to clean the balcony, evidently had the wrong apartment was suppose to be ~ but had the "key" for ~ which is my living space . (5). Due to water damage and mold smells ( I keep my bed in the front room) therefore when the maintenance man entered the apartment I was alseep with my nightgown on. Can you help me, please? Because I am seeking rental assistance my rent increased to $1,414.00 and my social security income is $1,627.00 I can't afford to be approved to move anywhere else. I also live with mold, water damage and severe allergies. I am disabled under social security wit h (crippled spine (reverse lordosis, unstable angina, anxiety, biopolar and depression). On February 9, 2017, I was denied Brinkley Hill Townhomes under Section 811 and Weinberg because of Social Anxiety Fears of social workers, I was being forced to have my "Male social worker coordinate my move" after my female social worker died. ,-;1,.....s__, w;-e.... a... r ..... u... n... d... e.... r ................................... e--;rjury,everything I have written is true on July 12, 2017, Signe~l._ (b_)_<6_)___ L (b )(6) /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT 2 HUD-17-0235-C-001583 _. Green, Robert (CRT) From : Sent: To: Subject: Attachments : lntakeUnit, DRS (CRT) e::: :::: ::::1. 1 Action (attached) Lreferring info red 07.12.17.pdf 60683*b)(6) Notice of Referral for Appropriate Action (attached) Disability Rights Section Civil Rights Division U.S. Department of Justice Washington, DC 20530 www.ada.gov /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001584 ~,~:-17.~.'.-o .. U.S. Department of Justice ifl? Civil Rights Division Disahi/ir,. Rights Sei'lfrm - ,vT;\ 1 950 Pe1msyl1'llllill A l'('lllte. Ji\. iv \Va.1hi11glo11,DC :!05J() July 20, 2017 Notice of Referral of Complaint for Appropriate Action To: Philadelphia Regional Office of FHEO Attention: FHEO Regional Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building I00 Penn Square East, 12th Floor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19l 07-3380 l(b)( 6) From: Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice Reference: CTS# 606838: regarding Scott Management/ Oakcrest Towers, District Heights, MD; received by DOJ on July 12, 2017 The Disability Rights Section has reviewed the enclosed complaint and determined that it raises issues that are more appropriately addressed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. We, therefore, are referring this complaint to that agency for appropriate action. This letter serves to notify that agency and the complainant of this ref en-al. The Disability Rights Section will take no further action on this matter. To check the status of the complaint, or to submit additional information, the complainant may contact the rererral agency at the address above or at the following telephone number(s): (215) (888) (215) (800) 861-7646 799-2085 656-3450 927-9275 (Voice) (Voice) (TTY) (TTY) If the agency has any questions or concerns about this referral or believes that it raises issues outside the agency's jurisdiction, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Justice at the address and phone number attached hereto. DJ# 202-35-0 /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001585 DeFelice, Joseph J Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM Ott, Richard M; Taylor, Melody C; Turner, Marvin FW: Jacqueline R. Humphries DOJ complaint, Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEO complaint after MCCR Denies Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, their Maryland Part nerships with MOOD can't f ile a lawsuit against their own , denies relief for From: Sent: To: Subject : Attachments: 17-00069 -P.PDF;Scott Management (Oakcrest Towers).pdf -----Original Message----From:l (b)(6) Sent: I uesday, October 10, 2017 12 :09 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; deborah.a.owcimak@hud.gov; phoebe.r.buchan@hud .gov; Chernoff, Donna C Cc: Hawkins, Monica A ; Ross, Lavaris V complaint, Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEOcompla int after MCCR Denies Subject: Fwl{b )(6) Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, their Maryland Partnerships with MDOD can't file a lawsuit against their own, denies relief for ... !DOJ >>> > > > Dea~... (b_)(_6_) __ __, >>> >>>Attached is a letter with > > > informa t ion about your recent > FOIA > > request to the Civil > > > Rights Division of the US >>Department of Justice. >>> >>> > > > Regards, >>> > > > Civil Rights > > > Divisio n/FOi > > > (202) 514-4210 - Main > > > FOi >>> >>> Dear Secretary Carson: > > Please find attached the origina l DOJ > complaint accepted under "Notice of Referral of Compla int for > Appropriate Action , which was forwarded to Ms. Melody C. > Taylor-Blancher, Regional Director of FHEO on July 20, 2017. > > On August 14, 2017, Ms. Blancher signed the DOJ complaint CTS#606838 > under HUD Case No. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001586 > 13-17-7302-8. > > Since August 14, 2017, the State of > Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, MCCR (Cancelled, Dismissed, > Argued in Errors, Admitted to "Giving Consideration t o Colleagues" > then cancelled both comp laints, Reinstated and Remanded comp laints > against the State" but cancelled the Fact Finding Conferences . > > Ms. Kara Hunt, the investigator > complained about having too many charges, while the origina l > invest igator was removed Mr . Ato Commey was excellent, > non -argumentat ive, warm and easy to ta lk with. The appointment of Ms . > Kara Hunt was intentional because she cancelled both complaints "unti l > further notice "intentionally. > > Therefore, on September 29, 2017, after > 30 days I requested my MCCR comp laint ~-(-b)-(6_)_______ ! ~(b)(6) !vs. ST MD, MOOD, Conifer Realty, Brinkley Hill Townhomes, > and Episcopal Housing Corp.) withdraw for "HUD to Take up" due to MCCR > "Denied Jurisdiction Tactics." > > MCCRexcuse for delay was not true, > where I have emails from Ms. Kara Hunt that she was considering her > colleagues and during a phone call she personally threaten me to make > a decision or she would dismiss my complaint. > > Regarding, MCCRcomplaind .... (b _)_(6_) _ __, >!(b)(6) vs. Oakcrest Towers dba Scott Management), > MCCRdismissed this complaint 2 weeks after Ms. > Blancher sent it on August 14, 2017, > > Ms. Alesha Bell, Intake Supervisor > argued with me on the phone, she was confused with both complaints and > didn't want to admit it, after I complained to Mr. Gillard and Mr. > Horton the complaint was reinstated, but was stagnate. I > > All of the MCCRcomplaints were > cancelled, terminated and became stagnate as I believe under Color of > Law . Therefore, I have been trying to get a response from Ms. Taylor , > but she never answers. > > Since February 17, 2017, My landlord > still intrudes with t he last intrusion on August 21, 2017, and > Brinkley Hill, Conifer and MOOD still deny my access to Brinkley Hill > as of July 29,2017 after I was approved giving social security numbers > for background check. I was told to sign papers that my Male Social > Worker would be "Power of Attorney" and responsible for "Coordinat ing > my Move" after, because of my Anxiety, I could not agree . > > On February 11, 2017, and April 12, > 2017, My doctor Reasonable Accommodation letters were ignored (fo r a > personal lock) and for family to coord inate my move to avoid Panic and > Heart Attacks, due to also Bipolar . pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001587 > > The State of Maryland Department of > Disabilities denied my application and then informed Conifer Realty > and Episcopal Housing that I was disabled and I was denied housing > again on July 29, 2017. My present landlord Oakcrest fails to repair > water damage so I live in mold, leaking ceilings, crusty paint, mold > and rust appliances, and I need to move waiting for a HUD House Choice > Voucher since May 2011. > > My rent is $1414, and my 55 check is > $1627. The social services paid my rent but my landlord still issued > Eviction notices because I complained about water damage. > > I am 61 years old, living with Anxiety and Depression, and the > suffering at MCCRhas been so sad. > > I hope you can help. Ms. Hunt says well it could be worse, you could > be living on the street after the hurricane! > > This has been so traumatic and caused my heart attack on June 5, > 2017. > > See below, Warmest regards, fb )(6) >> >> /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001588 U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division NDH:ANF:RG3 17-00069-P Freedom of Infomu11ion!Ptivacy Acts Branch - BICN 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington. DC 20530 SEP21 2017 Via Electronic Mail Onlv (b)(6) Dearl (b)(6) This is in further response to your July 21, 2017 Freedom of Information Act request seeking access to records pertaining to your complaint. After review of the responsive Civil Rights Division documents, 1have determined that the enclosed records may be released to you in their entirety. t I hope the Civil Rights Division has been of some assista Sincere!-' you in this matter. / a, Chief Fr edom of Information/Privacy Acts Branch Civil Rights Division /\MER l /\~ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001589 Green, Robert (CRT) From : lntakeUnit, DRS (CRT) Jul 13 2017 8:47 AM Sent: To: Subject: Good morning, This email is to inform you that we will process your complaint. Thank you . Intake Unit Disability Rights Section Civil Rights Division Department of Justice -----Original Message----6_ ) --------------------' Froml"""" Subject: Scott Management (Oakcrest Towers) Harrassment against the Disabled under Rent al Assistance Program in PG County Dear Ms. Bond, and I My name i~(b)(6) and my present landlord at Oakcrest Towers, under Scott Management continues to threaten lega l action (2 times) after receiving payments by the Department of Social Services in PG County. I have copied you on most of the emails and decided to contact you regarding a "Legal complaint" against Scott Managment under these basis" 1. ~ace I iofarmed my Landlord that I suffer from Disability specific Anxiety, Biopolar and Panic Attacks sent a letter requesting Reasonable Accomodations on April 11, 2017), which was denied, (D (b)(5 ) my land lord specifica lly Mr. Cutrona and Ms. Quartery have sent "Security knock ing on my door for rent that was already sent by Social Services) , these act ions caused a str ess induced heart attack. The Department of Social Services failed to give me a copy of the money order or receipts, and I was forced to confirm their payments with my land lord, who argued, harrassed and denied payments, but they were received. This process caused undue emotiona l distress as I suffer from Unstable Angina, also (2). In May and June after signing the agreement to allow subdized payments by social services my land lord without waiting more than 2 weeks start threatening me wit h evictio ns and lega l actions, posting notices on my door , sending security and arguing with me on the phone. VI t pVERSIGHT 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001590 July 10, 2017, payments was made by Social services but I was threatened with legal action on July 11, 2017. (3). It is apparent my landlord is attempting to cause me to pay twice and cause a "panic attack" from Anxiety and Bipolar. (4 ). I have been denied a private lock after the maintenance man entered my apartment at 8:00 a.m. informing me he was there to clean the balcony, evidently had the wrong apartment was suppose to be ~ut had the "key" for ~ which is my living space . (5). Due to water damage and mold smells ( I keep my bed in the front room) therefore when the maintenance man entered the apartment I was alseep with my nightgown on. Can you help me, please? Because I am seeking rental assistance my rent increased to $1,414.00 and my social security income is $1,627.00 I can't afford to be approved to move anywhere else. I also live with mold, water damage and severe allergies. I am disabled under social security wit h (crippled spine (reverse lordosis, unstable angina, anxiety, biopolar and depression). On February 9, 2017, I was denied Brinkley Hill Townhomes under Section 811 and Weinberg because of Social Anxiety Fears of social workers, I was being forced to have my "Male social worker coordinate my move" after my female social worker died. I swear under (b)(6) /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT 5) of erjury, everything I have written is true on July 12, 2017, Signedl(b)( .__ ___ 2 HUD-17-0235-C-001591 _ Green, Robert (CRT) From : lntakeUnit, DRS (CRT) Sent: Thursda:. July 20 20177:01 PM To: (b)(6) Subject: Attachments : Noti ce Referra; for Appropriate Action (attached) 606838!(b)(6) l referring info red 07.12.17.pdf I o Notice of Referral for Appropriate Action (attached) Disability Rights Section Civil Rights Division U.S. Department of Justice Washington, DC 20530 www.ada.gov /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT 1 HUD-17-0235-C-001592 ~,~:-17.~.'.-o .. U.S. Department of Justice ifl? Civil Rights Division Disahi/ir,. Rights Sei'lfrm - ,vT;\ 1 950 Pe1msyl1'llllill A l'('lllte. Ji\. iv \Va.1hi11glo11,DC :!05J() July 20, 2017 Notice of Referral of Complaint for Appropriate Action To: Philadelphia Regional Office of FHEO Attention: FHEO Regional Director U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building I00 Penn Square East, 12th Floor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19l 07-3380 From: Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice Reference: CTS# 606838: regarding Scott Management/ Oakcrest Towers, District Heights, MD; received by DOJ on July 12, 2017 The Disability Rights Section has reviewed the enclosed complaint and determined that it raises issues that are more appropriately addressed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. We, therefore, are referring this complaint to that agency for appropriate action. This letter serves to notify that agency and the complainant of this ref en-al. The Disability Rights Section will take no further action on this matter. To check the status of the complaint, or to submit additional information, the complainant may contact the rererral agency at the address above or at the following telephone number(s): (215) (888) (215) (800) 861-7646 799-2085 656-3450 927-9275 (Voice) (Voice) (TTY) (TTY) If the agency has any questions or concerns about this referral or believes that it raises issues outside the agency's jurisdiction, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Justice at the address and phone number attached hereto. DJ# 202-35-0 /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001593 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Turner, Marvin Wednesday , October 11, 2017 10:13 AM Paikin, Steven M DeFelice, Joseph J RE:!(b)(6) !DOJ comp laint, Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEO complaint after MCCR Denies Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, their Maryland Partnerships with MOOD can't fi le a lawsuit against their own, denies relief for You are welcome, M -----Original Message----From: Paikin, Steven M Sent: Wednesday, Oct ober 11, 2017 8:41 AM To: Turner, Marvin DOJ complaint, Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEO complaint after MCCR Denies Subject: RE!(b)(6) Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, their Maryland Partnerships with MDOD can't file a lawsuit against their own, denies relief for ... I Thanks, Marvin. I will forward this to Carolyn Punter, who is the GTR for MCCR. -----Original Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 5:38 PM To: Paikin, Steven M DOJ complain t , Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEO complaint aft er MCCR Denies Subject: FW: l(b)(6) Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, their Maryland Partnerships with MDOD can't file a lawsuit against their own, denies relief for ... I -----Original Message----From : DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM To: Ott, Richard M ; Taylor, Me lody C ; Turner, Marvin Subject: FW!; deborah .a.owcimak@hud.gov; phoebe.r.buchan@hud.gov; Chernoff, Donna C Cc: Hawkins, Monica A ; Ross, Lavaris V pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001594 Subject: Fwl{b)(6) ! OOJcomplaint, Request for HUD to "Take Up" FHEOcomplaint after MCCR Denies Jurisdiction under Color of Law with State Actors, t heir Maryland Partnerships with MOOD can't file a lawsuit against their own, denies relief for ... >>> > > > Dea~.... (b_)_ (6_) ____ ...., >>> > > > Attached is a letter with >>> information about your recent >FOIA > > request to the Civil > > > Rights Division of the US >>Department of Justice. >>> >>> > > > Regards, >>> > > > Civil Rights > > > Division/FOi > > > (202) 514-4210 - Main > > > FOi >>> >>> Dear Secretary Carson: > > Please find attached the original DOJ > complaint accepted under "Notice of Referral of Complaint for > Appropriate Action , which was forwarded to Ms. Melody C. > Taylor-Blancher, Regional Director of FHEO on July 20, 2017. > > On August 14, 2017, Ms. Blancher signed the DOJcomplaint CTS#606838 > under HUD Case No. > 13-17-7302-8. > > Since August 14, 2017, the State of > Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, MCCR (Cancelled, Dismissed, > Argued in Errors, Admitted to "Giving Considerat ion to Colleagues" > then cancelled both comp laints, Reinstated and Remanded complaints > against the State" but cancelled the Fact Finding Conferences . > > Ms. Kara Hunt, the investigator > complained about having too many charges, while the original > investigator was removed Mr . Ato Commey was excellent, > non-argumentative, warm and easy to talk with. The appointment of Ms. > Kara Hunt was intentional because she cancelled both complaints "unti l > further notice"intentionally . > > Therefore, on Sept ember 29, 2017, after...- _____________________ _ > 30 days I requested my MCCR complaind _(_ b )_(6_)______ _ >!(b)(6) ~ s. ST MD, MOOD, Conifer Realty, Brinkley Hill Townhomes, > and Episcopal Housing Corp.) withdraw for "HUD to Take up" due to MCCR > "Denied Jurisdiction Tactics." pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001595 > > MCCRexcuse for delay was not true, > where I have emails from Ms. Kara Hunt that she was considering her > colleagues and during a phone call she personally threaten me to make > a decision or she would dismiss my complaint . > > Regarding, MCCRcomplaints .... !(b_.) ... (6...)_ __. >!(b)(6) vs. Oakcrest Towers dba Scott Management), > MCCR dismissed this complaint 2 weeks after Ms. > Blancher sent it on August 14, 2017, > > Ms. Alesha Bell, Inta ke Supervisor > argued with me on the phone, she was confused with both complaints and > didn't want to admit it, after I compla ined to Mr. Gillard and Mr. > Horton the complaint was reinstated, but was stagnate. > > All of the MCCRcomplaints were > cancelled, terminated and became stagnate as I believe under Color of > Law. Therefore, I have been trying to get a response from Ms . Taylor, > but she never answers. I > > Since February 17, 2017, My landlord > still intrudes with the last intrusion on August 21, 2017, and > Brinkley Hill, Conifer and MDOD still deny my access to Brinkley Hill > as of July 29,2017 after I was approved giving social securit y numbers > for background check. I was to ld to sign papers that my Male Social > Worker would be "Power of Attorney" and responsible for "Coordinating > my Move" after, because of my Anxiety, I could not agree . > > On February 11, 2017, and April 12, > 2017, My doctor Reasonable Accommodation Letters were ignored (for a > personal lock) and for family to coord inate my move to avoid Panic and > Heart Attacks, due to also Bipolar. > > The State of Maryland Department of > Disabilities denied my application and then informed Conifer Realty > and Episcopal Housing that I was disabled and I was denied housing > again on July 29, 2017 . My present landlord Oakcrest fails to repair > water damage so I live in mold, leaking ceilings, crusty paint , mold > and rust appliances, and I need to move waiting for a HUD House Choice > Voucher since May 2011. > > My rent is $1414, and my SScheck is > $1627. The social services paid my rent but my landlord still issued > Eviction notices because I complained about water damage. > > I am 61 years old, living with Anxiety and Depression, and the > suffering at MCCRhas been so sad. > > I hope you can help. Ms. Hunt says well it could be worse, you could > be living on the street after the hurricane! > > This has been so traumatic and caused my heart attack on June 5, pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001596 > 2017 . > > See below , Warmest regards, *b )(6) >> >> /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001597 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subje ct: Attachments : Webster , Ashley T Thursday, October 12, 2017 12:42 PM Anderson , Charles J; Bynum, Nadab; Cahall, Elizabeth M; Collins, David M; Curry, Michael J; Darby, Debra J; Delaney, Barbara R; DIPIETRO,Andy V; Johnson, Sheryl L; Kaloyanides, Sonya M; Latham, Ronaldlyn E; Lehmann, Paul J; Lloyd, Ronald; Maldonado , Deborah H; Marshall , David B; McArdle, Michael H; McCoy, Valerie L; Peiffer, Patricia; Raja, Krish R; Tate, Joyce; Thress, John D. Ott, Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis; Webster, Ashley T Addressing Poor Performer -- Handouts DRAFT Participant Handouts - Addressi ng Poor Performers 10102017.pdf Good afternoon, Attached you will find training material for Addressing Poor Performers. Please print and br ing a copy with you on Monday, October 16th at 9 :30 am. The train ing will be in Room 12C. Also, just a reminde r to complete the survey at this link before then! https://hud.learningmeasured.com/public/instrument.html?&OnlinelD=APP -20171016L2PR See you on Monday! Ashley A~W~er Emp loyee and Labor Relations Specialist U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Office: 215-4 30-6646 Telework J..,(b .... ).... (6.... ) ................ ....... Fax: 215-656 -3437 Region Il l CONFID ENT IAL ITY NOTICE: Thi s e-mail message, including any attachments , is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may co ntain confidential and privil ege d information. Any unauthori zed review, use, disclos ure or dis tribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by rep ly e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message . /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001598 ADDRESSINGPOOR PERFORMERS Handouts for Training Participants /\Mlf ill /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001599 Table of Contents Document Handout Page# 1. HUD Handbook 432, "Performance Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions" 2. How to Access Collective Bargaining Agreements 3. Sample Performance Counseling 1-39 (Sample 1) (Sample 2) 4. Performance Action Roadmap 5. Employee and Labor Relations Division Contact List 6. Sample Opportunity to Improve Plan 7. Weekly Review Template 57-67 (Blank Templa te) (Sample 1) (Sample 2) pVERSIGHT 68-74 75-79 (77) (78) (79) 8. Myth Busters - Dealing with Poor Performers 9. Continued Learning Opportunities 80-82 10. Checklists 86-89 83-85 (Steps 1 and 2) (Step 6) (Steps 8 and 9) /\MERIC/\1\ 40-42 43-53 (45-47) (49-53) 54-56 87 88 89 HUD-17-0235-C-001600 Handout Page 1 Handout 1 HUD Handbook 432, "Performance Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions" /\MERIC/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001601 . . . Handout Page 2 page Intentionally left blank HUD-17-0235-C-OO1602 Handout Page 3 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Administration Transmittal Dcpartnwnr:11Staff Special Attention t<>r fhndhook ~(): 432.01 of: 1:-:,-.LL,xl: 1),x:,.:mlx:r l. !()lllJ 1. This Transmits: Handbook (14.12.01, Performance 2. Summar,;: This Handbook establishes the Department's policies and procedures for taking performance-based reduction in !-.'"rnde and removal actions. It pro\'ides a separate and distinct Departmental authority for taking performance-based actions. 3. Filini,: Instructions: Insert: R1cmove: Chapter 4 of Handbook 7.'i2.2 REV-2, Per~onncl ;\ctions Taken for L:naccepuble Performanc1c and .\[isconduct, dated Januan. 17, 1 HllO fmf'rg p o ~DC Metro sarclr,jc); sch o W'e.iUtet tf'lr SlOrtll oownloa This ai,Sttement.~hk:h takts effKt 1mmf diate1y. is impo,u..ntbecause It ts tabUshH the:framt wort for an enh.anctd reilatlonshlpbetween HUD and AFGEfor the future and clerines specific areas of shared focus. 5peclflcally, the"new contract creates Labor-Mana.gemeot forums to ensure moce effective communJc.atlonand Wtll plllce greater empflaslson worklflB togetht-r to adopt progrtsstve work p,racU(e$, fn the. end, this agreemer,t with AFGEbuilds upon the foundation of our re!atlonshlp WithourbMga iolng employee-swhich. al o 1 -Traui.ing Management Links Sys1ems E~Clrn!fl, "'"""- ARCPrlssm(Pu HUOLEIJ.!i ' P-11OPo dn(e ?fD(l!S$ Contu t Travel HUOV~U~'t U tr< 03c 5W eb AC( Rese,w 8rooke-Mondi!e ?""""-.. o--Accut~ SNr , f'o.ot I want to ... ~ . E-A le an E.EO ComoL!.nt ~ Comput '! r ~It- Help , ,-tO Cc: Ambrose -Evans, Greta Subject: Please Advise - FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October Importance: High Rich, Haveyoubeenableto let Joeknowabouthavingthisbecirculatedoffice-wide by FPMfor other programs to participatewiththe HOC? S. VanWilliams SeniorManagementAnalys t/RegionalFOIA& CTSLiaison Office of the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law govern ing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereo f is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Se nt: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:09 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Subject: FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October FYIQ (jltda~e-watt6 ~ ~t U.S. :i>epWtlnwrt otJfuu6UUJ, and 'lbt&m:i>eue&pnwit ~/up &nwi, l9peltation:, 100 ff enn Scu,uvrefut ffliifaddplua, fill 19107 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001710 215-861-7688 '' ~ ftappen w.eJUJ(UUJ, cfuur,g,e ,u,.wt peltCef)t< Cc: Ambrose -Evans, Greta Subject : Employee Engagement Activities for October }{~~ tlf~~e>m~ ~~Dt~ th~t tlf~ce>miD~ up thi~me>nth ~ndw~ ~nce>ur~~~ ye>urptlfticip~tie>D. On October 30 th, there will be another Light Board Contest for each division. Theme is J{,ll<,W66D . Decorate your boards and division spaces and judges will come around and vote on most creative board and greatest participation. On October 31st , there will be a Halloween Costume Contest that will be held in Conference Room 12C from 12pm-1pm. Employees are encouraged to bring your costume and dress up during lunch for the contest. We will also be having a cookie bake-off which will be voted on as well so plan on baking some cookies. Theme is J{:1lle,w~~D. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001711 Please feel free to contact me or the Board if you have any questions. Thanks, Greta (JJtda~e-~ ~ Cuwhut 'U.S.g)epwdnwrl of, ~UUJ and 'lWJan gJwJ,o,ptnGBPJtt ~P.:'"r &nwt, , (9p eJt.ation6 100 ffenn Squa,re fut ffluladJ,pfiia, ffll 19107 215-861-7688 ".Mbt.ac.&, fiappen W-eJUJ-datJ, cfuuu;etJO-Wi pe,,u;q,tio.noJwfud a nwtae&0 and y,au'll "eetfwn all wwund y,au." - :Joa$cmJ<.wi VI pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001712 From: Sent: To: Subject : DeFelice, Joseph J Friday, October 13, 2017 2:43 PM Ott, Richard M; Solivan, Elvis Re: PleaseAdvise - FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October That's fibe Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:37:36 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Subject: FW: Please Advise - FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October The HOC is off and runnin g with Halloween before we had a chance to do much. So, Van and I thought we cou ld j ust join their effort. Perhaps we can talk on Monday. Rich From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:12 AM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Subject: Please Advise - FW: Employee Engagement Activi t ies for October Importance: High Rich, Haveyoubeenableto let Joeknowabouthavingthisbecirculatedoffice-wide by FPMfor otherprograms to participate withthe HOC? S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof theRegional Administrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 This communica t ion, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibit ed. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you . From: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Sent: Friday, October 13, 201711:09 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V /\M l \ \i pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001713 Cc: Ambrose -Evans, Greta Subject : FW: Employee Engagement Activ ities for October FYIQ (j,teta~e-wan6 ~ ~t U.S. ;iJepwdnwrt o.f,~UUJ and U"1km ;i)euefupnwtt ~liip &nwt-, {:JpeJtaii,on,,., 100 :JennSquwtGBPfut :J>Putaddpfua, :J>a 19101 215-861-7688 '' ~ liappm ~, cluutgefJOWi p~tw.n 4 wlud a nwtade 0 and y,o.u!ll"u tfwn all ww.undyo.u.'' o J,oa[J)oa:Jcwi From: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:08 AM To: PHI HOC EMPLOYEESAl l Cc: Ambrose -Evans, Greta Subject: Employee Engagement Activities for October J{~~ ~~ Se>m ~ ~~nts th~t ~~ ce>miD~ up this roe>nth ~ndw~ ~nce>ur~~~ ye>urp~ticip~tie>D. On October 30 th , there will be another Light Board Contest for each division. Theme is J{,lle>-w~~D . Decorate your boards and division spaces and judges will come around and vote on most creative board and greatest participation. On October 31st, there will be a Halloween Costume Contest that will be held in Conference Room 12C from 12pm-1pm. Employees are encouraged to bring your costume and dress up during lunch for the /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001714 contest. We will also be having a cookie bake-off which will be voted on as well so plan on baking some cookies. Theme is J-{,lleJWtl~D. Please feel free to contact me or the Board if you have any questions. Thanks, Greta pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001715 215-861-7688 '' ~ ftappen w.eJUJ(UUJ, cfuur,g,e ,u,.wt peltCef)t<; Solivan, Elvis Subject: Re: Please Advise - FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October That's fibe Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U.S . Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:37:36 AM To: De Felice, Joseph J; Solivan, Elvis Subject: FW: Please Advise - FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October The HOC is off and running with Halloween before we had a chance to do much. So, Yan and I thought we could just join their effort. Perhaps we can talk on Monday. Rich From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Friday, October 13, 201711:12 AM To: Ott, Richard M Cc:Ambrose-Evans , Greta Subject: Please Advise - FW: Employee Engagement Activities for October Importance: High Rich, Haveyoubeenableto let Joeknowabouthavingthisbecirculatedoffice-wide by FPMfor otherprograms to participate withthe HOC? S. VanWilliams SeniorManagement AnalysURegional FOIA& CTSLiaison Officeof the RegionalAdministrator Philadelphia RegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax215-656-3445 sheppard.v.williams@hud.gov I This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic commu nications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001717 notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Sent: Friday, Octobe r 13, 2017 11:09 AM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ambrose-Evans, Greta Subject: FW: Employee Engagement Activ ities for October FYIQ Cc:Ambrose-Evans, Greta Subject: Employee Engagement Activities for October J{~~ ff~ ~e>m~ ~~ot~ th,t ff~ ce>mit>~ up thi~me>oth ,od w~ ~oce>ur,~~ ye>urpffticip,tie>o. On October 30 th , there will be another Light Board Contest for each division. Theme is J{1lleJW6~D . Decorate your boards and division spaces and judges will come around and vote on most creative board and greatest participation. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001718 On October 31st , there will be a Halloween Costume Contest that will be held in Conference Room 12C from 12pm-1pm. Employees are encouraged to bring your costume and dress up during lunch for the contest. We will also be having a cookie bake-off which will be voted . on as well so plan on baking some cookies. Theme is J{:1!Le>W~~D Please feel free to contact me or the Board if you have any questions. Thanks, Greta (J!ida~e-~ ~ Clnab:ut pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001719 U.S. ;i)epwdment oJ,:lfua,.,mg and UJd}.an, ;f)wdo.pment ~fzip &nwt, {9peudi,o.n,., 100 ffenn Scuuvrefut fffiiladdpfua, fill 19107 215-861-7688 ".M.vt.ac&, liappen etWUJdatl, cltang,etJO-Wt, peJteGBPfJtionoJw1iata mbtade;,.,and tutu'll "ee tliem all wuuuul tutu." - J,oa91on:fe.ui /\Mlf ll /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001720 From: Sent: To: Subject: Brown, Christina M Monday, October 16, 2017 4:03 PM Political Appointees Ethics Presentation Materials Hello All, OGC is posting the materials from the monthly eth ics briefings on the hud@work site for your reference. The previous materials on 1) the new officials briefing, 2) the Hatch Act, 3) FOIA, and 4) Procurement are live and all future materials will also be posted on the site. The materials can be found here: http://hudatwork .hud.gov/HUD/gc/po/c/training Sincerely, Christina ChristinaBrown Senior Counsel Office of General Counsel U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (202) 402-7108 christina.m.brown@hud.gov /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001721 l(b )( 6 ) From: Sent: Monday , October 16, 2017 4:11 PM Secret ary Carson; DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott , Richard M Parker, Judith; Passage,Gary 0; Scheetz, Randall J; Murray, Brian D PGHousing Author ity Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 image003.png; WithdrawalADAChargeatPGHumanRelationsCommission9.28.2017.rtf To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachment s: Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Crittenden, from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below. I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Authority refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher. Can you help me? Without the voucher , I could be living at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrus ions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, threats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg, Respondent's attorney on September 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, RegardsJ /h)/6) --- On Mon , 10/16/17, Crittenden, M ichelle R. wrote: > From : Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Compla int forwa rded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers reguest HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P [/'Brown, > To:! /h)/6) > Eric C.", "karen .ashby@maryland.gov " > > ).... (6___ ) __ ____, > Good morni n.... b..... > unfortunately we cannot expedite your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883 -5506 Phone > > (301) 883 -3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website > > J< .... l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001722 Fro~: 1(b > )(6) ..... > [ma1lt...._ > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partnerships with MOOD. > > So, I am still in > misery. > > > Nevertheless , on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad > at me now, which is worrisome . > ___________ > > > > > I was hoping to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation , plus the > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV > voucher could be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 with the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpower ing. > > Thanks for taking your > time to respond this mean so much . I pray for our blessings. > > > Warmest regards, 1(b)(6) > l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001723 H b)( 6 ) > >>--------Original message > -------> > > From: "Brown, Eric C." > > > > Date : 10/11/17 6:07 AM (GMT-11:00) > > > >T~(b)(6 ) > "Crittenden, Michelle R." , > karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Appropr iate Action, Request for > Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > It is my understanding > that the matter has been referred to HUD for appropriate > action > > > > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) > > Email: ecbrown@co.pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Original Message----> > Froml (b)(6) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001724 > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; > karen.ashby@maryland .gov > > Subj ect: Depart ment of Justice Compla int forwarded for > Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding > Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers request HCV to move > FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > > Dear M r. Brown , > > > > Please find above the Department of Justice Charge of > Discrim ination pending at Oakcrest Towers. My land lord > intrudes because I complained about water damage and > recent ly put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition during med iation the land lord attorney threaten > me for filing a housing discrimination compla int. > > > > I would like to move to mainta in my rights to live without > panic attacks . Could you please help me? > > > > I am trying to call your off ice today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards > :I(b)(6) > > > My birthdate i 62 years old (I am disabled > under Social se"" cu _ r_1.,_ y.,.... s1 _n_c_ e ._..a-y"".2011 My phone number (b)(6 ) :ii (b)(6) I > /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001725 PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY GOVERNMENT HUMAN RELATIONS COMMIS SION REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF DISCRIMINA TION You recently indicated a desire to withdraw your charge. the information below. In order to initiate such action, please furnish Please note that our agency is willing to proceed with your charge if you so desire . (_b_ )(_6_ )_____ ____, CHARGING PARTYNAME:l..... RESPONDENT : Oakcrest Towers HRCAGENCYCHARGE#HRC 17-0702 I am aware that the PGCHRCprotects my rights to file a comp laint. I have been advised that is is unlawful for any person covered by Division 12, Tit le VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, as amended, and or the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendmen t s act of 2008, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and enabling legislation of the PCHRCto treaten, int imidate or harass me because I fi led a compla int. I have not been forced to request this withdrawal. I request the w ithdrawal of my charge because: I HAVE BEEN FORCED TO WITHDRAW MY COMPLAINT BY MR. JOSHUA GREENBERG, RESPONDENT 'S ATTORNEY & MS . NELSON THREATS 'YOUR COMPLAINT IS INVALID BECAUSE YOU CAN'T NAME THE MEXICAN MEN THAT INTRUDED WITHOUT NOTICE" and FALSE ACCUSATIONS" YOU DON 'T CARE ABOUT MY BABY" (1). On September 25, 2017, M s. Leslie Nelson cancelled the med iation at 11:00 a.m . (at the last m inute) and I was forced to meet w ith the Respondent's Att orney, Joshua Greenberg, because I have a disabil ity I believed he was interested in stoping the int rusions, preventing my personal lock, and the water damage. (2). Mr. Greenberg threaten me severely behind close doors where I was alone. He to ld me to 'shut up" he was tired of my comp laints. (3). Mr. Greenberg threaten I was now put on a 30 day lease and if I continued to compla in I would have to move from Oakcrest . (4). Mr . Greenberg threaten when I tried to end the Mediation due to his behavior for me "Not to br ing your son the next time ." /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT He was swearing, red face and stand ing aggressively. HUD-17-0235-C-001727 (5). Mr . Greenberg threaten me with intimidation by pushing his "brown stained, heavy" briefcase at me, whi le screaming, spit in my face. (6). Mr. Greenberg threaten me not to complain to the Lt. Governor anymore or else. (7.) Ms. Nelson cause me severe emotiona l distress my conducting an "at whim" mediation over the phone while I was driving ended up accusing me of not "liking her infant baby" whom I never met, during an argument because I couldn't hear due to outside traffic . (8.) Ms. Nelson threatned that came in unannounced . my complaint was not valid because I couldn't name the "mexican men She argued that if I couldn 't idenify the men as being different my complaint was not valid. (9.) Therefore, I withdrew my comp laint due to emotional distress from the cancelled last minute mediation, the threats from Mr. Greenberg and Ms. Nelson. Signed electronically by ._.l (..ab;..., ).... (....a6'""' ).__ ____ /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT ......,~ on October 9, 2017 HUD-17-0235-C-001728 DeFelice, Joseph J Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:50 PM Turner, Marvin Ott, Richard M FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 image003.png; WithdrawalADAChargeatPGHumanRelationsCommission9.28.2017.rtf From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachment s: ~-;~-~ r(~)I( ~)ssage----- Sent: Monday, October 16, 20 17 4:11 PM To: Secretary Carson ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Parker, Judith ; Passage, Gary O ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Murray, Brian D Subject: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No . 03-17-7302 -8 Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Crittenden, from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below. I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Authority refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher. Can you help me? Without the voucher, I could be living at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrusions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, threats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg, Respondent's attorney on September 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, (b)(6) Regards~ --- On Mon, 10/16/17, Crittenden, Michelle R. wrote: > From: Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subj ect: RE: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, :e~~ j~J{~jo on;isabled: Oak'.:" Tow: ; o vest:Yto > Enc . , > aren.as y Request for Emergency HCV F;::~IA Request 17-00069-P mary ian .gov " : Good mornin "'""I ('""" b ..... ) ..... ( 6___. )___ _. > unfortunately we cannot expedite your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001729 > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883-5506 Phone > > (301) 883-3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website > > ___________ Fro~: 1(b)(6) > > [ma1lt.__ ...., > > > Sent: Wednesday , October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partnerships with MOOD. > > So, I am still in > misery. > > > Nevertheless, on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad > at me now, which is worrisome. > > > > > > I was hoping to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation, plus the > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001730 > voucher could be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 with the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpowering. > > Thanks for taking your > time to respond this mean so much. I pray for our blessings. > > > Warmest regards, j(b)(6) (b )(6),(b )( > > -------- Original message > -------> > > From: "Brown, Eric C." > > > > Date : 10/11/17 6:07 AM (GMT-11 :00) > > :rol(b)(6) ~'Crittenden, > Michelle R." , karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency > HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > It is my understanding > that the matter has been referred to HUD for appropriate action > > > > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court ,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001731 > > Email: ecbrown@co .pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Original Message----> :From j(b)(6 ) > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action , Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > > Dear Mr. Brown, > > > > Please find above the Department of Justice Charge of Discrimination > pending at Oakcrest Towers. My landlord intrudes because I complained > about water damage and recently put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition during mediation the landlord attorney threaten me for > filing a housing discrimination complaint. > > > > I would like to move to maintain my rights to live without panic > attacks . Could you please help me? > > > > I am trying to call your office today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards >: ,--------------, ~(b)(6) > > : My birthdate i~ (b )( 6) pVERSIGHT f 2 years old (I am disabled under HUD-17-0235-C-001732 :~l[bl)c{6rtv) sire May 2011 My phone number > > /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001733 PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY GOVERNMENT HUMAN RELATIONS COMMIS SION REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF DISCRIMINA TION You recently indicated a desire to withdraw your charge. the information below. In order to initiate such action, please furnish Please note that our agency is willing to proceed with your charge if you so desire . (_b_ )(_6_ )____ 1 CHARGING PARTYNAME: ..... ___. RESPONDENT : Oakcrest Towers HRCAGENCYCHARGE#HRC 17-0702 I am aware that the PGCHRCprotects my rights to file a comp laint. I have been advised that is is unlawful for any person covered by Division 12, Tit le VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, as amended, and or the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendmen t s act of 2008, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and enabling legislation of the PCHRCto treaten, int imidate or harass me because I fi led a compla int. I have not been forced to request this withdrawal. I request the w ithdrawal of my charge because: I HAVE BEEN FORCED TO WITHDRAW MY COMPLAINT BY MR. JOSHUA GREENBERG, RESPONDENT 'S ATTORNEY & MS . NELSON THREATS 'YOUR COMPLAINT IS INVALID BECAUSE YOU CAN'T NAME THE MEXICAN MEN THAT INTRUDED WITHOUT NOTICE" and FALSE ACCUSATIONS" YOU DON 'T CARE ABOUT MY BABY" (1). On September 25, 2017, M s. Leslie Nelson cancelled the med iation at 11:00 a.m . (at the last m inute) and I was forced to meet w ith the Respondent's Att orney, Joshua Greenberg, because I have a disabil ity I believed he was interested in stoping the int rusions, preventing my personal lock, and the water damage. (2). Mr. Greenberg threaten me severely behind close doors where I was alone. He to ld me to 'shut up" he was tired of my comp laints. (3). Mr. Greenberg threaten I was now put on a 30 day lease and if I continued to compla in I would have to move from Oakcrest . (4). Mr . Greenberg threaten when I tried to end the Mediation due to his behavior for me "Not to br ing your son the next time ." /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT He was swearing, red face and stand ing aggressively. HUD-17-0235-C-001735 (5). Mr . Greenberg threaten me with intimidation by pushing his "brown stained, heavy" briefcase at me, whi le screaming, spit in my face. (6). Mr. Greenberg threaten me not to complain to the Lt. Governor anymore or else. (7.) Ms. Nelson cause me severe emotiona l distress my conducting an "at whim" mediation over the phone while I was driving ended up accusing me of not "liking her infant baby" whom I never met, during an argument because I couldn't hear due to outside traffic . (8.) Ms. Nelson threatned that came in unannounced . my complaint was not valid because I couldn't name the "mexican men She argued that if I couldn 't idenify the men as being different my complaint was not valid. (9.) Therefore, I withdrew my comp laint due to emotional distress from the cancelled last minute mediation, the threats from Mr. Greenberg and Ms. Nelson. Signed electronically b~.... {..... b_.)_.{_6...., )_____ /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT ____.l onOctober 9, 2017 HUD-17-0235-C-001736 Turner, Marvin Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:51 PM DeFelice, Joseph J Ott, Richard M RE:PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Thanks. Rich set it yesterday. We assigned to FHEOto review . M -----Original Message----From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:50 PM To: Turner, Marvin Cc: Ott, Richard M Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled liv ing with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 ~-;~-~ ftbi<6rsage----Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:11 PM To: Secretary Carson ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Parker, Judith ; Possage, Gary O ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Murray , Brian D Subject: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEOHUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Crittenden, from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below . I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Authority refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher. Can you help me? Without the voucher, I could be liv ing at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrusions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, t hreats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg , Respondent's attorney on Septembe r 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, Regard~ ( b )(6) --- On Mon, 10/16/17, Crittenden, M ichelle R. w rote: > From: Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subject: RE: Department of Justice Compla int forwa rded for Appropriate Act ion, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers re uest HCV to move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P /\rv ~ l \i pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001737 : Good mornin l (b)(6) > unfortunately we cannot expedite your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883-5506 Phone > > (301) 883-3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website > > ___________ >From l(b)(6 ) ,__ > [maili ___. > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to Stat e of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partne rships with MDOD. > > So, I am still in > misery . > > > Nevertheless, on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad > at me now, which is worrisome. > > > l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001738 > > > I was hoping to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation, plus the > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV > voucher could be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 with the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpower ing. > > Thanks for taking your > time to respond this mean so much . I pray for our blessings. > > > Warmest regards, ilb)f6) > l(b)(6) > >> -------- Original message > -------- > > > From: "Brown, Eric C." > > > > Date: 10/11/17 6:07 AM (GMT-11 :00) > > > > To! (b )( 6) tocr ittenden, > Michelle R." , karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > > > Subject: RE: Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency > HCV regardin g Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > It is my understanding > that the matter has been refe r red to HUD for appropriate action > > > l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001739 > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) > > Email: ecbrown@co .pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > )(6) > Fro~(b > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > > Dear Mr . Brown, > > > > Please find above the Department of Justice Charge of Discrimination > pending at Oakcrest Towers . My landlord intrudes because I complained > about water damage and recently put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition during mediation the landlord attorn ey threaten me for > filing a housing discrimination complaint. > > > > I would like to move to maintain my rights to live without panic > attacks . Could you please help me? > > > l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001740 > I am trying to call your office today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards [(b)(6) > (b )(6) : My birthdate ii h years old (I am disabled under : ~{( bl)s(6)jty\ srce May 2011 My phone number > > /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001741 Ott, Richard M Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:57 PM Turner, Marvin; DeFelice, Joseph J RE:PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violat ing ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 From: Sent : To: Subje ct: Marvin: I have asked Van to take a look too. At some point, maybe now, we will need to lay out the hard facts to her, -----Origina l Message----From: Turner, Marv in Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:51 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J Cc: Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violat ing ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17 -7302-8 Thanks. Rich set it yesterday . We assigned to FHEOto review. M -----Origina l Message----From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:50 PM To: Turner , Ma rvin Cc: Ott, Richard M Subject : FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher fo r Disabled living with Landlord viola t ing ADA and FHEO HUD Compla int No. 03-17-7302-8 ~;~ ~(b) 16t"'":--- Sent: Mon ay, Octo er 16, 2017 4:11 PM To: Secretary Carson ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Parker, Judith ; Passage, Gary O ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Murray, Brian D Subject: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEOHUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Crittenden, from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below. I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Author ity refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher. Can you help me? Without t he voucher, I could be liv ing at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrus ions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, threats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg, Respondent's attorney on September 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, Regard~(b I )(6) t \. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001742 --- On Mon, 10/16/17, Crittenden, Michelle R. wrote: > From: Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency HCV regardin Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers re uest HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P 'Brown, > To: ' > Eric C. , > b 6 > > Good mornin~.... 6..... )__ _ > unfortunately we cannot expedite your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > (_b ..... ){..... > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883-5506 Phone > > (301) 883-3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website > > > > [mail, Froml(b )(6) > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partnerships with MOOD. > > So, I am still in > misery. \j pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001743 > > > Nevertheless, on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad > at me now, which is worrisome. > > > > > > I was hoping to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation, plus the > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV > voucher could be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 with the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpower ing. > > Thanks for taking your > time to respond this mean so much . I pray for our blessings. > > > Warmest regards, i(b)(6) > [(b )(6) >>--------O riginal message > -------- > > > From: "Brown, Eric C." > > > > Date: 10/11/ 17 6:07 AM (GMT-11:00) > > > >T lcrittenden , > Michelle R." , karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency d(b) (6) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001744 > HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > It is my understanding > that the matter has been referred to HUD for appropriate action > > > > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) > > Email: ecbrown@co .pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Origi naI Message----- : From l(b) ( 6) > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > > Dear Mr . Brown, > > > > Please find above the Department of Justice Charge of Discrimination > pending at Oakcrest Towers. My landlord intrudes because I complained > about water damage and recently put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition during mediation the landlord attorney threaten me for pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001745 > filing a housing discrimination complaint. > > > > I would like to move to maintain my rights to live without panic > attacks . Could you please help me? > > > > I am trying to call your office today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards [(b )(6) > > > My birthdate i~ (b )(6) > Social securit >is > > since May ~2 years old (I am disabled under 2011 My phone number (b)(6) /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001746 Ott, Richard M Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:13 PM Turner, Marvin Payne, Carol B; DeFelice,Joseph J RE:PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: I know that you have, Marvin. Thank you all for this again. I just hope to end this letter writing campaign. Make as warm as possible Marvin. Other locat ions to port to ...housing counseling, etc ... -----Original Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:17 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 We've already done all of that, Van. M -----Origina l Message----From: Will iams, Sheppard V Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:14 PM To: Turner, Marvin Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Compla int No. 03-17-7302-8 Hi Marvin, 7e tJ 6 t~ fal )ow t ID r ith you about your office's response to this secretar ial emai l for CTS. He asks that your Rich askeci b( indicates that it is on behalf of Secretary Ben Carson and Regional Administrator Joe response DeFelice. Also please include other housing options for her to pursue, if it has been determined that there have been no fair housing issues tha t need to be redressed . S. Van Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regiona l FOIA & CTSLiaison Off ice of the Regional Adm inistrator Philadelphia Regional Office Phone 215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3445 sheppard.v .williams@hud .gov This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communica t ions and may conta in confidential and legally pr ivileged information. If the reader of th is message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby not ified that any disseminat ion, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is str ictly prohibi t ed. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete th is message. Thank you. -----Origina l Message----From: Ott, Richard M pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001747 Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:48 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 -----Origina l Message----From: Turner, Marv in Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:22 PM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17 -7302-8 Prince George's is mines. She's way down on the list for vouchers. M -----Original Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:15 PM To: Turner, Marvin ; Payne, Carol B Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17 -7302-8 Marvin, does this remain in your footprint? Oakcrest/PG County? -----Oritnal Message----From:I b)(6) Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:11 PM To: Secretary Carson ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Parker, Judith ; Possage, Gary O ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Murray, Brian D Subject: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEOHUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Cr ittenden , from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below. I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Authority refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher. Can you help me? Without the voucher, I could be living at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrus ions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, threats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg, Respondent's attorney on September 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, Regard~ (b )(6) --- On Mon, 10/16/17, Crittenden, Michelle R. wrote: > From: Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers request HCV to move FOIA Request 17-00069-P pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001748 ~b)(6) > To:I ~'Brow n, > Eric." , "karen.ashby@maryland.gov" > > > Good morning Ms. Humphries, > unfortunately we cannot expedite your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883-5506 Phone > > (301) 883-3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website > > > Fromj (b )(6) > [mai l1 > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partnerships with MOOD. > > So, I am still in > misery. > > > Nevertheless, on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001749 > at m e now, which is wo rr isome . > > > > > > I was hop ing to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation, plus t he > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV > voucher cou ld be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 w ith the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpower ing. > > Thanks for taking your > t ime to respond this mean so much . I pray for our blessings. > > > Warmest re ards (b )(6 ) >______ _ ~(b)(6) > >> -------- Original message > -------> > > From: "Brown, Eric C." > > > > Date: 10/11/ 17 6:07 AM (GMT-11:00) > > > > T~ ( b) (6) k rittenden, > M ichelle R." , karen .ashby@ma ryland .gov > > > > Subj ect: RE:Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Approp riate Action, Request for Emergency > HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > It is my understand ing pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001750 > that the matter has been referred to HUD for appropriate action > > > > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court ,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) > > Email: ecbrown@co .pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden , Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland .gov > > Subject: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action , Request fo r Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > > Dear Mr. Brown, > > > > Please find above the Department of Justice Charge of Discrimination > pending at Oakcrest Towers . My landlord intrudes because I complained > about water damage and recently put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition during mediat ion the landlord attorney threaten me for > filing a housing discrimination complaint . > > > > I would like to move to maintain my rights to live without panic pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001751 > attacks . Could you please help me? > > > > I am trying to call your office today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards > j(b)(6) > > > My birthdate i >S . ___ 62 years old (I am disabled under ....,......_.....,,.._ y phone number (b)(6) >i > ------> /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001752 Turner, Marvin Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:18 PM Ott, Richard M Payne, Carol B; DeFelice,Joseph J; Everett, Janice C RE:PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: I'm happy to do that! I'll handle this one myself. Janice, reassign to me. M -----Original Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:13 PM To: Turner, Marvin Cc: Payne, Carol B ; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 I know that you have, Marvin . Thank you all for this again. I just hope to end t his letter writing campaign. Make as warm as possible Marv in. Othe r locations to port to ...housing counseling, etc ... -----Original Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4: 17 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Compla int No. 03-17-7302-8 We've already done all of that, Van . M -----Original Message----From : Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4: 14 PM To: Turner, M arvin Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violat ing ADA and FHEO HUD Compla int No. 03-17-7302-8 Hi Marvin, liet)foll}w up Rich asked response t ~ b (6 pVERSIGHT w ith you about your office's response to th is secretar ial emai l for CTS. He asks that your ind icates that it is on behalf of Secreta ry Ben Carson and Regiona l Adm inistrator Joe I HUD-17-0235-C-001753 DeFelice. Also please include other housing options for her to pursue, if it has been determined that there have been no fair housing issues that need to be redressed. S. Van Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator Philadelphia Regional Office Phone 215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3445 sheppard.v.williams@hud .gov This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly proh ibited . If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. -----0 rigi naI Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:48 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 -----Original Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:22 PM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Prince George's is mines. She's way down on the list for vouchers. M -----Origina l Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:15 PM To: Turner, Marvin ; Payne, Carol B Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Marvin, does this remai n in your footprint? Oakcrest/PG County? -----Original Message----Froml (b )( 6) Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:11 PM To: Secretary Carson ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Parker, Judith ; Possage, Gary O ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Murray, Brian D Subject: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEOHUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001754 Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Crittenden, from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below. I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Authority refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher . Can you help me? Without the voucher, I could be living at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrus ions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, threats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg, Respondent's attorney on September 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, --- On Mon, 10/16/17, Crittenden, Michelle R. wrote: > From : Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subject: RE: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropria t e Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers request HCV to move FOIA Request 17-00069-P >To:!(b)(6) t' Brown , > Eric C.", "karen.ashby@maryland.gov" > > > Good mornin > unfortunately.""w ""'e""""'ca""'n"""n""'o,.,..,,,e""xp'""e..,..,,1"""e your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > (b )(6) > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883-5506 Phone > > (301) 883-3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website > > > Fronj(b )(6) > [maill > > > Sent: Wednesday , October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden , Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action , Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001755 > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partnerships with MOOD. > > So, I am still in > misery . > > > Nevertheless, on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad > at me now, which is worrisome. > > > > > > I was hoping to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation, plus the > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV > voucher could be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 with the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpower ing. > > Thanks for taking your > time to respond this mean so much . I pray for our blessings. > > > warmestregards J(b)(6) [(b )(6) > > -------- Original message > -------> > > From: "Brown, Eric C. 11 > > > l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001756 > Date: 10/11/17 6:07 AM (GMT-11:00) > > 'Crittenden, :'=t::-::-rr.:""IT'.....-:====-::-::-=~:-::--:=-:-:-:::::--r:-::-::=-::-::-ci::-:'y .@maryland .gov > > > > Subject: RE: Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency > HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCV to move FOIA Request 17-00069 -P > > > It is my understanding > that the matter has been referred to HUD for appropriate action > > > > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) > > Email: ecbrown@co.pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Origi na I Message----> >From ~(b)(6) > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCV to move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001757 > Dear M r. Brown, > > > > Please find above the Departmen t of Justice Charge of Discrimination > pending at Oakcrest Towers. My landlor d intrudes because I comp lained > about water damage and recently put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition dur ing med iation the landlord attorney threaten me for > filing a housing discrimination complaint . > > > > I would like to move to mainta in my rights to live without panic > attacks . Could you please help me? > > > > I am trying to call your off ice today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards > l(b)(6) > > > My birthdate isl (b )( 6) years old (I am disabled under > Social securit since May 2011 My phone number r62 >i (b)(6) > > /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001758 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Everett, Janice C Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:31 PM Turner, Marvin; Ott, Richard M Payne, Carol B; DeFelice,Joseph J RE:PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 Sure thing! I will upload the information in E-Case/CTSand you can prepare the final response letter and sign it and I will mail the original to the correspondent or you can e-mail the correspondent. -----Original Message----From : Turner, Marvin Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:18 PM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: Payne, Carol B ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Everett, Janice C Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302 -8 I'm happy to do that! I'll handle this one myself. Janice, reassign to me. M -----Origina l Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:13 PM To: Turne r, Marvin Cc: Payne, Carol B ; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 I know that you have, Marvin . Thank you all for this again. I just hope to end t his letter writing campaign . Make as warm as possible Marv in. Othe r locations to port to ...housing counsel ing, etc ... -----Original Message----From : Turner, Marv in Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4: 17 PM To: Wi lliams, Sheppard V Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violat ing ADA and FHEO HUD Compla int No. 03-17-7302-8 We've already done all of that, Van . M HUD-17-0235-C-001759 -----Original Message----From: Williams, Sheppard V Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:14 PM To: Turner, Marvin Cc: Ott, Richard M ; Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Hi Marvin, Rich asked me to follow up with you about your office's response to this secretarial email for CTS. He asks that your response to Ms. Humphries indicates that it is on behalf of Secretary Ben Carson and Regional Administrator Joe DeFelice. Also please include other housing options for her to pursue, if it has been determined that there have been no fair housing issues that need to be redressed. S. Van Williams Senior Management Analyst/Regional FOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the Regional Administrator Philadelphia Regional Office Phone 215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3445 sheppard.v.williams@hud.gov This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. -----Origina l Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 1:48 PM To: Williams, Sheppard V Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 -----Origina l Message----From: Turner, Marvin Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:22 PM To: Ott, Richard M Cc: Payne, Carol B Subject: RE: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Prince George's is mines. She's way down on the list for vouchers. M -----Original Message----From: Ott, Richard M Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:15 PM To: Turner, Marvin ; Payne, Carol B Subject: FW: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEO HUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001760 Marvin, does this remain in your footprint? Oakcrest/PG County? ~-;~~(g)a( &)essage----sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:11 PM To: Secretary Carson ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Cc: Parker, Judith ; Possage, Gary O ; Scheetz, Randall J ; Murray, Brian D Subject: PGHousing Authority Denies Emergency Voucher for Disabled living with Landlord violating ADA and FHEOHUD Complaint No. 03-17-7302-8 Dear Secretary Carson, Please see Ms. Crittenden, from PGHousing Authority deny housing for the 5th time below. I really need to move from Oakcrest and the PG Housing Authority refuses to issue an Emergency Voucher . Can you help me? Without the voucher, I could be living at Oakcrest for 10 more years, mold, intrusions, arguing, water leaks, denied keys, threats from Mr. Joshua Greenberg, Respondent's attorney on September 25, 2017, because I filed an complaint with HUD and nobody cares, RegardsUb )(6) --- On Mon, 10/16/17, Crittenden, Michelle R. wrote: > From: Crittenden, Michelle R. > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers request HCV to move FOIA Request 17-00069-P tBrown, > To:! /h)/6) > Eric C.", "karen.ashby@maryland.gov" > > > Good mornin~{b)(6) > unfortunately we cannot expedite your voucher; the Housing Authority > must follow the order you were selected in the lottery. Thank You > > > > Michelle Crittenden > > Rental Assistance Division > Manager > Housing Authority of Prince > George's County > Rental Assistance > Division > 9200 Basil Court > Largo, MD 20774 > (301) 883-5506 Phone > > (301) 883-3403 Fax > ha.mypgc.us Website pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001761 > > > > [mailt i > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:34 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > From l (b }(6) > > Yes, but HUD referred my > complaint to State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, they made > errors by dismissing the complaint then reinstating it, then cancelled > mediation by mistake which ended up in "Denied Jurisdiction" due to > partnerships with MOOD. > > So, I am still in > misery . > > > Nevertheless, on September > 29, 2017, my landlord Oakcrest towers put me on a 30 day lease due to > my complaints and continue to come here for no reason. Everybody mad > at me now, which is worrisome . > > > > > > I was hoping to get my HCV > so I can leave Oakcrest asap due to this awful situation, plus the > mold from leaking ceilings are awful. > > > > > > Do you think my HCV > voucher could be expediated before they try to evict me again? I had > my first eviction notice on July 26 with the rent already paid in 25 > years so retaliation is overpowering. > > Thanks for taking your > time to respond this mean so much . I pray for our blessings. > > > warmestregards ~(b)(6) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001762 > >>--------Original message > -------> > > From: "Brown, Eric C." > > > > Date: 10/11/17 6:07 AM (GMT-11:00) > > 'Crittenden, ~==--,,-~=======-==-=-=r-:-:-::-::--r.::-:=-=-=~y@maryland .gov > > > > Subject: RE:Department of Justice > Complaint forwarded for Appropriate Action, Request for Emergency > HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at Oakcrest Towers > request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > It is my understanding > that the matter has been referred to HUD for appropriate action > > > > Eric C. Brown > > Director > > Prince George's County DHCD > > 9200 Basil Court,5th Floor, Suite 500 > > Largo, Maryland 20774 > > Phone: 301.883.5531(0) > > Email: ecbrown@co.pg.md.us > > > > > > -----Original Message----> > From :l(b)(6) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001763 > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 12:40 PM > > To: Brown, Eric C.; Crittenden, Michelle R.; karen.ashby@maryland.gov > > Subject: Department of Justice Complaint forwarded for Appropriate > Action, Request for Emergency HCV regarding Abuse on Disabled at > Oakcrest Towers request HCVto move FOIA Request 17-00069-P > > > > Dear Mr. Brown, > > > > Please find above the Department of Justice Charge of Discrimination > pending at Oakcrest Towers . My landlord intrudes because I complained > about water damage and recently put me on 30 day month to month lease. > > > > In addition during mediation the landlord attorney t hreaten me for > filing a housing discrimination complaint. > > > > I would like to move to maintain my rights to live without panic > attacks. Could you please help me? > > > > I am trying to call your office today. Thanks so much, > > > > Warmest regards > i(b)(6) ::> > > > My birthdate ii (b)(6) :~r(~l)7Gf tyj src e May 2011 12 years old (I am disabled under y phone number > > /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001764 Anastasi, Carolyn M Wednesday, October 18, 2017 10:21 AM Wolfe, Lisa A DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Brown, Brenda J; Ellis, Lisa C; Iber, Robert G; Brown, Brenda J RE:Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage HAP Assignment Checklist.docx From: Sent : To: Cc: Subject : Att achment s: Lisa, Please see below responses ... From : Wolfe, Lisa A Se nt : Monday, October 16, 2017 12:48 PM To: lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Brown, Jereon M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject : FW: Questions for HUD Related to Essex Village Import ance: High Hi everyone - Here's the second request-this one is from the County. I let the Colonel know that I am passing this on and that you all will be getting back to him. Thanks in advance for your help ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 :w. ----------- -- I fotrowusonil~ . ' _ :o -~:U, ~~,l_ ~~~~i!'_ tl~_: ---------~. From: M iddleton, DA (mailto 1/4 nid02@henrico .usj Se nt: Monday, Octobe r 16, 20 17 12:43 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Import ance: High TO: Lisa Wo lfe HUD PIO Philadelphia , PA Dear Lisa, /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001765 As a result of the discussions that have been occurring relative to EssexVillage and its acquisition by Mr. Valery and others, I am requesting that HUD provide me w ith the following information requested by the County as part of our decision making process: Within the current HAP Contract that exists for EssexVillage: o What are the provisions for selling the complex which a buyer must meet? Please keep in mind that there's no FHA insured mortgage on EssexVillage . It is privately owned . The owner can negotiate a sale with whomever he chooses. However, we do provide 100 percent rental subsidy to the property through our Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract with the owner. Accordingly, in the event of a sale we must approve the assignment of the Section 8 HAP contract to the new owner. With any sale as a part of HU D's approval process, we will review the management experience and financial capacity of the owner, their plan to address the near term and long term physical needs of the property and funding sources to meet those needs. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for an Assignment of a HAP. o What HUD requirements must a new owner meet to get approval from HUD for the acquisition? Answer is the same as above . o Please provide me with any documentation HUD may have from buyers or sellers. Many of the documents submitted for the HAP assignment contain proprietary financial information which is not releasable under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). However, the County can request the information from the owner . o Who are the principals involved in the company which Mr . Valery owns that are engaged the effort to acquire EssexVillage, at least those about which HUD is aware. Proposed ownership as presented in the application for Previous Participation Clearance: Maggie Lena Walker Apartments, LLC,a Delaware limited liability 100% Sole Member: Stewart Alexander and Associates: Controlling Participants: Ernst Vallery, President David Alexandar Vice President Stuart Alexandar Chairperson o What type of clearance check is required by HUD for a new owner? HUD 2530, Previous Participation Clearance . o How does it work and who completes it? Please see response to question 1 above . o Relative to Mr. Valery's acquisition effort, he has indicated that there are or may be fore ign investors. Is this an EB-5 acquisition? We do not know. /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001766 o How long will it take for HUD to approve the acquisition of the property if an investor is successful in meeting the basic requirements from HUD? As indicated under question 1, HUD does not approve the acquisition because there's no FHA mortgage on the property . It will take HUD approximately 30 days to approve the HAP assignment, assuming the submission is complete and accurate . The County wants to make a decision that is in the best interests of the residents and to do that, we would like to have this information. Your help in acquiring it as the HUD PIO for this region will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Doug M iddleton Colonel Douglas A. Middleton Deputy County Manager for Public Safety County of Henrico 4301 East Parham Road Henrico, Virginia 23228 Office: ,...... ......... ........a ....... .......,......, /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001767 CHECKLIST ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT CONTRACT Below we have outlined the required contents of the Applications for Approval of an assignment of Housing Assista nce Payment Contract (HAP) . Applicant must submit the package electronically and 1 hard copy. 1. Draft, unexecuted Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract 2. Applicant's Transmittal Letter, including, but not limited to: 3. Applicant's Previous Participation Certification (Form HUD-2530) 4. Sources and Uses of Funds. This shows all expected sources of funds and all expected uses of these funds. 5. Interim Financial Statements, if audits are cun-ently required, covering the period from the date of the last audited financial statement to the date of transfer. 6. New Capital Needs Assessment (CNA), if one has not been performed within 10 years. The CNA must be prepared by a professional, licensed multifamily architect or engineer and must address the cost of any required repairs and an analysis of the Replacement Reserve needs. 7. Proposed Management Certification, Entity Profile and Form HUD 2530 Previous Participation Certification for the Management Agent 8. Affirmative Fair Housing Marketin g Plan, form HUD-935.2 9. Direct Deposit_Form 1199A with a copy of cancelled check (only required if HUD is the contract administrator) 10. Any proposed lease or lease addenda (Section 8 Lease) 11. Tenant Selection Plan 12. Draft Financing Documents, if applicable 13. Use Agreements , if applicable 14. Proposed but unrecorded Deed 15. Proposed Rental Schedule (Form HUD-92458) including the request/ju stification for any new fees to tenants, in addition to rent /\M Ef 1 - Attachme nt 1: TP A Required Documents pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001768 Brown, Brenda J Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:03 PM Iber, Robert G; Anastasi, Carolyn M; Wolfe, Lisa A DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Schmidt, Carrie S; Ellis, Lisa C; Larson, Jennifer L; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A RE:Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage HAP Assignment Checklist.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Att achment s: All, here are our responses below in blue : From: Middleton, DA [mailto hj id02@henrico .usjl Sent : Monday, October 16, 2017 12:43 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject : Quest ions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Import ance: High TO: Lisa Wo lfe HUD PIO Philade lphia, PA Dear Lisa, As a result of the discussions that have been occurring relative to EssexVillage and its acquisition by Mr. Valery and others, I am requesting that HUD provide me with the following information requested by the County as part of our decision making process: Within the current HAP Contract that exists for EssexVillage : o What are the provisions for selling the complex which a buyer must meet? Please keep in mind that there's no FHA insured mortgage on EssexVillage. It is privately owned . The owner can negotiate a sale with whomever he chooses. However, we do provide 100 percent rental subsidy to the property through our Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract with the owner. Accordingly, in the event of a sale we must approve the assignment of the Section 8 HAP contract to the new owner . With any sale as a part of HUD's approval process, we will review the management experience and financial capacity of the owner, their plan to address the near term and long term physical needs of the property and funding sources to meet those needs. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for an Assignment of a HAP. o What HUD requirements must a new owner meet to get approval from HUD for the acquisition? Answer is the same as above. o Please provide me with any documentation HUD may have from buyers or sellers. Please submit a FOIA request . /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001769 o Who are the principa ls involved in the company which Mr. Valery owns that are engaged the effort to acquire EssexVillage, at least those about which HUD is aware. Proposed ownership as presented in the application for Previous Participation Clearance: Maggie Lena Walker Apartments, LLC,a Delaware limited liability 100% Sole Member: Stewart Alexander and Associates: Controlling Participants : Ernst Vallery, President David Alexandar Vice President Stuart Alexandar Chairperson o What type of clearance check is required by HUD for a new owner? HUD 2530, Previous Participation Clearance . o How does it work and who completes it? Please see response to question 1 above . o Relative to Mr . Valery's acquisition effort, he has indicated that there are or may be foreign investors. Is this an EB-5 acquisition? This is a question for the purchaser. o How long wil l it take for HUD to approve the acquisition of the property if an investor is successful in meeting the basic requirements from HUD? As indicated under question 1, HUD does not approve the acquisition because there's no FHA mortgage on the property . It will take HUD approximately 30 days to approve the HAP assignment, assuming the submission is complete and accurate. The County wants to make a decision that is in the best interests of the residents and to do that, we wou ld like to have this information. Your help in acquiring it as the HUD PIO for this region will be greatly appreciated . Thanks. Doug M iddleton Colonel Douglas A. Middleton Deputy County Manager for Public Safety County of Henrico 4301 East Parham Road Henrico, Virginia 23228 Office: _.Ll,l~L..Ll,L,1,.;:.L.U.1.1.L.._ Mobile : -. .., Email: ~--- ............ /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001770 CHECKLIST ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT CONTRACT Below we have outlined the required contents of the Applications for Approval of an assignment of Housing Assista nce Payment Contract (HAP) . Applicant must submit the package electronically and 1 hard copy. 1. Draft, unexecuted Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract 2. Applicant's Transmittal Letter, including, but not limited to: 3. Applicant's Previous Participation Certification (Form HUD-2530) 4. Sources and Uses of Funds. This shows all expected sources of funds and all expected uses of these funds. 5. Interim Financial Statements, if audits are cun-ently required, covering the period from the date of the last audited financial statement to the date of transfer. 6. New Capital Needs Assessment (CNA), if one has not been performed within 10 years. The CNA must be prepared by a professional, licensed multifamily architect or engineer and must address the cost of any required repairs and an analysis of the Replacement Reserve needs. 7. Proposed Management Certification, Entity Profile and Form HUD 2530 Previous Participation Certification for the Management Agent 8. Affirmative Fair Housing Marketin g Plan, form HUD-935.2 9. Direct Deposit_Form 1199A with a copy of cancelled check (only required if HUD is the contract administrator) 10. Any proposed lease or lease addenda (Section 8 Lease) 11. Tenant Selection Plan 12. Draft Financing Documents, if applicable 13. Use Agreements , if applicable 14. Proposed but unrecorded Deed 15. Proposed Rental Schedule (Form HUD-92458) including the request/ju stification for any new fees to tenants, in addition to rent /\M Ef 1 - Attachme nt 1: TP A Required Documents pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001771 From: Sent : To: Subje ct: Ott, Richard M Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:30 PM DeFelice, Joseph J; Edwards, Nika V RE:SUBMISSION:Region III FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Joe, It is our FPM staff in Phi ladelphia . Patrice has been submitting, Lynn too, but not too much from the others. Of course, Brandon is out, and Van focuses on FOIA and Congre ssionals. We will nudge him to report on any sensitive FOIAs or CTS s, and I will ask Labor Standard s for their sensitive items. I think that the programs are reporting significant items, but we can always nudge them tomorrow. From : DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:24 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subject : Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 Ok so who are you getting input from and who aren't you. Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From : Edwards, Nika V Se nt : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:23:08 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject : RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 No. We are supposed to be reporting FPM items in our weekly reports- upcoming events, ongoing activities and hot issues. I' m not reporting what's going on in other off ices - I'm primarily talking about FPM activities. We can discuss when you have time. From : DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:17 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subject : Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 So we need more from the program directors right? Why don't you stop by the program directors meeting at the start and explain and I'll back up your position? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U.S . Department of Housing and Urban Development From : Edwards, Nika V Se nt : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:14:01 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject : RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001772 Sorry I'm not being clear. I'm talking about our office-the Two people regularly submit items . input I receive to develop the Philly Regional Office Report. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:40 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott , Richard M Subject: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 You mean the region? Not the Philly field office correct? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:39:13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Two people submit their activities each week for inclusion. Guess you haven't noticed, so perhaps it's okay. Just think we can do better. Niki From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:28 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott , Richard M Subject: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 How are we m issing it? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:50:13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: FW: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 FYI: We are missing out on an opportunity to give a full picture of our efforts here in Philly. Don't know what can be done to encourage everyone to submit input, especially the labor relations activity. Niki From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:39 PM To: PHI FIELDPOLICY& MGMT ; Alston, Julie A ; Bynum, Maria L ; Payne, Carol B ; Miller , Jane E ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Turner, Marvin Subject: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 /\M l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001773 Hi everyone - Attached you will find this week's weekly report. There's an additional element that was added a few weeks ago called "Positive News Stories." Niki has been crafting subm issions for the Philadelphia report-which include a great report of the social media posts/hits. I have been pulling from the news clips for the remainder. So, please feel free to add any coverage to your own weekly report-or let us know if you want us to continue to monitor and add. As always, thank you for your help each week in compiling the reports. Great to be able to share all of the good work going on throughout the Mid-Atlantic. Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001774 From: Sent : To: Subje ct: Edwards, Nika V Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:49 PM Ott , Richard M; DeFelice, Joseph J RE:SUBMISSION:Region III FPM Weekly Report for October 17 The report focuses on FPM activities, so weekly input is not needed from the programs . We should not create extra work for them. From : Ott, Richard M Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:30 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Edwards, Nika V Subjec t: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Joe, It is our FPM staff in Phi ladelphia . Patrice has been submittin g, Lynn too, but not too much from the others. Of course, Brandon is out, and Van focu ses on FOIA and Congre ssionals. We will nudge him to report on any sensitive FOIA s or CTS s, and I will ask Labor Stand ards for their sensitive items. I think that the programs are reportin g significant items, but we can always nudge them tomorrow. From : DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:24 PM To : Edwards, Nika V ; Ott , Richard M Subject : Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 Ok so who are you getting input from and who aren't you. Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administ rator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From : Edwards, Nika V Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:23:08 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott , Richard M Subject : RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 No. We are supposed to be reporting FPM items in our weekly repo rts - upcoming events, ongoing activities and hot issues. I'm not report ing what's going on in other offices - I'm primari ly talking about FPM activities. We can discuss when you have time. From : DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:17 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott , Richard M Subject : Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 So we need more from the program directors right? Why don't you stop by the program directors meeting at th e sta rt and explain and I'll back up your position? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001775 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:14:01 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Sorry I'm not being clear. I'm talking about our office-the Two people regularly submit items. input I receive to develop the Philly Regional Office Report. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:40 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subject: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 You mean the region? Not the Philly field office correct? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:39:13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Two people submit their activities each week for inclusion. Guess you haven't noticed, so perhaps it's okay. Just think we can do better. Niki From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:28 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subject: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 How are we missing it? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:50:13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: FW: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 FYI: We are missing out on an opportunity to give a full picture of our efforts here in Philly. Don't know what can be done to encourage everyone to submit input, especially the labor relations activity. Niki /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001776 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:39 PM To: PHI FIELDPOLICY& MGMT ; Alston, Julie A ; Bynum, Maria L ; Payne, Carol B ; Miller, Jane E ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Turner, Marvin Subject: SUBMISSION:Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Hi everyone - Attached you will find this week's weekly report. There's an additional element that was added a few weeks ago called "Positive News Stories." Niki has been crafting submissions for the Philadelphia report-which include a great report of the social media posts/hits. I have been pulling from the news clips for the remainder . So, please feel free to add any coverage to your own weekly report-or let us know if you want us to continue to monitor and add. As always, thank you for your help each week in compiling the reports. Great to be able to share all of the good work going on throughout the M id-Atlantic . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 .1.-.,~--=, oliow~ w~.J...... ~ -~,,.,.._. .~.-,c: -~ -,. J .o. ~ .. oe HUOM ldAtJantlc i .....------~o ........ --~ .. ~---..--:= t._ ~.~ /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001777 From: Sent : To: Subje ct: DeFelice, Joseph J Wednesday, October 18, 2017 4:46 PM Ott, Richard M; Edwards, Nika V Re: SUBMISSION:Region III FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Sounds great Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. S. Department of Housi ng and Urban Development From: Ott, Richard M Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:30:24 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Edwards, Nika V Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Joe, It is our FPM staff in Phi ladelphia . Patrice has been subm itting , Lyn n too, but not too much from the others . Of course, Brandon is out, and Van focuses on FOIA and Congressionals. We will nudge him to report on any sensitive FOIAs or CTSs, and I will ask Labor Standards for their sensitive items. I think that the programs are reporting significant items, but we can always nudge them tomorrow. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt: Wednesday , October 18, 2017 3:24 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subjec t: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 Ok so who are you getting input from and who aren't you. Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Admin istrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From : Edwards, Nika V Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:23 :08 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 No. We are supposed to be reporting FPM items in our weekly reports - upcoming events, ongoing activities and hot issues. I'm not reporting what's going on in other offices - I'm primarily talking about FPM activities. We can discuss when you have time. From: DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:17 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subjec t: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 So we need more from the program directors right? Why don't you stop by the program directors meeting at the start and explain and I'll back up your position? pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001778 Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Admin istrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:14 :01 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Sorry I'm not being clear . I'm ta lking about our office-the Two peop le regularly submit items. input I receive to deve lop the Philly Regional Office Report . From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:40 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott , Richard M Subject: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 You mean the region? Not the Philly field office correct? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Admin istrator U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards , Nika V Se nt : Wednesday , October 18, 2017 2:39 :13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for Oct ober 17 Two peop le submit the ir activ ities each week for inclusion. Guess you haven't not iced, so perhaps it's okay. Just think we can do better. Niki From: DeFelice, Joseph J Se nt: Wednesday , October 18, 2017 2:28 PM To: Edwards, Nika V ; Ott, Richard M Subject: Re: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Week ly Report for October 17 How are we missing it? Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Admin istrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Edwards, Nika V Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:50:13 PM To: DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott , Richard M Subject : FW: SUBMISSION: Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 FYI: We are missing out on an opportun ity to give a full picture of our efforts here in Philly. Don't know what can be done to encourage everyone to submit input, especially the labor relations activity . pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001779 Niki From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:39 PM To: PHI FIELDPOLICY& MGMT ; Alston, Julie A ; Bynum, Maria L ; Payne, Carol B ; Miller, Jane E ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Turner, Marvin Subject: SUBMISSION:Region Ill FPM Weekly Report for October 17 Hi everyone - Attached you will find th is week's weekly report. There's an additional element that was added a few weeks ago called "Positive News Stories." Niki has been crafting submissions for the Philadelphia report-which include a great report of the social media posts/hits. I have been pulling from the news clips for the remainder. So, please feel free to add any coverage to your own weekly report-or let us know if you want us to continue to monitor and add. As always, thank you for your help each week in compiling the reports. Great to be able to share all of the good work going on throughout the M id-Atlantic . Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001780 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subje ct: Williams, Sheppard V Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:36 AM Wolfe, Lisa A DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M Status of invite - CALLING ALL TRICKOR TREATERS!Pleasejoin us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time! Can this inviteannouncemen t be sent today? S. VanWilliams SeniorManagementAnalyst/RegionalFOIA& CTSLiaison Office of the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628- Fax215-656-3445 sheppard.v.williams@hud .gov o r This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribu t ion, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 201711:56 AM To: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ambrose-Evans, Greta ; Williams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M Subject : RE: PLEASEREVIEW: CALLING ALLTRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us Oct ober 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time ! If everyone is okay, I'll send it out as a calendar invite for the Tuesday event . Or, do you want to just wait until you are back in the office tomorrow and send under your email? Good eit her way ... it's ready to go! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamake r Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office : (215) 430-6640 From : DeFelice, Joseph J Sent : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Ambrose-Evans, Greta ; Williams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M /\M f pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001781 Subject: Re: PLEASEREVIEW: CALLING ALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time! Great Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 9:17:02 AM To: Ambrose-Evans, Greta; Williams, Sheppard V; Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: PLEASEREVIEW: CALLING ALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time! /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001782 }{ere ;Jre s~me ~ents thm;;Jre e~ming;up this m~nth ~nd we ene~ur~~ey~ur pfflictp~ti~n. On October 30 th , there will be another Light Board Contest for each division. Theme is J{:,[LoweeD . Decorate your boards and division spaces and judges will come around and vote on most creative board and greatest participation. On October 31st , there will be a Halloween Costume Contest that will be held in Conference Room 12C from 12pm1pm. Employees are encouraged to bring your costume and dress up during lunch for the contest. We will also be having a cookie bake-off whkh will be voted on as well so plan on . baking some cookies. Theme is J{:,LloweeD Many thanks to the members of the Philadelphia Homeownership Center for capturing the spirit of the season with these upcoming festivities! You'll want to take a tour through the HOC on Monday, October 30 to see their annual Light Board Contest. See for yourself who has the most creative take on our favorite holidayHalloween ! We hope you will join for more fun for our Halloween Costume Contest on Tuesday, October 31 from Noon to 1 p.m. in 12C. Show your spirit by dressing up in your best costume-and don't forget to fire up your oven to enter our cookie bake-off! Please bring in some bags of candy to share with your fellow "trick or treaters." The HOC promises to supply some spooky music and decorations - all you add is the fun! Questions? Please email our organizer Greta Ambrose-Evans. Hope you will join us! Joseph J. DeFelice, Esq. Regional Administrator, Region Ill /\MEf l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001783 HUD-17-0235-C-001784 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje ct: Wolfe, Lisa A Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:37 AM Williams, Sheppard V DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M RE:Status of invite - CALLING ALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Pleasejoin us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time! Van - This is not the final version. RESENDINGto Joe now. Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 --------- --~ ..fo!lo,iui '.o,fJwiiiif ., .o ~. HUDl\,_11dAtl1n~c : --------From: Williams, Sheppard V Se nt : Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:36 AM To: Wo lfe, Lisa A Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M Subject : Status of invite - CALLING ALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us October 30 & 31 for a ghou lish good time! Can this inviteannouncemen t be sent today? S. VanWilliams Senior ManagementAnalyst/RegionalFOIA & CTSLiaison Office of the RegionalAdministrator PhiladelphiaRegionalOffice Phone215-430-6628 - Fax 215-656-3445 This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confident ial and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message or portion thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please reply immediate ly to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:56 AM To: De Felice, Joseph J ; Ambrose-Evans, Greta ; W illiams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M Subject : RE: PLEASEREVIEW: CALLING ALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time ! /\M f If everyone is okay, I'll send it out as a calendar invite for the Tuesday event. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001785 Or, do you want to just wait until you are back in the office tomorrow and send under your email? Good either way ... it's ready to go! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 --------- ,;-~ ,iJolkiw 'us -onrMttrr : l-,llll' 11o --------.- HU~~ ~ At!ant ic From: DeFelice, Joseph J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:53 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Ambrose-Evans, Greta ; Williams, Sheppard V ; Ott, Richard M Subject: Re: PLEASEREVIEW:CALLINGALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time! Great Joseph J. DeFelice Regional Administrator U. 5. Department of Housing and Urban Development From : Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 9:17:02 AM To: Ambrose-Evans, Greta; Williams, Sheppard V; Ott, Richard M Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: PLEASEREVIEW: CALLINGALL TRICK OR TREATERS!Please join us October 30 & 31 for a ghoulish good time! /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001786 HUD-17-0235-C-001787 }{ere ;rre s~roe ~ents thm;ne c~romg-, up this ro~nth ~ndwe enc~ur~~ey~ur pfflicip~ti~n. On October 30 th , there will be another Light Board Contest for each division. Theme is }{:t!LoweeD . Decorate your boards and division spaces and judges will come around and vote on most creative board and greatest participation. On October 31s , there will be a Halloween Costume Contest that will be held in Conference Room 12C from 12pm1pm. Employees are encouraged to bring your costume and dress up during lunch for the contest. We will also be having a cookie bake-off which will be voted on as well so plan on baking some cookies. Theme is J-{,LloweeD. Many thanks to the members of the Philadelphia Homeownership Center for capturing the spirit of the season with these upcoming festivities! You'll want to take a tour through the HOC on Monday, October 30 to see their annual Light Board Contest. See for yourself who has the most creative take on our favorite holidayHalloween ! We hope you will join for more fun for our Halloween Costume Contest on Tuesday, October 31 from Noon to 1 p.m. in 12C. Show your spirit by dressing up in your best costume-and don't forget to fire up your oven to enter our cookie bake-off! Please bring in some bags of candy to share with your fellow "trick or treaters." The HOC promises to supply some spooky music and decorations - all you add is the fun! Questions? Please email our organizer Greta Ambrose-Evans. Hope you will join us! Joseph J. DeFelice, Esq. Regional Administrator, Region Ill /\MEf l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001788 HUD-17-0235-C-001789 I Subje ct : Locatio n : Internal Convo Re: Henrico County + EssexVillage 10120/ / Conference Call#: 1-877 -336 -1828; Access Cod el ( b) ( Start: End: Show Time As: Fri 10/20/2017 12:30 PM Fri 10/20/2017 1:00 PM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Me eting Status: Not yet responded Organizer : Requ ired Att endees: Hardy IV, Stanley Kelley, Michael J; Dunn, Tracey; Schmidt, Carrie S; Wolfe , Lisa A; Burley, Michael N; Fila, Stephanie C; Edge, Marilyn M; Larson, Jennifer L; Carter, Stevens J; Iber, Robert G; Carr, Terry M Brown, Brenda J; DeFelice, Joseph J; Ott, Richard M; Ellis, Lisa C; Anastasi, Carolyn M; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A Optional Atten dees: Date: 10/20/2017 HQ Location: CIR Conference Room 10120 Conference Call#: 1-877-336-1828; Access Cod el ( 6) b)(6 ) Questions from the Rep. McEachin and proposed answers: o What documents related to the proposed purchase does HUD possess, and are they willing/ ab le to share any of those documents? If the documents have not been subm itted or are not shareable, is HUD in a position to summarize the terms or basic structure of the expected purchase proposal (including any plans for a postpurchase rebuild or refurbishment, and implications of such plans for current tenants)? Please keep in mind that there's no FHA insured mortgage on Essex Village. It is privately owned. The owner can negotiate a sale with whomever he chooses. However, we do provide 100 percent rental subsidy to the property through our Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract with the owner. Accordingly, as part of the sales transaction we must approve the assignment of the Section 8 HAP contract to the new owner, which includes a review of the management experience and financial capacity of the owner, their plan to address the near term and long term physical needs of the property and funding sources to meet those needs . The proposed owners have submitted a request to assume the Essex HAP contract, the package is complete as it includes the following required documents which are currently under review: o o o o o o o o o o o o /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT Owner and Agent request for approval of Previous Participation (2530) clearance . Management Entity Profile, Management Certification and Management Agreement Preservation Financing and Property Rehabilitation Plan Ownership Organizational Documents Acquisition Sources and Uses Statement Personal Financial Statements Property Name Change request Mark Up to Market Post Rehab rent increase request, post rehab . Market Comp Study 20-year Use Agreement Purchase and Sales Agreement Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Report HUD-17-0235-C-001790 o o o o Physical Rehabilitation Scope of Work, Rehabilitation Sources and Uses Statement Reserve for Replacement in conjunction with proposed Comprehensive Needs Assessment CAN Request for HUD Consent to Assignment and Assumption of Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) Any request for documents must be made through a written FOIA request , which will be reviewed and responded to accordingly. o Did Mr. Valery have the right, pre-purchase, to circulate his notice of intent to increase maximum rents? If he had that right, was he under any obligation to do so in connection with his proposed purchase? Why was that document circulated? Mr . Valery advised us that the notice was posted with the permission of the existing owner . He does nothing pertaining to EssexVillage without the owner's permission. They are working together . They followed our statutory requirement by providing the tenants with a one-year Tenant Notice of Intent to renew the HAP contract, with a rent increase. Again, please be reminded that since the tenants' rents are subsidized, rent increases have no impact on them. They continue to pay approximately 30 percent of their adjusted income for rent . Factors that impact their share of the rent are changes in household composition and income . o What is the current status of the property? Has it already been sold? If not, what wou ld the process for a sale look like moving forward - how much can HUD share about timeline? There is an Agreement of Sale with a proposed closing date of November 17,2017 . o What are HUD's prerogatives with respect to Mr. Valery's proposed purchase? It sounds like HUD could block that purchase, if not directly then by refusing to permit the full rent hike on which said purchase is apparently predicated. Are we correct in understanding that HUD would effectively kill any plan that increased maximum permissible rents above rents for comparable propert ies in the area, even if tenants would not themselves pay more out of pocket in practice? HUD is currently reviewing the proposal and will make the final determination following the review . o (If applicable :) Do we have any insight into why Mr . Valery would make a proposal that, for structural reasons, HUD would be unable or unwilling to approve? Is there some other mechanism by which a good -faith buyer would more typically generate the funds needed to refurbish or rebuild a property like EssexVillage? As conveyed to us, Mr. Valery's plan is to refinance with Low Income Housing Tax Credits {LIHTCs) which will allow much needed cash infusion to continue to make improvements at the property . If that does not materialize, he plans to make application for a FHA 221(d)4 substantial rehabilitation loan. o (If applicable:) Can HUD guarantee that if a sale were to take place along the lines Mr. Valery has described, outof-pocket costs wou ld not increase for tenants? How long would such a guarantee hold true? o o /\MEf l /\I\ Under the terms and conditions of the HAP contract, all eligible residents of the property pay a rental amount based on 30% of their adjusted annual income, so there would be no increased out-of-pocket increases to the tenants . The proposed purchase includes the requirement that the owner would sign a new 20-year Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract, which Mr. Valery has agreed to do. pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001791 o o The contract barring any additional future renewals that would change the terms would remain effective until 10/23/2032, assuming continued Congressional appropriations . Do we have a sense of what will happen at the end of the ninety -day period that the current owner has in which to take corrective action with respect to the problems outlined in HUD's August 21st demand letter, whether or not the Mr. Valery proposal works out? o o o We are anticipating that the current owner will comply. They are making satisfactory progress. The units have been fully inspected by the Management Co., maintenance orders have been generated and are being addressed, progress is being tracked in weekly conference calls and unscheduled weekly visits by local HUD staff. At this time a new REACinspection has not been scheduled, but is anticipated to be conducted within one year of the current inspection date of August 18, 2017 /\MEf l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001792 From: Sent : To: Subject : Dunn, Tracey Wednesday, October 18, 2017 10:38 AM Hardy IV, Sta nley FW: Quest ions for HUD Related to Essex Village FYSA... From : Wolfe , Lisa A Se nt: Tuesday , October 17, 2017 8 :38 AM To: Brown, Brenda J ; lber, Robert G ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Brown , Jereon M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A ; Dunn, Tracey Subject : RE: Questions for HUD Related to Essex Village Thanks Brenda - There are two stories in today's clips. Adding Tracey since I be lieve we wi ll be hearing from the Congressman's office shortly ... Lisa Lisa A. Wo lfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430 -6640 ._. . fobtuson;T~ :, . :@_HU~Mld~Ll!J.".'tic ----- From : Brown, Brenda J Se nt: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 7:51 AM To: Wolfe , Lisa A ; lber, Robert G ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Brown, Jereon M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott , Richard M ; Schmidt , Carrie S ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A Subject: RE: Quest ions for HUD Related to Essex Vil lage Good morning, We will respond within the next couple of days. 9Junda:J, . 9Jwwn Director , Asset Management Division (Satellite Office Coordin ator) 10 South Howard Street, 5th Fl. Ba1timore, MD 21201 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001793 Phone: (410) 209-6510 Fax: (410) 209-6675 Baltimore Satellite Office - Northeast Region From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 12:48 PM To: lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Brown, Jereon M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: FW: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Importance: High Hi everyone - Here's the second request-this one is from the County. I let the Colonel know that I am passing this on and that you all will be getting back to him. Thanks in advance for your help ... Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 .1!11111IW-' .1o11ow .\IS.o!fJwluet' . , .o (OtoiUDl\_1idAtl1nti c: , --------- From: Middleton, DA fmai lto fn id02@henrico.us j! Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 12:43 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Subject: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Importance: High TO: Lisa Wolfe HUD PIO Philadelphia, PA Dear Lisa, As a result of the discussions that have been occurring relative to EssexVillage and its acquisition by Mr. Valery and others, I am requesting that HUD provide me with the following information requested by the County as part of our decision making process: Within the current HAP Contract that exists for EssexVillage: /\M f 1. What are the provisions for selling the complex which a buyer must meet? 2. What HUD requirements must a new owner meet to get approval from HUD for the acquisition? 3. Please provide me with any documentation HUD may have from buyers or sellers. 4. Who are the principals involved in the company which Mr. Valery owns that are engaged the effort to acquire EssexVillage, at least those about which HUD is aware. l pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001794 5. What type of clearance check is required by HUD for a new owner? How does it work and who completes it? 6. Relative to Mr. Valery's acquisition effort, he has indicated that there are or may be fore ign investors. Is this an EB-5 acquisition? 7. How long will it take for HUD to approve the acquisition of the property if an investor is successful in meeting the basic requirements from HUD? The County wants to make a decision that is in the best interests of the residents and to do that, we would like to have this information. Your help in acquiring it as the HUD PIO for th is region wi ll be greatly apprec iated. Thanks. Doug M iddleton Colonel Douglas A. Middleton Deputy County Manager for Public Safety County of Henrico 4301 East Parham Road /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001795 Vithoulkas, John Wednesday, October 18, 2017 10:51 AM Hardy IV, Stanley EssexVillage - New Potential Purchaser IMG_20171016_111234802.jpg From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Attachm e nts: Stanley, Thanks for talking this morning . As I noted, we have a new potential purchaser of the EssexVillage property. Last week, he "posted" a rent increase on the property, but to my knowledge - he does not yet own the property . What is attached is a picture of the rent increase sent to us by one of the residents. My question to you is - assuming he has approva l from HUD to proceed with a rent increase of 40 percent- are there actual plans that have been subm itted to HUD that would show what exact ly is being done to improve, renovate or rebuild the complex? We have had some conversations with Mr . Valery- but have no building plans or timelines regarding what he wants to do . I am assuming that with a rent increase - there are actual plans tha t have been submitted to HUD. Thank you again Stanley for looking into this for us. Please advise if you have any questions and my contact information is noted below. Have a good day. John Vithoulkas John A. Vithoulkas County Manager County of Henrico 4301 East Parham Road Henrico, Virginia 23228 Office: ?804) 501-4386 Mobile :! h)(6) Email: vit@henrico.us I /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001796 Encx VIiiage Pagel United States Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Buildmg I00 PennSquare Eaol Philaddphia, PA 19107o3380 Auention: Carolyn Anastasi, Scn,or Acrounl EJopc1mmiof Housmg and UrbanOcvclopmcrnr n UD'1 Ir is --- ........ ...-0, .. - - o IA& u,.. ,__lobe dlJibk u lldor Ille applicable HUD for ..._ Stdioa I or uy .....,. lioouiac aniltaace prop-a m that you an, ~ (i.e.,-.), Y"" ll!ulll.Ji!!lbe affttt ed by ao iacrHR la lite r; Scott, Paul A Cc: Porinchak, Brandon R ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; Robinson, Shana ; Williams, Sheppard V Subject : FW: Travel Request Ql - Region Ill Karen, As discussed earlier today, please find Rill travel request for Ql. We have separated Joe and Elvis's travel from the rest of the office. If the information prompts any questions or concerns, please let me know. Rich From: Robinson, Shana Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 4:10 PM To: Ott, Richard M Subject : Travel Request Ql - Region Ill Hi Rich, Attached is the Travel Request Ql for Region Ill. If you need anything else please let me know. Have a great night Shana Executive Secretary to the Deputy/ Regional Administra t or United States Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Field Policy and Management Region Ill- Philadelphia Office Work: 215-430-663 2 Fax: 215-656-3445 pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001800 E-Mail: Shana.Rubin50n@hud.gov HUD-17-0235-C-001801 Ql - Region Ill Office of Field Policy and Management Prog ram Office Travel Tracker Temp late FY2018 FPM Tr avel Request Region: $ TOTAL Month 1Date 8,045 FPM Program Office Traveler(s J Name Location , Destination Amount Patric e Green Teresa Stovall Patr ick Wall is Caro l Payne Teresa Stovall Patrick Wall is Carol Payne Niki Edwards Carol Payne Carr ie Schmidt Mar ia Bynum Caro l Payne Marv in Turner Carol Payne Carol Payne Philadel phia, PA Centra l M D/Var ious Cent ra l M D/Var ious W icom ico County, MD Centra l MD/Var ious Centr al M D/Var ious Cent ra l MD/Var ious Schuy lki ll Mary land Virgin ia Delaware W icom ico County, MO Local Wa shin gton, DC Hagerstown, MD $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100 130 274 453 150 205 450 300 250 17-0ct -17 Balt imore/ Field Office Secret ary In it iat ive American Hear t Associat ion em POWEREDto Serve Summ it Carol Payne Wash ingt on , DC $ 100 17 20-0ct -17 Field Office Secretary In itiative Federal lnteagency Health Equity Team Strategic Pin. Mtg. Julie Alston Northen WV $ 100 18 19 20-0ct-17 24-0ct -17 24-0ct-17 24-0ct -17 24-0ct -17 24-0ct -17 25-0ct-17 25-0ct -17 30-0ct-17 30-0ct -17 31-0ct -17 14-Nov -17 15-Nov-17 Secretary In it iative Communi t y Engagement Communi t y Engagement Community Engagement Community Engagement Communi t y Engagement Tra ining Community Engagement Community Engagement Tra ining Communi t y Engagement Community Engagement Community Engagement Prom ise Zone Tra ining Training Commun ity Engagement Communi t y Engage ment Communi t y Engagement Community Engagement Community Engagement Communi t y Engagement Communi t y Engagement Federa l lnteagency Health Equity Team Strate gic Pin. Mtg . Jo hnst own, PA Glassport, PA 0 11City, PA Seven Springs, PA Beaver Falls, PA to W ashingt on, PA, t o Joh nst own, PA FMS2 Users Group Training View pro jects in Northern WV, With RA Trave l to Dover DOJ FOIA Lit igat ion Tra ining Region Connect Home Issues WV Trave l to Dover Local Trave l Har ri sburg HAP Meet ing Harr isburg, PA Trave l to Dover Loca l Trave l Loca l Trave l Local Trave l Loca l Trave l Loca l Trave l No trave l this quarte r Carol Payne Jane Mille r Jane Mil ler Jane M iller Jane M iller Wa shi ngton, DC Loca l Local Local Local Jo hnsonhall W ashingt on, DC Northen WV Dover, DE Wash ington , DC W ashington, DC Local Dover , DE Philadelphia, PA Har risburg Harrisburg Philadel ph ia, PA Cent ra l MD/Var ious Loca l Local Local Local No Trave l $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 TBS 37 TBS 38 TBS 39 TBS 40 TBS 41 -- Office Office Office Office Office Balt imore/ Field Off ice Field Office Field Office Field Office Field Off ice Field Office Philade lph ia/ Field Offi ce Field Office Field Off ice Philadelph ia/ Field Off ice Field Off ice Field Off ice Field Office 30-Nov -17 Field Off ice 3-Dec-17 4-Dec-17 Field Office 15-Dec-17 Field Off ice 15-Dec-17 Field Offi ce Field Office Field Office Field Off ice Field Office Field Off ice Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engage ment Travel Description 16 4 Community Community Communi t y Communi t y Community Community Communi t y Commun it y Community Commun ity Communi t y Communi t y Community Community Communi t y Local Trave l POV M ileage, Park ing, Tolls POV M ileage, Parking, Tolls POV M ileage, Parking, Tolls POV Mi leage, Parking, Tolls POV Mi leage, Park ing, Tolls POV M ileage, Parking, Tolls Schuylkill Cou nty Board of Realt o rs Regiona l Admin istration Tou r of the DE-MD -VA Eastern Eastern Shore Site Visit Eastern Shore Site Visit Regional Admin istra t or 's Tour of Coastline (DE-M D-VA) Local Trave l Health and Housing M eeting Hagerstown, M D RAD Meeting 12 13 14 15 3 Field Off ice Field Office Field Offi ce Field Offi ce Balt imore/ Field Balt imore/ Field Balt imore/ Field Field Offi ce Field Off ice Field Off ice Field Offi ce Balt imore/ Field Field Office Field Off ice Balt imore/ Field FPM Priorities 1-0ct-17 1-0ct -17 1-0ct -17 1-0ct -17 1-0ct-17 1-0ct-17 1-0ct -17 3-0ct -17 11-0ct-17 11-0ct-17 11-0ct -17 13-0ct -17 15-0ct -17 16-0ct-17 16-0ct -17 Jane Mille r -Sheppa rd W illiams Julie Alston Patrice Green Sheppa rd W illiams Patr ice Green Julie Alston Patr ice Green Patrice Green Lyn Kirshenbaum Jane M iller Patrice Green Patrice Green Anne Davis Toni Schmiege low Carr ie Schmidt Mar ia Bynum Debb ie Bensalem --- 15 so so 100 so so 100 ~ -+-- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -- 40 130 80 170 240 460 10 240 1, 100 525 10 15 898 540 10 15 so - $ HUD-17-0235-C-001802 50 75 300 8,045 Ql - Region Ill Office of Field Policy and Management Prog ram Office Travel Tracker Temp late Month 1Date FPM Program Office FPM Priorities Travel Description Traveler(s J Name Location 1Destination Amount HUD-17-0235-C-001803 FY201 8 FPM Tr a v e l Re qu es t Re g io n: $ TOTA L I M o nth, Dat e 7, 560 FPM Program O ffice FPM Prior ities Trov el Des cription Tra ve ler (s) Nam e Panelist at Schuy lkill County Board of Realt ors Housing Summit 3oOct ol 6 J RA/Polit ical Community Engageme nt RAJoe Defelice Community Engagement Maryland RSAElvisSolivan Comm unity Engagement Community Engagement Tour w/Chester CountyHousing Authority, West Chester, Pa. Tour w/De laware County Housing Authoritv1 Woodlyn, Pa. RAJoe OeFelice RAJoe OeFelice Community Engagement Tour w/OCFOand Israeli delegation in Washington, D.C. RAJoe OeFelice ll oOct-17 RA/Polit ical 16oOcH7 RA/Polit ical 17oOct-17 RA/Polit ical 18oOct ol7 RA/Polit ical Community Engagement 24-Octo17 8 24.0Ct-17' RA/Political 30.OCt-17 RA/Polit ical 10 11 12 7oNOVo17 RA/Political 4-Deco17 RA/Polit ical 5-Dec-17 RA/Political 13 TBS 14 TBS 15 TBS 16 TBS 17 18 Commun ity Engageme nt Community Engagement Community Engagement Community Engagement Comm uni ty Engagement Community Engagement Meet w/U .S. Senator Van Hollen & U.S. Congressman Delaney at Hagerstown Housing Authority in Hagerstown, Md . Crisscross ing the Commonwealth Tour to include Scranton, W ilkes Barre, Washington,Beaver Falls, Oil City,Johnstown, Chambersburg and York, Pa. and Wheeling, W.Va. Crisscrossing the Commonwealt h Tour to include Scranton, W Iikes Barre, Washingto n, Beaver Falls, Oil City, Johnstown, Chambersburg and York, Pa. and Wheeling, W .Va. Richmo nd Housing Summ it & Tour of Essex Vill age, meet w/Mayor, RRHA, Richmond, Va. Tour in Tidewater, Va. along w/Norfo lk RHASection 3/Disaster ResilienceCompetit ion Tour, Norfolk, Va. Meet ingsw/ Harrisburgofficials and plenary closing remarks at HAP Homes w/ in ReachConference in Harrisburg, Pa. Meetingsw/ Harrisburgofficials and plenary closingremarks at HAP Homes w/in ReachConference in Harri.sburg,Pa. $120 & Maryland Tour HUD assets on EasternShore of Delaware, Virginia 1& Maryland ITour w/Chester County HousingAuthority, West Cheste Tour w/Oelaware County HousingAuthority, Woodlyn, I !Tour w/DCFO and Israeli delegation in Washington, i D.c. Meet w/U.S . Senator Van Hollen & U.S. Congressman 1Delaney at Hagerstown Housing Authority in Hagerstown, M d. 790 $ $ $ 437 40 25 $ 450 $ 225 RSA Elvis Solivan !Crisscrossing the Commonwea lth Tour to incl ude Scrant $ 400 RAJoe Defelice Crisscrossing the Commo nwea lt h Tour to include Scrnn1 $ 988 RA Joe Defel ice I RA Joe Defe lice RA Joe Defelice I Richmo nd Housing Summi t & Tour of EssexV illage, mee $ Tour in Tidewater, Va. alongw/No rfolk RHA Section 1 3/0isaster ResilienceCompetition Tour, Norfolk, Va. I 1,050 $ 890 $ 560 $ 400 $ $ 150 150 Meetings w/Harr i sburg officials and plenary clos ing RA JoeDefe lice RSA Elvis Solivan RA/Polit ical RA/Polit ical Community Engagement Community Engagement RA/Polit ical RA/Polit ical RA/Polit ical RA/Polit ical Commun i ty Community Community Com m unity Tour w/Montgomery County HousingAuthority, Norristown, Pa. RA Joe Defe lice Tour w/DC FO of Nort hern Virgin ia RA JoeDefe lice Loca l RA Joe Defe lice Local RSA Elvis Solivan - Summit and tour Beaver Falls, Oil City,Johnstown, Chambersburg and York, Pa. and Wheeling, W.Va. $ Travel w/CPD Director Nadab Bynummeet w/City officials in Bloomsburg, Pa. Travel to BaltimoreField Office1 Baltimore, Md. Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Amount !Tour HUD assetson EasternShoreof Delaware, Virginia Ma ryland Tour HUD assetson EasternShore of Delaware, Virginia & Comm unity Engageme nt RA/Polit ical RAJoe OeFelice Tour HUD assetson EasternShoreof Delaware,Virginia & 11.OC1o17 RA/Polit ical 19oOct-17 RA/Politi cal and tour Beaver Falls, Oil City,Johnstown,Chambersburgand York, Pa. and Wh eeling, W.Va . Location , Desti nation Panelist at Schuylkill County Board of Realtors Housing RA Joe Defe lice RA Joe Defe lice remarks at HAP Homes w/in Reach Conference in Harrisburn. Pa. Meetings w/ Harrisburg officialsand plenary dosing rem arks at HAP Homes w/in Reach Conference in Harrisburg,Pa. !Travel w/CPD Dir ector Nadab Bynum mee t w/City offic i Travel to Baltimore Field Office, Baltimore, Md. !Tour w/Mo ntgomery County Housing Authority, Norristown, Pa. Tour w/DCFO of Northern Virgin ia [Local Travel Local Travel I I $ $ $ $ $ 35 450 200 200 7,560 AMc:HICAN pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001804 From: Sent: Subje ct: Attachments: Office Of Executive Resources Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:50 AM HUD Executive Leadership Forum - TODAY - 9am - 12pm (ESD Participant Handouts - Addressing Poor Performers Final.pdf; Addressing Poor Performers SESForum.pptx; CEB Presentation _Enterprise Leaders.pptx; Exec Leadership Forum Agenda - 10.24.17.docx Good m orn in g! Thank you fo1.your par ticipation in thi s mornin g's HUD Exe cuti ve Leadership Forum. The event will take pla ce from 9am-12pm (EST) and can be accessed via t h e followin g link: http://webcast.hud.gov If at any tim e you ha ve any qu estion s/comm ent s for th e pr esent ers or for th e OER staff , please send an email to OER@hud.gov . /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001805 ADDRESSINGPOOR PERFORMERS Handouts for Training Participants /\Mlf ill /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001806 This page intentionally left blank HUD-17-0235-C-001807 Table of Contents Document Handout Page# 1. HUD Handbook 432, "Performance Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions" 2. How to Access Collective Bargaining Agreements 3. Sample Performance Counseling 1-37 (Sample 1) (Sample 2) 4. Performance Action Roadmap 5. Employee and Labor Relations Division Contact List 6. Sample Opportunity to Improve Plan 7. Weekly Review Template 60-68 (Blank Template) (Sample 1) (Sample 2) pVERSIGHT 72-77 80-82 (80) (81) (82) 8. Myth Busters - Dealing with Poor Performers 9. Continued Learning Opportunities 86-87 10. Checklists 94-96 90-91 (Steps 1 and 2) (Step 6) (Steps 8 and 9) /\MERIC/\1\ 40-41 44-52 (44-46) (48-52) 56-57 94 95 96 HUD-17-0235-C-001808 Handout Page 2 This page intentionally left blank HUD-17-0235-C-001809 Handout Page 3 Handout 1 HUD Handbook 432, "Performance Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions" /\MERIC/\1\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001810 Handout Page 4 page Intentionally left blank HUD-17-0235-C-OO181 1 Handout Page 1 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Administration Transmittal Dcpartnwnr:11Staff Special Attention t<>r fhndhook ~(): 432.01 of: 1:-:,-.LL,xl: 1),x:,.:mlx:r l. !()lllJ 1. This Transmits: Handbook (14.12.01, Performance 2. Summar,;: This Handbook establishes the Department's policies and procedures for taking performance-based reduction in !-.'"rnde and removal actions. It pro\'ides a separate and distinct Departmental authority for taking performance-based actions. 3. Filini,: Instructions: Insert: R1cmove: Chapter 4 of Handbook 7.'i2.2 REV-2, Per~onncl ;\ctions Taken for L:naccepuble Performanc1c and .\[isconduct, dated Januan. 17, 1 HllO fmf'rg p o ~DC Metro sarclr,jc); sch o W'e.iUtet tf'lr SlOrtll oownloa This ai,Sttement.~hk:h takts effKt 1mmf diate1y. is impo,u..ntbecause It ts tabUshH the:framt wort for an enh.anctd reilatlonshlpbetween HUD and AFGEfor the future and clerines specific areas of shared focus. 5peclflcally, the"new contract creates Labor-Mana.gemeot forums to ensure moce effective communJc.atlonand Wtll plllce greater empflaslson worklflB togetht-r to adopt progrtsstve work p,racU(e$, fn the. end, this agreemer,t with AFGEbuilds upon the foundation of our re!atlonshlp WithourbMga iolng employee-swhich. al o 1 -Traui.ing Management Links Sys1ems E~Clrn!fl, "'"""- ARCPrlssm(Pu HUOLEIJ.!i ' P-11OPo dn(e ?fD(l!S$ Contu t Travel HUOV~U~'t U tr< 03c 5W eb AC( Rese,w 8rooke-Mondi!e ?""""-.. o--Accut~ SNr , f'o.ot I want to ... ~ . E-A le an E.EO ComoL!.nt ~ Comput '! r ~It- Help , ,-tO., when un,atisl.-c.Lory performance is idcnlifiemployl"e b remov<> Cc: Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; ; Ott, Richard M ; SOKOLOW, ARDEN A ; DeFelice, Joseph J Subject: RE: Questions for HUD Related to Essex Village Wolfe, Lisa A Good morn ing Brenda, You may have sent an email to Doug Middleton yesterday in response to their questions. I'm trying to close the loop to make sure Henrico received their information. Thanks so much for your help - Carrie Carrie S. Schmidt Field Office Director US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001961 Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4807 (Voice) 804-822-4984 (Fax) ~ Please do not print this e-mail unless necessary From: Schmidt, Carrie S Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 3:20 PM To: Brown, Brenda J Cc: Ellis, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Wolfe, Lisa A ; Ott, Richard M Subject: RE:Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Hi Brenda, Just getting to read all my emails. Since we were called upon to the keep the County informed in our distressed property calls, I would think this may be a good opportunity to have this information come from your shop. It's less a media inquiry than a program inquiry and coming from you it would redirect the county. What do you think? Carrie S. Schmidt Field Office Director US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Richmond Field Office 600 E. Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23219 804-822-4807 (Voice) 804-822-4984 (Fax) ~ Please do not print this e- mail unless necessary From: Brown, Brenda J Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 12:35 PM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Ellis, Lisa C ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: RE:Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Lisa, I think it's appropriate for you to respond because he addressed his questions to you . :J.9Jw.wn [JJ,umda Director, Asset Management Divi sion (Sat ellite Offi ce Coordin ator) pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001962 10 South Howard Street, 5th Fl. Balt imore, MD 21201 Phone: (410) 209-6510 Fax: (410) 209-6675 Baltimore Satellite Office - Northeast Region From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 12:30 PM To: Brown, Brenda J ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Ellis, Lisa C ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: RE: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage I think this is where we left things. I believe you were waiting to hear back from your leadership team ... THANK YOU! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Wolfe, Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:46 AM To: Brown, Brenda J ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Ellis, Lisa C Subject: RE: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Honestly Brenda, I wasn't planni ng to do a thing. The entire line of questioning makes me nervous. And, I really think what is releasable-should come from your team. I'm still on HAP Contract Transfer 101. Not talking about EssexVillage at all at this point. THANK YOU! Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 From: Brown, Brenda J Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:44 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A ; Anastasi, Carolyn M /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001963 Cc: Ellis, Lisa C Subject: RE:Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Lisa W., please DO NOT proceed with these responses just yet. I have to run them by my chain of command. 9JwulaJ,.9Jwwn Director, Asset Management Division (Satellite Offi ce Coordin ator) 10 South Howard Street, 5th Fl. Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: ( 410) 209-6510 Fax : (410) 209-6675 Baltimore Satellite Office - Northeast Region From: Wolfe , Lisa A Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 201711:42 AM To: Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Brown , Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C Subject: FW: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Hi Carolyn - Thank you so much for this information . I have two questions - first, will you all be circling back with Mr. Midd leton on this? It really isn't a media inquiry-and I'm feeling a little "in the middle" of it all. And second, is the attachment a public document? Here's what I have found on our web site that I may be able to use as a basis for my di scussion with the Richmond TimesDispatch today. I know it starts out with HUD-insured properties, but also includes information about non-insured. If there is a better public reference , please let me know . https ://www. h ud .gov/states/shared/working/west/ mf /tpa ho me Also, is this the public version of your checklist? https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/NONINSTPADETCRITCHKLIST.PDF Again, just trying to anticipate the reporter's questions based on his voice mail and brief email last evening. Also, I am still looking for information about the EssexVillage rent increase. I know there was a lot of email traffic from me yesterday (sorry, and thanks for the help!) so please let me know if you would like for me to resend my original request. THANK YOU!!! Lisa Lisa A. Wolfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building , 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001964 From: Anastasi, Carolyn M Se nt : Wednesday, October 18, 2017 10:21 AM To: Wolfe, Lisa A Cc: DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S ; Anastasi, Carolyn M ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ellis, Lisa C ; lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J Subject : RE: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Lisa, Please see below responses... From: Wolfe, Lisa A Se nt : Monday, October 16, 2017 12:48 PM To: lber, Robert G ; Brown, Brenda J ; Ell is, Lisa C ; Anastasi, Carolyn M Cc: Brown, Jereon M ; DeFelice, Joseph J ; Ott, Richard M ; Schmidt, Carrie S Subject: FW: Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Import ance: High Hi everyone - Here's the second request-this one is from the County . I let the Colonel know that I am passing this on and that you all will be getting back to him. Thanks in advance for your help ... Lisa Lisa A. Wo lfe Regional Public Affairs Officer Office of Field Policy and Management U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 Office: (215) 430-6640 .--~---~ -~follow :uionl~Uff :S, .OfiUDMldAtlinlic ---------- From: Middleton , DA [mai lto fn id02@henrico .us~ Se nt : Monday, October 16, 2017 12:43 PM To: Wo lfe, Lisa A Subject : Questions for HUD Related to EssexVillage Import ance: High TO: Lisa Wo lfe HUD PIO Philade lphia, PA Dear Lisa, As a result of the discussions that have been occurring relative to EssexVillage and its acquisition by Mr . Valery and othe rs, I am requesting that HUD provide me w ith the following information requested by the County as part of our decision making process: pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001965 Within the current HAP Contract that exists for EssexVillage: o What are the provisions for selling the complex which a buyer must meet? Please keep in mind that there's no FHA insured mortgage on EssexVillage. It is privately owned . The owner can negotiate a sale with whomever he chooses. However, we do provide 100 percent rental subsidy to the property through our Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract with the owner. Accordingly, in the event of a sale we must approve the assignment of the Section 8 HAP contract to the new owner . With any sale as a part of HU D's approval process, we will review the management experience and financial capacity of the owner, their plan to address the near term and long term physical needs of the property and funding sources to meet those needs. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for an Assignment of a HAP. o What HUD requirements must a new owner meet to get approval from HUD for the acquisition? Answer is the same as above . o Please provide me with any documentat ion HUD may have from buyers or sellers. Many of the documents submitted for the HAP assignment contain proprietary financial information which is not releasable under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). However, the County can request the information from the owner . o Who are the principals involved in the company which Mr. Valery owns that are engaged the effort to acquire EssexVillage, at least those about which HUD is aware. Proposed ownership as presented in the application for Previous Participation Clearance: Maggie Lena Walker Apartments, LLC,a Delaware limited liability 100% Sole Member : Stewart Alexander and Associates: Controlling Participants: Ernst Vallery, President David Alexandar Vice President Stuart Alexandar Chairperson o What type of clearance check is required by HUD for a new owner? HUD 2530, Previous Participation Clearance . o How does it work and who completes it? Please see response to question 1 above . o Relative to Mr. Valery's acquisition effort, he has indicated that there are or may be fore ign investors. Is this an EB-5 acquisition? We do not know . o How long will it take for HUD to approve the acquisition of the property if an investor is successful in meeting the basic requirements from HUD? /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001966 As indicated under question 1, HUD does not approve the acquisitionbecausethere's no FHA mortgage on the property. It will take HUD approximately 30 days to approve the HAP assignment,assumingthe submissionis complete and accurate. The County wants to make a decision that is in the best interests of the residents and to do that, we wou ld like to have this information. Your help in acqui ring it as the HUD PIO for th is region wi ll be greatly apprec iated . Thanks. Doug M iddleton Colonel Douglas A. Middleton Deputy County Manage r for Public Safety County of Henrico 4301 East Parham Road /\M f l /\I\ pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0235-C-001967