Case Document 488 Filed 11/28/17 Page 1 of 3 FILED UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NOV 8 FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2 2017 Clerk. U.S. District and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Barlkrupicy Courts v. l4-CR-l4l (CRC) AHNIED SALIM FARAJ ABU KHATALLAH VERDICT FORM As to COUNT ONE, charging conspiracy to provide matenal support or resources from on or about September 1 1, 2012, to on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Gurlty3 Special Finding: With respect to Count ONE, we the jury make the following Special Findings: Resulting in Death Not Guilty: Guilty: AS to COUNT TWO, charging material support or re sources, between on or about September 1 1, 2012, and on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant- Not Guilty: Guilty: Special Finding: With respect to Count TWO, we the jury make the following Special Findings: Resulting in Death Not Guilty: Guilty- As to COUNT THREE, charging murder of Christopher Stevens, an internationally protected person, on or about September 11, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT FOUR, charging murder of Sean Patrick Smith, an officer or employee of the United States, on or about September 1 1, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant. Not Guilty: Guilty' AS to COUNT FIVE, charging murder of Tyrone Snowden Woods, an of?cer or employee of the United States, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: 2g Guilty: Case Document 488 Filed 11/28/17 Page 2 of 3 As to COUNT SIX, charging murder of Glen Anthony Doherty, an officer and employee of the United States, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty. Guilty: As to COUNT SEVEN, charging attempted murder of Scott Wickland, an of?cer and employee of the United States, on or about September 2012, we the jury find the defendant: Not Guilty: Gu1lty: As to COUNT EIGHT, charging attempted murder of David Ubben, an of?cer and employee of the United States, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Gu11ty Guilty: As to COUNT NINE, charging attempted murder Mark Geist, of an of?cer and employee of the United States, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT TEN, charging killing Christopher Stevens, in the course of an attack on a federal faculty, that is, the US. Special Mission, involving the use of a firearm or a dangerous weapon, on or about September 11, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT ELEVEN, charging killing Sean Patrick Smith, 1n the course of an attack on a federal facility, that is, the US Special Mission, involving the use of a ?rearm or a dangerous weapon, on or about September 11, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT TWELVE, charging killing Tyrone Snowden Woods, in the course of an attack on a federal facility, that is, the Annex, involving the use of a firearm or a dangerous weapon, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT THIRTEEN, charging killing Glen Anthony Doherty, in the course of an attack on a federal facility, that is, the Annex, involving the use of a firearm or a dangerous weapon, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT FOURTEEN, charging maliciously damaging and destroying U.S. property, that is, the S. Special Mission, by means of ?re or an explosive causmg the death of Christopher Stevens or Sean Patrick Smith, on or about September 11, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty' Case Document 488 Filed 11/28/17 Page 3 of 3 As to COUNT FIFTEEN, charging maliciously damaging and destroying U.S. property, that is, the Annex, by means of ?re or an exploswe causing the death of Tyrone Snowden Woods and Glen Anthony Doherty, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury find the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty. As to COUNT SIXTEEN, charging maliciously destroying and injuring dwellings and property, that is, the US Special Mission, and placing lives in jeopardy within the specral maritime and tenitorial jurisdiction of the United States and attempting to do the same, on or about September 11, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT SEVENTEEN, charging maliciously destroying and injuring dwellings and property, that is, the Annex, and placing lives in jeopardy Within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States and attempting to do the same, on or about September 12, 2012, we the jury find the defendant Not Guilty: Guilty: As to COUNT EIGHTEEN, charging using or carrying a ?rearm during a cnme of Violence, between on or about September 11, 2012, and September 12, 2012, we the jury ?nd the defendant: Not Guilty: Guilty: Special Findings: With respect to Count EIGHTEEN, we the jury make the following Special Findings: Brandishing: Not Guilty: i Guilty: Discharging: Not Gu1lty: Guilty: Semiautomatic assault rifle. Not Guilty: Guilty: 2g Destructive Device: Not Guilty: 2g Guilty: DATE: ill 2:3 FOREPERSON: