ADAMS AND REESE LLP 3'33;th A 0 Florida . r-r Georgia E. Louhlana Mississippi Scum Carolina an NOV 2 lager November 21, 2017 DC I R. Beebe 013mm Dt'ect: 504.585.0436 Via RggisteredMail Email E-Fax: 504.584.9555 Sharonda Williams markbeebegarlaweom FISI-MAN HAYGOOD, L.L.P. 201 St. Charles Avenue, Floor New Orleans, Louisiana 70170 Re: Letter of September 19, 2017 providing Notice of Non-Compliance Dear Sharonda: We write as a follow-up to our recent conversations and in response to letter of September 19, 2017 wherein the Board represents that Einstein Charter School is considered to be non- compliant with the OPSB School Performance Framework, OPSB Policy HA and its operating agreement with OPSB. We understand from our subsequent conversations, that the Board maintains that Einstein is speci?cally non-compliant with OPSB Policy HA and BESE Bulletin 119 regarding the provision of transportation. You have further represented that OPSB agrees with Einstein that the provision of yellow school bus transmutation is not muired to comply with OPSB Policy HA and BESE Bulletin 119. As discussed, Einstein maintains that it is in compliance with its operating agreement, OPSB Policy HA, and BESE Bulletin 119. Currently, Einstein provides ?'ee transportation to all students in need of tranSportaticn assistance who reside more than one mile from an Einstein charter school. Upon request, Einstein provides students with RTA tokens/tickets for trips to and from school. This constitutes ?free transportation? as de?ned under the applicable law. In addition, Einstein provides RTA fare for student guardians for students in grades through so that these students need not ride public transportation unaccompanied. Still further, Einstein assists parents in securing carpool transportation to and from school. Thus, Einstein meets the transportation needs of its students and their families, in full compliance with its Operating agreement, OPSB Policy HA, and BESE Bulletin 119. We hepe this response is deemed suf?cient. Should OPSB maintain, however, that Einstein is not in compliance with its operating agreement, OPSB Policy HA, or BESE Bulletin 119, we respectfully request that OPSB identify the mode oftranSportation that is required for a school to meet the requirements and the Speci?c provisions of OPSB Policy HA, BESE Bulletin 119 and/or Louisiana law requiring that charter schools provide the identi?ed mode(s) of transportation. HHIBIT LL One Shell Square 701 Poydras Street. Suite 4500 New Orleans. Louisiana 70139 504.581.3234 Fax 504.566.0210 Sharonda Williams FISHMAN HAYGOOD, L.L.P. November 21, 2017 Page 2 Should you have any questions, please let us know. We look forward to reply. We remain, Very Truly Yours; 1 REESE LLP 1 ee cc: Lee Reid