FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hcyember 31}, 201? Ccntacl: D. 5043915110 A STATEMENT EINSTEIN CHARTER CED SHAWN Einstein is extremely disappcinted that the Orleans Parish Beard chese net te pursue mediaticn as reguired under its ?perating Agreement with Einstein. The decisien tc file suit is yet anether example where it fails te put the students? interests first. Einstein pricritizes the educaticn ef its nearly 1,4cc students attending scheel an its fcur campuses. The academic cf Einstein students haye adyanced significantly due tc its highly reccgnized English?Language?Learning pregram and intensiye and after?scheel initiatiyes. This medel charter is being replicated in high?risk, ELL pepulatiens cutside cf Leuisiana. Further, under Einstein?s leadership. Sarah T. Fieed High Scheel is academically successful fer the first time in its As far the current dispute with DPSE. first and feremest, Einstein has maintained threugheut that it has with Leuisiana law and its cbligaticns fer the prcyisicn cf free transpertaticn te its students. Further, Einstein maintains that hath state and federal law its pcsiticn. Merecyer. despite repeated requests, DPSE refuses tc specify tc Einstein exactly what it belieyes Einstein is tc prcyide in the way cf transpertaticn tc with DPSEI's interpretaticn cf the law and the cperating agreement. DPSE's refusal ceupled with its decisicn tc ferege mediaticn its lack cf faith and that its purpese in filing suit has little tc dc with prieritizing students and their educatien. it's disappcinting that these tasked with impreying educatienal cpticns fer Orleans Parish public scheel children instead chcse te attack successful public rather than tackle the hard task cf the failing enes.