Case Document 87-2 Filed 03/27/06 Page 1 of 2 PageID 404 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEH YORK ANDREA T. PAYNE, (Korman, C.J.) Plaintiff, (Levy, N.J.) against EMPLOYING OFFICE OF REPRESENTNTIVE GREGORY N. HEEKS, Defendant. ORDER AUTHORIZING OF COUNSEL WHEREAS on or about January 5, 2004, the Office of House Employment Counsel Gloria Lett, of counsel, entered a Notice of Appearance on behalf of Defendant in this action, to appear jointly with the United States Attorney?s Office for the Eastern District of New York, which stated that all papers in this action were to be served on the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York; and WHEREAS Defendant Employing Office of Gregory N. Meeks (?Defendant?) has requested that OHEC solely represent Defendant in this action; and NHEREAS Defendant, CHER, and the United States Attorney?s Office for the Eastern ELstrict of New York consent to sole representation of Defendant; and WHEREAS notice has been given to Plaintiff and Plaintiff does not object to the withdrawal of the United States Attorney?s Ort.ce for the Eastern District of New York; Case Document 87-2 Filed 03/27/06 Page 2 of 2 PageID 405 It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: 1. The United States Attorney?s Offioe for the Eastern District of New York may withdraw as counsel of record in this matter. 2. As of the date of entry of this Order, all further notices, pleadings, and papers in this action are to be served on the U.S. House of Represen:.arives Office of House EmpLoyment Counsel, 1036 Longworth House Office Building, ?ashington, D.C. 205l5~5532, Attention: Gloria Letty AGREED AND CONSENTED TO BY: OF PRESENTATIVE GREGORY h. MEEKS By: Gregory W. Heeks Member, U.S. Houseeof Representatives 108Lh Congress mass Office of Ho@ @e Employment Counsel By: GLORIA LETT, ESQ C0unsel AGREED AND CONSENTED TO BY: ,2 ?814?. tut/ or. if AGREED AND CONSENTED TO BY: R. MAUSKOPF United States Attorney for Eastern District of New York By: SANDRA L. LEVY (BL-9874) Assistant United States Attorney SO ORDERED this day of 2006 HONORABLE EDWARD R. KOREAN Chief United States District Judge Eastern District of New York