EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESEDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, DC. 20503 December 1, 2017 Ms. Cerissa Cafasso Mr. John E. Bies American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 Sent via email: RE: American Oversight v. Of?ce of Management and Budget, et. al., No. 17-1187 (DDC) Dear Ms. Cafasso and Mr. Bies: This is in response to the Freedom of Information Act (F OIA) request from American Oversight, which is the subject of the above-referenced matter. Speci?cally, the Of?ce of Management and Budget (OMB) received American Oversight?s FOIA request on May 3, 2017 and assigned it the tracking number 2017-200. - Pursuant to the Parties? status report of October 19, 2017, OMB is making its ?rst production to American Oversight. OMB has identi?ed 16 documents responsive to American Oversight?s request. We have determined that these documents are appropriate to release in part, with redactions made pursuant to FOIA Exemption 6, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6). Exemption 6 protects against disclosure of information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. OMB is continuing to review records that are potentially responsive to your request and will make its ?nal production no later than December 31, 2017. Sincerely, Dionne Hzii??gy OIA Of?cer Enclosures FW: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Requestg??g ea gas: eases: as: g?g? From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:15:17 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 Supplemental Request_Defense and DHS_Fina _March 2017.pdf (3.23 MB) Here's the supp attached. Neal A, Patel Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Message From: FN-OlVIB-LegislativeRequests Sent: Thursday, March 16: 2017 7:04 AM To: FN?OMB-LegislativeRequests Subject: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Request Good morning, Please find an attachment of a PDF copy of the 2017 Appropriations Request: Department of Defense to rebuild the US. Armed Forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Department of Homeland Security for urgent border protection activities." Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to respond to this email to reach out to the OMB Legislative Affairs office. OMB-American Oversight-000001 OMB-17-O112-A and THE WHITE HQUSE WASEHIBEGTGN March 15, 2017 ?ear Mr. Epeaker: I ask the angress to ccnsider the requegt for Fiseal Year 203?. mhe reggast incladeg an; ad&iti?na1 $30 billion fer the Departme?t cf BQEEHSE to rebuild the U48. Armed Fordes and accelerat? the camyaign to defeat the Islamia State cf Eraq an? Syria (ISIS), and an a??itional $3 billign far the Degartment sf Homeland SECurity (DES) for-urgant border pxatection activities} Ihia apprepriatioms xequest wauld'prcvide $24.9 billion in the DOD base budget far urgent warfighting readinass needs an? to begin a Sustaine& ta rebuild tha 3.3m Armed Farces. The request seeks to addreas critical budget shortfalls in pergannel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, ma?ernizatien, and infrastructure investmegt. it rapr??ent? a critical first siep in investing in a iarger, mare ready, and more capable military farce. The request also includes $5.1 biliien in the everSeas Contingency Operations budget Ear DOD ta ascglerate the campaign he defeat 1818 and Freedom?s Sentinel in A?ghanigtam; This request wmul? enable DOD t9 purgue-a camprehensive strategy t9 emd=tha thraat IEES-peses ta th? Unitea States. In addition, this requeat?WQUld grovide an additi?nal $3 billien far'DHs-implementatiqn 0E my-executive oz?ers an border aecurity and'immigxation enforcement. The raguest wauld fund t0 plan; design, an? congtruct a physical wall along the south?rn bordar, and make a?her critical invegtments in tactical box?eriin?rastructuxa an? tachnalagy? whe.reque$t also preyaSQs funding to increase immigration detenticn cayacity, which is necessary ta ensure the removal o? illegal aliens Sta%es- Finallyf the request funds new recruiting capacity-at 3H8 go that it may hire additianal immigrativn law enforcemant-foiqers OMB-American Oversight-000002 and 2 En cpnjunction with this reguest, xecommend that the Congress enact nqn~?efense discretienary rEduCticns:Q? $18 billiOn in FY 2917, which wauld fuily offSet the amcunts proposed for DHS and woul? offset h?lf of the amounts progosed for DOD. fhe details af?thig Er?yosal are set farthjin the emcko?ed lettar gram the Qireatar af the O??ice Of Management and Hudget. Sincerely, The Henarable Eaul Ryan Speakerzof thei?guge of Representatives waghingtan, 3.0. 20515 OMB-American Oversight-000003 and EstimateNu. f1, 115th Congress. Isl: Session EXECUTEVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT BUQGET at; 29503 ?r'ei-af? r3! March 14, 20-17 373.16: President The White House D?ar Mr. Presidunt: Submitted fer yuur cunsiderati?n is garequast fur. additional 11.0- adgciruss the urgent needs Of @118 Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homelaind Security in Fiscal Year (FY) 2317.; An additional $254.9 billion is included to address immediate war?gh?timg tardiness nceds at DOD. A11 additiunal billion, to be designated for Gverseas Centingency Operations (UGO), is inuiu?cd for DOD ta "acceEerate the campaign. tr) defeat the 'lslamizc State of Iraq anti Syria (ISIS): and continue suppori for Operation. Freedmn?s Sentinsl (DES) in Afghanistan. Au additiuual $3 billion is requested for DHS to address urgent border protectiun actisri?tius, This request f?or additional appropriatium reflects Adminislriatien?s commitment to strengthen 0111' national summit}? by rebuilding the US. Annual Forces and prot?cting cur barriers. As the fulluwing Ichart illustrates, together with a recummended reductign of $18billio'r1 in nou??efense discretionary amounts in FY 20} total funding woulu increase lay $15 E?lEion. (3:535 2017:, mounts in billians} .. . . .Rgguerr. .. .. mum Base i i: i $551 :7 f$35??6: +3255 Defense 0C0 Non?cfense $519 $504 $35 .7.DHSrequeS.t_.? -+#3318 .7 i' "Tat?a?E'ChaIrge I I 7 Theadditiunai amounis requested forthu DOD base. budget would pmvide funding for urgent wur?ghting readiness: news that are mucus guy tof begin: a.;sustainecl effurt re reljuj?d the Us- Armie?' Forces". "The agpprupriations; request seeks to address aritiual budget shortfalls in? personnel, training, mainteua?ce, equipment, munitions, modernization, and infrastructure: The request is a finest strap in investing in a larger, more manly; anti more capable farce? Thermounts requeste? fer DOB t0 acaelerate the umpaign tr; defeat and support QFS in. Afghanistan are designated as 001) pursuant ?3:0 suction. cf the Bialancad Budget andEmergency De?cit Control Act of 3985, as amended. This request weuld enable is: support a cemprehengive, whole?"of?Government sirategy ten stop ISIS from p?sing a ?threat t0 the United States by funding critical efferts u) strike ISIS targets, supper: our puri?ers fightiug (311 the ground, disrupt external operatiom? and gut off its ?owu of ?nancing. The OMB-American Oversight-000004 and acquesi: aisz; supgmr?is ongoing efforts througi?l QFS preverit threats "to the hgmelan? {mt 3113.63 and imerss?is abrea? from ISIS a1 Qae?ia and their affiliated 0r asseciated groups These investments "2:130 aomi?ement additional U. suppm?? for thefoghgan \Idimnal Defense 331d Secugiiy Fm?ces requested on Nevember '3 0, 20163. The amounts for'DHS 111153] ementation Bf yam? Bxcw??ive Orders; on E39166: security and immigration enfmcemem Funds requested f6? S. C?stams and Beards? Frozegtm? wax; 13d auppmi high pnumy maxed mfras?iruc?ure and berdcr security iachnalogy imlu?iag efforts to @3311 design 813d cens?mci a physicai aleng Sm 56:1?th bardcr The ?request ?1330 iacludcs mam for DHS oemponcn?rs; ta begin bu?ding the a?ministrativa cayacity nesessary to recruit, hire, train, and equip an add?iicnal 3,000 Pam)?- agenis and 103309 Immigratiana?d Custer-1123 E?fOI?C?mef?-t G-f?c-ers 21:16. age?f?g, as 52031:; direcie?i. Summit; Sm ?m?iihgm: increase daily immigra?inn ?leten??n Cgpacity to 45:700 de?cn?on beds the and Bf FY 2037. This addit?anal detan?an capacity is necessary to implement yam? policies for ramaving iilega? aliens: {mm ?aha Linked States by aiahancin?g interior enf?rsemm?t efforts; and 6113:1133nt Qatch and: 16313353" 170}: these apprehended at the Sender. Funding pmp?ged far DHS weuld alga be used E9 estabiis?h a reaimiime border and ii??lmigl?atiea r3513 integra?zmn stem Within the. {)?ice 0f immigratien Statistics 333$ for new 13:31 tier and immigratian The materiais Summarize the pmposed amendmems i116 FY 2013?? Budget and ragti?stcd supplemental appropriations, as well. as: mew legal that the. A?n?nistfatian raqlzirics ti) implement thesa The ma} or categeries 9f ?nding~?bmken out, by high?ghted below: 36132111111813th 3615211253 3 $97? mil?ion for military 136343113363 (30518, w?iah ?126 pay and allmvancss associa?ied wiihhighar miliiary levela and the increase to 3.2.1 perceni mlifiary pay ?33356 ii} 2&1? funding for cian?ed. heaithcare- raferins, and .acijgustments Sased? .013 axec?su??n. I billiun fa); sparatians and mainiegnanue ?0 address urgent zeaciiness shar?fallg acmss the by funding additiai?iai training amidi?i?iity'E?V?Stme?tanS Suppio?itag Wizapeans "319$: funds; will alas magma; 21:31:33 ?n?iel?i game *9 $13 .5 biliioa far igmct??emeent and modemjzati?n, inauding a??itional Army Apache 312d Bia?khawk heiimpters. lie-325; and 8 ?ghier aircgaft, tactical miss?es? manned aircraft System35 and Tge?ni??al High. Aitimdg Area, Defe?sc ?ild the :dasti?ayerlth?ai ?126: 'Gb?gress partially {11$}de in. i? 2016,. a $2.1 billian ?0 academia: griori?ty research and dcve?epment bailistic: misg?? and air defame, missile defeat, 11112113de aircra? systems: next generatisn ?ghter aircraft. electrt?nie: warfare-,3 anii?ghip and land attaakmis.iisi'ieg, (332521? eparaiihns. and targeiing E?id Strike saggs? for ageeial operatiens fame-:33. a $962 milliozl far the (seats Gf imcreaseci supp?y stacks am! faeii'i?iy iepair 3.515 a. ?technical corremion to iransfer frauds Sam the Upstationaud Maint?nance, Navy 30031111? 2. OMB-American Oversight-000005 and t3 the NavaS 13321111111 funds acmunt t0 suppn? national defense sealift vessels 3nd the Natianal Defense Regsrve Fleet. $236 11131111011 for military censtruc?on to but un?nished- pmj?cts, 311133.33 a weapons stergage facility, and. far planning and: dcsiign for criticaI fatuxe: pmjjects; 1133213313. ?13333513 1? 0549 $1.4 to support urgent 01383330113} 1133113 assdciated with the acceleration of Operation Inherent Resdlve campaign ta defeat ISIS. The request inciudeg ?nding for farce pxeeision?guidsd munitions intelIigentse coilec?on tagging. and 31.111131113111113 defensive weapons Systems 313d.ccam1termeaqures 1818' 52 lethal drone prggiam $2 far a ?exible fund that weuid 3113213 DOD to allocate resources in support of the 1.1613 saunter-I SIS strategy to: maximiza the impact 0f U.S.. and. pper2j1tit1115. $626 million far: 3 new Counter?3.1313 T1331. and Equip Fund, which conscilidat?s con?ternISISnrelated train and equip cffer?s. The mqucst Ingreases ?mding ?03 assistance to partners in Iraq and Syria, While also providing the authority for BSD t0 work with threes fighting 18218 in areas-outside and Syria. The-3113111311335? acaompanying this memorandum include 11101311 3.311 Iegislgatizve 331133333 for this 111113. $3.1 {03? Ongoing 5.8 operations in Afghanistatl 311d support to global mumsrtermrism astivitics including r3110 11:13:63 31111 squipmant 11:1 better enable and p1 011x servide 1113111136125 their tight 3ga1113tt?1rr011s?t g3011ps such as the Qaeda its af?Iiatas and the Islamic State of Iraq 311d S3313 Kherasan- The 133333131313 .Incitldes plaming and design of constructjto? proj ects 1'11 suppert of Detea?tidtt? Opzeratidns at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ?epa?ment 0f Homeland Sesuritv $1.1 millimfar the _-Offic3 531111 Marmgemsnt 011313911113 31111 Supg?o'tt' to eStabli$h a real-"time data integmtion System thatwould supgtert immigration enfetcement operiations,ber16?ts adjudicatidn, policy analysis, accurate data repm?ting, and tar other 11011161 331111. immigration medaling analyses $286 million far CBP Gperatlens and Support, maludmg $95 millidn: ts: support: harder swrge opera?ons S65 11113101?: to build hiring 333333113 to recruit 311d anbnard 5 ,0130 Border Patrol agents, $18 ?01? prej act management, Severs1ght and support for the border W311 $43 111111111111 13 enhance situational awareness at the border and $154 1111111011 ?01 ether 61111111133111: and tnvestmants that (1111:3113; contmbute t1.) the. 31Iegttiv?nes~s {1f border security 11116331110113 Si 4 biIiidn for CBP P1ocu13ment and Improvements, i?cluding $999 minim: far pianning, des1gn and construction of the first installment of $116 harder Wall. $179 1311Bic1'11 for access wads gates and other tactical projects and $200 million for border Se?utity technology deployments biliian f0? ICE Opemtidns 311d Suppert, including SI 15 billion to pay for dgtantion. transportation? and 1331101233 0f illegal 3116113, and for alternatives to detentie?g $756 million OMB-American Oversight-000006 OMB-17-O112-A and ff) 1911de hiring capacity it) recruit am} an?>0a?d aggniss arid of?cars; $5 mimm?: f0: hemeiand Secmriiy investigatmng i?teiligencc activities; and $5 mil?ian t0 suppmt aha expansim of the iiSectiOH 2.87%) Program a! $25 millian :er Federal Law Enforcement Training Came; Opera?ioi?s and Suggapgrt: for the: 13311?ng and training 0f instruemrs 1'0 suippc-i't 33w equrcement @f?ccr higirtg and training wi??n and ESE, at: $63 .m?lienfg}: :Faderai Law Twining Came: Cansms?img 313d Empmvemams 1b: infrastrugmre 'i??l?di?g nig?ula: domitary anci 9133300113 buildi?gs? Whisk weuftd supper: 121w e?nfarsemsm af?cerh?ring and irgi?ing'at and Raczammam?a?gn Ihave Eeviewed this request and. agree that ii; is necessary at ibis time, Without additieual appregria?ons, em natienal se?curii?y is at risk. This request: includes cri?caj resaurces far reimilding the. US. ISIS) ax?a?i pratsctiing 0m bar?ers. Therefere, [jam the heads 0f the affected departments in; yea iraasmit the pmpasals; t9 the (30:13:83.8. 5? Mick ,Mulvancy Dif?f?f?t? Egcicsures OMB-American Oversight-000007 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAMS Bureau: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Heading: Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Subheading: (Overseas contingency operations) FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 333 FY 2017 Pending Request $0 Proposed Amendment: $1,506,400,000 Revised Request: $1 ,506,400,000 (In the appropriations language under the above bureau, just after the Bodoni dash and immediately before the heading "Procurement?, insert the above new heading, the new subheading, the following new language, and a new Bodoni dash:) For the "Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Svria Train and Equip Fund", $1,506,400.000, to remain available until September 30, 2018: Provided, That such funds shall be available to the Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Secretary of State, to provide assistance, including training; equipment; logistics support, supplies, and services; stipends; infrastructure repair and renovation; construction of training facilities; small?scale construction of temporary facilities necessary to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements: and sustainment, to foreign securitv forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and their affiliated or associated groups: Provided further, That these funds may be used, in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense mav determine, to enhance the border security of nations adiacent to conflict areas, including Jordan and Lebanon, resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: Provided further, That anlounts made available under this heading shall be available to provide assistance only for activities in a country designated by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secreta? of State, as having a security mission to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and following written noti?cation to the congressional defense committees of such designation: OMB-American Oversight-000008 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Provided further, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from foreign governments, including the Government oflraq and other entities, to carry out assistance authorized under this heading: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes provided herein from any foreign government or other entity may be credited to this Fund, to remain available until expended, and used for such purposes: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may waive a provision of law relating to the acquisition of items and support services or sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2785) if the Secretarv determines that such provision oflaw would prohibit, restrict, delav or otherwise limit the provision of such assistance and a notice of and justification for such waiver is submitted to the congressional defense committees, the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the United States mav accept equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip Fund" in prior Acts, that was transferred to securitv forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria and returned by such forces or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip und" in prior Acts, and not yet transferred to security forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense when determined by the Secretary to no longer be required for transfer to such forces or groups and upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That the Secretary ofDefense shall provide quarterly reports to the congressional defense committees on the use of funds provided under this heading, including, but not limited to. the number of individuals trained, the nature and scope of support and sustainment provided to each group or individual, the area of operations for each group, and the contributions of other countries, groups, or individuals: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. This amendment formally consolidates and increases the funding requests for the Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) and Syria Train and Equip Fund (STEF), creating a new appropriation to provide $1 ,506.4 million to support the military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq's and the vetted Syrian opposition forces' operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Appropriated funds and cash contributions from foreign countries, international 0rgani7ations, and individuals are deposited into this account for the Department of Defense to provide assistance, including training, equipment, logistics OMB-American Oversight-000009 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request support, supplies and services, stipends, facility and infrastructure repair and renovation, and sustainrnent. OMB-American Oversight-000010 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 517 FY 2017 Pending Request: $136,451,000 Proposed Amendment: $1 1,304,000 Revised Request: $147,755,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period:) For an additional amount for "Operations and Support". $11,304,000. to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Of?ce of Immigration Statistics, including border and immigration modeling analysis. This amendment would increase by $1 1.3 million the amount for the Of?ce of the Secretary and Executive Management Operations and Support account to establish and support a real-time data integration system in the Of? ee of Immigration Statistics, and to fund new border and immigration modeling analysis- The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $11.3 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000011 and 1 FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 523 FY 2017 Pending Request: $11,333,352,000 Proposed Amendment: $286,001,000 Revised Request: $11,619,353,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support", $286,001,000, to remain available until September 30, 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of laws related to border security, immigration, and customs, This amendment would increase by $286 million the total funding provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?nding for planning, operation, and support of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States; and to recruit, hire, train, and equip an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $286 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000012 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 527 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $323 ,390,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,377,483,000 Revised Request: $1 ,700,873 ,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $1,377,483.000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses for procurement, construction, and improvements required for the operational control of United States borders, including design and construction of a wall and other phvsical barriers on the southern border of the United States. This amendment would increase by $1.7 billion the amount for the US. Customs and Border Protection Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for acquisition of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.4 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000013 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 532-533 FY 2017 Pending Request: $5,855,023,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,237,212,000 Revised Request: $7,092,235,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, 531.237.212.000. to remain available until September 30. 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of immigration and customs laws. detention and removals, and investigations. This amendment would increase by $1.2 billion the amount for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders and higher than anticipated border apprehensions beginning in the late Summer of 2016- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for the detention and removal of illegal aliens, alternatives to detention where appropriate, the building of hiring capacity to begin the hiring of 10,000 ICE law enforcement officers and additional support staff, and expansion of the Section 287(g) Program. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.2 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000014 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 570 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $242,5 18,000 Proposed Amendment: $25,000,000 Revised Request: $267,518,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, $25 000000, to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $25 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?mding for the hiring and training of basic training instructors for new FY 2018 law enforcement officers Within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $25 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000015 OMB-17-O112-A and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 571 FY 2017 Pending Request: $0 Proposed Amendment: $63,000,000 Revised Request: $63,000,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $63,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $63 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President?s January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate classroom, dorm, and office space in support of the training of new FY 2018 law enforcement officers within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $63 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000016 and OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000017 OMB-American Oversight-000017 Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Base Budget (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fluid Contribution, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Air Force FY 2017 President's Budget] Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 40,028,182 27,951,605 12,813,412 27,944,615 4,561,703 1,924,155 744,995 1,742,906 7,910,694 3,280,065 1,793,909 1,240,982 703,171 1,210,812 341,533 112,246 64,942 113,540 589,354 196,419 4 162,242 13,748 49,200 29,636 4 4,869 1,997 -3,869 4 102,527 22,600 161,016 111,387 63,115 108,679 34,919 11,202 6,688 11,753 65,058 19,918 40,028,182 28,113,847 12,827,160 27,993,815 4,591,339 1,929,024 746,992 1,739,037 8,013,221 3,302,665 1,954,925 1,352,369 766,286 1,319,491 376,452 123,448 71,630 125,293 654,412 216,337 Military Personnel Total 135,269,240 976,685 136,245,925 Page 1 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000018 OMB-American Oversight-000018 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Office of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Cooperative Threat Reduction Account Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Disposal of Department ofDefense Real Property Lease of Department ofDefense Real Property FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 33,809,040 39,483,581 5,954,258 37,518,056 32,571,590 322,035 2,712,331 927,656 270,633 3,067,929 6,825,370 6,703,578 14,194 844,800 33,467,516 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 8,175 36,587 1,880,933 1,736,884 451,702 2,267,324 407,531 31,400 5,208 77 144,899 204,100 115,500 -225,832 199,000 35,689,973 41,220,465 6,405,960 39,785,380 32,979,121 322,035 2,743,731 932,864 270,710 3,212,828 7,029,470 6,819,078 14,194 844,800 33,241,684 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 199,000 8,175 36,587 Operation and Maintenance Total Page 2 of 9 205,997,601 7,218,726 213,216,327 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000019 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 3,614,787 1,519,966 2,265,177 1,513,157 5,873,949 14,109,148 3,209,262 664,368 18,354,874 6,338,861 1,362,769 13,922,917 2,426,621 3,055,743 1,677,719 17,438,056 4,524,918 44,065 551,023 99,300 1,625,743 852,654 750,518 486,685 449,345 4,006,977 171,500 53,100 691,020 217,989 405,933 4 1,847,520 19,900 70,000 1,277,145 4 409,028 127,000 5,240,530 2,372,620 3,015,695 1,999,842 6,323,294 18,116,125 3,380,762 717,468 19,045,894 6,556,850 1,768,702 15,770,437 2,426,621 3,075,643 1,747,719 18,715,201 4,933,946 44,065 678,023 99,300 Procurement Total 102,566,680 13,462,057 116,028,737 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force- Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense 7,515,399 17,276,301 28,112,251 18,308,826 178,994 349,621 299,566 842,082 570,339 2,725 7,865,020 17,575,867 28,954,333 18,879,165 181,719 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 71,391,771 2,064,333 73,456,104 Page 3 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000020 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds National Defense Sealitt Fund Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Air Force Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 56,469 63,967 37,132 1,214,045 532,834 429,000 532,834 56,469 63,967 466,132 1,214,045 Revolving and Management Funds Total 1,371,613 961,834 2,333,447 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Security Investment Program Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Militaly Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Department ofDefense Base Closure Account 516,596,905 553,959 1,338,079 1,640,558 2,025,444 177,932 300,430 154,957 98,230 38,597 188,950 240,237 24,683,635 28,000 66,708 93,000 12,000 13,000 10,000 4,525 9,000 541,280,540 581,959 1,404,787 1,733,558 2,025,444 177,932 312,430 167,957 108,230 43,122 197,950 240,237 Military Construction Total 6,757,373 236,233 6,993,606 Page 4 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000021 Appropriation Account Title Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Anny Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air oree Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 Family Housing Total 1,276,289 1,276,289 Total Military Construction Bill 8,033,662 236,233 8,269,895 Total Department of Defense 524,63 0,567 24,919,868 549,550,435 For the Military Construction Bill appropriations, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublic Law 114-223, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. Page 5 of 9 and OMB-17-0119-A-000022 OMB-American Oversight-000022 Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar 1 Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force Military Personnel Total Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations Budget (Dollars in Thousands) FY 2017 President's Budget' Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 2,051,578 330,557 179,733 719,896 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,562,258 Page 6 of 9 94,034 7,354 5,840 37,640 144,868 -l7,6l0 131,375 113,765 2,128,002 337,911 185,573 888,911 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,820,891 196,964 10,484 5,840 51,830 265,118 1,931,038 327,427 179,733 837,081 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,555,773 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000023 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense?Wide Of?ce of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund Afghanistan Security Forces Fund lraq Train and Fquip Fund Syria Train and Equip Fund Counter-1510177116 State oflmq and Syria Train and Equip Fundi Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 15,310,587 6,827,391 1,244,359 9,498,830 5,982,173 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 331,764 1,000,000 3,448,715 630,000 250,000 4 2,934,269 95,531 168,446 382,496 412,959 2,547 814,500 4 289,500 188,412 83,419 +4,534 93,275 619,473 -630,000 250,000 4 1,506,400 1,969,800 18,433,268 7,006,341 1,417,339 9,974,601 7,014,605 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 289,500 1,506,400 1,969,800 3,173,679 97,881 180,546 428,046 446,283 289,500 15,259,589 6,908,460 1,236,793 9,546,555 6,568,322 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 1,506,400 1,969,800 Operation and Maintenance Total 45,034,083 5,100,248 3,585,313 53,719,644 4,615,935 49,103,709 Page 7 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000024 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force ()ther Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Joint Improved-Threat Defeat Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 313,171 632,8l7 153,544 301,523 1,373,010 393,030 8,600 66,229 124,206 118,939 859,399 339,545 487,408 3,696,281 238,434 408,272 46,500 98,500 137,884 99,800 23,000 12,300 298,363 85,419 58,000 5,500 28,072 73,100 +211,913 +212,535 336,171 691,617 153,544 301,523 1,769,873 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 339,545 487,408 4,046,078 450,969 508,072 229,100 72,000 87,800 83,900 201,563 137,884 336,171 462,517 153,544 301,523 1,697,873 87,800 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 255,645 285,845 3,908,194 450,969 508,072 Procurement Total 9,514,408 387,684 1,008,202 10,910,294 812,247 10,098,047 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide 100,522 78,323 32,905 162,419 139,200 3,000 92,600 127,700 72,800 66,571 332,322 206,023 105,705 231,990 78,700 3,000 253,622 206,023 105,705 228,990 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 374,169 142,200 359,671 876,040 81,700 794,340 Page 8 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000025 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Additional Amendment Appropriations November 10, 2016 Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 46,833 93,800 1,681 48,514 93,800 48,514 93,800 Revolving and Management Funds Total 140,633 1,681 142,314 142,314 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide 58,625,551 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 5,775,000 5,068,632 +11,500 12,300 69,469,183 30,400 59,809 100,591 5,000 5,775,000 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 63,694,183 11,500 12,300 Military Construction Total 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Military Construction Bill 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Department of Defense Cancellation Military Construction, Air Force, 15/17 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,092,432 42,300 69,664,983 42,300 5,947,000 63,717,983 42,300 Total Department of Defense w/Cancellation 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,080,132 69,652,683 5,947,000 63,705,683 For items listed under ?Military Construction Bill appropriations?, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublie Law 1 14?223, the Military Constructions, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. 1 Enacted includes funding provided in Division of Public Law 114?254, the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017 for items listed under ?Defense Bill Appropriations" and Division A of Public Law 114-223 for items listed under ?Military Construction Bill Appropriations". 3 Account not included in the FY 2017 President's Bridget. Accompanying technical materials include proposed legislative language for this account. Page 9 of 9 FW: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Requestg??g ea gas: amass: as: g?g? From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: (6) (6) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:10:00 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 Supplemental Request_Defense and DHS_Fina _March 2017.pelf (3.23 MB) The FY 2017 Supp is attached, Neal A, Patel Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Message From: FN-OlVIB-LegislativeRequests Sent: Thursday, March 16: 2017 7:04 AM To: FN?OMB-LegislativeRequests Subject: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Request Good morning, Please find an attachment of a PDF copy of the 2017 Appropriations Request: Department of Defense to rebuild the US. Armed Forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Department of Homeland Security for urgent border protection activities." Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to respond to this email to reach out to the OMB Legislative Affairs office. OMB-American Oversight-000026 and THE WHITE HQUSE WASEHIBEGTGN March 15, 2017 ?ear Mr. Epeaker: I ask the angress to ccnsider the requegt for Fiseal Year 203?. mhe reggast incladeg an; ad&iti?na1 $30 billion fer the Departme?t cf BQEEHSE to rebuild the U48. Armed Fordes and accelerat? the camyaign to defeat the Islamia State cf Eraq an? Syria (ISIS), and an a??itional $3 billign far the Degartment sf Homeland SECurity (DES) for-urgant border pxatection activities} Ihia apprepriatioms xequest wauld'prcvide $24.9 billion in the DOD base budget far urgent warfighting readinass needs an? to begin a Sustaine& ta rebuild tha 3.3m Armed Farces. The request seeks to addreas critical budget shortfalls in pergannel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, ma?ernizatien, and infrastructure investmegt. it rapr??ent? a critical first siep in investing in a iarger, mare ready, and more capable military farce. The request also includes $5.1 biliien in the everSeas Contingency Operations budget Ear DOD ta ascglerate the campaign he defeat 1818 and Freedom?s Sentinel in A?ghanigtam; This request wmul? enable DOD t9 purgue-a camprehensive strategy t9 emd=tha thraat IEES-peses ta th? Unitea States. In addition, this requeat?WQUld grovide an additi?nal $3 billien far'DHs-implementatiqn 0E my-executive oz?ers an border aecurity and'immigxation enforcement. The raguest wauld fund t0 plan; design, an? congtruct a physical wall along the south?rn bordar, and make a?her critical invegtments in tactical box?eriin?rastructuxa an? tachnalagy? whe.reque$t also preyaSQs funding to increase immigration detenticn cayacity, which is necessary ta ensure the removal o? illegal aliens Sta%es- Finallyf the request funds new recruiting capacity-at 3H8 go that it may hire additianal immigrativn law enforcemant-foiqers OMB-American Oversight-000027 and 2 En cpnjunction with this reguest, xecommend that the Congress enact nqn~?efense discretienary rEduCticns:Q? $18 billiOn in FY 2917, which wauld fuily offSet the amcunts proposed for DHS and woul? offset h?lf of the amounts progosed for DOD. fhe details af?thig Er?yosal are set farthjin the emcko?ed lettar gram the Qireatar af the O??ice Of Management and Hudget. Sincerely, The Henarable Eaul Ryan Speakerzof thei?guge of Representatives waghingtan, 3.0. 20515 OMB-American Oversight-000028 and EstimateNu. f1, 115th Congress. Isl: Session EXECUTEVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT BUQGET at; 29503 ?r'ei-af? r3! March 14, 20-17 373.16: President The White House D?ar Mr. Presidunt: Submitted fer yuur cunsiderati?n is garequast fur. additional 11.0- adgciruss the urgent needs Of @118 Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homelaind Security in Fiscal Year (FY) 2317.; An additional $254.9 billion is included to address immediate war?gh?timg tardiness nceds at DOD. A11 additiunal billion, to be designated for Gverseas Centingency Operations (UGO), is inuiu?cd for DOD ta "acceEerate the campaign. tr) defeat the 'lslamizc State of Iraq anti Syria (ISIS): and continue suppori for Operation. Freedmn?s Sentinsl (DES) in Afghanistan. Au additiuual $3 billion is requested for DHS to address urgent border protectiun actisri?tius, This request f?or additional appropriatium reflects Adminislriatien?s commitment to strengthen 0111' national summit}? by rebuilding the US. Annual Forces and prot?cting cur barriers. As the fulluwing Ichart illustrates, together with a recummended reductign of $18billio'r1 in nou??efense discretionary amounts in FY 20} total funding woulu increase lay $15 E?lEion. (3:535 2017:, mounts in billians} .. . . .Rgguerr. .. .. mum Base i i: i $551 :7 f$35??6: +3255 Defense 0C0 Non?cfense $519 $504 $35 .7.DHSrequeS.t_.? -+#3318 .7 i' "Tat?a?E'ChaIrge I I 7 Theadditiunai amounis requested forthu DOD base. budget would pmvide funding for urgent wur?ghting readiness: news that are mucus guy tof begin: a.;sustainecl effurt re reljuj?d the Us- Armie?' Forces". "The agpprupriations; request seeks to address aritiual budget shortfalls in? personnel, training, mainteua?ce, equipment, munitions, modernization, and infrastructure: The request is a finest strap in investing in a larger, more manly; anti more capable farce? Thermounts requeste? fer DOB t0 acaelerate the umpaign tr; defeat and support QFS in. Afghanistan are designated as 001) pursuant ?3:0 suction. cf the Bialancad Budget andEmergency De?cit Control Act of 3985, as amended. This request weuld enable is: support a cemprehengive, whole?"of?Government sirategy ten stop ISIS from p?sing a ?threat t0 the United States by funding critical efferts u) strike ISIS targets, supper: our puri?ers fightiug (311 the ground, disrupt external operatiom? and gut off its ?owu of ?nancing. The OMB-American Oversight-000029 and acquesi: aisz; supgmr?is ongoing efforts througi?l QFS preverit threats "to the hgmelan? {mt 3113.63 and imerss?is abrea? from ISIS a1 Qae?ia and their affiliated 0r asseciated groups These investments "2:130 aomi?ement additional U. suppm?? for thefoghgan \Idimnal Defense 331d Secugiiy Fm?ces requested on Nevember '3 0, 20163. The amounts for'DHS 111153] ementation Bf yam? Bxcw??ive Orders; on E39166: security and immigration enfmcemem Funds requested f6? S. C?stams and Beards? Frozegtm? wax; 13d auppmi high pnumy maxed mfras?iruc?ure and berdcr security iachnalogy imlu?iag efforts to @3311 design 813d cens?mci a physicai aleng Sm 56:1?th bardcr The ?request ?1330 iacludcs mam for DHS oemponcn?rs; ta begin bu?ding the a?ministrativa cayacity nesessary to recruit, hire, train, and equip an add?iicnal 3,000 Pam)?- agenis and 103309 Immigratiana?d Custer-1123 E?fOI?C?mef?-t G-f?c-ers 21:16. age?f?g, as 52031:; direcie?i. Summit; Sm ?m?iihgm: increase daily immigra?inn ?leten??n Cgpacity to 45:700 de?cn?on beds the and Bf FY 2037. This addit?anal detan?an capacity is necessary to implement yam? policies for ramaving iilega? aliens: {mm ?aha Linked States by aiahancin?g interior enf?rsemm?t efforts; and 6113:1133nt Qatch and: 16313353" 170}: these apprehended at the Sender. Funding pmp?ged far DHS weuld alga be used E9 estabiis?h a reaimiime border and ii??lmigl?atiea r3513 integra?zmn stem Within the. {)?ice 0f immigratien Statistics 333$ for new 13:31 tier and immigratian The materiais Summarize the pmposed amendmems i116 FY 2013?? Budget and ragti?stcd supplemental appropriations, as well. as: mew legal that the. A?n?nistfatian raqlzirics ti) implement thesa The ma} or categeries 9f ?nding~?bmken out, by high?ghted below: 36132111111813th 3615211253 3 $97? mil?ion for military 136343113363 (30518, w?iah ?126 pay and allmvancss associa?ied wiihhighar miliiary levela and the increase to 3.2.1 perceni mlifiary pay ?33356 ii} 2&1? funding for cian?ed. heaithcare- raferins, and .acijgustments Sased? .013 axec?su??n. I billiun fa); sparatians and mainiegnanue ?0 address urgent zeaciiness shar?fallg acmss the by funding additiai?iai training amidi?i?iity'E?V?Stme?tanS Suppio?itag Wizapeans "319$: funds; will alas magma; 21:31:33 ?n?iel?i game *9 $13 .5 biliioa far igmct??emeent and modemjzati?n, inauding a??itional Army Apache 312d Bia?khawk heiimpters. lie-325; and 8 ?ghier aircgaft, tactical miss?es? manned aircraft System35 and Tge?ni??al High. Aitimdg Area, Defe?sc ?ild the :dasti?ayerlth?ai ?126: 'Gb?gress partially {11$}de in. i? 2016,. a $2.1 billian ?0 academia: griori?ty research and dcve?epment bailistic: misg?? and air defame, missile defeat, 11112113de aircra? systems: next generatisn ?ghter aircraft. electrt?nie: warfare-,3 anii?ghip and land attaakmis.iisi'ieg, (332521? eparaiihns. and targeiing E?id Strike saggs? for ageeial operatiens fame-:33. a $962 milliozl far the (seats Gf imcreaseci supp?y stacks am! faeii'i?iy iepair 3.515 a. ?technical corremion to iransfer frauds Sam the Upstationaud Maint?nance, Navy 30031111? 2. OMB-American Oversight-000030 and t3 the NavaS 13321111111 funds acmunt t0 suppn? national defense sealift vessels 3nd the Natianal Defense Regsrve Fleet. $236 11131111011 for military censtruc?on to but un?nished- pmj?cts, 311133.33 a weapons stergage facility, and. far planning and: dcsiign for criticaI fatuxe: pmjjects; 1133213313. ?13333513 1? 0549 $1.4 to support urgent 01383330113} 1133113 assdciated with the acceleration of Operation Inherent Resdlve campaign ta defeat ISIS. The request inciudeg ?nding for farce pxeeision?guidsd munitions intelIigentse coilec?on tagging. and 31.111131113111113 defensive weapons Systems 313d.ccam1termeaqures 1818' 52 lethal drone prggiam $2 far a ?exible fund that weuid 3113213 DOD to allocate resources in support of the 1.1613 saunter-I SIS strategy to: maximiza the impact 0f U.S.. and. pper2j1tit1115. $626 million far: 3 new Counter?3.1313 T1331. and Equip Fund, which conscilidat?s con?ternISISnrelated train and equip cffer?s. The mqucst Ingreases ?mding ?03 assistance to partners in Iraq and Syria, While also providing the authority for BSD t0 work with threes fighting 18218 in areas-outside and Syria. The-3113111311335? acaompanying this memorandum include 11101311 3.311 Iegislgatizve 331133333 for this 111113. $3.1 {03? Ongoing 5.8 operations in Afghanistatl 311d support to global mumsrtermrism astivitics including r3110 11:13:63 31111 squipmant 11:1 better enable and p1 011x servide 1113111136125 their tight 3ga1113tt?1rr011s?t g3011ps such as the Qaeda its af?Iiatas and the Islamic State of Iraq 311d S3313 Kherasan- The 133333131313 .Incitldes plaming and design of constructjto? proj ects 1'11 suppert of Detea?tidtt? Opzeratidns at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ?epa?ment 0f Homeland Sesuritv $1.1 millimfar the _-Offic3 531111 Marmgemsnt 011313911113 31111 Supg?o'tt' to eStabli$h a real-"time data integmtion System thatwould supgtert immigration enfetcement operiations,ber16?ts adjudicatidn, policy analysis, accurate data repm?ting, and tar other 11011161 331111. immigration medaling analyses $286 million far CBP Gperatlens and Support, maludmg $95 millidn: ts: support: harder swrge opera?ons S65 11113101?: to build hiring 333333113 to recruit 311d anbnard 5 ,0130 Border Patrol agents, $18 ?01? prej act management, Severs1ght and support for the border W311 $43 111111111111 13 enhance situational awareness at the border and $154 1111111011 ?01 ether 61111111133111: and tnvestmants that (1111:3113; contmbute t1.) the. 31Iegttiv?nes~s {1f border security 11116331110113 Si 4 biIiidn for CBP P1ocu13ment and Improvements, i?cluding $999 minim: far pianning, des1gn and construction of the first installment of $116 harder Wall. $179 1311Bic1'11 for access wads gates and other tactical projects and $200 million for border Se?utity technology deployments biliian f0? ICE Opemtidns 311d Suppert, including SI 15 billion to pay for dgtantion. transportation? and 1331101233 0f illegal 3116113, and for alternatives to detentie?g $756 million OMB-American Oversight-000031 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-O1 19-A-000031 ff) 1911de hiring capacity it) recruit am} an?>0a?d aggniss arid of?cars; $5 mimm?: f0: hemeiand Secmriiy investigatmng i?teiligencc activities; and $5 mil?ian t0 suppmt aha expansim of the iiSectiOH 2.87%) Program a! $25 millian :er Federal Law Enforcement Training Came; Opera?ioi?s and Suggapgrt: for the: 13311?ng and training 0f instruemrs 1'0 suippc-i't 33w equrcement @f?ccr higirtg and training wi??n and ESE, at: $63 .m?lienfg}: :Faderai Law Twining Came: Cansms?img 313d Empmvemams 1b: infrastrugmre 'i??l?di?g nig?ula: domitary anci 9133300113 buildi?gs? Whisk weuftd supper: 121w e?nfarsemsm af?cerh?ring and irgi?ing'at and Raczammam?a?gn Ihave Eeviewed this request and. agree that ii; is necessary at ibis time, Without additieual appregria?ons, em natienal se?curii?y is at risk. This request: includes cri?caj resaurces far reimilding the. US. ISIS) ax?a?i pratsctiing 0m bar?ers. Therefere, [jam the heads 0f the affected departments in; yea iraasmit the pmpasals; t9 the (30:13:83.8. 5? Mick ,Mulvancy Dif?f?f?t? Egcicsures OMB-American Oversight-000032 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAMS Bureau: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Heading: Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Subheading: (Overseas contingency operations) FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 333 FY 2017 Pending Request $0 Proposed Amendment: $1,506,400,000 Revised Request: $1 ,506,400,000 (In the appropriations language under the above bureau, just after the Bodoni dash and immediately before the heading "Procurement?, insert the above new heading, the new subheading, the following new language, and a new Bodoni dash:) For the "Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Svria Train and Equip Fund", $1,506,400.000, to remain available until September 30, 2018: Provided, That such funds shall be available to the Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Secretary of State, to provide assistance, including training; equipment; logistics support, supplies, and services; stipends; infrastructure repair and renovation; construction of training facilities; small?scale construction of temporary facilities necessary to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements: and sustainment, to foreign securitv forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and their affiliated or associated groups: Provided further, That these funds may be used, in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense mav determine, to enhance the border security of nations adiacent to conflict areas, including Jordan and Lebanon, resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: Provided further, That anlounts made available under this heading shall be available to provide assistance only for activities in a country designated by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secreta? of State, as having a security mission to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and following written noti?cation to the congressional defense committees of such designation: OMB-American Oversight-000033 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Provided further, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from foreign governments, including the Government oflraq and other entities, to carry out assistance authorized under this heading: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes provided herein from any foreign government or other entity may be credited to this Fund, to remain available until expended, and used for such purposes: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may waive a provision of law relating to the acquisition of items and support services or sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2785) if the Secretarv determines that such provision oflaw would prohibit, restrict, delav or otherwise limit the provision of such assistance and a notice of and justification for such waiver is submitted to the congressional defense committees, the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the United States mav accept equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip Fund" in prior Acts, that was transferred to securitv forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria and returned by such forces or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip und" in prior Acts, and not yet transferred to security forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense when determined by the Secretary to no longer be required for transfer to such forces or groups and upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That the Secretary ofDefense shall provide quarterly reports to the congressional defense committees on the use of funds provided under this heading, including, but not limited to. the number of individuals trained, the nature and scope of support and sustainment provided to each group or individual, the area of operations for each group, and the contributions of other countries, groups, or individuals: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. This amendment formally consolidates and increases the funding requests for the Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) and Syria Train and Equip Fund (STEF), creating a new appropriation to provide $1 ,506.4 million to support the military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq's and the vetted Syrian opposition forces' operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Appropriated funds and cash contributions from foreign countries, international 0rgani7ations, and individuals are deposited into this account for the Department of Defense to provide assistance, including training, equipment, logistics OMB-American Oversight-000034 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request support, supplies and services, stipends, facility and infrastructure repair and renovation, and sustainrnent. OMB-American Oversight-000035 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 517 FY 2017 Pending Request: $136,451,000 Proposed Amendment: $1 1,304,000 Revised Request: $147,755,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period:) For an additional amount for "Operations and Support". $11,304,000. to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Of?ce of Immigration Statistics, including border and immigration modeling analysis. This amendment would increase by $1 1.3 million the amount for the Of?ce of the Secretary and Executive Management Operations and Support account to establish and support a real-time data integration system in the Of? ee of Immigration Statistics, and to fund new border and immigration modeling analysis- The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $11.3 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000036 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 523 FY 2017 Pending Request: $11,333,352,000 Proposed Amendment: $286,001,000 Revised Request: $11,619,353,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support", $286,001,000, to remain available until September 30, 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of laws related to border security, immigration, and customs, This amendment would increase by $286 million the total funding provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?nding for planning, operation, and support of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States; and to recruit, hire, train, and equip an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $286 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000037 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 527 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $323 ,390,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,377,483,000 Revised Request: $1 ,700,873 ,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $1,377,483.000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses for procurement, construction, and improvements required for the operational control of United States borders, including design and construction of a wall and other phvsical barriers on the southern border of the United States. This amendment would increase by $1.7 billion the amount for the US. Customs and Border Protection Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for acquisition of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.4 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000038 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 532-533 FY 2017 Pending Request: $5,855,023,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,237,212,000 Revised Request: $7,092,235,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, 531.237.212.000. to remain available until September 30. 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of immigration and customs laws. detention and removals, and investigations. This amendment would increase by $1.2 billion the amount for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders and higher than anticipated border apprehensions beginning in the late Summer of 2016- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for the detention and removal of illegal aliens, alternatives to detention where appropriate, the building of hiring capacity to begin the hiring of 10,000 ICE law enforcement officers and additional support staff, and expansion of the Section 287(g) Program. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.2 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000039 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 570 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $242,5 18,000 Proposed Amendment: $25,000,000 Revised Request: $267,518,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, $25 000000, to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $25 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?mding for the hiring and training of basic training instructors for new FY 2018 law enforcement officers Within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $25 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000040 OMB-17-O112-A and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 571 FY 2017 Pending Request: $0 Proposed Amendment: $63,000,000 Revised Request: $63,000,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $63,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $63 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President?s January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate classroom, dorm, and office space in support of the training of new FY 2018 law enforcement officers within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $63 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000041 and OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000042 OMB-American Oversight-000042 Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Base Budget (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fluid Contribution, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Air Force FY 2017 President's Budget] Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 40,028,182 27,951,605 12,813,412 27,944,615 4,561,703 1,924,155 744,995 1,742,906 7,910,694 3,280,065 1,793,909 1,240,982 703,171 1,210,812 341,533 112,246 64,942 113,540 589,354 196,419 4 162,242 13,748 49,200 29,636 4 4,869 1,997 -3,869 4 102,527 22,600 161,016 111,387 63,115 108,679 34,919 11,202 6,688 11,753 65,058 19,918 40,028,182 28,113,847 12,827,160 27,993,815 4,591,339 1,929,024 746,992 1,739,037 8,013,221 3,302,665 1,954,925 1,352,369 766,286 1,319,491 376,452 123,448 71,630 125,293 654,412 216,337 Military Personnel Total 135,269,240 976,685 136,245,925 Page 1 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000043 OMB-American Oversight-000043 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Office of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Cooperative Threat Reduction Account Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Disposal of Department ofDefense Real Property Lease of Department ofDefense Real Property FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 33,809,040 39,483,581 5,954,258 37,518,056 32,571,590 322,035 2,712,331 927,656 270,633 3,067,929 6,825,370 6,703,578 14,194 844,800 33,467,516 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 8,175 36,587 1,880,933 1,736,884 451,702 2,267,324 407,531 31,400 5,208 77 144,899 204,100 115,500 -225,832 199,000 35,689,973 41,220,465 6,405,960 39,785,380 32,979,121 322,035 2,743,731 932,864 270,710 3,212,828 7,029,470 6,819,078 14,194 844,800 33,241,684 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 199,000 8,175 36,587 Operation and Maintenance Total Page 2 of 9 205,997,601 7,218,726 213,216,327 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000044 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 3,614,787 1,519,966 2,265,177 1,513,157 5,873,949 14,109,148 3,209,262 664,368 18,354,874 6,338,861 1,362,769 13,922,917 2,426,621 3,055,743 1,677,719 17,438,056 4,524,918 44,065 551,023 99,300 1,625,743 852,654 750,518 486,685 449,345 4,006,977 171,500 53,100 691,020 217,989 405,933 4 1,847,520 19,900 70,000 1,277,145 4 409,028 127,000 5,240,530 2,372,620 3,015,695 1,999,842 6,323,294 18,116,125 3,380,762 717,468 19,045,894 6,556,850 1,768,702 15,770,437 2,426,621 3,075,643 1,747,719 18,715,201 4,933,946 44,065 678,023 99,300 Procurement Total 102,566,680 13,462,057 116,028,737 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force- Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense 7,515,399 17,276,301 28,112,251 18,308,826 178,994 349,621 299,566 842,082 570,339 2,725 7,865,020 17,575,867 28,954,333 18,879,165 181,719 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 71,391,771 2,064,333 73,456,104 Page 3 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000045 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds National Defense Sealitt Fund Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Air Force Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 56,469 63,967 37,132 1,214,045 532,834 429,000 532,834 56,469 63,967 466,132 1,214,045 Revolving and Management Funds Total 1,371,613 961,834 2,333,447 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Security Investment Program Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Militaly Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Department ofDefense Base Closure Account 516,596,905 553,959 1,338,079 1,640,558 2,025,444 177,932 300,430 154,957 98,230 38,597 188,950 240,237 24,683,635 28,000 66,708 93,000 12,000 13,000 10,000 4,525 9,000 541,280,540 581,959 1,404,787 1,733,558 2,025,444 177,932 312,430 167,957 108,230 43,122 197,950 240,237 Military Construction Total 6,757,373 236,233 6,993,606 Page 4 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000046 Appropriation Account Title Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Anny Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air oree Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 Family Housing Total 1,276,289 1,276,289 Total Military Construction Bill 8,033,662 236,233 8,269,895 Total Department of Defense 524,63 0,567 24,919,868 549,550,435 For the Military Construction Bill appropriations, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublic Law 114-223, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. Page 5 of 9 and OMB-17-0119-A-000047 OMB-American Oversight-000047 Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar 1 Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force Military Personnel Total Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations Budget (Dollars in Thousands) FY 2017 President's Budget' Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 2,051,578 330,557 179,733 719,896 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,562,258 Page 6 of 9 94,034 7,354 5,840 37,640 144,868 -l7,6l0 131,375 113,765 2,128,002 337,911 185,573 888,911 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,820,891 196,964 10,484 5,840 51,830 265,118 1,931,038 327,427 179,733 837,081 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,555,773 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000048 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense?Wide Of?ce of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund Afghanistan Security Forces Fund lraq Train and Fquip Fund Syria Train and Equip Fund Counter-1510177116 State oflmq and Syria Train and Equip Fundi Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 15,310,587 6,827,391 1,244,359 9,498,830 5,982,173 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 331,764 1,000,000 3,448,715 630,000 250,000 4 2,934,269 95,531 168,446 382,496 412,959 2,547 814,500 4 289,500 188,412 83,419 +4,534 93,275 619,473 -630,000 250,000 4 1,506,400 1,969,800 18,433,268 7,006,341 1,417,339 9,974,601 7,014,605 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 289,500 1,506,400 1,969,800 3,173,679 97,881 180,546 428,046 446,283 289,500 15,259,589 6,908,460 1,236,793 9,546,555 6,568,322 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 1,506,400 1,969,800 Operation and Maintenance Total 45,034,083 5,100,248 3,585,313 53,719,644 4,615,935 49,103,709 Page 7 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000049 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force ()ther Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Joint Improved-Threat Defeat Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 313,171 632,8l7 153,544 301,523 1,373,010 393,030 8,600 66,229 124,206 118,939 859,399 339,545 487,408 3,696,281 238,434 408,272 46,500 98,500 137,884 99,800 23,000 12,300 298,363 85,419 58,000 5,500 28,072 73,100 +211,913 +212,535 336,171 691,617 153,544 301,523 1,769,873 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 339,545 487,408 4,046,078 450,969 508,072 229,100 72,000 87,800 83,900 201,563 137,884 336,171 462,517 153,544 301,523 1,697,873 87,800 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 255,645 285,845 3,908,194 450,969 508,072 Procurement Total 9,514,408 387,684 1,008,202 10,910,294 812,247 10,098,047 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide 100,522 78,323 32,905 162,419 139,200 3,000 92,600 127,700 72,800 66,571 332,322 206,023 105,705 231,990 78,700 3,000 253,622 206,023 105,705 228,990 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 374,169 142,200 359,671 876,040 81,700 794,340 Page 8 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000050 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Additional Amendment Appropriations November 10, 2016 Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 46,833 93,800 1,681 48,514 93,800 48,514 93,800 Revolving and Management Funds Total 140,633 1,681 142,314 142,314 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide 58,625,551 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 5,775,000 5,068,632 +11,500 12,300 69,469,183 30,400 59,809 100,591 5,000 5,775,000 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 63,694,183 11,500 12,300 Military Construction Total 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Military Construction Bill 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Department of Defense Cancellation Military Construction, Air Force, 15/17 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,092,432 42,300 69,664,983 42,300 5,947,000 63,717,983 42,300 Total Department of Defense w/Cancellation 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,080,132 69,652,683 5,947,000 63,705,683 For items listed under ?Military Construction Bill appropriations?, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublie Law 1 14?223, the Military Constructions, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. 1 Enacted includes funding provided in Division of Public Law 114?254, the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017 for items listed under ?Defense Bill Appropriations" and Division A of Public Law 114-223 for items listed under ?Military Construction Bill Appropriations". 3 Account not included in the FY 2017 President's Bridget. Accompanying technical materials include proposed legislative language for this account. Page 9 of 9 FW: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Requestg??g ea gas: amass: as: g?g? From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: "Brenckle, Joe (Budget)" Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:09:25 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 Supplemental Request_Defense and DHS_Fina _March 2017.pelf (3.23 MB) The FY 2017 Supp is attached, Neal A, Patel Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Message From: FN-OlVIB-LegislativeRequests Sent: Thursday, March 16: 2017 7:04 AM To: FN?OMB-LegislativeRequests Subject: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Request Good morning, Please find an attachment of a PDF copy of the 2017 Appropriations Request: Department of Defense to rebuild the US. Armed Forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Department of Homeland Security for urgent border protection activities." Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to respond to this email to reach out to the OMB Legislative Affairs office. OMB-American Oversight-000051 and THE WHITE HQUSE WASEHIBEGTGN March 15, 2017 ?ear Mr. Epeaker: I ask the angress to ccnsider the requegt for Fiseal Year 203?. mhe reggast incladeg an; ad&iti?na1 $30 billion fer the Departme?t cf BQEEHSE to rebuild the U48. Armed Fordes and accelerat? the camyaign to defeat the Islamia State cf Eraq an? Syria (ISIS), and an a??itional $3 billign far the Degartment sf Homeland SECurity (DES) for-urgant border pxatection activities} Ihia apprepriatioms xequest wauld'prcvide $24.9 billion in the DOD base budget far urgent warfighting readinass needs an? to begin a Sustaine& ta rebuild tha 3.3m Armed Farces. The request seeks to addreas critical budget shortfalls in pergannel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, ma?ernizatien, and infrastructure investmegt. it rapr??ent? a critical first siep in investing in a iarger, mare ready, and more capable military farce. The request also includes $5.1 biliien in the everSeas Contingency Operations budget Ear DOD ta ascglerate the campaign he defeat 1818 and Freedom?s Sentinel in A?ghanigtam; This request wmul? enable DOD t9 purgue-a camprehensive strategy t9 emd=tha thraat IEES-peses ta th? Unitea States. In addition, this requeat?WQUld grovide an additi?nal $3 billien far'DHs-implementatiqn 0E my-executive oz?ers an border aecurity and'immigxation enforcement. The raguest wauld fund t0 plan; design, an? congtruct a physical wall along the south?rn bordar, and make a?her critical invegtments in tactical box?eriin?rastructuxa an? tachnalagy? whe.reque$t also preyaSQs funding to increase immigration detenticn cayacity, which is necessary ta ensure the removal o? illegal aliens Sta%es- Finallyf the request funds new recruiting capacity-at 3H8 go that it may hire additianal immigrativn law enforcemant-foiqers OMB-American Oversight-000052 and 2 En cpnjunction with this reguest, xecommend that the Congress enact nqn~?efense discretienary rEduCticns:Q? $18 billiOn in FY 2917, which wauld fuily offSet the amcunts proposed for DHS and woul? offset h?lf of the amounts progosed for DOD. fhe details af?thig Er?yosal are set farthjin the emcko?ed lettar gram the Qireatar af the O??ice Of Management and Hudget. Sincerely, The Henarable Eaul Ryan Speakerzof thei?guge of Representatives waghingtan, 3.0. 20515 OMB-American Oversight-000053 and EstimateNu. f1, 115th Congress. Isl: Session EXECUTEVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT BUQGET at; 29503 ?r'ei-af? r3! March 14, 20-17 373.16: President The White House D?ar Mr. Presidunt: Submitted fer yuur cunsiderati?n is garequast fur. additional 11.0- adgciruss the urgent needs Of @118 Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homelaind Security in Fiscal Year (FY) 2317.; An additional $254.9 billion is included to address immediate war?gh?timg tardiness nceds at DOD. A11 additiunal billion, to be designated for Gverseas Centingency Operations (UGO), is inuiu?cd for DOD ta "acceEerate the campaign. tr) defeat the 'lslamizc State of Iraq anti Syria (ISIS): and continue suppori for Operation. Freedmn?s Sentinsl (DES) in Afghanistan. Au additiuual $3 billion is requested for DHS to address urgent border protectiun actisri?tius, This request f?or additional appropriatium reflects Adminislriatien?s commitment to strengthen 0111' national summit}? by rebuilding the US. Annual Forces and prot?cting cur barriers. As the fulluwing Ichart illustrates, together with a recummended reductign of $18billio'r1 in nou??efense discretionary amounts in FY 20} total funding woulu increase lay $15 E?lEion. (3:535 2017:, mounts in billians} .. . . .Rgguerr. .. .. mum Base i i: i $551 :7 f$35??6: +3255 Defense 0C0 Non?cfense $519 $504 $35 .7.DHSrequeS.t_.? -+#3318 .7 i' "Tat?a?E'ChaIrge I I 7 Theadditiunai amounis requested forthu DOD base. budget would pmvide funding for urgent wur?ghting readiness: news that are mucus guy tof begin: a.;sustainecl effurt re reljuj?d the Us- Armie?' Forces". "The agpprupriations; request seeks to address aritiual budget shortfalls in? personnel, training, mainteua?ce, equipment, munitions, modernization, and infrastructure: The request is a finest strap in investing in a larger, more manly; anti more capable farce? Thermounts requeste? fer DOB t0 acaelerate the umpaign tr; defeat and support QFS in. Afghanistan are designated as 001) pursuant ?3:0 suction. cf the Bialancad Budget andEmergency De?cit Control Act of 3985, as amended. This request weuld enable is: support a cemprehengive, whole?"of?Government sirategy ten stop ISIS from p?sing a ?threat t0 the United States by funding critical efferts u) strike ISIS targets, supper: our puri?ers fightiug (311 the ground, disrupt external operatiom? and gut off its ?owu of ?nancing. The OMB-American Oversight-000054 and acquesi: aisz; supgmr?is ongoing efforts througi?l QFS preverit threats "to the hgmelan? {mt 3113.63 and imerss?is abrea? from ISIS a1 Qae?ia and their affiliated 0r asseciated groups These investments "2:130 aomi?ement additional U. suppm?? for thefoghgan \Idimnal Defense 331d Secugiiy Fm?ces requested on Nevember '3 0, 20163. The amounts for'DHS 111153] ementation Bf yam? Bxcw??ive Orders; on E39166: security and immigration enfmcemem Funds requested f6? S. C?stams and Beards? Frozegtm? wax; 13d auppmi high pnumy maxed mfras?iruc?ure and berdcr security iachnalogy imlu?iag efforts to @3311 design 813d cens?mci a physicai aleng Sm 56:1?th bardcr The ?request ?1330 iacludcs mam for DHS oemponcn?rs; ta begin bu?ding the a?ministrativa cayacity nesessary to recruit, hire, train, and equip an add?iicnal 3,000 Pam)?- agenis and 103309 Immigratiana?d Custer-1123 E?fOI?C?mef?-t G-f?c-ers 21:16. age?f?g, as 52031:; direcie?i. Summit; Sm ?m?iihgm: increase daily immigra?inn ?leten??n Cgpacity to 45:700 de?cn?on beds the and Bf FY 2037. This addit?anal detan?an capacity is necessary to implement yam? policies for ramaving iilega? aliens: {mm ?aha Linked States by aiahancin?g interior enf?rsemm?t efforts; and 6113:1133nt Qatch and: 16313353" 170}: these apprehended at the Sender. Funding pmp?ged far DHS weuld alga be used E9 estabiis?h a reaimiime border and ii??lmigl?atiea r3513 integra?zmn stem Within the. {)?ice 0f immigratien Statistics 333$ for new 13:31 tier and immigratian The materiais Summarize the pmposed amendmems i116 FY 2013?? Budget and ragti?stcd supplemental appropriations, as well. as: mew legal that the. A?n?nistfatian raqlzirics ti) implement thesa The ma} or categeries 9f ?nding~?bmken out, by high?ghted below: 36132111111813th 3615211253 3 $97? mil?ion for military 136343113363 (30518, w?iah ?126 pay and allmvancss associa?ied wiihhighar miliiary levela and the increase to 3.2.1 perceni mlifiary pay ?33356 ii} 2&1? funding for cian?ed. heaithcare- raferins, and .acijgustments Sased? .013 axec?su??n. I billiun fa); sparatians and mainiegnanue ?0 address urgent zeaciiness shar?fallg acmss the by funding additiai?iai training amidi?i?iity'E?V?Stme?tanS Suppio?itag Wizapeans "319$: funds; will alas magma; 21:31:33 ?n?iel?i game *9 $13 .5 biliioa far igmct??emeent and modemjzati?n, inauding a??itional Army Apache 312d Bia?khawk heiimpters. lie-325; and 8 ?ghier aircgaft, tactical miss?es? manned aircraft System35 and Tge?ni??al High. Aitimdg Area, Defe?sc ?ild the :dasti?ayerlth?ai ?126: 'Gb?gress partially {11$}de in. i? 2016,. a $2.1 billian ?0 academia: griori?ty research and dcve?epment bailistic: misg?? and air defame, missile defeat, 11112113de aircra? systems: next generatisn ?ghter aircraft. electrt?nie: warfare-,3 anii?ghip and land attaakmis.iisi'ieg, (332521? eparaiihns. and targeiing E?id Strike saggs? for ageeial operatiens fame-:33. a $962 milliozl far the (seats Gf imcreaseci supp?y stacks am! faeii'i?iy iepair 3.515 a. ?technical corremion to iransfer frauds Sam the Upstationaud Maint?nance, Navy 30031111? 2. OMB-American Oversight-000055 and t3 the NavaS 13321111111 funds acmunt t0 suppn? national defense sealift vessels 3nd the Natianal Defense Regsrve Fleet. $236 11131111011 for military censtruc?on to but un?nished- pmj?cts, 311133.33 a weapons stergage facility, and. far planning and: dcsiign for criticaI fatuxe: pmjjects; 1133213313. ?13333513 1? 0549 $1.4 to support urgent 01383330113} 1133113 assdciated with the acceleration of Operation Inherent Resdlve campaign ta defeat ISIS. The request inciudeg ?nding for farce pxeeision?guidsd munitions intelIigentse coilec?on tagging. and 31.111131113111113 defensive weapons Systems 313d.ccam1termeaqures 1818' 52 lethal drone prggiam $2 far a ?exible fund that weuid 3113213 DOD to allocate resources in support of the 1.1613 saunter-I SIS strategy to: maximiza the impact 0f U.S.. and. pper2j1tit1115. $626 million far: 3 new Counter?3.1313 T1331. and Equip Fund, which conscilidat?s con?ternISISnrelated train and equip cffer?s. The mqucst Ingreases ?mding ?03 assistance to partners in Iraq and Syria, While also providing the authority for BSD t0 work with threes fighting 18218 in areas-outside and Syria. The-3113111311335? acaompanying this memorandum include 11101311 3.311 Iegislgatizve 331133333 for this 111113. $3.1 {03? Ongoing 5.8 operations in Afghanistatl 311d support to global mumsrtermrism astivitics including r3110 11:13:63 31111 squipmant 11:1 better enable and p1 011x servide 1113111136125 their tight 3ga1113tt?1rr011s?t g3011ps such as the Qaeda its af?Iiatas and the Islamic State of Iraq 311d S3313 Kherasan- The 133333131313 .Incitldes plaming and design of constructjto? proj ects 1'11 suppert of Detea?tidtt? Opzeratidns at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ?epa?ment 0f Homeland Sesuritv $1.1 millimfar the _-Offic3 531111 Marmgemsnt 011313911113 31111 Supg?o'tt' to eStabli$h a real-"time data integmtion System thatwould supgtert immigration enfetcement operiations,ber16?ts adjudicatidn, policy analysis, accurate data repm?ting, and tar other 11011161 331111. immigration medaling analyses $286 million far CBP Gperatlens and Support, maludmg $95 millidn: ts: support: harder swrge opera?ons S65 11113101?: to build hiring 333333113 to recruit 311d anbnard 5 ,0130 Border Patrol agents, $18 ?01? prej act management, Severs1ght and support for the border W311 $43 111111111111 13 enhance situational awareness at the border and $154 1111111011 ?01 ether 61111111133111: and tnvestmants that (1111:3113; contmbute t1.) the. 31Iegttiv?nes~s {1f border security 11116331110113 Si 4 biIiidn for CBP P1ocu13ment and Improvements, i?cluding $999 minim: far pianning, des1gn and construction of the first installment of $116 harder Wall. $179 1311Bic1'11 for access wads gates and other tactical projects and $200 million for border Se?utity technology deployments biliian f0? ICE Opemtidns 311d Suppert, including SI 15 billion to pay for dgtantion. transportation? and 1331101233 0f illegal 3116113, and for alternatives to detentie?g $756 million OMB-American Oversight-000056 OMB-17-O112-A and ff) 1911de hiring capacity it) recruit am} an?>0a?d aggniss arid of?cars; $5 mimm?: f0: hemeiand Secmriiy investigatmng i?teiligencc activities; and $5 mil?ian t0 suppmt aha expansim of the iiSectiOH 2.87%) Program a! $25 millian :er Federal Law Enforcement Training Came; Opera?ioi?s and Suggapgrt: for the: 13311?ng and training 0f instruemrs 1'0 suippc-i't 33w equrcement @f?ccr higirtg and training wi??n and ESE, at: $63 .m?lienfg}: :Faderai Law Twining Came: Cansms?img 313d Empmvemams 1b: infrastrugmre 'i??l?di?g nig?ula: domitary anci 9133300113 buildi?gs? Whisk weuftd supper: 121w e?nfarsemsm af?cerh?ring and irgi?ing'at and Raczammam?a?gn Ihave Eeviewed this request and. agree that ii; is necessary at ibis time, Without additieual appregria?ons, em natienal se?curii?y is at risk. This request: includes cri?caj resaurces far reimilding the. US. ISIS) ax?a?i pratsctiing 0m bar?ers. Therefere, [jam the heads 0f the affected departments in; yea iraasmit the pmpasals; t9 the (30:13:83.8. 5? Mick ,Mulvancy Dif?f?f?t? Egcicsures OMB-American Oversight-000057 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAMS Bureau: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Heading: Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Subheading: (Overseas contingency operations) FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 333 FY 2017 Pending Request $0 Proposed Amendment: $1,506,400,000 Revised Request: $1 ,506,400,000 (In the appropriations language under the above bureau, just after the Bodoni dash and immediately before the heading "Procurement?, insert the above new heading, the new subheading, the following new language, and a new Bodoni dash:) For the "Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Svria Train and Equip Fund", $1,506,400.000, to remain available until September 30, 2018: Provided, That such funds shall be available to the Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Secretary of State, to provide assistance, including training; equipment; logistics support, supplies, and services; stipends; infrastructure repair and renovation; construction of training facilities; small?scale construction of temporary facilities necessary to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements: and sustainment, to foreign securitv forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and their affiliated or associated groups: Provided further, That these funds may be used, in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense mav determine, to enhance the border security of nations adiacent to conflict areas, including Jordan and Lebanon, resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: Provided further, That anlounts made available under this heading shall be available to provide assistance only for activities in a country designated by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secreta? of State, as having a security mission to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and following written noti?cation to the congressional defense committees of such designation: OMB-American Oversight-000058 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Provided further, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from foreign governments, including the Government oflraq and other entities, to carry out assistance authorized under this heading: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes provided herein from any foreign government or other entity may be credited to this Fund, to remain available until expended, and used for such purposes: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may waive a provision of law relating to the acquisition of items and support services or sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2785) if the Secretarv determines that such provision oflaw would prohibit, restrict, delav or otherwise limit the provision of such assistance and a notice of and justification for such waiver is submitted to the congressional defense committees, the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the United States mav accept equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip Fund" in prior Acts, that was transferred to securitv forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria and returned by such forces or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip und" in prior Acts, and not yet transferred to security forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense when determined by the Secretary to no longer be required for transfer to such forces or groups and upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That the Secretary ofDefense shall provide quarterly reports to the congressional defense committees on the use of funds provided under this heading, including, but not limited to. the number of individuals trained, the nature and scope of support and sustainment provided to each group or individual, the area of operations for each group, and the contributions of other countries, groups, or individuals: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. This amendment formally consolidates and increases the funding requests for the Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) and Syria Train and Equip Fund (STEF), creating a new appropriation to provide $1 ,506.4 million to support the military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq's and the vetted Syrian opposition forces' operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Appropriated funds and cash contributions from foreign countries, international 0rgani7ations, and individuals are deposited into this account for the Department of Defense to provide assistance, including training, equipment, logistics OMB-American Oversight-000059 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request support, supplies and services, stipends, facility and infrastructure repair and renovation, and sustainrnent. OMB-American Oversight-000060 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 517 FY 2017 Pending Request: $136,451,000 Proposed Amendment: $1 1,304,000 Revised Request: $147,755,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period:) For an additional amount for "Operations and Support". $11,304,000. to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Of?ce of Immigration Statistics, including border and immigration modeling analysis. This amendment would increase by $1 1.3 million the amount for the Of?ce of the Secretary and Executive Management Operations and Support account to establish and support a real-time data integration system in the Of? ee of Immigration Statistics, and to fund new border and immigration modeling analysis- The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $11.3 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000061 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 523 FY 2017 Pending Request: $11,333,352,000 Proposed Amendment: $286,001,000 Revised Request: $11,619,353,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support", $286,001,000, to remain available until September 30, 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of laws related to border security, immigration, and customs, This amendment would increase by $286 million the total funding provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?nding for planning, operation, and support of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States; and to recruit, hire, train, and equip an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $286 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000062 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 527 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $323 ,390,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,377,483,000 Revised Request: $1 ,700,873 ,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $1,377,483.000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses for procurement, construction, and improvements required for the operational control of United States borders, including design and construction of a wall and other phvsical barriers on the southern border of the United States. This amendment would increase by $1.7 billion the amount for the US. Customs and Border Protection Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for acquisition of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.4 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000063 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 532-533 FY 2017 Pending Request: $5,855,023,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,237,212,000 Revised Request: $7,092,235,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, 531.237.212.000. to remain available until September 30. 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of immigration and customs laws. detention and removals, and investigations. This amendment would increase by $1.2 billion the amount for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders and higher than anticipated border apprehensions beginning in the late Summer of 2016- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for the detention and removal of illegal aliens, alternatives to detention where appropriate, the building of hiring capacity to begin the hiring of 10,000 ICE law enforcement officers and additional support staff, and expansion of the Section 287(g) Program. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.2 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000064 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 570 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $242,5 18,000 Proposed Amendment: $25,000,000 Revised Request: $267,518,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, $25 000000, to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $25 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?mding for the hiring and training of basic training instructors for new FY 2018 law enforcement officers Within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $25 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000065 OMB-17-O112-A and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 571 FY 2017 Pending Request: $0 Proposed Amendment: $63,000,000 Revised Request: $63,000,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $63,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $63 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President?s January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate classroom, dorm, and office space in support of the training of new FY 2018 law enforcement officers within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $63 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000066 and OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000067 OMB-American Oversight-000067 Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Base Budget (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fluid Contribution, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Air Force FY 2017 President's Budget] Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 40,028,182 27,951,605 12,813,412 27,944,615 4,561,703 1,924,155 744,995 1,742,906 7,910,694 3,280,065 1,793,909 1,240,982 703,171 1,210,812 341,533 112,246 64,942 113,540 589,354 196,419 4 162,242 13,748 49,200 29,636 4 4,869 1,997 -3,869 4 102,527 22,600 161,016 111,387 63,115 108,679 34,919 11,202 6,688 11,753 65,058 19,918 40,028,182 28,113,847 12,827,160 27,993,815 4,591,339 1,929,024 746,992 1,739,037 8,013,221 3,302,665 1,954,925 1,352,369 766,286 1,319,491 376,452 123,448 71,630 125,293 654,412 216,337 Military Personnel Total 135,269,240 976,685 136,245,925 Page 1 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000068 OMB-American Oversight-000068 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Office of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Cooperative Threat Reduction Account Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Disposal of Department ofDefense Real Property Lease of Department ofDefense Real Property FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 33,809,040 39,483,581 5,954,258 37,518,056 32,571,590 322,035 2,712,331 927,656 270,633 3,067,929 6,825,370 6,703,578 14,194 844,800 33,467,516 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 8,175 36,587 1,880,933 1,736,884 451,702 2,267,324 407,531 31,400 5,208 77 144,899 204,100 115,500 -225,832 199,000 35,689,973 41,220,465 6,405,960 39,785,380 32,979,121 322,035 2,743,731 932,864 270,710 3,212,828 7,029,470 6,819,078 14,194 844,800 33,241,684 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 199,000 8,175 36,587 Operation and Maintenance Total 205,997,601 7,218,726 213,216,327 Page 2 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000069 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 3,614,787 1,519,966 2,265,177 1,513,157 5,873,949 14,109,148 3,209,262 664,368 18,354,874 6,338,861 1,362,769 13,922,917 2,426,621 3,055,743 1,677,719 17,438,056 4,524,918 44,065 551,023 99,300 1,625,743 852,654 750,518 486,685 449,345 4,006,977 171,500 53,100 691,020 217,989 405,933 4 1,847,520 19,900 70,000 1,277,145 4 409,028 127,000 5,240,530 2,372,620 3,015,695 1,999,842 6,323,294 18,116,125 3,380,762 717,468 19,045,894 6,556,850 1,768,702 15,770,437 2,426,621 3,075,643 1,747,719 18,715,201 4,933,946 44,065 678,023 99,300 Procurement Total 102,566,680 13,462,057 116,028,737 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force- Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense 7,515,399 17,276,301 28,112,251 18,308,826 178,994 349,621 299,566 842,082 570,339 2,725 7,865,020 17,575,867 28,954,333 18,879,165 181,719 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 71,391,771 2,064,333 73,456,104 Page 3 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000070 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds National Defense Sealitt Fund Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Air Force Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 56,469 63,967 37,132 1,214,045 532,834 429,000 532,834 56,469 63,967 466,132 1,214,045 Revolving and Management Funds Total 1,371,613 961,834 2,333,447 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Security Investment Program Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Militaly Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Department ofDefense Base Closure Account 516,596,905 553,959 1,338,079 1,640,558 2,025,444 177,932 300,430 154,957 98,230 38,597 188,950 240,237 24,683,635 28,000 66,708 93,000 12,000 13,000 10,000 4,525 9,000 541,280,540 581,959 1,404,787 1,733,558 2,025,444 177,932 312,430 167,957 108,230 43,122 197,950 240,237 Military Construction Total 6,757,373 236,233 6,993,606 Page 4 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000071 Appropriation Account Title Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Anny Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air oree Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 Family Housing Total 1,276,289 1,276,289 Total Military Construction Bill 8,033,662 236,233 8,269,895 Total Department of Defense 524,63 0,567 24,919,868 549,550,435 For the Military Construction Bill appropriations, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublic Law 114-223, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. Page 5 of 9 and OMB-17-0119-A-000072 OMB-American Oversight-000072 Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar 1 Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force Military Personnel Total Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations Budget (Dollars in Thousands) FY 2017 President's Budget' Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 2,051,578 330,557 179,733 719,896 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,562,258 Page 6 of 9 94,034 7,354 5,840 37,640 144,868 -l7,6l0 131,375 113,765 2,128,002 337,911 185,573 888,911 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,820,891 196,964 10,484 5,840 51,830 265,118 1,931,038 327,427 179,733 837,081 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,555,773 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000073 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense?Wide Of?ce of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund Afghanistan Security Forces Fund lraq Train and Fquip Fund Syria Train and Equip Fund Counter-1510177116 State oflmq and Syria Train and Equip Fundi Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 15,310,587 6,827,391 1,244,359 9,498,830 5,982,173 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 331,764 1,000,000 3,448,715 630,000 250,000 4 2,934,269 95,531 168,446 382,496 412,959 2,547 814,500 4 289,500 188,412 83,419 +4,534 93,275 619,473 -630,000 250,000 4 1,506,400 1,969,800 18,433,268 7,006,341 1,417,339 9,974,601 7,014,605 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 289,500 1,506,400 1,969,800 3,173,679 97,881 180,546 428,046 446,283 289,500 15,259,589 6,908,460 1,236,793 9,546,555 6,568,322 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 1,506,400 1,969,800 Operation and Maintenance Total 45,034,083 5,100,248 3,585,313 53,719,644 4,615,935 49,103,709 Page 7 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000074 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force ()ther Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Joint Improved-Threat Defeat Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 313,171 632,8l7 153,544 301,523 1,373,010 393,030 8,600 66,229 124,206 118,939 859,399 339,545 487,408 3,696,281 238,434 408,272 46,500 98,500 137,884 99,800 23,000 12,300 298,363 85,419 58,000 5,500 28,072 73,100 +211,913 +212,535 336,171 691,617 153,544 301,523 1,769,873 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 339,545 487,408 4,046,078 450,969 508,072 229,100 72,000 87,800 83,900 201,563 137,884 336,171 462,517 153,544 301,523 1,697,873 87,800 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 255,645 285,845 3,908,194 450,969 508,072 Procurement Total 9,514,408 387,684 1,008,202 10,910,294 812,247 10,098,047 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide 100,522 78,323 32,905 162,419 139,200 3,000 92,600 127,700 72,800 66,571 332,322 206,023 105,705 231,990 78,700 3,000 253,622 206,023 105,705 228,990 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 374,169 142,200 359,671 876,040 81,700 794,340 Page 8 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000075 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Additional Amendment Appropriations November 10, 2016 Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 46,833 93,800 1,681 48,514 93,800 48,514 93,800 Revolving and Management Funds Total 140,633 1,681 142,314 142,314 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide 58,625,551 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 5,775,000 5,068,632 +11,500 12,300 69,469,183 30,400 59,809 100,591 5,000 5,775,000 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 63,694,183 11,500 12,300 Military Construction Total 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Military Construction Bill 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Department of Defense Cancellation Military Construction, Air Force, 15/17 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,092,432 42,300 69,664,983 42,300 5,947,000 63,717,983 42,300 Total Department of Defense w/Cancellation 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,080,132 69,652,683 5,947,000 63,705,683 For items listed under ?Military Construction Bill appropriations?, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublie Law 1 14?223, the Military Constructions, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. 1 Enacted includes funding provided in Division of Public Law 114?254, the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017 for items listed under ?Defense Bill Appropriations" and Division A of Public Law 114-223 for items listed under ?Military Construction Bill Appropriations". 3 Account not included in the FY 2017 President's Bridget. Accompanying technical materials include proposed legislative language for this account. Page 9 of 9 FW: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Requestg??g ea gm: amass as: g?g? From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: (6) "Lee, Jane (6) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:08:09 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 Supplemental Request_Defense and DHS_Fina _March 2017.pelf (3.23 MB) Also - the supp is below: Neal A, Patel Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Message From: FN-OlVIB-LegislativeRequests Sent: Thursday, March 16: 2017 7:04 AM To: FN?OMB-LegislativeRequests Subject: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Request Good morning, Please find an attachment of a PDF copy of the 2017 Appropriations Request: Department of Defense to rebuild the US. Armed Forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Department of Homeland Security for urgent border protection activities." Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to respond to this email to reach out to the OMB Legislative Affairs office. OMB-American Oversight-000076 and THE WHITE HQUSE WASEHIBEGTGN March 15, 2017 ?ear Mr. Epeaker: I ask the angress to ccnsider the requegt for Fiseal Year 203?. mhe reggast incladeg an; ad&iti?na1 $30 billion fer the Departme?t cf BQEEHSE to rebuild the U48. Armed Fordes and accelerat? the camyaign to defeat the Islamia State cf Eraq an? Syria (ISIS), and an a??itional $3 billign far the Degartment sf Homeland SECurity (DES) for-urgant border pxatection activities} Ihia apprepriatioms xequest wauld'prcvide $24.9 billion in the DOD base budget far urgent warfighting readinass needs an? to begin a Sustaine& ta rebuild tha 3.3m Armed Farces. The request seeks to addreas critical budget shortfalls in pergannel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, ma?ernizatien, and infrastructure investmegt. it rapr??ent? a critical first siep in investing in a iarger, mare ready, and more capable military farce. The request also includes $5.1 biliien in the everSeas Contingency Operations budget Ear DOD ta ascglerate the campaign he defeat 1818 and Freedom?s Sentinel in A?ghanigtam; This request wmul? enable DOD t9 purgue-a camprehensive strategy t9 emd=tha thraat IEES-peses ta th? Unitea States. In addition, this requeat?WQUld grovide an additi?nal $3 billien far'DHs-implementatiqn 0E my-executive oz?ers an border aecurity and'immigxation enforcement. The raguest wauld fund t0 plan; design, an? congtruct a physical wall along the south?rn bordar, and make a?her critical invegtments in tactical box?eriin?rastructuxa an? tachnalagy? whe.reque$t also preyaSQs funding to increase immigration detenticn cayacity, which is necessary ta ensure the removal o? illegal aliens Sta%es- Finallyf the request funds new recruiting capacity-at 3H8 go that it may hire additianal immigrativn law enforcemant-foiqers OMB-American Oversight-000077 and 2 En cpnjunction with this reguest, xecommend that the Congress enact nqn~?efense discretienary rEduCticns:Q? $18 billiOn in FY 2917, which wauld fuily offSet the amcunts proposed for DHS and woul? offset h?lf of the amounts progosed for DOD. fhe details af?thig Er?yosal are set farthjin the emcko?ed lettar gram the Qireatar af the O??ice Of Management and Hudget. Sincerely, The Henarable Eaul Ryan Speakerzof thei?guge of Representatives waghingtan, 3.0. 20515 OMB-American Oversight-000078 and EstimateNu. f1, 115th Congress. Isl: Session EXECUTEVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT BUQGET at; 29503 ?r'ei-af? r3! March 14, 20-17 373.16: President The White House D?ar Mr. Presidunt: Submitted fer yuur cunsiderati?n is garequast fur. additional 11.0- adgciruss the urgent needs Of @118 Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homelaind Security in Fiscal Year (FY) 2317.; An additional $254.9 billion is included to address immediate war?gh?timg tardiness nceds at DOD. A11 additiunal billion, to be designated for Gverseas Centingency Operations (UGO), is inuiu?cd for DOD ta "acceEerate the campaign. tr) defeat the 'lslamizc State of Iraq anti Syria (ISIS): and continue suppori for Operation. Freedmn?s Sentinsl (DES) in Afghanistan. Au additiuual $3 billion is requested for DHS to address urgent border protectiun actisri?tius, This request f?or additional appropriatium reflects Adminislriatien?s commitment to strengthen 0111' national summit}? by rebuilding the US. Annual Forces and prot?cting cur barriers. As the fulluwing Ichart illustrates, together with a recummended reductign of $18billio'r1 in nou??efense discretionary amounts in FY 20} total funding woulu increase lay $15 E?lEion. (3:535 2017:, mounts in billians} .. . . .Rgguerr. .. .. mum Base i i: i $551 :7 f$35??6: +3255 Defense 0C0 Non?cfense $519 $504 $35 .7.DHSrequeS.t_.? -+#3318 .7 i' "Tat?a?E'ChaIrge I I 7 Theadditiunai amounis requested forthu DOD base. budget would pmvide funding for urgent wur?ghting readiness: news that are mucus guy tof begin: a.;sustainecl effurt re reljuj?d the Us- Armie?' Forces". "The agpprupriations; request seeks to address aritiual budget shortfalls in? personnel, training, mainteua?ce, equipment, munitions, modernization, and infrastructure: The request is a finest strap in investing in a larger, more manly; anti more capable farce? Thermounts requeste? fer DOB t0 acaelerate the umpaign tr; defeat and support QFS in. Afghanistan are designated as 001) pursuant ?3:0 suction. cf the Bialancad Budget andEmergency De?cit Control Act of 3985, as amended. This request weuld enable is: support a cemprehengive, whole?"of?Government sirategy ten stop ISIS from p?sing a ?threat t0 the United States by funding critical efferts u) strike ISIS targets, supper: our puri?ers fightiug (311 the ground, disrupt external operatiom? and gut off its ?owu of ?nancing. The OMB-American Oversight-000079 and acquesi: aisz; supgmr?is ongoing efforts througi?l QFS preverit threats "to the hgmelan? {mt 3113.63 and imerss?is abrea? from ISIS a1 Qae?ia and their affiliated 0r asseciated groups These investments "2:130 aomi?ement additional U. suppm?? for thefoghgan \Idimnal Defense 331d Secugiiy Fm?ces requested on Nevember '3 0, 20163. The amounts for'DHS 111153] ementation Bf yam? Bxcw??ive Orders; on E39166: security and immigration enfmcemem Funds requested f6? S. C?stams and Beards? Frozegtm? wax; 13d auppmi high pnumy maxed mfras?iruc?ure and berdcr security iachnalogy imlu?iag efforts to @3311 design 813d cens?mci a physicai aleng Sm 56:1?th bardcr The ?request ?1330 iacludcs mam for DHS oemponcn?rs; ta begin bu?ding the a?ministrativa cayacity nesessary to recruit, hire, train, and equip an add?iicnal 3,000 Pam)?- agenis and 103309 Immigratiana?d Custer-1123 E?fOI?C?mef?-t G-f?c-ers 21:16. age?f?g, as 52031:; direcie?i. Summit; Sm ?m?iihgm: increase daily immigra?inn ?leten??n Cgpacity to 45:700 de?cn?on beds the and Bf FY 2037. This addit?anal detan?an capacity is necessary to implement yam? policies for ramaving iilega? aliens: {mm ?aha Linked States by aiahancin?g interior enf?rsemm?t efforts; and 6113:1133nt Qatch and: 16313353" 170}: these apprehended at the Sender. Funding pmp?ged far DHS weuld alga be used E9 estabiis?h a reaimiime border and ii??lmigl?atiea r3513 integra?zmn stem Within the. {)?ice 0f immigratien Statistics 333$ for new 13:31 tier and immigratian The materiais Summarize the pmposed amendmems i116 FY 2013?? Budget and ragti?stcd supplemental appropriations, as well. as: mew legal that the. A?n?nistfatian raqlzirics ti) implement thesa The ma} or categeries 9f ?nding~?bmken out, by high?ghted below: 36132111111813th 3615211253 3 $97? mil?ion for military 136343113363 (30518, w?iah ?126 pay and allmvancss associa?ied wiihhighar miliiary levela and the increase to 3.2.1 perceni mlifiary pay ?33356 ii} 2&1? funding for cian?ed. heaithcare- raferins, and .acijgustments Sased? .013 axec?su??n. I billiun fa); sparatians and mainiegnanue ?0 address urgent zeaciiness shar?fallg acmss the by funding additiai?iai training amidi?i?iity'E?V?Stme?tanS Suppio?itag Wizapeans "319$: funds; will alas magma; 21:31:33 ?n?iel?i game *9 $13 .5 biliioa far igmct??emeent and modemjzati?n, inauding a??itional Army Apache 312d Bia?khawk heiimpters. lie-325; and 8 ?ghier aircgaft, tactical miss?es? manned aircraft System35 and Tge?ni??al High. Aitimdg Area, Defe?sc ?ild the :dasti?ayerlth?ai ?126: 'Gb?gress partially {11$}de in. i? 2016,. a $2.1 billian ?0 academia: griori?ty research and dcve?epment bailistic: misg?? and air defame, missile defeat, 11112113de aircra? systems: next generatisn ?ghter aircraft. electrt?nie: warfare-,3 anii?ghip and land attaakmis.iisi'ieg, (332521? eparaiihns. and targeiing E?id Strike saggs? for ageeial operatiens fame-:33. a $962 milliozl far the (seats Gf imcreaseci supp?y stacks am! faeii'i?iy iepair 3.515 a. ?technical corremion to iransfer frauds Sam the Upstationaud Maint?nance, Navy 30031111? 2. OMB-American Oversight-000080 and t3 the NavaS 13321111111 funds acmunt t0 suppn? national defense sealift vessels 3nd the Natianal Defense Regsrve Fleet. $236 11131111011 for military censtruc?on to but un?nished- pmj?cts, 311133.33 a weapons stergage facility, and. far planning and: dcsiign for criticaI fatuxe: pmjjects; 1133213313. ?13333513 1? 0549 $1.4 to support urgent 01383330113} 1133113 assdciated with the acceleration of Operation Inherent Resdlve campaign ta defeat ISIS. The request inciudeg ?nding for farce pxeeision?guidsd munitions intelIigentse coilec?on tagging. and 31.111131113111113 defensive weapons Systems 313d.ccam1termeaqures 1818' 52 lethal drone prggiam $2 far a ?exible fund that weuid 3113213 DOD to allocate resources in support of the 1.1613 saunter-I SIS strategy to: maximiza the impact 0f U.S.. and. pper2j1tit1115. $626 million far: 3 new Counter?3.1313 T1331. and Equip Fund, which conscilidat?s con?ternISISnrelated train and equip cffer?s. The mqucst Ingreases ?mding ?03 assistance to partners in Iraq and Syria, While also providing the authority for BSD t0 work with threes fighting 18218 in areas-outside and Syria. The-3113111311335? acaompanying this memorandum include 11101311 3.311 Iegislgatizve 331133333 for this 111113. $3.1 {03? Ongoing 5.8 operations in Afghanistatl 311d support to global mumsrtermrism astivitics including r3110 11:13:63 31111 squipmant 11:1 better enable and p1 011x servide 1113111136125 their tight 3ga1113tt?1rr011s?t g3011ps such as the Qaeda its af?Iiatas and the Islamic State of Iraq 311d S3313 Kherasan- The 133333131313 .Incitldes plaming and design of constructjto? proj ects 1'11 suppert of Detea?tidtt? Opzeratidns at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ?epa?ment 0f Homeland Sesuritv $1.1 millimfar the _-Offic3 531111 Marmgemsnt 011313911113 31111 Supg?o'tt' to eStabli$h a real-"time data integmtion System thatwould supgtert immigration enfetcement operiations,ber16?ts adjudicatidn, policy analysis, accurate data repm?ting, and tar other 11011161 331111. immigration medaling analyses $286 million far CBP Gperatlens and Support, maludmg $95 millidn: ts: support: harder swrge opera?ons S65 11113101?: to build hiring 333333113 to recruit 311d anbnard 5 ,0130 Border Patrol agents, $18 ?01? prej act management, Severs1ght and support for the border W311 $43 111111111111 13 enhance situational awareness at the border and $154 1111111011 ?01 ether 61111111133111: and tnvestmants that (1111:3113; contmbute t1.) the. 31Iegttiv?nes~s {1f border security 11116331110113 Si 4 biIiidn for CBP P1ocu13ment and Improvements, i?cluding $999 minim: far pianning, des1gn and construction of the first installment of $116 harder Wall. $179 1311Bic1'11 for access wads gates and other tactical projects and $200 million for border Se?utity technology deployments biliian f0? ICE Opemtidns 311d Suppert, including SI 15 billion to pay for dgtantion. transportation? and 1331101233 0f illegal 3116113, and for alternatives to detentie?g $756 million OMB-American Oversight-000081 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-O1 19-A-000081 ff) 1911de hiring capacity it) recruit am} an?>0a?d aggniss arid of?cars; $5 mimm?: f0: hemeiand Secmriiy investigatmng i?teiligencc activities; and $5 mil?ian t0 suppmt aha expansim of the iiSectiOH 2.87%) Program a! $25 millian :er Federal Law Enforcement Training Came; Opera?ioi?s and Suggapgrt: for the: 13311?ng and training 0f instruemrs 1'0 suippc-i't 33w equrcement @f?ccr higirtg and training wi??n and ESE, at: $63 .m?lienfg}: :Faderai Law Twining Came: Cansms?img 313d Empmvemams 1b: infrastrugmre 'i??l?di?g nig?ula: domitary anci 9133300113 buildi?gs? Whisk weuftd supper: 121w e?nfarsemsm af?cerh?ring and irgi?ing'at and Raczammam?a?gn Ihave Eeviewed this request and. agree that ii; is necessary at ibis time, Without additieual appregria?ons, em natienal se?curii?y is at risk. This request: includes cri?caj resaurces far reimilding the. US. ISIS) ax?a?i pratsctiing 0m bar?ers. Therefere, [jam the heads 0f the affected departments in; yea iraasmit the pmpasals; t9 the (30:13:83.8. 5? Mick ,Mulvancy Dif?f?f?t? Egcicsures OMB-American Oversight-000082 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAMS Bureau: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Heading: Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Subheading: (Overseas contingency operations) FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 333 FY 2017 Pending Request $0 Proposed Amendment: $1,506,400,000 Revised Request: $1 ,506,400,000 (In the appropriations language under the above bureau, just after the Bodoni dash and immediately before the heading "Procurement?, insert the above new heading, the new subheading, the following new language, and a new Bodoni dash:) For the "Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Svria Train and Equip Fund", $1,506,400.000, to remain available until September 30, 2018: Provided, That such funds shall be available to the Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Secretary of State, to provide assistance, including training; equipment; logistics support, supplies, and services; stipends; infrastructure repair and renovation; construction of training facilities; small?scale construction of temporary facilities necessary to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements: and sustainment, to foreign securitv forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and their affiliated or associated groups: Provided further, That these funds may be used, in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense mav determine, to enhance the border security of nations adiacent to conflict areas, including Jordan and Lebanon, resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: Provided further, That anlounts made available under this heading shall be available to provide assistance only for activities in a country designated by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secreta? of State, as having a security mission to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and following written noti?cation to the congressional defense committees of such designation: OMB-American Oversight-000083 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Provided further, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from foreign governments, including the Government oflraq and other entities, to carry out assistance authorized under this heading: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes provided herein from any foreign government or other entity may be credited to this Fund, to remain available until expended, and used for such purposes: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may waive a provision of law relating to the acquisition of items and support services or sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2785) if the Secretarv determines that such provision oflaw would prohibit, restrict, delav or otherwise limit the provision of such assistance and a notice of and justification for such waiver is submitted to the congressional defense committees, the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the United States mav accept equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip Fund" in prior Acts, that was transferred to securitv forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria and returned by such forces or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip und" in prior Acts, and not yet transferred to security forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense when determined by the Secretary to no longer be required for transfer to such forces or groups and upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That the Secretary ofDefense shall provide quarterly reports to the congressional defense committees on the use of funds provided under this heading, including, but not limited to. the number of individuals trained, the nature and scope of support and sustainment provided to each group or individual, the area of operations for each group, and the contributions of other countries, groups, or individuals: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. This amendment formally consolidates and increases the funding requests for the Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) and Syria Train and Equip Fund (STEF), creating a new appropriation to provide $1 ,506.4 million to support the military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq's and the vetted Syrian opposition forces' operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Appropriated funds and cash contributions from foreign countries, international 0rgani7ations, and individuals are deposited into this account for the Department of Defense to provide assistance, including training, equipment, logistics OMB-American Oversight-000084 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request support, supplies and services, stipends, facility and infrastructure repair and renovation, and sustainrnent. OMB-American Oversight-000085 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 517 FY 2017 Pending Request: $136,451,000 Proposed Amendment: $1 1,304,000 Revised Request: $147,755,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period:) For an additional amount for "Operations and Support". $11,304,000. to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Of?ce of Immigration Statistics, including border and immigration modeling analysis. This amendment would increase by $1 1.3 million the amount for the Of?ce of the Secretary and Executive Management Operations and Support account to establish and support a real-time data integration system in the Of? ee of Immigration Statistics, and to fund new border and immigration modeling analysis- The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $11.3 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000086 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 523 FY 2017 Pending Request: $11,333,352,000 Proposed Amendment: $286,001,000 Revised Request: $11,619,353,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support", $286,001,000, to remain available until September 30, 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of laws related to border security, immigration, and customs, This amendment would increase by $286 million the total funding provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?nding for planning, operation, and support of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States; and to recruit, hire, train, and equip an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $286 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000087 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 527 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $323 ,390,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,377,483,000 Revised Request: $1 ,700,873 ,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $1,377,483.000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses for procurement, construction, and improvements required for the operational control of United States borders, including design and construction of a wall and other phvsical barriers on the southern border of the United States. This amendment would increase by $1.7 billion the amount for the US. Customs and Border Protection Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for acquisition of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.4 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000088 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 532-533 FY 2017 Pending Request: $5,855,023,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,237,212,000 Revised Request: $7,092,235,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, 531.237.212.000. to remain available until September 30. 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of immigration and customs laws. detention and removals, and investigations. This amendment would increase by $1.2 billion the amount for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders and higher than anticipated border apprehensions beginning in the late Summer of 2016- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for the detention and removal of illegal aliens, alternatives to detention where appropriate, the building of hiring capacity to begin the hiring of 10,000 ICE law enforcement officers and additional support staff, and expansion of the Section 287(g) Program. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.2 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000089 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 570 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $242,5 18,000 Proposed Amendment: $25,000,000 Revised Request: $267,518,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, $25 000000, to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $25 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?mding for the hiring and training of basic training instructors for new FY 2018 law enforcement officers Within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $25 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000090 OMB-17-O112-A and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 571 FY 2017 Pending Request: $0 Proposed Amendment: $63,000,000 Revised Request: $63,000,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $63,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $63 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President?s January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate classroom, dorm, and office space in support of the training of new FY 2018 law enforcement officers within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $63 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000091 and OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000092 OMB-American Oversight-000092 Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Base Budget (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fluid Contribution, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Air Force FY 2017 President's Budget] Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 40,028,182 27,951,605 12,813,412 27,944,615 4,561,703 1,924,155 744,995 1,742,906 7,910,694 3,280,065 1,793,909 1,240,982 703,171 1,210,812 341,533 112,246 64,942 113,540 589,354 196,419 4 162,242 13,748 49,200 29,636 4 4,869 1,997 -3,869 4 102,527 22,600 161,016 111,387 63,115 108,679 34,919 11,202 6,688 11,753 65,058 19,918 40,028,182 28,113,847 12,827,160 27,993,815 4,591,339 1,929,024 746,992 1,739,037 8,013,221 3,302,665 1,954,925 1,352,369 766,286 1,319,491 376,452 123,448 71,630 125,293 654,412 216,337 Military Personnel Total 135,269,240 976,685 136,245,925 Page 1 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000093 OMB-American Oversight-000093 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Office of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Cooperative Threat Reduction Account Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Disposal of Department ofDefense Real Property Lease of Department ofDefense Real Property FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 33,809,040 39,483,581 5,954,258 37,518,056 32,571,590 322,035 2,712,331 927,656 270,633 3,067,929 6,825,370 6,703,578 14,194 844,800 33,467,516 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 8,175 36,587 1,880,933 1,736,884 451,702 2,267,324 407,531 31,400 5,208 77 144,899 204,100 115,500 -225,832 199,000 35,689,973 41,220,465 6,405,960 39,785,380 32,979,121 322,035 2,743,731 932,864 270,710 3,212,828 7,029,470 6,819,078 14,194 844,800 33,241,684 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 199,000 8,175 36,587 Operation and Maintenance Total 205,997,601 7,218,726 213,216,327 Page 2 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000094 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 3,614,787 1,519,966 2,265,177 1,513,157 5,873,949 14,109,148 3,209,262 664,368 18,354,874 6,338,861 1,362,769 13,922,917 2,426,621 3,055,743 1,677,719 17,438,056 4,524,918 44,065 551,023 99,300 1,625,743 852,654 750,518 486,685 449,345 4,006,977 171,500 53,100 691,020 217,989 405,933 4 1,847,520 19,900 70,000 1,277,145 4 409,028 127,000 5,240,530 2,372,620 3,015,695 1,999,842 6,323,294 18,116,125 3,380,762 717,468 19,045,894 6,556,850 1,768,702 15,770,437 2,426,621 3,075,643 1,747,719 18,715,201 4,933,946 44,065 678,023 99,300 Procurement Total 102,566,680 13,462,057 116,028,737 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force- Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense 7,515,399 17,276,301 28,112,251 18,308,826 178,994 349,621 299,566 842,082 570,339 2,725 7,865,020 17,575,867 28,954,333 18,879,165 181,719 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 71,391,771 2,064,333 73,456,104 Page 3 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000095 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds National Defense Sealitt Fund Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Air Force Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 56,469 63,967 37,132 1,214,045 532,834 429,000 532,834 56,469 63,967 466,132 1,214,045 Revolving and Management Funds Total 1,371,613 961,834 2,333,447 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Security Investment Program Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Militaly Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Department ofDefense Base Closure Account 516,596,905 553,959 1,338,079 1,640,558 2,025,444 177,932 300,430 154,957 98,230 38,597 188,950 240,237 24,683,635 28,000 66,708 93,000 12,000 13,000 10,000 4,525 9,000 541,280,540 581,959 1,404,787 1,733,558 2,025,444 177,932 312,430 167,957 108,230 43,122 197,950 240,237 Military Construction Total 6,757,373 236,233 6,993,606 Page 4 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000096 Appropriation Account Title Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Anny Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air oree Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 Family Housing Total 1,276,289 1,276,289 Total Military Construction Bill 8,033,662 236,233 8,269,895 Total Department of Defense 524,63 0,567 24,919,868 549,550,435 For the Military Construction Bill appropriations, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublic Law 114-223, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. Page 5 of 9 OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000097 Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar 1 Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force Military Personnel Total Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations Budget (Dollars in Thousands) FY 2017 President's Budget' Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 2,051,578 330,557 179,733 719,896 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,562,258 Page 6 of 9 94,034 7,354 5,840 37,640 144,868 -l7,6l0 131,375 113,765 2,128,002 337,911 185,573 888,911 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,820,891 196,964 10,484 5,840 51,830 265,118 1,931,038 327,427 179,733 837,081 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,555,773 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000098 OMB-American Oversight-000098 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense?Wide Of?ce of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund Afghanistan Security Forces Fund lraq Train and Fquip Fund Syria Train and Equip Fund Counter-1510177116 State oflmq and Syria Train and Equip Fundi Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 15,310,587 6,827,391 1,244,359 9,498,830 5,982,173 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 331,764 1,000,000 3,448,715 630,000 250,000 4 2,934,269 95,531 168,446 382,496 412,959 2,547 814,500 4 289,500 188,412 83,419 +4,534 93,275 619,473 -630,000 250,000 4 1,506,400 1,969,800 18,433,268 7,006,341 1,417,339 9,974,601 7,014,605 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 289,500 1,506,400 1,969,800 3,173,679 97,881 180,546 428,046 446,283 289,500 15,259,589 6,908,460 1,236,793 9,546,555 6,568,322 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 1,506,400 1,969,800 Operation and Maintenance Total 45,034,083 5,100,248 3,585,313 53,719,644 4,615,935 49,103,709 Page 7 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000099 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force ()ther Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Joint Improved-Threat Defeat Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 313,171 632,8l7 153,544 301,523 1,373,010 393,030 8,600 66,229 124,206 118,939 859,399 339,545 487,408 3,696,281 238,434 408,272 46,500 98,500 137,884 99,800 23,000 12,300 298,363 85,419 58,000 5,500 28,072 73,100 +211,913 +212,535 336,171 691,617 153,544 301,523 1,769,873 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 339,545 487,408 4,046,078 450,969 508,072 229,100 72,000 87,800 83,900 201,563 137,884 336,171 462,517 153,544 301,523 1,697,873 87,800 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 255,645 285,845 3,908,194 450,969 508,072 Procurement Total 9,514,408 387,684 1,008,202 10,910,294 812,247 10,098,047 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 100,522 78,323 32,905 162,419 374,169 139,200 3,000 142,200 92,600 127,700 72,800 66,571 359,671 332,322 206,023 105,705 231,990 876,040 78,700 3,000 81,700 253,622 206,023 105,705 228,990 794,340 Page 8 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000100 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Additional Amendment Appropriations November 10, 2016 Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 46,833 93,800 1,681 48,514 93,800 48,514 93,800 Revolving and Management Funds Total 140,633 1,681 142,314 142,314 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide 58,625,551 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 5,775,000 5,068,632 +11,500 12,300 69,469,183 30,400 59,809 100,591 5,000 5,775,000 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 63,694,183 11,500 12,300 Military Construction Total 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Military Construction Bill 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Department of Defense Cancellation Military Construction, Air Force, 15/17 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,092,432 42,300 69,664,983 42,300 5,947,000 63,717,983 42,300 Total Department of Defense w/Cancellation 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,080,132 69,652,683 5,947,000 63,705,683 For items listed under ?Military Construction Bill appropriations?, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublie Law 1 14?223, the Military Constructions, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. 1 Enacted includes funding provided in Division of Public Law 114?254, the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017 for items listed under ?Defense Bill Appropriations" and Division A of Public Law 114-223 for items listed under ?Military Construction Bill Appropriations". 3 Account not included in the FY 2017 President's Bridget. Accompanying technical materials include proposed legislative language for this account. Page 9 of 9 FW: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Requestg??g ea gas: amass: as: g?g? From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:09:45 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 Supplemental Request_Defense and DHS_Fina _March 2017.pelf (3.23 MB) The FY 2017 Supp is attached, Neal A, Patel Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Message From: FN-OlVIB-LegislativeRequests Sent: Thursday, March 16: 2017 7:04 AM To: FN?OMB-LegislativeRequests Subject: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Request Good morning, Please find an attachment of a PDF copy of the 2017 Appropriations Request: Department of Defense to rebuild the US. Armed Forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Department of Homeland Security for urgent border protection activities." Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to respond to this email to reach out to the OMB Legislative Affairs office. OMB-American Oversight-000101 and THE WHITE HQUSE WASEHIBEGTGN March 15, 2017 ?ear Mr. Epeaker: I ask the angress to ccnsider the requegt for Fiseal Year 203?. mhe reggast incladeg an; ad&iti?na1 $30 billion fer the Departme?t cf BQEEHSE to rebuild the U48. Armed Fordes and accelerat? the camyaign to defeat the Islamia State cf Eraq an? Syria (ISIS), and an a??itional $3 billign far the Degartment sf Homeland SECurity (DES) for-urgant border pxatection activities} Ihia apprepriatioms xequest wauld'prcvide $24.9 billion in the DOD base budget far urgent warfighting readinass needs an? to begin a Sustaine& ta rebuild tha 3.3m Armed Farces. The request seeks to addreas critical budget shortfalls in pergannel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, ma?ernizatien, and infrastructure investmegt. it rapr??ent? a critical first siep in investing in a iarger, mare ready, and more capable military farce. The request also includes $5.1 biliien in the everSeas Contingency Operations budget Ear DOD ta ascglerate the campaign he defeat 1818 and Freedom?s Sentinel in A?ghanigtam; This request wmul? enable DOD t9 purgue-a camprehensive strategy t9 emd=tha thraat IEES-peses ta th? Unitea States. In addition, this requeat?WQUld grovide an additi?nal $3 billien far'DHs-implementatiqn 0E my-executive oz?ers an border aecurity and'immigxation enforcement. The raguest wauld fund t0 plan; design, an? congtruct a physical wall along the south?rn bordar, and make a?her critical invegtments in tactical box?eriin?rastructuxa an? tachnalagy? whe.reque$t also preyaSQs funding to increase immigration detenticn cayacity, which is necessary ta ensure the removal o? illegal aliens Sta%es- Finallyf the request funds new recruiting capacity-at 3H8 go that it may hire additianal immigrativn law enforcemant-foiqers OMB-American Oversight-000102 and 2 En cpnjunction with this reguest, xecommend that the Congress enact nqn~?efense discretienary rEduCticns:Q? $18 billiOn in FY 2917, which wauld fuily offSet the amcunts proposed for DHS and woul? offset h?lf of the amounts progosed for DOD. fhe details af?thig Er?yosal are set farthjin the emcko?ed lettar gram the Qireatar af the O??ice Of Management and Hudget. Sincerely, The Henarable Eaul Ryan Speakerzof thei?guge of Representatives waghingtan, 3.0. 20515 OMB-American Oversight-000103 and EstimateNu. f1, 115th Congress. Isl: Session EXECUTEVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT BUQGET at; 29503 ?r'ei-af? r3! March 14, 20-17 373.16: President The White House D?ar Mr. Presidunt: Submitted fer yuur cunsiderati?n is garequast fur. additional 11.0- adgciruss the urgent needs Of @118 Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homelaind Security in Fiscal Year (FY) 2317.; An additional $254.9 billion is included to address immediate war?gh?timg tardiness nceds at DOD. A11 additiunal billion, to be designated for Gverseas Centingency Operations (UGO), is inuiu?cd for DOD ta "acceEerate the campaign. tr) defeat the 'lslamizc State of Iraq anti Syria (ISIS): and continue suppori for Operation. Freedmn?s Sentinsl (DES) in Afghanistan. Au additiuual $3 billion is requested for DHS to address urgent border protectiun actisri?tius, This request f?or additional appropriatium reflects Adminislriatien?s commitment to strengthen 0111' national summit}? by rebuilding the US. Annual Forces and prot?cting cur barriers. As the fulluwing Ichart illustrates, together with a recummended reductign of $18billio'r1 in nou??efense discretionary amounts in FY 20} total funding woulu increase lay $15 E?lEion. (3:535 2017:, mounts in billians} .. . . .Rgguerr. .. .. mum Base i i: i $551 :7 f$35??6: +3255 Defense 0C0 Non?cfense $519 $504 $35 .7.DHSrequeS.t_.? -+#3318 .7 i' "Tat?a?E'ChaIrge I I 7 Theadditiunai amounis requested forthu DOD base. budget would pmvide funding for urgent wur?ghting readiness: news that are mucus guy tof begin: a.;sustainecl effurt re reljuj?d the Us- Armie?' Forces". "The agpprupriations; request seeks to address aritiual budget shortfalls in? personnel, training, mainteua?ce, equipment, munitions, modernization, and infrastructure: The request is a finest strap in investing in a larger, more manly; anti more capable farce? Thermounts requeste? fer DOB t0 acaelerate the umpaign tr; defeat and support QFS in. Afghanistan are designated as 001) pursuant ?3:0 suction. cf the Bialancad Budget andEmergency De?cit Control Act of 3985, as amended. This request weuld enable is: support a cemprehengive, whole?"of?Government sirategy ten stop ISIS from p?sing a ?threat t0 the United States by funding critical efferts u) strike ISIS targets, supper: our puri?ers fightiug (311 the ground, disrupt external operatiom? and gut off its ?owu of ?nancing. The OMB-American Oversight-000104 and acquesi: aisz; supgmr?is ongoing efforts througi?l QFS preverit threats "to the hgmelan? {mt 3113.63 and imerss?is abrea? from ISIS a1 Qae?ia and their affiliated 0r asseciated groups These investments "2:130 aomi?ement additional U. suppm?? for thefoghgan \Idimnal Defense 331d Secugiiy Fm?ces requested on Nevember '3 0, 20163. The amounts for'DHS 111153] ementation Bf yam? Bxcw??ive Orders; on E39166: security and immigration enfmcemem Funds requested f6? S. C?stams and Beards? Frozegtm? wax; 13d auppmi high pnumy maxed mfras?iruc?ure and berdcr security iachnalogy imlu?iag efforts to @3311 design 813d cens?mci a physicai aleng Sm 56:1?th bardcr The ?request ?1330 iacludcs mam for DHS oemponcn?rs; ta begin bu?ding the a?ministrativa cayacity nesessary to recruit, hire, train, and equip an add?iicnal 3,000 Pam)?- agenis and 103309 Immigratiana?d Custer-1123 E?fOI?C?mef?-t G-f?c-ers 21:16. age?f?g, as 52031:; direcie?i. Summit; Sm ?m?iihgm: increase daily immigra?inn ?leten??n Cgpacity to 45:700 de?cn?on beds the and Bf FY 2037. This addit?anal detan?an capacity is necessary to implement yam? policies for ramaving iilega? aliens: {mm ?aha Linked States by aiahancin?g interior enf?rsemm?t efforts; and 6113:1133nt Qatch and: 16313353" 170}: these apprehended at the Sender. Funding pmp?ged far DHS weuld alga be used E9 estabiis?h a reaimiime border and ii??lmigl?atiea r3513 integra?zmn stem Within the. {)?ice 0f immigratien Statistics 333$ for new 13:31 tier and immigratian The materiais Summarize the pmposed amendmems i116 FY 2013?? Budget and ragti?stcd supplemental appropriations, as well. as: mew legal that the. A?n?nistfatian raqlzirics ti) implement thesa The ma} or categeries 9f ?nding~?bmken out, by high?ghted below: 36132111111813th 3615211253 3 $97? mil?ion for military 136343113363 (30518, w?iah ?126 pay and allmvancss associa?ied wiihhighar miliiary levela and the increase to 3.2.1 perceni mlifiary pay ?33356 ii} 2&1? funding for cian?ed. heaithcare- raferins, and .acijgustments Sased? .013 axec?su??n. I billiun fa); sparatians and mainiegnanue ?0 address urgent zeaciiness shar?fallg acmss the by funding additiai?iai training amidi?i?iity'E?V?Stme?tanS Suppio?itag Wizapeans "319$: funds; will alas magma; 21:31:33 ?n?iel?i game *9 $13 .5 biliioa far igmct??emeent and modemjzati?n, inauding a??itional Army Apache 312d Bia?khawk heiimpters. lie-325; and 8 ?ghier aircgaft, tactical miss?es? manned aircraft System35 and Tge?ni??al High. Aitimdg Area, Defe?sc ?ild the :dasti?ayerlth?ai ?126: 'Gb?gress partially {11$}de in. i? 2016,. a $2.1 billian ?0 academia: griori?ty research and dcve?epment bailistic: misg?? and air defame, missile defeat, 11112113de aircra? systems: next generatisn ?ghter aircraft. electrt?nie: warfare-,3 anii?ghip and land attaakmis.iisi'ieg, (332521? eparaiihns. and targeiing E?id Strike saggs? for ageeial operatiens fame-:33. a $962 milliozl far the (seats Gf imcreaseci supp?y stacks am! faeii'i?iy iepair 3.515 a. ?technical corremion to iransfer frauds Sam the Upstationaud Maint?nance, Navy 30031111? 2. OMB-American Oversight-000105 and t3 the NavaS 13321111111 funds acmunt t0 suppn? national defense sealift vessels 3nd the Natianal Defense Regsrve Fleet. $236 11131111011 for military censtruc?on to but un?nished- pmj?cts, 311133.33 a weapons stergage facility, and. far planning and: dcsiign for criticaI fatuxe: pmjjects; 1133213313. ?13333513 1? 0549 $1.4 to support urgent 01383330113} 1133113 assdciated with the acceleration of Operation Inherent Resdlve campaign ta defeat ISIS. The request inciudeg ?nding for farce pxeeision?guidsd munitions intelIigentse coilec?on tagging. and 31.111131113111113 defensive weapons Systems 313d.ccam1termeaqures 1818' 52 lethal drone prggiam $2 far a ?exible fund that weuid 3113213 DOD to allocate resources in support of the 1.1613 saunter-I SIS strategy to: maximiza the impact 0f U.S.. and. pper2j1tit1115. $626 million far: 3 new Counter?3.1313 T1331. and Equip Fund, which conscilidat?s con?ternISISnrelated train and equip cffer?s. The mqucst Ingreases ?mding ?03 assistance to partners in Iraq and Syria, While also providing the authority for BSD t0 work with threes fighting 18218 in areas-outside and Syria. The-3113111311335? acaompanying this memorandum include 11101311 3.311 Iegislgatizve 331133333 for this 111113. $3.1 {03? Ongoing 5.8 operations in Afghanistatl 311d support to global mumsrtermrism astivitics including r3110 11:13:63 31111 squipmant 11:1 better enable and p1 011x servide 1113111136125 their tight 3ga1113tt?1rr011s?t g3011ps such as the Qaeda its af?Iiatas and the Islamic State of Iraq 311d S3313 Kherasan- The 133333131313 .Incitldes plaming and design of constructjto? proj ects 1'11 suppert of Detea?tidtt? Opzeratidns at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ?epa?ment 0f Homeland Sesuritv $1.1 millimfar the _-Offic3 531111 Marmgemsnt 011313911113 31111 Supg?o'tt' to eStabli$h a real-"time data integmtion System thatwould supgtert immigration enfetcement operiations,ber16?ts adjudicatidn, policy analysis, accurate data repm?ting, and tar other 11011161 331111. immigration medaling analyses $286 million far CBP Gperatlens and Support, maludmg $95 millidn: ts: support: harder swrge opera?ons S65 11113101?: to build hiring 333333113 to recruit 311d anbnard 5 ,0130 Border Patrol agents, $18 ?01? prej act management, Severs1ght and support for the border W311 $43 111111111111 13 enhance situational awareness at the border and $154 1111111011 ?01 ether 61111111133111: and tnvestmants that (1111:3113; contmbute t1.) the. 31Iegttiv?nes~s {1f border security 11116331110113 Si 4 biIiidn for CBP P1ocu13ment and Improvements, i?cluding $999 minim: far pianning, des1gn and construction of the first installment of $116 harder Wall. $179 1311Bic1'11 for access wads gates and other tactical projects and $200 million for border Se?utity technology deployments biliian f0? ICE Opemtidns 311d Suppert, including SI 15 billion to pay for dgtantion. transportation? and 1331101233 0f illegal 3116113, and for alternatives to detentie?g $756 million OMB-American Oversight-000106 OMB-17-O112-A and ff) 1911de hiring capacity it) recruit am} an?>0a?d aggniss arid of?cars; $5 mimm?: f0: hemeiand Secmriiy investigatmng i?teiligencc activities; and $5 mil?ian t0 suppmt aha expansim of the iiSectiOH 2.87%) Program a! $25 millian :er Federal Law Enforcement Training Came; Opera?ioi?s and Suggapgrt: for the: 13311?ng and training 0f instruemrs 1'0 suippc-i't 33w equrcement @f?ccr higirtg and training wi??n and ESE, at: $63 .m?lienfg}: :Faderai Law Twining Came: Cansms?img 313d Empmvemams 1b: infrastrugmre 'i??l?di?g nig?ula: domitary anci 9133300113 buildi?gs? Whisk weuftd supper: 121w e?nfarsemsm af?cerh?ring and irgi?ing'at and Raczammam?a?gn Ihave Eeviewed this request and. agree that ii; is necessary at ibis time, Without additieual appregria?ons, em natienal se?curii?y is at risk. This request: includes cri?caj resaurces far reimilding the. US. ISIS) ax?a?i pratsctiing 0m bar?ers. Therefere, [jam the heads 0f the affected departments in; yea iraasmit the pmpasals; t9 the (30:13:83.8. 5? Mick ,Mulvancy Dif?f?f?t? Egcicsures OMB-American Oversight-000107 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAMS Bureau: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Heading: Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Subheading: (Overseas contingency operations) FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 333 FY 2017 Pending Request $0 Proposed Amendment: $1,506,400,000 Revised Request: $1 ,506,400,000 (In the appropriations language under the above bureau, just after the Bodoni dash and immediately before the heading "Procurement?, insert the above new heading, the new subheading, the following new language, and a new Bodoni dash:) For the "Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Svria Train and Equip Fund", $1,506,400.000, to remain available until September 30, 2018: Provided, That such funds shall be available to the Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Secretary of State, to provide assistance, including training; equipment; logistics support, supplies, and services; stipends; infrastructure repair and renovation; construction of training facilities; small?scale construction of temporary facilities necessary to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements: and sustainment, to foreign securitv forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and their affiliated or associated groups: Provided further, That these funds may be used, in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense mav determine, to enhance the border security of nations adiacent to conflict areas, including Jordan and Lebanon, resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: Provided further, That anlounts made available under this heading shall be available to provide assistance only for activities in a country designated by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secreta? of State, as having a security mission to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and following written noti?cation to the congressional defense committees of such designation: OMB-American Oversight-000108 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Provided further, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from foreign governments, including the Government oflraq and other entities, to carry out assistance authorized under this heading: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes provided herein from any foreign government or other entity may be credited to this Fund, to remain available until expended, and used for such purposes: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may waive a provision of law relating to the acquisition of items and support services or sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2785) if the Secretarv determines that such provision oflaw would prohibit, restrict, delav or otherwise limit the provision of such assistance and a notice of and justification for such waiver is submitted to the congressional defense committees, the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the United States mav accept equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip Fund" in prior Acts, that was transferred to securitv forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria and returned by such forces or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip und" in prior Acts, and not yet transferred to security forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense when determined by the Secretary to no longer be required for transfer to such forces or groups and upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That the Secretary ofDefense shall provide quarterly reports to the congressional defense committees on the use of funds provided under this heading, including, but not limited to. the number of individuals trained, the nature and scope of support and sustainment provided to each group or individual, the area of operations for each group, and the contributions of other countries, groups, or individuals: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. This amendment formally consolidates and increases the funding requests for the Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) and Syria Train and Equip Fund (STEF), creating a new appropriation to provide $1 ,506.4 million to support the military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq's and the vetted Syrian opposition forces' operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Appropriated funds and cash contributions from foreign countries, international 0rgani7ations, and individuals are deposited into this account for the Department of Defense to provide assistance, including training, equipment, logistics OMB-American Oversight-000109 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request support, supplies and services, stipends, facility and infrastructure repair and renovation, and sustainrnent. OMB-American Oversight-000110 and 1O FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 517 FY 2017 Pending Request: $136,451,000 Proposed Amendment: $1 1,304,000 Revised Request: $147,755,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period:) For an additional amount for "Operations and Support". $11,304,000. to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Of?ce of Immigration Statistics, including border and immigration modeling analysis. This amendment would increase by $1 1.3 million the amount for the Of?ce of the Secretary and Executive Management Operations and Support account to establish and support a real-time data integration system in the Of? ee of Immigration Statistics, and to fund new border and immigration modeling analysis- The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $11.3 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000111 and 11 FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 523 FY 2017 Pending Request: $11,333,352,000 Proposed Amendment: $286,001,000 Revised Request: $11,619,353,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support", $286,001,000, to remain available until September 30, 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of laws related to border security, immigration, and customs, This amendment would increase by $286 million the total funding provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?nding for planning, operation, and support of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States; and to recruit, hire, train, and equip an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $286 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000112 and 12 FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 527 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $323 ,390,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,377,483,000 Revised Request: $1 ,700,873 ,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $1,377,483.000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses for procurement, construction, and improvements required for the operational control of United States borders, including design and construction of a wall and other phvsical barriers on the southern border of the United States. This amendment would increase by $1.7 billion the amount for the US. Customs and Border Protection Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for acquisition of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.4 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000113 and 13 FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 532-533 FY 2017 Pending Request: $5,855,023,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,237,212,000 Revised Request: $7,092,235,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, 531.237.212.000. to remain available until September 30. 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of immigration and customs laws. detention and removals, and investigations. This amendment would increase by $1.2 billion the amount for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders and higher than anticipated border apprehensions beginning in the late Summer of 2016- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for the detention and removal of illegal aliens, alternatives to detention where appropriate, the building of hiring capacity to begin the hiring of 10,000 ICE law enforcement officers and additional support staff, and expansion of the Section 287(g) Program. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.2 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000114 and 14 FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 570 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $242,5 18,000 Proposed Amendment: $25,000,000 Revised Request: $267,518,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, $25 000000, to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $25 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?mding for the hiring and training of basic training instructors for new FY 2018 law enforcement officers Within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $25 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000115 OMB-17-O112-A and 15 FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 571 FY 2017 Pending Request: $0 Proposed Amendment: $63,000,000 Revised Request: $63,000,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $63,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $63 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President?s January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate classroom, dorm, and office space in support of the training of new FY 2018 law enforcement officers within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $63 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000116 and 16 OMB-17-O112-A and 17 OMB-American Oversight-000117 Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Base Budget (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fluid Contribution, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Air Force FY 2017 President's Budget] Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 40,028,182 27,951,605 12,813,412 27,944,615 4,561,703 1,924,155 744,995 1,742,906 7,910,694 3,280,065 1,793,909 1,240,982 703,171 1,210,812 341,533 112,246 64,942 113,540 589,354 196,419 4 162,242 13,748 49,200 29,636 4 4,869 1,997 -3,869 4 102,527 22,600 161,016 111,387 63,115 108,679 34,919 11,202 6,688 11,753 65,058 19,918 40,028,182 28,113,847 12,827,160 27,993,815 4,591,339 1,929,024 746,992 1,739,037 8,013,221 3,302,665 1,954,925 1,352,369 766,286 1,319,491 376,452 123,448 71,630 125,293 654,412 216,337 Military Personnel Total 135,269,240 976,685 136,245,925 Page 1 of 9 and 18 OMB-American Oversight-000118 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Office of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Cooperative Threat Reduction Account Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Disposal of Department ofDefense Real Property Lease of Department ofDefense Real Property FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 33,809,040 39,483,581 5,954,258 37,518,056 32,571,590 322,035 2,712,331 927,656 270,633 3,067,929 6,825,370 6,703,578 14,194 844,800 33,467,516 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 8,175 36,587 1,880,933 1,736,884 451,702 2,267,324 407,531 31,400 5,208 77 144,899 204,100 115,500 -225,832 199,000 35,689,973 41,220,465 6,405,960 39,785,380 32,979,121 322,035 2,743,731 932,864 270,710 3,212,828 7,029,470 6,819,078 14,194 844,800 33,241,684 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 199,000 8,175 36,587 Operation and Maintenance Total Page 2 of 9 205,997,601 7,218,726 213,216,327 OMB-17-O112-A and 19 OMB-American Oversight-000119 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 3,614,787 1,519,966 2,265,177 1,513,157 5,873,949 14,109,148 3,209,262 664,368 18,354,874 6,338,861 1,362,769 13,922,917 2,426,621 3,055,743 1,677,719 17,438,056 4,524,918 44,065 551,023 99,300 1,625,743 852,654 750,518 486,685 449,345 4,006,977 171,500 53,100 691,020 217,989 405,933 4 1,847,520 19,900 70,000 1,277,145 4 409,028 127,000 5,240,530 2,372,620 3,015,695 1,999,842 6,323,294 18,116,125 3,380,762 717,468 19,045,894 6,556,850 1,768,702 15,770,437 2,426,621 3,075,643 1,747,719 18,715,201 4,933,946 44,065 678,023 99,300 Procurement Total 102,566,680 13,462,057 116,028,737 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force- Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense 7,515,399 17,276,301 28,112,251 18,308,826 178,994 349,621 299,566 842,082 570,339 2,725 7,865,020 17,575,867 28,954,333 18,879,165 181,719 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 71,391,771 2,064,333 73,456,104 Page 3 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000120 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds National Defense Sealitt Fund Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Air Force Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 56,469 63,967 37,132 1,214,045 532,834 429,000 532,834 56,469 63,967 466,132 1,214,045 Revolving and Management Funds Total 1,371,613 961,834 2,333,447 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Security Investment Program Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Militaly Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Department ofDefense Base Closure Account 516,596,905 553,959 1,338,079 1,640,558 2,025,444 177,932 300,430 154,957 98,230 38,597 188,950 240,237 24,683,635 28,000 66,708 93,000 12,000 13,000 10,000 4,525 9,000 541,280,540 581,959 1,404,787 1,733,558 2,025,444 177,932 312,430 167,957 108,230 43,122 197,950 240,237 Military Construction Total 6,757,373 236,233 6,993,606 Page 4 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000121 Appropriation Account Title Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Anny Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air oree Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 Family Housing Total 1,276,289 1,276,289 Total Military Construction Bill 8,033,662 236,233 8,269,895 Total Department of Defense 524,63 0,567 24,919,868 549,550,435 For the Military Construction Bill appropriations, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublic Law 114-223, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. Page 5 of 9 OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000122 OMB-American Oversight-000122 Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar 1 Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force Military Personnel Total Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations Budget (Dollars in Thousands) FY 2017 President's Budget' Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 2,051,578 330,557 179,733 719,896 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,562,258 Page 6 of 9 94,034 7,354 5,840 37,640 144,868 -l7,6l0 131,375 113,765 2,128,002 337,911 185,573 888,911 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,820,891 196,964 10,484 5,840 51,830 265,118 1,931,038 327,427 179,733 837,081 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,555,773 and OMB-American Oversight-000123 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense?Wide Of?ce of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund Afghanistan Security Forces Fund lraq Train and Fquip Fund Syria Train and Equip Fund Counter-1510177116 State oflmq and Syria Train and Equip Fundi Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 15,310,587 6,827,391 1,244,359 9,498,830 5,982,173 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 331,764 1,000,000 3,448,715 630,000 250,000 4 2,934,269 95,531 168,446 382,496 412,959 2,547 814,500 4 289,500 188,412 83,419 +4,534 93,275 619,473 -630,000 250,000 4 1,506,400 1,969,800 18,433,268 7,006,341 1,417,339 9,974,601 7,014,605 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 289,500 1,506,400 1,969,800 3,173,679 97,881 180,546 428,046 446,283 289,500 15,259,589 6,908,460 1,236,793 9,546,555 6,568,322 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 1,506,400 1,969,800 Operation and Maintenance Total 45,034,083 5,100,248 3,585,313 53,719,644 4,615,935 49,103,709 Page 7 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000124 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force ()ther Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Joint Improved-Threat Defeat Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 313,171 632,8l7 153,544 301,523 1,373,010 393,030 8,600 66,229 124,206 118,939 859,399 339,545 487,408 3,696,281 238,434 408,272 46,500 98,500 137,884 99,800 23,000 12,300 298,363 85,419 58,000 5,500 28,072 73,100 +211,913 +212,535 336,171 691,617 153,544 301,523 1,769,873 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 339,545 487,408 4,046,078 450,969 508,072 229,100 72,000 87,800 83,900 201,563 137,884 336,171 462,517 153,544 301,523 1,697,873 87,800 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 255,645 285,845 3,908,194 450,969 508,072 Procurement Total 9,514,408 387,684 1,008,202 10,910,294 812,247 10,098,047 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide 100,522 78,323 32,905 162,419 139,200 3,000 92,600 127,700 72,800 66,571 332,322 206,023 105,705 231,990 78,700 3,000 253,622 206,023 105,705 228,990 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 374,169 142,200 359,671 876,040 81,700 794,340 Page 8 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000125 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Additional Amendment Appropriations November 10, 2016 Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 46,833 93,800 1,681 48,514 93,800 48,514 93,800 Revolving and Management Funds Total 140,633 1,681 142,314 142,314 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide 58,625,551 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 5,775,000 5,068,632 +11,500 12,300 69,469,183 30,400 59,809 100,591 5,000 5,775,000 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 63,694,183 11,500 12,300 Military Construction Total 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Military Construction Bill 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Department of Defense Cancellation Military Construction, Air Force, 15/17 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,092,432 42,300 69,664,983 42,300 5,947,000 63,717,983 42,300 Total Department of Defense w/Cancellation 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,080,132 69,652,683 5,947,000 63,705,683 For items listed under ?Military Construction Bill appropriations?, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublie Law 1 14?223, the Military Constructions, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. 1 Enacted includes funding provided in Division of Public Law 114?254, the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017 for items listed under ?Defense Bill Appropriations" and Division A of Public Law 114-223 for items listed under ?Military Construction Bill Appropriations". 3 Account not included in the FY 2017 President's Bridget. Accompanying technical materials include proposed legislative language for this account. Page 9 of 9 FW: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Requestg??g ea gas: amass: as: g?g? From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:09:10 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 Supplemental Request_Defense and DHS_Fina _March 2017.pelf (3.23 MB) The FY 2017 Supp is attached, Neal A, Patel Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Message From: FN-OlVIB-LegislativeRequests Sent: Thursday, March 16: 2017 7:04 AM To: FN?OMB-LegislativeRequests Subject: Attachment for FY2017 Defense/DHS Supplemental Request Good morning, Please find an attachment of a PDF copy of the 2017 Appropriations Request: Department of Defense to rebuild the US. Armed Forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Department of Homeland Security for urgent border protection activities." Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to respond to this email to reach out to the OMB Legislative Affairs office. OMB-American Oversight-000126 and THE WHITE HQUSE WASEHIBEGTGN March 15, 2017 ?ear Mr. Epeaker: I ask the angress to ccnsider the requegt for Fiseal Year 203?. mhe reggast incladeg an; ad&iti?na1 $30 billion fer the Departme?t cf BQEEHSE to rebuild the U48. Armed Fordes and accelerat? the camyaign to defeat the Islamia State cf Eraq an? Syria (ISIS), and an a??itional $3 billign far the Degartment sf Homeland SECurity (DES) for-urgant border pxatection activities} Ihia apprepriatioms xequest wauld'prcvide $24.9 billion in the DOD base budget far urgent warfighting readinass needs an? to begin a Sustaine& ta rebuild tha 3.3m Armed Farces. The request seeks to addreas critical budget shortfalls in pergannel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, ma?ernizatien, and infrastructure investmegt. it rapr??ent? a critical first siep in investing in a iarger, mare ready, and more capable military farce. The request also includes $5.1 biliien in the everSeas Contingency Operations budget Ear DOD ta ascglerate the campaign he defeat 1818 and Freedom?s Sentinel in A?ghanigtam; This request wmul? enable DOD t9 purgue-a camprehensive strategy t9 emd=tha thraat IEES-peses ta th? Unitea States. In addition, this requeat?WQUld grovide an additi?nal $3 billien far'DHs-implementatiqn 0E my-executive oz?ers an border aecurity and'immigxation enforcement. The raguest wauld fund t0 plan; design, an? congtruct a physical wall along the south?rn bordar, and make a?her critical invegtments in tactical box?eriin?rastructuxa an? tachnalagy? whe.reque$t also preyaSQs funding to increase immigration detenticn cayacity, which is necessary ta ensure the removal o? illegal aliens Sta%es- Finallyf the request funds new recruiting capacity-at 3H8 go that it may hire additianal immigrativn law enforcemant-foiqers OMB-American Oversight-000127 and 2 En cpnjunction with this reguest, xecommend that the Congress enact nqn~?efense discretienary rEduCticns:Q? $18 billiOn in FY 2917, which wauld fuily offSet the amcunts proposed for DHS and woul? offset h?lf of the amounts progosed for DOD. fhe details af?thig Er?yosal are set farthjin the emcko?ed lettar gram the Qireatar af the O??ice Of Management and Hudget. Sincerely, The Henarable Eaul Ryan Speakerzof thei?guge of Representatives waghingtan, 3.0. 20515 OMB-American Oversight-000128 and EstimateNu. f1, 115th Congress. Isl: Session EXECUTEVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT BUQGET at; 29503 ?r'ei-af? r3! March 14, 20-17 373.16: President The White House D?ar Mr. Presidunt: Submitted fer yuur cunsiderati?n is garequast fur. additional 11.0- adgciruss the urgent needs Of @118 Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homelaind Security in Fiscal Year (FY) 2317.; An additional $254.9 billion is included to address immediate war?gh?timg tardiness nceds at DOD. A11 additiunal billion, to be designated for Gverseas Centingency Operations (UGO), is inuiu?cd for DOD ta "acceEerate the campaign. tr) defeat the 'lslamizc State of Iraq anti Syria (ISIS): and continue suppori for Operation. Freedmn?s Sentinsl (DES) in Afghanistan. Au additiuual $3 billion is requested for DHS to address urgent border protectiun actisri?tius, This request f?or additional appropriatium reflects Adminislriatien?s commitment to strengthen 0111' national summit}? by rebuilding the US. Annual Forces and prot?cting cur barriers. As the fulluwing Ichart illustrates, together with a recummended reductign of $18billio'r1 in nou??efense discretionary amounts in FY 20} total funding woulu increase lay $15 E?lEion. (3:535 2017:, mounts in billians} .. . . .Rgguerr. .. .. mum Base i i: i $551 :7 f$35??6: +3255 Defense 0C0 Non?cfense $519 $504 $35 .7.DHSrequeS.t_.? -+#3318 .7 i' "Tat?a?E'ChaIrge I I 7 Theadditiunai amounis requested forthu DOD base. budget would pmvide funding for urgent wur?ghting readiness: news that are mucus guy tof begin: a.;sustainecl effurt re reljuj?d the Us- Armie?' Forces". "The agpprupriations; request seeks to address aritiual budget shortfalls in? personnel, training, mainteua?ce, equipment, munitions, modernization, and infrastructure: The request is a finest strap in investing in a larger, more manly; anti more capable farce? Thermounts requeste? fer DOB t0 acaelerate the umpaign tr; defeat and support QFS in. Afghanistan are designated as 001) pursuant ?3:0 suction. cf the Bialancad Budget andEmergency De?cit Control Act of 3985, as amended. This request weuld enable is: support a cemprehengive, whole?"of?Government sirategy ten stop ISIS from p?sing a ?threat t0 the United States by funding critical efferts u) strike ISIS targets, supper: our puri?ers fightiug (311 the ground, disrupt external operatiom? and gut off its ?owu of ?nancing. The OMB-American Oversight-000129 and acquesi: aisz; supgmr?is ongoing efforts througi?l QFS preverit threats "to the hgmelan? {mt 3113.63 and imerss?is abrea? from ISIS a1 Qae?ia and their affiliated 0r asseciated groups These investments "2:130 aomi?ement additional U. suppm?? for thefoghgan \Idimnal Defense 331d Secugiiy Fm?ces requested on Nevember '3 0, 20163. The amounts for'DHS 111153] ementation Bf yam? Bxcw??ive Orders; on E39166: security and immigration enfmcemem Funds requested f6? S. C?stams and Beards? Frozegtm? wax; 13d auppmi high pnumy maxed mfras?iruc?ure and berdcr security iachnalogy imlu?iag efforts to @3311 design 813d cens?mci a physicai aleng Sm 56:1?th bardcr The ?request ?1330 iacludcs mam for DHS oemponcn?rs; ta begin bu?ding the a?ministrativa cayacity nesessary to recruit, hire, train, and equip an add?iicnal 3,000 Pam)?- agenis and 103309 Immigratiana?d Custer-1123 E?fOI?C?mef?-t G-f?c-ers 21:16. age?f?g, as 52031:; direcie?i. Summit; Sm ?m?iihgm: increase daily immigra?inn ?leten??n Cgpacity to 45:700 de?cn?on beds the and Bf FY 2037. This addit?anal detan?an capacity is necessary to implement yam? policies for ramaving iilega? aliens: {mm ?aha Linked States by aiahancin?g interior enf?rsemm?t efforts; and 6113:1133nt Qatch and: 16313353" 170}: these apprehended at the Sender. Funding pmp?ged far DHS weuld alga be used E9 estabiis?h a reaimiime border and ii??lmigl?atiea r3513 integra?zmn stem Within the. {)?ice 0f immigratien Statistics 333$ for new 13:31 tier and immigratian The materiais Summarize the pmposed amendmems i116 FY 2013?? Budget and ragti?stcd supplemental appropriations, as well. as: mew legal that the. A?n?nistfatian raqlzirics ti) implement thesa The ma} or categeries 9f ?nding~?bmken out, by high?ghted below: 36132111111813th 3615211253 3 $97? mil?ion for military 136343113363 (30518, w?iah ?126 pay and allmvancss associa?ied wiihhighar miliiary levela and the increase to 3.2.1 perceni mlifiary pay ?33356 ii} 2&1? funding for cian?ed. heaithcare- raferins, and .acijgustments Sased? .013 axec?su??n. I billiun fa); sparatians and mainiegnanue ?0 address urgent zeaciiness shar?fallg acmss the by funding additiai?iai training amidi?i?iity'E?V?Stme?tanS Suppio?itag Wizapeans "319$: funds; will alas magma; 21:31:33 ?n?iel?i game *9 $13 .5 biliioa far igmct??emeent and modemjzati?n, inauding a??itional Army Apache 312d Bia?khawk heiimpters. lie-325; and 8 ?ghier aircgaft, tactical miss?es? manned aircraft System35 and Tge?ni??al High. Aitimdg Area, Defe?sc ?ild the :dasti?ayerlth?ai ?126: 'Gb?gress partially {11$}de in. i? 2016,. a $2.1 billian ?0 academia: griori?ty research and dcve?epment bailistic: misg?? and air defame, missile defeat, 11112113de aircra? systems: next generatisn ?ghter aircraft. electrt?nie: warfare-,3 anii?ghip and land attaakmis.iisi'ieg, (332521? eparaiihns. and targeiing E?id Strike saggs? for ageeial operatiens fame-:33. a $962 milliozl far the (seats Gf imcreaseci supp?y stacks am! faeii'i?iy iepair 3.515 a. ?technical corremion to iransfer frauds Sam the Upstationaud Maint?nance, Navy 30031111? 2. OMB-American Oversight-000130 and t3 the NavaS 13321111111 funds acmunt t0 suppn? national defense sealift vessels 3nd the Natianal Defense Regsrve Fleet. $236 11131111011 for military censtruc?on to but un?nished- pmj?cts, 311133.33 a weapons stergage facility, and. far planning and: dcsiign for criticaI fatuxe: pmjjects; 1133213313. ?13333513 1? 0549 $1.4 to support urgent 01383330113} 1133113 assdciated with the acceleration of Operation Inherent Resdlve campaign ta defeat ISIS. The request inciudeg ?nding for farce pxeeision?guidsd munitions intelIigentse coilec?on tagging. and 31.111131113111113 defensive weapons Systems 313d.ccam1termeaqures 1818' 52 lethal drone prggiam $2 far a ?exible fund that weuid 3113213 DOD to allocate resources in support of the 1.1613 saunter-I SIS strategy to: maximiza the impact 0f U.S.. and. pper2j1tit1115. $626 million far: 3 new Counter?3.1313 T1331. and Equip Fund, which conscilidat?s con?ternISISnrelated train and equip cffer?s. The mqucst Ingreases ?mding ?03 assistance to partners in Iraq and Syria, While also providing the authority for BSD t0 work with threes fighting 18218 in areas-outside and Syria. The-3113111311335? acaompanying this memorandum include 11101311 3.311 Iegislgatizve 331133333 for this 111113. $3.1 {03? Ongoing 5.8 operations in Afghanistatl 311d support to global mumsrtermrism astivitics including r3110 11:13:63 31111 squipmant 11:1 better enable and p1 011x servide 1113111136125 their tight 3ga1113tt?1rr011s?t g3011ps such as the Qaeda its af?Iiatas and the Islamic State of Iraq 311d S3313 Kherasan- The 133333131313 .Incitldes plaming and design of constructjto? proj ects 1'11 suppert of Detea?tidtt? Opzeratidns at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ?epa?ment 0f Homeland Sesuritv $1.1 millimfar the _-Offic3 531111 Marmgemsnt 011313911113 31111 Supg?o'tt' to eStabli$h a real-"time data integmtion System thatwould supgtert immigration enfetcement operiations,ber16?ts adjudicatidn, policy analysis, accurate data repm?ting, and tar other 11011161 331111. immigration medaling analyses $286 million far CBP Gperatlens and Support, maludmg $95 millidn: ts: support: harder swrge opera?ons S65 11113101?: to build hiring 333333113 to recruit 311d anbnard 5 ,0130 Border Patrol agents, $18 ?01? prej act management, Severs1ght and support for the border W311 $43 111111111111 13 enhance situational awareness at the border and $154 1111111011 ?01 ether 61111111133111: and tnvestmants that (1111:3113; contmbute t1.) the. 31Iegttiv?nes~s {1f border security 11116331110113 Si 4 biIiidn for CBP P1ocu13ment and Improvements, i?cluding $999 minim: far pianning, des1gn and construction of the first installment of $116 harder Wall. $179 1311Bic1'11 for access wads gates and other tactical projects and $200 million for border Se?utity technology deployments biliian f0? ICE Opemtidns 311d Suppert, including SI 15 billion to pay for dgtantion. transportation? and 1331101233 0f illegal 3116113, and for alternatives to detentie?g $756 million OMB-American Oversight-000131 OMB-17-O112-A and ff) 1911de hiring capacity it) recruit am} an?>0a?d aggniss arid of?cars; $5 mimm?: f0: hemeiand Secmriiy investigatmng i?teiligencc activities; and $5 mil?ian t0 suppmt aha expansim of the iiSectiOH 2.87%) Program a! $25 millian :er Federal Law Enforcement Training Came; Opera?ioi?s and Suggapgrt: for the: 13311?ng and training 0f instruemrs 1'0 suippc-i't 33w equrcement @f?ccr higirtg and training wi??n and ESE, at: $63 .m?lienfg}: :Faderai Law Twining Came: Cansms?img 313d Empmvemams 1b: infrastrugmre 'i??l?di?g nig?ula: domitary anci 9133300113 buildi?gs? Whisk weuftd supper: 121w e?nfarsemsm af?cerh?ring and irgi?ing'at and Raczammam?a?gn Ihave Eeviewed this request and. agree that ii; is necessary at ibis time, Without additieual appregria?ons, em natienal se?curii?y is at risk. This request: includes cri?caj resaurces far reimilding the. US. ISIS) ax?a?i pratsctiing 0m bar?ers. Therefere, [jam the heads 0f the affected departments in; yea iraasmit the pmpasals; t9 the (30:13:83.8. 5? Mick ,Mulvancy Dif?f?f?t? Egcicsures OMB-American Oversight-000132 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAMS Bureau: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Heading: Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Subheading: (Overseas contingency operations) FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 333 FY 2017 Pending Request $0 Proposed Amendment: $1,506,400,000 Revised Request: $1 ,506,400,000 (In the appropriations language under the above bureau, just after the Bodoni dash and immediately before the heading "Procurement?, insert the above new heading, the new subheading, the following new language, and a new Bodoni dash:) For the "Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Svria Train and Equip Fund", $1,506,400.000, to remain available until September 30, 2018: Provided, That such funds shall be available to the Secretary of Defense in coordination with the Secretary of State, to provide assistance, including training; equipment; logistics support, supplies, and services; stipends; infrastructure repair and renovation; construction of training facilities; small?scale construction of temporary facilities necessary to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements: and sustainment, to foreign securitv forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and their affiliated or associated groups: Provided further, That these funds may be used, in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense mav determine, to enhance the border security of nations adiacent to conflict areas, including Jordan and Lebanon, resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: Provided further, That anlounts made available under this heading shall be available to provide assistance only for activities in a country designated by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secreta? of State, as having a security mission to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and following written noti?cation to the congressional defense committees of such designation: OMB-American Oversight-000133 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Provided further, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from foreign governments, including the Government oflraq and other entities, to carry out assistance authorized under this heading: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes provided herein from any foreign government or other entity may be credited to this Fund, to remain available until expended, and used for such purposes: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may waive a provision of law relating to the acquisition of items and support services or sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2785) if the Secretarv determines that such provision oflaw would prohibit, restrict, delav or otherwise limit the provision of such assistance and a notice of and justification for such waiver is submitted to the congressional defense committees, the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the United States mav accept equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip Fund" in prior Acts, that was transferred to securitv forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria and returned by such forces or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That equipment procured using funds provided under this heading, or under the heading, "Iraq Train and Equip und" in prior Acts, and not yet transferred to security forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or preparing to participate in activities to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Svria may be treated as stocks of the Department of Defense when determined by the Secretary to no longer be required for transfer to such forces or groups and upon written notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further, That the Secretary ofDefense shall provide quarterly reports to the congressional defense committees on the use of funds provided under this heading, including, but not limited to. the number of individuals trained, the nature and scope of support and sustainment provided to each group or individual, the area of operations for each group, and the contributions of other countries, groups, or individuals: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. This amendment formally consolidates and increases the funding requests for the Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) and Syria Train and Equip Fund (STEF), creating a new appropriation to provide $1 ,506.4 million to support the military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq's and the vetted Syrian opposition forces' operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Appropriated funds and cash contributions from foreign countries, international 0rgani7ations, and individuals are deposited into this account for the Department of Defense to provide assistance, including training, equipment, logistics OMB-American Oversight-000134 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request support, supplies and services, stipends, facility and infrastructure repair and renovation, and sustainrnent. OMB-American Oversight-000135 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 517 FY 2017 Pending Request: $136,451,000 Proposed Amendment: $1 1,304,000 Revised Request: $147,755,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period:) For an additional amount for "Operations and Support". $11,304,000. to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Of?ce of Immigration Statistics, including border and immigration modeling analysis. This amendment would increase by $1 1.3 million the amount for the Of?ce of the Secretary and Executive Management Operations and Support account to establish and support a real-time data integration system in the Of? ee of Immigration Statistics, and to fund new border and immigration modeling analysis- The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $11.3 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000136 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 523 FY 2017 Pending Request: $11,333,352,000 Proposed Amendment: $286,001,000 Revised Request: $11,619,353,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support", $286,001,000, to remain available until September 30, 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of laws related to border security, immigration, and customs, This amendment would increase by $286 million the total funding provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?nding for planning, operation, and support of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States; and to recruit, hire, train, and equip an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $286 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000137 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 527 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $323 ,390,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,377,483,000 Revised Request: $1 ,700,873 ,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $1,377,483.000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses for procurement, construction, and improvements required for the operational control of United States borders, including design and construction of a wall and other phvsical barriers on the southern border of the United States. This amendment would increase by $1.7 billion the amount for the US. Customs and Border Protection Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border security improvements Executive Order. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for acquisition of high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology investments, including designing and constructing a wall and other physical barriers on the southern border of the United States. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.4 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000138 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Heading: Operations and Support FY 2017 Budget Appendix Page: 532-533 FY 2017 Pending Request: $5,855,023,000 Proposed Amendment: $1,237,212,000 Revised Request: $7,092,235,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, 531.237.212.000. to remain available until September 30. 2018, for necessaryr expenses for enforcement of immigration and customs laws. detention and removals, and investigations. This amendment would increase by $1.2 billion the amount for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders and higher than anticipated border apprehensions beginning in the late Summer of 2016- This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate funding for the detention and removal of illegal aliens, alternatives to detention where appropriate, the building of hiring capacity to begin the hiring of 10,000 ICE law enforcement officers and additional support staff, and expansion of the Section 287(g) Program. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $1.2 billion as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000139 and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Operations and Support FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 570 FY 201 7 Pending Request: $242,5 18,000 Proposed Amendment: $25,000,000 Revised Request: $267,518,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Operations and Support?, $25 000000, to remain available until September 30, 2018. for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $25 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Operations and Support account to support the requirements of the President's January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate ?mding for the hiring and training of basic training instructors for new FY 2018 law enforcement officers Within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $25 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000140 OMB-17-O112-A and FY 20] 7 Appropriations Request Agency: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bureau: FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Heading: Procurement, Construction, and Improvements FY 20l 7 Budget Appendix Page: 571 FY 2017 Pending Request: $0 Proposed Amendment: $63,000,000 Revised Request: $63,000,000 (In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph immediately after the period] For an additional amount for "Procurement, Construction, and Improvements", $63,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for necessary expenses of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This amendment would increase by $63 million the amount for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account to support the requirements of the President?s January 25, 2017, border and interior enforcement Executive Orders. This amendment is necessary to ensure adequate classroom, dorm, and office space in support of the training of new FY 2018 law enforcement officers within Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The total budget authority proposed in the FY 2017 Budget would increase by $63 million as a result of this amendment. OMB-American Oversight-000141 and OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000142 OMB-American Oversight-000142 Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Base Budget (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fluid Contribution, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Navy MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Personnel, Air Force MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Army MEDICARE - Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, National Guard Personnel, Air Force FY 2017 President's Budget] Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 40,028,182 27,951,605 12,813,412 27,944,615 4,561,703 1,924,155 744,995 1,742,906 7,910,694 3,280,065 1,793,909 1,240,982 703,171 1,210,812 341,533 112,246 64,942 113,540 589,354 196,419 4 162,242 13,748 49,200 29,636 4 4,869 1,997 -3,869 4 102,527 22,600 161,016 111,387 63,115 108,679 34,919 11,202 6,688 11,753 65,058 19,918 40,028,182 28,113,847 12,827,160 27,993,815 4,591,339 1,929,024 746,992 1,739,037 8,013,221 3,302,665 1,954,925 1,352,369 766,286 1,319,491 376,452 123,448 71,630 125,293 654,412 216,337 Military Personnel Total 135,269,240 976,685 136,245,925 Page 1 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000143 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Office of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Cooperative Threat Reduction Account Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Disposal of Department ofDefense Real Property Lease of Department ofDefense Real Property FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 33,809,040 39,483,581 5,954,258 37,518,056 32,571,590 322,035 2,712,331 927,656 270,633 3,067,929 6,825,370 6,703,578 14,194 844,800 33,467,516 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 8,175 36,587 1,880,933 1,736,884 451,702 2,267,324 407,531 31,400 5,208 77 144,899 204,100 115,500 -225,832 199,000 35,689,973 41,220,465 6,405,960 39,785,380 32,979,121 322,035 2,743,731 932,864 270,710 3,212,828 7,029,470 6,819,078 14,194 844,800 33,241,684 170,167 281,762 371,521 9,009 197,084 105,125 325,604 199,000 8,175 36,587 Operation and Maintenance Total Page 2 of 9 205,997,601 7,218,726 213,216,327 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000144 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 3,614,787 1,519,966 2,265,177 1,513,157 5,873,949 14,109,148 3,209,262 664,368 18,354,874 6,338,861 1,362,769 13,922,917 2,426,621 3,055,743 1,677,719 17,438,056 4,524,918 44,065 551,023 99,300 1,625,743 852,654 750,518 486,685 449,345 4,006,977 171,500 53,100 691,020 217,989 405,933 4 1,847,520 19,900 70,000 1,277,145 4 409,028 127,000 5,240,530 2,372,620 3,015,695 1,999,842 6,323,294 18,116,125 3,380,762 717,468 19,045,894 6,556,850 1,768,702 15,770,437 2,426,621 3,075,643 1,747,719 18,715,201 4,933,946 44,065 678,023 99,300 Procurement Total 102,566,680 13,462,057 116,028,737 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force- Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense 7,515,399 17,276,301 28,112,251 18,308,826 178,994 349,621 299,566 842,082 570,339 2,725 7,865,020 17,575,867 28,954,333 18,879,165 181,719 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 71,391,771 2,064,333 73,456,104 Page 3 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000145 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds National Defense Sealitt Fund Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Air Force Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 56,469 63,967 37,132 1,214,045 532,834 429,000 532,834 56,469 63,967 466,132 1,214,045 Revolving and Management Funds Total 1,371,613 961,834 2,333,447 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Security Investment Program Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Militaly Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Department ofDefense Base Closure Account 516,596,905 553,959 1,338,079 1,640,558 2,025,444 177,932 300,430 154,957 98,230 38,597 188,950 240,237 24,683,635 28,000 66,708 93,000 12,000 13,000 10,000 4,525 9,000 541,280,540 581,959 1,404,787 1,733,558 2,025,444 177,932 312,430 167,957 108,230 43,122 197,950 240,237 Military Construction Total 6,757,373 236,233 6,993,606 Page 4 of 9 and OMB-American Oversight-000146 Appropriation Account Title Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Anny Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air oree Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 157,172 325,995 94,011 300,915 61,352 274,429 59,157 3,258 Family Housing Total 1,276,289 1,276,289 Total Military Construction Bill 8,033,662 236,233 8,269,895 Total Department of Defense 524,63 0,567 24,919,868 549,550,435 For the Military Construction Bill appropriations, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublic Law 114-223, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. Page 5 of 9 OMB-17-0112-A and OMB-17-0119-A-000147 OMB-American Oversight-000147 Appropriation Account Title Defense Bill Appropriations Militar 1 Personnel Military Personnel, Army Military Personnel, Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Reserve Personnel, Navy Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Reserve Personnel, Air Force National Guard Personnel, Army National Guard Personnel, Air Force Military Personnel Total Department of Defense FY 2017 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations Budget (Dollars in Thousands) FY 2017 President's Budget' Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 2,051,578 330,557 179,733 719,896 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,562,258 Page 6 of 9 94,034 7,354 5,840 37,640 144,868 -l7,6l0 131,375 113,765 2,128,002 337,911 185,573 888,911 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,820,891 196,964 10,484 5,840 51,830 265,118 1,931,038 327,427 179,733 837,081 42,506 11,929 3,764 20,535 196,472 5,288 3,555,773 and OMB-American Oversight-000148 Appropriation Account Title Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army Operation and Maintenance, Navy Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Defense?Wide Of?ce of the Inspector General Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense Defense Health Program Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund Afghanistan Security Forces Fund lraq Train and Fquip Fund Syria Train and Equip Fund Counter-1510177116 State oflmq and Syria Train and Equip Fundi Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 15,310,587 6,827,391 1,244,359 9,498,830 5,982,173 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 331,764 1,000,000 3,448,715 630,000 250,000 4 2,934,269 95,531 168,446 382,496 412,959 2,547 814,500 4 289,500 188,412 83,419 +4,534 93,275 619,473 -630,000 250,000 4 1,506,400 1,969,800 18,433,268 7,006,341 1,417,339 9,974,601 7,014,605 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 289,500 1,506,400 1,969,800 3,173,679 97,881 180,546 428,046 446,283 289,500 15,259,589 6,908,460 1,236,793 9,546,555 6,568,322 22,062 38,679 26,265 3,304 57,586 127,035 20,000 215,333 334,311 1,000,000 4,263,215 1,506,400 1,969,800 Operation and Maintenance Total 45,034,083 5,100,248 3,585,313 53,719,644 4,615,935 49,103,709 Page 7 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000149 Appropriation Account Title Procurement Aircraft Procurement, Army Missile Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps Other Procurement, Navy Procurement, Marine Corps Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missile Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force ()ther Procurement, Air Force Procurement, Defense-Wide Joint Improved-Threat Defeat Fund FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Amendment November 10, 2016 Additional Appropriations Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 313,171 632,8l7 153,544 301,523 1,373,010 393,030 8,600 66,229 124,206 118,939 859,399 339,545 487,408 3,696,281 238,434 408,272 46,500 98,500 137,884 99,800 23,000 12,300 298,363 85,419 58,000 5,500 28,072 73,100 +211,913 +212,535 336,171 691,617 153,544 301,523 1,769,873 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 339,545 487,408 4,046,078 450,969 508,072 229,100 72,000 87,800 83,900 201,563 137,884 336,171 462,517 153,544 301,523 1,697,873 87,800 478,449 8,600 124,229 134,706 147,011 932,499 255,645 285,845 3,908,194 450,969 508,072 Procurement Total 9,514,408 387,684 1,008,202 10,910,294 812,247 10,098,047 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide 100,522 78,323 32,905 162,419 139,200 3,000 92,600 127,700 72,800 66,571 332,322 206,023 105,705 231,990 78,700 3,000 253,622 206,023 105,705 228,990 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 374,169 142,200 359,671 876,040 81,700 794,340 Page 8 of 9 OMB-17-O112-A and OMB-American Oversight-000150 Appropriation Account Title Revolving and Management Funds Working Capital Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense?Wide FY 2017 President's Budget1 Budget Additional Amendment Appropriations November 10, 2016 Request March 16, 2017 Total Request for 0C0 Less FY 2017 Enacted2 Remaining 0C0 Request 46,833 93,800 1,681 48,514 93,800 48,514 93,800 Revolving and Management Funds Total 140,633 1,681 142,314 142,314 Total - Defense Bill Militarv Construction Bill Appropriations Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide 58,625,551 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 5,775,000 5,068,632 +11,500 12,300 69,469,183 30,400 59,809 100,591 5,000 5,775,000 18,900 59,809 88,291 5,000 63,694,183 11,500 12,300 Military Construction Total 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Military Construction Bill 172,000 23,800 195,800 172,000 23,800 Total Department of Defense Cancellation Military Construction, Air Force, 15/17 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,092,432 42,300 69,664,983 42,300 5,947,000 63,717,983 42,300 Total Department of Defense w/Cancellation 58,797,551 5,775,000 5,080,132 69,652,683 5,947,000 63,705,683 For items listed under ?Military Construction Bill appropriations?, the President's Budget re?ects the amounts enacted in Division A ofPublie Law 1 14?223, the Military Constructions, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017. 1 Enacted includes funding provided in Division of Public Law 114?254, the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017 for items listed under ?Defense Bill Appropriations" and Division A of Public Law 114-223 for items listed under ?Military Construction Bill Appropriations". 3 Account not included in the FY 2017 President's Bridget. Accompanying technical materials include proposed legislative language for this account. Page 9 of 9 H. 244 From: "Patel, Neal A. administrative group neal"> To: "Wortey, Stephen (Appropriations)" Cc: "Slemrod, Jonathan A. Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 14:56:56 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 House 244.pdf (299.87 kB) Bruce, Fitz, and Stephen here's our SAP on HR. 244. Please let me know if you need anything else from our team. Neal A. Patel Deputy Associate Director Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Ei :enhnwer Pvzecn 'Ve Of?ce Building OMB-American Oversight-000151 and EXECUWVE GFFESE 6? THE PRESIBENT o; masseamsar stream wassmeros, as. mass May 2, 2017 (House Rules) STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY H.R. 244 Consolidated Appropriations Act. 2017 (Rep. relinghuysen, This Statement of Administration Policy provides views on the House amendment to Senate amendments to H.R. 244, which contains the text of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 201 7. The Administration appreciates the bill?s provision of much-needed funding for our military, including approximately billion of the requested $30 billion additional in appropriations that the President submitted to the Congress in March 2017. These funds would accelerate the President?s campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, as well as support ongoing efforts to rebuild and modernize the U.S. Armed Forces. By providing these funds Without a corresponding increase in lower priority non-defense funding, this bill rejects the ?parity? construct that for years has jeopardized critical increases in defense spending. In total, the bill represents a $25.7 billion increase in Department ofDefense funding over fiscal year (FY) 2016 levels. The bill increases end strength by adding 24,000 active-duty forces and 12,000 selected reserve forces above the previous Administration's request for FY 2017. It also invests in both near and long-term readiness, provides direct support to our warfighters through new and improved equipment, and increases pay for our troops. In FY 20] 8, the Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to increase overall defense funding by fully eliminating defense sequestration in a ?scally responsible manner. While the Administration will continue to push for additional funding to stop human and drug traf?cking, interdict violent gangs and cartels, and support other enforcement priorities, the bill is a good ?rst step, and does make available an additional $1.5 billion for the Department of Homeland Security. Further, the total funding provided for U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement is $18.5 billion, an increase of $1 .4 billion over FY 2016. The Administration is also concerned that the Congress did not exercise fiscal restraint, as it failed to include responsible reductions to non-defense discretionary spending to offset higher spending elsewhere. The Administration is also disappointed that this bill provides almost $300 million for Puerto Rico?s Medicaid program without underlying reforms to Puerto Rico?s struggling healthcare system, which, like so many aspects of the United States healthcare system, has been badly damaged by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Administration believes that any sustainable solution to Puerto Rico?s dire fiscal situation must include the enactment of pro-growth policies for the island. OMB-American Oversight-000152 and The Administration strongly supports the inclusion of the District of Colmnbia Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (S OAR) Reauthorization Act, which delivers on the President?s promise to provide school choice. The Administration also supports the various provisions in the bill that continue protections for the sanctity of life and the Second Amendment. More generally: the Administration looks fowvard to working with the Congress to return to regular order for the FY 2018 appropriations process, and to enacting legislation that re?ects the President?s priorities to keep our Nation safe and create jobs and prosperity for American workers. If the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 were presented to the President in its current form, his advisors would recommend that he sign the bill into law. OMB-American Oversight-000153 and SAP on HR. 44 315:3 From: "Patel, Neal A. To: "Worley, Stephen (Appropriations)" Cc: "Slemrod, Jonathan A. Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 14:56:56 ?0400 Attachments: FY 2017 House 244.pdf (299.87 kB) Bruce, itz, and Stephen - here's our SAP on l-l.R. 244. Please let me know if you need anything else from our team. Neal A. Patel Deputy Associate Director Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Budget Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building OMB-American Oversight-000154 and EXECUWVE GFFESE 6? THE PRESIBENT o; masseamsar stream wassmeros, as. mass May 2, 2017 (House Rules) STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY H.R. 244 Consolidated Appropriations Act. 2017 (Rep. relinghuysen, This Statement of Administration Policy provides views on the House amendment to Senate amendments to H.R. 244, which contains the text of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 201 7. The Administration appreciates the bill?s provision of much-needed funding for our military, including approximately billion of the requested $30 billion additional in appropriations that the President submitted to the Congress in March 2017. These funds would accelerate the President?s campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, as well as support ongoing efforts to rebuild and modernize the U.S. Armed Forces. By providing these funds Without a corresponding increase in lower priority non-defense funding, this bill rejects the ?parity? construct that for years has jeopardized critical increases in defense spending. In total, the bill represents a $25.7 billion increase in Department ofDefense funding over fiscal year (FY) 2016 levels. The bill increases end strength by adding 24,000 active-duty forces and 12,000 selected reserve forces above the previous Administration's request for FY 2017. It also invests in both near and long-term readiness, provides direct support to our warfighters through new and improved equipment, and increases pay for our troops. In FY 20] 8, the Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to increase overall defense funding by fully eliminating defense sequestration in a ?scally responsible manner. While the Administration will continue to push for additional funding to stop human and drug traf?cking, interdict violent gangs and cartels, and support other enforcement priorities, the bill is a good ?rst step, and does make available an additional $1.5 billion for the Department of Homeland Security. Further, the total funding provided for U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement is $18.5 billion, an increase of $1 .4 billion over FY 2016. The Administration is also concerned that the Congress did not exercise fiscal restraint, as it failed to include responsible reductions to non-defense discretionary spending to offset higher spending elsewhere. The Administration is also disappointed that this bill provides almost $300 million for Puerto Rico?s Medicaid program without underlying reforms to Puerto Rico?s struggling healthcare system, which, like so many aspects of the United States healthcare system, has been badly damaged by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Administration believes that any sustainable solution to Puerto Rico?s dire fiscal situation must include the enactment of pro-growth policies for the island. OMB-American Oversight-000155 and The Administration strongly supports the inclusion of the District of Colmnbia Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (S OAR) Reauthorization Act, which delivers on the President?s promise to provide school choice. The Administration also supports the various provisions in the bill that continue protections for the sanctity of life and the Second Amendment. More generally: the Administration looks fowvard to working with the Congress to return to regular order for the FY 2018 appropriations process, and to enacting legislation that re?ects the President?s priorities to keep our Nation safe and create jobs and prosperity for American workers. If the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 were presented to the President in its current form, his advisors would recommend that he sign the bill into law. OMB-American Oversight-000156 and