hm. mum mm W: u'mu Court of Maunchuwm District Cour! Department AMDEES Bremen Gear! 215 Main Siren! Brothel). MA 02301 (606)587'8000 an: m. um WWGBIUOAM =1 r. Atalanan 32213515 Amigamm Gumn- Room I The undersigned complement an Behalroduals) (nah-mu the dafandant (ha amnantn) mad below and on any Named wages. mum Numin 1515mm!" CRJMINAL COMPLAINT ORIGINAL DATE Poucfi EROCKTON PD vcoum can: "1 awn" 7" G.L. e. . macaw; am: um. mm mm 5 yummy: mummy. marinaruynum @6101; d. 212mm accoammov ANOYHER PEREDN a7: M0 "10,0 MG mm 0! 13mm emu annoy all mm Mun. whilfim 91 QL. ?272. 563. as Noll" to Want: (2 MEG. 3796934") mm. this nation: If you are coma-d Bf: madame-nor oldomio Wollm ynu may no hum pwc'mm mar-m lhd/nf ammunnm par-um! ya u.s.c 922 a and other applicable Mam! Farina), Siam, mum-m, 5 r, "72969202 L6L9ti?30? [0:60 .. . ?xmuktwn Ealiua Fagg: 3 321mm: magma-h nalzazania mama-m ?ail iamadaai 3! 313mm}; 1 rummak" :?wxwawm mum mot kwimaw Mann) gummy: a mm. mm mamEmma?: mam Mia-tad Wat Mum-rusty ?clan? mm?wg 1 mm gamma 3: wr mun QRTE: l6?9?9?90? ?29199909 90:60 i .. . . mum Must. Ewart. 16"33l9~an Call ssx? ass-s; ms ?xatmsm i3} nxs?ss sHVIssn captain Leon as Cass assassins: a 125? 333%: 1255 ARREETEE 1365 3% a: Psrfanms? PEREGHS: H?r? $33193! casts: Hat ?sr?urmsa $3333? as il?if?? Eons: Bishrict a ?res mass as sums Hams ms Magma mm as ass: I: madman maze/34?s 21:: as . 13:11? ?5 ass- as? sci-s sass: ?y?ih lass-sis mm; NEE 1 saw K?llh $113333 35? sass: 61.73969302 ?4 1.619299905 9agss'3 anagrams sums: 90:60 62-LL-ZL03 awaan mm sup-rm" 1 Mutt IRA-part 00/28/2015 Art-M: U: 16-3310-AR Cull C: 16-34691 Mrest Dam/Thu: 09/28/2916 0 1259 flocking Data/Tim): 09/28/2016 0 125$ Involves: Juvonilen om: "90201503310 Reporting arm>>: Patrolman Rich-rd alumna: Isa-Hung officer: Patrolman Sean Buttery Booking otnmx: Pnrolman maven 13 Hence approving Olfxeer: Capt: Leon Nc Cuba Signaturfi: 1 swam, mm; a a z: nus-Io-sazs :51 A514 51' Baum ma 013014054 Mummy Mun-e may; man: no: "mm 275 mam: mack EYES: 13mm 5001- COMPLEXION: an." 3mm PLACE OF SIM-H: MACK, NY not mama: [Mum] i amsau won": Na 'm-Tooa; mail-1m mud Emma; Imus" MM MARITAL 2mm": SINGLE 10mm Guam: mum's um OCCUPATION: GILLMTE Mm: "72868202 50:60 liouxm 'Pouei magma?" new"; WINK mm RICHARD 1 mm nu: 16-3310-AR lam-d: nun/nuts 5 1.3'0 Intry ID: 232 Dl/flB/2016 I {504 "Gifted ID: 192 W: 08/28/2016 I 1095 Appz'uvl]. 1D: 2" On this date and time1(0ib Gaucher) was aligned to the SC sector, 0300~1600hre W119 influx upon an robbery. of: Slutlexy was sent as back up. Upon on: mivaL we met this seller (now known as the Mr. P. Gelatin) who informed us that he was hitting on the and) by this address at approx 0130-0200hu this morning when a vehicle pulled up on him and nix people exited the vehicle and began to We him of underage aid. He claimed one male who demented him (now known as win-tea: it away. He claimed he has new: awn these people and he did not what they were talking about in fact. he said he denied evet knowing the 15 yr old eitin when she named out of the vehicle, Mr, Celesttn claimed the." people in the vehicle picked up his back pack and Int-entered this vehicle with his back pack and the acme. He claimed they newt-tied approx 5 minutox later and nied to run him over. He said when this he ed they "who: struck the end: causing the one ofthe thee to 0 flat, Mn Cdesfin then pointed <> When the child (this victim) exclaimad Mr. Celesde was the same man win: had been followin he: and failing her. Mr. Gelatin then began to flee an foot as ho dmpped his back pack on the gmund. docs Mimi!) to in the back pack and bringing it home to his home--admitted he did have the back pack ups then waited me to the mend flour when: he mieved the back pack (black colored, nylon nutetiul Nike brand back pack) and turned it over to me outside, Ithan put the back pack inihe trunk tifmy cmiecr. This victim was then interviewed by me as she exited the home elnng with-- The vlciim informed me she is is years did end nhe met this defendant one day when he was her she walked home one day, She could not member the amt day, but claimod it was with in the 1115! two weeks. She claimed Mn Celestin was vary aggressive in requesting be ale to it claimed he would not talus no for an answer. Victim mics they walked easterly MWWI approx 2pm in the nfiemoon when she was walking to her cousin's apnmnent located at she claimed the defendant I kept [allowing her and bounding her it): her phone number. She claimed she did finally give in as he kept "72869202 62-H-ll02 grandeur: 119113; rag-x i" mm [m 1 Wm nu: u-asto-an Imam: I 1M0 Entry 10: 292 05/23/2016 I 160' Mill-Cd ID: 5193 Mtom: Dull/30'" 8 254 "sTying things like"? don't 6w Wilma she told him site was only} is ya old. And; "Fll buy you anything you" want." And; "i would like to have your baby," said he claimed he was only 12 years old and his mine was did admit to striking the curb with the right hunt tire ofthe Ford Explorer the we: operating, but denied she was trying to strike the defendant This victim than thawed this other: the beginning text mesema she had with this defendant and it did show the victim informing the defendant she was only 15 aid. Hie reply wax (act verbatim) he was ok with it ifthe was and he wanted to hung cut with hen Imquesled these text messages be 1cm in this ofiieer'r BPD mil and provided the victim's guardian with my BPD email [then returned across the sheet to Where this defindent we: still standing on the sidewalk with officer Mr. bleak was advised afihis Mimdx Rights by officer Slettery {mm a cud in which he clinics. Mr. Ceiextin did state he understood his rights. Mr. Criean Wu exhibiting very nervous reactions when he had be my ta sweat and on the lidewnlhi Mr>> Colutin then Idmitted he did walk with thin Victim on 5th located (111- by with this Victim to show they were in that together end walking iieety Mr. Gelatin claimed they both went Limit awn ways am: leaving the barber anon. Mr. Celettin denied ever running this victim in my way. either or consensually. He denied any and all pity:an with this victim. min (inhalant taken 'mte custody by me and transported ta BPD by me where he was escorted no the banking dealt to being the booking During this time < ?maktwn Malina awnm?nmh 931mm mam .1 mm amt: lawasla-an Entaxudi 1349 anuxy In: 39% Hn?ifi?d: i??i Nadii?ud 293 safaagauza a Aypwaval 33d Faga: 3 35 he sigma. hmvily and Grim! the palm at" his hand war his face. {-143 aim bunt ?mm at the imam; as ifhu was very 3mm 11pm :wiawing ting charges against Mm. 6L72969203 90:60 62-LL-ZLOZ I Lithume DIM MT MNAMIITID OWLV )Mwll I Mm Cl "In walnut! mm! a! comm HONEORMDREFELONMVIWIMWI a mu not mum WM hm .LDLL mam- Mu 1mm: want mm WI would. QT mwamw osmium: 'rcr'na," mm' (mm 00603116414 SINGLE - wanna! HEIGHT WEml-fl' 601 276 BRO HAIR IRACE mumm' WWATXODI CW DAV ELK DER LEFTMM IMAGINE MACK. NY GWP woman's mew um: mm .1 12mm amuse :1 0mm mm worm "1 madam. - mm mum savanna, 705m 1 comm-rd.) 5m $531an mnmowmm nmn, 02:02 rm . . man: can: muwnuu <> 520$ BASED S. 3 mumowmogmwm mam 07"" I :3 mm mun-451mm" Looms," "ammun- mm "72968202 "19195805 00:60 maximum?; mi EQUHT 99cm Mam Emma? {i?f?aiEiZOiT amaizm G?f??ii?i? 1m $201? 11:15am? 112?! $3017 i?ifiz'ff??i? ?11 12 ?13 ?14 Emmi Rmui?ed The imagining want: Pmbailwn Waia?m Haring mhadulacl far {mam 7 95:99 AM has been raauiwd ma failaws: Hamil: Halt! Exam Th3 iallmwing want: Jury Trial a?ha?aieni in? {39:56 AM has ham rasuitad mi imlimws: Has-till: Rm-mha?uia {if Waring mama: Ho cam sitting Mudanl?a muticm ta Ulamiaa lilac! ?led with in summit minim. mail with mamamndum law balandant?ls metlan in Limine it: malaria mmnweaiih imm intmduning Mummy battle anal academia? fauna! in paek ?lm: Mndant?s mum in Limina to premium the Mm iniruducing this: claimant's aimed priar bad am. atala at mind, knawiadga mm: William {if mnduct filed Dafandant?s mailer: in Limine ta praclude Of?cial! Richard Gaucher, at any Emmi: pause Wear. mm testifying ahaui alleged taxi! mica mamgas. ?aiandmt?s mam ti: wanes!? witnmaas ?led Daimndant?s maticm in Limlna To axeiuda Victim ?afmnca" mad Cummamalih'a mailer: to mach-Mulls mi ountinua ashadulad mutt Marina ?led Emmi Reauttad Judga: Hmuriimn, Ham Ham. The resuming Mini: Trial gamma for 1131mm? mail AM has Man mammal Wilma: Hamil: Reamhediele cf Hearing Reagan: {in Dram all ma Gaunt Ghaigaa Diapoaada (mama all i MS can mm mm $2235 ?i3H Ga: 1m 632m? Judgai Han. Nalm Haurlhan {?lamiagad back ?if Fm?aw?an tat-image in 2 ANQTHER Parisian am $53 (in: marital? Amiga: Han. Malia Hourihan Diamiawd Lani: Pmamuilw af?rm! ?nding regarding asmsmani i3? waiver of mm in criminal mm a Judga: Haurihan? Hun. ?aim. All chargme dilemma . Na Mimi: wanin - ?aiandant (Hammad. Ci?fm?d Hmurii?ian Haurihsn Hnuzihan Hourihan erlhaa i-inurihan Hourihan Mailman erihan Printad: ?$283231? 4:13? pm Cam Mn: Page: l6?9?9?90? 00:60 62-LL-ALUZ ?Hi Hi! mammwarm mamm QGURT Dunks: Ragnar: 1211433013 121?! M2616 12f'14f201? (311?113201? 513133237? ?f 3' 9331 1255017 083013291? 051?0112617 $632832?? {153261201 3? Evan: ?amsitad The: foiW?g want: mammary Gnmp?anm 5n Jury Eimtinn whadulad fur 0111mm? 09:65 AM haa muf?n: as mum: Rasuit: Eraught Furward Misc: Entry: "ramp Pmb?tim mm 12:13:2913 at 11 am PM Evan: Hawker: The: fa?hw?ng want: mam REVIEW whwuiad far 32:14am Wm} AM hm baan maultad 2a mum: Raault Evanman?nwd Event ?mu?imi Th3 folimwing awnl: mammary ?amplianaa a Jury 5mm sahaduiad far W11 i201 09:99 AM has began resuimd an fallawa: Rasulz Event Enn?numj ?ammwwaaim Rule matinna aliawad a5 in mm 2? rmrda tn 23a aummanad Mia; Entry: Summans anti WEBER Mam! ta Mam ramming ta has want by Fabmaw 261?. Defandam?a matiun in travel mad. ma?an minim! with can?nuation cf Cilia Evant Hawker} The faliawing event: Diamvm Cmplianca 3? Jury Elmer: mhadum far {39:03 AM has [man rasultad Ha fallawa: Ram?t; Even: Eantinuad Mint: Entry: Emma Hammad T-Moblla (mi) Evant ?aaulteci The failmng went: Mammy Camp?ame 3. Jury 53mm a?haduia? for {19:00 AM hm beam resumed Ra fnlinws: Emma: Evan? Can?nuad Evan: Emmi/95:3 The Naming want; Di?mvm?g Qumpliama 1i Jury Elamtm mhadulad far aamzam "f 09:38 AM baa berm mum! 3a mamas: Hawaii; Event gamma Rules matlan far {wards Nazism) ailawad as ta adage ta my aummanw Bath partiaa may mark mpiaa 9f mom The {Jaw?t Wm the: foilewing Mar: R17 Eummns and GREEK to Va?zan mom in: be: amt by ?aunt 23, 291?. Event Raauttad Th3 faliawing want: Jury Trial (CR) gmhaduiad far 0931:} AM has (man mau?a? ea fatiam: Rama: Braught Famard Miw Entry: ?rraatesd cm Pmbatian warrant. 8 Gibbs ??ma?d ?amam Bamam Amrhein Amrhain Mandel! Amrhm?n Amrhain Kama Emmy Printa?dt 11!?52?281? pm 633% N0: 151503?2604535 Pm: 4 H19 :1 MHZQEQOQ 69:90 msumuua?r?ra GGURT ?mket Hagar: - QEIEQIEME usmamma hexagram GRIEQIEME {38!3912518 981?291?2431 6 mama ?mama ?mam 11i?4f2016 Gmmpiaint apes: 11W meat Appaaranw filed On this date ?whua ?ubm Wainbergar? Ema. added 313 Appamtad . :ndEgant Defendant fear Dafandant Mimhmi aaimtin Appearanae ?ied far the purposa cf Lima in CNN by Judge; Hon. June Barnard, Emmi Raauimrd The {gaming want: Erralgnment mhadutad far amwzm exam AM hm mum manned as: fakiws: Rama: Hald Ball at? ?nnditiann a? Reiaam mama ??fandant arraignad Minna Smart and mussel appminzed, mamas far ardaring bait. Bail magma: amen gum; band a! $1 ,uuom man. Emil waming {@3353} glw-n ta tha defandant Uafendant Ia ardared ta Flymuuth Caunty Hausa of Barm?an in lieu af haying mated bail in the amum' ordered: {game Ecnd: $1 inm?n Caah). ratumabta for 11mm 09:99 AM Pretrial Haaring; mit?mua Emmet Cam Imam af next want (If mt 3mm court}: District Court FU rthar madam-.- Tarma and Bandl?ana far Linda? $2296 magma, Gammons nrdamdratay RWY Na (mm: with Stay away {mm wart. art-lewd Iqua?nn, magimm mummy - 0mm? mnditiunia): ?tter away frat?? vi?tirrfs ham and wark maresam ?ay away {mm chii?mn under 13 Appearance ?led 0n thixs data Mariam Paulacm Tynea, Em. addad as: Frimta (image) fur Dahndant Miwhaal Gamma Appaamnaa mac! Cm trim data Jashua Rubin Walnbargen Esq? diamimadtwithdraw? at: .?ppui?ted .. Indigent Damndant far verandam Miamaa! Calaa?n 152mm Reaunw The: faltawing want: Pmtrial Naming Hahwulad for 1?5 {$9930 AM km bean mum ea faliws: Remit; Evan: Ountinuad mm: aenfamma ragmrt mad. Gammanmaitha ma?an pumuant to: rule 17 in ardar ma pmduciian of racism Metro PS5 and Verimr; Mama) ?led and aimed an both as to stage ?amdants ma?m far mammary mm and alluwed Judge? I Barnard Barnard Bernard Bernard Bernard Barnard Barnard Manda?! Manda}! Marxian ??28321?? 4:0? pm Nu; 1615??0043?5 Page: 3 til/"7 6L72969202 ?3 l6?919?90? L6i919?905 65:90 '1 Gmum Dn?ket?aga? ?"t?di?i??quEVEHT?qt?a?u Date gamma Evan: mm: Resut?ng Juana Arraignmant Malawi? Amalgnmant Halt! .. $31! {if Barr?mrd or?erad wed-?2016 Samar: Pram! Waring Emmi Gnn?nuad Mandaii Flam 3 1251452013 Wigwam mama Haadng in Review Status Evant mailman! 83mm Raum1 91:11:20? Wrw?l'rla} ?emim Bimwm 3. Jury Bmught Forward 13mm ?omn? awmw 7 Pmu?mai Samian Hiswvery Gampffanae Jury Event cantinuad amnard Roam 3 Eiaatign gamma? Pm-Trial Sa?alan - Dismvary G?m?liama Jury Emmi Can?nuad Amrhein Ream a Ema?dm mama-z? Pm-Tria! Eaasiw Dianwary Gamp?ama Jury Event (in?amed Manual: Ram 8 [331$an oasmmw Pra??m ?aming: niscwm Jury Event minimum mrmin 8 Emma ammw Arraignment Sassicm Pmba?m Viatatinn Haaring Held Cii?urd Rama 1 ?rlmina! Jury Jury Trlal Brahmas-rt Fatward Bmhy 3mm - Fianna 9 0mm? Criminal Jury Jury Trial ?am?a?m? m? Hearing Huurihan mm . Mum 11!? 5mm? criminal Jury Jury Trial (ER) Rawhadule 9f ?aming: Nauru-Ian Seaman 1mm 9 Famnnawcmw Manama Paid blamlnaaii Baht-m ?rota: 'mm am 15mm 0.99 Mammy an Damn Manama! Paid Hammad Enhance ?ram: 1.15m: 14mm 15mm: dune Amnuntm Summary App?ad ?ak; Paid Bafanm mm mm mama Printad: 11:23:201? pm cam No: WSCROMBEE Paga: 2 ?3 [.649199905 99:90 62-LL-JL02 Human-w manhunt-.115 BROCKTON DISTRICT COURT Dunk". Ewan Cammnwukh n. Quintin. MIuhn| TYPE: CrImInal FILE DATE: 05/25/2015 ACTION CODE: TRACK: DESCRIWON: INDECENTAGIB 0N PERSON 14 OR OVER c255 513H CASE DISPOSITION DATE 11/21/2011 CASE STATUS: CASE DISPOSITION: MATHS DATE: Immon CASE JUDGE: BABE SESBION: LINKIDGASE- . ,4 PARTIEQ Duhndunl Celeslin Mischael anm caunnl Marjem Peumn Tynan Law Ofllca of P. Tynes LLC Luw Office <