IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS STATE OF MISSOURI STATE OF MISSOURI, EX REL. KIEL CENTER PARTNERS, L.P., et al., Reiators, Cause No: 1722-CC1 1018 V. Division No: 31. . DARLENE GREEN, Respondent. RESPONDENT DARLENE MOTION PURSUANT TO RULE 75.01 TO MODIFY THIS NOVEMBER 27, 2017 ORDER AND JUDGMENT IN I MANDAMUS COMES NOW Respondent Darlene Green and moves that this Court enter an Order modifying its November 27, 2017 Order And Judgment In Mandamus (?Judgment?) and in support thereof states: .1. This Court ruled in its Judgment that Kirby v. Nolte, 349 Mo. 1015, 164 SW. 2d 1 (Mo. 1942) held that the City of St. Louis Comptroller may challenge proposed contracts only for ?illegality?. Id, p. 11. i 2. Contrary to this Court?s Judgment, the Missouri Supreme Court actually ruled in that ?the Comptroller may challenge contracts [that are made] arbitrarily or in abuse of discretion?, id., p. 15, and she has ?broad powers, in the exercise of which [s]he is vested with a second discretion Id. 3. This Court manifestly failed to appreciate in its Judgment the existence of Respondent?s broad discretionary powers and responsibilities in the area of City of St. Louis contracting that Respondent believes would impair the City?s credit. Accordingly, this Court?s. Judgment is fatally infected with legal error, and it should modify the Judgment accordingly. WHEREFOVRE, Respondent Darlene Green requests that this Court modify its Judgment such that it would provide that it denies Relator Kiel Center Partners, motion for summary judgment and that this Court provide her with such other relief as is just. BICK KISTNER, P.C. Elkin L. Kistner Elkin L. Kistner #35287 Sean M. Elam. #561 12 Joseph H. Neill #69250 101 South Hartley Road, Suite 1280 St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Telephone: (314) 571-6823 Facsimile: (314) 727?9071 E?mail: elkinkis@bick?kistaercom E?mail: smelam@bickwkistnercom E?mail: Attorneys for Respondent Darlene Green CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of this document was served this day of December, 2017, to the following attorneys of record via the Court?s electronic filing system to: oAnn T. Sandifer Denyse L. Jones Attorneys for Relate." Kiel Center Pam-2.8m Michael Garvin aarvinm @stlouismmoaov Erin McGowan mcgowane stlouis?mo. gov Attorneys for litters/tenor Relatm? ity ofSt. Louis Elkin L. Kistner