Mr. I: furnished the following information STANDARD FORM NO: Cl T0 DATE April 30, 1956 Losignac/.E/ass SUBJECT: HANNAH LARENDT Wa. Hannah Arend lucher inf; .f On Apr -, 1956, I I 3 5 Fresno, Californ a. advised SAI I that his daughter, I was presently studying philosophy under Professor PAUL RICOERUR at Strasbourg, France. he felt that HANNAH ARENDT was very dangerous to the best interests of this country in view of the fact she is a professor who travels around the United States instructing at numerous co1le_ges as a visiting professor. He stated his daughter changed her thinking completely after taking courses from HANNAH ARENDT at the University of California at Berkeley, California, in 1955, and feels_that it was her influence which had influenced his daughter to go to Europe to study under Professor PAUL RICOERUR. Mr. adudsed that from all the information he had been ab to gather,'he could not say that HANNAH ARENDT was a Communist, but stated she was advocating a totalitarian philosophy in her political concerning which he obtained from sources in u/ Berkeley, California. HANNAH ARENDT was born in 1906, educated 3 in Konigsberg,-Germany, and maJored_in philosophy. She also 9 studied theology and Greek. She received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Heidelberg, Germany, in the year 1928. ea>Her first book "The Concept of Love in Augustine" appeared 1929 at the publishing house of Springer in Berlin. In 1930, she began to write a biography of RAHEL VARNHAGEN von ENSE under the auspices of the Notgemeinschaft der deutschen .Wissenschaft which could never appear since the author had to leave Germany in 1933 as she is a Jewess. From 1933 until 1940, she =w~>l1ived in Paris where she was the leader of the Youth Alijah and -> new sewn .3 LA 105-3361 From 1946 to 1948, she was the chief editor of the 9Big Kafka" edition of the Schocken Publishing Company. In 1949, the publishing company of Lambert Schneider in Heidelberg published a volume of her essays. In 1951, this book "The Origins of Totalitarianism," now published in Germany appeared in America. In 1952, she received a Guggenheim Fellowship for her works in the field of political theory and science. She delivered the results of this study to the public in the autumn of 1953 in a series of lectures under the auspices of the "Christian Gauss Lecturers" at Princeton University. In the same year, she gave a second series of lectures at Notre Dame University. In May, 1954, she received a prize of the American Acedemy for Arts and Letters for her-literary achievements. In the spring of 1955, she was a guest professor of Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley, California. Her maiden name is stated to be COHEN and she married a man named ARENDT whom she divorced and later married a man named BLUCHER who is a professor of philosophy at Bard College on the Upper Hudson. It was described as a progressive type of institution originally connected with the Columbia University, according to wooDwARD. she is sti married to Professor BLUCHER and is now residing at 1 Morningside ?v that the book "who's who in be World Jewry" has the following data concerning HANNAH ARENDT. b7C She was a research fellow at the Kaiser-Leopoldische Museum in l93l to 1932; general secretary of the French Branch of the German Youth Movement in 1935 to 1938; re ional director of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Committee US) in 1944 to 1946; executive secretary of the same committee in 1949 to 1952; later was on the Board of Directors. At the present time, she is best described as a writer and visiting professor. The following is a brief descri tion of the subject as obtained from information in She is a small, rotund, stoop shouldered woman with a crew-like haircut,.masculine voice and a marvelous mind. She is described as being very positive, dominating, enthusiastic, and an eloquent speaker, and as being about fifty years of age. Information concerning HANNAH ARENDT is being furnished the Bureau, San Francisco and New York for information purposes. 131$ . . 3:>f5ff;U*fW5T4;3~ -l 8&3 sumncn 0-?1 . . 9 Injth? o'pinifo1f; 7LOS qr M/39/s?yswnicn 4; .contain_ed c3_ifiC. Wh10h_" 1' investi$atio'n. 7 -- Eile .or tfi? new i?rk A?i ,3 Hy] 11;; ong i ;jr--w "7 ENDT Avenug;gNeWpYork. g; A. Cityj fa Bent_1e_y'? wasgringjtongg 2 msanegeles .and fi1?d'iD Z?r? fi??Ei N9 further - - NO. 64 .3515. . . Memorandum UNITED STATEB T0 SAC, (Your file DATE: 7- 7-56. FROM Director, BI (Bufile and Qerial /55; 47536 L. (1 of Origin: /z?xmunfl SUBJECTS ti 1. The deadline in this case has passed and the Bureau has not received a report. You are instructed to submit a report immediately. In the event a report has been submitted, you- should make a notation of the date on which it was Submitted on this letter and return it to the Bureau, Room Report submitted Rm. Wm be All uwtoawmos HEREBN SIS fo [delay Rivw . 2. Advise Bureau re. status of this case. 3. Advise Bureau when report may be 3&1, Iflififin 4. Surep immediately. Fe:-meuiv b6 b'7C . (Place your reply on this form and return to the Bureau :VNote_on the_ top serial in the case file the receipt and acknowledgment of this co muni at 1 on . egos I - t' I I EBMILOSTH