7* ?t 3 2? flintIBUREAU OF 2qu 04556; OM 010mm Dab tweaked" Period .LAS VEGAS - 'LiAs VEGAS 2412/63 1/4/63 - 2/6/63 TITLE OF CASE - nopon made by Typed By I b6 ORIVIERA HOTEL amoral! or CASE MC VEGAS, JAMES RIDDLE norm; i ALLEN M. 120mm; AR mm. L. DORFMAN .1. . w" \L/j/?ka I) . REFERENCES: J, . sport of SAI 'dated 12/20/62 at as Vegas b6 . Los Angeles airtel to 'Las Vegas dated 12/19/62. (Interoffice) Ema Report of SAI [dated 12/19/62 at Omaha. San Francisc: airtel to Las Vegas dated 12/26/62. gy?f? 'Report of SA dated 12/31/62 at San Francisco. {7 Chicago letter to Director dated 12/31/62. :13F7i? Report ,o?;SAr dated 12/31/62 at Detroit. r? _Las Vegas letter to Chicago dated 1/18/63. ?(Interoffice) Minneapolis letter to?Director dated 1/14/63. ?Miami letter to Las Vegas dated 1/21/63. (Interoftice) -JJ .Report of SA REGER dated 1/25/63 at Phoenix. ?16 Las Vegas letter to Los Angeles dated 1/18/63. (Interoffice) r" sz??q a 4- ENCLOSURES: ?1?0 BUREAU b6 Enclosed to Bureau are two copies of letterhead memorandum characterizing informants utilized in instant report, Ht 7 I Approved W3 7" ?mzzm Done! in?. In gpacu below Copies 7: 3;\Bureau (92?6303) (Enc. 2) 752*. i ,1 . 6?Chicago (92-1279) ?gem-wm?w- (1 -?De?artmental Attorney, \Ch cago) - Hi3 1.203 (1 - 62?6006) I (1 - 62-6020) ?mwa A: . E1 - 92?1059) 1 - 122-558 . . ,1 (Copies continuedIQo?er~Pagb B) . .JJXJ _q_3J til? ?2 4 ,w/aa: i =2 099m? 01 n: - This report iy?ilodn?d to? you} by now. and name?: it no: its 'contonu an to bo distributed ouuido the you, to which loomed. \5 A ?1.353 3 32 u. I. covmuumr nmrme omen nu 0?344189 7 I ANGELES ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 1 W111. W111 him Concerning the,sa1e A the repayment of promissory note used to purchase :thisestock. eRefer to the report of .1725/63eat Phoenix. 5 attenpt to ascertain wherefKORSHAg usually .resides while in.the Los Angeles,?Cali?ornia,Larea. Will check backgroundiof ?to associate LoseAngeies, California, area. W111 attempt to ascertain if'KORSHAK'is+connected in any way with JAMES HOFFA or the TeamsterseUnion in the Los'Angeles, California area? W111 ascertain the.subscriber to the telephone anl:lh 1. W111 interview HARVEY SILBERT concerning the Willaascertainethe?subScriber oi the phone numbers where was?contacted?in the LosuAngeles area. W111 review files for all information of value ,concerning SID KORSHAK, specifically question w. REGER dated wasecontacted on 11/18/60. b6 b7C eand'ail other.individuals b6 3 liSted?inethe Department's memorandum. 4W111 review their files attempt to ascertain whether he has-hadhany direct association with the DORFMANS of Chicago or or the*Teamsters :Union, or whether he represents any of eclients. ?It?will be notednby the LoseAngeles dffice that SILRERT is considered'to?be the person who ?put together"%theuRiviera ,HoteleoperationeinfLas?Vegas and is seen in.Las Vegas frequently conducting Riviera~Hote1 business. 18. ?Will MEYER GENSBURG, ARTHUR MARX, ammoe MARX, JACK any information they may have teetheepresent financing of the :Hotel Riviera, Inc., andfhow-their interestSnin the Riviera Hotei eCompany were dissolved and'satisfied by the Hotel Riviera, Inc. - - b7C these individuals as- ROBBIN, concerning from this time that HARVEY SILBERT put together a deal with persons who used to Operate the FlamingOaHotel, .namely the ATOLs, GOFFSTEIN and others who were to lease the ;Riviera for a rental of $104,166.00 per month. With SILBERT worked it out SO?that the difference between the original rent of $72,396.00 or an amount of $31,770.00 per month would be disbursed by THOMAS and the,Bank of Las?Vegas, first to the creditors of the.Riviera Hotel Corporation and then to the stockholders when they were paid inifull. At this time, as mentioned previously, all creditors have-been paid in:full, and notes that were given by the corpora- tion to original stockholders are in the process of being paid now per the disbursing agreement. Over?the recent past the notes held at that bank for the original investors have been sold, resold and transferred in such a way and to varied individuals that he would have no way of knowing without a complete recapitu? lation of his records the complete history of eachfnote. Many individuals now own the notes, some the original investors, and others never connected with the Riviera Hotel as such. The disbursements to creditors and old stockholders in the Riviera Hotel, Inc., were made by the Bank of Las Vegas in accordance with directives issued a Los Angeles attorney, who put the deal together whereby creditors of -the defunct corporation and the stockholders would eventually be paid in full. -THOMAS claimed to be very familiar with the early arrangements and various interests obtained during the beginning days of the Riviera since the Bank of Las Vegas was heavily committed on a loan and that he had been sent to Las Vegas by the Continental Bank in Salt Lake City, Utah, in an effort to salvage Some of the loan. The records of the Nevada Gaming Commission were reviewed at Las Vegas, Nevada, in order to determine the original investors in the Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. The records contained a co of a letter, dated March 3, 1955, FSupervisor, Gambling License Division, Neva a Tax Commission, and addressed to the following: Riviera Hotel, DAVID GENSBURG, MYER GENSBURG, R. H. BAILEY, ARTHUR MARX, GUMMO MARX, JACK GOLDMAN, HARRY ROBBIN, MURRAY SAUL, care of HARVEY L. SILBERT, Attorney at Law, 6399 Wilshire Boulevard, :Los Angeles 48, California. 7 b7C LV 92-768 Build a - Medium Complexion .Light Date of Birth January 1, 1909 at NewPort, ?Kentucky Adaress 758 University Drive . ?w Coral Gables, Florida 'Previous Address 2875 North LeJeune Road, i? Miami, Florida . - taggr?nmher . a 855 355 ?h 5 ARTHUR WHAazgg?gz?i I i . a: ,4 Financial Interests:' -. if 5 '.n2 a? June 30, 1953 - rat Worth $485,013.49~ '7 u? a for $225, 000.00 in property a 4 Ia.? iand cash . 5 August_?, 1953 15% of Casa Blanca Hotel Co. .f February.10, 1954 - 125 shares of Common Stock and 1 5? 27; shares of Preferred Stock in the Riviera Hotel. I ?-It . common Stock (Profit sharing stock) (Par value $100. 00 ,per share) 4 125 vPreferred Stock (Par value $1,000;00 27% g? ?per share) . I f. a Debentures ?3 . i . (Par 15 . -E Total cash investment - $55;000,00 (Description: 1? Address (1953)_' 701 North Canon Drive .Beverly Hills, California 7 fRace ?White - Sex ?3 Male m?jgj?; 333 ?fgy?A/ci/4.4 92-768 Height 5'7" Weight 145 iEyes ,Brown .Hair Brown Build Medium Complexion Fair ,Date of Birth November 23, 1888 at New York City Actor with Marx?Brothers for 35 years. . MARX Financial Interests: . June 30, 1953 Net Worth - $355,292.54 in property and cash August 3, 1953 - 10% interest for $150,000.00 in Casa Blanca Hotel 00. February 10, 1954 - 75 shares of Common Stock and 16% shares of Preferred Stock .in Riviera Hotel. Common Stock (Profit sharing stock) 75 (Par value $100.00 'per share) Preferred Stock (Par?value $1,000.00 - 165 .per'share) Debentures (Par value $1,000.00) - 12 Total cash investment $36,000.00 5 Description: Race ?White Sex Male ?Height 5'10" Weight. 170 - 27 -