Custodian Statement of Richard Cuttrell, Municipal Clerk (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all Ifrecords were If records List the legal records records disclosed with were denied exPlanation reSponsive to provided to - redactions, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requester, in give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entirety or nature give a denial of (include the with redactions description of general access to number of (include the gap; the redactions. nature records in pages for each such records description their entirety record). were provided). of the or record. redactions. March 27, 1994 None. Access Report and Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. related record Doeument 7 documents. 10) and pages protected under Internal Affairs guidelines. June 25, 1994 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 9 I Internal A?airs pages guidelines. October 10, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 1995 Internal was denied. investigation I record (47: 1A- Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 21 guidelines. pages March 24, 2001 None. Access Report and Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. related record Document 5 documents. 10) and pages protected under Internal Affairs guidelines. Custodian Statement of Richard Cuttrell, Municipal Clerk (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all If records were If records List the legal records records disclosed with were denied errpianatien responsive to provided to redactions, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requester, in give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entire? or nature give a denial of (include the with redactions description of general access to number of (include the the redactions. nature records in pages for each such records description their entirety record). were provided). of the or record. redactions. May 27, 2004 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 27 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. July 22, 2004 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record (47: 1A- Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 15 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. December 13, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2004 Internal was denied. investigation record (47: Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 16 guidelines. pages February 2, None. Access Report. Personnel 2005 Internal was denied. record Affairs 10) and Document 1 protected under page Internal Affairs guidelines. Custodian Statement of Richard Cuttrell, Municipal Clerk pages (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all If records were If records List the legal records records disclosed with were denied explanation responsive to provided to redactions, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requestor, in give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entirety or nature give a denial of (include the With redactions description of general access to number of (include the d_at_e_ the redactions. nature I records in pages for each such records description their entiregr record). were provided). of the or w_ith_ record. redactions. March 6, 2006 None. Access Report. Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. record (47: Document 2 10) and pages protected under Internal Affairs guidelines. May 28, 2008 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 16 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. February 11, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2010 Internal was denied. investigation record Affairs Report report and 10) and I and related ?les. protected under, I accompanying Internal Affairs documents 6 guidelines. pages July 7, 2010 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 3, Internal Affairs guidelines. Custodian Statement of Richard Cuttrell. Municipal Clerk pages (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all If records were If records List the legal records records disclosed with were denied explanation reSponsive to provided to redactions, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requester, in give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entiregg or nature give a denial of (include the with redactions description of general access to number of (include the din; the redactions. nature records in pages for each such records description their entirety; record). Were provided). of the or record. redactions. October 12, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2011 Internal was denied. investigation record Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 12 guidelines. pages February 13, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2012 Internal was denied. investigation record (47: 1A- Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents i guidelines. 124 pages July 11, 2013 None. Access Investigation Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. report and record (4711A- Report and related ?les. 10) and accompanying protected under documents 24 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. September 25, i None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2013 Internal was denied. investigation record (47: 1A- Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 13 guidelines. Custodian Statement of Richard Cuttrell, Municipal Cleric (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all If records were If records List the legal records records disclosed with were denied explanation responsive to provided to redactions, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requester, in give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entire or nature give a denial of (include the with redactions description of general access to number of (include the (lat; the redactions. nature records in pages for each 'such records description their entirety record). were provided). of the or 3'th record. redactions. November 22, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2013 Internal was denied. investigation record Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 20 guidelines. pages December 18, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2013 Internal was denied. investigation record Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. i protected under accompanying . Internal Affairs documents 16 guidelines. pages February 13, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2014 Internal was denied. - investigation record (47: 1A- Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 15 guidelines. pages February 18, None. Access Complaint, Personnel 2014 Internal was denied. investigation record (4711A- Affairs Report report and 10) and and related ?les. protected under accompanying Internal Affairs documents 16 guidelines. pages Custodian Statement of Richard Cuitrell, Municipal Clerk (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all If records were If records List the legal records records disclosed with were denied explanation responsive to provided to redactious, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requester, in give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entire or nature give a denial of (include the with redactions description of general access to number of (include the the redactions. nature records in pages for each such records description their entirety record). were provided). of the or 311th record. redactions. April 4, 2014 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record (47: 1A- Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 72 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. April 2014 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record (47 Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 33 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. April 24, 2014 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 14 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. April 30, 2014 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under dOCUInents 59 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. Custodian Statement of Richard Cuttrell, Municipal Clerk (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) List of all List of all If records were If records List the legal records records disclosed with Were denied explanation responsive to provided to redactions, in their and statutory Requestor?s Requester, in ?give a general entirety, citation for the OPRA request their entirety or nature give a denial of (include the with redactions description of general access to number of (include the the re?ections. nature records in pages for each such records description their entireg record). were provided). of the or record. redactions. July 22, 2014 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 22 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. April 15, 2015 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 20 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. June 26, 2015 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation record Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 6 Internal Affairs pages guidelines. May 10, 2016 None. Access Complaint, Personnel Internal Affairs was denied. investigation Report and report and 10) and accompanying related ?les. protected under documents 88 Internal Affairs pages guidelines.