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Wes-{E1 {Ea-{page 1111111111133 6111111111 {111111111116 {11111 11111111611. {1'11 {111- 11111111.) 111111. 11111111111 1111111611 11111111. 131111611116 {11116 {165111511311 {1111.11.16 are T1151 E61631 EEQV 11111136111121.1311. {117 111-6 1331161111 12111361 1115111111166 {1111-3 {111-151 1111-:- {11161-1161. 1111': 11'? {he 111-1611110116 {1'1 {1511:1121 6'16 11111111112119 {11111111111111- E311 96136615363? 2616 {11:11 .1511 1 6131011111 12 2616 ?1711-111. {111111 131.116 1.11 {1116161111 1111-11111 {31111171161 {1.6 E11111- 6113111 {.1111 6.1101111 111211111111161111 1.1116 115111.161 11131111116611. the {111111. {es-16111116. 11116 {raj-1161511111 $616 E1311 {11.111111111151111 use. {3131111 11-116 Elli-{11111111111111 1112111111111 1131111211 1131111111111}..- {11111115 1311111 ?16.1-13- - 1111 111: $6611? {1111-11111 {11111. 11.11111 11.11111 1.111111 11121111711 .10 111116111111 {1131111111111 1111161111 {1117-1 {1111113111. {1111111111616 The 1111161111111 {11-11111 111111-11'111111'1'1'111111 and 60111111161111.1111 11-1611 exE?bE?E-ec?i { {if 611-5111161111 {11 E11611 {151,111.63 {111611111113 {661511661111 {11111 1111116111 1511 1211117111 {11111561111131 11 (1611616611: 4161-1111213 111" 1:11:61 {1311:1136-1? 1111111 13-11-1111 61111 { are {1111111112161 {1211161116 E13. 13.1.1 {13166161196 111-111 1111.111. T1111 {11.111111311113111- 11115111 {16111111 3111.1 {11111-111611 1621111111 {3711'- {11.111111661111111 {1161-11 11111111 1211' 31111111111 EGQETEUREE 1111.111: T1111 1119 E6 {1661111111111 113- 11311106511 {he {61161111111 exam-{111. 111-116 1'16 6-121-1- {1'1 15. 111111611. as {611116831116 11'1? 1111111111113 1111116611611 {11-11611 EEC-.66- has .. #111631191'161 5' A.- 111-1121 - 11161313101611 by T. 21111611612: . P1111103 121111-111? YES ND WW {33111 '01'1113111113111111 . {cs-1' ?13111 111? 16.811011 1212215268 113131111 1.111111 12111111111. 111111111 3.1111111 of 6' INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIRIED STATUS Name of Darn Wishon Dam No. 97?118 Date of Inspection 10/19/2016 Observations and Comments Spillway Seepage marked the sloughed locations and is scheduling repairs next year. Vegetation control on the face and groins of the dam was good. Woody vegetation grows along the toe of the dam. The woody vegetation needs to be removed, as requested in our past inspection reports. Reportedly efforts to remove the vegetation are made each summer, but the vegetation grows aggressively in the area. Increased efforts to remove woody vegetation along the toe of the dam are needed. No rodent activity was observed. The spillway approach, control section, and channel were clear and unobstructed. The spillway has six - gates. The Certificate of Approval requires all gates be in the fully open position every season between October 1 and April 30. was granted a variance to leave the Spillway gates closed until November 15, 2016, to replace the via our letter dated October 16, 2016. The - gate structural members appeared to be in good condition and showed no signs of distress. The visible gate coatings appeared satisfactory. All concrete surfaces were observed to be in satisfactory condition. Th_ consists of a rock lined tunnel controlled by a valve and an valve. The chamber was not visited during this inspection. The valves were last cycled in presence on 9/23/2014, with no reported problems. The valves are reportedly operated annually, but the last operation date was not available during this inspection. Arrangements need to be made to fully cycle the valves during next year's annual inspection. No seepage was observed on the face or groins. The usual pool of water was observed along the toe of the darn. Visible seeps and audible flow were heard and observed while walking along the toe at the pooled section. Additionally, along the pool of water we observed locations of sandbars where more prominent seeps existed. The sandbars appear to be a long? standing feature and need to be visually monitored for changes during future inspections. Seepage was also observed at the left end of the toe and audible flows could be heard along the lower left groin. The seepage is monitored at four locations. The following readings were taken during this inspection: Weir left groin 0.65? (384 gpm) Weir right groin dry Weir Kl?27, of toe 3.46? 25 cfs, overtopping weir) (staff), belo_ portal exit dry The weir reading at Kl?27 was overtopping the weir. Under this condition seepage readings are taken at a gage Kl?1, which collects cumulative seepage and in?stream releases at the dam. Kl-1 is remotely monitored and was reportedly at 3.31? or ~32.89 cfs. This reflects approximately 32 at Weir Kl-190 when subtracting other readings from the Kl-1 gage. The seepage data appears to be consistent with data plotted over the last five years for the given. reservoir level. No unusual condition was noted. The staff gage at monitoring point has become detached. requested the gage be secured and reset. Sheet 2 of 6 INSPECTICN OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Wishon Darn No. 97?1 18 Date of inspection 10/1 9/2016 Observations and Comments Instr. Instrumentation at this darn consists of 2 seepage weirs, a gaging station/staff gage, and 47 survey monuments. The iatest surveillance report was transmitted to us on April 29, 2016. The data was reviewed in our last inspection report dated 8/12/2016. The report states that the available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily with the exception of the increasing seepage trend at the dam. Weekly seepage readings (when snow and rain impacts are minimal) and annual surveys must continue until seepage issues are resolved. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate. DWR1261 (rev. 10109) - Sheet 3 of 6 ?an mem??g 23.3.4 94 was {?ares my? wmm?w?m 3,434 . 33 z? w. ?sz ma? mam. swam 8 am 6333.. GEE 4mm.? 34.. A $3 3 343%: .. 1.). Egmm?m 1 4mg} 03's andba 3.. Na: I . (38- of the. a rs.? abs?s ma. 2e {ta-1108,31 Wishm?; 4? 13% sa?ndiuazr Mata-?an sizing the-ice m? the? dam; Rafereme Pic-Ema 9% 315 ,t .. v! w: ear-tied. eepages pm? as. :33 ea vi awed mm.- the G- {653% Re :1 as" sham: app? ta iggatic?? I 62? af'ir: spastic}? ?3'?f19f?fm {33m i. 0-. 53:74 ?18 as: am Mg: 3; 2?52:ng ENVK ?3 N. ms 33me 1-23?? ?8,369} Sheet Right Es-arizibar Emaiian aim-1g the tie-e- ef the. dam. Rafe-fame 4&7 ?ff? . y?y/V I {7444:- .. y; 35? . :19/ . -. . {41.0, - 37? . 14?7"- .. .- ?tub-?uh?? an altar-1g ?Eh 5. Middie sandbar its-cat: EOE-2 a?he dam. R?ferene? P- if? I Name; a? Dam. ETIEF Rf: i- ETEE E33Dam NE). LIEEOFE. .. {38' ?i .8 6:66:66?: '5 ?33333.33 6. R: 66:66:63.: 6663?: 3555 1H 23' I. Kip66666: 6:66;: 6662.6366666 33: 666R: 63:66:26.: 33333333332333.3333 33633.3 61363.33 3333333333336.) 333.3232. 333333. 333333 7333-3 Name 0:66:66 k?fiR?hm- (366: RR. 333-33328 06:66:: 37:66:36. 6666 336:): 363333 33:33:: 5333333333"! 333333333 333333333 333-3333333333 3333666636. . .3666. b33533: . 3.6633366666663166363 -. 533.? 356-6.: 133-33033" {36331331633833.3358 3.23:. 66363:?: 3:36:31 .A?R-ami 323.666.7663.. 63.33666: 36:36:? W333: 3333332 3666666666 36613636336: M?Rm?i??a?c? 36? 3636363336336: 33333363232333.3733 33333-33333-3333, 6:6 36:36:66.6- 36:66:66 T336: 6::-6:333:36; 33?3'333'3333?3 6:62:33 33:63 6:66.36 :63- 33:66 6:666:66: 66:63.: 333:3 636:6 3366:6366. 3 6666:663636663 33:36: 33:3 3'63363636 Ski?g'hi?g (2:3 2333353333 6:663 67: 666:6: 6:66.663 33:6: 6.66661663636?: 6135:5366:- 66366663666: 6:666:36: 33:6: 366:6: 0353;336:636: :6 6: .. 6626;666:633: 3 33:66:: .. 3?36: 63:6: 63:6 666.636.3363 (366?: mg 66:6: 3R6: 63:6 6:666:63: RR (66:06:66: 33133g3?333353?3 356:6: 6:13-33:62 (36:66:. 3 606466266663 (he. (66:63:: 66306663636: - 96:66- has: (66:61:63 36:666.: "3 33:: 936636 6666?: 3.1666369 Rm: 6666:6663 36:6: '36: 6:61:66: '3er 36:33 663636366366: {'33 6.6 3366': 3:666: 0333303363 36636:: .6336: 36:3": 6:6 66:63 6:36:66: a 6:666 gate (36:661-6- 66: 6336-6366366 33:6 32:3 mdiwg R6663 636366363 Th: :3 6:66:36 36' 66:6: (53333336333863 6136636366616: ?3:31:33 3333' 61336333636366: was: 6; 6366336663.. 33033: :6 {1333333333332333330 3:661:36 3333?. 3.0 66.666366: 56:66:66 high. 3362:3665 R: 3336 Ram. 3:66:3'633666361666 3:66:66: 63:6: 36:36:66: 33333333333133.3333 R663 6:366:63 3666;366:3366. (316.636.3661. 6666666336, 6:163 (3'26: appurtanances 6:66 judged 66:36, 3.33:3. pending 33.633333333333533 662616.366 36: 33:6- (6636636666961: 3366: 66:63 '66:.6366663626: seepage 66% 3333323623133. 3366:6663-666 {3:626:6666666 ?3?3 666633363: 332333363 :66663 was: 3:66:63 and 3.3333533}, 66:63 6336.6: 36:66.: 66:66:33 was: 36:: 6633666666636 6636363333366: 33:6: 6.6666666 36:66: (mg; 6326:: 33333333333 36:66 were 333373.03- 6'6263' in Rs: 6362-66663 366:6: 33:6: 666663;. 3733:: 36.333633333633333 333-3363 3.: 63:66:63 333623. 63:66.6 63666663 36:36:: "6366 6:66:66: 833733.233 353:6 63.666666636666663 3.61:6: (36:66: 33:3 (36:66:16.3: 66.661696336361666 3.666661663363666: 3336-. 666236333 was: 66: ?2336366266366 sandman and 6:th :33: 6663 6:66:66 3333333333 3:33: 3:633:33: 63-63(6gh3n6: R663 66366;: 66:66.- 6:6:th 66:6. (.6663 6366:: 6:66:66: 63:: 33:6. 3.3333333333393333 36:66 3.36:: i 66.63.63 36:6: 33233333363. 333.3, 6.326: Ff?g3?333333 mamgamesz :65 6?3 (:66 (36:66: was: 666362?663666. 33:6:(36663 6:66 5366:6366?. a: 63:6: 636m. Th6:- 6::-26:66:33 6666:3616: 66.6363 63636666366566.6666: 63:66:6636. 6:66:66: 6:36:26: 6::-63 66-33(6366666633663, 661.63.666.66 3'333933-3'35333-1333} 633663762306}: .3363 33:3: 66:336-662- 3'6: 33:6: (3331:3333 {366333-066 6:6 333936763313 by 33:6: (536663366636: '66 63663666663. - (31333335337513 3666: 66-3326: :63 in gate: 3/633 33666-33636; 6:666: 6663636363 636663-66: R6363: farming 3.336: 3663': (10:36:: (336:6: 33:63.3 3-3. 63 63:6: (tan-6:66:36: 36616.6: 63:6: 36:36:36: R6663. 6:663:66: 61:66.36 96.6336: 3613 6533:3336: 33-16 333::636663- (6:363 6666:: 61636663636:er {35333333363333.3383 and :16) 6.: RRIRT {?gpe?e? 33.): 3323333333 3333333033 33.36 3 53.5.3. . 'a - .. '3 Phaias: taken? 3339 . 53207.33) (3:36:33?! 8:13.036 {36:36: Reg-606:. {23.33 213203 83:63:33 '3 of 5 13.33.3333? 32353 {33336:- "38.36393- . INSPECTION Or- DAM AND IN CERTii-nziD STATUS Name of Dam Wishon Dam No. 97?1 18 Date of inspection 5/10/16 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage application was required. Th_tunnel and outlet chamber were not visited during this inspection. The low level outlet works will be operated in 2016?2017. The valves were last cycled in presence on 9/23/2014, and they operated satisfactorily. PGE reportedly regularly cycles all valves annually. The face and both groins were dry. The usual pool of water at the toe was observed during this inspection. The water in the pool was clear and no sediment transport was noted. The seepage at the dam is measured at four locations. The following readings were taken during the inspection: Weir or 0.837 cfs. Weir Dry. Weir or 24.68 cfs. Dry. .4390.?th Instruments at the dam consists of the four (4) seepage measuring points, fifty?five (55) survey monuments, and nine (9) control points. The latest'data submittal was dated April 29, 2016 covering the 2015 review period. Seepage: The dam has three weirs to measure seepage that are named KHQB (900?degree notch at the left side of the dam), Kl?190 (QOO-degree notch at the right side of the dam), and Kl- 27 (900 degree V?notch/concrete broad crested weir for higher flows). There is also a calibrated staff gage in the concrete roadway below th_ tunnel designated as Weir this weir measures fish flows, which are subtracted from Weir Kl-27 to estimate total dam seepage. All are measured weekly in the summer months. Weir measured a maximum seepage flow rate of ~436 during the review period of 2015. Weir stayed dry during the review period of 2015. Weir Kl-27 measured a maximum seepage flow rate of close to ~31 during the review period of 2015. Weir measured a maximum fish flow rate of ~6 during the review period of 2015. In general, there is an increasing trend in seepage at the dam, although flows were lower this year due to the drought. DSOD continues to work with to resolve the issue of high seepage. Survey Monuments: The monuments and points are surveyed every 5 years with most recent survey in 2013. However, the Division requested annual surveys of the dam in February 28, 2014 letter until issues with high seepage are resolved. The maximum settlement recorded since 1958 at Station 22+20 is approximate _ The monuments have also shown a slow movement trend, with maximum movement at Station 21+06 of approximatel_ No abnormal settlement or horizontal movements were noted from the long term surveys. Settlement and horizontal movements between 2014 and 2015 were negligible. Conclusion: The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily with the exception of increasing seepage trend at the dam. Weekly seepage readings (when snow and rain impacts are minimal) and annual surveys must continue until seepage issues are resolved. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate. DWR1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 5 .hmm?omm mg mo u?mma?m ?6 am?; ,ewee/?/e? . e/e/ . . .WW/ung/IA?W/myxm??ueK a Inn? i . zeorx/ e. ,e . mg 3% co?wme .6 ?ag 35% (?fem 2mm?? age ?g 5 3.0.5 . .EW $5 m? 9.5. .uwGw. Em?uww?ga? Ep?. ?wtww?g .Uuw?m??wmw .44? .I ?m?gw?wm ?mama awawgmm. 6.x Ema Emmy?, w?mz ?Ma?a Em Mm?b?wmwm m? :19; ?5 a 32?: 5 a. i if: i 51% {2:3 +23:3 5..) {m if)? I am nth-e dam Sign lihee parapet-walk ?1 I {53 52;: 2m 0 C2 73 ?:25 ?79; g: .vr? (I) 5% a .35.: . {53 W. {13 ?3 ?-?iffyy?f??: Min- - . ISATITI: GIT GALII-SAAIA 5 A A -. - 5 AATIT AIISTISTIT .AWW 5% WW IITSIT SIT A A AA QEVESIQN SAME: INSPEIZEWQN- 33F SAWS RE-AERVQIR IN ASA-IS Earn NA. Eras-AS of ?Type GITIAITI . WAISIT IS . .. 22? feet {IE-Tim?s! dam-crest. 55135.. 533? ?agf?a? MadA IISIITIITIS AEISITI Am Ari ETIEAE AIIT MAIAISASASA SIT ?1 AS SCIASIAIIT 53me mg right SITICI IISTT .I ASA-II IITT ATS the: AISI ITSITIITIITI. IAIITI II AI TIE-AIS. SIT ISIS II: IISTIISI and ?53 SAAIISAI. d. I Staci ITS ALI SISAQ IITIIS ISA Sf dam. AII- - 3133:5353 TAISIST ISIT- TIAIITITISII ASS far gate WAS- IAI and IS IISITIIT during IEIA ISII Sammie PGSIE IS concrete the ISA and gate gui?m A This TAT-S IS SITIS ITIITI was be. SACI .251 5. FGSIE SS-Aiad baa-II IAITIA and WAS be by 31 22}? 5. A3 28:. 2513124 TITIIS be: SAWS- IBIS and AA RTOV AS Air TIITIS SS ISIITIISSISITI ITS IAITQAI Sf 2C: or ESSA PGAE A IAIITII STATE: be? AS Stare-STA upon" "and IITISIIT new 53353:} IAITISIAT and {When And SANSIIS AIS IAIISIITSCI seepage ISSLIAST are IAS AASTAII ITIITITSI and the SII ISICISTIIS TITS ITITITS and SIT the ASIA. WAT TSIT-SSIT A: the and the ISA Sf .CTESIITI IAS SIT-SH The ASIA WAS .EII and Shaw-Ad ITIS Signs SIT Iy SIT TITIS ASAITISII SISSI- Sf dam . SISSI: Appeared TIIS rack face TITIS parapet TIIATT CICIITITGISIA AI of the parapet WSII - IISSITI AS AIS SSA ram-II. .IISSTITIISIIES SIT time, the. IS IAISAII this. And IS The (In TITASS TAT-AIS appeared" ICI AIS IICI of WAS adequate SI ASISA the. ASIA. I ISCITIISSISS ITS SE5 I .. 9:51 {Egg-2T A. R?undiree 5 555:?: 9539515 WIT-SAL. ASIA- . I ETTAII AA as RSIISITI I 5 471. -TI-I-T ITISI Sh . Name of Darn Dam No. 97?118 Observations and Comments Spillway Instr. INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Date of Inspection 6/16/2015 toe to increase the visibility of seepage areas. The concrete auxiliary darn was found to be in satisfactory condition. The spillway approach, control section, and channel were clear and unobstructed. Concrete surfaces were in satisfactory condition, with no significant cracking or spelling. The - gate appeared to be in good condition. No deformation was noted in any of the gate members, and protective coatings were all observed to be in good conditions. All - gates were in the full open position except for- which was lowered for repairs. This gate was binding and racking due to poor forming during placement of the left concrete pier. Is currently in the process of removing concrete from the left pier and casting a new gate guide in a plumb position_ This work Is considered maintenance and no appiication was required The low level outlet is a rock tunnel equipped with an upstream valve and a valve. Both outlet controls were fully operated during the previous maintenance inspection on 9/23/2014. The face and both groins of the darn were dry. The normal pool of water was present at the toe of the dam, but the toe pool is clear, and there is no visible evidence that sediment transport might be taking place. Seepage is measured at four locations, and the following readings were taken during the inspection: Weir DRY Weir DRY Weir Kl-27: staff gage reac?. or ~19.3 staff gage reac_ or ~3.1 Seepage conditions were normal considering the low reservoir level. Instrumentation at this dam consists of four (4) seepage measuring points, fifty?five (55) survey monuments, and nine (9) control points. The latest submittal was dated March 2015 and includes data for the 2014 calendar year. Seepage Points: The dam has three 90?degree V?notch weirs and a single calibrated in?channel staff gage to measure seepage. Weir measures seepage from the left side of the dam, and peaked at 556 in 2014. Weir measures seepage from the right side of the dam and peaked at 2.2 in 2014. Weir Kl?27 measures seepage at the toe of the dam, and peaked at 46 in 2014. Gage measures fiow below the low level outlet tunnel, and peaked at 19 in 2014. All seepage measurements fall within the normal range, although there still appears to be a tong-term increasing trend at the dam. has reportedly scaled back the upstream face inspection and repair work that was to be completed by December 31, 2015, as discussed in our February 28, 2014 letter. This summer a visual inspection of the facing will be done above the waterline, and an ROV will be employed for below the waterline; however, no repair/sealing'work will be done as requested in order to attempt Sheet 2 of 6 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS I Name of Dam Wishon Dam No. 97?118 Date of Inspection 6/16/2015 Observations and Comments to reduce total seepage to the target of 20 or less. needs to send a letter stating why the repairs will not be completed as agreed upon and requested, and outlining their new plans moving forward. DSOD will review and respond to this letter accordingly. Weekly seepage readings (when weather permits) and annual monument surveys are required until seepage issues are resolved. Survey Monuments: The most recent survey was completed in 2014, and shows no unusual horizontal or vertical movement. Maximum displacement since the previous survey was abou- Cumulative displacement is about 2.1 feet near the maximum section of the dam, and continues at a rate 0- per year. Maximum settlement since the previous survey was abou_ Cumulative settlement is about 4.6 feet near the maximum section of the dam, and continues at a rate 01? per year. These are considered normal movements for a large rockfill dam. Surveys will be required on an annual basis while seepage levels remain high. Based on the submitted data, the dam is performing satisfactorily, with the exception of the increasing seepage trend. Performance of the dam will be reevaluated once data becomes available following the repair of the upstream face. Weekly seepage readings will be required, when weather permits, and annual monument surveys are required until the seepage issues are resolved. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate, and no further instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Sheet 3 of 6 Ewwm? swam 9 Em wmwm?mm ??zm $3..wa gamma. w?mm?si . . .. .. $34.29. magjm an. 3m. ?was?; . . m3 magma m. H. 1? . a, GE, 2%me why/? .37. Anv??xix/V2,. fin2x?, 4, 51?: x? .3 m?im? Mag $me . mum.? A4. a. m?mwwm?zmw? @9er mam wuw?mw . 733m 2 ENE 3.5333 .m.w..3m 3mg. 3. 4? xy?z, .. yr? m3. IWK W?fww?wmwumamm?mm ?33? Em.? mas 35$ . mama a m. ?3wa myme WE. 42w%%am .meminim $me m3 @wm .. W43 MAW, ?yg. H. HWfb/az.mgaamw?wwa .g5: ?aammww. nan?m? $23 .Qm C5) .Q .22. 333. 55W: z: ?m mum-3mmwrung-3:. $25-$thng mama! - Ex WATER RESQURC ES OF 6:333 mm EN STAEHS {Earn ?33m HQ. . County. . Tgy'gpeg m?f?am? Gamma fana- makfi? Type Uf'S?'?ifway Gated {Egan mmnnei . 'Waii?'r' is. ?55 feat ,ssgz?jiiwa}; pres-t and 5? f'e?z'i' dam meat. WeatherGandhi-arts . Cmtiacis Made: Jamie- Hia?rf?agm JawnBaaz?z and-Man Sim-m-$- Wifth PGE ?af?h?m?m?s?e? m?g?am Fakm The {mam sumamfuiiy cyat?d a? yaw-ass ma?a-d {gm magi 1mg? ?anwaie?rsg reg; uirammiss. i?aamwmg Era-m infamm?a?n and Visual the dam {mm-5503:; and the ama-u?enamsea??: afar: judged Eafe fm?rmntimed H.352. ?tmm?miiws and ?m?mmi? ?Cutie: "i?hss? can-Sisa- a mixing. Th6 waive was cabsamed Peaking "fram- ii?s bushing. The can-damn appeara- i?c: hr?; unchanged when mmpared in) gamma itha-Ciiona This minar- leakage. ?as a dam safety camern, and n0 acr?imw wi??i be ragtime} at this firm. PGE was requegtezd it: continue mommr the ieakage and any abmrma! flaws. Fatwa ragaairs may bee regained if candi?cns; change,_ "waive and an Bath ma vats-:33 ware swims? in my prmance and ih?y Qpea-ra?gsati aati'sfaafmiiy, i 3133 mgui?raman? m? axemising {ha mgt?ei Gamma; mm a year and in am" pregame awry three "years wiih Mn Simm-g during the. ingpem?"Einsgaersied by Farah? {mm CS. Bate 9f Rep-art. ?i 31% mm 3253-1 (Ram 19mm Shae; mi 0f . 26. "6 .3: 6""6 iv ST (2.2662323322226626 6263632662 '2 33.6226233036. 2263623 DEPARTMENT (233"- WATER SAFETY DAMS TAT: 33AM AREA RESERVQT-R TAT Mama-of 3323322 IWTETAQHI I Dam N23. 532F222 Gmmin Fm?f?s? Type 6233;23:2- 32220333! . . .. . I 36292.6 2.233231262222662 {22.223326331236232 {3633323233331 . . 2233322333 22963. Tee-6'3 hem-W $33.5le 3313' 2:36"? ?Tami 362323 (223223 222.2233. 862222262 . Loniadswsadg NETT 223622233 3622233622 33032323332 R6233 2223333332. 23263 I 6622.66.66? 322.62 22666.22 26666 2322222233 TAazmTermnt'A 32232262333322 {33332222223332.2262 23.26623222323223336232263 632' 33.362222261323633 T226262 626326633229 32323363 62.2233 I223 33662 2363323 23:62:? 622? 3323 223262223223 32332. 2263233222236 2222123332233 23232623336222: 33233- 3332. 3623262232332 .4362 mmwalc 2362332323 33322 2233 T636232 36623620333323 62362 33223 323625662 2-322 323336331. 263226. 33'. ?213333. 2226322332 322263332 3623222333323 33632 T33A32T :22332'6332222'23223202' 3323326263226 32632 33332323 ranged 323332.? 363 2 32322 23.233 363 23333 A3 32.3: 3-332 {26:32:35.} The 362.223 32663362662022 33322 23263'6222'26232323?22033 362322333 22126223333225. 33222 32? areap?ge. T362623 62362232327 3?2. 33233233333312236T2 32333232333 23 G322, The. ?ows 2322 maa?ured. dawamraam 333.8:62ge 2653623 26333:? (.1333 82322262. "23322 33322362236232 hi3 223322 TWO 323. 22363 33323332632233! .232. 203 4. r'eg?rding 333-623.. "target' 22:2: 362 Se?Tsage 32:2 3:32.31 322321326 (:33 332238 26332222 Timing. 632? map-aw 622-3 dam" T's 66223223223363 Weekiy 2362:. 232369.62 readi?gs 663332322 26623233322222 3332222322. anti annual manuwent sways; are 294362322223 6222372} 23222332356 32322223 2262 335232622223. Su?ciu?ians' 27-er 33362 3632236322; 33330332223243.2022 3.22333 6332363333 33233232333922. The (333232. 2323332032.?. and 332262 33233633632333.1223arajudged $32363 2322' 33222323663623}. 32:32.62, pendi?g 623332332322233022 32'? 333336.36; 332 "the 23233133832233 3:626:62 and 232636ch3222 322? 336-2232336393 23 The 22.3.2236. {33332322223353.3223 and 3333322322322333 @3333 226232322223 33223 33332363 and 3132.3 303.2 (3.3 33262 dam; The: 32.362363 62262233 33?? the: 333222 was. 3.22 22333633363036! 0633233333622. The 3232233332232 (3322222326239 33322.22 3322223262 were 22232323 and in 32226333323333 62322663333222. The. Signs 623' 33322: VEQETRTTETR m?anag?ment at 33232 3336223 623963. s-aiisTaaTary. 333332.233 32233622332 wag 32.223 22 'p?'ab'i'eim at the 332-3222. 333233363223 3333333326333. 3222333323 362.23.329.22, and 33.623632533233232 chammi 6216333 132333 Saracraie 3623336623623 3223322236 222 3222- 322 33332532222236.2361 3322333133223. ATE 32,2623? 52322336623262 6623232 in The 3132323233 3333633333236. 3.2: ATTOW-QCT by 33662 (3363333623362. {33 App-2226231. "Th-222nm} and 336132623 6233322223233 were 22333 6322236223 duri?g 3223252 332322236322321. The: T066222 3236-33362 2262333223 66323333 WTETT 3262 {23362232236323 ?32 32293132323233 22323.. A 322-3662232333- is 32262223332 5233 632332332 {633" {3.80.3} 32:3 623333 2.2232: and 6363662 3332 332.32. basing 3222622362223. The 633162623 6233:2362. T626333 333262332333 322 {233-3332 223333222633 6336 3223 22233.33. 662363 336263; 323323232333 3.333333223333333. P232- 3322333332333 3623231332322 2363226223 33% 623362263 6322262333362. 4. 12262323236222- 322' 333323332322 I 6 I 36226212322 33226-322229 283%? 32332 {33323 <23 52232522233022 I 5.1-3 33.32 3324 {133$ cc. far D339. .93? Reaper: 81333223233338.6223. 2.6222332 2.363662 '3 c3 .3 OF DAM AND RESERVOIR iN CE STATUS Name of Dam Wishon Dam No. 97-118 Date of Inspection 6/30/14 Observations and Comments Seepage The face and both grains were dry. The usual pool of water at the toe was observed during this inspection. The water in the pool was clear and no sediment transport was noted. Dam seepage is measured at four locations. The following readings were taken during the inspection: 1. Weir or 85 gpm. 2. Weir Dry. 3. Weir Kl?27?_ (staff), or 22.23 cfs. 4. (Staff), or 3 cfs. These flows are near recent years? levels when the reservoir is low. instruments at the dam consists of the four (4) seepage measuring points, fifty?five (55) survey monuments, and nine (9) control points. The latest data submittal was dated May 8, 2014 covering the 2013 review period. Seepage: The dam has three 90?degree V-notch and a single calibrated in-channel staff gage to measure seepage and are named; (left side of dam), (right side of dam), Kl?27 (natural creek of dam), and (below low level outlet tunnel). All are measured weekly in the summer months. Weir Kl-19l3 measured a maximum seepage flow rate of ~250 during the review period of 2013. Weir stayed dry during the review period of 2013. Weir KI-27 measured a maximum seepage flow rate of close to ~55 during the review period of 2013. Weir measured a maximum seepage flow rate of ~7 during the review period of 2013. In general, there appears to be an increasing trend in seepage at the dam. As requested during the last few inspections and the Division letters dated June 13, 2013, the fish flows have now been separated from the total seepage at the Weir K-27. A separate seepage graph was submitted with the last instrumentation report. Typically the fish flow ranged from 2 to 7 from 2011 to 2013. Also as requested during the last inspection, the instrumentation report explains the measurements of seepage flows at weir Once the flows exceed 25 cfs, the flows are measured at Gage Kl-1 near Cliff Camp. The Division has sent two letters, dated June 14, 2013, and February 28, 2014, regarding the increasing seepage trend at the dam. A meeting was held with PGE in regards to this issue on February 11, 2014 at the offices of Division of Safety of Dam in Sacramento, California. During this meeting, Mr. Rob White from PGE discussed the findings of an ROV inspection completed in 2013 and concluded they did not find any areas of concentrated leakage. DSOD mentioned the dam has redwood planking on the lower of the upstream face, and the seams of the planks are potential seepage paths. Mr. White agreed to take a closer look at the extent of this leakage through the wooden planks and to look into options to reduce seepage by repairs during the upcoming outage in 2015. During the inspection, we discussed the progress on the pending repairs to the upstream face of the dam. Mr. White informed me PGE is actively working on developing a plan of underwater repairs to the wooden planks on the upstream face of the dam. The work is scheduled to be completed in 2015 during the shutdown of the project. The target is to reduce seepage to less than DWR1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 3 INSPECTIGH OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CE. STATUS Name of Bern WiShOl?i- Dam No. 97-118 Date of inspection 6/ 30/ ?i 4 Observations and Comments 20 cfs. Survey Monuments: The monuments and control points are surveyed every 5 years with most recent survey in 2013. However, the Division requested annual surveys of the dam in February 28, 2014 letter until issues with high seepage are resolved. The maximum settlement recorded since 1958 at Station 22+20 is approximatel_ The monuments have also shown a slow movement trend, with maximum movement at Station 21+06 of approximateiy 2.14 feet. No abnormal settlement or horizontal movements were noted from the tong term surveys. Settlement and horizontal movements between 2008 and 2013 were less than 0.06 an_ These vaiues fall within acceptable iimits. Conclusion: The availabie instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily with the exception of increasing seepage trend at the darn. Performance of the dam will be evaluated once more data is available after the repairs to the upstream face. Weekly seepage readings (when snow and rain impacts are minimal) and annual surveys must continue until seepage issues are resolved. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate. Sheet 3 of 3 111x11 NAN SYATE 1231:? QAUFGRNEA <1 A A KW 1.111-111.1111-1111 11.111.311.11. A A A \w DEPARTMENT 1311' AWE-ER AEAQURCEA A A SAFETY OF 131131111253. ANA 3N 1321111 917418 1312111113,. Er?sn? 11112-11 3113111111 1111118 {311117-312 13:16.11 1.1111111161 . . . Water 112- fee? . lit-$101111 . sp?iiway 111115131111" "172,8 dam 1119.111. 131111111111n< 1111161 Emmy 111131112 -.1<1<1<1<111 13.1111 N112 1111111111, 311111 211111 13111113 1:111:11 PGNE 11111-111911 191' 111311312111111 f<11<111<11 N131 1111111131 111111-11- 11<1<1<1111111<1<1<1<11<111<1 11311111112113- 7132-11-11 T1111 1192111119 <1<1<1<11v<1r2 <11 171N11- 111111 1.11111 11111112 <1111'<<2<11 111111111 11<1<1<1<1 1111:1111 Leakage 111 1111.11 112.11 miss-21m 1411-1111311 1.313211 41.111121 11111111 $111-$132 ems-11111.: 1111.1'81131' 1?10 <33 1.7111111 wii} 1:111 <1.q.111<1<1<1< 11<=<111< 11:1 1<1akag<1 31113 11111111111 2111,! ?12111111119 111.111.2112 1i<1171<11<<1 111111 1:312 11.121111111c1111 change. 1115'- 1181-11. sbrve?ian <<113<1<1<1e<1c1< 11:1 111311111111 111211111 116-5111211116 1.11 21111-12 10:11 1.211113- 1.131111. 111112 11111112111 21119011 111113 11,11<<111 1711:1111 N1. 12?, 1111-11111 1:111. seep-31:111- 111.1111; 112 11.13 1121:62110131311713 11162