11.12.1121: 132'- CAL: PCIRMA 11' 111-11311 11A AGC11C1 REPARTMENT 22F 2122.512 ER RPRQURAES 21222222. 1223222 QP A1012: ETY 915221.123 1:121 1111111 1A EERTEWETAETRTUE <12" {53111111 V2223 23313 . .. . 23111121 21211. . 223122 . 23131111231 023231313 Type. 112011111 . E81221 . '1'511111- <11 Sp?iiwAy- 'Gun'czfe'te- Ag?e 11111822 and 1:221:21? 13121111111132 .. 413.8 . .2862 . . 212322731221? . 8232221121831" 1:193 and ?515.52. . . . 23532132122 dam. $211122, {3.6321232221212351 2722122 111112 32.221113; 1311-1113125 Made. 2.6111113 25111211123 A1112: 1511211310 11122221. 22111.1 2311121123; for 2111<1<10121311 1332322131.2222..1 2113;331:2231 2m<1<11<211112 {3'23311-11'1121'1223113. 111' 2211;221:1123. A T213 <11122A'2c @2135; 213312 ?10 2:1121 21.122 1,1 11211221293 ?1 Grasking 21129317221321 21.11222221A :11 22132235121213 221.2122 111116.112 113131113 11111121'2151111131'1i2A ?22?26? 211122 $212111 132? 2211121 13211111111112 $2191.22 21122 A A2112 2211A 22161. 1123111.. @113 221A 3115111121111-213113133 11 {333:2 21:11.1 3123111.. 33?? 1! . <1 by I 1121.33 Yes 312 NA BAA-1 2222322121202? .cc. for pm Rep-org . (353213131291; I I I 232212222 21252 2272-811. 292-093 I - 8216232 I <12 4 mag NIKKHHulkJgd?/Mr/ufa urJ/l! - a . . if.wmgw new Emma Ema, Emma ?Mg.? . aw. Inf/.7 .ex. .. .. . .. 24.20fanny525@893; wi?m 33 w: mag ?we ?awgm?wzm Eggamwmg ?aw ?human meWWZna 0.me Wsmumnmom aw; ?mgw..V. I. . . W. a. ?96% .W..W%wa%wwz mama. Ema. 3 mega 9333 $533 3w $3.3m magma. WEE 3 5m ?Em nymm?mm. 9% $2 . n35W ?sz {Mrs amam? 33A 3% 8...v/az .f .. a. x. xi. ..Emm ..M m. 33? a. ?3.4.3me g?mmww 9. i ,h l. 15 91* 151311513351 GAL 1F R3411. RES OURGFQ AGENCV DEPARTMENT WAT ER 1355316111 3313' SAFE-TV 0F DAM-S ENS-51.511551111331331 11,11:- 15545155153151.1111 {3133:3313 131.131.3313 "3111151321111. . 1.313313 .1113. 1-5-12 (3131313333 12311113513. ?11.1331151133113- . Earth . .. 31113333131533.1113}: {31311133131113 13g111 3311311? 1313.13 1.3113135133131313} 1511115113 53:0 118.51 135113.331.? ?1131111312113 1331313331313 553 113131.? 1115113111 5111331315131: Waathe 133-91231 131111 12113111131 131311113121: Made. 1.3131313131151111'1111'13 131311 111313-1113 Array13 with 15131313131115! 13112111313135 111333131313 51533111553555 13351331313511 151313131333'3313115131113335 133' 311111113135 ?1?332111333 T135 51-5313. 113' 1335-11 11311113151555.5115? 113 9131313 13513111111333. 13555113515511 131-13313 1138. 11131311135 331133133513513 111313. 321313 1111313131 31353391313131: 711313 11.23133 13313133111311 1333131115 apeu?ananms 1-3111. judgad $3311:- 1131' 13133313311513 13113. 1313513133555335 251313 5533313353333 @5111 T1313 1311313131311 13113131 13111313153131.13 [313.133 33.1313 1131151.. 1311.111 5119131313.. T1313 1533331131. 133'1311'1 131 11313- Auxiliary 13.5133 was 3131151533911 51113333121, 51351139131313 131333132111333. The 1131311 131333511311 in 913135 (35131311111333. Veg-11191530133135 83155115331. 17139113133: 1315.113 far 51.311351131335311515 555531 T131313m3r1331313. 13131313 331.511.1355 (11.333135117513113 1331112 1311135 51313111311333 31113113 13135-33 13nd 131.1331: T1313 13131313113113 31551113135 13.11135 31311133333/ were in 91313.11 13131313151513. 93.15%: The:13131115113133.3515 1311131513? .gatt'eg. 311111113 13131313315351.9311. ?The 01311111913155 31518.111113153111155 '1333-A13g1331 1.8-. 213"? 5 3311331151313 1313131013 1.3111118. gate apera?ii?rz 1.11131; are 1133113131311 1311 351313 16131311.. See-1.35% Them-was 1:313- See-paw 1.11531 "1135' 11111313- The 11.31.1351 11.1333151111311551131113311. 311115 3131351315de 11111131313 26' 2(3'11131311113131131353 1:131:11 11jp'1?hr1313g13 {31131351335552513 This 513113 was 13353331311311! 11351113111311 51351313133333131311313 1311113 11311311131313.1311 21314313513913111313 113133.313 3311113? 1313 13131313113an 13131313131131 13131353135331; The-13.511133313313353 11351113131 1.13 131313131133an sat: sfactorsiy 1111313. 1313 .131 51351313133113 11.18. 3331313111311139 561311533133! 13111 11.1381125511111515115313. mg. 1 lnsuected by J05 1351331: ?3 ?11 111 1. P1301198 181119? '1'351 14' 1?10 Data ('31 111$p1351i-13r3 2111511 13120135.? 11-1101 113331131113131331 33311.1. 0131133131 0131321213113 (?ij (y 121;: 19.1.1111?) 3.333111. 32.63: 111133. 1031333 Shea-3.1 ml? a- kg m. mg amw?imm Zw?m? 9mg. gum? 1&33. 29.? ENE a?umm?m?mam . fun/r . a . I 5.2 (Inawn/.14/1/54Muff {a . ,7 gm? ?me 3mg tumm?mm? mama111?ap. ?Wax/ind! .Wgr .1 MW. W?h 4% :3 0.2.x. $2 353 mag.? a. DW-R ??2251 {Name of'EEa?m 333135: Park . . E355 333E E3 EN E1: The spiieiwaywaa (?x-pen and dear. The, ?mxi'iiary Dam was. in game! mafia u? Ens. 13am Not .. aaciim {3-511 ?33123?? E3 101% 2 . . Sheet ?3 m" 0mm QF 3' . 0000mm mtb?b?i? $33? 3.0mm 05000002533. 2% 0 0% km SAFETY 0: Name M?Dam 355333 Park . . [02301330. 3332 Gaunty . mange; Time {33m Earth Type 0f Spu'iway Comm-ta 05300 wa?r and .0;an channel. Waferis ?3713-5 feet- I-spi?way {ire-333 am 3.8 00.10340 dam cram; "Weather {3011030003 Madame (3013:3033 Made 3-0000! E?s-??57000 wi?h the .Guuniy 0f ?ange Rae's-an f0r lnspem?m: Fwigc?s_Maimsn_ahg20 Rmammanda?em Aa??ng 3333500 The 00-00? 00.0000 0f the cautiezt ira?hr?am waa being rem-000 in $0.00, ?s?sai?a?m me the mama infarma?m (+300 03300.? {he mm, raga-Erwin and the amurtenamag arejud?ged .sa-fe: $05" 000000.00: 030. anti: Swami-0mg Egg ?The 0n Ef?e asphait crest? 0f the main dam was 3600! and in @000 The :gg'avei' crest. 0f the a?ux?iary dam was also Eaves! arid in @0053 candjiinn. 30:51 the 000-0000? arid 00000509001 83.0003- were 'Lm?fmrm. 323030., and in 9000 000010300 far the main. dam and auxiliary - .0000. ?(she- veg'eia?an and redeni contra! an bath embasERmSN-s wete axgeii?ent There was "n0- emsi?mrz .dai?em'ad and the grains; arid. $023 were n?armai. Sg?iwa?g T200 appwach, weir. channel, and exit .02" the: Ezp?liway were caper-1am clear. The: 30000313- 031003 spmway remain in 0000 0000200311.. 00110: The 0000000. Eras-brash, 000 0x3? 0? ?(ha Gutia?c were umbatruc?tad. The fin-beams {hat thee trashraekw?re hazing 'ragiiawd in 50.00;, ?niy the}; upper 3.00000 0f the irasmjackwas being rewarsad and if: {we-ed 0f- repiawmeni. N000- 0f: the gate-23 were: Gp?f?i?d, 0.013 were 1051: 034030.02 100% during 01.0 {Ember 1,2813 inspea?an. Seep-age The-rs: wem- as.? signs 01? $0000.90 deie?ad. {opt-hiss dam '01" 32 away manumenis. The; East ing?tmmematim data was; imam-d 0033031002632830 is?; the 80033000200 and. ?efarm?a?an ,Monimring Studias 2.833 30000:. ?Mg rig-part Qantain-ed survey data fm? ihiS dam 00331100902033. mam embarikmgni. auxii?ar-y .emban'kmeni. and antic-3&5 $100003 00'?finuesrt0: par?fmm $a?afa'0?tezriiy mm 0.0 Linus-033 ire-r3535- 0? 0000300051. Gum-033000 harmeniai and vertical! ?awemgmas are E1055 than 01'} feet-since the initial Suway. The: dam is mrfiarming :satisfacieri?y and tha imimmenta?an for-ibis dam is. ads-000m. msgecte? by 300' Bay?? Phot-ms'taken? .30 0m 01? in'sgec?on 8.0212001 00' ?01" Gwna?rifiwk {Data 03" Repor? 911293 4 120%, (Rev, 10119; $33301 3 1?32.503. 2 \Mt ANN N-ESENNQEN SYATUS Name of?am WEE Park 33:31 No. mm Data The wi?way waa ups-m am wear. 1231 item was; $31le :3 of. 3 DWR 1251 {mm I I Name cf {3am Vi?a Park A sadism Ozf'the- eSdi has: mm mg} Watt: that was ?3 maxim. The em 30 the (buffet wag unmb?meted. 333er ins- {mm Na. pea . {Sign 3 $331-$333 $331 13333%? 33$- .S?ec?it an 2.125.333 49% ATE CAUFDTK A CAL EFQRMA NA 1' URAL RERUURC ES MERE WAEER SAFETY SAMS- BEE-F AND- 3.333 STATES Name <33 33:33:33 V3135: P323333 33.32333 3329. ?3312 lireunisr {Mange . Type 03' Dam Ear-3?33 '3'ype <33 s<pm<3333 3 35333833. me the known 3nf<3<<33<333<3<3 am: 333533.333 3335- Ram and the: u?mmcw 3333<3g<3d cafe 33:3: car?imued 3:33:36; QEERREVRESQRR and Sam The crest' ES in gbad 33333-331 miner s33: inkaga smacks consistem 333333.33 3333333333 paves-mam Saahav?m airspa- mate-Rim an 3333:: swam <33? 33333 umtream and dawns?zream: $33935. appeared Ream. Uzsiifmrm. 3333-3 dew-33:3 <33 depramionss. megatai?on, magma, and: <<3<3<3<33 astiuity. Gnu-32:35. appaaz?ed 63.3333 and we?! amm?'d 33.33333 riprap praiec?ci?n. The dam Was ilikewise in: sati'm?iactm?y candi?an. 83133333.:- Thea'spi?way apgjmach was Conwaka mfaining $333355 and ioints; wera 3n gag-<3 cand?i?on. "333-33 age-<3 Secfiarn 33.3333 cam a'nd them 333331?333333 <3<<3=<3k5 or defects 933 333% Rack. QUEER The <33" the wit-at was aim-3.3? <31? and debris RXQGEJE for $033353 33:33 debris 0.33 ?the appmach apmn Which i asked 310 be rersmved so they 3 get hung up at the. ?at-<3 $3333 <33 behave iike wrap-me! gainzg- dawn the pipe turbuieni 3303::- A33 that-3e- $333333 ga?w 3:31am exemiaed A33 gate-33 wane-<3 and gatirafactomy (333$ N9. '3 e333333<=e<3 an unusuaiiy ieud 'hammermg miSe when warmed. Lame! agreed 3'9 have the ape-rating system cAagked whim 3333. 333(3) <23 empty, and ssheduie repaim whet: 3333: 33358333?? saasan 3:33:63". 363$ 33 8 sewage Was; QEDRQWECE 33:3 the 3103:3183, grains, mas 330333 33353 31333:: and 31.3352333333 dam-<3. ?333$; V3333 Park: Dam is saheciuied 30 be survey-ed annuaiiy. The 33393.53 reagent submittai 033316 Subgizdence (33-303 Befermaiwn M<3<3i3<3< 333g was darted 233313303363 33333:! Rm 359 333 the pmcem <32" samg?eting 333e? <3<33<3 s<