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However we ?agree that . 33232233332332 HP 22 appears E3 2333 2323333232339 31223323 332333 3233' E223 213232332 2323232223333. 3323232233 32222 2333333 332.33 322233 33332322333323 E23 323323223 E23332- 2222333323332 8323 2.3 {31232333333323.23332333 322333 E133 33222 23833 233232 E233E 2: 333233 2333: 23233323 23333323323 if) 3233 22'3? 93333 $323.2 E233 23233232233 33:33:33 3333ng 232393.23 between 31:1 32332: 38: E32333. Th3 33323393 32332233 339332 32332333323 32332322333221 E233 22,3323: Er? 3333. N3. 22232333233 23g; E33333 32'3?- 22332323333 and 333233223233. 333.332 233332333 822232232 3333322332323 T223 23133222323 23323232233? 323E 333223}; frequency 23 3323252 <3323 T233 E33E 32.22333 . 3333. 33332233323 23.23 223 333; Eh<3j 32333 33.3- 33 2322.3: 3233332333 233322.. 3333232333232 3323 3333?: 2333 E23 her-33222222332223-3312 33'3? hmmniai 3332333232 23223332323 2233. 33.22323}! 23 3233 in. 2233 8 32322122233233: 323233333333 353E232 321232222333 3323-3233: 23323 E3 32323232322339 33223333322132. 233 333-2323. 223. 2 33213332 233333 M32322 21?- 2:333 333 39233 2.23.33 P23332333 RP 22-. 3333323 E33 E33 maifu?cticmng 32: E333 33:23 .3233 <332333m3<3<13<3 32-33 23332332 33.233223223- 322323239 2332.3 E333 aging 32322323333323 E3 33.2233 23332333333233 mazemeiers 23.32323 E23 E33 32333132332333 3.22.2?- E23333 33332333333323 Eha-E 332333333. 2233-3323323 3333 3:23: 332323223323. <3 be 23332333323 E33 333332232233 E333 2332333333223 2:33. 3232331323 <33 <33 <23. 3233- 3.233 332-. <3 ?.2333 23233-33 '3 <33} 5.. ?.33 m?mn?gz .03 33.33% 333.23 ?mmjw?a ma?.3323. @3333 33.3 . . 333333. 33.333.333.333333 1.4% a. 2%th MW . . 333, 3333333333 3.. 333.33.33.33 32:3 333.3 3.- 3.. 3.3.3.. @333. .333 3333333.. 3.3.. 3.3.333. 33333333 3333. 3333,3333. . I 3. 3.3.. Eye.? my,? ?m??yy?m my?mg mummmwamgm . . fEma m?o?m 3% .8. yam. 5mm ?may. .ta gammy. 3 ym .xmyy my. Emmy 3y.22.. . . 2/ .22. .. .. . . .271 .. . . .f2. . 2.22.4. may . . my? My my. $333.. HEW AME Manama . . . E. I?bsawatmns 333 Camments OF CALIFQRNIA 3.3330333 NATURAL 3331333 .A3E WY AA AA- AA A ..A SEPARTMENT 3A WATER 3333333333 A Km 313.333 3 .33- 333173233 DAM-S. ETA ANA RESERVQER IN STATUS- Name A-AAmSugaere .. . Dam No. .2835 . 33333 . . . 3.5 C-?nyf??ie and Chute. . .. . . Wafer-i3. {3,3 feet .331. 333333 3:32:33 .._.3233 . .3333 den-133331 Sunny 333i? mild 3033333233 .. . .- . 3333333353331; P333313 Mamtmanceirzspectien . .. . . 3333011333 0333333333 Racismmendahons '33 333333 T334333 T333333 is 3.33 33:33:33.3. 3.33233 53-133 3333333333333 333 grep-3333 33 3333333. Bushes 333.: 33131:. 333-3 3113333 3 3. grains- 33333333 A: 33- mm "3333.- 53133th 3? :33 33133333 hydrauim 31333233323 {32011-333 33333333 their 3331113 {3133331333 .333 333' masonab 13 r333mgs P333333 {Awning 3f the Aydmuhc 2.1333? :3 warranted A0 3333.23 that. $3333 3333 3333:3333 333333313 33333 3333333 {3333133 ?333.3i33i333 3333 333.3. .33. mfarmatzen 33.3 33.33% :nspectmn 1133-3323 ?333,333 .rI 3.3-3 3.3.3.- appurtenances 331333333313 33333333? 333:. 33323 333133 32" A33 33333331 f333 f333. abuiments and 12:33:.? 33:3 in 33t13f33t3ry 3333 333:3 with 33' 3.1333. 31?: ?33332 ity 3; 333333- 3333 3333 3331333 except wh3r3 struck by v3h?0133IR0QAnprap 3.3 bath T3333II W33 inf30? Tr3n333r33 3nd T0ngziudsn3? cracks 3-3? I extend beiow 31.3 33333133: N0. cracks wAre n3t3d 33 A33 3npav33 partaon readway crest V3331333n 3333313333 with 313- 333353533 33? .3 T33 buss-33.3 33.3 Smart! 3333 333 ?g 333:: 'th3 grAi-ns. which -E. requmted thAm ?33 remaved: .r3333t 333335! was. meted 3 The appmach 3333 3:33 33333.1 section chute 333. ??13.35 333nm}. was 31.33:: 333 unobstructed T33 3333 W333 3333333 Atramht Visa-533: wncretA 3t 3113. 39.33 333 33333: 33331533 I 3.3 323.33 33? 33332333: 33133353. Th3 3331233 33.33; at A33. chute invert were. {333333 satisfactaniy 3.3 33333333 during the 33333333333331?: The 333 #331333 ?393: and if 3031m33?13d Hank The ?33.13; The basin 3.3er 33:33 .3333: AGATA-33 .33 An: .3333" 33333133. i Chute 333331313 n33 bpiifA These 133$: 335333 Waugh. thA upstream barrier Whisk is. mare: like: 3 ?aaia?un barrier: A3: warn: 3'13? 1:331:33 3.33 i3 333? 3: 1.3333331 1?53 $3333 ?i?bfig 3333 Hank: 3 {333333333133 333333313533 - 3r ramming the 3335- 33.3.1 the 57333333 3335333 by 3 boat. "The 3333:? A. {Br-33333133: 5128114 \1 N59: ?31 .01; E'g'h? 333333333 Date, ANA-333333 Safe 813.333. $335 IAAIW Photo-s ?33.33? 333 2:231 333.. HAM A3291 RESERVQIR 3N HamAAma-m t?u$$r1rtin$1111 1. 1 1 2045 11 11 1 512MA .Gbmwatmns arid. C$mments With atr$m$twes becaust, the: t$g$ can damage the ctancrete at the spritway mute and basin $$1011w I g-AtA Martres cy$t$d tut! trAVAt far the; -1at\r$} in my ptASAr-tce: durirtg the] prewaus with AA probtem Tt1$ aner waives; throughout thi$ ynar {510- makes Intake NA 2 was Hank h$ swat tar-1 coating, by. j$r3$$tr$ sheeting, appeared in $o$$1rtr$$ $113139 in Attract with 11:29 $1 crackt in titte- {unmet Watts Ar tram. Min-or cat'c'ti'caricn and? minera?t buritdup were $11$ b$r$r$ wer$ mastty dry with $1$m1$ Ttt$ 1$wn$r ith1$= perrodrcaity Miner atieng the construotmn 3$mt$ furrthAr upstream was: pmsent Stunt $10 titr$31 was netted Arie And ham bean?- mat-ed in prewaus mspectmn r$p$rt$1 The drawnAtrr$$rtt {and g1r$rn$?w1$r$$ry. The t1$1$ was inundated as tit-swat. but att$tr$=w$t$r1artd read; 131. 11-2-2 t$$t1$1r125 199m Sewage $n11tt3$1ti1ght abuthnr n$t$d1durmg tt3$1t$$t t9 be $31th the, $3621 facing, was dry this. time Atammg prAlAr?tg was ct$$rty Ambler The: wetness is ta be twat}: ?(111$ Agar-sent httZAtde arid. In$t1fr$m1 the instt. 1m1$tr$m$nt$ti$n at At in: tts13$1 ,1 A manum$nt$ The: $1$m AHA has $11 tar-get array At eth$r mstrumentatran but. repartmg was agreed 111$ be by (gt-Ar tett$r darted May 11 2007 The. tettAr requrred the Awner ta 1; hydrauttc tt=n$$ tr.) th$ Mimtuba in. 20.111: _Faundarren Prezmtteters tnctudeHPutA HP: 2A1 Art-rt HF: 5A1 Ptazometer 1; :pr$25m$t$r$ $r$pp$d1 Ay as much At 11.151 tA: r$$tr$lt$wmg1 t5h1$ ?ushing; qp$r$tr$n in ?23 11 tat Aristotirzat thaw-$321139 that Awning The: prfez-AmAtArA are again IC$ttrr$t C$r$ Piezom$t$r$ inductee HP A 13"? ar?thP 212. At p'nzamtztert I $1 tAw surface: mdrcatmq that 211$ chimney dram 11$ functioning pmperiy Pt ushmg At that-1AA 3p2$2$m$t$r$ tn: 12:21? dict $5311. $f$$r3113 tg- a; I$1tf1$$1t Am the; readings t$1r1th$ time Aretha. Chimney Drar-n?xazo-meters tnat'udef Thetawest BAA 12$: 3 Or A. 075 13521111.. ANB RESERVGIR 1.111. 5270151151115 STATUS 5513131 33113371331 3713155151115" .. Sam- 53:. 21311-55. D315 5128I15 3 33315203115153 .10 3353313311355 1'5- 3355.3 53-333 13352531151535 11132533315 have returned 15. :5 1:11.533" 535-1555 113-3 jumpmg 513533130. S315 '55 1355-1 35913331553355, Ej .2511 31533355531113: PIP-14. 5111311113915 haw-S SIISS 3533;111:555 355533159. TISS- 3S 11.131331133313335 3130553133 1 {35533151355333 31151.1 1152533351515 1113:1555 1139-135 5135' 1113-22 Fiushmg 1332511? SIS-IS 131133353355 111513" . 333510513335 31113 5180 53533de 5.13515511523355111S11p 51533513031 33153335133133 1155.3 -. c1353- THIS-SS 53S 5053351355311 333' I. 13-3-8. chimney drain. 5' Th5 155531 32553313355333 53:3 33555311151 P15255555 1-1515 S335 HP: 22 555553-35 33.51135 5335351331 05335011331 11152011131818.3155 3553333351315 355533195 {5333333331313 revsew 3353355 3531153313351 .5553 :25 which 35 5531555331 13311.11 5551-1353355 :3 11153353315331 H5333. 33.3.3153? S3335 3353133351 movements are surveyed S1- 1-2-5.- 1-1335 1555155031 1'55 3355133535133 seven 53.1.1135. 3335351525 .1551 3333513555311 .I 331- 113.5. (353115313315) 15133-5 55 113.5 53-1115: S335 1115-- - 33333353311315 11-1355 further 55533151355311 5313:1115 15551271131551 55133315355333 511115.. 32.355.1- T115 5135- mSSumSmS 533111.735 3333513635311 1555.535 315333151133 33.5.1 53133353155 which 15 T55 maxmum 11333135311351 11513513531. 1.11.5533:- 1131.35 5531153151335515111113511951? 31101131713111 111; 5- 0.035 11501 313 5151:1531 15-513, 5.1511911151131'5 Sf 27152-15511 (15131115131552?! 51' I 33-3333; 3333. 5353-3551-3533 .531 31-35. 3:353:31, 3315339 1115: 115551 25155131555555 51-11335-31551553335: 51531511153115: 1:115. 5555-1115355 51333331151153 :5 25141551411511 35-53113-1153313 53353 .23. 3353155 512 :15? 1 55-3-1335. 5:115:31 maxim 1.3133 553123133151 wig-SegmenthS 52.3322213151 10515353215133.15135535 1:512 315:. 51132-5 an 11153335311325 535335 conducted 15-2551 2511 S315 2513 T335 3133233333531 frequency I3IS 5135333 11313513355333 SIS 3101531333 3:33.33151153' 351 January 251511135 333.331.3533 1353313533533 3S. 55313135533315 1-135 Sim-5.11 SIS adhered 1S3. 353313153133 13-15. 31523 331.3311 11131351535 11.55.51 335? .125- 55311133135135 53111555331 The 5 33531111155? SIS-15 13351551555151 the. 23$. 5333153311133555115155153133}: 1.7135355313533153551355 315515313 53:: 5315313253353 133513.333335331513533 15212158551313 S1 13.33333. 3333135. {2311113111261 {1817113109}, _3 03? mzmmumm?z a Ewam? mama. 33 ?g #23 my? ?mnm? x44 . M3 83$ Emma .mq?ggm ?g 7 . .. mohm mama? A .y a a? 0mm?. Mama 3me Q. Em. E. v. ma??mm swam. 33 may; MQEV. Q. mam a ma?@anme 3335? m, .. ?a?zm ?a Wmm? u. mth?m Mamm?uwmm . . wm? .zm. .. momm .0me .. . . if .4le . . . .. ?27 arm. gram .mmEmEma Em. gamma Ema Em. mijm. mEm Em. Emma. mm (?11411). . it; - {3333-3 {333 . {x . 3 {333303333333 g3; $333332 INSPEETEQN OF ANT) TN STATUS- Nameidf?am . . .. .. .2345 . {Baud-{33 iP?Taceir ?Type-{33ft {3am- :Eradh ?333:3.- ?end-933 {died weir-and 3331331: {3.23 {33631 313.3338 52335833832 {32933333 33113 33339332 {33333333333- Weathcr Cmdatsons Sunny-L 953333;? and {imdad? {3-13-1353 Chad Odei! Jdid Anderson (and Gecrge Shaw {hi {hid d?icdi befioree {r3533 with Fmesth?i PUD Reagenm: ImpR {i333 Periodic- Mamie-name inspection {3r Addams ?Taken dam. well mamtamed :1i requested the: foiidwmg dams- 31. Repair madam $933.33. in The spi?TWdy- .dhu-{R T330391 with. {333333 shadid he {Ape-Trad. wifhih .3: year; 222. {died {i333 {dds {331i {hid spxiiway {13333 The {333mm heads instaii?ng a 3.1.. Measure the pxezdmeter and. Weir readings mummy instead {331' quarterly 4-: Submit an. uddatdd iinst-{umantdtidm {apart {3331' {hi tha- {313837.(3313. Gimme: Shaw {?pdded 3383?1333333 a! new 3333:3032. has- been 333d be {Added {333 {33:333. _?zdndidzsidhs F3333 {?333 Andi-{mi {niawatiidn {3 {33 {3.333333 dam. {reader-{did and-{hid {333333.333333 {33333 are {added .3333: {mi {Rat-{Rudd {1:531 Ohsemahans air-{id Comments {333.33 ;2 Thd- {3f the upstream fascia. face, abutmehts and crest {2:3 - sahsfacmry with {333: of: msfahiirty- rains. ward. straight except where struck: by 1 3633333393 Rid-{3k {imam {333. {mm {dd-{33- was midst Trahsuema and mask-a {-333 {he {3.33333 8333th? appeared superfscidT and. same weird deaf-{3d Chad that {he Gaunty seats. {he $333333 permdmaiiy. The 33-; {dth {3f the {33326333 measured. {ax-{33333. 33-inch {3r Ties-3: and {Ad {3-333 appear it'd. amend- heiowithe pave-{Rani N202 cracks-ware noted-{3R {hid {Judavad {3.0333013 of the. {33831- 5 The {dds sp?hng by zabiddt 2i {nuheb The apmaach aged wed {3333333632 semen {33333333. and i {The channel were dear and unobstructed The {indie {valid appeared with: {33: digm?caht defects Can-arena at {had- {39% and chute {mart was {.3333 3353th due sptiis {333:2 {003333 533.3313 {dang {he comrade chute 3.33:3. bead reported ih? the 333.33 Add are {dpd?ddiy "sit-{I} {here . {equesied Chad {snag the {paths that dhidw expdsed {3335:3333 a. year. and manitdr {bid i 1 {30333333333 {333.2333 21. {added-{3d {33.{3 Tags, whidh are {33333 i {IRMddidre $3333.33 {{odem {353 {em-{336d .weaiihdri permidihggi, {hay get. was-had dawn ?3 did-{3; These 1333.933333de {hmugh {hemp-stream is mate-{Thea {Tamed-{3R harder {r3593 died $33 3333? Phdihmidkdd? Yes X. Nd [32333 {33333333633333 . . . M3333 {36:33.3 . Date .. 33833.33 5ng73} Sheet {233-2 8 2111111111'11111111111 11111311111111.1111 111 111111 $1111.13: 11.111331111113111} Sugaere . ?amNn. 213215 ?11111? 11313111911111 121201?12 .Gbsewatmns and 01311111111111 .111 111111- .1111 1313111113 .1111 3131111 11139131311111 1.11- 11111.1 13.111113: 111111 T111 131311111 131311111113: 1131.311 111111 1111111111139 1' 1111313113131 1311 1.11.11 1131311 :11) .111 113111111111 .11va were-1111111111. 211111 11111311111111 111-111 inspection 1111111 1:135 11101511111 T1111 valve was 13131111811 fay-111311.111 810% 1111311 111.111 111' 1112111. M11111 9116;111:1111 111111 1111113111 13111111113 1111.1 1311111111 11111311 Waaphaies were Cleans out 11111 11139131101131 11111311111113: 1111111131 1111111191 - 11111111113 construcmn 11311111 further 1113111113133 was 1311311111 311111 1.11:3. 1111.1- 11.1111 111111 T113811 11:11:11 1111113 11111111 111111 1311110111 1151111211113 1111111111.. dawnsisream face and 910.1113 11181111. 11:11:11. T1111 :dawna??tmam 111.1111 and 111111 111.11.- 11111111131111.1215. The 11111 remamsmundated dwing 11111111113111111111 11133th 1111111113 11111119.. 1113111 111111119 11111 111111: 1'31! 11111111111 1111.31.11 11111 101 1.31.1111 1311.1..W1 (11311111131113 11113131111111 1.13.1. ?1111 or raising - 11581111111011 113'. be 8111.11 111 1811111111311!? 3111111111 The?3111111>1w121 11111111111131.1111 1.1331161 in 1111.: 111111111 151.111.1111 111111111513 11-11 111.11 11:11.11. 31321111131131, 11111119113111.1111 11:11: 11111111.- 11-11 111111.11). Chad 131151111111- 11111. T1111 dam 11:11 11 111911 1113.1. 11.1 ms1rumenta?110n 111111.118} 131111111 1311119113113! 1111111113: 15313111 11111- piezcmaters 31111: 111:1 seepage 1111311 The dam 1113111111 3111111111- manumems 11111 1.113. 31.311111: 11.11123 1131' 1.111111 - 81111111111111 11131313- The-111111 msirumentatzcm 111131311: 11111: 11.111111111111111 11.1.1111; 25.. 213-1 1 11111121,. covering The 2131-13.: 113111111131- year. W11 1313111111111 Qur 13111111111315 111. 1111.1- owner by. the 512711 1 131131 - which agam 11111111111111 51111131 01.113 11111. 3111311111116! The: 11111131 3131) 111111111111: 11111- 1111211131 111. amang 11111111 111111111 81363163381118. 11111111111311 13111111111111: 13162131121111 readings improved mstrumeniatim 111131311 has 13111 prepared 111113111111! 11.523111111111131} 113 1:381:30 11111311311 113. 111113 1111111111111119'1111 11111 11.611111111111111 11113111; 111111 11.11116111- 1-11.11 new 113111111: 111111111. 1113111111111 11.1.1111 111-1311 111111111" - 01-31. 1311111211 1111.1131011 111111 2:11 .zw?w gamma. .m . 0mg 23.. Mmu?m 63$ .3. _.3m3mnm% 3.333335 13,35, . 3 .. 3,33. 33,333. 3333m 33336333 3,333 ?33333,? .3 .3333 50.353 3353a. 33?. 53. 3333333.. ?3333 3% $3335. 3 33m mamng?c may? 9&3 ?mm; 9.9% 3.9 333%. 333.8%: .mm .2m3m..?zm m??wcm Mama. 33m. zo. magma Havana? ?32m 1/.fo 11/0 . .. ww/ ha.rowmm?sag hang. .3 ma?a $50: gum 3 Em. 2mg. -. f6?W?fgENSPEGTEQN 0F DAM ANN RESERVQEN Sugar Ania Anew. Name $755331 .SEBpagath-mug? ?(he i?igg?i. :ab-utmam: mak; ba?iewed it} haw men e.rijgi-hated; mm 513-- adjaise-nt aw - 12.6? {LP-ext {357114339} Nit} RESERVGER {733% Ml} STATUS Sugar" PM- Name of Dam {Emma 2345 ?aw-{sf inspee?ma . 127133071 I 8.- Tree 7095 91.7363 up Either c?nifsi swim Was weir). ?85; ??smntinui?es Lin-dar' Wan-test. mm 125: {gm 1.9199}. gm 5 7 The: w?iw?y chut? with: ma?a-r taiig: eta-mg; ih? way,? md?wiim the"; .gzrs-?e?senm a? spaj?s: m7 mama 9512323273 Sugar mam N3. .2945 8, C?i?ssisa up View afihe {mater-?33 3mm. DWR- 1391 get 105F333.) Sheet. Bif- H?m ?35313 SNICERTI MD STA-175.323. mw? 253:1 grey; was} mspamrow OF mm AND mama. Nana .S?igaripi?3-9345- iDaie-af-friia?ectiw 521-20112 mm $1226.: (993110109; Sheet. 9.: