5W. RTATE 1.31? 1 1A11FRRN1A NATURAL AGENCY 51W Rm DEPARTMENT WATER RESQURCES 111111310111 OF- SAFETY .1312: 3 TNSPERNRN 13F DAM RN Name 111' Dam ?33m No 72~ C'Runty Santan?mra ?1.pr 0113:1111 Earth . Type: :31 85311111113131 01111131111111 R1111: Chute . . 11116191151 2- 8.5 Net baiow ?1111111111: 818818116 2211. ?dam?crest, Weather Part-1y dandy- R1111 1111-1111. NERR J1m Nelson Hemang MRR and 131111811er Jerry Sparkman with the Cor-1:111:15 Nae-1R The. gRtR. is currently Ron-functtanal The - Ry11ndRr erRRn?y 1121311111 the 931R 13. 131311-19 11111511 1R the 11111 11131311: 1303111011 TRR. 1332111111131?: 13. 131:: RR. 1113131115111 RRere TRR bushes-and ~111:19:111:1111111-1 within 311 11.21- 111* the top: 13-1" the sn'Rt- been rammed: as. reqruestad 1111111111: 5111811111113 inspections. he 113515111191.Revamp-111R system to Rave-Rowers 111R Reg Rth'iRR: TRR cemments ngardmg erRR requested Rurmg the. erwouR 1nstr-u-mRn1Rt1RR eriRw- were sattsfantcniy addressed The: nine. new 1111315111119 1111311161 that were: 1113121111111 durmg 21313 86311311111: Stabmty 12113111311011 3111113,: 11112111de 111 RR 111R RerRuR TRR 1313111111 1R 11111 00111311111911 R1 R11 R1RzomR1e15 R1111 101111131111- and: RerdR juRt1f 35111011 111.: those that. 01'1th RR 1? 1.11m thR- 111111111111 11.11121: 1.113133112110111: 1111131- dam: Rnd' R151 are Rafe: 1111 and Comments 91% i gravel: WRR: [eve-1,. 11111101111 R1111 12:11 1301111111011 The 11151111113 upper- raw Rf - 13311191311131 1111.13 ERR upstream 01111131111111 and; RR RigR RT 1 m1sR11R1?mRRt :11- 1nstab1111y TRR: 1.11111er stable. 1111111111 Rausfacthy I 01111111111011 The. rsiprap ?ned groin-R 311121-1116 (21111111131113:an ERR: appeared 1111111131 9131111111 no #1311013me erRRt. was in1-Re:te:freR 11111011611111.1111; 11111115.: "The. cert-1.1311111? thRughRut 111191: 51311111111111 structure appeared 1:11:11. 111 The concrete The 11131111 RT 111R 11111th at Sta was 1119th than adjacRRt stab 1111111111 RR- compared .10 prewous Most Rf: TRR . 111R.- 113p Rf 111R: RR111way 1111311111 removed RR 1211111119 1111111113113 mg?y 111: BR 111111.- 9111111111: :Rkjen? Res 112 NA 84125121318(MR-11111111111, 11111111111111111 311113121115: 1R: 111 51111183125118131131011131 ?1 111* 8mm ENSPEQTIQN 33533931551333 3N. GER 3353335533533 15333335335135.3553: .5533: 33333:. 55:35-53 3335555335323 0432532383 33?. 33273355353333.5335 53.3.5 13533333353335 F533335533533 3335.35- 5-35 2 33335533353 3'5 3333 55533353535 3 5333.3 3.3 5) 1.5553155. .35 33335 35333333533533 W535: 3531535 3'33: 33:3 353-335 5551: 1533: 5335 535333 5333:3335 3335 3555333335 553355. 33353353335353 8 8 3355 5353335533 3333353353335. 323.535 5333.335 3.833 3 5335?. 35 553353358. 3'5 33.5335 5' 5533553 5533335533533.33531533333333: T335335 .535 5.5533 335.13 535555353535 {33333} ?333:. 0383159 (2333333? 33W: '38 OWJ 5.335523333353213 5335'- 5335 33333533335 333335 535253335353: '83 155535323 333' 3335- 3533335533533 53:33:33: .8338 .2335- 5.33.11 55355135333335 3.5.335 353333 3353355 T535595 .2835, 333535 5352533353535 5533333333535 35 3:553:3- 35333 33335353 3533515 133:5 5533553333335 3335333315 03: 515335333353. 335335335353: 353351 53355358535511}! 3.333553 5: 5533': T55 33513553 35553335 33:33:33: 33:35 33353333313; 53555535355535 3533533 (1332:3339 3335' 2833 3555333339 5533551 3.3355 5.23 33:3 53:33.33 533.5 5553:3355 33:3 333533333 53133 5 833333533 3353333535535 T33535- .535 333335 53333353: 53553333353335 15553533 51033:; 3335 53:533.: 53' 33.35 5333313351 3:15.333 - 55:3. .3533 535555355351555355 515-335 3135 335333353 5353-33.. T335. 555.53 3.3.35 53.333353: 33:33:55 553551353355 33.3 1535 8855 533:3 3.3.35 3.553 533333533 5555333355 5.3.3 3.3553355 8 2333.8 T3315 55333 3.355 51355333133315: 55333153335333 53351 3353323333351 3335335535333 533355 ?38533 3539553 01353355333 3353:5553 53551555333551: 3335-5 81.8333 (18 1.2: 333331355) 5335-313515335553533533.5535 335335533353 53351555333553 33353.3. 8- 82:33 (3. 553315.5- 3135.- 353333533; .283. 5 533333533 533355 2884 3335 153355333 5533353335333 53553335313333.3355 8 83?33 33.55 53353333533 .5: 5533335?35333. 5335 33.5. 53353335335. 35533553553555: 33> 3235533355 33555555333 ?53 3333:. 3333-35 533335 3:23:33. 3353-: 3.5553. 83333333 .3 . 83' 5 ?.2mmumm.?g 32% paw mm?. ?22% a mag. .Hmwm?mum 0.3% mm 33% .0an 2a.. . . W/x/Nx/x . n. If. /Jrrm/ J. .. 303 N. gm, ?mammqa? 093% 3 gm. gamma. Mom 633%me madam. .M?wh, 3&3. 3.3m. Ewmma?m mkm?m? m??m ?Sam. Em. a .. If}. . w. a. g? avg/m anzmm?m??.? a Gang .9me ?2 $me mm ma?a-Cum. ?an 33. .. . Emma 2.9 .9- ma?a-?ma?a. a wagg?xm .mm?m .Em mag? 94.3w w?mx?ww a. mumm- u?m 3E. 34- ?mamv. mama IW-s a STAKE 0F QALIFGRNIA \1 55555555551555. 555555555 555.551 WI 55555-1555155155155 5555-55-55. 51535155 55' 555511 51:: 55:55 555$ 13AM A1113 Names-51- 555118155555 31551 05.51515, 12? 55555 55515 (315:5 Type 51" Dam: I Earth I 1555-51 spiizwayI 0551:1515 Wei-Ir 5.51:1 {1.111.115- 555351 1.5 11415 1.55.1 551.5115- 55111555 555155555; 1' 1551 515.3515 55.5 51551.. P511151 cloudy. 155551555 F. 1555555151.:mpemm 1515151555555 1555551155 Ghservatmns This 5151515551155 1555551155 551555. '55 155-11551 555511551155 1555111511115 5555 5115151155 55511551155 111551 5n 35515111552511.5113 and 5555555 55 N5v5m55115.2510 Work 5555:5155 511-15111 5x51515115nanc1 1555r515ry 55511551155-1511155 515555 5555 51! 55151515551155 requgrements 51515311555. 1711555511551.- 55.511555 15 51: ?5511152 55551-1511 55 5215555531155 1135 5.555595 15511 51.- 1.115- 5515115115551 1552 551:1 5555 51551551 51' 5595151155 and 5115195 and 55511155 drainage had 5555:1555155115555 15.1115 551555115515 channel 55155555155 T23315- 5515. 5151-55 55515 55-11255 5155-255 5.5555 15.5 5155-1555 515-5 1515: 11555115511?- 5-1555115115, 1 55255555511115155555-51, 5155555155515 5555115135 15555151513}: 53,5315 513311551151 551111515 55555 15.5: 55515153515555.55-1555551155.. 55551551555- 15: 5551155255 55:5. 55551551213555: 5.515 5553515515- Waam. w? 5555 5e dawn-stream 5555111511 T515: embankment remains in 5511515515ry 55551115555115.1715 51155155111131 51' (1155555 Th5 5155155 5513155 555515551 5.5- ?1315 d5wn511?55m1555 55559 51551555 325515 55:51 13555 5511515515513; 3551115553,:- The: 55111115511 5135155511.. 55.551515 1551.1?. 5551555555115515 55.155 15' 11:15- 551115155 551551153. 51.5.1155 515515.55: 51515155511155: 155.55.555.55, 8511151551. 3515151551515" 1'11 .5555 5555'11'15n -W1h 11:151. 5x13551155 511. 815 Y+55=55111way 555515 5.5.5551: 15 55 5315515: 555 15511551155551 555 515 5515-11555 any $15115 51515115515515115515511115 The 85551511511 51.: 81.5 has. 555.5 11-51551 15.1 years 51111.15; reguia?y monitored by the ane?g .- 15151-1 11?13. 15555515555- 1?51 ?1 11555515155? 1'58- 11? 55515511555512.1155. . . 1113432911 5:5; . 555555553; . 555 of: 5-551 531-12514- \11115 5515 1.251. 155.5:- 1-5155} 5-5551. 5:1 8 7" DAMANQ RESERVOTR TEDSTATUS CFEITTK .. . . 83111111111723 91111-11. 112.111 (11111-1. 1111-11111. Sheet 2 of ME. ICTC The CTT appurtenances appeared TC CC: and. .1111 .QCTC which 111ml ?88- 111111119 perCus .hCCn and C11 The and 1.11.1111: CT The dam were Ci1'1y The seepage weir CT. The: . TCC- been CTCaer Cf and and drangC had 111 The; channCT CC Crewously The- WCTC 1113?s observed 1211111119. The 1115111611111111'1. and 16111-1 Cr .5- 9111111 seem-CC: 11111111111111.1115 were Cam CT 20 min and. '15 1:11-11va . T111119: 881W 111111111 T11 2131332111811; C1111 Czi'id 11an 111 embankment Titer beneath The: and The Ciiuvmm 11111de VWP TIT. C118 VWP TS) CmCankanT PneumCTm [Cf-1' has; Crowded untenable 281T and is dGWT?TSti?eam embankment TC behave nermaily, Chewmg memC! with Changes 111 CCij surface T311- TC airy C11 dry__ 11113.1CCT111C1 That Tin-3111 TC.- functzamng CC .8138:- 2 18. 3 C1111: in The founCCT'iCn 88 has 1111:1de12! CCTC 2811 and 1C CCT1CVC1TTC have Tailed 811C T121 C311. 11. Cifzmum There are 7 11.111111111111133 T8 OWJQ C118 and Che. (WP 18) 1116811111113 in The {13111111381111 Ciiuwum were 11'1 2818118811 and are Tong Term 1111111111.. 1.11. 2513. TC. 111.1111, TCCT-TCC aiiwium 1C.- Tuna-1111:1111 CC- 1111111111- 3 DEMAND RESERVGIR-N WEB EST-AIDS Mama: 8:55:55: . . 5:56"? Date 5.: ins-55555:: 41241931 4-. absewatm?s .5135 Cemments 35:? the 553555125355: "i 55:15:: '55. 5555555555 or irregufia-rities- the piezamater- data (55:5: 515:: 5:5. 5:25:25: mafia-55551555 5:55:55535135 5555:1555 5:5 no: immediate 535m.5-5351y1-55555m5. 5555555 W55 Seepage data: 555: 5:5 5:555:59 55:15:: remamad Within the expected r5555 Sums}: Monuments There. are 9- 55:73:15}: monuments 5:059 5135 5:55: of :15: 5551355: dam and 7:0: 5555:5551. monuments 51555 tit-:5 55:: 5:55: of :55 5525555 T5555 mmumenis are 55:55:55 "and. 5525-5-51 (22:35:55: maximum '?arizahfai and 555255: dispiacemem'since 5:15 prevmus 5:35:53: 2:13 was 01:55: and {3 05:55: r55555tw5iy, Max:555: the 0.. @4355? 5551555525 55215555 2:3 have 555:: 5:155:35 5555355: 5:5:urbame 5555:5552 accumuiated Th5 555mm: data 51555255 the dam. :5 55:53:me saiasfactarw Th5: 55::th :n5trum5ntatmn network 1.5 saksfactery, 55:33:15 5551:1555: :nstrumenta?on :5 5.555155 n555555ry a: 5:15 tin-:5 55:5 326.: (rev, .8555: 3 of. 6 U?g?zm? 5mm mqb?wcm Haggai..m?w?nmnamx . .. .3329 6..me ?3335? . . ?m?wgh . .. . p, . .77., @349me mam.? . ax om {will I: u. 65.3 $sz ?mmw H3mm ma?acm ?3 magmam 03%. . $329 gaginmm?ym/x a? 33$ mama. an. 3&3?sz ?2 mm?. makwcw. .zmam? Qua $me . :mmaxar wm? mam 02%?me ?m?mo? I .. . 2 f?e?z . . Knox. are}? . 9% $3,033. . xf? emcee-r gee-meme. . WW camera-me meme-AL Wee? DEPARTMENT ee- WATER Reset} REES SAFE-3W IF: QAMS- 0F DAM. ANBT IN: STATUS Name car-gem Stevens Creek Dam N0 7?2 T?i? Santa Ciare Tyee cf Dam Earth Type of8pi?way Concrete Weir and chute Water 1.8 ., 20? . .. feet belaw epfliwey 0595?: and 39 9. feet beiew dam greet; ?fe-er e962 mi'idRem Hemang We Michael Mooerex Jim Mersey}, Bret? Baker,- and Jerry Gent'eeie Made Seerkmen With ?f . Steam eat-the ?ewnsireem tee: Seepage weir-0f- vegetarian: and .sgiudge and reestabiish: p-gs-itgiee drainage eeweefcreem efthe: weir; Mate, a. Repair The: sealed seetiene ef'the Amway concrete: identified in. the. rep-mt at etetiene and. TWA.- Ce?t?ieue i=0- m-en'ifer- The effeeit ebeervee; mihe eeiffiwey invert- eI-e'be. et- Sfat?ien we. Pram the keewn infermeti?en and? visual inepeetiem and??elal. are judged safe: fer ma?eum nee. Ghee-wartime and G?Qmmeets- ,m?ams ?The east was straight, ever? and m; 9.5m Bathfazeeze e?hibite? he signs- iinstab?ify er- The Vieigbie Fig-?i0? Qf Khi?.? neergr?ehument 4'8 has; been repaired ae- requested The ereesen guilzes (reserved en. the face during the ieszt :nepeet?en have 23 currentiy has {an active _meent centrei pregram in piece We. requested meant centre? eraseduree Gem-Sheer. .3 ebeerved te. be dean and deer Remeval {if the mine? vege?tenen ovethangmg the; wane is 1 engemg Twe epa?ed sentiens 0f eenerete were iden??ed during the lee'eied at steam (right waii) arid (Ee? waif) Each epeiied eectsen was (reserved at the. jemt at the The-uplift Ghee-Ned et the inveri siebet etetien WED to. be unchanged. Wemeaeure?dt?he Arman-mg 13? A. Mengney BVegler (?77353 If'n-slpecteeby Jimenez PAWS take?? ??55 35 NO- 4;:2212013 (9 mm} ecf?er' OwneriBeek . . 5f31i2013 Sheer 1 _e?f {3:7 TEAM. A1338 REJEEREGLR STATUS 82:33:33 {3853' $135383 C5883: 3;};ng 55393; 32.3? 55:3 5:3 33135355.: 4:22:26": 3 absematmns .5333: {1:553:55an 525-52: .5: L135 55535: 5? 3:35 5:533 durmg Lh'is 355555555 5.585: L5 appremmateiy 3 25~<<35h55 The: 5555:5555 has 555:3 55:55: L0: .535: years. We requested L55 5:55 :35 33353355155: L5: any . 5555533555 5:55:555ment 555515 '55: L555: 5:55:39 555}: 55:33:33: 3:355 5:555:53; 2:5 5:33:33 3:35? 55:55- .and 3:515:35 during {hi5 55L 55555::L5r55' 5:13? 5:35:55 Opera-3mm .53" ?135 55:5 33:55 555515 L5. Lhe- 55:5. during LL35 mspechan :5 anas?gamqLheipmbiem 533513313: 5:55.535 5:35:55 35:35 51.3353 gate-'5- 5:35 55:355. Liming 5L3: 5.55:. 535555553": LL85 PM. The. 95255 23:35: 55:35:: 535' 53:85:: 5335:3533: by the 53:33.35: 5255 5555555 5:55. 5555:5552 5:3; LL35 55555::5553 3.555.; 5:53:35 90"? 53:52:58 5555555 3.35:3, 35:35:55 533558553515 55333. L355 stagnanL 3355333 33:23 333::- 53555555535 3:53: WE: 5:55:33 requested <31" LL35 515:: I Jambs 5x58313535: 535:2 33:5 wark 55:35:55 553::55535nt5: 55:55:. 55:: ML: :35 555355355 335- 555:: 5:3- 5555538 Th5. 5555555". 5555:5555 5:5; 555555355; 3.355335: .. insirumenta?on 5.: L135 55:31 55:35:58 5 seepage 5351:: 5:33: 35:35}: 530315515553 T335 15:53: ?1535 3355' 5553333555: with: 53:: 5:355: 5 :555: 55:55:. Apr}; 31 2532' 5535:3339 55:25 5335595 25:2. 8525535255 T5535 5; .5 .5 Ma: 5L 8. 5555:5553: 533325333555 .43.- vzbratmg wire 5:525m5L53'5 55:: 8. =85359m5L5r5 3.335335 futher Fwnda?en 5525:5535: 856' 5555:3555 Le- ramam 5:335:52 5:355:59, 8:55 Le: :35 fiuctuaimns with changes 1:3" r555m53r 2:25.315: T335 53:5 .8 5:35 8.33 35:35:55 555:5 535' 5353555: 5553:3355 :5 5:333:33- dzr'y-LL 5355;353:3325 LL35 53553 55 535355355 The 3:315- 55:35:55.5 5:553:55: were: 5555:5555 25:15:35 5:5 55335555355: 55:55:53: 55155553555 33:335. T5555 5:555:553535 .55.- :33: 33553553- 55:33 55:55: 53555333.. Pnuemahc 5:525:335?L5r5 8 3. 5:35: 8- 5.3.5 55553355 L5 have: 5555.53?: 1:555:55. T5555. mammeters 5:5 5553555353255: 13:55:.5 .535: 5.5.5: may L35 555mg 385 5335 5L 535:: 35355555 5335'. 8: L355. :35: 5353:5535 :5555] 5' 5:535 5:555: Ly 20?: 5:35 .8 5:5 :35: 53:33:55 r8858. dais: <33 Janu5ry 5:35 February 23:312.. W5 59:55 38MB 5:533. L5 53:35:15: 836' 5 555:5 :55'5img5 533:3. L5 5555 :35 5533:3555 5:33,: pctentiaiiy 5.53:5:55 32:55:35. 855135395 W55: $555555 55:5: 53:5: 515-155 3:55.: {55:55:55 33:31:35: LL35 5:555:55: range 5:55:51 vawmg 553335533 0 and. 5'13 55:33; Th5 335:: 33:55. :nsta?ed after L335 398.: :55555 35551555 buttressmg L515. 553333555553 face 5:35 55:25:59 53-53-53: 5:35 5 LL35 53553 55:33:: LL35: buttress Th5 5555:5155 m555<