tr srAreer: eArt FGRNIA rer -- Artemr 3e 33$ SEPARTMENT QFWATER RESCURCES SNSS ?$323: QinSi?-N OF SAFETY C}?r SAME WSPEGTIQN 01!: SAM IN STATUS- Meme pr {3.3m Sty Ctr-28K . . . .9th Ne. 83 ?333 . .. . {Artunrv Butte . type otrram Earth ertgt reekf?tt. . . . . Tyre ereetrrway Get-e: centre?ed ertgteertere?re .itrtee chennei Water :8 5. 3: .. feet ebere .. . sphiwey creamer} .. . feet. 332 SW dent street. Aware emMQ?fo-Ah MedeKye mergers with. SEWER Reesert fer- tnepee?rzrt F?ertertrr; Mereterterrce insper?rten let meet-tart: Observations. Recemmertdetierte er ?attens: Taken Mgr. Margaret errgt i traversed the erect that. .e mererrty let the weep heiee tn the letter; were, :Qrt arm: t2, DSOT) seet- retter re SFWPA them tittet E38053 eertenrred eseesgement er. the rte-rt! way er. Sty Creek Berra are. here meted. the-t it rate-y zit-erre- eeterrtiei er eerfermertee? issues feet-Gertie ire" ehtiity te eatery: titted ere-er". requesting their SFWPA eertteretterteitre' er. the erti'rrwey- rte. seer: es purebre- tire treat-rt art-me meager; . me The art's} trrerret rjhe are the err-Sitti??ar?rees ere. red-QM rare fer- use. petterng; cemeterierr: rut-the.- eeilrwey evaieetiee etude- gem.- The paved eeprtet?r crest reed et the deter eerreerert tr: be wet! teeter and. in sattefeetery rte ewrtertce ref er dretrees The: Ursrete eerrterr er the. upstream dewnetream rare ebutmerrte err-d tee. area appeared 210 be. eetretecrery err-Mitten. Vegetartort eentret were exceirerrt end meted rte etgrte ref rodent wee: .irt' ptece end. retest The hedge decks were wet! eirgrterr end appeared etebie The ebermeyer gate Wee fully desert belt.- Seeking The Generate wette appeared it}. be Err. er the the bucket appear? etebie Mr. Mere-edit; and trevereert the epi. ttwey rend their majority.- er the: weep. better in: the ere-tr were mugged At; the weep rte. tee Tr: the epttiwey chute: wet tie and Err. the Sabre: Sherrie. ea Greener: penedteelty else netted severer ereeire tn the 3 tabs Where 8} 0:1 ?52 {3.80113 rs: requestmg that SWIPA perterm e. cemprehenstve agreement e- the est. seer; es ease-titre. B: Set; Pheteetek?e?? Tes- ?are Streetwise. 63153337? . . Art-re Orr?err?ertk? Crete retest? 2"??2222 ewe tree; Sheet: 0f" - Ur" {3858881883 GER STAQYUS 888888288: {3888- [3133' (3831839: 8838.80. 8338.33 288.88 .88. 3888888888 8358533281? .8881 888888888 ?38888 $888.88 8888.8 .3 :98- . . 88188 was; 8888 88888888 888' 88888 8'8 888118 the 8888- 883888 88888888 88 ?8182815888888 8888 8'8 83138: Ely-8838 88888 8.81 888888 88888888888 88'- 8'18 8888':- 8583188"? 8888:8888 88 88- :8 8888888888; 88883888 T838. 0881888888838 '88 8888818888 8888, {2286112} 8388 88888.88 818 88.888. mammr 888 8888 88888888 8888888. 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XUNWI . .. .4..- .71 v. . .4. 2/ a, 7.5. .4 xv . 2% amigo.944 .. .. . .h 2x4.? . $9.4m. 33% 449% am Em? mo. w?mx wmw??w aw.? an. $24 343 .. 33% .8,wa a?mga .8. Em m?g?a wm?a? nae; Egg? w?wg wag, 32m . 7.. .. Ewmm?mm Ema momma Egg . . 5mg 3% mm?. .: 6&me Gaga ma?a m3 .n v. ENAMEL Tim; 3N Name. sw'am SWQFAAK {Ea-m. ND Ww? .EW-R gym, a. {w my?? Elma. 6mm, m??qam, amamamma . .. __quamw .. mam?amw $93 .12? Emvmwam ?my? maymwnm?wmw . co?wawgaag_ .. .. . .. . xmmkuw?w?mm?w?wz wmw?ww mm?. 2.. gamma ma?a m} ?w STATE OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63-6 County Butte County Type of Dam Earthfill Type ofSpillway Concrete lined open channel Water is 10.5 feet above spiliway crest and 20.5 feet below dam crest. WS 3525.5 feet Weather Conditions Sunny and windy Contacts l'v?lade Kyle Morgado and Brian Howerton, SFWPA Reason for Inspection Annual inspection Important Observations, Recommendations or Actions Taken a For ease of use, the seepage weir data should be plotted in and the piezometer data should be plotted using vertical elevation as the parameter rather than the depth to water. Consideration should be given to installing a 90?degree V-notch weir plate within the current weir box. This would provide more consistent readings at iow flows. 9 The survey monument horizontal displacement data should be plotted for the and right/left directions rather than for the north/south and east/west directions. Right/ieft meaning movement towards the right or left abutment. Conclusions From the known information and visual inSpection, the dam, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observations and Comments Dam The dam embankment and raised crest structure are well maintained, photographs 1, 2, and 3. The paved crest road remains in good condition, photograph 1, for example. The upstream and groins were stable and well maintained. The upstream rock protection was sound. As previously noted, the rock has a iinear feature along the normal water surface line that is possibly related to wave wash, or the recent dam raise, photograph 3. The only action needed at this time is observation during routine inspections. The slope was stable appearing. Vegetation and rodent control appeared to be good. Occasional small brush and emerging pine trees will be removed. Photographs 4 and 5 show views of the left and right groins from the toe ofthe dam. Conditions remain satisfactory. Spiilway The concrete approach walls were in good condition, photograph 6. No significant offsets, settlement or tilting were observed along the spillway chute, photographs 7 and 8. The lower end of the chute was in good condition and the previously observed undercutting at the flip bucket remains stabie, photograph 9. The spillway bridge deck appeared to be in good condition. The bridge bents were not clearly visible, but nothing unusual was observed, photographs 6 and 7. The Obermeyer gate below the fully open position. From the vantage in photograph 7, the gate appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The owner recently checked the torque on the gate hinge bolts and the restraining strap bolts. All were found to be satisfactory. The gate operating house and equipment appeared to be well maintained. inspected by WPennington ,1 ,i - Photos taken? Yes N0 Date of inspection 5/2/15 J/?tft/V cc for Owner/Book Date of Report 7/7/16 ii Sheet 1 ofli it INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN GER I STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Darn No. 63-6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage The unlined penstock tunnel was well lit and conditions were normal, photograph 10, for example. No rock falis or other obvious structural probie. .s were observed. Water was standing beneath the penstock, as is the usual case. Flow to the sump was minimal. Overall, the butterfly valve, penstock, and cradles appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The penstock coating is deteriorating at some locations and is scheduled for stripping and recoating this season. A drainage blanket extends from the embankment core to the rock armor at the toe of the dam. The only seepage observed was through the rock armor, which is the usual case. A 36-inch long by 16~inch wide Cutthroat Weir, was installed at the toe of the dam during April 2014 to monitorthis long standing seepage, photograph 12. The data appear to be within the normal range. Weir readings below 0.10 feet, or 39 gpm, are prone to excessive error due to fluid properties and boundary conditions. Below this value readings are estimated. This being the case, all but two readings have been estimated. The readings show a general reiationship to the reservoir level, but are erratic, possibly due to the estimation process. The influence of precipitation is not entirely clear. The weir appeared to be capturing the surface flow in the very soggy area beyond the toe of the dam. When Lost Creek Reservoir is full, it backs up to within about 100?feet of Sly Creek Dam, which increases the saturated conditions at the toe of the dam. The three standpipe piezometers show that the drainage system is functioning as expected. The readings remain unaffected by reservoir level or precipitation. The dam crest was raised in during 2010-2011 as part of the modifications to safely pass the updated PMF. The original crest monuments were destroyed and replaced by 36 new monuments that were first surveyed in 2011. Twelve of the monuments are located along the narrow, service bench at the base of the crest wall, photograph 14. Twelve monuments are spaced aiong the crest road parapet walls, These parapet monuments are paired with the monuments on the maintenance road. To date, the monument deflections are smali. The majority of the movement falis within the range of error ofthe measurements. For ease of use, the seepage weir data should be plotted in and the piezometer data should be plotted using vertical elevation as the parameter rather than the depth to water. Consideration should be given to installing a 90?degree V?notch weir within the current seepage weir box. This would provide more consistent readings at low flows. Based on my review of the 2015 and my field inspection, the current monitoring program remains adequate, and the dam is functioning normaliy. Sheet 2 of 11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER I IFIED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63-6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 1. This View from the left abutment illustrates the good condition of the dam crest. A minor asphalt crack is visible in the foreground. Sheet 3 of 11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER I IFIED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 53?6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 2. View of the MSE retaining wall and the slope from the right abutment. The wall was stable appearing and remains in good condition. The slope remains stable appearing and clear of all but a small amount of newly emerging brush and small pine trees. These will be removed. DWR1261(rev.10109) Sheet 4 of 11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERI IFIED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63-6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 3. This View from the right abutment is typical of conditions along the upstream side of the dam. The wall was stable appearing and remains in good condition. The rock slope remains in good condition as well. As previously noted, the rock slope has a linear feature along the normal water surface line that is possibly related to wave wash, or the recent dam raise. DWR 1261 (rev. 10mg) Sheet 5 of 11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERI IFIED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63?6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 4. This View shows the right groin from the toe of the dam. The trees are just beyond the contact and do not interfere with inspections or monitoring. 5. This View shows the left groin from the toe of the darn. As in photograph 4, the trees are beyond the contact. Sheet 6 of 11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER I IFIED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63-5 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 7. This View looking upstream at the spillway crest structure shown the raised Obermeyer gate, which appeared to be in satisfactory condition. A small amount of leakage can be seen coming from the bottom of the gate contact with the ogee crest. The upper spillway walls remain in good condition. Some of the weep holes were active. DWR 1261 (rev. 10:09) Sheet 7 of 1 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER I STATUS Name of Darn Sly Creek Dam No. 63-6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 . 8. The lower spillway chute remains in satisfactory condition. The walls and chute looked stable and . well aligned. Minor rock fall is visible along the chute floor. 9. The backfill beneath the end of the spillway chute remains stable. The end of the chute is a cantilever section supported by a cutoff wall farther back in the fill. DWR 1261 (rev. 10mg) Sheet 8 of 11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER .r'lED STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 53-6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 10. This View is looking upstream. along the outlet penstock. The tunnel appeared to be stable and was well lit. The usual seepage was found beneath the penstock. The flow to the sump was minimal. The pipe collars and cradles remain satisfactory, and the penstock was well aligned. The owner has contracted to have the penstock recoated. This will include the bolts and collars. DWR 1261 (rev. 10mg) Sheet 9 of 1 1 INSPECTION uF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63-6 Date of Inspection 6/2/16 11. The View is looking upstream within the valve chamber. The most damage to the penstock coating was at right. The butterfly guard valve is at the arrow. DWR1261(rev.10l09) Sheet 10 of 11 INSPECTION uF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERI STATUS Name of Dam Sly Creek Dam No. 63?6 Date of Inspection 612/1 6 12. A 36-inch long by 16-inch wide Cutthroat Weir, SF-11A, was installed at the toe of the dam during April 2014 for monitoring the long standing toe seepage. Sheet 11 of 11 I 31 ATE 6F f} 343? NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY 13F WRTE-R RESOURLES 13F SRF-ETY QR DAMS 11161166116111: QF DRMI 611.13 6666611616; 11111 651111116 N61116: :61? 1:16.111 $1666 . . . . II 6616.11.11. 6?93 6 .. . . 611111-1131 6121216111,- ?66563. I I . T51116- of 61211111111131 1361161616 211166 1216611 666111161 T35 I. 1666 6611116611 61666116 42 5.. 58:16?? 6611161661 Weather 13611111116116 S?unny- and windy (361116616 V1666 K111111111 261166116126 SFWPA 86.6661116111166666611 Annuaf 1113;361:5611 important 06661116116116, Recommendamns 6r Act-16116 Taken :11. 13166161161166 616166116166 .66- 66666 T6 The. 6666696 1116.11: ploTs {Tsing 116661111 1116166161116 T61 66611. 6.631 6T "131116 6116111 T116 hlstogram appreach should 6166 11:16 11.666 6.11- 616'. 61616? 61?21 616' 61116161" 6.616. .116- 61661611611611 b61661 1116 approach 661611 R666er 66 111666 :66 1166666 {36116111616116 ObSeNatmns and 6611111161161 . Dam T116 663m embankment 1666 161666 GIBST structure 611611116? 11161111611166 photographs I1 11116th 11. 661166 616.61 1666 11611161116111.6666 6611th1611 photagraph 1 1?61 example T116 upstream 6116.- T1116 rock has 6 6116111 11116666661666 166-116611611116161 surface 1116116.. 666611113; 161616616 . 11116116 wash 611116. 166611166111 16166.. photograph 2 Th6 Rniy 6611611 66666661616; Time: is: 6111166. T661166 T116616. Th6 66111 'Tl16. 6616116166111 6l666 11166 611611 6116611666 6666611119. V66616116TT 61161666111. 611111161 6121666161116 1:16 61166 61 :61l 11666-11166 1666116116., 66111111635]. TIT-T6 611111611 661161616 6661661111 11161111 66666161116 12.61.11 6666' 661161111111 116111161161 1.1.16 166111-16 611116 . T661116 66166611116616 1611' 66616116161166.11111611 may '66- 6.661111161111116 T611161 Th6 661161116116 WTTI 3:16 611611111166 111111661116- r666w61r {1-1666 66161111 approach 6616611116161 is: 661166616131 16- 9.81.333 N6: 616111666612: off-6616, 117316 6611616111: 611616616611 63. T266 1666 11161111616 T66 6666 611166 T36. pushed 66161111661166 66:61. Th6. I666 af'I 11161616 116(th unusual was 666611166 1311616616611 T66 - 661:6 111166111 Th6 fully lewered DUSIUQR F1616. Th6 116111696311. 611616616611 8 the .6616 appeared 136111 66116f6616ry sandman The 611111161: r666ntly ch66k6dtl16.iorq.116 on 6'16: 6616. 111666 lT 6616 16 6136161611 This 11661:. a. I61n616 131116666 T1166666611 61?: 21116-9616 116118.56 11111! be. 166 6661611 .. 21116666166 by] .. .. WPenan/Tgteun .. I I . . IVRSW X: NIO. ?aw-afm?sp?ec?ar-T . I II II 3123.131 241?15 193., 1 9mm .. owner/890k fDEite-of-Rep??. I I I . I 3/26/15 611111 12131 1161-. 111111211 313.13%; 6 .182. ?1 11 1111? 11315155137191 34611115161113 RESERVBIR GER :13 Mama-ama-m..3111i3166k . . 335512115; 83533 .. 61355155115525.5551 [3515511.155551155 . .1151551515115 5.1" 51311517- W515 5155; 3161161119 'bengeam the 19.611.510.511 as. 511' 155. 555515.555. 1131515115155 5115151555 m'inima'i' 01151511 111_ 53155 5511313135 555' 5355155 A drain-5.5.5 blanket 5155551515 11153551151515 51.155 1515? 511.115 5551. T55 5.1113; 5555555 55555155 was thraugh 111:5: 5.551: arm-5r 111111511 1511351151151 55.55. A 36-: 5511 1555 by 16-45511 15155 (3511115351 W511: 8F 511135155 51-11715 255515511115 Apt?'11 2.01415 535-51151 111.15. 15.55 5155.51.55 3661366561. 1311 911111155115 1 '11 5:55 1 23.75115- 55515581155551155511551 15-11151-5511155:515555156 55m 15' 512011-115 5191.11 as .1115 15555511 15552-1511 11118 15311555555 5115555515 5551'.- 555 '15- 11.1.1151 5151355155 5-55 1355115513,: 55551111555 Th5r5151'5 r5admgs 135155! 5152551 3'6 5551' 5.1.5- 5511515155 This 135155-1115 5555.. .511. 551: .155: r5551r~55 115115 15555 5511515155 T55 15551555 511551 .5 5555151 @15115551315 15111515555355 [51:51. .1351.- 51:5 555115 5555113511: .15 1115 55115151155 51151513151155.1155 5155151151155 551:5 511-5515 55- 5121555 1.5 111.5 1551': 5151-15 5:55 115-15- 191-15 T55 'w5i-r' 551355555 15.- 551-5551511155 15.5 551155.5- 11.515 1.11: 111.5.- 115-5! 55553: 5155 551315551 11215: 15.5. .51 1.11.5 6551.. Whe? 1.55.1- 615515115551'115'5 151511.11 555115-5515 5111515 5555-.513315-131555 ?55.51, 5361-511 155155555 1:115 5511155155 5555111555 51: 155-155 51615 13.17555; T5155 515555255 1315255151515 5551: 1.115 51555115 55115551511th 1:55 5515551155111 5515551151551 5175155115511 13.155531511115115 T115 15551555 remain 55551551555 5551155155 by. 5555155515551 51' 5155151151155 T155. 5515'. 5115151 11-151: the drainage 5.31.5155: :15 1115511551513. 55- 5x55131551 T115 5551- 5.11-5.51 555 1551555 15: 515-555 2131132011 63' 555. 51 19115- 155516551.155515 5515.15 5555' 21115 555.5155 EMF T115. 5115:1551 515'515'1555515515 W515 5155115555 5551. 15515555 by 36 551:1 53555535515. 155151.515 1551551551155 15: 2611.. T555155 .51 11.1.5. 51555515515 5.115 1555155 515115 11-15 55555. I 255' 11155151515115.5115 r555; T5 5515.. 111:5 A1555515515.551115555555 955-1515 5555155151111- 15-1515151511555 can 13.15 251-5115.- 85555 5-5 my 17511-1515 511135- 2614 and. my. 115151- 1555551155 113.5..- 555551 5155115555 51551515 5155-1251 151-. 1-555 5155. 5.2; . of . . 3AM RESERVQER 3N SEER ?ame S33: Creek ?air-2;. :33? {31am .5336 3. A imam-feature was Vigib??e task: thea?am. .a.rrom.' may. be ta wage. wash, {ar- the: race-m: 5637631 {Eise- pzmject; EWR mar; (rev. 1-3395 Sheet. 3 m? 1326?: (reg. I Shae? 231A: we?i maii?ifaf?e??: da?m?ir?eam gape; is 33$. yi'em?a?ai My ?kg: "33 the 3' eff abutment 3 The duwnaiream?smpe am mali mag {he cesrsi?. Si mature; $37.38 sham- 31123.3 23315} Mam-$1353-33 mm magma-seam am {3 939*?1375?63 awa- (may; 1:451:09: Sheet. .53 03? 1Q when. ether resemn: amp-s below the mpg-mach sham-nee! mica away" fmm: a pareviausiy abarzk?: ?fe-d abutment. maid, {:1an mi? This Mature will be Eng-pasted zeft :2 ?2 a: .3: .33. Shb?i?a? tri?fi?ria! hag maved Date afimspectien__ Name-:25? Dam: 533531, Gr??k, I3 STATUES Dam Ne. 3AM. AME RESERVQIR TN GER 2 0mm ?Hm m?kdmm. .2333 gmmquqm?.533? mm . a. $3 tarmanw 355.3 ?mm?m .5 $3 ma?a 33mm $93 M33 32.33% 3am? gm. ?ax. a: mm. 9? muwmgw manna Sm. 333%. 3%.mean mug. Em? .mwmm?mw. mm mm. 334.33.733.33 33 ?g Emma? 3w. m. 3mm. 33. ?mg a: ?rm. 333%?. as mug?. Gram .333. . @337?. m. :23. DMPE Mama m2 mummy. my . . 1. . Em. Emuwmnmo?. MM .. MM, Mam mm?: .3 . 305M Mag. a??mw. .ucMM.Mmm Mam. mama ..M.. 4 ?Es ?zm 5 0mm w?b?cm 5st 33 m6. 03me .93 ?2.9 ?lm? .mmumm $3503334a,, E. ?nmwn?. ma 5% gamma 3 Em 2mm?. .mna?c?m, . m?mgm?. @mmhg?mmv .. @3me 3 a 3 STATE :11: $33. 11111120121111 111111111111 RFQOUPGESAGENC \11 DEPARTMENT :11: WATER RESOURCES 1* Mk? DTWSEQN SAFFW DAM AND 3331961?13313. $31k . . {3161111313}! Bum? .. 11133121111111. Earth _j 'T-yip? 31811111111133:- 91111811813 E11138 Qpen channel ?11881115 T88. 88 II fee: I b33011: Sp?iway 819513118 134 9.8 feet j_ 131111811. 1:11 11111111111111.1111 91111111810 11118111118111.8888 33.313363911 51111118111181.1112 .Qbsawaiianas. <11: 88:89.83. 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