E1111 111 [11 1111111 junta}; - kw 11;.1\ 111331131 E111 ?1?11 E11 REE 5.11.111. {1317 WATER 13171111310111 0F SSAFETY 5811111133 ENSFEQTEQN 13F 131111.111; 131111.131 RESEREVQER 1N (?e-E3311? 1311117111131 11111111101133.3111 Shaver 1.311111311121711 {31am 111111.11141?18' ?Count-y EYES-110- Type 1111111111 (3111111171111111311111111 Type 111 Spii'iny 31111.1"11: 28,3: 1111.11 118.15% 311111111111; (111151111111 2.9.3 111111: 1111350111 1.111111 111111 '1 111111311181"- 61111111110115. 111111113! (55: - 1113.011 11:; 1111119111011 3111111111? 11111 19.311111 111 111111111111 1111:1111} 1.1.1 11111 11111 111111.111 11111111 111? 11121111an 713111111 \xm mu 1. 1111151111111: 1111111111 111111119 1111-11 11111111111111. (?111111111113111 11111111 311111 1111111111 11111111112111011 11111.1 111111111 111%11901101?1 11111 1111110111111111111111 11111 3111111111 11.21111 1111* (11.1111111111111 1,111.11. E1111 {Butiei 5 111111.111 111.1- Sha?ver 111E111 1311-1111113 11.1" 11: 1311111121111. 1111111E was 11.11111 1211115131 during 1.11.13 [1111 1191831111 was 11101111111111 End 11111111111111.1151 by 130E 1111111 The 11111er 1.111111053111311 11511111. The 11111111 11311 been 1111311111111 31111111111111.1111131 111513.11. Cm Thursday. 11111111111111.2018 waive. WEE 11.1113/- 11111111131111 1.111.111 a maximum 1.111311% 11111303- (1111. The-11112111111111 11111111311 111E. 1311111111.}.213113111g for?every 10.0. 11111211111 1111111 A1 11-111 111E111 1.1mm. 1:11 003 111$. 1113. 111111112 was =a1111m111111a11111 95% 1211611.. _Du1~1 111-1111111111 11111111119115. 1. accepted {his as; 11.11! 61111111139 :11 11111 - 11111113. - .3 ?11111112 was .11 1.11 approximately 3 4 8111: 11110 111E. 51111111111111 T1111 111111151111; -Epeared 11:: be 1'11 1111111301on 9011111111111. I 11151311013311 .111 E1 1111 P3111111: 1111-1. 31 N0 0.1.11 1.1111111112121111 111111112011? 11131111 ang?ggak {331621.11 R'Epor?' 4121-1213113 .. I $111131. 11:1 .3. ?1&3 \s ?x 11.33% 111:1 1.. STAT CAL3 A CAT 3A NAT .33 1363:3333 333- 33333333 333333333 0.34 33333333 3-333 AESDURG as 33: 333333333 33:: 3333335333 333: 3333333333;- ETE {3333333333. MEGA 38. T5333. 03 ?33333333333333 0333333333313" spi!!waymesta3353 33363- Name 323'?- 3333333 Sham: 3.3233033. {3333335 5_ 731333333 333' 333333- {333333-333- Waier is 28.53 Tera-t 333233333333 33239.3 AA Ex 3333 SEATTETEE ETATHE {303333333 333353333333 3233333": 33363333. 33333333333333 33212332333333c33-353 ?lDUdy 83363 3333333 {33.33" E) . 33233333333333 333333132 3333333333333. 8233333333 3333333 83333333333333 @33333333353 353335-3333 {33:37:35.} 33.333333333333313 33353333633033 33833323333333": 3333313333333333'3 5353533555 313-333-33AF3333333333. 333.3633335333333 33333333333 The. ?3 Aer-33333333: 33333-333333?- 3333333 3333.33.33 33333 33333333333333 333.3333 33333333333333 333335333. 3.3333333333339333 $333333 3333 33330333333 33333333333333333 33333 333.333.3333 333-33 3:333:33 33333333333333: 33333.3 the; amav?enamw are 33333 33333333333333 33-33%. {33333333333333.3333 333333 {3.333333333333333 Q3333. upstream Carp; Timer. 9x93983333 condi'iian. The. 3 with 333:3 33.333333233333333 363-3333533333 been 33383333333333 3.3): This 3333:3333. the: 36333 6333323 6333338. dam appr?axis?m 3333333.?! Sg??wa?ag- 933339339333 33333333333333 331333333333 satisfac?taw 32633333333333. 13383138333333 by P33933333. taken? 333$ 3?35 55 3-35" $333333 (.33 3.3333335330333333 <33: 3'03- 0133333633.? 83:33:33: 3533333 3.13 Reaper: (Reg. 10,333). 33333333 33336333333 333.3 33.3-33.3; Gy?iad 633333333 33333 33.333313 33333933333033. 3363.33.32} 3333363 The 330335333333 9 3333333.}! 32133333 appeaWd 3.33 33.333333933333333: 33333333333033 T3333 {333333 was 3333333 33333533333323 333333 333333.333 The-3333333 33333333333333 33343323333333 3333333 333-3 33363 3.333333333333333 side 3:33 3.32333. 6333333 33333333333333)? to ha 333 33333336333333 33333333333933. There 33.33333 333333333335. of 333% 6.3333333333363333 edge-0333163 3233333 333233 had Gia?ked and smiled 33-133 3333. pan: 3.333333% whee-duke! 3333333333} 3333233333. The 33333333333. pa?mn 333? {has upstraam dam 33333333 333333 53333339 aurface spaii'ing 3:333 33-33333-3333333: 333 Mac-.3333 333333 3.3-3 The freemdhaw 33333331333333.3333 3.333333133126333? .3333 the dam. T338333 were: 3333. Sig?s 03 3333 the dawn-stream. Tam-3 333.333 3.33 33333 The 333.33.33.36 3333333333"; {33 333% 3333333 an the upstream 33.3333 appears 3.0. be 333 gaiizeries Were 3333333333533 333333 33333333713333 3.333 333 33533353323033! ate-33333333333. The. 3333336333333333 in 3.3333 33333333373338 333 be. dragiica?y different than 335303933333.- geemambrane 33333-33? 33353233333333.33. 33333333: 33333332333333 33333-53 69333333633633: dry and 333 the 3.3.3 past seepaga 3333333333333 dry 5 3333:? is in 3336: 33332363333 3333? 33363333333; 3333-2 press-3.3333: 3333333333 3333333333 33333 33333.3- 33333333333g 3.333333ly 333333.333 33.333333233ng 333333333 that "333.3333: 3.333%.33. 33.. 33333339333333?: date 3.3333 333.33. There 33:33:33.:- 33333 33333336339333. 33.333. ve?'etatian {333 3:33" near 33.333 right 33333333373333! and 3333333; 333333 333333333333. 3333333333333 3333333333.. The 33-23333 333:3 sight 933333. agpeared 3333333333 and 33-3333 330 333333-3339 386333333333 3:33 333033-3033. N33 33333333333033 3133' 33333: 33.33333 was 333333393335 33 333333333313 03 the 33733333333333.33. (3333 3333.3 383.3 33323333333333. 33323333- 333 a 33331333333333.333353 333'?: earth 3333.3; 31333331339333 ?30333 33333333333333.3353 0333 "33333333 The 3:33.339. 3333;388:733 to be: .333 33333533333333.3333 32333333333033 . with 33c? signs 33:3? 3333 wen? 33333363333 $333333 3333.3 338553 3.0 .3333 The sp??way 3:333335333 333 3? 33913233 33333738. 333333333333 parapet 333323.33 033331.63 3.331351333323333. $3333 333-33333 33333323 3333:3363} in the meme-3' 33? The dam. The: spit-{way was. dear 3:33 any csbjacti-D-n-ame (2.333333%; The. E. A. WHAT A 91' ?3 5323335 17. .-, . . 3-3 . Sheet '3 of 6' INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR lN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Shaver Lake Dam Dam No. 104-18 Date of inspection 9/15/2015 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Instr. The low level outlet for Shaver Dam consists ofa valve was not cycled during this inspection due to severe drought conditions. Mr. Safavl stated that they are working through turbidity issues that have arisen in the past by fully cycling th valve. Mr. Safavi will notify DSOD regarding the plan to fully cycle the_ valve. The vaive needs to be fully cycled during the next inspection (last operated in DSOD presence in 2011). There was a release of approximately 5.7 into the streambed. The housing appeared to be in satisfactory condition. Most seepage has stopped aside from very minor seepage from the Carpi liner drainage ports and some minor foundation seepage that is measured as it daylights near the outlet structure. No seepage was observed on the face of the dam. During the inspection, the North Liner Drain was measured at 006 gpm, the Middle Liner Drain was measured at 026 gpm, and the South Liner Drain was measured at 0.05 gpm. These volumes are considered to be minimal and not of concern. . The instrumentation for this dam consist of 7 survey monuments, 6 seepage weirs, 6 seepage points, 29 piezometers, and selected testing of the 141 foundation drain holes with a pressure gauge (packer). The latest instrumentation submittal was submitted on May 21, 2015 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2014 calendar year. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that Contains the long term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inepection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Survey Monuments: The movement from the survey of the seven crest monuments show very minor movements and were less than th-threshold level. The trend of most of the monuments shows slight movement upstream due to the lowering of the reservoir. The next survey is scheduled for 2015. Seepage Measurements: The instrumentation report provided seepage plots from 2005 through 2014. Weir 9+3? peak reading of 17.7 exceeded the interim threshold levels of 13 gm for the reporting period. There has been no set trend identified at this point. Peak seepage values were less than one half of the 2011 peak readings. LP-2 through did not exceed threshold levels. The peak readings for Weir 10+40 of 15.5 exceeded the interim threshold value of 4 gpm. This large exceedence is due to backwatering if the drain is plugged showing providing a seepage value far greater than actual leakage being monitored. The need for drain line cleaning has been identified and SCE has scheduled the work. The peak readings from the seepage weirs are in the following table: Sheet 2 of 6 OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Shaver Lake Dam Dam No, 104?18 Date of inspection 9/15/2015 Observations and Comments 2014 Peak Interim Threshold Interim Action Weir Reading (gpm) Value (gpm) Vaiue (gpm) 9+3? 17.7 13.0 NA 10-5-40 15.5 4.0 NA LP-2 0.03 2.0 NA 0.4 4.0 NA LP-4 0.0 0.5 NA LPThe 2014 peak readings for the North, Central, and South Liner Drains were 0.7, 3.7, and 2.5 respectively. The South Liner Drain exceeded the current interim threshold level by 0.5 gpm. There is no evidence of any liner performance issues and no set trend has been identified. Interim threshold values are to be reevaluated in 2016. PiezometerlUplift Pressure Measurement: The piezometer instrumentation data and plots were included in the latest data report. Piezometers 5+89, 6+92, 7+12, 11+22, 11+44, and show response to reservoir elevation. Piezometers 4+20, 10+500, 11+92, and 12+11 show a variable response with respect to iarge reservoir drawdown. Piezometers 7+43, 7+500, 7+79,, 8+30, 9+30, 10+46, and 13+49 show variations between readings but do not respond to reservoir elevation. All the piezometers except and show hydrostatic pressure below the action level. SCE performed a stability analysis on block 21 at the iocation of piezometers and SCE has determined that there'is no concern for uplift pressures measured. The instrumentation data provided indicates that the dam is performing in a satisfactory manner. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR1261(rev.10109) Sheet 3 of 6 Egg; wmg?mm 3.5% I 2&de ?093 .mummdm? @de Zn. 4 ma?a mummw Q. Ewmw??s. mama m? A. 2 22/ .15%:me 3%me ?mm 6.2 ma?am? "mm ma?a. .3 man my? mma?mgwagm .42" 22' . 2; . rye? 9.45 . . .- 2 322% 2 .227. . .. $39.5 $.0ng E. m5 goinmwam? New. gm. Ema 3mm ma mm 3.2% 4mm; .EBS AM. mz?w?i?z 3% gm 33%me md??m zmam 9h 5% mm?; 33 Hangman m3)Iz/r/e . . ?U/?/H/uxxV/Myy . .. .. UEEQ Mm.? 9mg. ??95me mjm? . .3, .. Name cf'Dam 333331.333 Dam- 251 (re-3V, 131-335} <5 ?40 '1 ?yarn-rife . I. I I F?h?otm {3333? 3333333333 19-3.in! Nb; 133.13 33333333333 the 33333333373 fat-:3 cf?ihe 33m. :r ?j 5 Hz}. ?47 .. 3353393 13' QHQN 4 3. 3- 3.35 33 33 333333333 33 3333333 3 3333 41113-113 RE 13133.1 1 131311113 E11-E1E REED-1 4114114 NATURAL REE RURRER P11911311 11111114111111.11 {3111131651 {31.3 ?3.15 1:11.: 131111111 ETETEE 1414113141. 4111344144 1.11.1111 12.113113 . 131-4111114111. 1114111413 13111111111 1.31111113311- 71111341411RR111 ?11111-11111'811111112411 Water 143 111413 ERERW 33111111112311 11181311111111 2.6.13 14111.1 ERERW- 4111:4133 13141431.. 311111111 R1141 . . 1:111:11141431311111141'41 381131111J41?11117113?311g 41ng I Reason 1'1-11 11314110031013 c31:31 111111111 M'Rmib?aa 11111 111131351131 1.11111 4411131141 1313 131-11313 11311113111111.4111 13413-111 1314:1111 11-141- R1311 11311211111111, R131 1R1 $117111 $111133 1131113111 131431113 111R 43111313141113 11113311111 (111111 R111) IR11RC1. 111' 11411131111113.1111. erRRt- ERR R1311 (3131311111013. The- ERR-1.1111113 Ram 1411 5011311: 11111311113111 1111113111 R1111 1111.11- 4311 the. 11R1111. There were The . . . . .. 134311.42111111'1314'11311'13' 13131311111111 113-1313 RR1R1R the 1113431 (3111111113 113111 14.11.3111 131 131.3321; 13111314311313 41111 1 13/1111 1111- .111 5 The-.1411 111RR 13R 31111143114111111131111 411mm 11113111 RIRR1R3RR1R ERR-11R. The 1411-11 R1111 rig-1'11 1111411 3141311111113111 111 11R 11?? 1111112113113 WEE :31 113R. 11115111133311.1134 1213311411 111 13. (111111 1111311111 .113 R13 11111111. 11 RR11R1R1R-RR1R 31114111111111.1311 111111111131 . 11-311 R1311 131111-13 T1111 1111111 1'33 11111113 11111151131311.2111 314111-13 11-0131ng 111311414113- 111111113311111111. . "1114.1 1511111111111 4111' 11- 1141111111: in 31111 41.423111111111411 1311113'114111 1141111 4:113 311R '31ng i C1RR1 113 111R R1 11313 51111133 ?1:131: 11131111415311 1111.15 111RR1 12111111311 0131131133111 (1111:1113 T133131 11441414144111 E. 13. 113111111 \1 4 1311114113? ERR N41 Date-11111351313131.1111: SEEIQQM (313' 1131f 011151185] 8091*. I {3511'le Rapa? 91319121314 I 13111111121111.1111.1111119? 11-1" ENSPECTEON OF DAM AND RESERVQIR lN STATUS Name of Dam Shaver Lake Dam Dam No. 104-481 Date of Inspection 8/ 26/ 20 1 4 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Instr. The low level outlet for Shaver Dam consists of a valve was not fully cycled during this inspection but cracked instead, showing it works. This exception to crack the valve and not do a full cycling of the valve is due to the extreme drought and low water years. The_ valve needs to be fully cycled during the next inspection (iast operated in DSOD presence in 2011). There was a release of approximately 6.5 into the streambed. The housing appeared to be in satisfactory condition. Most seepage has stopped aside from very minor seepage from the Carpi liner drainage ports and some minor foundation seepage that is measured as it daylights near the outlet structure. No seepage was observed on the face of the dam. During the inspection, the total seepage amount from the South, Center, and North Liner Drains was not measured during this inspection but appeared to be similar to the inspection in 2013. This volume is considered to be minimal and not of concern. The instrumentation for this darn consist of 7 survey monuments, 6 seepage weirs, 6 seepage points, 29 piezometers, and selected testing of the 141 foundation drain holes with a pressure gauge (packer). The latest instrumentation submittal was submitted on April 10, 2014 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2013 calendar year. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that contains the long term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. Ali observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Survey Monuments: The movement from the survey of the seven crest monuments show very minor movements and were less than the?threshold level. The trend of most of the monuments shows slight movement upstream due to the lowering of the reservoir. The next survey is scheduled for 2015. Seepage Measurements: The instrumentation report provided seepage plots from 2004 through 2013. Weir 9+37 exceeded the interim threshold levels for the reporting period. SCE believes that more data is required to aid in identifying any new trends since the geomembrane liner was installed. Seepage values were still well below 2011 readings. through LP-6 did not exceed threshold levels. The peak readings from the seepage weirs are in the following table: 2013 Peak Interim Threshold Interim Action Weir Reading (gpm) Value (gpm) Value (gpm) 9+37 20.1 13.0 NA 10+40 2.8 4.0 NA LPHZ 0.6 2.0 NA LP-3 1.3 4.0 NA LPLP-6 3.5 2.5 NA Sheet 2 of 5 ERR RREERTEE ERR ETRWREE {Rama {Ram Shaver {Ram REG, 9f ERIESKRQER ERR-RR REFEREE: NEVER, and were RR, 8.6! 53pm The REE-ERR Em WERE 28%. REFER Exams . . 52-031.. ERR-3 Ems?; Ra?-a rep-am PER-Ezm?aiem 5&9, TREE, '3 REE-E REE-RR, 23m: sham REVERE-REE RGRSOE, R588. and, Sh?w a respect Ea-rge EEasa-nmir ERRERGER, ERREEOE, RERQBGE be?wan REBCREERQE REE.) RIO- ?(Ease pEa-mma?tem Except REE-59A and ERR-R5085 hydra-3mm pressure- beimw the ascEE-m Eaves. SSE pa-rfanmeci a arEaEyRE-s an Ezsiack 21 0E piemma?em? and SCE- E'Eas. Es. Em? press?ums The previdad EhaE {has dam- is p-arformmg REE a RaEE-Rfa?m?y REE-amen No E3 judged mcessafy' at. this: (- mas-1 Eye-Er. 16-3119} Shae?: 3 mw?i' {ram "i {1389Name 32'- Diam Shamr Lame ?133 {kin! Man- 10 \1 RN Qx if} mk?xc \?ix?C-s 5.. Da?wNo #5333928:le mam. E's" mma @122 mg yo.? ?1 ?3 ?i '33 Shae: 1:3 mm L-msesiafgg? $32 $523 d?ow'??i'r'?ar??zce a? tagd?m?iagae?rsi mm; 4. Wat-a :2 making at an area {11$ mate-rem ?sh the dzawmtraam face- ?f'i'ha dash is; deiaminaiing. 0% 51% QR Namenf Dam Sam . Ram No, '3 $35918- 0329. 01? h?zSpec?an $33,438? 5:55? mm at m, mm Ems}: {m mm. 1.231 mm; 5 sf 5. -- 13.111111111111111 1x11111111 13111.1FSRN1A 11111111111111. RESOURCES 111% $111 1% 11m 1%111 SAFETY QT: TEAMS TILT-E EATS TN ESTATE-E1 . 111311111 111133.111 3111111111 1.1111111. {Jam Sam NS, 1134 1161 11151111131 Type 111" Dam 13.111111111- _TyIpSof'Sp11wSy . . . . . . I 2139 I 31131111111911.111111113 23 '9 31111.11: 1331111 crest. Lev-11111111113 31.111111" 311111111111 (1?13" 80111111311111.1111'9 SESSISS V1311 {31111111311111 {13111111331 13111111111, S1111 1111'1'11 SSE 11111111111111 1111;111:1011 11111111?.an 111111111111 13111111111111.1111'1311111 11111111: ESTES. 111S 1.111111 1111111111, S1S 3111111111111 SSTS 11:11 BS1111 The g'1'SVT1y'dS-m appearad 311 13131111113011. The WSS WSTE Si'ignScI?T and .ESVSE- T1113 3-f111'1'1111'gh 13131111111113 131111111111 11111. 11 13111111111133111133111 1.1113 SIS S1 111 SS. 111111111111111. The Visit-11S 1111111112111 1111? SS 12111111 1S SS111 1171.11. T1111 ST TESS .d-Sm' 1S. Sh?wmg 511111113- 11131113111318 111111111 311:1 111311112151 Sf SshSichtS. The TS 1111 .111. 1111119111 11111 111111 1:111. 11111 1111111171. SiSjiS 1'11) Signs- 1:11" 011 (3111191111 11113 611211111 Timer. 111131111111 01.11112- S11 1th upstream 11:11:11 SS 111 111111111111111. 111111 111111111- SS 111: T1113 1h 1S: 1111 1111111 SSTS1S 1.1111: 1.111111 11131S11S11S11 111111111111 1111113-1111111111111111; S111 S1111 1111 111.11 11111111111311 111131131: apps-SS S1111 1.1111": 111.1 1'11:- 11112151 1111 S11 111 near S'iThSr abutment S1111 . 1111111111. T1111 1111111111111 11113111111 1113' 1111111111: S1 N11 11111311111111 131' 1111111111113 1111-1111-1111 1.111111311111111 OT 111211 1311 117112111. S. 1111111: 1111111111; 1211-11111 111.! 1111111 1:1 11111113111111 11.121111 11.111111111111111. 11111 1111111 .1111: TSTT 01'1th 111-1111 Spprux'TmS1S11- T1111 dikes 11:1 SS T11 11111111 1113 Sig-1111 Sf 111? 11111111111111}: The 1311115111155 1'11 11 1111311113111 Side Sf The: 1'11 11111 11131-11111 11'? 1111111. TSS Spiilway WSSI 1211' S1111 S131S1111S11SS1S T171111 11111111111111): 111 1111111 1111119131111111 111111111111111 f. imparted by .A WUETT 111111111? YES 3T NO 133111. Sf En'spectin'n 16152913 I 1.113.111: 311103: I Date STIR-11131111 II 21"? 9/231 3 111111112611111111. 1011:1111. Sheet "1 1:11- 5 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVGIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Shaver Lake Dam Dam No. 104-18 Date of Inspection 9/16/2013 Observations and Comments Outiet Seegage Instr. The low levei outlet for Shaver Dam consists of a valve was not cycled during this inspection but needs to be fully cycled during the next inspection (last operated in DSOD in 2011). There was a release of approximately 125-128 into the streambed. The housing appeared to be in satisfactory condition. All seepage has stopped aside from very minor seepage from the Carpi liner drainage ports. No seepage was observed on the face of the dam. During the inspection, the total seepage amount from the South, Center, and North Liner Drains was 8.23 gpm, which is considered to be minimal and not of concern. - The instrumentation for this darn consist of 7 survey monuments, 6 seepage weirs, 6 seepage points, 29 piezometers, and selected testing of the 141 foundation drain holes with a pressure gauge (packer). The latest instrumentation submittal was submitted on April 26, 2013 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2012 calendar year. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that contains the long term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Survey Monuments: The movement from the survey of the seven crest monuments show very minor movements and were less than th-threshoid level. The trend of most of the monuments shows slight movement upstream due to the lowering of the reservoir. The next survey is scheduled for 2015. Seepage Measurements: The instrumentation report provided seepage plots from 2003 through 2012. through did not exceed threshold levels. LP-1 is the only leakage point that does not respond to reservoir level. measured leakage even though the reservoir was completely drained during the installation of the Carpi Liner. SCE plans to discontinue reading in 2013. The peak readings from the seepage weirs are in the following table: 2012 Peak Interim Threshoid Weir Reading (gpm) Value (gpm) 9+37 11.55 13.0 10+40 3.02 4.0 5.51 1.60 2.0 LP-3 3.39 4.0 0.00 0.5 LP-5 0.95 1.5 LP-6 1.92 2.5 The differences from the values measured during the inspection and the values that had been recorded in the instrumentation report were drastically different due to the installation of the Carpi liner. The installation of the Carpi liner has reduced the peak seepage through the dam by Sheet 2 of 5 5:55? 31.5.5515) 5N 555555.555 53333333 333?: ?35333 5353533353 5.355.535 5333333 5235333 339? 3; 3.333.133 5233533 (35.533533555533333 . 2-552013 53535533355533.3353 53335 33533333553353: 53333333333335353553533 KEN. Th? 2852. 5355333 3? 35351555352353 5333 553.55 53553-3553 {3533353335 3-33. 3.5 555333.355?: 5.3.3353 533533335 353153353- 53553. 5.36), 533335 3:25 3335333: 35533535533353}: 5?555353355?553?555335?5?55 555535533335 '53?55335333?53?3353335: T5353 3:355: 3:53 33353-5: 533? 3335533333353 33553-533333 5333-55 333333335353: 3335335: 5333353333535 333 5535 555353.335. 332535 335333-335. ?35253333533335 5555-2, 55 3?22. 555.2 ?5 5522 5555:. 5333325 . 3:55 5353535333:- 535333: 3335333533355 53: 3533533532333 3335335533333. 55333233333553.5355 55528 555+.5? 35353 5323-5555335. 535535555. ?1 55-92. 533355 325-555 553333333 33; 3335337355355 335. 5333:3355: 3333533 3535335 35 53:3 35:33:35 355533333333 35333333333533.3333 553523333355535 ?355353, ?5?3-5?3-312333 3533353 2-3-5051) ?3:35.55. 55-3-55 53:3?: 3.2 3353 533-3053 53+ 6535;: 953-53535}, 5555-53?) 33:35:56 53333 33+55). 5353333333 3353335333335 535 ~533353533 355333333333: 53335 533:: 3355 3535333333355 533 3535533335333 5355335533333. 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T1129 1219111 99911991129919 131919 11929 999999.92 11919999121111.5921 99993999 1-9 99121919919121 19 b9 1129121221 1.1129- 99191991121 111119199 911-199 1-119- 919992912912-9999999 11919 99 9119.9199991921129919.19k9 199E 211129 99992999 911:1 9912999129999 91.2 91:99 911211.19- 12119 1999 19999112921119.1121.1921211219 13-9991 11991-2 19919119119121: 1:21.121 1121-9, 1911 99919219121221.9199 192 92. 911.99 1111121191121 .19 :99 29292121211 11.121 92111129 9911912919 9912999999199 9912112991 1119 1911912111 291 11.39 121912121 991319x1m9191_ T119 9111(29 9913991919b919.991191991911111 999911199 2911111 99 919-119 910119112999 9129999911192 19999919291392 911919999992? 199> 99 9919.92 21999991911 8191.20.12. 92919: 091121911 B991: 9919 91 99999 31211121211 '2 91919 1.991 {19992191993 9.11991: wsnecrion AND nessnvoin IN CERTI. .ao STATUS Name of Dam Shaver Lake Dam Dam No. 104-18 Date of Inspection 8/6/2012 Observations and Comments Spillway Seepage Instr. The spiliway consists of a-notch in the concrete parapet wall on the upstream side of the crest located in the center of the dam. The spiilway was clear of any objectionable debris. The concrete appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The tow level outlet for Shaver Darn consists of alve was not cycled during this inspection due to conflicts with power generation and because it is a low water year. There was a small fish release of unknown amount into the streambed. The housin_ was being repaired and so the _house was not inSpected. Inside the galleries, collection pipes were used to drain the upward vertical drains to direct the flows into the drainage troughs on the side of the adit. AII seepage has stopped aside from very minor seepage from the Carpi liner drainage ports. No seepage was observed on the face of the dam. During the inspection, the seepage values were as follows: Seepage Point Flow (gpm) 0.5 LP-2 Dry Dry LP-4 Dry Dry LP-6 Dry South Liner Drain 0.71 North Liner Drain 0.22 LP-1 is the highest seepage point and is does not respond to reservoir elevation and the flow is from the adjacent hillside. This seepage measurement is scheduled to be discontinued in 2013 since it does not measure flow from Shaver Lake Dam. The instrumentation for this dam consist of 7' survey monuments, 6 seepage weirs, 6 seepage points, 29 piezometers, and selected testing of the 141 foundation drain holes with a pressure gauge (packer). The iatest instrumentation submittal was submitted on May 11, 2012 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2011 calendar year. The owner (SCE) submitted an abbreviated report that contains the tong term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Survey Monuments: The movement from the survey of the seven crest monuments show very minor movements and were less than the?threshold Ievei. The trend of most of the monuments shows slight movement upstream due to the lowering of the reservoir. The next survey is scheduled for 2015. Seepage Measurements: The instrumentation report provided seepage plots from 2002 through Sheet 2 of 7 L. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTL .ED STATUS Name of Dam Shaver Lake Dam Darn No. 104?18 Date of inspection 8/6/2012 Observations and Comments 2011. The leakage points and LP-6 exceeded theirthreshold levels by 0.46 and 0.77 respectively. increased seepage later in the year was attributed to a second consecutive year of above average snow pack. through did not exceed threshold levels. The peak readings from the seepage weirs are in the following table: 2011 Peak Threshold Weir Reading (gpm) Value (gpm) 9+37 65 70 10+40 10.76 10 5.22 8 LP-2 2.33 3 LP-3 8 9 LP-4 0.85 1 3.46 3 LP-6 4.77 The differences from the values measured during the inspection and the values that had been recorded in the instrumentation report were drastically different due to the installation of the Carpi liner as well as the lack of precipitation in early 2012. PiezometerlUplift Pressure Measurement: The piezometer instrumentation data and plots were included in the latest data report. They include piezometers in four sections of the dam where there are foundation drains; Sta. 4+00, Sta. 5+00, Sta. 10+00, and Sta. 12+04. The readings will be recorded and threshold levels set in 2013 to monitor the uplift pressures. All piezometer data, measured pressures below the uplift pressures assumed in SCE analysis. The instrumentation data provided indicates that the dam is performing in a satisfactory manner. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 0f 7 r2. a?wm, m4 ?mm m??mjmw 53m EB @3an Ma?a 3mg 33 29, mm ELM GEE 0233952. .. . W, fur/?, xx?f W77 .v Egg maria Su?sm mama 3m 3% 33$ 43% . .34.. r? W?g my? 0??wa haw miw?wdm 23m $33 mym?w Mama. . $3 75.. 432$ mam. aw Savages m??owm .. m??v?r .. Vm?yi? an}? . xx. 47/. f/ w? I. la/I/ . x?/V xx My .. A. .53c?wmm,? may 5% mama? a . QAM EN 3. Name S?awf?i? Lake 333%?; Dam N13. ?84.44 .8. Eat-e Bf Ina-peciibn ?32: $9th 5 - kain iiamrdM-aift abutment at he left min- and dam face. 1263?; {new 1' ANQ Nam?gf'aam L?k?i Bea-m QamNm, 153%??ij Data QWH ?825-? {real 10,321?) Sheet 1 31%