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"1'00 .9010 01010 00000100 00011 1001' 00011000010 12300011100. T110 101;: 0000': 100.010 01:000. 17110000100011. 00:11:01. and 0:1110110:100101111000011101}: 00001010 0.000 00-10101: 0011110023: 10111.0 101': 0125111110001: 0000011063 0011011001013: 0011011101: With 001'020100001000109 and 10100: 00000001000100 11101111100 00100000111100.1110 0'000111011001'000100 101110 00010013: 0011110031 00010001: 01:01 000111-10 121-010 0:010:13 11:0 0100:0110. 1000001010 W010 0010:0100 1110;100:101: by 1111:1021 13110100101100? 1'88 1?1' Nix?H 13010 01? 1000001100 ?11122121118 1.11; 0.1: 1211011011800k 130:0 of- 11000:: 1? 1' 1711.201 1? 0111:0120: 11:11:11. 11:11:10: . 0:10.11: ?1 01 {33? mm ?aNi} EN Mama 9f ma.z-n-_ (mat: {33m- ~31 Date of :iinspectmn Til ?nite" - We mamas-ted the; iawer The mam- pmims ou??et mwer appeared is?; satigfamory sandman remap-f. the ma? armature. walked h??m Gr: {ht-3' rem? underside sate-r: is aixhibi?: mama-ti rem-g; Prsvimiy- ?dan?? "fj Ir= .uiies madam unmarete Saw-Em imam the :rmf have pa?tchad but mm have appeared. The QWf?a?i? rem-rm iijhai 'ihe camm?e dei?rim?aisim?i m? '5 {ha wast?Eat mwer {ca-mt ES: being; assmw? by their can-sui?tja-n?c- pair: :33? a $33633me ihai ihgy are timing fer the The: vaive is. the: earn?zrgemy far th? :?Eaa'rwir. The impair?m?eperaiimn {if time magmas mn?ned space. sentry ciaara?nce This waives ap?paamd in gaac? cn?ditimn. it wa? fail}; ?yc-l?ci daring thi-g inapea?en Waugh 3 did an?; Wines-s it, the 3mm? rem-?rm 'ihe tqwerwinci? was indgpaman?y mpemtm am this imageg?m day. pre?mms??y mammal. f9? DES-GEE) an 836mg. 53 The. dam face-e grains, anti we. were dry. mi; The i?stmmenta?m at {skis dam curre??y can-Sims {if 2- ares?i sag-way monuments (harimn?at and var?cai mavemem-?L and 8 mint-mm-e?e-r mack readi?gs (wartime? and; diagmai) takan at three-2s differem. fanta?ens, arm sieve-paws is manitmed. The ma?t' cmren-t insatrumanta'ticn data was gar-?muf?ed in an annua? report mceiived in Octnbar 23%. Bath the aas? and wast manumeni 9501?s indica?e the} dam has mt defiec?tad in the past 40 yea-m. Mic-:mmeier mea?surementg of cracks; in the. dam are ma??tared using pins; in eiihar- Side the era-aka The ma?itore?d masks an? an the right and ?631: side of the: east and an the. right? side {31? the west, Edi": The crack manimring {913mg Shaw {he crack: mam-res ?uctuate. wiih s-ea?sengai . tammramre and remain Stan-Xe. Seegaga was vagaries! as a tri?kie. and neat measu-rabla in {ha 2:21-16 ?scal year. as: readings were fepa?ed as 'fQ?iiswing trends. i annfirm fin-a? the data is within narmai anti} hisiaricai {Emits and the dam 'iis= pe?armi?ng wa?. "Tha in-simmemta?m at this dam is? pa?crmi?ng s?a?isfacto?iy and is adequate far-miss. dam. mm: {2&1 {feat 1:33:53} Shea, .2 OF RESEIEUFEE: DEPARTMENT WINTER {333333331 .Q-F .SEEFEW KEANE: EN NNEZE EN E333: Swag-3 {Nam-3r E23333) E33323: No. SN 333:3 Wm 3:53. 33:33:33: 333333 3:333:3333- mary {33:33 {33:33:31 Overpeus 3E Egg-E. E13333 WEE-E: (Ea-ream: 43:32.: E3- 3 E333: ERNEGW 33:33: 213."? E933: bai?w (33:3: creszt, Sm N3 33? gauge @3333, gauga r: 33333-333: Nag: CM 33:33:: GEE 233:3, 3:333:33 3333:?: Emma ?Tin: the {tit-3 E3:r ?12:31:! 53.23:: BENQE: 3:333:333303-2 E3333: 3333333333333: E33 EE- "E?he mm? the EEG-?ere?ce E0333: E3353 Neie?ara?'ngs EzEEncmie and axpased 373%: in I3 number 333? Emafigna, 323:3. 5 and 8. the: fha E3033 3333 EE: detem'si?e- Ehe axteni Ehe: ?amage. ramEfE caniain?Eng 3 Summary- GE the. den'g-E: :sheuici be sumeEt-SEE E0 3 33:33: and 3533331522330 3333333.. 3 Eran-33313:? aimg the :03: the waE?Ess. and 3? E3933 exit E3333 and E3. 33:333. vi?suaiiy 3eg3i33?az3 and 3333; 3:33-3:33 vegetatian ?$33.3 w?EEh'Em 1:3? E332 3f {33:33:83.3 Nmatures Ed be 39333033333 33 maven: damagg and 353 30:33:63 I: NEWS. 3 TEE-E3 amt? E3- naeded :33 the Eight 1.333333333333333 abIEEmeht; 333E: 9.. dense 33mm: abscuEEnsg vegzaia?m: Of @333 dam E3: {arm-ENE: 3:33? 3EE3333. 3 E33 the schadaied- E: E33 'E?Eiiarch which EC: gaEed (3:33:54: 3:333:33 333:3 3333:33an ngEE pipe, 333:: 393;:mve3ci E33: E3: 2.015. ENE: {3339;330:3333 Eepertemf E0 E333 Nehedu?lad E3 5333-333: 8333:3321: E333 33:33:33 Ens-3333:? and 3?er ENE-3 nfermatmn the ti; 53:33. 33333333? and 3E3 E333 E3EE 333:3- 33:33:" projEEQE. ENE: Marsh 2:339 appEEca?Eim. 33:32:: '33::3333333333 313:3?? The: (3:333: {33? that?: ?33.33: $3.3 E33333: ENNE the surface 33?? the dam GEN-SE remain-3 E33 T3333- dawnsiraam face of 3:23:33 was NEE-miss? 333 9:33:33 W3 aEEnspE-Ec?m: ?awmb?r 1 BEE-E E13: Cup-3 for {3333333 FEM Data R3303- E1, 233%: I. x; I E33339: 32333 {New 33:33:39} $33333. .3 1111 E3, Name of Dam INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR lN CERTIFIED STATUS Savage (Lower Otay) Dam No. 8-4 Date of Inspection December 1, 2015 Observations and Comments Dam (cont?d) Spillway Outlet examined from the crest and from each abutment; the concrete appears aged but is in satisfactory condition. The dam?- was ventilated prior to the inspection; we examined the entire length of th- and found it to be properly aligned and in satisfactory condition with no signs of instability or distress. The upstream face of the dam was inspected by boat; the concrete comprising the visible portion of the upstream face also remains in an acceptable condition. There are a number of locations on the upstream face of the dam where spalled concrete and exposed rebar is present, the current extent of the damage is considered minor but will need to be repaired soon to keep it from progressing. Mr. Grima reported that repairs to the damaged sections of concrete would be made aspart of the upcoming spillway modification project. No signs of instability were observed at the abutment contacts or at the toe; alt of which appeared normal and stable. The dam has two spillways: a gated overpour section on the dam serves as the primary spillway and a gated ogee weir with a concrete-?ned channel at the left abutment serves as the auxiliary. The concrete at the overpour section appeared aged but remains in satisfactory and serviceable condition. The concrete in the auxiliary spillway is also in satisfactory and serviceable condition with no significant or detrimentai cracking observed; the channel walls were well?aligned and plumb. The 18 gates in the overpour section and the 16 gates in the auxiliary spillway were all operated and serviced six months prior to this inspection, in June 2015; no difficulties were reported. The approach area, control section, and exit for both spillways were unobstructed and clear of debris. Vegetation removal is needed at the end of the auxiliary spillway channel and along the top of both watts of the channel. Dense and/or visually obscuring vegetation within 5- feet and woody vegetation and any trees withir_ of concrete structures should be removed to prevent damage and to provide for unobstructed views. The outlet tower has seven valves; the lowest two saucers are below the silt level in the reservoir and are therefore not operable. The tower discharges through a conduit that has a valve ncy blow?off at the We accessed the outlet tower and inspected the tower, winch, chains, and mechanicai components of the saucer valve system, all of which appeared in satisfactory condition. The roof of the concrete outlet tower has deteriorating concrete and exposed rebar in a number of locations, see Photos 5 and 6. I requested the owner evaluate the condition of the concrete to determine the extent of the damage. A report containing a summary of the findings should be submitted to DSOD with a plan and schedule to complete the repairs. None of the outlet components were operated during this inspection. The outiet components were last independently operated and serviced by the owner six months prior to this inspection, in June 2015 with no difficulties reported. The DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 8 INSPECTION Gr DAM AND RESERVOIR lN STATUS Name of Dam Savage (Lower Otay) Darn No. 8-4 Date of Inspection December 1, 2015 Observations and Comments Outlet valve was fully cycled in DSOD's presence in January 2013; the valve will need to be fully operated during next regularly scheduled inspection. The Seepage There were no abnormal signs of seepage observed on the face of the dam, in the abutment contacts, or along the toe of the darn. A small area near the center of the dam on the face was damp from leakage at a construction joint; the elevation of the construction joint was very close to the water surface elevation in the reservoir. Staining on the face of the dam and information included in previous inspection reports confirm that leakage at this location is not uncommon when the water level in the reservoir reaches the elevation that it was on this day. The leakage weir at the toe was flowing at a constant but very slow trickle, which is consistent with historical patterns._ instrumentation for this dam consists of 3 sets of micrometer pins, 2 survey monuments, and a entation leakage monitoring station. The most recent submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in December of 2015, in a report dated November 20, 2015. The monitoring period for the data included with this report is from July 2014 through June 2015. Crack Monitoring The micrometer pins in the east and west adits are measured to monitor crack movements. The movements recorded during the monitoring period appear normal and within an acceptable range. The only item that appears abnormal is the diagonal reading for the ?New East Adit Pins" taken in November. Because the measured movement returned to normal during the remainder of the monitoring period, it is assumed that the reading is erroneous. Overall, the micrometer readings foilo'ilv acceptable and historic patterns. Survey Monuments The readings for the two survey monuments on the crest of the dam indicate that movements in both the horizontal and vertical directions remain negligible and continue to follow established trends. Leekage readings are taken at a leakage weir located at the toe of the darn. No measureable readings were reported during the recent reporting period. The historic plot of leakage data also indicates very few months with measureable flow at the leakage weir and the leakage behavior noted appears to be consistent. The instrumentation data reviewed indicates that the dam is performing adequately. The instrumentation program and monitoring frequency at this dam are currently judged to be adequate; no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. own 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 8 Name: Barry EEAM EN: STAKES Savage {maver- Stay} 555? ?a?e {if 8rd?? 3559:1356? ?3 .2515 - Fir-mm V?ew cf the dawn-3553m- fa-?c-a? 5f the; dam}. fail-m the right abutment DWR 12.8.1 10,533. ?new .4 ?2in 8 ?g ham ?z mm?fmm 3%wa man: 2:12 {35 .52 Emma @mawmm ma?Emwmama: @m?mgwumw1 Km1/4? Joe/z. xx 1. . l, ?ying?. .N. {Wang 3% wT? ?33% ?in +33 133.,? 3% was 553. a, . m. . E: UEWE ME Emmi Emma. $193.9 GEE. EB 75. . ELM .0me 2 ?Hangman EEQEBGE .me NEE. 33.3 SEE awgm?am?mmam .859,me m3 .mxmammg. 36% as mam a Em ?magma. EEQ. an?. Egg ?ag? 3. .wmm??m mam magma an..?m 5% 3% 3&3. gm. mm.? $5 wwm? 3.. .Tw. $25 W?w?w?gw? WE Gmd?gmimm 235 a. .33EmmaMuf?n .m/?Mx/z . vhf-x, WW, at; .1212? .w wavy a? 37wl?wmw?umvou trim/1?1. .. . 11:11.; .., ?urge. m? ?g ?mm?m 03.3mm? mix. a? 3.53 mg; MN a Name: Dam S: BWR (my, 73-5339gages Stay-3 mes-m Vi? if {493% am rig; ?j?r?I $3.2 ?g Dam NU. Gate at? iiaspectican. is? r. . A?z?uz'rff .- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 7.. 6% Ls$ $h??281-5 . I. STATE LLAL. - WA A NATURAL ALAQ 3A3 QEAQELEQ 33 Name . SAVAQLL .. . 854 . .. . II I II Cwniy SALL ZQLAQA '2?.pr Dam; Gravity Type ALLA-LL33 A ALLXLAAW Qgee: Weir- 3-3 '3 7.3 L??f?w and 28.8. Gage. 326.132 $913933th Cgmii?ons Sunny Arid WA Made (LA MA {33* PILL: LGALG A The LEGAL ALL A) the: ALL: L. ALL, {Law the Ware. gmwjing L313- Api?way appmach and: mar {Lam be When in 3953- are-{LL the. LL: be patched L?ha Lap ALLA the LL AA my. Submit LL {Apart AQQ Q5053. The and {sage assembiy needs {ALL-aired CAL-LA stand-ALLA. Same ALA Hale's L?hre {Lam Lace, by spaiied and exhibiting Laban L9 be. repaired A Light ALLA-LL Ln: nae-LL- be as bum A Rem-eve the an: ALL the dam-,- Em. Thug Leave! and in The. were LnApected 32y and AA and in Satisfactary TALL LAQA was;- inspac?Led me the and LL: genera-ELL;- LL. {Ln {Lam Lay and - {germ-{Led new be repaired LL: - vege??a?cr} pru?n?g the Lace: {La-m. The {mm-{LL {Liam "face- ALLA grains; WALL-L dry. TALL W33 and was, generany with we Same: of LA- was the had burned I Light med as they ?bum Ag - was ALL were and Appeared 3n The Qata- {LLz-Lpearad ELL The was in The: ALLA {:Lh-annei Arum 437$ Phaios Aiken-?3' Date Date CL 1.5 139(- of 4 LLAL. (Rev: ALLA: ?3 333333333": 3333 .. 333-3333 @3333} 333133333333?3'333 3333 33335.33 "33:33 - - . - . 4.3M 3" . 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Submit a - 333333333 333 3333;. 3333333333 33003 33333233333333 $333.3 33333333333333 3333333333333: 33: 3238323313.. 33.33:- 3333333333 33333333333 3332333333 $33.33: cage: assemmiy 33$$t3$ 3'3) 333: repamd 37:3 33:33 {33833333 standams- Same? 6333333333333 03? 3333-3 33:30:33.3. 333$- 333-33333! ru$3$c3 333333339333. 3. The . winch. was; Successfully apera?ed 3333333333333033- ?3733.33 3.33 333$. 332333.333. 3333333333633 Space 3333-3333! 3.333333333733333 33333.33 33333933333333.3333- 333'333. 3333.33.33. 33333333: 33:33 3333333333333. This 333333-33 amaared 23.33 333333.333. 3.333333331333333. 33 3.3.3313: 3333333 333133333 during 333333 33339333333333. 33.3 33333 93333333933333.333- 333333333333 3333* 33333 33333333333331 333$- 3333333 33313333. grains. 3333333313323 were. 3:33:53. "333333. 33333333333333 g-a'iiaries. were. 33383.33,? 313333 333333 333333 333? $3333 33303333333332.3333 3233 $3.9 333336333353- - 3333.333; "3.333 33333333333333.3333?: 3.33 3:333:33 333.333.333.333- 3333333335333 333 22 333-33333 33.333333}.- (3333332033333 and . 33333-333333! 33.333333933333333}. 33.33333 33' m'i'msme'ter 3:333:33; 333-3333333333 (mama-3. 33353.33 33333903393) 3.333% 333 3.3333333 333-3333333333. 3333 3333333333 333333333 .3-3?3332333333 33'. 330-3331 33.133333333339333 measuremem 333333333333.- 33?3 the 333333. 3.33.3 33333333333333 3.333 33333- 339333- and 333-33 33333.33 :33 33333 3. $33.33. $33.33 33133333$ 37393133 $33333. 3:33 333$ 333$$3 33323331923733.3333- 333$ 3:333:33 ?3.3333333333333333 $333233 $333.33.: 33333 {2333233 33333333333333 33333333333333 33.33333 33333 3333333333 $333339;- Spemqe wag 3$9c333$33 33$a 3333333333 $3333, 3333 33333333333333333 333 3333.3 2-3334 ?es-w! 3.3333233. A33 33332333393. 333333333 3333333333333 3333 30330333339 'f wet-73:333. 3 333333 33.33.3333 3373. 3333333333 3303333233 333-33 33333333: 33353333'33333 33333333 $33.33 3333.3 333.3333 3:3 33333933333339 333$33. The 3.3333333333633333333333 .333 3333.3 dam 333- 3:3333333333?333g 5.3332333333033333 3333-33 35 33.3333333333333- j'333333 dam. 333.3333 32.3.33 (re?3.3. 333333333 - 33.33.3333 :23 3.3- 4 STATE Or HALEURNM . (32' 7MA NATURAL R- .u Edi RC WATER OF SAFETY OF WE EE 5E 424 REEF RVQE-R EN CERTEF ETETUE Name 91? [3am Gt?'y} I Dam I 374 I Gaunt? I I mega ?i?ypsr: ef?am Cam: Eta} Gravity mam-EEpsi?way- ererpam and QQEE WEE and Channe? 5 $4.44 {ea-st .bei-QW cregit {at-Ki 25g 4?63: beacaw (33m crash W?atErf-Sizn?acag Haifa-HEE- ?Ne?gihe?r Sg-nc??g?s Sammy and Windy; Egap-mximatEiy cantacts Made Nathan Erim-a ihE {Sift}: Ef ?R'Eason' 1-in- mspeE-?ion EEfiadi-E MERE-name igw-Epesiian ?urisdi-Qtian-Ei Eat-"n Eg? ?3 A3 requested during maxim-1E the: TEE-Ewing WEE Emnpfeied; (if) ?the {fees and vegetatie?n gmwing in the apggmach it: me: E?'iiway End the Ema-ii. tree; gmwing in EE manna! WEE rammed; and of 'thE sai'ii'way gates ware Eewkjsed' anti Gamma? prim ta ?chi-5 impec?m. 2. Ar? .Eieratim amiica?an was ?led an; Mar-ch '13, 30.3% mudify t?e aum?izary Silvana-re; has raviEWEci ENE su-bm?iE-Ei Em? is EL?'rsEratty kaing With the WEE Em! their cansuitan?'iEWE'd the p-mjegi. 3; There are Cs? Ep-a?iied coma-rate and expasad rebar and in The m?e? camera-3E En 'iha gingham: mm :51? the dam Eat am in nEEd 9f Egg-air; Mira Grima :rEm-?eci that rwai?ra Wank: be. made ?13 part {if ihe upmming. s-pi'iiwa'y m-eci?i?aati?on meE. Emma be cyaied d?u?mg the fag-uia?y S?Gh?d?l?d maintenanca inspec??an. The awner shame! evaiuam thE Eperamiiy 9f the drain Eye; \Erify that it E3 prepariy 3de m3: Gb?tm?t?d, The fur-1E? 0? NE dram air-E En .evajuatien the EEkagE sham be includEE in the. Emmatim 0f the: next EEn-ii?ai Essa-Emmema?m Ere-m the Enfa'rmaiim End visuai E?s?pec?an, the dam.,_ am? EB appurtenanea? Ere- judged safe far- cmtinue? and Gama-Eats 3am The {East {he mmreta {Em was; we; {has cam-rats: swam remains. in mm condit?m. Th3 face (if the. Earn was; ViEuagiiy Emmi-3636 and boih {Impacted by R. taken? Yes Na pgte .Ing-f a Car-2W 'Fi'i'a? FEW 3053'? Ea fe- fwapurt {mg-21223924 v. 5 .5. . $0.3 c. ?5 DWE {Remgxaeg 3:53.53 ?1 0f Name of Dam INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN GER. STATUS Savage (Lower Otay) Dam No_ 8?4 Date of Inspection April 29, 2014 Observations and Comments Spiliway Outlet Seepage with no signs of instability or distress observed. The upstream face of the dam was inspected by boat; the concrete comprising the visibie portion of the upstream face was also in satisfactory condition. A few smail sections of spalled concrete, which are considered minor, were observed on the upstream face of the dam. Mr. Grima reported that repairs to the damaged sections of concrete wouid be made as part of the upcoming spillway modification project. No signs of instability were observed at the abutment contacts or at the toe; all of which appeared normal and stable. The dam has two individual spillways: s_wide gated overpour section on the dam, and an auxiliary concrete-lined channel with a gated ogee weir near the left abutment. The concrete comprising the overpour section on the dam remains in satisfactory and serviceable condition considering its age. All eighteen spillway gates in the overpour section were serviced and cycled one week prior to this inspection with no difficulties reported. The approach area, control section, and exit channel of the auxiliary spillway were unobstructed and clear of debris. The concrete in the auxiliary spillway is aged but remains in satisfactory and serviceable condition with no significant or detrimental cracking observed. All sixteen spillway gates in the auxiliary spillway were serviced and cycled without difficulty one week prior to this inspection. The outlet system includes a cylindrical wet tower with seven valves and a inch that discharge to a conduit. The two lowest vaives are reportedly buried under silt and inoperable. The conduit is equipped with a vaive and a flange that acts as an emergency blow?off at the filtration plant. . We accessed the outlet tower and inspected the tower, and mechanical components of the valve system, all of which appeared in satisfactory condition. There are sections of spalled concrete and exposed rebar in the roof structure of the outlet tower; these areas were repaired in the past and are in need additional repair. appeared to be in satisfactory condition and performed weil. should be cycled during the next regularly scheduled maintenance inspection. Mr. Grima reported that City staff exercised components of the outlet system recently with no difficulties or problems encountered, as part of their regular maintenance program for the dam. The valve was fully cycled in presence in January of 2013, with no difficulties encountered. There were no obvious or unusual signs of seepage observed on the face of the dam, in the abutment contacts, or along the toe of the dam. The leakage weir at the toe was flowing at a slow but constant trickle, which is consistent with historical patterns considering the elevation of the reservoir on the day of the inspection. Sheet 2 of 7 Name of Dam INSPECTION i DAM AND RESERVOIR IN GER-2 STATUS Savage (Lower Otay) Dam No, 8-4 Date of inspection April 29, 2014 Observations and Comments instrum- entation Instrumentation for this dam consists of 3 sets of micrometer pins, 2 survey monuments, anda leakage monitoring station. The most recent submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in September of 2013, in a report dated August 29, 2013. The monitoring period for the data included with this report is from July 2012 through June 2013. The micrometer pins in the east and west edits are measured to monitor crack movements. With the exception of a siight increase for the vertical reading of the west adit pin in January 2013, the micrometer readings follow expected and historical patterns. The slight increase noted may likely be the result of an erroneous measurement as the reading returned to normal in subsequent months. Readings are taken for the two survey monuments on the crest of the dam. The survey data included for this recent monitoring period indicates that movements in both the horizontal and vertical directions remain negligible and continue to follow established trends. readings are taken at a leakage weir located at the toe of the dam; it was reported that there were no measureable readings during the most recent reporting period. The ten-year plot of leakage data, which covers 2003 through 2013, also indicates very few months with measureable flow at the leakage weir. The owner should evaluate the operability of the leakage drain to verify that it is functioning properly and not obstructed. The functionality of the drain and an evaluation of the leakage should be included in the evaluation section of the next submittal of instrumentation data. The instrumentation data reviewed indicates that the dam is performing adequately. The instrumentation program and monitoring frequency at this dam are currently judged to be adequate; no additional instrumentation is needed at this time. DWR1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 7 ?gm? mm%m%??mw. WK ?mmv ?mm? 3%de gamma .92ng ?wm? .33 29, mg .35 a. ~313.0% . .1 mg? am an?. a. mm? an ma?ammw an @5253. ?Exam? 2% a? 3.53 mama. a a 5% E. 3.3 ra-nv QUUV UU .m?y?mw ZU. Sam 2, we.? .UU. NUS SUE 2.. HEM 59E. 5.3. E2 E3 S?utaa?i 4(w?unt? ?In? variumy?? .. 53333 a 93 ?Kw . .. ..oz .83 . (?macaw Ema Esau: m??w ammy mg a? ?g - STATE OF {2 RN EA BALEFEJRNEA Rabbit?s? RR WRERR RR: {3.3in Rm: RR: ETY RF E3 RRER ERR HER - Name-RE ?38m. Dam NR, 8% 3333?! Type: RE- Dam Gravity ?2?pr ARRHERW Weir and Spam Water E3 ERR: bei?w crest and mi??h Ram :33 @019ch height of. 129'. 33 We! :Ezer C?f: E6333 Rm! RR RERREE EERR yawng ER RRE RR Eg- RERYEQVR- ERR gmwing RE ERR Rppmaam Ec: ERR 3' Rpi'liway ER RR ER RREERRER FER-RE ERR and ERR: Rm! ERR: Rafa mm. are-RE was WRERREEQHRCE, and ER RREERERCERW con?i?m?. The ERR upstream was by heat and the aged but is?: Miimr RurficiRE RR but RR Rimmed steal WRR Rated. The face umifasm and Rabi-R. N0 tie-R . RURRERER Rancemmg thR. the; Ram Rim!? RES. .c-RmRIRth Rm! ERR- ca-n?RRd space ezREry- RearmiE Rm! Rhe CR-RERR R. REGRERR ciwi?ng the RE the TERR- was E3 and and ER genera! With inc? Sign; of cancemmg LongRtaAndiing cracks ERR. ER. the arm! was! RREE R-RRERR and rem-Red an ERR TREE was! Rs; in 316:- Rdii RR 33!:szer -!hR WRR Rf Ram! 77?! chR?! swim! the WRKR (Riga? Rf dabris {he mmpriai?g Rpiliway R-Ems-ture. appeared RgR-d RUE crackling WRR noted thraughR-UE 7!:th KUXEHQW structure;- and appears Ramcmcem?ng time. The. Rmaii ERR ER ERR had been 5:33:3me RR during ERR Weedy?mgeia?m indu?im was meim 33R Rppmagah 1.0 ERR. Rpi'i! way- and their ERR: ERR. Ey if} the Rtrumuw MR Grimes! 3:336:36 ER . RRQREREERR RE the EESWRR ERR: Emma that the. QRERR far: the Was-?paw" WRER in 231.1 and the: was in Juiy 733-1 0.. IBM-E gates. for both- were this; Rm the gate-R? E353 and Gymed RR RR basis; ER .EREERERR by VQQEQF Row HR RR No CEIERIEOES RR: REMR Refer QWHEICFEQECE Rat-R 0E R5595: 3 . a, RWR 125-! min-R} Rea! of- ENSPECTIOL DAM AND RESERVWR IN ED STATUS Name of Dam Savage Dam No. 8-4 Date of inspection 01/29/2013 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage The outlet tower was inspected the visibie portions of the tower appeared in satisfactory condition with no sign of instability or distress. The outlet system at this dam consists of seven valves, a valve, a valve, and a blowoff exit port that has a flange connected to it. Of the original seven exterior saucer valves, Valve 1 and Valve 2 are below the silt elevation and during this inspection water was being drafted through Valve 7' (El. 464.27) and the tunnel valve was fully open. The upstream valves are operated The operating equipment used to operate the valves, which include the all appeared to be in satisfactory and operable condition. The valve was fully cycled, which took approximately turns, and the operation went smoothly and no probiems were encountered. The longstanding and minor seepage flowing from the upper horizontal construction joints and the lower right face moistened the surface and appeared unchanged as compared with previous inspections. The groins and toe areas were dry. The Leakage Weir located near the center of the toe was a fast drip and this is considered normal. There were periodic damp spots within the- but there was no significant flow. There was minor seepage between the lower construction joint on the left side of the auxiliary spillway which resulted in a moist spillway invert. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 6 crack monitoring micrometers, two survey monuments, one seepage monitoring point, reservoir water level, and rain gauge readings. The most current instrumentation report, dated October 24, 2012, contains data for the past 10 years from July 2002 through July 2012. The seepage readings recorded at the Leakage Weir continued to be insignificant during the 10 year reporting period. The vertical and horizontal measurements of the East and West Monuments continued to be insignificant during the 10 year reporting period. Cracks are monitored in the east and west edits by measuring the distance between respective pins with a micrometer and are located primarily near the top steps of each respectiv entrance. Two newer crack monitoring pins were installed at the east (left abutment) adit entry on the left side and measurements were started in July 2007. Both the East and West Adit Pins consistently have shown seasonal variations during the 10-year reporting period. The New East Adit Pins have aiso shown seasonal cyclic behavior, but with much iess amplitude. The East Adit Pins had the largest swings in amplitude, having an average peak-to-peak swing of which is non-concerning. The reviewed instrumentation data indicated that this dam is performing adequately. The Sheet 2 of 5 mafia mg.? gm my? 9 .r 29.9w. acmamm?mm . . 6mg 20.. my? was a; $.9me m. @wwm?mmaqwmm mam? . ?magma mag Ema, ?m?g?m mg Emmi mm. Em. m3? 5 WM. . ?2:03 Qam. Ema?. wk. gag mama mw?g??f mg 5 mm my m??cm magma. . . .. . $3.20. mi .. Emma i. . x/xx. $33.0 imam. mama. gm, ?0.ng 3.. ?rm $33 aging .5 5m orgasm?. gag $3.:de 3.3% 3 am 530me mm gammw mm gm #33 mag armgaamw Emma?? ma?a 3 $5 .3436 a 343.3%. 22.. 3.