CAT. mm: 5 NAYTTRAH-RESQUPCEQ REE-S SAFETY OF- 8F AME RESERWETR TN STATUS :T'ama .$::T:Tiagg? ?re-e: . Ti?: . Tea-Tum: Twaof'mam Ear-?Th5: Type Gem-mete weir and cinema! Til-{3* Tee: Tam: .. he}: dam? ?Tr-Ts: ET. Sandman: Char miid. (ST: :mex Mats}: V?a?d??f Redwn inspectear: Tnspectmn Ghsewattans Rama?smendatmns Ammus. TakeT; a: ii}: ?z?gg?ing, Emmi; The Tris-Tea?: The: dam: are: Safe me and Camm?nm {Dam ?The: :gTaTiaTi. graveT'ed. creat- .Te?diitian: ?Th5: TEEN: cancrete face: 39:38am: cdetEaT: m: ev?i?ence 0T deTTess 5mg: abjegtxanabg These wa? gamma: 35c: Tm.- mt?seab?e- Amen: amt-Ta: TT: NT: was: nested. gTh'e apmwe-h Wag, {3-pr arm: The: The weir, Chute: an: taiiwarks was in satia?iacmry m: evidence diszss: inataibri'?ty 0f Taft? abutment adjacent The: spTifway swim; is: accumng Tim: :0 Tum?' ?from hsgher LAP. the. abutment The slapa wash thT: is: emmaohmg the. ET: ?Ti?gir: TT: stab 332:: the Tamra The 36:: Th: Spi?way Quite: Th: {Tu?at were ogerabie K: The. Tag}: The up - a: 93:3:- gates} with RT: The. Tm: gates- gar: TERA: ham: been - Tame-T: Tar The. Tag: Th: . during no Tess. wyg,? ATS: ?3:35:53 E33003 003E 3135785000933 10!? {3555023- 3.7070033 00000.0?? 0300. 0000000 C0000. {000.00 0.000000 3' ?20.33? {3020000000000 0000' 0030000000 S00 .10. 0 T00 000000 0.00 0000003000000 000 00010000? 000300 030.00. 0030. T0000 00:00 00 00000000 01:00.31 ?003.00; 10000000000000 000 0070.0. 0000 00000000 00"? 3 000-0. 00023 0003000000 0002200001000 1030930 03000 0002100000000 .0000 000000: 00000000000 00 00000 000000 00000000030000 000-0 2'0 000000000 30; 0020 201.5. 00000.3 80000000000 030000 00025030 00200 000000003- M000 0 1. 20.1.0. .3700 0302020000302: 0030 300300000 000 0001' {00000000 00 0000000 '30 000003.00 00000. 0000 30000 0000000000 000 0030 000000000 00000 0- 000000: 030500 :0 000000 0000000 0.00 0000 :0 .300 00000 N0 T00 000300 0010: 000000 00000000 000000000: 0000 00020000000 0000000000 000300000 30 03' 00000 ?3 ?337" 0000 '3 0020' 0000200000 0000030000000200001 00000000000 ?3 {303?- {00000100000000 0000000100010'003000.03.0 00000003 00000 0.0 000000000 000. 000000000 by this?: 000000 0000- T00 00000000000000 0'0 3000.00 000000.00 00.0 00:00. 0000' .. 0.00 00-0 .000- 0000? 00 =3 . . 55555- 5555555 555 5 55 55555555 5555551., 555555555 55-555t 5 5; E555 1% WATER RESQURQES- {3.1513105 (.31: 55551750}?- 55111133.: INSPEETION CERWFEEQ 555mg armam- 8551:1555 {Er-551'; . .. 515.; T5 55555 1555-5355553- Earth . I'ryrte or 555555; (5555155 W55 555' 5555551 thteri?s: 55? {55.1. 1251595 55111525552555-55 .. .1551 EIEWEWI 5551 5:551. I t555t55r {2055:1555- {315.517 51155-51?to Con 55125151555 I I 5.55555 r5: tnrpertton P555515 Maintenance 1555555511 5r Acttons Taker: 5 11.555555555552551 5555f 55155515555511}; 5555155, T5- 551555" 5.555515- 55 55551555 2555759 551* 5555 5155555555. 5 55 55-55 55' 15.5. 55111555 515r55555'15t15rt 55.555 51555-1555 :15? The 555155 at the 5511555: 21555555 tr r5- 1.55: 555 attire-55112155515 515.355 5551-15155 5:561 5111' 555555515- 5555 555555155. {355515515552 55315. 505115555. .555; {355515755555 am}. Camments . . . 1355;: T55 grater 55551555 555555 15553. 355.5 trtI 5555 55155,: I155 5.55555 5555 upstream 55ntr51t555 5555551?5 with 15555555. 555555515: 515055 55 tWt5 5555515555 T555 were rte-55555111155: 5555155555555. The 155-55155 55m: 1555- 555.55" 555551.. 35.155555 I Th5; -55rtr5555,. weir; ch555.51,_ 55.13! 5951; 51155: 5511-1553(- 5?555. 555- .5155. 555155; :15 5155er 555555555 555 W151: eventuaiiy 55:55. L5r15t 515.55 1555555515555555555 5.51515 tame-15155 5551.51.13; 555155 around (35555515555555: 2-1315. The 15555555 gates 55-155 tower 5r5.5t1t55rrt.5rtd 21235515 trier-y 15W1r555r551r 1555155 155551" diictIIrtIrItt 51555555 55555515 555555 55 @555 fewer We 5115515555155- $555.55 '5 T555: 5555 5555 of555j555555t55155.55 5555555555 graft-515,, 5r tetra or" the 55m: 3.8.511. T115 1551555555555 5551' 555555 5f.? 3 55.55 1.5511. 5t525nt515r5 :5 55th 51-555 5:555m5t5r5555. 5.51.5551; Th5 1515521 [5555. was {tr-?t Juiy 8 2:314 555 5551115155 5551155591?: December2?113This 555 5555-: mvr5w5d irt th5 5551 22:5 2515 r5555. 5.5.5. 515 55,1 51-trtw- any 555555th t5555- 5: 555515555 Th5 5515555515555 55:5 511555515555m 3:5. 555555th 5511515515312}; 55-5 .155 instrurtterttattort 15. 155555. 55555555 55 I555 rim-5 55555555 55 55555 5g Eff 5215535 555.55.555.55? mate. 155555555 54f2rr2015 I .5555 555555555: 555 55555:- 55551255 #1551 555. 4554 _thu. 555:5 =15 4- ??233 Ea E. 0% Emu EEW me?m mum Ea anammwaa m?m?m?m . Ira). . . NW. x7qu?Md/Wgf?/Way?. Sw? 3m ma?a. ?ax. ?g 3.33 ?mag? me: 1365?. {few 10,5833 Sheet cf bask?men: i-?ie?ace at ~319- i?a? and {if ?21m Emsm?n at the. a can. may; Bate ins-pec??n' ?i=8 Name of'??am . T5 ,i?D'a'm Nit?). gr ANQ RESEEVQKR :21? it?: STATUS STATE OF TF- AN 1' 30 CAT. NT ATLTPA RE UFGESAGENG ?Mm WAT ER RESOURCES QF SAFETY QF- Q-F ANT) RESERVQTER TN STATUS Name 13125.33; 8311:1333 $133k . 75 .. {3123313 Grange T133 3-3311 . Earth . . 81111113; T30333311311.3.33333333 133311 is: ?34 1331: 31131133513331.3113 54.. 1 111310111! 333133331. 13333131? {33111211113113 3333311115! 33111335 11133.3 .83. W333311 .J with IRWD 11.033333 M1113 Luebb313 URS R's-133311 for 11133332133 M3131333333 Tm33?ant 033331333113, R333mm3333113ns 31" 133113113 Taken .3 3.13 :31 {5131133311 T23 1333' 3513133 3331313313335}! 25% 131131113 11333- . - 11333-11133; 33333 T3353 during 333 133333111311 0' 13333 3313313313 T3 3.31113 31? 11-13 3333313 333333; 33 T113 3313111331 T131113 T311311 33311333311131.213-173 33133333 1.3: :331/31?11?13 31133333 r313f3r33m331 .1. 3.1331311. 31 13:3- abutmant 1.3133333 13: 1.113. 1311' 333 351' 1113 33111111311 .13 3133.3111- 3133113333 333. 111112.! 3113313333 33333 -1 U33313312113113313111.3333 3313. 33.3. 3.333. 133311133. 03331331333 03333335133113.3311? {331113131131 T33 :gr31131 31f33?T 31? 1113: 3313 11-133. 131131 .3113 1'11 33113T3313ry 33333133 Th3 T1333. 333333111 333.3 11333 31133311 3133313 333' 1'3 3333- 3311331311.. T33 33111113333111 3.333 11133 311.33 3331-3 33.111? in- . satisfactory 331131333 Th3 3.33311. 3:11: the 33131131133171 3133311133 1131131333 311:3 131113133 3T33T3: 3113 in 3.3331 3333111311 Th3 113931311311 3'3 The 3133.3 1333 3113311331 Rodent 331111.13 W33 333311313 with 331T 3333 33339133le 3T3333 311313 333133333111 embankment There: 11131333 83 .T'T'Tway T5113 33113113311131'1'3- 3333: 31:13 .3333 R3131 3311331113114: T3 3.3313 31"1113 333317313- 33313.1113 3n: 133-3311111131!- 31313 11311.3 1:11.131- 33331133131.1333333113113313 33331-313. 3.33333313111313313332: T113. 31331.33- 31' 3132 3333113111: 111133333. 13 15113 133 3.3.3 3? 1:113 3311311331 153; 313331111 133333133 3113 1111111 333111133.le r1333 r3m331?311'311. 033.3: 1.1. 1333:- 173331133 3131. 1'33 33331: T1313 331;.33 T3 133 13313 311333 on 1133331131 15.1.2615 T113 33133 3'3 Th3 31333 1'3 31.13.. 1333313313 Th3 3313' 3T. 1333. 33.3133 33313133 T3313 3:13 T1113 3311133333111 1131113313 33333 Th3- 113T113 111 33333 11131113333331 11133173115! 311333. 133931111113 3333:; [33:3 T333111 r331r1311333 3.3 r31333133 13313111133 331.31?- 11113. The: 1113 1531:3331 33111331173313 -1~'31113 was 3.31? 33313133- T3313. 3313 no. 231333-31? 3333333 331313133 33.133333113333111 31333:, 31'3i-1131231133 3111.3 33111.1. - 13333313333- . Big?ceMWF; 3:31:33?- Yes UK 1113 331:3 4 33.133 . . D313 .- .- 3.1111312311531111.131331. 5315881 ?3,133.01? 33W br- 3AM AND- RESERVQIR. 3N 3.55513 STATUS $425:an ?33m, Sgn?aga-f?rggk {355m N0.- ?ff-S ?at-ate 01f F?nmac?m 31452332315 .. . . . . . instr; . ma instrumeniatimfer-this-d-am can-aim 0f Fag-en waifmuitistage-g'iezemeters. ?aihgie stage ?i?emmei??a and 5. survey. manumanta, The; rates? instrumentation .re'pa'riiwas iransmf??iied cm Juiy 12-33214 and contai-nSi-data thmugih Deaem?er 23-123.. Piezcme?t'erss 'REzUmer'and REES Lem? weremacked and ?ushes-d in 28-13. Thedatiasihows: Piemmefer'RS Uipgazr {aturnadta'nmmaf Iewaeisand Piazameter R153 Laws-hs'mww ?aerazaeseing: i'evats; Duringihaii?spe?tim', I inquired abantzt?e: piugg-ad .piemmeiers and. ?Wa?s rep-wed that-the. piiugged piez?me?c?exs wera?mxhed' and. aiezemeierreadings; have sham mtmai: readings. The piQemm-etar ciata Shams n70 {magi-arming tr'aandis- aw can?iti?ens? and. read narmaiiy- in resemair jiavefs. The szzwayimg' data- sham smaii :mweem??ts during; the manit?aring? period with. no. awe-me: trends zer- ponditiens. Campari?g {he {azasi sums-gs in 2.0352; and $13, the iatg?eS?z ve?icga-S mavema?t .31 swimmer-136. ?33? feet and ?the: largest: mammal .h'smiamant?was- 9.10.18 feet. Since. tide- ;i'?itiai gamey taken in 19989,: the. cumwa?va veriivaa'ii mavement W355 3. 8811533131113 Qf feet- ifrem am: and. the gamma-{w d?'szplazcam'erat. has; been The e?a?za $31.9ng ih-e dsaim' is asthma-Eng, Sa?gfactg?iy and insmmenta?m is jawed adequate airthifs- do\m?msxx cwZ?i?vww . \x 3? arid aim-tram 2.31598. 2251: .me 1939.92} S?eet. 9f -11 :2 . 7/ Q, . xz/f/Q/Q . .xL111 . .. xr??m/Wr/ I ., .n .. . .mwmomam?m wamwmb. 6.95.? 53w mama .. . .r .. . u. Ia]. 1.. I . I. I 14.. I .wu.9253. . . .wmh?hw m3. a?mm?. 2w a 3% ma?a L3 - I 1 \W?q amFa \w 333333; {{Faouxcab AGENCIV- EMT-NT WATER RESGURCEE F: 9F DAMS- {33:333ng33 OF ETATUS {Famaefaam 33333330 Creek {Fa-mm. {75 .. Icnunt'y Orange T3333 .Ea?ih? .. .. . .. Cancrata waxrand channai .25 Tea? . UEIGW magma-{3d 45 I . @3le maxim-351 weather Conw?uens Mada-{ate Ca?facta. Mada; Tim Deka and Siaub SW3 Ken Rfsatar With Reason Em: Tnspacimn Ramada: Mai Manama lnspactaam {mpc?am Uhserva?ona, Racemmandatmna {Fr {Ac-{inns Taken Tina-I? gaias shauld EFF: operated during the FFax-t {113933303 FF Piezometa RFS Lower {sh-Quid {Fa ?ushed. 33.3% manitamd {0 see if {3.13 water Thaawmar'a {haF'r panama! {m aaFFaFFarijaFa-walg {{"Ffia- {33.3.3933 FD.- {Faz excess-Eva as this remains: in: {33333333 93333333.. IG'aFFciuaiFms me {he 'knawn {mama-Tan, {he dam, Ira-$333333, and {has appurtanangwa are judged; safa- Qam Tha- {Frast' {If The {2133-3 3333 {6361.333 giaad {mam The cancrata tine-d ups-{mam abaa was umform and satssfacmry conditmn dawnatraam slope appeared {a {3.3 a-{abTa and {In good sandman The: law arewing vagatatwn an {he a?apa was aatsafactar; VagaFa?an' {333331. ahaaid {Fa {mpiamentecs as necessary 8333. abutmeats WETE 32323333: 333 {ha {:33 3f the {Fla-{FF-{yaancamaL There-ware. {Fawn-Gaming {adant activity {Fataaieci 33333333: ware p?ia on The. amba?kma?i. . The shanghai, and. {1333333333331 {he {Fara {33333.3 and The camera-{a {113: campuses {ha {'Eway appeared {Found ana {33336 madman and datamratmg to {he {{n?amda {33" {ha waikway {war {ha app-{am unchanged Tha affsaF 33:33 The {3332" appeared to {am-{Fin 3333133333; aa?diitian None of {he were QQETSI Fad during {hi-a mapec?mn The bat-{am farm gates an the {Fu?et {awar air-a a?tad and {am-aim {naparabie The: upaazf .4 {awargaFaa are {mated at Eiavat {Fa-3 gates _we{a {33313333. { 2m 3. {FM-vase" were {334; aperafed January 29-13. 3313 at} {he {Futiai Fai?aa era {333333 {a be. EFF {.3036 warkh'zg {$31325 :vamea {3471333. mg the February 15 2912 {33.333an We shouid schaduia {ha aaera?oa {Ff {ha maxi. {333.33an 53333333; Thaw-was {3.3 Sewage: dataatedil. 3.3333?. The: {inatasmematkm dam. {Fanaisia 31?? '{Fi'azamatara 5 {FF-{gar stage piazametara, and .5. 333333 mama-mama; 1333- ?333?- :{nsF-{umaataFT-{m diaF-a- was aubmeiaad. {33: June- 4, 26-152 and {mamas 33333333 January 2'31: Fara-ugh" ?Bacemar 2632.1. . .. . .. J99 833136: ?111%; Qf??k? thtasiaisen? T9355 1?30- Da?taaf {339902333 II 51'1?41?25131w .. .. Fin-$53333125?? 1 54:: {aw-Foam 33% II of 3 CERT.. migdm .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . Barium 3?35 . {Bate Ci inCC-CCiiCii . Cmi CCmants 31C i SaningC Cree-3k Rain Terrace, Ccimiy ihCiC iWL?i 5 izu-mCC Ci significaniiy timing reporting .CCriCiCi. Plaza?: .CiCi R3 CB iCCi January 20R and. Mid through Ci the :E?Gifi?ii R3 5" gumCCd CiiCCii if} iCCi- Came Mia and CrariCCi to graduaiiy Waugh remainder Ci- mii??n Bur-iris; i iCide Mi PiiCiCr RC that RiCzCniCiCi R3 MiCiCii C. was and Ceporied iC have bug Casi. Ci Cigngd CszCiCi RiCszCiCr has ieiuriieri- iC' Carma! i'eiveiis. Mr repezied i?CCi RE. "ZDi?i?iLiEi? RC3 Lamar-1C mugged :?CiiCi Cian. the: near iuiurii The; timer iwci {Ra Lower CriCi R41 ioCCiCd in. RC dowriCirCCm CiziiCC} Ci 83.8?2?Ri10i?l bedmcii CC LUWRF rCfiC-Ci the. Cari-12C iRCi?-?aseg CC ii. highi'y iikeiy pozCimCiCr RC3 iC Ciuggad. ihC remaining CiCszCierC nemaiiy reservoir am! Show. n10 concerning Rivals {him-Rib dam The Chew-Cd? than {if ?3,101 iCCi in the hCiiCCriiCi' and ve-Ri?ai Ci'iiCCiiCiiC the {Rest {aim in 23*; {in R. maximum Ci 5 I03 3mm. CCnCiiuciiCin has ICC. Ci Menunimi BMC. IR makimum Maniimeni '57. RC. surveying CC Chews that moxiCmCCiC ln?giiciibie Ci?iifi Cite RD Germain Liam safety, The: Cam CC and CC- new insimmC niiCiiC-ii- iC Ci: ih?ij?C: miner?s- remix-maid Si ithifr CiCu-Ci daiffi' Cii interval? Cami? CC- CC CiCi?ii remains. in; CCii-CfCCiCiy DWC 1.26.1. {text Curtis}. '2 Nanny-gag Name-ef?am .- 3 Am 3x ?Fix Date-Jofmspac?im 59?1744'5231131 - \93% "View 0f the; upstream Stage. making .mwardss: the 35323?de 1261 {new 113m} Sheat- 3 a?