W?i fix: <31? A113 1111" 1. 115.11 11:11 111111. 1'1 I I CTALEF-CIRNEA. 111111111 X111. 111-33 11mm REXQUXE-E-S SAFETY {3319113118 NXXEX m1 XX 12F X. XX XEXTXXEX 131-23222 kr'ffa'a' . ?Z?i?i?zs?d 22' $11: v11)! 12212111111 82321.3 1112155111 1.321111 {11.11. 6?5 {201111151 Amadm "'1'511111-111'1211111 3291111111,! 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DAM AND RESERVOIR EN CERTIHED STATUS Name of Darn Sait Springs Dam No. 97,55 Date of Inspection 8/24/2015 Observations and Comments Soillwav Seepage Instr. Sheet 2 of 4 The spillway approach, control structure, and channel were clear and unobstructed. The spillway was viewed from the crest of the dam and from the helicopter. We did not have access through the locked spillway gate during this inspection. he Certificate of Approval requires in- gates to be ieft open from October 1 to April 1 each year. The spelled concrete on the left spillway training wall has been satisfactorily repaired, as requested during past inspections. Several recommended maintenance and inspection items were listed in a report by HDR Engineering titled ?Salt Springs Dan? Gate Inspection," dated July 26, 2012. The report was completed as a requirement of FERC. Spot coating repairs were recommended on Gates 1, 3, and 8. PGE has decided to recoat all the gates over the next several years, beginning with the gates in the most disrepair. This plan is acceptable. Deformations were also noted in the report on Gate 13 and it was recommended that some members be heat straightened. Racking measurements were also recommended to check the gates? alignment. The progress of this work was unknown during the inspection and PGE agreed to follow up on the work. All valves were last fully cycled 'in presence on 7/12/2011, with no reported problems. Various valves were also reportedly exercised by the owner on 5/23/2013. The - tunnel and outlet controls were not observed during this inspection? PGE has yet to acquire an environmental variance to? fully cycle the valves annually, as requested in our last inspection report. PGE remains out of compliance with the Division?s requirement to fully cycle the valves annually and in our presence every three years. Necessary arrangements need to be made to fully cycle all the valves in our presence during the next inspection. No seepage was observed on the face or groins of the dam. Seepage along the toe is measured at - Cipoletti Weir. A weir reading of 0.1? (~0.75 cts) was taken. The seepage conditions appear normal considering the low reservoir level. Instrumentation at the dam consists of a seepage weir and survey monuments. The latest submittal was received with an owner?s letter dated April 24, 2015, covering calendar year 2014. Seepage Weir. Seepage data has been recorded since 1980. In 2014, seepage peaked at approximately 11 cfs. The seepage data does not display any unusual trends. Seepage has remained at lower historic levels since the concrete upstream face repairs and installation of a Carpi liner were completed in 2004. Survey Monuments: Monuments are surveyed every 5 years. The last survey was performed in 2011. The data was reviewed in our report dated 8/8/2012, and found no significant movements between the latest surveys. A long?term settlement trend is noted, however, and is approaching the ?334? 3333333 '332133330333; $331333. 3-??33 {Bate 33? 31333333 n? '83?243'233 5 33333333. 3333333333333: 633 Qua" 3313?s: ?nspga?m ram-3:3 3323333? 33333333333333 mmsuremantg 3332:3633: 333 Mas-mid 33333:.ii3i333 i336 3333? 3-33233. 3:33:33 3-3 33 3333333323 Weii?ifi?n 331:3 $33-33 3313353 ??333- . 31:33:33 if;- r33 33.33 the: 333333.323: 333331333333 33.33233 r2333 3.:3Wc3y' ?3 in 383?, 3.3333333333333333 33333 {333333333333333 The 33333333th 333333 ii?idic3333 ?3333' dam; is pgrfarming 3323:3333-3333:333, The mmg?h?i 31333333333 i3: 3.339333 53394:; 13:31:33?33~13N35 3353 x3? man-.:33: . in. .- akmg {his 333: a? 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This: mainiermme- 33.33333 was raga-3333:3333 during 3333 33333333333 33353333333333.3333: .3 83:33. Th'e-re- 33-: 3.333 3333333333333 3333': 33331313333 33>: 3'3 333333333333 3.333 723' 333333333 (32333:- 3.333 3333 .9333: 333333333333 330333333233 Q'varisppih-g 3:3 33 32333 3333333 (3333-3333:; an 33.39333 333333.333 333333-333 {3333.33.- 33333333 3333-3333 5333233333633 I 3?3 . $3313 3.333333 3?33'3'3'3333'2y Jin3ie3'3ez 3.333 3333mm. {3313333331 333303-05 mm?? Yes N3: 3.3333333 @931832-{114 03333333399? ?at-awmem 33333333333333 333333-33 1:233: 10-389) 33333333. ?3 333 '33 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVUER EN STATUS Name of Dam Salt Springs Dam No. 97?66 Date of inspection 9/16/14 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage PGE is in process of following up on recommended maintenance and inspection items for the - gates from a report titted ?Salt Springs Darn -Gate inspection,? dated July 26, 2012. This report was prepared by HDR Engineering, as a requirement of FERC. The report concluded all gates are in good condition and are in adequate working order. The outlet valves, controls and all appurtenances appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The visible portions of the penstocks as well as th_ were in satisfactory condition. The valves were last cycled in presence during the 7/12/2011 inspection, and they operated satisfactorily. Various valves were also reportedly exercised by the owner on 5/23/2013. PGE is reportedly currently working on developing an annual environmental variance, so that all outlet controls can be fully cycled to meet our requirements. The variance needs to be acquired by summer 2015, so DSOD can witness the outlet controls being cycled during our next annual inspection. - I did not observe any seepage on the face or at the toe of the dam. The- Cipoletti weir on of the dam read 0.26 feet (3.12 cfs). The seepage conditions at the dam appeared to be normal. The instrumentation at the dam consists of survey monuments and a seepage weir. The latest data submittal was dated May 5, 2014 covering the 1980 to 2013 review period. Survey Monuments: There are a total of eleven (11) survey monuments which are surveyed every 5?years. The last survey was performed in 2011 and the next survey is due in 2016. The 12/19/2013 inspection report reviewed the 2011 data and concluded the horizontal and vertical movements were minimal. The next survey for the dam is due in 2016. it is likely the long?term settlement measurements wili exceed the settlement threshoic_) established by PGE for the dam. The crest should be restored within the next 5 years if this threshold value is exceeded. Seepage Weir: The dam has a? Cipolletti weir located at the toe of the dam. Historically this weir has ranged from 0.03 to 40.3 cfs. The seepage flows have reduced drastically since a Carpi liner was installed in the mid?2000s. This weir measured maximum seepage flow rate of ~8 during the review period of 2013. This lower seepage value might also be attributed to lower reservoir levels in 2013. The seepage flows remain within historical norms with no concerning trends indicated by the data. Conclusion: The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate. ownizsr (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 4 NisNiiliENN K. .. EENN Ni} Name Eaiwp??g? - . _Dam No. NWEN (if insp?et?km Q1 1 6'53 ?mzawai?gm ?mm??r?a {xx a. . Rama-{rm 303m seem. ms: 1:351; grew; :a'moap Sheet 3 4 2mm?. 23m $33. mumEma 2a. a?ww. . .. . @wwm?mmg 3m. ?re/3W; . .r I/..Kwu/s #447, 2. x4?: . (Wan ..sz ?a . and?zz/7vZ252 2%.me 3 2m $323. 3% $2 22..ng mama. Z. .. a. {am-T E. 094:. EA . wan?mwammam NNP NEPARTML Nit" WATER REEWRGEE .53 A 23%wa DEVESEQN SAFETY 10F ENSPAE NEAF NAN ANN Naneof?am ?3a1i53-pring8 . {3:99:13le 97% Ceuz?ttyAmAGm Dam Efypexaf With II II I I I Wants: ?9235 feet Emmi 5391;999:9- m-tes: and ~62 .55 fee"! 1:291 10w- . 993:9: Gore?acts- Mam and Gar?am EMA: with PGE Reason En?ipeiziiari Periadim Engpea?en 999? .Aaimm: PE requmteci during Em: East Eh?? .ho-Eees; 03': Erie mast 09? the dam 9:99:39 gain? 8 $35993:ng have ENE-5GP 331306: 333:9: Nehris En ENE EpiAwm-ggam has 931-990 The Emmet? 935399: :59: ENE waEE 9:29. 9:01: Eugen repaired: This Paar; PGE EN ES :09:qu ?12:23:30353; .P-GE submitteu a report Etiad Springs Darr- {3-3-3199 inspection dame: July 2.6 .2013: m9: repm WAS 93905039053 by HQP anmeennq, as a :quremem 0f PEREZ The report sancluc?ed 29:! gates are in $30093 00ndiilm 9:999 are in- adequaie W?fking The. Eow Ewe-E GLEN-BE 'vaiyas: mead, E0 be cyc?ed- in DEE-QUE 098389-100 in 2034. Gmmimima I I From the known- i?fmm PEEK: End. ingpec?an, thE diam, and the appurtenances are} ju?ged PEEP- ?er can-timed use. Ghsawatmms and Cnmmentg The mast grains, and dawns?rgam ?00k face- 0E the dam E16 E30191: and shave-9:1! hm- SEQHE 0f maxi-amen: i .Enstab?ity. gamma: the ups-?cream face:- 0f the dam and-EN: parapet wan Appeared 9'0 be. in - sa?sfaatnry few the faint aegis near the 0E Ear-290:9: WPEE were E0 @009 canditizm and are: in 910.9903 r-egrair (99:08 10930110}, vagetaiian 0:393:90! at 311% Nam TAP 0092:9913 and channaiz Near and The '.ng mm: Was. Er: Nags. 3930.1: imam: AH ENE wee-9:9- 13?; 01.0398 as TAP. SEN-way 0f the. . .a'i'mnnez E3 in is an Puts'ta?'dingj Fewest in: a; Epi?way Eats}: 0:39:99 @300 pian t0 pm (wen? magma-9 0vn?c0pmg 0f the dam during an A3393 $059199: 5mm Nita: NP -. {331333 3:30: Ezr?mihy Eimenez. Erxspe?t'a'd by Param 531303133 E?ke?? 35.93 X. N0 ?ats afinspae?an ownerzsmi: Date :9 Report 129193920199 ?51 .99er 1:96: {Rev.10799} Sir-mi. JF DAM AND RESERVOIR EN CEii-t. - .FIED STATUS Name of Dam Salt Springs - Dam No. 97?66 Date of Inspection 9/24/13 Observations and Comments Outiet Seepage dated 5/5/2004). PGE submitted a report titled ?Salt Springs Dam - Gate Inspection,? dated July 26, 2012. This report was prepared by HDR Engineering, as a requirement of FERC. The report concluded all gates are in good condition and are in adequate working order. The HDR report recommended maintenance and inspection items for the- gates. is in process of completing these items, and no DSOD follow-up is required. The outlet valves, controls and all appurtenances appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The visibie portions of the penstocks as wait as th_ were in satisfactory condition. The valves were last cycled in presence during the 7/12/2011 inspection, and they operated satisfactorily. Various valves were also exercised by the owner on 5/23/2013. i requested make the necessary arrangements to cycles all valves during 20110r inspection. I did not observe any seepage on the face or at the toe of the dam. Th- Cipoletti weir on of the dam read 0.25 feet (2.92 cfs). Seepage conditions at the dam appear to be normal. The instrumentation at the dam consists of 11 survey monuments and -Cipoletti seepage weir. The latest'data submittal was dated March 2013, covering the 2012 review period. The crest monuments are surveyed every 5 years with most recent survey in 2011. The next survey be performed in 2016. Maximum horizontai movement between baseline surveys from 1991 to 2011 wa- in direction at monument 6 (max section). Maximum relative vertical movement between baseline surveys from 1987 to 2011 wa- at monument 6 (max section). These values fall within the acceptable iimits for a 332 feet high rockfill dam. No abnormal settlement or horizontai movement was noted from the submitted data. Seepage Weir: The dam has Cipoiletti weir located at the toe of the darn. Historically this weir has ranged from 0.03 to 40.3 cfs. This weir measured maximum seepage flow rate of 11.23 during the review period of 2012. The seepage flows remain within historical norms with no concerning trends indicated by the data. Conclusion: The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate. Sheet 2 of 5 mg a? yam. mg .w?gmm m2. w? . ?.3me wwg?dm . .. .wm?zm. .wvwamm. @me a manage: mxm?wm am 31.1.2334 a $4.31. x/ fuzz x? Bag? Ema a Em. mug mm qmw?ma Wag mu Junta?, 5 .f H. mZzM??/? xx. JW 1., paw 5.x; may. BEEN. ?2mm." mm. mamm?ma ?8.93.. Egg @me a m?w?mm? gym? MK Gama? 13mm ?Ill 35% GE: . 6mg 20?. . 895 a? Savage: ?wank: . mg @2332? An". 1. 9am. Ema.? mg .g 95 wrw? mm. a m. 1Q RF-F . A 11. 111131 URAL AR EAR 111':- WATER A MAN WASHER SAFETY (BF DAME 18F DATE REFFEVQEE FAA 1EEFATTF SEE ETATAFE 1111111111. 111? 1.111111 13111.11. N0. EFF-E 3011111111 71193191133111 RQCKAAIA Type Rf'Epi?way {3313.533 Ride 11111211131113 Feet ERR-71W Rig-1111111351 9113111. 1111111 44,5 110111 Weather?Rni?tionR 81111111111116 RARRF . . 1231131111.: with AGREE Rea-$12111 {111: A?l?uai RF T11R- T. R1113 111R 1:111:11 111R RRFR 1E1. 1111:1111. '2 RR111R11R 12111131111 RR thR' 13111111111 1:111- ERR 1111111111 WARFR 1R ERWRF 111911111111611112111 313113115133 RR 113 RR 11.111511317111111 111111111111 1111:1111 111R RR There 13-11111 for a. RRERWRF RARE: Rf- thR- Ram during 51512-013111). 111R 11(11an 1111111111 111R Ram, R1111 R11 RFR 3111111311101 RRFR 113R. - - R1111 111R 11111111191111 1'1111'121 13 1121' RR 111R 11.111135 RR 1111111111111 R121 R1151 The 'le1 WES 1111111171 (11111151111011. The 1111113111111. 111 jRint'R RR 811111 {Rae-R 111:1 . RF 111.133.1306! CR-nd'itiRFL 111111111111 1111:1113 Th1? 1111:1111 R1RRFIRF1R A11 - . 1'11 111R 1:11? RR 1111:1111 CPR-111111111 '1 AR April 1 111111111101. 111R gaiR 1.11111111111111- are 11111111111 R11 '1 R11: 1th 0.011111111111119 12111-11111 RR- and Rang 1218 mp 1:11c the 1R .bR. 11111 RR {1.1111111171111111 RERFFER Rf 1511:1111 111111158121 GRATRA xx}; AQUA 3 11131113311913 by T: 11111111111111 1-1 A 01111111111111.1111 11131211112? 11111111 011111111111 . . 1111111211111 F1111 DWR 321313 (FARR. 1.611533} RA . 1 1:11? . 3 INSPECTION 1L DAM AND RESERVOIR lN CERT ED STATUS Name of Dam Salt Springs Dam No. 97?66 Date of Inspection 8/8/20 '1 2 Observations and Comments All valves were successfully operated in presence on 7/12/2011. The valves are due to be cycled again to meet annual cycling requirement. Seepage No seepage was observed on the face or groins of the dam. Cipoletti weir of the dam collects toe seepage. A reading of 0.43? (~6.65 cfs) was taken during this inspection. This amount of seepage is considered normal for the reservoir level observed during this inspection. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 15 survey monuments and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was sent with an owner?s letter on May 31, 2012. Survey Monuments: Monuments are surveyed for both horizontal and vertical control, and are scheduled every 5 years. The latest survey was performed in 2011. Monuments 1-11, located along the parapet wall, have each experienced a gradual settlement since instaliation in 1987. The largest settlement observed since this time is at monument 5 of approximatel_ settlement at this monument wa- between 2006 and 2011, and has averaged approximately 008- foot of settlement every 5 years since surveys began. The settlement rate is considered acceptable for a large rockfili dam. According to the instrumentation report, cumulative settlement at monument 6 is at the threshold value. The report states that the monuments should be closely monitored and that if by the next survey in 2016 additional monuments have exceeded the threshold value, a remedial plan consisting of restoring the dam crest will be implemented. Based on the settlement trends, it is inevitable that the gradual settlement will continue. The crest needs to be restored Within the next 5 years, as settlement values approacl- The monuments horizontal movements have continued in the direction. Since 1991 monuments 7 and 8 have experienced the largeSt movement 01? This amount of movement is not considered significant for a rockfill dam of this size. Seepage Weir: The dam has one- Cipolletti weir located at the toe of the dam. The readings continue to fluctuate and track changes in the reservoir level. Since the upstream lining was instalied in 2004, the weir readings have significantly decreased from 30 to 15 cfs. In 2011, readings remained within acceptable levels varying between approximately 3 and 14 cfs. The seepage conditions remain normal. No additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Survey monuments shouid be closely monitored for settlement and a plan to restore the crest needs to be developed in the next five years. Sheet 2 of 3 mamwmg?z gnaw, mm 33 man m?wmm?wm m? mm. Mag/Hz; . 1/ .9 y, . wV?, . .:ma 0.me ?$33.02 .mxm?a.? If .. . 2.was .?mmamw mum?.me 093:9 Em: $3me 3 am $323 .3. m,