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T13R31: 1333:: 1333113113 dammsFe-RR: 31:33:33;- Fantm? 1'33. 5.3113931333111113. 13:31:: @1305 13:31:1313313111111113 3:713:111'1183215; R1131 1135.131111'13 mas-133133.51 11131131311113: 6133131, a: few 11112131311 11:01:33 1313:3333 ?1713:: 13111311131? 1:56:11 1:15:11 32:11:11 111113. and 31:13:11.3 1:33:3th 3111331 31111331 abutmmt 11-1- 13:53- RR 1:11:31 3 11-3331 $3311.13 1311:: rencrete 1111611 0118*11?181 ?111:3 3:3me.11 (1:331:10! 81113111112311.8313 $331131: 9.3m 33113113131 1:33:33 1133:1113: FER-R: and 13:33:: :31 Rthma't?ng debris. 33:31.3 R315. 311131131131 33.131132113113321 1:3 13:3. .11: 3131311113331 61:51:15 13R Fatima-:1 13.131113": 113111333: 3333;111:3131. ingesgze??ied 1:33 E. .1. 1-1331131333 31-3 1:1: Ownerlgam: 13:31:: af'Repmr: 3122212131? . 13311121151511.2311 1:12:33. 1:330:11 82113381 1-- 3:3- DAM AND RESERVOIR IN f=IEo STATUS Name ofDam Morena Dam No. 8-5 Date of inspection 1/20/2017 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage The outlet system consists of a concrete tower with 5 valve intakes. The two lowest intakes are reportedly buried under silt and inoperable. A single pipe conveys water from the outlet tower to the tunnel. in a City of San Diego memorandum dated May 18, 2015, the ladder rungs were deemed unsafe due to corrosion the tunnel would flood if the outlet was exercised. The tunnel and inner parts of the tower were also deemed to have inadequate ventilation, and previous reports have stated hydrogen sulfide gas has been detected. See the attached memo for more information. Due to the ladder being inaccessible, the outlet currently cannot be operated. The owner stated they are planning to repair the ladder as soon as they can. The ladder repair needs to be complete as soon as possible and once repaired, DSOD should be notified to witness the outlet operation. Gate 3 within the tower was last operated during an inspection on 3/25/2015. In the wet conditions, there were no obvious signs of seepage on the slope, groins or toe of the darn. Seepage is measured approximately mile of the dam where it exits a subterranean cave. This cave has been mapped underneath the dam and it reaches to the cutoff wall located under the upstream toe of the dam. The dam experiences high seepage, which is very responsive to the reservoir elevation. The seepage weir was not examined during this inspection due to safety concerns traversing the cliff in wet and rainy conditions. Weir seepage data is included in the instrumentation report. Instrumentation for this dam consists of 8 survey monuments on the dam crest and 1 seepage monitoring structure. The most recent submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in October of 2018' The monitoring period for the data included with this report is from July 2014 through June 2015. Survey Monuments: Survey readings are taken annually; elevation and deflection movements for the eight survey monuments on the crest of the dam were negligible and no unusual readings were shown during the monitoring period. A noticeabie movement for station 4+30.92 appeared in 2008 but returned to the normal pattern one year later and has not shown any significant movement since. Seepage: Seepage readings are taken at the seepage structure mile of the dam. Because of the position of the seepage structure in the streambed, any flow through the outlet or spillway inundates the weir structure, causing readings to not be able to be taken when water is being transferred from Lake Morena to Barrett Lake. In addition, because the seepage structure is located a considerable distance of the dam, seepage flow through and around the dam cannot be consistently and accurately measured and evaluated. The reported seepage readings for this period dropped from around 3 MGD to 0.25 MGD after October 2015 which appears unusual considering the gauge readings did not see a significant drop and there was an adequate amount of rain. The owner needs to confirm that these measurements are accurate. The instrumentation for monitoring elevation and deflection movements aiong the dam crest and the frequency of the surveys are currently judged to be adequate. A more comprehensive evaluation of the method used to collect, measure, and evaluate seepage is needed. Sheet 2 of 4 mm i253? {New 1.536%; if} 5D: . .3. 55;? 2? Q: ?aw of: isis?eictian Sheet. mam-3 Ta" {if Name; ?33m Na 8:5 MN ANN EN. mas-s. 93% m2. mymawomimw zmamammg .. . . E329 .mumwm i. Egg gm. M: was 359. m. K. 1 =%1111 1' 1. 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Ema-11:13 ?11: 111.11: 113111-1331. 1:111:11- :-2131 11-11-11 11:11:31 . $111111: 2 111' 8 Name of Dam INSPECTION C. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Morena Dam No_ 8?5 Date of inspection April 18, 2014 Observations and Comments Instrum- entation Instrumentation for this dam consists of 8 survey monuments on the dam crest and 1 seepage monitoring structure. The most recent submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in September of 2014, in a report dated August 29, 2013. The monitoring period for the data included with this report is from July 2012 through June 2013. Instrumentation data plots included one-year and ten?year periods. Survey readings are taken annually; the data included for the most recent reporting period represent normal and expected behavior in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Settlement and lateral movements were negligible in magnitude and no unusual readings were detected. Seepage readings are taken at a seepage structure located in the streambed, miie of the dam. Because of the position of the seepage structure in the streambed, flow through the outlet and any flow passing the spillway inundates the structure. The dam?s outlet is used to make water transfers between Lake Morena and Barrett Lake, which often take place over extended periods of time; during which seepage readings cannot be taken. Additionally, because the seepage structure is located a considerable distance of the dam, seepage flow through and around the dam cannot be consistently and accurately measured and evaluated. The reported seepage readings for this period remain close to 1 MGD, which is consistent with historical data for periods with comparable water surface elevation in the reservoir. The instrumentation for monitoring movements along the dam crest and the monitoring frequency of the survey monuments are currently judged to be adequate. As discussed, and previously requested, a comprehensive evaluation ofthe method used to coliect, measure, and evaluate seepage is needed. Sheet 3 of 6 ma?a? ?mm? WK. mm wamwgw 2mg ?33. gamma? . . m3 2? . mam. .. . .. .3 w?m aiwmwm?am . wan? ?my. .1. .. . . mug? gamma?: $an am? Em .: x?w?xv/ 5% .. a . . x52: y, a ?nmr/wlxx X. .. 21,. 3 .. 335. mu? Ems? Qagsmw?? among. a mug.? _.q%3m .uunm?mm?a?ma nag mg?wa $2 :33 ?mama". a, mzmm?w. 5.3 mxmmum??az? mw?wm km? ma ?mm? an? Uwvm?wdmm ?2.35 . . . $32? .. . . ME a? ??xing?. hymn.? a? . . 4,7 M/x .anuu .. . m?m Ea ?wwamw . rd. 2 . .44va 04.1?. x/ .5 Emgm 893. ENE E25 M. 11/ . ?ynw?vkm. .5. .. 1/..me ?1?an 5me mvmwumw. .. .. hm?ww?? arm dz Ema. . . ?cgm? Ema .uEwE Ea #Emm Em. . STATE. 88-88888: 3?88 E: Em ?888888.18 88:?888: CTF WATER EE 88:88:: ?38883. QT: 333-88 .3888 883888082. 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T8 ?88888?: T88. 88888888 88338888 8:888 88,8 87:8 $3383 8:888 888:8 .TTETETET. N8 8.88888: .88 T8888 88888:: 8.188 888.8. T88 8:388:88: EQEE 88888 88888:: {8383388333 8.88 82:88. 88:8 8188: ET Emcemmg 88888 T88 888888.: C?Tmpn??mg Th8 6:888:88 :888888 T88 8g88 88888! 88888:: 888 ?838.8 8388881 T8888. Tr: 88888888 88888188 ?828:8? ETETTE E8318 8881888 888888 8:8 888 8:88:83. 888:" 88. 8 T8888 :8 rock-881%. ?888:: 8:8 a?ja?e'I?TI 811:8? 888 8:8 888888. 8:88 .8?in T312 38% YES 88 Eat? m, ?macaw I-QT: 27?. ?Sf? {331-3.? ecTEr 0:888: I888IT8FT E8 I 88:8 ?8-8888 888.1: .2833 DWR 12818888.. Shem I E: INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN I ED STATUS Name of Dam Morena Dam No. 8-5 Date of inspection 01/18/2013 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Repairing this spall as a maintenance item has been recommended. There are five exterior valves that are paired with five interior valves. The lowest two outlet gates are reportedly covered with sediment and inoperable. The outlet tower was not accessed and none of the valves were operated during this inspection. the interior of the tower had confined space entry restrictions. There were visible areas were concrete pieces have fallen from the cantilevered portion of the tower and the decorative corbels. The outlet tunnel was not inspected because of the reported unsafe levels of hydrogen sulfide gas. An application was filed on September 18, 2012 to rehabilitate the internal piping and controls of the outlet tower, providing safe access, sediment removal, and construction of an emergency drawdown structure located at the spiliway. DSOD has completed the review of the submitted plans and specifications and submitted comments to the Owner on April 9, 2013. The slope, groins, and toe area were dry with no evidence of seepage. The seepage from the dam exits from a subterranean cave referred to as the Grotto which extends under the embankment to the cutoff wall. A trapezoidal weir located approximately mile of the dam measures seepage from the dam. The weir was not inspected during this inspection. The November 3, 2010 DSOD inspection report recommended upgrading the seepage monitoring program by establishing two new monitoring locations on bedrock near the foundation cutoff wall to measure the cutoff wali seepage and beneath the boulders immediately of the dam to measure the dam?s total seepage. Mr. Grima was not aware it the City had taken any action on this recommendation. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 8 survey monuments, a trapezoidal weir, reservoir level, and a rain gauge. The most current instrumentation report, dated October 24, 2012, contains data for the past 10 years from July 2002 through July 2012. The weir is measured and measured in MGD, The seepage appears to be influenced by rainfall and the reservoir?s water elevation. The weir is iocated approximately mile of the dam and heavy rain events and surface runoff likely contribute to the seepage readings. Two plots were included in the report: an annual plot from July 2011 to June 2012, and a 10-year plot from July 2002 to June 2012. According to the plot provided in the instrumentation submittal, the seepage during the July 2002 through June 2012 reporting period ranged from 0.2 MGD to 2.0 MGD. The seepage measured during the November 21, 2011 DSOD inspection was approximately 6 MGD and this fiow was not reflected in the current instrumentation submittal plot and may be the result of recording the seepage Historical seepage measured at the weir has read as high as 7 MGD. The monuments are surveyed annually and have shown insignificant movements in both the horizontai and vertical directions. No concerning trends or unusual conditions are indicated by the survey data. The reviewed monument data indicated that this dam is performing adequately. The high seepage issue needs to be resolved. The existing survey monitoring and monitoring frequency is judged sufficient at this time. . Sheet 2 of 4 ?9.ng M2 mm. 733m .2. .. . . . . am?: an. amwm Umwm? a ?.amumnmc: m. a. am smegma. Bay @3me . ow 111111221111111111111 nun-111111111212122111{litar 0%.me in. m2 .3 Egg 2mg. a. mm? ?533. mm? v.3. mam ,2 1,7 v3.05 b. a. mam .m?nm mm. mam: ?.53 magma argue?, 305. A. gm ame?m?mma mm mama. won.? Nam may.? Wm ma?a ?er ?aw. 3% mam Wm. 3.. Q3 ?iaamw gag. 9.. . a.